Category:Commission Staff Requirements Memo (SRM)
MONTHYEARSECY-12-0009, SRM-M120607B - Affirmation Session: I. SECY-12-0009 Final Rule 10 CFR 73.37; Ii. SECY-12-0026 Diablo Canyon Referred Ruling in LBP-11-32; Iii. SECY-12-0058 Combined License Application for North Anna; Iii. SECY-12-0067 Pilgrim Nuclear P2012-06-0707 June 2012 SRM-M120607B - Affirmation Session: I. SECY-12-0009 Final Rule 10 CFR 73.37; Ii. SECY-12-0026 Diablo Canyon Referred Ruling in LBP-11-32; Iii. SECY-12-0058 Combined License Application for North Anna; Iii. SECY-12-0067 Pilgrim Nuclear Power M120607, SRM-M120607B - Affirmation Session: I. SECY-12-0009 Final Rule 10 CFR 73.37; Ii. SECY-12-0026 Diablo Canyon Referred Ruling in LBP-11-32; Iii. SECY-12-0058 Combined License Application for North Anna; Iii. SECY-12-0067 Pilgrim Nuclear Power2012-06-0707 June 2012 SRM-M120607B - Affirmation Session: I. SECY-12-0009 Final Rule 10 CFR 73.37; Ii. SECY-12-0026 Diablo Canyon Referred Ruling in LBP-11-32; Iii. SECY-12-0058 Combined License Application for North Anna; Iii. SECY-12-0067 Pilgrim Nuclear Power SECY-12-0006, SRM-M120308 - Affirmation Session: I. SECY-11-0085 NextEra Seaborok Appeals of LBP-11-2; Ii. SECY-12-0006 (Entergy) Commonwealth of Massachusetts and Pilgrim Watchs Petitions for Review of LBP-11-35 and Related Filings2012-03-0808 March 2012 SRM-M120308 - Affirmation Session: I. SECY-11-0085 NextEra Seaborok Appeals of LBP-11-2; Ii. SECY-12-0006 (Entergy) Commonwealth of Massachusetts and Pilgrim Watchs Petitions for Review of LBP-11-35 and Related Filings SECY-11-0166, SRM-M120209B - Affirmation Session: I. SECY-11-0164 Entergy Nuclear (Pilgrim); Ii. SECY-11-0166 Vogtle Draft Mandatory Hearing Decision2012-02-0909 February 2012 SRM-M120209B - Affirmation Session: I. SECY-11-0164 Entergy Nuclear (Pilgrim); Ii. SECY-11-0166 Vogtle Draft Mandatory Hearing Decision M100617, SRM-M100617A-Affirmation: I. SECY-09-0175 Entergy (Remaining Issues from Pilgrim Watch Petition) Ii. SECY-10-0057 Entergy (Pilgrim Watch Motion for Reconsideration of CLI-10-11); Iii. SECY-10-0050 South Texas, Intervenors' Joint Appeal of 12010-06-17017 June 2010 SRM-M100617A-Affirmation: I. SECY-09-0175 Entergy (Remaining Issues from Pilgrim Watch Petition) Ii. SECY-10-0057 Entergy (Pilgrim Watch Motion for Reconsideration of CLI-10-11); Iii. SECY-10-0050 South Texas, Intervenors' Joint Appeal of 1 SECY-09-0175, SRM-M100617A-Affirmation: I. SECY-09-0175 Entergy (Remaining Issues from Pilgrim Watch Petition) Ii. SECY-10-0057 Entergy (Pilgrim Watch Motion for Reconsideration of CLI-10-11); Iii. SECY-10-0050 South Texas, Intervenors Joint Appeal o2010-06-17017 June 2010 SRM-M100617A-Affirmation: I. SECY-09-0175 Entergy (Remaining Issues from Pilgrim Watch Petition) Ii. SECY-10-0057 Entergy (Pilgrim Watch Motion for Reconsideration of CLI-10-11); Iii. SECY-10-0050 South Texas, Intervenors Joint Appeal of 1/ SECY-09-0147, SRM-M100326 - Affirmation Session: I SECY-09-0147 (Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station) Ii. SECY-10-0014 (Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2)2010-03-26026 March 2010 SRM-M100326 - Affirmation Session: I SECY-09-0147 (Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station) Ii. SECY-10-0014 (Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2) M100326, SRM-M100326 - Affirmation Session: I SECY-09-0147 (Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station) Ii. SECY-10-0014 (Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2)2010-03-26026 March 2010 SRM-M100326 - Affirmation Session: I SECY-09-0147 (Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station) Ii. SECY-10-0014 (Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2) SECY-09-0025, SRM-M090604B - Affirmation: I. SECY-09-0025 - Entergy Nuclear (Pilgrim & Vermont Yankee); Ii. SECY-09-0040 - Entergy Nuclear Generation Co. & Entergy Nuclear Operations Inc. (Pilgrim)2009-06-0303 June 2009 SRM-M090604B - Affirmation: I. SECY-09-0025 - Entergy Nuclear (Pilgrim & Vermont Yankee); Ii. SECY-09-0040 - Entergy Nuclear Generation Co. & Entergy Nuclear Operations Inc. (Pilgrim) M090604, SRM-M090604B - Affirmation: I. SECY-09-0025 - Entergy Nuclear (Pilgrim & Vermont Yankee); Ii. SECY-09-0040 - Entergy Nuclear Generation Co. & Entergy Nuclear Operations Inc. (Pilgrim)2009-06-0303 June 2009 SRM-M090604B - Affirmation: I. SECY-09-0025 - Entergy Nuclear (Pilgrim & Vermont Yankee); Ii. SECY-09-0040 - Entergy Nuclear Generation Co. & Entergy Nuclear Operations Inc. (Pilgrim) SRM-M081006A, Affirmation: I. SECY-08-0045 Oyster Creek, Indian Pt, Pilgrim & VT