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Proposed Tech Specs,Revising Surveillance Requirement to Identify Testing Requirements for Containment Spray Pump
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 12/28/1987
Shared Package
ML20238D107 List:
NUDOCS 8801040110
Download: ML20238D119 (35)


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LIST OF AFFECTED PAGES Unit 1 3/4 6-16 Unit 2 3/4 6-16 8801040110 871229 PDR ADOCK 05000327 P PDR

CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS 3/4.6.2 DEPRESSURIZATION AND COOLING SYSTEMS CONTAINMENT SPRAY SYSTEM LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION Two independent containment spray systems shall be OPERABLE with each spray system capable of taking suction from the RWST and transferring suction to the containment sump.



With one' containment spray system inoperable, restore the inoperable spray system to OPERABLE status within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> or be in HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />; restore the inoperable spray system to OPERABLE status within the gie next 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> or be in COLD SHUTDOWN within the next 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Each containment spray system shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:

a. At least once per 31 days by verifying that each valve (manual, power operated or automatic) in the flow path that is not locked, sealed, or otherwise_ secured in position, is in it's correct position.
b. By verifying, that on recirculation flow, each pump develops a dh*./ e discharge pressure of greater than or equal tom 40 psig when tested pursuant to Specification 4.0.5. in fed d gud A ora 7-/do 4250 ppm
c. At least once per 18 months during shutdown, by:
1. Verifying that each automatic valve in the flow path actuates to its correct position on a Containment Pressure--High-High test signal.
2. Verifying that each spray pump starts automatically on a ,

Containment Pressure--High-High test signal. C

d. At least once per 5 years by performing an air or smoke flow test through each spray header and verifying each spray nozzle is unobstructed.

R16 U A D o t- enon mon o a wuc g SEQUOYAH - UNIT 1 3/4 6-16 ^= nd ent No. 12

. . ~ _

CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS 3/4.6.2 DEPRESSURIZATION AND COOLING SYSTEMS CONTAINMENT SPRAY SYSTEM LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERAfiCN Two independent containment spray systems shall be OPERABLE with each spray system capable of taking suction from the RWST and transferring suction to the containment sump.



With one containment spray system inopgrable, restore the inoperable sp:ay system to OPERABLE status within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> or be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />; restore the inoperable spray system to OPERABLE status within tne next 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> or be in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Each containment spray system shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:

a. At least once per 31 days by verifying that each valve (manual, power operated or automatic) in the flow path that is not locked sealed, or otherwise secured in position, is in its correct positon.

b By verifying, that on recirculation flow, each pump develops a 1 0 ^:ig when tested o/f /#,,n/;,/ .

  • pursuant dischcrgc-- pressure of greater to Specification 4.0.5. than or equal to4/43 g i/ d ,se,J u 4 - , 9 d A 4250 spm
c. At least once per 18 months during shutdown, by:
1. Verifying that each automatic valve in the flow path actuates to its correct position on a Containment Pressure High-High test signal.
2. Verifying that each spray pump starts automatically on a Containment Pressure High-High test signal.

s I

c. At least once per 5 years by performing an air or smoke flow test througn each spray heacer and verifying each spray nozzle is unobstructed, s

SEQUOYAH - UNIT 2 3/4 6-16 1



l l

[ ENCLOSURE 2 Description of Change The proposed change will revise surveillance requirement (SR) to require a differential pressure of greater than or equal to 143 psid at a flow rate of 4,750 gal / min to demonstrate pump operability.

Reason for Change Efforts were made to resolve the findings from the " Technical Specification and Surveillance Review Program." Calculations were not found that support the current 140-psig containment spray pump discharge i value in the technical specifications (TS). New engineering calculations were performed to determine the minimum pump head required in order to

'nsure the capability of delivering the required flow rate. A copy of the calculation is included as attachment 1. The proposed change establishes new testing acceptance criteria to prove pump operability based on the engineering calculations. The acceptance criteria will be expressed as differential pressure rather than discharge pressure to eliminate confusion over how variations in the refueling water storage tank (RWST) level are accounted for during testing.


j. Justification for Change The containment spray system is an engineered safety features system that functions to reduce.the containment pressure and airborne fission products in the containment atmosphere following a steam line break or loss of coolant accident (LOCA). This is accomplished by spraying borated water from the RHST (during injection) or the containment sump (during recirculation) into the containment atmosphere. System startup is completely automatic upon a high-high containment pressure signal. Heat removal is accomplished during recirculation by the essential raw cooling water system at the containment spray heat exchangers.

The containment spray system flow is provided by two centrifugal-type pumps driven by electric motors. Each pump is rated for 4,750-gal / min flow at a design head of 370 feet. The design basis accident results in a required containment spray flow rate of 4,750 gal / min. The engineering calculations were performed to determine the minimum total developed head required to deliver 4,750 gal / min to the spray nozzles.

