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Notice of Amend to Coc GDP-2 for Us Enrichment Corp Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant
Person / Time
Site: Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant
Issue date: 10/27/1998
From: Paperiello C
Shared Package
ML20155C003 List:
NUDOCS 9811020040
Download: ML20155C013 (10)


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. 7590-01 ,


l the following amendment request is not significant in accordance with 10 CFR 76.45. In making that determination, the staff concluded that: (1) there is no change in the types or significant increase in the amounts of any effluents th at may be released offsite; (2) there is no significant increase in individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposure; (3) there is no significant construction impact; (4) there is no significant increase in the potential for, or radiological or l chemical consequences from, previously analyzed accidents; (S) the proposed changes do not result in the possibility of a new or different kind of accident; (6) there is no significant reduction l

in any margin of safety; and (7) the proposed changes will not result in an overall decrease in l

the effectiveness of the plant's safety, safeguards, or security programs. The basis for this i

determination for the amendment request is described below. )

' The NRC staff has reviewed the certificate amendment application and concluded that it provides reasonable assurance of adequate safety, safeguards, and security and compliance with NRC requirements. Therefore, the Director, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, is prepared to issue an amendment to the Certificate of Compliance for the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PORTS). The staff has prepared a Compliance Evaluation Report which provides details of the staff's evaluation.

9811020040 981027 PDR C

ADOCK 07007002 PDR


. 2 The NRC staff has determined that this amendment satisfies the criteria for a categorical exclusion in accordance with 10 CFR 51.22. Therefore, pursuant to 10 CFR 51.22(b), no environmental impact statement or environmental assessment need be prepared for this amendment.

USEC or any person whose interest may be affected may file a petition, not exceeding 30 pages, requesting review of the Director's Decision. The petition must be filed with the Commission not later than 15 days after publication of this Federal Register notice. A petition for review of the Director's Decision shall set forth with particularity the interest of the petitioner and how that interest may be affected by the results of the decision. The petition should specifically l I

explain the reasons why review of the Decision should be permitted with particular reference to the following factors: (1) the interest of the petitioner; (2) how that interest may be affected by the Decision, including the reasons why the petitioner should be permitted a review of the Decision; and (3) the petitioner's areas of concern about the activity that is the subject matter of the Decision. Any person described in this paragraph (USEC or any person who filed a petition) may file a response to any petition for review, not to exceed 30 pages, within 10 days after filing of the petition. If no petition is received within the designated 15-day period, the Director will issue the final amendment to the Certificate of Compliance without further delay. If a petition for review is received, the decision on the amendment application will become final in 60 days, unless the Commission grants the petition for review or otherwise acts within 60 days after publication of this Federal Register notice.

A petition for review must be filed with the Secretary of the Commission, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, Attention: Rulemakings and

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3 Adjudications Staff, or may be delivered to the Commission's Public Document Room, the l Gelman Building,2120 L Street, NW, Washington, DC, by the above date.

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For further details with respect to the action see: (1) the application for amendment and (2) the Commission's Compliance Evaluation Report. These items are available for public inspection at the Commission's Public Document Room, the Gelman Building,2120 L Street, NW, Washington, DC, and at the Local Public Document Room.

Date of amendment request: May 26,1998 Brief description of amendment: On May 26,1998, the United States Enrichment Corporation (USEC) requested an amendment to the certificate of compliance for PORTS. The request is to i

revise Technical Safety Requirement (TSR), Low Cylinder Pressure Shutoff, to reduce I the shutoff pressure level setpoint from 20 psia to an allowable value of 15 psia and to reflect an improved description of the system operation through changes to the TSR's Surveillance Requirements and the Basis Statement wording.

Specifically, USEC has proposed to revise the Surveillance Requirements of TSR to: 1) require the quarterly channel functional test and the semiannual calibration to be based on an allowable pressure reading of greater than or squal to 15 psia, instead of a setpoint of 20 psia and 2) to specify a definitive, initial period of time when the channel functional test and calibration are performed-an allowable value of less than or equal to 65 minutes from an open ended "after the first hour of heating." USEC has also proposed to revise the Basis Statement wording to reflect the revised system operation.

