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| number = ML16200A085
| number = ML16200A085
| issue date = 06/27/2016
| issue date = 06/27/2016
| title = Boiling Water Reactor License Termination Plan - Chapter 1 - General Information, Rev 0
| title = License Termination Plan - Chapter 1 - General Information, Rev 0
| author name =  
| author name =  
| author affiliation = LaCrosseSolutions, LLC
| author affiliation = LaCrosseSolutions, LLC
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La Cros s License T Revisio n 1.Ge n
La Cross License T Revision 1.
Gen 1.1.
1.3.4 1.3.
1.3.4 1.3.
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Figure 1-Figure 1-Figure 1-Figure 1-   s e Boiling W Termination n 0 n eral Inform a Purpose .....Decommis s Facility ......
1.Site D e 2.Curren t 3.Meteo r 4.Geolo g 5.Surfac e 6.Groun d 7.Enviro nOperationa l Plan Sum m 1.Gener a 2.Site C h 3.Identif i 4.Reme d 5.Final R 6.Compl i 7.Updat e 8.Supple m Regulatory References  
-1Site R e-2Site O v-3LACB W-4Topog r W ater Reacto r Plan a tion ...........
Figure 1-Figure 1-Figure 1-Figure 1-se Boiling W Termination n 0 neral Informa Purpose.....
Decommiss Facility......
s ioning Obj e...................
e scription ....
Site De 2.
t/Future La n r ology and C g y and Seis m e Water Hy d d Water Hy d ns and Natu r l Backgroun dary .............
Current 3.
al Informati o haracterizati o i cation of R e diation Plans R adiation Su r i ance with t h e of the Site-m ent to the ENotificatio n...................
Meteor 4.
e gional Loc a v erview .......
Geolog 5.
W R Buildin g r aphical Ma p r  TABLE O...................
Surface 6.
Ground 7.
.e ctive ..........
Environ Operational Plan Summ 1.
Genera 2.
Site Ch 3.
.nd Use ........
Identifi 4.
Remed 5.
.m ology ........
Final R 6.
.d rology .......
Compli 7.
.d rology .......
Update 8.
.r al Resourc e d ................
Supplem Regulatory References  
-1 Site Re
.o n ................
-2 Site Ov
.o n ...............
.emaining Si t..................
-4 Topogr Water Reactor Plan ation...........
.rvey Plan ...
sioning Obje escription....
.h e Radiolog i Specific De c Environme n n s of Chang e...................
t/Future Lan rology and C gy and Seism e Water Hyd d Water Hyd ns and Natur l Background ary.............
.LIST O a tion ............
al Informatio haracterizatio ication of Re diation Plans Radiation Sur iance with th e of the Site-ment to the E Notification egional Loca verview.......
WR Building raphical Map r
.g s ...............
TABLE O ective...........
.p .................
nd Use.........
.1-i OF CONT E...................
ral Resource d.................
emaining Sit rvey Plan....
he Radiologi Specific Dec Environmen ns of Change LIST O ation.............
.e s ................
1-i OF CONTE es.................
te Dismantle ical Criteria commission ntal Report...
OF FIGURE ENTS ement Activi for License ning Costs....
.te Dismantl e...................
RES ities.............
Termination n..................
.i cal Criteria c ommission ntal Report ..
... 1-1
.e s ................
... 1-1
... 1-1
.O F FIGUR E...................
... 1-2
... 1-2
... 1-3
... 1-3
.E NTS ...................
... 1-3
... 1-4
... 1-5
... 1-5
... 1-6
... 1-7
... 1-7
... 1-7
... 1-8
... 1-8
... 1-9
... 1-9
... 1-9
... 1-9
. 1-10
.ement Activ i...................
. 1-11
. 1-13
.for License ning Costs ...
. 1-14
. 1-15
. 1-16
.R ES  ...................
La Cross License T Revision ALARA AMCG AMSL BGS DCGL DQO DSAR FSS FRS GWH ISFSI LACBW LSA LTP MARSSI MYBP NRC ODCM PSDAR RESRAD STS USACE se Boiling W Termination n 0 As Lo Avera Above Below Deriv Data Q Defue Final Final Gigaw Indep WR La Cr Low S Licen IM Multi-Millio Nucle Off-S Post-S D
RESid Sourc US Ar Water Reactor Plan LIST OF ow As Reaso age Member e Mean Sea w Ground Su ed Concentr Quality Obje eled Safety A Status Surve Radiation Su watt-Hours endent Spen rosse Boiling Specific Act se Terminati
-Agency Rad on Years Bef ear Regulator ite Dose Cal Shutdown D dual RADioa e Term Surv rmy Corp of r
ACRONYM onably Achie of the Critic Level urface ration Guide ectives Analysis Rep ey urvey nt Fuel Stora g Water Reac ivity ion Plan diation Surv fore Present ry Commiss lculation Ma ecommissio active Mater vey f Engineers 1-ii MS AND AB evable cal Group line Level port age Installatio ctor vey and Site ion anual ning Activit rials BBREVIAT on Investigatio ties Report TIONS n Manual
La Cross License T Revision
: 1.
G The La C that is ow located o Village o LACBW S4601 St Genoa, W The site i for LACB LACBW spent nuc license.
In a lett requested maintena from Dai Solutions 1.1.
P The obje permit th 50 licens general li This Lice was writt for Licen Review P accompa the LTP r 1.2.
D The deco LACBW remainin the requi documen that is d Average se Boiling W Termination n 0 General In Crosse Boili wned by Dair on the Dairy of Genoa, Ve WR tate Road 35 WI. 54632-88 is licensed u BWR and 72 WR has been clear fuel st ter dated O d Nuclear R ance and de iryland to So
: s.
Purpose ctive of deco he release of se except fo icense provi ense Termin ten followin nse Termina Plan for Eva anied by a pr require NRC Decommissio ommissionin WR can subm ng ISFSI lice irements of nts the proce distinguishab Member of Water Reactor Plan nformation ing Water R ryland Powe yland Genoa ernon Count 5
846 under Posses 2-046 for the shut down ored in the L October 8, 2 Regulatory C ecommission olutions. In ommissionin the site for u r the area su isions of 10 C nation Plan (L ng the guidan tion Plans fo luating Nucl roposed licen C prior appro oning Objec ng objective mit a request ensed facility 10 CFR 20 ess that will ble from ba the Critical r
n Reactor (LAC er Cooperati a site on th ty, Wisconsin ssion Only L e Independen since 1987 LACBWR I 2015 (1), D Commission ning authorit n May 2016, ng LACBWR unrestricted urrounding t CFR 72 Sub LTP) satisfie nce in Regu for Nuclear P lear Power R nse amendm oval.
ctive e is to cond t to the NRC y) in accorda 0.1402, Rad be used to d ckground ra Group (AM 1-1 CBWR) wa ve (Dairylan he east shore n with an ad License No. D nt Spent Fue and is curre ISFSI will b Dairyland an (NRC) con ties, under the NRC pr R is to reduc use and allo the ISFSI.
bpart K.
es the requir ulatory Guid Power Reac Reactor Lice ment that est duct remedi C for unrest ance with Su diological Cr demonstrate adioactivity MCG) from a as a 50 Meg nd). This un e of the Mi ddress of:
DPR-45 with el Storage In ently underg be maintaine nd LaCrosse nsent to tran Possession rovided cons ce the residu ow for the ter The ISFSI f rement of 10 de 1.179, Sta ctors (2) and ense Termin ablishes the iation and s tricted releas ubpart E of 1 riteria for U that the dos does not e all applicable gawatt Electr nit, also know ississippi Ri h Docket Nu nstallation (I going decom ed under an eSolutions, nsfer Dairyla Only Licen sent to trans ual radioactiv rmination of facility is li 0 CFR 50.82 andard Form d in NUREG nation Plans criteria for survey oper se of the sit 10 CFR Part Unrestricted se from resid exceed 25 m e pathways o ric (MWe) B wn as Genoa iver south o umbers of 50 SFSI).
.i ties ............
mmissioning amended Pa LLC (Solut ands posses nse No. DPR sfer the licen vity to level f the 10 CFR censed unde 2(a)(9). This mat and Con G-1700, Stan (3). This L when chang rations such te (other tha t 20 after me d Use. The dual radioac mrem/year to over a 1,000 BWR a 2, is of the 0-409
. The art 50 tions)
: ssion, R-45, nse to s that R Part er the s LTP ntents ndard LTP is ges to h that an the eeting LTP ctivity o the 0 year
.Terminatio n...................
La Cross License T Revision period an Achievab 1.3.
F 1.3.1.
LACBW Mississip south of nearby p LACBW mile 678 approxim rail road (AMSL)
Boiling W The licen LACBW plant, off and inclu the the coa an a (Ge an a a pa The site i Mississip miles up The site i
: 35. A B commerc this rail National LACBW and sturg LACBW se Boiling W Termination n 0 nd that residu ble (ALAR Facility Site Desc WR is located ppi River, ab the city of L prominent f WR are longit 8.6 on the mately 300 fe
. The reacto per NURE Water Reacto nsed site co WR comprisin f of Highwa ude:
LACBWR p land north o al (and later o area directly enoa Station area south o arcel of land is bordered o ppi River an stream, man is bordered o Burlington N cial freight a line. The s Wildlife &
WR, is the Ge geon. On th WR plant, is a Water Reactor Plan ual radioacti A).
cription d in southw bout 1 mile La Crosse, W features such tude 91o, 13 Mississippi feet from the or stands on G-0191, En or (4).
omprises a ng only 1.5 ay 35. The p
: plant, of LACBWR oil) fueled p y south of LA
#3) approxi f Genoa #3 w d to the east o on the north nd Highway naged by the on the west b Northern-Sant along the eas site is borde
& Fish Refug enoa Nation he southwes a public boat r
ivity has bee western Wisc south of the WI. See Figu h as highw
, 53.35 We River abov e Mississippi n filled land nvironmental total of 163 acres. The prominent fe R, including power plant (
ACBWR wit imately 175 where the IS of Highway h by the Miss
: 35. The U.
e U.S. Army by the Missi ta Fe rail lin stern portion ered to the s ge Pool 9 a nal Fish Hatc stern corner t launching r 1-2 en reduced to consin, in V e Village of ure 1-1 for a ways, rivers est and latitu ve the mout i River and at an elevat l Statement 3.5 acres (5 site is acce eatures on th the site swit (removed in th an operati feet from th SFSI is locat 35, across fr sissippi Rive
.S. Lock & D y Corp of En issippi River ne, located b n of the site; south by a s area. Furthe chery which of the site, ramp with a p o levels that Vernon Coun f Genoa, WI map showin and lakes.
ude 43o, 33, th of the O 475 feet we tion of 639 related to
: 5) which is essed by a r he site are sh tchyard and 1989),
ional 350-M he LACBWR ted, and from LACBW er and a narr Dam No. 8 ngineers (US r and is bord between the
; there are n segment of t er south, ap h raises enda
, approxima parking lot.
are As Low nty, on the e and approx ng the site lo The map
.n .................
, 36.22 Nor Ohio River.
est of the car feet Above Operation o owned by road on the hown in Fig the site of th Mwe fossil ge R plant, WR.
row strip of is located a SACE), Roc dered on the site and Hig no passenger the Upper M pproximately angered mus ately 0.75 m w As Reason east shore o ximately 19 m ocation, inclu coordinate rth. The site The react rgo-carrying Mean Sea L of the La C Dairyland, south side o gures 1-2 an he former G-enerating stat land betwee approximatel ck Island Dis east by High ghway 35 ca r trains whic Mississippi R y 2.4 miles ssels, brook miles south o nably of the miles uding es for e is at tor is g-only Level Crosse with of the nd 1-3
-1 tion en the ly 0.6 strict.
hway arries h use River from trout of the
La Cross License T Revision 1.3.2.
The site the Geno the prese continue future lan The spe interim establish 1.3.3.
The La C in Genoa weather r data inclu Tempera the extre Average summer and 1995 Monthly spring an The bluff shows pr winds fo LACBW average w 1.3.4.
.... 1-1... 1-1... 1-1... 1-2... 1-2... 1-3... 1-3... 1-3... 1-4... 1-5... 1-5... 1-6... 1-7... 1-7... 1-7... 1-8... 1-8... 1-9... 1-9... 1-9... 1-9. 1-10. 1-11. 1-13. 1-14. 1-15. 1-16 La Cros s License T Revisio nALARA AMCG AMSL BGS DCGL DQO DSAR FSS FRS GWH ISFSI LACB W LSA LTP MARSS I MYBP NRC ODCM PSDAR RESRA D STS USACE  s e Boiling W Termination n 0 As L o Aver a Abov e Belo w Deriv Data Q Defu e Final Final Giga w Indep WR La C r Low S Licen I M Multi-Milli o Nucl e Off-S Post-S D RESi d Sour c US A r W ater Reacto r Plan LIST OF o w As Reas o a ge Member e Mean Sea w Ground S u ed Concent r Q uality Obj e eled Safety A Status Surv e Radiation S u watt-Hours endent Spe n r osse Boilin g S pecific Actse Terminat i-Agency Ra d o n Years Be f ear Regulato r i te Dose Ca l S hutdown D d ual RADio a e Term Sur v rmy Corp o f r  ACRONY M o nably Achi eof the Criti c Level u rface r ation Guide ectives  A nalysis Re p e y urvey n t Fuel Stor a g Water Rea civity i on Plan diation Sur v f ore Present ry Commis s l culation M aecommissio a ctive Mate r v ey f Engineers 1-ii M S AND A B e vable c al Group line Level p ort age Installati o c to r v ey and Site ion a nual ning Activi t rials B BREVIA T on Investigatio ties Report TIONS n Manu a l La Cros s License T Revisio n 1.G The La C that is o w located o Village o LACB W S4601 S t Genoa, W The site i for LAC B LACB W spent nu clicense. In a let t requeste dmainten afrom Da i Solution s 1.1.P The objepermit t h 50 licen s general l i This Lic e was writ t f or Lice n R eview Paccomp a the LTP r 1.2.D The dec o LACB Wremaini n the requ idocume n that is d Average s e Boiling W Termination n 0 G eneral I n Crosse Boil i w ned by Dai r o n the Dair y o f Genoa, V e W R t ate Road 3 5 W I. 54632-8 8 i s licensed u B WR and 7 2 W R has been c lear fuel st t er dated O d Nuclear R a nce and d e i rylan d to S o s. P urpose ctive of dec o h e release o f s e except fo i cense prov i ense Termi n ten followi n n se Termina Plan for Eva a nied by a p r require NR C Decommissi o ommissioni n W R can sub m n g ISFSI lic e irements of n ts the proc e d istinguisha bMember of W ater Reacto r Plan n formatio n i ng Water R r yland Pow e yland Geno a e rnon Coun t 5 8 46 u nder Posse s 2-046 for th e shut down ored in the L October 8, 2 R egulatory C ecommissio n o lutions. I n ommissioni nthe site for ur the area s u i sions of 10 C n ation Plan (L n g the guida ntion Plans fo luating Nuc l r oposed lice n C prior appr o o nin g Ob j e c n g objectiv e m it a reques t ensed facilit y10 CFR 2 0 e ss that will ble from ba the Critical r  n Reactor (LA C e r Cooperati a site on t h ty, Wisconsi n ssion Only L e Independe n since 1987 LACBWR I 2 015 (1), D Commission n ing authori t n May 2016, n g LACBW R unrestricted u rrounding t C FR 72 Su b LTP) satisfi e n ce in Reg u fo r Nuclear P l ear Power R nse amend m oval. ctive e is to con d t to the NR C y) in accord a 0.1402, R a d be used to dckground r a Group (A M 1-1 C BWR) wa ve (Dairyla n h e east shor e n with an a d License No.
LACBW physiogr Pleistoce early Pal which ha area. Ma Bedrock Wisconsi Present composit dolomite both side se Boiling W Termination n 0 Current/
D nt Spent Fu eand is curr e I SFSI will b D airylan d a n (NRC) co n t ies, under the NRC p r R is to redu c use and all o t he ISFSI.
has been co oa 3 facility ence of the a as an indus nd use, other ent nuclear storage fac ed and ready Meteorol Crosse Muni a maintain related infor udes: wind s atures in the emes being temperature season. A r
b part K. es the requi r ulatory Gui d P ower Rea c R eactor Lic e ment that est duct remed i C for unres t a nce with S u diological C r d emonstrate adioactivity MCG) from a a s a 50 Me g nd). This u n e of the M i d dress of:
: 5. The recor precipitatio nd summer s ffs of the Mis revailing sou or the month WR Site wher wind speeds Geology WR is locat aphic provi ene Epoch a leozoic age.
DPR-45 wit h el Storage I n e ntly under g be maintain e n d LaCross e n sent to tra n Possession r ovided con s c e the resid u o w for the te r The ISFSI f rement of 1 0 d e 1.179, St a c tors (2) an d e nse Termi nablishes the i ation and s tricted relea s u bpart E of 1 riteria for Uthat the do s does not e all applicabl e g awatt Elect r n it, also kno w i ssissippi R i h Docket N u nstallation (I g oing deco m e d under an e Solutions , n sfer Dairyl a Only Lice n s ent to tran s u al radioacti v rmination o f f acility is li 0 CFR 50.8 2 a ndard For m d in NURE G n ation Plans criteria for s urvey ope r s e of the si t 10 CFR Pa r t Unrestricte d se from resi d e xceed 25 m e pathways o ric (MWe) B wn as Geno a i ver south o umbers of 5 0 SFSI). mmissioningamended P a LLC (Solu t a n d's posse s n se No. DP R sfer the lice n vity to level f the 10 CF R censed und e 2 (a)(9). Thi s m at and Co n G-1700, Sta n (3). This Lwhen chan g rations suc h te (other th a t 20 after m e d Use. The d ual radioa c mrem/year t o o ver a 1,00 0 B WR a 2, is of the 0-409 . The a rt 50 tions) ssion, R-45, nse to s that R Part er the s LTP n tents n dard L TP is ges to h that a n the e eting LTP ctivity o the 0 year La Cros s License T Revisio n period a n Achieva b 1.3.F 1.3.1.LACB W Mississi p south of nearby p LACB Wmile 67 8 approxi m rail road (AMSL) B oiling W The lice n LACB W plant, of f and incl uthe the co aan a (G ean aa p a The site i Mississi pmiles up The site i 35. A B commer cthis rail
as been mod aximum relie in the site r in Dome by
[MYBP]) s tion. The P s, sandstone es of the Mi Water Reactor Plan Future Lan ontinuously u and support ash landfills strial-use pro r than perhap fuel is expe cility, or li y to receive L logy and Cli cipal Airpor long standin rmation in th speed and dir La Crosse r more marke es range from record maxi rd low was -4 on averages easons and o ssissippi Riv utherly wind hs of Nove re the river are typically and Seismo ted within ince. The and is charac Moderate t dified by a m ef in the regi region consis y early Pale edimentary Paleozoic roc es and shales ississippi riv r
nd Use used for indu ing operatio
, as well as operty after ps recreation ected to rem icensed tem LACBWR f imatology rt located in ng active w he La Crosse rection, temp region are ty ed because m 20 °F in th mum tempe 43 °F in Janu in the area one to three ver Valley ch s for seven m mber throug valley runs y 6-10 mph.
ology the Wisco Wisconsin cterized by to strong rel mantle of lo ion is about sts of Pre-Ca eozoic (Cam strata. Ba cks are 1,20
: s. About 600 ver in the pl 1-3 ustrial purpo ons (e.g. barg the on-site decommiss nal, can be e main at the mporary mo fuel.
the town of weather stati e - Genoa re perature, and ypical of the of the river he three mo erature of 10 uary of 1873 ranges from inches per m hannel the w months of th gh March o north-south onsin Driftl Driftless flat lying n lief has been oess and glac 1,000 feet.
ambrian cry mbrian and asement roc 0-1,300 feet 0 feet of this lant vicinity oses since 1 ge washing, ISFSI, it is sioning is co envisioned o ISFSI until onitored retr f La Crosse a ions that m egion of the d precipitati e extremes o r valley loca onths of the w 08 °F was re
: 3.
m three to f month for the winds at the L he year with of the year.
are from th less section section was naturally dis n produced o cial outwash ystalline rock Ordovician, cks in the s t thick in th s sequence is
: y. Prior to t 941. Due to switchyard) anticipated ompleted. N over the next a federal re rievable sto and the USA monitor and Mississippi on (6) (7).
of a contine ation of the winter seaso ecorded in J five inches p e rest of the LACBWR S prevailing n Predomina he north and n of the C s not glaci ssected sedim on the ungla h in the larg ks exposed a
, 572 Millio site vicinity he site vicini s exposed al the Pleistoce o the presen
