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Figure 1-Figure 1-Figure 1-Figure 1- se Boiling WTerminationn 0 neral InformaPurpose .....DecommissFacility ......1.Site De2.Current3.Meteor4.Geolog5.Surface6.Ground7.EnvironOperationalPlan Summ1.Genera2.Site Ch3.Identifi4.Remed5.Final R6.Compli7.Update8.SupplemRegulatory References -1Site Re-2Site Ov-3LACBW-4TopogrWater ReactorPlan ation ..............................sioning Obje...................escription ....t/Future Lanrology and Cgy and Seisme Water Hydd Water Hydns and Naturl Backgroundary Informatioharacterizatioication of Rediation Plans Radiation Suriance with the of the Site-ment to the ENotification...................egional Locaverview .......WR Buildingraphical Mapr TABLE O........................................ective ...................................................nd Use .........Climatology .mology .........drology ........drology ........ral Resourced .....................................on .................on ................emaining Sit...................rvey Plan ....he RadiologiSpecific DecEnvironmenns of Change....................LIST Oation ................p ..................1-i OF .................................................................................................te Dismantle........................................ical Criteria commissionntal Report .....................................OF FIGURE................................................................................ENTS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ement Activi........................................for License ning Costs ................................................................RES ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ities .....................................................Termination........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................n ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-1... 1-1... 1-1... 1-2... 1-2... 1-3... 1-3... 1-3... 1-4... 1-5... 1-5... 1-6... 1-7... 1-7... 1-7... 1-8... 1-8... 1-9... 1-9... 1-9... 1-9. 1-10. 1-11. 1-13. 1-14. 1-15. 1-16 La CrossLicense TRevisionALARA AMCG AMSL BGS DCGL DQO DSAR FSS FRS GWH ISFSI LACBWLSA LTP MARSSIMYBP NRC ODCM PSDAR RESRADSTS USACE se Boiling WTerminationn 0 As LoAveraAboveBelowDeriv Data QDefueFinal Final GigawIndepWR La CrLow SLicenIM Multi-MillioNucleOff-SPost-SD RESidSourcUS ArWater ReactorPlan LIST OF ow As Reasoage Member e Mean Sea w Ground Sued ConcentrQuality Objeeled Safety AStatus SurveRadiation Suwatt-Hours endent Spenrosse BoilingSpecific Actse Terminati-Agency Radon Years Befear Regulatorite Dose CalShutdown Ddual RADioae Term Survrmy Corp ofr ACRONYMonably Achieof the CriticLevel urface ration Guideectives Analysis Repey urvey nt Fuel Storag Water Reacivity ion Plan diation Survfore Presentry Commisslculation Maecommissioactive Matervey f Engineers1-ii MS AND ABevable cal Group line Level port age Installatioctor vey and Site ion anual ning Activitrials BBREVIATon Investigatioties Report TIONS n Manual La CrossLicense TRevision1.GThe La Cthat is owlocated oVillage oLACBWS4601 StGenoa, WThe site ifor LACBLACBWspent nuclicense. In a lettrequestedmaintenafrom DaiSolutions1.1.PThe objepermit th50 licensgeneral liThis Licewas writtfor LicenReview Paccompathe LTP r1.2.DThe decoLACBWremaininthe requidocumenthat is dAverage se Boiling WTerminationn 0 General InCrosse Boiliwned by Dairon the Dairyof Genoa, VeWR tate Road 35WI. 54632-88is licensed uBWR and 72WR has been clear fuel stter dated Od Nuclear Rance and deiryland to Sos. Purpose ctive of decohe release of se except foicense proviense Terminten followinnse TerminaPlan for Evaanied by a prrequire NRCDecommissioommissioninWR can submng ISFSI liceirements of nts the procedistinguishabMember of Water ReactorPlan nformationing Water Rryland Poweyland Genoaernon Count5 846 under Posses2-046 for theshut down ored in the LOctober 8, 2Regulatory Cecommissionolutions. Inommissioninthe site for ur the area suisions of 10 Cnation Plan (Lng the guidantion Plans foluating Nuclroposed licenC prior approoning Objecng objectivemit a requestensed facility10 CFR 20ess that will ble from bathe Critical r n Reactor (LACer Cooperatia site on thty, Wisconsinssion Only Le Independensince 1987 LACBWR I2015 (1), DCommission ning authoritn May 2016, ng LACBWRunrestricted urrounding tCFR 72 SubLTP) satisfience in Regufor Nuclear Plear Power Rnse amendmoval. ctive e is to condt to the NRCy) in accorda0.1402, Radbe used to dckground raGroup (AM1-1 CBWR) wave (Dairylanhe east shoren with an adLicense No. Dnt Spent Fueand is curreISFSI will bDairyland an(NRC) conties, under the NRC prR is to reducuse and allothe ISFSI. bpart K. es the requirulatory GuidPower ReacReactor Licement that estduct remediC for unrestance with Sudiological Crdemonstrate adioactivity MCG) from aas a 50 Megnd). This une of the Middress of: DPR-45 withel Storage Inently undergbe maintainend LaCrossensent to tranPossession rovided consce the residuow for the terThe ISFSI frement of 10de 1.179, Stactors (2) andense Terminablishes the iation and stricted releasubpart E of 1riteria for Uthat the dosdoes not eall applicablegawatt Electrnit, also knowississippi Rih Docket Nunstallation (Igoing decomed under an eSolutions, nsfer DairylaOnly Licensent to transual radioactivrmination offacility is li0 CFR 50.82andard Formd in NUREGnation Plans criteria for survey operse of the sit10 CFR PartUnrestrictedse from residexceed 25 me pathways oric (MWe) Bwn as Genoaiver south oumbers of 50SFSI). mmissioningamended PaLLC (Solutand's possesnse No. DPRsfer the licenvity to levelf the 10 CFRcensed unde2(a)(9). Thismat and ConG-1700, Stan(3). This Lwhen changrations suchte (other that 20 after med Use. The dual radioacmrem/year toover a 1,000BWR a 2, is of the 0-409 . The art 50 tions) ssion, R-45, nse to s that R Part er the s LTP ntents ndard LTP is ges to h that an the eeting LTP ctivity o the 0 year La CrossLicense TRevisionperiod anAchievab1.3.F1.3.1.LACBWMississipsouth of nearby pLACBWmile 678approximrail road (AMSL) Boiling WThe licenLACBWplant, offand incluthe the coaan a(Gean aa paThe site iMississipmiles upThe site i35. A Bcommercthis rail National LACBWand sturgLACBWse Boiling WTerminationn 0 nd that residuble" (ALARFacility Site DescWR is locatedppi River, abthe city of Lprominent fWR are longit8.6 on the mately 300 fe. The reactoper NUREWater Reactonsed site coWR comprisinf of Highwaude: LACBWR pland north oal (and later oarea directlyenoa Stationarea south oarcel of landis bordered oppi River anstream, manis bordered oBurlington Ncial freight aline. The sWildlife &WR, is the Gegeon. On thWR plant, is aWater ReactorPlan ual radioactiA). cription d in southwbout 1 mile La Crosse, Wfeatures suchtude 91o, 13'Mississippi feet from theor stands onG-0191, Enor (4). omprises a ng only 1.5 ay 35. The pplant, of LACBWRoil) fueled py south of LA #3) approxif Genoa #3 wd to the east oon the northnd Highway naged by theon the west bNorthern-Santalong the eassite is borde& Fish Refugenoa Nationhe southwesa public boatr ivity has beewestern Wiscsouth of theWI. See Figuh as highw', 53.35" WeRiver above Mississippin filled land nvironmentaltotal of 163acres. The prominent feR, including power plant (ACBWR witimately 175 where the ISof Highway h by the Miss35. The U.e U.S. Armyby the Missita Fe rail linstern portionered to the sge Pool 9 anal Fish Hatcstern corner t launching r1-2 en reduced toconsin, in Ve Village of ure 1-1 for a ways, rivers est and latituve the mouti River and at an elevatl Statement 3.5 acres (5site is acceeatures on ththe site swit(removed in th an operatifeet from thSFSI is locat35, across frsissippi Rive.S. Lock & Dy Corp of Enissippi Riverne, located bn of the site;south by a sarea. Furthechery whichof the site,ramp with a po levels that Vernon CounfGenoa, WI map showinand lakes. ude 43o, 33',th of the O475 feet wetion of 639 related to 5) which is essed by a rhe site are shtchyard and 1989), ional 350-Mhe LACBWRted, and from LACBWer and a narrDam No. 8 ngineers (USr and is bordbetween the ; there are nsegment of ter south, aph raises enda, approximaparking lot. are "As Lownty, on the eand approxng the site lo The map, 36.22" NorOhio River. est of the carfeet Above Operation o owned by road on the hown in Figthe site of thMwe fossil geR plant, WR. row strip of is located aSACE), Rocdered on the site and Higno passenger the Upper Mpproximatelyangered musately 0.75 m w As Reasoneast shore oximately 19 mocation, inclu coordinaterth. The site The reactrgo-carryingMean Sea Lof the La CDairyland, south side ogures 1-2 anhe former G-enerating statland betweeapproximatelck Island Diseast by Highghway 35 car trains whicMississippi Ry 2.4 miles ssels, brook miles south onably of the miles uding es for e is at tor is g-only Level Crosse with of the nd 1-3 -1 tion en the ly 0.6 strict. hway arries h use River from trout of the La CrossLicense TRevision1.3.2.The site the Genothe presecontinue future lanThe speinterim establish1.3.3.The La Cin Genoaweather rdata incluTemperathe extreAverage summer and 1995Monthly spring anThe bluffshows prwinds foLACBWaverage w1.3.4.LACBWphysiogr Pleistoceearly Palwhich haarea. MaBedrock WisconsiPresent compositdolomiteboth sidese Boiling WTerminationn 0 Current/has been cooa 3 facility ence of the aas an indusnd use, otherent nuclear storage faced and readyMeteorolCrosse Munia maintain related inforudes: wind satures in the emes being temperatureseason. A r5. The recorprecipitationd summer sffs of the