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{{#Wiki_filter:Appendix D, Rev. 9 Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility:
{{#Wiki_filter:Appendi Appen      dixx D, D, Rev.
V.C. Summer Scenario No.:
Rev. 99                          Scenario Scena  rio Outlin Outlinee                                      Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-1 Facility::
Op-Test No.: 1 Examiners:
Facility              Summer V.C. Summ      er                            Scenarrio Scena      io No.:
No.: _~1!..--_            Op-Te Op-Test st No.:
11 Exami Examiners:ners: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Operators: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                                        _ _ _ __
_ Initial Conditions:
Initial Condit Initial  Conditions:
ions:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                                _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ Turnover:
100% IC, AT MOL. 1 . Thunder storms in the area, severe weather check list being implemented.
Turnov      er: 100%
: 2. S/G "A," Small tube leak, approx. 8 gpd. MAL-RCS002A
100% IC, IC, AT AT MOL.
: 3. Motor Driven AFW Pump "A" Impeller replacement in progress with 48 hours to complete, have done 12 hours so far. 4. Turnover that the "B" S/G rad monitor is OOS. 5. Painting in the area of the TD AFW pump. 6. Senior Resident is Walking down the CVCS system with system engineer.
Eve nt No. 1 2 3 4 Malt. No. Event Type* RO (I) BOP (I) ROC SRO (TS) BOP(N) SRO (TS) Event Description Turbine Impulse Pressure Transmitter PT-416 Fails HI, Should be the selected channel. If 446 is selected to auto rods, then the rods will move out. RO take manual control of the rods. Does Summer use auto rod control? Steam Generator Steam Flow Transmitter Failure, 474 fails LOW, Ramp over a 4 minute period, or look at the consequences to be able to do this and not receive a reactor trip. Allow the applicant to be able to diagnose and correct. Accidental VCT suction valve 115C closure by system engineer while doing a line up with the SR Resident Observing.
11..       Thunder Thund    er storms in the area, severesevere weath weathe  err check list being being implem implemented.
This will cause the running Charging pump to cavitate, requiring securing the running pump. Possible loss of letdown. Requires switching the Charging pumps and then TS evaluation of loss of one CCP. If loss of LD occurs, possibly change malfunction, so the scenario is not to long with to many Reactivites and Normals. BOP restore LD if required.
TD AFW pump Trip and Throttle valve trips, due to a ladder in the area while painting.
The ladder falls on the TDAFW pump trip and throttle valve reset bar and breaks it, being unable to reset the TD AFW pump. This will cause the SRO to enter TS, and the need to be in hot standby in 6 hours and hot shutdown with in the following 6 hours.
: 2.           S/G "A,"
S/G  A, Small tube leak, approx. 8 gpd. MAL-R      MAL-RCSO  CS002 O2A A
V.C. Summer Scenario No.: 1 Op-Test No.: 1 Examiners:
: 3.         Motor Driven AFW Pump "A"          A Impell Impeller replac replace    ment in progre ement        progress ss with 48 hours to complete, comple  te, have done 12 hours so far.
: 4.           Turnov Turno    er that the "B" ver            B S/G SIG rad monitor is OOS.
Initial Conditions: . Turnover:
: 5.           Painting in the area of the TD AFW pump.
100% IC, AT MOL. 1. Thunder storms in the area, severe weather check list being implemented.
: 6.           Senior Resident is Walking down the CVCS system with system engineer.
: 2. S/G "A," Small tube leak, approx. 8 gpd. MAL-RCS002A
Eve          Maif. No.
: 3. Motor Driven AFW Pump "A" Impeller replacement in progress with 48 hours to complete, have done 12 hours so far. 4. Turnover that the "B" S/G rad monitor is OOS. 5. Painting in the area of the TD AFW pump. 6. Senior Resident is Walking down the CVCS system with system engineer.
Malt.           Event Event                                              Event Event nt                          Type*
5 RO Reduce power to take the unit off line. In accordance with (Rx) GOP -004B.00D.
Type*                                          Descr Descriptiiption on No.
Power Operation Mode 1 (Descending BOP Power) (N) 6 BOPCC) During the Down power, the "A" FRV fails as is, this will cause the operator to have to place the "A" FRV in manual and control the A SG in manual during the Shut Down 7 BOP SG Tube Leak on the "C" SG, ramping to approximately the (C) output of the existing charging pump(s). Ramp up over as minute J?eriod. 8 Mall S/G tube rupture on the "C" SG to full flow of a tube, requires reactor trip. The Reactor Will nottrip (ATWT) (EOP -13), Entry, (Response to Abnormal Nuclear Power Generation)
1 1                            RO (I)        Turbine Impulse Pressu Turbin                Pressure  re Transmitter PT-41  PT-41 6 Fails HI, Should be the selecte selectedd chann channeel. l. If 446 is selecte selected d to auto rods, then the rods will move out. RO take manua          manuall control of the rods. Does Summer use auto rod control?
Loss of power on the emergency bus that supplies the B Emergency feed water pump. The Emergency Diesel generator starts automatically but will trip on overspeed, the DG will be able to be reset and restarted and it will work. IF the crew requests the restart, it will start otherwise entry into FR-H.1 will most likely be required.  
2                          BOP (I)      Steam Steam Gener Generator ator Steam Flow Transmitter Failure, 474 fails LOW, Ramp over a 4 minute period, or look at the conseque conse  quencnces es to be able to do this and not receive a reacto          reactorr trip. Allow the applicant to be able to diag        diagno  se and correct nose        correct..
* (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 1 Page __ of --Event
3                             RO C ROC          Accidental VCT suction valve 115C        1 150 closure closure by system engi engine neer er while doing a line up with the SR Resident SRO        Observ This will causcause e the running Chargi Chargingng pump to (TS)      cavitate, requiring securin securing g the running pump. Possible loss of letdown. Requires switching the Chargi        Charging ng pumps and then TS evalua evaluation tion of loss loss ofof one CCP. IfIf loss loss of LD occurs ,
possib possibly ly chan changgee malfunction, so the scen      scena  rio is ario  is not not to long long BOP(N))      with to many Reactivites and      and Normals. BOP      BOP restore LD ifif required.
4                              SRO        TD AFW pump  pump Trip and  and Throttl Throttle e valve trips, trips, due due to aa ladder ladder (TS)
(TS)      in in the area area while while painting. g. The ladder ladder falls on on the TDAFW    W pump pump trip and and throttle valve reset bar      bar and and brea breaks  it, being ks it,  being unable unable to  to reset reset the the TDTD AFW AFW pump.
pump. This This will will caus cause    the SRO e the   SRO to to enter enter TS TS 3.7.1,, and and the the need need to to be be inin hot hot standb standbyy inin 66 hours hours andand hot hot shutdo shutdown  wn with with in in the the follow followiing ng 66 hours.
Facility:: _V.C.
Facility        V.C. Summer                                Scena Scenarrio io No.:          1 1          Op-Test No.:
11 Examiners:
Exami      ners:                                          Operators:
Initial Conditions:        .
Turnover: 100% IC, AT MOL.
: 1.         Thunder storms in the area, severe weathe    weatherr check list being implem implemented.
: 2.           SIG "A,"
S/G  A, Small tube leak, approx. 8 gpd. MAL-R  MAL-RCSO CS002  02A A
: 3.         Motor Driven AFW Pump "A"        A Impeller replac replace ement ment in progress with 48 hours to complete, compl  ete, have done 12 hours so far.
: 4.          Turnov Turno    er that the "B" ver                SIG rad monitor is OOS.
: 5.          Painting in the area of the TD AFW pump.
: 6.          Senior Resident is Walkin Walkincig down the CVCS system with system engineer.
5                            RO        Reduce power to take the unit off line. In accordance with (Rx)        GOP -004B
                                                            .00D. Power OperaOperattionion Mode 1  1 (Descending BOP        Power)
(N) 6                          BOP(C)
BOPCC        During the Down power power,, the "A"A FRV fails as is, this will cause the operat operatoorr to have to place the "A"  A FRV in manua manuall and control the A SG in manua manuall during the Shut Down 7                          BOP        SG Tube Leak on the "C"    C SG, ramping to approximately the (C)        output of the existing chargi charginng g pump(s). Ramp up over as      a5 minute J?eriod period.
8                          Mall M all      SIG tube rupture on the "C" S/G                          C SG to full flow of a tube, requires reacto reactorr trip. The Reactor Will nottripnot trip (ATWT (ATWT)) (EOP -13),
Entry, (Resp (Respo onse nse to Abnormal Nuclear Power Gener      Generaation) tion)
Loss of power on the emerg  emergeencyncy bus that supplies the B Emergency feed water pump. The Emergency Diesel generator tor starts automatically but will trip on overspeed, the DG will be able to be reset and restart  restarteed d and it will work, work. IF the crew requests the restartrestart,, it will start otherwise entry into FR-H.1 FR-H.1 will most likely be required.
**          (N)ormal,      (R)eac (R)eactivity, tivity,  (I)nstrument,      (C)omponen ponentt,,    (M)ajor
Appendix D Appendix      D                Scenario Outline Scenario      Outline                                Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-1 Op-Test No.:
Op-Test  No.:          Scenario No.:
Scenario  No.:      11      Event No.:
Event  No.:      11      Page Page _ _ of  of - -
== Description:==
== Description:==
Time Time          Position Position                      Applicants Actions Applicant's  Actions or or Behavior Behavior                    I I          I      RD RO IOperator acknowledges AOP-401  AOP-401.7    .7 annunciator 615 2-5 (RCS TAVG Operator acknowledges annunciator 6152-5 (RCS TAVG-I TREE DEV TREF      DEV HI/LO),
Hl/LO), recognizes recognizes IPT0446 1PT0446 failure, failure, and and responds lAW  lAW AOP-401.7 AOP-401 .7 Critical          RD RO      Place ROD CNTRL BANK SEL Switch in                in MAN.
* RD RO      Ensure TREF 1~1    1 STG PRESS Switch is          is positioned to the channel 1PT0447, CH IV).
operable channellPT0447, RD RO      Adjust Control Rods until Tavg is within I.O°F      1.0°F of Tref Tref..
RD RO      Check if Main Turbine load Is GREATER THAN 10%.
RD RO      Within one hour, verify the following permissives are dim:
RD RO      Restore automatic rod control:
: a. Check if automatic rod control is desired.
: b. Verify reactor power is GREATER THAN 15% (C-5 status light dim).
: c. Verify Tavg is within 1.0°FI.O°F of Tref.
: d. Place ROD CNTRL BANK SEL Switch in AUTO (Crew may choose to return the rods to 230 steps prior to returning rods to auto but this is considered a good practice, not a requirement) requirement)..
BOP BOP      Notify  I&C to place AMSAC Notify l&C                AM SAC in  in BYPASS SRO SRO      Within Within 66 hours,      place the failed channel bistables in hours, place                                        in aa tripped tripped condition.
condition. SRD SRO evaluation evaluation of  of Tech Tech Spec Spec Table 3.3-1 3.3-1 Appendix Appendix D,  D, Page Page 3838 of of 39 39
Appendix DD Appendix                      Scenario Outline Scenario      Outline                                Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-1 Op-Test No.:
Op-Test  No.:          Scenario No.:
Scenario  No.:      11        Event No.:
Event  No.:      22    Page Page _ _ of  of _ _
== Description:==
== Description:==
Time Time          Position Position                      Applicants Actions Applicant's    Actions oror Behavior Behavior AOP-401.3 AOP-401 .3 BOP BOP      The BOP The  BOP operator operator acknowledges acknowledges annunciator annunciator 624624 4-4 in in alarm, recognizes alarm,  recognizes the  the failure failure ofof IFT0474 1FT0474 and and responds responds lAW AOP-401.3 lAW  AOP-401 .3 BOP BOP      Depending on Depending      on response response time,time, annunciator annunciator 624 624 1-5 1-5 (SG (SG A LVL  DEV)
LVL DEV) may also alarm.
BOP      Verify the failed channel is the controlling channel.
BOP      Select the operable flow channel:
Place FW CONTROL CHANNEL SEL Switch to the operable channel.
Place STEAM CONTROL CHANNEL SEL Switch to the operable channel.
BOP      Verify Turbine Load is LESS THAN 950 Mwe.
Using any method available, reduce Turbine Load by 40 Mwe to 50 Mwe. (The crew will likely decide to borate to avoid RAOC concerns and would likely turn on BU heaters for improved mixing. This would not be required for such a small load decrease but would be a good practice).
BOP      Verify only one SG is AFFECTED AFFECTED..
critical Qritical        BOP      Adjust the Feedwater Flow Control Valve as necessary necessary to  to restore feed flow to        to the AFFECTED SG.      SG.
BOP BOP      Restore Restore Narrow Narrow Range          level in Range level      in all all SGs SGs toto between between 60%  60%
and and 65%.
BOP BOP      Check Check ifif Feedwater Feedwater Pump  Pump speed speed control control is is operating operating properly:
Feedwater Feedwater Header Header pressure pressure isis GREATER GREATER THAN  THAN Main  Steam      pressure.
Main Steam pressure. '
Feed Feed flow flow isis normal normal forfor flow flow and and power power level.
All All operating operating Feedwater Feedwater Pump Pump speeds speeds and and flows flows are are balanced balanced BOP BOP      Verify Verify Narrow Narrow Range Range levellevel in in all all SGs SGs isis normal.
BOP BOP      Restore Restore thethe AFFECTED AFFECTED SG      SG control control systems systems to  to normal:
Appendix Appendix D,  D, Page Page 38 38 of of 3939
Appendix DD Appendix                      Scenario Outline Scenario      Outline                            Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-1 Op-Test No.:
Op-Test No.:          Scenario No.:
Scenario  No.:      11      Event No.:
Event  No.:    22      Page _ _ of Page        of _ _
== Description:==
== Description:==
Time Time        Position Position j                      Applicants Actions Applicant's  Actions or or Behavior Behavior Place the Place  the Feedwater Feedwater Flow Flow Control Control Valve Valve inin AUTO.
Place the Place  the Feedwater Feedwater Pump Pump Speed Speed Control      System in Control System    in AUTO. REFER AUTO. REFER TO    TO SOP-210, SOP-210, FEEDWATER FEEDWATER SYSTEM. SYSTEM.
SRO SRO      Within six Within    six hours, hours, place place the the failed failed channel channel protection protection bistables in bistables    in aa tripped tripped condition:
condition: SRO SRO evaluates evaluates Tech Spec Table 3.3-3 CREW      Determine and correct the cause of the channel failure.
Appendix Appendix D,    D, Page Page 3838 of of 39 39
Appendix D' Appendix    D                    Scenario Outline Scenario      Outline                                Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-1 Op-Test No.:
Op-Test No.:          Scenario No.:
Scenario    No.:      11        Event No.:
Event  No.:      33    Page Page _ _ of  of _ _
== Description:==
== Description:==
Time Time        Position Position                        Applicant's Applicants Actions Actions oror Behavior Behavior AOP-102.2 AOP-1 02.2 RD RO        Operator acknowledges Operator      acknowledges that  that annunciators annunciators 614  614 4-2 4-2 (CHG (CHG PP B/C TRIP), 6145-1 PP                  614 5-1 (CHG LINE  LINE FLO      HIILO),  6*172-2, FLO HI/LO), 6.17 2-2, 618 2-2, &
6182-2,        619 2-2
                                        & 619  2-2 (RCP (RCP A, B, C  C #1 SEAL SEAL INJ INJ FLO FLO LO)LO) are all in are      in alarm, recognizes recognizes the "B"  B Charging Charging Pump Pump hashas tripped, and responds lAW AOP-1 02.2 RD RO        Check if Charging Pump flow is normal:
IF Charging Pump has tripped or flow is abnormal, THEN perform the following:
E Ensure the Charging Pump is secured.
C E Close all Letdown Isolation Valves:
C PVT-8149A(B)(C), L PVT-8149A(B)(C),        LTDN TDN ORIFICE A(B)(C) ISOL.
[' Close FCV-122, CHG FLOW.
E L[' Verify CCW flow to the RCP Thermal Barriers is GREATER THAN 90 gpm on Fl-7273A(B)        FI-7273A(B),, THERM BARR FLOW GPM.
EC Display Dedicated Display ZZRCPBRG on the IPCS                IPes to monitor monitor RCP temperatures temperatures..
EC Contact Electrical Electrical and Mechanical Maintenance to investigate.
RD RO      Verify Verify Charging Charging SystemSystem valve valve lineup:
E[' IF IF Charging Charging PumpPump suction suction isis aligned aligned to to the the VCT, VCT, THEN THEN ensure ensure both both LCV-1      15C(E), VCT LCV-115C(E),        VCT OUTLET OUTLET ISOL, ISOL, are are open.
Critical Critical        SRD SRO      SRO SRO evaluates evaluates Tech Tech Spec Spec 3.5.2 3.5.2 andand determines determines 72  72 hr.
action action statement.
RD RO      Eo Ensure Ensure thethe following following valves valves are are open:
MVG-8106, MVG-8106, CHG PP.CHG    PP.
MVT-8109A MVT-8109A(B)(C),(B)(C), CHGCHG PP  PP A(B)(C).
Appendix Appendix D,    D, Page Page 3838 of of 39 39
Appendix DD Appendix                        Scenario Outline Scenario      Outline                                  Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-l Op-Test No.:
Op-Test No.:          Scenario No.:
Scenario    No.:    11        Event No.:
Event  No.:    33        Page Page _ _ of  of _ _
== Description:==
Event Time Time        Position Position                        Applicants Actions Applicant's    Actions or or Behavior Behavior MVG-8133A(B), CHG MVG-8133A(B),            CHG PP PP C C TO TO LP  LP BB DISCH DISCH RO RO        o Check Check the  the Charging Charging headerheader valve valve lineup lineup as as follows:
Ensure MVG-81 Ensure    MVG-8107,  07, CHGCHG LINE LINE ISOL, ISOL, is is open.
Ensure MVG-81 Ensure    MVG-8108,  08, CHGCHG LINE LINE ISOL, ISOL, isis  open.
Ensure FCV-122, Ensure    FCV-122, CHG  CHG FLOW, FLOW, is      in MAN is in  MAN and and CLOSE.
no RO      Ensure one of the following valves is open:
PVT-8146, NORM CHG TO RCS              RCS LP  LP B. OR PVT-8147, AL    ALTT CHG TO RCS LP A.
BOP?      oD Locally verify Charging Pump suction pressure is between 50 psig and 100 psig as indicated on the following PI-151A, SUCTION PRESS, for Charging Pump A.
PI-152A, SUCTION PRESS, for Charging Pump B.
PI-153A, SUCTION PRESS, for Charging Pump                  Pum~ C.
RO      With Shift Supervisors Supervisor's permission, start a Charging Pump, while monitoring RCP temperatures    temperatures.. REFER REFER TO SOP-i  SOP-102,02, CHEMICAL AND VOLUME CONTROL SYSTEM.
RO      WHEN a Charging Pump is operating, THEN place Charging Charging and Normal Normal Letdown in service.. service .. REFER SOP-i SOP-102,  02,  CHEMICAL        AND AND VOLUME CONTROL    CONTROL SYSTEM.
SOP-i SOP-102      Section Ill.F 02 Section      III.F SRO SRO      Crew Crew instructs instructs the the building building operator operator to to perform perform Attachment Attachment VB  to  mechanically      and    electrically VB to mechanically and electrically align        align C"c" charging charging pump pump to  to B "B" Train.
Train. (If (If the the crew crew chooses, chooses, they they might might start start A
                          "A" CCW CCW pump pump and    "A" charging and A    charging pump pump to  to get get aa charging charging Appendix Appendix D,  D, Page Page 38  38 of of 39 39
Appendix DD Appendix                      Scenario Outline Scenario      Outline                                Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-1 Op-Test No.:
Op-Test No.:          Scenario No.:
Scenario  No.:      11        Event No.:
Event No.:      33      Page Page _ _ of  of _ _
== Description:==
== Description:==
Time Time        Position Position                      Applicants Actions Applicant's    Actions or or Behavior Behavior pump back pump  back while while theythey are are waiting waiting to    get "c" to get  C charging charging pumppump racked up racked  up on    B Train.)
on "B"    Train.)
RO RO      To start To  start XPP-0043C, XPP-0043C, PUMP      PUMP C, C, on on miniflow, miniflow, complete complete
                    . Attachment      VB    if Charging Attachment VB if Charging Pump        Pump C  C is is to to be be aligned aligned to to Train B.B.
Building Building    Following the Following    the completion completion of    of Attachment Attachment VA(B),VA(B), Chilled Chilled Expansion Tank levels should be monitored for Water Expansion indications of equalization:
RO              P1-121, CHG PRESS PSIG, is between 2650 psig Verify PI-121, and 2850 psig.
Monitor the following for proper pump operation:
: a. LR-459, PZR % LEVEL & LEVEL SP.
: b. FI-130A, RCP A INJ FLO GPM.
: c. FI-127A, RCP B        B INJ FLO GPM.
: d. FI-124A, RCP C        C INJ FLO GPM.
RD RO      Ensure Ensure the appropriate appropriate train of  of Component Cooling is        is operating    per  SOP-i operating per SOP-118.        18.
RD RO      Ensure Ensure thethe appropriate appropriate train of  of Chill Chill Water Water is is operating operating per  per
RD RO      Ensure Ensure XPP-43C-PP XPP-43C-PP1,        1, CHG CHG PPPP CC AUX AUX OIL OIL PP, PP, isis running.
Building Building  Verify Verify 1P100153A, IP100153A, CHG    CHG PUMP PUMP C  C SUCT SUCT HDR  HDR PRESS PRESS IND,  IND, indicates  pump suction indicates pump        suction pressure pressure isis greater greater than than 1515 psig psig (AB-388).
RO RO      Start Start XPP-0043C, XPP-0043C, PUMP    PUMP C. C. (PEER (PEER LI)  0)
RO RO      Verify Verify XPP-43C-PP XPP-43C-PP1,            CHG PP 1, CHG    PP CC AUX AUX OIL OIL PP, PP, stops stops automatically automatically whenwhen the  the Charging Charging Pump Pump comes comes up up toto full full speed.
Appendix Appendix D,    0, Page Page 3838 of of 39 39
Appendix D  D                Scenario Outline Scenario  Outline                                Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-i Op-Test No.:
Op-Test No.:          Scenario No.:
Scenario  No.:    11      Event No.:
Event  No.:        33    Page Page _ _ of of _ _
== Description:==
== Description:==
Event f  Time Time        Position Position Building
[ Verify 1P100153A, CHG PUMP C SUCT HDR PRESS IND, Applicants Actions or Applicant's              or Behavior Behavior Verify IP100153A, CHG PUMP C SUCT HDR PRESS IND, indicates pump suction pressure is greater than 15          15 psig (AB-388).
RD RO      Monitor the following to verify proper pump operation:
: 1) Charging Pump C running current is between 30 amps and 50 amps.
P1-121, CHG PRESS PSIG, is between 2650
: 2) PI-121, psig and 2850 psig.
: 3) XVG-9684C-CC, CCW TO CHG PP C, is open              open..
                                                            * <
SO P-i 02 Section IV.M SOP-102 RD RO        Place FCV-122, FCV-i 22, CHG FLOW, in MAN and close.
RD RO      Place PCV-145, LO PRESS LTDN, in MAN and open to 70%. (PEER 0)  C)
RD AO      Place TCV-144, CC TO LTDN HX, in MAN and open to 100%.
RD RO      Open the following:
RD RO      Ensure the following Charging Line Isolation Valves are open:
: a. MVG-8107, MVG-81 07, CHG LINE ISOL. ISOL.
: b. MVG-8108, MVG-81 08, CHG LINE ISOL.
RO      Slowly open FCV-122, CHG FLOW, to establish 60 gpm flow as indicated on FI-122A, FI-122A, CHG FLOW GPM.        GPM.
RD RO      Open Open Orifice Orifice Isolation Isolation Valves to obtain the desired desired Letdown Letdown flow rate (60 (60 gpm gpm toto 120120 gpm):
: a. PVT-8149A, PVT-8149A, LTDNLTON ORIFICE ORIFICE A      A ISOL  (45 gpm).
ISOL (45  gpm).
: b. PVT-8149B, PVT-8149B, LTDNLTDN ORIFICE ORIFICE BB ISOL        (60 gpm).
ISOL (60  gpm).
: c. PVT-8149C,
: c. PVT-8149C, LTDNLTDN ORIFICE ORIFICE C      C ISOL    (60 gpm).
ISOL (60    gpm).
Appendix D,  0, Page Page 3838 of  of 39 39
_____    _____
Appendix D0 Appendix                        Scenario Outline Scenario    Outline                                  Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-1 Op-Test No.:
Op-Test  No.:            Scenario No.:
Scenario  No.:      11      Event No.:
Event  No.:      33      Page Page _ _ of  of _ _
== Description:==
== Description:==
I Time Time          Position Position                        Applicants Actions Applicant's  Actions or or Behavior Behavior RO RO        Adjust FCV-122, Adjust  FCV-122, CHG  CHG FLOW, FLOW, as  as required required to  to maintain maintain TI-TI 140, REGEN 140,  REGEN HX  HX OUTOUT TEMP TEMP of,  &deg;F, between between 250&deg;F250&deg;F andand 350&deg;F while 350&deg;F          maintaining Pressurizer while maintainina    Pressuilzer level. level.
RO RO      Adjust PCV-145, Adjust  PCV-145, LO  LO PRESS PRESS LTDN, LTDN, to  to maintain maintain PI-145, P1-145, LO PRESS LO  PRESS LLTDNTDN PRESSPRESS PSIG, PSIG, between between 300  300 psig psig and and psig.
400 psig.
400 RO              PCV-145, LO PRESS LTDN, in AUTO.
Place PCV-145, RO RO      Adjust TCV-144, CC TO LTDN    LTDN HX,  HX, potentiometer potentiometer as necessary to maintain the desired VCT temperature and place in AUTO. Refer to VCS Curve Book, Figure V11.15.            Vll.15.
RO      When Pressurizer level matches reference level, place FCV-122, CHG FLOW, in AUTO per Section IV.
RO      After the Letdown temperatures have stabilized, place TCV-143, LTDN TO VCT OR DEMIN, in DEMIN/AUTO.          DEMIN/AUTO.
Op-Test Op-Test No.:
No.:            Scenario Scenario No.:
No.:      11      Event No.:
No.:      ~
3    &#xa3;-{  Page _ _ of  of _ _
Event Event
== Description:==

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior I I I I AOP-401.7 I RO Operator acknowledges annunciator 6152-5 (RCS TAVG-TREF DEV HI/LO), recognizes IPT0446 failure, and responds lAW AOP-401.7 Critical RO Place ROD CNTRL BANK SEL Switch in MAN. RO Ensure TREF STG PRESS Switch is positioned to the operable channellPT0447, CH IV). RO Adjust Control Rods until Tavg is within I.O&deg;F of Tref . RO Check if Main Turbine load Is GREATER THAN 10%. RO Within one hour, verify the following permissives are dim: P13. 1ST STG PRESS. P7. REACTOR TRIP BLOCKED. RO Restore automatic rod control: a. Check if automatic rod control is desired. b. Verify reactor power is GREATER THAN 15% (C-5 status light dim). c. Verify Tavg is within I.O&deg;F of Tref. d. Place ROD CNTRL BANK SEL Switch in AUTO (Crew may choose to return the rods to 230 steps prior to returning rods to auto but this is considered a good practice, not a requirement).
Time Time    j    Position Position                      Applicants Applicant's Actions Actions or or Behavior Behavior Building Building    Building    operator reports Building operator      reports oil oil leak leak on on TDEFP TDEFP governor governor SRO/BOP SRO/BOP        Crew Crew determines determines TDEFPTDEFP is is inoperable inoperable and  and decides decides toto remove remove itit from from service    by taking service by  taking both both 2030 2030 valve valve switches switches to to the the closed closed position.
BOP Place STM DUMP MODE SELECT in STM PRESS. BOP Notify I&C to place AM SAC in BYPASS SRO Within 6 hours, place the failed channel bistables in a tripped condition.
position. Both Both annuaciators annuaciators 623  623 2-3 2-3 and and 622 622 2-3  (TD 2-3 (TD EFP EFP AUTOSTAR AUTOSTART      T DEFEATED DEFEATED)          alarm as
SRO evaluation of Tech Spec Table 3.3-1 Appendix D, Page 38 of 39 Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 2 Page __ of __ Event
                                                                                  ) alarm  as the the 2030 2030 valves valves close.
Critical Critical        SRO SRO      SRO SRO evaluates evaluates Tech Tech Spec Spec andand determines determines thatthat aa plant Qlant shutdown shutdown isis necessary necessary Appendix Appendix D,  D, Page  38 of Page 38     of 39 39
Appendix DD Appendix                       Scenario Outline Scenario     Outline                             Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-1 Op-Test No.:
Op-Test No.:          Scenario No.:
Scenario  No.:      11      Event No.:
Event   No.:     55      Page _ _ ofof _ _
Page Event

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior AOP-401.3 BOP The BOP operator acknowledges annunciator 624 4-4 in alarm, recognizes the failure of IFT0474 and responds lAW AOP-401.3 BOP Depending on response time, annunciator 624 1-5 (SG A LVL DEV) may also alarm. BOP Verify the failed channel is the controlling channel. BOP Select the operable flow channel: Place FW CONTROL CHANNEL SEL Switch to the operable channel. Place STEAM CONTROL CHANNEL SEL Switch to the operable channel. BOP Verify Turbine Load is LESS THAN 950 Mwe. Using any method available, reduce Turbine Load by 40 Mwe to 50 Mwe. (The crew will likely decide to borate to avoid RAOC concerns and would likely turn on BU heaters for improved mixing. This would not be required for such a small load decrease but would be a good practice).
BOP Verify only one SG is AFFECTED.
Qritical BOP Adjust the Feedwater Flow Control Valve as necessary to restore feed flow to the AFFECTED SG. BOP Restore Narrow Range level in all SGs to between 60% and 65%. BOP Check if Feedwater Pump speed control is operating properly:
Feedwater Header pressure is GREATER THAN Main Steam pressure.
' Feed flow is normal for flow and power level. All operating Feedwater Pump speeds and flows are balanced BOP Verify Narrow Range level in all SGs is normal. BOP Restore the AFFECTED SG control systems to normal: Appendix D, Page 38 of 39 Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 2 Page __ of __ Event

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Place the Feedwater Flow Control Valve in AUTO. Place the Feedwater Pump Speed Control System in AUTO. REFER TO SOP-210, FEEDWATER SYSTEM. SRO Within six hours, place the failed channel protection bistables in a tripped condition:
Time Time        Position Position                      Applicants Actions Applicant's   Actions oror Behavior Behavior GOP-4B GOP-4B BOP BOP      Reduce load Reduce    load by    one of by one      the following of the  following methods:
SRO evaluates Tech Spec Table 3.3-3 CREW Determine and correct the cause of the channel failure. Appendix D, Page 38 of 39 Appendix D' Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 3 Page __ of __ Event
: 1) By
: 1)  By use use ofof the the DEC DEC LOAD LOAD RATERATE circuit circuit
: 2)  By use
: 2) By  use ofof the the load load limiter limiter SRO SRO      MDS    calls  and  requests MDS calls and requests that the      the load load decrease decrease be be raised raised to 11 %/min to    %/min because because of      approaching severe of approaching      severe thunderstorm.
BOP BOP      As load decreases, adjust MegavarsMegavars using GEN FIELD VOLT VOL                requested by T ADJ as requested        by the Load Load Dispatcher Dispatcher and within the Estimated Generator Capability Curve (Enclosure A).
RO      Maintain Tavg within the control band by Control Rod motion or boron concentration changes.
Critical Critical        RO      Borate or dilute per SOP-106, Reactor Makeup Water System, to maintain the following parameters:
                            &#xa3;I within limits.
: 1) ill
: 2) Control Rods above the Rod Insertion Limit.
Appendix Appendix D,  D, Page Page 38 38 of of 39 39
Appendix D Appendix      D              Scenario Outline Scenario   Outline                           Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-1 Op-Test No.:
Op-Test No.:        Scenario No.:
Scenario No.:     11      Event No.:
Event No.:   66    Page Page _ _ of of _ _

== Description:==
== Description:==
Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior AOP-102.2 RO Operator acknowledges that annunciators 614 4-2 (CHG PP B/C TRIP), 6145-1 (CHG LINE FLO HIILO), 6*172-2, 6182-2, & 619 2-2 (RCP A, B, C #1 SEAL INJ FLO LO) are all in alarm, recognizes the "B" Charging Pump has tripped, and responds lAW AOP-1 02.2 RO Check if Charging Pump flow is normal: IF Charging Pump has tripped or flow is abnormal, THEN perform the following:
C Ensure the Charging Pump is secured. C Close all Letdown Isolation Valves: PVT-8149A(B)(C), L TDN ORIFICE A(B)(C) ISOL. PVT-8152, L TDN LINE ISOL. LCV-459, L TDN LINE ISOL. LCV-460, L TDN LINE ISOL. [' Close FCV-122, CHG FLOW. [' Verify CCW flow to the RCP Thermal Barriers is GREATER THAN 90 gpm on FI-7273A(B), THERM BARR FLOW GPM. C Display Dedicated Display ZZRCPBRG on the IPes to monitor RCP temperatures.
C Contact Electrical and Mechanical Maintenance to investigate.
RO Verify Charging System valve lineup: [' IF Charging Pump suction is aligned to the VCT, THEN ensure both LCV-115C(E), VCT OUTLET ISOL, are open. Critical SRO SRO evaluates Tech Spec 3.5.2 and determines 72 hr. action statement.
RO o Ensure the following valves are open: MVG-8106, CHG PP. MVT-8109A(B)(C), CHG PP A(B)(C). MVG-8130A(B), LP A SUCT TO CHG PP C. MVG-8131A(B), LP B SUCT TO CHG PP C. MVG-8132A(B), CHG PP C TO LP A DISCH. Appendix D, Page 38 of 39 Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 3 Page __ of __ Event

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior MVG-8133A(B), CHG PP C TO LP B DISCH RO o Check the Charging header valve lineup as follows: Ensure MVG-81 07, CHG LINE ISOL, is open. Ensure MVG-81 08, CHG LINE ISOL, is open. Ensure FCV-122, CHG FLOW, is in MAN and CLOSE. RO Ensure one of the following valves is open: PVT-8146, NORM CHG TO RCS LP B. OR PVT-8147, AL T CHG TO RCS LP A. BOP? o Locally verify Charging Pump suction pressure is between 50 psig and 100 psig as indicated on the following PI-151A, SUCTION PRESS, for Charging Pump A. PI-152A, SUCTION PRESS, for Charging Pump B. PI-153A, SUCTION PRESS, for Charging C. RO With Shift Supervisor's permission, start a Charging Pump, while monitoring RCP temperatures.
II Time Time      Position                   Applicants Actions or Behavior Applicant's               Behavior AOP-21 0.1 BOP    As load decreases, BOP operator notices that FCV-0478 is failed as is and takes manual control of the valve lAW AOp- AOp 210.1. (could possibly receive annunciator 624 1-5 SG A LVL DEV.) Crew may also decide to conservatively stop the load reduction until they can determine that they have manual control of the vlave but this would not be required because it is not in the procedure.
REFER REFER TO SOP-102, CHEMICAL AND VOLUME CONTROL SYSTEM. RO WHEN a Charging Pump is operating, THEN place Charging and Normal Letdown in service .. REFER SOP-102, CHEMICAL AND VOLUME CONTROL SYSTEM. SOP-102 Section III.F SRO Crew instructs the building operator to perform Attachment VB to mechanically and electrically align "c" charging pump to "B" Train. (If the crew chooses, they might start "A" CCW pump and "A" charging pump to get a charging Appendix D, Page 38 of 39 Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 3 Page __ of __ Event
BOP   11 Manually adjust the AFFECTED Feedwater Flow Control Valve as necessary to maintain Narrow Range SG level between 60%        and 65%:
60%and oII PVT-478, SG A FWF. EWE.
oL PVT-488, SG B FWF. EWE.
oL PVT-498, SG C FWF. EWE.
SRO   Dispatch I&C l&C to determine cause of auto control failure.
Appendix D, Appendix     D, Page Page 38 38 of of 39 39
Appendix0D Appendix                           ScenarioOutline Scenario         Outline                                     Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-1 Op-TestNo.:
Op-Test No.:           ScenarioNo.:
Scenario       No.:       11        EventNo.:
Event     No.:     77        Page Page_ _ ofof_ _

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior pump back while they are waiting to get "c" charging pump racked up on "B" Train.) RO To start XPP-0043C, PUMP C, on miniflow, complete Attachment VB if Charging Pump C is to be aligned to Train B. Building Following the completion of Attachment VA(B), Chilled Water Expansion Tank levels should be monitored for indications of equalization:
Time Time          Position Position                              Applicants Actions Applicant's     Actions or or Behavior Behavior AOP-112.2 AOP-1 12.2 RD RO      RO RO acknowledges acknowledges that      that annunciator annunciator 646    646 2-1 2-1 (MN (MN STM STM LINE RMG-19 LINE      RMG-19 HI    HI RAD)
RAD) isis inin alarm alarm and      pulls  the and pulls the ARP.ARP.
RD RO         Verify the Verify    the alarm alarm isis valid valid and and identify identify the the Main Main Steam Steam lineline affecte  d  by  observ affected by observing RM-G    ing  RM-G19A, B,       B, and and C  C and and RlR-8.
RO Verify PI-121, CHG PRESS PSIG, is between 2650 psig and 2850 psig. Monitor the following for proper pump operation:
: a. LR-459, PZR % LEVEL & LEVEL SP. b. FI-130A, RCP A INJ FLO GPM. c. FI-127A, RCP B INJ FLO GPM. d. FI-124A, RCP C INJ FLO GPM. RO Ensure the appropriate train of Component Cooling is operating per SOP-118. RO Ensure the appropriate train of Chill Water is operating per SOP-501. RO Ensure XPP-43C-PP1, CHG PP C AUX OIL PP, is running. Building Verify IP100153A, CHG PUMP C SUCT HDR PRESS IND, indicates pump suction pressure is greater than 15 psig (AB-388).
SRO SRO          Request Health Request        Health Physics Physics perform perform radiological radiological surveys surveys around around the  the Main Main Steam Steam lines.
RO Start XPP-0043C, PUMP C. (PEER 0) RO Verify XPP-43C-PP1, CHG PP C AUX OIL PP, stops automatically when the Charging Pump comes up to full speed. Appendix 0, Page 38 of 39 Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 3 Page __ of __ Event
SRO SRO          Direct Chemistry Direct    Chemistry to sample all          all Steam Steam Generators Generators for activity.
Building Building     Align the condenser condenser exhaust exhaust to the Auxiliary Auxiliary Building Building Charcoal Exhaust Charcoal        Exhaust as follows:
BOP BOP      Reduc Reduce    e all Steam Genera  Generator tor blowd blowdownown flows to minim minimum. um.
SRO SRO        If the alarm is valid, refer to AOP-1        AOP-
BOP BOP      IfIf they have have notnot already already done done so  so in in previo previous    event, the us event,   the crew crew may  may elect elect to to stop stop the the load load reducti reduction      and stabiliz on and    stabilizee power power at  at this this point.
BOP BOP      The The tubetube leak leak will will likely likely cause cause annunc annunciator      624 3-5 iator 624    3-5 (( SG SG C  C LVL    DEV)    to  alarm      (expec LVL DEV) to alarm (expected alarm)      ted    alarm)....
RD RO     Check Check ifif PZR PZR levellevel cancan bebe mainta maintained:
: a. Open    FCV-1
: a. Open FCV-122,        22, CHG CHG FLOW FLOW,, as    as necess necessary ary toto mainta maintain in PZR PZR levellevel this this will will cause cause annunc annunciator iator 614614 5-15-1 (CHG (CHG LINELINE FLO FLO Hl/LOHIILO)  ) toto alarm alarm - expect expected      alarm).
ed alarm)     .
b.b. Verify Verify PZR PZR level level isis at at or or trendin trending  g toto progra program      level.
m level.
RD RO       Reduc Reduce    e Letdow Letdown    n toto one one 4545 gpm gpm RD RO      IF IF PZRPZR level level continu continues  es toto decrea decrease,        THEN perform se, THEN        perform the the Follow Following  ing Close Close PVT-8        149A, LTDN PVT-8149A,           LTDN ORIFI ORIFICE  CE AA ISDLISOL Start    a  second Start a second CCW Pump.CCW        Pump.
Appen Appendixdix D,D, PagePage38  38ofof39  39
Appendix D Appendix     D               Scenario Outline Scenario    Outline                          Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-1 Op-Test No.:
Op-Test No.:          Scenario No.:
Scenario No.:   11    Event Event No.:
No.:    77    Page Page _ _ ofof _ _