Yankee License Renewals Petition to Suspend Proceedings; Ii. SECY-08-0127 Energysolutions Applications for LLW Import/Export Licenses2008-10-0606 October 2008 SRM-M081006A - Affirmation: I. SECY-08-0045 Oyster Creek, Indian Pt, Pilgrim & VT Yankee License Renewals Petition to Suspend Proceedings; Ii. SECY-08-0127 Energysolutions Applications for LLW Import/Export Licenses M081006, SRM-M081006A - Affirmation: I. SECY-08-0045 Oyster Creek, Indian Pt, Pilgrim & VT Yankee License Renewals Petition to Suspend Proceedings; Ii. SECY-08-0127 Energysolutions' Applications for LLW Import/Export Licenses2008-10-0606 October 2008 SRM-M081006A - Affirmation: I. SECY-08-0045 Oyster Creek, Indian Pt, Pilgrim & VT Yankee License Renewals Petition to Suspend Proceedings; Ii. SECY-08-0127 Energysolutions' Applications for LLW Import/Export Licenses ML0823504942008-08-22022 August 2008 SRM-M080822 - I. SECY-08-0081- Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station), Application for Order Approving Indirect Transfer of Control of Licenses (Filed 7/30/08) Ii. SECY-08-0087 - U.S. DOE (HLW) Petitions of the Sta M080822, SRM-M080822 - I. SECY-08-0081- Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station), Application for Order Approving Indirect Transfer of Control of Licenses (Filed 7/30/08) Ii. SECY-08-0087 - U.S. DOE (HLW) Petitions of the Sta2008-08-22022 August 2008 SRM-M080822 - I. SECY-08-0081- Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station), Application for Order Approving Indirect Transfer of Control of Licenses (Filed 7/30/08) Ii. SECY-08-0087 - U.S. DOE (HLW) Petitions of the Sta M080516, SRM-M080516A - Affirmation Session: I. SECY-08-0058 - Entergy Nuclear Generation Co & Entergy Nuclear Operations Inc (Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station) Docket No. 50-293-LR-Entergy's Req for Guidance on 1st Circuit'S Admin Stay2008-05-16016 May 2008 SRM-M080516A - Affirmation Session: I. SECY-08-0058 - Entergy Nuclear Generation Co & Entergy Nuclear Operations Inc (Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station) Docket No. 50-293-LR-Entergy's Req for Guidance on 1st Circuit'S Admin Stay SRM-M080516A, Affirmation Session: I. SECY-08-0058 - Entergy Nuclear Generation Co & Entergy Nuclear Operations Inc (Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station) Docket No. 50-293-LR-Entergys Req for Guidance on 1st Circuits Admin Stay2008-05-16016 May 2008 SRM-M080516A - Affirmation Session: I. SECY-08-0058 - Entergy Nuclear Generation Co & Entergy Nuclear Operations Inc (Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station) Docket No. 50-293-LR-Entergys Req for Guidance on 1st Circuits Admin Stay M080115, SRM-M080115 - Affirmation: I. SECY-07-0193 PG&E Diablo Canyon ISFSI, San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Contentions & Req. for Hrg Re Environ.L Assess. Supp.; Ii. SECY-07-0214 Pilgrim License Renewal Pilgrim Watch'S Appeal of Interlocutory B2008-01-15015 January 2008 SRM-M080115 - Affirmation: I. SECY-07-0193 PG&E Diablo Canyon ISFSI, San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Contentions & Req. for Hrg Re Environ.L Assess. Supp.; Ii. SECY-07-0214 Pilgrim License Renewal Pilgrim Watch'S Appeal of Interlocutory B SECY-07-0193, SRM-M080115 - Affirmation: I. SECY-07-0193 PG&E Diablo Canyon ISFSI, San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Contentions & Req. for Hrg Re Environ.L Assess. Supp.; Ii. SECY-07-0214 Pilgrim License Renewal Pilgrim Watchs Appeal of Interlocutor2008-01-15015 January 2008 SRM-M080115 - Affirmation: I. SECY-07-0193 PG&E Diablo Canyon ISFSI, San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Contentions & Req. for Hrg Re Environ.L Assess. Supp.; Ii. SECY-07-0214 Pilgrim License Renewal Pilgrim Watchs Appeal of Interlocutory Bd CLI-07-03, SRM-M070315-Affirmation Session: I. SECY-07-0041 - Motion for Reconsideration of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee LLC & Entergy Nuclear Operations Inc. (Vermont Yankee); Entergy Nuclear Generation Company & Entergy Nuclear Operations Inc. (P2007-03-15015 March 2007 SRM-M070315-Affirmation Session: I. SECY-07-0041 - Motion for Reconsideration of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee LLC & Entergy Nuclear Operations Inc. (Vermont Yankee); Entergy Nuclear Generation Company & Entergy Nuclear Operations Inc. (Pi M070122, SRM-M070122A-Affirmation: I. SECY-06-0240 Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee, LLC & Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. LBP-06-20: Entergy Nuclear Generation