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{{#Wiki_filter:t UNITED KTATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WA5HINGTON, D. C. 20%6 INFORMATION REPORT November 13. 1997                                                  SECY 97-267 fat:              The Commissioners From:              James L. Blaha, Assistant for Operations. Office of the EDO Sub.iect :        WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 7, 1997 Contents                                              Enclosure Nuclear Reactor Regulation                                A Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards                    B Nuclear Regulatory Research                                C Analysis and Evaluction of Operational Data D
General Counsel                                            E*
Administration                                            F Chief Information Officer                                  G*
Chief Financial Officer                                    H*
Hun 3n Resources                                          I Small Business & Civil Rights                              J*
Enforcement                                                K*
State Programs                                            L*
Public Affairs                                            M International Programs                                    N*
Office of the Secretary                                    0 Region I                                                  P Region 11                                                  P Region III                                                P*                          O.
Region IV                                                  P                      y        ;
Executive Director for Operations Congressional Affairs 0*
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          *No input this week.
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Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation                              .
                                        -Items of Interest Week-Ending November 7, 1997 Public Meetina Betweel NRC Staff and Westinabouse Os ners# Grouo on Motor-Doerated Valve (MOV) Risk- Rankina Acoroach-In response to General Letter 96 05. " Periodic Verification of Design-Basis Capability of Safety-Related Motor-0perated Valves." the Westinghouse Owners' Group (WOG) submitted Revision 0 to 40G Engineering Report V-EC-1658 " Risk Ranking Approach for Motor-0perated Valves in Response to Generic Letter 96-05." dated June 2. 1997 for NRC staff review. The WOG prepared Engineering Report V-EC-1658 to provide assistance to individual licensees in ranking MOVs according to their risk significance _ in support of the development of GL 96-05
    -programs. The _WOG also intends that licensees will be able to apply the MOV risk ranking approach in implementing an industry-wide Joint Owners Group (J0G) Program on MOV Periodic Verification for which a staff safety evaluation has just been issued. In the J0G arogram, test intervals for MOVs will be established based on the MOV's rist significance and functional margin.
On October 30, 1997. the NRC staff held a public meeting with WOG representatives to discuss WOG Engineering Re) ort V-EC-1658. Meeting participants included NRC staff from the NRR 3robabilistic Safety Assessment Branch Mechanical Engineering Branch, and Generic Issues and Environmental Branch. During the meeting, the WOG representatives discussed specific aspects of the engineering report in detail. in res)onse to NRC staff          --
comments the WOG representatives agreed to ' revise tie engineering re) ort to resolve those comments. The NRC staff is areparing minutes of the pu)lic meeting. The WOG representatives stated t1at submittal of a revised engineering report is anticipated for early December 1997. The NRC staff plans to complete its review of the WOG engineering report and to prepare a safety evaluation on the results of the staff review by early 1998. It is expected that the NRC staff will conclude that, with certain conditions and limitations, the WOG program provides an acceptable method for risk ranking MOVs for Westinghouse-designed plants.      It is noted that NRC staff previously accepted, with certain conditions and limitations, a method developed by the Boiling-Water Reactor.(BWR) Owners Grou) to risk rank MOVs in BWR plants as described in a safety evaluation dated rebruary 27, 1996.
NRC-NEI/EPRI Meetina on Containment Insoection Rule Regulation 10 CFR 50.55a. " Codes and Standards." was amended in August 1996 to incorporate the requirements for inspection of containments. The amended regulation endorses-the 1992 Edition with the 1992 Addenda of Subsections IWE/lWL of Section XI of the ASME B & PV code which prescribes the requirements'for inspection of containraents. The rule became effective on September 9.1996._ and it requires the licensees'to complete the first period inspection of the containments before September 9, 2001.      NEl requested the  -
meeting to discuss the issues related to the implementation of the rule.
The. meeting was held at NRC on October 23. 1997.      NE! defined the purpose of
      -the meeting as informing the NRC about industry activities: perceived NOVEMBER 7. 1997-                                                      ENCLOSURE A
hardships in implementint            a rule: and EPRI (as consultant to NEI) activities in advising the licensees in streamlinir, the procedures for containment inspection, containment leak tight integrity (Arendix J of 10 CFR Part.50).            . . _ .
and the maintenance rule (10 CFR 50.65). NEI/E MI identified certain Code required inspection activities that might be of questionable value for the purpose of containment inspection. For example lighting needs for concrete (VT-3) examination retorquing of bolts for containment hatches, and different procedures for- qualifying NDE personnel (for Class 1. 2. and 3 components and containments). Such Code requirements have been revised in the later Edition and Addenda of the Code.      EPRI discussed their ideas on alternatives to the Code requirements where the industry is experiencin9 hardship in implementing; them. The merits of the alternatives. in generic terms. were discussed during the meeting. Such alternatives may be submitted by the licensees as relief requests, The staff will review the requests on a plant specific basis. The proposed revision to 10 CFR 50.55a should resolve several of the issues identified by NEl/EPRI.
Meetina with EPRI Human Performance Technoloav Subcommittee On November 6, 1997. representatives of the Human Factors Assessment Branch.
NRR. and the Control. Instrumentation, and Human Factors Branch. RES. met with the EPRI Human Performance Technology (HPT) Subcommittee including representatives from eleven naclear utilities and observers from INP0 and NEl for an informal information exchange on current issues and activities in tne area of human performance. The subcommittee meets annually to revise the EPRI HPT Research and Development program. The meeting agenda included an overview of EPRI numan performance efforts and an overview of the NRC Human Performance and Reliability Implementation Plan and human performance research and regulatory activities.
Seminars on Risk-Informed Reaulation Continue During the week anding November 1. 1997, two additional mandatory seminars on risk-informed regulations were conducted, On October 28. 1997, the Director.
Division of Safety and Analysis, and acting Branch Chief of NRR's PRA branch presented the seminar to approximately 100 NRR staff members. This seminar was videotaped to allow viewing by staff members who were not able to attend the planned seminars. On October 29, 1997, a seminar was also presented the seminar at a Region I counterpart meeting. The purpose of these mandatory seminars is to motivate and familiarize the staff on the uses of risk-informeu regulatory initiatives. The seminars provided attendees with a brief background on the PRA policy statement and associated PRA implementation plan, the scope of ri u -informed regulation. and staff expectations and responsibilities. - At both seminars, an overview of objectives and o            expectations for the use of PRA insights in ins)ection activities was provided. Many good questions were raised on t1e Commission's risk-informed regulation process.                                                                            '
Fire Protection Rulemakina On November 5, 1997, members of the Plant Systems Branch met with representatives of the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) and of the Electric NOVEMBER 7, 1997                                                    ENCLOSURE A
: c.    . .    ..
Power Research Institute as well as members of the public. The pur)ose of the meeting was to discuss the results of an industry survey conducted )y NEl regarding a proposed fire protection rulemaking effort and to obtain comments from the meeting partici) ants. An NEl representative stated that 1) according to the survey results. tie industry is not in favor of a new rule: 2) the industry plans, however, to participate extensively in the rulemaking effort if the Commission directs the staff to procced: 3) NEI recently created a task force to assist the staff in the effort: and 4) NEl will provide the staff with a written sumniary of the survey results before the end of the year. At the close of the meeting, the staff and NEl agreed to hold regular meetings to                                                                    i resolve issues related to the rulemaking effort as appropriate.
Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station. Unit 3 Jet Pump Riser Weld Cracking On October 18. 1997, during visual inspections of reactor vessel internals.
PEC0 Energy 3ersonnel found weld cracking in three jet pump riser welds. PECO Energy attriauted the cracking to intergranular stress-corrosion cracking and to fatigue. PECO Energy prepared a 10 CFR 50.59 analysis on the cracking and forwarded a copy of the analysis to the NRC at our request. Staff review is ongoing. The analysis supported PECO Energy operating with the cracking at about 80% reactor coolant recirculation drive flow for a period of up to 8 months. This corresponds to about 90% reactor power.                                        PECO Energy started up Unit 3 from its refueling outage on November 2. 1997. Unit 3 is currently at 90% reactor power,                            ,
Zion. Units 1 and 2 Resumption of the Operational Readiness Demonstration The purpose of the licensee's Operational Readiness Demonstration is to show that Zion Station is ready to restart and operate Unit 2 safely in all respects. This means proper personnel performance, updated procedures. and operable plant equipment. The denonstration was started in July 1997 and then stopped because too many procedures had not been revised and too much plant equipment was out of service to demonstrate proper personnel performance.
The demonstration is scheduled to recommence on November 10, 1997. The licensee has since decided to move forward with the o)erating crew simulator evaluations during the weeks of November 10 and Novem)er-17. 1997.                                                  The crew simulator evaluations are intended to show that the issues that developed
        , during the Unit 1 shutdown in February 1997, i .e. , reactivity management.
interface between the qualified nuclear engineer and the operators, and management oversight have been properly resolved for the purpose of restarting and operating Unit 2. Personnel from Region Ill will observe at least two of the five crews during the operating crew simulator evaluations.
NOVEMBER 7. 1997                                                                                                ENCLOSURE A-2
Office of Nuclear Material-Safety.and Safeguards Items of Interest
: Week Ending November 7. 1997 Nebraska Issues Draft Low-level Waste Disposal Facility Licensina Documents On October 29. 1997, the Nebraska low Level Waste (LLW) Program, which consists of the State Department of Environmental Quality and the Department of Health and Human Services Regulation and Licensure, announced the release-of the-State's technical evaluation of U.S. Ecology's license application for                    ;
a LLW disposal facility proposed for Boyd County. Nebraska. The technical evaluation consists of two documents: -a Draft Environmental Impact Analysis (DElA) and a Draft Safety Evaluation Report (DSER). 'These documents constitute the technical basis for a future licensing decision--but do not represent a pro)osed licensing decision. Comments on these documents will be accepted until rebruary 4,1998 and the State has scheduled two public meetings during the comment period.
The State provided-the NRC staff a copy of the Executive Summary of both 3
: reports. The DEIA analyzes the environmental impacts of the proposed facility                    1 at the Boyd County site and four alternatives to this proposed action. The alternatives are two alternate disposal locations, assured storage. and no action. From the information provided in the Executive Sumary, it is not clear whether any of the alternatives would be considered environmentally superior to the proposed action. The Executive Summary for the DSER identifies several unresolved deficiencies with the license application. The                      <
State has not requested NRC comments on the/DEIA or the DSER, and because of resource limitations. the NRC staff does not plan to review them.
Field Trio and Discussion of Information on Yucca Mountain Site On November 4. 1997. Department of Energy (00E) and NRC geoscientists led a field trip starting in Beatty. Nevada, and ending near southern Yucca Mountain (YM). Twenty people attended including representatives from the State of Nevada and Nye and Clark Counties. Nevada. This public interaction was undertaken to observe and discuss evidence for a recently-proposed fault (Carrara Fault. trending from near Beatty low-level waste site toward Amargosa
.      Valley near YM).        Progress was'made toward reaching agreement on the i
significance of the fault and its contribution to the YM seismic hazard and potential control of groundwater. Based on the discussions. NRC geoscientists                    '
consider the Carrara fault to be.less of a seismic hazard than the nearby Bare Mountain fault but of potentially high significance to regional groundwater
      ' flow modeling.                                                                                    ,
During the discussions, the Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses (Center) staff mentioned a study of anomalously high crustal strain rates in                        '
the areaivisited during the field trip. The Center staff indicated that the study results are currently undergoing detailed technical review and will                  -
      ~ 11kelv-be available in early 1998.
NOVEMBER 7. 1997                                                                ENCLOSURE B
k Workshon on the Revision of Part 35 On October 28-30, 1997. Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff conducted a.public workshop in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to discuss the fundamental approaches and issues to be addressed in the revision of 10 CFR Part 35. Representatives of the Part 35 Working Group and Steering Group attended the meeting. Invited participants included nuclear medicine physicians: physician specialists, such as cardiologists, endocrinologists, and radiologists: medical and health physicists: technologists: nurses: radiopharmaceutical manufacturers: hospital administrators; and Agreement States. Topics discussed at the meeting included risk assessment; the NRC's 1979 Medical Policy Statement; and rule alternati'ves for the Quality Management Program, patient notification, threshold for reportable events, radiation safety committees, and training and experience criteria.
A second public workshop is scheduled for November 12-14. 1997, in Chicago.
w NOVEMBER 7, 1997                                                  ENCLOSURE B l
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Items of Interest Week Ending November 7. 1997                            . _ .
International Workshon on Characterization and Measurement of Hydraulic Pronerties of Unsaturated Porous Media A critical aspect of decommissioning reviews, involving sites where ground-water contamination is a possibility, is the estimation of ground water flow and transport properties for use in dose assessment models. Presently, the NRC staff is evaluating the efficacy and practicality of various models addressing dose via the ground-water pathway. A condition common to most decommissioning sites is unsaturated porous media. Other Federal agcncies (e.g., EPA, 00E, NASA, USGS, and D0D) are also addressing ground-water pollution problems.
To further this effort, the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research co-sponsoreo a technical workshop on this topic entitled " International Workshop on Characterization and Measurement of the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Porous Media " along with the Agricultural Research Service (ARS)/USDA, University of California at Riverside. DOE, NASA. EPA, USGS, and U.S. Army Research Office. The workshop was held in Riverside, California, on October 22-24. 1997. The workshop brought together an international body of scientists (a) proximately 220 )articipants representing 25 countries) wrestling witl the problem of low best to characterize, measure, or estimate the hydraulic properties of soils and rocks. The presenters discussed current measurement techniques, their field applications, and alternative theoretical and empirical methods for deducing hydraulic )roperties from measured data.
NRC contractors and coo)erators (i.e., PNNL. Jniversity of Arizona, and ARS) presented their researcl findings and develo)ed technical leads for obtaining new information and data. A significant worcshop item was the re)orting on an unsaturated soil-hydraulic data base (UNSODA), developed jointly )y the ARS and EPA, which contains detailed properties values for some 800 different soils in the U.S. Information from this national data base could be useful for decommissioning reviews using the PNNL infiltration evaluation methodology. Workshop proceedings will be                                      Copies of the workshop program and abstracts are available from T. published.              Nicholson, RES.
Workshon on Review of Dose Modelina Methods for Demonstration of Comoliance with Radioloq1 cal Criteria for License Termination A critical aspect of decommissioning reviews involves the selection of dose models and input parameter vaiues. The NRC staff is developing guidance for implementing the final rule on radiological criteria for license termination, which includes identification of criteria for evaluating acceptability of dose models and parameter values for demonstrating com)liance with the final rule.
In support of this effort, RES and NMSS staff mem)ers have cooperatively organized a public workshop on reviewing dose modeling methods. The workshop will be held in the NRC headquarters auditorium on November 13-14. 1997. The workshop presenters will include NMSS and RES staff discussing dose modeling needs for licensing reviews and development of guidance related to dose modeling and parameter selection needs: DOE national laboratory scientists NOVEMBER 7, 1997 ENCLOSURE C
