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| number = ML090340709
| number = ML090340709
| issue date = 01/30/2009
| issue date = 01/30/2009
| title = 2009/01/30 - Indian Point - Privilege Log - Deliberative Process
| title = Indian Point - Privilege Log - Deliberative Process
| author name = Simon M J, Turk S E
| author name = Simon M, Turk S
| author affiliation = NRC/OGC
| author affiliation = NRC/OGC
| addressee name =  
| addressee name =  
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{{#Wiki_filter:ATTACHMENT 2 INDIAN POINT NUCLEAR POWER STATION HEARING FILE AND MANDATORY DISCLOSURES PRIVILEGE LOG - DELIBERATIVE PROCESS PRIVILEGE Initial Disclosures - January 30 , 2009 Certain documents otherwise subject to inclusion in the hearing file and mandatory disclosures for this proceeding have been de termined by the NRC Staff to contain information subject to withholding from public disclosure as predecisional, deliberative information.
{{#Wiki_filter:ATTACHMENT 2         INDIAN POINT NUCLEAR POWER STATION HEARING FILE AND MANDATORY DISCLOSURES PRIVILEGE LOG - DELIBERATIVE PROCESS PRIVILEGE Initial Disclosures - January 30 , 2009 Certain documents otherwise subject to inclusion in the hearing file and mandatory disclosures for this proceeding have been determined by the NRC Staff to contain information subject to withholding from public disclosure as predecisional, deliberative information. Pursuant to 10 C.F.R. § 2.336(b)(5), the Staff is providing this log to identify the following documents, withheld under the deliberative process privilege.
Pursuant to 10 C.F.R. § 2.336(b)(5), the Staff is providing this log to identify the following documents, withheld under the "deliberative process" privilege.
Author Accession                                                Document      Document        Addressee/                                      Page ID #                       Name/           Title/Description                                                                   Comment Number                                                      Date         Type     Addressee Affiliation                                 Count Affiliation:
ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
ML071420200   Weerakkody       Indian Point Energy        05/22/2007  Memoranda  Auluck R C, NRC/NRR     Internal memorandum              8 S D,              Center Units 2 & 3 -                                                       discussing comments/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-001 ML071420200 Weerakkody S D, NRC/NRR Indian Point Energy Center Units 2 & 3 - License Renewal Application - Fire Protection Acceptance Review (TAC Nos. MD5407 and MD5408). 05/22/2007 Memoranda Auluck R C, NRC/NRR Internal memorandum discussing comments/ observations of the Fire Protection Branch's acceptance review of the LRA 8 DPP-00-002 ML082671037 Naeem Iqbal/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Indian Point Energy Center Units 2 and 3 - License  
NRC/NRR          License Renewal                                                             observations of the Fire DPP                                  Application - Fire                                                         Protection Branchs 001                                    Protection                                                                  acceptance review of the Acceptance Review                                                           LRA (TAC Nos. MD5407 and MD5408).
ML082671037    Naeem Iqbal/      EMAIL - Indian Point      05/22/2007     E-Mail      Kimberly Green/    Internal transmission of        12 NRC/NRR          Energy Center Units 2                                      NRC/NRR         memorandum discussing and 3 - License                                                            comments/
DPP                                  Renewal Application -                                                      observations of the Fire 002                                    Fire Protection                                                             Protection Branchs Acceptance Review                                                          acceptance review of the (TAC Nos. MD5407                                                            LRA and MD5408)
ML071510014    Cranston G V, Reactor Systems                05/23/2007  Memoranda  Auluck R C, NRC/NRR    Internal memorandum              2 NRC/NRR           Branch Acceptance                                                          discussing Reactor Systems Review Re: Indian                                                           Branch Acceptance Review DPP                                          Point Units 2 and 3,                                                        of the LRA 003 Docket Nos. 50-247 and 50-286 License Renewal Application.
Page 1 of 74

Renewal Application - Fire Protection Acceptance Review (TAC Nos. MD5407 and MD5408) 05/22/2007 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of memorandum discussing comments/
Author Accession                                      Document    Document        Addressee/                                     Page ID #                   Name/       Title/Description                                                           Comment Number                                          Date         Type   Addressee Affiliation                               Count Affiliation:
observations of the Fire Protection Branch's acceptance review of the LRA 12 DPP-00-003 ML071510014 Cranston G V, NRC/NRR Reactor Systems Branch Acceptance Review Re:  Indian Point Units 2 and 3, Docket Nos. 50-247 and 50-286 License Renewal Application. 05/23/2007 Memoranda Auluck R C, NRC/NRR Internal memorandum discussing Reactor Systems Branch Acceptance Review of the LRA 2 Page 1 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
ML073450894 James         EMAIL - FYI: Second   05/23/2007     E-Mail   Kimberly Green, Bo   Internal transmission of        2 Medoff/      Part of My                                    Pham, James Davis/   comments/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-004 ML073450894 James Medoff/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - FYI: Second Part of My Acceptance/Sufficienc y Review for Indian Point LRA 05/23/2007 E-Mail Kimberly Green, Bo Pham, James Davis/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of comments/ observations regarding acceptance/sufficiency review of LRA 2 DPP-00-005 ML082540432 Matt Goodwin/ Earth Tech EMAIL - Indian Point CR contacts 06/06/2007 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Tech Internal comment regarding review of the cultural resources portion of the Applicant's ER 5 DPP-00-006 ML082890312 Kimberly Green/
DPP                    NRC/NRR       Acceptance/Sufficienc                              NRC/NRR        observations regarding 004 y Review for Indian                                                acceptance/sufficiency Point LRA                                                          review of LRA ML082540432 Matt         EMAIL - Indian Point 06/06/2007     E-Mail   Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Internal comment regarding       5 DPP            Goodwin/      CR contacts                                            Tech        review of the cultural 005              Earth Tech                                                                        resources portion of the Applicants ER ML082890312 Kimberly     EMAIL - Re: Fwd:     06/21/2007     E-Mail Rajender Auluck, Rani Internal discussion regarding    2 Green/        SBO/App. R Diesel                              Franovich, James   LRA and Entergys June 18, DPP            NRC/NRR      LRA Letter                                    Davis, Pao-Tsin Kuo, 2007 Letter 006                                                                          Samson Lee, Angelo Stubbs, Bo Pham/
NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: Fwd: SBO/App. R Diesel LRA Letter 06/21/2007 E-Mail Rajender Auluck, Rani Franovich, James Davis, Pao-Tsin Kuo, Samson Lee, Angelo Stubbs, Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding LRA and Entergy's June 18, 2007 Letter 2 DPP-00-007 ML073450879 Harriet Nash/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - IP immediate RAIs 07/12/2007 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal transmission of draft environmental RAIs and comments 3 DPP-00-008 ML073450881 Jeffrey Ward/
NRC/NRR ML073450879 Harriet Nash/ EMAIL - IP immediate 07/12/2007     E-Mail   Jeffrey Ward/ PNL   Internal transmission of draft   3 DPP                    NRC/NRR      RAIs                                                                environmental RAIs and 007 comments DPP ML073450881 Jeffrey Ward/ EMAIL - RE: IP       07/12/2007     E-Mail Harriet Nash/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding     3 008              PNL          immediate RAIs                                                      draft RAIs ML082890313 Kimberly      EMAIL - Acceptance    07/12/2007      E-Mail  Rajender Auluck, Bo  Internal discussion regarding    2 DPP            Green/       of IP LRA                                    Pham/ NRC/NRR/DLR      LRA and timing of 009              NRC/NRR                                                                           acceptance ML073510042 Dennis        EMAIL - Fwd: Plumes  08/02/2007      E-Mail        NRC/NRR        Internal comment regarding      3 DPP                    Logan/                                                                            plumes and plume resources 010 NRC/NRR Page 2 of 74
PNL EMAIL - RE: IP immediate RAIs 07/12/2007 E-Mail Harriet Nash/ NRC/NRRInternal discussion regarding draft RAIs 3 DPP-00-009 ML082890313 Kimberly Green/
NRC/NRR EMAIL - Acceptance

of IP LRA 07/12/2007 E-Mail Rajender Auluck, Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion regarding LRA and timing of acceptance 2 DPP-00-010 ML073510042 Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Fwd: Plumes08/02/2007 E-Mail NRC/NRR Internal comment regarding plumes and plume resources 3 Page 2 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Author Accession                                      Document    Document        Addressee/                                       Page ID #                   Name/       Title/Description                                                             Comment Number                                            Date         Type   Addressee Affiliation                                 Count Affiliation:
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-011 ML073510043 Harriet Nash/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Fwd: For Tomorrow 08/02/2007 E-Mail NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft approach to NRC's environmental review 4 DPP-00-012 ML073510045 Harriet Nash/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Fwd: IP Site Visit Needs 08/02/2007 E-Mail NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding the IP site visit and ER 2 DPP-00-013 ML073510049 Dennis Logan/
ML073510043 Harriet Nash/ EMAIL - Fwd: For       08/02/2007     E-Mail         NRC/NRR         Internal transmission of draft   4 DPP                    NRC/NRR      Tomorrow                                                              approach to NRCs 011 environmental review DPP ML073510045 Harriet Nash/ EMAIL - Fwd: IP Site   08/02/2007     E-Mail         NRC/NRR         Internal discussion regarding   2 012              NRC/NRR      Visit Needs                                                            the IP site visit and ER ML073510049 Dennis       EMAIL - Fwd: Draft     08/06/2007     E-Mail   Nathan Goodman,       Internal transmission of draft  6 Logan/        Outline for Chapter 2                          Briana Balsam, Sarah   outline for Chapter 2 of IP DPP  013              NRC/NRR      of IP SEIS                                        Lopas, Elizabeth     SEIS Wexler/ NRC/NRR ML073510052 Dennis        EMAIL - Emailing:      08/07/2007      E-Mail      Harriet Nash      Internal transmission of         5 DPP                    Logan/        Chapter 2                                      (NRC/NRR) / Jeffrey    outline for draft SEIS 014 NRC/NRR      Outline.wpd                                          Ward (PNL)
NRC/NRR EMAIL - Fwd: Draft Outline for Chapter 2 of IP SEIS 08/06/2007 E-Mail Nathan Goodman, Briana Balsam, Sarah Lopas, Elizabeth Wexler/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft outline for Chapter 2 of IP SEIS 6 DPP-00-014 ML073510052 Dennis Logan/
ML073510059 Jeffrey Ward/ EMAIL - RE: Request:  08/08/2007      E-Mail  Bobbie Hurley, (Earth Internal discussion regarding      7 PNL          Site Audit Information                          Tech)/ Jill Caverly,  requests to review specific
NRC/NRR EMAIL - Emailing:
                                  - Indian Point                                Jennifer Davis, Stephen information at the site audit Klementowicz, Dennis DPP                                                                                  Logan, Harriet Nash, 015 Andrew Stuyvenburg, Jeffrey Rikhoff, Robert Palla, Lance Vail (NRC/NRR)
Chapter 2
ML073510067 Bo Pham/     EMAIL - RE:           08/09/2007      E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth    Internal discussion of          8 DPP            NRC/NRR      Comment binning                              Tech; Jeffrey Rikhoff/  strategy for review of scoping 016                                                                          NRC/NRR/DLR              comments Page 3 of 74

Outline.wpd 08/07/2007 E-Mail Harriet Nash (NRC/NRR) / Jeffrey Ward (PNL) Internal transmission of outline for draft SEIS 5 DPP-00-015 ML073510059 Jeffrey Ward/
Author Accession                                      Document    Document          Addressee/                                     Page ID #                   Name/       Title/Description                                                             Comment Number                                            Date         Type   Addressee Affiliation                                 Count Affiliation:
PNL EMAIL - RE: Request:
ML073510068 Jill Caverly/ EMAIL - Fwd: Indian   08/09/2007     E-Mail         NRC/NRR         Internal comments regarding     3 NRC/NRR        Point audit needs                                                    hydrology information in ER DPP  017                                                                                                    and Staff needs for hydrology review ML073510069 Harriet Nash/ EMAIL - IP writing   08/09/2007     E-Mail Sarah Lopas, Elizabeth Internal transmission of          5 DPP            NRC/NRR        assignments                                    Wexler (NRC/NRR)     partial outline for draft SEIS 018                                                                                                    with writing assignments ML073510072 Jill Caverly/ EMAIL - Fwd: Draft   08/09/2007     E-Mail Dennis Beissel, Jennifer Internal transmission of SEIS  10 NRC/NRR        Writing Assignment                                Davis, Stephen     outline with draft writing DPP                                    for Indian Point                              Klementowicz, Harriet assignments 019 Nash, Andrew Stuyvenburg/ NRC/NRR ML073510075 Harriet Nash/  EMAIL - Re: Fwd:      08/09/2007      E-Mail  Jill Caverly/ NRC/NRR  Internal comments/revisions      2 DPP            NRC/NRR        Draft Writing                                                        regarding SEIS draft outline 020                              Assignment for Indian                                                and writing assignments Point ML073510087 Harriet Nash/  EMAIL - Fwd: Indian  08/10/2007      E-Mail  Jill Caverly/ NRC/NRR  Internal discussion regarding    3 DPP                     NRC/NRR        Point audit needs -                                                   additional information needs 021 terrestrial eco                                                      for audit ML073510088 Jennifer      EMAIL - Info needs    08/10/2007      E-Mail  Jill Caverly/ NRC/NRR  Internal transmission of audit  3 Davis/                                                                               information needs regarding DPP  022              NRC/NRR                                                                             historical and archeological resources Page 4 of 74
Site Audit Information
- Indian Point 08/08/2007 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley, (Earth Tech)/ Jill Caverly, Jennifer Davis, Stephen Klementowicz, Dennis Logan, Harriet Nash, Andrew Stuyvenburg, Jeffrey Rikhoff, Robert Palla, Lance Vail (NRC/NRR) Internal discussion regarding requests to review specific information at the site audit 7 DPP-00-016 ML073510067 Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE:
Comment binning 08/09/2007 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Tech; Jeffrey Rikhoff/
NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion of strategy for review of scoping comments 8 Page 3 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-017 ML073510068 Jill Caverly/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Fwd: Indian Point audit needs 08/09/2007 E-Mail NRC/NRR Internal comments regarding hydrology information in ER and Staff needs for hydrology review 3 DPP-00-018 ML073510069 Harriet Nash/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - IP writing assignments 08/09/2007 E-Mail Sarah Lopas, Elizabeth Wexler (NRC/NRR) Internal transmission of partial outline for draft SEIS with writing assignments 5 DPP-00-019 ML073510072 Jill Caverly/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Fwd: Draft Writing Assignment for Indian Point 08/09/2007 E-Mail Dennis Beissel, Jennifer Davis, Stephen Klementowicz, Harriet Nash, Andrew Stuyvenburg/ NRC/NRRInternal transmission of SEIS outline with draft writing assignments 10 DPP-00-020 ML073510075 Harriet Nash/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: Fwd:

Draft Writing Assignment for Indian
Author Accession                                        Document    Document          Addressee/                                    Page ID #                    Name/        Title/Description                                                            Comment Number                                            Date        Type    Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
ML082540427 Steve Dillard/ EMAIL - Indian Point  08/10/2007      E-Mail    Harriet Nash, Jill  Internal transmission of audit  2 Earth Tech    audit needs -                                Caverly, Dennis Logan/ information needs regarding DPP  023                              terrestrial eco                                        NRC/NRR        terrestrial ecology ML090140670 Jeffrey        EMAIL - Re: Request:  08/10/2007      E-Mail      Jill Caverly, Eric Internal transmission of audit  5 Rikhoff/      Site Audit Information                        Benner, Jennifer Davis, information needs with DPP                    NRC/NRR/DL - Indian Point                                              Bo Pham/      regarding environmental 024 R                                                                NRC/NRR/DLR        justice, land use, and socioeconomics.
ML073510090 Jennifer      EMAIL - Fwd: Re:      08/13/2007      E-Mail Jeffrey Rikhoff/        Internal discussion of          3 DPP            Davis/        Request: Site Audit                          NRC/NRR/DLR            information needs from site NRC/NRR        Information - Indian                                                  audit 025 Point ML073510099 Jill Caverly/  EMAIL - Fwd: Re: IP    08/15/2007      E-Mail          NRC/NRR        Internal transmission of audit  4 NRC/NRR        air/met site audit                                                    information needs regarding DPP  026                              needs.                                                                air and meteorology ML073510109 Jill Caverly/  EMAIL - Draft         08/16/2007      E-Mail  Bobbie Hurley, (Earth Internal transmission of draft    6 NRC/NRR        Environmental Site                            Tech)/ Dennis Beissel, environmental site audit Audit schedule                                Jennifer Davis, Stephen schedule Klementowicz, Dennis DPP                                                                                    Logan, Harriet Nash, 027 Andrew Stuyvenburg, Jeffrey Rikhoff, (NRC/NRR)/ Jeffrey Ward, Vance Vail (PNL)
ML073510115 Jill Caverly/  EMAIL - Alternatives  08/16/2007      E-Mail      Lance Vail/ PNL    Internal comment regarding      3 DPP                    NRC/NRR        sections for IP LRA                                                  outline for alternatives 028 sections for SEIS and Page 5 of 74

Point 08/09/2007 E-Mail Jill Caverly/ NRC/NRR Internal comments/revisions regarding SEIS draft outline and writing assignments 2 DPP-00-021 ML073510087 Harriet Nash/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Fwd: Indian Point audit needs - terrestrial eco 08/10/2007 E-Mail Jill Caverly/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding additional information needs
Author Accession                                      Document    Document          Addressee/                                    Page ID #                    Name/      Title/Description                                                            Comment Number                                            Date        Type    Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
transmission of outline ML073510119 Jeffrey Ward/  EMAIL - FW: More      08/16/2007     E-Mail   Jill Caverly, Dennis Internal transmission of Staff  5 DPP            PNL            documents to request                            Logan/ NRC/NRR     needs for audit review 029 ML073510132 Stephen        EMAIL - Indian Point  08/22/2007      E-Mail  Jill Caverly, Bo Pham/ Internal transmission of audit  3 Klementowicz Radiological site audit                                NRC/NRR        information needs regarding DPP   030              / NRC/NRR     needs                                                                radiological and non-radiological information ML073510139 Andrew        EMAIL - Re: shoot me  08/23/2007      E-Mail  Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR      Internal transmission of audit  3 DPP            Stuyvenberg/  your audit input                                                    information needs regarding 031              NRC/NRR                                                                            alternatives ML073510151 Jill Caverly/  EMAIL - Scoping Site  08/28/2007     E-Mail Bobbie Hurley, (Earth Internal transmission of draft    5 NRC/NRR        Audit Schedule                                Tech)/ Dennis Beissel, scoping site audit schedule rev1.xls                                      Eric Benner, Jennifer Davis, Stephen Klementowicz, Dennis DPP                                                                                  Logan, Harriet Nash, 032 Andrew Stuyvenburg, Jeffrey Rikhoff, Elizabeth Wexler, (NRC/NRR)/ Lance Vail, Jeffrey Ward (PNL)
ML082890310 Kimberly      EMAIL - Re: CAN      08/31/2007      E-Mail      Richard Conte/    Internal comments regarding     2 DPP            Green/        YOU GUYS CALL ME                                      NRC/NRR        NRCs assessment of the site 033              NRC/NRR        AFTER THE EXIT                                                      audit MEETING TODAY Page 6 of 74

for audit 3 DPP-00-022 ML073510088 Jennifer Davis/
Author Accession                                        Document    Document        Addressee/                                       Page ID #                   Name/       Title/Description                                                             Comment Number                                            Date         Type     Addressee Affiliation                                 Count Affiliation:
NRC/NRR EMAIL - Info needs 08/10/2007 E-Mail Jill Caverly/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of audit information needs regarding historical and archeological resources 3 Page 4 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
ML072490215 Klein A R,    Request for Additional 09/07/2007   Memoranda  Auluck R C, NRC/NRR   Internal transmission of draft  10 NRC/NRR       Information                        Request for                        RAI Regarding the                        Additional License Renewal                    Information Application - Indian                   (RAI)
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-023 ML082540427 Steve Dillard/ Earth Tech EMAIL - Indian Point audit needs - terrestrial eco 08/10/2007 E-Mail Harriet Nash, Jill Caverly, Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of audit information needs regarding terrestrial ecology 2 DPP-00-024 ML090140670 Jeffrey Rikhoff/
DPP                                    Point Nuclear 034 Generating Units 2 and 3 - Fire Protection, (TAC NOS. MD5407 and MD5408).
NRC/NRR/DL R EMAIL - Re: Request: Site Audit Information  
ML082540445 Matt          EMAIL - RE:            09/07/2007     E-Mail   Nicole Spangler/ Earth Internal transmission of         4 DPP                     Goodwin/      references                                              Tech          reference list for pre-audit 035 Earth Tech                                                                            SEIS draft ML082890324 Kimberly      EMAIL - LRA drawing    09/10/2007     E-Mail       Naeem Iqbal/     Internal question regarding      2 DPP                    Green/        9321-4006                                            NRC/NRR         LRA drawing 9321-4006 036 NRC/NRR ML073510192 Bruce          EMAIL - IP2 Draft      09/12/2007     E-Mail   Ali Azarna/ ISL, Inc. Internal transmission of draft  6 Mrowca/ ISL,  RAIs                                                                  RAIs regarding SAMAs DPP   037              Inc.
- Indian Point 08/10/2007 E-Mail Jill Caverly, Eric Benner, Jennifer Davis, Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission of audit information needs with regarding environmental justice, land use, and socioeconomics.
ML072600182 Wilson G A,    Indian Point Energy    09/17/2007  Memoranda  Auluck R C, NRC/NRR    Internal transmission of draft  5 NRC/NRR       Center - Request for                Request for                        RAI Additional Information              Additional
5 DPP-00-025 ML073510090 Jennifer Davis/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Fwd: Re: Request: Site Audit Information - Indian Point 08/13/2007 E-Mail Jeffrey Rikhoff/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion of information needs from site audit 3 DPP-00-026 ML073510099 Jill Caverly/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Fwd: Re: IP air/met site audit needs. 08/15/2007 E-Mail NRC/NRR Internal transmission of audit information needs regarding air and meteorology 4 DPP-00-027 ML073510109 Jill Caverly/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Draft
                                  - License Renewal                  Information DPP                                    Application, Section                  (RAI) 038 2.5 (TAC Nos.
MD5407 and MD5408).
Page 7 of 74

Environmental Site Audit schedule 08/16/2007 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley, (Earth Tech)/ Dennis Beissel, Jennifer Davis, Stephen Klementowicz, Dennis Logan, Harriet Nash, Andrew Stuyvenburg, Jeffrey Rikhoff, (NRC/NRR)/ Jeffrey Ward, Vance Vail (PNL)Internal transmission of draft environmental site audit schedule 6 DPP-00-028 ML073510115 Jill Caverly/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Alternatives sections for IP LRA 08/16/2007 E-Mail Lance Vail/ PNL Internal comment regarding outline for alternatives sections for SEIS and 3 Page 5 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Author Accession                                        Document    Document          Addressee/                                     Page ID #                    Name/        Title/Description                                                              Comment Number                                            Date        Type    Addressee Affiliation                                  Count Affiliation:
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count transmission of outline DPP-00-029 ML073510119 Jeffrey Ward/
ML073510199 Bruce          EMAIL - IP2/3 SAMA    09/17/2007     E-Mail   Robert Palla/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft   11 DPP                     Mrowca/ ISL,  Draft RAIs                                                              RAIs regarding SAMAs 039 Inc.
PNL EMAIL - FW: More documents to request 08/16/2007 E-Mail Jill Caverly, Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of Staff needs for audit review 5 DPP-00-030 ML073510132 Stephen Klementowicz/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Indian Point Radiological site audit needs 08/22/2007 E-Mail Jill Caverly, Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of audit information needs regarding radiological and non-radiological information 3 DPP-00-031 ML073510139 Andrew Stuyvenberg/
ML072680417 Chan T L,      Request for Additional 09/19/2007   Memoranda    Auluck R, NRC/NRR    Internal transmission of draft  4 NRC/NRR        Information for Indian              Request for                         RAI Point Energy Center,                Additional DPP                            Units 2 and 3,                      Information 040                              License Renewal                        (RAI)
NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: shoot me your audit input 08/23/2007 E-Mail Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of audit information needs regarding alternatives 3 DPP-00-032 ML073510151 Jill Caverly/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Scoping Site Audit Schedule rev1.xls 08/28/2007 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley, (Earth Tech)/ Dennis Beissel, Eric Benner, Jennifer Davis, Stephen Klementowicz, Dennis Logan, Harriet Nash, Andrew Stuyvenburg, Jeffrey Rikhoff, Elizabeth Wexler,  (NRC/NRR)/ Lance Vail, Jeffrey Ward (PNL) Internal transmission of draft scoping site audit schedule 5 DPP-00-033 ML082890310 Kimberly Green/
Application (TAC Nos.
MD5409 and MD5408).
ML082530359 Barry Elliot/ EMAIL - Indian Point  09/19/2007     E-Mail       Kimberly Green/   Internal transmission of draft  7 NRC/NRR        License Renewal                                        NRC/NRR         RAI DPP                            RAIs for RV 041                              Surveillance Program and RV Embrittlement YLAAs ML072630510 Mitchell M A,  Request for Additional 09/20/2007   Memoranda  Auluck R C, NRC/NRR     Internal transmission of draft  5 NRC/NRR        Information Related to              Request for                        RAI Indian Point Energy                  Additional DPP                            Center Units 2 and 3               Information 042                              License Renewal                        (RAI)
Application (TAC NOS. MD5407 and MD5408).
ML082671034 Naeem Iqbal/   EMAIL - Fwd:           09/20/2007     E-Mail       Kimberly Green/   Internal discussion regarding   3 DPP             NRC/NRR        Additionl Indian Point                                  NRC/NRR         and transmission of input to 043                              Fire Protection RAIl                                                    fire protection RAI ML073510215 Harriet Nash/  EMAIL - Fwd:          09/24/2007     E-Mail   Jill Caverly, Bo Pham/ Internal discussion and          3 DPP            NRC/NRR       Collections of                                         NRC/NRR         transmission of shortnose 044                              Shortnose Sturgeon                                                      sturgeon table from LRS Page 8 of 74

MEETING TODAY 08/31/2007 E-Mail Richard Conte/ NRC/NRR Internal comments regarding NRC's assessment of the site audit  2 Page 6 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Author Accession                                        Document    Document          Addressee/                                     Page ID #                   Name/       Title/Description                                                             Comment Number                                            Date         Type     Addressee Affiliation                               Count Affiliation:
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-034 ML072490215 Klein A R, NRC/NRR Request for Additional Information Regarding the License Renewal Application - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3 - Fire Protection, (TAC NOS. MD5407 and MD5408). 09/07/2007 Memoranda Request for Additional Information (RAI) Auluck R C, NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft RAI 10 DPP-00-035 ML082540445 Matt Goodwin/
from LRS ML082671038 Sheila Ray/    EMAIL - Re: Fwd:      09/24/2007      E-Mail      Kimberly Green/    Internal discussion regarding    2 DPP            NRC/NRR       Draft RAIs for Fire                                   NRC/NRR        contents of draft RAI 045                              Protection and Electrical Systems ML072640318 Dennig R L,   Request for Additional 09/25/2007   Memoranda   Auluck R C, NRC/NRR   Internal transmission of draft   6 NRC/NRR        Information License                Request for                        RAI Renewal Application                  Additional DPP                                   for Indian Point, Unit              Information 046 2 (TAC No. MD5407)                    (RAI) and Unit 3 (TAC No.
Earth Tech EMAIL - RE: references 09/07/2007 E-Mail Nicole Spangler/ Earth Tech Internal transmission of reference list for pre-audit SEIS draft 4 DPP-00-036 ML082890324 Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - LRA drawing 9321-4006 09/10/2007 E-Mail Naeem Iqbal/ NRC/NRR Internal question regarding LRA drawing 9321-4006 2 DPP-00-037 ML073510192 Bruce Mrowca/ ISL, Inc. EMAIL - IP2 Draft RAIs 09/12/2007 E-Mail Ali Azarna/ ISL, Inc.
Internal transmission of draft RAIs regarding SAMAs 6 DPP-00-038 ML072600182 Wilson G A, NRC/NRR Indian Point Energy Center - Request for Additional Information - License Renewal Application, Section 2.5  (TAC Nos. MD5407 and MD5408).
ML082890383 Kimberly      EMAIL - Nickel Alloy  09/26/2007     E-Mail       Terence Chan/     Internal comments regarding      2 DPP                     Green/         RAIs                                                  NRC/NRR         RAIs addressing the Nickel 047 NRC/NRR                                                                              Alloy Inspection Program ML083090972 Clifford      EMAIL - Re: Indian    09/27/2007     E-Mail   Stanley Gardocki/     Internal discussion of draft    4 Marks/        Point RAIS                                      NRC/NRR/DLR            RAIs DPP                     Information    corrections and 048 Systems        revisions Laboratories ML073511706 Jeffrey Ward/ EMAIL - Data and      10/02/2007     E-Mail   Dennis Logan, Jill    Internal discussion of           5 DPP             PNL            Document Needs                                  Caverly/               documents needed for staff 049                              from NYSDEC                                    NRC/NRR/DLR; Valerie review Cullinan/ PNL ML082671041 Terence        EMAIL - IP2, 3 LRA    10/02/2007     E-Mail   Kimberly Green, James Internal comments and edits      2 DPP             Chan/         RAI                                                Davis/ NRC/NRR     regarding a RAI addressing 050              NRC/NRR                                                                               the Nickel Alloy Inspection Program Page 9 of 74
09/17/2007 Memoranda Request for Additional Information (RAI) Auluck R C, NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft RAI 5 Page 7 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-039 ML073510199 Bruce Mrowca/ ISL, Inc. EMAIL - IP2/3 SAMA Draft RAIs 09/17/2007 E-Mail Robert Palla/ NRC/NRRInternal transmission of draft RAIs regarding SAMAs 11 DPP-00-040 ML072680417 Chan T L, NRC/NRR Request for Additional Information for Indian Point Energy Center, Units 2 and 3, License Renewal Application (TAC Nos. MD5409 and MD5408). 09/19/2007 Memoranda Request for Additional Information (RAI) Auluck R, NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft RAI 4 DPP-00-041 ML082530359 Barry Elliot/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Indian Point License Renewal RAIs for RV Surveillance Program and RV Embrittlement YLAAs 09/19/2007 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft

RAI 7 DPP-00-042 ML072630510 Mitchell M A, NRC/NRR Request for Additional Information Related to Indian Point Energy Center Units 2 and 3 License Renewal Application (TAC NOS. MD5407 and MD5408). 09/20/2007 Memoranda Request for Additional Information (RAI) Auluck R C, NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft RAI 5 DPP-00-043 ML082671034 Naeem Iqbal/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Fwd: Additionl Indian Point Fire Protection RAIl 09/20/2007 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding and transmission of input to fire protection RAI 3 DPP-00-044 ML073510215 Harriet Nash/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Fwd:
Author Accession                                        Document    Document        Addressee/                                      Page ID #                    Name/        Title/Description                                                              Comment Number                                            Date        Type    Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
Collections of Shortnose Sturgeon 09/24/2007 E-Mail Jill Caverly, Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion and transmission of shortnose sturgeon table from LRS 3 Page 8 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
ML073511700 Dennis        EMAIL - Re: Data and   10/03/2007     E-Mail      Jeffrey Ward/ PNL    Internal discussion regarding    5 DPP             Logan/         Document Needs                                                        data and document needs to 051              NRC/NRR       from NYSDEC                                                            support NRCs review of aquatic impacts ML082630768 Steve Jones/  EMAIL - Indian Point   10/03/2007     E-Mail       Kimberly Green,    Internal comments regarding      3 NRC/NRR        2 Spent Fuel Pool                                Stanley Gardocki,    review of the spent fuel pool DPP  052                              License Renewal                                    Kamal Manoly/      leakage events and NRC/NRR         transmission of draft RAI DPP ML073511773 Robert Palla/  EMAIL - IP2 and 3      10/04/2007    E-Mail  Bruce Mrowca/ ISL, Inc. Internal transmission of draft  9 053              NRC/NRR       SAMA RAIs                                                              SAMA RAIs with comments ML083090968 Clifford      EMAIL - Indian Point  10/04/2007     E-Mail   Stanley Gardocki/       Internal transmission of audit  4 Marks/         Audit Plan for                                NRC/NRR/DLR; J.        plan DPP                     Information    Subtask 4 TO 360                              Woodfield, S. Pope/ ISL 054 Systems Laboratories ML072820302 Chan T L,      Request for Additional 10/05/2007 Memoranda  Auluck R C, NRC/NRR     Internal transmission of draft   6 NRC/NRR       Information for Indian            Request for                         RAI Point Energy Center                Additional DPP                                    Units 2 and 3 License              Information 055 Renewal Application                   (RAI)
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count from LRS DPP-00-045 ML082671038 Sheila Ray/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: Fwd: Draft RAIs for Fire Protection and Electrical Systems 09/24/2007 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding contents of draft RAI 2 DPP-00-046 ML072640318 Dennig R L, NRC/NRR Request for Additional Information License Renewal Application for Indian Point, Unit 2 (TAC No. MD5407) and Unit 3 (TAC No.
(TAC Nos. MD5407 and MD5408).
MD5408). 09/25/2007 Memoranda Request for Additional Information (RAI) Auluck R C, NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft RAI 6 DPP-00-047 ML082890383 Kimberly Green/
ML082630701 Kimberly      EMAIL - Re: Indian    10/05/2007     E-Mail  George Thomas, Kamal Internal discussion of scopy        2 DPP                     Green/        Point LRA - Section                            Manoly, Bo Pham/        of staff review --structures 056 NRC/NRR        2.4 Review                                    NRC/NRR/DLR ML073511764 Bruce          EMAIL - Re: IP2 and    10/09/2007    E-Mail  Robert Palla/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission draft      10 DPP                    Mrowca/ ISL,  3 SAMA RAIs                                                            SAMA RAIS with comments 057 Inc.
NRC/NRR EMAIL - Nickel Alloy
Page 10 of 74

RAIs 09/26/2007 E-Mail Terence Chan/ NRC/NRR Internal comments regarding RAIs addressing the Nickel Alloy Inspection Program 2 DPP-00-048 ML083090972 Clifford Marks/
Author Accession                                      Document    Document        Addressee/                                       Page ID #                  Name/        Title/Description                                                            Comment Number                                            Date        Type    Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
Information Systems Laboratories EMAIL - Re: Indian  
ML072780173 Harrison D G, Request for Additional 10/10/2007  Memoranda    Auluck R, NRC/NRR    Internal transmission of draft  10 NRC/NRR      Information for Indian            Request for                        RAI Point Nuclear Plant                Additional License Renewal                    Information Application - Scoping                  (RAI)
DPP                          and Screening 058                            Systems and Components That Are Subject to Aging Management Review (TAC Nos. MD5407 and MD5408).
ML082690754 Marjorie      EMAIL - OUO -          10/11/2007     E-Mail       Rani Franovich;    Internal transmission of        4 McLaughlin/   Sensitive Internal                                Sherwin Turk; Bo    needs regarding coordination NRC/RGN-I    Information - EPA RII                          Pham; Donald Jackson;  with EPA Region II issues for Request to develop                              Eugene Cobey; John    Indian Point.
common message for                                    White; Congress                                      Richard Conte, Raeann Shane; David Lew; DPP                                                                                  Diane Screnci; Marsha 059 Gamberoni; Marc Dapas; Mark Cox; Neil Sheehan; Nancy McNamara; Paul Cataldo; Richard Barkley; Sam Collins/
NRC/NRR/DLR ML082690755 Marjorie      EMAIL - Internal       10/12/2007    E-Mail      Rani Franovich;    Internal transmission of        4 McLaughlin/  Conference call                                Samson Lee; Raeann    needs regarding coordination DPP             NRC/RGN-I    availability Wed Oct                            Shane; Sherwin Turk;  with EPA Region II issues for 060                            17 on EPA issue                                  Bo Pham; Samuel    Indian Point.
Hernandez; Garmon West; Donald Page 11 of 74

Point RAIS corrections and revisions 09/27/2007 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion of draft RAIs 4 DPP-00-049 ML073511706 Jeffrey Ward/
Author Accession                                    Document    Document        Addressee/                                      Page ID #                  Name/       Title/Description                                                            Comment Number                                          Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
PNL EMAIL - Data and Document Needs from NYSDEC 10/02/2007 E-Mail Dennis Logan, Jill Caverly/
Jackson; Eugene Cobey; John White; Marsha Gamberoni; Richard Conte, John Boska; Donna Sullivan; Diane Screnci; Kay Gallagher; Neil Sheehan; Nancy McNamara; Richard Barkley/ NRC/NRR/DLR ML082690758 Raeann        EMAIL - Re: Internal 10/12/2007     E-Mail     Rani Franovich;    Internal transmission of        4 Shane/       Conference call                            Samson Lee; Sherwin    needs regarding coordination NRC/OCA      availability Wed Oct                      Turk; Bo Pham; Samuel    with EPA Region II issues for 17 on EPA issue                              Hernandez; Garmon      Indian Point.
NRC/NRR/DLR; Valerie Cullinan/ PNL Internal discussion of documents needed for staff review 5 DPP-00-050 ML082671041 Terence Chan/
West; Donald Jackson; Eugene Cobey; John White; Marsha Gamberoni; Marjorie DPP                                                                             McLaughlin; 061                                                                          Richard Conte, John Boska; Joseph Gray; Spiros Droggitis; Betsy Keeling; Rebecca Schmidt; Donna Sullivan; Diane Screnci; Kay Gallagher; Neil Sheehan; Nancy McNamara; Richard Barkley/ NRC/NRR/DLR Page 12 of 74

RAI 10/02/2007 E-Mail Kimberly Green, James Davis/ NRC/NRR Internal comments and edits regarding a RAI addressing the Nickel Alloy Inspection Program  2 Page 9 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Author Accession                                    Document    Document        Addressee/                                      Page ID #                    Name/      Title/Description                                                          Comment Number                                          Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-051 ML073511700 Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: Data and Document Needs from NYSDEC 10/03/2007 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal discussion regarding data and document needs to support NRC's review of aquatic impacts 5 DPP-00-052 ML082630768 Steve Jones/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Indian Point 2 Spent Fuel Pool License Renewal 10/03/2007 E-Mail Kimberly Green, Stanley Gardocki, Kamal Manoly/ NRC/NRR Internal comments regarding review of the spent fuel pool leakage events and transmission of draft RAI 3 DPP-00-053 ML073511773 Robert Palla/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - IP2 and 3 SAMA RAIs 10/04/2007 E-Mail Bruce Mrowca/ ISL, Inc.Internal transmission of draft SAMA RAIs with comments 9 DPP-00-054 ML083090968 Clifford Marks/
ML082690759 Marjorie      EMAIL - Wed Oct 17  10/15/2007     E-Mail     Rani Franovich;    Internal transmission of        3 McLaughlin/  Conference Call on                          Samson Lee; Raeann    needs regarding coordination NRC/RGN-I    EPA issue                                  Shane; Sherwin Turk;  with EPA Region II issues for CANCELED                                      Bo Pham; Samuel      Indian Point.
Information Systems Laboratories EMAIL - Indian Point
Hernandez; Garmon West; Donald Jackson; Eugene DPP                                                                        Cobey; John White; 062                                                                          Marsha Gamberoni; Richard Conte, John Boska; Donna Sullivan; Diane Screnci; Kay Gallagher; Neil Sheehan; Nancy McNamara; Richard Barkley/ NRC/NRR/DLR ML082890261 Kimberly      EMAIL - Nickel Alloy 10/16/2007    E-Mail      Timothy Lupold/   Internal question regarding      2 DPP                     Green/                                                          NRC/NRR        the LRAs nickel alloy section 063 NRC/NRR ML082671052 Steve Jones/  EMAIL - Re: Fwd:    10/17/2007     E-Mail     Kimberly Green/     Internal discussion regarding   2 NRC/NRR      Indian Point 2 Spent                              NRC/NRR         Indian Point 2 Spent Fuel DPP                                  Fuel Pool License                                                 Pool and suggestions 064 Renewal                                                           regarding NRCs review of this area ML083090964 Clifford      EMAIL - Indian Point 10/23/2007     E-Mail Stanley Gardocki,       Internal transmission of        10 Marks/ ISL    LRA Delivery of                            Rachel Gardocki/       memo discussing results of DPP                           Subtask 4 J-4072                          NRC/NRR/DLR; Gloria site audit (Oct. 2007) 065                            TAC 5407, 5408                            Miket, B. Mrwoca, J.
Woodfield, M. Kennedy, S. Pope/ ISL Page 13 of 74

Audit Plan for Subtask 4 TO 360 10/04/2007 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ NRC/NRR/DLR; J.
Author Accession                                        Document    Document        Addressee/                                      Page ID #                    Name/      Title/Description                                                              Comment Number                                            Date        Type    Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
Woodfield, S. Pope/ ISLInternal transmission of audit
ML083090963 Clifford      EMAIL - Indian Point  10/24/2007     E-Mail   Stanley Gardocki/     Internal discussion of draft    2 Marks/ ISL    LRA a2 Drawing                                NRC/NRR/DLR           RAIs - non-safety related DPP  066                              review                                                                components ML083090962 Clifford      EMAIL - Indian Point  10/25/2007    E-Mail  Stanley Gardocki/      Internal transmission/          6 DPP            Marks/ ISL    (a)(2) RAIs                                    NRC/NRR/DLR            discussion of draft RAIs 067 ML073450899 John          EMAIL - Fwd: Re: IP    10/26/2007    E-Mail    Mel Gray/ NRC/NRR    Internal discussion regarding    3 DPP                    Richmond/      License Renewal                                                      reasonable assurance 068 NRC/NRR        Hearing File Question ML073040169 Hiser A L,    Indian Point Units 2  10/30/2007  Memoranda    Auluck R, NRC/NRR    Internal transmission of draft  4 NRC/NRR        And 3 Request For                  Request for                        RAI Additional Information              Additional DPP                                    on License Renewal                Information 069 Application (TAC Nos.                 (RAI)
MD5407 And MD5408).
DPP ML082890267 Billy Rogers/ EMAIL - Re: Fwd:      10/30/2007    E-Mail      Kimberly Green/    Internal transmission of draft  5 070              NRC/NRR        new RAI                                              NRC/NRR        RAI with comments ML082671046 Timothy        EMAIL - Indian Point  10/31/2007    E-Mail      Kimberly Green/    Internal comment regarding      2 DPP                    Lupold/        LRA                                                  NRC/NRR        LRA and need for a RAI 071 NRC/NRR ML073511927 Jill Caverly/  EMAIL - Indian Point  11/01/2007    E-Mail      Jeffrey Ward/ PNL  Internal transmission of draft  9 DPP            NRC/NRR        Writing                                                              writing assignments and 072                              Assignments_1.doc                                                    outline for SEIS Page 14 of 74

plan 4 DPP-00-055 ML072820302 Chan T L, NRC/NRR Request for Additional Information for Indian Point Energy Center Units 2 and 3 License Renewal Application (TAC Nos. MD5407 and MD5408). 10/05/2007 Memoranda Request for Additional Information (RAI) Auluck R C, NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft RAI 6 DPP-00-056 ML082630701 Kimberly Green/
Author Accession                                      Document    Document        Addressee/                                      Page ID #                    Name/      Title/Description                                                              Comment Number                                            Date        Type    Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: Indian Point LRA - Section 2.4 Review 10/05/2007 E-Mail George Thomas, Kamal Manoly, Bo Pham/
ML083090992 Billy Rogers/  EMAIL - Re:          11/01/2007     E-Mail  Stanley Gardocki,       Internal discussion of staff    2 NRC/NRR       consumables                                  Kimberly Green/         review of LRA DPP  073                                                                            NRC/NRR/DLR ML073511906 Jill Caverly/  EMAIL - REMINDER:     11/02/2007     E-Mail   Bobbie Hurley, (Earth  Internal transmission of        11 NRC/NRR       IP LRA-environmental                          Tech)/ Dennis Beissel, environmental review review RAI schedule                          Jennifer Davis, Stephen information needs list and Klementowicz, Dennis  writing assignments Logan, Ekaterina DPP                                                                                     Lenning, Andrew 074 Stuyvenburg, Jeffrey Rikhoff, Elizabeth Wexler, (NRC/NRR)/
NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion of scopy of staff review --structures 2 DPP-00-057 ML073511764 Bruce Mrowca/ ISL, Inc. EMAIL - Re: IP2 and 3 SAMA RAIs 10/09/2007 E-Mail Robert Palla/ NRC/NRRInternal transmission draft SAMA RAIS with comments 10 Page 10 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Lance Vail, Jeffrey Ward (PNL)
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-058 ML072780173 Harrison D G, NRC/NRR Request for Additional Information for Indian Point Nuclear Plant License Renewal Application - Scoping and Screening Systems and Components That Are Subject to Aging Management Review (TAC Nos. MD5407 and MD5408). 10/10/2007 Memoranda Request for Additional Information (RAI) Auluck R, NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft RAI 10 DPP-00-059 ML082690754 Marjorie McLaughlin/
ML082630772 George        EMAIL - Fwd: Indian  11/07/2007     E-Mail   Steve Jones/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding      2 DPP            Thomas/       Point 2 Spent Fuel                                                    Indian Points spent fuel pool 075              NRC/NRR       Pool License                                                         and draft RAIs Renewal ML073130534 Manoly K A,    RAI for Section 2.4,  11/09/2007 Memoranda   Auluck R C, NRC/NRR     Internal transmission of draft   9 NRC/NRR        "Scoping &                        Request for                         RAI Screening:                        Additional Structures," Indian              Information DPP                            Point Energy Center,                  (RAI) 076                              Units 2 and 3, License Renewal Application (TAC Nos.
MD5407 and MD5408).
Sensitive Internal Information - EPA RII Request to develop common message for Congress 10/11/2007 E-Mail Rani Franovich; Sherwin Turk; Bo Pham; Donald Jackson; Eugene Cobey; John White; Richard Conte, Raeann Shane; David Lew; Diane Screnci; Marsha Gamberoni; Marc Dapas; Mark Cox; Neil Sheehan; Nancy McNamara; Paul Cataldo; Richard Barkley; Sam Collins/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission of needs regarding coordination with EPA Region II issues for
Page 15 of 74

