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| document type = Response to Request for Additional Information (RAI)
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{{#Wiki_filter:State of Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality KATHLEEN HAlllNf:A\"'X ILANCO Mr. Gregory Hood Senior Environmental Specialist Entergy Operations, Inc. l 7265 Rivt."I' Road K.illona, LA 70066
==Dear Mr. Hood:==
.\flKf.'. O. Ph.I>. SF.CRETARY APR 2 1 2QO\ Agency Interest# 35260 Activity No. PER10030002 RE: Permit modification, Waterford lll, Entergy Operations, Inc., Killona, St. Charles Parish, Louisiana This is to inform you that the pennit for the above rcfcn-nced facility has been approved under LAC 33:ll.501. The submittal was approved on the basis of the emissions n:ported and the approvaJ in no way guarantees the design scheme presented will be capable of controlling the emissions as to the types and quantities stated. A new application be.submitted if the reported emissions are exceeded after opCl1ltioos begin. The synopsis, data sheets and conditions are attached herewith. It will be ccnsidered a violation of the pennit if all proposed control measures and/or equipment are not installed and property operated and maintained as specified in the application. The permit nwnber and Agency Interest correspondence regarding this facility. (Al) No. cited should be referenced in future \ '1. tfe.*, \ Permit No.: 2520-00091-00 f'. Q Hl1r I ). )J '* \.__..,. v .r--Chuck Carr Brown, Ph.D. Assistant Secretary CCB:KCW c: Southeast Regional Office * (/ .. flCI: ()J. .. r
* r.o. /)())( 0 I.I
* BA1'\):-< ROUG!:., '<A \ AN f.QC11L OPPORTLSHY f:MPlOYt'J<
AIR PERMIT BRJEFJNG SHEET PERMITS DlVISION LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AL QUALITY WATERFORD 3 Al # 35260 ENTERGY OPERATIONS, INC. KILLONA, ST CHARLES PARISH, LOUISIANA I. B.ckground Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station (SES) is a nuclear power plant that utilizes a pressurized water reactor (PWR) to supply steam to a turbine/generator to produce electrical power. It is owned by Entergy Louisiana and -Operated by Entergy Operations, Inc. The radioactive emissions from this facility arc regulatoo by the Nuclear Regulatory Conunission (NRC) pursuant to t 0 CFR 20. On Jtme 6. 1990, the operational control of the Waterford 3 SES was changed from Louisiana Power and Light to Entergy Operations, Inc. The Station originnlly operated under Air Permit No. 1255 (M-1), issued May 30, 1995, which covers nonnuclear auxiliary and emergency equipment at Wa1erford 3. Various lubricating oil and fuel storage tanks located at 3 were listed under a separate permit. No. 1322T. The facility currently operates under Air Permit No. l255 (M-2), issued January 8. 2001, which combined the previous permits into one permit document. ll. Origin A pem1it application and Emission Inventory Questionnaire (ElQ) dated January 13, 2003. were received requesting a modification to the permit. Supplemental information dated April 10 .. 2003, was also received. Ill. Description Waterford 3 is a nuclear power plant that uses a pressurized water reactor to supply steam to a twi> to produce electrical power. Nonnuclear auxiliary and emergency equipment at this facility include an au.x.iliary boiler, five emergency diesel generators. and four diesel-powered pumps. The fuel oil-fired au.x.iliary boiler provides turbine generator gland scaling steam during plant start-ups and shutdowns. Two large diesel generators provide emergency power to reactor plant safety systems to aJlow safe shut down of lhe plant in the event of a loss of all off-site power. Diesel driven fire water pumps are also used at the plant as a reliable source of pre$surlzed 'A-"aler for tire fighting in the event of loss of power to electrically driven pumps. These stationary combustion sowces are not used during routine plant operations and are only operated intermittently during start-ups, shutdowns, emergencies. maintenance. nnd regularly scheduled testing to verify equipment reliability.
AIR PERMIT BRIEFING SHEET PERMITS DIVISION LOUISIA."A DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY WATERFORD 3 Al # 35260 ENTERGY OPERATIONS, INC. KILLONA, ST CHARLES LOUISIANA With this modification. Entergy proposes to delete emission point 2*95, the Auxiliary Boiler. This boiler will be replaced with a portable boiler designated as emission point 24-03, and will be used on an as-needed basis during refueling and maintenance outages. The operating hows for emission points 5-79, 6-79, 7-79, 8-83, 9*99, 10-99, ll*OO and 19* 79 will be increased to 500 hoW8 per year. A portable Diesel Engine (EP 22-02) and a portable Gasoline Engine (EP 2J-02) will also be added to the facility. Estimated emissions in tons per year are o.s follows: Pollutant PM10 SC>i NOx co voe* Before 3.10 9.40 28.80 7.60 2.40 in tons per After 4.44 19.91 82.37 39.99 3.78 Change +1.34 +10.SI +53.S7 +32.39 +t.38 LAC 33:11I. Chapter 51 Toxic Air Pollutants(TAP's) Formaldehyde Total TAP's OthcrVOC's Total voe IV. Type of Review 0.02 0.0'2 3.76 3.78 This application was review for compliance with Louisiana Air Quality Regulations and New Source Performance Standards. Prevention of Significant Deterioration and NESHAP do not apply. This facility is a minor source of toxic air pollutants (TAPs). V. Public Notice A notice requesting public comment on a fcdemJly enforceable condition of277,200 gallons per year of No. 2 Diesel Fuel Oil to Portable Boiler 24-03; 200,640 gallons per }'Car of No. 2 Diesel Fuel Oil to Portable Diesel .Engine 22-02; and 9,600 gallons per year of gasoline to Portable Gasoline Engine 23..02 was published in The Advocate, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. on Marcil 10, 2003; and in the St. Charles Herald* Guide. Boutte, Louisiana. on March 10, 2004. A notice was also published in the Office of Environmental Servicet Public Notice Mailing List on March 5, 2004. Mmor typographical commmts were incorporated. 2 AIR PERMIT BRIEFING SHEET PERMITS DIVISION LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY WATERFORD 3 Al# 35260 ENTERGY OPERATIONS, INC. KJLLONA, ST CHARLES PARJSH, LOUISIANA VI. Effects on Ambient Air No appreciable effects on ambient air quality are expected. VU. lnsigniOcant Activities ID"'"'* n l -Diesel Storage Tanks (<900 gals) Insignificant Activity per LAC 33:1Il.50LB.5.A.3. I -Lube Oil Storage Tanks (<1485 1 insignificant Activity per LAC 33:1Jl.501.B.5.A.3. . Laboratory Vents Insignificant Activity per LAC JJ:lil.501.B.5.A.6. 3 AIR PERMIT BRIEFING SHEET PERMITS DIVISION .LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENVI.RONMENT AL QUALlTY WATERFORD 3 Al # 35260 ENTERGY OPERATIONS, INC. KlLLONA, ST CHARLES PARISH, LOUISIANA VllJ. Emission Rates Permitted Emissions Listed in Maximwn and Average Pounds Per Hour and Annual Tons Per Year PM10 so1 NOx co I voe MH Avg :;m; Max A"g Max Avg .,:.j;=. EQTS EQT6 EQT7 5.79 :t:\}< .. :) e;.:y;: <?X/.'.'! Fire Water Diesel Pump A o.s2 0.52 .* Q.l:L:. 0.49 o.49 '.oJ2i: 7.41 7.41 1.60 1.60 .*.*.* ... :.*, *. *o,* ..
o.55 0.55 (170H1"\ .......... ,. ,. . .... , *_,;c::.*r*:_ .* * ,. ..... .,.: "' _____ :-.-._;' .. ';'/: Water Diesel Pwnp B 0.52 0.52 0.49 0.49 7.41 7.4 l f 1.60 1.60 .: .. : ... : ... .. .. 4-0 ... :.:.*:**:**'.*;_ .. * ... .. 0.55 0.55 (J70!:fp) *:>.;> : : ,.. . ;:.'.. 7-79 ,::>>:>' **.** .**.* .. >::'/.,* EQT o.69 o.69 o.65 o.6S 9.88 9.8& .. : 2.13 2. 13 o. 73 o.73 EQT8 8-83 *. , ... .* ,: ... EOF Emergency Diesel 0. 78 0. 78 0. 73 0. 73 l I .11 11.11 .* .. _:*_ ... .. .*...* -.*',;.* .
. *. 2.40 2.40 0.83 0.83 Generator (355Hp) ., .. ,....... : .. * .. *:* . ............. '':*::.-::"" EQT 10 EQT II Di=! 0.05 O 05 o Ol O.Ol o 74 O 74 if:!! 0.16 0.16 o 06 O 4 ID EQT 12 EQT 13 EQT14 EQTIS ---EQTl6 EQT17 EQT18 EQT19 .... ------------------------------***-***-**.*****-* .. AIR PERMIT BRIEFING SHEET PERMJTS DIVISION LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AL QUALITY WATERFORD 3 Al # 35260 ENTERGY OPERATIONS, INC. KILLONA, ST CHARLES PARISH, LOIDSIANA Permitted Emissions Listed in Maximum and Average Pounds Per Hour and Annual Tons Per Year Description PM,. S02 NOx co voe Max Avg,;;, i' Mu Mu Av& Mn Mu ..... 10-99 Dry Cooling Tower Diesel Pum B 20H 005 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.74 0.16 0.16 0.06 0.06 11-00 IT Emergency Diesel Generator 125 kW 19-79 Portable Diellel Generator (45 kW) .;.. :. *.:*:.-:: * '........... .; :: .. : ... 0.16 0,16 0.15 0.15 2.35 2.35 0.51 0.51 ::g:mr.:;: 0.17 0.17 20-00 ACCW Wet Cooling Tower 0.26 0.26 :. A 6,500 n 21-00 AC.CW Wet Cooling Tower 12-79 Diesel Fuel Oil Storage _Tank (100,000 *al 001 001 13-79 Emergency Diesel Fuel Oil al) 14-79 Emergency Diesel foci Oil Stor e Tank B 42,500 5 ID No.: EQT20 EQT2l BQT22 EQT23 EQT24 EQT25 EQT26 Totals AIR PERMIT BRlEFL"IG SHEET PERMITS DIVISION LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY WATERFORD 3 Al # 35160 ENTERGY OPERATIONS, INC. KJLLONA, ST CHARLl!'.S PARISH, LOUISIANA Permitted Emissions Listed in Maximum and Average Pounds Per Hour and Annual Tons Per Year PM10 S02 NOx CO oo .,*;\, Max Ma"' .... _., "' Avg .. Avg Mu Avg Max Max IS-19 Lube Oil Batch Tank A <Clean) <21 200 aaJ) 16-79 Lube Oil Batch Tank B ( DirtY) (21 ,200 J;tOI) 17-79 Main Twbine Lulx: Oil Reservoir (20.900 aal) 18-79 Gasoline Fuel Storage Tank (900 l!'..all 22-02 Portable Outage/ 1.54 Maintenance Diesel Eruri.nes 23-02 Portable Outage I Maint. 0.06 1.02 L02 1.48 Gasoline Enrones 24-03 Portable Auxiliary Boiler 0.66 6.60 6.60 O.o? (46.2 MMbtu/hr) Al ff 35260 voe 
------------------. ***-*-.. **-LOUISIANA AJR EMISSION PERMIT GENERAL CONDITIONS I. This permit is issued on the basis of the emissions reported in the application for approval of emissions and in no way guarantees that the design scheme presented will be capable of controlling the emissions to the type and quantities stated. Failme to properly operate and/or maintain all proposed control measures and/or cquipmenl as specified in the application and supplemental infonnation shall be considered a violation of the permit and LAC 33:fll.501. If lhe emis.5ions are detennined to be greater than those allowed by the permit (e.g. during lhc shakedown period for new or modified equipment) or if proposed control measures and/or equipment are not instaJJed or do not perform according to design efficiency. an application to modify the permit must be submitted. All terms and oonditions of this pcnnit shall remain in effect Wl.less and until revised by the permitting authority. II. The pennittee is subject to all applicable provisions of the Louisiana Air Quality Regulatio1lS. Violation of the tenns and conditions of the pc:nnit constitutes a violation of these regulations. Jll. The attached Annual Emission RDtes listil\g and/or Emission Inventory Questionnaire sheets establish the emission limitations and arc a part of the pennit Any operating limitations are noted in the Specific Conditions or, where included, Tables 2 and 3 of the Permit The synopsis is bast.'<! on the application and Emission Inventory dated January 13, 2003. Supplemental infonnation was received dated April 10, 2003. IV. This permit shaJI become invalid. for the sources not constructed. if: A. Construction is not commenced, or binding agreements or contractual obligations to undertake a program of construction of the project arc not entered into, within two (2) ye.ars ( 18 months for PSD permits) aftet" issuance of this pennit, or: B. Jf construction is discontinued for a period of two (2) years (18 months for PSD permits) or more. The administrati\*e a.uthority may extend this time period upon a satisfactory showing lhat an extension is justified. This provision docs not apply to the time period between construction of the approved phases of a phased construction project. However, each phase must oormnence construction within two (2) years (18 months for PSD pennies) of its projected and approved commencement date. V. The permittee shall submit semiannual reports of progress outlining the status of construction, noting any design changes. modifications or alterations in the consuuccion schedule which have or may have an effect on the emission rates or ambient air quality levels. lhese reports shall continue to be submitted until such time as construction is certified ns being complete. Furthermore, for any significant change in the design. prior approval shall be obtained from the Office of Environmental Services, Pennits Division. VI. The permittee shall notify the Department of Environmental Quality, Otlice of En"ironmcntaJ Services, Permits Division ""ilhin ten ( 10) calendar days from the date that construction is certi ficd as complete and the estimated date of start-up of operation. The appropriate Regional Office shall also be so notified the same time frame. Revision 8 01105101 7 LOUISIANA AIR EMJSSION PERMIT GENERAL CONDITIONS vn. Any emission.5 testing performed for purposes of demonstrating compliance with the limitations set forth in paragraph lll shall be conducte.d in accordance with the methods described in the Specific Conditions and. where included, Tables l, 2, 3, 4, 8lld 5 of this permit. Any deviation from or modification of the methods used for testing shall have prior approval from the Office of Environmental Assessment, Environmental Technology Division. VIII. The emission testing described in paragraph VU above, or established in the specific conditions of this permit, shall be conducted within sixty (60) days after achieving normal production rate or afu:r the end of the shakedown period, but in no event later than 180 days after initial start--up (or restart-up after modification). The Office of Enviroomental Assessment, Environmental Technology Division shall be notified nt least (30) days prior to testing and shall be given the opponunity to conduct a pretest meeting and the emission testing. The test results shall be submitted to lhe Enviroomental Technology Division within sixty (60) days after the complete As required by LAC 33:JJJ.913, the pennittee shall provide necessary sampling ports in stacks or ducts and such other safe and proper sampling and iesting facilities for proper detennination of the emission limits. IX. 1be pe:rmittee shall, within 180 days after and shalc:edo'wn of each project or unit. report to the Office of Environmental Compliance, Surveillance Division any significant difference in operating emission rates a.c; compared to those limitations specified i.n paragraph III. 1bi.s report shall include. but not be limited to, malfunctions and upsets. A permit modification shall be if necessary, as required in Condition I. X. 111c pcnninec shall retain records of alJ infonnation resulting from monitoring activities and infonnation indie<lting operating parameters as specified in the specific conditions of this pennit for a minimum of at least five (5) years. XI. If for any reason the pennittce does not comply with, or will not be able to comply with, the emission limitations specified in lhis permit, the permittce shal I provide the Office of Environmental Compliance, Surveillance Division with a written report as specified below. Re-...ision 8 01/05/01 A. A written report shall be submitted witflin 7 days of any emission in excess of pem1it requirements by an amount greater than the Reportable Quantity established for that pollutant in LAC 33.1.Chapter 39. B. A written report shaU be submitted within 7 days of the initial occurrence of any emission in exct!SS of permit requirements, regardless of the amount, where such emission occurs over a period of seven days or longer. C. A written report shall be submitted quarterly to address all emission limitation cxceedaoces not included in paragraphs 1 or 2 above. The schedule for submittal of quancrly reports shall be no later than the dates specified below for any emission limitation exceedances occurring during the corresponding caJendar quarter: I. Report by June 30 to oover January through March 2. Report by September 30 to CO\'CT April through June 3. Report by December 31 to cover July through SeptcmbeT 4. Report by March 3 I to cover October through December g LOUISIANA AIR EMISSJON PERMIT GENERAL CONDITIONS D. Each report submitted in accordance with this oondition shall contain the following information: 1. Description of noncomplying emission(s); 2. Cause of noncompliance; 3. Anticipa1cd time the noncompliance is expected to continue, or if corrected. the duration of the period of noncompliance; 4. Steps taken by the penninee to reduce and eliminate lhc noncomplying emissions; and 5. Steps taken by the permittee to prevent rec::urrences of the noncomplying emissions. E. Any written report submitted in advance of the timeframes specified above, in accordance with an applicable regulation, may serve to meet the reporting requirements of this condition provided all information specified above is includi..-d. For Part 70 sources, reports submitted in accordance with Part 70 General Condition R shall serve to meet the requirements of this condition provided all specified infonnation is included. Rcrx>rting under this condition does not relieve the permittee from the reporting requirements of any applicable regulation, including LAC 33.1.Chapter 39, LAC 33.111.Chapter 9, and LAC 33.IIl.5107. Xll. Pennittec shall allow the authorized officers and employees of the Department of Environmental Quality, at all reasonable times and upon preseDtation of identification, to: A. Enter upon the pennittee's premises where regulated facilities are located, regulated activities arc conducted or where records required under this pennit are kept; B. Have access to and copy any records that arc required to be kept under the terms and conditioos of this permit. the Louisiana Air Quality Regulations. or the Act; C. Inspect any facilities. equipment (including monitoring methods and an operation and maintenance inspection), or operations regulated wxler this and D. Sample or monitor. for the purpose of assuring compliance with this pennit or as otherwise authorized by the Act or regulations adopted thereundc:r, any substances or parameters at any location. XIII. If samples are taken under Section XIl.D. above, the officer or employee obtaining such samples shall give the operator or agent in charge a receipt describing the sample obtaine.d. If requested prior to leaving the premises. a portion of each sample C(jual in volume or weight to the portion retained shall be given to the owner, operator or agent in charge. If an analysis is made of such a copy of the analysis shall be furnished promptJy to the owner, operator or agency in charge. XIV. The permittec shall allow authorized officers and employees of the Department of EovirorunentaJ Quality, upon presentation of identification, to enter upon the penniuee's premises to investigate potential or alleged violations of the Act or the rules and regulations Revision 8 01/05/01 9 LOUISIANA AIR EMISSION PERMIT GENERAL CONDITIONS adopted thereunder. Jn such investigations. the pennittec shall be notified at the time entrance is requested of the nature of the suspected violation. Inspections wider thls subsection shall be limited to the aspects of alleged violations. However, this shall not in any way preclude prosecution of all violations found. XV. The permittee shall comply with the reporting specified under LAC 33:IU.919.E as well as notification requirements specified under LAC 33:111.927. XVI. In the event of any change in ownership of the source described in thls permit, the permittee and the succcedmg owner shall notify the Office of Environmental Services, Pcnnits Division, within ninety {90) days after the event, to amend this permit. xvn. Very small emissions to the air resulting from routine operations, that are predictable., expected, periodic. and quantifiable and that are submitttd by the permitted facility and approved by the Permits Division are oonsidercd authorized discharges. Approved activities arc noted in the General Condition XVII Activities List of this pennil To be approved as an authori7..ed discharge, these very small releases must: xvm. I . Generally be less than S TPY 2. Be less than the minimum emission rate (MER) 3. Be scheduled daily, weekly, monthly, etc., or 4. Be necessary prior to plant startup or after shutdown [line or compressor prcssuringtdepressuring for example) These releases are oot included in the permit totals because they are small end will have an insignificant impact on air quality. This gcneraJ coodition does not authorize the maintenance of a nuisance, or a danger to public health 11.lld safety. The permitted facility must comply with all applicable requirements, including release reporting under LAC 33 :I .3901. Provisions of this permit may be appealed in writing pursuant to La. R.S. 30:2024(A} within 30 days from rcoc:ipt of the pennil Only those provisions specifically appealed will be suspended by a request for hearing. tmlcss the secretary or the assistant secretary elects to suspend other provisions as well. Construction cannot proceed except as spccificaJly approvc:d by the secretary or assistant socretary. A request* for hearing must be sent to the: following: Attention: Office of the Secretary. Legal Section La. Dept. of Environ.mental Quality Post Office Box 4302 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70821-4302 XlX. C.crtain Part 70 general conditions may duplicate or conflict with state general conditions. To the extent that any Part 70 conditions conflict with state general conditions, then the Part 70 general conditions control. To the extent that any Part 70 general con<litions duplicate any state gem:raJ conditions, then such state and Part 70 provisions will be enforced if there is only one condition rather lhan two c.onditions. Revision 8 01/05/01 10 General Information Sheet Agency Interest/Facility Name: Entergy Operations Inc
