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{{#Wiki_filter:Farm 101.1 (RO2-12'CERTIFICATION OF ENGINEERING CALCULATION Station and Unit Number: Oconee 1. 2. 3 and common Revision No.: I Title of Calculation:
{{#Wiki_filter:Farm 101.1 (RO2-12' CERTIFICATION OF ENGINEERING CALCULATION Station and Unit Number:                   Oconee 1. 2. 3 and common                           Revision No.:         I Title of Calculation: FMEA for SSF 4.16kV Alternate Power Feed from PSW EC91876 (OD500928)
FMEA for SSF 4.16kV Alternate Power Feed from PSW EC91876 (OD500928)
Calculation Number: OSC-9l510 ACTIVE: Yes Z No E]               TYPE I: Yes [] No 0                 QA CONDITION of items covered:                   I Microfic~he Attmchment List: Y*S F No                 IR*s Farm 101 .4*        DSD List: Yes ['l No I* (See         Form 101.7*
Calculation Number: OSC-9l ACTIVE: Yes Z No E]Microfic~he Attmchment List: 510 TYPE I: Yes [] No 0 QA CONDITION of items covered: IF No I Farm 101 DSD List: Yes ['l No (See Form Calculation Body Pages (Vol.) Supporting Documents (Vol.) Volumes Revised Deleted Added Revised Deleted Added Deleted Added Form 101.2, 2. 3. Forms 101.1, Iv 4. 5. 6. 7. 8, 9.10. 11 The signatures below certify that this calculation has been originated, checked, inspected and approved in accordance with established procedures.
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Originated By: See Vendor Cover Sheet Date: Date: Checked By: See Vendor Cover Sheet Verification Method: Method 1 R M lethod 2 ] Method 3E] Other Ii Approved By: Issued to DCRM: Date: OX1,4-5 Received_ Date: by DCRM: Date:_Complete the Spaces Below for Documentation of Multiple Originators (Odg.) or Checkers (Chk.)Pages: A11 Orig.: Date: Verif. Method 1IM 2E1 3[1 Other-] Chk. / Date: ZI-.- /12-Pages: Orig.: Date: Verif. Method 1[-' 2E] 3E] Other[] Chk.: Date:
: 4. 5. 6. 7. 8, 9.
Form 101.1 (AO2-12 CERTIFICATION OF ENGINEERING CALCULATION Station and Unit Number:. Oconee 1,2, 3 and common Revision No.: 1 Title of Calculation:
: 10. 11 The signatures below certify that this calculation has been originated, checked, inspected and approved in accordance with established procedures.
FMEA for SSF 4.16kV Alternate Power Feed from PSW EC91 876 (OD500928)
Originated By: See Vendor Cover Sheet                                                             Date:
Calculation Number. OSC-9 ACTIVE: Yes [0 No []Microfiche Attarchment List: 510 TYPE I: Yes El No 0 QA CONDITION of items covered: 1 Yes 7-l Nn Ptvm loltdl DSD) List: YAs F-l No IRI (SeA Form iet.7'I Calculation Body Pages (Vol.) Supporting Documents (Vol.) Volumes*Revised Deleted :Added Revised Deleted Added Deleted Added Form 101.2, 2, 3, Forms 101.1, iv 4. 5, 6, 7, 8,9.10.11 The signatures below certify that this calculation has been originated, checked, inspected and approved in accordance with established procedures.
Checked By:       See Vendor Cover Sheet                                                         Date:
Originated By: John Hohenstein (S&tLra-Q..-.... Date: 2/20/12 Checked By: Frank Calebrese (S&) .-.. ,.. Date:4'/ 12/2O112 Verification Method: Method 1 0 Method 2 f Method 3 El Other El Approved By:. Mike Mortarulo (S&L)/6.- i. ..--,--- Jk p.-. Date: 2/20/12 Issued Received to DCRM: Date: by DCRM_: Date: Complete the Spaces Below for Documentation of Multiple Originators (Odg.) or Checkers (Chk.)Pages: Org.:.. Date: Verif. Method 1[-E 2- 3rE] Other[] Chk.: Date: Pages: Orig.:. Date: Verif. Method 1ir 2[] 3[3 Other[] Chk.: Date:
Verification Method:       Method 1 R       Mlethod 2 ]         Method 3E]           Other   Ii Approved By:                                                                                     Date: */*/I      Oe2*-
P.orn 101.1 (R08441 CERTIFICATION OF ENGINEERING CALCULATION Station And Unit Number Oconee 1,2,3 and common Title Of Calculation FMEA for SSF 4.16KVAltemate power feed from PSW EC 91876 (0D500928)
Issued                                OX1,4-5                   Received to DCRM:                              _  Date:                 by DCRM:                                     Date:_
Calculation Number OSC-9510 Total Original Pages i, I Through iii, II Total Supporting Documentation Attachments 0 Total Microfiche Attachments 0 Total Volumes I Active Calculation IAnalysis Yes 0 No 0 Microfiche Attachment List o Yes 0It No If Active is this a Type I Calculabon/Analysis Yes ONo r0 (See Form 101.4)These engineering Calculations cover QA Condilion
Complete the Spaces Below for Documentation of Multiple Originators (Odg.) or Checkers (Chk.)
-_L_. Items. In accordance with established procedures, the quality has been assured and I certify that the above Calculation has been Originated, Checked, or Approved as noted below.Originated By SEE VENDOR COVERSHEET Date Checked By SEE VENDOR COVERSHEET Date Verification Method: Method 1 .Methodflhi),,jAethod 3 El Approved By dVFP -Ad- '44 601 Date Other -l Issued To Document Management Date Received By Document Date f Complete The Spaces Below For Documenlalltn Of Multiple Originators Or Chedck&(Pages Originated By Checked By Verification Method-Through Date Date Method 2 El Method 3 El Method 1 El Other El Pages Originated By Checked By Verification Method: Pages Originated By Checked By Verification Method: Through Date Date Method 3 El Method 1 El Method 2 El Through Other Ql Date Date Method 3 [1 Other El Method 1 El Method 2 El l'lauRIZ101-i CEl~rlFlCA'r0N Or ENGiW~5iNO CALCtJLA loN
Pages:       A11                                 Orig.:                                                       Date:
* 4 IflA~h1 CFRTIP'ICZTION OF ENGINEBRING CALCULATION Station And Unit Number Oconee 1.2,3 and common Thie O Calculation FMEA for SSF 4.16KV Alternate power feed ftrom PSW EC 91876(00500928)
Verif. Method 1IM 2E1 3[1 Other-] Chk.                                         /                               Date: ZI-.- /12-Pages:                                           Orig.:                                                       Date:
Calculation Number OSC-9610 Total Original Pages 1. 1 Through lii. I]Total Supporting Documentation Attachments 0 Total Microfiche Attachments 0 Total Volumes ! Active Calculation I Analysis Yes Cl No M]Microfche Attachment List O Yes 0i No If Active Is this a Type I Calcutatlon/Analyals Yes CtNo rl (See Form 101.4)Thse eonglneering Calculations cover QA Condition
Verif. Method 1[-'     2E] 3E] Other[] Chk.:                                                                 Date:
: t. Items. In accofdance with estblished procedures.
the quaitiy has been assured end I cenily that the above Calculation has been Originated, Checked, or .pproved as noted beloyr Originated By Chris San Pedro & IJ414.) Date 11112)10 Checkted By Frank Calabrese
-~ i Dat 1112 Verification Method: Method 1 0 d 2 E) Method 3 [0 other []Approved By C. A. Stasunas DF/ DaIe 1111210 Issued To Document Management Date Received By Document Management Date Complete The Spaces Below For Documonation Of Multiple Olighlators or chedcers Pages Through Originated By Date Checked By Date Verlication Method: Method I [D Method 2 [3 Method 3 E" Other El Pages Through Originated By Date Checked By Date Verification Method: Method 1 C] Method 2 C] Method 3 [3 Other C: Pages Through_Originated By Date Checked By _Date Verifieatlon Method: Method 1 El Method 2 [3 Method 3 E] Other nl FIOCI 101-i CERTMCArTIONOP ENGINEEIUNIOCALCULATION PapO I Form 101.2 (R3-03)Calculation Number REVISION DOCUMENTATION SHEET OSC-9510 Revision Revision Description Number 0 Initial Issue per EC 91876 (0D500928)
I Revised to address new failure mode: a 4.16 kV breaker spuriously closing. Incorporate niidor comments to existing revision 0 document.Fmwiou 101 -2 RJIvISION DOCUMENTATrION SHEIrT e4leek -mrh)a CALCULATION IMPACT ASSESSMENT (CIA)Slalon I/ Unt Oconee J 1. 2. 3 Caleuailion No. OSC-9510 QGv. 0 Page CIA .1 PIP No. 6if applicable) 0-04-04733-008 By Chis San Pedro Date, 1/1% -'-Prob. No. (stress ask use only) N/A Checked By Frank Calabrese r* vwee ,o NEOL raowed to Identify calculations?
El YES EINO INote: a NEOL search is NOT required for Icalculialon originations (I.e.. Rev. 0's)Identify In the blocks below, the groups consultod for an lmpact Assessment of this calculation ortglnatlonlrevislon.
E'i RES (Power. I & C, ERRT.ReactorJ MCIC I Pdmay Systems. Balance of Plant. Rolaltng EQmUpmenL, Vatvas & Heat Exdiangera.
Cii I El moo I Mechanical 11gr., Electrical Engr.. Civl Engr. I ope] Oratons
* OPS Support L. Maintenance
* Tech. Suppori.] Work Control
* Program. Supp.[I oohr Group Indlv. ContaSWed~lsli C_1 NGO I GA Tech. Services (151).Severe Accident Analysis.Elect. Sys. & Equip.. Design& Reactor Supp. Civil Sltuctural , Core Mech. &T/I Analysis.
Mech. Sys. &Equip.. Nuclear Design and Safety Analysis, MallMelatluigylPiping I LI Training Local IT_. Regulatory Compliance Li Chemistry I Radiation Protection No Group roqulrod to be cow.Mlivd. Cerrt~aAcieDate tulied Listed below are the Identifled documents (ex- "FCIIINICAL SPECIFICATION SEC1IONS, tIvSAR S.C'rlONS, I)ISIGN BASIS STATION DIAWINGS, OTHIER CALCULATIONS, ETC.)that may require revision as a result of the calculation origination or revision, the document ownergroup and the change required (Including any necessary PIP Corrective Actions).'Note. Any desqnf changes. which requite chanses 1o Station Procedures.
must he Irnismillarl as Design Deliveable Docutnmivus.
DOCUMENT GROUP CHANGE REQUIRED Page It CALCULATION IMPACT ASSESSMENT (CIA)Station I Unit Oconee I / 2 / 3 and common Calculation No.PIP No. (if applicable)
Originated By Prob. No. (stress & s/r use only) Checked By OSC-9510 Rev. 1 a e, IV John Hohenstein (S&L) Date 211:/2* -'F. Calabrese (S&L) Date 2a16112 NEDL reviewed to Identify calculations?
Yes "]No N.ote: a NEDL search is NOT required for calculation originations (i.e., Rev. 0)Identify In the blocks below, the groups consulted for an Impact Assessment of U's-ca r ::ation.-mndiv. Contacted/Date Indiv. Contacted/Dat/
0 SYS Travis Bryant 2/2/12 El NCO[Power, I & C, Primary, [Section XI Inspection, Reactor, BOP.] Safety Analysis, Nuclear Fuel Mgmt & Design, Corporate Design Support, Fuel Mech. & TI/H r PCE Analysis, Nuclear Design][Mech. Comp., Bloc. Comp, Programs]F DES[Mechanical Engr., Electrical Engr., Civil Engr.] F Training F Local rr El Operations
-OPS Support F Regulatory Compliance F] Maintenance
-Tech. Support f" Chemistry F Work Control -Program. Supp. IF Radiation Protection 0 Other Group r- No Group required to be consulted Listed below are the identified documents (ex: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION SECTIONS, UFSAR SECTIONS, DESIGN BASIS DOCUMENTS, STATION PROCEDURFS*, DRAWINGS, OTHER CALCULATIONS, ETC.)that may require revision as a result of the calculation origination or revision, the document owner/group and the change required (including any necessary PIP Corrective Actions).*Note: Any design changes, which require changes to Station Procedures, must be transmitted as Design Deliverable Documents.
M DOCUMENT GROUP CHANGE REOUIRED (Attach Additional Sheets As Required)
OSC-9510 Rev. I Failure Modes and Effects Analysis for the Alternate Power Feeds to Standby Shutdown Facility (SSF) 4.16 KV Switchgear OTS1 from PSW Electrical System 1.0 Purpose The purpose of this calculation is to document the failure modes and effects analysis resulting from the addition of an alternate power source to Standby Shutdown Facility (SSF) 4.16 KV Switchgear OTS I from PSW electrical systems. This design change is instituted under EC 91876 (OD500928)-"SSF 4.16KV Alternate Power Feed from PSW". This analysis is limited to determining new failure modes or effects and significant increases in the probability of existing failures resulting from the design changes. Single failure analysis will not need to be performed since the PSW System as well as Standby Shutdown System is not intended to be single failure proof. Common mode failure assessment is reviewed to ensure that components and circuits introduced into existing systems (which are analyzed for single failure vulnerability) can not cause undesirable effects and /or consequences on existing failure analysis.2.0 Scope The scope of this analysis is limited to the failures and effects on the Standby Shutdown Facility Electrical System, introduced to this system from changes implemented by the modification listed above. The components (addition of a compartment section and associated 1200A main supply breaker to the existing SSF 4.16 KV Switchgear OTS 1) installed under the design change are related to supplying alternate power from the PSW 4.16 KV Switchgear B7T to SSF Switchgear OTS 1 in the event of loss of existing normal power feed from Switchgear B2T concurrent with the loss of SSF diesel generator.
The analysis will focus on components added to the systems by the design change, their failures and the effects the failures have on the existing equipment, which usually have significant event mitigation functions.
In general, it will not address failures of existing equipment or failures of existing power feeds including relaying trip schemes and interlock schemes which are identical in function to the existing design. Similarly, relocation of 150 KVA isolation transformer does not introduce any new type of failure. For example, this analysis will not address the effects of failure of SSF emergency diesel, but will limit the scope to the failure of the alternative (PSW) components and the effect they have on that function.
Since the PSW System is not intended nor designed to be single failure proof, a Page I of I I Calculation:
OSC-9510 Rev. 1I single failure analysis need not be performed.