          ' discussing the various Federally sponsored dosa models (i.e.,_ D&D, RESRAD and MEPAS codes): and EPA scientists discussing their dose assessment model (i.e..
PRESTO code). A transcriot of the meeting will be available in the Publ.ic Document Room. A NUREG/C) report of the workshop proceedings to support the development of the dec.mmissioning guidance is being prepared.
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Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data
                                          -Items of Interest Week Ending November 7. 1997 Technical Trainino Division The Safety Aspects of Well Logging Course'(H-314) was presented in Houston.
Texas, on November 3-7. 1997. There were 23 attendees: 16 from Agreement
      ..ates. 4 from Region IV,1 from Region I 1 from the Office of Research, and 1 from the Office of State Programs. The course provided an understanding of
      -the principles of well logging in the gas and oil industry. In addition. NRC and Texas' State regulations and inspection procedures, well logging equipment and operations, proceduresialated to retrieval of lost sources and irretrievable sources were also covered. Opportunities were provided for
      . hands-on experience including a tou of a well site and demonstration of well
      -logging equipment and procedures.
The PRA Training 70cus Group (PTFG) met November 4.1997, in headquarters.
      - The PTFG is comprised of senior agency personnel from NRR. NMSS. RES, and AEOD
      -and a regional representative. The PTFG was established to review the PRA training program and make recommendations on modifications to the program, specific courses, and specific course modules to ensure the training program remains consistent with the needs of the PRA Implementation Plan (PIP). PTFG meeting partici 3 ants included senior TTD staff fra NRR'and AE00/lTD.
Discussion at t11s meeting centered.on FY 1998 preentations of the PRA for
      -Technical Managers Course. NRR-led seminars on risk-informed regulation, the PRA Technology and Regulatory Persaectives Course, additional PRA Basics for Inspection Courses requested by NR1, st h us of the Accident Progressional Analysis and Accident Consequence Analysis Ccarses, and modifications which were made to various PRA training courses to include information on draft regulatory guides and standard review plans.
Senior Manaaem?nt Meetino Trend Models
On November 6.1997. AE00 distributed for internal NRC review the interim draft report on the Development and Findings of the Performance Trending Methodology. This draft report summarizes the work to date pertaining to the development of a performance trend methodology to be used in identifying candidate plants for discussion during the Senior Management Meeting (SMM).
This report reviews the models considered and the analytical work performed to date in the creation of a trending model and a regression model that are being trial tested during the current screening meetings being held in preparation for the January 1998 SMM This work is part of the Agency-wide effort -to make the'SMM_ plant watch list decision process more understandable and transparent.
NUREG-1022. Reactor Event Reporting Guidelines Revision 1 to NUREG-1022. Event Reporting Guidelines 10 CFR 50.72 and 50.73.
was provided to other offices for final review and concurrence and to the ACRS for-review. After briefing the ACPS and CRGR and making any ap3ropriate revisions, we plan to publish the report in final form in late Jecember or early January. This revision is a first step in improving the guidance on NOVEMBER 7. 1997                                                  ENCLOSURE D i
3                                                                                          l
event repo, ting. It will provide improved reporting guidance now based on experience _using the current rules ' icluding two rounds of public comment on the proposed guidance. In the near' future, we also plan to proceed with rulemaking to bring the event reporting rules-into better alignment with the NRC's current needs including support of the move towards risk-informed regulation.
Site Visits to Palo Verde and Fermi As part of its study on air-operated valves (A0V). re)resentatives from AE00 and its contractor. INEEL. visited Palo Verde cn Octo)er 28 and 29, 1997, and Fermi-2 on November 3 and 4. 1997.      Members of RES and NRR participated in the meetings at Palo Verde and Fermi, respectively.
At both plants the A0Vs are ranked or categorized by an expert panel using insights from the plants' probabilistic safety assessments (PSA) and from their maintenance rule evaluations of systems importance. Each plant's review found a large number of risk-im)ortant A0Vs upon which the licen:,ees are focussing attention to assure tlat they have adequate margins when they are
  . required to function during design basis events Both utilities are performing calculations to determine available margins during design basis events. Palo Verde has had success performing dynamic testing with diagnostic equipment, whereas Fermi has not yet performed diagnostic testing.
Visits are currently planned for Palisades OJovember 18 and 19). LaSalle (December 15 and 16). and Millstone early in 1998.
: 1. PN0-1-97-068. Opu Nuclear Cor)., (Three Miles Island 1) UNPLANNED SHUTDOWN DUE TO A HIGH PRESSURE INJECTION SYSTEM LEAK
: 2. PNO-I-97-069. Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. , (Nine Miles Point 2) UNPLANNED SHUTDOWN GREATER THAN 72 HOURS
: 3. PNO-III-97-088. Grant Riverside Methodist Hospital. THERAPEUTIC MISADMINISTRATION
: 5. PNO-IV-97-065. X-Ray Inspection. Inc., LOST AND REC 0VERED RADIOGRAPHIC EXPOSURE DEVICE NOVEM9ER 7. 1997                                                      ENCLOSURE D
Office of Administration Items of Interest Week Ending November 7, 1997                          ...
    -Contract Award On November 5. 1997, the Division of Contracts and Property Management awarded a contract to the Pennsylvania State University for $2.707.558. The contract is entitled " Rod Bundle Heat Transfer." and has a four-year period of performance. The following streamlining methods were used in the procurement process: . Commerce Business Daily notice was waived because competition was limited to known sources; less than three source evaluation panel members were used: the statement of work was transmitted electronically; a deadline was set for the proposer's questions: the number of pages in the proposal was limited:
and the inclusion of foldouts, sales brochures, videos, etc. in the proposal was prohibited.
NOVEMBER 7. 1997                                                    ENCLOSURE .
Office of Human Resources Items of Interest Week Ending November.7. 1997 NRC Manaaement Development Conference Held On November 3, 1997, the agency held a Management Development Conference for about 140 senior managers from Headquarters and the Regional Offices at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C. The purpose of the conference was to present and discuss the management topics of critical importance to achieving the agency's management and organizational effectiveness goals and objectives.
The Chairman and the Executive Director for Operations addressed the group.
Other speakers included Steven Struthers from the Public Strategies Group, Christopher Mihm from the U.S. General Accounting Office, and Michael Halus from Resolution Dynamics.
Arrivals FETSKO. Margaret          SECRETAR  ;  g              HR KING. Mark                PROJECT E    jgy'            RII WONG. Albert              CHEMICAL k ,      i,,  ') iNMSS Retirements                              ,
None                                            ,
Departures DEVITT0. Richard          INVESTIGATOR (PFT)          01 l
NOVEMBER 7. 1997                                                    ENCLOSURE I
Office of Public Affairs Items of Interest Week Ending November 7, 1997 Media Interest The Lapidary L:surnal interviewed Steve Baggett. N'iSS, about the use of linear accelerators and reactors to produce better quality gemstones as part of an 7" ,    investigation into the illicit prcduction of irradiated gems overseas.
Region 111 staff representatives were interviewed by +.he Chicago Tribune on Big Rock Point's decommissioning plans and dry cask storage.
A Chicago Tribune reporte :nd Comed employees were able to watch the Comm"J
* n meeting with Commonwealth Edison via videoconference.
3          gaol          irrt P"caram
: o. 1 Con.en-Bradley. HMSS, discussed geology with fourth graders from
        >      f*  ierrace E.S.
John .      .g,RES,wasf ved by two students from Magruder H.S. interested in careers in sci nco s&-                          .1eeri ng . Don Marksberry, AE00, gave them a tour of the Operatior: ". #                    > Jebbie Jackson, RES, led them on a video tour of a power plant a" c"4 '# alogy Center.
Daniel Rom. Nh,          -
                                    ^) to students at Fields Road E.S. about structures and buildings.
N      Jan Strasma, Region III, spoke to the Michigan Chapter of the American Nuclear Society on " Nuclear Communication in the Internet Age."
llp:.; -
y Press Releases n.
97-163              NRC Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste to Meet November 20-22. 1997, in Rockville. Maryland 97-164              NRC Releases Remediated Uranium Processing Site in Wyoming for Unrestricted Use 97-165              NRC Posts Strategic Plan on Web Page 97-166              Note to Editors: Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste repocts on High Level Waste 97-167              NRC Proposes Regulation on Availability of Information for High-Level Radioactive Waste Repository Licensing Proceeaing NOVEMBER 7, 1997 ENCLOSURE M