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Building Verify IP100153A, CHG PUMP C SUCT HDR PRESS IND, indicates pump suction pressure is greater than 15 psig (AB-388).
RO Monitor the following to verify proper pump operation:
: 1) Charging Pump C running current is between 30 amps and 50 amps. 2) PI-121, CHG PRESS PSIG, is between 2650 psig and 2850 psig. 3) XVG-9684C-CC, CCW TO CHG PP C, is open . * < SOP-102 Section IV.M RO Place FCV-122, CHG FLOW, in MAN and close. RO Place PCV-145, LO PRESS LTDN, in MAN and open to 70%. (PEER 0) AO Place TCV-144, CC TO LTDN HX, in MAN and open to 100%. RO Place TCV-143, LTON TO VCT OR DEMIN, in VCT. RO Open PVT-8152, LTON LINE ISOL. RO Open the following:
: a. LCV-459, L TON LINE ISOL. b. LCV-460, L TON LINE ISOL. RO Ensure the following Charging Line Isolation Valves are open: a. MVG-81 07, CHG LINE ISOL. b. MVG-81 08, CHG LINE ISOL. RO Slowly open FCV-122, CHG FLOW, to establish 60 gpm flow as indicated on FI-122A, CHG FLOW GPM. RO Open Orifice Isolation Valves to obtain the desired Letdown flow rate (60 gpm to 120 gpm): a. PVT-8149A, LTON ORIFICE A ISOL (45 gpm). b. PVT-8149B, L TDN ORIFICE B ISOL (60 gpm). c. PVT-8149C, LTDN ORIFICE C ISOL (60 gpm). Appendix 0, Page 38 of 39 Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 3 Page __ of __ Event

== Description:==
== Description:==

I Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior RO Adjust FCV-122, CHG FLOW, as required to maintain TI-140, REGEN HX OUT TEMP of, between 250&deg;F and 350&deg;F while maintainina Pressurizer level. RO Adjust PCV-145, LO PRESS LTDN, to maintain PI-145, LO PRESS L TDN PRESS PSIG, between 300 psig and 400 psig. RO Place PCV-145, LO PRESS LTDN, in AUTO. RO Adjust TCV-144, CC TO LTDN HX, potentiometer as necessary to maintain the desired VCT temperature and place in AUTO. Refer to VCS Curve Book, Figure V11.15. RO When Pressurizer level matches reference level, place FCV-122, CHG FLOW, in AUTO per Section IV. RO After the Letdown temperatures have stabilized, place TCV-143, LTDN TO VCT OR DEMIN, in DEMIN/AUTO.
Time Time        Position Position                  Applicant's Applicants Actions or Behavior Behavior Start a second Charging Pump.
Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: &#xa3;-{ Page __ of __ Event
SRO      Check if SI is required Verify VCT level is being maintained between 20% and 40%.
SRO      CRS directs the RO to insert a manual reactor trip and that they will actuate SI when directed by EOP-1.0 EQP-i .0 Appendix Appendix D,0, Page  38 of Page 38  of 39 39
Appendix D  0                    Scenario Outline Scenario    Outline                                  Form ES-D-1 Form  ES-D-1 Op-Test No.:
Op-Test No.:             Scenario No.:
Scenario  No.:    11      Event No.:
Event No.:       66        Page Page _ _ ofof --

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Building Building operator reports oil leak on TDEFP governor SRO/BOP Crew determines TDEFP is inoperable and decides to remove it from service by taking both 2030 valve switches to the closed position.
Both annuaciators 623 2-3 and 622 2-3 (TD EFP AUTOSTART DEFEATED) alarm as the 2030 valves close. Critical SRO SRO evaluates Tech Spec and determines that a Qlant shutdown is necessary Appendix D, Page 38 of 39 Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 5 Page __ of __ Event

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior GOP-4B BOP Reduce load by one of the following methods: 1) By use of the DEC LOAD RATE circuit 2) By use of the load limiter SRO MDS calls and requests that the load decrease be raised to 1 %/min because of approaching severe thunderstorm.
Time           Position Position                      Applicant's Applicants Actions or   or Behavior Behavior EOP-1 3M EOP-13.0 RD RO        Verify Reactor Trip:
BOP As load decreases, adjust Megavars using GEN FIELD VOL T ADJ as requested by the Load Dispatcher and within the Estimated Generator Capability Curve (Enclosure A). RO Maintain Tavg within the control band by Control Rod motion or boron concentration changes. Critical RO Borate or dilute per SOP-106, Reactor Makeup Water System, to maintain the following parameters:
Trip the Reactor using both Reactor Trip Switches.
: 1) ill within limits.
Critical            RD RO        IF the Reactor will NOT trip OR is NOT subcritical, THEN insert Control Rods at the fastest control rod insertion rate SRO         Direction given to trip the reactor locally using Attachment 11 Follow-up question - may ask SRO to classify this
: 2) Control Rods above the Rod Insertion Limit. Appendix D, Page 38 of 39 Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 6 Page __ of __ Event
emergency event (Site Area Emergency)
BOP        Verify Turbine/Generator Trip:
Verify all Turbine STM STOP VLVs are closed.
Depress Emerg Trip Sys TRIP.
BOP         Ensure Generator Trip (after 30 second delay)
: 1) Ensure the GEN BKR is open.
: 2) Ensure the GEN FIELD BKR is open.
: 3) Ensure the EXC FIELD CNTRL is tripped.
BOP        Ensure EFW Pumps are running:
Critical           RD RO         Initiate emergency boration of the RCS:
Ensure at least one Charging Pump is running.
Verify PZR pressure is LESS THAN 2335 psig.
Verify SI ACT status light is NOT lit.
Verify SI flow on Fl-943, FI-943, CHG LOOP B            B CLD/HOT LG FLOW GPM.GPM.
GO GO TO Step 5. Observe the CAUTION prior to Step 5.
Critical        Building      Building Operator locally trips the RTBs at this point.
Verify all all Reactor Trip Trip and and Bypass
                                                                  'Bypass Breakers Breakers are are open.
Verify all all Rod Bottom Bottom Lights Lights are  are lit.
Verify Reactor Reactor Power Power level level is  is decreasing.
RD RO        55 Verify Verify Containment Containment Ventilation Ventilation IsolationIsolation Valves Valves closed closed by by verifying verifying the the Safety        INJECTION monitor Safety INJECTION          monitor Appendix Appendix D, D, Page Page 3838 of  of 39 39
Appendix D Appendix     D                   Scenario Outline Scenario    Outline                                  Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-1 Op-Test No.:
Op-Test No.:            Scenario No.:
Scenario  No.:    11      Event No.:
Event   No.:     66      Page Page _ _ of of _ _

== Description:==
== Description:==

II Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior AOP-21 0.1 BOP As load decreases, BOP operator notices that FCV-0478 is failed as is and takes manual control of the valve lAW AOp-210.1. (could possibly receive annunciator 624 1-5 SG A LVL DEV.) Crew may also decide to conservatively stop the load reduction until they can determine that they have manual control of the vlave but this would not be required because it is not in the procedure.
BOP 1 Manually adjust the AFFECTED Feedwater Flow Control Valve as necessary to maintain Narrow Range SG level between 60% and 65%: o PVT-478, SG A FWF. o PVT-488, SG B FWF. o PVT-498, SG C FWF. SRO Dispatch I&C to determine cause of auto control failure. Appendix D, Page 38 of 39 Appendix 0 Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 7 Page __ of __ Event

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior AOP-112.2 RO RO acknowledges that annunciator 646 2-1 (MN STM LINE RMG-19 HI RAD) is in alarm and pulls the ARP. RO Verify the alarm is valid and identify the Main Steam line affected by observing RM-G 19A, B, and C and RlR-8. SRO Request Health Physics perform radiological surveys around the Main Steam lines. SRO Direct Chemistry to sample all Steam Generators for activity.
Event Time Time    I      Position Position lights are are dim, dim, Applicants Actions Applicant's   Actions oror Behavior Behavior lights RO RO         Verify the Reactor Reactor is  is subcritical:
Building Align the condenser exhaust to the Auxiliary Building Charcoal Exhaust as follows: a. Open XVB0011 O-AR, MN&AUX COND VAC PP CHAR EXH DISCH VALVE (TB-436).
Power Range Power              channels indicate Range channels        indicate LESSLESS THAN 5%. 5%.
BOP Reduce all Steam Generator blowdown flows to minimum. SRO If the alarm is valid, refer to AOP-112.2.
Intermediate Range channels indicate    indicate a negative startup rate SRO       GO TO Step 15. Observe the CAUTION prior to Step 15.
BOP If they have not already done so in previous event, the crew may elect to stop the load reduction and stabilize power at this point. BOP The tube leak will likely cause annunciator 624 3-5 ( SG C LVL DEV) to alarm (expected alarm) .. RO Check if PZR level can be maintained:
SRO        RETURN TO the Procedure and Step in effect (EOP-                  (EOP 1.0).
: a. Open FCV-122, CHG FLOW, as necessary to maintain PZR level this will cause annunciator 614 5-1 (CHG LINE FLO HIILO) to alarm -expected alarm). b. Verify PZR level is at or trending to program level. RO Reduce Letdown to one 45 gpm RO IF PZR level continues to decrease, THEN perform the Following Close PVT-8149A, L TDN ORIFICE A ISOL Start a second CCW Pump. Appendix D, Page 38 of 39 Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 7 Page __ of __ Event
EOP-1 .0 EOP-1.0 RO                Reactor Trip:
Verify ReactorTrip:
Trip the Reactor using either Reactor Trip Switch.
Verify all Reactor Trip and Bypass Breakers are open.
I Verify all Rod Bottom Lights are lit.
Verify Reactor Power level is decreasing.
BOP       Verify Turbine/Gen Turbine/Generatorerator Trip:
Verify all Turbine STM STOP VLVs are closed.
Ensure Ensure Generator Trip (after 30 second delay):
Ensure Ensure the the GEN GEN BKRBKR is  is open.
Ensure Ensure the the GEN GEN FIELD BKR    BKR is  is open.
Ensure Ensure the EXC EXC FIELD CNTRL  CNTRl is  is tripped.
BOP BOP        Verify  both ESF Verify both    ESF buses.
buses. BOP  BOP operator operator notes notes that that there there is no is  no power power onon 1DB lOB and and that that the the diesel diesel did did not not start.
start. HeHe announces announces thatthat there there is is aa lockout lockout on  on XFMR-XTF31 XFMR-XTF31 (by    (by recognizing recognizing annunciator annunciator 639  6394-24-2 inin alarm).
alarm). BOP BOP operator operator also also notes notes that that annunciator annunciator 637    6376-1    (DG BB 6-1 (DG ENG    START FAIL)
ENG START        FAil) is is in in alarm alarm BOP BOP        BOP BOP operator      depresses the operator depresses        the B "B" DG DG Emergency Emergency StartStart Pushbutton Pushbutton and and notes notes that that thethe diesel diesel does does start start and and thethe Appendix Appendix D,  0, Page Page 3838 of of 39 39
Appendix 0D Appendix                        ScenarioOutline Scenario       Outline                                       Form Form ES-O-1 ES-D-1 Op-TestNo.:
Op-Test No.:             ScenarioNo.:
Scenario No.:       11          EventNo.:
Event   No.:       66        Page Page_ _ ofof_ _

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Start a second Charging Pump. SRO Check if SI is required Verify VCT level is being maintained between 20% and 40%. SRO CRS directs the RO to insert a manual reactor trip and that they will actuate SI when directed by EOP-1.0 Appendix 0, Page 38 of 39 Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 6 Page __ of --Event
[    Time Time          Position Position                          Applicants Actions Applicant's       Actions or  or Behavior Behavior DG breaker DG    breaker doesdoes close close toto energize energize 11 DB. DB.
RD RO        Check ifif SI Check         SI is is actuated:
Check Check ifif either either SI SI ACTACT status status light light isis bright bright on on XCP-XCP 6107 1-1 6107    1-1 oror Any Any redred first-out first-out SISI annunciator annunciator isis lit lit on on XCP-626 XCP-626 top  top row.
Actuate SI Actuate        using either SI using      either SI  SI ACTUATION ACTUATION Switch. Switch.
Critical Critical          BOP BOP        Complete ATTACHMENT Complete      ATTACHMENT 3,              3, SI SI EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT VERIFICATION.
SRO SRO        Announce plant Announce        plant conditions conditions over  over the page  page system.
RD RO        Verify RB pressure pressure has remained  remained LESS THAN 12 PR-951, RB PSIG (P-951), red pen.
psig on PR-951,          I I
BOP BOP                          temperature:
Check RCS temperature:
With any RCP running, RCS Tavg is stable at OR 557&deg;F.
trending to 55YOF.
With no RCP running, RCS Tcold is stable at OR trending to 557&deg;F 55YOF IF Narrow Range SC        SG level is LESS THAN 30% [50%] in all SGs, THEN reduce EFW flow as necess                  necessary ary to stop the the  cooldown,      while    maintaining while maintaining total      total EFW EFW flow GREATER GREATER THAN    THAN 450    450 gpm.
WHEN WHEN Narrow Narrow Range SG        SG level level is is GREATER GREATER THAN    THAN 30%
30% [50%]
[50%] in in at at least least oneone SG,SG, THENTHEN control control EFW EFW flow flow as as necess necessaryary to to stabiliz stabilize      RCS temper e RCS      temperature        at  55YOF.
ature at 557&deg;F.
RD RO       Check Check PZR PZR PORV PORVs      s and and Spray Spray ValvesValves::
PZR PZR PORVs PORVs are  are closed closed..
PZR PZR Spray Spray Valves Valves are    are closed closed..
Verify  power    is  availab Verify power is available        le toto at at least least one one PZR PZR PORV PORV Block Block Valve.
MVG-8000A MVG-8000A,      , RELIEF RELIEF 445    445 AA ISDL.ISOL.
MVG-8000B MVG-8000B,      , RELIEF RELIEF 444    444 BB ISOL.ISOL.
MVG-8000C MVG-8000C,        , RELIEF RELIEF 445    445 BB ISDL.
Verify  at least Verify_at  least oneone PZR PZR PDRV PORV Block  BlockValveValve isis open open RO RO        Check Check ifif RCPs RCPs shouldshould be  be stoppe stopped:  d:
RCS RCS pressu pressurere isis LESS LESS THAN THAN 1400  1400 psigpsig AND AND SI SI flow flow isis Appendix Appendix D,    0, Page Page 38 38 ofof3939
Appendix D Appendix     D                   Scenario Outline Scenario    Outline                            Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-1 Op-Test No.:
Op-Test No.:             Scenario No.:
Scenario No.:    11      Event No.:
Event No.:   66    Page Page _ _ ofof --

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior EOP-13.0 RO Verify Reactor Trip: Trip the Reactor using both Reactor Trip Switches.
Critical RO IF the Reactor will NOT trip OR is NOT subcritical, THEN insert Control Rods at the fastest control rod insertion rate SRO Direction given to trip the reactor locally using Attachment 1 Follow-up question -may ask SRO to classify this emergency event (Site Area Emergency)
Critical BOP Verify Turbine/Generator Trip: \ Verify all Turbine STM STOP VLVs are closed. Depress Emerg Trip Sys TRIP. BOP Ensure Generator Trip I (after 30 second delay) 1) Ensure the GEN BKR is open. 2) Ensure the GEN FIELD BKR is open. 3) Ensure the EXC FIELD CNTRL is tripped. BOP Ensure EFW Pumps are running: Critical RO Initiate emergency boration of the RCS: Ensure at least one Charging Pump is running. Verify PZR pressure is LESS THAN 2335 psig. Verify SI ACT status light is NOT lit. Verify SI flow on FI-943, CHG LOOP B CLD/HOT LG FLOW GPM. GO TO Step 5. Observe the CAUTION prior to Step 5. Critical Building Building Operator locally trips the RTBs at this point. Verify all Reactor Trip and 'Bypass Breakers are open. Verify all Rod Bottom Lights are lit. Verify Reactor Power level is decreasing.
RO 5 Verify Containment Ventilation Isolation Valves closed by verifying the Safety INJECTION monitor Appendix D, Page 38 of 39 Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 6 Page __ of __ Event

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior lights are dim, RO Verify the Reactor is subcritical:
Time Time          Position Position                      Applicants Actions Applicant's Actions or or Behavior Behavior indicated on indicated        Fl-943, CHG on FI-943,           LOOP B CHG LOOP      B CLD/HOT CLD!HOT LG LG FLOW FLOW GPM.
Power Range channels indicate LESS THAN 5%. Intermediate Range channels indicate a negative startup rate SRO GO TO Step 15. Observe the CAUTION prior to Step 15. SRO RETURN TO the Procedure and Step in effect (EOP-1.0). EOP-1.0 RO Verify ReactorTrip:
Trip the Reactor using either Reactor Trip Switch. Verify all Reactor Trip and I Bypass Breakers are open. Verify all Rod Bottom Lights are lit. Verify Reactor Power level is decreasing.
Note: RCS Note:  RCS pressure pressure should should bebe about about 1800 1800 psig psig so so no no RCP trip RCP  trip should be be required.
BOP Verify Turbine/Generator Trip: Verify all Turbine STM STOP VLVs are closed. Ensure Generator Trip (after 30 second delay): Ensure the GEN BKR is open. Ensure the GEN FIELD BKR is open. Ensure the EXC FIELD CNTRl is tripped. BOP Verify both ESF buses. BOP operator notes that there is no power on lOB and that the diesel did not start. He announces that there is a lockout on XFMR-XTF31 (by recognizing annunciator 6394-2 in alarm). BOP operator also notes that annunciator 6376-1 (DG B ENG START FAil) is in alarm BOP BOP operator depresses the "B" DG Emergency Start Pushbutton and notes that the diesel does start and the Appendix 0, Page 38 of 39 Appendix 0 Scenario Outline Form ES-O-1 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 6 Page __ of __ Event
BOP        Verify no SG is FAULTED:
No SG pressure is decreasing in an uncontrolled manner.
No SG is completely depressurized.
RO        Verify Secondary radiation levels indicate SG tubes are NOT RUPTURED:
Critical          SRO        GO TO EOP-4.0, EOP-4.O, STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE, Step 1.     1.
Appendix D, Appendix     D, Page Page 3838 of of 39 39
Appendix D Appendix    D                  Scenario Outline Scenario     Outline                             Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-1 Op-Test No.:
Op-Test No.:            Scenario No.:
Scenario  No.:      11      Event No.:
Event No.:     66      Page Page _ _ of of _ _

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior DG breaker does close to energize 1 DB. RO Check if SI is actuated:
Check if either SI ACT status light is bright on XCP-6107 1-1 or Any red first-out SI annunciator is lit on XCP-626 top row. Actuate SI using either SI ACTUATION Switch. Critical BOP Complete ATTACHMENT 3, SI EQUIPMENT VERIFICATION.
SRO Announce plant conditions over the page system. RO Verify RB pressure has remained LESS THAN 12 psig on PR-951, I RB PSIG (P-951), red pen. BOP Check RCS temperature:
With any RCP running, RCS Tavg is stable at OR trending to 55YOF. With no RCP running, RCS Tcold is stable at OR trending to 55YOF IF Narrow Range SG level is LESS THAN 30% [50%] in all SGs, THEN reduce EFW flow as necessary to stop the cooldown, while maintaining total EFW flow GREATER THAN 450 gpm. WHEN Narrow Range SG level is GREATER THAN 30% [50%] in at least one SG, THEN control EFW flow as necessary to stabilize RCS temperature at 55YOF. RO Check PZR PORVs and Spray Valves: PZR PORVs are closed. PZR Spray Valves are closed. Verify power is available to at least one PZR PORV Block Valve. MVG-8000A, RELIEF 445 A ISOL. MVG-8000B, RELIEF 444 B ISOL. MVG-8000C, RELIEF 445 B ISOL. Verify_ at least one PZR PORV Block Valve is open RO Check if RCPs should be stopped: RCS pressure is LESS THAN 1400 psig AND SI flow is Appendix 0, Page 38 of 39 Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 6 Page __ of --Event

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior indicated on FI-943, CHG LOOP B CLD/HOT LG FLOW GPM. Note: RCS pressure should be about 1800 psig so no RCP trip should be required.
Event Time Time    I      Position Position                        Applicants Actions Applicant's Actions oror Behavior Behavior I            I                I                                                                    I Op-Test No.:
BOP Verify no SG is FAULTED: No SG pressure is decreasing in an uncontrolled manner. No SG is completely depressurized.
Op-Test No.:            Scenario No.:
RO Verify Secondary radiation levels indicate SG tubes are NOT RUPTURED:
Scenario No.:       11      Event No.:
RM-G19A(B)(C), STMLN HI RNG GAMMA. RM-A9, CNDSR EXHAUST GAS ATMOS MONITOR. RM-L3, STEAM GENERATOR BLOWDOWN LIQUID MONITOR. RM-L 10, SG BLOWDOWN CW DISCHARGE LIQUID MONITOR. Critical SRO GO TO EOP-4.0, STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE, Step 1. Appendix D, Page 38 of 39 Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 6 Page __ of __ Event
Event No.:     66      Page Page _ _ of of _ _

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time I Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior I I I I Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 6 Page __ of __ Event
Time Time          Position                         Applicants Actions or Behavior Applicant's RO                      RCPs should be stopped:
Check if Reps Check if either of the following criteria is met:
Annunciator XCP-612 4-2 is lit (PHASE B ISOL).
i OR RCS pressure is LESS THAN 1400 psig AND SI flow is indicated on FI-943, CHG LOOP B CLD/HOT LG FLOW GPM.
Note: RCS pressure should be about 1800        1800 psig so it should not be necessary to secure any RCPs SRO          Identify the RUPTURED SG(s):
Narrow Range level in any SG increasing in an uncontrolled uncontrolled manner, OR High Radiation on any of RM-G19A(B RM-G 19A(B)(C),)(C), STMLN STMLN HI  HI RNG RNG. GAMMA, GAMMA, OR Local hand held radiation monitor readings taken by            by Health Health Physics Physics on the blowdown lines at following penetrations:
XRP0326, SG  SG A  A Blowdown Blowdown Line Line (AB-412 (AB-412 West West Pen).
XRP0224, XRP0224, SG  SG BB Blowdown Blowdown Line Line (IB-412 (IB-412 East East Pen Pen XRPO219, XRP0219, SG  SG C  C Blowdown Blowdown Line Line (lB-412 (IB-412 East East Pen),
OR  As determined OR As  determined by    by Chemistry Chemistry ampleample analysis analysis for for abnormal abnormal activity activity using using aa frisker.
BOP BOP          Isolate Isolate flow flow from from each each RUPTURED RUPTURED SG:    SG: Place Place the the Steamline Steamline PWR PWR RELIEF RELIEF A(B)(C)
A(B)(C) SETPT SETPT Controller(s)
Appendix Appendix D,    D, Page Page 38 38 ofof 39 39
Appendix D Appendix      0                Scenario Outline Scenario    Outline                          Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-1 Op-Test No.:
Op-Test No.:             Scenario No.:
Scenario No.:     11      Event No.:
Event No.:   66    Page Page _ _ ofof _ _

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior RO Check if Reps should be stopped: Check if either of the following criteria is met: Annunciator XCP-612 4-2 is lit (PHASE B ISOL). i OR RCS pressure is LESS THAN 1400 psig AND SI flow is indicated on FI-943, CHG LOOP B CLD/HOT LG FLOW GPM. Note: RCS pressure should be about 1800 psig so it should not be necessary to secure any RCPs SRO Identify the RUPTURED SG(s): Narrow Range level in any SG increasing in an uncontrolled manner, OR High Radiation on any of RM-G 19A(B)(C), STMLN HI RNG. GAMMA, OR Local hand held radiation monitor readings taken by Health Physics on the blowdown lines at following penetrations:
XRP0326, SG A Blowdown Line (AB-412 West Pen). XRP0224, SG B Blowdown Line (IB-412 East Pen XRP0219, SG C Blowdown Line (IB-412 East Pen), OR As determined by Chemistry ample analysis for abnormal activity using a frisker. BOP Isolate flow from each RUPTURED SG: Place the Steamline PWR RELIEF A(B)(C) SETPT Controller(s)
Appendix D, Page 38 of 39 Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 6 Page __ of __ Event

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time I Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior in MAN and closed. Adjust the PWR RELIEF A(B)(C) SETPT Controller(s) to 8.85 (1150 psig). Place the Steamline Power Relief A(B)(C) Mode Switch(s) in PWR RLF. Place the PWR RELIEF A(B)(C) SETPT Controller(s) in AUTO. BOP WHEN RCS Tavg is LESS THAN P-12 (552&deg;F), THEN place both STM DUMP INTERLOCK Switches to BYP INTLK. BOP Verify the Steamline PORV closed. Critical BOP IF at least one MD EFW Pump is running, THEN isolate the TD EFW Pump by placing PVG-2030, STM SPL Y TO TD EFP to CLOSE. BOP/Building Open XMC1 DB2Y 05EH, EMERG FEEDWATER PUMP MAIN STEAM BLOCK XVG2802B-MS (AB-463).
Time Time    II    Position Position                      Applicants Actions Applicant's Actions or Behavior Behavior in MAN and closed.
Close XVG02802B-MS, MS HEADER C EF PUMP TURBINE SUPPLY VLV BOP Close the following for each RUPTURED SG: SG Blowdown, PVG-503A(B)(C).
Adjust the PWR RELIEF A(B)(C) SETPT Controller(s)Controller(s)
MS Drain Isolation, PVT-2843A(B)(C).
(1150 psig).
MS Drain Isolation, PVT-2877B for SG C. Critical BOP Close the following for each RUPTURED SG: MS Isolation Valve, PVM-2801 A(B)(C AND MS Isolation Bypass PVM-2869A(B)(C).
to 8.85 (1150   psig).
Place the Steamline PowerPower Relief Relief A(B)(C) Mode Mode Switch(s) in PWR RLF.
Place the PWR RELIEF A(B)(C) SETPT Controller(s) in AUTO.
BOP         WHEN RCS Tavg is LESS THAN P-12 (552&deg;F), THEN place both STM DUMP INTERLOCK Switches to BYP INTLK.
BOP         Verify the Steamline PORV closed.
Critical           BOP       IF at least one MD EFW Pump is running, THEN isolate the TD EFW Pump by placing PVG-2030, STM SPL           SPLY Y TO TD EFP to CLOSE.
XVGO28O2B-MS, MS HEADER C EF PUMP Close XVG02802B-MS, TURBINE SUPPLY VLV BOP       Close the following for each RUPTURED SG:       56:
56 Blowdown, PVG-503A(B)(C).
SG MS Drain Isolation, PVT-2843A(B)(C).
MS Drain Isolation, PVT-2877B for SG C.
Critical         BOP         Close the following for each RUPTURED SG:
MS Isolation Valve, PVM-2801       A(B)(C PVM-2801A(B)(C AND MS Isolation Bypass PVM-2869A(B)(C).
The ruptured SG is now Isolated.
The ruptured SG is now Isolated.
Appendix D, Page 38 of 39  
Appendix Appendix D, D, Page Page 38 38 ofof 39 39
Appendix D, Appendix    D, Rev.
Rev. 99                    Scenario Outline Scenario    Outline                                Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-1 Facility: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Scenario Facility:                            Scenario No.:
No.: _-!2=-----__ Op-Test
_____          Op-Test No.:
No.: _..:...1
Examiners: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Operators: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Initial Conditions: AT approximately 45'%
Initial                                    45% power and increasing.
Turnover: At the point of the GOP when the second feed water pump is going to be placed in service. The crew is to place the B Main Feed Water Pump in service lAW XXXX.
Thunder storms in the area, severe weather check list being implemented.
: 1.            A, Small tube leak, approx. 8 gpd. MAL-RCS002A S/G "A,"                                        MAL-RCSOO2A
: 2.        Motor Driven AFW Pump "A"    A Impeller replacement in progress with 48 hours to complete, have done 12 hours so far.
: 3.        Turnover that the "B" B S/G rad monitor is OOS.
: 4.        Painting in the area of the TD AFW pump.
: 5.        Senior Resident is Walking down the CVCS system with system engineer.
Event        Malt. Event                                          Event No.          No.      Type*
Type*                                      Description 1
1                    BOP      The BOP will place the second feed water pump in service (N)      lAW XXXX. Once the pump is in service and reported to the SRO that it is in service and the master controller is controlling both S/Gs proceed to the next event. This event should be set up just as the feed pump is ready to be paralleled_to_the_other paralleled to the other feed_pump_to_save_time.
feed pump to save time.
2                    RO (I)    Power Range Channel N44, Failure, with the failure of the SRO      rods to move in the incorrect direction. In this case the rods, (TS)      will move in the inward direction. This may need an over ride of some sort to be able to do this. Use the transmitter that is associated associated with the controlling channel. Make    Make sure this will not not cause aa reactor trip. Trouble shooting this event    event for the rest of of the scenario. Use turbine turbine load to control tave tref mismatch_or_with_boration.
mismatch or with boration.
33                  BOP (I)    Feedwater FlowFlow transmitter transmitter (476)
(476) Failure, Failure, Failing Failing closed, closed, slowly, slowly, aa ramp atat approximately      mi.nutes from full open approximately 33 minutes                open toto closed, this 50% closed, 50%            this will will be be mitigated mitigated by  taking the by taking the automatic automatic controller to to manual.
44                    BOP BOP      Running Running EH EH pump pump trips.
trips. (Must (Must manually manually start start other other pump) pump)
(C) 55                    RO (I)
RD  (I)  Pressurizer Pressurizer pressure pressure channel channel 444 444 failure, failure, High.
High. Control Control

Appendix D, Rev. 9 Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility:
________ Scenario No.: _-!2=-----
__ Op-Test No.: _..:...1 __ Examiners:
_ Initial Conditions:
AT approximately 45'% power and increasing.
At the point of the GOP when the second feed water pump is going to be placed in service. The crew is to place the B Main Feed Water Pump in service lAW XXXX. Thunder storms in the area, severe weather check list being implemented.
: 1. S/G "A," Small tube leak, approx. 8 gpd. MAL-RCS002A
: 2. Motor Driven AFW Pump "A" Impeller replacement in progress with 48 hours to complete, have done 12 hours so far. 3. Turnover that the "B" S/G rad monitor is OOS. 4. Painting in the area of the TD AFW pump. 5. Senior Resident is Walking down the CVCS system with system engineer.
Event Malt. Event Event No. No. Type* Description 1 BOP The BOP will place the second feed water pump in service (N) lAW XXXX. Once the pump is in service and reported to the SRO that it is in service and the master controller is controlling both S/Gs proceed to the next event. This event should be set up just as the feed pump is ready to be paralleled to the other feed pump to save time. 2 RO (I) Power Range Channel N44, Failure, with the failure of the SRO rods to move in the incorrect direction.
In this case the rods, (TS) will move in the inward direction.
This may need an over ride of some sort to be able to do this. Use the transmitter that is associated with the controlling channel. Make sure this will not cause a reactor trip. Trouble shooting this event for the rest of the scenario.
Use turbine load to control tave tref mismatch or with boration.
3 BOP (I) Feedwater Flow transmitter (476) Failure, Failing closed, slowly, a ramp at approximately 3 mi.nutes from full open to 50% closed, this will be mitigated by taking the automatic controller to manual. 4 BOP Running EH pump trips. (Must manually start other pump) (C) 5 RO (I) Pressurizer pressure channel 444 failure, High. Control Facility:
Scenario No.: 2 Op-Test No.: _1 Examiners:
Initial Conditions:
AT approximately 45 % power and increasing.
At the point of the GOP when the second feed water pump is going to be placed in service. The crew is to place the B Main Feed Water Pump in service lAW XXXX. Thunder storms in the area, severe weather check list being implemented.
: 1. S/G "A," Small tube leak, approx. 8 gpd. MAL-RCSOO2A
: 2. Motor Driven AFW Pump "A" Impeller replacement in progress with 48 hours to complete, have done 12 hours so far. 3. Turnover that the "B" S/G rad monitor is OOS. 4. Painting in the area of the TD AFW pump. 5. Senior Resident is Walking down the CVCS system with system engineer.
Event Malt. Event Event No. No. Type* Description SRO severity to prevent a trip. Adjust as necessary to allow a (TS) PORV to look like its closed but, in fact it is not, this would required the operators to determine that the block valve would need to be isolated.
6 All Small steam line break occurs, to allow determination for a SRO reactor shut down requirement.
Run this until the team (TS) realizes a reactor trip is going to happen. This should not be R:o (f?,). to fast but fast enough that we don't have to do a reactivity controls evolution.
When the reactor is tripped it will not trip, ATWT, since ROD control is backwards, and not fixed from event 2, the crew may elect to not drive rods or they may try the opposite way in order to get rods to move. In any event, they must get the outside operator to trip the Reactor trip breakers ASAP. 7 MAL-AII-(M) Just before the reactor is tripped locally, a large main steam MSSOO line break occurs on the C Steam Generator, up stream of 3C the MSIVs. All MSIV do not automatically isolate upon the appropriate signal. A full manual isolation will occur when the appropriate hand switches have been manipulated.
The isolation valves from feed water do not isolate automatically (adding energy to the containment), requiring the manual isolation of those feed water valves. Following to the Major event. Failure of the "B" train Containment Spray pump to operate automatically.
Will manually start.
Scenario No.: 2 Op-Test No.: -1 Examiners:
Facility:                                      No.:
Scenario No.:       2
Initial Conditions:
__..._____  Op-Test No.:
AT approximately 45 % power and increasing.
No.: _1 Examiners:                                           Operators:
Initial Conditions: AT approximately 45 % power and increasing.
At the point of the GOP when the second feed water pump is going to be placed in service. The crew is to place the 8 Main Feed Water Pump in service lAW XXXX. Thunder storms in the area, severe weather check list being implemented.
Turnover: At the point of the GOP when the second feed water pump is going to be placed in service. The crew is to place the B Main Feed Water Pump in service lAW XXXX.
: 1. S/G "A," Small tube leak, approx. 8 gpd. MAL-RCSOO2A
Thunder storms in the area, severe weather check list being implemented.
: 2. Motor Driven AFW Pump "A" Impeller replacement in progress with 48 hours to complete, have done 12 hours so far. 3. Turnover that the "8" S/G rad monitor is OOS. 4. Painting in the area of the TD AFW pump. 5. Senior Resident is Walking down the CVCS system with system engineer.
: 1.           A, Small tube leak, approx. 8 gpd. MAL-RCSOO2A S/G "A,"                                       MALRCSOO2A
Event Malf. Event Event No. No. Type* Description The "A" train of Containment Spray, the flow meter will read with Zero or NO flow. Will have to manually start a Reactor 8uildinQ CoolinQ Unit. * (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page_. _of Event
: 2.        Motor Driven AFW Pump "A"    A Impeller replacement in progress with 48 hours to complete, have done 12 hours so far.
: 3.      Turnover that the "B"B S/G rad monitor is OOS.
: 4.        Painting in the area of the TD AFW pump.
: 5.      Senior Resident is Walking down the CVCS system with system engineer.
Event        Maif.
Malt.      Event                                      Event No.          No.      Type*
Type*                                  Description Descripton SRO      severity to prevent a trip. Adjust as necessary to allow a (TS)    PORV to look like its closed but, in fact it is not, this would required the operators to determine that the block valve would need to be isolated.
6                        All    Small steam line break occurs, to allow determination for a SRO      reactor shut down requirement. Run this until the team (TS)    realizes a reactor trip is going to happen. This should not be R:o  ,\
1 (f?,).
I) dont have to do a reactivity to fast but fast enough that we don't controls evolution. When the reactor is tripped it will not trip,
                        ~Df{f'I) p(,q)        ATWT, since ROD control is backwards, and not fixed from event 2, the crew may elect to not drive rods or they may try the opposite way in order to get rods to move. In any event, they must get the outside operator to trip the Reactor trip breakers ASAP.
7        MAL-        All-(M)
AII-(M)    Just before the reactor is tripped locally, a large main steam MSSOO                  line break occurs on the C Steam Generator, up stream of 3C                  the MSIVs. All MSIV do not automatically isolate upon the appropriate signal. A full manual isolation will occur when the appropriate hand switches have been manipulated. The isolation valves from feed water do not isolate automatically (adding energy to the containment), requiring the manual isolation of those feed water valves.
Following to the Major event.
                                                    "B" train Containment Spray pump to operate Failure of the B automatically. Will manually start.
Facility:                          Scenario No.:      2
__....      Op-Test No.:  -  1
Examiners:                                        Operators:
Initial Conditions: AT approximately 45 % power and increasing.
Turnover: At the point of the GOP when the second feed water pump is going to be placed in service. The crew is to place the 8  B Main Feed Water Pump in service lAW XXXX.
Thunder storms in the area, severe weather check list being implemented.
: 1.          A, Small tube leak, approx. 8 gpd. MAL-RCSOO2A S/G "A,"
: 2.       Motor Driven AFW Pump "A"   A Impeller replacement in progress with 48 hours to complete, have done 12 hours so far.
: 3.       Turnover that the "8" B S/G rad monitor is OOS.
: 4.       Painting in the area of the TD AFW pump.
: 5.       Senior Resident is Walking down the CVCS system with system engineer.
Event       Malt.
Malf. Event                                   Event No.         No.     Type*
Type*                                 Description A train of Containment Spray, the flow meter will read The "A" with Zero or NO flow.
Building CoolinQ Will have to manually start a Reactor 8uildinQ Cooling Unit.
**       (N)ormal,   (R)eactivity,  (l)nstrument, (I)nstrument,   (C)omponent,   (M)ajor
Op-Test No.:                     No.:
Scenario No.:             Event No.:
Event No.:           Page _of Page_.     of
== Description:==
== Description:==
Time          Position  [                Applicants Actions or Behavior I          IBOP          IPlace B FPT SPEED CONTROL in Cascade Mode I SOP-210 Place B FPT SPEED CONTROL in Cascade Mode as              as follows:
: 1) Increase the MASTER SPEED CNTRl            (MOB mla CNTRL (MCB    rn/a station) in MAN until the Feed Pump Purnp speed demand, as indicated on SCY-509C, is between 4100 rpm  rprn and 5000 rpm (indicated on GRAPHIC 310 screen only). (PEER D)        H)
: 2) Adjust the SP value (up and down arrows) on B FPT SPEED CONTROL until turbine RPM is within 25 rpm of SCY-509C rpm (indicated on GRAPHIC 310 screen only).
: 3) Click on the C icon on the B FPT SPEED CONTROL (S icon) face plate.
BOP            Stop TPP22B-PP2, AUX OIL PP, and return the switch to AUTO.(PEER D)    H)
BOP            Stop Feedwater Pump B TURN GEAR and return switch to AUTO.
BOP            If With more than one Main Feedwater Pump is operating, perform the following for the pump being placed in service:
: a. Adjust the setpoint potentiometer dials on PUMP B    B SPEED CNTRl CNTRL (MCB      MIA station) as necessary to (MOB M/A maintain all operating Feedwater Pumps within 120 RPM of each other.
15%, close MOV-1
: b. When plant load is greater than 15%,          MOV  -
:t'a FWP in service event.
End of placing 2
Op-Test No.:
Op-Test No.:            Scenario No.:
Scenario      No.:            Event No.:
Event No.:            Page _ _ o Page        of f _
== Description:==
== Description:==
Time Time          Position Position                        Applicants Applicants Actions or or Behavior Behavior AOP 401.3 FT-477 STEAM FLOW FAILURE. FAIL URE. Enter AOP-401.3.
A OP-40 1.3. First 77 steps are Immediate Operator Actions. FCV-478 will travel closed.
Alarm XCP-624, 4-4 SG A FWF>STF MISMA TCH BOP            11 Verify the failed channel is the controlling channel.
BOP            2 Select the operable flow channel:
                                    *. Place FW CONTROL CHANNEL SEL Switch to the operable channel.
                                    *. Place STEAM CONTROL CHANNEL SEL Switch to the operable channel CRS/BOP        3 Verify Turbine Load'isLoad is LESS THAN 950 MWe CRS/BOP        4 Verify only one SG is AFFECTED CNU~al Critipal    CRS/BOP        5 Adjust the Feedwater Flow Control Valve as necessary to restore feed flow to the AFFECTED SG.
CRS/BOP        6 Restore Narrow Range level in all SGs to between 60% and 65%.
CRS/BOP CRS/BOP        77 Check ifif Feedwater Feedwater Pump speed control is      is operating properly:
                                  .* Feedwater Feedwater Header Header pressure is  is GREATER GREATER THAN THAN Main Steam Main  Steam Header Header pressure
                                  .* Feed Feed flow isis normal normal for steam steam andand flow and and power power level level
                                  .* All    operating Feedwater Pump All operating              Pump speeds speeds and and flows are_balanced are balanced CRS/BOP CRS/BOP      88 Verify Verify Narrow      Range level Narrow Range    level in in all all SGs SGs is is normal.
Op-Test No.:            Scenario No.:            Event No.:          Page _ _ of Event

