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U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Safety Impact Characterization Guidance for Implementing the Risk-Informed Process for Evaluations, Revision 3
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/24/2024
From: Cusumano J, Michelle Kichline, Antonios Zoulis
Division of Operating Reactor Licensing, NRC/NRR/DRA
Shared Package
ML23354A153 List:
Download: ML23354A152 (1)




Revision 3

Prepared by:

Antonios M. Zoulis Michelle Kichline Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Division of Risk Assessment


Summary: This revision includes enhancements to the Risk-Informed Process for Evaluations (RIPE) that were identified from the staffs review of the first RIPE submittal and feedback from the Nuclear Energy Institute (Reference 10). Specifically, this revision increased the risk acceptance thresholds defining minimal impact on safety, modified the documentation section to include recommendations to consider requesting a presubmittal meeting and providing NRC access to the integrated decision-making panel report via portal, and added a new section for assessing performance monitoring strategies.


NAME SLingam JDrake MKichline DATE 12/19/23 12/19/23 12/19/23 OFFICE NRR/DORL/LPL4/LA* NRR/DRA/APOB/BC (A)* NRR/DSS/SNSB/BC*

NAME PBlechman RRodriguez PSahd DATE 12/21/2023 12/19/23 12/22/23 OFFICE NRR/DSS/STSB/BC* NRR/DEX/EICB/BC* NRR/DORL/LPL4/BC*

NAME SMehta (ARussell for) FSacko JRankin DATE 12/22/23 12/22/23 (MLi for) 12/19/23 OFFICE NRR/DEX/D* NRR/DSS/D* NRR/DNRL/D*

NAME EBenner JDonoghue BSmith DATE 1/3/24 1/4/24 12/27/23 OFFICE NRR/DRO/D* OGC with CRA Review (NLO)* NRR/DRA/D*

NAME RFelts DRoth/JAdler MFranovich (MKhanna for)

DATE 12/27/23 1/19/24 1/19/24 OFFICE NRR/DORL/D*

NAME BPham (VCusumano for)



............................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Purpose................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Applicability.......................................................................................................... 2 1.3 Scope................................................................................................................... 3 1.4 Content of this Guidance Document.................................................................... 4

2.0 DEFINING THE ISSUE..................................................................................................... 7 2.1 Assessing the Preliminary Screening Questions................................................. 7 2.2 Assessing the Preliminary Risk Impact using Quantitative Analysis.................... 9 2.3 Important Considerations................................................................................... 10 2.4 Documentation................................................................................................... 11

3.0 EXPLORING THE IMPACT OF THE ISSUE................................................................... 13 3.1 Generic Assessment Expert Team.................................................................... 13 3.2 Plant Integrated Decision-Making Panel............................................................ 14 3.3 Documentation................................................................................................... 15

4.0 FINALIZING THE SAFETY IMPACT CHARACTERIZATION......................................... 16 4.1 Step 1 - Screening for No Impact....................................................................... 18 4.2 Step 2 - Screening for Minimal Impact............................................................... 18 4.3 Step 3 - Determining Safety Impact Using Quantitative Analyses..................... 22 4.4 Step 4 - Assess Need for Risk Management Actions........................................ 23

5.0 ASSESSING CUMULATIVE RISK.................................................................................. 24

6.0 ASSESSING PERFORMANCE MONITORING STRATEGIES...................................... 24

7.0 PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT.................................................................................. 24 7.1 Paperwork Reduction Act.................................................................................. 24 7.2 Public Protection Notification............................................................................. 25

8.0 CONGRESSIONAL REVIEW ACT................................................................................. 25


................................................................................................................ 26

APPENDIX A - CHANGE HISTORY........................................................................................... 28


Figure 1-1: Risk-Informed Process for Evaluations Applicability Flowchart.................................. 5 Figure 1-2: Safety Impact Characterization Process Overview..................................................... 6 Figure 4-1: Safety Impact Characterization Detailed Process Overview.................................... 17


ADAMS Agencywide Documents Access and Management System CDF core damage frequency CFR Code of Federal Regulations F&Os Facts and Observations FLEX Diverse and Flexible Coping Strategy for Extended Loss of Power GAET Generic Assessment Expert Team IDP Integrated Decision-Making Panel LERF large early release frequency LOCA loss-of-coolant accident NEI Nuclear Energy Institute NRC U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NUMARC Nuclear Management and Resource Council PRA probabilistic risk assessment RCP reactor coolant pump RIPE Risk-Informed Process for Evaluations RG Regulatory Guide RITSTF Risk-Informed Technical Specifications Task Force RMA risk management action RMTS risk-managed technical specifications SGTR steam generator tube rupture SME subject matter expert SSC structure, system, and component TSG Temporary Staff Guidance TSTF Technical Specifications Task Force



1.1 Purpose

This guidance document describes an approach that is acceptable to the staff of the U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for developing a risk-informed application for an exemption request or license amendment request that applies risk insights, consistent with the guidance in Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.174, An Approach for Using Probabilistic Risk Assessment in Risk-Informed Decisions on Plant-Specific Changes to the Licensing Basis, Revision 3 (Reference 1) and, as applicable, RG 1.177, Plant-Specific, Risk-Informed Decisionmaking: Technical Specifications, Revision 2 (Reference 9). It provides general guidance concerning how to characterize that the safety impact of proposed changes in plant design and operation have a minimal impact on safety. This guidance document does not have the force of law and does not contain any legal requirements.

This guidance document supports the Risk-Informed Process for Evaluations (RIPE). RIPE establishes a streamlined NRC review proce ss for risk-informed exemption and amendment requests that have a minimal safety significance. If a licensee elects to use RIPE, it would characterize the risk associated with the proposed exemption or amendment request using this guidance and submit its request to the NRC. The NRC staff would review the request using a streamlined process outlined in Temporary Staff Guidance (TSG) TSG-2021-01, Revision 4, Risk-Informed Process for Evaluations (Reference 2).

RIPE is intended to build on the expanded use of probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) models for risk-informed initiatives and to benefit from the use of integrated decision-making panels (IDPs) that were developed as part of the implementation of Title 10 of the Code of the Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Section 50.69, Risk-informed categorization and treatment of structures, systems and components for nuclear power plants (10 CFR 50.69). RIPE is available to licensees that have demonstrated they have a technically acceptable PRA and a robust IDP by the adoption of certain risk-informed initiatives. Section 1.2 and figure 1-1 of this document provides additional details on what constitutes a technically acceptable PRA. This document provides guidance that the IDP can use to characterize the safety impact of the proposed change using both quantitative risk information from the PRA and qualitative risk insights consistent with RG 1.174 and as applicable RG 1.177. RIPE was originally developed to be used by licensees that could demonstrate that they have a technically acceptable PRA by having implemented an approved lic ense amendment to adopt Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) Traveler TSTF-505, Provide Risk-Informed Extended Completion Times -

RITSTF [Risk-Informed TSTF] Initiative 4b. 1 The original implementation of RIPE was approved by memorandum dated January 7, 2021 (Reference 3). Revision 1 expanded RIPE to allow licensees to demonstrate that they have a tec hnically acceptable PRA by having implemented an approved license amendment to adopt TSTF-425, Relocate Surveillance Frequencies to Licensee Control-RITSTF Initiative 5b. 2 Revision 2 expanded RIPE to apply to changes to the

1 NRC has approved some licensee programs for risk-i nformed completion times consistent with Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) 06-09, Risk-Informed Technical Specifications Initiative 4b, Risk-Managed Technical Specifications (RMTS) Guidelines, which can be used in lieu of TSTF-505 to characterize the safety impact of issues. Any references in this document to TSTF-505 includes applications approved consistent with NEI 06-09 (Reference 4).