) on the prop that the site No other cre t several dec epository, o orage facilit ACE Lock 8 archive stan River. Coll ntal climate LACBWR on to 72 °F i July of both per month i year.
Site. Airport north to north ant winds a d south. Mo Central Low iated during mentary roc aciated lands ger valleys o at the crest o on Years B y are of gra ity and cons long the bluf ene Epoch (
nce of
: perty, e will edible cades.
offsite ty is Dam ndard lected e with Site.
in the 1936 in the t data hwest at the onthly wland g the ks of scape of the of the Before anitic sist of ffs on (more
La Cross License T Revision than 2 M today. It The site Region c synclines Superior formed d Major up Some mi MYBP).
of the W sediment Many fau capable a geologic mapped i several n found an seismicit site (8).
Seismic 2008 oc decommi 1.3.5.
The LAC the vicin Prairie du width. T There is land, isla sloughs a the uplan channel a The main are opera of the sit distance the site.
Part of th plant. T one to th se Boiling W Termination n 0 MYBP) the ri t was buried is located consists of s and arches syncline, Fo during the La plift and dow inor tilting o The site is Wisconsin A tary strata in ults have be according to conditions i in the site re nuclear powe ny evidence ty. Therefor activity (ma ccurred ove issioning (9)
Surface W CBWR site i ity of the sit u Chien, app The valley wa little or no a ands betwee and meander nd where tr are wooded.
n channel of ated by the U te) the river i of 20 miles, he licensed herefore, dr he south, so Water Reactor Plan iver had carv by post-glac within the a vast area
: s. Major str orest City ba ate Pre-Camb wn-warping a occurred duri located on th Arch, a sout n the vicinity een mapped o the criteria in the site vi egion, but in er plant sites e of capabl re, capable agnitudes ra er 180 mile
Water Hydr is in the Mi te, the valley proximately alls rise shar agricultural en river cha ring river ch ributary stre The flat up f the river va USACE for n is nearly fou then gradua area (27 ac ainage at th that only p r
ved a gorge cial sedimen Central Stab a of large c ructural feat asin, Michig brian and Ea also occurre ing and follo he southwes thward proj y dip less tha d in the site a in 10 CFR icinity that r nvestigations s in the regio e faulting.
faulting doe anging from es from th rology ssissippi Riv y is deeply c y 40 miles so rply 500 to 6 use of the ri annels and e hannels. Nu ams intercep pland areas a aries greatly navigational ur miles wid ally widens a cres) is on a e site has be recipitation 1-4 as much as nt.
ble Region circular upli tures includ gan Basin, an arly Paleozo ed during lat owing the Pl t flank of the ection of th an 20 feet per region. No 100, Appen represent haz s of all of the on, in additio Additiona es not need 3.5 to 5.4) e site and ver valley an cut into highl outh, the val 600 feet from iver valley f extensions o umerous shor pt the main and some of t in width abo purposes. A de. Below th as the river a a filled in ar een establish that falls on 150 to 210 tectonic pro ifts and sed de the Wisco nd Illinois B oic (more tha te Paleozoic leistocene g e Wisconsin he Wisconsi r mile to the one of these ndix A. Per zard to the f ese faults du on to studies ally, the are to be consi that has be did not i nd is relativ ly dissected lley varies b m river level floor which of low lying rt, steep-side n river valle the tributary ove and belo Above Dam he site, the ri approaches D rea south of hed. One v n the bluff a feet deeper ovince. Th dimentary ba onsin Dome Basin. Thes an 435 MYB (330 MYBP laciations (2 n Dome and in Dome.
e southwest.
e faults are the US NR facility. Num uring the cou s for the LA ea is one o dered in the een noted be impact plan vely flat (see uplands. Fr between 2.5 consists prim g flood plai ed valleys h ey. Both w y valleys are ow the site.
No. 8 (abou iver is relativ Dam No. 9, f the origina valley drains adjacent to t than can be he Central S asins, and b e and Arch, e structures BP).
P to 240 MY 2 MYBP to 0 the western For this re considered RC, There a merous fault urse of valid CBWR, hav of relatively e analysis o etween 1975 nt operation e Figure 1-4 rom La Cros and 4.5 mil marily of m in cut by p ave been cu walls of the cultivated.
A series of ut 0.75 mile vely narrow 33 miles sou al Genoa-1 s to the north the site and e seen Stable broad Lake were YBP).
0.001 flank
: eason, to be are no ts are dating ve not y low f this 5 and ns or 4). In sse to les in arshy
: onds, ut into main dams north for a uth of steam h and on a
La Cross License T Revision small po presently problems For a dis and town published Davenpo purposes miles dow other kno Chien, 40 1.3.6.
Groundw feet Bel commun fill mater groundw river. B sampling vertical g likely du As the s which is but not penetratin of the riv water qu has been There are analyzed Highway 1.3.7.
The LAC of Genoa west sho commun Wisconsi (Populati The area includes Agricultu se Boiling W Termination n 0 rtion of the y channeled s of flash flo tance of 40 m ns along the d records, th ort, Iowa, ab
, excluding t wnstream. R own users o 0 miles down Ground W water beneath low Ground ication with rial likely flo water is also ased on a re g in support gradient. Ho e to high riv ite has valle underlain by in valleys ng the Moun ver valley flo uality of the no extensiv e onsite pota
: d. Regionall y 35 with the Environs CBWR Facil a (population ore is Reno, ity in Iowa i in, an uninco ion data is fr a within a f Houston C ure and fore Water Reactor Plan upland are along the h oods have oc miles downs e river are o he nearest m bout 195 mi the adjacent River water f river wate nriver.
Water Hydr h the site is d Surface (
h the adjacen ows towards likely to flo eview of the of the Gen owever, ther ver stages an ey sand ove y Mount Sim characterize nt Simon lay oor. Use of deep aquife e withdrawa able and gro ly, there are e water table s and Natur lity is 17 mil n about 260)
Minnesota, is New Albin orporated ha rom 2013 Ci five-mile rad County, Min estry are the r
a contribute highway and curred at the stream of the obtained from major city u iles downstr fossil plant, at the Lansin r for industr rology first encoun (BGS) and nt Mississipp s the west an ow towards e groundwat noa 3 fossil re are some d flooding.
erlaying a la mon sandston ed by sub-yer flow to th f water from ers is poorer al of water an oundwater m e five dome encountered al Resource les south of t
). The near
, an unincor n (pop. 513) amlet, is situ dius is pred nnesota, an e predomina 1-5 es to runoff d railroad to e site.
e site, virtua m ground w using river w ream. The n
, is the steam ng plant is u rial purposes ntered at dept the water pi River. G nd discharge the west but ter elevation station, it a periods whe ayer of Eau ne, wells hav layers of M he surface in these artesi than that fr nd no signifi monitoring w estic wells s d from 20 to es the City of L est commun rporated ham
), located fiv uated five m m) (9).
dominantly i nd a small ant land use directly acr o prevent in ally all munic water. On th water for d nearest use m-power plan used for cond s between L ths ranging table aqui Groundwater es into the M ut then may n measureme appears that ere the grad Claire sand ve been driv Mount Simo ndicating an ian aquifers rom shallow ficant decrea wells which a south of the o 45 feet BG La Crosse an nity (three m mlet of abou ve miles sou miles south o in Vernon C portion of es in Verno ross the site nterference w cipal water s he basis of direct human of river wa nt in Lansing denser cooli LACBWR si from approx ifer is in r in the shall Mississippi R turn and flo ents collecte t there is a dients are rev dstone of th ven in areas on sandston artesian hea has been lim w aquifers. A se in the arte are periodic e LACBWR S.
nd a mile sou miles to the n ut 350 peop uthwest of th of the plant o County, Wis f Allamakee on County a
: e. This runo with traffic.
supplies for readily avai n consumpti ater for indu g, Iowa, abo ing. There a ite and Prair ximately 15 strong hydr low deposit River. The d ow parallel t ed during ro slight down versed and t he Cambrian closest to th ne. Deep ad about the mited becaus As a result, esian head.
ally sampled R site and ea uth of the Vi northwest) o ple. The ne he plant. Vic on the east s sconsin, but e County, I as well as in off is No cities ilable ion is ustrial out 15 are no rie du to 25 raulic s and eeper to the outine nward this is n Age he site wells level se the there d and ast of illage on the earest
: ctory, shore.
t also Iowa.
n the
La Cross License T Revision neighbor County's and mars of the cou The prim years, th agricultu woodland hardwoo A modes througho intensity-commerc and less related to nonagricu east of LA Land in t within a bottomla portion o site, occu to the eas Refuge b for 2.5 m including 26 and ho Approxim water are The five populatio 1.4.
O Key stati Allis-perfo Dairy turbin Allis-Initia se Boiling W Termination n 0 ring counties gross area i shlands is cl unty's gross mary agricult here has bee ural land to
: d. The fores ds.
st amount o out Vernon C
-use categor ce, public, tr than 0.3%
o the proce ultural indu ACBWR.
the vicinity o a five-mile ands included of the Villag upies less tha st and northe bottomland a miles. Roug g vacation h ouseboats ar mately 3.5 s ea and refug
-mile radius on is 522.
Operational ion mileston
-Chalmers, u ormed startup yland entered ne-generator
-Chalmers d al Criticality Water Reactor Plan s on the we is agricultur lassified as u area (10).
tural activity en a marke woodland.
sts yield sub f sandstone County. Furt ries of resid ransportation of gross ar essing of ag stries of the of the LACB radius, app d in the Upp ge of Genoa an 100 acres east consistin and water su ghly a third o omes and bo re moored at quare miles ge bottomlan s includes a Backgroun es are presen under contra p of the LAC d into a cont r for product dockets appli achieved: J r
est side of t re and woodl undeveloped y is dairy fa d trend tow About two-bstantial amo and limesto ther, 85% of dential and p n, and utilitie rea. Local gricultural an e industrial p BWR Site is proximately per Mississip a, the only s
: s. The neare ng of small t urface, lying of the area r oathouses, a t several poin of Iowa are nd, although a portion of nd nted in Chap act with the A CBWR from tact to purch tion of electr ication for co July 11, 1967 1-6 the Mississi lands. Abou
: d. Total dev arming, mea ward the co
-fifths of the ounts of oak one quarryin f the develop park land. T es) account f industry co nd forest pr park in Viro overwhelmi one third ppi River W ubstantial co est residence trailer parks mainly in M remains und are scattered nts at times d within the L h there is so the incorpo pter 2 of this AEC, design m 1962 to 196 hase steam fr ricity: June 1 onstruction:
7, ippi River.
ut 3.4%, con veloped land at animals, a nversion of e total land k and lesser q ng also take ped land in V The more in for less than onsists almo roducts. O oqua, Wisco ingly rural a is account Wildlife and F ommunity in es to the LAC and residen Minnesota, ex der cultivatio d along the s during the y LACBWR f ome agricult orated town s LTP. The m ned, fabricate 67, rom the nucl
: 1962, November 5 Nearly 90%
nsisting mai d accounts fo and crop far f Vernon C in farms is quantities of es place at a Vernon Cou ntensive lan n 15% of tota ost exclusive One notable onsin located and undevelo ted for by Fish Refuge n the five m CBWR Site nces on small xtend west o on. A few d shoreline nea year.
five-mile rad tural use on of New Al major milest ed, construct lear plant to 5, 1962,
% of the Ve nly of water or less than rming. In r ounty's mar s now devot f maple and a number of unty is in the nd uses (indu al developed ely of opera exception i d 25 miles t oped. Of the water area
: e. The devel mile radius o are within a l acreages.
of the reacto dozen reside ar State Hig dius. Most o n the bottom lbin, whose tones are:
ted and operate a ernon r area 6.6%
recent rginal ted to other f sites e low-
: ustry, d land ations is the to the e area a and loped of the a mile or site
: ences, hway f it is mland.
La Cross License T Revision Low Provi Provi LACB Final Comp The reac 96,274.6 The unit The LAC Turbine Storage T are curre and meta Vessel.
holds fiv 1.5.
P 1.5.1.
The LTP license a with the Safety A amendme The subs 1.5.2.
LTP Cha and exten remain a site chara determin The LAC Field Wo August 2 basis for specified (MARSS change th se Boiling W Termination n 0 power testin isional Oper isional Oper BWR perma l reactor defu pletion of fu tor was criti hours. The availability CBWR unit Building, 1B Tank Vault, ntly undergo allic radioact The ISFSI, e above-grou Plan Summa General I P describes th and to releas requirement Analysis Rep ent that estab sections belo Site Char apter 2 discu nt of radioac at the time o acterization, ned to be imp CBWR Radio Work (11) an 2015 Field W dividing the d in NUREG SIM) (13) fo he original c Water Reactor Plan ng completed rating author rating Licens anently shut ueling was c uel loading in ical for a tot e total gross factor was 6 consists of B Diesel Ge Ventilation oing decomm tive equipme located sout und Dry Sto ary Information he process u se the site fo ts in 10 CFR port (DSAR blishes the c ow provide a racterizatio usses the site ctive contam of license ter Solutions w pacted by the ological Cha nd LACBWR Work (12) p e site into su G-1575, Mu or classifica classification r
d: Septembe rization issue se, DPRA-45 down: Apri completed on nto the ISFS tal of 103,28 electrical en 62.9%.
f major buil enerator Buil Stack, Low missioning (
ent has been th of the Gen orage Casks w n
used to meet or unrestrict R 50.82(a)(9 R). The LTP criteria for w a brief summ n
characteriza mination on si rmination, so will plan rem e operation o aracterizatio R Radiologic rovided the urvey units.
ulti-Agency ation. Data n of an area, 1-7 er 1967, ed (DPRA-6 5 issued: Au il 30, 1987, n June 11, 19 I was compl 87.5 hours.
nergy genera dings and s lding, Waste w Specific A see Figure 1 n removed sin noa 3 fossil with 333 spe the requirem ted use. Th
: 9) and is sub P submittal when changes mary of the ot ation that ha ite prior to r oils, and gro mediation and of LACBWR on Survey R cal Charact foundation The survey Radiation from subse
, within the 6): October 3 ugust 28, 19 987, and leted on Sep The 50 MW ated was 4.0 structures su e Treatment Activity (LSA 1-3). Interm nce 2007, in station, bec ent fuel asse ments for ter he LTP has b bmitted as a is accompa s to the LTP ther seven ch as been condu remediation, ound water.
d Final Radi R.
Report for O terization Su for further y units were Survey and equent chara requirement 31, 1969, 73, ptember 19, 2 We generato 047 Gigawat uch as the R t Building, U A) building a mittent system ncluding the came operati emblies.
rminating the been prepar a supplement anied by a P require prio hapters of th ducted to dete including st Based on t iation Survey October and Survey Repo site charact evaluated ag d Site Inves acterization ts of this LT 2012.
or was on lin tt-Hours (GW Reactor Buil Underground and others w ms dismantle Reactor Pre ional in 2012 e 10 CFR Pa ed in accord t to the Defu proposed lic or NRC appr he LTP.
ermine the n tructures tha the results o ys (FRS) in d November rt for June terization an gainst the cr stigation Ma may be us TP, up to the ne for WH).
: lding, d Gas which ement essure 2 and art 50 dance fueled cense roval.
nature at will of the areas 2014 thru nd the riteria anual ed to e time
La Cross License T Revision of FRS, remediat 1.5.3.
LTP Cha informati A des A sum Estim An es dispo Descr Solutions in NURE Facilities accordan Radioact administr Activitie than tho decommi operating The info sections remainin 1.5.4.
LTP Ch decommi in 10 CF remediat The selec of contam surfaces.
at backgr contamin structura standard other me Derived se Boiling W Termination n 0 as long as t ion in the ar Identifica apter 3 ident ion provided scription of t mmary of ra mates of asso stimate of th osal, and riptions of p s is decomm EG-0586, G s, Supplemen nce with the tive Waste rative, work s conducted ose conduct issioning ac g activities th rmation pro of the LTP ng dismantlem Remedia hapter 4 dis issioning to FR 20.1402 ion activitie cted remedia mination. T Very limite round levels nation has b l surfaces i and pressu ethods. Sur Concentrati Water Reactor Plan the classifica rea.
ation of Rem tifies the rem d in Chapter the areas and diological co ociated occup he types and proposed con missioning L Generic Envi nt 1, Volume e Solutions
: Program, control and during deco ted during ctivities is b hat occurred vided in Ch P and provi ment activiti tion Plans scusses the reduce resid
. This chap s on the Rad ation method The principa ed soil conta s or a small been identif include scab re washing, rface and su on Guidelin r
ation reflect maining Site maining site 3 includes:
d equipment onditions tha pational radi quantities o ntrol mechan LACBWR in ironmental I e 1, (14). T s Safety an Off-Site D decommissi ommissionin plant oper bounded by d during majo hapter 3 supp ides sufficie ies.
various re dual contami pter also di diation Prote ds used are d al materials amination is fraction of fied to date bbling and wiping, gr ubsurface so ne Level (DC 1-8 ts the level o e Dismantle dismantlem t that need fu at may be en iation dose, f radioactive nisms to ensu n accordance Impact Stat The decomm nd Health P Dose Calcu ioning imple ng do not po rations. T y previously or maintenan ports the ass ent detail to emediation ination to lev scusses the ction Progra dependent up that may b expected; an the drinking
: e. Remedia shaving, ch rit blasting, oil with activ CGL) will b of residual a ement Activ ment and dec urther remed ncountered, e material ge ure areas are e with the D tement on D missioning ac Program, Ra ulation Ma ementation p ose any great The radiolo y analyzed r nce and outa sessment of o identify r techniques vels that com ALARA ev am.
pon the cont be subject t ny noted gro g water stan ation techni hipping, spo mechanical vity levels i be removed activity exis vities contaminatio
: diation, enerated for e not re-cont DECON alter Decommissio ctivities will adiation Prot anual (ODC procedures.
ter radiologi ogical risk radiological age activities f impacts con resources ne that may mply with th valuation an taminated m to remediati oundwater sa ndards; and ques that m onge and a fracturing in excess of and dispose sting prior to on activities.
release and taminated.
rnative desc oning of Nu l be conduct tection Prog CM), and ical or safety associated risk for fo
: s.
nsidered in eeded during be used d he release cr nd the impa material and e on are struc amples have no surface w may be used abrasive bla and cutting f the approp ed as radioa o any The cribed uclear ted in
: gram, plant y risk with ormer other g the during riteria act of extent ctural been water d for
: sting,
, and priate active

