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{{#Wiki_filter:"5 ":15,'October 1973U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSIONDREGULATO RYDIRECTORATE OF REGULATORY STANDARDSGUIDESREGULATORY GUIDE 1.67INSTALLATION OF OVERPRESSURE PROTECTION DEVICESA. INTRODUCTIONGeneral Design Criterion I, "Quality Standards andRecords," of Appendix A, "General Design Criteria forNuclear Power Plants," to 10 CFR Part 50, "Licensingof Production and Utilization Facilities," reauires thatstructures, systems, and components important to safetybe designed, fabricated, erected, and tested to qualitystandards commensurate with the importance of thesafety functions to be performed. This Regulatory Guidedescribes a method acceptable to the AEC RegulatorystalT for implementing Ihis criterion with regard to thedesign of piping for safety valve and relief valve stationswhich have open discharge systems with limiteddischarge pipes and which have inlet piping that neithercontains a water seal nor is subject to slug flow of waterupon discharge of the valves. This guide applies tolight-water-cooled reactors. The Advisory Committee onReactor Safeguards has been consulted concerning thisguide and has concurred in the regulatory position.B. DISCUSSIONPressure relief valves are required to be installed onthe reactor coolant system pressure boundary of nuclearpower plants to provide overpressure protection. Failureof the valve or piping to the valve, however, canconstitute the equivalent of an open-ended rupture ofthe piping.The Working Group on Piping of the ASME Boilerand Pressure Vessel Code, Section III,' has developed a('ode Case which includes requirements and guidance forthe design of piping for pressure relief valve stations.This Case was approved on March 3, 1973, as Case 1569,Interpretations of the ASME Boiler and Pressure VesselCode.' American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler andPressure Vessel Code, Section III, "'Nuclear Power PlantComponents," hereinafter referred to as the Code.For those pressure relief valve stations within itsscope, ASME Code Case 1569, "Design of Piping forPressure Relief Valve Station," provides guidance thatmay be used in the design and analysis of piping for apressure relief/safety valve station. However, because ofthe limited scope of the code case, the followingadditional guidelines should be employed:1. Appendix B, "Owner's Design Specifications," ofSection III of the Code indicates in paragraph B-1 223.2that the' Design Specification should stipulate the loads,the effect of which must be combined with the designpressure effects for comparison with the several primarystress-intensity limits at the design temperature. CodeCase 1569 requires inclusion of the reaction force(including dynamic effects) among those loads to becompared to the primary stress-intensity limit.;.Therefore, the magnitude 'of the reaction forces shouldbe stipulated in the Owner's Design Specification,including the anticipated transient behavior of theforces.2. Subarticles NB-7300, "Overpressure ProtectionReport," and NC-7300, "Overpressure ProtectionAnalysis," of the Code require submission of adocumented analysis of the transient conditions andoperating conditions that give rise to the maximumrelieving requirements. Therefore, for those systemswhere an overpressure report or analysis is required, theindividuals preparing these documents should alsoevaluate, stipulate, and, where certification is required.certify the magnitude of the reaction force anticipatedfrom discharge of the valves. They should also stipulatethe anticipated transient behavior of this force.3. Experience seems to indicate that the discharge ofone valve in a multiple-valve installation on a single runpipe could 'lead to premature discharge of the othervalves due to mechanical or hydraulic shock transmittedthrough the common piping or due to other types ofinteraction. Because of this potential for simultaneousUSAEC REGULATORY GUIDES Copies of published guides may be obtained by request indicating the division-desired to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D.C. 20545,Regulatory Guides are issued to describe and make available to the public Attention: Director of Regulatory Standards. Comments and suggestions fotmethods acceptable to the AEC Regulatory staff of implementing specific parts of improvements in these guides are encouraged and should be sent to the Secretar,.the Commissions' regulations, to delineate techniques used by the staff in of the Commission, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D.C. 20545,evaluating specific problems or postulated accidents, or to provide guidance to Attention: Chief, Public Proceedings Staff.applicants. Regulatory Guides are not substitutes for regulations and compliancewith them is not reouired. Methods and solutions different from those set out in The guides are issued in the following ten broad divisions:the guides will be acceptable if they provide a basis for the findings requisite tothe iruance or continuance of a permit or license by the Commission. 