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Title List of Documents Made Publicly Available.May 1-31, 1995
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Issue date: 07/31/1995
NUREG-0540, NUREG-0540-V17-N05, NUREG-540, NUREG-540-V17-N5, NUDOCS 9511140075
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{{#Wiki_filter:. _ _ - _ - - - - . - . . - _ - . - _ - _ . - - -_ _ j i NUREG-0540 l Vol.17, No. 5 l Title List of Documents Made Publicly Available May 1-31,1995 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Administration f ~ %.,, IL jE

                  ., ,y gtiggg       950731 0540 R           PDR

l l I l AVAILABILITY NOTICE Availability of Reference Materials Cited in NRC Publications Most documents cited in NRC publications will be available from one of the following sources: l 1. The NRC Public Document Room, 2120 L Street, NW., Lower Level, Washington, DC 20555-0001 ! 2. The Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, P. O. Box 37082, Washington, DC 20402-9328

3. The National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161-0002 Although the listing that follows represents the majority of documents cited in NRC publica-tions, it is not intended to be exhaustive.

Referenced documents available for inspection and copying for a fee from the NRC Public Document Room include NRC correspondence and internal NRC memoranda: NRC bulletins, circulars, information notices, inspection and investigation notices; licensee event reports; vendor reports and correspondence; Commission papers; and applicant and licensee docu-ments and correspondence. The following documents in the NUREG series are available for purchase from the Government Printing Office: formal NRO staff and contractor reports, NRC-sponsored conference pro-ceedings, international agreement reports, grantee reports, and NRC booklets and bro-chures. Also available are regulatory guides, NRC regulations in the Code of Federal Regula-tions, and Nuclear Regulatory Commission issuances. Documents available from the National Technical Information Service include NUREG-series reports and technical reports prepared by other Federal agencies and reports prepared by the Atomic Energy Commission, forerunner agency to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Documents available from public and special technical libraries include all open literature items, such as books, journal articles, and transactions. Federal Register notices, Federal and State legislation, and congressional reports can usually be obtainod from these libraries. Documents such as theses, dissertations, foreign reports and translations, and non-NRC con-ference proceedings are available for purchase from the organization sponsoring the publica-tion cited. Single copies of NRC draft reports are available free, to the extent of supply, epon written request to the Office of Administration, Distribution and Mail Services Section, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001. Copies of industry codes and standards used in a substantive manner in the NRC regulatory process are maintained at the NRC Library Two White Flint North,11545 Rockville Pike, Rock-ville, MD 20652-2738, for use by the public. Codos and standards are usually copyrighted j and may be purchased from the originating organizelion or, if they are American National l Standards, from the American National Standards Institute,1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018-3308. A year's subscription of this refsort consists of 12 monthly issues.

l NUREG-05C Vol.17, No. 5 Title List of Documents Made Publicly Available i i May 1-31,1995 Date Published: July 1995 Division of Freedom ofInformation and Publications Senices Office of Administration ' U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 i l

!           )

t 1 CONTENTS  ! l Preface.....................................................................v

Anangement of Items by Docket Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix  ;

Alphabetic Arrangement of Docket Items by Facility Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv i Docketed Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Low. Level Radwaste Disposal Sites - Docket 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

                                                                                                           .                                          l Domestic i ba=ia: of Source Material - Docket 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Domesuc i ica==iag of Prad=*ian and Utilization Facilities - Docket 50 . . . . . . . . . 9

. Standardized Nuclear Power Plant Design - Docket $2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Domestic i Wat of Special Nuclear Material - Docket 70 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 Packagmg of Radioactive Material for'Dansport and 'Dansportation of Radv.=ctive Material Under Certain Conditions - Docket 71. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 Y icensing of L da=aadaat Spent Fuel Storage - Docket 72 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171  ; Nondacketed Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 i 10 CFR - Counmmman Meeting Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 I ACNW - Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 , ACRS - Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 l ADVCM - NRC Advisory Cn==W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 i COMMISSION - NRC Cn==i==ianers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 174 I CONTRACT - NRC Contracts and Modifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 FOIA - Freedom of Information Act Requests and Releases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 GEN TECH IS - Generic Techrucal Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 , I&E Ta=aac*ian and Enforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 - 1 1 MISC - Pubhc Document Room Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1% NUREG - NUREG Reports and Related Correspondence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1% , ORG - Correspondence with Other Orgammations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 198 l PR - Proposed Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 i l PRESS - Press Releases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 PRM - Petition for Rulemakmg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 PROJ - Projects-Predocket Ijcensmg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 PT21 - Noncomphance Reports and Related Correspondence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 1 QA999 - Quality Assurance In-*ians ...................................204 REGGD - Regulatory Guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 , REVIEW GRP - NRC Research Review Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 SECY - Position Papers Before the Commission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 SPEECHES SPEECHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 STATE PROG - State Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 TOPREP - Vendor Reports and Related Correspondence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 WASTE MGT - Nuclear Waste Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 XPOKIUC - Export and Import Ijcenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 Personal Author Inder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 Corporate Source Inder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243 Report Number Inder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 Cross Reference of Enclosures to Prmcipal Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263 , Appendir A - Definitions of Docket 50 Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1 Appendix B - Definitions of Nondocketed Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1 iii

PREFACE The Title List ofDocuments Made Publicly Available is a Duplicate copies may be obtained for a fee. Standing or-monthly publication. It contains descriptions of the in- ders for cenain categories of documents are also avail-formation received and generated by the U.S. Nuclear able. Clients may search for and order desired titles Regulatory Commission (NRC). This infortnation through the PDR computerized Bibliographic Retrieval includes (1) docketed material associated with civilian System, which is accessible both at the PDR and re-nuclear power plants and other uses of radioactive ma- motely. The PDR is staffed by professional technical li-terials and (2) nondocketed material received and gen- brarians, who provide reference assistance to users. See crated by NRC pertinent to its role as a regulatory NOTES at the end of the preface for information about agency. As used here, docketed does not refer to Court reaching the PDR. Microfiche of the docketed informa. dockets; it refers to the system by which NRC maintains tion listed in the Title List is available for sale on a sub- . its regulatory records. This series of documents is in- scription basisfrom the NationalTechnicallnformation  ! dexed by a Personal Author Index, a Corporate Source Service (NTIS). See NOTES at the end of the Preface l Index, and a Report Number Index. for the complete NTIS address. The docketed information contained in the Title List in- We encourage your comments, criticisms, and sugges-cludes the information formerly issued through the De- tions. In particular,if there are title descriptions that are partment of Energy publication Power Reactor Docker not meaningful, please let us know so that we can cor-Information, last published in January 1979. NRC docu- rect the data base. Insofar as possible, we would like this ments that are publicly available may be examined with- document to be a valuable part of your reference out charge at the NRC Public Document Room (PDR). material. DOCKETED ITEMS l


l The listings within Docket 50 are divided into the cate- H. General correspondence gories used for filing and searching in the NRC Public 1. Financialinformation Document Room. Those categories are K. Utility Final Safety Analysis Reports (FSAR) and l' A. Application / construction stage documents and amendments B. t P el inary Safety Analysis Reports s ence (PSAR), amendments M. Antitrust reviews and antitrust correspondence C. Utility Environmental Reports (ER). amend-ments, and correspondence N. Antitrust hearing transcripts, testimony, and brief-D. NRC Draft and Final Environmental (Impact) ings Statements (DES and FES), supplements and cor- O. Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards respondence (ACRS) reports and correspondence E. NRC Safety Evaluation Reports (SER), supple- P. Operating license stage documents and corr a:spon-ments and correspondence dence F. Security, medical, emergency, and fire-protection Q. Inspection reports, IE Bulletins, Circulars and In-Pl ans formation Notices, civil penalties, and related cor-G. Legal and adjudicatory correspondence respondence v NUREG-0540

l DOCKETED ITEMS (cont.) R. Periodic operating reports and related correspon- U. Congressional / executive correspondence dence V. Licensing of operators and related correspondence S. Reportable occurrences, PNOs, PNSs, and related W. Decommissioning stage documents and correspon- ! correspondence dence T. Transcripts, testimony, ed briefings on non- X. Onsite storage of low-level waste antitrust matters Y. Independent spent fuel storage installations ! Appendix A sets forth those categories and describes that category were filed in the time period of the report. the materials available in each. Omission of a category in l the listing for a docket indicates that no documents in The principal elements of the entries in the list are

 @        P.       Operating license stage documents & correspondence 8907070172        Commends util for exemplary ho< pitality extended to visiting Soviet technical working group on 89%08.

DENTON, H.R. Office of Governmental & Public Affairs (Post 870413). 89/06/27 h h 9 1( 3 CLARK, P.R. General Public Utilities Corp.-GPU Service Corp. 2 pp. 50442:181-50442:182 l , l 1. NRC/PDR Document category (see Appendix A). 11. The three-digit portion of this entry is the number l of the frame on which this document starts.

2. NRC/PDR Accession Number (year, month, day, and sequence number of item). 12. This five-digit number is the microfiche on which
3. Description of information contained in the docu- this document ends.

ment. 13. He three-digit portion of this entryis the number l 4. Personal author (s). An asterisk in this position in- of the frame on which this document ends. , dicates that there is no personal author. j

5. Author affiliation (NRC, corporate, agency, or ,

nonindividual source). He Docketed Items list is arranged sequentially by l

6. Date of document described. Docket Number, category, and then by date of principal Recipient of the document.

items. Entries indented and preceded by a dash are

7. , ,

l items that were submitted as enclosures to prmcipal l 8. Recipient affiliation (NRC or corporate). items. In general, indented items are not in accession

9. Pages in this document. number sequence. lf the docketed document has a con-
10. This five-digit number is the NRC 48X microfiche tract (FIN) number of a formal report number, it will ap-designation. pear in the last line of the item following entry 5.

1 NUREG-0540 vi l

l NONDOCKETED ITEMS I l He nondocketed items are dhided into the categories QA999-Quality Assurance Inspections I used for filing and searching in the NRC Public Docu-REGGD-Regulatory Guides ment Room. These categories and their symbols are: RES-Research and Technical Assistance Reports 10CFR-Commission Meeting Records REVIEW GRP-Research Review Groups ACRS-Advisory Committee on Reactor Safe-guards RM-Rulemakings ADVCM-NRC Advisory Committees .ECY-Staff Position Papers Before the Commis-sion COMMISSION-NRC Commissioners STATE PROG-State Programs CONTRACT-NRC Contracts and Modifications TOPREP-Vendor Topical Reports and Corre-FOIA-Freedom of Information Act Requests SPondence l and Releases WASH- AEC-Issued Formal Reports and Corre-GEN TECH IS-Generic Technical Issues spondence IE-Inspection and Enforcement Issuances WM-Waste Management Documents i MISC-Public Document Room Miscellaneous WMRES-Waste Management Contract Docu-ments , NUREG-NRC-Issued Formal Reports and Re-lated Correspondence XPORTLIC-Exports and Import Licenses ORG-Organizational File Appendix B sets forth these categories and describes the PR-Proposed Rules material available in each. Omission of a category in the' l listing for a docket indicates that no documents in that PRM-Petitions for Rulemaking category were filed in the time period of the report. PROJ-Projects PI21-10 CFR Part 21 Deficiency Reports ne principal elements of the nondocketed items are @ NUREG-NRC-Issued Formal Reports and Related Correspondence 8910100307 NUREG/CR-5340 DATA


REPORT FOR FISSION PRODUCT RELEASE TEST VI-2 OSBORNE, M.F., COLLINS, J.L. LORENZ, R.A. Oak Ridge National 1.aboratory. O @ @ @ @ FIN B-0127. ORN11FM-11105. 89/09/30. Division of Systems Research (Post 880717). 69 pp. 51409:065-51409:134.

1. Nondocket category. 2. NRC/PDR Accession Number (year, month, day, and sequence number of item).

vii NUREG-0540


3. NRC Report Number. 11. Pages in this document.
12. This five-digit number is the NRC 48X microfiche
4. Title and description of information confained in designation.

the document.

13. The three-digit portion of this entry is the number
5. Personal author (s). An asterisk in this position in.

of the frame on which this document starts. dicates that there is no personal author.

14. This five-digit number is the microfiche on which
6. Corporate, agency, or other nonindividual source. this document ends.
7. Contract of financial identification number (FIN), 15. The three-digit ponion of this entry is the number
      ""Y"                                                           of the frame on which this document ends.
8. Semndary report number, if any. .

The Nondocketed Items list is arranged sequentially by

9. Date of document described. Accession Number within category. Indented items pre-
10. NRC organizational recipient (or sponsor). ceded by a dash are enclosures to unindented items.

NOTES: 3. De location of the PDR is 2120 L Street, NW.

1. The address for GPO is Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office The mailing address is j P.O. Box 37082 Washington, DC 20013-7082 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Public Document Room <

To place orders. send check or money order payable to Mail Stop LL-6 the Superintendent of Documents. GPO Deposit Ac- Washington, DC 20555 count holders may charge their orders by calling 202-512-2249. Telefacsimile 202/634-3343

2. The address for NTIS is National Technical Information Service Telephone 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, Virginia 22161 202/634-3273 To place orders for or to obtain price information about To place orders for documents or to arrange for training NRC publications at NTIS, either write to NTIS or call on the computer system, write, fax, or phone. When or-the Sales Desk at (703) 487-4650. Specify the NRC re- dering documents listed in this publication, please iden-port number and title when you place your order. Publi- tify the Document Accession Number for each citation.

cations can be charged to American Express, Visa, or Reproduction charges and method of payment, based on Mastercard credit cards; supply the charge card number the current reproduction contract, are obtainable from when placing your order. the PDR. NUREG-0540 viii

ARRANGEMENT OF ITEMS BY DOCKET NUMBER Docket Name Page Docket Name Page Low Level Radweste Deposal Sites - Docket 40-8585 WYOMING MINERAL CORP., 6 27 LAKEWOOD, CO 27-047 COLUMBIA. SC, CHEM-NUCLEAR 1 40-8610 STEPAN CHEMICAL CO., MAYWOOD, NJ 6 40-8681 UMETCO MINERALS CORP., BLANDING, 6 DOCKET UNKNOWN 1 UT Domestic Uconsing of Source Material



 .40 1020     MINNESOTA MINING &                   2     40-8857    POWER RESOURCES, INC., GLENROCK,                       6 MANUFACTURING CO., ST, PAUL, MN                         WY 40-1162     WESTERN NUCLEAR, INC., LAKEWOOD,     2     40-8866    NUCLEAR METALS, INC., CONCORD, MA                      7 40-8902    ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO., GRANTS, NM                     7 40 1478     KERR-MCGEE OIL INDUSTRIES, INC.,     2 OKLAHOMA CITY, OK                        40-8903    HOMESTAKE MINING CO., GRANTS, NM                       7 40-1650     WYMAN GORDON CO., NORTH              2     40-8905    QUIVIRA MINING CO., GRANTS, NM                         7 40-8907    UNC MINING & MILLING (DIV. OF                          7 40-1790     WELLMAN DYNAMICS CORP., MIDLAND,     2                    UNITED NUCLEAR CORP.),



                 ' 50-151                   UNIV. OF ILLINOIS RESEARCH                       11 REACTOR                                                  50-270            OCONEE NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 2                    39 50-155                   BIG ROCK POINT NUCLEAR PLANT                     12           50-271            VERMONT YANKEE NUCLEAR POWER                      41 50-160                   GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY                  12 RESEARCH REACTOR                                         50-272            SALAM NUCLEAR GENERATING                          42 50-170                   ARMED FORCES RADIOBIOLOGY                        13 b       '     '                                  '


                                                 & TECHNOLOGY REACTOR                                     50-277             PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER                        45 STATION, UNIT 2                                    l 50-186                   UNIV. OF MISSOURI RESEARCH                       13 REACTOR-COLUMBIA                                         50-278             PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER                        46 STATION, UNIT 3 50-193                    RHODE ISLAND & PROVIDENCE                       13                                                                                    ,




                                                    ^                                                                         ZION NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT                64 50-304 50-254                   OUAD-CITIES STATION, UNIT 1                      27                                2 50-255                   PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT                          28          50-305              KEWAUNEE NUCLEAR POWER PLANT                    65 x


 . 50-309  MAINE YANKEE ATOMIC POWER PMNT      67        50-354               HOPE CREEK NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT               98 50-311  SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING            69 STATION, UNIT 2                             50-356               UNIV. OF ILLINOIS RESEARCH                     99 50-312  RANCHO SECO NUCLEAR GENERATING      70 STATION                                     50-361               SAN ONOFRE NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT               99 50-313  ARKANSAS NUCLEAR ONE, UNIT 1        71 50-362               SAN ONOFRE NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT              100 50-315  DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR POWER        72                                 3 PLANT, UNIT 1 50-363               FORKED RIVER NUCLEAR STATION,                 101 50-316  DONALD C COOK NUCLEAR POWER         73                                 UNIT 1 PLANT, UNIT 2 50-364               JOSEPH M. FARLEY NUCLEAR PLANT,               101 50-317  CALVERT CLIFFS NUCLEAR POWER        73                                 UNIT 2 PLANT, UNIT 1 50-366               EDWIN L HATCH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT             102 50-318  CALVERT CLIFFS NUCLEAR POWER        74                                 2 PLANT, UNIT 2 50-320  THREE MILE ISLAND NUCLEAR           75 STATION, UNIT 2                             50-369               WILLIAM B. MCGUIRE NUCLEAR                    105 STATION, UNIT 1 50-321  EDWIN L HATCH NUCLEAR PMNT, UNIT    75 1                                           50 370               WILLIAM B. MCGUIRE NUCLEAR                    106 50-322  SHOREHAM NUCLEAR POWER STATION      76 50-323  DIABLO CANYON NUCLEAR POWER         76 PLANT, UNIT 2                               50-374               LASALLE COUNTY STATION, UNIT 2                108 50-324  BRUNSWICK STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT,     78        50-382               WATERFORD GENERATING STATION,                 110 UNIT 2                                                               UNIT 3 50-325  BRUNSWICK STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT,     79        50-387               SUSOUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC                    111 UNIT 1                                                               STATION, UNIT 1 50-327  SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 1      81        50-388               SUSOUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC                    112 STATION, UNIT 2 50-328  SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 2      92 50 389               ST. LUCIE PLANT, UNIT 2                       113 50-329  MIDLAND PLANT, UNIT 1               PJ 50-390               WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 1               114 50-330  MIDLAND PLANT, UNIT 2               33 50 391               WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 2               116   l 50-331  DUANE ARNOLD ENERGY CENTER          83                                                                                 1 50-395               VIRGIL C. SUMMER NUCLEAR STATION,             118   1 50-333 JAMES A. FITZPATRICK NUCLEAR        84                                 UNIT 1 50-334  BEA       VALL POWER STATION,       85                                                                                  ,


Docket Name Page Docket Name Page 50-425 ALVIN W. VOGTLE NUCLEAR PLANT, 132 Domestic Licensing of Special Nuclear UNIT 2 Material Docket 70 STN FLOATING NUCLEAR PLANT 134 70-0008 BA1TELLE COLUMBUS OfV. (BATTELLE 162 437 MEMORIAL INSTITUTE), I 50-438 BELLEFONTE NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 1 134 70-0027 BABCOCK & WILCOX CO., LYNCHBURG, 162 BELLEFONTE NUCLEAR PLINT, UNIT 2 134



                                                                                      ^" ^         "             "                                           I 50-458   RIVER BEND STATION UNIT 1                    145 50-460   WPPSS NUCLEAR PROJECT, UNIT 1                146 50-461   CLINTON POWER STATION, UNIT 1                146       70-1068        FLORIDA, UNIV. OF, GAINESVILLE, FL                    165 STN    WOLF CREEK GENERATING STATION                 147      70-1100        COMBUSTION ENGINEERING, INC.,                         165 462                                                                          WINDSOR, CT STN-50     CALLAWAY PLANT, UNIT 1                        148      70 1113        GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., WILMINGTON,                     165 483                                                                          NC STN-50     SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT, UNIT 1                   149      70 1151        WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORP.,                          165 498                                                                          PITTSBURGH, PA STN    SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT, UNIT 2                   152      70 1201        B&W FUEL CO., LYNCHBURG, VA                            165 499                                                                                                                                                   i STN    WPPSS NUCLEAR PROJECT, UNIT 3                 155                            s'i g 508 STN     PALO VERDE NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT             155                       YC,H       ,


Dooket Name Page Docket Name Page Packaging of Radoacuve Material for 71-9071 MODEL: AP-101 ANEFCO,INC. 170 Transpon W Transportanon of Me Material Under Certain Constions - Docket 71 71 9096 MODEL: CNS 21300, CHEM-NUCLEAR 170 SYSTEMS, INC. 71-0001 ANEFCO, INC. 168 71-9148 MODEL: 770, AMERSHAM CORP. 170 ; 71-0015 CBI INDUSTRIES, INC. 168 71-9156 MODEL: IR-50, INDUSTRIAL NUCLEAR 170 71 0068 YANKEE ATOMIC ELECTRIC CO. 168 CO. 71-0097 NONDESTRUCTIVE INSPECTION 168 71-9157 MODEU IR 100, INDUSTRIAL NUCLEAR 170 ; SERVICE CO. 71-0226 NEW YORK, STATE UNIV. OF 168 71 9182 MODEL: HUSMAN IRRADIATOR, 170 AGRICULTURE, DEPT. OF 71-0301 CTL ENGINEERING, INC. 168 71-9196 MODEL: UX-30, NUCLEAR PACKAGING, 170 71 0348 MICHIGAN, UNIV. OF 168 INC. 71-0368 BRANCH RADIOGRAPHIC 168 71-9225 MODEU NAC-LW7, NUCLEAR 170 LABORATORIES, INC. ASSURANCE CORP. 71 0377 INDIANA MICHIGAN POWER CO. 168 71-9226 MODEL: GA-4, GENERAL ATOMICS 170 71-0532 WESTERN X-RAY 168 71-9227 MODEL: GA-9, GENERAL ATOMICS 170 71 0696 GEORGIA POWER CO. 168 71-9228 MODEL: 2000, GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 170 71-0697 NAVY, DEPT.OF 169 71-9245 MODEL- RTS-420, RTS TECHNOLOGY, 170 INC. 71 0709 BASIN INDUSTRIAL X-RAY, INC. 169 71-9248 MODEU SP 1, SIEMENS NUCLEAR 170 71-0798 CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY 169 POWER CORP. 71-0810 ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 169 71-9251 MODEL: BW-2901, B&W FUEL CO. 170 71-3022 MODEL: TN 7401 /1/, 169 71-9259 MODEL: TROJAN STEAM GENERATOR, 171 TRANSPORTATION, DEPT. OF PORTLAND GENERAL 71 0024 MODEL: 2842A, TRANSPORTATION, 169 71 9260 MODEL: TROJAN PRESSURIZER, 171 DEPT OF PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC 71-5149 MODEL: 814A, BABCOCK & WILCOX CO. 169 71-9263 MODEL: SPEC-150, SOURCE 171 71-58W5 MODEL: CNS 3-55, CHEM-NUCLEAR 169 SYSTEMS, INC. 71 9793 MODEL: M-140, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 171 71-5830 MODEL: SNAP 21, NAVY, DEPT, OF 169 _ 71-5926 MODEL: GE-100, GENERAL ELECTRIC 169 Docket 72 CO. 72-0002 VIRGINIA ELECTRIC & POWER CO. 50- 171 71 5957 MODEL: BMI-1, CINTICHEM, INC. 169 280 & 50-0 1 71-5984 MODEL: 5984. J.L SHEPHERD & 169 72-0003 H.B. ROBINSON ISFSt. 50-261 171 ASSOCIATES 71 6294 MODEL: UNC-2901, COMBUSTION 169 ENGINEERING, INC. 724005 ISFSI F OlNT PC 4CH GEN UC/VSC 24, 171 71-6786 MODEL: URIPS-BA & URIPS-88, NAVY, 169 DEPT.OF 72 4007 ISFSI PALISACES GEN LV.;/VSC-24,50- 171 71-9001 MODEL IF 300, NUCLEAR PACKAGING, 169 INC. 72-0009 FORT ST. VRAIN ISFSt. 50-267 171 j 71 9030 MODEL: SENTINEL-8,-3 & MW 3000, 169 72-0010 PRAIRIE ISLAND ISFSt 50-282 & 50 306 171 l 72 0011 RANCHO SECO ISFSI,50-312 172 71-9032 MODEL: 650, AMERSHAM CORP. 169 72-0016 VEPCO NORTH ANNA ISFSI 50-338 & 172 71-9033 MODEL: 660,660A 660AE,660B,660BE, 170 50-339 72-0017 TROJAN ISFSI. 50-344 172 71-9035 MODEL: 680 & 680E, AMERSHAM CORP. 170 72-0018 PRAIRIE ISLAND OFFSITE ISFSI 282 172 71-9039 MODEL: 715, AMERSHAM CORP. 170 & 50-306 71 9056 MODEL: SPEC 2-T, SOURCE 170 72-1007 MODEL: VSC 24, PACIFIC SIERRA 172 PRODUCTION & EQUIPMENT CO., NUCLEAR ASSOCIATES xiii

 .                                         -          _ __      _          _ _ _.__          .m -


            ^     "



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                                                                                              ^          '          '


                                                                                                            "^                 '


!                 SEOUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 1                   50-327    81        WPPSS NUCLEAR PROJECT, UNIT 1                      50-460  146 J                  SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 2                   50-328    82        WPPSS NUCLEAR PROJECT, UNIT 2                      50-397  119 e



   ^"'"       '



.Name Dochet Page Name Docket Page ,

                                                                                                                                                            . i.

MODEL: RTS-420, RTS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 71-9245 170 WESTERN X-RAY 71-0532 168 MODEU SENTINEL 4,-3 & MW 3000, ' 71-9030 - 169 YANKEE ATOMIC ELECTRIC CO. 71-0068 168 j TELEDYNE ENERGY  : MODEL: SNAP 21, NAVY, DEPT, OF MODE SP-1 SIEMENS NUCLEAR POWER 71-5830 71-9248 169 170 h FORT ST. VRAIN ISFSI,50-267 72 4009 171- f MODEL: SPEC 2 T, SOURCE PRODUCTION H.B. ROBINSON ISFSI,50-261 72 4003 171 i 71-9056 170

  & EQUIPMENT CO -                                                            ISFSI PALISADES GEN LIC/VSC-24,50-255                      72-0007     171       ;


  & EQUIP. CO.                                                                     266 & 50 301

. MODEL: TN 7401 / ?/, TRANSPORTATION, 71 3022 169 MODEU VSC-24, PACIFIC SIERRA NUCLEAR ~ 72-1007 172 j DEPT.OF ASSOCIATES - MODEU TROJAN PRESSURIZER. 71-9260 171 OCONEE ISFSI,50-269,50-270 & 50-287 72-0004 171 i PRAIRIE ISLAND ISFSI, 50-282 & 50-306 72-0010 '171 MO L M GENERATOR, 71-9259 171 PRAIRIE ISLAND OFFSITE ISFSI 50-282 & 72 4018 172 , 50-306  : G EN 1"N RANCHO SECO ISFSI,50-312 72-0011 172 MODEU URIPS4A & URIPS48, NAVY, 714786 169 M AN E St, N 72 M 7 172 DEPT.OF VEPCO . NORTH ANNA ISFSI 50-338 & 50- 724016 172-MODEU UX40, NUCLEAR PACKAGING. INC. 339

  • 71-9196 170 .





                                                                                          $505050250Provides str & resume from RUST Federal Sves for new prorect manager P DOCKET 27 047 COLUMBIA. SC, CHEM NUCLEAR SYSTEMS, INC.                                     Weas er revew REtLLY F K. Defense. Dept of. Defense L stes Agency. 95/04/19 ORLANDO.DA 9505030158 Ack recect of 950411 ter requeseng amend 25 to beense 12 13536                     *             *              '"'    "       '          "
  • P
01. Grants venance from acense conditon 1.c ter esposal of Pu waste from hcrnsee N8 8 '

38 4 I $505050248 Forwards resume of EH Pa#ser.sutmtted for ecluson m D&D plan as re-

            /2 S LLJ C        N lear     tems,         p.838 02       52 7 9505300030Ach recept of 950306 Itr requesting vanence to Amend 25 of hcense 12             REILLY.F fL Defense. Dept. of. Defense L abcs Agency. 95/04/25 ORLANDO.D.A.

13536 01 to espose of Pu aource from Shearon Hams plantNRC grants vanance e nuss ning rnh (NMSS 940403) 6pp from bconse coneton 1.c tot disposal of desenbed wasta. f9' 7 83 9-HOGG.R.C. Low Level Waste & D.w......- ., Propects Branch (NMSS 940403). 95/04/24.STILLJ. CherMeuclear Systems. Inc. 2pp. 64099:35944099360. 9505050330 Forwards ftr from Protect Manager P Wens & addl corresponconce from W Gaul. RUST Corporate Ramologica! Oftcar re how Defense Lognstes A3 ency plan on 9505120090 Ack receipt et 950331 ftr requestmo vanance to espose of plutoruum unang desamen at Bldg 42t. Sources from ScenDtc Ecology Group.inchRC grants vanance from bcense condman RElLLY.FA Determe. Dept of Defense Logstes Agency 95/05/01 ORLANDO.D.A. 1s for esposal of desenbed waste ONce et Nucear Matenal Safety & Sateguaa 3pp. 83839.289-83839 291. HOGG.R.C. Low 4evel Waste & C . -,,.., Protects Beanch (NMSS 940403L 95/04/25.STILLJ. Chem-Nuclear Systems. Inc. 2pp. 83945.35843945.359 9505100270 Wntes m response to 9504t9 Itr.mtormmp NRC staff of RUST Feder41 Svcs personr* change to posson of Protect Manager for reme&ation of former 9505300204 Grants vanarce from bcense conenon 1.c tar esposat of Pu waste from tense Loombes Agency warenouses m Curtis Bay MD. E n requested m 950313 4 05011trs. ORLANDO.D.A. Lowevel Waste & Decommes.orwng Prolects Branch (NMSS

  • R C. Low Level Waste & Decommasorung Protects Branch (NMSS 940403L
             .                                                                              940403) 95/05/02 REILLY.K. Defense. Dept of. Defense Logstes Agency 1p 95/05/16.STILLJ. Chem Nuclear Systems. Inc.1p 84106.34244106.342.                       83875 016-83875.016 9505110313 Forwards fmal status survey plan tar fmal remedal action at DNSC Curts DOCKET DOCKET UNKNOWN                                                                      Bay Depot.Curts Bay.MD.

REILLY.F.K. Defense Deot. of. Defense L shes Agency 95/05/02.ORLANDO.D A 9505190064 FOtA request for ado re kerr-McGee faciktes m CusPung.OK m/hcense numbers SMB464.SNM496 & SNM.1999. N3g$g$33"g733f' # " " " ## W# ** 4 MARBLE.J.D. Huckaby. Flemmg. Frailey, Chaffm & Darran. 94/10/26 Dnnsson of F of Inictmanon & Put*catons Servces (Post 940714). 1p. 83988:093- -9505110314 "Curts Bay Fmal Status Survey Plan" Deten . Dept. of, Defense Logstes Agency. 95/05/01. 17pp. 83930'341-9505030179 Forwards enso rept 445925/9',.01950209.No vioiabons noted. KINNEMANJ D Regean 1 (Post 820201k 95/04/27. BONZANI.P. Afhhaton Not As. 9W51282 Provoes summary of radc60gical groWwame quaWy data kom sampkd signed. 3pp. 83722:09143722.101. ggylsg p, p , g

 -9505030197 Inso rept 40 5925/95 01 on 950209 No votatons noted.Maior areas                SEC Dononuet 95/05/02. WELLS.P. 39pp. 83929 28243929 320.

mspected resedual thonum contammaton. SCHWARTZ.A. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/27 8pp 83722 09443722-101 9505260374 Forwards Itra re Curts Bay MW 1 groundwater evaluanon from Quanterra Lac & RUST Envron & Infrastructure 9505100027 Forwards map rept 404456/95 01 on 950315 Property located at ref ad. %LLY.F.K. Delense. Dept of. Defense Logancs Agency 95/05/03 ORLANDO.D A. dress has remadual ra&atson contartwnston levels besow current NRC unrestncted use Once of Nucisar Metanal Safety & baloguards. 6pp. 84103.34444103.349 Cntens MCCORMICK.J W Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/02. REHFUSS.D. 2pp. W530o234 Notfcahon of 950522 Ordnance Road Committee meetng m 83828 036 43828:044. Annapois MD. MINNITTE.S. Anne Arundel County. MD 95/0$r11 BALLARD.J., KYLE.L.

 ~9505100040 anso rept 404456/9501 on 950315.No volatons noted. Maior areas                 SCHMIDT.C. Anne Arundel County, MD. Ip. 84120:360 44120.360 mapacted survey of property wnere former bconsee actufy had taken piace i

KULTZER.E.L. KURTH.M.F., WCCORMICKJ.W. Regen 3 (Post 820201L 95/05/02. 9505260205 Responds to 950501 ftr & mtorms that metno.? 10 evaluate radiologcal i 5pp. 83828-04043828 044. status of "deaomen at Blog a21 on former DLA m Cuns Bev.MD. acceptable ort.ANDO.D A. Low 4evel Waste & C-. .~ ,. IYotects Branch (NMS$ 9505230055 Forwards mso rept 40 7753/95 01 on 950316 No votatons noted 9404031. 95/05/16 REILLY.F K. Defense, Dept of. Defense Logshcs Agency. 3pp. MCCORMtCK-BARGE Regon 3 (Post 820201L 95/05/09. TPELOAR.C. BP Amenca. 64104:06544104.067 Inc. 2pp. 84022:001 4 4022.104.

 -9505230060 Insp rept 447753/95 01 on 950316.No volatons noted Maior areas              DOrKET41>0564WELLMAN DYNAMICS CORP,, CRESTON, IA mapected:former iconsee actmuss & accouacy of oncontammaton measures pnar to j    bcense to mmaton.

KUGER.E.L Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/09 8pp. 64022:00344022-010. 9505010173 Seventh parhal resporse to FOIA request for documents Records m App i M ence & are berg made avadebee for PDR. l i

 -9505230072 "Guidennes for Decontammaton of Fac*bes & Eauspment Pnor to Re-               POWELL.R A Omnson of Freedom of informat.on & Puhications Servces (Post gao714). 94/12/07.SAPORITO,T.J Saponto. TJ. 6pp 84109:00144112:023.

t lease for Urrestncted Use or Termmaton of Lcenses for Byproduct. Source.or SNM." l

  • Danson of endustnal & Madcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 87/08/31. 4pp- -9505240390 Forwards appicaton & supporting cata for amend to bcense STB-433 84022.011 44022:014.

HUMMELE C. Amanon Not Assegned 64/12/18 LAYFIELD.R.L Atome Energy

 -9505230076 Draft of "BTP on Sete Charactenzaten for C.m.                                 Commason (Pro 750119). 2pp. 84110.18344110't84.

Dnaseon of Waste Management (Pre 870413). 94/11/30. _.;u.;". 88pp 84022 015-84022-104- -9505240419 Forwards two addi copes of three drawmps & aenal photographs submil. ted w/onomal appbcation by Hitis McCannna Co KONNEKER.W R. Aftdiation Not Assegood. 65/c2/09 LAYFIELD.R.L Atome Energy Commesson (Pre 750119) 2pp 8411018544110186. DOMESTIC LICENSING OF SOURCE MATERIAL

                                                                                         -9505250245 Forwards msp rept for Hills.McCanna Co.lconsa STB 0433 Into revealed that hcensee n' as tailed tri mamtam records of results of airborne radioactuty surveys DOCKET 404299UMETCO MINERALS CORP., RtVERTON, Wy                                          as requered by part 20 MORETTI.EJ. Arome Ener Commisson (Pre 750119) 66/07/08 PAGE.R.G 9505010172Forwads apphcaton for amend to kcense SUA448propoemg changes to Atoque Energy Conmussen (ye 750n9L 2pp. 84n0 m 84nN G CK T          M CO meram              / /21        L       . Hiah-Level Weste &    -9505260174 Requests that heense STB-0433 be transferred to Weltman Dynames i     UranrJm hecovery Piotecta Branch (NMSS 940403).1p 83716.24143716.247.

MONS.DJ We# man Dynamics Corp 71/12/14 BUCHANAN.C R Atomc Energy

 -9505010174Appheaton for amend to hcense SUA448.proposmg chan0es to some o,               C mnussen pro an9; 43pp. 84n W 64nM91.

j target compienon dates proveed en License Condnen 59 bEALY.C O. UMETCO Mmorals Corp 95/04/18 6pp 83716.242-83716.247. DOCKET 404672 NUCLEAR METALS. INC., CONCORD M A 9505010177 Forwardspogram plan for perusal davis) W. UMETw Mmerats Corp 95/04/24. HAOUE.M Hig4 Level Warte & Dra- 9505110008 Nootcaton of hcensee meetmg 95-44 w/util on 950512 m King of nium Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS940403) 19 83714.342-83714.359 Prusse.PA to discuss bconsee abitty to provide funding to assure facility could be safely decommmasoned at end of useful hfe.

  • Background Soil h4easuremen's Program for Gas Hills U Protect for Mat! MILLER M Region 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/02 Region 1 (Post 820201). 2pp Lcense SUA448." 83850 097-83850 098.
  • UMETCO Minerals Corp.95/04/14.17pp. 83714.34343714 359 9505240291 Confrms 950428 teicon te scopmg meetng for soentifyng EA a ses that 9505040160Advses of reorporaton of recommended mmor changes mto background may be considered part of EA assocated w/ Nuclear Metals,Inc bcense renewal re-soil eneasurements program. Quest DAVISJ W UMETCO Mmerais Corp. 95/04/25 MAOUE.M Hightevot waste & Ura- MILLER.M Region 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/03 VUMBACO.F. Nuclear Metais, tre.

ruum Recovery Protects Brancti (NMSS 940403).1p. 83852:03343852:033 14pp. 84023-12244023135 1

 . . _ - -              ,--. -- . . . .                              - . . _ _ .               .            . .                 -       _ . . _ - - - - - --                          -~ . -             . - - - ~ _ _ _ . . . -


                                                                                                              -9605220155 trvPorms tnat per AEA of 1954 & 10CFA40.21.Wouman Brortre & Asurm-DOCKET 40*1020 INNNESOTA 801NING & MANUF ACTURING CO, ST. PAUL. MM                                      num beensed to secewe possesoon of Th through importation from Canada                                         3 DELANEYJ C. Alonc Energy Commmsen (Pro 750119). 60/01/01. WEIMER Affs-                                        l F

9605110312 Advmes met current 3M Fre Protecten Products Cerbfed fWuclear instalter abon Not Assigned 1p. 8411011944110119 pmgrarn win end eMeceve 950626 Pesas Seals.Inc we become exclusive suppher of , 3M Fue Protecton Products.oftochve 950629 -9606230157 Requests renewal copy of hcense C-3935.wtuch expres 610226. ' COY.D R. Minnesota Minmg & Manufactunng Co. (3M Co.) 95/04/26. Affhaton Not DELANEYJ C. Atomic Energy Com. WEIMER.B.E. Affikaten Not Assi Assigned.1p. 83938 213-83938.213. meson (Pro 750119) 1p. 64110.gned 61/01/10. 120 44110.120. 9606230123 Rewmed ik advemg that effectwe 950626 3M fre protecton products ce+ -0805220171 Re@ests ksted info,m order to consider 610110 request for forwwal of , feed nuclear instaher program wde end & that Peaks Seats.Inc will become excluante nordar et 3M fue protecten products.effeceve 950629. heense C 3935 COY.D R lAnnesota Mirung & Manufaciunng Co. (3M Co ) 95/04/26. Affilaton Not DELANEYJC. Atomic Energy Commesen (Pro 750119). 61/01/23.WEIMER.8 H. Af- , fileten f*ot Assagriod.1p. 34110-12144110:121. Assigned.1p. 54015.233 84015.234 9506110123 Act recept of 950131 tir.providmg comments on craft document, "3M .gg05220197 Advises thot hconse no longer needed for Cleveland plant. nemen.nennesota 5de Dose ? . .;," dtd Jul 1994.forwarood on941014 WEIMER.B E. Anikaten Not Assgned 61/03/ to. DELANEYJ C. Atonuc Energy Com-WEBER.M.F. Low-Level Weste & Decommiseening Propects Branch (NMS$940403) messon (Pre 750119).10 84110.122 44110'122. i 95/05/04 WISSINK.R.G. Mmnesota Mining & Manufactunng Co. (3M Co). 5pp.  ; 63933:344 43933.346. 940522019e Raouests that DOW Chemical Co bcense C-2782.wtuch expres 611201be transferred to name of Weaman Bronze & Asununum Co WEIMER.B E. Affdeten Not Asegned 61/03/10 DE.LANEYJC. Atonc Energy Com-DOCKET 40 1162 WESTERN NUCLEAR, INC., LAKEWOOD, CO mission (Pro 750H9h 19. 64H0123 84H&123. 9605120000 C that roguest to Westem Nuclear spht rock be approved 3006220204 Informs that Wenman Bronze & Alummum Co heermed to recewe. possess BELL.MJ Engmeanng & r a==nces Branch (NMSS 940403L 95/05/01- 4 use source msg at Boy City.Mi ple1Lin accordance w/ procedures of 610310 app 6-HOLONICHJJ High Level Weste & Urarnum Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS caton 940403L 1p. 83929 32343929.324- DELANEYJ C. Atonc Eg Commmeen (Pre 7501190 61/03/21. WE MER.8 E. Af-9506110157Forwa os amend 74 to heense SUA-56 tot hcensee to delete sod compo. nont trom rock sod erosion protecton cover & to deaete regurement to perform 1* -9005220216 Dmeusses 610310 apphcanon for heerme.wtuch was moued effective ICH).1 ved este Ur Recovery Proiects Bronch (NMSS jpYerO37 ' tion'*reque's 940403L 95/05/05. BAKER.SJ Westem Nuclear,Inc. App 83936.294 43936.303 DELANEYJC. Atorruc Energy Commenen (Pro 750119). 61/03/21.WElWER.B.E Al-

                                                                                                                      $' "        ^**'9"*           *4 '       $4 " ' $'
           .e605110162 Amend 74 to hconee SUA-56 tor Westem Nuclear Inc. authonan0 poe-eession of byproduct mall m form of U weste tehngs generated by bconses past trun-               -9606220240 Raouests that noense STS-136 be forwarded enectwo 610321.

WEIMER.B E. Affikanon Not Assagned 61/04/14. DELAf4EYJ C., OULOS Atomic I J High level Waste & Uranium Recovery Prolects Branch (NMSS Energy Commaaen Pro 750H9) 1p. 64H2126 84H4126. 940403). 95/05/05.10pp. 83936294 83936.303

                                                                                                               -9805220246 Salety map on610913 of hcense STS 163.Into findings: surveys of an-DOCKET 401479 KERR 40CGEE OIL INDUSTRIES, $NC OKLANOMA CITY, OK                                         bome concentranons were inadeouste.

OPAMKA.EJ Atomic Energy Commsson (Pro 750119) 61/09/13 6pp. 84110127 64 H&132. 9905190064 F06A request for into se korv44cGee tacinhos m Cusfung.OK w/hcense

                                                                                                               -4505220254 Forwards map rept for Weltman Bronze & Alununum Co.hcense STB.136.

LE D F . Chafte & Derrah. 04/10/26. Divmion ce HAGEMAN R C, Atomic Energy Commesson (Pro 750119L 61/10/05 Freedom of informaton & sons Services (Post 940714). 1p. 83a88 093 LOWE NSTEIN.R. Atomic Energy Commason (Pro 750119). 2pp. 84110.133-83968C93. 84110 134.

                                                                                                               -9606230305 Informs that hcensee not cited for violetmg sectens 20.202 (aN1) &

DOCKET 40=1650 WYt4AN-GOR 00N CO, NORTH GRAFTON,IsA 20 401,for hsted reasons CUNNINGHAM.B E.. Atomic Energy Commmeen (Pro 750119) 61112/11. 9606040353 Submits changes to dennbuten hat.deiehn0 G Mc8nde & J McConnell & DUBINSKIL Atomic Ermrgy Commissen (Pre 750119).1p. 8411013544110135 adding M Laurentano. THARPJ W n Garoon Co 95/04/20 JOHNSON.T.C. Low-Level Weste & Do. -9005230208 Docusass 611211 memo re comphence snap rupt on 610913 Branch (NWS$ 940403) 2pp. 83814.325-83814 326 CUNNINGHAM.R E. Atorruc Energy Co w men (Dre 750119L 61/12/28. DUBINSKLL Atomic Energy C2.._ - f%e 750119).1p. 64110:136 4 4110 136 DOCKET 401790WELLMAN DYNAABICS COMP, INDLAND, till ""**** N~=s resuRs o 610913 map m wtuch activalses were not conducted m td comphance w/regurments of AEC "Stanoards for Protecton Against Ra*. 9906010173 Seventh partial response to FotA request for documents. RecordE m App CE.E.R. Atorruc Energy Commmeen (pro 750119L 62/01/05.WEIMER.W E. Afhh-POWE b Dwason of Freedom of informaban & Putmcatore Services (Post aten Not Assigned 2pp. 6411013744110:138. 940714). 64/12/07 SAPORITO.TJ Saponto, TJ 6pp 84109:00144112$23.

                                                                                                                -9505230300Ack receipt of 620105Itr to survey for owbome radcactive Th.Intorms of
           -9500010294 Confome toicon re secunng AEC approval to cast Mg Th anoys m t end g                         steps taken to correct ponts two & three noted an Itr.

permanent moed FRUCHAUF,V Athhshon Not . 62/01/09 PRICE.E.R. Atomic Energy Com-WELLMAN.C.T. AfNeton Not Assigned 57/10/08 DELANEYJC. Atorruc Energy menen (Pro 750119t 1p. 64HO 1 944H&139. C_ ,(Pro 750119) 1p. 6411010684110106. 9500010237 Discusses review of repts re apphcaten for Th44g alloy bcorine. -9506230265 Ack receipt of 620109 tir.mformmg that all nome have been or will be car. WELLMAN.DT. Athhaton Not Asagned 57/12/04 DELANEYJC, Atonc Energy rected et AEC bcensed program.per 620105 nr Comrrassen (Pro 750119). 2pp. 8411010744110'108 PRICE.E.R Atonc Energy Commmsen (Pre 750119). 62/01/26 FRUEHAUF.V. Aftsk-aten Not Assigned 1p 64110:14044110140.

           -9500010343 Informs that Wenman Brorme a keensed to recewe -
                                                                                                 - of & tse to Th tnrougn importation trom Canade for use en casDng Mtt h at;ys.per Atortte                  -9506230272 Roguests that copy of heense STS 136.which expres 640430, be sent to E       Act of 1954 & 10CFR40 21.                                                                    wnter DE NEY IC. Atome Enerp Commsmon (Pre 750119). 57/12/11. WELLMAN.D.T.                                 WEIMER.B E. Affikaten Not Assegned. 63/01/24 LOWENSTEIN.R Atonc Energy Afhhaton Not Asmgned.1p. 5411010944110:110-                                                          Commason (Pro 750119t 1p. 8411014144110141
            -9506010251Ack recept of hcense C 3935.asued on 671211                                              -9606230290 Requests renewal source matl beense number to receive. possess & use WELLMAN.D T Afhhaton Not Assigned 57/12/16 DELANEYJ C Atorruc Energy                                 source mati at piant located in Bay Cny.MLm accoroance w/ procedures desenbed m Commission (Pre 750119) 19. 6411011144110111.                                                        e10310 apphcaton.

9605010257 Raouesta renewal copy of hcease C 3935.wruch expeed on581201. WEIMER 8.E. Athhatum Not Aangned. 59/01/22.DELANEYJC. Alonc Energy Com-N7N9 p 64 -64 0 42 mason (Pro 750119) 1p 641101124411&112 -9605230313Docusses 640302 Itr which requests renewal of keense BTB-136. Informs 2 recme possessen W & We W I" agg f,,"",9,Ih' g "[ghp SSB UM . nergy WEIMER B E. Affikanon Not Assigned.1p 6411014344110143. Pr 50119). 64/03/12 DELANEYJC. Atomic Energy Commesson (pre 750119) 59/01/28.Afhhaton Not An-signed.1p. 641101134411v 113^ -9505230317 Forwards form AEC2.apphcat on tar renewal of beense STB-136 BURUNG.J H Afhhaton Not Assigned. 64/03/18 NUSSBAUMER.D.A Atome Energy

            -95050102s3 Forwards map rept for Weaman Bronze & Aluminum Co.No noms of non.                           Commesen (Pro 750119t 1p. 6411014444110144 comphance were observed HAGEMAN.R.C Atomic Energy Commenen (Pre 750119L 69/05/05 PRICE.H.L.

Atonuc Energy Commason (Pro 750119).1p 6411011444110:114

                                                                                                                 -9505230334 Appheaten for renewal of ncense STS-136.authormno manufacture of magnemum base Th alloys suitabte for tv. temp apphcabons as covered by pruktary
            -9505220006 Safety rap on690122 of htmeme C-4539Insp brdagsno noms of non.                              spec.

comphance obse'ved BURUNG.J H Aftihabon Not Assigned 64/03/17. 3pp 6411014544110147. KLAR.L W., HAGEMAN.R.C. Atorruc Energy Comrrussen (Pre 750119) 59/04/16 3pp. 8411011544110117. -9605220360 Discusses 640317 apphc.aten for renewal of heense STB.136 informs that apphcsten does not contain detaned provimon for conductsng surveys to ceter-9505220149 Apphcahon for renewal of hcense C-4539 which expired 600131 mme compience w/10CFR20 for une W source matl. WEIMER.B.E Athhaton Not Aamoned 59/12/03 DELANEYJC. Atomic Energy Corr > NUSSBAUMER.DA Atomic Energy Commenen (Pro 750119t 64/04/08. mason (Pre 750119).1p. 64110.11644114118 BURLINGJH. Affshsten Not Asmgned.1p 64110.14644110148. 1

 ,n.   -.                               .~n   .-. . . ~ .- - - ~ ~ . . _ _ . _ ~ . . . -                 . _ ~ . - -+ -                      ~...._,-uaa                   . - ~ - . - .                . - _ ~


        -9606230385 Dar'usses640408ttr roguestmg adis mio for renewal of heense STB.136.                -9600020072 + _ _ _ _ -

SIMMONS.SJ AfNiatch Not Assigned 64/04/24 NUSSBAUMER.D.A. Atomm Plan for RMI Titaruum Co Estrusen Plant i AantaDula.OH NRC Lconse SME-602 " Energy Cornemssion (Pre 750119) 2pp. 5411&14944110150. CHAPMAN.LH., MARSH.E P., SHAKOOR.M. RMI Co RDP-ESH 007 Roi. 95/04/26. 712pp. 83818.08243820 065.

       .mananmena Ack recept of 640424 & 0501 lys.wnsch provided aMI mfo as requested
  • JSSBA R Ato Energy Conw'wssen (Pre 750119). 64/05/13. A og 58MMONS,$J. Afhhation Not Assigned. 25pp. 84110'15144110.176.
  • B Koh & Assocates, inc. RDP ESH 005 R00. 95/04/26. 788pp 83820:066 9506230372 thm==as 640513 lir requestmg redelogcal survev. #

gy Pre 750 9) 110 17 4 10 6 D606 20048 Forwards addl mio demonstratm9 tramm0 & qualefeatens for RSO G f

       -9506240355 Dscusses 640317appbcaten & 640424 & 0625 Itrs wtuch provided addl                       HENDERSON.J W. RMI Co 95/04/27. ULECK.R. NRC No Detaled Affdesten Grven.

mto requested lor renewal of hoense STB 136 100pp. 8367026143870.165. l LAYFIELD.R.L Atome Energy C --. . . (Pro 750119). 64/07/17. SIMMONS.SJ. Afhhaton Not As*0ned.1p. e411717944110179. 9905120033 Re@aests that R Fme & G Gammon be named as radation selety offmers at RMt Tita' sum Co Ertrusen PlanLlor heense $MB402.

       -950ENO365 Inforrns that surveys wdl be conducted every 5 yrs.per 640717 Itr-                       HENDERSON.J W RMI Co. 95/05/08.ULECK.R. NRC , No Detaded Aff haten Given SIMMONS.SJ Afhhanon Not Asmgned 64/07/20. LAYFIELD.R.L Atome Energy                                                                                                                                  i 8pp. 63870:03943870 046.

Comrmsson (Pro 750119L 1p. 84110.1804411&180. l IELD.R L tomc nergy Pro 750119t 64/08/14. SIMMONS,$J. ' "

  • Afnhanon Not Assigned. 25pp. 8411018144110:181 9905030156 Forwards map rept 40-2975/94 01 on 941018 No velatons noted.

9506N0374 Ma9s hcense STB-136.authoreng use of marwfacture of Th magnemum KINNcMANAD Regen 1 fPost $20201) 95/04/27 WENNING,W Cerame Color & ' shoy contamm0 less than four percent Th en accordance w/ procedures described m Chemcw Mtg Co. Spp. 8372204643722:067. 640317apphcaleon. LAYFIELD.R.L Atome Energy Commenen (Pro 750119L 64/08/14.10. 84110-182-84114182. 9s06030100 insp rept 40-2975/9441 on 941018 No velatens noted.Mapor areas mecocted:r surveys of utd facilmes m New Bnghton.PA. l -9006250217 Samty map on 650524 of 6 cense STB 0136.Inso imdmge: re noms of S y1 620209,95/6 % 836W22W. PP lame Energy Commessen (Pre 750119). 65/05/24. Sop. D4110.187 9805N0131 Forwards map package contammg insp rept 40 2975/9441 & s4110 189'

                                                                                                           "**"d coive
  • sue ce Ceran=c Come & Cnemmas Wra Co nomenen of source n that exceeds by 40%value hated on Man batety Data Sheet provided by dis.


         - -{ inearms of ceare to renew beense STB 0136 & forwards competed form                           WoODRurr.R L F.egion 2 N 86 95/05/M E4 Garge. Swee d in SIMMONS.SJ, Webman Dynames Corp. 67/07/12. NUSSBAUMER.DA Atome                                  84021.25744021280.

Energy Commenen (Pro 750119).10. 84110'1924411&192- _ Responds to 950106 memo re Cereme Color & Chomscal Mtg Ce pas

      -9805260279 Apphcation tor amend to teense STB 4136.aathonzm9 manufacture of                        sessen ce Uraruum & Thonum somos man & eWorms that, per draft str.connessen in anoys sunatwo tar tv-mmp.                                                  coes not exceed 15 ;

Si S.SJ Wasman Dynames Corp. 67/07/12. ,op 6411719344110-196. stated amounlahomaie course acten neeoed

         ~~^~c"^^^T Forwafos renewed beense STB 0136                                                      COOLD A. Dvisen of industnal & Medcar Nuclear Safety (post 870729L 95/03/02.

HEHLC.W Regen 1 (Post 820201) 1p. 640212b644021.258 HARMON.D.F. Atome Ener9y Commasen (Pro '50119). 67/07/21. SIMMONS.SJ Weltman Dynames Corp.1p. 8411&1994411P .99-

                                                                                                       -9805N0146 Requests review W enct map rept 40-2975/9441 & draft Hr to toensee &
      -9905260302 Matis teenseg package for henne STB 4136 for Wedman Dynanwes
                                                                                                          "[L[W H                        fPost 8202               01 0 PAPERIELLO.CJ. Dvisen of Indusin.

MON,D F. Atome Energy CommmerA (Pro 750119). 67/07/31.1p. 64110200- W& W sew 2E 3pp. W25m02W 64110204.

      -9505250311 Safety esp on 681009 of ' cense STB 4136.insp imdmos source mat! em                  DOCKET a0 3382 ALUED-SIGNAL IteC, METRDPOUS. R.

veritory mcluood s.168 pounds of Th at and at CY67.Leense condson seven kmsts man amount at mal whch me messed at one time to 4.000 pounds. L 9505N0304 Forwards EA & FONSI to support renewal of teense SUB-526. E (Pre 750119L

  • Weeman Dynamscs Corp M M L Branch. 95/05/11. KOSMIDER.M D. Albe4Ss9Atl Corp.
      -9806250310 ansp of teense STB 0136 on 881000 Violatons noted.Masor areas mspected: participants. scope of hcense program, orgaruzaten.admeustranve control &          -9005240311 FR nonce.nforme that NRC considenng renewal of License SUB 526 use ce man                                                                                      tar cormnued operaton M                   nal. orc UF6 converseon facilp.y en Metropoiss.lL NUE7ER.L1 ALLEN.J M. Atome Energy Commmeen { Pro 750119). 66/10/21. 6pp.                        PIERSON.R.C. Lcensmg Branctt                 /05/11. 7pp. 64070.23tkB4070.242 64110.21044110215.
                                                                                                       -9605NO318 Envvon assessment for rernwel of hcense SUB 526
     -4005350115 Dacusses 710504 toscon w/SJ Semmons to deposal of Th waste by
  • Dvuon of Fuel Cycle Sately & Setsguards (Post 930207). 95/04/10.112pp.

iranstemng waste to Hartley & Harney.Inc tar land tsunat ] 64070243 44070:355 l BUCHANAN.C R. Atome Energy Commesen (Pro 750t19). 71/05/10. Atoms Energy ) C.. .- . (Pro 750119). 8pp. 6411024144110.249. 9505110131 Responds to NRC ter re vetatens reted m ensp rept 40'3392/95 01.Correc-

     -0805200174 Requests that hconse STB 4433 be transferred to We# man Dynanucs                                          [D          Segnal                 04/07. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 9pp.

l MONS.DJ We# man Dynames Corp 71/12/14 BUCHANAN.C R. Atomc Energy l Commenen (Pre 750119). 43pp. 84111:09844111:191. 9500030231Responce to 950418 teicon be* ween recipient & RW Yates to hcensee tre A

     -",'52 0242,,,gten,y,,m,,n,o,wn ,,e,,nconu STBai36.aunenzing n=r4stacture e                         gggja &ggnza,ie"              /ro*I5/58I9 LauTsYRA uEng Branen. 2pp.
                                                           ,                                                                  o         s C Si              $4 Atome Energy Comrressen (Pro 750119). 67/07/12. 2pp 64112 006-               8383227643832.2n 64112:023.

9505100009 Ack receipt of 950407 Itr informmg NRC of steps taken to correct weintens noted in snap root 40-03392/9541 on 950310.Leensee cried for ladare to provide do. DOCKET 40-2250PATHFledDER RelMES CORP., RIVERTON, WY ts*d metructens m Dstnisson Manual. SHEAR.G.L Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/03 KOSMIDER,M. Alked-Segnal Corp 9505100525 Forwards "Geotecnness Engmeenng Consultmg Sves Recimmed Tahngs app 83828.00743828 008.  ; Embaraments 1.2 & 2A Gas Hdis WY? I HARDGROVE.7 W. PattWmder Mmes Corp. 94/06/10 HOLONICHJJ High Levet 9505250054 Forwards hcensee Secunties & Enchange Commenen Form 10-Q for guer. waste & Uransum Recovery Propects Branch (NMS$ 940403) 1p. 84050139 ter ending950331, 64050-163. SCHMIDT.D Aihed-Signal Corp. 95/05/12 PIERSON,R. Lcensmg Branch.14pp. 64003.315-64063.328.

     -9505183E33 "Geotechncal Enprwenno Consutung Sves Rectemed Tahngs Embank.

monts 1.2 5 2A Gas H*s WY/ W/2 overscre enets. . HOWELL.J C. Inberg-Mdier Engmeermg Co 94/05/17.25pp 64050:14044050183 DOCKET a0 3453 ATLAS CORP, DENVER, CO l DOCKET 40 2304RMI CO, ASHTABULA. OH 9505120005 Forwards response to NRC RAI re potental ettects of future satt evtraction , Atlas Corp U Mill Tekngs Site Moab UT,

                                      "                                                                  BLUBAUGH.R.E. Anas Corp 95/04/19 HOLONICHJJ HegtwLevel Waste & Uranium
     *an'W'i s                     T4a"s"L"MA,on"C' met *FSte C"ne=                                          a=eo'=ts arencuMMss adodos) eaa aa*41.17142'42:na-                                                      !

caton Rept for RMI Titaruum Co Entrusen Plant Astat uta.OH? HENDERSON.J W CMa Co 95/04/27. Document Control Branch (Document Control *. M 5120008 Totash investgatens Response to NRC RAI Potental Ettocts of Future Desk).1p 83818.00183822.025 Satt Estracten A'tas Corp U Mdt Tadngs Site Moab.UT. NORMAN.R R Atlas Corp 86467-23 95/03/31.100pp. 83941.2734;#942:016. T. . . .. . "Enveen Rept for Decomnessenm0 Activities et RMI Taarnum Co Estr# een Plant Astitabula.OH." -9605120092 "Od & Gas investigstens Respor'se to NRC RAI Potential Effects of CHAPMAN.LM. MARSH.E.P., SHAKOOR.M RMI Co. RDP.ESH 000 R00. 95/04/26. Future ou Entracten Atlas Corp u Mdl Tahngs Site Moab.UT " 80pp. 83818 00243818 081. NOHMAN.R.R. Atlas Corp 86467 23. 95/03/31.100pp. 83942.01743942.110.

l 4 DOCKETEDITEMS 9506060008 Discusses map rept 4M102/95 01 on 950216-17.Vmiabons noted.Satety 95051N119 Try rept of950316 voit to USGS.Derwer.CO re Anas hs Tadmgs pne at concems & apparent violabons had been noted te ladure to perform survey Ostermme Moab.UT. compience w/occupahonal dose twruts. JUSTUS.P.S. Enyneenn0 & Geosaences Branch (NMSS 940403). 95/04/26. SHANBAKY.M M. Region 1 (Post $20201). 95/04/27. SCHOOLY.H.N. Brueldelloy NAT ARAJA.M. Engneenno & Geosciences Branch (NMSS 940403E 11pp. 83943.249 + Metallurgcal Corp. 2pp. 83758:026 83758926 83943 259. 9006190300 Rosconds to 950330.Ilr to taAngs seepage impact Scott Matheson 9606140534 Responds to request to determme N any intamational stds regulatmg de-posal of naturaity radioactnrity m relaton to Shioidalloy Metallurgcal Corp Preserve.Near Moab UT- appicanon to export owet HOLONICNJJ High Level Weste & Uraruum Recovery Proiects Branch (NMSS COMFORT.G C. Lcenomg Dranch. 95/05/11. WRIGHT.B. Offme of intematonal Pro. 940403E 95/04/26-TAYLOR.W A Intanor. Dept of. 3pp. 8388916443889166. 9905140402 Updaies & revmes reques'ior assetance m water Guanty samping & ana6y.

       ' se of Colorado River to Atlas Meeres U Taangs Facdely near Moab.UT.