National LACB W and stur g LACB W s e Boiling W Termination n 0 nd that resid u ble" (ALA R F acilit y Site Des c W R is locate d ppi River, a b t he city of L prominent f WR are longi t 8.6 on the m ately 300 fe. The react o per NURE W ater R eact o n sed site c o WR comprisi n f of Highw a ude:  LACBWR p land north o al (and later o area directl y e noa Statio n a rea south o arcel of lan d is bordered o ppi River a nstream, ma n is bordered o B urlington N cial freight aline. The sWildlife &WR, is the G e geon. On t h W R plant, is a W ater Reacto r Plan u al radioact i A). c ription d in south w bout 1 mile La Crosse, W features suc h t ude 91 o , 13'Mississippi feet from th e o r stands o n G-0191, E n or (4). omprises a n g only 1.5 a y 35. The p plant, of LACBW R o il) fueled p y south of L A #3) approx i f Genoa #3 w d to the east o o n the nort h nd Highway naged by th e o n the west b N orthern-San t along the ea s s ite is bord e& Fish Refu g enoa Natio n h e southwe s a public boa t r i vity has be e western Wis c south of th e W I. See Fig u h as high w', 53.35" W e River abo v e Mississipp i n filled land n vironmenta ltotal of 16 3 acres. The prominent f e R , including p ower plant (A CBWR wi t imately 175 w here the I S o f Highway h by the Mis s 35. The U
La Cross License T Revision waste.
.e U.S. Arm y b y the Miss i ta Fe rail li n stern portio n e red to the s g e Pool 9 a n al Fish Hat c stern corner t launching r 1-2 e n reduced t o c onsin, in V e Village of ure 1-1 for a w ays, rivers est and latit u ve the mou t i River and at an eleva t l Statement
excavato environm adequate 1.5.5.
LTP Cha packages of a Fin remainin demonstr use speci The FRS Objective assessme that are i ISFSI, w 1.5.6.
LTP Ch complian unrestrict scenarios
: analysis, exposure LTP Cha contamin work tow Argonne code to d license te 1.5.7.
LTP Cha releasing with the 1.5.8.
LTP Cha significan terminati CFR 50.
se Boiling W Termination n 0 Soil remedi rs. Remed mental contro erosion, sed Final Rad apter 5 prese s, and instruc nal Status S ng building rate that the ified in 10 C S Plan descr es (DQO), su ent and comp identified as which will sti Complian hapter 6 pre nce with the ted use. Ch s, exposure DCGLs an e compliance apter 6 uses nation and r wards and be National La determine th ermination.
Update o apter 7 pro g the site for funds curren Supplem apter 8 upda nt environm ion activities 82(a)(9)(ii)(
Water Reactor Plan ation equipm diation of so ol procedure diment, and diation Surv ents the FRS ctions to per urvey (FSS basements.
LACBWR f CFR 20.1402 ribes the dev urvey metho pliance. Th s impacted.
ll remain a l nce with the esents the e radiologic apter 6 discu
: pathways, nd Dose Fac e scenario an s radiologic radioactivity e verified by aboratory RE he radiologic of the Site-Sp ovides an up r unrestricted ntly available ent to the E ates the Envi mental impa
: s. This sect G). In accor r
ment will in oils will inc es, as well air emission vey Plan S Plan which rform the FR
) for open The FRS facility and s (e.g. annual velopment o ods and instr he FRS Plan The adjace icensed area e Radiologic radiological cal criteria f usses the site computatio ctors, the de nd evaluation cal informat concentrati y the FSS or ESidual RA cal release c pecific Deco pdated estim d use. This e in the deco Environmen ironmental R acts associat ion of the L rdance with 1-9 nclude, but clude the us as appropria n controls du h will be use RS of the LA land areas Plan descr site comply l dose limit o of the survey rumentation, addresses o nt areas tha a, will not be cal Criteria l informatio for license e-specific in onal models erivation of n of alternati ion from C ion levels th r STS discus ADioactive m criteria for r ommissionin mate of the chapter also ommissionin tal Report Report for L ted with th LTP is prepar 10 CFR 51 not be lim se of establi ate work pa uring soil rem ed to develo ACBWR site and a Sour ribes the fin with radiolo of 25 mrem y plan, surv
, data collect only LACBW at are classif e subject to F a for License on and me termination nventory of r s used for area factor ive exposure Chapter 2 an hat Chapter ssed in Chap materials (RE remaining st ng Costs e remaining o compares t ng trust fund LACBWR w he sites de ared pursuan
.53(d), Solu mited to, bac ished excav ackage instru mediation.
op the site pr
. The FRS P rce Term S nal survey ogical criteri to AMCG p vey design a tion and pro WR structure fied as non-i FRS.
e Terminati ethods used and release radionuclide dose mode rs, the basis e scenarios.
nd establish 4 remediati pter 5. Solu ESRAD) v7.
tructures an decommiss the estimate
: d.
with new info ecommission nt to 10 CFR utions consid ck and track vation safety uctions to en rocedures, su Plan is comp Survey (STS process use ia for unrestr plus ALARA and Data Qu ocessing, and es and land impacted an ion to demon e of the sit s, future lan eling, sensi for the sel es the allow ion methods utions applie
.0 dose mod nd soils to en sioning cost ed remaining ormation and ning and lic R 51.53(d) an ders Chapter k hoe y and nsure urvey prised S) for ed to ricted A).
uality d data areas nd the strate te for nd use itivity lected wable s will ed the deling nable ts for g cost d any cense nd 10 r 8 to

