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Presentations - May 11, 2022 Advanced Reactor Stakeholder Meeting
Person / Time
Issue date: 05/10/2022
10 CFR Part 53, NRC-2019-0062, RIN 3150-AK31
Download: ML22130A523 (142)


Advanced Reactor Stakeholder Public Meeting May 11, 2022 Microsoft Teams Meeting Bridgeline: 301-576-2978 Conference ID: 556 455 490#


Time Agenda Speaker 10:00 - 10:15 am Opening Remarks/ Adv. Rx Integrated Schedule NRC (Shelley Pitter - Logistics, Steve Lynch) 10:15 - 10:45 am Part 53 Rulemaking Process (Steve Lynch) NRC 10:45 - 11:15 am Part 53 Framework B Development and Integration Update (William NRC Part 53 Rulemaking Process Jessup/Candace de Messieres) 11:15 am - 12:00 pm Development of ISG for Assessment of Non-LWR PRA Standard (Trial RG 1.247) NRC (Steve Lynch)

Applicability (Hanh Phan) 12:00 - 1:00 pm Lunch Break All 1:00 - 1:30 pm Overview of Guidance Supporting Part 53 - Discuss Timing of Guidance Release NRC (Jordan Hoellman) 1:30 - 2:30 pm Results of Nuclear Energy Institute and U.S. Nuclear Industry Council 2022 Part 53 NEI/USNIC Industry Survey (Marc Nichol, NEI / Cyril Draffin, USNIC) 2:30 - 2:40 pm Break All 2:40 - 3:00 pm NuScale Lessons Learned (Omid Tabatabai-Yazdi) NRC 3:00 - 4:35 pm Development of 50.59 guidance (Michael Tschiltz) Southern Company 4:35 - 4:55 pm Update on Pre-Application Engagement on Advanced Reactor Licensing NRC (Courtney Banks, Adrian Muniz, Mallecia Sutton) 4:55 - 5:00 pm Future Meeting Planning and Concluding Remarks NRC 2 3

Part 53 Rulemaking Process (Steve Lynch) 4

Part 53 Rulemaking Vision, Process, and Status Steven Lynch, Acting Chief Advanced Reactor Policy Branch 5

Pathway to New Regulatory Framework Part 53 Rulemaking by July 2025

  • Technology-inclusive, risk-informed and performance based regulatory framework
  • Commission direction SRM-SECY-20-0032
  • Builds on current activities, including the Licensing Modernization Project
  • Significant stakeholder engagement 6

Part 53 rulemaking addresses plant lifecycle with appropriate flexibilities and safety focus 7


PART 53 l TRANSFORMATIVE o Evolves use of risk FEATURES o Leverages performance-based requirements Establishes a Transformative o Modernizes licensing basis Regulatory Framework change process o Includes consequence-oriented scalable Part 53 builds on a requirements strong foundation of o Enables operational Commission policies and flexibility decisions o Optimizes balance between flexibility and predictability 8

9 PROPOSED RULEMAKING TERMS Current Step in Part 53 Rulemaking Preliminary Proposed Rule Goals:

  • Develop reliable, responsive, and informed rulemaking
  • Increase transparency
  • Promote engagement
  • Improve clarity 10

RULEMAKING STATUS Rule Language Stakeholder Engagement o 2021: definitions (A), safety criteria (B), design and o 16 public meetings and 15 ACRS meetings analyses (C), siting (D), construction/manufacturing o Recent: 3/29 public meeting on key issues, 5/11 (E), operations and programs (F), decommissioning stakeholder meeting on Framework B and guidance (G), licensing processes (H), maintenance of the prioritization licensing basis (I), reporting (J), security, access o Planned: 5/19 ACRS meeting on Framework A, 5/25 authorization, FFD, traditional alternatives. public meeting on Framework A, early-June public o 2022: consolidated rule package (Feb.), 2nd iteration meeting on Framework B Framework A (May), & 1st iteration Framework B (June) o Future: 6/23-24 ACRS SC meeting on Framework B, 7/6-9 ACRS FC meeting, 7/21 Commission meeting, Industry Input Focus Areas o Continue stakeholder engagement o Over 1500 public comments received o Finalize rule language o Develop rule package (SOCs, regulatory analysis, etc.)

o Developing guidance 11

CURRENT PART 53 TIMELINE Oct 2020-Aug 2022 Feb 2023 Jun 2023 Oct 2023 Public Outreach, ACRS Draft Proposed Rule to Publish Proposed Rule and Public Comment Period -

Interactions and Generation Commission Draft Key Guidance 60 days of Proposed Rule Package Nov 2023-Nov 2024 Dec 2024 Apr 2025-Jun 2025 Jul 2025 Public Outreach and Draft Final Rule to Office of Management and Publish Final Rule and Key Generation of Final Rule Commission Budget and Office of the Guidance Package Federal Register Processing 12

Part 53 Framework B Development and Integration Update (William Jessup/Candace de Messieres) 13

Part 53 Framework B Development and Integration Update 14


  • Part 53 Licensing Framework Overview
  • Systematic Development Process for Part 53 Framework B
  • Part 53 Framework B Integration
  • Part 53 Framework B Technical Requirements
  • Use of Risk Information in Part 53
  • Part 53 Framework B: Alternate Evaluation for Risk Insights (AERI)
  • Next Steps and Additional Information 15

Part 53 Licensing Frameworks Subpart A - General Provisions Subpart B - Safety Requirements Subpart C - Design Requirements Subpart D - Siting Subpart E - Construction/Manuf. Framework A Subpart F - Operations

  • Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA)-led approach for Subpart G - Decommissioning developing the licensing basis and safety case Subpart H - Licensing Processes Subpart I - License Maintenance
  • Functional Design Criteria Subpart J - Reporting Subpart K - Quality Assurance Subpart N - Purpose/Definitions Subpart O - Construction/Manuf. Framework B Subpart P - Operations
  • Traditional use of risk insights Subpart Q - Decommissioning Subpart R - Licensing Process
  • Includes an Alternative Evaluation for Risk Insights Subpart S - License Maintenance (AERI) approach Subpart T - Reporting
  • Principal Design Criteria Subpart U - Quality Assurance 16

17 Part 53 Framework B Subpart A - General Provisions Subpart N - Purpose/Definitions From Part 53 Subpart O - Construction Framework A with Framework A some variations Subparts B - K Subpart P - Operations and Programs Leverages Part 50, 52, 53 Framework A, Subpart Q - Decommissioning international standards, and state Subpart R - Licensing Process of practice Subpart S - License Maintenance New Framework B provisions Subparts N - U Subpart T - Reporting Subpart U - Quality Assurance 18

Framework B Subpart R: Licensing Processes

§ 53.4700 General Provisions.

§ 53.4730 General technical requirements. From Part 53 Framework A with

§ 53.4731 Risk-informed classification of some variations structures, systems, and components. Leverages Part 50, 52, 53 Framework A,

§ 53.4740 Limited work authorizations. international standards, and state

§ 53.4750 Early site permits.

of practice

§ 53.4800 Standard design approvals

§ 53.4830 Standard design certifications. New provisions

§ 53.4870 Manufacturing licenses.

§ 53.4900 Construction permits.

§ 53.4960 Operating licenses.


§ 53.5010 Combined licenses.

Subpart R:

§ 53.4730 General Technical Requirements

§ 53.4730(a)(1) - (37) provide technical requirements for applications for each licensing process (e.g., construction permit, operating license) as specified

  • § 53.4730(a)(1): Site Parameters.
  • § 53.4730(a)(2): Facility description.
  • § 53.4730(a)(4): Design bases.
  • § 53.4730(a)(23): Technical specifications.
  • § 53.4730(a)(34): Description of risk evaluation.
  • § 53.4730(a)(36): Functional containment.


Part 53 Licensing Frameworks - Risk Evaluation Perspective H I Part 53 Framework A Perform Perform design basis Continue design transient and accident radiological and licensing accident analyses consequences analyses activities C D E F Finish PRA Select LBEs Select DBAs Classify SSCs development G

A Evaluate Comprehensive defense in and systematic depth initiator search and event B Select sequence licensing delineation framework without preconceptions or J K L M N reliance on Select Perform Perform design basis ye Continue design Elect to Finish PRA predefined lists licensing transient and accident radiological s and licensing develop PRA development events accident analyses consequences analyses activities Q

Part 53 Framework B n Alternative Evaluation o for Risk Insights (AERI)

Q1 - Develop demonstrably no Applicant decision conservative risk estimate O P using the bounding event DG-XXX1, Technology-Inclusive Identification of Identify and AERI entry ye Continue design analyze the and licensing Licensing Events bounding event conditions met? s Q2 - Search all event activities sequences for severe DG-XXX2, Alternative Evaluation for Risk Insights accident vulnerabilities Framework Alternative Evaluation Q3 - Develop risk insights by LMP guidance - NEI 18-04, Rev. 1, as endorsed in RG for Risk Insights (AERI) reviewing all event sequences 1.233 21

AERI Draft Preliminary Proposed Rule Text 53.4730(a)(34) Description of risk evaluation.

A description of the risk evaluation developed for the commercial nuclear plant and its results. The risk evaluation may be based on:

(i) A probabilistic risk assessment (PRA), or Can always elect to develop a PRA (ii) An alternative evaluation for risk insights (AERI), provided that:

(A) The dose resulting from a postulated bounding event to an individual located at EPA Early Phase and any point on the boundary of the exclusion area does not exceed 1 rem TEDE Intermediate Phase over the first four days following a release, an additional 2 rem TEDE in the first Protective Action year, and 0.5 rem TEDE per year in the second and subsequent years, and Guidelines (B) The distance from each radionuclide source in the commercial nuclear plant to the boundary of the exclusion area is less than 100 meters (328 feet).

