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 Start dateReporting criterionTitleEvent descriptionSystemLER
ENS 564524 April 2023 23:15:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseOffsite NotificationThe following information was provided by the licensee via email: At 1915 EDT, Susquehanna Nuclear Control Room was notified of a reportable oil release from a spare transformer outside of its secondary containment of an unknown quantity. Oil staining was observed on the ground outside of the designed containment vault stored on the grounds of Susquehanna Nuclear. The quantity and duration of the oil leak is unknown and thus poses a potential pollution risk to groundwater. Spill response measures are in-progress and as of 1500 on 4/4/2023 a field walkdown reported no visible oil outside of the containment vault. The spill event is reportable under Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) Clean Streams Law (PACSL) per PA Code 91.33 and 25 PA code 92a.41. This notification is being written to notify the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission within 4 hours of determination of a required report to another government agency per 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi). The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.Secondary containment
ENS 527958 June 2017 19:27:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News Release
10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B), RPS System Actuation
10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A), System Actuation
10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(A), System Actuation - ECCS Discharge
Automatic Reactor Scram After Main Turbine Control Logic Loss of PowerAt 1527 hrs (EDT) on June 8, 2017, Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Unit 1 reactor automatically scrammed due to a loss of Main Turbine Electro-Hydraulic Control (EHC) logic power causing a High Flux Reactor Power RPS (Reactor Protection System) trip. All control rods (fully) inserted and both reactor recirculation pumps tripped due to reaching reactor water level 2. Reactor water level lowered to -49 inches causing Level 3 (+13 inches) and Level 2 (-38 inches) isolations. HPCI (High Pressure Coolant Injection) and RCIC (Reactor Core Isolation Cooling) automatically initiated and were overridden by control room operators after RPV (Reactor Pressure Vessel) water level was restored to the normal band with feedwater. HPCI and RCIC injected to the Reactor Coolant System during reactor level stabilization. All isolations and initiations occurred as expected. No main steam relief valves opened. Pressure was controlled via main turbine bypass valve operation. All safety systems operated as expected. Secondary Containment Zone 1, 2, and 3 differential pressure lowered to 0 inch WG (Water Gauge) due to a trip of the Reactor Building Ventilation system that resulted from Unit 1 Level 2 isolation. Differential pressure was restored to Zones 1, 2, and 3 by the initiation of Standby Gas Treatment System on the Unit 1 Level 2 initiation. Unit 1 reactor is currently stable in Mode 3. Investigation into the loss of Main Turbine EHC logic power is underway. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified. A voluntary notification to PEMA and press release will occur. The suspected cause of the loss of power to the EHC logic circuit is ongoing maintenance on the system.Reactor Coolant System
Secondary containment
Main Turbine
Reactor Recirculation Pump
Reactor Building Ventilation
Standby Gas Treatment System
Control Rod
Main Steam
ENS 513757 September 2015 13:25:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseOffsite NotificationThis report is made due to notification from Susquehanna to Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) regarding a bypass of the sewage treatment plant at the plant property. The notification was approved at 0925 (EDT) and completed at 0940 (EDT) hours on 09/07/15. The sewage treatment plant operator reported excessive influent which led to an unanticipated bypass of the sewage treatment plant. The influent was returned to normal values by isolating the domestic water filter backwash line. No bypass leakage is occurring at this time. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 5069017 December 2014 18:35:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseOffsite Notification Due to Sewage LeakThis report is made due to notification from PPL Susquehanna to Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) regarding a sewerage leak at the plant property. The notification was made at 1335 EST hours on 12/17/14. During a routine inspection by a contractor who performs checks for PPL Susquehanna, an area was identified as a potential leak location. When the sewerage grinder pump was run, there was visible evidence in the soil that a leak existed. Extent and duration of the leak is not know at this time. This event requires notification to Pennsylvania DEP. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4934415 September 2013 15:23:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News Release
10 CFR 50.72(a)(1)(i), Emergency Class Declaration
Unusual Event Declared at Susquehanna Unit 2 Due to Flooding in a Rhr Pump Room

At 1123 EDT, (on 9/15/13), Susquehanna Unit 2 received a Division 2 RHR (Residual Heat Removal) room Flooded alarm. Plant operators reported 3 inches of water in the room with water coming from the 2B RHR pump suction relief valve. The Suppression Pool Isolation valve was closed to isolate the leaking relief valve from the Suppression Pool. This action stopped Suppression Pool level from lowering. The Leak is isolated at this time. Further water is being added to the room as the system piping is being drained. The cause of the relief valve lifting is unknown at this time and is under investigation. At the time of the event, Division 2 RHR system had been declared inoperable for unrelated equipment issues. At 1222 EDT, the licensee confirmed that leakage from the 2B RHR pump suction relief valve had stopped. Susquehanna Unit 2 remains stable and there was no impact on Susquehanna Unit 1. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector, State, and Local authorities. Notified DHS SWO, FEMA, DHS NICC, and Nuclear SSA (email only).