Indian Point.
Author Accession                                    Document    Document        Addressee/                                    Page ID #                    Name/      Title/Description                                                        Comment Number                                          Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
4 DPP-00-060 ML082690755 Marjorie McLaughlin/ NRC/RGN-I EMAIL - Internal Conference call availability Wed Oct 17 on EPA issue 10/12/2007 E-Mail Rani Franovich; Samson Lee; Raeann Shane; Sherwin Turk; Bo Pham; Samuel Hernandez; Garmon West; Donald Internal transmission of needs regarding coordination with EPA Region II issues for Indian Point.
ML082630696 George        EMAIL - RAIs for    11/09/2007    E-Mail      Karen Meyer/     Internal transmission of draft  10 DPP            Thomas/      Indian Point LRA                                  NRC/NRR        RAI 077              NRC/NRR      (MD5407 & MD5408)
4 Page 11 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
                                  - Electronic file ML073511857 Jeffrey Ward/ EMAIL - Information  11/12/2007     E-Mail     Dennis Logan/    Internal discussion - planning  111 PNL          for conference call                                NRC/NRR        of DSEIS Ch. 2 DPP  078                            tomorrow ML073511852 Jeffrey Ward/ EMAIL - RAI Needs    11/13/2007    E-Mail  Jill Caverly, Dennis Internal transmission of        5 DPP            PNL                                                        Logan/ NRC/NRR     information needs for 079                                                                                              environmental review ML073511854 Jeffrey Ward/ EMAIL - Species of  11/13/2007    E-Mail  Jill Caverly, Dennis Internal transmission of        5 DPP            PNL          Interest for Indian                          Logan/ NRC/NRR      preliminary species list and Point SEIS                                                        comment regarding Staff 080 review ML082671050 Steve Jones/  EMAIL - Re: Fwd:    11/13/2007     E-Mail   George Thomas/     Internal discussion regarding    3 DPP            NRC/NRR       Indian Point 2 Spent                              NRC/NRR        draft spent fuel pool RAIs 081                            Fuel Pool License Renewal ML083090958 Clifford      EMAIL - Indian Point 11/14/2007    E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/      Internal discussion of draft    2 Marks/ ISL    LRA Teleconference                        NRC/NRR/DLR; S.        RAIs DPP   082                            RAI withdrawal                            Pope/ ISL Page 16 of 74
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count Jackson; Eugene Cobey; John White; Marsha Gamberoni; Richard Conte, John Boska; Donna Sullivan; Diane Screnci; Kay Gallagher; Neil Sheehan; Nancy McNamara; Richard Barkley/ NRC/NRR/DLR DPP-00-061 ML082690758 Raeann Shane/ NRC/OCA EMAIL - Re: Internal Conference call availability Wed Oct 17 on EPA issue 10/12/2007 E-Mail Rani Franovich; Samson Lee; Sherwin Turk; Bo Pham; Samuel Hernandez; Garmon West; Donald Jackson; Eugene Cobey; John White; Marsha Gamberoni; Marjorie McLaughlin; Richard Conte, John Boska; Joseph Gray; Spiros Droggitis; Betsy Keeling; Rebecca Schmidt; Donna Sullivan; Diane Screnci; Kay Gallagher; Neil Sheehan; Nancy McNamara; Richard Barkley/ NRC/NRR/DLRInternal transmission of needs regarding coordination with EPA Region II issues for Indian Point.
4 Page 12 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-062 ML082690759 Marjorie McLaughlin/ NRC/RGN-I EMAIL - Wed Oct 17 Conference Call on EPA issue

CANCELED 10/15/2007 E-Mail Rani Franovich; Samson Lee; Raeann Shane; Sherwin Turk; Bo Pham; Samuel Hernandez; Garmon West; Donald Jackson; Eugene Cobey; John White; Marsha Gamberoni; Richard Conte, John Boska; Donna Sullivan; Diane Screnci; Kay Gallagher; Neil Sheehan; Nancy McNamara; Richard Barkley/ NRC/NRR/DLRInternal transmission of needs regarding coordination with EPA Region II issues for  
Author Accession                                        Document    Document        Addressee/                                    Page ID #                    Name/      Title/Description                                                            Comment Number                                            Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
ML073511842 Bo Pham/      EMAIL -                11/15/2007     E-Mail     Jill Caverly, Rani Internal transmission of draft  3 NRC/NRR        Environmental RAI for                        Franovich/ NRC/NRR    RAI regarding refurbishment DPP  083                              refurbishment ML073511839 Robert Palla/  EMAIL - Fwd: Re:      11/19/2007    E-Mail    Bruce Mrowca, Ali  Internal comment regarding      2 DPP            NRC/NRR        Conf Call on GI-199,                                Azarn, Diane   NRCs seismic analysis 084                              Indian Point, NY AG                              Mlynarczyk/ PNL Press Release ML073511818 Jill Caverly/  EMAIL - audit list RAI 11/27/2007    E-Mail    Jeffrey Ward/ PNL  Internal transmission of        3 DPP            NRC/NRR        rev1.doc                                                            information needs list 085 DPP ML073511822 Jill Caverly/  EMAIL - ip rai        11/27/2007    E-Mail Robert Palla/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft    3 086              NRC/NRR                                                                           RAI with comments ML082660237 Benjamin      EMAIL - IP 2 and 3    12/03/2007    E-Mail    Kimberly Green/    Internal transmission of draft  5 DPP            Parks/        LRA Scoping and                                      NRC/NRR      RAI 087              NRC/NRR        Screening RAIs ML082630730 George        EMAIL - Indian Point  12/04/2007    E-Mail    Kimberly Green/    Internal comment regarding      2 DPP                    Thomas/        RAIs                                                  NRC/NRR      RAIs 088 NRC/NRR ML073600206 Dennis        EMAIL - RE: life      12/06/2007    E-Mail    Nathan Goodman,    Internal discussion regarding   3 DPP            Logan/        history check list                                Briana Balsam,    life histories and a proposed NRC/NRR                                                        Elizabeth Wexler/  species list for draft SEIS 089 NRC/NRR ML082890342 Kimberly      EMAIL - Re: Indian    12/10/2007    E-Mail  John Tsao/ NRC/NRR    Internal discussion regarding    2 DPP                    Green/        Point LRA RAI                                                      the need to ask a RAI 090 NRC/NRR Page 17 of 74

Indian Point.
Author Accession                                    Document    Document      Addressee/                                        Page ID #                  Name/        Title/Description                                                        Comment Number                                          Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                  Count Affiliation:
3 DPP-00-063 ML082890261 Kimberly Green/
ML073600363 Jeffrey Ward/ EMAIL - FW: FW:      12/11/2007     E-Mail     Dennis Logan/     Internal discussion regarding      12 PNL          Fish Table                                        NRC/NRR       attached draft table for the DPP   091                                                                                              SEIS ML073600376 Jeffrey Ward/ EMAIL - FW: Fish    12/11/2007    E-Mail    Dennis Logan/     Internal transmission of fish      16 DPP                    PNL          Table                                            NRC/NRR       table to assist with life history 092 portion of draft DSEIS ML073600322 Jeffrey Ward/ EMAIL - RE: State    12/12/2007     E-Mail Jill Caverly, Dennis Internal transmission              3 PNL          EFH input - proposed                        Logan/ NRC/NRR     regarding coordination of DPP   093                            timing of input                                                  inputs from New York State Habitat Conservation.
NRC/NRR EMAIL - Nickel Alloy 10/16/2007 E-Mail Timothy Lupold/ NRC/NRR Internal question regarding the LRA's nickel alloy section 2 DPP-00-064 ML082671052 Steve Jones/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: Fwd: Indian Point 2 Spent Fuel Pool License Renewal 10/17/2007 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding Indian Point 2 Spent Fuel Pool and suggestions regarding NRC's review of this area 2 DPP-00-065 ML083090964 Clifford Marks/ ISL EMAIL - Indian Point LRA Delivery of Subtask 4 J-4072 TAC 5407, 5408 10/23/2007 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki, Rachel Gardocki/ NRC/NRR/DLR; Gloria Miket, B. Mrwoca, J. Woodfield, M. Kennedy, S. Pope/ ISL Internal transmission of memo discussing results of  
ML082630813 Nageswara    EMAIL - Fwd: SER    12/14/2007    E-Mail    Jerome Bettle/    Internal transmission of draft    43 DPP            Karipineni/  Shell                                            NRC/NRR        SER shell with comments 094              NRC/NRR ML082890160 Kimberly      EMAIL - RAIs        12/18/2007     E-Mail   Benjamin Parks,   Internal discussion regarding      2 DPP            Green/                                                       Lambros Lois/,    draft RAIs NRC/NRR                                                    NRC/NRR/DLR 095 ML082660235 Benjamin      EMAIL - Re: RAIs    12/19/2007    E-Mail    Kimberly Green/   Internal discussion regarding      2 Parks/                                                          NRC/NRR        draft RAIs DPP  096              NRC/NRR Page 18 of 74

site audit (Oct. 2007) 10 Page 13 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Author Accession                                        Document    Document      Addressee/                                        Page ID #                   Name/       Title/Description                                                           Comment Number                                            Date         Type   Addressee Affiliation                                   Count Affiliation:
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-066 ML083090963 Clifford Marks/ ISL EMAIL - Indian Point LRA a2 Drawing review 10/24/2007 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion of draft RAIs - non-safety related components 2 DPP-00-067 ML083090962 Clifford Marks/ ISL EMAIL - Indian Point (a)(2) RAIs 10/25/2007 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission/
ML082671030 Naeem Iqbal/   EMAIL - IP2 and IP3    12/20/2007     E-Mail     Kimberly Green/   Internal transmission of SER      48 NRC/NRR       Fire Protection Safety                              NRC/NRR        input regarding fire protection DPP                                    Evaluation Report                                                  safety 097 ADAMS Accession No. ML073510425 ML083090956 Clifford       EMAIL - Indian Point   12/21/2007     E-Mail Kimberly Green,        Internal transmission/            10 DPP            Marks/ ISL    LRA SER Shell                                Stanley Gardocki/     discussion of draft SER input 098                              Review                                      NRC/NRR/DLR; S.
discussion of draft RAIs 6 DPP-00-068 ML073450899 John Richmond/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Fwd: Re: IP License Renewal Hearing File Question10/26/2007 E-Mail Mel Gray/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding reasonable assurance 3 DPP-00-069 ML073040169 Hiser A L, NRC/NRR Indian Point Units 2 And 3 Request For Additional Information on License Renewal Application (TAC Nos.
Pope/ ISL ML080090540 Jill Caverly,  EMAIL - Fwd: Indian    01/02/2008    E-Mail  Andrew Stuyvenberg/  Internal transmission of draft     90 DPP                     NRC/NRR        Point                                              NRC/NRR         scoping report 099 ML080090537 Dennis        EMAIL - Interim work  01/03/2008    E-Mail   Jeffrey Ward/ PNL  Internal transmission of draft    25 DPP             Logan/        product: Fish life                                                  fish life history input for draft 100              NRC/NRR       history first drafts                                                SEIS attached...
MD5407 And MD5408). 10/30/2007 Memoranda Request for Additional Information (RAI) Auluck R, NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft RAI 4 DPP-00-070 ML082890267 Billy Rogers/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: Fwd:
DPP ML082670464 On Yee/        EMAIL - tlaa input    01/04/2008    E-Mail  Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR   Internal transmission of draft     6 101              NRC/NRR                                                                            SER section with comments ML082671044 Timothy        EMAIL - Indian Point  01/04/2008    E-Mail    Kimberly Green/    Internal question regarding        2 DPP            Lupold/        License Renewal                                    NRC/NRR        NRCs LRA review 102              NRC/NRR DPP ML082670460 On Yee/        EMAIL - Peter,        01/07/2008    E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR   Internal transmission of draft     3 103              NRC/NRR                                                                            RAI with comments ML082671043 Timothy       EMAIL - REQUEST        01/07/2008    E-Mail     Kimberly Green/   Internal transmission of draft      3 DPP            Lupold/        FOR ADDITIONAL                                      NRC/NRR         RAI 104              NRC/NRR       INFORMATION.doc Page 19 of 74
new RAI 10/30/2007 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft RAI with comments 5 DPP-00-071 ML082671046 Timothy Lupold/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Indian Point LRA 10/31/2007 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal comment regarding LRA and need for a RAI 2 DPP-00-072 ML073511927 Jill Caverly/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Indian Point

Writing Assignments_1.doc 11/01/2007 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal transmission of draft writing assignments and
Author Accession                                      Document    Document        Addressee/                                      Page ID #                    Name/      Title/Description                                                            Comment Number                                            Date        Type    Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
ML082671026 Naeem Iqbal/  EMAIL - Fire          01/08/2008    E-Mail    Kimberly Green/    Internal transmission of draft  3 DPP            NRC/NRR        Protection Additional                              NRC/NRR        RAIs 105                              RAIs on Fire Wrap and Hemyc ERFBS ML082671028 Naeem Iqbal/  EMAIL - Re: FP SER    01/08/2008    E-Mail    Kimberly Green/    Internal transmission of draft  18 DPP                    NRC/NRR        Sections                                            NRC/NRR        SER sections regarding fire 106 protection with comments ML081210319 Meyer G W,    Inspection Cover      01/09/2008  Inspection                      Internal inspection plan for    4 DPP            NRC/RGN-      Sheet and Inspection                  Plan                          license renewal inspection I/DRS          Plan - Indian Point 2 107
                                  & 3.
ML082670456 On Yee/        EMAIL - Re: AMR      01/11/2008    E-Mail  Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR    Internal transmission of draft  3 DPP            NRC/NRR        HPSI Pump Mini                                                      SER sections with comments 108                              Recirculation Line ML082630729 George        EMAIL - Status of    01/14/2008    E-Mail     Kimberly Green/    Internal transmission of draft  8 Thomas/        RAIs from Conf. Call:                              NRC/NRR        RAIs with comments DPP            NRC/NRR        IP-2 & 3 LRA -
109                              Section 2.4 "Scoping
                                  & Screening of Structures" ML082671048 Steve Jones/  EMAIL - Revised RAI  01/14/2008    E-Mail    Kimberly Green/    Internal transmission of draft  3 DPP            NRC/NRR        2.4.3-1 for Indian                                  NRC/NRR        RAI 110                              Point License Renewal ML080230663 Jill Caverly/  EMAIL - Re: Fish      01/15/2008    E-Mail    Jeffrey Ward/ PNL   Internal discussion regarding    3 DPP            NRC/NRR        Impingement Data                                                    fish impingement data 111                              Inconsistencies                                                    inconsistencies Page 20 of 74

outline for SEIS 9 Page 14 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Author Accession                                    Document    Document        Addressee/                                      Page ID #                   Name/       Title/Description                                                         Comment Number                                          Date         Type Addressee Affiliation                                  Count Affiliation:
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-073 ML083090992 Billy Rogers/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: consumables 11/01/2007 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki, Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion of staff review of LRA 2 DPP-00-074 ML073511906 Jill Caverly/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - REMINDER:
ML081370670 John          EMAIL - IP-2 SBO    01/16/2008    E-Mail    Glenn Meyer, Jon    Internal discussion regarding    2 Richmond/    EDG mod                                    Lilliendahl/ NRC/RGN-I back-up power supply.
IP LRA-environmental review RAI schedule 11/02/2007 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley, (Earth Tech)/ Dennis Beissel, Jennifer Davis, Stephen Klementowicz, Dennis Logan, Ekaterina Lenning, Andrew Stuyvenburg, Jeffrey Rikhoff, Elizabeth Wexler,  (NRC/NRR)/ Lance Vail, Jeffrey Ward (PNL) Internal transmission of environmental review information needs list and writing assignments 11 DPP-00-075 ML082630772 George Thomas/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Fwd: Indian Point 2 Spent Fuel Pool License Renewal 11/07/2007 E-Mail Steve Jones/ NRC/
DPP   112              NRC/RGN-I DPP ML082670452 On Yee/      EMAIL - Input Added  01/16/2008    E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR      Internal transmission of draft    7 113              NRC/NRR       - TLAA                                                            SER sections with comments DPP ML082670450 On Yee/      EMAIL - TLAA Fen    01/17/2008    E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR     Internal transmission of draft    8 114              NRC/NRR      Input                                                              SER sections with comments ML080230655 Jeffrey Ward/ EMAIL - FW:          01/18/2008    E-Mail Jill Caverly/ NRC/NRR   Internal transmission of          5 DPP            PNL          Applicant Response                                                comments regarding 115                            to RAI                                                            applicants responses to RAIs ML080230650 Jeffrey Ward/ EMAIL - Figure for  01/22/2008    E-Mail  Bobbie Hurley/ Earth  Internal transmission of figure  4 DPP            PNL          Chapter 2 Aquatic                                    Tech          for Chapter 2 of the draft 116                                                                                                SEIS ML081021213 Nicole        EMAIL - (Untitled)  01/23/2008    E-Mail Bobbie Hurley (Earth   Internal transmission of draft  11 Spangler/                                                    Tech)/ Jill Caverly responses to environmental DPP  117              Earth Tech                                                      (NRC/NRR)       scoping comments ML081021214 Nicole        EMAIL - (Untitled)  01/23/2008    E-Mail  Bobbie Hurley (Earth  Internal transmission of draft  29 DPP             Spangler/                                                    Tech)/ Jill Caverly responses to environmental 118              Earth Tech                                                      (NRC/NRR)        scoping comments ML081021215 Nicole        EMAIL - (Untitled)  01/23/2008    E-Mail Bobbie Hurley (Earth  Internal transmission of draft  39 DPP            Spangler/                                                    Tech)/ Jill Caverly responses to environmental Earth Tech                                                      (NRC/NRR)        scoping comments 119 Page 21 of 74
NRRInternal discussion regarding Indian Point's spent fuel pool

and draft RAIs 2 DPP-00-076 ML073130534 Manoly K A, NRC/NRR RAI for Section 2.4, "Scoping & Screening:
Author Accession                                      Document    Document        Addressee/                                     Page ID #                   Name/       Title/Description                                                           Comment Number                                          Date         Type   Addressee Affiliation                               Count Affiliation:
Structures," Indian Point Energy Center, Units 2 and 3, License Renewal Application (TAC Nos. MD5407 and MD5408). 11/09/2007 Memoranda Request for Additional Information (RAI) Auluck R C, NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft RAI 9 Page 15 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
ML081021217 Nicole        EMAIL - (Untitled)   01/23/2008    E-Mail   Bobbie Hurley (Earth  Internal transmission of draft 57 Spangler/                                                    Tech)/ Jill Caverly responses to environmental DPP   120              Earth Tech                                                      (NRC/NRR)        scoping comments ML081021218 Nicole        EMAIL - (Untitled)    01/23/2008    E-Mail   Bobbie Hurley (Earth  Internal transmission of draft  15 DPP             Spangler/                                                     Tech)/ Jill Caverly responses to environmental 121              Earth Tech                                                      (NRC/NRR)        scoping comments ML081021219 Nicole        EMAIL - (Untitled)    01/23/2008    E-Mail   Bobbie Hurley (Earth  Internal transmission of draft  31 DPP             Spangler/                                                    Tech)/ Jill Caverly responses to environmental Earth Tech                                                      (NRC/NRR)        scoping comments 122 ML081021220 Nicole        EMAIL - Sorry - I    01/23/2008    E-Mail   Bobbie Hurley (Earth  Internal transmission of draft  52 Spangler/    though I sent these                            Tech)/ Jill Caverly responses to environmental DPP  123              Earth Tech    yesterday!                                        (NRC/NRR)        scoping comments ML081210288 Author        Briefing on Indian    01/23/2008    Meeting                        Internal agenda/notes for        1 Unknown/      Point License                      Agenda                          internal meeting re: license DPP             NRC/RGN-I    Renewal Inspection,                Meeting                        renewal inspection 124                            January 23, 2008 at 2                Briefing pm.                              Package/Ha ndouts ML082890265 Kimberly      EMAIL - mark up of    01/24/2008    E-Mail     Stanley Gardocki/   Internal transmission of draft  9 DPP                    Green/        DRAIs                                              NRC/NRR         RAIs with comments 125 NRC/NRR Page 22 of 74
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-077 ML082630696 George Thomas/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RAIs for Indian Point LRA (MD5407 & MD5408)  
- Electronic file 11/09/2007 E-Mail Karen Meyer/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft RAI 10 DPP-00-078 ML073511857 Jeffrey Ward/
PNL EMAIL - Information for conference call tomorrow 11/12/2007 E-Mail Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion - planning of DSEIS Ch. 2 111 DPP-00-079 ML073511852 Jeffrey Ward/
PNL EMAIL - RAI Needs 11/13/2007 E-Mail Jill Caverly, Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of information needs for environmental review 5 DPP-00-080 ML073511854 Jeffrey Ward/
PNL EMAIL - Species of Interest for Indian Point SEIS 11/13/2007 E-Mail Jill Caverly, Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of preliminary species list and comment regarding Staff review 5 DPP-00-081 ML082671050 Steve Jones/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: Fwd: Indian Point 2 Spent Fuel Pool License Renewal 11/13/2007 E-Mail George Thomas/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding draft spent fuel pool RAIs 3 DPP-00-082 ML083090958 Clifford Marks/ ISL EMAIL - Indian Point LRA Teleconference RAI withdrawal 11/14/2007 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ NRC/NRR/DLR; S.

Pope/ ISL Internal discussion of draft RAIs 2 Page 16 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Author Accession                                      Document    Document        Addressee/                                     Page ID #                   Name/       Title/Description                                                           Comment Number                                            Date         Type   Addressee Affiliation                                 Count Affiliation:
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-083 ML073511842 Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Environmental RAI for refurbishment 11/15/2007 E-Mail Jill Caverly, Rani Franovich/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft RAI regarding refurbishment 3 DPP-00-084 ML073511839 Robert Palla/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Fwd: Re: Conf Call on GI-199, Indian Point, NY AG Press Release 11/19/2007 E-Mail Bruce Mrowca, Ali Azarn, Diane Mlynarczyk/ PNL Internal comment regarding NRC's seismic analysis 2 DPP-00-085 ML073511818 Jill Caverly/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - audit list RAI rev1.doc 11/27/2007 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal transmission of information needs list 3 DPP-00-086 ML073511822 Jill Caverly/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - ip rai 11/27/2007 E-Mail Robert Palla/ NRC/NRRInternal transmission of draft RAI with comments 3 DPP-00-087 ML082660237 Benjamin Parks/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - IP 2 and 3 LRA Scoping and Screening RAIs 12/03/2007 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft RAI 5 DPP-00-088 ML082630730 George Thomas/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Indian Point RAIs 12/04/2007 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal comment regarding
ML081210307 NRC/RGN-I    Briefing on Indian    01/25/2008    Meeting                        Internal transmission of        2 Point License                        Agenda                          talking points for internal IP DPP                          Renewal Inspection,                                                  license renewal inspection 126                            January 25, 2008 at                                                  briefing meeting 10 am (Talking Points).
ML082890164 Kimberly      EMAIL - Re: draft RAI 01/28/2008    E-Mail   Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR     Internal transmission of draft   2 DPP             Green/       for FP                                                              RAI NRC/NRR 127 ML082890165 Kimberly      EMAIL - Re: RAIs      01/28/2008    E-Mail   Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR      Internal discussion regarding   2 DPP             Green/                                                                             NRCs review of fire 128              NRC/NRR                                                                           protection and station blackout ML080310828 Jeffrey Ward/ EMAIL - FW: Indian    01/31/2008    E-Mail Jill Caverly/ NRC/NRR Internal discussions            9 PNL          Point - aquatic data                                                regarding aquatic data DPP   129                            from Entergy (summary)
ML080460645 Dennis        EMAIL - Re: FW:        01/31/2008    E-Mail Jill Caverly (NRC/NRR)/ Internal discussions            5 DPP             Logan/        Indian Point - aquatic                          Jeffrey Ward (PNL)  regarding aquatic data NRC/NRR       data from Entergy 130 (summary)
ML080460652 Jeffrey Ward/ EMAIL - Chapter 2      01/31/2008    E-Mail       Dennis Logan/     Internal comment regarding      4 DPP            PNL          and EFH                                              NRC/NRR         information for Chapter 2 and the EFH appendix in the draft 131 SEIS Page 23 of 74

RAIs 2 DPP-00-089 ML073600206 Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: life history check list 12/06/2007 E-Mail Nathan Goodman, Briana Balsam, Elizabeth Wexler/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding life histories and a proposed species list for draft SEIS 3 DPP-00-090 ML082890342 Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: Indian Point LRA RAI 12/10/2007 E-Mail John Tsao/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding the need to ask a RAI 2 Page 17 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Author Accession                                    Document    Document      Addressee/                                      Page ID #                  Name/        Title/Description                                                        Comment Number                                          Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-091 ML073600363 Jeffrey Ward/
DPP ML081830881 Green K,      EMAIL - Telecon      02/07/2008    E-Mail  Burke J, NRC/RES      Internal transmission of draft  8 132              NRC/NRR      summary                                                          telecon summary ML081060724 Andrew        EMAIL - Re: data    02/08/2008    E-Mail    Dennis Logan/     Internal comment regarding      3 Stuyvenberg/  question                                        NRC/NRR         biological data DPP  133              NRC/NRR ML082540447 Matt          EMAIL - Indian Pt. 02/08/2008    E-Mail Nicole Spangler/ Earth Internal transmission of draft  9 DPP            Goodwin/      Draft TER                                          Tech          section of draft SEIS on 134              Earth Tech                                                                      historic and archeological resources ML081830880 Kimberly      EMAIL - Re: Phone    02/12/2008    E-Mail John Tsao/ NRC/NRR     Internal discussion regarding   3 DPP                    Green/        call                                                              RAI response and follow-up 135 NRC/NRR DPP ML082670442 On Yee/      EMAIL - Draft RAIs  02/12/2008    E-Mail    Kimberly Green/     Internal transmission of draft  4 136              NRC/NRR      for IP                                          NRC/NRR         RAIs DPP ML082670447 On Yee/      EMAIL - 3.2 amr ip  02/12/2008    E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR     Internal transmission of draft  61 137              NRC/NRR                                                                        SER section DPP ML082670448 On Yee/      EMAIL - Draft ip RAI 02/12/2008    E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR    Internal transmission of draft  3 138              NRC/NRR                                                                        RAIs with comments DPP ML082670441 On Yee/       EMAIL - AMR          02/13/2008    E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR     Internal transmission of draft 63 139              NRC/NRR                                                                        SER sections with comments ML081210315 NRC/RGN-I    Exit Notes - Indian  02/14/2008    Meeting                        Internal notes from inspection  2 DPP                                  Point License                      Minutes                        exit meeting 140 Renewal Inspection.                  Note Page 24 of 74
PNL EMAIL - FW: FW: Fish Table 12/11/2007 E-Mail Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding attached draft table for the SEIS 12 DPP-00-092 ML073600376 Jeffrey Ward/

Table 12/11/2007 E-Mail Dennis Logan/  NRC/NRR Internal transmission of fish table to assist with life history
Author Accession                                    Document    Document          Addressee/                                      Page ID #                    Name/      Title/Description                                                            Comment Number                                          Date        Type      Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
ML081370669 Glenn Meyer/  EMAIL - IP license  02/14/2008    E-Mail      Kimberly Green, Bo    Internal transmission of        4 NRC/RGN-I    renewal exit notes                            Pham, Darrell Roberts, timing for debrief of exit DPP                                                                                  Eugene Cobey, Kay    inspection.
141 Gallagher, Marjorie McLaughlin/ NRC/NRR DPP ML082670435 On Yee/      EMAIL - TLAA - New  02/15/2008    E-Mail    Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR    Internal transmission of draft  31 142              NRC/NRR      Summary Description,                                                  SER sections with comments DPP ML082670439 On Yee/      EMAIL - Re: AMR      02/15/2008    E-Mail     Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR    Internal transmission of draft 12 143              NRC/NRR                                                                             SER sections with comments DPP ML082682151 Valerie      EMAIL - Description  02/21/2008    E-Mail      Jeffrey Ward/ PNL    Internal transmission of draft  16 144              Cullinan/ PNL of Impingement                                                        SEIS section with comments DPP ML082682150 Valerie      EMAIL - Data table   02/22/2008    E-Mail      Jeffrey Ward/ PNL    Interanl transmission of draft  4 145              Cullinan/ PNL for Chapter 2                                                        SEIS section DPP ML081210526 NRC/RGN-I    Tifft IP Input      02/26/2008      Note                            Draft input to inspection        6 146                                                                                                  report ML083090954 Clifford      EMAIL - Indian Point 02/27/2008    E-Mail    Stanley Gardocki/      Internal discussion of staff    2 DPP            Marks/ ISL    RAI Response                                  NRC/NRR/DLR; S.        review of RAI responses 147                            Evaluations                                  Pope, J. Woodfield/ ISL ML081210321 NRC/OGC      System Review -      02/28/2008      No                              Draft input to LR inspection    3 DPP                          Auxiliary Feed Water              Document                            report 148                            System Review.                  Type Applies DPP ML082670418 On Yee/      EMAIL - TLAA 4.3.3  02/28/2008    E-Mail    Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR    Internal transmission of draft  9 149              NRC/NRR                                                                            SER section with comments DPP ML082670419 On Yee/      EMAIL - Re: TLAA    02/28/2008    E-Mail    Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR    Internal transmission of draft  4 150              NRC/NRR      FEN                                                                  RAIs Page 25 of 74

portion of draft DSEIS 16 DPP-00-093 ML073600322 Jeffrey Ward/
Author Accession                                      Document    Document      Addressee/                                    Page ID #                    Name/        Title/Description                                                        Comment Number                                          Date        Type Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
PNL EMAIL - RE: State EFH input - proposed timing of input 12/12/2007 E-Mail Jill Caverly, Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission regarding coordination of inputs from New York State Habitat Conservation.
DPP ML082670413 On Yee/        EMAIL - AMR section  02/29/2008    E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR    Internal transmission of draft  63 151              NRC/NRR        3.2                                                              SER section with comments ML080770256 Robert Dover/ EMAIL - Preliminary  03/03/2008    E-Mail        Andrew        Internal transmission of draft 86 DPP             Earth Tech    Draft Alternatives                        Stuyvenberg/NRC/NRR alternatives section for SEIS 152                              Sections ML081210344 Lilliendahl J  Lilliendahl Input - 03/03/2008      Note                        Draft input to LR inspection    6 M, NRC/RGN- Scope and                                                          report DPP                    I              Supplemental 153 Information for IP Report.
3 DPP-00-094 ML082630813 Nageswara Karipineni/
ML080770252 Andrew        EMAIL - Re: Fwd:     03/04/2008    E-Mail    Elizabeth Wexler/  Internal discussion regarding    3 DPP            Stuyvenberg/  Numbers not                                      NRC/NRR        impingement data 154              NRC/NRR        matching ML080770254 Robert Palla/  EMAIL - EPRI        03/04/2008    E-Mail   Bruce Mrowca, Ali  Email contains internal        217 NRC/NRR       Documents related to                          Azarn (ISL, Inc.) discussion of IP SAMA TI-SGTR                                                          review; attachment contains DPP                                                                                            proprietary information being 155                                                                                              withheld from public disclosure under 10 CFR 2.390(a)(4) -
see ML073390146 ML081210400 Modes M C,    Modes Feeder Input - 03/04/2008      Note                        Draft input to LR inspection    2 DPP                     NRC/RGN-I      Documents                                                        report - list of documents 156 Reviewed.                                                        reviewed ML081210454 Modes M C,    Modes Feeder Input - 03/04/2008      Note                        Draft input to LR inspection    1 DPP            NRC/RGN-I      Fatigue Monitoring                                              report 157                              Program.
Page 26 of 74

Shell 12/14/2007 E-Mail Jerome Bettle/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER shell with comments 43 DPP-00-095 ML082890160 Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RAIs 12/18/2007 E-Mail Benjamin Parks, Lambros Lois/, NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion regarding draft RAIs 2 DPP-00-096 ML082660235 Benjamin Parks/
Author Accession                                      Document    Document      Addressee/                                     Page ID #                    Name/       Title/Description                                                          Comment Number                                            Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                              Count Affiliation:
NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: RAIs 12/19/2007 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding draft RAIs 2 Page 18 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
ML081210461 Modes M C,    Modes Feeder Input - 03/04/2008      Note                        Draft input to LR inspection    1 DPP            NRC/RGN-I      Nickel Alloy                                                      report 158                              Inspection Program.
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-097 ML082671030 Naeem Iqbal/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - IP2 and IP3 Fire Protection Safety Evaluation Report ADAMS Accession No. ML073510425 12/20/2007 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of SER input regarding fire protection safety 48 DPP-00-098 ML083090956 Clifford Marks/ ISL EMAIL - Indian Point
ML081210492 Modes M C,    Modes Feeder Input -  03/04/2008      Note                        Draft input to inspection      1 DPP             NRC/RGN-I      One Time Inspection                                                report 159                              Small Bore Piping Program.
ML081210502 Modes M C,    Modes Feeder Input - 03/04/2008      Note                        Draft input to inspection      1 NRC/RGN-I      Steam Generator                                                    report DPP  160                              Integrity Program.
ML080770251 Bruce          EMAIL - Indian Point  03/05/2008    E-Mail Robert Palla/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft   3 Mrowca/ ISL,  Follow-up RAIs                                                    RAIs DPP                     Inc.
161 ML083090991 Steve Jones/   EMAIL - Re: Fwd:      03/05/2008    E-Mail Kimberly Green,        Internal discussion of staff    2 NRC/NRR       Indian Point, Units 2                       Stanley Gardocki,      review of RAI responses
                                  & 3, Reply to Request                      Donnie Harrison/
DPP                                   for Additional                              NRC/NRR/DLR 162 Information Regarding License Renewa ML080770250 Bo Pham/      EMAIL - Re: IP -      03/06/2008    E-Mail   Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Draft response to scoping      3 DPP            NRC/NRR       Reasonable                                          Tech          comment 163                              Assurance - draft response Page 27 of 74

LRA SER Shell Review 12/21/2007 E-Mail Kimberly Green, Stanley Gardocki/
Author Accession                                    Document    Document        Addressee/                                     Page ID #                    Name/       Title/Description                                                        Comment Number                                          Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
ML083090994 Clifford      EMAIL - RE:        03/07/2008    E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/      Internal discussion of staff    2 Marks/ ISL    additional concern                        NRC/NRR/DLR            review - feedwater valves DPP  164 ML083090997 Clifford      EMAIL - RE: cont. 03/07/2008    E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/     Internal discussion of RAI      2 DPP            Marks/ ISL                                              NRC/NRR/DLR           response 165 ML081210511 Richmond J    Richmond IP Feeder  03/11/2008      Note                        Draft input to inspection        9 DPP            E, NRC/RGN- Input - Indian Point                                                report 166              I              License Renewal.
Pope/ ISL Internal transmission/ discussion of draft SER input 10 DPP-00-099 ML080090540 Jill Caverly, NRC/NRR EMAIL - Fwd: Indian
ML080770219 Elizabeth      EMAIL - Draft of    03/13/2008    E-Mail      Dennis Logan    Internal transmission of draft 10 DPP             Wexler/        sturgeon BA                                (NRC/NRR)/ Jeffrey  Biological Assessment NRC/NRR                                                        Ward (PNL)      of the Potential Impact on 167 Shortnose Sturgeon ML080770222 Robert Palla/  EMAIL - Follow-up  03/13/2008    E-Mail        Andrew        Internal transmission of draft  4 NRC/NRR        RAIs Rev 1                                Stuyvenberg(NRC/NRR RAIs DPP  168                                                                        )/ Bruce Mrowca (ISL, Inc.)
ML080770225 Elizabeth      EMAIL - Spottail    03/13/2008    E-Mail      Dennis Logan    Internal transmission of draft  4 DPP            Wexler/        shiner                                      (NRC/NRR)/ Jeffrey  dSEIS section regarding 169              NRC/NRR                                                        Ward (PNL)      spottail shiner life history Page 28 of 74

Point 01/02/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft scoping report 90 DPP-00-100 ML080090537 Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Interim work product:  Fish life history first drafts attached... 01/03/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal transmission of draft fish life history input for draft SEIS 25 DPP-00-101 ML082670464 On Yee/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - tlaa input 01/04/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER section with comments 6 DPP-00-102 ML082671044 Timothy Lupold/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Indian Point License Renewal 01/04/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal question regarding NRC's LRA review 2 DPP-00-103 ML082670460 On Yee/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Peter, 01/07/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft RAI with comments 3 DPP-00-104 ML082671043 Timothy Lupold/
Author Accession                                      Document    Document      Addressee/                                     Page ID #                  Name/       Title/Description                                                        Comment Number                                          Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
NRC/NRR EMAIL - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.doc 01/07/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft RAI 3 Page 19 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
ML080770217 Elizabeth    EMAIL - last two fish 03/14/2008     E-Mail Briana Balsam, Dennis Internal transmission of draft   7 Wexler/       bios                                        Logan (NRC/NRR)/     dSEIS sections regarding DPP   170              NRC/NRR                                                     Jeffrey Ward (PNL)  spottail shiners and white catfish ML080770214 Robert Dover/ EMAIL - revised      03/17/2008     E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/   Internal transmission of draft 16 DPP             Earth Tech    preliminary draft -                               NRC/NRR       dSEIS section regarding 171                            greenhouse gas text                                              greenhouse gases for IPEC SEIS ML081830875 Green K J,    EMAIL - Fwd:          03/17/2008     E-Mail Nguyen D, NRC/NRR     Internal comments regarding      2 DPP             NRC/NRR       Conference Room                                                  upcoming telecon on 172                            Confirmation                                                      inspection of bolted connections ML082490617 Dennis        EMAIL - Re: Missing  03/17/2008     E-Mail   Jeffrey Ward/ PNL  Internal discussion regarding   2 DPP                     Logan/        Ref                                                              reference in draft DSEIS 173 NRC/NRR DPP ML082670410 On Yee/       EMAIL -      03/18/2008     E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR   Internal transmission of draft   6 174              NRC/NRR                                                                        SER section with comments ML080840109 Andrew        EMAIL - IP RAI        03/19/2008     E-Mail Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR     Internal transmission of draft   4 DPP                     Stuyvenberg/                                                                   RAI 175 NRC/NRR DPP ML082670407 On Yee/      EMAIL - 4.3.3         03/19/2008     E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR   Internal transmission of draft   9 176              NRC/NRR       updated 3/19/08                                                  SER section with comments ML082670409 On Yee/       EMAIL - 4.3.3        03/19/2008     E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR   Internal transmission of draft   9 DPP             NRC/NRR       stainless steel edit                                              SER section with comments 177 Page 29 of 74
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-105 ML082671026 Naeem Iqbal/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Fire Protection Additional RAIs on Fire Wrap and Hemyc ERFBS 01/08/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission  of draft RAIs 3 DPP-00-106 ML082671028 Naeem Iqbal/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: FP SER Sections 01/08/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER sections regarding fire protection with comments 18 DPP-00-107 ML081210319 Meyer G W, NRC/RGN-I/DRS Inspection Cover Sheet and Inspection Plan - Indian Point 2
& 3. 01/09/2008 Inspection Plan  Internal inspection plan for license renewal inspection 4 DPP-00-108 ML082670456 On Yee/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: AMR HPSI Pump Mini Recirculation Line 01/11/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER sections with comments 3 DPP-00-109 ML082630729 George Thomas/
NRC/NRR EMAIL - Status of RAIs from Conf. Call:
IP-2 & 3 LRA -  Section 2.4 "Scoping
& Screening of Structures" 01/14/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft RAIs with comments 8 DPP-00-110 ML082671048 Steve Jones/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Revised RAI 2.4.3-1 for Indian Point License Renewal 01/14/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft RAI 3 DPP-00-111 ML080230663 Jill Caverly/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: Fish Impingement Data Inconsistencies 01/15/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal discussion regarding fish impingement data inconsistencies 3 Page 20 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-112 ML081370670 John Richmond/ NRC/RGN-I EMAIL - IP-2 SBO EDG mod 01/16/2008 E-Mail Glenn Meyer, Jon Lilliendahl/ NRC/RGN-I Internal discussion regarding back-up power supply.
2 DPP-00-113 ML082670452 On Yee/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Input Added - TLAA 01/16/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER sections with comments 7 DPP-00-114 ML082670450 On Yee/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - TLAA Fen

Input 01/17/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER sections with comments 8 DPP-00-115 ML080230655 Jeffrey Ward/
Author Accession                                      Document    Document      Addressee/                                     Page ID #                  Name/       Title/Description                                                          Comment Number                                          Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
PNL EMAIL - FW: Applicant Response to RAI 01/18/2008 E-Mail Jill Caverly/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of comments regarding applicant's responses to RAIs 5 DPP-00-116 ML080230650 Jeffrey Ward/
ML080840106 Robert Palla/ EMAIL - Follow-up    03/20/2008     E-Mail Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR     Internal transmission of draft  4 DPP             NRC/NRR      RAIs Rev 3                                                        RAIs 178 ML081830874 Kimberly      EMAIL - Draft RAIs    03/20/2008     E-Mail   Kenneth Chang/     Internal transmission of draft   8 DPP                     Green/                                                         NRC/NRR        RAIs 179 NRC/NRR ML082540430 Matt          EMAIL - RE: Indian    03/20/2008     E-Mail   Katie Broom/ Earth Internal transmission of         3 DPP             Goodwin/     Point Section 2.9                                    Tech        references for draft dSEIS 180              Earth Tech                                                                     section 2.9 ML082540459 Robert Dover/ EMAIL - RE: GHG      03/20/2008     E-Mail   Kevin Taylor/ Earth Internal discussion regarding    3 DPP                     Earth Tech    write-up                                            Tech         GHG emission analysis for 181 draft SEIS ML082682146 Valerie      EMAIL - Section 4.1  03/20/2008     E-Mail   Jeffrey Ward/ PNL  Internal transmission of draft 14 DPP                     Cullinan/ PNL back at you                                                      dSEIS section with 182 comments ML082682147 Valerie      EMAIL - Section 4.1.2 03/20/2008     E-Mail   Jeffrey Ward/ PNL  Internal transmission of draft 12 DPP            Cullinan/ PNL Entrainment                                                      dSEIS section with comments 183 DPP ML080840105 Bo Pham/     EMAIL - Draft follow- 03/21/2008     E-Mail Robert Palla/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft   8 184              NRC/NRR      up RAIs                                                          RAIs ML081060735 Andrew        EMAIL - Conference    03/21/2008     E-Mail Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR     Internal transmission of draft   5 DPP                     StuyvenbergCall Summary                                                      conference call summary 185 NRC/NRR ML082682145 Valerie      EMAIL - Updated 4.1  03/21/2008     E-Mail   Jeffrey Ward/ PNL  Internal transmission of draft 15 DPP                    Cullinan/ PNL Methods                                                          dSEIS section with 186 comments Page 30 of 74
PNL EMAIL - Figure for Chapter 2 Aquatic 01/22/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Tech Internal transmission of figure for Chapter 2 of the draft SEIS 4 DPP-00-117 ML081021213 Nicole Spangler/
Earth Tech EMAIL - (Untitled) 01/23/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley (Earth Tech)/ Jill Caverly (NRC/NRR) Internal transmission of draft responses to environmental scoping comments 11 DPP-00-118 ML081021214 Nicole Spangler/
Earth Tech EMAIL - (Untitled) 01/23/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley (Earth Tech)/ Jill Caverly (NRC/NRR) Internal transmission of draft responses to environmental scoping comments 29 DPP-00-119 ML081021215 Nicole Spangler/ Earth Tech EMAIL - (Untitled) 01/23/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley (Earth Tech)/ Jill Caverly (NRC/NRR) Internal transmission of draft responses to environmental scoping comments 39 Page 21 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-120 ML081021217 Nicole Spangler/ Earth Tech EMAIL - (Untitled) 01/23/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley (Earth Tech)/ Jill Caverly (NRC/NRR) Internal transmission of draft responses to environmental scoping comments 57 DPP-00-121 ML081021218 Nicole Spangler/
Earth Tech EMAIL - (Untitled) 01/23/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley (Earth Tech)/ Jill Caverly (NRC/NRR) Internal transmission of draft responses to environmental scoping comments 15 DPP-00-122 ML081021219 Nicole Spangler/ Earth Tech EMAIL - (Untitled) 01/23/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley (Earth Tech)/ Jill Caverly (NRC/NRR) Internal transmission of draft responses to environmental scoping comments 31 DPP-00-123 ML081021220 Nicole Spangler/ Earth Tech EMAIL - Sorry - I though I sent these yesterday! 01/23/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley (Earth Tech)/ Jill Caverly (NRC/NRR) Internal transmission of draft responses to environmental scoping comments 52 DPP-00-124 ML081210288 Author Unknown/
NRC/RGN-I Briefing on Indian Point License Renewal Inspection, January 23, 2008 at 2 pm. 01/23/2008 Meeting Agenda Meeting Briefing Package/Handouts Internal agenda/notes for internal meeting re: license renewal inspection 1 DPP-00-125 ML082890265 Kimberly Green/
NRC/NRR EMAIL - mark up of DRAIs 01/24/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft RAIs with comments 9 Page 22 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-126 ML081210307 NRC/RGN-I Briefing on Indian Point License Renewal Inspection, January 25, 2008 at 10 am (Talking Points). 01/25/2008 Meeting Agenda  Internal transmission of talking points for internal IP

license renewal inspection briefing meeting 2 DPP-00-127 ML082890164 Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: draft RAI for FP 01/28/2008 E-Mail Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft  
Author Accession                                    Document    Document        Addressee/                                      Page ID #                  Name/      Title/Description                                                          Comment Number                                          Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
ML081000291 Andrew        EMAIL - Fwd: IPEC    03/24/2008    E-Mail    Dennis Beissel/    Internal transmission of draft  6 DPP            Stuyvenberg/  LR Hydrology                                      NRC/NRR        dSEIS section 187              NRC/NRR      sections ML082490652 Dennis        EMAIL - efh          03/25/2008    E-Mail    Elizabeth Wexler/    Internal comment regarding      2 DPP             Logan/                                                          NRC/NRR        EFH analysis 188              NRC/NRR ML081000277 Elizabeth    EMAIL - IP BA for    03/28/2008    E-Mail      Dennis Logan/      Internal transmission of draft  11 DPP            Wexler/      shortnose sturgeon -                               NRC/NRR        biological assessment NRC/NRR      DRAFT as of March                                                  regarding shortnose sturgeon 189 28 ML083090990 Steve Jones,  EMAIL - Re: Fwd:    03/31/2008    E-Mail Kimberly Green,        Internal discussion of staff    2 NRC/NRR      Amendment 3 to IP                          Stanley Gardocki,      review of LRA Amendment 3 DPP  190                            LRA                                        George Thomas/
NRC/NRR/DLR ML081000275 Robert Palla/ EMAIL - RE:         04/01/2008    E-Mail    Ali Azarn/ ISL, Inc. Internal discussion regarding    2 DPP            NRC/NRR      Comments on the                                                    economic impacts 191                            BVPS RAI Responses DPP ML082670396 On Yee/      EMAIL - fmp amp      04/01/2008    E-Mail  Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR    Internal transmission of draft   5 192              NRC/NRR                                                                          SER section ML082682144 Valerie      EMAIL - Results for 04/01/2008     E-Mail   Jeffrey Ward/ PNL    Internal transmission of draft  23 DPP                    Cullinan/ PNL Section 4.1.3                                                      dSEIS tables and reference 193 lists with comments ML081370440 Bo Pham/     EMAIL - Edits for    04/02/2008    E-Mail  Bobbie Hurley/ Earth  Internal transmission of draft 15 DPP                    NRC/NRR      scoping comments                                    Tech          responses for scoping 194 comments with edits Page 31 of 74

