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| issue date = 03/13/1981
| issue date = 03/13/1981
| title = Notice of Qualifications of Resource Recovery Facility as Small Power Production Facility.Dj Bardin 810403 Ltr to LC Hauck,Portions of Transcript & Certificate of Svc Encl
| title = Notice of Qualifications of Resource Recovery Facility as Small Power Production Facility.Dj Bardin 810403 Ltr to LC Hauck,Portions of Transcript & Certificate of Svc Encl
| author name = BOYHAN G E
| author name = Boyhan G
| author affiliation = PERSONNEL DECISIONS, INC.
| author affiliation = PERSONNEL DECISIONS, INC.
| addressee name =  
| addressee name =  
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                                                      ~ (::
FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COLSfISSZON i.!U' '- ru- '"F.Cpa ''t(Y Docket No. QF-="~IiL~fjj"'~C".~v j)gq)oi:
Resources    Recovery (Dade County), Znc.
                                                    ~ ~ ~
of  a  resources recovery    fa'cility in Dade County,    Florida= (the-      .
    "Facility") hereby gives notice pursuant to 18 C.F.R. 5292.207 (a) that the Facility is a "cpxalifying small power production facility" within tne meaning o Section 201 of the Public Util'ty Regu atory Polic'es Ac, of 1978 ("PURPA"), 16 U.S.C. 5 796, and 18 C.F.R.
Part 292, 45 Fed. Rea.17959 (March 20, 1980), and is thereby en-titled to the benefits conferred by Section 210 of PURPA, 16 U.S.C.
5824a-3, and the regulations promulgated thereunder.            Zn accordance with 18 C.F.R. 5292.207(a), the following information is provided:
: 1)    The name and address of the crualifying small power producer  is Resources Recovery (Dade County),      Inc.
P.O. Box 524056 Miami, Florida 33152 The  facility is    located in northeastern  Dade  County, Florida.
8104280      '-:
: 2)      The Facility is a small power production  facility which will process solid    waste, recover recyc}.able material, handle up to 18,000 tons pe>> week of solid waste, conve'rt combustible .
materials into refuse-derived fue}. ("RDP"), and burn the fuel to raise steam which in turn generates e ectricity.-'- The    Facial'i's the largest of its kind in the United States. The aualifyz".ng facility includes four boilers, four sets of mechanical cyclone dust collectors and our e}.ectric tu bogenerators, two turbogenerators P
and condensers and all recpzired auxiliary and control eauipment.
. All eauipmen for combustion of the RDP and generation of electric energy and its delivery to the transmission network is included.
: 2)      The primary energy source is biomass.
: 3)      The Facility has an installed nameplate electric gene a-tion capacity of approximately 76 megawatts at 13.8 KV, 3 phs 60 cycles.
DATE:      March 13,1981
                                      'RESOURCES RECOVERY (DADE .COUNTY), TMC.
By G  rge E. Boyhan Executive Vice President
                        .. CERT1-"P lCATE OP SERVT.~
I hereby certify 'that      Z have this  day served a copy  of he  foregoing  documen    upon:
Mr. Robert Talion Executive Vice President Florida  Power a. Light Company P.O. Box 529100 Miami, r lorida 33152
'n accordance with the requirements of. Section 1.17.o'f the Rules o    Practice  and  P  ocedures.
Dated  a  Washington, D.C.      tnis 13th    dav o  March 1981.
Lewis "-. Leihowitz Counsel for Resources Recovery (Dade County), Tnc.
Arent, Fox, Kintner, Pitkin 8c Kahn Federal Bar BuBding, 1815 H Saeet, iVP4
%bshmyon, D.C. 20006 Tdcpbooc: (%2) 85M000 Ca8e hRSOX      Tdaa WU 8%d& llT ~
David J. Bardin Could (202) 8574089                                      Apri,l 3, 1981 CERTZFZED MAZL RETURN RECEXPT REQUESTED L. Christian Hauck, Esq.
Vice President, Legal Affairs Florida      Power & Light Company 9250 West Flagler Street Miami, Florida 33152
==Dear Mr. Hauck:==
Our  client,    Resources  Recovery (Dade County), Xnc.
(RRD) now owns and operates in Dade County, Florida, a qualifying small power production facility (QF), as noticed to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and Florida Power and Light Company (FPL) on March 13, 1981.
As an alternative to the exclusive sale of electric energy to FPL, RRD wishes to explore .competitive opportunities for sales to other electric            utility  entities. To that end, RRD wou3.d have to turn to FPL for transmission services; since FPL is the monopoly owner of the transmission network in the area, we believe that the antitrust laws require FPL to provide such services.
More  directly,    we  understand that upon approval of the proposed settlement agreement pending in NRC Docket No. 50-389A (St. Lucie Plant, Unit No. 2), the terms of that.
agreement, in the context of general law, wi13. oblige FPL to transmit electricity on beha3.f of RRD to potential customers other than FPL. Please confirm our understanding, or advise us of any impediments that you see to full implementation of such    obligation      on  behalf of RRD.
Zn order to exercise its rights, RRD also needs the fo13.owing information (including copies of tariff, guideline or other documents as relevant):
: 1. Xs FPL prepared to transmit the electric output of the QF for wholesale sales to one or more other entities.
: 2. What wou3.d be FPL's terms and conditions for such transmission service?
Arent, Fox, Kintner, Plotkin 8c Kahn 4~
: 3. Under what tariff or other established -provi-=-
sions  would  FPL transmit the electric energy?
: 4. Zf RRD'ells all of the    electric output of the QF  at wholesale to FPL or others a'. under what existing rate schedule would FPL render retail service to the-QF?-
: b. under what proposed rate schedule would FPL render retail service to the QF    if the Public Service Commission approves FPL's pending proposals?
: 5. Zf the QF chose to purchase energy needed for internal  use from FPL at retail, under applicable rate schedules,-
would FPL also require the QF to buy "back-up" or "maintenance" power? Xf yes, why?
: 6. Mould FPL attempt to place any      restrictions on its t  ansmission services?
Ne would appreciate  the favor of  a reply within two weeks.
Very  truly yours, David J. ar zn cc:    Robert A. Ginsburg, Esp.
County Attorney Dade County Court House Room 1626 Miami, Florida    33130
APPENDXX C clari  y, chac existing ~Les and            Law  would be available      for I
zecours e.    !
3              NS. REFER:      Yes,  Florida    Law.
COMNZSSTONER GUS<'R:          There  is sufficient      Law the stacutes      for che State of Florida to        cake care    of the situation you'e addressing.
RESER:  Comm'ssioners,      if there  a e no    ocher further questions of staff, perhaps we wou1d Like to                  move  'nto some statements for the nezc half hour or so.
