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{{#Wiki_filter:r                                                                 )
REGULATORY       FORMATION DISTRIBUTION SYS EM                             '(RIDS)
', YES, DOCKET'FACIL:50;250.Tur.'kev'oint Pl apts Unit~3i Florida Power and Li'ght C'50 251>Tur k'ey Point Plaqti Unit 4i'Flor ida'Power.and Light C 05 1 AUTH~NAME', AUTHOR AFF II IATION HILLIAMSi J'N..'Flor,ida, Power f Light Co.'EC IP~NAME'ECIPXENT-APF/LI ATION E'ISENHUT'i D~G~Di v j sion of Licensing SUBJECT!Appl)catiog;foe~.amqnps" to Licenses DPR.,31 8, DPpgimbal 1ywing breaching, qontainment" iptegrj ty" 9f,operatingupi t"in or der to.tqsf,,contaigmentatmosphere sampling ection accident sampling*sys.'ISTRIBUTION
ACCESSION NBR t 85/2050219.                                 DOC ~ DATE! 85/01/28NOTARI'ZEQ! YES,                  ',                         DOCKET' FACIL:50;250 .Tur.'kev'oint Pl apts Unit~ 3i Florida Power and Li'ght C' 50 251 >Tur k'ey                           Point Plaqti Unit 4i 'Flor ida 'Power                       .and                 Light     05 AUTH ~ NAME',
'CODE A001D-COPIES', RECEIVED:L'TR l'ENCL'SIZE''ITLE'R Submi t tal': General<<Distr ibution NOTES: OL~07/19/72'L o 04/14/73 05000250 OS000251 , RECIPIENT'D CODE/NAME NRR ORB 1 BC 01 INTERNAL!ACRS'9 ELD'/HDS4 NRR/DL 0IR NRR/DL/TSRG NR R'/D 8 I/R A 8 RGN?COPIES LTTR-ENCL 7 7 6 6 1~0 1 1 i, 1 1~1 RECIPIENT ID CODE'/NAME ADM/L'FMB,'NRR/DE/MTEB NRR/DL/ORAB NRP/DS.I,"/METB 04.'COPIES"LTTR ENCLt'1 1 0 1 1 EXTERNAL: LPDR NSIC 03'5 NRC" PDR 02 1 1-A~~~el~//A~'TOTAL NUMBER OF COPIES REQUIRED: LTTR 26 ENCL'23 I F 0 lc r'll N I I I 11 I,~'N, fg N~<<~>r I P I'"lf)Nnf'r'1~.s'~~'I II l~,~!PI l f<<Ng jj~P~I N\INN I 1,1 N NI I Pl f$.j<<1<<+N 1 e,-1,-l'NNP'A.l;fl''"1 ll l'l If l I''N 1 la 1 ll e<<1~l.r4 N NI l~li,"I I>A I'l gl I I 7IIPI I>.<<I n, P l I I N P tt 1!1 I, I I<N I 1!t I!11 I FLORIDA POWER&LIGHT COMPANY January 28, 1985 L-85-52 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attention:
HILLIAMSiJ' N..'Flor,ida, Power f Light AUTHOR  AFF II IATION C        1 IP NAME'ECIPXENT-APF/LIATION Co.'EC Di v j sion of Licensing
Mr.Darrel 1 G.Ei senhut, Director Division of Licensing U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555
E'ISENHUT'i D           ~         G ~
SUBJECT! Appl )catiog; foe~.amqnps"                                         to Licenses DPR.,31 8, DPpgimbal 1ywing breaching, qontainment" iptegrj ty" 9f,operatingupi t"in or der to.tqsf,,contaigmentatmosphere sampling ection of.
post accident sampling
                                                                      *sys.'ISTRIBUTION A001D- COPIES', RECEIVED:L'TR                       l'ENCL   '
Submi               t tal': General <<Distr ibution                                               SIZE''ITLE'R NOTES:                                                                                                                                           05000250 OL ~ 07/19/72'L OS000251 o 04/14/73
                    ,       RECIPIENT'D                       COPIES                                RECIPIENT              .'COPIES" CODE/NAME            LTTR -ENCL                          ID CODE'/NAME       LTTR ENCLt' NRR ORB                         1 BC   01       7                      7 INTERNAL!     ACRS'9 ELD'/HDS4 6
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          ~~~ el~//A ~
  'TOTAL NUMBER OF COPIES REQUIRED: LTTR                                                     26       ENCL'23

