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ML20210G05826 July 1999Notice of Amends to Coc GDP-1 for Usec,Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant,Paducah,Ky & Coc GDP-2 for Usec,Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant,Portsmouth,Oh
NUREG-1671, Notice of Reopening of Public Comment Period Unitl 991119 for NUREG-1671 Entitled, Standard Reivew Plan for Recertification of Gaseous Diffusion Plants3 June 1999Notice of Reopening of Public Comment Period Unitl 991119 for NUREG-1671 Entitled, Standard Reivew Plan for Recertification of Gaseous Diffusion Plants
ML20205K4377 April 1999Notice of Amend to Cocs GDP-1 & GDP-2 for Us Enrichment Corp Paducah & Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plants
ML20198B0132 December 1998Notice of Amend to Coc GDP-1 for Usec Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant (Ports),Piketon,Oh.Amend Involves Extension of Ports Compliance Plan Completion Date Re Removal of Residual Quantities of HEU from Cylinders
ML20196F97430 November 1998Notice of Amend to Coc GDP-1 for Us Enrichment Corp Portsmouth Gaseous Plant in Piketon,OhUranium Hexafluoride
ML20195J99518 November 1998Notice of Renewal for Coc GDP-1 & GDP-2 for Paducah & Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plants,Paducah,Ky & Portsmouth, Oh,To Allow Continued Operation of PlantsIncorporated by reference
ML20155C01327 October 1998Notice of Amend to Coc GDP-2 for Us Enrichment Corp Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant
ML20155B79927 October 1998Notice of Amend to Cocs GDP-1 & GDP-2 for Us Enrichment Corp Paducah & Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plants
ML20151W8719 September 1998Notice of Amendment to Coc GDP-2 for Us Enrichment Corp Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant
ML20236X62531 July 1998Notice of Amend to Coc GDP-2 for Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant in Portsmouth,Oh
ML20236Y03031 July 1998Notice of Amend to Coc GDP-2 for Us Enrichment Corp for Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant,Portsmouth,Oh
ML20217Q04228 April 1998Notice of Receipt of Application for Certification Renewal for Gaseous Diffusion Plants & Notice of Public Comment PeriodIncorporated by reference
ML20217E70713 April 1998Notice of Receipt of Amend Application to Cocs GDP-1 & GDP-2 for Us Enrichment Corp for Paducah & Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plants
ML20216F1079 April 1998Notice of Amend to Coc GDP-2 for Us Enrichment Corp Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant in Portsmouth,Oh
ML20216D8019 April 1998Notice of Amend to Coc GDP-2 for Us Enrichment Corp Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant,Portsmouth,Oh
ML20216J77317 March 1998Notice of Amend to Coc GDP-2 for Us Enrichment Corp, Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant,Portsmouth,Oh
ML20203B9914 February 1998Notice of Amend to Coc GDP-2 for Us Enrichment Corp Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant,Portsmouth,Oh
ML20198G09122 December 1997Notice of Receipt of Amend Application to Coc GDP-2 for Us Enrichment Corp Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Portsmouth,Oh
ML20202E54126 November 1997Notice of Amend to Coc GDP-2 for Us Enrichment Corp, Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant,Portsmouth,Oh.Amend Will Revise Compliance Plan & SAR
ML20199E63812 November 1997Notice of Amend to Coc GDP-2 for Us Enrichment Corp Porsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant Portsmouth,Oh
ML20203A77330 October 1997Notice of MOU Between NRC & Doe.Mou Intended to Describe Various Responsibilities W/Respect to Continued Cooperation Between NRC & DOE & Set Forth Framework for Coordination of Issues Now That NRC Has Assumed Regulatory Oversight
ML20212E12723 October 1997Notice of Amend to Coc GDP-2 for Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant
ML20216B7162 September 1997Us NRC Notice of Amend to Coc GDP-2 for Us Enrichment Corp Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant Portsmouth,Oh
ML20149H97622 July 1997Notice of Amend to Coc GDP-2 for Us Enrichment Corp Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant,Portsmouth,Oh
ML20138F78030 April 1997Notice of Amend to Coc GDP-2 for Usec,Concluding That No Change in Types or Significant Increase in Amounts of Effluents That May Be Released Offsite & No Increase in Individual or Cumulative Occupational Radiation Exposure
ML20137A33318 March 1997Notice of Amend to Coc for Us Enrichment Corp Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant,Portsmouth,Oh
ML20137A28517 March 1997Notice of Availability of Criteria for Staff Implementation of Backfitting Requirements for GDPsBackfit
ML20135E7653 March 1997Notice of Transition of Regulatory Authority Over Us Enrichment Corp Gaseous Diffusion Plants
ML20134F9134 February 1997Notice of Amend to Coc GDP-2 for Us Enrichment Corp Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant Portsmouth,Oh
ML20128H19316 September 1996Notice of Certification Decision for Us Enrichment Corp to Operate Gaseous Diffusion Plants & Finding of No Significant Impact