ld              COMMISSIONER      GU~i  ~
R:  i chink we    should.
PB. RESER:      Okay. i would just, since we only have 12  a half hour, i have 20 speakers List d.:= there's anoche List circulating of people who want to speak, i wou1d need to gec that List and have it typed up. Viould you prefer chat.
read  off  che    fi=st five    so  they could be prepa=ed co address 16  che Commiss ion'?
17              COHHESSiOHER GUi<WM:          Since  we  don't  have but a Limited cime period,      why  don'c you    just  scarc with che f-'rsc 19  one and  we'l      go from  there' iM. RESET.;
Okay,      if you wou1 d    pLease  idenc'y yourself for      che cou-c  reporter before      you speak,    ic wou'      be appreciated.        The first  speaker wishing co address          the Commis-0 sion is Governor Reubin Askew.
24              GOVERNOR    ASZ=;i:    H=. Chairman,    members  of  che Com-mission,      'm Reubin Askew, a memoer        of  che Law  fi~ of
L29 Greenberg,    Trauzig, Askew, et al.        T. apaea=  on  behalf of    Dade Count  j co.voice    our strong support    for    che. Commission's    oro-posed rules respecting      ucilities'bligations            to cogenera-tors    and  small power aroducers.        T.'m    submit.tting =or  chal recozd, five copies of      my ora1. stacemenc        short of what    Z may put in between,      Dade  County's written comments, and che sug-gested rev.sions of che cezt of the rule.                Z  do  not aopear heze as    an'~ert in this      area, but      T. am  accompanied    by the gentleman that qusc rose, 8>>. Hordhaus,              Robe c i<ordhaus who was  the general counse1. for  the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission boch ac che time che          legislation passed, PURPA passed, as well as che general counsel ror FEZC at the cime-chat'he regulation was adopted. So E chink that he is a resource chat the Commission        may  wish to      make use  of during the course of the hearing.        l'm also accompanied by Pw.
Her ecc Stiezheim,      who is che County Peonage of i~Ler opol'an Dade County;    Dennis Carte    ,  che Ass    scant Councy Manager of
~fecropo1.itan Dade County; and Rooert Ginsberg,              che County Attorney of Metropolitan      Dade County.
i have  listened with great interest to all that's been said. A  couole of things have occur ed co me. F''-sc of all, E chink c'  ~    rache- oovious that, che private invesco-ucil'ties in this      councry cion'    come    with greac enchusias coward  this law. Tner oaoosec ic al osc every scca of che              wa'.s
    'cs considerac'on and    i"s  enact-enc      as. we    as che
126 regulacians.      Sa  i chink    chat the hearing should. be puc        ~m. che context that Ns.      Rebe    so  eloquently said in        one .o".hez  state-ments when she mentioned bargain'ng leverage                far .aualifycng, facilities. ilaw that is essentially what this.f.s all abouc.
Also she sa'd, mare likely to encourage cogene ation. bz.d the gentleman who pzesented        your ecanom'c impact scacemenc, .which, in  hi.s opinion, he poinced ouc what he thaught                wa.s a myth of utilities,
                                                                                  'he monopoLy aez se      af                buc  only'oward the crans-mission and distzibuc"'on        as opposed    to  che  gene>>ation and,pro-duction.      bwd chat chere should be opportunity ca campet'ion on the  production side.
12              Now T.'ve  just  had che    distinct oppoztunicy of      zepze-sent''n"  che  United States of America foz            LS  monchs negoc  acing all  over the world, and        i. wana  co  ce'1 you chat the e's      no gzeacer problem facing us economically              in  the industrialized 18 0
Vest, chan our dependence          on  foreign  oil  and the    fact chat  we 17 are deaLing with a        cartel. And  cn's country Last yea>> importe by volume,    19/ less foreign oi1 chan          ic d''d the year before, 19 but  we  paid  63~ more pez      average cosc per barrel which shows 2Q  the c ic'caL importance af che enezgy package and ch's part 21  that 'c plays in ic af trying          ca  understand    chat  we aze gaing co have  to develop    'some  sauzces    foz energy othe" chan just the traditional    deoendence    uDon  a~ L. lilac  s  what  p amp  tee che Pres icenc,    chat'    what prompced che Congress          co  enact ch'    to 25  begin  w- ch,  was  s~~ply    ca encourage      campecic'on and "..e
production of energy.
Now one  or che ch'ngs you Leam auice quickly in negaciac'on 's that      if you can'      negotiate'rom        a posit'an or leverage,  you'e in t-oubLe.          And  T. dan'  Wow anyone      right now,  munic'pality or otherwise, chat            can annroach a'la=ge utility company    and negotiac      fram    a  position of Leverage.
You  can'. That's evactly      why Ms. Rebe        was so  correct  when she  talked about bargaining leverage fc.. the qualifying zacili-.
Now  if we'e    serious, we'e going co" have            co  view 10 chis law and ics ~~Lementacian,            that    if it is  noc maximized in term of    how yau    interprec    it in favo-      of  a cualifying facility or  smalL generac'on      unit, chen L want to cell you, 13 you gec.caught up in a Loc of Legaliscics.                  Avd yau have some 14 of che most comnetenc neop1e in this state ac th's table represent'ng    the uc  lity campan'es,        same  represent''ng noc-utility companies.      And yau    begin  co see    a1.L  the Lega1isc'cs 17 you can gec  tied up in. And I wane ca ask yau chat you scen 18 back frcm alL this when ic comes time to cec'ding and =ea1ize, 19 as you conscancLy co, chat you represent the pubLic interest.
20 And che  publ'c interest    ~ s  seared  for us t=ying co        gec weanec away fram a cependence      upon  foreign ail. And when          you ccmbine chat with one af. the mast        criticaL prao1ema facing ch's count=
ind sc:ially,    ''    kept a canital for at'cn.
                    'sn' ic somewhat familiar whe.. ut'cy ccmnanie, I
I say, "Give us same snec'aL rules as              we =a  -long ta t=y    co he1p!
us buiLd ehe      capacity in cap'cal          fo~ation,"      and  ch's is one
    ,of che areas    that's desianed eo cry to help zeL'eve                chem..of furche capac'ey in terms of cap'cal formation.
ilaw  it'- quite right "ram          ehe  standoo'ne af che publ.ic  utility,  from the standpoint of ehe private-'investor pubLic    util'ty. Zn che end, whacever          ehey oay,    their    cuseame" are going co have eo oay.            So  they certainly have an interest ehemselves    ocher chan    just  a  oraf'    fram che    capital invesmentt chat personally peoole out in as an              investor 'n che'r ut l'ty.