SINCLAIR.R. Utah. State of. 95/05/03 OSTLER.D. Utah blate of. 3p0. 83992.331- DOCKET 40-7307 FOOTE INNERAL CO, EETON, PA S3992:333. 9606030032 Ack receipt of 950412 Itr to Cyprue Fooie Mmeral Phase 8 Work Plan & fax 9506190198 Forwards Info on seemc hazards & salt desolution evaluabon at Moab on 950425 concommg snag smaractenzaban at Sheldelloy Metaaurgcal Corp tacerty m Atlas Tadmps Me $ds for 950512 conference call W/two oversae drawngs. Ca .OH. WONGJ G. Woodwort>Clyde Consunams. Inc. 95/05/10. HOLONICHJJ. High4evel PEDER .C.D Repon 3 (Post 820201) 95/04/26. BAUMAN.B. AtNenon Not As-Weste & Uraruum Recovery Protects Branch (NMS$ 940403). 22pp. 64006.319 sognect ip 83720 11443720:114 84006.340, 9906100023 Forwards copy of Cyprus Foote Mmeral Co. "Rept on Phase i Scopm0 , 9505250303 th=ses revow of Asas Corp calculaton of dose commitment to nearest -

                                                                                                             . Carremdge OH." per 950427toscon reauest W/o encl.

i residence to Moab U MIL MICK-BAMGE Repon 3 (Post $20201t 95/04/26 LIPPERMAN.O. House of MOLONICHJJ High4avel Waste & Lkaruum Recovery Branch (NMS$ Rep.10. 83828 03243628 032. 940403). 95/05/11.BLUBAUGH.R Atlas Corp. 2pp. 640991 174. . 9506100116 Notifcahon of 950516 fnoceng w/heensee m NRC Repon IV. Artnoton Orc 990518e064 Forwards NRC comments to 950320 Cypress Foote Mmersi response sute mmed to NRC re " Wort Plan tor Phase II :. .- Cambndge.OH," &950405 Cy- < to escuss two apparent velatons re reisene o contammated mati to unrestncled press Focce Mmeral response re "Rept on Phase i Soccen0 Survey 4embndge.OH " L areas. MCCORMICK-t>ARGE Repon 3 (Post 820201) 95/05/06 LEE.P. Foote Mmeral Co. COLLINS.SJ Repon 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/12 Region 4 (Post $20201). App. opp. 83952.1244392127. 83973.35543973.358. 9008300122 Responds 10 NRC lir re violatons noted m map of heense SUA 917 on j DOCKET 40 7455WHITTAKER CORP, LOS ANGELES, CA j 93113t>940414 Conectwo ah_.-.. : tab results more entcally. BLLylAUGH.R.E. Auss Corp 95/05/22. Document Control Brancn (Document Cortirol Desk). 2pp. 64120-34744120:349. 380611014e Amend 4 m heense SMA.1018 for Whittaker Corp. l WEBER.M. Low 4evel Weste & Decomtrussenmg Proiects Branch (NMSS 940403). 95/04/25. 3pp. 83936.26843936.270 l DOCKE'T N NROOT. % ST. LOUIS, MC 9 012 ,,o,rr. 0 1 Bt Grabe, .- .ccepiabie io+ec ne ,sd.aon con.  ! 9506110137 Requests extensson of decommeasonmp pran submessort trol prograan at Whsttaker ste. BOLAND,R.F. lea 6amcarodt Specialty Chemcais w. 95/04/13. GASKIN.C. Ocenem0 WEBER M F. Low level Waste & Deconwnsseenng Progects Brancts (NMSS940403L Branch. 40p. 83932.39043932-359. 95/04/25. LEVIN.R wtuttar Inckelnes. Ltd dba Wtutter Steel Senp (formerty WTuttaker ' 9506300347Recposts technscal assstance m revowmg request for ex. COM W SMWWW tenson for submeten0 h- -- - peart PIERSON.R.C. Ucenomg Branch. 95705/17. WEBER,M F. Low 4evel Waste & De- DOCKET 40-7000 FANETEEL lleC, tlORTH CHICAGO, IL commessonog Propoets uranch (NMSS 940403).1p. 6410633344106:333. 9506230386 Act receipt of NRC950531 Itr re s@mdtal of conhdental mio m hoonhas DOCKET 404622 PATHFileER SAINES CORP, SHIRLEY BASIN. WY 950126 appkcationAdvises that per corwersaton w/Detta on 950321.Sectens 221.2 2.2 4 22.3 should be removed from conoceraten as conhdental ento. HUNTER id Fanste el, Inc.95/04/07.TOKAR.M. Leonome Branch. 4pp 84023:352-StiO6300011 Advises NRC of several mutates that sts remam to hetmg of current NRC 84023:355. Propect Mana9er asagnments & de*0neied hcensee comacts.Metasies hated & cor. rectan requesien as siased 9608130146 Informs that 950413 Ilr has senous eripbcations for hcensee & regures WICHERS.DL COGEMA. inc. 95/05/12 HOLONICHJJ Hightswel Weste & Drafs. more than cursory revow of subpect documents um Recovery Progects Branch (NMSS940403L 2pp. 84099.35544099.356. K.pNTERJJ. Fansleel Metals.95/04/20.DATTA,A, Leonsm0 Branch.1p. f3945.351+ 9005300300 Forwards TER of rewmed renewal apphcaten & bcense conditons for Path- 83945 351. 9mder Stunoy Basset 9005160033 Submas response to NRC RAl. AUSTIN)H Performance Assessment & Branch (NMS$940403). 95/05/ MUNTERJJ. Fansteet, Inc. 95/05/03. DATTAA Lcenang Branch 22pp. 83943.325-

17. HOLONICNJJ Migh Levet waste & Uraruum Progects Branch (NtdSS 940403). 24 p. 84104vo.s 64104:064. 83943.346.

s DOCKET 404440 CA807 CORP, DOYERTOWN PA DOCKET 4H004 DP CHElstCALS AGIEfpCA, INC, Lit $A, OH l s 9605240136 Submsts follow 4sp to 950222 lir m response to CAL 1 95402 Proposes 9605130030 Responds to str kom JF Ausen did $40923 BP has revewed a that tuossney methods not be attempted unal exposures to wheti warmers exposed NRC.__ . _ G Kalkwart Memod tot detsammmg U solubikty m simulated lung crwactercred. fluid Proposes to use ._. _ ._ .J.4 method.w/hsted mmor mods or adchtens CAMPtTELLI.A.T. Csoot Corp. 95/04/24.HEHLC.W. Offee of Nuclear Matena! Safety RUPERT.W.M. BP Chemmals Intematenal 95/05/09 NALLUSWAMLS. Divimon of ,

            & Safeguards. App.54024 3544 4024 358.                                                   Waste Management (NMSS 940403). 2pp. 83870:04743870.048                                      ,

I 9605050014 Discusses enso rept 404940/9541 on 95020107.Violatons notedSatefy ' concems & violatons noted re tailure to perlorm survey to deterrtune corriphance w/ DOCKET 40-8027 SEOUOYAH FUELS CORP, OORE, Oct l occupatonsi done bmits. YMg 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/27.UNDELLJ S. Cabot Corp. 2pp. m, esse m .M.ts on amtr.rss & r ate .c,008 hF Wmmmeo ou,ia.m,.the, Inan to - - , e rr stormweter enpoundment. 9506200012 Notitcanon of hcensee meetmg 95 048 on 950525 m Km0 of Prusse,PA to ELLISJ H. Sequoyoh Fuses Corp 95/03/21. HUGHES.L Native Amoncans for a discuss apparers votatons noted dunng msp 40 06940/9541. Cean Enveonment 2pp. 64106.35644106.357. LANZLSERA.P SHANBAKY.M M. Region 1 (post 820201). 95/05/16. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 2pp. 64062.03544062 036. 9505050001 Provides mio ciantyng two statements m map rept 404027/9501 re b. consee orgaruzatonal structure. 96052e0036 Discusses CAL 1-95402 & enforcement conference to to hefti on 950525 ELUSJ H 6eouovan Fues Corp. 95/04/28. COLLINS.SJ Regon 4 (Post 820201). to stress NRC concems w/icensee contnued noncomphance & unnmely response to noms m CAL & to take approprote & tmeey enforcement actert 9pp. 83864.14243864:150 HEHLC W Regen 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/17. UNDELLJ.S Cabot Corp. 7pp. 9505030069 informs that response to Board Memorandum & Order did 950418 may be 64062:103 44062:109 needec due to surroundmg ceosmstances. Behoves tnat 950731 cate for compeehon c4 Discovery unnhety W/Cortfcate of Eve. DOCKET 4M102 8HIELDALLOY IAETALLURGICAL CORP, NEWFIELD NJ DUNCAN.B.M. Mays & Valer'bne #F95 16670. 95/04/28. GLEASONJP. Atonne Safety & Licenang Board Panet. App.8381724543017248. 9805120110 Forwards revised document. "Radiotopcal impacts from Use of CANAL . 9505000078 Forwards 1994 completnn rept for ammoruum rwtrate forbkrer progrant Sieg Flukkrer en Steel ProducDon." for use por request. MARLIN.C L bequoyah Fuets Corp 95/D5/01 WEBER.M. Deveen of Wasta Manage-EVES.C.S Seustdanoy Metallurocal Corp.95/04/20. COMFORT,G. NRC . No Detasted ment (NMSS 940403t ip 8390217843902 209 Amhaten Given. 19.83871:12643871 149.

                                                                                                   - M ..              "Ammoruum Narate Farthrer Apphcaten Program 1994 Completon
         -9605120116 "Radelogmal impacts from Use of CANAL . $4ag Fluxhrer m Steel Pro.               Rept "


  • beauoyah Fusts Corp.95/05/01. 31pp. 8390217943902 209
             * . 94005/G-103. 95/04/13. 2tpp. 83671:12943971.149.

9505030032 Ack reempt of 950412 ter re Cyprus Foote Mmeral Phase 11 Work Plan & tas 9505000067NRC Staff Petiten for revow of LBP-9545.* Staff flies Petiton for review on 950425 concommg slag charactenzaten at Stue6dalloy Metallurgcol Corp facihty an W LBP-95 05.sessung Comtrusman review of Board Memorandum & Order did 950418 Camenope OH re atnhty to refer matters of gotental wrongdceng W/Certtcate of Svc PEDERSON,CD Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/04/26. BAUMAN.S. Affneton Not As- HOM.SA Offee c ethe Generai Counset (Post 860701) Commamoners (Post 750119).11pp 83817.25243817.262. #29516679. 95/05/03 se0ned.1p 83720.11443720.114.

DOCKETEDITEMS 5 i 9505150031 Informs that NRf plans 5 ngs to assammate mto re current 9505260300 informs that General Atomes esagrees w/asserton of mtervening partes I s1atus of bconsee tacJaty & to dist vig optiors for piant site First that escovery on "peremg ves" issue can be completed withm 15 days & that dispos- ! meetmg on950627. mve motions can be submmed witnm isve vnonths W/Certhcate of Svc WEBER.M F Cavemon of Waste Ms 0403). 95/05/06. WATSON.R. DUNCAN.S M, Mays & Valentme # 295 16724 95105/19 GLEASONJ.P Atome Van Putdc Schoose Ven. OK.10. & e69. Sa sty & Lcenseng Board panet 7pp. 64063.06144063 Ca?. 9505300149 Voces espessure w/ EPA ron over atttade on recent enforcemerW pmmon 9505260251 Forwards copies of all documents filer) m matter of Sequoyah Fuels Corp in t*et NaDvs Amencans for Clean Etwron ft.ed w/fftC.cevenng subiects te Sequoyah hearmg f4e located m PDR & LPDR & copes of transmetual lits to hated Fuste Corp. documents W/c enct HUGHES.L Natve Amencens for a Clean Envronment 95/05/09. SAGINAW). Envi- UTTALS L Ottee of ther Gerera: Counsel (Post 860701L #29516736 95/05/23 ronmental Proiccton Agency 1p. 64106.34444106.344. GLEASONJ P., KLINEJ R. Atoms Salety & Lcensmg Board Penel.1p 64062.365-9505260478Ack receipt of Nanve Amencane for Clean Ei.oron pet &on er order roo6ar. mg Sequoyah Fuets Corp (SFC) to file hnal ene characternaton pian & tar order for. 9505260274Mwwwioum & orose tordw e shour cam

  • Requesta that NRC appear transfer of SFC property pnor to obtamng iconse amend FRN enct. before Board & be prepared to show cause why ASLB shoeild not declare rehance" PAPE ELLO.CJ Offce of Nuclear Matenai Eately & Safeguards. 95/05/10- insory has been abandoned W/Cortfcate of Svc Served on 950524.

CURRAN.D Marmott Curran. Gallagner & Spielte g (formerly Harmon, Curran & GLE ASON.J P Atome Safety & Lconsmg Board Panel #295 16734 95/05/23 Tousaeyt 6pp 64104 006 84104 013 Ottee of the General Counsel (Post 860701). 7pp. 64063 02944063.035.

 -9505260248 Nobce of receipt of petition for Drector's Decision per Nauve Amercans for Clean Envron for creer reaue hcensee to his final SCP & tar oroer fortmoomo transfer of property pnor to obtarvng         amend.                     DOCKET 40-&434 HOMESTAKE MINING CO, LAKEWOOD. CO PAPERIELLO.CJ. Opme of Nuclear Matenal Safety & Sateguards. 95/ti5/10. 3pp 64104 01144104.013.                                                                      9505250152 Fmal response to FOIA request for documents A@ A documents aire.dy avasatne m PDR. App B documents once & also placed m PDR.

9505180458 Ack receipt of 950428 Itr that SFC clanhed positen re ngt POWELLR. Naion of Freedorn of informanon & Puoscanons Senaces (Post orgarsratonDrgaruzaton appeared adequate to reasonatsy assure wortur & pubic 940714) 95/01/18 BARRETT.K.R Aff&ation Not Assagned 13pp. 64052.319-health & safety 64062~347' COLLINS.SJ. son 4 (Post 620201). 95/05/12 ELLIS). Sequoyah Fuels Corp. app B3955107 955 M9 -7904000066 Forwards commems by NRC & consultant re manuscnpl of "Epidemiolog-9505190042 Transcnpt of950515telcon w/Sequoyah fuels Corp & General Atow ,, mal Evaluaton of Cancer incidence Rates for Penud 1969-71." Manusenpt atso sent oecontamrianon & cecomrm fundrig for Gore.OK site Pp221-245 to NIH whose comments will be forwarded when receivec NRC comments enci MtNOGUE.R B. Ottce of Standaros Development Drector. 79/03/20. JOHNSON.CJ.

  • Atomc Safety & Lcensmg Board anel. 95/05/15 24pp. 64034 33544034 361.

Affibanon Not Assigned. 7pp 6408234144062347. 9505190049 Transcnpt of950515 toscon w'Seguoyah Fuets Corp an Rockwake.MD Pp 1 13 -7904090060 Review of CJ Johnson 790227 rept re cancer mcscence rates m Rocky

  • Atomc Safety & Lcensmg Board Panel.95/05/15.15pp. 6403429444034.306. Fats area Approves of basc researcn oengn.but notes many errors m specstcs & ap-picabety 9505260249 Natwo Amencans for Ciean Envronmerit & Cherokee Nanon moton for CUNNINGHAM M Radioloocal Health $;andards Branch 79/03/12 PARSONT.M leave to amend statement of concoms.* Sb quests Board to admit foregamg amended Rodologcal Health 6tandaras Brancet 2pp. 64082 33444082.340 Statement of Contems e additon to other issues W/Cortefeate of Svc.

CURRAN.D. NaDve Amencans for a Clean Envronment CURRAN.D. Harmon. Currart, -7904090065 Documents 790301 clanhcahon of analytcal techniques & tabular entnes Ganagher & Scesiberg (formetty Harmon. Curran & Toussey) WILCOKENJ.G Chero" en rept to cancer rcedence rates Requests confirmaton of certam hgures koe Nabort #29516716 95/05/15. Alomc Satety & Lconseg Board Panet 21pp- GOLDSMITH.R. Radiologeal Healtn Stanoards Brancn. 79/03/02.JOHNSCN.CJ. Af-64063:001 44063 021 thatron Not Assegned. 2pp. 64082.33244062.333 9505260201 General Atomes answer to NRC Staff petiton for review of LSP-95-05 ' informs tnat petton tar mtenocutory reven omrmed W/Cartitcate of Sve. DUNCAN.S M. Geitoral Atome.s (formerly GA Technologes. Inc> General Atomc Co ) DOCKET 464452 BEAR CFEEK URANIUM CO* CASPER WY DUNCAN.S M Mays & Veientne #295 16715 95/05/15. Commessoners (Post 7501191 18pp 64063 03644063.053. 9505180305 Forwards *1994 Tashngs Dam Safety Evatusten? CHASE.G Bear Creek Useruum Co 95/05/11 HOLONICHJJ High Level Waste & 9505250286Sequoyah Fuels Corp answer to NRC Staff petton for revew of LBP Uraruum Recovery Projects Branch (NMSS 940403). Ip. 84050:00144350138 05? Informs that Sequoyah Fuess Corp opposes enterlocutory review W/Certifcate of S*C -9505180314 *1994 T Dam Satety Evaluaton" W/2 oversee encts. AXELRAD.M Seouoyah Fuets AXELRADJ.E Worgan Lews & Boetuus. #295

  • Bear Creek Uraruum . 95/05/31. 200pp. 64050-00244050138 16725 95/05/16 Ofice of the al Counset (Post 860701,. 3pp. 64063 055-84063:057 9505260220 Order.' Drects stan to provide status rept se stalt review of Seouoyah DOCKET 444502 TDTAL MINERALS CORP. CASPER. WY Fuels Corp icense amend appecation & expected Cate heanng fine unit be forthcommg W/Cartthcate of Svc. Served on 950517. 9505250152 Fmal response to F06A request for documents App A documents already GLEASONJ.P. Atomc Safety & Lcensmg board Panel $295 18719 95/05/17- avaiaabee m PDR. App B cocuments enct & also placed m PDR Offce of the General Counsel (Post s0070114pp 64062.32344062.326- POWELL,R Dnnaion of Freedom of information & Pubicatons Sennees (Post 940714) 95/01/18 BARRETT.K.R. Affshaton Not Assigned. 13pp 64082.319' 9505260239 informa that intervenors.Nauve Amercans for Clean Envron & Cherokee 64082.347.

Nanon oo not oppose proposed tuturcahon at heann0 envosvmg Sequoyah Fuets Corp Beheves that addl steps should be takari by Board to speed w haanng -7904090054 Forwards comments by NRC & consultant re manuscnot of "Epiderruolo9-CURRAN.D. Harmon, Curran Gallagfu: & Spielberg (formerly Harmon. Curran & cal Evaluaton of Carcer lacedern Rates for Pared 1969-71. Manusonpt aino sent Tousley) CURRAN.D. Natsve Amercaris for a Clean Ernaronment. CURRAN.D. Chere" to NIH.wmone comments we be forwaroed when recewed NRC comments enct hee Nattort #29516722. 95/05/17.GLEASONJ.P. Atomc Safety & Lcensmg Board MINOGUE.R.B Oftco of Standaros Devesopment. Drector.79/03/20 JOHNSON,CJ. Panel.1p. 84062.35444062:364 Affahaton Not Asegned. 7pp. 64082.34144062 347. 9505260258 Forwards notarued affidevits of nonoisclosure of counset for hcensee & tar General AtomcaCopes provioed to Board & parhes en proceedmg per 950418 -7904090060 Revew of CJ Johnson 790227rept re career mcedence rates m Rocky "Memorandurn & Oroer (Ruhng on Moten for Protectwe Ordeel- Fasts area Approves of base research aesagn.but notes many errors n specites & ap-pacatuety MARCO.C. Oftco of the General Counset (Post 860701). #295 16721. 95/05/17. CUNNINGHAM.M. Radologeal Health Stancaros Branch 79/03/12. PARSONT.M. GLEASONJ P., BOLLWERK.G.P., KLINEJ.R. Atome Sate *y & Lcensmg Board Panel. 1p. 84062 35644062.360. Radologcal Heanh Standards Branch. 2pp. 64062.33444082.340. 9505260273 Forwards hsied documentaten to suppt heanng fue m connecten w/ hear- -7904090065 Documents 790301 clanfraten of analytcal lectwwaves & tabular entnes ma bconsee Subtf ile bemg updated as stated an rept re cancer ecidence rates Requests contrmason of certain figures H&M.S R of the General Counsel (Post 860701L #29516720 95/05/17 GOLDSufTH.R. Radmiogeat Heann Stancards Branch 79/03/02 JOHNSON.CJ Af-GLEASON).P., KLINE,J.R Atome Safety & Lcenang Board Pansl.1p. 64063.087- femton Not Assegned. 2pp. 64082 33244062 333 84063:087. 9505010079 Forwards amend 37 to beense SUA 1341. Amend reflects admanstratrve 950526030s Expresses apprecaton for agreeng to send copy of Sequoyah Fuels Corp enn to imense conditons 10 & 23 950303 revised Icarme amend apphcauon to heanng fue inat Statt estabhshed fo' HOL ICH).J High-Level Waste & Uraruum Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS 940506bcense amend appicaton- D40403) FIN L-51205 95/04/19 WICHERS.DL Wyommg Mineral Corp 5pp CURRAN.D Harmon, Corran. Gallagher & Speeltwg (formerty Harmon. Curran & 83714.313-83714 328 Tousiey) #295 16723 95/05/17. HOM.S R Ofta of the General Counset (Post 860701).1p. 84063 06644063 068. -9505010086 Arrond 37 to hcense SUA.1341 for COGEMA Mirung. enc Amend makes 9505260268 informs that Sequovah Fuets Corp supports kmttsng discovery m fr at phase a nw e cha c i & 3

                                                                                                        ,,,       g                                              p g,     {g of proceeding of          at' Fuets Corp & Geners' Atomes to ',perceg corporate veil        940403) 95/04/19 11p . 83714 318-63714 328 maue W/Cortifcate of vc AXELRAD.M AfNeson Not Assagned. 7295 16735 95/05/19 GLEASONJ P.,

BOLLWERE.G P . KLINEJ.R Atome Safet) & Lecensing Board Panel. 3pp 9505260142 informs that NRC has comp 6eted revww of 95C228 request to amend h-64063:02344063:025 cense SUA-1341 & tound request acceptabee Amend 38 to hcense SUA 1341 enct HOLONICH.J J High-Level Waste & Urarwom Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS 9505260283 Otters vows on schedule for comp'eton of discovery on junsdctional asue 940403). 95/05/11 WICHERS.DL COGEMA. Inc 8pp 84099.2134-84099 264 m subi case Advises that NRC coes not see need for monthly status rept as rec'Jrr> mended by NACE.but amenabte to providmg Board w/ updates as deemed necessary -9505260150 Amend 36 to hcense SUA-1341 for Cogema Merung inc, muttenrmg HOM S R. ONce of the General Counset (Post 860701). #295 16729. 95/05/19 mirung operations en Mine urut 5 GLEASONJ.P., BOLLWERK.G P., KLINE,J R. Atomic Safety & Lcensmg Board Panet. HOLONICH,J.J High-Level Weste & Urarnum Recovery Propects Branch (NMSS

    *; 84063:054 44063 054                                                                     640403). 95/05/11 12pp 84099.27344099.284

6 DOCKETEDITEMS 9506260240 MonttWy status rept.' Advises Presidmg Officer & parties of no new devel. 9605300011 Advmes NRC of several awakes that stdl remam re hatng of current NRC coment to rept at press tt time W/Carletcate of Svc. Protect Manager assigntients & cosagnated iconsee contacts Mrstakes beted & cor- tPSEN.H W. Energe Fuels Nuclear, Inc. IPSEN.H.W. Holme, Roberts & Owens. 95/05/

   'ecton requested as stated                                                                  16,3pp. 64062.31644062.320.

WICHERS.D.L COGEMA. Inc. 95/05/12. HOLONICH.J.J High-Level Weste & Uraru. um Recovery Pro;r, cts Branch (NMSS 940403). 2pp. 64099.35544099.356 DOCKET 404608 PLATEAU RE900RCES, LTD., LAKE POWELL, UT 96052402t* Requests y at encf matis from Chnstmnen Ranch ISL Project. WY be cocheted. Mans rerewed troen D wchers of COGEMA dunng NRC voit to Casper.WY en 950427 W/three oversee drawmps $605250257 Docusses review of annual surety update aututted by Plateau Resources to COLEMAN.N. Ohnason of Waste Management (NMSS 940403). 95/05/16 Offce of in- shootanno operations for ncense SUA 1371. formaton Resources Managemern (Post 890205). 4 Sop. 84133 24944133.264. WEBER.M.F. Low-Level Waste & E -

                                                                                                                                                     -      Protects Branch fNMS$ 940403) 95/05/16 HOLONICH.J J.                      Waste &         aruum Recovery Protects Branch DOCKET 40 4 564KENNECOTT URANIUtf CO RAWLINS, WY DOCKET 404702 ARefY, DEPT. OF, ROCK ISLAND, fL 9506110117 Provides staff commemts to review of rewmed environmental roptenvronmental morvionne manual & responses to comments on conceptual ossegn ladmgs mgt study for sweetwater min.                                             9606240200 Responds to 950206 & 0322 Itrs to fecsty at Bndge & Tacony GELEN.D.M. Hag %evel Weste & UranrJm Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS                        streets,Phnadelphia,PA. Regen i estermned that complete & adequale fmal radiologi-940403). 95/05/03.PAULSON.OA Kennecott Corp.15pp 83933.31043933.324                        cal survey records of badgs & areas at tacmiy where matis used does not east KINNEMANJD. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/02. HUNN.S.S. 3pp. 64023 099-8'"3
  • DOCKET 40 4 505WYOtetNG INNERAL CORP. LAKEWOOD, CO M05250149 FOIA request for documents re Lcense SUA 1315 asued to Wyommg Mm. DOCKET 404724 CHEnfETRON CORP., PROVIDENCE, RI eram Co BARRETT,KA Affilianon Not As 94/12/13 Divoson of Freedom of Information 9500050202 Fomards ummry W feal remase survey data for Bq 10G & equipnet
    & Putecatens Servces (Post 940 14).1p. 84082:31644082.318.                                 tocated at McGean site.Fmal surveys performed m accordance w/metho$

tot se er for cted une 9606260152 Final response to FOIA request for documents. App A documents already gg@"yUhGkCR 32*#Dia'o', " *

                       """:"l'n # ',t",,na'0"i"
                                        ,              nl".ca,ons S.rvices (Post               aia S waSaowe* a e =ase54=a>2+

0 4 95/01/18 BARRETT,K R. AffAston Not Asmgned. 13pp. 64082.319 9906120117 Forwards responses to Oruo Envron Protection Agency comments on Che-metron closure pian & grounowater plan for Bert Avenue sne. y',, ' Corp 95/04/28. PAR RJ One. State of. 3epp 83871:150- =7904000058 Forwards comments by NRC & cormultant re manuscnot of "Epidenwolog-cal Evaluaten of Cancer 6ncidonos Rates for Penod 1969 71."Manuscret aeso sent 9605130006 intorna met Chemem see remedabon plan not accomte e actuwe B Offre of actor / JOHNSON.CJ MI Affdsation Not Assegned. 7pp. 64062.34144082:347. Q 8[ngmeenng & Geoscences Branch (NMSS 940403). 95/05/02. WEBER M F. Low Level Waste & C _ ., Protects Branch (NMSS 940403).

. yen- Review of CJ Johnson's 790227rept to candr incetence rates m Rocky                      App B392932543M326 Fnats area. Approves of base research Gesegn.but notes many errors m specifes & ap.

phcateny. CUNNINGHAM.M Radclogmal Healtn Standar@ Branch. 79/03/12 PARSONT.M DOCKET 404742 CHERIETRON CORP CHICAGO,IL Radmiogmal Health Standards Branen. 2pp 64062.33444082340.

-7904ee0065 Documents 790301 clanfcaten of analytral tochtvauss & tabular entnes             9605260103 Responds to results of NRC confrmatory survey rept & special map rept 40 8724/9446.did 9501251censee plans to evaluate cram hne escussed ei rept re cancer mcidence rates.Reauests contamation of certam figures                     KOH.B. Chemetron Corp. 96/0904. M(X;ORMICK BARGE Region 3 (Post 820201).

GOLDSMITH.R. Radologcal Hearm Standeras Branch.79/03/02. JOHNSON.CJ Al-festen Not Asmgned 2pp. 64052.33244062 333. 3pp. 64093.33244093:334 DOCKET 404610 STEPAN CHERNCAL CO. GAAYWOOD, NJ DOCKET 40 4778 4tOLYCORP, INC. LOS **nnsi FC CA 9600040187 Responds to NRC 9S0405 ftr re violahons noted in snap of bconse STC. 950$0E0347 Appicanon for amend to iconse SMB-1333.morktymg secten 14E to read 1333.Correctve actons.clanhcaton of eterpretaton & revow of hceneas commitment "Icensee shall complete este decommmemnmg & deposas of boensed mallin accord-ence w/sne pian witrun twenty-four montha. " 4 review of groundwater survemance hatoncal results. DANKMYER.B.K. Molycorp. . 95/04/21. PERSON.LS Low-Level Waste & Decom-O'BRIENJG 6tepon Co. (formerly Stepan Chemmal Co) 95/04/28. Document Con-Das Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 83832.33443832.335 masonen0 Protects Brancn (NMS5 940403), to 83863.35943863.359. DOCKET 444441UtfETCO INNERALS CORP. BLANDei4C, VT DOCKET 404794IIOLYCORP,INC, LOS Ast0ELES, CA 9508100192Proinoes comments on pont of comphance marvtonni; girogram tur Whne 9605000038 Reouests entensen for subrmttal of Decommunening Plan for York.PA from 9505244824 Mesa Mel submmal by Ene py Fuses Nuclear Inc. DANKMYER.B K Moeycorp. Inc. 95/04/21. PERSON.LS. Law. Level Waste & Decom-AUSTINJ H Performents . . & Hyorology Breech (NMSS440403). 95/05/ 03 HOLONICHJJ High Level Waste & Uranium Recovery Propects Branch (NMSS manerung Propects Branch (NMSS 940403) 10 83865:00143865.001. 940403). 2pp. 84013.20344013.204, 960500004$ Roguests amend of York.PA NRC bcense SMB 1408. Informs that R 9506120107 Requests withdrawal of Envirocere of 2.206 petardiri re UMETCO Brown. plant will to leaving bconsee eve on 950531. operations at Wrute Mesa trull.Envrocate to longer desses acton agemst UMETCO- DANKMYER.B K. , Inc. 95/04/24 PERSON 1A Law.Levet waste & Decce MORTENSEN.S. Envrocare. mc 95/05/04 hoi.ONICHJ High Level Wasta & Uram- msamning Propects Branch (NMSS940403). 8pp. 83865.00943065.016 um Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS 940403).1p. 83946.356-83946.356 9506230307 Informs that hcensee has tniteted townw of Racismaton Plan for White DOCKET 404438AReff DEPT. OF, RAADtSON,IN uess U M41 heense SUA 1358

                                                                                              &           1 Intnns mat hcomoe plan m p canprw mannae 2 E W                                 Pr     'B         (N         0403         64 13           950315 ftr w/supportng documentaten by 950715 Adct into re motops concentratons 64051 3 21-                                                                                of U 234 & U 238 m copieted U ksted P'     '       '""'"9                           nch      SS94                       .           3 04
                            'y'hmst,M g w one             a E                          8         ' " ' "               '

9605220037 Responds to KJ Shiends 950328 Itr to RE Bemero re providmg comments g 62 " N2 on DE:S for esposal & reuse of Jetterson Provmg Ground m Madison.IN. Comments 9505 Forw of monthly status repts per950201 Court Order tor Feb- 'yBER.M W Low Level Waste & C_.~_, Pro,ects Branch (NMSS 940403) 95/05/m DAWDSONJ Am W ot Hea@aners Matemi Development & Rea$ HOBBSA.L. Holme. Roberts & Owens. #295 t8737. 95/05/22.Dockstmg & Sonnees oness Command 13pp 64025 32044025332. Brancri.1p. 64062.31044062.320-

 -9505260209 Monthly status rept* Advmes Pro                 Offcer & parties of EFN repro. DOCKET 464857 POWER RESOURCES, WC, GNOCK, M sentatives meetng w/ DOE cttmets m Wastungton.          re Monteeno tadegs asue W/

Certdcate of Evc- 9505220183 Forwaros appicaton to amend to bcense SUA 1511 for proposed oormt 8 IPSEN.H W Energy Fuels Nuclear, Inc. IPSEN.H.W. Holme. Roberts & Owstm 95/02/

16. 2pp 64062 31144062312 operaton of addlimpaton area 1B KEARNEY,W F. Power Resources Corp 95/04/21 HOLONICHJJ High Level Waste
  -9605260225 Monthly status rept? Advmes Presidmg Othcar & partes that EFN repre-               & Uratuum Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS940403) app 84083.20444083.241.

sentatsves contmued docusseris w/ DOE ochcnals to Montcaito tartsngs usue IPSEN.H W Energy Fuets toucisar. inc. IPSEN.H.W Hotme. Roberts & Owens. 95/03/ -9505220184 Apphcaten for amend to hcorse SUA-1511 for $steerte 1 Imgation Area 17,2pp 84062.313-84062.314 is Wtone oversee drewrig

  • Power Resources Corp. v6/04/20. 33pp. 64083.20944083.241.
  -9506260229 Monthly status rept? Aennes Presidm0 Otteer & partes of no row deveL opmerits to rept at present tme W/Certtmate of Sve.                                     9506180281Foewaros insp rept 404857/9541 on 950404 06 & nonce of vendation.

IPSEN.H W E Fuels Nuclear,Inc. IPSEN.H W. Holme. Roberts & Owens 95/04/ COLLINS S4 Regen 4 (Post 820201t 95/05/10 HILDENBRAND.P Power Re-

17. 3pp 64062.31 062.317. sources. Inc. (formerly Sparkhng Crty f4ucsear Corp ). 4pp. 83953.23t43053.249

l DOCKETEDITEMS 7 l ! -9606100295 Notco of volaton from insp on 95040446.Velaton reted:hcensee faded 9606180313 Forwards responses to concems rased th T Johnson durmg reven of fmal to devoico plans or procedures for respondmg to all events detaded m operatens design enods-mam tehngs south toe bench autmutted m Dec 1993. plan. ZIEGLER.R.S Anarec Rchfield Co. (ARCOL 95/05/15. High Level waste & Uratuum

              ' Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/10.1p. 83953235-63953.235.                                        Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS 940403). 73pp. 64031:16244031;234.

l -9906100311 insp espt 40 6857/9541 on 950404 06.Volatons toned.Magor areas 9506200331 Forwards analyse of concem ramed in T Johnson of scour on landf4 sur-inspected-mgt & orgarutanon controls & operatens review. face as result of water dramage from surroundmg slopes & proposed const to avoid i CA!N.C.L Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/09.14pp. 83953.23643953:249- camage to landfd sortar e. l ZIEGLER.R.S. Atante Rchfeld Co. (ARCOL 05/05/15 HOLONICHJJ Offee of Nu- , j 9506230129 Apphcaton for amend to heense SUA 1511.aRowmg bconsee to add approx clear Matenal Safety & Sateguards.14pp 84102:32044102.333.  ! 80 acres mio exoing teense pemut area at HigNand U prolectW/three oversae drawings. 9506310293 Forwards bcensee rept eretled. " Deposal of Byproduct Matl Contenmg KEARNEY,W.F. Power Resources Corp.95/05/10. 6pp. 64063,24644083.251, PCBs at Bluewater U Md Sne." for NRC revow & approval. ZIEGLER.R.S. Atlante Renheid Co. (ARCO). 95/05/25 HOL.ONICH.J. High Level ! 9505220046 Requests that attached tatde of contents for procedures vnanual for High. Waste & Uratuum Recovery Proiscts Branch (NMS5 940403L 1p. 64163:001 ( aand U Prosect tie docketed & placed mio fee. Document recoved from Power 84163.028. Resources.Inc dunng Inp to Highland ate on 950428. COLEMAN,N. Performance Assessment & Hydrology Branch (NMSS 940403) 95/05/ -9605310290 " Disposal of Byproduct Mati Cor,tammg PCBs at Bluewater U Md Site? Othee of Informaton Resowcas Management (Post 890205).1p. 64035421-

  • Atlants Rchtmed Co. (ARw).95/05/31. 27pp. 84163.00244163.026
           -=%',~;,*Co,,                 -
                                             ,, aa,g;',a.i. g,yggt;f-n '-                                   ""e'st'***'   m ^a'O,""J E'l'n'*s *4 r T,'iaMee*!w"J."ntni  e               Od "r#

aten protecten pian on 950531. ZIEGLER.R.S. Atlante Rchteld Co. (ARCO). 95/05/25 HOLONICHJ Hegh Level 3606300261 Apphcaten for amend to hconso SUA 1511.revem0F-Welfheid morutonno Wasio A Uraruum Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS 940403L 1p. 64145.244-pian to accomodate westward progresacn of fmnmg at Producten Pat'em Areas F-17 84145.244. tnrough F 21.W/one oversze drawing. KEARNEY.W.F. Power Resources Corp. 95/05/17. HOLONICH,JJ High-Level Waste

               & Uraruum Recovery Progects Branch (NMSS 940403). 6pp. 84192265-64192.270.                   DOCKET 40 4903 HOesESTAKE MINING CO., ORANTS, Ned 9506200002 Forwards revoed pages 6 & 12 for appicaton for "Satende 1 Imgaton Area 1B "

KEARNEY.W.F. Power Resources. Inc. (tormerly Sparkhng City Nucteer Corpi 95/05/ 9506110140 Provides surety & BELLM.J. Engmoenng review for Homestake Geosciences Mmmg Branch (NMSS Co 940403L 95/04/25

19. HOLONICMJJ Migh-Level Waste & Uraruum Recovery Propects Brancti (NMS$ HOLONICHlJ High-Level Waste & Uramum Recovery Propects Branct (NMSS 940403). epp. 64099.25544099.258. 940403). App. 83936-169 83936:172.

9606150108 informs that reve to Grants Me radialen morntonng program. acceptable. l DOCKET 404ee6 teUCLEAR METALS, INC, CONCORD, MA HOLONICH.JJ Hegh Level Weste & Uratuum Recovery Proiects Branch (NMSS l 940403). 95/05/05. CRAFT.F.R. Homestake Mwung Co. 5pp. 83943.263-83943.276 i 9605110008 Notifcahon of bcensee meetmo 95 44 w/util on 950512 in Kmg of Prussa,PA to decuss hcensee abety to provide fundm0 to assure facihty could t>e -9606150113 Amend 21 to scense SUA 1471 for Homestake Mmmg Co. authonzm0 . satee r C--. m 4 at end et useful kle. possessen of residual U byproduct mati m form of U waste taAnos & other byprochact ! MILLER.M Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/02. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 2pp, waste generated by teensee past m4hng operatens i 83850.097 43850-008. HOLONICH.JJ High-Level Waste & Uranium Recovery Profects Bratich (NMSS 940403). 95/05/05. 9pp 8394326843943.276. 9605240291 Conhrms 950428 teicon to scopmg meeting for idenotymg EA issues that fnay be conseered part et EA associated w/ Nuclear Metals,Inc bconne renewal re. 9505140113 Forwards insp rept 404903/95 01 on 950309 0406 No voinhons noted. ouest COLLINS.SJ R 4 (Post 820201L 95/05/12. CRAFT.F. Morrestake Maung Co. MILLER.M Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/03. VUMBACO F. Nuclear Metals, Inc. 4pp. 83952-1684.952183. 14pp. 64023.12244023.135. t

                                                                                                            -9505100118 Insp rept 404903/9541 on 950309 0406 No vuosabons noted Maior DOCKET 40 0002 ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO, ORANTS, Ned                                                   ation pr CAIN.C.L. Region 4 (Post $20201). 95/05/09.12pp. 83952-17243952:183.

9506000242 Forwards " Corrective Acton Program & Ahemate Concentrabon Urruts Po-sten for Uransam.Moeybdenum & Seieruum for Bauewater Uratuum Md Near Grants NM " DOCKET 404006 OUlVNIA Ml800NG CO., ORANTS, asM ZIEGLER,R.S. Acantc Rchfe.d Co. (ARCO). 95/04/25. HOLONICHJ High Level waste Uratuum Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS 940403). 7pp. 83vu3:001-9 **G w W P M h % M W M M k LUTHIGER.P. Ousvira Merung Co. 95/03/31. OHRBOM.R New Mexco, State of 3pp.

            -9609000247 "Correctrue Acton Program & Alternste Concentraten Umsts Petmon For                     83946.355 43946.357                                                                    i aruum.                & Seistuum Bluewater Uraruum M4 Near Grants,NM." W/9
  • Atlanac Rchheld Co. (ARCO).95/04/30. 379pp. 83903:006 83904.022. cect & deposal ce crushed crums from Sequoyah Fuels Corp FERDINANO.B. Owyra Co 95/05/10 HOLONICHJ Offce of Nuclear Matenal Safety & Safeguards. 2pp. 23.356 44023.357, 9506020193 Formskres gradaten mod roguest.Lcensee currently peacm0 filter rock mate on all slopes beneath fmal erosen protecton layer Lcensee requests shght mod to filter rock oradaten.W/attacriments. 9005100404 Forwards esp rept 404906/95 01 on stated date f40 dovetions or viola-ZIEGLER,R.S. Atlanhe RCtifield Co. (ARCO). 95/04/24. HOLONiCH.JJ High. Level tons noted.

i Waste & Urarsum Recovery Propects Branch (NMSS 940403L opp. 83757.322 COLLINS.SJ. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/12. FERDINAND.8, t.)urvira Mrun0 Co-f 83757.325. 3pp. 83955:12043955 132. 9505120103 Advises of revow of amend request to mockfy omnron monitanng program -9505180472 insp rept 404905/95 01 on stated date.No violabons or devotons at Buewater Me aste. noted Malor areas inspectett:U vma operatens, tarhngs reclamabon & sne cocomfrus-AUSTIN.J H. Portormance Assessment & Hydrology Branch (NMSS 940403). 95/05/ scrung at facety 03 HOLONICH.JJ Hegn-Level Waste & Uramum Recovery Propects Branch (NMS$ CAIN C.L. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/11. 9pp. 83955.12443955.132. 940403). dop. 03943.24543943.248. 9506150"74 Forwards copy of input to rap rept for msp at ARCO Bluewater Mm on DOCKET 46a907 UNC MINING & MILLING (DIV. OF UNITED NUCLEAR CORP 4 950327 BELL.MJ. Engmeenno & Geosciences Branch (NMSS640403). 95/05/03.CAIN.C.L Regen 4 (Post 820201). 3pp. 83972:25543972259. 9505150159 Presents preimunary analyses re five yr review.q cross-sechon.inknear diagrams for groundwater samples m Southwest Anuwum & sone 3 & detremmon maps for surate & rutrete & TDS m Southwest Abuvium & Zone 3.

             -9605150001 inso of iconse SUA-1470 on 950327.fto volabons noted Masar areas                       BOSTCK.K.A. Jacobs Enomeenng Group. Inc. 95/04/12- GHOSE.S. Envronmental inspected: placement of eromon protecten & revew const records.

! tuATARAJA.M. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/04/25. 2pp. 83972.258 83972.259. Protecten Agency 61pp. 83977:129 43977:189 t 9605190006 Requests approval of enc! rept. Final Radon Bamer Demgn for Acid & 9505040200 Submrts documentauon requested to UNC pendmg roguest that NRC Cartenste Tahngs Pines.Bluewater Ms Sne" amend hcense for Church Rock sne to reflect background water quahty values con-ZIEGLER.R.S. AnanDe Achheid Co. {ARCOt 95/05/10. HOLONICHJ Offee of Nu. setent w/ data provously subtrutted bogmnmg m Oct 1992 csear Matenal Salsty & Safeguards.1p 64009.259 84009 305. VELASQUEZ.J R. Urutec Nuctear Corp. (subs. of UNC. Inc t 95/04/24 HOLONICHJJ Hagrgevel Waste & Uratuum Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS ,

             -9505190071 "Fmal Radon Bamer Demon for Acad & Cartenste Tahngs                                    940403). 5pp. 83814.33943814.343.                                                      j Pues.Bluewater Me Sne."
  • Atlante Rchheld Co. (ARCO).95/05/31. 45pp. 64009:26044009.305. 95060203s0 Forwards rowsed percent change maps for sulfate.futrate & TDS in South west Anuvium & Zone 3 3

9505100444 Forwards insp repr404902/95 02 on 950327.No volatens or devotons BOSTICK.K.A. Jacobs Engmeenng Group inc 95/04/27. HOOKSK NRC No De-l noted. taded Affneten Given. 7pp. 83762 35443r82:360. i COLLINS.SJ Regen e (Post 820201). 95/05/12.ZIEGLER.R.S Atlante Rechheld Co. ! (ARCOL 2pp. 83955.10143955.106. 9505150053 Requests that attached document be exarroned & prowde tentative sched-une for complete review of into.

             -9505100448 Insp rept 404902/95 02 on 950327ho volatens noted Maior areas                           TURTIL.R. Low-Level Waste & Decommeserung Protects Branch (NMSS 940403)

FesDected'llconsee placement of eromon protecten. 95/04/27. ROM.D Engmeenn0 & Geoscierices Branch (NMSS 940403) 1p. !. NATARAJA.M. Regen 4 (Post 820201F 95/04/25. Sop. 83955.10443955108. 83972.249-83972.252. e

8 DOCKETEDITEMS 9505220021 Responds to UNC 950217 reponses to 1993 annual revow of Ground -9505250326 Fmal verson of revised " Health & Salety Plan for Feld Achwities at Shel- , water conecove action rept. datioy Metanurgcal Corp Sete m Camtxw19e.OH " ' MALONE.D havaio Nanort 95/05/05. GHOSE.S. Environmental Protection Agency

  • Alfiksbon Not Assigned.95/05/31.167pp. 84085.C2444G85190.

5pp. 8403829344038.297 9505250334 Forwards rept. "Onsste Siso Characteruabon & Disinbution at Sheedancy untanurgcal Corp site m Camondp'e. H." Rept rev of "Preamnary Summary.Onste DOCKET 404914HECLA MINfNG CO, COEUR D'ALENE. ID Szag Characteraanon & Detnbuton rept sutmtted on 950407 SHIELDS W.J. Afisebon Not Assigned. 95/05/06. BLAIR.B.J. Ohc. State et 1p 9505240418Fmal response to FotA request for mto. Forwards App A documents bemg $4093.00144C93-174, made available to PDR. POWELL,R.A. Divison of Freedom of Informahon & Pubhcanons Servces (Post -9505250337 "Onsne Snag Charactenration & ')istrioubon at Shieldalloy Metanurgcal 9407141. 95/01/17. DARKE.J. AfNeton Not Asmgned 99pp. 84067-03944067.203- Corp S te m Cambndge.OH " -9506240433 Amend 3 to Lcense SUA.1462 for Hecla Co. HALL,R.E. NRC . No Dotaded Aftesten Grven. 90/10 . 84067 178 44067.186 9505100092Nobce of proposed stipulaten & order m w.. ., & setthng Causes of -9505240446 Responds b Regen IV Itr re sale of land owned tw JM Mme where Hecla ,ach a & smi d ersy'"y p'rocee' ' ' " '"8^'" Mmir.g Co atuaied a mearms managmg general Lee w.shes land to RAPiSARDt.JJ Wel Gotshai & Manges.95/04/10.17pp. 83e89 43889:137. be scad & kept environ safe. LEE.t M Femander Co., Ltd. 91/03/18. HALL.R.E. Regen 4 (Post $20201).1p 9505100094 Notee of moton for entry of order per Sectens105 & 363 of Bankruptcy 84067:18744067M 97. Code aumoreng to anow Metanurg Sves.Inc to enter mto agreement autordmaung catain accnaed mgt toes b unsecured habddes -9505240450 Requests Regen IV revow of surface cleanup actrvibes of & possabibty of RAPLSARDI.JJ Wed. Gotanal & Manges.95/04/11. 36pp. 83873:19743873.232 subse@ent termmanon or Lcorne SUA.1482 asued to Hecle Mmm0Co for JPA Mine m San Mateo.NM 9505100009 Forwards slu0 test data from 950410 11 tests performed at Stweldalby MALLR E. Uranium Recovery Feld Ofc. R4. 90/12/21. BROWN.W Regen 4 (Post 820201L 2pp. 84067.19844067;203 ft ten Not 95/04/14.THAGGARD.M. NRC No Detaded Af. festion Given. RUTHERF D.S. Affmaton Not Asmgned 34pp 83919.295 DOCKET 404943 FERRET EXPLORATION CO. OF NEBRASKA, DENVER, CO 63919.326. 9505050219 Sutats hst of documents for reves & approval re EIS bemg developed by 9505050285 Informs that dunng routme twweekly water samphng Icensee shallow eall NRC for sale m Cambnoge.OH. SM 4-2 mumpe UCL for Na & alkhnity exceeded. EVES.C.S Stueldanoy Metanurgcal Corp. 95/04/25 Low Level Waste & Decommis-KNOOE.R. .95/04/19 HOLONICH.J High-Level Weste & Uransam Recovery Prv.s soning Protects Brarch (NMSS 940403).1p. 83862.35143862:351. Brancn (NMSS 940403). 5pp. 83863.35443863.358 9505030032 Ack recect of 950412 Itr re Cyprus Foote Meeral Phase il Work Plan & faz 9505100094 Forwards comanson of water quakty data for hearsee Marie Unit 4 Com. puter esa enci w/sm test on 950425 concommg slag charactenraten at $fueldalloy MetaAurgmal Corp facihty n KNOCER. . 95/04/19. HOLONICH.JJ HigNLevel Waste & Uramum Recovery Ca OH PEDER .C.D. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/04/26 BAUMAN,5. Afhbaton Not As. l Protects Branch (NMSS 940403). 5pp. 43873:187-83873.193. egned.Ip.83722 114 43720-114. ] 9505110177 Forwards amend 29 to hcense SUA-1534.replacmg non functonal baselme restoration won m Mme Unit 1.modityng permit area boundary & replacan0 upper ass- 9505110146 Forwards comments on "Remedal investgaton/Feambally Study Health & for monitonna well m Mine Safety Pien.F.ruesdatioy Motanurocal Corp (SMC) Camtmdge.OH." sutmtted by PTl , HOLONICHJ.J. Hi0rklevel Waste & Uraruun Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS Environ Sves.Inc on behalf of SMC 1 940403). 95/05/05 COLLINGS.S.P. 6pp. 83936.22143936.237. NELSON.RA Low-Level Weste & C ._ __ . ,, Protects Branch (NMSS940403) 95/04/27. SWR.B Oho. State of. 6pp. -9505110182 Amend 29 to teense SUA-1534 for Crow Butte Resources Inc authonan0 ' 9505150040 Forwanis comments re roveiw of draft work plan for remedal Invesagation piace of use .J. High Level Weste & Urarnum Recovery Protects Brarch (NMSS HOLONICH.J & teas 4xhty study at Steeldatioy Metanurgcal Corp m Camunoge OH l 940403). 95/05/03.11pp. 83936.22743936.237. NELSON.R. A. Low Level Waste & Decommissenmg Propects Branch (NMSS940403). i 9 nwonmental mtec mn Agency. App 9 83N3M j 9505180504 Forwards addl mfo te effect of larger spacmg between monitor wens. requested e Crow Butte Resourses,Inc 950118 nr.m response to NRC 950418 9505110184 Radologmal Health & Safety Plan (RHSP " M As 1 pp. SM 2 GM OE aten Not ' 05/05 HOLONICH.JJ

                                            /                          Levei Waste &

Uraruum Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS IM0403). 5pp. 34042.34444042:348 9505110183 "Radolo0 cal Health & Safety Plan for intrumve Dnikng into West Saag Pee 9505260014 Forwards map rept 404943/9541 on 950425-27 & notree of (RHSP)." Amialen Not Asmgned.95/05/04.15pp. 832.2384N252. voletion.Velaton involved fadure to assign thermoluminescent dosimeters to plant 4pp. 84062:051 W512MO "Ra&oogical Heanh & Safey Plan W Intrusin Onning mto West Slag 8 1) 5 05/22 COLLINGS.S P. 95/05/04. 30pp. 63929.25243929 281. -9505260016 Notce of violaten from map on 950425-27 Velaten noted hcensee faded to follow perenent radiahon samty pracaces specited in procedure. 9505190204 Sutmts mfo re NRC review & approval of remedial mvesagaten/feastwhty

  • Regon 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/22.1p. 64062 05544062.055. resologcal health & safety pian b hcensee in Cambndge.OH.

NE .R A Low Level Waste & C,w . _ ., Protects Branch (NMSS940403). -9505260030 Inse rept 404943/95 01 on 950425-27.Votatens reted. Masor areas 95/05/05. EVES.C.S. Stue6dahoy Metallurgsal Corp. 3pp. 84007.29944007.301. inspecteo.hcensee operatens including mgt 4 or9eruzation controls.opersbons rewww.raesson protecton. environmental morutonng & radcacave waste mgt. 9505180022 Ack rocect of 950327 ler informng NRC of steps taken to correct ve6atens CAIN.C.L. Region 4 (Post 820201) 95/05/19.13pp. 64062 056 64062 066 noted m map eept 404948/94-02. Requests smtten response to comments wittun 30 de of date of str M MICK 4ARGE Repon 3 (Post 820201t 95/05/08. EVES,5. Stuesdanoy Metal-DOCKET 448944SHIELDALLOY CORP., NEWFIELD, NJ kargmal Corp 3pp. 83952:n2743952:029 9505010061 Forwards revs to heettn & safety p6an.dnper work statement & analyses re 9506180285 forwards mfo re deve6opment schedule for Cambndge OH facihty EIS. bececcesstehty & specrhcanon for CamDnoge arte. NELSON.R A. Low Level Waste & Decommasonmg Proiects Branch (NMSS940403) SHIELDS W.J PTi Serwces, irc 95/04/19 BLAsR.BJ Otto. State of. 2pp 95/05/06 EVES.C S. Sensicancy Metanurpcal Corp. 3pp. 6400&32544000.326. 83716.087 43714 195 -9505010064 " Hearth & Safety Plan"

  • PTl Servces. Inc.95/04/19 107pp 83716 08943716.195. E batw5 Stuesdanoy Metanurgcal Corp 95/05/09 NELSON.R. NRC No Dotaded
                                                                                         ^ * " " ' " " ' ' ' ' ' ' '####

9505100105 Forwaros "Compdaten of Exetmg Data for Sheidalioy Metallurycal Corp es. Inc. 95/05/02 BLAIR.BJ Ohe, State of.1p. 83904106-

                                                                                      **                ense pa9H amen no ramolopcal haanh a sate $ plan W dnHing p            l SH ELDS                                                                                ,

83905NO. . Stueldailoy Metallurycal Corp 95/05/09. 2pp 84104.058 84104 059 ) 7 Cornpilation of Exet*0 Data for Stueldanoy Metanurycal Corp Site m 9505300372 Record of SMC teicon on 950510re Phase til feed update, addl anssyses '

  • PTl Servces. Inc.95/05/31 29Bpp. 83904.10743905 040 of west slag pu penneter sarnpes.acimsule for ookverables.inclueng appros datn of analyhcal data oelivery to PTl & response to NRC RAI re source term 9505100109 Forwards "Resoorne to rdRC Request for Addi into Preismma Geological /
  • Ahehon Not Asegned 95/05/10.1p 64136:36144136.361.

Hydr j, Sde Charactenzaton at Stuesdanoy Metallurycal inte m l 9505260368 Surnmary of 950510 tescon w/PTI. 95/05/03 NELSON.R.A. Ofice of Nuclear Matenal NRC . No 95/05/11. NELSON.R. NRC No 1 Sw"EI,,DYWJ 5 ,e & Sa,egea dsPi,l Serv,ces.m Inc. 1 u910mo91o THAGGARD.M.on Dei-sed nea G~en-====Dota.ded Affmaton Geven. l ~9505100114 " Response to NRC Request for Addl info:Prehmmary Geologmal/Hydet, 9505310265 "Notco of Motion Per Sechon 1121td) of Bankruptcy Code to Extend Debt. Sde Charactertzahon at Sheidalloy Metanurgcal Corp S#te m ors Exclussve Penods m Wtuch to Fue Plan or Plans of Reorganization & Disclosure mbndge.OH Statement & Schen Acceptances 7t ereto & of Status Conference on Environ...."

  • PTl Sarwces,"Inc.95/05/31.150pp 8391019743910:336 RAPiSARDI.J J Metallurg. Inc RAP!SARDI.JJ Stueldailoy Metanurgmal Corp.

RAPISARDI,J J. Wed. Gotsrel & Manges 95/05/11. 26pp 64144.33544144.360 9505250322 Forwards fmal verson of towned " Health & Safety Plan for Feld Actutes et Stuelosiloy Metanur9 cal Corp Site m Cambndge.OH." covenng mtrumve samphng of 9505300114 Forwards comments from US Feh & Wddide Serwce on Secton 5 of Shiel. West slag pde at subs site. danoy woritotan,reistmg to ecologcal nok assessment procedures. EVES.C.S. Stuesdatioy Metallurycal Core 95/05/05. NELSON.R Low-Level Waste & BLAIR.B Oho, State of 95/05/15 EVES.C S. Sevendalloy Metallurgcal Corp. LEE.P. Decommasoning Proiscts Branch (NMSS 940403).1p. 84065.02344085.190. Foote Mmeral Co 3pp. 64106.35844106.360. I

DOCKETEDITEMS 9 DOCKET 40 4964RIO ALGOM MINING CORP, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK -9505190110 Amend 41 to bcense R-28.revismg TSs to perrnit use of edher boron alw nimum sNm-safety rods or current borated stairuess steel shun. safety rods or coml> 9505180476 Forwards esp rept 404964/9541 on 950406.No volations or deviations naton of teth. MICHAELS,T.S. .95/05/12. 6pp, 83986.340 83986 345 noteo, COLLINS.S.J Region 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/12. FERDINAND,B. Rc Algom Minmg -9505190113 Safety evaluaten supporting amend 41 to Icense R.28. Corp. 3pp. 83955:13343955.145.

  • Ott:ce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001). 95/05/12. 4pp. 83986.346
 -9505180481 lnep rept 404964/9#01 on 950406 No wolatons noted. Maior areas                       83986.349 mspectedicensee operatons mcludmg mgt & organizaten controls, operations rewew.ra@aten protecton.enwronmentat morutonng & rasoactwo waste mgt.                      9505190118 Forwards amend 42 to Icense R 28 & SE. Amend renses TSs to redehne CAIN.C.L Regon 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/11.10pp. 83955.13743955.145.                             defiruton of "Readdy Available on CaH."

MICHAELS.T.S. . 95/05/12. FLEMING.R F. Mehyan, Uruv of. Ann Arbor, MI. 3pp. 83986.350 4 3986.358 DOCKET 40-4968 HYDRO RESOURCES, INC, DALLAS, TX 9505190120 Amend 42 to heense R.28.rewsmg TSs to redehne defwvten of "Readdy 9505250054 Comments on Hydro Resources.Inc proposed U rranmg operatens west of Ava table on Call." WE;SS.S H. .95/05/12 4pp 83986.353-83986.356. Crownpoent.NM. LEWISJ Athhaton Not Assegned. 95/02/13. Hign-Level Waste & Uranram Recovery -9505190125 Safety evaluaton supporteg amend 42 to bcense R-28. Protects Branen (NMSS 940403). 2pp 84083.34r64083.346.

  • Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001t 95/05/12. 2pp. 83986.357-9505280235 Prowdes copies of transcnpts from NRC pubic meetings in Crowrpont & 83986.358-Church Rock NM on950222-23 LAYTON.M C. High-Levet was;e & Uratuum Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS 940403). 95/05/11.TILDEN.M. Athhafen Not Asssgned. ::pp. 84104:083 44104:085 Q. Inspection reports, IE Busetms & correspondence
  $505300004 Responds to 950418Itr to J Taylor ew.nca               that EPA has remewed DEIS   9505180083 Forwards exam rept 50 002/OL 95 02 on 950501. Exam rept. exam &

to construct & coerate Crownpont U Soluton Mmeng m NM.NRC ee'**as answer key not enct. stiared concem re fmancel assurance for ermron restoraten- RICHARD $.S A . 95/05/11. FLEMING.R F. Mchigan. Unw. of, Ann Arbor, Mi.1p. GREEVES.J T. Dnnsson of Waste Management (NMSS 940403). 95/05/11. 83979:31243979.312~ HERMAN,$.A. Erwronmental Protecten Agency. 6pp 84104.33144104.336. V. Operator Exam 6 nations DOCKET 40-8978 WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORP, PfTTSSURGH, PA 9505180083 Forwards exam root 50002/OL-9542 on 950501 Exam rept. exam & 9505240277 Responds to 950427 Itr to attendance of pubbc mfo meeting hosted by R 95/05/11. FLEMINGAF. Merugan, Uruv. of. Ann Arbor, ML 10 AN 20201). 95/05/04. PROCTOR.R.B. Afhhaten Not 83979 312 83979.312. Assegned. 2pp. 84023:10744023.109. 9505230068 Forwards initial exam rept 50 002/OL-95-02 for wk of 950501. Exam con-

  -4505240285 Confrms conversaton re Bloomheid Board of Health p2hc mectog                          ducted m accordance w/NUREG-1478 W/o encl seneduled for 950525                                                                          RICHARDS,S.A. Othee of Nuc6 ear Reactor Regulabon (Post 941001) 95/05/11.

PROCTORAM. Alhhaten Not Assegned. 95/04/27. ROBERTS.M. Regen 1 (Post FLEMING R F. Meh'Oan, Urww. of. Ann Artsor Mt.1p. 84033.22944033.229. 820201L 1p. 8402310944023:109. 9505180077 Forwards copy of results for operator mital exam conducted on 950502 W/ DOCKET 404984 MAGNESIUM ELEKTRON, INC., FLEMINGTON, NJ o enct RICHARDS S A. . 95/05/12 FLEMING,R F. Mctugan, Uruv. of. Arm Arter. ML 1p. 83972.3134 3979:313-95G5030202 Submits ento desenbm0 measures that iconsee rnpiementing to reasonably assure that hcensable man not generated m future operations. JAEGER,R.F. Magnesium Elettron. Inc. (formeny Meiberk, Inc.). 95/04/24. DOCKET 50 3 INDIAN POINT STATION. UNIT 1 GASKIN.C.E. Leonomg Branch. 2pp. 83832.27243832:273. DOCKET 400015 MICHIGAN, STATE OF, BAY CITY, Ml L F6nancialinformanon 9505100075Reouests 90 day extensen re950308Itr to B Brouillet requestng decom. 9505180515 " Con Ed 1994 Annual Root." W/950508 ttr. MCGRATH.EA, OutNN.S E. Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 94/12/31. rmasenng fundmg plan.Extensen wdl allow suttcsont ame to re evaluate purpose of 51pp. 83980:28543980.337. hcense & radiaten safety plan. FINKBEINER.G L Merngan. State of.95/04/12. WEBER.M.F Low-Level Waste & De-w..- ~., Protects Brunen (NMSS940403). 2pp. 83889:19243889 193 P. Operstmg inconee sta9e documertts & -. - _. 9505150009 Adeses that NRC approved 950412 request to extend response date on 950905. 9504210293 Genene Lir 9544 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors WEBER.M -.~. hcensee .... --v of F Onnsen funding Wasteplan addl 90 days to(NMSS 440403). 95/05/09 Managnment re hnal esposebon of SEP masons-learned asues. FINKSEINER.G.L Mchigan, State of.290. 83899:0364 3899 037. ZlMMERMAN,R.P. Associate Director for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Conschdated Edison Co of New Yort. Inc.14pp. 83757.02443757237. DOCKET 40-9324 ENERGY FUELS NUCLEAR 9505090312 Genene ur 92 02 Rev 1.Suppi 1 to all holders of OLs texcept those Ir-censes amended to possescrwonly status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac-9505100124 Requests renew of statt bme expenditures charged to EFN Reno Creek sor vessel structural mtegnty bcense apphcaton rowse protectStatt Dme expenetures for progeCt to date, broken ZIMMERMAN R P. Associate Director for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19 dowri by fiscal year & mdnndual staff member enclosed. Consohdated Edison Co of New York, Inc. topp.84084.352 84084.361. HDLONICH.J.J. Higtwtevel Weste & Urarmurn Recovery Protects Branch (NMS$ 940403). 95/04/28. BELL.M.J. Engmeenng & Geosciences Branch (NMSS 640403) AUSTIN.J H. Performance Assessment & Hydrology Branch (NMSS 940403). 3pp Q. Inspect 6cn reports,IE Bulletins a correspondence 83875:01343875:0t5. 9504190049 NRC Into Notce 95-024 " Summary of Ucensed Operator Requaktcaton


am F DOCKET 409027 CA80T CORP. READING & REVERE y 8FN &N2 9505100117 Respondsto 950410 subrmital of tmal site survey rept for Reaeng site.

        " Feel Decomrmssionmg Protect Rept for Mar Processarg, Building & Surrouneng              9504210127Genenc Lir 95-03 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re crcumferential Area.Rea        PA." Comments enclosed-                                                       crachung of SG tubes HOGG R C.           Level Waste & Decommisserung Prolects Branch (NMSS 940403).               ZIMMEHMAN.R P. Assoc 6ste Drector for Proper:ts (ADPR) (Post 941001L 95/04/28 95/04/28.CAMPITELUA Cabot Corp app 83875.099-83875 102-                                       Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. inc. tipo.83757.013-83757:023 95051500 Ac r                of 9504    submittal. "Charactertraten Plan for Readmg 41ag 9505050171 NRC Info Notee 95-025. ,", valve Failure Dunng Patient Treatment w/

Gamma Sterentacts Ramosurgery Umt. HOGG.R.C. Low-level Waste & Deccmmessenmg Progects Branch (NMSS 940403). COOLM Drwson of industna. & Meecal Nuclear $41 sty M 870729L 95/M L 95/05/05.CAMPITELu.A. Affmaton Not Assigned. 3pp. 83898.14843898:150. Consohdated Esson Co. of New York,Inc 9pp 84007:182-84007.190 DOMESTIC LICENSING OF PRODUCTION AND UTILIZATION n, pen oi, op ,, ting ,,po,ts & reisted correspondence FACILITIES 9505090077 "1994 Ramonogeal Envron Operatmg Rept.inean Pomt NPPs. JarkDec 1994." W/960428 Itr HILLL M . QUINN.S. Power Authenty of the State of New York {New York Power A# DOCKET 50 2 FORD NUCLEAR REACTOR thonty).94/12/31.118pp. 83893.202 83893.319 P. Operating license ste9e documents & corr - -- 9505100034 "Armual Envwon Protectson Plan Rept." for CY94 W/950426 Itr. QUINN.S E Consohdated Eeson Co of New York. inc. 94/12/31. 7pp. 83873 339-950519o098 Forwartis amend 41 to bconne R-28 & SE. Amend rowses TSs to permit 83873 345 use of sether borotwalurmnum shim-safety rods or current borated stamiess steel stum-9505150183 " Annual Effluent & Waste Disposal Rept 1994 " W/950428 Itr. safety rods or combination of both. OUINN.S E Consohdated Esson Co of New Ycek. Inc.94/12/31.140pp 83947.001-MICHAELS.T.S . 95/05/12 FLEMING.R.F. Metagan, Urww of, ten Arbor ML 3pp 83906 33743986.349 83947.140.