* Waterford Ill Nuclear Plant Agency lnterest/Facllfty ID: 35260 Pennlt Id! 252Q.-00091-00 4048 X*Ray Registration Nuanber Radiation X-ray 1112111999 64-07118106 NPOOJ GD*089*3276 Fodera! Tax ID Nu.clear Power Plant Focus Billing 11 SieeJD II Registration Number Federal Tn ID Radiation Solid Wa.ste Facility No. 19481 EctefSY Operation.s lnc
* Waterford Steam Elcctti..: TEMPO Merac !;talion Unit B 411621 2S20-00014 LAGS30192 LP&LCo CDS II (old CDS#) LPDES# 2520-00091 Entergy Operations Inc* Wai.:rford lH Nuclear PlllllJ LAD0007S74SO Entergy Opcntiom Inc Waterford Ill SES LAD000726042 LP&L Wacerford Ill 685 LA0007374 WJ>4832 LP&l Waterford m WPC File Nun1bcr WPC State Number TEMPO Metge CDS Numbcf LPDES Permil # CDS Number Hazardous Waste Notificatiou Ha1.anlous Waste NotifJC:ation TEMPO Merge l.PDES Permit # LWDPS Pcnnit# 12i2J/1999 07/10/2001 1112111999 OS/1312001 05/13/2001 10.'0212002. 04f29i2003 0412911998 04/29/2003 08/1811980 08/18/1980. 08/18!1980 04129/2003 OS/22/2003 06/25/2003 Physical Location: 1726.5 River Rd K.illooa, LA 70066 Main PbOlle: (504)464-3267 Maillog Address: 17265 River Rd KillolMI, LA 70066 Location of Front Gitte: S9' 49'' latitude. 90" 21!' 5" longitude Related People: Phone fobn Hornsby (504)464-3249 Work phooc number Mark* 1. Louque (504)464-3267 Work phone number Roo l'erry G frank (504)464*3379 Work phooe number G FrllSllc Davis (Jdl)vis*J@cn E*mail address G frnnk Davis (jda)vis*l@ea E-mail address G Fnnk DavL' (S04)464-3379 Wortc phollt! number Venable Air rennit Contact For Air Pumit Contact f'or Nuclear Power Plaut Billing Party for Radiarion For R.adialion for Radiation Registration Billing Party for R1<1jatio11 hei.snlion Billillg Party fur Reapousible Offi1;ial for Related Organizations: Ncune:;:,_...,,,... ____ __ Eotc1gy Qvcrations Im.: * (504)464-3267 Wortc phone nwnber Alr IJilllng Party for Watuford ill SES (504)464*3267 Work phone uumber Solid Wasti: Billing Party for (504)464*3267 Work pbo01: number Water Billing Pany for SIC Codtt: 4911, Electric lnventories Entergy Operations lac -Waterford 3 Nuclear Plant Agea.:y lntercst Number: 35160 Activity ID No: PER20030002 Permit Id: 2S20-0009J-OO Rcl1tl.on5hip1; Subject Item ln\'t-ntory Altrrnftte IDs: Inventories Entergy Operations Inc -Waterford 3 Nuclear Plant Agency Interest Number: 35260 Activity JD No: PER20030002 ID . . . --** * . I ** 10 * * -* ; . J -Unr up __ . . __ . .:,_,, .. :** * .. , .. rermiI11!1*_ *. _ . .. .. _ -. .. :**-* . 
Facility Sl>edflc Rooalrements Entel'lO' Opeudom lac -Waterford 3 Nuclear Plant Agency lnterest Number: 35260 Activity ID No.: PERl0030002 Id: 2S20-00091-00 RcquirO'llall.S -P11c I of 27 Facility Spes:ific Reuuiremepg Entergy Operations Inc
* Waterford 3 Nuclear Plant Agency Interest Number: 35260 Activity ID No.: PER.20030002 PermJt Id : 2520-00091-00 :L:in;itations: ---* -----------**---** *--* ----* ------+-----.. ----l-. 79 EmcrgCllcy Oie!iel .[LAC 33:lll.SOl.C.6) : i ; Generator A (4,400 kW)
* I-I -t.-! -l3 llllOLC6]-i _ --! . -Sulfur dioxide<"' 14.4 lb/hr. (LAC 33:111.501.C.6] I Hourly 1\Verage <All> I All Year I I I I I I ; 33:iif.so1.c_6j
* 1*-* * *---* * *-* -+-* *-"Ai1 * *
* I I I I _ _!_ __ ---*---* -<All> ---:-* I I Tu;., <* ,_,-,bib<. (tACl1,iit5-0i .C:6). . .. -f----* . --t-* ---<Ni;-*-. j-* AU y ,;,-*-. i "-' ..,;;,;y,_ 1LAcTi1i1iii1.c.*J--i mu;;...; ------All * .. , !----*---riQT6. ii;k1i.Ac ***--1 * ---n&deg;"";*.;;;,.;,..;;,,----i-----<;;u> --*--*-l-----*-An veai _____ , ___ --------.. ------... _J _______________ .,,_1_ -----*-!---*----------Carbon monoxide <a 40.3 lb/hr. [LAC j H(lurly avCTIJge I <All> 1 All Year ll3:11L50LC.6J I I I L-**-* -------*-----...... ___ ------*------__ j _______ .. ------+------..... -i monoitide <= 3.0 ton.t/yr. (LAC
* Annual muximwu I <AH> 1 All Year ; fJl:Hl.501.C.6) l I : 1s :-91hihr: lb11;,-ii.Ac --*--t**--:z-Ai1>---*1 AlfY0;--*-*1 , __________ :_. __ **---------*-.............. --***-----.. --. -____ , ____ ,,_.,... --*---**-* *------* '* *---....... -*-*-____ __L_ .... --------*---*-_J AU Yi:ar '-*------* l<oquim>>cnu -Pagel of 27 l __ _ FacWtv Specific Requirements Entergy Operations Inc -Waterford 3 Nuclear Plant Agency Interest Number: 35260 Activity lD No.: PER20030002 Permit Id : 2520-00091-00 * -* --oxides ****---*** --* * **** * . -+--j 4-79 Diesel IJJ:IIT.501.C.6) 1 j Gcrtcraror B (4,400 kW) i 1
* _. __ , ____ ,_. -------t-------* _______ i._ ________ _ ppac!tY Six-1ninute average I <All> I ALI Year javeragc in exCCM of20 percent for not more ! I one six-minute period in any 60 consecutive j 1 --*--*---*-_.1.._ _ _ . -----1 . _ .... -* --** -.. -I jParticulare matter (10 raicrons orles&) <= 4,7 lb/hr_ !' -Hourly maximum , <All> 1 All Year ! 0ua0,;; Oi J.,.f <: . +---H.;.;,y ,,..-- --<AiJ>---i--All y,M-__ i ___________ ; _________ .. _J__ __!_ __________ ear1icula1e maltcr ( l 0 or loss) <Q 0.4 tons/yr. : Annw maximum i <All> : All Yell! I JLAC 33:W,501.C.6J : I I! I I j I
* isu1ru;dio1lid; -t-**--** -..\i1 Year --*j I + I , : I i <= 33:1iuof.C.6) **-. --*---<All> '-****-All Yeat * *-***-*; i * *<All>----*** I ! i ! r 11,.,,y;.,,,;m.;;;, 1--<Ali> 1--Ally;.;**--.J 3*:91b:hr. -[iAc 33:m:sol.C.6J ---*1-*-* * * -Hourly-i *----<Ali..;-* -All Year ! I ! ,. ' -***--... -----* --***-*-**-** ***-*--******* *-*-----*--****-**-*- --....... **----**-*-*f -----** .... I ' I ;voe, Total<:= 0.3 tons/yr. [LAC 33:rfi.501.C.6J l Annual maximum j <All> I All Year -----EQTI--lb/hr. (LAC ____ ... .J ______ *--AU 15-79 Wa[er Diesel Pump A?3:lll.50l.C 6j I ' ! ; : ____ __{_1_70 _HE}___ -* --*-* .. ________________ ___J _____ *--------* '-* *--****-*** L ..... -.. **------**--_! Rcquimnents -l'agc J nr27 
; Limirations:. Facility Soecific Reguiremeutn Entergy Operatiom loc -Waterford 3 Nuclear Plant Agency Interest Number: 35260 Activity ID No.: PEIU0030002 Permit Id: 2520-00091-00 ! --** ;-----*----j ** : 5-79 Fire Waler Pwup I I " I '110Hpl ----T-**--*<Au:>* -----1* l I : I
* I [LAC 3jJii.soi .c.6IT *-*-* . , ---<All:.> _____
* 1-* -Ali ---i *" ,,;;,,;. rLACiiiii:SOI :cTJj_ ___ """'" ;"'""" ***** * <Ali> --*-i .... A" ya;-----; , I j I I I !;&.i;,-;: 1uc* -----* --' * *-*-*-<A.u;-*** ---r ** ---An --___ , h i, t ,,3:111.SO LC .6] I ppacily <., 20 pe-rcenl; C)(cept emwions may have an ! Six-minute average <All> 1 All Year i ***-1 :---------------........ ------** ... [ ... -........... --- ---*-+*--*-i:;eragc opacity in excess of 20 percent for nol more i ! -_J_I -..... <;;--.. ____ \ fLAC 33:ULSOLC.6] I . I m&tte:r cio miCroiis <* o .s2iblhr.i-----averaac -------T * -<"t\ii>. --* + ------Ai1 *y.-ea;-* ----1 33:111.501.C.6) ; , i .. : *------. *--*--;'"' *--_____ .. _ ............ _. ____ ; ----***---....... __ .... _ *--*--*--+*-. ___ ....... , r._artaculate matter (10 macrons or IC$s) <=-0.13 tons/yr, Annu1d maximwn I <All> : All Year fl.AC 33:111.501.C.6) ' i I i o.49 33:rii.sOT.c.6f I.. ttour1Y----<<;\Ii> ____ --*+-*---i\ii-vr.i;.---*i l ___ .. ____ --------.. *-*---*--*-*--*--* .L--.. ----------_J __ --*-*--*----........... 1.. __ ---*---*-* ..... -dioxide<= 0.49 lb/hr. !LAC 33:Ill.501.C.:.6] ! Hourly a\>era&e I <All> ! All Year f '
* I [LAc";limso1:C6i! r-.. --<Al'i;---.. -1 *--,\i1-&#xa5;--;;;;;**--*-1 I I ! ----_____ .. __ j_ _____ ,, ........ ___ , _____ ,,. ________ _j_ ______ ,__ ----*-*----* *--*----i __ .. *------* ! -! I Rcquin:metns -4 of 27  " " " " "* ,., .. ,..,_,._ ,,,_ ,.  ".. *******---*
Facility Specific Requirements Entergy Operations Inc* Waterford 3 Nuclear Plant Agency Interest Nwnber: 35260 Activity ID No.: PER20030002 Permit Id : 2520.00091.00 . **--*-.. *-** * * * **-*-***. *----*-----1 Subject Item ID _ L. _ ------\ Stat. Buil FbHes Which j I -----fon*--*-**-*--*--. voe. To1al 0.55 lb/hr. [LAC 33:111.501.C.6] r-----** . -----Att Year -l ! 5-79 Fire Water Diexl Pump A' j , ; 1 ' (l7o "" o.m;;;,,. tLAc 33,111.iOIChj. -.\ ..... * .. *i;;;;;.,-;;-,;.;;;;* -____ --r----All ' I :  ----I <All>
* 1 I I I 1 j Ii-Ac------I*-* * <AJ,,-.. -:--*" v-;;-, ---i 070 Hp) <:;;;-1.60-iMi-;:-[i..Ac-----*--t-Hourly ----r-------. --t---133:Ul.SOl.C.6] I LI l I '----*** ***** ---*--* -** *--**-----*-----*---*----**-----t-*----.... ----1 <>= 0.40 tons/yr. (LAC : Annual inv.;imum I .;:All> / All P3:1IU01.C.6] I t I o.xidcs-.::, * .-7_4111i!hr.-[1..\c3iiri.-Sol.c.6Tf *-.. -Hourly mUkiu"m______ -*--Year -br <r. 7.4l_lblhr_ [LAC 33:1riji) 1.cjjf--*----*-+----<All;---+-----A-tlYcar -. i] I I I I ! ! I t.85 .. [i.Ac *--*- **** ----i ---<A"tb" **----i\ii-YC"a7 ___ --1 l.C.6} i I i I I --- in excess percent for not more J I :than one s1x-m1nute penod many 6() CQIUeeutivc or / Ail )*ear o.u ,.,;,;:+-.. ... ----lLAc 33:111.501.c.61 J: I I ****-*-* -*--.. -***** ! ******-*-*----*---------*---*---**--*-**--****-*-------***-*-*--* .. _ ... _J. ___ ***--*----*I.,,, __ ., ... -.-*-***" All Year i,., ___ , __ R.cquueoucnts ** Page 5 of2 7 Facility Soecific Re!luiremcats Entergy Operations Inc -Waterford 3 Nuclear Plant Agency Interest Number: 35260 Activity ID No.: PER20030002 Permit Id: 2520-00091-00 **** * ***-*** .. --****--**-************** .. -................. * -* ____ .. ___ *-_____ ... * * ....... -.. *--__ ---___ j 16-79 !'Ile Wa!iT Diesel Pump nftAC JJ;IU.SOl.C.61 i I ! ! , (J?OHp) .. o.".i9-lbJhr. {LAC33:ffi:so1.c.6j--j---*-Hourly -<Alt> -- ------1 : ! ! I ' I I l I '****--i : *****-*-'HcilliiYavmge : i l I I : ' I ' &tlfur [i.Ac 1.6,i 4 ** *-----* *---r * ' ! , ; I ! , roe: o ;,-,hih0LAC i3:iii5o U06i--:-- -. Ai;*y;;, *-.. -: !**------*--** *-*--**-**--*-*---:-----*-----+-.. ----*------_ J_ ----. ---* ---t--** *---------: 1voc, Total <s 0.55 lbihr. lLAC 33:llL501.C.6l j Hourly &\'erege I <All> 1 All Year ! j ! ! I . I I I *-* _ _ _ __ 111 I_ * ' l EQT9 moooxide < ... 2.13 lblhr. [LAC I Howiy maxi.mum <All> t All YC1tr 1 t" .. f1jjt;;;;.:* iLAC -f--Hourly ,,mg;-* -1,--... <Ail> ! p3:IH50l.C.6J ' I rt.Ac--*******-----*--* *-+*--<Au;-*-*-*-l*--* Allvw ----1 *;.o '*'''""'-1uc-;rw.so1<::.1 1 . ---1100;.;. ;;;;;,;;;;m ** ** * -<A11;-----r * ****----Ali . I . '-** **-. ***------..... ._ ............ ! *----***-------f-*-. -----.. .. **--! Hourly average ; <All._, i All Year i I, I I I . . . ----***--------***-------*-***-----*-***-***---' -** *----*-****--___; **-----*-******---_L __ _ ----**---...... ***----. -l'aso 6 of27 Fasility Specific Regulremcnts Entergy Operations Inc -Waterford 3 Nuclear Plant Agency Interest Number; 35260 Activity ID No.: PERl0030002 Permit Id : 2520--00091-00 1 SubjllCt Jteia ID Umit (Citation) 1' Stat. Basia I Phases ! Which Months?
* f---*-*-... ____ , .. ,. ___ "*---+ ..... -. **----"* -*----------.. *--*--.--. ---*---.. *--* .. _. -__ ___j_, __ . ___ ..... ____ .l-----* -... I EQT9 ;Nitrogen <<* 2.47 tons/yr. llAC I Annual tna>;imum 1 <All> I All Year Security 1 ! ( ; Generator (286 llp) 1__ f -j-. -----.. ---*---+---* .. ---*-----*-.. -... i 0-PacitY .;.;,;, 20 may i;ve IU.;*1---I <All> 1 All Year ' r,vc:nige opacity in excess of 20 pcn;cnt for ooc more 1 I 1 lhan one six-minu1e period in any 60 comecutive ! / I ; .. ___ , -----! ----------*-.. .j_.,.. *---*---**""*!* ,,. _______ .. *-*-**' ;i>articulatc matter (LO microW! or less)<-0.69 lb1hr. ! llourly malliiuum i <All> ! All Year .. ,;;,.,,, &deg;' ; _ -. .,,,;.,;----f **-*<Au;-*--*-*t-.. --) LAC 33:111.SOJ .C.6] . ! I ! -' **---.. ,_ .. _____ ,._ ---*---....... ,__j __ ,, __ .. _ .. _ ....... _ .. __ ---.. i----------J *-*-*-matter (I 0 microns or le.,.\)<"' 0. 17 tons/yrJ Annual ma.'timum I <All> I All Y L'tll' JLAC 33:111.501.C.6) ; l I {i.t.c 33: ill:sol:'c.6]"t ..... iowru--- ---<Ali> ___ -* ). -All Year : I I I t diollide <;0.6S lb11U'. [LAC 33:Ui.'so1.c'6i -*r .. . ---[ ---* <;Ali>--*--. r,' ---'""-\ [ I I I ; *ru.c-3im.soCC:6j t .. -----l-*---'Ai1 Yr:ar ... -* i i I I i <,;: 0.73ibihr. [LAc))jn_so!:-C.6f*-. ! muimu;-*---i-<All;,*---*. i .... ! I i I -----* .. *---*-... ------*---.. *----* .*.... : .......... -.. -*-*-*" __ ,. ---* J___ ---.. ,, ______ ) )YOC:. Tollll <= 0.73 lb/hr. [LAC 33 :111.501.C.6] : Hourly average i <i\11> I i 1 r !Voc:i'ot41<..;o:i8 .. (1.Ac 33:iu.5oi.c.6-J -L. ---* * *--<..\li>_" ____ i_ ---AU Year*-*-----, 1
* f * * -.... ,. * ---------r-* ... --* -*1 ---A"ii &#xa5; 1 __ _ .... L.-...... . ----.. *----* ____ . *--___ __L --*-*---... _. ___ .. ---* _. l .. ____________ ._. __ j__ ______ . **-***! All Year -1 ! Rcquiremcnlll --7 "' 27 iLimitations: I'* Subject ltrm ID ,-**-****--*-F.QT!o **---8*83 EOF EmC11:cncy Dieilel
* Geinerator (355 !Ip) F15cillty Soeclfic Roouifemcnts Entergy Operations Inc -Waterford 3 Nuclear Plsnt Agency Interest Number; 35260 Activity ID No.: PER1003000l Permit Id : 2520-00091-00 * -*---............. __ --------* . Stat. Basit I Ph.llH ____ j rnoooxidc <"' 2.4() lb/hr. [LAC r--. <All> I All Year l M<> ion . -[tP.c-********--* ! *-* -+-*-<Ali>> ** -... -**11 * -* -***; tn:IIUOl.C.6) I ! --*--<Ati> *-*-*** I * ---A-u ** *-1 , , r ! I l I i ! -z.-11. 11 ihlhr, (LAC ]J:rii.5iff:c.6Jf---. Houriy averal.!t --------:---*-*. <Aii>--... -*--**-* tLAc-* * * .J. .. -.. ,,.,, . .1;;...,....;---I---4\i.;--i33:1Jl.501.C.6J I I i L . ---* .. **-* .. -*----*-*--*** *----*--* .. 't* ............... -*---........... *-*---+-*-------*-*---. _,L ___ ,, __ .... ____ _ !opacity <= 20 percmt; cx.ccp< cmi.c;:oiions may have lll1 Six-uiinute average I <All> j' All Year iovcragc opacity in eitcea of 20 pcn;cnl for not more ! I six-minurc period in any 60 con.'ICCUlive I ! ------i1 <Aii>---t,.*---All Year l 'LAC JJ:lll.501.C.6] I i .. o-:78 tbllir:*+-----*-<Ail>*---t--*-... AJI . --*-: fl.AC 33:Ul.SOl.C,6J i : I i ---....... ____ , _____ ---*-*-**-.. **--* *1----*--.. --.. -*-,, ____ .. ___ ,.i ..... ________ , _____ j matter (I 0 microrui or <M 0.20 ton:i/yr.i Annual maximwn 1. <All> ! All Year JLAC JJ:lll.501.C.6] ! I I I <,. o.ij iblbr. [LAC fr:lii501.c.6f"-f * <Aii>*--*--*-j *---* ---1 . , I L-. **-* ____ ........... ------*----**-*-*--+--*-**** _ .. *---.. +---------.. .. dio:itide <-0.73 lb/hr. [LAC : Hourly averuge 1* <All> 1 All Yell!' : I : I , Z.:Qi8!0iLv}-r. * (tAc ---*** /' --<A"ti> ----l *--Ali Ycu ----1 ! I I I .. J ___ **-**----.. ----* -----* ___ l_ ________ ---------*-* _J_ __________ , ___ I ___ .. ____ , _______ i 1Limitations: FacUtty Soecific Regyiremepts Entergy Operations Inc* Waterford 3 Nuclear .Plaut Agency lnwrest Number: 35260 ActMty ID No.: PER20030002 Permit Jd: 2520-00091-00 * -* --** --1 8-SJ EOF Emcrgem..:y Diei;el l l I [ ' Generator (35S Hp) <= 0.83-lbthr. [LACl3:11uol.c:61 . -+--. -i:roo;iy.* avClllgC
* j----ZAti;* -----. All year *--*--1 I
* I ' : I I ***----*---**-***-------**-*-**-***** **--***-* ----:---+---***---****------*. ------i---*--------..J.___ *---*-*-** -* (LAC33:11l.501.C.6J I Annualmaximwu I <All> i AJIYur . i ' I I I 1 .... ... n;;;,*1iAC ---+--ii;,,,, ;;;u,.;;.u . -r -<All> . 1--." y;;:;---: (LAC .. ---*-*--** 1 ** Hourly n-erage ! All -*--**-r- -* * ;:;;,;;:---i ;.uvw*** :: .. *::  "i I I Ii <;;O, **---; *--*-?3 :llf.50 J.C.6 I ; I * * * --*  -** --..\ii r''an one sh-minute period in llllY 60 consccutive I I I i ** *-1 Aii_v_ea;-----*: 33:lll.501.C.6J I I I i (10 < .. O.OS lb/lu.-: * -+---**-j 33:ITI.50l.C_6J j ! i I *---**-*-*-* *-*--*-* ***--* ** -*--*** ----------*-** ******-*--*-l **--**** **--*-* ..... -L------------' -**-----**--*-** All Year 
;1.imitation.s: Facility Spcclfk Requirements Entergy Operations Inc -Waterford 3 Nuclear Plutt Agency Interest Number: 35260 Activity ID No_: PER20030002 Permit Id : 2520-00091..00 Rcquircmems -10 of 17 I Whirb Months? .. --y . **--Alt v .;u .. i I I i ' I . All .Year . ----! ! *---*----___ __j I<*acility Specific Requirements Entergy Operations Waterford 3 Nuclear Plant Agency lntereat Number: 35260 Activity ID No.: PER20030002 Pemtit Id : 2520-00091-00 __ *i----** -**-l-__ -1 10-99 Dry Cooliug Tower r3:111 . .501.C.6] ' Di&#xa2;111:l Pump B (2() Hp) f...* ......... ______ . -*-__ ***--*-*t------_ -*-.----. --****-------l--***--** --**----* -**-**-;--**-*---*-*---* * . .J <c 20 except emissions may have an* Six-minute average ; <All> All Y eat 1 opacity ia cxc.ess of 20 percent for not more !
* 1 Ulan one six-minute period in any 60 G<.'.lnsttutive 1 I , : i * [I.AC 33:lll.501.C.6] ! , I . I I I ' . *.non er uo ;.;;-crom or 1hlhi-i Houri)' ----* *- . ---Ali v car . ---* i 33:UI..50l.C.6J i I I o.Ol -----*j
* All Year * --1 [LAC 33:111.501.C.6] i I ; j ; I I isu1fui di"c;.ti<!c <,;,-o_os . .A.c Jim.s0i.c.6f
* 1 .. ---HMly fl_------. ' l : I I --Hourly. +---*-*<i\1i.-.-* ---t * ----&deg;Ail"Y_w. ---** -.i l *****---------** --*-*** --d----*--*-** _____ J _________ J__ \Sulfur dioxide<* 0.01 tonslyr. [LAC JJ:nt.501.C.6), Annual maximum : <All> ; ( ; ' I l--* --*---------*----***--**-***--**-* L..*--*****---*-***-***------* ! ... --. _____ _, ___ _J_. :voe. 0.06 lblbr. {LAC 33:UU01.C.61 i Hourly RlllJ(imUm ! <All> 1 -1 : I I i I I j I J . *******--*-*----*----**** -----*--/---*-*--* -----*-----*-**** *-+***--*-*--*-*+-**-** ----****-1* ;voe. Total<= 0.06 lblbr. [LAC 33:111.SOl.C.6) ! Hourly 11veragc ! <All> . All Year : I I i . --------*--*-----*** -----*--;c;--T--*--------_ _j_________ ---j' *-------.. ___ I :VOC, Total <:0 01 tom/yr. [LAC J)*U!.501.C.6] 1 Annual maximum j <All> All Year *-*-* -;_ -: I i i EQTI 3 ----* -<,;; lb/hi. [LAC' ___ --* -r ** --H;wly
