ML23184A129 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 06/29/2023 |
To: | |
References | |
Download: ML23184A129 (1) | |
1 Nuclear Power Plant Effluents Current Events
- Nuclear power plants need to discharge radioactive effluents in small amounts in order to operate and have been doing so safely since initial start-up
- Rules limit the amount that can be released to ensure they are a fraction of what is received from background sources 2
- A measurement of the energy imparted by radiation
- Conventional units used are mrem (millirem)
- Can be thought of as the overall risk from radiation to a person
- Average dose an individual receives per year from natural sources of radiation (sun, soil, etc.) is about 300 mrem.
3 Dose
- Focus on limiting the dose to people living around the site
- All NRC licensees must limit does to the public to 100 mrem/year
- Nuclear power plants must limit dose to the public to 25 mrem/year
- Plants are designed to operate well below 25 mrem/year
- Liquid discharge design criteria is 3 mrem/year 4
5 Public Health &
Safety Land Use Census Effluent Controls REMP GPI
6 Public Health &
Safety Land Use Census Effluent Controls REMP GPI
Land Use Census
- How the public is exposed to radiation depends on how the land around the plant is used
- Plants annually perform a census to identify changes in how the land is used
- Looks for things such as large gardens, dairy cows, where residents are located, etc.
8 Public Health &
Safety Land Use Census Effluent Controls REMP GPI
Effluent Controls
- We are using effluent as a generic term to describe radioactive material released from the site in gaseous or liquid form
- Effluent controls ensure that what is being released is monitored and controlled to ensure dose limits are met 9
Effluent Controls
- Doses to the public are too small to measure directly
- Sites sample and analyze effluents from the plant piping or tanks they are being released from
- Information from the land use census used to model how an individual would be exposed to the effluent release
- Doses are calculated based on the model 10
11 Effluent Controls
12 Public Health &
Safety Land Use Census Effluent Controls REMP GPI
- Measures radiation in the environment during the lifetime of the plant
- Determines if any measurable levels of radiation are from plant operation
- Determines if results are commensurate with the radioactive effluents 13 REMP Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program
15 Public Health &
Safety Land Use Census Effluent Controls REMP GPI
Industry standard is NEI 07-07 16 GPI Groundwater Protection Initiative Revision 0 (ML072610036)
Revision 1 (ML19142A071)
- Objectives include
- Provide timely detection and effective response to inadvertent on-site releases to groundwater in order to prevent migration off-site and to quantify impacts on decommissioning
- Improve communication with external stakeholders
- Perform program oversight to ensure effective implementation 17 GPI
- Site hydrology
- How does the groundwater move?
- Risk ranking
- Where is there potential for leaks?
- Groundwater monitoring
- Monitoring wells established in strategic locations based on hydrology and risk ranking
- Remediation
- Pumping contaminated water out of the ground for appropriate handling
- Communications
- Protocols established between site and State/Local governments 18 GPI
19 GPI
- November 2022
- Site identified elevated tritium levels in one of the GPI monitoring wells during routine monthly sampling
- Site notified the State and NRC of the elevated levels
- Sampling frequencies of nearby monitoring wells increased
- Site started investigation to determine source of the leak 20 Monticello Tritium Leak
- December 2022
- Site identified source of leak in pipe that runs between the reactor and turbine buildings, which have a small gap between them.
- Leak was captured and rerouted back into the plant
- Site started recovering contaminated groundwater
- Stored in tanks on-site and reused as plant make-up water
- Site started installing additional monitoring wells 21 Monticello Tritium Leak
- March 2023
- Routine sampling of monitoring well indicated some of the leak was again making it to groundwater
- Site shut down the plant to replace the section of pipe 22 Monticello Tritium Leak
- Ongoing
- Site continues to monitor location of tritium
- Monitoring well sample frequency adjusted for each well based on current conditions
- Evaluation for additional monitoring wells continues
- Recovery of contaminated groundwater routinely adjusted for current conditions
- Sites actions are aimed at preventing uncontrolled migration of the tritium off-site 23 Monticello Tritium Leak
- Risk from off-site release
- The amount of tritium leaked to the groundwater would not pose a health concern even if all of it reached the Mississippi River
- Dose to a member of the public would be well below 1 mrem
- Remember, 300 mrem/year from natural sources 24 Monticello Tritium Leak
- Even though there is no health concern, it does not mean it is okay to do nothing
- NRC expects effluents to be released in a monitored and controlled fashion
- Recovery of contaminated groundwater to mitigate off-site release through groundwater is expected
- Extensive monitoring of the groundwater will ensure that any off-site release through the groundwater will be appropriately accounted for
- NRC will verify appropriate control 25 Monticello Tritium Leak
- Monticello has not performed liquid discharges in a few decades and does not currently plan on discharging the recovered groundwater
- Storage of recovered groundwater is a major evolution
- Pumping of groundwater must proceed to control plume
- That water must go somewhere
- Short term storage solutions being used while long term solutions are being developed 26 Monticello Tritium Leak
- The NRC has specialized inspectors perform periodic on-site inspections of the programs discussed today
- The NRC maintains at least two resident inspectors at each site to oversee the day-to-day operation of the site
- NRC will continue to follow the sites actions through the routine inspection program 27 Inspections
Nuclear power plants are required to submit annual reports detailing effluent releases, on-site groundwater monitoring results, and REMP results.
28 Annual Reports ors/operating/ops-experience/tritium/plant-info.html These reports can be found at
29 Questions