The total required pump head is determined by calculating the total system losses because of friction, the static head differences, and the difference between containment and RHST pressure. The 9-psig value used for containment pressure is taken from figure 6.2.1-20 of the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR). This pressure represents the maximum containment pressure during the injection phase. FSAR Section 6.2.1, " Containment functional Design" (LOCA analysis), indicates that the injection phase pressure is a valid peak pressure because switchover to the containment sump occurs well before ice bed meltout. The minimum water level in the RW5T is used for the elevation in calculating the static head. The total losses calculated in the containment spray system at a flow of 4,750 gal / min are 328.9 feet of water for the worst case. This corresponds

to a differential pressure of'143 psid. The proposed change will require the pumps to develop a differential pressure of greater than or equal to 143 psid at 4,750 gal / min when testing on recirculation flow. This acceptance criteria will demonstrate reliable pump performance to ensure proper accident mitigation.

The frictional piping losses for the calculation are based on the assumption that only one of the containment spray pumps is running. This assumption is consistent with determining the worst case, since the margin to the design flow of 4,750 gal / min is minimized with only one pump running. If both pumps are running, the increased frictional losses of the system could prevent either pump from developing a flow of 4,750 gal / min at a developed head of 143 psid. However, the combined flow from both pumps will be significantly greater than 4,750 gal / min required by the FSAR analysis.

The acceptance criterion is specified in differential pressure rather than discharge pressure to eliminate confusion on how to account for variations in the RWST level. The use of a differential pressure value based on the limiting injection requirements makes the test acceptance criteria independent of test conditions. This approach eliminates the potential for error or misinterpretation.

Note that attachment 1 (sheet 23 of 24) indicates that the containment spray flow restrictors were reduced in size as a result of preoperational test deficiencies. This action was inconsistent with the test data because the test deficiency stated that the pump flow fell below the manufacturer's curve. Although no documentation can be found to justify the installed orifices, TVA believes that the original calculations were based on using the recirculation mode from the containment sump. This would indicate a lower pump head because the pressure inside containment would not be a factor; both the suction and the discharge pressure are inside containment.

To correct this deficiency, these flow restrictors have been bored out so that essentially no flow restricting orifices remain in the containment spray pump discharge piping. The calculations presented in attachment 1 verify that the required flow rates and pressures will be developed without these flow restrictors. J

r n; Tj 2793 frse l owe A N/Ad /





BR ANCH/ PROJECT IDENTIFIE RS Each time these calculations are issued, preparers must ensure that the original (RO) HIMS accession number is filled in.

SQN-72-D053 Rev Uor RIMS' use) RIMS accession number EPM-DLB-050487 sp

'87 05 21 11 3 870601C0012 _ B25

^ " " " ^ " ' ' ' " " " " ' " "

at 370826F 00 0 3 (au)325 '87 08 0 7 10 3 P"""""""' u8 70929 A 00 09(f4)B25 '87 09 2 4 100 .; ~


R1 2, / 1106 .L U V Revision 0 R1 R2 R3 Safety related? Yes G No O ECN No. (or indicate Not Appbcabiel Statement of Problem L-7112 pared Determine the minimum head required

/D Che e Y. M[ Ab Ab T to be developed by the containment spray pumps in order to verify the 5 ff Acefer 9")t$ #1 8 pumps' capability of delivering W U- a pre s r o 40 7Muk%MM Date * / /~

c-z t -s 7 e- 7-e I 9-24.e7 lt-4 -e 7 List all pages added f( A r#Eu 5-8 ,13.14 jgg by this revision, g4p it.,1 l,44644&D ,

j _E g;

List all pages deleted by this revision.

g ,8

$$! List all pages changed (*y*/,"[{f , l* 4. 8 5.1+

by this revision. i g .,

Abstract This calculation supersedes DNE Calculations These calculations contain an unverified assumption (s) EPM-GWB-031487 (B25 870407 136) and EPM-DLB-that must be verified later. Yes O No 0 041507 (B25 870423 100).

R0 This is an essential calculation. These calculations were made to determine test requirements for the unit 2 containment spray pumps in order to verify the capability of supplying the required flow to the spray nozzles. The pump discharge orifices in the lines to the spray, ring headers were also resized. These calculations respond to Baseline and Verification Program Action Item 8081 and the memorandum from L. M. Nobles to D. W. Wilson dated February 2, 1987 (S53 870202 800) requesting verification of the 140 psig lower limit at the pump discharge as shown in Technical Specification These calculations determine the following:

Pumps 2A-A and 2B-B must develop heads of -3g3g,pter @ 4750 gpm. We R recommend that a comprehensive Pre-Op Test be pertormed to establish a set of E) performance points for the pumps (See CONCLUSION).