IO              So  i hope  chat in aLL of chis chat            we don'    gec lose in  what your    staff  has dane.      There may be some d'sag cement in  che  staf=, but    i want    eo  teLL you, how many attorneys can 13  you gec together    representing different cliencs chae                ag ee on 14  che same ching anyway~          So  that's    noe st=ange.
Dade County      is  commencing on these orooosed            rules because  ie is actively examin'ng          che  feasibiLity of      a  passible 17  cogeneration un'c. as  well    as a smaLL power        production project.
18  Zn ehe  planning scape,      there are      25  megawatt cogeneration facil'ties    eo  supoly heac, ai        candic'oning, and        e  ect"'c power  for  ehe praoosed    government c neer downco~w.              Second,  a 21  was cewacer  ereacmenc    o Lane  wh'h    wiLL include a, smaLL oawer oroduccion        facility      'ene            acing 3.5 megawatts af power fram meehane      derived from      sewage    sLu&~e. And, af eau se 24 it's  no  secrec chac in add'e'an          chere is a    78  megawatt zesourc~
recovery gene ae'on fac        lity,    ehe  scae  s  of wh'ch    Ls ehe
L29 subject of d'spue        between some        of  che conc=aceing. pa
                                                                              ~.'esand'hich faciL- cy  may  or  may    not  become    a"=actac- by- these. pro--
posed  rules. And,  of  cou se,      chere could be many oche                        -~nits in the future    wh ch  m'ght    come  under the rules.
The Commission',s      rules, .in      my  v'ew, subscanc' carry  ouc ehe  nac'onal objectives that the generation.                  and-smaLL power    produce'on program is designed to ach'eve chai=
objective.      And X would commenc eha sta f in thai= e" ores.
As  X  teLL you,    E  have  participated in too many governmencaL hea- ngs.      Xn fact, this is a t=emendous adj ustmane ~or me.
Th's is    che  f'c    mace'ng X've attended            in approximately LO
. years in Tallahassee        X  didn'c preside on. Ec certainly gives you a much greater freedom when you can preside.                      So  ~hen you gee  really  soma  of the highest      pa~d Lawyers,        of which    X              hope someday co became      part of    ehe ranks,    tak'ng on, you raa1. ze chat a tremendous          amoune    of  e  fort  has gone    into this.
And, sure,    you know,    we gae    paid by che hour.          Tha c makes a 4
difference in      carms  of  how  br'ef    we may appea      co ba.                  And some  valid ooines are be'ng        made.      And we have some we'd                      Like co make as    welL. Buc, 'Gore lzpo        tancly,    chase  rules    w~              LL  also provide valuable benef''        cs .."      st,  ut'cias in:        or'' da, despica che'r best efforts co convert                eo  ocher Less ezpensive fuels a-a    sc'll  subscanc'ally dapendenc            on  all  che =uels                  of chair generating      fac'l'c'as.        This nation anc "Lorida              s cape..cence    on  oraign    o.'1. ause,  be  "educed as      rapi ly    as                s
I L30 economical.Ly    feasible. Cogeneration and smaLL yowe          . productio1 offer significant opportun ties to reduce              dependence        oy sub-          --
stituting renewable sou ces for oil.
And  E  want, to  tell  you, we keep produc'ng an awzuL Lot of garbage,      an awful    lot of  waste,  so  3: think that        can be.
considered renewable.        As  the energy 'nput for, eI.ect ''c gene a eXon and by    promoting the more      eff cient    use  of fueL that                can be  obtained through cogenerat''on.          Thes'e  benef's    can be ob-tained without any increase in electric rates to the                    c  tizens of the state.      The PSC's guarantee    that  no  ut    l'ty will be  required to pay more for        powe  from cogenerat'on and smaL'owe 12          production  facilities    than the  utilities'vo'ced            cost.
13 That is a cost of the power          't wouId otherwise      have generated or purchased.
15              The second    benef't to the citizens of th's state is that this program w'3.l      make  it economicaLLy      feasible for                Dade 17 County and other      local governments 'n the state to            use munici-pal solid waste and      sewage    sLudge as    fuel. Rather than using 19  increasingly scare or urban suburban            Land  for waste d'sposaL.
These Local. governments      can use    these by-products of ou" 21  urban society as an energy input.
The econom'c bene=        ts to the  citi"ens of    Dade County 23  for ins tance,    ~ n the  fora of Lowe =as te disposal =ees, Lower ta ces y  can amount  to m '.l.ions oz do ars each year. Same of 1
these    ut"''ties  have approac. ec th s whoLe idea          d:  ~
8  enc yp
L31 and Z'm nac he e ca        aaint any    one  indusc-g vie l-a broad brush.
X  will,  however, say chat          Larida Power Companylin working vice PineL1as County and ouc              their races,      T. chink  you'l find that    che peopLe      rebresenting Florida          Powe      wil1. teL'L'you that they    came cLose,      almosc    957. co  meeting P~>A..        And    this is  an ezampLa    of what    a utility can      do when    it reaLL'j    gets together wi,ch    a commun'cy and        really    wadts co encourage          ic.
But aside      ="ram che    quest'an of      che  utility indus"ry, none  of us, legaL or othe use, are particularI.y in                      che-  bus'-
10  ness  co  encourage    competition.        But when ve g've a semb1ance of  a manoooly,    che over    iding pubLic interest            mus" remain clear. An essenc" aL element        of the'proposed rules          and one
.13 which is cr      t'cal  co    provid'ng    che  necessary    incent'ves -"or cogeneration and small power product'an is                  a  requ'remenc      chac ucii'cies    pucchase    ooue    Ecom  auaLi"yicm cecil'cies ac L00'/            oz~
18  avoided cost.      This requiremenc is derived f=om che:c.RC pLement''ng PURPA, and        it'  clearly necessary to          encourage.
rapid utilization of this cechnoLogy.
Our written comments, vh'ch            i viLL subm'        =or che 20    ecord a c this pa inc, canca in a numbe            o f  surge  sc 'ns '<<h':l, 21
