LR-N99-0380, Monthly Operating Rept for July 1999 for Salem,Unit 2.With

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Monthly Operating Rept for July 1999 for Salem,Unit 2.With
Person / Time
Site: Salem PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 07/31/1999
From: Bezilla M, Knieriem R
Public Service Enterprise Group
LR-N99-0380, NUDOCS 9908240103
Download: ML18107A482 (5)


PS~G Public Serviae Electric and Gas Company P.O. Box 236 Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey 08038-0236

-Nuclear Business Unit U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 Attn: Document Control Desk MONTHLY OPERA TING REPORT SALEM UNIT NO. 2 DOCKET NO. 50-311 Gentlemen:

AUG1S1999 LR-N99-0380 In compliance with Section, Reporting Requirements for the Salem Technical Specifications, the original Monthly Operating report for July 1999 is attached.

/rbk Enclosures c

Mr. H. J. Miller Sincerely, 1m!5M 4

M. 8. Bezilla I

Vice President - Operations Regional Administrator USNRC, Region 1 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19046 9908240103 990731 PDR ADOCK 05000311 R


  • 1 he power is in your hands.

95-2168 REV. 6/94

Reporting Period: July 1999 DOCKET NO.: 50-311 UNIT: Salem 2 DA TE: 8/15/99 COMPLETED BY: R. Knieriem TELEPHONE: (609) 339-1782 OPERATING DATA REPORT Design Electrical Rating (MWe-Net)

Maximum Dependable Capacity (MWe-Net) 1115 1106 Month Year-to-date Cumulative No. of hours reactor was critical 744 3814 92432 No. of hours generator was on line (service hours) 744 3758 89109 1--~~~1--~~~~~~+-~~~~~--1 Unit reserve shutdown hours 0.0 0.0 0.0 Net Electrical Energy (MWH) 795676 3955700 88928531 UNIT SHUTDOWNS NO.

DATE TYPE F=FORCED S=SCHEDULED (1) Reason A - Equipment Failure (Explain)

B - Maintenance or Test C - Refueling D - Regulatory Restriction DURATION (HOURS)

E - Operator Training/License Examination F - Administrative G - Operational Error (Explain)

H - Other Summary:



(2) Method 1 - Manual 2 - Manual Trip/Scram 3 - Automatic Trip/Scram 4 - Continuation 5 - Other (Explain)

CORRECTIVE ACTION/COMMENT Salem Unit 2 began the month of July 1999 operating at full power. Full power operation continued until July 24, 1999 when power was reduced to 91 % to perform corrective maintenance on the 23 Heater Drain Pump. Salem Unit 2 returned to full power operation the same day and continued full power operation through the end of the month.

DOCKET NO.: 50-311 UNIT: Salem 2 DATE: 8/15/99 COMPLETED BY: R. B. Knieriem TELEPHONE: (609) 339-1782


OF CHANGES, TESTS, AND EXPERIMENTS FOR THE SALEM UNIT 2 GENERATING STATION MONTH: July 1999 The following items completed during July 1999 have been evaluated to determine:


If the probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or malfunction of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the safety analysis report may be increased; or


If a possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously in the safety analysis report may be created; or


If the margin of safety as defined in the basis for any technical specification is reduced.

The 1 OCFR50.59 Safety Evaluations showed that these items did not create a new safety hazard to the plant; nor did they affect the safe shutdown of the reactor. These items did not change the plant effluent releases and did not alter the existing environmental impact. The 1 OCFR50.59 Safety Evaluations determined that no unreviewed safety or environmental questions are involved.

Design Changes - Summary of Safety Evaluations Design changes implemented during July 1999 will be included in the August 1999 Monthly Operating Report.

Temporary Modifications - Summary of Safety Evaluations There were no changes in this category implemented during July 1999.

Procedures - Summary of Safety Evaluations There were no changes in this category implemented during July 1999.

UFSAR Change Notices - Summary of Safety Evaluations UFSAR Change Notice 99-046, Nuclear Business Unit Organization Change This change to the Salem UFSAR incorporated changes to the Nuclear Business Unit (NBU) organizational structure and reporting relationships that establish a single vice-president responsible for station operations at both Hope Creek and Salem, along with new vice-president positions for technical support, maintenance, and plant support.

Revie~cSftrns UFSAR change under 1 OCFR50.59 was required because the

__________-changes to th~ional structure affect NBU upper tier administrative procedures described in the UFSAR. This change did not constitute an Unreviewed Safety Question (USQ) because the change was administrative in nature. It did not increase the consequence or probability of an accident previously analyzed. The change did not increase the probability or consequences of a malfunction of equipment important to safety. This change would not create any new accidents or malfunctions since no new failure modes were introduced. In addition the Technical Specification Bases were not affected and no changes to the Technical Specifications were required.

UFSAR Change Notice 99-043, Salem Units 1 and 2 125VDC Battery Load -

Profile Revision This change to the Salem UFSAR incorporated changes to the 125VDC load profile based upon the results of calculation revisions. The revised battery load profiles include an increase of Loss Of Coolant Accident (LOCA) /Loss Of Offsite Power (LOOP) battery loading design margin from 5% to 7.5%. This change corrected a discrepancy between the Safety Analysis Report (SAR) and the UFSAR.

Review of this UFSAR change under 1 OCFR50.59 was required because the changes to the 125 voe load profile constituted changes to the facility as described in the UFSAR. The conclusions of the revised load calculations indicated that all safety related components would have adequate voltage for operation during a four hour LOCA/LOOP event. Therefore the change would.

not increase the consequence or probability of an accident previously analyzed.*

This change did not increase the probability or consequences of a malfunction of equipment important to safety. This change would not create any new accidents or malfunctions since no new failure modes were introduced. In addition the Technical Specification Bases were not affected and no changes to the Technical Specifications were required.

Deficiency Reports - Summary of Safety Evaluations There were no changes in this category implemented during July 1999.

Other - Summary of Safety Evaluations There were no changes in this category implemented during July 1999.