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Fig. 2 - The effect of three additions of 20g NaCI/m 2 on the extractable Na levels at three depths in a Lakeland loany sand.
Fig. 2 - The effect of three additions of 20g NaCI/m 2 on the extractable Na levels at three depths in a Lakeland loany sand.
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TIME                                            5 Fig. 9 - The effect of three additions of lOg NaCl/m    2 on the EC values at three depths in a Sassafras sandy loam.
TIME                                            5 Fig. 9 - The effect of three additions of lOg NaCl/m    2 on the EC values at three depths in a Sassafras sandy loam.
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LIBRARY WASHINGTON, D.C. 2056      ,-5 STOP 555                  l COOUNG TOWER                    SO Environment - 1978 PROCEEDINGS A SYMPOSIUM ON ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF COOLING TOWER EMISSIONS May 2- 4, 1978 Sponsored By POWER PLANT SITING PROGRAM MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES and WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH CENTER UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND In Cooperation With The Applied Physics Laboratory The Johns Hopkins University Electric Power Research Institute U.S. Department of Energy Potomac Electric Power Company U.S. Environmental Protection Agency U.S. Department of the Interior at The Center of Adult Education UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND
LIBRARY WASHINGTON, D.C. 2056      ,-5 STOP 555                  l COOUNG TOWER                    SO Environment - 1978 PROCEEDINGS A SYMPOSIUM ON ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF COOLING TOWER EMISSIONS May 2- 4, 1978 Sponsored By POWER PLANT SITING PROGRAM MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES and WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH CENTER UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND In Cooperation With The Applied Physics Laboratory The Johns Hopkins University Electric Power Research Institute U.S. Department of Energy Potomac Electric Power Company U.S. Environmental Protection Agency U.S. Department of the Interior at The Center of Adult Education UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND
                                                                      * .

ERRATA Cooling Tower Environment - 1978 Page Number                      Nature of Correction 1-12  Figure 5: new copy enclosed:    current reproduction cannot be read.
ERRATA Cooling Tower Environment - 1978 Page Number                      Nature of Correction 1-12  Figure 5: new copy enclosed:    current reproduction cannot be read.

Latest revision as of 13:05, 13 March 2020

Movement of Nacl Through Three Soil Profiles and Its Effect on Soil Chemical Properties
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 06/01/1978
From: Foss J, Mcclung G, Mccormick R, Wolf D
Univ of Maryland
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Davis J NRR/DLR/REBB, 415-3835
Download: ML072150360 (26)



ABSTRACT The movement of NaCl through the upper 45 cm of three representative soils in the area which could be affected by the Chalk Point Electrical Generating Station was studied. Three replicate treatments of 0, 10, and 20 g NaCl/m 2 were applied to a Sassafras loam, Sassafras sandy loam, and Lakeland loamy sand at three different times. Soil samples were taken at

.4 0-15, 15-30, and 30-45 cm depths at approximately monthly intervals for 13 months and analyzed for exchangeable Na and electrical conductivity.

When NaCl was added to the soils at rates of 10 and 20 g/m 2 , the soluble salt levels as measured by electrical conductivity returned to the level of the control treatments within one month.* The Na cation was not leached through the soil profiles as rapidly as the Cl anion. Nine months after the last salt application, the Na content of all soils had returned to that of the control treatment except for the Sassafras sandy loam which contained significantly more Na at all three sampling depths than the control. Under the experimental conditions studied, it would appear that Na could accumulate in the soil as a result of a salt deposition at a rate of 10 g/m 2 -month.

INTRODUCTION The addition of salts to soil may lead to an increase in the soluble salt content, salinization, and an increase in the exchangeable sodium content, sodication (8, 13). Along with decreased productivity associated with both salinization and sodication, undesirable physical properties may develop in the finer textured soils as a result of sodication. Increased levels of sodium on the exchange complex may cause dispersion of the particles and destruction of soil aggregation which would result in de-creased water conductivity (1).