Misrevailing souor the monthWR Site wherwind speeds Geology WR is locataphic proviene Epoch aleozoic age. as been modaximum reliein the site rin Dome by[MYBP]) stion. The Ps, sandstonees of the MiWater ReactorPlan Future Lanontinuously uand supportash landfillsstrial-use pror than perhapfuel is expecility, or liy to receive Llogy and Clicipal Airporlong standinrmation in thspeed and dirLa Crosse rmore markees range fromrecord maxird low was -4on averages easons and ossissippi Rivutherly windhs of Novere the river are typicallyand Seismoted within ince. The and is charac Moderate tdified by a mef in the regiregion consisy early Paleedimentary Paleozoic roces and shalesississippi rivr nd Use used for induing operatio, as well as operty after ps recreationected to remicensed temLACBWR fimatology rt located in ng active whe La Crosserection, tempregion are tyed because m 20 °F in thmum tempe43 °F in Januin the area one to three ver Valley chs for seven mmber througvalley runs y 6-10 mph.ology the WiscoWisconsin cterized by to strong relmantle of loion is about sts of Pre-Caeozoic (Camstrata. Backs are 1,20s. About 600ver in the pl1-3 ustrial purpoons (e.g. bargthe on-site decommissnal, can be emain at the mporary mofuel. the town of weather statie - Genoa reperature, andypical of theof the riverhe three moerature of 10uary of 1873ranges frominches per mhannel the wmonths of thgh March onorth-south onsin DriftlDriftless flat lying nlief has beenoess and glac1,000 feet. ambrian crymbrian and asement roc0-1,300 feet0 feet of thislant vicinityoses since 1ge washing, ISFSI, it is sioning is coenvisioned oISFSI untilonitored retrf La Crosse aions that megion of the d precipitatie extremes or valley locaonths of the w08 °F was re3. m three to fmonth for thewinds at the Lhe year with of the year.are from thless sectionsection wasnaturally disn produced ocial outwashystalline rockOrdovician,cks in the st thick in ths sequence isy. Prior to t941. Due toswitchyard)anticipated ompleted. Nover the nexta federal rerievable stoand the USAmonitor and Mississippi on (6) (7). of a contineation of the winter seasoecorded in Jfive inches pe rest of the LACBWR Sprevailing n Predominahe north andn of the Cs not glacissected sedimon the unglah in the largks exposed a, 572 Milliosite vicinityhe site vicinis exposed althe Pleistoceo the presen) on the propthat the siteNo other cret several decepository, oorage facilitACE Lock 8 archive stanRiver. Collntal climateLACBWR on to 72 °F iJuly of both per month iyear. Site. Airportnorth to northant winds ad south. MoCentral Lowiated duringmentary rocaciated landsger valleys oat the crest oon Years By are of graity and conslong the blufene Epoch (nce of perty, e will edible cades. offsite ty is Dam ndard lected e with Site. in the 1936 in the t data hwest at the onthly wland g the ks of scape of the of the Before anitic sist of ffs on (more La CrossLicense TRevisionthan 2 Mtoday. ItThe site Region csynclinesSuperior formed dMajor upSome miMYBP). of the WsedimentMany faucapable ageologic mapped iseveral nfound anseismicitsite" (8). Seismic 2008 ocdecommi1.3.5.The LACthe vicin Prairie duwidth. TThere is land, islasloughs athe uplanchannel aThe mainare operaof the sitdistance the site. Part of thplant. Tone to thse Boiling WTerminationn 0 MYBP) the rit was buried is located consists of s and archessyncline, Foduring the Laplift and dowinor tilting o The site is Wisconsin Atary strata inults have beaccording toconditions iin the site renuclear poweny evidencety. Thereforactivity (maccurred oveissioning (9)Surface WCBWR site iity of the situ Chien, appThe valley walittle or no aands betweeand meandernd where trare wooded. n channel ofated by the Ute) the river iof 20 miles,he licensed herefore, drhe south, so Water ReactorPlan iver had carvby post-glacwithin the a vast areas. Major strorest City baate Pre-Cambwn-warping aoccurred durilocated on thArch, a soutn the vicinityeen mappedo the criteriain the site viegion, but iner plant sitese of capablre, capable agnitudes raer 180 mile). Water Hydris in the Mite, the valleyproximatelyalls rise sharagricultural en river charing river chributary stre The flat upf the river vaUSACE for nis nearly fouthen graduaarea (27 acainage at ththat only pr ved a gorge cial sedimenCentral Staba of large cructural featasin, Michigbrian and Eaalso occurreing and follohe southwesthward projy dip less thad in the site a in 10 CFR icinity that rnvestigationss in the regioe faulting. faulting doeanging from es from thrology ssissippi Rivy is deeply cy 40 miles sorply 500 to 6use of the riannels and ehannels. Nuams interceppland areas aaries greatly navigational ur miles widally widens acres) is on ae site has berecipitation 1-4 as much as nt. ble Region circular uplitures includgan Basin, anarly Paleozoed during latowing the Plt flank of theection of than 20 feet perregion. No100, Appenrepresent hazs of all of theon, in additio Additionaes not need 3.5 to 5.4)e site and ver valley ancut into highlouth, the val600 feet fromiver valley fextensions oumerous shorpt the mainand some of tin width abopurposes. Ade. Below thas the river aa filled in areen establishthat falls on150 to 210 tectonic proifts and sedde the Wiscond Illinois Boic (more thate Paleozoic leistocene ge Wisconsinhe Wisconsir mile to theone of thesendix A. Per zard to the fese faults duon to studiesally, the areto be consithat has bedid not ind is relativly dissected lley varies bm river levelfloor which of low lyingrt, steep-siden river vallethe tributaryove and beloAbove Dam he site, the riapproaches Drea south ofhed. One vn the bluff afeet deeper ovince. Thdimentary baonsin DomeBasin. Thesan 435 MYB(330 MYBPlaciations (2n Dome and in Dome. e southwest. e faults are the US NRfacility. Numuring the cous for the LAea is one odered in theeen noted beimpact planvely flat (seeuplands. Frbetween 2.5 . consists primg flood plaied valleys hey. Both wy valleys are ow the site. No. 8 (abouiver is relativDam No. 9, f the originavalley drains adjacent to tthan can behe Central Sasins, and be and Arch, e structures BP). P to 240 MY2 MYBP to 0the western For this reconsidered RC, "There amerous faulturse of validCBWR, havof relativelye analysis oetween 1975nt operatione Figure 1-4rom La Crosand 4.5 milmarily of min cut by pave been cuwalls of the cultivated.A series of ut 0.75 mile vely narrow33 miles soual Genoa-1 s to the norththe site and e seen Stable broad Lake were YBP). 0.001 flank eason, to be are no ts are dating ve not y low f this 5 and ns or 4). In sse to les in arshy onds, ut into main dams north for a uth of steam h and on a La CrossLicense TRevisionsmall popresentlyproblemsFor a disand townpublishedDavenpopurposesmiles dowother knoChien, 401.3.6.Groundwfeet Belcommun fill matergroundwriver. B samplingvertical glikely duAs the s which is but not penetratinof the rivwater quhas been There areanalyzedHighway1.3.7.The LACof Genoawest shocommunWisconsi(PopulatiThe areaincludes Agricultuse Boiling WTerminationn 0 rtion of they channeled s of flash flotance of 40 mns along thed records, thort, Iowa, ab, excluding twnstream. Rown users o0 miles downGround Wwater beneathlow Groundication withrial likely flowater is also ased on a reg in support gradient. Hoe to high rivite has valleunderlain byin valleys ng the Mounver valley flouality of the no extensive onsite potad. Regionally 35 with theEnvironsCBWR Facila (populationore is Reno,ity in Iowa iin, an unincoion data is fra within a fHouston Cure and foreWater ReactorPlan upland arealong the hoods have ocmiles downse river are ohe nearest mbout 195 mithe adjacent River water f river watenriver. Water Hydrh the site is d Surface (h the adjacenows towardslikely to floeview of theof the Genowever, therver stages aney sand ovey Mount Simcharacterizent Simon layoor. Use of deep aquifee withdrawaable and groly, there aree water tables and Naturlity is 17 miln about 260)Minnesota,is New Albinorporated harom 2013 Cifive-mile radCounty, Minestry are ther a contributehighway andcurred at thestream of theobtained frommajor city uiles downstrfossil plant,at the Lansinr for industrrology first encoun(BGS) and nt Mississipps the west anow towards e groundwatnoa 3 fossil re are some d flooding. erlaying a lamon sandstoned by sub-yer flow to thfwater from ers is poorer al of water anoundwater me five dome encounteredal Resourceles south of t). The near, an unincorn (pop. 513)amlet, is situity-Data.comdius is prednnesota, ane predomina1-5 es to runoff d railroad toe site. e site, virtuam ground wusing river wream. The n, is the steamng plant is urial purposesntered at deptthe water pi River. Gnd dischargethe west butter elevationstation, it aperiods wheayer of Eau ne, wells havlayers of Mhe surface inthese artesithan that frnd no signifimonitoring westic wells sd from 20 toes the City of Lest communrporated ham), located fivuated five mm) (9). dominantly ind a small ant land usedirectly acro prevent inally all municwater. On thwater for dnearest use m-power planused for conds between Lths ranging table aquiGroundwateres into the Mut then may n measuremeappears thatere the gradClaire sandve been drivMount Simondicating an ian aquifers rom shallowficant decreawells which asouth of theo 45 feet BGLa Crosse annity (three mmlet of abouve miles soumiles south oin Vernon Cportion of es in Vernoross the sitenterference wcipal water she basis of direct humanof river want in Lansingdenser cooliLACBWR sifrom approxifer is in r in the shallMississippi Rturn and floents collectet there is a dients are