2 NRC has approved some licensee programs for relocating surveillance frequencies consistent with NEI 04-10 Risk-Informed Technical Specifications Initiative 5b, Risk-Informed Method for Control of

1 Technical Specifications. This revision (Revision 3) modified the risk acceptance criteria used to characterize an issue as having a minimal impac t on safety consistent with the NRCs response to feedback from the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) (Reference 11) and included criteria for assessing performance monitoring strategies.

1.2 Applicability

Use of this guidance is limited to proposed changes to facilities for which the safety impact associated with the issue can be modeled using PRA. RIPE was developed for use by holders of licenses issued under 10 CFR Part 50, Dom estic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities, and may not be used by applicants for new reactor licenses under 10 CFR Part 50 or holders of combined licenses under 10 CFR Part 52, Licenses, Certifications, and Approvals for Nuclear Power Plants.

RIPE may be used by licensees that have a technically acceptable PRA model and a robust IDP. For the purposes of RIPE, a licensee may demonstrate that they have a technically acceptable PRA model by having implemented an approved TSTF-505 or TSTF-425 license amendment and having completed all of the license conditions and implementation items associated with the amendment.

Licensees that rely on a TSTF-425 amendment to demonstrate PRA acceptability in lieu of a TSTF-505 amendment must provide additional information relative to PRA technical acceptability in their submittals. Specifically, licensees that rely on their TSTF-425 program to demonstrate PRA technical acceptability will need to justify that the issue being analyzed is limited to internal events by providing technical justification for the exclusion of external hazards that are not addressed or identify which additional NRC-approved applications address any relevant external hazards beyond internal events. Technical justification for exclusion of hazards not addressed in the assessment should include a description and disposition of hazard-specific spatial considerations and a sensitivity study involving the hazards relevant to the site. In addition, licensees relying on TSTF-425 will need to describe any open facts and observations (F&Os) for the PRA models applicable to the issue being analyzed. In order to support a streamlined NRC review, licensees should make ever y effort to close F&Os in advance of submitting a RIPE application, typically using the finding closure process described in NEI 17-07, Performance of PRA Peer Reviews using the ASME/ANS [American Society of Mechanical Engineers/American Nuclear Society] PRA Standard (Reference 6). The description of these F&Os should include an assessment of the relevance, or lack thereof, of the F&O to the decision being sought. If an issue involves a hazard (e.g., external events) that is not covered by a previously approved NRC application, a licensee that only has an approved TSTF-425 program may not use this process. Further, licensees relying on TSTF-425 will need to describe their PRA maintenance and peer review process subsequent to approval of their TSTF-425 license amendment.

For the purposes of RIPE, a licensee may demonstrate that it has a robust IDP by having implemented an approved 10 CFR 50.69 license amendment and having completed all of the license conditions and implementation items as sociated with the amendment. Licensees do not need to have categorized any structures, system s, and components (SSCs) in accordance with 10 CFR 50.69 to use their IDP for this process. Licensees that have not implemented an IDP

Surveillance Frequencies, which can be used in lieu of TSTF-425 to characterize the safety impact of issues. Any references in this document to TSTF-425 includes applications approved consistent with NEI 04-10 (Reference 5).

2 under 10 CFR 50.69 may choose to apply a 10 CFR 50.69 equivalent IDP as documented in NEI guidance, NEI Guidelines for the Implementation of the Risk-Informed Process for Evaluations Integrated Decision-Making Panel (Reference 7), to use this process.

1.3 Scope

Figure 1-1 illustrates how licensees can evaluate whether the technical acceptability of their PRA supports the use of RIPE.

Figure 1-2 provides a high-level overview of the process to characterize the safety impact of issues.

For the purposes of this guidance document, all the following must apply in order to characterize an issue as having a minimal safety impact:

  • The issue contributes less than 5 x 10 -7/year to core damage frequency (CDF).
  • The issue screens to no impact (per Step 1, section 4.1) or minimal impact (per Step 2, section 4.2).
  • Cumulative risk is acceptable using the guidelines in section 5.

If any of the criteria above are not met, then the proposed change cannot be characterized as having a minimal impact on safety in accordanc e with this guidance document. If the proposed change cannot be characterized as having a minimal safety impact, then the proposed change does not generally qualify for a streamlined review by the NRC as part of RIPE. However, the NRC staff will consider applications for review under RIPE, on a case-by-case basis, where the risk acceptance criteria are slightly exceeded, provided that the application is supported by an explanation as to why the minor exceedance is acceptable, such as an explanation of how the analysis provided is overly conservative. The additional flexibility in the risk acceptance criteria could potentially affect the review timeline and/ or required NRC staff review resources, as approved by management.

The process described in this guidance document does not replace or affect the NRCs use of the Reactor Oversight Process Significance Determination Process for assessing the safety significance of more-than-minor performance deficiencies.

This process is anticipated to be useful when the actions needed to address an issue would result in a minimal safety impact. This process may also be useful for issues in which there is a safety benefit to not implementing costly or burde nsome actions. Examples of issues for which this process may be used include, but are not limited to, the following:

Actions needed to address inspection findings, Resolution of issues identified through other regulatory or licensee processes, Responses to orders requiring changes or modifications to the plant, and Generic issues requiring changes or modifications to the plant.

For issues having generic implications, a generic safety characterization could, for example, be performed by a Generic Assessment Expert Team (GAET). This generic assessment could then be used to inform a plant-specific assessment of the generic issue which accounts for


plant-specific risk contributors, such as seismic or flooding risk, through a licensees multi-disciplinary plant IDP.

This process may not be used for:

Any immediate actions necessary for continued safe operation (e.g., to support an NRC finding of adequate protection, to restore compliance with a technical specification, to resolve an environmental compliance issue with an adverse effect on public health and safety, or to remove a threat to personnel safety).

Any immediate repairs necessary for continued power production (e.g., replacing a damaged main transformer).

Any issues for which the safety impact cannot be directly assessed using PRA (e.g., fuel changes, changes to emergency planning programs, or changes to security).