==Dear Mr.Eisenhut:==
I F                                              0                                                          lc r
Re: Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 Docket Nos.50-250 and 50-251 Proposed License Amendment Containment Inte rit In accordance with 10 CFR 50.90, Florida Power 5 Light Company submits herewith three signed originals and forty copies of a request to amend Appendix A of Facility Operating License DPR-31 and 41.This amendment is submitted to comply with the FPL commitment to revise the technical specifications to allow breaching containment integrity of an operating unit in order to test the containment atmosphere sampling section of the Post Accident Sampling System.Administrative Controls would be required to control this activity.To increase the clarity of this and other associated specifications, a format similiar to Revision 5 (draft)of the Standard Technical Specification (STS)has been used.The proposed amendment is described below and shown on the accompanying Technical Specification pages.4 The table of contents are updated.Page 1-2 The definition of containment integrity is revised to be consistent with the STS.0219 850i28 P PDR PEOPLF-~~~SERVING PEOPLE Mr.Darrell G.Ei senhut Page 2 Pa e 1-3, 1-9, Table 1-1 The definition of OPERATIONAL MODES is included in place of current definitions of plant operating conditions to be consistent with the STS.~Pe e 1-4 The definition of CORE ALTERATIONS is substituted for refueling operations to be consistent with the STS.Pa e 3.0-1 This section is revised to be consistent with the STS.The STS paragraphs 3.0.1 and 3.0.3 have been reversed for better consistency with the unchanged portions of the Technical Specifications.
                                              'll N    I  I      I 11 I,  ~
Page 3.3.1 and 3.3-2 The speci ficati ons for Containment Integrity, Inter nal Pressur e and Containment Airlocks are revised to the STS revision.An exception concerning testing of valves is provided with the Containment Integrity specification.
This exception is consistent with the note to STS Table 3.6-1.The containment isolation valve specification is revised in format only.Page 3.10-1, 3.10-2, 3.10-3, and 3e10-4 The refueling operations specifications are revised to be consistent with the STS.The instrumentation and radiation monitoring specifications are changed in format only.Pa e 3.4-3 This page is revised in format only as a result of other changes.Page 3.12-1 The reference concerning HEAVY LOADS is revised to be consi stent with the change to specification 3.10.9.Bases 3.0-1, 3.0-2, 3.3-1, 3.10-1, and 3.10-2 The bases are revised to be consistent with the above changes.A no significant hazards statement in support of these changes is attached.In accordance with 10 CFR 170.21, attached is a check for the$150.00 appl i cat i on.In accordance with 10 CFR 50.91 (b)(I), a copy of the proposed amendment is being forwarded to the state designee for the State of Florida.
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~~~Mr.Oarrell G.Ei senhut Page 3 The proposed amendment has been reviewed by the Turkey Point Plant Nuclear Safety Committee and the Florida Power 5 Light Company Nuclear Review Board.Very truly yours, J.W.Williams, Jr.Group Vice President Nuclear Energy JWW/PLP/cas Attachment cc: Mr.James P.O'Reilly, Region II Harold F.Rei s, Esquire Lyle Jerrett, Administration Radiological Health Services Dept.of Health&Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32301 P NS-L 1-85-26/1 0 4~S'-'"-t~t.>'}}
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FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY January 28, 1985 L-85-52 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attention: Mr. Darrel G. Ei senhut, Director 1