Underlying assumptions for the 100-meter entry condition:

  • If the entry conditions and underlying
  • Linear no threshold dose-response model assumptions are met, then the
  • Uniform population density conditional individual latent cancer
  • Exclusion area boundary (EAB) = Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) event boundary
  • Bounding event does not require evacuation or relocation, if it occurs meet the QHO 22

AERI Results and Implementation Results Implementation

  • Demonstrates that QHOs are met,
  • Must be maintained (AERI is not a searches for severe accident one-and-done approach) vulnerabilities, and provides risk insights without a requirement for a
  • Voluntary risk-informed applications PRA (e.g., SSC classification, risk-managed technical specifications) require PRA
  • Inherently addresses the mitigation of beyond-design basis events requirements when AERI entry conditions are met 23

Next Steps Release draft preliminary proposed rule language and hold public meeting to discuss Framework B (tentative June 2022)

Discuss with Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards

  • Subcommittee:

June 23 - 24, 2022

  • Full Committee:

July 6 - 9, 2022 24

Additional Information Additional information on the 10 CFR Part 53 rulemaking is available at For information on how to submit comments go to and search for Docket ID NRC-2019-0062 For further information, contact Robert Beall, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, telephone: 301-415-3874; email: 25

Development of ISG for Assessment of Non-LWR PRA Standard (Trial RG 1.247) Applicability (Hanh Phan) 26

Update on the NLWR PRA Standard Applicability and Gap Assessment


  • Provide an update on the NLWR PRA Standard Applicability and Gap Assessment
  • Further engage with stakeholders on NLWR PRA-related guidance development Slide 28

Licensing Pathways START ENHANCED USE OF PRA Path 1 B (Part 53-E, Parts 50 or 52 with voluntary LMP)

A Develop PRA C D E F Applicant elects Comprehensive Comprehensive Classify Compare to CONTINUE enhanced use of Select LBEs Select DBAs PRA Y search for definition of SSCs QHOs LICENSING initiators event sequences N

increasing use of PRA and risk insights H I TRADITIONAL USE OF PRA Path 2 Applicant elects Select (Part 53-T, Parts 50 or 52 without LMP) traditional use licensing of PRA Y events N PRA in complementary/supporting role J

M Develop PRA K Comprehensive Compare to CONTINUE Comprehensive Comprehensive search for search for definition of QHOs LICENSING initiators initiators event sequences N

Comprehensive definition of event sequences Path 3 R Risk Insights Evaluation Y O P Q 1. Develop demonstrably S Conservativ Select Perform Identify the conservative risk estimate e risk CONTINUE licensing consequenc maximum

2. Develop risk insights estimate LICENSING events e analyses accident
3. Search for severe accident > QHOs? N vulnerabilities ALTERNATIVE TO PRA (Part 53-BE, Parts 50 or 52 with exemption from PRA requirement)

Slide 29

NLWR PRA-Related NEI 20-09 NLWR PRA Peer Review Standard Guidance White Paper:

RG 1.246 RG 1.247 ISG-XXXX Consequence Acceptability LPSD Fire PRA RIM Endorsement PRA Standard Uncertainty of PRA Results Guidance ML21120A185 ML21235A008 Applicability Guidance ML21015A434 NLWR PRA DG-XXX1 Initiators and Licensing RG 1.233 Event Sequences Events NEI 18-04 Endorsement LMP ML20091L698 P.3 Alternative Evaluation P.2 Traditional Use of PRA P.1 Enhanced Use of PRA for Risk Insights

  • Parts 50 or 52 without
  • Part 53 Framework B LMP voluntary LMP TICAP TICAP (AERI pathway)
  • Part 53 Framework B
  • Part 53 Framework A (PRA without LMP) (PRA with LMP)

ISG-XXXX DG-XXX2 ARCAP AERI Guidance LWR PRA Roadmap (includes ALWRs and SMRs)

RG 1.200 DC/COL-ISG-028 SRP PRA Standard PRA Applicability Chapter 19.0 Endorsement ML16130A468 LWR LWR Level 2 ALWR PRA LWR Level 3 LWR LPSD LWR PRA Level 1/LERF PRA Standard PRA PRA Multi-Unit Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Slide 30

NLWR PRA Standard Scope

  • Addresses all radiological sources at the plant

- Reactor cores

- Spent fuel

- Fuel reprocessing facilities

- Accident scenarios that lead to a radioactive release from multiple radiological sources

  • Addresses all hazards (excludes LPSD Fire)

- All internal hazards (e.g., internal initiating events, internal floods, internal fires)

- All external hazards (e.g., seismic events, external floods, high wind events)

  • Addresses all plant operating states (e.g., at-power, low-power, shutdown)

- Develop the frequencies of accident scenarios from the occurrence of an initiating event until the release of radioactive materials to the environment

- Estimate the consequences that result from the release Slide 31

High Level Requirements NLWR PRA Standard ASME/ANS RA-S-1.4-2021 Includes:

  • 18 PRA elements
  • 247 high level requirements (HLRs)
  • 1,233 supporting requirements (SRs)
  • ~ 617 notes in the nonmandatory Supporting Requirements appendices
  • 238 definitions PRA Elements Slide 32

Examples of Supporting Requirements That Only Apply to Certain Plant Licensing Stages No. SR CC-I CC-II Remarks 1 POS-A1 IDENTIFY a representative set of IDENTIFY a representative set of Applies to all plant evolutions to be analyzed plant evolutions to be analyzed, licensing stages 2 POS-A5 For PRAs performed during the pre-operational stage, ENSURE the Applies during plant level of detail in delineating the POSs is consistent with the level of design and detail of the design information available construction 3 RCAD-A8 For PRAs performed on a bounding site, IDENTIFY assumptions made Only applies prior due to the lack of site details that influence the atmospheric transport to site selection and dispersion conditions.

4 WFR-A3 For PRAs conducted on a specific site, ENSURE that the wind fragilities Applies after site are site-specific. selection 5 SHA-A1 For the seismic hazards analysis, either: Part (a) applies after site selection (a) IDENTIFY the site at which the reactor being analyzed is located, or Part (b) applies (b) DESCRIBE a bounding site and JUSTIFY that the bounding site prior to site bounds the list of sites in the scope of the PRA. selection 6 POS-A4 For operating plants, ENSURE the level of detail in the delineation of Applies after initial POSs is consistent with the as-built and as-operated plant sufficient fuel load 7 POS-C1 Within the selected plant evolutions, CALCULATE the mean duration and Applies after the mean time after shutdown for each POS based on a review of operating Slide 33 applicable plant- or design-specific record. experience accrues Slide 33

ISG Objective Convey the NRC staff position on the use of NLWR PRA standard ASME/ANS RA-S-1.4-2021 for PRAs performed in support of design certification (DC),

standard design approval (SDA), manufacturing license (ML), combined license (COL), construction permit (CP), and operating license (OL), at initial fuel loading, and during first update/upgrade, with or without LMP process, specifically:

  • The applicability of each high-level requirement (HLR) and supporting requirement (SR) in the PRA standard
  • The expected capability category, CC I or CC II
  • New SRs necessary for specific conditions of the PRA performed to support LMP application Slide 34

Applicable Regulations and Applications

- Current regulations do not require applicants for Part 50 construction permits or operating licenses to provide PRA-related information

- Rulemaking Incorporation of Lessons Learned from New Reactor Licensing Process (Parts 50 and 52 Licensing Process Alignment), Docket NRC-2009-0196, RIN-3150-AI66

- Subpart B - Standard Design Certification (DC)

- Subpart C - Combined License (COL)

- Subpart E - Standard Design Approval (SDA)

- Subpart F - Manufacturing License (ML)

- Rulemaking Risk Informed, Technology-Inclusive Regulatory Framework for Advanced Reactors, Docket NRC-2019-0062, RIN 3150-AK31

  • This ISG applies to the PRAs at initial fuel loading and first update/upgrade Slide 35

Examples of PRA Standard High-Level Requirements and Supporting Requirements Applicability Slide 36

Demonstrating Acceptability of PRA and Its Results Used in an Application - RG 1.247, Section C.3 For all applications, the PRA-related information provided in the submittal should:

  • Describe the PRAs scope, level of detail, and degree of plant representation
  • Demonstrate that the PRA has been developed and used in a technically acceptable manner, including the appropriateness of the assumptions and approximations
  • Identify the application-specific acceptance criteria and demonstrate that they have been met Slide 37

What else is missing?

Slide 38

ACRONYMS/ABBREVIATIONS AERI alternative evaluation for risk insights ANS American Nuclear Society ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers CC capability category COL combined license (10 CFR Part 52, Subpart C)

CP construction permit (10 CFR Part 50)

DBA design-basis accident DC design certification (10 CFR Part 52, Subpart B)

DG draft regulatory guide HLR high-level requirement HR human reliability ISG interim staff guidance LBE licensing-basis event LMP licensing modernization project LPSD low-power and shutdown ML manufacturing license (10 CFR Part 52, Subpart F)

NLWR non-light water reactor OL operating license (10 CFR Part 50)

POS plant operating state PRA probabilistic risk assessment QHOs quantitative health objectives RI risk-informed RIM reliability and integrity management SDA standard design approval (10 CFR Part 52, Subpart E)

SR supporting requirement SSC system, structure, and component Slide 39

Overview of Guidance Supporting Part 53 - Discuss Timing of Guidance Release (Jordan Hoellman) 40

Overview of Guidance Supporting 10 CFR Part 53 May 11, 2022 41

NRCs Vision & Strategy (2016)

Executing the Vision:

Implementation Action Plans (2017) 42

Modernizing the Regulatory Framework Functional Emergency Part 53 Preparedness Containment (SECY-18-0096) (SECY-22-0001)

Physical Advanced Security for Nuclear Advanced Reactor Reactors GEIS Technology-Inclusive, Risk-Informed Regulatory Framework Licensing Modernization TICAP/ARCAP Project Application Fuel Adv Rx Siting Level of NEI 18-04 Qualification (SECY-20-0045) Detail RG 1.233 (NUREG-2246)

See SECY-22-0008, Advanced Reactor Program Status 43

Licensing Modernization Project A risk-informed, consequence-oriented approach to establish licensing basis and content of applications (see Regulatory Guide 1.233 44

SECY-20-0032 and SRM, Rulemaking Plan The staff should accelerate its timeline while balancing the need to produce a high-quality, thoroughly vetted regulation to achieve publication of the final rule by October 2024.

