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 Issue dateTitleTopic
L-2019-058, CFR 50.46 - Emergency Core Cooling System LBLOCA 30-Day Report25 March 2019CFR 50.46 - Emergency Core Cooling System LBLOCA 30-Day Report
L-2018-063, CFR 50.46 Annual Reporting and 30-day Notification of Changes or Errors in Emergency Core Cooling System Models or Applications26 March 2018CFR 50.46 Annual Reporting and 30-day Notification of Changes or Errors in Emergency Core Cooling System Models or ApplicationsFuel cladding
L-2017-102, Submittal of 10 CFR 50.46 - Emergency Core Cooling 30-Day Report2 June 2017Submittal of 10 CFR 50.46 - Emergency Core Cooling 30-Day Report
L-2017-069, Special Report - Containment Tendon Corrosion Protection Medium Volume Reduction17 April 2017Special Report - Containment Tendon Corrosion Protection Medium Volume Reduction
NRC-2017-0012, Submitting 10 CFR 26.719(c) Report on Inaccurate Reporting of Laboratory Test Result24 February 2017Submitting 10 CFR 26.719(c) Report on Inaccurate Reporting of Laboratory Test Result
L-2016-124, 10 CFR 50.46 30-Day Report for Turkey Point, Seabrook, and Point Beach17 June 201610 CFR 50.46 30-Day Report for Turkey Point, Seabrook, and Point Beach
NRC 2016-0015, Large Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident Margin Summary Sheet - 30-Day Report6 April 2016Large Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident Margin Summary Sheet - 30-Day Report
L-2016-065, Acceptance Criteria for Emergency Core Cooling Systems in Light Water Nuclear Power Reactors, - 30 Day Special Report5 April 2016Acceptance Criteria for Emergency Core Cooling Systems in Light Water Nuclear Power Reactors, - 30 Day Special Report
NRC 2014-0086, 10 CFR 50.46 30-Day Report11 December 201410 CFR 50.46 30-Day Report
L-2014-359, 10 CFR 50.46 Acceptance Criteria for Emergency Core Cooling Systems in Light Water Nuclear Power Reactors, 30 Day Special Report3 December 201410 CFR 50.46 Acceptance Criteria for Emergency Core Cooling Systems in Light Water Nuclear Power Reactors, 30 Day Special Report
NRC 2014-0029, CFR 50.46 Annual Report/30-Day Report18 April 2014CFR 50.46 Annual Report/30-Day Report
SBK-L-14073, Best Estimate Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident 10 CFR 50.46 30-Day Report16 April 2014Best Estimate Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident 10 CFR 50.46 30-Day Report
L-2014-077, CFR 50.46, Acceptance Criteria for Emergency Core Cooling Systems in Light Water Nuclear Power Reactors - 30 Day Special Report24 March 2014CFR 50.46, Acceptance Criteria for Emergency Core Cooling Systems in Light Water Nuclear Power Reactors - 30 Day Special ReportPower Uprate
L-2014-065, Special Report - Accident Monitoring Instrumentation25 February 2014Special Report - Accident Monitoring InstrumentationGrab sample
L-2014-037, Emergency Core Cooling Systems in Light Water Nuclear Power Reactors - 30 Day Special Report18 February 2014Emergency Core Cooling Systems in Light Water Nuclear Power Reactors - 30 Day Special Report
NRC 2014-0012, Large Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident Margin Summary Sheet - 30-Day Report13 February 2014Large Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident Margin Summary Sheet - 30-Day Report
NRC 2013-0081, Large Break Loss-of Coolant Accident Margin Summary Sheet- 30-Day Report23 August 2013Large Break Loss-of Coolant Accident Margin Summary Sheet- 30-Day Report
L-2013-184, Special Report - Accident Monitoring Instrumentation30 May 2013Special Report - Accident Monitoring InstrumentationGrab sample
L-2013-117, Special Report - Accident Monitoring Instrumentation29 March 2013Special Report - Accident Monitoring InstrumentationGrab sample
SBK-L-12264, Nuclear Fuel Pellet Thermal Conductivity Degradation Impact on Current Seabrook Be LBLOCA Analysis Using the 1996 Cqd Methodology 10 CFR 50.46 30-Day Report21 December 2012Nuclear Fuel Pellet Thermal Conductivity Degradation Impact on Current Seabrook Be LBLOCA Analysis Using the 1996 Cqd Methodology 10 CFR 50.46 30-Day Report
NRC 2012-0038, ECCS 30-Day Report for the Thermal Conductivity Degradation Impact on Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident Analyses with Astrum30 May 2012ECCS 30-Day Report for the Thermal Conductivity Degradation Impact on Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident Analyses with Astrum
SBK-L-11141, Submittal of Special Report Regarding Containment Enclosure Building Structural Integrity11 July 2011Submittal of Special Report Regarding Containment Enclosure Building Structural Integrity
L-2010-235, LER, Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Special Report - Accident Monitoring Instrumentation Inoperable13 October 2010LER, Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Special Report - Accident Monitoring Instrumentation InoperableOperability Assessment
L-2010-114, Special Report Re Inoperable Main Steam Lines High Range-Noble Gas Effluent Monitor Greater than 7 Days14 June 2010Special Report Re Inoperable Main Steam Lines High Range-Noble Gas Effluent Monitor Greater than 7 DaysPost Accident Monitoring
L-2010-100, Accident Monitoring Instrumentation Special Report14 May 2010Accident Monitoring Instrumentation Special Report
NRC-2007-0055, Error Identified in ECCS Evaluation Model 30-Day Report Required by 10 CFR 50.463 July 2007Error Identified in ECCS Evaluation Model 30-Day Report Required by 10 CFR 50.46
L-2005-096, CFR 50.46, Acceptance Criteria for Emergency Core Cooling Systems in Light Water Nuclear Power Reactors - Annual Report and 30-Day Report27 April 2005CFR 50.46, Acceptance Criteria for Emergency Core Cooling Systems in Light Water Nuclear Power Reactors - Annual Report and 30-Day Report
ML0508303286 May 2004Event Notification 40728 for Point Beach
NRC 2003-0042, Reporting of Fire Barriers Degraded for More than Seven Days9 May 2003Reporting of Fire Barriers Degraded for More than Seven DaysFire Barrier
NRC 2002-0095, Reporting of Fire Barriers Degraded for More than Seven Days22 October 2002Reporting of Fire Barriers Degraded for More than Seven DaysFire Barrier
NRC 2002-0083, Reporting of Fire Barriers Degraded for More than Seven Days26 September 2002Reporting of Fire Barriers Degraded for More than Seven DaysSafe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Fire Protection Program
Hourly Fire Watch
ML0307702777 August 20022-page Abnormal Occurrence Writeup for 11/29/2001 Event Potential Loss of All Auxiliary Feedwater at Point Beach Plant
ML18227A50729 July 1977Transmittal of Licensee Event Report 251-77-4, Steam Generator Tube PlugsEddy Current Testing
ML18227A50813 May 1977Transmittal of Licensee Event Report 251-77-2 Boric Acid Transfer PumpsBoric Acid