97-168        NRC Schedules Workshop in Rockville. Maryland, on Demonstrating Compliance with Cleanup Criteria                ,_
I-97-143      NRC Rates Pilgrim as
* Good" in Latest Assessment of Performance: Engineering Area Found to Mave Declined From Previous Period I-97-144      NRC Staff Proposes to Fine Niagara Mohawk $50,000 for Maintenance Rule Vi:)lations at Nine Mile Point Unit 1 I-97-145      Status of Improvements to Calvert Cliffs Radiation Safety Program Will be the Subject of November 13. 1997. Meeting Between NRC and BG&E I-97-146      NRC. Utility to Discuss Millstone Recovery Efforts on November 13. 1997 111-97-95    NRC Staff Ratas Duane Arnold " Superior" in Operations.
Engineering. und Plant Support and " Good" in Maintenance IV-97-67      NRC Pro)oses $10.000 F'ne Against Mattingly for Firing Whistle) lower NOVEt1BER 7. 1997                                                    ENCLOSURE M
Office of the Secretary Items of Interest Week Ending November 7. 1997 Decision Documents Released to the Public Document            Date                      Subject
: 1. SECY-97-245        10/23/97    Staff Options for Resolving a Petition for Rulemaking (PPM-50-63) Relating to a Re Evaluation of the Policy Regarding Use of Potassium Iodide (KI) After a Severe Accident at a Nuclear Power Plant Negative Consent Documents Released to the Public
: 1. SECY-97-242        10/20/97    Update on the Site Decommissioning Management Plan
: 2. SECY-97-229        10/6/97      Graded Quality Assurance /Probabilistic Risk Assessment Implementation Plan for the South Texas Project Electric Generating Station
                      - SRM on 97-229    10/30/97    (same)
Information Papers Released to the Public '
: 1. SECY-97-239        10/17/97    Plan for Increased Cooperative Research with Industry and Other Federal Agencies (DSI-22)
: 2. SECY 97-246        10/23/97      Information on Staff Actions to Address Electric Grid Reliability Issues--WITS No. 9700205
: 3. SECY-97-247        10/23/97    Weekly Information Report - Week Ending October 17. 1997
: 4. SECY-97-248        10/23/97    Staff Requirements Memorandum - Briefing on the Business Process Redesien Paoject on the Redesigned Materials Licensing
                ,                                      Process (SECY-97-034)
: 5. SECY-97-255        10/29/97    Weekly Information Report - Week Ending October 24. 1997
: 6. SECY-97-258        10/31/97      Proposed Supplement to Generic Letter 96-06. " Assurance of Equipment Operability and Containment Integrity During Design-Basis Accident Conditions" NOVEMBER 7, 1997                                                          ENCLOSURE O
Memoranda Released to the Public
: 1. M971105B                11/5/97  Affirmation Session. 11:30 A.M. and 3:00 P.M.. Wednesday. November 5. 1997: 1.
SECY-97-232 - Final Rule on Exempt Distribution and Use of a Radioactive Drug Containing One Microcurie of Carbon 14 Urea (Parts 30 and 32): II. SECY                                          228 - Final Amendments to 10 CFR Part
: 73. " Changes to Nuclear Power Plant Security Requirements" Commission Corresoondence Released to the Public
: 1. Letter to Charles Meinhold. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, dated 10/30/97 provides nominations for NCRP membership
: 2. Letter to Senators'Dodd and Lieberman and Representative Gejdenson dated 10/30/97 concerns contaminated soil at Haddam Neck
: 3. Letter to Dr. Ching-Piao Hu. Taiwan Atomic Energy Council. dated 10/29/97 concerns the 1997 AIT-TECR0 JSC Annual Meeting in November
: 4. Letter to Dr. Gordon Sibiya. Republic of South Africa Deputy Director General dated 10/29/97 provides comments on the draft South African Nuclear Safety Act and Nuclear Energy Act
: 5. Letter to Dr. Gregory Geoffrey University of Maryland, dated 10/29/97 concerns the future of the University's graduate program in nuclear engineering Federal Reaister Notices issued
: 1. Proposed Rule: 10 CFR Part 2: Procedures Applicable to Proceedings for the Issuance of Licenses for the Receipt of High-Level Radioactive Waste at a Geologic Repository NOVEMBER 7. 1997                                                      ENCLOSURE O
  ..                                                                                                              i t
                                                  ' Region I-                                                    ,
Items of Interest Week Ending November 7. 1997-                              ..
Broken Tritium Exit Sian On October ~30, 1997, the_ State of New Jersey, De)artment of Environmental Protection._ notified the NRC that a patient at tie Arthur Brisbane' Child                            -
Treatment-Center (a State of New Jersey psychiatric care facility).                                    .
Farmingdale. New Jersey, had severely damaged an exit sign containing approximately:13 curies of tritium in his bedroom the previous day. The patients Were immediately evacuated and were showered to remove any trititm contamination. Upor, notification. Region I promptly dispatched personnel to the site to gather additional information and obtain-wipe samples from various locations:as well as to provide facility staff and local officials with-perspective on the relative radiological hazards involved. Wipe sample
          <results showed contamination throughout the affected building (Cottage B) as
:well as an onsite transport truck (used by the facility to move the broken sign to a remote storage location) and the storage area. The licensee (the
          -State of ~New Jersey) hired a contractor to perform urinalysis and dose assessment on those involved in the incident and to decontaminate affectea
          ' areas. The urinalysis results indicate that the highest dose received was
            -16.7 millirem (to the patient who broke the sign). Doses received by other personnel and patients all were less than 2 millirem. No health effects are anticipated at these dose levels. The facility has been decontaminated by the licensee *s contractor. The State will )erform tanfirmatory surveys and release the area for unrestricted use w1en the amount of remaining activity is less than 1000 disintegrations per minute Jer 100 square centimeters. In addition, all the tritium exit signs nave      ]een removed from the facility, secured, and will be transferred-back to the manufacturer, with the possible exception of-the brokea sign._ They will be replaced with non-tritium signs.
Region I is continuing coordination and follow up on this incident with-the State of-New Jersey to ensure proper final decontamination of the facility.
NOVEMBER 7. 1997                                                          ENCLOSURE P w                                  ---w              ,  n    m        w
Region II Items of Interest Week Ending November 7, 1997                      .-
Virainia Electric and Power Company - North Anna On October 29. :997. Region Il granted a Notice of Enforcement Discretion (NDED) for Unit 1 to extend their allowci outage time for the IH Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) from 72 hours to 7 days. The radiator cooling fan had catastrophically failed on October ?6. 1997. New fan blades, a new fan hub, and a combination of used and new cadiator components were used to repair the EDG cooling system. Post-maintenance tests were performed, and the technical specification action statement and NOED were exited at 2:30 a.m. on November
: 1. 1997.
Tennessee Valley Authority - Seouovah On November 5,1997. Sequoyah unit 2 identified inconsistent core flux distribution while at 30 percent power following startup from a refueling outage. In consultation with the fuel vendor. Framatome Cogema Fuels the licensee determined that 16 new fuel assemblies, with gadolina burnable poison rods, had been loaded into core locations different than alanned. The burnable poison rods have two different patterns (8 assem) lies each) and the loading procedures had the patterns reversed. This was identified during in-core instrument flux mapping tests. The licensee and vendor imposed a temporary restriction of 75 percent power until the resolution could be determined. The licensee determined that th'e core reload analysis remained valid with the existing configuration. The licensee also determined that the aroblem did not represent an unanalyzed condition warranting reporting to the 1RC. The only change necessary was to modify the core flux mapping software to match the core characteristics. This was completed as of November 8. 1997, and the licensee subsequently increased power to 100 percent. The ap)arent cause of the aroblem was incorrect communication from the vendor to tie licensee on t1e loading plan.
NOVEMBER 7. 199.                                                  ENCLOSURE P l
_ _        _ _ - - -                                        1
0 Region IV Items of Interest Week Ending November 7, 1997 WNP Oversicht Panel Meetina On November 6.1997, the NRC's WNP-2 Oversight Panel met with the L%nington Public Power Supply System to discuss the status of WNP-2 and it:, programs for improving performance. This meeting was conducted in the Washington Public Power Supply System office in Richland Washington. This discussion is part of the ongoing meetings with the_ licensee which began in 1995.
k E
4 NOVEMBER 7,1997                                                                                        ENCLOSURE P
        -              __    _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _            _ _.}}

