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SCDHEC 2012 Air Permit
Person / Time
Site: Westinghouse
Issue date: 06/07/2012
From: Basil E
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Trefethen, JA
Download: ML21187A237 (8)


OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CONTROL BUREAU OF AIR QUALITY OPERATING PERMIT Westinghouse Electric Company 5801 Bluff Road Columbia, South Carolina 29204 (Permit Updated 6/7/12)

Pursuant to the provisions of the Pollution Control Act, Sections 48-1-50(5) and 48-1-110(a), 1976 Code of Laws of South Carolina and the South Carolina Air Quality Control Regulation 61-62.1,Section II(F), the Bureau of Air Quality authorizes the operation of the equipment specified herein in accordance with the plans, specifications and other information submitted in the construction permit application. This permit is subject to all conditions and operating limitations contained herein.


ID Equipment Description Modification Control Device Date 01 A 2.51 million Btu/hr natural gas fired Industrial Incinerator. 1973/1995 NA 02 A 14.6 million Btu/hr natural gas/No. 2 fuel oil fired Boiler. 1975 NA 03 A 14.6 million Btu/hr natural gas/No. 2 fuel oil fired Boiler 1975 NA 04 A 8.3 million Btu/hr natural gas/No. 2 fuel oil fired Boiler 1975 NA 05 (Exempt) - A 200 kW Emergency Generator; No. 2 fuel oil 1975 NA 06 (Exempt) - A 250 kW Emergency Generator; No. 2 fuel oil 1975 NA 07 (Exempt) - A 500 kW Emergency Generator; No. 2 fuel oil 1981 NA 08 (Exempt) - A 500 kW Emergency Generator; No. 2 fuel oil 1981 NA Calciner #1: A 0.57 million Btu/hr natural gas fired North American 1981 NA 09 Model NA-4424-0 Calciner #2: A 0.57 million Btu/hr natural gas fired North American 1981 NA 10 Model NA-4424-0 Calciner #3: A 0.57 million Btu/hr natural gas fired North American 1981 NA 11 Model NA-4424-0 Calciner #4: A 0.57 million Btu/hr natural gas fired North American 1981 NA 12 Model NA-4424-0 Calciner #5: A 0.57 million Btu/hr natural gas fired North American 1981 NA 13 Model NA-4424-0 Conversion System #1. Includes a ammonium diuranate high energy NA 14 venture cyclone (Heil 724) and HEPA filters 1980 15, ADU Scrap Recovery & ADU On-Line Scrubber S-1030 System (A & NA 16 B). Includes KCH-Hedron V packed tower scrubber and HEPA filter 1975/2002

  • Ammonia Fume Scrubber. Includes KCH-Phaser IV packed tower NA 17 scrubber with HEPA filters 1995 PERMIT NUMBER: 1900-0050-R1 DATE OF ISSUE: March 5, 2008 EXPIRES ON THE LAST DAY OF: February 2018 SIC/NAICS CODES: 2819/325998

Westinghouse Electric Company PERMIT NUMBER: 1900-0050-R1 DATE OF ISSUE: March 5, 2008 PAGE 2 OF 6 (Permit Updated 6/7/12)

ADU/Waste Recovery Waterglass Scrubber Exhaust. Includes KCH NA 18 Hedron- packed tower scrubber 1997 Plating Room Scrubber Exhaust. Includes Heil 760 packed horizontal NA 19 baffle scrubber 1985 Uranium Recovery/Solvent Extraction. Includes Harrington horizontal NA 20 packed baffle venture scrubber with cyclone scrubber and HEPA filters VOID - Vapor degreasing operation; batch vapor cleaning machine; 21 Removed in 1997 NA control devices; NESHAP

  • The 2002 modification was to discharge the combined exhausts from ID 15 and ID 16 into one single system.
    • ID #s 05-08 are exempt sources and have been moved to the Exempt Sources Table in Section E. These emergency generators are used for emergency purposes only and meet the exemption requirements of SC R61-62 Section II (B)(2)(f)(ii).

I. STANDARD CONDITIONS A. The permit to operate may be renewed upon evidence of satisfactory operational experience during the prior operating period.

B. In accordance with South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control Regulation 61-62.1,Section II(H), a written request for an operating permit renewal shall be submitted to the Department no later than 90 days prior to the operating permit expiration date. The operating permit renewal request shall include all information as required by this regulation.

C. This permit expressly incorporates all the provisions of South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control Regulation 61-62.1,Section II(J).

D. In accordance with South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control Regulation 61-62.1,Section II(M) within thirty (30) days of the transfer of ownership/operation of a facility, the current permit holder and prospective new owner/operator shall submit to the Department a written request for transfer of the source operating permit.

