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 Issue dateTitleTopic
L-24-007, Report on Status of Decommissioning Funding for Reactors and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations – Holtec Decommissioning International, LLC (HDI)29 March 2024Report on Status of Decommissioning Funding for Reactors and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations – Holtec Decommissioning International, LLC (HDI)
ML24187A13222 March 2024FOIA-2024-000121 - Resp 1 - Final
IR 05000003/202400120 March 2024NRC Inspection Report Nos. 05000003/2024001, 05000247/2024001, and 05000286/2024001 (Cover Letter Only)Affidavit
ML24080A17220 March 2024Reply to a Notice of Violation EA-2024-010
ML24045A08822 February 2024Correction to the Technical Specifications to Reflect Appropriate Pages Removed and Retained by Previous License AmendmentsHigh Radiation Area
ML24053A06422 February 20242023 Annual Fitness for Duty Program Performance Data Report and Fatigue Management Program Data ReportFitness for Duty
ML24053A07322 February 2024Single Positive Test Form Collected on 03/20/2023
ML24053A07422 February 2024Single Positive Test Form Collected on 04/11/2023
ML24053A07522 February 2024Single Positive Test Form Collected on 06/13/2023
ML24053A07622 February 2024Single Positive Test Form Collected on 08/07/2023
ML24053A07722 February 2024Single Positive Test Form Collected on 08/09/2023
ML24053A07822 February 2024Single Positive Test Form Collected on 08/10/2023
ML24053A07922 February 2024Single Positive Test Form Collected on 08/31/2023
ML24053A08022 February 2024Single Positive Test Form Collected on 09/14/2023
ML24053A08122 February 2024Single Positive Test Form Collected on 10/03/2023
ML24053A08222 February 2024Single Positive Test Form Collected on 11/08/2023
ML24053A08322 February 2024Annual Report Form for Drug and Alcohol Tests for 2023
ML24053A08422 February 2024Annual Fatigue Report Form for 2023
ML24036A0161 February 2024NRC Email - Acknowledge and Accept the Indian Point Energy Center Request to Be Removed from NRC Headquarters Operation Officer (Hoo) Morning Authentication Code Calls
ML24011A19812 January 2024ISFSI, Notice of Organization Change for Site Vice President
ML23342A1089 January 2024Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Security Inspection Plan