* i ---**-<:.\ii;:---* .. ---; -----All Ye<tr 11-00 IT Emergency Diesel '33;lllSOl.C.6) ; I ___ J _ -----**------. ----***--****-***-_j_** -*--------*-J ________ . ***----._ .. ..1 .. -***--* **--*-----) I ..\i1 --1 Requirements ** Page 11 C>f 21 Facility Specific Requirements Entergy Operations Inc -Waterford 3 N11clear Plaut Agency Interest Number: 35260 Activity ID No.: PER20030002 Perntit Id : 2526-00091-00 *---..... ***-------***---.-*-***-**--------*-... -... -**---* I Item m I Limit ICitalion] I Stat. Basts I FhHet ; Whlcb Muntll*? lb/hr. [LAC ..... *--.. --lienerator (125 kW) L i : L rLAc ___ ,, ------*----! __ .. Aiivear ---! 1 I ; s:solbitir. (LA:c3i111.s0Tc.61 * *-*---*-All **1 I L.------*-*-***-*---*-;Nitrogen ox.ides< .. S.SO lblhr. (LAC 33:11U01.C.6} Hourly average I I I -----<--**-**----***--*--*---.. <Alt> All Year I I ' .. ,:--i.4s roos!yr. [LAC . ----------*--+----.. ----: b,*: _, ______________ ,,. --******--*--*--------***;1. I l I Opacity<-= 20 percent; Cllcept emissions-may have an ' --average ---- <All;------r ------Aii ----! 1avc:rage opac::ity in cx.cesa of 20 percent for not more ! ;than one sill-minute period in lllly 60 conscculivt! ! i I piin_u!e.s.-JLAf_!JJ!LIJl_l.9} _____ --------* j _ ---------.. ---*+-*-------....... --f--! lbibr. i Hourlymaximum ; <All> I AllYear . H:lll.501.C.6] ; l i ! r** Hourly averaie ---- --<Ail> "' . I --.. -'A.ii . --[ or <,; o. .... 1-... ---*::::..\i1>-------i1, -* . ; i (J.'jsib.i};' [LAC 3);J-1isoi .. f --. . . -.. --! .. <All> ... All Y ... -1 I ' : I . t*-*-*-** .. ---------*-*---*-**** .. --.-.... ---J...... --** -*----Sulfur dioxide<"" 0.38 lbflir. [LAC 33:lll.501.C.6) i Hourly average I . -***--!--*. . ..... ! <All> All Year I I . ---**--.. *-.. --.. -..... *-** .. ----*-tsuu'ur 0.10 1011.'liyr. [LAC .B:llJ.SOl.C.6] : Annual mllllimum i i . " .. *******---*--** **-*---i. ____ **--*------*-.. *-**--------.-*-**---..... .i. ............. ,_, _________ .. ,_ : <All.,. I All Year ; I ; .. _c ___ ... .,. -*-*-----1_ .. ______ .... _. ___ , Requirements --12 or 27 
;Limitations: facility Specifie Requirements Entergy Operadons Inc -Waterford 3 Nuclear Plant Agency Interest Number: 35260 Activity lD No.: PER20030002 Permit Id ; 2520-00091-00 I I , -r Subject ltC'IJl ID , Limit (Cit1UonJ ! Stat. Bub l Phuet l Montb*? . ; : I !*DO ;;e:-(oc, Total&deg;" 0.43 lh/hr. [LAC n-:fi1joi.C.6J . --.------Ho-;;rly *1*----<-Ail> ______ T_ --*A]!Ye:;-! Geoerator(l2S kW) ! ' I : _ ----------* __ . i I <-o.4:i 1b!hr. [i.Ac *f -_f __ --r-A11 Year l i ! : t' ! ! '. J3:1ll.SOLC.6J --,----<Ali> --1*-* ---* 1 : I ) . ! --EQT14 ------------j ----zAu;----1 All-Yw * ; ]19-79 *----.. *----* ---*. ___ ;_____ .... __ *------_L __ ---_ ---* *---+** _,_ _ . . ; monox.ide <."' 0. l lb/hr. [LAC
* Ht1urly average ! <All> i All Year i j33:lll.501.C.6J I : , I I ' ... I -------______ .. ----*----*--- ---* . -----* ___ ;_ ____ ---------------*--*-----' 0. , Annual maximum l <All> i All Year I I i l \ --Ei-j------<Aii;----( *---i 'N;m,g,o .,,;d., <= f3'ibn>i:*f1.AC-ff111.soi.C.*1 r ---/-Au y;;, --1 oxiu; <= o39-1on3/yr. [LAC. --. -----*!-------1 ... ----i ;;.: mepi h;;ve ----**
* f Ail Year rvrnige in CXce.!1$ of 20 pm:atl for not more : I jthan ooe '1x-minu1e period in any 60 con.<;CCUtive ; I maxl;Uum----+ *--*-:(;;:11; --* --J -*--. JJ:ll!.501.C.6} I I l i--------------*---------.. ---**----*----__________ J ____ . ____ -----*---*------_,J_, ___ *----**-1'-* ......... -*-*-.... . mauer (I 0 microns or 0.16 lb/hr. j Hourly average I <All:;. , All Year !fl.AC 33:lll.501.C.6) * ! I ---*-------L----------*------**--------------*-*-**--*--*-----------.. ---------*--_J _______ --------* j ................ ...... -... -**--*---****--**. --** _______ ,,,._, ___ ....... -., ..... _ .... **---**--*--*---
Limilations; Facility Soocific Roouifemcnu Entergy Operations Inc -Waterford 3 Nuclear Plaut Agency Interest Number: 35260 Activity ID No.; PER20030002 Permit Id : 2520-00091-00 Facility Specific Requiremepts Entergy Operations Inc-Waterford 3 Nudear Plant Agency Interest Number: 35260 Activity ID No.: PER?0030002 Permit Id: 2520-00091-00 ..... -*****-****** ........ ---. **-.. -** .. *****-*** . *-. . .. --...... ---*-** *-*---. *-**---*-.. -; __ ID _ ___ . ***--**-* Lhnit __ ---*----__ [ ___ ***--* Bads____ . _ j _____ !ll*sct ______ . _J : llQT16 !?articulate matter ( 10 microns or 0.57 tom.I yr.! Annual mwmum ; <All> I AU Year '1* ! 21-00 ACCW Wet 33:Ul.501.C.6] ! I _j_'
* Tower a ; ; : I . . **---****-*------*-***--i: ... ******--*--* *-........ -*---*****J *--*-**--*-**-*-........ -* ---------***t----*-----*-----* . -----*----*--* .. J . EQTl7 . . ;voe, 0.01 lbilu. (LAC JJ:W.501.C.6) ! Hourly maximuru : <All> l All I 12-79 Diesel Fuel 011 Sturage ;
* j ; ! Tank (100,000 k--*--*--*---**--------*--*--*-... *-... 1 _ . . **-*-*. *--*-----**--_]_-**-**-**-**----****---*---t*-JVOC', Total<* 0.01 lb/hr. ILAC n:tn.501.C.6) t averqc I <All:> 1' I ' roc: o:O. ...,;,., (LAC inii.Si>i:C.6j .. .....;I ;,;.;;;;,;,;;** : <Ail>*--f-----Aii Y w : ; I I I I : *1-3_ 79 -o.0021i;;b; -[LAc 33Ji(S-OCc.6i--** \ * * * * * * -<A.11;-*----*-t** * * * * * -**** : Oil Storage Tank A (42,500 i ; j I ! gallons} L--***--* **
* i \ I i --**-*--*--*-****-*---i All Year
* I '
* i
* I ,_ ........... -.-**--* ---****-*******-*** *-**-**--*-------*******-*+*-*-*-**-* .. -* .... -** -*-*-****------i----**---*** .. ----*--*-**---**** ---..; ;voe. Total<* 0.01 100.'liyr. tLAC 33:111.501.C.6] 1 Annual maJtimum 1 <All>
* All Year ' i 1 I I I ! Oil Storage 'fDnk R (42.500
* 1 "allons) '* ..... **-* ****--------*----***-----------*---- *--. -* !VOC, TO(al <* 0.002 lblb.r. [LAC 33:UJ.501.C.6] j -; I I I.------****-*-*--*-** All Year All Year I . Rcquircmer4-P91* IS n'27 
:i t"adlity Specific Reguirements Entergy Operadons Inc. Waterford 3 Nuclear Plant Agency Interest Number: 35260 Activity ID No.: PERl0030002 Permit Id: 2520-00091-00 :_ ___ .. "? _ J_ Llmlt fCitatlonl 1 Stllt. Bui*  l'h11ies j Wbkh Month1'r .. I ! Eono jVOC. [LAc JJ:irr.so1-.-c.6] * - --* --: ---<AJ1> ---r--.-.. Afivw ---* i . IS-79 Oil f'ank A ! i i j I (Clean) (21 '21 o gaUons) f oc. -.:.;o:o I j"jjff50 l:'E6f---Annuai --<All;----* -+-*-*-*AttYe; -. ! ;------.. --** **--**-*L--****--*---*------*--*---*" ----I *--** ----* J_, ------*--*--***-r-*-... *----*-**-*---! ; 16_7q Lube Tank B !VOC', Total<= 0.002 lb.'hr. [LAC J3:lll.SO! .C.6} l Hourly nuwmum <All> All Year \ : (Diny) <21*210 gallons) ;vOC:.Toiai<-o:ooi ib.thr. LLAc JJ:ni:5ifr:c.-6f-+ ----TI"Wr1y overage-* --* -t-<Alt> -*-** .. Aii-y(;-... -.j 0:01;;;.;;;;** ii.AC ;1:1;1:ro 1.c*1 ! * --.<,;..;, *+ * *--* <A11> *-** 1 ----.-,i v;.;.: -! 1*11:;; f oc. ro;;. <0:00111.<,;(LAC u ins01 c-:01 *** 1-*---<Au>" ---t------>:11 -Reservoir(20'900gailol1ll) (LA.ciiXi1.50TE6J--i .. *----t-----<ft.l1>* ---r-* -; : . I To_tal_<_O_.Olto_nsl_Yr* (C\C-"* -- .. _ .. --t*. I i I I I ' I ' I ' ! .. _____ EQT23 ___ l _____ -*-**-------.. -*-------*-.. _ .. ____ ._,,_ -----r--------*-- ----... -* 1R-79 Gasoline Fuel s10,,..oc 1
* 1 IVOC, fotal <s 0.06 lblhr. [LAC 33:1ll.50l.C.6j Hourly ma:\imum ! <All> i AU Year ; Tunk. (900 gallons) *-' ! J , f;.., *-*-ito.rlY ---!----<Ail>-* ---! * --*All Year [LAC .ii:J.ff501.c.61-t-.. --.. --t *--<"t\11>_ .. ---*1 *I j I j ! l I ._,J _________ .... ,._ *----.. *-*--.. --*----.. --------i*----*---* -**-*---i. . -* -iiqr24 *---; 22-02 Port.iblC' Ouragt' -OJ:lll.501.C.6} i Hourly maximum I <All> , All ' I
* 1 _ I _ -* ___ _ : L I I I I I --... -..... __ ,_., ___ .. ---*----* *--..1.... *-*-*--*---.. *------"*--_____ ,, __ .,_,, ________ ...... --*-* -** --. -----------*-**---***---** *----------Rcquiremcnb -l'a&e 16 of 27 Facility Specific Rcgulrcmenb Entergy Operations Inc
* Waterford 3 Nuclear Plaot Ageacy Interest Number: 35260 Activity ID No.: PERl00.30002 Permit Id : 2520-00091-00 \ I Diesel 2i>OM0 guU0nslyT: *
* with limilation a reportable I (rolling 1-monlh basi') '\'iol.uiun of !he permit. Notify tbc Office of 1 Lcuvironmcntal Compliance, Enforcement Divii;kin if i jNo. 2 Diesel Fuel Oil usage ell<:eedl the maximum 1 !listed. in thiR specific caadition for any twelve '1 i I ; ._.1 __ __ ---------* ! ollides<=49.28 tblbr, [LAC 33:JU so1.C.6JJ Hourlymalliruum *r * -<Ail>----l--*** All Ye11r j '----*. ----. ----. --*----* *i-.. --***---*-*----+--*----------!*----*** -*-. ---* !Nitrogen Ollides <= 49.211 lb/hr. (LAC 33;1U.501.C.6]* Hourly avenge r <All:> I All Yc11t I -i -,\frvw -! may 1 -_L_ -<Aii>. __ .jl _ -.. --* *i opaci1y in cxce58 of20 pcrcen1 for oot more j : I jlban one si,,-minutc period in uy 60 consecutive I I I i orlcs.1)<. it;ihi: ! . --t--<All;-* .... -r--. --All Year ! 33:lll.501.C.6] I 1 I i *(1 o or . ... . . . . . ....... Aii Year . 33:111.SOl.C.6] . ; i I marte;{lo <;;:*, _40 tons/;;.-.f-. ---"1 *----<ATi>---. ..... ****-. j 33Jll.50! .C.6] i : I . I I . .. 7.7& 1bl.;;.**[i:::<\c 33:11uo1.c.61 *-(--**** ***--<Aij;""*---*T ** I I I I ---*---**** . --*-*-. **"--** **-*-*-**--'. ****---***J ........ ___ .. ,. _____ ... ! .. _. -*** -*-** ---____ J R.llqllircmc11ls ** l'age 17 of27 
:u.mitatiollll: I t--EQT24 22-02 Portable Outage . Maintenance Diesel Engm Facility Speclfic Requiremep!&sect; Eutergy Operations Inc -Waterford 3 Nuclear Plant Agency lntcrest Nulllber: 35260 Activity ID No.: PERl003U002 Permit Id : 2520.00091-00 l1, * -1*-*---I i I i , __ --***-*-**--*****-*-----------*** ---------* ---:: ----------****-*----* **----+-.,____________ ---+----***--*****--------_J !Sulfur rlioltidc 7.10 tons/yr. [LAC 33:Ul.5QJ.C_6) i Annual munnum \ <All> i All Year I -r, .. **11ACJi"1Ji:SO; c .* (-J---*---+-**---<All> --+--*11 v-; ! ... *-* ---**--* -*-*-**-------., --*-* -----*------i ----*-----------___ ... _____________________ j _________ ----**-** *---* 1VOC, Total<* 1.39 lbihr. [LAC 33:Uf.50l.C.6J 1 lloorly a\.*crs&c <All> I All Year I I ' I : I I l---*--* --------------*****------*-_________ ; ----*** *****-----**-------+---*-* *-----+-----------*-*i /VOC, 1.26 [LAC 33:lll.50l.C.6] : Anl\1181 maximum I <All> j All Year . ! ' I I l (iAc -:---. \ Mamtcllllllcc Engines *1 __ _ __ ____ _____ _ ________ . 1 *
* I carbon <--.... 19.40 lblhr. [1-AC *- -,lourly ---- ---*-* -<A\1;----1 *-** -Ali-Y c1;---* --. i --------------------- --****--*-**---****-** ____ _J_ _____________ L_ ---*-* _____ ! ,Carbon monoxide<"' 111.91 tons/yr. (LAC 1 Annual maxim-um i <AIL-' j All Year I 33:111.501.C.6) I ! ' I I i
* I I fuel me<" 9600 --------.-_;Aii>. ---j J\11 with thi11 is a reportable ! (rollins I-mood! basi5) J i v1ol11uon of the pcnnit. Notify the Office of I l 1 'Eovironmeotal Compliance, Enforcement Division if j fuel usage exceed$ the mu:imum listed in this 'j '.SPCCitic condition for any twelve consecutive month ! 1 fLAc-fr' 1.-C-6 J J . *---.. HoutlY maximum ----r .. I j L_ 1i:1'C-33:ul:50-1.c.61_f_ ---*i -* *-..:-,\u>-L ___ ______ i I *-*-** ---* . ,._,.L ... ____ ----*** ----* ... ****-----.-L-------*----------.--1.__,_._, ..... -----* . -----l----1 I  -* *---* j__ _______ .,_., ______________ _) All Year Rcqui1emonts -Page of27 Facility Specific Requirement? Entergy Operatlom Inc -Waterford 3 Nuclear Plant Agency Interest Number: 35260 Activity ID No.: PER20030002 Permit Id : 2520-00091-00 Rcquiri:rn1mts *-Peg&#xa2; 19 or27 Facility Soecific Requiremeots Entergy Operations Inc -Waterford J Nuclear Plant Agency Interest Number: 35260 Activity ID No.: PER20030002 Permit Id: 2520-00091-00 .................... ________________ j All Year 
;Monitoring Facility Soecific Reauirsments Entergy Operations lnc -Waterford 3 Nuclear Plant Agency Interest Number: 35160 Activity ID No.! PER20030002 Permit Id : 2520-00091..00 **-,--' 22-02 Portable ! souDd method durin.a loading. [LAC I Ou1agc -i3, J:lll.501 C.6J I Main1ei1nnce Pha1u ___ L __ MO_J!thst ... _; -JAii Year ! , Diesel Enginl:" 1 : I -.. --* . J ---*----l <All> ... ; i I ! j *
* __ --** F-uet-Oil Tiu-o;ghpu1-;oniio;;f by *tli -* * ---Non-c -* .. -!----* -<Ai1;----iijiveru:--. --* -! : 24-03 Portable i 0ocbnicslly sound method during loadiDg. [LAC, i i j :_. -* . _________ _ __ __ .. --L-*-----.... -..l----.. --** --'-*--*----*-* .. **-*--*" _. ................ ... **-*-** --*<>*,__,._ ...... , .... , ____ ... --
Facility SPWfic Requiremeats Entergy Operations Inc -Waterford 3 Nudear Plant Agency Interest Number: 35260 Activity ID No.; PERl0030002 Permit Id : 2510-00091-00 1 Suhjttt ID* Puan1ttet" ! Rtcord-Keepioe IClfation) l **-----* *-* **-.. ---* -;--,:-***-* ----*--* *----*-***-. **:::-J** -** i EQn Equipmenb'operarional dalll data recordkceping by I ; 3-79 EmcrgeDCy1 !c:lcctrooic or hvd copy co111iouously. Record Diesel Generator i on for al least two years rhe dala 11 A (4,400 kW) lo dctuone1r11e exemption from the . -l <All> ! @rsiuns of LAC 33:Ul.Chaprer 15. Rtcord all! data \D the wUl3 or lhe wing I \icniging time of rhe standard. Make I ! f duvailabk: lo a ofDEQ or ! j '--*-*--****. / * *-*----__ . J ______ EQT6 Equipmcnt/operatiooal data JEqwpmaitloperatiOOAI dirta by ; <All> I r 4-79 Emergency 1 lelt.ctronic or hml copy cootinuously. .Record I I i Diesel Generator J keep on site for al lea.o.-i IWo yea111 the data I ! B (4,400 kW) ;n:quircd 10 from tbe 11 I t J>rovisio11S of LAC JJ:lll.C:hapter l.S. Record 11111 1 ' :Cmissions data in the units of the $landard using , [the averaging time of th&#xa2; standard. M*kc I Jn:cords 1v1ilablc co a representative of UEQ or j :* **-Eon-* .. ---! 5. 79 Fire Waler I lelecironic or hatd C-Opy Record I Diesel Pump A r keep on site for II least two ycan the da\11 ; (170 lip) ; ulred IO dcmonstraic exemption front the l i of LAC 33:JII.Chap(cr 15. Record au! I I ienu:oi.\io11s date in the units of the standard using jthe aver1ging lime of the ltlll<lard. Mike 1 '*--***--:-* .. __ ; ;--:-*-.. *--* ---------I : E() r& ; Equ1pmcn1.1opera1101111J data 1E11u1prncntiopem11onal daLa by ! <All> I
* 6-79 Fire Wuter. elccrronic or hard copy Record i j / Diesel l'ump B : Md keep on site for at ll!aSt two year.r the da10 1* I * ( 170 Hp) : equircd to dcmonatratc eXO!bp<ion lrom the rovisions of LAC H:lll.Choptci-IS. Record 1111 I missi(ID!': data in the units of the: standQld using :1 I !the avcrasini time o.C !he stl!lldard. Mlllce : 1 1 )ccords uvoilahlc to a repn:scnllllive ofDEQ or . L.. -*-__ _L__ --** I 5_1_3_) __ !__ ------_____ J -
Facility Smific Reguiremeab Entera.y Optndon1 Inc -Waterford 3 Nudear Plant Agency lnteretC Nwnber: 35160 Activity ID No.: PEK2003000l Permit Id: 151G-00091-00 !subJttt hetn JD; Puamet.rr ! llttonl*Kttpb'lt tCit1t11nt M11se. *-*---, . *------*-----------** --* .. --*-----*-* : EQT9 . Equipuu:nlioperation.1 data. dela by <All>
* 7-79 S<<UJiry i or b.ud copy Record I Emergency I keep 01I aite ror II Inst (WI\ the data I t Gcncraror 1 tcclu1n:xl IO dcmorurrato exemption from the r (286 Hp) l provitio1111 or LAC 3J*lll.Chap1er IS. Ke&#xa2;0rd all* j ,emis,,ions dall in the 1111it, or the s1'11\dlJ'd using ! I avcf'lliiing 1inae of tho standard. Miike I
* available lo a rcpmontative of DfiQ or . L ... _ *----*i* ..... ____ _.1 __ *-j 1 t;q111pmc:11t/opccarioMI data \Equipmcnllupmlional data n:cordkceping by I .;AJI> I . 8*83 F.Of I f or hard COf'Y continuously. Record I I Emc.ricoey f end keep on site for 11 lult two ynia \he data ; i Diesel GcncralOf I lo demomlrlte ex.anptfoo Crom the ; * (3SS Hp) 1 Eo"isioas C\f LAC 33*lll ChaJl'ICf 15. Record iilll 11 ! Wiloc1 dai. io lbc units of standatd using 1 1 1\l'llO cir the lllandard. Mako :
* I !"Ofda available to a rc:pMentative of DEQ or
* I 1513) ; J EQTI I --1 by-*j --<All_> ___ . I 1 9.99 Dry '. blectronic or bard copy coolinvau1Jy. Record ! I *1 Cooling Tower keep oo 1i10 for 11 lase tlfo ye1n tbe dlt1 I . Oicsel i>wip A
* uired to dclDOllS(fltt e.ionpdon from tho I I (20 Hp) I vi*iona of LAC 33:1U.Chlptei-15. Record *llJ I miu10N dell in lhc u.ai11 of the lland1rd u1in11 , I I pie 1veniging tune nfthe .widard. Make I I av11lable to 1 rq>retmlllli\'e ofDF.Q ,,, 1 . , '.lhcU.S.l!Pl\011requn1.flAC33:UJ.1513J . ,,*-* EQTI 2-i Cla10 by
* l --<A,-.;----; J0.9Q Dry 1 or hard wpy enn1inuously. Record l '. Coolmi; Tnwer t juad keq> on sue for 11 lcas11wo ycal"1 the dall , ! Oicscl Pump ll 1 IO demoiu11n10 exemption from 1bc '. (20 lil') ;
* of I.AC )):Ul.Ch1p1er IS. Record 1111'. I * ,emi.'ISiOllll o.lam 111 1hu unilll uf the Mandanl usmg : 1 11vcra;in111imc ufthc Mnke 'j I aVllilohlc 11> a reprexntallve of Dt:Q ot I [_. *-.. -* .L_ ........ ----** ____ Jhc U.S. D.!__.1. *-*** .. --** _ J _...... .......... -**-**----
bcility Soedfic ReouJremept! Entergy Operations Inc-Waterford 3 Nuclear Plaut A&eacy Interest Number: 35260 Activity ID No.: PER20030002 PermJt Id: 2520-00091-00 _____ j _____ -. -*-* _ /. _____ __ ; EQT 13 -Equipmeiit1opcra1iona.I data data rC(:()r'(jkeq1ing byl' <All> : l 1*00 IT ) or hard copy oontinuously. Record . , Emugcncy l find keep on sile for at least two years the dal<I I i Dic:iel Gcncra1or I required en demonstrate citcmption from the I I (125kW) ! EvUion.rnflAC 33:111.Cbi!ptcr 15. Record all, 1 ' isaio1U1 data jq the unlts of the 1laudard W\ing I he avcragine lime o{ lite 15Undard. Make i available 10 11 rcpre9altalive <>fDEQ or 1 ------l. ___ ---*---_l __ l::QTl4 . data 1t.quipmc11t/opcra1ional data recordkccping h>* j 1 19*79 Portable : electronic or hArd copy continuously. Record 1 I / land kc:tp on for at least two years the data i I (45 kW) i jrequired to dcmoostratc eitemption !tom the : : of LAC 33:111.Chapter 15. Record alll' j data in lhe uniti: oftbc using ! avcraeiog thoe of the s&andard. Male I I 1vailablc to a ofDEQ or I j --.l . --* __ _ __ .. . _!lPA .. ; -----. *---... J J EQT23 Equipmcnt./opentional diita lEciwpmcnl/uperarional dam rccontkccpin& by l <AJI>
* 18-79 Guolmc 1 1elcc..1r0we or hard copy continuowily. Keep ; , Fuel Stonagc I of the information specified iu LAC I : Tank (900 }33;W.2 I03.J. I -1, aupplicable. [LAC gallon&} t ;B:n!.2103.1} . , ;****--flOTI4 --r by*-**r-----<A11> ___ l l 22--02 Porlllblc : flCCtmnic or hard copy continuously. Record j I i Oul.&#xa3;1Ge
* keep on for at least two ycar.1 the data i : Maintenance : 10 demoo1tr11te frnm the i ' 1 Dicstl fa1gi11e5 ; of LAC 33:lll.Chapt<< J 5. Record all! l ! da111 in the unics of the ictandard I i avera,ing tiruc or the stnndard. Ma.kc : I r iru<;ords avaiwbl.e In a repn:Jcaiativc of DEQ or ! I -----+-------* * ,;;.11;-** --* !copy moarhly. Keep records of the 1<>1111 N(I. 2 : j fuel Oil u.-t each month, 1s well as die i J No. 2 Di<:licl 1-'uel Oil for lhe las! 1 O'IOllths. Make records a\'ailabh: fOf i 1 by DEQ pcnon.ocl fl.AC : ! !__ ____ -----*--**--*---* ...... _ --***--*--... --* -*-*** j ____ _ ____ J _____ _j <All> I -... ........... ___________________
facility SpedOc Reguiremenu Entergy Operations Waterford 3 Nuclear Plant Agency fiJterest Number: 35260 Activity JD No.; PER20030002 *'-.. . . . --*---** ..... -. ..... -... Rcq,uiremaill!: Permit Id: 25.20-00091-00 .. 1.D1 1! .. _. ... --.-l.-::**. _ ... i_,_
i F.QT25 l;;qu1pmt:111:operatioo11l d&la f.C'luipmeat'openitiooal data recordkeeping by l <All> , i 23-02 Ponabl1: I or bard copy continvously. ! i i Outage -! !imd on site for *t k11t !'No yc11n1 the data ! ; j 1 FN!Uircd to dcmoos1n1te ei1emption from lhel
* 1vasolinc ofL:"-C IS. Record 11n] : ' iemw1ons da1.111n the uruts of U1e using . I , averagini lime of the standard. Make : . to 1 representative of IJEQ or I 1 '' *.. ... *-*----.. _,_:_ ... ______ r Fuel rate Kia.wline Fuel rale by electronic j <All> i pr lwd i:upy monthly. Keep rec:orw of the total ! I fuel usage CAch month, as well as the I
: I ,0111 p."lolioe fuel usllge for die Inst twelve , >nonlbs. Make n;curda IVaJlable for iospec1io11 I r 1 hy DEQ pcl'll()nnel. (LAC 33:Ul . .50J.C.6J ! I ! -EQT26-: da1a by
* i -_.. ..<A.11> .. ---1 * ! or hard copy continuously. RecorJ I , Auitil111ry Boiler I "nd keer tln site for at lca!it two years lite data i to dcmOGJtralt eitempti<>o from tht j provisioR!i nflAC 33:111.Cbapter 1.5. Rerord alll I f.misuons data in die unita of tbr:: standard 1.11ing I ' i --j l'uel rate l ( ----------I I J._ ... -* _ .... _ jtheavcragingtimeofthestaodard. Make I 1vail1blc IO a representati ... -e or OEQ or I I _____ .____, !f quipmentlopcrationaJ data rccordkeepin& by I <;All> I flecttoolc or hard copy ar the regulation's fmiuency. Keep records oftlic
* I ,uifonuatioo in 40 CFR 6Q.4llc(e)(I) ! (e)(ll). Subpart De. [40 CfR I
* by 11:;;-d* ..----<All> -* .. 1 daily. Ke1:p records oflhe arnow11 of e&ch i combusted durwg eaclJ Jlly. Subpart De. ! .. ___ J40_C_:!::R ______ -*-__ .. --*. __ ; -Page 2S <*f27 ............ ____________________