1. Power Reactors 6. Products2. Research and Test Reactors 7. TranspOrtation3. Fuels and Materials Facilities 8. Occupational HealthPublished guides will be revised periodically, as appropriate, to accommodate 4. Environmental and Siting 9. Antitrust Reviewcomments and to reflect new information or experience. 6. Materials and Plant Protection 10. General discharge, a reasonable position to assure adequatestrength is to require consideration of the most severepotenlial sequence of discharges; e.g., either thesimultaneous discharge of' all the relief valves on anysingle run pipe in a multiple-valve installation and therestiltani combined dynamic load or, where forces maycou.lllei:act each other, a sequence of discharges suchthat the dynamic effects combine in that phase relationwhich is estimated to induce the maximum effect at anypo)int. Multiple discharge reaction forces which act toinduce forces or moments in directions opposite to eachother should not be considered to act with theirDynamic Load Factor (DLF) applied simultaneously.4. The requirements of Code Case 1569 do not clearlystate that the reaction forces and moments are to beincluded in evaluation of stresses for all components andall connecting welds of the pressure relief station and therun pipe. Also, the Code Case does not clearly state thatmaximum instantaneous values of forces and momentsshould be used in the calculation of both primarystresses and secondary stresses. The maximuminstantaneous value should be determined either byapplying a Dynamic Load Factor to the steady-stateforces and moments or by performing a dynamichvdraulic/structural system analysis, as stated in theCode Case. Regulatory Positions C.3. and C4. areincluded to clarify these requirements. A Dynamic LoadFactor of 2.0 may be Used in lieu of a dynamic analysisto determine the DLF.5. Code Case 1569 indicates in Category 4 that,Jet:_iited reeps ar. under consideration fnr the design ofpiping of a pressure relief valve installation with closeddischarge systems, open discharge systems with a longdischarge pipe, and systems with slug flow as from awater seal. The scope of this regulatory guide does notinclude such systems.C. REGULATORY POSITIONFor those pressure relief valve stations2 within itsscope, ASME Code Case 1569, "Design of Piping for2These requirements should also be considered forapplication to blowdown valves whose discharge pipe geometrykneets tile requirements of Code Case 1569.Pressure Relief Valve Station," should be used in thedesign and evaluation of the structural and pressureboundary integrity of piping subjected to the reactionforces associated with pressure relief valve discharges,supplemented by the following:I. The magnitude of the reaction force resulting fromdischarge of the pressure relief valve, the anticipatedtransient behavior of this force, and the basis for thedetermination of the specified magnitude should be setforth in the Report on Overpressure Protection orAnalysis on Overpressure Protection and in the Owner'sDesign Specication, for cases where such reports arerequired by the Code.'2. Where more than one valve is installed on the samerun pipe, the sequence of valve openings to be assumedin analyzing for the stress at any piping location shouldbe that sequence which is estimated to induce themaximum instantaneous value of stress at that location,unless another sequence is specified in the DesignSpecification based on justification delineated in theReport on Overpressure Protection or Analysis onOverpressure Protection.3. Stresses should be evaluated, and applicable stresslimits as cited in Code Case 1569 should be satisfied forall components of the run pipe and connecting systemsand the pressure relief valve station including supportsand all connecting welds between these components.4. In meeting the requirements of paragraph C.3.above, the contribution from the reaction force and themoments resulting from that force should include theeffects of the Dynamic Load Factor or should use themaximum instantaneous values of forces and momentsfor that location as determined by the dynamichydraulic/structural system analysis. This requirementshould be satisfied in demonstrating satisfaction of alldesign limits at all locations of the run pipe and thepressure relief valve station for Class 1, 2, and 3 piping.A Dynamic Load Factor (DLF) of 2.0 may be used inlieu of a dynamic analysis to determine the DLF.1 .67-2}}
General Design Criterion I, "Quality Standards andRecords," of Appendix A, "General Design Criteria forNuclear Power Plants," to 10 CFR Part 50, "Licensingof Production and Utilization Facilities," reauires thatstructures, systems, and components important to safetybe designed, fabricated, erected, and tested to qualitystandards commensurate with the importance of thesafety functions to be performed. This Regulatory Guidedescribes a method acceptable to the AEC RegulatorystalT for implementing Ihis criterion with regard to thedesign of piping for safety valve and relief valve stationswhich have open discharge systems with limiteddischarge pipes and which have inlet piping that neithercontains a water seal nor is subject to slug flow of waterupon discharge of the valves. This guide applies tolight-water-cooled reactors. The Advisory Committee onReactor Safeguards has been consulted concerning thisguide and has concurred in the regulatory position.