==3.0 References==
Form 101.1 (AO2-12 CERTIFICATION OF ENGINEERING CALCULATION Station and Unit Number:.                 Oconee 1,2, 3 and common                            Revision No.:          1 Title of Calculation: FMEA for SSF 4.16kV Alternate Power Feed from PSW EC91 876 (OD500928)
: 1. EDM-105, Rev. 1, Guidelines for Performing a Failure Modes and Effects Analysis and Single Failure Analysis 2. Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Chapters 3, 8, 9, 15 3. OSS-0254.00-00-2014, Rev.7, Design Basis Specification for the 4160/600/120V SSF Essential AC Power System 4. OSS-0254.00-00-2020, Rev. 8, Design Basis Specification for the Standby Shutdown Facility 125 VDC Essential Power System 5. OSS-0254.00-00-1053, Draft Rev. 0, Design Basis Specification for the Protected Service Water System 6. OSS-0254.00-00-4005, Rev. 21, Design Basis Specification for the Oconee Design Basis Events 7. OSS-0254.00-00-4013, Rev. 4, Design Basis Specification for the Oconee Single Failure Criteria 8. OSC-10008 Rev. 0 Failure Modes and Effects Analysis.
Calculation Number. OSC-9510 ACTIVE: Yes [0 No []              TYPE I: Yes      El    No 0          QA CONDITION of items covered:                  1 Microfiche Attarchment List: Yes 7-l        Nn  I*    Ir*aa Ptvm  loltdl        DSD)List: YAs F-l No IRI        (SeAForm    iet.7'I Calculation Body Pages (Vol.)                              Supporting Documents (Vol.)                      Volumes
Protected Service Water (PSW) System -Electrical
    *Revised            Deleted          :Added              Revised            Deleted            Added        Deleted Added Form 101.2, 2, 3,                     Forms 101.1, iv
& Mechanical Equipment 9. 0-6700, Rev. M, One Line Diagram- Main PSW Switchgear and load centre 13.Bkv/4.16Kv/600V system Switchgear B6Tand B7T Load Center LCPSW 1 10. 0-6700-02 Rev. D One Line Diagram PSW 125V DC Power Panelboard for PSW Building 11. 0-702-B, Rev. 19C, One Line Diagram -4160 and 600V Essential Load Centers Auxiliary Power Systems Standby Shutdown Facility 12. 0-702-A2, Rev. 14, One Line Diagram 6900V & 4160 Station Auxiliary Sys.13. OEE-I17-92-0A,Rev 2A, Elementary Diagram SSF 4160V Switchgear OTSl Comp. No. 1 4KV Feeder Breaker 14. OEE-1 17-92-OB,Rev 2A, Elementary Diagram SSF 4160V Switchgear OTS I Comp. No. 1 4KV Feeder Breaker 15. OEE-i17-93-OBRev 5A, Elementary Diagram SSF 4160V Switchgear OTSI Comp. No. 2 Motor Feeder 16. OEE-117-95-OB,Rev 3A, Elementary Diagram SSF 4160V Switchgear OTSI Comp. No. 4 & 5 Diesel Generator 17. OEE-117-95-OD,Rev 4A, Elementary Diagram SSF 4160V Switchgear OTSI Page 2 of I I Calculation:
: 4. 5, 6, 7, 8,9.
OSC-9510 I Rev. I Comp. No. 4 & 5 Diesel Generator 18. OEE-I17-97,Rev IA, Elementary Diagram 4160V, SSF Essential Switchgear OTSI Heater Circuit 19. OEE-615, Rev. B , Elementary Diagram 4.16kV PSW Switcbgear B7T Unit# 4 Alternate Feed For SSF Loads 20. OEE-615-01, Rev. C , Elementary Diagram 4.16kV PSW Switchgear B7T Unit# 4 Alternate Feed For SSF Loads 21. OEE-615-02, Rev. C, Elementary Diagram 4.16kV PSW Switchgear B7T Unit# 4 Alternate Feed For SSF Loads 22. OEE-615-03, Rev. A , Elementary Diagram 4.16kV PSW SWGR B7T Unit# 4 Alternate Feed For SSF Loads 23. OEE-615-04, Rev. C, Elementary Diagram 4.16kV PSW Switchgear B7T Unit# 4 Alternate Feed For SSF Loads 24. OEE-616, Rev. A , Elementary Diagram SSF 4160V Switchgear OTSI Unit 0 Feeder Breaker 25. OEE-616-01, Rev. A, Elementary Diagram SSF 4160V Switchgear OTSI Unit 0 Feeder Breaker 26. OEE-616-02, Rev. A, Elementary Diagram SSF 4160V Switchgear OTSI Unit 0 Feeder Breaker 27. OEE-616-03, Rev. A, Elementary Diagram SSF 4160V Switchgear OTSI Unit 0 Feeder Breaker 4.0 Assumptions
10.11 The signatures below certify that this calculation has been originated, checked, inspected and approved in accordance with established procedures.
Originated By: John Hohenstein (S&tLra-Q..-....
* Date:          2/20/12 Checked By: Frank Calebrese (S&)                  .         -..     ,..                         Date:4'/      12/2O112 Verification Method:        Method 1 0        Method 2       f    Method 3    El    Other El Approved By:. Mike Mortarulo (S&L)/6.-                  £'*'f.. i.         ..--,---  Jk p.-. Date:              2/20/12 Issued                                                            Received to DCRM:                                  Date:                  by DCRM_:                                  Date:
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Verif. Method 1[-E      2-     3rE] Other[]      Chk.:                                                      Date:
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Verif. Method 1ir 2[] 3[3 Other[] Chk.:                                                                        Date:

===4.1 Certain===
P.orn101.1 (R08441 CERTIFICATION OF ENGINEERING CALCULATION Station And Unit Number Oconee 1,2,3 and common Title Of Calculation FMEA for SSF 4.16KVAltemate power feed from PSW EC 91876 (0D500928)
references used in the calculation have not yet been approved.
Calculation Number OSC-9510 Total Original Pages i, I                                              Through                    iii, II Total Supporting Documentation Attachments                  0          Total Microfiche Attachments              0 Total Volumes                    I                Active Calculation IAnalysis    Yes 0    No 0 Microfiche Attachment List o Yes 0It No          IfActive is this a Type I Calculabon/Analysis      Yes ONo r0 (See Form 101.4)
This assumption tracks those references to ensure information used in this calculation from those references is not altered in a way that affects the references being tracked is identified below: 3.5 OSS-025400-00-1053 Draft Rev. 0 5.0 Methodology The methodology is in keeping with the worksheet in Appendix A of EDM- 105 and the failure modes for components given in Appendix B of EDM-105, except where judgment dictates an additional failure mechanism should be included.Page 3 of I I Calculation:
These engineering Calculations cover QA Condilion -_L_. Items. In accordance with established procedures, the quality has been assured and I certify that the above Calculation has been Originated, Checked, or Approved as noted below.
OSC-9510 I Rev. I 6.0 Analysis'Faidie Moie ani asffect: nalysis'Worksheet System: Protected Service Water (PSW)Subsystem:
Originated By          SEE VENDOR COVERSHEET                                            Date Checked By              SEE VENDOR COVERSHEET                                            Date Verification Method:            Method 1        . Methodflhi),,jAethod 3               El      Other      -l Approved By        dVFP    - Ad-
SSF Switchgeor Alternate Feeder Prepared by: John I. Hohenstein Equipment:
                                '44 601                                                    Date Issued To Document Management                                                            Date Received By Document Management*_.,,,00                                                  Date f
B7T-4 Date: February 15, 2012 Diagram: 0,6700. OEE-615. OEE-6I5-Oi, Rev. No. I_OEE-615-02..:OEE-615-03 and OE.B-615-04
Complete The Spaces Below For Documenlalltn Of Multiple Originators Or Chedck&(
._:.Effects on" Method of Comp Failure Failure Train Mto t Identification
Pages                                                Through Originated By                                                                          Date Checked By                                                                              Date Verification Method-          Method 1    El        Method 2      El      Method 3    El      Other    El Pages                                                  Through Originated By                                                                          Date Checked By                                                                              Date Verification Method:         Method 1    El        Method 2      El      Method 3    El      Other    Ql Pages                                                  Through Originated By                                                                          Date Checked By                                                                              Date Verification Method:         Method 1    El        Method 2      El      Method 3 [1          Other    El l'lauRIZ101-i CEl~rlFlCA'r0N Or ENGiW~5iNO CALCtJLA loN
: 3) Mode Mechanism and/or Detection (8)(2) (4) (5) System: __ (6)4 KV Breaker Supplies rails to Elcetrical or Lossof Breakor Note: this breaker Is normally 0 .PsW Alternate Close. mechanical Alhernate Indication closed.Switchgear PSW Power failure. feed to (10cal -B7T-4. to SSF (7T31. and MCR)V tad Normal: 100 KV APS power Swlchgenr QAC in via new 13.8 KV line and (0.6700) oSwrI the main PSW transformer CM'7.(OEE-615) control room Emergency.
13.8.KV line from either Keowee unit via transformer C77/CT6(Tie.
breaker closed).This is within the Design Basis of PSW (not single failure proof), is detectable, and may he remedied by replacing the breaker with the available spare breaker.Page 4 of 11 Calculation:
* tll/mJ*l 4 IflA~h1 CFRTIP'ICZTION OF ENGINEBRING CALCULATION Station And Unit Number Oconee 1.2,3 and common Thie O Calculation FMEA for SSF 4.16KV Alternate power feed ftrom PSW EC 91876(00500928)
OSC-9510 I Rev. II* .-."... " FailureM .de.and'Effects Anal sis W orksheet System: Protected Service Water (PSWP Subsystem:-
Calculation Number OSC-9610 Total Original Pages 1. 1                                              Through                    lii. I]
SSF Switcheear Alternate Feeder Pared by 15H2 ntn Date : Fe~bruary 15, 20_]2 Equipment:
Total Supporting Documentation Attachments                  0        Total Microfiche Attachments                0 Total Volumes                    !                Active Calculation I Analysis    Yes Cl  No M]
HTT-4 Rev. No. I Diagram: 0-6700. OEE-615, OBE-615-01. OEE-615-03 and OF-15-04 Effects on Component Failure Failure Train Method.Identification
Microfche Attachment List O Yes 0i No            IfActive Is this a Type I Calcutatlon/Analyals      Yes CtNo rl (See Form 101.4)
() Mode Mechanism and/or of Failure Remarks and Other Effects (I) (2) (4) (5) System Detection (8)(6) (7)Fails Electrical Loss of Breaker Same as above.Open failure. Alternate indication (trips). feed to (local -(yr.9 I. and MCR)OAC in the main control room Fails to Electrical or Upstream Breaker Loss of multiple PSW system trip mechanical Main indication equipment and components if when failure. Switchgear (local -B7T Is powered from B6T required breaker will and MCR) through BTT-I tie breaker.isolate the No impact if BiT is aligned respective OAC in normally to B7T-2 main SwItchgear the main breaker.causing the c aintl 1This is within the Design Basis causing the control of PSW (not single failure failure of ro connected room proof), is detectable, and may be equipmnent.
Thse eonglneering Calculations cover QA Condition t. Items. Inaccofdance with estblished procedures. the quaitiy has been assured end I cenily that the above Calculation has been Originated, Checked, or .pproved as noted beloyr Originated By        Chris San Pedro          &              IJ414.)                     Date 11112)10 Checkted By          Frank Calabrese                -~      i                            Dat    1112 Verification Method:           Method 1                0  d 2 E)        Method 3    [0     other []
remedied by replacing the affcted components with available spores.Spurious Electrical PSW Power Breaker This failure has no effect on Closure Failure available to indication PSW or SSF operation as SSF SSF (local -Swltchgear breaker OTS 1-0 is Switchge and MCR) normally open.OTSI OAC in the main control room Page 5 of l I Calculation:
Approved By          C. A. Stasunas                                                      DaIe 1111210 DF/
OSC-9510 Rev.]I J,3Filure Mode and Effects Analysis Worksheet
Issued To Document Management                                                              Date Received By Document Management                                                          Date Complete The Spaces Below For Documonation Of Multiple Olighlators or chedcers Pages                                                  Through Originated By                                                                            Date Checked By                                                                              Date Verlication Method:           Method I [D            Method 2    [3      Method 3    E"        Other    El Pages                                                  Through Originated By                                                                            Date Checked By                                                                              Date Verification Method:          Method 1 C]            Method 2 C]        Method 3 [3          Other C:
, System: Protected Service Water (PSWI Prepared by: Zohn J. Hohenstein Subsystem:
Pages                                                  Through_
PSW Electrical System Date: February 15.2012 Equipment:
Originated By                                                                            Date Checked By                                                                  _Date Verifieatlon Method:        Method 1    El          Method 2    [3      Method 3    E]        Other nl FIOCI 101-i CERTMCArTIONOP ENGINEEIUNIOCALCULATION PapOI
PSWPL2DC Breaker 6 Rev. No. I Dia ram: O-67(0X0)-..
EE-6 1 5- 1, Component Failure Failure Effccts on Method of Remarks and Other Identification F Train and/or Failure R e cts (2) (3) Mode Mechanism System Detection (8)(4) (5) (6) (7)PSWPL2DC 125V DC Loss of Electrical or PSW 125V PSW SWGR This device is also 2 Breaker #6 Control DC mechanical DC control Breaker Status evaluated in calculation (0-6700-02)
Form 101.2 (R3-03)                        Calculation Number                  OSC-9510 REVISION DOCUMENTATION SHEET Revision                                          Revision Description Number 0      Initial Issue per EC 91876 (0D500928)
Power for control failure, power Indication OSC-1 0008. The 4.16KV Bkr power, unavailable to Ught. (local following remarks ame (OEE-615.01)
I      Revised to address new failure mode: a 4.16 kV breaker spuriously closing. Incorporate niidor comments to existing revision 0 document.
PSWB7T.4 PSWITr-4 and remote repeated from that (Alternate breaker. operator panel) calculation:
feed to SSF Breaker will extinguish.
Assuming PSW System OTSI cannot be is in normal alignment Switchgear) operated (BTT.4 is closed) and electrically does not need to be exercised, PSW power to OTSi-0 will be available.
Alternatively If B7T-4 is open, BT-4 has manual chtarging capability to effect breaker closure upon Joss of control power.See item number I for failure to close B7r-4.Page 6 of II Calculation:
Slalon I/Unt        Oconee J 1. 2. 3                                Caleuailion No. OSC-9510                    QGv.     0        Page CIA .1 PIP No. 6ifapplicable) 0-04-04733-008                                            By Chis San Pedro                        Date, 1/1% -'-
OSC-9510 Rev. I.*. :-Faiire Mode and Effects Analysis Workhee ;.System: -Standby Shutdown Facility Subsystem:
SSF Switchgear PSW Sponly Breaker Equipent:OTSIBreaer 0Prepared by: John 1. Hcihenstcin Equipm ent: O T SIBreak cr Q D ae0e r ar 5 2 1 Date : IFebruary