Latest revision as of 23:30, 1 January 2021

Weekly Info Rept for Wk Ending 971107
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/13/1997
From: Blaha J
SECY-97-267, SECY-97-267-R, WIR-971107, NUDOCS 9712050292
Download: ML20202E203 (19)


t UNITED KTATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WA5HINGTON, D. C. 20%6 INFORMATION REPORT November 13. 1997 SECY 97-267 fat: The Commissioners From: James L. Blaha, Assistant for Operations. Office of the EDO Sub.iect : WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 7, 1997 Contents Enclosure Nuclear Reactor Regulation A Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards B Nuclear Regulatory Research C Analysis and Evaluction of Operational Data D

General Counsel E*

Administration F Chief Information Officer G*

Chief Financial Officer H*

Hun 3n Resources I Small Business & Civil Rights J*

Enforcement K*

State Programs L*

Public Affairs M International Programs N*

Office of the Secretary 0 Region I P Region 11 P Region III P* O.

Region IV P y  ;

Executive Director for Operations Congressional Affairs 0*


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  • No input this week.

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Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation .

-Items of Interest Week-Ending November 7, 1997 Public Meetina Betweel NRC Staff and Westinabouse Os ners# Grouo on Motor-Doerated Valve (MOV) Risk- Rankina Acoroach-In response to General Letter 96 05. " Periodic Verification of Design-Basis Capability of Safety-Related Motor-0perated Valves." the Westinghouse Owners' Group (WOG) submitted Revision 0 to 40G Engineering Report V-EC-1658 " Risk Ranking Approach for Motor-0perated Valves in Response to Generic Letter 96-05." dated June 2. 1997 for NRC staff review. The WOG prepared Engineering Report V-EC-1658 to provide assistance to individual licensees in ranking MOVs according to their risk significance _ in support of the development of GL 96-05

-programs. The _WOG also intends that licensees will be able to apply the MOV risk ranking approach in implementing an industry-wide Joint Owners Group (J0G) Program on MOV Periodic Verification for which a staff safety evaluation has just been issued. In the J0G arogram, test intervals for MOVs will be established based on the MOV's rist significance and functional margin.

On October 30, 1997. the NRC staff held a public meeting with WOG representatives to discuss WOG Engineering Re) ort V-EC-1658. Meeting participants included NRC staff from the NRR 3robabilistic Safety Assessment Branch Mechanical Engineering Branch, and Generic Issues and Environmental Branch. During the meeting, the WOG representatives discussed specific aspects of the engineering report in detail. in res)onse to NRC staff --

comments the WOG representatives agreed to ' revise tie engineering re) ort to resolve those comments. The NRC staff is areparing minutes of the pu)lic meeting. The WOG representatives stated t1at submittal of a revised engineering report is anticipated for early December 1997. The NRC staff plans to complete its review of the WOG engineering report and to prepare a safety evaluation on the results of the staff review by early 1998. It is expected that the NRC staff will conclude that, with certain conditions and limitations, the WOG program provides an acceptable method for risk ranking MOVs for Westinghouse-designed plants. It is noted that NRC staff previously accepted, with certain conditions and limitations, a method developed by the Boiling-Water Reactor.(BWR) Owners Grou) to risk rank MOVs in BWR plants as described in a safety evaluation dated rebruary 27, 1996.

NRC-NEI/EPRI Meetina on Containment Insoection Rule Regulation 10 CFR 50.55a. " Codes and Standards." was amended in August 1996 to incorporate the requirements for inspection of containments. The amended regulation endorses-the 1992 Edition with the 1992 Addenda of Subsections IWE/lWL of Section XI of the ASME B & PV code which prescribes the requirements'for inspection of containraents. The rule became effective on September 9.1996._ and it requires the licensees'to complete the first period inspection of the containments before September 9, 2001. NEl requested the -

meeting to discuss the issues related to the implementation of the rule.

The. meeting was held at NRC on October 23. 1997. NE! defined the purpose of

-the meeting as informing the NRC about industry activities: perceived NOVEMBER 7. 1997- ENCLOSURE A


hardships in implementint a rule: and EPRI (as consultant to NEI) activities in advising the licensees in streamlinir, the procedures for containment inspection, containment leak tight integrity (Arendix J of 10 CFR Part.50). . . _ .

and the maintenance rule (10 CFR 50.65). NEI/E MI identified certain Code required inspection activities that might be of questionable value for the purpose of containment inspection. For example lighting needs for concrete (VT-3) examination retorquing of bolts for containment hatches, and different procedures for- qualifying NDE personnel (for Class 1. 2. and 3 components and containments). Such Code requirements have been revised in the later Edition and Addenda of the Code. EPRI discussed their ideas on alternatives to the Code requirements where the industry is experiencin9 hardship in implementing; them. The merits of the alternatives. in generic terms. were discussed during the meeting. Such alternatives may be submitted by the licensees as relief requests, The staff will review the requests on a plant specific basis. The proposed revision to 10 CFR 50.55a should resolve several of the issues identified by NEl/EPRI.

Meetina with EPRI Human Performance Technoloav Subcommittee On November 6, 1997. representatives of the Human Factors Assessment Branch.

NRR. and the Control. Instrumentation, and Human Factors Branch. RES. met with the EPRI Human Performance Technology (HPT) Subcommittee including representatives from eleven naclear utilities and observers from INP0 and NEl for an informal information exchange on current issues and activities in tne area of human performance. The subcommittee meets annually to revise the EPRI HPT Research and Development program. The meeting agenda included an overview of EPRI numan performance efforts and an overview of the NRC Human Performance and Reliability Implementation Plan and human performance research and regulatory activities.

Seminars on Risk-Informed Reaulation Continue During the week anding November 1. 1997, two additional mandatory seminars on risk-informed regulations were conducted, On October 28. 1997, the Director.

Division of Safety and Analysis, and acting Branch Chief of NRR's PRA branch presented the seminar to approximately 100 NRR staff members. This seminar was videotaped to allow viewing by staff members who were not able to attend the planned seminars. On October 29, 1997, a seminar was also presented the seminar at a Region I counterpart meeting. The purpose of these mandatory seminars is to motivate and familiarize the staff on the uses of risk-informeu regulatory initiatives. The seminars provided attendees with a brief background on the PRA policy statement and associated PRA implementation plan, the scope of ri u -informed regulation. and staff expectations and responsibilities. - At both seminars, an overview of objectives and o expectations for the use of PRA insights in ins)ection activities was provided. Many good questions were raised on t1e Commission's risk-informed regulation process. '

Fire Protection Rulemakina On November 5, 1997, members of the Plant Systems Branch met with representatives of the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) and of the Electric NOVEMBER 7, 1997 ENCLOSURE A

c. . . ..

Power Research Institute as well as members of the public. The pur)ose of the meeting was to discuss the results of an industry survey conducted )y NEl regarding a proposed fire protection rulemaking effort and to obtain comments from the meeting partici) ants. An NEl representative stated that 1) according to the survey results. tie industry is not in favor of a new rule: 2) the industry plans, however, to participate extensively in the rulemaking effort if the Commission directs the staff to procced: 3) NEI recently created a task force to assist the staff in the effort: and 4) NEl will provide the staff with a written sumniary of the survey results before the end of the year. At the close of the meeting, the staff and NEl agreed to hold regular meetings to i resolve issues related to the rulemaking effort as appropriate.

