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La | La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revisionn0 TABLE OF O CONTE ENTS | ||
: 1. Genneral Informaation .................................................................................................................. 1-1 1.1. Purpose ............................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2. Decommisssioning Objeective .............................................................................................. 1-1 1.3. Facility ................................................................................................................................ 1-2 1.3.1. Site Deescription ........................................................................................................... 1-2 1.3.2. Currentt/Future Lan nd Use ............................................................................................ 1-3 1.3.3. Meteorrology and ClimatologyC .................... | |||
. ............................................................... 1-3 1.3.4 | |||
: 4. Geolog gy and Seism mology ............................................................................................ 1-3 1.3.5. Surfacee Water Hyd drology ........................................................................................... 1-4 1.3.6. Ground d Water Hyd drology ........................................................................................... 1-5 1.3.7. Environ ns and Naturral Resourcees ................................................................................ 1-5 1.4. Operationall Background d .................................................................................................... 1-6 1.5. Plan Summary .................................................................................................................... 1-7 1.5.1. Generaal Informatio on .................................................................................................... 1-7 1.5.2. Site Ch haracterizatio on ................................................................................................... 1-7 1.5.3. Identifiication of Reemaining Sitte Dismantleement Activiities .................................... 1-8 | |||
: 4. Remed 1.5.4 diation Plans ...................................................................................................... 1-8 1.5.5. Final Radiation R Surrvey Plan ....................................................................................... 1-9 1.5.6. Compliiance with th he Radiologiical Criteria for License Terminationn ..................... 1-9 1.5.7. Updatee of the Site-Specific Deccommissionning Costs ............................................... 1-9 1.5.8. Supplem ment to the Environmen E ntal Report .................................................................. 1-9 1.6. Regulatory Notification ns of Changees .............................................................................. 1-10 1.7. References ........................................................................................................................ 1-11 LIST OF O FIGURE RES Figure 1--1 Site Reegional Locaation .............................................................................................. 1-13 Figure 1--2 Site Ov verview............................................................................................................ 1-14 Figure 1--3 LACBW WR Building gs ................................................................................................. 1-15 Figure 1--4 Topogrraphical Map p ................................................................................................... 1-16 1-i | |||
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La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revision n0 LIST OF ACRONYM MS AND AB BBREVIAT TIONS ALARA As Loow As Reaso onably Achieevable AMCG Averaage Member of the Criticcal Group AMSL Abovee Mean Sea Level BGS Beloww Ground Su urface DCGL Derived Concentrration Guideline Level DQO Data Quality Q Objeectives DSAR Defueeled Safety Analysis A Repport FSS Final Status Surveey FRS Final Radiation Suurvey GWH Gigawwatt-Hours ISFSI Independent Spen nt Fuel Storaage Installatioon LACBW WR La Crrosse Boiling g Water Reacctor LSA Low Specific S Activity LTP License Terminatiion Plan MARSSIIM Multi--Agency Rad diation Survvey and Site Investigation Manual MYBP Millio on Years Beffore Present NRC Nucleear Regulatorry Commission ODCM Off-Site Dose Callculation Maanual PSDAR Post-S Shutdown Decommissioning Activitties Report RESRAD D RESiddual RADioaactive Materrials STS Source Term Surv vey USACE US Arrmy Corp off Engineers 1-ii | |||
La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revision n0 | |||
: 1. General G In nformation n The La Crosse C Boiliing Water Reactor R (LAC CBWR) waas a 50 Meggawatt Electrric (MWe) B BWR that is ow wned by Dairryland Poweer Cooperative (Dairylannd). This unnit, also know wn as Genoaa 2, is located ono the Dairy yland Genoaa site on th he east shoree of the Miississippi Riiver south oof the Village of o Genoa, Veernon Countty, Wisconsin n with an adddress of: | |||
LACBW WR S4601 Sttate Road 35 5 Genoa, WI. | |||
W 54632-88 846 The site is i licensed under u Possesssion Only License L No. DDPR-45 withh Docket Nuumbers of 500-409 for LACB BWR and 72 2-046 for thee Independen nt Spent Fueel Storage Innstallation (ISFSI). | |||
LACBW WR has been shut down since 1987 and is curreently underggoing decom mmissioning. The spent nucclear fuel stored in the LACBWR L ISFSI I will bbe maintaineed under an amended Paart 50 license. | |||
In a lettter dated October O 8, 2015 2 (1), Dairyland D annd LaCrosseeSolutions, LLC (Soluttions) requested d Nuclear Regulatory R Commission C (NRC) connsent to trannsfer Dairylaands possesssion, maintenaance and deecommission ning authoritties, under Possession Only Licennse No. DPR R-45, from Daiiryland to So olutions. Inn May 2016, the NRC prrovided conssent to transsfer the licennse to Solutionss. | |||
1.1. Purpose P | |||
The objective of deco ommissionin ng LACBWR R is to reducce the residuual radioactivvity to levels that permit thhe release of the site for unrestricted u use and alloow for the terrmination off the 10 CFR R Part 50 licensse except for the area su urrounding the t ISFSI. The ISFSI ffacility is licensed undeer the general liicense proviisions of 10 CFR C 72 Sub bpart K. | |||
This Liceense Termin nation Plan (L LTP) satisfiees the requirrement of 100 CFR 50.822(a)(9). Thiss LTP was writtten followin ng the guidan nce in Regu ulatory Guidde 1.179, Staandard Form mat and Conntents for Licennse Termination Plans for fo Nuclear Power P Reacctors (2) andd in NUREG G-1700, Stanndard Review Plan P for Evaluating Nucllear Power Reactor R Liceense Terminnation Plans (3). This L LTP is accompaanied by a prroposed licen nse amendm ment that est ablishes the criteria for when changges to the LTP require r NRC C prior appro oval. | |||
1.2. Decommissio D oning Objecctive The deco ommissionin ng objectivee is to cond duct remediiation and ssurvey operrations suchh that LACBW WR can subm mit a requestt to the NRC C for unresttricted releasse of the sitte (other thaan the remainin ng ISFSI liceensed facility y) in accordaance with Suubpart E of 110 CFR Partt 20 after meeeting the requiirements of 10 CFR 20 0.1402, Rad diological Crriteria for U Unrestrictedd Use. The LTP documen nts the proceess that will be used to demonstrate d that the dosse from residdual radioacctivity that is distinguishab d ble from background raadioactivity does not eexceed 25 m mrem/year too the Average Member of the Critical Group (AM MCG) from aall applicablee pathways oover a 1,0000 year 1-1 | |||
La | La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revision n0 period an nd that residuual radioactiivity has beeen reduced too levels that are As Low w As Reasonnably Achievab ble (ALARA). | ||
1.3. Facility F | |||
1.3.1. Site Desccription LACBW WR is located d in southw western Wiscconsin, in V Vernon Counnty, on the eeast shore oof the Mississip ppi River, ab bout 1 mile south of thee Village off Genoa, WI and approxximately 19 m miles south of the city of LaL Crosse, WI.W See Figu ure 1-1 for a map showinng the site loocation, incluuding nearby prominent p features f suchh as highw ways, rivers and lakes. The map coordinatees for LACBW WR are longittude 91o, 13, 53.35 Weest and latituude 43o, 33,, 36.22 Norrth. The sitee is at mile 678 8.6 on the Mississippi River abov ve the moutth of the O Ohio River. The reacttor is approxim mately 300 feet fe from thee Mississippii River and 475 feet weest of the carrgo-carryingg-only rail road. The reacto or stands on n filled land at an elevattion of 639 feet Above Mean Sea L Level (AMSL) per NUREG-0191, En nvironmentall Statement related to Operation oof the La C Crosse Boiling Water W Reacto or (4). | |||
The licen nsed site co omprises a total of 163 3.5 acres (55) which is owned by Dairyland, with LACBW WR comprisin ng only 1.5 acres. The site is acceessed by a rroad on the south side oof the plant, offf of Highwaay 35. The prominent p feeatures on thhe site are shhown in Figgures 1-2 annd 1-3 and incluude: | |||
the LACBWR plant, p the land north ofo LACBWR R, including the site swittchyard and the site of thhe former G--1 coaal (and later oil) o fueled power p plant (removed | |||
( in 1989), | |||
an area a directly y south of LA ACBWR witth an operatiional 350-M Mwe fossil geenerating stattion (Geenoa Station #3) approxiimately 175 feet from thhe LACBWR R plant, an area a south of Genoa #3 where w the ISSFSI is locatted, and a paarcel of land d to the east of o Highway 35, across fr from LACBW WR. | |||
The site isi bordered ono the north h by the Misssissippi Riveer and a narrrow strip of land betweeen the Mississip ppi River an nd Highway 35. The U..S. Lock & D Dam No. 8 is located aapproximatelly 0.6 miles upstream, man naged by thee U.S. Army y Corp of Enngineers (US SACE), Rocck Island Disstrict. | |||
The site isi bordered ono the west by b the Missiissippi Riverr and is borddered on the east by Highhway | |||
: 35. A Burlington B Northern-Sant N ta Fe rail lin ne, located bbetween the site and Higghway 35 caarries commerccial freight along a the easstern portionn of the site;; there are nno passengerr trains which use this rail line. The site s is bordeered to the south s by a ssegment of tthe Upper M Mississippi RRiver National Wildlife & Fish Refug ge Pool 9 area. | |||
a Furtheer south, appproximatelyy 2.4 miles from LACBW WR, is the Geenoa Nation nal Fish Hatcchery whichh raises endaangered musssels, brook trout and sturg geon. On th he southwesstern corner of the site,, approximaately 0.75 m miles south oof the LACBW WR plant, is a public boatt launching ramp r with a pparking lot. | |||
1-2 | |||