10 DOCKETEDITEMS S Reportable occurrences, LERs & related correspondence DOCKET $010 DRESDEN NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT 1 9505180129 PNO495413 on 950509. plant received bomb threat by teisonone from un. , F, Securtty, medical, ernergency & fire protect 6cn plans tusown caner Operatons termmated. reactor shut down & nedg evacuated Carnpus i pohce Cambndge pohce, fre a bomo disposal persomel nonfed. 9505190267 Rensed pages DA 8-12 & 6-13 to Rev 8g of generstmg staton wrgency HOLMES.S. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/10. 2pp 83952.22943952.230. pian annea.dtd May 1995 SCOTT.DJ. Cw.., A . Edson Co.95/05/04. app. 84008.34584008:348. V. Operator Exam 6 nations 9505290011 Reveed EPIPs.mciueng rev 3 to CEPIP-321441 rev 4 to CEPIP 3303-01.rev 8 to CEPIP 360241 &rowsed 3000 Senes Table of Contents dtd950517.

  ' Commonwealth Eeson Co. 95/05/17. 84pp. 84089'2534a089:315.                           9505240388 Prowdes add mio re non-power reactor map of control rod canorabons. shutdown margm caiculabons. thermal hmsts calculanons & reactor opera-Q. Inspection reports. E Bh a conospondence                                                  [DA                 0/        ERNARD) A Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Carv>

9504190049NRC Info Nocce 95424, " Summary of Lcerised Operator Requahfceton inso Program Fedmgs." GRrMES,B.K. . 95/04/25 Coneohdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc. 12pp. DOCKET 50 29 YANKEE-ROWE NUCLEAR POWER STATION 83757:001 43757.012. 9504210127 Genenc Lir 9503 to all ho6ders of OLs or cps for PWRs to circumferental L Financsalinformabon cracturig of SG mates. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Conschanted Edson Co of New York,Inc.11pp,83757:01343757023. 9505040018 Forwards 1994 annual fmancial repts for CT Lipht & Power Co,Westem MA Electne Co.PutWe Syc Co of NH & North Atlants Energy corp 9505050171 NRC Info Notce 95-025. " Valve Fa4ure Dumg Pahent Treatment w/ GUGLIELMOf). Northeast Uttnes Servce Co. 95/04/25. Cwfce of Nuclear Reactor Gamma Stereotacuc Ramosurgery Urat." Regulabon (Post 941001) 10. 83803.128-83803.290. COOL.DA Dnnsson of Industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York,lec999.84007:182 44007:190. -9505040022 "CT Light & Power 1994 Annual Rept *

  • Northeast Utimes Sennce Co.
  • Yankee Atome Electic Co.
  • Connectcut Yankee Atorme Power Co.94/12/31. 43pp 83803.12943803179.

R. Periodic operating reports & rotated .

                                                                                         -9505040029 "Westem MA Electnc 1994 Annual Rept."

9505150043Foneards 1994 rept of changes. tests & expenments per 10CFR50.59.

  • Nortneast Ut$tes Sennce Co.
  • Boston Esson Co. 94/12/31. 36pp. 83803160 HOLLAND.P.G. Commonwealth Eeson Co 95/04/25.Offee of Nuclear Reactor Reg-usanon (Post 941001). 2.814pp. 8399300144000268. 83803 222.

9505190252 Monthly operstmg repts for Apr 1995 for Dresden Nucisar Power -9505040033 "Put*c Svc of NH 1994 Annual Rept."

  • Nortneast Ubuties Senace G.
  • PutWe Senace Co of New Hampstwo. 94/12/31.

Staten.W/950515 str. SY KES.K.W., FALBO.RJ.. HOLLAND,P.G. Commonwealth Eeson Co. 95/04/30- 41pp. 83803223 83803.265 17pp. 84017.34244017:360

                                                                                         -9505040038 " North Atlante 1994 Annual Rept."
  • Northeast Utilstes Sennce Co.94/12/31. 23pp. 83803.266-83803.290.

g r- = 4 Stage Documents & Correspondence 9505050155 Apphcannn for amends to App A.Section 8 of bcenses DPR 2. DPR- Q. Mspecten reports. IE Bubetans & mm _ _ 19.DPR-25.NPF 11.NPF-18.DPR-29.DPR 30 NPF-72.NPF.77, NPF.37,NPF.66.DPR.39

   & DPR-48. Amends consist of adrmnestrabwe chanoes.                                     9504190049 NRC Info Notre 95424. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requaletcation BENES.G.G. Commonwealth Ernson Co 95/04/f4. Document Control Branch (Docu.

ment Control Desk). 20pp. 83826.00143827;101. Inso Program Fedegs GRIMES B K . 95/04/25 Consohdated Esson Co of New 'r ork, Inc. 1200 -9505050159 Proposed tech specs re admrustranve changes to App A. Secten 8 43 83757:001 43757 012. hcenses.

  • Commonwealth Esson Co.95/04/24. 219pp. 83826:02043828.238 9504210127 Genanc Lir 95-03 to at holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re cucumferenhel 95 4 8

~ JJ 55E 94 11/2 . 83828.239 43827:101. [ Q( ( 837 8 95042102S3 Genene Ltr 9504 to all holders of OLs or cps for nucisar power reactors re fmal esposrhon of SEP ac 4 . J maues 9506050171 NRC Info Notco 95425. "VsNe Fa4ure Dunn0 Panent Treatment w/ Gamma Stereotacte RadcourgesY Urut." ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Drector for Progects (ADPRI (Post 941001). 95/04/28. COOLD A Dnnsen of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729), 95/05/11 Conschdated Edmon Co. of New York, Inc. 1400.83757:024-83757:037. Conschdated Eason Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 84007.18244007.190. 9505110163 Prowdes updated status of special envron morntonng program around Dresden Sete. FARRAR.D.L Commonwealm Esson Co.95/05/01.Offee of Nuclear Reactor rep R. Periodic operstmg reports & rotated correspondence laton (Post 941001).19pp. 83936.27143936:289 9505090094 " Yankee Nuclear Power Staten Annual Radelogeal Emnron Operabng 9505230176 Forwards summary of ubt radaten protecten performance & efforts m Rept.Jan Dec 1994 " W/950428 Itr. ess to s11ect improvement. MELLORAA Yankee Atomc Electrc Co.94/12/31.100pp. 83842-022 83842117. BR ,J C. Co.> . _ z. Edrson Co. 95/05/12 Document Control Branch (Do;:u-ment Control Desk). 32pp. 84068.14244068173. 9505240437 Prowdes results of surveys conducted on water level elevanon of onsite w r_ .., Stage Documents & Correspondence ground water monitonng wells metailed at Dresden este to monnor local flow & potem tal contarmnsuon patters 9504210293Genenc Lir 95 04 to all ho6ders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors VONK.MJ. Commonwealth Edson Co. 95/05/17. Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regula. re finas espositen of SEP lessons-learned maues. ten (Post 941001).15pp. 8407315144073185 ZIMMERMAN.R P. Associate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 83757.024 43757.037. 9505250251 Forwards Rev 85a to Comrn Ed QA program Topcal Reot CE 1 A. updat. mg sties & positen desmptions.inclueng approved mterpretation for change e proce-9505220226 Forwards responses to mates ramed to memo of J Dart >y of Sciences En-dure revew frequency & addmg two requred auets. Document Control Branch (Docu- gmeenng Assocs concommg current NRC IPE revww processOolecDve of GL 88-20 KOVACH.TJ. Commonwealtn Eeson Co 95/05/17 ment Controf Desk). 2pp. 8408718044087.358 for heensees to perform systemasc exarn to idene vulneratxates. DROUtN M4RODRICK.E., FLACKJ. Probatahste iak Analyssa Bronch (Post 941217)

-9505250253 Rev 85a to Comm Ed QA pr           am.                                             95/05/12 CUNNINGHAM.M. Probatnistc Risa Analyses Branch (Post 941217). 24pp.
  • Cornmonwealth Eeson Co 95/04 /17.1 7pp. 64087.18244087:358 84033EJ044033.275.

9505090312 Genenc Lir 92 02.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all hoaders of OLs (except those h- -9505220238 informs that tima has come to focus on & fnahze NRC iPE revww osan m conses amended to possessor >cnty status) or cps tot nuclear power reactors re reac. hght of receipt of Warcus pla if IPE submittals. Forwards two step process for Octaded ter vesses structural otegnty. rewww pian ZIMMERMAN.R.P Associans Drector for Proiacts (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19 MINNERS.W. Divison of Safe issue Resolution (880717441217) CONGEL,F. DivL Conschdated Eason Co of New York. Inc.10pp 8408435244084 361. soon of Radiaton Protection a mergency Preparedness (870411921003). 90/02/28 BECKJORD.E. Offee of Nuclear Regulatory Research (860720 941217). MURLE Y.T. Once of Nuclear Reactor Neguaston. Drector (Post 8704t t). 12pp. 84033.257-DOCKET 50-20 MASSACHUSETTS fMSTTTt17E OF TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH 84033.269 REACTOR 9505090312 Genene Ltr 92 02.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all holders of OLs (except those li-Q. Inspection reports, IE Bulletins & . -- ince conses amenced to possescrHmfy status) or cps for nucasar power reactors to reac. ter vessel structural integrny ZlMMERMAN R P. Assocrate Director for Protects (ADPR) (post 941001). 95/05/19 9505240388 Provides addl mfo re non. power reactor insp of controt rod Consohdated Eeson Co of New York. Inc.10pp. 84084.35244084 361. castirabons. shutdown margm calculabons. thermal hmits calculatens & reactor opera. tor reouakisaton program ADAMSA . 95/05/09 BERNARD.JA Massachusetts institute of Technology. Cas4 tmdge. MA. 5pp. 84049.325 84049-329 DOCKET SS 54 CfNTICHEM

DOCKETEDITEMS 11 R. Portoshe eterstmg reports & related corroependence DOCKET so 134 WORCESTER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE RESEARCH REACTOR Forwards results of NRC TLD drect ra$ation monstonng around tac:hty for V. Opwater h STRUCKMEYER.R. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/17.MCGOVERNJJ. Cmtschem. Inc. app.84062 16944062:172. 9506190293 Forwards operator & SRO bconse certitcates for entwly fconsed indnnduats at Worcester Polytechnc met as hated.W/0 enct BOGER.B A .95/05/11. BOBEK.LM. Worcester Poeytechnc institute. Worcester. MA. DOCKET $0-57 puPFALO ttATERIALS RESEARCH CENTER 19 83966 3594 3986.359 I R. Penedic opermang reports & retened cerroependonoe DOCKET 50139 UNIV. OF WASHINGTON RESEARCH REACTOR 9505t10239 " Annual Operatng Rept for SUNY at Buffalc. Buffalo Matis Re earch Ctr W. E  ; Stage Documents & Cr for CY94 " W/950502 fir. VASBINDER.D.R. Buffalo Materals Research Center. 94/12/31. 44pp. 83930252' 9506000318 Forwards order.authonzmg dismanting & espoeston of components parts for hcense R-73.after total funds for decorrrmssenmg from Stato of Washngton made  ; avanable to hoensee Sase evaluaton & EA also enci. DOCKET 5042 UNIV. OF VIRG6MIA RESEARCH REACTOR

                                                                                                                                              '                        h'"    "' """  ' *' ' P' 8 28 5                             2 78 P. Opwaang boones sem -                                                                                                330 Oroer authonzmo esmentkne of facdney & esposekon of componen's

_& 6 LIAW.B.D. .96/05/01.Washmgton. Unnt of. Seattle. WA. 3pp. 8382826243828.264. 9006110254 Forwards request for edcs order to congnue renew of amend to-ouest for amenced teense R48.submmed on 910212. -9609000322Envron assessment & IWtne of no segrufcant unpact to proposed order ADAMS.A. . 95/05/06. MULDER.R.U. Vrgsma. Urw. of. Char 10tteenlie. VA. App. aut%cetrmg esmantimg & depoestson of temponent parts. 83889'358 43889:361. WEISS.S.H. .95/04/26. 3pp. 83820.26543828.287. 9905240386 Adeses that a5 HEU fuel elements removed frorn taakty & conomon u.B.(4) -9006000320 Satety evaluanon accep6ng uhl 940002 appicaten. requestmg authonza-can be do6eted from heense R46.m response to NRC 950508 RAI re proposed ten to demanDe faceirty under iconse R-73 & to dispose component parts, to hoonse. Lcenses still possesses HEU m form of fismon chambers

  • ONce of Nuc ear Reactor Regulation (Post 941001). 95/05/01.11pp. 83828.268 MU R.R.U. Vrgmia. Urw. of. Charlotteswee. VA. 95/05/11. ADAMS.A NRC + No 83828.278.

Detaded Affhiibon Gnren.1p. 84083.32844083.320 DOCKET $0150 OH00 STATE UstlV. RESEARCH REACTOR DOCKET 9043 UINV. OF FLORIDA 7pman REACTOR F. Securtty, modcol, emergency & fire protection piens


9506150181 Forwards rensed " Emergency Preparedness Plan for Ohe State Urw h 9506240185 Forwards rev 8 pages 5-9 & $7 for Urw of FL Trammg Reactor (UFTR) clear Reactor Lab " SAR dtd Jan 1991.consstin0 of changes in schematics desenbeg UFTR secondary MYSER.R Ohio State Unnr., Columbus, OH 95/05/02. Document Control Breen water sys to reflect mods that have been (Documerit Control Desk).1p 83977:19043977.235. VEHNET .W.G Fionda. Urw of. Gameselle. L 95/05/11. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 4pp 84083.34444063.347. -9506150163 Forwards rensed "E Preparedness Plan for Ohc State Unw W clear Reactor Lac " as result of eactor Lab staff renew of emergency plan to nonce of volaton dtd 940721. DOCKET $0133 HutISOLOT BAY POWER PLANT, UBIf7 3 CRUZ).B. State Urw., Coeurreus. OH, 94/12/23. Document Control Branch (Document Contro Desk). 3pp. 83977.19143977193

                                                                                                   -9605150155Rensed "Emergercy Preparedness Pian for Ohc State Urn Nuclear Re.

P. Operating boense stage d~mts & i . . actor Lab."

  • Ohio State Urw., Columpus. OH.94/12/31. 42pp. 83977:19443977235.

9906030300 Sutputs suppl into to LAR 9443.propoemg to tense plant TS.Sechon Vit C. plant reflect decrease m merumum staff requnements for stuft operstmg 9605200363 Adnses that 950424 ler.transmnting chs to "OH St Urw Nuclear Reac. from two to two persant tar Lab Physcal Secunty Plan For Protecton Of of Moderate Stratege Sigruf> W CA.LF. Pacshc Gas & Electne Co.95/04/27.Docwnent Control Branch (Docu. cance Of Low Strategic signdeance." e conwstent wn0Cm5C54(p) & acceptack ment Contros Deseg 4pp. 83780:35743780.360. CREEDJ R. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/16. CRUZJ.B. Ohio State Urw Colum. bus. OH. 2pp. 8410414144104142-9604210293Genenc Lir 95 04 to aR holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors re fmsi espossten of SEP lessons.lemmed ssues. ZiMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Drector for Proiects (ADPR) (Post 941001E 95/04/28. O. W reports. E Bunsens & consapendence Consolcated Edier.n Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 83757:02443757:037 9506150151 Forwards re,med

  • Emergency Preparedness Plan for Ohm State Unw b 9898000312 Genere Lir 9242.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to an holders of OLs (except those b. clear Reactor Lab "

censes amended to E- . . v4 status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac. MYSER.R Ohm State Urw Columtms. CH 95/05/02. Document Control Branch tot veneel souctwal sniegnty. (Documertt Control Desk).1p. 83977:190 83977.235. ZIMMERMAN.R P. Assocante Director for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95.05/19 Conschd6ted Edson Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. 64084.35244084.381. -9505160163 Forwards rensed " Emergency Preparedness Plan for Ohc State Uruv Nu-ciear Reactor Lab." as result of Nucisar Reactor Lab staff renew of emergency plan to notes of violato't Old940721. Q. W reports. E Buteens & correspondence CRUZJ.B. State Urw., Columbus. OH. 94/12/23. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 83977:19143977.193. 9004190C49 NRC Into Notoe 95 024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requalifcaten inne program Fmdmgk" GRIMES.B.K. . 95/04/25. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 12pp. DOCKET $0151 UBWW. OF 8LLIB8018 RESEARCH REACTOR 83757:00143757$12. 9004*10127 Genanc Lir 95 03 to en honders of OLs or cps for PWRs re crcumferential mmh R Assocate Director for Proiects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. 9605000120 Ack recept of 950418 ftr te heermee actons m hght of fact snat on Coneohdated Edmon Co. of New York. Inc.11pp 83757 01343757.023. [ p ga[or El  % es[ W abuse of 99050e0005 Confrms fecept of heensee HBL45428 Pr. plant second suppi response to "' "' h58 1' NRC Buhetin $441. "SFP Dram Psie Temp Study Results " COLLINS.SJ. Repon 4 (Post 820201L 95/05/03.RUEGER.G M. Pacife Gas & Elec. inc Co. 5pp. 8381621743818221. 9505240441 Forwards response to NRC 950418RAI & rensed TS pages 19. 20b.26a & 260 re subentcal empenment vamg reactor thermal coeurnn or bula erweidmg facinty HOLM.R.L tismos, Urw. of. Urbara IL 95/05/17 Document Control Branch (Docu. 9500060171 NRC Inid Ptohce 95025. " valve Fadure Dunng Patent Tre&tment w/ ment Control v.sesk) 6pp. 84073 04144073:053. Gamma Storectactc Radoeurgery Urut" COOLD.A. Dinson of Industnal & Medcal Nuclear Sate 1y (Pasi 870729). 95/05/11. 9605240444Proped tech specs pages 19.20b 26a & 26b to subcntcal expersments Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp 84007.18244007:190-unng reactor thermal column or bulk erweldsng factiny

                                                                                                      " lhmos. Urw of. Urbana. IL95/05/17. 7pp. 84073 047 44073.053 S. Reportalite occurrences, LERs a related corroependence W. Operator Esaminations 9905100100 PNO-fy 94-068.on 941226.unt reported mmor damage to gas & electncal knes cousmg loss of SF pool water & steam Isan due to earthquake. Regen IV notified             9505240247 informs NRC that SRO pronously removed from stated m heens-
   & co@ ue morut             s4usbort$ tate of CA 10 be notified.                                    ee 950418 ltr to NRC.has peen resnstated to fuH dukes effecbve 950508 VASQUEZ M.,                   .L Regen 4 (Post 820201). 94/12/28 10 83952:137-                     HOLM.R.L tilmos. Urw of. Urbana. IL95/05/15. ADAMS.A. NRC . No Detaded Affsh-
   $3952137                                                                                           aten Gwen. 19. 84083 33744083.337.

12 DOCKETEDITEMS DOCKET $0-155 BIG ROCK POINT NUCLEAR PLANT Q. Inspection reports. IE Bulletins & correspondence 9505090102 Forwards enforcement conference rept 50155/95 07 on 950421. F. Security, medical. emer9ency & fire protection plans PHILLIPS.M P. Regean 3 (Post 820201). 95/04/24. DONNELLY.P.M. Consumers Power Co. App.83974.168-83974.236. j 9505030007Rensed EPIPs.meludeg rev 166 to EPIP-4Lrev 166 to EPIP-5F.rev 166 to

                                                                                       -9505090106 Enforcement conference rept 50155/9507.No violaten noted. Matar EPIP4F/sv 166 to EPIP 6H/ev 166 to EPIP4K & revoed Table of Conients.                    areas mspected apparent viotaten identrted durmg map escussed.alon0 w/cor,ective     !
  • Consumers Power Ca.95/04/18 50pp. 83793.269 83793.318. '

actions taken tMf hcensee 9505180082 Forwards dotads of concern re secunty asue et plart Requests that results PHILLIPS.M P. Region 3 (Post 820201). 95/04/24. 64pp. 83974.17243974 238. of review & espossten of matter be submitted to NRC Regon lit entw/i 30 days of 9504190049 NRC Into Notco 95 024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Reaustifcation Itr Encl witnhead to 10CFR2.790 CREED,J R Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/08. CONNELLY.P.M. Consumers Power insp Program Fmomgs." Co. 2pp. 8395213183952132. GRIMES.B.K . 95/04/25. Consohdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 12pp. 83757 001 43757.012. 9505220248 Ack receipt of950112 lir which transmits changes inentifed as Rev 4 to 9504210127 Genenc Lir 9503 to at holders of OLs or cps for PWRs to cecumferental Setaguards Contmgency Plan submitted vrmier provmens of 10CFR50.54(p). informs that and contarns mfo exempt from pubke dirciosure & bemg withheid. crackmg of SG tubes. ZlMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Director for Pro,ects (ADPR) (Post 941001L 95/04/28. CAEED LR. Region 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/11. DONNELLY,P.M. Consumers Power Conso6 dated Edmon Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. 83757.01343757-023. Co. 2pp. 84137:uS44137.326. 9505180598 Forwards desenpton of scope & obtectives for 950822 Beg Rock Pont 9505190082 Forwards inso rept 50-155/95 05 on 950318-0427.No volakons noted Results of map indcated listed strengths & weaknesses in pertormance. Plant emergency exercrse. PHILLIPS.M P. Regon 3 (post 820204 95/05/04. DONNELLY.P.M. Consumers DONNELLY.P.M Consumers Power Co. 95/05/12. Document Control Branch (Docw Power Co. 4pp. 83974 002-83974:017. ment Control Desk). Spp.84015.35344015:357 9505300001Ach receipt of 950112 lir.whch transmitted changes identsfied as rev 27 to -950519011,3ansp rept50155/95 05 on 950318 0427.No violatsons neced Ma#or areas piant secunty plan submitted under provmon 10CFR50.54. Changes acceptable.encept espected.operatens.maint.enoineimng & piant support actvines.mciudm0 insp of as noes.1 m encl.End witnheid fret 10CFR73.2th 6 quid a gaseous radweste progran , CREED.JA Reg.en 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/16.DONNELLY.R M. Consumers Power PHILLIPS.M.P. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/04.12pp. 83974:006 43974.017. Co. 3pp 64076.35944076:361. S305050171 NRC into Notee 95025. " Valve Fadure Dunng Patent Treatment w/ 9505310187 Docusses inso rept 50155/9506 on 9502164327 & forwards notco of Gamme Stereotactc Rasosurgery Unt" votaten & prtsr.w) impositen of cwd penafty en amount of $50,000. Enforcement COOLDA Dwmen of enoustrial & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. Consoboated Edmon Co. of New Yorti. Inc. Opp.64007.182 44007:190. conterence hone on 950421 to escuss weistens. MARTIN.J.B. Re 3 (Post $20201). 95/05/24.FENECH.R.A. Consumers Power Co. 4pp.^ ^ ^'f" y* *108. 950524000s Not fees of results of insp plannmg porbon of NRC Mar 1995 Plant Perform. ance Review for plant. Forwards scriedule for NRC insps planned for neat several months. AXELSON.W L Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/19. DONNELLY.P.M. Consumers L Flnencialinformanon Power Co. 4pp. 64020.01844020:021, 9505010158 *1994 Consumers Power Co Annual Rept" W/950424 nr H053m67 Docusses emp rept M5/M on N64327 & hwam notice W HAAS,K.M. Consumers Power Co.94/12/31. 37pp. 83717;3214371h350~ votaten & proposed imposton of civil penalty e amount of $50.000. Enforcement conference held on 950421to decuss violatons.

                                                                                                                                 *                    ^' "* *'

K. Utility Final Safety Analyses Report (FSAR) & amends 4 8 09 9305050153 Forwards Rev 5 to updated fnsi hazards summary repiper -9505310175 Notice of violaten & proposed impoesten of crwil penalty en amount of 10CFR$0.71.Let of effecsve pages & mdex of chapters also orct $50.000 Noncomphance noted pipirig sys to core spray sys tiegn was riot operabee. FENECH R A Corwumers Power Co.95/04/26. Document Control Branch (Document

  • Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/24. 5pp. 84096'10444096108 Controi Desk),1p. 83815:17543815.287.

9505310255 "NRC Staff Proposes $50,000 Fme Aganst CPC for Violatons of Safety -9505050157 Rev 5 to edated Anal hazards summary rept Reourements at Bag Rock Pomt Nuclear Plart"

  • Consumers Power Co.95/04/28.112pp. 83815:176 43815.287.
  • Oltco of Pubhc Afters (Post 911117). 95/05/26.1p. 84162.03244162 032, P. Operatmg Roones state documents & correspondence R. Portodeo operating reports & reteted m .._ _

9505020291 Provces suppi to update to IST dtd 930827. 9505020215 " Big Pack Posnt Plant 1994 Radelogeal Envron Morwtonne Rept" W/ DONNELLY,P M. Consumers Power Co 95/04/25. Document Control Branch (Doco. 950424 Itr. ment Control Desk). 6pp. 83757.35143757.356. DONNELLY,P.M. Consumers Power Co.94/12/31.160pp. 83805:106 4 3805.269. 9504210293Genenc Ltr 9504 to aN holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reecers 9505020217 " Big Rock Pomt PtarW 1994 Radcacave Effluent Re. ease Rept" W/ re fmal espossnon of SEP lessons-learned maues. 950424 tir. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocutte Drector for Pro,ects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. DONNELLY.PM. Cor'sumers Power Co. 94/12/31.124pp. 8378924043789.363, Conschdated Edson Co. of New Yort,. Inc.14pp. 83757.02443757:037. 9505090199 Monthly operstmg rept for Apr 1995 for Big Rock Pont Nuclear PlantW/ 9505110330 Forwards request for addl mfo re hcensee 930304 reauest for amend to 950501 Itr bcense to rewme TS to conform to wordmg of rewmed 10CFR20 Response requested JOHNSON.J.R., DONNELLY.P.M. Consumers Power Co. 95/04/30. 5pp. 83880:342-withen 20 days of str date. 83880:346. TRAN.LN. , 95/05/05. DONNELLY.P.M. Consumers Power Co. 300. 83038.222-83938.224. S. Reportable occurrences. LERs & related correspondence 9505120273 Aenses that foal rept CEN415 P. " Evaluation of Low Charpy Upper 9heet Energy for Big Pomt Reactor Pressure vessel Beethne Weid" w$ be witnhold from 9505040169 LER 95003-00.on 950329. outboard redurment core spray valve faded to

                                                           'Power Co. 3pp. 83902J49
  • 30 * * * * "8 ' " * '

N. 95/05/05 E'LLY, , ed c mac ne"d o ma W/9b7 83902251. GOBLE.T.A., DONNELLY.P.M Consumers ower Co. 95/04/27. 5pp 83845 032-9505260224 RAI re Consumer Power Co Big Rock Decommusenng Ptart WEBER M.F. Low. Level Waste & Decommesonmg Protects Branch (NMSS940403). 95/05/05.WEtSS.S.H. 3pp. 84104.07544104978. y, op 7,,,, g ., 9505 9 aros ento in response to fsve questions re add mfo on fundng of M 9505050116 in'orms that NRC admenstered GFE section of wntien operator exam to emporees at piant on 950405 & wwsros exam answer key.greeng results DONNELLY,P.M. Consumers Power Co. 95/05/12 WEISS.S.H. . Stop. 64063:135 answer sheets. W/o enct 84063.258' RING.M A. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/01 LACROix.D.G. Consumers Power Co.

                                                                                                "k'N RA           enor Energy. WflDNER.R.C. Commonwealtn E6 son Co.10
-9505240194 *1995 Rept on Adequacy of Emstmg Annual Provmen for Nuclear Plant                      '3             -

Decomnussenmg." dtd Mar 1995. SIMONSEN.T.L Consumers Power Co.95/03/31. 42pp 84063.21444063.258 DOCKET 60160 GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH REACTOR 9505300198 Requests approval of change to Quakty program descnpton for operatonal NPPs FENECH.R.A. Consumers Power Co 95/05/18 Document Control Branch (Document G. Adpadicatory corr _ _ Control Desk) 6pp 84105.35144105 356 9505090312 Genere Lir 92 02.Rev 1.Suppi t to an hotoers of OLs (except those 6- 9505020340 Respanos to P BlockeyCBnen 2.206 petriion en front of NRC requesting conses amended to possesonenly status) or CPS for nuclear power reactors re reac. Iconse withdrawal. shutdown. removal of radoectwo matl.ciaanup of ste & surroundng tor vesset structural enegnty area.etc.etc et Neely Nuclear Research Ctr & Reactor on GA Tecfi Campus ZiMuERMAN.R P. Assocate Drector for Propects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19 BLOCKEYCBRIEN Affdeten Not Asmgned 95/04/19. Ole of the Executwo Drector Conschdated Eeson Co of how York. Inc.10pp. 64084.35244084.361. for Operatons. 4pp. 83775.34843775.351.

DOCKETED ITEMS 13 l 990504003s Prehe conference order (ruhng on standmg & comentionst* Board 9505000312 Genenc Lir 92 02 Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all holders of OLs (except those b-Imd Contennon 2 s techrucal bass 'equred by 10CFR2.714(b)(2) & not conses amenced to posseson only ststus) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac. admitted W/Certihcate of Svc.5erved on 950326. tor vessel structural mtegnty. BECHMOEFER.C, KLINEJ.R LAM.P.S. Atomc Safety & Loensmg Board Panei. ZIMMERMAN,R.P. Assocate Drector for progects (ADPR) (Post 941001h 95/05/19.

    #295 16664 95/04/26, George Institute of Technology Anama. GA. 58pp.                          Conschdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. 84084.352 e4084.361.

83743 19743743254. 9605100601Nohce o' haanng.* Informs that on 940926.NRC pubkshed in FR notce of O. Inspection reports,IE Bulletms a correspondence opponurufy for heenng w/ respect to proposed renewal ci facdtry operahng hcense for R C. A sety & 29 6669. 95/05/04. 9604190049 NRC Info Notee 95 024, ' Summary of Lcensed Operator Requahfcaten app. 83954:352 4 3954.355. mF G 9605100470 Memorandum & order (schedules for proceedmg)

  • Informs that Board do. 63757 001 43757 012.

appeal 10CF 1WW Certfca Svc Served on 5 9504210127 Genonc Lir 95 03 to as tioloers of OLs or cps for PWRs to arcumferental BECHHOEFER.C. Atome Safety & Lconseg Board Panet #29516699. 95/05/10. craciong of Sc stes. Georgens Agenst Nuclear Energy. 4pp. 83970:27643970:279. ZIMMERMAN.R P. Associate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001k 95/04/28. Consondated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. 63757:01343757:023. 9505100443 NRC Statt potoban for Commisson rewsw & appeal.per 10CFR2.714A.of ASLB preheannQ conference order truhng on stan$ng & contengons) of 950426? Re. 9505050171 NRC Into Nonce 95 025. " Valve Fadure Dunng Patient Treatment w/ Quests that Staff enter order reversmg Board deceertW/Certitcate of Svc. Gamma Stereotacts Radesurgery Urut." TURK.S.E. Othee of the General Coinsel (Post 800701). #295 16711. 95/05/11. COOL.DA Dween of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. ' Commeseners (Post 750119). 42pp. 83954:16443954-195. Consoidated Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 44007.18244007.190. I 9505140507 George insatute of Technoiogy notce of appeal from ASLB memorandum

     & order dtd950426 & request to stay decovery
  • Decovery should be stayed untd DOCKET $0144 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS & TECHNOLOGY Board has had opportunny to conscer appeal. REACTOR NORDIN.R.A.. GUNNELLS.E.G. Georgia insatute of Technology. Acanta. GA. 7295 16712. 95/05/11. 2pp. 63970.29643970.318.

Q. Inspection reports,IE Buhotine & correapendence

 -9505100601 George Insttute of Technology memorandum m support of appeal from
                                    *'"           ^                                            9505190050 Forwards rap rept 50164/9501 on 95031316.No violacons or safety inervene for       es        W/C fcaw g R .                    George institute of Technology. A5anta. GA. 95/05/         QJ7 Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/08, ROWE.J.M. Commerce. Dept. of.

2pp. 83952-11743952:123 9505230016 Adwses that author has Completed rowow of Itra from potten to shut down George Tech reactor.Revaew mdcates tnat petinon suggestens specous.No data in- -9505190067 inno rept 50-164/95 01 on 95031316 No velatens noted. Masor areas destos that reactor not safe or poses envron threat. inspected outage status.mdustnal safety, radeten protechon dept orgaruzaten & stafl. MCLEMORE.W.H. George. State of. 95/05/11.MENDOCA.M. NRC . No Detaded At. ma personnel exposure & reeston detector survedlance, fdsten Gwen. 2pp. 64058.35344058:354. DAAGOUN.T ULLRICH.E. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/05. 5pp. 63952-119-83952 123. 9506280232 Forwards three reused pages reflectmg conected style for notre of appeas.memoranoum m support of appeal & Cartfcate of Svc. GUNNELLS.E.G. George institute of Techno60gy. Atlanta. GA. #29516732. 95/05/ DOCKET $0106 Univ. OF MISSOURI RESEARCH REACTDR40LuteillA

16. CATER.C. Docketmg & Servces Branch.1p. 84062.33544062.338.
  -9505200246 Rewsed page to George inst of Technology nohce of appeal from Board               P. Operstmg hcense stage documents & -. _

metrorandum & order did 950426 & request to stay decovery?

  • Georgia insatute of Tectuology. Atlanta, GA. 95/05/11.1p. 64062.33644062 336. 950511024$ Responds to950327 request for into re events at facdsty, inclu6no ahoga.

8 * " ' ' * ' ' " " ' l -9505260264 Revised page to Georgia inst of Technology .. appeal from Board memtsandum & order did 950426?W/Certicate et Svc. A.. m support of #D"cy p"roce"dur '" poli 'have' ""essemina George Instnute of Technology. Ananta, GA.95/05/11. 2pp. 64062.33744062:338. RMYNEJJ. Mesoun. Univ d Columh. m 5/04/25. MCCORMICK. BARGE Region 3 (Post 820204 6pp. 83936163 63936168. H.Genomi--._ . "~ DOCKET 50193 RHOOE ISLAND & PROVIDENCE PLANTAT1000S AEC 9505010001 Forwards NRC investigaton rept 248403. LAW 950322Itr. W/o enci. M .M.M. 95/04/26. CARROLL.G. AftWaten Not Asugned. 2pp. 83687:337* P. Opereurig icones ets9e - a corresponeence I 9505020311 Aduses that 10CFR73 snipreent ID R95 0.0995A successfully Dansported P. Operseng Scense stage asocuments & -. _ trom pomt of onge lo destmaten on schedule. JOHNSON.D.G Rhode Isiand. State of. 95/04/05. BENNINGTON.G M Ofice of Nu. 9505150125 Forwards radenuchde concentratens m sludge samples from Clayton clear Matenal Sately & Seteguards. 19 83691:167 43691:167. Water Treatment Plant Atlanta.GA. ADAMS.W C. Oak Rdge A-=ted Unwersehes. 95/04/21. BASSET.C. Regen 2 9505020312 Adeses that shipment ID R954309958 made successful transit from point (Post 820201). 2pp. 83972.260 83972:261. of ongen to destmation on schedule. JOHNSON.D.G Rhode Island. State of. 95/04/18. BENNINGTON.G.M. Offee of Nw clear Matenaf Safety & Safeguards.1p. 83691.168 83691.168. 9505190208 Forwards second rev to ECCS tor facility.Rev moorporates comments from 9505020205 " Pro 7ess Root for Urev of MesounRotta Nuclear Reactor Facihty Apr fEMAN hode S d 95/05/12. MENDONCA.M. 12pp 84017.330 199/-Mar 1995 W/950427 Itr. 64017:341-BOLON.A.E. Meowrt. Unw of. Rolla. MO. 95/03/31,145p0. 83793:124 43793.208. l L on mouers DOCKET 50199 MANHATTAN COLLEGE RE9EARCH REACTOR 9505120148Transenpt of950508 schedulmg conference in Rockville.MD. Pp420476' O. Inspection m IE Bubenns & ~'

  • Atome Safety & Lcensing Board Panel.95/05/08. Sepp 83948.28843948 346 9505110012 Forwards map rept50199/95 01 on 950320 0dO6 No violatons noted. ]

DOCKET 50170 AmtIED FORCES RADIOBtOLOGY RESEARCH N0STITUTE JOYNERJ.H. Region 1 (Post 820201L 95/05/02 DUGGAN.W. Manhattan College.  : Rweraale. NY. 3pp. 83850:101 43850 107. V. Operaterr_ -9505110017Insp rept50199/95 01 on 9503204406.No volatons noted. Maior areas mapected.phyncal facihty.survedlance. requaktcaten of ROs.retueang loadog & enue' 9505 7 wards copy of results of Ccerator rutal exam conducted at AFRRI on p RICHARDS.S.A. .95/05/18 3(EARSLEY.E.E. Armed Forces Radotnologcal Research 83850 107. Institute.1p. 84039-31644039.318

v. Opewterr _

DOCKET 54171 PEACH BOTT0e4 ATOneic POWER STATION, UNIT 1 9505110324 Forwards erwhal Exam Rept 50199/OL.95 01 tor exam adnunstered donng wk of 950403.W/o rept. P. Operateng scense stage documents & correspondence RICHARDS.S A. . 95/04/24. DUGGAN.W P. Manhattan College Rwerdale. NY.19 83936457 43936.357. 9504210293Genanc Lir 95 04 to su hoiders of OLs or cps for rWJear power reactors to smas espositen of SEP lesson 64eamed asues. 9505110012 Forwards mso rept 50199/9541 on 9503204406 No volatons reted ZIMMERMAN.R P. Assocate Director for Prolects (ADPR) (Post 641001). 95/04/28 JOYNER.J H. Regen 1 (Post $20201t 95/05/02 DoGGAN.W. Manhattan College, Consolcated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 83757:024 83757:037. Riverdale. NY. 3pp. 83850'10183850:107 I i 1

l I l 14 DOCKETED ITEMS -9505110017 anso rept 54199/9541 on 950320 0406.No volatons noted. Maior areas $6 Reportable occurrences, LERs & related correspondence mapacted physcal facihty,survedtarce, requahtcahon of ROs.refuehng loseng & irute' cnscash 9505240268 Part 21 root to mesmarked AMP 12-10 insulated hags at SONGS AN AMP HOLMES.S ULLRICH.E. Regen 1 (post 820201). 95/04/26. 4pp. 63850.104- lugs currently m mventory at ABB Distnbuten Sys Div inspected for escrepancy on 63850 107. 950503 No mismarked s found Trammg sino held wrQA personnel on imdmq JACKSON.A.. HAGEN F,N. ASEA Brown Bowen. Inc. 95/04/13 NRC reo De-taded Affmat,on Gwen. 6pp. 64078:09144078.096. DOCKET 50 206 SAN ONOFRE NUCLEAR STATION UNIT 1 9505090013 Part 21 rept to mamarked AMP 12-10 naulated tuos at San Onofre Plant.Lu0s oversas but have not taned 4 of no immeente rehabdsty concern. Caused F. Securtty, medical emergency a fire protection plans tg mfg error e markm0 souspment. Lugs m mventory inspected & none mamarked STONE.D ASEA Brown Bovan, Inc. 95/05/03. NRC - No Detaded Affmaton Gwen. app. 83924.03243924 035. 9505010105 Rev 61 to " Emergency Plan for San Onohe Nuclear Generstog Staten Units 1.2 & 3." W/950426 lir. MARSH.W.C. Southem Cantorrua Eeson Co.95/05/01. 450pp. 83715$0143718:086. DOCKET 50-213 HADDAM NECK PLANT 9505100195 Rev 6.1

  • Southem Cantomia E to "eson95/05/01.

Co. Emergency Plan For SONGS.Unns 1.2 & 3 " F. Securny, medical emergency & nre protechon ptere 300pp. 83905:04143906.119 9505140067 Ack rocect of 950111 & 30 Itrs evach transmitted Revs 44 4 45 to physcal 9hs5020313Notifes of chan0e to plant EADS data pomt for SG pressure. Men mstne secunty pian at piant. ment range enanged from 1.050 to 1.200 posg & alarm setpoint now N/A. EROS data COLLIN5.SJ 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/06. RAY,H.B Soutnern Cahtomia point hbrary reference fee for change encl. Eeson Co. 4p9. F Ct11143953.116. OPEKA,J F. Connectcut Yankee Atome Power Co. OPEKAJF. Northeast Utsmes Sennce Co. 95/04/24. Documortt Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 6pp 9505230026 Re 4.includng rev 4 to SO123 Vill 1.rev 5 to SO123-Vilt-1.TCN 6 43764:001 43764 006. 3 to rev 8 to * <tiL10.TCN 3-4 to rev 3 to SO123-Vlikt0.1.TCN 1-3 to rev 1 to SO123 Vlil-1s . .N 12 to rev 1 to SO123-Viti-10.3 W/950512 Itr. 9505310,103 Temporary Change 95-783 to Rev 27 to EPtP 1.51. " Emergency Assess-MARSH,W.C. Sou aism Cahtome Eeson Co.95/05/12. 289pp. 64041:26744042 184. ment

  • Connecbcut Yankee Atome Power Co.95/05/04. 2pp. 64141.36044141.361.

L I"'8""I*" 9505240211 Provices NRC w/rewmed schedule for implementaten of rewmed EAL tables at Haddam Neck & Mdistone plants. 9505240386 Forwards cash flow statement for yr endmo Dec 1994 & SCE Corp annual OPEKAJF. Connecbcut Yankee Atome Power Co OPEKA.J F. NortheaJt NUCsear rept to Secunbes & Exchange Commesen for yr endmg Dec 1994 Ener9y Co. OPEKA.J.F. Northeast Unirties Servce Co. 95/05/12. Document Control MARSH.W.C. Southem Cantomia Eeson Co 95/05/17. Document Control Branch Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 64083.33144083.332. (Document Control Desk). 44pp. 64068.27244068.315. G. Adjudicatory . . P.Operstmg beenes stage documents & -. 9505190173 Pronndes status of Drector Decaen re petmon per 10CFR2.206 of 9505030305 Forwards comrrients on proposed GL. " Pressure Lociung & Thermal Bmd. 940303.Advmes that Drector Decison should be asued enorey.provioed no unexpect-ing of Safetv-Related PowerOperated Gate Valves" ed ever is exrst. MARSH.W4. Soumem Canfor a Edson Co. 95/04/26. NRC . No Detaded Aftention VtS$1NG.G.S Protect Drectorate 44 (PD1-4) (Post 941001). 95/05/09. GAVENSKY.R. Aftesten Not Assegned. 2pp. 8398419543984:196. Gwen. 6pp, 83832285 83832 290. 9504210293Genenc Ltr 95 04 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors H. General correspondence se fmal dmoosstion of SEP 6._ L . ,G essues ZIMMERMAN,RP. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001L 95/04/28. Conschdated Epson Co of New York. Inc.14pp 83757:02443757;037. 9505030037 Responds to W Laneng 950405 ptr.whch stated hated Concems to plant. DURR.J.P. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/27. BAS $lLAKIS.R. Afhaton Not As-9505o20287 Informs that utd udl tie relocatmg busmess otc from 23 Parker signed. 5pp. 8372016443720:179. i 1 Street.irvme.CA to San Onofre Nuclear Generanng Stanon. San Clemente.CA on 950501. 9505220105 Comment opposeng proposed rewmen to 10CFR50 App J. "Contamment j i MARSH.W C. Southern Californsa Eeson Co. 95/04/28. Document Control Branch Leakaos Tesano." to adopt performance.onented & nsn. based approaches. (Document Control Desk).1p. 83799.3564379t356. SCACf S E. Northeast Utdehes. 95/05/06. HOYLEJC. Omco of the Secretary of the Commascrt 3pp. 8398514743985.149. 9505090312 Genenc Lar 9242.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to an holders at OLs (except those b. conses amenced to possessenenly status) or cps for nuclear power reactors to reac-tor vessel suuctural mtegnty L Financial ;..:.- .n 2IMMERMAN.R P. Associate Drector for Proiects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19 Conschanted Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. topp. 64084.352 44064.381. 95050304841994 annual fmancial rept for CYAPCO W/950425 Itr GUGLIELMO.FJ Connecteut Yankee Atoms Power Co.94/12/31. 28pp. 83801:032-83861 059 Q. Inspecten reports,IE Bulletins & correspondence 9505040018 Forwants 1994 annual fmancel roots for CT & Power Co.Westem MA Electnc Co.Pubbe bvc Co of NH & North Atlanec Energy 9504190049 NRC Info Notce 95024. " Summary of Leermed Operator Requahfcahon GUGLIELMO,F t. Northeast Utdates Sonnee Co. 95/04/25. Oftce of Nuclear Reactor insp Program Fmengaa Regulaton (Post 941001L 1p. 83803:12843803.290. GRIMES.B K. 95/04/25. Consohdaied Edsson Co. of New Yortt. inc. 12pp. 83757-001 4 3757.012. g

  • Nor1heast Utktes Spee C4
  • Yankee Abmc Electre Co
  • Connectcut Yankee 9505020019 Confrms receipt of " SONGS 1 Spent Fuel Pool Liner Plate Evaluaten." Atomac Power Co.94/12/31. 43pp. 8380312943803179 dtd 950301 Evaluaten responswe to commitment uni made to NRC durm0 HRC rap 50 206/94-23.

COLLINS.S.J R. 4 (Post 820201). 95/04/26. RAY,H B. Southom Cantome P. Operating 16 cense sta9e documents & -.. _ _ Eeson Co. app 8 9.073 43689.076. 9505230094 Comment to proposed GL concerrung pressure lockmg & thermal banenp 9504210127 Genenc Ltr 9543 to all holders of OLs or CDs for PWRs se crcumferental of safety-related power operated gate va*ves Valves wfese safety functon to close a crackmg of SG tees remam closed ce valves that remam oben should be excluded from proposed GL ZIMMERMAN.R P. Associate Drector for Propects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28 Consohdated Eeson Co of New York,Inc.11po. 83757:013 83757:023. OPEKA.J F. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. 95/04/26 Onnson of Freedom of informa. ton & Pubications Servces (Post 940714). 7pp. 64001:34244001:348 9505050171 NRC Irito tiohce 95025. " Valve Fasture Dunng Patent Treatment w/ 9504210293Genenc Lir 95 04 to all ho60ers of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors Gamms Stereotaene Radosurgery Uruta e hnal espoumon of SEP lessons 4 earned assues COOL.DA Dnnsen of industnal & Madcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11 'ZIMMERMAN R P. Assocate Drector for Progects (ADPR) (Post 941001t 95/04/28. Consoldated Edison Co of New York. Inc. 9pp. 84007:18244007.190. Coneohdated Eeson Co, of New York. Inc 14pp 83757:024 43757:037. 9505080095 Forwards updated root on plant mtegrated safety assessment program Q Portodae operstlng reports & rotated ~-.- .e OPEKA.J F. Connecteut Yankee Atome Power Co. OPEKA.J F. Northeast Ubirles Senace Co. 95/04/28 Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 32pp 9505040122 " San Onofre Nuclear Generstmg Stat,an Annual Ramosctve Emuent R*- 83839.31643839.347. 1 I inase Rept JarwDec 1994 " W/950426 ler MARSH.W.Cm Soutrern Cantome Edrson Co. 94/12/31. 476pp 83794-00143795.112 9505120277 Ineo rms that Comfrussen has requested FR to pubhsh enci "Notco of Cork sidersten of lasuance of Amend to Lcense & Proposed NSHC Determmaton & Op. 9505040259 " Annual Raeologeal Envron Operateg Rept for 1994 San Onofre Nuclea' Proposed amend enn delete TS Sectens1.3841.39 porturwty WANGAB. for Heanng"Drectorate 6 3 (PD1-3) Propect (Post 941001) 95/05/05. OPEKA.J F Generabng Staton Uruts 1.2 & 3 " W/950426 ftr. Connecteut Yankee Atome Power Co OPEKAJF. Northeast Nuclear f.norgy Co GOEDERxM . MARSH.W C. Southem CaMornie Eeson Co 94/12/31. 195pp 83861 184 83862:014. app. 83902.25243902.266 9505080238 Provces Annual Personnel Morutonng Rept for 1994 per 10CFR20.2206 & -4 505120280 Nonce of consadoraison of msuance of amend to hcense DPR41 & prt> sectons 6.91.5 of app A,TS to hcenses OpR-13,NPE.10 & NPF 15 for plant.Dak writh- posed NSHC oetermmaten & opporturuty for haanng Amend wel doute TS 1.38 8 held MARSH.W.C Southem Cahtome Echson Co 95/04/26. Document Control Ekench 1.39. WANGAB "Defmrtons,. Fuel Assembly Pro ect Drectorate 63 Types "(PD1-3) (Post 941001). 95/05/05. 11pp (Document Control Desk) 1p 83873.09343873 095. 83902.25tr.83902.266 i l l

DOCKETEDITEMS 15 9505180542 Reouests addl mto re util 031222 ttr proposmg to change TS to promde 9505300014 Adeses NRC that plant completed at desage base revews, artomate RCP toywheel esp trequency & exam memods analyses.ventcatsJris. tests & msps m accordance w/GL 89-10 on 950419. tor stems a WANGAB. Proiect Drectorate 6 3 (PD1-3) (Post 941001). 95/05/11. OPEKA.J.F. througn n. Connecncut Yankee Atome Power Co. OPEKAJ.F. Northeast Nuclear Erwrgy Co. OPEKAJE Connectcut Yankee Atorme Power Co OPEKa#, Northeast Utihtes 6pp. 83985.352 83985.357. Servce Co. 95/05/19 Document Control Branch (Docun ,rn control Desk). 2pp. 84099.357 44099..s58. 9505090312 Genanc Lir 9242.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to aR holders of OLs (except those b-conses amended to possesion only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac-tor vessel structural mtegntY- R. Portodic operating reports & related correspondence ZIMMERMAN.R P. Assocate Drector for Propects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19. Conschdated Edtson Co of New York. Inc.10pp. 84084.35244084.361. ' Annual Radoactive Ettivent Rept 1994 " W/950428 Itr. 9505310213Prowdes NRC w/addl mto to support revew of SEP Topic III1. "Quakty OPEKAJ F. Connectcut Yankee Atome Power Co. OPEKAJF. Northeast UtHmes Servce Co. 94/12/31. 73pp. 83833.203-83833 275. Group Classitcaton of Components & Sys." DEBARBA.E.A. Cormeetcut Yankee Atome Power Co. 95/05/23. Document Control 9505050067 " Annual Radologcal Envron Operating Rept Haddam Neck Station Jan-Branch (Document Control Desk). App. 84145 158 44145.161. Dec 1994 " W/950428 ttr. 9505310223 Proades NRC w/mfo to decay heat removal capabsty of plant dunng or OPEKA.J F. Connectcut Yankee Atome Power Co. OPEKA.J F. Northeast Utstes foll sessme event Servce Co 94/12/31. 81pp. 83847:00143847:081. DEBAR EA Connectcul Yankee d. tome Power Co. DEBARBA.E A. Northeast Oth. ties Servce Co. 95/35/23. Documertt Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 9505150144 Monthly operstmg rept for Apnl 1995 for Connecteut Yankee Haddam 84163.28344163285. Neck PlantW/950505 lir. EMMONS.K.. RYLEY.M , DACIMO.F.R. Connectcut Yankee Atome Power Co 95/04/ . 9505310252 Forwards updated table re status of USI A 46 outher resoduten at Haddam 30. 7pp. 83898.35543898.361. I Nect plant DEBARBA.EA Connecteut Yankee Atome Power Co. DEBARBA.EA Northeast Uth-Co /05/25. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 8pp' S. Reportable occurrences. LERs & related correspondence 9505310481 Informs that second bemer mstalled m contamment penetrations at plant 9505030296 LER 94 026-02:en 941109.TS 3.0.3 entered due to mopwable contamment recently completed Cycle 18 refuehng outage monation valve On 941110. temporary mod was metailed whch diverted pressuruer 9EB RBA.E A Correcocut Yankee Atomm Power Co. DEBARBA.E A Northeast D vent path thr Unli- another samping penetratonW/950424 fir. tes Servce Co.95/05/25 Document Control Branch (Document Control Deskt 2pp. M ARINO.M.F.. CIMO.F.R. Connectcut Yankee Alorse Power Co. 95/04/24. 8pp. 84145.16544145.166. 83790:008 4 3790:015. j


9505110006 LER 95-013 00:en 950406.reportabsty evaluaton determned that fadure of O, inspection reports. IE Buitetms & - - _ e contamment pressure transmitter reportable. Caused by transnwtter fadure Transmmer replaced W/950504 Itr. 9505030203 Informs thateversg. Regen I concludes that performance of plant f.amamed LEBARON.L. DACIMO,F.R. Connectcut Yankee Atome Power Co. 95/05/04. 5pp. generally consstern w/ previous SALP except for meresse m personnel errors re 83924 132 43924 137. revow of execuhve plant performance.artsp sche &Ae enci COOPER,R W Regen 1 (post $20201). 95/04/20.OPEKA.J F. Connectcut Yankee 9505100120 LER 9501440on 950407.escovered that swvedlarte for dernonstratmg Atome Power Co 7pp. 83722.11443722:120. operabety of portion of ECCS subsystems had not been performed Caused by proc + dural madecuacy Procedure revoed & annual TS survedlance rewswed W/950505 str. 9505020141 Forwards msp rept 50-213/95 07 on 95030610.No volatons MCCRACKEN D DACIMO.F.R. Connecteut Yankee Atome Power C195/05/05 noted.Defconcses m desegn.mtg or mamt of breakers have potential for otroducog 5pp. 8392410443924109. common mode talure that could result m fadure of muttipos trans RULAND W H. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/21. OPEKA.J.F. Connectcut Yankee 9505310486 LER 9442741:en 941213.survedlance trecuency exceeded for ventym0 Atoms Power Co. 3pp. 83690-263 83690 274. ottsste power source operabdity Caused by procedural catciency. Revised procedure to promoe specste mechanism for adenetyrq TS.W/950523 tir

-9505020156 inso root 50-213/9547 on 950306-10 & 0418.No venaton noted Maior                  MCCRACKEN.D.S.. DACIMO.F.R. Cormechcut Yankee Atome Power Co. 95/05/23.

areas mspectactrevow of breaker rehaodity. preventve mant program & procedures & 7pp 84162:106-84162m 1. correctve actons for tsreaker defciencies & fatures SCHOLLLL, RULAND,W.H. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/21. 9pp. 63690:266-BM.274^ V. Operator Exammat6cns 9505030123 Forwards esp rept S213/95 05 on 95022124 & 0313-17 Mamt acthrees eNectmey conducted IAW estabhshed guidelmes. 9605090045 Informs that Regon I wdl no longer partespata e cerufcate presentations MEYER.G.W. Regen * (Post 820201). 95/04/24. OPEKA.J F. Connectcut Yankee to bcensed operators & SROs. Instead,NRC wdl send certifcstes drectly to faceites. Atomsc Power Co. 3pp. 8372131643721:331. WIGGINSJ T Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/01.OPEKA,J.F. Northeast Utsties. 2pp.

-9505030133 Inso rept S 213/9545 on 950221 24 & 031317.No votatens reted.Masor areas espected. ment program mcks: led map of facety                       9505100049 Forwards both forms of exam. answer keysOrseng results & mdevedual                ,


  • 8o i ee enen tun en a exad endnnouais IH. ( ost 82020 5 04 . 1 1 2 83 .331. pa e o cci l MEYER.G.W. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/03 SM:TH.J F. Connecteut Yankee 9504190049 NRC Into N.o.tce 95 024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Regaak'caban Atome Power Co. 2pp. 83828:00543828:086.

inso Pngram Fe GRIMES.B.K. . 95/04/25. Conschdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc. 12pp. 83757.001 43757:012. mWMmm n NmM Mm MM 9504210127 Generc Lir 9503 to aN holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re crcumferential crackmq of SG tubes. F. Security, medcol, emergency a f6re protectaan plans i ZIMMEMMAN.R.P. Associate Dractor for Projects (ADPR) (Post 941001) 95/04/28.  ! Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Yortt, arc.1190. 83757:013-83757:023. 9505M38 Confinns that piant mtends to se energency msponse capabdebes by 9505090261 Responds to NRC ltr te volatons noted m map root 2213/95 02.Correc-T J7 a U 1:e Corp ts*O Servce %. 95/04/28. Document OPE . an ee Co OPEKA.J F. Northeast Utstes ContnW Branch hw Control bakt 1p. 83864 m 438641 M Servce Co. DEBARBA1.A Northeast Ubhties 95/05/03. Document Control Branch (Documerit Control Desk),13pp. 83893.34243893:354' 9505230339Remsed EPIPs. rev 5 to EPIP40 04.rev 11 ta EPID.OC 06.rev 4 to EPtP OCs28 & rev 11 to 64 -1319 02 W/950517 tir 9505100064 Fo wards map rept S 213/95 08 on 9502264403.No votations BARTON.J.J General Pubhc Utihtes Corp GPU Servce Corp 95/05/17.154pp. roted Encourages contmuod attenton to mpe weld degradabon m svc water sys wnch 84046:09644046 249 endcated potental tack of thorougnness m past en. gineerng efforts DURR.J P. R 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/03. OPEKA.J.F. Connecteut Yankee 9505260064 Responds to 950427 correspondence requestmg bnefing from NRC. State Atome Power . 3pp. 83828.10343828128. of NJ polce & unt on secunty measures at pant. Mecang scheduled for 950523 at

 -9506100081 inso rept S213/9546 on 9502284403.No volanons roted. Mator areas                   plant technmal support ctr enspectedplant operatons.mmnt,                & technmal support & plant actumes           MARTIN.T.T. Repon 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/17. MORAN.J W New Jersey. State of NICHOLSON.LE. Regen 1 (Post 8 201L 5/04/28. 22pp 8382810643828128                          6pp. 84062.24744062.255 9505050171 NRC Info Notco 95425. "Vaive Felure Dunng Pabent Treatment w/                   -9505260067 Requests brefing on secunty measures en place to protect plant from po.

Gamma Stereotactc Radesurgery Urvt? tantial threat of terronst attack & urges that every safety measure be taken m hght of COOLD.A. Divison of industnal & Medcal Nuc6 ear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. bomump m Okianoma City.OK. Consohdated Edason Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp. 84007.18244007.190- CONNORS.L.T.. MORAN.J W.. CONNORS.C.J New Jersey. State of 95/04/27. THE CMAIRMAN. SELIN.I C~.~ e (Post 750119). WILLIAMS.C.A. New Jersey. 9505190582 Raouests addl mio re util 931222 Itr proposm0 to change TS to promde State of. 5pp. 84062.25344062.255. alternate RCP flywheel map frequency & exam methods WANG.A.B. Pro,ect Drectorate 13 (PO13) (Post 941001). 95/05/11 OPEKA.J F. Connectcut Yankee Atomc Power Co. OPEKA.J.F. Northeast Nuc6 ear Energy Co L Financial 6nformanon 6pp. 83985.35243985.357. 9505260017 Forwards synopses of 01 Case 144417 re sitegatons that wrongdomo oc- 9505020470 Forwards "GPU Annual Rept 1994." 1'994 undorm staustcal rept.1994 curred to p4 ant handhng & reportmg of SW weld lesk/corrosen asue Olc of investiga- GPU actual source & appication of funds satatement & 1995 GPU forecast source & hons could not substanDate allegatsons that suDt wrongdoerig occurred. apohcaten of funds statement per 10CFR50.71(D) & 10CFR140.21 COOPER.R.W. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/18 OPEKA.J.F. Conrectcut Yankee BROJGHTON.T.G. Genera! Pubic Utmes Corp. - GPU Servce Corp 95/04/25 Doc. Atome Power Co. 3pp. 64062 06944062'071. ument Control Branch (Document Control Desk) 1p 83763.203 83763.287

- . . - - .- - - - - - - ~ ~ . __~ . - _ . .--..~~..~.~-._u--. ~.----.n. 16 DOCKETEDITEMS

         -9505020472 "GPU Armuel Rept 1994."                                                                DOCKET $0 220 NINE estLE POINT NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 1 LEVA.J.R. General Put*C Utilities Corp. . GPU Sernce Corp. 94/12/31. Sapp.

8376320443763.267. F. Security, measul, emergency & fwe protect 6en plane P. OpereI6ng heense stage _' .Js & correspondence 9605240032Revwed Emergency Plan Mamt Procedures. including rev 0 to EPMP.EPP. 0102. "Urnt 2 Emergency Classifcation Techrucal Bases" & rev 0 to EPMP.EPP.0101, 9004210293 Genanc Lv 9544 to all holders of OLS or cps for sucitar power reactors "Urvt 1 Emergency pass #caton Techncal Bases." . 95/05/13. 234pp. 84070:001 e re smal deponson of SEP L. LM moves. MCCORMICK.MJ Negara Mohawk Power Corp i ZIMMERMAN.R P. Associate Director for Projects (ADPR) (Post 6410r 64070.234. Consondated Edson Co. of New York,Iric.14pp. 8375722443757M/.'s). 95/04/28. 960600014e Forwards arnend 100 to beense DPR 16 & SE.Ar.snd revees TS sectum L Financial .. .. to deiste retamroment to render determmations an antmg w/ regard to acevi. p bas e TS 6 5.1.2 & 6 5.1.5 constitute unrenewed safety q eston. 9506240376 Forwards 1994 Annual Financel Repts of Negara Mohawk & Cc Tenant  ! DROMERICKAW. Propect Directorate k3 (PD13) $ Poe' 941001). 95/05/01. Companies Of Nme M4e Pomt Uruts 1 & 2 BARTONJJ. General Put*c Unittes Corp. . GPU S%e Corp. 3pp. 83823 001* SYLvtA.B R. Ne0ers Mohawk Power Corp. 95/05/15. Document Coreal Branch 83823.009. (Document Convol Desk) 1p. 64106 00144106.316.

         -9500000174 Amend 180 to keense DPR-16.revemo TS secten to delete re-                     -9606240379 " Rochester Gas & Electne Corp Annual Rapi for 1994 "

curement to render cetermmatons m wntng w/ regard to wheeler or not actnnties

  • Rochester Gas & Electre Corp.94/12/31. 80pp. 84106:00244106.069. j hsteo m TS & 6.51.5 constitute Imroviewed safety quesean.

Directorate 13 (PD1-3) (Post 941001k 95/05/01. 4pp. .gsasuno06 "Negra Mohawk Power Corp 1994 Annual Rept" gKEEgF-- -

  • fengara Mohawk Power Corp.94/12/31. 63pp. 6410tt07064106:125.
         -9500000177 Safety evalusten supportng amend 180 to license DPR-16.                                  ~ ^^^ " Central Hudson Gas & Electnc Corp 1994 Annual Rept"                                       !

