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LGS*.525537-02-RP07. Re\' 0 Snubber Progrum Document .. 4*ti Interval Page B*l8 UNIT 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ATTACHMENTB UNIT 2 SNUBBER DETAILS ACCESSIBLE OR SYSTEM SNUBBER LOCATION TYPE NUMBER INACCESSJBLE AT STG*2MS-H002 STG-2MS-H004 STG-2MS-H005 STG-2MS*H007 STG-2MS-H008 STG-2MS-HOIO STG-2MS-HO 11 STG-2MS-H019 STG-2MS-H020 STG-2MS-H02 l {A) STG-2MS-H021 (B) STG-2MS-H022(A) STG-2MS-H022(B) VRR-2RD-HOO J VRR-2RD-H002 VRR-2RD-H008 VRR-2RD*HO 10 VRR-2RD*HOl 1 VRR-2RD-H012 VRR-2RD-H018 VRR-2RD-H020 VRR-2RM-H002 VRR-2RM*H003 VRR-2RM*H005 VRR-2RM-H006 VRR-2RP-H001 VRR-2RP-H002 VRR-2RP-H003 VRR-2RP-H004 VRR-2RP*H005 VRR-2RP-H006 VRR-2RS-H003 VRR .. 2RS-H008 XRE-2XH-HOOI XRE-2XH-H008 XRE-2XH-H015 PSA 001 PSA OOJ PSA 001 PSA 001 PSA 001 LlSEGA 001 PSA OOJ PSA 001 PSA 001 PSA 001 PSA 001 PSA 001 PSA 001 PSA 043 PSA 043 PSA 04l PSA 043 PSA 041 PSA 043 PSA 043 PSA 043 PSA 043 PSA 04J PSA 043 PSA 043 PSA 041 PSA 043 PSA 043 PSA 043 PSA 043 PSA 043 PSA 041 PSA 043 PSA 020 PSA 020 PSA 020 POWER l I I I I I I [ I [ I I f l ( I I ( l [ I r l J l t I J I I J I J A A A , amec f asrnr \.vheeler <$
LGS*.525537-02-RP07. Re\' 0 Snubber Progrum Document .. 4*ti Interval Page B*l8 UNIT 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ATTACHMENTB UNIT 2 SNUBBER DETAILS ACCESSIBLE OR SYSTEM SNUBBER LOCATION TYPE NUMBER INACCESSJBLE AT STG*2MS-H002 STG-2MS-H004 STG-2MS-H005 STG-2MS*H007 STG-2MS-H008 STG-2MS-HOIO STG-2MS-HO 11 STG-2MS-H019 STG-2MS-H020 STG-2MS-H02 l {A) STG-2MS-H021 (B) STG-2MS-H022(A) STG-2MS-H022(B) VRR-2RD-HOO J VRR-2RD-H002 VRR-2RD-H008 VRR-2RD*HO 10 VRR-2RD*HOl 1 VRR-2RD-H012 VRR-2RD-H018 VRR-2RD-H020 VRR-2RM-H002 VRR-2RM*H003 VRR-2RM*H005 VRR-2RM-H006 VRR-2RP-H001 VRR-2RP-H002 VRR-2RP-H003 VRR-2RP-H004 VRR-2RP*H005 VRR-2RP-H006 VRR-2RS-H003 VRR .. 2RS-H008 XRE-2XH-HOOI XRE-2XH-H008 XRE-2XH-H015 PSA 001 PSA OOJ PSA 001 PSA 001 PSA 001 LlSEGA 001 PSA OOJ PSA 001 PSA 001 PSA 001 PSA 001 PSA 001 PSA 001 PSA 043 PSA 043 PSA 04l PSA 043 PSA 041 PSA 043 PSA 043 PSA 043 PSA 043 PSA 04J PSA 043 PSA 043 PSA 041 PSA 043 PSA 043 PSA 043 PSA 043 PSA 043 PSA 041 PSA 043 PSA 020 PSA 020 PSA 020 POWER l I I I I I I [ I [ I I f l ( I I ( l [ I r l J l t I J I I J I J A A A , amec f asrnr \.vheeler <$
LGS-525517-02-RP07, Rev 0 Snubber Progrnm Document
LGS-525517-02-RP07, Rev 0 Snubber Progrnm Document

Revision as of 06:11, 19 May 2018

Snubber Program Document - 4th Interval - Basis for Snubber Program
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Site: Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/06/2016
Exelon Generation Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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Download: ML16250A549 (67)


LGS-52.5537-02-RP07, Rev 0 Snubber Program Document -4ih lntervnJ Page 2*1 2.0 BASIS FOR SNUBBEU PROGRAM 2.1 ASME OM Code Examination nnd Testing Requirements As required by the l OCFR50.55a. this Program was developed in accordance with the requirements detailed in the 2004 Edition through the 2006 Addenda of the ASME OM Code. Subsection ISTA, Subsection ISTD. approved ASME OM Code Cases, and approved alternatives through relief requests and Snfety Evaluations (SE's). 2.1. J ASME OM Code Cases As referenced by IOCFR50.55n(h)(6) and allowed by NRC Regulatory Guide 1. I 92, Rev1s1on l, being the latest incorporated into this Snubber Program Document. the followmg Code Cases cnn be incorporated into the LOS Snubber Program if they meet the requirements of Paragraph ISTA-3130(b} and (c). OMN-13 for Extending Snubber Inservice Visual Examination Interval al LWR Power Plants. Regularory Guide l.192. Additional Code Cases invoked in the future shall be in accordance with those approved ror use in the latest published revision of Regulntory Guide 1.192 or 1 OCFR50.55a ot that time. 2.2 Augmented Examination and Testing Requirements Augmented examination and testing requirements are those examinations and tesrs thnt are performed above nnd beyond the requirements of ASME OM Code. These examinations and tests are those that will be performed in add*tion to the requirements or ASME OM Code on a routine basis during the Fourth Interval Snubber Program. There are currently no augmented exammations and tests perfonned by LOS that are not specifically addressed by the ASME OM Code. 2.J Snubber Scope This LGS Snubber Program applies to the snubber visual examinations. functional testing, and service life monitoring from pin connecuon to pin connection, and is conducted in nccordance wirh the ASME OM Code. This program includes nll snubbcrs necessary to protect the primary coolant pressure boundary and any other safety system or components that are required to perform a specific function in shutting down a reactor to the safe shutdown cond1t1on,. in maintaining the safe shutdown condition, or m mihgating the consequences of an accident (i.e .. alJ program snubbers.) arnec foster wheeler "

LGS-525537-02-RP07, Rev 0 Snubber Program Document* 41h Interval 2.4 Drawings and Details LOS has three (3) vnryiog types of snubbers:, Mechanical PSA snubbers. Hydraulic snuhbersT nnd Mechanicnl PSB soubbers (compensnting struts). Vendor manuals and drawings for Pacific Scientific Mechanical Snubbers (PSA/PSB) and for L1sega Hydraulic Snubbers nre controlled through the LGS controlled document This section of the document mcludes infonno.tion with regard to the actunl snubber population and the diffel'ent types, models, and sizes of program snubbers utilized by LOS. A complete listing of an the LGS ASME OM Code program snubbers within the scope of the visual examination. functional testing, and service life monitoring requirements is provided in the Snubber Program dntabase, she procedures, nnd in Attachments A and B of this document.

  • amec foster wheeler ha LGS-52..'l537-02-RP07. Rev 0 Snubber Program Document* 4*b Interval 2.5 Technical Approach and Positions When the requ1remenls of ASME OM Code are not easily interpreted, LGS has the option to review general licensing/regulatory requirements and industry practice to detemune a practical method of implementing the Code requirements. The Technical Approach and Position (TAP) documents contained in this section have been provided to clarify LGS1s implementation of ASME OM Code requirements. An indext which ts used to summarize each TAP. is included in Tobie 2.5-1. amec foster wheeler LGS-525517-02-RP07. Rev 0 Snubber Program Document
  • 4*h lntcrvul Pilge 2-4 TABLEl.S-1 TECHNICAL APPROACH AND POSITIONS INDEX Position Revision Status1 (Program) Description of Technical Approach Number Dale1 and Position f4T-XXS Nole I: Snuhber Program Technical Approach nnd Position Status Options: Acdve -Current Techmcnl Approach nnd Position 1!i being utilized nt LGS; Deleted .. Technical Approach nnd Position 1s no longer being utilized nt LOS. Note 2; The revision hsted is the lalesl revisaon of the subject Technical Approach nnd Position. The dote noted in the second column 1s the date of tbe Snubber Program Document revision when the Technical Approach and Position was incorporated mlo the document. amec foster wheeler ]j; LGS-525517-02-RP07. Rev 0 Snubber Progrum Document -4*tt Interval Page 3-1 3.0 SNUBBER PLAN LGS Snubber Plan includt!s equipment dynamic restraints (snubbers) ns defined in ASME OM Code 2004 Edition through lhe 2006 Addenda, Pura graph IST A-2000. Procedures :U0-004 "Visual Examination of Snubbers:* ER-AA-330-010 11Snubber Funcuonul Testing," and ER-AAwJ)O .. Qt 1 "Snubber Service Life Monitoring/' implcmt!nt the ASME OM Code Snubber Plan. 3.1 Nonexempt Code Class Snubbers The LGS Cluss I, 21 and J nonexempt snubbers are those which do not meet the exemption cntt!ria of Paragraph lWF-1230 of ASME Section X1. A summary of the LGS ASME Section XI nonexempt snubbers is included in Section 4.0 of this document. :t 1.1 ldenlificntion of Cfnss J, 2, and 3 Nonexempt Snubbers Class I, and 3 snubbers are identified on the JSI Isometric and Component Drawings listed in Section 2.4, Tables 2.4.1 2.4-2, 2,4-3, 2.4-4, 2.4-5, and 2.4-6 of the LGS ISi Program Plan. The Class I and 2 Isometric Drawings are identified with a special prefix of "FIG" for Unit 1 and "X11' for Unit 2 {e.g.1 FlG-01-01 or Xl-DCA-204*1). Snubbers are identified by controlled LGS individual support detail drawings. 1.2 Snubber General 3.2.1 As allowed by 10CFR.50.55a(h)(3)(v)(B), LGS will use Subsection ISTD, u1nserv1ce Tesaing of Dynamic Restraints (Snubbers) In Light Water Reactor Power Plunts/' ASME OM Code, 2004 Edition through the 2006 Addenda, to meet the v1sunl examination, functional testing, und service life monitoring requirements for program snubbers. This approach is consistent with ASME Section XI. Paragraph JWF-l220, which excludes inservice inspection of snubbers und defers to the ASME OM Code for visual examination, functional test1og, and service life monitoring requirements. Al LGS Units 1 and 2, all snubbers were procured ilnd installed to the quality standards of safety related snubbers. As such, it is LGS's plan to continue lO maintain nil snubbers to standards. Example: the mechanical and hydraulic snubber functional testing sample shall consist of 37 and/or IO% of ench Defined Test Plan Group (DTPG) taken from the program snubber population. Any failure within these test sample plan groups require nn expansion sample per the applicable Subsection ISTD reqmrements. Procedure ER-AA-330-004, "Visual Examination of Snubbers;' implements the visual examination program for program snubbers. Procedures 11Snubber Functional Testing,0 ER-AA*330-011. "Snubber Servrce Ufe Monitoring Program;* and LGS surveillance test procedures ST-l-103-JOO-X and ST-J-IQJ .. 990-X are used to implement the functional testing and service life momtoring requirements for program snubbers. 1 amec foster wheeler 4ti; LGS-525!i:l7*02-RP07, Rev 0 Snubber Progrnm Document -41" Interval Page 3-2 The ASME OM Code specifies the visual examination, functional tescing. and service life monitoring requirements for snubhers in the ASME OM Code, Subsection ISTD. ASME Section XI nlso hns inspection requirements for supports that apply lo snubbers, ns well as to other support!>. This Snubber Pinn is in place to provide a link between the visual nnd functional testmg of the snubbers performed at LOS per the ASME OM Code and the ASME Section XJ visual examination requirements. The general requirements of ASME Section XI, Subsection IW A, such as examination methods, personnel qunlifications. etc., will still apply. Additionally .. examination of integral and non-integrnl nttnchmcnts. all repairs. replacements. records and reports will be performed in accordance with ASME Section XI. 3.3 Visual Examination, Functional Testing, nnd Service Life Monitoring Program 3.3.1 The visual examinntion of all snubbers included in this program shnll be performed in accordance wilh procedures ER-AA-330*004 and ER-AA-135-016. The required examination schedule is determined by Paragraph ISTD-4252 and Table JSTD-4252-1 of the ASME OM Code. This visual examinalion is to verify: a) no indications of damage or impaired operability; b) attachments to foundations or supporting structure are functional. and c) fasteners for the snubber attachment lo the component and to the anchorage are functional. Visual examinations shall be performed by individuals qualified in accordance with LGS procedures. The ASME Section XJ visual examination boundary of n support containing n snubber is defined in Figure This boundary does not include the snubber pin-lo-pin and does not include the connections lo the snubber assembly (pins) per Paragraph IWF* I 300(h). This results in the remaining ASME Section XI requirements for VT-3 visual examinations of the snubber nttachment hardware including bolting and clamps, also referred to as "pin-out". The ASME Section Xl JSJ Program uses Subsection IWF to define the inspection requirements for all Class I, 2, and 3 supports, regardless of type. The ISi Program maintains the Code Class in the support populacions subject to inspection per Article IWF-2000. This is done to facilitate scheduling, preparation including insulation removal. and inspection requiremenas of rhe snubber aunchment hardware bolting and clamps). The examination and testing of the snubber body and extension. also referred to as upin-in. will be performed in accordnnce wHh the ASME OM Code Snubber Program. It should be noted that the examination of snubber welded attachments will be performed in accordance with the ASME Section XI Subsections lWB, IWC, and lWD welded attachment examination requirements (e.g., Examinntion Categories B*K, CwC, and D-A}. amec foster wheeler ];$