RAI 2 DPP-00-128 ML082890165 Kimberly Green/
Author Accession                                      Document    Document      Addressee/                                    Page ID #                  Name/      Title/Description                                                          Comment Number                                          Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: RAIs 01/28/2008 E-Mail Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding NRC's review of fire protection and station blackout 2 DPP-00-129 ML080310828 Jeffrey Ward/
ML081000249 Andrew        EMAIL - Two Items -  04/03/2008    E-Mail        NRC/NRR        Internal comments regarding      3 DPP            Stuyvenberg/  Schedule and RAI                                                 possible RAI 195              NRC/NRR ML081370447 Bo Pham/      EMAIL - batches #1    04/03/2008    E-Mail  Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Internal transmission of draft  87 DPP            NRC/NRR      and #2 with edits                                    Tech        input to scoping report 196 ML082530357 Barry Elliot/ EMAIL - Re: Fwd:      04/03/2008    E-Mail    Kimberly Green/   Internal discussions on          2 DPP            NRC/NRR      Amendment 3 to IP                                  NRC/NRR       Amendment 3 and SER 197                            LRA ML082530358 Barry Elliot/ EMAIL - Re: Fwd:      04/03/2008     E-Mail   Kimberly Green/    Internal discussions on          2 DPP            NRC/NRR      Amendment 3 to IP                                  NRC/NRR       Amendment 3 198                            LRA ML082540443 Matt          EMAIL - Sections      04/03/2008    E-Mail    Jennifer Davis/  Internal transmissions of        9 DPP                    Goodwin/                                                        NRC/NRR        input to draft SEIS 199 Earth Tech DPP ML082670389 On Yee/       EMAIL - RAi          04/03/2008     E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR   Internal transmission of draft  9 200              NRC/NRR                                                                        RAI ML081000248 Andrew        EMAIL - Re: Follow    04/04/2008    E-Mail  Kevin Taylor/ Earth Internal discussion of draft    3 DPP            Stuyvenberg/ up on IP ISFSI                                      Tech        input to SEIS 201              NRC/NRR ML081890088 Audrey Klett/ EMAIL - Re: Indain    04/04/2008     E-Mail Audrey Klett/ NRC/NRR Internal comments regarding     3 DPP                    NRC/NRR      Point 2 & 3 LRA                                                  input to draft SER 202 Section 3.6 DPP ML081890090 Audrey Klett/ EMAIL - Indain Point  04/04/2008    E-Mail    George Wilson/    Internal comments regarding      6 203              NRC/NRR      2 & 3 LRA Section 3.6                              NRC/NRR        input to draft SER Page 32 of 74
PNL EMAIL - FW: Indian Point - aquatic data from Entergy (summary) 01/31/2008 E-Mail Jill Caverly/ NRC/NRR Internal discussions regarding aquatic data 9 DPP-00-130 ML080460645 Dennis Logan/
Indian Point - aquatic data from Entergy (summary) 01/31/2008 E-Mail Jill Caverly (NRC/NRR)/ Jeffrey Ward (PNL) Internal discussions regarding aquatic data 5 DPP-00-131 ML080460652 Jeffrey Ward/
PNL EMAIL - Chapter 2  

and EFH 01/31/2008 E-Mail Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR Internal comment regarding information for Chapter 2 and the EFH appendix in the draft SEIS 4 Page 23 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Author Accession                                        Document    Document      Addressee/                                      Page ID #                    Name/      Title/Description                                                            Comment Number                                            Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-132 ML081830881 Green K, NRC/NRR EMAIL - Telecon summary 02/07/2008 E-Mail Burke J, NRC/RES Internal transmission of draft telecon summary 8 DPP-00-133 ML081060724 Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: data question 02/08/2008 E-Mail Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR Internal comment regarding biological data 3 DPP-00-134 ML082540447 Matt Goodwin/ Earth Tech EMAIL - Indian Pt.
DPP ML081890100 Duc Nguyen/  EMAIL - Re: Request    04/04/2008     E-Mail Audrey Klett/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding     2 204              NRC/NRR      for EEEB assistance                                                  safety review ML082630822 Nageswara    EMAIL - Fwd: SER        04/04/2008    E-Mail Janak Raval/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft    43 DPP                     Karipineni/  Shell                                                                SER outline 205 NRC/NRR ML082630834 James        EMAIL - RE: I need to  04/04/2008    E-Mail    Kimberly Green/    Internal comment regarding      2 Medoff/      concur on Jim Davis's                                NRC/NRR        possible RAI DPP                    NRC/NRR       RAIs for Indian Point -
206 I am Acting for Ken Today - Jim ML081830869 Kimberly      EMAIL - revised RAI    04/07/2008     E-Mail     Naeem Iqbal/     Internal transmission of draft   3 DPP                     Green/                                                            NRC/NRR        input to RAI 207 NRC/NRR ML081830870 Kimberly      EMAIL - Re: D-RAI      04/07/2008     E-Mail Duc Nguyen/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding       2 DPP                    Green/                                                          draft RAI 208 NRC/NRR ML083090953 Clifford      EMAIL - Indian Point    04/07/2008    E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/      Internal discussion of staff    2 DPP             Marks/ ISL    RAI Review - AFW                              NRC/NRR/DLR            review of RAI responses Room 209 ML081210391 Modes M C,    Modes Feeder Input -   04/08/2008      Note                        Draft input to LR inspection    1 DPP            NRC/RGN-I    Containment                                                          report 210                            Inservice Inspection ML081830868 Kimberly      EMAIL - proposed        04/08/2008    E-Mail  Sheila Ray/ NRC/NRR  Proposed input to draft RAI      2 DPP                    Green/        addition 211 NRC/NRR Page 33 of 74

Draft TER 02/08/2008 E-Mail Nicole Spangler/ Earth Tech Internal transmission of draft section of draft SEIS on historic and archeological resources 9 DPP-00-135 ML081830880 Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: Phone
Author Accession                                        Document    Document      Addressee/                                     Page ID #                  Name/        Title/Description                                                          Comment Number                                            Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
ML081890099 Kimberly      EMAIL - Re: Request    04/09/2008    E-Mail Audrey Klett/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding    3 DPP                    Green/        for EEEB assistance                                                safety review 212 NRC/NRR ML081970308 Robert Palla/  EMAIL - RE:            04/09/2008    E-Mail  Jason Schaperow/    Internal discussions of          2 NRC/NRR        Riverkeeper's                                      NRC/RES        MELCOR calculations /
DPP                            Response to ASLB on                                                SAMA analysis related to 213                              Contention EC-2 -                                              Riverkeeper contention EC-2 7-08.pdf - Adobe Reader ML082540426 Steve Dillard/ EMAIL - RE: Indian    04/09/2008     E-Mail   Katie Broom/ Earth Internal discussions            2 DPP            Earth Tech    Point                                                Tech         regarding scope of SEIS 214                                                                                                biological assessment ML082550731 Allen Hiser/  EMAIL - Re: IP3        04/09/2008    E-Mail  John Boska, Emma    Internal discussions            2 DPP                     NRC/NRR        sump buffer LAR                                Wong/ NRC/NRR      regarding need for RAI 215 ML082630724 George        EMAIL - Indian Point  04/09/2008    E-Mail    Kimberly Green/   Internal transmission of draft  5 Thomas/        LRA - Followup                                    NRC/NRR        followup questions to RAI DPP                    NRC/NRR       Question on RAI                                                    response 216 Responses for Section 2.4 Structures ML082660230 Benjamin      EMAIL - Re: IP q      04/09/2008    E-Mail    Diane Jackson/    Internal discussions            2 DPP                    Parks/                                                            NRC/NRR        regarding SER 217 NRC/NRR ML081021239 Jeffrey Ward/  EMAIL - Chapter 4      04/10/2008    E-Mail  Bobbie Hurley (Earth Internal questions regarding    3 DPP            PNL            Aquatic                                          Tech)/ Andrew    contents of SEIS chapter 4 Stuyvenberg 218 (NRC/NRR)
Page 34 of 74

call 02/12/2008 E-Mail John Tsao/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding RAI response and follow-up 3 DPP-00-136 ML082670442 On Yee/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Draft RAIs for IP 02/12/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft  
Author Accession                                      Document    Document      Addressee/                                     Page ID #                  Name/        Title/Description                                                          Comment Number                                            Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
ML081370452 Bo Pham/      EMAIL - Batch #3      04/10/2008     E-Mail   Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Internal transmission of        39 DPP            NRC/NRR      edits                                                Tech          sections of draft scoping 219                                                                                                report ML082630763 George        EMAIL - Indian Point  04/10/2008    E-Mail Steve Jones/ NRC/NRR Internal comments on draft        6 DPP            Thomas/      LRA - Draft                                                        SER input and transmission 220              NRC/NRR      discussion and                                                     of draft SER input evaluation of RAIs ML081890097 Roy Mathew/  EMAIL - Re: water      04/14/2008    E-Mail    Audrey Klett, Duc  Internal discussions            2 NRC/NRR      affected both cable                            Nguyen/ NRC/NRR      regarding safety review DPP   221                            failures @ IP2 ML082540442 Matt          EMAIL - Edits          04/16/2008    E-Mail    Jennifer Davis/    Internal transmission of draft  9 DPP            Goodwin/                                                         NRC/NRR         SEIS sections 222              Earth Tech                                                                        (historical/archaelogical resources)
DPP ML082590151 Duc Nguyen/  EMAIL - Indian Point  04/16/2008     E-Mail     Kimberly Green/   Internal transmission of draft  5 223              NRC/NRR       RAI                                                NRC/NRR        RAI ML082590156 Duc Nguyen/  EMAIL - Re: SER        04/16/2008    E-Mail      James Davis/      Internal transmission of draft 32 NRC/NRR      Input with open Items                              NRC/NRR        SER input (electrical)
DPP  224 ML082630715 George        EMAIL - Indian Point  04/16/2008    E-Mail    Kimberly Green/    Internal transmission of draft  5 Thomas/      LRA: Latest version of                              NRC/NRR        followup questions for telecon DPP                    NRC/NRR      follow-up questions 225 for Telecon on 4/16
                                  @ 2:00 pm Page 35 of 74

RAIs 4 DPP-00-137 ML082670447 On Yee/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - 3.2 amr ip 02/12/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER section 61 DPP-00-138 ML082670448 On Yee/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Draft ip RAI 02/12/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft RAIs with comments 3 DPP-00-139 ML082670441 On Yee/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - AMR 02/13/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER sections with comments 63 DPP-00-140 ML081210315 NRC/RGN-I Exit Notes - Indian Point License Renewal Inspection. 02/14/2008 Meeting Minutes Note Internal notes from inspection exit meeting 2 Page 24 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Author Accession                                      Document    Document      Addressee/                                      Page ID #                  Name/         Title/Description                                                        Comment Number                                            Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-141 ML081370669 Glenn Meyer/ NRC/RGN-I EMAIL - IP license renewal exit notes 02/14/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green, Bo Pham, Darrell Roberts, Eugene Cobey, Kay Gallagher, Marjorie McLaughlin/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of timing for debrief of exit inspection.
ML090140667 Jeffrey        EMAIL - IPEC Draft    04/16/2008     E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg,  Internal transmission of draft 44 Rikhoff/      SEIS Sections                              Eric Benner, Jennifer DSEIS regarding DPP   226              NRC/NRR/DL                                                Davis/ NRC/NRR/DLR    socioeconomics and R                                                                                environmental justice ML082540434 Matt          EMAIL - IP2 & IP3    04/17/2008     E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Internal transmission of draft   9 DPP             Goodwin/                                                           Tech          SEIS sections 227              Earth Tech                                                                      (historical/archaelogical resources)
4 DPP-00-142 ML082670435 On Yee/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - TLAA - New Summary Description,02/15/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER sections with comments 31 DPP-00-143 ML082670439 On Yee/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: AMR 02/15/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER sections with comments 12 DPP-00-144 ML082682151 Valerie Cullinan/ PNL EMAIL - Description of Impingement 02/21/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal transmission of draft SEIS section with comments 16 DPP-00-145 ML082682150 Valerie Cullinan/ PNL EMAIL - Data table
ML082630712 George        EMAIL - Clarification 04/17/2008     E-Mail   Kimberly Green/   Internal transmission of draft   5 DPP             Thomas/        Questions on RAI                                  NRC/NRR        followup questions to RAI 228              NRC/NRR        responses IP LRA                                                  responses Section 2.4 ML082670877 Andrew        EMAIL - IPEC Draft    04/17/2008     E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Internal transmission of draft  45 DPP            Stuyvenburg,  SEIS Sections                                      Tech          SEIS sections 229              NRC/NRR DPP ML081370492 Bo Pham/       EMAIL - RE: More      04/18/2008     E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Internal transmission of draft  54 230              NRC/NRR       files                                              Tech          sections of scoping report ML081370496 Bo Pham/      EMAIL - RE: IP -     04/18/2008     E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Internal transmission of draft 54 DPP             NRC/NRR       More Files (2)                                      Tech          sections of scoping report 231 ML081370497 Bo Pham/      EMAIL - RE: Indian    04/18/2008     E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Internal discussion of scoping  5 DPP            NRC/NRR       Point Comment and                                  Tech          report 232                              Responses Documents ML081370499 Bo Pham/       EMAIL - RE: Indian    04/18/2008     E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Internal discussion of scoping  4 DPP             NRC/NRR        Point Comment and                                  Tech          report 233                              Responses Page 36 of 74

for Chapter 2 02/22/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Interanl transmission of draft SEIS section 4 DPP-00-146 ML081210526 NRC/RGN-I Tifft IP Input 02/26/2008 Note Draft input to inspection report 6 DPP-00-147 ML083090954 Clifford Marks/ ISL EMAIL - Indian Point RAI Response Evaluations 02/27/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ NRC/NRR/DLR; S.
Author Accession                                      Document    Document      Addressee/                                        Page ID #                  Name/          Title/Description                                                          Comment Number                                          Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                  Count Affiliation:
Pope, J. Woodfield/ ISL Internal discussion of staff review of RAI responses 2 DPP-00-148 ML081210321  NRC/OGC System Review -
Documents ML081370500 Bo Pham/      EMAIL - RE: More      04/18/2008     E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth  Internal transmission of draft 13 DPP                     NRC/NRR      files                                                Tech          sections of scoping report 234 ML081370501 Bo Pham/      EMAIL - RE: Batch #4  04/18/2008     E-Mail  Bobbie Hurley/ Earth  Internal transmission of draft 26 DPP                    NRC/NRR                                                            Tech          sections of scoping report 235 w/edits DPP ML081890095 Roy Mathew/  EMAIL - Re: Draft    04/18/2008    E-Mail  Audrey Klett, Sheila  Internal discussion and          3 236              NRC/NRR      Indian Point LR RAIs                            Ray/ NRC/NRR        comments on draft RAIs ML081890096 Roy Mathew/  EMAIL - Re: Draft    04/18/2008     E-Mail Audrey Klett/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion and            3 DPP                     NRC/NRR      Indian Point LR RAIs                                                comments on draft RAIs 237 ML082490645 Dennis        EMAIL - Draft        04/18/2008     E-Mail  Jeffrey Ward/ PNL    Internal transmission of draft 19 DPP                     Logan/       analysis attached                                                  SEIS input re: essential fish 238 NRC/NRR                                                                           habitat ML081370456 Bo Pham/      EMAIL - RE: IP Files  04/21/2008     E-Mail Bonnie Freeman/ Earth Internal transmission of draft    4 DPP            NRC/NRR                                                           Tech          section of scoping report 239 ML081370490 Bo Pham/      EMAIL - RE: Need a    04/21/2008    E-Mail  Bobbie Hurley/ Earth  Internal transmission of draft 115 DPP            NRC/NRR      writing session for                                  Tech          sections of scoping report 240                            comments ML081430636 John          EMAIL - IP-2 SBO      04/22/2008    E-Mail  Richard Conte, Glenn  Internal comment regarding      2 DPP             Richmond/    EDG Update                                  Meyer, Jon Lilliendahl, SBO EDG 241              NRC/RGN-I                                                  Lawrence Doerflein/
Auxiliary Feed Water System Review. 02/28/2008 No Document Type Applies Draft input to LR inspection report 3 DPP-00-149 ML082670418 On Yee/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - TLAA 4.3.3 02/28/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER section with comments 9 DPP-00-150 ML082670419 On Yee/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: TLAA
NRC/RGN-I Page 37 of 74

FEN 02/28/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft  
Author Accession                                    Document    Document      Addressee/                                     Page ID #                    Name/      Title/Description                                                        Comment Number                                          Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
ML081830867 Kimberly      EMAIL - RE: LRA      04/22/2008    E-Mail Janak Raval/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft    19 DPP                    Green/        SER Input for IP-2                                                SER input 242 NRC/NRR      and IP-3 ML083090951 Clifford      EMAIL - Indian Point 04/22/2008    E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/      Internal transmission of draft  123 DPP            Marks/ ISL    LRA SER 4511-380                          NRC/NRR/DLR; Steve    SER input for RAIs sections Pope, J. Woodfield,    2.2 and 2.3 243 Tammy Pfiester/ ISL ML083090952 Clifford      EMAIL - Indian Point 04/22/2008     E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/      Internal discussion of draft    2 Marks/ ISL    and TMI Update                            NRC/NRR/DLR; Steve    SER input - RAIs DPP  244                                                                        Pope/ ISL ML081830675 Steve Jones/  EMAIL - RE: RAI???  04/23/2008    E-Mail    Kimberly Green/    Internal transmission of draft   3 DPP            NRC/NRR                                                        NRC/NRR        RAI w/comments 245 ML081830676 Steve Jones/  EMAIL - RE: Indian  04/23/2008    E-Mail    George Thomas/      Internal transmission of draft  4 DPP            NRC/NRR      Point LRA - Draft                                NRC/NRR        RAI w/comments 246                            discussion and evaluation of RAIs ML081830866 Kimberly      EMAIL - Questions    04/23/2008    E-Mail    Rajender Auluck/    Internal transmission of        3 DPP                    Green/        from EEEB                                        NRC/NRR        questions to be incorporated 247 NRC/NRR                                                                        into draft RAI ML081890094 Kimberly      EMAIL - RE: IP LRA  04/23/2008    E-Mail Audrey Klett/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion of draft      2 DPP                    Green/        RAIs                                                              RAIs 248 NRC/NRR Page 38 of 74

RAIs 4 Page 25 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Author Accession                                      Document    Document      Addressee/                                      Page ID #                   Name/       Title/Description                                                         Comment Number                                          Date         Type Addressee Affiliation                               Count Affiliation:
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-151 ML082670413 On Yee/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - AMR section 3.2 02/29/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER section with comments 63 DPP-00-152 ML080770256 Robert Dover/ Earth Tech EMAIL - Preliminary Draft Alternatives Sections 03/03/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/NRC/NRRInternal transmission of draft alternatives section for SEIS 86 DPP-00-153 ML081210344 Lilliendahl J M, NRC/RGN-I Lilliendahl Input - Scope and Supplemental
ML082490643 Dennis        EMAIL - IP -         04/23/2008    E-Mail  Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Internal transmission of draft  29 Logan/        Appendix E Biological                                Tech        SEIS input DPP  249              NRC/NRR       and EFH Assessment drafts attached ML082540458 Katie Broom/  EMAIL - FW: IP        04/23/2008    E-Mail  Kevin Taylor/ Earth Internal transmission of draft  24 Earth Tech    Section 4.8 (Aquatic                                Tech        SEIS input DPP                                  Cumulative) and 250 Appendix X Aquatic Stats ML082670923 Andrew        EMAIL - FW: IP -      04/23/2008    E-Mail  Katie Broom/ Earth  Internal transmission of draft  29 DPP            Stuyvenburg,  Appendix E Biological                                Tech        SEIS input NRC/NRR      and EFH Assessment 251 drafts attached ML082670925 Andrew        EMAIL - FW: IP        04/23/2008     E-Mail   Katie Broom/ Earth  Internal transmission of draft  23 Stuyvenburg,  Section 4.8 (Aquatic                                Tech        SEIS input DPP                    NRC/NRR       Cumulative) and 252 Appendix X Aquatic Stats ML082670928 Andrew        EMAIL - IPEC LR      04/23/2008    E-Mail  Katie Broom/ Earth  Internal transmission of draft   5 DPP             Stuyvenburg,  Hydrology sections                                  Tech        SEIS input 253              NRC/NRR ML082670931 Andrew        EMAIL - FW: IPEC      04/23/2008    E-Mail  Katie Broom/ Earth Internal transmission of draft  8 DPP            Stuyvenburg,  Draft SEIS Sections                                  Tech         SEIS sections (land use) 254              NRC/NRR ML082670942 Andrew        EMAIL - IPEC Draft   04/23/2008     E-Mail   Katie Broom/ Earth  Internal transmission of draft 40 DPP             Stuyvenburg, SEIS Sections                                        Tech        SEIS sections 255 NRC/NRR                                                                        (socioeconomic and EJ)
Page 39 of 74

Information for IP Report. 03/03/2008 Note Draft input to LR inspection report 6 DPP-00-154 ML080770252 Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: Fwd:
Author Accession                                      Document    Document      Addressee/                                      Page ID #                    Name/      Title/Description                                                          Comment Number                                          Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
Numbers not
DPP ML082540425 Steve Dillard/ EMAIL - RE: Ind pt  04/24/2008    E-Mail Steve Duda/ Earth Tech Internal discussion of need      2 256              Earth Tech                                                                        for biological assessment ML082540449 Susan          EMAIL - RE: Letter  04/24/2008    E-Mail  Bobbie Hurley/ Earth  Internal discussion of need      3 DPP            Provenzano/    NL-08-061 - Acute                                  Tech          for additional information for 257              Earth Tech    Shock Data                                                        SEIS DPP ML082670383 On Yee/        EMAIL - FMP          04/24/2008    E-Mail  Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR    Internal transmission of draft  5 258              NRC/NRR                                                                          SER input with comment DPP ML082670386 On Yee/        EMAIL - 3.2          04/24/2008    E-Mail  Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR    Internal transmission of draft  67 259              NRC/NRR                                                                          SER input DPP ML082670387 On Yee/        EMAIL - RE: AMR      04/24/2008     E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR    Internal discussion of draft    3 260              NRC/NRR        section 3.2                                                        SER input DPP ML082670388 On Yee/        EMAIL - Amr section  04/24/2008    E-Mail  Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR    Internal transmission of draft  67 261              NRC/NRR        3.2                                                                SER input with comment ML082671018 Andrew         EMAIL - RE: Letter  04/24/2008    E-Mail Stephen Klementowicz/ Internal discussion of            2 DPP            Stuyvenburg,  NL-08-061 - Acute                                NRC/NRR          applicants acute shock 262              NRC/NRR        Shock Data                                                        analysis ML083090949 Clifford      EMAIL - Indian Point 04/24/2008    E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/      Internal transmission of draft  7 DPP            Marks/ ISL    RAI 2.3.0-2 and                            NRC/NRR/DLR; Steve      SER sections for RAIs 263                              2.3A.2.2-1                                Pope, J. Woodfield/ ISL ML081370464 Bo Pham/      EMAIL - RE: Three    04/28/2008    E-Mail  Bobbie Hurley/ Earth  Internal discussion of draft    2 DPP            NRC/NRR        comment corrections                                Tech          scoping report 264 DPP ML082670380 On Yee/        EMAIL - fmp          04/28/2008    E-Mail  Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR    Internal transmission of draft  6 265              NRC/NRR                                                                          SER input with comment Page 40 of 74

matching 03/04/2008 E-Mail Elizabeth Wexler/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding impingement data 3 DPP-00-155 ML080770254 Robert Palla/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - EPRI Documents related to TI-SGTR 03/04/2008 E-Mail Bruce Mrowca, Ali Azarn (ISL, Inc.) Email contains internal discussion of IP SAMA review; attachment contains proprietary information being withheld from public disclosure under 10 CFR 2.390(a)(4) - see ML073390146 217 DPP-00-156 ML081210400 Modes M C, NRC/RGN-I Modes Feeder Input - Documents Reviewed. 03/04/2008 Note Draft input to LR inspection report - list of documents
Author Accession                                    Document    Document        Addressee/                                     Page ID #                    Name/      Title/Description                                                          Comment Number                                        Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
ML083090948 Clifford      EMAIL - RE: Indian  04/28/2008     E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/       Internal discussion of draft    2 DPP                    Marks/ ISL    Point LRA SER 4511-                      NRC/NRR/DLR            SER input, section 2.2 266 380 DPP ML082670378 On Yee/      EMAIL - (Untitled)  04/29/2008    E-Mail  Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR    Internal transmission of draft  37 267              NRC/NRR                                                                         SER input with comments ML081430639 John          EMAIL - RE: FYI for 04/30/2008     E-Mail Stacy Smith, Jon        Internal discussion of SBO      4 Richmond/    IP SBO / Appendix R                      Lilliendahl, Richard    EDG NRC/RGN-I    Diesel                                    Conte, Lawrence Doerflein, Glenn Meyer, Eugene DPP                                                                             Cobey, Donald 268 Jackson, Brice Bickett/
NRC/RGN-I; Bo Pham, Kimberly Green, Rani Franovich/
NRC/NRR/DLR ML083090946 Clifford      EMAIL - RE: SER    04/30/2008    E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/      Internal discussion of draft    4 Marks/ ISL    input for                                NRC/NRR/DLR; Steve      SER layout and content DPP  269                            susquahanna                              Pope/ ISL ML082540429 Matt          EMAIL - RE: Indian  05/01/2008    E-Mail    Katie Broom/ Earth  Internal transmission of draft  3 DPP            Goodwin/      Point References                                    Tech        SEIS input (references for 270              Earth Tech                                                                      historical/archaelogical section)
DPP ML082670376 On Yee/      EMAIL - 3.2 Example 05/01/2008     E-Mail      Surinder Arora/  Internal transmission of draft 98 271              NRC/NRR                                                        NRC/NRR        SER input ML081370460 Bo Pham/      EMAIL - RE: Scoping 05/05/2008    E-Mail  Bobbie Hurley/ Earth  Internal discussion of draft    3 DPP                    NRC/NRR      summary report                                       Tech        scoping report 272 Page 41 of 74

reviewed 2 DPP-00-157 ML081210454 Modes M C, NRC/RGN-I Modes Feeder Input - Fatigue Monitoring Program. 03/04/2008 Note Draft input to LR inspection report 1 Page 26 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Author Accession                                        Document    Document      Addressee/                                      Page ID #                    Name/      Title/Description                                                            Comment Number                                            Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-158 ML081210461 Modes M C, NRC/RGN-I Modes Feeder Input - Nickel Alloy Inspection Program. 03/04/2008 Note Draft input to LR inspection report 1 DPP-00-159 ML081210492 Modes M C, NRC/RGN-I Modes Feeder Input - One Time Inspection Small Bore Piping
ML082540452 Susan        EMAIL - RE: Indian      05/05/2008    E-Mail  Katie Broom/ Earth    Internal discussion of draft    2 DPP             Provenzano/  Point                                                  Tech          SEIS content 273 Earth Tech ML082540454 Susan        EMAIL - Indian Point    05/05/2008    E-Mail    Eric Schneiber/    Internal discussion of draft    2 DPP            Provenzano/  EJ (census) figures                                  NRC/NRR          SEIS content 274              Earth Tech ML082670917 Andrew        EMAIL - Should be      05/08/2008     E-Mail  Katie Broom/ Earth    Internal transmission of draft  2 DPP                    Stuyvenburg, the last App C item . .                                Tech          SEIS input (ref. for App. C) 275 NRC/NRR      .
ML082670918 Andrew        EMAIL - RE: IP App. 05/08/2008    E-Mail  Katie Broom/ Earth    Internal transmission of draft  2 DPP             Stuyvenburg,  C                                                      Tech          SEIS input (ref. for App. C) 276              NRC/NRR ML082670921 Andrew        EMAIL - IP App. C      05/08/2008    E-Mail  Katie Broom/ Earth    Internal transmission of draft  10 DPP            Stuyvenburg,                                                        Tech          SEIS section (App. C) 277              NRC/NRR ML081830860 Kimberly      EMAIL - SER Input       05/09/2008    E-Mail      James Davis/      Internal transmission of draft  4 DPP            Green/        for External Surfaces                                NRC/NRR          SER input with comment 278              NRC/NRR      Monitoring AMP ML081830677 Steve JonesEMAIL - Indian Point    05/14/2008    E-Mail Kamal Manoly, George    Internal discussion regarding    2 NRC/NRR      License Renewal -                               Thomas/ NRC/NRR      Staffs review and possible DPP                                  SFP Structure                                                        follow-up questions to 279 Exposure to Boric                                                    applicant Acid Environment ML083090988 Clifford      EMAIL - Indian Point    05/14/2008    E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/      Internal transmission of draft  37 DPP            Marks/ ISL    SER                                          NRC/NRR/DLR; Steve      SER sections 2.2, 2.3 280                                                                          Pope, J. Woodfield/ ISL Page 42 of 74

Program. 03/04/2008 Note  Draft input to inspection report 1 DPP-00-160 ML081210502 Modes M C, NRC/RGN-I Modes Feeder Input - Steam Generator Integrity Program. 03/04/2008 Note Draft input to inspection report 1 DPP-00-161 ML080770251 Bruce Mrowca/ ISL, Inc. EMAIL - Indian Point Follow-up RAIs 03/05/2008 E-Mail Robert Palla/ NRC/NRRInternal transmission of draft RAIs 3 DPP-00-162 ML083090991 Steve Jones/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: Fwd:
Author Accession                                    Document    Document        Addressee/                                       Page ID #                    Name/      Title/Description                                                            Comment Number                                          Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                  Count Affiliation:
ML083090987 Clifford      EMAIL - RE: IP Se    05/16/2008     E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/        Internal discussion of draft    2 Marks/ ISL                                              NRC/NRR/DLR              SER input DPP   281 ML082630833 James        EMAIL - Setting Up  05/19/2008    E-Mail    Kimberly Green/      Internal comment regarding      2 DPP            Medoff/      Peer Review for IP                                NRC/NRR          metal fatigue 282              NRC/NRR      SER DPP ML082670372 On Yee/      EMAIL - Fen Input   05/19/2008     E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR      Internal e-mail containing      2 283              NRC/NRR                                                                            draft SER input ML082670898 Andrew        EMAIL - References  05/19/2008    E-Mail Briana Balsam, Dennis Internal transmission of draft      42 Stuyvenburg,  for IP dSEIS Chapter                      Beissel, Dennis Logan, SEIS sections NRC/NRR      2 and 4                                        Elizabeth Wexler, DPP                                                                      Jeffrey Rikhoff, Jennifer 284                                                                          Davis, Robert Palla, Stephen Klementowicz (NRC/NRR)/ Jeffrey Ward, Lance Vail (PNL)
DPP ML081500646 Bo Pham/      EMAIL - RE: Indian   05/21/2008    E-Mail    Katie Broom/ Earth    Internal discussion of scoping  3 285              NRC/NRR      Point Scoping Report                                Tech            report ML082670371 On Yee/      EMAIL - RE: Fen      05/21/2008     E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR      Internal e-mail containing      3 DPP                     NRC/NRR      Input                                                                draft SER input with 286 comments ML082490637 Dennis        EMAIL - RE: IP      05/22/2008    E-Mail  Andrew Stuyvenberg/      Internal discussion of          2 DPP            Logan/        Vessel head                                        NRC/NRR          additions to draft SEIS 287              NRC/NRR       replacement and                                                      sections (BA and EFH) consultation Page 43 of 74

Indian Point, Units 2 & 3, Reply to Request for Additional
Author Accession                                      Document    Document        Addressee/                                        Page ID #                    Name/      Title/Description                                                              Comment Number                                          Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                  Count Affiliation:
ML082540457 Bobbie        EMAIL - RE: IP RAI    05/27/2008    E-Mail  Andrew Stuyvenberg/      Internal discussion of outline  3 DPP            Hurley/ Earth Responses - Vessel                                  NRC/NRR          for draft SEIS chapter 288              Tech          head and CRDM replacement ML083090986 Clifford      EMAIL - RE: IP se    05/27/2008    E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/        Internal discussion of draft    2 DPP            Marks/ ISL    comments                                    NRC/NRR/DLR; Steve        SER input -- RAIs Pope/ ISL 289 ML083090984 Clifford      EMAIL - RE: IP se    05/29/2008    E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/        Internal discussion of draft    3 Marks/ ISL    comments                                    NRC/NRR/DLR; Steve        SER input -- RAIs DPP  290                                                                        Pope/ ISL ML082670894 Andrew        EMAIL - Indian Point 05/30/2008    E-Mail Briana Balsam, Dennis Internal transmission of draft      32 Stuyvenburg,  Chapter 3                                   Beissel, Dennis Logan, outline for SEIS chapter with NRC/NRR                                                      Elizabeth Wexler,    comments DPP                                                                      Jeffrey Rikhoff, Jennifer 291                                                                          Davis, Robert Palla, Stephen Klementowicz (NRC/NRR)/ Jeffrey Ward, Lance Vail (PNL)
ML083090982 Clifford      EMAIL - RE: RAI      05/30/2008    E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/        Internal transmission          46 DPP            Marks/ ISL    numbers                                    NRC/NRR/DLR; Tammy discussion of draft SER input Pfiester/ ISL 292 ML081830666 Kimberly      EMAIL - RE: IP        06/02/2008    E-Mail      Glenn Meyer/        Internal discussion of          2 DPP            Green/        Inspection Exit Notes                              NRC/RGN-I          inspection results 293              NRC/NRR Page 44 of 74

Information Regarding License Renewa 03/05/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green, Stanley Gardocki, Donnie Harrison/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion of staff review of RAI responses 2 DPP-00-163 ML080770250 Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: IP - Reasonable Assurance - draft response 03/06/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Tech Draft response to scoping comment 3 Page 27 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Author Accession                                    Document    Document      Addressee/                                      Page ID #                  Name/        Title/Description                                                        Comment Number                                          Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-164 ML083090994 Clifford Marks/ ISL EMAIL - RE: additional concern 03/07/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion of staff review - feedwater valves 2 DPP-00-165 ML083090997 Clifford Marks/ ISL EMAIL - RE: cont. 03/07/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion of RAI response 2 DPP-00-166 ML081210511 Richmond J E, NRC/RGN-I Richmond IP Feeder Input - Indian Point License Renewal. 03/11/2008 Note  Draft input to inspection report 9 DPP-00-167 ML080770219 Elizabeth Wexler/
ML082040373 Richard      EMAIL - RE: Section  06/02/2008     E-Mail     James Davis/     Internal discussion regarding    2 DPP                     Morante/ BNL 4.6                                                NRC/NRR         draft SER section and draft 294 RAI content ML082550729 Allen Hiser/  EMAIL - RE: IP2&3    06/02/2008     E-Mail     Matthew Yoder/     Internal email containing draft  4 DPP            NRC/NRR      LRA SE - Update to                                NRC/NRR        SER input, with discussion 295                            Boraflex ML082630755 George        EMAIL - RE: IP RAIs  06/02/2008     E-Mail Richard Morante/ BNL  Internal transmission of draft    6 DPP                    Thomas/      on Structures.                                                    RAIs 296 NRC/NRR ML082660228 Matthew      EMAIL - FW: IP2&3    06/02/2008    E-Mail    Kimberly Green/    Internal email containing draft  3 DPP             Yoder/        LRA SE - Update to                                NRC/NRR        SER input and proposed 297              NRC/NRR      Boraflex                                                          revisions ML082040370 Richard      EMAIL - RE: Section  06/03/2008     E-Mail     James Davis/      Email containing internal        6 DPP            Morante/ BNL 4.6                                                NRC/NRR         discussion of draft RAIs and 298                                                                                              transmitting draft SER input ML082040369 Richard      EMAIL - IP 2/3      06/04/2008    E-Mail Hansraj Ashar, George Internal transmission of draft    6 DPP            Morante/ BNL Structures RAIs -                           Thomas, Kamal Manoly/ RAI revisions 299                            Revision 06/04/08                                NRC/NRR ML082630750 George        EMAIL - RE: IP 2/3  06/04/2008     E-Mail Richard Morante/ BNL  Internal transmission of draft   6 DPP             Thomas/      Structures RAIs -                                                 RAI revisions with comments 300              NRC/NRR       Revision 06/04/08 ML082670991 Andrew        EMAIL - RE: Chapter  06/04/2008     E-Mail     Jennifer Davis/    Internal transmission of draft    5 DPP            Stuyvenburg,  4 input                                          NRC/NRR         SEIS input 301              NRC/NRR Page 45 of 74
NRC/NRR EMAIL - Draft of sturgeon BA 03/13/2008 E-Mail Dennis Logan (NRC/NRR)/ Jeffrey Ward (PNL) Internal transmission of draft Biological Assessment of the Potential Impact on Shortnose Sturgeon 10 DPP-00-168 ML080770222 Robert Palla/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Follow-up RAIs Rev 1 03/13/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg(NRC/NRR)/ Bruce Mrowca (ISL, Inc.) Internal transmission of draft

RAIs 4 DPP-00-169 ML080770225 Elizabeth Wexler/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Spottail shiner 03/13/2008 E-Mail Dennis Logan (NRC/NRR)/ Jeffrey Ward (PNL) Internal transmission of draft dSEIS section regarding
Author Accession                                        Document    Document      Addressee/                                      Page ID #                    Name/        Title/Description                                                            Comment Number                                              Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                  Count Affiliation:
ML081970307 Bruce          EMAIL - IP Draft        06/05/2008    E-Mail Robert Palla/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft    42 Mworca, ISL    SAMA SER                                        Ali Azarm, Diane    SER input on SAMAs DPP   302              Inc.                                                              Mlynarczyk/
ISL, Inc.
ML082670993 Andrew        EMAIL - Chapter 8      06/05/2008    E-Mail  Katie Broom, Kevin    Email containing draft SEIS      2 DPP            Stuyvenburg,  insert for Mercury; pg.                        Taylor/ Earth Tech    input 303              NRC/NRR       8-47, line 17 ML090140601 Jennifer      EMAIL - RE:            06/06/2008     E-Mail     Matt Goodwin/      Internal discussion of draft    2 DPP                    Davis/        Mitigation language                              NRC/NRR/DLR        SEIS input 304 NRC/NRR DPP ML082540456 Robert Dover/ EMAIL - RE: IP          06/09/2008    E-Mail  Kevin Taylor/ Earth  Internal transmission of draft  4 305              Earth Tech    purchased power                                        Tech          SEIS section ML090140604 Jennifer      EMAIL - Sections        06/09/2008    E-Mail  Andrew Stuyvenberg/    Email transmitting draft of      3 DPP            Davis/                                                          NRC/NRR/DLR        section 4.4.5 of the DSEIS 306              NRC/NRR                                                                             with comments ML082682143 Valerie        EMAIL - Appendixes      06/10/2008    E-Mail  Jeffrey Ward/ PNL    Internal transmission of draft  151 DPP                    Cullinan/ PNL X and Y                                                              SEIS appendices with 307 comments ML090140671 Jeffrey        EMAIL - RE: Chapter    06/10/2008    E-Mail  Andrew Stuyvenberg/    Internal transmission of draft   8 DPP            Rikhoff/      2 input for IP                                    NRC/NRR/DLR        inputs to section to 308              NRC/NRR/DL                                                                          the DSEIS R
ML081970305 Robert Palla/  EMAIL - IP SAMA-        06/11/2008    E-Mail Bruce Mrowca/ ISL, Inc. Internal transmission of draft  40 DPP            NRC/NRR        Draft SER Rev 0.doc                                                  SER Appendix G (SAMA) 309 Page 46 of 74

spottail shiner life history 4 Page 28 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Author Accession                                      Document    Document      Addressee/                                      Page ID #                   Name/         Title/Description                                                       Comment Number                                            Date         Type Addressee Affiliation                               Count Affiliation:
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-170 ML080770217 Elizabeth Wexler/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - last two fish bios 03/14/2008 E-Mail Briana Balsam, Dennis Logan (NRC/NRR)/ Jeffrey Ward (PNL) Internal transmission of draft dSEIS sections regarding spottail shiners and white catfish 7 DPP-00-171 ML080770214 Robert Dover/ Earth Tech EMAIL - revised preliminary draft -
ML082490634 Dennis          EMAIL - FW: New      06/11/2008     E-Mail   Elizabeth Wexler/   Internal transmission of draft  29 DPP             Logan/         Aquatic Sections for                             NRC/NRR         SEIS sections (aquatic) 310              NRC/NRR         Main Text ML082490635 Dennis          EMAIL - IP: missing  06/11/2008     E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/   Internal transmission of draft  4 DPP             Logan/         references for EFH                              NRC/NRR         SEIS input 311              NRC/NRR        appendix zz ML082670916 Andrew          EMAIL - FW: Chapter  06/11/2008     E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth  Internal transmission of draft   8 DPP                    Stuyvenburg,    2 input for IP                                      Tech        SEIS input 312 NRC/NRR ML082671021 Andrew          EMAIL - Chapter 8   06/11/2008     E-Mail Kevin Taylor, Katie  Internal transmission of       98 DPP                    Stuyvenburg,    comments                                    Broom/ Earth Tech    marked-up draft SEIS section 313 NRC/NRR ML081970303 Robert Palla/  EMAIL - IP SAMA-    06/12/2008     E-Mail Ali Azarn/ ISL, Inc. Internal transmission of draft 80 DPP             NRC/NRR         Draft SER Rev 0.doc                                              SER Appendix G (SAMA) 314 ML081970301 Ali Azarn/ ISL, EMAIL - suggested    06/13/2008     E-Mail     Robert Palla    Internal transmission of draft  41 DPP            Inc.            mods to draft SER                           (NRC/NRR)/ Bruce    SER Appendix G (SAMA) per your comments                          Mrowca (ISL, Inc.)
greenhouse gas text for IPEC SEIS 03/17/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft dSEIS section regarding greenhouse gases 16 DPP-00-172 ML081830875 Green K J, NRC/NRR EMAIL - Fwd:
315 ML082540441 Matt            EMAIL - RE: IP      06/13/2008     E-Mail   Jennifer Davis/   Internal transmission of draft 11 DPP                     Goodwin/                                                         NRC/NRR         SEIS input, historical and 316 Earth Tech                                                                      archaelogical resources ML090140608 Jennifer        EMAIL - RE: IP Edits 06/14/2008     E-Mail Matt Goodwin, Andrew  Internal transmission of        3 Davis/                                                         Stuyvenberg/    comments on draft sections DPP                    NRC/NRR                                                       NRC/NRR/DLR        2.2.9 and 4.4.5 of the DSEIS 317 Page 47 of 74
Conference Room Confirmation 03/17/2008 E-Mail Nguyen D, NRC/NR R Internal comments regarding upcoming telecon on inspection of bolted connections 2 DPP-00-173 ML082490617 Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: Missing Ref 03/17/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal discussion regarding reference in draft DSEIS 2 DPP-00-174 ML082670410 On Yee/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - 03/18/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER section with comments 6 DPP-00-175 ML080840109 Andrew Stuyvenberg/
NRC/NRR EMAIL - IP RAI 03/19/2008 E-Mail Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft RAI 4 DPP-00-176 ML082670407 On Yee/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - 4.3.3 updated 3/19/08 03/19/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER section with comments 9 DPP-00-177 ML082670409 On Yee/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - 4.3.3 stainless steel edit 03/19/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER section with comments 9 Page 29 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-178 ML080840106 Robert Palla/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Follow-up RAIs Rev 3 03/20/2008 E-Mail Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft

RAIs 4 DPP-00-179 ML081830874 Kimberly Green/
Author Accession                                    Document    Document      Addressee/                                      Page ID #                  Name/        Title/Description                                                        Comment Number                                          Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
NRC/NRR EMAIL - Draft RAIs 03/20/2008 E-Mail Kenneth Chang/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft RAIs 8 DPP-00-180 ML082540430 Matt Goodwin/
ML082670989 Andrew        EMAIL - IP Chapter 4 06/16/2008    E-Mail    Jeffrey Rikhoff/  Internal transmission of draft  135 DPP             Stuyvenburg,                                                  NRC/NRR        SEIS chapter 318              NRC/NRR ML090140609 Jennifer      EMAIL - Refurb for  06/16/2008     E-Mail   Jeffrey Rikhoff/  Internal transmission of        3 DPP                    Davis/       NY                                            NRC/NRR/DLR        comments on draft section 319 NRC/NRR                                                                        3.2.9 of the DSEIS ML090140610 Jennifer      EMAIL - Please      06/16/2008    E-Mail    Jeffrey Rikhoff/  Internal transmission of         4 DPP            Davis/        review the                                    NRC/NRR/DLR        comments on draft section 320              NRC/NRR      corresponding 4.4.5                                              4.4.5 of the DSEIS ML090140612 Jennifer      EMAIL - Revisions to 06/17/2008    E-Mail Matt Goodwin, Andrew  Internal transmission of        4 DPP            Davis/        Section 4.4.5                                  Stuyvenberg/    comments on draft section NRC/NRR                                                    NRC/NRR/DLR        4.4.5 of the DSEIS 321 ML090140613 Jennifer      EMAIL - Chap. 3      06/18/2008     E-Mail     Matt Goodwin/     Internal transmission of draft   3 DPP                    Davis/                                                      NRC/NRR/DLR        section 3.2.9 of the DSEIS 322 NRC/NRR ML082261486 Elizabeth    EMAIL - FW: New      06/19/2008    E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg,  Internal transmission of draft  57 DPP             Wexler/      Aquatic Sections for                          Dennis Logan/    SEIS input 323              NRC/NRR      Main Text                                        NRC/NRR ML082540438 Matt          EMAIL - IP2 and IP3  06/19/2008    E-Mail  Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Internal transmission of draft  10 DPP                    Goodwin/                                                          Tech        SEIS input 324 Earth Tech ML082670914 Andrew        EMAIL - Chapter 2    06/20/2008     E-Mail   Katie Broom/ Earth Internal transmission of draft  11 DPP            Stuyvenburg,  Intro Comments                                      Tech         SEIS input with comments 325              NRC/NRR Page 48 of 74
Earth Tech EMAIL - RE: Indian Point Section 2.9 03/20/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Tech Internal transmission of references for draft dSEIS section 2.9 3 DPP-00-181 ML082540459 Robert Dover/ Earth Tech EMAIL - RE: GHG write-up 03/20/2008 E-Mail Kevin Taylor/ Earth Tech Internal discussion regarding GHG emission analysis for

draft SEIS 3 DPP-00-182 ML082682146 Valerie Cullinan/ PNL EMAIL - Section 4.1 back at you 03/20/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal transmission of draft dSEIS section with comments 14 DPP-00-183 ML082682147 Valerie Cullinan/ PNL EMAIL - Section 4.1.2 Entrainment 03/20/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal transmission of draft dSEIS section with comments 12 DPP-00-184 ML080840105 Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Draft follow-
Author Accession                                    Document    Document      Addressee/                                      Page ID #                    Name/      Title/Description                                                          Comment Number                                          Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
ML082682141 Valerie       EMAIL - New figures  06/20/2008     E-Mail   Jeffrey Ward/ PNL   Internal transmission of draft   7 DPP                     Cullinan/ PNL for App-X                                                          SEIS input (Appendix X 326 figures)
ML081970300 Robert Palla/ EMAIL - RE: IP      06/23/2008    E-Mail Bruce Mrowca/ ISL, Inc. Internal discussion of          2 DPP            NRC/NRR      SAMA- Draft SER                                                    contents of draft SER 327                            Rev 0.doc                                                          Appendix G (SAMA)
ML083090940 Clifford      EMAIL - IP          06/23/2008    E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/      Internal discussion of draft    4 DPP            Marks/ ISL    Amendment 5 (a)(2)                        NRC/NRR/DLR            RAI (attached) re: non-safety Update                                                            related components 328 ML083090942 Clifford      EMAIL - RE: IP      06/23/2008    E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/      Internal discussion of staff    3 Marks/ ISL    update AND TMI                            NRC/NRR/DLR            review - non-safety related DPP  329                                                                                                components ML082490620 Dennis        EMAIL - RE: Indian  06/24/2008     E-Mail Jeffrey Ward, Valerie  Internal discussion of draft    3 DPP            Logan/        Point Appendix I                                Cullinan/ PNL     SEIS Appendix I references 330              NRC/NRR ML082490624 Dennis        EMAIL - FW: Indian  06/24/2008    E-Mail  Andrew Stuyvenberg/    Internal discussion of draft     4 DPP                     Logan/        Point Appendix H                                  NRC/NRR          SEIS Appendix H references 331 NRC/NRR ML082670962 Andrew        EMAIL - FW: Indian  06/24/2008    E-Mail      Dennis Logan/      Internal transmission of draft  2 DPP            Stuyvenburg,  Point - Chapter 2.0                              NRC/NRR          SEIS input (references, Ch.
332              NRC/NRR                                                                          2)
Page 49 of 74

up RAIs 03/21/2008 E-Mail Robert Palla/ NRC/NRRInternal transmission of draft RAIs 8 DPP-00-185 ML081060735 Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Conference Call Summary 03/21/2008 E-Mail Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft conference call summary 5 DPP-00-186 ML082682145 Valerie Cullinan/ PNL EMAIL - Updated 4.1 Methods 03/21/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal transmission of draft dSEIS section with comments 15 Page 30 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Author Accession                                      Document    Document      Addressee/                                     Page ID #                   Name/       Title/Description                                                         Comment Number                                          Date         Type   Addressee Affiliation                               Count Affiliation:
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-187 ML081000291 Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Fwd: IPEC LR Hydrology sections 03/24/2008 E-Mail Dennis Beissel/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft dSEIS section 6 DPP-00-188 ML082490652 Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - efh 03/25/2008 E-Mail Elizabeth Wexler/ NRC/NRR Internal comment regarding EFH analysis 2 DPP-00-189 ML081000277 Elizabeth Wexler/
ML083090939 Clifford      EMAIL - RE: IP      06/24/2008     E-Mail Stanley Gardocki,      Internal discussion of staff    3 Marks/ ISL    Amendment 5 (a)(2)                        NRC/NRR/DLR            review of non-safety related DPP   333                              Update                                                            components ML090140672 Jeffrey        EMAIL - IP Chapter 3 06/24/2008     E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg,  Internal transmission of       16 DPP            Rikhoff/      Refurbishment                                  Jennifer Davis/    comments on draft chapter 3 334              NRC/NRR/DL                                                    NRC/NRR/DLR       of the DSEIS R
NRC/NRR EMAIL - IP BA for shortnose sturgeon - DRAFT as of March 28 03/28/2008 E-Mail Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft biological assessment regarding shortnose sturgeon 11 DPP-00-190 ML083090990 Steve Jones, NRC/NRR EMAIL -  Re: Fwd:
ML082490618 Dennis        EMAIL - RE: Indian  06/25/2008     E-Mail     Dennis Logan/     Internal discussion of draft    4 DPP             Logan/         Point, Chapter 2.0,                              NRC/NRR         SEIS input (references, Ch.
Amendment 3 to IP LRA 03/31/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green, Stanley Gardocki, George Thomas/
335              NRC/NRR       ADAMS numbers                                                    2)
NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion of staff review of LRA Amendment 3 2 DPP-00-191 ML081000275 Robert Palla/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE:
ML082670959 Andrew        EMAIL - RE: Indian  06/25/2008     E-Mail     Dennis Logan/     Internal discussion of draft     3 DPP             Stuyvenburg,  Point Appendix I                                  NRC/NRR        SEIS Appendix I references 336              NRC/NRR ML082670961 Andrew        EMAIL - FW: Indian  06/25/2008     E-Mail     Dennis Logan/     Internal discussion of draft     3 DPP            Stuyvenburg,  Point:EFH and BA                                  NRC/NRR         SEIS input (references) 337              NRC/NRR       Outstanding Items ML090140673 Jeffrey        EMAIL - IP Chapter 4 06/25/2008     E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg,  Internal transmission of draft   4 DPP             Rikhoff/      Refurbishment                                  Jennifer Davis/   chapter 4 of the DSEIS NRC/NRR/DL                                                    NRC/NRR/DLR 338 R
Comments on the BVPS RAI Responses 04/01/2008 E-Mail Ali Azarn/ ISL, In
ML082040357 Richard        EMAIL - RE: Audit    06/26/2008     E-Mail     James Davis/     Internal discussions             3 Morante/ BNL Report                                              NRC/NRR         regarding finalizing audit DPP   339                                                                                                report Page 50 of 74
: c. Internal discussion regarding economic impacts 2 DPP-00-192 ML082670396 On Yee/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - fmp amp 04/01/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER section 5 DPP-00-193 ML082682144 Valerie Cullinan/ PNL EMAIL - Results for Section 4.1.3 04/01/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal transmission of draft dSEIS tables and reference lists with comments 23 DPP-00-194 ML081370440 Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Edits for scoping comments 04/02/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Tech Internal transmission of draft responses for scoping comments with edits 15 Page 31 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-195 ML081000249 Andrew Stuyvenberg/NRC/NRR EMAIL - Two Items - Schedule and RAI 04/03/2008 E-Mail NRC/NRR Internal comments regarding possible RAI 3  DPP-00-196 ML081370447 Bo Pham/  NRC/NRR EMAIL - batches #1 and #2 with edits 04/03/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Tech Internal transmission of draft input to scoping report 87 DPP-00-197 ML082530357 Barry Elliot/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: Fwd: Amendment 3 to IP LRA 04/03/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal discussions on Amendment 3 and SER 2 DPP-00-198 ML082530358 Barry Elliot/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: Fwd: Amendment 3 to IP LRA 04/03/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal discussions on Amendment 3 2 DPP-00-199 ML082540443 Matt Goodwin/
Earth Tech EMAIL - Sections 04/03/2008 E-Mail Jennifer Davis/ NRC/NRR Internal transmissions of input to draft SEIS 9 DPP-00-200 ML082670389 On Yee/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RAi 04/03/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft RAI 9 DPP-00-201 ML081000248 Andrew Stuyvenberg/
NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: Follow up on IP ISFSI 04/04/2008 E-Mail Kevin Taylor/ Earth Tech Internal discussion of draft

input to SEIS 3 DPP-00-202 ML081890088 Audrey Klett/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: Indain
Author Accession                                    Document    Document      Addressee/                                      Page ID #                  Name/        Title/Description                                                        Comment Number                                          Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
ML082520113 Dennis        EMAIL - BA          06/26/2008    E-Mail  Andrew Stuyvenberg/  Internal transmission of draft  2 DPP            Logan/        references                                        NRC/NRR        SEIS input 340              NRC/NRR ML082520114 Dennis        EMAIL - RE: Chapter  06/26/2008    E-Mail  Andrew Stuyvenberg/  Internal discussion of draft    3 DPP            Logan/        4 references                                      NRC/NRR        SEIS input (references, Ch.
341              NRC/NRR                                                                        4)
ML082670956 Andrew        EMAIL - Chapter 4    06/26/2008    E-Mail    Dennis Logan/      Internal transmission of draft  135 DPP                    Stuyvenburg,                                                    NRC/NRR        SEIS Chapter 4 (Envir.
342 NRC/NRR                                                                        Impacts of Operation)
ML082670979 Andrew        EMAIL - Chapter 5    06/26/2008    E-Mail Bonnie Freeman, Tony  Internal transmission of draft  50 DPP             Stuyvenburg,  and Appendix G,                              Collins (Earth Tech) SEIS input 343              NRC/NRR      some references ML082671016 Andrew        EMAIL - Reference    06/26/2008    E-Mail Stephen Klementowicz/ Internal discussion of and        4 DPP            Stuyvenburg,  for IP Chapter 4                                  NRC/NRR        transmission of draft SEIS 344              NRC/NRR                                                                         input ML082520109 Dennis        EMAIL - RE: Chapter  06/27/2008    E-Mail  Andrew Stuyvenberg/  Internal discussion of draft    5 DPP            Logan/        4 references                                      NRC/NRR        SEIS input 345              NRC/NRR ML082670975 Andrew        EMAIL - Edits to EJ  06/27/2008    E-Mail Bonnie Freeman, Tony  Internal transmission of draft  12 Stuyvenburg,  and Socioeconomics                          Collins (Earth Tech) SEIS input edits DPP  346              NRC/NRR Page 51 of 74

Point 2 & 3 LRA
Author Accession                                      Document    Document      Addressee/                                        Page ID #                  Name/        Title/Description                                                          Comment Number                                          Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
ML081820672 Jennifer      EMAIL - FW:          06/30/2008    E-Mail  Andrew Stuyvenberg/  Internal discussion of            2 DPP            Davis/        Redactions for                                    NRC/NRR          proposed redactions of 347              NRC/NRR      Enercon Report                                                    sensitive or proprietary information ML082670906 Andrew        EMAIL - RE: Indian    06/30/2008    E-Mail  Katie Broom/ Earth  Internal discussion of draft      2 DPP            Stuyvenburg,  Point - Chapter 2.0                                  Tech          SEIS input 348              NRC/NRR ML082670908 Andrew        EMAIL - Section 2.10  06/30/2008    E-Mail  Katie Broom/ Earth  Internal comment suggesting      2 DPP            Stuyvenburg,  consultation language                                Tech          draft SEIS input 349              NRC/NRR ML082670910 Andrew        EMAIL - (Untitled)    06/30/2008    E-Mail  Katie Broom/ Earth  Internal transmission of draft    6 DPP            Stuyvenburg,                                                      Tech          SEIS input 350 NRC/NRR ML082670911 Andrew        EMAIL - FW: Indian    06/30/2008    E-Mail  Katie Broom/ Earth  Internal discussion of draft      3 DPP                    Stuyvenburg,  Point Appendix G                                    Tech          SEIS input 351 NRC/NRR ML082670949 Andrew        EMAIL - One more      06/30/2008    E-Mail    Dennis Logan/      Internal email containing draft  2 DPP                    Stuyvenburg,  Chapter 2 reference                              NRC/NRR          SEIS input 352 NRC/NRR ML082670952 Andrew        EMAIL - FW: Chapter  06/30/2008    E-Mail    Dennis Logan/      Internal transmission of draft  116 DPP            Stuyvenburg,  4 pdf                                            NRC/NRR          SEIS input - environmental NRC/NRR                                                                          impacts of operation 353 ML090140614 Jennifer      2008/06/30 Indian    06/30/2008    E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg,                                      2 Davis,        Point LR Hearing -                          NRC/NRR/DLR; Matt DPP  354              NRC/NRR      Redactions for                              Goodwin, EarthTech Enercon Report Page 52 of 74

Section 3.6 04/04/2008 E-Mail Audrey Klett/ NRC/
Author Accession                                    Document    Document      Addressee/                                      Page ID #                  Name/        Title/Description                                                          Comment Number                                          Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
NRRInternal comments regarding input to draft SER 3 DPP-00-203 ML081890090 Audrey Klett/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Indain Point 2 & 3 LRA Section 3.604/04/2008 E-Mail George Wilson/ NRC/NRR Internal comments regarding
ML081970297 Robert Palla/ EMAIL - Insert on    07/01/2008    E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/  Internal transmission of draft    3 DPP                    NRC/NRR      Plant to Plant                                  NRC/NRR        SEIS input (App. G --
355 Differences                                                      SAMAs)
DPP ML081970298 Robert Palla/ EMAIL - RE: Indian  07/01/2008     E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/  Internal email containing draft  2 356              NRC/NRR      Point Chapter 5.0                                NRC/NRR        SEIS input (SAMAs)
ML082670902 Andrew        EMAIL - Chapter 3    07/03/2008    E-Mail  Katie Broom/ Earth  Internal transmittal of draft    18 Stuyvenburg,                                                    Tech          SEIS input (also contains PII DPP            NRC/NRR                                                                        - version with PII redacted 357                                                                                              will be listed in Supplement 1 Deliberative Process Privilege Log)
ML082670903 Andrew        EMAIL - RE: Indian  07/03/2008    E-Mail  Katie Broom/ Earth  Internal comment on draft         3 DPP             Stuyvenburg,  Point - eco - T&E                                  Tech          section of SEIS regarding 358              NRC/NRR      species                                                          T&E species ML082671006 Andrew        EMAIL - Indian Point 07/03/2008    E-Mail    Rani Franovich/    Internal transmission of draft  314 DPP                    Stuyvenburg,  Chapters                                        NRC/NRR         SEIS chapters 359 NRC/NRR ML082670899 Andrew        EMAIL - RE: Chapter  07/06/2008    E-Mail  Katie Broom/ Earth  Internal discussion of edits to  3 Stuyvenburg,  3                                                 Tech          Chapter 3 of draft SEIS (also DPP            NRC/NRR                                                                        contains PII - version with PII 360                                                                                              redacted will be listed in Supplement 1 Deliberative Process Privilege Log)
ML081890157 Lambros Lois/ EMAIL - ADAMS        07/07/2008     E-Mail       NRC/NRR        Internal comment regarding        2 DPP                    NRC/NRR       Envelope                                                        safety review of IP LRA 361 Amendment 5 ML082690742 Rani          EMAIL - Heads Up    07/07/2008    E-Mail Brian Holian, Samson  Internal discussion of safety    2 DPP                    Franovich/                                                  Lee/ NRC/NRR      review approach and 362 NRC/NRR                                                                        schedule issues Page 53 of 74

input to draft SER 6 Page 32 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Author Accession                                      Document    Document        Addressee/                                      Page ID #                   Name/         Title/Description                                                             Comment Number                                            Date         Type     Addressee Affiliation                               Count Affiliation:
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-204 ML081890100 Duc Nguyen/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: Request for EEEB assistance 04/04/2008 E-Mail Audrey Klett/ NRC/
ML082690738 Rani          EMAIL - (Untitled)    07/10/2008    E-Mail      Kimberly Green/    Internal discussion of safety  2 DPP                     Franovich/                                                          NRC/NRR          review approach and 363 NRC/NRR                                                                              schedule issues ML082180323 Conte R J,    05000247-08-006 and  07/11/2008  Inspection Pollock J E, Entergy    Internal draft of license      23 NRC/RGN-      05000286-08-006; on                  Report  Nuclear Operations, Inc renewal inspection report I/DRS/EB1      January 28 - June 6,                Letter 2008; Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3; Scoping of Non-DPP                                    Safety Systems and 364 the Proposed Aging Management Procedures for the Indian Point Application for Renewed License, Draft.
NRRInternal discussion regarding safety review 2 DPP-00-205 ML082630822 Nageswara Karipineni/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Fwd: SER
ML082180327 NRC/RGN-      IP LR Report, Draft 0 07/11/2008  Inspection                        Internal draft list of        11 DPP            I/DRS          Attachment - July 11,                Report                          documents reviewed for draft 2008.                                                                license renewal inspection 365 report ML082671009 Andrew        EMAIL - App G for     07/14/2008     E-Mail   Robert Palla/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft  47 DPP                     Stuyvenburg,  your files                                                            SEIS Appendix G 366 NRC/NRR ML082180330 NRC/RGN-       IP LR Report, Draft 1 07/15/2008  Inspection                        Internal draft of license DPP            I/DRS          - July 15, 2008                      Report                          renewal inspection report 367 Page 54 of 74

Shell 04/04/2008 E-Mail Janak Raval/ NRC/NRRInternal transmission of draft SER outline 43 DPP-00-206 ML082630834 James Medoff/
Author Accession                                    Document    Document      Addressee/                                       Page ID #                  Name/        Title/Description                                                        Comment Number                                          Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: I need to concur on Jim Davis's RAIs for Indian Point -  
ML082530356 Barry Elliot/ EMAIL - RE: Updated  07/15/2008     E-Mail   Kimberly Green/   Internal transmission of draft  19 DPP                    NRC/NRR      SER information                                  NRC/NRR        SER input from Vessels and 368 Internals Integrity branch ML082630710 George        EMAIL - RE: Updated  07/15/2008    E-Mail    Kimberly Green/    Internal transmission of draft   38 DPP                    Thomas/      SER information                                  NRC/NRR        SER input regarding 369 NRC/NRR                                                                        structures DPP ML082590137 Duc Nguyen/  EMAIL - RE: Audit    07/17/2008    E-Mail    James Davis/     Internal transmission of audit  15 370              NRC/NRR      Report                                            NRC/NRR        reports for electrical AMPs ML082660227 Matthew      EMAIL - RE: Updated  07/17/2008    E-Mail    Kimberly Green/    Internal transmission of draft    6 DPP                    Yoder/        SER information                                  NRC/NRR        SER input regarding steam 371 NRC/NRR                                                                        generator TLAA ML082671023 Andrew        EMAIL - Excerpt from 07/18/2008    E-Mail  Jeffrey Ward (PNL)/  Internal question regarding      2 Stuyvenburg,  Chapter 2 of the EIS                          Dennis Logan      meaning of sentence in EIS DPP  372              NRC/NRR                                                        (NRC/NRR)
ML082040355 Richard      EMAIL - FW: Audit    07/21/2008    E-Mail    James Davis/      Internal discussion of audit    31 DPP            Morante/ BNL Report                                            NRC/NRR       report template and internal 373                                                                                              transmission of draft input to audit report ML082590133 Duc Nguyen/  EMAIL - SER Section  07/21/2008    E-Mail    Kimberly Green/    Internal email containing draft  5 DPP                    NRC/NRR open item                                NRC/NRR        SER input 374 DPP ML082590134 Duc Nguyen/  EMAIL - RE: SER      07/21/2008    E-Mail    Kimberly Green/    Internal transmission of draft  32 375              NRC/NRR      Section                                  NRC/NRR        SER input Page 55 of 74

I am Acting for Ken Today - Jim 04/04/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal comment regarding possible RAI 2 DPP-00-207 ML081830869 Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - revised RAI 04/07/2008 E-Mail Naeem Iqbal/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft
Author Accession                                      Document    Document          Addressee/                                        Page ID #                  Name/        Title/Description                                                              Comment Number                                            Date        Type    Addressee Affiliation                                  Count Affiliation:
ML082180332 NRC/RGN-      IP LR Report, Draft 2 07/22/2008  Inspection                          Internal draft of license I/DRS          - July 22, 2008                      Report                            renewal inspection report DPP  376 ML082530354 Barry Elliot/  EMAIL - RE: Draft    07/22/2008     E-Mail       Kimberly Green/     Internal email regarding          2 DPP            NRC/NRR        Telecon Summaries                                    NRC/NRR         possible changes to SER 377                                                                                                    resulting from telecom with applicant ML082180340 NRC/RGN-      IP LR Report, Draft 3 07/24/2008  Inspection                          Internal draft of license DPP             I/DRS          - July 24, 2008                      Report                            renewal inspection report 378 ML082520120 Dennis        EMAIL - needs for    07/24/2008    E-Mail      Elizabeth Wexler/    Internal discussion of            3 Logan/        cumulative in ecology                                NRC/NRR          cumulative impacts analysis NRC/NRR                                                                               for draft SEIS (also contains DPP                                                                                                          PII - version with PII redacted 379 will be listed in Supplement 1 Deliberative Process Privilege Log)
ML082530023 Robert Palla/  EMAIL - IP SAMA      07/24/2008     E-Mail     Bruce Mrowca (ISL,    Internal transmission of draft  48 DPP            NRC/NRR        SER                                          Inc.)/ Steve Short (PNL) SEIS section (SAMA) 380 ML082180764 NRC/RGN-      IP LR Report, Draft 4 07/29/2008  Inspection                          Internal draft of license I/DRS          - July 29, 2008                      Report                            renewal inspection report DPP  381 Page 56 of 74

input to RAI 3 DPP-00-208 ML081830870 Kimberly Green/
Author Accession                                        Document    Document        Addressee/                                      Page ID #                  Name/        Title/Description                                                            Comment Number                                            Date        Type    Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: D-RAI 04/07/2008 E-Mail Duc Nguyen/ NRC/NRRInternal discussion regarding
ML082130373 James          EMAIL - RE: IP 2/3    07/30/2008    E-Mail  Richard Morante/ BNL  Internal discussion of safety    2 Medoff/        LRA - BNL input to                                                   review regarding operating DPP                    NRC/NRR        SER - Operating                                                      experience 382 Experience - R.
Morante - 07/30/08 ML082130368 James          EMAIL - Nickel-Alloy  07/31/2008    E-Mail      Terence Chan/      Internal discussion of safety    2 DPP            Medoff/        Program - Keith has                                  NRC/NRR        review of Nickel-Alloy AMP 383              NRC/NRR        clarified some things for Me -
ML082130372 James          EMAIL - Indian Point  07/31/2008    E-Mail    Terence Chan, Keith  Internal comments on safety      2 DPP            Medoff/        SER - Nickel-Alloy                              Hoffman/ NRC/NRR    review of Nickel-Alloy AMP 384              NRC/NRR        Inspection Program ML082180343 NRC/RGN-      IP LR Report, Draft 6  07/31/2008  Inspection                      Internal draft of license DPP             I/DRS          - July 31, 2008                      Report                        renewal inspection report 385 ML082880456 Kimberly      EMAIL - RE: IP SER    08/01/2008    E-Mail      Kimberly Green/   Internal email regarding        3 DPP                    Green/        Concurrence                                          NRC/NRR        concurrence with draft SER 386 NRC/NRR                                                                             sections (with comments)
ML082670945 Andrew        EMAIL - RE: Update    08/04/2008    E-Mail  Valerie Cullinan/ PNL Internal discussion of a        3 DPP            Stuyvenburg,  a graphic from IP                                                    graphic in the draft SEIS, Ch.
387              NRC/NRR        Chapter 4                                                            4 ML082671024 Andrew        EMAIL - RE:            08/04/2008     E-Mail   Jeffrey Ward (PNL)/ Internal discussion of draft    3 DPP            Stuyvenburg,  Mitigation measures                                Dennis Logan      SEIS input on mitigation NRC/NRR        in Chapter 4 of IP EIS                              (NRC/NRR)      measures 388 Page 57 of 74

draft RAI 2 DPP-00-209 ML083090953 Clifford Marks/ ISL EMAIL - Indian Point RAI Review - AFW Room 04/07/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion of staff review of RAI responses 2 DPP-00-210 ML081210391 Modes M C, NRC/RGN-I Modes Feeder Input - Containment Inservice Inspection 04/08/2008 Note  Draft input to LR  inspection report 1 DPP-00-211 ML081830868 Kimberly Green/
Author Accession                                      Document    Document      Addressee/                                      Page ID #                  Name/        Title/Description                                                          Comment Number                                            Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
NRC/NRR EMAIL - proposed addition 04/08/2008 E-Mail Sheila Ray/ NRC/NRR Proposed input to draft RAI 2 Page 33 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
ML090090473 Jeffrey Ward/ EMAIL - RE:            08/04/2008     E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg,  Internal discussion of draft    3 Battelle      Mitigation measures                            Dennis Logan/     DSEIS chapter 4 DPP  389              Marine        in Chapter 4 of IP EIS                          NRC/NRR/DLR Sciences Lab ML082340980 Richard      EMAIL - FW: IP 2/3    08/06/2008    E-Mail    James Davis/      Internal transmission of draft  52 DPP             Morante/ BNL LRA - SERwOI - 3.5                                  NRC/NRR        SER input - aging 390                            AMR - Completed                                                    management review for structures ML082340973 Richard      EMAIL - (Untitled)    08/08/2008     E-Mail    James Davis/      Internal email containing        2 DPP                     Morante/ BNL                                                    NRC/NRR         comment on draft SER input 391 ML082590129 Duc Nguyen/  EMAIL - Review of      08/12/2008     E-Mail   Rajender Auluck/   Internal discussion of need to  2 DPP                    NRC/NRR       Amendments to LRA                                  NRC/NRR        discuss certain LRA 392 amendments in SER ML082670944 Andrew        EMAIL - FYI -          08/13/2008    E-Mail  Katie Broom (Earth  Internal discussion of impact    5 DPP             Stuyvenburg,  predecisional input on                        Tech)/ Jeffrey Ward  of admitted contentions on 393              NRC/NRR       contentions                                          (PNL)        environmental review ML082340967 Richard      EMAIL - RE: License    08/19/2008     E-Mail     James Davis/     Internal discussions of          3 DPP             Morante/ BNL Renewal Letter NL-                                 NRC/NRR         applicants RAI responses 394                            08-127 ML082630830 James        EMAIL - RE:           08/20/2008    E-Mail  Kimberly Green/    Internal discussion of staff    3 DPP            Medoff/      (Untitled)                                        NRC/NRR        safety review and draft SER 395              NRC/NRR                                                                          input ML082530009 Emma Wong/    EMAIL - Boral          08/25/2008     E-Mail   Kimberly Green/     Internal transmission of draft  6 NRC/NRR                                                          NRC/NRR        SER input regarding Boral DPP   396                                                                                                Surveillance Program Page 58 of 74
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-212 ML081890099 Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: Request for EEEB assistance 04/09/2008 E-Mail Audrey Klett/ NRC/
NRRInternal discussion regarding safety review 3 DPP-00-213 ML081970308 Robert Palla/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Riverkeeper's Response to ASLB on Contention EC-2 - 7-08.pdf - Adobe Reader 04/09/2008 E-Mail Jason Schaperow/ NRC/RES Internal discussions of MELCOR calculations / SAMA analysis related to Riverkeeper contention EC-2 2 DPP-00-214 ML082540426 Steve Dillard/ Earth Tech EMAIL - RE: Indian

Point 04/09/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Tech Internal discussions regarding scope of SEIS biological assessment 2 DPP-00-215 ML082550731 Allen Hiser/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: IP3 sump buffer LAR 04/09/2008 E-Mail John Boska, Emma Wong/ NRC/NRR Internal discussions regarding need for RAI 2 DPP-00-216 ML082630724 George Thomas/
Author Accession                                        Document    Document      Addressee/                                      Page ID #                  Name/        Title/Description                                                            Comment Number                                            Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
NRC/NRR EMAIL - Indian Point LRA - Followup Question on  RAI Responses for Section 2.4 Structures04/09/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft followup questions to RAI response 5 DPP-00-217 ML082660230 Benjamin Parks/
ML082530024 Robert Palla/  EMAIL - RE: FYI -      08/25/2008     E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/   Internal discussion of impact    2 DPP                     NRC/NRR        predecisional input on                            NRC/NRR         of admitted contentions on 397 contentions                                                        draft SEIS ML082670994 Andrew        EMAIL - Q's and A's    08/25/2008     E-Mail   Kimberly Green/    Internal discussion of          4 DPP            Stuyvenberg/                                                   NRC/NRR/DLR        responses regarding the 398              NRC/NRR                                                                           Indian Point license renewal process ML082670996 Andrew        EMAIL - RE: My        08/25/2008     E-Mail   Kimberly Green/     Internal discussion of the      3 DPP            Stuyvenberg/  thoughts                                        NRC/NRR/DLR        scoping issues NRC/NRR 399 ML090140663 Jeffrey        EMAIL - RE: FYI -      08/25/2008     E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg, Internal comments on need          2 Rikhoff/       predecisional input on                      Dennis Logan; Jennifer for DSEIS regarding DPP            NRC/NRR/DL contentions                                        Davis; Stephen      contentions 400              R                                                              Klementowicz/
NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: IP q 04/09/2008 E-Mail Diane Jackson/ NRC/NRR Internal discussions regarding SER 2 DPP-00-218 ML081021239 Jeffrey Ward/
NRC/NRR/DLR; Katie Broom/ EarthTech ML082530028 Robert Palla/  EMAIL - FW:            08/26/2008     E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg,    Internal transmission of draft  23 NRC/NRR       (Untitled)                                       Tina Ghosh/       POAM and Communication DPP   401                                                                              NRC/NRR/DLR        Plan.
PNL EMAIL - Chapter 4 Aquatic 04/10/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley (Earth Tech)/ Andrew Stuyvenberg (NRC/NRR) Internal questions regarding contents of SEIS chapter 4 3 Page 34 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
ML082630809 Richard        EMAIL - FW:            08/26/2008     E-Mail   George Thomas,      Internal transmission of draft   4 DPP             Morante/ BNL (Untitled)                                        Hansraj Ashar/     SER input regarding 402                                                                                NRC/NRR         inaccessible concrete Page 59 of 74
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-219 ML081370452 Bo Pham/  NRC/NRR EMAIL - Batch #3 edits 04/10/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Tech Internal transmission of sections of draft scoping report 39 DPP-00-220 ML082630763 George Thomas/
NRC/NRR EMAIL - Indian Point LRA - Draft discussion and evaluation of RAIs 04/10/2008 E-Mail Steve Jones/ NRC/NRRInternal comments on draft SER input and transmission

of draft SER input 6 DPP-00-221 ML081890097 Roy Mathew/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: water affected both cable failures @ IP2 04/14/2008 E-Mail Audrey Klett, Duc Nguyen/ NRC/NRR Internal discussions regarding safety review 2 DPP-00-222 ML082540442 Matt Goodwin/ Earth Tech EMAIL - Edits 04/16/2008 E-Mail Jennifer Davis/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SEIS sections (historical/archaelogical resources) 9 DPP-00-223 ML082590151 Duc Nguyen/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Indian Point RAI 04/16/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft
Author Accession                                        Document    Document      Addressee/                                      Page ID #                    Name/        Title/Description                                                            Comment Number                                            Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
ML082630810 Richard        EMAIL - FW:            08/26/2008    E-Mail    George Thomas,      Internal discussion of draft     2 Morante/ BNL (Untitled)                                          Hansraj Ashar/    SER input regarding DPP   403                                                                                  NRC/NRR          inaccessible concrete ML082630807 Richard        EMAIL - RE: Telecon    08/27/2008    E-Mail    George Thomas/      Internal comment on              2 DPP                    Morante/ BNL for 8/27 @ 11:30am                                    NRC/NRR         applicants response to audit 404 question ML082670879 Andrew        EMAIL - IP Draft Mini  08/27/2008     E-Mail Brian Holian; Kimberly Internal transmission of        6 Stuyvenberg/   Comm. Plan for                              Green; Rani Franovich; communication plan NRC/NRR       Review                                          Mel Gray; Richard Conte; Eliot Brenner; David DPP                                                                                     McIntyre; Diane 405 Screnci; Neil Sheehan; Marjorie McLaughlin; Richard Barkley; Eugene Dacus/ NRC/NRR/DLR ML082671015 Andrew        EMAIL - RE: FYI -      08/28/2008     E-Mail Stephen Klementowicz/ Internal discussion of impact      2 DPP            Stuyvenburg,  predecisional input on                              NRC/NRR         of admitted contentions on NRC/NRR        contentions                                                          draft SEIS 406 ML083090979 Clifford      EMAIL - Indian Point:  09/02/2008    E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/      Internal discussion of draft    4 Marks/ ISL    conclusion Tier 1                            NRC/NRR/DLR; Steve      SER input, Tier 1 systems DPP  407                              Conclusion Statement                        Pope/ ISL
                                  - (a)(2) Conclusion ML082490159 Stephen        EMAIL - Revised New    09/03/2008     E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/    Internal transmission of draft  7 DPP                    Klementowicz and Significant                                      NRC/NRR          SEIS input regarding new 408
                    / NRC/NRR     section                                                              information Page 60 of 74

RAI 5 DPP-00-224 ML082590156 Duc Nguyen/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: SER Input with open Items 04/16/2008 E-Mail James Davis/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER input (electrical) 32 DPP-00-225 ML082630715 George Thomas/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Indian Point LRA: Latest version of follow-up questions for Telecon on 4/16
Author Accession                                        Document    Document    Addressee/                                      Page ID #                  Name/      Title/Description                                                            Comment Number                                            Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
@ 2:00 pm 04/16/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft followup questions for telecon 5 Page 35 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
ML082550726 Allen Hiser/  EMAIL - RE: IP2&3      09/05/2008    E-Mail  Kimberly Green/    Internal discussion of draft    2 DPP             NRC/NRR      LRA - Boral --- looks                              NRC/NRR         SER Input (Boral) 409                            OK ML082590036 Jerry Dozier/ EMAIL - RE: 3.2 and    09/05/2008     E-Mail   Kimberly Green/    Internal discussion of draft    2 DPP            NRC/NRR      3.4                                                NRC/NRR         SER sections 3.2 and 3.4 410 ML082630826 James        EMAIL -      09/05/2008    E-Mail  Kimberly Green/    Internal transmission of draft 18 Medoff/      Rewrite with OIs                                  NRC/NRR          SER input DPP             NRC/NRR      B.18-1 and B.1.18-2. -
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-226 ML090140667 Jeffrey Rikhoff/ NRC/NRR/DL
411                            the input revised in the input to be a plant specific AMP writeup ML082630828 James        EMAIL - RE: SER        09/05/2008    E-Mail  Kimberly Green/    Internal transmission (with    11 DPP                    Medoff/                                          NRC/NRR          comment) of draft SER input 412 NRC/NRR ML082590029 Jerry Dozier/ EMAIL - RE: Section    09/07/2008    E-Mail  Kimberly Green/    Internal comment on draft        2 DPP                    NRC/NRR      4.3                                                NRC/NRR          SER section 4.3 413 ML082630805 Richard      EMAIL - RE: Telecon    09/08/2008     E-Mail   George Thomas,      Internal discussion regarding    4 Morante/ BNL on Monday                                        Hansraj Ashar,    need for clarification on DPP                                                                                  Rajender Auluck,    applicants RAI response 414 Kimberly Green, Dan Hoang/ NRC/NRR ML082630804 Richard      EMAIL - Revised 3.5    09/09/2008    E-Mail  George Thomas,      Internal transmission of draft 58 DPP            Morante/ BNL                                                  Hansraj Ashar/     SER section 3.5 NRC/NRR 415 Page 61 of 74

R EMAIL - IPEC Draft SEIS Sections 04/16/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg, Eric Benner, Jennifer Davis/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission of draft  
Author Accession                                    Document    Document    Addressee/                                      Page ID #                  Name/      Title/Description                                                        Comment Number                                          Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
ML082630780 Richard      EMAIL - Containment  09/10/2008    E-Mail  George Thomas,      Internal transmission of draft  10 Morante/ BNL ISI AMP Revision                              Hansraj Ashar/    SER input - containment ISI DPP  416                                                                            NRC/NRR          AMP ML082630786 Richard      EMAIL - SMP AMP      09/10/2008    E-Mail  George Thomas,      Internal transmission of draft  11 DPP            Morante/ BNL Revision                                      Hansraj Ashar/    SER input - structural 417                                                                            NRC/NRR          monitoring ML082630790 Richard      EMAIL - Audit Q 361  09/10/2008    E-Mail  George Thomas,      Internal transmission of draft  6 DPP            Morante/ BNL                                                Hansraj Ashar/    SER input and comments NRC/NRR          regarding response to audit 418 question ML082630792 Richard      EMAIL - Audit Q 360  09/10/2008     E-Mail   George Thomas,     Internal transmission of draft  9 Morante/ BNL                                                Hansraj Ashar/    SER input and comments DPP  419                                                                            NRC/NRR          regarding response to audit question ML082630794 Richard      EMAIL - Audit Qs 358 09/10/2008    E-Mail  George Thomas,     Internal transmission of draft  15 DPP            Morante/ BNL and 359                                        Hansraj Ashar/     SER input and comments 420                                                                            NRC/NRR         regarding response to audit questions ML082630802 Richard      EMAIL - Question 27  09/10/2008    E-Mail  George Thomas,      Internal transmission of draft   7 DPP            Morante/ BNL                                                Hansraj Ashar/    SER input and comments 421                                                                            NRC/NRR          regarding response to audit question DPP ML082880447 Alex Klein/  EMAIL - IP license  09/10/2008    E-Mail    Naeem Iqbal/      Internal discussion of draft    2 422              NRC/NRR      renewal SE words                                NRC/NRR          SER input Page 62 of 74

DSEIS regarding socioeconomics and environmental justice 44 DPP-00-227 ML082540434 Matt Goodwin/
Author Accession                                      Document    Document      Addressee/                                      Page ID #                  Name/        Title/Description                                                        Comment Number                                          Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
Earth Tech EMAIL - IP2 & IP3 04/17/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Tech Internal transmission of draft SEIS sections (historical/archaelogical resources) 9 DPP-00-228 ML082630712 George Thomas/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Clarification Questions on RAI responses IP LRA Section 2.4 04/17/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft followup questions to RAI responses 5 DPP-00-229 ML082670877 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - IPEC Draft SEIS Sections 04/17/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Tech Internal transmission of draft SEIS sections 45 DPP-00-230 ML081370492 Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: More
ML082630686 George        EMAIL - FW: Rev. 1    09/11/2008     E-Mail Dan Hoang, Rajender  Internal transmission of draft 58 Thomas/      of SERwOI for 3.5                            Auluck/ NRC/NRR    SER input - Section 3.5 DPP   423              NRC/NRR ML082630693 George        EMAIL - Indian Point  09/11/2008    E-Mail    Kamal Manoly/    Internal transmission of draft  20 Thomas/       LRA draft SER input                              NRC/NRR         SER input - Containment ISI DPP                    NRC/NRR      disposition of the                                                and structures monitoring 424 original 5 (now 3)
Open Items ML082630740 George        EMAIL - RE: SMP      09/11/2008     E-Mail Richard Morante/ BNL  Internal transmission of draft  11 DPP            Thomas/      AMP Revision                                                      SER input - structures 425              NRC/NRR                                                                         monitoring ML082630744 George        EMAIL - RE:          09/11/2008    E-Mail Richard Morante/ BNL  Internal transmission of draft 11 DPP             Thomas/      Containment ISI AMP                                              SER input - containment ISI 426              NRC/NRR       Revision ML082630689 George        EMAIL - IP LRA -      09/12/2008     E-Mail     Kamal Manoly/     Internal transmission of draft 20 Thomas/      Peer review of                                    NRC/NRR        SER input related to audit DPP             NRC/NRR      Structural Open Items                                            questions 427                            related to Audit Questions 27, 358 thru 361 ML082630775 Richard      EMAIL - RE: SMP      09/15/2008    E-Mail    George Thomas/     Internal email regarding draft  3 DPP            Morante/ BNL AMP Revision                                      NRC/NRR         SER input (SMP) 428 ML090090471 Andrew        EMAIL - Comments      09/15/2008    E-Mail    Rani Franovich/    Internal discussion and          2 DPP            Stuyvenberg/  on Chapter 2 insert                            NRC/NRR/DLR        comments on DSEIS 429              NRC/NRR Page 63 of 74

files 04/18/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Tech Internal transmission of draft sections of scoping report 54 DPP-00-231 ML081370496 Bo Pham/  NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: IP -
Author Accession                                      Document    Document      Addressee/                                     Page ID #                    Name/       Title/Description                                                          Comment Number                                          Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                              Count Affiliation:
More Files (2) 04/18/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Tech Internal transmission of draft sections of scoping report 54 DPP-00-232 ML081370497 Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Indian Point Comment and Responses Documents 04/18/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Tech Internal discussion of scoping report 5 DPP-00-233 ML081370499 Bo Pham/  NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Indian Point Comment and Responses 04/18/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Tech Internal discussion of scoping report 4 Page 36 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
ML083090977 Clifford      EMAIL - RE: tier 2 of 09/16/2008     E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/     Internal discussion of draft   5 Marks/ ISL    systems with no                            NRC/NRR/DLR; Steve    SER input, Tier 2 systems DPP  430                            UFSAR and no                                Pope/ ISL drawings ML090090465 Andrew        EMAIL - RE: Another  09/16/2008     E-Mail     Dennis Logan/     Internal discussion regarding  3 DPP             Stuyvenbergquestion . . .                              NRC/NRR/DLR; Jeffrey DSEIS inputs 431              NRC/NRR                                                        Ward/ PNL ML090090468 Andrew        EMAIL - RE: Another  09/16/2008     E-Mail     Dennis Logan/     Internal discussion regarding  3 DPP            Stuyvenberg/ IP question                                NRC/NRR/DLR; Jeffrey DSEIS language in chapter 2 NRC/NRR                                                         Ward/ PNL 432 ML090090469 Andrew        EMAIL - Quick        09/16/2008     E-Mail     Dennis Logan/     Internal discussion regarding  2 Stuyvenbergclarification - IP                          NRC/NRR/DLR; Jeffrey DSEIS input for chapter 2 DPP   433              NRC/NRR       Chapter 2                                        Ward/ PNL ML082661098 Terence      EMAIL - RE: Indian   09/17/2008     E-Mail     Kimberly Green/   Internal discussion and         3 DPP             Chan/         Point LRA                                          NRC/NRR         comments on draft SER input 434              NRC/NRR                                                                         - RCP Flywheel analysis and Nickel-Alloy AMP ML083090995 Clifford      EMAIL - RE: fire      09/17/2008     E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/     Internal discussion of draft   3 DPP             Marks/ ISL    event                                      NRC/NRR/DLR            SER input 435 Page 64 of 74
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count Documents DPP-00-234 ML081370500 Bo Pham/  NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: More files 04/18/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Tech Internal transmission of draft sections of scoping report 13 DPP-00-235 ML081370501 Bo Pham/  NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Batch #404/18/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Tech Internal transmission of draft sections of scoping report w/edits 26 DPP-00-236 ML081890095 Roy Mathew/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: Draft Indian Point LR RAIs 04/18/2008 E-Mail Audrey Klett, Sheila Ray/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion and comments on draft RAIs 3 DPP-00-237 ML081890096 Roy Mathew/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Re: Draft Indian Point LR RAIs 04/18/2008 E-Mail Audrey Klett/ NR C/NRRInternal discussion and comments on draft RAIs 3 DPP-00-238 ML082490645 Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Draft analysis attached 04/18/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal transmission of draft SEIS input re: essential fish habitat 19 DPP-00-239 ML081370456 Bo Pham/  NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: IP Files 04/21/2008 E-Mail Bonnie Freeman/ Earth Tech Internal transmission of draft section of scoping report 4 DPP-00-240 ML081370490 Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Need a writing session for comments 04/21/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Tech Internal transmission of draft sections of scoping report 115 DPP-00-241 ML081430636 John Richmond/
NRC/RGN-I EMAIL - IP-2 SBO EDG Update 04/22/2008 E-Mail Richard Conte, Glenn Meyer, Jon Lilliendahl, Lawrence Doerflein/ NRC/RGN-I Internal comment regarding

SBO EDG 2 Page 37 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Author Accession                                        Document    Document      Addressee/                                      Page ID #                   Name/         Title/Description                                                           Comment Number                                              Date         Type   Addressee Affiliation                               Count Affiliation:
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-242 ML081830867 Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: LRA SER Input for IP-2 and IP-3 04/22/2008 E-Mail Janak Raval/ NRC/NRRInternal transmission of draft SER input 19 DPP-00-243 ML083090951 Clifford Marks/ ISL EMAIL - Indian Point LRA SER 4511-380 04/22/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/
ML090090463 Andrew        EMAIL - IP - Same      09/18/2008     E-Mail     Dennis Logan/     Internal discussion regarding    2 DPP            Stuyvenberg/  para as last e-mail                              NRC/NRR/DLR        DSEIS chapter 4 input 436              NRC/NRR ML090150622 Ed            EMAIL - Re: FW:        09/18/2008     E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/   Internal discussion of          3 Kaczmarczyk    Language in Chapter                            NRC/NRR/DLR, Katie    meteorological data in the DPP  437                              2 - question for Ed K.                         Broom/ Earth Tech    DSEIS ML090090462 Andrew        EMAIL - FW:            09/19/2008     E-Mail   Jeffrey Ward/ PNL  Internal discussion regarding    2 DPP             Stuyvenberg/   Impingement                                                          DSEIS input for chapter 4 438              NRC/NRR       sampling at IP - from chapter 4 ML083090989 Donnie        EMAIL - IP Section 2    09/23/2008     E-Mail Kimberly Green,        Internal transmission of draft 220 DPP            Harrison/     09-22-08 Clean.doc                            Stanley Gardocki/      SER section 2 439              NRC/NRR                                                      NRC/NRR/DLR ML090090461 Andrew        EMAIL - Steve's        09/25/2008     E-Mail         Bo Pham/       Internal discussion regarding    2 DPP            Stuyvenberg/  Chapter 2                                        NRC/NRR/DLR        DSEIS inputs 440              NRC/NRR       Groundwater Insert ML090150621 Steve Dillard/ EMAIL - FW: Indian      10/01/2008     E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ Internal transmission of         14 DPP             Earth Tech    Point #4 - BA                                NRC/NRR/DLR, Bobbie DSEIS input regarding Hurley/ Earth Tech  biological assessment and 441 essential fish habitat ML082810234 James          EMAIL - Review of      10/07/2008     E-Mail     Kimberly Green/   Internal discussion of draft     2 Medoff/       AMRs on RxVessel                                    NRC/NRR         SER input - section DPP                     NRC/NRR        Fracture Toughness 442 for SER Section and its three Page 65 of 74
NRC/NRR/DLR; Steve Pope, J. Woodfield, Tammy Pfiester/ ISL Internal transmission of draft SER input for RAIs sections 2.2 and 2.3 123 DPP-00-244 ML083090952 Clifford Marks/ ISL EMAIL - Indian Point and TMI Update 04/22/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/
NRC/NRR/DLR; Steve Pope/ ISL Internal discussion of draft SER input - RAIs 2 DPP-00-245 ML081830675 Steve Jones/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: RAI??? 04/23/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft RAI w/comments 3 DPP-00-246 ML081830676 Steve Jones/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Indian Point LRA - Draft discussion and evaluation of RAIs 04/23/2008 E-Mail George Thomas/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft RAI w/comments 4 DPP-00-247 ML081830866 Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Questions from EEEB 04/23/2008 E-Mail Rajender Auluck/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of questions to be incorporated into draft RAI 3 DPP-00-248 ML081890094 Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: IP LRA RAIs 04/23/2008 E-Mail Audrey Klett/ NRC/
NRRInternal discussion of draft RAIs 2 Page 38 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-249 ML082490643 Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - IP - Appendix E Biological and EFH Assessment drafts attached 04/23/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Tech Internal transmission of draft SEIS input 29 DPP-00-250 ML082540458 Katie Broom/ Earth Tech EMAIL - FW: IP Section 4.8 (Aquatic Cumulative) and Appendix X Aquatic Stats 04/23/2008 E-Mail Kevin Taylor/ Earth Tech Internal transmission of draft