revdstone of thven in areas on sandstonartesian heahas been limw aquifers. Ase in the arteare periodice LACBWR S. nd a mile soumiles to the nut 350 peoputhwest of thof the plant oCounty, WisfAllamakeeon County ae. This runowith for readily avain consumptiater for indug, Iowa, aboing. There aite and Prairximately 15 strong hydrlow depositRiver. The dow parallel ted during roslight downversed and the Cambrianclosest to thne. Deep ad about the mited becausAs a result, esian head. ally sampledRsite and eauth of the Vinorthwest) ople. The nehe plant. Vicon the east ssconsin, bute County, Ias well as inoff is No cities ilable ion is ustrial out 15 are no rie du to 25 raulic s and eeper to the outine nward this is n Age he site wells level se the there d and ast of illage on the earest ctory, shore. t also Iowa. n the La CrossLicense TRevisionneighborCounty's and marsof the couThe primyears, thagricultuwoodlandhardwooA modesthroughointensity-commercand less related tononagricueast of LALand in twithin abottomlaportion osite, occuto the easRefuge bfor 2.5 mincluding26 and hoApproximwater areThe five populatio1.4.OKey statiAllis-perfoDairyturbinAllis-Initiase Boiling WTerminationn 0 ring countiesgross area ishlands is clunty's gross mary agriculthere has beeural land to d. The foresds. st amount oout Vernon C-use categorce, public, trthan 0.3% o the proceultural induACBWR. the vicinity oa five-mile ands includedof the Villagupies less thast and northebottomland amiles. Rougg vacation houseboats armately 3.5 sea and refug-mile radiuson is 522. Operational ion mileston-Chalmers, uormed startupyland enteredne-generator-Chalmers dal Criticality Water ReactorPlan s on the weis agriculturlassified as uarea (10). tural activityen a markewoodland. sts yield subf sandstone County. Furtries of residransportationof gross aressing of agstries of theof the LACBradius, appd in the Uppge of Genoaan 100 acreseast consistinand water sughly a third oomes and bore moored atquare miles ge bottomlans includes aBackgrounes are presenunder contrap of the LACd into a contr for productdockets appliachieved: Jr est side of tre and woodlundevelopedy is dairy fad trend towAbout two-bstantial amoand limestother, 85% ofdential and pn, and utilitierea. Local gricultural ane industrial pBWR Site is proximately per Mississipa, the only ss. The neareng of small turface, lying of the area roathouses, at several poinof Iowa arend, althougha portion of nd nted in Chapact with the ACBWR fromtact to purchtion of electrication for coJuly 11, 19671-6 the Mississilands. Aboud. Total devarming, meaward the co-fifths of theounts of oakone quarryinf the developpark land. Tes) account findustry cond forest prpark in Virooverwhelmione third ppi River Wubstantial coest residencetrailer parks mainly in Mremains undare scattered nts at times d within the Lh there is sothe incorpopter 2 of thisAEC, designm 1962 to 196hase steam frricity: June 1onstruction:7, ippi River. ut 3.4%, conveloped landat animals, anversion ofe total land k and lesser qng also takeped land in VThe more infor less thanonsists almoroducts. Ooqua, Wiscoingly rural ais accountWildlife and Fommunity ines to the LACand residenMinnesota, exder cultivatiod along the sduring the yLACBWR fome agricultorated town s LTP. The mned, fabricate67, rom the nucl1962, November 5Nearly 90%nsisting maid accounts foand crop farf Vernon Cin farms isquantities ofes place at aVernon Countensive lann 15% of totaost exclusiveOne notable onsin locatedand undeveloted for by Fish Refugen the five mCBWR Site nces on smallxtend west oon. A few dshoreline neayear. five-mile radtural use onof New Almajor milested, constructlear plant to 5, 1962, % of the Venly of wateror less than rming. In rounty's mars now devotf maple and a number of unty is in thend uses (indual developedely of operaexception id 25 miles toped. Of thewater areae. The develmile radius oare within al acreages. of the reactodozen residear State Higdius. Most on the bottomlbin, whose tones are: ted and operate a ernon r area 6.6% recent rginal ted to other fsites e low-ustry, d land ations is the to the e area a and loped of the a mile or site ences, hway f it is mland. total La CrossLicense TRevisionLow ProviProviLACBFinalCompThe reac96,274.6 The unit The LACTurbine Storage Tare curreand metaVessel. holds fiv1.5.P1.5.1.The LTPlicense awith the Safety AamendmeThe subs1.5.2.LTP Chaand extenremain asite charadeterminThe LACField WoAugust 2basis for specified(MARSSchange thse Boiling WTerminationn 0 power testinisional Operisional OperBWR permal reactor defupletion of futor was critihours. Theavailability CBWR unit Building, 1BTank Vault, ntly undergoallic radioactThe ISFSI, e above-grouPlan SummaGeneral IP describes thand to releasrequirementAnalysis Repent that estabsections beloSite Charapter 2 discunt of radioacat the time oacterization,ned to be impCBWR RadioWork (11) an2015 Field Wdividing thed in NUREGSIM) (13) fohe original cWater ReactorPlan ng completedrating authorrating Licensanently shut ueling was cuel loading inical for a tote total gross factor was 6consists ofB Diesel GeVentilation oing decommtive equipmelocated soutund Dry Stoary Informationhe process use the site fots in 10 CFRport (DSARblishes the cow provide aracterizatiousses the site ctive contamof license terSolutions wpacted by theological Chand LACBWRWork (12) pe site into suG-1575, Muor classificaclassificationr d: Septemberization issuese, DPRA-45down: Apricompleted onnto the ISFStal of 103,28electrical en62.9%. f major builenerator BuilStack, Lowmissioning (ent has beenth of the Genorage Casks wn used to meet or unrestrictR 50.82(a)(9R). The LTPcriteria for wa brief summn characterizamination on sirmination, sowill plan reme operation oaracterizatioR Radiologicrovided the urvey units. ulti-Agency ation. Data n of an area,1-7 er 1967, ed (DPRA-65 issued: Auil 30, 1987,n June 11, 19I was compl87.5 hours. nergy generadings and slding, Wastew Specific Asee Figure 1n removed sinnoa 3 fossil with 333 spethe requiremted use. Th9) and is subP submittal when changesmary of the otation that haite prior to roils, and gromediation andof LACBWRon Survey Rcal Charactfoundation The surveyRadiation from subse, within the 6): October 3ugust 28, 19987, and leted on Sep The 50 MWated was 4.0structures sue TreatmentActivity (LSA1-3). Intermnce 2007, instation, becent fuel assements for terhe LTP has bbmitted as ais accompas to the LTPther seven chas been conduremediation, ound water. d Final RadiR. Report for Oterization Sufor further y units were Survey andequent chararequirement31, 1969, 73, ptember 19, 2We generato047 Gigawatuch as the Rt Building, UA) building amittent systemncluding the came operatiemblies. rminating thebeen prepara supplementanied by a P require priohapters of thducted to deteincluding st Based on tiation SurveyOctober and Survey Reposite charactevaluated agd Site Invesacterization ts of this LT2012. or was on lintt-Hours (GWReactor BuilUndergroundand others wms dismantleReactor Preional in 2012e 10 CFR Paed in accordt to the Defuproposed licor NRC apprhe LTP. ermine the ntructures thathe results oys (FRS) in dNovember rt for June terization angainst the crstigation Mamay be usTP, up to thene for WH). lding, d Gas which ement essure 2 and art 50 dance fueled cense roval. nature at will of the areas 2014 thru nd the riteria anual ed to e time La CrossLicense TRevisionof FRS, remediat1.5.3.LTP ChainformatiA desA sumEstimAn esdispoDescrSolutionsin NUREFacilitiesaccordanRadioactadministrActivitiethan thodecommioperatingThe info sections remainin1.5.4.LTP Chdecommiin 10 CFremediatThe selecof backgrcontaminstructura standard other meDerived se Boiling WTerminationn 0 as long as tion in the arIdentificaapter 3 idention providedscription of tmmary of ramates of assostimate of thosal, and riptions of ps is decommEG-0586, Gs, Supplemennce with thetive Waste rative, work s conducted ose conductissioning acg activities thrmation proof the LTPng dismantlemRemediahapter 4 disissioning to FR 20.1402ion activitiected remediamination. T Very limiteround levelsnation has bl surfaces iand pressuethods. SurConcentratiWater ReactorPlan the classificarea. ation of Remtifies the remd in Chapter the areas anddiological coociated occuphe types and proposed conmissioning LGeneric Envint 1, Volumee SolutionsProgram, control and during decoted during ctivities is bhat occurredvided in ChP and proviment activitition Plans scusses the reduce resid. This chaps on the Radation methodThe principaed soil contas or a small been identifinclude scabre washing,rface and suon Guidelinr ation reflectmaining Sitemaining site 3 includes: d equipmentonditions thapational radiquantities ontrol mechanLACBWR inironmental Ie 1, (14). Ts Safety anOff-Site Ddecommissiommissioninplant operbounded byd during majohapter 3 suppides sufficieies. various redual contamipter also didiation Proteds used are dal materialsamination is fraction of fied to datebbling and wiping, grubsurface sone Level (DC1-8 ts the level oe Dismantledismantlemt that need fuat may be eniation dose,f radioactivenisms to ensun accordanceImpact StatThe decommnd Health PDose Calcuioning impleng do not porations. Ty previouslyor maintenanports the assent detail toemediation ination to levscusses the ction Progradependent up that may bexpected; anthe drinkinge. Remediashaving, chrit blasting, oil with activCGL) will bof residual aement Activment and decurther remedncountered,e material geure areas aree with the Dtement on Dmissioning acProgram, Raulation Maementation