Omco of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001). 95/05/01. 2pp. 83823.006

  • Central Huonon Gas & Elecinc Corp.94/12/31. 53pp. 64106:12644106.182. l
                                                                                                            . 90052403e0 "1994 Annual Rept.* for NYSEG 9006260010D=-as recently recewed mio re actutes at plant. Requests results of                            how York State Electnc & Gas Corp. 94/12/31. 48pp. 64106.18344106.239.

review & depoemon of metter be autmutted to regon I withm 60 days et str date Enct withneed fret 10CFR2 790)

                                                    '                                                                                                 / /3 5600 64106 0 44106.316 Cap'     PU                  4    64 9606000312 Genanc Lir 92-02.Rev 1.Suppi 1 to na holders of OLs (except inose n.                    E Operstmg beense stage          .m

_ & cormepen0ence conses amended to _- - c.W status) or cps for nuchsar power reactors re reac- , tar veneel stuctural smognty. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Director for Propects (ADPR) (Post Ht001). 95/05/19. 9506150122 Swth partial response to FOIA request for documents App H record already Consoldated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. 64064.35244084;361, avadet:4e en PDR Forwards App i records & bemo evadacio en PDR g POWELL,R.A. Dween of Freedom of Informaton & Pubicatons Servces (Post > 940714). 94/12/23. FIDELLEA Afhisten Not Assegned. 9pp. S4038.03344038.159. Q. Inspootten reports. IE Sunetene & corrompenslence

                                                                                                            -0606190275Discuseos NeGara Mohawk Power Corp settlement agreement re row ow 8'**

9504190040 NRC Info Notice 95 024, " Summary of Lcensed Operster Requakfcanon %f'NRC t'hhaton Gwen.09/06/18. SLOSSON.M. NRC No De-tamed ANihaten Gwen 1p 84038M644038MS. MF . 04/25. Conachdatect Edson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 83757 2 6375 2 2' 9606020238 Forwaros nonpropnetary verson of Supol 1 to GE.NE.8130173944, Wde und 1 Shroud." en msponse e R M % SCC W Cwe 9606030071 Forwards map rept50 219/95-10 on 95041013 No veistens noted. ',"g  ; JOYNERJ.H R (Post 820201). 95/04/27. BARTON.J.J. General Put*c Utin* TERRY.C.D. Negers Mohawk Power Corp. 95/04/21. Document Control Branch i tes Corp. - GPU Corp. 3pp. 83720.35243720.358. (Documerit Control Dook). 4pp. 83764:0494 3764:070. N Insp rest 50-219/9510 on 95041013 No velatons noted. Mapor areas 9604210293 Genom La 9544 to ad holders Of OLs or cps for nuclew power reactws i mapucted Raeoactrue Effluorit Control Programs. re final deposton of SEP lessonserned som PELUSO.L., ULLRICH.E. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/21. app. 83720355- ZIMMERMANAP. Assocate Director for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28 83720:358. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 83757:02443757:037 9604210127 Generc Ltr 95 03 to an hoeders of OLs or cps for PWRs to csrcumferenbal re scope of Locae Put Analyse w/ respect to 9506000135 Cawdies murmte Director for Progects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. '"'C' 9 " "* ' " " ' R tim'a " Consoldated Edson Co. of New Yorit. Inc.11pp. 83757 01343757 023- aubsect as rur. ud in uld 9 M.LF. Nagara Mohawk Power Corp. 95/04/30. Document Control Branch (Doc. 9505100064 Forwards msp rept 50-219/95 06 on 9502224403.No voletons noted. f DURRJ P. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/03. BARTONJJ. General Put*c Utdrhes . Corp. - GPU Servce Corp. 2pp. 83628.176 63828194. 900,,0000,14,0,"Nucseer y pg n y ut 1 for Core Spray Enomeenng Reptcoversheet Sparger Pece." for Postulated to GELoose Port Analyse for Nme rept GE-NE.T23- l 00700 1449

         -4506100007 insp rept 54219/9548 on 9502224403.No violatens noted. Mapor areas                        BARTOLINI.P A.. LEE.T.D. Nes0 era Mohawk Power Corp. NER-1M-023 R00, 95/04/

mapeciso piani operatens.manLenomeenng, piant support & safety assessment / guai- 12.1p. a3865.03743865:037 ity venhcanon. ROGGE.J. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/24.19pp. 83828.17843828164. -9606000150 " Postulated Lost Paris Anaeyse for Nme Mde Pomt Nuclear Staten UnN 1 9505060171 NRC Info Notce 95025. 'Yalve Fadure Dunng Patient Trootment w/ Gamma Stereotectc Radoeurgery Und." dat actr Co / 4/30.11pp. 83865:03843865.048. COOL.DA Devacn of Industnal & Medcol Nuclear Saiety (Post $70729). 95/05/11- 9516110060Advmes that tad & engmeenn0 analyse of coupons removed dunng 1995 L Conschdoted Edson Co. of New York. Inc. Opp.64007.182 44007.190. refusing outage resulted in corroson rate of 0.3216 rruts per year. 3 TERRY,C.D Nagara Mohawk Power Corp. 95/05/03. Document Control Branch s (Document Control Desk).1p. 83933.34943933.349. r g 9606100662 Informs of , - - . . _.. of octens to reduce thermal stratifcaten & cy. 9006020061 "1994 Radclogcal Enveen Morutonna Rept" W/950427 lir chts m emergency consenser sys BARTONJJ. General Pubhc Utikhes Corp. - GPU bervce Corp. 94/12/31.165pp. TERRY.C.D. Nagara Mohawn Power Corp. 95/05/04. Document Control Branch  ! 83781 001 43761:165. (Document Control DesA). 10. 84015.347 44015.347. 9005190290 Monthly operstmg rept for Apr 1995 for Oyster Creek Nuclear GeneretnD 9500000268 Roowests addl mio re iconsee amend proposal mstrument cah. Station W/950509 lir braten treguency & fuel claddng mtegnty knuts. Response should sutwrutted by EDELMANN.P.G BARTONJJ. General Pubhc Ut*hes Corp. . GPU Servce Corp. 95/ 950531. 04/30, 7pp. 64019.34144019:347 EDtSON.G.E. Proiect Directorate 11 (PD11) (Post 941001). 95/05/05. SYLVIA.8 R Negara Mohawk Power Corp. 4pp 83853.34543853:348 V. Operator Esammettens 9506000312 Genere Lir 92 02.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all holders of OLs (except those 6 conses amended to possesen.only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac.

         :'","s*.*d%"'%,'s"i R&"O:"ad              "

4" "L' f=t::'L*e'cM!' :::n 7 EMEWb""bei- f- P'o'ecea> (P- =='> 95/=/* Consohdated Edson Co of New York. Inc. 1000. 84084.352 44064.361. ey aner exam process comomM. WIGGINSJ T. R (Post 620201) 05/05/01. BARTONJJ. General Pubic Ute. tes Corp . GPU Corp 2pp. 83816.148-83816149 g g g 9605100032.u. inc ng answe Forwards

                                     . ,s &co,pe.s  of bo,,rms g a , ,esuns    io uoi e,nofloyees GFE,secten o, who too   wniten onoperato,r   hcenomg 9 05i50,37     Advoes ina1 ui. .suai,y e.ammed co,e sp,ey sper9e,s . .ssoceied eter.

950405 W/o enct nel peping dunn0 therieenth refuehng outage.per IE Bulletm 8013 MEYER.G W Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/03 TRfTT.H. General Put*c Utlhtes TERRY.C.D. Nagara Mohawk Power Corp. 95/04/21. MARTIN.T.T. Regon 1 (Post Corp . GPU Service Corp. 2pp 83828:05543828:056 820201). 2pp 63955.315 83955.352.


                                               -.-r versons of documentaten signportrig core     DOCKET 50 237 DRESDEN Nur1 EAR POWER STATION, UNIT 2
     -9505150141 shroud repair perForwards GL 94 03 . .

TERRY.C.O Negara Mohawn Power Corp. 95/04/21. Doceent Control Branch (Documers Control Desk). 3pp. 83955.31643955.318. F. Security, fnedical, emergency & fee protection piena

     -9505150147 Suppl 1 to "Nme Mine Point Urut 1 Shroud "                                      9505110030 Forwards SALP 13 repts 50 237/9501 & 50 249/9541 for 930822-HERRERA.M L. GLEASON.T E., MENTA.H.S General Elecine Co. GE NE-813-                        950318 Weetmg to escuss repts we be acteduled on 950512.

0173944. 95/02/24. 34pp 83955.31943955.352. MARTIN.J R on 3 (Post 820201). 95/04/28 JOYCE.T. Commonweam Eeson CO. 9504190049 NRC Info Notice 95024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requahfcation Inso Program Fmengs." -9505110173SALP rents 50'237/9001 & 50 249/9501 for 930822 950318. ! GRIMES.B.K. 95/04/25. Consolidated Edison Co. of New YotA inc.12pp. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/04/28, 6pp. 83850:33043850.335. ! 83757 001 43757:012. 9505190267 Revised pages DA &12 & 613 to Rev 6g of generstmg staten emergency l 9605050035 Forwards map rept $4220/9&O9 on 950327-31.No volations noted. plan annex.dtd May 1995. i MODES.M.C. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/26. SYLVLA B.R. Negara Mohawk SCOTT.DJ. Coetnonwealth Eeson Co.95/05/04. 4pp 84008:345 84006.348 i Power Corp. 3pp. 83758:12843758.141. l 9605200011 Revned EPIPs.mcluding rev 3 to CEPIP 32144e.rev 4 to CEPIP 3303-i -9505050043 Insp rept 54220/9549 on 950327 31.No violatons noted. Maior areas 01.rev 6 to CEPIP 360241 & revised 3000 Senes Table of Ccn' tents did 950517. ( mapected:teensee shroud repas design analyses.repse hardware st esa analysm.msp

  • Commonwealth Eeson Co. 95/05/17. 64pp. 6408925344089.315.
>        results & faoncaten & mstallation & meervice eino plan.                                                                                                                                    i LOHMEIER.A., MODES.M.C. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/26.11pp. 83758131-                                                                                                                   i 83758 141.                                                                              G. ? '             , correspondence
9504210127 Genonc Ltr 9543 to all hoeders of OLs or cps 1or PWRs re cecumferental 9505040029 Commonwealth Edmon Company moten im leave e fee ammus cunae" b MA R ssocata Deector ter Proiects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/26' .G Commonwe ith eson Co EDGAR.GL Edgar. G.L #29516646. 95/

Consolidated Eeson Co. of New YorA Inc. tipo. 83757:013 83757:023. 04/21.C_ _ -(Post 750119). 5pp. 83743:17043743:189. ( 9505050171 NRC Info Notee 95425. ," Valve Failure Dunng Patent Treatment w/ -9505040035 Commonwealth Essen Company answer supparbng NRC petmon for i

                                                                                                                    '                                                *           *#P               I COOLD.                  of       Inal &       I Nudear Safety (Poet 8'0729). 95/05/11.    'a,
                                                                                                    ,      [hf                g,     ,,e, Consolidated Eescri Co. of %w York, Inc. 9pp. 84007:18244007:190.                         EDGAR.G.L C .- _ .. '- . Edison Co. EDGAR.G.L. Edgar, G.L95/04/21. Comme-I                                                                                                    seners (Post 750119).15pp. 83743'17543743-189.

9505240143 Forwards esp roots 50-220/9510 4 50 410/9510 en 950424-28 & NOV. JOYNER.J.H. 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/16. SYLVIA.B.R. Niagara Mohawk 9505260218 Order.' informs that tone withm whch Commissen may act on NRC Staff Power Corp. 3pp. 21.302 44021:312. pettion for review of Atome Safety & Lcenseg Board ineal Decison.LBP-9504.dtd 950327 extended unni 950608 W/Cartifcate of Svc. Served on 950522.

      -9505240153 Nohce of violabon from map on 950424 28.Velaten noted.utd faded to                MOYLE.J.C. Offee of the Secretary of the Commason. IF29516728. 95/05/19. Offee pmporty emplement Radsbon Protecten Program procedures as hated.                          of the General Counsel (Poet 860701). 2pp. 64062:32144062:322.


  • Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/16. 2pp. 84021.30544021:306. j
       -9505240150 insp repts 50220/9510 & 54410/9510 on 950424-28. Vetstens                      P. Operatmg bcense state "-                    ^s & correspondence noted.Mapor areas mspected:radc6ogcat controls esmg refuelmg cutage & mstruc-bons 2 raecogeal wakers                                                                 9605050155 Appicaten for amends to App A.Secton 6 of heenses DPR.2, DPR.

FURIA)., BORES.R. Regen 1 (Post 8202011. 95/05/16. 6pp. 64021:30744021-312. 19.DPR 25.NPF.11,NPF.18.DPR 29 DPR.30.NPF.72.NPF 77 NPF 37,NPF46.DPR-39

                                                                                                     & DPR48 Amends conset of adminstrative changes.

BENES.G.G. Commonwealth Edmon Co. 95/04/24. Documord Control Branch (Docu. R. Per6 odic operating reports & related L ment Control Desk). 20pp. 83626-00143827.101. 9505020210 " Annual Radelagcal E ivron Operstmg Rept Nme Mile Point Nucsear Sta. -9505050159 Proposed noch specs re admmetratve changes to App A. Sechan 6 to non " W1950428 fir. Icenses.

  • Commonwealth Eeson Co. 95/04/24. 219pp 83826.020 83826.238.

ABBOTT.R.B. Nagara Mohawk Power Corp.94/12/31.151pp. 8379100743791:157. 9605220147 Monthly operating rept for Apr 1995 for NMPNS Urut 1 W/ 950512 lir. -9505050162 Rev 65 to " Commonwealth Edson OA Manual? O'CONNOR.JJ. Commonwearth Edson Co. 94/11/21. 225pp. 83826.239 83827.101. COLEMAN.D E ABBOTT.R.B- Nagara Mohawk Power Corp. 95/04/30, 5pp. 64038.027 44038231, 9ammn477 Related PowerCornments 4peratedon Gatecraft GL ".Pressise Vahres " Lockin0 & Therrnal Brieng of Safey VONK.M J. Commonwealth Edson Co 95/04/25. Document C<miral Branch (Docu-

8. Reportable occurrences, LERe & related correspondence mont Control Desk). 3pp. 83791:352 43791.354.

9505200304 LER 9540240:on 950419. reactor scram caused by ladure of generator 9504210293 Genenc LW 95 04 to all hadders of OLa or cps for nuclear power reactors protective reiay Rectaced faulty reiay W/950519 ler. to final esposson of SEP lessons-eeamed asues. SWEET.K ABBOTT.R.b. feagara Mohawk Power Corp 95/05/19. 6pp. 64132:067- 21MMERMAN.R.P Aaamts Dwoctor for Prossets (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28 84132-072 Consohoated Eeson Co. of New Yor% inc.14pp. 83757.02443757.037 9505110153 Provides updated status of specal envwon morntonng program around V. Operator Examenstaons Dresden Site FARRAR.D.L Commonwealth Eeson Co. 95/05/01 Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regu. 94 ). pp 8 83 N SE 9505090024 Informs that Regon I can no bnger padicapate m cert #cata presentations wig J.b Power Corp 2pp 1 1 2 1 16:10343816:104 5 05 S lA.B R. agar 9505050082 Responds to NRC RAI for TS upgrade program.Secton S/410 & supplirifo

                                                                                                                                      ,6,4           ,s
                                                                                                     %                                                                    and Braro (h Control Desk). 29pp. 83833.13483833 202.

DOCILET 50-223 UNIV.OF LOWELL RESEARCH REACTOR _ y-- -' Proposed noch specs re TS upgrade program Secten 3/410.

  • Commonwealth Eeson Co.95/05/02. 34pp. 83833.16943833.202 Q. Inspecton mpons. IE Butehns & cormspondence 9505180441 Forwards propnetary suppiemontal ofo re util MOV testing & surve.itance prooram.per GL 8910.Propnetary ento witnheid eraan putAc enclosure per 9505030009 Ach recect of 950330Itr whch provides clanteaton re alarms & use of 10CF R2.790.

locaung key assocated w/Co40 source maruputator tool addressed m map rept 50 VONK.MJ. Commonwealth Eeson Co. 95/05/02. Document Control Branch (Docu-223/94 02. Add 8 into requested withm 60 days of recect of Itr ment Control Desk). Opp 64026.32544026.332

           .iOVNERJ.H. Regen 1 (Post 82020f). 95/04/27. BETTENHAUSEN.L Massachu-setts. Uruv. of, Lowell. MA (formony Lowell. Uruv. of). 2pp. 83721:126-83721.129.       9505190118 Discusses sener mgt meetmg w/ to puthe observaten. conducted on 950502 at Regen lit to docuss concems re status of utd nuclear power
        -9505030099 Prcanoes clanfcanon of statements addressed m ensp rept50 223/94 02               statens Let of attendees & handouts enci re esp conducted on941205 07.                                                              HILAND.P.L Region 3 (Post 820201) 95/05/04. WALLACE.M Commonwealth Edson BETTENMAUSENL Massacriusetts. Urww. of. Lowell. MA (formerly Lowell. Um of).              Co 118pp 83973.22443973.341.

95/03/30-JOYNERJ.H. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 2pp. 83721:128-83721:129. Comm Ed TS upgrade pr om proiect Marked up TS pages also enct. RET.PL Comnonweann eson Co.95/05/09 Document Contml Branch Cocument DOCKET 54225 RPI CRITICAL EXPERIMENT Control Desk) 36pp. 83978.04543978.124.

                                                                                                   -9505150259 Proposed Tech Specs.nupportmg TS upgrade program propect V. Operator Esaminahons                                                                      " Commonwealth Edison Co.95/05/09 44pp 83978 08143978124.

9505220220 Forwards results for operator ruta! exam conducted on 950425 26 W/o 9505100303 Sumrrery of 950323 meetng w/util re TS Upgrade Program status Let of l enct RICHARDS.S.A. .95/05/16.HARRi$ D A .1p 64029.34544029.345. atiendees enct. SKAY.D M. .95/05/11. 6pp. 83971.35343971258


18 DOCKETEDITEMS  ; 9806230176 Forwards summary of ute raeaten protecten performance & efforts m 9905190262 Monthly operatmg repts for Apr 1995 for Dresden Nuclear Power to attact triprovement. Staten.W/950515 ter BR S.JC Commonwealtn Edson Co. 95/05/12. Document Control Branch (Docu- SYKES.K W, F ALBO.R.J., HOLLAND.P G. Commonwealth foson Co. 95/04/30. ment Control Desk) 32pp. 6406814244068:173. 17pp. 6401734244017.360. 9605240023 Forwards response to NRC staft request for addl mfo re TS upgrade pre > kE ControlP.L ., _64069:21744069.316. C .49pp. Desk) N Eeson Co 95/05/15. Document Control Branch (Document 9606190104 Corrects incorrect LER number (34 041) & incorrect ret (10CFR60.73a) 1

   -4006240026 Proposed toch specs as result of TS uparade                am.                      speerhed m 941017transmettal nr to LER 94 026 & 10CFR50.73a.respectively.               1 I
  • Comrnonwealth Eeson Co.95/05/15. 51pp. 84066 9.316. JOYCE.T.P. Commonwaattn Eeson Co. 95/05/03. Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk).1p. 64006.358 64006.358. ]

9506240437 Provides results of surveys conducted on water level elevaten of onerte ground water monaanng wetts mataned at Dresden ene to morntor local flow & poten. 9006190178 LER 95412 00:on 950411.s.gnecant weakness of admmestratwo control of sal comammaton patters. radcactwo mati was identified oue to redcactwo man bemg found outside protected VONM.MJ Commonwealth Edson Co- 95/05/17.Othce of Nuclear Reactor Reguia. area Controlled man & property secured noms W/950509 Itr. ten (Post 941001).15pp. 64073:15144073.165. QUEALY.P.D., JOYCE.T.P. C-_---- _ J Eeson Co. fr$/05/09 4pp. 83985.270-83985.273. 9006290145 Forwaros reemnae to NRC 950222 RAI re TS ogrado program Secten 3/

41. "Ranctor Proteir.4g, SCHRAGE.J.L C-; - dys.".

z Eeson Co. 95/05/17. Document Control Branch (Doc- V. OPeretor E ument Control Desk).~50pp. 84075:04044075122. 9605050116  ; Informs that NRC admmistered GFE secten of wntten operator 6cens]

   -""*",n Com "weTt*?'soIS             Co       *70'5mL"25#0'J4',"P*"**,,

r,,=,w"e=,=,ogogai -so4*

  • a'--a - a - waan =

9006290251 Forwards Rev 65a to Comm Ed QA program Topeal Rept CE4 A. updat- $[pgyg,p7 fn,20t gq na gy, ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ dison mg toes & poseon descretons.mceudmo approved enerpretaten br change m proce. 63758 352 83758.352. cure revew frequency & adeng two requesa suets. KOVACH.TJ. Commonweastn Eeson Co-95/05/17. Document Control Branch (Docw ment Control Desk). 2pp. 64087.18044087.356. DOCKET 50 244 ROSERT EtelfET GINNA NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 1

   -9005290253 Rev 65a to Comm Ed QA                      am.
  • Commonwealth Eeson Co.95/04/1.1 7pp. 64087.18244087258.

F. Securtty, finedical, emergency a fire preteetton plans , 9606200312 Summary of950315 16eneetng w/ comed re MOV program developed m renconse to GL 8910. List at attendees, presentaten egenda a utu MOV program 96e50e010$ Revised EPIPs.includmg rev 9 to AP-1 A1 rev 13 to AP-TURB.2 & rev 10 to 8aCl AP.TURB 4 W/950427 Itr. DICK.G.F. .95/05/18. 188pp. 84078.15044078:317- MARLOW.TA. WIDAY JA Rochester Gas & Electnc Corp. 95/04/27 l 9508080312 Genene LD 9242.Rev 1.Sepi 1 to all holders of OLs (except those li-conees amended to  ; - _ _ _ r; status) or cps for nucieF power reactors re reaC-M00000 W orwards SAW rept S244/93M on 9309124503Hha@RC e l MM M Assocsate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19 Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. inc.10pp. 8406435244064.361. hh]T Post Elecinc Corp. App-83817.207 43817.218. 1 . MECREDY.RA Rocheste Gas & J

                                                                                               -9605000187SALP rept 50 244/93 99 for 930912 950311.

9505120185 EN 95420-on 950405. nonce of velaton & proposed imposeon of cui pen-alty m amount of $100.000asued to heanese Acton based on map at plant menng 9006150133 Rev 7 to EPIP 51. Offsate Emergency Response Facihbes & Equipment M Checks & T ** 950503 several T $ violatons LI assocated RMAN.J. w/votatens of TS' Otc of Enforce ment95/03/31.1p 870413). (Post WATTS.R ochester Gas & lectic 95/05/03. JOHNSON.A. Pro,ect Drector-ate b1 (PD1-1) (Post 941001). 41pp. 83975283-83975.303. 9506100083Decusses map repts 50237/95 04 & 50 249/95 04 on 9501254210 & for-wards NOV & proposed imposebon of etwo penal'y m amount of $100.000. Enforcement 9506310t42 Forwards EP insp rept 50-244/9510 on 950425-28 No safety concoms I NER.J.H. Regen 1 (post 820201). 95/05/23. MECREDY,RC Rochestw Gas & B ) 95 05 .. r Electnc Corp. 3pp. 6409626644096:098. Eeson Co. 6pp. 63828:19743828.205.

   -9006100101 Nobce of vetabon & proposed enposten of cive penaKy m amount of                 -9f'05310150 EP rept 50 244/95-10 on 950425 26ho safety concerns noted. Maeor
      $100.000 Vionssons noted pnmary contamment integnty not mamtamed.                           areas mapected beensee correctrve acton identrhed dunng provous inap
  • Regen 3 (Post 420201). 95/04/05. 300. 8382820343828.205. SILK.D., KEIMiG.R R. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/23. 8pp 84096-09144098998.

9504190040NRC info Notre 95 024. "Summyy of Lscensed Operator Raquahfcaton enso Program Fedmgs." P. Operstmg #conee etage h-sts & correspondence GRIMES,8.K. . 95/04/25. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 12pp. , 83757:001 43757 912- 9606010217 Forwards exempton frorn rogurements of 10CFR50. app J. secton sti.D.3 ) 9504210127Genenc Lir 95 03 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re crcurntarorthal ' t'hmed & Ci s the huve not a acceptab leaka R Assocate Drector for Proiects (ADPR) (Post 94i001). 95/04/28. Mh^R Roch'e"stw Ga 52 6 Conscedated E& eon Co. of New York Inc.11pp. 63757.01343757.C23. 9908110030 Forwards SALP 13 repts 50-237/9501 & 50-249/9501 for 930822- -4505010221 Esempten from recu6siments of 10CFR50. App J.secten ill.D 3 re pnmary 950318.Meetm0 to escusa repts wol be schoouted on 950512 reacw contamment teakage tesung for waw cooled reactors VARGA.S A. Divisen of Reactor Pro,ects 1/11 (DRPE) Post 941001). 95/04/26. Roch-MARTIN.J. 3 (Post $20201). 95/04/28 JOYCE.T. Commonwealth Eeson Co. ester Gas & Elecinc Corp. 6pp. 8368t35543687.360. 7pp 83850 43850 335.

   -9605110173 SALP repts50-237/95-014 50-249/95 01 for 930822-950318.                         9505010230 Forwards amend 59 to kcense DPR-18 4 safety evalustsort Amend rewmes
  • Regon 3 (Post 820201). 95/04/28. 6pp. 83850:33043850.335. TS 4 42 4 a to replace specific leakage rate testmg frequencies for contamment .zosa-ton valves w/ref to 10CFR50. App J as modified by approved exemptort 9506150042 Responds to NRC hsted Itrs re velatens noted m map repts %237/95 04 JOHNSON.A R Protect Drectorate 4-1 (PD).1) (Post 941001) 95/04/26.
       & 50 249/95 04 Corrective actsons tammg to procedural changes unil be given to op-          MECREDY.RA Rochester Gas & Electnc Corp. 3pp. 83688.34543688 356 erstens osat personnel dunno contmuous trammo                                                                                                                                      ,

JOYCE.T.P. C..- .. r Echson Co 95/05/65. Document Control Branch (Docu. -9506010236 Amend 59 to beense DPR-18.revism0 TS 4 4 2 4 a to replace specific , ment Control Desk).15pp 83898.21343898.227. leakage rate testeg frequences for comamment nolaten vaives wired to 10CFR50. App J.moefied by approved exernphon. 9606060171 NRC Into Nohce 95 025. "Yalve FaAse Dunng Pebent Treatment w/ MARSH.LB. Pro,ect Drectorain b1 (PD1 1) (Post 941001). 95/04/26 dpp Gamma Stereotactc Raeosurgery UrvL" $3688.34943688.352. i COOLDA Danson of Industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. Conschdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp 64007:182 44307:190. -96060t0240 Salety evaluabon supportmg amend 59 to hcense DPR.18

  • Offee of Nuceear Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001). 95/04/26. 5pp 83688.353-9tio6220069Ack receipt of 950505 ter & payment for civs penalty proposed by NRC for $3688.356.
       $100.000 m 950405 ltr.

SATORIUS M A Olc of Enforcement (Post 870413) 95/05/18. WALLACE.M.J. Com- 96050J0173 Informs of withdrawal of heense amend appecaten roguests by refs (a).(b) monweattri Eeson Co.1p 83985139-63985.139 8 (c) MECREDY.RC Rochester Gas & Elecinc Corp. 95/04/26 JOHNSON.A.R. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp 8382518043825181. 9606040040 Forwards copy of 941121 Itr from WH Rasm of NEl to WT Russell of NRR 9505150043 Forwards 1994 rept of changes. tests & expenments per 10CFR50.59 re formal mdustry positen on severe accident mgt. HOLLAND.P.G. Commonwealth Eeson Co 95/04/25 Ottme of Nuclear Reactor Reg- MECREDY.At Rocnester Gas & Electre Corp 95/04/27. JOHNSONAR. Prolect D> utauon (Post 941001). 2.81400.83993.001 4 4000.266 rectorate 41 (PD11)(Post 941001) 1p 83795.32243795:330.

DOCKETEDITEMS 19 9604210293 Genenc Lir 9504 to a6 honders et OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors -9605180187 LER 95-004-00:on 950407.SG hee degradaten occurred due to IGA / re insi discomten of SEP 'a Le asues. SCC that caused QA manual reportatne kmrts to be reached Sleeved or plugged af. ZlMMERMAN R.P. Associate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). S5/04/28. tected tubes wraccepted mdustry repar metnods Conschdaled Edison CO. of New York,Inc.14pp. 83757 0244375t0:17. ST MARTIN.J.T. Rochester Gas & Electnc Corp. 95/05/06. 12pp. 64019261 84039.272. 9405190014 Forwards bsted doucments 1er NRC reven & approval pnor to sutwruttal of rnproved TS consstent w/NUREG-1431. 9505220005 LER 95003 00:en 950407. inadvertent automatic Si actuanon occuned MECREDY,R.C, Rochester Gas & Electnc Corp.95/05/05. JOHNSON,A.R. Document when tecnncian untwocked SIAS due to misaeading procedural drection.Pressunzer Control Branch (Document Control Deskt JOHNSON.A.R. Protect Drectorate 11 pressure channel P-431 tustaolo proving switch renstated W/950508 Itr. (PD1 1)(Post 941001). 5pp. 83898:00543898.147. $T MARTIN.J.T., MECREDYAC. Rocnester Gas & Electnc Corp. 95/05/06. JOHNSONAR. Protect Drectorate 1-1 (PD11) (Post 941001). 13pp. 84075.330- -9606150145 *Cnhcahty Analyms of Plant Fresh & Spent Fuel Racks & Conschdated 84075.342. Rod StorageSAVAGE.C CORUM.M.. Canisters." .R.Rochester Gas & Electnc Corp. 94/06/30. 145pp. 83898'010 43898:147. V. Operstor E 95051 1 Notmcanon 950516 meetng w/uhl in North Bethesda.MD to docuss 9506090111 lh that I can no W parhcipam e cerWeam pretahons JOHNSONAR. Propect Drectorate k1 (PD1 1) (Post 941001). 95/05/12. MARSH,L.B. Io hcensed operamr & SR W mgt encouraged to contnue enorts 2 recognize e tain or Propect Drectorate 11 (PD).1) (Post 941001). 2pp. 83979:06843979:089. Q((,ety ,g y p g 9505000312 Genenc Lir 92-02.Rev 1.Suppi 1 to all holders of OLs (a cept those h- Electnc Corp. 2pp. 83817.18583817.181. conses amended to . r.4 status) or cps for nuclear power reactors to reac-tor vessel structural mtegray. DOCKET 60-245 0$lLLSTONE NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT 1 ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Director for Proiects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/16 Consohdated Edson Co. of New York,Inc.10pp. 84084.35244084.381. F. Security, medical, emergency & tire protection plans Q. Inspection reporta, IE Busietme & corroependence 9506030260 Forwards map repts 506245/95 07.50 3%/9507 & 50423/95 07 on 9505050108 Forwards plant 1995 SG eddy current exam summary rept te number of 950208 0321.volabons noted roomrs reouired resulang from insps performed dunng 1995 outage. DURR.J.P. Repon 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/26.OPEKA.J F. Northeast Nuclear Energy MECREDY,R.C. Rochester Gas & Enocinc Corp.95/04/24 JOHt4 SONAR. Protect De- Co. 4pp. 837R18043722:235. rectorate 11 (PD1 1) (Post 941001).1p 83864:18743864:191.

                                                                                                -9506030267 Nohce of vio6ation from map on 950208 0321Nelaton noted:fanure to im.
-9605050113 " .              Exam Rept for 1995 SG Eddy Current insp,Rev 0."                        piement controis to menten CR hatulatnhty.tarture to adeousiety leak test 5 contam-DAvlSON.M.J. SA          ITO.M.J. Rochester Gas & Electnc Corp. 95/04/16, app.                  enent isoleton valves & tadure to aceountely impaemern OA SR.                          i 83864.188 43864.191.
  • Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/26. 5pp. 8372218443722:188. 1 9604190049 NRC inte Notce 95024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requalmcanon -960e030271 inap rects 50 245/9507.50 336/9507 & $0423/9507 on 950206- ,

inso Program Fmdmgs." C321Neletons noted.Maior areas mapected: plant operatens.radelogcal l GRIMES.B.K. . 95/04/25. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 12pp controes.mervi.survedlance. outage actantes.secunty & bcensee sen-assessment. I 83757 001 4 3757:012 NICHOLSON.L.E. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/17. 47pp. 83722:18943722235 9604210127 Genene Ltr 9503 to at holders of OLs or cps for PWRs to crcumferental 9506100030 Forwards insp repts 55245/9513.55336/9513 4 50 423/95-13 on creciong of SG tubes. 950328-31.No veistens or safety concems reted. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. JOYNER.J.H. Repon 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/28. OPEl(A).F. Northeast Nuclear Conschdated Edmon Co. of New York,Inc.11pp. 83757:01343757:023. Energy Co. 3pp. 83628:04583828 054.  ; 9505080184 Forwards SALP rept50 244/93-99 on 930912-950311.Overan.NRC contm. -9605100062 Parhany withneid esp repts50-245/9513.50 336/9513 & 50423/95 13 ) und to see verY Oood safety periormance at plant, on 950328 31 (ref 10CFR73.21).No volanons or safety corircems noted.Masor areas i MARTIN.T.T. Repon 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/01 MECREDY,R.C. Rochester Gas & mspected effectrveness of mot centrois.secuntv pian & procedures. Electnc Corp. App.83817.20743817218. ALBERT.R.J. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/28. 7pp. 83828- 28:064. '

-9506000187 $ ALP rem 50 244/93 99 tor 930912 950311.                                           9505240211 Provides NRC w/rewmad schedule for emplementaten of rewmed EAL
     ' Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/01. Sop. 8381721143817218.                                      tabies at Haddam fuck & Minstone plants.

OPEKAJ F. Connecacut Yankee Atomic Power Co OPEKA).F. Northeast Nuclear 9505110010 Notifcaten of egmficant hcensee meetmg 95-45 w/uth on 950509 m Energy Co. OPEKA.J.F. Northeast Utsbos Sennce Co 95/05/12. Document Control Omano.NY re SALP mgt meetmg NRC we present result of recerit SALP " Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 64083:33144083.332. of planL LAZARUS.W.J. R 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/02. Regen 1 (Poet 820201). 2pp. 9505240058 Forwards enso repts 50-245/9512,50 336/9512 & 50423/9512 on 83850$99438W - 9503224425.Noncaed violatons adenafied. i (Post 20201). 95/05/15.OPEKA,J.F. Northeast Nuclear Energy 9505180043 2 M JOYNERJ.H.Fonwards Region 1 mso (Postrept 50 244/9549 95/05/04.on 950403-07 NoRocnester volabons noted' Gas & * ^ 820201). MECREDY,R.C. Electnc Corp. 3pp. 83953.09943953.110. -9505240064 Insp repts 50 245/9512.50-336/9512 & 50423/9512 on 950322-0425honcited votatens identfied Maior areas mapectedplant opersbons.radobgical

 -9505180053 Inso roots 50 244/959549 on 95040347.No velatons noted. Maior                                                                                                                 {

area mapectedradeegical conws program enpiementaten dunng outage condi. Q ISON 20 5 22pp. 6402102244021:044 G ., BORES.R. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/04. 9pp. 83953:102- 950"AnMa Rewmed EPIPs. Rev 1 to EPIP 4405.Rev 1 to Emergency Plan Op. erstmg Procedure (EPOP) E 4411.Rev 0 to EPOP 4411 A.Rev 0 to EPOP 44118.Rev 2 to EPOP4412.Rev 1 to EPOP 4417,Rev 3 to EPOP 4419 & Rev 1 to 9505050171 NRC info Nohce 95425. " Valve Fasture Dunng Potent Treatmore w/ Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. T., RODGERS.R.C, DEVEAU.M.J. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. 95/05/ COOL. of tnal& 22 767pp. 64139 00144141.039. Consondated Eoson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 64007:16244007.190.  ! 950 0142 Forwards EP artsp rept 50 244/9510 on 950425 28ho safe'y concoms gg _ JOYNERJ.H. Regen 1 (Post 8202011. 95/05/23. MECREDYAC. Rochester Gas & Electne Corp. 3pp 84096:08&44098:098 9505190173 Provides status of Director Decuen re pettion per 10CFR2206 of 940303.Advmes that Drector Decmon should be asued shorty.provided no unexpect-

  -9505310150 EP rept 50 244/9510 on 950425 28.No safety conceme noted. Mapor                        ed events exst.

areas mspected:bcensee ccaractve action noentised durmg prevcus rep. VISSING G.S Protect Drectorate 14 (PD1.4) (Post 641001). 95/05/09. SILK,0 KEIMIG.R.R. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/23. 8pp 64096 09144098:098. GAVENSKY.R. Affskaton Not Assigned. 2pp. 8398419583964.196. 9505190188Providos update on two of 10CFR2.206 petrbons.did941230, 950102.08 & R. Periodic OPeret6ng reports & rotated correspondence 15.NRC currently reviewmg mfo provided m pettons stated m NRC 950223 tir.acten we be taken on AJ Ross request within reasonaDie ame. 9505020257 "1994 Annual Radeiopcal Environ Opershng Rept RE Gmna Nuclear ANDERSEN.J W. Propect Drectorate 13 (PD13) (Post 941001). 95/05/09. ROSS.A.J. Plant." W/950428 Itr. Affmaton Not Assigned. 2pp. 8398419743984198. MECREDY R.C. Rochester Gas & Electne Corp. 94/12/31. 70pp. 83762.28 5 83762.353 9505230194 Provides response to 10CFR2.206 potten comonsed of AJ Ross 941028

                                                                                                     & 950115 & 0220 itrs.recuestmg escalated enforcement acten agamst NNECO & cor-9505180246MontfWy operating rept for Apr 1995 tar RE Gene Nuclear Power Plant W/                   tain mdnnduals, ainegmg madecuate work contros & procedure comphance.

950509 ftr. OPEKA.J.F. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. OPEKA.J.F. Northeast utstes Sennce Co. WALDENJ., WIDAYJ.A. Rochester Gas & Electne Corp. 95/04/30. 5pp. 64005.335 95/05/12. RUSSELL.W T. Oftco of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001). 8pp. 84005:339. 64051.162 64051:169 S. Reportsbie occurrences. LERa & reteted e,;. _ _ _e H. General - .eepondence 9505180158 Fonwards LER 95 004 re SG tube degradaten due to IGA / SCC. causmg 9505220105 Comment opposeg proposed revisen to 10CFR50. App J. Contamment 4 OA manual reportable kmets to be reached. Leakage Testmg." to adopt performance.orierited & rek. based approaches. I MECREDY,R C. Rochester Gas & Electnc Corp 95/05/06. Document Control Brancn SCACE.S.E, Northeast Ubimes 95/05/06. HOYLEJ C Oftco of the Secretary of the l (Document Control Desk).1p. 64039.26564039.272. Commason. 3pp. 83985:147 43985-149. I i i

a. . . _ ~ . ~ _ ~ . . - .~ _ ., . - - ~ ~_ . . . . , . ~ . ~. - - - _ . .. - . . .-

1 20 DOCKETEDITEMS 9606100066 Forwards map repts 50-245/9514.50336/9514 & 50423/9514 on L Financial L.L... 950403 07 & notice of volaton. MEYER.G Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/28 OPEKAJ F. Northeast Nuclear Energy 9006030186 1994 armual Imancial root to US Secunhos & Exchange Comrmssen for Co. Sop. E3852:00143852:009. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co & North Atianac Energy Svc Corp W/950428 Itr. GUGLELMOf.J. Northeast Ubbties Servce Co. 94/12/31.102pp. 83801.040- -9605100000 Notco of volaten from insp on 950403 07Violaten noted* tour lated in-83801:14 t. stances were found where NRC was not notified withm 30 days.

  • Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/28.10. 63852 00443852:004 P Operatene beense state documents & correoPondence -9605100072 inep repts B245/9514.50 336/9514 & 50-423/9514 on 950403-07Ve atens noted.Masor areas mopected: observation of simulator & classroom tam.

9606260218 Ack receipt of 950316 miemet mai from P Blanch dtd 950317. ZWOLINSKlJA .95/03/20. RUSSELL.W.. MIRAGLIAf., THADANIA NRC . No Do. for Urst 1 Sr .C E., MEYER.G W. Regen 1 (Post $20201). 95/04/28. 5pp. 83852:005 taded Altikanon Given,2pp. 84078.34144078 347. 83852 009

           -9505250230 Requests revow of 940909ltr to anegaton concommg operabdity deter-mmaten by NRC.                                                                           9606190031 Forwards combmed insp repts 50 245/9511.50-336/95 11 & 50 423/95 BLANCH.P.M. Athhatrm Not Assigned.95/03/16. ZWOLINSKlJA . 3pp. 84078 343-                    11 on 940320-23 & 27 31 & nonce of volaten. Deiciencies of concern because 84078.345,                                                                                   design change reviews do not eiweys meet tenoimess reaured.

RULAND.W. Regen 1 (Poet 820201). 95/05/10. OPEKAJ.F, Nor1heast Nuclear

           -M05260238 Requests mio as to whether IP 3 & NRC venhed that every MOV opera-                   Energy Co. 3pp. a3973-04243973 063.

tHe as required by TS. BLANCH.P.M. Af61 sten Not Asmgned. 95/03/18. ZWOUNSKlJA Office of Nuclear -960s190037 Nobce of velaton from map on 940320-31Volatons noted: coreton ad-Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001). 2pp. 44078.34644078.347 verse to quality not promptly econheied & corrected m inat design defceency anectmg

                                                                                                            .undervoltage modules m Unit 2 ESFAS caDmets not fully evaluated.

9500040424 Forwards response to NRC 950214ftr identfymg neues to NNECO re ac- Regen i (s'ost 8202(1). 95/05/10. 2pp. 83973:045-83973.046. tvibes at plant. Plant Info Rept 94-527 atso encl. OPEKAJ F. Northeast Nucisar Energy Co. OPEKA).F. Northeast Utihees Sonnce Co. 9505190046 hop repts 50 245/9511.506336/9511 & 50-423/9511 on 950320-95/04/25. MARTIN,T T. Regen 1 (Post 820201L 10pp. 83803.29143003.310. 31Volanons noted Maior areas mspected:rewww of demgn change & plant mod

                                                                                                                         .             sa    maiuatens W pant magn change mueps & plant
           ===25 "'LPCl/CS Pump Motors Potenbal of inadequate Bond Radius on Ray-enom Sphces' Operac4ety Evaluatort"                                                           DELLA GRECA.A., RULAND.WM Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/10. 15pp.
  • Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. PIR 94-527. 94/12/15. 4pp. 83803:30743803 310. 83973 447 83972063. 1 M062300H Cornment re proposed GL concoming pressure loctang & mennel 9505000171 NRC info Notce 95 025. " Valve Fadure Dunng Pabent Treatment w/

of satety-reisted power operated gate valves. Valves wnese satefy funchon to close Gamma Storectacac Racho surgery UrvL" COOL.D A. Omson of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Salsty (Post 870729). 95/05/11. I KAJ nergy Co. 04 26 Dnnsen r of - Consolested Edson Co. of New York,Inc. 9pp. 64007:182 44007:190. non & PJicatons Senaces (Post 940714). 7pp 64001.34244001.348. M06240068 Forwards map repts 50 245/9512W336/9512 & 50423/9512 on 9504210293 Genanc Ltr 9544 to all holders of OLs or cps for nucteer power reactors 9503224425.Norcned molabons soentded. re #msi chsoommon of SEP e. rM esues. DURRJ.P. R 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/15. OPEKAJ F. Northeast Nuclear Energy ZIMMERMAN,R.P. Associate Desctor for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 9s/04/28. Co. 3pp. 6402 :01944021-044. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New YortL Int 14pp. 83757:02443757237. 95051102M Foneerds request for add into to notaten condenset vent morntors. -9806240064 Insp repts S245/9512.50 336/9512 & $0 423/9512 on 950322-0425.Noncned volanons idennhed Masor areas mapacted plant opershons.radmiogcal ANDERSENJ W. Prorect Directorate 93 (PD13) (Post 941001) 95/05/06. controls.mamt. survedlance.secunty & outags activees. OPEKAJ.F. Connocucut Yankee Atome Power Co. OPEKAJ.F. Northeast Nuclear NICHOLSON.L.E. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/09. 22pp. 84021$2244021044. Energy Co. Spp.63938:146439J8:150. 9505190312 Forwards hst of as ISAP topes.edentifymg open tapes, tapes considered 9505200330 Forwards results of msp performed dunng wk of941205 on operabdity de-closed & topics cosed by staff per integrated safety assessment progrant terminaton performed at piant Uruts 1.2 & 3 DEBARBA.E.A Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. DEBARBA.E A. Northeast Uthtes. 95/ OPEKA.J.F. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. OPEKAJ.F. Northeast Unhbes Senace Co. 05/11. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 25pp. 64034.310- 95/05/18 Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 7pp. 84104:112-84034:334. 84104.116. 9505200333Appbcaton for amend to hcense DPR-21,reveing minimum terap at whett l RV head bottmg studs allowed to be placed under tensen. R. Portodic operating reports & related correspondence i OPEarAJ F. Northeast Nucesar Energy Co. OPEKAJ.F. Northeast Uthbes Senace Co.

                       /1 Document Control Branch (Document Cortrol Desk) Opp. 64104.119                 9605050000
  • Annual Radcachve Effluent Rept 1994." W/950428 tir.
                            '                                                                                OPEKA.J F Nor1heast Nuctear Energy Co. OPEKAJ.F. Northeast Unlites Servce Co.

94/12/31.123pp. 83627:10243827.224.

            -9505200336 Proposed toch specs.revismo trurumum term at whch RV head boltog studs anowed to be pieced under tenscrt                                                  9500000070 " Annual Radmiogcal Emnron Operating Rept Mdistone Nuc6 ear Power Sta-
  • Northeast Nuc$ ear Energy Co.95/05/16.1200. 64104.127 44104:136. ton Jan.Dec 1994." W/950428 Itr.

OPEKAJ.F. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. OPEKAJ.F. Northeast QDhbes Senace Co. f 9505000312 Genenc Ltr 92 02.Rev 1.Suppe 1 in as holders at OLs (except those 6 94/12/31.100pp. 83847:08243647:182. i conses amenced to possesemonly status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac. tot vessel structural meegnty. 9506110204 Forwards " Annual Enveen Protecton Plan Operanng Rept Jan. Dec 1994* I ZlMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Pro,ects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19 Conachdated Eeson Co. ot New York. Inc.10pp. 64064.35244084.361. &" Manne Ermron of Long lasand Sound at naastone Nuclear Power l Staten.W .CT Annual Rept 1994. MILLER.D B Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. 95/04/27. Document Control Branch i C Inspection reports,IE Bulletins & ~.- (Document Control Desk).1p. 83946 00143946.256. l 9504190049 NRC Info Notco 94C24, " Summary of Lcensad Operator Recushfcanon

                                                                                                         -9505110209 "Morutonno Manne Envron of Long island Sound at M4tstone Nuclear                    f Power Staten Annual Rept 1994."

into Program Fmdengsa KESER.M. Nortnsast ubhtes Service Co,94/12/31. 24 t op. 83946 01643946.256. GRIMES.B.K. . 95/04/25. Consobdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 12pp. 83757 001 43757:012. 9505240346 Monthly operstmg repts for Apr 1995 for MNPS Uruts 1,2 & 3. W/950511 9505030260 Forwards map repts 50245/9507,%336/9547 4 50423/9507 on Itr. NEWBURGH.G.. BORCHERT.R., rtuDSON.LE. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. 95/04/ 9502084321 vcenone noted. 30.17pp 84072.24584072.261. DURRJ.P. Repon 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/26.OPEKAJ F. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. App. 837u18043722.235.

            -9505030267 Nohce of volaten from mso on 950206 0321Volabon noted:tadure to rn-               3 Reportabte occurrences. LERs & reteted correspondence piement controls to mantam CR habitatHbty.tadure to adecpately leak test 5 contam-9505030018 LER 95 007 00 on 950330. discovered that reorrect stud matt had been m-Regen P              20      95/ /          b72'2-184 3722 68'                              stalled re body to bonnet somt studs on AWCU pnmary contamment outboard molaten valve Caused by mautrcent mio. Studs replaced W/950427 ler
             -9505030271 Insp repts 50 245/9507.50 336/9507 & 50-s23/9507 on 950206,                           HARRIS.D.N4 MILLER.D.B. Northeast Nuclear E              Co. MILLER.D.B. Northeast 0321Noatens             noted.Masor    areas   enspected. plant operator s.fadoogmat          Ubhbes Sennce Co.95/04/27. 3pp. 83Mm3M                  7.

controls,mamt.survedlance. outage actMmes.secunty & bcensee sett.e .a NICHOLSON.L.E. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/17. 47pp. 8372218943722:235 9506110242 LER 9000440:on 950401.inapproprete adlustment of APRM se was chscovered Caused by techncal error m reactor engmeenng procedure W/9 1 Itr. 9504210127 Genenc Lir 9503 to su holders of OLs or cps for PWRs to crcumferenbal HARRIS.D,N., MILLER.D.B. Northeast Nucear Energy Co. 95/05/01. 4pp. 83938.274 crackrig of SG h 83938 277. ZIMMERMAN,R P. Assocaste Director for Prolacts (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Conschdated Edison Co. of New York,Inc.11pp. 83757.01343757:023. 9505120213 LER 950108, snubber farture of HSS resulted m fa4ure to 9505100030 Forwards map repts 50245/9513.50336/9513 & $4423/9513 on rneet TS LCO Secton 3 614 Snubber was rebuiti. reset to correct seting & function. 950328-31.No volanons or safety concerns noted ally tessed poor to reinstallabon on940202.W/950504 ttr HARRIS.D N.. MILLER.O.B Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. 95/05/04. App 83985.261 JOYNERJ.H Regen 1 (Post 82020t). 95/04/28 OPEKA).F. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. 3pp. 83828 04543828.054. 83985 264

             -9505100062 Partelly withheld esp repts 50 245/9513.50 336/9513 & 50 423/9513                9505250005 LER 90008 00on 950411.determned that FW regulatmg valve closure on 950326 31 (ret 10CFR73.21)No veiatons or safety concame noted Masor areas                  enterlock dependent on both $1 & S2 logc trasns Caused by dowgn error.Utd evalust-mopectedeffecisveress of mgt controls.necunty plan & rnpiementmg procedures.                  ma proposed moos to FW vatve mtenock creustry W/950509 Itr.

ALBERT.RJ., SMITH.G.C. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/28. 7pp. 83828'04&. HARRIS.D.N.. MILLER.D 8 Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. MILLER.O.B Northeast Uthtes Servce Co. 95/05/09 app. 8407b 123-64078.126 83628 054

1 a DOCKETEDITEMS 21 9505120105 Forwards rewmed proposed TS pages & addl proonetary documentaten to W. Operator Esaminstpons proposed amend.allowmg extended RPI covebon krmts & ordne catitir of RPI channels.per escussens w/NRC.Propnetary documentation withheld. 9505100056 Forwards mso repts 50-245/95 14.50 336/95-14 & 50 423/9514 on OUINN.S E. Consadated Edson Co of New York. Inc 95/04/26 Document Control 950403 07 & notice of vaaten. Branch (Document Control Desk) 3pp. 83935.33443935.344. MEYER.G. R 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/28 OPEKA.J F. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co.3pp.838 :001 43852 009 -9505120112 Forwards affidawt dont propnetary into for whch withholeng from f

   -9505100000Nobce of violation trom map on950403-07 Votabon noted. tour hsted m-                    pubhc esciosure requested per 10CF 2 90.

stances were found where NRC was not notified wthm 30 days. QUINN.S E. Consohasted Eeson Co of New York, Inc. 95/04/26. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). Spp.83935.3374 3935.341.

  • Regon 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/28.1p. 83852.00443852.004.
   -9505100072 insp repts 50 245/9514.50 336/95-14 & 50423/9514 on 950403-                        -9505120114 Proposed tech specs.metudmg restncton that extenced RPI devabon 07.Votabons noted. Major areas espectedobservabon of $Nriviator & classroom tram.              bruts & orWme cahbr of RPI channels apply orWy to Cycle 13 for Urut 1.
  • Conschdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 95/04/26, 3pp. 83935 34243935 344.

si .C.E. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/28. 5pp 83852:00543852.009. 8 m @s W nuclear power teams 9505090045Into ma that R 1 wil no longer partcipate in certfcate presentatens p to hconsed op4 tors & S Instead.NRC will send certficates Grectly to facdibes. ZIMMERMAN.R P. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. W1GGINSIT Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/01.OPEKAJ F. Northeast Uthbes. 2pp. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.14p0. 83757 02443757.037. 83816.16443816 165. ' results for tacskues & 9505040287 Forwards amend 182 to bcense DPR 26 & SE. Amend rovmes TS secton I 9505100020 Forwards both forms of exam. answer keys. 310 to anow extended RPl devabon hmits & Ordne caHbr of RPI charmets for cyces mdedual answer sheets for each uti emptovee re 95 genere fundamentals exam One snewedual faded exam & rune passed W/o encl. 13 orWF WILLIAMS.F.J Prwect Drectorate kt (PD11) (Post 941001). 95/04/28.Conschdated MEYER.G.W. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/03. HEIDECKER,R. Northeast Nuclear Edson Co. W New YotA inc. 3pp. 83759.25143759.282. Energy Co. 2pp. 83828:02543828 026.

                                                                                                   -9505040288 Arnend 182 to bconse DPR-26,reveng TS secton 3.10 to allow extended              l DOCKET 50-247 INDIAN POINT STATION, UNIT 2                                                         RPI MARdeviaton
                                                                                                                 $H.LB Pro htmts,e&   on kne ct Drectorate  b1 cahbr  of(Post (PD1 1)  RPI channels     for cyce 13 941001). 95/04/28. 1990 only 83759.25 583759.273.

F. Securtty, enedical, emergesicy & fire protection plans

                                                                                                   -9505040290 Safety evaluanon supportin0 amend 182 to bconse DPR-28.

9505030096 Rev 6 to IAP-2. " Emergency Plan." W/950425 ter & 1 oversue encl.

  • Oftce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001). 95/04/28, 9pp. 83759.274-83759.282.

KESSLER.W.A QUINN.S E. Conschdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 95/04/25. 78pp. 8388919743889.274 9505230344 Forwards Cyce 13 Core Operatmg Lemts Rept." 9505100068 Forwards inso rept 54247/9509 on 950403 06.No violaborm QUINN.S E. Conschdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc. 95/05/09. Document Control noted. Extended fadure to resolve long staneng _ . aid prooiems contmuss Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 84051:307 44051.313. to be of concern to NRC. HEHL.C.W. Regon 1 (Post 8?O201) 95/04/28.QUINN.S E, Consondated Eeson Co- -9505230348 " Cycle 13 Core DoorstmLLmts Rept? of New York. Inc 3cp. 83828,12943828138.

  • Commonwealth Eeson Co 95/05/va 5pp. 84051:309 44051.313.
    -9505130074 Partially withheld msp rept 54247/95 09 on 95040.t 06 (ref                          9505190403 Forwards SE acceptmg altomatve twgn rosaton area controis at plant.per 10CFR73.21).No inolations noted.Malor areas mspectedmamt & compensatory                               8 measures.secunty tramsng & quahfcaten & performance assessment of staten secun.                     LL       .F          Drectorate b1 (PD11) (Post 941001) 95/05/18. QUINN.S E.

Consobdated Eeson Co. of New York Inc. 2pp. 8399126643991270. LBERT.RJ., SMITH,G.C. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/28. 7pp 83828 132

                                                                                                    -9505190404 Safety evaluaten acceptm0 altamative high raeabon area contro6s at plant.

9505180300 Rev to emergency paart W/950504 fer.

  • Ortce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001). 95/05/18. 2pp 83991-258-QUINN.S E. Consondated Edmon Co. of New York. Inc. 95/05/04. 34pp. 84005.26g-83991.27v.

84005:302. 9505300268 Forwards response to NRC941208 RAI on proposed upgraded EALs util 9505090312 Genenc Ltr 9242.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all holders of OLs (except those l> conses amended to posseaor>crty status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac. subtrutted by 940706 tir. Replacement pages for EAL generabon package also enci. tar vesset structural mtegnty QUINN.S E Corsohdated Esson Co. of New York. inc. 95/05/12. Document Cor1rol 2IMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Drector for Pro, sets (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19 Branch (Document Control Desk).2600. 84136.253 44136.285

     -9505300273 Rev 1 to "inean Pont Unit 2 EAL Techncal Bases Documert"
  • Consohdated Eoson Co. of New York inc. OSSL92-402A-4.lP2Rt. 95/05/12. 7pp.

Q. Inspecten reporta. IE Sunetsna 4 -. . . .ue 84136.27lko4136.285-9505310058 Forwards inso rept 50 247/9512 on 950424-28 No violatens noted. 9504190049 NRC Info Noace 95424. " Summary of Leer sed Operator Requahicaten RULAND,W. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/23. OulNN.S E. Conschdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc. 3pp. 84095.28344095296. gy Fn

     -9505310020 inso real 50-247/9512 on 950424-28.No vetabons noted. Mapor areas                       $3757:00143757 012 anspected-fire protecten program & enpiementanon m ACs.combusetne controis.mamt.            9505050068 Forwards map rept 50 247/9544 on 9503084413.No violatons survesitance.testng.austs.firewatenes & bngade Faevng                                           noted Plant MOv program reflected sirong mgt support.

SHANNON.J., BHATLA.R., RULAND.W. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/19 11pp. KELLY.E M. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 95/04/26. OutNN.S.E Consoldated E& son Co. 8409528644095296. of New York. inc. 3pp. 83758.22243758:244. L Financial informat6on -9505050072 insp rept50 247/9544 on 9503084413 No volatons noted. Major areas espected: follow-up of msp IAW Part 2 of TI-2515/109.adecuacy of hCensee dynamsc Con Ed 1994 Annual Rept." W/950508 ftr. test data for MOV & Iconsee progress re MOV prgam completen schedule 95051a0515 DRYSOALE.P., KELLY.E.M. Regen 1 (Post Smv1). 95/04/26. 20pp. 83758.225 MCGRATH ".E.R., OUINN.S E. Conschdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc. 94/12/31. 51pp 83980.285-83980.337. 83758.244. P. Operstmg heenee sta9e documents & correspondence ,# y so"tu"b}s 21MM MAN,R.P. Associate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. 9505150122 Sectn partial response to FOIA request for documents App H record aaendy Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.11pp 83757.01343757.023 avanable m PDR Forwards App i records & being avadabie m POR. POWELLR.A. Omson of Freeoom of informahon & Pubhcabons Sennces (Post 9505090191 Forwards map rept 50-247/95 05 on 950212 0325 & notce of 940714). 94/12/23. FIDELLE.R Afhhation Not Assegned. 900. 84038:033 44038:159. votaton Weaknesses noted in operatens emipment status control & awareness of

      -9505150292 Decusses review scope for inean Pomt.Urut 2 re 890427 NRC ltr on set-                   ' COW .C'" I R           P              95 04               Crmsohdated Eeson Co.
                                                                                                                                     "        8 QU T RC No Detaded Amhetion Given.89/08/14 BRINKMAN.D. NRC . No De.

tadsd Affshatson Gnren.1p. 8403810544038.105 -9505090192 Notce of violaton from msp on 950212 0325 Volaten of 319 no pmcedure had been estabhshed W Nhng & venung of safety mpecten sys

      $505050085 Forwards NAF45-R-2." Cycles 14 Node P Analysis Results & Documenta.                      pRegen 1 (Post 820201) 95/04/28.10. 83817.22243817.222 ton." as suppl to propo.sed amend to TS to anow extended PPI devoton hmits & on.

bne cabbr of RPI channels NAF45.R.2 withneid. -9505o90193 inno rept 50 247/9505 on 950212 0325 Velatons noted. Maior areas OutNN.S E. Consondated Eeson Co of New York, Inc 95/04/19. Document Control enspectadaescent mapects comyegonat inibative,piani operatens.mmet.engineenng Branch (Documerit Control Desk).300. 43893.3554 3893 362. & lant support. RFLEIN.LT. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/28. 22po 83817223 83817.244

       -9505050087 Requests that NAF45R-2. ". Cycles 14 Node P Analysis Results & Docu.

mentatson." be withnend per 10CFR2.790 9505100035 Forwards map root 50 247/9007 on 950320 24 & notco of volation QUINN.S E. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc 95/04/19 RUSSELLW. Doc. MODES.M C Regen 1 (Post 820201) 95/04/28 OutNN.S E. Consohdated Eeson ument Control Branch (Document Control Cesk). 5pp. 83893.35843893:362. Co. of New York. Inc. 3pp 83828 05743828 067. 9505020395 Forwards RAI re util920812 iPE for pfant m response lo GL 88 20.suppe -9505100045Nohce of volaten from insp on950320-24 Volaton noted. quakfcahon of 1 into needed to complete review NRC snould be advised of schedule for submittai d NDE level lit movoual ed not meet Amercan Society for Nondestructrve Testmg Rec. response win take longer then 60 days WILUAMS.F.J Proyect Drectorate k1 (PD1-1) (Post 941001) 95/04/26. OutNN S E ommended Pracice SNT.TC.1 A.1980 eeten. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. inc.14pp. 83706.28443706 297.

  • Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/28 1p 83828 06043828.080.

. . - _ - . - . . - - , . _ ~ . , - - - . . _ . - .-~ .~. ~, . - . . . _- -- _.. - . _ , _ _ . - . - - . 22 DOCKETEDITEMS DOCKET 50 249 DRESDEN NUCLEAR POWER STAflON, UNIT 3

                   -9505100048 Insp rept 50 247/95 07 on 950320 24 Venatons noted Mapor areas r-&+- ISI program a related actubes.

PATNAIK.P., MODCS.M.C. Regon 1 IPost 820201). 95/04/27. 7pp. 83828 081- F, Securtty, mechcal, emergency & fire protection plans 83828 067, 9506 "' 8 9506110030 Forwards SALP 13 repts 50-237/95-01 & 50 249/95-01 for 930822-one tm ur' e m'"resoH lon sta a 2 318. to escuss repts unH be scheduled on 950512. to be of concem to NRC. MARTIN J. Regen 3 (Post 820201b 95/04/28. JOYCE,T. Commonwealth Eeson Co. HEHLC.W. Royon 1 (Post 820201L 95/04/28.QUINN.S.E. Conschdated Edison Co. 7pp. 6m323-838M335. of New Yorti, Inc.300.83828:12943828.138

                                                                                                             -9505110173SALP repts50437/95 014 50 249/9501 for 930822 950318.
                   -9505100074 Parbally w thheld map rept 50 247/9509 on 950403 06 traf
  • Repon 3 (Post 820201k 95/04/28. 6pp. 83850.330 83850.335.

10CFR7321).No violehons notecLMapor areas mapacted:mant & -i,. Jy measures.secunty tramm0 & quakhcaten & performance assessment of staten secun- 9506190287 Renned pages DA 612 & 6-13 to Rev og of generstng staten amargency ty. pian annex.otd May 1995 ALBERT.RJ., SMITH.G.C. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/28. 7pp. 83828:132 SCOTT.D.J. Commonwealth Eeson Co.95/05/04. App. 64008.34544008.348. 83828.138. 9506280011 Rowned EPIPs,mclueng rev 3 to CEPIP421441.rev 4 to CEPIP4303-9506100066 Forwards map rept 50247/9511 on 950417 21.No volatons or safety 01,rev 6 to CEPIP-3602414 esweed 3000 Senes Table of Contents did 950517. concems noisd.

  • C-. 2. Eeson Co 95/05/17. 64pp. 64089.25344089.315.

JOYNER.J.H. Region 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/08. QUINN.S.E. Consokosted Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 3pp 83970:3454397&.353.

                    -9506180074 inep rept 50 247/9511 on 95041741.No inolations noted. Maeor areas           G. Adjuecatory correspondonoe inspectettmgt controts             sys, carrahon of emuent/ process raeston
  • 200H029 Cw~m 2 Eeson Company nioten for leave to tie amicus cunas.

JANG 1 (Post 6 j. G5/04/28 6pp. 83970:348- Requests Commisson pant moten. 83970;353- EDGAR.G.L Commonwealth Edson Co. EDGAR.G.L Edgar. G.L #29516646. 95/ 04/2t C. ;s (Post 750119). 5pp. 83743:17043743:189 9600050171 NRC Into Notce 95025. " Valve Failure Dunn0 Panent Treatment w/ Ganwns Stereotache Radoeurgery Urut" -9500040035 C- . _-^ Essen Company answer supportng NRC patten for COOLDA Deson of & Meecal Nuclear Selety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. rowaw of ASLB eveaf oecseenissued950327.' Adeses C _ . to grant petton Consohdated Edison Co. of New York,Inc. Opp. 64007:182 44007:190. for rewsw W/ cergicate of evc. 95/04/21.Commis. 9605220045 Forwards safety evaluaten re response to NRC bulisen 90 01.suppi 1, E.DGAR.G.L C . .._ . _-83743175-83743189. o oners (Post 750119).15pp. . Edison Co. EDGAR.GL. Edgar. G.L

                        " Loss of fin 4il si Transmmers Mtg By Rosemount." for piant,urut 2.