== Description:==
== Description:==
Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior I I I SOP-210 I BOP Place B FPT SPEED CONTROL in Cascade Mode as follows: 1) Increase the MASTER SPEED CNTRl (MCB mla station) in MAN until the Feed Pump speed demand, as indicated on SCY-509C, is between 4100 rpm and 5000 rpm (indicated on GRAPHIC 310 screen only). (PEER D) 2) Adjust the SP value (up and down arrows) on B FPT SPEED CONTROL until turbine RPM is within 25 rpm of SCY-509C rpm (indicated on GRAPHIC 310 screen only). 3) Click on the C icon on the B FPT SPEED CONTROL (S icon) face plate. BOP Stop TPP22B-PP2, AUX OIL PP, and return the switch to AUTO.(PEER D) BOP Stop Feedwater Pump B TURN GEAR and return switch to AUTO. (PEER D) BOP If With more than one Main Feedwater Pump is operating, perform the following for the pump being placed in service: a. Adjust the setpoint potentiometer dials on PUMP B SPEED CNTRl (MCB MIA station) as necessary to maintain all operating Feedwater Pumps within 120 RPM of each other. b. When plant load is greater than 15%, close MOV-1-5(B) TURB DRN VlV (MCB). End of placing :t'a FWP in service event.
Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of_ Event
Time         Position                   Applicants Actions or Behavior CRS/BOP       9 Restore the AFFECTED SG control systems to normal:
                                *. Place the Feedwater Flow Control Valve in AUTO
                                *. Place the Feedwater Pump Speed Control System in AUTO. REFER' REFER TO SOP-210,
FEEDWATER SYSTEM CRS            10 Within six hours, place the failed failed' channel protection bistables in a ' tripped condition:
: a. Identify the associated bistables for the failed channel.
REFER TO ' Attachment 1.
: b. Record the following for each associated bistable on SOP-401, REACTOR PROTECTION AND CONTROL SYSTEM, Attachment I:
                                *. Instrument.
                                *. Associated Bistable.
                                *. Bistable Location.
                                *. STPs.
: c. Notify the I&C l&C Department to ' place the identified bistables in trip.
TS 3.3.1, Table 3.3-1, item 14 CRS/SE          11 Determine and correct the cause of the channel failure.
No repair will occur for this event.
End of FT-477 failure event.
ARP 631 1-2 Running EHC pump trips event BOP           A EHC Pump trips, Receives alarm XCP 631, 1-2,    1 -2, EHC FLUID PRESS LO, BOP reviews procedure and hands to CRS.
Op-Test No.:
Op-Test No.:           Scenario No.:
Scenario  No.:            Event No.:
Event No.:          Page Page _ _ oof f _

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior AOP 401.3 FT-477 STEAM FLOW FAILURE. Enter AOP-401.3.
First 7 steps are Immediate Operator Actions. FCV-478 will travel closed. Alarm XCP-624, 4-4 SG A FWF>STF MISMA TCH BOP 1 Verify the failed channel is the controlling channel. BOP 2 Select the operable flow channel:
* Place FW CONTROL CHANNEL SEL Switch to the operable channel.
* Place STEAM CONTROL CHANNEL SEL Switch to the operable channel CRS/BOP 3 Verify Turbine Load'is LESS THAN 950 MWe CRS/BOP 4 Verify only one SG is AFFECTED CRS/BOP 5 Adjust the Feedwater Flow Control Valve as necessary to restore feed flow to the AFFECTED SG. CRS/BOP 6 Restore Narrow Range level in all SGs to between 60% and 65%. CRS/BOP 7 Check if Feedwater Pump speed control is operating properly:
* Feedwater Header pressure is GREATER THAN Main Steam Header pressure
* Feed flow is normal for steam and flow and power level
* All operating Feedwater Pump speeds and flows are balanced CRS/BOP 8 Verify Narrow Range level in all SGs is normal.
Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of Event

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CRS/BOP 9 Restore the AFFECTED SG control systems to normal:
Time     j    Position                     Applicants Actions or Behavior Crew mayor may or may not reference SOP-222 SWITCHOVER OF THE EHC PUMPS for starting the idle EHC pump Critical C~itic~1      BOP/CRS     Start the idle EHC pump.pump
* Place the Feedwater Flow Control Valve in AUTO
            . BOP/CRS      Verify the following:
* Place the Feedwater Pump Speed Control System in AUTO. REFER' TO SOP-210, FEEDWATER SYSTEM CRS 10 Within six hours, place the failed' channel protection bistables in a ' tripped condition:
                                ** Starting amps decay off within 30 seconds.
: a. Identify the associated bistables for the failed channel. REFER TO ' Attachment
                              *. The started pump discharge pressure is greater than 1550 psig as indicated at the EHC unit by HFPM-A OUTPUT PRESSURE or HFPM-B OUTPUT PRESSURE.
: 1. b. Record the following for each associated bistable on SOP-401, REACTOR PROTECTION AND CONTROL SYSTEM, Attachment I:
                              *. EHC header pressure is greater than 1550 psig as P1-5676, EHC FLUID PRESS PSIG.
* Instrument.
indicated by PI-5676,
* Associated Bistable.
* Bistable Location.
BOP/CRS     Place the previously running EHC pump switch in After-Stop.
* STPs. c. Notify the I&C Department to ' place the identified bistables in trip. TS 3.3.1, Table 3.3-1, item 14 CRS/SE 11 Determine and correct the cause of the channel failure. No repair will occur for this event. End of FT-477 failure event. ARP 631 1-2 Running EHC pump trips event BOP A EHC Pump trips, Receives alarm XCP 631, 1-2, EHC FLUID PRESS LO, BOP reviews procedure and hands to CRS.
CRS may direct placing pump in PTL due to apparent motor failure.
Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of_ Event
End of running EHC pump trips event.
AOP-401 AOP-401.5 .5 Start of PT-444 Failure event.
RO          Receives annunciators XCP 616        2-3 PZR PRESS HI/LO, 6162-3 616 6162-5 2-5 PZR CNTRL PRESS HI, 616        4-4 PRT LVL LO/
6164-4            LOI TEMP/PRESS/LVL/HI TEMP/PRESS/LVUHI Verifies PT-444 is failing high CRS          Enters AOP-401     .5, Pressurizer Pressure Control AOP-401.5, Channel Failure. Verifies first 33 steps are are completed which are immediate actions.
Critical      RO          1.
: 1. Verify the PZR PORVs are closed:
                                ** PCV-445A. PWR  PWR RELIEF
                                .* PCV-445B.
Op-Test No.:
Op-Test No.:           Scenario No.:
Scenario  No.:            Event No.:
Event No.:           Page Page _ _ of of Event

== Description:==
== Description:==
Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Crew mayor may not reference SOP-222 SWITCHOVER OF THE EHC PUMPS for starting the idle EHC pump BOP/CRS Start the idle EHC pump. . BOP/CRS Verify the following:
* Starting amps decay off within 30 seconds.
* The started pump discharge pressure is greater than 1550 psig as indicated at the EHC unit by HFPM-A OUTPUT PRESSURE or HFPM-B OUTPUT PRESSURE.
* EHC header pressure is greater than 1550 psig as indicated by PI-5676, EHC FLUID PRESS PSIG. '. BOP/CRS Place the previously running EHC pump switch in After-Stop.
CRS may direct placing pump in PTL due to apparent motor failure. End of running EHC pump trips event. AOP-401.5 Start of PT-444 Failure event. RO Receives annunciators XCP 6162-3 PZR PRESS HI/LO, 6162-5 PZR CNTRL PRESS HI, 6164-4 PRT LVL LOI TEMP/PRESS/LVUHI Verifies PT-444 is failing high CRS Enters AOP-401.5, Pressurizer Pressure Control Channel Failure. Verifies first 3 steps are completed which are immediate actions. Critical RO 1. Verify the PZR PORVs are closed:
* PCV-445A.
* PCV-445B.
* PCV-444B.
PWR RELIEF Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of Event

== Description:==
== Description:==

II Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior RO 2. Compare the PZR control channel indication to the protection channel indications:  
II   Time         Position                     Applicants Actions or Behavior RO           2. Compare the PZR control channel indication to the protection channel indications:
* PI-455. PRESS PSIG *
* PI-455.
* PI-456. PRESS PSIG *
* PI-457. PRESS PSIG RO 3. Check if PI-444. CNTRl CHAN PRESS PSIG is NORMAL CRS/RO 3. IF PT-444 failed, then perform the following:
                                        . P1-455. PRESS PSIG
a) Ensure the PZR Spray Valves are closed: *
* P1-456. PRESS PSIG
* PCV-444C.
                                        *. PI-456.
* PCV-4440, PZR SPRAY b) Control PZR PRESS MASTER CONTROL in MAN. c) Operate the PZR Heaters and Spray Valves in manual to control RCS pressure between 2220 psig and 2250 psig. d) Within one hour; close MVG-8000B.
RELIEF 444 B ISOL. Per TS 3.4.4.b, must also remove power from block valve, XVG-8000B.
* PI-457.
CRS/RO 4. Check If PI-445. CNTRl CHAN PRESS PSIG, indication is NORMAL CRS/RO 5. Ensure ROD CNTRl BANK SEl Switch is In AUTO. CRS/RO 6. Maintain RCS pressure between 2220 pslg and 2250 psig.
                                        . P1-457. PRESS PSIG RO                           P1-444. CNTRl
Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of_ Event
: 3. Check if PI-444. CNTRL CHAN PRESS PSIG is NORMAL Critical C~,iticpl    CRS/RO         3. IF PT-444 failed, then perform the following:
a) Ensure the PZR Spray Valves are closed:
                                    .  .
c) Operate the PZR Heaters and Spray Valves in manual to control RCS pressure between 2220 psig and 2250 psig.
d) Within one hour; close MVG-8000B. RELIEF 444 B ISOL.
Per TS 3.4.4.b, must also remove power from block valve, XVG-8000B.
CRS/RO             4. Check If P1-445.
PI-445. CNTRL CNTRl CHAN PRESS PSIG, indication is NORMAL CRS/RO             5. Ensure ROD CNTRL CNTRl BANK SEL  SEl Switch is In AUTO.
CRS/RO             6. Maintain RCS pressure between 2220 pslg and 2250 psig.
Op-Test No.:
Op-Test No.:            Scenario No.:
Scenario   No.:           Event No.:
Event  No.:          Page _ _ o Page       of f _

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CRS/SE 7. Determine and correct the cause of the channel failure. No repair will occur for this event. CRS Reference TS 3.4.4.b. for PORV failure. Must remove power from block valve in this case. End of PT-444 failure event .. AOP-401.10 Start of N-44 Failure and Rods Fail To Move event. Crew should enter:
* AOP-401.10 for N-44 Failure (steps 1&2 are immediate actions).
* AOP-403.4 for Stuck Control Rods (steps 1&2 are immediate actions) .. RO should notice rods did not move when N-44 failed. RO N-44 starts failing hi, the following alarms are received:
XCP 6201-1 PR HI SETPT FLUX HI XCP 620 1-4 PR CHAN DEV XCP 620 1-5 PR UP DET FLUX HI DEV AUTO DEFEAT XCP 620 1-6 PR LO DET FLUX HI DEV AUTO DEFEAT RO 1. Verify normal indication on Power Range Channel N-44. IF Power Range Channel N-44 has failed, THEN place the ROD CNTRl BANK SEl Switch in MAN. RO 2. Stabilize any plant transients in progress.
CRS/RO 3. Maintain stable plant conditions CRS/RO 4. Verify no testing .is in progress on the operable Power Range channels.
CRS/RO S. Place ROD STOP BYPASS Switch for the failed Power Range channel in BYPASS.
Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of Event

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CRS/RO 6. Verify the appropriate Rod Stop Bypass status light is lit:
Time         Position                     Applicants Actions or Behavior CRS/SE        7. Determine and correct the cause of the channel failure.
* For N-44, B2 OP ROD STOP BYP (XCP-6111 4-4). CRS/RO 7. Adjust Control Rods to maintain Tavg within l.O&deg;F of Trcf The empty fuse holders should NOT be reinstalled as this will allow a small amount of current flow through the blown fuse indicator CRS/RO 8. Deenergize the failed Power Range channel: .
No repair will occur for this event.
* Remove the CONTROL POWER fuses from the POWER RANGE A drawer of N-44. ,.
CRS          Reference TS 3.4.4.b. for PORV failure. Must remove power from block valve in this case.
* Remove the INSTR POWER fuses from the POWER RANGE B drawer of N-44. CRS/RO 9. Align the Power Range channel comparator circuits:
End of PT-444 failure eventevent....
AOP-401.1O AOP-401.10 Start of N-44 Failure and Rods Fail To Move event. Crew should enter:
                                *. AOP-401.10 AOP-401. 10 for N-44 Failure (steps 1&2 are immediate actions).
                                *. AOP-403.4    for Stuck Control Rods (steps 1&2 actions)....
are immediate actions)
RO should notice notice_rods_did rods did not movemove_when_N-44 when N-44 failed.
RD RO            N-44 starts failing hi, the following alarms are received:
XCP 6201-1 620 1-1 PR HI SETPT FLUX HI XCP 620 1-4 PR CHAN DEV XCP 620 1-5 PR UP DET FLUX HI DEV AUTO DEFEAT XCP 620 1-6 PR LO DET FLUX HI DEV AUTO DEFEAT RD RO            1. Verify normal indication on Power Range Channel N-44.
IF Power Range Channel N-44 has failed, THEN place the ROD CNTRLCNTRl BANK SEL    SEl Switch in MAN.
RD RO            2. Stabilize any plant transients in progress.
CRS/RO        3. Maintain stable plant conditions CRS/RO        4. Verify no testing .is .is in in progress on the operable Power Range channels.
CRS/RO        S. Place ROD STOP BYPASS Switch for the failed 5.
Power Power Range channel in      in BYPASS.
Op-Test No.:            Scenario No.:            Event No.:          Page _ _ of Event
== Description:==
Time          Position                    Applicants Actions or Behavior CRS/RO        6. Verify the appropriate Rod Stop Bypass status light is lit:
                                *. For N-44, B2 OP ROD STOP BYP (XCP-6111 (XCP-61 11 4-4).
CRS/RO       7. Adjust Control Rods to maintain Tavg within l.O&deg;F  1.0&deg;F of Trcf The empty fuse holders should NOT be reinstalled as this will allow a small amount of current flow through the blown fuse indicator CRS/RO       8. Deenergize the failed Power Range channel: .
                              ** Remove the CONTROL POWER fuses from the POWER RANGE A drawer of N-44.
                              *. Remove the INSTR POWER fuses from the POWER RANGE B drawer of N-44.
CRS/RO         9. Align the Power Range channel comparator circuits:
: a. Place the following switches to the failed Power Range channel (N-44) position:
: a. Place the following switches to the failed Power Range channel (N-44) position:
                                  *. COMPARATOR CHANNEL DEFEAT Switch (on the COMPARATOR AND RATE drawer)
                                  *. UPPER SECTION Switch (on tre   the DETECTOR CURRENT COMPARATOR drawer)
* LOWER SECTION Switch (on the DETECTOR CURRENT COMPARATOR drawer). CRS/RO 10. Ensure NR-45 is selected to the appropriate operable channels.
                                *. LOWER SECTION Switch (on the DETECTOR CURRENT COMPARATOR drawer).
CRS/SE 11. Within six hours, place the failed channel Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of Event
CRS/RO CRS!RO        10. Ensure NR-45 is selected to the appropriate operable channels.
CRS/SE         11. Within six hours, place the failed channel
Op-Test No.:            Scenario No.:              Event No.:          Page _ _ of Event
== Description:==
== Description:==
Time          Position                      Applicants Actions or Behavior protection bistables in a tripped condition:
: a. Identify the associated bistables for the failed channel (N-44). REFER to Attachment 1.
: b. Record the following for each associated bistable on SOP-401, REACTOR PROTECTION AND CONTROL SYSTEM, Attachment I:
                              *. Instrument
                              *. Associated Bistable
                              *. Bistable Location.
                              ** STPs.
: c. Notify the I&Cl&C Department to place the identified bistables in trip.
CRS/RO        12. Verify Reactor Power is lESS    LESS THAN 75%.
CRS            13. Refer to Tech Spec 3.3.1.
CRS/SE        14. Determine and correct the cause of the Power Range channel failure.
Cause of failure will not be determined for this event.
AO P-403.4 AOP-403.4 CRS            Following are the actions for Failure of Control Rods to Move. Steps 1    & 2 are immediate actions. This event will 1&
be occurring simultaneously with the N44 failure so the crew will be forced to prioritize between the two AOPs RO                1. The ROD CNTRL
: 1.                eNTRl BANK SEL  SEl Switch is already in MAN RO            2. Main Turbine load is already stabilized
Op-Test No.:
Op-Test                          No.:
Scenario No.:             Event No.:           Page _ _ of Event
== Description:==

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior protection bistables in a tripped condition:
Time         Position                     Applicants Actions or Behavior CRS/RO        3. Stop any boration or dilution in progress CRS/RO            1. Adjust Control Rods to maintain Tavg within 1.0 degrees of Tref.
: a. Identify the associated bistables for the failed channel (N-44). REFER to Attachment
Since Control Rods will NOT move, THEN perform the following:
: 1. b. Record the following for each associated bistable on SOP-401, REACTOR PROTECTION AND CONTROL SYSTEM, Attachment I:
                              *. Adjust Main Turbine load until Tavg is within 5 degrees of Tref
* Instrument
                              *. Initiate GTP-702, Attachment IV.A, INOPERABLE CONTROL ROD Critical    CRS                                   which will require a CRS evaluates Tech Specs following:
* Associated Bistable
plant shutdown, then performs the followinq:
* Bistable Location.
SE               a. Notify the following plant personnel;
* STPs. c. Notify the I&C Department to place the identified bistables in trip. CRS/RO 12. Verify Reactor Power is lESS THAN 75%. CRS 13. Refer to Tech Spec 3.3.1. CRS/SE 14. Determine and correct the cause of the Power Range channel failure. Cause of failure will not be determined for this event. AOP-403.4 CRS Following are the actions for Failure of Control Rods to Move. Steps 1 & 2 are immediate actions. This event will be occurring simultaneously with the N44 failure so the crew will be forced to prioritize between the two AOPs RO 1. The ROD eNTRl BANK SEl Switch is already in MAN RO 2. Main Turbine load is already stabilized Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of Event
                                        *. Management Duty Supervisor
                                        *. Reactor Engineering BOP              b. Decrease Main Turbine Load to 50 MW at a rate determined by the Shift Supervisor. (Refer to GOP-4,_POWER GOP-4,              OPERATION,_MODE_1)
BOP/RO BOP/RO'          c. Maintain Tavg within 5 degrees of Tref using the following:
                                        .* Main Turbine Load adjustment
                                        .* RCS Boration. Refer to SOP-106, REACTOR_MAKEUP REACTOR MAKEUP WATER SYSTEM While attempting to lower load, the SMALL STEAM LEAK will initiate. A MANUAL Rx    Ax Trip may be initiated due to degrading plant conditions. RX WILL NOT TRIP.
Approximately 20 minutes later LARGE STEAM BREAK.
Should receive the following annunciators:
XCP 606    2-2 RBCU 1A/2A 6062-2          1A12A DAN DRN FLO HI XCP 607    2-2 RBCU 1B/2B 6072-2          1BI2B DAN DRN FLO HI DNB TS 3.2.5 for low PZR Pressure will occur. (2206 psig) psig)
Op-Test No.:
Op-Test No.:           Scenario No.:
Scenario No.:            Event No.:
Event   No.:           Page _ _ of Page      of

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CRS/RO 3. Stop any boration or dilution in progress CRS/RO 1. Adjust Control Rods to maintain Tavg within 1.0 degrees of Tref. Since Control Rods will NOT move, THEN perform the following:
* Adjust Main Turbine load until Tavg is within 5 degrees of Tref
* Initiate GTP-702, Attachment IV.A, INOPERABLE CONTROL ROD Critical CRS CRS evaluates Tech Specs which will require a plant shutdown, then performs the followinq:
SE a. Notify the following plant personnel;
* Management Duty Supervisor
* Reactor Engineering BOP b. Decrease Main Turbine Load to 50 MW at a rate determined by the Shift Supervisor. (Refer to GOP-4, POWER OPERATION, MODE 1) BOP/RO' c. Maintain Tavg within 5 degrees of Tref using the following:
* Main Turbine Load adjustment
* RCS Boration.
Refer to SOP-106, REACTOR MAKEUP WATER SYSTEM While attempting to lower load, the SMALL STEAM LEAK will initiate.
A MANUAL Rx Trip may be initiated due to degrading plant conditions.
RX WILL NOT TRIP. Approximately 20 minutes later LARGE STEAM BREAK. Should receive the following annunciators:
XCP 6062-2 RBCU 1A12A DRN FLO HI XCP 6072-2 RBCU 1 BI2B DRN FLO HI DNB TS 3.2.5 for low PZR Pressure will occur. (2206 psi g)
Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of Event

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior EOP-1.0 & EOP-13.0 Crew will enter EOP-1.0.Step 1 and transition to EOP-13.0 since Rx will not trip. EOP 13.0 Steps 1&2 are immediate actions. RO 1. Verify Reactor Trip SINCE the Reactor will NOT trip NOR is subcritical, THEN insert Control Rods. SINCE Control Rods will NOT insert THEN Trip the Reactor per ATIACHMENT 1, TRIPPING THE REACTOR LOCALLY. ' Critical, Note: At this point the conditions are met to declare an EAL classification of "Site Area Emergency".
Event Time         Position Position                    Applicants Actions or Applicants          or Behavior Behavior           }
This declaration can be made as a follow-up question at the completion of the scenario Critical BOP 2. Verify Turbine/Generator Trip: a. Verify all Turbine STM STOP VLVs are closed. 12. Ensure Generator Trip (after 30 second delay): 1) Ensure the GEN BKR is open. 2) Ensure the GEN FIELD BKR is open. 3) Ensure the EXC FIELD CNTRL is tripped. ALL 3. Ensure EFW Pumps are running: a. Ensure both MD EFW Pumps are running. b. Verify the TO EFW Pump is running if necessary to maintain SG levels. Critical ALL 4. Initiate emergency boration of the RCS: (Not if SI in progress)
EOP-1.O & EOP-13.0 EOP-1.0        EOP-13.O Crew will enter EOP-1.0.Step Crew              EOP-1.0 Step 11 and transition to EOP-EOP 13.0 since Rx 13.0        Ax will not trip. EOP 13.0          1&2 are 13.0 Steps 1&2 immediate actions.
RO               1. Verify Reactor Trip SINCE the Reactor will NOT trip NOR is subcritical, THEN insert Control Rods.
Critical,                 Note: At this point the conditions are met to declare an EAL classification of "Site  Site Area Emergency".
This declaration can be made as a follow-up question at the completion of the scenario Critical     BOP           2. Verify Turbine/Gen      erator Trip:
: a. Verify all Turbine STM STOP VLVs are closed.
: 12. Ensure Generator Trip (after 30 second delay):
: 1) Ensure the GEN BKR is open.
: 2) Ensure the GEN FIELD BKR is open.
: 3) Ensure the EXC FIELD CNTRL is tripped.
ALL           3. Ensure EFW Pumps are running:
: a. Ensure both MD EFW Pumps are running.
: b. Verify the TD TO EFW Pump is running if necessary to maintain maintain SG SG levels.
Critical   ALL               Initiate emergency
: 4. Initiate
: 4.                        boration of emergency boration               RCS:
of the RCS:
(Not if SI in progress)
: a. Ensure at least one Charging Pump is running.
: a. Ensure at least one Charging Pump is running.
Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of Event
Op-Test No.:           Scenario No.:
Scenario   No.:           Event No.:           Page _ _ of Event

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior b. Verify PZR pressure is LESS THAN 2335 psig. c. Verify SI ACT status light is NOT lit. d. Open MVT-81 04, EMERG BORATE. e. Verify XPP-13B, BA XFER PP B, is running. f. Verify GREATER THAN 30 gpm on FI-110, EMERG BORATE FLOW GPM. If an SI signal exists or occurs, Steps 1 through 8 of EOP-1.0, REACTOR TRIP/SAFETY INJECTION ACTUATION, should be performed to verify proper SI actuation, while continuing with this procedure.
CRS may hand BOP EOP-1.0 while continuing with EOP-13.0 ALL 12. Verify Containment Ventilation Isolation Valves closed by verifying the following SAFETY INJECTION monitor lights are dim:
* XCP-6103 3-4 (POST ACCID HR EXH 6057 & 6067)
* XCP-61032-1 (POST ACCID HR EXH 6056/6066).
Critical At this point the building operator is successful at getting the RTBs open locally ALL 6. Verify the Reactor is subcritical:
: a. Power Range channels indicate LESS THAN 5%. b. Intermediate Range channels indicate a negative startup rate.
Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of_ Event

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior 12.GO TO Step 15. Observe the CAUTION' prior to Step 15. This is a continuous action step. Should have the Rx Tripped locally by time arriving at this step. ALL 15. Return to procedure and step in effect. EOP-1.0 Returns to EOP-1. 0 Step 1. Large Steam Break should occur at this time. Most Likely an AUTO SI will occur prior to MANUAL actuation due to size of steam break. RO 1. Verify Reactor Trip:
Time         Position                     Applicants Actions or Behavior
* Trip the Reactor using either Reactor Trip Switch
: b. Verify PZR pressure is LESS THAN 2335 psig.
* Verify all Reactor Trip and Bypass Breakers are open.
: c. Verify SI ACT status light is NOT lit.
* Verify all Rod Bottom Lights are lit.
: d. Open MVT-81MVT-8104, 04, EMERG BORATE.
* Verify Reactor Power level is decreasing.
: e. Verify XPP-13B, BA XFER PP B, is running.
BOP 2. Verify Turbine/Generator Trip: a. Verify all Turbine STM STOP VLVs are closed. b. Ensure Generator Trip (after 30 second delay): 1) Ensure the GEN BKR is open. 2) Ensure the GEN FIELD BKR is open. 3) Ensure the EXC FIELD CNTRL is tripped. BOP 3. Verify both ESF buses are energized.
: f. Verify GREATER THAN 30 gpm on FI-110,    Fl-i 10, EMERG BORATE FLOW GPM.
I* ALL 4. Check if SI is actuated:
If an SI signal exists or occurs, Steps 11 through 8 of EOP-1O, REACTOR TRIP/SAFETY INJECTION EOP-1.0, ACTUATION, should be performed to verify proper SI actuation, while continuing with this procedure.
CRS may hand BOP EOP-1.0 EOP- 1.0 while continuing with wIth EOP- 13.0 EOP-13.0 ALL                12. Verify Containment Ventilation Isolation Valves closed by verifying the following SAFETY INJECTION monitor lights are dim:
                                    *. XCP-6103 3-4 (POST ACCID HR EXH 6057 &          &
                                  *.          03 2-1 (POST ACCID HR EXH XCP-61032-1 XCP-61 6056/6066).
Critical                  At this point the building operator is successful at getting the RTBs open locally ALL            6. Verify the Reactor is subcritical:
: a. Power Range channels indicate LESS THAN 5%.
: b. Intermediate Range channels indicate a negative startup_rate.
startup rate.
Op-Test No.:            Scenario No.:              Event No.:          Page _ _ o of f _
== Description:==
== Description:==
Time          Position                      Applicants Actions or Behavior 12.GO TO Step 15. Observe the CAUTION' CAUTION prior to Step 15.
This is a continuous action step. Should have the Rx Tripped locally by time arriving at this step.
ALL           15. Return to procedure and step in effect.
EOP-1 .0 EOP-1.0 EOP- 1.0 Returns to EOP-1.     0 Step 1. Large Steam Break should occur at this time. Most Likely an AUTO SI will occur prior to MANUAL actuation due to size of steam break.
RO           1. Verify Reactor Trip:
                                  *. Trip the Reactor using either Reactor Trip Switch
                                  *. Verify all Reactor Trip and Bypass Breakers are open.
                                  *. Verify all Rod Bottom Lights are lit.
                                  *. Verify Reactor Power level is decreasing.
BOP           2. Verify Turbine/Generator Trip:
: a. Verify all Turbine STM STOP VLVs are closed.
: b. Ensure Generator Trip (after 30 second delay):
: 1) Ensure the GEN BKR is open.
: 2) Ensure the GEN FIELD BKR is open.
: 3) Ensure the EXC FIELD CNTRL is tripped.
BOP           3. Verify both ESF buses are energized.
ALL           4. Check if SI is actuated:
: a. Check if either:
: a. Check if either:
* SI ACT status light is bright on XCP-61 07 1-1 . OR
                                    .* SI ACT status light is bright on XCP-61 07 1-1.
* Any red first-out SI annunciator is lit on XCP-626 top row. ' b. Actuate SI using either SI ACTUATION Switch. GO TO Step 6.
1-1 .
Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of Event
                                    .* Any red first-out SI annunciator is lit on XCP XCP-626 top row. '
: b. Actuate SI using either SI ACTUATION Switch.
GO TO_Step TO Step 6.
Op-Test No.:
Op-Test No.:            Scenario No.:
Scenario  No.:          Event No.:
Event No.:            Page Page _ _ ofof Event

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior ALL 5. Check if SI is required:
== Description:==
Time         Position                   Applicants Actions or Behavior ALL           5. Check if SI is required:
: a. Check if any of the following conditions exist:
: a. Check if any of the following conditions exist:
* PZR pressure LESS THAN 1850 psig. OR
                                *. PZR pressure LESS THAN 1850 psig.
* RB pressure GREATER THAN 3.6 psig. OR
* Steamline pressure LESS THAN 675 psig. OR
                                *. RB pressure GREATER THAN 3.6 psig.
* Steamline differential pressure GREATER THAN 97 psid. b. Actuate SI using either SI ACTUATION Switch. Critical CRS/BOP 6.Complete ATTACHMENT 3, SI EQUIPMENT  
                                ** Steamline pressure LESS THAN 675 psig.
RO Notes that RBCU XFN-0064B did not auto start in SS on the SI and manually starts XFN-0064B CRS/SE 7. Announce plant conditions over the page system. CRS/RO a.Verify RB pressure has remained LESS THAN 12 psig on PR-951, RB PSIG (P-951), red pen. RO 8 Perform the following:
a) Verify both the following annunciators are lit: XCP-612 3-2 (RB SPR ACT). XCP-612 4-2 (PHASE B ISOL). IF either annunciator is NOT lit, THEN actuate RB Spray by placing the following switches to ACTUATE: Both CS-SGA 1 and CS-SGA2. OR Both CS-SGB1 and CS-SGB2. MVG-3003A(B), SPRAY HDR ISOL LOOP A(B). RO b) Verify Phase B Isolation by ensuring RB PRA Y/PHASE B ISOL monitor lights are bright on XCP-6105. RO c) Ensure the following are open: MVG-3001A(B), RWST TO SPRAY PUMP A(B) SUCT.
                                *. Steamline differential pressure GREATER THAN 97psid.
Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of Event
97 psid.
: b. Actuate SI using either SI ACTUATION Switch.
RO           Notes that RBCU XFN-0064B did not auto start in SS on the SI and manually starts XFN-0064B CRS/SE       7. Announce plant conditions over the page system.
CRS/RO       8.Verify RB pressure has remained LESS THAN 12 a.Verify psig_on_PR-951,_RB_PSIG_(P-951),_red_pen.
psig   on PR-951, RB PSIG (P-951), red pen.
RO           8 Perform the following:
a) Verify both the following annunciators are lit:
XCP-612 3-2 (RB SPR ACT).
XCP-612 4-2 (PHASE B    B ISOL).
IF either annunciator is NOT lit, THEN actuate RB Spray by placing the following switches to ACTUATE:
Both CS-SGA1 CS-SGA 1 and CS-SGA2.
OR Both CS-SGB1 and CS-SGB2.
RO           b) Verify Phase BB Isolation by ensuring RB PRAY/PHASE PRA Y/PHASE B    B ISOL ISOL monitor monitor lights lights are bright on XCP XCP-6105.
RO               Ensure the following are open:
c) Ensure MVG-3001A(B),
Op-Test No.:
Op-Test No.:            Scenario No.:
Scenario  No.:            Event No.:
Event No.:             Page Page _ _ of    of

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior MVG-3002A(B), NAOH TO SPRAY PUMP A(B) SUCT. RO d) Ensure both RB Spray Pumps are running Of the RO has not alread'/..
done sOz at this l2.oint the RO manuall'/..
starts the "B" RB Sl2.ra'/..l2.uml2.
== Description:==
that did not auto start on the Phase B isolation sianal.J RO e) Verify RB Spray flow is GREATER THAN 2500 gpm for each operating train on FI-7368, SPR PP A DISCH FLOW GPM. FI-7378, SPR PP B DISCH FLOW GPM. (At this l2.oint the RO notes that there is no flow indicated on FI-7368 but that all other indications are normal and diaanoses it as a failed indicator.)
Critical RO f) Stop all RCPs (if not already stopped on <1400 ;psig and SI flow). CRS/RO 9.Check RCS temperature:
* With any RCP running, RCS Tavg is stable at OR trending to 557"F OR
[  Time Time         Position Position                     Applicants Applicants Actions MVG-3002A(B), NAOH MVG-3002A(B),
* With no RCP running, RCS Tcold is stable at OR trending to 557"F. IF RCS temperature is LESS THAN 557"F AND decreasing, THEN: a) Place the STM DUMP CNTRL Controller in MAN and closed. b) Place the STM DUMP MODE SELECT Switch in STM PRESS. c) Ensure all Steamline PORVs and Condenser Steam Dumps are closed. d) IF RCS cooldown continues, THEN: (Could get red path on EOP-1S.0 ifthrott/e too Op-Test No.: Time Position Scenario No.: Event No.: . -----------Page __ of Applicants Actions or Behavior much) 1) I F Narrow Range SG level is LESS THAN 30% [50%] in all SGs, THEN reduce EFW flow as necessary to stop the cooldown, while maintaining total EFW flow GREATER THAN 450 gpm. 2) WHEN Narrow Range SG level is GREATER THAN 30% [50%] in at least one SG, THEN control EFW flow as necessary to stabilize RCS temperature at 557"F. 3) IF RCS cooldown continues, THEN close:
Actions or NAOH TO or Behavior Behavior TO SPRAY SPRAY PUMP  PUMP A(B)
RO           d) Ensure both RB Spray Pumps are running Of             (If the RO already done sOz has not alread'/..         so, at this l2.oint point thethe RO manually starts the "B" manuall'/..               B RB Sl2.ra'/..l2.uml2.
Spray pump that did not auto start on the Phase B isolation sianal.J   signal.)
RO           e) Verify RB Spray flow is GREATER THAN 2500 gpm for each operating train on FI-7368, SPR PP A DISCH FLOW GPM.
FI-7378, point the RO notes that there is no flow (At this l2.oint Fl-7368 but that all other indications are indicated on FI-7368 diagnoses it as a failed indicator.)
normal and diaanoses                          indicatorj Critical     RO           f) Stop all RCPs (if not already stopped on <1400 ;psig        psig and SI flow).
CRS/RO       9.Check RCS temperature:
                                  *. With any RCP running, RCS Tavg is stable at OR trending to 557F 557"F OR
                                  *. With no RCP running, RCS Tcold is stable at OR 557F.
trending to 557"F.
IF RCS temperature is LESS THAN 557F        557"F AND decreasing, THEN:
a) Place the STM DUMP CNTRL Controller in MAN and closed.
c) Ensure all Steamline PORV5PORVs and Condenser Steam Dumps are closed.
Dumps d) d) IF   RCS cooldown continues, IF RCS              continues, THEN:
(Could get get red path_on_EOP-path on EOP-1S.0           throttle_too 15.0_ififthrott/e   too
Op-Test No.:           Scenario No.: - - - - - - Event No.: .- - - - - Page _ _ of _~I Event
== Description:==
Time          Position                    Applicants Actions or Behavior much)
: 1) IIFF Narrow Range SG level is LESS THAN 30%
in all SGs, THEN reduce EFW flow as necessary to stop the cooldown, while maintaining total EFW flow GREATER THAN 450 gpm.
: 2) WHEN Narrow Range SG level is GREATER THAN 30% [50%] in at least one SG, THEN control EFW flow as necessary to stabilize RCS temperature at 557F.
: 3) IF RCS cooldown continues, THEN close:
* MS Isolation Valves, PVM-2801A(B)(C).
* MS Isolation Valves, PVM-2801A(B)(C).
* MS Isolation Bypass Valves, PVM-2869A(B)(C).
* MS Isolation Bypass Valves, PVM-2869A(B)(C).
IF ReS temperature is GREATER THAN 557"F AND increasing, THEN: a) Verify PERMISV C-9 status light is bright on XCP-6114 1-3. b) IF the Condenser is available, THEN ensure Condenser Steam Dump Valves are open. c) IF the Condenser is NOT available, THEN open the Steamline PORVs, PCV-2000(2010)(2020):
IF ReS RCS temperature is GREATER THAN 557"F       557F AND increasing, THEN:
: 1) Place the PWR RELIEF A(B)(C) SETPT Controllers in MAN and closed. Place the Steam line Power Relief A(B)(C) Mode Switches in PWR RLF.
a) Verify PERMISV PERM ISV C-9 status light is bright on XCP XCP-6114 1-3.
Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of Event
b) IF the Condenser is available, THEN ensure Condenser Steam Dump Valves are open.
c) IF the Condenser is NOT available, THEN open the Steam                PCV-2000(20 10) (2020):
line PORVs, PCV-2000(2010)(2020):
: 1) Place the PWR RELIEF A(B)(C) SETPT 1)
Controllers in MAN and closed.
Steam line Power Relief A(B)(C) Mode Place the Steamline Switches in PWR RLF.
Op-Test No.:
Op-Test  No.:          Scenario    No.:
Scenario No.:              Event Event No.:
No.:            Page Page _ _ ofof Event
== Description:==
== Description:==
Time Time          Position Position                      Applicants Actions Applicants  Actions or or Behavior Behavior
: 3) Adjust the PWR RELIEF A(B)(C) SETPT Controllers as necessary to reduce RCS temperature.
Ciritical Critical      BOP          By step 9 in EOP-1.0 EOP-tO the faulted SG should have been diagnosed as "c"      C and EFW to "c"  C SG should be secured (FCV closed) (OAP-103.4)
CRS/RO        10. Check PZR PORVs and Spray Valves:
: a. PZR PORVs are closed.
: b. PZR Spray Valves are closed.
c.Verify power is available to at least one PZR PORV Block Valve:
                                    *. MVG-8000A, RELI  RELIEFEF 445 A ISOL.
                                    *. MVG-8000B, RELIEF 444 B ISOL.
                                    *. MVG-8000C, RELIEF 445 BISOL. B ISOL.
d.Verify at least one PZR PORV Block Valve is open.
OPEN one Block Valve unless it was closed to isolate an open PZR PORV.
CRS/RO        11. Check if RCPs should be stopped:
a.Check if either of the following criteria is met:
                                  .* Annunciator XCP-612 4-2 is lit (PHASE B        B ISOL).
                                  .* RCS pressure is LESS THAN 1400        1400 psig AND SI flow is indicated on Fl-943, FI-943, CHG LOOP B    B CLD/HOT LG FLOW GPM.
Stop all RCPs (already stopped).
: b. Stop CiitaL C~:ijC.,8L  CRS/BOP CRS/BOP        12.
: 12. Verify no  no SG SG is is FAULTED:
                                .*    No No SG  pressure is SG pressure    is decreasing decreasing in  an uncontrolled in an  uncontrolled
Op-Test No.:            Scenario No.: No.:              Event Event No.:          Page _ _ of of_
== Description:==
Time          Position manner.
Applicants Actions or Behavior              ]
                                    . No SG is completely depressurized.
depressurized .
will leave this procedure and transition to EOP-3.O, Crew will/eave                                            EOP-3.0, step 1.
EOP-3.0 EOP-3.O CRS/BOP      1. Ensure all the following are closed:
                                *. MS Isolation Valves, PVM-2801 PVM-2801A(B)(G).
                              *.      MS Isolation Bypass Valves, PW-2869A(B)(C).
ALL          2. Check if any SG is NON-FAULTED:
                                  *..                                        increasing..
Pressure in any SG is stable or increasing
* Any SG is not completely depressurized ALL          3. Identify any FAULTED SG(s):
                                *. Any SG    SO pressure decreasing in an uncontrolled manner.
                              *.      Any SGSO is NOT completely depressurized CRS/BOP      4. Close the following valves for each FAULTED SG:
                              *.      FW Flow Control FCV        -498 FCV-498
                              *.      FW Isolation, isolation, PVG-1611C
                              *.      SG Blowdown. PVG-503C
                              *.      FW Flow Control Bypass FCV    FCV-3341
                                                                          -3341 ALL          5. Complete the isolation of each FAULTED SG:
: a.      Close SG Chemical Feed Isolation, MVK-1633C a._Close_SG_Chemical_Feed_Isolation,_MVK-1633C
Op-Test No.:           Scenario No.: - - - - - - Event No.: -----
Page _ _ o of f _
Event Event
== Description:==
== Description:==
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Time          Position                      Applicants Actions or Behavior
: b. Close MS Drain Isolation PVT-2843C
: c. Close MS Drain Isolation, PVT-2877B for SG C.
: d. Place the Steamline PWR RELIEF C SETPT Controller in MAN and closed.
: e. Place the Steamline Power Relief C Mode Switch in PWR RLF
: f. Close FCV-3551 MD EFP TO SG C
: g. Close FCV-3556 TD EFP TO SG C XVGO1 01 7C-EF SG C
: h. Locally unlock and close XVG01017C-EF MTR DR EF PUMP SUPPLY HEADER VALVE (I B-423).
: i. Locally unlock and close XVK01      019C-EF SG C MTR DR EF PUMP SUPPLY STOP CHK VLV (IB-423).
: j. Locally unlock and close XVG01 018C-EF 01 8C-EF SG C TURB DR EF PUMP SUPPLY HDR VALVE (lB-423).  (IB-423).
: k. Locally unlock and close XVKO1O2OC-EF XVK01020C-EF SG C TURB DR EF PUMP SUP STOP CHK VALVE (IB-423)
I. Close and locally deenergize the appropriate valve if SG B BorSGCis or SG C is FAULTED:
* ForSGC:
For SG C:
: 1) Open XMCIDB2Y O5EH.
: 1)                    OSEH.
: 2) Close MVG-2802B MS LOOP C TO TD EFP
Op-Test No.:                        No:
Scenario No.:              Event No.:          Page _ _ of Event

