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ML22221A20720 December 2022Congressional Letters - Proposed Rule - Alternatives to the Use of Credit Ratings Updated
ML22221A20519 December 2022Federal Register Notice - Proposed Rule - Alternatives to the Use of Credit Ratings (NRC-2017-0021; Rin 3150-AJ92)
ML21217A27010 August 2021(STC-21-059) Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Categorical Exclusion from Environmental Review and Request for Comment
ML20097C51326 June 2020SECY-20-0056: Supplemental Information - Draft Congressional Letters
ML19322A69230 October 2019Summary of 10-30-2019 Public Meeting
ML19319B67630 October 2019Dodd-Frank Public Meeting Transcript on October 30, 2019 Re Alternatives to Use Credit Ratings Proposed Rulemaking. Part 1 of 2
ML19319B67730 October 2019Dodd-Frank Public Meeting Transcript on October 30, 2019 Re Alternatives to Use Credit Ratings Proposed Rulemaking. Part 2 of 2
ML19298B44530 October 2019Dodd-Frank Public Meeting Slides 10 30 2019
ML19276F10730 October 201910 30 19 Meeting Notice - Alternatives to the Use of Credit Ratings
ML19021A0081 July 2019SECY-19-0068 - Enclosure 1 - Direct Final Rule - Part 30, Alternatives to the Use of Credit Ratings (Dodd-Frank Act)
ML19021A0071 July 2019SECY-19-0068 - Enclosure 2 - Companion Proposed Rule - Part 30, Alternatives to the Use of Credit Ratings (Dodd-Frank Act)
ML19010A3011 July 2019SECY-19-0068: Direct Final Rule - Alternatives to the Use of Credit Ratings (RIN-3150-AJ92)
ML19066A2617 March 2019Regulatory History for CoC 1025 Amendments 7 & 8
ML19022A3891 March 2019Congressional Letters for Holtec International HI-STORM CoC No. 1014 Amendment 13
ML19058A53727 February 2019Petition Status Report February 27, 2019, Requirements for the Indefinite Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel (PRM-72-8; NRC-2018-0017)
ML19031C65012 February 201907201025Confirmation of Effective Date FRN
ML18278A18418 December 2018Congressional Letters for NAC CoC No. 1025 Amendments 7 and 8
ML18278A1804 December 201807201025Companion Proposed Rule - NAC-MPC CoC No. 1025, Amendments 7 and 8
ML18278A1814 December 201807201025Direct Final Rule - NAC-MPC CoC No. 1025, Amendments 7 and 8
ML18260A05114 September 2018Regulatory History Modified Small Quantities Protocol (Rev. 1)
ML17304B4673 May 2018Congressional Letters Informing Congress of the NRC Publishing a Final Rule on Modified Small Quantities Protocol Federal Register
SECY-17-0043, Federal Register Notice on Final Rule on Modified Small Quantities Protocol 10 CFR Part 75 (NRC-2015-0263)30 April 2018Federal Register Notice on Final Rule on Modified Small Quantities Protocol 10 CFR Part 75 (NRC-2015-0263)