Fadlity Soecific Reouirements Entergy Operations Inc -Waterford 3 Nudear Plant Agency Interest Number: 35260 Activity ID No.: PER20030002 Permit ld : 2520-0009.1-00 Requirements: lSubjctt Item ID) Parameter ! Reconl-Kttp!ng !Otationj *-EQT26****-r * . *-<All> : : 24-03 Portable ! rnoolhly. Keep of the tt:>tal No. 2 1 Auxiliary Boiler 11 iDksel Fuel Oil used each month, !IS well a.' the 1 No. 2 Diesel Fuel Oil used for the lase I, !twelve moruhs. Make Available for by DEQ personnel. [LAC -----------**_..L_.----*--*-*-----**---*-** -* ... ------__ J Namitivc (Oak and Textuql) Requirements: Al3S260 *-1. 2. 3. Maintain best housekeeping and maintenance practices ot the hight:11 possible standaldl to reduce the qUfllltity uf organic compounds Good b11u.'lekceping shall iudu<lc:. but not be limited practi<:es listed in LAC 33:Ul.2113.A.1*5. [LAC JJ:ill.2113./\j Prepare standby plans for the reduction of emisslom during periods of Air Pollution Alert. Air Pollution Wamin& and Air Pollution Emergency. !ttandhy plans to reduce or eliminate emissioM in accordance wilh the objectives os set forth in LAC 33:111.S(il I.Tables 5, 6, aDd 7. [LAC 33:Tn.56Q9] Activa11: the preplanned abatcmr:nt strategy listed ill LAC 33:IIl.561 I .Tuble 5 when DEQ <b;Jarci; no Air Pollution Alert. [I.AC '.H:Ill.5609.A. I .bj 4. Activa1e the preplanned S1rategy listed in LAC Jl:Ul. 5611. Table 6 when DEQ declares an Air Polluti(lo Warning. [LAC 33: llJ.5609 .A.2.bJ S Activate the preplanned abatement suatcgy lis!Cd io LAC J:Ull.5611.Tablc 7 when DEQ d<<lucsan Air Pollutfon Emergency. !IAC 33:lll.5609.A.3.b] 6. All affected shall comply with aU applicable provilsion.' in 40 CFR 60 Suhpart A. (40 CFR 60) 7. Failuro 10 pay 1he fee or annwil fee as provided herein, withio 90 days after the due d111e, will constitute a violatiou of tnei;e regulations and subject the person to 11pplicable enforcement !Kl ions under the Louisiana F.JJvironroeolal Quality Act indudin&, but not limited to, revocalion or of the uppli.cahlc pcrruit, license, re1'i-'IU'ati0fl, or \'ariance. [LAC 33 :lll.219 J f.QT23 -* 18-79 Gasoline Fuel Storage Tank (900 gallons) I. .Equip with a submerged fill pipe. [LAC 33:Ill.2103.A) EQT24 ** 22--02 Ponablc Outngc
* Maintt.i11nce Die.<1el Et1gines L 2. 3 Submit notification; Due at 7 day5 prior10 perfonlUll'ICl!lem i.o;sjons test to the Office of Envirorunental Assessment, fn\*irnnmental Technol<)gy Engineering Services. to provide the opportunity to conduct a pretest meeting and observe the testing. [I.AC 33:111 . .501.C.6] Submit report: Due within 60 11fler tCllt. Submit tes1 results to the Office of En\.iromnentol As8ellsment. J'm*uunmental Division, Engineering Scrvicell. [LAC 33:UJ.501.C.6] C.onduct a performance/emissions test: Applicabk if the engine niterl at .500 Hp or greater and is intended to opcrale or does operate: for 720 hours or more. Juriug the outage or mainte11an1:e period. The 51J1Ck purpose to demonstrate compliance with the limit& of this pennit. Test me\hods and procedures shall be in accordance with New Soun:c Performance Standar<b, 40 CFR 60, Appendi.'l. A, Metl!Qd 7E -Deterruination (lfNitrogen 0;11idC$ F..mission, from Sl4tio1uuy Sources i111d Method 10 -Detennination of Carbon Monoxide Emillsions from Stetionary S<>UJ'ces. USt' altcmDlll stack tctit methods only with the pri01 npproval of the Offi.;c of Environmenllll Envuonmental Tcchl\(lJogy Division, F..ogincering Ser.vices. AJ required by LAC 33:111.913, provide !!ampl.iug ports in or ducts and such olhcr safe and proper sampling l1lld testing facilities for proper dctCllllination of the emission limits. (LAC 33:11I.50 I .C.6] R<qu in:rncnlJ -Page 26 or 27 .....................
Facl.Utv Spe:c;lfic Reau.ircmeots Entergy OperaC1ons lac* Waterford 3 Nuclear Plaat Agency lnttrett Number: 35260 Acdvity ID No.: PERl0030002 Ptrruit Id : 2526-0009 l-OO N11rranvt' (Datt IUld Teit1ual) Requirements: F.QTI4 ** 22-02 Po1101ble Outage. Ma101cnaoc.e Dicscl Enginc:s 4. Subrmt n:port Due 11111ually, by lht' IStb offebruary. Repon the No. 2 Fuel Oil usaac for the p1eceding calendar year 10 the of l:nvironmental Coinp!U.ncc, Enfo1temen1 Division. ILAC 33:111.SOJ.C.6) EQ'f2S *
* 23*02 Ponable Outaboe
* Guolioc F.ocines I. Submit norifle<itivn: Due at lraSl 7 day* prior 10 pcrformancc/cmissioru test to 1hc Office of f:.nviroomcmal Enviroomcutal T ecluwlogy D1\'is1011, 2. 3. ... l:.ngi.nuring Sen*ice:l, IO provide the opportunity 10 conduct a pnlest moe1ing and observe the em Wion tcslinf. {LAC 33:111.SO 1.C.6j Submit report: Due within 60 day1 aJ\er pcrfom>ancelemissions tCll. Sub111it cmiuion5 test 1csu.llS ro the Office of F.nviroome111al A.Qts.1!'Dea1. Environmcotal l'cdlno!ngy F.nginccrio11 Smicca. (LAC '.rl:litSOl.C.61 Conduct o Applicable ir the cn&lnc is rated al .SOO Hp or arutcr and is intended to opcn1c or docs operate for 720 l1our.s or more. du1ing lhe outage or 1D1in1cnuicc period. The stack tcac's purpox is co dmloRJCl'ftlt ex>mplbnce witb the emission limits of this pcnnit. Test inelbods and procedures shall be: 111 aci.:ord:ince with New Source Pcrformtl1'e Sl&lldanh, 40 CFR 60. Appendix A, Melhod 7E-Dclcnnillltioo ofNit.f'Oieo OitidCJ> Emissions rcom S1111ioD11ry Sources and Method IO
* Octerm!n12cion of Camon Monodde Emi.'tions &om Swionary Sources. U11e alternate acack Leal me\bods only with the pnor 1pprvval nf tbc Office of cnvlmnmemal AMetanionl, Envimruntnlal Tcchno'&deg;IY Divi1'ion, Engioeeril\& Servicc1. M required by I.AC JJ:Lll.913, pmvide ne.;e!!Sll)I pons in alllcb or duc..-u and 9Ueb odicrsafc and proper nmplins and lallDS C.Cili1ies for proper determination of chc cmwion llru11S. (LAC 33:Jll.501.C.6J Submit report: Due lllllU4lly, by the I of Febniary. the 1"'11inc U$11CC for the Pf'OC'Cding ealcndar vc-ar 10 the Office of P.nvitonmc:m1I Colllpliao<'c. EAforccmcnt [LAC JJ:nf.SOl.C.6)
* f.QT2f> -2<1*03 Porul:ilc Aiwlialy Boilo I 2. }, Subl'llJC nocir.ea1K>n: Due u J.pecificd in 40 CFR 60.7. Submit die dale nf conswction or recoo.souction, 1ct\lal startup. l1>1:ludc lhc 1Dform1liun spc:ll:ified in 40 CFR 60.48c(*)(I) thtou&h (a)(4) as appfkable. Subpart Dc. (40 CFR 60.411c(*)) Submit rcporu: Due scmiaMU11ly, by the 30th day following the end of die rcpon.ina period. Submit reports as required in 40 CfR 60.411cld) Include 1be informa11011 specified in 40 CFR 60.4kte)(I) through (c)( 11 ). Subpart (40 CFR 60.48.:(c:)) 10 the fuel supplier certifinlion n:quircd in 40 CFR 60.48c(cX 11) 1be inf'onnatioa tpeelficd in '10 ct"R 60.48c(f)( 1) tbroui:h (f)(J). Subr-11 lk. (40 CFR 60.48.:(1)1 4 Mawtwin all 1e.:ordl rtquin:d under 40 CFR 60.48c fot a period of2 (oUowmg the date of JUC:h rcc:ord. SubP4rt Dc. (40 CFR 60 411c(l)I .S. Submit report: Due AMully. by the 15th offcbNll)'. Rcpo11 the No. 2 DlcS<:I Fuel 011 u!lcd for preceding e11lcndar yeM LO the Office of F.mironmcallll Compli111ce, {1.AC 33:11UOl.C.6)
KATHLUN BABINEAUX BLANCO GOVERNOR State of Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality Certified Mail No. 7004 1350 0000 5460 3770 MIKED. Md>ANIF.L, Pb.D. SECRETARY Agency Interest (AI) No. 35260 Activity No. PER20050002 Rick Buckley Entergy Operations, Inc. P.O. Box 31995 Jackson, MS 39286-1995 RE: i..etfc:r; Wat<<fordm Nuclear Plant Entergy Operations, Inc., Killona, St Charles Parish, Louisiana
==Dear Mr. Bucldey:==
On March l 0, 2005, a letter requesting approval of an alternative method for testing sulfur content was submitted. Currently, Waterford III Nuclear Plant is required to combust No. 2 diesel fuel oil with less than 0.5 weight percent sulfur content and enlists Method 19 of 40 CFR 60, Appendix A to verify compliance. Entergy requests that ASTM 04294, Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petrolemn and Petroleum Products by Energy-Dlspersjve X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry, IBR be an approved method for determining sulfur content in diesel fuel at Waterford Ill Nuclear Plant. This method requires less time and affords a higher level of and accuracy. DEQ has no objection to the use of ASTM D4294. Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petrolewn and Petroleum Products by Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry, IBR as an alternative test method for sulfur content in No. 2 diesel fuel oil. However the Auxiliary Boilei-, Source 2-95, is subject to 40 CFR 60 Subpart De. This regulation requires that Method 19 be used to test for sulfur content. DEQ does not have the authority to approve alternative test methods for sources subject to 40 CFR 60 Subpart De. Any alternative test methods used for fuels being fired in this source would have to be approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Please reference Permit No. 2520-00091-00 and Agency Interest No. 35260 in all future correspondence regarding this facility. Sinoerely, 8:r Ph.D. Assistant Secretary dcd OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVlCES
* P.O. IJOX 43 lJ
* BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA J AN EQUAL Ol'PORT\JNITY EMPLOYER Waterford 3 Air Permit 2520-00091-00 Housekeeping & Maintenance Plan for VOC Reduction LAC 33:III.2113 (Housekeeping), specifically LAC 33:II1.2113.A.4, requires the development of a written plan for housekeeping and maintenance emphasizing the prevention or reduction of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from the facility, wherever feasible. On May 20, 2004, Waterford 3 (W3) submitted correspondence W3B0-2004-0035 (see attached) to the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality identifying existing site and companywide procedures that the facility will rely on to meet this requirement. Listed below is a summary of these procedures. Procedure UNT-007-006 (Housekeeping) This W3 site-specific procedure contains the following practices for prevention or reduction of voe emissions:
* Draining or discharging of any chemically treated or processed waters must be approved by the Operations Shift Department who consults with the Chemistry Department as required. [Sections 4.1.4 & 5.4.3]
* Liquids are evaluated by Chemistry prior to discharge or disposal. [Section
* All plant personnel are responsible for complying with transient combustible requirements. [Section]
* All station personnel must report housekeeping conditions that could cause a spill, release or discharge of fluids or chemicals. [Sections 5.3.l &
* Housekeeping checks include identifying any spills or leaks of fluids and improper discharge or disposal of fluids to plant drains and sumps or yard drains. [Section]
* Housekeeping checks includes identifying consumable materials that are not approved for use. [Section 5 .3 .1.6]
* Garbage, trash, scrap, litter and other routine excess materials are required to be collected and disposed in a timely manner. [Sections 5.4.1 &]
* Controls are maintained so as to remove waste, debris, scrap, oil spills or other combustibles from the work area following completion of the activity or at the end of the shift, whichever occurs first, unless the material is placed in an appropriate collection device for removal from the site. [Section] W3 VOC Housekeeping Plan -1
* Plant and site drains are color coded to identify the control of source fluids and materials required to maintain processing operation effectiveness and regulatory requirements. [Section 5.4.2]
* Cleaners utilized to clean plant components must be approved prior to use. [Section] Procedure PMC-002-007 (Installation Maintenance & Construction Painting) This W3 site-specific procedure limits the amount of painting in areas that communicate with the Emergency Safety Filtration units due to volatile organic compound loading (Section 5 .1 ). NMM Fleet Procedure EN-EV-112 (Chemical Control Program) This companywide procedure contains the following practices for prevention or reduction ofVOC emissions:
* Approval must be obtained for all chemicals prior to bringing the chemical{s) on-site (Section 5.3)
* Personnel are required to use chemicals that are already approved for usage on-site or evaluate a suitable alternative prior to bringing a new chemical on-site (Section 5.3)
* Chemicals are evaluated for VOC content and other items such as need for the chemical, NFPA rating, storage classification, usage restrictions and waste minimization criteria prior to bringing the chemical on-site [Section 5.6]
* Restrictions are placed on departments storing and using chemicals after they are brought on-site [Section 5.6]. NMM Fleet Procedure EN-EV-106 (Waste Management Program) This procedure requires all Entergy Nuclear South employees to substitute nonhazardous chemicals or alter the operation or application to prevent the generation of waste, accumulate chemicals in areas that will permit recovery and reuse of spills or leaks, and segregate wastes (i.e., solvents), to the extent practicable, to reduce volume [Section 5.2.l.d]. Additional documents that interface with NMM Procedure ENS-EV-106 (Waste Management Program) are as follows:
* NMM Fleet Procedure EN-EV-104 (Waste Minimization Program) This procedure requires all Entergy Nuclear sites to utilize Attaclunent [ as a guide for evaluating waste minimization practices at their sites [Attachment 9.1]. W3 VOC Housekeeping Plan -2
* Entergy Nuclear Waste Minimization Plan The Entergy Nuclear Waste Minimization Plan provides information and descriptions of activities that the sites have implemented to reduce, to the extent feasible, wastes generated, including those that contain VOC's. A list of VOe related activities related to W3 are as follows: 1. Hazardous Materials Substitution & Elimination of Waste Streams -Varsol, naphtha and other hazardous waste producing solvent cleaners have been eliminated and replaced with a nonhazardous citrasolv product. [Sections 5.4 & 5.7] 2. Hazardous Materials Substitution -Water-based epoxy paints have been approved for use in an effort to reduce voe content [Section 5.4]. 3. Equipment Waste Reduction Devices -Hand pump spray bottles are utilized to minimize product loss and minimize the use of aerosol propellants. [Section 6.0] 4. Waste Minimization Strategies -Paints with high solids and low VOe content are being utilized at all Entergy Nuclear South sites [Section 10.0].
* Management & Storage of VOC Waste Materials When wastes that contain voe materials is generated, all Entergy Nuclear sites manage and store the wastes in containers that meet the applicable U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations on packaging hazardous materials for transportation ( 49eFR 178 & 49eFR 179). Therefore, air pollutant emissions from these containers are controlled. W3 VOC Housekeeping Plan -3    I WASTE MINIMIZATION TECHNIQUES I I I I I SOURCE REDUCTION I I RECYCLING :J (ON-SITE ANO OFF-SITE I I PRODUCT CHANGES I SOURCE CONTROL I I -PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION USE ANO REFUSE RECLAMATION -PRODUCT CONSERVATION -CHANGE IN PRODUCT -RETURN TO ORIGINAL PROCESS -PROCESSED FOR COMPOSITION -RAW MATERIAL SUBSTITUTE FOR RESOURCE RECOVERY ANOTHER PROCESS -PROCESSED AS A BY-PRODUCT I I I INPUT MATERIAL CHANGES TECHNOLOGY CHANGES
* ---Entergy Entergy Operations, Inc Waterford 3 SES 1 7265 River Road Ki!lona. lA 70057 Tel 504 739 6650 CERTIFIED MAIL NO. 7002 0860 0005 2451 7'7' RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED May20, 2004 Mr. Chuck Carr Brown Assistant Secretary Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality Office of Environmental Services P. 0. Box 4313 Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4313 W380-2004-0035 A4.06 PR
Standby Plans during Air Pollution Alerts, Warnings or Emergencies Agency Interest Number 35260, Air Permit Number 2520-00091-00
==Dear Mr. Brown:==
Waterford 3, Entergy Operations, has received the Louisiana Air Emissions Permit, 2520-00091-00, with an effective date of April 19, 2004. The subject permit has been reviewed for technical and administrative accuracy. Only one administrative comment was noted as follows: Please remove Gregory Hood as the principal contact in any future correspondence and use Mark J. Louque or John Hornsby as listed on the General Information Sheet. In regards to the narrative requirements section, Waterford 3 is submitting this letter to document the actions that will be taken to comply with the LAC 33:111.2113 (Housekeeping) and LAC 33:111.5611 (Standby Plans). LAC 33: 111.2113 (Housekeeping), specifically LAC 33: 111.2113.A.4, requires the development of a written plan for housekeeping and maintenance emphasizing the prevention or reduction of volatile organic compound emissions from the facility. Waterford 3 will rely on the existing site and companywide procedures listed below, to meet these requirements:
* Waterford 3 Procedure UNT-007-006 (Housekeeping)
* Corporate Procedure EV-112 (Chemical Control Program)
* Corporate Procedure EV-106 (Waste Management Program)
Standby Plans Air Permit 2520-00091-00 W3B0-2004-0035 Page2 May 20, 2004 In accordance with LAC 33:111.5611, Waterford 3 has prepared the standby plan below to reduce or eliminate emissions during periods of an Air Pollution Alert, Air Pollution Warning or Air Pollution Emergency. However, it should be noted that Waterford 3 is a nuclear fueled electrical generation facility and the emissions of concern as it relates to this rule would only occur during the following periods: 1. Testing of emergency diesel engines, emissions from portable engines or a portable boiler that would be on-site temporarily during an outage. 2. Emergency diesel engines running for their intended use to supply back up emergency power for the safe shut down of the reactor. Waterford 3 will implement the following actions provided compliance with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission requirements is not compromised. ALERT LEVEL Upon receiving notification of an Air Pollution Alert from the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) Waterford 3 will implement the following actions: )> Fuel-burning equipment which requires boiler lancing or soot blowing would only occur between the hours of 12 noon and 4 P.M. >> Persons operating motor vehicles on-site would be encouraged to eliminate all unnecessary operations. >> Only fuel having the lowest sulfur and ash content by weight would be burned. As a note, all diesel fuel oil utilized at the Waterford 3 site is sulfur content by weight and ash content by weight.
Standby Plans Air Permit 2520-00091-00 W3B0-2004-0035 Page3 May 20, 2004 WARNING LEVEL Upon receiving notification of an Air Pollution Warning from the LDEQ, Waterford 3 will implement the following actions: > Fuel-burning equipment which requires boiler lancing or soot blowing would only occur between the hours of 12 noon and 4 P.M. > Persons operating motor vehicles on-site would be encouraged to eliminate all unnecessary operations. > Only fuel having the lowest sulfur and ash content by weight would be burned. As a note, all diesel fuel oil utilized at the Waterford 3 site is ::;0.5% sulfur content by weight and $(). 01 % ash content by weight. >>-Site personnel operating motor vehicles would be encouraged to utilize car pools and public transportation. EMERGENCY LEVEL Upon receiving notification of an Air Pollution Emergency from the LDEQ, Waterford 3 will implement the following actions: > Fuel-burning equipment which requires boiler lancing or soot blowing would only occur between the hours of 12 noon and 4 P.M. > Only fuel having the lowest sulfur and ash content by weight would be burned. As a note, all diesel fuel oil utilized at the Waterford 3 site is $0.5% sulfur content by weight and s0.01% ash content by weight. > Site personnel operating motor vehicles would be encouraged to utilize car pools and public transportation, if available.
Standby Plans Air Permit 2520-00091-00 W3B0-2004-0035 Page4 May 20, 2004 In summary, the Waterford 3 facility is listed as a minor source of toxic air pollutants under the provisions of the subject permit. Waterford 3 submits this letter to comply with LAC 33:111.2113 and LAC 33:111.5611. Should you have any questions or require additional infonnation, please contact Mark J Louque at (504) 464-3267. Sincerely, J.E. Venable Vice President, Operations Waterford 3 JEV/MJLJmjl Enclosure cc: cc: (w/Enclosures) M.G. Adams L-ENT-SE RN. Buckley M-ECH-595 Waterford 3 Records Center (w/o Enclosures) Kermit Wittenburg LDEQ F.M. Harbison L-ENT-SE M. J. Louque W-MSB4-238 K. T. Walsh W-MSB-336 G. Sen W-GSB-310 G. M. Pierce W-MSB4-238 J.E Venable W-GSB-300 LDEQ Surveillance Division 