Co. (Pilgrim) LBP-06-23; Ii. SECY-07-0003 Exelon Generation Co., LLC (Early Site Permit C2007-01-22022 January 2007 SRM-M070122A-Affirmation: I. SECY-06-0240 Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee, LLC & Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. LBP-06-20: Entergy Nuclear Generation Co. (Pilgrim) LBP-06-23; Ii. SECY-07-0003 Exelon Generation Co., LLC (Early Site Permit C SECY-06-0240, SRM-M070122A-Affirmation: I. SECY-06-0240 Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee, LLC & Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. LBP-06-20: Entergy Nuclear Generation Co. (Pilgrim) LBP-06-23; Ii. SECY-07-0003 Exelon Generation Co., LLC (Early Site Perm2007-01-22022 January 2007 SRM-M070122A-Affirmation: I. SECY-06-0240 Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee, LLC & Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. LBP-06-20: Entergy Nuclear Generation Co. (Pilgrim) LBP-06-23; Ii. SECY-07-0003 Exelon Generation Co., LLC (Early Site Permit C M070111, SRM-M070111 - Affirmation: I. SECY-06-0227 Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee LLC & Entergy Nuclear Operations Inc. (Vermont Yankee LBP-06-20 Reconsid'N Denied; Ii. SECY-06-0238 Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Intervenor Pilgrim Watch'S Appeal2007-01-11011 January 2007 SRM-M070111 - Affirmation: I. SECY-06-0227 Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee LLC & Entergy Nuclear Operations Inc. (Vermont Yankee LBP-06-20 Reconsid'N Denied; Ii. SECY-06-0238 Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Intervenor Pilgrim Watch'S Appeal SECY-06-0227, SRM-M070111 - Affirmation: I. SECY-06-0227 Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee LLC & Entergy Nuclear Operations Inc. (Vermont Yankee LBP-06-20 Reconsidn Denied; Ii. SECY-06-0238 Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Intervenor Pilgrim Watchs Appe2007-01-11011 January 2007 SRM-M070111 - Affirmation: I. SECY-06-0227 Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee LLC & Entergy Nuclear Operations Inc. (Vermont Yankee LBP-06-20 Reconsidn Denied; Ii. SECY-06-0238 Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Intervenor Pilgrim Watchs Appeal O M061010, SRM-M061010 - Affirmation Session: (1) SECY-06-0199 - Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station and Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station)2006-10-10010 October 2006 SRM-M061010 - Affirmation Session: (1) SECY-06-0199 - Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station and Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station) SECY-06-0199, SRM-M061010 - Affirmation Session: (1) SECY-06-0199 - Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station and Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station)2006-10-10010 October 2006 SRM-M061010 - Affirmation Session: (1) SECY-06-0199 - Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station and Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station) 2012-06-07
[Table view] |
Brooke Poole, Director Office of Commission Appellate Adjudication FROM:
Annette L. Vietti-Cook, Secretary
SECY-11-0085 - NextEra Seabrook, LLC (Seabrook Station, Unit 1), Appeals of LBP-11-2 (Feb 15. 2011), Docket No. 50-443-LR The Commission approved a Memorandum and Order responding to NextEras appeals of LBP-11-2, in which the Board granted two petitions to intervene. The Memorandum and Order affirms LBP-11-2 in part, and reverses it in part.
(Subsequently, on March 8, 2012, the Secretary signed the Memorandum and Order.)
SECY-12-0006 - Entergy Nuclear Generation Co. and Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
(Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station), Commonwealth of Massachusetts and Pilgrim Watchs Petitions for Review of LBP-11-35 and Related Filings The Commission approved a Memorandum and Order responding to Massachusetts and Pilgrim Watchs petitions for review of LBP-11-35, and Massachusetts motion to suspend the Pilgrim license renewal proceeding, pending the resolution of its June 2011 rulemaking petition.
The Memorandum and Order denies the petitions for review and denies Massachusetts request to suspend the adjudicatory proceeding pending disposition of its rulemaking petition.
Commissioner Apostolakis did not participate in this matter.
(Subsequently, on March 8, 2012, the Secretary signed the Memorandum and Order.)
Chairman Jaczko Commissioner Svinicki Commissioner Apostolakis Commissioner Magwood Commissioner Ostendorff EDO OGC CFO OCA OIG OPA Office Directors, Regions, ACRS, ASLBP (via E-Mail)