== Description:==
== Description:==
Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior 3) Adjust the PWR RELIEF A(B)(C) SETPT Controllers as necessary to reduce RCS temperature.
Ciritical BOP By step 9 in EOP-1.0 the faulted SG should have been diagnosed as "c" and EFW to "c" SG should be secured (FCV closed) (OAP-103.4)
CRS/RO 10. Check PZR PORVs and Spray Valves: a. PZR PORVs are closed. b. PZR Spray Valves are closed. c.Verify power is available to at least one PZR PORV Block Valve:
* MVG-8000A, RELI EF 445 A ISOL.
* MVG-8000B, RELIEF 444 B ISOL.
* MVG-8000C, RELIEF 445 BISOL. d.Verify at least one PZR PORV Block Valve is open. OPEN one Block Valve unless it was closed to isolate an open PZR PORV. CRS/RO 11. Check if RCPs should be stopped: a.Check if either of the following criteria is met:
* Annunciator XCP-612 4-2 is lit (PHASE B ISOL). OR
* RCS pressure is LESS THAN 1400 psig AND SI flow is indicated on FI-943, CHG LOOP B CLD/HOT LG FLOW GPM. b. Stop all RCPs (already stopped).
CRS/BOP 12. Verify no SG is FAULTED:
* No SG pressure is decreasing in an uncontrolled Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of_ Event

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior manner.
Time         Position                       Applicants Actions or Behavior Critical    BOP          Faulted SG is Isolated ALL          6. Check if Secondary radiation levels are normal:
* No SG is completely depressurized . GO TO EOP-3.0, FAULTED STEAM GENERATOR ISOLATION, Step 1. Crew will/eave this procedure and transition to EOP-3.0, step 1. EOP-3.0 CRS/BOP 1. Ensure all the following are closed:
: a. Check radiation levels normal on all unisolated radiation monitors:
* MS Isolation Valves, PVM-2801 A(B)(G).
                                  *. RM-G19C STMLN HI RNG GAMMA.
* MS Isolation Bypass Valves, PW-2869A(B)(C).
                                  *. RM-L3, STEAM GENERATOR BLOWDOWN LIQUID MONITORMONITOR..
ALL 2. Check if any SG is NON-FAULTED:
                                * . RM-LiO.
* Pressure in any SG is stable or increasing .
                                  .    . RM-LIO. SG BLOWDOWN CW DISCHARGE LIQUID MONITOR.
* Any SG is not completely depressurized ALL 3. Identify any FAULTED SG(s):
                                *. RM-A9, CNDSR EXHAUST GAS ATMOS MONITOR.
* Any SG pressure decreasing in an uncontrolled manner. OR
: b. Notify Chemistry to sample all SG secondary sides and screen samples for abnormal activity using a frisker.
* Any SG is NOT completely depressurized CRS/BOP 4. Close the following valves for each FAULTED SG:
ALL          7. Check if SI flow should be reduced:
* FW Flow Control FCV -498
Tl-499A(B), A(B) TEMP OF is subcooiing on TI-499A(B),
* FW Isolation, PVG-1611C
: a. RCS subcooling GREATER    THAN    30F.
* SG Blowdown.
: b. Secondary Heat Sink is adequate:
* FW Flow Control Bypass FCV -3341 ALL 5. Complete the isolation of each FAULTED SG: a. Close SG Chemical Feed Isolation, MVK-1633C Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: -----------Page __ of_ Event
                                *. Total EFW flow to INTACT SG5    SGs is GREATER THAN 450 gpm.
                                . Narrow Range level is GREATER THAN 30%
[50%] in at least one INTACT SG.
: c. RCS pressure is stable OR increasing.
: d. PZR level is GREATER THAN 18%        18% [38%j
(IF PZR LEVEL <      < 18%[38%J, 18%[38%], THEN transition to EOP EOP-2.0, see attachment of EOP-2.0 steps)
CRS/RO        8. Reset both SI RESET TRAIN A(B)      A(8) Switches.
CRS/RO        9. Reset Containment Isolation:
                                .*   RESET PHASE A TRAIN A(B) CNTMT ISOL.
Op-Test No.:           Scenario No.:               Event No.:           Page _ _ of Event

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time         Position                       Applicants Actions or Behavior
_ Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior b. Close MS Drain Isolation PVT-2843C
                                *. RESET PHASE B    B TRAIN A(B) CNTMT ISOL.
: c. Close MS Drain Isolation, PVT-2877B for SG C. d. Place the Steamline PWR RELIEF C SETPT Controller in MAN and closed. e. Place the Steamline Power Relief C Mode Switch in PWR RLF f. Close FCV-3551 MD EFP TO SG C g. Close FCV-3556 TD EFP TO SG C h. Locally unlock and close XVG01017C-EF SG C MTR DR EF PUMP SUPPLY HEADER VALVE (IB-423).
CRS/BOP      10. Place both ESF LOADING SEQ A(B) RESETS to:
: i. Locally unlock and close XVK01 019C-EF SG C MTR DR EF PUMP SUPPLY STOP CHK VLV (IB-423).
: j. Locally unlock and close XVG01 018C-EF SG C TURB DR EF PUMP SUPPLY HDR VALVE (IB-423).
: k. Locally unlock and close XVK01020C-EF SG C TURB DR EF PUMP SUP STOP CHK VALVE (IB-423) I. Close and locally deenergize the appropriate valve if SG B or SG C is FAULTED:
CRS/RO        11. Establish Instrument Air to the RB:
: a. Start one Instrument Air Compressor and place the other in Standby.
: 2) Close MVG-2802B MS LOOP C TO TD EFP Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of Event
: b. Open PVA-2659, INST AIR TO RB AIR SERVo      SERV.
: c. Open PVT-2660. AIR SPLY TO RB CRS          12. GO TO EOP-1.2, SAFETY INJECTION TERMINATION, Step 1.
Examiners may wish to end scenario at this point    point, but have included some actions from EOP-1.2 if needed.
EOP-2.O, EOP-2.0 If previously entered EOP-2.0,      EOP-2.O will transition back to EOP-1.2.
V                                    EOP-1.2 CRS/RO          a. Stop all but one Charging Pump and place in Standby.
CRS/RO          b. Verify ReS RCS pressure is stable OR increasing.
CRS/RO        3. Establish Normal Charging:
: a. Close FCV-122, CHG FLOW.
: b. Open both MVG-8107 and MVG-81    MVG-8108,08, CHG LINE ISOL.
: c. Adjust FCV-122, CHG FLOW, to obtain 60 gpm c._Adjust_FCV-122,_CHG_FLOW,_to_obtain_60_gpm
Op-Test No.:             Scenario No.:               Event No.:           Page _ _ of Event

== Description:==
== Description:==
Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Critical BOP Faulted SG is Isolated ALL 6. Check if Secondary radiation levels are normal: a. Check radiation levels normal on all unisolated radiation monitors:
II  Time         Position                         Applicants Actions or Behavior Charging flow.
: c. Close both MVG-8801A(B), HI HEAD TO COLD LEG INJ CRS/RO          d. Control FCV-122, CHG FLOW, to maintain PZR level.
* RM-A9, CNDSR EXHAUST GAS ATMOS MONITOR. b. Notify Chemistry to sample all SG secondary sides and screen samples for abnormal activity using a frisker. ALL 7. Check if SI flow should be reduced: a. RCS subcooling on TI-499A(B), A(B) TEMP OF is GREATER THAN 30"F. b. Secondary Heat Sink is adequate:
Critical Critical. RO              SI terminated and normal charging restored.
* Total EFW flow to INTACT SGs is GREATER THAN 450 gpm. OR
CRS/RO          5. Check if RHR Pumps should be stopped:
* Narrow Range level is GREATER THAN 30% [50%] in at least one INTACT SG. c. RCS pressure is stable OR increasing.
: a. Check if any RHR Pump is running with suction aligned to the RWST.
: d. PZR level is GREATER THAN 18% [38%] (IF PZR LEVEL < 18%[38%J, THEN transition to EOP-2.0, see attachment of EOP-2.0 steps) CRS/RO 8. Reset both SI RESET TRAIN A(8) Switches.
: e. Stop any RHR Pump which is running with suction aligned to the RWST and place in Standby.
CRS/RO 9. Reset Containment Isolation:
CRS!RO CRS/RO          f. Verify SI flow is NOT required:
Tl-499A(B), A(B) TEMP "F,
Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of Event
: g. RCS subcooling on TI-499A(B),                    F, is GREATER THAN 30"F    30F
: h. PZR level is GREATER THAN 18% [38%].
CRS/RO         7. Check if RB Spray should be stopped:
: a. Check if any RB Spray Pumps are running.
: b. Verify RB pressure is LESS THAN pressure is LESS
* THAN 111 1 psig.
: c. Depress both RESET TRAIN A(B) RB SPRAY.
: i. Verify EOP-14.0, EOP-14.O, RESPONSE TO INADEQUATE CORE  COOLING, has NOT been implemented.
Op-Test No.:                     No.: _ _ _ Event No.: _ __
Scenario No.:                                  Page _ _ of _ - - I I Event

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior
== Description:==
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
: b. AUTO-START BLOCKS. CRS/RO 11. Establish Instrument Air to the RB: a. Start one Instrument Air Compressor and place the other in Standby. b. Open PVA-2659, INST AIR TO RB AIR SERVo c. Open PVT-2660.
Time           Position                   Applicants Actions or Behavior
AIR SPLY TO RB CRS 12. GO TO EOP-1.2, SAFETY INJECTION TERMINATION, Step 1. Examiners may wish to end scenario at this point, but have included some actions from EOP-1.2 if needed. If previously entered EOP-2.0, EOP-2.0 will transition back to EOP-1.2. EOP-1.2 CRS/RO a. Stop all but one Charging Pump and place in Standby. CRS/RO b. Verify ReS pressure is stable OR increasing.
: e. Stop both RB Spray Pumps and place in Standby.
CRS/RO 3. Establish Normal Charging:
: f. Close MVG-3003A(B), SPRAY HOR      HDR ISOL LOOP A(B).
: a. Close FCV-122, CHG FLOW. b. Open both MVG-8107 and MVG-81 08, CHG LINE ISOL. c. Adjust FCV-122, CHG FLOW, to obtain 60 gpm Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of Event
CRS/RO        9. Check if Letdown can be established:
: a. Verify PZR level is GREATER THAN 30% [50%]
: b. Establish Normal Letdown:
: 1) Adjust FCV-122, CHG FLOW, to obtain 60 gpm Charging flow.
: 2) Set PCV-145, LO PRESS LTON,  LTDN, to 70%.
: 3) Open TCV-144, CC TO LTON  LTDN HX.
: 4) Open PVT-8152, L  LTDN TON LINE ISOL.
: 5) Open both LCV-459 and LCV-460, LTON    LTDN LINE ISOL.
: 6) Open desired Orifice Isolation Valve(s) to obtain 60 gpm to 120 gpm:
* PVT-8149B, LTDN LTON ORIFICE B    B ISOL (60 gpm).
: 7) Adjust FCV-122, CHG FLOW, to maintain TI-140, 140, REGEN HX OUT TEMP F,    <IF, between 250F 250"F and 350"F while maintaining PZR level.
: 8) Adjust PCV-145, LO PRESS LTDN, LTON, to maintain
Op-Test No.:
Op-Test No.:           Scenario Scenario No.:
No.:            Event No.:
Event No.:             Page Page _ _ of of_

== Description:==
== Description:==

II Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Charging flow. c. Close both MVG-8801A(B), HI HEAD TO COLD LEG INJ CRS/RO d. Control FCV-122, CHG FLOW, to maintain PZR level. Critical RO SI terminated and normal charging restored.
CRS/RO 5. Check if RHR Pumps should be stopped: a. Check if any RHR Pump is running with suction aligned to the RWST. e. Stop any RHR Pump which is running with suction aligned to the RWST and place in Standby. CRS/RO f. Verify SI flow is NOT required:
: g. RCS subcooling on TI-499A(B), A(B) TEMP "F, is GREATER THAN 30"F h. PZR level is GREATER THAN 18% [38%]. CRS/RO 7. Check if RB Spray should be stopped: a. Check if any RB Spray Pumps are running. b. Verify RB pressure is LESS THAN pressure is LESS THAN 11 psig. c. Depress both RESET TRAIN A(B) RB SPRAY. i. Verify EOP-14.0, RESPONSE TO INADEQUATE CORE COOLING, has NOT been implemented.
Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: ___ Event No.: __ _ Page __ of _--II Event

== Description:==
== Description:==
, ______________________
_ Time Position CRS/RO Applicants Actions or Behavior e. Stop both RB Spray Pumps and place in Standby. f. Close MVG-3003A(B), SPRAY HOR ISOL LOOP A(B). 9. Check if Letdown can be established:
Time         Position                     Applicants Actions or or Behavior Behavior P1-i 45, LO PRESS LTDN PRESS PSIG, PI-145, between 300 psig and 400 psig.
: a. Verify PZR level is GREATER THAN 30% [50%] b. Establish Normal Letdown: 1) Adjust FCV-122, CHG FLOW, to obtain 60 gpm Charging flow. 2) Set PCV-145, LO PRESS LTON, to 70%. 3) Open TCV-144, CC TO LTON HX. 4) Open PVT-8152, L TON LINE ISOL. 5) Open both LCV-459 and LCV-460, LTON LINE ISOL. 6) Open desired Orifice Isolation Valve(s) to obtain 60 gpm to 120 gpm:
: 9) Place PCV-145, LO PRESS LTDN, in AUTO.
* PVT-8149A, LTON ORIFICE A ISOL (45 gpm).
: 10) Place TCV-144, CC TO LTDN HX, in AUTO.
* PVT-8149B, L TON ORIFICE B ISOL (60 gpm).
* PVT-8149C, LTON ORIFICE C ISOL (60 gpm). 7) Adjust FCV-122, CHG FLOW, to maintain TI-140, REGEN HX OUT TEMP <IF, between 250"F and 350"F while maintaining PZR level. 8) Adjust PCV-145, LO PRESS LTON, to maintain Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of_ Event
CRS/RO CRS!RO        9. Check the Reactor Makeup System:
: a. Set FCV-1    13 A&B, BA FLOW, Controller to 8.6.
: j. Ensure the Reactor Makeup System is in AUTO.
CRS/RO        10. Transfer Charging Pump suction to the VCT:
: a. Open both LCV-115C(E),
: k. Close both LCV-115B(D),
Examiners should end scenario at this point as SI is now secured.
EOP-2.0  (if necessarYl EOP-2.O {if  necessary)
EOP-2.O, Loss of The following are applicable steps of EOP-2.0, Reactor or Secondary Coolant. This would be entered if PZR Level was too low for EOP-1.2 transition.
ALL          1. Check if RCPs should be stopped:
: a. Check if either of the following criteria is met:
                                *. Annunciator XCP-612 4-2 is lit (PHASE B ISOL) ISOL)..
                                *. RCS    pressure is LESS THAN 1400 psig AND SI flow is indicated on FI-943, CHG LOOP B CLD/HOT LG FLOW GPM.
: b. Sto~ all RCPs.
Op-Test No.:           Scenario No.:                 Event No.:         Page _ _ o of f _

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior PI-145, LO PRESS LTDN PRESS PSIG, between 300 psig and 400 psig. 9) Place PCV-145, LO PRESS LTDN, in AUTO. 10) Place TCV-144, CC TO LTDN HX, in AUTO. CRS/RO 9. Check the Reactor Makeup System: a. Set FCV-113 A&B, BA FLOW, Controller to 8.6. j. Ensure the Reactor Makeup System is in AUTO. CRS/RO 10. Transfer Charging Pump suction to the VCT: a. Open both LCV-115C(E), VCT OUTLET ISOL. k. Close both LCV-115B(D), RWST TO CHG PP SUCT. Examiners should end scenario at this point as SI is now secured. EOP-2.0 {if necessarYl The following are applicable steps of EOP-2.0, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant. This would be entered if PZR Level was too low for EOP-1.2 transition.
Time         Position                         Applicants Actions or Behavior CRS/BOP      2. Verify no SG is FAULTED:
ALL 1. Check if RCPs should be stopped: a. Check if either of the following criteria is met:
                                    *. No SG pressure is decreasing in an uncontrolled manner.
* Annunciator XCP-612 4-2 is lit (PHASE B ISOL) . OR
                                  *. No SG is completely depressurized.
* RCS pressure is LESS THAN 1400 psig AND SI flow is indicated on FI-943, CHG LOOP B CLD/HOT LG FLOW GPM. b.
CRS/BOP      3.. Check INTACT SG levels:
all RCPs.
Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of_ Event
: a. Verify Narrow Range level in INTACT SGs is GREATER THAN 30% [50%].
I.        Control EFW flow to maintain Narrow Range level in each INTACT SG between 40% [50%] and 60%.
CRS/RO        4. Reset both SI RESET TRAIN A(8)          A(B) Switches.
CRS!RO CRS/RO       5. Reset Containment Isolation:
                                  *. RESET PHASE A -TRAIN A(B) CNTMT ISOL.
ALL           6. Check if Secondary radiation levels are normal:
: a. Check radiation levels normal on:
                                  *. RM-G19A(B)(C), STMLN HI RNG GAMMA.
                                  *. RM-A9, CNDSR EXHAUST GAS ATMOS MONITOR.
                                *. RM-L3, STEAM GENERATOR BLOWDOWN LIQUID MONITOR.
                                *. RM-L      10, SG BLOWDOWN CW DISCHARGE RM-L10, LIQUID MONITOR.
: b. Place SVX-9398A(B)(C), SG A(B)(C) SMPL ISOL, in AUTO.
: m. Notify Chemistry to sample all'      all SG secondary sides and screen' screen samples for abnormal activity using a frisker.
CRS/RO        7. Check PZR PORVs and Block Valves:
: a.      Verify power is available to the PZR PORV Block a._Verify_power_is_available_to_the_PZR_PORV_Block
Op-Test No.:           Scenario No.: - - - - - - Event No.: -----
Page _ _ of _--II Event

== Description:==
== Description:==
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Time Time          Position                    Applicants Actions or Behavior Valves:
: 1) MVG-8000A, RELIEF 445 A ISOL.
: 3) MVG-8000C, RELIEF 445 B ISOL.
If any PZR PORV opens because of high PZR pressure, Step 7.b lb should be repeated after pressure decreases to LESS THAN 2300 p51g. psig, to ensure the PORV recloses.
: b. Verify all PZR PORVs are closed.
: c. Verify at least one PZR PORV Block Valve is open.
CRS/BOP      8. Place both ESF LOADING SEa      SEQ A(B) RESETS to:
CRS/R0 CRS/RO        9. Establish Instrument Air to the RB:
: a. Start one Instrument Air Compressor and place the other in Standby.
: b. Open PVA-2659, INST AIR TO RB AIR SERVo    SERV.
: c. Open PVT-2660, AIR SPL    SPLYY TO RB.
ALL          10. Check if SI flow should be reduced:
: a. RCS subcooling on TI-499A(B), A(B) TEMP "F,      F, is GREATER THAN 30"F. 30F.                    *
: b. Secondary Heat Sink is adequate:
                                *. Total EFW flow to INTACT SGs is GREATER THAN 450 gpm.
                                *. Narrow Range level is GREATER THAN 30%
[50%] in at least one INTACT SG.
Op-Test No.:            Scenario No.: _ _ _ Event No.: _ __              Page _ _ of _ - - I I Event

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CRS/BOP 2. Verify no SG is FAULTED:
== Description:==
* No SG pressure is decreasing in an uncontrolled manner.
* No SG is completely depressurized.
CRS/BOP 3. Check INTACT SG levels: a. Verify Narrow Range level in INTACT SGs is GREATER THAN 30% [50%]. I. Control EFW flow to maintain Narrow Range level in each INTACT SG between 40% [50%] and 60%. CRS/RO 4. Reset both SI RESET TRAIN A(8) Switches.
CRS/RO 5. Reset Containment Isolation:
* RESET PHASE B -TRAIN A(B) CNTMT ISOL. ALL 6. Check if Secondary radiation levels are normal: a. Check radiation levels normal on:
* RM-L 10, SG BLOWDOWN CW DISCHARGE LIQUID MONITOR. b. Place SVX-9398A(B)(C), SG A(B)(C) SMPL ISOL, in AUTO. m. Notify Chemistry to sample all' SG secondary sides and screen' samples for abnormal activity using a frisker. CRS/RO 7. Check PZR PORVs and Block Valves: a. Verify power is available to the PZR PORV Block Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: -----------Page __ of _--II Event

== Description:==
== Description:==
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
II  Time    [    Position                    Applicants Actions or Behavior
: c. RCS pressure is stable increasing.
NOTE - Step 10.
                                          -        d 1O.d If PZR level is LESS THAN 18% [38%], [38%J, the PZR should refill from SI flow after pressure is stabilized.
: n. PZR level is GREATER THAN 18% [38%]
18%[38%], then go to Step 11),
(IF PZR still less than 18%[38%J,                      1 1), if not then continue) GO TO Step 11. 1 1.
: o. GO TO EOP-1.2, TERMINATION, Step 1.
ALL            11. Check if RB Spray should be stopped:
: a. Check if any RSRB Spray Pumps are running
: b. Verify RS RB pressure is LESS THAN 11    1 1 psig
: c. Depress both RESET TRAIN A(B)      A(S) RS I  RB SPRAY.
NOTE-Step NOTE      - Step 11.d
                                    *. RB Spray must run for a minimum of two hours.
                                    *. Anytime RB Spray Pumps are stopped, MVG-      MVG 3003A(B), SPRAY HDR ISOL LOOP (B), should be closed for containment isolation.
: d. Consult with TSC personnel concerning RS      RB Spray System operation.
CRS/RO        12. Check if RHR Pumps should be stopped:
: a. Check RCS pressure:
: 1) RCS pressure is GREATER THAN 250 psig
: 2) RCS pressure is stable OR increasing.

Op-Test No.:
_ Time Position CRS/BOP CRS/RO Applicants Actions or Behavior Valves: 1) MVG-8000A, RELIEF 445 A ISOL. 2) MVG-8000B RELI EF 444 B ISOL. 3) MVG-8000C, RELIEF 445 B ISOL. If any PZR PORV opens because of high PZR pressure, Step 7.b should be repeated after pressure decreases to LESS THAN 2300 psig, to ensure the PORV recloses.
Op-Test No.:           Scenario No.:
: b. Verify all PZR PORVs are closed. c. Verify at least one PZR PORV Block Valve is open. 8. Place both ESF LOADING SEa A(B) RESETS to: a. NON-ESF LCKOUTS. b. AUTO-START BLOCKS. 9. Establish Instrument Air to the RB: a. Start one Instrument Air Compressor and place the other in Standby. b. Open PVA-2659, INST AIR TO RB AIR SERVo c. Open PVT-2660, AIR SPL Y TO RB. ALL 10. Check if SI flow should be reduced: a. RCS subcooling on TI-499A(B), A(B) TEMP "F, is GREATER THAN 30"F.
Scenario No.:               Event Event No.:
* b. Secondary Heat Sink is adequate:
No.:               Page Page _ _ of of Event
* Total EFW flow to INTACT SGs is GREATER THAN 450 gpm. OR
* Narrow Range level is GREATER THAN 30% [50%] in at least one INTACT SG.
Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: ___ Event No.: __ _ Page __ of _--II Event

== Description:==
== Description:==
, ____________
_ II Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior c. RCS pressure is stable increasing.
NOTE -Step 10. d If PZR level is LESS THAN 18% [38%J, the PZR should refill from SI flow after pressure is stabilized.
: n. PZR level is GREATER THAN 18% [38%] (IF PZR still less than 18%[38%J, then go to Step 11), if not then continue)
GO TO Step 11. o. GO TO EOP-1.2, SAFETY INJECTION TERMINATION, Step 1. ALL 11. Check if RB Spray should be stopped: CRS/RO a. Check if any RS Spray Pumps are running b. Verify RS pressure is LESS THAN 11 psig c. Depress both RESET TRAIN A(S) I RS SPRAY. NOTE -Step 11.d
* RB Spray must run for a minimum of two hours.
* Anytime RB Spray Pumps are stopped, MVG-3003A(B), SPRAY HDR ISOL LOOP (B), should be closed for containment isolation.
: d. Consult with TSC personnel concerning RS Spray System operation.
: 12. Check if RHR Pumps should be stopped: a. Check RCS pressure:
: 1) RCS pressure is GREATER THAN 250 psig 2) RCS pressure is stable OR increasing.
Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of Event

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior b. Check if any RHR Pump is running with suction aligned to the RWST c. Stop any RHR Pump which is running with suction aligned to the RWST and place in Standby. CRS/RO 13. Check if RCS pressure is stable OR decreasing.
Time Time    j    Position Position                      Applicants Actions Applicants  Actions or or Behavior Behavior
This would be a "do loop" back to step 1 until PZR Level was greater than 18% [38%J RETURN TO Step 1. This is end of EOP-2.0 for this scenario.
: b. Check
: b. Check ifif any any RHR RHR Pump Pump isis running running with with suction suction aligned to aligned      the RWST to the  RWST
: c. Stop
: c. Stop any any RHR RHR Pump Pump which is is running running with with suction suction aligned to the RWST aligned            RWST and place place in in Standby.
CRS/RO       13. Check if RCSRCS pressure is stable OR decreasing.
This would be This                do loop" be a "do   loop back to step step 11 until until PZR PZR Level Level was was  greater than    18%
than 18% [38%J
EOP-2.Ofor This is end of EOP-2.0   for this scenario.

Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Facility:
Scenario Event Scenario                  Description VC Event Description             VC Summer-200 Summer-2005-301    5-301 Facility:
I VC Summer I Scenario No.: 3 Op-Test No.: 2005-301 Examiners:
Facility:  IVC Summer VC Summer I     Scenario Scenario No.:No.:         33          Op-Test Op-Test No.: No.:    2005-301 2005-301 Examiners:
Examiners:                                                                    Operators:
Initial Conditions:
Initial conditions:
The Unit is at 0% power in Mode 2 with a MOL reactor startup in progress.
Initial  Conditions:     The Unit The Unit is is at at 0% power in 0% power                  with aa MOL Mode 22 with in Mode                              startup in reactor startup MOL reactor             in progress.
The previous crew has initiated the reactor startup per XXX. Source range counts are stable and Control bank 'c' is presently at XX steps. 11M data now projects criticality at XX steps on Control bank 'D'. Continue with the reactor startup beginning with step XX of XXX, and stabilize reactor power between 1-3%. The Severe Weather thunderstorms approaching.
Turnover:        The previous The   previous crew crew has     initiated the has initiated                startup per the reactor startup     per XXX. Source range XXX. Source                counts are range counts           stable and are stable and Control bank Control        'c' isis presently bank C        presently atat XX  steps. 1/M XX steps.           data now 11M data                   criticality at projects criticality now projects                     XX steps at XX steps on Control bank on Control    bank
High winds are possible within the hour. S/G "A," Small tube leak, approx. 8 gpd. Painting in the area of the TO AFW pump. Event Malf. No. I Event Event Description No. Position Type* RO R Pull control rods to establish critical reactor. 1 BOP C Train.'A' Service Water Pump #A trips and standby pump needs to be started. 2 SRO (TS) RO I Controlling channel Pressurizer Level Transmitter fails low and UD isolates.
                'D'. Continue D. Continue with with the the reactor             beginning with startup beginning reactor startup                    with step XX of step XX      XXX, and of XXX,          stabilize reactor and stabilize    reactor power power between 1-3%.
3 4 BOP N Re-establish letdown. BOP I Steam Generator B ARV Pressure Transmitter fails high. 5 BOP/RO C Letdown line break inside Containment 6 SRO (TS) RO C RCP High Vibration and seal failure when secured. 7 ALL M Small break LOCA 8 BOP or C Safety injection Train 'A' fails to actuate and 'B' HSI fails to automatically start when 9 RO safety injection is manually initiated.
between    1-3%.
The reactor fails to automatically trip. * (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of __ Event
The Severe The   Severe Weather thunderstorms thunderstorms approaching.
approaching. High        winds are High winds     are possible possible within   the hour.
within the    hour.
S/G A, SIG      "A," Small Small tube leak, approx. approx. 88 gpd.
Painting in the area of the TD            TO AFW pump.
Event       Malf. No. I Maif.            Event                                                   Event Description Description No.         Position       Type*
RO           R R         Pull control rods to establish critical reactor.
1 BOP             C C         Train A Service Water Pump #A trips and standby pump needs to be started.
Train.'A' 2
RO           II        Controlling channel Pressurizer Level Transmitter fails low and UD               LID isolates.
3 BOP             N         Re-establish letdown.
4 BOP             II        Steam Generator B ARV Pressure Transmitter fails high.
5 BOP/RO BOP / RO          C C         Letdown Letdown line     break inside line break            Containment inside Containment 66 SRO SRO(TS)(TS)
RO RO            C         RCP   High Vibration and seal failure when secured.
RCP High                                            secured.
77 ALL ALL            M M          Small Small break      LOCA break LOCA 88 BOP BOP or or        C C          Safety Safety injection     Train 'A' injection Train        fails to A fails    actuate and to actuate                  fails to HSI fails B HSI and 'B'                   automatically start to automatically         when start when 99            RO RO                      safety safety injection       manually initiated.
injection isis manually                The reactor initiated. The                    to automatically fails to reactor fails                      trip.
automatically trip.
      *       (N)ormal, (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument,         (C)omponent, (M)ajor (I)nstrument, (C)omponent,            (M)ajor
Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.:         Scenario No.:               Event No.:         Page _ _ of _ _

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior I I I I GOP-3.0 I q. Within 15 minutes before achieving criticality, verify Tavg greater than or equal to 551&deg;F. r. Announce criticality over the page system. s. Verify critical rod position is above the Rod Insertion Limit per Tech Spec t. At the AUDIO COUNT RATE CHANNEL drawer, place the following switches in OFF: 1) AUDIO MULTIPLIER.
Time       Position                     Applicants Actions or Behavior                   I I       I             I                               GOP-3.0 GOP-3.O
: q. Within 15 minutes before achieving criticality, verify Tavg I
551 &deg;F.
greater than or equal to 551&deg;F.
: r. Announce criticality over the page system.
: s. Verify critical rod position is above the Rod Insertion Limit per 3.1 .3.6.
Tech Spec
: t. At the AUDIO COUNT RATE CHANNEL drawer, place the following switches in OFF:
3.11 Increase Reactor Power to 10-3% as follows: / a. Establish a stable Startup Rate of less than one decade per minute. b. At 7.5x10-6%, perform the following:
3.1 1 Increase Reactor Power to 10-3% as follows: /
: 1) Verify P6 Permissive energizes to bright. 2) Verify a minimum of one decade overlap between Source Range Channels and Intermediate Range Channels.
: c. Prior to 10&deg; CPS, perform the following:
: a. Establish a stable Startup Rate of less than one decade per minute.
: 1) Momentarily place SR TRAIN A Switch in BLOCK. 2) Verify SR A TRIP BLCK Permissive energizes to bright. 3) Momentarily place SR TRAIN B Switch in BLOCK. 4) Verify SR B TRIP BLCK Permissive energizes to bright. d. Select one Intermediate Range Channel and one Power Range Channel on NR-45, NIS RECORDER.
: b. At 7.5x10-6%, perform the following:
: e. Stabilize Reactor Power at 10.&deg;%. This ends the pull to criticality event. RO A SWP trips. RO responds to various alarms and references the ARP: XCP-604 1-2: SWP AlC TRIP Appendix D, Page 39 of 39 Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of __ Event
: 1) Verify P6 Permissive energizes to bright.
: 2) Verify a minimum of one decade overlap between Source Range Channels and Intermediate Range Channels.
1 CPS, perform the following:
: c. Prior to 10&deg;
: 1) Momentarily place SR TRAIN A Switch in BLOCK.
: 2) Verify SR A TRIP BLCK Permissive energizes to bright.
: 3) Momentarily place SR TRAIN B Switch in BLOCK.
: 4) Verify SR B TRIP BLCK Permissive energizes to bright.
: d. Select one Intermediate Range Channel and one Power Range Channel on NR-45, NIS RECORDER.
1 Q3%
: e. Stabilize Reactor Power at 10.&deg;%.
This ends the pull to criticality event.
RO RD            A SWP trips. RO RD responds to various alarms and references the ARP:
XCP-604 1-2: SWP A/C      AlC TRIP Appendix D, Page 39 of 39
Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.:         Scenario No.:             Event No.:           Page _ _ of _ _

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior XCP-604 3-3: SW CCW HX A FLO LOITEMP HI XCP-604 3-4: DG A CLR SW FLO LO TEMP HI CRS/RO ARP is handed to CRS, the IB operator is dispatched to SW PP house to investigate.
Time       Position                     Applicants Actions or Behavior XCP-604 3-3: SW   Sw CCW HX A FLO LOITEMPLO/TEMP HI XCP-604 3-4: DG A      A CLR SW sw FLO LO TEMP HI CRS/RO       ARP is handed to CRS, the IB   IS operator is dispatched to SW PP house to investigate. Electricians may also be notified.
Electricians may also be notified.
CRS           Decision should be made to place C SWP on A          A Train CORRECTIVE ACTIONS:
CRS Decision should be made to place C SWP on A Train CORRECTIVE ACTIONS: I. Place the spare Service Water Pump in service per SOP-117. ALL 2.1 Shift from Service Water Pump A to Service Water Pump C in service, as follows: a. With the exception of racking down XSW1 EA 04, SERVICE WATER PUMP XPP0039A-SW, complete Attachment V. ALL b. Start XPP-0039C, PUMP C TRAIN A. (PEER 0) RO c. Verify MVB-3116C, SWP C DISCH, automatically opens. ALUBuilding
I. Place the spare Service Water Pump in service per SOP-117.
: d. Ensure sufficient Service Water Pump C cooling water flow, by throttling the following (SW-436):
ALL           2.1 Shift from Service Water Pump A to Service Water Pump C in service, as follows:
: 1) XVT03157C-SW, SW PP C MTR UPPER BRG CLG WTR SUP VALVE, to obtain upper bearing flow between 10 gpm and 12 gpm. 2) XVT03158C-SW, SW PP C MTR LOWER BRG CLG WTR SUP VALVE, to obtain lower bearing flow between 3 gpm and 4 gpm. ALUBuilding
: a. With the exception of racking down XSW1 EA 04, SERVICE WATER PUMP XPP0039A-SW, complete Attachment V.
: e. At XPN-13, C SERVICE WATER SCREEN Control Panel (SW-436), verify proper traveling screen operation, as follows: 1) Place the Screen Selector Switch, in HAND. 2) Verify proper screen operation and screen wash flow. 3) Place the Screen Selector Switch, in AUTO. RO f. Stop XPP-0039A, PUMP A, and place the control switch, in PULL TO LK NON-A. RO g. Verify MVB-3116A, SWP A DISCH, automatically closes. Appendix D, Page 39 of 39 Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of __ Event
ALL           b. Start XPP-0039C, PUMP C TRAIN A. (PEER 0)       El)
RD RO           c. Verify MVB-3116C, MVB-31 1 6C, SWP C DISCH, automatically opens.
ALL/Building ALUBuilding   d. Ensure sufficient Service Water Pump C cooling water flow, by throttling the following (SW-436):
: 1) XVTO31    570-SW, SW PP C MTR UPPER BRG CLG WTR XVT03157C-SW, SUP VALVE, to obtain upper bearing flow between 10 gpm and 12 gpm.
: 2) XVTO31    580-SW, SW PP C MTR LOWER BRG CLG WTR XVT03158C-SW, SUP VALVE, to obtain lower bearing flow between 3 gpm and 4 gpm.
ALUBuilding e. At XPN-1 ALL/Building        XPN-13,3, C SERVICE WATER SCREEN Control Panel (SW-436), verify proper traveling screen operation, as follows:
: 1) Place the Screen Selector Switch, in HAND.
: 2) Verify proper screen operation and screen wash flow.
: 3) Place the Screen Selector Switch, in AUTO.
RD RO           f. Stop XPP-0039A, PUMP A, and place the control switch, in PULL TO LK NON-A.
P0 RO           g. Verify MVB-31    1 6A, SWP A DISCH, automatically closes.
MVB-3116A, Appendix D,D, Page 39 of 39
Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.:         Scenario No.:             Event No.:         Page _ _ of _ _

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior ALUBuilding
Time       Position                     Applicants Actions or Behavior ALL/Building ALUBuilding   h. Re-verify Service Water Pump C cooling water flow and adjust as necessary, by throttling the following (SW-436):
: h. Re-verify Service Water Pump C cooling water flow and adjust as necessary, by throttling the following (SW-436):
: 1) XVT03157C-SW, SW PP C MTR UPPER BRG CLG WTR SUP VALVE, to obtain upper bearing flow between 10 gpm and 12 gpm. 2) XVT03158C-SW, SW PP C MTR LOWER BRG CLG WTR SUP VALVE, to obtain lower bearing flow between 3 gpm and 4 gpm. ALUBuilding I. Rack down XSW1 EA 04, SERVICE WATER PUMP XPP0039A-SW (SW-425).
: 1) XVTO3157C-SW, SUP VALVE, to obtain upper bearing flow between 10 gpm and 12 gpm.
: 2) XVTO31  580-SW, SW PP C MTR LOWER BRG CLG WTR XVT03158C-SW, SUP VALVE, to obtain lower bearing flow between 3 gpm and 4 gpm.
: j. At XPN-11, A SERVICE WATER SCREEN, Control Panel (SW-436), place the Screen Selector Switch, in OFF. ALUBuilding
ALL/Building ALUBuilding         I. Rack down XSW1 EA 04, SERVICE WATER PUMP XPPOO39A-SW XPP0039A-SW (SW-425).
: k. Complete Attachment V. ALL I. Ensure proper Service Water flow through the operable Train A Chiller per SOP-501. This ends the A SWP trip event. The following event is the L T-459 Failure, PZR Level Controlling channel. LT-459 Fails low and Letdown isolates.
ALUBuilding j.j. At XPN-1 ALL/Building                1, A SERVICE WATER SCREEN, Control Panel XPN-11, (SW-436),
The following alarms are received:
place the Screen Selector Switch, in OFF.
XCP-614 5-1: CHG LINE FLO HIILO XCP-616 1-3: BLCK HTRS ISOL L TDN PZR LCS LO XCP-616 1-5: PZR LCS DEV HIILO XCP-616 3-1: PZR HTR CNTRL OR BU GRP 1/2 TRIP XCP-616 4-6: SCR OUTPT LOSS Appendix D, Page 39 of 39 Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of __ Event
ALL/Building ALUBuilding   k. Complete Attachment V.
ALL           I. Ensure proper Service Water flow through the operable Train A Chiller per SOP-501.
This ends the A SWP trip event.
The following event is the L   T-459 Failure, PZR Level LT-459 Controlling channel.
LT-459 Fails low and Letdown isolates. The following alarms are received:
XCP-614                         HI/LO 5-1: CHG LINE FLO HIILO XCP-616 1-3: BLCK HTRS ISOL L       LTDN      LOS LO TDN PZR LCS XCP-616 1-5: PZR LCS           HI/LO LOS DEV HIILO XCP-61 6 3-1: PZR HTR CNTRL OR BU GRP 1/2 TRIP XCP-616 XCP-61 6 4-6: SCR OUTPT LOSS XCP-616 Appendix D, Page 39 of 39
Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.:         Scenario No.:           Event No.:           Page _ _ of _ _