Since Na is not tightly held on the exchange complex, it along with the soluble salts can be leached through the soil with water (10). Edelman et al. (4) showed that following the application of 200 kg/ha of Cl- as "A KCI, the Cl- moved 15-20 cm/day with 2.5 cm of daily irrigation in a sandy loam soil. Yimprasert et al. (15), also working with a sandy loam soil, found that Cl and NO3 anions move through the soil at similar rates. With 1/ Graduate Research Assistant, Associate Professor, Faculty Research Assistant, and Professor, respectively, Department of Agronomy, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742.


the application of 6.3 cm of water, 67% of the added 150 kg/ha NO3 -N was lost from the upper 105 cm of the soil profile and after 11.2 cm of water was applied, 82% of the NO3 -N was lost.

Wiedenfeld et al. (14), reported that salt water cooling towers near Galveston, Texas deposited 1,200 kg/ha-yr of total salts within 100 m of the towers. The increased salt deposition due to the cooling towers is expected to eventually lead to salinization and sodication of the sur-rounding. soil.

The electrical generating plant at Chalk Point, Maryland currently has one cooling tower in operation and a second scheduled to begin operation in the early 1980's. Since these towers utilize the brackish water of the lower Patuxent River, salts are present in the drift and are deposited on the surrounding crops and soils.. .

In a drift and deposition model (5), Israel and Overcamp predicted a maximum salt deposition rate of approximately 50 kg/ha-month from one cooling tower. An updated model by the Applied Physics Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University (9) predicted that maximum salt deposition would occur during the summer with a maximum rate estimated to be 8.1 kg/ha-month. L M6ereriet al. (7) measured salt deposition in June 1977, and determined t at a total of 13 mg Na/m2-4 hr (24 kg Na/ha-month) was being deposited at adistance of 0.5 km from the tower.

The objective of this study was to determine if salt added to the soil at rates similar to those predicted to be dispersed by the power

.plants and cooling towers would accumulate in the soil.

MATERIALS AND METHODS Plots were established at .research sites 1.6 km east and 4.8 and 9.6 km north of the Chalk Point Electrical Generating Station. The soil types at these three sites are Lakeland loamy sand, Sassafras sandy loam, and a Sassafras loam, respectively. These soils were selected because they represented the greatest range in soil physical properties of the sites currently under investigation (Table 1). Each plot was 1.5 x 1.5 m and was surrounded with plastic edging to prevent runoff between plots. Three 2 200 kg/ha) were replicate treatments of 0, 10, and 20 g NaCl/m (0, 100, applied to a l x 1 m area in the center of each plot. Treatments were applied by dissolving the appropriate amount of NaCl in 550 ml of distilled 2 sprayer. The existing water and spraying the 1 m area with a portable vegetation was killed by herbicide application prior to treatment appli-cation and the plots were maintained free of vegetation throughout the study. The NaCl was applied on 17 July, 20 August, and 1 November, 1974.

Soil samples were taken at 0-15, 15-30, and 30-45 cm depths at periodic intervals for a period of 13 months. Five cores, 2.5 cm in diameter were taken at each sampling, air dried, crushed to pass a 2 mm sieve, and thoroughly mixed. The levels of exchangeable Na were determined using autoanalyzer techniques (Bandel, V.A., C.K. Stottlemyer, amd C.E.

Rivard. 1969. Soil Testing Methods. University of Maryland Soil Testing I - 112

Laboratory. Agronomy Mimeo 37) following extraction with I N ammonium acetate at pH 7.0 (6). Electrical conductivity (EC) was determined on a 1:5 soil water extract using a conductivity bridge (2, 11).

The data were subjected to analysis of variance and LSD was used to compare treatments to the control when differences in means existed.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The amounts of Na extracted from the three soils with the 0, 10 and 20 g NaCl/m 2 treatments are presented in Figs. 1-6. The control treatments presented are an average Na value for all three soil depths as there were insignificant differences in Na levels with depth. All three soils are naturally low in Na averaging approximately 20 pg/g soil.

The addition of 10 g NaCI/m 2 to the Lakeland loamy sand increased the Na content of the soil (Fig. 1). With time it was observed that the Na content of the 0-15 cm depth decreased with an increase in the Na con-tent of the 15-30 and 30-45 cm depths. This would be expected since Na is a highly mobile cation (10) and apparently moved readily through the soil.