Rev 0 Pnge J-1 Snubber Program Document .. 4'" Interval 3.J.2 The funcuonal testing of snubbers included in this program shall be performed in accordance with procedure ER-AA-330-010. Functional testing shall be scheduled every fuel cycle in nccordnnce with the ASME OM Code. Snubbers are grouped into OTPG*s by design type, in accordance with Paragraph ISTD-5252 for testmg purposes. Snubbers nt LOS will be tested using the 37 testing snrnp1e plnn for rnechanicnl PSA snubbers and n 10% testing sample pion for hydraulic snubbers nnd mechnnical PSB snubbers. (See Section below for Testing Sample Plnn options.) Functional testing of snubbers can be perfonned ns a sampling of the entire snubber population per Artide ISTD-5000. 3.J.2.1 Defined Test Phm Gtoup The DTPGs shnll include ull snubbers except replacement snubbers and snubbers repaired or adjusted as a result or not mee1ing the examination acceptance requirements of Subarticle ISTD-4200. These snubbers shnU be exempt for the concurrent test intervul. Except as required by Paragraph ISTD*5253. 1he total snubber population may be considered one DTPG. or ahematively, differences in design. application, size. or type may be considered in establishing DTPG's. The snubbers at LGS will be splH into three (J) DTPG1s -DTPGI Mechanical PSA Snubbers (Accessible and lnaccessibfe), DTPG2 Hydraulic Snubbers (Accessible and Inaccessible), and DTPG3 Mechanical PS8 snubbers (compensating struts) (Accessible and lnaccessible). Testing Sample Plans The snubbers of each DTPG shnU be tested using either of the folJowing: (a) the 10% tescing sample plan (LGS's sample plan for hydraulic snubbers and mechanical PSB snubbers) (b) the 37 sample plan (LGS's sample plnn for mechanical PSA snubbers) Nonmandatory Appendix D includes a comparison of sample plans. Snubber testing plans are pre sen led in flow ch an f orrn in Nonmandalory Appendix E. A test plan shall be selected for each DTPG before the scheduled testing begins. :t3.3 The service life of all snubbers included in this program shall be monitored to ensure that the service Hfe is not exceeded between cxaminarmnllesrmg intervals. The maximum expected service life for vanous seals. sprmgs. and other critlcal pans shall be extended or reduced based on monitored test results and failure history. Critical parts shall be replaced so that the mnxamum service life will not be exceeded during n period when the snubber is required to be operable. amec foster wheeler l..GS-5255:17-02-RPO?, Rev 0 Snubber Program Document

  • 41'1 Interval Page 3-4 Service life monitoring of snubbers shall be performed m accordance with Article ISTD-6000 with the use of Nonmandatory Appendix F providing supplemental guidance. Additional implementation requarements for Service Life Monitoring are described in procedure ER-AA-330-01 l. Snubbers shall be replaced or reconditioned as required to ensure thnt the :;ervice life is not exceeded between surveillance inspecrions, during n period when the snubber is required to be operable. The replacement or reconditioning shnlt he documented and records retained in accordance with ASME Section XI und site procedures. If the indicated service life will he exceeded prior to the next scheduled snubber service fife review, the snubber service life shnll be re-evalunted or the snubber shall be replaced or reconditioned so as to extend its service life beyond the dote of the next scheduled serv1ce life review. J.4 Visual Exnmination, Functional Testing, and Service Life Monitonng Results 3.4. l The results of the visual examinations and the functional tests will be evaluated using the criteria of the ASME OM Code and site procedures. ASME Section XI provisions may be used for supplemental guidance. Snubbers that do not appear to conform to the Visual Examination requirements of procedure shall be reported for evaluation and appropriate correclive action. Snubbers that do not appear to conform to the visual examination acceptance requirements nnd are hner confirmed as operable os a result of functional testing may be declared operable for the purpose of establishing the next visual inspection inrervnl, providing that the unacceptable condition did not affect operational readiness. Snubbers that do not meel the operability resting acceptance criteria shall be evaluated to determine the cause of the failure and appropnate corrective action taken. The service life of an snubbers is evnluatcd using manufacturing input and engineering information gained through consideration of the snubber service conditions and inservice functional test results. 3.5 Reports/Records 3.5. I The visual examination nnd functionnl testing results will be recorded and kept in accordance with the ASME OM Code nnd s1te procedures. Repair and replacement records and reports wi II be kept in nccordance with ASME Section XI and site procedures. Records of the service life of nil hydrnulic and mechanical snubbers listed in lhis program, including the date al wh1ch the service life commences or expires, and associated instaJlation nnd maintenance records will be mninrained. amec faster wheeler LGS-5255l7*02-RP07, Rev 0 Snubber Program Document .. 4111 lntcrvol PageJ-5 Deta1 Js of examinatmns and tests conducted under this program need not bl! included m the ASME Section XI Summary Report and Form NIS-1. An abstract of examinations completed may be provided in the Summary Report. Form NIS*2 shall be included in the Summary Report for any ASME Section XI repnirs or replacemc.mts performl!d on the snubbers within the scope of this program. amec f o* ter wheeler Rev 0 Pnge 4-l Snubber Program Document* 4*h Intervul 4.U SNUBBERSUMMARYTABLE 4.1 Snubber Program Summary Table IOCFR'i0.55a(b)(3)(v)(B) "Codes and Standards" allows usage of ASME OM Code. Subsection JSTD. The following TnbJes 4.1-1 and 4.1.2 providt! a summary of the ASM E OM Code, Subsection ISTD, Snubbt:r visual examanntions and functmnal lesting for the Fourth Snubber Interval al LGS. The f ormnt of the Snubber Summary Tables is as depicted below and provides the following mfonnation! ASMEOM Code OM Subarticle Subartide Exam Totals Frequency Relief Notes Subsection (with Number Number Requirements Requesf/ Subsection Description TAP Descriotion) Number (l) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (I) ASME OM Code Subsection {with Subsection Description): Provides the applicable ASME OM Code subsection number nnd a description as obtained from Subsection ISTD. Only applicable subsections to LGS are identified. (2) OM Subarticle Number; Provides the subarticle number as identified in SubsectJon ISTD. Only those subnrticle numbers applicable to LOS are identified. (3) Subarticle Number


Provides the subanicle description ns identified in Subsection ISTD. Identifies the methods selected to be performed at LOS. {4) Examination Requirements: Provides the visual examination und functional testing methods required by Subsection ISTD. (5) Provides the total number of snuhbers that pertain to that subarticle of Subsection ISTD. Note that the total number of snubhers are subject lo chnnge aftt!r completion of plant modifications and design changes. amec fo )ter wheeler Rev 0 Snubber Program Document -41h Interval Page 4-2 (6) Frequency: Prov1des the frequency for visual examinations and functional testing as addressed in Subsection JSTD and approved ASME OM Code Cases. (7) Relief Request/TAP Number: Provides tl listing of Relief Request/ TAP Numbers to sped fie snubber components. Relief Requests and TAP Numbers thal genencnlly apply to all components, or an entire class nre not listed. If a Relief Request/TAP Number is idenu fied, see lhe corresponding relief request in Section 5.0 or the TAP Number in Section 2.5. (8) N.Qtcs: Provides a listing of program notes npplicnble to the Subsection ISTD subnrticle number. If a program noic number is identified, see the corresponding program note in Tobie 4.1-3. amec foster wheeler LGS-525537-02 RP07, Re" 0 Snubber Program Document-4th Interval 4-3 TABLE4.1-l UNIT 1 SNUBBER SUl\-IMARY TABLE ASMEOMCude OM Subarticle Nttmber Description Exam Totals Frequency Relief Request/ Notes Subsection (with Subarticle Req uirement.s TAP Number Subsection Number Description) ISTD ISTD-4200 Accessible and Inaccessible Snubbcrs -Vi:.ual, VT-3 1049 Various I Snubber Mechanical PSA, Hydraulic. and Examinations Mechanical PSB ( 1 oooulation) ISTD ISTD-5200 (DTPGJ} 37 Functional Test Plan -Functional 850 Every 2 Snubber Mechanical Type PSA Snubbers (Accessible/ Testing Refueling Tcsaing 1 naccessible) Out a gt! {DTPG2) 10% Functional Test Plan -Functional 193 EVt!f)' 2 Hydraulic Type Lisega Snubbers (AcccssibJc/ Testing Rcfuding Inaccessible) Outage (DTPG1) 10% Functional Test Plan-Functional 6 Every 2 Mechanical Type PSB Snubbcrs (Inaccessible) Testing Refueling Outage amec foster wheeler LGS 525537..02 RP07. 0 4-4 Snubber Program Document -4th Interval TABLE4.1-2 UNIT 2 SNUBBER SUMMARY TABLE ASMEOM Code OM Subarticle Number Description Exam Totals Frequency Relier Request/ Notes Subsection (with Subarticle Requirements TAP Number Subsection Number Description} ISTD lSTD-4200 Accessible and Inaccessible Snubbcrs

  • Vh.uat. VT-3 649 Various 1 Snubber Mechanical PSA, Hydraulic, and Examinations Mechanical PSB (I population) ISTD ISTD 5200 {DTPGI) 37 Functional Test Plan ... Functiona1 513 Every 2 Snubber Mechanical Type PSA Snubbcrs (Acccssibk/ Testing Refueling Tcstjng Inaccessible) Outage (0TPG2) 10% FunctionalTesl Plan-Functional 126 Every 2 Hydraulic Type Liscga Snubbcrs {Accessible/ Testing Refueling Inaccessible) Outage (DT?G3) 10% Functional Test Plan -Functional to Every 2 Mechanical Type PSB Snubbcrs (Accessiblt!/ Testing Refueling Inaccessible) Outage a11i2c f o:.; ter vvheeler !

LGS-525537-02-RP07. Re" 0 Snubber Program Document* 4th Interval Pilg.c 4 5 TABLE4.1 .. J SNUBBER SUMMARY TABLE PROGRAM NOTES Note #t Note Summary l Per the ASME OM Code, Subsection ISTD. 2004 Edition the 2006 Addenda, Para-'!raoh ISTD-4250 "lnscrvke Examination fatervals. 2 Per the ASME OM Codt!, Suhsoction ISTD, 2004 Edition through the 2006 Addenda, Paragraph ISTD-5240 .. Test Frequency."' amec foster wheeler * ..

LGS-5255l7-02-RP07. Rev 0 Snubber Program Document -41b Interval Poge 5*1 5.0 RELIEF REQUESTS FROM ASME SECTION XI This section contains relief requests written per I OCFR50.55n(z)( 1) for situations wht!re allernntives to ASME Section Xl requirements provide an acceptable level of quality and per I OCFR50.55a(z)(2) for situations where complinnce with ASME Section XJ requirements results an a hardship or an unusual difficulty without a compensnting increase in the level or quahty and and per IOCFR50.55u(g)(5)(au) for situauons where ASME Sectmn XI requirements are considered imprncticnt. The fol lowing NRC guidance was utilized to determine the toCFR50.55a Paragraph citing for LOS relief I OCFR50.55a(z)(I) und IOCFR.50.55a(z)(2) provide alternauves to the requirements of ASME OM Code. while 10CFR50.55a(g)(5)(iii) recognizes situntionnl impracuculides. lOCFR50.5Sa(z){ll: l OCFRS0.5SaCzl(2H 1 OCFRSO.SSaJgl(S)Ciiil: Cited in relief requests when alternatives to rhe ASME Section XI requirements which provide an accepUlble level of quality and snfety nre proposed. Examples arc relief requests which propose alternative non*destructive examination (NOE) methods and/or exam1nation frequency. Cited in relief requests when compliance with the ASME Section XI requirements as deemed to be a hardship or unusual difficulty without a compensating increase in the level of quality and safety. Examples of hardship and/or unusual difficulty include. but nre not hmlted to, excessive radiation exposure, disassembly of components solely to provide access for examinations, and development of sophisticated tooling that would result in only minimal increases sn examination coverage. Cited in relief requests when conformance with ASME Section XI requirements is deemed impractical. Examples of 1mpraclicul requirements are situauons where the component would have to be redesigned, or replaced lo enable the required inspection lo be performed. The following relief requesb are subject to change throughout the inspection interval {e.g., NRC approval, withdrawal). Changes lo NRC approved nlternnuves (other than withdrawal) require NRC approval. amec faster wheek:r 'l Rev 0 Snubber Program Document