pose any greatThe radioloy analyzed rnce and outasessment of o identify rtechniques vels that comALARA evam. pon the contbe subject tny noted grog water stanation technihipping, spomechanical vity levels ibe removed activity exisvities contaminatiodiation, enerated for e not re-contDECON alterDecommissioctivities willadiation Protanual (ODCprocedures. ter radiologiogical risk radiological age activitiesfimpacts conresources nethat may mply with thvaluation antaminated mto remediatioundwater sandards; and ques that monge and a fracturing in excess ofand disposesting prior toon activities. release and taminated. rnative desconing of Nul be conducttection ProgCM), and ical or safetyassociated risk for fos. nsidered in eeded duringbe used dhe release crnd the impamaterial and eon are strucamples haveno surface wmay be usedabrasive blaand cuttingf the approped as radioao any The cribed uclear ted in gram, plant y risk with ormer other g the during riteria act of extent ctural been water d for sting, , and priate active La CrossLicense TRevisionwaste. excavatoenvironmadequate1.5.5.LTP Chapackagesof a Finremainindemonstruse speciThe FRSObjectiveassessmethat are iISFSI, w1.5.6.LTP Chcomplianunrestrictscenariosanalysis, exposureLTP Chacontaminwork towArgonne code to dlicense te1.5.7.LTP Chareleasingwith the 1.5.8.LTP ChasignificanterminatiCFR Boiling WTerminationn 0 Soil remedirs. Remedmental contro erosion, sedFinal Radapter 5 preses, and instrucnal Status Sng building rate that the ified in 10 CS Plan descres (DQO), suent and compidentified aswhich will stiComplianhapter 6 prence with theted use. Chs, exposure DCGLs ane complianceapter 6 usesnation and rwards and beNational Ladetermine thermination. Update oapter 7 prog the site forfunds currenSupplemapter 8 updant environmion activities82(a)(9)(ii)(Water ReactorPlan ation equipmdiation of sool procedurediment, and diation Survents the FRSctions to perurvey (FSSbasements. LACBWR fCFR 20.1402ribes the devurvey methopliance. Ths impacted. ll remain a lnce with theesents the e radiologicapter 6 discupathways, nd Dose Face scenario ans radiologicradioactivity e verified byaboratory REhe radiologicof the Site-Spovides an upr unrestrictedntly availableent to the Eates the Envimental impas. This sectG). In accorr ment will inoils will inces, as well air emissionvey Plan S Plan whichrform the FR) for open The FRS facility and s (e.g. annualvelopment oods and instrhe FRS Plan The adjaceicensed areae Radiologicradiologicalcal criteria fusses the sitecomputatioctors, the dend evaluationcal informatconcentratiy the FSS orESidual RAcal release cpecific Decopdated estimd use. This e in the decoEnvironmenironmental Racts association of the Lrdance with 1-9 nclude, but clude the usas approprian controls duh will be useRS of the LAland areas Plan descrsite comply l dose limit oof the surveyrumentation,addresses ont areas thaa, will not becal Criterial informatiofor license e-specific inonal modelserivation of n of alternatiion from Cion levels thr STS discusADioactive mcriteria for rommissioninmate of thechapter alsoommissionintal ReportReport for Lted with thLTP is prepar10 CFR 51not be limse of establiate work pauring soil remed to develoACBWR siteand a Sourribes the finwith radioloof 25 mrem y plan, surv, data collectonly LACBWat are classife subject to Fa for Licenseon and metermination nventory of rs used for area factorive exposureChapter 2 anhat Chapter ssed in Chapmaterials (REremaining stng Costs e remaining o compares tng trust fundLACBWR whe site's deared pursuan.53(d), Solumited to, bacished excavackage instrumediation. op the site pr. The FRS Prce Term Snal survey ogical criterito AMCG pvey design ation and proWR structurefied as non-iFRS. e Terminatiethods used and releaseradionuclidedose moders, the basis e scenarios. nd establish4 remediatipter 5. SoluESRAD) v7.tructures andecommissthe estimated. with new infoecommissionnt to 10 CFRutions considck and trackvation safetyuctions to enrocedures, suPlan is compSurvey (STSprocess useia for unrestrplus ALARAand Data Quocessing, andes and land impacted anion to demone of the sits, future laneling, sensifor the seles the allowion methodsutions applie.0 dose modnd soils to ensioning costed remainingormation andning and licR 51.53(d) anders Chapterk hoe y and nsure urvey prised S) for ed to ricted A). uality d data areas nd the strate te for nd use itivity lected wable s will ed the deling nable ts for g cost d any cense nd 10 r 8 to La CrossLicense TRevisionbe a supimpacts aLTP ChNUREG-referencethat the adverse eenvironmLACBWhave resuEnvironmNUREG-1.6.RSolutionsLACBWdocumenDecommRevision LTP in aLTP, wit50.82(a)(SolutionsconditionNRC appRequResuDetradecomDecreClassnotifiIncreminimIncrelevel an invChantest, oIncrese Boiling WTerminationn 0 pplement to associated wapter 8 com-0586, whiche nuclear facenvironmeneffects outsimental impaWR dated Deulted in no mental Asse-0191 relatedRegulatory Ns is submittiWR spans a pntation is unissioning PlMarch 2014accordance wthout prior N(6), and 10 Cs is also subn that establproval. Chanuires Commilts in signifiacts or negatmmissioningeases a surves 2 to Class 3ication priorases the DCmum detectaases the radi(or correspovestigation onges the statior ases the TypWater ReactorPlan the Environwith the execumpares the h provides acility. The ntal effects fide the bounacts was doecember 198significant essment in d to operatioNotificationng the LTP period that innique in thalan and Post4 (15) whichwith 10 CFRNRC approvCFR 50.82(abmitting a prlishes the crnges to the Lssion approvcant environtes the reasong, ey unit area 3; or Class 1r to implemeGLs (or decable concentrioactivity levonding sourcoccurs), istical test appe I decisionr nmental Repution of the described a generic envenvironmenfor decommnds of NURcumented in87. LACBWenvironmensupport of on of LACBWs of Changeas a supplemncludes seveat the requit-Shutdown Dh serves as tR 50.71(e). val, in accoa)(7). roposed ameriteria for dLTP require val pursuant nmental impanable assuraclassificatio to Class 3 wnting the chcreases dose rations (for bvel, relative ce term invenpplied to onen error. 1-10 port addressidescribed dedecommissivironmental ntal assessmmissioning LAREG-0586. n a supplemWR decommntal impact the AugustWR, dated Aes ment to the Deral decommired safety aDecommissiothe DSAR foOnce approvrdance withendment to tetermining wprior NRC ato 10 CFR 5acts not prevance that adeon (i.e., impawithout provange in classfactors fromboth scan anto the applicntory levelse other than ting the actuaecommissiononing attribassessment fment performACBWR arReview of ment to themissioning anot previout 7, 1991, April 21, 198DSAR. Becmissioning reanalyses areoning Activifor LACBWRved, Solutioh the criteriathe LACBWwhen changapproval wh50.59, viously revieequate funds acted to not ividing NRC sification, m the Basemend fixed meacable derivedin the Basemthe Sign testal or potentining activitibutes to thofor the decommed by Solure minimal apost-operate Environmand dismantusly evaluatDecommiss80. cause the licegulation chae included ities Report R. Solutionons may maka in 10 CFRWR license thges to the Len the changewed, will be avaiimpacted, Cla minimum ent Fill Modasurement md concentratment Fill Mot or Wilcoxo ial environmes. ose identifiemmissioningutions determand there aring license ental Reportlement actived in the Nsioning Ordcensing histoanges, the Din the LAC(D-Plan/PSDns will updatke changes tR 50.59, 10 hat adds a licLTP require ge: ilable for lass 1 to Cla14 day del) and relatmethods), tion guidelinodel), at whion Rank Summental ed in g of a mined re no stage rt for vities NRC's er or ory of DSAR CBWR DAR) te the to the CFR cense prior ass 2; ted ne ich m La CrossLicense TRevisionThe contGerard PVice PreLaCrosseS4601 StGenoa, W(224) 789gpvannoo 1.7.R1. LAL2. UC23. Ufo4. UreC5. LP6. w7. w8. DD9. ht10. 211. ES12. ES13. UR14. USNse Boiling WTerminationn 0 act for LTP P. van Noordsident, RegueSolutions, Ltate Road 35WI. 54632-889-4025 ordennen@enReferences Letter from DApplication fLicense AmeU.S. Nuclear Content of Li011. U.S. Nuclear or EvaluatingU.S. Nuclear elated to OpeCooperative -Letter from Dlanning for Iwww.wunderwww.mvp.wcDairyland PoDecommissiottp://www.ci008 Vernon EnergySolutiurvey ReporEnergySolutiurvey ReporU.S. Nuclear Radiation SurU.S. Nuclear tatement on November 20Water ReactorPlan informationdennen ulatory AffaiLLC 5 846 nergysolutionDairyland Pofor Order Apndments, daRegulatory icense TermiRegulatory g Nuclear PoRegulatory eration of th- April 1980Dairyland PoISFSI, LACrground.comc.usace.armywer Cooperaoning Plan, rity-data.comCounty Taxons GG-EO-rt for Octobeons LC-RS-rt for June thRegulatory rvey and SiteRegulatory Decommiss002. r n, including airs ower Cooperpproving Licated October Commissionination PlanCommissionower ReactoCommissionhe La Crosse . ower Compan-14029, Marm., LaCrorevised Novem/city/Genoax Assessmen-313196-RSer and NovemPN-164017-hru August 2Commissione InvestigatiCommissionsioning of Nu1-11 any submitteative to the Ncense Transfe8, 2015. n, Regulators for Nuclean NUREG-1or License Ten NUREG-0Boiling Wany to the Nurch 10, 2008ts/Lock 8. osse Boiling ember 2003.a-Wisconsin.nt Rolls. S-RP-001, LAmber 2014 F-001, LACB2015 Field Wn, NUREG-1ion Manual (n NUREG-0uclear Facilied changes aNuclear Regfer and Confory Guide 1.1ar Power Rea1700, Revisioermination P0191, Final Eater Reactor uclear Regul8. Water Reac. .html. ACBWR RaField Work -BWR RadioloWork - Nove1575, Revisi(MARSSIM0586, Generiities, Suppleand updates, gulatory Comforming Adm79, Standardactors, Revison 1, StandaPlans - ApriEnvironmentby Dairylanatory Commctor (LACBWadiological C- Novemberogical Charaember 2015.ion 1, Multi-M), August 20ic Environmement 1, Volis: mmission, ministrative d Format andsion 1 - Juneard Review Pil 2003. tal Statemennd Power mission, SubjWR) Characterizatr 2015. acterization -Agency 000. mental Impactlume 1 - d e Plan nt ject: tion t La CrossLicense TRevision15. DDse Boiling WTerminationn 0 Dairyland PoDecommissioWater ReactorPlan wer Cooperaoning Activitr ative, LACBties Report (1-12 BWR Decom(D-Plan/PSDmmissioning DAR), RevisPlan and Posion - Marchost-Shutdownh 2014. n La CrossLicense TRevisionse Boiling WTerminationn 0 Water ReactorPlan Figr ure 1-1 S1-13 Site Regionaal Location La CrossLicense TRevisionse Boiling WTerminationn 0 Water ReactorPlan r Figure 1-21-14 2 Site Ovverview LLRLa Crosse BoilinLicense TerminRevision 0 ng Water Reactation Plan or Figure 1-31-15 LACBWR Buuildings La CrossLicense TRevisionse Boiling WTerminationn 0 Water ReactorPlan Fir igure 1-41-16 Topographhical Map | |||