Westinghouse Electric Company PERMIT NUMBER: 1900-0050-R1 DATE OF ISSUE: March 5, 2008 PAGE 3 OF 6 (Permit Updated 6/7/12)

I. SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. EMISSION LIMITATIONS Air pollutant emissions shall not exceed the following:

Pollutant/ Reference State ID Limit Regulation Standard Method Only Opacity 20% 9 SC R61-62.5, Standard 3, 01 6 0.5 lbs/10 BTU Section III, Parts I.1 and I.2 Yes PM 5 (Industrial Incinerators) total heat input Opacity 20% 9 6

0.6 lbs/10 BTU total SC R61-62.5, Standard 1, 02-04 PM 5 Sections I, II, and III (Fuel heat input Burning Operations) 3.5 lbs/106 BTU No SO2 6 total heat input 09-14 Opacity 40% SC R61-62.5, Standard 4, 9 Section IX (Visible Emissions 15-20 Opacity 20% from Process Industries)

N/A = Not Applicable The emission limitations listed for each emission unit are based on operation at permitted capacity. Operation at less than permitted capacity must meet emission limits specified in the applicable regulations based on that operating rate. All test methods must be the most recent revisions that are published in the Code of Federal Regulations, in accordance with the requirements of SC Regulation 61-62.1,Section IV, Source Test.

B. CONTINUOUS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS ID Pollutant Averaging Time N/A N/A N/A N/A = Not Applicable C. SOURCE TEST SCHEDULE ID Pollutant Frequency Method N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A = Not Applicable D. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Condition Conditions Number (Facility-wide) The permittee shall pay fees in accordance with SC Regulation 61-30, SC Environmental 1.

Protection Fees.

Westinghouse Electric Company PERMIT NUMBER: 1900-0050-R1 DATE OF ISSUE: March 5, 2008 PAGE 4 OF 6 (Permit Updated 6/7/12)

Condition Conditions Number (Facility-wide) In accordance with SC Regulation 61-62.1 Section II(J), for all sources not required to have continuous emissions monitors, in the event of any malfunction of air pollution control equipment or system, process upset or other equipment failure which results in discharges of air contaminants lasting for one hour or more and which are greater than those discharges described for normal operation in the permit application shall be reported to the local Environmental Quality Control (EQC) Regional office within twenty-four (24) hours after the beginning of the occurrence. The permittee shall also submit a written report within thirty (30) days of the occurrence. This report shall be submitted to the

2. Manager of the Technical Management Section, Bureau of Air Quality (BAQ). The report shall contain as a minimum, the following: the identity of the emission unit and associated equipment where excess emissions occurred, the magnitude of excess emissions, the time and duration of excess emissions, the steps taken to remedy the malfunction and to prevent a recurrence, documentation that control equipment and processes were at all times maintained and operated, to the maximum extent practicable, in a manner that was consistent with good practice for minimizing emissions. Such a report shall in no way serve to excuse, otherwise justify, or in any manner affect any potential liability or enforcement action resulting from the occurrence.

(Facility-wide) Air dispersion modeling (or other method) has demonstrated that this facilitys operation will not interfere with the attainment and maintenance of any state or federal ambient air standard. Any changes in the parameters used in the air dispersion modeling may require a review by the facility to determine continuing compliance with these standards. These potential changes include any decrease in stack height, decrease in stack velocity, increase in stack diameter, decrease in stack exit temperature, increase in building height or building additions, increase in emission rates, decrease in distance between stack and property line, changes in vertical stack orientation, and installation of a rain cap that impedes vertical flow. Parameters that are not required in the determination will not invalidate the demonstration if they are modified. The emission rates used in the determination are listed in Attachment A of this permit. Higher emission rates may be administratively incorporated into Attachment A of this permit 3.

provided a demonstration using these higher emission rates shows the attainment and maintenance of any state or federal ambient air quality standard or with any other applicable requirement. Variations from the input parameters in the demonstration shall not constitute a violation unless the maximum allowable ambient concentrations identified in the standard are exceeded.

The owner/operator shall maintain this facility at or below the emission rates as listed in Attachment A, not to exceed the pollutant limitations of this operating permit. Should the facility wish to increase the emission rates listed in Attachment A, not to exceed the pollutant limitations in the body of this permit, it may do so by the administrative process specified in this permit condition. This is a State Only enforceable requirement.

(Facility wide) These conditions shall not supersede any State or Federal requirements such as National

4. Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, unless these conditions would impose a more restrictive limit.

(Facility-wide) Unless elsewhere specified within this permit, all records required to demonstrate compliance with the limits established under this permit shall be maintained on site for a period of at 5.

least five (5) years from the date generated and shall be made available to a Department representative upon request.

(Facility-wide) Emergency power generators, if any, have been determined to be exempt from construction permitting requirements in accordance with South Carolina Regulation 61-62.1 Section II.B.2.f and as such are listed as exempt sources in this permit. These sources shall still comply with the requirements of all applicable regulations including but not limited to:


New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) 40 CFR 60 Subparts A (General Provisions); IIII (Stationary Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines); and JJJJ (Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines).

Westinghouse Electric Company PERMIT NUMBER: 1900-0050-R1 DATE OF ISSUE: March 5, 2008 PAGE 5 OF 6 (Permit Updated 6/7/12)

Condition Conditions Number (Facility-wide) It has been determined that this facility is subject to SC Regulation 61-62.68, Chemical Accident Prevention Provisions, due to in-process storage or use of a regulated substance in quantities above the specified threshold and that a Risk Management Plan (RMP) has already been submitted to the EPA; therefore, the following must be completed:

1. Submittal of subsequent revisions/corrections/updates of the RMP in accordance with SC Regulation 61-62.68.190 and 68.195.
7. 2. If it is determined by the Department that additional relevant information is needed, this facility will be required to submit the information in a timely manner.
3. For Program 1 processes, the owner or operator shall submit along with the RMP the certification statement provided in Section 68.12(b)(4). For all other covered processes, the owner or operator shall submit along with the RMP a single certification that, to the best of the signers knowledge, information, and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, the information submitted is true, accurate, and complete.

(ID 01) As specified in SC Regulation 61-62.5, Standard No. 3,Section IX all incinerator operators shall be trained based on criteria contained in SC Regulation 61-62.5, Standard No. 3,Section IX (C) as to proper operating practices and procedures of the incinerator. The content of the above referenced

8. training program, in addition to a list of trained personnel, shall be maintained at the facility and made available to the Department for review upon request. The incinerator shall not be operated without a trained operator on site, who has a certificate verifying satisfactory completion of the approved training program.

(ID 02-04) In accordance with South Carolina Regulation 61-62.5, Standard 1 - Emission from Fuel

9. Burning Operations,Section II -Particulate Matter Emissions, the allowable discharge of particulate matter resulting from the fuel burning operations is 0.6 lbs/106 BTU total heat input.

(ID 02-04) In accordance with South Carolina Regulation 61-62.5, Standard 1 - Emissions from Fuel

10. Burning Operations,Section III -Sulfur Dioxide Emissions, the maximum allowable discharge of SO2 resulting from the fuel burning operations is 3.5 lbs/106 BTU total heat input.

(ID 02-04 ) These boilers are permitted to burn only natural gas and NO. 2 fuel oil (0.5% sulfur content

11. by weight) as fuel. The use of any other substances as fuel is prohibited without prior written approval from the Bureau of Air Quality.

(ID 02-04) In accordance with SC Regulation 61-62.5, Standard No. 1, Emissions from Fuel Burning Operations, the ID numbers 02-04 shall not discharge into the ambient air smoke which exceeds an opacity of 20%. The twenty (20) percent opacity limit may be exceeded for sootblowing, but may not be exceeded for more than six (6) minutes in a one hour period nor be exceeded for more than a total of twenty-four (24) minutes in a twenty-four (24) hour period. Emissions caused by sootblowing shall not exceed sixty (60) percent opacity.


The opacity standards set forth above do not apply during startup or shutdown. The owner/operator shall, to the extent practicable, maintain and operate any source including associated air pollution control equipment in a manner consistent with good air pollution control practices for minimizing emissions.

The owner/operator shall maintain a log of the time, magnitude, duration and any other pertinent information to determine periods of startup and shutdown and make these records available to a Department representative upon request.

(ID 09-13) Calciners 1-5 are permitted to burn only natural gas as fuel. The use of any other substances 13.

as fuel is prohibited without prior written approval from the Bureau of Air Quality.

(ID 09-14) In accordance with SC Regulation 61-62.5, Standard No. 4 - Emissions from Process Industries,Section IX - Visible Emissions (Where Not Specified Elsewhere), where construction or 14.

modification began on or before December 31, 1985, emissions (including fugitive emissions) shall not exhibit an opacity greater than 40%.

Westinghouse Electric Company PERMIT NUMBER: 1900-0050-R1 DATE OF ISSUE: March 5, 2008 PAGE 6 OF 6 (Permit Updated 6/7/12)

Condition Conditions Number (ID 15-20) In accordance with SC Regulation 61-62.5, Standard No. 4 - Emissions from Process Industries,Section IX - Visible Emissions (Where Not Specified Elsewhere), where construction or 15.

modification began after December 31, 1985, emissions (including fugitive emissions) shall not exhibit an opacity greater than 20%.

E. Exempt Sources ID Exempt Source Description (Exemption Date) Basis A 200 kW Emergency Generator; No. 2 fuel oil, SC Regulation 62.1,Section II, EX-05 installed 1975 (4/4/03) (B)(2)(f)(ii)

A 250 kW Emergency Generator; No. 2 fuel oil, SC Regulation 62.1,Section II, EX-06 installed 1975 (4/4/03) (B)(2)(f)(ii)

A 500 kW Emergency Generator; No. 2 fuel oil, SC Regulation 62.1,Section II, EX-07 installed 1981 (4/4/03) (B)(2)(f)(ii)

A 500 kW Emergency Generator; No. 2 fuel oil, SC Regulation 62.1,Section II, EX-08 installed 1981 (4/4/03) (B)(2)(f)(ii)

A 250 kW Emergency Generator; No. 2 fuel oil, installed SC Regulation 62.1,Section II, EX-EG01 1975 (B)(2)(f)(ii)

A 300 kW Emergency Generator; No. 2 fuel oil, installed SC Regulation 62.1,Section II, EX-EG02 1975 (B)(2)(f)(ii)

A 525 kW Emergency Generator; No. 2 fuel oil, installed SC Regulation 62.1,Section II, EX-EG03 1981 (B)(2)(f)(ii)

A 525 kW Emergency Generator; No. 2 fuel oil, installed SC Regulation 62.1,Section II, EX-EG04 1981 (B)(2)(f)(ii)

A 600 kW Emergency Generator; No. 2 fuel oil, installed SC Regulation 62.1,Section II, EX EG05 04-01-01 (B)(2)(f)(ii)

A 50 kW Emergency Generator; No. 2 fuel oil, installed SC Regulation 62.1,Section II, EX EG06 11-26-04 (B)(2)(f)(ii)

A 60 kW Emergency Generator; No. 2 fuel oil, installed SC Regulation 62.1,Section II, EX EG07 06-15-04 (B)(2)(f)(ii)

A 50 kW Emergency Generator; No. 2 fuel oil, installed SC Regulation 62.1,Section II, EX EG08 04-01-11 (B)(2)(f)(ii)

SC Regulation 62.1,Section II, EX PB01 Paint Booth (JBI Spray Booth) installed 07-06-2001 (B)(2)(h)

No deviation from the plans and specifications submitted with your application or the conditions specified herein is permitted, unless authorized in writing by the Bureau of Air Quality. The owner/operator is responsible for satisfactory compliance with all Air Pollution Regulations and Standards.

Elizabeth J. Basil, Director Engineering Services Division Bureau of Air Quality

ATTACHMENT A Modeled Emission Rates Westinghouse Electric Company 1900-0050 PAGE 1 OF 1 AMBIENT AIR QUALITY STANDARDS - STANDARD 2 Modeled Emission Rates (lbs/hr)

STACK TSP PM10 SO2 NOX CO Boiler #1 0.34 0.25 7.40 2.09 1.2 Boiler #2 0.34 0.25 7.40 2.09 1.2 Boiler #3 0.20 0.14 4.21 1.19 0.68 Incinerator 0.175 0.118 0.625 0.75 2.50 Calciner Exhaust #1 0.0042 0.0042 0.0003 0.057 0.047 Calciner Exhaust #2 0.0042 0.0042 0.0003 0.057 0.047 Calciner Exhaust #3 0.0042 0.0042 0.0003 0.057 0.047 Calciner Exhaust #4 0.0042 0.0042 0.0003 0.057 0.047 Calciner Exhaust #5 0.0042 0.0042 0.0003 0.057 0.047 TOXIC AIR POLLUTANTS MODELED - STANDARD 8 Modeled Emission Rates (lbs/hr)


STACK Nitric Acid


Facility-Wide 0.77 -- -- -- --

June 7, 2012 Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Senior Environmental Engineer Westinghouse Electric Company 5801 Bluff Road Hopkins, South Carolina 29061 Re: Modified State Operating Permit No. 1900-0050

Dear Ms. Logsdon:

Enclosed is a modified State Operating Permit No. 1900-0050. This modified permit is being issued to place a paint booth and emergency generators to the exempt sources list of your existing State Operating Permit. This modified permit has the same expiration date as your previous State Operating Permit and will remain valid through the last day of February, 2018.

It is important for you and/or an authorized representative responsible for the overall operation of this facility to read this issued permit carefully and to understand all requirements. If any errors or omissions are discovered, please notify Hetal Patel of my staff, via e-mail at, or call (803) 898-3850 immediately.

Pursuant to the South Carolina Administrative Procedures Act, any Department decision involving the issuance, denial, suspension, or revocation of a permit or certification may be appealed by the applicant, permittee, licensee, or affected person. Please see the enclosed "Notice of Appeal Procedure" for guidelines on filing an appeal.

Sincerely, Elizabeth J. Basil Director, Engineering Services Division Bureau of Air Quality EJB:rp:el Enclosure cc: Ben Buchanan, Region 3, Columbia EQC Office Permit File: 1900-0050