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Weekly Info Rept for Wk Ending 970815
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/21/1997
From: Blaha J
SECY-97-189, SECY-97-189-R, WIR-970815, NUDOCS 9708290143
Download: ML20217Q088 (22)


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6ggst 21.1991 SECY 97-189 Ent: The Comissioners f.tQm: James L. Blaha, Assistart for Operations. Office of the EDO Sub.iect: WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING AUGUST 15, 1997 Contents Enclosure .

Nuclear Reactor Regulation A Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards B Nuclear Regulatory Research C Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data D General Counsel E*

Administration F Chief Information Officer G Chief Financial Officer H*

Human Resources I Small Business & Civil Rights J*

Enforcement K*

State Programs L*

Public Affairs M International Programs N Office of the Secretary 0 Region I P Region 11 P Region 111 P Region IV P Executive Director for Operations 0* '

Congressional Affairs R*

  • No input this week.

James L. Blaha Assistant for Operatiuns. OED0 f O


N. Oudley. OEDO

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[At: The Coninissioners f.rna: James L. Blaha Assistant for Operations. Office of the EDO WEEK ENDING AUGUST 15, 1997 Subiect: WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT Contents Enclosure Nuclear Reactor Regulation A Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards B Nuclear Regulatory Research C Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data D General Counsel E*

Administration F Chief Information Officer G Chief Financial Officer H*

Human Resources I Smali Business & Civil Rights J*

Enforcement K*

State Programs L*

Public Affairs M International Programs N Office of the Secretary 0 Region 1 P Region 11 P Region 111 P Region IV P Executive Director for Operations 0*

Congressional Affairs R*

  • No input this week.

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3amesL.Blaha Assistant for Operations. OEDO


N. Dudley. OEDO

,e r Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation items of Interest Week Ending August 15. 1997 S31em Nuclear Generatina Station. Units 1 and 2 Restart Status - Reactor startup of Salem Unit 2 has been delayed because of agreement problems between the group rod position indication (GRPI) and the individual rod position indication (IRPI) of various control rods. A problem was noted with the method under which the baseline temperature data was gathered for each rod. The temperatures used as a baseline were established af ter only a 10 minute soak as opposed to the recomended one hour soak. The licensee is in the process of calibrating the IRPI using the one hour soak.

Criticality is now scheduled for August 15, 1997 fire Barrier Penetration Seals - By letter dated August 5,1997 David Lochbaum of the Union of Concerned Scientists sent the staff 10 questions regarding the fire barrier penetration seals at Salem and other nuclear plants. Both Mr. Lochbaum and the staff agree that the questions need not be resolved prior to restart of Salem Unit 2. A meeting between Mr. Lochbaum and the staff to discuss the 10 questions is scheduled for September 10. 1997, at 10:00 a.m. in Room 0 8B11. The meeting will be transcribed and Mr. Lochbaum plans to show a videotape of a qualification test of a fire barrier penetration seal.

Crystal River 3 Florida Power Corporation (FPC) voluntarily shut down Crystal River Unit 3 in Seatember 1996, to address several performance and design weaknesses. FPC is tacing extensive corrective actions to improve performance FPC expects to submit approximately 30 licensing submittals that require NRC approval prior to restart. The following table provides the status of licensee submittals and the NRR review effort.

STATUS OF EXPECTED LICENSING SUBMITTALS THAT ARE DEQUIRED FOR RESTART Submittals/ Requests Received Completed from FPC & Issued Planned Addition Withdrawn Total by NRR Expected 31 0 1 30 12 1 Several of the licensing submittals are related to Apper. dix R issues involving thermo-lag, the reactor coolant pump oil collection system, hot shorts, and remote shutdown capability. Another license amendment submittal involves the small break LOCA mitigation strategy, which includes emergency diesel generator upgrades and emergency feedwater system redesign. Several NRR technical review branches including reactor systems. plant systems, electrical and human factors, are actively involved in the review of this complex submittal.

August 15. 1997 ENCLOSURE A

The Crystal River Restart Panel meets nonthly with the licensee. The meetings have been beneficial in monitoring the licensee's corrective actions and submittal schedule. The next meeting is scheduled for at August 21, 1997 at '

the Crystal River 3 site.