}} | }} |
Revision as of 11:44, 14 May 2018
ML16200A085 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | La Crosse File:Dairyland Power Cooperative icon.png |
Issue date: | 06/27/2016 |
From: | LaCrosseSolutions |
To: | Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards |
References | |
Download: ML16200A085 (19) | |
Figure 1-Figure 1-Figure 1-Figure 1- se Boiling WTerminationn 0 neral InformaPurpose .....DecommissFacility ......1.Site De2.Current3.Meteor4.Geolog5.Surface6.Ground7.EnvironOperationalPlan Summ1.Genera2.Site Ch3.Identifi4.Remed5.Final R6.Compli7.Update8.SupplemRegulatory References -1Site Re-2Site Ov-3LACBW-4TopogrWater ReactorPlan ation ..............................sioning Obje...................escription ....t/Future Lanrology and Cgy and Seisme Water Hydd Water Hydns and Naturl Backgroundary Informatioharacterizatioication of Rediation Plans Radiation Suriance with the of the Site-ment to the ENotification...................egional Locaverview .......WR Buildingraphical Mapr TABLE O........................................ective ...................................................nd Use .........Climatology .mology .........drology ........drology ........ral Resourced .....................................on .................on ................emaining Sit...................rvey Plan ....he RadiologiSpecific DecEnvironmenns of Change....................LIST Oation ................p ..................1-i OF .................................................................................................te Dismantle........................................ical Criteria commissionntal Report .....................................OF FIGURE................................................................................ENTS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ement Activi........................................for License ning Costs ................................................................RES ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ities .....................................................Termination........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................n ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-1... 1-1... 1-1... 1-2... 1-2... 1-3... 1-3... 1-3... 1-4... 1-5... 1-5... 1-6... 1-7... 1-7... 1-7... 1-8... 1-8... 1-9... 1-9... 1-9... 1-9. 1-10. 1-11. 1-13. 1-14. 1-15. 1-16 La CrossLicense TRevisionALARA AMCG AMSL BGS DCGL DQO DSAR FSS FRS GWH ISFSI LACBWLSA LTP MARSSIMYBP NRC ODCM PSDAR RESRADSTS USACE se Boiling WTerminationn 0 As LoAveraAboveBelowDeriv Data QDefueFinal Final GigawIndepWR La CrLow SLicenIM Multi-MillioNucleOff-SPost-SD RESidSourcUS ArWater ReactorPlan LIST OF ow As Reasoage Member e Mean Sea w Ground Sued ConcentrQuality Objeeled Safety AStatus SurveRadiation Suwatt-Hours endent Spenrosse BoilingSpecific Actse Terminati-Agency Radon Years Befear Regulatorite Dose CalShutdown Ddual RADioae Term Survrmy Corp ofr ACRONYMonably Achieof the CriticLevel urface ration Guideectives Analysis Repey urvey nt Fuel Storag Water Reacivity ion Plan diation Survfore Presentry Commisslculation Maecommissioactive Matervey f Engineers1-ii MS AND ABevable cal Group line Level port age Installatioctor vey and Site ion anual ning Activitrials BBREVIATon Investigatioties Report TIONS n Manual La CrossLicense TRevision1.GThe La Cthat is owlocated oVillage oLACBWS4601 StGenoa, WThe site ifor LACBLACBWspent nuclicense. In a lettrequestedmaintenafrom DaiSolutions1.1.PThe objepermit th50 licensgeneral liThis Licewas writtfor LicenReview Paccompathe LTP r1.2.DThe decoLACBWremaininthe requidocumenthat is dAverage se Boiling WTerminationn 0 General InCrosse Boiliwned by Dairon the Dairyof Genoa, VeWR tate Road 35WI. 54632-88is licensed uBWR and 72WR has been clear fuel stter dated Od Nuclear Rance and deiryland to Sos. Purpose ctive of decohe release of se except foicense proviense Terminten followinnse TerminaPlan for Evaanied by a prrequire NRCDecommissioommissioninWR can submng ISFSI liceirements of nts the procedistinguishabMember of Water ReactorPlan nformationing Water Rryland Poweyland Genoaernon Count5 846 under Posses2-046 for theshut down ored in the LOctober 8, 2Regulatory Cecommissionolutions. Inommissioninthe site for ur the area suisions of 10 Cnation Plan (Lng the guidantion Plans foluating Nuclroposed licenC prior approoning Objecng objectivemit a requestensed facility10 CFR 20ess that will ble from bathe Critical r n Reactor (LACer Cooperatia site on thty, Wisconsinssion Only Le Independensince 1987 LACBWR I2015 (1), DCommission ning authoritn May 2016, ng LACBWRunrestricted urrounding tCFR 72 SubLTP) satisfience in Regufor Nuclear Plear Power Rnse amendmoval. ctive e is to condt to the NRCy) in accorda0.1402, Radbe used to dckground raGroup (AM1-1 CBWR) wave (Dairylanhe east shoren with an adLicense No. Dnt Spent Fueand is curreISFSI will bDairyland an(NRC) conties, under the NRC prR is to reducuse and allothe ISFSI. bpart K. es the requirulatory GuidPower ReacReactor Licement that estduct remediC for unrestance with Sudiological Crdemonstrate adioactivity MCG) from aas a 50 Megnd). This une of the Middress of: DPR-45 withel Storage Inently undergbe maintainend LaCrossensent to tranPossession rovided consce the residuow for the terThe ISFSI frement of 10de 1.179, Stactors (2) andense Terminablishes the iation and stricted releasubpart E of 1riteria for Uthat the dosdoes not eall applicablegawatt Electrnit, also knowississippi Rih Docket Nunstallation (Igoing decomed under an eSolutions, nsfer DairylaOnly Licensent to transual radioactivrmination offacility is li0 CFR 50.82andard Formd in NUREGnation Plans criteria for survey operse of the sit10 CFR PartUnrestrictedse from residexceed 25 me pathways oric (MWe) Bwn as Genoaiver south oumbers of 50SFSI). mmissioningamended PaLLC (Solutand's possesnse No. DPRsfer the licenvity to levelf the 10 CFRcensed unde2(a)(9). Thismat and ConG-1700, Stan(3). This Lwhen changrations suchte (other that 20 after med Use. The dual radioacmrem/year toover a 1,000BWR a 2, is of the 0-409 . The art 50 tions) ssion, R-45, nse to s that R Part er the s LTP ntents ndard LTP is ges to h that an the eeting LTP ctivity o the 0 year La CrossLicense TRevisionperiod anAchievab1.3.F1.3.1.LACBWMississipsouth of nearby pLACBWmile 678approximrail road (AMSL) Boiling WThe licenLACBWplant, offand incluthe the coaan a(Gean aa paThe site iMississipmiles upThe site i35. A Bcommercthis rail National LACBWand sturgLACBWse Boiling WTerminationn 0 nd that residuble" (ALARFacility Site DescWR is locatedppi River, abthe city of Lprominent fWR are longit8.6 on the mately 300 fe. The reactoper NUREWater Reactonsed site coWR comprisinf of Highwaude: LACBWR pland north oal (and later oarea directlyenoa Stationarea south oarcel of landis bordered oppi River anstream, manis bordered oBurlington Ncial freight aline. The sWildlife &WR, is the Gegeon. On thWR plant, is aWater ReactorPlan ual radioactiA). cription d in southwbout 1 mile La Crosse, Wfeatures suchtude 91o, 13'Mississippi feet from theor stands onG-0191, Enor (4). omprises a ng only 1.5 ay 35. The pplant, of LACBWRoil) fueled py south of LA #3) approxif Genoa #3 wd to the east oon the northnd Highway naged by theon the west bNorthern-Santalong the eassite is borde& Fish Refugenoa Nationhe southwesa public boatr ivity has beewestern Wiscsouth of theWI. See Figuh as highw', 53.35" WeRiver above Mississippin filled land nvironmentaltotal of 163acres. The prominent feR, including power plant (ACBWR witimately 175 where the ISof Highway h by the Miss35. The U.e U.S. Armyby the Missita Fe rail linstern portionered to the sge Pool 9 anal Fish Hatcstern corner t launching r1-2 en reduced toconsin, in Ve Village of ure 1-1 for a ways, rivers est and latituve the mouti River and at an elevatl Statement 3.5 acres (5site is acceeatures on ththe site swit(removed in th an operatifeet from thSFSI is locat35, across frsissippi Rive.S. Lock & Dy Corp of Enissippi Riverne, located bn of the site;south by a sarea. Furthechery whichof the site,ramp with a po levels that Vernon CounfGenoa, WI map showinand lakes. ude 43o, 33',th of the O475 feet wetion of 639 related to 5) which is essed by a rhe site are shtchyard and 1989), ional 350-Mhe LACBWRted, and from LACBWer and a narrDam No. 8 ngineers (USr and is bordbetween the ; there are nsegment of ter south, aph raises enda, approximaparking lot. are "As Lownty, on the