  • 4m lntcrvol Relief Request l4R-XXS Revision Date Table 5.0-1 Relief Request Index Stntus1 (Program) Description/ Approval Summary1 Note I: The NRC grants relief requests pursuant to when Code requirements cunnol be met and proposed nlrcmatives do not meet the crilena of JOCFR50.55(z). The NRC authorir.cs rehef rl!quests pursuant to 1 OCFR50.55a(z)( I) if the proposed ahematives would provide an acceptable level of quahry and safety or under IOCFR..10.55a(z)(2) 1f compliance wilh lhc spec1f1ed requirements would result m hardslup or unusual difficulttes without a compensating increase in the level of safety. Requests for relief under IOCFR50.5'la(g)(5)(iii) are not robe submitted to the NRC for evaluation pnor to the hci:nsee perfonnmg che ASME Section Xl Code-required exammatmn. The NRC mny afso impose alternative requirements as it determines. Note 2: This column represents the status of the latest revision. Relief Request Status Options: Authonzed -Approved for use man NRCSE Note I): Granted-Approved for use man NRC SE (See Note I); Authorized Cond1uonally
  • Approved for use m nn NRC SE which imposes certain conditions: Granted Cond1tiona1Iy-Approved for use in an NRC SE which imposes ce11am cond1t10ns; Exptred -Approval for relief has expired: Withdrawn -Relief has been withdrawn by the station; Nol Required -The NRC has deemed the rehef unnecessary m an SE or RAI; Pending Rehef has been submitted to the NRC by the stnamn and is awaitmg approval. amec foster wheeler Rev 0 Snubber Program Document* 4111 Interval


The references used to develop this Snubber Program Document include: 6. l NRC References 6.1. I Code of Federal Rcgulotions. THle 10, Energy . .. Pnrt 50. Paragraph 50.55rL "Codes and Standnrds.n .. Part 50. Paragrnph 2, "Definitions," the definition of "Reactor Coolant Boundnry." 6.1.2 Regulatory Guide I. l 92, "Operation and Maintenance Code Case Acceptability. ASME OM Code." 6.2 Industry References 6.2. l ASM E OM Codt!, Code for Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants," the 2004 Ediuon through the 2006 Addenda (Subsection ISTA and ISTD). (41h Snubber Interval). 6.2.2 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, Division I, ulnservice Inspection of NucJenr Power Pinnt the 2007 Edition through the 2008 Addenda. (4'" ISi Interval). 6.3 Licensee Rl!fercnces 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.::u 6.3.4 6.3.5 6.J.6 6.3.7 6.J.8 6.3.9 6..3.JO 6.J.1 [ 6.3.12 6.3.13 6.3.14 6.3.15 6.3.16 Limerick Generating Station Units I and 2. Updated Final Safety Anolysis Report (UFSAR). Limerick Gencratjng Station Units 1 nnd 2. Technicnl Specifications (TS). Limerick Generating Station Units I and 2, ISi Program Plan (ER-LG-330-lOOl}, Fourth Ten-Year lnservice Inspection Interval. Limerick Generating Station Umts I and 2, ISi Augmented Inspection Program (ER-LG-3JO-I 002). Limerick Generating Station Units 1 and 2, ISi Classification Basis Document {ER-LG-330-t 003), Fourth Ten* Year Jns*ervice Inspection Interval. Limerick Generating Station Units I and 2, Component and Classification Document (ER .. LG-330-1004), Fourth Ten-Year Inservice Inspection Interval. Limerick Generating Station Units J 4lnd 2, ISi Selection Document (ER-LG-330.rooS}. Fourth Ten-Year fnservice Inspection JntervaJ. Limerick Generating Station Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Applicationt October 2014. Procedure ER-AA-330, "Conduct of loservice Inspection Activities." Procedure "lnservice Inspection of Section XI Component Suppons." Procedure "Visual Examination of Snubbers." Procedure ER-AA-330-009t ,.ASME Section XI Repair/Replacement Program:* Procedure ER-AA-330-010. usnubber Functional Testing." Procedure "Snubber Service Life Monitoring Program ** Procedure "V'f .. J Visual Examination of Component Supportst Attachments. and Interiors of Reactor Vessels." Procedure EP..0 I J, "Methodology for Assigning and Maintaining the Quality Classification of Components .. " amec foster wheeler LGS-525117-02-RPO?, Rev 0 Snubber Progrom Document* 41h lntervul 6.4 Renewal I Commitments 6.4.1 None. amec foster wheeler

.Q2-RP07. Rev 0 Snubber Progrum Document

  • 41h Interval ATTACHMENT A UNIT 1 SNUBBER DETAILS SYSTEM UNJT SNUBBER LOCATION TYPE NUMBER I APE-I MS-HOO:\ PSA 001 I APE-I MS-HOO) PSA 001 I APE-lMS-H006 PSA OOI I APE-I MS-HOl l PSA 001 I APE-I MS-HO I l PSA 001 l APE* I MS-HO 14 PSA 001 I APE* I MS-HO I 5 PSA 001 I APE-I MS-H022 PSA 001 I APE-I MS-H023 PSA OOI I APE-I MS-H024 PSA 001 I APE-I MS-H029 PSA OOf I APE-I MS-H031 PSA 001 1 APE-I MS*H032 PSA OOl I DBA-106-EO 1-H003 LISEGA 055 I OBA-106-EOl-H005 LIS EGA oss I PSA 001 I DBA-106-H007 PSA 001 I DBA-IO&.HOlO PSA 001 I DBA-106-HOJ2 PSB 001 1 DBA-106-HOl3 PSB 001 I DBA-106-HOJ4 PSS OOJ I D8A-107-H012 PSA 049 1 DBA-l07-H013 PSA 049 I DBA*I07-HOJ6 PSA 049 l OBA-J07-HOl7 PSA 049 I DBA-l07-HOl8 PSA 049 I DBA-107-H022 PSS 049 1 DBA-107-H023 PSB 049 I OBA-I 08*EO I *H002(A) LISEGA OOJ I OBA* I 08-EO I *H002(B) LISEGA 001 I DBA*J08-EOl-HOIO PSA OOJ 1 DBA*108-EOl-HOI I PSA 001 I DBA*l08-EOl-H012(A} PSA 001 I DBA-108-EO J *HO t 2(8) PSA 001 I OBA-I HJ-EOJ-H002 PSA 001 J DBA*l 10-EOl-HOOJ PSA 001 Pugt.! A-I ACCESSIBLE OR INACCESSIBLE AT POWER I I J I I 1 I J I I l I 1 A A I 1 I I I I l l l ( l I I I I l I I I I I amec foster wheeler LGS-525517-0:!-RP07, Rev 0 Snubber Program Document -4111 Jntervnl UNIT I 1 t I 1 t 1 I I I I I 1 ( I I I I I l I I I I I 1 I I ' I l I I I l I ATTACHMENT A UNIT 1 SNUBBER DETAILS SYSTEM SNUBBER LOCATION TYPE NUMBER DBA-1 IO-EOJ-H006 PSA 001 DBA-112-H004 PSA 044 DBA-116-EOl-HOOJ US EGA 006 DBA-l 16-E07-HOOJ LISEGA 006 OBA-I 16-ElO-H<JOt LIS EGA 006 DBA-116-EI 1-H001 LISEGA 006 DBB-101-H002(A) PSA 049 DBB-f01-H002(B) PSA 049 DB B-105-HOOJ PSA 044 DBB-l 12-H003 PSA 044 DBB-1 J2-H004 PSA 044 DB 0-105-H002 PSA 006 PSA 006 DB D-J 05-H004 PSA 006 DB 0-105-HOOS PSA 006 DBD-117-HOOS LlSEGA 044 DBD-117-HOlO LIS EGA 044 DCA* l 01-EOJ-HOO f US EGA 044 DCA*IOl-EOJ-H002 LISEGA 044 DCA-IOl .. E04-HOOJ PSA 044 DCA-J0l-E04-H002 PSA 044 DCA-J01-H008 PSA 044 DCA-JOl-H009 PSA 044 DCA-101-HOIO PSA 044 DCA-IOl-HOl I PSA 044 DCA-l0l-HOI2 PSA 044 DCA-IOl-HOl3 PSA 044 DCA-10f-H014 PSB 044 DCA-IOJ-HOl5 PSA 044 DCA-JUl-HOl6 PSA 044 DCA-10l-H017 PSA 044 DCA-101-HOIS PSA 044 DCA-J0t .. H045 PSA 044 OCA-101-H046 PSA 044 DCA-101-H047 PSA 044 DCA-JOl-H048 PSA 044 ACCESSIBLE OR INACCESSIBLE AT POWER I J I I A A I I I I I I l I ( I I I I ] J I I I I I I I J I I 1 I I r I amec foster wheeler LGS-525517-02-RP07. Rev 0 Snubber Progrnm Document* 41b lntervnl UNIT I I I I I l J I 1 I I I 1 ] 1 I I t 1 1 I I I I I I J 1 I I l I I l I I ATTACHMENT A UNIT 1 SNUBBER DETAILS SYSTEM SNUBBER LOCATION TYPE NUMBER PSA 044 DCA-101-H050 PSA 044 PSA 044 DCA-101-HO'i2 PSA 044 DCA-101-H014 PSA 044 DCA-IOl-H05c; PSA 044 DCA-l01-H056 PSA 044 DCA .. IOI-H057 PSA 044 DCA-l01-HO'l8 PSA 044 DCA-IOl-HO'i9 PSA 044 DCA-J 01-H060 PSA 044 DCA-l01-H062 PSA 044 . DCA*IOl-H061 PSA 044 DCA-101-H064 PSA 044 DCA-101-H065(Al PSA 044 DCA-tol-H065(B) PSA 044 OCA-101-H068 PSA 044 DCA-101-H069 PSA 044 DCA-JOl-H070 PSA 044 DCA-l0Hi07l PSA 044 DCA-101-H072 PSA 044 DCA-t04-E02-H002 LISEGA 0.S I DCA-104-E02-H003 LISEGA 051 DCA-1 Q4.E02-HOl :'i LISEGA 051 DCA-104-E03-H002 LISEGA 051 DCA-104-E03-H003 PSA 051 DCA-104-E03-H006 PSA 051 DCA-104-E01-H007 PSA 051 DCA-104-HOn PSA 051 DCA-104-H014 PSA 051 DCA-l04*HOli PSA 051 DCA-l 04-HO 16 PSA 051 DCA-104-HOl 7 PSA O'i 1 DCA-104-HOfB PSA 051 DCA-104*HOl9 PSA 051 DCA-104*H020 PSA 051 Page A-J ACCESSIBLE OR INACCESSIBLE AT POWER I l I I I I I I I ( l l ( r I J ( I I I I I I I I I I I J J t I I I l I amec foster wheeler Rev 0 Snubber Progrnm Document -4111 Interval UNIT t I I I
  • t l l t 1 I I I I f I ' ' I l I 1 l ) l I I J I I l r I } , I ATTACHMEN UNIT 1 SNUBBER D SNUBBER LOCATION TYPE DCA-104-H02J PSA DCA* I 04-H022 PSA DCA-104-H023 PSA DCA-l 04-H024 PSA DCA-l 04-H02S PSA DCA-1 Q4..H026 PSA DCA-104-H027 PSA DCA-104-H028 PSA DCA-104-H029 PSA DCA-l04-H030 PSA DCA .. J l PSA DCA-104-H032 PSA DCA*I05-EOl-H002 LlSEGA DCA-l 05-EO 1-HOOl US EGA DCA-lOS-EOJ-HOOS LJSEGA OCA-l Q5 .. H005 PSA DCA-l05-H006 PSA DCA-105-H007 PSA DCA-I05-H008 PSA DCA* I05-H009 PSA DCA-l05-HOIO PSA DCA-105-HOl I PSA DCA-105-HOl 2 PSA DCA-105-HOl3 PSA DCA*f05-HOl4 PSA DCA-105-HOl 'i PSA DCA-I05*H016 PSA DCA-J05-HOl7 LlSEGA DCA-l 13-EO 1-H002(A) USEGA LISEGA DCA-l 13-EOI-HOOS LJSEGA DCA-113-EOf*H006 LJSEGA DCA-l I 3-EOl-H007 LISF.GA DCA-1 13-E02-HOO t PSA DCA-l I 3-H004 PSA I 1*H007 PSA Page A-4 l SYSTEM R NUMBER N E POW 051 I I OSI I 051 I 051 I 051 I 051 I 051 I 051 l 051 J 051 I 051 I 051 I 051 I 051 I I 051 f 051 I 051 I 051 I 051 I OSI I 051 I 051 I 051 I 051 I 051 I 051 t 044 I t 044 I 044 I 044 I 044 I 044 J 044 I amec foster wheeler LGS-525517-02-RP07, Rev 0 Snubber Program Document-4*h lnlervul ATTACHMENT A UNIT 1 SNUBBER DETAILS SYSTEM UNIT SNUBBER l..OCATION TYPE NUMBER I DCA-111-HOOS PSA 044 l DCA* J I 6-J05-H002(A) LISEGA 041 I DCA-l LISEGA 04:1 I DCA-1 I 6-J05"H004 LISEGA I OCA*l 16-J05-HOU6 PSA 043 I DCA-l l7-J05-H004 LISEGA 041 I DCA-l 17-J05-H006 PSA 043 I DCA* 1 I 8*JO:'i-H002 LISEGA 04:1 I DCA-J 1 S-J05-H004 LISEGA 043 I DCA-118-J05-HOOS LISEGA 043 I DCA-l I 8-J05-H006 PSA 04J I OCA-J 19-J05-H003 LlSEGA 043 I OCA-119-JO'i-HOO'i LISEGA 04J I DCA*l 20-J05-H005 US EGA 043 l DCA-J 20-J05-H007 LISEGA 04:-4 I DCA-f 2Q.J05-H008 LISEGA 043 I DCA .. J 2 t .. JQ5-H005 LISEGA 043 I DCA* l 22*J05-H004(A) US EGA 043 I DCA .. I 22-J05-H004(B) US EGA 043 I DCA-J 22-J05-H006(A) US EGA 041 I OCA* 122-105-H006(B) LlSEGA 043 J DCA-l 23-J05-H005 LISEGA 043 I DCA-123-J05 .. H007 LISEGA 043 I DCA-l 28-J02-H003 LIS EGA 043 I DCA-I 28*J02-H004 LISEGA 043 I DCA-I 28-J05*H002 LISEGA 04J I DCA-128-J05-H003 LISEGA 043 I DCA-J 29-J02-HOO I LISEGA 043 I DCA-129-102*H004 LISEGA 043 I DCA-129-J02-H007 LISEGA 043 l OCA-129-J02-H010 LISEGA 043 I DCA-1.30-102-H002 LISEGA 043 I DCA-130-103-HOOI LlSEGA 041 I DCA-r 3 l-J02"H003 LISEGA 041 I DCA-134-J02-H008 LISEGA 043 I DCA-134-J02-HOIO LISEOA 043 Page A-5 ACCESSIBLE OR lNACCESSIBLE AT POWER f I I I 1 I I I t J I J J I I I I l I I I I I ( I J I I ( J I I r t I I amec fo ter wheeler ]$