SEIS input 24 DPP-00-251 ML082670923 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - FW: IP - Appendix E Biological and EFH Assessment drafts attached 04/23/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Tech Internal transmission of draft
Author Accession                                    Document    Document      Addressee/                                      Page ID #                  Name/        Title/Description                                                          Comment Number                                          Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
Subsections ML090090458 Andrew        EMAIL - IP1 SFP      11/10/2008    E-Mail      John Boska/        Internal discussion regarding  2 DPP                    Stuyvenberg/                                                NRC/NRR/DLR        additions to the DSEIS 443 NRC/NRR ML083580175 Rajender      EMAIL - FW: IP LRA - 11/14/2008    E-Mail  Hansraj Ashar, Bryce  Internal discussion of draft  56 DPP                    Auluck/      SERwOI for 3.5                                    Lehman/          input to SER 444 NRC/NRR                                                      NRC/NRR/DLR ML083580174 John Boska,  2008/11/17 Indian    11/17/2008    E-Mail Bryce Lehman;                                          2 DPP             NRC/NRR      Point LR Hearing -                         Rajender Auluck; RE: Indian point                          Hansraj Ashar; Kimberly 445 License Renewal                            Green, NRC/NRR/DLR ML090080087 John Boska,  2008/11/18 Indian    11/18/2008    E-Mail Kimberly Green,                                         2 NRC/NRR      Point LR Hearing -                        NRC/NRR/DLR DPP                                  IP3 IWE/IWL 446 containment inspection version ML090120177 Ray Gallucci/ EMAIL - FW: GSI 148  11/18/2008    E-Mail  Robert Palla; Daniel  Internal discussion regarding  3 DPP            NRC/NRR      - IP3 Fire spray                            Frumkin; Naeem Iqbal/  fire suppression techniques 447                            misdirection due to                            NRC/NRR/DLR        and stations smoke ML090120175 Robert Palla/ EMAIL - RE: GSI 148  11/19/2008     E-Mail     Ray Gallucci/     Internal discussion regarding  3 DPP            NRC/NRR      - IP3 Fire spray                              NRC/NRR/DLR        fire suppression techniques 448                            misdirection due to                                                and stations smoke Page 66 of 74

SEIS input 29 DPP-00-252 ML082670925 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - FW: IP Section 4.8 (Aquatic Cumulative) and
Author Accession                                      Document    Document    Addressee/                                      Page ID #                  Name/        Title/Description                                                        Comment Number                                          Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
ML083580167 Robert Sun/  EMAIL - IP SER        11/21/2008    E-Mail  Rajender Auluck,    Internal transmission of input  46 NRC/NRR      Section 3.5 - Working                      Hansraj Ashar, Bryce  to draft SER DPP  449                            File                                              Lehman/
NRC/NRR/DLR ML083580173 Robert Sun/  EMAIL - IP SER        11/21/2008    E-Mail  Kimberly Green,    Internal transmission of input  43 NRC/NRR      Section 3.5                                  Rajender Auluck,    to draft SER DPP                                                                              Hansraj Ashar, Bryce 450 Lehman/
NRC/NRR/DLR ML083580179 Richard      EMAIL - RE: IP SER    11/24/2008    E-Mail  Rajender Auluck,    Internal comments on and        44 DPP            Morante/ BNL Section 3.5                                  Hansraj Ashar, Bryce  transmittal of input to draft Lehman/        SER 451 NRC/NRR/DLR ML083580180 Richard      EMAIL - RE: IP SER    11/25/2008    E-Mail  Rajender Auluck,    Internal transmission of draft  12 Morante/ BNL Section 3.5                                  Hansraj Ashar, Bryce  SER input DPP   452                                                                              Lehman/
NRC/NRR/DLR ML083580182 Richard      EMAIL - RE: IP SER    11/25/2008    E-Mail  Rajender Auluck,    Internal transmission of draft  12 DPP            Morante/ BNL Section 3.5                                  Hansraj Ashar, Bryce  SER input 453                                                                              Lehman/
NRC/NRR/DLR ML083580184 Richard      EMAIL - RE: IP SER    11/26/2008    E-Mail  Rajender Auluck,    Internal transmission of draft  22 Morante/ BNL Section 3.5                                  Hansraj Ashar, Bryce  SER input (SFP and RFC)
DPP                                                                                Lehman, George 454 Thomas/
NRC/NRR/DLR Page 67 of 74

Appendix X Aquatic Stats 04/23/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Tech Internal transmission of draft  
Author Accession                                      Document    Document      Addressee/                                       Page ID #                  Name/        Title/Description                                                            Comment Number                                          Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                  Count Affiliation:
ML083370305 Jennifer      EMAIL - Section 2.2.9 12/02/2008     E-Mail     Matt Goodwin/       Internal request for review of  10 DPP            Davis/        reference checks                                NRC/NRR/DLR          attached draft SEIS sections 455              NRC/NRR ML083580191 Richard      EMAIL - IP 2/3 SER    12/02/2008    E-Mail Rajender Auluck, Bryce Internal transmission of draft     5 Morante/ BNL Section 4.6 - Revision                              Lehman/          SER input DPP  456                            to BNL submittal on                            NRC/NRR/DLR 09/18/08 ML090120170 MarkHenry    EMAIL - RE: GSI 148  12/02/2008    E-Mail    Nathan Siu; Ray      Internal discussion regarding    4 DPP            Salley/      - IP3 Fire spray                            Gallucci; Robert Palla, GSI-148 for SAMA 457              NRC/RES      misdirection due to                        Jack Foster, John Lane/
smoke                                          NRC/NRR/DLR ML083580187 Richard      EMAIL - IP 2/3 RAI    12/03/2008    E-Mail    Rajender Auluck,      Internal transmission of draft  14 DPP            Morante/ BNL for Containment                              Hansraj Ashar, Bryce    RAI for review Concrete Spalling                                  Lehman/
458 NRC/NRR/DLR ML083580189 Richard      EMAIL - IP 2/3 RAI    12/03/2008    E-Mail    Rajender Auluck,      Internal transmittal of draft  13 Morante/ BNL for Spent Fuel Pool                          Hansraj Ashar, Bryce    SER input and RAI for review DPP  459                            Leakage                                            Lehman/          and comment NRC/NRR/DLR ML083580190 Richard      EMAIL - IP 2/3 RAI    12/03/2008    E-Mail    Rajender Auluck,      Internal transmission of draft  14 DPP            Morante/ BNL for Refueling Cavity                          Hansraj Ashar, Bryce    RAI for review 460                            Leakage                                            Lehman/
NRC/NRR/DLR ML090120169 John          EMAIL - GI-148 and    12/03/2008    E-Mail  Robert Palla, Jack    Internal discussion regarding    2 DPP            Kauffman/    IP-3                                        Foster/ NRC/NRR/DLR GSI-148 461              NRC/RES Page 68 of 74

SEIS input 23 DPP-00-253 ML082670928 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - IPEC LR Hydrology sections 04/23/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Tech Internal transmission of draft  
Author Accession                                    Document    Document      Addressee/                                      Page ID #                  Name/        Title/Description                                                        Comment Number                                          Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
ML083580194 George        EMAIL - RE: draft  12/04/2008    E-Mail    Bryce Lehman/      Internal transmission of        5 DPP                    Thomas/        RAI's                                        NRC/NRR/DLR        marked-up draft RAI 462 NRC/NRR ML083580196 George        EMAIL - RE: draft  12/04/2008    E-Mail  Hansraj Ashar, Bryce  Internal transmission of        7 DPP             Thomas/        RAI's                                            Lehman/        marked-up draft RAI with 463              NRC/NRR                                                      NRC/NRR/DLR        comments ML090070420 Lisa Regner/  EMAIL - Draft dSEIS 12/04/2008    E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/    Internal transmission/          10 DPP            NRC/NRR        Issuance Comm                            NRC/NRR/DLR            discussion of draft 464                              Plan.doc                                                        Communication Plan for DSEIS ML090070418 Lisa Regner/  EMAIL - Draft dSEIS 12/08/2008    E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/    Internal transmission of draft  11 DPP            NRC/NRR        Issuance Comm                            NRC/NRR/DLR            Communication Plan for Plan.doc                                                        DSEIS 465 ML090070459 Lisa Regner/  EMAIL - RE: IP      12/08/2008    E-Mail Bo Pham/              Internal discussion of draft    3 NRC/NRR        dSEIS Comm Plan                          NRC/NRR/DLR            Communication Plan for DPP  466                                                                                              DSEIS ML090070460 Lisa Regner/  EMAIL - IP dSEIS    12/08/2008    E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg,   Internal discussion of draft    2 DPP            NRC/NRR       Comm Plan                                David Wrona, Bo Pham/ Communication Plan for 467                                                                        NRC/NRR/DLR            DSEIS ML090090453 Andrew        EMAIL - RE: Draft  12/08/2008     E-Mail     Lisa Regner/     Internal transmission of draft 12 DPP            Stuyvenberg/  dSEIS Issuance                                NRC/NRR/DLR        communication plan 468              NRC/NRR        Comm Plan.doc Page 69 of 74

SEIS input 5 DPP-00-254 ML082670931 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - FW: IPEC Draft SEIS Sections 04/23/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Tech Internal transmission of draft SEIS sections (land use) 8 DPP-00-255 ML082670942 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - IPEC Draft SEIS Sections 04/23/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Tech Internal transmission of draft SEIS sections (socioeconomic and EJ) 40 Page 39 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Author Accession                                      Document    Document      Addressee/                                      Page ID #                  Name/        Title/Description                                                          Comment Number                                          Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-256 ML082540425 Steve Dillard/ Earth Tech EMAIL - RE: Ind pt 04/24/2008 E-Mail Steve Duda/ Earth TechInternal discussion of need for biological assessment 2 DPP-00-257 ML082540449 Susan Provenzano/ Earth Tech EMAIL - RE: Letter NL-08-061 - Acute Shock Data 04/24/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Tech Internal discussion of need for additional information for SEIS 3 DPP-00-258 ML082670383 On Yee/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - FMP 04/24/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER input with comment 5 DPP-00-259 ML082670386 On Yee/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - 3.2 04/24/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER input 67 DPP-00-260 ML082670387 On Yee/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: AMR section 3.2 04/24/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NR R Internal discussion of draft SER input 3 DPP-00-261 ML082670388 On Yee/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Amr section 3.2 04/24/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER input with comment 67 DPP-00-262 ML082671018 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Letter NL-08-061 - Acute
ML083580197 George        EMAIL - RE: IP RAIs  12/09/2008     E-Mail     Rajender Auluck,    Internal transmission of draft   7 Thomas/                                                    Hansraj Ashar, Bryce RAIS for internal review DPP   469              NRC/NRR                                                  Lehman, Kamal Manoly/
NRC/NRR/DLR ML090140681 Dennis        EMAIL - RE: IP BA    12/09/2008     E-Mail       Lisa Regner/     Internal discussion of draft     3 DPP             Logan/         and EFH Lrt to                                  NRC/NRR/DLR        letter to NMFS regarding 470              NRC/NRR        NMFS.doc                                                          biological assessment and essential fish habitat ML090080092 John Boska/   EMAIL - RE: Indian  12/10/2008     E-Mail   Lisa Regner, Mark    Internal discussion of draft    3 DPP             NRC/NRR        Point Draft dSEIS                          Kowal/ NRC/NRR/DLR    communication plan 471                              Issuance Comm Plan Revisions ML090090450 Andrew        EMAIL - Update . . . 12/10/2008     E-Mail   David Wrona, Lisa    Internal discussion of DSEIS    2 DPP                    Stuyvenberg/                                              Regner/ NRC/NRR/DLR 472 NRC/NRR ML090070355 Lisa Regner/  EMAIL - DLR input to 12/11/2008     E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg,    Draft input to EDO Daily        3 DPP            NRC/NRR       EDO Daily Notes 12-                        David Wrona, Bo Pham/ Notes re: issuance of DSEIS 473                              11-2008a.doc                              NRC/NRR/DLR ML090080094 Richard        EMAIL - RE: One      12/11/2008     E-Mail   Lisa Regner, Andrew  Internal discussion of draft     3 Barkley/      Week Look Ahead for                          Stuyvenburg, Diane    communication plan DPP                     NRC/RGN-I      12-12-08                                    Screnci, Neil Sheehan, 474 Marjorie McLaughlin/
NRC/NRR/DLR ML090090449 Andrew        EMAIL - RE: Chapter  12/11/2008     E-Mail Lisa Regner; Bo Pham; Internal transmission of           7 DPP             Stuyvenberg/  4 IP dSEIS -                               David McIntyre; David chapter 2 draft for the DSEIS 475              NRC/NRR       Preliminary                                Wrona; Diane Screnci; Information Not for                          Edward Williamson; Page 70 of 74

Shock Data 04/24/2008 E-Mail Stephen Klementowicz/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion of applicant's acute shock analysis 2 DPP-00-263 ML083090949 Clifford Marks/ ISL EMAIL - Indian Point RAI 2.3.0-2 and
Author Accession                                    Document    Document      Addressee/                                       Page ID #                  Name/        Title/Description                                                          Comment Number                                          Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
Public Release                              Eugene Dacus; Ivonne Couret; John Boska; Marjorie McLaughlin; Mel Gray; Nancy McNamara; Neil Sheehan; Richard Barkley; Richard Conte; Sherwin Turk; Undine Shoop/ NRC/NRR/DLR ML090090448 Andrew        EMAIL - RE: Chapter  12/12/2008     E-Mail Richard Barkley; Lisa  Internal transmission          15 Stuyvenberg/ 4 IP dSEIS -                              Regner; Diane Screnci;  communication plan for the NRC/NRR       Preliminary                                Marjorie McLaughlin;    DSEIS Information Not for                        Mel Gray; Nancy DPP                          Public Release                            McNamara; Neil 476                                                                        Sheehan; Richard Conte. Sam Collins, Marc Dapas, Marsha Gamberoni, John Rogge/ NRC/NRR/DLR ML083580199 Robert Sun/  EMAIL - Updated RAI  12/15/2008    E-Mail Rajender Auluck,        Internal transmission of draft  8 NRC/NRR                                                  Hansraj Ashar, Bryce    RAI for internal review DPP   477                                                                        Lehman/
NRC/NRR/DLR ML083580200 Robert Sun/  EMAIL - FW: Updated  12/15/2008    E-Mail Kimberly Green,        Internal transmission of draft  7 NRC/NRR      RAI                                        Rajender Auluck,        RAI for internal review DPP                                                                              Hansraj Ashar, Bryce 478 Lehman/
NRC/NRR/DLR ML090140677 Dennis        EMAIL - This might  12/15/2008    E-Mail Jeffrey Ward, Valerie  Internal transmission of        72 DPP            Logan/        help. -Dennis                              Cullinan/ PNL          chapter for draft for the 479              NRC/NRR                                                                          DSEIS Page 71 of 74

2.3A.2.2-1 04/24/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/
Author Accession                                    Document    Document      Addressee/                                      Page ID #                  Name/        Title/Description                                                        Comment Number                                          Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
NRC/NRR/DLR; Steve Pope, J. Woodfield/ ISL Internal transmission of draft SER sections for RAIs 7 DPP-00-264 ML081370464 Bo Pham/  NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Three comment corrections 04/28/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Tech Internal discussion of draft scoping report 2 DPP-00-265 ML082670380 On Yee/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - fmp 04/28/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER input with comment 6 Page 40 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
ML090140678 Dennis        EMAIL - RE: The      12/15/2008     E-Mail Michael Masnik/        Internal discussion regarding    3 DPP                    Logan/       bluefish question                          NRC/NRR/DLR           input to DSEIS 480 NRC/NRR ML083580201 Robert Sun/  EMAIL - RE: Updated  12/16/2008     E-Mail Kimberly Green,        Internal transmission of draft   7 NRC/NRR      RAI                                        Rajender Auluck,      RAI for internal review DPP                                                                             Hansraj Ashar, Bryce 481 Lehman/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-266 ML083090948 Clifford Marks/ ISL EMAIL - RE: Indian Point LRA SER 4511-380 04/28/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion of draft SER input, section 2.2 2 DPP-00-267 ML082670378 On Yee/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - (Untitled) 04/29/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER input with comments 37 DPP-00-268 ML081430639 John Richmond/ NRC/RGN-I EMAIL - RE: FYI for
NRC/NRR/DLR ML083580203 Rajender      EMAIL - FW: June    12/17/2008     E-Mail Bryce Lehman/         Internal transmission of draft 44 Auluck/       11th letter                                NRC/NRR/DLR            SER section 3.5 with DPP   482              NRC/NRR                                                                        comments ML090080097 Richard      EMAIL - RE: Indian   12/17/2008     E-Mail Lisa Regner, Diane    Internal discussion of draft    3 DPP            Barkley/     Point Draft dSEIS                          Screnci, Neil Sheehan, communication plan 483              NRC/RGN-I    Issuance Comm Plan                        Sam Collins/
                                  - clean FINAL                              NRC/NRR/DLR ML090090443 Andrew        EMAIL - RE: RE:      12/17/2008    E-Mail Bo Pham, David Wrona, Internal discussion regarding    2 Stuyvenberg/  PRIVILEGED                                Brian Holian, Samson  section of the DSEIS DPP                     NRC/NRR      ATTORNEY-CLIENT                            Lee, Dennis Logan/
484 COMMUNICATION -                           NRC/NRR/DLR PRE-DECISIONAL ML090140675 Dennis        EMAIL - RE: RE:      12/17/2008     E-Mail Bo Pham, Andrew        Internal comments regarding      2 Logan/       PRIVILEGED                                Stuyvenberg, Brian    DSEIS inputs for DPP                    NRC/NRR       ATTORNEY-CLIENT                            Holian; David Wrona;  impingement 485 COMMUNICATION -                           Samson Lee/
PRE-DECISIONAL                            NRC/NRR/DLR Page 72 of 74

IP SBO / Appendix R Diesel 04/30/2008 E-Mail Stacy Smith, Jon Lilliendahl, Richard Conte, Lawrence Doerflein, Glenn Meyer, Eugene Cobey, Donald Jackson, Brice Bickett/
Author Accession                                      Document    Document      Addressee/                                      Page ID #                  Name/        Title/Description                                                          Comment Number                                            Date        Type  Addressee Affiliation                                Count Affiliation:
NRC/RGN-I; Bo Pham, Kimberly Green, Rani Franovich/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion of SBO
ML083580204 George        EMAIL - RE: Updated    12/19/2008    E-Mail Rajender Auluck,      Internal transmission of draft  47 Thomas/      IP 3.5 incorporating                        Hansraj Ashar, Bryce  SER section 3.5 with DPP            NRC/NRR      OGC comments                                Lehman/                comments 486                                                                          NRC/NRR/DLR ML083580205 George        EMAIL - Revised IP    12/22/2008     E-Mail Richard Morante/ BNL; Internal transmission of draft  48 Thomas/      SER Section 3.5                              Rajender Auluck,      SER section 3.5 with DPP                    NRC/NRR                                                    Hansraj Ashar, Bryce  comments 487 Lehman, Kamal Manoly/
NRC/NRR/DLR ML083580048 Kimberly      EMAIL - RE: Draft      12/23/2008    E-Mail Richard Conte, Glenn   Internal discussion of draft    3 Green/        Comm Plan for                                Meyer, John Richmond, Comm Plan DPP            NRC/NRR      Issuance of the Indian                      Mel Gray, Richard 488                            Point SER with Open                          Barkley, David Wrona, Items                                        Lisa Regner, David Pelton/ NRC/NRR/DLR ML083590060 Richard      EMAIL - RE: Revised    12/23/2008    E-Mail Rajender Auluck,      Internal discussion of draft    2 DPP            Morante/ BNL IP SER Section 3.5                            Hansraj Ashar, Bryce  SER section Lehman, Kamal Manoly/
489 NRC/NRR/DLR ML083590257 Bryce        EMAIL - IP SER 3.5    12/24/2008    E-Mail Kimberly Green,       Internal transmission of draft  69 Lehman/      and Structural AMPs                          Rajender Auluck,      SER section with markups DPP            NRC/NRR                                                    Hansraj Ashar,George 490                                                                          Thomas, David Wrona/
NRC/NRR/DLR; Richard Morante/ BNL Page 73 of 74

EDG 4 DPP-00-269 ML083090946 Clifford Marks/ ISL EMAIL - RE: SER input for susquahanna 04/30/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/
Author Accession                                   Document     Document       Addressee/                                 Page ID #                 Name/       Title/Description                                                         Comment Number                                         Date         Type   Addressee Affiliation                           Count Affiliation:
ML090140596 Jennifer     EMAIL - FW: Chap. 3 01/14/2009    E-Mail Matt Goodwin/         Internal transmission of   3 Davis/                                                 EarthTech             DSEIS input for chapter 3 DPP   491              NRC/NRR Page 74 of 74}}
Pope/ ISL Internal discussion of draft SER layout and content 4 DPP-00-270 ML082540429 Matt Goodwin/ Earth Tech EMAIL - RE: Indian Point References 05/01/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Tech Internal transmission of draft SEIS input (references for historical/archaelogical section) 3 DPP-00-271 ML082670376 On Yee/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - 3.2 Example 05/01/2008 E-Mail Surinder Arora/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER input 98 DPP-00-272 ML081370460 Bo Pham/  NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Scoping summary report 05/05/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Tech Internal discussion of draft scoping report 3 Page 41 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-273 ML082540452 Susan Provenzano/ Earth Tech EMAIL - RE: Indian Point 05/05/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Tech Internal discussion of draft
SEIS content 2 DPP-00-274 ML082540454 Susan Provenzano/
Earth Tech EMAIL - Indian Point EJ (census) figures 05/05/2008 E-Mail Eric Schneiber/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion of draft
SEIS content 2 DPP-00-275 ML082670917 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - Should be the last App C item . . . 05/08/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Tech Internal transmission of draft SEIS input (ref. for App. C) 2 DPP-00-276 ML082670918 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: IP App.
C 05/08/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Tech Internal transmission of draft
SEIS input (ref. for App. C) 2 DPP-00-277 ML082670921 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - IP App. C 05/08/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Tech Internal transmission of draft SEIS section (App. C) 10 DPP-00-278 ML081830860 Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - SER Input for External Surfaces Monitoring AMP 05/09/2008 E-Mail James Davis/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER input with comment 4 DPP-00-279 ML081830677 Steve Jones/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Indian Point License Renewal - SFP Structure Exposure to Boric Acid Environment 05/14/2008 E-Mail Kamal Manoly, George Thomas/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding Staff's review and possible follow-up questions to applicant 2 DPP-00-280 ML083090988 Clifford Marks/ ISL EMAIL - Indian Point
SER 05/14/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/
NRC/NRR/DLR; Steve Pope, J. Woodfield/ ISL Internal transmission of draft SER sections 2.2, 2.3 37 Page 42 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-281 ML083090987 Clifford Marks/ ISL EMAIL - RE: IP Se 05/16/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion of draft SER input 2 DPP-00-282 ML082630833 James Medoff/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Setting Up Peer Review for IP
SER 05/19/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal comment regarding
metal fatigue 2 DPP-00-283 ML082670372 On Yee/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Fen Input 05/19/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal e-mail containing draft SER input 2 DPP-00-284 ML082670898 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - References for IP dSEIS Chapter 2 and 4 05/19/2008 E-Mail Briana Balsam, Dennis Beissel, Dennis Logan, Elizabeth Wexler, Jeffrey Rikhoff, Jennifer Davis, Robert Palla, Stephen Klementowicz (NRC/NRR)/ Jeffrey Ward, Lance Vail (PNL)Internal transmission of draft SEIS sections 42 DPP-00-285 ML081500646 Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Indian Point Scoping Report 05/21/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Tech Internal discussion of scoping report 3 DPP-00-286 ML082670371 On Yee/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Fen Input 05/21/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal e-mail containing draft SER input with comments 3 DPP-00-287 ML082490637 Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: IP Vessel head replacement and consultation 05/22/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion of additions to draft SEIS sections (BA and EFH) 2 Page 43 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-288 ML082540457 Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Tech EMAIL - RE: IP RAI Responses - Vessel head and CRDM replacement 05/27/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion of outline for draft SEIS chapter 3 DPP-00-289 ML083090986 Clifford Marks/ ISL EMAIL - RE: IP se comments 05/27/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/
NRC/NRR/DLR; Steve Pope/ ISL Internal discussion of draft SER input -- RAIs 2 DPP-00-290 ML083090984 Clifford Marks/ ISL EMAIL - RE: IP se comments 05/29/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/
NRC/NRR/DLR; Steve Pope/ ISL Internal discussion of draft SER input -- RAIs 3 DPP-00-291 ML082670894 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - Indian Point Chapter 3 05/30/2008 E-Mail Briana Balsam, Dennis Beissel, Dennis Logan, Elizabeth Wexler, Jeffrey Rikhoff, Jennifer Davis, Robert Palla, Stephen Klementowicz (NRC/NRR)/ Jeffrey Ward, Lance Vail (PNL)Internal transmission of draft outline for SEIS chapter with comments 32 DPP-00-292 ML083090982 Clifford Marks/ ISL EMAIL - RE: RAI numbers 05/30/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ NRC/NRR/DLR; Tammy Pfiester/ ISL Internal transmission discussion of draft SER input 46 DPP-00-293 ML081830666 Kimberly Green/
NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: IP Inspection Exit Notes 06/02/2008 E-Mail Glenn Meyer/ NRC/RGN-I Internal discussion of inspection results 2 Page 44 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-294 ML082040373 Richard Morante/ BNL EMAIL - RE: Section 4.6 06/02/2008 E-Mail James Davis/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding draft SER section and draft RAI content 2 DPP-00-295 ML082550729 Allen Hiser/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: IP2&3 LRA SE - Update to Boraflex 06/02/2008 E-Mail Matthew Yoder/ NRC/NRR Internal email containing draft SER input, with discussion 4 DPP-00-296 ML082630755 George Thomas/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: IP RAIs on Structures. 06/02/2008 E-Mail Richard Morante/ BN L Internal transmission of draft RAIs 6 DPP-00-297 ML082660228 Matthew Yoder/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - FW: IP2&3 LRA SE - Update to Boraflex 06/02/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal email containing draft SER input and proposed revisions 3 DPP-00-298 ML082040370 Richard Morante/ BNL EMAIL - RE: Section 4.6 06/03/2008 E-Mail James Davis/ NRC/NRR Email containing internal discussion of draft RAIs and transmitting draft SER input 6 DPP-00-299 ML082040369 Richard Morante/ BNL EMAIL - IP 2/3 Structures RAIs - Revision 06/04/08 06/04/2008 E-Mail Hansraj Ashar, George Thomas, Kamal Manoly/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft RAI revisions 6 DPP-00-300 ML082630750 George Thomas/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: IP 2/3 Structures RAIs - Revision 06/04/08 06/04/2008 E-Mail Richard Morante/ BN L Internal transmission of draft RAI revisions with comments 6 DPP-00-301 ML082670991 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Chapter
4 input 06/04/2008 E-Mail Jennifer Davis/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft
SEIS input 5 Page 45 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-302 ML081970307 Bruce Mworca, ISL Inc. EMAIL - IP Draft SAMA SER 06/05/2008 E-Mail Robert Palla/ NRC/NRRAli Azarm, Diane Mlynarczyk/ ISL, Inc. Internal transmission of draft SER input on SAMAs 42 DPP-00-303 ML082670993 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - Chapter 8 insert for Mercury; pg.
8-47, line 17 06/05/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom, Kevin Taylor/ Earth Tech Email containing draft SEIS
input 2 DPP-00-304 ML090140601 Jennifer Davis/
NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Mitigation language 06/06/2008 E-Mail Matt Goodwin/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion of draft
SEIS input 2 DPP-00-305 ML082540456 Robert Dover/ Earth Tech EMAIL - RE: IP purchased power 06/09/2008 E-Mail Kevin Taylor/ Earth Tech Internal transmission of draft SEIS section 4 DPP-00-306 ML090140604 Jennifer Davis/
NRC/NRR EMAIL - Sections 06/09/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR/DLR Email transmitting draft of section 4.4.5 of the DSEIS with comments 3 DPP-00-307 ML082682143 Valerie Cullinan/ PNL EMAIL - Appendixes X and Y 06/10/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal transmission of draft SEIS appendices with comments 151 DPP-00-308 ML090140671 Jeffrey Rikhoff/ NRC/NRR/DL R EMAIL - RE: Chapter
2 input for IP 06/10/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission of draft inputs to section to the DSEIS 8 DPP-00-309 ML081970305 Robert Palla/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - IP SAMA- Draft SER Rev 0.doc 06/11/2008 E-Mail Bruce Mrowca/ ISL, Inc.Internal transmission of draft SER Appendix G (SAMA) 40 Page 46 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-310 ML082490634 Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - FW: New Aquatic Sections for Main Text 06/11/2008 E-Mail Elizabeth Wexler/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SEIS sections (aquatic) 29 DPP-00-311 ML082490635 Dennis Logan/
NRC/NRR EMAIL - IP: missing references for EFH appendix zz 06/11/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SEIS input 4 DPP-00-312 ML082670916 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - FW: Chapter 2 input for IP 06/11/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Tech Internal transmission of draft
SEIS input 8 DPP-00-313 ML082671021 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - Chapter 8 comments 06/11/2008 E-Mail Kevin Taylor, Katie Broom/ Earth Tech Internal transmission of marked-up draft SEIS section 98 DPP-00-314 ML081970303 Robert Palla/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - IP SAMA-Draft SER Rev 0.doc 06/12/2008 E-Mail Ali Azarn/ ISL, Inc. Internal transmission of draft SER Appendix G (SAMA) 80 DPP-00-315 ML081970301 Ali Azarn/ ISL, Inc. EMAIL - suggested mods to draft SER per your comments 06/13/2008 E-Mail Robert Palla (NRC/NRR)/ Bruce Mrowca (ISL, Inc.) Internal transmission of draft SER Appendix G (SAMA) 41 DPP-00-316 ML082540441 Matt Goodwin/
Earth Tech EMAIL - RE: IP 06/13/2008 E-Mail Jennifer Davis/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SEIS input, historical and archaelogical resources 11 DPP-00-317 ML090140608 Jennifer Davis/
NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: IP Edits 06/14/2008 E-Mail Matt Goodwin, Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission of comments on draft sections 2.2.9 and 4.4.5 of the DSEIS 3 Page 47 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-318 ML082670989 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - IP Chapter 4 06/16/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Rikhoff/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SEIS chapter 135 DPP-00-319 ML090140609 Jennifer Davis/
NRC/NRR EMAIL - Refurb for NY 06/16/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Rikhoff/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission of comments on draft section 3.2.9 of the DSEIS 3 DPP-00-320 ML090140610 Jennifer Davis/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Please
review the corresponding 4.4.5 06/16/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Rikhoff/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission of comments on draft section
4.4.5 of the DSEIS 4 DPP-00-321 ML090140612 Jennifer Davis/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Revisions to Section 4.4.5 06/17/2008 E-Mail Matt Goodwin, Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission of comments on draft section 4.4.5 of the DSEIS 4 DPP-00-322 ML090140613 Jennifer Davis/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Chap. 3 06/18/2008 E-Mail Matt Goodwin/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission of draft section 3.2.9 of the DSEIS 3 DPP-00-323 ML082261486 Elizabeth Wexler/
NRC/NRR EMAIL - FW: New Aquatic Sections for Main Text 06/19/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg, Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SEIS input 57 DPP-00-324 ML082540438 Matt Goodwin/
Earth Tech EMAIL - IP2 and IP3 06/19/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Tech Internal transmission of draft
SEIS input 10 DPP-00-325 ML082670914 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - Chapter 2 Intro Comments 06/20/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Tech Internal transmission of draft SEIS input with comments 11 Page 48 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-326 ML082682141 Valerie Cullinan/ PNL EMAIL - New figures for App-X 06/20/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal transmission of draft SEIS input (Appendix X figures) 7 DPP-00-327 ML081970300 Robert Palla/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: IP
SAMA- Draft SER Rev 0.doc 06/23/2008 E-Mail Bruce Mrowca/ ISL, Inc.Internal discussion of contents of draft SER
Appendix G (SAMA) 2 DPP-00-328 ML083090940 Clifford Marks/ ISL EMAIL - IP Amendment 5 (a)(2) Update 06/23/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion of draft RAI (attached) re: non-safety related components 4 DPP-00-329 ML083090942 Clifford Marks/ ISL EMAIL - RE: IP update AND TMI 06/23/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion of staff review - non-safety related components 3 DPP-00-330 ML082490620 Dennis Logan/
NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Indian Point Appendix I 06/24/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward, Valerie Cullinan/ PNL Internal discussion of draft SEIS Appendix I references 3 DPP-00-331 ML082490624 Dennis Logan/
NRC/NRR EMAIL - FW: Indian Point Appendix H 06/24/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion of draft SEIS Appendix H references 4 DPP-00-332 ML082670962 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - FW: Indian
Point - Chapter 2.0 06/24/2008 E-Mail Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SEIS input (references, Ch.
: 2) 2 Page 49 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-333 ML083090939 Clifford Marks/ ISL EMAIL - RE: IP Amendment 5 (a)(2) Update 06/24/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki, NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion of staff review of non-safety related components 3 DPP-00-334 ML090140672 Jeffrey Rikhoff/
NRC/NRR/DL R EMAIL - IP Chapter 3 Refurbishment 06/24/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg, Jennifer Davis/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission of comments on draft chapter 3
of the DSEIS 16 DPP-00-335 ML082490618 Dennis Logan/
NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Indian Point, Chapter 2.0, ADAMS numbers 06/25/2008 E-Mail Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion of draft SEIS input (references, Ch.
: 2) 4 DPP-00-336 ML082670959 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Indian Point Appendix I 06/25/2008 E-Mail Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion of draft SEIS Appendix I references 3 DPP-00-337 ML082670961 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - FW: Indian Point:EFH and BA Outstanding Items 06/25/2008 E-Mail Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion of draft SEIS input (references) 3 DPP-00-338 ML090140673 Jeffrey Rikhoff/
Refurbishment 06/25/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg, Jennifer Davis/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission of draft chapter 4 of the DSEIS 4 DPP-00-339 ML082040357 Richard Morante/ BNL EMAIL - RE: Audit Report 06/26/2008 E-Mail James Davis/ NRC/NRR Internal discussions regarding finalizing audit report 3 Page 50 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-340 ML082520113 Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - BA references 06/26/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft
SEIS input 2 DPP-00-341 ML082520114 Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Chapter 4 references 06/26/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion of draft SEIS input (references, Ch.
: 4) 3 DPP-00-342 ML082670956 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - Chapter 4 06/26/2008 E-Mail Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SEIS Chapter 4 (Envir. Impacts of Operation) 135 DPP-00-343 ML082670979 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - Chapter 5 and Appendix G, some references 06/26/2008 E-Mail Bonnie Freeman, Tony Collins (Earth Tech) Internal transmission of draft SEIS input 50 DPP-00-344 ML082671016 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - Reference for IP Chapter 4 06/26/2008 E-Mail Stephen Klementowicz/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion of and transmission of draft SEIS
input 4 DPP-00-345 ML082520109 Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Chapter 4 references 06/27/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion of draft
SEIS input 5 DPP-00-346 ML082670975 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - Edits to EJ and Socioeconomics 06/27/2008 E-Mail Bonnie Freeman, Tony Collins (Earth Tech) Internal transmission of draft
SEIS input edits 12 Page 51 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-347 ML081820672 Jennifer Davis/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - FW: Redactions for Enercon Report 06/30/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion of proposed redactions of sensitive or proprietary
information 2 DPP-00-348 ML082670906 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Indian Point - Chapter 2.0 06/30/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Tech Internal discussion of draft
SEIS input 2 DPP-00-349 ML082670908 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - Section 2.10 consultation language06/30/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Tech Internal comment suggesting draft SEIS input 2 DPP-00-350 ML082670910 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - (Untitled) 06/30/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Tech Internal transmission of draft SEIS input 6 DPP-00-351 ML082670911 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - FW: Indian Point Appendix G 06/30/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Tech Internal discussion of draft
SEIS input 3 DPP-00-352 ML082670949 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - One more Chapter 2 reference 06/30/2008 E-Mail Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR Internal email containing draft
SEIS input 2 DPP-00-353 ML082670952 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - FW: Chapter 4 pdf 06/30/2008 E-Mail Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SEIS input - environmental impacts of operation 116 DPP-00-354 ML090140614 Jennifer Davis, NRC/NRR 2008/06/30 Indian Point LR Hearing - Redactions for Enercon Report 06/30/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg, NRC/NRR/DLR; Matt Goodwin, EarthTech 2 Page 52 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-355 ML081970297 Robert Palla/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Insert on Plant to Plant Differences 07/01/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SEIS input (App. G -- SAMAs) 3 DPP-00-356 ML081970298 Robert Palla/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Indian Point Chapter 5.0 07/01/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR Internal email containing draft
SEIS input (SAMAs) 2 DPP-00-357 ML082670902 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - Chapter 3 07/03/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Tech Internal transmittal of draft SEIS input (also contains PII
- version with PII redacted will be listed in Supplement 1 Deliberative Process Privilege Log) 18 DPP-00-358 ML082670903 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Indian Point - eco - T&E species 07/03/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Tech Internal comment on draft section of SEIS regarding T&E species 3 DPP-00-359 ML082671006 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - Indian Point Chapters 07/03/2008 E-Mail Rani Franovich/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft
SEIS chapters 314 DPP-00-360 ML082670899 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Chapter 3 07/06/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Tech Internal discussion of edits to Chapter 3 of draft SEIS (also contains PII - version with PII redacted will be listed in Supplement 1 Deliberative Process Privilege Log) 3 DPP-00-361 ML081890157 Lambros Lois/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - ADAMS
Envelope 07/07/2008 E-Mail NRC/NRR Internal comment regarding safety review of IP LRA Amendment 5 2 DPP-00-362 ML082690742 Rani Franovich/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Heads Up 07/07/2008 E-Mail Brian Holian, Samson Lee/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion of safety review approach and schedule issues 2 Page 53 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-363 ML082690738 Rani Franovich/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - (Untitled) 07/10/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion of safety review approach and schedule issues 2 DPP-00-364 ML082180323 Conte R J, NRC/RGN-I/DRS/EB1 05000247-08-006 and 05000286-08-006; on January 28 - June 6, 2008; Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3; Scoping of Non-Safety Systems and the Proposed Aging Management Procedures for the Indian Point Application for Renewed License, Draft. 07/11/2008 Inspection Report Letter Pollock J E, Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc Internal draft of license renewal inspection report 23 DPP-00-365 ML082180327 NRC/RGN-I/DRS IP LR Report, Draft 0 Attachment - July 11, 2008. 07/11/2008 Inspection Report  Internal draft list of documents reviewed for draft
license renewal inspection report 11 DPP-00-366 ML082671009 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - App G for your files 07/14/2008 E-Mail Robert Palla/ NRC/NRRInternal transmission of draft SEIS Appendix G 47 DPP-00-367 ML082180330 NRC/RGN-I/DRS IP LR Report, Draft 1 - July 15, 2008 07/15/2008 Inspection Report  Internal draft of license renewal inspection report Page 54 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-368 ML082530356 Barry Elliot/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Updated SER information 07/15/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER input from Vessels and Internals Integrity branch 19 DPP-00-369 ML082630710 George Thomas/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Updated SER information 07/15/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER input regarding structures 38 DPP-00-370 ML082590137 Duc Nguyen/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Audit Report 07/17/2008 E-Mail James Davis/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of audit reports for electrical AMPs 15 DPP-00-371 ML082660227 Matthew Yoder/
NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Updated SER information 07/17/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER input regarding steam generator TLAA 6 DPP-00-372 ML082671023 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - Excerpt from Chapter 2 of the EIS 07/18/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward (PNL)/ Dennis Logan (NRC/NRR) Internal question regarding meaning of sentence in EIS 2 DPP-00-373 ML082040355 Richard Morante/ BNL EMAIL - FW: Audit Report 07/21/2008 E-Mail James Davis/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion of audit report template and internal transmission of draft input to audit report 31 DPP-00-374 ML082590133 Duc Nguyen/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - SER Section open item 07/21/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal email containing draft
SER input 5 DPP-00-375 ML082590134 Duc Nguyen/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: SER Section 07/21/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft
SER input 32 Page 55 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-376 ML082180332 NRC/RGN-I/DRS IP LR Report, Draft 2 - July 22, 2008 07/22/2008 Inspection Report  Internal draft of license renewal inspection report DPP-00-377 ML082530354 Barry Elliot/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Draft Telecon Summaries 07/22/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal email regarding possible changes to SER resulting from telecom with applicant 2 DPP-00-378 ML082180340 NRC/RGN-I/DRS IP LR Report, Draft 3 - July 24, 2008 07/24/2008 Inspection Report  Internal draft of license renewal inspection report DPP-00-379 ML082520120 Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - needs for cumulative in ecology 07/24/2008 E-Mail Elizabeth Wexler/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion of cumulative impacts analysis for draft SEIS (also contains PII - version with PII redacted will be listed in Supplement 1 Deliberative Process Privilege Log) 3 DPP-00-380 ML082530023 Robert Palla/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - IP SAMA SER 07/24/2008 E-Mail Bruce Mrowca (ISL, Inc.)/ Steve Short (PNL)Internal transmission of draft SEIS section (SAMA) 48 DPP-00-381 ML082180764 NRC/RGN-I/DRS IP LR Report, Draft 4
- July 29, 2008 07/29/2008 Inspection Report  Internal draft of license renewal inspection report Page 56 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-382 ML082130373 James Medoff/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: IP 2/3 LRA - BNL input to SER - Operating Experience - R. Morante - 07/30/08 07/30/2008 E-Mail Richard Morante/ BN L Internal discussion of safety review regarding operating experience 2 DPP-00-383 ML082130368 James Medoff/
NRC/NRR EMAIL - Nickel-Alloy Program - Keith has clarified some things for Me - 07/31/2008 E-Mail Terence Chan/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion of safety review of Nickel-Alloy AMP 2 DPP-00-384 ML082130372 James Medoff/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Indian Point SER - Nickel-Alloy Inspection Program 07/31/2008 E-Mail Terence Chan, Keith Hoffman/ NRC/NRR Internal comments on safety review of Nickel-Alloy AMP 2 DPP-00-385 ML082180343 NRC/RGN-I/DRS IP LR Report, Draft 6
- July 31, 2008 07/31/2008 Inspection Report  Internal draft of license renewal inspection report DPP-00-386 ML082880456 Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: IP SER Concurrence 08/01/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal email regarding concurrence with draft SER sections (with comments) 3 DPP-00-387 ML082670945 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Update a graphic from IP Chapter 4 08/04/2008 E-Mail Valerie Cullinan/
PNL Internal discussion of a graphic in the draft SEIS, Ch.
4 3 DPP-00-388 ML082671024 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Mitigation measures in Chapter 4 of IP EIS08/04/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward (PNL)/ Dennis Logan (NRC/NRR) Internal discussion of draft SEIS input on mitigation measures 3 Page 57 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-389 ML090090473 Jeffrey Ward/
Battelle Marine Sciences Lab EMAIL - RE: Mitigation measures in Chapter 4 of IP EIS08/04/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg, Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion of draft DSEIS chapter 4 3 DPP-00-390 ML082340980 Richard Morante/ BNL EMAIL - FW: IP 2/3 LRA - SERwOI - 3.5 AMR - Completed 08/06/2008 E-Mail James Davis/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft
SER input - aging management review for structures 52 DPP-00-391 ML082340973 Richard Morante/ BNL EMAIL - (Untitled) 08/08/2008 E-Mail James Davis/ NRC/NRR Internal email containing comment on draft SER input 2 DPP-00-392 ML082590129 Duc Nguyen/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Review of Amendments to LRA 08/12/2008 E-Mail Rajender Auluck/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion of need to discuss certain LRA amendments in SER 2 DPP-00-393 ML082670944 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - FYI - predecisional input on contentions 08/13/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom (Earth Tech)/ Jeffrey Ward (PNL) Internal discussion of impact of admitted contentions on environmental review 5 DPP-00-394 ML082340967 Richard Morante/ BNL EMAIL - RE: License Renewal Letter NL-08-127 08/19/2008 E-Mail James Davis/ NRC/NRR Internal discussions of applicant's RAI responses 3 DPP-00-395 ML082630830 James Medoff/
NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: (Untitled) 08/20/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion of staff safety review and draft SER input 3 DPP-00-396 ML082530009 Emma Wong/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Boral 08/25/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER input regarding Boral Surveillance Program 6 Page 58 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-397 ML082530024 Robert Palla/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: FYI - predecisional input on contentions 08/25/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion of impact of admitted contentions on draft SEIS 2 DPP-00-398 ML082670994 Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Q's and A's 08/25/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion of responses regarding the Indian Point license renewal process 4 DPP-00-399 ML082670996 Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: My thoughts 08/25/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion of the scoping issues 3 DPP-00-400 ML090140663 Jeffrey Rikhoff/
R EMAIL - RE: FYI - predecisional input on contentions 08/25/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg, Dennis Logan; Jennifer Davis; Stephen Klementowicz/
NRC/NRR/DLR; Katie Broom/ EarthTech Internal comments on need for DSEIS regarding contentions 2 DPP-00-401 ML082530028 Robert Palla/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - FW:  (Untitled) 08/26/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg, Tina Ghosh/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission of draft POAM and Communication Plan. 23 DPP-00-402 ML082630809 Richard Morante/ BNL EMAIL - FW: 
(Untitled) 08/26/2008 E-Mail George Thomas, Hansraj Ashar/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER input regarding
inaccessible concrete 4 Page 59 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-403 ML082630810 Richard Morante/ BNL EMAIL - FW:  (Untitled) 08/26/2008 E-Mail George Thomas, Hansraj Ashar/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion of draft SER input regarding inaccessible concrete 2 DPP-00-404 ML082630807 Richard Morante/ BNL EMAIL - RE: Telecon for 8/27 @ 11:30am 08/27/2008 E-Mail George Thomas/ NRC/NRR Internal comment on applicant's response to audit question 2 DPP-00-405 ML082670879 Andrew Stuyvenberg/
NRC/NRR EMAIL - IP Draft Mini Comm. Plan for Review 08/27/2008 E-Mail Brian Holian; Kimberly Green; Rani Franovich; Mel Gray; Richard Conte; Eliot Brenner; David McIntyre; Diane Screnci; Neil Sheehan; Marjorie McLaughlin; Richard Barkley; Eugene Dacus/  NRC/NRR/DLRInternal transmission of communication plan 6 DPP-00-406 ML082671015 Andrew Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: FYI - predecisional input on contentions 08/28/2008 E-Mail Stephen Klementowicz/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion of impact of admitted contentions on draft SEIS 2 DPP-00-407 ML083090979 Clifford Marks/ ISL EMAIL - Indian Point:
conclusion Tier 1 Conclusion Statement
- (a)(2) Conclusion 09/02/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/
Pope/ ISL Internal discussion of draft SER input, Tier 1 systems 4 DPP-00-408 ML082490159 Stephen Klementowicz/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Revised New and Significant section 09/03/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SEIS input regarding new
information 7 Page 60 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-409 ML082550726 Allen Hiser/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: IP2&3 LRA - Boral --- looks OK 09/05/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion of draft SER Input (Boral) 2 DPP-00-410 ML082590036 Jerry Dozier/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: 3.2 and 3.4 09/05/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion of draft SER sections 3.2 and 3.4 2 DPP-00-411 ML082630826 James Medoff/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Rewrite with OIs B.18-1 and B.1.18-2. - the input revised in
the input to be a plant specific AMP writeup 09/05/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER input 18 DPP-00-412 ML082630828 James Medoff/
NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: SER 09/05/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission (with comment) of draft SER input 11 DPP-00-413 ML082590029 Jerry Dozier/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Section
4.3 09/07/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal comment on draft SER section 4.3 2 DPP-00-414 ML082630805 Richard Morante/ BNL EMAIL - RE: Telecon on Monday 09/08/2008 E-Mail George Thomas, Hansraj Ashar, Rajender Auluck, Kimberly Green, Dan Hoang/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding need for clarification on applicant's RAI response 4 DPP-00-415 ML082630804 Richard Morante/ BNL EMAIL - Revised 3.5 09/09/2008 E-Mail George Thomas, Hansraj Ashar/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER section 3.5 58 Page 61 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-416 ML082630780 Richard Morante/ BNL EMAIL - Containment ISI AMP Revision 09/10/2008 E-Mail George Thomas, Hansraj Ashar/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER input - containment ISI AMP 10 DPP-00-417 ML082630786 Richard Morante/ BNL EMAIL - SMP AMP Revision 09/10/2008 E-Mail George Thomas, Hansraj Ashar/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER input - structural monitoring 11 DPP-00-418 ML082630790 Richard Morante/ BNL EMAIL - Audit Q 361 09/10/2008 E-Mail George Thomas, Hansraj Ashar/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER input and comments regarding response to audit question 6 DPP-00-419 ML082630792 Richard Morante/ BNL EMAIL - Audit Q 360 09/10/2008 E-Mail George Thomas, Hansraj Ashar/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER input and comments regarding response to audit question 9 DPP-00-420 ML082630794 Richard Morante/ BNL EMAIL - Audit Qs 358 and 359 09/10/2008 E-Mail George Thomas, Hansraj Ashar/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER input and comments regarding response to audit questions 15 DPP-00-421 ML082630802 Richard Morante/ BNL EMAIL - Question 27 09/10/2008 E-Mail George Thomas, Hansraj Ashar/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER input and comments regarding response to audit question 7 DPP-00-422 ML082880447 Alex Klein/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - IP license renewal SE words 09/10/2008 E-Mail Naeem Iqbal/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion of draft
SER input 2 Page 62 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-423 ML082630686 George Thomas/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - FW: Rev. 1 of SERwOI for 3.5 09/11/2008 E-Mail Dan Hoang, Rajender Auluck/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft
SER input - Section 3.5 58 DPP-00-424 ML082630693 George Thomas/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Indian Point
LRA draft SER input disposition of  the original 5 (now 3) Open Items 09/11/2008 E-Mail Kamal Manoly/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER input - Containment ISI and structures monitoring 20 DPP-00-425 ML082630740 George Thomas/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: SMP AMP Revision 09/11/2008 E-Mail Richard Morante/ BN L Internal transmission of draft SER input - structures monitoring 11 DPP-00-426 ML082630744 George Thomas/
NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Containment ISI AMP Revision 09/11/2008 E-Mail Richard Morante/ BN L Internal transmission of draft SER input - containment ISI 11 DPP-00-427 ML082630689 George Thomas/
NRC/NRR EMAIL - IP LRA - Peer review of Structural Open Items related to Audit Questions 27, 358 thru 361 09/12/2008 E-Mail Kamal Manoly/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft SER input related to audit questions 20 DPP-00-428 ML082630775 Richard Morante/ BNL EMAIL - RE: SMP AMP Revision 09/15/2008 E-Mail George Thomas/ NRC/NRR Internal email regarding draft SER input (SMP) 3 DPP-00-429 ML090090471 Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Comments on Chapter 2 insert 09/15/2008 E-Mail Rani Franovich/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion and comments on DSEIS 2 Page 63 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-430 ML083090977 Clifford Marks/ ISL EMAIL - RE: tier 2 of systems with no UFSAR and no drawings 09/16/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/
Pope/ ISL Internal discussion of draft SER input, Tier 2 systems 5 DPP-00-431 ML090090465 Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Another question  .  .  . 09/16/2008 E-Mail Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR/DLR; Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal discussion regarding
DSEIS inputs 3 DPP-00-432 ML090090468 Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Another IP question 09/16/2008 E-Mail Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR/DLR; Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal discussion regarding DSEIS language in chapter 2 3 DPP-00-433 ML090090469 Andrew Stuyvenberg/
NRC/NRR EMAIL - Quick clarification - IP Chapter 2 09/16/2008 E-Mail Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR/DLR; Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal discussion regarding DSEIS input for chapter 2 2 DPP-00-434 ML082661098 Terence Chan/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Indian
Point LRA 09/17/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion and comments on draft SER input
- RCP Flywheel analysis and Nickel-Alloy AMP 3 DPP-00-435 ML083090995 Clifford Marks/ ISL EMAIL - RE: fire event 09/17/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion of draft
SER input 3 Page 64 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-436 ML090090463 Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - IP - Same para as last e-mail 09/18/2008 E-Mail Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion regarding DSEIS chapter 4 input 2 DPP-00-437 ML090150622 Ed Kaczmarczyk EMAIL - Re: FW:
Language in Chapter 2 - question for Ed K. 09/18/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/
NRC/NRR/DLR, Katie Broom/ Earth Tech Internal discussion of meteorological data in the DSEIS 3 DPP-00-438 ML090090462 Andrew Stuyvenberg/
Impingement sampling at IP - from chapter 4 09/19/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal discussion regarding DSEIS input for chapter 4 2 DPP-00-439 ML083090989 Donnie Harrison/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - IP Section 2 09-22-08 Clean.doc 09/23/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green, Stanley Gardocki/
NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission of draft SER section 2 220 DPP-00-440 ML090090461 Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Steve's Chapter 2 Groundwater Insert 09/25/2008 E-Mail Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion regarding DSEIS inputs 2 DPP-00-441 ML090150621 Steve Dillard/ Earth Tech EMAIL - FW: Indian
Point #4 - BA 10/01/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/
NRC/NRR/DLR, Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Tech Internal transmission of
DSEIS input regarding biological assessment and essential fish habitat 14 DPP-00-442 ML082810234 James Medoff/
NRC/NRR EMAIL - Review of AMRs on RxVessel Fracture Toughness for SER Section and its three 10/07/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion of draft SER input - section 2 Page 65 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count Subsections DPP-00-443 ML090090458 Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - IP1 SFP 11/10/2008 E-Mail John Boska/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion regarding additions to the DSEIS 2 DPP-00-444 ML083580175 Rajender Auluck/
SERwOI for 3.5 11/14/2008 E-Mail Hansraj Ashar, Bryce Lehman/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion of draft
input to SER 56 DPP-00-445 ML083580174 John Boska, NRC/NRR 2008/11/17 Indian Point LR Hearing - RE: Indian point License Renewal 11/17/2008 E-Mail Bryce Lehman; Rajender Auluck; Hansraj Ashar; Kimberly Green, NRC/NRR/DLR 2 DPP-00-446 ML090080087 John Boska, NRC/NRR 2008/11/18 Indian Point LR Hearing -
IP3 IWE/IWL containment inspection version 11/18/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green, NRC/NRR/DLR 2 DPP-00-447 ML090120177 Ray Gallucci/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - FW: GSI 148 - IP3 Fire spray misdirection due to smoke 11/18/2008 E-Mail Robert Palla; Daniel Frumkin; Naeem Iqbal/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion regarding fire suppression techniques and stations 3 DPP-00-448 ML090120175 Robert Palla/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: GSI 148
- IP3 Fire spray misdirection due to smoke 11/19/2008 E-Mail Ray Gallucci/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion regarding fire suppression techniques and stations 3 Page 66 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-449 ML083580167 Robert Sun/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - IP SER Section 3.5 - Working File 11/21/2008 E-Mail Rajender Auluck, Hansraj Ashar, Bryce Lehman/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission of input to draft SER 46 DPP-00-450 ML083580173 Robert Sun/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - IP SER Section 3.5 11/21/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green, Rajender Auluck, Hansraj Ashar, Bryce Lehman/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission of input
to draft SER 43 DPP-00-451 ML083580179 Richard Morante/ BNL EMAIL - RE: IP SER
Section 3.5 11/24/2008 E-Mail Rajender Auluck, Hansraj Ashar, Bryce Lehman/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal comments on and
transmittal of input to draft SER 44 DPP-00-452 ML083580180 Richard Morante/ BNL EMAIL - RE: IP SER
Section 3.5 11/25/2008 E-Mail Rajender Auluck, Hansraj Ashar, Bryce Lehman/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission of draft
SER input 12 DPP-00-453 ML083580182 Richard Morante/ BNL EMAIL - RE: IP SER Section 3.5 11/25/2008 E-Mail Rajender Auluck, Hansraj Ashar, Bryce Lehman/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission of draft
SER input 12 DPP-00-454 ML083580184 Richard Morante/ BNL EMAIL - RE: IP SER
Section 3.5 11/26/2008 E-Mail Rajender Auluck, Hansraj Ashar, Bryce Lehman, George Thomas/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission of draft SER input (SFP and RFC) 22 Page 67 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-455 ML083370305 Jennifer Davis/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Section 2.2.9 reference checks 12/02/2008 E-Mail Matt Goodwin/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal request for review of attached draft SEIS sections 10 DPP-00-456 ML083580191 Richard Morante/ BNL EMAIL - IP 2/3 SER Section 4.6 - Revision to BNL submittal on
09/18/08 12/02/2008 E-Mail Rajender Auluck, Bryce Lehman/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission of draft SER input 5 DPP-00-457 ML090120170 MarkHenry Salley/ NRC/RES EMAIL - RE: GSI 148
- IP3 Fire spray misdirection due to smoke 12/02/2008 E-Mail Nathan Siu; Ray Gallucci; Robert Palla, Jack Foster, John Lane/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion regarding GSI-148 for SAMA 4 DPP-00-458 ML083580187 Richard Morante/ BNL EMAIL - IP 2/3 RAI for Containment Concrete Spalling 12/03/2008 E-Mail Rajender Auluck, Hansraj Ashar, Bryce Lehman/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission of draft RAI for review 14 DPP-00-459 ML083580189 Richard Morante/ BNL EMAIL - IP 2/3 RAI for Spent Fuel Pool Leakage 12/03/2008 E-Mail Rajender Auluck, Hansraj Ashar, Bryce Lehman/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmittal of draft SER input and RAI for review and comment 13 DPP-00-460 ML083580190 Richard Morante/ BNL EMAIL - IP 2/3 RAI for Refueling Cavity Leakage 12/03/2008 E-Mail Rajender Auluck, Hansraj Ashar, Bryce Lehman/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission of draft
RAI for review 14 DPP-00-461 ML090120169 John Kauffman/ NRC/RES EMAIL - GI-148 and IP-3 12/03/2008 E-Mail Robert Palla, Jack Foster/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion regarding
GSI-148 2 Page 68 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-462 ML083580194 George Thomas/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: draft RAI's 12/04/2008 E-Mail Bryce Lehman/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission of marked-up draft RAI 5 DPP-00-463 ML083580196 George Thomas/
NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: draft RAI's 12/04/2008 E-Mail Hansraj Ashar, Bryce Lehman/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission of marked-up draft RAI with comments 7 DPP-00-464 ML090070420 Lisa Regner/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Draft dSEIS Issuance Comm
Plan.doc 12/04/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission/
discussion of draft Communication Plan for DSEIS 10 DPP-00-465 ML090070418 Lisa Regner/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Draft dSEIS Issuance Comm Plan.doc 12/08/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission of draft Communication Plan for DSEIS 11 DPP-00-466 ML090070459 Lisa Regner/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: IP
dSEIS Comm Plan 12/08/2008 E-Mail Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion of draft Communication Plan for DSEIS 3 DPP-00-467 ML090070460 Lisa Regner/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - IP dSEIS
Comm Plan 12/08/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg, David Wrona, Bo Pham/
NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion of draft Communication Plan for
DSEIS 2 DPP-00-468 ML090090453 Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Draft dSEIS Issuance Comm Plan.doc 12/08/2008 E-Mail Lisa Regner/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission of draft communication plan 12 Page 69 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-469 ML083580197 George Thomas/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: IP RAIs 12/09/2008 E-Mail Rajender Auluck, Hansraj Ashar, Bryce Lehman, Kamal Manoly/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission of draft RAIS for internal review 7 DPP-00-470 ML090140681 Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: IP BA and EFH Lrt to NMFS.doc 12/09/2008 E-Mail Lisa Regner/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion of draft letter to NMFS regarding biological assessment and essential fish habitat 3 DPP-00-471 ML090080092 John Boska/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Indian Point Draft dSEIS Issuance Comm Plan Revisions 12/10/2008 E-Mail Lisa Regner, Mark Kowal/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion of draft communication plan 3 DPP-00-472 ML090090450 Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Update . . . 12/10/2008 E-Mail David Wrona, Lisa Regner/ NRC/NRR/DLRInternal discussion of DSEIS 2 DPP-00-473 ML090070355 Lisa Regner/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - DLR input to EDO Daily Notes 12-11-2008a.doc 12/11/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg, David Wrona, Bo Pham/
NRC/NRR/DLR Draft input to EDO Daily Notes re: issuance of DSEIS 3 DPP-00-474 ML090080094 Richard Barkley/ NRC/RGN-I EMAIL - RE: One Week Look Ahead for 12-12-08 12/11/2008 E-Mail Lisa Regner, Andrew Stuyvenburg, Diane Screnci, Neil Sheehan, Marjorie McLaughlin/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion of draft communication plan 3 DPP-00-475 ML090090449 Andrew Stuyvenberg/
NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Chapter 4 IP dSEIS -
Preliminary Information Not for 12/11/2008 E-Mail Lisa Regner; Bo Pham; David McIntyre; David Wrona; Diane Screnci; Edward Williamson; Internal transmission of chapter 2 draft for the DSEIS 7 Page 70 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count Public Release Eugene Dacus; Ivonne Couret; John Boska; Marjorie McLaughlin; Mel Gray; Nancy McNamara; Neil Sheehan; Richard Barkley; Richard Conte; Sherwin Turk; Undine Shoop/ NRC/NRR/DLR DPP-00-476 ML090090448 Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Chapter 4 IP dSEIS -
Preliminary Information Not for Public Release 12/12/2008 E-Mail Richard Barkley; Lisa Regner; Diane Screnci; Marjorie McLaughlin; Mel Gray; Nancy McNamara; Neil Sheehan; Richard Conte. Sam Collins, Marc Dapas, Marsha Gamberoni, John Rogge/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission communication plan for the DSEIS 15 DPP-00-477 ML083580199 Robert Sun/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Updated RAI 12/15/2008 E-Mail Rajender Auluck, Hansraj Ashar, Bryce Lehman/
NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission of draft RAI for internal review 8 DPP-00-478 ML083580200 Robert Sun/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - FW: Updated RAI 12/15/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green, Rajender Auluck, Hansraj Ashar, Bryce Lehman/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission of draft
RAI for internal review 7 DPP-00-479 ML090140677 Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - This might help.  -Dennis 12/15/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward, Valerie Cullinan/ PNL Internal transmission of chapter for draft for the DSEIS 72 Page 71 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-480 ML090140678 Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: The bluefish question 12/15/2008 E-Mail Michael Masnik/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion regarding
input to DSEIS 3 DPP-00-481 ML083580201 Robert Sun/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Updated RAI 12/16/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green, Rajender Auluck, Hansraj Ashar, Bryce Lehman/
NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission of draft
RAI for internal review 7 DPP-00-482 ML083580203 Rajender Auluck/
NRC/NRR EMAIL - FW: June 11th letter 12/17/2008 E-Mail Bryce Lehman/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission of draft SER section 3.5 with comments 44 DPP-00-483 ML090080097 Richard Barkley/
Point Draft dSEIS Issuance Comm Plan - clean FINAL 12/17/2008 E-Mail Lisa Regner, Diane Screnci, Neil Sheehan, Sam Collins/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion of draft communication plan 3 DPP-00-484 ML090090443 Andrew Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: RE:
PRIVILEGED ATTORNEY-CLIENT COMMUNICATION -  PRE-DECISIONAL 12/17/2008 E-Mail Bo Pham, David Wrona, Brian Holian, Samson Lee, Dennis Logan/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion regarding section of the DSEIS 2 DPP-00-485 ML090140675 Dennis Logan/
ATTORNEY-CLIENT COMMUNICATION -  PRE-DECISIONAL 12/17/2008 E-Mail Bo Pham, Andrew Stuyvenberg,  Brian Holian; David Wrona; Samson Lee/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal comments regarding
DSEIS inputs for impingement 2 Page 72 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-486 ML083580204 George Thomas/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Updated IP 3.5 incorporating OGC comments 12/19/2008 E-Mail Rajender Auluck, Hansraj Ashar, Bryce Lehman/
NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission of draft SER section 3.5 with comments 47 DPP-00-487 ML083580205 George Thomas/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - Revised IP SER Section 3.5 12/22/2008 E-Mail Richard Morante/ BNL; Rajender Auluck, Hansraj Ashar, Bryce Lehman, Kamal Manoly/
NRC/NRR/DLR Internal transmission of draft SER section 3.5 with comments 48 DPP-00-488 ML083580048 Kimberly Green/ NRC/NRR EMAIL - RE: Draft Comm Plan for Issuance of the Indian
Point SER with Open Items 12/23/2008 E-Mail Richard Conte, Glenn Meyer, John Richmond, Mel Gray, Richard Barkley, David Wrona, Lisa Regner, David Pelton/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion of draft Comm Plan 3 DPP-00-489 ML083590060 Richard Morante/ BNL EMAIL - RE: Revised IP SER Section 3.5 12/23/2008 E-Mail Rajender Auluck, Hansraj Ashar, Bryce Lehman, Kamal Manoly/ NRC/NRR/DLR Internal discussion of draft SER section 2 DPP-00-490 ML083590257 Bryce Lehman/
NRC/NRR EMAIL - IP SER 3.5 and Structural AMPs 12/24/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green, Rajender Auluck, Hansraj Ashar,George Thomas,  David Wrona/ NRC/NRR/DLR; Richard Morante/ BNL Internal transmission of draft SER section with markups 69 Page 73 of 74 Page 74 of 74 ID # Accession Number Author Name/ Affiliation: Title/Description Document Date Document Type Addressee/
Addressee Affiliation Comment Page Count DPP-00-491 ML090140596 Jennifer Davis/  NRC/NRR EMAIL - FW: Chap. 3 01/14/2009 E-Mail Matt Goodwin/ EarthTech Internal transmission of DSEIS input for chapter 3 3}}