WILLIAMS.FJ. Proiect Drectorate k1 (PD).1) (Post 941001). 95/05/12. QUINN.S.E. 9506200218 Order.* Informs that tme WWun wtuch Commasen may act on NRC Staff I Coneohosted Eeecn Co. of New York, Inc. 3pp. 64029 264-84029.288. penbon for renew of Atomc Safety & Soard hubal DecesertLBP-9504.dtd 950327 extended unta 950608.W/dernfmate et . Served on 950522

                    -9506220050 Safety evalueton                     response to NRC bulletm 90 01. suppl 1       HOYLE.J C. Offee of the Secretary of the Commason. #29516728. 9545/19. Ottee
                        " Loss of Fs4d m Transmitters Mtg By                                                      of the General Counsel (Post e60701) 2pp. 84062:32144062.322
  • Propect Drectorate 11 (PD11)(Post 941001). 95/05/12. 2pp. 64029.26744029268.
                    -9504200259 "Evaluaton of Uni Response to S@pl 1 to NRC Busetm 90 011nean                                                              _ & cerveependence P. Operating Soonas stage "

Pom -2." UDY.A.C. lasho Natenai Engmeenng Laboratory. UDY,A.C. . FIN L 1895. INEL 95/ 0187.95/04/30.NRC . No Detaded Affikanon Gwert 21pp. 8402926944029298. 9505050166 Apohcanon for amends to App A,Secton 8 of beenses DPR.2. OPR-5 t 8 DPR 30.NPF-72.NPF.77, NPF-37.NPF 86.DPR 39 9505310004 Forwards map rept 50 247/9512 on 950424-28,No veistens noted. [ 1 2 Edison Co. 95 Document Control Branch (Docu-RULAND.W. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/23.QUINN.S.E. Conschdeted Eeson Co. BENE.* G.G. Cw of New Yorti. Inc. 3pp 8@95.28344095.296. ment Control Desk) 20pp. 8362tt00143827:101.

                     -9505310020 Inso rept 50-247/9512 on 950424 26.No violations noted. Mapor areas          -950005015e Proposed toch specs to administm changes 2 App A, Secton 6 m mapected-tre protecton program & . . .._ _ bon m ACs,combushb6e controis,mamt, r Edson Ca 95/04/24. 219pp. 83826:02043826.238.

Post 820201). 95/05/19,11pp.

                                     .J          AT    .

ULAND.W. Regen

                                                                                                              -9500050142 Rev 65 to " Commonwealth Edson CA Manual" O'CONNOR.JJ. C-... _- . Eeson Co. 94/11/21. 2250p. 83826:23943827:101.

R. Porteec operahng reporte & reisted m . - u. - _ 9505030477 Comments on draft GL " Pressure Lockmg & Thermal Smdmg of Safety-Reta

                                      " 994 Radeiogeal Envron Operatmg Rept.Inean Pont NPPs. Jan Dec               VO M Comno                             Co 95/04/25. Documen1 Conirol Brancti (Docu.
  • ment Conlrol Desk). 3pp. 83791:352 43791:354.

HILLLM.. QUINN.S[ Power Aumonly of the State of New York (New York Power Au-thonty).94/12/31.118pp. 83893:20243893.319. G c 9 04 m p N of Ou a m W w m mm

                                                                                                                   'e Anal espositen of SEP lessonseamed usues.                                                                ,

9505100034 " Annual Enwron Protecnon Plan Rept." for CY94 W/950428 Itr. ZlMMERMAN.R.P. Anna-te Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28 OUINN.S E. Conecudated Edson Co. of New York. inc. 94/12/31. 7pp. 83873 339 Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 83757.02443757:037. 83873.345. 9506110153 Prowdes updated status of special envron morvtormg program around 9505150143 " Annual Effluent & Waste Disposal Rept 1994

  • W/950428 Itr. Dresden sne.

OUINN.S E. ConstMaiod Edson Co. of New Yorit. inc.94/12/31.140pp. 83947:001 FARRAR.O.L Commonweattn Esson Co.95/05/01. Offee of Nucinar Reactor Regw 83947:140. laton (Post 941001).19pp. 8393627143936269. 9505250482 Monthly operatmg rept for Apr 1995 for inean Pomt Utilt 2. W/9505t5 fir. 9505050002 Responds to NRC RAI tar TS upgrade program.Secten 3/4.10 & suppt mfo REED.A QUINN.S.E. Conachcated Eason Co. of New York, Inc. 95/04/30. 6pp prewoustyprovided m 930216 & 940314submittals. 84104.014 44104:019. PIET,PL Lemmonwealm Eeson Co 95/05/02. Document Control Branch (Document 9505150301 Subaruts annual 10CFR50.46 reptUtd will be uomg VANTAGE + fuel as. Control Desk). 29pp. 83833.13643833:202. sembhes for frst tune e next fuel cycle. OUINN.S E. Conschdated Eason Co. of New York, Inc. 95/05/03. Document Control -9505050084 Proposed toch specs to TS upgrade program Secten 3/4.10. Branch (Document Control Deskt 1p. 83977:34543977:345.

  • Commonwealth Eeson Co.95/05/02. 34pp. 83833:169-83833.202.

9505190441 Forwards propnetary a _.J.J mio re utt MOV testmg & sunteenance S. Reportable occurrences, LERs & f atetod 6 _ e program.per GL 8910.Propnetary into withheld from ptd)hc esciosure per 10CFR2.790. 9505150039 LER 95410 00 on 950331.two component CW pumps hadvertently started VONK.M). Comrenwealth Edmon Co 95/05/02. Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk). Opp.64026:325 44026.332 dunng replacement of cycuit breaker w/unst m cold shutdown for retuohng. Caused by personnel emar & madeouste procedures. Circuit breaker roptaced W/950501 ftr. 9505190118Docusses seruar mgt meetmg w/ to pubhc obsentaten. conducted , MAYLATM.J . SCMMEIDER.T. Conschonted Eeson Co. of New Yorti. Inc. 95/05/01. on 950502 at Regen 111.10 escuss concerns re status of ubi nuclear power  ! 5p0. 8389820243898.206 statens.Last of attennees & handouts oncl. 9505240145 LER 95 01100.on 950414.two SWP start signals occurred HtLAND.PL Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/04,WALLACE.M. Commonwesith Edson unexpectedly. Caused by detectnre relay & breaker switch, investgated to determee Co.118pp. 83973.22443973:341. caused of unexpected results. W/950515 Itr MAYLATH.J.J, OUINN.S E. Consondated Eeson Co. of New Yortt. Inc. 95/05/15. 9505150252 Forwards response to NRC 950222 RAI to support towaw & approval of Sop. 84078 09744078101. Comm Ed TS upgrade program protect. Marked.up TS pages also enct PIET.P.L Commonwealth Edison Co. 95/05/09. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 36pp. 83978.04543978.124. V. Operator Exammations

                                                                                                                -9505150259 Proposed Tech Specs.supportmg TS upgrade program protect.
  • Commonwealth Edson Co.95/05/09. 44pp. 83978-08143978124, 9505090084 Informs that Regen 1 can re longer parbcipate m certitcata presentatens to hcensed operator & SRO.Util mgt encouraged to contmue efforts to recognize en-portance to safety rooured to obtam reactor operator hcense. 9505180303 Summary of950323 meetmg w/uti re TS Upgrade Program status Let of WIGGINS.J T. Regen 1 (Post 820201t 95/05/01. QUINN.S E. Consohdated Eeson attendees enet.

Co of New York inc. 2pp. 83817.038 83817:039 SKAY.D.M. .95/05/11. 8pp. 83971.35343971:358.

   . _.                                     ,.         . . . --. ~ ..                                    . ~.                  . - . . - , - . . . ~ . . - ~ . . . - . .                                -          ---

i DOCKETEDITEMS 23 I e l S. Reportable occquences, LERe & rotated c . " ze ' 9605230176 Forwards summary of util reeauon protechon performance & efforts m to ottoct improvement.

                                          '                            - "*                                   9505010270 LER 95 00640:on 950327.isolaton condenser vent valve failed to meet                               ,

ment ) 32pt 42 64 DATR specshed closure stroke time due to enanges m stroke testmg enethod & low ma ed nhated n' 8 9505240023 Forwards response to NRC staff request for addt irWo re TS upgrade pro- oy& eth h5 04/24 5pp. 83717:017-83717 021. WET,P.L Commonwealth Edmon Co.95/05/15. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 49pp. 84069.21744069.316. 9506230047 LER 95-00940:on 950416.HPCI declared moporcble due to tecken toom cooler anve belt HPCI room cooser drwe belt replaced.HpCl room Cooler mspected &

        -9505240025 Proposed toch specs as result of TS upgrade                    am.                           current HDCt room cooler onve belt desgn reviewed.w/950512 tir.                                           ,
  • Commonwealth Edison Co.95/05/15. 51pp. 64069. .316 GARRETT.P., JOYCE).P. Commonweatth Esson Co. 95/05/15. $pp. 64070:039-64079 043.

9505240437 Provides results of surveys conducted on water level elevaton of onsite ground water morutormg wells matatted at Drosoon site to morutor local flow & poten. tial contammation patters. V. Operator Examenmuons VONK.M.J. Commonwealth Edison Co. 95/05/17.Offte of Nuclear Reactor Regula-ton (Post 941001k 15pp. 64073-15144073:165. 9505050116 Informs that NRC admmistered GFE secten of wntten operator beenn 950525.*0145 Forwards response to NRC 950222 RAI re TS upgrade program Secton 3/ exam to employees at plant on 950405 & forwards exam answer key. green 0 mouns 43, Reactor Protschon Sys 3 Post 820201L 95/05/01.LACMDA Consumers Power Co. Cc Des 840 5 04407 1 ' CANTRELLJ ES Utdmes Inc., (formerly towa Electne L40nt & Power Col. l EBERHARDT,R.R. Detroit Edson Co.1p. 83758:35243758.352.

         -9508250148 Proposed TS upgrade program secten 3/4.1. " Reactor Protecton Sys."
  • Commonwealth Edison Co.95/05/17. 33pp. 84075:09044075:122.

DOCKET $0 250 TURKEY POtNT PLANT, UNIT 3 9505250251 Forwards Rev 65a to Comm Ed CA program Topcal Rept CE.1,A. updat. mg tines & poseon desenpnons.mcludmg approved oterpretaten for change in proco-dure revow frequency & addmg two roouired aumts. F. Secunty, medical, emer9ency a fire protaction plane KOVACH.T.J. Commonweefth Eeson Co 95/05/17. Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk). 290. 64067:18044067.356. j 9505010157 Partal semin response to FOLA roguest for documents. Forwards App L mfo l -9506250253 Rev 65a to Comm Ed QA i

  • Commonwealth Eeson Co. 95/04/17 64067:162 44087.358. "POWE . Dumon Nreedom of Information & Pubhcabons Servces (Post 940714h 94/12/06.SAPORITO.TJ. Sapone. TJ. 2pp. 832.00543834135.

9505250312 Summary of 950315-16 meanng w/ comed re MOV program developed in response to GL 8910. List of attencees, presentaton agenda & utW MOV program , , CitizerLGreerweace.NIRS & 6ECC sinegeg numerous defeiencaos re emergency plan, DICK.G.F. 95/05/18.16600 64078:150 44078:317. n at pent as result at effects of numcane Andrew. ERG l.R Deputy Assetant General Counsel for Entorcement 92/10/30. 9505000312 Genenc Lir 9242.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all holders of OLs (except those n. MURLEYT.E. Othce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 870411). 3pp. conses amenced to -- _ . W.y status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac. 83834:06H3834:119. l . tar vesset structural mtegnty. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Duector lor Prorects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19. Consohdated Eoson Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. 64084.35244064.361.

                                                                                                                -9211240302 Forwards 2.206 petiten feed by RR Dez-Robamas re plant operaten.Petiton at6eged defcnencies.mcluchng concems to adequacy of fue protec-ton sys & leatures & c4 emergency desel generators.

l GOLDBERGJ R. Deputy Assistant General Counset for Enforcement 92/10/21. i Q. Inspect 6en reports. IE Bulistina & correspondence MURLEY.T.E. Oftce of Nucieer Reactor Regulahon, Director (Post 670411), opp. 83834.06483834M 9505120185 EN 95420 on 950405. nonce of volaton & proposed impombon of cMi Den, atty e amount of 5100.000asued to hcensee Acton based on map at plant mvohnng 9505020155 Forwards FEMA ftr to State of FL did 950412 re defcency involvmg pubhc several velanons associated w/volations of TS. alert & noticaten sys activaten progress m Dade County. SATORIUS.M., LIEBERMANJ. Orc of Enforcement (Post 870413). 95/03/31.1p. CUNE.W.E. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/19. GOLDBERG).H. Fionda Power & 83671:222 43871:222. Ligrit Co. 6pp 83690-35043690:355. 9505100003 Discusses map repts 50 237/9544 & 50-249/9544 on 950125 0210 & for- 9505110070 Docusses mso repts 50 250/9547 & 50 25)/9547 on 950320 24 & NOV. wards NOV & proposed enposton of crwit penalty m amount of $100.000. Enforcement BARR,K.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/03. GOLDBERGJ.H. Fionda Power & conference held on 9503089 to descuss volatons.causes & correcDve actons. Ligrit Co. 3pp. 83851:'.7143851.195. MARTINJ B. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 95/04/05. WALLACE.MJ. Commonwealth Edson Co. 6pp. 83628.19743828.205.

                                                                                                                 -9505110075 Inso repts 50 250/95 07 & 50 251/95 07 on 950320 24.No velatons
           -9506100101 Nonce of volaton & proposed enposinon of cnr4 penalty m amount of                            roted Mator areas inspected: annual EP exercme conducted at p6 ant on 950322 mesud-
               $100.000 Volatons notedpnmary contamment meegnty not mentamed.                                             ER Procram & implementaten of emergency plan.
  • Regen 3 (Post S20201). 95/04/05. 3pp. 83828.20343828.205. NA., BARR.K. Regen 2 (Post 82020th 95/05/03. 20pp. 83851.174-9504190049 f4RC Info Notco 95-024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requakfcaten N240235 Advmes tnet fev 28 to radelogmal plan consstent w/prwsons G ME K . 0 /25. Consobdated Eeson Co, of New York, Inc. 12pp. of 10CFR50 47(b) & requirements of app E to 1 R50 83757:001 43757:012- BARR.K.P. 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/12. GOLDBERG).H. Flonda Power &

Lsght Co. 3pp. 022448 44022 2 9504210127 Genenc Lir 95 03 to all ho6ders of OLs or cps for PWRs to crcumferential cractuno at SG tubes. 9505300025 Forwards insp repts 50 250/9549 & 50-251/9H9 on 9503264429.Non. ZIMMERMAN,R.P, Assocate Drector for Protects (ADpR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. cited volanons notect Consoledated Edison Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. 83757:013 4 3757:023. LANDIS.K.D. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/17. GOLDBERGJ.H. Flonda Power & Lagtit Co. 3pp. 84076:06344078:101 9505110030 Forwards SALP 13 repts 50 237/9541 8 50249/9541 for 930822 950318 Meetmg to escuss repts wel De scheduled on 950512. 14ARTINJ. A 3 (Post 820201t 95/04/28. JOYCE.T. Cw...~. . . 2 Edson Co -9505300021 insp repts 54250/95 09 & 50-251/95 09 on 9503264429 Two non<ited 7pp. 83850-32 50:335. votat, ens noted Ma#or areas mapected: plant operatons. plant events.m

                                                                                                                      .,e p eteci,on JOHNSON,T.P., LANDIS.K.D. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/17. 36pp. 64076.066-l             -9505110173SALP repts50 237/95 01 & 50 249/95 01 for 930822450318 j                                                                                                                      84078 101.
  • Regon 3 Fost 820201L 95/04/28. 8pp. 83850.33483850:335.

9505050171 NRC Info Nocce 95025. " Valve Faduie Dunng Patent Treatment =/ 9505300116 informs una of results of review of recent pertoi'mance at Turkey Posnt facdi. j of tna edcal Nucmar Safety (Post $70729). 95/05/t t- da"to 1 f Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 84007:182 44007:190. LANDIS.K.D. Region 2 (Post'820201). 95/05/18 GOLDBEROJM. Flonda Power & i W epp .28WN. i 9505220050 Ack receipt of950505Itr & payment for csvtl penatsy proposed by NRC for

                 $100.000 m 950405 Itr.

G. Adjudecesory corr _ _ SATORIUS.MA Ole of Enforcement (Poet 070413). 95/05/18.WALLACE.MJ Com-monwealth Edson Co. 10 83985.139-83985:139 9505010157 Partial arrth response to FOIA request for documents. Forwaros App L into I ble to POR 1 R Portod6c operating reports & related com , - - - - - bemg made avada,wmen of Freedom of information & Pubhcatens Services (Post POWELL.R.A. O 940714). 94/12/06 SAPORITO.TJ Saponto. TJ. 2pp. 83834 005-83834'135. 9505150043 Forwards 1994 rept of changes. tests & expenments per 10CFR50.59. i HOLLAND.P.G. Commonwealtn Esson Co. 95/04/25.Offte of Nucsear Reactor Reg- -8904190002 Forweeds most recerit status repts of pettions sutwnstted per

f. ulaton (Post 941001). 2.814pp. 83993:00144000266.

10CFR2.206 9505190252 Monthly operstmg repts for Apr 1995 for Dresden Nuclear Power CHANDLER.LJ Assistant General Counset for Enforcement 89/04/04 MURLEY.7 E. Ot'ce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton. Dyector (Post 8704111 BERNERO.R.M. Offee StatortW/950515 Itr. of Nuclear Matenal Satety & Suteguards. LIEBERMANJ Olc of Enforcement (Post SYKESA W., F ALBO.RA. HOLLAND.P.G. Commonwealth Edson Co. 95/04/30. 870413). dop 83834 01743834-020. 17pp. 84017.342440 t 7:360 .I

                                                   . ~ . . - .         ..m_                     . _ . _ . _.               .m._          ..     .              4.-   __.m.m-.m                    m            , _ . . _ _  m._-~-m.           _ _ .,


                                                                                                                                            -9506150138 Drector's Decmon D0w95 07 denying actens requested m petiten.ssnce
                               -8904190115 Forwards most recent status rept of petitons submitted per 10CFR2.206.                                                                                                                                     ,

petsoner has not rased any saues that would warrant requested setens. i CHANDLER.LJ. Asmstant General Counsel for Enforcement. 89/02/02 MURLEY.T.E. UE8ERMANI Otc of Entorcement (Post 8704131. 95/05/11. Saponto. TJ. Opp. Othce of Nuclear Reactor Raoulaten. Drector (Post 870411).TNOMPSON.N1 OHee 83898.26043898.267. of Nuc6 ear Matenal Safety &lateguards. UEBERMANJL Ofc of Enforcement (Post 870413). 6pp. 83834.01143834-01tL -9505150066Notte of issuance of Drector's Decmon re petition ided by TJ Saponto

                               -es07190246 Forwards TJ Saponto 89062010CFR2.206 potten requestm0 for em                                          on 940307 4 0607.

LIEBERMAN.J. Olc of Enforcorrent (Post 870413). 95/05/11. 35pp. 83898.266 ate actens to be taken re tecihty.mcludme co6d snutdown of umts.suspenson of b. 83898.323. conses & ewestigaten of drug usage.for review W/o stated draft Itra. GOLDBERG.J.R. Asmstant General Counsel tar Enforcement. 89/07/14 MURLEY.T E. Offte of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten. Deector (Post 870411). 3pp. K. UtlIlty Fenst Setety Analysis hopert (FSAM) & amends 83834:021 63834.023.

                               -400820014e Forwards status rept on petitons under 10CFR2 206.                                               9605100003 Rev 12 to updated FSAR for Turkey Pont Uruts 3 & 4 W/950512 Itr.

PLUNKETT,T.F. Flonda Power & Lagttt Co. 95/05/31. 952pp. 64003.00144005:124. GOLDBERGJ.R. Offce of the General Counsel (Po.t 060701). 89/08/02. MURLEY.T.E. Offee of Nucieer Reactor Regulaten. Drector (Post 8704111. BERNERO.R.M. Optre of Nuclear Matenst Safety & Safeguards. UEBERMAN.J. Ofc of Ensorcement (Post 870413). 5pp. 63834 02443834.028. p. Operating boense stage documents & cerrompendonoe

                               -8912040000 Forwards status rept on petitens under 10CFR2.206.Rept bats pottens                              $202130120 Tnp rept of structural asle auet of plant dunn0 wk of 920113. Attendance poneng before NMSS.NRR & tinal cocoons by drectors poneng before Commesen                                      lims.ute pesemahon.walkdown 109, hendout on cochn0 canal sys.auet obsentshons &

L8 ' G A$

  • 8 btructural 2/02/07. BAGCNI.G. Structural & Geo-T[ROM WM R W " ' * *"ost P 7 N g '

BERNEROAM. Ofnce of Nucieer Matenal Safety & Safeguards. UE8ERMAN.J. Ole of Enforcement (Post 870413). 5pp. 63834:03543834 039. te00010173 Seventh parbel response to FOtA request for documents. Records in App

                               -8012040010 Forwards status root on pettons under 10CFR2.206.Rept bats pettions                                    P              A.              of F          of leformaton & Pubhcanons Sennces (Post pendng before NMSS.NRR & fmal decisens by erectors pendmg before Commesen                                      940714L 94/12/07 SAPORITO.T.J. Saponto. T.J. Opp.64109 00144 t12223.
                                   & courts GOLDBERGJ.R. Othce of the General Couneet (Post 880701). 89/11/02.                                       -9600010100 Forwards into for reoiscement of attachmerit two.concem 12. as edentfed MURLEY.T E. Offee of Nucceer Reactor Reguleton. Drector (Post 870411L                                          m 881200 memo re letng W  Statement of Conus" & Poposed acton oftces.

BERNERO.R.M. Offee of Nucasar Matenal Safety & Sefeguards. UEBERMANJ. Olc DEMIRANDA.O. Respon 2 (Post 820201). 88/12/13. REYES.L G18SONA. of Erworcement(Post 870413). 5pp. 83834 040 83634.044 COLUNS.D. Omson of Radeton Setety & Seteguards (Post 921004L 2pp.

                               -8012040012 Forwards status root on pettone under 10CFR2206.Rept hsts pethons peneng before NMSS.NRR & hnal decmons by droctors poneng before Comrmsson                                 -8506010219 Ack receipt of 890621 Itr.expressmg concerns w/ regard to drug issues at                     6
                                   & courts.                                                                                                      peng GOLDBERGJ.R. Othee of the General Counsel (Post e60701). 89/09/07.                                             EJNETER.S.D. R                 2 (Post 820201). 89/10/10. LORION,J. Lonon. J. 400pp.

MURLEY.T E. Offee of Nucsear Reactor Regulaten. Drecsor (Post 870411). 84109:00944110 1 ' BERNERO.R.M. Oftce of Nucsear Metonal Selsey & Safeguaros. UEBERMAN.J. Olc of Enforcement (Post 870413). 6pp. 83834:029 43834.034- 9505030472 Forwards revoed & EPA approved NPDES permit for Turkey Pomt PLUNKETT.T.F. Flonde Power & Dont Co 95/04/21.Ducument Control Branch (Doc. '

                                -9140000040 Forwards 910827 memo re issuance of ALAB.950 on pressure / temp                                        umeni Control Desa).18pp. 83795f8743795.304.

limits proceedmg & TS replacement proceedmg.ASLAB upheld ASL8P deceen to deny TJ Saporno late petman to etervene m proceeeng 9604210293 Genene Lir 9544 to all holders of OLs or cps for nucieer power reactors AULUCK.R. Project Drectorate H.2. 91/07/31. Protect Directorate ik2.19 63834 064- re nnel esposmon of SEP L ._ E..e usues. 83634 264 ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Dractor for Propects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28

                                -9100000045 Informs that on910624 ASLAB asued ALAB.950 m which deceen at-hrmed two ASLBP decaens to pressure / temp larmts proceedmgs at piant.ASLAB                               9805120122 Informs that ubl rev sed attachments 1 & S of 950330 Itr. Proposed bconse upneed ASL8P cocoon to deroy TJ Saponto ime petson to mtervene m proceeding                                     amends reve do not aner ongynal conclusson rendered m attachment 2 to Mr.

CHANDLER.L.J. Assetant General Counset for Hennngs & Enforcement 91/06/27- PLUNKETT.T.F Flonde Power & t Co. 95/05/05. Document Control Branch (Doc-MURLEr.T.E. Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 870411). Ip. umem Controt Desk). 8pp. 83871.1 71:193. 63S34:046 43634 046 9605100322 Forwards amenos 17? 4167 to bcensen DPR 31 & DPR-41.SE & nohce of

                                -9211240291 Forweros 921023 petton submitted by JP Recio on behalf of Puble                                        perhal densel of emends. Amends chan9e TSs to anow contamment PAL doors to                         #

Catiren.Greenpeace.NIRS & sew anogm0 numerous detcencies re emergency piam remain open dunng core anaratens & to change defruton ce core afteratens. at piant as result of ettacts of humcane Aneew. CROTEAU.R P. Protect Drectorate 11 1 (PD211 (Post 941001). 95/05/11. I ERG).R. Deputy Asestant General Counsel for Erdorcement 92/10/30. GOLDBERG.J.H. Fionda Power & Light Co. 3pp. 83979.07043979 091. MURLEY.T.E. Ofhce of Nucisar Reactor Regulaton Director (Post $70411). 3pp. 63834:06543834.119 -9505100327 Amends 173 & 167 to bcenses DPR-31 & DPR 41pospectively, chenpng TSs to anow contamment PAL doors to remem open dunng core enerabons a to

                                -9211240294 Forwards 2.206 petman submitted by PLtiic Cezen. Greenpeace.NIRS &                                     change defmiten of core ahoratens.

SECC re piant oercsoncies fonowng humcane Andrew. MAnHEWS.DB Protect Drectorate 18-1 (PD21) (Post 941001) 05/05/11. Opp. RICC30.J.P. Pubic Cmren's Crecal Mass Energy Prosect 92/10/23. TAYLOR.J. Ofc 83979 073 33979 081. of the Executive Drector for Operatons. 52pp. 83634.06643834:119.

                                                                                                                                              -9506100331 Safety evaluaton sieportng amends 173 4 167 to ncenses DPR-31 &
                                -9211240302 Forwards 2.206 pecten filed by RR Dez4cbanas re plant                                                  DPR.41.respecevety.

operation Petton anaged dehcences.mclueng Concems to adequacy of fre protec-

  • Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001). 95/05/11. 8pp, 83979:082-ten sys & teatures & of emergercy essel generators. 83979 089 GOLDBERG.J.R. Deputy Asastant General Counast for Enforcement 92/10/21.

MURLEY.T.E. Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 870411). 499 -9606100336 Notco of parbal dermal of amends 173 & 167 to hcenses DPR-31 & DPR. 41 & opportunity for heanng Request re footnote showing certain arlocks to be open ' 63834:06463834 063. dunng core alterstens cannot be granted.

                                -9412140223 Forwards 2.206 ponton filed w/EDO 940307 by TJ Saponto requesang                                       MATTHEWS.D.D. Protect Drectorate ti.1 (PD2-1) (Post 941001). 95/05/11. 2pp.                        l that NRC take acDon to utt                                                                                       83979 090-63979 091.                                                                              i GOLDBERG.J.R. Deputy Asastant General Counsel tar Enforcement 94/03/23.

LIEBERMAN.J. Orc of Entorcement (Post 870413). 6pp 63834.12043634127. 9605000312 Genene Lir 92 02.Rev 1.Suopi i to all holders of OLs (except those 6 conses amended to . .-e 4 status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac-

                                 -9412210064Docusses petson under 2.206 flied by TJ Saponto weisch requests that                                    tar vesset structural ruegnty.

NRC take schon acamst utd as operator of Turkey Pont & St Lucie nuclear power ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Prolects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19. Consolidated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. 84064.35244064.361. statens Petmon. draft lir of ack & draft FRN.enct GOLD 8 ERG J.R. Deputy Asestant al Counsel for Enforcement 94/06/16. 95053100es Appicaton for amends to hcenses DPR.31 & DPR-41. Amends would use UEBERMAN.J. Olc of Enforcemerit (Post 870413). 3pp. 8363412843834135. changed setpoet presentaten format for RPS & ESFAS matrumentaten setpomts PLUNKETT.T F. Flonda Power & Lsght Co.05/05/23. Document Control Branch (Doc.

                                 -9505010176 Forwards copy of Memorandum & Order asued on 900116by Board to                                         ument Contred Desk).16pp. 6414516644145 202.

ruimg on Moten tor sumenary depossten & estmssal of proceedmg m plant P/T hmits

                                                                                                                                              -9606310100 Proposed noch specs re use of changed setpoint presentabon format for R       Assstant General Counsel for Heanngs & Enforcement. 90/01/22.

MURLEY,7.E Offze of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 870411). 1p, RPS & ESFAS mstrumentabon.

  • Fionda Power & Light Co. 95/05/23.19pp. 64145:184 44145.202.

83834-04543834 045.

                                 -9609010211 Informs that no further staff action necessary smco appeal Board decison                          4 Wpectson repods. E N & --. .

rab6e re affirmation of Board ruling esmessang Nucsear Eriorgy Accountability tavo,ect Pro from plant TS replacement proceeeng CHANDLER.LJ Asamtant General Counsei for H & Enforcement 91/07/03 9505020081 Forwards esp repts50 250/95 08 & 50-251/95 08 on 950320 24.No vo MURLEY.T.E 08tme of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, actor (Post 670411). ;3pp. latons rooted 83834.04743834 059 PEEBLES.T.A. Regen 2 (Post 620201). 95/04/20. GOLDBERG.J.H. Flonda Power & Lignt Co. 3pp. 83689.347 83689.356. 9506150101 Forwards Drector's Decision DD-9647.denymg petmons feed on 940307 & 0607 requestng that NRC take escalated enforcement acton against certam utd erm -9606020006 insp repts 54250r9548 & $0 251/95 08 on 950320-24 No veistons ployees for violatng NRC regarements. noted Mapor areas mspected svc water self. assessment l UEBERMAN.J. Orc of Enforcernent (Post 870413). 95/05/11, SAPORITOT.J Sapor. ROGERS.W.G.. KELLOG.P.J. Region 2 (Post 620201). 95/04/20. 7pp. 63689:350 , no. T.J.1p. 8389825643898 323 . 83669.356. j 1 l

   . ~ _ , . _ - - ~ - - . . - - + . - ~ ~ . , - ~ ~ ~                                                  ..----~n~                     .-.--              . . - ~          - . , - - - . - ~ - . - _ -

I DOCKETEDITEMS 25 9004190049 NRC Info Nobce 95 024, " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requahfcaton 9605300039PNOwll-95 029.on 950518Jnspector rehfied by Icensee of medent ewolv. Insp Program Fedngt" mg employee at plant threatenmo to comrrut succe at home Employee taken to hosp GRIMES.B K. . 95/04/25. Coneobdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. & hcerisee revoked employee plant access 83757201 43757:012. LANDIS.K. Regon 2 (Post 62020th M/05/18.1p 64076115 84076115 l 9004210127 Generc Ltr 9503 to all hoiders of OLs or cps for PWRa re circumferential

                            $MMhMA               R      ssocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28.

j Consohdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. 83757-013-83757:023. ! 9505060000 Forwards map repts $4250/95 05 & 50 251/9545 on 950306-10 & 26- F. Security, medical, emer9ency & fire protect 6an plans 29 No violatons noted.Leensee efforts e soontdymg 4/or correctm0 violabons meet , ogE " ' ' ' "" "' ' " * ' ^ L '"' K 'ON 95/04/28. GOLDBERGJ H. Flonda Power & estable o POR" Light Co. 4pp. 63758.26443758.306 hELLR.A. Dveson of Freedom of Informaban & Pubhcatens Servces (Post 4L /06. NN.U. Saponto, M M Nm3834 %

                                       ^^TT Insp roots 50 250/9545 & 54251/95-05 on 95030610 & 0326 29.No

l . opfr bound se emuen -9211240302 Forwards 2.206 petition flied by RR Diaz.Robaines to plant ) CARR DECKEkT.R. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/27. tipp. 83758.286 operaton.Pettha,n.aNeged oon sys & Maiu S o, om d.e,ficiencie.s.mcludmg genc, esei -ator. concems te adequacy of fire protec-

                            .m8m                                                                                         GOLDBERG.J.R Deputy Asssstant General Counsel for Enforcement. 92/10/21.

l C506110070 Docusses inse repts 50-250/95 07 & 54251/9547 on 950320 24 & NO/. MURLEY.T E. Offce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 870411). App. I BARR.K.P. Repon 2 (most 820201L 95/05/03. GOLDBERGJH, Flonda Power & 63634.080 4 3634.063. Light Co. 3pp. s3851:17143651:195. 9505030155 Forwards FEMA Itr to State of FL dtd 950412 re defeiency involvmg pubhc

                         -9805110075 inso repts $4250/9507 & 50251/9507 on 95032424.No velshons                           aiort & notifcaton sys activaton progress m Dade noted Maior areas mspectortannual EP exercise conducted at plant on 950322 mclud-           CUNE.W E. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/19. G                     ERG).H. Fionda Power &

ER sm & smplementaten of emergency plan. Lignt Co. 6pp. 83690:35483690.355. N, BARR.K. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/03. 20pp. 83851:174-8385N 9605110070Dscusses mso repts50 250/95 07 4 50 251/9547 on 950320-24 & NOV. 9606120126 Forwards revoed rehof request 4.ASME Sectort XI,1989 Class 1.2 & 3 Snubbers as chscussed dunng several telcon w/NRC. [3pp 51 1 1 5' PLUNKETT.T.F. Fionda Power & Light Co.95/05/06 Document Control Branch (Doc-l ument Control Desk). Opp. 83871.19443871:199. -9506110075 Insp repts 50 250/95 07 4 54251/95 07 on 950320-24 No venetions ! noted Maior areas mapected. annual EP exercme conducted at piani on 950322 includ-9606060171 NRC Info Notes 95025. " Valve Failure Dunn0 Pabent Treatment w/ ER Program & . _ f tion of emergency plan. l Gamma Sterectacte Radesurgery Uruty N.A. Regen 2 (Post 82020tt 95/05/03. 20pp 83851:1744385t195. COOL.DA Dmson of enthstnal & Medcal Nuclear Salety (post 870729L 95/05/11. I, Conschdated Edrson Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp. 64007:18244007:190. 9506240235 Adween that rev 26 to rachologmal emergency plan consstent w/promsons of 10CFR50 47(b) & regarements et app E to 10CFR50. 9806220000 Forwards SE authonzmg second 14yr seterval ISI request for rehef on re. BARR.K.P. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/12. GOLDBERG.J.H. Flonda Power & generanve heat exchangers. Light Co. 3pp. e4022'34644022:350. l MATTHEws.D.B. . 95/05/12. GOLDBERG.J H. Fiorida Power & Light Co. 2pp. 84033.350 64033.357. 9506300026 Forwards map repts $4250/9549 & 50-251/95 09 on 9503264429.Non. [ I

                          -9506220174 Safety evalusten autrenzmg rebet on one.bme base for second 14yr m.                      Di         R       2 (Post 820201). 95/05/17. GOLDBERG,J.H. Flanda Power &

of f4uclear Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001). 95/05/12. 6pp. 64033.352-bgm % 3m 64076M84076.W.

                                                                                                                      -9506300031 insp repts50 250/95 09 & 50 251/95 09 on 9503260429 Two non cited 9605300025 Forwards insp repts $4250/95 09 & $0-251/9549 on 9503260429.Non.                     volatsons noted Masor areas mapected. plant operations,piant events,mant.chemetry &

cited venatens notect tre protecton. LANDIS.K.D. Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/17. GOLDBERGJ.H. Flanda Power & JOHNSON,T.P. Regen 2 (Post 6202U1). 95/05/17. 36pp. 64076 06644076:101. Light Co. 3pp. 64076-06344076:101. 9506300116 informs util of resuits of review of recent performance at Turkey Point fac&

                          -9506300031 inso repts50 250/9549 & 50-251/95 09 on 9503264429.Two non. cited                   ty to determme il present sHanned map effort for rest of current SALP cycle be revned volatons noted Maior areas mapacted plant operatons.piarn events,mamLchemstry &             before endmg date of960831.

fire protection. LANDIS.K.D. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/18. GOLDBERG.J H. Fionda Power & JOHNSON,T.P,, LANDIS.K.D. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/17. 36pp. 84076.066- Lsont Co. 4pp. 84077.28444077267. 64076.101. 9506300114 Informs utd of results of renew of recent performance at Turkey Pomt toch G. * *

  • F eervoependence ty to determine if presort paanned map effort for rest of current SALP cycle be reveed before endng date of 960831 LANDIS,K D. Regen 2 (Poet 820201). 95/05/18. GOLDBERG.J.H. Flonda Power & 9506010157 Partal sixth response to FOIA request for documents. Forwards App L into Lsght Co. 4pp. 64077.26444077.287. q made avasable to POR.

PCMELLR A. Divisen of Freedom of Informaton & PutWeations Servces (Post 940714). 94/12/06.SAPORITO.T.J. Saporno. TJ. 2pp. 83834.00543834.135.

                                                                                                                       -4004190002 Forwards most recent status repts of petitens submitted per 9505100607 " Changes. Tests & Expenments Made as Asowed by 10CFR$0.59 for                       10CFR2.206.

Penod 930601941201." W/950512 Itr CHANDLER.LJ. Assatant General Counsel for Enforcement 69/04/04 MURLEY.T.E. PLUNKETT,T.F. Flonda Power & ugtit Co. 94/12/01.156pp. 6403011744030.272. Offee of Nucisar Reactor Regulaton, Oroctor (Post 870411). BERNERO.R M Ottee of Nuclear Matenal Safety & Satepuards. LIEBERMANJ. Ofc of Enforcement (Post 9606020194 "1994 Annual Radelogeal Environ Operatog Rept Turkey Pomi Pterit Uruts 870413). 4pp. 83834 017-53834 OW. 3 & 4 " W/950421 nr. PLUNKETT.T.F. Fionda Power & Light Co.94/12/31. 68pp 83761.26043761.327. -8e041e0115 Forwyds trest recent status rept of mtens submined per 10CFR2 206. CHANDLER.L.J. Assstent General Cchosal for Enforcement 89/02/02 MURLEY.T.E. 9605190365 MontNy operstmg rept for Apr 1995 tor Turkey Point Uruts 3 & 4.W/950512 Othee of Nucisar Reacsor Regulaton. Director (Post 870411) THOMPbON.H.L Othee BEMA M W En*cene m NORR.J.E., PLUNKETT J F. Fionda Pcwor & Light Co. 95/04/30. Opp. 84019.348-

                           - 84019.356

[7 'N34 h4h[s.

                                                                                                                       -8007190246 Forwards TJ Saporno 89062010CFR2206 petiten requestm0 or             f enmedi.

' $. Reportable u,; . .. LERa & reisted 4 sto actons to be taken re facshty.mciuding cold snutdown of units.suspenson of h-b tenses & investigation of drug usage.for renew Wto stated draft Itrs. l 9506190286 LER 9440340 on 940720 & 21.util decovered that several required valve GOLDBERG.J.R Assestant General Counsel for Enforcement 89/07/14

MURLEY.T.C. Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Director (Post 870411). 3pp.
stroke tme survemances had not been performed Caused by personnel 83834.021 4 3834.023' I error. Personnel reassagned & procedures and survedlance traciung software en-I henced.

MOWREY,C.L Flonda Power & Lsght Co.94/06/16 6pp. 8397415843974.162. -8000280164 Forwards status rept on petitions under 10CFR2 206 4 GOLDBERG.J R Offee of the General Counsel (Post 660701). 89/08/02. i 9506000038 Part 21 rept te mechancal defect in shaft length of some HEA63 tockout MURLEY.T.E Offce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten, Director (Post 870411). l ' relays mfg between 1990 94. Defect identified could possely result an bmdeg of tront BERNERO.R.M. Othce of Nuclear Matenal Safety & Safeguards. LIEBERMANJ. Otc 4 er aft. Suspect relays checked for dote codes & replacements ordered. of Enforcement (Post $70413). 5pp 8383492443834:028 , 1 NUDtHC Y MxW Power Systems. Irc 95/04/28 MURLEY,T. Offee of Nuclear Re- 1 ! actor %7.materi(Post 941001). 5pp 83924.036-83924.040. -8912040009 Forwards status rept on petitons under 10CFR2.206 Rept bats petstens l pendmg before NMSS,NRR & foal decssions by directors pending before Commason { 9505150003 LER 95 004 00on 950407.umt bemo shutdown to mvestgate recumng & courts non.ur9ent fadure aerms Pom redundant rod contros power supplies. Reactor manually GOLDBERG.J R Deputy Assstant General Counset for Enforcement. 89/10/02. tnoped As tour PS 3 power suppises replaced W/950505 ftr MURLEY.T.E. Othce of Nuclear Reactor Reguieten, Drector (Post 870411) MOWREY.C.L, PLUNKETT.T.F. Fionda Power & Lagnt Co.95/05/05. Sep 83899147 BERNERO.R M. Offee of Nuctear Matenal Safety & Safeguards LIEBERMAN.J Olc 4 83699 151 of Enforcement (Post 870413). 5pp. 83834 03543834:039 I 4


                                                                                          -9505010180 Forwards mfo for replacement of attachment five. concern 12. as idenufied

-8912040010 Forwards status rept on petmons under 10CFR2.206.Rept 6sts petrhons - m 681208 memo re hsung of " Statement of Concoms.* & proposed acton oftces. pending t etore NMSS.NRR & final decrsions by drectors poneng before Cw.- DEMIRANDA.O. Region 2 (Post 820201) 88/12/13 REYES.L., GIBSON.A., A courts. COLLINS.D Duson of Radiation Safety & Safeguards (Post 921004). 2pp. GOLDBERG.J.R. Offee of the General Counset (Post 860701). 89/11/02. 84109 00844109 006 MURLEY.T E Oftco of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Drector (Post 870411). BERNERO.R.M. Othee of Nuclear Matenal Safety & Sateguards. UEBERMANJ Ofc of Enforcement (Post 870413). 5p0. 83834.040 83834.044 -9505010219 Acs receipt of 890621 Itr.expressang concems w/ regard to drug usues at -8912040012 Forwards status rept on petitens under 10CFR2.208 Rept bets pettons $NETER.S.D Region 2 (Post 820201). 89/10/10. LORIONJ Lonen J. 40%p sonene before NMSS,NRR & hnal decisons by drectors pendmg before Commissen 84109 00944110-105

   & courts.

GOLDBERG.J.R. Oftco of the General Counsel (Post 880701L 89/09/07. 9505030472 Forwards revsed & EPA approved NPDES permit for Turkey Pomt MURLEY.T.E. Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulabon, Drector (Post 870411). PLUNKETT.T.F Fionda Power & L9ht Co 95/04/21. Document Control Branch (Doc-BERNERO.R.M. Oftce of Nuclear Matenal Sateev & Safeguardt UESERMANJ Orc ument Control Desk).18pp. 83795 ze743795.304. of Enforcement (Post 870413). epp. 83834.02943834934. -9104040040 Forwards 910627 memo re msuance of ALAB 950 on pressure / temp 9504210293Genenc Ltr 95 04 to as holders of OLS or cps for nuclear power reactors knuts proceechno & TS *eplacement proceedmg.ASLAB upheld ASLBP oecisen to re fmal espositen of SEP lessons 4eamed issues. deny TJ Saporito late petinan to miervene m procemeng ZiMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001) 95/04/28 QULUCK.R Protect Drectorate162. 91/07/31. Protect urectorate 16-2.1p 83834:064 Coneohdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 83757:02443757:037. 83834 064 9505120122 Informs that util revised attachments 1 & 3 of 950330 Itr Proposed bcense

  • 0108080045 Informs that on 910624 ASLAB asued ALAB-950 m wNeh deemen at- amenos revs do not anc on08nal conclussori rendered m anaenment 2 to str.

firmed two ASLBP decessons te pressure / temp hmits proceedirigs at plant.ASLAB PLUNKETT.T.F Fnonda Power & Light Co 95/05/05. Document Control Branch (Doc-uohead ASLBP decoon to deny TJ Saponto late petten to etervene e proceeeng ument Control Desk) 8pp. 83871:186 43871.193' CHANDLER.LJ. Assatant General Counsel for Heanngs & Ensorcement 91/06/27 M E Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulabon. Director (Post 870411). 1p. & E& m W partal cerval of amends.Amenos change TSs to allow containment PAL doors to remsen open dunng core alteratons & to change def nmon of core alteratons.

-9211240291 Forwards 921023 petiten subemtted by JP Rcco on behalf of Pubhe                                       Proiect Drectorate  14- 1 (PD2-11 (Post 941001) 95/05/11-Cmzen.Greenpeace.NIRS & SECC aneging numerous detesences re emergency plan.               CROTE AU.R.P.

GOLDBERGJH. Flonda Power & Lagnt Co. 3pp. 83979:07043979'091. at piant as result et effects of humcane Andrew. DBERGJ.R. Deputy Assatant General Cowisel for Enforcement. 92/10/30. MURLEY.T.E. Offee of fActear Reactor Regulaten. Drector (Post 870411). 3pp. -9505180327 Amends 173 & 187to hcernes DPR.31 & DPR-difespectvelv. chenpng TSs to silow contamment PAL doors to remairs open dunng core alteratons a to 83834:065 83834-119. enange deimmon of core alteratons.

-9211240294 Fonrards 2.206 petten sutwnitted by Pubbc Cittzen. Greenpeace.NIRS &               MAI IHEWS.D B Propect Directorate 111 (PD21) (Post 941001). 95/05/11. 999 SECC re plant daiciences foDowmg hurncane Andre
  • 83979.07343979:081.

RICCIOJ.P. Pubhc Citizen's Cntcal Mass Energy Protect 92/10/23. TAYLORJ Ole of the Execueve Drector for Operanons. 52pp. 83834 06843834:119 -9505180331 Safety evaluanon supportng amends 173 & 187 to hcenses DPR-31 & DPR-41.respectvely

-9211240302 Forwards 2.206 petman filed by RR Diaz44cbamos re plant
  • Onice of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001) 95/05/11. 8pp. 83979 082-operaten. Petition alleged detcencses.meludmg concems re adequacy of fre prote 83979:089.

ton sys & teatures & of emergency @esel generators. GOLDBERGJ.R Deputy Asssstant General Counsel for Ertforcement 92/10/21. -9505180338 Notes et partial demat of amends 173 & 187 to bconses DPR 31 & DPR-MURLEY T.E. Oftce et Nuclear Reactor Regulaton. Director (Post 570411). 4pp. 41 & opporturuty for heanng Request re footnote alloweg certam artods to be open 83834.060 43834.063. dunng core anorahans cannot be granted

 -9412140223 Forwards 2208 notibon fded w/EDO 940307 by TJ Saponto requestng                   MATTHEWS.D B Project Drectorate 181 (PD21) (Post 941001) 95/05/11. 2pp.

that NRC take acDon re util 83979:090 43979 091. GOLDBERGJ.R. Deputy Assmant General Counsel for Enforooment 94/03/23. LIEBERMANJ. Otc of Entorcement (Post 870413). 8pp. 83834-12043834.127. 9505090312 Genere Lir 9242.Rev 1.Suppi 1 to at holders of OLS (except tnose b.

 -9412210064 Docusses petmon under 2206 filed by TJ Saponto wtich requests that                         ,a        a mtegnty NRC take acton agsmst ubl as operator of Turkey Pont & St Luces nuctaar power             2iMMERMAN.R.P Associate Dractor for Proiects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19 Consolcated E& son Co. of New York. M 10pp. 64084 352 84084M E                            n't Mai             for nforcement. 94/06/16 LIEBERMANJ Ole of Enforcement (Post 870413). 3pp. 83834:12843834:135                                                                    DPRS&W1M M m
 -9505010178 Forwarcs copy of Memorandum & Order issued on 900118by Board to                   changed setpoet preser taten tormat for RFS & ESFAS retrumentacon setpoets.

PLUNKETT.T.F. Fionda Power & Light Co. 95/05/23. Document Control Branch (Doc-ruhng on Moten for summary @sposson & estmssal of proceedng m plant P/T larmts ument Control Desk).160p. 84145.16844145.202 proceernng Wto enct CHANDLER.LJ Assistant General Counset for Heanngs & Enforcement 90/01/22 MURLEY.T.E Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton Drector (Post 870411). 1 p. -9505310100P oposed toch specs re use of changed setpomt presentabon format for 83834 04543834 045 RPS & ESFAS mstrumentanon.

  -9505010211 Informs that no further staff acton necessary seco appeal Board decmon tavorabee re affrmanon of Board ruhng estmasmg Nuclear Energy AccountaDelity Propect kom plant TS teDiacement proceedmg                                             Q. Inspecten upwta. E hans & cormapondence CHANDLER.L.J Assistant General Counsel lor Heanngs & Enforcement 91/07/03.

MURLEY.T.E. Once of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten, Drector (Post 870411) 3pp 8383404743834$59. 9505020081 Forwards mso repts S250/9548 & 50 251/9M8 on 950320 24.No mo. 9505150101 Forwards Drector's Decisen DD 9547, denying petcons feed on940307 & 0607 requesting that NRC take escaated enforcement acDon agamer certam utd em. k$E A. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/20. GOLDBERGJH. Flonda Power & Lsgnt Go 3pp. 83689 34743689.356. pioyees for molatng NRC reQurements Li MAN 01 of (Post 870413). 95/05/11. SAPOFIITO.TJ Sapor- -9505020088 insp repts 50-250/95 08 5 50-251/9508 on 950320-24 No molanons noted Mapor areas mapec1ed svc water sett- assessment ROGERS W G., KELLOG.PJ Regon 2 (Post 820201) 95/04/20. 7pp 83689.350

  -9505150138 Drector's Doceen DD 9547 dertymg actons reauested m                    83689 356.

pettener has not remed any sawes that would warrant requested actons LIEBERMANJ Orc of Enforcement (Post 870413) 95/05/11 Saponto. TJ Bop 9504190049 NRC Into Notee 9M24. " Summary of Ocensed Operator Requahtcaten 83898.260 43898 267. into Program Fndings."

  -9505150065 Nonce of msuance of Drector's Deosen to penton filed by TJ Saponto                GRIMES.B K.        95/04/25. Consoisdated Eeson Co of New York. Inc 12pp on 940307 & 0607.                                                                         83757$0143757-012 LIEBERMANJ O'c of Enforcorrent (Post 't70413). 95/05/11. 35pp 83898 268-838 2 323.                                                                             9504210127 Genene Lir 95-03 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs to crcumferental Crackie of SG tubes.

2 ^* * (^ *$ 7 K. Utility Final Safety Analyse Report (FSAR) & amends E on Co 375 9505180603 Rev 12 to updated FSAR for Turkey Pomt Unds 3 & 4 W/950512 Itr 950$050089 Forwards mso repts 50-250/9505 & 50251/9M5 on 95030610 & 28-PLUNKETT.T.F. Fionoa Power & Lsght Co. 95/05/31. 952pp. 64003:00144005124. 29.No volabons noted.Lcensee efforts e idenutying &/or correctmg molatons meet entens specihed m enforcement poicy BARR.K.P. Regon 2 (Pust 820201) 95/04/28 GOLDBERGJH F1 sea Power & P. Operating bcense sta9e - 1 & correspondence Ught Co 4pp. 83758 28443758 308 9202130128 Trip rept of structural sde au@t of piant dunng wk of 920113. Attendance -950505M5 kap repts 50 250/95-05 & $4251/95 05 on 95030610 & 0328-29 No ssts.utd presentaten.waadown log. hancout on coohng cana; observatons & votatens noted Maior areas mapected annual radelogmal envron operaung photos enct eptsadologicalloud a gaseous egiuent releases ASHAR.H Structuraf & Geoscences Branch 92/02/07.BAGCHl.G Structural & Geo- ' CARRION.R.P., DECKER.T.R. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/27. 21pp. 83758 288-scences Branch 160pp. 8370414643704 303 83758 308. 9505010173 Seventh parbal response to FotA request for documents. Records m App M enci & are bong made avadatze for PDR. 9505110070Docusses mso repts50 250/95.07 & 50-251/95-07 on 950320 24 & NOV POWELL.RA Dmson of Freedom of Information & Pubicatens Sereces (Post BARR.K.P Regen 2 (post 820201) 95/05/03. GOLDBERG.J H Fionca Power & 940714). 94/12/07 SAPORITO.TJ Saponto. T.J. 6pp. 84109 00144112 023. Lrgnt Co. 3pp. 83851-17143851.195

l l i DOCKETEDITEMS 27 I l 1 i

     -9606110075 Inso repts $4250/95 07 & 50-251/9547 on 950320 24.No volatons                  P. Operstwig hoense stage documents & corroependence roted Mapor areas mspectetannual EP exercme conducted at plant on 950322 mciuc.

82020 I 95/05/03. 20pp. 83851.174- 9505050156 Appicaten for amends to App A.Section 6 of heennes DPR-2. DPR. B ' ogen 19M.25.NPF 11.NPF 18.DPR.29.DPR-30 NPF.72.NPF-77, NPF.37,NPF-66.DPR.39 8385 t195' & DPR-48. Amends conset of admrustratwo changes. 9505120120 Forwards reveed rehet request 4.ASME Secten XL1989 Class 1.2 & 3 BENES.G.G. Cummonwealth Eeson Co 95/04/24 Document Control Branch (Docu-Snutzers as escussed cunng several teicon w/NRC, ment Comrol M. 20pp. 8382624382730t PLUNKETT.T.F. Flonds Power & bght Co 95/05/06. Document Control Branch (Doc-ument Control Desk). 6pp. 63871:194 8387t199, - 9600000150 Proposed toch specs re admrustratwo changes to App A. Secten 6 W bconses. 9500000171 NRC Info Notce 95 025. " Valve Faikre Dunng Pabent Treatment w/ *C - . T. Eeson Co.95/04/24. 21990. 63826:020 43826.238. Gamma Stereota.. tic Raeosurgery Urut." COOLD.A. Dwoon of Indusmai & Meecal Nuclear $afety (Post 670729h 95/05/11. -9000050162 Rev 65 to "Cw. ~. Z. Eeson OA Manual" Consondated Eeoon Co. rd New York. Inc. 9pp. 64007:18244007:190. O'CONNOR,JJ. C-i... m Eeson Co. 94/11/21. 225pp. 83826.23943827-101 I 9006220000 Forwards SE authonung second 10.yr intervat ISI request for rehof on to. 9508000194 Responds to l>censee opphcaten dtd950410 &torwards notee of consid. HEWS B 95 5/12. GOLDBERGJH. Fionda Power & Light Co. 2pp. tor 7be" tar ton 64033:350 44033.357. M. . 95/04/24 FARRAR.DL C-. . - - Eeson Co. 2pp

     - 9006220174 Safety evaluation authonung rehof on one-time base for second 10-yr m.

of Wremar Reactor Reguiation (Post 941001). 95/05/12. 6pp. 64033.352, m Notce of consideraton of msuance of amends e bconses DPM & DPR.30 & proposed NSHC deterrrunaton & opportunrty for heanng Amende revise 84033.357' TSs to renset enanges a survenience testeg recurements of HPCIS a RCICS. eensennnes Forwards msp repts 50-250/9509 & 50 251/95 09 on 9503264429.Non. PULSIFER.R.M. .95/04/24. 8pp. 8383415183834:158, i caed violebens noted. LANDeS.K.D. Reqpon 2 (Post 82020th 95/05/17. GOLDBERG.J.H. Flonda Power & 9606030477 Comments on draft GL " Pressure Lockmg & Thermal Beding of Safety. Ugnt Co. 3pp. 64076:06344076:101 Rotated Power. Operated Gare Valves

  • VONK.MJ. Commonwealth Eeson Co. 95/04/25. Document Control Branch (Docu.
      -9006300031 Insp repts54250/95-09 & 50w251/95 09 on 950326 0429.Two non. cited               ment Control Desk). 3pp. 83791.3524379t354.

weianons noted.Masor areas mapecte@ plant operabons. plant events.mant.chemetry & tre protectort 9504210393 Genenc Lir 95 04 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors JOHNSON.T.P., LANDISKO. Region 2 (Poet 820201). 95/05/17. 36pp. 64076 006- re final esposinon of SEP lessons leamed mauss. 84076.101. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assomete Director for Prote:ts (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Consohdated Eeson Cct of New York. Inc.14pp. 83757:02443757'037. l . 9606300114 trWorms ubl of results of review of recent performance at Turkey Pomt facs> ty to determme il present planned map effort for rest of current SALP cycle be rewmed 9006040012Irdorms that repts enktled. "XM.19 Matis Quahficaten Rept.* NEDE 21653 before eneng date of 960631. P. " GENE / Comed Responses to NRC Raouest for Ade into re Oued Cnies Unsts 1 & LANDtS.K.D. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/18 GOLDBERG,J.H. Flonde Power & 2 Shroud Oties 1 & 2," we be wehend from puche esceosure.per reauest. i Ught Co. 4pp 64077:28444077-267- PULSIFER.R.M. . 95/04/28. FARRAR.D L Cv.. . . - Eeson Co. 4pp


j 8375t33743751.340. E Porteac operetng reperk & roasted concepondence 9606060009 Provides updated status of progress on plant course of acton (COA) emple. mentaton for performance nnprovement. l 9506180007 " Changes. Tests & Expenments Made as Anowed ty 10CFR$0.59 for KRAFT.E.S. Commonwealth Eeson Co. 95/05/01.Ofice of Nuclear Reactor Regula. Penod 930601-941201." W/950512 lir. non (Post 941001). 8pp. 83864.17943864:186. PLUNKETT,T.F. Flonda Power & Ught Co. 94/12/01. 15600. 84030:11744030.272 9505030194 "1994 Armuel Raeolospcal Envron Operstmg Flopt Turkey Pomt Plant Uruts provously m 9302 6 9403 PL K F Power & Light Co. 94/12/31,68pp. 83761.260 83761;327. p.,g $[f 3 9505190386 Monthly operstmg rept for Apr 1995 for Turkey Poet Units 3 & 4 W/950512 nr.

                                                                                                 -9605060084 Proposed noch specs re TS upgrade program Secton 3/4.10.

KNORRJE., PLUNKETTJF. Flonda Power & bght Co. 95/04/30. 9pp. 64019.348

  • Commonwealth Edson Co.95/05/02. 34pp. 83833.16lk83833.202.

8401t356. 9506000215 Forwards "Thrd Ten. Year beenrel insonnce Testm0Pro9 ram.Rev 5." W/68 oversue drewmos. S. ReporteMe m.- _ . L&Rs a retened correspondonee SCHRAGE4L rt _ . 7 Edman Co. 95/05/02. Document Control Branch (Doc-ument Control Desk). 2pp 8309400143895-041. 9508000038 Part 21 rept re rnocherhcal defect m shaft length of some HEA63 lockout rensys mfg between 199464. Defect identrhed could possibly renun m tundmg of tront T__. 4 snaft. Suspect relays checked for date codes & replacements ordered.

  • C,.-+ . "Thrd Ter>Co.

T. Eeson Year Interval403pp. 95/05/02. IST Program." rev 5. 83894:00343895:041. NUDING.M. MKW Power Systems. Inc. 95/04/28 MURLEY T. Office of huclear Re-actor Regulaton (Post 941001). 500. 83924-03643924.040- 99051e0441 Forwards proonstary supplemental Mfo re util MOV tesbng & survedlance program.per GL 8910.Propnetary mfo withheld tram put*c esciosure per 9505300039 PNOwD-95 029:on 950518.rmpactor notshed by hc.ensee of incident Mvolv- 10CFR2.790. employee et paant threatenin0 to commit sucede at home.Empeoyee taken to hoop VONK.M). Commonwealth Edmon Co. 95/05/02. Document Control Branch (Docu-

           &           revoked employee plant access.                                               ment Control Desa). 8pp. 84026:32544026.332.

LANDIS.K. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/18.10. 8407611544078:115. 9506190118 Discusses sener mgt meetm0 w/ to put*c observaton. conducted DOCKET 50 252 UNIV. OF NEW MEXICO RESEARCH REACTOR bons cfa Ms HILAND P.L Region 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/04.WALLACE.M. Commonwealth Eeson Co.118pp. 83973224439 /3:341. F. & M prm plans 9505120130 Forwards addl ado requested by NRC dunng 950427 telcon re core shroud 9505110129 Sutwnsts response to revew of emergency plan. mod.into wethhold from putAc enclosure per 10CFR2.7sotb). BUSCH.R D. New Mexico. Univ. of. Atsugwergue. NM. 95/05/01. MENDOCA.M.M. . SCHRAGEJ.L C .c... r. Eeson Co.95/05/05. Document Control Branch (Doc. < 4pp. 83929.35&83929-359. ument Control Desk). 7pp. 83935:35443935:360. 9505150244 Forwards Rev 1 to n Document SL.4984. " Quad Cities Urvts 1 & 2 DOCKET 50 254 QUADCITIES STATIO88. Utt1T 1 Core Snroud Repar. Rehent tructures insp Regurements & Acceptance Cme-na." m response to NRC in 950427 telcon. SCH ^ "'"* " ' " F. Securtty, meelcet, emer9ency a fire protectlen plans ument Desk) 7 58 8 47 9505000057 Reymed EPIPs.mcludng rev 17 to OEP 100 0.rev 9 to OEP 10471pov 13 9505150247 " Quad Osbes Unrts 1 & 2 Core Shroud Repar,Desegn Rohant Structures to OEP 105-0.rev 6 to OEP 105 S1/ev 6 to OEP.105 52.rev 6 to OEP 105-S3/ev 5 to insp Regurenwits & Acceptance Cmwe " OEP 105-S6/ev 11 to OEP 1074sev 6 to OEP-107-S1 W/950428 Itr DE800.G.H.. JOHNSON.J W., 8EHRINGER.TJ Sargent & Lundy. Inc. SL-ev64 Roi.

  • Commonwealth Eeson Co.95/04/28115pp 8384014443840.257- 95/04/10. 20pp. 83978.12843978147.

9505150252 Forwwds response to NRC 950222 RAI to support revww & approval of P 71 3 to OEP .r 3 to OE 71 4 to OEP 7 S5 ev Comm Ed TS upgrade program proiact Marked up TS pages also ence. to OEP 710-S6 PIET.P.L Cw ._ Z. Eeson Co 95/05/09. Document Control Branch (Document

  • Commonwealth Eeson Co 95/05/01.17pp. 83949.34243949.358. Control Desk). 36pp. 83978 045 83978124 9505240011 Revised EPIPs.mclueng rev 3 to CEPIP.3214-01sev 4 to CEPIP.3303-01.rev 6 to CEPIP-360241 & rewmed 3000 Senes Table of Contents did 950517. -9505150250 Proposed Tech Specs.supportmg TS upg sde program protect
  • Commonwealth Edison Co.95/05/17. 64pp. 84089.253-84089:315
  • Commonwealth Eeson Co 95/05/09. 44pp. 83978:08143978.124 950515014e Updated pages OCA &16 & 617 to Ovad Cibes Staten site specmc GSEP 9505100303 Summry of950323meebng w/ute re TS Upgrade Program status.Let of 4

Annen.Rev 8e. attendees enci.

  • Commonwealth Edmon Co.95/05/31. 4pp. 83977:313 83977.316. SKAY.D M. .95/05/11. 6pp. 83971:35343971.358.
m. - . . . - _ _ _ .


                                                                                          -9505100352 Revised montney operstmg repts for Mar 1995 for Quad Cdres Nuclear 9905230176 Forwards summary of utd raesten protecbon pe4msarce & efforts ni                    Power Station Ursts 1 & 2 to effect unprovement                                                            MOORE.K. Commonweem Eeson Co.95/03/31. app. 64013 273-84013.274.

BR S4C. Commonwealth Edson Co.95/05/12. Document Contrd Branch (Docu- , ment Cored Deskt 32pp. 54068.14244068.173. I S. Repertable securrences, LERe & roteted eerrompendence 9905230260 Sutmts adde irdo re core shroud mod. SCHRGE.J.L C-.. .. o Eeson Co 95/05/12. Document Control Branctl(Docu- j ment Coreol Desk). App.64051 334 44051:337. 9805100133 Forwards LER 95 004. Lasted commaments made.meludm0 updatmg vendor R Accessones. 9006240023 Forwards response to NRC staff roguest for addl into re TS upgrade pro. QQ "OjQQ elays ument Control Deskt 3pp. 83924:11943924'127. kET.P.L Commonwealth Echson Co. 95/05/15. Document Coreal Branch (Document ' Control Desk). 49pp. 6406t21744069.316. -9505100141 LER 9500400:on 950329.HPCI sys declared moperable from motor speed changer malfuncton due to Imt swech fadure. Updated plant vendor techrucal -9005240026 Proposed toch specs as result of TS upgrade program. menuels to rehect gimdence for mateltahon & adiosenent of GE arrut swdenes

  • Commonwestth Eeson Co.95/05/15. 51pp. 6406936644069.316. CHRISSOTIMOS.N. Commonwealth Eeson Co.05/04/28. 6pp. 83924:122 43924 127.