La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revisionn0 1.3.2. Current/Future Lan nd Use The site has been co ontinuously used u for indu ustrial purpooses since 1941. Due too the presennce of the Geno oa 3 facility and supporting operatio ons (e.g. bargge washing, switchyard)) on the propperty, the preseence of the ash a landfills, as well as the on-site ISFSI, it is anticipated that the sitee will continue as an indusstrial-use pro operty after decommisssioning is coompleted. N No other creedible future lan nd use, otherr than perhap ps recreationnal, can be eenvisioned oover the nextt several deccades. | |||
The speent nuclear fuel is expeected to rem main at the ISFSI until a federal reepository, ooffsite interim storage faccility, or liicensed tem mporary moonitored retrrievable stoorage facilitty is established and ready y to receive LACBWR L fuel. | |||
f 1.3.3. Meteorollogy and Cliimatology The La Crosse C Municipal Airporrt located in the town off La Crosse aand the USA ACE Lock 8 Dam in Genoaa maintain long standin ng active weather w statiions that m monitor and archive stanndard weather related r inforrmation in thhe La Crossee - Genoa reegion of the Mississippi River. Colllected data incluudes: wind speed s and dirrection, tempperature, andd precipitation (6) (7). | |||
Temperaatures in the La Crosse regionr are ty ypical of thee extremes oof a continental climatee with the extreemes being more markeed because of the riverr valley locaation of the LACBWR Site. | |||
Average temperaturees range from m 20 °F in th he three moonths of the w winter seasoon to 72 °F iin the summer season. A recordr maximum tempeerature of 1008 °F was reecorded in JJuly of both 1936 and 1995 5. The recorrd low was -4 43 °F in Janu uary of 18733. | |||
Monthly precipitatio on averages in the area ranges from m three to ffive inches pper month iin the spring annd summer seasons and one o to three inches per m month for thee rest of the year. | |||
The bluff ffs of the Misssissippi Rivver Valley ch hannel the wwinds at the LLACBWR S Site. Airportt data shows prrevailing sou utherly winds for seven months m of thhe year with prevailing nnorth to northhwest winds fo or the month hs of November throug gh March oof the year. Predominaant winds aat the LACBW WR Site wherre the river valley runs north-south are from thhe north andd south. Moonthly average wind w speeds are typically y 6-10 mph. | |||
1.3.4. Geology and Seismo ology LACBW WR is locatted within the Wisco onsin Driftlless sectionn of the C Central Low wland physiographic proviince. The Wisconsin Driftless section wass not glaciiated duringg the Pleistoceene Epoch anda is characcterized by flat lying nnaturally disssected sedim mentary rocks of early Palleozoic age. Moderate to t strong rellief has beenn produced oon the unglaaciated landsscape which haas been mod dified by a mantle m of lo oess and glaccial outwashh in the largger valleys oof the area. Maaximum relieef in the regiion is about 1,000 feet. | |||
Bedrock in the site region r consissts of Pre-Caambrian cryystalline rockks exposed aat the crest oof the Wisconsiin Dome by y early Paleeozoic (Cam mbrian and Ordovician,, 572 Millioon Years B Before Present [MYBP]) sedimentary strata. Baasement roccks in the ssite vicinityy are of graanitic composittion. The Paleozoic P roccks are 1,200-1,300 feett thick in thhe site viciniity and conssist of dolomites, sandstonees and shaless. About 600 0 feet of thiss sequence iss exposed allong the blufffs on both sidees of the Miississippi riv ver in the pllant vicinityy. Prior to tthe Pleistoceene Epoch ((more 1-3 | |||
La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revision n0 than 2 MYBP) | |||
M the riiver had carvved a gorge as much as 150 to 210 feet deeper than can bee seen today. Itt was buried by post-glaccial sedimen nt. | |||
The site is located within the Central Stab ble Region tectonic proovince. Thhe Central S Stable Region consists c of a vast areaa of large circular c upliifts and seddimentary baasins, and bbroad syncliness and archess. Major strructural feattures includde the Wiscoonsin Domee and Arch, Lake Superior syncline, Fo orest City baasin, Michig gan Basin, annd Illinois BBasin. These structures were formed during d the Laate Pre-Camb brian and Eaarly Paleozooic (more thaan 435 MYB BP). | |||
Major up plift and dowwn-warping alsoa occurreed during latte Paleozoic (330 MYBP P to 240 MY YBP). | |||
Some miinor tilting occurred o duriing and folloowing the Plleistocene glaciations (22 MYBP to 00.001 MYBP). The site is located on th he southwest flank of thee Wisconsinn Dome and the western flank of the Wisconsin W Arch, A a soutthward projection of thhe Wisconsiin Dome. For this reeason, sedimenttary strata in n the vicinity y dip less thaan 20 feet perr mile to thee southwest. | |||
Many fau ults have beeen mapped d in the site region. Noone of thesee faults are considered to be capable according a o the criteriaa in 10 CFR 100, Appenndix A. Per the US NR to RC, There aare no geologic conditions in i the site viicinity that represent r hazzard to the ffacility. Num merous faultts are mapped in i the site reegion, but in nvestigationss of all of theese faults duuring the couurse of validdating several nuclear n poweer plant sitess in the regioon, in additioon to studiess for the LACBWR, havve not found an ny evidencee of capable faulting. Additionaally, the areea is one oof relativelyy low seismicitty. Thereforre, capable faulting doees not need to be considered in thee analysis of this site (8). | |||
Seismic activity (maagnitudes raanging from 3.5 to 5.4) that has beeen noted beetween 19755 and 2008 occcurred oveer 180 milees from the site and did not iimpact plannt operationns or decommiissioning (9)). | |||
1.3.5. Surface Water W Hydrrology The LAC CBWR site is i in the Mississippi Riv ver valley annd is relativvely flat (seee Figure 1-44). In the vicinity of the sitte, the valleyy is deeply cut c into highlly dissected uplands. Frrom La Crossse to Prairie du u Chien, app proximatelyy 40 miles so outh, the vallley varies bbetween 2.5 and 4.5 milles in width. The T valley waalls rise sharrply 500 to 600 6 feet from m river level. | |||
There is little or no agricultural a use of the riiver valley ffloor which consists prim marily of marshy land, islaands betweeen river chaannels and extensions e oof low lyingg flood plaiin cut by ponds, sloughs and a meanderring river ch hannels. Nu umerous shorrt, steep-sideed valleys have been cuut into the uplan nd where trributary streams intercep pt the mainn river valleey. Both w walls of the main a wooded. The flat up channel are a some of tthe tributaryy valleys are cultivated. | |||
pland areas and The main n channel off the river vaaries greatly in width aboove and beloow the site. A series of dams are operaated by the USACE U for navigational n purposes. A Above Dam No. 8 (abouut 0.75 mile north of the sitte) the river is i nearly fouur miles wid de. Below thhe site, the riiver is relativvely narrow for a distance of 20 miles, then graduaally widens as a the river aapproaches D Dam No. 9, 33 miles souuth of the site. | |||
Part of th he licensed area (27 accres) is on a filled in arrea south off the originaal Genoa-1 ssteam plant. Therefore, drainage at the site has beeen establishhed. One vvalley drains to the northh and one to th he south, so that only precipitation that falls onn the bluff aadjacent to tthe site and on a 1-4 | |||
La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revisionn0 small portion of the upland area contributees to runoff directly acrross the sitee. This runooff is presentlyy channeled along the highway h and d railroad too prevent innterference w with traffic. No problemss of flash flo oods have occurred at thee site. | |||
For a distance of 40 miles m downsstream of thee site, virtuaally all municcipal water ssupplies for cities and town ns along thee river are obtained o from m ground w water. On thhe basis of readily avaiilable published d records, th he nearest major m city using u river w water for ddirect humann consumptiion is Davenpo ort, Iowa, ab bout 195 miiles downstrream. The nnearest use of river waater for induustrial purposes, excluding the t adjacent fossil plant,, is the steam m-power plannt in Lansingg, Iowa, aboout 15 miles dow wnstream. River R water at the Lansin ng plant is uused for conddenser cooliing. There aare no other knoown users of river water for industrrial purposess between L LACBWR siite and Prairrie du Chien, 400 miles down nriver. | |||
1.3.6. Ground Water W Hydrrology Groundw water beneath h the site is first encoun ntered at deptths ranging from approxximately 15 to 25 feet Bellow Ground d Surface (BGS) | |||
( and the water table aquiifer is in strong hydrraulic communication with h the adjacen nt Mississipp pi River. G Groundwaterr in the shalllow deposits and fill materrial likely flo ows towardss the west an nd dischargees into the MMississippi R River. The deeper groundw water is also likely to flo ow towards the west but ut then may turn and floow parallel tto the river. Based on a reeview of thee groundwatter elevationn measuremeents collecteed during rooutine sampling g in support of the Gen noa 3 fossil station, it aappears thatt there is a slight downnward vertical gradient. | |||
g Hoowever, therre are some periods wheere the graddients are revversed and tthis is likely due to high riv ver stages and flooding. | |||
As the site has valleey sand oveerlaying a laayer of Eau Claire sanddstone of thhe Cambriann Age which is underlain by y Mount Sim mon sandston ne, wells havve been drivven in areas closest to thhe site but not in valleys characterizeed by sub-layers of M Mount Simoon sandstonne. Deep wells penetratinng the Moun nt Simon lay yer flow to th he surface inndicating an artesian heaad about the level of the riv ver valley flo oor. Use off water from these artesiian aquifers has been lim mited becausse the water quuality of the deep aquifeers is poorer than that frrom shallow w aquifers. A As a result, there has been no extensive withdrawaal of water an nd no signifificant decrease in the arteesian head. | |||
There aree onsite potaable and gro oundwater monitoring m wells which aare periodically sampledd and w | |||
analyzedd. Regionallly, there aree five domeestic wells ssouth of thee LACBWR R site and eaast of Highway y 35 with thee water table encountered d from 20 too 45 feet BGS. | |||
1.3.7. Environss and Natural Resourcees The LAC CBWR Facillity is 17 milles south of the t City of L La Crosse annd a mile souuth of the Viillage of Genoaa (population n about 260)). The nearest communnity (three m miles to the nnorthwest) oon the west sho ore is Reno, Minnesota,, an unincorrporated ham mlet of abouut 350 peopple. The neearest community in Iowa is i New Albin n (pop. 513)), located fivve miles souuthwest of thhe plant. Vicctory, Wisconsiin, an uninco orporated haamlet, is situ uated five mmiles south oof the plant oon the east sshore. | |||