===3.5 acres===
La Cross License T Revision be a sup impacts a LTP Ch NUREG-reference that the adverse e environm LACBW have resu Environm NUREG-1.6.
(5 site is acc e e atures on t hthe site swi t (removed in t h an operat ifeet from t h SFSI is loca t 35, across fr s issippi Riv e.S. Lock &
R Solutions LACBW documen Decomm Revision LTP in a LTP, wit 50.82(a)(
D y Corp of E n issippi Rive r ne, located b n of the site
Solutions condition NRC app Requ Resu Detra decom Decre Class notifi Incre minim Incre level an inv Chan test, o Incre se Boiling W Termination n 0 pplement to associated w apter 8 com
;s outh by a s area. Furth e chery whic hof the site
-0586, which e nuclear fac environmen effects outsi mental impa WR dated De ulted in no mental Asse
, ramp with a p o levels that V ernon Cou n fGenoa, WI map showi nand lakes.
-0191 related Regulatory N s is submitti WR spans a p ntation is un issioning Pl March 2014 accordance w thout prior N (6), and 10 C s is also sub n that establ proval. Chan uires Commi lts in signifi acts or negat mmissioning eases a surve s 2 to Class 3 ication prior ases the DC mum detecta ases the radi (or correspo vestigation o nges the stati or ases the Typ Water Reactor Plan the Environ with the execu mpares the h provides a cility. The ntal effects f ide the boun acts was do ecember 198 significant essment in d to operatio Notification ng the LTP period that in nique in tha lan and Post 4 (15) which with 10 CFR NRC approv CFR 50.82(a bmitting a pr lishes the cr nges to the L ssion approv cant environ tes the reason g,
u de 43 o , 33', t h of the O475 feet we t ion of 639 related to
ey unit area 3; or Class 1 r to impleme GLs (or dec able concentr ioactivity lev onding sourc occurs),
: 5) which is essed by a r he site are s h t chyard and 1989), i onal 350-M h e LACBW R ted, and from LACB W er and a nar r D am No. 8 ngineers (U S r and is bor d between the  
istical test ap pe I decision r
; there are n segment of t e r south, a p h raises end a , approxim a parking lot. are "As Lo w n ty, on the e and appro x n g the site l o The map , 36.22" No r O hio River.
nmental Rep ution of the described a generic env environmen for decomm nds of NUR cumented in
e st of the ca r feet Above Operation o owned by r oad on the h own in Fi gthe site of t h Mwe fossil g e R plant, W R. r ow strip of is located a SACE), Ro c d ered on the site and Hi g n o passenge r the Upper M pproximatel y angered mu s a tely 0.75 m w As Reaso n east shore o ximately 19 m ocation, incl u coordinat e r th. The sit e The reac t rgo-carryin g Mean Sea L of the La C Dairyland, south side o g ures 1-2 an he former G
: 87. LACBW environmen support of on of LACBW s of Change as a supplem ncludes seve at the requi t-Shutdown D h serves as t R 50.71(e).
-e nerating sta t land betwe e approximate l c k Island Di seast by Hig h g hway 35 c a r trains whic Mississippi R y 2.4 miles ssels, brook m iles south o n ably of the m iles u ding es for e is at t or is g-only L evel Crosse with of the n d 1-3 -1 t ion e n the ly 0.6 strict. h way a rries h use River from trout of the La Cros s License T Revisio n 1.3.2.The site the Gen o the pres e continue future la n The  sp einterim establish 1.3.3.The La C in Geno a weather rdata incl uTemper a the extr e Average summer and 199 5 Monthly spring a n The blu ff shows p r winds f o LACB W average w 1.3.4.LACB W physiogr Pleistoc e early Pa l which h a area. M a Bedrock Wiscons i Present composi tdolomit e b oth sid e s e Boiling W Termination n 0 Current/has been c o oa 3 facility ence of the a as an indu s n d use, othe r e nt nuclear storage fa c ed and read y Meteoro l C rosse Mun i a maintain r elated info r u des: wind s a tures in the emes being temperatur e season. A r 5. The reco rprecipitati o nd summer s ff s of the Mi s revailing so u or the mont h W R Site whe r wind speeds Geolo gy WR is loca taphic prov i e ne Epoch a l eozoic age.
val, in acco a)(7).
as been mo d aximum reli e in the site r in Dome b y[MYBP]) s t ion. The P s, sandston e es of the M i W ater Reacto r Plan F uture La n o ntinuously u and support ash landfills s trial-use pr o r than perha p fuel is exp e cility, or l i y to receive L l o gy and Cl icipal Airpo r long standi n rmation in t h s peed and di r La Crosse rmore mark e e s range fro m record maxi r d low was -
roposed ame riteria for d LTP require val pursuant nmental impa nable assura classificatio to Class 3 w nting the ch creases dose rations (for b vel, relative ce term inven pplied to one n error.
4 o n averages easons and o s sissippi Ri v utherly wind h s of Nove r e the river are typicall y and Seism o t ed within i nce. The a nd is chara c Moderate t dified by a m ef in the reg i r egion consi s y early Pal eedimentary Paleozoic ro c e s and shale s i ssissippi ri v r  n d Use used for ind u ing operati o, as well as o perty after p s recreatio n ected to re m icensed te m LACBWR f i matolo gy rt located in ng active w he La Cross e rection, tem p r egion are t y e d because m 20 °F in t hmum temp e 4 3 °F in Jan u in the area one to three ver Valley c h s for seven m m ber th r ou g valley runs y 6-10 mph.
1-10 port addressi described de decommissi vironmental ntal assessm missioning LA REG-0586.
o lo gy the Wisc oWisconsin c terized by t o strong re l mantle of l o i on is about sts of Pre-C a e ozoic (Ca m strata. B a cks are 1,20
n a supplem WR decomm ntal impact the August WR, dated A es ment to the D eral decomm ired safety a Decommissio the DSAR fo Once approv rdance with endment to t etermining w prior NRC a to 10 CFR 5 acts not prev ance that ade on (i.e., impa without prov ange in class factors from both scan an to the applic ntory levels e other than t ing the actua ecommission oning attrib assessment f ment perform ACBWR ar Review of ment to the missioning a not previou t 7, 1991, April 21, 198 DSAR. Bec missioning re analyses are oning Activi for LACBWR ved, Solutio h the criteria the LACBW when chang approval wh 50.59, viously revie equate funds acted to not i viding NRC sification, m the Baseme nd fixed mea cable derived in the Basem the Sign test al or potenti ning activiti butes to tho for the decom med by Solu re minimal a post-operat e Environm and dismant usly evaluat Decommiss
: s. About 60 0 v er in the p l 1-3 u strial purp o o ns (e.g. bar g the on-site decommiss n al, can be e m ain at the mporary mo f uel. the town o f w eather stat i e - Genoa r e p erature, an d y pical of th e of the rive r he three mo e rature of 1 0 u ary of 187 3ranges fro minches per m hannel the w months of t h g h March o north-south onsin DriftlDriftless flat lying n lief has bee n o ess and gla c 1,000 feet.
: 80.
ambrian cr y m brian and asement ro c 0-1,300 fee t 0 feet of thi s lant vicinit y o ses since 1 g e washing, ISFSI, it is s ioning is c o e nvisioned o ISFSI until o nitored ret r f La Crosse a i ons that m e gion of the d precipitati e extremes o r valley loc a o nths of the w 0 8 °F was r e 3. m three to f m onth for th e w inds at the L h e year with o f the year.are from t h less sectio nsection wa s naturally dis n produced o cial outwas h ystalline roc kOrdovician
cause the lic egulation cha e included ities Report R. Solution ons may mak a in 10 CFR WR license th ges to the L en the chang ewed, will be avai impacted, Cl a minimum ent Fill Mod asurement m d concentrat ment Fill Mo t or Wilcoxo ial environm es.
, c ks in the s t thick in th s sequence i s y. Prior to t 941. Due t o switchyar d)anticipated ompleted.
ose identifie mmissioning utions determ and there ar ing license ental Repor tlement activ ed in the N sioning Ord censing histo anges, the D in the LAC (D-Plan/PSD ns will updat ke changes t R 50.59, 10 hat adds a lic LTP require ge:
N o ver the nex t a federal r e rievable st o a nd the US A m onitor and Mississippi on (6) (7).
ilable for lass 1 to Cla 14 day del) and relat methods),
of a contine ation of the winter seas o ecorded in J five inches p e rest of the LACBWR S prevailing n Predomin a h e north an d n of the C s not glac i s secte d sedi m o n the ungl a h in the lar g ks exposed a , 572 Milli o site vicinit y he site vicin i s exposed a l t he Pleistoc e o the prese n) on the pro p that the sit e No other cr e t several de c epository, o orage facili t ACE Lock 8 archive sta n River. Col lntal climat e LACBWR o n to 72 °F i J uly of both p er month i year. S ite. Airpor t n orth to nort h a nt winds a d south. M o Central Lo w i ated durin g mentary roc aciated land s ger valleys o a t the crest o on Years B y are of gr a i ty and cons l ong the blu f ene Epoch (nce of perty, e will edible cades. offsite ty is Dam n dard l ecte d e with Site. i n the 1936 i n the t data h west at the o nthly wland g the ks of scape of the of the B efore a nitic sist of f fs on (more La Cros s License T Revisio n than 2 M today. I t The site Region c syncline s Superior formed d Major u pSome m i MYBP). of the Wsedimen t Many fa u capable a geologic mapped i several n found a nseismici tsite" (8). Seismic 2008 o c decomm i 1.3.5.The LA Cthe vicin Prairie d u width. T There is land, isl a sloughs a the upla n channel aThe mai n are oper a of the si tdistance the site.
tion guidelin odel), at whi on Rank Sum mental ed in g of a mined re no stage rt for vities NRC's er or ory of DSAR CBWR DAR) te the to the CFR cense prior ass 2; ted ne ich m  
Part of t h plant. T one to t h s e Boiling W Termination n 0 M YBP) the r i t was buried is located c onsists of s and arche ssyncline, F o d uring the L a p lift and do w i nor tilting o The site is W isconsin A tary strata i n u lts have b e according t o conditions i i n the site r e n uclear pow e n y evidenc e t y. Therefo r activity (m a c curred ov e i ssioning (9
)Surface W C BWR site i ity of the si t u Chien, ap p T he valley w a little or no a a nds betwe e and meande r n d where t r a re wooded.
n channel o f a ted by the U te) the river iof 20 miles, he licensed herefore, d r h e south, so W ater Reacto r Plan i ver had car v by post-gla cwithin the a vast are a s. Major st r orest City b a a te Pre-Cam b w n-warping a o ccurred dur i located on t h Arch, a sou t n the vicinit y een mappe d o the criteri a i n the site v i egion, b ut i n er plant site s e of capabl r e, capable a gnitudes r a er 180 mil e). Water H y d r i s in the Mi t e, the valle y proximatel y alls rise sha r agricultural e n river ch a ring river c h ributary stre The flat u p f the river v a U SACE for n is nearly fo u then gradu a are a (27 a cainage at t h that only p r  v ed a gorge c ial sedime n Central Sta b a of large c ructural fea t asin, Michi g br ian and E a a lso occurr e i ng and foll o h e southwes t hward proj y dip less th a d in the site a in 10 CFR icinity that r n vestigation s s in the regi o e faulting.
faulting do e anging from es from t h rolo gy ssissippi Ri v y is deeply c y 40 miles s o r ply 500 to 6 use of the r i a nnels and e h annels. N uams interce p pland areas a aries greatly navigational ur miles wi d a lly widens a c res) is on a e site has berecipitation 1-4 as much as n t. b le Region circular upl i tures inclu d g an Basin, a n a rly Paleozo e d during lat o wing the P l t flank of th e ection of t h a n 20 feet pe r region. N o100, Appe n r epresent ha z s of all of th e o n, in additi o Additiona e s not need 3.5 to 5.4) e site and v er valley a n c ut into high l outh, the va l 6 00 feet fro m i ver valley f e xtensions o umerous sho r pt the mai n and some of t in width ab o purposes.
A d e. Below t h a s the river a a filled in a r een establis hthat falls o n 150 to 210 tectonic pr o i fts and se d de the Wisc ond Illinois B o ic (more th a te Paleozoic leistocene ge Wisconsi n he Wiscons i r mile to th e o ne of thes e n dix A. Per zard to the f ese faults d u o n to studie s a lly, the ar e to be consi that has b edid not i nd is relati v ly dissected l ley varies b m river level floor which of low lyin g rt, steep-sid e n river vall e t he tributar y o ve and bel o Above Dam he site, the r i approaches D r ea south o f hed. One v n the bluff a feet deeper ovince. T h dimentary b a onsin Dom e Basin. Thes a n 435 MY B(330 MYB P laciations (2 n Dome and in Dome. e southwest.
e faults are the US N R f acility. Nu m u ring the co u s for the LA e a is one o dered in th e e en noted b e impact pla n v ely flat (se e uplands. F r b etween 2.5 . consists pri m g flood pla i e d valleys h e y. Both w y valleys are ow the site.
No. 8 (abo u iver is relati v Dam No. 9, f the origin a valley drains a djacent to t than can b e he Central S asins, and b e and Arch, e structures B P). P to 240 M Y 2 MYBP to 0 the western For this r econsidered RC, "There a m erous faul t u rse of vali d CBWR, ha v of relativel y e analysis o etween 197 5 nt operatio n e Figure 1-4 rom La Cro sand 4.5 mi l marily of m i n cut by p ave been c u walls of the cultivated.
A series of ut 0.75 mile vely narrow33 miles so u al Genoa-1 s to the nort h t he site and e seen S table broad Lake were YBP). 0.001 flank eason, to be are no t s are d ating ve not y low f this 5 and ns or 4). In sse to les in arshy onds, ut into main dams north  for a u th of s team h and on a La Cros s License T Revisio nsmall p o presentl y problem s For a dis and tow n publishe d Davenp o purpose smiles do w other kn o Chien, 4 0 1.3.6.Ground w feet Be l commun fill mate r ground w river. B samplin g vertical glikely d u As the s which is b ut not penetrati n of the ri v water q u has been There ar e analyze d Highwa y 1.3.7.The LA C of Geno a west sh o communWiscons i (Populat i The are a includes Agricult u s e Boiling W Termination n 0 rtion of the y channeled s of flash fl o tance of 40 m n s along th e d records, t h o rt, Iowa, a b , excluding t wnstream.
R o wn users o 0 miles dow n Ground W w ater beneat h l ow Groun d i cation wit h rial likely fl o w ater is also ased on a r e g in support gradient. H o e to high ri v ite has vall e underlain byin valleys ng the Mou n v er valley fl o u ality of the no extensiv e onsite pot a d. Regional l y 35 with th e Environ s C BWR Faci l a (populatio n o re is Reno, i ty in Iowa i i n, an uninc o i on data is f r a within a f Houston C ure and for e W ater Reacto r Plan  upland are along the h o ods have oc m iles down s e river are o he nearest m b out 195 m i the adjacent River water f river wate nriver. W ater H y d r h the site is d Surface (h the adjace n o ws toward slikely to fl o e view of th e of the Ge n o wever, the r ver stages an e y sand ov e y Mount Si mcharacteriz e nt Simon la y oor. Use o f deep aquif e e withdraw a a ble and gr o ly, there ar e e water table s and Natur lity is 17 mi l n about 260
)Minnesota , i s New Albi n orporated h a rom 2013 C i five-mile ra d C ounty, Mi n estry are th e r  a contribut e highway an d curred at th e stream of th e o btained fro m major city u i les downst rfossil plant
,at the Lansi n r for indust r r olo gy first encou n (BGS) and nt Mississip p s the west a n o w towards e groundwa t n oa 3 fossil re are some d flooding.
erlaying a l a mon sandsto n e d by sub-yer flow to t h fwater from e rs is poorer al of water a n o undwater m e five dom e encountere d al Resourc e l es south of t). The near
, an uninco r n (pop. 513
)amlet, is sit u i m dius is pre d n nesota, a n e predomin a 1-5 es to runoff d railroad t o e site. e site, virtu a m ground w u sing river w r eam. The n , is the stea m n g plant is u rial purpose s n tered at dep tthe water p i River.
G n d discharg ethe west bu t t er elevatio nstation, it a periods wh e a yer of Eau ne, wells ha v layers of M he surface i nthese artesithan that f r n d no signi fi m onitoring w estic wells s d from 20 t o e s the City of Lest commu n r porated ha m), located fi v u ated five m m) (9). dominantly i nd a small a nt land us e directly ac r o prevent i n ally all muni c water. On t h w ater for d nearest use m-power pla n used for con d s between L ths ranging table aqu i G roundwate r es into the M ut then may n measurem e a ppears tha t e re the gra d Claire san d v e been dri v M ount Sim o ndicating an ian aquifers rom shallo w ficant decrea wells which a s outh of th e o 45 feet BG La Crosse a n n ity (three m mlet of abo u ve miles so u m iles south o i n Vernon C portion o f e s in Vern o ross the sit e n terference w c ipal water s he basis of direct huma n of river w a n t in Lansin g denser cool i LACBWR s i from appro x ifer is in r in the shal l M ississippi R turn and fl o e nts collect e t there is a dients are re v d stone of t h v en in areas on sandsto nartesian he a has been li m w aquifers.
Ase in the art e are periodic e LACBWR S. nd a mile so u m iles to the n u t 350 peo p uthwest of t h of the plant o County, Wi s fAllamake e on County a e. This run o with traffic.
s upplies for readily ava i n consumpt i ater for ind u g , Iowa, ab o ing. There a i te and Prai r ximately 15 strong hyd r low deposit R iver. The d ow parallel t e d during r o slight dow n v ersed and t h e Cambria nclosest to t h n e. Deep ad about the m ited becau s A s a result, esian head. ally sample d R site and e a uth of the V i northwest) o ple. The n e he plant. Vi c o n the east s s consin, bu t e County, I a s well as i n off is  No cities ilable i on is ustrial o ut 15 a re no r ie du to 25 r aulic s and eeper t o the o utine nward t his is n Age h e site wells level se the there d and a st of i llage o n the e arest ctory, s hore. t also I owa. n the La Cros s License T Revisio n neighbo rCounty's and mar s of the co u The pri m years, t hagricult u woodlan d hardwooA mode s through ointensity-commer c and less related t o nonagric u east of L A Land in t within a bottoml a portion o site, occ uto the ea s Refuge b for 2.5 mincludin g 26 and h o Approxi m water ar e The five populati o 1.4.O Key stat iAllis-perf oDair y turbi nAllis-Initi a s e Boiling W Termination n 0 ring countie sgross area i s hlands is c l unty's gross mary agricul t h ere has be e ural land to
: d. The fore s ds. s t amount o o ut Vernon C-use catego r ce, public, t r than 0.3%
o the proc e ultural indu ACBWR. t he vicinity o a five-mile a nds include d of the Villa g upies less th a s t and north e bottomland a m iles. Rou g g vacation h o useboats a r m ately 3.5 s e a and refu g-mile radiu s o n is 522.
O perational ion mileston
-Chalmers, u ormed startu p y lan d entere d n e-generato r-Chalmers d al Criticality W ater Reacto r Plan s on the w e is agricultu r l assified as uarea (10).
tural activit y en a marke woodland.
s ts yield su b f sandstone C ounty. Fur t ries of resi d ransportatio n of gross a r e ssing of a g stries of th e o f the LAC Bradius, ap p d in the Up p ge of Geno a a n 100 acre s e ast consisti n a nd water s u g hly a third oomes and b o r e moored a tquare miles ge bottomla n s includes a Back g rou nes are prese n u nder contr a p of the LA C d into a con t r for produc t d ockets appl i achieved:
J r  e st side of t r e and wood l u ndevelope d y is dairy f a d trend to w About two-bstantial am oand limest o t her, 85% o f dential and p n , and utiliti e r ea. Local gricultural a n e industrial p BWR Site is proximately p er Mississi p a , the only s
: s. The near e ng of small t urface, lying of the area r o athouses, a t several poi n of Iowa are n d, althoug h a portion of n d n ted in Cha p act with the A CBWR fro m tact to purc h t ion of elect r ication for c o J uly 11, 196 7 1-6 t he Mississi l ands. Abo u d. Total de v arming, me a ward the co
-fifths of th e o unts of oa k o ne quarryi n f the develo p p ark land.
T e s) account f industry c o n d forest p r park in Vir o overwhelm i one third ppi River Wubstantial c o e st residenc e trailer parks mainly in M remains un d are scattered n ts at times d within the L h there is s o the incorp o pter 2 of this A EC, desig n m 1962 to 19 6 hase steam f r r icity: June 1 o nstruction:
7 , i ppi River.
u t 3.4%, co n veloped lan d at animals, a nversion o f e total land k and lesser q n g also take p ed land in V The more i n for less tha n o nsists alm o r oducts. O oqua, Wisc o i ngly rural a is accoun t Wildlife and F o mmunity i n e s to the LA C and reside n Minnesota, e x der cultivati o d along the s during the y LACBWR f ome agricul t orated town s LTP. The m n ed, fabricat e 6 7, rom the nuc l 1 962, November 5 Nearly 90%nsisting mai d accounts f o a nd crop fa r f Vernon Cin farms i s quantities o f e s place at a V ernon Co u ntensive la n n 15% of tot a o st exclusiv e O ne notable o nsin locate d a nd undevel o t ed for by Fish Refug e n the five m C BWR Site nces on smal l xtend west o o n. A few d s horeline ne a year. five-mile ra d tural use o n of New A l m ajo r miles t e d, construc t lear plant to 5, 1962, % of the V e nly of wate r or less than rming. In rounty's ma r s now devo t f maple and a number o f u nty is in th e n d uses (ind u a l develope d e ly of oper a exception i d 25 miles t o ped. Of th e water are a e. The deve l m ile radius o are within a l acreages.
of the react o d ozen resid e a r State Hig dius. Most o n the botto m l bin, whose t ones are:
t ed and operate a ernon r area 6.6% r ecent r ginal ted to other fsites e low-ustry, d land a tions i s the t o the e area a and l oped of the a mile or site ences, hway f it is mland. total La Cros s License T Revisio nLow Prov iProv iLAC BFina lCom p The reac 96,274.6 The unit The LA C Turbine Storage Tare curreand met a Vessel. holds fiv 1.5.P 1.5.1.The LT Plicense a with the Safety Aamendm e The sub s 1.5.2.LTP Ch a and exte nremain asite char adetermi n The LA C Field Wo August 2 b asis for specifie d (MARS S change t h s e Boiling W Termination n 0 power testi n i sional Ope r i sional Ope r BWR perm a l reactor def u p letion of f utor was crit i hours. Th eavailability C BWR unit B uilding, 1 B T ank Vault, ntly underg o allic radioac t The ISFSI, e above-gro u P lan Summ a General I P describes t h and to relea srequire m en t A nalysis Re p e nt that esta b s ections bel o Site Cha r a pter 2 disc u n t of radioa c at the time o acterization, n ed to be im p C BWR Radi o Wo rk (11) a n 2 015 Field W dividing th e d in NURE G S IM) (13) f o he original c W ater Reacto r Plan ng complete d rating autho r rating Licen s a nently shut u eling was c u el loading i n ical for a to t e total gross factor was 6 consists o f B Diesel G e Ventilation o ing decom m t ive equipm e l ocated sou t und Dry St o a r y I nformatio n he process u se the site f o t s in 10 CF R p ort (DSA R blishes the c o w provide a racterizatio u sses the site c tive conta m of license te r Solutions w p acted by th e ological Ch a n d LACBW R W ork (12) p e site into s u G-1575, Mu o r classific a classificatio n r  d:  Septemb e r ization issu e s e, DPRA-4 5 down:  Apr i completed o n nto the ISFS t al of 103,2 8 electrical e n 6 2.9%. f major buil enerator Bui lStack, Lo w m issioning (e nt has bee n th of the Ge n o rage Casks w n used to meet or unrestric t R 50.82(a)(9 R). The LT P criteria for w a brief sum m n characteriz a m ination on s i rmination, s o w ill plan re m e operation o aracterizati o R Radiologi c rovided the urvey units.
ulti-Agency ation. Data n of an area
, 1-7 e r 1967, e d (DPRA-6 5 issued:  A u i l 30, 1987, n June 11, 1 9 I was comp l 8 7.5 hours.
n ergy gener a d ings and s lding, Wast e w Specific A see Figure 1 n removed si n n oa 3 fossil w ith 333 sp e the require m ted use. Th
: 9) and is su b P submittal w hen change s m ary of the o t a tion that h a ite prior to r oils, and gr o m ediation an d of LACBW R o n Survey R c al Charac t foundation The surve y Radiation from subs e , within the 6): October 3 u gust 28, 19 9 87, and l eted on Se p The 50 M W a ted was 4.
0 structures s u e Treatmen t A ctivity (LS A 1-3). Inter m n ce 2007, i n station, be c e nt fuel ass e ments for te r he LTP has b bmitted as ais accomp a s to the LT P t her seven c h a s been cond u remediation, o und water.
d Final Rad i R. Report for O terization Su for further y units were Survey an d e quent char arequiremen t 31, 1969, 73,  ptember 19, 2 W e generat o 0 47 Gigawa t u ch as the R t Building, U A) b uilding a mittent syste m n cluding the came operat i emblies. rminating th e b een prepar a supplemen t a nied by a P require pri o h apters of t h d ucted to det eincluding s t Based on t i ation Surve y October an d S urvey Repo site charac t evaluated a g d Site Inve s a cterization ts of this L T 2 012. o r was on li n tt-Hours (G W R eactor Bui l U ndergroun d a nd others w m s dismantl e Reactor Pr e i onal in 201 2 e 10 CFR P a ed in accor d t to the De fu proposed li c o r NRC app r h e LTP. ermine the n tructures th a the results o y s (FRS) in d November rt for June terization a n gainst the c r s tigation M amay be us TP, up to th e ne for WH). l ding, d Gas w hich ement essure 2 and a rt 50 d ance fu eled cense roval. n ature a t will of the areas 2014 thru nd the r iteria a nual ed to e time La Cros s License T Revisio n of FRS, remediat 1.5.3.LTP Ch ainformat iA de sA su mEsti mAn e s disp oDesc r Solution s in NUR E Facilitie s accorda n Radioac tadminist r Activitie than th o decomm i operatin g The info sections remaini n 1.5.4.LTP C h decomm i in 10 C Fremediat The sele c of conta m backg rcontami n structura standard other m e Derived s e Boiling W Termination n 0 as long as t i on in the a r Identific a a pter 3 iden t i on provide d scription of t mmary of r a m ates of ass o stimate of t h osal, and r iptions of p s is decom m E G-0586, G s , Suppleme n n ce with th e tive Waste r ative, work s conducte d o se conduc t i ssioning a c g activities t h rmation pro of the LT P ng dismantle m Remedia hapter 4 di s i ssioning to F R 20.1402 ion activitie cted remedi a m ination.
T  Very limit e r ound level s n ation has b l surfaces i and press u e thods. Su rConcentrati W ater Reacto r Plan t he classific a rea. a tion of Re m tifies the re m d in Chapter t he areas an d diological c o ociated occu p h e types and p roposed co n missioning L G eneric Env i nt 1, Volum e e  Solution sProgram, control and during dec o t ed during ctivities is b h at occurre d vided in C h P and prov i ment activit i tion Plans scusses the reduce resi
: d. This cha p s on the Ra d ation metho d T he princip a e d soil cont a s or a small b een identi f i nclude sca b re washing, r face and s u on Guideli n r  a tion reflec t m ainin g Sit e m aining site 3 includes:
d equipmen t onditions th a p ational rad i quantities o ntrol mecha n LACBWR i n ironmental I e 1, (14).
T s Safety a nOff-Site Ddecommiss i ommissioni n plant ope r b ounded b y d during maj o h apter 3 sup p ides suffici e ies. various r e d ual contam i pter also d i diation Prote d s used are d al materials amination is fraction of fied to dat e b bling and wiping, g r u bsurface s o ne Level (D C 1-8 ts the level o e Dismantl edismantle m t that need f u at may be e n i ation dose, f radioactiv e nisms to ens u n accordanc e I mpact Sta t The decom m n d Health P D ose Calc u ioning impl e n g do not p o r ations. T y previousl y or maintena n p o rts the as s e nt detail t o emediation i nation to le v scusses the ction Progr a dependent u p that may b expecte d; a n the drinkin g e. Remedi a shaving, c h r it blasting, o il with acti v C GL) will b of residual a ement Acti v m ent and dec urther reme d n countere d , e material g e u re areas ar e e with the D t ement on D m issioning a c Program, R a u lation M a ementation p o se any grea t T he radiol o y analyzed r n ce and out a sessment o f o identify r techniques vels that co m ALARA e v am. pon the con t be subject t n y noted gr o g water sta n ation techni h ipping, sp omechanical v ity levels i b e removed activity exi s v ities contaminati o d iation, e nerated for e not re-con t D ECON alte r D ecommissi o c tivities wil l a diation Pro t a nual (OD C p rocedures.
t er radiolog i ogical risk radiological age activitie s fimpacts co n r esources n ethat may m ply with t h v aluation a n taminated m to remediati o undwate r s a n dards; and ques that m o nge and a fracturing i n excess o f and dispos e s ting prior t o o n activities. release and taminated.
r native des c o ning of N u l be conduc t tection Pro g C M), and  i cal or safet yassociated risk for f o s. nsidered in eeded durin gbe used d h e release c r nd the imp a m aterial and e on are stru c amples haveno surface w m ay be use d a brasive bla and cutting f the appro p e d as radio a o any  The cribed uclear t ed in g ram, plant y risk with ormer other g the d uring riteria a ct of e xtent ctural  been w ater d for sting, , and priate active La Cros s License T Revisio n waste. excavat o environ m adequat e 1.5.5.LTP Ch a package s of a Fi nremaini ndemonst r use spec i The FR S Objectiv e assessm e that are i ISFSI, w 1.5.6.LTP C hcomplia n unrestric t scenario sanalysis, exposur e LTP Ch acontami n work to w Argonne code to dlicense t e 1.5.7.LTP Ch areleasin g with the 1.5.8.LTP Ch a significa nterminat i CFR 50.s e Boiling W Termination n 0 Soil remedirs. Reme d mental contr o erosion, se d Final Ra d a pter 5 pres e s , and instru c n al Status S n g building r ate that the i fied in 10 C S Plan desc r e s (DQO), s u e nt and com p identified a s w hich will sti Complia n hapter 6 pr e n ce with th e t ed use. Ch s , exposure DCGLs a n e complianc e a pter 6 use s n ation and r w ards and b eNational L a determine t h ermination.
Update o a pter 7 pr o g the site fo rfunds curre n Supplem a pter 8 upd a n t environ m ion activitie s82(a)(9)(ii)(W ater Reacto r Plan ation equip m diation of s o o l procedur e diment, and d iation Sur v e nts the FR S c tions to pe r urvey (FSSbasements.
LACBWR f C FR 20.1402 ribes the de v urvey meth o p liance. T h s impacted.
ll remain a l nce with th e e sents the e radiologi c apter 6 disc u pathways, n d Dose Fa c e scenario a n s radiologi c radioactivity e verified b y a boratory R E h e radiologi c o f the Site-S p o vides an u p r unrestricte d n tly availabl e ent to the E a tes the Env i mental imp a s. This sect G). In acco r r  m ent will i n o ils will in c e s, as well air emissio n v e y Plan S Plan whic h rform the F R) for open  The FRS f acility and s (e.g. annua l velopment o o ds and inst r h e FRS Plan The adjac eicensed are a e Radiolo g i c radiologica l c al criteria f usses the sit e computati o ctors, the d e n d evaluatio n cal informatconcentrat i y the FSS o r E Sidual R A cal release c pecific Dec o p dated esti m d use. This e in the dec o E nvironmen ironmental R a cts associa t i on of the L r dance with 1-9 nclude, but c lude the u s as appropri a n controls d u h will be us e R S of the L Aland areas Plan desc r site comply l dose limit o of the surve y rumentation
, addresses ont areas th a a , will not b e cal Criteria l informati o f or license e-specific i n onal model s e rivation of n of alternat iion from C i on levels t h r STS discu s ADioactive m criteria for r o mmissioni n m ate of the chapter als o o mmissioni n tal Report R eport for L t ed with t h L TP is prepa r 10 CFR 51 not be li m s e of establ i ate work p a uring soil re m ed to develo A CBWR site and a Sou r ribes the fi nwith radiol o of 25 mrem y plan, sur v , data collec t o nly LACB W at are classi f e subject to F a for Licens e on and metermination n ventory of r s used for area factor i ve exposur e C hapter 2 a n h at Chapter s sed in Cha p m aterials (R E remaining s t ng Costs e remaining o compares t n g trust fun d LACBWR w he site's d e ared pursuan
.53(d), Sol u mited to, ba cished exca v ackage instr u m ediation.
o p the site p
: r. The FRS P rce Term S nal survey o gical criter i to AMCG p v ey design a t ion and pr o WR structur e f ied as non-i F RS. e Terminat i e thods used and releas e radionuclidedose mod e rs, the basis e scenarios.
n d establish4 remediat i pter 5. Sol u E SRAD) v7.tructures a ndecommis sthe estimat e d. w ith new inf o ecommissio n nt to 10 CF R u tions consi d c k and trac k vation safet y uctions to e n rocedures, s u P lan is com p S urvey (ST S process us e i a for unrest r p lus ALAR A a nd Data Q u ocessing, an d e s and land impacted a n i on to demon e of the si ts, future la n e ling, sens ifor the se les the allo w ion method s u tions appli e.0 dose mo d n d soils to e n s ioning cos t ed remainin g ormation an d n ing and li c R 51.53(d) a n ders Chapte r k hoe y and nsure u rvey p rised S) for e d to ricted A). uality d data areas n d the strate t e for n d use i tivity lected w able s will e d the d eling n able ts for g cost d any c ense n d 10 r 8 to La Cros s License T Revisio n be  a su pimpacts a LTP ChNUREG-referenc e that the adverse e environ m LACB W have res u Environ mNUREG-1.6.R Solution s LACB Wdocume n Decomm R evision LTP in a LTP, wi t 50.82(a)(Solution s conditio n NRC ap pReq uResuDetr a deco mDecr e Clas s notif iIncr emini mIncr e level an in vCha n test, oIncr e s e Boiling W Termination n 0 pplement to associated wapter 8 co m-0586, whic h e nuclear fa cenvironme n e ffects outs i mental imp a W R dated D e u lted in no m ental Ass e-0191 relate d R e g ulator y N s is submitti W R spans a p n tation is u n issioning P l March 201 4 accordance w t hout prior N (6), and 10 C s is also su b n that estab l p roval. Cha n u ires Commi lts in signifi a cts or nega t mmissionin g e ases a surv e s 2 to Class 3 i cation prio rases the DC m um detect aases the rad i(or corresp o vestigation o n ges the stat i or  ases the Ty p W ater Reacto r Plan the Enviro n w ith the exec u mpares the h provides a c ility. The ntal effects f i de the bou n a cts was do e cember 19 8significant essment in d to operati o Notification ng the LTP period that i n nique in th a l an and Pos t 4 (15) whic h w ith 10 CF R N RC appro v C FR 50.82(a bmitting a p r lishes the c r nges to the L ssion appro vcant enviro n t es the reaso n g , e y unit area 3; or Class 1 r to impleme GLs (or de c able concent r ioactivity le v o nding sour c occurs),  istical test a p p e I decisio n r  nmental Re p u tion of the described a generic en venvironme n f or decom m n ds of NU R cumented i n 8 7. LACB Wenvironme n support of o n of LACB W s of Chan ge as a supple m ncludes sev e at the requ i t-Shutdown D h serves as t R 50.71(e).
val, in acco a)(7). r oposed am e riteria for d L TP require val pursuant nmental imp a nable assur aclassificati o to Class 3 w nting the ch c reases dose rations (for b vel, relative ce term inve n p plied to on e n erro r. 1-10 p ort addressi described d edecommissi vironmental n tal assess m m issioning L A R EG-0586. n a supple m W R decom m n tal impact the Augus t W R, dated A e s ment to the D eral decom m i red safety a D ecommissi o t he DSAR fo Once appro vrdance wit h endment to tetermining w prior NRC a to 10 CFR 5 a cts not pre v a nce that ad e o n (i.e., imp a w ithout pro v a nge in clas s factors fro m b oth scan a nto the appli c ntory levels e other than t ing the actu a ecommissio n oning attri bassessment f m ent perfor m ACBWR a r Review of m ent to th e missioning a not previo u t 7, 1991, A pril 21, 19 8 D SAR. Be c m issioning r eanalyses ar e o ning Activ i f or LACBW R v ed, Soluti o h the criteri a the LACB W when chan g approval wh 5 0.59, v iously revi e e quate funds a cted to not i viding NRC sification, m the Basem e nd fixed me a c able derive din the Base m t he Sign tes t a l or potent i ning activiti butes to th o f or the deco m m ed by Sol u re minimal a post-operat e Environm and disman t usly evaluat Decommis s 8 0. c ause the li c e gulation ch a e included ities Report R. Solutio n ons may ma k a in 10 CF R WR license t h g es to the L en the chan g e wed,  will be ava i impacted, C la minimum e nt Fill Mo d asurement m d concentra t m ent Fill M o t or Wilcox o ial environ m es. ose identifi e mmissionin g utions deter m and there a r ing license