Watts Bar Units 1 and_2 The NRC staff held a public meeting on August 7,1997, in the vicinity of the Watts Bar plant to receive coments on the licensee's pro)osal to insert four lead Test Assemblies (LTAs) containing tritium producing Joron absorber rods (TPBARs) into the Watts Bar reactor during the next fuel cycle. The meeting was held in response to the December 10, 1996, staff requirements memorandum on SECY 96 212.

Presentation; were made by DOE, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and the NRC staff. There were about 100 .

attendees at the meeting including representatives of the media and federal.

state, and local governments. The comments provided during the meeting were broadly based and most comments were beyond the scope of TVA's proposed irradiation of the four LTAs in the next fuel cycle. The transcri)t of the meeting has been received by the staff and a meeting summary will 3e prepared and placed in the Public Document Room.

Observation of National Nuclear Accreditina Board Meeting On August 13 - 14, 1997, the Acting Chief, Human factors Assessment Branch, observed the August meeting of the National Nuclear Accrediting Board at the Institute of Nuclear Power Operation's offices in Atlanta, Georgia. During the :aceting, the Board reviewed selected utilities' training programs for renewal of accreditation. Observation of these meetings is one of the ways the NRC monitors the industry's performance in implementing the NRC's training requirements in-10 CFR 55 and 10 CFR 50.120.

Pronosed Rule Affectina Initial Licensed 00erator Examination Reauirements The proposed 10 CFR Part 55 rule change, which affects initial licensed operator examination requirements, was published in the Federal Register on August 7, 1997 on (62 F.R. 42426). The proposed rule change would require licensees to prepare, 3roctor, and grade written examinations and to prepare the operating tests, w11ch the NRC uses to evaluate the competence of individuals applying for operator licenses. NRC examiners, without contractor assistance, would administer all of the operating tests. The proposed rule change is expected to improve the NRC staff's focus on operator performance.

The proposed rule change would require licensees to submit each examination and test for NRC review and approval, and would preserve the NRC's au'.hority -

to prepare the examinations and tests. The NRC would prepare examinations on a for cause basis or to maintain NRC examiners' proficiency. The public coment the proposed rule change ends on October 21, 1997.

August 15, 1997 ENCLOSURE A

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9elay in Comoletion of Risk-Informed Inservice Testina Pilot Plant Safety Lyaluations in a memorandum dated June 17, 1997, the staff informed the Commission of a delay in the expected issuance of safety evaluations for implementation of risk informed inservice testing (RI-IST) at Comanche Peak and Palo Verde. In that memorandum, the staf f stated that it expected to be able to issue the safety evaluation on the Comanche Peak RI-IST program in October 1997 was based on the assumptions that:

  • 10 Electric would adequately respond to both the second and final round requests for additional information (RAls) by August 8. 1997.

e The staff would complete its safety evaluation within four weeks of receiving the licensee's written response, e Managers would review and the Commission would approve the safety evaluation for issuance within six weeks of the staff's completion of the safety evaluation, in a letter to the NRC dated July 31, 1997. TV Electric stated that due to the large volume of NRC draft PRA documents additional time was needed to determine how the Comanche Peak RI-IST program comports with the documents.

TU Electric has found the task of reviewing its RI-IST program against these documents to be both challenging and resource intensive. 10 Electric plans to respond to the second and third RAls by September 23, 1997. This would delay 4 issuance of the safety evaluation on the Comanche Peak RI-IST program until late December 1997.

In a letter to the NRC dated August 1. 1997. Arizona Public Service Company (APS) informed the staff that its resources must be diverted from the RI-IST program development effort in order to complete other activities (e.g., the 10 year IST program update and improved technical specification implementation),

lherefore, due to the resource constraints and operational priorities discussed above. APS will not be in a position to resume supporting the RI-IST implementation effort until mid-1998. At that time. APS will provide the NRC staf f with a schedule for responding to the third RAl.

The next PRA Implementation Plan quarterly update to the Commission will reflect these schedule changes.

