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Directive 8.13, Evaluating Safety Performance of Nuclear Power Reactor Licensees
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Issue date: 10/24/1996
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ML20249C441 List:
8.13, CCS, NUDOCS 9806290365
Download: ML20249C443 (22)



ON Evaluating the Safety Performance of Nuclear Power Reactor Licensees l 1

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l l O Volume Sg Licensee Oversight Programs 'o Evaluating the Safety Performance of Nuclear Power Reactor Licensees Directive 8.13 Contents Pol i cy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Obj ect i ve r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Organizational Responsibilities and Delegations of Authority . . . . . . . . . 2 Th e Commissi o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Executive Director for Operations (EDO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Director, Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data (AEOD) . . . 2 Director. Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Regional Administrators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Applicability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 H a n d book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Referen ces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 j

l i

Approved: October 24,1996 iji

g i e' f o

!! j U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission I

%,,,, Volume: 8 Licensee Oversight Programs NRR 1


l Evaluating the Safety Performance of Nuclear Power Reactor Licensees l

Directive 8.13 Policy l


It is the policy of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to consider all available sources of information on licensee performance in reaching an objective understanding of that performance and in identifying any trends associated with that performance. It also is the agency's policy to coordinate the efforts of the various NRC offices with responsibilities for inspection, oversight, and licensing of power reactor facilities and other reactor-associated activities. These activities include evaluating wOt, concerns, assessing operational events and experience, and reviewing the records of enforcement actions to protect public health and safety.

Objectives (8.13-02) e To ensure that the agency has an objective understanding of the performance of each power reactor licensee. (021) e To integrate information on licensee performance obtained from various NRC sources and sources outside of the NRC to assess the performance. (022)

. To bring to the attention of the appropriate level of NRC management those licensees that are of concern to the NRC. (023)

To make the most effective use of agency resources by minimizing duplicative effort in reviewing, evaluating, and assessing licensee performance and focusing agency resources on poorer performers. (024)

Approved: October 24,1996 1

Volume 8, Licensee Oversight Programs Evaluating the Safety Performance of Nuclear Power Reactor Licensees Directive 8.13 Organizational Responsibilities and Delegations of Authority (8.13-03)

The Commission (031)

May act on licensees whose safety performance is brought to its attention through the processes described in this management directive.

Executive Director for Operations (EDO)

(032) e Oversees the activities for evaluating safety performance of nuclear power reactor licensees. (a)

. Holds senior management meetings to discuss licensee performance (see Management Directive 8.14 for more details). (b)

Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR)

(033) e Implements the activities within NRR of the programs and processes to evaluate licensee performance. (a) 1

. Evaluates and develops policies, criteria, and methodologies for the evaluative processes used within NRR. (b)

Director, Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data (AEOD)

(034) e Implements the activities within AEOD of the programs and processes to evaluate licensee performance. (a) e Independently assesses operational events and experience at nuclear power plants. (b) e Reports the results of operational assessments to other NRC offices. (c) 2 Approved: October 24,1996


.- Volume 8, Licensee Oversight Programs Evaluating the Safety Performance of Nuclear Power Reactor Licensees "

Directive 8.13 Director, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES)


. Assesses operational safety data and resolves potentially generic issues. (a)

  • Reviews individual plant examinations for plant-specific and generic insights. (b)

Regional Administrators (036)

. Consolidate performance-related information, conduct periodic evaluations of performance, and communicate results to licensees. (a)

. Implement the activities of the programs and processes to evaluate licensee performance within their respective regions. (b)

Applicability (8.13-04)

The policy and guidance in this directive and handbook apply to all NRC employees.

Handbook (8.13-05)

Handbook 8.13 provides an overview of the programs and processes the NRC uses to evaluate performance of power reactor licensees, how the processes interrelate, and the various organizational levels responsible for the processes.

References (8.13-06)

Inspection Manual Chapter 2515, " Light-Mter Reactor Inspection Program - Operations Phase."

Inspection Procedure 93808, " Integrated Performance Assessment Process (IPAP)."

Management Directive 8.3, "NRC Incident Investigation Program."

8.5, " Operational Safety Data Review."

l Approved: October 24,1996 3 i



Volume 8, Licensee Oversight Programs Evaluating the Safety Performance of Nuclear Power Reactor Licensees Directive 8.13 References (8.13-06) (continued)

- 8.6, " Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance (SALP)."

