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{{#Wiki_filter:#e (i).....Report No, IE-116-B Evaluation of Stresses in Recirculation Inlet Nozzle Safe-End at Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Units 1 and 2 of Carolina Power and Light Co.
e (i)
Report No, IE-116-B Evaluation of Stresses in Recirculation Inlet Nozzle Safe-End at Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Units 1 and 2 of Carolina Power and Light Co.
R. S. Dean L. E. Vlies PARAMETER, Irac .
R. S. Dean L. E. Vlies PARAMETER, Irac .
4[h'7 Prepared for U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Iff!7911290 e 4 (ii)..NorICE This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government.
Prepared for 4[h' 7
Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, or any of their employees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or re-sponsibility for any third party's use, or the results of such use, of any in-formation, apparatus, product or process disclosed in this report, or represents that its use by such third party c:culd not infringe privately owned rights.
U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 7911290 Iff!
    .                                                        (ii)
NorICE This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, or any of their employees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or re-sponsibility for any third party's use, or the results of such use, of any in-formation, apparatus, product or process disclosed in this report, or represents that its use by such third party c:culd not infringe privately owned rights.
The views expressed in this report are not necessarily those of the U. S.
The views expressed in this report are not necessarily those of the U. S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Available from U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 1435 078-._ _ _
Available from U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 1435 078
.(iii)...IE-116-8 Distribution Cor.ies Nuclear Regulatory Commission Technical Assistance Branch Office of Inspection 40 and Enforcement PARAMETER, Inc.
File Copy 1 1435 179  
.   .                                           (iii)
,..Report of Evaluation of Stresses in Recirculation Inlet Nozzle Safe-End at Brunswick Steam Blectric Plant Units 1 and 2 of Carolina Power and Light Co.
IE-116-8 Distribution                     Cor.ies Nuclear Regulatory Commission Technical Assistance Branch Office of Inspection           40 and Enforcement PARAMETER, Inc.
Report No. IE-116-B, Prepared for: United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Inspection & Enforcement NRC Contract 05-77-186
File Copy                     1 1435 179
$ gottsiteers,,,''o PAR: NRC-IE-78/79, Task 03 GOhlg r[c / ROBERT S.
A ?.(-:: I DEAN 5 By:/W &'f G . / .d.4r-)
Report of Evaluation of Stresses in Recirculation Inlet Nozzle Safe-End at Brunswick Steam Blectric Plant Units 1 and 2 of Carolina Power and Light Co.
, o ert S. Dean, P.E.%ELbthROVE.
Report No. IE-116-B, Prepared for: United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Inspection & Enforcement NRC Contract 05-77-186 PAR: NRC-IE-78/79, Task 03
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                $ gottsiteers,,,''o GOhlg r
%Arvn Lloyd' E. Vlies , P.E.PARAMETER, Inc.
[c / ROBERT S. A ?.
Consulting Engineers Elm Grcve, Wisconsin ghj '._
::   I   DEAN         5   By:
Page 2--.SECTION I Abstract A review is made of safe-end stresses at the safe-end/ thermal sleeve weld location for comparison to s tresses at the corres-ponding location at the Duane Arnold Energy Center of Iowa Electric Power and Light Company, where safe-end cracks oc-curred.The purpose is to evaluate the possibility of crack-ing occurring in the future at Brunswick.
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Stress figures are extracted from the original design analysis report of the Brunswick plant.
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These are then compared to Duane Arnold stress figures taken from the original design stress report, but adjusted to be on the same analysis basis as the Brunswick figures.Results show stress levels at Brunswick to be enough lower than at Duane Arnold to substantially reduce the prob-ability of cracking.
              %                                o ert S. Dean, P.E.
The crevice-like sleeve / safe-end weld joint is similar, however, which leaves the potential for crack-ing present.
Continued in-service inspection surveillance of this section is recommended.
wis.      } =
s Page 3-CONTENTS Page Abstract 2 Contents 3 Introduction 4 Summary 5 Comments and Conclusion 6 References 7 Fig. 1: Detail of Safe End, Brunswick 8 Fig. 2: Detail of Safe End, Duane Arnold 9 Differences and Similarities of Brunswick and Duane Arnold Designs 10 Piping Lo ds and Stresses, a Duane Arnold 11 to 13 Calculation and Comparison of Primary Stresses 14 & 15 Primary plus Secondary Stresses, Brunswick 16 Primary plus Secondary Stresses, Duane Arnold 17 Peak Stress Comparison 20 Fatigue Life Comparison 21)hbE,.Plot of Axial Stress Cycling, Duane Arnold 23 Plot of Axial Stress Cycling, Brunswick 24
                    .u.,r..:.=             %Arvn Lloyd' E. Vlies , P.E.