Pressure relief valves are required to be installed onthe reactor coolant system pressure boundary of nuclearpower plants to provide overpressure protection. Failureof the valve or piping to the valve, however, canconstitute the equivalent of an open-ended rupture ofthe piping.The Working Group on Piping of the ASME Boilerand Pressure Vessel Code, Section III,' has developed a('ode Case which includes requirements and guidance forthe design of piping for pressure relief valve stations.This Case was approved on March 3, 1973, as Case 1569,Interpretations of the ASME Boiler and Pressure VesselCode.' American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler andPressure Vessel Code, Section III, "'Nuclear Power PlantComponents," hereinafter referred to as the Code.For those pressure relief valve stations within itsscope, ASME Code Case 1569, "Design of Piping forPressure Relief Valve Station," provides guidance thatmay be used in the design and analysis of piping for apressure relief/safety valve station. However, because ofthe limited scope of the code case, the followingadditional guidelines should be employed:1. Appendix B, "Owner's Design Specifications," ofSection III of the Code indicates in paragraph B-1 223.2that the' Design Specification should stipulate the loads,the effect of which must be combined with the designpressure effects for comparison with the several primarystress-intensity limits at the design temperature. CodeCase 1569 requires inclusion of the reaction force(including dynamic effects) among those loads to becompared to the primary stress-intensity limit.;.Therefore, the magnitude 'of the reaction forces shouldbe stipulated in the Owner's Design Specification,including the anticipated transient behavior of theforces.2. Subarticles NB-7300, "Overpressure ProtectionReport," and NC-7300, "Overpressure ProtectionAnalysis," of the Code require submission of adocumented analysis of the transient conditions andoperating conditions that give rise to the maximumrelieving requirements. Therefore, for those systemswhere an overpressure report or analysis is required, theindividuals preparing these documents should alsoevaluate, stipulate, and, where certification is required.certify the magnitude of the reaction force anticipatedfrom discharge of the valves. They should also stipulatethe anticipated transient behavior of this force.3. Experience seems to indicate that the discharge ofone valve in a multiple-valve installation on a single runpipe could 'lead to premature discharge of the othervalves due to mechanical or hydraulic shock transmittedthrough the common piping or due to other types ofinteraction. Because of this potential for simultaneousUSAEC REGULATORY GUIDES Copies of published guides may be obtained by request indicating the division-desired to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D.C. 20545,Regulatory Guides are issued to describe and make available to the public Attention: Director of Regulatory Standards. Comments and suggestions fotmethods acceptable to the AEC Regulatory staff of implementing specific parts of improvements in these guides are encouraged and should be sent to the Secretar,.the Commissions' regulations, to delineate techniques used by the staff in of the Commission, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D.C. 20545,evaluating specific problems or postulated accidents, or to provide guidance to Attention: Chief, Public Proceedings Staff.applicants. Regulatory Guides are not substitutes for regulations and compliancewith them is not reouired. Methods and solutions different from those set out in The guides are issued in the following ten broad divisions:the guides will be acceptable if they provide a basis for the findings requisite tothe iruance or continuance of a permit or license by the Commission. 1. Power Reactors 6. Products2. Research and Test Reactors 7. TranspOrtation3. Fuels and Materials Facilities 8. Occupational HealthPublished guides will be revised periodically, as appropriate, to accommodate 4. Environmental and Siting 9. Antitrust Reviewcomments and to reflect new information or experience. 