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{{#Wiki_filter:Morgan, Le w1111 Penns y Washington, Tel. 202.73 9Fax: 202.73 9 www.morga n Kathryn MPartner 202.739.573 8ksutton@Mo Paul M. B ePartner 202.739.579 6pbessette@
M March 2 9
Lawrenc Dr. Rich a Dr. Kay eAtomic S U.S. Nu c Washin g  R  Dear Ad m P Board's (subsequ efiling th e Strosnid e(Metal F a I n Order, c o referenc e Westing h propriet a parties t h* E J a wis & Bockius LLP ylvania Avenue, N WDC  20004 9.3000 9.3001 M. Sutton 8 essette 6 m 9 , 2012 e G. McDa d ard E. War d e D. Lathrop S afety and L c lear Regula t gton, DC 20 5 R e: E nte rg Units ministrative ursuant to 1
("Board") P r ent Order da t e attached T e er, Robert E
.a tigue) ("T e n accordanc e o unsel for E n e exhibits th a h ouse. The e ary exhibits s h at are refer e E xhibit EN T ack R. Stros n W m de, Chairma n d well  Licensing B o tory Comm i 5 55-0001 rgy Nuclear 2 and 3), DJudges: 0 C.F.R. §§ rotective Or ted Februar y e stimony of
. Nickell, a n estimony"), a e with parag n tergy is no t a t contain E n exhibits tha t submitted b y e nced in Ent T 000183 , Te n ider, Robe r n o ar d i ssion Operations
, D ocket Nos.
2.1204, 2.3 1 der of Septe y 16, 2011, EEntergy Wi t n d Mark A.
G a nd its supp o raphs A an d t ifying the B n tergy-Desi g t contain pr o y Entergy a nergy's Testi mstimony of E rt E. Nickell
, Inc. (Indi a 50-247-LR 1 9, 2.323, 2
.mber 4, 20 0 E ntergy Nu c t nesses Nel s G ray Regar d o rting exhib i d K.2 of the B B oard that p o g nated Prop r o prietary inf o n d those pro p mony. Entergy Wit n , and Mark A a n Point Nu cand 50-286
.337, the At o 0 9, Scheduli n clear Operat i son F. Azev e ding Content i its. B oard's Sep t ortions of th e rietary Infor m ormation ar e p rietary exh i n esses Nels o A. Gray (M a clear Gene r-LR  omic Safety n g Order of J i ons, Inc. ("
E e do, Alan B.
i on NYS-26 tember 4, 2 0 e Testimony m ation Ow n e listed belo w ibits submit t o n F. Azeve d a r. 29, 2012
)r atin g  ___ and Licensi n J uly 1, 201 0 E ntergy") is Cox, Jack R-B/RK-TC-1 0 09, Protect i quote or n ed by w , including t ed by other d o, Alan B.
). n g 0 , and R. 1 B ive the Cox, Administrative Judges
March 29, 2012
Page 2
* Exhibit ENT000196 , Westinghouse Level 2 Policy/Procedure NSNP 3.2.6, Design Analysis (Mar. 2011).
* Exhibit ENT000199, Westinghouse Calculation Note Number CN-PAFM-09-100, Rev. 0, "Indian Point Unit 2 Insurge/Outsurge and Environmental Fatigue Evaluations," (June 10, 2010).
* Exhibit ENT000200, Westinghouse Calculation Note Number CN-PAFM-09-63, Rev 0.
"Indian Point Unit 2 Pressuri zer Insurge/Outsurge Transient Development" (June 18, 2010).
* Exhibit ENT000201, Westinghouse Calculation Note Number CN-PAFM-08-109, Rev. 0, "Indian Point Units 2 and 3: Transfer Function Database Development for Hot Leg Surge Nozzle" (June 18, 2010).
* Exhibit ENT000202, Westinghouse Calculation Note Number CN-PAFM-08-78, Rev. 0, "Indian Point Units 2 and 3: Transfer Function Database Development for Hot Leg Charging Nozzle" (June 18, 2010).
* Exhibit ENT000203, Westinghouse Calculation Note Number CN-PAFM-08-116, Rev. 0, "Indian Point Units 2 BIT Nozzle Transfer Function Database Development" (June 18, 2010).
* Exhibit ENT000204 , Westinghouse, Calculation Note CN-PAFM-08-103, Rev. 0, "Indian Point Units 2 and 3: Transfer Function Database Development for Accumulator Nozzles" (June 17, 2010).