- 8.14, " Senior Management Meeting (SMM)." I NUREG/CR-4674, " Precursors to Potential Smre Core Damage Accidents."

l 4 Approved: October 24,1996

e' Evaluating the Safety Performance of Nuclear Power Reactor Licensees Handbook 8.13 I

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.- Volume 8g Licensee Oversight Programs Evaluating the Safety Performance of Nuclear Power Reactor Licensees Handbook 8.13 Parts I-II Contents Part I I n t ro d u ct io n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Programs and Processes (A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Performance-Related Data (B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Accident Sequence Precursor Program (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 AEOD Technical Repons (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 Enforcement Records (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 i Events (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. . . ... 2  !

Inspection Findings (S) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Performance Indicator Program (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 l Self-Assessments (7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 3 Part II Process Descriptions and Interrelationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 G ene ral (A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Inspections (B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Inspection Program (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Special Inspections (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Analysis of Operational Data (C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Plant Performance Reviews (D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Integrated Performance Assessment Process (E) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Systematic Assessments of Licensee Performance (F) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 l

Senior Management Meetings (G) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 l Exhibits i

l 1 " Organizational Hierarchy of the Evaluative Processes" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 l 2 " Interrelationship of Processes for Evaluating Licensees" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 i i



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Approved: October 24,1996 iii E _ _ _ __ _ .- _ _ _ _ _ _ .I

j 1 l .s l l .-

Volume 8, Licensee Oversight Programs l Evaluating the Safety Performance of Nuclear Power Reactor Licensees Handbook 8.13 Part I l

Part I Introduction Programs and Processes (A)

The NRC continually monitors and assesses the performance of nuclear power plant licensees to verify that plants are operated safely, and it continually analyzes operational data to identify safety issues and degradations in performance. The primary programs and processes that the NRC uses include-(1) i 1

.. The inspection program (a)

. Plant performance reviews (b)

. The integrated performance assessment process (c)

. Systematic assessments of licensee performance (d)

. Performance indicator and accident sequence precursor programs (e)

. Operational safety data reviews (f)

. Senior management meetings (g) l 1

The NRC programs and processes are designed for earlyidentification 1 of significantly declining trends in performance and for ensuring recognition and resolution of safety-significant events and conditions specific to individual plants or generic to the nuclear power industry. (2) l Each program and process in the NRC's system for determimag  ;

i licensee performance generally brings in the next higher level of the q NRC organization, starting with inspectors and first-line supervisors for the inspection program, up to and including the Executive Director for Operations for the senior management meetings. (3) l Approved: October 24,1996 1


Volume Sp Licensee Oversight Programs -

Evaluating the Safety Performance of Nuclear Power Reactor Licensees Handbook 8.13 Part I Performance-Related Data (B)

The performance-related data the NRC receives also are used for studies and assessments to gain insights into the risk and reliability aspects of plant events and equipment failures. Normally only those facts contained in publically available documents will be used as a basis for evaluating performance. However, there may be some evaluations that will consider information that cannot be publically released, such as safeguards and proprietary information or information protected by the Privacy Act (see also item (3) below). The primary data, and their sources, used by the various evaluative processes include-Accident Sequence Precursor Program (1) l This program provides a method for applying probabilistic risk assessment techniques to selected plant events or conditions to estimate their safety significance in terms of core damage probability (documented in NUREG/CR-4674).

AEOD Technical Reports (2)

These reports provide independent, detailed analyses of operating experience with hardware, plant systems, human performance, or specific events (documented in special reports).

Enforcement Records (3)

These records describe the circumstancesleading to violations of NRC regulations, including violations as a result of the Office of Investigation reports or allegation followups (documented in inspection repons or enforcement actions).

Events (4)

Descriptions of occurrences, transients, and equipment failures at nuclear power plants that may or may not be reportable under NRC regulations (documented in records of telephone notifications, licensee event repons, special licensee reports, records of morning reports from the NRC regions, inspection reports, and in the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation events tracking system).

i 2 Approved: October 24,1996

Volume 8, Licensee Oversight Programs Evaluating the Safety Performance of Nuclear Power Reactor Licensees Handbook 8.13 Part I Performance-Related Data (s)(continued)

Inspection Findings (5)

Observations of licensee performance that have been placed in context and assessed for significance. These observations may include strengths and weaknesses, violations of NRC requirements, or conclusions about the effectiveness of a licensee's program (documented in inspection reports).