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station. Unit 3 Jet Pump Riser Weld Cracking On October 18. 1997, during visual inspections of reactor vessel internals.

PEC0 Energy 3ersonnel found weld cracking in three jet pump riser welds. PECO Energy attriauted the cracking to intergranular stress-corrosion cracking and to fatigue. PECO Energy prepared a 10 CFR 50.59 analysis on the cracking and forwarded a copy of the analysis to the NRC at our request. Staff review is ongoing. The analysis supported PECO Energy operating with the cracking at about 80% reactor coolant recirculation drive flow for a period of up to 8 months. This corresponds to about 90% reactor power. PECO Energy started up Unit 3 from its refueling outage on November 2. 1997. Unit 3 is currently at 90% reactor power, ,

Zion. Units 1 and 2 Resumption of the Operational Readiness Demonstration The purpose of the licensee's Operational Readiness Demonstration is to show that Zion Station is ready to restart and operate Unit 2 safely in all respects. This means proper personnel performance, updated procedures. and operable plant equipment. The denonstration was started in July 1997 and then stopped because too many procedures had not been revised and too much plant equipment was out of service to demonstrate proper personnel performance.

The demonstration is scheduled to recommence on November 10, 1997. The licensee has since decided to move forward with the o)erating crew simulator evaluations during the weeks of November 10 and Novem)er-17. 1997. The crew simulator evaluations are intended to show that the issues that developed

, during the Unit 1 shutdown in February 1997, i .e. , reactivity management.

interface between the qualified nuclear engineer and the operators, and management oversight have been properly resolved for the purpose of restarting and operating Unit 2. Personnel from Region Ill will observe at least two of the five crews during the operating crew simulator evaluations.


Office of Nuclear Material-Safety.and Safeguards Items of Interest

Week Ending November 7. 1997 Nebraska Issues Draft Low-level Waste Disposal Facility Licensina Documents On October 29. 1997, the Nebraska low Level Waste (LLW) Program, which consists of the State Department of Environmental Quality and the Department of Health and Human Services Regulation and Licensure, announced the release-of the-State's technical evaluation of U.S. Ecology's license application for  ;

a LLW disposal facility proposed for Boyd County. Nebraska. The technical evaluation consists of two documents: -a Draft Environmental Impact Analysis (DElA) and a Draft Safety Evaluation Report (DSER). 'These documents constitute the technical basis for a future licensing decision--but do not represent a pro)osed licensing decision. Comments on these documents will be accepted until rebruary 4,1998 and the State has scheduled two public meetings during the comment period.

The State provided-the NRC staff a copy of the Executive Summary of both 3

reports. The DEIA analyzes the environmental impacts of the proposed facility 1 at the Boyd County site and four alternatives to this proposed action. The alternatives are two alternate disposal locations, assured storage. and no action. From the information provided in the Executive Sumary, it is not clear whether any of the alternatives would be considered environmentally superior to the proposed action. The Executive Summary for the DSER identifies several unresolved deficiencies with the license application. The <

State has not requested NRC comments on the/DEIA or the DSER, and because of resource limitations. the NRC staff does not plan to review them.

Field Trio and Discussion of Information on Yucca Mountain Site On November 4. 1997. Department of Energy (00E) and NRC geoscientists led a field trip starting in Beatty. Nevada, and ending near southern Yucca Mountain (YM). Twenty people attended including representatives from the State of Nevada and Nye and Clark Counties. Nevada. This public interaction was undertaken to observe and discuss evidence for a recently-proposed fault (Carrara Fault. trending from near Beatty low-level waste site toward Amargosa

. Valley near YM). Progress was'made toward reaching agreement on the i

significance of the fault and its contribution to the YM seismic hazard and potential control of groundwater. Based on the discussions. NRC geoscientists '

consider the Carrara fault to be.less of a seismic hazard than the nearby Bare Mountain fault but of potentially high significance to regional groundwater

' flow modeling. ,

During the discussions, the Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses (Center) staff mentioned a study of anomalously high crustal strain rates in '

the areaivisited during the field trip. The Center staff indicated that the study results are currently undergoing detailed technical review and will -

~ 11kelv-be available in early 1998.


k Workshon on the Revision of Part 35 On October 28-30, 1997. Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff conducted a.public workshop in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to discuss the fundamental approaches and issues to be addressed in the revision of 10 CFR Part 35. Representatives of the Part 35 Working Group and Steering Group attended the meeting. Invited participants included nuclear medicine physicians: physician specialists, such as cardiologists, endocrinologists, and radiologists: medical and health physicists: technologists: nurses: radiopharmaceutical manufacturers: hospital administrators; and Agreement States. Topics discussed at the meeting included risk assessment; the NRC's 1979 Medical Policy Statement; and rule alternati'ves for the Quality Management Program, patient notification, threshold for reportable events, radiation safety committees, and training and experience criteria.

A second public workshop is scheduled for November 12-14. 1997, in Chicago.




Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Items of Interest Week Ending November 7. 1997 . _ .

International Workshon on Characterization and Measurement of Hydraulic Pronerties of Unsaturated Porous Media A critical aspect of decommissioning reviews, involving sites where ground-water contamination is a possibility, is the estimation of ground water flow and transport properties for use in dose assessment models. Presently, the NRC staff is evaluating the efficacy and practicality of various models addressing dose via the ground-water pathway. A condition common to most decommissioning sites is unsaturated porous media. Other Federal agcncies (e.g., EPA, 00E, NASA, USGS, and D0D) are also addressing ground-water pollution problems.

To further this effort, the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research co-sponsoreo a technical workshop on this topic entitled " International Workshop on Characterization and Measurement of the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Porous Media " along with the Agricultural Research Service (ARS)/USDA, University of California at Riverside. DOE, NASA. EPA, USGS, and U.S. Army Research Office. The workshop was held in Riverside, California, on October 22-24. 1997. The workshop brought together an international body of scientists (a) proximately 220 )articipants representing 25 countries) wrestling witl the problem of low best to characterize, measure, or estimate the hydraulic properties of soils and rocks. The presenters discussed current measurement techniques, their field applications, and alternative theoretical and empirical methods for deducing hydraulic )roperties from measured data.

NRC contractors and coo)erators (i.e., PNNL. Jniversity of Arizona, and ARS) presented their researcl findings and develo)ed technical leads for obtaining new information and data. A significant worcshop item was the re)orting on an unsaturated soil-hydraulic data base (UNSODA), developed jointly )y the ARS and EPA, which contains detailed properties values for some 800 different soils in the U.S. Information from this national data base could be useful for decommissioning reviews using the PNNL infiltration evaluation methodology. Workshop proceedings will be Copies of the workshop program and abstracts are available from T. published. Nicholson, RES.

Workshon on Review of Dose Modelina Methods for Demonstration of Comoliance with Radioloq1 cal Criteria for License Termination A critical aspect of decommissioning reviews involves the selection of dose models and input parameter vaiues. The NRC staff is developing guidance for implementing the final rule on radiological criteria for license termination, which includes identification of criteria for evaluating acceptability of dose models and parameter values for demonstrating com)liance with the final rule.

In support of this effort, RES and NMSS staff mem)ers have cooperatively organized a public workshop on reviewing dose modeling methods. The workshop will be held in the NRC headquarters auditorium on November 13-14. 1997. The workshop presenters will include NMSS and RES staff discussing dose modeling needs for licensing reviews and development of guidance related to dose modeling and parameter selection needs: DOE national laboratory scientists NOVEMBER 7, 1997 ENCLOSURE C

' discussing the various Federally sponsored dosa models (i.e.,_ D&D, RESRAD and MEPAS codes): and EPA scientists discussing their dose assessment model (i.e..