9506250144 Forwards response to NRC 950222 RAI re TS upgrade program Secten 3/ '

41. " Reactor Prctection Sys." V. Operator Esamenettons SCHRACE4L Commonwearth Eeson Co. 95/05/17. Document Control Branch (Doo. j ument Control Desk). 50pp. 64075.04044075:122 '"

-900629014e Proposed TS upgrade section 3/41. "Reector Prosecten Sys? ,'", 05 m a 2

                   - Edson Co.95/05/1. 33pp. 64075 09044075.122.                               RING.M.A. Ragon 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/01. CHASENSKY.T.M., SCHMIDT.T L
  • Cawnonweanh Eeson Ca DAWA > Oocte Co. 4 83N34 83758.313.

9506280251 Forwards Rev 65a to Comm Ed QA program Topcal Rept CE.1-A, updat.

                ""                                       '"       " " D'                    9505230237 Informs that hcense SOP-30726 2 will not be memtamed. JW Wethington h                                      reau, KOV ACH.T.J. Commonwealth eson Co 95/05/17. Document Controf Branch (Docu.

was renoved Imrn bcensed duh on 950508 & uti regmsted that hcense be tenana& ment Control Desk). 2pp. 64087.10444087.358. RCE.LW. C-..~. .. - -7. Edson Co.95/05/10. Document Control Branch (Doc-

                                                                                               "PEA ument Cormt Deskt 1p. 6405132544051325.
-9506200253 Rev 65a to Comm Ed CA
  • Cv. . - - ~ Eenon Co.95/04/17.17pp 64087;18244087.358 d8 900626C312 Summary of 95031516rneesng w/ comed re MOV program developed m moRCE'Om PEA .LW. Cw=..hCereed duty Co.95/05/11.

S. Edson on 950511 Document

                                                                                                                                                     & requested      that Control      hcense Branch     De termmate (Doc-response to GL BG 10.Last of attendees, presentaten agenda & utd MOV program                 ument Control Desh). ip.64049.3tKh84049.360.

encn. DECK.G.F. .95/05/18. 168pp. 64078:150 44078:317. 9606230242 Aenses that hcense SOP.30522 2.wdl not be memtamect J Guest was re-moved frorn hcense duty on 950512 & utd roguested that bcense be termmated. 98050e0312 Genanc Ltr 92 02.Rev 1. Succi 1 to alt holders of OLs (arcept those 5 PEARCE.Lw. C-. .n . Eeaon Co.95/05/12. Document Control Branch (Doc-connes amended to possenen.only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac- ument Control Desk).1p 64049:35944049359 tot vessel structural meegrny ZIMMERMAN.R P. Assoc 6 ate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. 84064 35244084.361. DOCKET 50 256 PAi saarire psUCLEAR PLAlfT Q. Inspecten reporta,IE Buseens & corroependence F. Security, eisecat, emergency & Gro protection plans 9604190040 NRC Info Notre 95424. "Sur wnery of Lcensed Operator Requakfcaten snap Program Fmdeps." 9505020107 Rev 3 to Eke 4. " Release / Potential Release Determinaten From Contan. GRIMES B.K. . 95/04/25. Conschonted Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. ment High Range Morvtors? 4

  • Consumers Power Co.95/04/19. Opp. 83757.31143757.318. i 83757201 43757 S12.

9504210127 Genanc Ltr 9503 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re crcumferenhal 9606020047 Rev 14 to EOF Procedure GEN.1, "Overmew General Olc E.mergency J MAN R Associate Drector for Proiects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Consondeted Esson Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. 83757:01343757 023-MLL 83760.356 KAT ARSKY.A.P. Consumers Power Co.95/04/20.11pp. 83760-346 9506180244 Forwards Rev 1 to De Document SL 4984. " Quad Cnies Units 1 & 2 N ** ** '" ^ *'"* CHE H KA AR K 04/20 99p. 83757;302 respot s M 9504 telc n "' 83757.310. SCHRAGE.J.L C- . _..: N Eeson Co.95/05/08. Documord Consol Branch (Doc. , ument Comrol Desk). 3pp. 83978.125 83976:147. , WYMER.$.L. BROTT,N K. Consumers Power Co. 95/04/25. Opp. 83832.248-

 -960$150247 " Quad Cibes Uruts 1 & 2 Core Shroud Roper. Design Rehent Structures                83832255.

snap Requirements & Acceptance Cntens." DEBOO.G.H., JOHNSON.J W.. BEHRINGER.TJ Sar9ent & Lundy. Inc. SL-4984 R01. 9500030064 Rev 3 to EPIP App E," General Equipment m Emergency Kits." 95/04/10. 20pp. 83976.12843978147. WYMER.S.L. BROTT,N.K. Consumers Power Co. 95/04/25, 300 83775.283-9000000171 NRC IrWo Notce 95025. " Valve Fa4ure Dunng Patient Treatment w/ 81775 285. Gamma Sterectactc Ramosurgery Urut" 9805030000 Rev 6 to EPIP App D,

  • Emergency implementaban Procedures" eetonal COOLDA Dmsen of industnal & Medical Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/1L Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. Opp.84007.182 4 4007:190. changes WYMER.S.L. BROTT.N K. Consumers Power Co 95/04/25. 9pp. 83757294 9606230037 Respords to NRC 950414 Itr re violatons noted m map rePts 50 254/95 02 63757.296.
     & 50 265/95 02. Corrective actenshandies moefied on RHR$W pumps & 1(2) 1001 9606030088 Rev 5 to EOF.5, " Reactor Engmeenn0/ Accident Analyses Support Team."

SA/S RHRSW velves to unprove rtuman factors . Ole of Entorcement (Post 870413). cancened. KRAFT.E.S. Commonwealth Eeson Co. 95/D5/15

  • Consumes Poww Co.95/04/25.1p. 83757.29943757299.

9pp. 84061.34444061:352. 9606230041 Responds to NRC 950414 ter to velatons noted in insp repts 54254/94-29 9605020071 Rev 64 to EOF Inden. "Emer Operatons Faceity Procedures index."

     & 54265/94-29 CorrecDve actens work invoivmg 00$ stopped except by approval of                  Consumers Power Co. 95/04/25. 2pp.         7 30043757.301.

Station Ma & team assemoted to review & recommend C/As for wortt Ith Esson Co. 95/05/15 Orc of Enforcement (Post 470413). 9606060321 Eetonal che to Rev 2 to emergency unplementmo procedure Ek16.2.

                                   '                                                              " Post Accident Sampie               Sys Supphes & Associmied Equil* ment Checks?

WYMER.6.L Consumers Power . 95/04/27.11pp. 83839.26943839.279. R. Portoec sporeeng reports & reisted 6_.~ - 9606060323 Eetonal change to Rev 7 to emergency implementmg procedtre El.4.3.

                                                                                                  " EOF Acevanon "

9600010000 " Quad Cibes Stanon Annual Radclogcal Envron Operateg Rept 1994." WYMER.S. Consumers Power Co.95/04/27. 9pp. 8383928043839-288 . W/950424 ltr. PEARCE.LW. Commonwealth Edmon Co.94/12/31,109pp. 83706 00143786114. 9506100243 Rev 11 to EOF.2. " Emergency Operatons Facihty Drector

  • H, PENRODE Consunws Poww Ca 95/04/27. Mpp. 83875M 9506050002 Forwards nsbn0 of tacdsty & procedure changes. tests & expenments requr.

engsafety evatustans compoeted dunng Feb & Mar 1995. An KEN.P C. Commonwealth Esson Co 95/04/26. Document Control Branch (Docu. 9605100251 Rev 4 to EOF.11, ' Admrvstrative Support Team.,, ment Control Desk). 23pp. 83864:15143064173' MI7CHELL.M.H., PENROD,K.L Consumers Power Co. 95/04/27. 6pp. 83875 047-83875 052. 9505100335 Forwards monthly operatmg repos for Apr 1995 & reused repts for Mar 1995 tar Quad Ceties Nuclear Power Stahon Uruts 1 & 2 9505100254 Rev 3 to EOF.9. " Emergency Plannmg." AITKEN.P.C. C - . Z Edison Co 95/05/05. Document Control Branch (Docu, MITCHELLM.H PENROD.K.L Consumers Power Co. 95/04/27. 6pp. 83875 041 ment Control Desk).1p. 84013.25344013.274, 83875-046

  -9605140342 Monthly opersbog repts for Apr 1995 for Quad CNies Nuclear Power Sta-            9505100262 Rev 44 to Appendix G to emergency paart ton Untis 1 & 2.
  • Corsumers Power Co. 95/04/27. 9pp. 83875.03243875.040.

MOORE.K. Commonwearth Esson Co.95/04/30.19pp. 6401325444013.272.

DOCKETEDITEMS 29 9505100090 Ack receipt of 950403 ltr m response to NRC ter did 950208 reauestmo mto -9505010024 Satefy evatushon grantng rehet per 10CFR50 55(f)(6)6) based on enprac-re performance & profcency of secunty superesor & secunty to adequatey wnpie. tcantv et performmg testmg m accordance w/ code

  • Oftce of Nuclear Reactor Regulabon (Post 941001). 95/04/20. 34pp 83691.176-ment secunty program recusrements CREEDJR Region 3 (Post $20201). 95/05/01. PALMtSANO,T. Consumers Power 83691210.

Co. 2pp. 8382819543828.196. 9505030326 Fu vards response to NRC 950413 RAI m support of CPC protect plan for 9505100265 Rev 13 to El-3. ' Communcations & Notifcations

  • adores Anoy 600 maues B&W Nuclear Technologies nonpropnetary calculabons WYMER.S L. BROTT.N K. Consumers Power Co 95/05/03 15pp. 83875:017- 51-12351 1 & 32-1235177 40also ence.

HAAS,K M Consurners Power Co 95/04/24 Document Control Branch (Document 83875.031.


9505150044 Rev 5 to EPIP Ek6.3, " Release Rate Determmahon from Higfk Range El-fluent Monitors " -9505030328 Nonpropretary "Svc Lrte Assessment of Pressustrer Spray & Surge WYMER.S F. Consumers Power Co.95/05/05 11pp. 83899:0654389t077- Nome Safe Ends" CAMPBELLC.A., KtLLIAN.DE.. FYFITCH.S Babcock & Wilcon Co. 51 1235130 01 9505150055 Rev 7 to EPIP El 6.0 "Offsde Dose Calculation & b... _ .atons fo' 95/04/20. 28pp. 83803 01443603 041. Protectwo Actions." WYMERSF. Consumers Power Co 95/05/05 13pp. 83899 09343899-105- -9505030330 Nonpropnetary "FM Assessment of Paksades Anov 600 Components"

                                                                                                                                                     ^ $
  • PP 9505300059 Rev 10 to EPIP Ehe, "Onste Raeologeal Monitonng." has been made "* M3 85 7'.


  • Consumers Power Co.95/05/19.10.84106 346 44106 346. 9 2 5030208 informs that unt mM b wnsenen formal mduary posdson on mee acceent mgt approved by Nuclear Energy inst Nuclear Strategic issues Advisory 9505300091 Rev 7 to EPIP Ek9. "Otts to Raeological Monnonng " has been made mac- Committee on 941104at plant HAAS.K.M Corsumers Power Co 95/04/26 Document Control Branch (Document onsumers Power Co.95/05/19 1p. 84106.34544106:345. Control Desk) 2pp. 83791.350 83791:351.

95052tiO232 Rev 7 to El.161. "Mamt Of Emergency Equipment." 9505050210 Forwards revised pages for TS change request.consstino of mnor estonal WYMER.S.L. SLAUGHTER.PA Consumers Power Co. 95/05/22. 2300. 84;01:301 change to base m frst paragraph of 3-2 & rev to kst of approved methodoiogy repts & 84101:319. "COLR " 9505260287 Rev 07 to El 41. "Techncal Support Ctr Actuafen." HAAS.K M Consumers Power Co. 95/04/27. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 8383914543839169. WYMER.S.L. BROTT.N.K. Consumers Power Co. 95/05/22. 17pp 84101.333-84101:349. -9505050211 Revoed proposed TS.consetmg of changes to base m frst paragraph of 9505260356 Rev to to El-4.2. "Operanonal Support Ctr Actuanon." pace 3-2 & rev to tst of approved methodoiogy repis WYMER.S L Corsumers Power Co.95/05/22. 24pp. 84120.32244120:346.

  • Consumers Power Co.95/04/27. 23pp. 8383914743839.169.

9505050214 Forwards proposed TS & addl mto supportog action statements for moper-9505260358 Rev 18 to EIP El.2.1 Emergency Actons/Notfcabons/ Respons4Mhtes.". WYMER.S L. BROTT,N.K., THIELMANNJR. Consumers Power Co. 95/05/2? 10pp apse safety valves m proposed 3.1.7 of TS change at of 950103 HAAS.K.M. Consumers Power 95/04/27. Document Branch (Document i 84101.35044101 360. Contro: Desk). 3pp. 8383917943839.186. I 9505260360 Rev 22 to EIP-Ebi. "Actwahon Of Sto Emergency Plan / E.mergency Clas. shcahon " -9505050215 Proposed tech specs. supporting acbon statements for moperable safety WYuER.S.L. BROTT.N.K., FONTAINEJL Consumers Power Co. 95/05/22. 39pp- vanes m proposed Specs 3.17 of TS change request of950103 84103 305 44103:343.

  • Consumers Power Co.95/04/27. 5pp. 83839.18243039186.

9505300040 Rev 11 to Section 5 to emergency plan. 9504210293Gewnc W 9504 to d honders of OLs or CPS for nuclear power reactors WYMER.S.L Consumers Power Co.95/05/22. 23p0. 84104 33744104.359' re fmai deposition of SEP lessons-teamed saues. 2IMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Director for protects (ADPR) (post 941001). 95/04/28 9505310112 Rev 17 to Seebon a to emergency plan " Emergency Condibons. Conschdated Esson Co. of New York inc.14pp. 83757:02443757:C37. Consumers Power Co.95/05/22 45pp. 8414228444142.328 950$0sm Prades justfcanon for conunued operanon for repaned pressunrer instne-9505300101 Forwards Rev 33 to Paksades Secunty Plan.providing add!into requested Consunws Power Co 95/04/28 Document Control Branch (Document AAS . ower Co. 95/05/23 Docurnent Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 52pp. 8383327643833.328. Corgrol Desk).1p. 84104.33044104:330. 9505080277 Grants CPC & Semans Power Corp request that proonetary documentabon 9505310115 Rev 22 to attachment 1 to EPIP El1 "Actuanon of S'te Emorgency Plan / proposed change to TS re Sv setung hmits metudmg attachment 3 "Pairsades Lost Emergency Classtration." 10' Load Analyss." be withheld from pub 6c declosure.per 10CFR2.790(bH5L of j

  • Consumers Power Co.95/05/23 32pp. 84163.19744163.228. KENNEDYJ 95/05/01. HAAS.K.M. Consumers Power Co. 4pp. 83827.337- l 9505310242 Rev 10 to EPIP E14. "Onsde Radiologeal Morutonng " 83827 340. '
  • Consumers Power Co.95/05/24. 26pp. 84163.28844163.313.

showed fugher that expected Cp content 9505310251 Rev 7 to EPIP El-0. "Ottste Rachologcal Moratonng ". HAAS.K.M Consumers Power Co 95/05/01. Document Control Branch (Document

  • Consumers Power Co. 95/05/24. 22pp. 84163 32484163:348 Control Desk). 2pp. 83919.359 83919 360.

9505310106 Rev 5 to App A to emergency pian. " Agreements W/Offsne 9505120009 Apphcation for amend to iconse DPR-20 Amend would place requeements  ! 1 induduals.

  • Consumers Agencies & Orgaruzat Power Co. 95/05/25.ore " .84141.356 44141.359.

App m TS section 4 7 tor penode DG peak noad tests. l HAAS K M. Consumers Power Co 95/05/01. Document Control Branch (Document ' Control Desk) 5pp. 83935.34543935.353. N. Generat ~. . -.

                                                                                          -9505120013 Proposed tech specs re roouirements for penodc DG peak load tests
  • Consumees Power Co.95/05/01. 4pp. 83935.35043935.353.

9505250100 Seventh fmal response tc COLA request for docurnents.Apps J & K docu- , ments enci & mso placed n POR. App K documents partally wthheid (ret FOtA EJi- 9505110335Nobies NRC that plant enbcal funcbons moratonng sys computer mstalled i emotion 6) to meet NUREG4737. item 1.D.2 requwements will be replaced dunng at begmnng POWELLR. Dmmon of Freedom of informanon & Pubicabons Sennees (Post 950508 940714) 95/01/19 GLITZENSTEIN.E. Affmanon Not Assegned. App. 84067 204-HAAS.K M. Consumers Power Co. 95/05/02. Document Cont ol Branch (Document 84067.238. Control Desk). 2pp 83932.10343932104.

  -9505250116 Forwards photos of empact of one heavy storm on Lake Michigan which took out wnole dune Porbon of str deleted NRC oratt Itr to M 5,nciar enct            9505110332 Submits addl mio re 941213 TS change roovest.proposmg adsbon of thed         i departure from Nucleate Boikng (DNB) corretabon to hat of approved DNB correlanons I SINC 1.AlR M P. Affdiation Not Asmgned 94/05/26 ZWOLINSKI NRC . No Detaded Affitaban Gwert 6pp. 84067.23244067238                                                   m emstmg Safety Lima 2.t.

HAAS.K M. ConsJmers Power Co. 05/05/03 Document Control Branch (Documern Control Dest (). 2pp. 83930:35843930.359 L Financial informet6cn 9505100115 Provides addl mfo per NRC request to iodme related engmeenng factors mvolved m anaryses suppornng piant proposed mstalianon of inso$um phosphare 9505010158 *1994 Consumers Power Co Annual Rept" W/950424 Itr HAAS.K.M Consumers Power Co.94/12/31. 37pp. 83717.32143717:358. (TSP) baskets HAAS.K.M Consumers Power Co 95/05/04. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 5pp. 83875-10443875.108 P. Operating Scense sta9e ' - & correspondence 9505110198 informs that NRA staff fmds whl request to use attemative provemons of ASME Code Case N-474-2 acceptable re use of torged Alloy 690 matt SE encl. 9505120207 Dscusses pont bouneng T(t) & Pit) for PTS enalys s. CARPENTER,C.A. . 95/05/04 HAAS.K.M. Consumers Power Co. 3pp. 83936.330-LOIS.L 95/04/03 JONES R.C. 10pp. 83923.343-63923.352 83936.335 9305040199Ltr contract NRC 02 95 003.defatmng task order 1. "Techncar Asmstance -9505110202 Safety evaluauon supportmg ubt request to adopt Code Case N 474-2 to m Revew of Cask Unios$ng Procedures for Pahsaces Pient." use Ahoy 690 larging matl. MACE.M. Dumon of Contracts (Post 9407141 FIN J-5073. 95/04/04. GREEN.S Sch

  • Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001). 95/05/04 3pp 83936.333 ence Appicanons internabonal Corp (former1y Science Appicabons. Inc.). 2pp.

83936'335-838C1.3'J9-83801:340. 9505100187 Discusses NUREG-1511. "RV Status Rept." re NRC comprehensive as-9505010020 Forwards SE re revew of responses to NRC SE acton noms & revsed sessment of all PWR RPVs m US pants.Rept ident# fed Beaver Valley 1 & Palmades reauests for IST program. as only plants projected to potentally exceed PTS screenmg crnene before end CARPENTER.CA . 95/04/20. HAAS.K M Consumers Power Co, 2pp 83691.174- STROSNIDER.J R .95/05/05 THADANI.A.C . 8pp 83906.34243908 349 83691.210.

30 DOCKETEDITEMS 9605230031 Summenzos 950510 meenne between Charman & Consumers Power Corp 9505020244 Forwards "Paksades Nuclear Plant Annual Radelogcal Envron Operstm0 re reactor pressure vessel embntisement prcNems at plant & planned anneahnD Rept Jan Dec 1994." MCWHORTER,R. Comtrusseners (Post 750119). 95/05/15 Commesoners (Post HAAS,K.M Consumers Power Co. 95/04/27. Document Control Branch (Ducumord 750119L 1p. 64015.23184015.23L Control Desk).1p. 63604 00163804:100 9505300196 Raouests approval of cesange to @ahty program descriphon for operabonal -9505020264 "Pahsades Nuclear Plant Annual Radmiogmal Emnron Operstmg Rept NPPs. Jan-Dec 1994." FENECH.RA Consumers Power Co. 95/05/16. Document Consol Brarch (Document

  • Consumers Power Co.94/12/31. 81pp. 63604:002 43804.062 Control Desk), opp.64105.351 44105.356
                                                                                              -9505020270 "Radelogeal Envron Monnonn0 rogram           P        for Paksades Nuclear Generat-9500000312 Genanc Lir 92 02.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to at holders of OLs lancept those IL                   mg P s             '

conses to .e 4 status) or cps for nuclear power reactors to reac, BN T Brown Engmeenng Co. 94/12/31. 116pp. 63804:063 63804 160. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocale Drector for prolacts (ADPR) (Post 941001). 05/05/19. C nachdated Edson Co. of New Yorn. Inc.10pp. 84064.35244064:361. 9605110362 Monthly operstma rept for Apr 1995 for PNPP. W/950503 Itr. ' 9506250119 Forwards amend 165 to tconee DPR-20 & safety evaluanort Amend sup- BERLES.B W WILLIAMS.K.L Consumers Power Co. 95/04/30. 5pp. 63933130-pats replacement of omstmg iodme removal sys w/ baskets of TSP. 83933.134. GAMBERONI.M.. 95/05/19. HAAS.K.M. Consumers Power Ca 3pp. 64068:006-84066:020.

                                                                                                '               ~              '

-9605250124 Amend 165 to heense DPR-20.supportng replacement of emstmg cdme removal sys w/beskets of TSP. 9605190052 NPDES noncomphance nobicaton:dunng Nov 1994. Apr 1995. no NPDES GAMBERCNI.M. .95/05/19. epp. 64068.00944066.016 violatons identsed.Three repts of o4. salt or posutmg mo5 loss made on 941102.11 & -4505250127 Satety evaluanon supportng amend 165 to bcense DPR-20. 29.

  • Othee of Nucear Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001). 95/05/19. App. 64068.017- HAAS.K.M. Consumers Power Co. 95/05/06. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 63898.24443696.246.

64066:020. 9606290213 Notecaten of 950606 meetmg w/ubt to decuss schedule & conturit of uti sutirmttal tar plant reactor vessel anneehno V. OPerster Esem6nsttens GAMBERONI.M. .95/05/22. CARPENTER.CA . 3pp. 64075.20744075.209. 950631000s Forwards "Rept of SOUG Assessmers at Pah=adas Nuclear Plant for Res- 9606090000 informs that.afthough GFE secten of wrthen operator bconsm0 exam ad-c#ubon of USt A 46." et resporse 67 GL 87-02. emnstered on 950405.ptant thd not partcipate ri exam. HAAS.K.M. Consumers Power Co. 95/05/23. Document Control Branch (Document RING.MA Regon 3 (Post 620201). 95/05/01. CHASENSKY.T.M. C_-- _ r Eeson Co.1p. 63758:31343758.313. Control Desk).300. 64168:001 44169 096. -9605310007 "Rept of SOUG ? ._ .; at Palisades Nuclear Plant for Resoluton of Power Co.95/05/19. 457pp. 64166-00444169 096. 9405250100 Seventh feel response to FOiA request for documents.Apps J & K docw 9506310662 Re@ests that Rev 0 to CEN-460wP as snown as cocketed w/CPC 931007 ments enci 4 also placed m PDR. App K documents parbally entnnead (ret FOiA Ex-str to pressunzer safe end withnend from pubhc declosure per 10CFR2.790 Athdawn connestmg reasons for classtmaten of rept encl. empton 6) HAAS,K.M. Consumers Power Co. 95/05/24. Document Control Branch (Document POWELLR. Onnsen of Freedom of informaten & Pubhcetens Servces (Post 940714L 95/01/19. GUTZENSTEIN.E. Afhhanon Not Asmgned. GLITZENSTEIN.E. Control Desk). 9pp. 64162.26744162295. Don't Waste Mchsgset 4pp. 64067.20444067.236. 9605230073 Comment on proposed GL " Pressure Lociung & Thermal Smdmg of Safety-Related Power Operated Gate vasves " -9606260103 Summanzes940314eneetm0 w/NMSS & OGC on plare ISFSI pad ses-GIRE.PJ Consumers Power Co. 95/05/26. Rules & Dreceves Revow Branch (Post mm moue. info enthm memo partney deleted 920323).1p. 44001:3314400t331. HSiA.A.H Protect Directorate 1151. 94/03/14. MARSH.LB. Protect Drectorate m-1. ZWOUNSKl.JA Asastant Drector for Regen 111 Reactars (Post 901216). 2pp. 64067210 44067211. g ,

                                                                                              -9005200110 Parta#y deleted memo provedm0 draft moependent NRC evaluaton of dry 9608010020 Forwards SE re revow of responses to NRC SE acten items & revoed                        spern fuel casa storage facety at piart reauests tor tST program.                                                                       BAGCHl.G. Cuil Engmeenng & Geoscences Brancit 94/05/13. MARSH.LB. Project CARPENTER.CA . 95/04/20. HAAS.K.M. Consumers Power Co 2pp. 8369t174                             Drectorate m-1.1'ipp 84067.21244067224.

6369t210. '

                                                                                              -9805250113 Parbally ethheed "Determmste Evaluanon of Lsquefacton Potenbal of

-9605010024 Safety evaluaten grantng reief per 10CFR$0.55(fH6)(i) based on unprac. Foundaten Sods & Etiects at ISFSI Pad at Paksados Nuclear Power Plant." tcanty c! performm0 toseng m accordance w/ code. COSTANTiNO.CJ., SIMOS.N. Brookheven fotonal Laboratory FIN J-2042. 94/05/

  • Othee of Nucsear Reactor Reg;iabon (Post De1001). 95/04/20. Sapp. 63691:176 31. Cani Engmeenng & Geoscences Brarci. 7pp 64067225 84067231.

83691.210. commitment re mtemal esps of four LPSI valves dunng 1995 re. 9606190317 R ers inmal use on 950428 of Pacehc S.erra Nuclear ventiated storage 950E030469 tusang outage. i vame mismais moos wis cruy be performed d results of scheduled casa modui V 4.

          & maps mdcete siat valve antema! protnem easts.                                         HAAS,K.M. Consumers Power Co. 95/05/10. Document Control Branch (Document tes
        .K.M. Consumers Power Co. 95/04/24 Document Control Branch (Document                      Control Desk).10. 84006.356 44006.356.

Control DeskE 3pp. 6379t35643791.360. 9904190049NRC Info Notee 95024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requalifcation DOCKET $0 299 BROWNS FERRY NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNTT 1 Inso Program Fmdmps" GRIMES.S.K. . 95/04/25. Conschdated Eeson Co of New York. anc. 12pp. ] 83757:00143757:0t2. F. Securtty, medical, emergency & nre protection plans 9808020138 Nobhas NRG of plant etent to complete General contamment map regured pnar to each ILRT. 9605180169 informs of completon of review of rev 19 to radmiogmai emergency plan HAAS.K.M. Consumers Power Co. 95/04/26. Document Control Branch (Document for plant Proposed Cfianges salmfactory 8 meet plannmg sids of 10CFR50 47. Control Desk).1p. 83757.31943757.319. BARR,K.P. Re0cn 2 (Post 820201b 95/05/03.KINGSLEY.O.D. Termessee Valley Aae tnanto opp.83952:349 43952.352. 9504210127 Genene Ltr 9543 to aN holders of OLs or cps for PWR$ re crcumferental crackmg of SG tubes. 9505310064 Forwards 6st of all expected insp actnntes for romander of SALP cycle ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Drector tor Propects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. whch ends m 960921 re 950322 recent performance at plant to determme N present Consoidated Eeson Co. of New York. Irc 11pp. 83757:01343757:023. pinnned insp etio,1 for rest of SALP e snould be rewmed. jppf7095Q2 9600090229 Forwards SE approvmg hcensee 950230 Itr/eisted to approval to appey 095 345 1989 edmon of secten XI of ASME Boder & Pressure vessel Code as it app 6es to wount map of valves. PE R,C.A. 95/05/02. HAAS.K.M. Consumers Power Co. 3pp. 83854.021 L Final W Anseps Report FSW & emends -9008000241 Safety evaluston approvmg 6censee 950330 ftr.related to approval to 9605250254 Forwards " Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant. Updated FSAR." amend 12. appsy 1989 edmon of secten XI of ASME Boner & Pressure vessel Code. MACHON.R.D. Tenrossee Va s ey Authonty 95/05/23 Document Coritrol Branch

  • Othee of Nuclear Reactor Regulanon (Post 941001)_ 95/05/02. App. 63854 024- (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 6409100144092.322.

83654.027. 7 NRC Into 54 " Valve Falure Dunng Patent Treatment w/ COOL.D A. Dnnsson of Industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11.

                                                                                               ~'.Y               [                   95/05724                               6 2 Coneohdated Eeso9 Co. of New York tre 9pp. 84007:18244007:190.                               p,                                                ,g                 _

R. Portode operating reports & reisted _ e 9505230067 Comment on proposed GL, " Pressure Loclung & Thermal Beeng of Safety-Related Power Operated Gate vahre." 950$040129 *1994 Annual Envron Operstmg Rept (Non.R 0." W/ 950427 tir. CARIER.P.P. Tennessee Valley Authonty 95/04/26. Rules & Drectives Revow HAAS.K.M. Consumers Power Co.94/12/31. 5pp. 63632.329-8 . ' .333 Brancn (Post 920323). 3pp. 84001.30544001.310.

i f DOCKETED ITEMS 31 1 9505030483 Describes TVA current plans for comphance w/ganenc SER "BWR Scram 9505240147 Forwards map repts $4259/9522.50 260/9522 & 54296/95 22 on Chacharge Sys." mcluded m NRC 801209 tar to all BWR bcensees.Notties NRC of 950319 0415 No volabons or dewabons noted withdrawal of proposed TS 312. autmutted by TVA930930 fir. LESSER.M S. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/08. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley SALAS,P. Tennessee Valley Authonty. 95/04/27. Document Control Branch (Docu- Authonty. 3pp. 64021:316-84021.350. ment Control Desa).10pp. 83808:102 83808.111.

                                                                                          -9505240155 insp repts 50-259/9522.50-N0/9522 & 50 296/95-22 on 950319-9504210293 Genenc Lir 9544 to au tenders of OLS or cps for nuclear power reactors          0415.No woiabons or deviatens noted Maior areas mspected.opersbons.survedlance re fmat ekspossbon of SEP lessons-leamed issues.                                         tesh .mamt actuties, urut 3 recovo actons & rowee of open noms ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Deector for Proiects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28             WER .LD., LESSER.M.S. Repon              (Post 820201). 95/05/05. 32pp. 64021:319-Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 83757 024-83757:037-                        64021.3fA 9505190089 Apphcahon for amenos to hcenses DPR 33.DPR-52 & 09R48 reflectmg               9505180032 Forwards msp repts fA253/9523.50 200/9523 & 50296/95 23 on etenm aceton of scram pdot air header low pressse tnp functon on Urut 3 SALAS.P. Tennessee Valley Authonty. 95/05/11. Document Control Branch (Docu              950424 28.No violatons or cewatens noted Requests copy of SWS Ope' atonal Per.

ment Control Desk).13pp. 64012:32444012.355. formance hessment rept amng w/any CA plans a documents wnen rept issud PEEBL*S.T.A. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/09. KINGSLEY.O.D. Termessee Valley

 -9505190093 Proposed tech specs.reflectin0 htenm additen of scram pilot se header           Authon4 3pp. 839b22-83952 M l    tow pressure tnp functon on Urut 3 l
  • Tennessee Valley Authonty.95/05/11.19pp. 84012.33744012.355. -9506180036inso repts50-259/95 23.60 260/9523 & 50 296/95-23 on 950424-28 No votatons noted Maior aress mapactedexams of procedure & representative 9505220159 Forwards safety evaluabon re meennce teshng program lor pumps & valves recads.mtwwwws w/prsonnel & ooservaten at achwbes m proomss.

rehet requests for plant.uruts 1,2 & 3 ROGERS W.G., KELLOGG.PJ. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/06. 7pp 83952 064-HEBDON.FJ . 95/05/16. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley Authonty. app. 83952:070. 84010.233 44010.250. 9505050171 NRC Info Nobce 95025. "VaNo badure Dunng Pabent Treatment w/

 -9505220170 Safety evaluaton denyin0 rehef request PV.33 t:ecause hoensee ed not            Gamma Stereotacbc Radesurgery Unit."

prowde sufbenent tecnnical bass to suport determnaten that proposed attemative COOLDA Duson of Industnat & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. provces acceptable sevel of ouanty & safety Consohdated Esson Co. cf New York. Inc. Opp. 64007:182 44007.190.

       . 95/05/16,14pp 84010 23744010.250.

9605240030 Forwards mso repts 50 259/95-20.54280/9120 & 54296/9520 on 9505240034 Prowdes number of allegabons recewed & open re facdbes for period of 95041014.No violabons er deviations noted 950401-30. CASTO.CA Regen 2 (Post 820201). 05/05/11. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney IGNATONISA Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/17. HARDING.M.R. Tennessee Valley Authonty. 3pp. 84020.27744020.286. Authonty.1p. 64020.289-84020.289. 9505230163 Informs of chances to TS bases.r Bases Sectons 2.1.8 6 3.2 to -9505240037insp repts50 259/95 20.50 280/9520 & $4296/9520 on 95041014 No clanfy function of AAPM rod block sys & 3. M to reflect current mfo on core veiabons nowd Mais areas mapem electncal sasues associated w/mstart c4 und 3 wurmal auhc estabdm RUDISAIL.S., SHYMLOCK.M B Flegen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/11. 7pp, 64020.284 SALAS,P. Tennessee valiev Autnanty. 95/05/18. Document Control Branch (Docu. 84020 m ment Control Desk). 6pp. 84051.230 84051.266. 9505300128 Forwards synopsis ce NRC Of completed rept re allegaten of escnmmahon

 -9505230169 Proposed toch specs bases.clanrym0 design funebon of APRM rod block             as result of rassm0 safety concoms.

sys & reflectmg current into on core thermal hydraubc mstatNhbes EBNETER.S D. Regeon 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/17.KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley

  • Tennessee Valley Authonty.95/05/18. 31pp 84051.236-64051.266 Authonty. 5pp. 84077.30544077.309.

9505090312 Genene Lir 92 02.Rev 1.Suppi 1 to an holders of OLs lencept those h- 9505310084 Forwards hat of alt expected map achvthes for remainder of SALP cycle centes amended to possesen ordy status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac- which ends in960921 to 950322 recent performance at piant to determine of present tot vessel struc1 ural mtegnty. planned map effort for rest of SALP cycle snould be revised. ZIMMERMAN R.P. Associate Director for Preisets (ADFR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19. MERSCHOFF.E W. Regmn 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/22. KINGSLEY,0.D. Tennessee Consohdated Eesor Co. of New York. inc.10pp. 64084.35244084.361. Vaney Authonty 4pp 84095.34244095.345. O. tr.spection reports. IE Bulletins & = R. Periodic operating reports & related correspondence 9505020203 Requests attendance at950511 SALP meeang between NRC & utd to es. cuss piant performance over past 18 months.AdcB time to be allotted to macuss mat. 9505030152 Forwerds " Annual Ra Environ Operstmg Rept Browns Ferry Nu- j ters of enutual mterest re to utstion & performance at plant. clear Piant 1994 mcludeg results innd use censuses.results of radoql scal en* i EBNETER.S.D Regon 2 ( 820201). 95/04/19. GILLESPtE.M. Affshaton Not As. von samples.desenpton of monitanng program & map of sampe tocatens. signed. dop.83691.122 43691:125. SALAS.P. Tennessee Valley Autnanty 95/04/27. Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk). 3pp. 83799 02143799.150 9504190049 NRC Info Nobce 95424 ' Summary of Lscensed Operator Requahficaten insp Program Fmengs." -9505030157 " Annual Radelogical Environ Operahn0Rept Browns For'y Nuclear Plant GRIMES.B.K. . 95/04/25. Conschdated Edison CD of New York, Inc. 12pp 1994 " 83757 001 43757:012

  • Tennessee Valley AJthority 94/12/31.122pp. 83799.02443799150.

9505050181 Ack receipt of 950316 ftr ardorming NRC of steps taken to correct violatens 9505220062 M operanng repts for Apr 1995 for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Units noted m map repts 1.2 4 3 W/95051 Itr CASTO.C.A. Regen 502 259/9535.54260/9595 & 54296/9535 (Post 820201). 95/04/27. KINGSLE . Y.O.D Tennessee Valley SMtTH.TA. SALAS.P. Tennessee valley Authonty. 95/04/30.13pp. 84035.330-Authonty. 3pp. 53758-35843758.360. 84035.342. l 9505110019 Forwards inso repts 50 259/9521.50-260/9521 & $0-296/9521 on T A 820201). 95/04/27. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley E Opersw Esaminawns ( Authonty. 3pp 50 221 43850:234 9505040385 Ltr contreet. Mod 1 to task order 9.mcreasmg fundm.g to allow for an m.

 -9505110026inso repts50 259/9521.50-260/9521 & 54296/9521 on 950403 07.No                   crease m level of effort regured 10 mciude preparation of RO & SRO written votatens noted.Masor areas espectec. siectncal masnt to review th:enses actens to         "Retresher Tremen0. Browns Ferry "

resolve e6ectncal desagri & EDG WIGGINS.EJ. Dnnsen of Contracts (Post 940714) FIN J-2073-5 95/04/03. MOORE.R., SHYMLOCK.M.B. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/20.11pp. 83850.224- VOGEL.A M. Sonalysts. Mc. dop.83759 306-83759.309 83850 234. 9504210127 Genenc Ltr 9543 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re crcumferenhal DOCKET 50 250 BROWNS FERRY NUCLEAR POWER STAflON, UNIT 2 crackmg of SG tubes. ZIMMEMMAN R P. Aseciate Drecter for Profects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28 Consohdated Eeson Co of New York. Inc.11pp. 83757.01343757-023. p, , , g ,,, ,,geg, pi,n, 9505110078 Dracusses map repts 54259/9515.50 260/9515 4 50 296/9515 on 950306 10 & 0406 & forwaros NOV volation of concem because work plan was 9505020187 Forwards NRC SALP rept 50 260/95 99 tor penod 930919 950318 for closed out w/o regured work besig completed plant Unst 2. informs tnat rept wel be escussed at pubhc meetog to be held at peanl on GiBSON.A F. Regen 2 (Post 820201) 95/05/05 KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee valiey 950511 Authonty. App.83851.228 4 3851.286 EBNETER,8 D. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/25.KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley

 -9505110082 Nobce of violaten from msp on 95030610 & 0408 Volat.on noted fWiet wetos that attached st$ener plates to embedded paste were not mcreased to 3/16        -9505020190SALP rept50-260/9499 for 930919 950318 82020       5 05     2pp. 83851.232-83851.233                              gen 2 Wst 8202W 95@25 6pp 8mmm6Mm
 -9505110087insp repts 50 259/9515.50 260/9515 & $0 296/9515 on 95030610 4                9505180169 informs of comp 4eton of revow of rev 19 to radelogical emergency plan 0406 Volatons noted Masar areas snspected.                 moeficabons for conduit        for plant Proposed changes satisfactory & meet pianrwn0 stos of 10CFR50 47 supports. structural steel frames. platforms & bconsee action or prevous open items      BARR.K P Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/03.KINGSLEY.O D. Tennessee Valley Au-CHOU.R.C.. LENAHAN.JJ.. BLAKE.JJ Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/05. 52pp                   thonty opp.83952.349-83952.352.

83851 234-83851.286. 9505310084 Forwads bst of all expected map actnretes for remainder of SALP cycle 9505110084 Ack receipt of ubi 950413Itr enformmg NRC of steps taken to correct vela- emech ends m 960921 re 950322 recent per1ormance at plant to cetermme sf present tons noted m eise repts50 259/9643. 50-260/95-03 & 60 296/95 03. planned map effort for rest of SALP cycle should be revised CASTO.CA Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/05 KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee vaney MERSCHOFF.E W. Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/22 KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessoa Authonty. 3pp. 83851.21143851213. Valley Authonty app 84095.342-84095.345

32 DOCKETEDITEMS K. UttDty Fenal Safety Analysm Report (FSAR) & amends $505050181Ack recer of 950316 nr moormng NRC of steps taken to correct wolabons noted m map repts50 259/95-35.55200/95-95 & 55 296/95-35. CASM.C.A R 2 (Post 620201t 95/04/27. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney 9505250254 Forwards

  • Browns Ferry Nuclear PlanLUpdated FSAR." amend 12. Aumnly. 3pp. 7583M758360 MACHON.R.D Tennesnee Vaney Authonty. 95/05/23. Drcument Control Branch (Document Control Deskt 2pp. 8409140144092322. 9505110019 Forwards map repts $5259/95-21.50-260/9521 & 50-296/95 21 on

-4505250262 " Browns Feny Nuclear Plant. updated FSAR." amend 12. 950403-07.No molations noted CASTO CA Regoc 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/27. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley

  • Tennessee Valley Authonty.95/05/23,400pp. 84091:004 44092.322. Authonty. 3pp. 63850.22143850.234.

P. Operstm9 hoense sta9e documents & correspondence -9505110026insp repts50 259/9521.50 280/9521 & 55296/95 21 on 95040347.No wolations noted Masor areas mspected. electncal marnt to remew bcensee actions to 9505030333 Forwards Rev 1 to "BFNP Urut 2. Cycle 8 COLR." Rev mcreases APRM M00 E R ML K.M B Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/20.11pp 83850.224 flow thased rod twock/e* ala'm setpoet. 83850 234 SALAS.P. Tennessee Vahey Aumonty 95/04/24. Document Coritrol Branch (Docu-ment Corstrol Desk).300. 83807.32583007:343. 9504210127 Genenc Lir 9503 to an holders o' OLs or cps for PWRs re cercumferential MA R saocate Drector for Propects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. E K L. EYS L Authority 95/03/24. topp. 83807.328 Conschdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. E375721343757.023. 63807.343. 9505230057 Comment on proposed GL "Piessure Locaung & Thwrnal Smeng W 9505110078 Docusses map repts 50 259/9515.50-260/9515 & $0 296/9515 on 950306 10 & 0406 & forwarcs NOV.Vmaation of concem because work pen was Samty Rmated Power @teC @. Valvey cosed out wto recured work being completed CARinR.P P. T- Vasey Autnanty 95/94/26. Ru6es & Drec9ves Review GIBSON.A.F. Regen 2 (Post 820201b 95/05/05. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley Branch (Post 920323). 3pp. 8400120s44001.310. 4thonty. 4pp. 83851.22843851.286. 9505030483 Desenbes TVA current plans for complance w/genenc SER. "BWR Scram Dscharge Sys." mctuded m NRC 801209 nr to as BWR teensees.Nohfes NRC of -9505110002 Nohce of molation from map on95030610 & 0406.Viotason notedfdiet withdrawal of proposed TS 312. sutmtted Dy TVA 930930 kr. welds that attached stiffener pistes to embedded plate were not mcreased to 3/16 SALAS.P. Tennessee Vahey Authonty 95/04/27. Document Consol Branch (Docu. mch see specifed on dessgn drawmg. ment Control Desat 10pp. 63808:10243808111.

  • Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/05. 2pp. 83851232 83851233.

9504210293 Generc Lir 9544 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors -9505110087 Insp repts 50 259/9515.50-260/9515 & 50296/9515 on 950306-10 & re fmas deposition of SEP 6essons leamed esm 0406 Vmeatens nosed Ma#or areas inspected. moetcatens for condun ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Drector for Propects IADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/26 supports. structural steel frames, platforms & bcensee acten on previous open soms Connohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 83757:024 43757:037. CHOU.R.C LENAMANJJ., BLAKEJJ. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/05. 52pp 8385123443851:266. 9505190089 Appbcanon for amends to bcenses DPR-33.DPR-52 & DPR48. rehscting intenm aodeon of scram pdot as header low pressure tnp functon on Urut 3. 9505110064 Ack recept of util 950413 Itr informmg NRC of steps taken to conect vota-SALAS.P. Tennezues Valley Authonty. 95/05/11. Document Control Branch (Docu. tions noted m map repts 50 259/9503. 50'260/9543 & 50-296/9503 ment Contret Desa) 13pp. 8401132444012355. CASTO.CA Regon 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/05 KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley Authoaty 3pp. 83851.21143851213. -9505190093 Proposed tecri specs.reflectog enterim addtion of scram pdot as header low pressure Inp functon on Uret 3. 9505240147 Forwards map repts 50-259/95-22,50 260/9522 & 50-296/9522 on

  • Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 95/05/11.19pp. 84012.33744012.355. 950319 0415No volatons or devabons noted l LESSER.M.S. Regen 2 iPost 820201). 95/05/08. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee vaney -

9505220159 Forwards safety evaluston re anserwce testmg program for pumps & veives Authoney. 3pp. 64021.316-64021.350. rehef requests tor planLunits 1.2 & 3 i HEBDON.FJ. . 95/05/16. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley Authonty. App. -9505240155 inso repts 50-259/95-22.50-200/9522 & 50 296/95-22 on 950319 I 6401023344010250. 0415.No volatons or deviatons noted Major areas mspected:operatens.survedience testmg.maint actuties. urut 3 recovery schons & review of open noms. -9505220170 Safety evaluabon denymg rehof request PV-33 because hconsee ed not WERT.L.D., LESSER.M.S. Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/05. 32pp. 84021319 i prowoe suffment technscal base to support determmation that proposed altamatme 64021.350. I provices acceptable level of oual & safety.

 *. 95/05/16.14pp. 64010.237          10250.                                             9505180032 Porwards msp repts 50-259/9523.50-260/95 23 4 50-296/95-23 on 950424-28 No malatens or deviatons noted Requests copy of SWS Operabonal Per-9505240034 Prondes number of a#egatons recewed & open re facilites for penod of             formance ?            .: rept along w/any CA plans or documents when rept causd.

950401-30. PEEBdS.TA Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/09. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney IGNATONIS.A. Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/17. HARDING.M R. Tennessee Valley Authonry. 3pp. 8395226143952 070. Authonty.1p. 54020.28944020289.

                                                                                         -9505180036Inso repts50 259/9523.50 260/95-23 & 50-296/9523 on 950424-28 No 9505230163 Informs of changes to TS bases.revismo Bases sectons 2.1.8 & 32 to               violanons noted.Mapor areas mapectedexams of procedure & representative clarny densgn tmeten of mPM rod block sys & 3 5.M to reflect current mfo on core          recoros.mtervews w/personnes & oceervaten of actmbes e progress.

thermas-nydraube mstatuhnes. ROGERS.W.G., KELLOGG.P.J. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/06. 7pp. 83952064-SALAS.P. Tennessee Vahey Authonty. 95/05/18. Documeni Control Branch (Doc

  • 83952:070.

ment Control Desk) opp 64051 230 44051.266. -9505230169 Proposed toch specs bases.clantyng desgn functon of APRM rod tnock R " I sys a reflectog current mio on core thermah hydraube metabehbes- 03OL.DA Dmson of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. i

  • Tennessee Valley Authonty.95/05/16. 31pp. 64051.23644051266. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. anc. 9pp. 64007.16244007.190.

9505090312 Genenc Lir 92 02 Rev 1. Suppl 1 to an holders of OLs (except those b. 9505240030 Forwards insp repts 50 259/9520.50'260/9520 & $0-296/95-20 on l conses amended to possesen only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac- 95041014 No volatens or devotons reted. l M MAN Associate Director for Propects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19 ( ' '"" *' "' 1 Conschdated Edmon Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. 54084 35244064:361. [ 20 277 44020 6-

                                                                                         -9505240037insp repts50-259/9520.50 260/9520 & $0 296/95-20 on 95041014 No weistons noted Maior areas mapected: electncal issues assocated w/ restart et urut 3 O. Inspection reports,IE Bulletins & -              -------

RUDISAILS SHYMLOCK.M.B Regon 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/11. 7pp. 84020280-84020.286 9505020203 Rammsts attendance at 950511 SALP meetang between NRC & ubt to es-cuss plant periormance over past 18 months.Addl bme to be allotted to escuss mat- 9505300128 Forwards synopes of NRC 01 completed rept re allegaton of esenmmaton ters of mutusi misrest to r Don & performance at plant- as res# of ramsng safety concems EBNETER.S D. Region 2 ( 820201F 95/04/19 GILLESPIE.M. Affilaton Not As- EBNETER,5 D Regon 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/17.KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee valley sogned. 4pp. 83691:12243691:125. Authonty $pp.84077.305-64077.309 9505020126 Confirms 950327 telcon between P Safas & MS Lesser to engt meetog scheduled for 950511to escuss results of SALP for plant Urut 2 for pered of 930919- 950,5310084

                                                                                           , nch ends mForwards 960921 re  hst950322 of all expected  map actmtes recent performance    for remamder at plant           of SALP to determme       cycle d present
                                                                                                  "                       ' ^

R.M S Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/21 KINGSdY,0.0. Tennessee Vaney $7SCNF 2 (P N0' 05/ iNGSLEY,0 D. Tennessee Authonty. App.83690.228 4 3690.231. Vspey Authonty App.84095 342 44095.345. 9504190049 NRC Info Notco 95 024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requaiifcabon M B . /25. Ccnschdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 12pp. e c operstmg reports & re6eted -. 83757.001 43757:012. 9505030152 Forwards

  • Annual Radelopeal Emiron Operatmg Rept Browns Ferry Nu-9505020187 Forwards NRC SALP rept 50-260/95-99 for penod $30919 950318 for clear Plant 1994." mcludmg resutta or land use censuses.resutts of radologeal enw-plant Urut 2. Informs that rept wel be escussed at pubhc meeting to be held at plant on ton samples,descnpton of morutormg program 4 map of sample locatens.

950511 SALAS.P. Tennessee Valley Authonry 95/04/27. Document Cor irol Branch (Doco. EBNETER.S D Regen 2 (Pos1820201) 95/04/25.KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney ment Control Deskt 3pp. 83799-02143799:150. Authonty 6pp. 8369108343691:094

  • Annual Raeologmal Ermron Operstmg Rept Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant

-9505020190SALP rept 50-260/9599 for 930919 950318 1994 "

  • Regon 2 (Post 820201L 95/04/25. 6pp. 83691-08943691:094
  • Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 94/12/31 122pp. 83799:02443799:150.


  . . _ -         , .         ._>-~._-~.n           -- -                    -.         ..            -                    .         -            - . _ .    . - _ _ . - , - - - - _ - - -

( DOCKETEDITEMS 33 9505220062 Monthly operatmg repts for Apr 1995 for Browns Ferry l&Jcisar Plant Urnts L Financialinformauon 1.2 & 3 W/950515 ftr SMITH.T.R SALAS.P. Tennessee Vahey Authonty. 95/04/30.13pp. 84035.330* $505300160 Contems that $595,098 was electroncally transferred to US Dept of Treas-84035:342. on p ,gg7, , RwAN.R.E. Caronna Power & Co 95/05/18.Documera Control Branch (Doce 3 ment Control Desk).1p 84106.34 44106:343.

          & hp mm M & M Nw 9505020308 Forwards LER 95404 re detants concommg reactor scram that resulted                P. Operating scense state documents & corresponeence troen personnel error.

I MACHON.R.D. Tennessee Vasey Authonty. 95/04/28. Document Control Branch 9209300317 Forwards tnp rept of920413 16 visit to plant to audit of structures & cwil (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 83757:13043757:138. engmeenng teatures.Last of attendees & wwwgraphs enci . KtM.Y. Structural & Geosciences Branct . 92/06/01. BAGCHl.G Structural & Geosch r

          -9505020300 LER 95 00440:en 950330. reactor scram resulted from personnel error                 ences Branch. 257pp. 83706:19143706.086.

dunng surveillance tesung caused actuahon of ESF sys.Operanorm personnel tirought piani to shutoown coretsort 9505010167 Requests renew of liconemo & design basis for CVCS sys to ascertain va-WALLACE.J E. Tennessee Vaney Authonty.95/04/28. 7pp. 83757:13243757:138. norty of heensee posebon re recent resident mapector findmgs that appear to e@cate that plant mov have routmely operated m notation of TS for number of yr. l 9505120127 Forwards LER 9540141 re EDG turbocharger fadure Util completed failure MERSCHOF#.E W. . 95/03/30. ZWOLINSKI.J.A. Omsson of Reactor Projects l/11 aner/ sis & decioed most probable cause of turtiocharger taelure was tootn tiendmg ta- (DRPE) Post 941001). app. 83667:33343687.336. l sgue on planetary aun gear. I MACHON.R D. Tennessee VaNey Authonty 95/05/03. Document Control Branch 9505040277 Forwards amend 164 to hcense DPR-23 & SE.Arnand changes testmo fre-l (Document Control Desa). 2pp. 83938.31183938:320. guency of turtune overspeed protection valves from monthly to quarterly to rnpiement i enhancement recommended by GL 93-05 i -9506120129 LER 9540141:on 950123.DG turtiocharger failed that resuhed m non. MOZAFARI.B.L. Protect Drectorais 111 (PD2-1) (Post 941001). 95/04/27. Carohne l comphance w/TS LCO. Caused by bandmg tatigue of gear tooth on turtscharger sun Power & Light Co 3pp. 83759.23843759.246. STIN.S.W. Tennessee Valley Authonty. 95/05/03. 8pp. 83938.31343938:320. -9505040281 Amend 164 to hcense DPR-23.changmg taanng frequency of turtNne over-speed protecton verwes from monthly to quarterly to implernent enhancement recom. 9505110083 Forwards LER9540301 re mam steam safety /rehof valves exceedmg TS menood by GL 93-05. ( setpoint hmit dunng tests. MATTHEWS.D.B. Prorect Drectorate n-1 (PD2-1) (Post 941001) 95/04/27. 4pp. MACHON.R.D. Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 95/05/04. Document Control Branch 83759.241 43769.244. ( (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 83924'14443924:150.

                                                                                                       -                5                                                                 DP M
          -9506110001 LER 95-003 01:en 950207.MSSV RV exceeded TSs recured setpoint
  • Offee of Nuclear Reactor F1eguiabon (Post 941001). 95/04/27. 2pp. 83759:245-knut resuned trorti SRV p4c4 disc / seat bondmg. Retested culet-tolerance valves & re- 83759.246.

certifed 9506230079 Comment on proposed GL m pmssum lockmg & thennal tMndmg of setety-VSIEH.C.S. Tennessee Vaney Authomy.95/05/04. 5pp. 8392414643924:150. related power comrated gate vetves. ROGAN.R.E. Carohne Power & Light Co 95/04/27. Rules & Drectmes Renew Branch (Post 920323). 2pp. 84001:33244001.333 V. Operator E. _ l 9504210293 Genere Lir 95 04 to all holders of OLs or cps br nuclear power reactors 9505040385 Lar contract. Mod 1 to task cader 9.mcreasmg fundmo to aNow for an rk to feet disposition of SEP lessons leamed ==== crease m level of ettort recured to mclude preparanon of RO & SRO wntten 7:MMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Progects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28.

              " Refresher Trammg, Browns Ferry "                                                          Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 83757.02443757.037.

WIGGINS.EJ Dnnsson of Contracts (Post 940714). FIN J 2073 5 95/04/03. VOGEL,A.M. Sonalysts, Inc. 4pp. 83759:30643759.309. 9505050103Summarues 950424 mot meetmg w/ute m region it ofc re ute periormance evaluation secnontst of attendees & bcensee handouts ence VERRELLI,D.M Repon 2 (Post 820201) 95/04/28. HABERMEYER,HW. Carchna DOCKET $0 261 H.B. ROBelf90N PLANT, UNIT 2 Power & Light Co. 32pp. 83758.31643758:347. 9505050114 Forwards corrected page four of amend 161 to hcense DPR-23, whch re-F Security, me6 cal, emergency a fire protectkn piens weed TS m response to 940823 fir.msued on 950414. i MOZAFARI.B L. Protect Drectorate 11 1 (PD21) (Poet 941001). 95/05/02. HINNANT,C.S. Carchne Power & Light Co. 3pp. 83813:21743813.219. 9500040100 Forwards rev 28 to plant mdustnal secunty plan for Urut 2.Enci withheld per 1 783 i j insta 5 ROGAN.R E. Carchna Power & L,ght Co.95/05/08. Document Control Branch (Docu-es 2 to P row - nunt neroi Deakh 4 83898 004-83898N 1 Power Lignt ,ea' '

  • Ca 95/05/01. Sipp. 83919.23543919.294. tiv s pressum m" 9 31 8'04 r ts "*"

MATTHEWS.D.B. Propect Drectorate 51 1 (PC21) (Post 941001). 95/05/11. l 9506110061 Forwards map rept50 261/9511 on 95040347.No violations noted. HtNNANT,C.S. Carchna Power & Lsght Co. 3pp. 83988 30643988 313 j BARR.K.P. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/03.HINNANT,C S. Carohns Power & Light , Co. 3pp. 838w.34743850:357. -9506190263 Safety evasuanon approvmg use of ASME code case N-418-1 as attema. I tive to regured hydrostate pressure test.

           -9606110063 insp rept 50 261/9511 on 950403 07.No velabons noted. Masor areas
  • Oftce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton (Poet 941001). 95/05/11. Spp. 83988 309 '

msoected emergency response trasrug. emergency notstcasons & communcahons & 83988.313. I protecove acton decean maneg KREH,J.L., BARR.K.P Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/02. 8pp. 83850:35043850:357- 9506190079 Forwards page reflecteg950328 change to TS Basis secten & change to I amend 182 tot hcense DPR-23. ! 9506100041 Forwards rev 28 to industnal secumy pian & rev 5 to safeguards contmgerk KRICH.R M. Carohna Power & Light Co. 95/05/11. Document Control Branch (Docw j cy pian for piani und 2 Encts withheid per 10CFR73.21. ment Control Desk).1p 84010.29344010:294 ! KRICH.R.M Carchna Power & Lsght Co. 95/05/04. Document Control Branch (Docu-

ment Control Desk).1p. 84015.343 84015.343. -9606190083 Proposed toch specs page reflectng change to TS Bases & change to I amend 162 i 9505180154 Adeses of results of recent performance revow at piant to determme II
  • Carchna Power & Lsght Co. 95/05/11.1p. 84010294-84010 294.

l NRC present p6anned msp erlort for rest of current SALP cycle should De rowsed i tiefore 950617. Informs of pian to conunue semiannual renews m additen to SALP. 9505220243 Forwards revised TS Page 314a re pneumate sys for power operated i VERRELLI.O.M. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/04. HlNNANT C.S. Gerakna Power & rehof valves. l Lsght Co. 3pp. 839x30343952.305 MOZAFARI.B Propect Drectorate 15 1 (PD21) (post 941001). 95/05/18. HINNANT,C.S Caronna Power & Lsght Co. 3pp. 84029.351k84029.360. l 9606110119 Natifcanon of 950518 mechng w/utas m Rockvdie.MD to docuss proposed uts tests or dermatt fee Damers reludmg test configurabons for cksnmy 9506240362 Proedes suppl response to NRC request for info m support of INEL work models. schedules & test detasis. under NRC contract to update RG 1.154. " Format & Coment of Plant Specife Pres. { KELLY,G.B. .95/05/05.MARCUS.G.H . 109. 83902.242 4 3902.248 sureed Thermal Shock SAR tor Pressurged Water Reactors." KRICH.R M. Ca'ohna Power & lsght Co. 95/05/17. Document Control Branch (Docu. 9506200171 Forwards response to NRC 950309RAI re util 950202 request for exemp. ment Control Desk). 4pp. 84068.35344068.357 10CFR50, App R.5ecison lit.J re emergency hgntmg m certam outdoor areas KRICH.R.M Carohna Power & Lignt Co 95/05/15 Document Control Branch (Docu. conses amended to possesion only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors to reac. ment Control Desk). App.84099 291 44099.295 tor vessel structuralintegnty ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19. 9505300175 informs that rev 28 to emergency pian meet planrung standards of Consohdated Esson Co. os New York. Inc.10pp. 8424.35244064.381. ' 10CFR50 47 & requirements of App E to 10CFR50 BARR,K,P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/19 HINNANT.C.S. Caroima Power & Lsght Co. 3pp. 84077.35344077.355. Q. Inspection reporta. IE Bullettne & correspondence 9505300022 Adeses that Rev 29 to plant emergency plan consistent w/proveons of 9504190049 NRC Info Notco 95 024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requahfcation 10CFR50 47(b) & rogurements of App E to 10CFR50. map Program Fmdings " 4 BARR.K.P Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/23 HINNANT.C S. Carohna Power & Light GRIMES.8 K. . 95/04/25 Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 12pp. Co. 3pp. 84076.06044078:062. 83757:001 43757.012. l

i i l 1 34 DOCKETED ITEMS l 9504210127Genenc Ltr 9543 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re cocumferental 9505090198Montrey operstmg rept for Apr 1995 for HB Robmeon SES W/ 950504 ter. SCARBOROUGH.J., KRICH.R M Carohna Power & Lsght Co. 95/04/30. 4pp. cracame of SG tubes. 83910.3b643910.359 ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocutte Drector for Propects (ADPR) (post $41001). 95/04/28. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York, enc.11pp. 83757-013 83757 023. 9505020348 Requests for approval to use attomasve to ASME B&PV code recurements E Repersable occurrences, LERs & related - for weJded repaacements & repers. KRICH,R M Carolma Power & bght Co. 95/04/28. Document Control Branch (Doco. 9505120131 Special rept on of two contamment range radeten morators.R-ment Control Desk). 3pp. 83799.349 83799:351. 328.was removed from svc for performance of cahbr check. 9505050012 Forwards map rept 50 261/9510 on 950327 31.No volatons noted KRICH.R.M. Carchna Power & Ught Co. 95/05/03 Document Control Branch (Docu-PEEBLES T.A Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/28. HINNANT,C.S. Carchna Power & ment Control Desk) 3pp. 83929.33143929.333. Lgni Co. 2pp. 83758 040 83758.051. -9505050024 inse root 50 261/9510 on 950327-31.No votatens noted. Masor areas v. Operstw Es .a. mspecteo-mso conducted m areas of nsked based operabonal safety mciudm0 control room observaton & renew ce corenetwo acten taken on pronous esp noms. 9505310367 Forwards exam rept 50-281/95300 on 950510.Util SRO carddate passed PAYNE.D.C., ERNSTES.M.E., PEEBLES.TA Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/28. 10pp. 83758 04243758:051. exarvt PEEBLES.TA Reg, en 2 (Post 820201L 95/05/24. HINNANT.C.S. Carohna Power & 9505190049 Advoes of results of recent performance rewow at plant to determne if Ugnt Co 2pp. 64095.17744095;282. present planned map effort for rest of current SALP cycle snowed be revoed before end date of 950513.Semennual rewsws will cormnue to be conducted -9505310061 Exam rept 50 261/95300 on 950510. Exam resutts.util SRO candidate VERRILU.D.M, Repon 2 (Post $20201A 95/04/26, HINNANT.C.S. Carchna Power & passed exam. Oght Co. 3pp. 839x:114 43952 116 ERNSTES.,f., Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/24.100pp. 64095:1 F944095.282. 9505110061 Forwards map rept54261/9511 on 95040347.No wodatens noted. BARR .P 2 Pos 201]. 95/05/03.MINNANT C.S. Carchna Power & bght , , , , -9505110063 inso rept $4261/9511 on 95040347.No volatons noted. Masor areas 9505020129 Forwards map rept 72 0003/9501 on 95040344.No wolatens noted.

4. . ,.. w response trairung. emergency notitcabans & communcations & CUNE.W.E. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/21. HINNANT.C.S, Carokna Power &

proiectwo acton decison makm9 Ught Co. 3ps 83690:238 83690248. KREH.J.L., BARR.K.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/02. 8pp. 83850-35043850:357,

                                                                                      -9505020134 insp rept 724003/9501 on 95040344 No violatens noted. Masor areas 9505190154 Advees of resuRs of recent performance renew at plant to determme d           mapected'hcensee radiologeal protecten program including audith. changes to NRC presert planned map ettort for rest of current SALP cycle should be reused before 950617. informs of plan to contmue semisnnual rowows m addition to SALP.       ym,exiemal exposure controls & ouNeys.

LwW.T., RANKIN.W.H. Regen 2 (Poet 820201) 45/04/21. 8pp. 83690:241-VERRELU.D.M Region 2 (Post $20201). 95/05/04. HINNANT.C.S Carchna Power & 83690.248. bght Co. 3pp. 83952 30343952.305. 9506150029 Responds to NRC 950407 tir ve wolatens noted m map rept 50 26I/95-

08. Corrective actions AOP414 reused on pronoe surtesent guidance for DOCITT 50 263 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT connectmg coolmg water to two pumps.