Callaway Nuclear Power Plant On August 13. 1997. NRC staff members met in Rockville. Maryland, with representetives of Union Electric and Framatome Technologies Inc. (FTI). The purpose of the meeting was for the NRC staff to present the outstanding issues and cencerns related to the ongoing electrosleeve license amendment review.

The NRC staff described its issues, which were related to qualification of the non destructive examination (NDE) technique used to inspect the electrosleeves. The major NDE issues dealt with: an inadequate range of flaw sizes, an insufficient analysis of the existing qualification data, and August 15. 1997 ENCLOSURE A

, ,. i applicability of non sleeved NDE data for use in the sleeved tube ,

qualification data set. l In response, the licensee presented information which indicated that they have i collected four tubes from the recently replaced Salem Unit 1 steam generators.

These tubes which contained approximately 23 flaws, were electrosleeved, non-des'.ructively examined (ultrasonic examination), and then destructively examined. The licensee indicated that this data would provide additional information that would resolve the questions raised by the NRC staff. NRC staff requested that when the new information is provided on the docket the ,

licensee specifically address how the additional data resolves issues.

The licensee stated that the electrosleeve repair process is ready to be field implemented, once the NDE issues are resolved. At least two utilities have .

t expressed an interest in implementing this repair during spring 1998 outages.

l August 15, 1997 ENCLOSURE A i

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Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards items of Interest Week Ending August 15, 1997 Resourcn, fan,Strenathenina International Safeauards In response to a July 17, 1997, request from the Executive Branch. NRC staff members are actively assessing the potential impacts of implementing selected measures of the International Atomic Energy Agency's strengthened safeguards system in the U.S. This assessment includes a determination of the ability of information currently acquired by the NRC to satisfy new 1AEA related information collection requirements, and of the possible need for new legislative and/or regulatory authority to permit the acquisition of information and complementary access to facilities that would be required under the strengthened safeguards system. Other U.S. agencies are performing similar assessments.

Holtec Hi-Star 100 Imoact Limiter Dron Tests On August 12. 1997. Holtec International (Holtec) provided the Spent Fuel Project Office (SFP0) staff with the summary results of drop tests performed for the transportation component of the Hi-Star 100 dual-purpose cask system, which is currently under review by the SFP0 staff. The results were unacceptable. Holtec indicated that it would redesign the impact limiters and then retest the modified impact limiter and support structure.

National Academy of Sciences Naturally-Occurrina Radioactive Materials Committee On nugust 5 6. 1997. NRC staff members attended the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Committee on Evaluation of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Guidelines for Exposure to Naturally-0ccurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) meeting in Washington. DC. Meeting attendees included the Committee members and NAS staff. EPA. NRC. State, and industry representatives. The major purpose of the Congressionally mandated study being performed by the Committee is to summarize agreements and differences between EPA's guidelines, those of other advisory bodies such as the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. and peer reviewed research. The study will categorize whether differences stem from risk management / policy or from scient'fic and technical issues. The study will attempt to answer whether there is scientific justification for treating NORM differently from other radioactive materials, which EPA regulates including Atomic Energy Act (AEA) material.

During the meeting. EPA reviewed M 3 statutory authority for radiation protection, which it has applied to NORM. In addition to submitting the NAS/ NORM re> ort to Congress in 1998. EPA will also transmit its plans and policy for WORM auidance, including the scientific and technical basis for that guidance, flepresentatives of industry, the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements the American National Standards Institute, the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, and a former EPA division August 15. 1997 ENCLOSURE B


' l director discussed guidelines for radon, uranium mill tailings, and draft NORM standards.

The Comittee concluded there is no difference in radiation risk between NORM and AEA-licensed materials, and will concentrate on whether there are risk assessment or exposure differences. Since the 10 CFR Part 20 NRC standards, which the States are currently applying to NORM were created for AEA materials, the Comittee will assess the differences between EPA and NRC standards.

The Comittee will also examine EPA's standards for radionuclides in drinking water and air emissions, as well as its draft Federal Radiation Protection Guidance, since these also a) ply to NORM. The Comittee has developed a draf t outline for its report, whic1 will sumarize existing NORM regulations and guidelines discuss the rationale for differences in radiation protection L regulations, and recomend approaches for EPA consideration in setting standards for NORM.