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Crew enters AOP-401.06 PZR Level Control and Protection Channel Failure. Step 1 is an immediate action. AOP-401.6 RO 1 Place PZR LEVEL CNTRL Switch to the position with two operable channels.
Time       Position                   Applicants Actions or Behavior Crew enters AOP-401.06 PZR Level Control and Protection Channel Failure. Step 11 is an immediate action.
RO 2 Select an operable channel on PZR LEVEL RCDR. RO 3 Control the PZR Heaters as necessary to maintain PZR pressure:
AOP-401 .6 AOP-401.6 RO RD            1 Place PZR LEVEL CNTRL Switch to the position with two 1
CNTRL GRP Heaters. BU GRP 1 Heaters. BU GRP 2 Heaters. RO 4 Verify Letdown is in service. 4 Re-establish Letdown. REFER TO SOP-102, CHEMICAL AND VOLUME CONTROL SYSTEM. IF Letdown can NOT be established, THEN REFER TO AOP-102.1, LOSS OF LETDOWN, while continuing with this procedure.
operable channels.
RO 2.1 Place FCV-122, CHG FLOW, in MAN and close. RO 2.2 Place PCV-145, LO PRESS L TDN, in MAN and open to 70%. (PEER 0) RO 2.3 Place TCV-144, CC TO LTDN HX, in MAN and open to 100%. RO 2.4 Place TCV-143, LTDN TO VCT OR DEMIN, in VCT. RO 2.5 Open PVT-8152, L TDN LINE ISOL. RO 2.6 Open the following:
RO RD            2 Select an operable channel on PZR LEVEL RCDR.
: a. LCV-459, LTDN LINE ISOL. b. LCV-460, LTDN LINE ISOL. Appendix D, Page 39 of 39 Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of __ Event
RO RD            3 Control the PZR Heaters as necessary to maintain PZR pressure:
CNTRL GRP Heaters.
BU GRP 1 1 Heaters.
BU GRP 2 Heaters.
RO RD            4 Verify Letdown is in service. 4 Re-establish Letdown.
IF Letdown can NOT be established, THEN REFER TO AOP  AOP-102.1, LOSS OF LETDOWN, while continuing with this procedure.
RO RD            2.1 Place FCV-122, CHG FLOW, in MAN and close.
RO RD            2.2 Place PCV-145, LO PRESS L   LTDN, TDN, in MAN and open to 70%. (PEER 0) [1)
RO RD            2.3 Place TCV-144, CC TO LTDN HX, in MAN and open to 100%.
RO RD            2.4 Place TCV-143, LTDN TO TD VCT ORDR DEMIN, in VCT.
RO RD                Dpen PVT-8152, L 2.5 Open              LTDN TDN LINE ISOL.
RO RD                Dpen the following:
2.6 Open
Appendix D, Page 39 of 39
Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.:       Scenario No.:             Event No.:           Page _ _ of _ _

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior RO 2.7 Ensure the following Charging Line Isolation Valves are open: a. MVG-S107, CHG LINE ISOL. b. MVG-S10S, CHG LINE ISOL. RO 2.S Slowly open FCV-122, CHG FLOW, to establish 60 gpm flow as indicated on FI-122A, CHG FLOW GPM. RO 2.9 Open Orifice Isolation Valves to obtain the desired Letdown flow rate (60 gpm to 120 gpm): a. PVT-S149A, LTDN ORIFICE A ISOL (45 gpm). b. PVT-S149B, LTDN ORIFICE B ISOL (60 gpm). c. PVT-S149C, LTDN ORIFICE C ISOL (60 gpm). RO 2.10 Adjust FCV-122, CHG FLOW, as required to maintain TI-140, REGEN HX OUT TEMP of, between 250&deg;F and 350&deg;F while maintaining Pressurizer level. RO 2.11 Adjust PCV-145, LO PRESS LTDN, to maintain PI-145, LO PRESS L TDN PRESS PSIG, between 300 psig and 400 psig. RO 2.12 Place PCV-145, LO PRESS LTDN, in AUTO. RO 2.13 Adjust TCV-144, CC TO LTDN HX, potentiometer as necessary to maintain the desired VCT temperature and place in AUTO. Refer to VCS Curve Book, Figure VII.15. RO 2.14 When Pressurizer level matches reference level, place FCV-122, CHG FLOW, in AUTO per Section IV. RO 2.15 After the Letdown temperatures have stabilized, place TCV-143, LTDN TO VCT OR DEMIN, in DEMIN/AUTO.
Time       Position                     Applicants Actions or Behavior RO           2.7 Ensure the following Charging Line Isolation Valves are open:
RO 5 Check if PZR LVL MASTER CONTROLLER is responding appropriately:
* Verify Charging flow is normal and responding to PZR level error.
: a. MVG-S107, MVG-8108, CHG LINE ISOL.
* Verify PZR level is stable at OR trending to program level. Appendix D, Page 39 of 39 Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of __ Event
: b. MVG-S10S, RO           2.8 Slowly open FCV-122, CHG FLOW, to establish 60 gpm flow 2.S Fl-i 22A, CHG FLOW GPM.
as indicated on FI-122A, RO nO          2.9 Open Orifice Isolation Valves to obtain the desired Letdown flow rate (60 gpm to 120 gpm):
PVT-8149A, LTDN ORIFICE A ISOL (45 gpm).
: a. PVT-S149A, PVT-8149B, LTDN ORIFICE B ISOL (60 gpm).
: b. PVT-S149B, PVT-8149C, LTDN ORIFICE C ISOL (60 gpm).
: c. PVT-S149C, RO           2.10 Adjust FCV-122, CHG FLOW, as required to maintain TI-   TI 140, REGEN HX OUT TEMP of,      &deg;F, between 250&deg;F and 350&deg;F while maintaining Pressurizer level.
RO                                                                 P1-i 45, LO 2.11 Adjust PCV-145, LO PRESS LTDN, to maintain PI-145, LTDN PRESS LTDN PRESS PSIG, between 300 psig and 400 psig.
RO nO          2.12 Place PCV-145, LO PRESS LTDN, in AUTO.
RO nO          2.13 Adjust TCV-144, CC TO LTDN HX, potentiometer as necessary to maintain the desired VCT temperature and place in AUTO. Refer to VCS Curve Book, Figure VII.1    5.
RO           2.14 When Pressurizer level matches reference level, place FCV-122, CHG FLOW, in AUTO per Section IV.
RO           2.15 After the Letdown temperatures have stabilized, place TCV-TCV 143, LTDN TO VCT OR DEMIN, in DEMIN/AUTO.
RO           5 Check if PZR LVL MASTER CONTROLLER is responding appropriately:
                          *. Verify Charging flow is normal and responding to PZR level error.
                          *. Verify PZR level is stable at OR trending to program level.
Appendix D, Page 39 of 39
Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.:         Scenario No.:           Event No.:           Page _ _ of _ _

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior I CRS/SE 6 Within six hours, place the failed channel protection bistables in a tripped condition:
Time       Position                   Applicants Actions or Behavior                 I CRS/SE       6 Within six hours, place the failed channel protection bistables in a tripped condition:
: a. Identify the associated bistables for the failed channel REFER TO Attachment
: a. Identify the associated bistables for the failed channel REFER TO Attachment 1.
: 1. b. Record the following for each associated bistable on SOP-401, REACTOR PROTECTION AND CONTROL SYSTEM, Attachment I:
: b. Record the following for each associated bistable on SOP-401, REACTOR PROTECTION AND CONTROL SYSTEM, Attachment I:
* Instrument.
                            *. Instrument.
* Associated Bistable.
                            *. Associated Bistable.
* Bistable Location.
                            *. Bistable Location.
* STPs. c. Notify the I&C Department to place the identified bistables in trip. 7 Determine and correct the cause of the channel failure This concludes the L T-459 failure event. The next event is IPT-2010 slowly failing high which results in SG PORV IPV-2010 (8 Loop) slowly going full open. Valve controller can be taken to Manual and closed. No alarms are associated with this event. ALL Crew should notice some excess RCS cooling, increased steam flow and finally notice IPV-2010 is going open.
                            *. STPs.
CRS/BOP CRS and/or BOP should recommend placing 2010 controller in Manual and attempting to close. BOP IPV-2010 placed in Manual and closed. CRS/SE MWR should be written and work order generated to repair transmitter.
: c. Notify the I&C l&C Department to place the identified bistables in trip.
This concludes the 2010 failing open event. Appendix D, Page 39 of 39 Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of __ Event
7 Determine and correct the cause of the channel failure This concludes the L T-459 failure event.
The next event is IPT-2010 slowly failing tailing high which results 1PV-2010 (8 in SG PORV IPV-2010       (B Loop) slowly going full open.
Valve controller can be taken to Manual and closed. No alarms are associated with this event.
ALL           Crew should notice some excess RCS cooling, increased steam flow and finally notice IPV-2010 is going open.
CRS!BOP CRS/BOP       CRS and/or BOP should recommend placing 2010 controller in Manual and attempting to close.
BOP           IPV-2010 placed in Manual and closed.
CRS/SE       MWR should be written and work order generated to repair transmitter.
This concludes the 2010 failing open event.
Appendix D, Page 39 of 39
Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.:         Scenario No.:
No.:          Event No.:
Event  No.:          Page _ _ of _ _
Page Event

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior The Letdown leak inside containment is the next event. The following alarms are received as leak progresses:
Time       Position                   Applicants Actions or Behavior The Letdown leak inside containment is the next event.
XCP-642 3-3: RB ACC AREA RM-G5 HI RAD XCP-642 3-4: RB ACC AREA RM-G5 TRBL XCP-642 3-5: INCOR INSTR AREA RM-G14 HI RAD XCP-642 3-6: INCOR INSTR AREA RM-G14 TRBL AOP-101.1 RO 1 Verify PZR level is at or trending to program level. IF PZR level is decreasing.
The following alarms are received as leak progresses:
THEN perform the following:
XCP-642 3-3: RB ACC AREA RM-G5 HI RAD XCP-642 3-4: RB ACC AREA RM-G5 TRBL XCP-642 3-5: INCOR INSTR AREA RM-G14 HI RAD XCP-642 3-6: INCOR INSTR AREA RM-G14 TRBL AOP-101.1 AOP-1    01.1 RO RD          1 Verify PZR level is at or trending to program level.
a) Open FCV-122. CHG FLOW as necessary to maintain PZR level b) IF PZR level continues to decrease, THEN reduce Letdown to one 45 gpm orifice: 1 )Set PCV-145, La PRESS LTDN. To 70% 2) Ensure PVT-8149A.
1 IF PZR level is decreasing. THEN perform the following:
LTDN ORIFICE A ISOL. is open. 3) Close both PVT-8149B(C).
a) Open FCV-1  22. CHG FLOW as necessary to maintain FCV-122.
LTDN ORIFICE B(C) Appendix D, Page 39 of 39 Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of __ Event
PZR level b) IF IF PZR level continues to decrease, THEN reduce Letdown to one 45 gpm orifice:
1)Set 1)Set PCV-145, LO La PRESS LTDN. To 70%
: 2) Ensure PVT-8149A. LTDN ORIFICE A ISOL. is open.
: 3) Close_both_PVT-8149B(C)._LTDN_ORIFICE_B(C)
Close both PVT-8149B(C). LTDN ORIFICE B(C)
Appendix D, Page 39 of 39
Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.:         Scenario No.:                 Event No.:           Page _ _ of _ _

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior ISOL. 4) Adjust PCV-145. LO PRESS LTDN. to maintain PI-145. LO PRESS LTDN PRESS PSIG. between 300 psig and400 psig. 5) Place PCV-145, LO PRESS LTDN. in AUTO. CRS/RO 2 Check if SI is required:
Time       Position                         Applicants Actions or Behavior ISOL.
: a. Check if any of the following criteria are met:
: 4) Adjust PCV-145. LO PRESS LTDN. to maintain P1-i 45. LO PRESS LTDN PRESS PSIG. between 300 PI-145.
* PZR level is decreasing with Charging maximized and Letdown minimized.
psig and400 psig.
* PZR level is approaching 12%.
: 5) Place PCV-145, LO PRESS LTDN. in AUTO.
CRS/RO       2 Check if SI is required:
: a. Check if jy any of the following criteria are met:
                            *. PZR level is decreasing with Charging maximized and Letdown minimized.
                            *. PZR   level is approaching 12%.
* PZR pressure is approaching 1870 psig.
* PZR pressure is approaching 1870 psig.
* VCT level is approaching 5%. ; SI should NOT be required, crew should follow AL TERNA TIVE ACTION of step 2 which is to GO TO STEP 3 CRS/SE 3 Determine RCS leak rate: a. Estimate the RCS leak rate. REFER TO IPCS CHGNET. b. Calculate the RCS leak rate. REFER TO STP-114.002.
                            *. VCT level is approaching 5%.
OPERATIONAL LEAK TEST. c. Check if the RCS leak rate is GREATER THAN Tech Spec d. Comply with the applicable Tech Spec action statement.
RO 4 Verify RCS pressure is GREATER THAN 2210 psig. a) Ensure all PZR Heaters are on. b) the PZR Spray Valves are closed c) Ensure the PZR PORVs are closed. IF any PORV fails to close, THEN close its Block Valve. BOP/CRS 5 Verify no SG tubes are leaking: a. Narrow Range level in no SG is increasing with feed flow LESS THAN steam flow. b. Radiation levels on all of the following are normal:
SI should NOT be required, crew should follow ALTERNATIVE AL TERNA TIVE ACTION of step 2 which is to GO TO STEP 3 CRS/SE       3 Determine RCS leak rate:
* RM-G19A(B)(C).
: a. Estimate the RCS leak rate. REFER TO IPCS CHGNET.
: b. Calculate the RCS leak rate. REFER TO STP-114.002.
STP-1 14.002.
* RM-L3. STEAM GENERATOR BLOWDOWN Appendix 0, Page 39 of 39 Op-Test No.: Time Position RO RO RO Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Scenario No.: Event No.: -----------Page __ of __ Applicants Actions or Behavior LIQUID MONITOR.
* RM-L10. SG BLOWDOWN CW DISCHARGE LIQUID MONITOR. c. No steam flow/feed flow mismatch (feed flow low). d. As determined by Chemistry sample analysis of ALL SG secondary sides for activity.
: c. Check if the RCS leak rate is GREATER THAN Tech Spec
6 Check the PZR PORVs: a. Check if RCS pressure is LESS THAN 2335 psig. b. Verify all PZR PORVs are closed. c. Check if PRT conditions are normal by verifying PRT LVL LO ITEMP/LVUPRESS HI (XCP-616 4-4). is not lit. d. Verify at least one PZR PORV Block Valve is open. 7 Check If Reactor Building conditions are normal: a. RB radiation levels are normal on the following:
: d. Comply with the applicable Tech Spec action statement.
RO P0            4 Verify RCS pressure is GREATER THAN 2210 psig.
a) Ensure all PZR Heaters are on.
b) the PZR Spray Valves are closed c) Ensure the PZR PORVs are closed. IF any PORV fails to close, THEN close its Block Valve.
ATMOS MONITOR. b. RB Sump levels are normal c. RB pressure is LESS THAN 1.5 psig d. The following annunciators are NOT lit:
BOP/CRS       5 Verify no SG tubes are leaking:
* RBCU IAl2A DRN FLO HI (XCP-606 2-2).
: a. Narrow Range level in no SG is increasing with feed flow LESS THAN steam flow.
* RBCU IB/2B DRN FLO HI (XCP-607 2-2). Conditions are not normal, so the alternative action of isolating letdown will be performed.
: b. Radiation levels on all of the following are normal:
7 Attempt to isolate leakage as follows: a) Close all Letdown Isolation Valves: 1) PVT-8149A(B)(G)
                          *. RM-G19A(B)(C). STMLN HI RNG GAMMA.
LTDN ORIFICE A(B)(C) ISOL. 2) LCV-459. LTDN LINE ISOL 3) LCV-460, L TDN LINE ISOL b) Check RCS parameters for indications of leakage. Leakage should be isolated by the above actions. Crew should wait and verify no further leakage occurs. Since Normal Letdown will remain isolated, crew should place EXCESS LETDOWN in service. REFER TO SOP-102. CHEMICAL AND VOLUME CONTROL SYSTEM Appendix D, Page 39 of 39 Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of __ Event
                          *. RM-A9. CNDSR EXHAUST GAS ATMOS MONITOR.
                          *. RM-L3. STEAM GENERATOR BLOWDOWN Appendix 0, D, Page 39 of 39
Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.:         Scenario No.:                                   Page _ _ of _ _
                                      ------ Event No.:     -----

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior The following is from SOP-102: RO 2.1 Ensure HCV-137, XS LTDN HX, is closed. RO 2.2 Place PVM-8143, XS L TDN TO VCT(PEER D) RO 2.3 If required, reset Phase A Isolation by depressing the following:
Time       Position                       Applicants Actions or Behavior LIQUID MONITOR.
                            *. RM-L10. SG BLOWDOWN CW DISCHARGE LIQUID RM-LIO.
: a. MVT-81 00, SEAL WTR RTN ISOL. b. MVT-8112, SEAL WTR RTN ISOL. RO 2.5 Ensure MVG-9583, FROM XS L TDN HX, is open. RO 2.6 Open PVT-8153, XS L TDN ISOL. RO 2.7 Open PVT-8154, XS LTDN ISOL. RO 2.8 Establish Excess Letdown flow as follows: a. Slowly throttle open HCV-137, XS LTDN HX. b. Monitor TI-139, XS LETDOWN HX OUT TEMP of, to maintain less than 165&deg;F. c. Monitor the following to ensure flow between 0.2 gpm and 5.0 gpm: 1) FR-154A, RCP SL LKOFF HI RANGE. 2) FR-154B, RCP SL LKOFF LO RANGE. This concludes establishing Excess Letdown. More steps do remain from AOP-101.1 for determining if leakage is isolated, but can commence the A Rep high vibration event at this time. Appendix D, Page 39 of 39 Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of __ Event
: c. No steam flow/feed flow mismatch (feed flow low).
: d. As determined by Chemistry sample analysis of ALL SG secondary sides for activity.
RO            6  Check the PZR PORVs:
: a. Check if RCS pressure is LESS THAN 2335 psig.
: b. Verify all PZR PORVs are closed.
: c. Check if PRT conditions are normal by verifying
                                          /TEMP/LVLJPRESS HI (XCP-616 4-4). is not lit.
: d. Verify at least one PZR PORV Block Valve is open.
RO           7 Check If Reactor Building conditions are normal:
: a. RB radiation levels are normal on the following:
                            *. RM-GS. RB PERSONNEL ACCESS AREA GAMMA.
                            *. RM-G6. 17 RB REFUEL BRIDGE AREA GAMMA.
: b. RB Sump levels are normal
: c. RB pressure is LESS THAN 1.5 psig
: d. The following annunciators are NOT lit:
IA/2A DRN FLO HI (XCP-606 2-2).
                              *. RBCU IAl2A
* RBCU IB/2B DRN FLO HI (XCP-607 2-2).
Conditions are not normal, normai so the alternative action of isolating letdown will be performed.
RO           7 Attempt to isolate leakage as follows:
a) Close all Letdown Isolation Valves:
: 3) LCV-460, LTDN TDN LINE ISOL b) Check RCS parameters for indications of leakage.
Leakage should be isolated by the above actions. Crew should wait and verify no further leakage occurs. Since Normal Letdown isolated crew should place EXCESS LETDOWN in will remain isolated, service.
CONTROL SYSTEM Appendix D, Page 39 of 39
Scenario Event Scenario  Event Description Description VC VC Summer-2005-301 Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.:
Op-Test No.:          Scenario No.:
Scenario   No.:             Event No.:
Event  No.:        Page Page _ _ of of _ _

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Crew receives annunciator XCP-617 1-3: RCP A VIBR HI RO should notice frame and shaft vibration levels are escalating.
A RCP should be secured based on increasing levels. The following steps would apply from SOP-10 1 for securing the RCP. RO 2.1 Place the Pressurizer Spray Valve for the affected Reactor Coolant Pump in MAN and close: a. PCV 444D, PZR SPRAY, for Reactor Coolant Pump A. RO 2.2 If the Reactor Coolant System is solid, place PCV-145, LO PRESS L TDN, in MAN. RO 2.3 Secure one of the following Reactor Coolant Pumps as required:
: a. XPP-0030A, PUMP A. RO 2.4 If the Reactor Coolant System is solid, return PCV-145, LO PRESS L TDN, to AUTO, if desired. RO 2.5 Verify Seal Injection to the secured Reactor Coolant Pump using the applicable following indicator:
: a. FI-130A, RCP A INJ FLO GPM. RO 2.6 Maintain Component Cooling Water to the secured Reactor Coolant Pump thermal barrier until RCS temperature is less than 150&deg;F. BOP 2.7 Place the following controllers in MAN, as required for the affected RCS loop and maintain Narrow Range Steam Generator level between 60% and 65%: Appendix D, Page 39 of 39 Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of __ Event

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior a. PVT-478, SG A FWF. b. FCV-3321, LOOP A MAIN FW BYP. CRS 2.8 If not already in Hot Standby, proceed to Hot Standby lAW GOP-5, Reactor Shutdown From Startup To Hot Standby (Mode 2 To Mode 3). The following steps are from GOP-5, Reactor Shutdown from Mode 2 to Mode 3. These steps will place the Reactor below 7.5x10-5%
Time       Position                       Applicants Actions or Behavior The following is from SOP-102:
power. Prior to commencing shutdown, should go ahead and begin Small Break LOCA Event. CRS/SE 3.1 Complete GTP-702 Attachment II.K, Operational Mode Change Plant Shutdown -Entering Mode 3 Or Plant Trip To Mode 3 From Modes 1 Or 2. RO 3.2 Select both Intermediate Range Channels on NR-45, NIS RECORDER.
SOP-i 02:
3.3 Insert Control Rods with a manual Reactor trip as follows: CRS a. Perform a Pre-job brief per OAP-1 00.3, Human Performance Tools. RO b. Select one Intermediate Range and one Source Range Channel on NR-45, NIS RECORDER BOP c. Ensure both Motor Driven Emergency Feedwater Pumps are running. RO d. (Optional)
RO            2.1 Ensure HCV-137, XS LTDN HX, is closed.
If desired, commence RCS boration prior to performing a manual Reactor trip: 1) Open MVT-81 04, EMERG BORATE. 2) Ensure XPP-13A(B), BA XFER PP A(B), is running. 3) Verify greater than 30 gpm flow on FI-11 0, EMERG BORATE FLOW GPM. 4) Refer to STP-134.00 1 , Shutdown Margin Verification, to determine the required boron concentration needed for the anticipated Plant Mode and temperature:
RO RD            2.2 Place PVM-8143, XS LLTDN  TDN TO VCT(PEER D)    u)
Anticipated Mode: Anticipated RCS temperature:
RO RD            2.3 If required, reset Phase A Isolation by depressing the following:
OF Required Boron: ppm 5) When boration is no longer desired, perform the following:
a) Close MVT-81 04, EMERG BORATE. b) Verify no flow on FI-11 0, EMERG BORATE Appendix D, Page 39 of 39 Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: -------------Page ____ of __ __ Event
RO            Open the following:
: a. MVT-81    00, SEAL WTR RTN ISOL.
RO RD            2.5 Ensure MVG-9583, FROM XS L          LTDN TDN HX, is open.
RO                        PVT-81 53, XS LLTDN 2.6 Open PVT-8153,            TDN ISOL.
RO RD            2.7 Open PVT-8154, XS LTDN ISOL.
RO RD            2.8 Establish Excess Letdown flow as follows:
: a. Slowly throttle open HCV-137, HCV-1 37, XS LTDN HX.
: b. Monitor TI-139,                                   &deg;F, to maintain less than 165&deg;F.
: c. Monitor the following to ensure flow between 0.2 gpm and 5.0 gpm:
FR-154B, This concludes establishing Excess Letdown. More steps do remain from AOP-       101.1 for determining if leakage is AOP-101.1 isolated, but can commence the A RCP      Rep high vibration event at this time.
Appendix Appendix D,D, Page Page 39 39 of of 39 39
Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.:         Scenario No.:             Event No.:           Page _ _ of _ _

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time        Position                    Applicants Actions or Behavior Crew receives annunciator XCP-617 1-3:
_ Time Position RO Applicants Actions or Behavior FLOW GPM. e. Place RX TRIP Switch CS-CR01 in TRIP. f. Verify all Reactor Trip and Bypass Breakers are open. g. Verify all Rod Bottom lights are lit. h. If two or more Control Rods are not fully inserted, then emergency borate as follows: 1) Open MVT-81 04, EMERG BORATE. 2) Verify greater than 30 gpm flow on FI-110, EMERG BORATE FLOW GPM. 3) If required, refer to AOP-1 06.1, Emergency Boration, to establish greater than 30 gpm flow. 4) Borate 2500 gallons if two Control Rods are not fully inserted.
RCP    A VIBR HI RCPAVIBRHI RO should notice frame and shaft vibration levels are escalating. A RCP should be secured based on increasing levels. The following steps would apply from SOP-10SOP-lOl1 for securing the RCP.
: 5) Borate 5800 gallons if greater than two Control Rods are not fully inserted.
RO RD            2.1 Place the Pressurizer Spray Valve for the affected Reactor Coolant Pump in MAN and close:
: a. PCV 444D, PZR SPRAY, for Reactor Coolant Pump A.
RO RD            2.2 If the Reactor Coolant System is solid, place PCV-145, LO PRESS L  LTDN, TDN, in MAN.
RO RD            2.3 Secure one of the following Reactor Coolant Pumps as required:
: a. XPP-0030A, PUMP A.
RO RD            2.4 If the Reactor Coolant System is solid, return PCV-145, LO PRESS L  LTDN, TDN, to AUTO, if desired.
RO RD            2.5 Verify Seal Injection to the secured Reactor Coolant Pump using the applicable following indicator:
: a. FI-130A, RO RD            2.6 Maintain Component Cooling Water to the secured Reactor Coolant Pump thermal barrier until RCS temperature is less than 150&deg;F.
BOP BDP            2.7 Place the following controllers in MAN, as required for the affected RCS loop and maintain Narrow Range Steam Generator level between 60% and 65%:
Appendix D, Page 39 of 39
Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.:          Scenario No.:                Event No.:              Page _ _ of _ _
*Event Event
== Description:==
Time       Position                       Applicants Actions or Behavior
: a. PVT-478, SG A FWF.
: b. FCV-3321, LOOP A MAIN FW BYP.
CRS            2.8 If not already in Hot Standby, proceed to Hot Standby lAW GOP-5, Reactor Shutdown From Startup To Hot Standby (Mode 2 To Mode 3).
The following steps are from GOP-5, Reactor Shutdown from Mode 2 to Mode 3. These steps will place the Reactor below 7.5x10-5% power. Prior to commencing shutdown, should go ahead and begin Small Break LOCA Event.
CRS/SE          3.1 Complete GTP-702 Attachment II.K,    Il.K, Operational Mode Change Plant Shutdown - Entering Mode 3 Or Plant Trip
To Mode 3 From Modes 1      1 Or 2.
RO             3.2 Select both Intermediate Range Channels on NR-45, NIS RECORDER.
3.3 Insert Control Rods with a manual Reactor trip as follows:
CRS            a. Perform a Pre-job brief per OAP-1 00.3, Human Performance_Tools.
Performance    Tools.
RO              b. Select one Intermediate Range and one Source Range Channel_on_NR-45,_NIS_RECORDER Channel    on NR-45, NIS RECORDER BOP            c. Ensure both Motor Driven Emergency Feedwater Pumps are_running.
are  running.
RO              d. (Optional)  If desired, commence RCS boration prior to performing a manual Reactor trip:
: 1) Open MVT-81    04, EMERG BORATE.
: 2) Ensure XPP-13A(B), BA XFER PP A(B), is running.
: 3) Verify greater than 30 gpm flow on FI-11 Fl-i 10, 0, EMERG BORATE FLOW GPM.
STP-i 34.001,
: 4) Refer to STP-134.00    1, Shutdown Margin Verification, to determine the required boron concentration needed for the anticipated Plant Mode and temperature:
Anticipated Mode:
Anticipated RCS temperature: OF    &deg;F
                      ,              Required Boron:                ppm
: 5) When boration is no longer desired, perform the following:
MVT-8i04, a) Close MVT-81    04, EMERG BORATE.
b)_Verify_no b)            flow_on_Fl-i Verify no flow  on FI-1110,_EM  ERG_BORATE 0, EMERG      BORATE Appendix D, Page 39 of 39
Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.:            Scenario No.: ------- Event No.:                  Page ____ of ____
== Description:==
Time      Position                            Applicants Actions or Behavior FLOW GPM.
RO              e. Place RX TRIP Switch CS-CR01CS-CRO1 in TRIP.
: f. Verify all Reactor Trip and Bypass Breakers are open.
: g. Verify all Rod Bottom lights are lit.
: h. If two or more Control Rods are not fully inserted, then emergency borate as follows:
: 1) Open MVT-81     04, EMERG BORATE.
Fl-i 10, EMERG
: 2) Verify greater than 30 gpm flow on FI-110, BORATE FLOW GPM.
: 3) If required, refer to AOP-1 06.1, Emergency Boration, to establish greater than 30 gpm flow.
: 4) Borate 2500 gallons if two Control Rods are not fully inserted.
: 5) Borate 5800 gallons ifit greater than two Control Rods are not fully inserted.
: i. Verify Reactor Power level is decreasing.
: i. Verify Reactor Power level is decreasing.
: j. Ensure RCS temperature is being maintained between 555&deg;F and 559&deg;F using the Steam Dump System or Steamline PORVs. k. Place both SOURCE RANGE HIGH FLUX AT SHUTDOWN Switches in BLOCK. I. When Reactor Power decreases below 7.5 x 10-6%, complete the following:
j.j. Ensure RCS temperature is being maintained between 555&deg;F and 559&deg;F using the Steam Dump System or Steamline PORVs.
: 1) Verify P6 Permissive de-energizes to dim. 2) When on scale indication is observed, select both Source Range Channels on NR-45, NIS RECORDER.
This concludes the high vibration on A RGP event. The Small Break LOGA event can now commence if not already performed earlier. The following steps would again be the repeat of AOP-1 01.1 until the size of the leak would require EOP-1.0 entry for TRIP and SI. Appendix D, Page 39 of 39 Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of __ Event
I. When Reactor Power decreases below 7.5 x 10-6%,   iO-6%,
complete the following:
i) Verify P6 Permissive de-energizes to dim.
: 2) When on scale indication is observed, select both Source Range Channels on NR-45, NIS RECORDER.
This concludes the high vibration on A RGP     RCP event. The Small Break LOGA   LOCA event can now commence if not already performed earlier. The following steps would again be the repeat of AOP-       01.1 until the size of the leak would require AOP-1101.1 EOP-1.0 ently entry for TRIP and SI.
Appendix D, Page 39 of 39
Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.:         Scenario No.:               Event No.:         Page _ _ of _ _

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior The following annunciators should come into alarm: XCP 606 2-2: RBCU 1Af2A DRN FLO HI XCP 607 2-2: RBCU 1 B/2B DRN FLO HI XCP 616 3-6:PZR PCS LO BU HTRS ON AOP-101.1 1 Verify PZR level is at or trending to program level. 1 IF PZR level is decreasing.
Time       Position                       Applicants Actions or Behavior The following annunciators should come into alarm:
THEN perform the following:
XCP 606 2-2: RBCU 1Af2A   1AJ2A DRN FLO HI XCP 607 2-2: RBCU 1       1B/2B B/2B DRN FLO HI XCP 616 3-6:PZR PCS LO BU HTRS ON AOP-101.1 AOP-1 011 1 Verify PZR level is at or trending to program level.
a) Open FCV-122. CHG FLOW. as necessary to maintain PZR level b) IF PZR level continues to decrease, THEN reduce Letdown to one 45 gpm orifice: 1) Set PVT-145, LO PRESS LTDN. To 70% 2) Ensure PVT-8149A.
1 1 IF PZR level is decreasing. THEN perform the 1
LTDN ORIFICE A ISOL. is open. 3) Close both PVT-8149B(C).
LTDN ORIFICE B(C) ISOL. 4) Adjust PCV-145. LO PRESS LTDN. to maintain PI-145. LO PRESS LTDN PRESS PSIG. Between 300 psig and 400 psig. 5) Place PCV-145, LOPRESS LTDN. in AUTO. 2 Check if SI is required:
FCV-1 22. CHG FLOW. as necessary to maintain a) Open FCV-122.
PZR level b) IF PZR level continues to decrease, THEN reduce Letdown to one 45 gpm orifice:
: 1) Set PVT-145, LO PRESS LTDN. To 70%
: 2) Ensure PVT-8149A. LTDN ORIFICE A ISOL. is open.
: 3) Close both PVT-8149B(C). LTDN ORIFICE B(C)
: 4) Adjust PCV-145. LO PRESS LTDN. to maintain P1-i 45. LO PRESS LTDN PRESS PSIG. Between PI-145.
300 psig and 400 psig.
: 5) Place PCV-145, LOPRESS 2 Check if SI is required:
: a. Check if any of the following criteria are met:
: a. Check if any of the following criteria are met:
* PZR level is decreasing with Charging maximized and Letdown minimized.
                            ** PZR level is decreasing with Charging maximized and Letdown minimized.
* PZR level is approaching 12%.
                            ** PZR level is approaching 12%.
* PZR pressure is approaching 1870 psig.
                          ** PZR pressure is approaching 1870  1870 psig.
* VCT level is approaching 5% b. Perform the following:
                          ** VCT level is approaching 5%
: b. Perform the following:
WHEN EOP-1.0 Immediate Actions are complete, THEN actuate SI. Appendix 0, Page 39 of 39 Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of __ Event
: 1) Trip the Reactor.
: 2) GO TO EOP-1.0.
ACTUATION. WHEN EOP-i    EOP-1.0.0 Immediate Actions are complete, THEN actuate SI.
Appendix D,0, Page 39 of 39
Scenario Event Scenario        Event Description Description VC VC Summer-2005-301 Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.:
Op-Test No.:         Scenario No.:
Scenario      No.:                Event No.:
Event    No.:            Page _ _ of Page             of _ _
== Description:==

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Crew should transition to EOP-1. O. The first 5 steps are immediate operator actions. A Train of SI will fail to actuate in BOTH Manual and Automatic.
Time       Position L                          Applicants Actions or  or Behavior Behavior Crew should transition to EOP-1.O.EOP-1. O. The first 5 steps are immediate operator actions.
Individual components can be manually started. Reactor will NOT trip in Automatic.
A Train of SI will fail to actuate in BOTH Manual and Automatic. Individual components can be manually started.
Reactor can be tripped manually from the BOP side MCB Switch. 1 Verify Reactor Trip:
Reactor will NOT trip in Automatic. Reactor can be tripped manually from the BOP side MCB Switch.
* Trip the Reactor using either Reactor Trip
1 1 Verify Reactor Trip:
* Verify all Reactor Trip and Bypass Breakers are open.
                                *. Trip the Reactor using either Reactor Trip
* Verify all Rod Bottom Lights are lit.
                              *. Verify all Reactor Trip and Bypass Breakers are open.
* Verify Reactor Power level is decreasing.
                              *. Verify all Rod Bottom Lights are lit.
2 Verify Turbine/Generator Trip: a. Verify all Turbine STM STOP VLVs are closed. b. Ensure Generator Trip (after 30 second delay): 1} Ensure the GEN BKR is open. 2} Ensure the GEN FIELD BKR is open. 3} Ensure the EXC FIELD CNTRL is tripped. 3 Verify both ESF buses are energized.
                                *. Verify Reactor Power level is decreasing.
2 Verify Turbine/Generator Trip:
: a. Verify all Turbine STM STOP VLVs are closed.
: b. Ensure Generator Trip (after 30 second delay):
: 1) Ensure the GEN BKR is open.
: 2) Ensure the GEN FIELD BKR is open.
: 3) Ensure the EXC FIELD CNTRL is tripped.
3 Verify both ESF buses are energized.
4 Check if SI is actuated:
4 Check if SI is actuated:
SI may have actuated by this time. Step 5 is the final immediate action. a. Check if either:
SI may have actuated by this time. Step 5 is the final immediate action.
* SI ACT status light is bright on XCP-6107 1-1 . OR
: a. Check if either:
* Any red first-out SI annunciator is lit on XCP-626 top row. (If no SI then: GO TO Step 5.) b. Actuate SI using either SI ACTUATION Switch. c. GO TO Step 6. 6 Initiate ATTACHMENT 3, SI EQUIPMENT VERIFICATION.
                                    *. SI ACT status light is bright on XCP-6107XCP-61 07 1-1  1 -1..
The "B" Charging pump fails to automatically start on SI. The operator is expected to attempt to manually start "B" Charging pump and it will start. Appendix D, Page 39 of 39 Scenario Event Description VC Summer-200S-301 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: -----------Page __ of __ Event
                                    *. Any redred first-out SI SI annunciator annunciator is    lit on is lit on XCP-626 top row.
(If no SI then: GO TO Step 5.)
: b. Actuate SI using either SI ACTUATION Switch.
: c. GO GO TO TO Step Step 6. 6.
The The "B" B Charging Charging pumppump fails fails to  automatically start to automatically       start on on SI.SI.
The The operator operator isis expected expected to       attempt to to attempt      manually start to manually      start "B"B Charging Charging pump  pump and and itit will will start.
Appendix Appendix D, D, Page Page 3939 ofof 39 39
Scenario Event     Description VC Summer-2005-301 Event Description      Summer-200S-301 Op-Test No.:           Scenario   No.: - - - - - - Event Scenario No.:                Event No.:
No.:  -----
Page _ _ of _ _