PRESTO code). A transcriot of the meeting will be available in the Publ.ic Document Room. A NUREG/C) report of the workshop proceedings to support the development of the dec.mmissioning guidance is being prepared.

5 e


gx-L .-

Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data

-Items of Interest Week Ending November 7. 1997 Technical Trainino Division The Safety Aspects of Well Logging Course'(H-314) was presented in Houston.

Texas, on November 3-7. 1997. There were 23 attendees: 16 from Agreement

..ates. 4 from Region IV,1 from Region I 1 from the Office of Research, and 1 from the Office of State Programs. The course provided an understanding of

-the principles of well logging in the gas and oil industry. In addition. NRC and Texas' State regulations and inspection procedures, well logging equipment and operations, proceduresialated to retrieval of lost sources and irretrievable sources were also covered. Opportunities were provided for

. hands-on experience including a tou of a well site and demonstration of well

-logging equipment and procedures.

The PRA Training 70cus Group (PTFG) met November 4.1997, in headquarters.

- The PTFG is comprised of senior agency personnel from NRR. NMSS. RES, and AEOD

-and a regional representative. The PTFG was established to review the PRA training program and make recommendations on modifications to the program, specific courses, and specific course modules to ensure the training program remains consistent with the needs of the PRA Implementation Plan (PIP). PTFG meeting partici 3 ants included senior TTD staff fra NRR'and AE00/lTD.

Discussion at t11s meeting centered.on FY 1998 preentations of the PRA for

-Technical Managers Course. NRR-led seminars on risk-informed regulation, the PRA Technology and Regulatory Persaectives Course, additional PRA Basics for Inspection Courses requested by NR1, st h us of the Accident Progressional Analysis and Accident Consequence Analysis Ccarses, and modifications which were made to various PRA training courses to include information on draft regulatory guides and standard review plans.

Senior Manaaem?nt Meetino Trend Models


On November 6.1997. AE00 distributed for internal NRC review the interim draft report on the Development and Findings of the Performance Trending Methodology. This draft report summarizes the work to date pertaining to the development of a performance trend methodology to be used in identifying candidate plants for discussion during the Senior Management Meeting (SMM).

This report reviews the models considered and the analytical work performed to date in the creation of a trending model and a regression model that are being trial tested during the current screening meetings being held in preparation for the January 1998 SMM This work is part of the Agency-wide effort -to make the'SMM_ plant watch list decision process more understandable and transparent.

NUREG-1022. Reactor Event Reporting Guidelines Revision 1 to NUREG-1022. Event Reporting Guidelines 10 CFR 50.72 and 50.73.

was provided to other offices for final review and concurrence and to the ACRS for-review. After briefing the ACPS and CRGR and making any ap3ropriate revisions, we plan to publish the report in final form in late Jecember or early January. This revision is a first step in improving the guidance on NOVEMBER 7. 1997 ENCLOSURE D i

3 l

event repo, ting. It will provide improved reporting guidance now based on experience _using the current rules ' icluding two rounds of public comment on the proposed guidance. In the near' future, we also plan to proceed with rulemaking to bring the event reporting rules-into better alignment with the NRC's current needs including support of the move towards risk-informed regulation.

Site Visits to Palo Verde and Fermi As part of its study on air-operated valves (A0V). re)resentatives from AE00 and its contractor. INEEL. visited Palo Verde cn Octo)er 28 and 29, 1997, and Fermi-2 on November 3 and 4. 1997. Members of RES and NRR participated in the meetings at Palo Verde and Fermi, respectively.

At both plants the A0Vs are ranked or categorized by an expert panel using insights from the plants' probabilistic safety assessments (PSA) and from their maintenance rule evaluations of systems importance. Each plant's review found a large number of risk-im)ortant A0Vs upon which the licen:,ees are focussing attention to assure tlat they have adequate margins when they are

. required to function during design basis events Both utilities are performing calculations to determine available margins during design basis events. Palo Verde has had success performing dynamic testing with diagnostic equipment, whereas Fermi has not yet performed diagnostic testing.

Visits are currently planned for Palisades OJovember 18 and 19). LaSalle (December 15 and 16). and Millstone early in 1998.


2. PNO-I-97-069. Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. , (Nine Miles Point 2) UNPLANNED SHUTDOWN GREATER THAN 72 HOURS
3. PNO-III-97-088. Grant Riverside Methodist Hospital. THERAPEUTIC MISADMINISTRATION

Office of Administration Items of Interest Week Ending November 7, 1997 ...

-Contract Award On November 5. 1997, the Division of Contracts and Property Management awarded a contract to the Pennsylvania State University for $2.707.558. The contract is entitled " Rod Bundle Heat Transfer." and has a four-year period of performance. The following streamlining methods were used in the procurement process: . Commerce Business Daily notice was waived because competition was limited to known sources; less than three source evaluation panel members were used: the statement of work was transmitted electronically; a deadline was set for the proposer's questions: the number of pages in the proposal was limited:

and the inclusion of foldouts, sales brochures, videos, etc. in the proposal was prohibited.


Office of Human Resources Items of Interest Week Ending November.7. 1997 NRC Manaaement Development Conference Held On November 3, 1997, the agency held a Management Development Conference for about 140 senior managers from Headquarters and the Regional Offices at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C. The purpose of the conference was to present and discuss the management topics of critical importance to achieving the agency's management and organizational effectiveness goals and objectives.

The Chairman and the Executive Director for Operations addressed the group.

Other speakers included Steven Struthers from the Public Strategies Group, Christopher Mihm from the U.S. General Accounting Office, and Michael Halus from Resolution Dynamics.

Arrivals FETSKO. Margaret SECRETAR  ; g HR KING. Mark PROJECT E jgy' RII WONG. Albert CHEMICAL k , i,, ') iNMSS Retirements ,

None ,

Departures DEVITT0. Richard INVESTIGATOR (PFT) 01 l


Office of Public Affairs Items of Interest Week Ending November 7, 1997 Media Interest The Lapidary L:surnal interviewed Steve Baggett. N'iSS, about the use of linear accelerators and reactors to produce better quality gemstones as part of an 7" , investigation into the illicit prcduction of irradiated gems overseas.

Region 111 staff representatives were interviewed by +.he Chicago Tribune on Big Rock Point's decommissioning plans and dry cask storage.

A Chicago Tribune reporte :nd Comed employees were able to watch the Comm"J

  • n meeting with Commonwealth Edison via videoconference.

3 gaol irrt P"caram

o. 1 Con.en-Bradley. HMSS, discussed geology with fourth graders from

> f* ierrace E.S.

John . .g,RES,wasf ved by two students from Magruder H.S. interested in careers in sci nco s&- .1eeri ng . Don Marksberry, AE00, gave them a tour of the Operatior: ". # > Jebbie Jackson, RES, led them on a video tour of a power plant a" c"4 '# alogy Center.

Daniel Rom. Nh, -

^) to students at Fields Road E.S. about structures and buildings.

N Jan Strasma, Region III, spoke to the Michigan Chapter of the American Nuclear Society on " Nuclear Communication in the Internet Age."

llp:.; -

y Press Releases n.


