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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20217F33514 October 1999Notification of 991103-04 Southern Nuclear Operating Licensing Workshop in Birmingham,Alabama with Goal of Improving Licensing Interface Between Licensee & NRC
ML20212H20327 September 1999Forwards Operator Licensing Exams Administered at Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant During Wk of 990823.Encl Consists of Facility Submitted Outline & Initial Exam Submittal
ML20216G42227 September 1999Forwards NRC Operator Licensing Exam Rept 50-263/99-301 (Including Completed & Graded Tests) for Tests Administered During Wk of 990823 at Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant
ML20212F54623 September 1999Notification of 991004 Meeting with Utils in Rockville,Md to Update Status of Nuclear Mgt Company & Provide Details of Member Licensees Impending License Transfer Applications & Operating Agreement
ML20211G97030 August 1999Notification of 990909 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Licensing Issues That May Result from Ongoing Merger Activities Between NSP & New Century Energies
ML20211A43618 August 1999Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 99-47 with Entergy Nuclear,Inc on 990831 to Discuss Results of NRC Plant Performance Review of Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Issued on 990409
ML20212H76222 June 1999Notification of 990701 Meeting with NEI & Entergy in Rockville,Md to Discuss Price-Anderson Issues Re Transfer of Pilgrim License from Beco to Entergy
ML20207G5378 June 1999Notification of 990624 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Hatch License Renewal Program.Meeting Agenda Encl
ML20205L0309 April 1999Notification of 990413 Meeting with Boston Edison Co & Entergy Nuclear Generation Co in Rockville,Md to Discuss Sale & Transfer of Pilgrim Station from Boston Edison Co to Entergy Nuclear Generation Co
ML20137H5048 April 1999Informs That Licensee Requesting Listed Changes to Boilerplate Distribution Lists Used by NRR for Docketed Info.Add Site General Manager to Both Prairie Island & Monticello Lists
ML20202H6671 February 1999Notification of 990223 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Need for TR on Util Analytical Methods Used for Other NRC Licensees,Epri Schedule for Completion of CPM3/ Coretran Analysis Topical & Util Transition Plan
ML20202H6321 February 1999Notification of 990224 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Implications of Util Recently Extended Commitment for Plant ITS Submittal,Nrc Initiative Toward risk-informed TSs & Interfacing ITS Conversion with Other Activities
ML20196J5807 December 1998Notification of 981209 Meeting with Representatives of Beco & Entergy in Rockville,Md to Discuss Sale of Pilgrim Plant
ML20196F3462 December 1998Forwards Info Re Operator Licensing Exam Administered on 981016-23 at Pilgrim Station,For Distribution Under Rids Code IE42Shutdown Margin
High Radiation Area
Half scram
Post Accident Monitoring
Locked High Radiation Area
Feedwater Heater
Scram Discharge Volume
Deep Dose Equivalent
Failure to Scram
ML20196F5612 December 1998Forwards Info Re OL Exam Administered on 981016-23 at Pilgrim Station,For Distribution Under Rids A070
ML20206S66626 October 1998Informs That During 980902-04 ACRS 455th Meeting,Several Matters Discussed,Listed Rept & Ltrs Completed & Authorized Executive Director to Transmit Noted MemorandumFire Barrier
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
License Renewal
Power Uprate
ML20154R36919 October 1998Notification of 981029 Meeting with Listed Utils in Rockville,Md to Discuss Proposed Consortium of Utils
ML20154D5092 October 1998Notification of Meeting W/Beco on 981008 in Rockville,Md to Discuss Core Spray Piping Integrity
ML20154G5142 October 1998Notification of 981008 Meeting W/Beco in Rockville,Md to Discuss Core Spray Piping Integrity.Meeting Has Been Rescheduled to 981015
ML20154C28229 September 1998Responds to Re Submittal of Snoc Application for 8% Power Level Increase.Expresses Appreciation for Opportunity to Have Met with ACRS Subcommittee 980827 & 0902
ML20153B06615 September 1998Informs That During ACRS 980902-04 455th Meeting,Committee Reviewed Application by Snoc for Power Level Increase for Ei Hatch,Units 1 & 2
ML20206S65218 August 1998Informs That During 980708-10 ACRS 454th Meeting,Several Matters Were Discussed & Listed Repts & Letters Completed. Executive Director Also Authorized to Transmit Noted MemosFire Barrier
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Power Uprate
ML20236X3263 August 1998Corrected Notification of 980818 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss License Renewal Program.Meeting Agenda Attached
ML20236Y36630 July 1998Notification of 980818 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plant License Renewal Program.Meeting Agenda Encl
