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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML23228A01521 August 2023Teleconference Summary Z Area Saltstone Disposal Facility Groundwater Monitoring Call with South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
ML22159A3559 June 2022Summary of May 19, 2022 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Technical Call with U.S. Department of Energy Regarding Savannah River Site Saltstone Disposal Facility
ML22131A34812 May 2022Enclosure - Summary of April 28, 2022 Nrc/Doe Teleconference to Discuss Technical Review Report (Trr) Related to Tank 12H (ML20296A550)
ML22094A1617 April 2022Summary of March 29 2022 NRC-DOE Teleconference to Discuss Type I and II Tank SA Trr Findings and Geochemical Modeling
ML22014A07014 January 2022Summary of January 11, 2022, Nrc/Doe Teleconference to Discuss H-Tank Farm PA Updates, Status of SRS Tank Farm Closure Activities and Recently Issued Technical Reports
ML21239A0211 September 2021Teleconference Summary Discussion with the U.S. DOE on Modeling of ET from the Closure Cover for the Sdf in the U.S. DOE Response to the U.S. NRC Request for Supplemental Information
ML21194A07313 July 2021Summary of Teleconference Call to Discuss Type I and Type II Tank Special Analysis Goldsmim Model and Alternative Fast Zone Simulations
ML21026A01227 January 2021DOE and NRC Meeting Dec 9 2020 Summary Tank Grout Exps Reviewed
ML19056A11125 February 2019Summary of Meeting with U.S Department of Energy (DOE) to Provide Status of U.S NRC Waste Incidental to Processing (Wir) Monitoring Activities at the U.S Department of Energy, Savannah River Site
ML19056A11025 February 2019Corrected Transcript for 02-12-2019 NRC Public Meeting