6. Materials and Plant Protection 10. General discharge, a reasonable position to assure adequatestrength is to require consideration of the most severepotenlial sequence of discharges; e.g., either thesimultaneous discharge of' all the relief valves on anysingle run pipe in a multiple-valve installation and therestiltani combined dynamic load or, where forces maycou.lllei:act each other, a sequence of discharges suchthat the dynamic effects combine in that phase relationwhich is estimated to induce the maximum effect at anypo)int. Multiple discharge reaction forces which act toinduce forces or moments in directions opposite to eachother should not be considered to act with theirDynamic Load Factor (DLF) applied simultaneously.4. The requirements of Code Case 1569 do not clearlystate that the reaction forces and moments are to beincluded in evaluation of stresses for all components andall connecting welds of the pressure relief station and therun pipe. Also, the Code Case does not clearly state thatmaximum instantaneous values of forces and momentsshould be used in the calculation of both primarystresses and secondary stresses. The maximuminstantaneous value should be determined either byapplying a Dynamic Load Factor to the steady-stateforces and moments or by performing a dynamichvdraulic/structural system analysis, as stated in theCode Case. Regulatory Positions C.3. and C4. areincluded to clarify these requirements. A Dynamic LoadFactor of 2.0 may be Used in lieu of a dynamic analysisto determine the DLF.5. Code Case 1569 indicates in Category 4 that,Jet:_iited reeps ar. under consideration fnr the design ofpiping of a pressure relief valve installation with closeddischarge systems, open discharge systems with a longdischarge pipe, and systems with slug flow as from awater seal. The scope of this regulatory guide does notinclude such systems.
For those pressure relief valve stations2 within itsscope, ASME Code Case 1569, "Design of Piping for2These requirements should also be considered forapplication to blowdown valves whose discharge pipe geometrykneets tile requirements of Code Case 1569.Pressure Relief Valve Station," should be used in thedesign and evaluation of the structural and pressureboundary integrity of piping subjected to the reactionforces associated with pressure relief valve discharges,supplemented by the following:I. The magnitude of the reaction force resulting fromdischarge of the pressure relief valve, the anticipatedtransient behavior of this force, and the basis for thedetermination of the specified magnitude should be setforth in the Report on Overpressure Protection orAnalysis on Overpressure Protection and in the Owner'sDesign Specication, for cases where such reports arerequired by the Code.'2. Where more than one valve is installed on the samerun pipe, the sequence of valve openings to be assumedin analyzing for the stress at any piping location shouldbe that sequence which is estimated to induce themaximum instantaneous value of stress at that location,unless another sequence is specified in the DesignSpecification based on justification delineated in theReport on Overpressure Protection or Analysis onOverpressure Protection.3. Stresses should be evaluated, and applicable stresslimits as cited in Code Case 1569 should be satisfied forall components of the run pipe and connecting systemsand the pressure relief valve station including supportsand all connecting welds between these components.4. In meeting the requirements of paragraph C.3.above, the contribution from the reaction force and themoments resulting from that force should include theeffects of the Dynamic Load Factor or should use themaximum instantaneous values of forces and momentsfor that location as determined by the dynamichydraulic/structural system analysis. This requirementshould be satisfied in demonstrating satisfaction of alldesign limits at all locations of the run pipe and thepressure relief valve station for Class 1, 2, and 3 piping.A Dynamic Load Factor (DLF) of 2.0 may be used inlieu of a dynamic analysis to determine the DLF.1 .67-2}}


Revision as of 23:15, 5 March 2018

Installation of Overpressure Protection Devices
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/31/1973
US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)
Download: ML13064A109 (2)



General Design Criterion I, "Quality Standards andRecords," of Appendix A, "General Design Criteria forNuclear Power Plants," to 10 CFR Part 50, "Licensingof Production and Utilization Facilities," reauires thatstructures, systems, and components important to safetybe designed, fabricated, erected, and tested to qualitystandards commensurate with the importance of thesafety functions to be performed. This Regulatory Guidedescribes a method acceptable to the AEC RegulatorystalT for implementing Ihis criterion with regard to thedesign of piping for safety valve and relief valve stationswhich have open discharge systems with limiteddischarge pipes and which have inlet piping that neithercontains a water seal nor is subject to slug flow of waterupon discharge of the valves. This guide applies tolight-water-cooled reactors. The Advisory Committee onReactor Safeguards has been consulted concerning thisguide and has concurred in the regulatory position.