August 15, 1997 ENCLOSURE B

c s-Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research items of Interest Week Ending August 15, 1997 Meetina with NEl on Decommissionino Reaulatory Guidance To apply the recently promulgated decommissioning criterion of 25 mrem, it is nocomry to develop regulatory guidance to convert that dose criterion into acceptable radiation and contamination measurements. On August 14. 1997, the staff from RES and NHSS met with NEl (a public meeting) to discuss staff plans for soliciting public comment on the guidance. Representatives from several consulting firms and from Nucleonics Week also attended.

The staff explained its plans for developing the guidance in modules and placing working drafts of the modules on the NRC rulemaking web 3 age to allow early interactive dialog. Working drafts will be placed in the )ublic Document Room and public workshops will be held. The staff expects the first working draft to be made available to the public by the beginning of September 1997, and the first workshop to be conducted at the eno of September 1997.

NEl expressed a)preciation for the o)portunity to learn about the NRC staff plans and for tle opportunity for pu)lic involvement in the development of the regulatory guidance. NEl also indicated that the first workshop addressing restricted release provisions may be the most 1mportant and encouraged NRC to solicit wide public attendance, ,

Public Workshoo on Rick-Informad Reaulatory Guidance NRC's draft regulatory guidance on use of probabil;stic risk assessments (PRAs) to support changes to a nuclear powar plant's curient licensing basis was the subject of a three day public workshop on August 11 13. 1997. The RES and NRR staff described the draft regulatory guides standard review plan sections, and supporting NUREG report, and addressed questions and coments from the participants. Comments received during the workshop were generally supportive of the risk-informed process contained in the draft documents. The main concern expressed by the industry representatives was the it may require a great deal of analysis and a long NRC review process to obtain approval of the proposed change. Comments received at the workshop will be comained with written comments provided to the staff, due by September 30, 1997. All comments will be used to help finalize the documents, now scheduled for completion by December 31. 1997.

August 15. 1997 ENCLOSURE C

e Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data items of Interest Week Ending August 15, 1997 CallawayExercise Members of the Incident Response Division (!RD) participated in the Callaway exercise on August 12, 1997, along with members of Region IV, Union Electric Company, and the State of Missouri. Commissioner McGaffigan headed the Executive Team. Ellis Herschoff managed the base team, and Jim Dyer headed the site team.

Two IRD staff members attended the Callaway on site exercise to perform regional assessment.

Preliminary Notifications (PNs)

a. PNO 1-97 049, Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co. (Haddam Neck 1),


b. PNO 1-97 050, Consolidat.ed Edison Co. of N.Y. (Indian Point 2).


c. PNO I-97 051, Jeanette Municipal Authority, RAD 10 LOGICALLY CONTAMINATED MUNICIPAL WASTE
d. PNO-1-97 051A, Jeanette Municiaal Authority, UPDATE OF PN01-97-051 RAD 10 LOGICALLY CONTAMINATED MUilCIPAL WASTE PNO-II-97 042. An Agreement State Licensee Syncor, Inc., HE01A e.


f. PN0 IV-97 044 V. S. Air Force (Brooks Air Force Base). MISSING CESluM-137 CAllBRATION SOURCE August 15, 1997 ENCLOSURE D

Office of Administration Items of Interest Week Ending August 15. 1997 OWFN Restack The 17th floor construction phase of the OWFN Restack Project is 95% complete.

All work. including final cleanup. Will be completed the week of August 18, 1997, and the floor will be reoccupied on the weekend of August 22 by the following executives and their immediate staff: Executive Director for Operations: General Counsel: Chief Information Officer: Chief Financial Officer: ar.d the Director. Office of Congressional Affairs.

License Term for Medical Use Licensees (Part 35)

A proposed rule that would amend the_ regulations pertaining to the medical use of byproduct material to eliminate the five year term limit for medical use licensees was published in the Federal Register on July 31, 1997 (62 F.R.

40975). The license term for these licensees would be set, by policy, for up to ten years in the same manner as the license terms for other materials licensees are set. The NRC would retain the option to issue licenses for shorter terms if warranted by the individual circumstances of license applicants. The comment period for this action closes October 14, 1997.