Division of Licensing U. S. Nuclear      Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.      20555
==Dear Mr. Eisenhut:==
Re:   Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 Docket Nos. 50-250 and 50-251 Proposed License Amendment Containment Inte     rit In accordance with 10 CFR 50.90, Florida Power 5 Light Company submits herewith three signed originals and forty copies of a request to amend Appendix A of Facility Operating License DPR-31 and 41.
This amendment     is submitted to comply with the FPL commitment to revise the   technical   specifications   to allow breaching containment integrity of an operating     unit in order to test the containment atmosphere sampling section of the Post       Accident Sampling System. Administrative Controls would be required to control this activity.         To increase the clarity of this and other associated specifications, a         format   similiar to Revision 5 (draft) of the Standard Technical Specification (STS) has been used.
The proposed     amendment is described below and shown on the accompanying Technical Specification pages.
4 The   table of contents are updated.
Page   1-2 The   definition of containment integrity is revised to         be consistent with the     STS.
0219 850i28 P
Mr. Darrell G. Ei senhut Page 2 Pa e   1-3, 1-9, Table 1-1 The definition of OPERATIONAL MODES is included in place of current definitions of plant operating conditions to be consistent with the           STS.
~Pe e 1-4 The definition of     CORE ALTERATIONS is substituted for refueling operations to be consistent with the   STS.
Pa e   3.0-1 This section is revised to be consistent with the STS. The STS paragraphs 3.0.1 and 3.0.3 have been reversed for better consistency with the unchanged portions of the Technical Specifications.
Page   3.3.1 and 3.3-2 The speci   ficati ons for Containment Integrity, Inter nal Pressur e and Containment Airlocks are revised to the STS revision. An exception concerning testing of valves is provided with the Containment Integrity specification. This exception is consistent with the note to STS Table 3.6-
: 1. The containment isolation valve specification is revised in format only.
Page   3.10-1, 3.10-2, 3.10-3, and 3e10-4 The refueling operations specifications are revised to be consistent with the STS. The instrumentation and radiation monitoring specifications are changed in format only.
Pa e   3.4-3 This page is revised in format only as       a result of other changes.
Page   3.12-1 The reference concerning     HEAVY LOADS is revised to   be consi stent with the change   to specification 3.10.9.
Bases   3.0-1, 3.0-2, 3.3-1, 3.10-1,     and 3.10-2 The bases     are revised to be consistent with the above changes.
A no   significant   hazards statement in support of these changes is attached.
In accordance with 10       CFR 170.21, attached   is a check for the $ 150.00 appl i cat i on.
In accordance with 10 CFR 50.91 (b) (I), a copy of the proposed amendment is being forwarded to the state designee for the State of Florida.
VIII                                                                                             d I     I, HIH'd         I,,   , c,   .
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Mr. Oarrell G. Ei senhut Page 3 The proposed     amendment has been reviewed by the Turkey Point Plant Nuclear Safety Committee and the Florida Power     5 Light Company Nuclear Review Board.
Very   truly yours, J. W. Williams, Jr.
Group Vice President Nuclear Energy JWW/PLP/cas Attachment cc:   Mr. James P. O'Reilly, Region   II Harold F. Rei s, Esquire Lyle Jerrett, Administration Radiological Health Services Dept. of Health & Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee,   FL 32301 P NS-L 1-85-26/1
0 4 ~
  '-'" -t~t.>'}}

