ML20308A602 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 11/04/2020 |
From: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
To: | |
Kate Lenning-NRR/DORL 301-425-3151 | |
References | |
Download: ML20308A602 (53) | |
Public Meeting with the Nuclear Energy Institute Regulatory Issues Task Force November 4, 2020 1
Time Topic Speaker 9:00 am -9:05 am Introductions/Opening remarks NRC/NEI 9:05 am - 9:30 am NRC transformational efforts NRC 9:30 am - 9:45 am Licensing action workload update NRC 9:45 am - 10:00 am Licensing review feedback NEI 10:00 am - 10:10 am Break 10:10 am - 10:25 am VLSSIR/next steps NRC/NEI 10:25 am - 10:40 am Forward fitting/back-fitting guidance development NRC 10:40 am - 10:55 am Pre-generic issues - PRE-GI-018 HEAF involving aluminum components NRC 10:55 am - 11:10 am ASME NML-1-2019, Rules for the movement of loads using overhead handling equipment in nuclear facilities NRC 11:10 am - 11:25 am 10 CFR 50.55a 2-year rule change NEI/NRC 11:25 am - 11:40 am 2021 RIC approach NRC 11:40 am - 11:45 am 10 CFR 50.59 effort NRC 11:45 am - 11:55 am Opportunity for public comment Members of the Public 11:55 am - 12:00 pm Closing remarks NRC/NEI 12:00 pm Adjourn 2
Introductions and Opening Remarks 3
NRC Transformational Efforts 4
Risk Informed Process for Evaluation Whats Changed?
50.69 IDP or Equivalent
& TSTF-505 TSTF-425 Other risk information Streamlined Review - limited deterministic review as needed Risk-informed review 6
- Finalized NRC Temporary Staff Guidance and safety impact characterization guidance process.
- Continue working on graded approach to support other levels of risk-informed integrated decision-making.
- Continue outreach to other interested parties and the public.
Risk Informed Process for Evaluation Whats Next?
Request for Confirmation of Information
- An RCI is an RAI asking for the applicant to confirm information the NRC staff understand to be accurate
- Currently available for use
- Working on incorporating RCI into staff review guidance 8
DISCUSSION TOPICS Overview of WRR Licensee Interface Strategic Improvements Questions 10
OVERVIEW COVID-19 PHE Web-based Exemptions (COVID-related)
Web-based Alternative Requests (COVID-related)
NRC Portal (All) 11
- Users will get a credential issued by the NRC ICAM team which will be used to access the portal (similar to EIE).
- Each logged in user will have the ability to update their profile.
- A licensee can designate an administrator and they will have the ability to administer permissions for their employees on a plant by plant basis to View, Edit or Submit.
- Administrator default is the Licensing Director 14
- Licensees will have a list of initiated/submitted alternatives that can be checked for status or for reference purposes.
- Status information will be auto-populated from NRC internal work planning applications.
- Exclusively for Proposed Alternatives under 10 CFR 50.55a(z)(1) and (z)(2)
- Rich Text Elements 18
- Attachments 19
- Preview 20
- Full editing capability and attachment functionality for licensees within the portal
- PDF alternative request automatically generated by the form and processed through ADAMS for profiling; attachments added to package
- All applicable requirements under 10 CFR 50.4 are satisfied
- Supports all alternative requests under 10 CFR 50.55a(z)(1) and (z)(2)
WHATS NEXT COVID-19 PHE Web-based Exemptions (COVID-related)
Web-based Alternative Requests (COVID-related)
NRC Portal (All)
MAP 22
VISION Empower stakeholders with a secure, flexible, and personalized self-service gateway to retrieve, submit, and interact with regulatory related information and assessment tools through a standard web browser.
enter at your own reward MISSION ANALYTICS PORTAL - EXTERNAL 23
Licensing Action Workload Enhancements November 4, 2020 24
Significant Activities in FY 2020
- Improvements Achieved in the Operating Reactor Licensing Workload Management Process
- Increased Efficiencies and Ability to Identify Trends in Large Licensing Submittals
- Communications with Industry Effective during the PHE 25
COVID-19 Actions Part 26 Work Hours Part 50 Fire Protection Owner Activity Reports (relief requests)
Part 55 Operators Licenses Part 73 Security Training Part 20 Respiratory Requirements Part 50 EP Biennial Exercise Other Requests Processed License Amendments Part 50.55a relief/alternative Part 50 Quality Assurance Programs Topical Reports - Audit Frequencies 1
186 2 38 3
19 4 5 Completed COVID-19 Actions 27
Avg = 7.4 months Avg = 36 days Avg = 8.7 months 29
Workload Management Enhancements
- On-Line Portal for Exemptions and Relief Requests
- New and Modernized Licensing Tools
- Enhanced reports and tools in project management system (RPS)
- Mission Analytics Portal (MAP): Interactive Licensing Dashboard
- Enhanced Workload Management Process
- Real-time Analytics
- Predictive Indicators and Metrics 30
Efficiencies Gained in FY 2020
- Completed >1100 licensing actions and other licensing tasks
- 20% higher volume than FY 2019, highest in last 3 years
- Average Completion Time for All Actions < 6.5 months
- 30% lower than FY2019, lowest in last 5 years
- Met or Exceeded All Performance Goal Year Timeliness: Licensing Actions = 99%; Other Licensing Tasks = 97% Year Timeliness = 100%
- Improved performance against estimates
- Developed new internal goals to achieve additional efficiencies, and metrics to monitor our progress 32
Large Submittals (TSTF-582, TSTF-505, 10 CFR 50.69)
New Requests for TSTF-582, Reactor Pressure Vessel Water Inventory Control Enhancements Up to 22 expected with most expected to have 6 month completion times 9 submitted; All requested 6 month or less completion time Requests to Adopt TSTF-505, Provide Risk-Informed Extended Completion Times 2 completed; All less than estimated schedule and estimated hours 7 new submittals; Most estimates consistent with or below prior submittals 1 request to modify prior approval Requests to Implement 10 CFR 50.69, Risk-informed categorization and treatment of structures, systems and components 6 completed; All less than estimated schedule and estimated hours 7 new submittals; Most estimates consistent with submittals 3 requests to modify prior approvals 33
Effective Communication
- Provided NRCs PHE response information on the public website
- Increased staff remote login capability to ensure continued access for communications and agency information
- Routine licensing communications continued during full time telework period 34
35 NEI Licensing Review Feedback
Very Low Safety Significance Issue Resolution (VLSSIR) Process - Update VLSSIR Process took effect on January 1, 2020 with revisions to IMC 0612 Appendix B, Issue Screening and IMC 0611, Power Reactor Inspection Reports RITF Public Briefing, November 2020 NRR/DRO Program
Phil McKenna The use of the VLSSIR process has resulted in the closure of 5 issues in 10 months. 3 of 4 Regions have used the VLSSIR process. The amount of issues in this timeframe is what was about expected when implementing the new VLSSIR process.
