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Ta ble c FILTER REPLACE *'Elj7 There were no filter changes during this reporting ceriod.
Ta ble c FILTER REPLACE *'Elj7 There were no filter changes during this reporting ceriod.
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Latest revision as of 11:57, 22 February 2020

Quarterly Environ Monitoring Rept for Jan-Mar 1979
Person / Time
Site: West Valley Demonstration Project
Issue date: 04/27/1979
Shared Package
ML19225A631 List:
NUDOCS 7907190727
Download: ML19225A639 (12)


ENVIRONMEf'TAL f t0NITORI?;G As a result of changes in Technical Specifications, sampling milk for 131 I was dis-continued on September 21, 1973.

Thirty-nine (39) sanples were obtained during Pe first curter fecm the perimeter monitoring stations and were analyzed for alpFa ard beta activity. The alphe activity ranged f ron 1.38 (10M L ) t o 9. 29 ( 10 ' '3 ) uCi/nl for an average of 3.63 (10E) _Ci/r '

The beta ac ;ivity ranged from 3.40 (10 15) t- 3.E6 (10'l') sci /nl with an average of


1.93 (10 b) uCi/ml. .

LOW LEVEL L' QUID EFFLUEfiTS The amounts of radioactivity in liquid discharced from the plant during this period and their relationship to toe maximum permissible concentration (MPC' in the ,

Cattaraugus Creek are shown in Table 1.

GASEOUS EFFLLEfiTS The amc'r.u of particulate radioactivity dischargi.d via the plant stack and the relationship to the release limit in the Technical Specifications is shown in Table

2. Change 20 to the Technical Specifications discontinued the recuirements of Krypton-85 and Iodine-131 moni :oring while plant coerations are suspended.

SURVEILLANCE TEf_T_S During this period, tests were performed in accordance with Section 6 of the Technical Specifications. The completinn dates are sha.!n in Tables 3 and a.

LOW '_EVEL LIO'JID WASTE TREATf ENT PLANT PERF0WlCE During this period, the LLilT was in opcration a total of 49 days and treated 3,?l2,M0 gallons of water. One hundred sixty (160) drums of concentrated sludge were rero"ed, each havina a radiation level of <10 mr/hr. Decont;mination of waste water conti _s to be good'. All water discharged has been belc.; 2.0 x 10 5 uCi Cs l37/ml. Average


renov:1 factors for this period are shown below.

AVERASE REf *0'.'AL FACTOR Isotope Previous Quarter This Quarter Cs-137 94.7 93.7

  • Sr-90 99.7 flot Yet Available Ru-Rh-105 Below Detection Limits Celo; Detection Limits Gross Beta 94.9 97.4 f;o significant developnents or modifications :o tha fecility have occurred during the past qua-ter and operation has been routine.
  • Sr-90 removal factor for the third quarter of 1978 was 99.7

@. ._:ui

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Table 1

.JI UI_0 EFFLUENTS--10 S (Cu ries)

Month 9 129 M?C tte sured G ro s s a Gross B Tritium Sr- I In Ca ttarauc s Cree'< .

Jan 0.00092 0.037 433 0.C123 0.00005 1.72 Feb 0.00007 0.040 166 0.0009 0.00002 1.El Mar 0.00014 0.024 110 0.0016 0.00007 0.49 Apr 0.000001 0.00007 0.0006 0.00001 c

HR 1.20 May 0.00037 0.016 57.7 0.00a5 0.00013 1.05 Jun 0.000001 0.00002 0.0001 0.00C01 C

HR 3.76 Jul 0.000001 0.00007 0.0003 0.00C01 c NR 0.48 Aug 0.000002 0.00008 0.0005 0.00001 t;R C

0.33 Sep 0.000001 0.00005 0.0004 c 0.00:01 NR 0.51 Oct 0.000001 0.00003 0.0009 0.0001 c NR 0.68 Nov 0.00016 0.026 7.4 0.0025 d.00011 0.f3 Dec G.000001 0.a0004 0.0005 c 0.000J1 NR g,47 1978 0.00167 0.193 774.1 0.0119 0.00038 1.0S MPC (2) = 3.0 (10 7) nCi/nl when Sr90 analyses 'are r.ot available.