Revision as of 16:37, 30 April 2018

Air Quality RAI AQ-5 WF3 2004a_WF3 Air Permit 2520-00091-00
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 02/07/2017
Entergy Operations
To: Keegan E M
Division of License Renewal
Elaine Keegan, NRR/DLR, 415-8517
Shared Package
ML17018A143 List:
Download: ML17023A268 (53)


State of Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality KATHLEEN HAlllNf:A\"'X ILANCO Mr. Gregory Hood Senior Environmental Specialist Entergy Operations, Inc. l 7265 Rivt."I' Road K.illona, LA 70066

Dear Mr. Hood:

.\flKf.'. O. Ph.I>. SF.CRETARY APR 2 1 2QO\ Agency Interest# 35260 Activity No. PER10030002 RE: Permit modification, Waterford lll, Entergy Operations, Inc., Killona, St. Charles Parish, Louisiana This is to inform you that the pennit for the above rcfcn-nced facility has been approved under LAC 33:ll.501. The submittal was approved on the basis of the emissions n:ported and the approvaJ in no way guarantees the design scheme presented will be capable of controlling the emissions as to the types and quantities stated. A new application be.submitted if the reported emissions are exceeded after opCl1ltioos begin. The synopsis, data sheets and conditions are attached herewith. It will be ccnsidered a violation of the pennit if all proposed control measures and/or equipment are not installed and property operated and maintained as specified in the application. The permit nwnber and Agency Interest correspondence regarding this facility. (Al) No. cited should be referenced in future \ '1. tfe.*, \ Permit No.: 2520-00091-00 f'. Q Hl1r I ). )J '* \.__..,. v .r--Chuck Carr Brown, Ph.D. Assistant Secretary CCB:KCW c: Southeast Regional Office * (/ .. flCI: ()J. .. r

  • r.o. /)())( 0 I.I
  • BA1'\):-< ROUG!:., '<A \ AN f.QC11L OPPORTLSHY f:MPlOYt'J<

AIR PERMIT BRJEFJNG SHEET PERMITS DlVISION LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AL QUALITY WATERFORD 3 Al # 35260 ENTERGY OPERATIONS, INC. KILLONA, ST CHARLES PARISH, LOUISIANA I. B.ckground Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station (SES) is a nuclear power plant that utilizes a pressurized water reactor (PWR) to supply steam to a turbine/generator to produce electrical power. It is owned by Entergy Louisiana and -Operated by Entergy Operations, Inc. The radioactive emissions from this facility arc regulatoo by the Nuclear Regulatory Conunission (NRC) pursuant to t 0 CFR 20. On Jtme 6. 1990, the operational control of the Waterford 3 SES was changed from Louisiana Power and Light to Entergy Operations, Inc. The Station originnlly operated under Air Permit No. 1255 (M-1), issued May 30, 1995, which covers nonnuclear auxiliary and emergency equipment at Wa1erford 3. Various lubricating oil and fuel storage tanks located at 3 were listed under a separate permit. No. 1322T. The facility currently operates under Air Permit No. l255 (M-2), issued January 8. 2001, which combined the previous permits into one permit document. ll. Origin A pem1it application and Emission Inventory Questionnaire (ElQ) dated January 13, 2003. were received requesting a modification to the permit. Supplemental information dated April 10 .. 2003, was also received. Ill. Description Waterford 3 is a nuclear power plant that uses a pressurized water reactor to supply steam to a twi> to produce electrical power. Nonnuclear auxiliary and emergency equipment at this facility include an au.x.iliary boiler, five emergency diesel generators. and four diesel-powered pumps. The fuel oil-fired au.x.iliary boiler provides turbine generator gland scaling steam during plant start-ups and shutdowns. Two large diesel generators provide emergency power to reactor plant safety systems to aJlow safe shut down of lhe plant in the event of a loss of all off-site power. Diesel driven fire water pumps are also used at the plant as a reliable source of pre$surlzed 'A-"aler for tire fighting in the event of loss of power to electrically driven pumps. These stationary combustion sowces are not used during routine plant operations and are only operated intermittently during start-ups, shutdowns, emergencies. maintenance. nnd regularly scheduled testing to verify equipment reliability.

AIR PERMIT BRIEFING SHEET PERMITS DIVISION LOUISIA."A DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY WATERFORD 3 Al # 35260 ENTERGY OPERATIONS, INC. KILLONA, ST CHARLES LOUISIANA With this modification. Entergy proposes to delete emission point 2*95, the Auxiliary Boiler. This boiler will be replaced with a portable boiler designated as emission point 24-03, and will be used on an as-needed basis during refueling and maintenance outages. The operating hows for emission points 5-79, 6-79, 7-79, 8-83, 9*99, 10-99, ll*OO and 19* 79 will be increased to 500 hoW8 per year. A portable Diesel Engine (EP 22-02) and a portable Gasoline Engine (EP 2J-02) will also be added to the facility. Estimated emissions in tons per year are o.s follows: Pollutant PM10 SC>i NOx co voe* Before 3.10 9.40 28.80 7.60 2.40 in tons per After 4.44 19.91 82.37 39.99 3.78 Change +1.34 +10.SI +53.S7 +32.39 +t.38 LAC 33:11I. Chapter 51 Toxic Air Pollutants(TAP's) Formaldehyde Total TAP's OthcrVOC's Total voe IV. Type of Review 0.02 0.0'2 3.76 3.78 This application was review for compliance with Louisiana Air Quality Regulations and New Source Performance Standards. Prevention of Significant Deterioration and NESHAP do not apply. This facility is a minor source of toxic air pollutants (TAPs). V. Public Notice A notice requesting public comment on a fcdemJly enforceable condition of277,200 gallons per year of No. 2 Diesel Fuel Oil to Portable Boiler 24-03; 200,640 gallons per }'Car of No. 2 Diesel Fuel Oil to Portable Diesel .Engine 22-02; and 9,600 gallons per year of gasoline to Portable Gasoline Engine 23..02 was published in The Advocate, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. on Marcil 10, 2003; and in the St. Charles Herald* Guide. Boutte, Louisiana. on March 10, 2004. A notice was also published in the Office of Environmental Servicet Public Notice Mailing List on March 5, 2004. Mmor typographical commmts were incorporated. 2 AIR PERMIT BRIEFING SHEET PERMITS DIVISION LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY WATERFORD 3 Al# 35260 ENTERGY OPERATIONS, INC. KJLLONA, ST CHARLES PARJSH, LOUISIANA VI. Effects on Ambient Air No appreciable effects on ambient air quality are expected. VU. lnsigniOcant Activities ID"'"'* n l -Diesel Storage Tanks (<900 gals) Insignificant Activity per LAC 33:1Il.50LB.5.A.3. I -Lube Oil Storage Tanks (<1485 1 insignificant Activity per LAC 33:1Jl.501.B.5.A.3. . Laboratory Vents Insignificant Activity per LAC JJ:lil.501.B.5.A.6. 3 AIR PERMIT BRIEFING SHEET PERMITS DIVISION .LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENVI.RONMENT AL QUALlTY WATERFORD 3 Al # 35260 ENTERGY OPERATIONS, INC. KlLLONA, ST CHARLES PARISH, LOUISIANA VllJ. Emission Rates Permitted Emissions Listed in Maximwn and Average Pounds Per Hour and Annual Tons Per Year PM10 so1 NOx co I voe MH Avg :;m; Max A"g Max Avg .,:.j;=. EQTS EQT6 EQT7 5.79 :t:\}< .. :) e;.:y;: <?X/.'.'! Fire Water Diesel Pump A o.s2 0.52 .* Q.l:L:. 0.49 o.49 '.oJ2i: 7.41 7.41 1.60 1.60 .*.*.* ... :.*, *. *o,* ..

o.55 0.55 (170H1"\ .......... ,. ,. . .... , *_,;c::.*r*:_ .* * ,. ..... .,.: "' _____ :-.-._;' .. ';'/: Water Diesel Pwnp B 0.52 0.52 0.49 0.49 7.41 7.4 l f 1.60 1.60 .: .. : ... : ... .. .. 4-0 ... :.:.*:**:**'.*;_ .. * ... .. 0.55 0.55 (J70!:fp) *:>.;> : : ,.. . ;:.'.. 7-79 ,::>>:>' **.** .**.* .. >::'/.,* EQT o.69 o.69 o.65 o.6S 9.88 9.8& .. : 2.13 2. 13 o. 73 o.73 EQT8 8-83 *. , ... .* ,: ... EOF Emergency Diesel 0. 78 0. 78 0. 73 0. 73 l I .11 11.11 .* .. _:*_ ... .. .*...* -.*',;.* .

. *. 2.40 2.40 0.83 0.83 Generator (355Hp) ., .. ,....... : .. * .. *:* . ............. :*::.-::"" EQT 10 EQT II Di=! 0.05 O 05 o Ol O.Ol o 74 O 74 if:!! 0.16 0.16 o 06 O 4 ID EQT 12 EQT 13 EQT14 EQTIS ---EQTl6 EQT17 EQT18 EQT19 .... ------------------------------***-***-**.*****-* .. AIR PERMIT BRIEFING SHEET PERMJTS DIVISION LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AL QUALITY WATERFORD 3 Al # 35260 ENTERGY OPERATIONS, INC. KILLONA, ST CHARLES PARISH, LOIDSIANA Permitted Emissions Listed in Maximum and Average Pounds Per Hour and Annual Tons Per Year Description PM,. S02 NOx co voe Max Avg,;;, i' Mu Mu Av& Mn Mu ..... 10-99 Dry Cooling Tower Diesel Pum B 20H 005 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.74 0.16 0.16 0.06 0.06 11-00 IT Emergency Diesel Generator 125 kW 19-79 Portable Diellel Generator (45 kW) .;.. :. *.:*:.-:: * '........... .; :: .. : ... 0.16 0,16 0.15 0.15 2.35 2.35 0.51 0.51 ::g:mr.:;: 0.17 0.17 20-00 ACCW Wet Cooling Tower 0.26 0.26 :. A 6,500 n 21-00 AC.CW Wet Cooling Tower 12-79 Diesel Fuel Oil Storage _Tank (100,000 *al 001 001 13-79 Emergency Diesel Fuel Oil al) 14-79 Emergency Diesel foci Oil Stor e Tank B 42,500 5 ID No.: EQT20 EQT2l BQT22 EQT23 EQT24 EQT25 EQT26 Totals AIR PERMIT BRlEFL"IG SHEET PERMITS DIVISION LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY WATERFORD 3 Al # 35160 ENTERGY OPERATIONS, INC. KJLLONA, ST CHARLl!'.S PARISH, LOUISIANA Permitted Emissions Listed in Maximum and Average Pounds Per Hour and Annual Tons Per Year PM10 S02 NOx CO oo .,*;\, Max Ma"' .... _., "' Avg .. Avg Mu Avg Max Max IS-19 Lube Oil Batch Tank A <Clean) <21 200 aaJ) 16-79 Lube Oil Batch Tank B ( DirtY) (21 ,200 J;tOI) 17-79 Main Twbine Lulx: Oil Reservoir (20.900 aal) 18-79 Gasoline Fuel Storage Tank (900 l!'..all 22-02 Portable Outage/ 1.54 Maintenance Diesel Eruri.nes 23-02 Portable Outage I Maint. 0.06 1.02 L02 1.48 Gasoline Enrones 24-03 Portable Auxiliary Boiler 0.66 6.60 6.60 O.o? (46.2 MMbtu/hr) Al ff 35260 voe

. ***-*-.. **-LOUISIANA AJR EMISSION PERMIT GENERAL CONDITIONS I. This permit is issued on the basis of the emissions reported in the application for approval of emissions and in no way guarantees that the design scheme presented will be capable of controlling the emissions to the type and quantities stated. Failme to properly operate and/or maintain all proposed control measures and/or cquipmenl as specified in the application and supplemental infonnation shall be considered a violation of the permit and LAC 33:fll.501. If lhe emis.5ions are detennined to be greater than those allowed by the permit (e.g. during lhc shakedown period for new or modified equipment) or if proposed control measures and/or equipment are not instaJJed or do not perform according to design efficiency. an application to modify the permit must be submitted. All terms and oonditions of this pcnnit shall remain in effect Wl.less and until revised by the permitting authority. II. The pennittee is subject to all applicable provisions of the Louisiana Air Quality Regulatio1lS. Violation of the tenns and conditions of the pc:nnit constitutes a violation of these regulations. Jll. The attached Annual Emission RDtes listil\g and/or Emission Inventory Questionnaire sheets establish the emission limitations and arc a part of the pennit Any operating limitations are noted in the Specific Conditions or, where included, Tables 2 and 3 of the Permit The synopsis is bast.'<! on the application and Emission Inventory dated January 13, 2003. Supplemental infonnation was received dated April 10, 2003. IV. This permit shaJI become invalid. for the sources not constructed. if: A. Construction is not commenced, or binding agreements or contractual obligations to undertake a program of construction of the project arc not entered into, within two (2) ye.ars ( 18 months for PSD permits) aftet" issuance of this pennit, or: B. Jf construction is discontinued for a period of two (2) years (18 months for PSD permits) or more. The administrati\*e a.uthority may extend this time period upon a satisfactory showing lhat an extension is justified. This provision docs not apply to the time period between construction of the approved phases of a phased construction project. However, each phase must oormnence construction within two (2) years (18 months for PSD pennies) of its projected and approved commencement date. V. The permittee shall submit semiannual reports of progress outlining the status of construction, noting any design changes. modifications or alterations in the consuuccion schedule which have or may have an effect on the emission rates or ambient air quality levels. lhese reports shall continue to be submitted until such time as construction is certified ns being complete. Furthermore, for any significant change in the design. prior approval shall be obtained from the Office of Environmental Services, Pennits Division. VI. The permittee shall notify the Department of Environmental Quality, Otlice of En"ironmcntaJ Services, Permits Division ""ilhin ten ( 10) calendar days from the date that construction is certi ficd as complete and the estimated date of start-up of operation. The appropriate Regional Office shall also be so notified the same time frame. Revision 8 01105101 7 LOUISIANA AIR EMJSSION PERMIT GENERAL CONDITIONS vn. Any emission.5 testing performed for purposes of demonstrating compliance with the limitations set forth in paragraph lll shall be conducte.d in accordance with the methods described in the Specific Conditions and. where included, Tables l, 2, 3, 4, 8lld 5 of this permit. Any deviation from or modification of the methods used for testing shall have prior approval from the Office of Environmental Assessment, Environmental Technology Division. VIII. The emission testing described in paragraph VU above, or established in the specific conditions of this permit, shall be conducted within sixty (60) days after achieving normal production rate or afu:r the end of the shakedown period, but in no event later than 180 days after initial start--up (or restart-up after modification). The Office of Enviroomental Assessment, Environmental Technology Division shall be notified nt least (30) days prior to testing and shall be given the opponunity to conduct a pretest meeting and the emission testing. The test results shall be submitted to lhe Enviroomental Technology Division within sixty (60) days after the complete As required by LAC 33:JJJ.913, the pennittee shall provide necessary sampling ports in stacks or ducts and such other safe and proper sampling and iesting facilities for proper detennination of the emission limits. IX. 1be pe:rmittee shall, within 180 days after and shalc:edo'wn of each project or unit. report to the Office of Environmental Compliance, Surveillance Division any significant difference in operating emission rates a.c; compared to those limitations specified i.n paragraph III. 1bi.s report shall include. but not be limited to, malfunctions and upsets. A permit modification shall be if necessary, as required in Condition I. X. 111c pcnninec shall retain records of alJ infonnation resulting from monitoring activities and infonnation indie<lting operating parameters as specified in the specific conditions of this pennit for a minimum of at least five (5) years. XI. If for any reason the pennittce does not comply with, or will not be able to comply with, the emission limitations specified in lhis permit, the permittce shal I provide the Office of Environmental Compliance, Surveillance Division with a written report as specified below. Re-...ision 8 01/05/01 A. A written report shall be submitted witflin 7 days of any emission in excess of pem1it requirements by an amount greater than the Reportable Quantity established for that pollutant in LAC 33.1.Chapter 39. B. A written report shaU be submitted within 7 days of the initial occurrence of any emission in exct!SS of permit requirements, regardless of the amount, where such emission occurs over a period of seven days or longer. C. A written report shall be submitted quarterly to address all emission limitation cxceedaoces not included in paragraphs 1 or 2 above. The schedule for submittal of quancrly reports shall be no later than the dates specified below for any emission limitation exceedances occurring during the corresponding caJendar quarter: I. Report by June 30 to oover January through March 2. Report by September 30 to CO\'CT April through June 3. Report by December 31 to cover July through SeptcmbeT 4. Report by March 3 I to cover October through December g LOUISIANA AIR EMISSJON PERMIT GENERAL CONDITIONS D. Each report submitted in accordance with this oondition shall contain the following information: 1. Description of noncomplying emission(s); 2. Cause of noncompliance; 3. Anticipa1cd time the noncompliance is expected to continue, or if corrected. the duration of the period of noncompliance; 4. Steps taken by the penninee to reduce and eliminate lhc noncomplying emissions; and 5. Steps taken by the permittee to prevent rec::urrences of the noncomplying emissions. E. Any written report submitted in advance of the timeframes specified above, in accordance with an applicable regulation, may serve to meet the reporting requirements of this condition provided all information specified above is includi..-d. For Part 70 sources, reports submitted in accordance with Part 70 General Condition R shall serve to meet the requirements of this condition provided all specified infonnation is included. Rcrx>rting under this condition does not relieve the permittee from the reporting requirements of any applicable regulation, including LAC 33.1.Chapter 39, LAC 33.111.Chapter 9, and LAC 33.IIl.5107. Xll. Pennittec shall allow the authorized officers and employees of the Department of Environmental Quality, at all reasonable times and upon preseDtation of identification, to: A. Enter upon the pennittee's premises where regulated facilities are located, regulated activities arc conducted or where records required under this pennit are kept; B. Have access to and copy any records that arc required to be kept under the terms and conditioos of this permit. the Louisiana Air Quality Regulations. or the Act; C. Inspect any facilities. equipment (including monitoring methods and an operation and maintenance inspection), or operations regulated wxler this and D. Sample or monitor. for the purpose of assuring compliance with this pennit or as otherwise authorized by the Act or regulations adopted thereundc:r, any substances or parameters at any location. XIII. If samples are taken under Section XIl.D. above, the officer or employee obtaining such samples shall give the operator or agent in charge a receipt describing the sample obtaine.d. If requested prior to leaving the premises. a portion of each sample C(jual in volume or weight to the portion retained shall be given to the owner, operator or agent in charge. If an analysis is made of such a copy of the analysis shall be furnished promptJy to the owner, operator or agency in charge. XIV. The permittec shall allow authorized officers and employees of the Department of EovirorunentaJ Quality, upon presentation of identification, to enter upon the penniuee's premises to investigate potential or alleged violations of the Act or the rules and regulations Revision 8 01/05/01 9 LOUISIANA AIR EMISSION PERMIT GENERAL CONDITIONS adopted thereunder. Jn such investigations. the pennittec shall be notified at the time entrance is requested of the nature of the suspected violation. Inspections wider thls subsection shall be limited to the aspects of alleged violations. However, this shall not in any way preclude prosecution of all violations found. XV. The permittee shall comply with the reporting specified under LAC 33:IU.919.E as well as notification requirements specified under LAC 33:111.927. XVI. In the event of any change in ownership of the source described in thls permit, the permittee and the succcedmg owner shall notify the Office of Environmental Services, Pcnnits Division, within ninety {90) days after the event, to amend this permit. xvn. Very small emissions to the air resulting from routine operations, that are predictable., expected, periodic. and quantifiable and that are submitttd by the permitted facility and approved by the Permits Division are oonsidercd authorized discharges. Approved activities arc noted in the General Condition XVII Activities List of this pennil To be approved as an authori7..ed discharge, these very small releases must: xvm. I . Generally be less than S TPY 2. Be less than the minimum emission rate (MER) 3. Be scheduled daily, weekly, monthly, etc., or 4. Be necessary prior to plant startup or after shutdown [line or compressor prcssuringtdepressuring for example) These releases are oot included in the permit totals because they are small end will have an insignificant impact on air quality. This gcneraJ coodition does not authorize the maintenance of a nuisance, or a danger to public health 11.lld safety. The permitted facility must comply with all applicable requirements, including release reporting under LAC 33 :I .3901. Provisions of this permit may be appealed in writing pursuant to La. R.S. 30:2024(A} within 30 days from rcoc:ipt of the pennil Only those provisions specifically appealed will be suspended by a request for hearing. tmlcss the secretary or the assistant secretary elects to suspend other provisions as well. Construction cannot proceed except as spccificaJly approvc:d by the secretary or assistant socretary. A request* for hearing must be sent to the: following: Attention: Office of the Secretary. Legal Section La. Dept. of Environ.mental Quality Post Office Box 4302 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70821-4302 XlX. C.crtain Part 70 general conditions may duplicate or conflict with state general conditions. To the extent that any Part 70 conditions conflict with state general conditions, then the Part 70 general conditions control. To the extent that any Part 70 general con<litions duplicate any state gem:raJ conditions, then such state and Part 70 provisions will be enforced if there is only one condition rather lhan two c.onditions. Revision 8 01/05/01 10 General Information Sheet Agency Interest/Facility Name: Entergy Operations Inc

  • Waterford Ill Nuclear Plant Agency lnterest/Facllfty ID: 35260 Pennlt Id! 252Q.-00091-00 4048 X*Ray Registration Nuanber Radiation X-ray 1112111999 64-07118106 NPOOJ GD*089*3276 Fodera! Tax ID Nu.clear Power Plant Focus Billing 11 SieeJD II Registration Number Federal Tn ID Radiation Solid Wa.ste Facility No. 19481 EctefSY Operation.s lnc
  • Waterford Steam Elcctti..: TEMPO Merac !;talion Unit B 411621 2S20-00014 LAGS30192 LP&LCo CDS II (old CDS#) LPDES# 2520-00091 Entergy Operations Inc* Wai.:rford lH Nuclear PlllllJ LAD0007S74SO Entergy Opcntiom Inc Waterford Ill SES LAD000726042 LP&L Wacerford Ill 685 LA0007374 WJ>4832 LP&l Waterford m WPC File Nun1bcr WPC State Number TEMPO Metge CDS Numbcf LPDES Permil # CDS Number Hazardous Waste Notificatiou Ha1.anlous Waste NotifJC:ation TEMPO Merge l.PDES Permit # LWDPS Pcnnit# 12i2J/1999 07/10/2001 1112111999 OS/1312001 05/13/2001 10.'0212002. 04f29i2003 0412911998 04/29/2003 08/1811980 08/18/1980. 08/18!1980 04129/2003 OS/22/2003 06/25/2003 Physical Location: 1726.5 River Rd K.illooa, LA 70066 Main PbOlle: (504)464-3267 Maillog Address: 17265 River Rd KillolMI, LA 70066 Location of Front Gitte: S9' 49 latitude. 90" 21!' 5" longitude Related People: Phone fobn Hornsby (504)464-3249 Work phooc number Mark* 1. Louque (504)464-3267 Work phone number Roo l'erry G frank (504)464*3379 Work phooe number G FrllSllc Davis (Jdl)vis*J@cn E*mail address G frnnk Davis (jda)vis*l@ea E-mail address G Fnnk DavL' (S04)464-3379 Wortc phollt! number Venable Air rennit Contact For Air Pumit Contact f'or Nuclear Power Plaut Billing Party for Radiarion For R.adialion for Radiation Registration Billing Party for R1<1jatio11 hei.snlion Billillg Party fur Reapousible Offi1;ial for Related Organizations: Ncune:;:,_...,,,... ____ __ Eotc1gy Qvcrations Im.: * (504)464-3267 Wortc phone nwnber Alr IJilllng Party for Watuford ill SES (504)464*3267 Work phone uumber Solid Wasti: Billing Party for (504)464*3267 Work pbo01: number Water Billing Pany for SIC Codtt: 4911, Electric lnventories Entergy Operations lac -Waterford 3 Nuclear Plant Agea.:y lntercst Number: 35160 Activity ID No: PER20030002 Permit Id: 2S20-0009J-OO Rcl1tl.on5hip1; Subject Item ln\'t-ntory Altrrnftte IDs: Inventories Entergy Operations Inc -Waterford 3 Nuclear Plant Agency Interest Number: 35260 Activity JD No: PER20030002 ID . . . --** * . I ** 10 * * -* ; . J -Unr up __ . . __ . .:,_,, .. :** * .. , .. rermiI11!1*_ *. _ . .. .. _ -. .. :**-* .