ental Repo r tlement acti ved in the N s ioning Ord censing hist o anges, the Din the LA C (D-Plan/PS D n s will upda t k e changes t R 50.59, 10 hat adds a li c L TP require g e:  ilable for lass 1 to Cl a 14 day d el) and rela t m ethods), t ion guideli n o del), at wh i o n Rank Su m m ental e d in g of a m ined r e no stage rt for vities NRC's er or ory of D SAR C BWR D AR) te the to the CFR cense prior a ss 2; t ed n e i ch m La Cros s License T Revisio n The con t Gerard P Vice Pre LaCross e S4601 S t Genoa, W (224) 78 9 gpvanno o  1.7.R 1. L A L 2. U C 2 3. U f o 4. U r e C 5. L P 6. w 7. w 8. D D9. h t10. 2 11. E S 12. E S 13. U R 14. U S N s e Boiling W Termination n 0 act for LTP P. van Noor d sident, Reg u e Solutions, L t ate Road 3 5 W I. 54632-8 8 9-4025 ordennen@e n References Letter from D A pplication f L icense Ame U.S. Nuclear C ontent of L i 011. U.S. Nuclear o r Evaluatin g U.S. Nuclear elated to Op e C ooperative
La Cross License T Revision The cont Gerard P Vice Pre LaCrosse S4601 St Genoa, W (224) 789 gpvannoo 1.7.
-Letter from Dlanning for I w ww.wunde r www.mvp.w c Dairyland Po Decommissi o t tp://www.c i 008 Vernon E nergySoluti urvey Repo r E nergySoluti urvey Repo r U.S. Nuclear Radiation Su r U.S. Nuclear tatement on November 2 0 W ater Reacto r Plan informatio n d ennen ulatory Affa i L LC 5 8 46 n ergysolutio n D airyland P o f or Order A pndments, d aRegulatory i cense Term iRegulatory g Nuclear P oRegulatory e ration of t h- April 1980 D airyland P o I SFSI, LAC r m c.usace.arm y wer Cooper a o ning Plan, r m County Ta x ons GG-EO-rt for Octob e ons LC-RS-r t for June t hRegulatory r vey and Sit eRegulatory Decommis s 0 02. r n , including a i rs o wer Cooper p proving Li c a ted October Commissio n i nation PlanCommissio n o wer React oCommissio n he La Crosse . ower Compa n-14029, Ma r m. t a tive, LaCr o r evised Nov e m/city/Geno a x Assessme n-313196-R S e r and Nove m PN-164017-h ru August 2Commissio n e Investigat iCommissio n s ioning of N u 1-11 any submitt e ative to the N cense Trans fe 8, 2015.
n , Regulato r s for Nucle a n NUREG-1 or License T e n NUREG-0 Boiling W a n y to the N u r ch 10, 200 8 ts/Lock 8.
: 1.
: 2.
: 3.
U fo
: 4.
U re C
: 5.
: 6.
: 7.
: 8.
: 9.
: 10.
: 11.
: 12.
: 13.
: 14.
N se Boiling W Termination n 0 act for LTP P. van Noord sident, Regu eSolutions, L tate Road 35 WI. 54632-88 9-4025 ordennen@en References Letter from D Application f License Ame U.S. Nuclear Content of Li 011.
U.S. Nuclear or Evaluating U.S. Nuclear elated to Ope Cooperative -
Letter from D lanning for I www.wunder www.mvp.wc Dairyland Po Decommissio ttp:// 008 Vernon EnergySoluti urvey Repor EnergySoluti urvey Repor U.S. Nuclear Radiation Sur U.S. Nuclear tatement on November 20 Water Reactor Plan information dennen ulatory Affai LLC 5
846 nergysolution Dairyland Po for Order Ap ndments, da Regulatory icense Termi Regulatory g Nuclear Po Regulatory eration of th
- April 1980 Dairyland Po ISFSI, LAC wer Coopera oning Plan, r County Tax ons GG-EO-rt for Octobe ons LC-RS-rt for June th Regulatory rvey and Site Regulatory Decommiss 002.
r n, including a irs ower Cooper pproving Lic ated October Commission ination Plan Commission ower Reacto Commission he La Crosse ower Compan
-14029, Mar
: m. ative, LaCro revised Nove m/city/Genoa x Assessmen
-313196-RS er and Novem PN-164017-hru August 2 Commission e Investigati Commission sioning of Nu 1-11 any submitte ative to the N cense Transfe 8, 2015.
n, Regulator s for Nuclea n NUREG-1 or License Te n NUREG-0 Boiling Wa ny to the Nu rch 10, 2008 ts/Lock 8.
osse Boiling ember 2003.
osse Boiling ember 2003.
.n t Rolls.
nt Rolls.
S-RP-001, L A m ber 2014 F-001, LAC B 2 015 Field W n, NUREG-1 i on Manual (n NUREG-0 u clear Facil i e d changes a N uclear Re g fe r and Conf o r y Gui d e 1.1 a r Power Re a 1 700, Revisi oermination P 0 191, Final E ater Reactor u clear Regul
S-RP-001, LA mber 2014 F
: 8. Water Rea c.  .html. A CBWR R a Field Work  
-001, LACB 2015 Field W n, NUREG-1 ion Manual (
-B WR Radiol o W ork - Nov e 1575, Revis i (MARSSI M 0 586, Gener i ities, Suppl e a nd updates, g ulatory Co m forming Ad m 79, Standar d actors, Revi s o n 1, Stand a P lans - Apr i Environmen t by Dairyla n atory Com m c tor (LACB W a diological C- Novembe r o gical Char a ember 2015.
n NUREG-0 uclear Facili ed changes a Nuclear Reg fer and Confo ry Guide 1.1 ar Power Rea 1700, Revisio ermination P 0191, Final E ater Reactor uclear Regul
i on 1, Multi
: 8.
-M), August 2 0 i c Environ m ement 1, Vo l is: mmission, ministrative d Format an d s ion 1 - Jun e ard Review P i l 2003. tal Stateme n n d Power m ission, Sub j W R) C haracteriza t r 2015. a cterization
Water Reac
  -Agency 0 00. mental Impac t lume 1 - d e P lan n t ject: t ion t La Cros s License T Revisio n 15. D D s e Boiling W Termination n 0 Dairyland Po Decommissi o W ater Reacto r Plan wer Cooper a o ning Activi t r a tive, LAC B ties Report (1-12 B WR Deco m (D-Plan/PS D mmissioning D AR), Revi s Plan and P o s ion - Marc h o st-Shutdow n h 2014. n La Cros s License T Revisio n s e Boiling W Termination n 0 W ater Reacto r Plan Fi g r ure 1-1 S 1-13 S ite Re g ion a a l Location
ACBWR Ra Field Work -
BWR Radiolo Work - Nove 1575, Revisi (MARSSIM 0586, Generi ities, Supple and updates, gulatory Com forming Adm 79, Standard actors, Revis on 1, Standa Plans - Apri Environment by Dairylan atory Comm ctor (LACBW adiological C
- November ogical Chara ember 2015.
ion 1, Multi-M), August 20 ic Environm ement 1, Vol is:
: mmission, ministrative d Format and sion 1 - June ard Review P il 2003.
tal Statemen nd Power mission, Subj WR)
Characterizat r 2015.
-Agency 000.
mental Impact lume 1 -
d e
Plan nt ject:
tion t  
La Cross License T Revision
: 15.
se Boiling W Termination n 0 Dairyland Po Decommissio Water Reactor Plan wer Coopera oning Activit r
ative, LACB ties Report (
1-12 BWR Decom (D-Plan/PSD mmissioning DAR), Revis Plan and Po sion - March ost-Shutdown h 2014.
La Cross License T Revision se Boiling W Termination n 0 Water Reactor Plan Fig r
ure 1-1 S
1-13 Site Regionaal Location  
La Cross License T Revision se Boiling W Termination n 0 Water Reactor Plan r
Figure 1-2 1-14 2
Site Ovverview
R La Crosse Boilin License Termin Revision 0 ng Water React ation Plan or Figure 1-3 1-15 LACBWR Buildings