  • Five months after the third of three salt applications, there was still significantly greater amounts of Na at all soil depths with the application
  • of 10 g NaCl/mZ when compared to the control treatment. The 0-15 cm depth contained less Na than the 15-30 and 30-45 cm depths ind-icating that the salt moved through the first 15 cm of the profile. Nine months after the last salt application, the Na content of all depths had returned to that of the control. With the application of 20 g NaCl/m 2 , the Na content of

.the 0-15 cm depth was approximately twice that of the 10 g NaCl/m 2 treat-ment (F.ig. 2). The Na content of the 15-30 and 30-45 cm depths were similar in both the 10 and 20 g NaCl/ m2 treatments, which indicated that the salt moved through the soil at a uniform rate and did not accumulate

  • in the lower depths. Since the clay content of the soil was approximately 3%, Na would not be expected to accumulate to a large degree in this soil.

The Na content of the Sassafras sandy loam in both the 10 and 20 g NaCI/m 2 treatments was similar to that of the Lakeland loamy sand during the period of salt application (Figs. 3 and 4).. After the last salt application, the Na did not move through the profile as rapidly as occurred in the Lakeland loamy sand. This would be expected, due to the greater clay content in the Sassafras sandy loam (Table 1). Since Na is.a cation, it will be adsorbed onto the clay and its mobility decreased with i~ncreasing amounts of clay (1). The high clay content of the 36-69 cm depth, 26%, is reflected in the increased Na content of the 30-45 cm depth.

Nine months after the last NaCl application, the Na level of the 15-30 and 30-45 cm depths remained statistically greater than the Na content of the 0-15 cm depth in both the 10 and 20 g NaCl/m 2 treatment. The addition of 20 g NaCl/m 2 increased the Na content of the soil greater than did the 10 g NaCl/m 2 as would be expected.

In the Sassafras loam, the addition of increasing salt levels was reflected in increased extractable Na levels (Figs. 5 and 6). During the I - 113

JI period of salt application, the amount of Na extracted was approximately twice that of the other two soils studied. Nine months after the last salt ,

application there were no significant differences in Na content between ýhe control and any of the three soil depths in either the 10 or 20 g NaCl/m treatment. The Sassafras loam drd not show the Na accumulation in the 15-30 and 30-45 cm depths that the other two soils showed. Only in the 20 g NaCl/m 2 treatment was there an increase in the Na content in the 15-30 cm A.

depth, and that was one month after each of the last two salt applications.

Apparently when the Na leached past the 15 cm depth, it moved through the 15-45 cm depth rapidly, rather than accumulating as was observed in the V.,

two other soils studied.

Under the conditions of this study, it appears that if salt was J.

added at a continuous rate of 10 g/m 2 -month, an increase in the Na content of the soils studied would occur. When NaCI applications were terminated, the Na levels had returned to that of the control in nine months in all cases except in the Sassafras sandy loam. With continued salt deposition, Na levels in the soil could increase to a level ultimately determined by V the Na leaching rate in each soil (3). The ramifications of salt deposition at rates of 10 g/m 2 -month on the physical properties of the individual soils have not been determined.

Figures 7-12 present the electrical conductivity (EC) of the three soils with the 0, 10, and 20 g NaCl/m 2 treatments. In the Lakeland loamy sand, the added salt was reflected in an increased EC of the 0-15 cm depth.

One month after treatments were applied, the EC of the soil had returned to that of the control with the 10 g NaCl/m 2 treatment (Fig. 7). The 20 g NaCl/m 2 treatment (Fig. 8), increased the EC of the 0-15 cm depth greater than did the 10 g NaCl/m 2 treatment, however after one month the EC values had generally returned to those of the control soil. It appeared that the rainfall (Table 2) was capable of rapidly leaching the soluble salts through the soil.

In a Sassafras loamy sand, the 20 g NaCl/m2 treatment could be easily detected by EC measurements in the 0-15 cm depth, but EC changes in the 10 g NaC1/m 2 treatment were less defined (Figs. 10 and 11). At most sampling times, the control treatment exhibited an EC approximately equal to that of the 10 g NaCl/m 2 treatment.