Freauency of Reviews and Audits for Emeraency P eoaredness Procrams.

Df eauards Continaency Plans. and Security >roarams for Nuclear Power Reactors Parts 60 and 73)

A proposed rule that would amend NRC's regulations to change the frecuency of licensees' independent reviews and audits of their emergency preparecness programs, safeguards contingency plans, and security programs was published in the Federal Register on July 31, 1997 (62 F.R 40978). The proposed rule would allow nuclear power reactor licensees to conduct program reviews and audits in respanse to program performance indicators or after a significant change in personnel, procedures, equipment. or facilities, but in no case less frequently than every 24 months instead of the current requirement to conduct reviews every 12 months. The comment period for this action closes October 14, 1997.

Medical Use of Bvoroduct Material: Issues and Reauest for Public Inout (Part 3hl A document announcing the NRC's program for revising its regulations governing the medical use of by)roduct material was published in the Federal Register of August 6. 1997 (62 F.R. 42219). The document describes the program for revising the medical use regulations, notifies the public of the availability of document.s associated with this action. and solicits informal public input on the de.*elopment of proposed rule _ language and associated occuments. Public input is requested by March 1. 1998.

August 15. 1997 ENCLOSURE F

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Reoortino Recuirements for Unauthorized Use of Licensed Radioactive Material (Part 20) l l

A document withdrawing a proposed rule that would have estcblished requirements for reporting incidents involving the intentional unauthorized ,

use of radioactive material was published in the Federal Register on August

' 11,1997 (62 F.R. 42948). After reviewing extensive public comment indicating that the costs of implementing such a rule would far outweigh the anticipated benefits, the Comission reconsidered the need for the proposed rule.

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August 15, 1997 ENCLOSURE F

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4 Chief Information Officer items of Interest Week Ending August 15. 1997 Sinnificant F01A/PA Reauests Received durina the 5-Day Period of Auaust 8 throuah Auaust 14. 199/:

Eastern Technology. Inc., license for nuclear laundry in state of PA.

(F01A/PA 97 295)

Contract No. NRC 04 97-046. Independent Evaluations for Severe Accident Research. (F01A/PA 97 296)

Petition regarding exemption from Poison Prevention Packaging Act, submitted by Maryland Pharmaceuticals Inc., and Upjohn Co. (F01A/PA 97-297)

ANSTEC Inc contract for ADP support services. (F01A/PA 97-298) 01 report regarding case number 3 96 047. (F01A/PA 97-299)

Savannah River plant. 2 27-95 documents re injury to named individual.

(FOIA/PA 97-300)

NRC staffing figures, expenditures and testimony to Congressional Commit.ees and identification of the Chairman, 1975-1997. (F01A/PA-97 301)

Split Rock Mill Site, near Jeffrey City. WY cost summaries and remediation efforts. (F0!A/PA 97 302)

Cuba visit. 6/3/88 memo from Shea re summary of and 1/25/90 memo from Denton re report of travel to Cuba. (F01A/PA 97-303)

Records on self since 8/94 and 12/95. (F01A/PA 97-304)

Contract NRC 05-76 384, modifications 1 & 2. and bibliography or index.

(F0lA/PA 97 305)

Oracle databases, version currently in use and names, addresses & phone numbers of three individual users. (F0lA/PA 97-306) 1.H.P. A.C. card holder listing. (F01A/PA-97-307)

ENCLOSURE G August 15. 1997

Office of Human Resources


' August 15. 1997 ENCLOSURE f

  • , . > a-Office of Public Affairs Items of Interest Week Ending August 15. 1997 Media Interest Time magazine is putting together a story on the announcement by Ontario Hydro that it would shut down seven of its 19 nuclear power plants.