Revision as of 08:38, 22 October 2019

Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-31 & DPR-41,allowing Breaching Containment Integrity of Operating Unit in Order to Test Containment Atmosphere Sampling Section of post-accident Sampling Sys
Person / Time
Site: Turkey Point  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/28/1985
From: Williams J
To: Eisenhut D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML17346A821 List:
L-85-52, NUDOCS 8502050219
Download: ML17346A820 (7)


r )


ACCESSION NBR t 85/2050219. DOC ~ DATE! 85/01/28NOTARI'ZEQ! YES, ', DOCKET' FACIL:50;250 .Tur.'kev'oint Pl apts Unit~ 3i Florida Power and Li'ght C' 50 251 >Tur k'ey Point Plaqti Unit 4i 'Flor ida 'Power .and Light 05 AUTH ~ NAME',

HILLIAMSiJ' N..'Flor,ida, Power f Light AUTHOR AFF II IATION C 1 IP NAME'ECIPXENT-APF/LIATION Co.'EC Di v j sion of Licensing



SUBJECT! Appl )catiog; foe~.amqnps" to Licenses DPR.,31 8, DPpgimbal 1ywing breaching, qontainment" iptegrj ty" 9f,operatingupi t"in or der to.tqsf,,contaigmentatmosphere sampling ection of.

post accident sampling



Submi t tal': General <<Distr ibution SIZEITLE'R NOTES: 05000250 OL ~ 07/19/72'L OS000251 o 04/14/73




6 0


'NRR/DE/MTEB 1 NRR/DL 0IR 1 NRR/DL/ORAB 1 0 NRR/DL/TSRG 1 i, NRP/DS.I,"/METB NR R'/D 8 I /R A 8 1 04 1 1 RGN? 1 ~


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FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY January 28, 1985 L-85-52 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attention: Mr. Darrel G. Ei senhut, Director 1

Division of Licensing U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Mr. Eisenhut:

Re: Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 Docket Nos. 50-250 and 50-251 Proposed License Amendment Containment Inte rit In accordance with 10 CFR 50.90, Florida Power 5 Light Company submits herewith three signed originals and forty copies of a request to amend Appendix A of Facility Operating License DPR-31 and 41.

This amendment is submitted to comply with the FPL commitment to revise the technical specifications to allow breaching containment integrity of an operating unit in order to test the containment atmosphere sampling section of the Post Accident Sampling System. Administrative Controls would be required to control this activity. To increase the clarity of this and other associated specifications, a format similiar to Revision 5 (draft) of the Standard Technical Specification (STS) has been used.

The proposed amendment is described below and shown on the accompanying Technical Specification pages.

4 The table of contents are updated.

Page 1-2 The definition of containment integrity is revised to be consistent with the STS.

0219 850i28 P


Mr. Darrell G. Ei senhut Page 2 Pa e 1-3, 1-9, Table 1-1 The definition of OPERATIONAL MODES is included in place of current definitions of plant operating conditions to be consistent with the STS.

~Pe e 1-4 The definition of CORE ALTERATIONS is substituted for refueling operations to be consistent with the STS.

Pa e 3.0-1 This section is revised to be consistent with the STS. The STS paragraphs 3.0.1 and 3.0.3 have been reversed for better consistency with the unchanged portions of the Technical Specifications.

Page 3.3.1 and 3.3-2 The speci ficati ons for Containment Integrity, Inter nal Pressur e and Containment Airlocks are revised to the STS revision. An exception concerning testing of valves is provided with the Containment Integrity specification. This exception is consistent with the note to STS Table 3.6-

1. The containment isolation valve specification is revised in format only.

Page 3.10-1, 3.10-2, 3.10-3, and 3e10-4 The refueling operations specifications are revised to be consistent with the STS. The instrumentation and radiation monitoring specifications are changed in format only.

Pa e 3.4-3 This page is revised in format only as a result of other changes.

Page 3.12-1 The reference concerning HEAVY LOADS is revised to be consi stent with the change to specification 3.10.9.

Bases 3.0-1, 3.0-2, 3.3-1, 3.10-1, and 3.10-2 The bases are revised to be consistent with the above changes.

A no significant hazards statement in support of these changes is attached.

In accordance with 10 CFR 170.21, attached is a check for the $ 150.00 appl i cat i on.

In accordance with 10 CFR 50.91 (b) (I), a copy of the proposed amendment is being forwarded to the state designee for the State of Florida.

VIII d I I, HIH'd I,, , c, .

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Mr. Oarrell G. Ei senhut Page 3 The proposed amendment has been reviewed by the Turkey Point Plant Nuclear Safety Committee and the Florida Power 5 Light Company Nuclear Review Board.

Very truly yours, J. W. Williams, Jr.

Group Vice President Nuclear Energy JWW/PLP/cas Attachment cc: Mr. James P. O'Reilly, Region II Harold F. Rei s, Esquire Lyle Jerrett, Administration Radiological Health Services Dept. of Health & Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32301 P NS-L 1-85-26/1

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