MPC (c) = 1.0 (10 5) pCi/nl when Sr30 analyses are included separately.

MPC (a) = 5.0 (10 6) pCi/ml c

Mot required; there s.are no Lacoon 3 effluent r eleases for the rconth.

418 347

,3_., . e - -

Table 1r LIRUID EFFLUENT 3--1979 (C'iri e s f 0 5', f;PCa !!e sured flonth Gross a Gross s Tritium 129 Sr 7' I In Ca tta raucn Cree'-

Jan 0.000001 0.00004 0.0007 0.00001 t;R c g,cy Feb 0.000001 0.00001 0.0004 0.00001 t;R c 0.32 Mar 0.00013 D b b 0.016 3.3 tlA IM 7;g 1979 0.00013 b d 0.016 3.3 0.00002 f!A 0.39 MPC (s) = 3.0 (10 7) pCi/al t.> hen Sr00 analyses are not available MPC (s) = 1.0 (1# 5) pCi/nl tihen Sr"3 analyses are included <.epara tely MPC (u) = 5.0 (10~ 6) pCml blot f yet vailable ct ;ot required; there were no Laguo . 3 ef fluent releases for the ranth d

MPC through February 1979 e

Release through February 1979 -

416 01.4 8

Table 2 PARTICULATE G;SEC.'s rrrLUE:iTS fionth Curies 5: l'an thl y I. in i t January .00003 0.03 February .00008 0.03 fiarch .00004 0.01 1979 .00020 0.025

. .J 349 s._



_ i

Table 3 SURVEILLANCE TFSTS Soec. Subiect Comnleted This Quarter Carpents 6.1 Raschig Ring Tanks Tanks are to be scheduled prior to next processina use 6.2 Sump Alanr.s and Eductors XC-2 1-9, 1-30, 2-20, 3-13 XC-3 Satisfactory 1-9, 1-30, 2-20, 3-13 Sa tisfac to ry PPC 1-9, 1-31, 2-20, 3-13 Sa ti s f ac to ry 6.3 Waste Storage Tank Pan Instrumentation 8D-1, 80-2 1-10, 1-31, 2-20, 3-15 80-3, BD-4 Sa tisfac to ry 1-10, 1-31, 2-20, 3-15 Sa tis facto ry 6.4 Emergency Utility Equipment 30T-1 1-9 31K-1 Satis fac to ry 1-9 Satisfact ,

32G-dB 1-9 31G-2, 2A Sa ti s fac to ry 2-12 Satisfactory 31K-2, 2A 2-12 Satisfactory 32G-2A, 2B 2-12 Satisfactory Diesel Fuel 1-8, 1-15, 1-22, 1-30, 2-5, 2-12, 2 19, 2-26, 3-5, 3-12, 3-19, 3-26 Satis fac tory Propane Fuel 1- 2 , 1-11, 1-16, 1-23, 1-3'.,

2-5, 2-13, 2-19, 2-27, 3-5, 3-13, 3-20, 3-27 Sa tis factory 15K-10A 1-19 15F-21 Satisfactory 1-19 Sati s factory

6. Filters 1-5, 1-12, 1-17, 1-24, 2-2, 2-9, 2-14, 2-21, 3-2, 3-6, 3-13, 3-19, 3-26 Sa tis factory 6.6 Dilution Air Not reduired this period 6.7 Boric Acid Not required this period C.8 Locking Out Not required this period 6.9 Water Activity Manns 3-22 Sa tis fac to ry 6.10 Poisoned Disso'/er Baskets Nat required tb~s period 6.11 Solvent Analysis Not required this period 418 350

- . .. . , ~

' _ '.9 *) 5

Ta ble c FILTER REPLACE *'Elj7 There were no filter changes during this reporting ceriod.

418 351

.> s


PROCEssIr;r, sg,. v4py During this period thero w1 riu "' - =- 109 o f fuel ,

418 352

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f;UCLEAR F_UEL SUM'1ARY The following information is based upon nuclear meterial accountability records and indicates the di; position of ruclear naterial in fuel et the reprocessing plant.