* Exhibit ENT000205, Westinghouse Calculation Note Number CN-PAFM-09-105, Rev. 0, "Indian Point Unit 3 Insurge/Outsurge and Environmental Fatigue Evaluations" (June 22, 2010).
* Exhibit ENT000206, Westinghouse Calculation Note Number CN-PAFM-09-74, Rev. 0, "Indian Point Unit 3 Boron In jection Tank Nozzle Environmental Fatigue Evaluations" (June 14, 2010).
* Exhibit ENT000207, Westinghouse Calculation Note Number CN-PAFM-09-13, Rev. 0, "Indian Point Unit 3: BITank Nozzle Transfer Function Database Development" (June 18, 2010).
* Exhibit ENT000210, Westinghouse, Systems Standard Design Criteria 1.3.F, Rev. 0, Reactor Coolant System Design Transients for Standard Plants with Model F Steam Generators (July 1978).
* Exhibit ENT000211, Westinghouse Memorandum LTR-SSO-03-43, Rev. 1, from NS Systems & Safety Analysis, "Design Transien t Revisions for Indian Point 2 4.7% Uprate
- Revised Figures" (Apr. 25, 2003).
* Exhibit ENT000212, Westinghouse Memorandum LTR-SCS-03-53, Rev. 0, from NS Systems & Safety Analysis, "Design Transi ent Revisions for Indian Point 3 Stretch Power Uprate Project - Re vised Figures" (Aug. 21, 2003).
* Exhibit ENT000213, Westinghouse, Systems Standard Design Criteria 1.3.X, Rev. 0, Nuclear Steam Supply System Auxiliary Equipment Design Transients for All Standard Plants (Sept. 1978).
Administrative Judges
March 29, 2012
Page 3
* Exhibit ENT000217, Westinghouse Owners Group, WC AP-9693, Investigation of Feedwater Line Cracking in Pressurized Water Reactor Plants (June 1980).
* Exhibit ENT000218, Westinghouse Owners Group, WC AP-12639, Pressurizer Surge Line Thermal Stratification Generic Detailed Analysis Program MUHP-1091 Summary Report (June 1990) ("WCAP-12639").
* Exhibit ENT000219 , Westinghouse, WCAP-12937, Structur al Evaluation of Indian Point Units 2 and 3 Pressurizer Surge Lines, Considering the Effects of Thermal Stratification (May 1991).
* Exhibit ENT000227 , Westinghouse, WCAP-13588, Operating Strategies for Mitigating Pressurizer Insurge and Outs urge Transients (Mar. 1993).
* Exhibit ENT000228 , Calculation Note RCDA-03-75, Indian Point Unit 3 Stretch Power Uprate Reactor Vessel Structural Evaluation (May 2005).
* Exhibit ENT000229 , Calculation Note RCDA-03-64, Indian Point Unit 2 Stretch Power Uprate Reactor Vessel Evaluation (Feb. 2005).
* Exhibit RIV000034, Pre-filed Written Testimony of Dr. Joram Hopenfeld Regarding NYS-26-B/RK-TC-1B - Meta l Fatigue (Dec. 22, 2011).
* Exhibit RIV000035, Report of Dr. Joram Hopenfeld in Support of Contention NYS-26-B/RK-TC-1B - Metal Fatigue (Dec. 22, 2011).
* Exhibit RIV000036, Westinghouse, "EnvFat User's Manual Version 1" (May 2009).
* Exhibit RIV000042 , Westinghouse, Calculation Note CN-PAFM-05-114, Rev. 0, "DC Cook Charging Nozzle License Renewal Environmental Fatigue Evaluations"
* Exhibit RIV000043, Diablo Canyon Unit 1 Insurge/Outsurge and Environmental Fatigue Evaluations, WCAP-170103-P, Rev. 0 (July 2009).
* Exhibit RIV000050, WCAP-14950, Westinghouse, Mi tigation and Evaluation of Pressurizer Insurge/Outsurge Transients (Feb. 1998).
* Exhibit RIV000055, Westinghouse, Indian Point Unit 3 Pressurizer Insurge/Outsurge Transient Development, CN-PAFM-09-64 (June 2010).
* Exhibit RIV000056, System Standard Design Criteria, Nuclear Steam Supply System Design Transients (Jan. 11, 1971).