  • Staffs response to SRM identified timing of guidance document development to support the Part 53 rulemaking as an uncertainty in meeting the accelerated schedule o Focus resources on developing the proposed rule language o Possible need to publish proposed rule before completing draft supporting guidance o Continue engaging external stakeholders to ensure common prioritization of guidance documents o Support early applications under Parts 50/52 (e.g., DOEs Advanced Reactor Demonstration Program) 45

Key Guidance Overview Under Development Existing Near-Term Part 53 Future

  • Non-LWR PRA Standard
  • Licensing
  • Qualitative Risk Estimate/Insights
  • Analytical Margin Modernization Project
  • High Temp Materials (ASME (AERI)
  • Operator licensing Exam
  • Manufacturing 1.233)
  • Reliability & Integrity Mgt
  • Human Factors Engineering
  • Technical
  • Concept of Operations/ Staffing Specifications
  • Fuel Qualification
  • Fuel Qualification
  • Facility Safety Program Framework (NUREG- (technology-specific)
  • Access Authorization
  • Contents of 2246)
  • PRA Level of Detail (NEI-led)
  • Seismic Design/Isolators
  • Physical Security Framework B
  • Emergency Planning
  • Materials Compatibility ISG
  • Change Process (SNC-led)
  • QA Alternatives (NEI-led)
  • Operator Training Program 46

Existing Guidance Existing

  • Existing guidance documents currently exist
  • Licensing and will be referenced in the Part 53 Modernization rulemaking package as key guidance.

Project (NEI 18-04 & RG. 1.233)

  • Conforming changes will be needed to ensure
  • Siting Criteria (RG they are applicable to Part 53.


  • Fuel Qualification
  • Revision will occur between proposed rule Framework and final rule stages.

(NUREG-2246) 47

Guidance Under Development Under Development

  • Near-term guidance documents are Near-Term Part 53 currently under development and will be
  • Non-LWR PRA Standard
  • Qualitative Risk Estimate/Insights
  • High Temp Materials (ASME
  • These will be issued prior to the finalization (AERI) of Part 53 to support near-term applicants III-5)
  • Operator licensing Exam and will need conforming changes to
  • Reliability & Integrity Mgt
  • Human Factors Engineering ensure they are applicable to Part 53.


  • Concept of Operations/ Staffing
  • Fuel Qualification
  • Revision will occur between proposed rule (technology-specific)
  • Access Authorization and final rule stages.
  • PRA Level of Detail (NEI-led)
  • Seismic Design/Isolators
  • Physical Security
  • Part 53-specific guidance documents are
  • Emergency Planning
  • Materials Compatibility currently under development and are
  • Change Process (SNC-led) expected to be included with the Part 53 rulemaking package as key guidance.
  • QA Alternatives (NEI-led)
  • Operator Training Program 48

Future Guidance

  • Future guidance documents are identified as future Future guidance that may need to be developed to support Part
  • Analytical Margin
  • Chemical Hazards
  • Manufacturing
  • These guidance documents may be referenced in the Part
  • Technical 53 rulemaking document as under development and are Specifications expected to be completed to support the final rule.
  • Facility Safety Program
  • Additional operational program guidance and reporting
  • Contents of requirements guidance may be provided with the final Applications for rule.

Framework B 49

ARCAP and TICAP - Nexus Outline Safety Analysis Report (SAR) - Additional Portions of Application Based on TICAP Guidance

  • Technical Specifications
1. General Plant Information, Site
  • Technical Requirements Manual Description, and Overview of the Safety
  • Quality Assurance Plan (design)


2. Methodologies and Analyses
  • Quality Assurance Plan
3. Licensing Basis Event (LBE) Analysis (construction and operations)
4. Integrated Evaluations
5. Safety Functions, Design Criteria, and
  • Physical Security Plan Audit/inspection of Applicant Records
  • Calculations
6. Safety Related SSC Criteria and
  • SNM material control and
  • Analyses accounting plan Capabilities
7. Non-safety related with special
  • System Descriptions treatment SSC Criteria and Capabilities
  • Design Drawings (operational)
8. Plant Programs
  • Design Specs
  • Procurement Specs
  • Radiation Protection Program Additional SAR Content -Outside the Scope
  • Inservice inspection/Inservice
9. Control of Routine Plant Radioactive testing (ISI/IST) Program Effluents, Plant Contamination, and Solid
  • Environmental Report Waste
  • Site Redress Plan
10. Control of Occupational Doses
  • Exemptions, Departures, and
11. Organization and Human-System Variances Considerations
  • Facility Safety Program (under
12. Post-construction Inspection, Testing consideration for Part 53 and Analysis Programs applications)
  • Safety Analysis Report (SAR) structure based on clean sheet approach
  • Additional contents of application outside of SAR are still under discussion. The above list is draft and for illustration purposes only.


THANK YOU Questions? 51

Results of Nuclear Energy Institute and U.S. Nuclear Industry Council 2022 Part 53 Industry Survey (Marc Nichol, NEI / Cyril Draffin, USNIC) 52

Results of Nuclear Energy Institute and U.S. Nuclear Industry Council 2022 Part 53 Industry Survey For Public Release at U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)

Advanced Reactor Stakeholder Meeting 11 May 2022 Cyril W. Draffin, Jr.

Senior Fellow, Advanced Nuclear U.S. Nuclear Industry Council Marcus Nichol Senior Director, New Reactors Nuclear Energy Institute Powered by 53

NEI/USNIC Part 53 2022 Survey Topics Respondents Characteristics (Q1-Q3)

Understanding and Support (Q4-Q6)

Benefits / Concerns / Opportunities (Q7-Q9)

Frameworks A & B and Licensing Approach (Q10-Q11)

Comparison to Goals for Part 53 (Q12-Q14)

Other comments (Q15)

QHO analysis Comparison to 2021 USNIC Part 53 Survey Concluding High Level Insights Appendix 54

Q1: Companies Completing NEI/USNIC Part 53 Survey - April 2022

1. Alpha Tech
2. ARC Clean Energy
3. BWXT This comprehensive survey of Part 53 was sent to
4. Constellation NEI/USNIC members that are potential applicants to
5. Energy Northwest the NRC.
6. Framatome
7. GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy
8. General Atomics The survey was sent to senior regulatory affairs
9. Holtec International personnel (VP or Director) and represents the
10. Kairos Power organizations perspective.
11. Moltex Energy
12. NuScale Power
13. Oklo A few companies (not listed) declined to complete the
14. Radiant Industries survey, with the following reasons provided:
15. Southern Company
  • Not sufficiently familiar with NRC Part 53 rulemaking
16. TVA
17. TerraPower
  • Part 53 is not relevant, pursuing design approval
18. UAMPS (Carbon Free Power Project) under Part 52
19. Ultra Safe Nuclear Corp.
  • Not planning to deploy design in the U.S.
20. Westinghouse
21. X-energy
22. Xcel Energy 55

Q2: What type of applicant to the NRC are you? (Select all that apply)

Answered: 22 Skipped: 0 12 Owner/Operator Responses 10 Designer/Developer 12 Only 10 6 Owner/Operator 6 Both Owner/Operator 8

Only and Designer/Developer 6

4 2

0 Owner/Operator (would apply Both Owner/Operator and Designer/Developer (would for a construction permit, Designer/Developer apply for a design approval or operating license, etc.) support an application for an operating license) 56

Q2: What type of applicant to the NRC are you?

Key Insights from Comments1

1. Role of owner/operator and/or designer/developer may be project dependent
2. Interest in manufacturing license (which was not explicitly identified as a choice, but implied in developer/designer)
1) Note about Comments for all questions: These are formatted to draw out the main conclusions related to the particular question, rather than present the raw comments that sometimes contains ancillary perspectives.


Q3: How engaged are you with the NRC regarding current or future licensing applications? (Select all that apply)

Answered: 22 Skipped: 0 Have Submitted an application to the NRC Constitutes 15 of 22 Are in pre-application activities with the NRC respondents1 Submitted a response to RIS 2020-02 Expect to Submit an Application no later than 2025 No plans to submit an application by 2025 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

1) Note: Sum of bars is more than total respondents with these three categories, because multiple selections were allowed.


Q3: How engaged are you with the NRC regarding current or future licensing applications?

Key Insights from Comments

1. Many respondents have been engaged with the NRC for a long time in developing a modernized regulatory framework
2. Some designers/developers are not engaging the NRC until they have their first project (customer), but are working on their design.


Q4: What is your familiarity with each of the following? (score 0 to 5, with 5 being the most familiar)

Answered: 22 Skipped: 0 9

Score: 3 Score: 3 Rule and NEI/USNC 8

Comments Content 7

Familiarity 6

  • Very (score 4 or 5) = 10 Score: 5 Score: 5 5
  • Somewhat (2 or 3) = 10 Score: 5
  • Not Very (0 or 1) = 2 4


3 3

Public Meeting 2

Familiarity 1

  • Very (4 or 5) = 9 0
  • Somewhat (2 or 3) = 7 NRC Preliminary Rule NEI/USNIC Comments NRC/Stakeholder Interactions
  • Not Very (0 or 1) = 4 Language from February 4, Submitted on November 5, in Public Meetings 2022 (ML22024A066) 2021 (ML21309A578) 0 1 2 3 4 5 60

Q4: What is your familiarity with each of the following?

Key Insights from Comments

1. Respondents that had a low familiarity with rule and comments tended to be those that have not been involved in public meetings.


Q5: To what degree do you support the following? (score 0 to 5, with 5 being the most agreement)

Answered: 21 Skipped: 1 Only moderate support High support 10 Score: 3 Degree of Support1, 2 9

NRC Draft Rule Language:


  • High Support (score 4 or 5) = 11% (2)
  • Moderate Support (score 2 or 3) = 83% (15) 7
  • Low Support (1) = 6% (1) 6 Score: 5 5 NEI/USNIC Comments:

Score: 3

  • High Support (score 4 or 5) = 78% (14) 4
  • Moderate Support (score 3, not 2) = 22% (4) 3
  • Low Support (no 0 or 1) = 0% (0) 2 Score: 1 Score: 5 1

0 NRC Preliminary Rule Language from NEI/USNIC Comments Submitted to the NRC February 4, 2022 (ML22024A066) on November 5, 2021 (ML21309A578) 0 1 2 3 4 5

1) Moderate support for NRC rule language is consistent with NEI/USNIC comments, in which NEI/USNIC support some of the NRC approaches, but have concerns in key areas.
2) Not shown are three Dont Know responses. Percentages are of those providing responses other than Dont Know/skip.


Q5: To what degree do you support the following?

Key Insights from Comments1

1. Additional understanding of details of NRCs proposed approaches is needed (through statements of consideration and guidance) to fully know whether Part 53 will be usable.
2. Some believe there are a number of un-defined approaches, such as 53.450 other generally accepted risk-informed approach.
3. Measuring support of NRC language as a whole does not reveal the nuances of complex rule.