1.4 Content of this Guidance Document

Section 2 presents guidance for defining the issue being assessed.

Section 3 presents guidance for exploring the issue in detail using the GAET and/or IDP.

Section 4 presents guidance for finalizing the safety impact characterization.

Section 5 presents guidance for assessing the cumulative risk impact.

Section 6 presents guidance for assessing performance monitoring strategies.

Section 7 presents information about the Paperwork Reduction Act.

Section 8 presents information about the Congressional Review Act.

Section 9 presents a list of references.

4 Figure 1-1: Risk-Informed Process for Evaluations Applicability Flowchart

5 Figure 1-2: Safety Impact Characterization Process Overview


This guidance is applied after ident ifying an issue that requires NRC review for resolution. Once it is identified that some action is needed to address the issue, then the licensee would need to define the range of possible resolutions, choose a path forward, and determine the safety impact of that resolution. This guidance can also be applied after the partial resolution of an issue initially having a more than minimal safety impact results in the remaining unresolved aspects of the issue having a minimal safety impact.

The safety impact characterization process starts with defining the specific issue for which the safety impact is being assessed. This should be done by a subject matter expert (SME) who is knowledgeable about the issue. The SME collects any available NRC and industry information.

When evaluating an issue, the safety impact being characterized is the difference between plant risk with the proposed change and without the proposed change. For compliance issues, the change in risk is the difference between risk if the plant were fully compliant with its licensing basis, and risk with the plant in the non-compliant configuration requested in the submittal. For licensee-identified issues that do not involve a compliance issue, the change in risk is the difference between risk with the plant in the current configuration and with the plant in the configuration requested in the submittal.

Defining the issue may begin at a generic or plant-specific level. A generic evaluation characterizes the importance of the regulatory issue at a generic level and provides an overall assessment and important attributes for consideration in the plant-specific evaluation. The generic evaluation may be carried out by an SME or team of experts. The generic SME evaluation is then reviewed by the GAET for implementation at applicable plants. The licensees SME will revise the generic evaluation as needed to address the plant-specific considerations identified by the GAET and any plant-specific differences from the information provided by the GAET. The plant-specific process is carried out by the licensee using a plant IDP, which reviews the generic characterization provided by the G AET and the plant-specific evaluation provided by the licensees SME. If the issue does not apply gener ically, then the issue is only defined at the plant-specific level by the licensees SME and reviewed by the plant IDP.

The SME should define the issue in enough detail for the GAET or plant IDP to review the issue and make a final determination about the safety impact. However, the process can be iterative if needed. While the IDP is primarily a reviewing body, the IDP may provide input to the SME to arrive at a final product that supports the decision. The SME should collect any readily available information for the GAET or plant IDP to review but may identify unknowns for the GAET or plant IDP to consider further. The GAET or plant IDP may decide they need additional information in order to complete their review and direct the SME to obtain additional information.

Completely defining the issue includes two essential activities:

1. Performing a detailed assessment of the preliminary screening questions.
2. Performing a preliminary risk assessment using a PRA model.

2.1 Assessing the Preliminary Screening Questions

The SME should document the initial assessment of the preliminary screening questions. This phase of the process involves screening the issue for any impact on safety, regardless of whether the impact is adverse or beneficial. The plant IDP will develop final responses to similar screening questions.

7 The preliminary screening for any safety impact involves addressing the following set of questions:

Does the issue:

1. YES NO Result in any impact on the frequency of occurrence of an accident initiator or result in a new accident initiator?
2. YES NO Result in any impact on the av ailability, reliability, or capability of SSCs or personnel relied upon to mitigate a transient, accident, or natural hazard?
3. YES NO Result in any impact on the consequences of an accident sequence?
4. YES NO Result in any impact on the capability of a fission product barrier?
5. YES NO Result in any impact on defense-in-depth capability or impact in safety margin?

Although the answers to the questions are either yes or no, all answers must be explained in detail for consideration by the GAET and/or IDP. If any of the questions are answered YES, then the SME should discuss whether the impact is adverse or beneficial. The SME should discuss any adverse impacts with the risk anal yst who will be performing the preliminary risk evaluation and have the risk analyst quantify the risk impact, if possible.

In determining whether there is any impact on safety, the first step is to determine what SSCs and human actions are affected by the issue. Next, the effects of the issue should be determined. This evaluation should include both direct and indirect effects. Direct effects are those where the issue (e.g., changing the motor on a pump or changing the mounting of an electrical cabinet) changes the performance of the SSC directly, such as by decreasing its reliability or decreasing its margin to failure under accident conditions. One can directly attribute the overall impact on how the SSC performs by quantitative analysis, operating experience, or engineering judgment. Indirect effects are those where the issue could affect other risk contributors.

In addressing the preliminary screening questions, the following should be noted:

The term capability in Questions 2 and 4 addresses the capacity of SSCs or personnel.

Consider the following examples:

o The flow capacity of a system could be dec reased by replacing a pump with a lower capacity pump.

o The tornado resistance of a wall could be decreased by removing supports.

o The seismic capacity of a relay could be decreased by replacing the relay with a lower capacity relay.

o The human error probability of an action could increase by decreasing the amount of time the operator has to perform the action.

For Screening Question 3 above, consequence is intended to mean radiological dose from risk-significant accident sequences. The impact could be direct, such as an improved containment spray system that could reduce radiological releases in a core damage accident, or indirect, such as an increase in containment bypass events.

8 Reducing the frequency of core damage is addressed elsewhere and is not the intent of this question.

2.2 Assessing the Preliminary Risk Impact Using Quantitative Analysis

The quantitative evaluation of risk impact is an important factor in determining that the total safety impact of an issue is low enough to characterize the safety impact of the issue as minimal. Therefore, if all of the following conditions apply, licensees can leverage their PRA models to perform quantitative risk assessm ents to support using this process:

The issue is completely within the scope of the licensees PRA model or can be bounded using surrogates. For this process, surrogates are limited to the use of basic events associated with the initiating event, mitigating system, or function of the issue being investigated.

The licensee has implemented an IDP consistent with risk-informed initiative 10 CFR 50.69 or equivalent.

The licensee has implemented risk-informed initiative TSTF-505 or TSTF-425 and has completed all implementation items and license conditions from the safety evaluation. If the licensee is relying on its TSTF-425 program to demonstrate PRA technical acceptability, the licensee must justify that the issue being analyzed is limited to internal events by providing technical justification for the exclusion of external hazards that are not addressed, or identify which additional NRC-approved applications address any relevant external hazards beyond internal events.

The licensees PRA model was found acceptable to support approval of the relevant risk-informed applications by the NRC.

The issue is within the scope of the portion(s) of the PRA model that was found acceptable by the NRC (e.g., if seismic wa s screened out of acceptability, then seismic issues cannot be addressed using this process).