* Exhibit NYS000341, Westinghouse, WCAP-14577, Re
: v. 1-A, License Renewal Evaluation: Aging Management for Reactor Internals (Mar. 2001).
* Exhibit NYS000342 , Westinghouse, Letter No. LTR-PAFM-03-42, "Procedures for Transfer Function Database Creation and Guidelines for the Associated Finite Element Analysis" (Mar. 2006).
* Exhibit NYS00358A-B, Westinghouse, WESTEMSŽ User's Manual, Ver. 4.5 (Mar.
* Exhibit NYS000359, Westinghouse, WCAP 14173, Rev. 2, Global to Local Transformations and Stress Transfer Functions for Pressurizer Surge Line, Pressurizer Lower Head and Pressurizer Spray Line (Aug. 1995).
* Exhibit NYS000361, Westinghouse, WCAP-17199-P, Rev. 0, Environmental Fatigue Evaluation for Indian Point 2 (June 2010).
Administrative Judges
March 29, 2012
Page 4
* Exhibit NYS000362, Westinghouse, WCAP-17200-P, Re
: v. 0, "Environmental Fatigue Evaluation for Indian Point Unit 3 (June 2010).
* Exhibit NYS000363, Westinghouse, WCAP-17149-P, Rev.
1, Evaluation of Pressurizer Insurge/Outsurge Transients for Indian Point Unit 2 (July 2010); Westinghouse, WCAP-17162-P, Rev. 1, Evaluation of Pressurizer Insurg e/Outsurge Transients for Indian Point Unit 3 (July 2010).
* Exhibit NYS000364, Westinghouse Calculation Note, CN-PAFM-09-21, "Indian Point Units 2 & 3 Charging Nozzles Environmen tal Fatigue Evaluation" (June 18, 2010).
* Exhibit NYS000365, Westinghouse Calculation Note , CN-PAFM-09-67, "Pressurizer Surge Nozzle and Lower Head Transfer Functio ns for Indian Point Units 2 and 3" (June 18, 2010).
* Exhibit NYS000366, Westinghouse Calculation Note CN-PAFM-09-77, "Indian Point Units 2 & 3 Accumulator Nozzle Environm ental Fatigue Evaluation" (June 18, 2010).
* Exhibit NYS000367, Westinghouse Calculation Note, CN-PAFM-09-79, "Indian Point Unit 2 Boron Injection Tank Nozzle Envir onmental Fatigue Evaluations" (June 18, 2010).
* Exhibit NYS000368, Westinghouse Calculation Note, CN-PAFM-09-117, "Indian Point Units 2 and 3 Hot Leg Surge Nozzle Environmental Fatigue Evaluations" (June 18, 2010).
* Exhibit NYS00369A-B, Westinghouse, WCAP-12191, Rev. 3, Transient and Fatigue Cycle Monitoring Program Transient History Evaluation Report for Indian Point Unit 2 Addendum 1 (Sept. 2003). 
In accordance with paragraphs A and K of the Protective Order, the Testimony and relevant exhibits have been appropriately mark ed as containing Entergy-designated proprietary information, 1 and is being served via the NRC's Electronic Information Exchange upon the 1  See Licensing Board Protective Order at 6 (Sept. 4, 2009) (unpublished) (stating that "all pleadings, issuances, testimony, exhibits and correspondence in this proceeding that contain proprietary information shall be treated as confidential, marked in accordance with paragraph A above"); see also id. at 2 (stating that a label identifying a document as containing proprietary information shall appear "on the first page and on each other page of the document") (emphasis added).
Administrative Judges
March 29, 2012
Page 5 DB1/ 69385569 Board, its law clerks, the Office of the Secretary, and representative s of Hearing Participants that are authorized to receive such informati on pursuant to the Protective Order. 
Respectfully submitted,      Executed in accord with 10 C.F.R. § 2.304(d)
Kathryn M. Sutton, Esq.      Paul M. Bessette, Esq.
Counsel for Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.}}

