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U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nuclear Waste Fund Expenditures for August 2020 - Enclosure
Person / Time
Site: 06300001
Issue date: 09/22/2020
From: Kristine Svinicki
To: Alexander L, Barrasso J, Braun M, Kaptur M, Lowey N, Pallone F, Rush B, Tonko P
US Congress, US HR, Comm on Appropriations, US HR, Comm on Energy & Commerce, US HR, Subcomm on Energy, US HR, Subcomm on Energy & Water Development, US HR, Subcomm on Environment, US SEN, Comm on Appropriations, US SEN, Comm on Environment & Public Works, US SEN, Subcomm on Clean Air & Nuclear Safety, US SEN, Subcomm on Energy & Water Development
Joel Dorfman, OCFO, 301-415-6022
Shared Package
ML20245D502 List:
201300142, CORR-20-0094, NMSS202000040-9, SRM-140124
Download: ML20245E133 (1)


U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nuclear WasteFundExpenditures August2020 During the month ofAugust 2020,theU.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) expended

$352 ofNuclear WasteFund(NWF) funds onits actions indirect response tothecourt's decision.Cumulative expenditures since theAugust 13,2013,U.S.Court ofAppeals decision are$13,123,292.

The August13,2013,balance of$13,549,315 ofunexpended NWFfunding, less the cumulative expenditures of$13,123,292, results inaremaining unexpended balance of


Total unobligated NWFfunds remaining asofAugust 31,2020,are$421,285.

Table 1provides further details ontheNRC'sexpenditure ofNWFfunds since August 13,2013.

Table 1

Statusof NRC NWFFundssincetheAugust 13,2013,CourtDecision YuccaMountain Licensing Activities Esi0m te Ex endturesEx en t es Completion ofthesafety evaluationreport (SER)



$8,364,877 Loading ofLicensing Support Network documents into anonpublic Agencywide



$277,670 Documents Access andManagement System ADAMSlibra Loading ofLicensing Support Network



$1,142,745 documents into a ublic ADAMSlibra Development oftheEnvironmental Impact



$1,579,256 Statement su lement SERwrap-up activities



$53,548 Knowledge management reports



$659,719 Program planning andsupport




totheAugust 30,2013,


$137,518 Commission order Federal court litigation*


$268,974 Support andadvice inNRCproceedings



Subtotal, other support costs chargeable to



$954,790 NWFfunds Virtual meeting oftheLicensing Support Network Advisory Review Paneland



$104,448 information-gathering aboutpotential ad'udicato hearinvenues Adjustments toclose outcontracts funded by


($13,761) revious NWFa roriations Total


$352 $13,123,292

  • Includes a$59,000 expenditure inMay2014fortheagency's agreement tosettle theEqual Access toJustice Act claim ofoneoftheAikenCounty petitioners.

OnOctober 23,2014,theCourt ofAppeals fortheDistrict ofColumbia Circuit denied themotion fromother parties requesting reimbursement forattorneys' fees.

Theunexpended NWFbalance of$426,023 includes

$4,738 ofunexpended obligations.

These unexpended obligations areoncontracts withtheCenter forNuclear WasteRegulatory Analyses.