The Sassafras loam had greater EC values than the other soils, which is consistent with the higher Na values obtained at this site following salt application (Figs. 11 and 12). With the addition of 10 and 20 g NaCl/m , the EC values were increased in the 0-15 cm depth with the 20 g treatment the more dramatic. After salt application, more than one month was required to lower the EC values to that of the control in both the 10 and 20 g NaCl/m 2 treatments. This may be related to the low amount of precipitation at this site compared to the other sites during the study period (Table 2). The Sassafras loam is the only soil studied in which a tendency was shown for the EC to increase in the 15-30 cm depth as the EC decreased in the 0-15 cm depth. In the two other soils, the salts moved beyond the 45 cm sampling depth between samplings.

1- 114 VI

Under the experimental conditions studied, the addition of lO.g NaCI/

m2 -month would result in a slight increase in the EC of the soil. However, even in the Sassafras loam, which exhibited the largest increase in EC, the value was not great enough to result in a decrease in soil productivity (12). With normal rainfall, the soluble salts are leached through the soil at a rate great enough to prevent accumulation to a level which would be harmful to plants.


AND CONCLUSIONS Under the experimental conditions of this investigation, salt deposition at a rate of 10 g/m 2 -month would most likely result in an increase in the exchangeable Na content and soluble salt levels of the three soils studied. Nine months after the third application of 20 g NaCl/m 2 , the Na level in the 0-45 cm depth of the Lakeland loamy sand and Sassafras loam was not different from the control treatment. The soluble salt levels, as measured by electrical conductivity, in the 20 g NaCl/m' treated Lakeland loamy sand and Sassafras sandy loam decreased to levels approximately equal to the control treatments in less than two months following salt application. The long range effect of salt deposition on the chemical and physical properties of soils in the vicinity of the Chalk Point Electrical Generating Station will depend upon the soil type, deposition rate, and leaching rate.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was supported by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Power Plant Siting Program as part of the Chalk Point Cooling Tower Project. At the University of Maryland, College Park, the program is administered through the Water Resources Research Center. The authors wish to express their appreciation to Dr. Richard S. Nietubicz, Project Engineer for the Chalk Point Cooling Tower Project, and Dr. R. L. Green, Coordinator for the Water Resources Research Center. The computer time for this project was supported in part through the facilities of the Computer Science Center of the University of Maryland.

t-1 115


1. Black, C. A. 1968. Soil Plant Relationships. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York.
2. Bower, C. A. and L. V. Wilcox. 1965. Soluble salts. p. 933-951.

In C. A. Black (ed.) Methods of Soil Analysis Part 2. Chemical and microbiological Properties. Am. Soc. of Agron., Madison, Wis.

3. Clayton, J. L. 1972. Salt spray and mineral cycling in two California coastal ecosystems. Ecology. 53:74-81.
4. Endelman, F. J., D. R. Keeney, J. T. Gilmour, and P. G. Saffigna.

1974. Nitrate and chloride movement in the Plainfield loamy sand under intensive irrigation. J. Environ. Qual. 3:295-298.

5. Israel, G. H. and T. J. Overcamp. 1975. Drift deposition model for natural-draft cooling towers. In S. R. Hanna and J. Pell (coord.)

Cooling Tower Environment - 1974. ERDA Conf - 740302.

6, Jackson, M. L. 1965. Soil Chemical Analysis. Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Englewood Cliffs, N.J.

7. Meyer, J. H. and W. D. Stanbro. 1977. Fluorescent dye, a novel technique to trace cooling tower drift. Fourth joint conference on sensing environmental pollutants, November 6-11, 1977, New Orleans, La*
8. Rich, C. I. 1973. Glossary of soil science terms. Soil Sci. Soc.

Amo, Madison, Wis.

9. Salt loading, modeling, and aircraft hazard studies. 1977. The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. M. L. Moon (project supervisor). Chalk Point Cooling Tower Project, Maryland Power Plant Siting Program. PPSP-CPCTP-16, Vol. 1. p. 2-1-2-20.
10. Tisdale, S. L. and W. L. Nelson. 1975. Soil fertility and fertilizers 3 ed. Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc. New York.

II. U.S. Salinity Laboratory Staff. 1954. Determination of the properties of saline and alkali soils. P. 7-33. In L. A. Richards (ed.) Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils. Agric.

Handb. no. 60, USDA. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

12. U.S. Salinity Laboratory Staff. 1954. Plant response and crop selection for saline and alkali soils. p. 55-69. In L. A. Richards (ed.) Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils. Agric.