Revision as of 07:16, 2 August 2018

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., Filing of Attached Testimony of Witnesses Nelson F. Azevedo, Alan B. Cox, Jack R. Strosnider, Robert E. Nickell and Mark A. Gray Contention NYS-26-B/RK-TC-1B & Supporting Exhibits
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/29/2012
From: Bessette P M, Sutton K M
Entergy Nuclear Operations
To: Lathrop K D, McDade L G, Wardwell R E
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Shared Package
ML12089A284 List:
RAS 50542, 50-247-LR, ASLBP 07-858-03-LR-BD01, 50-286-LR
Download: ML12089A289 (5)


Morgan, Le w1111 Penns y Washington, Tel. 202.73 9Fax: 202.73 9 www.morga n Kathryn MPartner 202.739.573 8ksutton@Mo Paul M. B ePartner 202.739.579 6pbessette@

M March 2 9

Lawrenc Dr. Rich a Dr. Kay eAtomic S U.S. Nu c Washin g R Dear Ad m P Board's (subsequ efiling th e Strosnid e(Metal F a I n Order, c o referenc e Westing h propriet a parties t h* E J a wis & Bockius LLP ylvania Avenue, N WDC 20004 9.3000 9.3001 M. Sutton 8 essette 6 m 9 , 2012 e G. McDa d ard E. War d e D. Lathrop S afety and L c lear Regula t gton, DC 20 5 R e: E nte rg Units ministrative ursuant to 1

("Board") P r ent Order da t e attached T e er, Robert E

.a tigue) ("T e n accordanc e o unsel for E n e exhibits th a h ouse. The e ary exhibits s h at are refer e E xhibit EN T ack R. Stros n W m de, Chairma n d well Licensing B o tory Comm i 5 55-0001 rgy Nuclear 2 and 3), DJudges: 0 C.F.R. §§ rotective Or ted Februar y e stimony of

. Nickell, a n estimony"), a e with parag n tergy is no t a t contain E n exhibits tha t submitted b y e nced in Ent T 000183 , Te n ider, Robe r n o ar d i ssion Operations

, D ocket Nos.

2.1204, 2.3 1 der of Septe y 16, 2011, EEntergy Wi t n d Mark A.

G a nd its supp o raphs A an d t ifying the B n tergy-Desi g t contain pr o y Entergy a nergy's Testi mstimony of E rt E. Nickell

, Inc. (Indi a 50-247-LR 1 9, 2.323, 2

.mber 4, 20 0 E ntergy Nu c t nesses Nel s G ray Regar d o rting exhib i d K.2 of the B B oard that p o g nated Prop r o prietary inf o n d those pro p mony. Entergy Wit n , and Mark A a n Point Nu cand 50-286

.337, the At o 0 9, Scheduli n clear Operat i son F. Azev e ding Content i its. B oard's Sep t ortions of th e rietary Infor m ormation ar e p rietary exh i n esses Nels o A. Gray (M a clear Gene r-LR omic Safety n g Order of J i ons, Inc. ("

E e do, Alan B.

i on NYS-26 tember 4, 2 0 e Testimony m ation Ow n e listed belo w ibits submit t o n F. Azeve d a r. 29, 2012

)r atin g ___ and Licensi n J uly 1, 201 0 E ntergy") is Cox, Jack R-B/RK-TC-1 0 09, Protect i quote or n ed by w , including t ed by other d o, Alan B.

). n g 0 , and R. 1 B ive the Cox, Administrative Judges

March 29, 2012

Page 2

  • Exhibit ENT000196 , Westinghouse Level 2 Policy/Procedure NSNP 3.2.6, Design Analysis (Mar. 2011).
  • Exhibit ENT000199, Westinghouse Calculation Note Number CN-PAFM-09-100, Rev. 0, "Indian Point Unit 2 Insurge/Outsurge and Environmental Fatigue Evaluations," (June 10, 2010).
  • Exhibit ENT000200, Westinghouse Calculation Note Number CN-PAFM-09-63, Rev 0.

"Indian Point Unit 2 Pressuri zer Insurge/Outsurge Transient Development" (June 18, 2010).

  • Exhibit ENT000201, Westinghouse Calculation Note Number CN-PAFM-08-109, Rev. 0, "Indian Point Units 2 and 3: Transfer Function Database Development for Hot Leg Surge Nozzle" (June 18, 2010).
  • Exhibit ENT000202, Westinghouse Calculation Note Number CN-PAFM-08-78, Rev. 0, "Indian Point Units 2 and 3: Transfer Function Database Development for Hot Leg Charging Nozzle" (June 18, 2010).
  • Exhibit ENT000203, Westinghouse Calculation Note Number CN-PAFM-08-116, Rev. 0, "Indian Point Units 2 BIT Nozzle Transfer Function Database Development" (June 18, 2010).
  • Exhibit ENT000204 , Westinghouse, Calculation Note CN-PAFM-08-103, Rev. 0, "Indian Point Units 2 and 3: Transfer Function Database Development for Accumulator Nozzles" (June 17, 2010).
  • Exhibit ENT000205, Westinghouse Calculation Note Number CN-PAFM-09-105, Rev. 0, "Indian Point Unit 3 Insurge/Outsurge and Environmental Fatigue Evaluations" (June 22, 2010).
  • Exhibit ENT000206, Westinghouse Calculation Note Number CN-PAFM-09-74, Rev. 0, "Indian Point Unit 3 Boron In jection Tank Nozzle Environmental Fatigue Evaluations" (June 14, 2010).
  • Exhibit ENT000207, Westinghouse Calculation Note Number CN-PAFM-09-13, Rev. 0, "Indian Point Unit 3: BITank Nozzle Transfer Function Database Development" (June 18, 2010).
  • Exhibit ENT000211, Westinghouse Memorandum LTR-SSO-03-43, Rev. 1, from NS Systems & Safety Analysis, "Design Transien t Revisions for Indian Point 2 4.7% Uprate

- Revised Figures" (Apr. 25, 2003).

  • Exhibit ENT000212, Westinghouse Memorandum LTR-SCS-03-53, Rev. 0, from NS Systems & Safety Analysis, "Design Transi ent Revisions for Indian Point 3 Stretch Power Uprate Project - Re vised Figures" (Aug. 21, 2003).
  • Exhibit ENT000213, Westinghouse, Systems Standard Design Criteria 1.3.X, Rev. 0, Nuclear Steam Supply System Auxiliary Equipment Design Transients for All Standard Plants (Sept. 1978).

Administrative Judges

March 29, 2012

Page 3

  • Exhibit ENT000217, Westinghouse Owners Group, WC AP-9693, Investigation of Feedwater Line Cracking in Pressurized Water Reactor Plants (June 1980).
  • Exhibit ENT000218, Westinghouse Owners Group, WC AP-12639, Pressurizer Surge Line Thermal Stratification Generic Detailed Analysis Program MUHP-1091 Summary Report (June 1990) ("WCAP-12639").
  • Exhibit ENT000219 , Westinghouse, WCAP-12937, Structur al Evaluation of Indian Point Units 2 and 3 Pressurizer Surge Lines, Considering the Effects of Thermal Stratification (May 1991).
  • Exhibit ENT000227 , Westinghouse, WCAP-13588, Operating Strategies for Mitigating Pressurizer Insurge and Outs urge Transients (Mar. 1993).
  • Exhibit ENT000228 , Calculation Note RCDA-03-75, Indian Point Unit 3 Stretch Power Uprate Reactor Vessel Structural Evaluation (May 2005).
  • Exhibit ENT000229 , Calculation Note RCDA-03-64, Indian Point Unit 2 Stretch Power Uprate Reactor Vessel Evaluation (Feb. 2005).
  • Exhibit RIV000034, Pre-filed Written Testimony of Dr. Joram Hopenfeld Regarding NYS-26-B/RK-TC-1B - Meta l Fatigue (Dec. 22, 2011).
  • Exhibit RIV000035, Report of Dr. Joram Hopenfeld in Support of Contention NYS-26-B/RK-TC-1B - Metal Fatigue (Dec. 22, 2011).
  • Exhibit RIV000036, Westinghouse, "EnvFat User's Manual Version 1" (May 2009).
  • Exhibit RIV000042 , Westinghouse, Calculation Note CN-PAFM-05-114, Rev. 0, "DC Cook Charging Nozzle License Renewal Environmental Fatigue Evaluations"
  • Exhibit RIV000043, Diablo Canyon Unit 1 Insurge/Outsurge and Environmental Fatigue Evaluations, WCAP-170103-P, Rev. 0 (July 2009).
  • Exhibit RIV000050, WCAP-14950, Westinghouse, Mi tigation and Evaluation of Pressurizer Insurge/Outsurge Transients (Feb. 1998).
  • Exhibit RIV000055, Westinghouse, Indian Point Unit 3 Pressurizer Insurge/Outsurge Transient Development, CN-PAFM-09-64 (June 2010).
  • Exhibit RIV000056, System Standard Design Criteria, Nuclear Steam Supply System Design Transients (Jan. 11, 1971).
v. 1-A, License Renewal Evaluation: Aging Management for Reactor Internals (Mar. 2001).
  • Exhibit NYS000342 , Westinghouse, Letter No. LTR-PAFM-03-42, "Procedures for Transfer Function Database Creation and Guidelines for the Associated Finite Element Analysis" (Mar. 2006).
  • Exhibit NYS00358A-B, Westinghouse, WESTEMSŽ User's Manual, Ver. 4.5 (Mar.