Press Releases Headouarters:

97-118 NRC Provides Comments to Fish and Wildlife Service on its Draft Opinion on Cleanup Plan for_ Utah Uranium Mill Tailings Site 97-119 Note to Editors: ACNW report on predicting risk from igneous activity at Yucca Mountain 97-120 NRC Advisory Comittee on Nuclear Waste to Meet September 23 and 25 in Las Vegas97-121 NRC Advisory Comittee on Reactor Safeguards to Me<:t September 3 5 97 122 NRC lssues Final Policy Statement on Economic Deregulation of Nuclear Power Plants97-123 NRC Authorizes Utah Urankum Mill to Receive and Pro:ess Material from Pennsylvania Reaions:

1-97-103 NRC, PS&G to Discuss Apparent Violations at Hope Creek l-97-104 NRC Staff Proposes $176.000 Fine for Alleged Violations at Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Plant 111-97-75 NRC Staff issues Notice of Violation at Wisconsin Electric Co.. No Fine Proposed for Violations at Point Beach Nuclear Plant 111 97-76 NRC Chairman Shirley Ann Jackson to Hold News Briefing Following Visit to Clinton Nuclear Power Station August 15. 1997 ENCLOSURE H



Office of International Programs items of Interest Week T.nding August 15, 1997 IAEA Vacancy Notice.1 The following notices from the International Atomic Energy Agency have been posted on NRC bulletin boards:

P3 Unit llead. Field Accounts & Commercial Claims 97 057 Administration D1 Director 97-058-Research and Isotopes P-4 Technical Officer 97 059 Research and Isotopes P-4 Radiation Source Specialist 97-060 Nuclear Safety 1

P-4 Country Officer 97-061 Technical Co nperation P-4 Safety Information Officer (Technical Writer)97-062 Nuclear Safety P-4 Nuclear Engineer 97-063 Nuclear Energy P3 Soil Scientist 97-064 Research and Isotopes P-4 Video Engineer 97-065 Safeguards b

P5 Operational Safety Specialist 97 603 Nuclear Safety August 15. 1997 ENCLOSURE N

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Office of the Secretary Items of Interest Week Ending August 15. 1997 Commission Decision Documents Released to the Pub 1!c Document Dalg Sub.iect

1. SECY-97-148 July 15, 1997 Recommendation on Need for Rule on Advanced Light Water Reactor Severe Accident Performance

- SRM on 97-148 August 6, 1997 (same)

- Votiag Record August 6. 1997 (same) on T '48

2. M970806B August 14. 1997 Staff Requirements - Briefing on Shutdown Risk Proposed Rule for Nuclear Power Plants (SECY-97-168), 2:00 P.M.,

Wednesday. August 6. 1997

3. M970807A August 14. 997 Staff Requirements Meeting with NRC Executive Council 9:35 A.M., Thursday.

August 7. 1997 Neoative Consent Documents Released to the Public

1. SECY-97-168 July 30, 1997 Issuance for Public Comment of Proposed Rulemaking Package for Shutdown and Fuel Storage Pool Operation Information Pacers Released to the Public
1. SECY-97-175 July 31, 1997 NRC Participation in the OECD/NEA S)onsored RASPLAV-Phase II Project at tie Russian Research Center (I.V.

Kurcanov Institute)

2. SECY-97-178 August 7, 1997 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending August 1. 1997
3. SECY-97-180 August 6, 1997 Response to Staff Requirements Memorandum of May 28, 1997 Concerning Briefing on IPE Insight Report
4. SECY-97-181 August 6. 1997 Implementatien of New IAEA Safeguards Measures in the United States August 15. 1997 ENCLOSURE O

. p-Commission Corresoondence Released to the Public

1. Letter to Masami Katsuragawa, Japanese Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corp., dtd 8/6/97 conecrns his departure from PNC and move to Nuclear Energy Systems
2. Letter to Representative Thomas Bliley concerns costs of regulation and other administrative procedures
3. Letter to Robert Backus of Backus. Meyer. Solomon. Rood & Branch dtd 8/4/97 concerns " undue risk" standard as opposed to the " substantial


regulatory compliance" standard a

4. Letter to Senator Olympia Snowe dtd 8/1/97 concerns an anonymous letter regarding issues at the Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station


Federal Reaister Notices Issued

1. Final Policy Statement on the Restructuring and Economic Deregulation of the Electric Utility Industry. 10 CFR Part 50 dtd 8/13/97
2. Notice of Meeting of the Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste. September j 23-25, 1997. Las Vegas, Nevada dtd 8/8/97

) 3. Notice of Meeting of the Advisory Conmittee on Reactor Safeguards.