(e.g., parts of NRC language appear workable, but other parts are not workable - see NEI/USNIC comments).

4. Some identified specific needs for more efficiency - consistent with NEI/USNIC comments.
1) More insights are provided in responses to Question 12 regarding the efficiency of Part 53 to achieve the same level of safety as Parts 50 and 52.


Q6: For applications submitted in 2025 and beyond, what is the likelihood that you will use the NRC Part 53 Framework A, if the Final Rule adopts the language and approaches in its current form? (Note that later questions will ask about Framework B, and the overall two-framework approach)

Answered: 21 Skipped: 1 Framework A of Part 53 is the likely first choice (e.g., substantial benefits in comparison to Parts 50 and 52)

Likely to use

= 24%

Will likely use Framework A of Part 53, but not for the first application (e.g., requirements are not conducive to licensing a first-of-a-kind design)

May use Framework A of Part 53, but need to see demonstrated Have not seen benefits of Framework A = 38%

benefits (e.g., current NRC proposal may provide advantages over Parts 50 and 52, but they must be demonstrated by other applicants first)

Not likely to use Framework A of Part 53 (e.g., current NRC proposal does not appear to be better than Parts 50 and 52)

Not Likely to use = 38%

Will not use Framework A of Part 53 (e.g., substantial increases in regulatory burden over Parts 50 and 52, with minimal if any benefits) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 64

Q6: For applications submitted in 2025 and beyond, what is the likelihood that you will use the NRC Part 53 Framework A, if the Final Rule adopts the language and approaches in its current form?

Key Insights from Comments The efficiency of Part 53 (as compared to Parts 50 and 52) to achieve the same level of safety is a determining factor in interest to use Part 53.

1. Many respondents dont plan to use Part 53 a) Part 53 perceived to not be timely for deployment plans b) Part 50 and 52 approval is sufficient to achieve long term business/deployment plans and no incentive to switch to Part 53 later c) Part 53 perceived to be significant increase in regulatory burden (as compared to Parts 50 and 52) to achieve same level of safety
2. Many have not seen demonstrated benefits --are unsure due to too many uncertainties and untested processes, and need it to be demonstrated first.
3. A few believe Part 53 is more efficient, and are likely to use it.
4. Some that are not likely to use Framework A are hopeful that Framework B would be useable.
5. A potential licensee mostly interested in the burden placed on plant operations.


Q7: Which of the following areas of the current NRC preliminary language and approaches in Part 53 provide significant benefits over Parts 50 and 52? (score 0 to 5, with 5 being the most beneficial)

Answered: 20 Skipped: 2 Part 53 Content Most (4 or 5) Least (0 or 1) Dont Know Best at providing Increased use of performance-based approach for Security 80% (16) 0% (0) 10% (2)

Technology-inclusive requirements (e.g., safety functions, 75% (15) 5% (1) 10% (2) design criteria, design features) benefits Increased use of performance-based approach for Operators 60% (12) 5% (1) 15% (3)

(e.g., certified operator option)

Increased use of performance-based approach for Fitness for 55% (11) 5% (1) 15% (3)

Duty Fewer exemptions will be required 42% (8) 5% (1) 42% (8)

Increased functionality for Manufacturing Licenses 32% (6) 0% (0) 21% (4)

Organization and structure of the rule (e.g., separation of design, 30% (6) 0% (0) 20% (4) analysis, operations, etc.)

Two frameworks (A and B) in rule based on role of PRA 26% (5) 16% (3) 21% (4)

Inclusion of Quantified Health Objectives in the Rule, rather than keeping 21% (4) 47% (9) 11% (2) as a Policy Facility Safety Program 5% (1) 32% (6) 26% (5) 66

Q7: Which of the following areas of the current NRC preliminary language and approaches in Part 53 provide significant benefits over Parts 50 and 52?

Key Insights from Comments

1. Two-Frameworks (A and B) a) Some believe multiple frameworks make little sense, and a single framework that utilizes guidance for details for different approaches would be more appropriate.

b) Some are in favor of using Framework B instead of Framework A, but not as written (likely referring to Part 5X that is expected to be basis for Framework B).

2. Facility Safety Program a) This program is untested so it is tough to know what the burden or value will be.

b) Some believe licensee-led, industry-overseen framework for oversight of facility programmatic matters has some potential benefits in reducing regulatory burden without impacting safety; however, it is not clear that current NRC language will actually achieve greater efficiency.

3. Exemptions - Some believe what may be required to meet Part 53 is uncertain, and there was suggestion to leverage the Technology Inclusive Risk-Informed Configuration Evaluation (TIRICE) effort to develop 50.59-like process with clear performance criteria (53.895 was viewed as never-ending risk reduction measures).


Q8: How concerned are you about the following areas of the current NRC preliminary language and approaches in Part 53? (score 0 to 5, with 5 being the most concerned)

Answered: 20 Skipped: 2 Part 53 Content Most (4 or 5) Least (0 or 1) Dont Know Expanding ALARA to be a design requirement 68% (13) 0% (0) 5% (1)

Proliferation of duplicative and unnecessary programs 68% (13) 0% (0) 5% (1)

Increased regulatory burden for non-safety SSCs 67% (12) 11% (2) 6% (1)

Greatest concerns Safety objectives that are different than those in the Atomic Energy Act 63% (12) 0% (0) 11% (2)

Expansion of design basis to include Beyond Design Basis Events 61% (11) 11% (2) 6% (1)

Lack of clarity in the purpose and application of some requirements 58% (11) 0% (0) 5% (1)

Lack of clear measurable goals for regulatory efficiency 50% (10) 5% (1) 15% (3)

Missed opportunity to integrate safety, security, EP and siting 50% (10) 6% (1) 20% (4)

Facility safety program 50% (9) 0% (0) 17% (3)

Inclusion of QHOs in the Rule, rather than keeping as a Policy 50% (9) 11% (2) 6% (1)

Lack of consistency in use of regulatory terminology (e.g., PDC vs FDC) 44% (8) 5% (1) 17% (3)

Lack of clarity on the safety paradigm 39% (7) 0% (0) 28% (5)

Only allowing an enhanced/leading use of PRA licensing approach 28% (5) 17% (3) 17% (3)

Two distinct frameworks (A and B) in the rule based on role of PRA 28% (5) 22% (4) 17% (3) 68

Q8: How concerned are you about the following areas of the current NRC preliminary language and approaches in Part 53?

Key Insights from Comments

1. Some believed it is difficult to measure the efficiency of Part 53 without working examples, and it is a judgment call at this point.
2. Some believed Part 53 efficiency needs to be considered for licensing of fleets of the same design, and not just licensing of design the first time.
3. Some believed efficiency should be considered for international deployments, e.g.,

alignment with IAEA language and guidance would make it more efficient to export designs approved by the NRC.

4. Some believe NRC has integrated safety, security, EP and siting too much, and scaling back to a Part 53 that simply removes LWR-specific requirements from Parts 50 and 52 would have been (and perhaps still could be) a more useful rule.


Q9: Which of the following innovations that the NRC is not pursuing would greatly enhance the value of Part 53? (score 0 to 5, with 5 being the most beneficial Answered: 21 Skipped: 1 Part 53 Content Most (4 or 5) Least (0 or 1) Dont Know Streamlining of licensing reviews and regulatory approvals 79% (15) 0% (0) 5% (1)

Streamlining of program requirements 68% (13) 0% (0) 5% (1)

Treating ALARA as a Policy rather than requirements in the 67% (14) 0% (0) 10% (2)

Rule Streamlining of oversight and inspections 65% (13) 0% (0) 10% (2)

More performance-based and modern siting requirements 60% (12) 0% (0) 10% (2)

Integrating safety, security, emergency planning and siting 57% (12) 9% (2) 5% (1)

QA requirements that explicitly allow ISO-9001 for safety-52% (11) 0% (0) 10% (2) related 70

Q9: Which of the following innovations that the NRC is not pursuing would greatly enhance the value of Part 53?

Key Insights from Comments

1. Streamlining of licensing reviews and approvals - Some believe NRC should include measurable improvements in schedule and costs.
2. Performance-based and Risk-informed - Some believe many requirements remain deterministic, e.g., Human Factors Engineering (which is the same whether or not the plant has risk-significant operator actions or not).
3. Oversight and inspections - Some noted concern that NRC has not even developed initial framework for advanced reactor oversight for Parts 50 and 52.


Q10: Which of the following Framework A approaches and preliminary rule language should, and should not, be incorporated into Framework B (Traditional use of PRA, and No use of PRA options)?

Answered: 13 Skipped: 9 Part 53 Content Include in Framework B Do Not Include Increased functionality for Manufacturing Licenses 92% (11) 8% (1)

Organization and structure of the rule (e.g., separation of design, analysis, operations, etc.) 90% (9) 10% (1)

Technology-inclusive requirements (e.g., safety functions, design criteria, design features) 85% (11) 15% (2)

Increased use of performance-based approach for Security 85% (11) 15% (2)

Increased use of performance-based approach for Fitness for Duty 83% (10) 17% (2)

Increased use of performance-based approach for Operators (e.g., certified option) 75% (9) 25% (3)

Facility safety program 25% (3) 75% (9)

Expanding the design basis to include Beyond Design Basis Events 17% (2) 83% (10)

Proliferation of duplicative and unnecessary programs 15% (2) 85% (11)

Inclusion of Quantified Health Objectives in the Rule, rather than keeping as a Policy 15% (2) 85% (11)

Safety objectives that are different than those in the Atomic Energy Act 9% (1) 91% (10)

Increased regulatory burden for non-safety structures, systems and components (e.g.,

0% (0) 100% (13) programmatic controls similar to those needed for safety-related SSCs) 72

Q10: Which of the following Framework A approaches and preliminary rule language should, and should not, be incorporated into Framework B?

Key Insights from Comments

1. Some believe Framework B should share the performance-based technology-inclusive requirements of Framework A (e.g., safety functions, design criteria, design features)
2. Some believe additional requirements may need to be made performance-based technology-inclusive, and that there may need to be more consideration on how all requirements are technology-inclusive from a size perspective, not just from coolant perspective (e.g., Aircraft Impact Assessment and maintenance rule).
3. Some believe that the kinds of information may be similar regardless of reactor design (e.g., ranging from micro to large), but there should be graded approach to scope of such information in safety analyses, programs, etc.
4. Some potential owner/operators believed that licensing framework (either A or B) is not their concern, but is the concern for the designer/developer.