LGS*525517-02-RP07, Rev 0 Snubber Prngrum Document -4'h lntcrvul Pnge A-6 ATTACHMENT A UNIT 1 SNUBBER DETAILS UNIT SNUBBER LOCATION I OCA* 114-J02*HO t I I DCA-l 1-JOl-H007 1 DCA-1 I DCA-l 7 l-EOl-H004 I DCA-l 72-E02-H00l I DCA .. J 72-E02-HOO.S I DCA-174-E02-H002 I DCA*l74-E02-H001 l DCA* 175-EOl-HOO I l DCA-175-EOl-HOOJ I DCA*l7S-EOl*H004 l DCA-175-EOl-HOOS I DCA" I 76-E02*H002 1 DCA .. I 76-E02-H003 I DCA-177-EO l-H003 I DCA-l I DCA* I 80-E02-H004 I DCA-J 82-E02-H002 I DCA-I 82-E02-H003 1 l DCA-I 81"EO l -H003 I DCA* l 84-E02-H006 I DCA-185-EOl-H002 ) DCA* 185-EO 1-HOOJ J DCA-J85-EOl-H006 I DCA-192-JO I-HOO I I DCA-192-JOl-HOOS I DCA-192-JO l-H006 ( DCA-J92-JOl-H007 I DCA-191 .. JOl-H002 I DCA .. J91*JOl-H003 I DCA*l94-JOl-H002 I DCA-196-JO I *HOOS I DCA-196-JOl-H006 I DC A-106-JO 1-H004 I DCA-107-JOf *H003 TYPE LISEGA LISEGA PSA LISEGA PSA LISEGA LISEGA LISEGA LISEGA LISEGA LISEGA LISEGA LISEGA LISEGA LISEGA US EGA LIS EGA LISEGA LISEGA LISEGA US EGA LIS EGA LISEGA LISEGA LISEGA PSA LISEGA LISEGA PSA LISEGA LISEGA LlSEGA LISEGA LIS EGA LISEGA LISEGA SYSTEM ACCESSIBLE OR NUMBER INACCESSIBLE AT POWER 041 I 001 r 001 t 04) I 041 I 041 I 041 I 043 t 043 I 041 I 041 f 041 I 04'.l J 043 I 043 I 041 I 043 l 041 I 043 I 043 I 043 J 041 J 043 I 041 I 043 I 001 I 001 1 001 I 001 J 001 f 001 i 001 I 001 I 001 I 001 I 001 I (l amec foster wheeler

.. RP07, Rev 0 A-7 Snubber Document* 4111 Interval ATTACHMENT A UNIT 1 SNUBBER DETAILS UNIT SNUBBER LOCATION f OCA-108-JOJ-HOOI l DCA-108-JOI-H004 1 OCA*] I O*EO 1-H002 1 DCA-1to-EOl-H008 I DCA-1lO-EOl-HOl I 1 DCA-1 J 1-EO I-HOO'.\ t DCA-.3l J-EOl-H004 I DCA-31 l-E0l-H006 I DCA-1J2-J03-H002 I DCA-3 I 2-10J-H005 I DCA*312-J03-H006 1 DCA* 1J1-J02-H008 I DCA*1I.3-JO:t-H002 J DCA*J 13-J03-H004 J DCA-11 l-J03-H005 I DCA-J J 3-J03-H007 I DCA-314-101-HOOI ) DCA*l 14-JO 1-H002 j DCA-314-JO 1-H005 I DCA-315 .. J01-H006 I DCA-i I6-J02-H003 I DCA-318-EOl-H002 I DCA-'.\ 18-EO l-H003 1 I 8*E02*HOOJ I DCA-318-E02-H004 I DCA-118-EQJ .. HOO I 1 DCA-J I 8-EOJ .. H004 I DCA-318-E04*H006 I DCA-'l l 8-E04*H007 J DCA-3 J 8-E05-H002 I DCA-1J8-H002 I DCA-l J 8-HOOJ ' DCA-118-H004 I DCA*3 l 9-H002 I DCA-119-HOOJ I DCA-J20-H002 TYPE PSA PSA PSA USf.GA PSA PSA PSA US EGA LlSEGA US EGA LISEGA LlSEGA LIS EGA LISEGA LIS EGA LIS EGA LIS EGA LISEGA LISEGA LISEGA LISEGA LISEGA LISEGA LISEGA LIS EGA LISEGA LISEGA LJSEGA LISEGA LISEGA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA SYSTEM ACCF.SSIBLE OR INACCESSIBLE AT NUMBER POWER 001 I 001 I O::i2 I 0j2 l 052 J 052 ) 052 I I 043 I 041 I 043 I 043 I 043 I 041 l 04J J 043 1 044 I 044 I 044 I 044 ( 044 I 051 I 0.5} ) 051 I 051 I 0'.51 I 051 I 051 ' 051 I 051 I 051 I 051 I 051 I 052 I 052 1 052 J t amec to ter wheeler Rev D Snubber Program Document -41i1 Interval ATTACHMENT A UNIT l SNUBBER DETAILS SYSTEM UNIT SNUBBER LOCATION TYPE NUMBER I DCA .. l20-H001 PSA 052 l DC'A-12 l-J03-H006 LISEGA OOI l DCA-32 I -J03-H007 US EGA 001 I DCA<122-JO I-HOO J (A) US EGA 044 I DCA-122-JO I-HOO I (B) LIS EGA 044 I DCA-323-JOt-HOOJ (A) LIS EGA 044 I DCA-121-JO I-HOO 1 (B) LISEGA 044 I DCC-IOl-HOl 9 PSA 044 r DCC-10 l-H020 PSA 044 I DCC-J01-H02 f (A) LISEGA 044 I DCC-101-H02 l(B) LIS EGA 044 I DCC-I 01-H022 PSA 044 l DCC-l0l*H027 PSA 044 I DCC-101-H032 PSA 044 I DCC-l03-H017(A) PSA 044 f DCC-I03-HO I 7(B) PSA 044 I DCC-lm-HOl8 PSA 044 I DCC-I01-H019 PSA 044 l DCC-I 03-H020 PSA 044 r OCC-l 03-H02 t PSA 044 I DCC-l 03*H022(A} US EGA 044 I DCC-I 01-H022(B) LIS EGA 044 I DCC-I 03-H023 PSA 044 I DCC-I 03-H024 PSA 044 I DCC-I 03-H025 PSA 044 I PSA 044 I DCC-I 03-H027 PSA 044 t DCC-I 03-H028(A) PSA 044 I DCC-I 03-H028(B) PSA 044 I DCC-I 03-H029 PSA 044 I DCC-I 03-H030(A) PSA 044 I DCC-I B) PSA 044 I occ .. 1 OJ-HOl r PSA 044 J DCC* I 01-H033 PSA 044 I PSA 044 I DCC-! OJ-H035 PSA 044 Page A-8 ACCESSIBLE OR INACCESSIBLE AT POWER 1 I 1 I I I I I I J J I I I l I I l I I I I r I I I I I I I I I I I I I amec foster wheeler LGS*525537-02-RP07. Rev 0 Snubber Progrum Document -4111 lnt<?rval UNIT I I I ( I I I I I I I I l I I J l I J I 1 I I I I I I I ' I I I r I f I ATTACHMENT A UNIT 1 SNUBBER DETAILS SYSTEM SNUBBER LOCATION TYPE NUMBER DCC*I03-H016 PSA 044 DCC-7 PSA 044 DCC-103-Hms PSA 044 DCC-101-HOW(A) PSA 044 DCC-I OJ-HOW(B) PSA 044 occ .. 1 O'l-H040 PSA 044 DCC-103-H04f(A) LlSEGA 044 DCC-I 01-H041 (B) LISEGA 044 DCC-I 03-H042 PSA 044 DCC-I 03-H043 PSA 044 DCC-I 04-HOOS(A) PSA 044 DCC-I 04-H005(B) PSA 044 DCC-I 04-H006 PSA 044 DCC-104-HOI t(A) PSA 044 DCC-104-HOJ J(B) PSA 044 DCC-104-H014 PSA 044 DCC-l 04-H020 PSA 044 DCC-104-H02 I PSA 044 DCC-I 04-H022 PSA 044 DCC.* I 04-H024(A) LISEGA 044 DCC-f 04-H024(B) US EGA 044 DLA-J 01-EO I *H002 LISEGA 006 DLA-I 06-EO 1-H002 LISEGA 006 DLA-I07-HOl I PSA 006 DLA-107-HOl 3 PSA 006 DLA-107-HOl4 PSA 006 DLA-107*HOt9 PSA 006 DLA-&07-H020 PSA 006 DLA-I07-H021 PSA 006 DLA-l.07-H024 PSA 006 DLA-I07-H029 PSA 006 DLA-I08*H009 PSA 006 DLA-l08-HO 12 PSA 006 DLA*I08-HOl5 PSA 006 DLA-JQ8 .. H017 PSA 006 DLA-108-HOJ9 PSA 006 Page A-9 ACCESSIBLE OR INACCESSIBLE AT POWER [ I I I [ I ' t l I I 1 I I I I I ( t J I I [ I [ 1 r f I I I I I J J I amec Foster wheeler J Rev 0 Snubber Program Document -41b [ntefvnl UNIT I I I I I I I t I l I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I 1 I I I I ) l I l I I ATTACHMENT A UNIT 1 SNUBBER DETAILS SYSTEM SNUBBER LOCATION TYPE NUMBER DLA-108*H022 PSA 006 DLA-108-H023 PSA 006 DLA-I 08-H027 PSA 006 DLA-I 10-H003 PSA 052 DLA .. l IO..HOOS PSA 052 DLA*l 1 J-H003 PSA DLA* l t 1-H005 PSA OS2 DLA-1 12-H009 PSA 051 DLA-112-HOIO PSA 051 DLA-112-HOJI PSA 051 DLA-112-H015 PSA 051 DLA*l 12-HOl6 PSA 051 DLA-l 12-HOl7 PSA 051 DLA-I 12-HOl8 PSA 051 DLA-I l2-HOl9 PSA 051 DLA-I J2-H020 PSA 051 DLA-I J2-H02 I PSA 051 DLA-l l 2-H022 PSA 051 DLA-I l 2-H023 PSA 051 DLA-112-H024 PSA 051 DLA-112-H025 PSA 05l EBB-101-H018(A) PSA 001 EBB-IOl-H018(B) PSA 001 EBB-10l*H019(A} PSA 001 EBB*IOl-HOJ9(B) PSA 001 EBB-IOJMHOl 6(A) PSA 001 EBB-I03-H016(B) PSA 001 EBB-104-HOl 5 PSA 001 EBB-l06-H005(AJ PSA 001 EBB-I06-H005(8} PSA 001 EBB-I06-H006(A) PSA 001 EB B-106-H006( B) PSA 001 EBB*I 06-HOIO(A) PSA 001 EBB* l I O(B) PSA 001 EBB* I 07-H005(A) PSA 001 EBB-I 07-H005(B) PSA 001 Pnge A-10 ACCESSIBLE OR POWER I J I I I l I I I I I I I I I I J J I ! I I I I l I I I ( I I I l I I I amec foster wheeler LGS*525517*02-RP07. Rev 0 Snubber Program Document .. 4111 Interval Pnge A-11 ATTACHMENT A UNITl SNUBBER DETAILS UNIT SNUBBER LOCATION ' EBB-l07-H006 I EBB-108-EOl-HOOJ l EBB-I 08*H002 [ EBB* I 08*H004 I EBB-I08*H016 I EBB-I08-HOl9 I EBB-108-H02l I EBB* I 08*H026 J EBB-I08-H032 ' I EBB-108-H035 ( EBB-t08-HOJ7(A) I EBB-108*H037(B) I EBB* I 08-H038(A) I EBB-108-H0:\8(8) 1 EBB-108-HO:l9 I EBB* I 08-H040 I EBB-109-H002 I EBB-109-HOOS I EBB-109-H012 l EBB-109-H016 I EB B-109-H02J I EBB-109-H035 I EB B-109-H036 I EBB-109-H017 I EBB-109-H038 I EBB-109-H019 I EB B-109-H040 I EBB-109-H041 J EB B-109-H046 I EBB .. f 14-JOl-HOOS I EBB-114-JOJ .. H006 I EBB-[ 15*JOl*H002 1 EBB-12f-H027 I EBB*l21-H038 I TYPE PSA LlSEGA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA LfSEGA US EGA LISEGA PSA PSA PSA SYSTEM ACCESSIBLE OR NUMBER INACCESSIBLE AT POWER 001 I 055 A 055 A 055 A 055 A 055 A 055 A 055 A 055 A 055 A A 055 A A 055 A 05$ A 055 A 055 A 049 A 049 A 049 A 049 A 049 A 049 A 049 A 049 A 049 A 049 A 049 A 049 A 049 A 049 A 049 A 055 A 051 A 051 A 055 A 'V amec taster wheeler <$