La Cros s License T Revisio n s e Boiling W Termination n 0 W ater Reacto r Plan r  Figure 1-2 1-14 2 Site O v v erview L L R L a Crosse Boili n License Termin Revision 0 ng Water Reac t ation Plan o r  Figure 1-3 1-15 LACBWR B u u ildin g s La Cros s License T Revisio n s e Boiling W Termination n 0 W ater Reacto r Plan F i r ig ure 1-4 1-16 Topo g rap h hical Map}}
La Cross License T Revision se Boiling W Termination n 0 Water Reactor Plan Fi r
igure 1-4 1-16 Topographhical Map}}

Latest revision as of 21:52, 9 January 2025

License Termination Plan - Chapter 1 - General Information, Rev 0
Person / Time
Site: La Crosse  File:Dairyland Power Cooperative icon.png
Issue date: 06/27/2016
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Download: ML16200A085 (19)



La Cross License T Revision 1.

Gen 1.1.






1.3.4 1.3.








1.5.4 1.5.






Figure 1-Figure 1-Figure 1-Figure 1-se Boiling W Termination n 0 neral Informa Purpose.....

Decommiss Facility......


Site De 2.

Current 3.

Meteor 4.

Geolog 5.

Surface 6.

Ground 7.

Environ Operational Plan Summ 1.

Genera 2.

Site Ch 3.

Identifi 4.

Remed 5.

Final R 6.

Compli 7.

Update 8.

Supplem Regulatory References

-1 Site Re

-2 Site Ov


-4 Topogr Water Reactor Plan ation...........

sioning Obje escription....

t/Future Lan rology and C gy and Seism e Water Hyd d Water Hyd ns and Natur l Background ary.............

al Informatio haracterizatio ication of Re diation Plans Radiation Sur iance with th e of the Site-ment to the E Notification egional Loca verview.......

WR Building raphical Map r

TABLE O ective...........

nd Use.........





ral Resource d.................



emaining Sit rvey Plan....

he Radiologi Specific Dec Environmen ns of Change LIST O ation.............



1-i OF CONTE es.................

te Dismantle ical Criteria commission ntal Report...


OF FIGURE ENTS ement Activi for License ning Costs....

RES ities.............

Termination n..................

... 1-1

... 1-1

... 1-1

... 1-2

... 1-2

... 1-3

... 1-3

... 1-3

... 1-4

... 1-5

... 1-5

... 1-6

... 1-7

... 1-7

... 1-7

... 1-8

... 1-8

... 1-9

... 1-9

... 1-9

... 1-9

. 1-10

. 1-11

. 1-13

. 1-14

. 1-15

. 1-16

La Cross License T Revision ALARA AMCG AMSL BGS DCGL DQO DSAR FSS FRS GWH ISFSI LACBW LSA LTP MARSSI MYBP NRC ODCM PSDAR RESRAD STS USACE se Boiling W Termination n 0 As Lo Avera Above Below Deriv Data Q Defue Final Final Gigaw Indep WR La Cr Low S Licen IM Multi-Millio Nucle Off-S Post-S D

RESid Sourc US Ar Water Reactor Plan LIST OF ow As Reaso age Member e Mean Sea w Ground Su ed Concentr Quality Obje eled Safety A Status Surve Radiation Su watt-Hours endent Spen rosse Boiling Specific Act se Terminati

-Agency Rad on Years Bef ear Regulator ite Dose Cal Shutdown D dual RADioa e Term Surv rmy Corp of r

ACRONYM onably Achie of the Critic Level urface ration Guide ectives Analysis Rep ey urvey nt Fuel Stora g Water Reac ivity ion Plan diation Surv fore Present ry Commiss lculation Ma ecommissio active Mater vey f Engineers 1-ii MS AND AB evable cal Group line Level port age Installatio ctor vey and Site ion anual ning Activit rials BBREVIAT on Investigatio ties Report TIONS n Manual

La Cross License T Revision


G The La C that is ow located o Village o LACBW S4601 St Genoa, W The site i for LACB LACBW spent nuc license.

In a lett requested maintena from Dai Solutions 1.1.

P The obje permit th 50 licens general li This Lice was writt for Licen Review P accompa the LTP r 1.2.

D The deco LACBW remainin the requi documen that is d Average se Boiling W Termination n 0 General In Crosse Boili wned by Dair on the Dairy of Genoa, Ve WR tate Road 35 WI. 54632-88 is licensed u BWR and 72 WR has been clear fuel st ter dated O d Nuclear R ance and de iryland to So


Purpose ctive of deco he release of se except fo icense provi ense Termin ten followin nse Termina Plan for Eva anied by a pr require NRC Decommissio ommissionin WR can subm ng ISFSI lice irements of nts the proce distinguishab Member of Water Reactor Plan nformation ing Water R ryland Powe yland Genoa ernon Count 5

846 under Posses 2-046 for the shut down ored in the L October 8, 2 Regulatory C ecommission olutions. In ommissionin the site for u r the area su isions of 10 C nation Plan (L ng the guidan tion Plans fo luating Nucl roposed licen C prior appro oning Objec ng objective mit a request ensed facility 10 CFR 20 ess that will ble from ba the Critical r

n Reactor (LAC er Cooperati a site on th ty, Wisconsin ssion Only L e Independen since 1987 LACBWR I 2015 (1), D Commission ning authorit n May 2016, ng LACBWR unrestricted urrounding t CFR 72 Sub LTP) satisfie nce in Regu for Nuclear P lear Power R nse amendm oval.

ctive e is to cond t to the NRC y) in accorda 0.1402, Rad be used to d ckground ra Group (AM 1-1 CBWR) wa ve (Dairylan he east shore n with an ad License No. D nt Spent Fue and is curre ISFSI will b Dairyland an (NRC) con ties, under the NRC pr R is to reduc use and allo the ISFSI.

bpart K.

es the requir ulatory Guid Power Reac Reactor Lice ment that est duct remedi C for unrest ance with Su diological Cr demonstrate adioactivity MCG) from a as a 50 Meg nd). This un e of the Mi ddress of:

DPR-45 with el Storage In ently underg be maintaine nd LaCrosse nsent to tran Possession rovided cons ce the residu ow for the ter The ISFSI f rement of 10 de 1.179, Sta ctors (2) and ense Termin ablishes the iation and s tricted releas ubpart E of 1 riteria for U that the dos does not e all applicable gawatt Electr nit, also know ississippi Ri h Docket Nu nstallation (I going decom ed under an eSolutions, nsfer Dairyla Only Licen sent to trans ual radioactiv rmination of facility is li 0 CFR 50.82 andard Form d in NUREG nation Plans criteria for survey oper se of the sit 10 CFR Part Unrestricted se from resid exceed 25 m e pathways o ric (MWe) B wn as Genoa iver south o umbers of 50 SFSI).

mmissioning amended Pa LLC (Solut ands posses nse No. DPR sfer the licen vity to level f the 10 CFR censed unde 2(a)(9). This mat and Con G-1700, Stan (3). This L when chang rations such te (other tha t 20 after me d Use. The dual radioac mrem/year to over a 1,000 BWR a 2, is of the 0-409

. The art 50 tions)

ssion, R-45, nse to s that R Part er the s LTP ntents ndard LTP is ges to h that an the eeting LTP ctivity o the 0 year

La Cross License T Revision period an Achievab 1.3.

F 1.3.1.

LACBW Mississip south of nearby p LACBW mile 678 approxim rail road (AMSL)

Boiling W The licen LACBW plant, off and inclu the the coa an a (Ge an a a pa The site i Mississip miles up The site i

35. A B commerc this rail National LACBW and sturg LACBW se Boiling W Termination n 0 nd that residu ble (ALAR Facility Site Desc WR is located ppi River, ab the city of L prominent f WR are longit 8.6 on the mately 300 fe

. The reacto per NURE Water Reacto nsed site co WR comprisin f of Highwa ude:

LACBWR p land north o al (and later o area directly enoa Station area south o arcel of land is bordered o ppi River an stream, man is bordered o Burlington N cial freight a line. The s Wildlife &

WR, is the Ge geon. On th WR plant, is a Water Reactor Plan ual radioacti A).

cription d in southw bout 1 mile La Crosse, W features such tude 91o, 13 Mississippi feet from the or stands on G-0191, En or (4).

omprises a ng only 1.5 ay 35. The p

plant, of LACBWR oil) fueled p y south of LA
  1. 3) approxi f Genoa #3 w d to the east o on the north nd Highway naged by the on the west b Northern-Sant along the eas site is borde

& Fish Refug enoa Nation he southwes a public boat r

ivity has bee western Wisc south of the WI. See Figu h as highw

, 53.35 We River abov e Mississippi n filled land nvironmental total of 163 acres. The prominent fe R, including power plant (

ACBWR wit imately 175 where the IS of Highway h by the Miss

35. The U.

e U.S. Army by the Missi ta Fe rail lin stern portion ered to the s ge Pool 9 a nal Fish Hatc stern corner t launching r 1-2 en reduced to consin, in V e Village of ure 1-1 for a ways, rivers est and latitu ve the mout i River and at an elevat l Statement 3.5 acres (5 site is acce eatures on th the site swit (removed in th an operati feet from th SFSI is locat 35, across fr sissippi Rive

.S. Lock & D y Corp of En issippi River ne, located b n of the site; south by a s area. Furthe chery which of the site, ramp with a p o levels that Vernon Coun f Genoa, WI map showin and lakes.

ude 43o, 33, th of the O 475 feet we tion of 639 related to

5) which is essed by a r he site are sh tchyard and 1989),

ional 350-M he LACBWR ted, and from LACBW er and a narr Dam No. 8 ngineers (US r and is bord between the

there are n segment of t er south, ap h raises enda

, approxima parking lot.

are As Low nty, on the e and approx ng the site lo The map

, 36.22 Nor Ohio River.

est of the car feet Above Operation o owned by road on the hown in Fig the site of th Mwe fossil ge R plant, WR.

row strip of is located a SACE), Roc dered on the site and Hig no passenger the Upper M pproximately angered mus ately 0.75 m w As Reason east shore o ximately 19 m ocation, inclu coordinate rth. The site The react rgo-carrying Mean Sea L of the La C Dairyland, south side o gures 1-2 an he former G-enerating stat land betwee approximatel ck Island Dis east by High ghway 35 ca r trains whic Mississippi R y 2.4 miles ssels, brook miles south o nably of the miles uding es for e is at tor is g-only Level Crosse with of the nd 1-3

-1 tion en the ly 0.6 strict.

hway arries h use River from trout of the

La Cross License T Revision 1.3.2.