The PRA model must include the capability to assess the change in CDF and LERF, and the risk evaluation must include a quantified assessm ent of all significant sources of risk (i.e., external events, internal flooding, and fires) that can be impacted by the issue being assessed. Where PRA models are not available, conservative or bounding analyses may be performed to quantify the risk impact (e.g., external events, low power and shutdown).

A risk analyst must use an acceptable PRA model to calculate the change in CDF and LERF.

The change in CDF and LERF must be calculated as the difference in the risk to the plant with the existing issue and the risk to the plant if there were no issue (i.e., if the plant were fully compliant). The risk analysis may not include any credit for proposed risk management actions (RMAs), compensatory actions, or any other ac tivities implemented to reduce the risk impact associated with the issue. The risk analyst should document whether there are any beneficial safety impacts associated with the issue.

The preliminary risk evaluation may initially be performed on a generic level. For a generic assessment, the risk analyst may need to perform multiple risk calculations using a representative sample of plant PRA models. The representative sample of plants will depend on the issue being addressed and what plants have acceptable PRA models. For example, if the

9 issue applies to a certain plant design or vendo r, then the risk evaluation should be performed using a sample of plants of that design or vendor, respectively. Once the generic risk evaluation is reviewed by the GAET, a plant-specific risk evaluation must be completed in order to apply this process on a plant-specific level. The plant-specific risk evaluation for a generic issue must address any considerations identified by the GAET. If the issue does not apply generically, then the risk is only calculated at the plant-specific level by a plant risk analyst and reviewed by the plant IDP.

The risk analyst should document any assumptions made when performing the risk evaluation, whether the issue was within the scope of the licensees PRA, and whether any surrogates were used to account for the impact of the issue. The impact of uncertainty on the evaluation should be considered. For any initial screening questions that were answered YES, the risk analyst should quantify the risk impact associated with the adverse impact.

2.3 Important Considerations

In order to fully understand the safety impact of an issue and account for relevant insights in an integrated manner, the assessment should consi der the following important common elements:

Ensuring the issue is well-defined: Although the goal of the overall process is to have clearly defined issues prior to evaluation by the GAET or IDP, the actual assessment may indicate that additional definition is appropriate. As the assessment progresses to subsequent steps, the actual conduct of the assessment may identify additional considerations not identified in the initial definition(s). Thus, it is critical that the specific issue is appropriately defined and communicated in order to illustrate the safety impact due to the issue.

Being realistic as to not bias the assessment: The level of realism and analyses will vary depending on the issue, but in order to avoid bias, realistic analysis is the objective. The process should include sensitivity analyses to address the key assumptions and sources of uncertainty that are driving the results. The key assumptions, details, and results of the sensitivity studies should be documented for consideration by the GAET or IDP. If the risk impact is exceedingly small, or clearly large, then a bounding evaluation may suffice.

Considering uncertainty: Both the GAET and IDP need to be aware of any specific issues, including external events, for which there is uncertainty. Sensitivity analysis should be performed, commensurate with the impact of the issue, to address any key assumptions and sources of uncertainty that may influence the results. The key assumptions, details, and results of the sensitivity studies should be documented for consideration by the GAET or IDP.

Evaluating the overall nature of the risk impact of a potential action: Both beneficial and adverse effects should be considered (e.g., replacing a small pump with a large pump could reduce the available margin of an emergency diesel generator, or closing and depowering pressurizer power operated relief valve block valves to prevent spurious operation could reduce effectiveness of feed and bleed operations).

Identifying the extent of the impact: The specific intended impact of the issue, as well as other related or indirect effects, should be considered (e.g., FLEX provides mitigation for more than external hazards even though that is its fundamental intended purpose). In

10 other words, one specific issue could impact the specific function under consideration as well as multiple other separate plant functions. As discussed above, this could include both positive and negative impacts that may not be immediately evident if the impacts of issue are considered independently.

2.4 Documentation

Before submitting a request to the NRC that plans to use RIPE, the NRC recommends that the licensee consider requesting a presubmittal meeting to discuss whether RIPE is the appropriate process for the request. When submitting a request to the NRC, the issue should be documented in enough detail so that a person who is not familiar with the issue can understand the issue and how the safety impact characterization was made. Documentation submitted as part of the application to the NRC should include:

A detailed description of the specific regulatory issue, including how current regulations continue to be met unless the application is requesting an exemption. If the issue is associated with an exemption, include a description of the basis and special circumstances of the exemption in accordance with 10 CFR 50.12, Specific Exemptions.

Confirmation that the licensee has implemented an IDP consistent with risk-informed initiative 10 CFR 50.69 or equivalent.

A summary of the IDPs evaluation of the final screening questions, including the technical bases for the minimal safety impact conclusions. Once the submittal is received by the NRC, a copy of the IDP report with responses to all the screening questions should be made available for NRC revi ew via a secure portal to support an efficient review of the licensees submittal under RIPE.

Confirmation that the licensee has an NRC-approved TSTF-505 or TSTF-425 license amendment and has completed all the associated license conditions.

Confirmation that the issue (or its surrogate, if used) is completely within the scope of the portion(s) of the licensees PRA model that was found acceptable by the NRC to support approval of the relevant risk-informed applications.

PRA results and associated discussions that support the minimal safety impact characterization, including descriptions of any surrogates used in the evaluation, sensitivity analyses, key assumptions, and sources of uncertainty.

Description of the scope of the PRAs used to support evaluation of the issue (e.g.,

internal events PRA, fire PRA, etc.).

Assessment, as appropriate, of the need for RMAs.

Assessment of cumulative risk.

Assessment of performance monitoring strategies.

11 Licensees relying on TSTF-425 to demonstrate PRA technical acceptability must include the following additional information:

o Justification for limiting the evaluation to internal events or identification of additional NRC-approved applications that address any relevant external hazards beyond internal events.

o Justification for exclusion of any external hazards that are not applicable.

o References to NRC-approved applications that include evaluation of PRA information from risk evaluations used to support evaluation of the issue.

o Description of the maintenance process of the PRA model, including any updates, peer reviews, and independent assessments performed since the PRA was reviewed as part of an approved licensing action by the NRC.

o Description of any open F&Os against the PRA model(s) used for the application, including justification for whether the open F&Os are applicable to the application. If the issue involves an external hazard covered by a previously approved NRC application, justify that the associated PRA does not have any applicable open F&Os.


After the issue has been defined by the SME, th e potential impact of the issue is explored in depth by a multi-disciplinary team of experts (i.e., GAET and/or IDP). This team of experts is responsible for ensuring the issue is fully defined and all the potential safety impacts have been identified. If the team identifies that it needs additional information in order to make a final recommendation regarding the safety impact, additional experts should be consulted. The goal of this phase of the review is to identify and review all the available information regarding the issue and characterize its safety impact.