eand approxng the site lo The map, 36.22" NorOhio River. est of the carfeet Above Operation o owned by road on the hown in Figthe site of thMwe fossil geR plant, WR. row strip of is located aSACE), Rocdered on the site and Higno passenger the Upper Mpproximatelyangered musately 0.75 m w As Reasoneast shore oximately 19 mocation, inclu coordinaterth. The site The reactrgo-carryingMean Sea Lof the La CDairyland, south side ogures 1-2 anhe former G-enerating statland betweeapproximatelck Island Diseast by Highghway 35 car trains whicMississippi Ry 2.4 miles ssels, brook miles south onably of the miles uding es for e is at tor is g-only Level Crosse with of the nd 1-3 -1 tion en the ly 0.6 strict. hway arries h use River from trout of the La CrossLicense TRevision1.3.2.The site the Genothe presecontinue future lanThe speinterim establish1.3.3.The La Cin Genoaweather rdata incluTemperathe extreAverage summer and 1995Monthly spring anThe bluffshows prwinds foLACBWaverage w1.3.4.LACBWphysiogr Pleistoceearly Palwhich haarea. MaBedrock WisconsiPresent compositdolomiteboth sidese Boiling WTerminationn 0 Current/has been cooa 3 facility ence of the aas an indusnd use, otherent nuclear storage faced and readyMeteorolCrosse Munia maintain related inforudes: wind satures in the emes being temperatureseason. A r5. The recorprecipitationd summer sffs of the Misrevailing souor the monthWR Site wherwind speeds Geology WR is locataphic proviene Epoch aleozoic age. as been modaximum reliein the site rin Dome by[MYBP]) stion. The Ps, sandstonees of the MiWater ReactorPlan Future Lanontinuously uand supportash landfillsstrial-use pror than perhapfuel is expecility, or liy to receive Llogy and Clicipal Airporlong standinrmation in thspeed and dirLa Crosse rmore markees range fromrecord maxird low was -4on averages easons and ossissippi Rivutherly windhs of Novere the river are typicallyand Seismoted within ince. The and is charac Moderate tdified by a mef in the regiregion consisy early Paleedimentary Paleozoic roces and shalesississippi rivr nd Use used for induing operatio, as well as operty after ps recreationected to remicensed temLACBWR fimatology rt located in ng active whe La Crosserection, tempregion are tyed because m 20 °F in thmum tempe43 °F in Januin the area one to three ver Valley chs for seven mmber througvalley runs y 6-10 mph.ology the WiscoWisconsin cterized by to strong relmantle of loion is about sts of Pre-Caeozoic (Camstrata. Backs are 1,20s. About 600ver in the pl1-3 ustrial purpoons (e.g. bargthe on-site decommissnal, can be emain at the mporary mofuel. the town of weather statie - Genoa reperature, andypical of theof the riverhe three moerature of 10uary of 1873ranges frominches per mhannel the wmonths of thgh March onorth-south onsin DriftlDriftless flat lying nlief has beenoess and glac1,000 feet. ambrian crymbrian and asement roc0-1,300 feet0 feet of thislant vicinityoses since 1ge washing, ISFSI, it is sioning is coenvisioned oISFSI untilonitored retrf La Crosse aions that megion of the d precipitatie extremes or valley locaonths of the w08 °F was re3. m three to fmonth for thewinds at the Lhe year with of the year.are from thless sectionsection wasnaturally disn produced ocial outwashystalline rockOrdovician,cks in the st thick in ths sequence isy. Prior to t941. Due toswitchyard)anticipated ompleted. Nover the nexta federal rerievable stoand the USAmonitor and Mississippi on (6) (7). of a contineation of the winter seasoecorded in Jfive inches pe rest of the LACBWR Sprevailing n Predominahe north andn of the Cs not glacissected sedimon the unglah in the largks exposed a, 572 Milliosite vicinityhe site vicinis exposed althe Pleistoceo the presen) on the propthat the siteNo other cret several decepository, oorage facilitACE Lock 8 archive stanRiver. Collntal climateLACBWR on to 72 °F iJuly of both per month iyear. Site. Airportnorth to northant winds ad south. MoCentral Lowiated duringmentary rocaciated landsger valleys oat the crest oon Years By are of graity and conslong the blufene Epoch (nce of perty, e will edible cades. offsite ty is Dam ndard lected e with Site. in the 1936 in the t data hwest at the onthly wland g the ks of scape of the of the Before anitic sist of ffs on (more La CrossLicense TRevisionthan 2 Mtoday. ItThe site Region csynclinesSuperior formed dMajor upSome miMYBP). of the WsedimentMany faucapable ageologic mapped iseveral nfound anseismicitsite" (8). Seismic 2008 ocdecommi1.3.5.The LACthe vicin Prairie duwidth. TThere is land, islasloughs athe uplanchannel aThe mainare operaof the sitdistance the site. Part of thplant. Tone to thse Boiling WTerminationn 0 MYBP) the rit was buried is located consists of s and archessyncline, Foduring the Laplift and dowinor tilting o The site is Wisconsin Atary strata inults have beaccording toconditions iin the site renuclear poweny evidencety. Thereforactivity (maccurred oveissioning (9)Surface WCBWR site iity of the situ Chien, appThe valley walittle or no aands betweeand meandernd where trare wooded. n channel ofated by the Ute) the river iof 20 miles,he licensed herefore, drhe south, so Water ReactorPlan iver had carvby post-glacwithin the a vast areas. Major strorest City baate Pre-Cambwn-warping aoccurred durilocated on thArch, a soutn the vicinityeen mappedo the criteriain the site viegion, but iner plant sitese of capablre, capable agnitudes raer 180 mile). Water Hydris in the Mite, the valleyproximatelyalls rise sharagricultural en river charing river chributary stre The flat upf the river vaUSACE for nis nearly fouthen graduaarea (27 acainage at ththat only pr ved a gorge cial sedimenCentral Staba of large cructural featasin, Michigbrian and Eaalso occurreing and follohe southwesthward projy dip less thad in the site a in 10 CFR icinity that rnvestigationss in the regioe faulting. faulting doeanging from es from thrology ssissippi Rivy is deeply cy 40 miles sorply 500 to 6use of the riannels and ehannels. Nuams interceppland areas aaries greatly navigational ur miles widally widens acres) is on ae site has berecipitation 1-4 as much as nt. ble Region circular uplitures includgan Basin, anarly Paleozoed during latowing the Plt flank of theection of than 20 feet perregion. No100, Appenrepresent hazs of all of theon, in additio Additionaes not need 3.5 to 5.4)e site and ver valley ancut into highlouth, the val600 feet fromiver valley fextensions oumerous shorpt the mainand some of tin width abopurposes. Ade. Below thas the river aa filled in areen establishthat falls on150 to 210 tectonic proifts and sedde the Wiscond Illinois Boic (more thate Paleozoic leistocene ge Wisconsinhe Wisconsir mile to theone of thesendix A. Per zard to the fese faults duon to studiesally, the areto be consithat has bedid not ind is relativly dissected lley varies bm river levelfloor which of low lyingrt, steep-siden river vallethe tributaryove and beloAbove Dam he site, the riapproaches Drea south ofhed. One vn the bluff afeet deeper ovince. Thdimentary baonsin DomeBasin. Thesan 435 MYB(330 MYBPlaciations (2n Dome and in Dome. e southwest. e faults are the US NRfacility. Numuring the cous for the LAea is one odered in theeen noted beimpact planvely flat (seeuplands. Frbetween 2.5 . consists primg flood plaied valleys hey. Both wy valleys are ow the site. No. 8 (abouiver is relativDam No. 9, f the originavalley drains adjacent to tthan can behe Central Sasins, and be and Arch, e structures BP). P to 240 MY2 MYBP to 0the western For this reconsidered RC, "There amerous faulturse of validCBWR, havof relativelye analysis oetween 1975nt operatione Figure 1-4rom La Crosand 4.5 milmarily of min cut by pave been cuwalls of the cultivated.A series of ut 0.75 mile vely narrow33 miles soual Genoa-1 s to the norththe site and e seen Stable broad Lake were YBP). 0.001 flank eason, to be are no ts are dating ve not y low f this 5 and ns or 4). In sse to les in arshy onds, ut into main dams north for a uth of steam h and on a La CrossLicense TRevisionsmall popresentlyproblemsFor a disand townpublishedDavenpopurposesmiles dowother knoChien, 401.3.6.Groundwfeet Belcommun fill matergroundwriver. B samplingvertical glikely duAs the s which is but not penetratinof the rivwater quhas been There areanalyzedHighway1.3.7.The LACof Genoawest shocommunWisconsi(PopulatiThe areaincludes Agricultuse Boiling WTerminationn 0 rtion of they channeled s of flash flotance of 40 mns along thed records, thort, Iowa, ab, excluding twnstream. Rown users o0 miles downGround Wwater beneathlow Groundication withrial likely flowater is also ased on a reg in support gradient. Hoe to high rivite has valleunderlain byin valleys ng the Mounver valley flouality of the no extensive onsite potad. Regionally 35 with theEnvironsCBWR Facila (populationore is Reno,ity in Iowa iin, an unincoion data is fra within a fHouston Cure and foreWater ReactorPlan upland arealong the hoods have ocmiles downse river are ohe nearest mbout 195 mithe adjacent River water f river watenriver. Water Hydrh the site is d Surface (h the adjacenows towardslikely to floeview of theof the Genowever, therver stages aney sand ovey Mount Simcharacterizent Simon layoor. Use of deep aquifee withdrawaable and groly, there aree water tables and Naturlity is 17 miln about 260)Minnesota,is New Albinorporated harom 2013 Cifive-mile radCounty, Minestry are ther a contributehighway andcurred at thestream of theobtained frommajor city uiles downstrfossil plant,at the Lansinr for industrrology first encoun(BGS) and nt Mississipps the west anow towards e