LGS-!i25517-02*RP07, Rev 0 Snubber Program Document -4th Interval UNIT t I 1 l I 1 l I I l I I I I I I J I l I I I I l I l J t I I I I I I I r ATTACHMENT A UNIT 1 SNUBBER DETAIL.." SYSTEM SNUBBER LOCATION TYPE NUMBER EBB-I 29-HOOS(B) PSA 0;)5 EB B-129-HOOS A PSA 055 EBB-129-HOIOA PSA 0).4' EBB-f29-H01 IA(A) PSA 055 EBB-129-HOl IA(B) PSA 055 EBB-129*H018 PSA 055 EBB-l 29-H036 PSA 055 EBB-l29-H047 PSA 055 EBB* I 29-H049 PSA 055 EBB-129-H051 PSA 055 EBB-129-H058 PSA 055 EBB-I JJ .. 01F-H002 US EGA 051 EBB-1 l l-HOOl PSA 052 EBB-131-H004 PSA 052 EBB* I JI *H006 PSA 052 EBB .. t 31-HOIO(A) PSA 052 EBB-131-HOIO(B) PSA 052 EBB-IJ2-H001 PSA 052 EBB-JJ5.H020 PSA 049 EBB-I 35-HOJO PSA 049 EBD .. J08-HOJ6 PSA 001 EB Q .. l 08-H024 PSA 001 EB D-I 08-H029 PSA 001 EBD-I08-H032 PSA 001 EBD-108-H033 PSA 001 EBD ... t08-H014(A) US EGA 001 EB D-108-H034(B) LIS EGA 001 EBD*l IO*H007 PSA 001 EBD-111-HOl 1 PSA 007 EBD-l 1 l-HOJ4 PSA 007 EBD-l 12*HOl7 PSA 001 EBD-J 12-H018 PSA 001 EB D-112-H020(A) PSA 001 EBD-l 12-H020(B) PSA 001 EBD-l 11-H024 PSA 001 EBD-11 PSA oor PageA-12 E 'i.f amec foster wheeler 4$

LGS-.525517-02-RP07, Rev 0 Snubber Program Document .. 4*b Interval UNIT I I I ' I I I 1 I l I I I I I I I I I t I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I ' ATTACHMENT A UNIT 1 SNUBBER DETAILS SYSTEM SNUBBER LOCATION TYPE NUMBER EBD-l 18-H017(A) PSA 001 EBD-l 18*H017(B) PSA 001 EBD-118*H020 PSA 001 EBD-l l8-H02S P<;A 001 EBD-118-H026(A) PSA 001 EBD-1I8*H026(8) PSA 001 EBD*l 18-H028(A) PSA 001 EBD-J 18-H028(B) PSA 001 EBO-I 18-HOJS PSA 001 EBO-I t9-H024 PSA 001 EB0-119-H025 PSA 001 EBD* I 19-H01'.l(A) PSA 001 EBQ .. J 19-H011(B) PSA 001 EBD-119-H034(A) PSA 001 EHD-119-HOl4(B) PSA OOJ EBD* 1 l 9-H035(A) PSA 001 EBD*l l9-H01'.i(B) PSA 001 EBD-120-11032 PSA 001 EBD-I 20-H04 I PSA 001 EBD-120-H049(A) PSA 001 EB D* I 20*H049(B) PSA 001 EB D* I 20-H050( A) PSA OOJ EBD .. f 20-HOSO(B) PSA 001 EBD-12Q..H06l(A) PSA 001 EBD-120*H061(8} PSA 001 ECB .. f 11-H008 PSA 051 ECB-l I l-H009 PSA 051 ECB-111-HOIO PSA 051 ECB-111-HOl I PSA 051 ECB-1 l l*HOl2 PSA 051 ECB-11 J-HOl3 PSA 051 ECB-1 J !-HOl4 PSA 051 ECB-1I1-HOi5 PSA 051 ECB-J J 1-H016 PSA OSI ECB-1 I l-H018 PSA 051 1 l-H019 PSA 051 ACCESSIBLE OR INACCESSIBLE AT POWER I ( I r I [ I I I I I t I I I l J I I J I I I I I I I I I l I J I I J J amec foster wheeler LGS-52!i517*02-RP07. Rev 0 Snubber Progrum Document -4tJ1 UNIT I I I { I I I I I 1 I I I I J r l t l I l I I I l I l I I I I I ( I I I ATTACHMENT A UNIT 1 SNUBBER DETAILS SYSTEM SNUBBER LOCATION TYPE NUMBER ECB-J l 1-H020 PSA 0)1 ECB*f t l-H02 I PSA 05l ECB .. J l 1-H022 PSA 051 ECB-l l T-H023 PSA 051 ECB-t t l -H024 PSA ECB-l I PSA 051 ECB-1 l t-H026 PSA 051 ECB-l 11-H027 PSA 05 f ECB-l 1 l-H028 PSA 051 ECB*l 14-E02*H004i LISEGA 048 ECB-1 LJSEGA 048 ECC-J 05-H004 PSA 044 ECC-105-HOO? PSA 044 GBB-101-HOOI PSA 051 GBB*JOJ.H002 PSA GBB-IOl-H003 PSA 051 GBB-IOl-H005 PSA 051 GBB-101-H006 PSA 051 GBB-JOl-H007 PSA 051 GBB-10l-HOtJ PSA 051 GBB-JOJ-H020 PSA 051 GBB-IOl-H025 PSA 051 GBB-JOl-H030(A) PSA 051 GBB-I01-H030(8) PSA 051 GBB-IOl-H03l PSA 051 GBB-101-H032 PSA 051 GBB-IOl-HO'n PSA 051 GBB-102-HOOI PSA 051 GB B-102-H002(A) PSA 051 GBB-102-H002(8) PSA 051 GBB-102-HOO; PSA 0.51 GBB-102-H004(A) PSA 051 GBB-I02 .. H004(8) PSA 051 GBB-102* H008(A) PSA 051 GBB-J02-H008(B) PSA 0i;1 GBB-102-HOIO(A) PSA 051 PngeA-14 CCESSIBI.,E OR INACCESSIBLE AT POWER J I I I I ' I 1 I A A I I A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A amec foster wheeler .,

1..GS-52.55:l7-02-RP07, Rev 0 Snubber Progrum Document -4111 Interval UNl'f I I J I f I I I I l I I t 1 l I J I f I I I I ' [ I l I I I I I I 1 I I ATIACHMENT A UNIT 1 SNUBBER DETAILS SYSTEM SNUBBER LOCATION TYPE NUMBER GBB*l02-HOIO(B} PSA 051 GBB-102-H012 PSA 0')1 GBB-l02*H014(A) PSA o*n GBB-l02-HOl4(B) PSA 05l GBB-102*HOf9 PSA 051 GBB-102-H020 PSA 0:51 GBB-102-H024 PSA 051 PSA GBB-102-H027(A) PSA 051 GBB-I02-H027(B) PSA 051 GBB-102-H028 PSA 051 GBB-102-HOJO PSA 051 GBB-102-HOJI PSA 051 GBB-I02-HO:H PSA 051 GBB-102*H014(A) PSA O:'il GB B-102-H034(B) PSA 051 GBB-102-HOJ5 PSA 051 GBB-103-HOOI PSA 051 GBB-105-H009 PSA 051 GBB-105-HOIO PSA 051 GBH-105-H012 PSA 05 l GBB-I05-HOl3 PSA 051 GBB-.105-H022 PSA 051 GBB-105-H029 PSA 051 GBB-105-H033 PSA 051 GBB*I06-H007 PSA OSI GBB-106-HOOS PSA 051 GBB-106-H009 PSA 051 GBB*107-H007 PSA OSI GBB-107-HOOS PSA 05l GBB-107-HOIO PSA 051 GBB-107-HOr t PSA 051 GBB-107-HOJ2 PSA 051 GBB-J07-H016 PSA OSJ GBB-107-HOl7 PSA 051 GBB-107-H026(A) PSA 051 Page A-15 ACCESSIBLE OR INACCESSIBLE AT POWER A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A arnec foster wheeler Rev 0 Snubber Progrum Document .. 4'11 Interval Pngc A-16 ATTACHMENT A UNIT 1 SNUBB.ER DETAILS UNIT SNUBBER l..OCA TION I GBB-f07*H026(B} 1 GBB-t 07-H027 1 GBB-107-H028 ' GBB-108-H009 I GBB-I08-HOl4 I GBB-109-H034 I GBB-t09-H038 I I GB B-109-H049 l GBB-J 11-H006 I GBB-l 12-H005 I GBB-f t2-H03 I I GBB-112-H041 l GBB-l 12-H047 I GBB-l 12-H048 l 12-HOSO(A) I GBB-112-HOSO(B) [ I GBB-l 11-H029(A) l GBB-l 13-H029(B) ' GBB-l 13-H030 I 13-H014 ( GBB-113-H01:S l GBB-1 l J-H016 I GBB-l I ':\-H037 I GBB-113-H039 I GBB-r 11-H040 l GBB-l 11-H041 I GBB-111-H043 I G.BB-l l3*H044 l GBB-11 i-H046 f GBB-l 13-H052 I GBB-114-H005 J GBB .. f J 6-02F-H006 I GBB-f 16-H038 I GBB-l 16*H05 l TYPE PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA LISEGA PSA PSA SYSTEM ACCESSIBI .. E OR NUMBER INACCESSIBLE AT POWER A Oil A A O'lt A 051 A A 051 A 0.5 J A 051 A 051 A 052 A 052 A 052 A OS2 A 052 A 052 A 052 A 052 A 052 A 052 A 052 A 052 A 052 A 052 A 052 A 052 A 052 A 052 A 052 A 052 A 052 A O:'i2 A 052 A 051 A 051 A 05f A s amec foster wheeler 4 Rev 0 Snubber Program Document