This review may be performed on a generic or plant-specific level. The generic and plant-specific processes involve similar steps. The generic process starts with a generic evaluation performed by an SME that is reviewed by a GAET and is used to inform the plant-specific evaluation that will be reviewed by the plant IDP. The plant-specific process starts with a plant-specific evaluation by an SME that is reviewed by the plant IDP. The generic process is intended to address issues that impact multiple plants, where generic evaluation would simplify or otherwise inform the plant-spec ific review process. For the generic process, the GAET characterizes the importance of the regulatory issue at a generic level and provides an overall assessment and important attributes for consideration in the plant-specific evaluation.

When a generic evaluation is performed, a plant-specific evaluation must also be performed for each plant that plans to use this process to characterize the safety impact of an issue as minimal. If a generic evaluation is not necessary, then a GAET is not performed, and the issue is only reviewed on a plant-specific level. The plant -specific process is carried out with the use of a plant IDP, which reviews the generic characterization provided by the GAET (if performed) and the plant-specific evaluation provided by a plant SME, to arrive at plant-specific safety impact characterization. This safety impact is characterized as having either no impact or minimal impact.

The GAET can provide generic importance characterization information and attributes to the industry. Using this information in conjunction with a plant-specific evaluation, the plant IDP is responsible for making the plant-specific safety impact characterization. Both the GAET and plant IDP are multi-disciplinary teams of experts. The following guidance is provided relative to the makeup of these two panels.

3.1 Generic Assessment Expert Team

The GAET is comprised of industry experts with relevant expertise about the issue being evaluated. The GAET composition will vary depending upon the issue. Generally, the GAET is composed of knowledgeable personnel whose expertise represents the important process and functional elements of the industry and regulatory processes, such as operations, engineering, nuclear risk management, industry operating ex perience, and licensing. The GAET members are expected to have the essential understanding of the issues safety impact, and familiarity with the safety impact characterization process guidance and approach. The team can call upon additional personnel, SMEs, or external consultants, as necessary, to assist in the characterization of issues. Experience, plant knowledge, and familiarity with current regulatory issues are important elements in the selection of GAET members. Members may be experts in more than one field; however, excessive reliance on any one members judgment should be avoided. In general, there should be at least five experts designated as members of the GAET with joint expertise in the following fields:

13 plant operations design and systems engineering safety analysis PRA and risk-informed decision-making licensing

An SME knowledgeable in the technical discipline or disciplines relevant to the issue being evaluated should function as the lead presenter of the regulatory issue to the GAET. The SME should provide its evaluation and present the results of the preliminary screening questions and preliminary risk evaluation to the GAET. The SME should take responsibility to ensure that all relevant documents are available to the GAET. The SME should also ensure that the results of the GAET deliberation are documented and records are maintained.

A consensus process should be used for decisi on-making for the GAET. Differing opinions should be documented and considered. However, a simple majority of the panel is enough for final decisions regarding the safety impact of the issues. The GAET should apply objective criteria and minimize subjectivity.

3.2 Plant Integrated Decision-Making Panel

The composition of the plant IDP is the same as for the GAET, except that the members of the plant IDP and the SME for the plant IDP should have plant-specific knowledge and experience.

The IDP discussed here is intended to be consistent with the IDP implemented as part of 10 CFR 50.69 or equivalent. The IDP is compos ed of knowledgeable plant personnel whose expertise represents the important process and functional elements of the plant organization, such as operations, engineering, nuclear ri sk management, industry operating experience, licensing and maintenance. The plant IDP can call upon additional plant personnel or external consultants, as necessary, to assist in the evaluation of issues. The precise makeup of the plant IDP is determined by the licensee. Experience and plant knowledge are important elements in the selection of plant IDP members. Members may be experts in more than one field; however, excessive reliance on any one members judgment should be avoided. In general, consistent with other licensee expert panels, there should be experts designated as members of the plant IDP with joint expertise in the following fields:

plant operations design and systems engineering safety analysis PRA and risk-informed decision-making licensing

An SME knowledgeable in the technical disciplines relevant to the issue being evaluated should function as the lead presenter of the regulatory issue to the plant IDP. If a generic assessment is available, this assessment is used by the SME as a key input into the plant-specific assessment, along with relevant plant-specific information. The SME should provide its evaluation and present the results of the preliminary screening questions and preliminary risk evaluation to the plant IDP. The SME should take responsibility to ensure that all relevant generic and plant-specific documents are available to the plant IDP. The SME should ensure that the results of the plant IDP deliberation are documented and records are maintained.

14 The plant IDP should be aware of the benefits and limitations of the plant-specific PRA and other analyses, and, where necessary, should receive training on the plant-specific PRA, its assumptions, and appropriate implementation. This training facilitates making well-supported technical assumptions whether quantitative or qualitative information is used. The plant IDP should be familiar with the technical issue and the safety impact characterization process. In order to have a full understanding of the issue being characterized, all questions in each applicable step of the guidance should be answered, even if an initial yes response has already determined the outcome of that step.

A consensus process should be used for decision-making for the plant IDP. Differing opinions should be documented and considered. However, a simple majority of the panel is enough for final decisions regarding the safety impact of the issues. The plant IDP should apply objective criteria and minimize subjectivity. The plant IDP should be described in a plant administrative procedure that includes the designated chairman, panel members, and panel alternates; required training and expectations for the chairman, members, and alternates; requirements for a quorum; attendance records; agendas; and meeting minutes.

3.3 Documentation

GAET: The GAET evaluation results, including a description of any important considerations that should be addressed in the plant-specific assessment, will be documented and provided to the industry and the NRC. Documentation will be maintained to facilitate any subsequent generic update or re-evaluation of the issue, as appropriate.

The GAET should document any considerations and characteristics that may affect the plant-specific assessment, particularly for safety. For example, the GAET may determine that based on reactor fleet considerations, the existing level of risk of an external initiator is 1 x 10 -5 to 1 x 10-4/year CDF on average. If information is available, the GAET would convey what attributes could make the plant-specific assessment higher or lower.

IDP: The IDP evaluation results, including a summary of the basis for each decision will be documented and provided to the NRC. In particu lar, the assessment of any GAET-identified important considerations and how they apply to the plant and a basis for any plant-specific departures from the GAET assessment must be noted. The level of documentation should be such that a sufficient basis is provided for a knowledgeable individual to independently review the information and reach the same conclusion. The basis for any engineering judgment and the logic used in the assessment should be documented to the extent practicable and to a degree commensurate with the safety impact and complexity of the issue. The items considered by the GAET, SME, and IDP must be clearly stated.

For each issue, licensees should maintain:

a copy of the generic package, if applicable; a copy of the plant-specific package the SME submits to the plant IDP; a summary of the plant IDP discussion on the issue; a revised copy of the package, if applicable; and the final safety impact characterization assigned to the issue.


After the plant IDP has reviewed the initial characterization of the issue provided by the SME, the plant IDP is responsible for providing the final safety impact characterization. The final safety impact characterization consists of assessing:

1. the final screening questions, and
2. the final risk impact using a PRA.