Prob. No. (stress ask use only)      N/A                                Checked By Frank Calabrese                r*        vwee      ,o NEOL raowed to Identify calculations?                                    El YES          EINO      INote: a NEOL search is NOT required for Icalculialon originations (I.e.. Rev. 0's)
! 5,2012 Diagram: 0-6700. 0-702-D. 0-702-A2.Rcy. No., I 0E13- 1 17-92-OA.OEB-117-92-0B.
Identify In the blocks below, the groups consultod for an lmpact Assessment of this calculation ortglnatlonlrevislon.
OEE-616.O -l-616-01.
Indlv. ContaSWed~lsli                                                              Mlivd. Cerrt~aAcieDate E'i RES                                                                          C_1 NGO (Power. I & C, ERRT.                                                             I GA Tech. Services (151).
OEE-616-02, OEE616-03 Effects on Method of Remarks and Other No. Component Function Faile M Failure Train and/or Failure Effects No. Identification Mode Mechanism System Detection (8)(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)4 KV Breaker Connects Fails to Electrical or Loss of Local and Note: this breaker is 3 @ SSF alternate Close. mechanical Alternate SSF CR normally open and switchgear PSW failure. feed to Swgr. Breaker interlocked to prevent OTS 1-0 Power OTSI from indicating paralleling the PSW (0-6700) source to PSW Swgr. lights, power source with (ORE-616)
ReactorJ                                                                          Severe Accident Analysis.
SSF existing normal power switchgear source (from B2"T) or OTS I back-up power source (SSF diesel).Since this alternate source is utilized when both normal and back-up diesel feed are unavailable, failure to connect alternate PSW power source to o'rSl would mean the SSF electrical system is unavailable..
Elect. Sys. &Equip.. Design
However, failure of this hreaker in open position has no impact on existing sources.This is within the Design Basis of SSF system (not single failure proot), is detectable, and may be remedied by replacing the breaker with the available spare breaker.I I Page 7 of I I Calculation:
                                                                                      & Reactor Supp. Civil MCIC IPdmay Systems. Balance of                                                        Sltuctural , Core Mech. &
OSC-9510 I Rev. 1 S .. .Failure Mode and Effects Analysis.Worksheet.
Plant. Rolaltng EQmUpmenL,                                                        T/I Analysis. Mech. Sys. &
System: Standby Shutdown Facility Subsystem:
Vatvas & Heat Exdiangera.                                                         Equip.. Nuclear Design and Cii I                                                                            Safety Analysis, El moo                                                                                MallMelatluigylPiping I IMechanical 11gr., Electrical Engr.. Civl Engr. I                                                           LI Training Local IT ope]
SSP Switchear PSW Supplv Breaker Prepared by: John J. Hohcnstein Equipment:
OTS] Breaker 0 Date: February 15. 2012 Diagram: 0-6700, 0-702-B. O-702-A2.
* OPS Support                                                    _. Regulatory Compliance L. Maintenance
OEE- 117 Rev. No. I OA, EE-I 17-92-OB.
* Tech. Suppori                                                    Li Chemistry
OEH-616. OEE-616-01, OEE-616-2 and OER-616-03 Method Remarks and Other No. Component Function Failure Failure Effects on Train of Effects (o. Identification Mode Mechanism and/or System Failure (1) (2) (4) (5) (6) Detection (8)(7)Fails Electrical Loss of Alternate feed Local and Some as above.Open failure. to OTS I. SSF CR (trips). Breaker indicating lights.Fails to Electrical or Upstream Swltchgcar Local and Manual operation would trip mechanical B7T (PSW) breaker SSF CR be required to trip the when failure, will isolate the SSF Breaker breaker or clear the required Switchgear OTS I indicating interlocks.
.] Work Control
causing the failure of lights.connected equIpment.
* Program. Supp.                                                  I  Radiation Protection
Keeps OTSI-I and OTS 1-4 from closing il."Trip" interlock to OTS 1-2 (ASW Pump) not initiated OTS 1-0 space heaters will not energize Spurious Electrical A spurious closure of Local and Inadvertent closure of Closure Failure orS 1-0 could cause SSF CR OTS 1-0 would place paralleling of PSW & Breaker 4.16KV power from SSF power sources, indicating both PSW and SSF lights, sources on the SSF Switchgear OTS I simultaneously.
[I oohr Group                                                                          No Group roqulrod to be cow.tulied Listed below are the Identifled documents (ex- "FCIIINICAL SPECIFICATION SEC1IONS, tIvSAR S.C'rlONS, I)ISIGN BASIS i)OCUME*T.T. STATION IMROCFDIJElES* DIAWINGS, OTHIER CALCULATIONS, ETC.)
Recommend keeping B7T-4 Beaker open to prevent this failure.Page 8 of II Calculation:
that may require revision as aresult of the calculation origination or revision, the document ownergroup and the change required (Including any necessary PIP Corrective Actions).
OSC-9510 I Rev. 1 FAilu're -Mode and Efects. Anýlysis Worksheet.
'Note. Any desqnf changes. which requite chanses 1oStation Procedures. must he Irnismillarlas Design Deliveable Docutnmivus.
.System: Standby Shutdown Facility Subsystem:
DOCUMENT                              GROUP                                          CHANGE REQUIRED Page It
SSF DC Control Power Prepared by: John J. Hohenstein Date: February 15.2012 Equipmentu DC Breaker 5CR Rev. No. I Diram: OEf,616-0
: 1. --759-K No Component Function Failure Failure Effects on Method of Remarks and Other Identification i Mode Mechanism Train and/or Failure Effects (1) (2) (3) System Detection (2)L.___ J(4) ((6) (7) (s)DCSF breaker 125V DC Loss of Electrical Breaker SSF CR Assming PSW system is 4 5CR control DC failure, cannot be Breaker in its normal alignment power for control Operated indicating (OTS 1-0 Is open), PSW 4.16kV power. electrically lights and power will not be (OEE-616-01) breaker Local light available to switchgear Indication on OT1S .However. OTS1 -0 OTSI-0 switchgear has manual charging PSW power OTSI .0 is capability to effect source lost, breaker Assuming the breker is breaker closed or closed once (assuming spring charge happened before lie control power failure), this failure would not compromise the ability of the system to finction if required.
The breaker could still be opened manually.This failure would also render the breaker protective features inoperable; a fault down stream not isolated by the load feeder brcakcr will cause PSW swirchgear breaker to isolate the switehgear OTS I rendering other connected equipment inoperable.
Station I Unit Oconee I / 2 / 3 and common      Calculation No.         OSC-9510             Rev.           1        a e,   IV PIP No. (if applicable)                            Originated By John Hohenstein (S&L) Date              211:/2*        -'
This is within the Design B,asis of SSF system (not single fiilure proof), is detectable, and may be remedied by repairing the I control power feed.Page 9 of I I Calculation:
Prob. No. (stress & s/r use only)                    Checked By F. Calabrese (S&L)          Date        2a16112 NEDL reviewed to Identify calculations?        Yes        "]No         N.ote: a NEDL search is NOT required for calculation originations (i.e., Rev. 0)
OSC-9510 Rev. I-,' " .' FaWilureMoe iandEffects Analysis Worksheet System: Standby Shutdown Facilily Prepared by: John J. Hohenstein Subsystem:_SSF Swiichgear OTSI Date: Februnry 15,2012 Equipment:
Identify In the blocks below, the groups consulted for an Impact Assessment of U's-ca r                ::ation.-
OTS I- I and OTS 1-4 Rev. No. I Diagram: Effects__n E ffec s o n M e th o d o f No. Component
mndiv. Contacted/Date                                              Indiv. Contacted/Dat/ M 0 SYS                                  Travis Bryant 2/2/12    El NCO
..Failure Failure rrain M e Remarks and Other i) Identification FunctiOnran Failure Effects Mode Mechanism and/or Detection (2) (3) (4) (5) System (8)(6)(7)4kV breakers Primary Spurious Electrical A spurious Local and This line item identifies the 5 @Switchgear and closure failure, closure of SSF CR minor condition of a OTS] Emergency when OTSI-I or Breaker spurious breaker closure'I'S I-I Diesel system OTS 1-4 Indicating addressed in Item 3 for Generator is could cause lights, these specific SSF breakers OTS1-4 aligned paralleling when orS I is aligned to the feeds to to PSW of PSW & PSW power source.OTSI power SSF power source sources. Inadvertent closure of OTSI-I or OTS.-4 would place 4.16KV power from both PSW and SSP sources Ot the SSF Swltchgear OTSI simultaneously.
[Power, I & C, Primary,                                      [Section XI Inspection, Reactor, BOP.]                                                Safety Analysis, Nuclear Fuel Mgmt & Design, Corporate Design Support, Fuel Mech. & TI/H Analysis, Nuclear Design]
Recommend keeping OTSI-I and OTS 1-4 breakers racked out when SSF switchgear OTS1 is aligned to PSW to prevent this failure.Page 10orlI Calculation:
r  PCE
OSC-9510 Rev. 1 7.0 Conclusions The failure effects of the PSW System and SSF System equipment analyzed in this calculation are provided in the work sheets in section 6.0. There are certain equipment failures that are significant to the SSF switchgear operation.
[Mech. Comp., Bloc. Comp, Programs]
These are discussed below: Powering the OTS I switchgcar from both PSW and SSF power sources is possible on a spurious closure of breaker OTS 1-0 (when OTS I is aligned to the primary SSF source) or a spurious closure of breaker OTS 1-1 or OTS 1-4 (when OTS I is aligned to PSW source).This calculation recommends changing the normal state of breaker B7T-4 to normally open. This calculation also recommends that procedural controls be established to rack out breakers OTSI-1 and OTS 1-4 when the SSF OTSI switchgear is aligned to the PSW power source.Page I I of 11}}
[Mechanical Engr., Electrical Engr., Civil Engr.]                                        F  Training F  Local rr El  Operations - OPS Support                                  F  Regulatory Compliance F]  Maintenance - Tech. Support                                f" Chemistry F Work Control - Program. Supp.                                IF Radiation Protection 0  Other Group                                                r- No Group required to be consulted Listed below are the identified documents (ex: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION SECTIONS, UFSAR SECTIONS, DESIGN BASIS DOCUMENTS, STATION PROCEDURFS*, DRAWINGS, OTHER CALCULATIONS, ETC.)