(Populatiion data is frrom 2013 m) (9). | |||
The areaa within a five-mile f rad dius is pred dominantly iin Vernon C County, Wissconsin, butt also includes Houston County, C Min nnesota, an nd a small portion off Allamakeee County, IIowa. | |||
Agricultuure and foreestry are thee predominaant land usees in Vernoon County aas well as inn the 1-5 | |||
La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revision n0 neighborring countiess on the weest side of the t Mississiippi River. Nearly 90% % of the Veernon County's gross area is i agriculturre and woodllands. Abouut 3.4%, connsisting mainly of waterr area and marsshlands is cllassified as undeveloped u d. Total devveloped landd accounts foor less than 6.6% | |||
of the cou unty's gross area (10). | |||
The prim mary agriculttural activity y is dairy faarming, meaat animals, aand crop farrming. In rrecent years, th here has beeen a marked trend tow ward the co nversion off Vernon County's marrginal agricultu ural land to woodland. About two--fifths of thee total land in farms iss now devotted to woodland d. The foressts yield sub bstantial amo ounts of oakk and lesser qquantities off maple and other hardwoods. | |||
A modesst amount of sandstone and limesto one quarryinng also takees place at a number off sites througho out Vernon County. | |||
C Furtther, 85% off the developped land in V Vernon Couunty is in thee low-intensity--use categorries of resid dential and park p land. T The more inntensive lannd uses (induustry, commercce, public, trransportation n, and utilitiees) account ffor less thann 15% of totaal developedd land and less than 0.3% of gross arrea. Local industry coonsists almoost exclusiveely of operaations related to o the proceessing of ag gricultural an nd forest prroducts. O One notable exception iis the nonagricu ultural industries of thee industrial park p in Virooqua, Wiscoonsin locatedd 25 miles tto the east of LA ACBWR. | |||
Land in thet vicinity of o the LACB BWR Site is overwhelmiingly rural aand undevelooped. Of thee area within a five-mile radius, app proximately one third is accountted for by water areaa and bottomlaands included d in the Upp per Mississip ppi River WWildlife and F Fish Refugee. The develloped portion of o the Villag ge of Genoaa, the only substantial coommunity inn the five m mile radius oof the site, occu upies less thaan 100 acress. The neareest residencees to the LAC CBWR Site are within a mile to the easst and northeeast consistin ng of small trailer t parks and residennces on smalll acreages. | |||
Refuge bottomland b and a water su urface, lying mainly in M Minnesota, exxtend west oof the reactoor site for 2.5 miles. | |||
m Roug ghly a third ofo the area remains r undder cultivatioon. A few ddozen resideences, including g vacation homes and bo oathouses, are a scatteredd along the sshoreline neaar State Highway 26 and ho ouseboats arre moored att several poin nts at times dduring the yyear. | |||
Approxim mately 3.5 square miles of Iowa are within the L LACBWR ffive-mile raddius. Most of it is water areea and refug ge bottomlan nd, although h there is soome agriculttural use onn the bottom mland. | |||
The five-mile radiuss includes a portion of the incorpoorated town of New Allbin, whose total populatio on is 522. | |||
1.4. Operational O Backgroun nd Key statiion milestones are presen nted in Chap pter 2 of thiss LTP. The m major milesttones are: | |||
Allis--Chalmers, under u contraact with the AEC, A designned, fabricateed, constructted and perfoormed startup p of the LAC CBWR from m 1962 to 19667, Dairy yland entered d into a conttact to purchhase steam frrom the nucllear plant to operate a turbin ne-generatorr for producttion of electrricity: June 11962, Allis--Chalmers dockets d appliication for co onstruction: November 55, 1962, Initiaal Criticality achieved: July J 11, 1967 7, 1-6 | |||
La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revision n0 Low power testin ng completed d: Septembeer 1967, Proviisional Operrating authorrization issueed (DPRA-66): October 331, 1969, Proviisional Operrating Licensse, DPRA-45 5 issued: Auugust 28, 1973, LACB BWR permaanently shut down: Apriil 30, 1987, Finall reactor defuueling was completed c onn June 11, 19987, and Comp pletion of fu uel loading innto the ISFSI was complleted on Sepptember 19, 22012. | |||
The reactor was critiical for a tottal of 103,28 87.5 hours. The 50 MW We generatoor was on linne for 96,274.6 hours. Thee total gross electrical en nergy generaated was 4.0047 Gigawattt-Hours (GW WH). | |||
The unit availability factor was 62.9%. | |||
6 The LAC CBWR unit consists off major buildings and sstructures suuch as the R Reactor Buillding, Turbine Building, 1B B Diesel Geenerator Buillding, Wastee Treatmentt Building, U Undergroundd Gas Storage Tank T Vault, Ventilation Stack, Low w Specific A Activity (LSA A) building aand others wwhich are currently undergo oing decomm missioning (see Figure 11-3). Interm mittent system ms dismantleement and metaallic radioacttive equipmeent has been n removed sinnce 2007, inncluding the Reactor Preessure Vessel. The ISFSI, located soutth of the Gen noa 3 fossil station, beccame operatiional in 20122 and holds five above-grou und Dry Sto orage Casks with w 333 speent fuel asseemblies. | |||
1.5. Plan P Summa ary 1.5.1. General Information I n The LTP P describes th he process used u to meet the requirem ments for terrminating thee 10 CFR Paart 50 license and a to releasse the site fo or unrestrictted use. Thhe LTP has bbeen prepared in accorddance with the requirementts in 10 CFR R 50.82(a)(9 9) and is subbmitted as a supplementt to the Defu fueled Safety Analysis A Repport (DSAR R). The LTP P submittal is accompaanied by a proposed liccense amendmeent that estab blishes the criteria c for when w changess to the LTP P require prioor NRC apprroval. | |||
The subssections belo ow provide a brief summ mary of the otther seven chhapters of thhe LTP. | |||
1.5.2. Site Charracterization LTP Chaapter 2 discu usses the site characterizaation that haas been condu ducted to deteermine the nnature and exten nt of radioacctive contammination on siite prior to rremediation, including sttructures thaat will remain ata the time of o license terrmination, so oils, and groound water. Based on tthe results oof the site charaacterization, Solutions will w plan rem mediation andd Final Radiiation Surveyys (FRS) in areas determin ned to be imp pacted by thee operation ofo LACBWR R. | |||
The LAC CBWR Radio ological Cha aracterizatio on Survey R Report for OOctober andd November 2014 Field Work Wo (11) an nd LACBWR R Radiologiccal Charactterization Su Survey Report for June thru August 2015 2 Field Work W (12) provided the foundation for further site charactterization annd the basis for dividing thee site into su urvey units. The surveyy units were evaluated aggainst the crriteria specifiedd in NUREG G-1575, Mu ulti-Agency Radiation Survey andd Site Invesstigation Maanual (MARSS SIM) (13) fo or classificaation. Data from subseequent charaacterization may be used to change th he original classification c n of an area,, within the requirementts of this LT TP, up to thee time 1-7 | |||
La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revisionn0 of FRS, as long as the t classificaation reflectts the level oof residual aactivity exissting prior too any remediation in the arrea. | |||
1.5.3. Identificaation of Rem maining Sitee Dismantleement Activvities LTP Chaapter 3 identtifies the rem maining site dismantlem ment and deccontaminatioon activities. The informatiion provided d in Chapter 3 includes: | |||
A desscription of the t areas and d equipmentt that need fuurther remeddiation, A summmary of radiological co onditions thaat may be enncountered, Estim mates of asso ociated occup pational radiiation dose, An esstimate of thhe types and quantities of radioactivee material geenerated for release and dispo osal, and Descrriptions of proposed p conntrol mechan nisms to ensuure areas aree not re-conttaminated. | |||
Solutionss is decomm missioning LACBWR L in n accordancee with the D DECON alterrnative desccribed in NURE EG-0586, Generic G Enviironmental Impact I Stattement on D Decommissiooning of Nuuclear Facilitiess, Supplemen nt 1, Volumee 1, (14). The T decomm missioning acctivities willl be conductted in accordannce with thee Solutionss Safety an nd Health P Program, Raadiation Prottection Proggram, Radioacttive Waste Program, Off-Site Dose D Calcuulation Maanual (ODC CM), and plant administrrative, work control and decommissiioning impleementation pprocedures. | |||
Activities conducted during deco ommissionin ng do not poose any greatter radiologiical or safetyy risk than tho ose conductted during plant operrations. T The radioloogical risk associated with decommiissioning acctivities is bounded b byy previouslyy analyzed rradiological risk for foormer operatingg activities th hat occurredd during majo or maintenannce and outaage activitiess. | |||
The information provided in Ch hapter 3 supp ports the asssessment off impacts connsidered in other sections of the LTP P and proviides sufficieent detail too identify rresources neeeded duringg the remaininng dismantlem ment activitiies. | |||
1.5.4. Remediation Plans LTP Ch hapter 4 disscusses the various reemediation techniques that may be used dduring decommiissioning to reduce resid dual contamiination to levvels that com mply with thhe release crriteria in 10 CF FR 20.1402. This chap pter also discusses the ALARA evvaluation annd the impaact of remediation activities on the Rad diation Protection Prograam. | |||
The seleccted remediaation method ds used are dependent d uppon the conttaminated mmaterial and eextent of contam mination. TheT principaal materials that may bbe subject tto remediation are strucctural surfaces. Very limiteed soil contaamination is expected; anny noted grooundwater saamples have been at backgrround levelss or a small fraction of the drinkingg water stanndards; and no surface w water contamin nation has been b identiffied to datee. Remediaation techniques that m may be usedd for structural surfaces include i scabbbling and shaving, chhipping, spoonge and aabrasive blasting, standard and pressure washing, wiping, grrit blasting, mechanical fracturing and cutting, and other meethods. Surrface and su ubsurface so oil with activvity levels iin excess off the approppriate Derived Concentration Guidelin ne Level (DC CGL) will bbe removed and disposeed as radioaactive 1-8 | |||
La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revisionn0 waste. Soil remediation equipm ment will in nclude, but not be lim mited to, bacck and trackk hoe excavators. Remed diation of so oils will incclude the usse of establiished excavvation safetyy and environmmental contro ol procedurees, as well as appropriaate work paackage instruuctions to ennsure adequate erosion, sed diment, and air emission n controls duuring soil remmediation. | |||