== Description:==
== Description:==

_ Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior 7 Announce plant conditions over the page system. 8 Verify RB pressure has remained LESS THAN 12 psig on PR-951, RB PSIG (P-951), red pen. 8 Perform the following:
== Description:==
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Time       Position                         Applicants Actions or Behavior 7 Announce plant conditions over the page system.
88 Verify RB pressure has remained LESS THAN 12        12 psig on PR-951, RB PSIG (P-951), red pen.
8 Perform the following:
a) Verify both the following annunciators are lit:
a) Verify both the following annunciators are lit:
* XCP-612 3-2 (RB SPR ACT).
* XCP-612 3-2 (RB SPR ACT).
* XCP-6124-2 (PHASE B ISOL). IF either annunciator is NOT lit, THEN actuate RB Spray by placing the following switches to ACTUATE:
* XCP-612 XCP-6124-24-2 (PHASE B ISOL).
* Both CS-SGA 1 and CS-SGA2. OR
IF either annunciator is NOT lit, THEN actuate RB Spray by placing the following switches to ACTUATE:
* Both CS-SGB1 and CS-SGB2. b) Verify Phase B Isolation by ensuring RB SPRAY/PHASE B ISOL monitor lights are bright on XCP-61 OS. c) Ensure the following are open:
* CS-SGA11 and CS-SGA2.
* Both CS-SGB1 and CS-SGB2.
* MVG-3003A(B), SPRAY HDR ISOL LOOP A(B). d) Ensure both RB Spray Pumps are running. e) Verify RB Spray flow is GREATER THAN 2S00 gpm for each operating train on:
b) Verify Phase B Isolation by ensuring RB SPRAY/PHASE B ISOL monitor lights are bright on XCP-6105.
XCP-61 OS.
* FI-7378, SPR PP B DISCH FLOW GPM. f) Stop all RCPs. 9 Check RCS temperature:
c) Ensure the following are open:
* With any RCP running, RCS Tavg is stable at OR trending to 5S7:F. Appendix D, Page 39 of 39 Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.: ---Scenario No.: Event No.: ----------Page ___ of __ Event
* MVG-3001             RWSTTO A(B), RWST     TO SPRAY PUMP A(B) SUCT.
* MVG-3002A(B),
d) Ensure both RB Spray Pumps are running.
e) Verify RB Spray flow is GREATER THAN 2S00   2500 gpm for each operating train on:
Fl-7368, SPR
* FI-7368,
f) Stop all RCPs.
9 Check RCS temperature:
* With any RCP running, RCS Tavg is stable at OR 557:F.
trending to 5S7:F.
Appendix D, Page 39 of 39
Scenario Event Scenario               Description VC Event Description     VC Summer-200 Summer-2005-3015-301 Event No.:                Page Page ___ of Op-Test No.:
Op-Test               Scenario No.:
No.: - - - Scenario         No.:
                                              - - - - - Event       No.:
of _ _
== Description:==
== Description:==
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
II  Time Time        Position Position                              Applicants Actions Applicants    Actions oror Behavior Behavior OR OR
* With With no          running, RCS RCP running, no RCP                    Tcold is RCS Tcold          stable at is stable  at OR OR trending to trending    to 557Fc) 557"Fc) 99 IF  RCS temperature is IF RCS                        LESS THAN is LESS            557"F AND THAN 557F        AND decreasing, THEN:
Place the STM DUMP CNTRLCont a) Place                            CNTRLControlierroller in  MAN and in MAN Closed Closed b) Place the STM DUMP    DUMP MODE          SELECT Switch in MODE SELECT                  in STM PRESS.
c) Ensure all Steamline PORVs and Condenser Steam Dumps are closed.
d) IF RCS cooldown continues, THEN:
IF Narrow Range SG level is LESS THAN 30%
: 1) IF
[50%] in all SGs, THEN reduce EFW flow as necessary to stop the cooldown, while maintaining total EFW flow GREATER THAN 450 gpm.
: 2) WHEN Narrow Range SG level is GREATER THAN 30% [50%] in at least one SG, THEN control EFW flow as necessary to stabilize RCS 557F.
temperature at 557"F.
e) IF RCS cooldown continues, THEN close:
                                  ** MS Isolation Valves, PVM-2801  PVM-2801A      (B)(C).
Isolation Bypass Valves, PVM-2869A(B)(C)
                                  ** MS Isolation
IF  RCS temperature is IF RCS                          GREATER THAN 557"F is GREATER                557F AND increasing, THEN:
a) a) Verify Verify PERMISV PERMISV C-9              light is status light C-9 status              bright on is bright      XCP61 14 on XCP-6114 1-3.
IF the b) IF b)            Condenser is the Condenser          available, THEN is available,  THEN ensure        Condenser ensure Condenser Steam Steam Dump Dump Valves          open.
are open.
Valves are c)  IF the c) IF          Condenser isis NOT the Condenser          NOT available,    THEN open available, THEN              the open the Steamline PORVs, Steamline                  PCV-2000(201 0)(2020):
PORVs, PCV-2000(2010)(2020):
: 1)  Place the
: 1) Place                RELIEF A(B)(C)
PWR RELIEF the PWR                A(B)(C) SETPT        Controllers SETPT Controllers in in MAN MAN and    closed.
and closed.
Appendix D, Appendix        Page 39 D, Page       of 39 39 of 39
ScenarioEvent Scenario                  DescriptionVC EventDescription        VCSummer-200      5-301 Summer-2005-301 No.:
Op-Test                ScenarioNo.:
Scenario      No.:                  EventNo.:
Event  No.:              Page _ _ofof - -
Page Event

== Description:==
== Description:==

_ II Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior OR
* With no RCP running, RCS Tcold is stable at OR trending to 557"Fc) 9 IF RCS temperature is LESS THAN 557"F AND decreasing, THEN: a) Place the STM DUMP CNTRLControlier in MAN and Closed b) Place the STM DUMP MODE SELECT Switch in STM PRESS. c) Ensure all Steamline PORVs and Condenser Steam Dumps are closed. d) IF RCS cooldown continues, THEN: 1) I F Narrow Range SG level is LESS THAN 30% [50%] in all SGs, THEN reduce EFW flow as necessary to stop the cooldown, while maintaining total EFW flow GREATER THAN 450 gpm. 2) WHEN Narrow Range SG level is GREATER THAN 30% [50%] in at least one SG, THEN control EFW flow as necessary to stabilize RCS temperature at 557"F. e) IF RCS cooldown continues, THEN close:
* MS Isolation Valves, PVM-2801 A(B)(C).
* MS Isolation Bypass Valves, PVM-2869A(B)(C) .
* IF RCS temperature is GREATER THAN 557"F AND increasing, THEN: a) Verify PERMISV C-9 status light is bright on XCP-6114 1-3. b) IF the Condenser is available, THEN ensure Condenser Steam Dump Valves are open. c) IF the Condenser is NOT available, THEN open the Steamline PORVs, PCV-2000(2010)(2020):
: 1) Place the PWR RELIEF A(B)(C) SETPT Controllers in MAN and closed. Appendix D, Page 39 of 39 Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page __ of --Event

== Description:==
== Description:==

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior 2) Place the Steamline Power Relief A(B)(C) Mode Switches in PWR RLF. 3) Adjust the PWR RELIEF A(B)(C) SETPT Controllers as necessary to reduce RCS temperature.
Time Time        Position Position                                            Actions or Applicants Actions Applicants              or Behavior Behavior
10 Check PZR PORVs and Spray Valves: a. PZR PORVs are closed. b. PZR Spray Valves are closed. c. Verify power is available to at least one PZR PORV Block Valve:
: 2) Place
* MVG-8000A, RELIEF 445 A ISOL.
: 2)    Place thethe Steamline      Power Relief Steamline Power               A(B)(C) Mode Relief A(B)(C) Mode Switches Switches in    in PWR PWR    RLF.
* MVG-8000B, RELIEF 444 B ISOL.
* MVG-8000C, RELIEF 445 B ISOL. d. Verify at least one PZR PORV Block Valve is open .. 11 Check if RCPs should be stopped: a. Check if either of the following criteria is met:
Adjust the
* Annunciator XCP-612 4-2 is lit (PHASE B ISOL) . OR
: 3) Adjust
* RCS pressure is LESS THAN 1400 psig AND SI flow is indicated on FI-943, CHG LOOP B CLD/HOT LG FLOW GPM. b. Stop all RCPs. Conditions are probably not met for securing any RCPs. GO TO Step 12. Examiners may end exam at this point. Appendix D, Page 39 of 39}}
: 3)              the PWR     RELIEF A(B)(C)
PWR RELIEF                  SETPT Controllers A(B)(C) SETPT     Controllers as necessary to as necessary          reduce RCS to reduce    RCS temperature.
10 Check 10 Check PZR           PORVs and PZR PORVs              Spray Valves:
and Spray    Valves:
: a. PZR
: a. PZR PORVs PORVs are  are closed.
: b. PZR
: b. PZR Spray         Valves are Spray Valves      are closed.
power is available to at least one PZR
: c. Verify power
: c.                                                        PZR PORV Block Valve:
                              .*     MVG-8000A,, RELIEF 445 A ISOL.
MVG-8000A                            ISOL.
                              ** MVG-8000B, MVG-8000C,, RELIEF 445 B
* MVG-8000C
                                .                                        B ISOL.
: d. Verify at least one PZR PORV Block Valve is open..         open ..
11 Check if RCPs should be stopped:        stopped:
: a. Check if either of the following criteria is met:
                                *. Annunciator XCP-612 4-2 is lit (PHASE B ISOL)         ISOL)..
                                *. RCS     pressure   is LESS THAN 1400 is LESS              1400 psig AND SI SI flow is flow is indicated indicated    on FI-943, FI-943,  CHG   LOOP LOOP    B B CLD/HOT   LG LG FLOW FLOW GPM. GPM.
: b. Stop Stop all all RCPs.
Conditions Conditions are    are probably probably notnot met       securing any for securing met for                RCPs.
any RCPs.
GO GO TO TO StepStep 12.12.
Examiners Examiners may       may endend exam exam at at this  point.
this point.
AppendixD,D, Page Appendix          Page39  39ofof39 39}}

Revision as of 18:09, 13 November 2019

301 Draft Simulator Scenarios
Person / Time
Site: Summer South Carolina Electric & Gas Company icon.png
Issue date: 03/28/2010
Download: ML101620421 (71)


{{#Wiki_filter:Appendi Appen dixx D, D, Rev. Rev. 99 Scenario Scena rio Outlin Outlinee Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-1 Facility:: Facility Summer V.C. Summ er Scenarrio Scena io No.: No.: _~1!..--_ Op-Te Op-Test st No.: No.: 11 Exami Examiners:ners: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Operators: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Initial Condit Initial Conditions: ions:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Turnover: Turnov er: 100% 100% IC, IC, AT AT MOL. MOL. 11.. Thunder Thund er storms in the area, severesevere weath weathe err check list being being implem implemented. ented. 2.

2. S/G "A,"

S/G A, Small tube leak, approx. 8 gpd. MAL-R MAL-RCSO CS002 O2A A

3. Motor Driven AFW Pump "A" A Impell Impeller replac replace ment in progre ement progress ss with 48 hours to complete, comple te, have done 12 hours so far.
4. Turnov Turno er that the "B" ver B S/G SIG rad monitor is OOS.
5. Painting in the area of the TD AFW pump.
6. Senior Resident is Walking down the CVCS system with system engineer.

Eve Maif. No. Malt. Event Event Event Event nt Type* Type* Descr Descriptiiption on No. 1 1 RO (I) Turbine Impulse Pressu Turbin Pressure re Transmitter PT-41 PT-41 6 Fails HI, Should be the selecte selectedd chann channeel. l. If 446 is selecte selected d to auto rods, then the rods will move out. RO take manua manuall control of the rods. Does Summer use auto rod control? 2 BOP (I) Steam Steam Gener Generator ator Steam Flow Transmitter Failure, 474 fails LOW, Ramp over a 4 minute period, or look at the conseque conse quencnces es to be able to do this and not receive a reacto reactorr trip. Allow the applicant to be able to diag diagno se and correct nose correct.. 3 RO C ROC Accidental VCT suction valve 115C 1 150 closure closure by system engi engine neer er while doing a line up with the SR Resident SRO Observ This will causcause e the running Chargi Chargingng pump to (TS) cavitate, requiring securin securing g the running pump. Possible loss of letdown. Requires switching the Chargi Charging ng pumps and then TS evalua evaluation tion of loss loss ofof one CCP. IfIf loss loss of LD occurs , possib possibly ly chan changgee malfunction, so the scen scena rio is ario is not not to long long BOP(N)) with to many Reactivites and and Normals. BOP BOP restore LD ifif required. 4 SRO TD AFW pump pump Trip and and Throttl Throttle e valve trips, trips, due due to aa ladder ladder (TS) (TS) in in the area area while while painting. g. The ladder ladder falls on on the TDAFW W pump pump trip and and throttle valve reset bar bar and and brea breaks it, being ks it, being unable unable to to reset reset the the TDTD AFW AFW pump. pump. This This will will caus cause the SRO e the SRO to to enter enter TS TS 3.7.1,, and and the the need need to to be be inin hot hot standb standbyy inin 66 hours hours andand hot hot shutdo shutdown wn with with in in the the follow followiing ng 66 hours. hours.

____ Facility:: _V.C. Facility V.C. Summer Scena Scenarrio io No.: 1 1 Op-Test No.: 11 Examiners: Exami ners: Operators: Initial Conditions: . Turnover: 100% IC, AT MOL.

1. Thunder storms in the area, severe weathe weatherr check list being implem implemented.


2. SIG "A,"

S/G A, Small tube leak, approx. 8 gpd. MAL-R MAL-RCSO CS002 02A A

3. Motor Driven AFW Pump "A" A Impeller replac replace ement ment in progress with 48 hours to complete, compl ete, have done 12 hours so far.
4. Turnov Turno er that the "B" ver SIG rad monitor is OOS.


5. Painting in the area of the TD AFW pump.
6. Senior Resident is Walkin Walkincig down the CVCS system with system engineer.

5 RO Reduce power to take the unit off line. In accordance with (Rx) GOP -004B

                                                           .00D. Power OperaOperattionion Mode 1   1 (Descending BOP         Power)

(N) 6 BOP(C) BOPCC During the Down power power,, the "A"A FRV fails as is, this will cause the operat operatoorr to have to place the "A" A FRV in manua manuall and control the A SG in manua manuall during the Shut Down 7 BOP SG Tube Leak on the "C" C SG, ramping to approximately the (C) output of the existing chargi charginng g pump(s). Ramp up over as a5 minute J?eriod period. 8 Mall M all SIG tube rupture on the "C" S/G C SG to full flow of a tube, requires reacto reactorr trip. The Reactor Will nottripnot trip (ATWT (ATWT)) (EOP -13), Entry, (Resp (Respo onse nse to Abnormal Nuclear Power Gener Generaation) tion) Loss of power on the emerg emergeencyncy bus that supplies the B Emergency feed water pump. The Emergency Diesel generator tor starts automatically but will trip on overspeed, the DG will be able to be reset and restart restarteed d and it will work, work. IF the crew requests the restartrestart,, it will start otherwise entry into FR-H.1 FR-H.1 will most likely be required.

    • (N)ormal, (R)eac (R)eactivity, tivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponen ponentt,, (M)ajor

_____ Appendix D Appendix D Scenario Outline Scenario Outline Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-1 Op-Test No.: Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Scenario No.: 11 Event No.: Event No.: 11 Page Page _ _ of of - - Event




Time Time Position Position Applicants Actions Applicant's Actions or or Behavior Behavior I I I RD RO IOperator acknowledges AOP-401 AOP-401.7 .7 annunciator 615 2-5 (RCS TAVG Operator acknowledges annunciator 6152-5 (RCS TAVG-I TREE DEV TREF DEV HI/LO), Hl/LO), recognizes recognizes IPT0446 1PT0446 failure, failure, and and responds lAW lAW AOP-401.7 AOP-401 .7 Critical RD RO Place ROD CNTRL BANK SEL Switch in in MAN. MAN.

  • RD RO Ensure TREF 1~1 1 STG PRESS Switch is is positioned to the channel 1PT0447, CH IV).

operable channellPT0447, RD RO Adjust Control Rods until Tavg is within I.O°F 1.0°F of Tref Tref.. RD RO Check if Main Turbine load Is GREATER THAN 10%. RD RO Within one hour, verify the following permissives are dim: P13. 1STISTSTG STG PRESS. P7. REACTOR TRIP TRIP_BLOC BLOCKED.KED. RD RO Restore automatic rod control:

a. Check if automatic rod control is desired.
b. Verify reactor power is GREATER THAN 15% (C-5 status light dim).
c. Verify Tavg is within 1.0°FI.O°F of Tref.
d. Place ROD CNTRL BANK SEL Switch in AUTO (Crew may choose to return the rods to 230 steps prior to returning rods to auto but this is considered a good practice, not a requirement) requirement)..

BOP Place STM DUMP STM DUMP MODE SELECT in STM PRESS. BOP BOP Notify I&C to place AMSAC Notify l&C AM SAC in in BYPASS SRO SRO Within Within 66 hours, place the failed channel bistables in hours, place in aa tripped tripped condition. condition. SRD SRO evaluation evaluation of of Tech Tech Spec Spec Table 3.3-1 3.3-1 Appendix Appendix D, D, Page Page 3838 of of 39 39

Appendix DD Appendix Scenario Outline Scenario Outline Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-1 Op-Test No.: Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Scenario No.: 11 Event No.: Event No.: 22 Page Page _ _ of of _ _ Event




Time Time Position Position Applicants Actions Applicant's Actions oror Behavior Behavior AOP-401.3 AOP-401 .3 BOP BOP The BOP The BOP operator operator acknowledges acknowledges annunciator annunciator 624624 4-4 in in alarm, recognizes alarm, recognizes the the failure failure ofof IFT0474 1FT0474 and and responds responds lAW AOP-401.3 lAW AOP-401 .3 BOP BOP Depending on Depending on response response time,time, annunciator annunciator 624 624 1-5 1-5 (SG (SG A LVL DEV) LVL DEV) may also alarm. BOP Verify the failed channel is the controlling channel. BOP Select the operable flow channel: Place FW CONTROL CHANNEL SEL Switch to the operable channel. Place STEAM CONTROL CHANNEL SEL Switch to the operable channel. BOP Verify Turbine Load is LESS THAN 950 Mwe. Using any method available, reduce Turbine Load by 40 Mwe to 50 Mwe. (The crew will likely decide to borate to avoid RAOC concerns and would likely turn on BU heaters for improved mixing. This would not be required for such a small load decrease but would be a good practice). BOP Verify only one SG is AFFECTED AFFECTED.. critical Qritical BOP Adjust the Feedwater Flow Control Valve as necessary necessary to to restore feed flow to to the AFFECTED SG. SG. BOP BOP Restore Restore Narrow Narrow Range level in Range level in all all SGs SGs toto between between 60% 60% and and 65%. 65%. BOP BOP Check Check ifif Feedwater Feedwater Pump Pump speed speed control control is is operating operating properly: properly: Feedwater Feedwater Header Header pressure pressure isis GREATER GREATER THAN THAN Main Steam pressure. Main Steam pressure. ' Feed Feed flow flow isis normal normal forfor flow flow and and power power level. level. All All operating operating Feedwater Feedwater Pump Pump speeds speeds and and flows flows are are balanced balanced BOP BOP Verify Verify Narrow Narrow Range Range levellevel in in all all SGs SGs isis normal. normal. BOP BOP Restore Restore thethe AFFECTED AFFECTED SG SG control control systems systems to to normal: normal: Appendix Appendix D, D, Page Page 38 38 of of 3939

_____ _____ Appendix DD Appendix Scenario Outline Scenario Outline Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-1 Op-Test No.: Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Scenario No.: 11 Event No.: Event No.: 22 Page _ _ of Page of _ _ Event




Time Time Position Position j Applicants Actions Applicant's Actions or or Behavior Behavior Place the Place the Feedwater Feedwater Flow Flow Control Control Valve Valve inin AUTO. AUTO. Place the Place the Feedwater Feedwater Pump Pump Speed Speed Control System in Control System in AUTO. REFER AUTO. REFER TO TO SOP-210, SOP-210, FEEDWATER FEEDWATER SYSTEM. SYSTEM. SRO SRO Within six Within six hours, hours, place place the the failed failed channel channel protection protection bistables in bistables in aa tripped tripped condition: condition: SRO SRO evaluates evaluates Tech Spec Table 3.3-3 CREW Determine and correct the cause of the channel failure. Appendix Appendix D, D, Page Page 3838 of of 39 39

Appendix D' Appendix D Scenario Outline Scenario Outline Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-1 Op-Test No.: Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Scenario No.: 11 Event No.: Event No.: 33 Page Page _ _ of of _ _ Event




Time Time Position Position Applicant's Applicants Actions Actions oror Behavior Behavior AOP-102.2 AOP-1 02.2 RD RO Operator acknowledges Operator acknowledges that that annunciators annunciators 614 614 4-2 4-2 (CHG (CHG PP B/C TRIP), 6145-1 PP 614 5-1 (CHG LINE LINE FLO HIILO), 6*172-2, FLO HI/LO), 6.17 2-2, 618 2-2, & 6182-2, 619 2-2

                                       & 619   2-2 (RCP (RCP A, B, C   C #1 SEAL SEAL INJ INJ FLO FLO LO)LO) are all in are       in alarm, recognizes recognizes the "B"  B Charging Charging Pump Pump hashas tripped, and responds lAW AOP-1 02.2 RD RO         Check if Charging Pump flow is normal:

IF Charging Pump has tripped or flow is abnormal, THEN perform the following: E Ensure the Charging Pump is secured. C E Close all Letdown Isolation Valves: C PVT-8149A(B)(C), L PVT-8149A(B)(C), LTDN TDN ORIFICE A(B)(C) ISOL. PVT-8152, L LTDN TDN LINE ISOL. LCV-459, LTDNLTDN LINE ISOL. LCV-460, L LTDN TDN LINE ISOL. [' Close FCV-122, CHG FLOW. E L[' Verify CCW flow to the RCP Thermal Barriers is GREATER THAN 90 gpm on Fl-7273A(B) FI-7273A(B),, THERM BARR FLOW GPM. EC Display Dedicated Display ZZRCPBRG on the IPCS IPes to monitor monitor RCP temperatures temperatures.. EC Contact Electrical Electrical and Mechanical Maintenance to investigate. RD RO Verify Verify Charging Charging SystemSystem valve valve lineup: lineup: E[' IF IF Charging Charging PumpPump suction suction isis aligned aligned to to the the VCT, VCT, THEN THEN ensure ensure both both LCV-1 15C(E), VCT LCV-115C(E), VCT OUTLET OUTLET ISOL, ISOL, are are open. open. Critical Critical SRD SRO SRO SRO evaluates evaluates Tech Tech Spec Spec 3.5.2 3.5.2 andand determines determines 72 72 hr. hr. action action statement. statement. RD RO Eo Ensure Ensure thethe following following valves valves are are open: open: MVG-8106, MVG-8106, CHG PP.CHG PP. MVT-8109A MVT-8109A(B)(C),(B)(C), CHGCHG PP PP A(B)(C). A(B)(C). MVG-8130A MVG-8130A(B), (B), LPLP AA SUCT SUCT TO TO CHG CHG PP PP C. C. MVG-8131A MVG-8131A(B), (B), LP LP BB SUCT SUCT TO TO CHG CHG PP PP C. C. MVG-8132A MVG-8132A(B), (B), CHG CHG PP PP CC TO TO LPLP AA DISCH. DISCH. Appendix Appendix D, D, Page Page 3838 of of 39 39

Appendix DD Appendix Scenario Outline Scenario Outline Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-l Op-Test No.: Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Scenario No.: 11 Event No.: Event No.: 33 Page Page _ _ of of _ _ Dscrintinn: Event


Event Time Time Position Position Applicants Actions Applicant's Actions or or Behavior Behavior MVG-8133A(B), CHG MVG-8133A(B), CHG PP PP C C TO TO LP LP BB DISCH DISCH RO RO o Check Check the the Charging Charging headerheader valve valve lineup lineup as as follows: follows: Ensure MVG-81 Ensure MVG-8107, 07, CHGCHG LINE LINE ISOL, ISOL, is is open. open. Ensure MVG-81 Ensure MVG-8108, 08, CHGCHG LINE LINE ISOL, ISOL, isis open. Ensure FCV-122, Ensure FCV-122, CHG CHG FLOW, FLOW, is in MAN is in MAN and and CLOSE. CLOSE. no RO Ensure one of the following valves is open: PVT-8146, NORM CHG TO RCS RCS LP LP B. OR PVT-8147, AL ALTT CHG TO RCS LP A. BOP? oD Locally verify Charging Pump suction pressure is between 50 psig and 100 psig as indicated on the following PI-151A, SUCTION PRESS, for Charging Pump A. PI-152A, SUCTION PRESS, for Charging Pump B. PI-153A, SUCTION PRESS, for Charging Pump Pum~ C. RO With Shift Supervisors Supervisor's permission, start a Charging Pump, while monitoring RCP temperatures temperatures.. REFER REFER TO SOP-i SOP-102,02, CHEMICAL AND VOLUME CONTROL SYSTEM. RO WHEN a Charging Pump is operating, THEN place Charging Charging and Normal Normal Letdown in service.. service .. REFER SOP-i SOP-102, 02, CHEMICAL AND AND VOLUME CONTROL CONTROL SYSTEM. SOP-i SOP-102 Section Ill.F 02 Section III.F SRO SRO Crew Crew instructs instructs the the building building operator operator to to perform perform Attachment Attachment VB to mechanically and electrically VB to mechanically and electrically align align C"c" charging charging pump pump to to B "B" Train. Train. (If (If the the crew crew chooses, chooses, they they might might start start A

                         "A" CCW CCW pump pump and     "A" charging and A     charging pump pump to   to get get aa charging charging Appendix Appendix D,  D, Page Page 38  38 of of 39 39

Appendix DD Appendix Scenario Outline Scenario Outline Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-1 Op-Test No.: Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Scenario No.: 11 Event No.: Event No.: 33 Page Page _ _ of of _ _ Event




Time Time Position Position Applicants Actions Applicant's Actions or or Behavior Behavior pump back pump back while while theythey are are waiting waiting to get "c" to get C charging charging pumppump racked up racked up on B Train.) on "B" Train.) RO RO To start To start XPP-0043C, XPP-0043C, PUMP PUMP C, C, on on miniflow, miniflow, complete complete

                    . Attachment      VB    if Charging Attachment VB if Charging Pump        Pump C   C is is to to be be aligned aligned to to Train B.B.

Building Building Following the Following the completion completion of of Attachment Attachment VA(B),VA(B), Chilled Chilled Expansion Tank levels should be monitored for Water Expansion indications of equalization:


RO P1-121, CHG PRESS PSIG, is between 2650 psig Verify PI-121, and 2850 psig. Monitor the following for proper pump operation:

a. LR-459, PZR % LEVEL & LEVEL SP.

RD RO Ensure Ensure the appropriate appropriate train of of Component Cooling is is operating per SOP-i operating per SOP-118. 18. RD RO Ensure Ensure thethe appropriate appropriate train of of Chill Chill Water Water is is operating operating per per ______ SOP-501. SOP-501. RD RO Ensure Ensure XPP-43C-PP XPP-43C-PP1, 1, CHG CHG PPPP CC AUX AUX OIL OIL PP, PP, isis running. running. Building Building Verify Verify 1P100153A, IP100153A, CHG CHG PUMP PUMP C C SUCT SUCT HDR HDR PRESS PRESS IND, IND, indicates pump suction indicates pump suction pressure pressure isis greater greater than than 1515 psig psig (AB-388). (AB-388). RO RO Start Start XPP-0043C, XPP-0043C, PUMP PUMP C. C. (PEER (PEER LI) 0) RO RO Verify Verify XPP-43C-PP XPP-43C-PP1, CHG PP 1, CHG PP CC AUX AUX OIL OIL PP, PP, stops stops automatically automatically whenwhen the the Charging Charging Pump Pump comes comes up up toto full full speed. speed. Appendix Appendix D, 0, Page Page 3838 of of 39 39

Appendix D D Scenario Outline Scenario Outline Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-i Op-Test No.: Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Scenario No.: 11 Event No.: Event No.: 33 Page Page _ _ of of _ _




Event f Time Time Position Position Building [ Verify 1P100153A, CHG PUMP C SUCT HDR PRESS IND, Applicants Actions or Applicant's or Behavior Behavior Verify IP100153A, CHG PUMP C SUCT HDR PRESS IND, indicates pump suction pressure is greater than 15 15 psig (AB-388). RD RO Monitor the following to verify proper pump operation:

1) Charging Pump C running current is between 30 amps and 50 amps.

P1-121, CHG PRESS PSIG, is between 2650

2) PI-121, psig and 2850 psig.
3) XVG-9684C-CC, CCW TO CHG PP C, is open open..
                                                            * <

SO P-i 02 Section IV.M SOP-102 RD RO Place FCV-122, FCV-i 22, CHG FLOW, in MAN and close. RD RO Place PCV-145, LO PRESS LTDN, in MAN and open to 70%. (PEER 0) C) RD AO Place TCV-144, CC TO LTDN HX, in MAN and open to 100%. RD RO Place TCV-143, LTON LTDN TO VCT OR DEMIN, in VCT. RD RO Open PVT-8152, LTON LTDN LINE ISOL. RD RO Open the following:


RD RO Ensure the following Charging Line Isolation Valves are open:

a. MVG-8107, MVG-81 07, CHG LINE ISOL. ISOL.


b. MVG-8108, MVG-81 08, CHG LINE ISOL.

RO Slowly open FCV-122, CHG FLOW, to establish 60 gpm flow as indicated on FI-122A, FI-122A, CHG FLOW GPM. GPM. RD RO Open Open Orifice Orifice Isolation Isolation Valves to obtain the desired desired Letdown Letdown flow rate (60 (60 gpm gpm toto 120120 gpm): gpm): a.


ISOL (45 gpm). b.


ISOL (60 gpm).

c. PVT-8149C,

ISOL (60 gpm). Appendix D, 0, Page Page 3838 of of 39 39

_____ _____ Appendix D0 Appendix Scenario Outline Scenario Outline Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-1 Op-Test No.: Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Scenario No.: 11 Event No.: Event No.: 33 Page Page _ _ of of _ _ Event




I Time Time Position Position Applicants Actions Applicant's Actions or or Behavior Behavior RO RO Adjust FCV-122, Adjust FCV-122, CHG CHG FLOW, FLOW, as as required required to to maintain maintain TI-TI 140, REGEN 140, REGEN HX HX OUTOUT TEMP TEMP of, °F, between between 250°F250°F andand 350°F while 350°F maintaining Pressurizer while maintainina Pressuilzer level. level. RO RO Adjust PCV-145, Adjust PCV-145, LO LO PRESS PRESS LTDN, LTDN, to to maintain maintain PI-145, P1-145, LO PRESS LO PRESS LLTDNTDN PRESSPRESS PSIG, PSIG, between between 300 300 psig psig and and psig. 400 psig. 400 RO PCV-145, LO PRESS LTDN, in AUTO. Place PCV-145, RO RO Adjust TCV-144, CC TO LTDN LTDN HX, HX, potentiometer potentiometer as necessary to maintain the desired VCT temperature and place in AUTO. Refer to VCS Curve Book, Figure V11.15. Vll.15. RO When Pressurizer level matches reference level, place FCV-122, CHG FLOW, in AUTO per Section IV. RO After the Letdown temperatures have stabilized, place TCV-143, LTDN TO VCT OR DEMIN, in DEMIN/AUTO. DEMIN/AUTO. Op-Test Op-Test No.: No.: Scenario Scenario No.: No.: 11 Event No.: No.: ~ 3 £-{ Page _ _ of of _ _ Event Event



Time Time j Position Position Applicants Applicant's Actions Actions or or Behavior Behavior Building Building Building operator reports Building operator reports oil oil leak leak on on TDEFP TDEFP governor governor SRO/BOP SRO/BOP Crew Crew determines determines TDEFPTDEFP is is inoperable inoperable and and decides decides toto remove remove itit from from service by taking service by taking both both 2030 2030 valve valve switches switches to to the the closed closed position. position. Both Both annuaciators annuaciators 623 623 2-3 2-3 and and 622 622 2-3 (TD 2-3 (TD EFP EFP AUTOSTAR AUTOSTART T DEFEATED DEFEATED) alarm as

                                                                                  ) alarm   as the the 2030 2030 valves valves close.

close. Critical Critical SRO SRO SRO SRO evaluates evaluates Tech Tech Spec Spec andand determines determines thatthat aa plant Qlant shutdown shutdown isis necessary necessary Appendix Appendix D, D, Page 38 of Page 38 of 39 39

Appendix DD Appendix Scenario Outline Scenario Outline Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-1 Op-Test No.: Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Scenario No.: 11 Event No.: Event No.: 55 Page _ _ ofof _ _ Page Event




Time Time Position Position Applicants Actions Applicant's Actions oror Behavior Behavior GOP-4B GOP-4B BOP BOP Reduce load Reduce load by one of by one the following of the following methods: methods:

1) By
1) By use use ofof the the DEC DEC LOAD LOAD RATERATE circuit circuit
2) By use
2) By use ofof the the load load limiter limiter SRO SRO MDS calls and requests MDS calls and requests that the the load load decrease decrease be be raised raised to 11 %/min to  %/min because because of approaching severe of approaching severe thunderstorm.

thunderstorm. BOP BOP As load decreases, adjust MegavarsMegavars using GEN FIELD VOLT VOL requested by T ADJ as requested by the Load Load Dispatcher Dispatcher and within the Estimated Generator Capability Curve (Enclosure A). RO Maintain Tavg within the control band by Control Rod motion or boron concentration changes. Critical Critical RO Borate or dilute per SOP-106, Reactor Makeup Water System, to maintain the following parameters:

                            £I within limits.
1) ill
2) Control Rods above the Rod Insertion Limit.

Appendix Appendix D, D, Page Page 38 38 of of 39 39

Appendix D Appendix D Scenario Outline Scenario Outline Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-1 Op-Test No.: Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Scenario No.: 11 Event No.: Event No.: 66 Page Page _ _ of of _ _ Event




II Time Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Applicant's Behavior AOP-21 0.1 BOP As load decreases, BOP operator notices that FCV-0478 is failed as is and takes manual control of the valve lAW AOp- AOp 210.1. (could possibly receive annunciator 624 1-5 SG A LVL DEV.) Crew may also decide to conservatively stop the load reduction until they can determine that they have manual control of the vlave but this would not be required because it is not in the procedure. BOP 11 Manually adjust the AFFECTED Feedwater Flow Control Valve as necessary to maintain Narrow Range SG level between 60% and 65%: 60%and oII PVT-478, SG A FWF. EWE. oL PVT-488, SG B FWF. EWE. oL PVT-498, SG C FWF. EWE. SRO Dispatch I&C l&C to determine cause of auto control failure. Appendix D, Appendix D, Page Page 38 38 of of 39 39

Appendix0D Appendix ScenarioOutline Scenario Outline Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-1 Op-TestNo.: Op-Test No.: ScenarioNo.: Scenario No.: 11 EventNo.: Event No.: 77 Page Page_ _ ofof_ _ EventDescription: Event


Time Time Position Position Applicants Actions Applicant's Actions or or Behavior Behavior AOP-112.2 AOP-1 12.2 RD RO RO RO acknowledges acknowledges that that annunciator annunciator 646 646 2-1 2-1 (MN (MN STM STM LINE RMG-19 LINE RMG-19 HI HI RAD) RAD) isis inin alarm alarm and pulls the and pulls the ARP.ARP. RD RO Verify the Verify the alarm alarm isis valid valid and and identify identify the the Main Main Steam Steam lineline affecte d by observ affected by observing RM-G ing RM-G19A, B, B, and and C C and and RlR-8. RIR-8. SRO SRO Request Health Request Health Physics Physics perform perform radiological radiological surveys surveys around around the the Main Main Steam Steam lines. lines. SRO SRO Direct Chemistry Direct Chemistry to sample all all Steam Steam Generators Generators for activity. activity. Building Building Align the condenser condenser exhaust exhaust to the Auxiliary Auxiliary Building Building Charcoal Exhaust Charcoal Exhaust as follows: follows:




36). BOP BOP Reduc Reduce e all Steam Genera Generator tor blowd blowdownown flows to minim minimum. um. SRO SRO If the alarm is valid, refer to AOP-1 AOP- BOP BOP IfIf they have have notnot already already done done so so in in previo previous event, the us event, the crew crew may may elect elect to to stop stop the the load load reducti reduction and stabiliz on and stabilizee power power at at this this point. point. BOP BOP The The tubetube leak leak will will likely likely cause cause annunc annunciator 624 3-5 iator 624 3-5 (( SG SG C C LVL DEV) to alarm (expec LVL DEV) to alarm (expected alarm) ted alarm).... RD RO Check Check ifif PZR PZR levellevel cancan bebe mainta maintained: ined:

a. Open FCV-1
a. Open FCV-122, 22, CHG CHG FLOW FLOW,, as as necess necessary ary toto mainta maintain in PZR PZR levellevel this this will will cause cause annunc annunciator iator 614614 5-15-1 (CHG (CHG LINELINE FLO FLO Hl/LOHIILO) ) toto alarm alarm - expect expected alarm).

ed alarm) . b.b. Verify Verify PZR PZR level level isis at at or or trendin trending g toto progra program level. m level. RD RO Reduc Reduce e Letdow Letdown n toto one one 4545 gpm gpm RD RO IF IF PZRPZR level level continu continues es toto decrea decrease, THEN perform se, THEN perform the the Follow Following ing Close Close PVT-8 149A, LTDN PVT-8149A, LTDN ORIFI ORIFICE CE AA ISDLISOL Start a second Start a second CCW Pump.CCW Pump. Appen Appendixdix D,D, PagePage38 38ofof39 39

Appendix D Appendix D Scenario Outline Scenario Outline Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-1 Op-Test No.: Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Scenario No.: 11 Event Event No.: No.: 77 Page Page _ _ ofof _ _ Event




Time Time Position Position Applicant's Applicants Actions or Behavior Behavior Start a second Charging Pump. SRO Check if SI is required Verify VCT level is being maintained between 20% and 40%. SRO CRS directs the RO to insert a manual reactor trip and that they will actuate SI when directed by EOP-1.0 EQP-i .0 Appendix Appendix D,0, Page 38 of Page 38 of 39 39

Appendix D 0 Scenario Outline Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Form ES-D-1 Op-Test No.: Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Scenario No.: 11 Event No.: Event No.: 66 Page Page _ _ ofof -- Event




Time Position Position Applicant's Applicants Actions or or Behavior Behavior EOP-1 3M EOP-13.0 RD RO Verify Reactor Trip: Trip the Reactor using both Reactor Trip Switches. Critical RD RO IF the Reactor will NOT trip OR is NOT subcritical, THEN insert Control Rods at the fastest control rod insertion rate SRO Direction given to trip the reactor locally using Attachment 11 Follow-up question - may ask SRO to classify this

emergency event (Site Area Emergency) Critical


BOP Verify Turbine/Generator Trip: Verify all Turbine STM STOP VLVs are closed. Depress Emerg Trip Sys TRIP. BOP Ensure Generator Trip (after 30 second delay) I

1) Ensure the GEN BKR is open.
2) Ensure the GEN FIELD BKR is open.
3) Ensure the EXC FIELD CNTRL is tripped.