Latest revision as of 04:12, 7 December 2019

Indian Point - Privilege Log - Deliberative Process
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 01/30/2009
From: Marcia Simon, Sherwin Turk
Shared Package
ML090340687 List:
Download: ML090340709 (74)


ATTACHMENT 2 INDIAN POINT NUCLEAR POWER STATION HEARING FILE AND MANDATORY DISCLOSURES PRIVILEGE LOG - DELIBERATIVE PROCESS PRIVILEGE Initial Disclosures - January 30 , 2009 Certain documents otherwise subject to inclusion in the hearing file and mandatory disclosures for this proceeding have been determined by the NRC Staff to contain information subject to withholding from public disclosure as predecisional, deliberative information. Pursuant to 10 C.F.R. § 2.336(b)(5), the Staff is providing this log to identify the following documents, withheld under the deliberative process privilege.

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML071420200 Weerakkody Indian Point Energy 05/22/2007 Memoranda Auluck R C, NRC/NRR Internal memorandum 8 S D, Center Units 2 & 3 - discussing comments/

NRC/NRR License Renewal observations of the Fire DPP Application - Fire Protection Branchs 001 Protection acceptance review of the Acceptance Review LRA (TAC Nos. MD5407 and MD5408).

ML082671037 Naeem Iqbal/ EMAIL - Indian Point 05/22/2007 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal transmission of 12 NRC/NRR Energy Center Units 2 NRC/NRR memorandum discussing and 3 - License comments/

DPP Renewal Application - observations of the Fire 002 Fire Protection Protection Branchs Acceptance Review acceptance review of the (TAC Nos. MD5407 LRA and MD5408)

ML071510014 Cranston G V, Reactor Systems 05/23/2007 Memoranda Auluck R C, NRC/NRR Internal memorandum 2 NRC/NRR Branch Acceptance discussing Reactor Systems Review Re: Indian Branch Acceptance Review DPP Point Units 2 and 3, of the LRA 003 Docket Nos. 50-247 and 50-286 License Renewal Application.

Page 1 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML073450894 James EMAIL - FYI: Second 05/23/2007 E-Mail Kimberly Green, Bo Internal transmission of 2 Medoff/ Part of My Pham, James Davis/ comments/

DPP NRC/NRR Acceptance/Sufficienc NRC/NRR observations regarding 004 y Review for Indian acceptance/sufficiency Point LRA review of LRA ML082540432 Matt EMAIL - Indian Point 06/06/2007 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Internal comment regarding 5 DPP Goodwin/ CR contacts Tech review of the cultural 005 Earth Tech resources portion of the Applicants ER ML082890312 Kimberly EMAIL - Re: Fwd: 06/21/2007 E-Mail Rajender Auluck, Rani Internal discussion regarding 2 Green/ SBO/App. R Diesel Franovich, James LRA and Entergys June 18, DPP NRC/NRR LRA Letter Davis, Pao-Tsin Kuo, 2007 Letter 006 Samson Lee, Angelo Stubbs, Bo Pham/

NRC/NRR ML073450879 Harriet Nash/ EMAIL - IP immediate 07/12/2007 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal transmission of draft 3 DPP NRC/NRR RAIs environmental RAIs and 007 comments DPP ML073450881 Jeffrey Ward/ EMAIL - RE: IP 07/12/2007 E-Mail Harriet Nash/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding 3 008 PNL immediate RAIs draft RAIs ML082890313 Kimberly EMAIL - Acceptance 07/12/2007 E-Mail Rajender Auluck, Bo Internal discussion regarding 2 DPP Green/ of IP LRA Pham/ NRC/NRR/DLR LRA and timing of 009 NRC/NRR acceptance ML073510042 Dennis EMAIL - Fwd: Plumes 08/02/2007 E-Mail NRC/NRR Internal comment regarding 3 DPP Logan/ plumes and plume resources 010 NRC/NRR Page 2 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML073510043 Harriet Nash/ EMAIL - Fwd: For 08/02/2007 E-Mail NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 4 DPP NRC/NRR Tomorrow approach to NRCs 011 environmental review DPP ML073510045 Harriet Nash/ EMAIL - Fwd: IP Site 08/02/2007 E-Mail NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding 2 012 NRC/NRR Visit Needs the IP site visit and ER ML073510049 Dennis EMAIL - Fwd: Draft 08/06/2007 E-Mail Nathan Goodman, Internal transmission of draft 6 Logan/ Outline for Chapter 2 Briana Balsam, Sarah outline for Chapter 2 of IP DPP 013 NRC/NRR of IP SEIS Lopas, Elizabeth SEIS Wexler/ NRC/NRR ML073510052 Dennis EMAIL - Emailing: 08/07/2007 E-Mail Harriet Nash Internal transmission of 5 DPP Logan/ Chapter 2 (NRC/NRR) / Jeffrey outline for draft SEIS 014 NRC/NRR Outline.wpd Ward (PNL)

ML073510059 Jeffrey Ward/ EMAIL - RE: Request: 08/08/2007 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley, (Earth Internal discussion regarding 7 PNL Site Audit Information Tech)/ Jill Caverly, requests to review specific

- Indian Point Jennifer Davis, Stephen information at the site audit Klementowicz, Dennis DPP Logan, Harriet Nash, 015 Andrew Stuyvenburg, Jeffrey Rikhoff, Robert Palla, Lance Vail (NRC/NRR)

ML073510067 Bo Pham/ EMAIL - RE: 08/09/2007 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Internal discussion of 8 DPP NRC/NRR Comment binning Tech; Jeffrey Rikhoff/ strategy for review of scoping 016 NRC/NRR/DLR comments Page 3 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML073510068 Jill Caverly/ EMAIL - Fwd: Indian 08/09/2007 E-Mail NRC/NRR Internal comments regarding 3 NRC/NRR Point audit needs hydrology information in ER DPP 017 and Staff needs for hydrology review ML073510069 Harriet Nash/ EMAIL - IP writing 08/09/2007 E-Mail Sarah Lopas, Elizabeth Internal transmission of 5 DPP NRC/NRR assignments Wexler (NRC/NRR) partial outline for draft SEIS 018 with writing assignments ML073510072 Jill Caverly/ EMAIL - Fwd: Draft 08/09/2007 E-Mail Dennis Beissel, Jennifer Internal transmission of SEIS 10 NRC/NRR Writing Assignment Davis, Stephen outline with draft writing DPP for Indian Point Klementowicz, Harriet assignments 019 Nash, Andrew Stuyvenburg/ NRC/NRR ML073510075 Harriet Nash/ EMAIL - Re: Fwd: 08/09/2007 E-Mail Jill Caverly/ NRC/NRR Internal comments/revisions 2 DPP NRC/NRR Draft Writing regarding SEIS draft outline 020 Assignment for Indian and writing assignments Point ML073510087 Harriet Nash/ EMAIL - Fwd: Indian 08/10/2007 E-Mail Jill Caverly/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding 3 DPP NRC/NRR Point audit needs - additional information needs 021 terrestrial eco for audit ML073510088 Jennifer EMAIL - Info needs 08/10/2007 E-Mail Jill Caverly/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of audit 3 Davis/ information needs regarding DPP 022 NRC/NRR historical and archeological resources Page 4 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML082540427 Steve Dillard/ EMAIL - Indian Point 08/10/2007 E-Mail Harriet Nash, Jill Internal transmission of audit 2 Earth Tech audit needs - Caverly, Dennis Logan/ information needs regarding DPP 023 terrestrial eco NRC/NRR terrestrial ecology ML090140670 Jeffrey EMAIL - Re: Request: 08/10/2007 E-Mail Jill Caverly, Eric Internal transmission of audit 5 Rikhoff/ Site Audit Information Benner, Jennifer Davis, information needs with DPP NRC/NRR/DL - Indian Point Bo Pham/ regarding environmental 024 R NRC/NRR/DLR justice, land use, and socioeconomics.

ML073510090 Jennifer EMAIL - Fwd: Re: 08/13/2007 E-Mail Jeffrey Rikhoff/ Internal discussion of 3 DPP Davis/ Request: Site Audit NRC/NRR/DLR information needs from site NRC/NRR Information - Indian audit 025 Point ML073510099 Jill Caverly/ EMAIL - Fwd: Re: IP 08/15/2007 E-Mail NRC/NRR Internal transmission of audit 4 NRC/NRR air/met site audit information needs regarding DPP 026 needs. air and meteorology ML073510109 Jill Caverly/ EMAIL - Draft 08/16/2007 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley, (Earth Internal transmission of draft 6 NRC/NRR Environmental Site Tech)/ Dennis Beissel, environmental site audit Audit schedule Jennifer Davis, Stephen schedule Klementowicz, Dennis DPP Logan, Harriet Nash, 027 Andrew Stuyvenburg, Jeffrey Rikhoff, (NRC/NRR)/ Jeffrey Ward, Vance Vail (PNL)

ML073510115 Jill Caverly/ EMAIL - Alternatives 08/16/2007 E-Mail Lance Vail/ PNL Internal comment regarding 3 DPP NRC/NRR sections for IP LRA outline for alternatives 028 sections for SEIS and Page 5 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

transmission of outline ML073510119 Jeffrey Ward/ EMAIL - FW: More 08/16/2007 E-Mail Jill Caverly, Dennis Internal transmission of Staff 5 DPP PNL documents to request Logan/ NRC/NRR needs for audit review 029 ML073510132 Stephen EMAIL - Indian Point 08/22/2007 E-Mail Jill Caverly, Bo Pham/ Internal transmission of audit 3 Klementowicz Radiological site audit NRC/NRR information needs regarding DPP 030 / NRC/NRR needs radiological and non-radiological information ML073510139 Andrew EMAIL - Re: shoot me 08/23/2007 E-Mail Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of audit 3 DPP Stuyvenberg/ your audit input information needs regarding 031 NRC/NRR alternatives ML073510151 Jill Caverly/ EMAIL - Scoping Site 08/28/2007 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley, (Earth Internal transmission of draft 5 NRC/NRR Audit Schedule Tech)/ Dennis Beissel, scoping site audit schedule rev1.xls Eric Benner, Jennifer Davis, Stephen Klementowicz, Dennis DPP Logan, Harriet Nash, 032 Andrew Stuyvenburg, Jeffrey Rikhoff, Elizabeth Wexler, (NRC/NRR)/ Lance Vail, Jeffrey Ward (PNL)

ML082890310 Kimberly EMAIL - Re: CAN 08/31/2007 E-Mail Richard Conte/ Internal comments regarding 2 DPP Green/ YOU GUYS CALL ME NRC/NRR NRCs assessment of the site 033 NRC/NRR AFTER THE EXIT audit MEETING TODAY Page 6 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML072490215 Klein A R, Request for Additional 09/07/2007 Memoranda Auluck R C, NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 10 NRC/NRR Information Request for RAI Regarding the Additional License Renewal Information Application - Indian (RAI)

DPP Point Nuclear 034 Generating Units 2 and 3 - Fire Protection, (TAC NOS. MD5407 and MD5408).

ML082540445 Matt EMAIL - RE: 09/07/2007 E-Mail Nicole Spangler/ Earth Internal transmission of 4 DPP Goodwin/ references Tech reference list for pre-audit 035 Earth Tech SEIS draft ML082890324 Kimberly EMAIL - LRA drawing 09/10/2007 E-Mail Naeem Iqbal/ Internal question regarding 2 DPP Green/ 9321-4006 NRC/NRR LRA drawing 9321-4006 036 NRC/NRR ML073510192 Bruce EMAIL - IP2 Draft 09/12/2007 E-Mail Ali Azarna/ ISL, Inc. Internal transmission of draft 6 Mrowca/ ISL, RAIs RAIs regarding SAMAs DPP 037 Inc.

ML072600182 Wilson G A, Indian Point Energy 09/17/2007 Memoranda Auluck R C, NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 5 NRC/NRR Center - Request for Request for RAI Additional Information Additional

- License Renewal Information DPP Application, Section (RAI) 038 2.5 (TAC Nos.

MD5407 and MD5408).

Page 7 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML073510199 Bruce EMAIL - IP2/3 SAMA 09/17/2007 E-Mail Robert Palla/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 11 DPP Mrowca/ ISL, Draft RAIs RAIs regarding SAMAs 039 Inc.

ML072680417 Chan T L, Request for Additional 09/19/2007 Memoranda Auluck R, NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 4 NRC/NRR Information for Indian Request for RAI Point Energy Center, Additional DPP Units 2 and 3, Information 040 License Renewal (RAI)

Application (TAC Nos.

MD5409 and MD5408).

ML082530359 Barry Elliot/ EMAIL - Indian Point 09/19/2007 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal transmission of draft 7 NRC/NRR License Renewal NRC/NRR RAI DPP RAIs for RV 041 Surveillance Program and RV Embrittlement YLAAs ML072630510 Mitchell M A, Request for Additional 09/20/2007 Memoranda Auluck R C, NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 5 NRC/NRR Information Related to Request for RAI Indian Point Energy Additional DPP Center Units 2 and 3 Information 042 License Renewal (RAI)

Application (TAC NOS. MD5407 and MD5408).

ML082671034 Naeem Iqbal/ EMAIL - Fwd: 09/20/2007 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal discussion regarding 3 DPP NRC/NRR Additionl Indian Point NRC/NRR and transmission of input to 043 Fire Protection RAIl fire protection RAI ML073510215 Harriet Nash/ EMAIL - Fwd: 09/24/2007 E-Mail Jill Caverly, Bo Pham/ Internal discussion and 3 DPP NRC/NRR Collections of NRC/NRR transmission of shortnose 044 Shortnose Sturgeon sturgeon table from LRS Page 8 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

from LRS ML082671038 Sheila Ray/ EMAIL - Re: Fwd: 09/24/2007 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal discussion regarding 2 DPP NRC/NRR Draft RAIs for Fire NRC/NRR contents of draft RAI 045 Protection and Electrical Systems ML072640318 Dennig R L, Request for Additional 09/25/2007 Memoranda Auluck R C, NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 6 NRC/NRR Information License Request for RAI Renewal Application Additional DPP for Indian Point, Unit Information 046 2 (TAC No. MD5407) (RAI) and Unit 3 (TAC No.


ML082890383 Kimberly EMAIL - Nickel Alloy 09/26/2007 E-Mail Terence Chan/ Internal comments regarding 2 DPP Green/ RAIs NRC/NRR RAIs addressing the Nickel 047 NRC/NRR Alloy Inspection Program ML083090972 Clifford EMAIL - Re: Indian 09/27/2007 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ Internal discussion of draft 4 Marks/ Point RAIS NRC/NRR/DLR RAIs DPP Information corrections and 048 Systems revisions Laboratories ML073511706 Jeffrey Ward/ EMAIL - Data and 10/02/2007 E-Mail Dennis Logan, Jill Internal discussion of 5 DPP PNL Document Needs Caverly/ documents needed for staff 049 from NYSDEC NRC/NRR/DLR; Valerie review Cullinan/ PNL ML082671041 Terence EMAIL - IP2, 3 LRA 10/02/2007 E-Mail Kimberly Green, James Internal comments and edits 2 DPP Chan/ RAI Davis/ NRC/NRR regarding a RAI addressing 050 NRC/NRR the Nickel Alloy Inspection Program Page 9 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML073511700 Dennis EMAIL - Re: Data and 10/03/2007 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal discussion regarding 5 DPP Logan/ Document Needs data and document needs to 051 NRC/NRR from NYSDEC support NRCs review of aquatic impacts ML082630768 Steve Jones/ EMAIL - Indian Point 10/03/2007 E-Mail Kimberly Green, Internal comments regarding 3 NRC/NRR 2 Spent Fuel Pool Stanley Gardocki, review of the spent fuel pool DPP 052 License Renewal Kamal Manoly/ leakage events and NRC/NRR transmission of draft RAI DPP ML073511773 Robert Palla/ EMAIL - IP2 and 3 10/04/2007 E-Mail Bruce Mrowca/ ISL, Inc. Internal transmission of draft 9 053 NRC/NRR SAMA RAIs SAMA RAIs with comments ML083090968 Clifford EMAIL - Indian Point 10/04/2007 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ Internal transmission of audit 4 Marks/ Audit Plan for NRC/NRR/DLR; J. plan DPP Information Subtask 4 TO 360 Woodfield, S. Pope/ ISL 054 Systems Laboratories ML072820302 Chan T L, Request for Additional 10/05/2007 Memoranda Auluck R C, NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 6 NRC/NRR Information for Indian Request for RAI Point Energy Center Additional DPP Units 2 and 3 License Information 055 Renewal Application (RAI)

(TAC Nos. MD5407 and MD5408).

ML082630701 Kimberly EMAIL - Re: Indian 10/05/2007 E-Mail George Thomas, Kamal Internal discussion of scopy 2 DPP Green/ Point LRA - Section Manoly, Bo Pham/ of staff review --structures 056 NRC/NRR 2.4 Review NRC/NRR/DLR ML073511764 Bruce EMAIL - Re: IP2 and 10/09/2007 E-Mail Robert Palla/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission draft 10 DPP Mrowca/ ISL, 3 SAMA RAIs SAMA RAIS with comments 057 Inc.

Page 10 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML072780173 Harrison D G, Request for Additional 10/10/2007 Memoranda Auluck R, NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 10 NRC/NRR Information for Indian Request for RAI Point Nuclear Plant Additional License Renewal Information Application - Scoping (RAI)

DPP and Screening 058 Systems and Components That Are Subject to Aging Management Review (TAC Nos. MD5407 and MD5408).

ML082690754 Marjorie EMAIL - OUO - 10/11/2007 E-Mail Rani Franovich; Internal transmission of 4 McLaughlin/ Sensitive Internal Sherwin Turk; Bo needs regarding coordination NRC/RGN-I Information - EPA RII Pham; Donald Jackson; with EPA Region II issues for Request to develop Eugene Cobey; John Indian Point.

common message for White; Congress Richard Conte, Raeann Shane; David Lew; DPP Diane Screnci; Marsha 059 Gamberoni; Marc Dapas; Mark Cox; Neil Sheehan; Nancy McNamara; Paul Cataldo; Richard Barkley; Sam Collins/

NRC/NRR/DLR ML082690755 Marjorie EMAIL - Internal 10/12/2007 E-Mail Rani Franovich; Internal transmission of 4 McLaughlin/ Conference call Samson Lee; Raeann needs regarding coordination DPP NRC/RGN-I availability Wed Oct Shane; Sherwin Turk; with EPA Region II issues for 060 17 on EPA issue Bo Pham; Samuel Indian Point.

Hernandez; Garmon West; Donald Page 11 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

Jackson; Eugene Cobey; John White; Marsha Gamberoni; Richard Conte, John Boska; Donna Sullivan; Diane Screnci; Kay Gallagher; Neil Sheehan; Nancy McNamara; Richard Barkley/ NRC/NRR/DLR ML082690758 Raeann EMAIL - Re: Internal 10/12/2007 E-Mail Rani Franovich; Internal transmission of 4 Shane/ Conference call Samson Lee; Sherwin needs regarding coordination NRC/OCA availability Wed Oct Turk; Bo Pham; Samuel with EPA Region II issues for 17 on EPA issue Hernandez; Garmon Indian Point.

West; Donald Jackson; Eugene Cobey; John White; Marsha Gamberoni; Marjorie DPP McLaughlin; 061 Richard Conte, John Boska; Joseph Gray; Spiros Droggitis; Betsy Keeling; Rebecca Schmidt; Donna Sullivan; Diane Screnci; Kay Gallagher; Neil Sheehan; Nancy McNamara; Richard Barkley/ NRC/NRR/DLR Page 12 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML082690759 Marjorie EMAIL - Wed Oct 17 10/15/2007 E-Mail Rani Franovich; Internal transmission of 3 McLaughlin/ Conference Call on Samson Lee; Raeann needs regarding coordination NRC/RGN-I EPA issue Shane; Sherwin Turk; with EPA Region II issues for CANCELED Bo Pham; Samuel Indian Point.

Hernandez; Garmon West; Donald Jackson; Eugene DPP Cobey; John White; 062 Marsha Gamberoni; Richard Conte, John Boska; Donna Sullivan; Diane Screnci; Kay Gallagher; Neil Sheehan; Nancy McNamara; Richard Barkley/ NRC/NRR/DLR ML082890261 Kimberly EMAIL - Nickel Alloy 10/16/2007 E-Mail Timothy Lupold/ Internal question regarding 2 DPP Green/ NRC/NRR the LRAs nickel alloy section 063 NRC/NRR ML082671052 Steve Jones/ EMAIL - Re: Fwd: 10/17/2007 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal discussion regarding 2 NRC/NRR Indian Point 2 Spent NRC/NRR Indian Point 2 Spent Fuel DPP Fuel Pool License Pool and suggestions 064 Renewal regarding NRCs review of this area ML083090964 Clifford EMAIL - Indian Point 10/23/2007 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki, Internal transmission of 10 Marks/ ISL LRA Delivery of Rachel Gardocki/ memo discussing results of DPP Subtask 4 J-4072 NRC/NRR/DLR; Gloria site audit (Oct. 2007) 065 TAC 5407, 5408 Miket, B. Mrwoca, J.

Woodfield, M. Kennedy, S. Pope/ ISL Page 13 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML083090963 Clifford EMAIL - Indian Point 10/24/2007 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ Internal discussion of draft 2 Marks/ ISL LRA a2 Drawing NRC/NRR/DLR RAIs - non-safety related DPP 066 review components ML083090962 Clifford EMAIL - Indian Point 10/25/2007 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ Internal transmission/ 6 DPP Marks/ ISL (a)(2) RAIs NRC/NRR/DLR discussion of draft RAIs 067 ML073450899 John EMAIL - Fwd: Re: IP 10/26/2007 E-Mail Mel Gray/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding 3 DPP Richmond/ License Renewal reasonable assurance 068 NRC/NRR Hearing File Question ML073040169 Hiser A L, Indian Point Units 2 10/30/2007 Memoranda Auluck R, NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 4 NRC/NRR And 3 Request For Request for RAI Additional Information Additional DPP on License Renewal Information 069 Application (TAC Nos. (RAI)

MD5407 And MD5408).

DPP ML082890267 Billy Rogers/ EMAIL - Re: Fwd: 10/30/2007 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal transmission of draft 5 070 NRC/NRR new RAI NRC/NRR RAI with comments ML082671046 Timothy EMAIL - Indian Point 10/31/2007 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal comment regarding 2 DPP Lupold/ LRA NRC/NRR LRA and need for a RAI 071 NRC/NRR ML073511927 Jill Caverly/ EMAIL - Indian Point 11/01/2007 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal transmission of draft 9 DPP NRC/NRR Writing writing assignments and 072 Assignments_1.doc outline for SEIS Page 14 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML083090992 Billy Rogers/ EMAIL - Re: 11/01/2007 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki, Internal discussion of staff 2 NRC/NRR consumables Kimberly Green/ review of LRA DPP 073 NRC/NRR/DLR ML073511906 Jill Caverly/ EMAIL - REMINDER: 11/02/2007 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley, (Earth Internal transmission of 11 NRC/NRR IP LRA-environmental Tech)/ Dennis Beissel, environmental review review RAI schedule Jennifer Davis, Stephen information needs list and Klementowicz, Dennis writing assignments Logan, Ekaterina DPP Lenning, Andrew 074 Stuyvenburg, Jeffrey Rikhoff, Elizabeth Wexler, (NRC/NRR)/

Lance Vail, Jeffrey Ward (PNL)

ML082630772 George EMAIL - Fwd: Indian 11/07/2007 E-Mail Steve Jones/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding 2 DPP Thomas/ Point 2 Spent Fuel Indian Points spent fuel pool 075 NRC/NRR Pool License and draft RAIs Renewal ML073130534 Manoly K A, RAI for Section 2.4, 11/09/2007 Memoranda Auluck R C, NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 9 NRC/NRR "Scoping & Request for RAI Screening: Additional Structures," Indian Information DPP Point Energy Center, (RAI) 076 Units 2 and 3, License Renewal Application (TAC Nos.

MD5407 and MD5408).

Page 15 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML082630696 George EMAIL - RAIs for 11/09/2007 E-Mail Karen Meyer/ Internal transmission of draft 10 DPP Thomas/ Indian Point LRA NRC/NRR RAI 077 NRC/NRR (MD5407 & MD5408)

- Electronic file ML073511857 Jeffrey Ward/ EMAIL - Information 11/12/2007 E-Mail Dennis Logan/ Internal discussion - planning 111 PNL for conference call NRC/NRR of DSEIS Ch. 2 DPP 078 tomorrow ML073511852 Jeffrey Ward/ EMAIL - RAI Needs 11/13/2007 E-Mail Jill Caverly, Dennis Internal transmission of 5 DPP PNL Logan/ NRC/NRR information needs for 079 environmental review ML073511854 Jeffrey Ward/ EMAIL - Species of 11/13/2007 E-Mail Jill Caverly, Dennis Internal transmission of 5 DPP PNL Interest for Indian Logan/ NRC/NRR preliminary species list and Point SEIS comment regarding Staff 080 review ML082671050 Steve Jones/ EMAIL - Re: Fwd: 11/13/2007 E-Mail George Thomas/ Internal discussion regarding 3 DPP NRC/NRR Indian Point 2 Spent NRC/NRR draft spent fuel pool RAIs 081 Fuel Pool License Renewal ML083090958 Clifford EMAIL - Indian Point 11/14/2007 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ Internal discussion of draft 2 Marks/ ISL LRA Teleconference NRC/NRR/DLR; S. RAIs DPP 082 RAI withdrawal Pope/ ISL Page 16 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML073511842 Bo Pham/ EMAIL - 11/15/2007 E-Mail Jill Caverly, Rani Internal transmission of draft 3 NRC/NRR Environmental RAI for Franovich/ NRC/NRR RAI regarding refurbishment DPP 083 refurbishment ML073511839 Robert Palla/ EMAIL - Fwd: Re: 11/19/2007 E-Mail Bruce Mrowca, Ali Internal comment regarding 2 DPP NRC/NRR Conf Call on GI-199, Azarn, Diane NRCs seismic analysis 084 Indian Point, NY AG Mlynarczyk/ PNL Press Release ML073511818 Jill Caverly/ EMAIL - audit list RAI 11/27/2007 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal transmission of 3 DPP NRC/NRR rev1.doc information needs list 085 DPP ML073511822 Jill Caverly/ EMAIL - ip rai 11/27/2007 E-Mail Robert Palla/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 3 086 NRC/NRR RAI with comments ML082660237 Benjamin EMAIL - IP 2 and 3 12/03/2007 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal transmission of draft 5 DPP Parks/ LRA Scoping and NRC/NRR RAI 087 NRC/NRR Screening RAIs ML082630730 George EMAIL - Indian Point 12/04/2007 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal comment regarding 2 DPP Thomas/ RAIs NRC/NRR RAIs 088 NRC/NRR ML073600206 Dennis EMAIL - RE: life 12/06/2007 E-Mail Nathan Goodman, Internal discussion regarding 3 DPP Logan/ history check list Briana Balsam, life histories and a proposed NRC/NRR Elizabeth Wexler/ species list for draft SEIS 089 NRC/NRR ML082890342 Kimberly EMAIL - Re: Indian 12/10/2007 E-Mail John Tsao/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding 2 DPP Green/ Point LRA RAI the need to ask a RAI 090 NRC/NRR Page 17 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML073600363 Jeffrey Ward/ EMAIL - FW: FW: 12/11/2007 E-Mail Dennis Logan/ Internal discussion regarding 12 PNL Fish Table NRC/NRR attached draft table for the DPP 091 SEIS ML073600376 Jeffrey Ward/ EMAIL - FW: Fish 12/11/2007 E-Mail Dennis Logan/ Internal transmission of fish 16 DPP PNL Table NRC/NRR table to assist with life history 092 portion of draft DSEIS ML073600322 Jeffrey Ward/ EMAIL - RE: State 12/12/2007 E-Mail Jill Caverly, Dennis Internal transmission 3 PNL EFH input - proposed Logan/ NRC/NRR regarding coordination of DPP 093 timing of input inputs from New York State Habitat Conservation.

