Press Release-II-07-050, NRC Extends Augmented Inspection Team Inquiry at Farley

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Press Release-II-07-050: NRC Extends Augmented Inspection Team Inquiry at Farley
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Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 10/23/2007
Office of Public Affairs Region II
Hannah R
Category:Press Release
Press Release-II-07-050
Download: ML072960259 (1)


No: II-07-050 October 23, 2007 CONTACT: Ken Clark (404)562-4416 E-mail: Roger Hannah (404)562-4417 NRC EXTENDS AUGMENTED INSPECTION TEAM INQUIRY AT FARLEY Nuclear Regulatory Commission officials have extended completion of an Augmented Inspection Team report at the Farley nuclear power plant, following an additional failure of a recently-replaced breaker undergoing a post-installation test. The original inspection began Sept.

10 and two NRC inspectors were dispatched to the plant again on Oct. 22.

The NRC said the company reported that a recently-installed breaker on a pump in the plants Unit 1 Residual Heat Removal (RHR) system failed during a post-installation test. At the time of the failure, the reactor was shut down and the reactor fuel had been moved to the plants spent fuel pool. NRC officials said the pump was not required when the breaker failure occurred. The RHR system is designed to provide cooling to the reactor cooling system water when the plant is shut down with fuel in the reactor vessel, and to inject water into that system during certain emergency conditions.

On Sept. 4 and 5, two different electrical breakers associated with component cooling water pumps on Unit 1 failed to close during testing. The NRC sent the initial AIT following those events. Subsequently, those breakers and numerous others in the plant were replaced before one of the new breakers failed.

The Administrator of the NRCs Region II office in Atlanta, Dr. William Travers, said in light of continuing breaker problems at Farley, the extended AIT will review the root cause of the most recent failure and other replacement breaker issues.

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