The Technical Specifications must be revised to include a statement of flow and preferably a requirement for total head of the pump rather than a disch. press.

< The orifice plates for the pump discharges to the spray ring headers for both

/ pumps must be resized to the I.D. of the pipe (12.00") af ter the determination

\w of adequate NPSHA.

O M, and sto,e caicuiai.ons .n RIMS serv.ce cent. r. M crotiim and desirov. O b Mecrofilm and return calcetations to: J. I.. Pudey Address: ,I 30~N N ec: RIMS, SL 26 C.K /

NEP4.1 Attachment 6 Page 1 of 1 CALCULATION INDEPENDENT REVIEW VERIFICATION FORM E.P M - t CE- O S O 487 3 Calculation No. Revision Method of independent review used (check one or more):

1. Alternate calculation method
2. Testing method
3. Other method 7esic,o re s n ew Justification (explain below):

Method 1: Identify the pages where the alternate calculation has been included in the calculation package and explain why this method is adequate.

Method 2: Identify the QA documented source (s) where testing adequately demonstrates the adequacy of this calculation and explain.

Method 3: Justify the technical adequacy of the calculation and explain how the adequacy was verified (calculation is similar to'another, based on-r accepted handbook methods, appropriate sensitivity studies included

( for confidence, etc.).

& eu u rn>st is assc o ca Acerpreo HAnvsoox arrucos q

' _ /l~MI Design Verifier Date (Independent Reviewer) u_.- _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . _ . _ . . . . . - . . _ _ _ _ - . - - - . - -





EPM-DLB-050487 1


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~PaMPs tevetop nexos or ~55'8 p r. Fo R. PUMP 2. A - A Aan 16o pr. Fo e.

PUMP 2. 3 -15 ? ER. TM E P MP cu$tagg TCV EtoP CD F'Ro M DATA G t V O4 IM

'Res . I t .

3E a cat rF 37.8. e,S Fr. Fco.w reco or ruc PaMP AT 4'750 GPM i5 sci _oM rRE mad aFAc ruRE2'S PEM oWNCE cara# E . 'TkE DC%l c,4 ?ci4T oF THe TuMP o4 THE Ft AM u FA C tuns cu R.V E is 3 70 Fr G 475'O 6PM .

s NOT M L.C.AA.L4D OM ALS o 'D N e d Es 'TTtAT WE TETCEt? nom.1 of Wc vaaca u sT iT m soai ou su . rs a A s sceu m t- s rwro . Ir sus

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rHE ~INc oPcAATsoa AL. Isvr TeFICIE.Mc.Y 3EPoaT5 s N b icATE. THE c.o n r% i u ew stt4T- SPRAY ' PUMPS MtGHT BE oPcR AT1 MG 'E Eto w rHC M AM uP A c.Tu?_cIS 'PEEFoALMAMct c a e.v E. , l!lRT THC E% C E.M e V E. FLcW 15 "D a E. TD *TME. 1:LcW 15 Ei4 G THR.caGH rHE TETT Le o? , AtJ D THC dP ER.ATI M G ~~PAEAMCr1Ed2.5 TEJ M G ontE.Jc. T1+A4 IN A LAl c k.ST" cASC c o 4 D t t lo bt .

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$'PWA4 PuM P p i s c.4+AR.aE5 AMD 'ntE STRAY 'R.tM G HCADtM ARE gay MEEDED ArN D 5 4+o a cD '7& C 'E oECD TD TM E ' DIAM erFR. o F' THE (Ms#DE oF TWE 'P/PC .


' pumps WAS F R.o M A ss ngl.E 'D ATA To#NT (AFPEoxsMATCLY 700 GPM AEoVE., 'TME "D E5 f s 4 'Po s NT oF 4.'75 O esPM) , doubt S H o u CD % E. CAST oW -Ot15 M a M'E E R A5 A "5 As t 5 P'o R. "D CF# N # M G TWE ~PuMF 'PE7EF'oR.M AMCE cattNC . CuA. T.Econne.ah A' nom ns To *P ERFoEn A+LaTWCR.

(\ PR EoPERA-no4 A L. TE%T u.S s 4 4 -r%E MoST A ccareATE lM ST1a MEM TAT 1oM

'PRAc r-ic A L AMb 'b EV CLo'P A C.u R.V E. '5ASED o4 5 CV CM L 'PCI MTS T A W'.E M c4 E.L T54 ER., srD E oF TWE *Dess GM 'PosMT . I ttis WsLL ELTHeft V A UD ATE THE oR.t G t 4 AL TEST cR (MVALLD ATE LT ,THE 6 V WOLVlMG

'TME -rE%T 'D CFicLENC ( ES .