_-Page 4 Introduction A review of recirculation inlet pipe stresses at the thermal sleeve to safe end weld joint crevice location is made of the Brunswick Steam Electric Plant (BSEP).
Camparisons are made to stresses at the corresponding location of the Duane Arnold Energy Center (DAEC).
Consulting Engineers Elm Grcve, Wisconsin ghj '
The main purpose of the review is to evaluate the stresso, relative to probability of cracking occurring at Brunswick in a similar manner to the cracking which did occur at Duane Arnold.The design at Brunswick is similar to that at Duane Arnold, with the crevice at the sleeve / safe end joint (see pp. 8 & 9).
    -  -                                                        Page 2 SECTION I Abstract A review is made of safe-end stresses at the safe-end/ thermal sleeve weld location for comparison to s tresses at the corres-ponding location at the Duane Arnold Energy Center of Iowa Electric Power and Light Company, where safe-end cracks oc-curred. The purpose is to evaluate the possibility of crack-ing occurring in the future at Brunswick. Stress figures are extracted from the original design analysis report of the Brunswick plant. These are then compared to Duane Arnold stress figures taken from the original design stress report, but adjusted to be on the same analysis basis as the Brunswick figures. Results show stress levels at Brunswick to be enough lower than at Duane Arnold to substantially reduce the prob-ability of cracking. The crevice-like sleeve / safe-end weld joint is similar, however, which leaves the potential for crack-ing present. Continued in-service inspection surveillance of this section is recommended.
  -                                                  Page 3 CONTENTS Page Abstract                                   2 Contents                                   3 Introduction                               4 Summary                                   5 Comments and Conclusion                   6 References                                 7 Fig. 1: Detail of Safe End, Brunswick     8 Fig. 2: Detail of Safe End, Duane Arnold   9 Differences and Similarities of Brunswick and Duane Arnold Designs     10 Piping Loa ds and Stresses, Duane Arnold                           11 to 13 Calculation and Comparison of Primary Stresses                       14 & 15 Primary plus Secondary Stresses, Brunswick                               16 Primary plus Secondary Stresses, Duane Arnold                           17 Peak Stress Comparison                   20 Fatigue Life Comparison                   21       .
                                              )hbE, Plot of Axial Stress Cycling, Duane Arnold                           23 Plot of Axial Stress Cycling, Brunswick                               24
  -                                                             Page 4 Introduction A review of recirculation inlet pipe stresses at the thermal sleeve to safe end weld joint crevice location is made of the Brunswick Steam Electric Plant (BSEP). Camparisons are made to stresses at the corresponding location of the Duane Arnold Energy Center (DAEC).
The main purpose of the review is to evaluate the stresso, relative to probability of cracking occurring at Brunswick in a similar manner to the cracking which did occur at Duane Arnold.
The design at Brunswick is similar to that at Duane Arnold, with the crevice at the sleeve / safe end joint (see pp. 8 & 9).
The essential similarities and differences of the two designs are tabulated on page 10.
The essential similarities and differences of the two designs are tabulated on page 10.
Stresses for Brunswick are from the stress summary sections of the original Chicago Bridge and Iron stress analysis report (Ref.1).These are recalculated as required to avoid non-code assumptions (e.g., addition of stress intensities, rather than stresses, for superimposing stresses from piping loads onto those from pressure and thermal loading; ref.1, pp. S8-21, 31,& 33) .The stresses for Duane Arnold are recalculated on the same analytical basi.s for proper comparison, taking data from the original DAEC report by CB&I (ref.2).
Stresses for Brunswick are from the stress summary sections of the original Chicago Bridge and Iron stress analysis report (Ref.1). These are recalculated as required to avoid non-code assumptions (e.g., addition of stress intensities, rather than stresses, for superimposing stresses from piping loads onto those from pressure and thermal loading; ref.1, pp. S8-21, 31,
A plot of primary plus secondary axial stress is made (p.24) using an assumed cycling sequence for Brunswick (since none is given in ref.1).
    & 33) . The stresses for Duane Arnold are recalculated on the same analytical basi.s for proper comparison, taking data from the original DAEC report by CB&I (ref.2).
This is for comparison to a similar plot made for Duane Arnold for ref.3, which is reproduced and included in this report (p.23).
A plot of primary plus secondary axial stress is made (p.24) using an assumed cycling sequence for Brunswick (since none is given in ref.1). This is for comparison to a similar plot made for Duane Arnold for ref.3, which is reproduced and included in this report (p.23).
Fatigue analyses are made for both Duane Arnold and Brunwick, using the same cyclic requirements for Brunswick as for Duane Arnold, since none are given in reference 1 This also gives a more direct comparison of the two designs from fatigue analysis.I, 4 k h. h
Fatigue analyses are made for both Duane Arnold and Brunwick, using the same cyclic requirements for Brunswick as for Duane Arnold, since none are given in reference 1     This also gives a more direct comparison of the two designs from fatigue analysis.
I, 4 k h. h
_Page 5 Summary 1 Primary stress intensity for the Brunswick safe er.d c.t the crevice is 60% of that for Duane Arnold.
Page 5 Summary 1 Primary stress intensity for the Brunswick safe er.d c.t the crevice is 60% of that for Duane Arnold.
: 2. Primary plus secondary stress for Brunswick is 53% of that for Duane Arnold.
: 2. Primary plus secondary stress for Brunswick is 53% of that for Duane Arnold.
: 3. Peak stress for Brunswick is 305 to 50% of that for Duane Arnold.
: 3. Peak stress for Brunswick is 305 to 50% of that for Duane Arnold.
: 4. The fatigue usage factor for Brunswick is less than 2%
: 4. The fatigue usage factor for Brunswick is less than 2%
of that for Duane Arnold, using the same load cycling for direct comparison.
of that for Duane Arnold, using the same load cycling for direct comparison.
.I435 084.
I435 084
..Page 6 Comments , 1.It can be seen frc= the summary (pg.5) that Brunswick stresses at the thermal sleeve / safe end joint location are well below those of Duane Arnold.
The safe end machining configuration of Duane Arnold made the safe end wall tl.ichness least at this location, which is not the case for the Brunswick design, where propor-tionately greater wall thickness remains at this section.
Page 6 Comments                                     ,
: 1. It can be seen frc= the summary (pg.5) that Brunswick stresses at the thermal sleeve / safe end joint location are well below those of Duane Arnold. The safe end machining configuration of Duane Arnold made the safe end wall tl.ichness least at this location, which is not the case for the Brunswick design, where propor-tionately greater wall thickness remains at this section.
: 2. For both designs, stress levels of all Code stress cate-gories (general primary membrane, local primary membrane, primary plus secondary, and peak) are within Code limits.
: 2. For both designs, stress levels of all Code stress cate-gories (general primary membrane, local primary membrane, primary plus secondary, and peak) are within Code limits.
: 3. The presence of the crevice formed by the weld joint creates the potential for cracking.
: 3. The presence of the crevice formed by the weld joint creates the potential for cracking. The probability cracking will occur at Brunswick is much reduced from Duane Arnold, due to the lower stresses and proportion-ally thicker wall. However, a threshold of stress below which stress corrosion cracking will never occur with the presence of a crack-like crevice has not been established definitely. However it is currently fairly well agreed that for stress corrosion cracking to occur, at least yield stress level is required, along with a corrosive environ-ment and a susceptible material. The safe-end primary-plus-secondary stress level at the crevice of the Brunswick design is approximately equal to yield strength. At Duane Arnold, it was approximately twice yield strength.
The probability cracking will occur at Brunswick is much reduced from Duane Arnold, due to the lower stresses and proportion-ally thicker wall.
: 4. The assumed residual stress from welding of yield stress magnitude is shown to shake down by load cycling (see plot, pg.24). This is a similar situation to that for Duane Arnold, where it was empnasized that load stresses werr high enough to cause cracking with or without initial residual stress (ref.3,pg. 16).
However, a threshold of stress below which stress corrosion cracking will never occur with the presence of a crack-like crevice has not been established definitely.
: 5. The wider annulus between the thermal sleeve and the nozzle I.D. (.50 radial width vs. .125 for Duane Arnold) should promote better circulation and reduce rate of contamination buildup at the crevice.
However it is currently fairly well agreed that for stress corrosion cracking to occur, at least yield stress level is required, along with a corrosive environ-ment and a susceptible material.
1435 185 Conclusion Brunswick stresses are considerably lower than those at Duane Arnold, but the potential for cracking is present because of the weld joint crevice. Crack propagation, should a crack occur, would be expected to be at a much slower rate than at Duane Arnold. Continued in-service inspection surveillance of this section is recommended.
The safe-end primary-plus-secondary stress level at the crevice of the Brunswick design is approximately equal to yield strength.
At Duane Arnold, it was approximately twice yield strength.
: 4. The assumed residual stress from welding of yield stress magnitude is shown to shake down by load cycling (see plot, pg.24).This is a similar situation to that for Duane Arnold, where it was empnasized that load stresses werr high enough to cause cracking with or without initial residual stress (ref.3,pg. 16).
: 5. The wider annulus between the thermal sleeve and the nozzle I.D.(.50 radial width vs. .125 for Duane Arnold) should promote better circulation and reduce rate of contamination buildup at the crevice.
1435 185 Conclusion Brunswick stresses are considerably lower than those at Duane Arnold, but the potential for cracking is present because of the weld joint crevice.
1   Stress Analysis, Section S8, Nozzle N2A/K, Recirculation Inlet, Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Chicago Bridge &
Crack propagation, should a crack occur, would be expected to be at a much slower rate than at Duane Arnold.
Continued in-service inspection surveillance of this section is recommended.
1~-Page 7.REFERENCES :
1 Stress Analysis, Section S8, Nozzle N2A/K, Recirculation Inlet, Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Chicago Bridge &
Iron Company, Oak Brook Engineering, 1969.
Iron Company, Oak Brook Engineering, 1969.
: 2. Stress Analysis Report of Original Recirculation Inlet Nozzle N2, Section T8, S8, and F8, Duane Arnold Energy Center, Chicago Bridge & Iron Compa.ny, Rev.
: 2. Stress Analysis Report of Original Recirculation Inlet Nozzle N2, Section T8, S8, and F8, Duane Arnold Energy Center, Chicago Bridge & Iron Compa.ny, Rev. 1, Nov., 1971
1, Nov., 1971
: 3. Metallurgical E,xamination and Stress Evaluation of Recirculation Inlet Nozzle Safe-End Cracking at Duane Arnold Energy Center, Parameter, Inc., Report No. IE-116, for United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NRC Contract 05-77-186, March, 1979.
: 3. Metallurgical E,xamination and Stress Evaluation of Recirculation Inlet Nozzle Safe-End Cracking at Duane Arnold Energy Center, Parameter, Inc., Report No. IE-116, for United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NRC Contract 05-77-186, March, 1979.
: 4. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III, Nuclear Vessels, 1968, with Summer 1968 Addenda.
: 4. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III, Nuclear Vessels, 1968, with Summer 1968 Addenda.
: 5. Drawing, Duane Arnold Design, Thermal Sleeves for Recircu-lation Inlet N zzles Mark N2 A/H, Chicago Bridge and Iron o Company, Contract 68-2967, Drawing No. 32, Sheet 7, Pur-chaser's No. 205H1289.
: 5. Drawing, Duane Arnold Design, Thermal Sleeves for Recircu-lation Inlet No zzles Mark N2 A/H, Chicago Bridge and Iron Company, Contract 68-2967, Drawing No. 32, Sheet 7, Pur-chaser's No. 205H1289.
: 6. Rodabaugh, E.
: 6. Rodabaugh, E. C., Task 8: Pipe Configuration and Stress Levels , Eattelle Columbus Laboratories for U.S.N.R.C. ,
C., Task 8: Pipe Configuration and Stress Levels , Eattelle Columbus Laboratories for U.S.N.R.C. , Draft Copy, Nov. 30, 1978.
Draft Copy, Nov. 30, 1978.
: 7. General Electric Drawing 921D217, Sheet 8, Rev. 10, Jet Pump Secondary Loads, Reactor Vessel, Duane Arnold.
: 7. General Electric Drawing 921D217, Sheet 8, Rev. 10, Jet Pump Secondary Loads, Reactor Vessel, Duane Arnold.
: 8. Roark, R. J. , Formulas for Stress and Strain, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1965.
: 8. Roark, R. J. , Formulas for Stress and Strain, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1965.
143S 186_
143S 186
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_Page 10 i Differences and Similarities of
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-Brunswick and Duane Arnold Designs From study of figures 1 and 2, the significant similarities and differences of the Brunswick safe end design to the de-sign at Duane Arnold are as follows:
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Feature Brunswick Duane Arnold Nominal Inlet Pipe Size 12" sched tc 10" sched 80 Nominal Thermal Sleeve Size 12" sched 40S 10" sched 40 Safe End Wall Thickness at Thermal Sleeve Weld 1.125.575 Crevice Length
47 Nu M                      O3 &
.50.50 Annulus Width (betw Thermal Shield and Nozzle I.D.)
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.50 12 The safe end design at Duane Arnold had the thinnest wall section right at the sleeve / safe end weld joint, whereas, the design at Brunswick is thicker at this location than the pipe wall or the nozzle wall at forming the safe end.
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This produces lower stresses at the crevice section, as compared on the following pages.
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Page 10 i
Differences and Similarities of Brunswick and Duane Arnold Designs From study of figures 1 and 2, the significant similarities and differences of the Brunswick safe end design to the de-sign at Duane Arnold are as follows:
Feature                         Brunswick                 Duane Arnold Nominal Inlet Pipe Size         12" sched tc               10" sched 80 Nominal Thermal Sleeve Size     12" sched 40S             10" sched 40 Safe End Wall Thickness at Thermal Sleeve Weld         1.125                     .575 Crevice Length                   .50                       .50 Annulus Width (betw Thermal Shield and Nozzle I.D.)               .50                         12 The safe end design at Duane Arnold had the thinnest wall section right at the sleeve / safe end weld joint, whereas, the design at Brunswick is thicker at this location than the pipe wall or the nozzle wall at forming the safe end. This produces lower stresses at the crevice section, as compared on the following pages.
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Latest revision as of 18:39, 16 March 2020

IE-116-B, Rept of Evaluation of Stresses in Recirculation Inlet Nozzle Safe-End at Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Units 1 & 2, Final Rept by Parameter,Inc.Recommends Continued Inservice Surveillance
Person / Time
Site: Brunswick, Duane Arnold  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/15/1979
From: Dean R, Vlies L
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ML19210E032 List:
IE-116-B, NUDOCS 7911290189
Download: ML19210E036 (27)


e (i)

Report No, IE-116-B Evaluation of Stresses in Recirculation Inlet Nozzle Safe-End at Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Units 1 and 2 of Carolina Power and Light Co.

R. S. Dean L. E. Vlies PARAMETER, Irac .

Prepared for 4[h' 7

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 7911290 Iff!



. (ii)

NorICE This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, or any of their employees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or re-sponsibility for any third party's use, or the results of such use, of any in-formation, apparatus, product or process disclosed in this report, or represents that its use by such third party c:culd not infringe privately owned rights.

The views expressed in this report are not necessarily those of the U. S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Available from U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 1435 078

. . . (iii)

IE-116-8 Distribution Cor.ies Nuclear Regulatory Commission Technical Assistance Branch Office of Inspection 40 and Enforcement PARAMETER, Inc.

File Copy 1 1435 179

Report of Evaluation of Stresses in Recirculation Inlet Nozzle Safe-End at Brunswick Steam Blectric Plant Units 1 and 2 of Carolina Power and Light Co.

Report No. IE-116-B, Prepared for: United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Inspection & Enforcement NRC Contract 05-77-186 PAR: NRC-IE-78/79, Task 03

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% o ert S. Dean, P.E.


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.u.,r..:.= %Arvn Lloyd' E. Vlies , P.E.


Consulting Engineers Elm Grcve, Wisconsin ghj '

- - Page 2 SECTION I Abstract A review is made of safe-end stresses at the safe-end/ thermal sleeve weld location for comparison to s tresses at the corres-ponding location at the Duane Arnold Energy Center of Iowa Electric Power and Light Company, where safe-end cracks oc-curred. The purpose is to evaluate the possibility of crack-ing occurring in the future at Brunswick. Stress figures are extracted from the original design analysis report of the Brunswick plant. These are then compared to Duane Arnold stress figures taken from the original design stress report, but adjusted to be on the same analysis basis as the Brunswick figures. Results show stress levels at Brunswick to be enough lower than at Duane Arnold to substantially reduce the prob-ability of cracking. The crevice-like sleeve / safe-end weld joint is similar, however, which leaves the potential for crack-ing present. Continued in-service inspection surveillance of this section is recommended.



- Page 3 CONTENTS Page Abstract 2 Contents 3 Introduction 4 Summary 5 Comments and Conclusion 6 References 7 Fig. 1: Detail of Safe End, Brunswick 8 Fig. 2: Detail of Safe End, Duane Arnold 9 Differences and Similarities of Brunswick and Duane Arnold Designs 10 Piping Loa ds and Stresses, Duane Arnold 11 to 13 Calculation and Comparison of Primary Stresses 14 & 15 Primary plus Secondary Stresses, Brunswick 16 Primary plus Secondary Stresses, Duane Arnold 17 Peak Stress Comparison 20 Fatigue Life Comparison 21 .

)hbE, Plot of Axial Stress Cycling, Duane Arnold 23 Plot of Axial Stress Cycling, Brunswick 24

- Page 4 Introduction A review of recirculation inlet pipe stresses at the thermal sleeve to safe end weld joint crevice location is made of the Brunswick Steam Electric Plant (BSEP). Camparisons are made to stresses at the corresponding location of the Duane Arnold Energy Center (DAEC).

The main purpose of the review is to evaluate the stresso, relative to probability of cracking occurring at Brunswick in a similar manner to the cracking which did occur at Duane Arnold.

The design at Brunswick is similar to that at Duane Arnold, with the crevice at the sleeve / safe end joint (see pp. 8 & 9).

The essential similarities and differences of the two designs are tabulated on page 10.

Stresses for Brunswick are from the stress summary sections of the original Chicago Bridge and Iron stress analysis report (Ref.1). These are recalculated as required to avoid non-code assumptions (e.g., addition of stress intensities, rather than stresses, for superimposing stresses from piping loads onto those from pressure and thermal loading; ref.1, pp. S8-21, 31,

& 33) . The stresses for Duane Arnold are recalculated on the same analytical basi.s for proper comparison, taking data from the original DAEC report by CB&I (ref.2).

A plot of primary plus secondary axial stress is made (p.24) using an assumed cycling sequence for Brunswick (since none is given in ref.1). This is for comparison to a similar plot made for Duane Arnold for ref.3, which is reproduced and included in this report (p.23).

Fatigue analyses are made for both Duane Arnold and Brunwick, using the same cyclic requirements for Brunswick as for Duane Arnold, since none are given in reference 1 This also gives a more direct comparison of the two designs from fatigue analysis.

I, 4 k h. h

Page 5 Summary 1 Primary stress intensity for the Brunswick safe er.d c.t the crevice is 60% of that for Duane Arnold.

2. Primary plus secondary stress for Brunswick is 53% of that for Duane Arnold.
3. Peak stress for Brunswick is 305 to 50% of that for Duane Arnold.
4. The fatigue usage factor for Brunswick is less than 2%

of that for Duane Arnold, using the same load cycling for direct comparison.