that may require revision as a result of the calculation origination or revision, the document owner/group and the change required (including any necessary PIP Corrective Actions).
*Note:Any design changes, which requirechanges to Station Procedures,must be transmittedas Design Deliverable Documents.
DOCUMENT                              GROUP                    CHANGE REOUIRED (Attach Additional Sheets As Required)
Calculation: OSC-9510 Rev. I Failure Modes and Effects Analysis for the Alternate Power Feeds to Standby Shutdown Facility (SSF) 4.16 KV Switchgear OTS1 from PSW Electrical System 1.0 Purpose The purpose of this calculation is to document the failure modes and effects analysis resulting from the addition of an alternate power source to Standby Shutdown Facility (SSF) 4.16 KV Switchgear OTS I from PSW electrical systems. This design change is instituted under EC 91876 (OD500928)-"SSF 4.16KV Alternate Power Feed from PSW". This analysis is limited to determining new failure modes or effects and significant increases in the probability of existing failures resulting from the design changes. Single failure analysis will not need to be performed since the PSW System as well as Standby Shutdown System is not intended to be single failure proof. Common mode failure assessment is reviewed to ensure that components and circuits introduced into existing systems (which are analyzed for single failure vulnerability) can not cause undesirable effects and /or consequences on existing failure analysis.
2.0 Scope The scope of this analysis is limited to the failures and effects on the Standby Shutdown Facility Electrical System, introduced to this system from changes implemented by the modification listed above. The components (addition of a compartment section and associated 1200A main supply breaker to the existing SSF 4.16 KV Switchgear OTS 1) installed under the design change are related to supplying alternate power from the PSW 4.16 KV Switchgear B7T to SSF Switchgear OTS 1 in the event of loss of existing normal power feed from Switchgear B2T concurrent with the loss of SSF diesel generator. The analysis will focus on components added to the systems by the design change, their failures and the effects the failures have on the existing equipment, which usually have significant event mitigation functions. In general, it will not address failures of existing equipment or failures of existing power feeds including relaying trip schemes and interlock schemes which are identical in function to the existing design. Similarly, relocation of 150 KVA isolation transformer does not introduce any new type of failure. For example, this analysis will not address the effects of failure of SSF emergency diesel, but will limit the scope to the failure of the alternative (PSW) components and the effect they have on that function. Since the PSW System is not intended nor designed to be single failure proof, a Page I of I I
Calculation: OSC-9510 Rev. 1I single failure analysis need not be performed.
3.0 References
: 1. EDM-105, Rev. 1, Guidelines for Performing a Failure Modes and Effects Analysis and Single Failure Analysis
: 2. Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Chapters 3, 8, 9, 15
: 3. OSS-0254.00-00-2014, Rev.7, Design Basis Specification for the 4160/600/120V SSF Essential AC Power System
: 4. OSS-0254.00-00-2020, Rev. 8, Design Basis Specification for the Standby Shutdown Facility 125 VDC Essential Power System
: 5. OSS-0254.00-00-1053, Draft Rev. 0, Design Basis Specification for the Protected Service Water System
: 6. OSS-0254.00-00-4005, Rev. 21, Design Basis Specification for the Oconee Design Basis Events
: 7. OSS-0254.00-00-4013, Rev. 4, Design Basis Specification for the Oconee Single Failure Criteria
: 8. OSC-10008 Rev. 0 Failure Modes and Effects Analysis. Protected Service Water (PSW) System - Electrical & Mechanical Equipment
: 9. 0-6700, Rev. M, One Line Diagram- Main PSW Switchgear and load centre 13.Bkv/4.16Kv/600V system Switchgear B6Tand B7T Load Center LCPSW 1
: 10. 0-6700-02 Rev. D One Line Diagram PSW 125V DC Power Panelboard for PSW Building
: 11. 0-702-B, Rev. 19C, One Line Diagram - 4160 and 600V Essential Load Centers Auxiliary Power Systems Standby Shutdown Facility
: 12. 0-702-A2, Rev. 14, One Line Diagram 6900V & 4160 Station Auxiliary Sys.
: 13. OEE-I17-92-0A,Rev 2A, Elementary Diagram SSF 4160V Switchgear OTSl Comp. No. 1 4KV Feeder Breaker
: 14. OEE-1 17-92-OB,Rev 2A, Elementary Diagram SSF 4160V Switchgear OTS I Comp. No. 1 4KV Feeder Breaker
: 15. OEE-i17-93-OBRev 5A, Elementary Diagram SSF 4160V Switchgear OTSI Comp. No. 2 Motor Feeder
: 16. OEE-117-95-OB,Rev 3A, Elementary Diagram SSF 4160V Switchgear OTSI Comp. No. 4 & 5 Diesel Generator
: 17. OEE-117-95-OD,Rev 4A, Elementary Diagram SSF 4160V Switchgear OTSI Page 2 of I I
Calculation: OSC-9510    I Rev. I Comp. No. 4 & 5 Diesel Generator
: 18. OEE-I17-97,Rev IA, Elementary Diagram 4160V, SSF Essential Switchgear OTSI Heater Circuit
: 19. OEE-615, Rev. B , Elementary Diagram 4.16kV PSW Switcbgear B7T Unit# 4 Alternate Feed For SSF Loads
: 20. OEE-615-01, Rev. C , Elementary Diagram 4.16kV PSW Switchgear B7T Unit# 4 Alternate Feed For SSF Loads
: 21. OEE-615-02, Rev. C, Elementary Diagram 4.16kV PSW Switchgear B7T Unit# 4 Alternate Feed For SSF Loads
: 22. OEE-615-03, Rev. A , Elementary Diagram 4.16kV PSW SWGR B7T Unit# 4 Alternate Feed For SSF Loads
: 23. OEE-615-04, Rev. C, Elementary Diagram 4.16kV PSW Switchgear B7T Unit# 4 Alternate Feed For SSF Loads
: 24. OEE-616, Rev. A , Elementary Diagram SSF 4160V Switchgear OTSI Unit 0 Feeder Breaker
: 25. OEE-616-01, Rev. A, Elementary Diagram SSF 4160V Switchgear OTSI Unit 0 Feeder Breaker
: 26. OEE-616-02, Rev. A, Elementary Diagram SSF 4160V Switchgear OTSI Unit 0 Feeder Breaker
: 27. OEE-616-03, Rev. A, Elementary Diagram SSF 4160V Switchgear OTSI Unit 0 Feeder Breaker 4.0 Assumptions 4.1 Certain references used in the calculation have not yet been approved. This assumption tracks those references to ensure information used in this calculation from those references is not altered in a way that affects the references being tracked is identified below:
3.5 OSS-025400-00-1053 Draft Rev. 0 5.0 Methodology The methodology is in keeping with the worksheet in Appendix A of EDM- 105 and the failure modes for components given in Appendix B of EDM-105, except where judgment dictates an additional failure mechanism should be included.
Page 3 of I I
Calculation: OSC-9510        I Rev. I 6.0 Analysis
                        'Faidie Moie ani                  asffect: nalysis'Worksheet System: Protected Service Water (PSW)
Subsystem: SSF Switchgeor Alternate Feeder                      Prepared by: John I. Hohenstein Equipment: B7T-4                                                Date: February 15, 2012 Diagram: 0,6700. OEE-615. OEE-6I5-Oi,                            Rev. No. I
_OEE-615-02..:OEE-615-03 and OE.B-615-04                                              . _:.
Effects on" Method of Comp                    Failure    Failure            Train    Mto t Identification        3)      Mode    Mechanism              and/or    Detection                (8)
(2)                        (4)          (5)              System
:          __                                  (6) 4 KV Breaker    Supplies    rails to Elcetrical or      Lossof      Breakor    Note: this breaker Is normally 0 .PsW          Alternate    Close. mechanical          Alhernate    Indication  closed.
Switchgear      PSW  Power          failure.            feed to      (10cal -
B7T-4.          to SSF                                    (7T31.      and MCR) tadV                                                              Normal: 100 KV APS power Swlchgenr                                              QAC in      via new 13.8 KV line and (0.6700)        oSwrI                                                  the main    PSW transformer CM'7.
(OEE-615)                                                              control room        Emergency. 13.8.KV line from either Keowee unit via transformer C77/CT6(Tie.
breaker closed).
This is within the Design Basis of PSW (not single failure proof), is detectable, and may he remedied by replacing the breaker with the available spare breaker.
Page 4 of 11
Calculation: OSC-9510          I Rev. II
*    .-."...      "    FailureM .de.and'Effects Anal sis Worksheet System:    Protected Service Water (PSWP Subsystem:-    SSF Switcheear Alternate Feeder            Pared      by 15, Date : Fe~bruary      15H2 20_]2 ntn Equipment:      HTT-4                                      Rev. No. I Diagram: 0-6700. OEE-615, OBE-615-01. OE*-615-02, OEE-615-03 and OF-15-04 Effects on Failure      Failure        Train          Method Component                                              and/or        of Failure      Remarks and Other Effects
      .Identification    ()        Mode    Mechanism (I)        (2)                        (4)          (5)      System        Detection                    (8)
(6)              (7)
Fails      Electrical    Loss of          Breaker      Same as above.
Open      failure.      Alternate        indication (trips).                feed to          (local -
(yr.9 I.        and MCR)
OAC in the main control room Fails to  Electrical or Upstream        Breaker      Loss of multiple PSW system trip      mechanical    Main            indication    equipment and components if when      failure.      Switchgear      (local -      B7T Is powered from B6T required                breaker will    and MCR)      through BTT-I tie breaker.
isolate the                    No impact if BiT is aligned respective      OAC in        normally to B7T-2 main SwItchgear      the main      breaker.
causing      the c      aintl      is within the Design Basis 1This causing the      control        of PSW (not single failure failure of      ro connected        room          proof), is detectable, and may be equipmnent.                    remedied by replacing the affcted components with available spores.
Spurious  Electrical    PSW Power        Breaker      This failure has no effect on Closure    Failure      available to      indication    PSW or SSF operation as SSF SSF              (local -      Swltchgear breaker OTS 1-0 is Switchge          and MCR)      normally open.
OTSI OAC in the main control room Page 5 of l I
Calculation: OSC-9510 Rev.]I J,3Filure Mode and Effects Analysis Worksheet                              ,