Facility Sl>edflc Rooalrements Entel'lO' Opeudom lac -Waterford 3 Nuclear Plant Agency lnterest Number: 35260 Activity ID No.: PERl0030002 Id: 2S20-00091-00 RcquirO'llall.S -P11c I of 27 Facility Spes:ific Reuuiremepg Entergy Operations Inc

  • Waterford 3 Nuclear Plant Agency Interest Number: 35260 Activity ID No.: PER.20030002 PermJt Id : 2520-00091-00 :L:in;itations: ---* -----------**---** *--* ----* ------+-----.. ----l-. 79 EmcrgCllcy Oie!iel .[LAC 33:lll.SOl.C.6) : i ; Generator A (4,400 kW)
  • I-I -t.-! -l3 llllOLC6]-i _ --! . -Sulfur dioxide<"' 14.4 lb/hr. (LAC 33:111.501.C.6] I Hourly 1\Verage <All> I All Year I I I I I I ; 33:iif.so1.c_6j
  • 1*-* * *---* * *-* -+-* *-"Ai1 * *
  • I I I I _ _!_ __ ---*---* -<All> ---:-* I I Tu;., <* ,_,-,bib<. (tACl1,iit5-0i .C:6). . .. -f----* . --t-* ---<Ni;-*-. j-* AU y ,;,-*-. i "-' ..,;;,;y,_ 1LAcTi1i1iii1.c.*J--i mu;;...; ------All * .. , !----*---riQT6. ii;k1i.Ac ***--1 * ---n°"";*.;;;,.;,..;;,,----i-----<;;u> --*--*-l-----*-An veai _____ , ___ --------.. ------... _J _______________ .,,_1_ -----*-!---*----------Carbon monoxide <a 40.3 lb/hr. [LAC j H(lurly avCTIJge I <All> 1 All Year ll3:11L50LC.6J I I I L-**-* -------*-----...... ___ ------*------__ j _______ .. ------+------..... -i monoitide <= 3.0 ton.t/yr. (LAC
  • Annual muximwu I <AH> 1 All Year ; fJl:Hl.501.C.6) l I : 1s :-91hihr: lb11;,-ii.Ac --*--t**--:z-Ai1>---*1 AlfY0;--*-*1 , __________ :_. __ **---------*-.............. --***-----.. --. -____ , ____ ,,_.,... --*---**-* *------* '* *---....... -*-*-____ __L_ .... --------*---*-_J AU Yi:ar '-*------* l<oquim>>cnu -Pagel of 27 l __ _ FacWtv Specific Requirements Entergy Operations Inc -Waterford 3 Nuclear Plant Agency Interest Number: 35260 Activity lD No.: PER20030002 Permit Id : 2520-00091-00 * -* --oxides ****---*** --* * **** * . -+--j 4-79 Diesel IJJ:IIT.501.C.6) 1 j Gcrtcraror B (4,400 kW) i 1
  • _. __ , ____ ,_. -------t-------* _______ i._ ________ _ ppac!tY Six-1ninute average I <All> I ALI Year javeragc in exCCM of20 percent for not more ! I one six-minute period in any 60 consecutive j 1 --*--*---*-_.1.._ _ _ . -----1 . _ .... -* --** -.. -I jParticulare matter (10 raicrons orles&) <= 4,7 lb/hr_ !' -Hourly maximum , <All> 1 All Year ! 0ua0,;; Oi J.,.f <: . +---H.;.;,y ,,..-- --<AiJ>---i--All y,M-__ i ___________ ; _________ .. _J__ __!_ __________ ear1icula1e maltcr ( l 0 or loss) <Q 0.4 tons/yr. : Annw maximum i <All> : All Yell! I JLAC 33:W,501.C.6J : I I! I I j I
  • isu1ru;dio1lid; -t-**--** -..\i1 Year --*j I + I , : I i <= 33:1iuof.C.6) **-. --*---<All> '-****-All Yeat * *-***-*; i * *<All>----*** I ! i ! r 11,.,,y;.,,,;m.;;;, 1--<Ali> 1--Ally;.;**--.J 3*:91b:hr. -[iAc 33:m:sol.C.6J ---*1-*-* * * -Hourly-i *----<Ali..;-* -All Year ! I ! ,. ' -***--... -----* --***-*-**-** ***-*--******* *-*-----*--****-**-*- --....... **----**-*-*f -----** .... I ' I ;voe, Total<:= 0.3 tons/yr. [LAC 33:rfi.501.C.6J l Annual maximum j <All> I All Year -----EQTI--lb/hr. (LAC ____ ... .J ______ *--AU 15-79 Wa[er Diesel Pump A?3:lll.50l.C 6j I ' ! ; : ____ __{_1_70 _HE}___ -* --*-* .. ________________ ___J _____ *--------* '-* *--****-*** L ..... -.. **------**--_! Rcquimnents -l'agc J nr27
. Facility Soecific Reguiremeutn Entergy Operatiom loc -Waterford 3 Nuclear Plant Agency Interest Number: 35260 Activity ID No.: PEIU0030002 Permit Id: 2520-00091-00 ! --** ;-----*----j ** : 5-79 Fire Waler Pwup I I " I '110Hpl ----T-**--*<Au:>* -----1* l I : I
  • I [LAC 3jJii.soi .c.6IT *-*-* . , ---<All:.> _____
  • 1-* -Ali ---i *" ,,;;,,;. rLACiiiii:SOI :cTJj_ ___ """'" ;"'""" ***** * <Ali> --*-i .... A" ya;-----; , I j I I I !;&.i;,-;: 1uc* -----* --' * *-*-*-<A.u;-*** ---r ** ---An --___ , h i, t ,,3:111.SO LC .6] I ppacily <., 20 pe-rcenl; C)(cept emwions may have an ! Six-minute average <All> 1 All Year i ***-1 :---------------........ ------** ... [ ... -........... --- ---*-+*--*-i:;eragc opacity in excess of 20 percent for nol more i ! -_J_I -..... <;;--.. ____ \ fLAC 33:ULSOLC.6] I . I m&tte:r cio miCroiis <* o .s2iblhr.i-----averaac -------T * -<"t\ii>. --* + ------Ai1 *y.-ea;-* ----1 33:111.501.C.6) ; , i .. : *------. *--*--;'"' *--_____ .. _ ............ _. ____ ; ----***---....... __ .... _ *--*--*--+*-. ___ ....... , r._artaculate matter (10 macrons or IC$s) <=-0.13 tons/yr, Annu1d maximwn I <All> : All Year fl.AC 33:111.501.C.6) ' i I i o.49 33:rii.sOT.c.6f I.. ttour1Y----<<;\Ii> ____ --*+-*---i\ii-vr.i;.---*i l ___ .. ____ --------.. *-*---*--*-*--*--* .L--.. ----------_J __ --*-*--*----........... 1.. __ ---*---*-* ..... -dioxide<= 0.49 lb/hr. !LAC 33:Ill.501.C.:.6] ! Hourly a\>era&e I <All> ! All Year f '
  • I [LAc";limso1:C6i! r-.. --<Al'i;---.. -1 *--,\i1-¥--;;;;;**--*-1 I I ! ----_____ .. __ j_ _____ ,, ........ ___ , _____ ,,. ________ _j_ ______ ,__ ----*-*----* *--*----i __ .. *------* ! -! I Rcquin:metns -4 of 27 " " " " "* ,., .. ,..,_,._ ,,,_ ,. ".. *******---*

Facility Specific Requirements Entergy Operations Inc* Waterford 3 Nuclear Plant Agency Interest Nwnber: 35260 Activity ID No.: PER20030002 Permit Id : 2520.00091.00 . **--*-.. *-** * * * **-*-***. *----*-----1 Subject Item ID _ L. _ ------\ Stat. Buil FbHes Which j I -----fon*--*-**-*--*--. voe. To1al 0.55 lb/hr. [LAC 33:111.501.C.6] r-----** . -----Att Year -l ! 5-79 Fire Water Diexl Pump A' j , ; 1 ' (l7o "" o.m;;;,,. tLAc 33,111.iOIChj. -.\ ..... * .. *i;;;;;.,-;;-,;.;;;;* -____ --r----All ' I : ----I <All>

  • 1 I I I 1 j Ii-Ac------I*-* * <AJ,,-.. -:--*" v-;;-, ---i 070 Hp) <:;;;-1.60-iMi-;:-[i..Ac-----*--t-Hourly ----r-------. --t---133:Ul.SOl.C.6] I LI l I '----*** ***** ---*--* -** *--**-----*-----*---*----**-----t-*----.... ----1 <>= 0.40 tons/yr. (LAC : Annual inv.;imum I .;:All> / All P3:1IU01.C.6] I t I o.xidcs-.::, * .-7_4111i!hr.-[1..\c3iiri.-Sol.c.6Tf *-.. -Hourly mUkiu"m______ -*--Year -br <r. 7.4l_lblhr_ [LAC 33:1riji) 1.cjjf--*----*-+----<All;---+-----A-tlYcar -. i] I I I I ! ! I t.85 .. [i.Ac *--*- **** ----i ---<A"tb" **----i\ii-YC"a7 ___ --1 l.C.6} i I i I I --- in excess percent for not more J I :than one s1x-m1nute penod many 6() CQIUeeutivc or / Ail )*ear o.u ,.,;,;:+-.. ... ----lLAc 33:111.501.c.61 J: I I ****-*-* -*--.. -***** ! ******-*-*----*---------*---*---**--*-**--****-*-------***-*-*--* .. _ ... _J. ___ ***--*----*I.,,, __ ., ... -.-*-***" All Year i,., ___ , __ R.cquueoucnts ** Page 5 of2 7 Facility Soecific Re!luiremcats Entergy Operations Inc -Waterford 3 Nuclear Plant Agency Interest Number: 35260 Activity ID No.: PER20030002 Permit Id: 2520-00091-00 **** * ***-*** .. --****--**-************** .. -................. * -* ____ .. ___ *-_____ ... * * ....... -.. *--__ ---___ j 16-79 !'Ile Wa!iT Diesel Pump nftAC JJ;IU.SOl.C.61 i I ! ! , (J?OHp) .. o.".i9-lbJhr. {LAC33:ffi:so1.c.6j--j---*-Hourly -<Alt> -- ------1 : ! ! I ' I I l I '****--i : *****-*-'HcilliiYavmge : i l I I : ' I ' &tlfur [i.Ac 1.6,i 4 ** *-----* *---r * ' ! , ; I ! , roe: o ;,-,hih0LAC i3:iii5o U06i--:-- -. Ai;*y;;, *-.. -: !**------*--** *-*--**-**--*-*---:-----*-----+-.. ----*------_ J_ ----. ---* ---t--** *---------: 1voc, Total <s 0.55 lbihr. lLAC 33:llL501.C.6l j Hourly &\'erege I <All> 1 All Year ! j ! ! I . I I I *-* _ _ _ __ 111 I_ * ' l EQT9 moooxide < ... 2.13 lblhr. [LAC I Howiy maxi.mum <All> t All YC1tr 1 t" .. f1jjt;;;;.:* iLAC -f--Hourly ,,mg;-* -1,--... <Ail> ! p3:IH50l.C.6J ' I rt.Ac--*******-----*--* *-+*--<Au;-*-*-*-l*--* Allvw ----1 *;.o '*""'-1uc-;rw.so1<::.1 1 . ---1100;.;. ;;;;;,;;;;m ** ** * -<A11;-----r * ****----Ali . I . '-** **-. ***------..... ._ ............ ! *----***-------f-*-. -----.. .. **--! Hourly average ; <All._, i All Year i I, I I I . . . ----***--------***-------*-***-----*-***-***---' -** *----*-****--___; **-----*-******---_L __ _ ----**---...... ***----. -l'aso 6 of27 Fasility Specific Regulremcnts Entergy Operations Inc -Waterford 3 Nuclear Plant Agency Interest Number; 35260 Activity ID No.: PERl0030002 Permit Id : 2520--00091-00 1 SubjllCt Jteia ID Umit (Citation) 1' Stat. Basia I Phases ! Which Months?
  • f---*-*-... ____ , .. ,. ___ "*---+ ..... -. **----"* -*----------.. *--*--.--. ---*---.. *--* .. _. -__ ___j_, __ . ___ ..... ____ .l-----* -... I EQT9 ;Nitrogen <<* 2.47 tons/yr. llAC I Annual tna>;imum 1 <All> I All Year Security 1 ! ( ; Generator (286 llp) 1__ f -j-. -----.. ---*---+---* .. ---*-----*-.. -... i 0-PacitY .;.;,;, 20 may i;ve IU.;*1---I <All> 1 All Year ' r,vc:nige opacity in excess of 20 pcn;cnt for ooc more 1 I 1 lhan one six-minu1e period in any 60 comecutive ! / I ; .. ___ , -----! ----------*-.. .j_.,.. *---*---**""*!* ,,. _______ .. *-*-**' ;i>articulatc matter (LO microW! or less)<-0.69 lb1hr. ! llourly malliiuum i <All> ! All Year .. ,;;,.,,, °' ; _ -. .,,,;.,;----f **-*<Au;-*--*-*t-.. --) LAC 33:111.SOJ .C.6] . ! I ! -' **---.. ,_ .. _____ ,._ ---*---....... ,__j __ ,, __ .. _ .. _ ....... _ .. __ ---.. i----------J *-*-*-matter (I 0 microns or le.,.\)<"' 0. 17 tons/yrJ Annual ma.'timum I <All> I All Y L'tll' JLAC 33:111.501.C.6) ; l I {i.t.c 33: ill:sol:'c.6]"t ..... iowru--- ---<Ali> ___ -* ). -All Year : I I I t diollide <;0.6S lb11U'. [LAC 33:Ui.'so1.c'6i -*r .. . ---[ ---* <;Ali>--*--. r,' ---'""-\ [ I I I ; *ru.c-3im.soCC:6j t .. -----l-*---'Ai1 Yr:ar ... -* i i I I i <,;: 0.73ibihr. [LAc))jn_so!:-C.6f*-. ! muimu;-*---i-<All;,*---*. i .... ! I i I -----* .. *---*-... ------*---.. *----* .*.... : .......... -.. -*-*-*" __ ,. ---* J___ ---.. ,, ______ ) )YOC:. Tollll <= 0.73 lb/hr. [LAC 33 :111.501.C.6] : Hourly average i <i\11> I i 1 r !Voc:i'ot41<..;o:i8 .. (1.Ac 33:iu.5oi.c.6-J -L. ---* * *--<..\li>_" ____ i_ ---AU Year*-*-----, 1
  • f * * -.... ,. * ---------r-* ... --* -*1 ---A"ii ¥ 1 __ _ .... L.-...... . ----.. *----* ____ . *--___ __L --*-*---... _. ___ .. ---* _. l .. ____________ ._. __ j__ ______ . **-***! All Year -1 ! Rcquiremcnlll --7 "' 27 iLimitations: I'* Subject ltrm ID ,-**-****--*-F.QT!o **---8*83 EOF EmC11:cncy Dieilel
  • Geinerator (355 !Ip) F15cillty Soeclfic Roouifemcnts Entergy Operations Inc -Waterford 3 Nuclear Plsnt Agency Interest Number; 35260 Activity ID No.: PER1003000l Permit Id : 2520-00091-00 * -*---............. __ --------* . Stat. Basit I Ph.llH ____ j rnoooxidc <"' 2.4() lb/hr. [LAC r--. <All> I All Year l M<> ion . -[tP.c-********--* ! *-* -+-*-<Ali>> ** -... -**11 * -* -***; tn:IIUOl.C.6) I ! --*--<Ati> *-*-*** I * ---A-u ** *-1 , , r ! I l I i ! -z.-11. 11 ihlhr, (LAC ]J:rii.5iff:c.6Jf---. Houriy averal.!t --------:---*-*. <Aii>--... -*--**-* tLAc-* * * .J. .. -.. ,,.,, . .1;;...,....;---I---4\i.;--i33:1Jl.501.C.6J I I i L . ---* .. **-* .. -*----*-*--*** *----*--* .. 't* ............... -*---........... *-*---+-*-------*-*---. _,L ___ ,, __ .... ____ _ !opacity <= 20 percmt; cx.ccp< cmi.c;:oiions may have lll1 Six-uiinute average I <All> j' All Year iovcragc opacity in eitcea of 20 pcn;cnl for not more ! I six-minurc period in any 60 con.'ICCUlive I ! ------i1 <Aii>---t,.*---All Year l 'LAC JJ:lll.501.C.6] I i .. o-:78 tbllir:*+-----*-<Ail>*---t--*-... AJI . --*-: fl.AC 33:Ul.SOl.C,6J i : I i ---....... ____ , _____ ---*-*-**-.. **--* *1----*--.. --.. -*-,, ____ .. ___ ,.i ..... ________ , _____ j matter (I 0 microrui or <M 0.20 ton:i/yr.i Annual maximwn 1. <All> ! All Year JLAC JJ:lll.501.C.6] ! I I I <,. o.ij iblbr. [LAC fr:lii501.c.6f"-f * <Aii>*--*--*-j *---* ---1 . , I L-. **-* ____ ........... ------*----**-*-*--+--*-**** _ .. *---.. +---------.. .. dio:itide <-0.73 lb/hr. [LAC : Hourly averuge 1* <All> 1 All Yell!' : I : I , Z.:Qi8!0iLv}-r. * (tAc ---*** /' --<A"ti> ----l *--Ali Ycu ----1 ! I I I .. J ___ **-**----.. ----* -----* ___ l_ ________ ---------*-* _J_ __________ , ___ I ___ .. ____ , _______ i 1Limitations: FacUtty Soecific Regyiremepts Entergy Operations Inc* Waterford 3 Nuclear .Plaut Agency lnwrest Number: 35260 ActMty ID No.: PER20030002 Permit Jd: 2520-00091-00 * -* --** --1 8-SJ EOF Emcrgem..:y Diei;el l l I [ ' Generator (35S Hp) <= 0.83-lbthr. [LACl3:11uol.c:61 . -+--. -i:roo;iy.* avClllgC
  • j----ZAti;* -----. All year *--*--1 I
  • I ' : I I ***----*---**-***-------**-*-**-***** **--***-* ----:---+---***---****------*. ------i---*--------..J.___ *---*-*-** -* (LAC33:11l.501.C.6J I Annualmaximwu I <All> i AJIYur . i ' I I I 1 .... ... n;;;,*1iAC ---+--ii;,,,, ;;;u,.;;.u . -r -<All> . 1--." y;;:;---: (LAC .. ---*-*--** 1 ** Hourly n-erage ! All -*--**-r- -* * ;:;;,;;:---i ;.uvw*** :: .. *:: "i I I Ii <;;O, **---; *--*-?3 :llf.50 J.C.6 I ; I * * * --* -** --..\ii ran one sh-minute period in llllY 60 consccutive I I I i ** *-1 Aii_v_ea;-----*: 33:lll.501.C.6J I I I i (10 < .. O.OS lb/lu.-: * -+---**-j 33:ITI.50l.C_6J j ! i I *---**-*-*-* *-*--*-* ***--* ** -*--*** ----------*-** ******-*--*-l **--**** **--*-* ..... -L------------' -**-----**--*-** All Year
Facility Spcclfk Requirements Entergy Operations Inc -Waterford 3 Nuclear Plutt Agency Interest Number: 35260 Activity ID No_: PER20030002 Permit Id : 2520-00091..00 Rcquircmems -10 of 17 I Whirb Months? .. --y . **--Alt v .;u .. i I I i ' I . All .Year . ----! ! *---*----___ __j I<*acility Specific Requirements Entergy Operations Waterford 3 Nuclear Plant Agency lntereat Number: 35260 Activity ID No.: PER20030002 Pemtit Id : 2520-00091-00 __ *i----** -**-l-__ -1 10-99 Dry Cooliug Tower r3:111 . .501.C.6] ' Di¢111:l Pump B (2() Hp) f...* ......... ______ . -*-__ ***--*-*t------_ -*-.----. --****-------l--***--** --**----* -**-**-;--**-*---*-*---* * . .J <c 20 except emissions may have an* Six-minute average ; <All> All Y eat 1 opacity ia cxc.ess of 20 percent for not more !
  • 1 Ulan one six-minute period in any 60 G<.'.lnsttutive 1 I , : i * [I.AC 33:lll.501.C.6] ! , I . I I I ' . *.non er uo ;.;;-crom or 1hlhi-i Houri)' ----* *- . ---Ali v car . ---* i 33:UI..50l.C.6J i I I o.Ol -----*j
  • All Year * --1 [LAC 33:111.501.C.6] i I ; j ; I I isu1fui di"c;.ti<!c <,;,-o_os . .A.c Jim.s0i.c.6f
  • 1 .. ---HMly fl_------. ' l : I I --Hourly. +---*-*<i\1i.-.-* ---t * ----°Ail"Y_w. ---** -.i l *****---------** --*-*** --d----*--*-** _____ J _________ J__ \Sulfur dioxide<* 0.01 tonslyr. [LAC JJ:nt.501.C.6), Annual maximum : <All> ; ( ; ' I l--* --*---------*----***--**-***--**-* L..*--*****---*-***-***------* ! ... --. _____ _, ___ _J_. :voe. 0.06 lblbr. {LAC 33:UU01.C.61 i Hourly RlllJ(imUm ! <All> 1 -1 : I I i I I j I J . *******--*-*----*----**** -----*--/---*-*--* -----*-----*-**** *-+***--*-*--*-*+-**-** ----****-1* ;voe. Total<= 0.06 lblbr. [LAC 33:111.SOl.C.6) ! Hourly 11veragc ! <All> . All Year : I I i . --------*--*-----*** -----*--;c;--T--*--------_ _j_________ ---j' *-------.. ___ I :VOC, Total <:0 01 tom/yr. [LAC J)*U!.501.C.6] 1 Annual maximum j <All> All Year *-*-* -;_ -: I i i EQTI 3 ----* -<,;; lb/hi. [LAC' ___ --* -r ** --H;wly
  • i ---**-<:.\ii;:---* .. ---; -----All Yef 21 Facility Specific Requirements Entergy Operations Inc -Waterford 3 N11clear Plaut Agency Interest Number: 35260 Activity ID No.: PER20030002 Perntit Id : 2526-00091-00 *---..... ***-------***---.-*-***-**--------*-... -... -**---* I Item m I Limit ICitalion] I Stat. Basts I FhHet ; Whlcb Muntll*? lb/hr. [LAC ..... *--.. --lienerator (125 kW) L i : L rLAc ___ ,, ------*----! __ .. Aiivear ---! 1 I ; s:solbitir. (LA:c3i111.s0Tc.61 * *-*---*-All **1 I L.------*-*-***-*---*-;Nitrogen ox.ides< .. S.SO lblhr. (LAC 33:11U01.C.6} Hourly average I I I -----<--**-**----***--*--*---.. <Alt> All Year I I ' .. ,:--i.4s roos!yr. [LAC . ----------*--+----.. ----: b,*: _, ______________ ,,. --******--*--*--------***;1. I l I Opacity<-= 20 percent; Cllcept emissions-may have an ' --average ---- <All;------r ------Aii ----! 1avc:rage opac::ity in cx.cesa of 20 percent for not more ! ;than one sill-minute period in lllly 60 conscculivt! ! i I piin_u!e.s.-JLAf_!JJ!LIJl_l.9} _____ --------* j _ ---------.. ---*+-*-------....... --f--! lbibr. i Hourlymaximum ; <All> I AllYear . H:lll.501.C.6] ; l i ! r** Hourly averaie ---- --<Ail> "' . I --.. -'A.ii . --[ or <,; o. .... 1-... ---*::::..\i1>-------i1, -* . ; i (J.'jsib.i};' [LAC 3);J-1isoi .. f --. . . -.. --! .. <All> ... All Y ... -1 I ' : I . t*-*-*-** .. ---------*-*---*-**** .. --.-.... ---J...... --** -*----Sulfur dioxide<"" 0.38 lbflir. [LAC 33:lll.501.C.6) i Hourly average I . -***--!--*. . ..... ! <All> All Year I I . ---**--.. *-.. --.. -..... *-** .. ----*-tsuu'ur 0.10 1011.'liyr. [LAC .B:llJ.SOl.C.6] : Annual mllllimum i i . " .. *******---*--** **-*---i. ____ **--*------*-.. *-**--------.-*-**---..... .i. ............. ,_, _________ .. ,_ : <All.,. I All Year ; I ; .. _c ___ ... .,. -*-*-----1_ .. ______ .... _. ___ , Requirements --12 or 27
facility Specifie Requirements Entergy Operadons Inc -Waterford 3 Nuclear Plant Agency Interest Number: 35260 Activity lD No.: PER20030002 Permit Id ; 2520-00091-00 I I , -r Subject ltC'IJl ID , Limit (Cit1UonJ ! Stat. Bub l Phuet l Montb*? . ; : I !*DO ;;e:-(oc, Total°" 0.43 lh/hr. [LAC n-:fi1joi.C.6J . --.------Ho-;;rly *1*----<-Ail> ______ T_ --*A]!Ye:;-! Geoerator(l2S kW) ! ' I : _ ----------* __ . i I <-o.4:i 1b!hr. [i.Ac *f -_f __ --r-A11 Year l i ! : t' ! ! '. J3:1ll.SOLC.6J --,----<Ali> --1*-* ---* 1 : I ) . ! --EQT14 ------------j ----zAu;----1 All-Yw * ; ]19-79 *----.. *----* ---*. ___ ;_____ .... __ *------_L __ ---_ ---* *---+** _,_ _ . . ; monox.ide <."' 0. l lb/hr. [LAC
  • Ht1urly average ! <All> i All Year i j33:lll.501.C.6J I : , I I ' ... I -------______ .. ----*----*--- ---* . -----* ___ ;_ ____ ---------------*--*-----' 0. , Annual maximum l <All> i All Year I I i l \ --Ei-j------<Aii;----( *---i 'N;m,g,o .,,;d., <= f3'ibn>i:*f1.AC-ff111.soi.C.*1 r ---/-Au y;;, --1 oxiu; <= o39-1on3/yr. [LAC. --. -----*!-------1 ... ----i ;;.: mepi h;;ve ----**
  • f Ail Year rvrnige in CXce.!1$ of 20 pm:atl for not more : I jthan ooe '1x-minu1e period in any 60 con.<;CCUtive ; I maxl;Uum----+ *--*-:(;;:11; --* --J -*--. JJ:ll!.501.C.6} I I l i--------------*---------.. ---**----*----__________ J ____ . ____ -----*---*------_,J_, ___ *----**-1'-* ......... -*-*-.... . mauer (I 0 microns or 0.16 lb/hr. j Hourly average I <All:;. , All Year !fl.AC 33:lll.501.C.6) * ! I ---*-------L----------*------**--------------*-*-**--*--*-----------.. ---------*--_J _______ --------* j ................ ...... -... -**--*---****--**. --** _______ ,,,._, ___ ....... -., ..... _ .... **---**--*--*---