Performance Indicator Program (6)

The collection, evaluation, and publication of eight indicators of  ;

licensee performance gathered from operating data reported by {

licensees. These indicators include plant-sp'ecific and industrywide j trends and are used to identify areas of poor or declining performance, l but are not to be used to rank plants or imply problem status for l individual plants (documented in periodic performance indicator reports). )



Self-Assessments (7)

These critical reviews by licensees or other industry organizations provide insight into selected aspects of licensee programs and i performance of power plant operations or operations support. (While )

these reviews may be documented in internal licensee reports, only those facts contained in publicly available documents, such as [

evaluations of self-assessments in NRC inspection reports, will be l used as a basis for evaluating performance.) {


l 1

1 f

Approved: October 24,1996 3

Volume 8, Licensee Oversight Programs Evaluating the Safety Performance of Nuclear Power Reactor Licensees Handbook 8.13 Part II Part II Process Descriptions and Interrelationships General (A)

NRC assesses the performance of licensees of nuclear power plants and integrates the information on performance through a number of different processes. (1)

The processes can be distinguished by the level of NRC organization principally involved with each process, the scope of each process, and the frequency with which each is performed. Exhibit 1 of this handbook illustrates the organizational hierarchy of the processes and indicates how the next higher level of management actively participates in each successive process. In addition to the escalation up the management hierarchy, the successive processes in Exhibit 1 broaden the scope of the plants being considered. For example:

inspections (near the bottom of the pyramid) are conducted at individual plants; the performance of each plant within each NRC j region is individually considered in the plant performance reviews and 1 systematic assessments of licensee performance (SALPs); and the perfonnance of each plant in the nation is individually considered in the senior management meeting (SMM) process (at the top of the pyramid). (2)

Another distinction between the processes is the frequency at which they are performed and the period of time considered by the processes. (3)

. Two of the processes (inspections and analyses of operational data) are continual and consider activities and events as they occur.

These two processes are the primary sources for information that is assessed, evaluated, and integrated by the other, periodic processes. (a) 4 Approved: October 24,1996

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o l

Volume 8, Licensee Oversight Programs

! Evaluating the Safety Performance of Nuclear Power Reactor Licensees j Handbook 8.13 Part II l

l General (A)(continued)

. Plant performance reviews and SMMs are used to assess licensee performance in the short term (every 6 months) and the SALP program is used in the long term (12- to 24-month periods). (b)

The integrated performance assessment process (IPAP) evaluates performance over a 2-year period at selected plants each year. (c)

The processes and their major interrelationships are described below and illustrated in Exhibit 2. (4)

Inspections (B)

Inspection Program (1)

The NRC's inspection program is the agenc/s principal continual process for collecting information related to licensee performance and drawing conclusions on licensee performance. NRC inspec. tors assigned to the plant sites and from headquarters and the regions conduct ongoing inspections of licensee activities and form conclusions on licensee performance. Inspections are planned and {

performed on a routine basis and also are performed as followup to events, enforcement, allegations, or emerging issues. The agency's inspection program is described in the NRC Inspection Manual. (a)

Inspection findings and conclusions derived during inspections are documented in inspection reports, which are reviewed and approved by the inspectors' managers. The inspection reports and associated findings are available for review and analysis by all NRC organizations. The inspection findings are a primary source of information used by the other evaluative processes. (b)

SpecialInspections (2)

Certain events or problems warrant special inspection followup commensurate with their significance. The followup can range from an inspection by one or more inspectors up to special investigation teams.

l The teams' findings are documented in inspection or investigation j reports. These special teams and their initiation criteria are described i in Management Directive (MD) 83, "NRC Incident Investigation  !