System:    Protected Service Water (PSWI                  Prepared by: Zohn J. Hohenstein Subsystem: PSW Electrical System                          Date: February 15.2012 Equipment: PSWPL2DC Breaker 6                            Rev. No. I Dia ram: O-67(0X0)-.. EE-6 15- 1, Component                    Failure    Failure    Effccts on    Method of          Remarks and Other Identification  F                                  Train and/or      Failure          R      e    cts (2)            (3)      Mode  Mechanism        System        Detection                    (8)
(4)        (5)            (6)          (7)
PSWPL2DC        125V DC      Loss of  Electrical or PSW 125V      PSW SWGR          This device is also 2    Breaker #6      Control      DC      mechanical    DC control    Breaker Status    evaluated in calculation (0-6700-02)    Power for    control  failure,      power          Indication        OSC-1 0008. The 4.16KV Bkr  power,                unavailable to Ught. (local      following remarks ame (OEE-615.01)    PSWB7T.4                            PSWITr-4      and remote        repeated from that (Alternate                          breaker.      operator panel)    calculation:
feed to SSF                          Breaker      will extinguish. Assuming PSW System OTSI                                cannot be                          is in normal alignment Switchgear)                        operated                          (BTT.4 is closed) and electrically                      does not need to be exercised, PSW power to OTSi-0 will be available.
Alternatively If B7T-4 is open, BT-4 has manual chtarging capability to effect breaker closure upon Joss of control power.
See item number I for failure to close B7r-4.
Page 6 of II
Calculation: OSC-9510 Rev. I
                .    :-Faiire Mode and Effects Analysis Workhee System: -Standby Shutdown Facility Subsystem: SSF Switchgear PSW Sponly Breaker Equipent:OTSIBreaer 0Prepared                              by: John 1. Hcihenstcin Equipm ent: OTSIBreak cr Q Dae0e        r ar ! 5,2012 5 2 1 Date  : IFebruary Diagram: 0-6700. 0-702-D.0-702-A2.                            Rcy. No., I 0E13- 117-92-OA.OEB- 117-92-0B. OEE-616.
O    -      l-616-01.
OEE-616-02, OEE616-03 Effects on        Method of      Remarks and Other No. Component        Function    Faile    M Failure    Train and/or        Failure                Effects No. Identification                  Mode    Mechanism        System          Detection                (8)
(2)              (3)        (4)        (5)          (6)              (7) 4 KV Breaker      Connects      Fails to Electrical or Loss of          Local and    Note: this breaker is 3      @ SSF            alternate    Close. mechanical    Alternate        SSF CR        normally open and switchgear        PSW                    failure.      feed to Swgr. Breaker      interlocked to prevent OTS 1-0          Power                                OTSI from        indicating    paralleling the PSW (0-6700)          source to                            PSW Swgr.        lights,      power source with (ORE-616)        SSF                                                                existing normal power switchgear                                                          source (from B2"T) or OTS I                                                                back-up power source (SSF diesel).
Since this alternate source  I is utilized when both normal and back-up diesel feed are unavailable, failure to connect alternate PSW power source to o'rSl would mean the SSF electrical system is unavailable.. However, failure of this hreaker in open position has no impact on existing sources.
This is within the Design    I Basis of SSF system (not single failure proot), is detectable, and may be remedied by replacing the breaker with the available spare breaker.
Page 7 of I I
Calculation: OSC-9510      I Rev. 1 S            ..  .Failure Mode and Effects Analysis.Worksheet.
System:    Standby Shutdown Facility Subsystem: SSP Switchear PSW Supplv Breaker            Prepared by: John J. Hohcnstein Equipment: OTS] Breaker 0                              Date: February 15. 2012 Diagram: 0-6700, 0-702-B. O-702-A2. OEE- 117      Rev. No. I OA,      EE-I 17-92-OB. OEH-616. OEE-616-01, OEE-616-2 and OER-616-03 Method        Remarks and Other No. Component      Function  Failure    Failure      Effects on Train          of              Effects (o. Identification            Mode  Mechanism        and/or System        Failure (1)        (2)                    (4)        (5)              (6)          Detection                (8)
Fails    Electrical    Loss of Alternate feed Local and    Some as above.
Open    failure.      to OTS I.              SSF CR (trips).                                      Breaker indicating lights.
Fails to Electrical or Upstream Swltchgcar    Local and    Manual operation would trip    mechanical    B7T (PSW) breaker      SSF CR        be required to trip the when    failure,      will isolate the SSF  Breaker      breaker or clear the required              Switchgear OTS I      indicating    interlocks.
causing the failure of lights.
connected equIpment.
Keeps OTSI-I and OTS 1-4 from closing il.
                                                      "Trip" interlock to OTS 1-2 (ASW Pump) not initiated OTS 1-0 space heaters will not energize Spurious Electrical    A spurious closure of  Local and    Inadvertent closure of Closure  Failure      orS 1-0 could cause      SSF CR      OTS 1-0 would place paralleling of PSW &    Breaker    4.16KV power from SSF power sources,      indicating  both PSW and SSF lights,    sources on the SSF Switchgear OTS I simultaneously.
Recommend keeping B7T-4 Beaker open to prevent this failure.
Page 8 of II
Calculation: OSC-9510          I Rev. 1 FAilu're -Mode and Efects.Anýlysis Worksheet.                              .
System:    Standby Shutdown Facility Prepared by: John J. Hohenstein Subsystem: SSF DC Control Power Date: February 15.2012 Equipmentu DC Breaker 5CR                              Rev. No. I Diram:    OEf,616-0 1. 759-K          --
i  Failure    Failure  Effects on    Method of        Remarks and Other J(4)
No      Component      Function Identification                Mode  Mechanism  Train and/or    Failure                Effects (1)          (2)          (3)                            System      Detection (2)L.___                            ((6)                      (7)                    (s)
DCSF breaker    125V DC        Loss of Electrical Breaker      SSF CR          Assming PSW system is 4    5CR            control        DC      failure,  cannot be    Breaker        in its normal alignment power for      control            Operated      indicating      (OTS 1-0 Is open), PSW 4.16kV        power.            electrically  lights and      power will not be (OEE-616-01)    breaker                                        Local light    available to switchgear Indication on  OT1S . However. OTS1 -0 OTSI-0                                          switchgear      has manual charging PSW power                                      OTSI .0 is      capability to effect source                                          lost,          breaker closure.
supply                                                          Assuming the breker is breaker                                                        closed or closed once (assuming spring charge happened before lie control power failure),
this failure would not compromise the ability of the system to finction if required. The breaker could still be opened manually.
This failure would also render the breaker protective features inoperable; a fault down stream not isolated by the load feeder brcakcr will cause PSW swirchgear breaker to isolate the switehgear OTS I rendering other connected equipment inoperable.
This is within the Design B,asis of SSF system (not single fiilure proof), is detectable, and may be remedied by repairing the I control power feed.
Page 9 of I I
Calculation: OSC-9510 Rev. I
-,'          "      .  ' FaWilureMoe iandEffects            Analysis Worksheet System:      Standby Shutdown Facilily                    Prepared by: John J. Hohenstein Subsystem:_SSF Swiichgear OTSI                            Date: Februnry 15,2012 Equipment: OTS I- I and OTS 1-4                          Rev. No. I Diagram:                                                  Effects__n Effec s on  M eth o d o f e
MFailure          Remarks    and Other Effects No. i) Identification Component        FunctiOnran
                                . . Failure    Failure    rrain Mode  Mechanism    and/or        Detection (2)            (3)          (4)        (5)    System                                  (8)
(6)(7) 4kV breakers    Primary        Spurious Electrical A spurious   Local and     This line item identifies the 5     @Switchgear     and           closure failure,   closure of   SSF CR         minor condition of a OTS]           Emergency       when               OTSI-I or     Breaker       spurious breaker closure Diesel         system             OTS 1-4     Indicating     addressed in Item 3 for
          'I'SI-I Generator       is                 could cause   lights,       these specific SSF breakers OTS1-4                         aligned           paralleling                 when orS I is aligned to the feeds to       to PSW             of PSW &                     PSW power source.
OTSI           power             SSF power source             sources.                     Inadvertent closure of OTSI-I or OTS.-4 would place 4.16KV power from both PSW and SSP sources Ot the SSF Swltchgear OTSI simultaneously.
Recommend keeping OTSI-I and OTS 1-4 breakers racked out when SSF switchgear OTS1 is aligned to PSW to prevent this failure.
Page 10orlI
Calculation: OSC-9510 Rev. 1 7.0 Conclusions The failure effects of the PSW System and SSF System equipment analyzed in this calculation are provided in the work sheets in section 6.0. There are certain equipment failures that are significant to the SSF switchgear operation. These are discussed below:
Powering the OTS I switchgcar from both PSW and SSF power sources is possible on a spurious closure of breaker OTS 1-0 (when OTS I is aligned to the primary SSF source) or a spurious closure of breaker OTS 1-1 or OTS 1-4 (when OTS I is aligned to PSW source).
This calculation recommends changing the normal state of breaker B7T-4 to normally open. This calculation also recommends that procedural controls be established to rack out breakers OTSI-1 and OTS 1-4 when the SSF OTSI switchgear is aligned to the PSW power source.
Page I I of 11}}