97-163 NRC Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste to Meet November 20-22. 1997, in Rockville. Maryland 97-164 NRC Releases Remediated Uranium Processing Site in Wyoming for Unrestricted Use 97-165 NRC Posts Strategic Plan on Web Page 97-166 Note to Editors: Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste repocts on High Level Waste 97-167 NRC Proposes Regulation on Availability of Information for High-Level Radioactive Waste Repository Licensing Proceeaing NOVEMBER 7, 1997 ENCLOSURE M

97-168 NRC Schedules Workshop in Rockville. Maryland, on Demonstrating Compliance with Cleanup Criteria ,_


I-97-143 NRC Rates Pilgrim as

  • Good" in Latest Assessment of Performance: Engineering Area Found to Mave Declined From Previous Period I-97-144 NRC Staff Proposes to Fine Niagara Mohawk $50,000 for Maintenance Rule Vi:)lations at Nine Mile Point Unit 1 I-97-145 Status of Improvements to Calvert Cliffs Radiation Safety Program Will be the Subject of November 13. 1997. Meeting Between NRC and BG&E I-97-146 NRC. Utility to Discuss Millstone Recovery Efforts on November 13. 1997 111-97-95 NRC Staff Ratas Duane Arnold " Superior" in Operations.

Engineering. und Plant Support and " Good" in Maintenance IV-97-67 NRC Pro)oses $10.000 F'ne Against Mattingly for Firing Whistle) lower NOVEt1BER 7. 1997 ENCLOSURE M

Office of the Secretary Items of Interest Week Ending November 7. 1997 Decision Documents Released to the Public Document Date Subject

1. SECY-97-245 10/23/97 Staff Options for Resolving a Petition for Rulemaking (PPM-50-63) Relating to a Re Evaluation of the Policy Regarding Use of Potassium Iodide (KI) After a Severe Accident at a Nuclear Power Plant Negative Consent Documents Released to the Public
1. SECY-97-242 10/20/97 Update on the Site Decommissioning Management Plan
2. SECY-97-229 10/6/97 Graded Quality Assurance /Probabilistic Risk Assessment Implementation Plan for the South Texas Project Electric Generating Station

- SRM on 97-229 10/30/97 (same)

Information Papers Released to the Public '

1. SECY-97-239 10/17/97 Plan for Increased Cooperative Research with Industry and Other Federal Agencies (DSI-22)
2. SECY 97-246 10/23/97 Information on Staff Actions to Address Electric Grid Reliability Issues--WITS No. 9700205
3. SECY-97-247 10/23/97 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending October 17. 1997
4. SECY-97-248 10/23/97 Staff Requirements Memorandum - Briefing on the Business Process Redesien Paoject on the Redesigned Materials Licensing

, Process (SECY-97-034)

5. SECY-97-255 10/29/97 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending October 24. 1997
6. SECY-97-258 10/31/97 Proposed Supplement to Generic Letter 96-06. " Assurance of Equipment Operability and Containment Integrity During Design-Basis Accident Conditions" NOVEMBER 7, 1997 ENCLOSURE O

Memoranda Released to the Public

1. M971105B 11/5/97 Affirmation Session. 11:30 A.M. and 3:00 P.M.. Wednesday. November 5. 1997: 1.

SECY-97-232 - Final Rule on Exempt Distribution and Use of a Radioactive Drug Containing One Microcurie of Carbon 14 Urea (Parts 30 and 32): II. SECY 228 - Final Amendments to 10 CFR Part

73. " Changes to Nuclear Power Plant Security Requirements" Commission Corresoondence Released to the Public
1. Letter to Charles Meinhold. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, dated 10/30/97 provides nominations for NCRP membership
2. Letter to Senators'Dodd and Lieberman and Representative Gejdenson dated 10/30/97 concerns contaminated soil at Haddam Neck
3. Letter to Dr. Ching-Piao Hu. Taiwan Atomic Energy Council. dated 10/29/97 concerns the 1997 AIT-TECR0 JSC Annual Meeting in November
4. Letter to Dr. Gordon Sibiya. Republic of South Africa Deputy Director General dated 10/29/97 provides comments on the draft South African Nuclear Safety Act and Nuclear Energy Act
5. Letter to Dr. Gregory Geoffrey University of Maryland, dated 10/29/97 concerns the future of the University's graduate program in nuclear engineering Federal Reaister Notices issued
1. Proposed Rule: 10 CFR Part 2: Procedures Applicable to Proceedings for the Issuance of Licenses for the Receipt of High-Level Radioactive Waste at a Geologic Repository NOVEMBER 7. 1997 ENCLOSURE O


.. i t

' Region I- ,

Items of Interest Week Ending November 7. 1997- ..

Broken Tritium Exit Sian On October ~30, 1997, the_ State of New Jersey, De)artment of Environmental Protection._ notified the NRC that a patient at tie Arthur Brisbane' Child -

Treatment-Center (a State of New Jersey psychiatric care facility). .


Farmingdale. New Jersey, had severely damaged an exit sign containing approximately:13 curies of tritium in his bedroom the previous day. The patients Were immediately evacuated and were showered to remove any trititm contamination. Upor, notification. Region I promptly dispatched personnel to the site to gather additional information and obtain-wipe samples from various locations:as well as to provide facility staff and local officials with-perspective on the relative radiological hazards involved. Wipe sample

<results showed contamination throughout the affected building (Cottage B) as

well as an onsite transport truck (used by the facility to move the broken sign to a remote storage location) and the storage area. The licensee (the

-State of ~New Jersey) hired a contractor to perform urinalysis and dose assessment on those involved in the incident and to decontaminate affectea

' areas. The urinalysis results indicate that the highest dose received was

-16.7 millirem (to the patient who broke the sign). Doses received by other personnel and patients all were less than 2 millirem. No health effects are anticipated at these dose levels. The facility has been decontaminated by the licensee *s contractor. The State will )erform tanfirmatory surveys and release the area for unrestricted use w1en the amount of remaining activity is less than 1000 disintegrations per minute Jer 100 square centimeters. In addition, all the tritium exit signs nave ]een removed from the facility, secured, and will be transferred-back to the manufacturer, with the possible exception of-the brokea sign._ They will be replaced with non-tritium signs.

Region I is continuing coordination and follow up on this incident with-the State of-New Jersey to ensure proper final decontamination of the facility.

NOVEMBER 7. 1997 ENCLOSURE P w ---w , n m w


Region II Items of Interest Week Ending November 7, 1997 .-

Virainia Electric and Power Company - North Anna On October 29. :997. Region Il granted a Notice of Enforcement Discretion (NDED) for Unit 1 to extend their allowci outage time for the IH Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) from 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> to 7 days. The radiator cooling fan had catastrophically failed on October ?6. 1997. New fan blades, a new fan hub, and a combination of used and new cadiator components were used to repair the EDG cooling system. Post-maintenance tests were performed, and the technical specification action statement and NOED were exited at 2:30 a.m. on November

1. 1997.

Tennessee Valley Authority - Seouovah On November 5,1997. Sequoyah unit 2 identified inconsistent core flux distribution while at 30 percent power following startup from a refueling outage. In consultation with the fuel vendor. Framatome Cogema Fuels the licensee determined that 16 new fuel assemblies, with gadolina burnable poison rods, had been loaded into core locations different than alanned. The burnable poison rods have two different patterns (8 assem) lies each) and the loading procedures had the patterns reversed. This was identified during in-core instrument flux mapping tests. The licensee and vendor imposed a temporary restriction of 75 percent power until the resolution could be determined. The licensee determined that th'e core reload analysis remained valid with the existing configuration. The licensee also determined that the aroblem did not represent an unanalyzed condition warranting reporting to the 1RC. The only change necessary was to modify the core flux mapping software to match the core characteristics. This was completed as of November 8. 1997, and the licensee subsequently increased power to 100 percent. The ap)arent cause of the aroblem was incorrect communication from the vendor to tie licensee on t1e loading plan.


_ _ _ _ - - - 1

0 Region IV Items of Interest Week Ending November 7, 1997 WNP Oversicht Panel Meetina On November 6.1997, the NRC's WNP-2 Oversight Panel met with the L%nington Public Power Supply System to discuss the status of WNP-2 and it:, programs for improving performance. This meeting was conducted in the Washington Public Power Supply System office in Richland Washington. This discussion is part of the ongoing meetings with the_ licensee which began in 1995.

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