      'n our view,    vilL clarify      che proposec      rules.      :n  my  oral scacemenc,    T. vil1  mene'on onI.y chose wh'ch are              af major sub-scancive imbarc.      c  irst,  che PSC    shou'd adobe che        same    pro-24  ceduraL meehan's-.        or decermi.".ing avoided ca"ac'cy casts as 'c has adapted for dece~in ng avas ced energy costs.                      Hame y, c..e
J L32 utility should      be  required    Co  file a  ez  i      stating the, avoidee capacity costs payment          it wiLL make      Co a  q1~alifying facil'Cy 3  \
wh'ch ''s  really    eo eneer    into  a  'egal'y  en=orceabla commimanc to seLL power co        ehe  utf.licy.      Under such    a. tariff,    ehe burden wouI.d be on che      uc'liey to      show why the      offeree.capac'cy is noc reliabI.e or usafu1 rather chan on ehe qua1'fi d fac'1 cy                        ~
co show why che capacity 's ra iaoLe and use u co che ue'cy How  just th'nk      oack aboue '-hac      you'e      seen and the display of hor      andous    Legal taLanc ch's morning.              if you  think 10    chat you put che monkey on che back                eo  the    qua1  '"ying uc~1iey, eo  what extant ara you        really going to      gec to che merits~          Zn terms  of having che cachnoiogy and che abi''ty co understand ic, we say 'c should just be che oooos''te. A cuaL'fy'ng facility is not 1'kaly co have che access co ehe soph'scicaead data necessary eo orove 'cne usefulness co the uciLicy or                      's 16    offered capac'ey.
17                Second,    che concepc      oz decramencai.        fuel cosc should 18    be  c1arifiad  so  it is    consistent with c cd rules.              Avoided energy costs under        Fc.RC'  ru1es      s noe  Limited      co  avoided fuel 20    costs. ic also i..eludes        avoided purchased oower and non-=uaL ooeracion and ma'ncenarce          costs.      These costs may,        in  some circumstances,      be  substantial      comoonenes    of avo'ded energy costs.
24                As  i  noted above, our praoared scacamenc has a num-be=  of othe    surges cions of        a mora  cachnica        natura
L33 will a;Lso    urge che Commiss on to consider.              And, as L say, since!3."ve already admicted          3."m no  expert    co  give greacer c  edibiLicy to chat which is suggested,              3:  would say chat,              <~z.
Hordhaus,    who  played    a  very important role 'n do'ng                    chem,    is che one who      assisted    us    n the prepz acion      of the  comments              as weIL as my testimony.            Dade Councy    v'ews che proposed rules as a  significant st      p  for ard or our scate and urg s Commission in final fomi wich the changes che'doption
                'ay che                                                                      we sugges'ted.
10              Tn  concLusion, adoption of PKPA 's intended                          co benef'c the public by encouraging developmenc of                  sma3.L          power and cogeneration      facilic-'es    and thereby promote        competition in the energy production          field. That was no easy thing                  o"  me 14 as Governor co say chat          this business of reau'ring uc''''c'es 15 every time chere'        an    increase 'n oil it will, have to come back  for approval.      A3.L  chac was doing      was    add'ng expense                co che process    and      costing-'cheir    own  subscribers o" 18  purchasers,      And, so    3:  s=ongly supported c=ying          co have              some type of fue1. adjustment.          Because  utilic'es, unfortunately, 20  a e deaI. ng    with  che most expensive,        the most    volac'le eve 21  'noreas'ng 'cern chat they have, and            che public isn'c always 22  ful,ly appreciative of        how expensive    che product 's and "ay ''c must essenciaLLy be bo ...e by chose          ic serves.
24                i would hope chat the standard for any charge che  proposed PSC ~ les --''L be co assure mavin ~ development
134 oz small power and        generation    facilities,    to promote .coma~z'-.-
cion, and thereby to best serve che public in                .whose  'interest:
PURPA  itself    was  acopted.
Now    chat'    my  scatemenc.      I'e    been  wait''ng ch-ee hours to give      ic. I'm  all loaded uo, and that.'s ic.
CONKZSSIOtKR i"~S: Governor, lec me. a:sk ch; s-quesc'on    right, quick if I may, just as a genera'uestion 8  concerning'his whole idea.              Do  you believe chat the ru1e as presented by      staff presently is 'n        the best 'nceresc or the racepayers    of this state?
GOVERNOR    ASM':    Absolute1 y.
CO'4HZSSIOHER '4LVLiS:      You ta1ked about the        spl't-the-savings concept ind =ectly somewhat.              You  didn' directly address  chat. Do you    believe tha" concept is        a  d'sincent've 15 'o cogeneration?
GOVERHOR    ASrZH:    I'm noc expert enough          on thac co 17  respond to    ic. If you  want to ask    me why    our t=ade de"'C.'t 18'ontinues to        have prob>ems because        o  ~sported    oil, I    Ll  oe 19  happy to respond to chac.
20                COt&:SSIONER iif<RZS:        I'm  noc an expe c on. cha,c,        so 21  don'    even know how to ask        that question.
GOVERNOR      ASM':    Although    I w''11 sa.y chat 8=.
23    Hordhaus  is here,    and he m'ghc wish co respond          co  it, 24    why we ve a,skec him to come        *long.
COiQ;.'SIONc3. K&xS:          ec  me a,sk you a..oche      c1'es t  .
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f lt UNITED STATES OF APZRZCA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COiiMISSION Zn the Matter  o FLORIDA POWER  & LiGHT COMPANY                  Docket No. 50-389 (St. Lucie Plant, Unit No. 2)
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I  hereby ce  tify that  copies of PETITION  FOP. LEAVE TO INTERVENE AND REQUEST FOR HEARING    submitted by Rescurces Recovery (Dade County), Znc. and Parsons & Whittemore, Inc. and the accompanying BRIEF IN SUPPOPT THEREOF were served on the following persons via first class mail, postage prepaid, this 7th day of April, 1981.
Office of the Executive Legal Director U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Mr. Harold Denton Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Harold Reis, Esquire Lowenstein, Newman, Re's, Axelrad    & Toll 1025 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D. C. 20036 Janet  R. Urban, Esquire Antitrust Division U. S. Department of Justice P. O. Box '4141 Washington, D. C. 20044
Robert A. Jablon, Esquire Alan J. Roth, Esquire 2600 Virginia Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D. C. 20037 One of Counsel for Petxtxoners
PS~AlQ 0 1 f