Both of these activities are essential to characterizing the safety impact of the issue. The final screening questions are similar to the preliminary screening questions. The information presented for reviewing the preliminary screening questions also applies to reviewing the final screening questions. Assessing the final screeni ng questions is progressive and includes two basic steps: (1) a series of screening questions to address whether there is any adverse impact to safety, and (2) a series of similar screening questions to address whether the impact to safety is minimal.

Screening determinations are made based on the technical information supporting the issue.

Technical or engineering information that demonstrates that the issue has no adverse effect on functions, or methods of performing or controlling functions may be used as a basis for screening the issue.

The plant IDP reviews the issue until it has confidence that the safety impact characterization results would not change if additional inform ation was obtained or developed. If the plant IDP does not have confidence in the safety impact characterization results, the plant IDP should develop a plan to obtain the information needed to have confidence in the results of the review.

For example, the plan could include conduct of additional analyses.

In addressing the screening questions, the following should be noted:

The term risk-significant in the screening questions refers to SSCs performing risk-significant functions, including non-safety-related and safety-related SSCs and human performance. Nuclear Management and Resource Council (NUMARC) 93-01, Industry Guideline for Monitoring the Effectiveness of Maintenance at Nuclear Power Plants (Reference 8), provides specific guidance on risk-significant criteria.

NUMARC 93-01 was developed to determine the risk significance of components scoped into the maintenance rule. However, the guidance in NUMARC 93-01 can be applied to determine the risk significance of all events, including initiating events and human actions, relevant to this characterization process by including all events in the assessment of risk significance.

Figure 4-1 on the following page provides a detailed overview of the safety impact characterization process.

16 Figure 4-1: Safety Impact Characterization Detailed Process Overview

17 4.1 Step 1 - Screening for No Impact

Step 1 involves screening the issue for any adverse impact on safety. The Step 1 screening process is not intended to be resource intensive and is not concerned with the magnitude of the adverse or beneficial effects that are identified. Any change that adversely affects risk is screened in and must be evaluated in Step 2. The screening for no impact involves addressing the following set of questions:

Does the issue:

1. YES NO Result in an adverse impact on the frequency of occurrence of an accident initiator or result in a new accident initiator?
2. YES NO Result in an adverse impact on the availability, reliability, or capability of SSCs or personnel relied upon to mitigate a transient, accident, or natural hazard?
3. YES NO Result in an adverse impact on the consequences of an accident sequence?
4. YES NO Result in an adverse impact on the capability of a fission product barrier?
5. YES NO Result in an adverse impact on defense-in-depth capability or impact in safety margin?

If ALL the responses are NO, the issue screens to NO IMPACT. Continue to Step 3.

If ANY response is YES, continue to Step 2.

Although the answers to the questions are either yes or no, the answers to all questions must be explained in detail. Beneficial safety impacts should be noted in the responses to each question. If the issue is only associated with beneficial safety impacts, then the Step 1 screening questions would be answered NO, and the issue would screen to no impact.

4.2 Step 2 - Screening for Minimal Impact

Step 2 involves screening the issue to determine if the magnitude of the adverse impact on safety identified in Step 1 is minimal. Step 2 should be performed in conjunction with Step 3, as risk-significance information from the risk anal ysis is necessary to answer the Step 2 questions.

This step involves addressing the following set of questions, which are modified versions of the Step 1 questions:

Does the issue:

1. YES NO Result in more than a minimal increase in frequency of occurrence of a risk-significant accident initiator or result in a new risk-significant accident initiator?
2. YES NO Result in more than a minimal decrease in the availability, reliability, or capability of SSCs or personnel relied upon to mitigate a risk-significant transient, accident, or natural hazard?
3. YES NO Result in more than a minimal increase in the consequences of a risk-significant accident sequence?
4. YES NO Result in more than a minimal decrease in the capability of a fission product barrier?
5. YES NO Result in more than a minimal decrease in defense-in-depth capability or safety margin?

18 If ALL the responses are NO, the issue screens to MINIMAL IMPACT. Continue to Step 3.

If ANY response is YES, stop. The issue has a more than minimal impact on safety.

Although the answers to the questions are either yes or no, the answers to all questions must be explained in detail. Responses must include a discussion as to whether the identified impacts were addressed by the risk analysis. Any question that is answered NO in Step 1, will also be answered NO in Step 2. Guidance on addressing the above questions is provided below.

Question 1: Does the issue result in more than a minimal increase in the frequency of a risk-significant accident initiator or result in a new risk-significant accident initiator?

In answering this question, the first step is to identify the risk-significant accident initiators that have been evaluated that could be affected by the issue. Then a determination should be made as to whether the frequency of these accident initiators occurring would be more than minimally increased. Finally, the licensee should determine if any new risk-significant accident initiators have been created. This could be a result of an increase in the risk significance of an accident initiator that was previously not risk significant. The table below shows an example of typical accident initiators and operating modes (e.g., at power, low power, or shutdown conditions) that should be considered:

Accident Initiator Categories (Representative) Risk Significant? More than Minimal Increase?

Transients initiated by frontline systems Transients initiated by support systems Primary system integrity loss (e.g.,


Secondary system integrity loss Internal flooding Internal fires Earthquakes External flooding Tornados and high winds Other external hazards Spent fuel pool Low power and shutdown conditions

External hazards: External hazard frequencies cannot be reduced or increased by a plant-initiated or NRC-initiated change. However, the frequency and severity might be changed for certain external hazards (such as external flooding) with changes beyond the nuclear power plant site. For example, damage to a nearby dam could increase the frequency and severity of an external flood that could affect the nuclear power plant site. Such changes can be considered in this process if under the control of the licensee. Otherwise, changes related to external hazards will be considered in the second question.

19 The table below shows several ways that the frequency of accident initiators can be changed.

Accident Initiator Frequency Considerations Potential Effect? More than Minimal Increase?

Changes in maintenance, training Changes in specific SSCs (e.g., installing a more reliable component)

Changes in materials Equipment replacements to address age related degradation Changes in redundancy or diversity Addition of equipment Changes in operating practices

Reasonable engineering practices, engineering judgment, and PRA techniques should be used in determining whether the frequency of occurrence of a risk-significant accident initiator would more than minimally increase as a result of the issue. A large body of knowledge has been developed in the area of accident frequency and risk-significant sequences through plant-specific and generic studies. This knowledge should be used in determining what constitutes more than a minimal increase in the frequency of occurrence.

Question 2: Does the issue result in more than a minimal decrease in the availability, reliability or capability of SSCs or personnel relied upon to mitigate a risk-significant transient, accident or natural hazard?

In answering this question, the first step is to identify the risk-significant SSCs and human actions that could be affected by the issue. This question addresses the reactivity control function, including anticipated transients without scram. Anticipated transients without scram is not an accident initiator, it is an accident sequence. Next, a determination should be made as to whether availability, reliability, or capability of SSCs or personnel relied upon to mitigate a risk-significant transient, accident or natural hazard would be more than minimally decreased.