1.5.5. Final Rad diation Surv vey Plan LTP Chaapter 5 preseents the FRS S Plan which h will be useed to develoop the site prrocedures, suurvey packagess, and instrucctions to perrform the FRRS of the LA ACBWR site. The FRS P Plan is compprised of a Finnal Status Survey (FSS) for open land areas and a Sourrce Term S Survey (STS S) for remaininng building basements. The FRS Plan descrribes the finnal survey process useed to demonstrrate that the LACBWR facility f and site s comply with radioloogical criteriia for unrestrricted use speciified in 10 CFR C 20.1402 (e.g. annuall dose limit oof 25 mrem to AMCG pplus ALARA A). | |||
The FRS S Plan descrribes the dev velopment ofo the surveyy plan, survvey design aand Data Quuality Objectivees (DQO), su urvey methoods and instrrumentation,, data collecttion and proocessing, andd data assessmeent and comp pliance. Thhe FRS Plan addresses oonly LACBW WR structurees and land areas that are identified i ass impacted. The adjacent areas thaat are classiffied as non-iimpacted annd the ISFSI, which w will still remain a licensed areaa, will not bee subject to FFRS. | |||
1.5.6. Complian nce with thee Radiologiccal Criteriaa for Licensee Terminatiion LTP Ch hapter 6 preesents the radiologicall informatioon and meethods used to demonstrate complian nce with thee radiologiccal criteria forf license termination and releasee of the sitte for unrestrictted use. Chapter 6 discu usses the sitee-specific innventory of rradionuclides, future lannd use scenarioss, exposure pathways, computatio onal modelss used for dose modeeling, sensiitivity analysis, DCGLs an nd Dose Facctors, the deerivation of area factorrs, the basis for the sellected exposuree compliancee scenario an nd evaluation n of alternatiive exposuree scenarios. | |||
LTP Chaapter 6 usess radiologiccal information from C Chapter 2 annd establishes the allow wable contamin nation and radioactivity r concentratiion levels thhat Chapter 4 remediatiion methodss will work towwards and bee verified by y the FSS orr STS discusssed in Chappter 5. Soluutions applieed the Argonne National Laaboratory RE ESidual RA ADioactive m materials (REESRAD) v7..0 dose moddeling code to determine d thhe radiologiccal release criteria c for rremaining sttructures annd soils to ennable license teermination. | |||
1.5.7. Update ofo the Site-Sp pecific Deco ommissionin ng Costs LTP Chaapter 7 pro ovides an up pdated estimmate of thee remaining decommisssioning costts for releasing g the site forr unrestricted d use. This chapter alsoo compares tthe estimateed remainingg cost with the funds curren ntly availablee in the deco ommissioninng trust fundd. | |||
1.5.8. Supplement to the Environmen E tal Report LTP Chaapter 8 updaates the Enviironmental Report R for LLACBWR w with new infoormation andd any significannt environm mental impaacts associatted with thhe sites deecommissionning and liccense terminatiion activitiess. This section of the LTP L is prepar ared pursuannt to 10 CFR R 51.53(d) annd 10 CFR 50.82(a)(9)(ii)(G). In accorrdance with 10 CFR 51 .53(d), Soluutions considders Chapterr 8 to 1-9 | |||
La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revision n0 be a sup pplement to the Environ nmental Rep port addressiing the actuaal or potentiial environmmental impacts associated a with w the execu ution of the described deecommissionning activities. | |||
LTP Chapter 8 com mpares the described decommissi oning attribbutes to thoose identifieed in NUREG--0586, which h provides a generic env vironmental assessment ffor the decom mmissioningg of a referencee nuclear faccility. The environmen ntal assessmment perform med by Soluutions determ mined that the environmen ntal effects for f decomm missioning LA ACBWR arre minimal aand there arre no adverse effects e outsiide the boun nds of NUR REG-0586. Review of post-operating license stage environm mental impaacts was documented in n a supplem ment to thee Environmental Reporrt for LACBW WR dated Deecember 198 87. LACBW WR decomm missioning aand dismanttlement activvities have resu ulted in no significant environmen ntal impact not previouusly evaluated in the N NRC's Environm mental Asseessment in support of the Augustt 7, 1991, Decommisssioning Order or NUREG--0191 related d to operatioon of LACBW WR, dated A April 21, 19880. | |||
1.6. Regulatory R Notification N s of Changees Solutionss is submitting the LTP as a supplem ment to the D DSAR. Beccause the liccensing histoory of LACBW WR spans a period p that in ncludes seveeral decomm missioning reegulation chaanges, the D DSAR documen ntation is un nique in thaat the requiired safety aanalyses aree included in the LAC CBWR Decommissioning Pllan and Postt-Shutdown DecommissioD oning Activiities Report (D-Plan/PSD DAR) | |||
Revision March 2014 4 (15) which h serves as the t DSAR fo for LACBWR R. Solutionns will updatte the LTP in accordance a with w 10 CFR R 50.71(e). Once approvved, Solutioons may makke changes tto the LTP, witthout prior NRC N approv val, in accordance withh the criteriaa in 10 CFR R 50.59, 10 CFR 50.82(a)((6), and 10 CFRC 50.82(aa)(7). | |||
Solutionss is also sub bmitting a prroposed ameendment to tthe LACBW WR license thhat adds a liccense condition n that establlishes the crriteria for determining w when changges to the L LTP require prior NRC app proval. Chan nges to the LTP L require prior NRC aapproval when the changge: | |||
Requ uires Commission approv val pursuant to 10 CFR 550.59, Results in significant environ nmental impaacts not prevviously revieewed, Detraacts or negattes the reason nable assuraance that adeequate funds will be avaiilable for decom mmissioning g, Decreeases a surveey unit area classificatio on (i.e., impaacted to not iimpacted, Cllass 1 to Claass 2; Classs 2 to Class 3; 3 or Class 1 to Class 3 without w provviding NRC a minimum 14 day notifiication priorr to implementing the change in classsification, Increases the DCGLs (or deccreases dose factors from m the Basemeent Fill Moddel) and relatted minim mum detectaable concentrrations (for both b scan annd fixed meaasurement m methods), | |||
Increases the radiioactivity lev vel, relative to the appliccable derivedd concentrattion guidelinne level (or correspo onding sourcce term inven ntory levels in the Basem ment Fill Moodel), at whiich an invvestigation occurs), | |||
o Chan nges the statiistical test ap pplied to onee other than tthe Sign testt or Wilcoxoon Rank Sum m test, or o | |||
Increases the Typ pe I decision n error. | |||
1-10 | |||
La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revisionn0 The contact for LTP information n, including any a submitteed changes aand updates, is: | |||
Gerard P. | |||
P van Noord dennen Vice President, Regu ulatory Affaiirs LaCrosseeSolutions, LLC L | |||
S4601 Sttate Road 35 5 Genoa, WI. | |||
W 54632-88 846 (224) 789 9-4025 gpvannooordennen@en 1.7. References R | |||
: 1. Letter L from Dairyland D Poower Cooperative to the N Nuclear Reggulatory Com mmission, Application A for f Order Ap pproving Liccense Transfe fer and Confo forming Admministrative License L Amendments, daated October 8, 2015. | |||
: 2. U Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. n, Regulatorry Guide 1.179, Standardd Format andd Content C of Liicense Termiination Plans for Nucleaar Power Reaactors, Revission 1 - Junee 2011. | |||
: 3. U.S. | |||
U Nuclear Regulatory Commission n NUREG-11700, Revisioon 1, Standaard Review P Plan fo or Evaluating g Nuclear Poower Reactoor License Teermination P Plans - Apriil 2003. | |||
: 4. U.S. | |||
U Nuclear Regulatory Commission n NUREG-00191, Final E Environmenttal Statemennt reelated to Opeeration of th he La Crosse Boiling Waater Reactor by Dairylannd Power Cooperative C - April 1980. | |||
: 5. Letter L from Dairyland D Poower Compan ny to the Nuuclear Regulatory Comm mission, Subjject: | |||
Planning for ISFSI, I LAC-14029, Marrch 10, 20088. | |||
: 6. www.wunder w rground.comm. | |||
: 7. www.mvp.wc w 8. | |||
: 8. Dairyland D Power Cooperaative, LaCro osse Boiling Water Reacctor (LACBW WR) | |||
Decommissio D oning Plan, revised r Noveember 2003.. | |||
: 9. htttp:// m/city/Genoaa-Wisconsin..html. | |||
: 10. 2008 Vernon County Tax x Assessmen nt Rolls. | |||
: 11. EnergySoluti E ons GG-EO--313196-RS S-RP-001, LA ACBWR Raadiological C Characterizattion Survey Reporrt for Octobeer and Novem mber 2014 F Field Work - Novemberr 2015. | |||
: 12. EnergySoluti E ons LC-RS-PN-164017--001, LACB BWR Radioloogical Charaacterization Survey Reporrt for June th hru August 2015 2 Field W Work - Noveember 2015. | |||
: 13. U.S. | |||
U Nuclear Regulatory Commission n, NUREG-11575, Revisiion 1, Multi--Agency Radiation R Surrvey and Sitee Investigatiion Manual ((MARSSIM M), August 20000. | |||
: 14. U.S. | |||
U Nuclear Regulatory Commission n NUREG-00586, Generiic Environm mental Impactt Statement on Decommisssioning of Nu uclear Faciliities, Suppleement 1, Vollume 1 - | |||
November N 20 002. | |||
1-11 | |||
La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revision n0 | |||
: 15. Dairyland D Power Cooperaative, LACB BWR Decom mmissioning Plan and Poost-Shutdownn Decommissio D oning Activitties Report (D-Plan/PSD | |||
( DAR), Revission - Marchh 2014. | |||
1-12 | |||
La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revision n0 Figure 1-1 Site S Regionaal Location 1-13 | |||
La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revision n0 Figure 1-2 2 Site Ovverview 1-14 | |||
L La Crosse Boilin ng Water Reactor L | |||
License Termination Plan R | |||
Revision 0 Figure 1-3 LACBWR Bu uildings 1-15 | |||
La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revision n0 Fiigure 1-4 Topograph hical Map 1-16}} |
Revision as of 16:46, 30 October 2019
ML16200A085 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | La Crosse File:Dairyland Power Cooperative icon.png |
Issue date: | 06/27/2016 |
From: | LaCrosseSolutions |
To: | Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards |
References | |
Download: ML16200A085 (19) | |
La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revisionn0 TABLE OF O CONTE ENTS
- 1. Genneral Informaation .................................................................................................................. 1-1 1.1. Purpose ............................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2. Decommisssioning Objeective .............................................................................................. 1-1 1.3. Facility ................................................................................................................................ 1-2 1.3.1. Site Deescription ........................................................................................................... 1-2 1.3.2. Currentt/Future Lan nd Use ............................................................................................ 1-3 1.3.3. Meteorrology and ClimatologyC ....................