Latest revision as of 12:08, 10 March 2020

Calculation OSC-9510, Revision 1, FMEA for Ssf 4.16kV Alternate Power Feed from Psw EC91876 (OD500928)
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/21/2012
From: Hohenstein J
Duke Energy Carolinas
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
OSC-9510, Rev 1
Download: ML12080A202 (18)


Farm 101.1 (RO2-12' CERTIFICATION OF ENGINEERING CALCULATION Station and Unit Number: Oconee 1. 2. 3 and common Revision No.: I Title of Calculation: FMEA for SSF 4.16kV Alternate Power Feed from PSW EC91876 (OD500928)

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Form 101.1 (AO2-12 CERTIFICATION OF ENGINEERING CALCULATION Station and Unit Number:. Oconee 1,2, 3 and common Revision No.: 1 Title of Calculation: FMEA for SSF 4.16kV Alternate Power Feed from PSW EC91 876 (OD500928)

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10.11 The signatures below certify that this calculation has been originated, checked, inspected and approved in accordance with established procedures.

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  • Date: 2/20/12 Checked By: Frank Calebrese (S&) . -.. ,.. Date:4'/ 12/2O112 Verification Method: Method 1 0 Method 2 f Method 3 El Other El Approved By:. Mike Mortarulo (S&L)/6.- £'*'f.. i. ..--,--- Jk p.-. Date: 2/20/12 Issued Received to DCRM: Date: by DCRM_: Date:

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P.orn101.1 (R08441 CERTIFICATION OF ENGINEERING CALCULATION Station And Unit Number Oconee 1,2,3 and common Title Of Calculation FMEA for SSF 4.16KVAltemate power feed from PSW EC 91876 (0D500928)

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  • tll/mJ*l 4 IflA~h1 CFRTIP'ICZTION OF ENGINEBRING CALCULATION Station And Unit Number Oconee 1.2,3 and common Thie O Calculation FMEA for SSF 4.16KV Alternate power feed ftrom PSW EC 91876(00500928)

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Form 101.2 (R3-03) Calculation Number OSC-9510 REVISION DOCUMENTATION SHEET Revision Revision Description Number 0 Initial Issue per EC 91876 (0D500928)

I Revised to address new failure mode: a 4.16 kV breaker spuriously closing. Incorporate niidor comments to existing revision 0 document.



Slalon I/Unt Oconee J 1. 2. 3 Caleuailion No. OSC-9510 QGv. 0 Page CIA .1 PIP No. 6ifapplicable) 0-04-04733-008 By Chis San Pedro Date, 1/1% -'-


Prob. No. (stress ask use only) N/A Checked By Frank Calabrese r* vwee ,o NEOL raowed to Identify calculations? El YES EINO INote: a NEOL search is NOT required for Icalculialon originations (I.e.. Rev. 0's)

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Station I Unit Oconee I / 2 / 3 and common Calculation No. OSC-9510 Rev. 1 a e, IV PIP No. (if applicable) Originated By John Hohenstein (S&L) Date 211:/2* -'

Prob. No. (stress & s/r use only) Checked By F. Calabrese (S&L) Date 2a16112 NEDL reviewed to Identify calculations? Yes "]No N.ote: a NEDL search is NOT required for calculation originations (i.e., Rev. 0)

Identify In the blocks below, the groups consulted for an Impact Assessment of U's-ca r  ::ation.-

mndiv. Contacted/Date Indiv. Contacted/Dat/ M 0 SYS Travis Bryant 2/2/12 El NCO

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[Mech. Comp., Bloc. Comp, Programs]


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  • Note:Any design changes, which requirechanges to Station Procedures,must be transmittedas Design Deliverable Documents.

DOCUMENT GROUP CHANGE REOUIRED (Attach Additional Sheets As Required)

Calculation: OSC-9510 Rev. I Failure Modes and Effects Analysis for the Alternate Power Feeds to Standby Shutdown Facility (SSF) 4.16 KV Switchgear OTS1 from PSW Electrical System 1.0 Purpose The purpose of this calculation is to document the failure modes and effects analysis resulting from the addition of an alternate power source to Standby Shutdown Facility (SSF) 4.16 KV Switchgear OTS I from PSW electrical systems. This design change is instituted under EC 91876 (OD500928)-"SSF 4.16KV Alternate Power Feed from PSW". This analysis is limited to determining new failure modes or effects and significant increases in the probability of existing failures resulting from the design changes. Single failure analysis will not need to be performed since the PSW System as well as Standby Shutdown System is not intended to be single failure proof. Common mode failure assessment is reviewed to ensure that components and circuits introduced into existing systems (which are analyzed for single failure vulnerability) can not cause undesirable effects and /or consequences on existing failure analysis.

2.0 Scope The scope of this analysis is limited to the failures and effects on the Standby Shutdown Facility Electrical System, introduced to this system from changes implemented by the modification listed above. The components (addition of a compartment section and associated 1200A main supply breaker to the existing SSF 4.16 KV Switchgear OTS 1) installed under the design change are related to supplying alternate power from the PSW 4.16 KV Switchgear B7T to SSF Switchgear OTS 1 in the event of loss of existing normal power feed from Switchgear B2T concurrent with the loss of SSF diesel generator. The analysis will focus on components added to the systems by the design change, their failures and the effects the failures have on the existing equipment, which usually have significant event mitigation functions. In general, it will not address failures of existing equipment or failures of existing power feeds including relaying trip schemes and interlock schemes which are identical in function to the existing design. Similarly, relocation of 150 KVA isolation transformer does not introduce any new type of failure. For example, this analysis will not address the effects of failure of SSF emergency diesel, but will limit the scope to the failure of the alternative (PSW) components and the effect they have on that function. Since the PSW System is not intended nor designed to be single failure proof, a Page I of I I

Calculation: OSC-9510 Rev. 1I single failure analysis need not be performed.

3.0 References

1. EDM-105, Rev. 1, Guidelines for Performing a Failure Modes and Effects Analysis and Single Failure Analysis
2. Oconee Nuclear Station UFSAR Chapters 3, 8, 9, 15
3. OSS-0254.00-00-2014, Rev.7, Design Basis Specification for the 4160/600/120V SSF Essential AC Power System
4. OSS-0254.00-00-2020, Rev. 8, Design Basis Specification for the Standby Shutdown Facility 125 VDC Essential Power System
5. OSS-0254.00-00-1053, Draft Rev. 0, Design Basis Specification for the Protected Service Water System
6. OSS-0254.00-00-4005, Rev. 21, Design Basis Specification for the Oconee Design Basis Events
7. OSS-0254.00-00-4013, Rev. 4, Design Basis Specification for the Oconee Single Failure Criteria
8. OSC-10008 Rev. 0 Failure Modes and Effects Analysis. Protected Service Water (PSW) System - Electrical & Mechanical Equipment
9. 0-6700, Rev. M, One Line Diagram- Main PSW Switchgear and load centre 13.Bkv/4.16Kv/600V system Switchgear B6Tand B7T Load Center LCPSW 1
10. 0-6700-02 Rev. D One Line Diagram PSW 125V DC Power Panelboard for PSW Building
11. 0-702-B, Rev. 19C, One Line Diagram - 4160 and 600V Essential Load Centers Auxiliary Power Systems Standby Shutdown Facility
12. 0-702-A2, Rev. 14, One Line Diagram 6900V & 4160 Station Auxiliary Sys.
13. OEE-I17-92-0A,Rev 2A, Elementary Diagram SSF 4160V Switchgear OTSl Comp. No. 1 4KV Feeder Breaker
14. OEE-1 17-92-OB,Rev 2A, Elementary Diagram SSF 4160V Switchgear OTS I Comp. No. 1 4KV Feeder Breaker
15. OEE-i17-93-OBRev 5A, Elementary Diagram SSF 4160V Switchgear OTSI Comp. No. 2 Motor Feeder
16. OEE-117-95-OB,Rev 3A, Elementary Diagram SSF 4160V Switchgear OTSI Comp. No. 4 & 5 Diesel Generator
17. OEE-117-95-OD,Rev 4A, Elementary Diagram SSF 4160V Switchgear OTSI Page 2 of I I

Calculation: OSC-9510 I Rev. I Comp. No. 4 & 5 Diesel Generator

18. OEE-I17-97,Rev IA, Elementary Diagram 4160V, SSF Essential Switchgear OTSI Heater Circuit
19. OEE-615, Rev. B , Elementary Diagram 4.16kV PSW Switcbgear B7T Unit# 4 Alternate Feed For SSF Loads
20. OEE-615-01, Rev. C , Elementary Diagram 4.16kV PSW Switchgear B7T Unit# 4 Alternate Feed For SSF Loads
21. OEE-615-02, Rev. C, Elementary Diagram 4.16kV PSW Switchgear B7T Unit# 4 Alternate Feed For SSF Loads
22. OEE-615-03, Rev. A , Elementary Diagram 4.16kV PSW SWGR B7T Unit# 4 Alternate Feed For SSF Loads
23. OEE-615-04, Rev. C, Elementary Diagram 4.16kV PSW Switchgear B7T Unit# 4 Alternate Feed For SSF Loads
24. OEE-616, Rev. A , Elementary Diagram SSF 4160V Switchgear OTSI Unit 0 Feeder Breaker
25. OEE-616-01, Rev. A, Elementary Diagram SSF 4160V Switchgear OTSI Unit 0 Feeder Breaker
26. OEE-616-02, Rev. A, Elementary Diagram SSF 4160V Switchgear OTSI Unit 0 Feeder Breaker
27. OEE-616-03, Rev. A, Elementary Diagram SSF 4160V Switchgear OTSI Unit 0 Feeder Breaker 4.0 Assumptions 4.1 Certain references used in the calculation have not yet been approved. This assumption tracks those references to ensure information used in this calculation from those references is not altered in a way that affects the references being tracked is identified below:

3.5 OSS-025400-00-1053 Draft Rev. 0 5.0 Methodology The methodology is in keeping with the worksheet in Appendix A of EDM- 105 and the failure modes for components given in Appendix B of EDM-105, except where judgment dictates an additional failure mechanism should be included.

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Calculation: OSC-9510 I Rev. I 6.0 Analysis

'Faidie Moie ani asffect: nalysis'Worksheet System: Protected Service Water (PSW)

Subsystem: SSF Switchgeor Alternate Feeder Prepared by: John I. Hohenstein Equipment: B7T-4 Date: February 15, 2012 Diagram: 0,6700. OEE-615. OEE-6I5-Oi, Rev. No. I

_OEE-615-02..:OEE-615-03 and OE.B-615-04 . _:.

Effects on" Method of Comp Failure Failure Train Mto t Identification 3) Mode Mechanism and/or Detection (8)

(2) (4) (5) System

__ (6) 4 KV Breaker Supplies rails to Elcetrical or Lossof Breakor Note: this breaker Is normally 0 .PsW Alternate Close. mechanical Alhernate Indication closed.

Switchgear PSW Power failure. feed to (10cal -

B7T-4. to SSF (7T31. and MCR) tadV Normal: 100 KV APS power Swlchgenr QAC in via new 13.8 KV line and (0.6700) oSwrI the main PSW transformer CM'7.

(OEE-615) control room Emergency. 13.8.KV line from either Keowee unit via transformer C77/CT6(Tie.

breaker closed).

