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ENS 56936Peach Bottom29 January 2024 17:02:00Automatic Reactor Scram

The following information was provided by the licensee via email: At approximately 1202 EST on 01/29/24, unit 2 experienced a reactor scram caused by a main turbine trip. Investigation is still ongoing. The following additional information was obtained from the licensee in accordance with Headquarters Operations Officers Report Guidance: All control rods were fully inserted. The licensee indicated that the turbine trip may have been caused by a power load imbalance, however the cause of the incident is under investigation. The scram was not complex. Decay heat is currently being removed thru bypass valves dumping to the main condenser. Initially unit 2 lost the use of the bypass valves due to lack of condenser vacuum. Unit 2 used the high pressure coolant injection (HPCI) system in the condenser storage tank (CST) to CST mode to remove decay heat. Residual heat removal was used to keep the torus cool. Condenser vacuum was regained and unit 2 is back to removing decay heat with the turbine bypass valves. There was no impact to unit 3. The licensee confirmed there was no impact on the health and safety of the public or plant personnel. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.


The following information was provided by the licensee via email: Licensee adds 8-hour non-emergency 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A) specified system actuation report to original 4-hour non-emergency 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B) RPS Actuation report. At approximately 1202 EST on 01/29/24, unit 2 experienced a reactor scram by a main turbine trip. All control rods inserted. Reactor core isolation cooling system (RCIC) was manually initiated for level control. HPCI was manually initiated for pressure control. Primary containment isolation system (PCIS) Group II and III isolations occurred (specified system actuation). Investigation is ongoing. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.

IR 05000397/2023004Columbia29 January 2024Integrated Inspection and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Report 05000397/2023004 and 07200035/2023001
ML24023A280Browns Ferry23 January 2024Final Report of a Deviation or Failure to Comply Associated with a Relay in the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling Condensate Pump
ML23360A76026 December 2023NRC Enforcement Manual, Rev 11, Change 15
ML23362A01426 December 2023Appendix F, Notice of Enforcement Discretion of the NRC Enforcement Manual (Dated 12/26/23)
IR 05000254/2023010Quad Cities20 December 2023Comprehensive Engineering Team Inspection Report 05000254/2023010 and 05000265/2023010
ENS 56896Hatch18 December 2023 07:23:00High Pressure Coolant Injection System InoperableThe following information was provided by the licensee email: At 0223 EST, on 12/18/2023, while Unit 2 was at 100 percent power in mode 1, the high pressure coolant injection (HPCI) outboard steam isolation valve closed resulting in the HPCI system being declared inoperable. The cause of the outboard steam isolation valve closing is under investigation. HPCI does not have a redundant system, therefore, this condition is being reported as an eight-hour, non-emergency notification per 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(v)(D). The safety function was restored at 0512, on 12/18/23, and HPCI has been declared operable. Reactor core isolation cooling (RCIC) and low pressure emergency core cooling systems (ECCS) were operable during this time. There was no impact on the health and safety of the public or plant personnel. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.
ML23321A125Technical Specifications Task Force18 December 2023Draft Traveler SE of TSTF-592 Revise Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) Instrumentation Requirements
RS-23-128, Response to Request for Additional Information for the Emergency License Amendment Request Increase Technical Specifications Completion Time in TS 3.8.1.B.4 from 7 Days to 30 DaysQuad Cities15 December 2023Response to Request for Additional Information for the Emergency License Amendment Request Increase Technical Specifications Completion Time in TS 3.8.1.B.4 from 7 Days to 30 Days
ML23349A036Quad Cities14 December 2023NRR E-mail Capture - Draft Request for Additional Information Re Quad Cities Emergency Amendment Related to Unit 1 Diesel Generator Inoperability