HtNNANT.C.S. Carohne Power & bght Co 95/05/07. Document Control Branch (Doc-ument Control Deskt 4pp. 83899 05943899:052. F. Securtty, sned6 cal, emergency & fire protection plans 9505100316 Forwards response to NRC 9%405 tir te volanons noted m map rept 50 261/9507.Correceve actonsen0meenne svc request nurreer 9500236was mitiated 9505190294 Rewsed EPIPs.ancluding Rev 11 to.A.2 205.Rev 10 to A.2 209. Rev 9 to to estabbsh comphance w/ Type B tesang recurements of 10CFR50. App J. A.2 301.Rev 8 to A.2 302.Rev 6 to A.2 407.Rev 11 to A.2 413,Rev 12 to A.2-414 & HINNANT.C.S. Carchna Power & Ugnt Go 95/05/09 Document Control Branch (Doc. Rev 3 to A.2 701 W/950509 ler. ument Control Desk). 4pp. 84000:33444000.337. ANDERSON.M. ANDERSON.R.O Northom States Power Co. 95/05/09 103pp. 64012 162 44012264. 9505050171 NRC Info Nobce 95025. " Valve Faitse Dunng Patient Treatment w/ Gamma Stereotacts Rachosiagery Urvl" COOL.D.A. Dmeon of industnal & Medcal Nucisar Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11 L Financtat informatlon Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. 6nc. 9pp. 64007;18244007.190. 9505240349 Forwards response to NRC950417Itr te violatens noted m insp rept 50 9505090003 Forwards schedule sht>nng cash flow generated by util m 1994 & includes 261/9546.C/A:SWBP suction pressure gauge instrument stop was opened & snde, pro,ect tiow for 1995. Uni 199410LK annua! repi enct venhed to be in open positort CURRIER.JA Northern States Power Co.95/04/27.Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regu-

              .C.S Carolina Power & ught Co 95/05/17. Document Control Branch (Doc.      Ishon (Post 941001) 68pp.

Hi ument Control Desk). 6pp. 6407312144073.128 9505300100 Forwards map rept 50261/9512 on 9503194422 & notce of violaterk P. Operstmg scense sta9e documents & ... . - VERRELLI.D.M. R 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/19 HINNANT.C.S. Carohna Power & 5pp. 64W M64NE 9504210293 Genere Lir 95-04 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors

-9505300106 Notce of veistion from map on 9503194422.Vmiaban notedoperators              to fmal cksposacn of SEP lessons leamed neues.

taded to follow procedure OST-254 by not venlyng RHR sys to be abgned for standby ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/26. Consohdated Edison Co. of New York lnc.14pp. 63757:02443757:037 Iow pressure insecuan.

   ' Repon 2 (Post 820201L 95/05/19. 3pp. 64077 02344077:025.

9505110319 Closes out commitment to pronde serrmannual configurabon mgt status

-9505300110 Inso rept 50261/9512 on 9503190422.Violabons noted.Maior areas               rept for plants inspected. plant opersoons.maint actMties, engmeenng efforts & plant support func-    ANDERSON.R.O. Northem States Power Co. 95/05/02. Document Control Branch tons                                                                                  (Document Control DeskL 2pp. 63945.30143945.302.

ORDERS W.T OGLE.C.R.. VERRELLI.D.M. Repon 2 (Post 620201). 95/05/19. 20pp. 64077 026 44077:045. 9505240174 Advises NRC that plant withdrawm0 940131 autmuttal that reouested

  • nt inunds m meubmn 9505300001 Ack receipt of 950509 Itr mformmg NRC of steps taken to correct votat ons E'*",If,Igg
                                                                                                                 ,   e,','        [*           ,

C C Regen 8202011 95/05/22. HINNANT.C.S. Carohna Power & De 3 ught Co 3pp,64076.00144076:003 9505310057 Forwards exam rept54261/95 300 on 950510 Util SRO candidate passed 9505220234 Discusses 941024 Itr whch forwarded staff. " Task Acton Plan for Spent esam. Fuei Storspe Brunswick Pool Safay.".

                                                                                                     . Monaceno    stes for SSES Forwards completed assessment repts tor PEEBLES.T A Regon P (Post 820201). 95/05/24. HINNANT.C.S. Carchna Power &

SHEA.J W Pro,ect Drectorate 4 2 (PD12) Post S41001). 95/05/17.LOCHBAUM.DA. bght Co. 2pp, 64095M 7744095.282. PREVATTE.D C. Affiliaton Not Assegned. 2epp. 64033:32144033:349

-9505310061 Exam rept 50 261/95 300 on 950510, Exam resultsvtil SRO candidate passed exam.                                                                       9505260221 Rewme of Rev 2 to Engmeermg Work 6nstructen (EWI) EWI.09.04 01, 'In.

ERNSTES.M Regen 2 (Post 620201). 95/05/24.100pp. 64095.17944095.282. servce Testng Program." CARSTENS.D. Northern States Power Co.95/05/18.129pp. 6410315344103 280. 9505310090 Ack receipt of 950517 ltr mtormmg NRC of steps taken to correct velabons reted m msp mpt54261/9546 9505090312 Genenc Ltr 9242.Rev 1.Suppt 1 to sil holders of OLs (except those IL VERRELLI.D.M. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/24 HINNANT.C.S. Carchna Power & connes amended to posseson only status) or cps for nucasar power reactors re reac-Laght Co. 3pp. 64096 01544096.017- tor vem structsal magnty

                                                                                                               ^                                       *          '$

9505310085 Ack receipt of 950507 Itr informmg NRC of steps taken to correct molatons Ed son ow Q06 2 084 reted m insp rept50 261/95 08 CASTO.CA Regen 2 (Post 620201). 95/05/25. HfNNANT.C.S. Carchna Power & bgn Co 2op.64 346 4 4095.347. Q. Inspechan rp IE Bunehna & corrupondence R. Per6odsc operstmg reporis a related cm .a 9504190049 NRC info Notca 95424, " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requehicaton insp Prog *am Fmdogs" 9505010133 "Radoloocal Envvon Operstmg Rept,1994." Vols 1.11 & IIL W/950421 ltr. GRIMES,8 K. . 95/04/25 Conschdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 12pp KRICH.R.M Carolma Power & Laght Co.94/12/31. 336pp 83751:001 43751.336. 63757:001 63757:012. I

n - - _ ~ .-. . . .. .- - . . . - - . - - . . - - . . - - - . DOCKETEDITEMS 35 9506030482 Estabbsnes hated corrmtments to mcorporate enhancemords noted m map 9505200011 Revned EPIPs.meludmg rev 3 to CEPIP 3214-01sev 4 to CEPIP 3303-rept 50-263/95 03.1o plant MOV program to address assues & concems noted m GL 01.rev 6 to CEPIP-3602 01 &rewmed 3000 Senes Table of Contents did950517. 8910 & GL 8910 suppis.

  • Commonweem Edson Co.95/05/17. 64pp 44089:25344089.315.

HILLW.J. Northern States Power Co. 95/04/26 Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 8383229543832.297. 9605150168 Updated pages OCA 616 & 617 to Quad Otses Station ses specifc GSEP Annes.Rev Be. 9605020352 Informs of rmssed commitment to a (Si on CR dnve retum ime.

  • Commonweam Esson Co. 95/05/31. 4pp. 83977:31343977.316.

HILLW.J. Northem States Power Co. 95/04/27. Control Branch (Document Control Desst). 3pp. 83764 04643764:048. 9804210127 Genenc Lir 95 03 to all *ioiders of OLs or cps for PWRs re cecumferenhal P. Openg h state M & cmependence of SG tubes. 9IMME Z MAN.R.P. Associate Director m for o lects {ADPR) (Post Consciidened Edson Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. 83757.013 83757 023. 9410c1) 9900050155 95/04/28. Apphcanon for amends to App A.Sectson 6 of heenses OPR-2. OPR. 19.DPR-25.NPF.11.NPF.18.DPR.29 DPR-30 NPF.72.NPF 77. NPF 37.NPF46.DPR-39 4 DPR 48. Amp-Js conset of admmetratwo changes. 9500050171 NRC trWo Noboo 95425. " Valve Failure Dunng Pabent Treatment w/ BENES.G.G. Commonwealth Eeson Co. 95/04/24. Document Control Branch (Docu-Gamma Stereotacte Ra60 surgery Urut." mont Control Desk). 20pp. 63826:00143827:101. COOLDA Dension of indusinal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 05/05/11. Consoedated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 84007:18244007:190. 9605060199 Proposed toch specs to admmetrative changes to App A. Sechon 6 to 9606100297 Forwards eso rept 50-283/95 03 on 950417 21.No molations noted.NRC Commonweanh Edson Co.95/04/24. 219pp. 83826.02043828.236. unit consnue to mapect vanous seements of ubi MOV program as part of ongomg map actwDes Renew of ubi am closed. J COBSONJ M -9605060162 Rev 65 to " Commonwealth Edson OA Manual" Pos 20201). 95/05/11. WATZL.E. Northem Staies o CONNOR.J.J. Commonwealth Eeson Co 94/11/21. 225pp. 83828.23943827:101. -9005190312insp rept 50 263/95-03 on 950417 21.No violations noted. Mapor areas 9606000194 Responds to bconsee apphcation dtd 950410 & forwards nonce of conssd-mopected heensee response to GL 89-10. " Safety Reisted MOV Tesang & Sune,p ersoon of neuance of amends to FOLs. proposed NSHC determirmbon & opportursty tance" 4 -- - Mr .10 t e placed m FR for non. BURGESU D, GUZMA .J.G., PEGG.W.D. Region 3 (Post 820201k 95/05/10.1290 PULSIFE .R.M. . 95/04/24. ARRAR.O.L Commonwealth Esson Co. 2pp. 83953-2594 3953.270. S M M94 W 158. 9605249214 Notfies of results of mso plannmg porbon of March 1995 for plant & pro. -9000000199 Notco of conssdershon of neuance of amends to hcenses DPR-29 & wdes schedule 1or NRC ensp of plant m techncal area pombng to need to perform DPR-30 $ proposed NSHC Ostermmebon & opportunity ter . Amends revise map or fotow up. TSs to reddect changes m survediance testmg requirements of HPCIS RCaCS. AXELSON.W.L Region 3 (Post $20201) 95/05/19.WATZLE. Northern States Power PULSsFER.R M. .95/04/24. 8pp. 8363415143634156. Co. 4pp. 64022-29544022:298. 9500030477 Comments on draft GL

  • Pressure Lockm0 & Thermal Smdmg of Safety-R. Portedic operating reports & reisted corroependence Fested Power 4perated Gate Vafves.".

VONK.M.J. Co.. .~. .. Z. Edson Co 95/04/25. Document Control Branch (Docu-mont Control Desk).300. 83791:35243791:354 9""74 Forwards "Montcello Nuclear Genereeng Plant Annual Rept to NRC Rae-anon Enwron Monitonn0 am Jan Duc 1994. 9604210293 Genenc Ltr 9544 to at holders of OIM or cps for nuclear power reactors ANDERSON,R.O. Northem tes Power Co. 95/04/26. Document Control Branch re feel esposson of SEP lessons-ieemed neues (Document Control Dook). 2pp. 63787.26643787;336. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Propecte (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28 -950E040276 "Montcollo Nuclear Generstmg Plant Annual Rept to NRC Radmeon Erk wron Momtonng Program Jan.Dec IW gam =12 Informs that repts enhtled. "XM 19 Matts Quakfcahon Rept." NEDE-21653-HUEBNER.LG. Teisoyne isotopes. 94/12/31. 68pp. 8378726643787:336. P. " GENE / Comed Responses to NRC Roguect tar Addl into re Quad C#hes Uruts 1 & 2 Ce '" 9506190207 Monthly operaDng rept for Apr 1995 for Monncello Nuclear Generstng qp &2g , win,t'* g 28 837M;337-8375t341 R D Ca em S . ANDERSON.R.O. Northem States Power Co 95/04/30. 5pp. a==44="zz-9 0 0 00 Prow, des updeied siaius of p,og,ess on piani course of acion (COAnmpie. rnentahon for pertormance emprovement. & Reportable .. LERs & rotoned correspondence KRAFT.E.S. C_ . z. Eeson Co. 95/05/01. Othee of Nuclear Reactor Reguis-Don (Post 941001). 6pp. 83864.17943864:186. 9600020100 Special repton 950404.escovered that manual moleton valves for *A' channel m csosed posson.Cause of failure to correcay posmon vasves wdl be 96060$0082 Responds to NRC RAI for TS upgrade program,Seenon 3/410 & supplinto assessed. Valves placed in required posmon & dunonstrated operabierty. prewously m 93o216 & 940314 sutmetais. MILL.WJ. Nor1 hem States Power Co.95/04/19. Document Control Branch (Document PIET.P.L . _ _ . Eeson Ca95/05/02. Document Control Branch (Document l Control Desk). 2pp. 83757:32043757:321. Control Desk). 29pp. 83833:136 43833.202.


9606030145 LER 9500340on 950328. pipe & cable tray supports found anchored to ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Proposed toch specs re TS upgrade program Secton 3/4.10. plates rather than empedoed plates. Caused by error en ongmat

  • Co.- _ r. Eeson Co.95/05/02. 34pp. 83833.16943833.202 const. modsfied or ana!yzed & meet code requirements.W/950427 itr.

PARKER.T., HILL.WJ. Northern States Power Co. 95/04/27. 6pp. 83608.329- 9506000215 Forwards " Third Ter> Year interval inserwce Testmg Program.Rev 5." W/68 83808.336. oversize dr SCHRAGEJ.L monwee@ Eeson Co. 95/05/02. Document Control Branch (Doc-98063104s3 Forwards Rev 0 to Calculation CA 95 044. "Estmanon of Cable Spreseng ument Control Desk). 2pp. 83894.00143895 041 Room Equement Fioor Loadmg." m response to 950509 telcon request m s@ port of closure of LER 94 008. gg06000225 " Third TervYear interval IST Program," rev 5 HILLWJ. Northem States Power Co 95/05/19. Document Control Branch (Document ' Commonwealtn Edson Co.95/05/02. 403pp. 83894:003 43895 041. Control Desk). 10 6414511544145 145. 9606100140 Transmits prehmmary results of Quad Cates Stahon Urut 2 core shroud -9606310401 "Esemanon of Cable Screadmg Room Egapment Floor Loadmg, exams.performCd pnor to anstallahon of shroud repair hardware. - VILLARREAL.F.A ANDERSEN.H.D. Northem States Power Co. CA 96444 ROO. 95/ SCHRAGEJL Cw-. . J. Edson Co 95/05/02.Documer4 Control Branch (Doc-05/19. 30pp. 64145.11644145.145- l ument Control Desk). 4pp. 83873.35043873:353. ' V. Operator Emanunetiens 9606180441 Forwards propnetary supplemental ofo re util MOV testmo & survedeance i

                                                                                                             .per GL 8910.Propnetary into withheid from pubhc esclosure per                                  i 9505060000 Informs that.altr 1    R2.790 GFE secton of wntten operator hconsmg exam ad.

VONK.MJ. Commonwealth Eeson Co. 95/05/02. Document Control Branch (Docu-rne on 01 Deskt 8pp. H026.32W26.332 G. A. egion 3 82020 /1 NSKY,T.M. Commonweam Edson Co.1p. 83758.31343758.313. 9505190nt Oscusses senior mgt eneetng w/epen m pubhc observabon. conducted 9806250029 Requests eag mfo re bcensee 950516 rept that NROJacensed operator on 950502 at Region escuss concoms re status of util nuclear power N Pos Co. 3pp. 64043.23844043.340. 05Y18 TZ$E States Pows, H , Co. H8pp. 8397322443973:341. . P 20 05/04 WALLACE.M. Commonwealth Eeson 9506120130 Forwards adcN ento roouested by NRC 950427 telcon re core shroud DOCKET 50-266 OUADCITIES STATION, UNIT 2 rnod into withheld from pubhc esclosure per 10CFR2 7 ). SCHRAGEJ.L Commonweettn Eeson Co. p5/05/05. Document Control Branch (Doc-ument Control Desk). 7pp. 83935.35443935.360. 9505150244 Forwards Rev 1 to Des 50n Docurnent SL-4964. " Quad Caes Uruts 1 & 2 9605000067 Revoed EPIPs.m' eludm0 rev 17 to OEP.100-0/ev 9 to OEP 100.T1.rev 13 Core Shroud Repas. Relent Structures insp Regerements & Acceptance Cnte. to OEP.105 0/ev 6 to OEP-105-Si rev 8 to OEP 105.S2.rev 6 to OEP.105 S3, rov 5 to nar m response to NRC m 950427telcort OEP 105-S6/ev 11 to OEP.107 0,rev 6 to CEP 10741 W/950428 ftr. SCHRAGEJ.L Commonwealth Eeson Co.95/05/08 Document Control Branch (Doc.

  • Commonweam Esson Co.95/04/28.115pp. 83840:14443840-257. ument Control Desk). 3pp. 8397812543978.147.

M05120132Revoed EPtPs.metudmg rev 30 to OEP 6004.rev 4 to OEP 600.S3.rev 16 -9505150247 " Quad Cabes Units 1 & 2 Core Shroud Repair.Desgn Rehant Structures to OEP 710 0/ev 3 to CEP 71043/ev 3 to OEP 710-S4.rev 4 to OEP 710 SS & rev 4 insp Requirements & Acceptance Cntena " to OEP 710-56 DEBOO.G.H.. JOHNSONJ W., BEHRINGER.TJ. Sargent & Lundy. Inc SL-4984 Roi.

  • Commonweam Esson Co. 95/05/01.17pp. 83949 34243949 358 95/04/10. 20pp 8397812843978147.

36 DOCKETED ITEMS 9505150252 Forwards response to NRC 950222 RAI to s@ port review & approval of R. Periodic operstmg reports & related -.. _ , Comm Ed TS upgrade am proiectMarked up TS pages also enct

                                                                                                  '                           "^                                 *"

of Desk 83 78 83 .2 950 24 PEARCE.LW. Commonwealth Eeson Co.94/12/31.109pp. 83786:00143788:114. -9505150259 Proposed Tech Specs.supportm0TS upgrade prosect

  • Cwis. ,. J. Eason Co.95/05/09. 44pp. 83978 081839 8:124. p g g g, Foo & a1 9 Summary of 950323 meetmg w/util re TS Upgrade Program status.bst of gtgalua BW h SKAY.D.M. .95/05/11. 6pp. 83971:35343971:356. rnent Control Desk). 23pp. 83864.15143864173 9505180335 Forwards monthly operstmg repts for Apr 1995 & revised repts for Mar 9505100459 Forwards addl snio re core shroud mod.mciuer(Rev 0 to GENE-771110- 1995 for Quad Cmes Nuclear Power Staten Uruts 1 & 2.

0595. " Evaluation of Acceptabddy of FDDR 1E6AR FDDRaut for Shroud Repas Pro-at Quad Gees Urut 2." AITKEN.P.C. Commonwealth Eeson Co. 95/05/05. Document Control Brarch (Docu-RAGE,J.L C_ _ ? Esson Co. 95/05/11. Document Control Branch (Doc- ment Coritrol Desk). Ip. 64013 25344013.274. ument Control Desk) 3pp 84013.33144013.343.

                                                                                           -9505180342 Monthly operatmg repts for Apr 1995 for Quad Crbes Nuclear Power Sta-

-9505180448 "Evaluanon of Acceptabety of FDDR 1E6AR#DDR-001 for Shroud ton Uruts 1 & 2. Recar Program et Quad Cees Urut 2." MOORE.K. C-- - J-' Eeson Co.95/04/30.19pp. 84013.25444013 272. POTTER.M 0., GORDON.B.M., WOLF.S. General Electnc Co. GENE-771110-0595 RQ. 95/05/04.10pp. 64013.33444013:343. 9505180352 Revoed monthly operstmg repts for Mar 1995 for Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station Urvts 1 & 2. 9505230176 Forwards summary of util radaten protecten performance & efforts m MOORE.K. Commonwealth Eeson Co.95/03/31. 2pp. 64013.27344013.274. progress to effect enprovement BRONS).C. C;. ...._ ... ; r. Edison Co. 95/05/12. Document Control Branch (Docu. ment Control Desk) 32pp. 84068.14244068:173. V. Operator EJimminotksna 9505230250 Submits addl mfo to core shroud moti SCHAGE.J.L Co... ,... Z. Edson Co.95/05/12. Document Control Branch (Doc # 9505050096 Informs that.although GFE secton of wntion operator bcensmg exam ad-ment Contrd Desk). opp. 84051.33444051337 mirustered on 950405. plant ed not parbconte m exam RING.MA Region 3 (Post 820201L 95/05/01. CHASENSKYT.M. Commonwearth 9505240023 Forwards response to NRC staff request for eeS mfo re TS upgrade pro. Eeson Co 1p. 83758.313-83758.313. gram. PtET.P.L Commonwealth Esson Co.95/05/15. Document Controf Branch (Docurnent 9505230237 Informs that hcense SOP-30728-2.wm not tie maintained. JW Wethmgton Control Desk). 49pp. 64069:21744069:316 was removed from bconsed duty on 950508 & util requested that conse be termmat-ed. -9505240025 Proposed tech specs as result of TS upgrade prooram. PEARCE.LW. Ce . .. :: ; Edson Co. 95/05/10. Document Control Branch (Doc-

  • Commonweafth Eeson Co.95/05/15. 51pp. 84069.26544069 316- umorit Contrd Desk). 19. 64051:32544051.325.

9505250145 Forwards response to NRC 950222 RAI re TS upgrade program Secten 3/ 9505230238Aenses that hconse SOP-31131.wel not be mantamed. JA Dave was re-41," Reactor Protecton Sys." moved from hcensed duty on 950511 & requested that hcense be termmated. SCHRAGEJ.L Commonwealth Edson Co.95/05/17. Document Control Branch (Doc

  • PEARCE.LW. Commonwealth Esson Co 95/05/11. Document Control Branch (Doc.

ument Control Desk). 50pp. 64075:04044075:122. ument Control Desk).1p. 64049:360 84049:360. -9505250148 Proposed TS upgrade program section 3/41. " Reactor Protection Sys." 9505230242Aenses that hcense SOP 30522-2 will not be mentamed. J Guest was re-

  • C .-. . .. _ J. Eeson Co.95/05/17. 33pp. 84075290-64075122. moved 1 om heense duty on 950512 & utd retiuested that bconse t a termmated.

9505250251 Forwards Rev 65a to Comm Ed QA program Topcal Root CE 1-A. updat- PEARCE.LW. C . _ .. _ -7. Edson Co 95/05/12 Document Control Branen (Doc-ument Control Desk).1p. 84049.35944049-359. . og titles & possten desenpuons.sncludng approved mterpretaten for change m proco-dure review treguency & aoeng two requred audns. KOVACH.TJ. Commonwealtn Eeson Co 95/05/17. Document Contrd Stanch (Docu- DOCKET 50 266 POINT DEACH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 1 ment Contrd Desk). 2pp. 84087:18044087.358. -9505250253 Rev 85a to Comm Ed QA ]

  • Cu- -- _ C. Eeson Co.95/04/1 .1 7pp. 64087:18244087.358 F. Securtty, medical, emoc9ency a fire protection plans 9505250312 of 950315-16meetmg w/ comed re MOV pro 9505040258 informs that e response to NRC comments dunng 950209 & 16 response to GL 8 10.Last of attendees, P esentaten agenca utd & grain MOV developed m tescons.WlEP moelied TS program Request 176 submitted witndrawmg K.G.F. 95/05/18. 168pp. 64078:15044078.317.

9505090312 Genenc Ltr 9242.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to as holders of OLs (except those b- M'ContrN).2pp 638 337438 4 . conses amended to posseson.only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors to reac-tor Wasses structural misgnty. ZIMMERMAN R.P. Assocate Drector for Proiects (ADoR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19. R General "" Conschdated Eesori Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. 84084.35244064.361.

                                                                                           $505220231 Responds to 950227 Itr to Pressdent Chnton expresomg concems re dry Q. linspection reports, IE Bulletins a corr _ ,                                                casa storage of rasoactive spent ksel at plant.

ADENSAM.E.G. . 95/05/15. KOPECKY,M.L Athhaton Not Assigned. 24pp. 9504190049NRC Into Notce 95 024. " Summary of LJeansed Operator Requakfcahon 64029.28944029.317. Insp Program Fedmgs." GRIMES.B K. . 95/04/25. Consoisdated Edson Co. of New Yors, Inc.12pp. ~9505220236 Forwards lir from L Kopicky NRC has responded to concems preserited 8375720143757$12. m str to Premdent ClmtortLtr suggests utdang super <caider facskty for storage of spent nuclear lust 9504210127 Genenc Lir 95-03 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re cecumferental ADENSAM.E.G. 95/05/15. DREYFUS.D.A. Energy. Dept of. 1p. 64029:312-cracking of SG tLees. 64329 312. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Asaccate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Conschdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. 83757S1343757-023. -9505220242 Fonwards Itr from ML Kopecky re storage of spent nuclear fuel by Lake i Micrugan. r 9505150244 Document SL-4984. " Quad Cthes Urvts 1 & 2 SPRINGER.R. Envuonmental Protection Agency. 95/04/07. CHILK.SJ Office of the Core Snroud Forwards Rev 1 to Desptructures Repar.Desqn_Rekant o Insp Requirements & Acceptance Cnte. Secretary of the Commason. 6pp. 64029.31344029.317. re."in response to NRC MAi n 950427teicon. SCHRAGEJ.L Commonwealth Esson Co. 95/05/06. Document Control Branch (Doc-ument Control Desk). 3pp. 8397812543978-147. P. Operatang license sta9e documents & correspondence f

        '                       r ts 1 2 Cge Shroud Repar. Design Rohant Structures        9112190216inp rept of 911021-25 auet at facdity re structures & cui engmeenng tea-   l R       ements &

DE .G H. Sargent & Lundy. Inc. SL-4964 Roi. 95/04/10. 20pp. 83978128-fMSY. Structural & Geoscences91/12/09 Branch. BAGCHl.G. Structural & Geosci-ences Brancet 76pp. 83705.11343705190 S505050171 NRC Info Notce 95 025. " Valve Fanure Dunne Pabent Treatment w/ 9506150122 Serth parhal response to FOIA rowest for documents. App H record aheady Gamma Stereotactc Radesurgery Unit a COOLD A. Duson of Industnal & Meecal Nuciear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. evadable m POR Forwards App i records & bemg avadable m PDR. Consondated Esson Co. of New York. inc. 9pp. 64007:18244007.190. POWELLR A. Omson of Freedom of informaton & Pubications Services (Post l 940714). 94/12/23 FIDELL.E.R. Afhhabon Not Ass #gned. Spo.64038.03344038 159 j 9505230037 Resoonds to NRC 950414 lir te velatons noted 'm insp repts50 254/9542 i

  & 50 265/95 02. Corrective actons:handes modsted on RHRSW pumps & 1(2) 1001-             - 9505190289 Advses that J Hannon contacted hated plants wec ed not provide res      l 5A/B RHR$W va'ves to It'iprove human factors                                                sponses to Steno ttr of 870427 on res1rcirve language s* epoement                 j KRAFT 1.5. Commonwearm Eeson Co. 95/05/15 Ofc of Enforcement (Prsst 870413)                 HANNON.J N. NRC . No Detaded Affmaton Gsven. 89/06/41. QUAY.T. NRC . No De-       i 9pp. 84061.34444061.352.                                                                    tened Affikahon Govert 1p. 84038.12144038121.

l 95052300u Resoonds to NRC e50414 iir r. weistons noied e msp r.pis50 254/94 29 950503030i Appicaion ior am.nd to bcenses DPR-24 & DPR.27.consashng of change l

  & 50-265/94-29 Corrective actions work mvolvmg OOS stopped e= cept by approval of           request 171 re heatup & cooldown hmet curve expiration date artermon response to  l Staten Manaoer & team assemtwed to review & recommend C/As for wortt                        reouest for addl into for plant                                                   l KRAFT.E.S. Commonwealth Eeson Co.95/05/15-Ofc of Enforcement (Post 870413).                  LINK.B. Wisconsen Electre Power Co 95/04/25. Document Control Branch (Docu-       l 6pp. 64061.353-64061;358                                                                    ment Control Desk). 5pp. 83808 08843808.092                                       l l

i l l i l

DOCKETEDITEMS 37 9505040254 Informs that m response to NRC comments dunng 950209 & 16 9505250046 LER 95-00000 on 950416.CR personnel rwtiated manual reactor inp when teicons.WlEP moehed TS Request 176 sutetted on wrthdrawng CR Et t dropped part way mto core dunng troubleshooteg acevites. Caused by feied TS

  • Fro Protecton ts" & retainmg spec re transmrtial of auet stationary grvoer cod. Cod fuse reptaced W/950516 lir.

repts PADOVANO.F., LINKi. Weconsm Electre Power Co. 95/05/16. 6pp. 84082:020-LINK.8 Wisconsm Electnc Power Co. 95/04/25. Document Control Branch (Docu- 64062.025- I ment Control Desk). 2pp. 63814 33743814.338. 9505020253 Appbcaten for amenos to hcenses DPR.24 & DPR 27.moefyeg TS Secten V. Operator Exarmnations l 15.3.5. "anstrumentation Syt" ' LINK.B Wisconen Electnc Power Co 95/04/27. Document Control Branch (Docu. ment Controi Desk).13pp. 83764:023 43764.039. 9505050116 Informs that NRC administered GFE hection of wntten operator exam to employees at plant on 950405 & forwards exam answer key Graeng results

 -9505020258 Proposed tech specs.rnoefymg TS Section 15.3 5, " instrumentation Sys.a            enswer sheets. W/o enci.
  • Wisconan Electnc Power Co. 95/04/27. 4pp 63764.03643764$39 RING M A. R ion 3 (Post 820201) 95/05/01. LACRolX.D G. Consumers Power Co.

LASPISA.L.J. alth Eeson Co.19 8'i/58 35243758 352. 9504210293Genanc Lir 9504 to all noioers of OLs or cps 1or nuclear power teactors re fma +spoorten of SEP lessons-leamed issues 9505090023 Informs of arrangements made for adminstration of wntion & operstmg 6-ZIMMERMAN,R.P. Assocate Drector for Pro,ects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. censmg eams at plant scheduled h wk of 951002.NRC wdl preparo & admmister Consolidated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 63757:02443757:037. exams m accordance w/ES-401 & ES-402 of NUREG-1021. RING M A. R 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/05. LINK.R. Weconsm Electnc Power Co. 9505110232 Apphcahon for amenos to hcenses DPR.24 & DPR-27. consistmp of TS 3pp. 83816.1 3816.102. change request 172.mostymg TS Secnon 15 41. "Operabonal Safety Review LINK.B Weconse Elecinc Power Co. 95/05/02. Document Control Branch (Doce ment Control Desk) 7pp. 83930:2N83930-251-Y. Dry Cask Independent Spent Fuei Stora9e insta8ctions l -9505110233 Proposed toch specs,consstmp of change request 172. moefymg TS l Secten 15 4.1. "Operatonal Safety Review? 950$000059 Forwards Itr from ML Kopecky to storage of spent fuel along shore of Lake t

  • Wisconse Electnc Power Co.95/05/02. 6pp. 83930.24683930 251. Methgan & EPA response.W/o EPA response.

i SORINGER.R. Envronmental Protection Agency 95/04/07 CHILK.S.J. Offee of the [ 9505220010 Expresses apprecaten for 10CFR50.544a) subtruttal dtd 950407which m- Secretary of the Commason. 3pp. 83852-10143852.103 l corporates changes m hcensee QA program desenpbon. Informs that revs consnue to l meet requirements & acceptable- 9505110068 Responds to950407lir to J Hoyte re concems about dry cask storage of i RING.M.A. Region 3 (Post $20201). 95/05/15. LINK.R. Weconem Electnc Power Co- ramoachve spent fusi et piant 1p. 83985:05343985.053. ADENSAM.E.G. 95/05/04. TELLER.J. Menommee Tnba. 122pp. 83900.235-95050903t2 Genenc Lir 9242.Rev 1, Suppl 1 to alt holders of OLs (except those 6 8# conses amended to posseson only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac.

                                                                                             -9505H0093 Requests feeral govemment eteventen on plant constructng of dry M     M R A             to Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19 Consoiglated Esson Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. 64084.352-64064 361.                          FELL .J M                 T      95/     7 HO LE           of tne Secretary of the Commason. BASBITT.B. Intenor. Dept of. 3pp. 83900.35743900:359.

DOCKET 50-267 FORT ST. VRAIN NUCLEAR GENERATING $TATION 9504190049 NRC info Nobco 95424. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requabfcaten inso Program Fedm0s." GRIMES.B.K. . 95/04/25. Consohdated Edison Co. of New York, int 12pp. F. Secur4 med6 cal emergency a fire protection plans 83757-00143757$12. 9505030394 lasue 7 to Fre Protecten Operatukty Requrements (FPOR) FPOR.12. " Fro 9504210127 Genanc Lir 95 03 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re cacumferenbal Detectors." cractung of SG tubes-

  • Pubuc Service Co. of Cc6crado. 95/04/12. Opp. 83793:344 43793.352.

ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Conachdated Esson Co. of New York, Inc. tipp.63757.01343757.c23. 9505310315 issue 5 to Fra Protecten Operabsty Recurements (FPOR) FPOR.7 "Fra

 $505110147 Ack recsant of 941221 str eformmg NRC of steps taken to correct violatens noted m map repts 50 266/94 24 & 50L301/94-24Velaten occurred as stated m NOV                hQ" e Co. of Colorado. 95/05/10. 4pp. 84145.24544145.248' dtd 941122'J FARBER.M         Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/05. LINK.R Waconse Electnc Power        95053Ma39, Issue 6 m emagency response procedure (ERP) OPP $ 2.3. "ERP - Cork Co. 4pp' 8385121683651.219'                                                                 trol Roan. W/950523 Itr.

BORST.F.J. Put*c Service Co. of Colorado. 95/05/23. 25pp. 84162.29484t?2:320. 9505050171 NRC Info Notce 95425. " Valve Fadure Dunng Patent Treatment w/ Garnma Stereotacte Radosurgery Urut" COOL.DA Drvision at industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. Q. Inspection reports, IE Bulletms & correspondence Consolidated Eeson Co. of New York,Inc. 9pp. 64007:18244007.190. 9504190049blRC Info Notee 95024, " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requahfcaton msp Program Fmengs " l FL Penode operating mports & 6ted cormspondence GRIMES.B K. . 95/04/25. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 12pp. l 83757:001 43757:012. 1 9505180264 Forwards monthly operstmg rep's for Apr 1995 & rensed repts for Mar 1 1995 for Pomt Beach Nucosar Plant Uruts 1 & 2. 9504210127 Genene Ltr 9503 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re crcumferental ' MAXFtELD.G.J. Waconam Electnc Power Co. 95/05/06. Document Control Branch of SG tubes. ) (Document Control Desk) 19. B4013.28544013.295- cracking. ZIMMEH MAN R P. Associate Drector for Profects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. es ated Eeson h of New % inc. Upp. 83757N3M7m

 -9505100276 Monthly operatmg repts for Apr 1995 for Port Beach Nuclear Plant Uruts K        LKA.M.B. Woconsin Electnc Power Co. 95/04/30. 9pp. 64013.28644013294                                       *'         M int r      NR      to s e        e      I ns 267/95 01
 -9505100284     Revised monthly operating roots for Mar 19951ar Pont Beach                 Nuclea,'

COLLINS.SJ. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/02. CRAWFORD.A.C. Pubic Servce Piant Unn 2. Co. of Colorado 4cp 8375821343758221. l KOUDELKA.M.B. Wisconse Elecine Power Co. 95/03/31.1p. 8401329544013.295. 9505050171 NRC Into Notee 95025. " valve Fadure Dunng Patrent Treatment w/ 9505310246 Forwards conected monthly operatmg repts for Apr 1995 for Pomt Beach Gamma Stereotactc Radosurgery Urut" Nuclear Plant.Uruts 1 & 2.L1r old 950508 ed not take rito account for dayhght savmg COOL.D.A. Onnsson of industnat & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. trne Requests that enci data for Apr 1995 be used Cor'schdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc.999. 64007.182440C7:190. MAXFIELD.GJ. Wsconsm Electre Power Co 95/05/24. Document Cortirol Branch (Document Control Deskt 1p. 84163.31444163:324 9505240255 Forwards sypnose re940222 rwestigation. Concludes that four former om. ployees harassed.mtwrudated & termmated for expresang concems about safety

 -9505310249 Corrected monthly operatmg repts for Apr 1995 for Pomt Beach Nuclear              maues.

Plant.Druts 1 & 2 CALLAN.LJ Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/19 EDMtSTER.R.R. Momson-Knudsen KOUDELKA.M.B. Waconse Electnc Power Co. 95/04/30. 10pp. 84t63 315 Co.. Inc. 6pp 84023.00144023.006 l 84163.324 l 950524026E Forwards sypnosis of940222 rwesbgat on. Concludes that four former om. S. Reportable occurrences, LERs & related correspondence go.m g haraMmmed & tenmnated W eesseng cecens N ssW CALLAN.LJ. Region 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/19 CRAWFORD.A.C. Pubhc Service Co. 9505300156Intenm Part 21 rept re contact fadure of square D type KPD relay used m of Colorado. 7pp. 64062 00144062:006. desel generator control panel. Relays replaced at plantReview of matter expected to be completed on950508. NUDING.M. MKW Power Systems. Inc. 95/04/24 MURLEY,T. Offce of Nuclear Re- S. Reportable occurrences, LERs & reidted correspondence actor Regulaten (Post 941001) 12pp. 64090:00144090:012. 9505030329 Forwards LER 94-004 re loss of voltage relays not cal 4r to TS hmrts. 9505300281 Forwards two ron.compience repts re FSV NPDES perrmt LINK.B. waconam Electnc Power Co 95/04/27. Document Control Branch nocu. FtSHER.M J Pubhc Servce Co. of Colorado 95/05/16 WEBER.M F. Oftco of Nucle. ment Control Desk).1p. 83790:01643790 024. ar Matenal Safety & sateguards 1p. 64138 34644138.350.

 -4505030332 LER 95004-00 on 950328. loss of voitage retays not cahbr to TS                  -9505300282 NPDES noncomphance nottfcaton:on 9504050502. samples for outfall krtuts Caused by revew of setpomt changes from temporary valuirs to permanent was           007 exceededCause unknown. Personnel mspectmo sewage lagoon for serator oper.       I less than adequate TS 15.3 0 was e<itered at 0703.                                          aten & excesswo sonds. Appropnate maent actwity & C/ A wdi be performed.

ARNESON,K. Weconse Electnc Power Co.95/04/27. 8pp. 83790 01743790-C24 LINDT.E. PutAc Servce Co. of Colorado.95/05/09 2pp 84138 34744138 348. l l

38 DOCKETEDITEMS -95')5300253 NPDES noncomphance notifcanon.on 950410.escharges from Goosooudi P. Operating Econse stage ' - -

                                                                                                                                    ^ & 6. A ince Diten touttan 0018) m excess of pH perm 4 kmstWater from snahow wells used for E Pubhc            Co.                        1 2p 64        34     138.350.               A        "s    ted GiRSON.A F. Regm 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/05 HAMPTON.J W. Duke Power Co.

gr. topp. 83669:24043589.249 6 Sts9e Documents & Cw , '1 9505030143 Expresses apprecebon for NRC prompt response to request to perform 9505240320FOIA request for documents to baff6e removal & cuttmg of interna:s reac- techncal audst of uts use of fuel rod cooe enethodoiogy tors at hsted piants. TUCAMAN.M S. Duke Power Co 95/04/20.RUSSELLw.T. Offee of Nuclear Reactor KATZ,0, Citizens Awareness Networtt. 94/10/17. GRtMSLEY.D.H. Duson of Free. Regulaton (Post 941001) 1p. 83791:34743791:347. dom of Informaton & Pubhcanons Servces (Post 940714). 3pp. 64024.10164024:183. 9504210293Genenc Ltr 95 04 to an holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors d ,

                                                                                                                         ,,,,,        ,,"g,##N " # "" " "

MM R As er acts (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Consohdated Edson Co. of New YorA inc.14pp. 83757:02443757:t?37. jh$)*3pp' 79T96 7 ' 9505020222 Discusses 940306 09med to plant.m wtsch NRC edentrhed noncomphance 9505260180Stermts nobfcanon of 950517 meetng in Rockvdle.MD to escuss decom. m w/hcensmg bass requrement of SNPS W1 ENS.LA. 95/04/27. HAMPTON.J.W. Duke Power Co. App.63717.250 43717.253. PtTTiGuv.C.L Low-Level Waste & Decommissor Protects Branen (NMSS

                                                           *               * "          9504210293Genenc Lir 95 04_ _to_a#, holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors anch                03 to 3         .2          .2 re fmal espostion of SEP -            ,_.. msuet 9505230040 NotAcabon of950601 meetng w/util m Arhngton.TX to escuss apparent                 ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Director for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28.

wciabon of 10CFR50.7 dunng -- Consohdated E@aon Co. of New Yorti. Inc.14pp. 63757 02443757.037. 1 . R .. . 95/hactmhes 4 (Post 820201) at 4FM

                                                       /12. Repon        ** Y'ren.

(Post 820201). 4pp. 9505100185 Forwards amenos209,209 & 206 to loenses DPR.38.DPR.47 & DPR-55 & satety evaluahon.Amenos reuse TS 3.8 to estatAnn restncted loadmg pattems & as. 9505260214 Forwards Enuron Assessment & findmg of no signifcant enpact for exemp. socated bumup cntens for placmg_ fuel m plant spent fuel pools. ton from requrements of 10CFR50.54 for plant. WiENS.LA .95/05/03. HAMPTVN.J.W. Duke Power Co. 3pp. 83856:131 43856 171. PITTIGUO.C.L Low-Level waste & Decommasonm0 Protects Branch (NMSS 940403). 95/05/12. CRAWFORD.A.C. PutWC 6ervce Co. of Colorado. 3pp. -9505100196 Amends 209.209 & 206 to beenses DPR 38.DPR 47 & DPR-55. 84104.t6844104-074. respecoveiy.rewsmg TS 3.0 to estabbsh reatncied loadmg pattoms & assocated bumup emena for Meuei e plant spent fuel pools. -9505260217 Enuron assessment & tineng of no agnrhcant anpact to exempton from BERKOW.H.N. 95/05/w. 29pp. 83850:13443856.162. recurements of 10CFR50.54 for plant. WEBER.M.F. Low Level Waste & Decommmeonmg Prciects Branch (NMSS940403). -9505100199 Safety evaluanon supportog amends 209.209 & 206 to hcenses DPR. 95/05/12. App. 64104.07144104274. 38.DPR.47 & DPR 55.respectrvely.

  • Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001). 95/05/03. 9pp. 63858.163 9505090312 Genere Lir 9242.Rev 1.Suppi 1 to na holders of OLs (except inose b. 83856:171.

conses amended to possesonerWy status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac. tar vessel structural mtegity. 9506150023 Forwards bstmg & protected schedule for complebon & submittal of new ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Deector for Proiects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19. topical rects requinng NRC approval. Cnnschdated Edison Co. of New YorI6, Inc. topp. 8s084:352 4 4084.361. TUCKMAN.M.S. Duke Power Co. 95/05/04. Document Control Branch (Document 9505310365 Forwards Rev 1 to "FSV Nuclear Staten Cm.... u -.y Protect Fma! Sd'vey Plan Mr SeteService Release 9505120106 Forwards calcutabon whch supports Keowee generaton 6mits. FISHdR.M.J. Pubhc Co " . of Colorado.95/05/25. WEBER.M.F. NRC - No Do. HAMPTON.J W. Duke Power Co. 95/05/05. Document Control Branch (Document laded AfWaton Givert 3pp. 6414413744144.224. Control Desk).1p. 6388520143885:293. -95053103 Rev 1 to,"FSV Nuclear Stanon E _ _ ..v Protect Fmal Surwy -9505120109 Rev 1 to calculabon KC UNIT 120106. "Koowee Power Operating Re.

  • 8 g Grote, Inc.
  • Pthhc Serwce Co. of Colorado. 95/05/25. 8400' Co. UNIT 124106 R01. 95/05/04. 292pp. 63845:00243685.293.

9505240362 Otters hated comments on proposed rev to 10CFR50 App J. "Contamment DOCKET 50-269 OCONEE NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 1 Leakage Testmg." pubhshed m 950221 FR & endorses comments swnetted by NEl on s4 TUCKMAN.M.S. Duke Power Co 95/05/06. Document Control Branch (Document F. Security, meecal, emergency & fire protection plans Control Desk). 4pp. 64068.35844068.360. 9505020079 informs that rev 9446 to emergency pien. satisfactory & meets planrung M5180338 Discusses 941205 memo re determmaton M steam stop vanes should stds of 10CFR50.47(b) & recurements of App E to 10CFR50. have been classmed as safetymed. Informs that taAre to so classdy valws would CL E. (Post 820201), 95/04/19 HAMPTON.J.W. Duke Power Co. 3pp' fER C W N MERSCHOFF.E.W Regen 2 (Post 820201). 1p. 83988.305 43968.305. 9505030336 Forwards corrected page D-8 k Rev 9406 of Vol A of Oconee Nuclear

 $4e smargency piartMekmg change mdcated m Dec 1994 sutmttal that EAL for out.            9505180391 Discusses 941219 memo to evaluston of fwr maues associated w/potem sang conoinon 11 revised                                                                   bal  falure scenanos      mvolwn0   pipeg sys attached  to mam HAMPTON.J W. Duke Power Co 95/04/20. Document Control Branch (Document                     BERKOW.H.N.        . 95/05/15    MERSCHOFF.E     W. Regon    2 steam (Postsys at fachty_

820201 10 ). Control Desk).1p. 8383228343832:264. 63964.360 03964.360. -9505030337 Changes to page 08 of Rev 9406 to Vol A of Oconee Nuclear Site 9505310442 Forwards revs to "ONS Selected Lcensee Commitments Manual." Section emergency piart 16.8.3 e ado power battery parameters to estabbsh requirements tor operabsty of

  • Duke Power Co.95/04/20.1p. 83832.28443832.284. 250 Vdc power battenes HAMPTON.J W. Duke Power Co. 95/05/16. Document Control Branch (Document 9505050339 informs that m order to complete revow 4 approval process, sutmttaf date Control Desk).1p. 64163:102 44163.116.

tar caculaton for Keowee operatmg hmits changed to 950506.per util 950419Itr sup-piementmg proposed emergency power mod acten pian. -9505310449 Revs to "ONS Selected Lcensee Commitments Maeuel." addmg power HAMFTON.J W. Duke Power Co. 95/04/27. Document Control Branch (Document battery parameters to estabbsh requirements ter operabsty of 250 Vdc power better. Control Desk) 1p. 83839 30243839-302. ses

  • Duke Power Co 95/05/11.14pp. 84163.103 84163116. .

9505240444 Requests approval of cnanges to mm emergency stafhng levels for DPC nuclear site emergency plans unoer Cost Bener ces Lee Actons (CBLA) 9505260227 Requests NRC approval for ute to use recent Rev 3 to CROV computer process. . pustAcahon of proposed changes & mio to C8 enet. code (approved by NRC on950420). TUCKMAN.M.S. e Powsr Co. 95/05/06 Document Control Branch (Document TUCKMAN.M.S. Duke Power Co. 95/05/17. Document Control Branch (Docurr.ent Controi Desk).16pp. 64073.054 84073 069. Control Desk). dop.84104.07944104 082. 9505240110 Forwards msp repts 54269/95 04.50 270/9544 & $0 287/95-04 on 9505090312 Genenc Lir 9242.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all holders of OLs (except those B-950403 4 5 & notco of volaton.Velaten of concem because acsvity allowed for es- conses amended to possesion.orWy status) or cps for riuclear power reactors re reac. closure of safeguards info througn util unsecured automate data processmg sys. ior vesses structuralinte. STOHR.J.P. Ei 2 (Post 620201). 95/05/12. HAMPTON.J.W. Duke Power Co. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocmie Drector for Prcsects IADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19 400. 84021-1T7 1:165. Conschdated E$ son Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. 64064 35244084 361. ~9505240115 Notce of velaten from insp on 950403 05.Velaten noted ta. lure to Inspecbon repods, E BuMns & conospondence Regen os 8 9 12 p 21:181. -9505240123 insp repts 50 269/95 04.50 270/95 04 & 54287/9544 on 950403- 9505020052 Forwards insp rept 72 0004/9541 on 950327-28 No velabons or dev> 05 Velaton noted Ma sor areas mapected.kcensee escovery.on 950220.of unsecured atens noted, drawngs stemped as bemg safeguards mio. CLINE.W E. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/20. HAMPTON.J.W. Duke Power Cc. 3pp. TO8IN.WJ Regen 2 (Post 620201 A 95/05/12. 4pp. 64021.182 84021:165. 63689.25043689 260. 9505240071 Adwses of results of950320 recew of recent performance at fac*ty to do. -9505020061 insp rept 72 0004/95-01 on 950327-28 No violatons noted. Mapor areas terrreno if NRC present planned map effort for rest of current SALP cycle should be mapectedoccupanonal exposure controts associated w/ changes to rowsed. Forwards insps planned for remander of SALP cycle 12. program.extemas exposure controis & control of radcacbve maus. CRLENJAK.R.V. Regon 2 (post 820201). 96/05/17.HAMPTON.J W. Duke Power Co. LwW T., RANKIN,W H, Regen 2 (Post $20201I 95/04/19 8pp 83689.253-dop. 64021:06544021 068 83689.260.

                                                                           ._-.._m. . _ _ _                       ____..___m                               m..         __. . _.        _

DOCKETEDITEMS 39 l 9805030129 Forwards map repts 50-269/9543.50-270/9503 4 50287/9543 on proposed enerneDwe (Code Case N-522) to ASME 950226 0325 & nonce et votation. 9505250214 Bouer & Pressure Forwards vessel Coos SE( authorabME Code).per 940622 ter.Alternstrwe tesang a CRLENJAK.R V. Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/21. HAMPTON.J.W Duke Power Co ered for duranon of currently approved ISI prograrn 3pp. 83797.34143797-362.

                             .                                                                  BERKOW.H.          95/05/22. TUCKMAN.M.S. Duke Power Co. 3pp. 84075 199-84075.206.
  -9606030134 Notee of velaten from map on 9502264325.Volation noted KHU ahgned to gnd was techncally moperable vue to potental overspeed lockout wtWe operstmg          -~=m Safety evaluation authorumq proposed altamabwe (Code Case N 522) to m excess of 72 MW.                                                                         ASME Boner & Pressure Vessel Code (ASME Code).per940622 ttr.
  • Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/21. 2pp. 83797.34443797:345.
  • Ofice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (Post 941001). 95/05/22. 5pp. 84075.203-
  -95050301 4 insp repts 50-269/95 03.50 270/95 03 & $0 287/9M) on 950226 0325 Volaton noted Maior areas inspected:piant operatons.surves.s e teshng.r'uunt acevites.onsde aanwg & techncal assetance                                               H05310057 Forwyds map wts M-269/9MS270/9506 & 5428?/9546 on P.E, CR.;
  • V .R V. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/21.1bpp 83797.346- 9503260429 & NOV C E K. 2 (l'ost 820201). 95/05/24.HAMPTON.J W Duke Power Co 9505020121 Dim--s . .on re arrangememts made for NRC to mspect l>

consed operator remap ~ , , gam at plant dunrgwk of950515 -9505310071Notco of violaton from insp on 950326 0429 V osabon noted.appropnate PEEBLES.T.A. Region 2 qNei w0201). 95/04/24. rmMPTON J.W. Duke Power Co. measures not ^ Z to assure correcton of adverse condman to quakty to mad-3pp. 83690:22443690226 equate control of load html changes at plant

  • Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/24.1p 84095.32344395.323.

9604190049 f4RC Info Notco 95 024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requakfcanon inso Program Faruimgs." -9605310076 insp repts 50-269/95 06.54270/95 06 4 60 287/95 06 on 950326-GRIMES.8 K. . 95/04/25. Consoicated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 0429 Velabons noted.Magar areas espected. plant operatons.maint & surveillance 83r57.90143757:012. toseng ! HARMON.P.E., CRLENJAK.R.V. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/24,13pp. 64095 324- ! 9505)20232 Authermes proposed anernatwo to ASME Boiler & Pressure vessel 84095.336 code.wnch prowdes rehef ear ISI program. BERKOW.H.N. 95/04/2th TUCKMAN.M.S. Duke Power Co. 4pp. 83717.254-83717.262- R. Penedic operatin9 reports & reisted correspondence l

 -9806020244 Safety evalumbon authormng Icensee ISI request for rehof from caos hy-drostanc pressure test requ rernent.                                                   9505030175 "Oconee Nuclear Staten Unrts 1 & 2 Annual Radclogmal Ermron Operat-
        ,95/04/26. $pp. 83717.25843717.262.                                                     eWReot 1994."

HAMPTON.J.W. Duke Power Co 94/12/31.124pp. 8386196043861183. 9604210127 Genenc Lir 9543 to an holders of OLs or cps for PWRs to cecumferential crackmc of SG tubet 9505050331 Annual raeoactive effluent rossase rept for 1994 W/950426 Itr. ZIMMERMAN R P. e=eate Dreciar for Propects tADPR) (Post 9410C1). 95/04/28. HAMPTON.J W. Duke Power Co.94/12/31. 78pp. 83862.26243862.339 Coneohdated Eeoon Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. 83757 01343757:023. 9605 orwards monthly operstmg repts for Apr 1995 for Oconee Nuclear Staton 9505100645 Corrects error m 950309 Itr.summartang commitments made dunng 950224 re outstandmg maues assocated w/SWS operatonal portarmance WEBER.R.L. Duke Power Co. 95/05/15 Document Control Branch (Document Core PT .J Co 95 WI Deskt 2pp. 640314244039169

                                                    . Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 83991.35743991:358
                                                                                            -           24Mym aWWWW h hwSm 9505110146 Forwards map repts 50 269/95 05.50-270/95 05 & 50-287/95-05 on                     WILLIAMS,RA Duke Pow                  . 95/04/30.15pp. 8403915444039-168.

950410-12.No vioissons noted CASTO.C.A. Regen 2 (Poet 820201). 95/05/05. H/WPTON.J W. Duke Power Co. -9605220274 Revised monthly operstmg status rept for Mar 1995 for ONS. 2pp 8385t22163851.227.

  • Duke Power Co.95/03/31.1p. 64039:16944039 169
 -9806110170insp repts 50w269/95 05.50 270/95-02 & $0-287/95 05 on 95041012.No volatens noted.Masor areas mopected. meerwce map. exam of hmned access weeds &          V. Operator Esaminseens followup seedwater dram kne crackmg ECONOMOS,N., BLAKE.J.J. Regon 2 (Poet 820201). 95/05/02. 5pp. 83851.223-6355t227.                                                                               9506020122 Discusses 950416 tecon re arrangements made for NRC to mapect li-consed operator roqualrhcation program at plant dunng wk of 950515.

9605240137Subnuts inse actmbes associated w/Oconee Emergency Power Proiect to PEEBLES.T.A. Regpon 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/24. HAMPTON.J W. Duke Power Co tacihtate rham*=ad at940929mgt meetrq Spp. 83600.22443690.226. CRLENJAK.R v on 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/0s. HAMPTON.J.W. Duke Power Co. 3pp. 64021 1290. V. Dry Ceek Independent spent Fust Storage installations 9505060171 NRC Into Notre 95425. " Valve Fadure Dunng Pabent Treatment w/ COOL, .A. DN of & I Nucisar Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. 9506020052 Forwards map rept 72 0004/05 01 on 950327-28.No vi;4atens or devi-Corecedated Eeaon Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp. 64007:18244007.190. { tensE 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/20.HAMPTON.J.W. Duke Power Co. 3pp. 9605250027Provces rowsed response to NRC940211 NOV re map repts50-289/93 836a92 9250. 25.50 270/93-25 4 50-287/93-25.U01 recures extenson of commament complebon date re obtammg dyname mati groperty data. -9505020061 insp rept 724004/95-01 on 950327 28.No velabons noted Mapor areas HAMPTON.J W. Duke Power .4 95/05/11. Document Control Branch (Document .m-  :- - ~ tonal exposure controis assocated w/ISFSI,austs. changes to Control Desk). 3pp. 64073.35944073.361. program.extemal exposure controis & control of racoachve maus Lw.W.T. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/19 Spp. 83669253 83689260. 9505240110 Forwards map repts 50-269/9544.50 270/95 04 & 50 287/95 04 on 950403 4 5 & nonce of violaton.Velaton of concern D'cause actuty allowed for es-closure of safeguards mte througn und unsecured automate data p ocessmg sys DOCKET $05270 OCONEE NUCLEAR STATION, UNtf 2 STOHR,J.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201L 95/05/12. HAMPTON.J.W. Duke Power Co app. 5402t17744021:185. 1

 -9605240115 Notce of volaton from map on 950403 05 Velaton noted: tadure to                F. Secumy, medical emergency & M protechon piens                                             )

retam drawmgs m secured automanc cata processm0 sys-  !

  • Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/12.1p. 6402018144021:181. 9505020079 informs that rev 9446 to emergerry plan.satsfactory & meets piannm0 sida o810CFR50.47(t i & requiremems of App E to 10CFR50.
 -9505240123 Insp repts 50 269/9544.50 270/95 04 & $0-287/95 04 on 950403-                     CLINE.W.E Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/19.HAMPTON.J.W. Duke Power Co. 3pp.

05.Velaten noted Maior areas mspected hcensee OscCvery.on 950220.of unsecured 83689 3444 3689.346, drewmps stamped as bemg safeguards mfo. TOBIN.WJ., MCGUIRE.D.R. Regon 2 (Poet 820201) 95/05/12. App. 64020182- 9505030336 Forwards corrected page D4 to Rev 9446 of vol A of Oconee Nuclear 6402t185- Sne emer plan.Makmg change in@cated m Dec 1994 submittal that EAL for ine-etmg mon 11 revised 9505240071Advmes of results of 950320 review of recent performance at facilny to de- HAMPTON)W. Duke Power Co. 95/04/20. Document Control Branch (Document termme if NRC ;irement planned insp effort for rest of current SALP cycle thould be Control Desk).1p. 8383228343832294. rewmed. Forwards snaps planned for romander of SALP 12. LENJAK. (Post 820201). 95/05/17 H PTON,J W. Duke Power Co~

                                                                                            -9505030337 h v s m page D 6
  • ra7 94 08 to Vol A of Oconee Nuclear $4e emergency plan.

9605260403 Forwards response to NRC 950421 Itr te weistens noted m ansp repts 50,

  • Duke Poww Cn95/04/20.1p 83Y.0.2.284 83832284
                .50-270/95 03 4 50 287/9543. Correctnre - .4 calculatons on                                                                      ,      g                         ,

HAMPTON)W Duke Power Co 95/05/18. Document Control Branch (Document tne calculaten for keown opwaung knuts changed to uti 950419 ftr sup-Control Desk). 3pp. 84099 33844099:340. poww ned acton piam P*"*"TO"N.J HAMP WD Duke 9 P'oposed Power emer 95/04/27. Document Corttrol Branch (Document 9505250315 Forwards SE utd response to NRC bulleen 90 01, suppl 1 " Loss Comros Desk) 1p. 83839.30243839.302. of F48 Og m Transmmers Mto tw mount." WtENS.L.A. .95/05/19. HAMPTON.J.W. Duke Powe Co, 3pp. 84078 316-64078 340 9505240448 Requests approval of chen0es to mm emergency stattmg levets for DPC nuceear arte emergency plans under Cost Benetcial Actons (CBLA)

 -9505250316 Safety evaluatson accepts utti response to NRC bunetm 9041.suppi 1.               process Supportm0 lustricaton of proposed chanDes & ento re CB encl.
    " Loss of Fdi Dil m Transmmers                       ."                                    TUCKMAN.M.S. Duke Power Co 95/05/06 Document Control Branch (Dacument
    ' . 95/05/tB 2pp. 44078.321440            0.                                               Control Desk).16pp. 64073-05444073:069 I

40 DOCKETEDITEMS l i 9505240110 Forwards map repts 50 289/9544.50 270/95-04 & 50-287/95 04 on 9505090312 Genene Lir 9242 Rev 1.Suppe 1 to all hoeders of OLs tescept those 4 950403 05 & nonce of volabon Violaten of concem because activity allowed for es- conses amended to possemon.only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac. l closure of sate 0uards odo throuan utsi unsecured automate data processmg sys. tor vessel structural meegnty. STOHRJ P. R 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/12. HAMPTONJ.W. Duke Power Co. ZIMMERMAN.R P. Assocess Drector for Prosects (ADPR) (Post 941001) 95/05/19 4pp. 84021177 1.185 Consohdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. 64084.35244064 361 -9505240115 fdotco of violaten from map on 95040345Violaton noted. failure to os 820 1 p 64 44 21:181. -9505240123 insp repts 50-269/95 04.50-270/9004 & 50 287/95 04 on 950403- 9505020052 Forwards map rept 72 0004/9541 on 950327 28.No violatons or dev> 05 vesaten noted Maior areas mspected hcensee chscovery.on 950220.of unsecured atsons noled drawngs stamped as bemo safeguards mto. CLINE.W E. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/20.HAMPTONJ.W Duke Power Co. 3pp TOBIN.WJ. Regon 2 (Post $20201). 95/05/12 4po. 84021:18244021.185. 83689 250 4 3689260 9505240071 Advises of results of 950320 rewsw of recent performance at facerty to de- -9505020061 inno rept724004/95 01 on 950327 28.No volatons noted Major areas termme d NRC present planned insp effort for rest of cunent SALP cycle should be mopected occupatonal exposure emtrois associated w/ISFSt. audits. changes to revened Forwards insps planned for remander of SALP cycle 12 prooram estomal esposure controis & control of raccactive matis. CRLENJAK.R V Region 2 (Post 820201t 95/05/17.HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. LO6.W.T.. RANKIN.W.H. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/19 app 83689.253-app. 44021:08544uz1068. 83689.260. 9505030129 Forwards map repts 50-269/9%C3.50-270/9003 & 50 2b7/95 03 on P. Operating beerine stage documents & - , - - 950226 0325 & nonce of volabon. CRLENJAK.R.V. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/21 HAMPTON.J W Duke Power Co. 9505020050 Forwards summary of 940224 meetmg to plant svc water related 3pp. 83797.34143797.362. ensues.Altendees bsted m enct 2 GIBSON.A F Regen 2 (Post $20201). 95/04/05. HAMPTON.J W Duke Power Co. -9505030134 Nobce of violaten from msp on 9502264325.Volabon noted KHU ahgreed 10pp. 83669 24043689.249- to gnd was techrucally mopereole thae to potenbal overspeed lockout wnde operstmg 9505030143 Expresses apprecaston for NRC prompt response to request to perform techncal aust of ute use of fuel rod code methodosogy y '2 (P 820201) 95/04/21. 2pp. 83797.34443797.345. TUCKMAN.M S. Duke Power Co. 95/04/20 RUSSELL.W T. Offce of Nuclear Reactor 4506030140 map 6 54269/9543.50 270/9503 & 50 287/95 03 on 950226 Regulanon (Post 941001).1p. 83791;34743791.347 0325 Votaw WMw reas especwpam opwauons.Wance w4 mand 8 * 'O " 9" 0201). 95/04/21 16pp. 83797:346 MON CR V on 2 Pos HAMPTON.J.W. Duke Power Co 95/04/26. Docurrent Control Branch iDocument 83797 M Control Desk). 3pp. 83799.34643799.348. 9505020222Docusses 94030649visst to plant.m wtuch NRC identifed noncomphFre censed operator requahtcaban program at plant dunng wk of 950515. w/ h. bass regurement PEEBLES.T A Repon 2 (Post 820201) 95/04/24. MAMPTONJ.W. Duke Power Co WlENS. . 95/04/2'. HAMPTON J W. Duke Power Co. app. 83717:25043717253. 3pp. 83690.22443690.226. 9504210293 Genanc Ltr 9544 to all telders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors 9504190049 NRC Info Notee 95424. " Summary of Ucensed Operator Requakteaton re fmal esposmon of SEP lessons 4eamed usues. Insp Program Fmdmgs " 2IMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28- GRIMES.B K. . 95/04/25. Consohdated Edman Co. of New York. Inc. 12pp Consohdated Echson Co. of New York. Inc 14pp. 83757-02443757 037- 83757.001 43757'012 9505100185 Forwards amends 209.209 & 206to bconses DPR-38.DPR-47 & DPR-55 & 9505020232 Authonzes proposed attematrve to ASME Boner & Pressure vessel safety evaluatortAmends revise TS 3.8 to estabhan restrc1ed loading pattoms & as- Code wtuch prendes rehet for ISI p am. 0 *~ *' NS LA $/05 3 AMPT W Power Co 83856:13143056171~ 637 7.262'" -9505100196 Amenos 209.209 & 206 to Iconses OPR.38.DPR-47 & DPR.55, respecevely.revismg TS 3 8 to estabbsh restncied loa &ng patisms & ataccateg -9505020244 Safety evaluabon authonzm9 (consee (Si request for rehef froni code by, bume anterm for peacm0 tual m plant spent fuel pools. drostate pressum test regurrement BERKOW.H.N ,95/05/03. 29pp. 53856:13443056:162.