All regions reviewed their open URIs in the first quarter of this year to determine which ones could be closed to the VLSSIR process. This resulted in 2 issues closed.
DRO conducted a survey in April 2020 for all regional DRS and DRP branch chiefs on their experience with the VLSSIR process for the first quarter of 2020. Summary of lessons learned from this Survey:
o Some inspectors are still concerned that licensees will push an inspector to use this process when it is not applicable.
o Need to reemphasize that the VLSSIR process is also for issues that would screen to minor in IMC 0612.
An effectiveness review is planned to be conducted in January 2021 after one-year of run-time on the new VLSSIR process.
Technical Assistance Request (TAR)
Process-Status Revitalized process, TAR (COM-106, Rev. 6)1 took effect August 24, 2020 Rollout training for NRR and Region staff planned in fall/winter 2020 Restructured as a fact-gathering exercise to inform decisionmaking in other processes, TAR will offer a graded, risk-informed approach to screen, scope and evaluate potential issues early TAR has nexus to VLSSIR and Backfitting - Connected by the transformative thread of holistic problem-solving TAR Scope: Operating reactors, and reactors and non-power utilization facilities in construction 0
TARs in Process RITF Public Briefing, November 2020 NRR/DORL Program
Booma Venkataraman 1 ADAMS Accession No. ML19176A098 38
NUREG-1409 Revision Status RITF Meeting November 4, 2020 39
Draft NUREG-1409, Rev. 1
- Complete rewrite of 1990 version
- Guidance on how to implement Commissions direction in MD 8.4
- Made available for comment in March 2020
- Comment period extended because of COVID-19
- Comments made available to NRC staff in August 40
- ~ 250 comments from 13 submissions
- Significant comment topics:
- Backfitting steps
- Forward fitting process
- Appeal process and timing
- Organization of Chapter 5
- Inspection and enforcement
- Public involvement 41
- Revision is at working group level
- NUREG due to Commission in March 2021
- Commission has a 10-day review period
- Issue final NUREG in 2021
- Publish Federal Register notice of issuance
- Update NRC implementing procedures 42
High Energy Arcing Faults Involving Aluminum Components RITF Meeting November 4, 2020 45
Proposed Path to Resolution of Pre GI-0018 on HEAF NRC staff developing approach to resolve the pre generic issue on HEAF involving aluminum without additional NRC sponsored testing Approach will build off NRC/EPRI Working Group project plan, including the EPRI survey, to determine the extent of aluminum in plants and plant-specific electrical configurations Initial steps will include filling in gaps identified in the survey The NRC/EPRI Working group is developing specific Zones of Influence (ZOI) and PRA methods to address the hazard posed by aluminum HEAFs Anticipate public meeting no later than the next quarter of FY21 46
American Society of Mechanical Engineers NML-1-2019, Rules for the Movement of Loads Using Overhead Handling Equipment in Nuclear Facilities Endorsement Status REGULATORY ISSUES TASK FORCE NOVEMBER 4, 2020 PUBLIC MEETING 45
Regulatory Guide (RG) endorsement expected to enhance handling system use flexibility and reduce special lift device nondestructive examination and testing frequency consistent with risk insights Draft RG internal reviews commencing mid-November RG issuance for stakeholder comments 2nd Quarter FY21; final RG in 4th Quarter FY21 46
10 CFR 50.55(a) 2-year Rule Change 47
2021 Virtual Regulatory Information Conference (RIC)
- 100% virtual: Monday, March 8 - Thursday, March 11, 2021; 10 AM - 2:45 PM Eastern Time
- 8 plenary sessions and ~28 technical sessions
- All sessions will be delivered on the virtual platform, which will also include digital exhibits and other engaging content
- Conference program currently being finalized 49
Enhancing the Use of Risk Information in 50.59 Evaluations Nathan Sanfilippo 50
Use of Risk in 50.59 Evaluations
- Staff is engaging with NEI and industry to evaluate the potential to increase the use of risk information in the application of 10 CFR 50.59
- NEI stated that NEI 96-07, Rev. 1 may include self-imposed limitations on the ability to fully utilize the change provisions allowed by 10 CFR 50.59
- Several public meetings have been held (6/4, 8/5, and 10/15) for staff and industry to exchange views and questions
- Discussion involves the extent to which the 50.59 Statements of Consideration preclude quantitative risk techniques such as the use of CDF and LERF
- Staff is developing a new Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) to enhance the knowledge of and guidance to inspectors on 50.59 51
Opportunity for Public Comment 52
NEI and NRC Management Closing Remarks 53