ML22095A102 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | 07201031 |
Issue date: | 04/13/2022 |
From: | Storage and Transportation Licensing Branch |
To: | NAC International |
B WHITE NRC/NMSS/DFM/STLB 3014156577 | |
Shared Package | |
ML22095A100 | List: |
References | |
EPID L-2022-LLA-0016 | |
Download: ML22095A102 (2) | |
Non-Proprietary Request for Additional Information Docket No. 72-1031 Certificate of Compliance No. 1031 Model No. MAGNASTOR Storage System Amendment No. 12
By letter dated January 18, 2022 (Agencywide Documents Access a nd Management System
[ADAMS] Package Accession No. ML22024A374) as supplemented on M arch 18, 2022, (ADAMS Accession No. ML22077A769), NAC International (NAC) subm itted an application for Amendment No. 12 to the Model No. MAGNASTOR storage cask. The application proposes to add revise Appendix A, Technical Specification 4.2 to add a def inition for the concrete cask lid and provide alternate fabrication criteria and techniques in Te chnical Specification A4.2 for the concrete cask lid.
This request for additional information identifies information needed by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff in connection with its review of the application. The requested information is listed by chapter number and title in the applicants safety analysis report (SAR). The NRC staff used NUREG-2215, Standard Review Plan for Spent Fuel Dry Storage Systems at a General License Facility Final Report, in its review of the application.
Each question describes information needed by the staff for it to complete its review of the application and to determine whether the applicant has demonstr ated compliance with regulatory requirements.
Materials Evaluation
M-1 Update the MAGNASTOR safety analysis report (SAR) to include either: (i) a description of the measurement techniques, or (ii) a citation o f the standard (e.g.,
ASTM International Standard No. C138, Standard Test Method for Density (Unit Weight), Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete) use d to determine that the concrete density in the MAGNASTOR concrete cask lid meets the technical specification requirements.
Update the MAGNASTOR SAR to include a citation of the standard(s) that is followed for commercial grade ready mixed concrete, such as AST M C94, Standard Specification for Ready Mixed Concrete, to ensure th at the MAGNASTOR concrete cask lid will have the physical properties and characteristics (e.g., lack of significant voids or cracks that may result in streaming paths) needed to ensure its required shielding safety function.
If no published consensus standard is followed, update the MAGN ASTOR FSAR to include a description of the product specifications and fabrication procedures that are followed to ensure that the MAGNASTOR concrete cask lid will have the physical properties and characteristics (e.g., la ck of significant voids or cracks that may result in streaming paths) needed to ensure its required shielding safety function.
Basis for RAI M-1
The proposed technical specification changes for Amendment No. 12 of the MAGNASTOR certificate of compliance submitted by letter dated, March 18, 2022, include new text in Technical Specification Appendix A, Section 4.2, that specifies the required density for the
Enclosure concrete in the concrete cask lid and describes some qualitativ e aspects of the concrete used in the construction of the concrete cask lid. However, the propos ed technical specification changes and the associated SAR Table 1.3-4 criteria for the con crete cask lid do not describe the measurement techniques (or the standard method used to perf orm measurements) for determining that the concrete density in the lid meets the tech nical specification requirements.
Further, the proposed technical specification changes and the a ssociated SAR Table 1.3-4 criteria for the concrete cask lid do not identify any standard s, product specifications, or fabrication procedures that are followed to ensure that the con crete cask lid has the physical properties and characteristics (e.g., lack of significant voids or cracks that may result in streaming paths) needed to ensure that it can perform its requi red safety function of shielding.
Therefore, the proposed changes to the technical specification and the associated SAR criteria for the concrete cask lid do not provide adequate controls (bas ed on the use of established standards or other documented methods) for the design and fabri cation of the concrete in the cask lid to ensure adequate radiation shielding performance. T he proposed amendment should ensure the following:
- a. That the SAR include a description of the measurement techni ques (or a citation of standard methods used to perform the measurements) for ensuring that the concrete density is measured accurately to meet technical specification requirements, and
- b. That the SAR include a citation of the standard(s) that is/a re followed for commercial grade ready mixed concrete, such as ASTM C94, or include a desc ription of the product specifications and fabrication procedures that are followed to ensure that the concrete cask lid will have the physical properties and characteristics (e.g., lack of significant voids or cracks that may result in streaming paths) needed to e nsure the required shielding safety function.
This above information is requested to ensure that the MAGNASTO R concrete cask lid and associated technical specifications and SAR Table 1.3-4 criteri a meet the requirements of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) 72.236(b) and 10 CFR 72.236(g).