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Us Nuclear Regulatory Commission Functional Organization Charts
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/30/1986
NUREG-0325, NUREG-0325-R09, NUREG-325, NUREG-325-R9, NUDOCS 8612090788
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NUREG-0325 Revision 9 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Functional Organization Charts ,

November 30,1986 l


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Offica of Administration f* "*%,,

eA 9 8?!* S'22 0325 R PDR










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U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION OSOANIZAilON CHAST THE COMMISSION The Commisshn is responsible for licensing and regulating nuclear f acilities and materials and for conducting research in support of the licensing and regulatory process, as mandated by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy Reorgan-124 tion Act of 1974, as amended, and the Nuclear Nonprolifera-tion Act of 1978; and in accordance with the National Environ-mental Policy Act of 1%9, as amended, and other applicable statutes. These responsibilities include protecting public health and safety, protecting the environment, protecting and safeguarding materials and plants in the interest of national security; and assuring cnnformity with antitrust laws. Agency functions are performed through: standards-setting and rule-making; technical reviews and studies; conduct of public hear-ings; issuance of authorizations, permits and licenses; inspec-tion, investigation and enforcement; evaluation of operating experience, and crnfirmatory research. The Commission is com-posed of five members, appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, one of whom is designated by the Presteent as Chairman. The Chairman is the principal executive officer and the of ficial spokesman of the Commission.

The Chairman, selected from the Commission by the President, is the principal esecutive officer of and the official spokesman for the NRC, as mandated by the Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1980. As principal executive officer, the Chairman is re..wn-sible for preparing policy planning and guidance for Commin. ion consideration, and for conducting the administrative, organiza-tional, budgetary and certain personnel functions of the agency. He has ultimat authority for all NRC functions per-talning to an emergency involving an NRC license. His actions are governed by the general policies of the Commission.

Lando W. Zech. Jr. Chairman Thomas M. Roberts P James K. Asselstane P _-

Frederut M. Bernthal Commausoner Kenneth M. Carr Commimoner NOVtMBER30, 1988 PAGE 3

U.P. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION ADVISORY C08841TTEE ON REACTOR SAFEGUARDS ORG ANIZATION CHARY Reviews saf ety studies and applications for construction peretts and f acility operating licenses and makes reports thereon; advises the Commission with regard to hazards on proposed or existing reactor facilities and the adequacy of proposed reacter safety standards; upon request of the Department of E nergy (DOE) reviews and advises with regard to the hazards of DOE nuclear activities and f acilities; reviews any generic issues -or other matters referred to it by the Commission for advice. On its own initiative may conduct reviews of specific generic matters or nuclear f acility safety-related items.

Conducts studies of reactor safety research and prepares and submits annually te the U.S. Congress a report containing the results of such study.

Chairman David A. Ward vice Chairman Harold W. Lewis I

ACRS SI Af f f uecutive Director Responsibis for coordinating technical, management and administrative support of the statutory Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards.

Manages the ACRS Technical and Administrative staffs.

Executive Director R. F. f raley Deputy Executive Director *M. W. Libarkin

  • Serves in a dual capacity I

I ASSISTANT EXEculM OIRECTOR A$51SI ANT EXECUTIVE DIRECIOR ASSISTANT EXECUT!vE DIRECTOR FOR PROMCT ervifW FOR TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES FOR OPERATIONS Provides administrative, personnel, training, document con- Manages the ACRS Technical Staff activities for review of Supervises the ACRS Fellowship Program and the prepa ation of trol, and other staff support activities necessary for the proposed nuclear reactor facilities, related standar0 and special studies and reports for ACRS use. Provides liaison operation of the ACRS. Supervises the Operational Support generic matters, and an annual review of the NRC safety with foreign regulatory groups. Provides guidance on mat-Staff and the Technical Information Group. Responsible for research budget and program. Plans and scheduG4 ACRS sub- ters involving conflict of interest for ACR$ members and resource forecasting and budget preparation. committee activitt es. Acts as Executive of rector in his consultants.


asst. Euec. Director T. G. McCreless Asst. Exec. 01 rector A. L. Newse' Asst. acc. Lirector M. W. Linarktn Project Review Branch #1 ACRS FELLOW 5MIP Pe0GEAM Operations support Group Coordinates the activities of ACRS project and Assists the Committee in carrying out its functions Responsib le for administrative and fiscal support generic subcommittees, ACRS consultants, the NRR by reviewing and reporting on:

of ACRS activities, including the administrative Staff, and the applicants involved in ACRS reviews.

actions associated with appointment of ACRS members - 1. Generic Issues and the processing of travel, cogensation, and 2. Specific items relative to indiidual project other claims for physical f acilities requhed to reviews support ACRS activities. 3. Reactor Safety Research Chief J. C. McKinley A<iminnt rat ive Of f icer John T . Gilbert 15 f ellows lec hnical Inf ormation Group Project Review Branch $2 Develops and manages technical information Coordinates the activities of ACRS project and resources and document control system for ACRS generic subcommittees, ACRS consultants, the NRR members and staff. Coordinates, reviews, and Staff, and the applicants involved in the ACRS

_ releases ACRS documents in accordance with FOIA rey tews, and Privacy Act procedures.

Cnief G. Quittschreiber Chief H. S. Schofer sc=u PAGE a

U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION ORGANIZATION CHAti ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARD PANEL The Panel is the statutory office that performs the hearmgs function for the Comm.ssion and such other regulatory functens as the Commissen author-ines. The Chief Administratwo Judge develops and apphes procedures governeng the actmetes of Boards Admanistratwe Judges, and Admmastra-ttve Law Judges and twkes appropnate recommendations to the C_ concerning the rules governeng the conduct of hearmgt Chief Admmistratwe Judge (Chairman) 8. Pasil Cotter, Jr.

Deputy Chief Adminstrative Judge (Executwel Robert M. Lato Deputy Chsef Adminestretwe Judge (Techncan Frederick J.Shon THE PANEL Conducts all licensme and other hearmgs as directed by the Commission prwnarily through indwidual Atome Safety and Licensme Boards appoint-ed by either the Commission or the Chief Administratwe Judge. There es no fened number of positions in the Panel. The Panel is comprised of (1) any number of Admmistratwo Judges (fulttime and part gene), who are lawyers, physcists, engitteers and environmental scientists; and (2) the Admmestra.

tive Law Judges, who heer antitrust, cevil penalty and other cases and serve as Atomic Safety and Licensmg Board Chairmen. One or three Adminis tratwe Judges serve as presiding officers alone or an boards for a broad range of proceedings.

PROGRAM SUPPORT AND ANALYSIS STAFF TfCHNICAL AND ifGAL SUPPORT STAFF Prove tes planning, development, coordination, emplementation and Provides all legal and technical support to the Chief analyses of polcess and programs for the entire scope of the adm*

istrative end managerial functions supportmg the Atomic Safety and A2ninistrative Judge, the Administrative Lau Judges, Licensmg Board Panel which include analyses and reports on: Boards and Panel.

budget; personnel requests; labor relarens; professwinel services; travel, space and facilities; equipment; contracts; information Director and Chf ef Counsel David L. Prestemon management including ADP equipment; adjudcatory files and services, hbrary facihtes; secretarial, stenographc and clerical ser-wres mcludeng feeld hearing space, ergipment management and co-ordmation; meetmos, employee traming and development; FOIA; hcense fee data; security; natory engineering.

Director Charles J. Fitta Assistant Director Elva W. Lems information Processing Section Provides support and services in information whch includes computerized ad-judcatory files, license fee data, and other managsF ment information appleable to Panel actwitses.

Chief Jack Whetstme NOVEMBLR 30,19AB PAGES

NRC Form 30 (1-76)


onoawizarlow cwant U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION ATOMICSAFETY AND LICEN$1NG APPEALPANEL The organizational body from which are drawn Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Boards for particular proceedings. Appeal boards exercise the authority and perform the review functions which would otherwise be exercised and perfornec by the Comission in (1) f aellity licensing proceedings under 10 CFR Part 50 and (2) such other licensing proceedings as the Com-mission may specify. Appeal boards perform such other regulatory functions as may be delegated to them by the Commission.

Charman Alan 1 Rosenthal l

l i

  • * * * * " NovtMGER 31, im PAGES

U.*. NUCLEAR REIULATORY COMMISSION ORO ANIZATION CHART OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR ASS!$ TANT TO THE DIRECTOR Conducts investigations and inquiries to ascertain and verify the integ-rity of all NRC programs and operations; investigates allegations of Assists the Director, in coordination with the NRC employee misconduct, wrongdoing by NRC contractors, claims for per-Assistant Director for Audits and Assistant sonal property loss or damage, tort claims against the United States and Director for Investigations, in establishing poll- fraud, waste and mismanagement; develops policies and standards govern-cies, procedures, and quality control standards ing the Commission's financial and management audit program and admin-governing the overall mission accomplishment, as 1sters the Commission's day-to-day audit activities; makes such reports well as the day-to-day activities of 014. Conducts. to the Commission as necessary to keep the Commission fully informed on coordinates, and supervises special projects and ""

its financial management responsibilities and on the results of investi-assignments involving investigators, auditors e gations and audits; hears individual caployee concerns regarding NRC and/or NRC technical personnel detailed to 0!A. operations and activities; refers criminal matters to the Department of Performs, analyzes and makes recommeldations to the Justice, including U.5, Attorneys and the Federal Bureau of Investiga-Director on programs, projects, plans and policies tion; and maintains liaison with audit and Inspection General Organiza-that impact the integrity, ef fectiveness and ef fi- tions and other law enforcement agencies.

ciency of NRC.

Assistant to the Director Keith Logan Director Sharon R. Connelly Deputy Director Frederick W. Herr I

i I ASS!$ TANT DIRECTOR FOR AUDITS ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR INVESTIGATIONS Directs CIA's investigative program including the development of Directs the overall NRC audit program including the development of policies, standards and procedures; prepares reports of possible vi-necessary policies, standards, and procedures for execution of olations of criminal laws and other irregularities in the adminis-audits; interprets established audit policies, standards and proce- tration of Commission programs and activities; maintains I f aison ures; executes and provides coordination of the audit program as it with law enforcement agencies and investigative organ 124tions in relates to the activities of Headquarters and Regional Offices; pro- criminal and other investigative matters; and assists and maintains f oes liaison between NRC of fices and other audit organizations; re- close liaison with all elements within NRC in the conduct and super-1ews the audit work performed en a seiected basis; and reviews and vision of investigations involving conduct of NRC employees and concurs in audit reports prepared by audit tranches, cont ractors.

Assistant Director Vacant Assistant Director George A. Mulley.Jr.

I I I Administrative Audits Branch Technical Audits Branch Plans, organires, directs, conducts and controls continuing audits Plans, oqanires, directs, conducts and controls continuing audits of of the Administrative Support and Program Direction activities in- NRC's techr.ical activities including the Of fices of Nuclear Reactor cluding the Commission, the Of fices of the General Counsel, Secre- Regulation, Investigations, Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, tary, Policy Evaluation, Public Affairs, and Congressional Affairs, Inspection .snd Enforcement, Nuclear Regulatory Research, State Pro-the EDO, and the Of fices of Administration, Resource Management and grams, International Programs, and Analysis and Evaluation of Opera-Small ans' Disadvantaged Business Utilization and Civil Rights; exe- tional Data, the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, the Atomic cutes the audit program as it relates to these activities of NRC's Safety and licensino Board Pat el, and the Atomic Safety and Licensing Headquarters and Regional Of fices; prepares reports of audits set- Appeal Panel; executes the audit program as it relates to these ac-ting forth findings and appropriate recommendations for corrective tivities at NRC's Headquarters and Regional Offices; prepares re-action; decernines that report s have been reviewed and properly ports of audits setting forth findings and recommendations for cor-acted upon and are in accordance with the GAO standards for audit- rective action; determines that reports have been reviewed and pro-ing; follows up on audit recommendations and brings to the atten- perly acted upon and are in accordance with the GAO standards for tion of proper officials any matters on which corrective action has auditing; follows up on audit recommendations and brings to the at-not been taken. tention of proper of ficials any matters on which corrective action has not been taken.

Chief William L Glenn Chief Harold M. Boulden

..m NOVEMBER 30.198s PAGE 7 N

e U.S. NUCLEAR REXULATORY CIMMISSION SPECr.t assistant rOR InER=An0NAL cFtIRS Assists the General Counsel in the development of legal OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUN5EL policy and advice trearing on export of nuclear mate-ORGANIZATION CH ART aC H. ng opeent of ngula-Directs matters of law and legal policy, providing opintons e ps , a ngs on CI M advice and assistance to the agency with respect to all of its acj Assists the General Counsel in all aspects of his rol, tivities; reviews and prepares appropriate draf t Commissien dect- viti "8 "* " ' $

stons on ASLA8 decisions and rulings. public petitions seeking di- e nsider as chief legal officer of and legal advisor to the NRC rect Commission action, and rulemaking proceedings involving hear- Joaana N. Becker with primary responsibility in matters involving the ings; provides interpretation of laws, regulations, and other special Assistant supervision of litigation in courts of law; represents sources of authority, and the legal form and content of proposed the NRC in Court af Appeals litigation and in conjunc. official actions; prepares or concurs in all contractual docu- ^ "C" tion with the Just f ce Department in other federal ments, interagency agreements, delegations of authority, reguia-courts. Provides counsel to NRC employees called to Provides to the General Counsel program analysis and tions, orders, licenses , and other legal documents and prepares direction of program supDort activities. Responsible testify concerning of ficial duties in casss in which legal interpretations thereof; reviews and directs intellectua]

NRC is not a party. Advises the Commission on 11tiga. for program development and evaluation in the areas of property work; rep-esents and protects the interests of the NRC resource util12ation, personnel management, and organ-tion of proposed actions. in legal matters and in court proceedings, and in relation to other Provides office laational planning and analysis.

William H. Briggs government agencies, administrative bodies, Committees of Congress, services including personnel, equipment, space, cor-Solicitor foreign goverreents and members of the public, respondence control, mail and records Lontrol, and General Counsel William C. Parler maintains law library and legislative reference ser-vice f unctivs.

Chief Nancy L. Dube I


DCPUTV GENERAL COUNSEL FOR LICENSING AND REGULAf!ON Advises the General Counsel and Commission on all upects of Advises the General Counsel on all licensing and inspection domestic licensing and regulation with particular emphasis and enforcement activities with particular emphasis on the on adjudication, legislation, rulemaking and fuel cycle conduct of adjudicatory hearings, and the implementation of matters. Provides advice on employee-conduct and administre- the Commission's e9forcement program. Assists the General tive law issues as well as on the implementation of atomic Counsel in providing legal advice on interagency and inter-energy and environmental law, national agreements, procurement, intellectual property, security, personnel and administrative functions.

Martin G. Malsch Deputy General Counsel James P, Murray Deputy General Counsel i I I I A55151 ANI GENERAL COUN5LL ASSISTANT GENERAL COUNSEL A55!STANT GENERAL COUN5EL A551STANT GENERAL COUN51L A5515 TANT GENT RAL COUNSEL A5515 TANT GENERAL COUNSEL FOR RULEMAKING AND FUEL FOR HE ARINGS FOR ENFORCEMENT FOR ADNINISTRATION FOR ADJUDICATIONS AND FOR LEGISL ATION AND OPINIONS GOVE RNME NT REL ATIONS CYCLE Assists the General Counsa y Assists tne General Counsel Assists the General Counsel Assists the General Counse; and Deputy General Counsel and Deputy General Counsel and Deputy General Counsel As sist s the General Counsel Assists the General Counsel for Hearings and Enforce- and Enforce-in providing legal advice in the development of the in developing and reviewin0 for Hearings and Enforce. for Hear NRC regulations and guides ment, as appropriate, in the sent , as appropriate, in as appropriat% in and assistance to the Com- Commis sion's legislative program including the draft- pertinent to licensing and duelopment of legal policy providing legal advice and providing legal advice and mis s ion in t he review of ing of proposed legislation construction of nuclear and represents the NRC in assistance to the Commf s- assistance to NRC offices adjudicatory decisions and public hearings conducted in s t on , all Regional Offices, involved in interagency and on the implementation of for Commission considera- f acilities and use of nuc- and the Office of Inspection lear materials; represents conjunction with the licens. international agreements, empicyee-conduct regul a- tion. Advises on the legal and Enforcwnt, Nuclear procurement, intellectual Provides legal ad- and policy implications for the NRC staff in publiC Ing of nuclear users and t ions. facilities; assists in the MdterI4I Safely and $8 fe* property, budget, security, vice and assistance to the NRC of legislation sponsored rulemaking hearings; inter-guards , and Nuclear Reactor func-by others referred to ' the prets regulations and stat

  • development of legal policy and administrative Office of Investigations, Commission for comment by utes relevant to NRC activi* associated with such licens. Regulation on inspection and tions, and representing NRC ties and provides legal ing; and provides advice and enf orcent matters. As- in administrative hearings Congressional or OMB sources. sists the General Counsel analyses of those authort- consultation to the staff on involving procurement, pe r-ties impacting the NRC. health and safety, environ. and Deputy General Counsel sonnel, personnel security, for Hearings and Enforcement labor relations and equal mental and antitrust issues in advising and representing arising from the licensing employment opportunity process. NRC offices in enforcement matters, proceedings against licenses involving imposition of civil penalties, modifica-tions, suspension or revoca-tien of 11remes Asst. General Counsel Asst. General Asst. General Asst. General Asst. General Asst General Edward 5. Christenbury Coun. James Lieberman Counsel Hudson 8. Ragan Coun. James A. Fitzgerald Counsel Vacant Coun. William J. Olmstead NOVEMBER 30.19o8 PAGEO

U.O. NUCLEAR HEULATORY COMMISSION 03O ANIZATION CHART OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE COMMISSION Provides general management services to support the Commission and to implement Commission decisionsi advises and assists the Commission and staff on the planning, scheduling and conduct of Commission business. Assistant Secretary performs functions of the Federal Advisory Committee Management Of fi-cer and maintains liaison with certain boards and advisory committees.

Secestary Sanuel J. Chn Assistant Secretary John C Hovie I I PLANS OFFICE HISTORY STAFF Performs studies and monitors deve:opment and under Commission direction, develops policies publication of procedures for the conduct of and procedures for the NRC history program and Commission business; codifies SECY practices; related records and activities; plans, super-assists in program d-t alopment and budget form- vises, and carries out historical research and uf ation; conducts review and analysis of SECY writing; provides historical reference services; activities. Responsible for administrative and logistic support services, establishes content and format, supervises, and prepares the NRC history.

Edward W. McGregor historian J watker i I I Operations Branch Correspordence & Records Branch I

Docketing and Service Branch Pubite Document Branch Plans, schedules, announces, of- Manages Commission's correspon- Develops and maintains of ficial ganizes, and records Commission dence system; reviews, processes Plans, directs and administers meetings assuring compliance with Commission adjudicatory and the activities of the NC Public and dispatches agency's Congres- rulemaking dockets; issues all the Government in the Sunshine sional correspondence and a11 Document Room; maintains f acility Act; maintains a forecast of sub- orders and other promulgations of for receiving, reviewing. pro-principal correspondence ad-jects for future Commission con- the Commission and the Licensing cessing, storing, and eetrieving

  • dressed to the Chairman, Commis- and Appeal Boards ; receives all sideration. Coordinates pub 1(c sion and Secretary; maintains documents for pubitc access; cre-release of meeting documents; filings in adjudicatory proceed- ates and maintains indices to manage. the Commission staff pa-status of all communications ings and comments in rutemaking NRC's public documents; marages pending action by the Commission proceedings; operates a tracking per system; maintains current and seeks to resolve dif fering and operates on-If ne bibliograph-status of all matters pending system for monitoring the status tc retrieval system; makes cueil-action by the Commission and views to fact 11 tate the decision- of all adjudicatory f tI1ngs pend- able NRC press releases and other making process. Serves as agency ing before the Comm'ssion. NRC documents for pubilC access.

seeks to resolve dif fering views liaison with the White House on on issues to facilitate the Presidential referrals. Mai n-dccision-making process; admints- tains Commission's of ficial ree-ters a Commission internal track- ords; coordinates FOIA searches ing system to ensure timely among Commissioner offices ar e compliance with Commission dect- monitors Commission responses sions; and chairs Commission As- to F0IA Appeals; serves as clas-sistants meetings to identify and sified dccument control of ficer f acilitate resolution of open for Commission and Secretary.

issues. Reviews and transmits Commir sion documents for publicattu in the Federal Register.

Chief William t. Clements Chief C1fzabeth C. Shelburne Chief Andrew L Sates Chief Thomas R. Combs NOVEMBER 30, 1986 PAGE 9

U/2. NUCLEAR REIULATORY COMMISSION OnO ANIZ ATION CH ART OFFICE OF INVESTIGATIONS Conducts investigations of licensees, appi tcants, their contractors or vendors, including the inves-tigation of all allegations of wrongdoing by other than hRC employees and contractors. Develops policy, procedures and quality control standards for the con-duct of all OI investigations. Plans, coordinates, directs and executes administrative af fairs of the Office Maintains current awareness of inquiries and inspections by other agency of fices to identify the need for formal investigations. Keeps Commission principals currently inf ormed of matters under investigation as they af fect safety matters. Makes atpropriate referrals to the Department of Justice.

Maintains liaison with other agencies and organiza-tions to ensure the timely exchange of information of mutual interest.

Di rector Ben 8. Hayes Deputy Director Roger A. Fortuna Ol FIE LD OFF ICES Conduct, supervise and assure quality control of

. investigations within geographic 11eits of the NRC Regional Of fice with which they are Co-located. Pro-vide investigative support and counsel to NRC Regional Administrators. E nsure that Regional Administrators and the Director. 01, are fuity and currently informed of significant investigative matters af f ecting NRC Regions. Maintain current awareness of inquiries and invpections within the region in which they are located to identify the nead for and recommend formal investigations. Establish and maintain effective Italson with other agencies and organizations within their areas of concern, when requi red, provide investigative support to other 01 field offices or Headquarters.

OI Field Office, Region I Director . . . Chester w. White 01 Field Of fice, Region II......

Director . . . James V. Vorse 01 Field Of fice, Region III......

Director . . Eugene T. Pawlik O! Field Office, Region IV........

Directoe . . Doned D. Driskal 01 Fleid Office, Region y.....

Director . ftober1 G. Mar $


.a. PG 10

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ORGANIZ ATION CMA Af U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION l OFFtCE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Develops policies and procedures for the Chairman's approval for informing the public of NRC activities.

Prepares, clears, and disseelnates information to the public and the news media concerning NRC pol 1Cles, programs, and activities; keeps NRC management informed on media coverage of activities of interest to the eoency; plans, directs, coordinates the activities of public information staffs located at Begiona10rrices, and carries out assigned activities in the area of consme af fairs.

Director Joseph J. Fouchard Deputy Director Robert W. hewlin

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OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FOR OPERATIONS Supervises and coordinates policy development and operational activities of program and EDO staff offices. Implements Comunission policy directives pertainin0 to these of fices.

Executive Director for Operations Victor Stello, Jr.

Deputy Executive Director for Operations Jack W. Roe Assistant for Operations Thomas A. Rehm DEP'I'Y EXECtTTT!E CINECMR POR REr!!Cf%. DEPUTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FOR OPERATIONS /


Supports the ED0's responsibility for the Regions e of I fo t1 'R ourc nt in or r and advises the EDO on control of generic comununi- to improve the NRC's ability to (1) regulate health cations with and requirements placed on Itcensees. and safety at nuclear facilities; (2) integrate ADP Chairs and provides technical support for the CRGR* technology into the licensing and management proc-ess; and (3) enhance the Document Control Sys tem.

Deputy Executive Director Deputy Executive Director for for Regional Operations Operations /IRM William G. Mcdonald and Generic Requirements James H. Sntezek Director, ROGR Staff John E. Zerbe Administrative and Correspondence Branch Provides administrative support for the Executive Director for Operations and maintains control of principal correspondence for of fices reporting to the EDO.

Chief C. Margo Bridgers NOVEMBER 30,19AS PAGE 13

~O n N U CLEAiiR EG OI3TO'RY'C'55IMISSIO N Ccc@ational Safety and Health Manager ORG ANIZ ATION CH ART Administers execution of NRC uide occupational 0FFICE OF ACMIhISTRATION _

safety and health progew ta ensure safe and healthful working conditions for NRC employees.

Develops and directs policies and programs for personnel man- Agency Safety and agement; organization and management analysis; security and Health Manager Banks G. Mitchum classification requirements; of fice management and aminis-trative services; contracting and procurement services; rules and proceedings services; publications services; employee Program Support Staff occupational safety and health services; and special staff support. Provides administrativs management and coordina-tion of the programs and resources of the Office.

Analyzes and evaluates Of fice policies, programs and procedures. Develops long- and short-range administrative program plans and resource fore-casts. Develops and aministers the agency's com-Director Patricia G. Norry pensation and benefits and Headquarters adminis-Deputy Director (Acting) Paul E. Bird trative support budgets. Manages and administers the NRC Mamrdwt Linactives dyst<E. A2ntr.ister s~

tre Differ *g Prtresstoral Opin ora gm7am.

Oirector Patrick Rowe OtVISION OF OR IZATION DIVISION OF SECURITY DIv!$ ION OF PUBLICATIONS SERVICES $1 Plans, develops, and implements policies and pro-pses and provides funding for the training and development of NRC incumbent executives and SES ism page 15) (see page 17) (see page 18) Candidates and to support the Executive Resources Board; in the same manner, provides management and supervisory training and development programs to improve managerial performance; p-ovides pol!cy direction and aministration for the In-Dweetor Raymond J. Braov Director John D. Philips tern Program; develops and administers the Director James F. McDermott agenrywide budget and overall program for tech-nical and nontechnical training (group and indi-vidual) (less the Reactor Tra.ining Center pro-gram) to maintain and/or improve job performance and to meet NRC future needs; provides for I I Probabilistic Risk Assessment Technology transfer DIVISION OF F ACILITIES DIVISION OF RULES AND RECORDS DIVISION OF CONTR ACTS training; conducts studies"and develops training AND OPERATIONS SUPPORT and education programs in response to Commission, statut ory and interagency requirements; assists headquarters and regional offices in identifying inter- and intra-of fice training needs and

-(see page 16) (see page 19) isee page 20) assists in the preparation, implementation and evaluation of relevant programs; represents the NRC in the Interagency Group Connittee on Train-ing and Development, the DOE-Industry Personnel and Training Group and private sector education John H.Corlev Director Donnie H. Grimsley Director Edward L Halman councils; and structures career development Dractor patterns and implements necessary associated training programs to support upward mobility and equal employment opportunity principles.

Director Peter J. Goldman w, .e NOVEMBER 30. 1988 PAGE14

U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION ORG ANIZATION CHAti D1V1510N 0F CRGANIZATION AND PERSONNEL Develops and directs the Acency's personnel management program. Con-ducts recruitment, staffing and placement programs Sosition evalua-tions, personnel resources and employment programs, e _ .a nnel policy and program developmeet, Federal labor relations aied e Aoyee relations ser-vices. organization analyses, staffing analyses. the Agency's position management program and personnel management svaluatters. Serves as Secretariat and provides program support to the Executive Resources Board and the Performance Review Board. Provides program coordination to the Enxutive Allocatton and Staf fing Committee and the Exec uti ve Development Committee.

Director James F. McDermott Deputy Director Mate E. Bentson i I Policy and Program Development Branch Labor Relations Branch Management Information Staf f Develops, coordinates, and interprets policies, pro- Develops and implements agency labor-management re- Maintains automated personnel data and f TE data and grams and procedures applicable to all phases of per- lations program and policies and serves as Agency con- prevides management information services and reports sonnel management. Provides personnel policy guidance tact on such matters with the Union including griev- on such data. Analyzes and evaluates data to assere ances and alleged unfair labor practice charges. he- consistency and reliability. Provides Vac king for for NRC office . Conducts or monitors pay comparabil-ity studies and recommends special salary schedules; gotiates ard administers all collective bargaining all personnel actions.

performs research in personnel management, techniques agreements; administers the grievance and appeal pro-and practices; conducts special personnel studies and cesses; provides advice to management regarding per-evaluations ; and coordinates personnel forms develop- formance and/or conduct cases; and provides assistance ment for OW, in disciplinary and adverse actions.

Chief winnie Bengelsdorf Chief Greg Benoit Chief Artt ~,s l

l l

l l

I Staf fing and Position Evaluation Branch Employee Assistance Staf f  !

1 Identifies and develops staf fing resources; conducts Responsll:le for benefits and services provided to NRC 1 and coordinates all NRC recruitment programs; operates employees including Civil Service Retirement Sys tem i the Applicant Review System. Evaluates applicant and Federal Employees' Retirement System; Federal i n- l qualifications and implements merit promotion programs jury compensation; Incenti ve Awards Program; health for all NRC Headquarters employees. Implements and and life insurance; Health Unit administration; and manages the NRC position evaluation program which in- Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program.

Cludes salary setting, pay policy implementation, staffing plan review and approval, and performance of position audits. Processes personnel actions for all Headquarters and Region V employees and processes all i personnel actions for SE S and equivalent employees. I Processes and monitors all consultant and expert ap-pointments. Maintains Official Personnel Folders and Employee Performance files for NRC Headquarters en- i playees. Manages the NRC Central Support Unit; and l provides program support to the Executive Resources Board and the Penormance Review Board.

Chief Mike J. Fox Chief Jackie Jackson

  • - * * *

U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION ORG ANIZAf TON CH ABT DIVI 5!ON OF F ACILil!E$ AND OPERATIONS SUPPORT Plans, directs and manages support programs involving real and personal property, logistics. mail and messenger serv-ices, transportation and motor vehicle, and f acilities support operations.

John H. Corley 01 rector Deputy Director George M. Fetrow M1 aM mssenger Building and Operations Property and Supply Branch Branch Branch Estabitshes hRC-wide policies, standards and procedures Develops and administers policies, standards and pro- and provides support services to NRC Headquarters in Establishes policies, standards and procedures for cedures governing programs for personal property man

  • areas of mail receipt , processing, celivery and dis-NRC-wide space and buildings acquisition and utiliza* agement , ilkluding proper ty records and inventory, patch, and outside messenger service. Oversees Head-tion and motor vehicle operations. Provides and coor- reoistribution and disposal; supply and warehouse quarters and Regional operations on mail management dinates support services for NRC Headquarters space' Operations ; office and equipment anwes; ar1 assures matters, including traf and orientation and equip-buildings and f acili ties. Maictains liaison with CSA* compliance witt Federal persona l property management ment requirements for mail handling and preparation.

other Federal agencies and State tad local governments. po15cies and regulations, Grover F. Estep Chief EOS** 0 I*IO*

g.g g.) Louis Fisher Chief I

NOVEMBER 30. 1988

.., PAGE 16

j U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION ORGANCATION CHART DIVISION OF SECURITY Plans, develops, establishes and administers policies, standards and prwedures for the overall NRC security program. Included are respon-sibilities (1) for assuring the safeguarding of classified and sensi-tive unclassified information at NRC headquarters f acilities and Region-al Offices and at hRC contractor, licensee and other f acilities: (2) for providing advice, guidance and otner assistance on all aspects of the NRC security program; (3) for the physical protection of NRC Peadquar-ters, Regional Of fices and other facilities; (4) for directing the Per-sonnel Security Program; (5) for directing the Automated Inf ormation Systems Security Program; and (6) 'or the maaagement of the NRC Secure Communications Center.

Director Raymond J. Brady Deputy Of rector Frank A. Maturo Facilities Securtty and Operational Systems Security Branch Personnet Security Branch Support Branch Information Security Branch Administers the f acilities security program, Administers the information securi ty proi, ram Admini sters the autouted information systes.s Aministers the personnel security program which includes making determinations on the establishes physical security safeguards for for NRC Headquarters, Regional Offices, Con- security program to protect classified and initial and continuing eligibility of NRC ap- the protection of NRC Headquarters, Regional tr ctors, licensees an:1 other f acilities, sensitive unclassified information that is plicants, consultants, and employees for ac- Offices and contractor f acilities; conducts weich includes the classification / telecommunicated, processed and/or stored in cess authorization /esployment clearance and security surveys and inspections of various declassification / downgrading programs; estab- automated information and word processing sys-of contractors, licensees and other personnel NRC f acilities; directs the security 11shes accountability programs for certain tems , including NRC telecommunications of sig-inf raction-violation program and the guarc classified documents and mat erial; estab- nificant inteII1gence value; conducts techni-for access to Restricted Data and National Se- lishes policy for and manages NRC's internal cal security surveys and inspections of wart-curity Information or special nuclear materi- force; administers the NRC security awareness ous NRC f acilities; and directs the NRC tempu-al; administers the classified visitor control program; serves as the SfC focal point for the security progree; provides intelligence sup-program and maintains liaison with the OPM, Freedom of Information Act Program; develops port to the Commission and other NRC of fices; ter, communications, countermeasures , access manages the NRC program for the disclosure of cont rol, intrusion detection and other techni-FBI, CIA and other investigative or intelli- NRC security colicies, procedures and regula-tions; provides fiscal and resource management classified informaticn to foreign governments cal security programs, gence agencies on personnel security matters; administers the criminal history check program support; and conducts sp cial studies and and irternational organizations; provides se-fer unescorted access to nuclear power f ac111- analyses of NRC security programs, curity def ensive travel and personal protec-ties or access to Safegaards Jiformation by tion against terrorism briefings to NRC per-power reactor licensees; and serves as the SEC sonnel traveling abroad; and manages the NRC focal point for the Privacy Act P*ogram- Secure Cosmunications Center.

James J. Dunleavy Chief Richard A. Dopp Chief R bert F. Whipp Chief Duane G. Ridd l Chief l



U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION ORO ANi2 ATION CH ART DIVISION nF PUBLICATIONS SERVICES Provides comprehensive editorial and related publications -

services NRC wide in support of Agency programs. Manages the producthn and printing of NUREGs and other official NRC publications. Maintains NRC liaison with the Joint CmW* tee on Printing.

v. -~

Director John Q. Philips t

e J


""' flectronic Text Pr<ree ,ing Bresh

' Printing and Graphics Beanch ;k -

' 3,*

- l' Provides agency wide service [ur electronic text pro- Develops and maintains policies, procedures, stan. /

Develops or manages development and implementation of cebsing, c6py ed i ti ng , and proof reading of pub }icnte-a- dards, and guidelines and provides agency wide direc- -

di vision policy related to NRC-wide responsibilities tions, and Composition of Beguletsry Guides. . tion and Coordination for the NRC printing, ptaphics, '

for NRC pubi t cations. Provides NRC wide publicatt3A Orates text input, electW:all) trans ferred of photography, as;1ovisual and related activities. P ro- ',~

contol and processing, technical writing and editing. scanned, vth publications irt.* Tre sfers tsutc - cesses requests relating to printing . dupitcating/

and translation services. Publishes WRCI's , Title electronically between ager.y / ed/ data prepsing . topying. graphics. audiovisual, photograp.1y and other /

14st Journal, and abstract /indes journal of regulatory systems *er cooperative work ' A&rt on draft publica- op., rations involved in the branch. ;i au technical reports, i tions. A .sts in file design for, tracking data. ,

S. Salvatore lungolf , ctj,f '

Joanne M. Johansen rin.f j' ' ( Marshe) 9 Bagge:t

< Chief I

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-DIVISION OF RULES AND RECORDS Develops and recommends policy, procedures, and rules ap-plicable to, and is responsible far, implementation of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts ard the Regulatory Flexibility Ac t; develops and reviews amendments te NRC regulations and petitisas for rulemaking; responsible for providing advice and assistance to NRC of fices and the public regarding NRC regulations and procedures for filing petitions for rulemiakirE; directs and coordinates hRC Local Public Document Room activities.

Detector Donnie H. Grimsley I I Froedom of Information Rules and Procedures and Privacy Branch Local Public Document Brarsh Room Brgnch Develops and administers policies and procedures Develops and reviews amendments to NRC regula-to implement NRC Compliance with the Freedom of Develops, recommends, and implements policies, tions and other Federal Register notices; pro- programs, and procedures governing the organi-Information Act (F0!A) and Privacy Act (PA); vides advice and assistance to NRC offices zation, objectives, and activities of local provides advice, assistance, and support to NRC regarding the Regulatory Flexibility Act and Public document rooms (LPDRs); coordinates the offices regaroing F0IA and PA activities and responsibilities: interprets requests, coordi-the preparation of rulemaking papers and collection, distribution, and categorization petitions for rulemaking; and responds to pub. of all documents and microfiche grovided hates responses, reviews documents for exempt Itc inquiries regarding NRC regulations and material, and arranges for extensions of re- LPDAs; and maintains liaison with LPOR library procedures for filing petitions for rulemaking. staffs, the public, local officials, appli-sponse time and clarification of scopes of Prepares and issues the publ* cations NRC cants licensees, and the NRC staf f concerning requests as necessary. Rules and Reaulations and NRC ReculatE Handbook, all aspects of the LPOR program, including Contracting, site selection, reference ser*

vices, and information availability.

Chief Linda L. Robinson Chef (Actirg) Mdeel T. Leser Chef Jona L. Souder NOVEMBER 30.19F6 PAGE 19

U/1 NUCLEAR REIULATORY COMMISSION Operations 5@ port Staf f ORO AMiZ AflON CH ART "" 8"i** 'Y 89'"'I 8' '

MI5!0N OF CONTRACTS ment of MRC wide policies',r"e'g' 8 I I I I#standards, ulations,

and procedures relatin0 to contracting. procure-Develops and implements agency wide contracting policies and ment and financial assistance. Provides for procedures; directs amt coordinates contracting, purchasing, development, management and maintenance of the grant and financial assistance activities for NRC, includin9 Division's contract information system and the Autamated Contracting System. Establishes and contractor / grantee selection, negotiation, administration and maintains the Sidder's Mailing List and provides close-out; provides advice and assistance to NRC program administrative services for the Division. Develops officials relative to procurement regulations and require- and maintains the procurement research library.

ments and methods of meeting program objectives con si stent Coordinates the receipt, evaluation and dispost-with such requirements. tion of unsolicited proposals with the appropriate Dwector Edward L mnan progree office. Provides suppecting information Deputy Deector Mary Jo Mattaa and data regarding contracts as input to 5080/CR for the small business program.

Chief ( Acting) Mary Jo Mattia Small Purchases and Regional Operations Branch Contract Negotiation Branch No. 2 Contract Administration Stanch Contract Negotiation Branch No. I Responsible for administration, including Responsible for paoviding contracting support Per'orms the contracting functions of selec- Performs the contracting functions of selection to NRC Regional Offices. Such support censists and negotiation in support of adelnistration, close out, of all contracts assigned to the of providing continuing advice and assistance tion and negotiation in support of administra- technical assistance and confirmatory research Division. Performs all administrative actions tion, technical assistance and confirmatory necessary to assure that goods and services to the Regions in their independent conduct of research needs of NRC Offices and Divisions, needs of hRC Offices and Divisions. Activities their small purchasing attivities. Performs Activities include a broad spectrum of NRC include a broad spectrum of NRC programs contracted for are delivered in accordance periodic audits of small purchase activity and involving each of the major Program Of fices with contract specifications, in a timely provides reports thereon. Reviews Regional

p. ograms involving each of the major Program and other NRC Offices and Divisions. Acti- s.anner and within agreed upon costs. Nego-Offices and other NRC Of fices and Divisions. tiates contract changes as required. Respon- purchases ut11tring other than full and open vities relate to nuclear health and safety, competition. Performs the total contracting Activities relate to nntlear healthnuclear and licensing and hearings, nuclear materials and sibilities include all contract requirements function and acts as Contracting Officer for safety, licensing and hearings, fuel cycle f acility safety and safeguards, for agency-wide Off'icas and Divisions. Close Regional contract requiremects in excess of eaterials and fuel cycle f acility safety out activities are directed toward prompt and safeguards, inspection and enforcement, inspection and enforcement, telecommunications 525,000. Serves as Contracsing Of ficer for all and automatic data processing system develop- recoupment of unexpended funds under expired NRC Headquarters small purchase requirements.

telecomununications and autonatic data proces- ment and program support, technical and contracts and include negotiation of final These include Commodity and service procure-sing system development and program support, management training requirements and tech- overhead rates and determination of final con-technical and management training requirements nical assistance for management. The 8 ranch is tract costs, ments as well as technical assistance and con-and technical assistance for management. The firmatory research arrangements.

Branch is responsible for major systems responsible for major systems acquisitions as acquisitions as well as the selection of nego- well as the selection and negotiation process tiation process for the agency's financial for the agency's financial assistance program assistance i,rogram and the Small Business and the $nall Business Innovation Research Innovation Research Program (581R). Respon- Program (581R).

sible for all contracting activity associated with the agency's Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC).

Chief rieten Hagey Ronald D. Thompton Chief (Acting) Elois Wiggins Chief (Acting) Timothy F. Hagan Chief MowMu. 6.ns

-- - PAGE 20



t CiFICE OF INFORMATION RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IRM PROGRAM MANAGEMINT STAFF Manages and directs all information resources programs at the NRC in. Provides central control and management for ADP, cluding ADP, telecommunications, document control, records management, telecommunications, and document / records management.

records services, and the library. Advises the Executive Director for F ormulates technology planning. IRM budget , and Operations and the Commission on the use and application of automated policy. Ensures compliance with Federal directives systems to meet the Agency's needs for the processing, distribution, and issued by the General Services Administration. Depart-control of information. Develow s policies, programs, and procedures 1 ment of Commerce, and the Of fice of Management and support of these responsibilities. Serves as liaison with other govern. Budget on IRM functions. Performs ADP and telecommuni-ment agencies and NRC management on information resource management r ations security functions including preparation of p'anning, budgeting, and control. security proposals. performing risk analysis, and developing contingency plans.

Director ( Acting) Directof Isaac A. Kirk William G. Mcdonald DIVISION OF COMPUTER AN TE LECOMMUNICATIONS DIVISION OF INFORMATION StIPPORT SERVICES hee page 22) bee page 231

            • '" NOVEMBER 30. 1935 PAGE 21


i i

i Supervises all information technology-related product evaluation and '

acquisition, and all system development ta assure the mest ef fective delivery of services to NRC management and staff.

Director (Acting) George P. Eysynontt Informaten Systems Branch Data Administeaton Branch Performs age tywide strategic data resource planning to support the business objectives of the NRC. Estabitshes and implements Analyze". tNb requirements of NRC of fices for automated support, data management policies, standards, and procedures on an agency- Directs feasibility studies, information system requirements wide basis to achieve data integration and sharing. Performs data analyses, and conceptual design for new automated information analysis, logical data modeling, and physical database design needs and applications. Plans, develops, operates, and maintains activities in support of system development projects. Responsible computer-based information systems for the Commission.

for the integrity, security, and performance of database manage-ment system software, including the development of a corporate data dictionary / directory system.

Chief C%arles E. Fitzgerald Chief (Acting) Lynn B. Scattolini Hardware and Software Acquiston Branch Telecommuncatens 3 ranch Researches, evaluates, recommends , and prepares procurement jus-tifications for acquisition of hardware and sof tware for ADP sys-tems and effice au'omation (CA) applications. Installs and main-Researches, evaluates, recommends, and prepares procurement jus- tains microcomputer and CA hardware and sof tware. Develops and tifications for acquisition of a11 telecommunications equipment. administers contracts and interagency agreements for scientific Installs and maintains telecommunication equipment. Serves as timesharing and Leuls services. Serves as property custodian for prepert v custodian for all major telecommunication equipment, all ADP and 0A hardware. Maintains inventory control of all microcomputer software assigned to microcomputers.

Chief (Acting) Michael L. Macidilliams Chief Thomas B. Ke11am NOVEMBER 30.1115

~ PAGE 22



U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION OGOANIZAflON CMAti Olvls10N OF INFORMATION SUPPORT SERVICES Supervises computer and telecomununications support enhancing NRC's l ability to operate advanced information technology to carry out its mission. Supervises and controls the flow of information themghout the agency.

Director (Acting) Walter A. Magee information Technology Servan Branch Ubrary Branch Provides comprene. 4two support services to increase staff ef fec-tiveness in using information technology. Through the Information Technology Services (IT ) suppart centers, provides technical advice and assistance, software locator information, user's Develops, acquires, and maintains library collections to support NRC. Provides reference, if terature guides, and other support services to assist NRC staff in access- official activities of ing, retrieving, and manipulating electronically stored informa" searching, and circulation services. Provides library support tion on mainframes, microcomputers, and office automation sys* services for all other Headquarters libraries and Regional tems. Provides technical training objectives and requirements set of fices.

forth by IRM to the Training Laboratory. Installs all microcom-puter software. Provides support to users of NRC scientific codes and to the NRC Operations Center.

Chief (Acting) Francine F. Goldberg Chief Margaret H. Conyngham Computer and Telephone C,mrations Branch Installs, main,ains, and operates NRC minicompter and remote job Develops and implements agencywide policies and procedures for entry (RJE) computer equipment in support of Headquarters opera- managing the paperwork programs governed by the Paperwora Reduc-tions. Performs systems programming services for all NRC minicom- tion Act of 19o0 and related Fejeral statutes and regulations, puter systems and NRC leased and purchased 9toprietary softwar, Plans, directs, and coordinates all activities necessary to packages which operate on all minicomputer and mainframe facili. develop and administer the agency's Information Collection ties utilized by NRC. Develops and maintains contracts and inter Sudget, records disposition schedules, agency record holdings and agency agreements for administrative timesharing services used by accountabl11ty; public-use, internal, and interagency reports; NRC. Operates telephone, teleconferencing, TELEX, and facsielle and related activities associated with the management of the equipment in support of Headquarters operations. Provices coordi- agency's records from their creation (forms, correspondence, and nation for the reconciliation and certification of telephone reports) to their ultimate disposition (files maintenance and bills, performs traf fic analysis, and maintains the NRC telephone disposition).

directory, Chief Brenda J. Shelton Chief (Acting) David J. Diehl Document Control Branch

  • " * * * **"'h Develops, recommeeds, and administers approved agencywide policies, standards, objectives, and procedures for document man-agement, automated information storage and retrieval, image tech-nology applications, and licensing and adjudicatory support Plans, directs, and coordinates all administrative support activ- services as they pertain to the Document Control System (DC5) ities concerned with the performance and raintenase of cen- and its successor system. Provides support services, advice and tralized, official licensing (20 CFR Part 50), generic and assistance to headquarters and regional of fices. Administers the DCS contract which provides a wide ary of comples services to project records. Develops and administers t*
  • classified docu- a multitude of NRC users. Provides lia.oon with NRC mall, filing, ment program for the Records Services Branch. Develops and and electronic text processing functions. Provides vital NRC wide administers the micrographics production program. serv!ce fo* the receipt and dissemination of Itcensing and other mission critical documents. Provides agencywide servke for the receipt, dissemination, storage. retrieval, and sale of publica-tions and documents, both internal and enternal to the NRC.

Iner K. Bailey Chief Chief (Acting) John A. Stoczlas, Jr.

NOVEMBER 3o 19ns PAGE 23

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l U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION ORG ANiZ ATION CHART DIVISIDM DF ACCDUNTING AND FINANCE Develops and admintsters policies, principles, and standards, and pro-cedures for financial and cost accounting, financial management, pricing, license fee management, and financial provisions under NRC contracts; provides advice to the Commission, the EDD, and other NRC of fices on the interpretation and application of all financial and accounting matters.

Director Graham D. Johnson Deputy Director Eleanor K. Black Financial Operations Branch Plans, establishes and maintains accounting and internal controls of NRC appropriations; maintains overall hRC funds records and control-ling accounts; prepares special analysis, financial statements, and reports; establishes and maintains inventory of NRC capitalized property; maintains centralized payroll accounting and reporting functions; maintains centralized travel accounting and reporting functions; maintains centralized governmental and commercial vendors accounting and reporting function; provides necessary fiscal services for NRC.

Chief Mane B. Dardois Financial Systems and Procedures 8 ranch Formulates policies, principles and standards, and procedures for accounting and reporting activities of the NRC; develops, implements, and maintains NRC's financial management systems; interprets and imple-ments accounting requirements of Government wide regulations; develops cost principles and pricing policy; manages Division's Computer Center.

Chief Robert E. Rakowski License Fee Management Branch Administers NRC facilities and material Itcense fee program. Develops policies and procedures relating to cost recovery and fees. prepares and maintains fee regulations, fee schedules and procedures. Analyzes functions, manpower and costs of NRC of fices for determining fee base.

Maintains follow-up program to assure fee payments and institutes en-forcement procedures when appropriate. Works with other Government agencies to provide consistency in fee programs.

Chief C. James Holloway, Jr.

tdOVEMBER30, 1986 PAGE 25



Provides agency senior management with analyses of policy, pro-gram and resovece issues. Develops and maintains policies, procedures, and operations to formulate and exec 4*e approved NRC budgets; develops and administers NRC authoritation and appropriation legislation; coordinates the development of NRC's Five-Year Plan; presents budget estimates to the 100 Commis-sion, OPS, and Congress; designs and develops systems and cri-teria for resource planning and control; performs cost analysis of NRC proposed rules; .ad assists NRC offices in use of sound statistical practices. Maintains liaison =lth OMB and Congree sional Committees.

Director Peter J. Rabideau Richard P. Shumway Deputy Dire

  • tor Cost and Statistical Analysis Staf f Performs cost analyses of proposed ru'es and requirements per-taining to engineering, economic and health considerations for the Committee to Review Generic Requirements and for hRC offices. Provides assistance ta of fices and regions in the use of sound statistical practices.

Sidney E. Feld Chief Budget Operations Branch Program Analysis Branch Coordinates preparation of NRC budget for internal review and Identifies and analyzes significant MAC policy, program and for submissions to OMB Congress. Prepares inf ormation resource issues. Based ou such analysis, provides recommenda- required by DMB Circular A-11 and prepares budget reports to tions on agency optiens to the Contro11er, Office Directors, Congress. Develops authorization and appspriation bills the EDO and the Commission. Conducts short- and long-tern language and maintains history, requirements and status of all planning to assist in policy making and program operations. NRC authorization and appropriation legislation. Develops and Provides advice and assistance to offices / regions on policy, manages NRC budget system. Directs process of resource (funds program and resource questions. Conducts agency level review and staff) control; approves and issues allotments and and analysis of all annual and five year budget plans; parti- financial plans; certifies funds availability for certain EDO ctpates in OM8 briefings and Congressional hearings on budget and Commission staff offices, initiates reprogramming actions estimates; evaluates use of resou-cos (funds and staf f) against as needed; and determines agency funding requirements for program plans; and reviews resource allocations and repro- travel and salaries and benefits. Provides advice and assist-gramming actions. Participates in the development of the ED0 ance to offices / regions on budget formulation and execution.

Program and Resource Guidance. Ensures compliance with OMS Serves as liaison with 00E on interagency issues. Prepares Circular A-76. Provides estim.tes of reactor fuel load dates. special reports for the EDO and Commission.

hicholas Monaco, Jr.

Vacant Chief Chief NOVEM8ER 30. Ism 8

' " ~



Plans, develops, and implements programs of international cooperation and licensing of nuclear emports and import s.

Formulates and recommends policies concerning nuclear exports and imports, international safeguards, and nonpro-11feration matters, and international assistance and cooperation in nuclear safety matters.

Director James R. Shea AS$tSTANT DIRECTJA ASSIST ANT DIRECTOR FOR EXPORT lMPORT FOR INTE RNATIONAL COOPE RATION AND INTE RNATIONAL SAFEGUARDS Plans, develcps, and implements international nuclear safety Participates in planning and fofoulation of NRC policies on information exchange programs, working relationships with export-import licensing, stonproliferation issues, and inter-international nuclear organizations and other involved U.S. national safeguards; receives and reviews applications for, Government agencies, and provides general liaison with other and as appropriate, issues export and import licenses as the NRC offices having interest or responsibility in areas of Commission directs; obtains and evaluates information from international cooperation. Participates in formulation of other NRC and U.S. Government offices in consideration of license applications.

policy on the above.

Ronald D. Hauber Assistant Director Marvin R. Peterson Asistant Director I

1 1

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  • NOVEMBER 30.19Bs PAGE 27 l

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onoawization cuan' U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION OFFICE OF STATE PROGRAMS Reviews, recommends, and directs NRC program of cooperation and liatson with States, local govern-ments, interstate and Indian organizations; admin-inters State Agreements program; per,vides training for State and local government personnel in radia-tion control programs; cooperates with other NRC offices and O. 5. Government agencies having State and interstate responsibilities; administers indemnification and property insurance programs; performs review of financial qualifications of licensees and participates in formulation of policy on financial aspects of licensing. Appraiscs per-formance of Regional Offices in carrying out assigned State Program. functions.


Wegotiates, implements and manages the State Agree. State cooperation and liaison; develops and directs ments program under the provisions of Section 274 of administrative and contractual programs for coordinat-the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended. Develops ing and integrating Federal and State regulatory ac-policies and procedures for the conduct of the State tivities; maintains liaison with and provides guidance Agreements program. Plans, directs and coordinates and support to State, interstate, regional, Indian and periodic reviews of Agreement State radiation control quasi governmental organizations on regulatory mat-programs by Regional Of fice representativas. Provides ters; maintains liaison with and provides guidance and and conducts training and technical assistance to support to NRC offices and other government agencies Agreement States. Appraises performance of Regional on intergovernmental matters and issues of concern to Offices in carrying out assigned State Agreements States, local governments and Incian Tribes; monitors funct ions. nuclear-related State legislative and regulatory aca tivities; provides guidance to Regional Administrators on activities of State liaison of ficers located in Re-gional Offices; coordinates and concurs in all assf _r ments of personnel author 12ed by the Intergovernmental Assistant Director Donald A. hussbaumer Personnel Act (IPA); manages indemnification and nu-clear property insurance programs; toordinates with States on need for power and participates in formula-tion of policy on decommissioning costs and financial aspects of itcensing and provides reviews of finawial quaiifications of licensees. Appraises performance of Regional Offices in carrying out assigned State liab en f unctions.

Assistant Ofrector Darret A. Nash for State and Licensee Reiarsons( Actirg)

NOVEMBER 30, 1988

  • * * " *
  • PAGE 28

U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION ORG ANIZ ATION CH ART OFFICE FOR ANALYSIS AND EVAtuATION OF DPERATIONAL DATA Responsible for the anatysis and evalaation of operational safety data associated with all NRC-licensed activities and the feedback of such analyses to improve safety. This office will provide agency coordination of operational data collection, storage, and retrieval activities, systematica11y and independently analyze and evaluate operational experience (e. g. , LERs); feed bac k the lessons inherent in operational experience to NRC licensing, s tandards, and inspection activities and to licensees for all NRC-licensed activities, including verifying, when appropriate, that action has been implemented in response to the feedback; assess overall ef fectiveness of the agency wide operational safety cata program; and act as a focal point for interaction with outside organizations dedicated to operational safety data analysis and evaluation. This cffice also prepares and coordi-nates the quarterly reports to Congress on abnormal occurrences and provides policy and program support for the NRC's Incident Investigation Program.

Director C. J. Heltemes, Jr.

Deputy Director Frederick J. Hebdon e

l Program Technology Branch Reactor Operatians Analysis Branch Nonreactor Assessment Staf f incident investigaten Staff Performs support in the areas of policy Systematically screens L ERs and other domes- Performs the review, analysis, and evaluation Deve lops policy, program requirements, and development, of fice administration, data pro- tic and foreign event reports to determine of safety experience from licensed nuclear procedures for NRC investigations of signi f-gram management, and issuance of reports and their significance. Performs the analysis fuels and radioactive materials facilities cant operat ional events and ensures that pubi tcations on items of importance to and evaluation of selected individual events and ,sc ti vi t i es , including byproduct , source the investigations are consistent with the nu clear power plant safety. Performs NRC and potentially significant generic safety and special nuclear materials and associated NRC ro le and licensee responsibilities.

trends and patterns analysis of operational concerns associated with operational expe- reactor site and transportation steps, in Maintains and integrates pians, procedures, experience. Develops and operates databases rience. Develops recosamendations to address order to identify actions that will improve and training to achieve program objectives.

and systems for the storage and retrieval of potentially significant safety concerns and public health and safety. Performs the Prov f jes operat ional, support and contract operational experience in support of MRC suggestions for feedback of lessons learned. review, analysis, and evaluation of reactor management for NRC tnvestigation activities, regulatory analyses. Documents independent assessments in case operating experience involving human factors (hjef study, engineertra evaluation, and technical Wayne D, Lanning to identify actions that will improve pubitc Chief Mark H. Williams review reports. Periodically meets with INPO health and safety.

to exchange the results of assessments of significant operating experiences. Chief Itathleen M. 81aca Chief Stuart D. Rabin NOVEMBER 30.1!ME PAGE 29


UTit!2ATION/CIVit RIGHTS Develops and implements an ef fective small and disadvantaged business pNgram in acCordance with the $nall Business Act as amended. Insures that appropriate consideration is given to Labor Surplus Area firms and hNMben Business Interprises.

Maintains liaison with other government agencies and trade associations. Coordinates efforts with the Director. Divi-ston of Contracts, and Directers of other affected offices.

Develops and recommends for approval by the Executive Direc-tor for Operations overall NRC policy providing for equal employment opportunity in all aspects of Federal personnel

  • practice; develops, monitors and evaluates the af firmative action program to assure compliance with NRC policy; serves as contact with local and national public and private orga-n13ations to f acilitate the NRC equal employment opportunity program.

Dwector w.itiam 8. Kerr NC.CCR 30. ISB PAGE 5


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l OFFICE OF NL*,, TEAR MATERIAL SAFETY AND SAFEGUARDS Planneng and Program Analyse StaM Responsible for ensuring pube sc health and safety, and protecting the national security and environmental Providas administrative management and coordina-values in the licensing and regulation of facilities tion of the programs and resources of the and materials associated with the processing, trans- Of fice. Establishes priorities, schedules and port and handling of nuclear materials, and the resource allocattans; performs resource fore-disposal of nuclear waste. under the Atomic Energy Act casting, long-and short-range program planning, of 1954, as amended, and the Energy Reorgantaation Act budget preparation and coordination, and con-of 1974. Resoons101e for review and assessment of trol, Provides aministrative and management safeguards against potential threats, the f ts , and support including personnel management, manage-sabotage for licensed facilities, including reactors, ment studies, management directives, personnel Responsible for the Remedial Action Program under the evelo nt W training, correspoence and Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978. action itee cont 6si; provides technical assist-ance and support to Director in evaluating pro-Di rector posed activities or positions and administering John G. Davis highly technical projects.

Deputy Director Donald B. Mausshardt Director John D Evans DIVISION OF FUEL CYCLE AND M ATE RIAL SAFETY DIVISION OF SAFEGUARDS tm page 32) (see page 33)


NOVEMBER 30.19n6 PAGE 31

U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION ORGANIZATION CHART DivtSION OF FUEL CYCLE AND MATERIAL SAFETY Performs NRC's principal licensing and regulation activities associated with the processing, transport, and handling of nuclear materials and involving f acilities and materials licensed under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, as amended.

Dwector Ricnard E.Cunningearn Deputy Director Vacant uransurn Fuel Liconong Branch Materiet Be Conducts safetv ana l y s es , I I c ea si ng , and f ol n owup rev tew of natural hts safety analyses. licensing. and followup review of use of byproduct, source and uranium conversion plants and prodxtion plants, and enriched uranium special nuclear materials, encluding as necessary, preparation of envronmental _ _ . .

fw=1 processing and fabrication plants. Conducts analysts and planning and W stwt Provides tecMical W to the Regions on material lecensing.

for possible environmental radiation release situations which may Develops technical and policy options for regulatons ano regulatory guides to unprove originate f rom any operation Iteensed by the Division of Fuel Cycle and regulation of byproduct. sourr.e. and special nuclear matwials Certifies adequacy of desagn Matectal Sa f ety . Conducts analyses and assures that remedial actions of speled sourcos and devices, are taken at non-reactor si tes contaminated with radioactive materials ,

Ch.ef Vandy L. Meller Chief 4cting) William T. Crow Advanced Fuel and spent Fuel Licensing Branch Conducts safety analyses, licensing, and followup review of independent irradiated fuel storage facilities, interim storage of low-level waste at reactor sites, chemical reprocessing f acilities, and advanced fuel f abrication plants.

Chief Leland C. Rouse Transportation Certification Branch Conoucts safety analyses and approval of coritainers for shipment of fissile and Type B quantities of radioactive materials; implements such actions as required by NRC and coordinates activities with agencies hav-ing parallet or overlapping ju risdiction, such as DOT, 5t a te s , and IAEA.

Chief Charles E. MacDonsid NOVEMBER 3 0, 19116

              • - PAGE 32

U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION OROANIZATION CH ART O!v!SION OF SAFEGUARDS Conducts principal safeguards licensing and regulatory functions appitcable to nuclear materials, fuel cycle f acilities, nuclear reactors and activities 11-Censed unoer the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended. Develops, implements, and evaluates safeguards policies and the overall hRC safeguards program, in-cluding monitoring, testing, and recommending improvements for physical securi-ty and nuc! ear material control and accountactitty systems. Coordinates those safeguards activities pertinent to reactors with the Of fice of Nclear Reactor Regulation. Assesses threat to environment affecting licensed activities based on safeguards events and intelligence information. Analy2es and evaluates do-mestic and foreign events and incidents to detect patterns and trends and pro-vide a basis for regulatory change and response. Supports NRC contingency and response operations for dealing with threats, thef ts and sabotage relating to licensed activities. Reviews all safeguards aspects of esport/ import licensing and retransfer requests and supports iglementation of the UC/1A(A Safeguards Agreement and U.S. ef forts to strengthen IAEA safeguards.

Di rector Robert F. Burnett Deputy Director Elizabeth Q. Ten Eyck I

I I Facility Assessment and Standardization Branch Safeguards Reactor and Transportation Licensing Branch Safeguards Materia Activities B a Conducts onsite regulatcry ef fectiveness reviews of Conducts safeguards technical and regulatory reviews Conducts safeguards licensing and regulatory reviews safeguards systems as implemented at licensed nuclear related to power and non power reactors and to nuclear related te fresh f uel , nuclear fuel f acilities, and power reactors, fuel f acilities, and other licensed materials transportation activities. Develops licens-actvities, and recommends improvements, as appropriate. independent spent fuel storage installations. Develops ing review criteria, reviews physical security pro- licensing review criteria, reviews and approves licens-Maintains staff expertise concerning state-of-the-art grams, and develops licensing positions, regulations, ees' safeguards programs. Develops licensing posi-in safeguards, security technology, and evaluation and guidance for the physical protection of these fa- tions, regulations, and guidance for regulating the methods and criteria. Analyzes and evaluates domestic cilities and nuclear material shipments. Develops 11- safeguards progree at these facilities. Conducts Safe-and foreign events and incidents to rietect patterns censing review criteria for use by Regional Of fices and guards Division technical reviews for proposed emport/

and trends and provide a basis for safeguards regula- exercises technical oversight to ensure consistency and import 11 Censes and retransfer requests. Participates tory change and response. Reviews inspection and eval- technical adequacy of power and nonpower reactor safe- in U.S. ef forts to strengthen ]AIA safeguards and sup-uation reports to identify generic $3feguards issues, guards Itcensing functions delegated to the Regional ports implementation of the U.S./I AEA Safeguards Agree-Conducts studies and analyses with other branches, of- Of fices. Assesses threat environment af fecting 11- ment at licensed facilities, which includes performing f ices , and agencies to resolve generic safeguards censed nuclear activities based on safeguards events 10 CFR Part 75 Itcensing reviews for U.S./IAEA Treaty issues. Performs division planning and monitors the and intelligence information. Plans and coordinates implementation.

Safeguards Division budget and Operating Program exe- Safeguards Division support of NRC's safeguards contin-cution. Develops division research requirements and gency and response operations. Manages the development coordinates review of safeguards research and techni- and utilization of the safeguards information system.

cat assistance projects. Maintains oversight and con-ducts national program reviews of regionalized activities.

Chief Robert A. Erickson Chief George W. McCartie Chief Willard 8. Brown


  • e=* an -


__ m __ m _

U.O. NUCLEAR RETULATORY COMMISSION Divas 40N Of W A51E M ANAGEMkNT OGO ANIZ AilON CH Ati Directs the NRC's principal licensing and regF

As Program Area Manager for the Waste Management Program Area, the of rector estabitshes and achieves agency goals and objectives for the program, ensuring that the program contains the necessary agency-wide composeents; resolves differences of opinion among supporting of fices concernirg resources or scope and direction of the program; and ensures that program plans, PPPG writeups, and program area briefings reflect agency perspective and adequately treat the contributions of supporting of f ices . '

Robert E. beowning Dwector l' Deputy Director Michael BeH I

E I I I Policy and Program Control Branch Geotechmcal Branch ,

Low-level Waste and 'Jranium Recovery Repository Projects Branch Projects Branch Serves as MRC focal point for prograsmatic and Directs and manages the perras necessary for resource coordination for illi NRC activities Directs and manages the NRC program for licens. tuhnical eniew and mluation of tne accept- Serves as hRC focal point for programmatic and under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 ing ihe disposal of high-level radioactive ability of proposed and operational low-level resource coordination for all NRC activities (NWPA), and interfacing with DOE planning and waste. Manages safety and environmental review and high-level waste disposal and uranium under the Low Level Radioactive Waste Policy scheduling to implement NWPA. Directs and of license appilcations and pre 11 censing activ, ncmn sun with Msput u gn%, gn- Amendants Act of 1985. Plans and directs the manages NRC review of D0f Mission Plan and ities for high-level waste repositories, en- ysics, guchph y, and Svbgb p ogram for safety and envi*onmental evaIua. Project Decision Schedule for NLW, spent fuel ages high-level waste repository projects, and Jewetops evaluation and assessment methodole- tion of applications for ifconses and topical storage. MRS and subsequent updates as spect-3 special high-level waste projects as assigned gies and computer programs for geological report approvals for low-level radioactive fled in NWPA Sections 114(e) and 301. Devel-by the Director. Implements hRC/00E Procedural sy stems . Wentmn spumc infomdon waste disposal. Provides technical support to ops and manages financial assurances program Agtvement governing prelicensing consultations. needs, data gatMeing strategtes and uthods Agreement States and State Compacts in their (rulemaking) for all NMS$ licensees. Develops maintains cognizance of DOE repository programs needed t- obtain acceptable licensing data in regulation of low-level waste disposal f acil. and unages center for nuclear waste regula*

and coordinates repository activities for aII alatains cognizance ities under their jurisdiction. Develops abm tecMcal anas. tory analyses. Develops and meneges NWPA Sys.

mRC of fices. Coordinates development, valida, of DOE noo si tory programs addrusing these policies and programs for NRC licensing of tems Engineering Program. Manages and directs tion, and application of perfors<nce assessment areas. Identifies areas in which geological, uranium recovery operations carried out by Division responsibilities for state and tribal methods for conducting licensing reviews. Pre, or hydrogeological NRC's Uranium Recovery Field Office; 11 censes h I 9' P #31E'1' nee'*s#h"11'research and develop

  • uranium recovery operations not under the participation in waste management activities pares recommendations to the Commission on pro- methodology d f urther in accordance with 10 CFR Part 60 and the posed DOE repository siting guidelines; reviews sent and asshts in developing programs to jurisdiction of NRC Uranium Recovery field NWPA. Provides program area plannihg, inte-DOE guidelines implementation. Provides input fill these needs. Directs technical assis- Office. Evaluates and concurs for the NRC gration, budgeting, Control and quality to the preparatton, promulgation and amendment tance contracts and consultants in support of with the Department of Energy's Remedial AC- assurance programs for the high-level, . Iow-of regulations as required for high-level waste above functions. Prepares technical po s l
  • tion Plans for cleanup of inactive uranium level and uranism recovery programs throughout i mill tailings sites and contaminated vicinity disposal Manages NRC staff prelicensing con, tions and other guidance documents in these NRC. Chairs and coordinates activities of the sultation and guidance activities aimed at aren- properties. Initiates the development of Waste Management Review Group. Develops and identifying licensing infomation needs. Man, standards and guides for the regulation of Mnages prograa to streamline repository ages preparation and publication of format and b thyd Mp A w, atus low-level radioactive waste disposal and uran. licensing. Provides policy analysis and pro-content guides and review plans, and both ge* tum recovery operations. gram evaluation assistance to Director / Deputy neric and site specific technical guidance doc. Director, nm in developing strategies and re-unents that are not covered by the technical Chief Malcolm R. Knapp branches. Manages review of 00E major doce. D'e"ve" lops and operates'*the nM document'N'"rol cont ments , such as the Environmental Assessmeats cenM and sWcn Ms and WE and Site Characterization Plans. Establishes specific guidance on, and conducts reviews and Chief Joseph 0. 8unting audits of, DOE overall quality assurance Engineering Branch programs. Directs and manages the program necessary for technical review and John J. Linehan evaluation of the acceptacility of proposed and operational low-level Chief ( Acting) and high-level waste disposal and uranium recovery sites with respect to engineering and materials science areas, including waste form and packing, engineered barriers, facility design, mining and geoengineer-ing. Develops evaluation and assessment methodologies and computer programs for engineered systems. Identifies specific information needs, data gathering strategies and methods needed to obtain acceptable 11-censing data in these areas. Maintains cognizance of DOE repository programs addressing above technical areas. Identifies areas in which engineering methodology needs further research and development and as-sists in developing programs to fill these needs. Directs technical assistance Contracts and Consultants in support of above functions.

Prepares technical positions anc ethee guidance documents in these areas.

John T. Greeves Chief NOVEssSER R M PAGE3s


U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION CB 3ANIZATION CHAti 0FFICf 0F NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION PLANm!nG AND PRocaAM ANALYSIS STAFF Develops and administers regulations, policies, and pro- OPERATING REACTOR $ ASSES $ MENT STAFF Provides aministrative management and coordination of cedures governing:

the programs and resources of the Office. Estao11shes Systematically assesses att nuclear power plant operat-priorities, schedules and resource allocations; es tab- a. the licensing of manufacturing, production and ing emperience to identify significant events. Performs lishes interdisciplinary teams and task forces from the utilization facilities other than those concerning detailed safety assessments of significant nuclear power divisions ; performs resource forecasting, long- and fuel uprocessing plant and isotopic enrichment piant events to determine plant-specific and generic short-range program planning, budget preparation and plants; safety impilcations. Recommends corrective actions coordination, and control. Provides a<sministrative and where appropriate and develops guidelines for imple-management support including personnel management, b. rece ip t , possession and ownership of source, by- mentation of such recommendat ions (e. g. , Information management studies, management directives, personnel product, and special nuclear material used or pro

  • quotices. Su11etins, Generic Letters). Coordinates t he development and training, correspondence and action ites duced at such f acilities; and review of operating event assessments performed by hRR.

control; provides technical assistance and support in Coordinates presentations for and chairs the operating special and diversified licensing-related projects and C. the licensing of operators of such facilities. reactor event briefings. Serves as the NRR interface improvements to the licensing pnyan, and serves as the tvith AE00 IE, IP, and the Regions and industry for staff interface with the ACRS aw the CRCR, as well as Provides special assistance as required in matters operating event related issues, Provides aministra-with IP and related foreign govemment activities. involving f acilities exempt from licensing and performs tive support for the $ ALP program.

other functions required for implementation of the if censing program.

Director Jesse Funches Dwector Harold R. Denton O Mctor Gary R Holahan Deputy Director Rchard H. Vollrner TVA PROJECT STAFF s Provides overall direction to the performance of all oversight re-sponsibilities for the activities of TVA plants (Browns Ferry, Bellefonte, Watts Bar and Sequoyah). In addition, the staf f over-sees the resolution of employee concerns contained in contractor records f rom the Watts Bar s i te. Receives and coordinates all Congressional and pubi tc inquiries related to TV4 overa ight activities.



DIVISION OF PRES $URIZED WATER REACTOR (PWR) LICENSING-A OGO ANIZAflON CHAtt The principal functions of this division are to Itcense and regulate the operation of power reactors with Westinghouse nuclear steam supply systems. The division has the resources for the project management and technical expertise required to (1) effectively monitor reactor opera-tion, (2) evaluate licensee implementations of approved NRC require-ments, (3) evaluate and implement licensee proposed changes to exist-

  • ing plant-specific regulatory requirements, and (4) Ifcense new facill-ties and designs.

Director Mugh L. Thospson, Jr.

Deputy Director Thomas M movak I

I Assistant Director for Technical Support (PWR-A)

Plans, directs and supervises the programs and activities of the following branches; (1) Engineering; (2) Reactor Systems; (3) Plant Systems; (4) Electrical Instrumenta-

, tion and Control; and (5) Facility Operations.

Power Licensing-A Project Directorates 1-5 Assistant Director C. Fosst Performs the overall safety and environmental pro-ject management for power reactors and proposes standard designs with Westinghouse nuclear steam supply systems. Provides for management of the review and processing of appilcations for iteited Plant Systems Branch (PWR-A) f agineering Branch (PWR-A) work authorizations, construction permits, operat-ing licenses, standard designs approvals and Reviews and evaluates materials engineering inservice in- * " " * # "#* "

  • Itcense amendments. Responsible for the prepara- spection, and materials integrity related aspects of design * ""# * #
  • I '" * * * #

tion of Safety Evaluation Reports and Environmen- and performance of components and systems. Reviews special "* N"'#* * * * ** #

tal Impact Statements which are the principal fabrication problems and monitors component behavior. Re- * * "

documents used to support itcensing actions. and static #"# #*# " *** * #*

Coorsinates and proviaes presentations to the views design analy and dynamic loads'sisstructural methods design criterie' testing for and inservice 8" * #" #


Commission. ACRS, indus try groups and other mechanical systems and components. Reviews and evaluates a

  • ad had ng sys h Mm ndkach mm government of fices on specific projects, suDjects seismic and dynamic qualification of equipment. Verifies * "* "
  • 0" * #

and the licensir:g process in general. Coordt- structural integrity, capacity and margins aswociated with * "

  • nates, monitors and tracks review and approval mechanical equipmeat Reviews and evaluates conditions #

of topical reports applicable to the Westinghouse associated with various postulated events, such as earth-

"' quakes, man-related hazards, floods, and pipe breaks, and their threat to the structural and functional integrity of structures and components. Reviews and evaluates issues Directorate #1-Director George E. Lear maw u W@, W m Wk, hM M4, W eq w Directorate #2-Director Lester 5. Rubenstein phic characteristics of a reactor site.

Directorate #3-Director Steven A. Varga James L. M11toan

8. Joe Youngblood Chief Ronald L. Ballard Chief Directorate e4-Director Directorate #5-Director Vincent 1. Noonan Reactor Systems Branch (PWR-A)

Electrical Instrumentation and Control Svstems granch (PWR-A)

Reviews and evaluates design, process design parameters and Facility Operations Branch (PWR-A) Reviews and evaluates functional performance requirements, Performance of reactor thermal-hydraulic systems (reactor design and performance of reactor trip systems, engineered coolant system, normal and emergency core cooling systems Performs selected safety assessments of significant nuclear safety features actuation systems, actuation instrumenta. under steady-state, transtent and accident conditions ) .

powr plant events germane to the class of reactors assigned tion for essential auxiliary support systems and instru- Reviews analyses of anticipated operational occurrences, to the division. Responsible for reviewing and developing mentation and control systems provided to initiate and postulated accidents and actual operating experience from reliability and risk estimates to support plant-specific regulate the operation of safe shutdoivn systems Reviews the viewpoint of systems operation and transient dynamics.

actions. Reviews and evaluates issues related to corporate and evaluates functional performance requirements, design -m Reviews and evaluates nuclear and thermal-hydraulic aspects level management and technical organizations of appilcants and performance of plant instrumentation providing infor. of the reactor cure under steady-state, transient, and and licensees. Reviews and evaluates plans for emergency nation regarding manually initiated and conteclied safety accident conditions. Responsible for issues pertaining to preparedness directed at situations tivolving real or poten- "' functions. Reviews design and operation of offsite power core physics, fuel behavior, and core thermal-hydraulic tial radiological hazards. Reviews, evaluates and develops grid systems with regard to interrelationships between the performance. Reviews and evaluates regional and local plant-specific technical specifications and technical nuclear unit, the utility grid and interconnecting grids. meteorological coaditions.

specifications changes. Reviews and evaluates issues Reviews and evaluates functional performance requirements relatedLto operating procedures and guidelines. Reviews design and operation of ensite power systems. Reviews Carl it. Serlinger and evaluates initial, preoperational test programs and human f actors enginseeing design of the control room and Chief subsequent special test programs. Responsible for the control centers outside of the main control room.

review of of f-normal and emergency procedures guidelines.

Victor Benaroya Cnief NOVEMBER 30. ISAs

~ * * *

  • PAGE 35

U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION BDhN Wam MACM M WCE6 ORG ANIZ ATION CH Ati the principal functions of this division are to license and regulate h the operation of botting water reactor facilities with General Electric and Allis-Chalmers (Lacrosse) ni. clear steam supply systees. This divi-sion the resources for tne project management and technical exper-Lise required to (1) ef fectively monitor reactor operation, (2) eval-uate Itcensee implemee,tation of approved NRC requirements, (3) evaluate and implement licensee proposed changes to emis ting plant-spec ific

regulatory reoui rement s , and (4) license new f acilities and designs l

I Lirector Robert N. 8erriere Deputy Director R Wayne Houston I

I Assistant Director for Technical Support (BWR)

Plans, directs and supervises the programs and activities of the following branches: (1) Engineering; (2) Reactor Systems; (3) Plant Systems; (4) Electrica' Instrumenta-tion and Control; and (5) Facility Operations.

BWR Project Directorates 14 Assistant Director Gus C. Lainas Performs the overall safety and environmental pro-ject management for power reactors and proposed standard designs with General Electric (and Allis-Chalmers) nuclear steam supply systems. Provides for management of the review and processing of ap- -

Enstecering Branch (BWR) Plant Systems Branch (bha) plications for limited work authorizations, con-struction permits, operating licenses, standard Reviews and evaluates materials eagineering, inservice in- * * "* * " * '

design approvals and itcense amendments Respon- s ection* and materials integrity related aspects of the d" 0"' ""d ""*"" "' * * * ""

sible for the preparation of Safety Evaluation design and performance of components and system. Reviews Reports and Environmental !spect statements which supp rt systems, (2) the reactor containment and associated special f aerication problems and moni tors component be- supp rt systems, and (3) design features provided to ensure are the principal documents used to support Reviews design loads structural design criteria, hav i or.

  • E "

licensing actions. Coordinates and provides pre- and stat 4 and dynamic analysis methnJs and irservice test- "'" " " "#" *" #" #9' sentations to the Commis sion, ACRS, industry Reviews and 0**"'

ing for mechanical systems and components. * *

  • 0 *# "
  • groups and other governmenf of fices on specific evaluates seismic and dynamic qualf fication of equipment.

projects, sunjects and the 11cen*ing process in Veri f f es structural integrity, Capaci ty and margins asso- " #" E ' P "*" "* "" " " "

general. Coordin**es, monitors and tracks revih ciated with mechanical equipment Reviews and evaluates * ** * '#

and approval cf topical reports appilcable to the conditions associated with various pc stulated events, such General Electric design. as earthouakes, man-related ha z ards , floods, and pipe breaks, and their threat to the structural and functional integrity of structures and components. Reviews and eval-John A. Zwolinski Directorate #1-Director *" "#* # ' * " " ' ' ' ' * * *'#'

Directorate 02-01 rector Dante) R. Nu11er Directorate #3-Director Elinor G. Adensas 8. D. Llew Chief Lewis G. Hulman ,

Chief Dtrectorate #4-Drector Walter R. Butler Electrical Instrumentation and Control Systems Branch (BWR) Reactor Systems Branch (B'wR)

Facility Operations granch (swr) Reviews and evaluates functional performarce requirements, Reviews and evaluates design. process design parameters and design and performance of reactor trip systems, engineered performance of reac tor thermal-hydraulic systems (reac tor Perfo*ms selected safety assessments of significant nuclear safety features actuation sys tems , actuation i ns t rumenta- coolant system, normal and emergency core cooling systems) power plant events germane to the class of reactors tion for essential auxiliary support sys tems and the i n- under steady-state, transient and accident conditions. Re-assigned to the division. Responsible for reviewing and strumentation and control systems presided to initiate and views gnalyses of anticipated operational occurrences, developing reliability and risk estimates to support plant

  • regulate the operation of safe shutdown systems. Reviews postulated accidents and actual operating experience from specific actions. Reviews and evaluates issues related to and evaluates f unctional performance requirements, oesign the viewpoint of systems operations and transient dynamics.

corporate level management and technical organizations of and performance of plant instrumentation providing infor- Reviews and evaluates nuclear and thermal-bydraulic aspects applicants and licensees. Reviews and evaluates plans for nation regarding manually initiated and controlled safety of the reactor core under st e ady- s t at e , t rans ient , and emergency preparedness directed at si tuations involving sm-- f unc tions, Reviews design and operation of of f site power accident conditions. Responsible for issues pertaining to real or potentiai rsdiological hazards. Reviews, evaluates grid systems with regard to interrelationships between the core physic s, f uel be ha v i or , and core thermal-hydraulic and develops pl ant- specific technical specif ications and nuclear ur.i t , the utility grid and interconnecting grids. perf ormance. Reviews and evaluates regional and loc al technical speci fication Changes. Reviews and evaluates Reviews and evaluates functional performance requ i rement s , meteorological conditions issues related to operating procedures and guide' .nes. des ign and operation of onsite power systems. Reviews Reviews and evaluates initial, preoperational tea pro- human factors engineering design of the control room and grams a+2 subsewnt special test programs. #%ponsible control centers outside of the main control room. Chief M. he W5 for review of of f-normal and emergency procedures Srinivasan Chief M.


Ch!ef Domenic 8. Vassallo

. .. NOVEMBER 30. 1998 PAGE 37

' Uf3, NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION ORG ANIZ ATION Cl4 ART D!v!SIDie DF PRES 5URIZED WATER REACTOR (PWR) LICENSING-8 The principal functions of this division are to and regulate the operation of those power reactor f acilities with Combustion Engineering (CE) and Babcock and Wilcon (8&W) nuclear steam supply systems. This division has the resources for the project management and technical expertise required to (1) ef fectively monitor reactor operations, (2) evaluate licensee implementa-tion of approved NRC requirements, (3) evaluate and inplement licensee-proposed changes to existing plant-specific regulatory requirements, and (4) Itcense new f acilities and designs. This division also includes (a) special and standardization projects, (b) Integrated Safety Assessment projects, and (c) TMI-2 Clean up Projects.

Director Frank J. Miraglia Deputy Director Frank Schroeder PWR Licensing-8 Project Directorates tr8 Special and Standardization Projects Directorate Performs overall safety and envirornental project management Performs overall safety and environmental project management for all non power reactors and assigned power reactors.

for power reactors and proposed standard designs with Combus-tion Engineering and Babcock and Wilcon nuclear steam supply Directs and coordinates NRR activities for DOE and DDD facill-ties esempt from licensing. Of rects and coordinates NRR re~

systems. Provides for management of the review and pre, cess- sponsiblif ties for issues pertaining to the physical security ing of applicattons for limited work authorizations, construc- program for nuclear power plant sites. Provides coordination tion permits, operating licenses, standard design approvals of NRR/NM55/IAEA thterface activities on physical security.

and ifcense amendments. Responsible for preparation of Safety Responsible for coordination, review and resolution of tech-Evaluation Reports and Enu t ronmental Impact Statements which nical and policy issues related to indefinitely deferred con-are the principal documents used to support licensing actions. struction projects, indefinitely shutdown projects, au de-Coordinates and provides presentations to the Commission, Responsible for review and resolut m of ACAS, indus'.ry groups and other government of fices on specific commissioning.

project subjects and the licensing process in general. Coor- standardf ration policy issues.

dinates, monitors and tracks review and approval of topical reports app 1kable to comoustion Engineering and Babcock and Director Herbert N. Berkow Wilcox designs.

Directorate #6-Director John f. Stolz Directorate #7-Director George Knighton TMI-2 Cleanup Project Directorate Directorate #8-Director Ashok "hndani Provides overall direction of TMI-2 clean @ operations, in-ciuding technical and management supervision of related NRC inspectica, licensing, ana?ys t s, public information, and government relations actions onsite, in the Middletown of fice and in the Washington, D.C. area. Monitors cleanup activities from the site avi provides necessary oversight functions. Re-views safety evaluations prepared by the licensee to support f ategrated Safety Assessment Project Directorate various activities associated with the Cleanup operation.

Provides independent estimates of occupational radiation ex-Provides the project management and technical review for posures resulting from the cleanup. Manages and directs prep-operating power reactors which are participating in NRC's paration of Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement and Integrated Safety Assessment Program (ISAP). Performs reviews related assessments. Coordinates all NRC activities relating and evaluations of followup issues resulting from Systematic to the cleanup which involve other Federal agencies, state and Evaluation Prog,am (SEPJ plant integrated assessments. local governments, and groups or members of the public.

Director Wintam D. Travers Christopher Grimes Director NOVEM8ER 30,1908 PAGE 3


Plans,. directs and supervises programs and activities of the following branches: (1) Engineering Branch (PW-8); (2) Plant. Electrical I.nstrumentation and Control Systems Branch (1%%B); (3) Reactor Systems Branch (PWR-8); and (4) Facility Operations Branch (PWR-8).

Assistant Director Dennis M. Crutchfield Engineering Branch (PWR-8) Plant, Electrical Irstnswntation =rd Ccr.tml Systann Branch (1%'a-P)

Reviews and evaluates materials engineering, inservtce inspec-tien, and materials integrity related aspects of design and This branch combines the functions of the Plant Systems 8 ranch performance of components and systems. Reviews special fabri- and the Electrical Instrumentation and Control systems cation problems and monitors component behavior. Reviews de- and SRP section functions, as described in the Divi-sign loads, structural design criteria, and static and dynamic B ranch'ofPWR Licensing- A to ef fectively distribute the qualification of equipment. Verifies structural integrity, capacity and margias associated with mechanical equipment. -

Reviews and evaluates conditio*s associated with various postu-lated events, such as earthquakes, man-related hazards, floods, h A. Mvo rhief and pipe breaks, and th&ir threat to the structural and func-tional integrity of structures and components. Reviews and evaluates issues related te geologic, seismologic, hydrologic, and demographic chare teristics of a reactor site.

Chief L. B. Marsh Reactor Systems Branch (PmR-8) Fac'Uty (perations Brarch OWB' Performs se lec ted safety ssessments of signi f icant nuclear Reviews and evaluates design, process design parameters and power plant events germane to the class of reacters assigned performance of reactor thermal-hydraulic , systems (reactor to the division. Reviews and deveiups relise11 sty and risk coolant system, normal and emergency cooling systems) under estimates to support plant-specific actions Reviews and steady-state, transient and accident conditions. Reviews evaluates issues related to corporate level managemect and analyses of anticipated operational occurrences, postulated technical organizations of applicants and licensees. Reviews I accidents and actual operating emperience from the viewpoint and evaluates plans for emergency preparednes s directed at i of systems operation and transient dynamics. Reviews and situations involving real or potential radiological hazards.

evaluates nuclear and thermal-hydraulic aspects of the reactor Reviews, evaluates and develops plant-specific technical spe-core under steady-state, transient, and accident conditions. cifications and CLnges. Reviews and evaluates issues related Ress,ensible for issues pertaining to core physics, fuel be- to operating procedures and guidelines. Reviews and evaluates havior, and core thermal-hydraulic performance. Reviews and initial, preoperational test programs and subsequent special evaluates regional and local meteorological conditions. test programs. Responsible for review of of f-normal and emer-Chief Cecil C. Thomas 8 *' I I

Chief William K Regan NOvtMBER30. 1986 PAGE 39

U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION OGGANt2ATION CHART D! vision 0F 5AFETY RfvIfW Anfo OVERSIGHT fhis divisfon prioritizes and manages the resolution of generic issues and unresesved safety issues, coordinates research and standards sup-port, develops guidelines for the application of reliability and risk assessment methodolog, performs PAA reviews, provides a forward look reward new technologi.a1 developments and regulatory improvements fe-ciuding safety goals, source term guidance, severe t -ident guidance and advanced reactors. Provides oversight to assure co.:wistent appif-cation of regulatory requirements, and a consistent approach to issues which involve more than one vendor.

Theels P. Speis Director Brian W. Sheron Deputy Of rector Reactor Safety Issues Branch Risk and Reliability Assessment Branch Regulatory Iaprovement Branch Provides full-time ceaicated test management of generic Fosters the development and coordinates the use of new risk safety issues and unresolved safety issues related to reac*

t lear ant acc ts ce severe t ao g and reliability methodologies, models, and analysis technt, tor and plant systems design and operation. Coordinates, basis accidents. Assesses phenomenology of severe acci. ques for use in the regulatory process. Provides safety directs and reviews contractor and staff efforts, tech-dents free degraded core cooling and core eelt to the point perspectives on plant design and operation by using proba. niCal U ndings Mi regulatory analyses. Responsible for of fission product release from containment or containment bilistic techniques to identify dominant accident sequences developing draft and final resolutions for each issue based bypass. Responsible for implementing the Severe Accident leading to core melt and major contributors to these se. on a combination of technical, risk, cost and value-impact Policy. Reviews, evaluates and develops source ters and quences. Identines, reviews and evaluates internally and analyses. Provides central technical focal point for major consequence analysis and fission product transport technt. enternally initiated ev:nts to determine the existence of subject areas assigned and oversight to ensure consistency ques to assess the potential impact of severe accident. high-risk sequences and the neied for regulatory action. among project devisions in the implementation of regulatory Responsible for developing and refining safety and perfor. Performs generic PRA analysis and evauates plant specffic requirements and guidance.

mance goals and the oevelopment of approaches and proce. PRA submittals.

<pures for taptementing sare*y goals. f rank Congel Chief Warren ffinners Zoltan Roszteczy Chief Chief safety Program Evaluation Branch Engineering issues tranch Coordinates, monitors and tracks all activities of RES that The functions of the Engineering !ssues Branch (EI8) are support licensing and regulation of nuclear power plants.

the same as those of the Reactor Safety Issues Branch Serves as liaison between hRR and RES in establishing re-(R518) except that the EIB is focused on engineering and search programs and developing regulatory guidelines to scientific issues associated with piant design and support NRR peeds. Responsible for criterion development operation. and interaction on issues related to the design, safety and licensing of advanced reactors. Responsible for managing the Standard Review Plan. Identifies need for Standard Chief Robert J. Bosnak Review Plan revision and enlists support from appropriate technical and project groups to implement Changes. Imple-ments revisions identified by other technical and project groups. Reviews and prioritizes generic issues and reguia-toey requirements. Monitors and tracks resolution of generic issues.

Karl Knfel Chief NNN k tE PAGE 40

U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION ORGANIZATION CH ART DIVISION OF MUMAN FACTORS TECHNOLOGY This division is responsible for all aspects of the Human Factors Program Plan and other developmental hwan factors and operations related activities. Develops regulatory requirements and guidelines and technical piograms to assess and improve the training, qualifica-tion and examination process for utiltty operations staf f. the man-machine interfaa systems of nuclear power plants, industry mainte-nance practices, and generic technical specifications. This division also provides oversight of the Operator Licensing Program. Interacts with industry groups (e.g. , NUMARC) termed to address issues related te the haan facters and man-sechine interface aspects of reactor operation.

Cir9etm" Willtas T. Russell Deputy Director Bruce A. Fet Maintenance and Training Branch Technical Specif 8Catton Coordination Operator Licensing 8 ranch -

Human Factors !ssues Branch Branch Responsible for overall I tcensing and Evaluates generic issues related to Estan11shes training requirements and Reviews and resolves generic issues asso-regulatory policy pertaining to licensing operating procedures, and the interaction qualifications standards for I f censee clated with technical specifications, of operators pursuant to 10 CFR Part 55. of systems and equipment with humans in management / operations and other nuclea' Develops, maintains and updates standard Provides program guidance and oversight the design and operations of nuclear power plant personnel; monitors and eval- technical specifications based on new of Regional Offices for administration of reactors. Develops policies, regula- ustes industry maintenance and training ula requimts , m technical examinations of operators and senior tions, guidelines, technical bases and taprovement initiatives and performances; considerations and operating experience, operators, certification of training i n- regulatery analyses to support recommen- develops policies, regulations, guidance Develops technical specification imple-structors, and evaluation af requalifica- dations and requirements related to such and/or standards, technical bases and mentation guidance. Coordinates Office tion programs. Develops and validates issues.. regulatory analyses for training and of Nuc lear Regulatory Research technical testing techniques and standards for maintenance ef fort s. Reviews Cis and specification development programs. Pro-evaluating candidates. Evaluates ade- ettlity requai f fication programs for vides NRA interpretation of specific quacy Of facilities and simulators used training and qualifications. Coordinates technical specifications requirements, le the conduct of operator examinations. division maintenance activities with re-lated NRR/NRC programs.

Catef Vacart Chief Frank Rowsome Chief VFer.t Chief Edward J. Butcher, Jr.

~ " ' " NOVEMBER 30.198C PAGE at

U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION ORGANIZ ATION CNART OFFICE OF NUCLE AR REGULATORY RESE ARCH Plans, recommends, and implements the programs of nuclear regu-latory research to provide the necessary ECientific basis for the NRC performance of its licensing and related regulatory functions.

Director Eric 5. Beckford DWy Director Demsood f. Ross I


% pap 43; Guy A. Arforto Director Kari R. Goser Dwector (Ac ing) BA M. Morris Drector Deputy Director Gail H. Marcus Deputy Drector BA M. Morns Deputy Drector Lawrence C. Shao NOVEM8ER 30.1955

-===m- PAGE 42

U.O. NUCLEAR REZULATORY COMMISSION OGOANIZATION CHART DIVISION OF REACTOR SYSTEM SAFETY Plans, develops and directs comprehensive safety research programs and related standards development for predicting nuclear plant fuel cycle facility behavior under normal, abnor-mal and sever, accident conditions including characterization of radioactive source terms, and assessing continued safety of operating reactors and evaluation of operational emperi-ence including systems analysis capability related to all plant systems: primary coolant system and its interaction with the balance of plant; containment systems; fuel systems; rist analysis, probabilistic risk assessment and accident sequence analysis; and test facilities needed to carry out test programs. Establishes or recommends policy, planning and procedures for research programs as required to carry out functions of the Division, and cocelinates these programs with other NRC of fices. Provides scientific expertise within NRC for resolution of safety issues and development and application of research and standards in the solution of specific safety problems. Provides funding guidance to NRC Contractors DOE laboratories and other government agencies within the Division bud ~

get. Consistent with NRC policy and to the entent overall agency need exists, maintains liaison and provides technical input to other Federal agencies. ANSI, professional societies, international agencies and other organizations in assigned areas.

Director (Acting) Bill M. Morris Deputy Director Bill M.. Morris Reector Systerns Branch Plans, recommends, evaluates, and manages analytical and experisental research programs on thermal hydraulic transient behavior of the primary coolant systems of nuclear plants, in-Ciuding interaction with the balance of plant under normal, abnormal, and accident condi-tions to support assessment of continued safety of operating reas. tors and evaluation of operational experience. Programs include development of verified codes and models of reactor coolant behavior under accident conditions; development of an understanding of the Rd Analysas Branch special therwtydraclic, heat transfer and core coolability pnencana encountered in abnor-mal or degraded core conditions, and of the implications f cer reactor safety and improved Plans, develops, and di rects comprehensive research and standards reactor safety system and containment designs; and development of an understanding of the programs far development and iglementation of improved reac tor primary and containment system safety implications of selected prscursor events and rist operations methods and for risk analysis of all elements of NRC-dominant accident sequences. Responsible for a program of code and model development and regulated nuclear reactor activities. Assures systematic evaluation verification; conduct of appropriate test programs to provide the necessary empirical of reactor operations issurs; develops analysis techniques to deter-data; and detailed analysis of selected operational precursor events and other aids to mine reactor reliability and overall risk, including risk assessments reactor plant ams containment analysis, especially as they relate to operating pawer and accident sequences and reliability analysis associated with all reactors. aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle; develops and improves reac*.or operatic s and rist. 'tethodology to aid in making licensing and other Chief Louis M. Shotkin regulatory decisions; establishes or evaluates processes for risk prioritization for research conducted by the Of fice, and provides an integrated assessment of the risk importance of resulting informa-tion; coordinates these research and standards programs with other NRC of fices to ensure that programs are responsive to their needs; provides PRA-type technical assistance within NRC regarding resolu-tion of generic issues and the development and application of re-Accident Evolustion stanch search and standa rds to the solution of s.>ecific safety problems; provides funding guidance to NRC contractors, DOE laboratories, and Plans, recommends, evaluates and manages analytical and experisertal research programs on other government agencies within the Division budget and consistent accident phenomena of nuclear plants to provide a basis for character 12ation of radio- with NRC policy; maintains liaison witP and provides technical input active source te as and implementation of severe accident regulatory policy. Emphasis is to other Federal Agencies, professional societies, international on modeling release and transport of fission products, aerosols and hydrogen, and accident agencies, and other organf rations in assigned areas. As requested, stressors which could cause reactor coolant pressure boundary or containment f ailure. provides risk and reliability analyses in support of RES perspectives Programs include development of verified codes and models of in-wessel and ex vessel on draft products and activities of other of fices and on documents phenomena un,ier accident conditions including release and transport of fission products, "

generated by ad hoc working groups addressing specific issues or aerosols and non-condensible gases during fuel melt progression, ejection of molten fuel Potentially serious operational occurrences.

f rom the primary coolant system, and resulting from core-concrete interaction, and burning of hydrogen. Conducts experimental programs on in* vessel and ex vessel behavior of fuel. Chief Gary R. Burdick aerosol and fission products including fission product chemistry, ex vessel interactions of molten fuel with coolant and structural concrete and high pressure molten fuel ejec-tion, to provide data for development and validation of codes and mAels as they apply to current operating power reactors and advanced reactor designs.

Chief Melvin 511bert. erg

.~ .

NOVEMBER 30.19m8 PAGE 43

U.S NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION OROANIZATION CH ART DIVISIDN DF [NGINEERING SAFETY Plans, develops and directs comprehensive research programs and standards development for nuclear safety in the design, qualifica-tion, construction, inspection, testing, operation and decommission-ing of e.uclear power plants, fuel cycle facilities and the management of nuclear waste; and for materials safety including material char-acteristics, aging, seismic and engineering aspects of these facil-ities and materials. Establishes or recoemends policy, planning, and  ;

procedures for research programs as requred to carry out the func-tions of the Division, and coordinates these programs with other NRC l of fices to ensure that the programs are responsive to their needs.

ProvMes funding guidance to NRC contractors DOE laboratories, and other government agencies within tne Civision budget. Consistent with hRC policy and to the extent overall agency need exists, main-tains liaison and provides technical input to other federal agencies.

AN5I, professional societies, international agencies, and other organizations in assigned areas.

Guy A. Arlotto Director tawrence C. Shao Deputy Director l I Waste Management Branch Materials Branch Develops, recommends, plans, evaluates, and manages research programs Develops, recommends, plans, evaluates, and manages research programs and develops standards for the design, qualification, construction, and develops standards for the design, qualification, construction, inspection, testing, operation and closure of waste disposal facili-inspection, testing, and operation of nuclear power plants, nuclear ties. Addresses overall performance of such facilities, with emphasis reactors, and fuel cycle f acilities with eng>hasis on the materials en characterization of the phenomena, methodologies and performance and chemical engineering aspects of the primary system coolant boun- demonstrations necessary for the management of radioactive waste.

dary. Specifically, this branch has the responsibility for materials f actors and phenomena effecting the public health from routine and and chemical engineering research and standards ci,vering in-service accidental releases from nuclear fuel tycle facility operation and inspections for structural integrity, corrosion, fracture mechanics, waste f acility system performance are evaluated. These f actors and thermal shock, ef fects of environment on materials, hydrogen control, phenomena include: enternal f actors such as geological, hydrological water chemistry, and decommissioning program as well as the ponde- and meteorological considerations that af fect facility safety; insti-structive examination program including development of qualifications tutional and physical factors that af fect the consequences of rou-of tnspection personnel, procedures and equipment. Provides other tine operations and accidents; and the operating, engineering, and branches within and outside the Division of Engineering Safety with system performance factors that affect waste isolation and their materials-related needs. c ont a i nment.

Chief rcank A. Costanzi Charles Z, Serpan Chief Engineering Branch Develops, recommends, plans, evaluates , and manages research and standards programs for the design, qualification, construction, i n-spection, test i ng , maintenance, and operation of nuclese power plants, nuclear reactors, and fuel cycle f acilities with emphasis on the mechanical, electrical, and structural engineering aspects of structures and components. Specifically this branch has responsi-bility for these engineering aspects including qualifications of components, effects of general and site specific natural phenomena (e.g., seismic analysis, tornado missiles), ef fects of aging and in-service degradation including the effects of environmental stresses and wear on components, classification of components, load combinations and associated design limits, in-service testing for f unctional adequacy of components, vibration, soil competence as a support material, soil / structure interaction, spent fuel shipping casks, wasta disposal casks, and cranes. This branch has the lead responsibility for the coordination and interfacing activities asso-ciated with the A5ME Code Section III and Sec. tion XI.

Chief James E. Richardson NOVEMBER 30,19RB a"**" PAGE as

U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION OROANIZATION CHART O!v!SION OF REGULATORY APPLICATIONS Develops needed regulatory products based on resul t s of the NRC research program and other accepted state of the art information.

Proposes or initiates rulemaking, as appropriate, and manages comples rulemakings that span tr.e technical or organizational responsibili-ties of NRC offices and RE S Divisions or that involve novel or comples questions of regulatory policy. Develops, documents and implements policies and procedures for developing regulations ,

including preparation of a regulatory analysis on the impact of a proposed regulatory activity, and handling of petitions for rule-ma k t og. Coordinates the RES independent review of all NRC rulemaking activities. Deveicos rules for reactor and materials programs, aM conducts special program support on problem areas to support ru l e-making. Coordinates research input to the resolution of Unresolved Safety Issues and Generic Safety Issues which require mul tiple research division involvement. Supports the Of fice by providing general administrative and budgeting services; participates with the Of fice Director in long-range program planning for the Of fice.

Director Karl R. Coller Deputy Director Gall H. Marcus 1 I Safety Rennerch Appbcaten Branch Rewwch Planning and Pohey Branch Plans, develops and directs comprehensive programs of application of Provides direction and coordination of administrative and financial research results and other technical assistance to provide a broad support functions involving budget, financial management, personnel / l basis of directly app 1tcable technical and scientific knowledge for manpower analysis and resource control, administrative services such i preparation of Standards, Regulations, Regulatory Guides and other as mail, records management, FOIA coordination and other general l regulatory products, support of rulemaking, development of val ue/ administrative matters, management information sys tees development impact methods, and study of regulatory requirements important to and word processing systems operatian. Reviews and recommends general safety with prieary enprasis on power reactor needs. In coordination administrative procedures. Provides necessary support for inter-with NRR, If and NMSS, utilizes established methods for prioritizing national and interagency agreement s involving the Office. As the research conducted by the Office. Identifies potentially high payof f of fice spokesman, formulates coorcinated responses to Commission, advanced state of the art areas for possible research funding and ACRS, OM8 and Congressional inquiries and addresses concerns as to development. Preserves, with adequate documentation, research areas the adequacy of the RES budget and the technical appitcability of experiencing a ru nding cut or Ji scontinuity in funding. Critiques the resulting research program. As such addresses resource tradeof fs researc h program documentation from U. S. , and f oreign programs for within the technical and programmatic context. .

regulatory applications. Maintains liaison and provides interf ace l

for technical input to all federal agencies. ANSI, ASTM, ASME, IEEE I i

and other cognizant standards organizations. Coordinates long range program planning for tSe Office and documents research accomplishments.

Chief Robert E. Alexander Chief Alois J. Burda Regulaton Development Branch Develops needed regulatory products based principally on results of the NRC research program (and other accepted state of the art infor-natien); proposes or Initiates rulemaking, as appropriate, and manages complex t%rnklys thet span the technical or organizational ,

responsibilities of several RES branches or that involve novel or j comples questions of regulatory policy. Develops, documents and i l

implements policies and procedures needed for developing ef fective, coherent, consistent and understandable regulations. Prepares regulatory analyses on the impact of proposed regulatory activities, handles petitions for rulemaking, and has a tey role in RES inter-actions with tw CfG. Coordinates the RES independent review of all NRC rulemaking activities and monitors scheduling of such rule-making to ensure rules are developed in the timef rame spec i fied in the Commission's guidance.

Chief James A. Norberg

~~* NOVEMBf.R30. 1998 PAGE46 l


I f

U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION ORG AN124.ON CH ART OFFICE OF INSPECTION AhD ENF0ftCERENT Develops polic ies and programs for enforcement and inspection of licensees, applicants, and their contractors and suppliers, to ascertain whether they are complying with NRC regulations , rules, crders and license conditions; identifies conditions that may adversely af fect public health and saf ety, the environment, or the safeguarding of nuclear materials and f acilities; provides a basis for recosamending issuance or denial of an authorization, permit or license; determines whether quality assurance programs meet NRC Criteria; and recommends or takes appropriate action regarding incident s or accidents.

Develops policies and implements a program of enforcement action; direct s emergency preparedness activities; provides gnidance and implementation direction to Regional Of fices on progree matters and appraises program performance in terms of ef f ect ivenes s and uni f orm i t y Jarnes M Taynor Derector Deputy Director I ActinW Ricterd W. Starostocks Enforcement Staf f Develops policies and programs for enforcement of NRC re-P ovem support and Analyses Staff quirements; manages major enforcement actions, assesses ef fectiveness and uniformity of Regional enfor:ement ac t i ons .


Iwe page 48) l NOVEMBER 30, 1985

' ' * * "

  • PAGE as


080 ANIZATION CH A8T OFFsCE OF INSPECTION AND ENFORCEMENT Program Support and Analysis Staff DIv!SION OF INSPECTION PROGRAMS Directs the administrative and resource management functions of the Of fice Develops NRC policy and program requi rements for inspection programs for of Inspection and ErIdrCErf t= ProVides technic al and program analys ll reaC lors , includin) nuCitar safety, safeguards , emergency preparedness and assistance to the Of fice of the Director and IE Divisions. Assists the radiologica l safety; develops inspectica programs for f uel f acilities and Director in evaluating IE programs and assessing Regional performance. material s licensees including packaging and transportation of nuclear mate-Develops and supervises management support systems. Develops and admin" rials and waste management; assesses ef fectiveness and uniformity of Regional isters IE policies and procedures for personnel and training matters, FDI4 Of fice implementat ion of the Division's program requirement s. Develops requests, paperwork reduction, document distribution, sail control, records estimates of resources that are needed to perform the TTwans aid car.tmla management control of principal action items, space and property management. program requirements to ensure uniformity, and word processing. Performs management and organizational studies; recom-mends , prepares, and reviews management and admini s trative operation pro-cedures, policies and di rectives; develops and implements procedures for analyzing and presenting program support empenditures. Administers IE con-tract activities. Develops IE Program budget requests and oversees the ex-penditure of Regional resources.

Di rector James G. Partlow Director James L Blaha Deputy Director R. Lee Spessard A,sninistration Branch Operat g Reactor Programs Branch Develops NRC policies and programs for inspection of operating Manages all personnel administration matters; performs reactors and reactors in the preoperational testing phase. This management and organizational studies and prepares pro- inc ludes safety, safeguards, envi ronmental, emergency prepared-posals thereon; reconumends, prepares and reviews management nes s and radiological safety aspects of these f acilities and and adminis t rative operating procedures , po licies and activities. Develops and implements the Performance Appraisal directives; manages the personnel development and training Team (Pai) inspection program.

f unction; serves as interf ace on Union matters; FOIA re-ques t s; space and property management and f acilities sup- Chi,f Phillip F. McKee port; word processing; records management; document distrt-bution control; provides security support; paperwork reduc-tion; procurement ; and the cont rol of principle act ion Reactor Construction Programs Branch l Ch# t Acting) Anna May Haveraft Develops NRC inspecton policies and programs for reactor con-struc tion projects from the time of an application for a con-struction authorization or permit to the time the operating Resource Management and Analysis Brarch license is i s s ued. Develops and maintains the Construction Appraisal Team (CAT) program for reactors under construction.

l Develops and directs bases for establishing IE program priorities Chiei ( Act. ngl James E. Konklin and allocating IE and Regional resources for all IE program areas and activities. Prepares the IE Programs budget and coordinates all resource-related activities. Manages and controls allocation and utilization of IE and Regional staffing program support re-sourc es , inc luding review and auditing of per f ormance against safeguards and Materials Programs Branch established goals and objectives. Assesses Regional performance in the area of resource utilization and provides analytical and Develops NRC inspection policies and programs for rad i o-statistical support for programmatic assessments. logical safety and safeguards for f uel f acilities, mate-Chief Sybi t M. Boyd Chief Glen L Senbksm

"-"a- NOVEMBFR30. 1998 PAGE 47 m

U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION ORG ANIZATION CHART CIv!SION OF QUAT!TV ASSURANCE, WENDOR , AND TECHNICAL TRAINING CENTER PROGRAMS Develops WRC policy and program requirements for the application of quality assurance techniques to the construction and operation of nuclear power plants. Performs inspections of vendors throughout the U. S. and foreign coun tries who supply goods and services to hRC-licensed reactor projects /

f acilities. Develops and implements the policy and program for the train-ing of mRC inspectors and provides techn1 Cal training for NRC personnel and other government organizations. Assesses e f fectiveness and uniformity of aegional Office inclementation of the Division's program requirements.

Brian M. Grimes Direc tor Hubert J Mdler Deputy Director Technical Training Center Quality Assurance 6 ranch Develops and implements the policy and program for the train-Develops a comprehensive mRC program for quality assurance of ing of NRC inspectors and provides techeiCal training for NRC licensee f acilities to be applied to design, f abrication, con- personnel and other government organizations as requested.

struction, testing and operation. This encompasses licensees, Provides training to initially teach and continually maintain wendors, architect-engineers, constructors, and other If censee If inspector and other NRC staff personnel with the level of agents. Reviews and evaluates quali ty assurance aspects of knowledge of SWR /PWR technology needed to perform assigned job applications for construction permits, operating licenses and f unctions. Provides training to IE and other NRC personnel in amendment s. Provides technical inspections of nuclear power the area of BWR/PWR operation, system design, instrumentation plants and designs. Provides quality assurance support to MM55 and control, and other specialized technical areas.

for tne Mign tevel haste, Monitored Retrievable Storage and Independent Spent f uel Storage Installation Programs.

rector Hubert J. Udler BWR/PWR Technology Branches vendor Program Branch Directs the work within BWR/PWR Technology Training. Respon-Develops and implements a comprehensive NRC program for the sible for the development and implementation of programs to evaluation of the quality assurance program implementation initially teach and continually maintain hRC inspector and and physical examination of materials, components and services other NRC technical staff with the level of knowledge of SWR /

produced and/or supplied by arce!tect-engineers, constructors, PWR technology needed to perform assigned job functions. Pro-fuel f abricators, independent i%certion agencies, N555 sup- vides empert technical assistance to NRC technical staf f in pliers, and other companies supp.ying safety related materials the area of BWR/PWR operation, system design, instrumentation or services ta the nuclear industry. and control.

Swphen Ron e

  1. '"* BWR)

Chief ie PWR)

Steven K. Showe NOVEMBER 3D.1988 PAGE48

.n n

U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION ORGANIZ AW pe CH ART DIW!5 ION OF EMERGENCY PREPARECNESS AND ENGINEERING RESP 0h5E Develops indicators of individual plant . verall regulatory and safety performance.

Provides input to the NRC management decision making process to determine appro-priate NRC actions in response to lagging plant performance. Develaps policy and procedures and maintains hec capability to respond to incidents, events, and reported prnblems involving NRC licensees. Identif tes generic implications.

Communicates generic issues to licensees en a timely basis. Develops policy for and provioes licensing reviews and safety evaluattor, reports for en-egency pre-paredness at reactor licensee f acilities, a..d develops acd natatains the emer-g?ncy planning inspec tion program. As ses ses ef fect ivenes s and uni f ormity of Regional Of fice implementation of the Division's program requirements.

Direc tor Edward L. Jorden Deputy Director Sheldon A. Schwartz Engineering and Generic Communications Branch Incident Response Branch Conducts deta t led safet y evaluations of potentially geneetc Develops NRC Policy. Fogram requirements, plans, and proce-engineering problems or problems associated with a specific dum, f or response to incidents. Ensures t14t the NRC response technical eiscipline. Develops WRC correspondence on generic is consistent with the hRC role and itcensee responsibilities


concerns involving engineering ee p oblems associated with a and is coordinated olth Federal and State response activities.

specific technical discipline. Prepares inspection procedures Maintain and integrates response plans, procedures, training wnere appi t c abl e . P*ovi des for or accomplisnes c losecut on of personnel and organizations, and enercises to achieve pro-gen *r i c issues and assesses program imp lementation by the gram objectives. Provides operational support and contrac t

  1. egione s Of fices. As requested, provides emport engineering management for Headquarters response act i v i t ies . Provides re-and technical s@ port to the NRC Operations Certer and other sponse planning and proc diral guidance to Regional Of fices and WRC organizations for program deve l opment , enforcement, and assos Regional Of fice response capabilities.

speciallred inspections and investigations.

Chief Robert L Baer Chief Kenneth E. Peekins Events Analysis Branch Gevelops polwy and regulations and prepares procedures regard-Ing proact identification of generic and plant specific proe' Emergency Preparedness 8rench l ens . Provioes centraltred. comprehensive , screening of Itcenue events , including prompt telephone notifications and written Develops hKC policy for emergency f repseeoness. Develops and reports of operating reactor events, construction def 6ciencies. maintains the emergency planning inspection program. Reviews and vendor reports of equipment deficiencies. Recommends action and evaluates emergency plans associated with construction per-to resolve potentially generic coe.eens, Lcluding generation mits and operating licenses for power reactors. Reviews and of specific generic correspondence. Provides feedback to other evaluates emergency plans for research and test reactors. Coor-MEC of fices regarding event-related matters that ma/ af f ec t dinates with FEMA on emergency preparedness matters and reviews t%eir programs. Develops, in conjunction eith At 00, the and evoluetes FEMA fin tings and determinations relating to of f-Regions, hAR and kcS. indicators of individual plant overall site preparedness of $ tate and local governments. Provides regulatory and safety perfo'eance. Coordinates the performance guidance to Regions on emergency preparedness and supports trending program for indiv f Juel plants using data input Regions conduc ti ng ins vction and esercise observations. Pro-supplied t,y AE00, the Regions and N#R. Assures Mat the vides contract management for support of emergency prepared-decision making process to determine haC actions in response nets licens ing and inspection activ ities. Assesses Regional ,

to leggins plant performance is initiated when appropriate. performance.

works sn Close coordination with the Regions, NRR and other IE divisions in taplementing needed regulatory actions in Chief David 8. Matthews response ta lagging plant performance. Assesses Regional Of fice follow-e of related everts of ge.*eric significance.

Chief Jack E. Rosenthal

  • " " " *
  • NOVEMBER 30, 1986 PAGE 49

l U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSIOM REM 04 I CRG ant 2 ATION CH ART Cf fice of Investigations field Of fice f.ecutes estaclismed tRC policies and assigned programs relating to inspection, en- Commi ssion level office providing i nves

  • f orcement , licensing, state agreements, state liaison and emergency recponse w; thin _.

tt0ative support to Region I.

Regional boundaries.

T homas E. Mur s ey Aaministrator Ceputy Administrator James N. A f l an ___

y amme - a- emme emme em aum e- amm eum amman mI I I R Enforcement Specialist Regional Counsel $ tate and Government Af f airs Staff P.blic Af f airs Staf f --

M **'"

  • N P 3' ' '"d E"09"*"* Provides coordination and support of enforce-Imp t esert s ##C pol icies AN programs for Prov i des and c oordi nates legal services for State Agreements and State Liaison programs ment actions for the Regional Of fice.

Put l ic Af f ai rs in tne Region. the Regional Cf fice. in the Region.

S * * *

  • U ' i ' " # ' "" * #'" Specialist Daniel J. Holody Sen or Pue r ic Af f airs Cf ficer Aael Abranam At toeney Jay M Gutierrez State Agreceents Of ficer John R. McGratn E


I e Raoatm Safeb Nsen M Emurce ManagmM Divisian of Reactor Peojects Civision of Reactor Safety and $afeguards and AJainf str ' ion Perf orms inspections and evaluations in the Performs enmeans and evaluations ivi eser- Performs Regenal adminierative functions in Previces project paragement; conducts inspec- gency pianning, radiological safety, material personnel administ ration and training, c on-tions and ev a l uat i aas of as s i gned hRC pro- special i zed fields of eng i nee r i ng , plant control and accountability, pnysical security tract a.1m i n i s t ra t i on , budget and fiscal r ems for power and non-pu-er reac to rs , systems operation and testing and quality as- and environmental monitoring Administers manapment , ACP, space and property manage-d i rec t s 1 ' - w u; .. - e surance . Prov tdes engineering and technical ment, telecomeunications, and general admin-

--2 support to reac tor ac tivities and conducts material s licensing and safeguards licens ing re ac tor licensing ac tiv ities and the System- programs and cenJucts TLD and EM independent astrative se rv i c es , including license fee A s se s seeet cf Licensee Performance WCE independent measureseets pecgram. management and F01A responsibilities.

atic measurements prsgress. Prepares for Regional

( 5A.P ) Proqram , imp l emen t s tne meC res s tent response to licensee emergencies. Provides i %p+c tors program and related en f orc ement the project functions for TMI-2 and f ue l actions f or assigned f acli tties AJuini s ters aN conduct s tse operator l ic ens i ng progeam f ac ilit ies Stewart D. Ibneter Thomas T. Martin Di rector Anthony T. Cody

. irec tor E nnarc w staeostec t s , C i rec t or , Di rec tor william F. mane l Deputy Director william W Johns ton eNty Director Administrative Management Bra! ch Emergency Preparedness and Radiological homes B anch No 1 @ntim Brw Protection Bravn Provides administrative services including v e n i ae , pro;ect management , inc luding in' Perfes emergency preparedness , reactor word proc e s s i ng , printing and reproduc-sc ec t i ons , ep tementat ion of SAmP, cu i - Performs inspec tions and eva luations in radiological and fuel f ac s lity safety and tion, building and personnel security.

fe,t i nspec t ion and en f o rc emen t for as- - engi neeri ng and operations areas (CA, ,.

env ironmeatal inspect ions. Conducts inde*

p,,f, 7,g g gjg my y g,g t res power reac tors in operation and pre op, s t artup , and other testing; pre- pendent measur ements program and operates management and document control functions.

undee construc t ion , a$r i n i s t ers and pe" cedures and training).

f arms ccerator l i c ens i ng f unct i on.

Regional lab facilities.

Rnneld R Be l l amy Chief Thomas L. Harrison Ch 'er Harry 8 Eister 3 , ,, L ee M Bet tennausen Chief hoclear Materials $afety and Safeguards Resource Management Branch Pmects branenM' j n,,,j ,9 g,,ncg g pg Braxh Performs all fiscal ac ti vit ies for the erov ides prcJect management, i nc l um nq i n- Perfores materials and safeguards insper- Region , inc luding budget f ormulation and

>AtP, res t - Ferforms inspeC tices and ev aluations in execution, accounting, p roc urement , con-spec t

  • ons , ' mp l emeet at i on of engineering areas (fire protection, ciefl, tions and administers the materials and t rac t managemen t , travel serv i c e s , (CIA

= cent i n spec t i on and eef orcement for as- safeguards licens lag at t i v i t i e s. Adm i n-

- elec t . , weldi ng i n- " proc es sing and licensee fee reporting s yned powe r reac t ors in operat i on and struc turaandl , mec is t ers the Regional sec urity program and soer construct ton. service NCfh. ,surve i l l ance , ce l t bra- di rec t s the inspection and licensing pro- Provides telecommunications , property t i on , refueling and containment t e s t i ng ). management, and space utilization grams for fuel facilities.

Chief Seewei J. C:1 tins s erv i c es .

Jacque P. Darr Chief James M. Joyner John J Mc0 scar Chief Chief P-op fs B<anch No 3 Peow Mes projec.t managemert, i nc l ue ng o n- Personnel Staff spec t i ons , imp l ement at t a* of SA LP , res i-der t i sn pec t ice a 4 enf orcement, for as- Provides and coordi nates Regional pe r-s i gned power and con- power reactors in " sonnel services, inc luding t r a i n i ng.

operation and unoer construction Personnel Of ficer Robert J Gross Chef E dward C. wenz i nger NOVEMBER 30.19MI

~~ ~


. . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . .-

U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION BK. ION 11 OBOANIZAtlON CHAST t aecutes estacitshed nac po licies and ass :gned programs relating to inspection, l ic ens i ng , enforcement and govern-mental liaison withtm Regional boundaries Administrator J. heison Grace Deputy Administrator Nicole L. Ernst emme ese amme en- amme am- men amme amm- mens name amme Regional Counsel Pubite Affairs Staff State and Governrnental Affairs St#f "[,

!aplements the mRC policies and programs Advises the Regional Administrator on Provides S tate and Governmental liai son lap lements enforcement poi n cy in the for Public Affairs in the Region. legal issues. and conducts the Agreement States Region and coordinates allegation i n-Program. vest 10ation activities.

D i rec tor tegnetn M. Clara Regional Counsel Bradley im Jones Di rec tor Robert E . T ro f snows k i a irec tor George R. Jenm i ns l I I I DIVISI0m 0F Rf ACTOR PROJECTS DIVISI0h DF TNA PROJECTS l CIVISION OF RE50t.tRCE MAAAGEMENT DIV!sION OF REACTOR SAFETY 1mplements and coordinates all proJnt man- Imp lements and coordinates all project man- -

E xecutes an inspection program in the func-agement activities related to the regulation agement activi ties related to all TVA Manages all admin t strative f unc tions in tne g g of all non-TW A nuclear power and research M% including p nuclear power reactor f acilities under c on- min,lanning, Coordinating, reactor f acilities under construction and/or struction ard/or coerstion O mO ng, and stedng the human, and property resources of the rerw.

f mancial

  • nuclear ph'Ysic s; mana9ement and QA/QC sYs I ocev at ion. Director Gary C. lecn tems ; and f acility operations for all reac-Di rector Roger D. = alter Director Richard J. Maley ter programs uithin the Region. Manages the
  • Deputy Cirector tais A. Reyes gegional operator licensing pre; ram.

TiA Projuts Brancn Oi-ector AIDert F. Gicson P l ans , directs, coordmates, and super Resource Managemt Branch Deputy Director Vincent W. Panciera Reacter Projects Brancti 1 "'" vises the project management f unc tions and the programs and activities of the Performs t>udgeting, accounting, travel, Plans, directs, coordinates, and super- contract administration, purchas i ng ,

vises the project management functions TWA Projects Sections. Engineering Branch uma procurement of goods and services, the aos and activities of Chief Kenneth P. Bare property management, and Regional Plans, directs, coordinates and super-imprest fund administration.

~ vises the progrees and activities of Chief David M. Werrelli i Chief Thomas M. Loy the Materials and Mechanical, Test Pro-grams and Plant Systems Sections.

D!v!SION OF RAOI ATION SAFETY AND SAF EGLARD5 Reactor Projects $ ranch 2 Performs inspections and evaluations in py ,,,4 Sg,gy Chief Alan R. Herdt "WY """ * #" * **

  • P lans* directs, coordinates, and super- material control and accountability, physi- Performs rec ru i tment , training, post-

- vises the project management functtons tioi evaluation, appointment of con- Operations Branch cat securi ty , and environmental monitoring.

the ams activities of administers materials licensing program and === sultants. Iabor relations, time and g g Plans, directs, coordinates and super-conducts independent measurements program. attendance reporting, and equal employ-vises the programs and ac ti vities of Chief Verget L Brouenlee Prepares for Regional response to licensee ment opportur.ity assinistration. - the Operator Licensing Quality Assur-

      • r9'"C i'* - Personned Otticar Theresa D. Spearrnan ance Programs and Operational Programs mtw 1 N 14 WW kct bn.

Technical $@ port Staf f Cevelops and maietains data and records Administrative Management Chief Caudio A. Julian on priorities, schedules, assignments, Emergency Preparedness and Branch and the status of all non-TWA reactor Radiological Protectlen Branch projects and tasks. Also develops . Plans, directs Coordinates, and super- Performs records and files management, cooedinates, and issues annormal occur- vises the program and activities of the inf ormation and data processing, F ree-rence reports, and oversees Regional , Facilities Radiological Protection, ,,,, dom of Information Act f unc t ions , f a-SALP program. Radiological Effluents and Chemi s t ry , cility security program activities, and the En g w Pmpawnm space and Mcme fee managent, and Chief Kerry D. Landis sections telecommunications services.

Chief Douglas M. Col lins Chief Jef frey 8. Lankford nuc lear Materials saf ety and Safeguards Branch l Mans, d i rect s , coordinates and super- l mises the programs and ac t i v i

  • ies of

= the Nuc lear Materials Safety, Materia l Control and Accountabt11ty, and Physical Security Sections

! Chief Imh I I i ae E . C 1 i ne l l

1 1

NOVEMBER 30.19R6 PAGE 61 l

U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Office of Investigations REN m Field Office 080 ant 2ATION CM ART Esecutes established met policies and assigned programs re-lating to inspection, Itcensing, investigation, and enforce- " _

Physically located in RI!! Dut not a ment within Regional boundaries. part af RIII organitational structure.

James G. teppler Director E. T. Paulik Aministrator i

Deputy Aministrator A. Sert Davis

. - -. - - am-. - .- . . -

% g g


] ,3 Regional Counsel State and Govt. Affairs Staf f g g Public Aff airs Staff Pmidee State and Governmental liaison, Advises the Regional Aministrater en Coordinates Regional enforcement and Implements the mRC policies and programs allegation investigation activities.

for Public Affairs in the Aegien. legal issues. Assists RA's Of fice in Regional program review and development.

J, A. Grobe R. J. Strassa Chief R. M. LiChus Directer Polic Affairs Oegional Counsel 9. A. Berson Officers 8,. J. Marabita I I I I DIVI 5!cm of RACIATION DIVISION OF RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND ADM1h!STRATION GDI$ ION OF REACTD4 $AFETY SAFETY AND SAFECUARDS CIv,I5,:Om g g gg0F Performs Regional administrative functions Performs inspections and evaluations in l Performs 6aspections and evaluations in the emergency planning, radiological safety, in personnel aministrat f os and training, Performs project menagemeet of assigned hAC contract aministration, budFPt and ftscal programs for licensed power and non-power specialized fields of engineering, plant sys. material control and accountaotlity, phys t* security administration, tems operatten and testing and quality assur. cat security, and environmental monitoring. management, ADP, reacters within Regional boundaries. Adminis- Conducts *eactor operator licensing space and property management, telecommuni-ed n the ance. Aministers materials licensing program and ters reacter I tcensing acttetties program. Provides engineering and technical ccMutts inependent measwewnts program. cations, general amfnistrative services, Systematic Assessment of Licensee Perform- s@ port to reacter licensing activities. and FCIA responsibilities.

ante (SALP) Program. Prepares far Regional response to licensee C, J. Papertelle G. W. Roy G i rector C. E. herelius Director

4. J. Chrissetimos Director J. A. Hind Director Cep=ty Director E. G. Greenman Deputy Dir.

Yec an u al wooort 5 tar t Emergency Preparedness and Aministrative Management $ ranch Operations Branch I t oaluates Ltcensee Performance tnrougn rev ie= Radiological Prot. Branch Pufwas m m ds, N es and space a >f peeformance indicators and event s , and pre. Performs operator license em, ip Pufuss sawgency preparedness, reac- management, telecommunications, manage-sides seeesigmt of Regienet Program far Assess. tions and evaluations in engineering ter radiological and fuel f acility um ment information services and data pro-me nt of ( tcense, Perf ormence.

. and operattens areas (OA. pre-op, - safety, and environmental inspections. cessing, secur ity administration and

  1. I" **# startup, and other testing; procedures independent measurements FOIA activities.

Conducts and training). program and operates Regional lad CMaf E Pappas m]*( t s 6 r ench ho 1 f acW ties.

Perf arms pre;ect menagement for pewer reactor c33,f c, v. n,ny su f actltties in construction, test, startup ,

Chief W. D. Shafer g acecation, and decommissioning phases.

a s . warnica Engineering Branch Performs budgeting, accounting, pro-t uer Nuclear Materials Safety " "

Performs inspec tions and evaluatiens and Safeguards 8 ranch =====' C in engineering areas (fire protection, a act a ni t on.

Proyects stencn ho 2 civil, structurnt, mech. , elects, Puforms matulah and safeguwds in-Performs project management for power reactor ,

9 laswike and W, surveW spections and administers the materials Chief M. J. Aerlin we ,,_

m f acilities in construction, test, startup, 8 8 "* l "g . 8"d Itcensing activities.

operation, and decasetssioning peases. f8 0"{ ,,,,,,,,,E,,,,

3, e, e c. cu m L. Aselson Chief J J Marrison Chief W.

Provides and coordinates Regional per-

- sonnel suvices and training Projects Bronce 40. 3 activities.

  • erf orms projec t management for power reac to, in construction, test, startup, a f acilit ies Chief M. S. Turnbere operation and decommissioning phases.

Chter u 5 Little MSM M IM

- . . . PAGE62


" *U CEG ANIZ ATION O. ART E =ec utes estacl e sned hRC policies and assigned prograns relating to i nspec t i on , l i c ens i ng , i nves t i gat i on , and en-forcement witnin Reg'onal boundaries Aministrator Robert D. mart t..

Deputy Administrator Paul 5. Check s-a- ammmme summe - am- summe mummme ammmmo Regional Counsel Sute Agenments ONet Enforcement Officer PAlic Af f airs Staff impiemeras the Agreement States Program and Implement s policies and programs of Zen'ements the hPC policies and r.cogeams Perf oets the legal f unctions necessary monitors twe prog em to esaluate compat.bderv enforcement and t r a i n i ng , and provides for #2i te Af f airs in the Gegion. ta carry out tee assigned responsibil-it tes of the Regional Of fice. with the NaC requietary pmgram and .es adequacy if aison between the Region and DI.

to ptofert the publer heedt5 and safef.

Regional Counsel Williae L. Brown Offcer tonert J. Doda Enforcement Of ficer Dale A. Powers Patic Af f airs Cf ficer Cvo. E hner CIv!5ICM OF RE ACTOR SAFETY AND PRCJECTS CIVISION OF RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION Clvl5!Cm CF GACIATION $AFETV AND SAFECUARC5 Provides project managemen t of assigned hRC programs Provices for all resource management and adm i n i s t ra-Prov i des i nspec t i ons amt tec hn i c a l ev aluat ions in tive functions associated with planning, coordinating, the f unc t i ona l areas of health p% s tcs , emergency for licensed power and non power reactors and fuel W.idsterly the financial, personnel, and f acilities within Reg'onal boundaries. Conducts the and planniag, environneetal monttoriag, radialogical meas- property resources in the Region; maintains liaison wrement s , and safeguards w i tn i e Regional wor s es . "" 7 operator licensing program.

with G5A and CPM regional offices; and conducts Impleseats matertals and safeguards licensing prograes. l continuing review of administrative policies and I programs.

Di rec to r Erc H Johnson William H. Foster sicnard L. eengart I Ramon f HaU Of rector Cirec ter Deputy Director I

Radiological & Safeguards I pc- 37 jecta Prych Resource Management Branch Prograss Srance Performs budgeting, accounting, proc urement, Provi project management for the divi * ~

Perfoems di v t s i on 's f anctions perta t ning to g

"'""" ggen. sdes functions for ass igned f acilities. travel, and contract administration.

" radio'ogical sa'e'y , emergency prepared-Dolores M. Meyer ness, nuc! ear materials Wy and safeguards Chief Jim E. hr.Em1a Chief l

at licens+d f ac ilities I Reactor Safety Branch Personnel Staf f Chief Wal. ara L F ter Provices t i c a l i nspec t i on support for """"

Provides and coordinates Regional personnel l assigned f acilities and manages operator and training services.

licensing function. Karen E. League Personnel 0 ficer I f T W F. M -

I Administrative Management Sranch g Performs records and files managment, i n f or-URAmfuM RECCVERY FIELD OFFICE nation and data processing, space and pro-Respons tb le for toplementing established NRC Policy -

perty management, telecommunications, and regarding Uranium Recovery f ac ilities within l Region It and tee States of Cali f ornia and Arizona; general of fice services.

l,,,,,,, performs safety and environmental evaluatioes; makes liceesing M A rr; c rs.u s treth ra; provides Chief Connie A. Dollar Licensing Branch no 1 technical assistance to agreement states; and per-Perfarms safety and envi ronmental ev a l oa.

(""* *" forms reviews of remedial actions for inactive pro- Licensing Branch No. 2 tions; menes licensing aret s 'rr;.onducts in- cessing sites. Performs safety and environmental eva l ua-spectices, and evai ates remecial act'e s foe - Di vetoe R. Date Smith tions; makes licensing decisions; and con-inactive processing sites. ducts inspections for licensed f acilities.

Chief Harry J. Pettengill Chief E s.ard F. Mawk i ns



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seAC ,ORM 335 e atPomi Nuvet M #Auga.e ,y Ts0C. een var U S. NUCLEAR AtGUL ATOmv COesMassaON N.. ersays j2' BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA SHEET Set INSTRUCitONS ON THE m&vimSt Re s on 3 f eTLE ANO sustiT LE 3 Llave GLANS U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Functional Organization Charts flovember 30, 1986 ' "" " "

" ", t aa

.ONr g

& Auf MoniSI O DaftAtPOMTe55 LED MO8 'w vtAR

!!ovanber I 1986 7 PER90muiNG OR4.Ami2 ATION Nawt AND MaitsNQ ADDatts Harwe te Com/ a PROJtCT T A5m woMat what NvwBtm Office of Administration U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission *"'""""*""

Washington, DC 20555 10 SPONSORING Om0ANa2 Af SON >>awa ANo wa: LING aDOntss fiars w ete comes lie tvPt08REPOmf Sane as 7, above.


13 SUPPLE MENT am y NO T E,8 1

., .sr. eran, ,

Functional organization charts for the NRC Comission Offices, Divisions, and Branches are presented, t o DOCUwt NT AN AL vlit - e al'*0nOS OS S(n-p r aug o git a v.aiga r ..N, ge ge t y organization chart Unlimited

'6 SEChatf y CL A33spac AfiON g.. .e ,

. ,Ot N r.., N .No.o 't aWI Unclassi fied g.4 ,s. .,

Un cl as si fie d


,.,.,a i


WASHINGTON, D.C. 20666 wn . o c.


1 4