Latest revision as of 15:58, 4 February 2020

Notice of Qualifications of Resource Recovery Facility as Small Power Production Facility.Dj Bardin 810403 Ltr to LC Hauck,Portions of Transcript & Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/13/1981
From: Boyhan G
Shared Package
ML17209A992 List:
NUDOCS 8104280480
Download: ML17209A993 (30)



~ (::

FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COLSfISSZON i.!U' '- ru- '"F.Cpa t(Y Docket No. QF-="~IiL~fjj"'~C".~v j)gq)oi:

Resources Recovery (Dade County), Znc.



~ ~ ~

of a resources recovery fa'cility in Dade County, Florida= (the- .

"Facility") hereby gives notice pursuant to 18 C.F.R. 5292.207 (a) that the Facility is a "cpxalifying small power production facility" within tne meaning o Section 201 of the Public Util'ty Regu atory Polic'es Ac, of 1978 ("PURPA"), 16 U.S.C. 5 796, and 18 C.F.R.

Part 292, 45 Fed. Rea.17959 (March 20, 1980), and is thereby en-titled to the benefits conferred by Section 210 of PURPA, 16 U.S.C.

5824a-3, and the regulations promulgated thereunder. Zn accordance with 18 C.F.R. 5292.207(a), the following information is provided:

1) The name and address of the crualifying small power producer is Resources Recovery (Dade County), Inc.

P.O. Box 524056 Miami, Florida 33152 The facility is located in northeastern Dade County, Florida.

8104280 '-:

2) The Facility is a small power production facility which will process solid waste, recover recyc}.able material, handle up to 18,000 tons pe>> week of solid waste, conve'rt combustible .

materials into refuse-derived fue}. ("RDP"), and burn the fuel to raise steam which in turn generates e ectricity.-'- The Facial'i's the largest of its kind in the United States. The aualifyz".ng facility includes four boilers, four sets of mechanical cyclone dust collectors and our e}.ectric tu bogenerators, two turbogenerators P

and condensers and all recpzired auxiliary and control eauipment.

. All eauipmen for combustion of the RDP and generation of electric energy and its delivery to the transmission network is included.

2) The primary energy source is biomass.
3) The Facility has an installed nameplate electric gene a-tion capacity of approximately 76 megawatts at 13.8 KV, 3 phs 60 cycles.

DATE: March 13,1981


By G rge E. Boyhan Executive Vice President


I hereby certify 'that Z have this day served a copy of he foregoing documen upon:

Mr. Robert Talion Executive Vice President Florida Power a. Light Company P.O. Box 529100 Miami, r lorida 33152

'n accordance with the requirements of. Section 1.17.o'f the Rules o Practice and P ocedures.

Dated a Washington, D.C. tnis 13th dav o March 1981.

Lewis "-. Leihowitz Counsel for Resources Recovery (Dade County), Tnc.



Arent, Fox, Kintner, Pitkin 8c Kahn Federal Bar BuBding, 1815 H Saeet, iVP4

%bshmyon, D.C. 20006 Tdcpbooc: (%2) 85M000 Ca8e hRSOX Tdaa WU 8%d& llT ~

David J. Bardin Could (202) 8574089 Apri,l 3, 1981 CERTZFZED MAZL RETURN RECEXPT REQUESTED L. Christian Hauck, Esq.

Vice President, Legal Affairs Florida Power & Light Company 9250 West Flagler Street Miami, Florida 33152

Dear Mr. Hauck:

Our client, Resources Recovery (Dade County), Xnc.

(RRD) now owns and operates in Dade County, Florida, a qualifying small power production facility (QF), as noticed to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and Florida Power and Light Company (FPL) on March 13, 1981.

As an alternative to the exclusive sale of electric energy to FPL, RRD wishes to explore .competitive opportunities for sales to other electric utility entities. To that end, RRD wou3.d have to turn to FPL for transmission services; since FPL is the monopoly owner of the transmission network in the area, we believe that the antitrust laws require FPL to provide such services.