The site the Geno the prese continue future lan The spe interim establish 1.3.3.

The La C in Genoa weather r data inclu Tempera the extre Average summer and 1995 Monthly spring an The bluff shows pr winds fo LACBW average w 1.3.4.

LACBW physiogr Pleistoce early Pal which ha area. Ma Bedrock Wisconsi Present composit dolomite both side se Boiling W Termination n 0 Current/

has been co oa 3 facility ence of the a as an indus nd use, other ent nuclear storage fac ed and ready Meteorol Crosse Muni a maintain related infor udes: wind s atures in the emes being temperature season. A r

5. The recor precipitatio nd summer s ffs of the Mis revailing sou or the month WR Site wher wind speeds Geology WR is locat aphic provi ene Epoch a leozoic age.

as been mod aximum relie in the site r in Dome by

[MYBP]) s tion. The P s, sandstone es of the Mi Water Reactor Plan Future Lan ontinuously u and support ash landfills strial-use pro r than perhap fuel is expe cility, or li y to receive L logy and Cli cipal Airpor long standin rmation in th speed and dir La Crosse r more marke es range from record maxi rd low was -4 on averages easons and o ssissippi Riv utherly wind hs of Nove re the river are typically and Seismo ted within ince. The and is charac Moderate t dified by a m ef in the regi region consis y early Pale edimentary Paleozoic roc es and shales ississippi riv r

nd Use used for indu ing operatio

, as well as operty after ps recreation ected to rem icensed tem LACBWR f imatology rt located in ng active w he La Crosse rection, temp region are ty ed because m 20 °F in th mum tempe 43 °F in Janu in the area one to three ver Valley ch s for seven m mber throug valley runs y 6-10 mph.

ology the Wisco Wisconsin cterized by to strong rel mantle of lo ion is about sts of Pre-Ca eozoic (Cam strata. Ba cks are 1,20

s. About 600 ver in the pl 1-3 ustrial purpo ons (e.g. barg the on-site decommiss nal, can be e main at the mporary mo fuel.

the town of weather stati e - Genoa re perature, and ypical of the of the river he three mo erature of 10 uary of 1873 ranges from inches per m hannel the w months of th gh March o north-south onsin Driftl Driftless flat lying n lief has been oess and glac 1,000 feet.

ambrian cry mbrian and asement roc 0-1,300 feet 0 feet of this lant vicinity oses since 1 ge washing, ISFSI, it is sioning is co envisioned o ISFSI until onitored retr f La Crosse a ions that m egion of the d precipitati e extremes o r valley loca onths of the w 08 °F was re


m three to f month for the winds at the L he year with of the year.

are from th less section section was naturally dis n produced o cial outwash ystalline rock Ordovician, cks in the s t thick in th s sequence is

y. Prior to t 941. Due to switchyard) anticipated ompleted. N over the next a federal re rievable sto and the USA monitor and Mississippi on (6) (7).

of a contine ation of the winter seaso ecorded in J five inches p e rest of the LACBWR S prevailing n Predomina he north and n of the C s not glaci ssected sedim on the ungla h in the larg ks exposed a

, 572 Millio site vicinity he site vicini s exposed al the Pleistoce o the presen

) on the prop that the site No other cre t several dec epository, o orage facilit ACE Lock 8 archive stan River. Coll ntal climate LACBWR on to 72 °F i July of both per month i year.

Site. Airport north to north ant winds a d south. Mo Central Low iated during mentary roc aciated lands ger valleys o at the crest o on Years B y are of gra ity and cons long the bluf ene Epoch (

nce of

perty, e will edible cades.

offsite ty is Dam ndard lected e with Site.

in the 1936 in the t data hwest at the onthly wland g the ks of scape of the of the Before anitic sist of ffs on (more

La Cross License T Revision than 2 M today. It The site Region c synclines Superior formed d Major up Some mi MYBP).

of the W sediment Many fau capable a geologic mapped i several n found an seismicit site (8).

Seismic 2008 oc decommi 1.3.5.

The LAC the vicin Prairie du width. T There is land, isla sloughs a the uplan channel a The main are opera of the sit distance the site.

Part of th plant. T one to th se Boiling W Termination n 0 MYBP) the ri t was buried is located consists of s and arches syncline, Fo during the La plift and dow inor tilting o The site is Wisconsin A tary strata in ults have be according to conditions i in the site re nuclear powe ny evidence ty. Therefor activity (ma ccurred ove issioning (9)

Surface W CBWR site i ity of the sit u Chien, app The valley wa little or no a ands betwee and meander nd where tr are wooded.

n channel of ated by the U te) the river i of 20 miles, he licensed herefore, dr he south, so Water Reactor Plan iver had carv by post-glac within the a vast area

s. Major str orest City ba ate Pre-Camb wn-warping a occurred duri located on th Arch, a sout n the vicinity een mapped o the criteria in the site vi egion, but in er plant sites e of capabl re, capable agnitudes ra er 180 mile


Water Hydr is in the Mi te, the valley proximately alls rise shar agricultural en river cha ring river ch ributary stre The flat up f the river va USACE for n is nearly fou then gradua area (27 ac ainage at th that only p r

ved a gorge cial sedimen Central Stab a of large c ructural feat asin, Michig brian and Ea also occurre ing and follo he southwes thward proj y dip less tha d in the site a in 10 CFR icinity that r nvestigations s in the regio e faulting.

faulting doe anging from es from th rology ssissippi Riv y is deeply c y 40 miles so rply 500 to 6 use of the ri annels and e hannels. Nu ams intercep pland areas a aries greatly navigational ur miles wid ally widens a cres) is on a e site has be recipitation 1-4 as much as nt.

ble Region circular upli tures includ gan Basin, an arly Paleozo ed during lat owing the Pl t flank of the ection of th an 20 feet per region. No 100, Appen represent haz s of all of the on, in additio Additiona es not need 3.5 to 5.4) e site and ver valley an cut into highl outh, the val 600 feet from iver valley f extensions o umerous shor pt the main and some of t in width abo purposes. A de. Below th as the river a a filled in ar een establish that falls on 150 to 210 tectonic pro ifts and sed de the Wisco nd Illinois B oic (more tha te Paleozoic leistocene g e Wisconsin he Wisconsi r mile to the one of these ndix A. Per zard to the f ese faults du on to studies ally, the are to be consi that has be did not i nd is relativ ly dissected lley varies b m river level floor which of low lying rt, steep-side n river valle the tributary ove and belo Above Dam he site, the ri approaches D rea south of hed. One v n the bluff a feet deeper ovince. Th dimentary ba onsin Dome Basin. Thes an 435 MYB (330 MYBP laciations (2 n Dome and in Dome.

e southwest.

e faults are the US NR facility. Num uring the cou s for the LA ea is one o dered in the een noted be impact plan vely flat (see uplands. Fr between 2.5 consists prim g flood plai ed valleys h ey. Both w y valleys are ow the site.

No. 8 (abou iver is relativ Dam No. 9, f the origina valley drains adjacent to t than can be he Central S asins, and b e and Arch, e structures BP).

P to 240 MY 2 MYBP to 0 the western For this re considered RC, There a merous fault urse of valid CBWR, hav of relatively e analysis o etween 1975 nt operation e Figure 1-4 rom La Cros and 4.5 mil marily of m in cut by p ave been cu walls of the cultivated.

A series of ut 0.75 mile vely narrow 33 miles sou al Genoa-1 s to the north the site and e seen Stable broad Lake were YBP).

0.001 flank

eason, to be are no ts are dating ve not y low f this 5 and ns or 4). In sse to les in arshy
onds, ut into main dams north for a uth of steam h and on a

La Cross License T Revision small po presently problems For a dis and town published Davenpo purposes miles dow other kno Chien, 40 1.3.6.

Groundw feet Bel commun fill mater groundw river. B sampling vertical g likely du As the s which is but not penetratin of the riv water qu has been There are analyzed Highway 1.3.7.

The LAC of Genoa west sho commun Wisconsi (Populati The area includes Agricultu se Boiling W Termination n 0 rtion of the y channeled s of flash flo tance of 40 m ns along the d records, th ort, Iowa, ab

, excluding t wnstream. R own users o 0 miles down Ground W water beneath low Ground ication with rial likely flo water is also ased on a re g in support gradient. Ho e to high riv ite has valle underlain by in valleys ng the Moun ver valley flo uality of the no extensiv e onsite pota

d. Regionall y 35 with the Environs CBWR Facil a (population ore is Reno, ity in Iowa i in, an uninco ion data is fr a within a f Houston C ure and fore Water Reactor Plan upland are along the h oods have oc miles downs e river are o he nearest m bout 195 mi the adjacent River water f river wate nriver.

Water Hydr h the site is d Surface (

h the adjacen ows towards likely to flo eview of the of the Gen owever, ther ver stages an ey sand ove y Mount Sim characterize nt Simon lay oor. Use of deep aquife e withdrawa able and gro ly, there are e water table s and Natur lity is 17 mil n about 260)

Minnesota, is New Albin orporated ha rom 2013 Ci five-mile rad County, Min estry are the r

a contribute highway and curred at the stream of the obtained from major city u iles downstr fossil plant, at the Lansin r for industr rology first encoun (BGS) and nt Mississipp s the west an ow towards e groundwat noa 3 fossil re are some d flooding.

erlaying a la mon sandston ed by sub-yer flow to th f water from ers is poorer al of water an oundwater m e five dome encountered al Resource les south of t

). The near

, an unincor n (pop. 513) amlet, is situ dius is pred nnesota, an e predomina 1-5 es to runoff d railroad to e site.

e site, virtua m ground w using river w ream. The n

, is the steam ng plant is u rial purposes ntered at dept the water pi River. G nd discharge the west but ter elevation station, it a periods whe ayer of Eau ne, wells hav layers of M he surface in these artesi than that fr nd no signifi monitoring w estic wells s d from 20 to es the City of L est commun rporated ham

), located fiv uated five m m) (9).

dominantly i nd a small ant land use directly acr o prevent in ally all munic water. On th water for d nearest use m-power plan used for cond s between L ths ranging table aqui Groundwater es into the M ut then may n measureme appears that ere the grad Claire sand ve been driv Mount Simo ndicating an ian aquifers rom shallow ficant decrea wells which a south of the o 45 feet BG La Crosse an nity (three m mlet of abou ve miles sou miles south o in Vernon C portion of es in Verno ross the site nterference w cipal water s he basis of direct human of river wa nt in Lansing denser cooli LACBWR si from approx ifer is in r in the shall Mississippi R turn and flo ents collecte t there is a dients are rev dstone of th ven in areas on sandston artesian hea has been lim w aquifers. A se in the arte are periodic e LACBWR S.

nd a mile sou miles to the n ut 350 peop uthwest of th of the plant o County, Wis f Allamakee on County a

e. This runo with traffic.

supplies for readily avai n consumpti ater for indu g, Iowa, abo ing. There a ite and Prair ximately 15 strong hydr low deposit River. The d ow parallel t ed during ro slight down versed and t he Cambrian closest to th ne. Deep ad about the mited becaus As a result, esian head.

ally sampled R site and ea uth of the Vi northwest) o ple. The ne he plant. Vic on the east s sconsin, but e County, I as well as in off is No cities ilable ion is ustrial out 15 are no rie du to 25 raulic s and eeper to the outine nward this is n Age he site wells level se the there d and ast of illage on the earest

ctory, shore.

t also Iowa.

n the

La Cross License T Revision neighbor County's and mars of the cou The prim years, th agricultu woodland hardwoo A modes througho intensity-commerc and less related to nonagricu east of LA Land in t within a bottomla portion o site, occu to the eas Refuge b for 2.5 m including 26 and ho Approxim water are The five populatio 1.4.

O Key stati Allis-perfo Dairy turbin Allis-Initia se Boiling W Termination n 0 ring counties gross area i shlands is cl unty's gross mary agricult here has bee ural land to

d. The fores ds.

st amount o out Vernon C

-use categor ce, public, tr than 0.3%

o the proce ultural indu ACBWR.

the vicinity o a five-mile ands included of the Villag upies less tha st and northe bottomland a miles. Roug g vacation h ouseboats ar mately 3.5 s ea and refug

-mile radius on is 522.

Operational ion mileston

-Chalmers, u ormed startup yland entered ne-generator

-Chalmers d al Criticality Water Reactor Plan s on the we is agricultur lassified as u area (10).

tural activity en a marke woodland.

sts yield sub f sandstone County. Furt ries of resid ransportation of gross ar essing of ag stries of the of the LACB radius, app d in the Upp ge of Genoa an 100 acres east consistin and water su ghly a third o omes and bo re moored at quare miles ge bottomlan s includes a Backgroun es are presen under contra p of the LAC d into a cont r for product dockets appli achieved: J r

est side of t re and woodl undeveloped y is dairy fa d trend tow About two-bstantial amo and limesto ther, 85% of dential and p n, and utilitie rea. Local gricultural an e industrial p BWR Site is proximately per Mississip a, the only s

s. The neare ng of small t urface, lying of the area r oathouses, a t several poin of Iowa are nd, although a portion of nd nted in Chap act with the A CBWR from tact to purch tion of electr ication for co July 11, 1967 1-6 the Mississi lands. Abou
d. Total dev arming, mea ward the co

-fifths of the ounts of oak one quarryin f the develop park land. T es) account f industry co nd forest pr park in Viro overwhelmi one third ppi River W ubstantial co est residence trailer parks mainly in M remains und are scattered nts at times d within the L h there is so the incorpo pter 2 of this AEC, design m 1962 to 196 hase steam fr ricity: June 1 onstruction:

7, ippi River.

ut 3.4%, con veloped land at animals, a nversion of e total land k and lesser q ng also take ped land in V The more in for less than onsists almo roducts. O oqua, Wisco ingly rural a is account Wildlife and F ommunity in es to the LAC and residen Minnesota, ex der cultivatio d along the s during the y LACBWR f ome agricult orated town s LTP. The m ned, fabricate 67, rom the nucl

1962, November 5 Nearly 90%

nsisting mai d accounts fo and crop far f Vernon C in farms is quantities of es place at a Vernon Cou ntensive lan n 15% of tota ost exclusive One notable onsin located and undevelo ted for by Fish Refuge n the five m CBWR Site nces on small xtend west o on. A few d shoreline nea year.

five-mile rad tural use on of New Al major milest ed, construct lear plant to 5, 1962,

% of the Ve nly of water or less than rming. In r ounty's mar s now devot f maple and a number of unty is in the nd uses (indu al developed ely of opera exception i d 25 miles t oped. Of the water area

e. The devel mile radius o are within a l acreages.

of the reacto dozen reside ar State Hig dius. Most o n the bottom lbin, whose tones are:

ted and operate a ernon r area 6.6%

recent rginal ted to other f sites e low-

ustry, d land ations is the to the e area a and loped of the a mile or site
ences, hway f it is mland.


La Cross License T Revision Low Provi Provi LACB Final Comp The reac 96,274.6 The unit The LAC Turbine Storage T are curre and meta Vessel.

holds fiv 1.5.

P 1.5.1.

The LTP license a with the Safety A amendme The subs 1.5.2.