September 3-5, 1997 dtd 8/11/97

,L August 15, 397 ENCLOSURE O i


,. sa Region 1 Items of Interest Week Endin) August 15, 1997 PreDecisional Enforcement Conferenci The Chief of the Region 1 Nuclear Materials Safety Branch No. 2 attended and supported predeisional enforcement conferences for Mallinckrodt Medical, Inc.

and the U.S. Army, Rock Island. 11 at the Region 111 office on August 7 and 8, 1997.

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1 August 15. 1997 ENCLOSURE P


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Region 11 Items of Interest Week Ending August 15. 1997 Florida Power and Licht Comoany - Turkey Point On July 30. 1997. Unit 3 at Turkey Point tripped from 100 percent power when a main steam isolation valve closed inadvertently. Shortly after the trip, the "A" auxiliary feedwater (AFW) pump tripped on overspeed. The cause of the overspeed trip was unknown and the licensee entered a 30-day LCO for the inoperable "A" AFW pump.

The licensee determined the cause of the overspeed trip to be a spurious electrical overspeed trip signal within the tachometer control module. The licensee replaced the module tested the "A" AFW pump and exited the 30-LC0 on August 9, 1997.

Another station. the Vogtle nuclear plant, experienced a problem with the same type tachometer module in 1993 and made a 10 CFR Part 21 notitication report.

Region 11 and the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation are reviewing the case and plan to issue an Information Notice to licensees.

Au9ust 15. 1997 ENCLOSURE P Region III Items of Interest Week Ending August 15, 1997 Commissioner Diaz Visits Dresden Nuclear Power Station On August 12, 1997 Commissioner Nil J. Diaz visited the Dresden Nuclear Power c Station. During his visit to the station, he met with the resident inspectors and toured the facility. He also met with Commonwealth Edison management.

NRC Regional Administrator A. Bill Beach accompanied the Commissioner on his visit to the station.

Bia Rock Point Nuclear Power Plant - Decommissionina Status Meetina On August 13. 1997, a management meeting was conducted in the Region Ill Office. Lisle, Illinois, between management representatives from Consumers Power Company and members of the NRC staff to discuss the decommissioning of the Big Rock Nuclear Power Plant. The olant will permanent 1., cease operations on August 29. 1997.

At the meeting, the utility discussed its plans to immediately dismantle the plant. By the year 2002, the utility plans to release the site for unrestricted use.

August 15, 1997 ENCLOSURE P

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Region-IV Items of Interest

-Week-Ending-August 15. 1997 Pre-Decisional Enforcement Conference with Union Electric Comoany on Auaust

-15. 199'/

On August 15. 1997, a pre decisional enforcement conference was conducted in the Region IV offices with representatives of Union Electric Company, the licensee for the Callaway Plant. NRC representatives included management and staff.from Region IV. the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. Office of Enforcement, and the Office of the Executive Director for Operations. This conference was held to discuss the a) parent failure to perform safety-evaluations in-accordance with 10 CFR 50.59 requirements. The apparent failure was identified during an NRC inspection conducted earlier this year.

Predecisional Enforcement Conference with Mattinaly Testina Services. Inc.

On August 13, 1997. Region IV conducted a telephonic predecisional enforcement conference with Mattingly Testing Services. Inc., a radiography licensee. The conference was conducted to discuss an apparent violation of NRC recuirements prohibiting discrimination against employees who engage in protectec

-activities. 10 CFR 30.7. The identification of the apparent violation was based on a review of a Departnent of Labor (DOL) Administrative Law Judge's (ALJ) recommended decision, which found that discrimination occurred in 1995.

However, shortly after issuance of the recommended decision and prior to D0L's review of the ALJ's recommended decision. the company and the complainant settled. Without a final DOL-decision.- the NRC staff must make an independent determination of whether a violation occurred. The en'orcement conference was held in order to aid the staff in making that determination. '

i August 15. 1997 ENCLOSURE P l


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