groundwatnoa 3 fossil re are some d flooding. erlaying a lamon sandstoned by sub-yer flow to thfwater from ers is poorer al of water anoundwater me five dome encounteredal Resourceles south of t). The near, an unincorn (pop. 513)amlet, is situity-Data.comdius is prednnesota, ane predomina1-5 es to runoff d railroad toe site. e site, virtuam ground wusing river wream. The n, is the steamng plant is urial purposesntered at deptthe water pi River. Gnd dischargethe west butter elevationstation, it aperiods wheayer of Eau ne, wells havlayers of Mhe surface inthese artesithan that frnd no signifimonitoring westic wells sd from 20 toes the City of Lest communrporated ham), located fivuated five mm) (9). dominantly ind a small ant land usedirectly acro prevent inally all municwater. On thwater for dnearest use m-power planused for conds between Lths ranging table aquiGroundwateres into the Mut then may n measuremeappears thatere the gradClaire sandve been drivMount Simondicating an ian aquifers rom shallowficant decreawells which asouth of theo 45 feet BGLa Crosse annity (three mmlet of abouve miles soumiles south oin Vernon Cportion of es in Vernoross the sitenterference wcipal water she basis of direct humanof river want in Lansingdenser cooliLACBWR sifrom approxifer is in r in the shallMississippi Rturn and floents collectet there is a dients are revdstone of thven in areas on sandstonartesian heahas been limw aquifers. Ase in the arteare periodice LACBWR S. nd a mile soumiles to the nut 350 peoputhwest of thof the plant oCounty, WisfAllamakeeon County ae. This runowith for readily avain consumptiater for indug, Iowa, aboing. There aite and Prairximately 15 strong hydrlow depositRiver. The dow parallel ted during roslight downversed and the Cambrianclosest to thne. Deep ad about the mited becausAs a result, esian head. ally sampledRsite and eauth of the Vinorthwest) ople. The nehe plant. Vicon the east ssconsin, bute County, Ias well as inoff is No cities ilable ion is ustrial out 15 are no rie du to 25 raulic s and eeper to the outine nward this is n Age he site wells level se the there d and ast of illage on the earest ctory, shore. t also Iowa. n the La CrossLicense TRevisionneighborCounty's and marsof the couThe primyears, thagricultuwoodlandhardwooA modesthroughointensity-commercand less related tononagricueast of LALand in twithin abottomlaportion osite, occuto the easRefuge bfor 2.5 mincluding26 and hoApproximwater areThe five populatio1.4.OKey statiAllis-perfoDairyturbinAllis-Initiase Boiling WTerminationn 0 ring countiesgross area ishlands is clunty's gross mary agriculthere has beeural land to d. The foresds. st amount oout Vernon C-use categorce, public, trthan 0.3% o the proceultural induACBWR. the vicinity oa five-mile ands includedof the Villagupies less thast and northebottomland amiles. Rougg vacation houseboats armately 3.5 sea and refug-mile radiuson is 522. Operational ion mileston-Chalmers, uormed startupyland enteredne-generator-Chalmers dal Criticality Water ReactorPlan s on the weis agriculturlassified as uarea (10). tural activityen a markewoodland. sts yield subf sandstone County. Furtries of residransportationof gross aressing of agstries of theof the LACBradius, appd in the Uppge of Genoaan 100 acreseast consistinand water sughly a third oomes and bore moored atquare miles ge bottomlans includes aBackgrounes are presenunder contrap of the LACd into a contr for productdockets appliachieved: Jr est side of tre and woodlundevelopedy is dairy fad trend towAbout two-bstantial amoand limestother, 85% ofdential and pn, and utilitierea. Local gricultural ane industrial pBWR Site is proximately per Mississipa, the only ss. The neareng of small turface, lying of the area roathouses, at several poinof Iowa arend, althougha portion of nd nted in Chapact with the ACBWR fromtact to purchtion of electrication for coJuly 11, 19671-6 the Mississilands. Aboud. Total devarming, meaward the co-fifths of theounts of oakone quarryinf the developpark land. Tes) account findustry cond forest prpark in Virooverwhelmione third ppi River Wubstantial coest residencetrailer parks mainly in Mremains undare scattered nts at times d within the Lh there is sothe incorpopter 2 of thisAEC, designm 1962 to 196hase steam frricity: June 1onstruction:7, ippi River. ut 3.4%, conveloped landat animals, anversion ofe total land k and lesser qng also takeped land in VThe more infor less thanonsists almoroducts. Ooqua, Wiscoingly rural ais accountWildlife and Fommunity ines to the LACand residenMinnesota, exder cultivatiod along the sduring the yLACBWR fome agricultorated town s LTP. The mned, fabricate67, rom the nucl1962, November 5Nearly 90%nsisting maid accounts foand crop farf Vernon Cin farms isquantities ofes place at aVernon Countensive lann 15% of totaost exclusiveOne notable onsin locatedand undeveloted for by Fish Refugen the five mCBWR Site nces on smallxtend west oon. A few dshoreline neayear. five-mile radtural use onof New Almajor milested, constructlear plant to 5, 1962, % of the Venly of wateror less than rming. In rounty's mars now devotf maple and a number of unty is in thend uses (indual developedely of operaexception id 25 miles toped. Of thewater areae. The develmile radius oare within al acreages. of the reactodozen residear State Higdius. Most on the bottomlbin, whose tones are: ted and operate a ernon r area 6.6% recent rginal ted to other fsites e low-ustry, d land ations is the to the e area a and loped of the a mile or site ences, hway f it is mland. total La CrossLicense TRevisionLow ProviProviLACBFinalCompThe reac96,274.6 The unit The LACTurbine Storage Tare curreand metaVessel. holds fiv1.5.P1.5.1.The LTPlicense awith the Safety AamendmeThe subs1.5.2.LTP Chaand extenremain asite charadeterminThe LACField WoAugust 2basis for specified(MARSSchange thse Boiling WTerminationn 0 power testinisional Operisional OperBWR permal reactor defupletion of futor was critihours. Theavailability CBWR unit Building, 1BTank Vault, ntly undergoallic radioactThe ISFSI, e above-grouPlan SummaGeneral IP describes thand to releasrequirementAnalysis Repent that estabsections beloSite Charapter 2 discunt of radioacat the time oacterization,ned to be impCBWR RadioWork (11) an2015 Field Wdividing thed in NUREGSIM) (13) fohe original cWater ReactorPlan ng completedrating authorrating Licensanently shut ueling was cuel loading inical for a tote total gross factor was 6consists ofB Diesel GeVentilation oing decommtive equipmelocated soutund Dry Stoary Informationhe process use the site fots in 10 CFRport (DSARblishes the cow provide aracterizatiousses the site ctive contamof license terSolutions wpacted by theological Chand LACBWRWork (12) pe site into suG-1575, Muor classificaclassificationr d: Septemberization issuese, DPRA-45down: Apricompleted onnto the ISFStal of 103,28electrical en62.9%. f major builenerator BuilStack, Lowmissioning (ent has beenth of the Genorage Casks wn used to meet or unrestrictR 50.82(a)(9R). The LTPcriteria for wa brief summn characterizamination on sirmination, sowill plan reme operation oaracterizatioR Radiologicrovided the urvey units. ulti-Agency ation. Data n of an area,1-7 er 1967, ed (DPRA-65 issued: Auil 30, 1987,n June 11, 19I was compl87.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />. nergy generadings and slding, Wastew Specific Asee Figure 1n removed sinnoa 3 fossil with 333 spethe requiremted use. Th9) and is subP submittal when changesmary of the otation that haite prior to roils, and gromediation andof LACBWRon Survey Rcal Charactfoundation The surveyRadiation from subse, within the 6): October 3ugust 28, 19987, and leted on Sep The 50 MWated was 4.0structures sue TreatmentActivity (LSA1-3). Intermnce 2007, instation, becent fuel assements for terhe LTP has bbmitted as ais accompas to the LTPther seven chas been conduremediation, ound water. d Final RadiR. Report for Oterization Sufor further y units were Survey andequent chararequirement31, 1969, 73, ptember 19, 2We generato047 Gigawatuch as the Rt Building, UA) building amittent systemncluding the came operatiemblies. rminating thebeen prepara supplementanied by a P require priohapters of thducted to deteincluding st Based on tiation SurveyOctober and Survey Reposite charactevaluated agd Site Invesacterization ts of this LT2012. or was on lintt-Hours (GWReactor BuilUndergroundand others wms dismantleReactor Preional in 2012e 10 CFR Paed in accordt to the Defuproposed licor NRC apprhe LTP. ermine the ntructures thathe results oys (FRS) in dNovember rt for June terization angainst the crstigation Mamay be usTP, up to thene for WH). lding, d Gas which ement essure 2 and art 50 dance fueled cense roval. nature at will of the areas 2014 thru nd the riteria anual ed to e time La CrossLicense TRevisionof FRS, remediat1.5.3.LTP ChainformatiA desA sumEstimAn esdispoDescrSolutionsin NUREFacilitiesaccordanRadioactadministrActivitiethan thodecommioperatingThe info sections remainin1.5.4.LTP Chdecommiin 10 CFremediatThe selecof backgrcontaminstructura standard other meDerived se Boiling WTerminationn 0 as long as tion in the arIdentificaapter 3 idention providedscription of tmmary of ramates of assostimate of thosal, and riptions of ps is decommEG-0586, Gs, Supplemennce with thetive Waste rative, work s conducted ose conductissioning acg activities thrmation proof the LTPng dismantlemRemediahapter 4 disissioning to FR 20.1402ion activitiected remediamination. T Very limiteround levelsnation has bl surfaces iand pressuethods. SurConcentratiWater