More directly, we understand that upon approval of the proposed settlement agreement pending in NRC Docket No. 50-389A (St. Lucie Plant, Unit No. 2), the terms of that.

agreement, in the context of general law, wi13. oblige FPL to transmit electricity on beha3.f of RRD to potential customers other than FPL. Please confirm our understanding, or advise us of any impediments that you see to full implementation of such obligation on behalf of RRD.

Zn order to exercise its rights, RRD also needs the fo13.owing information (including copies of tariff, guideline or other documents as relevant):

1. Xs FPL prepared to transmit the electric output of the QF for wholesale sales to one or more other entities.
2. What wou3.d be FPL's terms and conditions for such transmission service?

Arent, Fox, Kintner, Plotkin 8c Kahn 4~

3. Under what tariff or other established -provi-=-

sions would FPL transmit the electric energy?

4. Zf RRD'ells all of the electric output of the QF at wholesale to FPL or others a'. under what existing rate schedule would FPL render retail service to the-QF?-
b. under what proposed rate schedule would FPL render retail service to the QF if the Public Service Commission approves FPL's pending proposals?
5. Zf the QF chose to purchase energy needed for internal use from FPL at retail, under applicable rate schedules,-

would FPL also require the QF to buy "back-up" or "maintenance" power? Xf yes, why?

6. Mould FPL attempt to place any restrictions on its t ansmission services?

Ne would appreciate the favor of a reply within two weeks.

Very truly yours, David J. ar zn cc: Robert A. Ginsburg, Esp.

County Attorney Dade County Court House Room 1626 Miami, Florida 33130

APPENDXX C clari y, chac existing ~Les and Law would be available for I

zecours e.  !

3 NS. REFER: Yes, Florida Law.

COMNZSSTONER GUS<'R: There is sufficient Law the stacutes for che State of Florida to cake care of the situation you'e addressing.

RESER: Comm'ssioners, if there a e no ocher further questions of staff, perhaps we wou1d Like to move 'nto some statements for the nezc half hour or so.


R: i chink we should.

PB. RESER: Okay. i would just, since we only have 12 a half hour, i have 20 speakers List d.:= there's anoche List circulating of people who want to speak, i wou1d need to gec that List and have it typed up. Viould you prefer chat.

read off che fi=st five so they could be prepa=ed co address 16 che Commiss ion'?

17 COHHESSiOHER GUi<WM: Since we don't have but a Limited cime period, why don'c you just scarc with che f-'rsc 19 one and we'l go from there' iM. RESET.;


Okay, if you wou1 d pLease idenc'y yourself for che cou-c reporter before you speak, ic wou' be appreciated. The first speaker wishing co address the Commis-0 sion is Governor Reubin Askew.

24 GOVERNOR ASZ=;i: H=. Chairman, members of che Com-mission, 'm Reubin Askew, a memoer of che Law fi~ of

L29 Greenberg, Trauzig, Askew, et al. T. apaea= on behalf of Dade Count j co.voice our strong support for che. Commission's oro-posed rules respecting ucilities'bligations to cogenera-tors and small power aroducers. T.'m submit.tting =or chal recozd, five copies of my ora1. stacemenc short of what Z may put in between, Dade County's written comments, and che sug-gested rev.sions of che cezt of the rule. Z do not aopear heze as an'~ert in this area, but T. am accompanied by the gentleman that qusc rose, 8>>. Hordhaus, Robe c i<ordhaus who was the general counse1. for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission boch ac che time che legislation passed, PURPA passed, as well as che general counsel ror FEZC at the cime-chat'he regulation was adopted. So E chink that he is a resource chat the Commission may wish to make use of during the course of the hearing. l'm also accompanied by Pw.

Her ecc Stiezheim, who is che County Peonage of i~Ler opol'an Dade County; Dennis Carte , che Ass scant Councy Manager of

~fecropo1.itan Dade County; and Rooert Ginsberg, che County Attorney of Metropolitan Dade County.

i have listened with great interest to all that's been said. A couole of things have occur ed co me. F-sc of all, E chink c' ~ rache- oovious that, che private invesco-ucil'ties in this councry cion' come with greac enchusias coward this law. Tner oaoosec ic al osc every scca of che wa'.s

'cs considerac'on and i"s enact-enc as. we as che

126 regulacians. Sa i chink chat the hearing should. be puc ~m. che context that Ns. Rebe so eloquently said in one .o".hez state-ments when she mentioned bargain'ng leverage far .aualifycng, facilities. ilaw that is essentially what this.f.s all abouc.

Also she sa'd, mare likely to encourage cogene ation. bz.d the gentleman who pzesented your ecanom'c impact scacemenc, .which, in hi.s opinion, he poinced ouc what he thaught wa.s a myth of utilities,

'he monopoLy aez se af buc only'oward the crans-mission and distzibuc"'on as opposed to che gene>>ation and,pro-duction. bwd chat chere should be opportunity ca campet'ion on the production side.

12 Now T.'ve just had che distinct oppoztunicy of zepze-sentn" che United States of America foz LS monchs negoc acing all over the world, and i. wana co ce'1 you chat the e's no gzeacer problem facing us economically in the industrialized 18 0

Vest, chan our dependence on foreign oil and the fact chat we 17 are deaLing with a cartel. And cn's country Last yea>> importe by volume, 19/ less foreign oi1 chan ic dd the year before, 19 but we paid 63~ more pez average cosc per barrel which shows 2Q the c ic'caL importance af che enezgy package and ch's part 21 that 'c plays in ic af trying ca understand chat we aze gaing co have to develop 'some sauzces foz energy othe" chan just the traditional deoendence uDon a~ L. lilac s what p amp tee che Pres icenc, chat' what prompced che Congress co enact ch' to 25 begin w- ch, was s~~ply ca encourage campecic'on and "..e

production of energy.

Now one or che ch'ngs you Leam auice quickly in negaciac'on 's that if you can' negotiate'rom a posit'an or leverage, you'e in t-oubLe. And T. dan' Wow anyone right now, munic'pality or otherwise, chat can annroach a'la=ge utility company and negotiac fram a position of Leverage.