. ............................................................... 1-3 1.3.4
- 4. Geolog gy and Seism mology ............................................................................................ 1-3 1.3.5. Surfacee Water Hyd drology ........................................................................................... 1-4 1.3.6. Ground d Water Hyd drology ........................................................................................... 1-5 1.3.7. Environ ns and Naturral Resourcees ................................................................................ 1-5 1.4. Operationall Background d .................................................................................................... 1-6 1.5. Plan Summary .................................................................................................................... 1-7 1.5.1. Generaal Informatio on .................................................................................................... 1-7 1.5.2. Site Ch haracterizatio on ................................................................................................... 1-7 1.5.3. Identifiication of Reemaining Sitte Dismantleement Activiities .................................... 1-8
- 4. Remed 1.5.4 diation Plans ...................................................................................................... 1-8 1.5.5. Final Radiation R Surrvey Plan ....................................................................................... 1-9 1.5.6. Compliiance with th he Radiologiical Criteria for License Terminationn ..................... 1-9 1.5.7. Updatee of the Site-Specific Deccommissionning Costs ............................................... 1-9 1.5.8. Supplem ment to the Environmen E ntal Report .................................................................. 1-9 1.6. Regulatory Notification ns of Changees .............................................................................. 1-10 1.7. References ........................................................................................................................ 1-11 LIST OF O FIGURE RES Figure 1--1 Site Reegional Locaation .............................................................................................. 1-13 Figure 1--2 Site Ov verview............................................................................................................ 1-14 Figure 1--3 LACBW WR Building gs ................................................................................................. 1-15 Figure 1--4 Topogrraphical Map p ................................................................................................... 1-16 1-i
La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revision n0 LIST OF ACRONYM MS AND AB BBREVIAT TIONS ALARA As Loow As Reaso onably Achieevable AMCG Averaage Member of the Criticcal Group AMSL Abovee Mean Sea Level BGS Beloww Ground Su urface DCGL Derived Concentrration Guideline Level DQO Data Quality Q Objeectives DSAR Defueeled Safety Analysis A Repport FSS Final Status Surveey FRS Final Radiation Suurvey GWH Gigawwatt-Hours ISFSI Independent Spen nt Fuel Storaage Installatioon LACBW WR La Crrosse Boiling g Water Reacctor LSA Low Specific S Activity LTP License Terminatiion Plan MARSSIIM Multi--Agency Rad diation Survvey and Site Investigation Manual MYBP Millio on Years Beffore Present NRC Nucleear Regulatorry Commission ODCM Off-Site Dose Callculation Maanual PSDAR Post-S Shutdown Decommissioning Activitties Report RESRAD D RESiddual RADioaactive Materrials STS Source Term Surv vey USACE US Arrmy Corp off Engineers 1-ii
La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revision n0
- 1. General G In nformation n The La Crosse C Boiliing Water Reactor R (LAC CBWR) waas a 50 Meggawatt Electrric (MWe) B BWR that is ow wned by Dairryland Poweer Cooperative (Dairylannd). This unnit, also know wn as Genoaa 2, is located ono the Dairy yland Genoaa site on th he east shoree of the Miississippi Riiver south oof the Village of o Genoa, Veernon Countty, Wisconsin n with an adddress of:
LACBW WR S4601 Sttate Road 35 5 Genoa, WI.
W 54632-88 846 The site is i licensed under u Possesssion Only License L No. DDPR-45 withh Docket Nuumbers of 500-409 for LACB BWR and 72 2-046 for thee Independen nt Spent Fueel Storage Innstallation (ISFSI).
LACBW WR has been shut down since 1987 and is curreently underggoing decom mmissioning. The spent nucclear fuel stored in the LACBWR L ISFSI I will bbe maintaineed under an amended Paart 50 license.
In a lettter dated October O 8, 2015 2 (1), Dairyland D annd LaCrosseeSolutions, LLC (Soluttions) requested d Nuclear Regulatory R Commission C (NRC) connsent to trannsfer Dairylaands possesssion, maintenaance and deecommission ning authoritties, under Possession Only Licennse No. DPR R-45, from Daiiryland to So olutions. Inn May 2016, the NRC prrovided conssent to transsfer the licennse to Solutionss.
1.1. Purpose P
The objective of deco ommissionin ng LACBWR R is to reducce the residuual radioactivvity to levels that permit thhe release of the site for unrestricted u use and alloow for the terrmination off the 10 CFR R Part 50 licensse except for the area su urrounding the t ISFSI. The ISFSI ffacility is licensed undeer the general liicense proviisions of 10 CFR C 72 Sub bpart K.
This Liceense Termin nation Plan (L LTP) satisfiees the requirrement of 100 CFR 50.822(a)(9). Thiss LTP was writtten followin ng the guidan nce in Regu ulatory Guidde 1.179, Staandard Form mat and Conntents for Licennse Termination Plans for fo Nuclear Power P Reacctors (2) andd in NUREG G-1700, Stanndard Review Plan P for Evaluating Nucllear Power Reactor R Liceense Terminnation Plans (3). This L LTP is accompaanied by a prroposed licen nse amendm ment that est ablishes the criteria for when changges to the LTP require r NRC C prior appro oval.
1.2. Decommissio D oning Objecctive The deco ommissionin ng objectivee is to cond duct remediiation and ssurvey operrations suchh that LACBW WR can subm mit a requestt to the NRC C for unresttricted releasse of the sitte (other thaan the remainin ng ISFSI liceensed facility y) in accordaance with Suubpart E of 110 CFR Partt 20 after meeeting the requiirements of 10 CFR 20 0.1402, Rad diological Crriteria for U Unrestrictedd Use. The LTP documen nts the proceess that will be used to demonstrate d that the dosse from residdual radioacctivity that is distinguishab d ble from background raadioactivity does not eexceed 25 m mrem/year too the Average Member of the Critical Group (AM MCG) from aall applicablee pathways oover a 1,0000 year 1-1
La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revision n0 period an nd that residuual radioactiivity has beeen reduced too levels that are As Low w As Reasonnably Achievab ble (ALARA).
1.3. Facility F
1.3.1. Site Desccription LACBW WR is located d in southw western Wiscconsin, in V Vernon Counnty, on the eeast shore oof the Mississip ppi River, ab bout 1 mile south of thee Village off Genoa, WI and approxximately 19 m miles south of the city of LaL Crosse, WI.W See Figu ure 1-1 for a map showinng the site loocation, incluuding nearby prominent p features f suchh as highw ways, rivers and lakes. The map coordinatees for LACBW WR are longittude 91o, 13, 53.35 Weest and latituude 43o, 33,, 36.22 Norrth. The sitee is at mile 678 8.6 on the Mississippi River abov ve the moutth of the O Ohio River. The reacttor is approxim mately 300 feet fe from thee Mississippii River and 475 feet weest of the carrgo-carryingg-only rail road. The reacto or stands on n filled land at an elevattion of 639 feet Above Mean Sea L Level (AMSL) per NUREG-0191, En nvironmentall Statement related to Operation oof the La C Crosse Boiling Water W Reacto or (4).
The licen nsed site co omprises a total of 163 3.5 acres (55) which is owned by Dairyland, with LACBW WR comprisin ng only 1.5 acres. The site is acceessed by a rroad on the south side oof the plant, offf of Highwaay 35. The prominent p feeatures on thhe site are shhown in Figgures 1-2 annd 1-3 and incluude:
the LACBWR plant, p the land north ofo LACBWR R, including the site swittchyard and the site of thhe former G--1 coaal (and later oil) o fueled power p plant (removed
( in 1989),
an area a directly y south of LA ACBWR witth an operatiional 350-M Mwe fossil geenerating stattion (Geenoa Station #3) approxiimately 175 feet from thhe LACBWR R plant, an area a south of Genoa #3 where w the ISSFSI is locatted, and a paarcel of land d to the east of o Highway 35, across fr from LACBW WR.
The site isi bordered ono the north h by the Misssissippi Riveer and a narrrow strip of land betweeen the Mississip ppi River an nd Highway 35. The U..S. Lock & D Dam No. 8 is located aapproximatelly 0.6 miles upstream, man naged by thee U.S. Army y Corp of Enngineers (US SACE), Rocck Island Disstrict.
The site isi bordered ono the west by b the Missiissippi Riverr and is borddered on the east by Highhway
- 35. A Burlington B Northern-Sant N ta Fe rail lin ne, located bbetween the site and Higghway 35 caarries commerccial freight along a the easstern portionn of the site;; there are nno passengerr trains which use this rail line. The site s is bordeered to the south s by a ssegment of tthe Upper M Mississippi RRiver National Wildlife & Fish Refug ge Pool 9 area.
a Furtheer south, appproximatelyy 2.4 miles from LACBW WR, is the Geenoa Nation nal Fish Hatcchery whichh raises endaangered musssels, brook trout and sturg geon. On th he southwesstern corner of the site,, approximaately 0.75 m miles south oof the LACBW WR plant, is a public boatt launching ramp r with a pparking lot.