ML20236U96528 July 1998Forwards Safety Evaluation Re Plant Proposed License Amend Power Uprate Review
ML20236U78524 July 1998Informs That During 453rd & 454th Meetings of ACRS on 980603-05 & 0708-10,NRC Reviewed GE Nuclear Energy Program Associated W/Extended Power Uprates for Operating BWRs & Application for NSP for Power Level Increase for MNGPProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Power Uprate
NUREG-1635, Informs That During 453rd Meeting on 980603-05,ACRS Discussed Several Matters & Completed Listed Repts & Ltr7 July 1998Informs That During 453rd Meeting on 980603-05,ACRS Discussed Several Matters & Completed Listed Repts & LtrFire Barrier
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Power Uprate
Water hammer
ML20249A80415 June 1998Notification of 980630 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Issues Related to Conversion to Improved Std TSs for Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant
ML20248D70826 May 1998Notification of 980604 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Proposed License Amend Supporting Monticello Power Uprate Program
ML20247M36519 May 1998Notification of 980604 Meeting W/Southern Nuclear Operating Co in Rockville,Md to Discuss Containment Analysis for Hatch Extended Power Uprate
ML20216C39311 May 1998Notification of 980521 Meeting W/Northern States Power Co & GE in Rockville,Md to Discuss Status of Staff Review of Proposed Power Uprate Program for Plant
ML20247G24415 April 1998Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 98-34 W/Util on 980427 to Discuss Weaknesses in Licensee Alarm Assessment Program (EA 98-191)
ML20217F25620 March 1998Notification of 980330 Meeting W/Util to Discuss Licensee Response to Staff Request for Addl Info on Licensee Uprate Program.Meeting Will Be Held in Rockville,Md
ML20203E27819 February 1998Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 98-18 W/Util in King of Prussia,Pa on 980310 Re Plant Design Basis Project Discussion
ML20198Q18813 January 1998Forwards Nonproprietary Version of Montecello & Cooper Trip Rept to PDR
ML20198N02512 January 1998Discusses 971215-16 NRR Audit of Monticello Strainer Test. Tests Were Established to Develop Data for Strainer Design Installed in NPP
ML20198G19123 December 1997Notification of 980107 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plans for Conversion to Improved STS for Plants
ML20199G66818 November 1997Notification of Meeting W/Southern Nuclear Co on 971202 in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plans for Dry Cask Storage at Plant
ML20199C75831 October 1997Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 97-112 W/Util on 971113 to Discuss NRC SALPSystematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
ML20212D62028 October 1997Notification of Licensee Meeting on 971121 W/Util in King of Prussia,Pa to Discuss Apparent Violations Identified During NRC Insp 50-293/97-05
ML20198R49527 October 1997Notifies of 971030 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Licensee Operability Determinations for Sys & Components w/limited-scope Weld Insps & Licensee Plans for Submitting Formal Relief Requests Per 10CFR50.55a(g)(5)(iv)
ML20216F9715 September 1997Notification of 970911 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Current Issues Re Environ Qualification of Equipment at Plant
ML20210T1373 September 1997Notification of 970910 Meeting W/Ge & Southern Co in Rockville,Md to Discuss Status of Boiling Water Reactor Power Uprate Program
ML20210R14421 August 1997Notification of 970904 Meeting W/Southern Nuclear in Rockville,Maryland to Discuss Southern Nuclear Plans to Establish Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation at Hatch NPP
ML20140F61511 June 1997Notification of 970612 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Net Positive Suction Head for ECCS Pumps
ML20137Q97631 March 1997Informs That as-found LOCA & Life Testing & Analysis Does Not Provide Acceptable Approach for Demonstrating Qualification at Accident Temp Higher than 340F,per 970110 TAR
ML20137F60927 March 1997Notification of 970409-10 Meeting W/Util in Baxley,Ga to Audit Analysis & Design Features of Sf Pool at Plant,Units 1 & 2 & to Visit Site.Meeting Agenda & Questions EnclUltimate heat sink
ML20137B47814 March 1997Undated Memo Discussing Beco Reorganization
ML20141A73612 March 1997Rcommends That Key RES Staff Attend Subcommittee Meetings to Address Any Questions,Arise in Discussions Among Members & to Answer Any Key Questions Posed in Advance by Subcommittee Chairmen
ML20138J7675 February 1997Informs That NRC Plans to Administer Generic Fundamentals Exam Section of Written Operator Licenseing Exam on 970409. Ltr W/Copy to Chief,Operator Licensing Branch Must Be Submitted to Listed Address in Order to Register PersonnelGeneric Fundamentals Examination