U2 SSES (Susquehanna Steam Electric Station) has exited the Unusual Event for Division 2 RHR room flooded as of 1552 EDT. The leak has been isolated, water removed from the room and Division 1 RHR is operating in shutdown cooling proceeding to Mode 4 (Cold Shutdown). A press release for this event was authorized at 1613 and issued at 1628 (on 9/15/13). The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R1DO (Cahill), NRR (Dorman), IRD (Gott), DHS SWO, FEMA, DHS NICC, and Nuclear SSA (email only).

Shutdown Cooling
ENS 4854027 November 2012 22:20:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseOffsite Notification Due to a FatalityAt 1720 hours on November 27, 2012 PPL SSES (Susquehanna Steam Electric Station) notified the Occupational Safety and Health Administration that an employee had suffered a fatality. On November 27, 2012 at 1313 hours, a PPL employee suffered an apparent heart attack while at the Luzerne County Community College (LCCC) Public Safety Training Institute while performing SCBA (Self Contained Breathing Apparatus) training. The employee was transported to the Geisinger Wyoming Valley hospital and pronounced dead. PPL was notified at 1432 of the fatality. The LCCC training facility is not located on PPL owned property. This ENS report is being made in accordance with 50.72(b)(2)(xi). The NRC Resident Inspector was notified. The licensee has also notified the Commonwealth.
ENS 4610719 July 2010 16:00:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseOffsite Notification to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Due to Tritium Discovered in Processed WaterPPL Susquehanna LLC personnel notified the PA DEP Bureau of Water Quality Management that Susquehanna Unit 1 experienced a large leak of river water in the turbine building on 7/16/2010 (reported under EN#46103). Efforts are currently underway to process that water prior to its return to the river. The NRC Resident Inspectors have also been notified. This notification is in accordance with 10CFR50.72(b)(2)(xi), in that an offsite notification has been completed regarding an event related to the protection of the environment. The licensee reported to the PA DEP since the water that is being processed for return to the river contains less than EPA reportable quantities of tritium.
ENS 4605730 June 2010 13:55:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseOffsite Notification Due to Sulfuric Acid Spill OnsiteAt 0955 on June 30, 2010, the Control Room was notified that sulfuric acid was leaking from a temporary acid containment berm onto a gravel surface area adjacent to the containment berm. The quantity of this leak was <5 gallons of approximately 93% concentrated sulfuric acid. The leak was in the non-radiologically controlled area of the plant, associated with a temporary acid injection system for cooling tower water treatment. Spill response personnel responded to contain and neutralize the leakage. No material was directly released to any waterway or offsite area. The quantity of material released is below any environmental regulatory limits. Actions are ongoing in removal of the acid from the leaking tank inside the containment berm area. An offsite company with expertise in the handling of this material has been contacted and will be providing assistance with the response efforts. A courtesy call was made to the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency for an event of potential public interest at 1530 on June 30, 2010. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.
