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 Issue dateTitleTopic
CP-201100170, Enclosure - Energy Future Competitive Holdings Co, 10-Q as of September 30, 201030 September 2010Enclosure - Energy Future Competitive Holdings Co, 10-Q as of September 30, 2010Incorporated by reference
ML10292016030 September 2010WCAP-17269-NP, Revision 0, Analysis of Capsule W from the Comanche Peak Unit No. 2 Reactor Vessel Radiation Surveillance Program.Aging Management
License Renewal
M100929, SRM-M100929A - Affirmation Session: I. SECY-10-0065 - South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Co...Ii. SECY-10-0071 - Luminant Generation Company Llc..Iii. SECY-10-0087 - Tennessee Valley Authority...29 September 2010SRM-M100929A - Affirmation Session: I. SECY-10-0065 - South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Co...Ii. SECY-10-0071 - Luminant Generation Company Llc..Iii. SECY-10-0087 - Tennessee Valley Authority...
ML10272076829 September 2010SRM-M100929A - Affirmation Session: I. SECY-10-0065 - South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Co...Ii. SECY-10-0071 - Luminant Generation Company Llc..Iii. SECY-10-0087 - Tennessee Valley Authority...
ML10278041727 September 2010Notification Letter Designating Balance of Plant Systems within the Cyber Security Rule ScopeCyber Security
ML10342065117 September 2010FEMA, Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant - After Action Report/Improvement Plan, Drill Date August 18, 2010, Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) ProgramPotassium iodide
ML10342064917 September 2010FEMA, Submittal of Radiological Emergency Preparedness Final Report for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Reception Center Drill Evaluated on 08/18/10
ML1024403971 September 2010Mid-Cycle Performance Review and Inspection Plant - Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant
IR 05000445/201040231 August 2010IR 05000445-10-402 & 05000446-10-402 on 08/12/10 for Comanche Peak Units 1 & 2Significance Determination Process
CP-201001151, Response to Request for Additional Information Related to License Amendment Request (LAR) 10-001, for Adoption of TSTF Traveler 501, Rev. 1, Relocate Stored Fuel Oil and Lube Oil Volume Values to Licensee Control26 August 2010Response to Request for Additional Information Related to License Amendment Request (LAR) 10-001, for Adoption of TSTF Traveler 501, Rev. 1, Relocate Stored Fuel Oil and Lube Oil Volume Values to Licensee Control
ML10224051712 August 2010E-mail TSTF -501 Amendment Request
ML10222046710 August 2010Acceptance Review Email, License Amendment Request for Approval of Cyber Security PlanCyber Security
Press Release-10-137, NRC Seeks Public Input on Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Comanche Peak New Reactors; Meetings Scheduled Sept. 219 August 2010Press Release-10-137: NRC Seeks Public Input on Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Comanche Peak New Reactors; Meetings Scheduled Sept. 21Open House
ML10214038730 July 2010Nuclear Regulatory Commission Biweekly Notice - Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses Involving No Significant Hazards Considerations - Publication Date of August 10, 2010Safe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Anticipated operational occurrence
Cyber Security
Surveillance Frequency Control Program
Integrated leak rate test
Exemption Request
Fuel cladding
Cyber attack
IR 05000445/201030230 July 2010Er 05000445-10-302 on 07/07/10 07/08/10 for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1 & 2, Initial Operator Licensing Examination Report
IR 05000445/201000329 July 2010IR 05000445-10-003, 05000446-10-003, on 03/21/2010 - 06/19/2010, Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2, Radiological Hazard Assessment and Exposure Controls, and Identification and Resolution of ProblemsBoric Acid
Loop seal
High Radiation Area
Water Inventory Control
Weld Overlay
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Nondestructive Examination
Significance Determination Process
Eddy Current Testing
Fire Protection Program
Substantial potential for overexposure
Substantial potential for an overexposure
ML10208046529 July 2010Withdrawal of an Amendment Request for Approval of the Cyber Security PlanCyber Security
CPSES-201001000, Operator Licensing Examination Data, Form 53628 July 2010Operator Licensing Examination Data, Form 536Generic Fundamentals Examination
CP-201000888, Submittal of Unit 1 Fourteenth Refueling Outage Inservice Inspection Summary Report (Unit 1: 1998 Edition of ASME Code Section XI Through 2000 Addenda, Interval Start Date - August 13, 2000, Second Interval)22 July 2010Submittal of Unit 1 Fourteenth Refueling Outage Inservice Inspection Summary Report (Unit 1: 1998 Edition of ASME Code Section XI Through 2000 Addenda, Interval Start Date - August 13, 2000, Second Interval)VT-2
ML10208029715 July 20102010-07 Final Operating TestBoric Acid
CP-201000904, License Amendment Request (LAR) 10-002, for Approval of Cyber Security Plan15 July 2010License Amendment Request (LAR) 10-002, for Approval of Cyber Security PlanSafe Shutdown
Cyber Security
Incorporated by reference
Fuel cladding
Fire Protection Program
CP-201000982, Submittal of Revision 5 of Physical Security Plan15 July 2010Submittal of Revision 5 of Physical Security Plan
TAC:ME425115 July 2010
ML1022201817 July 201007 Retake Draft Outline Comments
ML1022205357 July 20102010-07 Retake Public Forms
ML1022300087 July 20102010-07 Final Operating Test Outlines
TAC:ME40267 July 2010
ML1018900707 July 2010Acceptance Review Email, License Amendment Request, Revise TS 3.8.3, Diesel Fuel Oil, Lube Oil, and Starting Air, to Adopt TSTF-501, R1, Relocate Stored Fuel Oil and Lube Oil Volume Values to Licensee Control
ML1018801497 July 2010CP-2010-07- Exam Approval Letter