Letter Sequence RAI |
EPID:L-2022-LLA-0177, Westinghouse Request for Temporary License Amendment for Storage of Hematite Ash (Open) |
MONTHYEARML22294A1792022-10-21021 October 2022 Westinghouse, Request to Amend License SNM-1107 and Submittal of SNM-1107 License Application Page Changes Project stage: Other ML22336A1742022-12-0202 December 2022 Westinghouse Request for Temporary License Amendment for Storage of Hematite Ash Project stage: Request ML23045A2052023-02-0909 February 2023 RAIs WEC Ash Part 1 Project stage: RAI ML23045A2032023-02-0909 February 2023 Westinghouse Hematite Ash Part I Email_Request for Additional Information Project stage: Request ML23045A2042023-02-0909 February 2023 Email - RAI for Westinghouse Hematite Ash Part I EPID L-2022-LLA-0177 Project stage: RAI ML23047A4562023-02-16016 February 2023 Westinghouse, Response to Request for Additional Information - Request for Temporary License Amendment for Storage of Hematite Ash Project stage: Response to RAI ML23094A1572023-05-0505 May 2023 Westinghouse License Amendment Hematite Ash Part 1 Project stage: Request ML23094A1592023-05-0505 May 2023 SER: Westinghouse License Amendment for Hematite Ash Part 1 Project stage: Other ML23094A1582023-05-0505 May 2023 Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC - Revision to Temporarily Store Hematite Ash Above License Limits and Removal of Uranium Flywheel Project stage: Other 2023-02-16
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Category:Request for Additional Information (RAI)
MONTHYEARML23055A1872023-02-24024 February 2023 Final-NRC Doc Request - WEC FP IR 2023-001 ML23045A2052023-02-0909 February 2023 RAIs WEC Ash Part 1 ML22049A3022022-02-18018 February 2022 Westinghouse Columbia Fuel Fabrication Facility - Request for Additional Information - LRA ML21257A4682021-09-13013 September 2021 Request for Additional Information Related to Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC, Exemption Request for Alternate Disposal of Specific Waste (Enterprise Project Identifier L 2021-Lla-0101) ML21082A0492021-03-18018 March 2021 Clarifications to EIS RAIs for CFFF ML20275A2512020-11-0303 November 2020 Letter to Westinghouse with RAIs Regarding Environmental Review for Proposed Renewal of CFFF License ML20294A2162020-10-20020 October 2020 Document Request for NRC Inspection at Westinghouse Columbia Fuel Fabrication Facility, Inspection Report 2020004 ML20230A0202020-09-0404 September 2020 Letter to E. Malek: RAI - WEC Request for Alternate Disposal Approval of Specified Low-Activity Radioactive Materials ML20120A5382020-04-30030 April 2020 Request for Additional Information Westinghouse Electric Company Topical Report Quality Management System (Qms), Revision 8.0 ML19108A1402019-05-14014 May 2019 Non-Prop Enclosure 1 Request for Additional Information Westinghouse Electric Company Topical Report WCAP-18240-P/WCAP-18240-NP, Revision 0, Westinghouse Thermal Design Procedure (Wtdp) ML18308A0092019-01-18018 January 2019 Enclosure - 2nd Round Nepa RAIs for the Westinghouse Columbia Fuel Fabrication Facility License Renewal Application (LRA) ML18263A1972018-09-24024 September 2018 Request for Additional Information Westinghouse Electric Co. WCAP-16260-P/WCAP-16260-NP, Revision 2, the Spatially Corrected Inverse Count Rate Method for Subcritical Reactivity Measurement TR - Second Round ML18207A3592018-08-0909 August 2018 Non-Proprietary Enclosure 1 Request for Additional Information for Westinghouse Electric Company Topical Report WCAP-16260-P/WCAP-16260-NP, Revision 2, the Spatially Corrected Inverse Count Rate Method for Subcritical Reactivity Measurement ML18018A0052018-02-26026 February 2018 RAIs for WCAP-16096-P/NP, Revision 5 Software Program Manual ML17352A0142018-01-16016 January 2018 Request for Additional Information Westinghouse Electric Company WCAP-18032-P, Revision 0 and WCAP-18032-NP, Revision 0, Calculation of Mixed Core Safety Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio Topical Report (Enclosure 1/Non-Prop) 2023-02-09
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Request for Additional Information (EPID L-2022-LLA-0177)
Westinghouse Hematite Ash Request (Part I)
By letter dated December 2, 2022, Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC (WEC) submitted a request for a temporary license amendment for storage of specific Hematite ash at its Columbia Fuel Fabrication Facility (CFFF) in Hopkins, South Carolina (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System [ADAMS] Accession No. ML22336A174).
Regulatory Basis 10 CFR 74.31(a) requires the licensee to implement and maintain a material control and accounting (MC&A) system that will achieve specific performance objectives. Particularly, 10 CFR 74.31(a)(1) requires that the licensee confirm the presence of special nuclear material (SNM). The principal methods of confirming the presence of SNM are to maintain current knowledge of the SNM currently in possession, and to periodically perform a physical inventory of the SNM. In accordance with 10 CFR 74.31(c)(6), the licensee is required to maintain current knowledge of items to provide timely, accurate, reliable information about the quantity and location of materials in their possession. In accordance with the requirements in 10 CFR 74.31(c)(5), the licensee is required to conduct a physical inventory that verifies the presence of all SNM it currently possesses as stated in its accounting records. In accordance with 10 CFR 74.31(c)(4), the licensee is required in each inventory period to control the total MC&A measurement uncertainty so that twice its standard of error is less than the greater of 9000 grams uranium-235 or 0.25 percent of the active inventory. In accordance with the requirements in 10 CFR 74.31(d), the licensee is required to establish and maintain records that demonstrate compliance with the requirements of 10 CFR 74.31(c).
Request for Additional Information (RAI)
A) In the submittal letter, the licensee requests a temporary license condition to store the nine drums of incinerator ash for a duration not to exceed six months after issuance of the amendment. In Enclosures 1 and 2 of the submittal letter, the licensee provides specific information for the nine drums, including identification and quantity values for the drums and inner containers. However, it is unclear if the values provided in the enclosures, specifically in the table in Enclosure 2, are based on shippers values or receiver measurements. Provide clarification for the basis of the values provided in ; whether these are the values that will be maintained for the requested duration of storage; and, if applicable, what values and measurement uncertainty will be used if the licensees annual physical inventory occurs during the requested duration of storage.
B) In Enclosure 2 of the submittal letter, the licensee indicates that the nine drums are currently stored in an intermodal container suspended off the ground on a flatbed container and will remain in their current configuration until a plan for further processing is submitted to the NRC. However, it is unclear how the integrity of the drums or the intermodal container is maintained for the requested duration of storage to preserve the current knowledge of the material. Provide a description of the measures in place to ensure that the integrity of the material is maintained for the duration of storage, and how the records for the material will be maintained.