Q11: If you use Part 53, which type of licensing approach would you most likely use?

Answered: 221 Skipped: 0 Notes Enhanced/leading Probabilistic Risk

  • If Part 53 used, 46% (10 of 22) of Assessment (e.g., Licensing Modernization respondents plan to use what NRC Project) defines as an enhanced role of the PRA Traditional PRA (e.g., similar to use in Part 52)
  • 36% (3+1+4=8) of respondents plan to use PRA in a way not permissible by current Framework A rule text IAEA approach
  • Of remaining 18% (4 of 22), two do not plan to use Part 53, one does not care which approach is used, Maximum Credible Accident with a and one did not identify which confirmatory PRA approach (though they did say they are using a PRA)

No PRA (e.g., Technology Inclusive Risk Informed Maximum Accident) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

1) Four responses were Other, as described in side bar above.


Q11: If you use Part 53, which type of licensing approach would you most likely use?

Key Insights from Comments

1. In terms of licensing, some believe that there is no fundamental difference among (1) enhanced PRA, (2) traditional PRA, and (3) IAEA.

a) Identified that NRC has approved topical report for the implementation of NEI 18-04 that would not meet the NRCs definition/requirements for enhanced/leading PRA in Part 53.

b) This seems to align with perspectives that Part 53 should be a single framework that allows range of uses of the PRA by focusing rule on performance criteria of the design, and utilizing guidance to focus on methods of evaluation (i.e., role and use of the PRA).


Q12: In achieving a similar level of safety, the overall efficiency of the current NRC Part 53 preliminary rule language, as compared to Parts 50 and 52, is:

Answered: 17 Skipped: 5 Much more efficient More efficient About the same efficiency Less efficient 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 76

Q12: In achieving a similar level of safety, the overall efficiency of the current NRC Part 53 preliminary rule language, as compared to Parts 50 and 52, is:

Key Insights from Comments

1. Specific areas where respondents see reductions to efficiency.

a) Some expressed concerns that while the safety objectives are performance-based, Part 53 imposes extensive burden on demonstrating compliance and corresponding NRC reviews, as well as through requirements for additional duplicative programs.

b) Some questioned why Part 53 increases regulatory burden (to achieve similar level of safety) when designs being developed have much higher safety margins than plants previously approved by NRC.

c) Some believe that neither Framework A or B will be more efficient for the first review of a design.

2. Specific areas where respondents see improvements to efficiency.

a) Some appreciate Part 53 efficiency in obtaining a design certification after receiving operating license.

3. Measuring efficiency overall is difficult.

a) Some see reductions in burden in some areas, but significant increases in burden in other areas.

b) Some suggested getting experience with proposed rule through table tops in order to better understand whether it will be efficient.

4. Some believe Parts 50 and 52 are currently very inefficient in achieving current level of safety, and that there was great hope that NRC would have addressed those inefficiencies in Part 53. (See Question 9 for more details) 77

Q13: How well do you think the NRC has met the following goals, so far, for the Part 53 rulemaking? (score 0 to 5, with 5 being the most fulfilled)

Answered: 18 Skipped: 4 Goals that are most met by current preliminary Part 53 rule language Part 53 Content Most (4 or 5) Least (0 or 1) Dont Know Continue to provide reasonable assurance of adequate 78% (14) 0% (0) 11% (2) protection (SECY 20-0032)1 Establish requirements that address non-LWRs (SECY 20- 50% (9) 0% (0) 17% (3) 0032)

Safety Focused (industry goal) 44% (8) 0% (0) 17% (3)

Technology-inclusive (July 2021 Unified Industry Position letter) 44% (8) 0% (0) 17% (3)

Risk-informed (July 2021 Unified Industry Position letter) 33% (6) 6% (1) 22% (4)

Reduce requests for exemptions (SECY 20-0032) 33% (6) 17% (3) 28% (5)

Recognize technological advancements in reactor design (SECY 20- 33% (6) 22% (4) 22% (4) 0032)

Credit the response of advanced reactors to postulated accidents (SECY 28% (5) 17% (3) 22% (4) 20-0032)

Flexible (industry goal) 22% (4) 11% (2) 17% (3)

Note: Many key goals (e.g. technology-inclusive, risk-informed & reduced exemption requests, flexible) received low scores (less than half 4 or 5) indicating key goals have not been demonstrated

1) Other comments expressed concern that the NRC has increased standards and regulations for public protection (e.g., Beyond Design Basis, ALARA, Programs) - see Q8.


Q13: How well do you think the NRC has met the following goals, so far, for the Part 53 rulemaking? (score 0 to 5, with 5 being the most fulfilled)

Answered: 18 Skipped: 4 Goals that are least met by current preliminary Part 53 rule language Worst at meeting goals Part 53 Content Most (4 or 5) Least (0 or 1) Dont Know Efficiency (July 2021 Unified Industry Position letter) 11% (2) 39% (7) 22% (4)

Promote regulatory stability, predictability and clarity (SECY 22% (4) 28% (5) 22% (4) 20-0032)

Clear (industry goal) 5% (1) 22% (4) 11% (2)

Usefulness (July 2021 Unified Industry Position letter) 11% (2) 22% (4) 22% (4)

Recognize confidence in licensee controls (July 2021 Unified 0% (0) 17% (3) 28% (5)

Industry Position letter)

Requirements at a high level with utilization of guidance to address 17% (3) 17% (3) 28% (5) details (SRM-SECY-20-0032-ML19340A056)

Regulatory framework using methods of evaluation that are flexible and 11% (2) 11% (2) 11% (2) practicable for application to a variety of technologies (NEIMA)

Note: Many key goals (e.g. clear, efficient, useful) received very low scores (less than 20% 4 or 5, and many 0 or 1) indicating key goals have not been demonstrated 79

Q13: How well do you think the NRC has met the following goals, so far, for the Part 53 rulemaking?

Key Insights from Comments

1. Flexibility a) Some believe that a Part 53 rule with a single framework that allows for a variety of methodologies (with details for methods addressed in guidance) would be more flexible.

b) Some understand purpose of the two framework approach is to increase flexibility; however, they believe the two-framework solution is compensating for a reduction in flexibility - compared to Parts 50 and 52 - in the original Part 53 (now Framework A) by only allowing a binary set of licensing approaches.


Q14: How satisfied are you with the NRC engagement with stakeholders on Part 53? (score 0 to 5, with 5 being the most satisfied)

Answered: 21 Skipped: 1 10 NRC Engagement Satisfaction1 High satisfaction NRC Rationale for approaches 9

Lukewarm satisfaction Lukewarm satisfaction

  • High (score 4 or 5) = 5 8
  • Moderate (2 or 3) = 12 7 Score:
  • Low (0 or 1) = 2 3

6 Low satisfaction Opportunities offered to inform/comment 5 Score:

  • High (4 or 5) = 11 3

4 Score: Score:

  • Moderate (2 or 3) = 7 3

3 3

  • Low (0 or 1) = 1 2 NRC Feedback on industry comments 1
  • High (4 or 5) = 3
  • Moderate (2 or 3) = 7 0
  • Low (0 or 1) = 8 Prompt and clear Opportunities offered NRCs feedback in NRC is receptive to rationale provided by by NRC to inform and response to industry modify approaches NRC Receptivity to Input the NRC for proposed comment on the comments is prompt, based upon
  • High (4 or 5) = 3 approaches proposed rule clear and rational stakeholder
  • Moderate (2 or 3) =11 language comments
  • Low (0 or 1) = 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
1) Not shown are three Dont Know responses. Percentages are of those providing responses other than Dont Know/skip.


Q14: How satisfied are you with the NRC engagement with stakeholders on Part 53?

Key Insights

1. Many did not feel NRC is receptive to making changes to address feedback.

a) NRC has said that they will not respond to or resolve comments.

b) NRC appears open to receiving comments, but has made few changes (e.g.,

incorporation of non risk-based approach) in the draft language to address them.

c) NRC has not addressed some feedback (e.g., QHOs in the rule rather than as policy), and there should be an expectation that the NRC provides detailed reasons they arent addressing feedback that has consistently expressed significant concerns.

2. Many believe sharing NRC draft rule text early in the process is useful in helping potential users of a new rule to fully understand and comprehend potential improvements or challenges with the rule (e.g., in order to assess whether it is potentially relevant to their business/deployment plans).


Q15: Other comments on Part 53 Key Insights from Comments

1. Some identified concerns that NRCs language does not achieve the goals of NEIMA for efficiently regulating advanced reactors, so that they can be a solution for climate change.

a) Part 53 needs to give more consideration to efficient licensing of dozens of plants with a standardized design, and not just efficiency of licensing a design once.

b) For applicant using NEI 18-04 licensing approach, Part 53 does not seem onerous, but it also does not appear to have clear gains in regulatory efficiency for licensing and regulation of advanced reactors.

2. Some had suggestions for improvements a) Even if Part 53 rule language addresses concerns, NRC still needs to implement an efficient licensing process.

b) NRC should minimize burden of additional requirements of utilizing Part 53 in comparison to Parts 50 and 52, such as requirements for ALARA and the Facility Safety Program.

c) Ensure IAEA approach is an integrated option (currently it appears to be secondary consideration in Framework B).

3. In rules current state, it is unclear how to assess value of Framework B (only Part 5X has been released); however, this language is interesting for cases where maximum hypothetical/credible approach may be used.
4. There was suggestion for NRCs next steps:

a) The NRC needs to (1) issue rule language, (2) entertain and resolve industry comments, and (3) support one or two applicants with different designs in use of Part 53 to establish precedents. This exercise must be free or a reasonable (nominal) charge to the applicant.