Similar to accident initiators, the availability, reliability, or capability of SSCs or personnel can be changed in several ways, such as those described in the table below:

Availability, Reliability, or Capability Considerations Potential Effect? More than Minimal Decrease?

Changes in maintenance, testing, training Changes in specific SSCs (e.g., installing a more reliable component)

Changes in materials Equipment replacements to address age related degradation Changes in redundancy and diversity Addition of equipment Strengthening of equipment

20 Moving equipment (to reduce the impacts of spatial events)

Eliminating the need for recovery action Improving performance shaping factor related to human performance Changes in operating practices

An appropriate calculation can be used to demonstrate the change in likelihood in a quantitative sense, if available and practical. An issue is considered to have a negligible effect on the likelihood of failure when a change in likelihood is so small or the uncertainties in determining whether a change in likelihood has occurred are such that it cannot be reasonably concluded that the likelihood has actually changed (i.e., there is no clear trend toward decreasing the likelihood).

Question 3: Does the issue result in more than a minimal increase in the consequences of a risk-significant accident sequence?

In answering this question, the first step is to identify the risk-significant sequences that have been evaluated that could be affected by the issue. The following questions can assist in determining which accidents could have their radiological consequences affected as a direct result of the issue:

Will the issue change the effectiveness of an action?

Will the issue play a direct role in mitigating the radiological consequences?

Next, a determination should be made as to whether the consequences would be more than minimally increased. In addressing the definition of what constitutes a more than minimal increase in consequences, an increase of greater than 10 percent in dose for risk-significant sequences is used as the criterion. An increase of less than 10 percent in calculated consequence is small enough that it cannot be reasonably concluded that the consequences have changed. Small changes in inputs and assumptions could easily have more of an effect than a calculated change of less than 10 percent in offsite dose from a severe accident sequence.

SSCs, which indirectly affect dose, should also be considered, such as the following:

containment bypass containment isolation and capacity hydrogen control long-term containment integrity

Question 4: Does the issue result in more than a minimal decrease in the capability of a fission product barrier?

This question focuses on the fission product bar riersfuel cladding, reactor coolant system boundary and containment. The prior question also indirectly addresses containment. Each barrier is associated with specific design basis parameters such as fuel cladding temperature, reactor coolant system cool-down rate, and containment pressure. It is expected to be rare that

21 an issue will result in an impact on the design basis parameters that can be directly calculated.

Rather, judgment is required here in ascertaining whether the decrease in capability of a fission product barrier is more than minimal.

Question 5: Does the issue result in more than a minimal decrease in defense-in-depth capability or safety margin?

RG 1.174 (Reference 1) and if applicable, RG 1.177 (Reference 9), provide additional guidance.

4.3 Step 3 - Determining Safety Impact Using Quantitative Analyses

A preliminary risk evaluation was completed before the IDP. In Step 3, the preliminary risk evaluation is revised to incorporate any new information and analyses (e.g., focused scope analyses as needed) from the GAET or IDP in order to estimate the final risk impact associated with the issue. Information from the final risk analysis should be used to assist in answering the final screening questions in Step 2. The final risk analysis must identify whether the impacts documented in Step 2 were included in the risk analysis.

As discussed earlier, only those licensees with an acceptable PRA model can leverage their PRA models to perform quantitative risk assessments to support using this process, if all of the following conditions apply:

The issue is completely within the scope of the licensees PRA model or can be bounded using surrogates. For this process, surrogates are limited to the use of basic events associated with the initiating event, mitigating system, or function of the issue being investigated.

The licensee has implemented an IDP consistent with risk-informed initiative 10 CFR 50.69 or equivalent.

The licensee has implemented risk-informed initiative TSTF-505 or TSTF-425 and has completed all implementation items and license conditions of the safety evaluation. If the licensee is relying on its TSTF-425 program to demonstrate PRA technical acceptability, the licensee must justify that the issue being analyzed is limited to internal events by providing technical justification for the exclusion of external hazards that are not addressed, or identify which additional NRC-approved applications address any relevant external hazards beyond internal events.

The licensees PRA model was found acceptable to support approval of relevant risk-informed applications by the NRC.

The issue is within the scope of the portion(s) of the PRA model that was found acceptable by the NRC (e.g., if seismic wa s screened out of acceptability, then seismic issues cannot be addressed using this process).

The plant-specific PRA must include the capability to assess CDF and LERF, and the risk evaluation must include a quantified assessment of all significant sources of risk (i.e., external events, internal flooding, and fires) that can be impacted by the issue being assessed. Where PRA models are not available, conservative or bounding analyses may be performed to quantify the risk impact (e.g., external events, low power and shutdown).

22 A risk analyst will use the licensees acceptable PRA model to calculate the change in CDF and LERF. The change in CDF and LERF will be calculated as the difference in plant risk with the proposed change and without the proposed change. For compliance issues, the change in risk is the difference between risk if the plant were fully compliant with its licensing basis, and risk with the plant in the non-compliant configuration requested in the submittal. For licensee-identified issues that do not involve a compliance issue, the change in risk is the difference between risk with the plant in the current configuration and with the plant in the configuration requested in the submittal. The risk analysis may not include any credit for proposed RMAs or other activities implemented to reduce the risk impact associated with the issue.

The risk analyst must document any assumptions made when performing the risk evaluation, any uncertainties associated with the analysis, whether any parts of the issue were outside the scope of the licensees PRA, and whether any surrogates were used to account for the impact of the issue. The final quantitative risk analysis must include an evaluation of the impact on internal events risk, as well as the impact on any relevant external events. The risk analysis, including documentation of any influential assumptions and uncertainties, shall be maintained for inspection by NRC personnel.

The PRA results will be compared to the relative change in risk of the licensees overall CDF and LERF. For the purposes of this guidance document, the risk associated with an issue has a minimal impact on safety if both of the following apply:

  • the issue contributes less than 5 x 10 -7/year to CDF, and
  • the issue contributes less than 5 x 10 -8/year to LERF.

4.4 Step 4 - Assess Need for Risk Management Actions

Based on the assessment of the screening questions in Steps 1 and 2, and the outcome of the final quantitative risk evaluation in Step 3, a final safety impact is determined. If the result of Step 1 indicates that there is no impact on safety, and the result of Step 3 indicates that there is minimal impact on safety, then the issue is characterized as having a minimal impact on safety and RMAs do not need to be considered. If the results of Steps 2 and 3 both indicate that there is a minimal impact on safety, then the issue is characterized as having a minimal impact on safety and RMAs must be considered to offset the risk increase due to the issue. RMAs may not be used to alter the quantitative risk evaluation calculation.