Program," and in the NRC Inspection Manual. (a)

Approved: October 24,1996 5 l


i Wlume 8, Licensee Oversight Programs -

Evaluating the Safety Performance of Nuclear Power Reactor Licensees Handbook 8.13 Part II ,

Inspections (s)(continued)

Special Inspections (2) (continued)

. An incident investigation team may be sent in response to a significant operational event that meets certain criteria, such as significant releases of radioactivity, personnel overexposure, or operations that exceeded safety limits. (i)

. Augmented inspection teams are sent to assess events of lesser  !

significance that meet alternative criteria, such as multiple failures in safety-related systems, unexpected system interactions, or events with potentially generic implications. (ii)

Although augmented inspection and incident investigation teams are sent in response to events that occur at individual plants, they are not part of the normalinspection program. Augmented inspections are initiated by the regional administrators, and incident investigations are initiated by the EDO. (b)

Analysis of Operational Data (c)

In addition to providing ongoing oversight of licensee activities through the inspection program, NRC maintains a program to continually and systematically review operating experiences of power reactor licensees. The agency's program for reviewing operational data is ciescribed in MD 8.5, Operational Safety Data Review." (1)

The program documents, analyzes, and disseminates information on immediate and long-term safety concerns that arise from operating experience. (2)

The regions, the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR), and the Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data (AEOD) continually collect and evaluate operational safety data that is obtained from written and telephonic reports from licensees and vendors, NRC inspectors, and industry groups. (a)

The Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES) incorporates, if applicable, the experience from previously resolved issues and is responsible for resolving generic issues. (b)

I 6 Approved: October 24,1996

Volume 8, Licensee Oversight Programs Evaluating the Safety Performance of Nuclear Power Reactor Licensees l Handbook 8.13 Part H l


-Analysis of Operational Data (C)(coutinue-d)

The program ensures NRC headquarters and regional offices maintain a coordinated capability to analyze operational experiences;

_ 1 establishes responsibilities for tracking and resolving potentially f generic issues; ensures information on operational experience is i current; and provides for coordination between the associated NRC offices to avoid unwarranted duplication of efforts and to increase the ]

.J effectiveness of the review of operational safety data. (3) l The regions and NRR perform an initial review for safety importance and generic implications and the need for any immediate NRC followup action. NRR and the regions continually discuss their review and followup of events and conditions with AEOD and other interested NRC organizations. NRR staff provides summary data to NRR management for consideration at SMMs. (a) l .

AEOD analyzes the data forindustry trends and patterns, analyzes and evaluates performance data for generic problems, and i-communicates the lessons learned to the other NRC offices and the

[ industry. AEOD also screens operational events for further L ,

detailed analysis to identify precursors to potentially severe core l

! damage accident sequences (accident sequence precursors). The results of AEOD's analyses are reported in technical reports for use by other. offices, which may include issuing generic communications, changing the inspection program, modifying {

existing requirements, or promulgating new requirements. (b) f .

In addition, AEOD analyzes trends at each operating nuclear plant

! and reports the results of its analysis in its performance indicator l l (PI) report. The PI reports display quarterly data for eight indicators, and provide trends and deviations for seven of them, l taking into account different operational conditions. (c)

The information received from licensees regarding operational events

' and from NRC inspections are maintained in various agency databases to make the information available to those who need it. The databases are used for such things as developing the PI reports, managing l documents received by the agency, searching document text, L

' evaluating human performance, and evaluating accident precursors.

Some databases are available to all NRC employees while other databases are maintained and used by specific groups. As the agency's computer network continues to develop, more information, tailored to the user, is becoming more easily accessible to more people. (4) l l

. Approved: October 24,1996 7 l _ __ ___ - _ _-_ .-

Volume 8, Licensee Oversight Programs Evaluating the Safety Performance of Nuclear Power Reactor Licensees Handbook 8.13 Part II l

Analysis of Operational Data (c)(continued) 1 Operational experience data is provided to the regions and NRR l managers for consideration during plantperformance reviews, SALPs, and SMMs. (5)

Plant Performance Reviews (D)

Performance of all power reactor licensees is periodically integrated i on a short-term basis to provide NRC management with a current '

status of performance. These periodic assessments, called plant performance reviews (PPRs), are conducted by regional managers at least every 6 months. Objective information, such as performance indicator data from AEOD, licensee event . reports, findings from )

inspections, and enforcement actions, is reviewed and integrated by regional staff during the PPRs. The PPR process is described in Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 2515. (1)