Topic Analysis: QHOs in the Rule (1 of 3)

For Q7, four respondents with score 4 or 5 for significant benefits of including QHOs in Framework A:

Plans to use Framework A Plans to submit Type of application Type of applicant First Choice No plans to submit Enhanced PRA Owner/operator and design/developer Not sure Expect to submit Traditional PRA Owner/operator and applications by 2025 design/developer Will likely not use because Expect to submit Enhanced PRA Owner/operator and Part 53 is not timely applications by 2025 design/developer Little confidence Part 53 Expect to submit No preference on use Owner/operator only will be effective by 2025 applications by 2025 of PRA 84

Topic Analysis: QHOs in the Rule (2 of 3)

For Q7, nine respondents with score of 0 or 1 with no or very limited benefits of including QHOs in Framework A:

Plans to use Framework A Plans to submit Type of application Type of applicant First choice Expect to submit applications by 2025 MCA with PRA Designer only Likely to use In pre-application MCA with PRA Designer only Likely to use No plans to submit Enhanced PRA Designer only May use Expect to submit applications by 2025 Enhanced PRA Owner and designer May use Expect to submit applications by 2025 Enhanced PRA Designer only May use Expect to submit applications by 2025 IAEA Approach Designer only May use Submitted RIS response MCA with PRA Designer only Not likely to use Expect to submit applications by 2025 MCA with PRA Owner and designer Not likely to use In pre-application Will use PRA but did not Owner and designer specify which approach 85

Topic Analysis: QHOs in the Rule (3 of 3)

Key Takeaways

1. Very few (4) want QHOs in the rule, and of those a) Only 1 plans to use Framework A b) Only 2 plan to use enhanced PRA approach
2. Many (9) do not want QHOs in the rule, and of those a) Most (7 of 9) are likely to use, or considering using, Framework A b) All plan to use PRA, and 3 plan to use enhanced PRA
3. Perspective on QHOs in the rule does not have statistical dependence on whether they are owner/operator or designer/developer 86

Comparison of 2022 Part 53 Industry Survey to 2021 Part 53 Industry Survey Scope

  • 2022 NEI/USNIC: 16 developer/designers (6 also owner/operators) and 6 only owner/operators
  • 2021 USNIC: 22 developer/designers (some also owner/operators)


  • Mostly dissatisfied with Part 53 language; some somewhat satisfied (slight improvement vs. 2021)
  • 35-40% plan on using significant PRA input (similar to LMP/Framework A); majority do not
  • Most (2/3) oppose QHO in rule Differences
  • 2022 survey has quantitative assessments of benefits and concerns (similar benefits/concerns vs. 2021 survey but 2022 survey quantified concerns like expanding ALARA as design requirement) 87

Concluding High Level Insights (1 of 2)

  • Comprehensive survey
  • 12 owner/ operator responses and 10 designer/developer only responses
  • Key active organizations provided responses-- 15 of 22 respondents have submitted application to NRC, are pre-app with NRC, or submitted RIS response to NRC
  • Support for, and interest in using, Part 53 is directly related to perceptions of whether Part 53 will be more efficient than Parts 50 and 52 in achieving same level of safety
  • Strong support for NEI/USNIC comments is consistent with some support for NRC Part 53 rule language; NEI/USNIC comments supported some NRC approaches but presented significant concerns overall
  • Ten Part 53 items create significant concerns (e.g. expanding ALARA to be design requirement, proliferation of unnecessary programs, increased regulatory burden for non-safety SSCs, and safety objectives different than in AEA)
  • Four Part 53 items have benefits (e.g. increased use of performance-based approaches for security, and technology-inclusive requirements) 88

Concluding High Level Insights (2 of 2)

  • Innovations needed included streamlining of licensing reviews, regulatory approvals and program requirements
  • Input provided to assist NRC in determining what in Framework A should-- and should not-- be included in Framework B (Industry still prefers a single flexible framework)
  • Diversity in use of PRA and type of licensing approach to be used
  • Most do not want QHOs in the rule (3 are likely to use and 4 may use Framework A); very few want QHOs in rule (1 likely to use Framework A and 1 undecided) - all plan to use PRA
  • Many goals for Part 53 are not met by current language, but some goals are met
  • Not met: Improving regulatory efficiency, predictability, stability, clarity, and flexibility
  • Part 53 development and review is time-consuming process, but only limited support for current language, and many areas where improvements needed to address concerns
  • Lukewarm satisfaction for NRC rationale for proposed approaches and receptivity to stakeholder response
  • High satisfaction with opportunity to comment, but low satisfaction on NRCs feedback to industry 89

Nuclear Energy Institute and U.S. Nuclear Industry Council 2022 Part 53 Survey For questions contact Cyril W. Draffin, Jr. Marcus Nichol Senior Fellow, Advanced Nuclear, Senior Director, New Reactors U.S. Nuclear Industry Council Nuclear Energy Institute 90


Selective Part 53 Slides from Results of U.S. Nuclear Industry Council 2021 Advanced Nuclear Survey (presented at 26 August 2021 NRC Advanced Reactor Stakeholder Meeting) 91

2021: Advanced Nuclear Developers Completing 2021 USNIC Advanced Nuclear Anonymous Survey Advanced Reactor Developers: USNIC members (17) Advanced Reactor Developers: Non USNIC members (7)

Advanced Reactor Concepts (Part 53 only)

BWXT Columbia Basin Consulting Group Centrus Flibe Energy Framatome Inc. Holtec GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Hybrid Power Technologies General Atomics MIT (HTGR)

Kairos Power, Inc Southern Company (molten chloride reactor)

Lightbridge Thorcon MUONS Inc.

NuScale Power Note: This is comprehensive survey with large sample size of US developers:

Oklo Inc.

  • All answers include 100% (1 company, Oklo) in NRC licensing review, TerraPower 100% (2 companies, X-Energy & TerraPower) with DOE ARDP Demo Terrestrial Energy awards, 60% (3 of 5 companies) with DOE risk reduction awards, and over 80% (5 of 6 companies) of microreactor developers Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation
  • For Part 53 questions, survey includes 100% of DOE ARDP Demo, Risk URENCO (U-Battery)

Reduction, and ARC-20 awardees (all 10 organizations). Also, USNIC Westinghouse Electric Company member and non-USNIC member organizations representing 75% (21 of X-energy the 28) non-Light Water Reactor (LWR) designs responded to survey, as well as LWR Small Modular Reactors companies (e.g. NuScale).

l U.S. Nuclear Industry Council 2021 Advanced Nuclear Survey 92

2021 Q7: How satisfied are you with the usefulness of Part 53 based on current (ML21148A062) language and explanations provided by NRC USNIC & non USNIC members Excellent, one of the best draft regulations 0% 0 Very satisfied, comprehensive and useful 0% 0 Somewhat satisfied, needs improvement in a few locations 41% 9 Somewhat dissatisfied, substantial changes are 36% 8 necessary Very dissatisfied, not useful with only limited 5% 59% 1 improvement of current Part 50 and 52 Not helpful at all so far 18% 4 l U.S. Nuclear Industry Council 2021 Advanced Nuclear Survey 22 organizations 93

2021 Q8: Comment on Part 53 issues - PRA USNIC & non USNIC members We plan on using significant PRA input (similar to LMP) 35% 6 We plan on using medium PRA input (similar to existing 24% 4 regulatory framework)

We plan on using minor PRA input (similar to maximum 29% 5 credible accident approach)

We plan on taking another licensing methodology approach 12% 2 Note: (a) Only 35% plan on using significant PRA input; 65% plan to use medium/minor/no PRA input.

(b) Parenthetical similarities present an example- a developer using LMP may use PRA consistent with 17 existing regulatory framework in terms of what goes into the application.

(c) Future discussion will be required as NRC presents Graded PRA approach, recognizing only a minimal PRA may be appropriate at the Construction Phase.

94 l U.S. Nuclear Industry Council 2021 Advanced Nuclear Survey 94

2021 Q8: Comment on Part 53 issues - QHO in rule USNIC & non USNIC members Yes, Include quantitative health objectives 36% 5 No, do not include quantitative health objectives 64% 9 14 Comments:

  • Include quantitative health objectives only if guidance is available to demonstrate how to meet and is only an initial licensing requirement
  • Subpart H is of interest to our company to expand the available options for phased/progressive licensing of designs and projects
  • What we plan to do in near-term implementation should not be driver for content of the rule if it is going to make it prescriptive for all technologies 95 l U.S. Nuclear Industry Council 2021 Advanced Nuclear Survey 95

NuScale Lessons Learned (Omid Tabatabai-Yazdi) 96

Periodic Advanced Reactor Stakeholder Meeting NRC Staffs Lessons Learned from the Review of NuScale Design Certification Application Omid Tabatabai May 11, 2022 97

98 Presentation Topics

  • Background
  • Best Practices
  • Challenges during the Review
  • Recommendations for Future Applicants
  • Recommendations for the NRC Staff
  • NuScale Letter to NRC - Recommendations for the NRC Staff
  • NEI Letter to NRC - Recommendations for the NRC Staff
  • Questions/Comments 98



  • In August 2020, staff completed its safety and environmental reviews of NuScale DCA and met the established public 42-month schedule (ahead of schedule by two weeks).
  • In November 2020, NRR kicked off a lessons learned effort to identify (1) best practices, (2) areas for improvement, and (3) recommendations for improving future new reactor licensing reviews.
  • Overall, the Staffs Lessons Learned Report (ML22088A161) found that the staff conducted the review in accordance with the NRCs Principles of Good Regulation, however, there are opportunities for continuous improvement.
  • The lessons learned report is a proactive and forward-looking document that the staff intends to utilize in review of future applications.


100 Best Practices

1. Strong pre-application engagements
2. Focus on highly challenging issues
3. Continue to streamline the process for SERs
4. Encourage applicants to identify unique areas of the design that deviate from traditional compliance approaches (e.g., Regulatory Gap Analysis)
5. Use of topical reports for novel design features
6. Use risk-informed approaches to facilitate reaching safety determinations.
7. Disciplined approach to issuing RAIs
8. Increased use of technology to facilitate more efficient development SER
9. Conduct NRC staff audits in areas involving FOAK design features and use of eRR
10. Early NRC senior management review of SER
11. ACRSs focus on reviewing only risk-significant and novel design attributes
12. Continuity of the technical, project, and legal reviewers 100

101 Challenges during the Review Most significant review challenges, and areas for improvement, fell into the following four overarching categories:

1. Design finalization at application and changes during licensing
2. Holistic risk-informed review strategy
3. RAIs/audit enhancements
4. Schedule/resource management 101

102 Recommendations for Future Applicants

1. At the beginning of the licensing review, applicants should identify all design aspects that are still undergoing finalization, testing, or analysis or that are otherwise subject to change, especially if these deviate from discussions between the applicant and the NRC during preapplication meetings.
2. At the beginning of a licensing review, and potentially during preapplication, the applicant should prepare and present to the NRC staff its approach to performing its risk assessment and the key conclusions. This should include sufficient detail and completeness for the NRC staff to reach early conclusions on the relative risk significance of various aspects of the design.
3. Applicants should review NRC RAIs and audit plans and promptly raise any concerns and request clarification calls as necessary. Additionally, applicants should meet commitments for RAI responses and communicate any anticipated delays early. Applicants should acknowledge the impact of delays on the review schedule and resources.