Handb. no. 60. USDA. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

13. U.S. Salinity Laboratory Staff. 1954. Origin and nature of saline and alkali soils. p. 1-5. In L. A. Richards (ed.) Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils. Agric. Handb. no. 60. USDA.

U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

14. Wiedenfeld, R. P., L. R. Hassner, and E. L. McWilliams. 1977. Effects of evaporative salt water cooling towers on salt drift and salt deposition on surrounding soils. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 40.

American Society of Agronomy, Madison, Wis.

15. Yimprasert, S., R. L. Blevins, and S. Chaewsamoot. 1976. Movement of nitrate, chloride, and potassium in a sandy loam soil. Plant Soil.


1- 116 I-

Table 1. Partial physical characterization of the three soils utilized for the salt movement study.

Soil Surface Textural Analysis Series Texture Horizon Depth Sand Silt Clay

-- cm--

Lakeland loamy sand Ap 0- 26 90 7 3 B2 26- 47 89 8 3 Cl 47- 66 90 9 1 C2 66- 88 93 5 2 C3 88-I00 94 4 2 C4 100-120 95 2 3 C5 120-148 96 1 3 C6 148-165 96 1 3 Sassafras sandy loam Ap 0- 21 75 19 6 A2 21- 36 75 16 9 B2t 36- 69 64 10 26 B3 69- 92 85 2 13 Cl 92-133 93 ndt nd C2 133-153 94 nd nd Sassafras loam Ap 0- 28 54 34 12 A2 28- 53 69 20 11 BI 53- 71 70 18 12 B2t 71- 86 72 11 17 11B3 86-138 95 nd nd IICl 138-153 98 nd nd t Values were not determined.


I - 117

TF Table 2. Amount of rainfall recorded at the three sites studied I

V the sampling period.

Site Location


Month Year 1.6 East 4.8 North 9.6 North


ii July 1974 I0.4 8.6 18.8 August 1974 10.7 17.3 3.6 September 1974 11.2 12.2 1.27 October 1974 3.6 6.4 5.6 November 1974 3.3 0.5 2.3 December 1974 10.2 9.9 8.9 January 1975 ndt nd nd February 1975 nd nd nd March 1975 4.3 15.7 7.1 April 1975 14.2 3.0 11.9 t Rainfall information was not recorded.

I - 118 I-


4,4, Na CI added


/ip I)I0 £


  • -=-15-30 cm depth cm depth

"- 30-45 cm depth control

! 'i ~~

I ~

1: 80 Ii

/ i I LS D= 5.2 I

0' I' z


'"4 I I I I I a I I I I I I I I m = I m I I I I I J A S 0 N D J F M A M J J A TIME(MONTHS)

Fig. 1 - The effect of three additions of lOg NaCl/m 2 on the extractable Na levels at three depths in a Lakeland loamy sand.


I - 119

'I, NaCI added

0-15 cm decIth 200 iI ---- 15-30 cmd ept h I .-.---

30-45 cmc iepth i lcontroL i i i i I I TLS D =5.2 i i 3100 0


// . I ,.....

a ,, ar"',

1 I/-N N% .----- 2>...I I d A S 0 N D J F M A M J J A TIME (MONTHS)

Fig. 2 - The effect of three additions of 20g NaCI/m 2 on the extractable Na levels at three depths in a Lakeland loany sand.

I - 120 I -


ioo1 NaCI ADDED 0-15 CM DEPTH P.

==--15-30 CM DEPTH

-.-- 30-45 CM DEPTH I'

t 501 z


I I ~ ~ I I £ I a I I OJ1 A S 0 N D J F M A M J J A TIME (MONTHS)

Fig. 3 -- The effect of three additions of lOg NaCl/m2 on the extractable Na levels at three depths in a Sassafras sandy loam.


I - 121



- 0-15 CM DEPTH 200H , 15-30 CM DEPTH i I'

'--30-45 CM DEPTH I


I I..



I00-I z

, I I I I 0

  • J i I I I I I I I I J A S 0 N D J F M A M J J f


Fig. 4 - The effect of three additions of 20g NaC1/m 2 on the extractable Na levels at three depths in a Sassafras sandy loam.