This is within the Design Basis of PSW (not single failure proof), is detectable, and may he remedied by replacing the breaker with the available spare breaker.

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Calculation: OSC-9510 I Rev. II

  • .-."... " FailureM .de.and'Effects Anal sis Worksheet System: Protected Service Water (PSWP Subsystem:- SSF Switcheear Alternate Feeder Pared by 15, Date : Fe~bruary 15H2 20_]2 ntn Equipment: HTT-4 Rev. No. I Diagram: 0-6700. OEE-615, OBE-615-01. OE*-615-02, OEE-615-03 and OF-15-04 Effects on Failure Failure Train Method Component and/or of Failure Remarks and Other Effects

.Identification () Mode Mechanism (I) (2) (4) (5) System Detection (8)

(6) (7)

Fails Electrical Loss of Breaker Same as above.

Open failure. Alternate indication (trips). feed to (local -

(yr.9 I. and MCR)

OAC in the main control room Fails to Electrical or Upstream Breaker Loss of multiple PSW system trip mechanical Main indication equipment and components if when failure. Switchgear (local - B7T Is powered from B6T required breaker will and MCR) through BTT-I tie breaker.

isolate the No impact if BiT is aligned respective OAC in normally to B7T-2 main SwItchgear the main breaker.

causing the c aintl is within the Design Basis 1This causing the control of PSW (not single failure failure of ro connected room proof), is detectable, and may be equipmnent. remedied by replacing the affcted components with available spores.

Spurious Electrical PSW Power Breaker This failure has no effect on Closure Failure available to indication PSW or SSF operation as SSF SSF (local - Swltchgear breaker OTS 1-0 is Switchge and MCR) normally open.

OTSI OAC in the main control room Page 5 of l I

Calculation: OSC-9510 Rev.]I J,3Filure Mode and Effects Analysis Worksheet ,

System: Protected Service Water (PSWI Prepared by: Zohn J. Hohenstein Subsystem: PSW Electrical System Date: February 15.2012 Equipment: PSWPL2DC Breaker 6 Rev. No. I Dia ram: O-67(0X0)-.. EE-6 15- 1, Component Failure Failure Effccts on Method of Remarks and Other Identification F Train and/or Failure R e cts (2) (3) Mode Mechanism System Detection (8)

(4) (5) (6) (7)

PSWPL2DC 125V DC Loss of Electrical or PSW 125V PSW SWGR This device is also 2 Breaker #6 Control DC mechanical DC control Breaker Status evaluated in calculation (0-6700-02) Power for control failure, power Indication OSC-1 0008. The 4.16KV Bkr power, unavailable to Ught. (local following remarks ame (OEE-615.01) PSWB7T.4 PSWITr-4 and remote repeated from that (Alternate breaker. operator panel) calculation:

feed to SSF Breaker will extinguish. Assuming PSW System OTSI cannot be is in normal alignment Switchgear) operated (BTT.4 is closed) and electrically does not need to be exercised, PSW power to OTSi-0 will be available.

Alternatively If B7T-4 is open, BT-4 has manual chtarging capability to effect breaker closure upon Joss of control power.

See item number I for failure to close B7r-4.

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Calculation: OSC-9510 Rev. I

.  :-Faiire Mode and Effects Analysis Workhee System: -Standby Shutdown Facility Subsystem: SSF Switchgear PSW Sponly Breaker Equipent:OTSIBreaer 0Prepared by: John 1. Hcihenstcin Equipm ent: OTSIBreak cr Q Dae0e r ar ! 5,2012 5 2 1 Date  : IFebruary Diagram: 0-6700. 0-702-D.0-702-A2. Rcy. No., I 0E13- 117-92-OA.OEB- 117-92-0B. OEE-616.

O - l-616-01.

OEE-616-02, OEE616-03 Effects on Method of Remarks and Other No. Component Function Faile M Failure Train and/or Failure Effects No. Identification Mode Mechanism System Detection (8)

(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 4 KV Breaker Connects Fails to Electrical or Loss of Local and Note: this breaker is 3 @ SSF alternate Close. mechanical Alternate SSF CR normally open and switchgear PSW failure. feed to Swgr. Breaker interlocked to prevent OTS 1-0 Power OTSI from indicating paralleling the PSW (0-6700) source to PSW Swgr. lights, power source with (ORE-616) SSF existing normal power switchgear source (from B2"T) or OTS I back-up power source (SSF diesel).

Since this alternate source I is utilized when both normal and back-up diesel feed are unavailable, failure to connect alternate PSW power source to o'rSl would mean the SSF electrical system is unavailable.. However, failure of this hreaker in open position has no impact on existing sources.

This is within the Design I Basis of SSF system (not single failure proot), is detectable, and may be remedied by replacing the breaker with the available spare breaker.

Page 7 of I I

Calculation: OSC-9510 I Rev. 1 S .. .Failure Mode and Effects Analysis.Worksheet.

System: Standby Shutdown Facility Subsystem: SSP Switchear PSW Supplv Breaker Prepared by: John J. Hohcnstein Equipment: OTS] Breaker 0 Date: February 15. 2012 Diagram: 0-6700, 0-702-B. O-702-A2. OEE- 117 Rev. No. I OA, EE-I 17-92-OB. OEH-616. OEE-616-01, OEE-616-2 and OER-616-03 Method Remarks and Other No. Component Function Failure Failure Effects on Train of Effects (o. Identification Mode Mechanism and/or System Failure (1) (2) (4) (5) (6) Detection (8)


Fails Electrical Loss of Alternate feed Local and Some as above.

Open failure. to OTS I. SSF CR (trips). Breaker indicating lights.

Fails to Electrical or Upstream Swltchgcar Local and Manual operation would trip mechanical B7T (PSW) breaker SSF CR be required to trip the when failure, will isolate the SSF Breaker breaker or clear the required Switchgear OTS I indicating interlocks.

causing the failure of lights.

connected equIpment.

Keeps OTSI-I and OTS 1-4 from closing il.

"Trip" interlock to OTS 1-2 (ASW Pump) not initiated OTS 1-0 space heaters will not energize Spurious Electrical A spurious closure of Local and Inadvertent closure of Closure Failure orS 1-0 could cause SSF CR OTS 1-0 would place paralleling of PSW & Breaker 4.16KV power from SSF power sources, indicating both PSW and SSF lights, sources on the SSF Switchgear OTS I simultaneously.

Recommend keeping B7T-4 Beaker open to prevent this failure.

Page 8 of II

Calculation: OSC-9510 I Rev. 1 FAilu're -Mode and Efects.Anýlysis Worksheet. .

System: Standby Shutdown Facility Prepared by: John J. Hohenstein Subsystem: SSF DC Control Power Date: February 15.2012 Equipmentu DC Breaker 5CR Rev. No. I Diram: OEf,616-0 1. 759-K --

i Failure Failure Effects on Method of Remarks and Other J(4)

No Component Function Identification Mode Mechanism Train and/or Failure Effects (1) (2) (3) System Detection (2)L.___ ((6) (7) (s)

DCSF breaker 125V DC Loss of Electrical Breaker SSF CR Assming PSW system is 4 5CR control DC failure, cannot be Breaker in its normal alignment power for control Operated indicating (OTS 1-0 Is open), PSW 4.16kV power. electrically lights and power will not be (OEE-616-01) breaker Local light available to switchgear Indication on OT1S . However. OTS1 -0 OTSI-0 switchgear has manual charging PSW power OTSI .0 is capability to effect source lost, breaker closure.

supply Assuming the breker is breaker closed or closed once (assuming spring charge happened before lie control power failure),

this failure would not compromise the ability of the system to finction if required. The breaker could still be opened manually.

This failure would also render the breaker protective features inoperable; a fault down stream not isolated by the load feeder brcakcr will cause PSW swirchgear breaker to isolate the switehgear OTS I rendering other connected equipment inoperable.

This is within the Design B,asis of SSF system (not single fiilure proof), is detectable, and may be remedied by repairing the I control power feed.

Page 9 of I I

Calculation: OSC-9510 Rev. I

-,' " . ' FaWilureMoe iandEffects Analysis Worksheet System: Standby Shutdown Facilily Prepared by: John J. Hohenstein Subsystem:_SSF Swiichgear OTSI Date: Februnry 15,2012 Equipment: OTS I- I and OTS 1-4 Rev. No. I Diagram: Effects__n Effec s on M eth o d o f e

MFailure Remarks and Other Effects No. i) Identification Component FunctiOnran

. . Failure Failure rrain Mode Mechanism and/or Detection (2) (3) (4) (5) System (8)

(6)(7) 4kV breakers Primary Spurious Electrical A spurious Local and This line item identifies the 5 @Switchgear and closure failure, closure of SSF CR minor condition of a OTS] Emergency when OTSI-I or Breaker spurious breaker closure Diesel system OTS 1-4 Indicating addressed in Item 3 for

'I'SI-I Generator is could cause lights, these specific SSF breakers OTS1-4 aligned paralleling when orS I is aligned to the feeds to to PSW of PSW & PSW power source.

OTSI power SSF power source sources. Inadvertent closure of OTSI-I or OTS.-4 would place 4.16KV power from both PSW and SSP sources Ot the SSF Swltchgear OTSI simultaneously.

Recommend keeping OTSI-I and OTS 1-4 breakers racked out when SSF switchgear OTS1 is aligned to PSW to prevent this failure.

Page 10orlI

Calculation: OSC-9510 Rev. 1 7.0 Conclusions The failure effects of the PSW System and SSF System equipment analyzed in this calculation are provided in the work sheets in section 6.0. There are certain equipment failures that are significant to the SSF switchgear operation. These are discussed below:

Powering the OTS I switchgcar from both PSW and SSF power sources is possible on a spurious closure of breaker OTS 1-0 (when OTS I is aligned to the primary SSF source) or a spurious closure of breaker OTS 1-1 or OTS 1-4 (when OTS I is aligned to PSW source).

This calculation recommends changing the normal state of breaker B7T-4 to normally open. This calculation also recommends that procedural controls be established to rack out breakers OTSI-1 and OTS 1-4 when the SSF OTSI switchgear is aligned to the PSW power source.

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