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Weekly Info Rept for Wk Ending 970801
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/07/1997
From: Blaha J
SECY-97-178, SECY-97-178-R, WIR-970801, NUDOCS 9708130365
Download: ML20217H981 (28)


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/ l/!k [d l date initials INFORMATION REPORT """"""" '""""I Auaust 7. 1997 SECY 97-178 For: The Commissioners From. James L. Blaha. Assistant for Operations. Office of the E00 Sub.1ect: WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING AUGUST 1.1997 Contents Enclosure Nuclear Reactor Regulation A Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards B Nuclear Regulatory Research C*

Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data D General Counsel E*

Administration F Chief Information Officer G Chief Financial Officer H*

Human Resources I Small Business & Civil Rights J*

Enforcement K*

State Programs L*

2 Public Affairs M International Programs N Office of the Secretary 0 Region I P*

Region II P Region III Region IV P

P p

Executive Director for Operations 0* V t Congressional Affairs R* \

  • No input this week.

ames L. Blaha Assistant for Operations. OEDO


OF, M1-~ {p -l A N. Dudley. OED0 ,,

/s O?nI-hW/'q1



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9708130365 970807 KL PDR ~ ~ T --

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Items of Interest Week Ending August 1, 1997 Accident Manaaement Demonstration Visit On July 24 and 25. 1997. staff from the Contair..nent Systems and Severe Accident Branch, the Emergency Preparedness and Radiation Protection Branch.

the Human Factors Assessment Branch, and Region II, attended a severe accident management implementation " demonstration" at the North Anna Power Station.

This was the second of a series of licensee-hosted demonstretions organized by NEI. The demonstration consisted of licensee presentations regarding the development and implementation of )lant-specific severe accident management guidelines and training followed )y a taale-top drill demonstrating the use of the severe accident management guidelines by members of the licensee's emergency response organization. The information obtained through this demonstration will be used in the development of a Temporary Instruction for evaluating licensee severe accident management programs. The meeting was also attended by representatives from NEI and several other licensees.

ECCS Suction Strainers NRC staff from the Containment Systems and Severe Accident Branch in NRR and the Generic Safety Issues Branch in RES held a meeting on Thursday, July 17 <

1997, with the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) and the Westinghouse Owners j Group (WOG). the Combustion Engineering Owners Group (CE0G). and the Babcock and Wilcox Owners Group (BWOG) to discuss the potential for blockage of the emergency core cooling system (ECCS) sump by debris generated by a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA).

The purpose of the meeting was to inform NEI and the PWR Owners Groups of the

-work that had been done by the staff, the Boiling Water Reactc Owners Group, and licensees in resolving a similar issue at boiling water reactors.

Representatives of the Boiling Water Reactor Omers Group attended this meeting.

g The staff discussed the underlying safety concern which led the staff to request the meeting. The safety concern is loss of adequate net positive suction head to the ECCS pumps during a LOCA caused by blockage of the ECCS sump screens by debris.

The staff has begun an examination of this concern for the PWRs. The goal of the effort is to determine if there is a need for further NRC action to be taken for PWRs beyond that taken during the original resolution of Unresolved Safety Issue (USI) A-43. " Containment Emergency Suma Performance." This issue was resolved with issuance on December 3,1985 of NRC Generic Letter 85-22.

" Potential for Loss of Post-LOCA Recirculation Capability Due to Insulation Debris Blockage."

RES staff presented the concerns that have been raised in a preliminary review of the resolution of USI A-43 and the information that has been gained from the BWR work in this area.

August 1. 1997 ENCLOSURE A

Fe2tinos on Grid Reliability (EELB/DRPE)

During the period of July 21 24, 1997, the NRC staff from NRR and Region IV attended several meetings related to the deregulation of the electric power industry and the reliability of the electrical power grids.

On July 21, 1997. NRC staff met with members of the University of California Energy Institute (UCEI) and discussed the status, details, and expected impact of the California Public Utility Commission's plan for the reorganization and deregulation of the state's electricity industry ()ublic utilities and independent power producers). A list of studies tlat the UCEI has conducted for the Public Utility Commission was reviewed and copies of several reports regarding post-deregulation electric power reliability were obtained for staff review.

On July 22, 1997. NRC staff met with Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) staff to discuss offsite power issues for Diablo Canyon at PG&E corporate headquarters in San Francisco. CA. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss grid operation. )lant modifications and grid procedure changes precipitated by the grid disturaance event of August 10, 1996, the impact of deregulation on the PG&E grid o)eration and the interface between the independent system operator (1S0) and t,e Power Exchange. These two organizations are scheduled to begin operations in January 1998. In addition, the staff toured the Energy Control Center for the PG&E grid. Key points of discussion iacluded:

o PG&E is planning to divest itself of a significant percentage of generation capability in order to allow other producers to compete under deregulation. All utilities under the state deregulation plan will be able to recoup their stranded costs within a 5 year period through increased revenues from rate payers. PG&E believes that Diablo Canyon will be placed in a better competitive position after the payment of the plant's debt.

e The California ISO will function as a not-for profit corporation to broker electric power transactions in the state. The ISO will utilize experienced utility staff to maintain reliability. The ISO's Transmission Control Agreement (as negotiated with the State of California) establishes (1) support for applicable reliability criteria including offsite power criteria for to nuclear power plants (NPPs) and (2) pricrity for the restoration of offsite power to NPPs.

On July 23-24. 1997. NRR staff attended a public meeting of the Department of Energy sponsored Task Force on Electric System Reliability. Discussions included comments on the current draft Task Force Interim Report which includes recommendations on the security of the U.S. bulk power system (generation and transmission, and control facilities). Interim report recommendations of interest to the NRC include:

August 1. 1997 ENCLOSURE A

1 e Federal legislation is necessary to further clarify the authority and responsibility among the FERC and other entities for overseeing setting, i and enforcing reliability standards. l The interim report is planned to be presented to the Secretary of Energy l Advisory Board in September 1997 for submittal to Congress. Other policy and l technical issues will be discussed at the next meeting to be held in j September.

Indian Point Unit No. 2 Indian Point Unit No. 2 experienced an automatic rcactor trip from 100% power at 9:06 a.m. on Saturday. July 26. 1997. The unit was operating with 1 of 2 offsite feeders available through the ring bus when a relay actuated causing 2 of 3 output breakers to open. The turbine tripped on mechanical overspeed followed by a reactor trip (the turbine electrical overspeed device was bypassed at the time). All 6.9 kv power was lost causing the reactor coolant pumps (RCPs) to trip. All three emergency diesel generators (EDGs) started as expected, when low vcitage was sensed on the vital buses; however, they did not load onto the buses. Per the plant's electrical design, the EDGs start and idle but do not load onto the buses unless a blackout signal is present in addition to a unit trip signal. In addition, the 21 auxiliary feedwater (AFW) pump did not autostart in response to low-low level in all 4 steam generators due to its supply bus being de-energized.

While operating at power, the normal station line-up is to have two of the four 480-volt ac vital buses (Buses 5A and 6A) powered through the station auxiliary transformer while the other two vital buses (2A and 3A) are powered via the unit auxiliary transformer. Before bus 2A and 3A transfer to an offsite power source. a phase check is performed. Due to the turbine / generator overspeed, the buses were out of phase resulting in bus 2A and 3A not beiag energized. Bus 3 was manually transferred to its normal offsite power source within three minutes and the 21 AFW pump was started within seven minutes. One RCP was restarted to maintain forced circulation and power to all other buses was restored.

On Monday, July 28, 1997, at approximately 2:50 a.m. , the turbine tripped while synchronizing to the grid. The licensee formed a root cause team to investigatc the trip. Region I assembled a two-person inspection team to investigate both events and to follow the progress of the licensee's team.

On Wednesday, July 30. 1997, the licensee synchronized to the grid and planned to continue power ascension.

Salem Nuclear Generatina Station. Units 1 and 2 Restart Schedule - Salem Unit 2 is currently cooled down to perform several corrective maintenance items. Criticality is expected between August 5 and August 8. 1997.

August 1. 1997 ENCLOSURE A

4 Green Ticket Responses - The res)onses to letters from Senator Biden of De4 ware and David Lochbaum of tie Union of Concerned Scientists were issued on July 29, 1997. Both letters expressed concerns about the use of combustible materials in' fire barrier penetration seals at Salem.

Chilled Water System - The amendment that incorporates the Chilled Water System into the Technical Specifications was issued on July 29, 1997. The staff had expedited the review and issuance of this amendment to reduce the plant's reliance on operator workarounds.

Zion. Units 1 and 2 ,

Emeraency Safety Features on July 24. 1997, the licensee reported that several Emergency Safety Features (ESF) actuations occurred at Zion. Unit 1. due to communications problems while preparing to aerform a surveillance of the "1A" emergency diesel generator (EDG). T1e ESF equipment was mistakenly actuated in preparation for doing the surveillance. The "1A" EOG became ino because the surveillance had not been completed.perable at the On July 26, 1997, the end of the day licensee reported that all EDGs for Unit 1 which is defuelled, were inoperable. The "1A" EDG had been inoperable since July 24, 1997. because a safe shutdown timer relay failed during the surveillance. The "0" EDG became inoperable,at 11:59 p.m. on July 25. 1997. due to being beyond the allowable time to complete its surveillance. The "1B" EDG was out of service for maintenance, The resident inspectors are following up on the issues associated with these surveillances.

August 1. 1997 ENCLOSURE A

Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Items of Interest Week Ending August 1. 1997

- U.S./Jaoan Safeauards Bilateral Meetina On July 28 29, 1997, safeguards bilateral discussions were held between the U.S. Government and representatives of the Japanese Government and nuclear industry. At the meetings which included representatives of the Departments of State and Energy and the Arms Control and )isarmament Agency NRC staff presented papers on im)lementation of International Atomic Ener6y Agency (IAEA) safeguards in tie U.S.. safeguards for the final disposal of spent fuel

- in geologic repositories, and U.S. views on IAEA implementation of the Strengthened Safeguards System-(formerly called Program 93+2). The Japanese representatives presented Ja)ers on the status of IAEA safeguards in Japan, the status of the planned Rocassha reprocessing plant, and Japanese views on

- the Strengthened Safeguards System.

U.S. Enrichment Cornoration - AVLIS Proiect On July 29-30, 1997. Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards staff met i

with the U.S. Enrichment Corporation (USEC), to discuss technical aspects of the Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation (AVLIS) program. On July 29. 1997.

USEC presented information on the criticality safety program, a brief overview of the-AVLIS program, and outlined the nuclear criticality safety approach for the AVLIS enrichment facility. USEC also discussed their approach to establishing analysis benchmarks and code validation for the higher enrichment levels needed for AVLIS. On July 30, 1997. USEC presented information on the integrated safety analysis being conducted for the AVLIS enrichment facility and discussed the major safety hazards being considered.

U.S. Enrichment Cornoration - Privatization On July 25, 1997, the U.S. Enrichment Corporation (USEC) advised the NRC staff that the President had signed the memorandum approving USEC's Privatization Plan and directing that privatization be completed. The Privatization Plan provides for an initial dual-track process under which privatization by means of merger-acquisition or an initial public offering of stock, will be pursued.

Later in the process, a decision will a made based on the approach most advantageous to the Government.

Tank Waste Remediation System Meetina in Richland. Washinoton On July 22-31.- 1997. NRC staff members were in Richland. Washington, to participate in the Department of Energy (DOE) Regulatory Unit's training of review teams in preparation for reviewing the privatization contractors (Lockheed Martin Advanced Environmental Systems (LMAES) and British Nuclear Fuels. Inc.. (BNFL)) 3roposed standards for Hanford Tank Waste Remediation System (TWRS). The LiAES standards submittal was received on July 28, 1997:

the BNFL submittal is scheduled for Se)tember 1997. The NRC personnel initiated their review of the LMAES su]mittal while meeting with DOE in Richland. NRC's primary role in Phase I of the TWRS program is to assist DOE August 1. 1997 ENCLOSURE B d

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i in the technical review, and to advise DOE on programs and activities where the DOE-TWRS contractors do and do not meet the NRC requirements and guidance which would become applicable if the NRC were to become the regulator of the TWRS privatization effort.

Meetina with Transnuclear. Inc.

On July 23. 1997. NRL staff met with representatives of Transnuclear. Inc..

(TN) and the Department of Energy (DOE) to discuss the feasibility of making significant modifications to the certificates of compliance for the TN-BRD and TN-REG spent fuel transport casks. These casks are used to ship fuel from DOE's West Valley facility. The NRC originally certified the casks to transport only half loads, and DOE may seek certification to ship full loads from West Valley to the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory in 2001 or later. NRC staff expressed concern with some as>ects of TN's analyses, particularly the structural credit being taken for the aorated stainless steel fuel basket.

Visit to Maybell. Colorado Uranium Mill Site During the' week of July 20. 1997. Division of Waste Management (DWM) staff accomnanied the Department of Energy on a visit to a uranium mill site undergoing reclamation at Maybell. Colorado. Colorado, as an Agreement-State.

is responsible for overseeing the remediation action being taken and for s

terminating the site-specific license. However, under the Atomic Energy Act, the NRC will need to determine that all ap)11 cable standards for reclamation have been met. In addition, the NRC will 3e responsible for licensing the long term custodian for the site under the general licensing provisions of 10 CFR 40.27. The purpose of the DWM staff participation was to gain familiarity with the site, and to observe ongoing remediation activities.

This background information will be helpful when the NRC staff conducts the general licensing reviews.

Special Nuclear Material Licensina 00tions for Envirocarg On July 30. 1997. NRC staff met with representatives from Envirocare of Utah.

Inc. (Envirocare). The meeting was held at the request of Envirocare to discuss licensing options for possession of larger quantities of special nuclear material (SNM). Envirocare is currently licensed by the State of Utah to dispose of low-level waste, and its SNM possession is limited to less than critical mass quantities, which can be regulated by Agreement States.

Envirocare plans to submit application (s) to the NRC to allow for possession of greater than critical mass quantities of SNM.

NRC staff discussed the licensing process under 10 CFR Part 70 for treatment and storage. Envirocare was encouraged to specify in detail what operations it wishes to have considered in the license application. NRC staff discussed the scope of the required Environmental Report and provided several guidance documents to aid in license application preparation. If Envirocare submits a Part 70-iieense application, discussions with-the State of Utah also would be required.

August 1, 1997 ENCLOSURE B

- I l

Finally, the NRC staff discussed the licensing process under 10 CFR Part 61 for treatment, storage, and disposal. NRC staff noted that these licensing i' regulations require the preparation of an environmental impact statement. The Envirocare representatives stated that they plan to submit a license application in August-or September 1997. NRC staff encouraged Envirocare to l continue pre-licensing discussions.  !



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.1 August 1. 1997 ENCLOSURE B

=0ffice for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data items of Interest Week Ending August 1, 1997 Technical Trainina Divisi.QD The first presentation of the r.ew Emergency Preparedness Technology Course (H 203) was held at the Technical Training Center (TTC) July 28 through August 1.

1997. Course development was requested by NRR to assist err gency planning inspectors 1n their inspection and regulatory oversight responsibilities. The course was developed and ; resented by members of the Emergency Preparedness i

and Radiation Protection 3 ranch of NRR. the Emergency Response Branch of AE00, and the Reactor Technology Training and Specialized Technical Training Branches of the TTC. Twenty-one individuals, from all the regions. AE00. NRR.

Taiwan, and China attended the course.

Topics covered-by the course include the history of NRC emergency preparedness requirements. emergency preparedness criteria and guidance documents. PWR and BWR systems important to safety, severe accidents, licensee emergency preparedness plans, protective action recommendations, drills and exercises, the emergency pre)aredness inspection program, offsite emergency planning, and NRC interface wit 1 FEMA.

Safety Procrams Division Presentat' ion to the Terry Turbine Users Group A staff member from the Reactor Analysis Branch made a presentation at the Terry Turbine Users Group meeting held in Houston Texas, on July 30, 1997.

Areas presented included the issue of Terry turbine governor valve stem binding, which included the latest event on December 28, 1996, at Hope Creek, and implications of the Maintenance Rule. NUREG-1275. Vol. 10. " Operating Experience Feedback Re Driven Standby Pumps." was port published- Reliability of Safety-Related in October 1994. This reportSteam Turbine-has been widely used and industry groups continue to request updates on current operating experience.

Presentation to AE00 Staff by Reoresentative From IPSN-France On July 30,1997. AE00 staff attended a briefing with NRR representatives.

given by Mr. Eric Debec-Mathet. IPSN France. He spoke about a through-wall crack in a straight section of high-head safety injection pipe in Dampierre Unit 1. The circumferential cracking was caused by thermal-cycling fatigue from cold water intrusion caused by a leaking upstream injection valve.

Similar defects were found in identical pipes and elbows in other French plants by ul.trasonic.and radiography testing. This operating experience is important to AE00's ongoing study on pressurized-water reactor primary system leaks.

August 1. 1997 ENCLOSURE D

I Incident Resoonse Division On July 24, 1997, a staff member from the Incident Response Division attended the monthly National Response Team (NRT) meeting and made a presentation on the forthcoming Gaseous Diffusion Plant exercise in Portsmouth. Ohio on September 10, 1997. NRC staff informed NRT members that NRC would be pleased to meet with EPA and DOE representatives to discuss their roles.


b. PNO-III-97-059. Wisconsin Electric Power Co. (Point Beach 2). REACTOR COOLANT PUMP SEAL LEAK DELAYS UNIT 2 STARTUP
c. PN0-III-97-060 Baaser-Morner. Inc. STOLEN NUCLEAR GAUGE
d. PNO-III-97-061. U.S. Enrichment Corporation. LOSS OF PROCESS STEAM SUPPLY
f. PN0-Ill-97-063. Bowser-Morner. Inc. DAMAGE TO PORTABLE M0ISTURE DENSITY GAUGE c g. PNO-III-97-064.- Commonwealth Edison Co. . CHIEF NUCLEAR EXECUTIVE TO RETIRE
h. PNO-IV-97-043. Entergy Operations. Inc. (River Bend 1), REACTOR SHUTDOWN IN EXCESS OF 72 HOURS
1. PNO-IV-97-043. Entergy Operations. Inc. (River Bend 1). REACTOR SHUTDOWN IN EXCESS OF 72 HOURS
j. PNO-IV-97-043A. Entergy Operations. Inc. (River Bend 1). UPDATE OF REACTOR SHUTDOWN IN EXCESS OF 72 HOURS s

August.1. 1997 ENCLOSURE D


Office of Administration Items of-Interest-Week Ending August 1.1997 Contract Award On July 18. 1997, a firm fixed price contract entitled. "GSE Simulator Programming and Modeling Tools." was awarded to GSE Systems. Inc. The contractor will provide their SimSuite Power Software package. FORTRAN Subroutines Software, and associated software update services for the nuclear power plant simulators located at the NRC Technical Training Center. The period of performance is July 21, 1997, through July 20. 1998. with four one-year renewable option periods for continuation of the software update services. The total contract price, including options is $171.137. The contract was awarded in accordance with FAR Subpart 12. " Acquisition of Commercial Items." The streamlining initiatives utilized included. combined synopsis / solicitation procedures and electronic transmittal of the .itatement of work.

U. S. Enrichment Corooration (USEC)

The security inspection of the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant, sch'eduled for July 28-August 1. 1997, was postponed to September 2-5, 1997. because of a safety-related event that occurred at the Portsmouth plant on July 25, 1997.

The inspection will be conducted by a five member NRC team made up of four members from the Office of Administration and one member from the Chief Information Officer's office to ensure that the requirements of 10 CFR Part 95 and the commitments made in the NRC approved security plan for the protection of classified matter are being followed.

August 1, 1997 ENCLOSURE F

Chief Information.0fficer items of Interest Week Ending August-1, 1997 Sionificant- F0IA Reauests Received durina the 5-Day Period of July 25-31.


Technical study contacts related to acoustics, vibration. wave pro >agation and vulnerability __of structures, contracts of $25,000 or less. (F0IA/>A 97-270) .

ADP System Development / Program Services contract. NRC-03-95-025.


Cotter Corporation. Hazelwood. MO regarding disposal of leached barium sulfate at West Lake Landfill. (F01A/PA-97-272)

Institute for Nuclear Medical Education. Boulder. C0. et al. re NRC visits after 1/95 and prior to 7/96. (F01A/PA-97 P 3)

American Society of Nuclear Cardiology, communications with NRC from 1/95 to 7/97. (F01A/PA-97-274) 1 Correspondence between any NRC employee or contractor and identified names.

1/1/92 through 7/1/97. (F01A/PA-97-275) 1.M.P. A.C. card holder listing. (F01A/PA-97-276) 01 report regarding case number 2-96-043. (F01A/PA-97-277)

Rocketdyne/ Atomics International Santa Susana Field Lab in Simi Valley, et al. , re contamination of hazardous substances.1980 to present.


NRC activities of named individual re Georgetown Univ.. Walter Reed Army Medical Center, et al. (F0lA/PA-97-279)

Nine Mile Point Uriit 1. NRC Press Release No. I-97-36 dated April 9. 1997, copy of approval _to hold meeting on short notice. (F01A/PA-97-280)

Maine Yankee. 01 reports regarding case numbers 1-96-025 and 1-96-040.


Reporting services, name and rates of current contractor. (F01A/PA-97-282)

Personnel listing of managers. GS-9 to GS-15. on diskette or hard copy.


OIG re) orts,1/1/97 through 6/30/97. involving power reactors.


August 1. 1997 ENCLOSURE G

Office of Human Resources Items of Interest Week Ending August 1, 1997 Camoaian leadershio Conference for the Combined Federal Camoaion (CFC)

Attended On August 1,1997. a staff member of the Office of Human Resources attended the 1997 CFC Campaign Leadership Conference for the National Capital Area.

The conference included a panel discussion by past CFC managers, a Federation Fair and a workshop for campaign managers. Secretary of Transportation Rodney E. Slater agreed to serve as the chair of the 1997 campaign.


Office of Public Affairs items of Interest Week Ending August 1, 1997 Media Interest A reporter from The New London Day covered a meeting at headquarters with NU on Millstone issues.

Press Releases Headouarters:

97-109 Commission Publishes Proposed Rule for Utility Role in Initial Reactor Operator License Examinations j 97-110 NRC Seeks Early Public Input to Help Develop Changes to Regulations on Medical Uses of Radioactive Material Rem ons:

1-97-93 NRC Staff, New York Power Authority Officials to Discuss Apparent Violation at Indion Point 3 Plant su l-97-94 Note to Editors: Meeting With NU August 31 1-97-95 NRC, RG&E to Discuss Apparent Security Violation at R.E. Ginna Plant 1-97-96 NRC Staff Assigns New Salem Resident inspector 11-97-59 NRC Moves inspection Responsibility for Region 11 Non-Power Reactors to Headquarters 111-97-68 $2.500 Fine Against Blue Sorings, Missouri Hospital for Deliberate Violations of NRC Requirements 111-97-69 NRC Staff to Meet With Northern States Power Co, on Apparent Violations at Prairie Island Plant 111-97-70 NRC to Hold Predecisional Enforcement Conference With Detroit Edison Company IV-97-43 NRC Staff Proposes to Fine OPPD $55,000 for Violations at Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant August 1, 1997 ENCLOSURE M

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.IV 97 NRC Rates San Onofre Nuclear Plant ' Good' and ' Superior' in  ;

SALP Report  ;

.IV-97-45 NRC Names On-Site Representative for Hanford Tank Waste ,

Remediation Project

.r August-1.-1997' ENCLOSURE M

Office of International Programs items of Interest Week Ending August 1, 1997 US-Kazakstan Workshoo and Trainino on Exoort Controls On Friday, the OlP Director for Nonproliferation. Exports and Multilateral Relations made a presentation on NRC export licensing as part of a week long export control training workshop hosted and organized by the Department of Commerce for a delegation of ' government officials from Kazakstan. The visiting five-)erson delegation was headed-by Mr. Valeriy Korablev. Deputy.

  • Department of External Relations and Protocol in the Office of the Prime Minister. The Atomic Energy Agency of Kazakstan was represented by C. T. Masenov, Deputy of the Department of Control and Atomic Energy.

IAEA Vacancy Notices The following notices from the International Atomic Energy Agency have been posted on NRC bulletin boards:

P-4 Senior Training Officer 97/025 Safeguards P-5 Secticn Head 97/026 Technical Co operation P-3 Research Scientist 97/027 Research and Isotope 3 P-5 Unit Head 97/028 Safeguards P-5 Unit Head 97/029 Safeguards P-3 Supervisor. Radiometry Group 97/030 Research and Isotopes P-4 Waste Safety Specialist (Decommissioning / Environmental Restoration) 97/031 Nuclear Safety P-5 Unit Head 97/032 Safeguards P-5 Section Head 97/033 Nuclear Safety P-4 Nuclear Physicist 97/034 Research and Isotopes August 1, 1997 ENCLOSURE N

u. .g l

P3 Head. Bibliographic Control Unit 97/035 Nuclear Energy P-2 Energy Data Analyst 97/036 Nuclear Energy P Electronics Engineer 97/037 Safeguards P-4 Power Engineer / Economist 97/038

' Nuclear Energy P-4 NDA Systems Engineer 97/039 Safeguards P-4 Head of General' Accounting Unit 97/040 Administration P4 Co o-dinator. Emergency Assistance Services 97/041 Nuclear Safety P-E Section Head 97/042 Nuclear Safety P-5 Regulatory Standards Officer 97/043 Nuclear Safety P-4 Instrumentation / Software Specialist 97/044 Safeguards D-1 Director 97/045 Technical-Co-operation P-5 RCA Co-ordinator 97/046 Technical Co operation P-4 Senior Translator 97/047

< Administration P-2 Development Programmer 97/048 Nuclear Energy P-3 Chemist 97/049 Nuclear Energy D-3 Plasma Physicist 97/050 Nuclear Energy D-1/ Director 97/051 02 Administration August 1. 1997- ENCLOSURE N

L P 5 Section Head. 97/052 Admini;cration P-5 Section Head 97/053 Research and Isotopes P4 Medical Radiation Physicist-SSDL Officer 97/054 Research and Isotopes P3 Performance Monitoring Engineer 97/055 Safeguards P-5 Section Head / Nuclear Medicine Physician 97/056 Research and Isotopes P-5 Radioactive Source Security Specialist 97/601 Nuclear Safety P-5 Unit Head Emergency Preparednes; and Response Unit 97/602 Nuclear Safety P-3 Industrial Chemist 97/701 Research and Isotopes 8

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I August 1. 1997 ENCLOSURE N

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Office of the Secretary Items of Interest Week Ending August 1. 1997 Neaative Consent Documents Released to the Public Document Dale Subject

1. SECY-97-138 7/1/97 Termination of Fort St. Vrain Nuclear Generating Station Operating License

- SRM on 97-138 7/24/97 (same)

Information Pacers Released to the Public

1. SECY-97-152 7/18/97 Status of Safety Evaluation Report on Proposed Reduction in Augmented Examination Requirements for Boiling Water Reactor Pressure Vessels Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(A) (SRM M970512B)
2. SECY 97-157 7/23/97- Weekly Information Report - Week Endin9 July 18, 1997
3. SECY-97-158 7/22/97 Quarterly Status for the Probabilistic Risk Assessment Implementation Plan
4. SECY-97-159 7/23/97 Staff Requirements Memorandum (SRM)

Dated February 21, 1997. Re: Briefing for Commission on Codes and Standards.

January 22, 1997

5. SECY-97-160 7/24/97 Staff Review of Licensee Res)onses to the 10 CFR 50.54(f) Request legarding the Adequacy and Availability of Design Bases Information
6. SECY-97-161 7/24/97 Transportation of Radioactive Material:

Program Status and Current and Future Issues COMSECY Documents Released to the Public

1. COMEXM-97-002 5/28/97 NRC Action with Regard to Ward Valley Low Level Waste (LLW) Disposal Site

- SRM on 97-002 6/25/97- (same)

- Chmn. Jackson's 6/11/97 (same)

Vote on 97-002 August'1. 1997 ENCLOSURE 0

- Comr. Rogers' 6/10/97 (same)

Vote on 97-002

- Comr. Dicus' 6/11/97 (same)

Vote on 97-002

- Comr. Diaz' 6/10/97 (same)

Vote on 97-002

- Close out memo 6/25/97 (same) from J. Hoyle to Comr. McGaffigan-Commission Corresoondence Released to the Public

1. Letter to Commissioner Robert C. Shinn.- Jr. . Trenton (NJ) Department of Environmental Protection, dtd 7/23/97 concerns the clean-up of a residence contaminated by tritium
2. Letter to Joe Colvin. Nuclear Energy Institute, dtd 7/23 concerns the shipment of the Trojan decomissioned reactor vessel
3. Letter to Merrylin Zaw-Mon State of Maryland Department of the Environment, dtd 7/18/97 concerns State. participation in the external regulation of DOE facilities
4. -Letter to Dr. John Gibbons. Assistant to the President for Science and Technology dtd 7/18/97 accepts invitation to 3articipate in the U.S.-

Japan Joint High Level Committee meeting. Octo>er 24, 1997

5. Letter to James Ikeda. State of Hawaii NRC State Liaison Officer, dtd 7/18/97 concerns State participation in the external regulation of DOE facilities Federal Reaister Notices Issued
1. 10 CFR Part 35: Medical Use of Byproduct Material: Issues and Request for Public Comment
2. 10 CFR Part 55: Initial Licensed Operator Examination Requirements:

Proposed Rule

3. ACRS Subcommittee on Planning and Procedures: Notice of Meeting on August 27, 1997
4. . ACRS Subcomittee on Regulatory Policies and Practices: Notice of Meeting on August 27. 1997
5. Joint Meeting of the ACRS Subcommittees on Probabilistic Risk Assessment.

Plant Operations. and on Fire Protection: Notice of Meeting on August 28 and 29, 1997 August 1. 1997 ENCLOSURE 0 I

Atomic Safety and Licensina Board's issuances

1. NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY (Independent S)ent Fuel Storace Installation): Docket No. 72-18-ISFSI: MEM0 %NDUM AND ORDER (LBP-97-13):

(Terminating Proceeding) 7/30/97 August 1. 1997 ENCLOSURE O


-Region 11


- Items ofsInterest-

-Week Ending August 1.-1997

- Florida Power Corocration < Crystal River Representatives from Florida Power Corporation were in the Regional Office on-July 30. 1997. to attend a closed management: meeting 1The purpose of the

meeting was to discuss the Security Improvement Plan for Crystal River Unit 3.'

! Southern: Nuclear Ooeratina Comoany. Inc.

On July 31.:the Regional Administrator and NRC managers from Region-11 and NRR attended an NRC Interface Meeting with the Southern Nuclear Operating Company.

(SONOPC0)fInc., in Birmingham. Alabama. SONOPC0 made presentations by each site-Vice-President and-Plant Manager regarding plant status and long term site projects. -The NRC discussed agency processes for several programs including allegations, senior management meetings, and complaints of improper staff: conduct.

Severe Weather Workshoo Florida Power & Light Company and Carolina Power & Light Company co-hosted a '

Severe Weather Workshop in Fort Lauderdale. Florida for representatives from both Region II and non Region II utilities whose operations may be affected by severe weather. Officials from the State of North Carolina, the Federal-Emer9cncy Management Agency (FEMA). Region IV, and Region II. also participated in this workshop.

The-principal items of discussion included: Plant Restart Discussions following Natural Disasters. NRC Administrative Letter 97-03, dated March 28.

1997, and the role and responsibilities of. FEMA. in the conduct of Dimter

-Initiated Reviews following natural disasters, and its associated impact on plant restart.

Florida Power and Liaht Comoany - Turkey Point Turkey Point 1 Unit 3 tripped on July 30, 1997, when the B-Main Steam Isolation Valve,(MSIV): closed at 100 percent power. -The cause of the closure was determined to be a failed relay in the MSIV control circuit. The relay is.a

-Westinghouse BF022S relay which is-normally energized when the MSIV is open.

tThe relay has been replaced and further review of the relay failure is being .

performed. All similar relays on MSIV circuits' have been replaced on Unit 3.

TheLlicensee-plans to review those in. Unit 4 during the next refueling outage.

Shortly after the tri trip)ed on overspeed.p. -Thethe "A" Auxiliary cause Feedwater-of this overspeed trip is(AFW). turbine-driven pump -

being investigated by t le licensee. LThe' licensee has three AFW, turbine driven pumas (A. B. and LC)n The third pump (C) was aligned to function as the A pump. Jnder this

> ' condition Unit 3 can operate at power _for 30-days. On_ July 31 '1997.-Unit =3 went critical and was at 100 percent-power with a 30-day LCO for the inoperable ALAFW pump.

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The resident inspector responded to the control room and observed post trip actions and has verified technical specification requirements.

Differino Professional View - Summer SALP Renort Region 11 completed action on a differing professional view (DPV). The DPV concerned the written assessment in the SALP report issued on December 6. 1996. plant support In summary, the DPVsection of thethree encompassed Summer issues as follows: (1) Some examples in the SALP report in the plant support section were misused and did not support the assessment that a performance decline or challenge occurred. (2) the_ plant support section of the report was inconsistent with the previous SALP report and the last )lant performance review, and (3) the use of non-cited violations to support tle plant support section of the report was inappropriate since the violations represented isolated cases.

Region II convened a DPV review panel in accordance with NRC Management Directive 10.159. The panel completed review of the issues, accepted some of the DPV submitter's views and provided a recommended course of action to the

- Regional Administrator in June 1997. The Regional Administrator accepted the course of action on June 19, 1997, and conveyed this to the DPV submitter and SALP Board. As a result, the SALP report was rewritten to address the DPV issues. The SALP report was revised and reissued to the licensee on July 30,

, 1997.

B&W - Naval Fuel Division Dn July 28 the license reported a loss of a criticality control under NRC Bulletin 91-01. The licensee discovered a transport cast in the uranium recovery area with material containing uranium-235 stored in such a manner that the mass of U-235 was in excess of the criticality limit. The licensee unloaded the cart and stored the U-235 in tccordance with approved safety limits. The material had originally been transferred to the uranium recovery areas from the metallurgical laboratory. Therefore, the licensee halted transfers for this type material from the metallurgical laboratory until an investigation team completes review of the root causes and corrective actions.

Region II issued a letter confirming this action on August 1. An NRC team, consisting of NMSS and Region II staff. is inspecting the licensee's actions.

August 1, 1997 ENCLOSURE P

4 Region III Items of Interest Week Ending August 1, 1997 Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant - Soecial Team Disoatched On July 29, 1997 .a special inspection team was dispatched to the Portsmouth


Gaseous Diffusion Plant to focus on the root causes relating to the loss of steam generating capacity at the plant. On July 25, 1997, the steam supply was

lost from its onsite steam production plant. Normal feedwater was lost to the two boilers that were in-service apparently due to plugged aerators. Steam is used for numerous activities at the plant including maintenance of sufficient temperatures in the process equi) ment and transfer lines to keep the uranium hexafluoride in gaseous form. (Jranium hexafluoride will solidify at normal ambient temperatures.) Feedwater was restored and actions were taken to prevent process gas solidification.

Dresden Nuclear Power Station - Soecial Team Discatched On July 28,1997. Unit 2 of the Dresden Nuclear Power Station was manually scramed from approximately 87 percent power following a feedwater flow transient. A special NRC inspection team was dispatched to the station to independently assess the ve'ent and to review the licensee's investigation results.

Wisconsin Suoreme Court Decision On July 30, 1997, the Wisconsin Supreme Court denied a Citizen's Utility Board (CUB) petitica to block Wisconsin Electric's plans for a temporary dry storage facility for spent nuclear fuel at the utility's Point Beach Nuclear Plant.

The state Supreme Court upheld an appellate court decision supporting tne Public Service Commission of Wisconsin's (PSCW) environmental impact statement related to the construction and operation of the storage facility. The statement was the basis for the PSCW's decision in January 1995 authorizing the utility to construct a temporary dry storage facility for spent fuel.

Two dry storage containers have already been loaded and are stored at the plant, Confirmatory Action Letter issued On July 28, 1997, Region III issued a Cor.firmatory Action Letter (CAL) to Professional Service Industries Inc.(PSI). Lombard, Illinois. On July 18 and 19, 1997. Region I conducted an inspection at PSI facilities in Pittsburgh, PA. That inspection identified numerous apparent violations, including examples of unqualified personnel conducting radiographic operations. The CAL discusses PSI's corrective actions for the apparent violations. Some of the corrective actions discussed in the CAL include retraining of radiographic technicians, field audits of radiographic o>erations, and audits every two months of radiographic operations at 3SI's )ittsburgh facility.

August 1, 1997 ENCLOSURE P

City of Cleveland Meetina - Advanced Medical Systems. Inc.

On July 30. 1997. NRC acaff members and officials from the City of Cleveland met in Cleveland to discuss concerns-regarding Advanced Medical Systems. Inc (AMS). The meeting was requested by the City of Cleveland officials. A second meeting was held with two City Council members. Issues discussed at the two meetings regarding AMS included: security of the facility; emergency response planning: an apparent cancer cluster around AMS: offsite contamination; radiation: and the overall status of the facility.

From July 22 through July 28. 1997, a total of ap cobalt-60 waste was shipped from AMS to Barnwell S.C.. proximately for disposal.600 Thecuries of remaining cobalt-60 inventory at AMS consists of a 1200 curie sealed source and residual cobalt-60 contamination in restricted areas. i Commonwealth Edison Manaaement Chanae On July 30, 1997 Commonwealth Edison Company announced that Thomas J.

Maiman. Executive Vice President in charge of nuclear operations, will retire August 29 after 32 years with the company. He will be succeeded by Robert J. Manning, who is currently executive vice president with responsibility for the utility's fossil-fueled generating stations. He will be named executive vice president of generation, retaining responsibility for the fossil-fueled stations and adding the nuclear generating stations.

Harry W. Keiser, currently chief nuclear operating officer, will be named principal nuclear officer and will continue to direct day-to-day nuclear operations.

Centerior Service Comoany Manaaement Chance - Perry Nuclear Power Plant On July 28. 1997. Centerior Service Company named William (Bill) Kanda as the new plant manager at Perry. Kanda was areviously Director of Quality and Personnel Development. He succeeds Riclard Brandt who resigned.

Zion Nuclear Power Station - Letter to Comed on Potential "Chillina Effect" On July 22. 1957. NRC Region Ill Administrator A. Bill Beach sent a letter to Thomas J. Maiman, Commonwealth Edison's Senior Vice President of Nuclear Operations, regarding a significant increase in the number of allegations concerning employment discrimination at the utility's Zion plant. The letter requests a meeting with Comed to discuss its assessment of the )otential for a

" chilling effect" at the plant and to discuss Comed's view on t1e effectiveness of the Employee Concerns Program. i Commissioner Dicus Meetinas - Mallinckrodt and Illinois Deoartment of Nuclear Safety On July 29. 1997. NRC Commissioner Greta J. Dicus, accompanied by URC Region Ill Deputy Regional Administrator Jim Caldwell and Director of the Division of Nuclear Material Safety Roy Caniano, visited the Mallinckrodt Nuclear Medicine c

. August 1. 1997-ENCLOSURE P

o facility in Missouri. Commissioner Dicus met with David Morra. President .

Nuclear Medicine Division, les Sabo Director. U.S. Nuclear Medicine >

Operations and Roy Brown. Director Regulatory Compliance, and was provided a tour of the facility. The tour included: the production area for Mallinckrodt's molybdenum 99/ technetium 99m generators and cyclotron area where non NRC regulated materials are produced. ,

On July 30. 1997. Commissioner Dicus, accom)anied by NRC Region 111 State Agreements Officer James Lynch visited wit 1 the Illinois De)artment of i Nuclear Safety (IDNS) in Springfield. Illinois. She met witi Thomas Ortciger.

Director.of IbNS. Commissioner Dieus then toured IDNS' laboratory, emergency ,

, res>onse facility and was provided a demonstration of IDNS' decontamination 1 glo)al positioning satellite system.  !

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August 1. 1997: ENCLOSURE P


Region IV Items of Interest  ;

Week Ending August 1. 1997 Waterford 3 Predecisional Enforcement Conference i On July 29. 1997. a public predecisional enforcement conference was held in -

Region IV between representatives of Em ergy Operations. Inc. and NRC personnel. The conference was to discuss apparent violations related to the operability of valves that have dual safety functions, including containment isolation. *


Cooner Nuclear Station (CNS) Torus-to-Drywell Vacuum Breaker Problems On July 29, 1997. CNS implemented a Technical Specification required shutdown when a torus to drywell vacuum breaker would not reclose after testing. A subsequent drywell-to torus leakage test confirmed excessive leakage. The 1 licensee found four (of 12) vacuum breakers which were not fully seated and sealed. The seat retaining ring fasteners had-been tightened to the extent that the soft seat was bowed at the fasteners, preventing full closure and sealing of the valve. On one valve, the seat ring physically contacted the disc when the disc was in the closed position. Tfie last record of rnaintenance showed that the vacuum breakers were rebuilt in 1982 with a fastener torque of 75 in-lbs. Current licensee procedures specify only 25 in lbs for the retaining ring fasteners. During the forced outage, the licensee rebuilt all 12 valves. Licensee testing of the valves and root cause investigation are in progress.

Texas Utilities Electric (Comanche Peak) Public SALP Meetina On July 30, the Region IV. Regional Administrator and other members of the NRC staff conducted an open meeting to discuss the recently completed SALP. The facility achieved all Category I ratings and a reduced inspection program is planned.

WNP 2 Renulatory Interface Workshoo A regulatory interface workshop was held on July 31. 1997, in the Region IV office. Participants included the Washington Public Power Su> ply System management personriel and NRC managers and staff, including t1e Regional Administrator and the Associate Director for Reactor Projects. NRR. This workshop, which was open for public coservation, was held to discuss issues to develop an effective regulatory interface.

August 1. 1997 ENCLOSURE P

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