RMAs are typically associated with managing c onfiguration risk when equipment is out of service or for temporary non-compliances. However, in this case, the proposed change will become the permanent plant configuration if th e licensing action is approved. Therefore, only long-term actions to reduce risk associated with the new configuration need to be considered, such as permanent procedure changes or simple plant modifications. For example, if an automatic interlock is defeated permanently, procedure changes to verify proper manual operation of the equipment may be appropriate to reduce the risk associated with removal of the automatic interlock.


Once an issue has been characterized as having a minimal impact on safety, the cumulative risk impact of permanent changes to the risk profile of the plant must be evaluated consistent with the principles discussed in RG 1.174 and, as applicable, RG 1.177. As part of the evaluation of risk, licensees should understand the effects of the current application considering past applications. The PRA used for the current application should already model the effects of past applications. However, qualitative and synergistic effects are sometimes difficult to model.

Tracking changes in risk (both quantifiable and nonquantifiable) that result from plant changes provides a mechanism to account for the cumulative and synergistic effects of these plant changes and helps demonstrate that the licensee has a risk management philosophy in which PRA is not just used to systematically increase risk, but is also used to help reduce risk where appropriate and where it is shown to be cost effective.

Increases in CDF and LERF resulting from proposed licensing basis changes should be limited to small increments. The decision process should track and consider the cumulative effect of such changes, whether they result in an increase or a decrease in risk.

The cumulative risk impact is evaluated based on plant-specific CDF and LERF. Cumulative risk is acceptable for the purposes of this guidance if baseline risk remains less than 1 x 10 -4/year for CDF and less than 1 x 10 -5/year for LERF once the impact of the proposed change is incorporated into baseline risk.


The licensee, as part of its submittal under RIPE, is responsible for confirming that a monitoring plan is in place to ensure that the engineering evaluation conducted to examine the impact of the proposed change continues to reflect the actual reliability and availability of the SSCs evaluated, as discussed in RG 1.174. This ensures that the conclusions drawn from the evaluation remain valid. The primary goal is to ensure that no unexpected adverse safety degradation occurs because of the change to the licensing basis. The licensee should confirm that monitoring programs adequately track the performance of equipment that, when degraded, can affect the conclusions of the licensees engineering evaluation and integrated decision-making panel that support the change to the licensing basis. The program should be capable of trending equipment performance after a change has been implemented to demonstrate that performance is consistent with the assumptions in the traditional engineering and probabilistic analyses conducted to justify the change.


7.1 Paperwork Reduction Act

This document provides voluntary guidance for implementing the mandatory information collections in 10 CFR Part 50 that are subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et. seq.). These information collections were approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), under control number 3150-0011. Send comments regarding this information collection to the FOIA, Library, and Information Collections Branch, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, or by e-mail to, and to the Desk Officer, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, NEOB-10202 (3150-0011), Office of Management and Budget, Washington, DC 20503.

24 7.2 Public Protection Notification

The NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless the document requesting or requiring the collection displays a currently valid OMB control number.


These guidelines are a rule as defined in the Congressional Review Act (5 U.S.C. 801-808).

However, on May 1, 2024, the Office of Management and Budget has not found these guidelines to be a major rule as defined in the Congressional Review Act.



1. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, An Approach for Using Probabilistic Risk Assessment in Risk-Informed Decisions on Plant-Specific Changes to the Licensing Basis, Regulatory Guide 1.174, Revision 3, January 2018, Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML17317A256.
2. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NRR Temporary Staff Guidance, Risk-Informed Process for Evaluations, TSG-DORL-2021-01, Revision 4, May 1, 2024, ML23354A150.
3. Nieh, Ho K., memorandum to Craig G. Erlanger and Michael Franovich, Approval of the Risk Informed Process for Evaluations, January 7, 2021, ML21006A324.
4. Nuclear Energy Institute, Risk-Informed Technical Specifications Initiative 4b, Risk-Managed Technical Specifications (RMTS) Guidelines, NEI 06-09, Revision 0-A, November 2006, ML12286A322.
5. Nuclear Energy Institute, Risk-Informed Technical Specifications Initiative 5b, Risk-Informed Method for Control of Surveillance Frequencies, NEI 04-10, Revision 1, April 2007, ML071360456.
6. Nuclear Energy Institute, Performance of PRA Peer Reviews using the ASME/ANS PRA Standard NEI 17-07, Revision A, December 2017, ML17341A548.
7. Nuclear Energy Institute, NEI Guidelines for the Implementation of the Risk-Informed Process for Evaluations Integrated Decision-Making Panel, August 2020, ML20245E147.
8. Nuclear Energy Institute, Industry Guideline for Monitoring the Effectiveness of Maintenance at Nuclear Power Plants, NUMARC 93-01, Revision 4F, April 2018, ML18120A069.
9. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, P lant-Specific, Risk-Informed Decisionmaking:

Technical Specifications, Regulatory Guide 1.177, Revision 2, January 2021, ML20164A034.

10. Mauer, A. N., Nuclear Energy Institute, letter to A. Veil, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NEI Feedback on Risk-Informed Process for Evaluations, dated April 19, 2023, ML23163A048.
11. Veil, A. D., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, letter to A. Mauer, Nuclear Energy Institute "U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissions Response to Nuclear Energy Institutes Letter Dated April 19, 2023, Regarding Feedback on the Risk-Informed Process for Evaluations, dated October 25, 2023, ML23285A270.
12. Veil, A. D., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, letter to A. Mauer, Nuclear Energy Institute, NRC Staffs Response to Nuclear Energy Institutes Technical Report NEI 21-01, Revision 2, Industry Guidance to Support Implementation of NRCs Risk-Informed Process for Evaluations, dated November 27, 2023, ML23317A415.



Appendix A: Change History

27 Appendix A - Change History

RIPE Guidance Document Change History - Page 1 of 1

Date Description of Changes Method Used to Training Announce &


1/5/21 Initial issuance (ML20261H462) Email to NRR staff Recommended reading for DORL PMs and technical staff supporting license amendments and exemptions 6/30/21 Revised to include guidance for Email to NRR staff Recommended applying RIPE for licensees with an reading for DORL NRC-approved TSTF-425, PMs and technical Relocate Surveillance staff supporting Frequencies to Licensee Control-license RITSTF Initiative 5b, license amendments and amendment (ML21180A014) exemptions 5/10/22 Revised to remove limitation on Email to NRR staff Recommended applying RIPE to LARs involving reading for DORL changes to the Technical PMs and technical Specifications and added reference staff supporting to RG 1.177. license amendments and exemptions 5/1/24 Revised the risk acceptance Email to NRR staff Recommended criteria that define minimal safety reading for DORL impact as documented in NRCs PMs and technical response to NEIs feedback staff supporting (ML23285A270). Revised license documentation section to include amendments and recommendation that licensees exemptions consider requesting a pre-submittal meeting and providing NRC access to IDP report via portal. Added a new section on assessing performance monitoring strategies.

28 Enclosure