Tis cA LcaLA'n o 4 ~ doc 5 Mof a N ct tED E AMY A LLo W A NCC 5 Fo/t 14 Aer i a R.Ac.L E.'.% oF I N $724 MEMr5 a5 E"D To MEAsuR4 'P R-E5 %u4* E oR F'Lo 64 'b u R.s M d. THE PEcoPCW.AT1e N A'L TEST 5 .

(HE \EcuatcArt $?cc.t rac ATTogg , 4.(,,t. l . b , w t LL M CCD To TE P.CV ISED .

IT- is susacsved n+4r Tu e t eca.Trec . v. eau.t EE A'DcVELoPED Heat ACEcss T H E. 'PdNPS AT A 5?cc#d c FLOW ro V CRt FV T%AT p46 pauvs ore 2 ATE o4 A 3.u2VC W HtCH T2.d45 n uot.ta.H o A. A EoVE.

3 as. ea vr. e 47so cers .

Te.s ca. I M G THE o R t F c E5 WiLL 4 ECESt. sTrcTE A F.EEV A L.u.Ap oN oR I rwc 4?s4 A. c.Atcuuno4 % .

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Deficiency No.


s d-6-Q

) To: L. W. Lau, W9C174 C K

.. qj S tcH bo"5J 1

From: P Prod Test Director , j.



  • i The Test Deficiency described below was encountered during con::uct of the following preopera-tional test: .

Test No. Db' A1 Unit (s) 1 C m Y A M m h i- So%

i est i stle So A 4

Deficiency Descrip-ion

% e. d .

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O ocu\ Seu m y .EN DES Test Representative, was verbally informed of Inis Test Deficiency on ID ~ 1'D at_ M. a.m.

. -[ . (Date) (Time) <

' Potential reportaole cccurrence issued: O Yes

  • Pro No.

.,'. kNO (if Availaote) _

'.~ This Test Deficiency C IS

@ is Not restraining fur-her testing. -

i est D er.. .iciency resolution requested by lb-IT*kD

  • Date t .

sp,.,! *


,- Ain:.. ment (s): T Yes m O No Efx DA

? Proc Test Direcaer 7A 2*f, WNm

? Proc Test ?rogram Cgainator m o...<.,,< , e . m a., * '

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- - "M PLANT ~ . Deficiency No. N-U ^ >

3 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR D s 0-6-80 To: L. W. Lau, W9C1 4 C K '

From: S ed'f L oht P Prod Test Director O q J




,n %

The Test Deficiency described below was encountered during conduct of the tNichinh pr h ) pera-

. tional test: .

Test No. Yk* SIO Unit (s) 1 i est itle CN4 c N m e 64 S o r ou .h d e m Deficiency Description v

"Th e nu.

k e. ?a -hak m h Lc(wme~& -

S o v'o u O r-n '"1 S - R el t c Tw ., 8u II- Clov ,m o ,. c. 4 ', m fShm 5. ?\ .CN11#cl ~

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$% bes4 rne r kret ew ~4 Y (Rchernce O bt - 16 o4 Tes4- Da b.~'9ec. b ch


O cru I Rroon J ,EN DES Test Representative, was verbally informed of this Test Deficiency on I b N at 31 f rs -

a.m. ,  ;

(Date) .

(Time) @ .

Potential repor:able occurrence issued: O yes pro no, QNo (if Available) .,

This Test Deficiency "9 Not

I'5d"9' ,

Test Deficiency resolution rec:uested by .


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P Prod Test Prcgram Cooryor

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ENCLOSURE 3 Significant Hazards Evaluation TVA has evaluated the proposed TS change and determined that it does not represent a significant hazards consideration based on criteria established in 10 CFR 50.92(c). Operation of SQN in accordance with the proposed amendment will not:

1. Involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated. The containment spray system is an engineered safety features system that functions to reduce containment pressure and airborne fission products in the containment atmosphere following a LOCA. The accident analysis requires a containment spray flow rate of 4,750 gal / min to ensure adequate accident mitigation.

The proposed change establishes new testing requirements for the containment spray pumps based on an engineering calculation that determines the required minimum total developed head at a flow rate of 4,750 gal / min. Thus, the new acceptance criteria for the containment spray pumps will more accurately reflect pump design capability.

2. Create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any previously analyzed. The change in testing requirements for the containment spray pumps will ensure proper operation of this engineered safety features system. No changes in system operation have been made. Thus, no new or different types of accidents have been introduced by this change.
3. Involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety. The change in testing requirements for the containment spray pumps is conservative.

Establishing the test value based on the calculation assumption that only one of the containment spray pumps running is conservative, because this results in the smallest margin between developed and required flow. If both pumps are running, each individual pump may not be capable of developing 4,750 gal / min, but the combined flow from both pumps will be significantly greater than the FSAR requirement of 4,750 gal / min. System operation has not changed. The proposed differential pressure value and corresponding flow rate will more accurately test system operation, therefore increasing the margin of safety.

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