  • 4tlt lntervul UNlT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I I I I I l I 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I I 1 ATTACHMENT A UNIT 1 SNUBBER DETAILS SYSTEM SNUBBER LOCA TlON TYPE NUMBER GBB*l PSA 051 GBB-117-11004 PSA QC\J GBB-117-HOIO PSA O'H GBB-117-HOl2 PSA 05f GBB-l 17-H017 PSA 051 GBB-l 17-H019 PSA 0.51 GBB-l 17-H02 I PSA 051 GBB-118-HOt'i(A) PSA 05l GBB-118-HOlS(B) PSA O'il GBB-l 18*H025(A) PSA 051 GBB-1 t8-H025(B) PSA OSI GBB-l 18-H028 PSA 051 GBB-118-H029 PSA 051 GBB*I 18-H03J PSA 051 GBB-118-H034 PSA O'il GBB-l 18-H035 PSA 05! GBB-1l8-Ho:\7 PSA 051 GBB-l 18-H041 PSA 05l GBB*1 J 8-H045 PSA 051 GBB*l 18-H049(A) PSA 051 GB B-l I 8-H049(B) PSA 051 GBB-J 18-H05l PSA 051 GBB*l J8-H054 PSA 051 GBB*I 18-H056(A) PSA 051 GBB*l 18-HOS6(B) PSA 051 GBB-f 18-HOS9 PSA 051 GBB-t 18-H060 PSA 051 GBB-l 18-H06J PSA 051 GBB-1 f8-H062(A) PSA 051 GBB-l 18-H062(B) PSA 051 GBB .. f 18-H063 PSA 051 GBB-t 18-H064 PSA 051 GBB-1 l8-H065 LISEGA 051 GBB-118-H066 LJSEGA 051 GBB-l J8-H067 PSA 051 GBB .. J 18-H068 PSA 051 A-17 ACCESSJBl .. E OR INACCESSIBLE AT POWER A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A amec foster wheeler LGS-i25!l.J7-02-RP07, Rev 0 Snubber Progrnm Document -4'h Interval Page A-18 ATTACHMENT A UNIT 1 SNUBBER DETAILS UNIT SNUBBER LOCATION I GBB-118-HO?I I GBB-118*H072 t GBB-l 18-H078 l GBB-i 18-H081 I GBB-l l9-H009 I GBB-J 19-HOl I (A) I GBB-119-HOl l(B) I GBB-119-H016A t GBB*l 19-HOl7(A) I GBB*I 19-H017(B) I GBB-119-H0l8{A) I GBB-119wHOJ8(B) I GBB-J 19-HO I 8(C) I GBB-119-H025 l GBB-119-HOJJ I GBB*l 19-H040 t GBB-l 19-H041(A) I GBB-119-H041(8) I GBB-119-H04J I GBB-J 19-H045 I GBB*J 19-H046 I GBB-119-H047 I GBB-119-H060(A) I GBB-l I 9-H060{B) l GBB-119-H063 I GBB-J J9-H070(A) I GBB-119-H070(B) 1 GBB*l 19-H075 I GBB-1 f9-H079 I GBB-l l9-H081 I GBB .. J I9-H082 f GBB-119-HOS3 I GBB-119-H087 I GB B-119-H088 I G8B .. l 19-H089 I GBB* 1 l9-H092 TYPE PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA SYSTEM ACCESSIBLE OR NUMBER CNACCESSJBLE AT POWER 051 I O'il A 04;1 A 051 A Oil A O'il A 011 A A 051 A 051 A 04il A 051 A 051 A 051 A 051 A 051 A 051 A 051 A 051 A 051 A 051 A 051 A 051 A 051 A 051 A 051 A OSI A 051 A 051 A 051 A 051 A 051 A 051 A 051 A 051 A 051 A amec foster wheeler i..."'6 LGS-525517-02-RP07. Rev 0 Snubber Program Documen l -4111 lnlervnl UNIT I I I I I I I I I J I ( I I l I l 1 I J l I I I I I I I l l 1 1 I I 1 I ATTACHMENT A UNIT 1 SNUBBER DETAILS SYSTEM SNUBBER LOCATION TYPE NUMBER GBB-l 19-H091(A) PSA 0'11 GBB-l 19-H091(B} PSA GBB-1 J9-H097 PSA O'll GBB-119*H098 PSA 0<>1 GBB-119-H099 PSA 051 GBB-119-H IOO(A) PSA 051 GBB-l l9-H 100(8) PSA 05J GBB-119-H to I PSA 051 GBB-1l9-H104 PSA OSI GBB-119-H106 PSA OBB-J J9-HJ08 PSA GBB-l 20-H004 PSA OSI GBB-120-H007(A) PSA 051 GBB-120*H007(B) PSA 051 GBB-J'20-H008(A) PSA 051 GBB-120-H008(B) PSA 051 GBB-120-H009 PSA 051 GBB-123-E04-HOOJ LISEGA 0.51 GBB-126-E08-H004 LIS EGA 051 GB8-126--E09-H004 LISEGA 052 GBC-101-H060 PSA 001 GBC .. t0t-H061 PSA 001 GBC*I01-H061 PSA 001 GBC-l 01-H065 PSA 001 GBC-101-H07f PSA 001 GBC*I01-H075 PSA 001 GBC-JOJ.H076 PSA 001 PSA 001 GBC-IOl-H082 PSA 001 PSA 001 GBC-IOl*H087 PSA 001 GBC-IOl-H088 PSA 001 GBC-101-H092 PSA 001 GBC-l01-H097 PSA 001 GBC-101-H098 PSA 001 GBC IOl-H IOO PSA 001 Pagt! A-l9 ACCF.SSIBLE OR INACCESSIBLE AT POWER A A A j A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A I I I 1 I I I I l I I I 1 I I I amec foster wheeler ::.:

LGS-:12.i!517-02-RP07, Rev 0 Snubber Program Document

  • 41b lntervol UNIT l I I I I I J I l I J I I I I t I f I 1 I I I I I I I I I I ' t I I I I ATTACHMENT A UNIT 1 SNUBBER DETAILS SYSTEM SNUBBER LOCATION TYPE NUM.BER GBC-101-HIOI PSA 001 GBC-101-H 101 PSA OOt GBC-IOJ-H 104 PSA 001 GBC-l01-HI05 PSA OOJ GBC-lOl-HI 14 PSA OOJ GBC-101-Hl 19 PSA 001 GBC-IOl-Hf29 LISEGA OOJ GBC-101-H 131 PSA OOl GBC-IOl-H 132 PSA 001 GBC-101-HB3 PSA OOJ GBC-101-H D:5 PSA 001 G BC-I 01-H 138 LISEGA 001 GBC-IOl-H 139 PSA 001 GBC-.IOl-Hl40 LlSEGA oor GBC-101-H 141 PSA 001 GBC-fOl-H 143 PSA 001 GBC*lOJ*H 144 PSA 001 GBC-101-H 145 PSA 001 GBC-101-H 151 PSA 001 GBC-101-H 153 PSA 001 GBC-IOJ-H 154 PSA 001 GBC-101-H 155 PSA 001 GBC-JOl-H156 PSA 001 GBC-101-H 164 PSA 001 GBC-101-H 165 PSA 001 GBC-10t-Hl68 PSA OOl GBC-I01-Hl69 PSA OOI GBC-101-H J 89(A) PSA OOJ GBC* IO 1-H f 89(8) PSA 001 GBC-fOl-1-1190 PSA oor GBC-101-H 19l(A) PSA 001 GBC-101-Hl91(8) PSA 001 GBC-IOl*H 192 PSA 001 GBC-101-HJ94 PSA 001 GBC-J01-H197 PSA 001 GBC-101-H 198 PSA OOf Page A-20 I i'.. \f amec foster wheeler ........

LGS-5255:17-02-RPO?, Rev 0 Snubber Program Document* 4'" lntervul UNIT 1 I I l I I I I I I I f I I 1 I I ) I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I ATTACHMENT A UNIT 1 SNUBBER DETAILS SYSTEM SNUBBER LOCATION TYPE NUMBER GBC-102-HOOI LISEGA 012 GBC-102-H006(A) PSA 011 GBC-l02-H006(B) PSA 012 GBC-102-H009 PSA 012 GBC-lff\-l-t007 PSA 012 GBC-104-H002 PSA 012 GBC-104-H007 PSA 012 GBC-I04-H008 PSA 012 GBC-l 10-H004(A) PSA 012 GBC-l IO-H004(B) PSA 012 GBC-l 10-H007 PSA 012 GBC-203-H008 PSA 012 GBC-203-H009 PSA 012 GBC-21 O-H004(A) PSA 012 GBC-210-H004(B) PSA 012 GBC-21 O-H007 PSA 012 GBD-137-H004 PSA 050 HBB-IOl*H009 PSA 049 HBB-JOl-HOl2 PSA 049 HBB-101 .. HOIJ PSA 049 HBB-l01-HOl4 PSA 049 HBB-IOJ-H016 PSA 049 HBB*I02-H007 PSA 049 HBB-103-H004 PSA 049 HBB-l03-H006 PSA 049 HBB-IOJ-H007 PSA 049 HBB-104-H030 PSA 049 HBB-108-H004 PSA 055 HBB-108-H009(A} PSA H BB-I 08-H009(B) PSA 055 HBB-108-HOl 1 PSA 055 HBB-109-HOOI PSA 055 HBB-109-H004 PSA O'i5 HBB .. 109*H005 PSA 055 HBB .. f 09-Hfl06(A) PSA 055 HBB-109-H006(B) PSA 055 Pngt! A-21 ACCESS INACCES POWE A ' arnec foster wheeler .... I .

LGS-525517 *02-RP07. Rev 0 Progrum Document-41h Interval UNIT I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I l r I I J 1 t I I l I I I I I I ATTACHMENT A UNIT 1 SNUBBER DETAILS SYSTEM SNUBBER LOCATION TVPE NUMBER HBB-1 IO-H004 PSA 055 HBB-t 17-HOl l PSA 051 HBB-117-HOl4 PSA 0:)1 HBB*l l7-H021(A) PSA 051 HBB-l 17-H02](8) PSA 051 HBB-117-H024(A} PSA 0.SJ

  • HBB-1 t7-H024(B} PSA 051 HBB-l PSA 051 HBB-117-H025(B) PSA 051 HBB-118-HOJO PSA 051 HBB-118*H03 I ?SA 051 HBB .. l 18-H0l4 PSA 051 HBB-118-H0'\6 PSA 051 HBB-J J8-H017 PSA O,il HBB-118-H018 PSA 051 HBB-l 18-H040(A) PSA 051 HBB-l 18-H040(B) PSA 051 HBB*ll8-H041 PSA 051 HBB-118-H044 PSA 051 HBB*l 18*H047 PSA 051 HBB-l 18-H048 PSA 051 HBB-118-H052 PSA 051 HBB-118-H055 PSA 051 HBB-J 18-H056(A} PSA OSJ HBB*l 18-H056(B) PSA 051 HBB .. l J8-H058 PSA OSI HBB-118*H059(A) PSA 05( HBB-118-H059(B) PSA 051 . PSA 051 HBB-118-H063(A) PSA 051 HBB-118-H06l(B) PSA 05J HBB-l l8-H064 PSA 051 HBB*l 18-H070 PSA 051 HBB-118-H07 J(A} PSA 051 HBB-118-H07f(B) PSA 051 HBB-l f 8-H072 PSA 051 Pnge A-22 E* PO amec foster wheeler LGS-525517-02-RPOJ. Rev 0 Snubber Progrom Document -4i1i Interval UNIT 1 1 ' ' I I I I I J I I J I J J 1 I I J I l I I l I t I 1 I I I I f I ' ATTACHMENT A UNIT 1 SNUBBER DETAILS SYSTEM SNUBBER LOCATION TYPE NUMBER HBB-1 l8*H07::\ PSA 051 HBB-1 i8-H074 PSA HBB-l 18-H07'; PSA 0:11 HBB-1I8-H076 PSA 051 HBB-l 18-H077 PSA 051 HBB-l t8-H078 PSA 051 HBB*t PSA 051 H BB-118-HOSO PSA 051 HBB-1 l8-H082 PSA 051 HBB-118-H083 PSA 051 HBB-l l8-H085 PSA 051 HBB*I 18*H086 PSA 051 HBB-J 19-HOOJ PSA 051 HBB-119-H002(A) PSA 051 HBB-119-H002{B) PSA 051 HBB*l 19 .. H004 PSA 051 HBB-119-H006 PSA 051 HB B-1 J 9-HOOS PSA 051 HBB-1 J9-HOl3 PSA 051 HBB-l 19-H015(A) PSA 051 HBB-119-H015(B) PSA O'il HBB*l 19-HOl7 PSA 051 HBB-1 t9 .. HOl8 PSA 051 HBB-J20*HOIO PSA 052 HBB-l 20-HOl5 PSA 052 HBB-l 20-H023 PSA 052 HBB-120*H027 PSA 052. H B B-120-H028 PSA 052 HBB-120-H031 PSA 052 HBB-l 20*H034 PSA 052 HBB .. J24-H024 PSA 058 HBB-124-H035 LISEGA 058 HBB-124-H036 LIS EGA 058 HB B-I 24-H037 LIS EGA 058 HBB*l24-H038 PSA 058 HBB-t24-H040 PSA 058 Page A-21 OR INACCESSIBLE AT POWER A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A amec foster wheeler l$

