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the time between discovery antj eventual repair of the fire barrier impairments is greater than seven   
the time between discovery antj eventual repair of the fire barrier impairments is greater than seven   
OF (  
OF (
(7) days. Appropriate remedial actions were already in place in with the of Technical Specification Action Statement 3.7.11.a to establish an hourly fire watch patrol for the fire barriers once the impairments were identified.
(7) days. Appropriate remedial actions were already in place in with the of Technical Specification Action Statement 3.7.11.a to establish an hourly fire watch patrol for the fire barriers once the impairments were identified.
The subject fire .areas contain detection devices in addition to the roving fire watch patrol. Therefore, a fire in the areas should be detected before it could involve an adjacent area. This occurrence therefore involved ho undue risk to the safety of the public .. CORRECTIVE ACTION: The repair of the planned impaired penetrations was not accomplished within seven (7) days to the time required to 6omplete work. The penetrations will be sealed upon completion of associated work. The hourly'fire wat6h, as in the Description of Occurrence section, will continue until all fire protection concerns associated with these areas are resolved.
The subject fire .areas contain detection devices in addition to the roving fire watch patrol. Therefore, a fire in the areas should be detected before it could involve an adjacent area. This occurrence therefore involved ho undue risk to the safety of the public .. CORRECTIVE ACTION: The repair of the planned impaired penetrations was not accomplished within seven (7) days to the time required to 6omplete work. The penetrations will be sealed upon completion of associated work. The hourly'fire wat6h, as in the Description of Occurrence section, will continue until all fire protection concerns associated with these areas are resolved.
MJP:pc SORC Mtg. 92-033 General Manager -Salem Operations}}
MJP:pc SORC Mtg. 92-033 General Manager -Salem Operations}}

Revision as of 15:05, 25 April 2019

Special Rept 92-2:on 920302 & 21,fire Barriers Impaired for More than 7 Days to Support Design Changes & outage-related Activities.Hourly Fire Watch Established & Fire Penetrations Will Be Sealed
Person / Time
Site: Salem PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 03/23/1992
Public Service Enterprise Group
92-2, NUDOCS 9203300268
Download: ML18096A589 (4)


  • Public Service Electric and Gas Company P.O. Box 236 Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey 08038 Salem Generating Station U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission*

Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555

Dear Sir:

SALEM GENERATING STATION LICENSE NO. DPR-75 DOCKET NO. 50-311 UNIT Nb. 2 SPECIAL REPORT 92-2 . March 23, 1992 This report addresses.Salem Unit 1 and.Salem Unit 2 fire barrier penetration seal impairments which have not been restored to functional status within seven {7) days.

penetrations have been impaired in support of planned work. This report has been prepared in accordance with the reporting requirements of Technical Specification Action Statement 3.7.11.a pursuant to Technical Specification 6.9.2. MJP:pc Distribution

Li . J-* '. [ *" ( ' * ,' I 9203300268 920323 PDR ADOCK 05000311 Since.rely yours, C. A. Vondra General Manager -Salem Operations 95-2189 (10M) 12-89 UNIT 2 SPECIAL REPORT *.

.--------*-*-----------------, Salem Generating Station -Units 1 and 2 Public Service Electric & Gas Company Hancock's Bridge, New Jersey 08038 . IDENTIFICATJON OF Technical Specification 3.1.11; Fire Barriers Impaired For Greater Than Seven (7) Days in Support of Planned Work Event Dates: 3/02/92 and 3/21/92 Report Date: 3/23/92 This report was initiated by Incident Report Nos.92-128, and 92-183. Unit 1 -3/14/92: Unit 2 -2/24/92: Mode 1 Reactor Power 100% -Unit *Load 1160 MWe Mode 6 (Refueling);

6th Refueling Outage in progress Unit 2 -3/14/92: Mode 5 (Cold Shutdown)



-**-----** -*--**------*

*-*--*----**--* ---Per Technical Specification Action Statement 3.7.11.a {for both Salem Unit 1 and Salem Unit 2), a Special Report is required when fire barrier penetration seals are impaired for greater .than seven* {7) days. This report satisfies this The subject fire barrier impairments were initiated in support of design changes and other Salem Unit 2 outage activities.

Normally, the planning of penetration impairments includes .their repair within seven (7) days. However, to fully support the work identified in this report, the penetrations could not be repaired within seven (7)

On February 24, 1992, two (2) fire barrier penetrations were impaired in support of Type A Containment Leak Rate Testing. On March 14, 1992, two (2) fire barrier penetrations were impaired to allow the routing of power in support_of Service Water design modifications.

These penetrations are located as follows: Date of* No-. of *-------------------Penetrations


*---. -2/24/92 1 1 3/14/92 1 Type A Test Support Location ------------#2 Relay Roon' 78' EJec. Pen. Area SW project support Unit 2 100' El. Floor Plate in the Boric Acid Transfer -Pump

  • UNIT 2 SPECIAL REPORT Date of J_1!!12_ i rm 3/14/92 No. of ----1
  • Location SW project support Unit 1 100' El. Floor Plate Boric Acid Transfer Pump Corridor An hourly roving fire watch had been previously established for the above fire areas due to other fire protection concerns.

Therefore, the requirements of Technical Specification 3.7.11 Action "a",

met. Salem Unit 2 Technical Specification states: "All fire (including cable penetration barriers, fire doors and fire dampers), in fire zone boundaries, protecting safety related areas shall be OPERABLE." Salem Unit 2 Action Statement 3.7.11.a states: "With one (1) or more of the above required fire barrier penetrations inoperable, within one (1) hour either establish a

fire watch on at least one (1) side of the affected penetration, or verify the OPERABIJLITY of fire detectors on at least one. (1} side of inoperable fire and establish an hourly fire watch patrol. Restore the inoperable fire barrier penetration(s) to OPERABLE status within 7 days or, in lieu of any other report required by Specification 6.9.1, prepare and submit a Special Report to the Commission pursuant to . Specification

6.9.2 within

the next (30) days outlining the action taken, the cause of the inoperable penetration and plans and schedule for restoring the fire barrier penetration(s) to OPERABLE status." -The Salem Unit 1 Technical Specifications_

are identical to the above Unit 2 Technical Specifications; however, the term functional" is used instead of the term "OPERABLE".



The cause of the fire barrier penetration impairments is to support outage related activities.


The functional integrity of fire barrier penetrations ensures that fires will be confined or retarded from spreading to adjacent portions of the facility.

This design feature minimizes the possibility of a single fire involving_several areas of the facility.

The fire barrier penetration seals are a passive element in the facility fire protection program and are subject to periodic inspections.

This report satisfies reporting requirements of Technical Specification Action Statement 3.7.11.a, pursuant to Technical Specification

6.9.2 since

the time between discovery antj eventual repair of the fire barrier impairments is greater than seven

    • UNIT 2 SPECIAL REPORT .* ****

OF (

(7) days. Appropriate remedial actions were already in place in with the of Technical Specification Action Statement 3.7.11.a to establish an hourly fire watch patrol for the fire barriers once the impairments were identified.

The subject fire .areas contain detection devices in addition to the roving fire watch patrol. Therefore, a fire in the areas should be detected before it could involve an adjacent area. This occurrence therefore involved ho undue risk to the safety of the public .. CORRECTIVE ACTION: The repair of the planned impaired penetrations was not accomplished within seven (7) days to the time required to 6omplete work. The penetrations will be sealed upon completion of associated work. The hourly'fire wat6h, as in the Description of Occurrence section, will continue until all fire protection concerns associated with these areas are resolved.

MJP:pc SORC Mtg.92-033 General Manager -Salem Operations