You can'. That's evactly why Ms. Rebe was so correct when she talked about bargaining leverage fc.. the qualifying zacili-.

Now if we'e serious, we'e going co" have co view 10 chis law and ics ~~Lementacian, that if it is noc maximized in term of how yau interprec it in favo- of a cualifying facility or smalL generac'on unit, chen L want to cell you, 13 you gec.caught up in a Loc of Legaliscics. Avd yau have some 14 of che most comnetenc neop1e in this state ac th's table represent'ng the uc lity campan'es, same representng noc-utility companies. And yau begin co see a1.L the Lega1isc'cs 17 you can gec tied up in. And I wane ca ask yau chat you scen 18 back frcm alL this when ic comes time to cec'ding and =ea1ize, 19 as you conscancLy co, chat you represent the pubLic interest.

20 And che publ'c interest ~ s seared for us t=ying co gec weanec away fram a cependence upon foreign ail. And when you ccmbine chat with one af. the mast criticaL prao1ema facing ch's count=

ind sc:ially, kept a canital for at'cn.

'sn' ic somewhat familiar whe.. ut'cy ccmnanie, I

I say, "Give us same snec'aL rules as we =a -long ta t=y co he1p!

us buiLd ehe capacity in cap'cal fo~ation," and ch's is one

,of che areas that's desianed eo cry to help zeL'eve chem..of furche capac'ey in terms of cap'cal formation.

ilaw it'- quite right "ram ehe standoo'ne af che publ.ic utility, from the standpoint of ehe private-'investor pubLic util'ty. Zn che end, whacever ehey oay, their cuseame" are going co have eo oay. So they certainly have an interest ehemselves ocher chan just a oraf' fram che capital invesmentt chat personally peoole out in as an investor 'n che'r ut l'ty.

IO So i hope chat in aLL of chis chat we don' gec lose in what your staff has dane. There may be some d'sag cement in che staf=, but i want eo teLL you, how many attorneys can 13 you gec together representing different cliencs chae ag ee on 14 che same ching anyway~ So that's noe st=ange.

Dade County is commencing on these orooosed rules because ie is actively examin'ng che feasibiLity of a passible 17 cogeneration un'c. as well as a smaLL power production project.

18 Zn ehe planning scape, there are 25 megawatt cogeneration facil'ties eo supoly heac, ai candic'oning, and e ect"'c power for ehe praoosed government c neer downco~w. Second, a 21 was cewacer ereacmenc o Lane wh'h wiLL include a, smaLL oawer oroduccion facility 'ene acing 3.5 megawatts af power fram meehane derived from sewage sLu&~e. And, af eau se 24 it's no secrec chac in add'e'an chere is a 78 megawatt zesourc~

recovery gene ae'on fac lity, ehe scae s of wh'ch Ls ehe

L29 subject of d'spue between some of che conc=aceing. pa

~.'esand'hich faciL- cy may or may not become a"=actac- by- these. pro--

posed rules. And, of cou se, chere could be many oche -~nits in the future wh ch m'ght come under the rules.

The Commission',s rules, .in my v'ew, subscanc' carry ouc ehe nac'onal objectives that the generation. and-smaLL power produce'on program is designed to ach'eve chai=

objective. And X would commenc eha sta f in thai= e" ores.

As X teLL you, E have participated in too many governmencaL hea- ngs. Xn fact, this is a t=emendous adj ustmane ~or me.

Th's is che f'c mace'ng X've attended in approximately LO

. years in Tallahassee X didn'c preside on. Ec certainly gives you a much greater freedom when you can preside. So ~hen you gee really soma of the highest pa~d Lawyers, of which X hope someday co became part of ehe ranks, tak'ng on, you raa1. ze chat a tremendous amoune of e fort has gone into this.

And, sure, you know, we gae paid by che hour. Tha c makes a 4

difference in carms of how br'ef we may appea co ba. And some valid ooines are be'ng made. And we have some we'd Like co make as welL. Buc, 'Gore lzpo tancly, chase rules w~ LL also provide valuable benef cs .." st, ut'cias in: or da, despica che'r best efforts co convert eo ocher Less ezpensive fuels a-a sc'll subscanc'ally dapendenc on all che =uels of chair generating fac'l'c'as. This nation anc "Lorida s cape..cence on oraign o.'1. ause, be "educed as rapi ly as s

I L30 economical.Ly feasible. Cogeneration and smaLL yowe . productio1 offer significant opportun ties to reduce dependence oy sub- --

stituting renewable sou ces for oil.

And E want, to tell you, we keep produc'ng an awzuL Lot of garbage, an awful lot of waste, so 3: think that can be.

considered renewable. As the energy 'nput for, eI.ect c gene a eXon and by promoting the more eff cient use of fueL that can be obtained through cogeneraton. Thes'e benef's can be ob-tained without any increase in electric rates to the c tizens of the state. The PSC's guarantee that no ut l'ty will be required to pay more for powe from cogenerat'on and smaL'owe 12 production facilities than the utilities'vo'ced cost.

13 That is a cost of the power 't wouId otherwise have generated or purchased.

15 The second benef't to the citizens of th's state is that this program w'3.l make it economicaLLy feasible for Dade 17 County and other local governments 'n the state to use munici-pal solid waste and sewage sLudge as fuel. Rather than using 19 increasingly scare or urban suburban Land for waste d'sposaL.

These Local. governments can use these by-products of ou" 21 urban society as an energy input.

The econom'c bene= ts to the citi"ens of Dade County 23 for ins tance, ~ n the fora of Lowe =as te disposal =ees, Lower ta ces y can amount to m '.l.ions oz do ars each year. Same of 1

these ut"ties have approac. ec th s whoLe idea d: ~

8 enc yp

L31 and Z'm nac he e ca aaint any one indusc-g vie l-a broad brush.

