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ML20247B5301 September 1989Request for Hearing of State of Vt.* Forwards Petition for Leave to Intervene & Request for Evidentiary Hearing in Response to Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Amend to OL Extending,For Appropriate Action,Per 10CFR2.772(j)
ML20248D6063 August 1989Informs That NRC Does Not Intend to File Response to Necnp Motion Re Expansion of Environ Contentions 1 & 3,filed on 890719,due to Appeal Board Decision ALAB-919 Rendering Motion Moot
ML20245A46813 June 1989Forwards Executed Affidavits of Fc Sturz & Mb Fairtile,Per NRC 890609 Pleadings
ML20245A7739 June 1989Forwards Listed Documents,Including NRC Motion to Strike Testimony of G Thompson,Nrc Reply to Briefs of Necnp & Vermont Yankee on Environ Contention 3 & Unexecuted Affidavit of Fc Sturz & Ma Fairtile Re Environ Contention 3
ML20236D63920 March 1989Forwards Unexecuted Responses by J Kudrick for NRC to Bridenbaugh/Sholly 890301 Affidavit Upon Which NRC Will Rely in Oral Argument on New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution Contention.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20247A77910 March 1989Forwards J Kudrick Executed Affidavit & Prof Qualifications
ML20235V6681 March 1989Forwards NRC Testimony in Form of Unexecuted Affidavit on Which NRC Will Rely in Oral Argument on New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution Contention Scheduled for 890322-23.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20204G04517 October 1988Informs That NRC Issued SER Re Plant Spent Fuel Pool Expansion Application on 881014
ML20151P4551 August 1988Informs Board That Environ Assessment Issued on 880725,per 880712 Order
ML20197D95620 May 1988Forwards Documents Issued by NRC on 880520 Re Issuance of Amend Authorizing Util to Place New Racks Designed to Accommodate 2,870 Spent Fuel Assemblies in Spent Fuel Pool. Amend Authorizes Use of Racks for Only 2,000 AssembliesHigh Radiation Area
Incorporated by reference
Control of Heavy Loads
Water rod
ML20150A9704 March 1988Forwards Commonwealth of Ma & State of VT Request for Hearing & Petitions to Intervene Re Util Request to Eliminate Certain ECCS & Standby Liquid Control Sys Testing Requirements,For Appropriate Action.Served on 880311
ML20150A8944 March 1988Forwards State of VT Petition to Intervene for Appropriate Action in Accordance w/10CFR2.772 (J).Petition Submitted in Response to Fr Notice at 53FR2115 on 880126.Served on 880311
ML20237B6487 December 1987Advises That NRC Unable to Meet Schedule for Issuance of Review Documents by 871101.Environ Assessment Re Spent Fuel Pool Amend Will Be Available Before End of Jan 1988 & SER to Be Issued Shortly Afterward.Related Correspondence
ML20237G95121 August 1987Forwards SA Varga 870815 Memo to Wj Olmstead Indicating That Staff Estimates Issuance of Review Documents for Util Spent Fuel Pool Expansion,Ser & Environ Assessment by 871101. Related Correspondence