I - 122 L



~/ /

0 J A 2 on the Fig. 5 - The effect of three additions of lOg NaCI/m loam.

extractable Na levels at three depths in Sassafras I - 123

400kýJ 4, , Na C1


"= 15-30 CM DEPTH

--- '- 0 -45 CM DEPTH 3


1t I LSD= 9"3 o200 z/ - /,

" - L S D A

0I e eph2,Oasa a/la C* DL

............ F M A M TIME (MONTHS) . .. A Fig. 6 - The effect of three additions of 2 9 N C j n th extractable NB levels at three deth Sasfasm 20n loam.h I - 124



£ --

IL 20 U,

12:3 1 23 123 1 2 3 1 23 TIME - 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2

Fig. 7 - The effect of three additions of .lOg NaCI/m on the EC values at three depths in a Lakeland loamy sand.

- 20gNaCl/m2



0 I

I-O 0

I' LU 20 OL1 a.

DEPTH I 23 1 23 I 23 123 1 23 1 23 123 1 23 TIME I 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 Fig. 8 - 1rhe effect of three additions of 20g NaCl/m 2 on the EC values at three depths irna Lakeland loamy sand.

.. -.- ~


2 lOg NoCI/m





U I --

-n a


- - a 20 U

"-4 - -

- - a 3

- - a

- - a

-- a

- - a

- = a

- a -

- a

- a

- - a

= -

03 -

a a

- M DEPTH 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 3 4 123 6 72 8 9

TIME 5 Fig. 9 - The effect of three additions of lOg NaCl/m 2 on the EC values at three depths in a Sassafras sandy loam.


~20g NoCIým 2 I CONTROL 60 C

40 20 H ~LL 20 TIME I Fig. 10 - The effect of three additions of 20g NaCl/m2 on the EC values at three depths in a Sassafras sandy loam.

  • . * * . . . .. .. .
  • l i**. * . * .... * . ". . . I E
  • b .. * ." . -j 100 1 I 0

0 X 50 I-C-,

wi 01 C)EPTH 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 12 3 i 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 TIME I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Fig. 11 - The effect of three additions of lOg NaC1/m 2 on the EC values at three depths in a Sassafras loam.


, NaCI ADDED t 209 NaCI/m CONTROL U) 0 0 H4 I

ao Im w

0 DEPTH 1 2 3 23 1 3 1 3 123 1 25 123 1 3 12 3 TIME I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2

Fig. 12 - The effect of three additions of 20g NaCl/m on the EC values at three depths in a Sassafras loam.

. A FL - -, -- - ~-~-~------ - ---------- - ------- -"


LIBRARY WASHINGTON, D.C. 2056 ,-5 STOP 555 l COOUNG TOWER SO Environment - 1978 PROCEEDINGS A SYMPOSIUM ON ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF COOLING TOWER EMISSIONS May 2- 4, 1978 Sponsored By POWER PLANT SITING PROGRAM MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES and WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH CENTER UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND In Cooperation With The Applied Physics Laboratory The Johns Hopkins University Electric Power Research Institute U.S. Department of Energy Potomac Electric Power Company U.S. Environmental Protection Agency U.S. Department of the Interior at The Center of Adult Education UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND


ERRATA Cooling Tower Environment - 1978 Page Number Nature of Correction 1-12 Figure 5: new copy enclosed: current reproduction cannot be read.

1-15 Figure 8: ordinate should be g, not mg.

1-16 Figure 9: ordinate should be g, not mg.

1-106 Table 1: a new page is enclosed with corrections in the surface texture column.

1-119 Figure 1: LSD 20.8 instead of 5.2 1-120 Figure 2: LSD 20.8 instead of 5.2 1-121 Figure 3: LSD - 20.0 instead of 5.0 1-122 Figure 4: LSD = 20.0 instead of 5.0 1-123 Figure 5: LSD - 37.2 instead of 9.3 1-124 Figure 6: LSD = 37.2 instead of 9.3 1-125 Figure 7: Units on EC reported should be PMHOS/cm instead of MMHOS/cm 1-126 Figure 8: Units on EC reported should be iMHOS/cm instead of MIZHOS/cm 1-127 Figure 9: Units on EC reported should be NM1OS/cm instead of NMBOS /cm 1-128 Figure 10: Units on EC reported should be pMHOS/cm instead of MMHOS/cm 1-129 Figure 11: Units on EC reported should be p!NHOS/cm instead of MMHOS/cm 1-130 Figure 12: Units on EC reported should be pMHOS/cm instead of MMHOS/cm 11-28 Figure 9: Dash line is for K = 3.69 instead of 2.97 and dash-dot line is for K = 2.97 instead of 3.69 11-34 Table 1: Number of afternoon visible plumes observed should be changed from 125 to 175 in "Characterization of Cooling Tower Plumes from Paradise Steam Plant" 6/1/78

