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Enclosure - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nuclear Waste Fund Expenditures for April 2021
Person / Time
Site: 06300001
Issue date: 05/19/2021
From: Christopher Hanson
To: Carper T, Delauro R, Feinstein D, Kaptur M, Markey E, Pallone F, Rush B, Tonko P
US Congress, US HR, Comm on Appropriations, US HR, Comm on Energy & Commerce, US HR, Subcomm on Energy, US HR, Subcomm on Energy & Water Development, US HR, Subcomm on Environment and Climate Change, US SEN (Senate), US SEN, Comm on Appropriations, US SEN, Comm on Environment & Public Works, US SEN, Subcomm on Clean Air & Nuclear Safety, US SEN, Subcomm on Energy & Water Development
Joel Dorfman, OCFO, 301-415-6022
Shared Package
ML21116A162 List:
201300142, CORR-21-0036, NMSS202100001DFM-8, SRM-M140124
Download: ML21116A192 (1)


U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nuclear WasteFundExpenditures April 2021 During the month ofApril 2021,theU.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) expended

$8,964of Nuclear WasteFund(NWF) funds onits actions indirect response tothecourt's decision.Cumulative expenditures since theAugust 13,2013,U.S.Court ofAppeals decision are$13,162,735.

TheAugust13,2013,balance of$13,549,315 ofunexpended NWFfunding, lessthecumulative expenditures, results inaremaining unexpended balance of$386,580.

Table 1provides further details ontheNRC'sexpenditure ofNWFfunds since August 13,2013.

Table1 Status of NRC NWFFundssince theAugust 13,2013,CourtDecision Cost April Cumulative YuccaMountam Licensing Activities EstimateEx enditures Ex enditures Completion ofthesafety evaluation report (SER) $8,310,000


$8,364,877 Loading ofLicensing Support Network documents into anonpublic Agencywide



$277,670 Documents Access andManagement System ADAMSlibra Loading ofLicensing Support Network



$1,142,745 documents into a ublic ADAMSlibra Development oftheEnvironmental Impact



$1,579,256 Statement su lement SERwrap-up activities



$53,548 Knowledge management reports (FY2017)



$659,719 Knowledge management (FY2021)



$35,907 Program planning andsupport




totheAugust 30,2013,


$137,518 Commission order Federal court litigation*


$268,974 Support andadvice inNRCproceedings



Subtotal, other support costs chargeable to



$958,326 NWFfunds Virtual meeting oftheLicensing Support Network Advisory Review Panel and



$104,448 information-gathering aboutpotential ad'udicato hearinvenues Adjustments toclose outcontracts funded by


($13,761) revious NWFa roriations Total



  • Includes a$59,000 expenditure inMay2014,fortheagency's agreement tosettle theEqual Access toJustice Act claim ofoneoftheAikenCounty petitioners.

OnOctober 23,2014,theCourt ofAppeals fortheDistrict ofColumbia Circuit denied themotion fromother parties requesting reimbursement forattorneys' fees.

InOctober 2020,theCommission approved thestaff's request toexpend nomorethan

$164,000 fromtheNWFwithin thenextyearforthecompletion ofknowledge management activities related totheproposed high-level wasterepository atYuccaMountain, Nevada.This report reflects continued expenditures related tothis effort.