ML082630813 Nageswara EMAIL - Fwd: SER 12/14/2007 E-Mail Jerome Bettle/ Internal transmission of draft 43 DPP Karipineni/ Shell NRC/NRR SER shell with comments 094 NRC/NRR ML082890160 Kimberly EMAIL - RAIs 12/18/2007 E-Mail Benjamin Parks, Internal discussion regarding 2 DPP Green/ Lambros Lois/, draft RAIs NRC/NRR NRC/NRR/DLR 095 ML082660235 Benjamin EMAIL - Re: RAIs 12/19/2007 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal discussion regarding 2 Parks/ NRC/NRR draft RAIs DPP 096 NRC/NRR Page 18 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML082671030 Naeem Iqbal/ EMAIL - IP2 and IP3 12/20/2007 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal transmission of SER 48 NRC/NRR Fire Protection Safety NRC/NRR input regarding fire protection DPP Evaluation Report safety 097 ADAMS Accession No. ML073510425 ML083090956 Clifford EMAIL - Indian Point 12/21/2007 E-Mail Kimberly Green, Internal transmission/ 10 DPP Marks/ ISL LRA SER Shell Stanley Gardocki/ discussion of draft SER input 098 Review NRC/NRR/DLR; S.

Pope/ ISL ML080090540 Jill Caverly, EMAIL - Fwd: Indian 01/02/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ Internal transmission of draft 90 DPP NRC/NRR Point NRC/NRR scoping report 099 ML080090537 Dennis EMAIL - Interim work 01/03/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal transmission of draft 25 DPP Logan/ product: Fish life fish life history input for draft 100 NRC/NRR history first drafts SEIS attached...

DPP ML082670464 On Yee/ EMAIL - tlaa input 01/04/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 6 101 NRC/NRR SER section with comments ML082671044 Timothy EMAIL - Indian Point 01/04/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal question regarding 2 DPP Lupold/ License Renewal NRC/NRR NRCs LRA review 102 NRC/NRR DPP ML082670460 On Yee/ EMAIL - Peter, 01/07/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 3 103 NRC/NRR RAI with comments ML082671043 Timothy EMAIL - REQUEST 01/07/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal transmission of draft 3 DPP Lupold/ FOR ADDITIONAL NRC/NRR RAI 104 NRC/NRR INFORMATION.doc Page 19 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML082671026 Naeem Iqbal/ EMAIL - Fire 01/08/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal transmission of draft 3 DPP NRC/NRR Protection Additional NRC/NRR RAIs 105 RAIs on Fire Wrap and Hemyc ERFBS ML082671028 Naeem Iqbal/ EMAIL - Re: FP SER 01/08/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal transmission of draft 18 DPP NRC/NRR Sections NRC/NRR SER sections regarding fire 106 protection with comments ML081210319 Meyer G W, Inspection Cover 01/09/2008 Inspection Internal inspection plan for 4 DPP NRC/RGN- Sheet and Inspection Plan license renewal inspection I/DRS Plan - Indian Point 2 107

& 3.

ML082670456 On Yee/ EMAIL - Re: AMR 01/11/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 3 DPP NRC/NRR HPSI Pump Mini SER sections with comments 108 Recirculation Line ML082630729 George EMAIL - Status of 01/14/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal transmission of draft 8 Thomas/ RAIs from Conf. Call: NRC/NRR RAIs with comments DPP NRC/NRR IP-2 & 3 LRA -

109 Section 2.4 "Scoping

& Screening of Structures" ML082671048 Steve Jones/ EMAIL - Revised RAI 01/14/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal transmission of draft 3 DPP NRC/NRR 2.4.3-1 for Indian NRC/NRR RAI 110 Point License Renewal ML080230663 Jill Caverly/ EMAIL - Re: Fish 01/15/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal discussion regarding 3 DPP NRC/NRR Impingement Data fish impingement data 111 Inconsistencies inconsistencies Page 20 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML081370670 John EMAIL - IP-2 SBO 01/16/2008 E-Mail Glenn Meyer, Jon Internal discussion regarding 2 Richmond/ EDG mod Lilliendahl/ NRC/RGN-I back-up power supply.

DPP 112 NRC/RGN-I DPP ML082670452 On Yee/ EMAIL - Input Added 01/16/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 7 113 NRC/NRR - TLAA SER sections with comments DPP ML082670450 On Yee/ EMAIL - TLAA Fen 01/17/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 8 114 NRC/NRR Input SER sections with comments ML080230655 Jeffrey Ward/ EMAIL - FW: 01/18/2008 E-Mail Jill Caverly/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of 5 DPP PNL Applicant Response comments regarding 115 to RAI applicants responses to RAIs ML080230650 Jeffrey Ward/ EMAIL - Figure for 01/22/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Internal transmission of figure 4 DPP PNL Chapter 2 Aquatic Tech for Chapter 2 of the draft 116 SEIS ML081021213 Nicole EMAIL - (Untitled) 01/23/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley (Earth Internal transmission of draft 11 Spangler/ Tech)/ Jill Caverly responses to environmental DPP 117 Earth Tech (NRC/NRR) scoping comments ML081021214 Nicole EMAIL - (Untitled) 01/23/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley (Earth Internal transmission of draft 29 DPP Spangler/ Tech)/ Jill Caverly responses to environmental 118 Earth Tech (NRC/NRR) scoping comments ML081021215 Nicole EMAIL - (Untitled) 01/23/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley (Earth Internal transmission of draft 39 DPP Spangler/ Tech)/ Jill Caverly responses to environmental Earth Tech (NRC/NRR) scoping comments 119 Page 21 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML081021217 Nicole EMAIL - (Untitled) 01/23/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley (Earth Internal transmission of draft 57 Spangler/ Tech)/ Jill Caverly responses to environmental DPP 120 Earth Tech (NRC/NRR) scoping comments ML081021218 Nicole EMAIL - (Untitled) 01/23/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley (Earth Internal transmission of draft 15 DPP Spangler/ Tech)/ Jill Caverly responses to environmental 121 Earth Tech (NRC/NRR) scoping comments ML081021219 Nicole EMAIL - (Untitled) 01/23/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley (Earth Internal transmission of draft 31 DPP Spangler/ Tech)/ Jill Caverly responses to environmental Earth Tech (NRC/NRR) scoping comments 122 ML081021220 Nicole EMAIL - Sorry - I 01/23/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley (Earth Internal transmission of draft 52 Spangler/ though I sent these Tech)/ Jill Caverly responses to environmental DPP 123 Earth Tech yesterday! (NRC/NRR) scoping comments ML081210288 Author Briefing on Indian 01/23/2008 Meeting Internal agenda/notes for 1 Unknown/ Point License Agenda internal meeting re: license DPP NRC/RGN-I Renewal Inspection, Meeting renewal inspection 124 January 23, 2008 at 2 Briefing pm. Package/Ha ndouts ML082890265 Kimberly EMAIL - mark up of 01/24/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ Internal transmission of draft 9 DPP Green/ DRAIs NRC/NRR RAIs with comments 125 NRC/NRR Page 22 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML081210307 NRC/RGN-I Briefing on Indian 01/25/2008 Meeting Internal transmission of 2 Point License Agenda talking points for internal IP DPP Renewal Inspection, license renewal inspection 126 January 25, 2008 at briefing meeting 10 am (Talking Points).

ML082890164 Kimberly EMAIL - Re: draft RAI 01/28/2008 E-Mail Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 2 DPP Green/ for FP RAI NRC/NRR 127 ML082890165 Kimberly EMAIL - Re: RAIs 01/28/2008 E-Mail Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding 2 DPP Green/ NRCs review of fire 128 NRC/NRR protection and station blackout ML080310828 Jeffrey Ward/ EMAIL - FW: Indian 01/31/2008 E-Mail Jill Caverly/ NRC/NRR Internal discussions 9 PNL Point - aquatic data regarding aquatic data DPP 129 from Entergy (summary)

ML080460645 Dennis EMAIL - Re: FW: 01/31/2008 E-Mail Jill Caverly (NRC/NRR)/ Internal discussions 5 DPP Logan/ Indian Point - aquatic Jeffrey Ward (PNL) regarding aquatic data NRC/NRR data from Entergy 130 (summary)

ML080460652 Jeffrey Ward/ EMAIL - Chapter 2 01/31/2008 E-Mail Dennis Logan/ Internal comment regarding 4 DPP PNL and EFH NRC/NRR information for Chapter 2 and the EFH appendix in the draft 131 SEIS Page 23 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

DPP ML081830881 Green K, EMAIL - Telecon 02/07/2008 E-Mail Burke J, NRC/RES Internal transmission of draft 8 132 NRC/NRR summary telecon summary ML081060724 Andrew EMAIL - Re: data 02/08/2008 E-Mail Dennis Logan/ Internal comment regarding 3 Stuyvenberg/ question NRC/NRR biological data DPP 133 NRC/NRR ML082540447 Matt EMAIL - Indian Pt. 02/08/2008 E-Mail Nicole Spangler/ Earth Internal transmission of draft 9 DPP Goodwin/ Draft TER Tech section of draft SEIS on 134 Earth Tech historic and archeological resources ML081830880 Kimberly EMAIL - Re: Phone 02/12/2008 E-Mail John Tsao/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding 3 DPP Green/ call RAI response and follow-up 135 NRC/NRR DPP ML082670442 On Yee/ EMAIL - Draft RAIs 02/12/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal transmission of draft 4 136 NRC/NRR for IP NRC/NRR RAIs DPP ML082670447 On Yee/ EMAIL - 3.2 amr ip 02/12/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 61 137 NRC/NRR SER section DPP ML082670448 On Yee/ EMAIL - Draft ip RAI 02/12/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 3 138 NRC/NRR RAIs with comments DPP ML082670441 On Yee/ EMAIL - AMR 02/13/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 63 139 NRC/NRR SER sections with comments ML081210315 NRC/RGN-I Exit Notes - Indian 02/14/2008 Meeting Internal notes from inspection 2 DPP Point License Minutes exit meeting 140 Renewal Inspection. Note Page 24 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML081370669 Glenn Meyer/ EMAIL - IP license 02/14/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green, Bo Internal transmission of 4 NRC/RGN-I renewal exit notes Pham, Darrell Roberts, timing for debrief of exit DPP Eugene Cobey, Kay inspection.

141 Gallagher, Marjorie McLaughlin/ NRC/NRR DPP ML082670435 On Yee/ EMAIL - TLAA - New 02/15/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 31 142 NRC/NRR Summary Description, SER sections with comments DPP ML082670439 On Yee/ EMAIL - Re: AMR 02/15/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 12 143 NRC/NRR SER sections with comments DPP ML082682151 Valerie EMAIL - Description 02/21/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal transmission of draft 16 144 Cullinan/ PNL of Impingement SEIS section with comments DPP ML082682150 Valerie EMAIL - Data table 02/22/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Interanl transmission of draft 4 145 Cullinan/ PNL for Chapter 2 SEIS section DPP ML081210526 NRC/RGN-I Tifft IP Input 02/26/2008 Note Draft input to inspection 6 146 report ML083090954 Clifford EMAIL - Indian Point 02/27/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ Internal discussion of staff 2 DPP Marks/ ISL RAI Response NRC/NRR/DLR; S. review of RAI responses 147 Evaluations Pope, J. Woodfield/ ISL ML081210321 NRC/OGC System Review - 02/28/2008 No Draft input to LR inspection 3 DPP Auxiliary Feed Water Document report 148 System Review. Type Applies DPP ML082670418 On Yee/ EMAIL - TLAA 4.3.3 02/28/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 9 149 NRC/NRR SER section with comments DPP ML082670419 On Yee/ EMAIL - Re: TLAA 02/28/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 4 150 NRC/NRR FEN RAIs Page 25 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

DPP ML082670413 On Yee/ EMAIL - AMR section 02/29/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 63 151 NRC/NRR 3.2 SER section with comments ML080770256 Robert Dover/ EMAIL - Preliminary 03/03/2008 E-Mail Andrew Internal transmission of draft 86 DPP Earth Tech Draft Alternatives Stuyvenberg/NRC/NRR alternatives section for SEIS 152 Sections ML081210344 Lilliendahl J Lilliendahl Input - 03/03/2008 Note Draft input to LR inspection 6 M, NRC/RGN- Scope and report DPP I Supplemental 153 Information for IP Report.

ML080770252 Andrew EMAIL - Re: Fwd: 03/04/2008 E-Mail Elizabeth Wexler/ Internal discussion regarding 3 DPP Stuyvenberg/ Numbers not NRC/NRR impingement data 154 NRC/NRR matching ML080770254 Robert Palla/ EMAIL - EPRI 03/04/2008 E-Mail Bruce Mrowca, Ali Email contains internal 217 NRC/NRR Documents related to Azarn (ISL, Inc.) discussion of IP SAMA TI-SGTR review; attachment contains DPP proprietary information being 155 withheld from public disclosure under 10 CFR 2.390(a)(4) -

see ML073390146 ML081210400 Modes M C, Modes Feeder Input - 03/04/2008 Note Draft input to LR inspection 2 DPP NRC/RGN-I Documents report - list of documents 156 Reviewed. reviewed ML081210454 Modes M C, Modes Feeder Input - 03/04/2008 Note Draft input to LR inspection 1 DPP NRC/RGN-I Fatigue Monitoring report 157 Program.

Page 26 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML081210461 Modes M C, Modes Feeder Input - 03/04/2008 Note Draft input to LR inspection 1 DPP NRC/RGN-I Nickel Alloy report 158 Inspection Program.

ML081210492 Modes M C, Modes Feeder Input - 03/04/2008 Note Draft input to inspection 1 DPP NRC/RGN-I One Time Inspection report 159 Small Bore Piping Program.

ML081210502 Modes M C, Modes Feeder Input - 03/04/2008 Note Draft input to inspection 1 NRC/RGN-I Steam Generator report DPP 160 Integrity Program.

ML080770251 Bruce EMAIL - Indian Point 03/05/2008 E-Mail Robert Palla/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 3 Mrowca/ ISL, Follow-up RAIs RAIs DPP Inc.

161 ML083090991 Steve Jones/ EMAIL - Re: Fwd: 03/05/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green, Internal discussion of staff 2 NRC/NRR Indian Point, Units 2 Stanley Gardocki, review of RAI responses

& 3, Reply to Request Donnie Harrison/

DPP for Additional NRC/NRR/DLR 162 Information Regarding License Renewa ML080770250 Bo Pham/ EMAIL - Re: IP - 03/06/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Draft response to scoping 3 DPP NRC/NRR Reasonable Tech comment 163 Assurance - draft response Page 27 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML083090994 Clifford EMAIL - RE: 03/07/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ Internal discussion of staff 2 Marks/ ISL additional concern NRC/NRR/DLR review - feedwater valves DPP 164 ML083090997 Clifford EMAIL - RE: cont. 03/07/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ Internal discussion of RAI 2 DPP Marks/ ISL NRC/NRR/DLR response 165 ML081210511 Richmond J Richmond IP Feeder 03/11/2008 Note Draft input to inspection 9 DPP E, NRC/RGN- Input - Indian Point report 166 I License Renewal.

ML080770219 Elizabeth EMAIL - Draft of 03/13/2008 E-Mail Dennis Logan Internal transmission of draft 10 DPP Wexler/ sturgeon BA (NRC/NRR)/ Jeffrey Biological Assessment NRC/NRR Ward (PNL) of the Potential Impact on 167 Shortnose Sturgeon ML080770222 Robert Palla/ EMAIL - Follow-up 03/13/2008 E-Mail Andrew Internal transmission of draft 4 NRC/NRR RAIs Rev 1 Stuyvenberg(NRC/NRR RAIs DPP 168 )/ Bruce Mrowca (ISL, Inc.)

ML080770225 Elizabeth EMAIL - Spottail 03/13/2008 E-Mail Dennis Logan Internal transmission of draft 4 DPP Wexler/ shiner (NRC/NRR)/ Jeffrey dSEIS section regarding 169 NRC/NRR Ward (PNL) spottail shiner life history Page 28 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML080770217 Elizabeth EMAIL - last two fish 03/14/2008 E-Mail Briana Balsam, Dennis Internal transmission of draft 7 Wexler/ bios Logan (NRC/NRR)/ dSEIS sections regarding DPP 170 NRC/NRR Jeffrey Ward (PNL) spottail shiners and white catfish ML080770214 Robert Dover/ EMAIL - revised 03/17/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ Internal transmission of draft 16 DPP Earth Tech preliminary draft - NRC/NRR dSEIS section regarding 171 greenhouse gas text greenhouse gases for IPEC SEIS ML081830875 Green K J, EMAIL - Fwd: 03/17/2008 E-Mail Nguyen D, NRC/NRR Internal comments regarding 2 DPP NRC/NRR Conference Room upcoming telecon on 172 Confirmation inspection of bolted connections ML082490617 Dennis EMAIL - Re: Missing 03/17/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal discussion regarding 2 DPP Logan/ Ref reference in draft DSEIS 173 NRC/NRR DPP ML082670410 On Yee/ EMAIL - 03/18/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 6 174 NRC/NRR SER section with comments ML080840109 Andrew EMAIL - IP RAI 03/19/2008 E-Mail Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 4 DPP Stuyvenberg/ RAI 175 NRC/NRR DPP ML082670407 On Yee/ EMAIL - 4.3.3 03/19/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 9 176 NRC/NRR updated 3/19/08 SER section with comments ML082670409 On Yee/ EMAIL - 4.3.3 03/19/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 9 DPP NRC/NRR stainless steel edit SER section with comments 177 Page 29 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML080840106 Robert Palla/ EMAIL - Follow-up 03/20/2008 E-Mail Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 4 DPP NRC/NRR RAIs Rev 3 RAIs 178 ML081830874 Kimberly EMAIL - Draft RAIs 03/20/2008 E-Mail Kenneth Chang/ Internal transmission of draft 8 DPP Green/ NRC/NRR RAIs 179 NRC/NRR ML082540430 Matt EMAIL - RE: Indian 03/20/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Internal transmission of 3 DPP Goodwin/ Point Section 2.9 Tech references for draft dSEIS 180 Earth Tech section 2.9 ML082540459 Robert Dover/ EMAIL - RE: GHG 03/20/2008 E-Mail Kevin Taylor/ Earth Internal discussion regarding 3 DPP Earth Tech write-up Tech GHG emission analysis for 181 draft SEIS ML082682146 Valerie EMAIL - Section 4.1 03/20/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal transmission of draft 14 DPP Cullinan/ PNL back at you dSEIS section with 182 comments ML082682147 Valerie EMAIL - Section 4.1.2 03/20/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal transmission of draft 12 DPP Cullinan/ PNL Entrainment dSEIS section with comments 183 DPP ML080840105 Bo Pham/ EMAIL - Draft follow- 03/21/2008 E-Mail Robert Palla/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 8 184 NRC/NRR up RAIs RAIs ML081060735 Andrew EMAIL - Conference 03/21/2008 E-Mail Bo Pham/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 5 DPP Stuyvenberg/ Call Summary conference call summary 185 NRC/NRR ML082682145 Valerie EMAIL - Updated 4.1 03/21/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal transmission of draft 15 DPP Cullinan/ PNL Methods dSEIS section with 186 comments Page 30 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML081000291 Andrew EMAIL - Fwd: IPEC 03/24/2008 E-Mail Dennis Beissel/ Internal transmission of draft 6 DPP Stuyvenberg/ LR Hydrology NRC/NRR dSEIS section 187 NRC/NRR sections ML082490652 Dennis EMAIL - efh 03/25/2008 E-Mail Elizabeth Wexler/ Internal comment regarding 2 DPP Logan/ NRC/NRR EFH analysis 188 NRC/NRR ML081000277 Elizabeth EMAIL - IP BA for 03/28/2008 E-Mail Dennis Logan/ Internal transmission of draft 11 DPP Wexler/ shortnose sturgeon - NRC/NRR biological assessment NRC/NRR DRAFT as of March regarding shortnose sturgeon 189 28 ML083090990 Steve Jones, EMAIL - Re: Fwd: 03/31/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green, Internal discussion of staff 2 NRC/NRR Amendment 3 to IP Stanley Gardocki, review of LRA Amendment 3 DPP 190 LRA George Thomas/

NRC/NRR/DLR ML081000275 Robert Palla/ EMAIL - RE: 04/01/2008 E-Mail Ali Azarn/ ISL, Inc. Internal discussion regarding 2 DPP NRC/NRR Comments on the economic impacts 191 BVPS RAI Responses DPP ML082670396 On Yee/ EMAIL - fmp amp 04/01/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 5 192 NRC/NRR SER section ML082682144 Valerie EMAIL - Results for 04/01/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal transmission of draft 23 DPP Cullinan/ PNL Section 4.1.3 dSEIS tables and reference 193 lists with comments ML081370440 Bo Pham/ EMAIL - Edits for 04/02/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Internal transmission of draft 15 DPP NRC/NRR scoping comments Tech responses for scoping 194 comments with edits Page 31 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML081000249 Andrew EMAIL - Two Items - 04/03/2008 E-Mail NRC/NRR Internal comments regarding 3 DPP Stuyvenberg/ Schedule and RAI possible RAI 195 NRC/NRR ML081370447 Bo Pham/ EMAIL - batches #1 04/03/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Internal transmission of draft 87 DPP NRC/NRR and #2 with edits Tech input to scoping report 196 ML082530357 Barry Elliot/ EMAIL - Re: Fwd: 04/03/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal discussions on 2 DPP NRC/NRR Amendment 3 to IP NRC/NRR Amendment 3 and SER 197 LRA ML082530358 Barry Elliot/ EMAIL - Re: Fwd: 04/03/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal discussions on 2 DPP NRC/NRR Amendment 3 to IP NRC/NRR Amendment 3 198 LRA ML082540443 Matt EMAIL - Sections 04/03/2008 E-Mail Jennifer Davis/ Internal transmissions of 9 DPP Goodwin/ NRC/NRR input to draft SEIS 199 Earth Tech DPP ML082670389 On Yee/ EMAIL - RAi 04/03/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 9 200 NRC/NRR RAI ML081000248 Andrew EMAIL - Re: Follow 04/04/2008 E-Mail Kevin Taylor/ Earth Internal discussion of draft 3 DPP Stuyvenberg/ up on IP ISFSI Tech input to SEIS 201 NRC/NRR ML081890088 Audrey Klett/ EMAIL - Re: Indain 04/04/2008 E-Mail Audrey Klett/ NRC/NRR Internal comments regarding 3 DPP NRC/NRR Point 2 & 3 LRA input to draft SER 202 Section 3.6 DPP ML081890090 Audrey Klett/ EMAIL - Indain Point 04/04/2008 E-Mail George Wilson/ Internal comments regarding 6 203 NRC/NRR 2 & 3 LRA Section 3.6 NRC/NRR input to draft SER Page 32 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

DPP ML081890100 Duc Nguyen/ EMAIL - Re: Request 04/04/2008 E-Mail Audrey Klett/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding 2 204 NRC/NRR for EEEB assistance safety review ML082630822 Nageswara EMAIL - Fwd: SER 04/04/2008 E-Mail Janak Raval/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 43 DPP Karipineni/ Shell SER outline 205 NRC/NRR ML082630834 James EMAIL - RE: I need to 04/04/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal comment regarding 2 Medoff/ concur on Jim Davis's NRC/NRR possible RAI DPP NRC/NRR RAIs for Indian Point -

206 I am Acting for Ken Today - Jim ML081830869 Kimberly EMAIL - revised RAI 04/07/2008 E-Mail Naeem Iqbal/ Internal transmission of draft 3 DPP Green/ NRC/NRR input to RAI 207 NRC/NRR ML081830870 Kimberly EMAIL - Re: D-RAI 04/07/2008 E-Mail Duc Nguyen/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding 2 DPP Green/ draft RAI 208 NRC/NRR ML083090953 Clifford EMAIL - Indian Point 04/07/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ Internal discussion of staff 2 DPP Marks/ ISL RAI Review - AFW NRC/NRR/DLR review of RAI responses Room 209 ML081210391 Modes M C, Modes Feeder Input - 04/08/2008 Note Draft input to LR inspection 1 DPP NRC/RGN-I Containment report 210 Inservice Inspection ML081830868 Kimberly EMAIL - proposed 04/08/2008 E-Mail Sheila Ray/ NRC/NRR Proposed input to draft RAI 2 DPP Green/ addition 211 NRC/NRR Page 33 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML081890099 Kimberly EMAIL - Re: Request 04/09/2008 E-Mail Audrey Klett/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion regarding 3 DPP Green/ for EEEB assistance safety review 212 NRC/NRR ML081970308 Robert Palla/ EMAIL - RE: 04/09/2008 E-Mail Jason Schaperow/ Internal discussions of 2 NRC/NRR Riverkeeper's NRC/RES MELCOR calculations /

DPP Response to ASLB on SAMA analysis related to 213 Contention EC-2 - Riverkeeper contention EC-2 7-08.pdf - Adobe Reader ML082540426 Steve Dillard/ EMAIL - RE: Indian 04/09/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Internal discussions 2 DPP Earth Tech Point Tech regarding scope of SEIS 214 biological assessment ML082550731 Allen Hiser/ EMAIL - Re: IP3 04/09/2008 E-Mail John Boska, Emma Internal discussions 2 DPP NRC/NRR sump buffer LAR Wong/ NRC/NRR regarding need for RAI 215 ML082630724 George EMAIL - Indian Point 04/09/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal transmission of draft 5 Thomas/ LRA - Followup NRC/NRR followup questions to RAI DPP NRC/NRR Question on RAI response 216 Responses for Section 2.4 Structures ML082660230 Benjamin EMAIL - Re: IP q 04/09/2008 E-Mail Diane Jackson/ Internal discussions 2 DPP Parks/ NRC/NRR regarding SER 217 NRC/NRR ML081021239 Jeffrey Ward/ EMAIL - Chapter 4 04/10/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley (Earth Internal questions regarding 3 DPP PNL Aquatic Tech)/ Andrew contents of SEIS chapter 4 Stuyvenberg 218 (NRC/NRR)

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Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML081370452 Bo Pham/ EMAIL - Batch #3 04/10/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Internal transmission of 39 DPP NRC/NRR edits Tech sections of draft scoping 219 report ML082630763 George EMAIL - Indian Point 04/10/2008 E-Mail Steve Jones/ NRC/NRR Internal comments on draft 6 DPP Thomas/ LRA - Draft SER input and transmission 220 NRC/NRR discussion and of draft SER input evaluation of RAIs ML081890097 Roy Mathew/ EMAIL - Re: water 04/14/2008 E-Mail Audrey Klett, Duc Internal discussions 2 NRC/NRR affected both cable Nguyen/ NRC/NRR regarding safety review DPP 221 failures @ IP2 ML082540442 Matt EMAIL - Edits 04/16/2008 E-Mail Jennifer Davis/ Internal transmission of draft 9 DPP Goodwin/ NRC/NRR SEIS sections 222 Earth Tech (historical/archaelogical resources)

DPP ML082590151 Duc Nguyen/ EMAIL - Indian Point 04/16/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal transmission of draft 5 223 NRC/NRR RAI NRC/NRR RAI ML082590156 Duc Nguyen/ EMAIL - Re: SER 04/16/2008 E-Mail James Davis/ Internal transmission of draft 32 NRC/NRR Input with open Items NRC/NRR SER input (electrical)

DPP 224 ML082630715 George EMAIL - Indian Point 04/16/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal transmission of draft 5 Thomas/ LRA: Latest version of NRC/NRR followup questions for telecon DPP NRC/NRR follow-up questions 225 for Telecon on 4/16

@ 2:00 pm Page 35 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML090140667 Jeffrey EMAIL - IPEC Draft 04/16/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg, Internal transmission of draft 44 Rikhoff/ SEIS Sections Eric Benner, Jennifer DSEIS regarding DPP 226 NRC/NRR/DL Davis/ NRC/NRR/DLR socioeconomics and R environmental justice ML082540434 Matt EMAIL - IP2 & IP3 04/17/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Internal transmission of draft 9 DPP Goodwin/ Tech SEIS sections 227 Earth Tech (historical/archaelogical resources)

ML082630712 George EMAIL - Clarification 04/17/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal transmission of draft 5 DPP Thomas/ Questions on RAI NRC/NRR followup questions to RAI 228 NRC/NRR responses IP LRA responses Section 2.4 ML082670877 Andrew EMAIL - IPEC Draft 04/17/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Internal transmission of draft 45 DPP Stuyvenburg, SEIS Sections Tech SEIS sections 229 NRC/NRR DPP ML081370492 Bo Pham/ EMAIL - RE: More 04/18/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Internal transmission of draft 54 230 NRC/NRR files Tech sections of scoping report ML081370496 Bo Pham/ EMAIL - RE: IP - 04/18/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Internal transmission of draft 54 DPP NRC/NRR More Files (2) Tech sections of scoping report 231 ML081370497 Bo Pham/ EMAIL - RE: Indian 04/18/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Internal discussion of scoping 5 DPP NRC/NRR Point Comment and Tech report 232 Responses Documents ML081370499 Bo Pham/ EMAIL - RE: Indian 04/18/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Internal discussion of scoping 4 DPP NRC/NRR Point Comment and Tech report 233 Responses Page 36 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

Documents ML081370500 Bo Pham/ EMAIL - RE: More 04/18/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Internal transmission of draft 13 DPP NRC/NRR files Tech sections of scoping report 234 ML081370501 Bo Pham/ EMAIL - RE: Batch #4 04/18/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Internal transmission of draft 26 DPP NRC/NRR Tech sections of scoping report 235 w/edits DPP ML081890095 Roy Mathew/ EMAIL - Re: Draft 04/18/2008 E-Mail Audrey Klett, Sheila Internal discussion and 3 236 NRC/NRR Indian Point LR RAIs Ray/ NRC/NRR comments on draft RAIs ML081890096 Roy Mathew/ EMAIL - Re: Draft 04/18/2008 E-Mail Audrey Klett/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion and 3 DPP NRC/NRR Indian Point LR RAIs comments on draft RAIs 237 ML082490645 Dennis EMAIL - Draft 04/18/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal transmission of draft 19 DPP Logan/ analysis attached SEIS input re: essential fish 238 NRC/NRR habitat ML081370456 Bo Pham/ EMAIL - RE: IP Files 04/21/2008 E-Mail Bonnie Freeman/ Earth Internal transmission of draft 4 DPP NRC/NRR Tech section of scoping report 239 ML081370490 Bo Pham/ EMAIL - RE: Need a 04/21/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Internal transmission of draft 115 DPP NRC/NRR writing session for Tech sections of scoping report 240 comments ML081430636 John EMAIL - IP-2 SBO 04/22/2008 E-Mail Richard Conte, Glenn Internal comment regarding 2 DPP Richmond/ EDG Update Meyer, Jon Lilliendahl, SBO EDG 241 NRC/RGN-I Lawrence Doerflein/

NRC/RGN-I Page 37 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML081830867 Kimberly EMAIL - RE: LRA 04/22/2008 E-Mail Janak Raval/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 19 DPP Green/ SER Input for IP-2 SER input 242 NRC/NRR and IP-3 ML083090951 Clifford EMAIL - Indian Point 04/22/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ Internal transmission of draft 123 DPP Marks/ ISL LRA SER 4511-380 NRC/NRR/DLR; Steve SER input for RAIs sections Pope, J. Woodfield, 2.2 and 2.3 243 Tammy Pfiester/ ISL ML083090952 Clifford EMAIL - Indian Point 04/22/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ Internal discussion of draft 2 Marks/ ISL and TMI Update NRC/NRR/DLR; Steve SER input - RAIs DPP 244 Pope/ ISL ML081830675 Steve Jones/ EMAIL - RE: RAI??? 04/23/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal transmission of draft 3 DPP NRC/NRR NRC/NRR RAI w/comments 245 ML081830676 Steve Jones/ EMAIL - RE: Indian 04/23/2008 E-Mail George Thomas/ Internal transmission of draft 4 DPP NRC/NRR Point LRA - Draft NRC/NRR RAI w/comments 246 discussion and evaluation of RAIs ML081830866 Kimberly EMAIL - Questions 04/23/2008 E-Mail Rajender Auluck/ Internal transmission of 3 DPP Green/ from EEEB NRC/NRR questions to be incorporated 247 NRC/NRR into draft RAI ML081890094 Kimberly EMAIL - RE: IP LRA 04/23/2008 E-Mail Audrey Klett/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion of draft 2 DPP Green/ RAIs RAIs 248 NRC/NRR Page 38 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML082490643 Dennis EMAIL - IP - 04/23/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Internal transmission of draft 29 Logan/ Appendix E Biological Tech SEIS input DPP 249 NRC/NRR and EFH Assessment drafts attached ML082540458 Katie Broom/ EMAIL - FW: IP 04/23/2008 E-Mail Kevin Taylor/ Earth Internal transmission of draft 24 Earth Tech Section 4.8 (Aquatic Tech SEIS input DPP Cumulative) and 250 Appendix X Aquatic Stats ML082670923 Andrew EMAIL - FW: IP - 04/23/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Internal transmission of draft 29 DPP Stuyvenburg, Appendix E Biological Tech SEIS input NRC/NRR and EFH Assessment 251 drafts attached ML082670925 Andrew EMAIL - FW: IP 04/23/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Internal transmission of draft 23 Stuyvenburg, Section 4.8 (Aquatic Tech SEIS input DPP NRC/NRR Cumulative) and 252 Appendix X Aquatic Stats ML082670928 Andrew EMAIL - IPEC LR 04/23/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Internal transmission of draft 5 DPP Stuyvenburg, Hydrology sections Tech SEIS input 253 NRC/NRR ML082670931 Andrew EMAIL - FW: IPEC 04/23/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Internal transmission of draft 8 DPP Stuyvenburg, Draft SEIS Sections Tech SEIS sections (land use) 254 NRC/NRR ML082670942 Andrew EMAIL - IPEC Draft 04/23/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Internal transmission of draft 40 DPP Stuyvenburg, SEIS Sections Tech SEIS sections 255 NRC/NRR (socioeconomic and EJ)

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Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

DPP ML082540425 Steve Dillard/ EMAIL - RE: Ind pt 04/24/2008 E-Mail Steve Duda/ Earth Tech Internal discussion of need 2 256 Earth Tech for biological assessment ML082540449 Susan EMAIL - RE: Letter 04/24/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Internal discussion of need 3 DPP Provenzano/ NL-08-061 - Acute Tech for additional information for 257 Earth Tech Shock Data SEIS DPP ML082670383 On Yee/ EMAIL - FMP 04/24/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 5 258 NRC/NRR SER input with comment DPP ML082670386 On Yee/ EMAIL - 3.2 04/24/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 67 259 NRC/NRR SER input DPP ML082670387 On Yee/ EMAIL - RE: AMR 04/24/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal discussion of draft 3 260 NRC/NRR section 3.2 SER input DPP ML082670388 On Yee/ EMAIL - Amr section 04/24/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 67 261 NRC/NRR 3.2 SER input with comment ML082671018 Andrew EMAIL - RE: Letter 04/24/2008 E-Mail Stephen Klementowicz/ Internal discussion of 2 DPP Stuyvenburg, NL-08-061 - Acute NRC/NRR applicants acute shock 262 NRC/NRR Shock Data analysis ML083090949 Clifford EMAIL - Indian Point 04/24/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ Internal transmission of draft 7 DPP Marks/ ISL RAI 2.3.0-2 and NRC/NRR/DLR; Steve SER sections for RAIs 263 2.3A.2.2-1 Pope, J. Woodfield/ ISL ML081370464 Bo Pham/ EMAIL - RE: Three 04/28/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Internal discussion of draft 2 DPP NRC/NRR comment corrections Tech scoping report 264 DPP ML082670380 On Yee/ EMAIL - fmp 04/28/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 6 265 NRC/NRR SER input with comment Page 40 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML083090948 Clifford EMAIL - RE: Indian 04/28/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ Internal discussion of draft 2 DPP Marks/ ISL Point LRA SER 4511- NRC/NRR/DLR SER input, section 2.2 266 380 DPP ML082670378 On Yee/ EMAIL - (Untitled) 04/29/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 37 267 NRC/NRR SER input with comments ML081430639 John EMAIL - RE: FYI for 04/30/2008 E-Mail Stacy Smith, Jon Internal discussion of SBO 4 Richmond/ IP SBO / Appendix R Lilliendahl, Richard EDG NRC/RGN-I Diesel Conte, Lawrence Doerflein, Glenn Meyer, Eugene DPP Cobey, Donald 268 Jackson, Brice Bickett/

NRC/RGN-I; Bo Pham, Kimberly Green, Rani Franovich/

NRC/NRR/DLR ML083090946 Clifford EMAIL - RE: SER 04/30/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ Internal discussion of draft 4 Marks/ ISL input for NRC/NRR/DLR; Steve SER layout and content DPP 269 susquahanna Pope/ ISL ML082540429 Matt EMAIL - RE: Indian 05/01/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Internal transmission of draft 3 DPP Goodwin/ Point References Tech SEIS input (references for 270 Earth Tech historical/archaelogical section)

DPP ML082670376 On Yee/ EMAIL - 3.2 Example 05/01/2008 E-Mail Surinder Arora/ Internal transmission of draft 98 271 NRC/NRR NRC/NRR SER input ML081370460 Bo Pham/ EMAIL - RE: Scoping 05/05/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Internal discussion of draft 3 DPP NRC/NRR summary report Tech scoping report 272 Page 41 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML082540452 Susan EMAIL - RE: Indian 05/05/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Internal discussion of draft 2 DPP Provenzano/ Point Tech SEIS content 273 Earth Tech ML082540454 Susan EMAIL - Indian Point 05/05/2008 E-Mail Eric Schneiber/ Internal discussion of draft 2 DPP Provenzano/ EJ (census) figures NRC/NRR SEIS content 274 Earth Tech ML082670917 Andrew EMAIL - Should be 05/08/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Internal transmission of draft 2 DPP Stuyvenburg, the last App C item . . Tech SEIS input (ref. for App. C) 275 NRC/NRR .

ML082670918 Andrew EMAIL - RE: IP App. 05/08/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Internal transmission of draft 2 DPP Stuyvenburg, C Tech SEIS input (ref. for App. C) 276 NRC/NRR ML082670921 Andrew EMAIL - IP App. C 05/08/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Internal transmission of draft 10 DPP Stuyvenburg, Tech SEIS section (App. C) 277 NRC/NRR ML081830860 Kimberly EMAIL - SER Input 05/09/2008 E-Mail James Davis/ Internal transmission of draft 4 DPP Green/ for External Surfaces NRC/NRR SER input with comment 278 NRC/NRR Monitoring AMP ML081830677 Steve Jones/ EMAIL - Indian Point 05/14/2008 E-Mail Kamal Manoly, George Internal discussion regarding 2 NRC/NRR License Renewal - Thomas/ NRC/NRR Staffs review and possible DPP SFP Structure follow-up questions to 279 Exposure to Boric applicant Acid Environment ML083090988 Clifford EMAIL - Indian Point 05/14/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ Internal transmission of draft 37 DPP Marks/ ISL SER NRC/NRR/DLR; Steve SER sections 2.2, 2.3 280 Pope, J. Woodfield/ ISL Page 42 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML083090987 Clifford EMAIL - RE: IP Se 05/16/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ Internal discussion of draft 2 Marks/ ISL NRC/NRR/DLR SER input DPP 281 ML082630833 James EMAIL - Setting Up 05/19/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal comment regarding 2 DPP Medoff/ Peer Review for IP NRC/NRR metal fatigue 282 NRC/NRR SER DPP ML082670372 On Yee/ EMAIL - Fen Input 05/19/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal e-mail containing 2 283 NRC/NRR draft SER input ML082670898 Andrew EMAIL - References 05/19/2008 E-Mail Briana Balsam, Dennis Internal transmission of draft 42 Stuyvenburg, for IP dSEIS Chapter Beissel, Dennis Logan, SEIS sections NRC/NRR 2 and 4 Elizabeth Wexler, DPP Jeffrey Rikhoff, Jennifer 284 Davis, Robert Palla, Stephen Klementowicz (NRC/NRR)/ Jeffrey Ward, Lance Vail (PNL)

DPP ML081500646 Bo Pham/ EMAIL - RE: Indian 05/21/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Internal discussion of scoping 3 285 NRC/NRR Point Scoping Report Tech report ML082670371 On Yee/ EMAIL - RE: Fen 05/21/2008 E-Mail Peter Wen/ NRC/NRR Internal e-mail containing 3 DPP NRC/NRR Input draft SER input with 286 comments ML082490637 Dennis EMAIL - RE: IP 05/22/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ Internal discussion of 2 DPP Logan/ Vessel head NRC/NRR additions to draft SEIS 287 NRC/NRR replacement and sections (BA and EFH) consultation Page 43 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML082540457 Bobbie EMAIL - RE: IP RAI 05/27/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ Internal discussion of outline 3 DPP Hurley/ Earth Responses - Vessel NRC/NRR for draft SEIS chapter 288 Tech head and CRDM replacement ML083090986 Clifford EMAIL - RE: IP se 05/27/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ Internal discussion of draft 2 DPP Marks/ ISL comments NRC/NRR/DLR; Steve SER input -- RAIs Pope/ ISL 289 ML083090984 Clifford EMAIL - RE: IP se 05/29/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ Internal discussion of draft 3 Marks/ ISL comments NRC/NRR/DLR; Steve SER input -- RAIs DPP 290 Pope/ ISL ML082670894 Andrew EMAIL - Indian Point 05/30/2008 E-Mail Briana Balsam, Dennis Internal transmission of draft 32 Stuyvenburg, Chapter 3 Beissel, Dennis Logan, outline for SEIS chapter with NRC/NRR Elizabeth Wexler, comments DPP Jeffrey Rikhoff, Jennifer 291 Davis, Robert Palla, Stephen Klementowicz (NRC/NRR)/ Jeffrey Ward, Lance Vail (PNL)

ML083090982 Clifford EMAIL - RE: RAI 05/30/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ Internal transmission 46 DPP Marks/ ISL numbers NRC/NRR/DLR; Tammy discussion of draft SER input Pfiester/ ISL 292 ML081830666 Kimberly EMAIL - RE: IP 06/02/2008 E-Mail Glenn Meyer/ Internal discussion of 2 DPP Green/ Inspection Exit Notes NRC/RGN-I inspection results 293 NRC/NRR Page 44 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML082040373 Richard EMAIL - RE: Section 06/02/2008 E-Mail James Davis/ Internal discussion regarding 2 DPP Morante/ BNL 4.6 NRC/NRR draft SER section and draft 294 RAI content ML082550729 Allen Hiser/ EMAIL - RE: IP2&3 06/02/2008 E-Mail Matthew Yoder/ Internal email containing draft 4 DPP NRC/NRR LRA SE - Update to NRC/NRR SER input, with discussion 295 Boraflex ML082630755 George EMAIL - RE: IP RAIs 06/02/2008 E-Mail Richard Morante/ BNL Internal transmission of draft 6 DPP Thomas/ on Structures. RAIs 296 NRC/NRR ML082660228 Matthew EMAIL - FW: IP2&3 06/02/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal email containing draft 3 DPP Yoder/ LRA SE - Update to NRC/NRR SER input and proposed 297 NRC/NRR Boraflex revisions ML082040370 Richard EMAIL - RE: Section 06/03/2008 E-Mail James Davis/ Email containing internal 6 DPP Morante/ BNL 4.6 NRC/NRR discussion of draft RAIs and 298 transmitting draft SER input ML082040369 Richard EMAIL - IP 2/3 06/04/2008 E-Mail Hansraj Ashar, George Internal transmission of draft 6 DPP Morante/ BNL Structures RAIs - Thomas, Kamal Manoly/ RAI revisions 299 Revision 06/04/08 NRC/NRR ML082630750 George EMAIL - RE: IP 2/3 06/04/2008 E-Mail Richard Morante/ BNL Internal transmission of draft 6 DPP Thomas/ Structures RAIs - RAI revisions with comments 300 NRC/NRR Revision 06/04/08 ML082670991 Andrew EMAIL - RE: Chapter 06/04/2008 E-Mail Jennifer Davis/ Internal transmission of draft 5 DPP Stuyvenburg, 4 input NRC/NRR SEIS input 301 NRC/NRR Page 45 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML081970307 Bruce EMAIL - IP Draft 06/05/2008 E-Mail Robert Palla/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 42 Mworca, ISL SAMA SER Ali Azarm, Diane SER input on SAMAs DPP 302 Inc. Mlynarczyk/

ISL, Inc.