La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revisionn0 1.3.2. Current/Future Lan nd Use The site has been co ontinuously used u for indu ustrial purpooses since 1941. Due too the presennce of the Geno oa 3 facility and supporting operatio ons (e.g. bargge washing, switchyard)) on the propperty, the preseence of the ash a landfills, as well as the on-site ISFSI, it is anticipated that the sitee will continue as an indusstrial-use pro operty after decommisssioning is coompleted. N No other creedible future lan nd use, otherr than perhap ps recreationnal, can be eenvisioned oover the nextt several deccades.
The speent nuclear fuel is expeected to rem main at the ISFSI until a federal reepository, ooffsite interim storage faccility, or liicensed tem mporary moonitored retrrievable stoorage facilitty is established and ready y to receive LACBWR L fuel.
f 1.3.3. Meteorollogy and Cliimatology The La Crosse C Municipal Airporrt located in the town off La Crosse aand the USA ACE Lock 8 Dam in Genoaa maintain long standin ng active weather w statiions that m monitor and archive stanndard weather related r inforrmation in thhe La Crossee - Genoa reegion of the Mississippi River. Colllected data incluudes: wind speed s and dirrection, tempperature, andd precipitation (6) (7).
Temperaatures in the La Crosse regionr are ty ypical of thee extremes oof a continental climatee with the extreemes being more markeed because of the riverr valley locaation of the LACBWR Site.
Average temperaturees range from m 20 °F in th he three moonths of the w winter seasoon to 72 °F iin the summer season. A recordr maximum tempeerature of 1008 °F was reecorded in JJuly of both 1936 and 1995 5. The recorrd low was -4 43 °F in Janu uary of 18733.
Monthly precipitatio on averages in the area ranges from m three to ffive inches pper month iin the spring annd summer seasons and one o to three inches per m month for thee rest of the year.
The bluff ffs of the Misssissippi Rivver Valley ch hannel the wwinds at the LLACBWR S Site. Airportt data shows prrevailing sou utherly winds for seven months m of thhe year with prevailing nnorth to northhwest winds fo or the month hs of November throug gh March oof the year. Predominaant winds aat the LACBW WR Site wherre the river valley runs north-south are from thhe north andd south. Moonthly average wind w speeds are typically y 6-10 mph.
1.3.4. Geology and Seismo ology LACBW WR is locatted within the Wisco onsin Driftlless sectionn of the C Central Low wland physiographic proviince. The Wisconsin Driftless section wass not glaciiated duringg the Pleistoceene Epoch anda is characcterized by flat lying nnaturally disssected sedim mentary rocks of early Palleozoic age. Moderate to t strong rellief has beenn produced oon the unglaaciated landsscape which haas been mod dified by a mantle m of lo oess and glaccial outwashh in the largger valleys oof the area. Maaximum relieef in the regiion is about 1,000 feet.
Bedrock in the site region r consissts of Pre-Caambrian cryystalline rockks exposed aat the crest oof the Wisconsiin Dome by y early Paleeozoic (Cam mbrian and Ordovician,, 572 Millioon Years B Before Present [MYBP]) sedimentary strata. Baasement roccks in the ssite vicinityy are of graanitic composittion. The Paleozoic P roccks are 1,200-1,300 feett thick in thhe site viciniity and conssist of dolomites, sandstonees and shaless. About 600 0 feet of thiss sequence iss exposed allong the blufffs on both sidees of the Miississippi riv ver in the pllant vicinityy. Prior to tthe Pleistoceene Epoch ((more 1-3
La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revision n0 than 2 MYBP)
M the riiver had carvved a gorge as much as 150 to 210 feet deeper than can bee seen today. Itt was buried by post-glaccial sedimen nt.
The site is located within the Central Stab ble Region tectonic proovince. Thhe Central S Stable Region consists c of a vast areaa of large circular c upliifts and seddimentary baasins, and bbroad syncliness and archess. Major strructural feattures includde the Wiscoonsin Domee and Arch, Lake Superior syncline, Fo orest City baasin, Michig gan Basin, annd Illinois BBasin. These structures were formed during d the Laate Pre-Camb brian and Eaarly Paleozooic (more thaan 435 MYB BP).
Major up plift and dowwn-warping alsoa occurreed during latte Paleozoic (330 MYBP P to 240 MY YBP).
Some miinor tilting occurred o duriing and folloowing the Plleistocene glaciations (22 MYBP to 00.001 MYBP). The site is located on th he southwest flank of thee Wisconsinn Dome and the western flank of the Wisconsin W Arch, A a soutthward projection of thhe Wisconsiin Dome. For this reeason, sedimenttary strata in n the vicinity y dip less thaan 20 feet perr mile to thee southwest.
Many fau ults have beeen mapped d in the site region. Noone of thesee faults are considered to be capable according a o the criteriaa in 10 CFR 100, Appenndix A. Per the US NR to RC, There aare no geologic conditions in i the site viicinity that represent r hazzard to the ffacility. Num merous faultts are mapped in i the site reegion, but in nvestigationss of all of theese faults duuring the couurse of validdating several nuclear n poweer plant sitess in the regioon, in additioon to studiess for the LACBWR, havve not found an ny evidencee of capable faulting. Additionaally, the areea is one oof relativelyy low seismicitty. Thereforre, capable faulting doees not need to be considered in thee analysis of this site (8).
Seismic activity (maagnitudes raanging from 3.5 to 5.4) that has beeen noted beetween 19755 and 2008 occcurred oveer 180 milees from the site and did not iimpact plannt operationns or decommiissioning (9)).
1.3.5. Surface Water W Hydrrology The LAC CBWR site is i in the Mississippi Riv ver valley annd is relativvely flat (seee Figure 1-44). In the vicinity of the sitte, the valleyy is deeply cut c into highlly dissected uplands. Frrom La Crossse to Prairie du u Chien, app proximatelyy 40 miles so outh, the vallley varies bbetween 2.5 and 4.5 milles in width. The T valley waalls rise sharrply 500 to 600 6 feet from m river level.
There is little or no agricultural a use of the riiver valley ffloor which consists prim marily of marshy land, islaands betweeen river chaannels and extensions e oof low lyingg flood plaiin cut by ponds, sloughs and a meanderring river ch hannels. Nu umerous shorrt, steep-sideed valleys have been cuut into the uplan nd where trributary streams intercep pt the mainn river valleey. Both w walls of the main a wooded. The flat up channel are a some of tthe tributaryy valleys are cultivated.
pland areas and The main n channel off the river vaaries greatly in width aboove and beloow the site. A series of dams are operaated by the USACE U for navigational n purposes. A Above Dam No. 8 (abouut 0.75 mile north of the sitte) the river is i nearly fouur miles wid de. Below thhe site, the riiver is relativvely narrow for a distance of 20 miles, then graduaally widens as a the river aapproaches D Dam No. 9, 33 miles souuth of the site.
Part of th he licensed area (27 accres) is on a filled in arrea south off the originaal Genoa-1 ssteam plant. Therefore, drainage at the site has beeen establishhed. One vvalley drains to the northh and one to th he south, so that only precipitation that falls onn the bluff aadjacent to tthe site and on a 1-4
La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revisionn0 small portion of the upland area contributees to runoff directly acrross the sitee. This runooff is presentlyy channeled along the highway h and d railroad too prevent innterference w with traffic. No problemss of flash flo oods have occurred at thee site.
For a distance of 40 miles m downsstream of thee site, virtuaally all municcipal water ssupplies for cities and town ns along thee river are obtained o from m ground w water. On thhe basis of readily avaiilable published d records, th he nearest major m city using u river w water for ddirect humann consumptiion is Davenpo ort, Iowa, ab bout 195 miiles downstrream. The nnearest use of river waater for induustrial purposes, excluding the t adjacent fossil plant,, is the steam m-power plannt in Lansingg, Iowa, aboout 15 miles dow wnstream. River R water at the Lansin ng plant is uused for conddenser cooliing. There aare no other knoown users of river water for industrrial purposess between L LACBWR siite and Prairrie du Chien, 400 miles down nriver.
1.3.6. Ground Water W Hydrrology Groundw water beneath h the site is first encoun ntered at deptths ranging from approxximately 15 to 25 feet Bellow Ground d Surface (BGS)
( and the water table aquiifer is in strong hydrraulic communication with h the adjacen nt Mississipp pi River. G Groundwaterr in the shalllow deposits and fill materrial likely flo ows towardss the west an nd dischargees into the MMississippi R River. The deeper groundw water is also likely to flo ow towards the west but ut then may turn and floow parallel tto the river. Based on a reeview of thee groundwatter elevationn measuremeents collecteed during rooutine sampling g in support of the Gen noa 3 fossil station, it aappears thatt there is a slight downnward vertical gradient.
g Hoowever, therre are some periods wheere the graddients are revversed and tthis is likely due to high riv ver stages and flooding.
As the site has valleey sand oveerlaying a laayer of Eau Claire sanddstone of thhe Cambriann Age which is underlain by y Mount Sim mon sandston ne, wells havve been drivven in areas closest to thhe site but not in valleys characterizeed by sub-layers of M Mount Simoon sandstonne. Deep wells penetratinng the Moun nt Simon lay yer flow to th he surface inndicating an artesian heaad about the level of the riv ver valley flo oor. Use off water from these artesiian aquifers has been lim mited becausse the water quuality of the deep aquifeers is poorer than that frrom shallow w aquifers. A As a result, there has been no extensive withdrawaal of water an nd no signifificant decrease in the arteesian head.
There aree onsite potaable and gro oundwater monitoring m wells which aare periodically sampledd and w
analyzedd. Regionallly, there aree five domeestic wells ssouth of thee LACBWR R site and eaast of Highway y 35 with thee water table encountered d from 20 too 45 feet BGS.