  • Exhibit NYS000359, Westinghouse, WCAP 14173, Rev. 2, Global to Local Transformations and Stress Transfer Functions for Pressurizer Surge Line, Pressurizer Lower Head and Pressurizer Spray Line (Aug. 1995).
  • Exhibit NYS000361, Westinghouse, WCAP-17199-P, Rev. 0, Environmental Fatigue Evaluation for Indian Point 2 (June 2010).

Administrative Judges

March 29, 2012

Page 4

v. 0, "Environmental Fatigue Evaluation for Indian Point Unit 3 (June 2010).

1, Evaluation of Pressurizer Insurge/Outsurge Transients for Indian Point Unit 2 (July 2010); Westinghouse, WCAP-17162-P, Rev. 1, Evaluation of Pressurizer Insurg e/Outsurge Transients for Indian Point Unit 3 (July 2010).

  • Exhibit NYS000364, Westinghouse Calculation Note, CN-PAFM-09-21, "Indian Point Units 2 & 3 Charging Nozzles Environmen tal Fatigue Evaluation" (June 18, 2010).
  • Exhibit NYS000365, Westinghouse Calculation Note , CN-PAFM-09-67, "Pressurizer Surge Nozzle and Lower Head Transfer Functio ns for Indian Point Units 2 and 3" (June 18, 2010).
  • Exhibit NYS000366, Westinghouse Calculation Note CN-PAFM-09-77, "Indian Point Units 2 & 3 Accumulator Nozzle Environm ental Fatigue Evaluation" (June 18, 2010).
  • Exhibit NYS000367, Westinghouse Calculation Note, CN-PAFM-09-79, "Indian Point Unit 2 Boron Injection Tank Nozzle Envir onmental Fatigue Evaluations" (June 18, 2010).
  • Exhibit NYS000368, Westinghouse Calculation Note, CN-PAFM-09-117, "Indian Point Units 2 and 3 Hot Leg Surge Nozzle Environmental Fatigue Evaluations" (June 18, 2010).
  • Exhibit NYS00369A-B, Westinghouse, WCAP-12191, Rev. 3, Transient and Fatigue Cycle Monitoring Program Transient History Evaluation Report for Indian Point Unit 2 Addendum 1 (Sept. 2003).

In accordance with paragraphs A and K of the Protective Order, the Testimony and relevant exhibits have been appropriately mark ed as containing Entergy-designated proprietary information, 1 and is being served via the NRC's Electronic Information Exchange upon the 1 See Licensing Board Protective Order at 6 (Sept. 4, 2009) (unpublished) (stating that "all pleadings, issuances, testimony, exhibits and correspondence in this proceeding that contain proprietary information shall be treated as confidential, marked in accordance with paragraph A above"); see also id. at 2 (stating that a label identifying a document as containing proprietary information shall appear "on the first page and on each other page of the document") (emphasis added).

Administrative Judges

March 29, 2012

Page 5 DB1/ 69385569 Board, its law clerks, the Office of the Secretary, and representative s of Hearing Participants that are authorized to receive such informati on pursuant to the Protective Order.

Respectfully submitted, Executed in accord with 10 C.F.R. § 2.304(d)

Kathryn M. Sutton, Esq. Paul M. Bessette, Esq.

Counsel for Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.