ENS 4570617 February 2010 19:20:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseNotification to Pennslyvania Department of Environmental Protection Concerning Drinking Water QualityThe following is a 4-hour non-emergency notification in accordance with 10CFR50.72(b)(2)(xi), Offsite Notification. At 1420, February 17, 2010, Susquehanna LLC notified the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) of an issue with the domestic water supply system at the Susquehanna facility. This notification was made via telephone. The notification to Pennsylvania DEP was in accordance with 25 PA Code 109.1307 due to circumstances that exist that adversely affect the quality of drinking water. Specifically, no residual chlorine was detectable in the domestic water system. The Pennsylvania DEP contact was the Pennsylvania DEP Sanitarian. Required compensatory actions have been initiated, including planned repairs of the domestic water chlorination system. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector
ENS 455341 December 2009 23:00:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseOnsite Flooding Caused by Make-Up Supply Line FailureThe following transmission was made as a voluntary notification at 1800 EST: On 12/01/09 at 1410 (EST), due to a Unit 2 cooling tower make-up supply line failure, a valve vault was flooded and overflowed at several thousands of gallons per minute flow. The local fire company was contacted to provide equipment assistance in pumping out the vault. The river water overflowing the vault entered nearby storm drains and a nearby building housing non-safety related equipment. There are no injuries or an emergency of any kind. The water entering the storm sewer does not constitute a reportable spill. Unit 2 reactor power was reduced to 80% to minimize cooling tower impact. The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency was notified at 1800 EST. Various other local and state agencies have been advised of the event. Subsequently, notifications were made to the following agencies: Salem Township Supervisor Chairman State Senator Baker State Rep. Boback Columbia County Commissioner Soberick Federal Affairs to notify US Rep. Kanjorski's staff. Although the impact of this make-up supply line failure to the environment is insignificant (Radiological levels are less than lower limit of detection), its occurrence coupled with subsequent notifications to aforementioned agencies is likely to cause heightened public or government concern. Thus, Susquehanna Steam Electric Station is making a four hour ENS notification pursuant to 10CFR50.72(b)(2)(xi). A press release is not planned at this time. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 442572 June 2008 18:40:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseShipping Cask Arrives with a Loose BoltThe following is a 4 Hr Non-Emergency notification in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Offsite Notification. At 1440, June 2, 2008, Susquehanna LLC was notified by the Barnwell South Carolina waste disposal facility, of an issue with a shipping cask containing irradiated hardware shipped from Susquehanna LLC. The cask was received at the facility on 5/31/08 and the incoming radiological survey was completed with no out of specification values. On June 2, 2008, the cask had the impact limiter removed and was in the process of being offloaded when it was discovered that one of the twelve bolts that secure the cask base plate to the cask body was found hand tight. The remaining eleven bolts were not loose, There was no radiological safety concern associated with the bolting condition as survey results confirmed that no radioactivity leaked from the cask. The waste facility will issue a condition report for Susquehanna's response. The site South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Controls (SC DHEC) Inspector was notified by Barnwell facility personnel of the issue. The licensee's QC inspector is required to verify bolt torque before the cask leaves the site. This will be confirmed by the licensee. The licensee will be notifying PEMA (Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency). The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4391818 January 2008 22:03:0010 CFR 20.1906(d)(2)
10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News Release
Offsite Notification Due to Receipt of Package That Exceeded Allowable Contact Dose RateAt 1703 EST on 1/18/2008, Susquehanna LLC personnel became aware that a shipment received from GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy exceeded the allowable limit of 200 mr/hr contact dose rate. The external radiation limit of 200 mrem/hr was exceeded on one of the two boxes comprising the shipment. The limit per NDAP-QA-0648 is 200 mrem/hr on contact for a shipment type for a transport vehicle which is not designated exclusive use. The actual value was determined to be 350 mrem/hr, therefore reportable per the requirements of 10CFR20.1906(d)(2). The NRC Resident Inspector and the Shipper (GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy) were notified. The transport vehicle left Wilmington NC on 1/17/2008 at 1435 and was received by SSES (Susquehanna Steam Electric Station) on 1/18/2008 at 0800. There was no surface contamination noted on the shipment. The original survey completed prior to shipment noted the highest on contact dose rate was 170 mr/hr. This item is reportable under 50.72(b)(2)(xi) for offsite notification of an event of public interest. The boxes contained various pieces of equipment that GE uses to support refueling. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector and will be notifying the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency.
