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Tran-M780124: Affirmation Meeting
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/24/1978
Download: ML22230A080 (8)



AFFIRMATION MEETI NG Place - Washington, D. C.

Date - Tuesday , 24 January 19 7 8 Pages 1 - 5


Official Reporters Telephone :

(202 ) 347-3700 444 North Capi tol Street Washington, D.C. 20001 NATlONWIDE COVERAGE* DAILY

DISCLAIMER This is an unofficial transcript of a meeting of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission held on January 24, 1978 in the Commission's offices at 1717 H Street, N. \<I., l*/ashington, D. C. The meeting was open to public attendance and observation. This transcript has not been reviewed, corrected, or edited, and it may contain inaccuracies.

The transcript is intended solely for general informational purposes.

As provided by 10 CFR 9.103, it is not part of the formal or informal record of decision of the matters discussed. Expressions of opinion in this transcript do not necessarily reflect final determinations or beliefs. No pleading or other paper may be filed with the Commission in any proceeding as the result of or addressed to any statement or argument rt contained herein, except as the Commission may authorize.

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- 4 5

6 AFFIRMATION MEETING Tuesday, 24 January 1978 7 Room 1130 1717 H Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C.

8 The Commission .met, pursuant to notice, at 5:05 p.m.


10 DR. JOSEPH M. HENDRIE, Chairman 11 PETER A. BRADFORD, Commissioner 12 VICTOR GILINSKY, Commissioner 13

  • RICHARDT. KENNEDY, Commissioner 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

- 23 24

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CR 6174 2 DAV pv#l2 P R O C E E D I N G S 2

CHAIRMAN HENDRIE: The affirmation session, let us 3

affirm things.

4 MR. CHILK: Four items. The first one deals with 5 SECY 77343. It's a petition by Detroit Edi*son and the Public 6 Service Company of Indiana for issuance of a rule concerning 7 regulatory a_uthority over transmission lines.

8 The petitioners request that the Commission amend 9 this regulation to clarify the extent of the Commission's regu-10 latory authority over the construction and routing of transmis-11 sion lines and related equipment associated with nuclear power 12 reactors,and to clarify the extent*to which the environmental 13 impact of such lines and equipment must be considered, and the 14 Commission's assessment of the environmental impact of licensing 15 of a particular nuclear facility, pursuant to NEPA.

16 The staff has recommended that the petition be denied.

17 They base their denial on their considerations in the Wolf Creek 18 case and analysis of NEPA.

19 A*ll of you have agreed with th e recommendation of 20 the staff that the petition be denied.

21 I now ask for affirmation.

22 VOICES: Aye.

23 CHAIRMAN HENDRIE: So ordered.

24 MR. CHILK: The second one is SECY 77480A, which is

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25 a policy statement on implementing certain study group

3 pv2 recommendations on improving nuclear power plant licensing.

2 You've heard this in October. You've approved an 3 action plan to implement a study group recommendation. The 4 staff has now come back and has indicated that four of the.

5 recommendations £it together in an integrated package, and they 6 are suggesting and recommending the _.enclosed policy statement 7 be published.

8 The Chairman noted _that, with a few editorial changes 9 Mr. Gilinsky approved, Mr. Kennedy approved, suggesting a brief-10 ing as called for in the paper, that he scheduled a little earlier. Commissioner Bradford commented on one of the recom-12 mendations and wanted some additional information. The ~taff 13 has come back and replied to all of that.

14 I now ask you to affirm your votes on this.

15 (Chorus of ayes.)

16 CHAIRMAN HENDRIE: So ordered.

1.7 MR. CHILK: The third one deals with SECY 77574A, 18 which *_is a proposed policy statement on camera coverage. This 19 deals with the camera coverage of hearings. It's a matter that 20 you heard recently. The paper was then revised.

21 I only had two votes, but I understand all four of you were in agreement with the paper and are prepared to affirm 22 it.

23 24 COMMISSIONER BRADFORD: I think that's right. That's

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the basis on which I left it ~o Joe. I think Joe, here, said 25

4 pv3 he was going to go to the other office -- was that the board 2 would make one effort to find out if that particular 3 could be used. The judge in this parti6ular courtroom said, 4 "Fine." He said, "Yes."

5 CHAIRMAN HENDRIE: I would think we're probably 6 doing that now.

7 MR. CHILK: Our policy statement said i t will con.;.

8 tinue to be the practice of the hearing board to use federal 9 and state courtrooms.

10 COMMISSIONER BRADFORD: That's right. Yes. That's 11 fine. That's consistent with asking once and finding out what 12 the judge wants.

13 MR. CHILK: And we separate that all.

14 (Chorus of ayes.)

15 -------

  • cHAIRMAN HENDRIE: So ordered.

16 MR. CHILK: The fourth and last item --

17 CHAIR.MAN HENDRIE: I point out to you that the 18 foundations of the nation are trembling. If we put cameras in 19 there -- we're talking about this room, too, I believe; aren't 20 we?

MR. CHILK: No, no. We're just talking about licens-21 ing boards, just the boards., not the Commission.

22 CHAIRMAN HENDRIE: Well 23 MR. CHILK: The fourth and last item is an amendment 24 ce-Federal Reporters, Inc.

to draft final rule which would permit the public to taperecord 25.

  • pv4 5

only Commission ~eetings. This is a matter in which you also 2 agreed to sometime ago. The general counsel has now provided 3 a.document which is the final rule to be published on it, in 4

accordance with your desires.

5 I ask for affirmation.

6 (Chorus of ayes.)


8 (Whereupon, at 5:10 p.m., the affirmation meeting end#l2 9 was adjourned. )

10 * * * *.

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

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