LTP Cha and exten remain a site chara determin The LAC Field Wo August 2 basis for specified (MARSS change th se Boiling W Termination n 0 power testin isional Oper isional Oper BWR perma l reactor defu pletion of fu tor was criti hours. The availability CBWR unit Building, 1B Tank Vault, ntly undergo allic radioact The ISFSI, e above-grou Plan Summa General I P describes th and to releas requirement Analysis Rep ent that estab sections belo Site Char apter 2 discu nt of radioac at the time o acterization, ned to be imp CBWR Radio Work (11) an 2015 Field W dividing the d in NUREG SIM) (13) fo he original c Water Reactor Plan ng completed rating author rating Licens anently shut ueling was c uel loading in ical for a tot e total gross factor was 6 consists of B Diesel Ge Ventilation oing decomm tive equipme located sout und Dry Sto ary Information he process u se the site fo ts in 10 CFR port (DSAR blishes the c ow provide a racterizatio usses the site ctive contam of license ter Solutions w pacted by the ological Cha nd LACBWR Work (12) p e site into su G-1575, Mu or classifica classification r

d: Septembe rization issue se, DPRA-45 down: Apri completed on nto the ISFS tal of 103,28 electrical en 62.9%.

f major buil enerator Buil Stack, Low missioning (

ent has been th of the Gen orage Casks w n

used to meet or unrestrict R 50.82(a)(9 R). The LTP criteria for w a brief summ n

characteriza mination on si rmination, so will plan rem e operation o aracterizatio R Radiologic rovided the urvey units.

ulti-Agency ation. Data n of an area, 1-7 er 1967, ed (DPRA-6 5 issued: Au il 30, 1987, n June 11, 19 I was compl 87.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />.

nergy genera dings and s lding, Waste w Specific A see Figure 1 n removed sin noa 3 fossil with 333 spe the requirem ted use. Th

9) and is sub P submittal when changes mary of the ot ation that ha ite prior to r oils, and gro mediation and of LACBWR on Survey R cal Charact foundation The survey Radiation from subse

, within the 6): October 3 ugust 28, 19 987, and leted on Sep The 50 MW ated was 4.0 structures su e Treatment Activity (LSA 1-3). Interm nce 2007, in station, bec ent fuel asse ments for ter he LTP has b bmitted as a is accompa s to the LTP ther seven ch as been condu remediation, ound water.

d Final Radi R.

Report for O terization Su for further y units were Survey and equent chara requirement 31, 1969, 73, ptember 19, 2 We generato 047 Gigawat uch as the R t Building, U A) building a mittent system ncluding the came operati emblies.

rminating the been prepar a supplement anied by a P require prio hapters of th ducted to dete including st Based on t iation Survey October and Survey Repo site charact evaluated ag d Site Inves acterization ts of this LT 2012.

or was on lin tt-Hours (GW Reactor Buil Underground and others w ms dismantle Reactor Pre ional in 2012 e 10 CFR Pa ed in accord t to the Defu proposed lic or NRC appr he LTP.

ermine the n tructures tha the results o ys (FRS) in d November rt for June terization an gainst the cr stigation Ma may be us TP, up to the ne for WH).

lding, d Gas which ement essure 2 and art 50 dance fueled cense roval.

nature at will of the areas 2014 thru nd the riteria anual ed to e time

La Cross License T Revision of FRS, remediat 1.5.3.

LTP Cha informati A des A sum Estim An es dispo Descr Solutions in NURE Facilities accordan Radioact administr Activitie than tho decommi operating The info sections remainin 1.5.4.

LTP Ch decommi in 10 CF remediat The selec of contam surfaces.

at backgr contamin structura standard other me Derived se Boiling W Termination n 0 as long as t ion in the ar Identifica apter 3 ident ion provided scription of t mmary of ra mates of asso stimate of th osal, and riptions of p s is decomm EG-0586, G s, Supplemen nce with the tive Waste rative, work s conducted ose conduct issioning ac g activities th rmation pro of the LTP ng dismantlem Remedia hapter 4 dis issioning to FR 20.1402 ion activitie cted remedia mination. T Very limite round levels nation has b l surfaces i and pressu ethods. Sur Concentrati Water Reactor Plan the classifica rea.

ation of Rem tifies the rem d in Chapter the areas and diological co ociated occup he types and proposed con missioning L Generic Envi nt 1, Volume e Solutions

Program, control and during deco ted during ctivities is b hat occurred vided in Ch P and provi ment activiti tion Plans scusses the reduce resid

. This chap s on the Rad ation method The principa ed soil conta s or a small been identif include scab re washing, rface and su on Guidelin r

ation reflect maining Site maining site 3 includes:

d equipment onditions tha pational radi quantities o ntrol mechan LACBWR in ironmental I e 1, (14). T s Safety an Off-Site D decommissi ommissionin plant oper bounded by d during majo hapter 3 supp ides sufficie ies.

various re dual contami pter also di diation Prote ds used are d al materials amination is fraction of fied to date bbling and wiping, gr ubsurface so ne Level (DC 1-8 ts the level o e Dismantle dismantlem t that need fu at may be en iation dose, f radioactive nisms to ensu n accordance Impact Stat The decomm nd Health P Dose Calcu ioning imple ng do not po rations. T y previously or maintenan ports the ass ent detail to emediation ination to lev scusses the ction Progra dependent up that may b expected; an the drinking

e. Remedia shaving, ch rit blasting, oil with activ CGL) will b of residual a ement Activ ment and dec urther remed ncountered, e material ge ure areas are e with the D tement on D missioning ac Program, Ra ulation Ma ementation p ose any great The radiolo y analyzed r nce and outa sessment of o identify r techniques vels that com ALARA ev am.

pon the cont be subject t ny noted gro g water stan ation techni hipping, spo mechanical vity levels i be removed activity exis vities contaminatio

diation, enerated for e not re-cont DECON alter Decommissio ctivities will adiation Prot anual (ODC procedures.

ter radiologi ogical risk radiological age activities f impacts con resources ne that may mply with th valuation an taminated m to remediati oundwater sa ndards; and ques that m onge and a fracturing in excess of and dispose sting prior to on activities.

release and taminated.

rnative desc oning of Nu l be conduct tection Prog CM), and ical or safety associated risk for fo


nsidered in eeded during be used d he release cr nd the impa material and e on are struc amples have no surface w may be used abrasive bla and cutting f the approp ed as radioa o any The cribed uclear ted in

gram, plant y risk with ormer other g the during riteria act of extent ctural been water d for

, and priate active

La Cross License T Revision waste.

excavato environm adequate 1.5.5.

LTP Cha packages of a Fin remainin demonstr use speci The FRS Objective assessme that are i ISFSI, w 1.5.6.

LTP Ch complian unrestrict scenarios

analysis, exposure LTP Cha contamin work tow Argonne code to d license te 1.5.7.

LTP Cha releasing with the 1.5.8.

LTP Cha significan terminati CFR 50.

se Boiling W Termination n 0 Soil remedi rs. Remed mental contro erosion, sed Final Rad apter 5 prese s, and instruc nal Status S ng building rate that the ified in 10 C S Plan descr es (DQO), su ent and comp identified as which will sti Complian hapter 6 pre nce with the ted use. Ch s, exposure DCGLs an e compliance apter 6 uses nation and r wards and be National La determine th ermination.

Update o apter 7 pro g the site for funds curren Supplem apter 8 upda nt environm ion activities 82(a)(9)(ii)(

Water Reactor Plan ation equipm diation of so ol procedure diment, and diation Surv ents the FRS ctions to per urvey (FSS basements.

LACBWR f CFR 20.1402 ribes the dev urvey metho pliance. Th s impacted.

ll remain a l nce with the esents the e radiologic apter 6 discu

pathways, nd Dose Fac e scenario an s radiologic radioactivity e verified by aboratory RE he radiologic of the Site-Sp ovides an up r unrestricted ntly available ent to the E ates the Envi mental impa
s. This sect G). In accor r

ment will in oils will inc es, as well air emission vey Plan S Plan which rform the FR

) for open The FRS facility and s (e.g. annual velopment o ods and instr he FRS Plan The adjace icensed area e Radiologic radiological cal criteria f usses the site computatio ctors, the de nd evaluation cal informat concentrati y the FSS or ESidual RA cal release c pecific Deco pdated estim d use. This e in the deco Environmen ironmental R acts associat ion of the L rdance with 1-9 nclude, but clude the us as appropria n controls du h will be use RS of the LA land areas Plan descr site comply l dose limit o of the survey rumentation, addresses o nt areas tha a, will not be cal Criteria l informatio for license e-specific in onal models erivation of n of alternati ion from C ion levels th r STS discus ADioactive m criteria for r ommissionin mate of the chapter also ommissionin tal Report Report for L ted with th LTP is prepar 10 CFR 51 not be lim se of establi ate work pa uring soil rem ed to develo ACBWR site and a Sour ribes the fin with radiolo of 25 mrem y plan, surv

, data collect only LACBW at are classif e subject to F a for License on and me termination nventory of r s used for area factor ive exposure Chapter 2 an hat Chapter ssed in Chap materials (RE remaining st ng Costs e remaining o compares t ng trust fund LACBWR w he sites de ared pursuan

.53(d), Solu mited to, bac ished excav ackage instru mediation.

op the site pr

. The FRS P rce Term S nal survey ogical criteri to AMCG p vey design a tion and pro WR structure fied as non-i FRS.

e Terminati ethods used and release radionuclide dose mode rs, the basis e scenarios.

nd establish 4 remediati pter 5. Solu ESRAD) v7.

tructures an decommiss the estimate


with new info ecommission nt to 10 CFR utions consid ck and track vation safety uctions to en rocedures, su Plan is comp Survey (STS process use ia for unrestr plus ALARA and Data Qu ocessing, and es and land impacted an ion to demon e of the sit s, future lan eling, sensi for the sel es the allow ion methods utions applie

.0 dose mod nd soils to en sioning cost ed remaining ormation and ning and lic R 51.53(d) an ders Chapter k hoe y and nsure urvey prised S) for ed to ricted A).

uality d data areas nd the strate te for nd use itivity lected wable s will ed the deling nable ts for g cost d any cense nd 10 r 8 to

La Cross License T Revision be a sup impacts a LTP Ch NUREG-reference that the adverse e environm LACBW have resu Environm NUREG-1.6.

R Solutions LACBW documen Decomm Revision LTP in a LTP, wit 50.82(a)(

Solutions condition NRC app Requ Resu Detra decom Decre Class notifi Incre minim Incre level an inv Chan test, o Incre se Boiling W Termination n 0 pplement to associated w apter 8 com

-0586, which e nuclear fac environmen effects outsi mental impa WR dated De ulted in no mental Asse

-0191 related Regulatory N s is submitti WR spans a p ntation is un issioning Pl March 2014 accordance w thout prior N (6), and 10 C s is also sub n that establ proval. Chan uires Commi lts in signifi acts or negat mmissioning eases a surve s 2 to Class 3 ication prior ases the DC mum detecta ases the radi (or correspo vestigation o nges the stati or ases the Typ Water Reactor Plan the Environ with the execu mpares the h provides a cility. The ntal effects f ide the boun acts was do ecember 198 significant essment in d to operatio Notification ng the LTP period that in nique in tha lan and Post 4 (15) which with 10 CFR NRC approv CFR 50.82(a bmitting a pr lishes the cr nges to the L ssion approv cant environ tes the reason g,

ey unit area 3; or Class 1 r to impleme GLs (or dec able concentr ioactivity lev onding sourc occurs),

istical test ap pe I decision r

nmental Rep ution of the described a generic env environmen for decomm nds of NUR cumented in

87. LACBW environmen support of on of LACBW s of Change as a supplem ncludes seve at the requi t-Shutdown D h serves as t R 50.71(e).

val, in acco a)(7).

roposed ame riteria for d LTP require val pursuant nmental impa nable assura classificatio to Class 3 w nting the ch creases dose rations (for b vel, relative ce term inven pplied to one n error.

1-10 port addressi described de decommissi vironmental ntal assessm missioning LA REG-0586.

n a supplem WR decomm ntal impact the August WR, dated A es ment to the D eral decomm ired safety a Decommissio the DSAR fo Once approv rdance with endment to t etermining w prior NRC a to 10 CFR 5 acts not prev ance that ade on (i.e., impa without prov ange in class factors from both scan an to the applic ntory levels e other than t ing the actua ecommission oning attrib assessment f ment perform ACBWR ar Review of ment to the missioning a not previou t 7, 1991, April 21, 198 DSAR. Bec missioning re analyses are oning Activi for LACBWR ved, Solutio h the criteria the LACBW when chang approval wh 50.59, viously revie equate funds acted to not i viding NRC sification, m the Baseme nd fixed mea cable derived in the Basem the Sign test al or potenti ning activiti butes to tho for the decom med by Solu re minimal a post-operat e Environm and dismant usly evaluat Decommiss


cause the lic egulation cha e included ities Report R. Solution ons may mak a in 10 CFR WR license th ges to the L en the chang ewed, will be avai impacted, Cl a minimum ent Fill Mod asurement m d concentrat ment Fill Mo t or Wilcoxo ial environm es.

ose identifie mmissioning utions determ and there ar ing license ental Repor tlement activ ed in the N sioning Ord censing histo anges, the D in the LAC (D-Plan/PSD ns will updat ke changes t R 50.59, 10 hat adds a lic LTP require ge:

ilable for lass 1 to Cla 14 day del) and relat methods),

tion guidelin odel), at whi on Rank Sum mental ed in g of a mined re no stage rt for vities NRC's er or ory of DSAR CBWR DAR) te the to the CFR cense prior ass 2; ted ne ich m

La Cross License T Revision The cont Gerard P Vice Pre LaCrosse S4601 St Genoa, W (224) 789 gpvannoo 1.7.









U fo


U re C





















N se Boiling W Termination n 0 act for LTP P. van Noord sident, Regu eSolutions, L tate Road 35 WI. 54632-88 9-4025 ordennen@en References Letter from D Application f License Ame U.S. Nuclear Content of Li 011.

U.S. Nuclear or Evaluating U.S. Nuclear elated to Ope Cooperative -

Letter from D lanning for I www.wunder www.mvp.wc Dairyland Po Decommissio ttp:// 008 Vernon EnergySoluti urvey Repor EnergySoluti urvey Repor U.S. Nuclear Radiation Sur U.S. Nuclear tatement on November 20 Water Reactor Plan information dennen ulatory Affai LLC 5

846 nergysolution Dairyland Po for Order Ap ndments, da Regulatory icense Termi Regulatory g Nuclear Po Regulatory eration of th

- April 1980 Dairyland Po ISFSI, LAC wer Coopera oning Plan, r County Tax ons GG-EO-rt for Octobe ons LC-RS-rt for June th Regulatory rvey and Site Regulatory Decommiss 002.

r n, including a irs ower Cooper pproving Lic ated October Commission ination Plan Commission ower Reacto Commission he La Crosse ower Compan

-14029, Mar

m. ative, LaCro revised Nove m/city/Genoa x Assessmen

-313196-RS er and Novem PN-164017-hru August 2 Commission e Investigati Commission sioning of Nu 1-11 any submitte ative to the N cense Transfe 8, 2015.

n, Regulator s for Nuclea n NUREG-1 or License Te n NUREG-0 Boiling Wa ny to the Nu rch 10, 2008 ts/Lock 8.

osse Boiling ember 2003.


nt Rolls.

S-RP-001, LA mber 2014 F

-001, LACB 2015 Field W n, NUREG-1 ion Manual (

n NUREG-0 uclear Facili ed changes a Nuclear Reg fer and Confo ry Guide 1.1 ar Power Rea 1700, Revisio ermination P 0191, Final E ater Reactor uclear Regul


Water Reac


ACBWR Ra Field Work -

BWR Radiolo Work - Nove 1575, Revisi (MARSSIM 0586, Generi ities, Supple and updates, gulatory Com forming Adm 79, Standard actors, Revis on 1, Standa Plans - Apri Environment by Dairylan atory Comm ctor (LACBW adiological C

- November ogical Chara ember 2015.

ion 1, Multi-M), August 20 ic Environm ement 1, Vol is:

mmission, ministrative d Format and sion 1 - June ard Review P il 2003.

tal Statemen nd Power mission, Subj WR)

Characterizat r 2015.


-Agency 000.

mental Impact lume 1 -

d e

Plan nt ject:

tion t

La Cross License T Revision



se Boiling W Termination n 0 Dairyland Po Decommissio Water Reactor Plan wer Coopera oning Activit r

ative, LACB ties Report (

1-12 BWR Decom (D-Plan/PSD mmissioning DAR), Revis Plan and Po sion - March ost-Shutdown h 2014.


La Cross License T Revision se Boiling W Termination n 0 Water Reactor Plan Fig r

ure 1-1 S

1-13 Site Regionaal Location

La Cross License T Revision se Boiling W Termination n 0 Water Reactor Plan r

Figure 1-2 1-14 2

Site Ovverview


R La Crosse Boilin License Termin Revision 0 ng Water React ation Plan or Figure 1-3 1-15 LACBWR Buildings

La Cross License T Revision se Boiling W Termination n 0 Water Reactor Plan Fi r

igure 1-4 1-16 Topographhical Map