ENS 4358923 August 2007 17:00:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseOffsite Notification Involving a 70 Gallon Diesel Spill within 1 Mile of the Site BoundaryOn August 23, 2007, at 1300 EDT, the Susquehanna Control Room was notified of a diesel fuel oil spill from a ruptured saddle tank on a tanker truck. The truck was located within 1 mile of the site boundary, on company property, NOT within the plant protected area. Approximately 70 gallons of diesel fuel oil was spilled in the immediate vicinity of the parked truck and did not get into any waterway. The remainder of the fuel oil was pumped from the ruptured tank into a 55 gallon drum. The event did not meet thresholds for reporting to the state of Pennsylvania. However, the contractor (Rizzo Associates) performing the work made a courtesy call to the Department of Environmental Protection with subsequent notifications made to the Susquehanna control room. This 4 hour notification is made per 10CFR50.72(b)(2)(xi) for 'Any event or situation related to the health and safety of the public or onsite personnel, or protection of the environment for which a news release is planned or notification to other government agencies has been or will be made.' The clean-up plan was discussed with the DEP and is currently in progress. This incident had no impact to SSHS or its operating units. The licensee informed the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4306021 December 2006 19:00:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseInadvertent Actuation of Emergency SirensA Press Release will be issued for an inadvertent actuation of the Emergency Sirens during testing. This item is reportable under 10CFR50.72(b)(2)(xi) as an offsite notification of an event of public interest. Following maintenance on a single siren, Columbia County emergency management personnel were requested to test it. The County inadvertently activated all 112 sirens within 10 miles of the plant. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector and the State.
ENS 4305518 December 2006 16:00:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseInadvertent Actuation of Off-Site Emergency SirensA press release issued for an inadvertent actuation of the emergency sirens. This item is reportable under 50.72(b)(2)(xi) as offsite notification as an event of public interest. The licensee was performing scheduled silent testing of the off-site emergency sirens. During the test a signal for the sirens to sound was sent in error, and the sirens sounded. There was no emergency. Licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4301126 November 2006 01:42:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News Release
10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B), RPS System Actuation
10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A), System Actuation
Reactor Scram from Full Power Due to Generator Load RejectAt 2042 on 11/25/06, Susquehanna Unit 1 reactor automatically scrammed due to an apparent generator load reject. All rods fully inserted, and both reactor recirculation pumps tripped. Reactor water level lowered to approximately +13" inches causing level 3 (+13") isolations, and was restored to normal level (+35") by the feedwater system. All isolations at this level occurred as expected. Five steam safety relief valves opened then reclosed. Pressure was subsequently controlled via turbine bypass valve operation. All safety systems operated as expected. The 'A' reactor recirculation pump was restarted to re-establish forced core recirculation. Reactor water cleanup (RWCU) system has been restarted and placed in service. The reactor is currently stable in Mode 3. An investigation is underway. Unit Two continued power operation. The NRC resident inspector was notified. A press release will occur. Decay heat is being removed by normal feedwater to the reactor vessel and steaming through the steam bypass valves to the condenser. The licensee intends to notify the State of Pennsylvania EOC.Feedwater
Reactor Recirculation Pump
Reactor Water Cleanup
Safety Relief Valve
ENS 4264215 June 2006 07:00:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News Release
10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B), RPS System Actuation
10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A), System Actuation
10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(A), System Actuation - ECCS Discharge