Limilations; Facility Soocific Roouifemcnu Entergy Operations Inc -Waterford 3 Nuclear Plaut Agency Interest Number: 35260 Activity ID No.; PER20030002 Permit Id : 2520-00091-00 Facility Specific Requiremepts Entergy Operations Inc-Waterford 3 Nudear Plant Agency Interest Number: 35260 Activity ID No.: PER?0030002 Permit Id: 2520-00091-00 ..... -*****-****** ........ ---. **-.. -** .. *****-*** . *-. . .. --...... ---*-** *-*---. *-**---*-.. -; __ ID _ ___ . ***--**-* Lhnit __ ---*----__ [ ___ ***--* Bads____ . _ j _____ !ll*sct ______ . _J : llQT16 !?articulate matter ( 10 microns or 0.57 tom.I yr.! Annual mwmum ; <All> I AU Year '1* ! 21-00 ACCW Wet 33:Ul.501.C.6] ! I _j_'

  • Tower a ; ; : I . . **---****-*------*-***--i: ... ******--*--* *-........ -*---*****J *--*-**--*-**-*-........ -* ---------***t----*-----*-----* . -----*----*--* .. J . EQTl7 . . ;voe, 0.01 lbilu. (LAC JJ:W.501.C.6) ! Hourly maximuru : <All> l All I 12-79 Diesel Fuel 011 Sturage ;
  • j ; ! Tank (100,000 k--*--*--*---**--------*--*--*-... *-... 1 _ . . **-*-*. *--*-----**--_]_-**-**-**-**----****---*---t*-JVOC', Total<* 0.01 lb/hr. ILAC n:tn.501.C.6) t averqc I <All:> 1' I ' roc: o:O. ...,;,., (LAC inii.Si>i:C.6j .. .....;I ;,;.;;;;,;,;;** : <Ail>*--f-----Aii Y w : ; I I I I : *1-3_ 79 -o.0021i;;b; -[LAc 33Ji(S-OCc.6i--** \ * * * * * * -<A.11;-*----*-t** * * * * * -**** : Oil Storage Tank A (42,500 i ; j I ! gallons} L--***--* **
  • i \ I i --**-*--*--*-****-*---i All Year
  • I '
  • i
  • I ,_ ........... -.-**--* ---****-*******-*** *-**-**--*-------*******-*+*-*-*-**-* .. -* .... -** -*-*-****------i----**---*** .. ----*--*-**---**** ---..; ;voe. Total<* 0.01 100.'liyr. tLAC 33:111.501.C.6] 1 Annual maJtimum 1 <All>
  • All Year ' i 1 I I I ! Oil Storage 'fDnk R (42.500
  • 1 "allons) '* ..... **-* ****--------*----***-----------*---- *--. -* !VOC, TO(al <* 0.002 lblb.r. [LAC 33:UJ.501.C.6] j -; I I I.------****-*-*--*-** All Year All Year I . Rcquircmer4-P91* IS n'27
i t"adlity Specific Reguirements Entergy Operadons Inc. Waterford 3 Nuclear Plant Agency Interest Number: 35260 Activity ID No.: PERl0030002 Permit Id: 2520-00091-00 :_ ___ .. "? _ J_ Llmlt fCitatlonl 1 Stllt. Bui* l'h11ies j Wbkh Month1'r .. I ! Eono jVOC. [LAc JJ:irr.so1-.-c.6] * - --* --: ---<AJ1> ---r--.-.. Afivw ---* i . IS-79 Oil f'ank A ! i i j I (Clean) (21 '21 o gaUons) f oc. -.:.;o:o I j"jjff50 l:'E6f---Annuai --<All;----* -+-*-*-*AttYe; -. ! ;------.. --** **--**-*L--****--*---*------*--*---*" ----I *--** ----* J_, ------*--*--***-r-*-... *----*-**-*---! ; 16_7q Lube Tank B !VOC', Total<= 0.002 lb.'hr. [LAC J3:lll.SO! .C.6} l Hourly nuwmum <All> All Year \ : (Diny) <21*210 gallons) ;vOC:.Toiai<-o:ooi ib.thr. LLAc JJ:ni:5ifr:c.-6f-+ ----TI"Wr1y overage-* --* -t-<Alt> -*-** .. Aii-y(;-... -.j 0:01;;;.;;;;** ii.AC ;1:1;1:ro 1.c*1 ! * --.<,;..;, *+ * *--* <A11> *-** 1 ----.-,i v;.;.: -! 1*11:;; f oc. ro;;. <0:00111.<,;(LAC u ins01 c-:01 *** 1-*---<Au>" ---t------>:11 -Reservoir(20'900gailol1ll) (LA.ciiXi1.50TE6J--i .. *----t-----<ft.l1>* ---r-* -; : . I To_tal_<_O_.Olto_nsl_Yr* (C\C-"* -- .. _ .. --t*. I i I I I ' I ' I ' ! .. _____ EQT23 ___ l _____ -*-**-------.. -*-------*-.. _ .. ____ ._,,_ -----r--------*-- ----... -* 1R-79 Gasoline Fuel s10,,..oc 1
  • 1 IVOC, fotal <s 0.06 lblhr. [LAC 33:1ll.50l.C.6j Hourly ma:\imum ! <All> i AU Year ; Tunk. (900 gallons) *-' ! J , f;.., *-*-ito.rlY ---!----<Ail>-* ---! * --*All Year [LAC .ii:J.ff501.c.61-t-.. --.. --t *--<"t\11>_ .. ---*1 *I j I j ! l I ._,J _________ .... ,._ *----.. *-*--.. --*----.. --------i*----*---* -**-*---i. . -* -iiqr24 *---; 22-02 Port.iblC' Ouragt' -OJ:lll.501.C.6} i Hourly maximum I <All> , All ' I
  • 1 _ I _ -* ___ _ : L I I I I I --... -..... __ ,_., ___ .. ---*----* *--..1.... *-*-*--*---.. *------"*--_____ ,, __ .,_,, ________ ...... --*-* -** --. -----------*-**---***---** *----------Rcquiremcnb -l'a&e 16 of 27 Facility Specific Rcgulrcmenb Entergy Operations Inc
  • Waterford 3 Nuclear Plaot Ageacy Interest Number: 35260 Activity ID No.: PERl00.30002 Permit Id : 2520-00091-00 \ I Diesel 2i>OM0 guU0nslyT: *
  • with limilation a reportable I (rolling 1-monlh basi') '\'iol.uiun of !he permit. Notify tbc Office of 1 Lcuvironmcntal Compliance, Enforcement Divii;kin if i jNo. 2 Diesel Fuel Oil usage ell<:eedl the maximum 1 !listed. in thiR specific caadition for any twelve '1 i I ; ._.1 __ __ ---------* ! ollides<=49.28 tblbr, [LAC 33:JU so1.C.6JJ Hourlymalliruum *r * -<Ail>----l--*** All Ye11r j '----*. ----. ----. --*----* *i-.. --***---*-*----+--*----------!*----*** -*-. ---* !Nitrogen Ollides <= 49.211 lb/hr. (LAC 33;1U.501.C.6]* Hourly avenge r <All:> I All Yc11t I -i -,\frvw -! may 1 -_L_ -<Aii>. __ .jl _ -.. --* *i opaci1y in cxce58 of20 pcrcen1 for oot more j : I jlban one si,,-minutc period in uy 60 consecutive I I I i orlcs.1)<. it;ihi: ! . --t--<All;-* .... -r--. --All Year ! 33:lll.501.C.6] I 1 I i *(1 o or . ... . . . . . ....... Aii Year . 33:111.SOl.C.6] . ; i I marte;{lo <;;:*, _40 tons/;;.-.f-. ---"1 *----<ATi>---. ..... ****-. j 33Jll.50! .C.6] i : I . I I . .. 7.7& 1bl.;;.**[i:::<\c 33:11uo1.c.61 *-(--**** ***--<Aij;""*---*T ** I I I I ---*---**** . --*-*-. **"--** **-*-*-**--'. ****---***J ........ ___ .. ,. _____ ... ! .. _. -*** -*-** ---____ J R.llqllircmc11ls ** l'age 17 of27
u.mitatiollll: I t--EQT24 22-02 Portable Outage . Maintenance Diesel Engm Facility Speclfic Requiremep!§ Eutergy Operations Inc -Waterford 3 Nuclear Plant Agency lntcrest Nulllber: 35260 Activity ID No.: PERl003U002 Permit Id : 2520.00091-00 l1, * -1*-*---I i I i , __ --***-*-**--*****-*-----------*** ---------* ---:: ----------****-*----* **----+-.,____________ ---+----***--*****--------_J !Sulfur rlioltidc 7.10 tons/yr. [LAC 33:Ul.5QJ.C_6) i Annual munnum \ <All> i All Year I -r, .. **11ACJi"1Ji:SO; c .* (-J---*---+-**---<All> --+--*11 v-; ! ... *-* ---**--* -*-*-**-------., --*-* -----*------i ----*-----------___ ... _____________________ j _________ ----**-** *---* 1VOC, Total<* 1.39 lbihr. [LAC 33:Uf.50l.C.6J 1 lloorly a\.*crs&c <All> I All Year I I ' I : I I l---*--* --------------*****------*-_________ ; ----*** *****-----**-------+---*-* *-----+-----------*-*i /VOC, 1.26 [LAC 33:lll.50l.C.6] : Anl\1181 maximum I <All> j All Year . ! ' I I l (iAc -:---. \ Mamtcllllllcc Engines *1 __ _ __ ____ _____ _ ________ . 1 *
  • I carbon <--.... 19.40 lblhr. [1-AC *- -,lourly ---- ---*-* -<A\1;----1 *-** -Ali-Y c1;---* --. i --------------------- --****--*-**---****-** ____ _J_ _____________ L_ ---*-* _____ ! ,Carbon monoxide<"' 111.91 tons/yr. (LAC 1 Annual maxim-um i <AIL-' j All Year I 33:111.501.C.6) I ! ' I I i
  • I I fuel me<" 9600 --------.-_;Aii>. ---j J\11 with thi11 is a reportable ! (rollins I-mood! basi5) J i v1ol11uon of the pcnnit. Notify the Office of I l 1 'Eovironmeotal Compliance, Enforcement Division if j fuel usage exceed$ the mu:imum listed in this 'j '.SPCCitic condition for any twelve consecutive month ! 1 fLAc-fr' 1.-C-6 J J . *---.. HoutlY maximum ----r .. I j L_ 1i:1'C-33:ul:50-1.c.61_f_ ---*i -* *-..:-,\u>-L ___ ______ i I *-*-** ---* . ,._,.L ... ____ ----*** ----* ... ****-----.-L-------*----------.--1.__,_._, ..... -----* . -----l----1 I -* *---* j__ _______ .,_., ______________ _) All Year Rcqui1emonts -Page of27 Facility Specific Requirement? Entergy Operatlom Inc -Waterford 3 Nuclear Plant Agency Interest Number: 35260 Activity ID No.: PER20030002 Permit Id : 2520-00091-00 Rcquiri:rn1mts *-Peg¢ 19 or27 Facility Soecific Requiremeots Entergy Operations Inc -Waterford J Nuclear Plant Agency Interest Number: 35260 Activity ID No.: PER20030002 Permit Id: 2520-00091-00 .................... ________________ j All Year
Monitoring Facility Soecific Reauirsments Entergy Operations lnc -Waterford 3 Nuclear Plant Agency Interest Number
35160 Activity ID No.! PER20030002 Permit Id : 2520-00091..00 **-,--' 22-02 Portable ! souDd method durin.a loading. [LAC I Ou1agc -i3, J:lll.501 C.6J I Main1ei1nnce Pha1u ___ L __ MO_J!thst ... _; -JAii Year ! , Diesel Enginl:" 1 : I -.. --* . J ---*----l <All> ... ; i I ! j *
  • __ --** F-uet-Oil Tiu-o;ghpu1-;oniio;;f by *tli -* * ---Non-c -* .. -!----* -<Ai1;----iijiveru:--. --* -! : 24-03 Portable i 0ocbnicslly sound method during loadiDg. [LAC, i i j :_. -* . _________ _ __ __ .. --L-*-----.... -..l----.. --** --'-*--*----*-* .. **-*--*" _. ................ ... **-*-** --*<>*,__,._ ...... , .... , ____ ... --

Facility SPWfic Requiremeats Entergy Operations Inc -Waterford 3 Nudear Plant Agency Interest Number: 35260 Activity ID No.; PERl0030002 Permit Id : 2510-00091-00 1 Suhjttt ID* Puan1ttet" ! Rtcord-Keepioe IClfation) l **-----* *-* **-.. ---* -;--,:-***-* ----*--* *----*-***-. **:::-J** -** i EQn Equipmenb'operarional dalll data recordkceping by I ; 3-79 EmcrgeDCy1 !c:lcctrooic or hvd copy co111iouously. Record Diesel Generator i on for al least two years rhe dala 11 A (4,400 kW) lo dctuone1r11e exemption from the . -l <All> ! @rsiuns of LAC 33:Ul.Chaprer 15. Rtcord all! data \D the wUl3 or lhe wing I \icniging time of rhe standard. Make I ! f duvailabk: lo a ofDEQ or ! j '--*-*--****. / * *-*----__ . J ______ EQT6 Equipmcnt/operatiooal data JEqwpmaitloperatiOOAI dirta by ; <All> I r 4-79 Emergency 1 lelt.ctronic or hml copy cootinuously. .Record I I i Diesel Generator J keep on site for al lea.o.-i IWo yea111 the data I ! B (4,400 kW) ;n:quircd 10 from tbe 11 I t J>rovisio11S of LAC JJ:lll.C:hapter l.S. Record 11111 1 ' :Cmissions data in the units of the $landard using , [the averaging time of th¢ standard. M*kc I Jn:cords 1v1ilablc co a representative of UEQ or j :* **-Eon-* .. ---! 5. 79 Fire Waler I lelecironic or hatd C-Opy Record I Diesel Pump A r keep on site for II least two ycan the da\11 ; (170 lip) ; ulred IO dcmonstraic exemption front the l i of LAC 33:JII.Chap(cr 15. Record au! I I ienu:oi.\io11s date in the units of the standard using jthe aver1ging lime of the ltlll<lard. Mike 1 '*--***--:-* .. __ ; ;--:-*-.. *--* ---------I : E() r& ; Equ1pmcn1.1opera1101111J data 1E11u1prncntiopem11onal daLa by ! <All> I

  • 6-79 Fire Wuter. elccrronic or hard copy Record i j / Diesel l'ump B : Md keep on site for at ll!aSt two year.r the da10 1* I * ( 170 Hp) : equircd to dcmonatratc eXO!bp<ion lrom the rovisions of LAC H:lll.Choptci-IS. Record 1111 I missi(ID!': data in the units of the: standQld using :1 I !the avcrasini time o.C !he stl!lldard. Mlllce : 1 1 )ccords uvoilahlc to a repn:scnllllive ofDEQ or . L.. -*-__ _L__ --** I 5_1_3_) __ !__ ------_____ J -

Facility Smific Reguiremeab Entera.y Optndon1 Inc -Waterford 3 Nudear Plant Agency lnteretC Nwnber: 35160 Activity ID No.: PEK2003000l Permit Id: 151G-00091-00 !subJttt hetn JD; Puamet.rr ! llttonl*Kttpb'lt tCit1t11nt M11se. *-*---, . *------*-----------** --* .. --*-----*-* : EQT9 . Equipuu:nlioperation.1 data. dela by <All>

  • 7-79 S<<UJiry i or b.ud copy Record I Emergency I keep 01I aite ror II Inst (WI\ the data I t Gcncraror 1 tcclu1n:xl IO dcmorurrato exemption from the r (286 Hp) l provitio1111 or LAC 3J*lll.Chap1er IS. Ke¢0rd all* j ,emis,,ions dall in the 1111it, or the s1'11\dlJ'd using ! I avcf'lliiing 1inae of tho standard. Miike I
  • available lo a rcpmontative of DfiQ or . L ... _ *----*i* ..... ____ _.1 __ *-j 1 t;q111pmc:11t/opccarioMI data \Equipmcnllupmlional data n:cordkceping by I .;AJI> I . 8*83 F.Of I f or hard COf'Y continuously. Record I I Emc.ricoey f end keep on site for 11 lult two ynia \he data ; i Diesel GcncralOf I lo demomlrlte ex.anptfoo Crom the ; * (3SS Hp) 1 Eo"isioas C\f LAC 33*lll ChaJl'ICf 15. Record iilll 11 ! Wiloc1 dai. io lbc units of standatd using 1 1 1\l'llO cir the lllandard. Mako :
  • I !"Ofda available to a rc:pMentative of DEQ or
  • I 1513) ; J EQTI I --1 by-*j --<All_> ___ . I 1 9.99 Dry '. blectronic or bard copy coolinvau1Jy. Record ! I *1 Cooling Tower keep oo 1i10 for 11 lase tlfo ye1n tbe dlt1 I . Oicsel i>wip A
  • uired to dclDOllS(fltt e.ionpdon from tho I I (20 Hp) I vi*iona of LAC 33:1U.Chlptei-15. Record *llJ I miu10N dell in lhc u.ai11 of the lland1rd u1in11 , I I pie 1veniging tune nfthe .widard. Make I I av11lable to 1 rq>retmlllli\'e ofDF.Q ,,, 1 . , '.lhcU.S.l!Pl\011requn1.flAC33:UJ.1513J . ,,*-* EQTI 2-i Cla10 by
  • l --<A,-.;----; J0.9Q Dry 1 or hard wpy enn1inuously. Record l '. Coolmi; Tnwer t juad keq> on sue for 11 lcas11wo ycal"1 the dall , ! Oicscl Pump ll 1 IO demoiu11n10 exemption from 1bc '. (20 lil') ;
  • of I.AC )):Ul.Ch1p1er IS. Record 1111'. I * ,emi.'ISiOllll o.lam 111 1hu unilll uf the Mandanl usmg : 1 11vcra;in111imc ufthc Mnke 'j I aVllilohlc 11> a reprexntallve of Dt:Q ot I [_. *-.. -* .L_ ........ ----** ____ Jhc U.S. D.!__.1. *-*** .. --** _ J _...... .......... -**-**----

bcility Soedfic ReouJremept! Entergy Operations Inc-Waterford 3 Nuclear Plaut A&eacy Interest Number: 35260 Activity ID No.: PER20030002 PermJt Id: 2520-00091-00 _____ j _____ -. -*-* _ /. _____ __ ; EQT 13 -Equipmeiit1opcra1iona.I data data rC(:()r'(jkeq1ing byl' <All> : l 1*00 IT ) or hard copy oontinuously. Record . , Emugcncy l find keep on sile for at least two years the dal<I I i Dic:iel Gcncra1or I required en demonstrate citcmption from the I I (125kW) ! EvUion.rnflAC 33:111.Cbi!ptcr 15. Record all, 1 ' isaio1U1 data jq the unlts of the 1laudard W\ing I he avcragine lime o{ lite 15Undard. Make i available 10 11 rcpre9altalive <>fDEQ or 1 ------l. ___ ---*---_l __ l::QTl4 . data 1t.quipmc11t/opcra1ional data recordkccping h>* j 1 19*79 Portable : electronic or hArd copy continuously. Record 1 I / land kc:tp on for at least two years the data i I (45 kW) i jrequired to dcmoostratc eitemption !tom the : : of LAC 33:111.Chapter 15. Record alll' j data in lhe uniti: oftbc using ! avcraeiog thoe of the s&andard. Male I I 1vailablc to a ofDEQ or I j --.l . --* __ _ __ .. . _!lPA .. ; -----. *---... J J EQT23 Equipmcnt./opentional diita lEciwpmcnl/uperarional dam rccontkccpin& by l <AJI>

  • 18-79 Guolmc 1 1elcc..1r0we or hard copy continuowily. Keep ; , Fuel Stonagc I of the information specified iu LAC I : Tank (900 }33;W.2 I03.J. I -1, aupplicable. [LAC gallon&} t ;B:n!.2103.1} . , ;****--flOTI4 --r by*-**r-----<A11> ___ l l 22--02 Porlllblc : flCCtmnic or hard copy continuously. Record j I i Oul.£1Ge
  • keep on for at least two ycar.1 the data i : Maintenance : 10 demoo1tr11te frnm the i ' 1 Dicstl fa1gi11e5 ; of LAC 33:lll.Chapt<< J 5. Record all! l ! da111 in the unics of the ictandard I i avera,ing tiruc or the stnndard. Ma.kc : I r iru<;ords avaiwbl.e In a repn:Jcaiativc of DEQ or ! I -----+-------* * ,;;.11;-** --* !copy moarhly. Keep records of the 1<>1111 N(I. 2 : j fuel Oil u.-t each month, 1s well as die i J No. 2 Di<:licl 1-'uel Oil for lhe las! 1 O'IOllths. Make records a\'ailabh: fOf i 1 by DEQ pcnon.ocl fl.AC : ! !__ ____ -----*--**--*---* ...... _ --***--*--... --* -*-*** j ____ _ ____ J _____ _j <All> I -... ........... ___________________

facility SpedOc Reguiremenu Entergy Operations Waterford 3 Nuclear Plant Agency fiJterest Number: 35260 Activity JD No.; PER20030002 *'-.. . . . --*---** ..... -. ..... -... Rcq,uiremaill!: Permit Id: 25.20-00091-00 .. 1.D1 1! .. _. ... --.-l.-::**. _ ... i_,_

i F.QT25 l;;qu1pmt:111:operatioo11l d&la f.C'luipmeat'openitiooal data recordkeeping by l <All> , i 23-02 Ponabl1: I or bard copy continvously. ! i i Outage -! !imd on site for *t k11t !'No yc11n1 the data ! ; j 1 FN!Uircd to dcmoos1n1te ei1emption from lhel