Pressure relief valves are required to be installed onthe reactor coolant system pressure boundary of nuclearpower plants to provide overpressure protection. Failureof the valve or piping to the valve, however, canconstitute the equivalent of an open-ended rupture ofthe piping.The Working Group on Piping of the ASME Boilerand Pressure Vessel Code,Section III,' has developed a('ode Case which includes requirements and guidance forthe design of piping for pressure relief valve stations.This Case was approved on March 3, 1973, as Case 1569,Interpretations of the ASME Boiler and Pressure VesselCode.' American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler andPressure Vessel Code,Section III, "'Nuclear Power PlantComponents," hereinafter referred to as the Code.For those pressure relief valve stations within itsscope, ASME Code Case 1569, "Design of Piping forPressure Relief Valve Station," provides guidance thatmay be used in the design and analysis of piping for apressure relief/safety valve station. However, because ofthe limited scope of the code case, the followingadditional guidelines should be employed:1. Appendix B, "Owner's Design Specifications," ofSection III of the Code indicates in paragraph B-1 223.2that the' Design Specification should stipulate the loads,the effect of which must be combined with the designpressure effects for comparison with the several primarystress-intensity limits at the design temperature. CodeCase 1569 requires inclusion of the reaction force(including dynamic effects) among those loads to becompared to the primary stress-intensity limit.;.Therefore, the magnitude 'of the reaction forces shouldbe stipulated in the Owner's Design Specification,including the anticipated transient behavior of theforces.2. Subarticles NB-7300, "Overpressure ProtectionReport," and NC-7300, "Overpressure ProtectionAnalysis," of the Code require submission of adocumented analysis of the transient conditions andoperating conditions that give rise to the maximumrelieving requirements. Therefore, for those systemswhere an overpressure report or analysis is required, theindividuals preparing these documents should alsoevaluate, stipulate, and, where certification is required.certify the magnitude of the reaction force anticipatedfrom discharge of the valves. They should also stipulatethe anticipated transient behavior of this force.3. Experience seems to indicate that the discharge ofone valve in a multiple-valve installation on a single runpipe could 'lead to premature discharge of the othervalves due to mechanical or hydraulic shock transmittedthrough the common piping or due to other types ofinteraction. Because of this potential for simultaneousUSAEC REGULATORY GUIDES Copies of published guides may be obtained by request indicating the division-desired to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D.C. 20545,Regulatory Guides are issued to describe and make available to the public Attention: Director of Regulatory Standards. Comments and suggestions fotmethods acceptable to the AEC Regulatory staff of implementing specific parts of improvements in these guides are encouraged and should be sent to the Secretar,.the Commissions' regulations, to delineate techniques used by the staff in of the Commission, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D.C. 20545,evaluating specific problems or postulated accidents, or to provide guidance to Attention: Chief, Public Proceedings Staff.applicants. Regulatory Guides are not substitutes for regulations and compliancewith them is not reouired. Methods and solutions different from those set out in The guides are issued in the following ten broad divisions:the guides will be acceptable if they provide a basis for the findings requisite tothe iruance or continuance of a permit or license by the Commission. 1. Power Reactors 6. Products2. Research and Test Reactors 7. TranspOrtation3. Fuels and Materials Facilities 8. Occupational HealthPublished guides will be revised periodically, as appropriate, to accommodate 4. Environmental and Siting 9. Antitrust Reviewcomments and to reflect new information or experience. 