BOP Ensure EFW Pumps are running: Critical RD RO Initiate emergency boration of the RCS: Ensure at least one Charging Pump is running. Verify PZR pressure is LESS THAN 2335 psig. Verify SI ACT status light is NOT lit. Verify SI flow on Fl-943, FI-943, CHG LOOP B B CLD/HOT LG FLOW GPM.GPM. GO GO TO Step 5. Observe the CAUTION prior to Step 5. Critical Building Building Operator locally trips the RTBs at this point. Verify all all Reactor Trip Trip and and Bypass

                                                                 'Bypass Breakers Breakers are are open.

open. Verify all all Rod Bottom Bottom Lights Lights are are lit. lit. Verify Reactor Reactor Power Power level level is is decreasing. decreasing. RD RO 55 Verify Verify Containment Containment Ventilation Ventilation IsolationIsolation Valves Valves closed closed by by verifying verifying the the Safety INJECTION monitor Safety INJECTION monitor Appendix Appendix D, D, Page Page 3838 of of 39 39

Appendix D Appendix D Scenario Outline Scenario Outline Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-1 Op-Test No.: Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Scenario No.: 11 Event No.: Event No.: 66 Page Page _ _ of of _ _




Event Time Time I Position Position lights are are dim, dim, Applicants Actions Applicant's Actions oror Behavior Behavior lights RO RO Verify the Reactor Reactor is is subcritical: subcritical: Power Range Power channels indicate Range channels indicate LESSLESS THAN 5%. 5%. Intermediate Range channels indicate indicate a negative startup rate SRO GO TO Step 15. Observe the CAUTION prior to Step 15. SRO RETURN TO the Procedure and Step in effect (EOP- (EOP 1.0). EOP-1 .0 EOP-1.0 RO Reactor Trip: Verify ReactorTrip: Trip the Reactor using either Reactor Trip Switch. Verify all Reactor Trip and Bypass Breakers are open. I Verify all Rod Bottom Lights are lit. Verify Reactor Power level is decreasing. BOP Verify Turbine/Gen Turbine/Generatorerator Trip: Verify all Turbine STM STOP VLVs are closed. Ensure Ensure Generator Trip (after 30 second delay): Ensure Ensure the the GEN GEN BKRBKR is is open. open. Ensure Ensure the the GEN GEN FIELD BKR BKR is is open. open. Ensure Ensure the EXC EXC FIELD CNTRL CNTRl is is tripped. BOP BOP Verify both ESF Verify both ESF buses. buses. BOP BOP operator operator notes notes that that there there is no is no power power onon 1DB lOB and and that that the the diesel diesel did did not not start. start. HeHe announces announces thatthat there there is is aa lockout lockout on on XFMR-XTF31 XFMR-XTF31 (by (by recognizing recognizing annunciator annunciator 639 6394-24-2 inin alarm). alarm). BOP BOP operator operator also also notes notes that that annunciator annunciator 637 6376-1 (DG BB 6-1 (DG ENG START FAIL) ENG START FAil) is is in in alarm alarm BOP BOP BOP BOP operator depresses the operator depresses the B "B" DG DG Emergency Emergency StartStart Pushbutton Pushbutton and and notes notes that that thethe diesel diesel does does start start and and thethe Appendix Appendix D, 0, Page Page 3838 of of 39 39

Appendix 0D Appendix ScenarioOutline Scenario Outline Form Form ES-O-1 ES-D-1 Op-TestNo.: Op-Test No.: ScenarioNo.: Scenario No.: 11 EventNo.: Event No.: 66 Page Page_ _ ofof_ _ EventDescription: Event


[ Time Time Position Position Applicants Actions Applicant's Actions or or Behavior Behavior DG breaker DG breaker doesdoes close close toto energize energize 11 DB. DB. RD RO Check ifif SI Check SI is is actuated: actuated: Check Check ifif either either SI SI ACTACT status status light light isis bright bright on on XCP-XCP 6107 1-1 6107 1-1 oror Any Any redred first-out first-out SISI annunciator annunciator isis lit lit on on XCP-626 XCP-626 top top row. row. Actuate SI Actuate using either SI using either SI SI ACTUATION ACTUATION Switch. Switch. Critical Critical BOP BOP Complete ATTACHMENT Complete ATTACHMENT 3, 3, SI SI EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT VERIFICATION. VERIFICATION. SRO SRO Announce plant Announce plant conditions conditions over over the page page system. system. RD RO Verify RB pressure pressure has remained remained LESS THAN 12 PR-951, RB PSIG (P-951), red pen. psig on PR-951, I I BOP BOP temperature: Check RCS temperature: With any RCP running, RCS Tavg is stable at OR 557°F. trending to 55YOF. With no RCP running, RCS Tcold is stable at OR trending to 557°F 55YOF IF Narrow Range SC SG level is LESS THAN 30% [50%] in all SGs, THEN reduce EFW flow as necess necessary ary to stop the the cooldown, while maintaining while maintaining total total EFW EFW flow GREATER GREATER THAN THAN 450 450 gpm. gpm. WHEN WHEN Narrow Narrow Range SG SG level level is is GREATER GREATER THAN THAN 30% 30% [50%] [50%] in in at at least least oneone SG,SG, THENTHEN control control EFW EFW flow flow as as necess necessaryary to to stabiliz stabilize RCS temper e RCS temperature at 55YOF. ature at 557°F. RD RO Check Check PZR PZR PORV PORVs s and and Spray Spray ValvesValves:: PZR PZR PORVs PORVs are are closed closed.. PZR PZR Spray Spray Valves Valves are are closed closed.. Verify power is availab Verify power is available le toto at at least least one one PZR PZR PORV PORV Block Block Valve. Valve. MVG-8000A MVG-8000A, , RELIEF RELIEF 445 445 AA ISDL.ISOL. MVG-8000B MVG-8000B, , RELIEF RELIEF 444 444 BB ISOL.ISOL. MVG-8000C MVG-8000C, , RELIEF RELIEF 445 445 BB ISDL. ISOL. Verify at least Verify_at least oneone PZR PZR PDRV PORV Block BlockValveValve isis open open RO RO Check Check ifif RCPs RCPs shouldshould be be stoppe stopped: d: RCS RCS pressu pressurere isis LESS LESS THAN THAN 1400 1400 psigpsig AND AND SI SI flow flow isis Appendix Appendix D, 0, Page Page 38 38 ofof3939

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Time Time Position Position Applicants Actions Applicant's Actions or or Behavior Behavior indicated on indicated Fl-943, CHG on FI-943, LOOP B CHG LOOP B CLD/HOT CLD!HOT LG LG FLOW FLOW GPM. GPM. Note: RCS Note: RCS pressure pressure should should bebe about about 1800 1800 psig psig so so no no RCP trip RCP trip should be be required. required. BOP Verify no SG is FAULTED: No SG pressure is decreasing in an uncontrolled manner. depressurized. No SG is completely depressurized. RO Verify Secondary radiation levels indicate SG tubes are NOT RUPTURED: RM-G19A(B)(C), STMLN HI RNG GAMMA. RM-A9, CNDSR EXHAUST GAS ATMOS MONITOR. RM-L3, STEAM GENERATOR BLOWDOWN LIQUID MONITOR. RM-L10, RM-L 10, SG BLOWDOWN CW DISCHARGE LIQUID MONITOR. Critical SRO GO TO EOP-4.0, EOP-4.O, STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE, Step 1. 1. Appendix D, Appendix D, Page Page 3838 of of 39 39

Appendix D Appendix D Scenario Outline Scenario Outline Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-1 Op-Test No.: Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Scenario No.: 11 Event No.: Event No.: 66 Page Page _ _ of of _ _




Event Time Time I Position Position Applicants Actions Applicant's Actions oror Behavior Behavior I I I I Op-Test No.: Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Scenario No.: 11 Event No.: Event No.: 66 Page Page _ _ of of _ _ Event


Time Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Applicant's RO RCPs should be stopped: Check if Reps Check if either of the following criteria is met: Annunciator XCP-612 4-2 is lit (PHASE B ISOL). i OR RCS pressure is LESS THAN 1400 psig AND SI flow is indicated on FI-943, CHG LOOP B CLD/HOT LG FLOW GPM. Note: RCS pressure should be about 1800 1800 psig so it should not be necessary to secure any RCPs SRO Identify the RUPTURED SG(s): Narrow Range level in any SG increasing in an uncontrolled uncontrolled manner, OR High Radiation on any of RM-G19A(B RM-G 19A(B)(C),)(C), STMLN STMLN HI HI RNG RNG. GAMMA, GAMMA, OR Local hand held radiation monitor readings taken by by Health Health Physics Physics on the blowdown lines at following penetrations: XRP0326, SG SG A A Blowdown Blowdown Line Line (AB-412 (AB-412 West West Pen). Pen). XRP0224, XRP0224, SG SG BB Blowdown Blowdown Line Line (IB-412 (IB-412 East East Pen Pen XRPO219, XRP0219, SG SG C C Blowdown Blowdown Line Line (lB-412 (IB-412 East East Pen), Pen), OR As determined OR As determined by by Chemistry Chemistry ampleample analysis analysis for for abnormal abnormal activity activity using using aa frisker. frisker. BOP BOP Isolate Isolate flow flow from from each each RUPTURED RUPTURED SG: SG: Place Place the the Steamline Steamline PWR PWR RELIEF RELIEF A(B)(C) A(B)(C) SETPT SETPT Controller(s) Controller(s) Appendix Appendix D, D, Page Page 38 38 ofof 39 39

Appendix D Appendix 0 Scenario Outline Scenario Outline Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-1 Op-Test No.: Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Scenario No.: 11 Event No.: Event No.: 66 Page Page _ _ ofof _ _ Event




Time Time II Position Position Applicants Actions Applicant's Actions or Behavior Behavior in MAN and closed. Adjust the PWR RELIEF A(B)(C) SETPT Controller(s)Controller(s) (1150 psig). to 8.85 (1150 psig). Place the Steamline PowerPower Relief Relief A(B)(C) Mode Mode Switch(s) in PWR RLF. Place the PWR RELIEF A(B)(C) SETPT Controller(s) in AUTO. BOP WHEN RCS Tavg is LESS THAN P-12 (552°F), THEN place both STM DUMP INTERLOCK Switches to BYP INTLK. BOP Verify the Steamline PORV closed. Critical BOP IF at least one MD EFW Pump is running, THEN isolate the TD EFW Pump by placing PVG-2030, STM SPL SPLY Y TO TD EFP to CLOSE. BOP/Building Open XMC1 DB2Y 05EH, O5EH, EMERG FEEDWATER PUMP MAIN STEAM BLOCK XVG2802B-MS XVG28O2B-MS (AB-463). XVGO28O2B-MS, MS HEADER C EF PUMP Close XVG02802B-MS, TURBINE SUPPLY VLV BOP Close the following for each RUPTURED SG: 56: 56 Blowdown, PVG-503A(B)(C). SG MS Drain Isolation, PVT-2843A(B)(C). MS Drain Isolation, PVT-2877B for SG C. Critical BOP Close the following for each RUPTURED SG: MS Isolation Valve, PVM-2801 A(B)(C PVM-2801A(B)(C AND MS Isolation Bypass PVM-2869A(B)(C). The ruptured SG is now Isolated. Appendix Appendix D, D, Page Page 38 38 ofof 39 39

Appendix D, Appendix D, Rev. Rev. 99 Scenario Outline Scenario Outline Form Form ES-D-1 ES-D-1 Facility: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Scenario Facility: Scenario No.: No.: _-!2=-----__ Op-Test _____ Op-Test No.: No.: _..:...1 _j_______ Examiners: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Operators: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Examiners: Initial Conditions: AT approximately 45'% Initial 45% power and increasing. increasing. Turnover: At the point of the GOP when the second feed water pump is going to be placed in service. The crew is to place the B Main Feed Water Pump in service lAW XXXX. Thunder storms in the area, severe weather check list being implemented.

1. A, Small tube leak, approx. 8 gpd. MAL-RCS002A S/G "A," MAL-RCSOO2A
2. Motor Driven AFW Pump "A" A Impeller replacement in progress with 48 hours to complete, have done 12 hours so far.
3. Turnover that the "B" B S/G rad monitor is OOS.


4. Painting in the area of the TD AFW pump.
5. Senior Resident is Walking down the CVCS system with system engineer.

Event Malt. Event Event No. No. Type* Type* Description 1 1 BOP The BOP will place the second feed water pump in service (N) lAW XXXX. Once the pump is in service and reported to the SRO that it is in service and the master controller is controlling both S/Gs proceed to the next event. This event should be set up just as the feed pump is ready to be paralleled_to_the_other paralleled to the other feed_pump_to_save_time. feed pump to save time. 2 RO (I) Power Range Channel N44, Failure, with the failure of the SRO rods to move in the incorrect direction. In this case the rods, (TS) will move in the inward direction. This may need an over ride of some sort to be able to do this. Use the transmitter that is associated associated with the controlling channel. Make Make sure this will not not cause aa reactor trip. Trouble shooting this event event for the rest of of the scenario. Use turbine turbine load to control tave tref mismatch_or_with_boration. mismatch or with boration. 33 BOP (I) Feedwater FlowFlow transmitter transmitter (476) (476) Failure, Failure, Failing Failing closed, closed, slowly, slowly, aa ramp atat approximately mi.nutes from full open approximately 33 minutes open toto closed, this 50% closed, 50% this will will be be mitigated mitigated by taking the by taking the automatic automatic controller to to manual. manual. 44 BOP BOP Running Running EH EH pump pump trips. trips. (Must (Must manually manually start start other other pump) pump) (C) (C) 55 RO (I) RD (I) Pressurizer Pressurizer pressure pressure channel channel 444 444 failure, failure, High. High. Control Control

Facility: Facility: No.: Scenario No.: 2 __..._____ Op-Test No.: No.: _1 Examiners: Operators: Initial Conditions: AT approximately 45 % power and increasing. Turnover: At the point of the GOP when the second feed water pump is going to be placed in service. The crew is to place the B Main Feed Water Pump in service lAW XXXX. Thunder storms in the area, severe weather check list being implemented.

1. A, Small tube leak, approx. 8 gpd. MAL-RCSOO2A S/G "A," MALRCSOO2A
2. Motor Driven AFW Pump "A" A Impeller replacement in progress with 48 hours to complete, have done 12 hours so far.
3. Turnover that the "B"B S/G rad monitor is OOS.
4. Painting in the area of the TD AFW pump.
5. Senior Resident is Walking down the CVCS system with system engineer.

Event Maif. Malt. Event Event No. No. Type* Type* Description Descripton SRO severity to prevent a trip. Adjust as necessary to allow a (TS) PORV to look like its closed but, in fact it is not, this would required the operators to determine that the block valve would need to be isolated. 6 All Small steam line break occurs, to allow determination for a SRO reactor shut down requirement. Run this until the team (TS) realizes a reactor trip is going to happen. This should not be R:o ,\ 1 (f?,).


I) dont have to do a reactivity to fast but fast enough that we don't controls evolution. When the reactor is tripped it will not trip,

                       ~Df{f'I) p(,q)        ATWT, since ROD control is backwards, and not fixed from event 2, the crew may elect to not drive rods or they may try the opposite way in order to get rods to move. In any event, they must get the outside operator to trip the Reactor trip breakers ASAP.

7 MAL- All-(M) AII-(M) Just before the reactor is tripped locally, a large main steam MSSOO line break occurs on the C Steam Generator, up stream of 3C the MSIVs. All MSIV do not automatically isolate upon the appropriate signal. A full manual isolation will occur when the appropriate hand switches have been manipulated. The isolation valves from feed water do not isolate automatically (adding energy to the containment), requiring the manual isolation of those feed water valves. Following_to_the_Major_event. Following to the Major event.

                                                    "B" train Containment Spray pump to operate Failure of the B automatically. Will manually start.

Facility: Scenario No.: 2 __.... Op-Test No.: - 1 _i_____ Examiners: Operators: Initial Conditions: AT approximately 45 % power and increasing. Turnover: At the point of the GOP when the second feed water pump is going to be placed in service. The crew is to place the 8 B Main Feed Water Pump in service lAW XXXX. Thunder storms in the area, severe weather check list being implemented.

1. A, Small tube leak, approx. 8 gpd. MAL-RCSOO2A S/G "A,"
2. Motor Driven AFW Pump "A" A Impeller replacement in progress with 48 hours to complete, have done 12 hours so far.
3. Turnover that the "8" B S/G rad monitor is OOS.
4. Painting in the area of the TD AFW pump.
5. Senior Resident is Walking down the CVCS system with system engineer.

Event Malt. Malf. Event Event No. No. Type* Type* Description A train of Containment Spray, the flow meter will read The "A" with Zero or NO flow. Building CoolinQ Will have to manually start a Reactor 8uildinQ Cooling Unit.

    • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (l)nstrument, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor

No.: Op-Test No.: No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Event No.: Page _of Page_. of




Time Position [ Applicants Actions or Behavior I IBOP IPlace B FPT SPEED CONTROL in Cascade Mode I SOP-210 Place B FPT SPEED CONTROL in Cascade Mode as as follows:

1) Increase the MASTER SPEED CNTRl (MOB mla CNTRL (MCB rn/a station) in MAN until the Feed Pump Purnp speed demand, as indicated on SCY-509C, is between 4100 rpm rprn and 5000 rpm (indicated on GRAPHIC 310 screen only). (PEER D) H)
2) Adjust the SP value (up and down arrows) on B FPT SPEED CONTROL until turbine RPM is within 25 rpm of SCY-509C rpm (indicated on GRAPHIC 310 screen only).
3) Click on the C icon on the B FPT SPEED CONTROL (S icon) face plate.

BOP Stop TPP22B-PP2, AUX OIL PP, and return the switch to AUTO.(PEER D) H) BOP Stop Feedwater Pump B TURN GEAR and return switch to AUTO. (PEER D)H) BOP If With more than one Main Feedwater Pump is operating, perform the following for the pump being placed in service:

a. Adjust the setpoint potentiometer dials on PUMP B B SPEED CNTRl CNTRL (MCB MIA station) as necessary to (MOB M/A maintain all operating Feedwater Pumps within 120 RPM of each other.

15%, close MOV-1

b. When plant load is greater than 15%, MOV -


t'a FWP in service event.

End of placing 2

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Time Time Position Position Applicants Applicants Actions or or Behavior Behavior AOP 401.3 FT-477 STEAM FLOW FAILURE. FAIL URE. Enter AOP-401.3. A OP-40 1.3. First 77 steps are Immediate Operator Actions. FCV-478 will travel closed. Alarm XCP-624, 4-4 SG A FWF>STF MISMA TCH BOP 11 Verify the failed channel is the controlling channel. BOP 2 Select the operable flow channel:

                                   *. Place FW CONTROL CHANNEL SEL Switch to the operable channel.
                                   *. Place STEAM CONTROL CHANNEL SEL Switch to the operable channel CRS/BOP         3 Verify Turbine Load'isLoad is LESS THAN 950 MWe CRS/BOP         4 Verify only one SG is AFFECTED CNU~al Critipal     CRS/BOP         5 Adjust the Feedwater Flow Control Valve as necessary to restore feed flow to the AFFECTED SG.

CRS/BOP 6 Restore Narrow Range level in all SGs to between 60% and 65%. CRS/BOP CRS/BOP 77 Check ifif Feedwater Feedwater Pump speed control is is operating properly:

                                 .* Feedwater Feedwater Header Header pressure is   is GREATER GREATER THAN THAN Main Steam Main   Steam Header Header pressure
                                 .* Feed Feed flow isis normal normal for steam steam andand flow and and power power level level
                                 .* All    operating Feedwater Pump All operating               Pump speeds speeds and and flows are_balanced are balanced CRS/BOP CRS/BOP       88 Verify Verify Narrow      Range level Narrow Range     level in in all all SGs SGs is is normal.


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Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CRS/BOP 9 Restore the AFFECTED SG control systems to normal:

                                *. Place the Feedwater Flow Control Valve in AUTO
                                *. Place the Feedwater Pump Speed Control System in AUTO. REFER' REFER TO SOP-210,

FEEDWATER SYSTEM CRS 10 Within six hours, place the failed failed' channel protection bistables in a ' tripped condition:

a. Identify the associated bistables for the failed channel.

REFER TO ' Attachment 1.

b. Record the following for each associated bistable on SOP-401, REACTOR PROTECTION AND CONTROL SYSTEM, Attachment I:
                               *. Instrument.
                               *. Associated Bistable.
                               *. Bistable Location.
                               *. STPs.
c. Notify the I&C l&C Department to ' place the identified bistables in trip.

TS 3.3.1, Table 3.3-1, item 14 CRS/SE 11 Determine and correct the cause of the channel failure. No repair will occur for this event. End of FT-477 failure event. ARP 631 1-2 Running EHC pump trips event BOP A EHC Pump trips, Receives alarm XCP 631, 1-2, 1 -2, EHC FLUID PRESS LO, BOP reviews procedure and hands to CRS.

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Time j Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Crew mayor may or may not reference SOP-222 SWITCHOVER OF THE EHC PUMPS for starting the idle EHC pump Critical C~itic~1 BOP/CRS Start the idle EHC pump.pump

           . BOP/CRS      Verify the following:
                               ** Starting amps decay off within 30 seconds.
                              *. The started pump discharge pressure is greater than 1550 psig as indicated at the EHC unit by HFPM-A OUTPUT PRESSURE or HFPM-B OUTPUT PRESSURE.
                              *. EHC header pressure is greater than 1550 psig as P1-5676, EHC FLUID PRESS PSIG.

indicated by PI-5676,


BOP/CRS Place the previously running EHC pump switch in After-Stop. CRS may direct placing pump in PTL due to apparent motor failure. End of running EHC pump trips event. AOP-401 AOP-401.5 .5 Start of PT-444 Failure event. RO Receives annunciators XCP 616 2-3 PZR PRESS HI/LO, 6162-3 616 6162-5 2-5 PZR CNTRL PRESS HI, 616 4-4 PRT LVL LO/ 6164-4 LOI TEMP/PRESS/LVL/HI TEMP/PRESS/LVUHI Verifies PT-444 is failing high CRS Enters AOP-401 .5, Pressurizer Pressure Control AOP-401.5, Channel Failure. Verifies first 33 steps are are completed which are immediate actions. Critical RO 1.

1. Verify the PZR PORVs are closed:
                                ** PCV-445A. PWR  PWR RELIEF
                                .* PCV-445B.



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II Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior RO 2. Compare the PZR control channel indication to the protection channel indications:

  • PI-455.
                                        . P1-455. PRESS PSIG
  • P1-456. PRESS PSIG
                                       *. PI-456.
  • PI-457.
                                        . P1-457. PRESS PSIG RO                            P1-444. CNTRl
3. Check if PI-444. CNTRL CHAN PRESS PSIG is NORMAL Critical C~,iticpl CRS/RO 3. IF PT-444 failed, then perform the following:

a) Ensure the PZR Spray Valves are closed:

                                   .   .

c) Operate the PZR Heaters and Spray Valves in manual to control RCS pressure between 2220 psig and 2250 psig. d) Within one hour; close MVG-8000B. RELIEF 444 B ISOL. Per TS 3.4.4.b, must also remove power from block valve, XVG-8000B. CRS/RO 4. Check If P1-445. PI-445. CNTRL CNTRl CHAN PRESS PSIG, indication is NORMAL CRS/RO 5. Ensure ROD CNTRL CNTRl BANK SEL SEl Switch is In AUTO. CRS/RO 6. Maintain RCS pressure between 2220 pslg and 2250 psig.

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Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CRS/SE 7. Determine and correct the cause of the channel failure. No repair will occur for this event. CRS Reference TS 3.4.4.b. for PORV failure. Must remove power from block valve in this case. End of PT-444 failure eventevent.... AOP-401.1O AOP-401.10 Start of N-44 Failure and Rods Fail To Move event. Crew should enter:

                               *. AOP-401.10 AOP-401. 10 for N-44 Failure (steps 1&2 are immediate actions).
                               *. AOP-403.4    for Stuck Control Rods (steps 1&2 actions)....

are immediate actions) RO should notice notice_rods_did rods did not movemove_when_N-44 when N-44 failed. RD RO N-44 starts failing hi, the following alarms are received: XCP 6201-1 620 1-1 PR HI SETPT FLUX HI XCP 620 1-4 PR CHAN DEV XCP 620 1-5 PR UP DET FLUX HI DEV AUTO DEFEAT XCP 620 1-6 PR LO DET FLUX HI DEV AUTO DEFEAT RD RO 1. Verify normal indication on Power Range Channel N-44. IF Power Range Channel N-44 has failed, THEN place the ROD CNTRLCNTRl BANK SEL SEl Switch in MAN. RD RO 2. Stabilize any plant transients in progress. CRS/RO 3. Maintain stable plant conditions CRS/RO 4. Verify no testing .is .is in in progress on the operable Power Range channels. CRS/RO S. Place ROD STOP BYPASS Switch for the failed 5. Power Power Range channel in in BYPASS.

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Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CRS/RO 6. Verify the appropriate Rod Stop Bypass status light is lit:

                               *. For N-44, B2 OP ROD STOP BYP (XCP-6111 (XCP-61 11 4-4).

CRS/RO 7. Adjust Control Rods to maintain Tavg within l.O°F 1.0°F of Trcf The empty fuse holders should NOT be reinstalled as this will allow a small amount of current flow through the blown fuse indicator CRS/RO 8. Deenergize the failed Power Range channel: .

                              ** Remove the CONTROL POWER fuses from the POWER RANGE A drawer of N-44.
                              *. Remove the INSTR POWER fuses from the POWER RANGE B drawer of N-44.

CRS/RO 9. Align the Power Range channel comparator circuits:

a. Place the following switches to the failed Power Range channel (N-44) position:
                                 *. COMPARATOR CHANNEL DEFEAT Switch (on the COMPARATOR AND RATE drawer)
                                 *. UPPER SECTION Switch (on tre   the DETECTOR CURRENT COMPARATOR drawer)
                                *. LOWER SECTION Switch (on the DETECTOR CURRENT COMPARATOR drawer).

CRS/RO CRS!RO 10. Ensure NR-45 is selected to the appropriate operable channels. CRS/SE 11. Within six hours, place the failed channel

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Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior protection bistables in a tripped condition:

a. Identify the associated bistables for the failed channel (N-44). REFER to Attachment 1.
b. Record the following for each associated bistable on SOP-401, REACTOR PROTECTION AND CONTROL SYSTEM, Attachment I:
                              *. Instrument
                              *. Associated Bistable
                              *. Bistable Location.
                              ** STPs.
c. Notify the I&Cl&C Department to place the identified bistables in trip.

CRS/RO 12. Verify Reactor Power is lESS LESS THAN 75%. CRS 13. Refer to Tech Spec 3.3.1. CRS/SE 14. Determine and correct the cause of the Power Range channel failure. Cause of failure will not be determined for this event. AO P-403.4 AOP-403.4 CRS Following are the actions for Failure of Control Rods to Move. Steps 1 & 2 are immediate actions. This event will 1& be occurring simultaneously with the N44 failure so the crew will be forced to prioritize between the two AOPs RO 1. The ROD CNTRL

1. eNTRl BANK SEL SEl Switch is already in MAN RO 2. Main Turbine load is already stabilized

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Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CRS/RO 3. Stop any boration or dilution in progress CRS/RO 1. Adjust Control Rods to maintain Tavg within 1.0 degrees of Tref. Since Control Rods will NOT move, THEN perform the following:

                              *. Adjust Main Turbine load until Tavg is within 5 degrees of Tref
                              *. Initiate GTP-702, Attachment IV.A, INOPERABLE CONTROL ROD Critical     CRS                                   which will require a CRS evaluates Tech Specs following:

plant shutdown, then performs the followinq: SE a. Notify the following plant personnel;

                                        *. Management Duty Supervisor
                                        *. Reactor Engineering BOP               b. Decrease Main Turbine Load to 50 MW at a rate determined by the Shift Supervisor. (Refer to GOP-4,_POWER GOP-4,              OPERATION,_MODE_1)

POWER OPERATION, MODE 1) BOP/RO BOP/RO' c. Maintain Tavg within 5 degrees of Tref using the following:

                                       .* Main Turbine Load adjustment
                                       .* RCS Boration. Refer to SOP-106, REACTOR_MAKEUP REACTOR MAKEUP WATER SYSTEM While attempting to lower load, the SMALL STEAM LEAK will initiate. A MANUAL Rx    Ax Trip may be initiated due to degrading plant conditions. RX WILL NOT TRIP.

Approximately 20 minutes later LARGE STEAM BREAK. Should receive the following annunciators: XCP 606 2-2 RBCU 1A/2A 6062-2 1A12A DAN DRN FLO HI XCP 607 2-2 RBCU 1B/2B 6072-2 1BI2B DAN DRN FLO HI DNB TS 3.2.5 for low PZR Pressure will occur. (2206 psig) psig)

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Event Time Position Position Applicants Actions or Applicants or Behavior Behavior } EOP-1.O & EOP-13.0 EOP-1.0 EOP-13.O Crew will enter EOP-1.0.Step Crew EOP-1.0 Step 11 and transition to EOP-EOP 13.0 since Rx 13.0 Ax will not trip. EOP 13.0 1&2 are 13.0 Steps 1&2 immediate actions. RO 1. Verify Reactor Trip SINCE the Reactor will NOT trip NOR is subcritical, THEN insert Control Rods. SINCE Control Rods will NOT insert THEN Trip the ATTACHMENT 1, TRIPPING THE Reactor per ATIACHMENT REACTOR LOCALLY. ' Critical. Critical, Note: At this point the conditions are met to declare an EAL classification of "Site Site Area Emergency". Emergency. This declaration can be made as a follow-up question at the completion of the scenario Critical BOP 2. Verify Turbine/Gen erator Trip: Turbine/Generator

a. Verify all Turbine STM STOP VLVs are closed.
12. Ensure Generator Trip (after 30 second delay):


1) Ensure the GEN BKR is open.


2) Ensure the GEN FIELD BKR is open.
3) Ensure the EXC FIELD CNTRL is tripped.

ALL 3. Ensure EFW Pumps are running:

a. Ensure both MD EFW Pumps are running.
b. Verify the TD TO EFW Pump is running if necessary to maintain maintain SG SG levels.

levels. Critical ALL Initiate emergency

4. Initiate
4. boration of emergency boration RCS:

of the RCS: (Not if SI in progress)

a. Ensure at least one Charging Pump is running.


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[ Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

b. Verify PZR pressure is LESS THAN 2335 psig.
c. Verify SI ACT status light is NOT lit.
d. Open MVT-81MVT-8104, 04, EMERG BORATE.
e. Verify XPP-13B, BA XFER PP B, is running.
f. Verify GREATER THAN 30 gpm on FI-110, Fl-i 10, EMERG BORATE FLOW GPM.

If an SI signal exists or occurs, Steps 11 through 8 of EOP-1O, REACTOR TRIP/SAFETY INJECTION EOP-1.0, ACTUATION, should be performed to verify proper SI actuation, while continuing with this procedure. CRS may hand BOP EOP-1.0 EOP- 1.0 while continuing with wIth EOP- 13.0 EOP-13.0 ALL 12. Verify Containment Ventilation Isolation Valves closed by verifying the following SAFETY INJECTION monitor lights are dim:

                                   *. XCP-6103 3-4 (POST ACCID HR EXH 6057 &           &


                                  *.           03 2-1 (POST ACCID HR EXH XCP-61032-1 XCP-61 6056/6066).

Critical At this point the building operator is successful at getting the RTBs open locally ALL 6. Verify the Reactor is subcritical:

a. Power Range channels indicate LESS THAN 5%.
b. Intermediate Range channels indicate a negative startup_rate.

startup rate.

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Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior 12.GO TO Step 15. Observe the CAUTION' CAUTION prior to Step 15. This is a continuous action step. Should have the Rx Tripped locally by time arriving at this step. ALL 15. Return to procedure and step in effect. EOP-1 .0 EOP-1.0 EOP- 1.0 Returns to EOP-1. 0 Step 1. Large Steam Break should occur at this time. Most Likely an AUTO SI will occur prior to MANUAL actuation due to size of steam break. RO 1. Verify Reactor Trip:

                                 *. Trip the Reactor using either Reactor Trip Switch
                                 *. Verify all Reactor Trip and Bypass Breakers are open.
                                 *. Verify all Rod Bottom Lights are lit.
                                 *. Verify Reactor Power level is decreasing.

BOP 2. Verify Turbine/Generator Trip:

a. Verify all Turbine STM STOP VLVs are closed.
b. Ensure Generator Trip (after 30 second delay):
1) Ensure the GEN BKR is open.
2) Ensure the GEN FIELD BKR is open.
3) Ensure the EXC FIELD CNTRL is tripped.

BOP 3. Verify both ESF buses are energized. I* ALL 4. Check if SI is actuated:

a. Check if either:
                                    .* SI ACT status light is bright on XCP-61 07 1-1.

1-1 . OR

                                   .* Any red first-out SI annunciator is lit on XCP XCP-626 top row. '
b. Actuate SI using either SI ACTUATION Switch.

GO TO_Step TO Step 6.

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Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior ALL 5. Check if SI is required:

a. Check if any of the following conditions exist:
                               *. PZR pressure LESS THAN 1850 psig.


                               *. RB pressure  GREATER THAN 3.6 psig.


                               ** Steamline pressure LESS THAN 675 psig.


                               *. Steamline differential pressure GREATER THAN 97psid.

97 psid.

b. Actuate SI using either SI ACTUATION Switch.



CRS/BOP 6.Complete ATTACHMENT 3, SI EQUIPMENT VERIFICATION. RO Notes that RBCU XFN-0064B did not auto start in SS on the SI and manually starts XFN-0064B CRS/SE 7. Announce plant conditions over the page system. CRS/RO 8.Verify RB pressure has remained LESS THAN 12 a.Verify psig_on_PR-951,_RB_PSIG_(P-951),_red_pen. psig on PR-951, RB PSIG (P-951), red pen. RO 8 Perform the following: a) Verify both the following annunciators are lit: XCP-612 3-2 (RB SPR ACT). XCP-612 4-2 (PHASE B B ISOL). IF either annunciator is NOT lit, THEN actuate RB Spray by placing the following switches to ACTUATE: Both CS-SGA1 CS-SGA 1 and CS-SGA2. OR Both CS-SGB1 and CS-SGB2. MVG-3003A(B),_SPRAY_HDR_ISOL_LOOP MVG-3003A(B), SPRAY HDR ISOL LOOP A(B). RO b) Verify Phase BB Isolation by ensuring RB PRAY/PHASE PRA Y/PHASE B B ISOL ISOL monitor monitor lights lights are bright on XCP XCP-6105. RO Ensure the following are open: c) Ensure MVG-3001A(B), MVG-3001A(B), RWST TO SPRAY PUMP A(B) SUCT. SUCT.

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Event [ Time Time Position Position Applicants Applicants Actions MVG-3002A(B), NAOH MVG-3002A(B), Actions or NAOH TO or Behavior Behavior TO SPRAY SPRAY PUMP PUMP A(B) SUCT. RO d) Ensure both RB Spray Pumps are running Of (If the RO already done sOz has not alread'/.. so, at this l2.oint point thethe RO manually starts the "B" manuall'/.. B RB Sl2.ra'/..l2.uml2. Spray pump that did not auto start on the Phase B isolation sianal.J signal.) RO e) Verify RB Spray flow is GREATER THAN 2500 gpm for each operating train on FI-7368, SPR PP A DISCH FLOW GPM. Fl-7378, SPR PP B DISCH FLOW GPM. FI-7378, point the RO notes that there is no flow (At this l2.oint Fl-7368 but that all other indications are indicated on FI-7368 diagnoses it as a failed indicator.) normal and diaanoses indicatorj Critical RO f) Stop all RCPs (if not already stopped on <1400 ;psig psig and SI flow).

CRS/RO 9.Check RCS temperature:

                                  *. With any RCP running, RCS Tavg is stable at OR trending to 557F 557"F OR
                                  *. With no RCP running, RCS Tcold is stable at OR 557F.

trending to 557"F. IF RCS temperature is LESS THAN 557F 557"F AND decreasing, THEN: a) Place the STM DUMP CNTRL Controller in MAN and closed. b) Place the STM DUMP MODE MODE SELECT Switch in STM PRESS.PRESS. c) Ensure all Steamline PORV5PORVs and Condenser Steam Dumps are closed. Dumps d) d) IF RCS cooldown continues, IF RCS continues, THEN: THEN: (Could get get red path_on_EOP-path on EOP-1S.0 throttle_too 15.0_ififthrott/e too

Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: - - - - - - Event No.: .- - - - - Page _ _ of _~I Event


Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior much)

1) IIFF Narrow Range SG level is LESS THAN 30%

[50%] in all SGs, THEN reduce EFW flow as necessary to stop the cooldown, while maintaining total EFW flow GREATER THAN 450 gpm.

2) WHEN Narrow Range SG level is GREATER THAN 30% [50%] in at least one SG, THEN control EFW flow as necessary to stabilize RCS temperature at 557F.


3) IF RCS cooldown continues, THEN close:
  • MS Isolation Valves, PVM-2801A(B)(C).
  • MS Isolation Bypass Valves, PVM-2869A(B)(C).

IF ReS RCS temperature is GREATER THAN 557"F 557F AND increasing, THEN: a) Verify PERMISV PERM ISV C-9 status light is bright on XCP XCP-6114 1-3. b) IF the Condenser is available, THEN ensure Condenser Steam Dump Valves are open. c) IF the Condenser is NOT available, THEN open the Steam PCV-2000(20 10) (2020): line PORVs, PCV-2000(2010)(2020): Steamline

1) Place the PWR RELIEF A(B)(C) SETPT 1)

Controllers in MAN and closed. Steam line Power Relief A(B)(C) Mode Place the Steamline Switches in PWR RLF.

Op-Test No.: Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Scenario No.: Event Event No.: No.: Page Page _ _ ofof Event




Time Time Position Position Applicants Actions Applicants Actions or or Behavior Behavior

3) Adjust the PWR RELIEF A(B)(C) SETPT Controllers as necessary to reduce RCS temperature.

Ciritical Critical BOP By step 9 in EOP-1.0 EOP-tO the faulted SG should have been diagnosed as "c" C and EFW to "c" C SG should be secured (FCV closed) (OAP-103.4) (OAP-103A) CRS/RO 10. Check PZR PORVs and Spray Valves:

a. PZR PORVs are closed.
b. PZR Spray Valves are closed.

c.Verify power is available to at least one PZR PORV Block Valve:

                                   *. MVG-8000A, RELI  RELIEFEF 445 A ISOL.
                                   *. MVG-8000B, RELIEF 444 B ISOL.
                                   *. MVG-8000C, RELIEF 445 BISOL. B ISOL.

d.Verify at least one PZR PORV Block Valve is open. OPEN one Block Valve unless it was closed to isolate an open PZR PORV. CRS/RO 11. Check if RCPs should be stopped: a.Check if either of the following criteria is met:

                                 .* Annunciator XCP-612 4-2 is lit (PHASE B         B ISOL).


                                  .* RCS pressure is LESS THAN 1400        1400 psig AND SI flow is indicated on Fl-943, FI-943, CHG LOOP B     B CLD/HOT LG FLOW GPM.

Stop all RCPs (already stopped).

b. Stop CiitaL C~:ijC.,8L CRS/BOP CRS/BOP 12.
12. Verify no no SG SG is is FAULTED:
                                .*     No No SG   pressure is SG pressure    is decreasing decreasing in   an uncontrolled in an  uncontrolled

No.: Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: No.: Event Event No.: Page _ _ of of_ Event


Time Position manner. Applicants Actions or Behavior ]

                                    . No SG is completely depressurized.

depressurized . GO TO EOP-3.O,EOP-3.0, FAULTED STEAM GENERATOR ISOLATION, Step 1. will leave this procedure and transition to EOP-3.O, Crew will/eave EOP-3.0, step 1. EOP-3.0 EOP-3.O CRS/BOP 1. Ensure all the following are closed:

                               *. MS Isolation Valves, PVM-2801 PVM-2801A(B)(G).


                              *.       MS Isolation Bypass Valves, PW-2869A(B)(C).

ALL 2. Check if any SG is NON-FAULTED:

                                 *..                                        increasing..

Pressure in any SG is stable or increasing

  • Any SG is not completely depressurized ALL 3. Identify any FAULTED SG(s):
                               *. Any SG     SO pressure decreasing in an uncontrolled manner.


                              *.       Any SGSO is NOT completely depressurized CRS/BOP       4. Close the following valves for each FAULTED SG:
                              *.       FW Flow Control FCV        -498 FCV-498
                              *.       FW Isolation, isolation, PVG-1611C
                              *.       SG Blowdown. PVG-503C
                              *.       FW Flow Control Bypass FCV    FCV-3341
                                                                         -3341 ALL           5. Complete the isolation of each FAULTED SG:
a. Close SG Chemical Feed Isolation, MVK-1633C a._Close_SG_Chemical_Feed_Isolation,_MVK-1633C

Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: - - - - - - Event No.: ----- Page _ _ o of f _ Event Event



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

b. Close MS Drain Isolation PVT-2843C
c. Close MS Drain Isolation, PVT-2877B for SG C.
d. Place the Steamline PWR RELIEF C SETPT Controller in MAN and closed.
e. Place the Steamline Power Relief C Mode Switch in PWR RLF
f. Close FCV-3551 MD EFP TO SG C
g. Close FCV-3556 TD EFP TO SG C XVGO1 01 7C-EF SG C
h. Locally unlock and close XVG01017C-EF MTR DR EF PUMP SUPPLY HEADER VALVE (I B-423).

(IB-423). XVKO1019C-EF

i. Locally unlock and close XVK01 019C-EF SG C MTR DR EF PUMP SUPPLY STOP CHK VLV (IB-423).
j. Locally unlock and close XVG01 018C-EF 01 8C-EF SG C TURB DR EF PUMP SUPPLY HDR VALVE (lB-423). (IB-423).
k. Locally unlock and close XVKO1O2OC-EF XVK01020C-EF SG C TURB DR EF PUMP SUP STOP CHK VALVE (IB-423)

I. Close and locally deenergize the appropriate valve if SG B BorSGCis or SG C is FAULTED:

  • ForSGC:

For SG C:

1) Open XMCIDB2Y O5EH.
1) OSEH.


2) Close MVG-2802B MS LOOP C TO TD EFP

Op-Test No.: No: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page _ _ of Event




Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Critical BOP Faulted SG is Isolated ALL 6. Check if Secondary radiation levels are normal:

a. Check radiation levels normal on all unisolated radiation monitors:
                                  *. RM-G19C STMLN HI RNG GAMMA.
                                  *. RM-L3, STEAM GENERATOR BLOWDOWN LIQUID MONITORMONITOR..
                                * . RM-LiO.
                                 .    . RM-LIO. SG BLOWDOWN CW DISCHARGE LIQUID MONITOR.
                                *. RM-A9, CNDSR EXHAUST GAS ATMOS MONITOR.
b. Notify Chemistry to sample all SG secondary sides and screen samples for abnormal activity using a frisker.

ALL 7. Check if SI flow should be reduced: Tl-499A(B), A(B) TEMP OF is subcooiing on TI-499A(B),

a. RCS subcooling GREATER THAN 30F.


b. Secondary Heat Sink is adequate:
                                *. Total EFW flow to INTACT SG5     SGs is GREATER THAN 450 gpm.


                                . Narrow Range level is GREATER THAN 30%

[50%] in at least one INTACT SG.

c. RCS pressure is stable OR increasing.
d. PZR level is GREATER THAN 18% 18% [38%j

[38%] (IF PZR LEVEL < < 18%[38%J, 18%[38%], THEN transition to EOP EOP-2.0, see attachment of EOP-2.0 steps) CRS/RO 8. Reset both SI RESET TRAIN A(B) A(8) Switches. CRS/RO 9. Reset Containment Isolation:

                               .*    RESET PHASE A TRAIN A(B) CNTMT ISOL.

Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page _ _ of Event


Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

                                *. RESET PHASE B     B TRAIN A(B) CNTMT ISOL.



CRS/RO 11. Establish Instrument Air to the RB:

a. Start one Instrument Air Compressor and place the other in Standby.

Examiners may wish to end scenario at this point point, but have included some actions from EOP-1.2 if needed. EOP-2.O, EOP-2.0 If previously entered EOP-2.0, EOP-2.O will transition back to EOP-1.2. V EOP-1.2 CRS/RO a. Stop all but one Charging Pump and place in Standby. CRS/RO b. Verify ReS RCS pressure is stable OR increasing. CRS/RO 3. Establish Normal Charging:

a. Close FCV-122, CHG FLOW.
b. Open both MVG-8107 and MVG-81 MVG-8108,08, CHG LINE ISOL.
c. Adjust FCV-122, CHG FLOW, to obtain 60 gpm c._Adjust_FCV-122,_CHG_FLOW,_to_obtain_60_gpm

Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page _ _ of Event


II Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Charging flow.

c. Close both MVG-8801A(B), HI HEAD TO COLD LEG INJ CRS/RO d. Control FCV-122, CHG FLOW, to maintain PZR level.