- 4 PORTS uses thirteen cylindrical (6,7, and 8 foot diameter) steam autoclaves in buildings X-342, X-343 and X-344 to feed, transfer and sample UF contained in cylinders. Cylinder heating

) is accomplished by pressurizing the autoclave with live steam. The feed, transfer and sample operations of the cylinders are protected against cylinder overpressure by instrumentation that  !

measures cylinder pressure through sensors downstream in the UF. process line, if the cylinder has either a plugged cylinder valve or pigtail, the protection afforded by the cylinder high pressure shutoff system would be negated because the high pressure instrumentation would be unable to measure the UF. cylinder pressure. The low cylinder pressure shutoff system's sole function is to ensu.e line clarity by measuring for an expected pressure after a given tirr.e period.

l This is performed early in the heating evolution to ensure the availability of the pressure instrumentation well before the maximum allowable working pressure of the UF cylinder.

, Basis for finding of no significance:


1. The proposed amendment will not result in a change in the types or significant increase in the amounts of any effluents that may be released offsite.

The low cylinder pressure shutoff system is in place to verify the clarity of the UF process line and the availability of the cylinder pressure instrumentation. The system is not involved in the generation of effluents; therefore, the proposed amendment will not change the types or increase the amount of effluents that may be released offsite.


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2. The proposed amendment will not result in a significant increase in individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposure.

The proposed amendment which involves changing the sunteillance requirements and actuation setpoints of the low cylinder pressure shutoff system will not affect operability. The low cylinder pressure shutoff system will still be capable of ensuring UF, process line clarity and the availability of the UF. cylinder high pressure autoclave steam shutdown system. The changes will not increase the probability or consequences of a UF, release associated with any postulated accident currently identified in the SAR. Therefore, the proposed amendment will not result in a significant increase in individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposure.

3. The proposed amendment will not result in a significant construction impact.

The proposed amendment does not involve any construction activities; therefore, there will be no construction impacts.

4. The proposed amendment will not result in a significant increase in the potential for, or radiological or chemical consequences from, previously analyzed accidents.

The proposed amendment which involves changing the surveillance requirements and actuation setpoints of the low cylinder pressure shutoff system will not affect operability. The low cylinder pressure shutoff system will etill be capable of ensuring UF. process line clarity and the availability of the UF cylinder high pressure autoclave steam chutdown system. The changes


- 6 will not increase the probability or consequences of any postulated radiological or chemical accident currently identified in the SAR. The proposed changes will also not result in an increase in the potential for, or radiological consequences from, previously evaluated criticality accidents. Therefore, the proposed changes will not result in a significant increase in the potential for, or radiological or chemical consequences from, previously analyzed accidents.

5. The proposed amendment will not result in the possibility of a new or different kind of accident. )

Releases of UF. involving autoclave feed, sampling and transfer operations have been analyzed ]

in the SAR. The proposed amendment will not result in any changes to any of the operations; 1

I therefore, the proposed amendment will not result in the possibility of a new or different kind of accident.

6. The proposed amendment will not result in a significant reduction in any margin of safety.

The proposed changes, lowering the low cylinder pressure shutoff system setpoint from 20 psia to an allowable value of 15 psia will not affect the system operability. The function of the low i

cylinder pressure shutoff system is to ensure line clarity to the pressure instrumentation to allow for over pressure protection provided by the high UF cylinder pressure shutoff system. The proposed revisions will allow for improved system operability by lowering the setpoint from being set too close to the expected pressure measured at the particular time of the heating evolution.

The revised methodology allows for the control system to accommodate for instrument

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, 7 uncertainty when determining the actual setpoint (a procedurally controlled value). The revised allowable value of 15 psia still allows for a 50% rise in pressure from the administratively controlled starting pressure of 10 psia, which allows for the low cylinder pressure control system to suitably demonstrate line clarity.

l The change from the current surveillance requirements specifying " , after the first hour of

! heating . ." to the proposed allowable value of less than or equal to 65 minutes will not lead to a j significant increase in measured pressure. The proposed value provides a definitive time for the i

surveillance requirements to be performed within an expected pressure range that is well below

! the maximum allowable working pressure of the UF cylinder.