LGS-.525.5.17*02-Rl'07, Rev 0 Snubber Document .. 4'" Interval UNIT I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I J I I I I I I I I I J I l I ( I I I I l I I 1 I I ATTACHMENT A UNIT 1 SNUBBER DETAILS SYSTEM SNUBBER LOCATION TYPE NUMBER HBB-125-H006 PSA HBB-l 2'5-H008 PSA 0'57 HBB-125-HOIO ?SA 057 HBB-126-H006 PSA O:'l8 HBB-126-HOJ 1 PSA 058 HBB*126-HOJ'.\ PSA 058 HBB-127-H006 PSA 058 HBB-127*H008 PSA 04'8 HBB-127-HOl3 PSA 058 HBB-t27-H014 PSA 058 HBB ... 127-H017 PSA 076 HBB*l27-H019(A) PSA 057 HBB-127-HOl9(B) PSA 057 HBB-127-H022 PSA 057 HBB-128-H005 PSA 058 HBB .. J28-H02l PSA 058 HBB-128*H022 PSA 0.58 HBB-128-H026(A) PSA 057 HBB-128-H026(B) PSA 057 H BB* 1 J4-H002 PSA 052 HBB-140*EOl-H008 LISEGA 051 HBB-140..EOt-HOl I LISEGA 051 HBB-l41-E13*HOOI LISEGA 043 HBB-141-Et3-H002 US EGA 043 H B B-14J-E l J-H003 LISEGA 041 HBB-141-E I 3-H007 LISEGA HBB-14l-E1 S*HOOJ US EGA 041 HBB-l43-E30-HOOI LIS EGA 051 H B B-14J*E10-H002 US EGA 051 HBB-145-H002 PSA 049 H B B-170-EO l-H001 US EGA 052 HBB-170-EJ2-H017 LISEGA 052 HBB-170-E21-HOIO US EGA 052 HBB*l 7fl..E27-HOIO LIS EGA 052 5(A) PSA Off 5(8) PSA OJ I PageA-24 ACCESSIBLE OR INACCESSIBLE AT POWER A A A A A A I ( [ I I J I l A A A A A A A A I I I I r I I A A A A A A A amec foster wheeler LGS-'i25517-02-RP07. Rev 0 Snubber Progrum Document .. 4*1t Interval UNIT I I I l I I l I t I I I I I l I l I l I I 1 I 1 I I I I J I I I I I I I ATTACHMENT A UNIT 1 SNUBBER DETAILS SYSTEM SNUBBER LOCATION TYPE NUMBER HBC-081-H004 PSA 011 HBC-081-H027 PSA Of I PSA OJI PSA 011 HBC-084-HO 18 PSA 011 HBC-084-H026(A) PSA 011 HBC-084-H026(B) PSA on HBC-091-H 164(A) PSA 012 HBC-091-H 164(8) PSA 0!2 HBC--091*HJ74(A) PSA Ot2 HBC-091-H 174(8) PSA 012 HBC-10l-H049 PSA 05] HBC-I09-EOl-H004 PSA 051 HBC-109-EOJ-H007 PSA 053 HBC-109-E02-HOOI PSA 051 HBC-I 09-E02-H001 PSA 05J HBC-J 09-E02-H004 PSA 053 HBC-PSA 051 H BC-f 09-E02-H006 PSA HBC-I 09-E02*H007 PSA 051 HBC-I 09-E02-H009 PSA 053 HBC-I 09-E02-HO I 0 PSA 053 HBC-I09-E02-H012 ?SA 053 HBC-I 09-E02-HO f 4 PSA 053 HBC-J 09-E05-H004 PSA 053 HBC-I J 5-HOJ4 PSA 061 PSA 011 HBC-152-HOOIA PSA OJI H8C-l52-H021 PSA 011 HBC-I 8J-H005(A) PSA 012 HBC-181-HOOS(B) PSA 012 HBC-J81-H010 PSA 012 PSA 012 PSA 012 HBC*280-H004(B) PSA 012 HBC-280-HOI J PSA 012 ACCESSIBLE OR INACCESSIBLE AT POWER A A A A A A A A A A A A I I ( I l I l I I I I I J A A A A A A A A A A A amec foster wheeler LGS-525.517-02-RPO?, Rev 0 Snubber Program Document* 4*h Interval UNIT l I I I 1 I I J I ) l I I I I I I 1 I I t I ' ' ) I I I I l I l l l I 1 ATTACHMENT A UNIT 1 SNUBBER DETAILS SYSTEM SNUBBER LOCATION TYPE: NUMBER HBC-291-HOI J PSA 011 HBC-<<i07-H 164(A) PSA 012 164(8) PSA Ol2 PSA Ol2 PSA 051 HBD-186-H045 PSA 008 HBD-186-H061 LJSf.GA 008 HBO* t 86-H091 l..ISEGA 008 HBD-186-H092 PSA 008 HBO-t86*H09., PSA 008 HBD-J95-H021 PSA 052 HCB-IOl-H012 PSA 048 HCB .. JOl-HOl8 US EGA 048 HCB*IOl*H024 LJSEGA 048 HCB*l01-H029 LISEGA 048 HCC-101-H0'.\8 PSA 053 MCC-101-H056 PSA 053 HCC.*l01*H057 PSA 053 HCC-I04-H00l(A) PSA 053 HCC-104-H003(8) PSA 053 HCC-I 04-H005(A) PSA 053 HCC-104-HOOS(B) PSA 053 HCC-I04-H007 PSA 053 HCC-104-H008 PSA 053 HCC-104-HOIS PSA 053 HCC-I04-H032 PSA 053 HCC-I05-H02J(A) LISEGA 053 HCC-I05-H023(B) LISEGA 053 HCC-I 05-H024 LISEGA 051 HCC-105-H027 PSA 053 HCC-PSA 051 HCC-l 1 t-H0.32 PSA 05l HCC*l 34*E19-H003 LISEGA 001 HCD-107-HOIJ PSA 008 HCD-107-H034 PSA 008 HCD-108-HOl J(A) LISEGA 008 Puge A-26 ACCESSIBLE OR INACCESSIBLE AT POWER A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 A A A amec foster wheeler <

LGS-.525517-02-RP07, Rt!v 0 PugcA-27 Snubber Program Document -4*1t Interval ATTACHMENT A UNIT 1 SNUBBER DETAILS UNIT SNUBBER LOCATION I HCD-I08-HO 13(8) I HCD-J 08-HO:l4 I HCD-108-H046 I HCD-J08-H054 I JB0..005*H046 t J BD-005-H047(A) I J BD--005-H047(B) I JBD-l J1 .. HOl8 ' JBD-1 J 3-H024 I JBD-111-HOJl I JBD-J IJ-HOJ8(A) 1 JBD-11J-H039(A) I JBD-1 t6-HOl8(A) I JBD-116-HOIS(B) I JBD-146-H020 I J BD-146-HOS I I JBD-J48-H027(A) I JBD-t48-H027(B) I J B D-I 48-H062 1 JBD-14&-H066{A) I JBD-148-H066(8) I J.BD-148-H070(A) I JBD-148-H070(B) l J BD* I 48 .. H07 J (A) I J B D-148-H07 J(B) I JBD-148-H073 I J I JBD-202-H048(8) I JBD-224-HOJ6(A) I J BD-224-H036(B) I JBD-361-HOJ J I JBD-16J .. H015 1 I JBDM16l-H019 I JCD-111-E48-H003 I JCD* 11 J-E52-H009 TYPE US EGA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA LIS EGA LISEGA SYSTEM ACCESSIBLE OR NUMB RR INACCESSIBLE AT POWER 008 A 008 A 008 A 008 A om A OlO A O!O A oro A OlO A OJO A OIO A 010 A om A 010 A OIJ A on A on A 013 A on A 013 A 013 A 013 A OD A on A on A 013 A 010 A OIO A OJO A 010 A 092 A 092 A 092 A 092 A 059 I 059 I -'J amec fo" ter wheeler .,

LOS-52.'i517-02-RP07, Rev 0 Snubber Program Document¥ 4111 Interval UNIT I I I I I I I I I t I f l I I t I ) I i f r t I I I I I ' , I I I I I I ATTACHMENT A UNIT 1 SNUBBER DETAILS SYSTEM SNUBBER LOCATION TYPE NUMBER SBD-078-F05-H011 LlSEGA 078 SBD-141-EOl-HOOJ LIS EGA 041 SBD-141-EOl-H002 LISEGA 041 . SBD-14"\-Eot-HOOl LISEGA 04'\ . SBD-141-EOl US EGA 043 SB D-l 41-E21-HOO I US EGA 041 SBD-141-FO'i-HOOI PSA 04J LIS EGA 04J SBD-141-F05-H004 PSA 04'l SBD-141-F05-H006 PSA 041 SBD-14J-F05-H007 PSA 041 SBD-141-F05-H008 PSA 041 SBD-J 4 l-F06-H003 LISF.GA 041 SBD-I43-F06-H004 LIS EGA 043

  • SBD-141-F07-H002 LJSEGA 04J SBD-141-F08 .. H004 LIS EGA 041 SBD-151-El5-H006 PSA 051 STG-1 MS-HOO I PSA 001 STG-1 MS-H002 PSA 001 STG-1 MS-H004 PSA 001 STG-1 MS-HOOS PSA 001 STG-1 MS-H007 PSA 001 STG-1 MS-HOOS PSA 001 STG* I MS-HO I 0 PSA OOJ STG-IMS-HOl I PSA 001 STG-1 MS-HOI9 PSA 001 STG* I MS-H020 LIS EGA 001 STG-1 MS-H02 l (A) LIS EGA 001 STG-f MS-H021(B) US EGA 001 STG* l MS-H022(A) LISEGA 001 STG-1 MS-H022(B) US EGA 001 VRR-lRD-HOOJ PSA 043 VRR .. J RD*H002 PSA 043 VRR-JRD-H001 PSA 043 V RR-1 RD-H004 PSA 041 VRR*IRD-H005 PSA 04l Pnge A-28 ACCESSIBLE OR INACCESSIBLE AT POWER A I f I I l I I I I f J I I I 1 I. I I 1 ( 1 I I l J l I I I I l I I I I amec fo* ter wheeler "';;

LGS-:125517-02-RP07, Rev 0 Snubber Program Document* 411t Interval UNIT l l ' I t I I l I I I I f I I 1 I I I I I ( I l 1 l I t I l I l I 1 I 1 ATTACHMENT A UNIT 1 SNUBBER DETAILS SYSTEM SNUBBER LOCATION TYPE NUMBER VRR-l RD-H006 PSA 041 VRR-IRD-H007 PSA 041 VRR*IRD-HOO& PSA 041 VRR-IRD-H009 PSA 043 VRR-lRD-HOIO PSA 043 VRR-1RD-HO11 PSA 04'.l VRR-IRD-HOl2 PSA 04J VRR-IRD-HOl3 PSA VRR-1 RD-H014 PSA 04'.\ VRR-IRD*HOJS PSA 043 VRR-IRO-HOl6 PSA 043 VRR-IRD-H017 PSA 04J VRR-IRD-HOl8 PSA 041 VRR-IRD-HOJ9 PSA 04J VRR-J RO-H020 PSA 041 VRR-1 RM .. H002 PSA 043 VRR-1 RM-Hom PSA 043 VRR-lRM-H005 PSA 041 VRR-J RM-H006 PSA 041 VRR* l RM-H007 PSA 04:1 VRR-IRM-H008 PSA 04J VRR-lRP-HOOl PSA 043 VRR-IRP-H002 PSA 041 VRR-IRP-H003 PSA 043 VRR-J RP-H004 PSA 043 VRR*1 RP-HOOS PSA 043 VRR .. lRP .. H006 PSA 043 VRR-1 RS-HOO I PSA 043 VRR-1 RS-H002 PSA 043 VRR*l RS-H003 PSA 043 VRR-l RS-H004 PSA 043 VRR-IRS-H005 PSA 043 VRR-1 RS-H006 PSA 043 VRR-J RS-H007 PSA 043 VRR-f RS-HOOS PSA 04'.l VRR*IRS-H009 PSA 04:-\ Page A-29 ACCESSIBLE OR INACCESSIBLE AT POWER I r I [ l r l I l I I I J I I. I l I I ' l l I l I I I I I I J I I l I I amec foster Wheeler Re\ 0 Snubber Program Document

  • 4*h lntcrvul Page A-30 ATTACHMENT A UNIT 1 SNUBBER DETAILS UNIT SNUBBER LOCA TlON TYPE ' VRR-t RS-HO 10 PSA I PSA I XRE*IXH-HOl7 PSA I XRE-1 XH .. H020 PSA I XRE-lXH-H029 PSA Total= I 049 Tech Spec = YES SYSTEM ACCESSIBLE OR NUMBER INACCESSIBLE AT POWER 041 r 092 A 092 A 092 A 092 A '1 amec foste1 JS; LGS-525517-02-RPO?, Rev 0 Snubber Program Document -Interval Page B-t ATTACHMENT B UNIT 2 SNUBBER DETAILS UNIT SNUBBER LOCATION 2 APE-2MS-HOO:\ 2 APE-2MS-H005 2 APE-2MS-H006 2 APE-2MS-HOl 1 2 APE-2MS*HO 11 2 APE-2MS .. HO 14 2 APE-2MS-HOl 5 2 APE-2MS-H022 2 APE-2MS-HOB 2 APE-2MS-H024 2 APE-2MS .. H029 2 APE-2MS-H03 I 2 APE-2MS-HOl2 2 OBA-206-H006 2 DBA*W6-H007 2 DBA-206-HOIO 2 DBA-206-HOl2 2 DBA-206-HOl 3 2 DBA-206-H014 2 DBA-207 .. HOl2 2 DBA-207-HOl 3 2 DBA-207-HOf 6 2 DBA-207-HOJ7 2 DBA-207-HOIS 2 DBA-207-H022 2 DBA-207-H02J 2 DBA-208-E02-HOOI 2 DBA-2Q8 .. E02*H002(A) ') DBA-208-E02-H002(.8)
  • 2 DBA-208-E02-HOIO 2 DBA-208-E02-HOJ I 2 DBA-208-E02-HO I 2(A) 2 DBA-208-EQ2 .. HO I 2(B) 2 DBA-2 l0-EOl-H002 2 DBA-210-EO 1-HOOJ 2 DBA-210-EOl-H004 TYPE PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSB PSB PSB PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSS PSB PSA LISEGA LISEGA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA SYSTEM ACCESSIBLE OR INACCESSIBLE AT NUMBER POWER 041 I 041 I 041 I 041 I 041 I 041 l 041 ' 041 l 04) I 041 I 041 J 041 I 041 I 055 ( I J 055 I 055 I 055 J 055 l 049 J 049 I 049 I 049 1 049 [ 049 I 041 I 041 I 041 1 041 I 041 I 041 I 041 1 041 I 041 I 041 J v a. nee wheeler 1$