Reactor Scram While Shifting Power SuppliesAt approximately 0300 hours on 15 June, the Susquehanna Unit One reactor automatically scrammed due to an apparent neutron monitoring trip while transferring Reactor Protection System power supplies. All rods (fully) inserted, and both reactor recirculation pumps tripped. Reactor water level lowered to -38" causing level 3 (+13") and level 2 (-38")isolations, and was restored to normal level (+35") by RCIC and subsequently the feedwater system. All isolations at this level occurred as expected. No steam relief valves opened. Pressure was controlled via turbine bypass valve operation. All safety systems operated as expected. A reactor recirculation pump was restarted to re-establish forced core circulation. The reactor is currently stable in condition 3. An investigation into the cause of the shutdown is underway. Unit Two continued power operation. The NRC resident inspectors were notified. A press release will occur. After the scram, HPCI automatically started but was manually shut down with RCIC maintaining vessel level. Decay heat removal is being maintained with main feedwater and the turbine steam dumps. The electrical grid is stable. No major LCOs were in affect at the time of the event.Feedwater
Reactor Protection System
Reactor Recirculation Pump
Decay Heat Removal
ENS 423792 March 2006 02:27:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News Release
10 CFR 50.72(a)(1)(i), Emergency Class Declaration
Alert Declared Due to Halon Discharge in Security Control Center

At 21:27 on March 1, 2006, a Susquehanna security officer evacuated the security control center and notified the control room of a fire alarm and actuation of the Halon fire suppression system. The actuation of this system resulted in a potential atmosphere immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH) of personnel in a plant vital area. The fire brigade responded to the event, donning respirators to enter the building, but saw no visible smoke or flames. As a result of an IDLH atmosphere in a plant vital area, Susquehanna entered the emergency plan at the Alert level. The NRC Resident Inspector was informed and responded to the site. The licensee notified state, local and other government agencies. The licensee plans on issuing a press release. Notified DHS (Hill), FEMA (Liggett), DOE (Bailey), EPA (National Response Center, Baumgartner), HHS (Riggs), and USDA (D. Timmons).


The licensee terminated the Alert 0433 EST based on the following: Habitability was restored to the security control center by 1. Stopping the Halon discharge 2. Ventilating the affected area 3. Restoring access 4. Isolating Halon sources in the adjacent area to prevent a recurrence and, 5. Posting Fire Watches. The licensee informed State/local agencies and the on-site NRC Resident Inspector. Notified Region I (Perry), NRR EO (Calvo), IRD (Leach), DHS (Hill), FEMA (Liggett), DOE (Pauley), EPA (National Response Center, McCrossen), HHS (H. Peagler), and USDA (D. Timmons).

ENS 420343 October 2005 16:48:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseOffsite Notification Made to Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (Pema)At 12:48 PM EST, the Main Control Room was notified that an individual needed medical assistance at the South Building. The individual was experiencing chest pains. An ambulance was requested to the site, and arrived on site at 13:17 PM. The individual is not contaminated and was transported offsite to a local hospital at 13:35 PM. PEMA was notified of the incident. This requires a voluntary report due to the offsite notification on an emergency vehicle responding to the site. The NRC Resident Inspector was notified of this voluntary notification.
ENS 417466 June 2005 16:33:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News Release
10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B), RPS System Actuation
10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A), System Actuation
Automatic Reactor Scram Due to Apparent Generator Load RejectionAt approximately 1233 hours, the Susquehanna Unit Two reactor automatically scrammed due to an apparent generator load reject. All rods inserted, and both reactor recirculation pumps tripped. Reactor water level lowered to -6" causing level 3 (setpoint +13") isolations, and was restored to normal level (+35") by the feedwater system. All isolations at this level occurred as expected. Two steam relief valves opened, then reclosed. Pressure was subsequently controlled via turbine bypass valve operation. All safety systems operated as expected. Some balance of plant loads shutdown apparently due to a voltage perturbation. A reactor recirculation pump was restarted to re-establish forced core circulation. The reactor is currently stable in condition 3. An investigation into the cause of the shutdown is underway. Unit One continued power operation. The NRC resident inspectors were notified. A press release will occur. The licensee will be notifying the State of Pennsylvania.Feedwater
Reactor Recirculation Pump
ENS 4164628 April 2005 11:19:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News Release
10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B), RPS System Actuation
10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A), System Actuation
Unit 2 Manual Reactor Scram Due to Loss of Main Transformer CoolingAt approximately 0700 U2 B Main Transformer cooling was lost. Unit 2 reactor power was reduced from 100% to 75%. Attempts to restore the 2B Main Transformer cooling were unsuccessful, and Unit 2 was manually scrammed from 75% reactor power. RPV water level decreased to -30" due to the SCRAM and was restored by normal Feedwater and RCIC injection. The Main Condenser remained available as a heat sink and there were no SRV lifts. The low water level did result in receiving the Level 2 Division 2 containment isolation signal (-38"), and all expected isolations and initiations did occur. This event requires a 4 hour ENS notification in accordance with 10CFR50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B) for an RPS actuation when critical, and an 8 hour ENS notification per 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A) for the injection from RCIC and receipt of the level 2 Containment Isolation signal. Additionally, a press release to the public will be issued, and requires a 4 hour ENS notification in accordance with 10CFR50.72(b)(2)(xi). All rods fully inserted during the manual scram. The electrical system is in a normal shutdown lineup. Secondary containment ventilation was momentarily disrupted in unit-1 and successfully restored. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector and will be notifying the state and media concerning this event.Feedwater
Secondary containment
Main Transformer
Main Condenser
ENS 414624 March 2005 20:10:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News Release
10 CFR 50.72(a)(1)(i), Emergency Class Declaration
Unusual Event Declared

The following information was obtained from the licensee via facsimile (licensee text in quotes): At 3:10 PM EST PPL Susquehanna, LLC, declared a Notification of Unusual Event (classification OU4) for a Fire within Protected Area Boundary not Extinguished within 15 Minutes of Detection. The fire occurred in the turbine building of unit 2 which is currently in a refueling outage. Activation of the Emergency plan is reportable under 10CFR50.72(a)(3). There were no open flames observed, only smoke. The source of the smoke was weld slag that fell into a bucket of material. Due to the temporary ventilation system installed, the smoke spread throughout the turbine building prompting the licensee to call away a fire. The licensee is investigating the area at this time. There are no personnel injuries or equipment damage at this time. The licensee will inform the NRC Operations Center when the NOUE is terminated.


The licensee has terminated the Unusual Event. The source of the smoldering material was discovered and extinguished. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector. The Headquarters Operations Officer notified DHS (Frost), IRD (Wilson), NRR (Reis), FEMA (Sweitzer), and R1DO (Holody).

  • * * UPDATE FROM R. FRY TO M. RIPLEY 2015 EST 03/04/05 * * *

At 16:30 PM EST PPL Susquehanna, LLC, authorized a press release as a result of a Notification of Unusual Event (classification OU4) for a Fire within Protected Area Boundary not Extinguished within 15 Minutes of Detection. The fire occurred in the Turbine Building of Unit 2 which is currently in a refueling outage. The press release was issued at 17:15 EST. Any event or situation related to the health and safety of the public or onsite personnel, or protection of the environment, for which a news release is planned or notification to other government agencies has been or will be made is reportable under 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi). The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R1 DO (D. Holody)

ENS 4128122 December 2004 20:00:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseOffsite Notification Made to Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (Pema)An ambulance was called to the site because a plant employee, not in the power plant but in an onsite office building, complained of chest pains. The individual was taken by the ambulance to Berwick Hospital. PEMA was notified of this by the licensee. The NRC Resident Inspector was notified of this event by the licensee.