Critical Critical. RO SI terminated and normal charging restored. CRS/RO 5. Check if RHR Pumps should be stopped:

a. Check if any RHR Pump is running with suction aligned to the RWST.
e. Stop any RHR Pump which is running with suction aligned to the RWST and place in Standby.

CRS!RO CRS/RO f. Verify SI flow is NOT required: Tl-499A(B), A(B) TEMP "F,

g. RCS subcooling on TI-499A(B), F, is GREATER THAN 30"F 30F
h. PZR level is GREATER THAN 18% [38%].

CRS/RO 7. Check if RB Spray should be stopped:

a. Check if any RB Spray Pumps are running.
b. Verify RB pressure is LESS THAN pressure is LESS
  • THAN 111 1 psig.
c. Depress both RESET TRAIN A(B) RB SPRAY.
i. Verify EOP-14.0, EOP-14.O, RESPONSE TO INADEQUATE CORE COOLING, has NOT been implemented.


Op-Test No.: No.: _ _ _ Event No.: _ __ Scenario No.: Page _ _ of _ - - I I Event




_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

e. Stop both RB Spray Pumps and place in Standby.

CRS/RO 9. Check if Letdown can be established:

a. Verify PZR level is GREATER THAN 30% [50%]
b. Establish Normal Letdown:
1) Adjust FCV-122, CHG FLOW, to obtain 60 gpm Charging flow.
2) Set PCV-145, LO PRESS LTON, LTDN, to 70%.
3) Open TCV-144, CC TO LTON LTDN HX.
5) Open both LCV-459 and LCV-460, LTON LTDN LINE ISOL.
6) Open desired Orifice Isolation Valve(s) to obtain 60 gpm to 120 gpm:
  • LTDN ORIFICE A ISOL (45 PVT-8149A, LTON gpm).
  • PVT-8149B, LTDN LTON ORIFICE B B ISOL (60 gpm).
  • PVT-8149C, LTDN LTON ORIFICE C ISOL (60 gpm).
7) Adjust FCV-122, CHG FLOW, to maintain TI-140, 140, REGEN HX OUT TEMP F, <IF, between 250F 250"F and 350"F while maintaining PZR level.


8) Adjust PCV-145, LO PRESS LTDN, LTON, to maintain

Op-Test No.: Op-Test No.: Scenario Scenario No.: No.: Event No.: Event No.: Page Page _ _ of of_ Event




Time Position Applicants Actions or or Behavior Behavior P1-i 45, LO PRESS LTDN PRESS PSIG, PI-145, between 300 psig and 400 psig.

9) Place PCV-145, LO PRESS LTDN, in AUTO.
10) Place TCV-144, CC TO LTDN HX, in AUTO.

10) CRS/RO CRS!RO 9. Check the Reactor Makeup System: FCV-113

a. Set FCV-1 13 A&B, BA FLOW, Controller to 8.6.
j. Ensure the Reactor Makeup System is in AUTO.

CRS/RO 10. Transfer Charging Pump suction to the VCT: LCV-1 1 5C(E), VCT OUTLET ISOL.

a. Open both LCV-115C(E),


k. Close both LCV-115B(D),

SUCT. Examiners should end scenario at this point as SI is now secured. EOP-2.0 (if necessarYl EOP-2.O {if necessary) EOP-2.O, Loss of The following are applicable steps of EOP-2.0, Reactor or Secondary Coolant. This would be entered if PZR Level was too low for EOP-1.2 transition. ALL 1. Check if RCPs should be stopped:

a. Check if either of the following criteria is met:
                               *. Annunciator XCP-612 4-2 is lit (PHASE B ISOL)  ISOL)..


                               *. RCS    pressure is LESS THAN 1400 psig AND SI flow is indicated on FI-943, CHG LOOP B CLD/HOT LG FLOW GPM.
b. Sto~ all RCPs.


Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page _ _ o of f _ Event


Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CRS/BOP 2. Verify no SG is FAULTED:

                                   *. No SG pressure is decreasing in an uncontrolled manner.
                                  *. No SG is completely depressurized.

CRS/BOP 3.. Check INTACT SG levels: 3.

a. Verify Narrow Range level in INTACT SGs is GREATER THAN 30% [50%].

I. Control EFW flow to maintain Narrow Range level in each INTACT SG between 40% [50%] and 60%. CRS/RO 4. Reset both SI RESET TRAIN A(8) A(B) Switches. CRS!RO CRS/RO 5. Reset Containment Isolation:

                                 *. RESET PHASE A -TRAIN A(B) CNTMT ISOL.

RESET PHASE B -TRAIN A(B) CNTMT ISOL. ALL 6. Check if Secondary radiation levels are normal:

a. Check radiation levels normal on:
                                 *. RM-G19A(B)(C), STMLN HI RNG GAMMA.
                                 *. RM-A9, CNDSR EXHAUST GAS ATMOS MONITOR.
                                *. RM-L3, STEAM GENERATOR BLOWDOWN LIQUID MONITOR.
                                *. RM-L       10, SG BLOWDOWN CW DISCHARGE RM-L10, LIQUID MONITOR.
b. Place SVX-9398A(B)(C), SG A(B)(C) SMPL ISOL, in AUTO.
m. Notify Chemistry to sample all' all SG secondary sides and screen' screen samples for abnormal activity using a frisker.

CRS/RO 7. Check PZR PORVs and Block Valves:

a. Verify power is available to the PZR PORV Block a._Verify_power_is_available_to_the_PZR_PORV_Block

Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: - - - - - - Event No.: ----- Page _ _ of _--II Event


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Time Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Valves:

1) MVG-8000A, RELIEF 445 A ISOL.
3) MVG-8000C, RELIEF 445 B ISOL.

If any PZR PORV opens because of high PZR pressure, Step 7.b lb should be repeated after pressure decreases to LESS THAN 2300 p51g. psig, to ensure the PORV recloses.

b. Verify all PZR PORVs are closed.
c. Verify at least one PZR PORV Block Valve is open.



CRS/R0 CRS/RO 9. Establish Instrument Air to the RB:

a. Start one Instrument Air Compressor and place the other in Standby.
c. Open PVT-2660, AIR SPL SPLYY TO RB.

ALL 10. Check if SI flow should be reduced:

a. RCS subcooling on TI-499A(B), A(B) TEMP "F, F, is GREATER THAN 30"F. 30F. *
b. Secondary Heat Sink is adequate:
                               *. Total EFW flow to INTACT SGs is GREATER THAN 450 gpm.


                               *. Narrow Range level is GREATER THAN 30%

[50%] in at least one INTACT SG.

Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: _ _ _ Event No.: _ __ Page _ _ of _ - - I I Event




_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ II Time [ Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

c. RCS pressure is stable increasing.

NOTE - Step 10.

                                         -         d 1O.d If PZR level is LESS THAN 18% [38%], [38%J, the PZR should refill from SI flow after pressure is stabilized.
n. PZR level is GREATER THAN 18% [38%]

18%[38%], then go to Step 11), (IF PZR still less than 18%[38%J, 1 1), if not then continue) GO TO Step 11. 1 1. EOP-l .2, SAFETY INJECTION

o. GO TO EOP-1.2, TERMINATION, Step 1.

ALL 11. Check if RB Spray should be stopped:

a. Check if any RSRB Spray Pumps are running
b. Verify RS RB pressure is LESS THAN 11 1 1 psig
c. Depress both RESET TRAIN A(B) A(S) RS I RB SPRAY.

NOTE-Step NOTE - Step 11.d

                                   *. RB Spray must run for a minimum of two hours.
                                   *. Anytime RB Spray Pumps are stopped, MVG-       MVG 3003A(B), SPRAY HDR ISOL LOOP (B), should be closed for containment isolation.
d. Consult with TSC personnel concerning RS RB Spray System operation.

CRS/RO 12. Check if RHR Pumps should be stopped:

a. Check RCS pressure:
1) RCS pressure is GREATER THAN 250 psig
2) RCS pressure is stable OR increasing.

Op-Test No.: Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Scenario No.: Event Event No.: No.: Page Page _ _ of of Event




Time Time j Position Position Applicants Actions Applicants Actions or or Behavior Behavior

b. Check
b. Check ifif any any RHR RHR Pump Pump isis running running with with suction suction aligned to aligned the RWST to the RWST
c. Stop
c. Stop any any RHR RHR Pump Pump which is is running running with with suction suction aligned to the RWST aligned RWST and place place in in Standby.

Standby. CRS/RO 13. Check if RCSRCS pressure is stable OR decreasing. This would be This do loop" be a "do loop back to step step 11 until until PZR PZR Level Level was was greater than 18% than 18% [38%J [38%] RETURN TO Step 1. EOP-2.Ofor This is end of EOP-2.0 for this scenario.

Scenario Event Scenario Description VC Event Description VC Summer-200 Summer-2005-301 5-301 Facility: Facility: IVC Summer VC Summer I Scenario Scenario No.:No.: 33 Op-Test Op-Test No.: No.: 2005-301 2005-301 Examiners: Examiners: Operators: Operators: Initial conditions: Initial Conditions: The Unit The Unit is is at at 0% power in 0% power with aa MOL Mode 22 with in Mode startup in reactor startup MOL reactor in progress. progress. Turnover: Turnover: The previous The previous crew crew has initiated the has initiated startup per the reactor startup per XXX. Source range XXX. Source counts are range counts stable and are stable and Control bank Control 'c' isis presently bank C presently atat XX steps. 1/M XX steps. data now 11M data criticality at projects criticality now projects XX steps at XX steps on Control bank on Control bank

                'D'. Continue D. Continue with with the the reactor             beginning with startup beginning reactor startup                    with step  XX of step XX       XXX, and of XXX,           stabilize reactor and stabilize    reactor power power between 1-3%.

between 1-3%. The Severe The Severe Weather thunderstorms thunderstorms approaching. approaching. High winds are High winds are possible possible within the hour. within the hour. S/G A, SIG "A," Small Small tube leak, approx. approx. 88 gpd. Painting in the area of the TD TO AFW pump. Event Malf. No. I Maif. Event Event Description Description No. Position Type* RO R R Pull control rods to establish critical reactor. 1 BOP C C Train A Service Water Pump #A trips and standby pump needs to be started. Train.'A' 2 SRO (TS) RO II Controlling channel Pressurizer Level Transmitter fails low and UD LID isolates. 3 BOP N Re-establish letdown. 4 BOP II Steam Generator B ARV Pressure Transmitter fails high. 5 BOP/RO BOP / RO C C Letdown Letdown line break inside line break Containment inside Containment 66 SRO SRO(TS)(TS) RO RO C RCP High Vibration and seal failure when secured. RCP High secured. 77 ALL ALL M M Small Small break LOCA break LOCA 88 BOP BOP or or C C Safety Safety injection Train 'A' injection Train fails to A fails actuate and to actuate fails to HSI fails B HSI and 'B' automatically start to automatically when start when 99 RO RO safety safety injection manually initiated. injection isis manually The reactor initiated. The to automatically fails to reactor fails trip. automatically trip.

      *       (N)ormal, (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument,         (C)omponent, (M)ajor (I)nstrument, (C)omponent,             (M)ajor

Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page _ _ of _ _ Event


Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior I I I I GOP-3.0 GOP-3.O

q. Within 15 minutes before achieving criticality, verify Tavg I

551 °F. greater than or equal to 551°F.

r. Announce criticality over the page system.
s. Verify critical rod position is above the Rod Insertion Limit per 3.1 .3.6.

Tech Spec

t. At the AUDIO COUNT RATE CHANNEL drawer, place the following switches in OFF:

3.1 1 Increase Reactor Power to 10-3% as follows: / 3.11

a. Establish a stable Startup Rate of less than one decade per minute.
b. At 7.5x10-6%, perform the following:
1) Verify P6 Permissive energizes to bright.
2) Verify a minimum of one decade overlap between Source Range Channels and Intermediate Range Channels.

1 CPS, perform the following:

c. Prior to 10°
1) Momentarily place SR TRAIN A Switch in BLOCK.
2) Verify SR A TRIP BLCK Permissive energizes to bright.
3) Momentarily place SR TRAIN B Switch in BLOCK.
4) Verify SR B TRIP BLCK Permissive energizes to bright.
d. Select one Intermediate Range Channel and one Power Range Channel on NR-45, NIS RECORDER.

1 Q3%

e. Stabilize Reactor Power at 10.°%.

This ends the pull to criticality event. RO RD A SWP trips. RO RD responds to various alarms and references the ARP: XCP-604 1-2: SWP A/C AlC TRIP Appendix D, Page 39 of 39

Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page _ _ of _ _ Event


Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior XCP-604 3-3: SW Sw CCW HX A FLO LOITEMPLO/TEMP HI XCP-604 3-4: DG A A CLR SW sw FLO LO TEMP HI CRS/RO ARP is handed to CRS, the IB IS operator is dispatched to SW PP house to investigate. Electricians may also be notified. CRS Decision should be made to place C SWP on A A Train CORRECTIVE ACTIONS: I. Place the spare Service Water Pump in service per SOP-117. ALL 2.1 Shift from Service Water Pump A to Service Water Pump C in service, as follows:

a. With the exception of racking down XSW1 EA 04, SERVICE WATER PUMP XPP0039A-SW, complete Attachment V.

ALL b. Start XPP-0039C, PUMP C TRAIN A. (PEER 0) El) RD RO c. Verify MVB-3116C, MVB-31 1 6C, SWP C DISCH, automatically opens. ALL/Building ALUBuilding d. Ensure sufficient Service Water Pump C cooling water flow, by throttling the following (SW-436):

1) XVTO31 570-SW, SW PP C MTR UPPER BRG CLG WTR XVT03157C-SW, SUP VALVE, to obtain upper bearing flow between 10 gpm and 12 gpm.


2) XVTO31 580-SW, SW PP C MTR LOWER BRG CLG WTR XVT03158C-SW, SUP VALVE, to obtain lower bearing flow between 3 gpm and 4 gpm.

ALUBuilding e. At XPN-1 ALL/Building XPN-13,3, C SERVICE WATER SCREEN Control Panel (SW-436), verify proper traveling screen operation, as follows:

1) Place the Screen Selector Switch, in HAND.
2) Verify proper screen operation and screen wash flow.
3) Place the Screen Selector Switch, in AUTO.

RD RO f. Stop XPP-0039A, PUMP A, and place the control switch, in PULL TO LK NON-A. P0 RO g. Verify MVB-31 1 6A, SWP A DISCH, automatically closes. MVB-3116A, Appendix D,D, Page 39 of 39

Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page _ _ of _ _ Event


Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior ALL/Building ALUBuilding h. Re-verify Service Water Pump C cooling water flow and adjust as necessary, by throttling the following (SW-436): XVT03157C-SW, SW PP C MTR UPPER BRG CLG WTR

1) XVTO3157C-SW, SUP VALVE, to obtain upper bearing flow between 10 gpm and 12 gpm.
2) XVTO31 580-SW, SW PP C MTR LOWER BRG CLG WTR XVT03158C-SW, SUP VALVE, to obtain lower bearing flow between 3 gpm and 4 gpm.

ALL/Building ALUBuilding I. Rack down XSW1 EA 04, SERVICE WATER PUMP XPPOO39A-SW XPP0039A-SW (SW-425). ALUBuilding j.j. At XPN-1 ALL/Building 1, A SERVICE WATER SCREEN, Control Panel XPN-11, (SW-436), place the Screen Selector Switch, in OFF. ALL/Building ALUBuilding k. Complete Attachment V. ALL I. Ensure proper Service Water flow through the operable Train A Chiller per SOP-501. This ends the A SWP trip event. The following event is the L T-459 Failure, PZR Level LT-459 Controlling channel. LT-459 Fails low and Letdown isolates. The following alarms are received: XCP-6145-1: XCP-614 HI/LO 5-1: CHG LINE FLO HIILO XCP-616 1-3: BLCK HTRS ISOL L LTDN LOS LO TDN PZR LCS XCP-616 1-5: PZR LCS HI/LO LOS DEV HIILO XCP-61 6 3-1: PZR HTR CNTRL OR BU GRP 1/2 TRIP XCP-616 XCP-61 6 4-6: SCR OUTPT LOSS XCP-616 Appendix D, Page 39 of 39

Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page _ _ of _ _ Event


Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Crew enters AOP-401.06 PZR Level Control and Protection Channel Failure. Step 11 is an immediate action. AOP-401 .6 AOP-401.6 RO RD 1 Place PZR LEVEL CNTRL Switch to the position with two 1 operable channels. RO RD 2 Select an operable channel on PZR LEVEL RCDR. RO RD 3 Control the PZR Heaters as necessary to maintain PZR pressure: CNTRL GRP Heaters. BU GRP 1 1 Heaters. BU GRP 2 Heaters. RO RD 4 Verify Letdown is in service. 4 Re-establish Letdown. REFER TO SOP-102, CHEMICAL AND VOLUME CONTROL SYSTEM. IF Letdown can NOT be established, THEN REFER TO AOP AOP-102.1, LOSS OF LETDOWN, while continuing with this procedure. RO RD 2.1 Place FCV-122, CHG FLOW, in MAN and close. RO RD 2.2 Place PCV-145, LO PRESS L LTDN, TDN, in MAN and open to 70%. (PEER 0) [1) RO RD 2.3 Place TCV-144, CC TO LTDN HX, in MAN and open to 100%. RO RD 2.4 Place TCV-143, LTDN TO TD VCT ORDR DEMIN, in VCT. RO RD Dpen PVT-8152, L 2.5 Open LTDN TDN LINE ISOL. RO RD Dpen the following: 2.6 Open


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Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior RO 2.7 Ensure the following Charging Line Isolation Valves are open: MVG-8107, CHG LINE ISOL.

a. MVG-S107, MVG-8108, CHG LINE ISOL.
b. MVG-S10S, RO 2.8 Slowly open FCV-122, CHG FLOW, to establish 60 gpm flow 2.S Fl-i 22A, CHG FLOW GPM.

as indicated on FI-122A, RO nO 2.9 Open Orifice Isolation Valves to obtain the desired Letdown flow rate (60 gpm to 120 gpm): PVT-8149A, LTDN ORIFICE A ISOL (45 gpm).

a. PVT-S149A, PVT-8149B, LTDN ORIFICE B ISOL (60 gpm).
b. PVT-S149B, PVT-8149C, LTDN ORIFICE C ISOL (60 gpm).
c. PVT-S149C, RO 2.10 Adjust FCV-122, CHG FLOW, as required to maintain TI- TI 140, REGEN HX OUT TEMP of, °F, between 250°F and 350°F while maintaining Pressurizer level.

RO P1-i 45, LO 2.11 Adjust PCV-145, LO PRESS LTDN, to maintain PI-145, LTDN PRESS LTDN PRESS PSIG, between 300 psig and 400 psig. RO nO 2.12 Place PCV-145, LO PRESS LTDN, in AUTO. RO nO 2.13 Adjust TCV-144, CC TO LTDN HX, potentiometer as necessary to maintain the desired VCT temperature and place in AUTO. Refer to VCS Curve Book, Figure VII.1 5. VII.15. RO 2.14 When Pressurizer level matches reference level, place FCV-122, CHG FLOW, in AUTO per Section IV. RO 2.15 After the Letdown temperatures have stabilized, place TCV-TCV 143, LTDN TO VCT OR DEMIN, in DEMIN/AUTO. RO 5 Check if PZR LVL MASTER CONTROLLER is responding appropriately:

                          *. Verify Charging flow is normal and responding to PZR level error.
                         *. Verify PZR level is stable at OR trending to program level.

Appendix D, Page 39 of 39

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Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior I CRS/SE 6 Within six hours, place the failed channel protection bistables in a tripped condition:

a. Identify the associated bistables for the failed channel REFER TO Attachment 1.
b. Record the following for each associated bistable on SOP-401, REACTOR PROTECTION AND CONTROL SYSTEM, Attachment I:
                           *. Instrument.
                           *. Associated Bistable.
                           *. Bistable Location.
                           *. STPs.
c. Notify the I&C l&C Department to place the identified bistables in trip.

7 Determine and correct the cause of the channel failure This concludes the L T-459 failure event. The next event is IPT-2010 slowly failing tailing high which results 1PV-2010 (8 in SG PORV IPV-2010 (B Loop) slowly going full open. Valve controller can be taken to Manual and closed. No alarms are associated with this event. ALL Crew should notice some excess RCS cooling, increased steam flow and finally notice IPV-2010 is going open. CRS!BOP CRS/BOP CRS and/or BOP should recommend placing 2010 controller in Manual and attempting to close. BOP IPV-2010 placed in Manual and closed. CRS/SE MWR should be written and work order generated to repair transmitter. This concludes the 2010 failing open event. Appendix D, Page 39 of 39

Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: No.: Event No.: Event No.: Page _ _ of _ _ Page Event


Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior The Letdown leak inside containment is the next event. The following alarms are received as leak progresses: XCP-642 3-3: RB ACC AREA RM-G5 HI RAD XCP-642 3-4: RB ACC AREA RM-G5 TRBL XCP-642 3-5: INCOR INSTR AREA RM-G14 HI RAD XCP-642 3-6: INCOR INSTR AREA RM-G14 TRBL AOP-101.1 AOP-1 01.1 RO RD 1 Verify PZR level is at or trending to program level. 1 IF PZR level is decreasing. THEN perform the following: a) Open FCV-1 22. CHG FLOW as necessary to maintain FCV-122. PZR level b) IF IF PZR level continues to decrease, THEN reduce Letdown to one 45 gpm orifice: 1)Set 1)Set PCV-145, LO La PRESS LTDN. To 70%

2) Ensure PVT-8149A. LTDN ORIFICE A ISOL. is open.
3) Close_both_PVT-8149B(C)._LTDN_ORIFICE_B(C)

Close both PVT-8149B(C). LTDN ORIFICE B(C) Appendix D, Page 39 of 39

Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page _ _ of _ _ Event


Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior ISOL.

4) Adjust PCV-145. LO PRESS LTDN. to maintain P1-i 45. LO PRESS LTDN PRESS PSIG. between 300 PI-145.

psig and400 psig.

5) Place PCV-145, LO PRESS LTDN. in AUTO.

CRS/RO 2 Check if SI is required:

a. Check if jy any of the following criteria are met:
                            *. PZR level is decreasing with Charging maximized and Letdown minimized.
                            *. PZR    level is approaching 12%.
  • PZR pressure is approaching 1870 psig.
                            *. VCT level is approaching 5%.

SI should NOT be required, crew should follow ALTERNATIVE AL TERNA TIVE ACTION of step 2 which is to GO TO STEP 3 CRS/SE 3 Determine RCS leak rate:

a. Estimate the RCS leak rate. REFER TO IPCS CHGNET.
b. Calculate the RCS leak rate. REFER TO STP-114.002.


c. Check if the RCS leak rate is GREATER THAN Tech Spec
d. Comply with the applicable Tech Spec action statement.

RO P0 4 Verify RCS pressure is GREATER THAN 2210 psig. a) Ensure all PZR Heaters are on. b) the PZR Spray Valves are closed c) Ensure the PZR PORVs are closed. IF any PORV fails to close, THEN close its Block Valve. BOP/CRS 5 Verify no SG tubes are leaking:

a. Narrow Range level in no SG is increasing with feed flow LESS THAN steam flow.
b. Radiation levels on all of the following are normal:
                          *. RM-G19A(B)(C). STMLN HI RNG GAMMA.
                          *. RM-A9. CNDSR EXHAUST GAS ATMOS MONITOR.
                          *. RM-L3. STEAM GENERATOR BLOWDOWN Appendix 0, D, Page 39 of 39

Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Page _ _ of _ _

                                      ------ Event No.:     -----



Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior LIQUID MONITOR.

                            *. RM-L10. SG BLOWDOWN CW DISCHARGE LIQUID RM-LIO.


c. No steam flow/feed flow mismatch (feed flow low).
d. As determined by Chemistry sample analysis of ALL SG secondary sides for activity.

RO 6 Check the PZR PORVs:

a. Check if RCS pressure is LESS THAN 2335 psig.
b. Verify all PZR PORVs are closed.
c. Check if PRT conditions are normal by verifying
                                          /TEMP/LVLJPRESS HI (XCP-616 4-4). is not lit.


d. Verify at least one PZR PORV Block Valve is open.

RO 7 Check If Reactor Building conditions are normal:

a. RB radiation levels are normal on the following:
                           *. RM-GS. RB PERSONNEL ACCESS AREA GAMMA.
                           *. RM-G6. 17 RB REFUEL BRIDGE AREA GAMMA.
b. RB Sump levels are normal
c. RB pressure is LESS THAN 1.5 psig
d. The following annunciators are NOT lit:

IA/2A DRN FLO HI (XCP-606 2-2).

                              *. RBCU IAl2A
  • RBCU IB/2B DRN FLO HI (XCP-607 2-2).

Conditions are not normal, normai so the alternative action of isolating letdown will be performed. RO 7 Attempt to isolate leakage as follows: a) Close all Letdown Isolation Valves:

3) LCV-460, L LTDN TDN LINE ISOL b) Check RCS parameters for indications of leakage.

Leakage should be isolated by the above actions. Crew should wait and verify no further leakage occurs. Since Normal Letdown isolated crew should place EXCESS LETDOWN in will remain isolated, service. SOP-i 02. CHEMICAL AND VOLUME REFER TO SOP-102. CONTROL SYSTEM Appendix D, Page 39 of 39

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Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior The following is from SOP-102: SOP-i 02: RO 2.1 Ensure HCV-137, XS LTDN HX, is closed. RO RD 2.2 Place PVM-8143, XS LLTDN TDN TO VCT(PEER D) u) RO RD 2.3 If required, reset Phase A Isolation by depressing the following:


RO Open the following: MVT-8100,




RTN ISOL. RO RD 2.5 Ensure MVG-9583, FROM XS L LTDN TDN HX, is open. RO PVT-81 53, XS LLTDN 2.6 Open PVT-8153, TDN ISOL. RO RD 2.7 Open PVT-8154, XS LTDN ISOL. RO RD 2.8 Establish Excess Letdown flow as follows:

a. Slowly throttle open HCV-137, HCV-1 37, XS LTDN HX.


b. Monitor TI-139, °F, to maintain less than 165°F.
c. Monitor the following to ensure flow between 0.2 gpm and 5.0 gpm:





FR-154B, This concludes establishing Excess Letdown. More steps do remain from AOP- 101.1 for determining if leakage is AOP-101.1 isolated, but can commence the A RCP Rep high vibration event at this time. Appendix Appendix D,D, Page Page 39 39 of of 39 39

Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page _ _ of _ _ Event


Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Crew receives annunciator XCP-617 1-3: RCP A VIBR HI RCPAVIBRHI RO should notice frame and shaft vibration levels are escalating. A RCP should be secured based on increasing levels. The following steps would apply from SOP-10SOP-lOl1 for securing the RCP. RO RD 2.1 Place the Pressurizer Spray Valve for the affected Reactor Coolant Pump in MAN and close:

a. PCV 444D, PZR SPRAY, for Reactor Coolant Pump A.

RO RD 2.2 If the Reactor Coolant System is solid, place PCV-145, LO PRESS L LTDN, TDN, in MAN. RO RD 2.3 Secure one of the following Reactor Coolant Pumps as required:

a. XPP-0030A, PUMP A.

RO RD 2.4 If the Reactor Coolant System is solid, return PCV-145, LO PRESS L LTDN, TDN, to AUTO, if desired. RO RD 2.5 Verify Seal Injection to the secured Reactor Coolant Pump using the applicable following indicator: FLD GPM. Fl-i 30A, RCP A INJ FLO

a. FI-130A, RO RD 2.6 Maintain Component Cooling Water to the secured Reactor Coolant Pump thermal barrier until RCS temperature is less than 150°F.

BOP BDP 2.7 Place the following controllers in MAN, as required for the affected RCS loop and maintain Narrow Range Steam Generator level between 60% and 65%: Appendix D, Page 39 of 39

Scenario Event Description VC Summer-2005-301 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: Event No.: Page _ _ of _ _

  • Event Event


Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

a. PVT-478, SG A FWF.

CRS 2.8 If not already in Hot Standby, proceed to Hot Standby lAW GOP-5, Reactor Shutdown From Startup To Hot Standby (Mode 2 To Mode 3). The following steps are from GOP-5, Reactor Shutdown from Mode 2 to Mode 3. These steps will place the Reactor below 7.5x10-5% power. Prior to commencing shutdown, should go ahead and begin Small Break LOCA Event. CRS/SE 3.1 Complete GTP-702 Attachment II.K, Il.K, Operational Mode Change Plant Shutdown - Entering Mode 3 Or Plant Trip


To Mode 3 From Modes 1 1 Or 2. RO 3.2 Select both Intermediate Range Channels on NR-45, NIS RECORDER. 3.3 Insert Control Rods with a manual Reactor trip as follows: CRS a. Perform a Pre-job brief per OAP-1 00.3, Human Performance_Tools. Performance Tools. RO b. Select one Intermediate Range and one Source Range Channel_on_NR-45,_NIS_RECORDER Channel on NR-45, NIS RECORDER BOP c. Ensure both Motor Driven Emergency Feedwater Pumps are_running. are running. RO d. (Optional) If desired, commence RCS boration prior to performing a manual Reactor trip: MVT-8104,

1) Open MVT-81 04, EMERG BORATE.
2) Ensure XPP-13A(B), BA XFER PP A(B), is running.
3) Verify greater than 30 gpm flow on FI-11 Fl-i 10, 0, EMERG BORATE FLOW GPM.

STP-i 34.001,

4) Refer to STP-134.00 1, Shutdown Margin Verification, to determine the required boron concentration needed for the anticipated Plant Mode and temperature:

Anticipated Mode: Anticipated RCS temperature: OF °F

                      ,               Required Boron:                 ppm
5) When boration is no longer desired, perform the following:

MVT-8i04, a) Close MVT-81 04, EMERG BORATE. b)_Verify_no b) flow_on_Fl-i Verify no flow on FI-1110,_EM ERG_BORATE 0, EMERG BORATE Appendix D, Page 39 of 39

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___________________________________________________ Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior FLOW GPM. RO e. Place RX TRIP Switch CS-CR01CS-CRO1 in TRIP.

f. Verify all Reactor Trip and Bypass Breakers are open.
g. Verify all Rod Bottom lights are lit.
h. If two or more Control Rods are not fully inserted, then emergency borate as follows:


1) Open MVT-81 04, EMERG BORATE.

Fl-i 10, EMERG

2) Verify greater than 30 gpm flow on FI-110, BORATE FLOW GPM.
3) If required, refer to AOP-1 06.1, Emergency Boration, to establish greater than 30 gpm flow.
4) Borate 2500 gallons if two Control Rods are not fully inserted.
5) Borate 5800 gallons ifit greater than two Control Rods are not fully inserted.
i. Verify Reactor Power level is decreasing.

j.j. Ensure RCS temperature is being maintained between 555°F and 559°F using the Steam Dump System or Steamline PORVs.


I. When Reactor Power decreases below 7.5 x 10-6%, iO-6%, complete the following: i) Verify P6 Permissive de-energizes to dim. 1)

2) When on scale indication is observed, select both Source Range Channels on NR-45, NIS RECORDER.

This concludes the high vibration on A RGP RCP event. The Small Break LOGA LOCA event can now commence if not already performed earlier. The following steps would again be the repeat of AOP- 01.1 until the size of the leak would require AOP-1101.1 EOP-1.0 ently entry for TRIP and SI. Appendix D, Page 39 of 39

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Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior The following annunciators should come into alarm: XCP 606 2-2: RBCU 1Af2A 1AJ2A DRN FLO HI XCP 607 2-2: RBCU 1 1B/2B B/2B DRN FLO HI XCP 616 3-6:PZR PCS LO BU HTRS ON AOP-101.1 AOP-1 011 1 Verify PZR level is at or trending to program level. 1 1 IF PZR level is decreasing. THEN perform the 1 following: FCV-1 22. CHG FLOW. as necessary to maintain a) Open FCV-122. PZR level b) IF PZR level continues to decrease, THEN reduce Letdown to one 45 gpm orifice:

1) Set PVT-145, LO PRESS LTDN. To 70%
2) Ensure PVT-8149A. LTDN ORIFICE A ISOL. is open.
3) Close both PVT-8149B(C). LTDN ORIFICE B(C)


4) Adjust PCV-145. LO PRESS LTDN. to maintain P1-i 45. LO PRESS LTDN PRESS PSIG. Between PI-145.

300 psig and 400 psig. LO PRESS LTDN. in AUTO.

5) Place PCV-145, LOPRESS 2 Check if SI is required:
a. Check if any of the following criteria are met:
                           ** PZR level is decreasing with Charging maximized and Letdown minimized.
                           ** PZR level is approaching 12%.
                          ** PZR pressure is approaching 1870  1870 psig.
                          ** VCT level is approaching 5%
b. Perform the following:
1) Trip the Reactor.


2) GO TO EOP-1.0.

ACTUATION. WHEN EOP-i EOP-1.0.0 Immediate Actions are complete, THEN actuate SI. Appendix D,0, Page 39 of 39

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Time Position L Applicants Actions or or Behavior Behavior Crew should transition to EOP-1.O.EOP-1. O. The first 5 steps are immediate operator actions. A Train of SI will fail to actuate in BOTH Manual and Automatic. Individual components can be manually started. Reactor will NOT trip in Automatic. Reactor can be tripped manually from the BOP side MCB Switch. 1 1 Verify Reactor Trip:

                               *. Trip the Reactor using either Reactor Trip
                              *. Verify all Reactor Trip and Bypass Breakers are open.
                              *. Verify all Rod Bottom Lights are lit.
                               *. Verify Reactor Power level is decreasing.

2 Verify Turbine/Generator Trip:

a. Verify all Turbine STM STOP VLVs are closed.
b. Ensure Generator Trip (after 30 second delay):


1) Ensure the GEN BKR is open.


2) Ensure the GEN FIELD BKR is open.


3) Ensure the EXC FIELD CNTRL is tripped.

3 Verify both ESF buses are energized. 4 Check if SI is actuated: SI may have actuated by this time. Step 5 is the final immediate action.

a. Check if either:
                                    *. SI ACT status light is bright on XCP-6107XCP-61 07 1-1   1 -1..


                                    *. Any redred first-out SI SI annunciator annunciator is    lit on is lit  on XCP-626 top row.

(If no SI then: GO TO Step 5.)

b. Actuate SI using either SI ACTUATION Switch.

b. c.

c. GO GO TO TO Step Step 6. 6.

66 Initiate Initiate ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT 3, 3, SI SI EQUIPMENT VERIFICATION. EQUIPMENT VERIFICATION. The The "B" B Charging Charging pumppump fails fails to automatically start to automatically start on on SI.SI. The The operator operator isis expected expected to attempt to to attempt manually start to manually start "B"B Charging Charging pump pump and and itit will will start. start. Appendix Appendix D, D, Page Page 3939 ofof 39 39

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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior 7 Announce plant conditions over the page system. 88 Verify RB pressure has remained LESS THAN 12 12 psig on PR-951, RB PSIG (P-951), red pen. 8 Perform the following: a) Verify both the following annunciators are lit:

  • XCP-612 3-2 (RB SPR ACT).
  • XCP-612 XCP-6124-24-2 (PHASE B ISOL).

IF either annunciator is NOT lit, THEN actuate RB Spray by placing the following switches to ACTUATE:

  • CS-SGA11 and CS-SGA2.


  • Both CS-SGB1 and CS-SGB2.

b) Verify Phase B Isolation by ensuring RB SPRAY/PHASE B ISOL monitor lights are bright on XCP-6105. XCP-61 OS. c) Ensure the following are open: MVG-3001A(B),



  • MVG-3002A(B),

d) Ensure both RB Spray Pumps are running. e) Verify RB Spray flow is GREATER THAN 2S00 2500 gpm for each operating train on: SPA PP A DISCH FLOW GPM. Fl-7368, SPR

  • FI-7368,

f) Stop all RCPs. 9 Check RCS temperature:

  • With any RCP running, RCS Tavg is stable at OR 557:F.

trending to 5S7:F. Appendix D, Page 39 of 39

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                                              - - - - - Event       No.:

of _ _ Event




_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ II Time Time Position Position Applicants Actions Applicants Actions oror Behavior Behavior OR OR

  • With With no running, RCS RCP running, no RCP Tcold is RCS Tcold stable at is stable at OR OR trending to trending to 557Fc) 557"Fc) 99 IF RCS temperature is IF RCS LESS THAN is LESS 557"F AND THAN 557F AND decreasing, THEN:

Place the STM DUMP CNTRLCont a) Place CNTRLControlierroller in MAN and in MAN Closed Closed b) Place the STM DUMP DUMP MODE SELECT Switch in MODE SELECT in STM PRESS. c) Ensure all Steamline PORVs and Condenser Steam Dumps are closed. d) IF RCS cooldown continues, THEN: IF Narrow Range SG level is LESS THAN 30%

1) IF

[50%] in all SGs, THEN reduce EFW flow as necessary to stop the cooldown, while maintaining total EFW flow GREATER THAN 450 gpm.

2) WHEN Narrow Range SG level is GREATER THAN 30% [50%] in at least one SG, THEN control EFW flow as necessary to stabilize RCS 557F.

temperature at 557"F. e) IF RCS cooldown continues, THEN close:

                                  ** MS Isolation Valves, PVM-2801  PVM-2801A      (B)(C).

A(B)(C). PVM-2869A(B)(C).. Isolation Bypass Valves, PVM-2869A(B)(C)

                                  ** MS Isolation

IF RCS temperature is IF RCS GREATER THAN 557"F is GREATER 557F AND increasing, THEN: a) a) Verify Verify PERMISV PERMISV C-9 light is status light C-9 status bright on is bright XCP61 14 on XCP-6114 1-3. 1-3. IF the b) IF b) Condenser is the Condenser available, THEN is available, THEN ensure Condenser ensure Condenser Steam Steam Dump Dump Valves open. are open. Valves are c) IF the c) IF Condenser isis NOT the Condenser NOT available, THEN open available, THEN the open the Steamline PORVs, Steamline PCV-2000(201 0)(2020): PORVs, PCV-2000(2010)(2020):

1) Place the
1) Place RELIEF A(B)(C)

PWR RELIEF the PWR A(B)(C) SETPT Controllers SETPT Controllers in in MAN MAN and closed. and closed. Appendix D, Appendix Page 39 D, Page of 39 39 of 39

ScenarioEvent Scenario DescriptionVC EventDescription VCSummer-200 5-301 Summer-2005-301 No.: Op-TestNo.: Op-Test ScenarioNo.: Scenario No.: EventNo.: Event No.: Page _ _ofof - - Page Event




Time Time Position Position Actions or Applicants Actions Applicants or Behavior Behavior

2) Place
2) Place thethe Steamline Power Relief Steamline Power A(B)(C) Mode Relief A(B)(C) Mode Switches Switches in in PWR PWR RLF.

RLF. Adjust the

3) Adjust
3) the PWR RELIEF A(B)(C)

PWR RELIEF SETPT Controllers A(B)(C) SETPT Controllers as necessary to as necessary reduce RCS to reduce RCS temperature. temperature. 10 Check 10 Check PZR PORVs and PZR PORVs Spray Valves: and Spray Valves:

a. PZR
a. PZR PORVs PORVs are are closed.


b. PZR
b. PZR Spray Valves are Spray Valves are closed.

closed. power is available to at least one PZR

c. Verify power
c. PZR PORV Block Valve:
                             .*      MVG-8000A,, RELIEF 445 A ISOL.


                              ** MVG-8000B, MVG-8000C,, RELIEF 445 B
  • MVG-8000C
                               .                                        B ISOL.
d. Verify at least one PZR PORV Block Valve is open.. open ..

11 Check if RCPs should be stopped: stopped:

a. Check if either of the following criteria is met:
                                *. Annunciator XCP-612 4-2 is lit (PHASE B ISOL)          ISOL)..


                                *. RCS     pressure    is  LESS THAN 1400 is LESS              1400 psig AND SI SI flow is flow is indicated indicated     on  FI-943, FI-943,   CHG    LOOP LOOP     B B CLD/HOT    LG LG FLOW FLOW GPM. GPM.


b. Stop Stop all all RCPs.

RCPs. Conditions Conditions are are probably probably notnot met securing any for securing met for RCPs. any RCPs. GO GO TO TO StepStep 12.12. Examiners Examiners may may endend exam exam at at this point. this point. AppendixD,D, Page Appendix Page39 39ofof39 39}}