6. Materials and Plant Protection 10. General discharge, a reasonable position to assure adequatestrength is to require consideration of the most severepotenlial sequence of discharges; e.g., either thesimultaneous discharge of' all the relief valves on anysingle run pipe in a multiple-valve installation and therestiltani combined dynamic load or, where forces maycou.lllei:act each other, a sequence of discharges suchthat the dynamic effects combine in that phase relationwhich is estimated to induce the maximum effect at anypo)int. Multiple discharge reaction forces which act toinduce forces or moments in directions opposite to eachother should not be considered to act with theirDynamic Load Factor (DLF) applied simultaneously.4. The requirements of Code Case 1569 do not clearlystate that the reaction forces and moments are to beincluded in evaluation of stresses for all components andall connecting welds of the pressure relief station and therun pipe. Also, the Code Case does not clearly state thatmaximum instantaneous values of forces and momentsshould be used in the calculation of both primarystresses and secondary stresses. The maximuminstantaneous value should be determined either byapplying a Dynamic Load Factor to the steady-stateforces and moments or by performing a dynamichvdraulic/structural system analysis, as stated in theCode Case. Regulatory Positions C.3. and C4. areincluded to clarify these requirements. A Dynamic LoadFactor of 2.0 may be Used in lieu of a dynamic analysisto determine the DLF.5. Code Case 1569 indicates in Category 4 that,Jet:_iited reeps ar. under consideration fnr the design ofpiping of a pressure relief valve installation with closeddischarge systems, open discharge systems with a longdischarge pipe, and systems with slug flow as from awater seal. The scope of this regulatory guide does notinclude such systems.


For those pressure relief valve stations2 within itsscope, ASME Code Case 1569, "Design of Piping for2These requirements should also be considered forapplication to blowdown valves whose discharge pipe geometrykneets tile requirements of Code Case 1569.Pressure Relief Valve Station," should be used in thedesign and evaluation of the structural and pressureboundary integrity of piping subjected to the reactionforces associated with pressure relief valve discharges,supplemented by the following:I. The magnitude of the reaction force resulting fromdischarge of the pressure relief valve, the anticipatedtransient behavior of this force, and the basis for thedetermination of the specified magnitude should be setforth in the Report on Overpressure Protection orAnalysis on Overpressure Protection and in the Owner'sDesign Specication, for cases where such reports arerequired by the Code.'2. Where more than one valve is installed on the samerun pipe, the sequence of valve openings to be assumedin analyzing for the stress at any piping location shouldbe that sequence which is estimated to induce themaximum instantaneous value of stress at that location,unless another sequence is specified in the DesignSpecification based on justification delineated in theReport on Overpressure Protection or Analysis onOverpressure Protection.3. Stresses should be evaluated, and applicable stresslimits as cited in Code Case 1569 should be satisfied forall components of the run pipe and connecting systemsand the pressure relief valve station including supportsand all connecting welds between these components.4. In meeting the requirements of paragraph C.3.above, the contribution from the reaction force and themoments resulting from that force should include theeffects of the Dynamic Load Factor or should use themaximum instantaneous values of forces and momentsfor that location as determined by the dynamichydraulic/structural system analysis. This requirementshould be satisfied in demonstrating satisfaction of alldesign limits at all locations of the run pipe and thepressure relief valve station for Class 1, 2, and 3 piping.A Dynamic Load Factor (DLF) of 2.0 may be used inlieu of a dynamic analysis to determine the DLF.1 .67-2