X will, however, say chat Larida Power Companylin working vice PineL1as County and ouc their races, T. chink you'l find that che peopLe rebresenting Florida Powe wil1. teL'L'you that they came cLose, almosc 957. co meeting P~>A.. And this is an ezampLa of what a utility can do when it reaLL'j gets together wi,ch a commun'cy and really wadts co encourage ic.

But aside ="ram che quest'an of che utility indus"ry, none of us, legaL or othe use, are particularI.y in che- bus'-

10 ness co encourage competition. But when ve g've a semb1ance of a manoooly, che over iding pubLic interest mus" remain clear. An essenc" aL element of the'proposed rules and one

.13 which is cr t'cal co provid'ng che necessary incent'ves -"or cogeneration and small power product'an is a requ'remenc chac ucii'cies pucchase ooue Ecom auaLi"yicm cecil'cies ac L00'/ oz~

18 avoided cost. This requiremenc is derived f=om che:c.RC pLementng PURPA, and it' clearly necessary to encourage.

rapid utilization of this cechnoLogy.

Our written comments, vh'ch i viLL subm' =or che 20 ecord a c this pa inc, canca in a numbe o f surge sc 'ns '<<h':l, 21

'n our view, vilL clarify che proposec rules. :n my oral scacemenc, T. vil1 mene'on onI.y chose wh'ch are af major sub-scancive imbarc. c irst, che PSC shou'd adobe che same pro-24 ceduraL meehan's-. or decermi.".ing avoided ca"ac'cy casts as 'c has adapted for dece~in ng avas ced energy costs. Hame y, c..e

J L32 utility should be required Co file a ez i stating the, avoidee capacity costs payment it wiLL make Co a q1~alifying facil'Cy 3 \

wh'ch s really eo eneer into a 'egal'y en=orceabla commimanc to seLL power co ehe utf.licy. Under such a. tariff, ehe burden wouI.d be on che uc'liey to show why the offeree.capac'cy is noc reliabI.e or usafu1 rather chan on ehe qua1'fi d fac'1 cy ~

co show why che capacity 's ra iaoLe and use u co che ue'cy How just th'nk oack aboue '-hac you'e seen and the display of hor andous Legal taLanc ch's morning. if you think 10 chat you put che monkey on che back eo the qua1 '"ying uc~1iey, eo what extant ara you really going to gec to che merits~ Zn terms of having che cachnoiogy and che abity co understand ic, we say 'c should just be che ooooste. A cuaL'fy'ng facility is not 1'kaly co have che access co ehe soph'scicaead data necessary eo orove 'cne usefulness co the uciLicy or 's 16 offered capac'ey.

17 Second, che concepc oz decramencai. fuel cosc should 18 be c1arifiad so it is consistent with c cd rules. Avoided energy costs under Fc.RC' ru1es s noe Limited co avoided fuel 20 costs. ic also i..eludes avoided purchased oower and non-=uaL ooeracion and ma'ncenarce costs. These costs may, in some circumstances, be substantial comoonenes of avo'ded energy costs.

24 As i noted above, our praoared scacamenc has a num-be= of othe surges cions of a mora cachnica natura

L33 will a;Lso urge che Commiss on to consider. And, as L say, since!3."ve already admicted 3."m no expert co give greacer c edibiLicy to chat which is suggested, 3: would say chat, <~z.

Hordhaus, who played a very important role 'n do'ng chem, is che one who assisted us n the prepz acion of the comments as weIL as my testimony. Dade Councy v'ews che proposed rules as a significant st p for ard or our scate and urg s Commission in final fomi wich the changes che'doption

'ay che we sugges'ted.

10 Tn concLusion, adoption of PKPA 's intended co benef'c the public by encouraging developmenc of sma3.L power and cogeneration facilic-'es and thereby promote competition in the energy production field. That was no easy thing o" me 14 as Governor co say chat this business of reau'ring uc''c'es 15 every time chere' an increase 'n oil it will, have to come back for approval. A3.L chac was doing was add'ng expense co che process and costing-'cheir own subscribers o" 18 purchasers, And, so 3: s=ongly supported c=ying co have some type of fue1. adjustment. Because utilic'es, unfortunately, 20 a e deaI. ng with che most expensive, the most volac'le eve 21 'noreas'ng 'cern chat they have, and che public isn'c always 22 ful,ly appreciative of how expensive che product 's and "ay c must essenciaLLy be bo ...e by chose ic serves.

24 i would hope chat the standard for any charge che proposed PSC ~ les --L be co assure mavin ~ development

134 oz small power and generation facilities, to promote .coma~z'-.-

cion, and thereby to best serve che public in .whose 'interest:

PURPA itself was acopted.

Now chat' my scatemenc. I'e been waitng ch-ee hours to give ic. I'm all loaded uo, and that.'s ic.

CONKZSSIOtKR i"~S: Governor, lec me. a:sk ch; s-quesc'on right, quick if I may, just as a genera'uestion 8 concerning'his whole idea. Do you believe chat the ru1e as presented by staff presently is 'n the best 'nceresc or the racepayers of this state?

GOVERNOR ASM': Absolute1 y.

CO'4HZSSIOHER '4LVLiS: You ta1ked about the spl't-the-savings concept ind =ectly somewhat. You didn' directly address chat. Do you believe tha" concept is a d'sincent've 15 'o cogeneration?

GOVERHOR ASrZH: I'm noc expert enough on thac co 17 respond to ic. If you want to ask me why our t=ade de"'C.'t 18'ontinues to have prob>ems because o ~sported oil, I Ll oe 19 happy to respond to chac.

20 COt&:SSIONER iif<RZS: I'm noc an expe c on. cha,c, so 21 don' even know how to ask that question.

GOVERNOR ASM': Although I w11 sa.y chat 8=.

23 Hordhaus is here, and he m'ghc wish co respond co it, 24 why we ve a,skec him to come *long.

COiQ;.'SIONc3. K&xS: ec me a,sk you a..oche c1'es t .




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