A. ItiVEi; TORY The total on-site inventory on " arch 31, 1979 was 165,759 J:ilograms of uranium and 1,043,739 grans of plutonium An inventory description by source and material type is presented in Table 5.

B. RECEIPTS Af;D SHIPME:;fS During the quarter, there were no shipments or receipts of spent fuel assemblies at the West Valley site. A shipper's correction resulted in an increase of 139 grcrs of plutonico and a decrease of less than one ki'ogram of uranium.

C. MEASUr'ED WASTE ATlD ADJUSTMEflTS There was no loss of uranium or plutonium during the recorti:,g period as r.easured waste.

fio adjustments for uranium and plutonium to I.:FS Lot 27A uere required.

The decay of plutonium-241 isotace for the six-.ranth period (9/30/78-3/31/79) resulted in a decrease of 2,029 gems of plutonium.

418 353 4.- a


Table E f;UrLEAR FUEL S TA~iUS AS Or .'9CH 31,19/7 Kilcarens Grams Total U  !'

?35 U-233 Total Pu I. It;VEi; TORT T1[1/ /9) f;FS 3,271 8.01 --

306 Dresden-1 20,429 14a.03 0.30 117,603 RGLE 46,156 722.48 --

287,410 Co n s u:r,e rs 11,130 23?>.68 --

64,367 UEPCO 43,017 462.61 --

340,730 Jersey Central 42,756 a63.43 --

235,203 TOTAL 166,59 2,039.24 0.30 1,045,629 II. RECEIPTS Tl'[1/ / 9-3/ 31/ 79) flo receipts ducir,g this ceriod; shipper's corrections only.

Jersey Central

( ,- 1 ) (0.01) --

139 III. R ET D'!A!. S T1/1/i9-3/31/79)

A. ficasured Waste lot 27A 0 0 0 0 B. Adjustnents Lot 27A C 0 0 0 C. Decoy - - -

2,029 TOTAL 0 0 0 2,029 IV. INVEt;iORY ll[jl'[/9) f;FS 3,27] 8.01 -

305 Dresden-1 20,429 144.33 0.30 117,3E?

R3hi 46,156 722.4'i --

286,B56 Con su:r ers 11,130 2 P 6' --


LPC0 43,017 4C2.61 --

339,932 Jersey Central 42,756 463.42 --

235,0'11 T01AL 166,75? 2,039.23 0.30 1,0;3,739 418 354

, . ..e, ;

,a s

RADI0 ACTIVE WASTE A. Solid Maste The radioactive plant waste buried during this quarter consisted o f 1318. 31 cu ft containing 127.185 ci. ries. This material was buried in the NRC-licensed burial area.

B. High Level Liquid Waste As of fiarch 31, 1979, the high level storage tank CD-2 contained 572,700 gallons of neutralized waste with an activity of 4,398 pri Cs-137/ml and 94 pCi Cs-134/ml.

M8 355 l.

FACILITY PEhF0FMAtiCE AT1D MODIFICATI' l5 This section describes:

1. Major modifications that were either initiated or completed at the processing plant during the reporting period.

There were no modifications initiated or completed during this reporting period.

2. A description of malfunctions of an/ equipment listed in Appendices 5.2, 9.51, 9.53 and 9.56 of the Final 5;fe ty Analysis Report schich are important to safety.

There were no nelfunctions d; ring the reporting period.

3. 4s a centinuation of the evalua: ion of the BD-2 pSn, three entries were made into the 8D-1 vault in order to evaluate the conditica of the tank, pan and vatlt, and to exa-ine construction features.

V1ueotapes and color slides were obtained, and I;RC representatives acccmpanied plant personnel on tr.e second entry.

The installation of SG-2 pu p in the 8D-1 tank was completed and the pump was functionally tested. The t es ts were witnessed by f RC representatives.

Permanent level recorders w>re installed for the SD-2 pan and vault instrun mt probes.

418 356