PPRs provide regional managers with short-term perspectives of licensee performance over the previous 6 months and allow the managers to determine the focus and detailed planning for inspections over at least the next 6 months. Through the PPR process, regional l managers allocate inspection resources to ensure the resources are being used where they are needed the most. Upon completion of the PPR, the inspection plan for at least the next 6 months is issued to the licensee. (2)

The assessments derived from the PPRs are used as each region's primary source of information in summarizing licensee performance for SMMs. Regional managers may schedule plant reviews to avoid duplication and conserve agency resources. For example, an additional, in-depth review for the PPR process may not be required for plants that have had recent (within about 3 months) SALP or IPAP reviews because the information evaluated in the SALP and IPAP encompasses the information that would have to be reviewed for the PPR. However, these plants are still discussed in the PPR process so that licensees are provided with a schedule for upcoming inspections. (3)

Integrated Performance Assessment Process (E)

The IPAP is a method to verify the ongoing and short-term assessment activities by independently reviewing licensee performance for the previous 2 years. The process asses:es the implementation of 8 Approved: October 24,1996

Volume 8g Licensee Oversight Programs Evaluating the Safety Performance of Nuclear Power Reactor Licensees Handbook 8.13 Part II Integrated Performance Assessment -

L Process (E)(continued) certain NRC regulatory programs for power reactor plants and gn cides for the validation and correction of program-related cw erns by the associated region or program office. Itverifies that the licensee's performance matches the performance reflected in the written record, and may provide direct input to the SALP process. The IPAP is described in IMC 2515 and Inspection Procedure 93808. (1) i i

IPAPs are performed at a selection of plants each year and generally i are scheduled to be performed within the last 8 months of the sal.P period. NRR headquarters staff generally will perform at least one IPAP in each region each year. Each region, however, may perform IPAPs at its discretion. (2)

IPAPs are performed by teams of experienced inspectors who are independent of the day-to-day oversight of the facility being assessed.

The team's preliminary findings and final conclusions are discussed with the SALP board associated with the plant, or senior regional managers in the absence of a SALP board. The team's preliminary findings are documented in a report that is given to the licensee, and its final conclusions are documented in an inspection report that includes recommendations for future NRC inspections. IPAPs may be

scheduled so that the assessments may be used as a significant input to the SALP process and PPR process. (3)

Systematic Assessments of Licensee Performance (F) t SALPs evaluate each licensee's long-term performance and provide ,

an avenue for discussion of performance between the licensees and 1 l NRC. The SALP process is described in MD 8.6. (1)

' ', SALPs are performed on a plant-specific schedule every 12 to 3 24 months by regional and headquarters staff and three-member {

SALP boards comprised of two regional managers and a headquarters j manager from NRR projects divisions. The boards evaluate a I

information reviewed and summarized by the staff from inspections, enforcement actions, the latest PPR, performance indicators, IPAPs(if conducted), licensee self-assessments and third-party assessments,

- Approved: Octear 24,1996 9 L l u- _ -- _ _-_ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Volume 8g Licensee Oversight Programs -

Evaluating the Safety Performance of Nuclear Power Reactor Licensees Handbook 8.13 Part II Systematic Assessments of Licensee Performance (F) (continued) site visits by the board members, and management meetings and dis:ussions with the licensees. (2)

The board assesses performance on the basis of its review of the available information and gives its recommendations to the regional administrator. Regional managers use SALP for long-term resource allocation and to identify areas for inspection emphasis. (3)

Senior Management Meetings (c)

SMMs are held to review the licensees' individual performance on a national basis and bring to the attention of the highest levels of NRC management those plants whose operational safety performance is of most concern. SMMs are described in MD 8.14. (1)

All the processes described in this part provide the information used in preparation for and at the SMMs. The results of PPRs, IPAPs, and SALPs are used as the primaryinputs to the SMM screening meetings, which are held approximately 2 months before each SMM. The regions typically schedule their PPRs to provide direct input for the screening meetings. At the screening meetings, licensee performance is reviewed for all plants by the regional administrator, AEOD management, and the Director, NRR. Generally, if the trend of a plant's performance appears to be declining significantly or there are significant concerns regarding its performance, the plant will require discussion at the upcoming SMM. (2)