1.3.7. Environss and Natural Resourcees The LAC CBWR Facillity is 17 milles south of the t City of L La Crosse annd a mile souuth of the Viillage of Genoaa (population n about 260)). The nearest communnity (three m miles to the nnorthwest) oon the west sho ore is Reno, Minnesota,, an unincorrporated ham mlet of abouut 350 peopple. The neearest community in Iowa is i New Albin n (pop. 513)), located fivve miles souuthwest of thhe plant. Vicctory, Wisconsiin, an uninco orporated haamlet, is situ uated five mmiles south oof the plant oon the east sshore.
(Populatiion data is frrom 2013 m) (9).
The areaa within a five-mile f rad dius is pred dominantly iin Vernon C County, Wissconsin, butt also includes Houston County, C Min nnesota, an nd a small portion off Allamakeee County, IIowa.
Agricultuure and foreestry are thee predominaant land usees in Vernoon County aas well as inn the 1-5
La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revision n0 neighborring countiess on the weest side of the t Mississiippi River. Nearly 90% % of the Veernon County's gross area is i agriculturre and woodllands. Abouut 3.4%, connsisting mainly of waterr area and marsshlands is cllassified as undeveloped u d. Total devveloped landd accounts foor less than 6.6%
of the cou unty's gross area (10).
The prim mary agriculttural activity y is dairy faarming, meaat animals, aand crop farrming. In rrecent years, th here has beeen a marked trend tow ward the co nversion off Vernon County's marrginal agricultu ural land to woodland. About two--fifths of thee total land in farms iss now devotted to woodland d. The foressts yield sub bstantial amo ounts of oakk and lesser qquantities off maple and other hardwoods.
A modesst amount of sandstone and limesto one quarryinng also takees place at a number off sites througho out Vernon County.
C Furtther, 85% off the developped land in V Vernon Couunty is in thee low-intensity--use categorries of resid dential and park p land. T The more inntensive lannd uses (induustry, commercce, public, trransportation n, and utilitiees) account ffor less thann 15% of totaal developedd land and less than 0.3% of gross arrea. Local industry coonsists almoost exclusiveely of operaations related to o the proceessing of ag gricultural an nd forest prroducts. O One notable exception iis the nonagricu ultural industries of thee industrial park p in Virooqua, Wiscoonsin locatedd 25 miles tto the east of LA ACBWR.
Land in thet vicinity of o the LACB BWR Site is overwhelmiingly rural aand undevelooped. Of thee area within a five-mile radius, app proximately one third is accountted for by water areaa and bottomlaands included d in the Upp per Mississip ppi River WWildlife and F Fish Refugee. The develloped portion of o the Villag ge of Genoaa, the only substantial coommunity inn the five m mile radius oof the site, occu upies less thaan 100 acress. The neareest residencees to the LAC CBWR Site are within a mile to the easst and northeeast consistin ng of small trailer t parks and residennces on smalll acreages.
Refuge bottomland b and a water su urface, lying mainly in M Minnesota, exxtend west oof the reactoor site for 2.5 miles.
m Roug ghly a third ofo the area remains r undder cultivatioon. A few ddozen resideences, including g vacation homes and bo oathouses, are a scatteredd along the sshoreline neaar State Highway 26 and ho ouseboats arre moored att several poin nts at times dduring the yyear.
Approxim mately 3.5 square miles of Iowa are within the L LACBWR ffive-mile raddius. Most of it is water areea and refug ge bottomlan nd, although h there is soome agriculttural use onn the bottom mland.
The five-mile radiuss includes a portion of the incorpoorated town of New Allbin, whose total populatio on is 522.
1.4. Operational O Backgroun nd Key statiion milestones are presen nted in Chap pter 2 of thiss LTP. The m major milesttones are:
Allis--Chalmers, under u contraact with the AEC, A designned, fabricateed, constructted and perfoormed startup p of the LAC CBWR from m 1962 to 19667, Dairy yland entered d into a conttact to purchhase steam frrom the nucllear plant to operate a turbin ne-generatorr for producttion of electrricity: June 11962, Allis--Chalmers dockets d appliication for co onstruction: November 55, 1962, Initiaal Criticality achieved: July J 11, 1967 7, 1-6
La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revision n0 Low power testin ng completed d: Septembeer 1967, Proviisional Operrating authorrization issueed (DPRA-66): October 331, 1969, Proviisional Operrating Licensse, DPRA-45 5 issued: Auugust 28, 1973, LACB BWR permaanently shut down: Apriil 30, 1987, Finall reactor defuueling was completed c onn June 11, 19987, and Comp pletion of fu uel loading innto the ISFSI was complleted on Sepptember 19, 22012.
The reactor was critiical for a tottal of 103,28 87.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />. The 50 MW We generatoor was on linne for 96,274.6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />. Thee total gross electrical en nergy generaated was 4.0047 Gigawattt-Hours (GW WH).
The unit availability factor was 62.9%.
6 The LAC CBWR unit consists off major buildings and sstructures suuch as the R Reactor Buillding, Turbine Building, 1B B Diesel Geenerator Buillding, Wastee Treatmentt Building, U Undergroundd Gas Storage Tank T Vault, Ventilation Stack, Low w Specific A Activity (LSA A) building aand others wwhich are currently undergo oing decomm missioning (see Figure 11-3). Interm mittent system ms dismantleement and metaallic radioacttive equipmeent has been n removed sinnce 2007, inncluding the Reactor Preessure Vessel. The ISFSI, located soutth of the Gen noa 3 fossil station, beccame operatiional in 20122 and holds five above-grou und Dry Sto orage Casks with w 333 speent fuel asseemblies.
1.5. Plan P Summa ary 1.5.1. General Information I n The LTP P describes th he process used u to meet the requirem ments for terrminating thee 10 CFR Paart 50 license and a to releasse the site fo or unrestrictted use. Thhe LTP has bbeen prepared in accorddance with the requirementts in 10 CFR R 50.82(a)(9 9) and is subbmitted as a supplementt to the Defu fueled Safety Analysis A Repport (DSAR R). The LTP P submittal is accompaanied by a proposed liccense amendmeent that estab blishes the criteria c for when w changess to the LTP P require prioor NRC apprroval.
The subssections belo ow provide a brief summ mary of the otther seven chhapters of thhe LTP.
1.5.2. Site Charracterization LTP Chaapter 2 discu usses the site characterizaation that haas been condu ducted to deteermine the nnature and exten nt of radioacctive contammination on siite prior to rremediation, including sttructures thaat will remain ata the time of o license terrmination, so oils, and groound water. Based on tthe results oof the site charaacterization, Solutions will w plan rem mediation andd Final Radiiation Surveyys (FRS) in areas determin ned to be imp pacted by thee operation ofo LACBWR R.
The LAC CBWR Radio ological Cha aracterizatio on Survey R Report for OOctober andd November 2014 Field Work Wo (11) an nd LACBWR R Radiologiccal Charactterization Su Survey Report for June thru August 2015 2 Field Work W (12) provided the foundation for further site charactterization annd the basis for dividing thee site into su urvey units. The surveyy units were evaluated aggainst the crriteria specifiedd in NUREG G-1575, Mu ulti-Agency Radiation Survey andd Site Invesstigation Maanual (MARSS SIM) (13) fo or classificaation. Data from subseequent charaacterization may be used to change th he original classification c n of an area,, within the requirementts of this LT TP, up to thee time 1-7
La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revisionn0 of FRS, as long as the t classificaation reflectts the level oof residual aactivity exissting prior too any remediation in the arrea.
1.5.3. Identificaation of Rem maining Sitee Dismantleement Activvities LTP Chaapter 3 identtifies the rem maining site dismantlem ment and deccontaminatioon activities. The informatiion provided d in Chapter 3 includes:
A desscription of the t areas and d equipmentt that need fuurther remeddiation, A summmary of radiological co onditions thaat may be enncountered, Estim mates of asso ociated occup pational radiiation dose, An esstimate of thhe types and quantities of radioactivee material geenerated for release and dispo osal, and Descrriptions of proposed p conntrol mechan nisms to ensuure areas aree not re-conttaminated.
Solutionss is decomm missioning LACBWR L in n accordancee with the D DECON alterrnative desccribed in NURE EG-0586, Generic G Enviironmental Impact I Stattement on D Decommissiooning of Nuuclear Facilitiess, Supplemen nt 1, Volumee 1, (14). The T decomm missioning acctivities willl be conductted in accordannce with thee Solutionss Safety an nd Health P Program, Raadiation Prottection Proggram, Radioacttive Waste Program, Off-Site Dose D Calcuulation Maanual (ODC CM), and plant administrrative, work control and decommissiioning impleementation pprocedures.
Activities conducted during deco ommissionin ng do not poose any greatter radiologiical or safetyy risk than tho ose conductted during plant operrations. T The radioloogical risk associated with decommiissioning acctivities is bounded b byy previouslyy analyzed rradiological risk for foormer operatingg activities th hat occurredd during majo or maintenannce and outaage activitiess.
The information provided in Ch hapter 3 supp ports the asssessment off impacts connsidered in other sections of the LTP P and proviides sufficieent detail too identify rresources neeeded duringg the remaininng dismantlem ment activitiies.
1.5.4. Remediation Plans LTP Ch hapter 4 disscusses the various reemediation techniques that may be used dduring decommiissioning to reduce resid dual contamiination to levvels that com mply with thhe release crriteria in 10 CF FR 20.1402. This chap pter also discusses the ALARA evvaluation annd the impaact of remediation activities on the Rad diation Protection Prograam.
The seleccted remediaation method ds used are dependent d uppon the conttaminated mmaterial and eextent of contam mination. TheT principaal materials that may bbe subject tto remediation are strucctural surfaces. Very limiteed soil contaamination is expected; anny noted grooundwater saamples have been at backgrround levelss or a small fraction of the drinkingg water stanndards; and no surface w water contamin nation has been b identiffied to datee. Remediaation techniques that m may be usedd for structural surfaces include i scabbbling and shaving, chhipping, spoonge and aabrasive blasting, standard and pressure washing, wiping, grrit blasting, mechanical fracturing and cutting, and other meethods. Surrface and su ubsurface so oil with activvity levels iin excess off the approppriate Derived Concentration Guidelin ne Level (DC CGL) will bbe removed and disposeed as radioaactive 1-8
La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revisionn0 waste. Soil remediation equipm ment will in nclude, but not be lim mited to, bacck and trackk hoe excavators. Remed diation of so oils will incclude the usse of establiished excavvation safetyy and environmmental contro ol procedurees, as well as appropriaate work paackage instruuctions to ennsure adequate erosion, sed diment, and air emission n controls duuring soil remmediation.