  • 1vasolinc ofL:"-C IS. Record 11n] : ' iemw1ons da1.111n the uruts of U1e using . I , averagini lime of the standard. Make : . to 1 representative of IJEQ or I 1 *.. ... *-*----.. _,_:_ ... ______ r Fuel rate Kia.wline Fuel rale by electronic j <All> i pr lwd i:upy monthly. Keep rec:orw of the total ! I fuel usage CAch month, as well as the I
I ,0111 p."lolioe fuel usllge for die Inst twelve , >nonlbs. Make n;curda IVaJlable for iospec1io11 I r 1 hy DEQ pcl'll()nnel. (LAC 33:Ul . .50J.C.6J ! I ! -EQT26-: da1a by
  • i -_.. ..<A.11> .. ---1 * ! or hard copy continuously. RecorJ I , Auitil111ry Boiler I "nd keer tln site for at lca!it two years lite data i to dcmOGJtralt eitempti<>o from tht j provisioR!i nflAC 33:111.Cbapter 1.5. Rerord alll I f.misuons data in die unita of tbr:: standard 1.11ing I ' i --j l'uel rate l ( ----------I I J._ ... -* _ .... _ jtheavcragingtimeofthestaodard. Make I 1vail1blc IO a representati ... -e or OEQ or I I _____ .____, !f quipmentlopcrationaJ data rccordkeepin& by I <;All> I flecttoolc or hard copy ar the regulation's fmiuency. Keep records oftlic
  • I ,uifonuatioo in 40 CFR 6Q.4llc(e)(I) ! (e)(ll). Subpart De. [40 CfR I
  • by 11:;;-d* ..----<All> -* .. 1 daily. Ke1:p records oflhe arnow11 of e&ch i combusted durwg eaclJ Jlly. Subpart De. ! .. ___ J40_C_:!::R ______ -*-__ .. --*. __ ; -Page 2S <*f27 ............ ____________________

Fadlity Soecific Reouirements Entergy Operations Inc -Waterford 3 Nudear Plant Agency Interest Number: 35260 Activity ID No.: PER20030002 Permit ld : 2520-0009.1-00 Requirements: lSubjctt Item ID) Parameter ! Reconl-Kttp!ng !Otationj *-EQT26****-r * . *-<All> : : 24-03 Portable ! rnoolhly. Keep of the tt:>tal No. 2 1 Auxiliary Boiler 11 iDksel Fuel Oil used each month, !IS well a.' the 1 No. 2 Diesel Fuel Oil used for the lase I, !twelve moruhs. Make Available for by DEQ personnel. [LAC -----------**_..L_.----*--*-*-----**---*-** -* ... ------__ J Namitivc (Oak and Textuql) Requirements: Al3S260 *-1. 2. 3. Maintain best housekeeping and maintenance practices ot the hight:11 possible standaldl to reduce the qUfllltity uf organic compounds Good b11u.'lekceping shall iudu<lc:. but not be limited practi<:es listed in LAC 33:Ul.2113.A.1*5. [LAC JJ:ill.2113./\j Prepare standby plans for the reduction of emisslom during periods of Air Pollution Alert. Air Pollution Wamin& and Air Pollution Emergency. !ttandhy plans to reduce or eliminate emissioM in accordance wilh the objectives os set forth in LAC 33:111.S(il I.Tables 5, 6, aDd 7. [LAC 33:Tn.56Q9] Activa11: the preplanned abatcmr:nt strategy listed ill LAC 33:IIl.561 I .Tuble 5 when DEQ <b;Jarci; no Air Pollution Alert. [I.AC '.H:Ill.5609.A. I .bj 4. Activa1e the preplanned S1rategy listed in LAC Jl:Ul. 5611. Table 6 when DEQ declares an Air Polluti(lo Warning. [LAC 33: llJ.5609 .A.2.bJ S Activate the preplanned abatement suatcgy lis!Cd io LAC J:Ull.5611.Tablc 7 when DEQ d<<lucsan Air Pollutfon Emergency. !IAC 33:lll.5609.A.3.b] 6. All affected shall comply with aU applicable provilsion.' in 40 CFR 60 Suhpart A. (40 CFR 60) 7. Failuro 10 pay 1he fee or annwil fee as provided herein, withio 90 days after the due d111e, will constitute a violatiou of tnei;e regulations and subject the person to 11pplicable enforcement !Kl ions under the Louisiana F.JJvironroeolal Quality Act indudin&, but not limited to, revocalion or of the uppli.cahlc pcrruit, license, re1'i-'IU'ati0fl, or \'ariance. [LAC 33 :lll.219 J f.QT23 -* 18-79 Gasoline Fuel Storage Tank (900 gallons) I. .Equip with a submerged fill pipe. [LAC 33:Ill.2103.A) EQT24 ** 22--02 Ponablc Outngc

  • Maintt.i11nce Die.<1el Et1gines L 2. 3 Submit notification; Due at 7 day5 prior10 perfonlUll'ICl!lem i.o;sjons test to the Office of Envirorunental Assessment, fn\*irnnmental Technol<)gy Engineering Services. to provide the opportunity to conduct a pretest meeting and observe the testing. [I.AC 33:111 . .501.C.6] Submit report: Due within 60 11fler tCllt. Submit tes1 results to the Office of En\.iromnentol As8ellsment. J'm*uunmental Division, Engineering Scrvicell. [LAC 33:UJ.501.C.6] C.onduct a performance/emissions test: Applicabk if the engine niterl at .500 Hp or greater and is intended to opcrale or does operate: for 720 hours0.00833 days <br />0.2 hours <br />0.00119 weeks <br />2.7396e-4 months <br /> or more. Juriug the outage or mainte11an1:e period. The 51J1Ck purpose to demonstrate compliance with the limit& of this pennit. Test me\hods and procedures shall be in accordance with New Soun:c Performance Standar<b, 40 CFR 60, Appendi.'l. A, Metl!Qd 7E -Deterruination (lfNitrogen 0;11idC$ F..mission, from Sl4tio1uuy Sources i111d Method 10 -Detennination of Carbon Monoxide Emillsions from Stetionary S<>UJ'ces. USt' altcmDlll stack tctit methods only with the pri01 npproval of the Offi.;c of Environmenllll Envuonmental Tcchl\(lJogy Division, F..ogincering Ser.vices. AJ required by LAC 33:111.913, provide !!ampl.iug ports in or ducts and such olhcr safe and proper sampling l1lld testing facilities for proper dctCllllination of the emission limits. (LAC 33:11I.50 I .C.6] R<qu in:rncnlJ -Page 26 or 27 .....................

Facl.Utv Spe:c;lfic Reau.ircmeots Entergy OperaC1ons lac* Waterford 3 Nuclear Plaat Agency lnttrett Number: 35260 Acdvity ID No.: PERl0030002 Ptrruit Id : 2526-0009 l-OO N11rranvt' (Datt IUld Teit1ual) Requirements: F.QTI4 ** 22-02 Po1101ble Outage. Ma101cnaoc.e Dicscl Enginc:s 4. Subrmt n:port Due 11111ually, by lht' IStb offebruary. Repon the No. 2 Fuel Oil usaac for the p1eceding calendar year 10 the of l:nvironmental Coinp!U.ncc, Enfo1temen1 Division. ILAC 33:111.SOJ.C.6) EQ'f2S *

  • 23*02 Ponable Outaboe
  • Guolioc F.ocines I. Submit norifle<itivn: Due at lraSl 7 day* prior 10 pcrformancc/cmissioru test to 1hc Office of f:.nviroomcmal Enviroomcutal T ecluwlogy D1\'is1011, 2. 3. ... l:.ngi.nuring Sen*ice:l, IO provide the opportunity 10 conduct a pnlest moe1ing and observe the em Wion tcslinf. {LAC 33:111.SO 1.C.6j Submit report: Due within 60 day1 aJ\er pcrfom>ancelemissions tCll. Sub111it cmiuion5 test 1csu.llS ro the Office of F.nviroome111al A.Qts.1!'Dea1. Environmcotal l'cdlno!ngy F.nginccrio11 Smicca. (LAC '.rl:litSOl.C.61 Conduct o Applicable ir the cn&lnc is rated al .SOO Hp or arutcr and is intended to opcn1c or docs operate for 720 l1our.s or more. du1ing lhe outage or 1D1in1cnuicc period. The stack tcac's purpox is co dmloRJCl'ftlt ex>mplbnce witb the emission limits of this pcnnit. Test inelbods and procedures shall be: 111 aci.:ord:ince with New Source Pcrformtl1'e Sl&lldanh, 40 CFR 60. Appendix A, Melhod 7E-Dclcnnillltioo ofNit.f'Oieo OitidCJ> Emissions rcom S1111ioD11ry Sources and Method IO
  • Octerm!n12cion of Camon Monodde Emi.'tions &om Swionary Sources. U11e alternate acack Leal me\bods only with the pnor 1pprvval nf tbc Office of cnvlmnmemal AMetanionl, Envimruntnlal Tcchno'°IY Divi1'ion, Engioeeril\& Servicc1. M required by I.AC JJ:Lll.913, pmvide ne.;e!!Sll)I pons in alllcb or duc..-u and 9Ueb odicrsafc and proper nmplins and lallDS C.Cili1ies for proper determination of chc cmwion llru11S. (LAC 33:Jll.501.C.6J Submit report: Due lllllU4lly, by the I of Febniary. the 1"'11inc U$11CC for the Pf'OC'Cding ealcndar vc-ar 10 the Office of P.nvitonmc:m1I Colllpliao<'c. EAforccmcnt [LAC JJ:nf.SOl.C.6)
  • f.QT2f> -2<1*03 Porul:ilc Aiwlialy Boilo I 2. }, Subl'llJC nocir.ea1K>n: Due u J.pecificd in 40 CFR 60.7. Submit die dale nf conswction or recoo.souction, 1ct\lal startup. l1>1:ludc lhc 1Dform1liun spc:ll:ified in 40 CFR 60.48c(*)(I) thtou&h (a)(4) as appfkable. Subpart Dc. (40 CFR 60.411c(*)) Submit rcporu: Due scmiaMU11ly, by the 30th day following the end of die rcpon.ina period. Submit reports as required in 40 CfR 60.411cld) Include 1be informa11011 specified in 40 CFR 60.4kte)(I) through (c)( 11 ). Subpart (40 CFR 60.48.:(c:)) 10 the fuel supplier certifinlion n:quircd in 40 CFR 60.48c(cX 11) 1be inf'onnatioa tpeelficd in '10 ct"R 60.48c(f)( 1) tbroui:h (f)(J). Subr-11 lk. (40 CFR 60.48.:(1)1 4 Mawtwin all 1e.:ordl rtquin:d under 40 CFR 60.48c fot a period of2 (oUowmg the date of JUC:h rcc:ord. SubP4rt Dc. (40 CFR 60 411c(l)I .S. Submit report: Due AMully. by the 15th offcbNll)'. Rcpo11 the No. 2 DlcS<:I Fuel 011 u!lcd for preceding e11lcndar yeM LO the Office of F.mironmcallll Compli111ce, {1.AC 33:11UOl.C.6)

KATHLUN BABINEAUX BLANCO GOVERNOR State of Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality Certified Mail No. 7004 1350 0000 5460 3770 MIKED. Md>ANIF.L, Pb.D. SECRETARY Agency Interest (AI) No. 35260 Activity No. PER20050002 Rick Buckley Entergy Operations, Inc. P.O. Box 31995 Jackson, MS 39286-1995 RE: i..etfc:r; Wat<<fordm Nuclear Plant Entergy Operations, Inc., Killona, St Charles Parish, Louisiana

Dear Mr. Bucldey:

On March l 0, 2005, a letter requesting approval of an alternative method for testing sulfur content was submitted. Currently, Waterford III Nuclear Plant is required to combust No. 2 diesel fuel oil with less than 0.5 weight percent sulfur content and enlists Method 19 of 40 CFR 60, Appendix A to verify compliance. Entergy requests that ASTM 04294, Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petrolemn and Petroleum Products by Energy-Dlspersjve X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry, IBR be an approved method for determining sulfur content in diesel fuel at Waterford Ill Nuclear Plant. This method requires less time and affords a higher level of and accuracy. DEQ has no objection to the use of ASTM D4294. Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petrolewn and Petroleum Products by Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry, IBR as an alternative test method for sulfur content in No. 2 diesel fuel oil. However the Auxiliary Boilei-, Source 2-95, is subject to 40 CFR 60 Subpart De. This regulation requires that Method 19 be used to test for sulfur content. DEQ does not have the authority to approve alternative test methods for sources subject to 40 CFR 60 Subpart De. Any alternative test methods used for fuels being fired in this source would have to be approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Please reference Permit No. 2520-00091-00 and Agency Interest No. 35260 in all future correspondence regarding this facility. Sinoerely, 8:r Ph.D. Assistant Secretary dcd OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVlCES

  • P.O. IJOX 43 lJ
  • BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA J AN EQUAL Ol'PORT\JNITY EMPLOYER Waterford 3 Air Permit 2520-00091-00 Housekeeping & Maintenance Plan for VOC Reduction LAC 33:III.2113 (Housekeeping), specifically LAC 33:II1.2113.A.4, requires the development of a written plan for housekeeping and maintenance emphasizing the prevention or reduction of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from the facility, wherever feasible. On May 20, 2004, Waterford 3 (W3) submitted correspondence W3B0-2004-0035 (see attached) to the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality identifying existing site and companywide procedures that the facility will rely on to meet this requirement. Listed below is a summary of these procedures. Procedure UNT-007-006 (Housekeeping) This W3 site-specific procedure contains the following practices for prevention or reduction of voe emissions:
  • Draining or discharging of any chemically treated or processed waters must be approved by the Operations Shift Department who consults with the Chemistry Department as required. [Sections 4.1.4 & 5.4.3]
  • Liquids are evaluated by Chemistry prior to discharge or disposal. [Section
  • All plant personnel are responsible for complying with transient combustible requirements. [Section]
  • All station personnel must report housekeeping conditions that could cause a spill, release or discharge of fluids or chemicals. [Sections 5.3.l &
  • Housekeeping checks include identifying any spills or leaks of fluids and improper discharge or disposal of fluids to plant drains and sumps or yard drains. [Section]
  • Housekeeping checks includes identifying consumable materials that are not approved for use. [Section 5 .3 .1.6]
  • Garbage, trash, scrap, litter and other routine excess materials are required to be collected and disposed in a timely manner. [Sections 5.4.1 &]
  • Controls are maintained so as to remove waste, debris, scrap, oil spills or other combustibles from the work area following completion of the activity or at the end of the shift, whichever occurs first, unless the material is placed in an appropriate collection device for removal from the site. [Section] W3 VOC Housekeeping Plan -1
  • Plant and site drains are color coded to identify the control of source fluids and materials required to maintain processing operation effectiveness and regulatory requirements. [Section 5.4.2]
  • Cleaners utilized to clean plant components must be approved prior to use. [Section] Procedure PMC-002-007 (Installation Maintenance & Construction Painting) This W3 site-specific procedure limits the amount of painting in areas that communicate with the Emergency Safety Filtration units due to volatile organic compound loading (Section 5 .1 ). NMM Fleet Procedure EN-EV-112 (Chemical Control Program) This companywide procedure contains the following practices for prevention or reduction ofVOC emissions:
  • Approval must be obtained for all chemicals prior to bringing the chemical{s) on-site (Section 5.3)
  • Personnel are required to use chemicals that are already approved for usage on-site or evaluate a suitable alternative prior to bringing a new chemical on-site (Section 5.3)
  • Chemicals are evaluated for VOC content and other items such as need for the chemical, NFPA rating, storage classification, usage restrictions and waste minimization criteria prior to bringing the chemical on-site [Section 5.6]
  • Restrictions are placed on departments storing and using chemicals after they are brought on-site [Section 5.6]. NMM Fleet Procedure EN-EV-106 (Waste Management Program) This procedure requires all Entergy Nuclear South employees to substitute nonhazardous chemicals or alter the operation or application to prevent the generation of waste, accumulate chemicals in areas that will permit recovery and reuse of spills or leaks, and segregate wastes (i.e., solvents), to the extent practicable, to reduce volume [Section 5.2.l.d]. Additional documents that interface with NMM Procedure ENS-EV-106 (Waste Management Program) are as follows:
  • NMM Fleet Procedure EN-EV-104 (Waste Minimization Program) This procedure requires all Entergy Nuclear sites to utilize Attaclunent [ as a guide for evaluating waste minimization practices at their sites [Attachment 9.1]. W3 VOC Housekeeping Plan -2
  • Entergy Nuclear Waste Minimization Plan The Entergy Nuclear Waste Minimization Plan provides information and descriptions of activities that the sites have implemented to reduce, to the extent feasible, wastes generated, including those that contain VOC's. A list of VOe related activities related to W3 are as follows: 1. Hazardous Materials Substitution & Elimination of Waste Streams -Varsol, naphtha and other hazardous waste producing solvent cleaners have been eliminated and replaced with a nonhazardous citrasolv product. [Sections 5.4 & 5.7] 2. Hazardous Materials Substitution -Water-based epoxy paints have been approved for use in an effort to reduce voe content [Section 5.4]. 3. Equipment Waste Reduction Devices -Hand pump spray bottles are utilized to minimize product loss and minimize the use of aerosol propellants. [Section 6.0] 4. Waste Minimization Strategies -Paints with high solids and low VOe content are being utilized at all Entergy Nuclear South sites [Section 10.0].
  • Management & Storage of VOC Waste Materials When wastes that contain voe materials is generated, all Entergy Nuclear sites manage and store the wastes in containers that meet the applicable U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations on packaging hazardous materials for transportation ( 49eFR 178 & 49eFR 179). Therefore, air pollutant emissions from these containers are controlled. W3 VOC Housekeeping Plan -3 I WASTE MINIMIZATION TECHNIQUES I I I I I SOURCE REDUCTION I I RECYCLING :J (ON-SITE ANO OFF-SITE I I PRODUCT CHANGES I SOURCE CONTROL I I -PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION USE ANO REFUSE RECLAMATION -PRODUCT CONSERVATION -CHANGE IN PRODUCT -RETURN TO ORIGINAL PROCESS -PROCESSED FOR COMPOSITION -RAW MATERIAL SUBSTITUTE FOR RESOURCE RECOVERY ANOTHER PROCESS -PROCESSED AS A BY-PRODUCT I I I INPUT MATERIAL CHANGES TECHNOLOGY CHANGES
  • ---Entergy Entergy Operations, Inc Waterford 3 SES 1 7265 River Road Ki!lona. lA 70057 Tel 504 739 6650 CERTIFIED MAIL NO. 7002 0860 0005 2451 7'7' RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED May20, 2004 Mr. Chuck Carr Brown Assistant Secretary Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality Office of Environmental Services P. 0. Box 4313 Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4313 W380-2004-0035 A4.06 PR


Standby Plans during Air Pollution Alerts, Warnings or Emergencies Agency Interest Number 35260, Air Permit Number 2520-00091-00

Dear Mr. Brown:

Waterford 3, Entergy Operations, has received the Louisiana Air Emissions Permit, 2520-00091-00, with an effective date of April 19, 2004. The subject permit has been reviewed for technical and administrative accuracy. Only one administrative comment was noted as follows: Please remove Gregory Hood as the principal contact in any future correspondence and use Mark J. Louque or John Hornsby as listed on the General Information Sheet. In regards to the narrative requirements section, Waterford 3 is submitting this letter to document the actions that will be taken to comply with the LAC 33:111.2113 (Housekeeping) and LAC 33:111.5611 (Standby Plans). LAC 33: 111.2113 (Housekeeping), specifically LAC 33: 111.2113.A.4, requires the development of a written plan for housekeeping and maintenance emphasizing the prevention or reduction of volatile organic compound emissions from the facility. Waterford 3 will rely on the existing site and companywide procedures listed below, to meet these requirements:

  • Waterford 3 Procedure UNT-007-006 (Housekeeping)
  • Corporate Procedure EV-112 (Chemical Control Program)
  • Corporate Procedure EV-106 (Waste Management Program)

Standby Plans Air Permit 2520-00091-00 W3B0-2004-0035 Page2 May 20, 2004 In accordance with LAC 33:111.5611, Waterford 3 has prepared the standby plan below to reduce or eliminate emissions during periods of an Air Pollution Alert, Air Pollution Warning or Air Pollution Emergency. However, it should be noted that Waterford 3 is a nuclear fueled electrical generation facility and the emissions of concern as it relates to this rule would only occur during the following periods: 1. Testing of emergency diesel engines, emissions from portable engines or a portable boiler that would be on-site temporarily during an outage. 2. Emergency diesel engines running for their intended use to supply back up emergency power for the safe shut down of the reactor. Waterford 3 will implement the following actions provided compliance with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission requirements is not compromised. ALERT LEVEL Upon receiving notification of an Air Pollution Alert from the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) Waterford 3 will implement the following actions: )> Fuel-burning equipment which requires boiler lancing or soot blowing would only occur between the hours of 12 noon and 4 P.M. >> Persons operating motor vehicles on-site would be encouraged to eliminate all unnecessary operations. >> Only fuel having the lowest sulfur and ash content by weight would be burned. As a note, all diesel fuel oil utilized at the Waterford 3 site is sulfur content by weight and ash content by weight.

Standby Plans Air Permit 2520-00091-00 W3B0-2004-0035 Page3 May 20, 2004 WARNING LEVEL Upon receiving notification of an Air Pollution Warning from the LDEQ, Waterford 3 will implement the following actions: > Fuel-burning equipment which requires boiler lancing or soot blowing would only occur between the hours of 12 noon and 4 P.M. > Persons operating motor vehicles on-site would be encouraged to eliminate all unnecessary operations. > Only fuel having the lowest sulfur and ash content by weight would be burned. As a note, all diesel fuel oil utilized at the Waterford 3 site is ::;0.5% sulfur content by weight and $(). 01 % ash content by weight. >>-Site personnel operating motor vehicles would be encouraged to utilize car pools and public transportation. EMERGENCY LEVEL Upon receiving notification of an Air Pollution Emergency from the LDEQ, Waterford 3 will implement the following actions: > Fuel-burning equipment which requires boiler lancing or soot blowing would only occur between the hours of 12 noon and 4 P.M. > Only fuel having the lowest sulfur and ash content by weight would be burned. As a note, all diesel fuel oil utilized at the Waterford 3 site is $0.5% sulfur content by weight and s0.01% ash content by weight. > Site personnel operating motor vehicles would be encouraged to utilize car pools and public transportation, if available.

Standby Plans Air Permit 2520-00091-00 W3B0-2004-0035 Page4 May 20, 2004 In summary, the Waterford 3 facility is listed as a minor source of toxic air pollutants under the provisions of the subject permit. Waterford 3 submits this letter to comply with LAC 33:111.2113 and LAC 33:111.5611. Should you have any questions or require additional infonnation, please contact Mark J Louque at (504) 464-3267. Sincerely, J.E. Venable Vice President, Operations Waterford 3 JEV/MJLJmjl Enclosure cc: cc: (w/Enclosures) M.G. Adams L-ENT-SE RN. Buckley M-ECH-595 Waterford 3 Records Center (w/o Enclosures) Kermit Wittenburg LDEQ F.M. Harbison L-ENT-SE M. J. Louque W-MSB4-238 K. T. Walsh W-MSB-336 G. Sen W-GSB-310 G. M. Pierce W-MSB4-238 J.E Venable W-GSB-300 LDEQ Surveillance Division