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 Issue dateSiteTitle
ML15050A19322 January 2015Arkansas NuclearNRR E-mail Capture - Action: Request for NFPA 805 License Amendment Sunsi/Factual Accuracy Review
0CAN111407, Supplemental Reply to Notice of Violation EA-14-00820 November 2014Arkansas NuclearSupplemental Reply to Notice of Violation EA-14-008
ML14322A91918 November 2014Arkansas NuclearNRR E-mail Capture - Request for ANO CSP Milestone 8 Implementation Schedule LAR Draft SE Review - SUNSI Information (TAC Nos. MF3277, 3278)
ML14307B1091 November 2014Arkansas NuclearNRR E-mail Capture - Supplement to Relief Request ANO2-ISI-017, Emergency Request Alternative to Utilize the Flaw Evaluation Methodology of ASME Code Case N-513-4
1CAN101408, Cycle 25 Core Operating Limits Report28 October 2014Arkansas NuclearCycle 25 Core Operating Limits Report
1CAN081301, Unit 1, ANO-1 Cycle 25 COLR, Revision 112 August 2013Arkansas NuclearUnit 1, ANO-1 Cycle 25 COLR, Revision 1
1CAN061303, Cycle 25 Core Operating Limits Report20 June 2013Arkansas NuclearCycle 25 Core Operating Limits Report
ML12332A17926 November 2012Arkansas NuclearPower Point Presentation by Entergy at the November 26, 2012 Meeting (TAC No. ME9706.)
ML12332A17719 November 2012Arkansas NuclearEmail Power Point Presentation by Entergy at the November 26, 2012 Meeting (TAC No. ME97060)
ML12180034128 June 2012Arkansas NuclearHandouts at the June 29, 2012 NFPA 805 Meeting at the Hq - Item #4
ML12180031928 June 2012Arkansas NuclearHandouts at the June 29, 2012 NFPA 805 Meeting at the Hq - Item #3
ML12180031228 June 2012Arkansas NuclearHandouts at the June 29, 2012 NFPA 805 Meeting at the Hq - Item #2, Table W-2 ANO-2 Fire Area Risk Summary
ML12180031028 June 2012Arkansas NuclearHandouts at the June 29, 2012 NFPA 805 Meeting at the Hq - Item #1, Plant Modifications and Items to Be Completed
ML12180030628 June 2012Arkansas NuclearHandouts at the June 29, 2012 NFPA 805 Meeting at the Hq - Power Point Slides
ML11231071328 July 2011Arkansas NuclearEmail Regarding Upcoming Application Technical Specification (TS) Changes to Support New Fuel Handling Accident Analysis Which Include Four TS Task Force Change Travelers TSTF-51, TSTF-272, TSTF- 286, and TSTF-471
0CAN071105, Supplement to Proposed Emergency Action Levels Using NEI 99-01 Revision 5 Scheme27 July 2011Arkansas NuclearSupplement to Proposed Emergency Action Levels Using NEI 99-01 Revision 5 Scheme
0CAN061103, Correction to Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report for 201014 June 2011Arkansas Nuclear
Correction to Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report for 2010
ML1115108242 May 2011Arkansas NuclearEmail Correction to the Safety Evaluation (SE) on the Alternate Source Term License Amendment Request, (SE Issued on April 26, 2011)
0CAN041104, Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for 201029 April 2011Arkansas NuclearAnnual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for 2010
ML11075042615 March 2011Arkansas NuclearLicensee Slides from 3/15/11 Pre-Sumittal Meeting SWS Room Cooling Required Action
ML11075041615 March 2011Arkansas NuclearLicensee Slides from 3/15/11 Meeting with Entergy Operations on Technical Specification Change - Testing of Idle RCS Cooling Loop
0CAN091002, Notification Letter Designating ANO Balance-of-Plant Systems within the Cyber Security Rule Scope (Cover Letter Only)23 September 2010Arkansas NuclearNotification Letter Designating ANO Balance-of-Plant Systems within the Cyber Security Rule Scope (Cover Letter Only)
1CAN091001, 10 CFR 50.46 Report - Significant Change in Peak Cladding Temperature8 September 2010Arkansas Nuclear10 CFR 50.46 Report - Significant Change in Peak Cladding Temperature
ML10225041829 July 2010Arkansas NuclearSteam Generator Tube Inspection Report - 1R22
0CAN071002, Units 1 & 2, Response to Regulatory Issue Summary 2010-0822 July 2010Arkansas NuclearUnits 1 & 2, Response to Regulatory Issue Summary 2010-08
1CAN061004, Inservice Inspection Summary Report for the Twenty-Second Refueling Outage (1R22)29 June 2010Arkansas NuclearInservice Inspection Summary Report for the Twenty-Second Refueling Outage (1R22)
1CAN061003, Withdrawal of Request for Alternative CEP-ISI-007 Pertaining to Application of Code Case N-66321 June 2010Arkansas NuclearWithdrawal of Request for Alternative CEP-ISI-007 Pertaining to Application of Code Case N-663
0CAN061001, Annual 10 CFR 50.46 Report for Calendar Year 2009 Emergency Core Cooling System Evaluation Changes3 June 2010Arkansas NuclearAnnual 10 CFR 50.46 Report for Calendar Year 2009 Emergency Core Cooling System Evaluation Changes
ML10153002226 May 2010Arkansas NuclearSubmittal of Revision 10 to Security Plan