ReactorPlan the classificarea. ation of Remtifies the remd in Chapter the areas anddiological coociated occuphe types and proposed conmissioning LGeneric Envint 1, Volumee SolutionsProgram, control and during decoted during ctivities is bhat occurredvided in ChP and proviment activitition Plans scusses the reduce resid. This chaps on the Radation methodThe principaed soil contas or a small been identifinclude scabre washing,rface and suon Guidelinr ation reflectmaining Sitemaining site 3 includes: d equipmentonditions thapational radiquantities ontrol mechanLACBWR inironmental Ie 1, (14). Ts Safety anOff-Site Ddecommissiommissioninplant operbounded byd during majohapter 3 suppides sufficieies. various redual contamipter also didiation Proteds used are dal materialsamination is fraction of fied to datebbling and wiping, grubsurface sone Level (DC1-8 ts the level oe Dismantledismantlemt that need fuat may be eniation dose,f radioactivenisms to ensun accordanceImpact StatThe decommnd Health PDose Calcuioning impleng do not porations. Ty previouslyor maintenanports the assent detail toemediation ination to levscusses the ction Progradependent up that may bexpected; anthe drinkinge. Remediashaving, chrit blasting, oil with activCGL) will bof residual aement Activment and decurther remedncountered,e material geure areas aree with the Dtement on Dmissioning acProgram, Raulation Maementation pose any greatThe radioloy analyzed rnce and outasessment of o identify rtechniques vels that comALARA evam. pon the contbe subject tny noted grog water stanation technihipping, spomechanical vity levels ibe removed activity exisvities contaminatiodiation, enerated for e not re-contDECON alterDecommissioctivities willadiation Protanual (ODCprocedures. ter radiologiogical risk radiological age activitiesfimpacts conresources nethat may mply with thvaluation antaminated mto remediatioundwater sandards; and ques that monge and a fracturing in excess ofand disposesting prior toon activities. release and taminated. rnative desconing of Nul be conducttection ProgCM), and ical or safetyassociated risk for fos. nsidered in eeded duringbe used dhe release crnd the impamaterial and eon are strucamples haveno surface wmay be usedabrasive blaand cuttingf the approped as radioao any The cribed uclear ted in gram, plant y risk with ormer other g the during riteria act of extent ctural been water d for sting, , and priate active La CrossLicense TRevisionwaste. excavatoenvironmadequate1.5.5.LTP Chapackagesof a Finremainindemonstruse speciThe FRSObjectiveassessmethat are iISFSI, w1.5.6.LTP Chcomplianunrestrictscenariosanalysis, exposureLTP Chacontaminwork towArgonne code to dlicense te1.5.7.LTP Chareleasingwith the 1.5.8.LTP ChasignificanterminatiCFR Boiling WTerminationn 0 Soil remedirs. Remedmental contro erosion, sedFinal Radapter 5 preses, and instrucnal Status Sng building rate that the ified in 10 CS Plan descres (DQO), suent and compidentified aswhich will stiComplianhapter 6 prence with theted use. Chs, exposure DCGLs ane complianceapter 6 usesnation and rwards and beNational Ladetermine thermination. Update oapter 7 prog the site forfunds currenSupplemapter 8 updant environmion activities82(a)(9)(ii)(Water ReactorPlan ation equipmdiation of sool procedurediment, and diation Survents the FRSctions to perurvey (FSSbasements. LACBWR fCFR 20.1402ribes the devurvey methopliance. Ths impacted. ll remain a lnce with theesents the e radiologicapter 6 discupathways, nd Dose Face scenario ans radiologicradioactivity e verified byaboratory REhe radiologicof the Site-Spovides an upr unrestrictedntly availableent to the Eates the Envimental impas. This sectG). In accorr ment will inoils will inces, as well air emissionvey Plan S Plan whichrform the FR) for open The FRS facility and s (e.g. annualvelopment oods and instrhe FRS Plan The adjaceicensed areae Radiologicradiologicalcal criteria fusses the sitecomputatioctors, the dend evaluationcal informatconcentratiy the FSS orESidual RAcal release cpecific Decopdated estimd use. This e in the decoEnvironmenironmental Racts association of the Lrdance with 1-9 nclude, but clude the usas approprian controls duh will be useRS of the LAland areas Plan descrsite comply l dose limit oof the surveyrumentation,addresses ont areas thaa, will not becal Criterial informatiofor license e-specific inonal modelserivation of n of alternatiion from Cion levels thr STS discusADioactive mcriteria for rommissioninmate of thechapter alsoommissionintal ReportReport for Lted with thLTP is prepar10 CFR 51not be limse of establiate work pauring soil remed to develoACBWR siteand a Sourribes the finwith radioloof 25 mrem y plan, surv, data collectonly LACBWat are classife subject to Fa for Licenseon and metermination nventory of rs used for area factorive exposureChapter 2 anhat Chapter ssed in Chapmaterials (REremaining stng Costs e remaining o compares tng trust fundLACBWR whe site's deared pursuan.53(d), Solumited to, bacished excavackage instrumediation. op the site pr. The FRS Prce Term Snal survey ogical criterito AMCG pvey design ation and proWR structurefied as non-iFRS. e Terminatiethods used and releaseradionuclidedose moders, the basis e scenarios. nd establish4 remediatipter 5. SoluESRAD) v7.tructures andecommissthe estimated. with new infoecommissionnt to 10 CFRutions considck and trackvation safetyuctions to enrocedures, suPlan is compSurvey (STSprocess useia for unrestrplus ALARAand Data Quocessing, andes and land impacted anion to demone of the sits, future laneling, sensifor the seles the allowion methodsutions applie.0 dose modnd soils to ensioning costed remainingormation andning and licR 51.53(d) anders Chapterk hoe y and nsure urvey prised S) for ed to ricted A). uality d data areas nd the strate te for nd use itivity lected wable s will ed the deling nable ts for g cost d any cense nd 10 r 8 to La CrossLicense TRevisionbe a supimpacts aLTP ChNUREG-referencethat the adverse eenvironmLACBWhave resuEnvironmNUREG-1.6.RSolutionsLACBWdocumenDecommRevision LTP in aLTP, wit50.82(a)(SolutionsconditionNRC appRequResuDetradecomDecreClassnotifiIncreminimIncrelevel an invChantest, oIncrese Boiling WTerminationn 0 pplement to associated wapter 8 com-0586, whiche nuclear facenvironmeneffects outsimental impaWR dated Deulted in no mental Asse-0191 relatedRegulatory Ns is submittiWR spans a pntation is unissioning PlMarch 2014accordance wthout prior N(6), and 10 Cs is also subn that establproval. Chanuires Commilts in signifiacts or negatmmissioningeases a surves 2 to Class 3ication priorases the DCmum detectaases the radi(or correspovestigation onges the statior ases the TypWater ReactorPlan the Environwith the execumpares the h provides acility. The ntal effects fide the bounacts was doecember 198significant essment in d to operatioNotificationng the LTP period that innique in thalan and Post4 (15) whichwith 10 CFRNRC approvCFR 50.82(abmitting a prlishes the crnges to the Lssion approvcant environtes the reasong, ey unit area 3; or Class 1r to implemeGLs (or decable concentrioactivity levonding sourcoccurs), istical test appe I decisionr nmental Repution of the described a generic envenvironmenfor decommnds of NURcumented in87. LACBWenvironmensupport of on of LACBWs of Changeas a supplemncludes seveat the requit-Shutdown Dh serves as tR 50.71(e). val, in accoa)(7). roposed ameriteria for dLTP require val pursuant nmental impanable assuraclassificatio to Class 3 wnting the chcreases dose rations (for bvel, relative ce term invenpplied to onen error. 1-10 port addressidescribed dedecommissivironmental ntal assessmmissioning LAREG-0586. n a supplemWR decommntal impact the AugustWR, dated Aes ment to the Deral decommired safety aDecommissiothe DSAR foOnce approvrdance withendment to tetermining wprior NRC ato 10 CFR 5acts not prevance that adeon (i.e., impawithout provange in classfactors fromboth scan anto the applicntory levelse other than ting the actuaecommissiononing attribassessment fment performACBWR arReview of ment to themissioning anot previout 7, 1991, April 21, 198DSAR. Becmissioning reanalyses areoning Activifor LACBWRved, Solutioh the criteriathe LACBWwhen changapproval wh50.59, viously revieequate funds acted to not ividing NRC sification, m the Basemend fixed meacable derivedin the Basemthe Sign testal or potentining activitibutes to thofor the decommed by Solure minimal apost-operate Environmand dismantusly evaluatDecommiss80. cause the licegulation chae included ities Report R. Solutionons may maka in 10 CFRWR license thges to the Len the changewed, will be avaiimpacted, Cla minimum ent Fill Modasurement md concentratment Fill Mot or Wilcoxo ial environmes. ose identifiemmissioningutions determand there aring license ental Reportlement actived in the Nsioning Ordcensing histoanges, the Din the LAC(D-Plan/PSDns will updatke changes tR 50.59, 10 hat adds a licLTP require ge: ilable for lass 1 to Cla14 day del) and relatmethods), tion guidelinodel), at whion Rank Summental ed in g of a mined re no stage rt for vities NRC's er or ory of DSAR CBWR DAR) te the to the CFR cense prior ass 2; ted ne ich m La CrossLicense TRevisionThe contGerard PVice PreLaCrosseS4601 StGenoa, W(224) 789gpvannoo 1.7.R1. LAL2. UC23. Ufo4. UreC5. LP6. w7. w8. DD9. ht10. 211. ES12. ES13. UR14. USNse Boiling WTerminationn 0 act for LTP P. van Noordsident, RegueSolutions, Ltate Road 35WI. 54632-889-4025 ordennen@enReferences Letter from DApplication fLicense AmeU.S. Nuclear Content of Li011. 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