I435 084

Page 6 Comments ,

1. It can be seen frc= the summary (pg.5) that Brunswick stresses at the thermal sleeve / safe end joint location are well below those of Duane Arnold. The safe end machining configuration of Duane Arnold made the safe end wall tl.ichness least at this location, which is not the case for the Brunswick design, where propor-tionately greater wall thickness remains at this section.
2. For both designs, stress levels of all Code stress cate-gories (general primary membrane, local primary membrane, primary plus secondary, and peak) are within Code limits.
3. The presence of the crevice formed by the weld joint creates the potential for cracking. The probability cracking will occur at Brunswick is much reduced from Duane Arnold, due to the lower stresses and proportion-ally thicker wall. However, a threshold of stress below which stress corrosion cracking will never occur with the presence of a crack-like crevice has not been established definitely. However it is currently fairly well agreed that for stress corrosion cracking to occur, at least yield stress level is required, along with a corrosive environ-ment and a susceptible material. The safe-end primary-plus-secondary stress level at the crevice of the Brunswick design is approximately equal to yield strength. At Duane Arnold, it was approximately twice yield strength.
4. The assumed residual stress from welding of yield stress magnitude is shown to shake down by load cycling (see plot, pg.24). This is a similar situation to that for Duane Arnold, where it was empnasized that load stresses werr high enough to cause cracking with or without initial residual stress (ref.3,pg. 16).
5. The wider annulus between the thermal sleeve and the nozzle I.D. (.50 radial width vs. .125 for Duane Arnold) should promote better circulation and reduce rate of contamination buildup at the crevice.

1435 185 Conclusion Brunswick stresses are considerably lower than those at Duane Arnold, but the potential for cracking is present because of the weld joint crevice. Crack propagation, should a crack occur, would be expected to be at a much slower rate than at Duane Arnold. Continued in-service inspection surveillance of this section is recommended.




1 Stress Analysis, Section S8, Nozzle N2A/K, Recirculation Inlet, Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Chicago Bridge &

Iron Company, Oak Brook Engineering, 1969.

2. Stress Analysis Report of Original Recirculation Inlet Nozzle N2, Section T8, S8, and F8, Duane Arnold Energy Center, Chicago Bridge & Iron Compa.ny, Rev. 1, Nov., 1971
3. Metallurgical E,xamination and Stress Evaluation of Recirculation Inlet Nozzle Safe-End Cracking at Duane Arnold Energy Center, Parameter, Inc., Report No. IE-116, for United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NRC Contract 05-77-186, March, 1979.
4. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Nuclear Vessels, 1968, with Summer 1968 Addenda.
5. Drawing, Duane Arnold Design, Thermal Sleeves for Recircu-lation Inlet No zzles Mark N2 A/H, Chicago Bridge and Iron Company, Contract 68-2967, Drawing No. 32, Sheet 7, Pur-chaser's No. 205H1289.
6. Rodabaugh, E. C., Task 8: Pipe Configuration and Stress Levels , Eattelle Columbus Laboratories for U.S.N.R.C. ,

Draft Copy, Nov. 30, 1978.

7. General Electric Drawing 921D217, Sheet 8, Rev. 10, Jet Pump Secondary Loads, Reactor Vessel, Duane Arnold.
8. Roark, R. J. , Formulas for Stress and Strain, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1965.

143S 186


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Page 10 i

Differences and Similarities of Brunswick and Duane Arnold Designs From study of figures 1 and 2, the significant similarities and differences of the Brunswick safe end design to the de-sign at Duane Arnold are as follows:

Feature Brunswick Duane Arnold Nominal Inlet Pipe Size 12" sched tc 10" sched 80 Nominal Thermal Sleeve Size 12" sched 40S 10" sched 40 Safe End Wall Thickness at Thermal Sleeve Weld 1.125 .575 Crevice Length .50 .50 Annulus Width (betw Thermal Shield and Nozzle I.D.) .50 12 The safe end design at Duane Arnold had the thinnest wall section right at the sleeve / safe end weld joint, whereas, the design at Brunswick is thicker at this location than the pipe wall or the nozzle wall at forming the safe end. This produces lower stresses at the crevice section, as compared on the following pages.

!435 489 2

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