0CAN051001, Annual Radiological Environment Operating Report for 200911 May 2010Arkansas NuclearAnnual Radiological Environment Operating Report for 2009
1CAN041006, Clarification to Summary of Analyses Related to ANO-1 Once-Through Steam Generator Tube Thermal Loads29 April 2010Arkansas NuclearClarification to Summary of Analyses Related to ANO-1 Once-Through Steam Generator Tube Thermal Loads
2CAN041004, Response to Request for Additional Information on Request for Alternative ANO2-ISI-00429 April 2010Arkansas NuclearResponse to Request for Additional Information on Request for Alternative ANO2-ISI-004
0CAN041002, Annual Occupational Radiation Exposure Report28 April 2010Arkansas NuclearAnnual Occupational Radiation Exposure Report
1CAN041005, Submittal of Rev. 1 to Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report15 April 2010Arkansas NuclearSubmittal of Rev. 1 to Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report
1CAN041004, Supplemental Information to Fourth 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval Request for Alternative ANO1-R&R-013 Repairs to Pressurizer Instrumentation Penetrations12 April 2010Arkansas NuclearSupplemental Information to Fourth 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval Request for Alternative ANO1-R&R-013 Repairs to Pressurizer Instrumentation Penetrations
0CAN041001, Generic Letter 2004-02 Supplemental Information8 April 2010Arkansas NuclearGeneric Letter 2004-02 Supplemental Information
1CAN041001, Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report6 April 2010Arkansas NuclearCycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report
1CAN041002, Fourth 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval, Request for Alternative ANO1-R&R-013, Repairs to the Pressurizer Instrumentation Penetrations5 April 2010Arkansas NuclearFourth 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval, Request for Alternative ANO1-R&R-013, Repairs to the Pressurizer Instrumentation Penetrations
2CAN031006, Inservice Testing Plan for the Fourth 10-Year Interval25 March 2010Arkansas NuclearInservice Testing Plan for the Fourth 10-Year Interval
1CAN031003, Deviation from NEI Guideline - RCS Leakage Action Levels24 March 2010Arkansas NuclearDeviation from NEI Guideline - RCS Leakage Action Levels
0CAN031001, Units 1 & 2, Unsatisfactory Laboratory Testing Report18 March 2010Arkansas NuclearUnits 1 & 2, Unsatisfactory Laboratory Testing Report
0CAN031002, Exemption from the Requirements of 10 CFR 50.36a(a)(2) with Regards to Submittal Date for the Radioactive Effluent Release Report18 March 2010Arkansas Nuclear
Exemption from the Requirements of 10 CFR 50.36a(a)(2) with Regards to Submittal Date for the Radioactive Effluent Release Report
0CAN021002, Units 1 and 2, Annual Fitness-for-Duty Performance Report for 200925 February 2010Arkansas NuclearUnits 1 and 2, Annual Fitness-for-Duty Performance Report for 2009
2CAN021003, 180 Day Report of Steam Generator Tubing Inspections19 February 2010Arkansas Nuclear180 Day Report of Steam Generator Tubing Inspections
2CAN021002, Request for Relief PRR-ANO2-2010-1 from the Requirements of OM Code Section ISTB-5221 and ISTB-5223 for the Service Water Pumps17 February 2010Arkansas NuclearRequest for Relief PRR-ANO2-2010-1 from the Requirements of OM Code Section ISTB-5221 and ISTB-5223 for the Service Water Pumps
1CAN021002, Response to Second Set of Requests for Additional Information on the Third 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval Relief Requests9 February 2010Arkansas NuclearResponse to Second Set of Requests for Additional Information on the Third 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval Relief Requests
0CAN011004, Units 1 & 2, Request for Exemption from Physical Supplemental Information28 January 2010Arkansas NuclearUnits 1 & 2, Request for Exemption from Physical Supplemental Information
2CAN011005, Supplement to Request for Alternative Implementation of a Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection Program Based on ASME Code Case N-71628 January 2010Grand Gulf
Arkansas Nuclear
Supplement to Request for Alternative Implementation of a Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection Program Based on ASME Code Case N-716
2CAN011003, Submittal of Us Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security. Additional Protocol Report28 January 2010Arkansas NuclearSubmittal of Us Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security. Additional Protocol Report
1CAN011004, Summary of Analysis Related to ANO-1 Once-Through Steam Generator Tube Thermal Loads Due to Breaks in RCS Upper Hot Leg Large-Bore Piping26 January 2010Arkansas NuclearSummary of Analysis Related to ANO-1 Once-Through Steam Generator Tube Thermal Loads Due to Breaks in RCS Upper Hot Leg Large-Bore Piping