Errata cont.

111-3 2.1 Mathematical Modelling, 4th line:

park, 1 < M < 10 uncoupled systems consisting...

llth line: ...... the two components v and v of...

S x 2nd equation:

(Ky2/2 2z 2 3 p/

- + Kvv x2/v3 + K F)/R + K3APg/pv2 1 1 (K1vz 4 4th line after the equations:

initially had no vertical momentum (p) 111-4 da ds (0.5 Pi a - e1 + Ky/av)/(l + a//(1 - W))

da da = (0.5 p1 b - 02 + Kz/bv)/(l + S/(l - W))

111-5 page center:

This method delivers NK Gaussian plumes for the NK cooling towers which are then superposed point by point in the space downwind of the plant.

3rd line from bottom:


..... the plume of towerj and -a = ( - W-). Fig. 2 111-13 2nd line:

..... due to the drift droplets but - mainly in the case of 111-119 2nd paragraph, lines 9 and 10:

"1.2 x 10 36Kg/Km-Month" and "0.60 x 10 3 6Kg/Km-Ionth' rather than "1.2 x 10 Kg/Km -Month" and "0.60 x 10' Kg/Km -Month".

111-122 2nd paragraph, line 11: same corrections as above.

111-123 'Table 2: "total at range" values should be "1031, not "106T, and have units "Kg/Km-Month".

111-125 Table 3: footnote should be "*Kg/Km-Month multiplied by 10-'.

111-162 Add reference:

Thompkins, D. M. (1976) Atmospheric dispersion and deposition of saline water drops, Master of Science Thesis, Graduate Program in Meteorology, University of Maryland, College Park, Md., 69 pp.


Figure 5. - Recovery of NaCI from Ropes with Known Amounts of NaCi Added


Theoretical 100%

50 /


=c tua!

C recovery 40




Moles of NaCI 30


Recovered /P

- range of data points 00 (x 10"5) 4


20 /

I = % variation of data points, one box equals one percent

.12 /


10 CO 0

10 20 30 40 50 Moles of NaCI Added (x 10-5)

Table 1. Classification and partial chemical and physical characterization of the soils at the Chalk Point research sites.

location with Respect Chemical Analysis*

to Cooling Tower Soil Surface Physical Analysis* Extractable Organic Distance Direction Series Texture* Sand Silt Clay Mg P K Ca Na Matter pH km -- --- % ---- -- -- --- ' g/g --------

1.6 north Lakeland fine sand 90 3 7 67 61 22 57 17 0.9 5.1 east Lakeland fine sand 90 7 3 23 51 45 236 20 0.9 6.5 south Mattapex loam 45 45 10 28 19 71 50 19 1.5 5.5 west Sassafras fine sandy loam 73 21 6 62 12 51 96 18 0.8 5.8 H

0 4.8 north Sassafras fine sandy loam 75 19 6 29 24 59 152 20 0.9 5.8 east Woodstown fine sandy loam 76 15 9 64 50 83 210 22 1.9 5.4 south Sassafras fine sandy loam 68. 25 7 50 5 31 245 20 0.6 5.9 west Westphalia loamy fine sand 83 12 5 24 65 48 24 18 1.3 6.0 9.6 north Sassafras sandy loam 54 34 12 67 53 70 102 22 2.3 5.6 east Matapeake loam 45 45 10 73 6 31 404 22 1.1 5.9 south Galestown fine sandy loam 71 24 5 37 46 93 344 17 1.1 6.1 west Woodstown loamy sand 78 17 5 53 4 28 164 21 1.0 6.0

  • All values are reported for samples collected at a depth of 0-15 cm.