ENS 4077726 May 2004 20:00:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseOff Site NotificationThis event is being reported under 10CFR50.72(b)(2)(xi) as an item of public interest and an event for which other government agencies have been notified. At 1600 on 5/26/2004, the operations Shift Manager was notified by the Security Shift Supervisor that an individual (truck driver) had been arraigned by a LLEA (Local Law Enforcement Agency) judge for prohibited items (drug paraphernalia) which were discovered during a routine entrance search of personnel and vehicles. The items were discovered outside the protected area (and) were determined to not pose a threat or attempted threat. The LLEA was called and responded to the site access area and removed the individual to the local barracks, where he was subsequently arraigned on a misdemeanor. The individual's name has been removed from the Susquehanna LLC visitors list. The Manager of Nuclear Security briefed NRC Region #1 Inspector, Dana Caran, concerning the incident. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4071128 April 2004 17:07:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News Release
10 CFR 50.72(a)(1)(i), Emergency Class Declaration
Unusual Event Decleared Due to an Electrical Failure in a Non-Vital Load Center Located in the Unit 2 Reactor BuildingOn 04/28/04 at 1325 EDT, Susquehanna declared an Unusual Event due to an electrical failure in a power distribution panel at a non-vital load center located in the Unit 2 Reactor Building. The affected load center supplies electrical power to the Main Condenser Vacuum system causing plant operations to be reduced to 80% reactor power. Unit 1 has not been affected by this incident and Unit 2 remains stable at 80% reactor power. The licensee terminated the Unusual Event at 1552 and is investigating the cause of the incident which appears to have been a phase-to-phase fault on the 13.8 KV load center feeder cable. Currently, load center 2B250 is being fed through an alternate feeder so that associated systems can be placed back in service. Unit 2 is making preparations to return to full power. There were no personnel injuries nor radioactive releases as a result of this event. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector, Luzerne and Columbia county emergency management agencies, the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency and has issued a press release. Notified the following of the termination of the Unusual Event: R1DO(Barkley), DIRO (Frant), NRR (Marsh), DHS (E. McDonald) and FEMA (D. Barden).Main Condenser
ENS 4061628 March 2004 11:37:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseOffsite Notification Due to Three Car AccidentOn 3/28/04 at 0637, Plant Security was notified of a three car accident at the entrance to the site involving 1) an employee leaving the site, 2) a south bound vehicle on US Route 11, and 3) an employee entering the site. There were no reported injuries. Local law enforcement (LLEA) was contacted and investigated the incident. Because of the involvement of a LLEA and potential media or general public interest in the event, the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) was notified of the incident at 0812 hours. Based on the notification to a government agency and possible public interest, this event was determined to be reportable under 10CFR50.72(b)(2)(xi). The Licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 405716 March 2004 10:28:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseOffsite Notification at Susquehanna Involving a Traffic AccidentOn 3/06/04 at 0528 Plant Security was notified of an accident at the entrance to the site involving an employee leaving work and a south bound vehicle on PA Route 11. There were no reported injuries. Local law enforcement was contacted and investigated the incident. Because of the involvement of a LLEA and potential media or general public interest in the event, the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) was notified of the incident at 0812 hours. Based on the notification to a government agency and possible public interest, this event was determined to be reportable under 10CFR50.72(b)(2)(xi). The NRC Resident Inspector was notified.
ENS 405643 March 2004 17:45:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseOffsite Notification of Injured IndividualAt 12:45 PM EST, the Main Control Room was notified that an individual needed medical assistance at the South Building. The individual was light headed and nauseous. An ambulance was requested to the site, and arrived on site at 01:04 PM. The individual was not contaminated and was transported to a local hospital at 01:12 PM. Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) was notified of the incident. This requires a voluntary report due to the offsite notification on an emergency vehicle responding to the site. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4055428 February 2004 05:54:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseOffsite Notification to State Based on Medical Transport of Injured WorkerAt 00:54 AM EST, the Main Control Room was notified than an individual had fallen approx. 12 feet from scaffolding. An ambulance was requested to the site, and arrived on site at 01:20. The individual is not contaminated and was transported to a local hospital at 01:40. PEMA (Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency) was notified of the incident. The licensee informed the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4053521 February 2004 15:05:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseOffsite Notification of Medical Event at SusquehannaAt 10:05 AM PST, the Susquehanna LLC Shift Manager was notified that a member of the general public required medical assistance. The individual was at a company owned public recreation area adjacent to the Susquehanna LLC River Intake access road. The recreation area is outside the protected area. An ambulance was called to the scene, arriving at 10:28 and leaving at 10:52. The individual was transported to a local hospital. The LLEA and PEMA were notified of the incident. The NRC Resident Inspector was notified.