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l The changes will not result in a significant reduction in any margin of safety.

1 l 7. The proposed amendment will not result in an overall decrease in the effectiveness of the l

plant's safety, safeguards, or security programs.

The proposed amendment which involves changing the surveillance requirements and actuation

setpoints of the low cylinder pressure shutoff will not affect system operability. The low cylinder pressure shutoff system will still be capable of ensuring UF. process line clarity and the availability of the UF cylinder high pressure autoclave steam shutdown system. Therefore, the

[ proposed modifications will not result in a decrease in the overall effectiveness of the plant's safety program. The staff has also not identified any safeguards or security related implications l from the proposed amendment.

9 8

Effective date: 60 days afterissuance of amendment Certificate of Compliance No. GDP-2: Amendment will revise the Technical Safety Requirement.

' Local Public Document Room location: Portsmouth Public Library,1220 Gallia Street, '

Portsmouth, Ohio 45662.

l 1

Dated at Rockville, Maryland, thisi;t'l day of October 1998.


Carl J. Paperiello, Director Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards DISTRIBUTION:

Docket 70-7002 NRC FILE CENTER PUBLIC NMSS r/f NMSS Dir. Off. r/f FCSS r/f SPB r/f K'OBrien, Rlli CCox WSchwink, FCOB PHiland, Rll! DHartland, Rlli KWinsberg, OGC G:%MD5286F.POR *See previous concurrence OP/PHOOPED/OOTOSIMit 32,1998 OFC *SPB *SPB SPB SPB SPB FCSS NMSS /)

NAME SKoenick:ij YFaraz DHoadley MGalloway RPierson ETenEyck C rfello DATE 10/ 7 /98 10/7/98 10/8 /98 10/21/98 10/21/98 10/21/98 10f7/98 C = COVER E m COVER & ENCLOSURE N = NO COPY OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

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Effective date: 60 days after issuance of amendment Certificate of Compliance No. GDP-2: Amendment will revise the Technical Safety Requirement.

Local Public Document Room location. Portsmouth Public Library,1220 Gallia Street, Portsmouth, Ohio 45662.

1 Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this day of Oc ber 1998.


Carl J. Paperiello, ' rector Office of Nuclear Ma rial Safety and Safeguards DISTRIBUTION:

Docket 70-7002 NRC FILE CENTER PUBLIC NMSS r/f NMS Dir. Off. r/f FCSS r/f SPB r/f K'OBrien, Rlli CCox WSchwink, FCOB PHiland, Rlli DHartland, Rill KWinsberg, O C OFC *SPB *SPB *SP SPB S FC NMSS NAME SKoenick:ij YFaraz DHoadley y Rhrson E er yck CPacariello DATE 10/ 7/98 10/7/98 10/8/98 10/M8 10/0/98 10/W98 10/ /98

  • See previous concurrence J l C = COVER E = COVER & ENCLOSURE N = NO COPY 17NM/


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I Effective date: 60 days after issuance of amendment i


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. Certificate of Compliance No. GDP-2: Amendment will revise the Technical Safety Requirement.


l Local Public Document Room locat n: Portsmouth Public Library,1220 Gallia Street, )

1 Portsmouth, Ohio 45662. i 1

l Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this d . of October 1998.  !

i FOR THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Carl J. P riello, Director Office of clear Material Safety and Safeg Ords i


Docket 70-7002 NRC FILE CENTER PUBLIC NMSS r/f MSS Dir. Off. r/f FCSS r/f SPB r/f K'OBrien, Rlli CCox l WSchwink, FCOB PHiland, Rlli DHartland. Rlli KWinsber OGC  ;

OFC SPB SPB 0 SPB h SPB SPB SS NMSS NAME SK ek:ij YFara D k MGalloway RPierson E\nEyck CPaperiello DATE 10/7 S8 10/7/98 10/h/98 10/ S8 10/ /98 10/ \ 8 10/ 19 8 C = COVER E = COVER & ENCLOSURE N = NO COPY G:\AMD5286F.POR OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

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