After the screening meetings, senior staff from headquarters and the regions work together to integrate plant performance information into a written document. The information collected includes inspection results, enforcement data, AEOD performance indicators and independent evaluations, insights from RES on individual plant examinations, and other information that characterizes licensee performance. NRR is responsible for assembling the SMM notebooks. (3) 10 Approved: October 24,1996

Volume 8, Licensee Oversight Programs Evaluating the Safety Performance of Nuclear Power Reactor Licensees Handbook 8.13 Part II Senior Management Meetings (o)(continued)

The meetings are held about every 6 months by the Executive Director for Operations (EDO). Attendees will typically include the EDO, Deputy Executive Director for Nuclear Reactor Regulation Regional Operations and Research, Deputy Executive Director for Nuclear Materials Safety, Safeguards and Operations Support, the regional administrators, office directors of NRR, AEOD, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, RES, Office of Enforcement, Office ofInvestigations, Office of State Programs, senior managers from the Office of the General Counsel, and other support personnel as directed. These senior NRC managers plan agency actions for those plants whose performance is of most concern. Those actions can include sending a letter to the licensees of plants whose performance is significantly declining, and placing plants on the " watch list." Plants j that have demonstrated superior performance also are identified at the SMMs. (4) l l


t j Approved: October 24,1996 11


E______._______-_ _

Volume 8, Licensee Oversight Programs Evaluating the Safety Performance of Nuclear Power Reactor Licensees Handbook 8.13 Exhibits Exhibit 1 Organizational Hierarchy of the Evaluative Processes 4 SMM . watenust EDO Output

  • Superior Performers K ODs

. Trending Letters ras Management senior sta Meetings N D SALP


SALP Repon Out ut . IPAP Report RegionalDDs and . Reswrce Pbn s g Projects PDs IPAP RegionalDDs . Inspection Plan RegionalBCs . Schedule PPR [0ut . inputio sum Profocts PM, RegionalSM

    • ggia es=

inspection and Events Analysis

[h ., _ nep,n,

  • Enforcement Actions
  • Pls, ASPS Events, Licensee Activities, . Ans. ins Operational Insights, Emerging issues tegene:

aft - augmented inspectiontoam PD - projectdirector ASP - accidert sequence precursor P1 - performance indicator DC - branch chief PM - project manager DD - division director FPR - plant performance review EDO - Executive Director for Operations RA - regional administrator llT - incident investigation team SALP - systematic assessment of licensee IPAP - integrated performance assessment process performance OD - office director SMM - senior management meeting 12 Approved: October 24,1996

Volume 8, Licensce Oversight Programs Evaluating the Safety Performance of Nuclear Power Reactor Licensees Handbook 8.13 Exhibits Exhibit 2 Interrelationship of Processes for Evaluating Licensees Licensee Emerging Operational Activities issues insights Events l

Events inspections  !

Assessment  ;

l NRR AEOD Regions, HQ l

. A A l

ASPS pts Resource inspection Enforcernent inspection I, l Distribution Plan Reports ,

l l ir 3r ,r ,r l l l

l l B

9r ir ir II I g

Regional IPAP l l Assessors inspectors PPR e l BCs Regions, HQ l

. i i

s t l -

l Resource IPAP e l Planning Report l l ,

.' ,r 3r ,r l

1 I

  • l Projects Regional

. PDs DDs ras SALP I

' i

' e

' i I

I SALP Report l l -

and Ratings 3r l

, l 3r v


' l l .

ODs ras EDO SMM l l l l Superior Trending Watch l Perforrner Letters List  ;

l Letters i l l l l g___________________ __________ ________1.  ;


  • Broken line indicates NRC activities.

Approved: October 24,1996 13 i



Transmittal of Management Directive 8.14, " Senior Management Meeting (SMM)"

Purpose- Directive and Handbook 8.14 have been developed to provide interim guidance for the preparation and conduct of semiannual senior management meetings to review the performance of reactors, fuel cycle facilities, and other materials licensees. The senior management meeting process is undergoing review and any modifications will be reflected in a future revision to this directive.

Office and Division of Origin: Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Division ofInspection and Support Programs i


Patrick Castleman,415-3747 Date Approved: March 19,1997 Volume: 8 Licensee Oversight Programs Directive: 8.14 Senior Management Meeting (SMM)

Availability: U.S. Government Printing Office, (202) 512-2409 OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION