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Cimarron Environmental Response Trust Facility Decommissioning Plan, Revision 2, Appendix E, Historical & Cultural Resource Document, Part 2
Person / Time
Site: 07000925
Issue date: 02/26/2021
Environmental Properties Management, Enercon Services, Burns & McDonnell Engineering Co, Veolia Nuclear Solutions Federal Services
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Cimarron Environmental Response Trust, NRC Region 4
Shared Package
ML21076A479 List:
Download: ML21076A497 (16)



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Appendix A: Figure A-1 Project Location

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2,000 1,000 0 2,000 Response Trust Site Logan County, Oklahoma Feet imarron Environmental Response Trust; Burns & McDonnell Enqineerinq ompanv, nc. Issued : 9/4/2020

Path: Z:\Clients\ENS\CERT\_Clientlnfo\Sites\Database\Geospatial\Maps & Dwgs\ArcGIS\BMCD_Files\Arcdocs\2020\2020 - Cultural Maps\App A Fig A CulturalPrevious .mxd kgouvion 9/2/2020 Service Laver Credits: Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographies, CNES/Airbus OS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Comm uni


D Area of Potential Effect ~ Disposal Pit Site m Constructed Berm Appendix A: Figure A-2

+ Existing Monitoring Well Old Waste/Emergency Pond Location -

  • Buried Pipeline Previously Disturbed Locations D Existing Building Old Sanitary Lagoon Location ~ BURNS 750. ~ M£DONNELL'" Cimarron Environmental Demolished Building ~ Historical Disturbance 0 375 Response Trust Site Previous Construction Disturbance ~ Deposited since 1991 Logan County, Oklahoma Scale in Feet ssued: 91272020

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ESRI Imagery: 12/01/2019

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Appendix A: Figure A-3

~ i._-_i 1-mile Records Review Buffer NORTH Records Review u.i

~ Previously Recorded ~ BURNS Cimarron Environmental

.~ Archaeological Site ~ M~DONNELL'"

0 0.25 0.5 Response Trust Site y

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~ Archaeological Survey Miles Logan County, Oklahoma CL ssued: 9/2/2020

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~ Area of Trenching ~ BURNS

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Path: Z:\Clients\ENS\CERT\_Clientlnfo\Sites\Database\Geospatial\Maps & Dwgs\ArcGIS\BMCD_Files\Arcdocs\2020\2020 - Cultural Maps\App A Fig A CulturalSurvey.mxd kgouvion 9/2/2020 Service Layer Cred its : Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographies, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community Area of Potential Observed Negative Shovel I Observed Berm D Effect Disturbance Test

  • -* Remnant Fence Appendix A: Figure A-6 D Existing Building ~ Deposited since l.-_1 Area of Trenching Cultural Survey Results

~ 1991 Diesel Pump ~ BURNS Cimarron Environmental Demolished Building Negative Trench 800. '-'-M~DONNELL'"

o EJO Constructed Berm Buried Pipeline -

Test Man-made Channel I .*-** Historic Corral 0 400 Response Trust Site Logan County, Oklahoma Scale in Feet ssued : 91272020

Path: Z:\Clients\ENS\CERT\_Clientlnfo\Sites\Database\Geospatial\Maps & Dwgs\ArcGIS\BMCD_Files\Arcdocs\2020\2020 - Cultural Maps\App A Fig A CulturalSurvey NW mxd kgouvion 9/2/2020 Service Layer Credits: Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographies, CNES/Ai£bus OS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Communi_ty_

ESRI Imagery: 12/01/2019 c:J Area of Potential Effect - - Buried Pipeline lil ___ J~ Negative Trench Test Appendix A: Figure A-7 Cultural Survey Results

~ Historical Disturbance

~ Deposited since 1991 DB Constructed Berm

-- Negative Shovel Test r.;mrn:nia Observed Berm l _ I Area of Trenching Diesel Pump 0 200

~ BURNS 400. ~ M£DONNELL'*

Northwest Quadrant Cimarron Environmental Response Trust Site Scale in Feet Logan County, Oklahoma Donnell EnQineerinQ Company, Inc. ssued: 97272020

Path: Z:\Clients\ENS\CERT\_Clientlnfo\Sites\Database\Geospatial\Maps & Dwgs\ArcGIS\BMCD_Files\Arcdocs\2020\2020 - Cultural Maps\App A Fig A CulturalSurvey NE.mxd kgouvion 9/2/2020 Service Layer Credits: Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographies, CNES/Airbus OS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Corr1munity ESRI Imagery: 12/01/2019 c:J Area of Potential Effect - - Buried Pipeline Appendix A: Figure A-8

~ Historical Disturbance Negative Shovel Test # ~# Remnant Fence Cultural Survey Results

  • -- Northeast Quadrant Observed Disturbance I_ ., Area of Trenching i _.. ..: Historic Corral ~ BURNS
r=l Negative Trench Test c=.] Figure A-11 Inset 0 200 400 ~ M£DONNELL'" Cimarron Environmental Response Trust Site

- Man-made Channel Scale in Feet Logan County, Oklahoma ssued: 9/2/2020

Path : Z:\Clients\ENS\CERT\_Clientlnfo\Sites\Database\Geospatial\Maps & Dwgs\ArcGIS\BMCD_Files\Arcdocs\2020\2020 - Cultu ral Maps\App A Fig A CulturalSurvey SE.mxd kgouvion 9/2/2020 Service Layer Credits: Source : Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographies, CNES/Airbus OS , LJ§DA_,_ USGS, AeroGRID , IGN , and the GIS User Communi_ty_

ESRI Imagery: 12/01/2019 Appendix A: Figure A-9 c:J Area of Potential Effect

~ Historical Disturbance

- Buried Pipeline Negative Shovel Test 0

$ 200

~ BURNS 400 . ~ M~DONNELL" Cultural Su rvey Results Southeast Quadrant Cimarron Environmental Response Trust Site Scale in Feet Logan County, Oklahoma ssued : 9/2/202T5

Path: Z:\Clients\ENS\CERT\_Clientlnfo\Sites\Database\Geospatial\Maps & Dwgs\ArcGIS\BMCD_Files\Arcdocs\2020\2020 - Cultural Maps\App A Fig A-1 0 - CulturalSurvey SW.mxd kgouvion 9/2/2020 Service Layer Credits : Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geograf)hic_s, C:NES/Airbus DS , USDA, USGS, AeroGRID , IGN, and the GIS User Community ESRI Imagery: 12/01/2019

. - - , Area of Potential ~ Observed ,l.______

_ I, Area of Trenching Appendix A: Figure A-10 L.....J Effect

=D Existing Building Demolished Building

~ I Disturbance

-- Buried Pipeline Negative Shovel Test Negative Trench Test Observed Berm 0

$ 200 400


'-."'- M~DONNELL~

Cultural Survey Results Southwest Quadrant Cimarron Environmental Response Trust Site

~ Historical Disturbance Scale in Feet Logan County, Oklahoma ompanv, Inc. ssued: 9/2/2020

Path : Z: \Clients\ENS\CERT\_Cl ientlnfo\Sites\Database\Geospatial\Maps & Dwgs\ArcGIS\BMCD_Fi les\Arcdocs\2020\2020 - Cultural Maps\App A Fig A CulturalSurvey NE lnset.mxd kgouvion 9/2/2020 Service Layer Credits:

Logan County NAIP: 2017 Appendix A: Figure A-11 lC:JjNegative Trench Test lf=IN t Remnant Fence Cultural Survey Results Inset - Northeast Quadrant t:.::.i Historic Corral ~ BURNS

-- Negative Shovel Test -

L _ I Area of Trenching Man-made Channel 0 25 Scale in Feet 50

" -M~DONNELL:" Cimarron Environmental Response Trust Site Logan County, Oklahoma Donne ll EnQineerinQ Company, Inc. ssued: 97272020

Path: Z:\Clients\ENS\CERT\_Clientlnfo\S ites\Database\Geospatial\Maps & Dwgs\ArcGIS\BMCD_Files\Arcdocs\2020\2020 - Cultural Maps\App A Fig A Kerr-McGee Layout.mxd kgouvion 9/2/2020 Service Layer Credits:


Appendix A: Figure A-12 c:J Area of Potential Effect I I Existing Building ~ BURNS Kerr-McGee Building Layout Cimarron Environmental 150 75 0 150 ~ M~DONNELL~

Demolished Building Response Trust Site Logan County, Oklahoma Scale in Feet Source: ESRI ; Cimarron Environmental Trust; Burns & MCDonnell Enqineerinq Company, Inc. ssuect 9/2/2020

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Appendix A: Figure A-14 Warehouse #4 (R-02)

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Issued: 9/2/2020