ENS 4053118 February 2004 05:00:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseOffsite Notification to Pema of Mislabeled ContainerAt 1500 on 2/16/2004, a tractor trailer with two intermodals (sea land containers) arrived at SSES (Susquehanna Steam Electric Station) from Race, LLC placarded radioactive 'empty'. Upon inspection it was determined that one of the intermodals had equipment in it contrary to the bill of lading and DOT regulations. This equipment was surveyed and found to be non-contaminated and non-radioactive. There was no radioactive exposure to any individuals as a result. Operations personnel were made aware of this event at 1630 on 2/18/2004. It was determined that this event may be of public significance and is reportable under 10CFR 50.72 (b)(2)(xi). The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) is being notified of this incident. The licensee notified NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4048629 January 2004 01:33:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseOffsite Notification to Local Law Enforcement Due to Fire Brigade ActivationAt 2018 hrs, the Control Room was notified of smoke coming from the Unit 2 Vital UPS room. The Field Unit Supervisor (FUS) was dispatched to the room to investigate. At 2026 hrs, the Fire Brigade was activated. When the FUS arrived at the Vital UPS Panel he reported that there was smoke coming from the panel. He opened the panel and observed smoke coming from the transformer in the panel. He did not observe any flames at any time while dealing with the event. At 2029 hrs, Security was notified and subsequently notified the State Police at 2033 hrs. At 2033 hrs, the transformer was deenergized and the smoke began to dissipate. Entry into the Emergency Plan was evaluated and it was determined that no entry conditions exists at this time. Due to the notification of the Local Law Enforcement Agency, this event constitutes an Offsite Notification and therefore reportable under 10CFR50.72(b)(2)(xi) requiring a 4 hr ENS notification. When the transformer was deenergized, all loads were automatically transferred to the alternate power supply. The loss of this transformer did not affect any safety related equipment and does not require entry into any TS LCO Action Statements. The licensee notified state/local agencies and the NRC Resident Inspector. No press release is planned.
ENS 4044915 January 2004 00:50:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseOffsite Notification of Accident Involving 2 Trucks Carrying Empty New Fuel Shipping ContainersThe following information was provided by the licensee via facsimile: On 1/14/2004 at 19:56 hours, the Shift Manager was notified by the Clinton County, PA Emergency Management Agency of vehicle accident involving trucks that were carrying a shipment from Susquehanna. The trucks were carrying empty shipping boxes from a shipment of new fuel that had previously been delivered to Susquehanna. These empty boxes were being shipped in accordance with U.S. Department of Transportation regulations (49CFR173.428 Empty Class 7 (Rad Mat)). On 1/15/2004 at 10:20 hours, additional information was provided to the control room indicating that this accident could cause increased public interest due to the severity of the accident. The two tractor trailers involved in the shipment were amongst the vehicles in the accident. One of the truck drivers was seriously injured. The trucks were severely damaged. Clinton County, PA, Emergency Management Agency was called to the scene by initial responders as well as the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. Both surveyed the boxes and found no indication of radiation/contamination. The shipping boxes and vehicles are being held by the towing company until the shipping company can provide replacement vehicles. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 403672 December 2003 19:15:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseOffsite Notification Due to Onsite FatalityAt 1230 hrs, with both units at 100% power the Control Room was notified of a Medical Emergency at the Access Processing Facility on the Owner Controlled Area outside of the Protected Area. The affected individual was a contract employee working for Site Access Services. An ambulance and paramedics arrived on site at 1242 hrs. First Aid and CPR were initiated at the scene. The individual was transported offsite at 1257 hrs to the local Hospital. At 1415 hrs the control room was notified that the individual had passed away. This constitutes an event of public significance and therefore reportable under 10CFR50.72(b)(2)(XI) as a 4 hour ENS notification. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector and Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency.
ENS 4014711 September 2003 04:40:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseOffsite Notification Made to Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (Pema)At 2314 EDT on 9/10/03 a fire was reported at the Unit 1B Reactor Feed Pump. The Fire Brigade was activated and the fire was extinguished at 2322 (8 minutes after identification). To support removal of the feed pump from service reactor power was reduced to 63%. Due to notifying the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) and other outside agencies, this event is being reported under 10CFR50.72(b)(2)(xi)." The NRC Resident Inspector was notified by the Licensee.