1.5.5. Final Rad diation Surv vey Plan LTP Chaapter 5 preseents the FRS S Plan which h will be useed to develoop the site prrocedures, suurvey packagess, and instrucctions to perrform the FRRS of the LA ACBWR site. The FRS P Plan is compprised of a Finnal Status Survey (FSS) for open land areas and a Sourrce Term S Survey (STS S) for remaininng building basements. The FRS Plan descrribes the finnal survey process useed to demonstrrate that the LACBWR facility f and site s comply with radioloogical criteriia for unrestrricted use speciified in 10 CFR C 20.1402 (e.g. annuall dose limit oof 25 mrem to AMCG pplus ALARA A).
The FRS S Plan descrribes the dev velopment ofo the surveyy plan, survvey design aand Data Quuality Objectivees (DQO), su urvey methoods and instrrumentation,, data collecttion and proocessing, andd data assessmeent and comp pliance. Thhe FRS Plan addresses oonly LACBW WR structurees and land areas that are identified i ass impacted. The adjacent areas thaat are classiffied as non-iimpacted annd the ISFSI, which w will still remain a licensed areaa, will not bee subject to FFRS.
1.5.6. Complian nce with thee Radiologiccal Criteriaa for Licensee Terminatiion LTP Ch hapter 6 preesents the radiologicall informatioon and meethods used to demonstrate complian nce with thee radiologiccal criteria forf license termination and releasee of the sitte for unrestrictted use. Chapter 6 discu usses the sitee-specific innventory of rradionuclides, future lannd use scenarioss, exposure pathways, computatio onal modelss used for dose modeeling, sensiitivity analysis, DCGLs an nd Dose Facctors, the deerivation of area factorrs, the basis for the sellected exposuree compliancee scenario an nd evaluation n of alternatiive exposuree scenarios.
LTP Chaapter 6 usess radiologiccal information from C Chapter 2 annd establishes the allow wable contamin nation and radioactivity r concentratiion levels thhat Chapter 4 remediatiion methodss will work towwards and bee verified by y the FSS orr STS discusssed in Chappter 5. Soluutions applieed the Argonne National Laaboratory RE ESidual RA ADioactive m materials (REESRAD) v7..0 dose moddeling code to determine d thhe radiologiccal release criteria c for rremaining sttructures annd soils to ennable license teermination.
1.5.7. Update ofo the Site-Sp pecific Deco ommissionin ng Costs LTP Chaapter 7 pro ovides an up pdated estimmate of thee remaining decommisssioning costts for releasing g the site forr unrestricted d use. This chapter alsoo compares tthe estimateed remainingg cost with the funds curren ntly availablee in the deco ommissioninng trust fundd.
1.5.8. Supplement to the Environmen E tal Report LTP Chaapter 8 updaates the Enviironmental Report R for LLACBWR w with new infoormation andd any significannt environm mental impaacts associatted with thhe sites deecommissionning and liccense terminatiion activitiess. This section of the LTP L is prepar ared pursuannt to 10 CFR R 51.53(d) annd 10 CFR 50.82(a)(9)(ii)(G). In accorrdance with 10 CFR 51 .53(d), Soluutions considders Chapterr 8 to 1-9
La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revision n0 be a sup pplement to the Environ nmental Rep port addressiing the actuaal or potentiial environmmental impacts associated a with w the execu ution of the described deecommissionning activities.
LTP Chapter 8 com mpares the described decommissi oning attribbutes to thoose identifieed in NUREG--0586, which h provides a generic env vironmental assessment ffor the decom mmissioningg of a referencee nuclear faccility. The environmen ntal assessmment perform med by Soluutions determ mined that the environmen ntal effects for f decomm missioning LA ACBWR arre minimal aand there arre no adverse effects e outsiide the boun nds of NUR REG-0586. Review of post-operating license stage environm mental impaacts was documented in n a supplem ment to thee Environmental Reporrt for LACBW WR dated Deecember 198 87. LACBW WR decomm missioning aand dismanttlement activvities have resu ulted in no significant environmen ntal impact not previouusly evaluated in the N NRC's Environm mental Asseessment in support of the Augustt 7, 1991, Decommisssioning Order or NUREG--0191 related d to operatioon of LACBW WR, dated A April 21, 19880.
1.6. Regulatory R Notification N s of Changees Solutionss is submitting the LTP as a supplem ment to the D DSAR. Beccause the liccensing histoory of LACBW WR spans a period p that in ncludes seveeral decomm missioning reegulation chaanges, the D DSAR documen ntation is un nique in thaat the requiired safety aanalyses aree included in the LAC CBWR Decommissioning Pllan and Postt-Shutdown DecommissioD oning Activiities Report (D-Plan/PSD DAR)
Revision March 2014 4 (15) which h serves as the t DSAR fo for LACBWR R. Solutionns will updatte the LTP in accordance a with w 10 CFR R 50.71(e). Once approvved, Solutioons may makke changes tto the LTP, witthout prior NRC N approv val, in accordance withh the criteriaa in 10 CFR R 50.59, 10 CFR 50.82(a)((6), and 10 CFRC 50.82(aa)(7).
Solutionss is also sub bmitting a prroposed ameendment to tthe LACBW WR license thhat adds a liccense condition n that establlishes the crriteria for determining w when changges to the L LTP require prior NRC app proval. Chan nges to the LTP L require prior NRC aapproval when the changge:
Requ uires Commission approv val pursuant to 10 CFR 550.59, Results in significant environ nmental impaacts not prevviously revieewed, Detraacts or negattes the reason nable assuraance that adeequate funds will be avaiilable for decom mmissioning g, Decreeases a surveey unit area classificatio on (i.e., impaacted to not iimpacted, Cllass 1 to Claass 2; Classs 2 to Class 3; 3 or Class 1 to Class 3 without w provviding NRC a minimum 14 day notifiication priorr to implementing the change in classsification, Increases the DCGLs (or deccreases dose factors from m the Basemeent Fill Moddel) and relatted minim mum detectaable concentrrations (for both b scan annd fixed meaasurement m methods),
Increases the radiioactivity lev vel, relative to the appliccable derivedd concentrattion guidelinne level (or correspo onding sourcce term inven ntory levels in the Basem ment Fill Moodel), at whiich an invvestigation occurs),
o Chan nges the statiistical test ap pplied to onee other than tthe Sign testt or Wilcoxoon Rank Sum m test, or o
Increases the Typ pe I decision n error.
La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revisionn0 The contact for LTP information n, including any a submitteed changes aand updates, is:
Gerard P.
P van Noord dennen Vice President, Regu ulatory Affaiirs LaCrosseeSolutions, LLC L
S4601 Sttate Road 35 5 Genoa, WI.
W 54632-88 846 (224) 789 9-4025 gpvannooordennen@en 1.7. References R
- 1. Letter L from Dairyland D Poower Cooperative to the N Nuclear Reggulatory Com mmission, Application A for f Order Ap pproving Liccense Transfe fer and Confo forming Admministrative License L Amendments, daated October 8, 2015.
- 2. U Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. n, Regulatorry Guide 1.179, Standardd Format andd Content C of Liicense Termiination Plans for Nucleaar Power Reaactors, Revission 1 - Junee 2011.
- 3. U.S.
U Nuclear Regulatory Commission n NUREG-11700, Revisioon 1, Standaard Review P Plan fo or Evaluating g Nuclear Poower Reactoor License Teermination P Plans - Apriil 2003.
- 4. U.S.
U Nuclear Regulatory Commission n NUREG-00191, Final E Environmenttal Statemennt reelated to Opeeration of th he La Crosse Boiling Waater Reactor by Dairylannd Power Cooperative C - April 1980.
- 5. Letter L from Dairyland D Poower Compan ny to the Nuuclear Regulatory Comm mission, Subjject:
Planning for ISFSI, I LAC-14029, Marrch 10, 20088.
- 6. www.wunder w rground.comm.
- 7. www.mvp.wc w 8.
- 8. Dairyland D Power Cooperaative, LaCro osse Boiling Water Reacctor (LACBW WR)
Decommissio D oning Plan, revised r Noveember 2003..
- 9. htttp:// m/city/Genoaa-Wisconsin..html.
- 10. 2008 Vernon County Tax x Assessmen nt Rolls.
- 11. EnergySoluti E ons GG-EO--313196-RS S-RP-001, LA ACBWR Raadiological C Characterizattion Survey Reporrt for Octobeer and Novem mber 2014 F Field Work - Novemberr 2015.
- 12. EnergySoluti E ons LC-RS-PN-164017--001, LACB BWR Radioloogical Charaacterization Survey Reporrt for June th hru August 2015 2 Field W Work - Noveember 2015.
- 13. U.S.
U Nuclear Regulatory Commission n, NUREG-11575, Revisiion 1, Multi--Agency Radiation R Surrvey and Sitee Investigatiion Manual ((MARSSIM M), August 20000.
- 14. U.S.
U Nuclear Regulatory Commission n NUREG-00586, Generiic Environm mental Impactt Statement on Decommisssioning of Nu uclear Faciliities, Suppleement 1, Vollume 1 -
November N 20 002.
La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revision n0
- 15. Dairyland D Power Cooperaative, LACB BWR Decom mmissioning Plan and Poost-Shutdownn Decommissio D oning Activitties Report (D-Plan/PSD
( DAR), Revission - Marchh 2014.
La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revision n0 Figure 1-1 Site S Regionaal Location 1-13
La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revision n0 Figure 1-2 2 Site Ovverview 1-14
L La Crosse Boilin ng Water Reactor L
License Termination Plan R
Revision 0 Figure 1-3 LACBWR Bu uildings 1-15
La Crossse Boiling Water W Reactorr License Termination T Plan Revision n0 Fiigure 1-4 Topograph hical Map 1-16