103 Recommendations for NRC Staff

1. Establish an interdisciplinary review team to prioritize early engagement and dedicate resources to timely decision making on the applicants risk insights. Additionally, the NRC should use this information to conduct an integrated and holistic review of the design, develop schedules, and allocate resources.
2. Evaluate the information provided by the applicant to ensure schedules and resources are appropriately allocated. Conduct an early assessment of the potential risk-significance of these areas and discuss with the applicant any potential impacts on schedules or resources.
3. Ensure that RAIs and audits conform to NRC guidance and assess whether there are more efficient means to gather the information.
4. Continue to achieve safety through transformative efforts in how we plan, schedule, and manage resources. Be transparent with applicants on performance, including identifying early any challenges to meeting our goals whether as a result of applicant decisions (e.g.,

design changes) or NRC performance.


104 NuScale Letter to NRC - Recommendations for the NRC Staff NuScale - Letter dated February 19, 2021 (ML21050A431)

  • Establish an appeal process to resolve disagreements between applicants and the NRC staff with respect to preliminary interpretations of requirements and guidance. (The staff does not agree)

(The staff agrees)

  • Define credible. (The staff partially agrees)
  • Rely on downstream requirements (App. B, ITAAC, ASME Code, etc.) as part of NRC safety findings (The staff partially agrees)
  • Clarify the role of the ACRS (The staff partially agrees) 104

105 NEI Letter to NRC - Recommendations for the NRC Staff NEI - Letter dated June 9, 2021 (ML21160A246)

  • Establish More Reasonable Review Duration and Cost Targets (The staff agrees)
  • Improving Efficiency in the Review Process (The staff agrees)
  • Realign on the appropriate level of detail and content of applications (The staff agrees)
  • Implement a clearly defined appeal process (The staff does not agree)
  • Open communication and alignment on project scope and plan (The staff agrees)
  • Reinforce audit best practices (The staff agrees)
  • Clarify the Role of the ACRS (The staff partially agrees) 105



Development of 50.59 guidance (Michael Tschiltz) 107

NRC Advanced Reactor Stakeholder Meeting Technology - Inclusive Risk - Informed Change Evaluation (TIRICE)

May 11, 2022 Mike Tschiltz, Project Team Leader, Consultant to Southern Company Steve Nesbit, LMNT Consulting, Lead for White Paper Justin Wheat, Enercon, Lead for Tabletop Exercises 108

Meeting Agenda Topics

- Project Overview, Objectives and Schedule

- Options for the implementation of the guidance

- Overview of White Paper

- TIRICE Process for 10 CFR 50.59 Change Evaluation

- Outline of White Paper

- Issues for Discussion

- Table Top Exercises

- Questions 109

Project Overview, Objectives and Schedule Overview Phase 3, (TIRICE portion) of the utility led Licensing Modernization Project (LMP), is intended to build upon the work accomplished by the prior LMP activities (Phase 1, NEI 18-04 and TICAP Phase 2, NEI 21-07) to create guidance for evaluating changes to the facility as described in the UFSAR for those licensees that have used LMP (NEI 18-04 and NEI 21-07).

Advanced non-LWRs may elect to follow NEI 18-04 for selection of licensing basis events; safety classification of structures, systems, and components and associated special treatments; and determination of Defense-in-Depth (DID) adequacy.

The resulting LMP-based affirmative safety case is substantially different from the traditional deterministic, compliance-based safety cases in place for LWRs licensed by the NRC.

During development of TICAP guidance it became clear that there is a need to develop technology-inclusive, risk-informed guidance for evaluating changes to a facility as described in the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) (10 CFR 50.59).

The attributes of the LMP-based affirmative safety case require additional guidance for efficient application of 10 CFR 50.59 or alternative change evaluation process.


Project Overview, Objectives and schedule Project will develop guidance for implementation of change evaluation for Advanced Non-LWRs that are licensed under 10 CFR Part 50 or 52 that utilize NEI 18-04 to develop safety case and NEI 21-07 guidance to determine application content.

The objectives of the guidance include:

  • Provide regulatory confidence that the threshold for prior regulatory review and approval of changes will be effectively established and efficiently managed;
  • Minimize the unnecessary burden to the regulator and operators for determining if changes require a license amendment; and
  • Establish a clear understanding and process for how the criteria for making changes without prior NRC approval may be met.


Project Overview, Objectives and Schedule Schedule Develop guidance to be endorsed by NRC

- Draft document to be provided for the NRC for review in August 22

- NRC review and endorsement FY23 Project Plan developed and Project Team established (Dec-Jan 22)

Scope and Process papers (Feb-Mar 22)

- Utilized as inputs to white paper White Paper (Apr-June 22) x Identify specific steps to be performed during the change evaluation process x Summarize efforts to date and obtain ARRTF feedback (April 25 - May 2) x Provide draft white paper to NRC for review (May 6) x Meeting with NRC to describe white paper content (May 11)

NRC comments (May 20)

Meeting to discuss comments and proposed responses ( TBD)

Revise White Paper and use to conduct Table Top exercises 112

Project Overview, Objectives and Schedule Schedule (cont.):

Develop Table Top Guidelines and Objectives (Apr-June 22)

Develop Annotated Outline for Guidance (Apr - Jun)

Conduct Tabletop Exercises (Jun - Jul)

  • Conduct Table Tops with 2 Advanced Reactor Developers
  • Develop Lessons Learned and incorporate into white paper revision Develop Southern Co. guidance document (Jul - Aug)

Convert to NEI document and submit for formal NRC review and endorsement (FY 23) 113

Options for the implementation of the guidance There are 2 options being considered for implementing this guidance.

Option 1: Develop a process and associated guidance, for an advanced non-LWR that has utilized NEI 18-04 and NEI 21-07, for evaluating if a proposed change, test or experiment requires prior NRC approval via license amendment under 10 CFR 50.90.

This process is envisioned to be implemented via: 1) a license condition to incorporate by reference the guidance that will be approved by the NRC and 2) an exemption to 10 CFR 50.59 to ensure clarity that 10 CFR 50.59 does not apply.

Option 2: Develop the same process and proposed guidance and use it with endorsement by the NRC that it is an acceptable means of implementing 10 CFR 50.59 114

Overview of the White Paper

  • Goal: Document the proposed approach to change control guidance in order to

- Facilitate socialization with industry

- Obtain feedback from NRC

- Support tabletop exercises

  • Approach: Build off of existing 10 CFR 50.59 guidance in NEI 96-07 by addressing differences for an advanced non-LWR following NEI 18-04 (Licensing Modernization Project or LMP)

- Retain and use as much of the NEI 96-07 structure and guidance as possible

- Focus on areas in which NEI 18-04 and NEI 21-07 enable focused and efficient approaches to change control

- Guidance can be tailored to either implementation option 115

TIRICE Process for 10 CFR 50.59 Change Evaluation 116

TIRICE Process for 10 CFR 50.59 Change Evaluation (cont.)


Outline of the White Paper

  • Chapter 1: Introduction (including background)
  • Chapter 2: Addresses NEI 96-07 Chapters 1-3 (Introduction, Defense-in-Depth Philosophy, and Definitions)
  • Chapter 3: Addresses NEI 96-07 Chapter 4 (Implementation Guidance) with specific sections on

- Applicability

- Screening

- Evaluation

  • Chapter 4: Addresses NEI 96-07 Chapter 5 (Documentation and Reporting)
  • Chapter 5: Summary 118

Issues for Discussion

  • Treatment of NEI 18-04 licensing basis events (LBEs) as accidents evaluated in the SAR

- Includes anticipated operational occurrences (AOOs), design basis events (DBEs), beyond design basis events (BDBEs), and design basis accidents (DBAs)

  • Treatment of NEI 18-04 Required Safety Functions as design bases functions
  • Treatment of NEI 18-04 Required Safety Functions, risk-significant functions, and safety functions required for adequate DID as design functions
  • Treatment of NEI 18-04 safety related and non-safety-related with special treatment (NSRST) structures, systems and components (SSCs) as important to safety SSCs

Issues for Discussion (cont.)

  • Applicability

- Changes to the probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) not subject to 10 CFR 50.59 but addressed by non-LWR PRA Standard

>> Changes to methods of evaluation for AOOs, DBEs, and BDBEs are part of the PRA and therefore not subject to 10 CFR 50.59

- Changes to state of knowledge not subject to 10 CFR 50.59

>> Potential for changes to state of knowledge from operating experience, experimental data, testing, etc., may be greater for first non-LWR advanced reactors than current LWRs

  • Screening

- Changes to the facility or procedures that render a safety-significant SSC unable to meet its reliability or capability targets would screen in for an evaluation 120

Issues for Discussion (cont.)

  • Evaluation (general)

- Current eight criteria in 10 CFR 50.59 are tailored for typical LWR deterministic safety case based on general design criteria

>>Not ideally suited for a reactor with an LMP-based affirmative safety case

- 10 CFR 50.59 criteria sorted in to three categories



>>Methods of evaluation

- General structure and wording of current 10 CFR 50.59 criteria retained to the extent practical

- White paper proposes six LMP 50.59 criteria to be used instead of current eight 10 CFR 50.59 criteria 121

Issues for Discussion (cont.)

Accident criteria (10 CFR 50.59 criteria i, iii, and v) a) Result in a change to the frequency or consequences of one or more AOOs, DBEs, or BDBEs documented in the final safety analysis report (as updated) in a manner that would exceed the NEI 18-04 Frequency-Consequence Target or change an LBE from non-risk significant to risk significant according to NEI 18-04 LBE risk significance criteria.

b) Result in more than a minimal increase in the consequence of a Design Basis Accident documented in the final safety analysis report (as updated).

c) Result in one or more an AOO, DBE, or BDBE that is (i) not previously evaluated in the UFSAR and (ii) classified as risk significant according to NEI 18-04 LBE risk significance criteria.