Re\ 0 Snubber Program Document -4*b Jntcrvul UNJT 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ATTACHMENT 8 UNIT 2 SNUBBER DETAILS SYSTEM SNUBBER LOCATION TYPE NUMBER DBA-210-EOl-HOO'i PSA 041 DBA-2JOMEOJ-H006 PSA 041 DBA-210-EO I -H007 PSA 041 DBA*210-EOt-H009 PSA 041 DBA-2 l 2-H004 PSA 041 DBB-212-HOOl(A) LIS EGA 044 DBB-212-HOOI (8) LISEGA 044 DBB-212-H004 PSA 041 DBD-205-H004 PSA 041 DBD-205-HOOS PSA 041 DBD*205-H006 PSA 041 DCA-20 l-H003 PSA 044 DCA-20J-H008 PSA 044 OCA-201-H009 PSA 044 OCA-201-HOJO PSA 044 DCA-201-HOI J PSA 044 DCA-201-HOl4 PSB 044 DCA-201-HOI PSA 044 DCA-201-HOJ6 PSA 044 DCA-201-H047 PSA 044 DCA-201*H048 PSA 044 DCA-201-H049 PSA 044 OCA-10J .. H052 PSA 044 OCA-201-H055 PSA 044 DCA-201-HOS6 PSA 044 DCA-201 .. H057 PSA 044 DCA-20J*H060 PSA 044 DCA-20 J-H062 PSA 044 DCA-201-H063 PSA 044 DCA-201-H064 PSA 044 OCA*201-H065(A) PSA 044 DCA-20 r-H065(B) PSA 044 DCA-201-H068 PSA 044 DCA-20 l-H069 PSA 044 DCA-20 l-H070 PSA 044 DCA-20 I *H07 t PSA 044 Pnge B-2 ACCESSIBLE OR INACCESSIBLE AT POWER J l I I I I I r I I I I 1 J J I I I I f l I J I I 1 r I l f I I J I I I . '"""' amec foster Wheeler LGS-525517-02-RP07. Rev 0 Snubber Progrum Document -4111 Interval ATTACHMENTB UNIT 2 SNUBBER DETAILS SYSTEM UNIT SNUBBER LOCATION TYPE NUMBER 2 DCA-201-H071(A) PSA 044 2 DCA-201-H071(B) PSA 044 2 DCA-204-EOl-HOOI LISEGA 05l 2 DCA-204-EOl-HOOJ LISEGA 051 2 DCA-204-E01-H004 LISEGA 051 2 DCA-204-E03-H009 LISEGA 051 2 DCA-204-E01-HOI 1 PSA 051 2 DCA-204-E01-HO J '.\ PSA 051 2 DCA-204 .. HO f 5 PSA 051 2 DCA .. 204-H017 PSA 051 2 DCA-204-HOl8 PSA 051 2 DCA-204-H02 I PSA 0.51 2 DCA-204-H021 PSA 051 2 DCA-204-H0.26 PSA 051 2 DCA-204-H027 PSA OSI 2 DCA*204*H028 PSA 051 2 DCA-205-E02-H002 LISEGA 05 l 2 DCA-205-E02-H001 US EGA 2 DCA-205-H007 PSA 051 2 DCA-205-HOOS PSA 051 2 DCA-205-H009 PSA 051 2 DCA-205-H015 PSA 2 DCA-205-HOf 6 PSA 051 2 DCA-2 l 6-E02-HOO l PSA 043 2 DCA-2 l 6-E02-HO J 0 US EGA 041 2 DCA* 2 l 7-E02*H001 LIS EGA 041 2 DCA-2 l 7-E02-HOIO PSA 043 2 DCA-218-E02-HOO I LlSEGA 043 2 DCA*218-E02-H002 LlSEGA 043 2 DCA-219-EO l-H004 LISEGA 043 2 DCA-219-EOl-H007 LIS EGA 043 2 DCA-220-E01-H006 LIS EGA 043 2 DCA-220* E03-H007 USEGA 041 2 DCA-220-E03-H008 USEGA 043 2 DCA-221-EOJ*HOOJ(A) USEGA 2 DCA-221-EO 1-H001(B) US EGA 043 PagcB*3 ACCESSIBLE OR INACCESSIBLE AT POWER I I I [ I I [ I [ I I I I I l [ I I l I I l 1 l I J I 1 I J I I I l I I arnec foster wheeler LGS-52S517*02-RP07. 0 Snubber Progrum Document -4rh Interval ATTACHMENT B UNIT 2 SNUBBER DETAILS SYSTEM UNIT SNUBBER LOCATION TYPE NUMBER 2 OCA-222-EO l-H004 USEGA 04'\ 2 DCA-22J-EO l-H006 LJSEGA 041 2 DCA-221-EO t-H007 LJSEGA 2 DCA-221-EO I *HOOS USEGA 041 2 DCA*225-EO 1-H002 USEGA 041 2 DCA-226-E02-H002 LISEGA 041 2 DCA-228-EO 1-H002 USEGA 04"\ 2 DCA-229-EO l -H002 LlSEGA 041 2 DCA-229-EO 1-HOO'l LISEGA 04.3 2 DCA-210-EOl-HOOl LIS EGA 041 2 DCA .. 210-E02-HOOI LISEGA 043 2 I -HOOS US EGA 04:\ 2 DCA-2l 1-EOl-H009 US EGA 043 2 DCA-2'.1 l .. EOl-HOIO US EGA 041 2

  • J USEGA 041 2 DCA-235-E02-H004 LJSEGA 041 2 DCA*217*E02-HOO l US EGA 041 2 DCA-218-E02-HOO I LIS EGA 041 2 DCA-219-E02-HOOI US EGA 041 2 DCA-2'.'\9-E02* H002 LISEGA 041 2 DCA-240-E02-HOO I (A) LISEGA 041 2 DCA-240*E02-HOO I {B) USEGA 041 2 DCA-24J-E02-HOO I US EGA 055 2 DCA-243-E02-HOO 1 US EGA 041 2 DCA-244-E03-H002 LIS EGA 041 2 DCA-24t)-E03-H001 US EGA 041 2 DCA-246-E03*HOO I US EGA 04f 2 DCA-247-E02*HOOJ LISEGA om 2 DCA-248 .. EOJ-H<}{) l PSA 041 2 DCA-248-E03-H002 LISEGA 041 2 DCA-2:10-E02-H002 LJSEGA 001 .., DCA-251-EOl-HOOZ LISEGA 041 "" 2 DCA-25 l-EOl-H001 US EGA oor 2 DCA-265-EOl-HOOJ LISEGA 055 2 DCA-266* E02-H004(A) LISEOA 049 2 DCA-266*E02-H004(B) LIS EGA 049 Page B-4 ACCESSIBLE OR INACCESSIBLE AT POWER f I I I I I i I I I f I I I l I J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r I I J r amec fo ter wheeler LGS-5255:17-02-RPO?, Rev 0 Snubber Progrnm Document. -4*h f nlcrval ATTACHMENT B UNIT 2 SNUBBER DETAILS SYS'fEM UNIT SNUBBER .LOCATION TYPE NUMBER 2 DCA-266-E02*HOO.

LGS-525517-02-RP07, Rev 0 Snubher Progrum Document* 4*h Interval UNIT 2 ., "' 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2* 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ATTACHMENT B UNIT 2 SNUBBER DETAILS SYSTEM SNUBBER LOCATION TYPE NUMBER DCA-406-E01-H004 LISEGA 042 DCA-407-EOl-H001 US EGA 042 OCA-408-EO I-HOO I PSA 042 OCA-408-EO l-H004 LJSEGA 042 DCA-410-EOl-HOOJ PSA DCA-4l0-EO1-H007 PSA 052 DCA-41Q..EOI-H010 PSA O'l2 DCA-41 l*EOl-HOOI US EGA 04l2 DCA-41 l*EOl-H005 LIS EGA 052 OCA .. 411 .. 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H016 PSA 04 EBB-209-H0l8 PSA 04 EBB-209-H020 PSA 04 EBB-209-H025 PSA 04 EBB-209-HOJO(A} PSA 04 EBB-209*H030(B) PSA 04 EBB-209*H015 PSA 04 EBB-209-Hff\6 PSB 04 EBB*209-H019 PSA 04 EBB-209-H040 PSA 04 EBB-209-H041 PSA 04 EBB-209-H042 PSA 05 EB B*221-H009(A) PSA 051 EB B-22 I 4H009(B) PSA 051 EB B-229-H006(A) PSA 05.5 EBB-229-H006(B) PSA 055 EBB-229-HOOB(A) PSA 055 EBB-229-HOOS(B) PSA 055 EB B-229-HO 14 PSA oss EBB-229-H022 PSA 055 EB 8-229-H044 PSA 055 EBB-229-H046(A) PSA 055 EB B-229-H046(B) PSA 055 EB B-231-HOOJ(A) PSA 052 EB B-23 J *H003(B) PSA 052 EBB-23 l*H004 PSA 052 EBD-208-H034 PSA 041 EBD-208-HOJ6 PSA 04J EBD-208-H0:\7 PSA 041 I O-H007 PSA 001 EBD-211-H009 PSA 007 EBD-211-H016 PSA 007 Page B-9 B 0 *F ... amec fo* te1 vvnee!er Rev 0 Snubber Program Document* 4111 Inlervnl Page B-IO UNIT 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ATTACHMENTB UNIT 2 SNUBBER DETAILS ACCESSIBLE OR SYSTEM SNUBBER LOCATION TYPE NUMBER INACCESSIBLE AT EBD-211-HOl8 EBD*212-HOJ7 EBD*2l2-HO 18 EBD-2J2-H020 EB D-211-H024 EB D-2 J J-H025 EBD-218-H017(A) EBD-218-H017{B) EB0-218-H020 EBD-218-H025 EBD-2 l 8-H026(A) EBD-218-H026(B) EBD-218-H028(A) EBD-2J8-H028(B) EB D-2 l 8-H038 EB D-2 l 9*H024 EB D-2 l 9-H025 EBD-219-Hm1(8) EBD-2 l 9-H034(A) EB0-2 l9-H034(B) EBD-219-H015(A) EBD-219*H035(B) EB D-220-H032 EB D-220-H04 I EB D-220*H049(A} EBD*220*H049(B) EBD-220-H050(A) EBD-220*H050(B) EB D*220*H06 I (A) f(B) GBB .. 2Ql*HOOJ GBB*201-H009 GBB-20t-H01 I GBB-201-HOl9 GBB*20l*H024 PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA 007 005 OO'i 005 OOJ 001 001 001 OOI 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 OOl 001 001 OOt 001 001 001 001 001 001 OOI 051 051 051 051 051 POWER I I I A v amec foster wheeler 1 LGS-.525.537-02-RP07. Rev 0 Snubber Progrom Document -4111 Interval UNIT 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ATTACHMENT B UNIT 2 SNUBBER DETAILS SNUBBER LOCATION TYPE SYSTEM NUMBER PSA 051 GB8-201-H012 PSA 051 GBB-201-Hff\5 PSA 051 GBB*201-H036(A} PSA 051 GBB-201-H016(B) PSA GB B-202*H002 PSA 051 GBB-202-H006(A) PSA 051 GBB-202-H006(B) PSA 051 GBB-202 .. H013 PSA 051 GBB-202-HOIB(A) PSA 051 GBB-202-HOIS(B) PSA 05' GB B-202-H028 PSA 051 GBB-202-H029 PSA OSI GBB .. 202-H0:\2 PSA OSI GB B*202-H013 PSA 051 PSA 051 GBB-202-H037(A) PSA 051 GBB-202*H037{B) PSA OSI GBB-202-H039 PSA 051 GBB-205-H002 PSB 051 GBB-205-HOOJ PSA 051 GB B-205*H007 PSA OSI GBB-205-HOOS PSA 051 GBB-205-HOt I PSA 051 GBB-205-H024 PSA 051 GB B-205*H025 PSA 051 PSA 051 GBB-207-HOl l PSA 051 GBB-207-HOl4 PSA 051 GBB*207-H030 PSA 051 GB B .. 207*H035 PSA 051 GB 8*207-H 016 PSA 051 GBB .. 209-H028 PSA 051 GBB-21 I-HOOS PSA 051 GBB*212-HOI9 PSA 052 GBB-211-HOO& PSA 052 Pnge B-11 I LGS-525jJ7*02-RP07, Rev 0 Snubber Progrum Document -4111 Interval UNIT 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 4 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ATTACHMENT B UNIT 2 SNUBBER DETAILS SYSTEM SNUBBER LOCATION TYPE NUMBER GBB-211*HOl1(A) PSA 052 GBB-2J 1-HOl 1(8) PSA 052 GB B-2 D-H04 I (A) PSA 052 GBB*211-H041(8) PSA 052 GBB*20-H052 PSA 052 GBB-2I1-H054 PSA GBB*21'i-H009 PSA 052 GBB-216-H051{A) PSA 05t GBB-2Jfi .. 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  • 41b Interval UNIT 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 :2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ATIACHMENT B UNIT 2 SNUBBER DETAILS SYSTEM SNUBBER LOCATION TYPE NUMBER GBB-219-HOl2 PSA O'il GBB-219-H019 PSA O<il GB B-219-H044 PSA GBB-2l9*H048 PSA 051 GBB-219*H078(A) PSA 0.5l GBB-219*H078(8} PSA 051 GBB-219-H084 PSA 051 GBB-219-H085 PSA OSI GBB-2 J9-H090(A) PSA 051 GBB-219-H090(B} PSA 051 GBB-219-H09J(A) PSA 051 GBB-2 J9*H09J(B) PSA 051 GB B-2 I 9-H094 PSA 051 GBB-219-H 105(A) PSA 051 GBB-219-H I05(B) PSA 05£ GBB-219-H I I I PSA 051 GBB*219-H 112 PSA O!il GBB-219-H 115 PSA 051 GBB-219-H l 19 PSA 051 GBB-22Q .. H008(A) PSA 051 GBB-220-H008(B} PSA 051 GBB-220-HOIO PSA 051 GBC-20 J-H060 PSA 041 GBC*201-H061 PSA 041 GBC-201-H063 PSA 041 GBC*201-H065 PSA 041 GBC-201-H07 l PSA 041 GBC-20J-H075 PSA 041 GBC-201-H076 PSA 041 GBC*201-H077 PSA 041 GBC-201*H082 PSA 041 GBC-201-H084 PSA 041 GBC-20 t-H087 PSA 041 GBC-20t .. 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LGS-525517-02-RP07, Rev 0 Snubber Progrnm Document