ML082670993 Andrew EMAIL - Chapter 8 06/05/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom, Kevin Email containing draft SEIS 2 DPP Stuyvenburg, insert for Mercury; pg. Taylor/ Earth Tech input 303 NRC/NRR 8-47, line 17 ML090140601 Jennifer EMAIL - RE: 06/06/2008 E-Mail Matt Goodwin/ Internal discussion of draft 2 DPP Davis/ Mitigation language NRC/NRR/DLR SEIS input 304 NRC/NRR DPP ML082540456 Robert Dover/ EMAIL - RE: IP 06/09/2008 E-Mail Kevin Taylor/ Earth Internal transmission of draft 4 305 Earth Tech purchased power Tech SEIS section ML090140604 Jennifer EMAIL - Sections 06/09/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ Email transmitting draft of 3 DPP Davis/ NRC/NRR/DLR section 4.4.5 of the DSEIS 306 NRC/NRR with comments ML082682143 Valerie EMAIL - Appendixes 06/10/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal transmission of draft 151 DPP Cullinan/ PNL X and Y SEIS appendices with 307 comments ML090140671 Jeffrey EMAIL - RE: Chapter 06/10/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ Internal transmission of draft 8 DPP Rikhoff/ 2 input for IP NRC/NRR/DLR inputs to section to 308 NRC/NRR/DL the DSEIS R

ML081970305 Robert Palla/ EMAIL - IP SAMA- 06/11/2008 E-Mail Bruce Mrowca/ ISL, Inc. Internal transmission of draft 40 DPP NRC/NRR Draft SER Rev 0.doc SER Appendix G (SAMA) 309 Page 46 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML082490634 Dennis EMAIL - FW: New 06/11/2008 E-Mail Elizabeth Wexler/ Internal transmission of draft 29 DPP Logan/ Aquatic Sections for NRC/NRR SEIS sections (aquatic) 310 NRC/NRR Main Text ML082490635 Dennis EMAIL - IP: missing 06/11/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ Internal transmission of draft 4 DPP Logan/ references for EFH NRC/NRR SEIS input 311 NRC/NRR appendix zz ML082670916 Andrew EMAIL - FW: Chapter 06/11/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Internal transmission of draft 8 DPP Stuyvenburg, 2 input for IP Tech SEIS input 312 NRC/NRR ML082671021 Andrew EMAIL - Chapter 8 06/11/2008 E-Mail Kevin Taylor, Katie Internal transmission of 98 DPP Stuyvenburg, comments Broom/ Earth Tech marked-up draft SEIS section 313 NRC/NRR ML081970303 Robert Palla/ EMAIL - IP SAMA- 06/12/2008 E-Mail Ali Azarn/ ISL, Inc. Internal transmission of draft 80 DPP NRC/NRR Draft SER Rev 0.doc SER Appendix G (SAMA) 314 ML081970301 Ali Azarn/ ISL, EMAIL - suggested 06/13/2008 E-Mail Robert Palla Internal transmission of draft 41 DPP Inc. mods to draft SER (NRC/NRR)/ Bruce SER Appendix G (SAMA) per your comments Mrowca (ISL, Inc.)

315 ML082540441 Matt EMAIL - RE: IP 06/13/2008 E-Mail Jennifer Davis/ Internal transmission of draft 11 DPP Goodwin/ NRC/NRR SEIS input, historical and 316 Earth Tech archaelogical resources ML090140608 Jennifer EMAIL - RE: IP Edits 06/14/2008 E-Mail Matt Goodwin, Andrew Internal transmission of 3 Davis/ Stuyvenberg/ comments on draft sections DPP NRC/NRR NRC/NRR/DLR 2.2.9 and 4.4.5 of the DSEIS 317 Page 47 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML082670989 Andrew EMAIL - IP Chapter 4 06/16/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Rikhoff/ Internal transmission of draft 135 DPP Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR SEIS chapter 318 NRC/NRR ML090140609 Jennifer EMAIL - Refurb for 06/16/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Rikhoff/ Internal transmission of 3 DPP Davis/ NY NRC/NRR/DLR comments on draft section 319 NRC/NRR 3.2.9 of the DSEIS ML090140610 Jennifer EMAIL - Please 06/16/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Rikhoff/ Internal transmission of 4 DPP Davis/ review the NRC/NRR/DLR comments on draft section 320 NRC/NRR corresponding 4.4.5 4.4.5 of the DSEIS ML090140612 Jennifer EMAIL - Revisions to 06/17/2008 E-Mail Matt Goodwin, Andrew Internal transmission of 4 DPP Davis/ Section 4.4.5 Stuyvenberg/ comments on draft section NRC/NRR NRC/NRR/DLR 4.4.5 of the DSEIS 321 ML090140613 Jennifer EMAIL - Chap. 3 06/18/2008 E-Mail Matt Goodwin/ Internal transmission of draft 3 DPP Davis/ NRC/NRR/DLR section 3.2.9 of the DSEIS 322 NRC/NRR ML082261486 Elizabeth EMAIL - FW: New 06/19/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg, Internal transmission of draft 57 DPP Wexler/ Aquatic Sections for Dennis Logan/ SEIS input 323 NRC/NRR Main Text NRC/NRR ML082540438 Matt EMAIL - IP2 and IP3 06/19/2008 E-Mail Bobbie Hurley/ Earth Internal transmission of draft 10 DPP Goodwin/ Tech SEIS input 324 Earth Tech ML082670914 Andrew EMAIL - Chapter 2 06/20/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Internal transmission of draft 11 DPP Stuyvenburg, Intro Comments Tech SEIS input with comments 325 NRC/NRR Page 48 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML082682141 Valerie EMAIL - New figures 06/20/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal transmission of draft 7 DPP Cullinan/ PNL for App-X SEIS input (Appendix X 326 figures)

ML081970300 Robert Palla/ EMAIL - RE: IP 06/23/2008 E-Mail Bruce Mrowca/ ISL, Inc. Internal discussion of 2 DPP NRC/NRR SAMA- Draft SER contents of draft SER 327 Rev 0.doc Appendix G (SAMA)

ML083090940 Clifford EMAIL - IP 06/23/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ Internal discussion of draft 4 DPP Marks/ ISL Amendment 5 (a)(2) NRC/NRR/DLR RAI (attached) re: non-safety Update related components 328 ML083090942 Clifford EMAIL - RE: IP 06/23/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ Internal discussion of staff 3 Marks/ ISL update AND TMI NRC/NRR/DLR review - non-safety related DPP 329 components ML082490620 Dennis EMAIL - RE: Indian 06/24/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward, Valerie Internal discussion of draft 3 DPP Logan/ Point Appendix I Cullinan/ PNL SEIS Appendix I references 330 NRC/NRR ML082490624 Dennis EMAIL - FW: Indian 06/24/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ Internal discussion of draft 4 DPP Logan/ Point Appendix H NRC/NRR SEIS Appendix H references 331 NRC/NRR ML082670962 Andrew EMAIL - FW: Indian 06/24/2008 E-Mail Dennis Logan/ Internal transmission of draft 2 DPP Stuyvenburg, Point - Chapter 2.0 NRC/NRR SEIS input (references, Ch.

332 NRC/NRR 2)

Page 49 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML083090939 Clifford EMAIL - RE: IP 06/24/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki, Internal discussion of staff 3 Marks/ ISL Amendment 5 (a)(2) NRC/NRR/DLR review of non-safety related DPP 333 Update components ML090140672 Jeffrey EMAIL - IP Chapter 3 06/24/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg, Internal transmission of 16 DPP Rikhoff/ Refurbishment Jennifer Davis/ comments on draft chapter 3 334 NRC/NRR/DL NRC/NRR/DLR of the DSEIS R

ML082490618 Dennis EMAIL - RE: Indian 06/25/2008 E-Mail Dennis Logan/ Internal discussion of draft 4 DPP Logan/ Point, Chapter 2.0, NRC/NRR SEIS input (references, Ch.

335 NRC/NRR ADAMS numbers 2)

ML082670959 Andrew EMAIL - RE: Indian 06/25/2008 E-Mail Dennis Logan/ Internal discussion of draft 3 DPP Stuyvenburg, Point Appendix I NRC/NRR SEIS Appendix I references 336 NRC/NRR ML082670961 Andrew EMAIL - FW: Indian 06/25/2008 E-Mail Dennis Logan/ Internal discussion of draft 3 DPP Stuyvenburg, Point:EFH and BA NRC/NRR SEIS input (references) 337 NRC/NRR Outstanding Items ML090140673 Jeffrey EMAIL - IP Chapter 4 06/25/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg, Internal transmission of draft 4 DPP Rikhoff/ Refurbishment Jennifer Davis/ chapter 4 of the DSEIS NRC/NRR/DL NRC/NRR/DLR 338 R

ML082040357 Richard EMAIL - RE: Audit 06/26/2008 E-Mail James Davis/ Internal discussions 3 Morante/ BNL Report NRC/NRR regarding finalizing audit DPP 339 report Page 50 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML082520113 Dennis EMAIL - BA 06/26/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ Internal transmission of draft 2 DPP Logan/ references NRC/NRR SEIS input 340 NRC/NRR ML082520114 Dennis EMAIL - RE: Chapter 06/26/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ Internal discussion of draft 3 DPP Logan/ 4 references NRC/NRR SEIS input (references, Ch.

341 NRC/NRR 4)

ML082670956 Andrew EMAIL - Chapter 4 06/26/2008 E-Mail Dennis Logan/ Internal transmission of draft 135 DPP Stuyvenburg, NRC/NRR SEIS Chapter 4 (Envir.

342 NRC/NRR Impacts of Operation)

ML082670979 Andrew EMAIL - Chapter 5 06/26/2008 E-Mail Bonnie Freeman, Tony Internal transmission of draft 50 DPP Stuyvenburg, and Appendix G, Collins (Earth Tech) SEIS input 343 NRC/NRR some references ML082671016 Andrew EMAIL - Reference 06/26/2008 E-Mail Stephen Klementowicz/ Internal discussion of and 4 DPP Stuyvenburg, for IP Chapter 4 NRC/NRR transmission of draft SEIS 344 NRC/NRR input ML082520109 Dennis EMAIL - RE: Chapter 06/27/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ Internal discussion of draft 5 DPP Logan/ 4 references NRC/NRR SEIS input 345 NRC/NRR ML082670975 Andrew EMAIL - Edits to EJ 06/27/2008 E-Mail Bonnie Freeman, Tony Internal transmission of draft 12 Stuyvenburg, and Socioeconomics Collins (Earth Tech) SEIS input edits DPP 346 NRC/NRR Page 51 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML081820672 Jennifer EMAIL - FW: 06/30/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ Internal discussion of 2 DPP Davis/ Redactions for NRC/NRR proposed redactions of 347 NRC/NRR Enercon Report sensitive or proprietary information ML082670906 Andrew EMAIL - RE: Indian 06/30/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Internal discussion of draft 2 DPP Stuyvenburg, Point - Chapter 2.0 Tech SEIS input 348 NRC/NRR ML082670908 Andrew EMAIL - Section 2.10 06/30/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Internal comment suggesting 2 DPP Stuyvenburg, consultation language Tech draft SEIS input 349 NRC/NRR ML082670910 Andrew EMAIL - (Untitled) 06/30/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Internal transmission of draft 6 DPP Stuyvenburg, Tech SEIS input 350 NRC/NRR ML082670911 Andrew EMAIL - FW: Indian 06/30/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Internal discussion of draft 3 DPP Stuyvenburg, Point Appendix G Tech SEIS input 351 NRC/NRR ML082670949 Andrew EMAIL - One more 06/30/2008 E-Mail Dennis Logan/ Internal email containing draft 2 DPP Stuyvenburg, Chapter 2 reference NRC/NRR SEIS input 352 NRC/NRR ML082670952 Andrew EMAIL - FW: Chapter 06/30/2008 E-Mail Dennis Logan/ Internal transmission of draft 116 DPP Stuyvenburg, 4 pdf NRC/NRR SEIS input - environmental NRC/NRR impacts of operation 353 ML090140614 Jennifer 2008/06/30 Indian 06/30/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg, 2 Davis, Point LR Hearing - NRC/NRR/DLR; Matt DPP 354 NRC/NRR Redactions for Goodwin, EarthTech Enercon Report Page 52 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML081970297 Robert Palla/ EMAIL - Insert on 07/01/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ Internal transmission of draft 3 DPP NRC/NRR Plant to Plant NRC/NRR SEIS input (App. G --

355 Differences SAMAs)

DPP ML081970298 Robert Palla/ EMAIL - RE: Indian 07/01/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ Internal email containing draft 2 356 NRC/NRR Point Chapter 5.0 NRC/NRR SEIS input (SAMAs)

ML082670902 Andrew EMAIL - Chapter 3 07/03/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Internal transmittal of draft 18 Stuyvenburg, Tech SEIS input (also contains PII DPP NRC/NRR - version with PII redacted 357 will be listed in Supplement 1 Deliberative Process Privilege Log)

ML082670903 Andrew EMAIL - RE: Indian 07/03/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Internal comment on draft 3 DPP Stuyvenburg, Point - eco - T&E Tech section of SEIS regarding 358 NRC/NRR species T&E species ML082671006 Andrew EMAIL - Indian Point 07/03/2008 E-Mail Rani Franovich/ Internal transmission of draft 314 DPP Stuyvenburg, Chapters NRC/NRR SEIS chapters 359 NRC/NRR ML082670899 Andrew EMAIL - RE: Chapter 07/06/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom/ Earth Internal discussion of edits to 3 Stuyvenburg, 3 Tech Chapter 3 of draft SEIS (also DPP NRC/NRR contains PII - version with PII 360 redacted will be listed in Supplement 1 Deliberative Process Privilege Log)

ML081890157 Lambros Lois/ EMAIL - ADAMS 07/07/2008 E-Mail NRC/NRR Internal comment regarding 2 DPP NRC/NRR Envelope safety review of IP LRA 361 Amendment 5 ML082690742 Rani EMAIL - Heads Up 07/07/2008 E-Mail Brian Holian, Samson Internal discussion of safety 2 DPP Franovich/ Lee/ NRC/NRR review approach and 362 NRC/NRR schedule issues Page 53 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML082690738 Rani EMAIL - (Untitled) 07/10/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal discussion of safety 2 DPP Franovich/ NRC/NRR review approach and 363 NRC/NRR schedule issues ML082180323 Conte R J, 05000247-08-006 and 07/11/2008 Inspection Pollock J E, Entergy Internal draft of license 23 NRC/RGN- 05000286-08-006; on Report Nuclear Operations, Inc renewal inspection report I/DRS/EB1 January 28 - June 6, Letter 2008; Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3; Scoping of Non-DPP Safety Systems and 364 the Proposed Aging Management Procedures for the Indian Point Application for Renewed License, Draft.

ML082180327 NRC/RGN- IP LR Report, Draft 0 07/11/2008 Inspection Internal draft list of 11 DPP I/DRS Attachment - July 11, Report documents reviewed for draft 2008. license renewal inspection 365 report ML082671009 Andrew EMAIL - App G for 07/14/2008 E-Mail Robert Palla/ NRC/NRR Internal transmission of draft 47 DPP Stuyvenburg, your files SEIS Appendix G 366 NRC/NRR ML082180330 NRC/RGN- IP LR Report, Draft 1 07/15/2008 Inspection Internal draft of license DPP I/DRS - July 15, 2008 Report renewal inspection report 367 Page 54 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML082530356 Barry Elliot/ EMAIL - RE: Updated 07/15/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal transmission of draft 19 DPP NRC/NRR SER information NRC/NRR SER input from Vessels and 368 Internals Integrity branch ML082630710 George EMAIL - RE: Updated 07/15/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal transmission of draft 38 DPP Thomas/ SER information NRC/NRR SER input regarding 369 NRC/NRR structures DPP ML082590137 Duc Nguyen/ EMAIL - RE: Audit 07/17/2008 E-Mail James Davis/ Internal transmission of audit 15 370 NRC/NRR Report NRC/NRR reports for electrical AMPs ML082660227 Matthew EMAIL - RE: Updated 07/17/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal transmission of draft 6 DPP Yoder/ SER information NRC/NRR SER input regarding steam 371 NRC/NRR generator TLAA ML082671023 Andrew EMAIL - Excerpt from 07/18/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward (PNL)/ Internal question regarding 2 Stuyvenburg, Chapter 2 of the EIS Dennis Logan meaning of sentence in EIS DPP 372 NRC/NRR (NRC/NRR)

ML082040355 Richard EMAIL - FW: Audit 07/21/2008 E-Mail James Davis/ Internal discussion of audit 31 DPP Morante/ BNL Report NRC/NRR report template and internal 373 transmission of draft input to audit report ML082590133 Duc Nguyen/ EMAIL - SER Section 07/21/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal email containing draft 5 DPP NRC/NRR open item NRC/NRR SER input 374 DPP ML082590134 Duc Nguyen/ EMAIL - RE: SER 07/21/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal transmission of draft 32 375 NRC/NRR Section NRC/NRR SER input Page 55 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML082180332 NRC/RGN- IP LR Report, Draft 2 07/22/2008 Inspection Internal draft of license I/DRS - July 22, 2008 Report renewal inspection report DPP 376 ML082530354 Barry Elliot/ EMAIL - RE: Draft 07/22/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal email regarding 2 DPP NRC/NRR Telecon Summaries NRC/NRR possible changes to SER 377 resulting from telecom with applicant ML082180340 NRC/RGN- IP LR Report, Draft 3 07/24/2008 Inspection Internal draft of license DPP I/DRS - July 24, 2008 Report renewal inspection report 378 ML082520120 Dennis EMAIL - needs for 07/24/2008 E-Mail Elizabeth Wexler/ Internal discussion of 3 Logan/ cumulative in ecology NRC/NRR cumulative impacts analysis NRC/NRR for draft SEIS (also contains DPP PII - version with PII redacted 379 will be listed in Supplement 1 Deliberative Process Privilege Log)

ML082530023 Robert Palla/ EMAIL - IP SAMA 07/24/2008 E-Mail Bruce Mrowca (ISL, Internal transmission of draft 48 DPP NRC/NRR SER Inc.)/ Steve Short (PNL) SEIS section (SAMA) 380 ML082180764 NRC/RGN- IP LR Report, Draft 4 07/29/2008 Inspection Internal draft of license I/DRS - July 29, 2008 Report renewal inspection report DPP 381 Page 56 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML082130373 James EMAIL - RE: IP 2/3 07/30/2008 E-Mail Richard Morante/ BNL Internal discussion of safety 2 Medoff/ LRA - BNL input to review regarding operating DPP NRC/NRR SER - Operating experience 382 Experience - R.

Morante - 07/30/08 ML082130368 James EMAIL - Nickel-Alloy 07/31/2008 E-Mail Terence Chan/ Internal discussion of safety 2 DPP Medoff/ Program - Keith has NRC/NRR review of Nickel-Alloy AMP 383 NRC/NRR clarified some things for Me -

ML082130372 James EMAIL - Indian Point 07/31/2008 E-Mail Terence Chan, Keith Internal comments on safety 2 DPP Medoff/ SER - Nickel-Alloy Hoffman/ NRC/NRR review of Nickel-Alloy AMP 384 NRC/NRR Inspection Program ML082180343 NRC/RGN- IP LR Report, Draft 6 07/31/2008 Inspection Internal draft of license DPP I/DRS - July 31, 2008 Report renewal inspection report 385 ML082880456 Kimberly EMAIL - RE: IP SER 08/01/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal email regarding 3 DPP Green/ Concurrence NRC/NRR concurrence with draft SER 386 NRC/NRR sections (with comments)

ML082670945 Andrew EMAIL - RE: Update 08/04/2008 E-Mail Valerie Cullinan/ PNL Internal discussion of a 3 DPP Stuyvenburg, a graphic from IP graphic in the draft SEIS, Ch.

387 NRC/NRR Chapter 4 4 ML082671024 Andrew EMAIL - RE: 08/04/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward (PNL)/ Internal discussion of draft 3 DPP Stuyvenburg, Mitigation measures Dennis Logan SEIS input on mitigation NRC/NRR in Chapter 4 of IP EIS (NRC/NRR) measures 388 Page 57 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML090090473 Jeffrey Ward/ EMAIL - RE: 08/04/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg, Internal discussion of draft 3 Battelle Mitigation measures Dennis Logan/ DSEIS chapter 4 DPP 389 Marine in Chapter 4 of IP EIS NRC/NRR/DLR Sciences Lab ML082340980 Richard EMAIL - FW: IP 2/3 08/06/2008 E-Mail James Davis/ Internal transmission of draft 52 DPP Morante/ BNL LRA - SERwOI - 3.5 NRC/NRR SER input - aging 390 AMR - Completed management review for structures ML082340973 Richard EMAIL - (Untitled) 08/08/2008 E-Mail James Davis/ Internal email containing 2 DPP Morante/ BNL NRC/NRR comment on draft SER input 391 ML082590129 Duc Nguyen/ EMAIL - Review of 08/12/2008 E-Mail Rajender Auluck/ Internal discussion of need to 2 DPP NRC/NRR Amendments to LRA NRC/NRR discuss certain LRA 392 amendments in SER ML082670944 Andrew EMAIL - FYI - 08/13/2008 E-Mail Katie Broom (Earth Internal discussion of impact 5 DPP Stuyvenburg, predecisional input on Tech)/ Jeffrey Ward of admitted contentions on 393 NRC/NRR contentions (PNL) environmental review ML082340967 Richard EMAIL - RE: License 08/19/2008 E-Mail James Davis/ Internal discussions of 3 DPP Morante/ BNL Renewal Letter NL- NRC/NRR applicants RAI responses 394 08-127 ML082630830 James EMAIL - RE: 08/20/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal discussion of staff 3 DPP Medoff/ (Untitled) NRC/NRR safety review and draft SER 395 NRC/NRR input ML082530009 Emma Wong/ EMAIL - Boral 08/25/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal transmission of draft 6 NRC/NRR NRC/NRR SER input regarding Boral DPP 396 Surveillance Program Page 58 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML082530024 Robert Palla/ EMAIL - RE: FYI - 08/25/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ Internal discussion of impact 2 DPP NRC/NRR predecisional input on NRC/NRR of admitted contentions on 397 contentions draft SEIS ML082670994 Andrew EMAIL - Q's and A's 08/25/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal discussion of 4 DPP Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR/DLR responses regarding the 398 NRC/NRR Indian Point license renewal process ML082670996 Andrew EMAIL - RE: My 08/25/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal discussion of the 3 DPP Stuyvenberg/ thoughts NRC/NRR/DLR scoping issues NRC/NRR 399 ML090140663 Jeffrey EMAIL - RE: FYI - 08/25/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg, Internal comments on need 2 Rikhoff/ predecisional input on Dennis Logan; Jennifer for DSEIS regarding DPP NRC/NRR/DL contentions Davis; Stephen contentions 400 R Klementowicz/

NRC/NRR/DLR; Katie Broom/ EarthTech ML082530028 Robert Palla/ EMAIL - FW: 08/26/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg, Internal transmission of draft 23 NRC/NRR (Untitled) Tina Ghosh/ POAM and Communication DPP 401 NRC/NRR/DLR Plan.

ML082630809 Richard EMAIL - FW: 08/26/2008 E-Mail George Thomas, Internal transmission of draft 4 DPP Morante/ BNL (Untitled) Hansraj Ashar/ SER input regarding 402 NRC/NRR inaccessible concrete Page 59 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML082630810 Richard EMAIL - FW: 08/26/2008 E-Mail George Thomas, Internal discussion of draft 2 Morante/ BNL (Untitled) Hansraj Ashar/ SER input regarding DPP 403 NRC/NRR inaccessible concrete ML082630807 Richard EMAIL - RE: Telecon 08/27/2008 E-Mail George Thomas/ Internal comment on 2 DPP Morante/ BNL for 8/27 @ 11:30am NRC/NRR applicants response to audit 404 question ML082670879 Andrew EMAIL - IP Draft Mini 08/27/2008 E-Mail Brian Holian; Kimberly Internal transmission of 6 Stuyvenberg/ Comm. Plan for Green; Rani Franovich; communication plan NRC/NRR Review Mel Gray; Richard Conte; Eliot Brenner; David DPP McIntyre; Diane 405 Screnci; Neil Sheehan; Marjorie McLaughlin; Richard Barkley; Eugene Dacus/ NRC/NRR/DLR ML082671015 Andrew EMAIL - RE: FYI - 08/28/2008 E-Mail Stephen Klementowicz/ Internal discussion of impact 2 DPP Stuyvenburg, predecisional input on NRC/NRR of admitted contentions on NRC/NRR contentions draft SEIS 406 ML083090979 Clifford EMAIL - Indian Point: 09/02/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ Internal discussion of draft 4 Marks/ ISL conclusion Tier 1 NRC/NRR/DLR; Steve SER input, Tier 1 systems DPP 407 Conclusion Statement Pope/ ISL

- (a)(2) Conclusion ML082490159 Stephen EMAIL - Revised New 09/03/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ Internal transmission of draft 7 DPP Klementowicz and Significant NRC/NRR SEIS input regarding new 408

/ NRC/NRR section information Page 60 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML082550726 Allen Hiser/ EMAIL - RE: IP2&3 09/05/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal discussion of draft 2 DPP NRC/NRR LRA - Boral --- looks NRC/NRR SER Input (Boral) 409 OK ML082590036 Jerry Dozier/ EMAIL - RE: 3.2 and 09/05/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal discussion of draft 2 DPP NRC/NRR 3.4 NRC/NRR SER sections 3.2 and 3.4 410 ML082630826 James EMAIL - 09/05/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal transmission of draft 18 Medoff/ Rewrite with OIs NRC/NRR SER input DPP NRC/NRR B.18-1 and B.1.18-2. -

411 the input revised in the input to be a plant specific AMP writeup ML082630828 James EMAIL - RE: SER 09/05/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal transmission (with 11 DPP Medoff/ NRC/NRR comment) of draft SER input 412 NRC/NRR ML082590029 Jerry Dozier/ EMAIL - RE: Section 09/07/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal comment on draft 2 DPP NRC/NRR 4.3 NRC/NRR SER section 4.3 413 ML082630805 Richard EMAIL - RE: Telecon 09/08/2008 E-Mail George Thomas, Internal discussion regarding 4 Morante/ BNL on Monday Hansraj Ashar, need for clarification on DPP Rajender Auluck, applicants RAI response 414 Kimberly Green, Dan Hoang/ NRC/NRR ML082630804 Richard EMAIL - Revised 3.5 09/09/2008 E-Mail George Thomas, Internal transmission of draft 58 DPP Morante/ BNL Hansraj Ashar/ SER section 3.5 NRC/NRR 415 Page 61 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML082630780 Richard EMAIL - Containment 09/10/2008 E-Mail George Thomas, Internal transmission of draft 10 Morante/ BNL ISI AMP Revision Hansraj Ashar/ SER input - containment ISI DPP 416 NRC/NRR AMP ML082630786 Richard EMAIL - SMP AMP 09/10/2008 E-Mail George Thomas, Internal transmission of draft 11 DPP Morante/ BNL Revision Hansraj Ashar/ SER input - structural 417 NRC/NRR monitoring ML082630790 Richard EMAIL - Audit Q 361 09/10/2008 E-Mail George Thomas, Internal transmission of draft 6 DPP Morante/ BNL Hansraj Ashar/ SER input and comments NRC/NRR regarding response to audit 418 question ML082630792 Richard EMAIL - Audit Q 360 09/10/2008 E-Mail George Thomas, Internal transmission of draft 9 Morante/ BNL Hansraj Ashar/ SER input and comments DPP 419 NRC/NRR regarding response to audit question ML082630794 Richard EMAIL - Audit Qs 358 09/10/2008 E-Mail George Thomas, Internal transmission of draft 15 DPP Morante/ BNL and 359 Hansraj Ashar/ SER input and comments 420 NRC/NRR regarding response to audit questions ML082630802 Richard EMAIL - Question 27 09/10/2008 E-Mail George Thomas, Internal transmission of draft 7 DPP Morante/ BNL Hansraj Ashar/ SER input and comments 421 NRC/NRR regarding response to audit question DPP ML082880447 Alex Klein/ EMAIL - IP license 09/10/2008 E-Mail Naeem Iqbal/ Internal discussion of draft 2 422 NRC/NRR renewal SE words NRC/NRR SER input Page 62 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML082630686 George EMAIL - FW: Rev. 1 09/11/2008 E-Mail Dan Hoang, Rajender Internal transmission of draft 58 Thomas/ of SERwOI for 3.5 Auluck/ NRC/NRR SER input - Section 3.5 DPP 423 NRC/NRR ML082630693 George EMAIL - Indian Point 09/11/2008 E-Mail Kamal Manoly/ Internal transmission of draft 20 Thomas/ LRA draft SER input NRC/NRR SER input - Containment ISI DPP NRC/NRR disposition of the and structures monitoring 424 original 5 (now 3)

Open Items ML082630740 George EMAIL - RE: SMP 09/11/2008 E-Mail Richard Morante/ BNL Internal transmission of draft 11 DPP Thomas/ AMP Revision SER input - structures 425 NRC/NRR monitoring ML082630744 George EMAIL - RE: 09/11/2008 E-Mail Richard Morante/ BNL Internal transmission of draft 11 DPP Thomas/ Containment ISI AMP SER input - containment ISI 426 NRC/NRR Revision ML082630689 George EMAIL - IP LRA - 09/12/2008 E-Mail Kamal Manoly/ Internal transmission of draft 20 Thomas/ Peer review of NRC/NRR SER input related to audit DPP NRC/NRR Structural Open Items questions 427 related to Audit Questions 27, 358 thru 361 ML082630775 Richard EMAIL - RE: SMP 09/15/2008 E-Mail George Thomas/ Internal email regarding draft 3 DPP Morante/ BNL AMP Revision NRC/NRR SER input (SMP) 428 ML090090471 Andrew EMAIL - Comments 09/15/2008 E-Mail Rani Franovich/ Internal discussion and 2 DPP Stuyvenberg/ on Chapter 2 insert NRC/NRR/DLR comments on DSEIS 429 NRC/NRR Page 63 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML083090977 Clifford EMAIL - RE: tier 2 of 09/16/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ Internal discussion of draft 5 Marks/ ISL systems with no NRC/NRR/DLR; Steve SER input, Tier 2 systems DPP 430 UFSAR and no Pope/ ISL drawings ML090090465 Andrew EMAIL - RE: Another 09/16/2008 E-Mail Dennis Logan/ Internal discussion regarding 3 DPP Stuyvenberg/ question . . . NRC/NRR/DLR; Jeffrey DSEIS inputs 431 NRC/NRR Ward/ PNL ML090090468 Andrew EMAIL - RE: Another 09/16/2008 E-Mail Dennis Logan/ Internal discussion regarding 3 DPP Stuyvenberg/ IP question NRC/NRR/DLR; Jeffrey DSEIS language in chapter 2 NRC/NRR Ward/ PNL 432 ML090090469 Andrew EMAIL - Quick 09/16/2008 E-Mail Dennis Logan/ Internal discussion regarding 2 Stuyvenberg/ clarification - IP NRC/NRR/DLR; Jeffrey DSEIS input for chapter 2 DPP 433 NRC/NRR Chapter 2 Ward/ PNL ML082661098 Terence EMAIL - RE: Indian 09/17/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal discussion and 3 DPP Chan/ Point LRA NRC/NRR comments on draft SER input 434 NRC/NRR - RCP Flywheel analysis and Nickel-Alloy AMP ML083090995 Clifford EMAIL - RE: fire 09/17/2008 E-Mail Stanley Gardocki/ Internal discussion of draft 3 DPP Marks/ ISL event NRC/NRR/DLR SER input 435 Page 64 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML090090463 Andrew EMAIL - IP - Same 09/18/2008 E-Mail Dennis Logan/ Internal discussion regarding 2 DPP Stuyvenberg/ para as last e-mail NRC/NRR/DLR DSEIS chapter 4 input 436 NRC/NRR ML090150622 Ed EMAIL - Re: FW: 09/18/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ Internal discussion of 3 Kaczmarczyk Language in Chapter NRC/NRR/DLR, Katie meteorological data in the DPP 437 2 - question for Ed K. Broom/ Earth Tech DSEIS ML090090462 Andrew EMAIL - FW: 09/19/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward/ PNL Internal discussion regarding 2 DPP Stuyvenberg/ Impingement DSEIS input for chapter 4 438 NRC/NRR sampling at IP - from chapter 4 ML083090989 Donnie EMAIL - IP Section 2 09/23/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green, Internal transmission of draft 220 DPP Harrison/ 09-22-08 Clean.doc Stanley Gardocki/ SER section 2 439 NRC/NRR NRC/NRR/DLR ML090090461 Andrew EMAIL - Steve's 09/25/2008 E-Mail Bo Pham/ Internal discussion regarding 2 DPP Stuyvenberg/ Chapter 2 NRC/NRR/DLR DSEIS inputs 440 NRC/NRR Groundwater Insert ML090150621 Steve Dillard/ EMAIL - FW: Indian 10/01/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ Internal transmission of 14 DPP Earth Tech Point #4 - BA NRC/NRR/DLR, Bobbie DSEIS input regarding Hurley/ Earth Tech biological assessment and 441 essential fish habitat ML082810234 James EMAIL - Review of 10/07/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green/ Internal discussion of draft 2 Medoff/ AMRs on RxVessel NRC/NRR SER input - section DPP NRC/NRR Fracture Toughness 442 for SER Section and its three Page 65 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

Subsections ML090090458 Andrew EMAIL - IP1 SFP 11/10/2008 E-Mail John Boska/ Internal discussion regarding 2 DPP Stuyvenberg/ NRC/NRR/DLR additions to the DSEIS 443 NRC/NRR ML083580175 Rajender EMAIL - FW: IP LRA - 11/14/2008 E-Mail Hansraj Ashar, Bryce Internal discussion of draft 56 DPP Auluck/ SERwOI for 3.5 Lehman/ input to SER 444 NRC/NRR NRC/NRR/DLR ML083580174 John Boska, 2008/11/17 Indian 11/17/2008 E-Mail Bryce Lehman; 2 DPP NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - Rajender Auluck; RE: Indian point Hansraj Ashar; Kimberly 445 License Renewal Green, NRC/NRR/DLR ML090080087 John Boska, 2008/11/18 Indian 11/18/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green, 2 NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - NRC/NRR/DLR DPP IP3 IWE/IWL 446 containment inspection version ML090120177 Ray Gallucci/ EMAIL - FW: GSI 148 11/18/2008 E-Mail Robert Palla; Daniel Internal discussion regarding 3 DPP NRC/NRR - IP3 Fire spray Frumkin; Naeem Iqbal/ fire suppression techniques 447 misdirection due to NRC/NRR/DLR and stations smoke ML090120175 Robert Palla/ EMAIL - RE: GSI 148 11/19/2008 E-Mail Ray Gallucci/ Internal discussion regarding 3 DPP NRC/NRR - IP3 Fire spray NRC/NRR/DLR fire suppression techniques 448 misdirection due to and stations smoke Page 66 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML083580167 Robert Sun/ EMAIL - IP SER 11/21/2008 E-Mail Rajender Auluck, Internal transmission of input 46 NRC/NRR Section 3.5 - Working Hansraj Ashar, Bryce to draft SER DPP 449 File Lehman/

NRC/NRR/DLR ML083580173 Robert Sun/ EMAIL - IP SER 11/21/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green, Internal transmission of input 43 NRC/NRR Section 3.5 Rajender Auluck, to draft SER DPP Hansraj Ashar, Bryce 450 Lehman/

NRC/NRR/DLR ML083580179 Richard EMAIL - RE: IP SER 11/24/2008 E-Mail Rajender Auluck, Internal comments on and 44 DPP Morante/ BNL Section 3.5 Hansraj Ashar, Bryce transmittal of input to draft Lehman/ SER 451 NRC/NRR/DLR ML083580180 Richard EMAIL - RE: IP SER 11/25/2008 E-Mail Rajender Auluck, Internal transmission of draft 12 Morante/ BNL Section 3.5 Hansraj Ashar, Bryce SER input DPP 452 Lehman/

NRC/NRR/DLR ML083580182 Richard EMAIL - RE: IP SER 11/25/2008 E-Mail Rajender Auluck, Internal transmission of draft 12 DPP Morante/ BNL Section 3.5 Hansraj Ashar, Bryce SER input 453 Lehman/

NRC/NRR/DLR ML083580184 Richard EMAIL - RE: IP SER 11/26/2008 E-Mail Rajender Auluck, Internal transmission of draft 22 Morante/ BNL Section 3.5 Hansraj Ashar, Bryce SER input (SFP and RFC)

DPP Lehman, George 454 Thomas/

NRC/NRR/DLR Page 67 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML083370305 Jennifer EMAIL - Section 2.2.9 12/02/2008 E-Mail Matt Goodwin/ Internal request for review of 10 DPP Davis/ reference checks NRC/NRR/DLR attached draft SEIS sections 455 NRC/NRR ML083580191 Richard EMAIL - IP 2/3 SER 12/02/2008 E-Mail Rajender Auluck, Bryce Internal transmission of draft 5 Morante/ BNL Section 4.6 - Revision Lehman/ SER input DPP 456 to BNL submittal on NRC/NRR/DLR 09/18/08 ML090120170 MarkHenry EMAIL - RE: GSI 148 12/02/2008 E-Mail Nathan Siu; Ray Internal discussion regarding 4 DPP Salley/ - IP3 Fire spray Gallucci; Robert Palla, GSI-148 for SAMA 457 NRC/RES misdirection due to Jack Foster, John Lane/

smoke NRC/NRR/DLR ML083580187 Richard EMAIL - IP 2/3 RAI 12/03/2008 E-Mail Rajender Auluck, Internal transmission of draft 14 DPP Morante/ BNL for Containment Hansraj Ashar, Bryce RAI for review Concrete Spalling Lehman/

458 NRC/NRR/DLR ML083580189 Richard EMAIL - IP 2/3 RAI 12/03/2008 E-Mail Rajender Auluck, Internal transmittal of draft 13 Morante/ BNL for Spent Fuel Pool Hansraj Ashar, Bryce SER input and RAI for review DPP 459 Leakage Lehman/ and comment NRC/NRR/DLR ML083580190 Richard EMAIL - IP 2/3 RAI 12/03/2008 E-Mail Rajender Auluck, Internal transmission of draft 14 DPP Morante/ BNL for Refueling Cavity Hansraj Ashar, Bryce RAI for review 460 Leakage Lehman/

NRC/NRR/DLR ML090120169 John EMAIL - GI-148 and 12/03/2008 E-Mail Robert Palla, Jack Internal discussion regarding 2 DPP Kauffman/ IP-3 Foster/ NRC/NRR/DLR GSI-148 461 NRC/RES Page 68 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML083580194 George EMAIL - RE: draft 12/04/2008 E-Mail Bryce Lehman/ Internal transmission of 5 DPP Thomas/ RAI's NRC/NRR/DLR marked-up draft RAI 462 NRC/NRR ML083580196 George EMAIL - RE: draft 12/04/2008 E-Mail Hansraj Ashar, Bryce Internal transmission of 7 DPP Thomas/ RAI's Lehman/ marked-up draft RAI with 463 NRC/NRR NRC/NRR/DLR comments ML090070420 Lisa Regner/ EMAIL - Draft dSEIS 12/04/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ Internal transmission/ 10 DPP NRC/NRR Issuance Comm NRC/NRR/DLR discussion of draft 464 Plan.doc Communication Plan for DSEIS ML090070418 Lisa Regner/ EMAIL - Draft dSEIS 12/08/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg/ Internal transmission of draft 11 DPP NRC/NRR Issuance Comm NRC/NRR/DLR Communication Plan for Plan.doc DSEIS 465 ML090070459 Lisa Regner/ EMAIL - RE: IP 12/08/2008 E-Mail Bo Pham/ Internal discussion of draft 3 NRC/NRR dSEIS Comm Plan NRC/NRR/DLR Communication Plan for DPP 466 DSEIS ML090070460 Lisa Regner/ EMAIL - IP dSEIS 12/08/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg, Internal discussion of draft 2 DPP NRC/NRR Comm Plan David Wrona, Bo Pham/ Communication Plan for 467 NRC/NRR/DLR DSEIS ML090090453 Andrew EMAIL - RE: Draft 12/08/2008 E-Mail Lisa Regner/ Internal transmission of draft 12 DPP Stuyvenberg/ dSEIS Issuance NRC/NRR/DLR communication plan 468 NRC/NRR Comm Plan.doc Page 69 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML083580197 George EMAIL - RE: IP RAIs 12/09/2008 E-Mail Rajender Auluck, Internal transmission of draft 7 Thomas/ Hansraj Ashar, Bryce RAIS for internal review DPP 469 NRC/NRR Lehman, Kamal Manoly/

NRC/NRR/DLR ML090140681 Dennis EMAIL - RE: IP BA 12/09/2008 E-Mail Lisa Regner/ Internal discussion of draft 3 DPP Logan/ and EFH Lrt to NRC/NRR/DLR letter to NMFS regarding 470 NRC/NRR NMFS.doc biological assessment and essential fish habitat ML090080092 John Boska/ EMAIL - RE: Indian 12/10/2008 E-Mail Lisa Regner, Mark Internal discussion of draft 3 DPP NRC/NRR Point Draft dSEIS Kowal/ NRC/NRR/DLR communication plan 471 Issuance Comm Plan Revisions ML090090450 Andrew EMAIL - Update . . . 12/10/2008 E-Mail David Wrona, Lisa Internal discussion of DSEIS 2 DPP Stuyvenberg/ Regner/ NRC/NRR/DLR 472 NRC/NRR ML090070355 Lisa Regner/ EMAIL - DLR input to 12/11/2008 E-Mail Andrew Stuyvenberg, Draft input to EDO Daily 3 DPP NRC/NRR EDO Daily Notes 12- David Wrona, Bo Pham/ Notes re: issuance of DSEIS 473 11-2008a.doc NRC/NRR/DLR ML090080094 Richard EMAIL - RE: One 12/11/2008 E-Mail Lisa Regner, Andrew Internal discussion of draft 3 Barkley/ Week Look Ahead for Stuyvenburg, Diane communication plan DPP NRC/RGN-I 12-12-08 Screnci, Neil Sheehan, 474 Marjorie McLaughlin/

NRC/NRR/DLR ML090090449 Andrew EMAIL - RE: Chapter 12/11/2008 E-Mail Lisa Regner; Bo Pham; Internal transmission of 7 DPP Stuyvenberg/ 4 IP dSEIS - David McIntyre; David chapter 2 draft for the DSEIS 475 NRC/NRR Preliminary Wrona; Diane Screnci; Information Not for Edward Williamson; Page 70 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

Public Release Eugene Dacus; Ivonne Couret; John Boska; Marjorie McLaughlin; Mel Gray; Nancy McNamara; Neil Sheehan; Richard Barkley; Richard Conte; Sherwin Turk; Undine Shoop/ NRC/NRR/DLR ML090090448 Andrew EMAIL - RE: Chapter 12/12/2008 E-Mail Richard Barkley; Lisa Internal transmission 15 Stuyvenberg/ 4 IP dSEIS - Regner; Diane Screnci; communication plan for the NRC/NRR Preliminary Marjorie McLaughlin; DSEIS Information Not for Mel Gray; Nancy DPP Public Release McNamara; Neil 476 Sheehan; Richard Conte. Sam Collins, Marc Dapas, Marsha Gamberoni, John Rogge/ NRC/NRR/DLR ML083580199 Robert Sun/ EMAIL - Updated RAI 12/15/2008 E-Mail Rajender Auluck, Internal transmission of draft 8 NRC/NRR Hansraj Ashar, Bryce RAI for internal review DPP 477 Lehman/

NRC/NRR/DLR ML083580200 Robert Sun/ EMAIL - FW: Updated 12/15/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green, Internal transmission of draft 7 NRC/NRR RAI Rajender Auluck, RAI for internal review DPP Hansraj Ashar, Bryce 478 Lehman/

NRC/NRR/DLR ML090140677 Dennis EMAIL - This might 12/15/2008 E-Mail Jeffrey Ward, Valerie Internal transmission of 72 DPP Logan/ help. -Dennis Cullinan/ PNL chapter for draft for the 479 NRC/NRR DSEIS Page 71 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML090140678 Dennis EMAIL - RE: The 12/15/2008 E-Mail Michael Masnik/ Internal discussion regarding 3 DPP Logan/ bluefish question NRC/NRR/DLR input to DSEIS 480 NRC/NRR ML083580201 Robert Sun/ EMAIL - RE: Updated 12/16/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green, Internal transmission of draft 7 NRC/NRR RAI Rajender Auluck, RAI for internal review DPP Hansraj Ashar, Bryce 481 Lehman/

NRC/NRR/DLR ML083580203 Rajender EMAIL - FW: June 12/17/2008 E-Mail Bryce Lehman/ Internal transmission of draft 44 Auluck/ 11th letter NRC/NRR/DLR SER section 3.5 with DPP 482 NRC/NRR comments ML090080097 Richard EMAIL - RE: Indian 12/17/2008 E-Mail Lisa Regner, Diane Internal discussion of draft 3 DPP Barkley/ Point Draft dSEIS Screnci, Neil Sheehan, communication plan 483 NRC/RGN-I Issuance Comm Plan Sam Collins/

- clean FINAL NRC/NRR/DLR ML090090443 Andrew EMAIL - RE: RE: 12/17/2008 E-Mail Bo Pham, David Wrona, Internal discussion regarding 2 Stuyvenberg/ PRIVILEGED Brian Holian, Samson section of the DSEIS DPP NRC/NRR ATTORNEY-CLIENT Lee, Dennis Logan/

484 COMMUNICATION - NRC/NRR/DLR PRE-DECISIONAL ML090140675 Dennis EMAIL - RE: RE: 12/17/2008 E-Mail Bo Pham, Andrew Internal comments regarding 2 Logan/ PRIVILEGED Stuyvenberg, Brian DSEIS inputs for DPP NRC/NRR ATTORNEY-CLIENT Holian; David Wrona; impingement 485 COMMUNICATION - Samson Lee/


Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML083580204 George EMAIL - RE: Updated 12/19/2008 E-Mail Rajender Auluck, Internal transmission of draft 47 Thomas/ IP 3.5 incorporating Hansraj Ashar, Bryce SER section 3.5 with DPP NRC/NRR OGC comments Lehman/ comments 486 NRC/NRR/DLR ML083580205 George EMAIL - Revised IP 12/22/2008 E-Mail Richard Morante/ BNL; Internal transmission of draft 48 Thomas/ SER Section 3.5 Rajender Auluck, SER section 3.5 with DPP NRC/NRR Hansraj Ashar, Bryce comments 487 Lehman, Kamal Manoly/

NRC/NRR/DLR ML083580048 Kimberly EMAIL - RE: Draft 12/23/2008 E-Mail Richard Conte, Glenn Internal discussion of draft 3 Green/ Comm Plan for Meyer, John Richmond, Comm Plan DPP NRC/NRR Issuance of the Indian Mel Gray, Richard 488 Point SER with Open Barkley, David Wrona, Items Lisa Regner, David Pelton/ NRC/NRR/DLR ML083590060 Richard EMAIL - RE: Revised 12/23/2008 E-Mail Rajender Auluck, Internal discussion of draft 2 DPP Morante/ BNL IP SER Section 3.5 Hansraj Ashar, Bryce SER section Lehman, Kamal Manoly/

489 NRC/NRR/DLR ML083590257 Bryce EMAIL - IP SER 3.5 12/24/2008 E-Mail Kimberly Green, Internal transmission of draft 69 Lehman/ and Structural AMPs Rajender Auluck, SER section with markups DPP NRC/NRR Hansraj Ashar,George 490 Thomas, David Wrona/

NRC/NRR/DLR; Richard Morante/ BNL Page 73 of 74

Author Accession Document Document Addressee/ Page ID # Name/ Title/Description Comment Number Date Type Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation:

ML090140596 Jennifer EMAIL - FW: Chap. 3 01/14/2009 E-Mail Matt Goodwin/ Internal transmission of 3 Davis/ EarthTech DSEIS input for chapter 3 DPP 491 NRC/NRR Page 74 of 74