Issues for Discussion (cont.)

SSC Criteria (10 CFR 50.59 criteria ii, iv, vi, and vii) d) Result in an increase in the frequency or consequences of a malfunction of any safety-significant SSC that would change the classification of the SSC from non-risk significant to risk-significant.

e) Result in an increase in the frequency or consequences of a malfunction of a safety-significant SSC that would have a more than minimal adverse effect on defense-in-depth adequacy or lead to a change in safety classification from NST to NSRST to maintain adequate defense-in-depth.


Issues for Discussion (cont.)

SSC Criteria (10 CFR 50.59 criteria ii, iv, vi, and vii) (cont.)

- LMP 50.59 Defense-in-Depth (DID) criterion (e) focuses on NEI 21-07 documentation of Integrated DID (plant capability and programmatic DID) in SAR Section 4.2.3

>>Criterion is that more than minimal adverse effect on DID adequacy requires a license amendment

>>Expectation is that licensee will establish guidelines for more than minimal during the development and documentation of the LMP affirmative safety case, in the SAR or plant records 124

Issues for Discussion (cont.)

- No LMP 50.59 criteria correspond directly to fission product barrier design limits (10 CFR 50.59 criterion vii)

- LMP safety case - including the DID approach - is fundamentally different from LWR general design criteria-based approach to DID

>>Three barrier fission product barrier DID model is specific to LWR technology and may not apply to other designs

>>With LMP, impacts of changes on all safety- significant SSCs (not just fission product barriers) and DID are addressed by LMP 50.59 criteria (d) and (e).

>>A traditional LWR fission product barrier may be classified as a safety-related or NSRST SSC but such SSCs are not elevated above other SSCs 125

Issues for Discussion (cont.)

  • Method of Evaluation Criterion (10 CFR 50.59 criterion viii) f) Result in a departure from a method of evaluation described in the FSAR (as updated) used in establishing the design bases or in the safety analyses, with the exception of LBE evaluation methods under the change control of the Non-LWR PRA Standard.

- This wording is equivalent to current 10 CFR 50.59 criterion (viii) for design basis accidents except that

>>Those LBE evaluations (and associated methods) performed in the PRA (i.e.,

AOOs, DBEs, and BDBEs) are not subject to a 10 CFR 50.59 evaluation

>>They are instead covered by the Non-LWR PRA Standard 126

Tabletop Exercises - Objectives & Schedule Objectives

  • Guidance is being developed to evaluate changes to advanced reactor facilities that plan to be licensed using NEI 18-04 methodology (e.g., 50.59 guidance for AR)
  • The objective is to exercise the change evaluation guidance with reactor developers to:

- Demonstrate usability of the process

- Validate thresholds

- Incorporate lessons learned to improve the process Preliminary Schedule

  • Planning - 6/6 to 6/10/2022
  • Execution - 6/13 to 6/17/2022
  • Develop lessons learned - 6/20 to 6/24/2022
  • Complete deliverables - 6/27 to 6/30/2022 127

Tabletop Exercises - Format

  • Remote work with a combination of individual evaluation and team meetings
  • TICAP team will work with reactor developer team lead to create technology- Example Changes LMP 50.59 to the Facility Criteria specific examples that will be evaluated using the change evaluation guidance 1 Criterion (a)
  • Tabletop participants will be provided the 1, 4 Criterion (b) examples, ad hoc procedures, and other 1 Criterion (c) source materials during a kickoff meeting 2 Criterion (d) 2 Criterion (e)
  • Technical leads will evaluate examples and 2 Criterion (f) then convene with the larger group to ask 3 Criterion (g) questions, discuss the proposed answers to 5, 6, 7 Whole process the criteria and the bases for those AD/Screen/Eval answers, etc.
  • Meeting minutes will capture key discussions and challenges to develop the lessons learned & actions 128

Tabletop Exercises - Deliverables

  • Evaluation, with a documented basis, for each of the criteria selected for each example (some examples will test applicability and screening)
  • Meeting minutes that include key discussions and considerations
  • Summary of lessons learned
  • Recommendations for improving the guidance 129

Questions 130


10 CFR 50.59 Evaluation Criteria for an LMP-based Affirmative Safety Case LMP 50.59 Criteria for an LMP-based 10 CFR 50.59(c)(2) Criteria Affirmative Safety Case Comments Category 1 - Accidents (i) Result in more than a minimal (a) Result in a change to the frequency Risk significance of an LBE in LMP increase in the frequency of occurrence or consequences of one or more AOOs, context and in the non-LWR PRA of an accident previously evaluated in DBEs, or BDBEs documented in the final standard requires the consideration of the final safety analysis report (as safety analysis report (as updated) in a the combination of frequency and updated); manner that would exceed the NEI 18-04 consequence effects. There are no Frequency-Consequence Target or criteria to evaluate these components of (iii) Result in more than a minimal change an LBE from non-risk significant risk separately.

increase in the consequences of an to risk significant according to NEI 18-04 accident previously evaluated in the final LBE risk significance criteria.

safety analysis report (as updated); LMP DBAs are evaluated (b) Result in more than a minimal deterministically like LWR accidents.

[See NEI 96-97 Sections 4.3.1 and 4.3.3, increase in the consequence of a Design Therefore, determining if a change leads respectively] Basis Accident documented in the final to a more than minimal increase in safety analysis report (as updated). DBA consequences should follow the existing NEI 96-07 Section 4.3.3 guidance.

v) Create a possibility for an accident of (c) Result in one or more an AOO, DBE, Newly identified LBEs or changes to LBE a different type than any previously or BDBE that is (i) not previously frequencies and consequences that are evaluated in the final safety analysis evaluated in the UFSAR and (ii) classified not risk significant should be report (as updated); as risk significant according to NEI 18-04 documented in the next final safety LBE risk significance criteria. analysis report update but the

[See NEI 96-07 Section 4.3.5] associated change does not require prior NRC review.


10 CFR 50.59 Evaluation Criteria for an LMP-based Affirmative Safety Case LMP 50.59 Criteria for an LMP-based 10 CFR 50.59(c)(2) Criteria Affirmative Safety Case Comments Category 2 - SSCs (ii) Result in more than a minimal (d) Result in an increase in the frequency increase in the likelihood of occurrence or consequences of a malfunction of any of a malfunction of a structure, system, safety-significant SSC that would change or component (SSC) important to safety the classification of the SSC from non-previously evaluated in the final safety risk significant to risk-significant.

analysis report (as updated);

(e) Result in an increase in the frequency 10 CFR 50.59(c)(2) criteria (ii), (iv), (vi),

(iv) Result in more than a minimal or consequences of a malfunction of a and (vii) are addressed collectively by increase in the consequences of a safety-significant SSC that would have a LMP 50.59 criteria (d) and (e).

malfunction of an SSC important to more than minimal adverse effect on Changes with the impacts on the LMP-safety previously evaluated in the final defense-in-depth adequacy or lead to a based affirmative safety case described safety analysis report (as updated); change in safety classification from NST in (d) or (e) are deemed to require prior to NSRST to maintain adequate defense-

[See NEI 96-07 Sections 4.3.2 and 4.3.4, NRC approval.



(vi) Create a possibility for a malfunction of an SSC important to safety with a different result than any previously evaluated in the final safety analysis report (as updated);

[See NEI 96-07 Section 4.3.6]


10 CFR 50.59 Evaluation Criteria for an LMP-based Affirmative Safety Case LMP 50.59 Criteria for an LMP-based 10 CFR 50.59(c)(2) Criteria Affirmative Safety Case Comments Category 2 - SSCs (vii) Result in a design basis limit for a No specific criterion The DID provided by LWR fission product fission product barrier as described in barriers is addressed in a holistic manner the FSAR (as updated) being exceeded or in NEI 18-04. There is no need to single altered; out fission product barriers in LMP 50.59 criteria; instead, impacts of changes on

[See NEI 96-07 Section 4.3.7] all safety- significant SSCs (not just fission product barriers) and DID are addressed by LMP 50.59 criteria (d) and (e).


10 CFR 50.59 Evaluation Criteria for an LMP-based Affirmative Safety Case LMP 50.59 Criteria for an LMP-based 10 CFR 50.59(c)(2) Criteria Affirmative Safety Case Comments Category 3 - Methods of Evaluation (viii) Result in a departure from a (f) Result in a departure from a method Evaluation of changes to methods of method of evaluation described in the of evaluation described in the FSAR (as evaluation should follow NEI 96-07 FSAR (as updated) used in establishing updated) used in establishing the design Section 4.3.8 guidance.

the design bases or in the safety bases or in the safety analyses, which analyses. the exception of LBE evaluation methods Note that methods of evaluation used in under the change control of the Non- the PRA are not addressed by 10 CFR

[See NEI 96-07 Section 4.3.8] LWR PRA Standard. 50.59 (see Section 3.1.6 of this guidance). Such methods are instead managed by New Methods and Configuration Control requirements in the non-LWR PRA Standard ASME/ANS RA-S-1.4-2021. These include methods of evaluation for AOOs, DBEs, and BDBEs.


Update on Pre-Application Engagement on Advanced Reactor Licensing (Courtney Banks, Adrian Muniz, Mallecia Sutton) 136

Pre-Application Engagement on Advanced Reactor Licensing Adrian Muniz, Mallecia Sutton, and Courtney Banks Advanced Reactor Licensing Branch 1

The NRC staff encourages pre-application interactions NRC staff view on with advanced reactor potential applicants and vendors to provide stability and predictability in the licensing pre-application process through early identification and resolution of technical and policy issues that would affect licensing.

engagement and Seven advanced reactor potential applicants and vendors current status have submitted new or revised regulatory engagement plans in the past year that include many of the activities addressed in the NRC staff draft white paper, Pre-application Engagement to Optimize Advanced Reactors Application Reviews (ADAMS Accession No. ML21145A106), issued in May 2021.



  • 10 regulatory engagement plans submitted
  • Topical Reports Snapshot of - 10 completed Pre-Application - 8 under review

- 37 projected to be submitted in the next 2 years Engagement

  • White Papers

- 18 completed Activities - 10 under review

- 38 projected to be submitted in the next 2 years 139

Advanced Reactor Webpage 140

  • Discuss updates to website Advanced
  • Provide a demo of the advanced reactor page
  • New Listserve subscriptions 141