                                                                                               . 95/04/26. 5pp. 8371725843717262.

-9508100199 Safety evaluanon supportmg amends 209 209 & 206 to hcenses DPR- 9504210127 Genenc Ltr 95 03 to all holders of OLS or cps for PWRs re cucumferenbal 38.DPR 47 & OPR 55.respectwely cractung of SG tubes

  • Ofrce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001). 95/05/03. 9pp. 83856.163- ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocess Drector tar Protects (ADPR) (post 941001). 95/04/28.

63856-171. Consohdated Edison Co. of New Yortt. Inc.11pp 63757:01343757.023 9505150023 Forwards hating & prorected schedule for cornpieten & submittal of ne* 9505180585 Corrects error m 950309 Itr.summartzmg commitments made dun 950224 totMcal repts retpanng NRC approval meetmg to outstariding issues assocated w/SWS oper3Donal nce TUCKMAN.M.S. Duke Power Co 95/05/04. Document Control Branch (Document ensp.fmdm0 7.part f concomme trench cowws. Controt Desk). 3pp. 83899-04443899-046. HAMPTOfLI W Duke Power Co 95/05/04. Document Control Branch (Document 9505120106 Forwards calculanon wtuch supports Keowse generaton bmits MAMPTON.J W. Duke Power Co 95/05/05. Document Control Branch (Document 9505110166 Forwards map repts 54269/9505.50-270/9505 & 50-287/9505 on Control Desk).1p. 83885.00143885293. 95041012.No vaanons noted. -9505120109 Rev 1 to calculaten KC UNIT 1-2-0106. "keowee Power Operanng Re- CAS C 8$ '"^ " '

  • stnetors tor NSM-52966." EPP 2 51 2 *
  • Duke Power Co. KC UNIT 124106 RO1. 95/05/04. 292pp. 63885.00243885293
                                                                                           -9505110170Inso repts $4269/95 05.50-270/95 02 & 50 287/95 05 on 95041012.No 9505240362 OMars hated comments on proposed rev to 10CCR50 App J. "Contariment                violatens noted Masor areas mapected; meeryce map. exam of hmited access weeds &

Leakage Testing." pubirshed m 950221 FR & endorses commerits submrtted by NEl toikmp hoowater oram ime crackmg on sutn ECONOMOS.N., BLAKE.J.J. Regen 2 (Post B20201) 95/05/02. 5pp 83851:223-TUCKMAN.M S. Duke Power Co 95/05/08. Documerit Control Branch (Document 83851227-Corsol Desk) 4pp. 84068.35644068.360. 9505240137 Submits map actnees assocated w/Oconee Emergency Power Propoet to 9505180338 Dmeusses 941205 memo re determmaton that steam stop valves should tac 4rtate plannmg chscussed at 940929 mgt meebng have been classded as safety related. Informs that tadure to so ctossity valves would CRLENJAK.R v Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/08 HAMPTON.J W. Duke Power Ce be devoton from commnment. 3pp.1402128644021290. BERKOW H.N . 95/05/15 MERSCHOFF.E W. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 1 p. 83988 30543988.305. 9505050171 NRC Into Notse 95025. " Valve Fa4ure Dunng Patent Treatment w/ 9505180391 Docusses641219 memo re evskaton of four moues assocated w/pote'* cob * " of b deal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729) 95/05/11 P 95 . SCHOF W eget 2 Post B20201). 1p 83964.360-63964 360. 9505250009 Forwards addl mto requested by NRC on 950501 re plant third ten year 9505310442 Forwards revs to "ONS Selected Lcensee Commitments Manual." Sechon inmnrar s pian for Umts 2 & 3 W/one oversare drawing. W 6 8 3 to battery parameters to estabbsh requirements for operatzMy of HAM $ Qy Co 0 /11. Document Control Branch (Document trol De ) p 63 44 83 16 9505250027 Provides rowsed response to NRC 940211 NOV re map repts50 269/93-25.60 270/93-25 & 50-287/93-25 Util recurres extenseon of commitment compeeten -9505310449 dam m ontasmng dynamic mati data Revs toto"ONS battery parameters Selectori estaDish LcenseeforCommitments regurements operatulity of Manual." addingtette 250 Vdc power pnwe,r

                                                                                        . HAMPTON.J W Duke Power                       95/05/11. Document Control Branch (Document ses                                                                                         Control Desk) 3pp. 64073 359 64073.361.
  • Duke Power Co 95/05/11.14pp 6416310344163.116.

9505240110 Forwards map repts 50-269/9544.50-270/9544 & 50 287/9544 on 9505260227 Requests NRC soproval for utd to use recent Rev 3 to CROV computer 950403 05 & notce of inoiston violation of concem because activity sitowed for chs-code tapproved by NRC on950420) closure of safeguards mte through utd unsecured automate data processmg sys. TUCKMAN M S Duke Power Co 95/05/17. Document Control Branch (Document STOHR.J P Region 2 (Post 820204 95/05/12. HAMPTON.J W Du'se Power Co . Control Desk). App 84104 079 44104 082. App 6402117744021:185

__._ - - . _ _ . . . . ._ m_m. _ . . .m.. ..~._..-m ._. ___ _ _ . . _ . . - - _ DOCKETEDITEMS 41

        -9505240115 Notce of inolLbon from map on 950403 05 Volaton noted: tadure to                           -9505020061 insp rept 72 0004/9541 on 950327 28.No velahans noted. Maior areas retam dr          e secured automate data processmg sys                                                mopected.occupanonal exposure controis assocated w/ISFSt. audits. changes to
  • Region 2 ( t $20201). 95/05/12.1p. 84021:18144021:181. program extemmi exposure controis & control of radcactive matts.

LWW.T. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/19 Spp. 83689.25343689:260.

        -9505240123 insp repts 54269/95 04.50 270/95 04 & 50 287/9544 on 950403-05 Velaton noted Maior areas mspected:hcensee discovery.on unsecured draunngs stamped as bemg safeguards into.                                                           DOCKET 60 271 VERMONT YANKEE NUCLEAR POWER STATION TOBIN.WJ., MCGUIRE.D.R. Regen 2 (Post $20201195/05/12. 4pp. 64021:182-84021:185.

F. Securfty, medecel, emer9ency & Hre protection plans 9505240071 Adases of results of 950320 mnew of recent performance at facihty to de-termsne if NRC present pianned map effort for rest of current SALP cycle arculd be 9505040190 Change 138 to EPIPs.mel Rev 1 to OP 3533 & OP 3504.Rev rensed. Forwards maps planned for romander of SALP cycle 12 28. Figure 1 & OP 3506.Rev 33.VY 3506.05.pnge 2 replacement s. CRLENJAK,R.V. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/17.HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp 95/04/24. 47pp 83805:31443805. 4pp. 8402106544021:068. 9505140130Act receipt of950328 e m.,~.4- to changes to plant trenm0 & quah. 9505200403 Forwards response to NRC 950421 Itr to moistens noted in msp repts 50- ficaton plan.rev 6. errata A NRC imos changes acceptable for metusen mto plan. 269/95 03.50-270/95 c3 4 50-287/95 03. Correceve actonsbegan calculatons on JOYNERJH. Regpon 1 (Post 820201) 95/04/25.REID.DA Vermont Yankee Nuclear 950315. Power Corp. 3pp. 64030:31044030.312. i HAMPTON)W. Duke Power Co. 95/05/18. Document Control Branch (Document ' Control Dask). 3pp. 64099.33844099:340. 9505100136 Ack receipt of 950328 corresponaence re changes to plant physcal secun-ty plan.Rev 26 NRC Imds changes acceptable for mcluson mto plan. 9505250315 Forwards SE accephng uni response to NRC tiulieten 9041, suppl 1, " Loss JOYNER4H. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 95/04/25.RElD.DA Vermont Yankee Nuclear of Fdi Od m Transmrtiers Mt Rosemount." Power Corp. 3pp 84026:34144026.343. WlENS.LA. .95/05/19. HA ONJW. Duke Power Co. 3pp. 84078:31644078.340.

        -9505250316 Satety evaluston accept util response to NRC bulletm 9001. suppl 1.                        H. General correspondence
            " Loss of Fd6 Oil m Tranammers M's by             -
               . 95/05/19. 2pp. 84078.32144078.340.

9605000030 Comment supporting proposeid rule 10CFR50 re "Pnmary Reactor Contain-9505250214 Forwards SE proposed altamative (Code Case N-522) to ASME Bonar & Pressure vessel Coos E Code).per 940622tir.Attomatwo testing author. T Y e'e" A E'l*ncinc 9 5 YLEJC. Offee of 9m Secre. ired ser duraten of currently approved ISI program tary of the Co.. - . 3pp. 83816:145-83816:147. BERNOW.H. 95/05/22. TUCKMAN.M.S Duke Power Co. 3pp. 64075.199-84075.206. L FinancW L

        -9605250220 Safety eva6uaten                          proposed altamatwo (Code Case N-522) to ASME Boder & Pressure vessel Code                   E Code).per 940622 Itr                         9505040010 Forwards 1994 annual imancel repts for CT Light & Power Co.Westem MA
  • Offee of Nucisar Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001). 95/05/22. Sop. 84075.203 Electnc Co. Pubic Svc Co of NH & North Atlanhc Energy Corp 84075 206 GUGLIELMO.FJ Northeast Utdities Serwce Co. 95/04/25. Offee et Nuclear Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001).1p. 8380312843803290.

9505310057 Forwards insp tepts 50-269/9406.50-270/95 06 & 50-287/9546 on 950326 0429 & NOV. -9505040022 "CT Light & Power 1994 Annual RepL" , CRLENJAK.R V. R 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/24 HAMPTONJW. Duke Power Co.

  • Northeast Unlibes Servce Co.
  • Yankee Atome Electrc Co.
  • Connectcut Yankee ,

3pp. 84095. 5.338. Atome Power Co.94/12/31. 43pp. 83803.12943803.179 <

         -.9605310071 Nobce of moiaton from map on 95C326 0429 Velaton noted:appropnate measures not estabhshed to assure correcten of adverse conditon to quahty to mad.                  P. Opereeng liconee state                      _ & corrompondence counte control of load hmet changes at piant
  • Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/24 1p. 84095-323 84095.323. 9500040335 Lir contracLmod 1 to task order 33.ewtondmg poned of performance of suote t task order from 950524 through 951231 at no addl cost or obhganon to
         -9505310076 Insp rects 50 269/9546.50-270/9546 & $0 287/9506 on 950326-                                  Govt to "lPE Rewsws. Intemal Events . Back-End Only "

l 0429.Volatons noted.Mapor areas mapected. plant operatons.mamt & survediance MACE.M Dwmen of Contracts (Post 940714). NRC 04-91468. 95/04/05.AFABLE.S. ! testmg SCIENTECH. inc. 2pp. 83759.28343759.284. I HARMON.P.E., CRLENJAK.R.V. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/24.1390. 84095.324 84095.338. 9500010043 Forwards memo from SR Mdler of YAEC to RD Pa00dm of VYNP. did l 950414.forwardmg " Vermont Yankee Core Shroud insp & Flow Evaluatens."

  • DORMAN.D H. Propect Drectorate k3 (PD13) (Post 941001). 95/04/20. Protect Direc-
Q, Ponodic operstmg reports & reisted corresponeonce torate k3 (PD13)(Post 941001) 53pp. 83714.24143714293.

1 I 9505030175 "Oconee Nuclear Staban Units 1 & 2 Annual Rachologmal Erwron Operat. 9600010136 Forwards GE rept. "Pnmary Structure Somme Analyse for Core l mg Rept 1994 a Snroud Evolunten." otd 1994 Ence withheld. ( HAMPTONJ W Duke Power Co.94/12/31.124pp. 8386106043861:183. TREMBLAY,LA. Vermont Yankee Nucieer Power Corp 95/04/21. Document Coritrol Brarch (Document Control Desk) 6pp. 83722:34743722.352. 9506050331 Annual radcactive effluent release rept br 1994 W/950426 Itr. HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co.94/12/31. 78pp. 8386226243862.339, 9509010120 Forwards rev 0 to GENE 423-A018-0295. "Duane Amold & Vermont Yankee Shroud Safety Assessment" & Draft Calculaton VYC-1364 " Vermont Yankee 9505 Forwards monthly operaung repts for Apr 1995 tar Oconee Nuclear Staban Cor law un p,, WEBER.R.L Duke Power Co. 95/05/15. Document Conwoi Brancti (Document Con- forate k3 (PD1-3) (Post 941001).1p 83753.02843753.249. trol Desk). 2pp. 8403915244039'169

                                                                                                               -9505010125 "Duane Amoed & Vermont Yankee Ahroud Sataty Assessment"
         -9505230273 Monthly operan repts for Apr 1995 for Oconee Nuclear Staten.                                 ELECTONA.E.O., CASILLASJL. RANGANATH.S. General Elecer Co. GENE 523-WILLIAMS.RA. Duke Power . 95/04/30.15pp. 6403915444039168.                                           A018 0295. 95/04/18. 36pp. 83753 02943753:063.
         -9505220274 Rowsed monthly operatmg status rept tor Mar 1995 for ONS.                                 -9505010130 " Vermont Yankee Core Shroud Flue Evaluation."
  • Duke Power Co.95/03/31.1p 84039.16944039-169.
  • Yankee Atome Electne Co. VYC.1364. 95/04/18. 226pp. 83753 05443753.249.

9504210293Genere Lir 9544 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power inactors S. Reportah6e occurrences. LERe & related correspondence re tmal deposrhon of SEP lessore.leamed neues ZtMMERMAN.R.P, Assocate Drector for Protects (ADpR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Consommd Mson Co. of h % inc.14pp W5M24 8375N 9505110042 PNO.el 95027:on 950504. plant shutdown m order to replace ruptured steam extracton hne expansen lomts meade main concenser. 9505000312 Genenc Ltr 92 02,Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all holders of OLs (except those b. CARROLLR. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/04.10. 83850 35943850:359 conses amended to possesen ordy status) or cps for nuclear power reactors to reac. l 9505240181 LER 95 002400n 950414. Unit 2 reactor inpped from 100% tuli power on RPS katune entcapatory tnp segnal due to generator lockoutCaused toy electrcal [yQNgN8' e Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19. Consohdated Edison Co. ct New York. trc.10pp. 84064 35244084.361. design defcaency Mod designed & rnpiemonted to replace trner W/950515 ter W!LKIE.LV, HAMPTONJW. Duke Power Co. 95/05/15. 7pp. 84082:00144082 007- 9505300430 h response to GL 9443. "GSCC of Core Shrouds e BWRs," in- i clutknD hahng of document provously transmitted to NRC whch form bass for ubi core shroud evaluatori & Rev 1 to " Vermont Yankee Core Shroud Flaw Evaluaten." V. Operator E . PELLETIER.J P. vermont Yarmee Nucmar Power Corp 95/05/24. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 4pp. 84141:04044141.236. 9505020122 Discusses 950418 teicon re arrangements made for NRC to mspect h-j eensed operator roquahtcaten program at piani dunng wk of 950515 -9505300433 Rev 1 to " Vermont Yankee Core Shroud Flaw Evaluaton

  • PEEBLIS.T.A. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/24. HAMPTON.J W. Duke Power Co
  • Yankee Atome Electnc Co. VYC 1364 Roi. 95/05/02. 247pp 84141:044-3pp. 83690.22443690.226. 84141.286.

Y. Dry Cask Independent Spent Fuel Storate instaisetsona O. Inspection reports. IE Sulletmo a c . . _ .e 9505020052 Forwards map rept 72 0004/9501 on 950327 28 No moiabons or dev* 9505010043 Forwards memo from SR Mdier of YAEC to RD Pagodin of VYNP. did I stens reted. 950414.forwardmg " Vermont Yankee Core Shroud Insp & Finw Evaeustions " CLINE.W E. Regen 2 (Post 820201), 95/04/20 HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. 3pp. DOHMAN,D H Protect Drectorate 4 3 (PD13)(Post 941001). 95/04/20. Protect Dwec. 83689 250 43689 260. torate b3 (PD13) (Post 941001). 53pp. 83714 24143714.293.

.. - -- . - - - --- - - ._x - - ~ _ . . - - - n. . _ - - --- . ~ _ _ .~- _ _ _ . . - - . 1 42 DOCKETEDITEMS l 9004190049 NRC Info Notco 95424. " Summary of Lcensed Operstar Requalifcanon 9606190319 LER 95009 00mn 950415.ECCS mtaten signal recewed due to rnproperty insp Program Fmdmgs." seated Rosemount slave tnp unit LT 2 3-72C. Slave inp urut LT 2 3-72C resented a GRIMES.B K. . 95/04/25. Consondated Esson Co. of New York. Inc. 12pp. post memi sestmp successfully completed W/9505151tr. 83757:00183757$12 WANC2YK.RJ vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 95/05/15. 7pp. 84048.330-84048 336. 9504210127 Genenc Lir 95 03 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re cocumferential crackmg of SG tubes. 9605240350 LkR 95010 00.on 950420.contmous fro watch was not mentamed for de-ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Progets (ADPR) (Poet 941001). 95/04/28. graced fire bamer penetration semis due to madequate admmetrative Conschdated Edman Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. 83757:013 83757C23. controls Remstalled enclosure tion witNn less one hour.W/950519 ftr WANC2YK.RJ Vermont Yankee Nuc6 ear Power Corp. 95/05/19 5pp. 64082:015-9505100072 Forwards insp rept 50 271/9S03 on 950206 0425.Noncned molations 84062:019. noted WIGGINS.J.T. Regen 1 (Post 8202011. 95/05/04. REID.D.A. Vermont Yankee Nucio- 9606240361 LER 9501100-on 950420.RPS MG set "B" culput tweaker inp occurred ar Power Corp. 3pp. 83953.14243953.197 due to setpoint dnft of overwonage relay Dip card Repieced over ottage relay W/ 950519 ler.

             -9806100002 Inso rept 50 271/9543 on 950206 0425.Nonened violatons noted Maior                        WANC2YK.R.J vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 95/05/19. 5pp. 64078:102-areas mapected:uti MOV Program oeveaoped m sosponse to GL 8910 " Safety Relat-                     84078.106.

ed MOV T & Surveellance " GREGG.H.L. LLY.E.M. Region 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/02. 53pp. 83953-145 9606240363 LER 95412 00:en 950421. number of stack radation samphn0 trams was 83953:197 less than recured by TS cue to power interuptortReviewed admmetratwo controts re bus doenergization & impact on TS equipment W/950519 ttr. 9905120062 Informs that 6nsp rept54271/9402 maued on950327 does not correctly WANC2YK.RJ. Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 95/05/19. 7pp. 84078:107 portray scope of map effort as compared w/sub; vept asued amo on 940729 84078 113. WIGGINSJT. Regen 1 (Post $20201). 95/05/05.REID.D.A. Vermont Yankee Nucle-af Power Corp. 3pp. 83870:171 43870.173. V. Operator Exammenene 9905180103 Notifcaton of segruncant bcensee meeting 95 47 w/util on 950522in King of Prussa.PA to docuss concems re suscm of safety related vanes.mcludm0 gansannan informs est Agen I we em toi pwtcipam m cham prnentahons com morey inescten valves e pressure to keensed operators & SROL instead.NRC will send certtcates drectly to facihtes. CON E R.J 1 (Post 820201). 95 /05. Repon 1 (Post 820201) App. WlGGINS.J.T. Retpon 1 (Post $20201). 95/05/01.REID.O.A. Vermont Yankoo Nucio-ar Power Corp. 2pp 83816.162-83816.163. 9606060171 NRC trdo Nohce 95025. " Valve FaAre Dunng Patient Treatment w/ I Nuclear Safety (Poet 870729). 95/05/11 DOCKET 50 272 SALEll NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION. UNIT 1 COOLD of & Conschdated Edmon Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 84007:182 44007.190. 9006240018 Forwards insp rept50 271/95 08 on 950417 21.Noncded woistons idenl> F. Security, medecal, emergency & fire protecten plans fed. JOYNER.J.H. Regson 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/13 REID.DA vermont Yankee Nuclear 9505150102 Revned EPIPs.mciueng Rev 7 to EPIP 2018 & Rev 29 to EPIP 204S. Power Corp. 3pp. 84020-030 84C20041.

  • Pubhc Serece Electnc & Gas Co, of New Jersey. 95/04/10. 79pp. 83972:170-83972.248.
            -9505240021 Insp rept50 271/9548 on 950417.21.Noncned woiations identfied.Maior areas . :-J , _ Leon of ragheton protechon program & radelogical controm                         9606180155 Forwards 950406 Itr from P McIntwo to JA Momm to actons taken by State ounng refuehno                                                                                     of NJ Otc of Emergency Mgt to remediate deficiency identfied by FC e at 940524 NICK.J., BORES.R.               1 (Post 820201). 95/05/13. Opp. 84020:03344020 041.                exerces at Artifcialisland.

JOYNERJH. R 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/06. EUASON.LR. Pubhc Servce Elec. 9505240201 Forwards insp rept 50 271/9549 on 95041014.No woistons noted. Inc & Gas Co. of Jersey. Spp.83952.30643952.310. MODES.M C. Region 1 (Post 820201L 95/05/15.REID.D.A. Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 3pp. 84022.26944022.279 9505240007 Revoed EPtPs.mcludmg rev 3 to EPIP 401 & rev 26 to EPtP. TOC. EOF.

  • Pubhc Serwce Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 95/05/12.10pp. 64069:349
            -9005240304 inso rept 54271/95 09 on 950410w14.No velatons noted. Mapor areas                          84060.358.

mapected mner radius of feedwater noulet BEARDSLEE.C.D., MODES.M C. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/09. 6pp. 84022.273- 95053e0023 Revned EPIPs.mciueng rev 15 to ECG ATT 1.rev 8 to ECG ATT 2 & 3.rev 64022.279. 7 to ECG A1( 4/ev 23 to ECG ATT 6.rev 22 to ECG ATT 7/ev 14 to ECG ATT 8.rev 21 to ECG ATT 9.rev 41 to ECG SECG Table of Contents & rev 3 to ECG Secton 13. 95053e0043 Rawned notifcaten of esgrufmant beenmee meetmg 95-47 wiutil on 950526

  • Pubhc Senace Elecinc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 95/05/21. 92pp. 64088 006-m Kmg of Prussia.PA re enforcement corderance to escuss concems related to past $4068.176.
                        ^ '; of safety < elated wahres CONT'EAJ. R                1 (Post 820201). 95/05/15. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 3pp.

6406713 .135. P. Opereeng usense stage f ts & corroependence 9505310043 Forwards map rept 50 271/95 06 on 950305 0422.No wotations noted. UNVILLEJC Region 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/22. REID.D. Vermont Yankee Nuclea, 9600020331 >=s uW cost benehcial hcenung actens processm maponse to W inwmm expressed dunno mcent won w/ PSE&G Board W Dimetors Power Corp. 3pp. 64095 07644095:102' EuASON.LR. Pubhc Serwes Esectnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey.95/04/19. Regen 1

            -9506310060Inso rept54271/95 06 on 950305 0422.No woiatens noted. Maior areas                                                                           " '
  • 9' "

mecoctea.operateris.mamtaurvenance, engmeenn0. plant supporLSA QV.bacastuft & [763 3' 763 9'

                                                            /05 23. 24pp. 64095.07944095102.                     9506010009 Forwards request for addl mfo on IPE sutmuttal for plant Uruts 1 & 2.Re.

R.J ogen Pos 20 tIuest te mtemal event at styse e iPE. mcludmg human reliatmity analysm & CPI pro-oram. DLSHAN.LN. Propect Drectorate k2 (PD12) Post 941001). 95/04/25 EUASON.LR. R Penedic opemang reporis & masted -.. Pubhc Serwce Eiectry: & Gas Co. of New Jersey.15pp 63693:34043693.354. 9505020044 " Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Staten Annual Radmio0 cal Envron Sur- 9504210293Genenc Ltr 95 04 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors vemance Rept Jar >Dec 1994

  • W/950428 ttr. re hnal deposton of SEP lessorm leamed usues.

TREMBLAY.LA. Vermont Yankee Nucsear Power Corp. 94/12/31. 94pp. 83761:166 ZIMMERMAN R P. Assocale Director for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/26. 83761.259. Conschanted Edison Co. of New Yorst. anc.14pp. 83757:02443757:037. 9605100253 Monthly operstmg rept for Apr 1995 for Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power 9505110064 Responds to NRC 940629 vefbes comments re uW amend request to m. Staten.W/950510 fir. crease trun required voi of fuel oil stored m 30.000 gallon esset tuel oil storace tanks WALUN.G.A., REID.D.A. Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 95/04/30. 6pp. HAGAN.JJ Pubhc Servme Enocine & Gas Co. of New Jersey 95/05/02. Document 64005.324 44005.329- Control Branch (Documerit Control Desk). 3pp. 83933.26543933.267 9505110141Apphcaton for amenos to hcenses DPR 70 & DPR.75 Amends would ehrm. S. Reportah6e occurmnoes. LERs & related corresponalence nate manual start recurement for aumhary FW HAGAN.J.J PutAc Senace Electne & Gas Co. of New Jersey 95/05/02. Documert 9905030454 LER 95 00440 on 950329.reper of inoperable utal pre bemer penetraten Control Branch (Document Control Desk) 6pp. 83936.20443936.220. fue seal was mcompleta. Caused by work control process telure.EstatAshed contnu. ous tre watch on one stoe of tre bemer W/950427 rir. -9805110144 Proposed toch specs re ehmmaten of manual start of auusiaey FW for WANC2YK.R.J. Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 95/04/27. 600. 83808.352 hcenses DPR.70 & DPR-7 63808.357.

  • Pubhc Servce Electnc & Gas Co of New Jersey. 95/05/02.11pp. 83936.210-83936.220.

9505130283 LER 95405 00on 950411. shutdown marpn test was not completed paar to conductmg contros rod dnve mant due to memterpretaton of TS.Revowed event 9505000170 Forwards amends 166 & 146 to bcennes DPR-70 & DPR-75 respectively & wiseruar mgt at omly plant managers meetmg W/950511 lir. safety evaluaten. Amends add new acten statement to TS *Posman inecat-WANCZYK.RJ Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 95/05/11. 5pp. 54048.319- mg Sys Operating." 64048 323. OLSMAN.LN. Protect Drectorate 12 (PD12) Post 941001). 95/05/03 EUASON.LR. Pubhc Senace Eiecinc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 3pp. 8385329243853 304-9605220199 LER 95 007 00 on 950414.pnmary centainment molation svs invahd actu-sten occurred due to personnel error when operator medvertenny opened creaker m -9606000172 Amends 166 & 146 to bconses DPR.70 & DPR.75.respectwely, addmg matrumore ac power supply lsolaton signals reset & SBGTS secured W/950512 ler new acton statement to TS 31.3.21. "Positen Indecatmg Sys Operstmg " WaNCZYK,RJ Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp 95/05/12. app. 64075.320 STOLZ.J F. Protect Drectorate b2 (PD12) Post b41001) 95/05/03. 8pp. 83853.295-84075 323 83653.302. t 4


  -950$090174 Safety evaluabon supportmg amends 166 & 148 to hcenses DPR-/0 &               R. Periodic operetmg reports & rotated corresponoence DPR-75,respectvely.

Ofte of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001). 95/05/03. 2pp. 63853 333- 9505040192 "1994 Annual Environ Operanng Rept (Non.Raeologcal).Jan through Dec 1994 " W/950428 lir. J ' 9505090269 Forwards SE authorasng use of porten of 1992 Editon of ASME Code sec- [3f1 .316' c XI re use of automats (machmel Gas Tungston Arc W process for plant

     'hSHAN.LN. Protect Drectorate 12 (PD12) Post 941001t 95/0 /03 ELIASON.L                        R.

9505050075,'Radmiogmal Environ Morutonng Program 1994 Annual Radclogsal Envi-Pubic Senace Electre & Gas Cc. of New Jersey. 3pp. 83853 34943853.354. ron Operaung Rept aan-Dec 1994 W/950428 Itr.

  -9505090271 Safety evaluahon authorasng proposed attomative weed process.

R Pubi c ' *" *k J ' *V " 8

  • Othce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten (Post 94.001) 95/05/03. 3pp. 83853.352-g 3 3863' 63 638W54. 9505040176 "New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elmnaton Sys Dsccharge Morutonng Repts " W/950421 nr.

9505110000 Forwards util plan re asue rngt & pnontmed actions to be taken to actweve SUMMERSJ.C. Pubhc Servce Electnc & Gas Co of New Jersey. 95/03/31. sigtsfcant riear term & sustamed long term enprovements m opershonal performance. CAPORALE.G. New Jersey. State of.19pp. 83645:04543845:051. EllASONLR. Pteic Senace Electne & Gas Co of New Jersey. 95/05/03 MARTIN.T.T. Regen 1 (Post 820S01). 2pp. 8393223043932:310. 9505180218 PHILLIPS.R. Monthly SUMMER operati7 reptSennce

                                                                                                                             $J Pubic   for Apr 1995 Electrefor&Salem Gas Co.Urut 1 W/ Jersey.

of New 95051295/ttr.

  -4505110086 "NBU lasue Mgt & Pnontmed Acton Plan." dtd May 1995.                            04/30.13pp 64E31344007325
  • Pubic Servce Electnc a Gas Co. of New Jersey 95/05/31. 86pp. 83932.232 9505240245 Forwards corrected discharge morutonng rept tor Feb 1995 for Salem Gen-9505120091 fnforms that950407 request that nestenal effectveness assessment erstmg Staten.correenng effluent not values for temp for both escharges rept be withheld from pubhc disclosure.per i 2 790, granted. SUtiMERS).C. Pubic Servce E6ectnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 95/05/09 WHITEJ.R Regon 1 l Post 820201). 95/05/04 EUASON.LR. Pubic Serwce Electre CAFDRALE.G. New Jersey. State of. 3pp. 64072.35144072.357.
      & G4s Co. of New Jersey. 3pp. 63870.35643870:358
                                                                                            -9505240251 Corrected encharge morntonng rept for Feb 1995 for Salem Generating 9505220180 Appicaton for amend to bconse DPR-70.revismg TS 3/4 6.1.2. h                    Staton.

ment Leakage" to request extenson until next refuehng outage. scheduled to start m ALLEN.R.M . SUMMERS.J.C. Pubic Servce Eiectne & Gas Co. of New Jersey 95/ refueh outage. 02/26. App. 64072.35444072.357 1 Sept 1995 to MAGANJJ. facditate Pubic testmg Servce dunng & Gas . of New Jersey 95/05/04. Document Electnc I Control Branch (Document Control Desk). Sop.64039.211 44039221. 1

   -9505220181 Proposed tech sDecs 3/4 61.2. "Contamment teaksae."
  • Puble Senace Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 95/05/64 Spp. 64039.219- 9505020319Irdorms of review of NRC accident seguence precursor analysas re940407 84039.221. reactor tnp & safety mpacton at facihty EOPs used during 940407 event encl.

HAGAN.JJ. Pubhc Sennce Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey 95/04/2t Document l 9505190379 Forwards safety evaluation concludmg that weldmo of SA 351. Grade ContrW Branch (Document Control Desk).1p. 83767.25743767.301. CD4MCu mati for svc water pumps at plant autnorned.per 10CFR50.55ataH3)l0 OLF 4AN.LN. Propect Directorate 1-3 (PD13) (Post 941001). 95/05/05. ELtASON.L R. -9505020322 Rev 11 M EOP 1-EOP-TRIP 1. " Reactor Tnp or Safety inpocton " Pttw Sennce Elecmc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. App.83991.27243991278 BEA1 TIE.1 Pubhc Servce Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey 95/02/16 15pp-

                                                                                                      '                 O l   -9505190360 Safety evaluabon conchadmg that weldmo of SA-351. Grade CD4MCu matl for svc water pumps at plant authorned.per 10CFR5655a(a)(3HO                         -9505020324 Rev 12 to EOP 1-EOP. TRIP-2. " Reactor Tnp Response."
  • Ottee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001). 95/05/05. 3pp. 83991.27tk BEATTIEJ Pubic Servce Electre & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 95/02/16. 13pp.

8399L276 83761 276 83767291. 9505230210 Documents proposed revs to schedules for sutmital of Salem & Hope -9505020326 Rev 10 to EOP 1 EOP TRIP 3. " Safety insecton Termmatiort? LA U E as of ew Jersey. 95/05/11. Document g3 Em & h M W % m. Wm W NN l Control Branch (Document Control Desk) 3pp. 84049.34544049 347. '333' 9505090312 Genenc Lt 9242.Rev 1,$uppi 1 to all holders of OLs (except those 6 9505090252 LER 95 005-00 on occurrences noted that revealed hft set-conses amenood to possesen only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors :o reac- ungs of pressunzer com safety vales on teth units out of recuemd misanceW sup-piemonted rept w/resutts of vendor conducted root cause W/950428 lir. im vessel smm-tural integnty PAS J . SUMMERS.J C. Pubhc Senace Eiectnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 95/ I ZIMMERMAN.R P. Associate Director for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19 04/28. 7pp 83924 02543924 031 l Consokdated Edeson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. 84084.35244084:361. 9505260026 Informs that request for withholdmg mfo from pubhc disclosure of Inde. 9505310220 Forwards LER 95-004 re use of 10 contamment air temp pomts to deter-I F j ecnncal lasuo investigation Rept. plant uruts 1 & 2. granted (ref ME Pubhc lectrc Gas Co. of New Jersey 95/05/18. Docu. l WHITE.J R. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/19 ELIASON.LR. Pubhc Servce ~iectnc 'nent Control Branen (Document Control Dest).1p. 64162.056-84162Mt

       & Gas Co of New Jersey app.64062-080 84062:083
                                                                                            -9505310243 LER 95 004 00 on 790515.used ten contamment air temp pomts to deter-mme pnmary               containment     everage    air     temp Caused     by    mgt/QA Q. Mspecten reports,IE Bunetans & correspondence                                           deteceency implememea procedure revs to sabs S SR PASTV A.M.J Pubhc Sennce Electnc & Gas . of Mir Jersey 95/05/14 app.

841 2 62m 9505120167 EN-95 022 on 950411 nonce of volation & proposed civu penatty m amount of $80.000 will be issued to utal. based on mveshganon conducted Othce of Irwes Dons & enforcement conference conducted between staff & GM- . E Opwaw Esannahons l SAT US,M., LE BERMAN.J Otc of Entorcement (Post 8704131. 95/04/06. 10 l 83871.209 4 3871.209. I 9505090036 informs that Regen I will no longer partcapate en certificate presentatens 9505120180 EN-95 021:on 950411.notce of voiston & proposed impositen of cuil pen. to heensed operutors & SROs. Instead.NRC will send certifcates directly to facekties arty m the amount of 580.000 assued to beensee.Accon based on mvest gaton by OtG WIGGINS.J T. Region 1 (Post 82C201). 95/05/01. ELLASON.LR Pubic Sennce E. loc.

        & consests of Seventy Level 2 volation for harassment & mtmedaten.                     Inc & Gas Co of New Jersey. 2pp 83816-152 83816153 SATORIUS.M., LIEBERMAN J. Otc of Enforcement (Post 870413). 95/04/06.1p 83871 221 43871 221.                                                                 9505100171 Forwards both forms of exam. answer keys gradm0 results & mdwdua!

answer sheet for950405GFES of enam admirustered to tweeve meviduals.mdviduals , 9504190049 NRC Info Notre 95 024. " Summary of Lcensed Opstator Requahtcaten passed exam W/o encl. j ensp Program Fmengs." MEYER.G W. Region 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/02 ORTICELLE.A Pubhc Sennce Elec-GRIMES.B K . 95/04/25. Consohdated Esson Co of New York. Inc 12pp trc & Gas Co of New Jersey. 2pp. 83828249-83828 250. 43757:001 83757 012 I 9505030016 Notrhcaten of signifcant hcensee mechng 95-42 w/util on950601 lo dis. DOCKET 50 274 U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCN REACTOR r cuss apparent velabon of 10CFR50. App B. erwolving snaceouate rneasures WHITE.J R. Regeon 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/27. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 2pp. 83720 0454372v 046 F. Securtty, medical, emergency a fire protectson plans l [ 9504210127 Genenc Lir 95 03 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re circumfererital 9505180510 Forwards Rev Vil to physcal security plan for USGS TRIGA Reactor MA R Associate Director for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28 Consoldated E* son Co. of New vork. Inc. I tpp.83757.013-83757:023 h'hE ene. Dept of. Geological W 95/05/08 COLLINS.S.J. Region 4 (Post 820201). 2pp. 84015.34444015.345 9505180012 Responds to NRC 950411 Itr to volatens noted in map of hcenses DPR-70 ciens nw ugat , mgt review appr ate su DOCKET 50 276 DIABLO CANYON NUCLEAR POWER PLANT. UNIT 1 Dons takert. EUASON.LR Pubhc Servce Electre & Gas Co of New Jersey 95/05/10 Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk).10pp. 84007.33344007.342. F. Security, medical, emergency & fare protection plans 9505050171 NRC Into Notre 95 025. "Vaive Fa'ure Dunng Patent Treatment w/ 9505050057Forwaros map repts50 275/95-03 & $0-323/95-03 on 950327 31.No vola-Gamma Sterectache Radesurgery Urut " tons noted COOL.D A Owesen of Industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. GWYNN.T.P Regen 4 (Post 820201) 95/05/01 RUEGER.G M Pacife Gas & Elec-Consohdated Emsor' Co. of New York,Inc. 9pp. 84007.18244007190. Inc Co. $pp.83758 175-83758 194


 -9505050084 inso repts 50$275/95 03 & $0 323/9503 on 950327 31.No volatens                    9505110200 Forwards SE dermng utd 940315 & 0525 reouests for exempton from noted Masar areas mapects*mpementanon of fire proteeten program                                tectmcal recurements of Secten illJ of App R to 10CFR50 re emergency lightmg ANG.W P. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/04/27.15pp. 83758-180-83758194.                             ursts w/8 h Dsttery power supply.

ADENSAM.E G . 95/05/05. RUEGER.G M Pacdc Gas & Elecinc Co. app 9505110209 Forwards SE denying util 940315 & 0525 requests for exempton from 83936.337 43936.345. techncal recurements of Secten lilJ of App R to 10CFR50 re emergency bghtmg uruts w/84 battery power supply 9505110287 Safety evaluaten deryng beermee request for deviaten from Secton lit) ADENSAM.E.G 95/05/05. RUEGEA,G.M. Pacife Gas & Electnc Co. 4pp. of App R to 10CFR50 re eme ncy hghtmg uruts w/8+ battery power supply 83936:337 43936:.345.

  • Othee of Nuclear Reactor ulabon (Post 941001). 95/05/05 Sop. 83936 341-83936.345.
 -9505110287 Safety evaluation             bcensee request for devration from Secten 111) of App R to 10CFR50 re emergency             uruts w/8* battery power s@ pay                $505180434 Advmes that util will implemorst acten plan to matall battery 4perated hghts
  • Ottee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton ( ost 941001). 95/05/05. $pp. 83936.341- m access & egress pathways as expedmously as possese to provee full comphance 63938.345. w/ App R recurements.

RUEGER.G M Pacifc Gas & Elecinc Co 95/05/09 Document Control Branch (Doc # 9505310098 Forwa ds request for exempton to 10CFR73.55 anowm0 contractors to ment Control Desk). 2pp 83991:359-83991 360. take hadge offsite estead of retumsng badge when exiting protected areas.Enct with-held. 950b090312 Generc Lir 92 02.Rev 1, Suppl 1 to att holoers of OLs (except those in FUJIMOTO,W H. Paofc Gas & Electne Co 95/05/05. Document Control Branch conses amended to possesson.orwy status) or cps for rauclear power reactors to reac-(Document Control Desk) 1p. 84162.25744162257. tar vessee structural meegnty. ZIMMERMAN.R P. Associate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19. 9505180434Advmes that ubt we nnpiement acton pian to mstall battery operated hghts Consondated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. topp 84084 352 44084 361. ri access & ogress pathways as expoetously as possitne to provute fun compha ce w/ App R recurements. RUEGER.G.M. Pacite Gas & Electne Co. 95/05/09. Document Control Branch (Docu. a inspection reports, IE Bulletine & correspondence ment Control Desk). 2pp. 83991:35943991.360 9504190049 NRC Info Nonce 95424. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requakfcanon Adluecaton consponduce gggg, mF. /25. Cormohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 12pp. 83757:001 43757 012. 9505010157Partel sadh response to FOIA request for documents. Forwards App L mfo made avadabe to PDA 95050300$$ Forwards copy of ttr sert to att Regon IV power reactor iconsees re re. PCdLL,RA Dween of Freedom of information & Pubhcatons Servces (Post surts of NRC revow of Svc water sys self-assessment performed by weit as 94L a4). 94/12/06 SAPORITO.T.J. Saporno T L 2pp. 83834 00543334135, NRC specist map of segrutcant safety maue scenubed oy assessment. GWYNN.T.P. Hegon 4 (Post 820201). 95/04/25. PATTERSON.T.L Omaha Pubbe

 -8904190092 Forwards most recent status repts of pettons sutmtted po'                            Power Distnct 3pp. 83720:28143720285.

10CFR2.206. CHANDLER.LJ Assistant General Counsel for Enforcement.89/04/04.MURLEY.T.E. -9M5030072 Fawards two rap repts each documet results W NRC revow of seek Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 870411), 4pp 83834.017* assessment pertormed by util at plant.a4 was as NRC specal map of sigmfcant safety 83834.020. maus utentded by uti sell - .u.LW/c e icts.

 -4904190115 Forwards most recent status rept of petitons suterted per 10CFR2206.                 f,,     NJP ip 83         5 837 28 ~

C>tANDLER.LJ. Assistant General Counsel for Enforcement.89/02/02.MURLEY.T E. Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Director (Post 870411). 6pp. 83834 011- 9504210127 Geenc Lt 9503 m an holders of OLs or cps fm PWRs re crcumferental 83834:016. craciung of SG t>&ss

 -4908280188 Forwards status rept on petitons under 10CFR2.206.                                   IIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocante Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001 A 95/04/28.

Consohdated Eeson Co. c4 New York, trc.11pp B3757$1343757 023. GOLDBERGJ.R Offee of the General Counsee (Post $60701). 89/08/02 MURLE .T ce of Nuclear Reactor Regulanon, Drector (Post 870411). 5pp. 9505030049 Forwards rap repts 50 275/9506 & 50-323/9546 on 950219 0401 & NOV Volanon of concem because a demonstrate lacs of sensituny by staff to proce. assi comphance

 -8912040009 Forwards status rept on petmans under 10CFR2.206.Rept ksts petmons peneng before NMSS NRR & Imel decelons by erectors poneng before Commasen
                                                                                                           ^                  s       M 95 W28 RUEGER.G.M. Pactic Gas & Elecinc 8 20             O GOLDBERGJ.R Deputy Asamtant General Counsel for Enforcement. 89/10/02 MURLEY.T E. Oftce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton. Drector (Post 870411). Spp.                 -9505030058Nohce of velaami from mso on 950219 0401 Venaten reted tcensee oc-ersted sealed Valve Sh2 89208 w/o documented authonraton or stutt foreman ap-83834$3583834t39.                                                                              proval.
 -4912040010 Forwards status rept on petmons under 10CFR2.206.Rept hsts pettons
  • Regeon 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/28. 2pp 83720-19743720-198.

before NMSS.NRR & Imal decmions by duectors pendm0 before Commessen rmted Maior areas repectad operatonal safety venicaton. pent GOLDBERGJR Othee of the General Counsel (Post 860701). 89/11/02 mantenance.surveshance otmenrators, onene engmeermg.paant support actwnes. MURLEY.T.E. Ofbce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten. Drector (Poet 870411). 5pp. 83834 940 83834 044. CHAMBERLAIN.D. Region 4 (Post 820201L 95/04/24. 35pp. 83720'199-83720:233.

 -8912040012 Forwards status rept on peatens under 10CFR2.206 Rept hsts petmons                9505050057 Forwards insp repts50-275/95 03 & $0-323/9503 on 950327 31.No vois-poneng before NMSS.NRR & tmal decisons by crectors poneng before Commason                      tons noted.
   & courts.                                                                                      GWYNN.T.P. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/01. RUEGER.G M. Pacife Gas & Elec.

GOLDBERGJ R Offee of the General Counsei (Post 860701) 89/09/07. tre Co 5pp. 83758.17543758.194. MURLEY.T.E Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 870411). 6pp. 83834-029 83834 S34 -9505050064 Inso repts 50-275/9543 & 50 323/95-03 on 950327 31.No violabons noted.Mapor areas risoected amplementation of fra protection program. I ANG.W.P. Regen 4 (Post 820201) 95/04/27.15pp. 8375818043758.194  ; K. Utilitll Final Safety Analyses Report (FSAR) & amends , 9505100039 Respcods to NRC RAI re NRC map repts 50-275/95 01 4 50 323/9501 i 9505110107 Rev 10 to updated FSAR for Diat40 Canyon Uruts 1 & 2 W/ 950427 n, on 950302 re compsebon of utii test program for Movs WOMACH.L F. Pacdc Gas & Electnc Co 95/05/31. 2.480pp. 83958.00143962 296 RUEGER.G M Pacifc Gas & Electnc Co 95/05/05. Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk). 8pp 8387327543873 282. 9505190019 insp repts 50-275/9507 8 50-323/9507 cancelled P. Operating bcense state " &_ GWYNN.T P Regen 4 (Post 820201) 95/05/05 Pacdc Gas & Electnc Co app 9505020202Sutwnsts response to RAl on heense amend request 9445 re reiocaten of seiected 3/4 7 Pacifc TS perGas NRC imal polcy statement & NUREG 9505190231 Forwards map plans for piant m preparahan for map & encorporaten of 24 WOM ACK.L.F. & Electnc Co. 95/04/25. Document Co 143l'ntrol Branch (Docu" ment Control Desk).14pp. 8376328843763.303. mo,n,th,,SALP

                                                                                                  ,,        ,f%     pe,n,od 9,an, ,, end, i,ng o,n960831.pnsps pnmar4y mandatory core & safety rutia-9-04-9 Fo,.a,ds , est , se in,o on slave ,e., ,eso,e.ency e, tension eu,                         g',y,'s5g;j3r5n'42omm 95,o$,08 RuEGER.G M. Pacife Gas & elecinc piant.Urute 1 & 2.

M R A. 95/04/27. RUEGER.G M. Pacifc Gas & Electnc Co. 6pp. 83751.348- 9505050171 95 NRC IntoRadosi Gamena Sie,eoiacic Notco,9e,,025. Une " Valve Fa4ure Dunng Patent Treatment w/ COOL.DA Divisen of industnal & Mescal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729) 95/05/11 9504210293Genere Ltr 9544 to all holders of OLS or cps for nuclear power reactors Cons 2 dated Esson Ca of New M, Inc. 9pp. 84E182440072 re finsi esposmon of SEP 6essons-leamed usues. 21MMERMAN.R P. Assocate Dwector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001) 95/04/28 9505230298 Forwards response to NRC950417Itr te violabons rioted m map repts 50-Connohoated Eeson Co. of New York km. topp 83757:02443757 037. 275/95-02 & 50-323/95 02 on 9501084218 Correctwo actons. performed compete S

  • 9505050142 Advmes that ubt 950301 proposed rev to FSAR update.cfmpter 17 whch reluded proposed chan0e to OA program descripten. salar to920921 submrttal & Rb *c*f *' 'as *S'"E ment Control Deskt opp. 84m33044M333.

9 Docw'ent Control Be h does not provide sufficent justthcahon for addl reinf. Request not approved GWYNN.T.P Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/04/28. RUEGER,G.M. Pacits Gas & Elec-inc Co 7pp. 83759 036-83759 042 R w ope mpons & mW corresponde r 9505110260 Summary of950418 meetmg w/util m Rockv41e.MD re plans for extended l tuel cycaes.Let et attendees & presentabon handouts enet. 9505030227 "Diablo Canyon Power Plant 1994 Annual Ramosctwo Efttuent Release i MILLER.M A . 95/05/02. NRC No Detained Aft 4mnon Gwen. 44pp 83938 09 5 Rept .lan-Dec ip94." W/950427 ttr. 83938.13C FUJIMOTO.W H Pacifc Gas & Esectnc Co. 94/12/31. 200pp. 83836:012-83836.361. ( t l

DOCKETED ITEMS 45 9006030266 "1994 Annual Raeologcol Erwron Operstmg Rept Dabio Canyon Power 9504210293 Generc Lir 95 04 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors Plant." W/950427 Itr. re fmat empoonion of SEP isssons leamed mauss. ONGA. GEDNEY,EA, WOMACK,LF. Pacdc Gas & Electnc Co. 94/12/31.100pp. ZIMMERMAN,R.P. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. 83795:113 43795.296. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New Yorit,Inc.14pp. 03757:024 4 3757:037 9505110163 " Annual Nonraeolopcal Erwron Operalms Rept Debio Canyon Power 9500040300 Nonfmahon of 950503 meetm0 w/utd m Delta,PA to escuss maues te de-Plant." W/950428 Itr. graded voi relay requwements n proposed improved TSs FUJIMOTO.W.H. Pacdc Gas & Electnc Co.94/12/31.14pp. 83936:30443936:317. SHEAJ W. Drectorate F2 (PD1-2) Post 941001L 95/04/28. RUSSELL.W., MIRAGLIA,F., MADANIA NRC . No Detaasd Affilmbon Gwen. 4pp 83756.355-9606100119 "Frst Quaner 1996 Rept on Dscharge Monttonn0 at Deblo Canyon Power $3756:359. Peart" W/950419 nr. FUJIMOTO.W H. Pacdc Gas & Elecoc Co.95/03/31. BRIGGS R.W. Caktoms. State 9606110386 Nobhos that TS change request 9415,200/202. "HPCI Testng." has been of.100pp. 63906:24643906.341- unoiemonted. EDWARDS,G.D. PECO Energy Co., (formerly Phdadelptus Electne Co) 95/05/01. 9006230100 Monthly operstmg repts for Apr 1995 tar Debio Canyon Uruts 1 & 2 W/ Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 8394217343942:174. 950512 tir. EUBANK.T., ST1PICFVtCH.J., FUJIMOTO.W.H. Paede Gas & Electne Co. 95/04/3a 13pp. 64039.12644039.138. 9505000348 Notifcation of 950531 meetmg w/PECO Energy Co in North Bethesda,MD to escuss status of bconsmg moves at plants. SHEA.J w. Pro,ect Drectorate F2 (PD12) Post 941001). 95/05/03 STOLZJF. g g,,,,,,,, ggg, g g Propect Drectorate 1-2 (PD12) Post 941001k 5pp. 8385612643856130. 9006230013 PNO N44 061:en 941206.uhl announced moreement on new pian to

                                                                                        ""           " cone,, rung e              T reduce pnce of power produced by piantleensee conenang to evali.41e possibis or-         SMEA.J W.             Drectorate 42 (PD1-2) Post 941001L 95/05/04. RUSSELL.W.,

gamatsonal che to phance ethcency & eneenveness- MIRAGLIA.F., HADANIA NRC + No Detaned Athleton Gwert Spp. 83936.318 Repon 4 (Post 20201L 94/12/07.1p. 54001:076 44001:076- 83936.322 9006100142 PNOIV44082:en 941214.esturbance on 500 KV detnbuhon sys resulted 9506150036 Forwards uti response to NRC Queshons on Seckons 3 6 & 3.7 re request in reactor 1rps at plant. Caused by RCP bus undervoltage on 12 KV busees.DG 13 to TS to improved TS as contamed m NUREG-1433 "STS. General Electne doctored snoperable tunsw m Piants. R/4 " KIRSCH.D., COR .D. Regen 4 820201). 94/12/14. 3pp. 83952:292* HUNGER.GiPECO Energy Co., Ptvledelpha Electne Co195/05/04. Doc-838622 " ' ument Control Branch (Document 23pp. 83898-18343890.201. 9805100122 PNO.N44462Aon 941214. reactor inpped at plant due to RCP bus under-voltage on 12 kV buses of 500 kV distnbuten sysUni to rutate & complete cleaning 9606160049 Forwards utd fesponse to addl guestons on Sectons 20. 31.3 4,4 3.5 re

  & mmo process on 941220 Stats ot CA noched.                                              request to change TS to improved TS as contamed m NUREG 1433 STS.GE KR             CORPORANDY,D. Regson 4 (Post 820201). 94/12/19. 2pp. 83952 205-U[GfR         PECO Energy Co (f           Ptviedesprus Electne Col 95/05/04 Doc-ument Control Branch (Document Control          A 16pp. 03090.228 83696.243.

9606100117 PNChlV-94463. earthquake occumed approm 50 miles from punt sde. Actuated sne Torvatsch somme morutor.No derrmge or miunos reported oft 9006150032 Doctoses utH submsttal of TSs Change Request 9316.wtuch requested one Lcensee implemomed pro 0 ram for eartneuake response. State of CA rWormed. changes to App A of faceny bconne for plant Forwards mio provided cunng950410 KIRSCH.D CORPORANDY,0. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 94/12/20,1p. 63952.198- con *ence can. 83952:196. HUNGER.G A. PECO Energy Co (t Phda&Wpha Electne Col 95/05/08. Doc. ument Control Bronch (Document Control b 9pp. 83696:17043898.178 9005100003 PNO 4V45401-on 950131. plant identhod that util had been evaluabne po' tental vulneratukty to SSPS power supphes to NRC rescent mapectors. Caused by 9006100306 Apphcahon for amend to hcenses DPR-44 & DPR 56.consistmg of change ans of ponental steam kne break pee wfup.Regson IV has been facehod. request 93-16 re corwerson of current PBAPS TS to unproved TS KIR .D., MILLER.M., TSCHILTZ,M. Repon 4 (Post 620201). 95/02/02. 2pp. HUNGER.G.A PECO Energy Co., Phdadelpha Electnc Co.) 95/05/09. Doc-63951.246 43951.247. ument Control Branch (Document ). 7pp. 83977.346-83977;358. 9805280033 LER 9540400:on 950411.descovered that calculanon used to determme 9506150300 Proposed Tech Specs.consmeng of change request 9316 re corwersion EFPYs for TS apphcatniny of 342&34-3mearrect. Caused by programmanc of current PBAPS TS to improved TS. defooney & personnes errors. evaluahon issued.W/960500 ler.

  • PECO Energy Co.. (formerly Phdadelpha Electnc Col 95/05/09. 6pp. 83977:353-BEHNKE.D.H., RUEGER,G M Pacshe s & Electnc Co. 95/05/0e. 7pp. e4078.127- 93977.356.

64070 133. 9506100000 Notificaten of 950516 meetm0 w/uti e North Betheeds.MD to rl=* NRC review of propoemd LPRM calibt meervais V. Operator Emanmestiene SHEA.J W. Pro #ect Drectorate 12 (PD1-2) Post 341001k 95/05/09. STOLZJF. Propect Drectorale b2 (PD12) Post 941001L dpp. 83il79.32043979.323. 9600000017 Forwards copy of master exam to Genanc Fundamentals Exam Sechon of wrmen operator hcensing exam.W/c enci. 9406190003 Summary of 950512 meetmg w/util re revow of uni apphcoton to adopt GWYNN.T P. Re9 son 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/02. Pacihc Gas & Electne Co. 2pp. improved TSs.Let of attendees & handouts enct 83758:054 4 3758.055. SHEAJ W. Protect Directorate k2 ( ) Post 941001) 95/05/12. Protect Drector-ate b2 (PD1,2) Post 941001) 17pp. 83964.01543964S31 DOCKET $0-277 PEACH 90T7000 ATOt00C POWER STATION, Utilf 2 9605300139 Forwards rionce of consideremon of msuance of amends to hcenses DPR- I 44 & DPR 56 & proposed NSHC determmenon & coportumty for heenn0 Amends rep-resent fut convermon from current TS to set of TS based on NUREG 1433. F. Securtty, medicei, emergency a fire protection plans SHEA).W. Propect Drectorate 02 (PD12) Post 941001). 95/05/12 HUNGER.G A. j PECO Energy Co.. (formerly Phdadelphe Electnc Co4 3pp. 64090.27144090:263. 9006110274 Revised emergency response procedures (ERP),metueng Rev 11 to ERP-600, " Personnel Safety Team Leader (PSTL)" & Rev 9 to ERP420, " Plant Survey ~9906260146 Nonce of consderation of msuance of amends to hcenses DPR44 & Group

  • W/950503 Itr. OPR 56 & proposed NSHC determmation & opporiurwty for heann0. Amends represent HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co (formerly Phdadelphe Electnc Col 95/05/03 fusi converman from current TS to set of TS based on NUREG.1433 50pp. 63933:14543933.202. MORAh!.D.H. Prosect Dractorate B 2 (PD1-2) Post 941001). 95/05/12. 11pp.

84090.274 64090.263. 9505150051 Forwards Rev e to " Upgraded EALs." based on methodology outhned in NUMARC/NESP.007. 9606190329 Natificaten of 950522 meegn0 w/uld m North Bethesda.MD to escuss HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co.,(t Phdadelphe Electne Col 95/05/04. Doc- revow of uni wnproved TS apphcaten & proposed new P/T hmit root. ument Control Branch (Document Control ). 3pp, 64137.00144137.324. SHEAJW. Pro #ect Drectorate b2 (PD1-2) Post 9410010 95/05/16 STOL24F. Protect Drectorate 12 (PD1-2) Post 941001). App. 83988.210-63988,213.

    ' PECO Energy Co (tormany Phdadespha Electne Col 95/04/26. 321pp. 64137 004-         9505240127 Forwards amends 201 & 204 to beennes DPR44 & DPR-66 & SE. Amenos 64137.324.                                                                              Implement snubber functonal test survedlance mterval of 24 monms.

SHEA.J W. Protect Drectorate b2 (PD12) Post 911001). 95/05/16. HUNGER.G.A. 9806100505Revened emergency response procedures (ERP).mcludmg Rev 10 to ERP- PECO Energy Co., (formony Phdade8pha Electnc Co ). 3pp. 64059.20144059.214. 130.Rev 3 to App 1 of ERP 410.Rev 0 to App 2 of ERP 410 & Rev 6 to ERP 640 W/

                                                                                         -9506240133 Amends 201 & 204 to hcenses DPR-44 & DPR.56,respectively, imple+

950510 HUNGER.GItr .A PECO Energy Co., (formerly PhdadelpNa Elecinc Col 95/05/10 ene snubeer functional test survedience vuorval of 24 months 29pp. 84031:334 44031'361. ST .F. Propect Drectorate b2 (PD1-2) Post 941001) 95/05/16. 8pp 64059.204 64059.211. L Fmenclai information -9506240140 Safety evaluaten supporimg amends 201 & 204 to hcenses DPR-44 & DPR.56.respectively 9606100017 "PECO Energy Co 1994 Annual Rept." W /950512 Itr.

  • Offee c4 Nuclear Reactor Regulabon (Post 941001). 95/05/16. 3pp. 64059.212+

PAOUETTEJ F., HUNGER.G.A PECO Energy Co., (formerly Philadelphe Electnc 64059.214. Co4 94/12/31. 46pp 64024.302 64024.353. 9605200190 Rev A to TSCR 9316 re converson to improved TSs as contamed m NUREG 1433 P. Operaung bcense stage ~~-- a & correepeneence HUNGER.G A. PECO Energy Co.. (forme PtuladelpNa Electne Co) 95/05/16. Doc-ument Control Branch (Document Controi ). 25pp. 64134:001 44136:031. 9505230006 Comment supportmg proposed GL, " Pressure Lockmg & Thermal Smdmg of Eatety-Related Power. Operated Gate Valves" -96062601es Proposed tech specs re conversion of improved TSs as contamed m HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co.. (formerly Phdadelches Electnc Col 95/04/26. NUREG-1433. MEYER.DL Rules & Drectives Review Branch (Post 920323t 3pp. 64001.326- ' PECO Energy Co.,(formefly PNiadelphe Electnc Co ) 95/05/16. 732pp. 64134:026 64001.330. 64136.031. 1 i

. , - - . _ ____m__, _ _ _. _ - . _ _ _.m_.. _ ~ _ _ . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - .__ l 46 DOCKETEDITEMS

                                                                                                              -9906030004 Insp repts 50-277/95 07 & 50 278/95 07 on 95030609 & 0323.No vela-9606000312 Genere Ltr 9242 Rev 1.Suppt i to all holders of OLs (except those 6 tons noted Mesor areas mapected:Icensed operator requakfcaten trenung program.

conses amended to piesseomrwonly status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac- SISCO.C., ME YER.G W. Regen 1 (Post $20201). 95/04/22. 6pp. 63721:133-for vessei structwai mingnty. 63721:138. ZIMMERMAN.R P. A==to Drector for Pro,ects (ADPR) (Poet 941001). 95/05/19 , Coisohdated Edison Co. of New Yorm,Inc.10pp. 64064.35244064.361. 9505000106 informs that Roomn I can rio longer partcipate m certiteate presentatens to acensed operator & Ssto.Unt rnst encouraged to connnue ottorts to recognrze on. 1 9s05310146 Raouests approval to reduce GL.es41 actons by elmunstmo snaps of portance to safety regured to otAs n reactor operator bconse. RWCU sys wetos outboard of . contamment moisson vakes. WIGGINS.J T. Regen 1 (Post 620201). 95/05/01. SMr7H.D.M. PECO Energy Co., HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Phdadelptus Elecinc Col 95/05/24. Doc- (formerly Ptuladesprue Electnc Co.). 2pp. 83817-15843817:159. J. 3pp. 64163.23244163.234 ument Control Branen (Document 9505100112 Forwards both forms of exams.oradmg reeufts & inevidual answer sheet to 950405 GFE secton of wntten operstar iconsm0 examOne ineviduni admrustered Q. Inspect 6en reports, IE Bulletins 4 . _ exam & passed examW/o encl. STANKIEWICZJ. PECO Energy - MEYER.G.W. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/03. 9500030000 Forwards map repts 50-277/9507 & 54276/9547 on 95030s,09 & Co.. (formerty Plutadelptua Electnc Col 2pp. 63828.23083626.231. 0323 No veistons noted MEYER.G.W. Repon 1 (Post 820201) 95/04/22 SMITH.D M. PECO Energy Co.. (for-merly Ptendolprma Elecmc Col 3pp. 83721:13043721:138 DOCKET 90 270 PEACH BOTTOld ATOtHC POWER STAffDN. UNf7 3

           -9500030004 anop repra 50 277/9547 & 54278/9547 on 95030609 & 0323. No mola-tons noted Mesor areas mapacted:lconsed operator requentcanon tromm9 program.95/04/22.          F securtty, medical,      emergency a fire protoceen piene 6pp. 83/21:133 SISCO.C.. MEYER.G W. Regen 1 (Post 820201).

83721:138 9505 27 PS R Pas NRC Into Notre 95 024. " Summary of Lcensed operator Regualifcaten a 9504190049 Group " W/950503 ar insp Program Fmenos HUNGER.G A. PECO Energy Co (formerty Ptu6edelptua Electnc Co4 95/05/03 GRIMES.CK. . 95/04/25. Consolidated Esson Co of New York. Inc.12pp. . 58pp. 83933145-83933.202. 83757:0u143757:012.

                                                                                   * *"                                          Forwards Rev a to " Upgraded EALs." based on methodology outhned m
                                             '                                                                  9806160061 rep       77/      f50                                                             NUMARC/NESP-007.

HUNGER.G.A. PECO Energy Co.. Ptuladelphe Electne Col 95/05/04. Doc-JOYNER.J.H Repon 1 (Post 520201). 95/04/27. SMITH.D.M PECO Energy Co., (for. J. 3pp. 44137.00144137.324. merly Phdadelpthe Electnc Co). 3pp. 83720:34483720:351. ument Control Branch (Document 9004210127 Geone Lir 9543 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re cucumfereribal -9606150064 Rev a to " Upgraded EALs." creciung of ' J tubes.

  • PECO Energy Co.. pormerty Phdadelpha Electre Col 95/04/2tL 321pp. 64137-004 ZIMMEHW .N14.P. Assocate Drector for Pro,ects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. 64137.324.

Consokhed Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. 63757-01343757:023 9905100605 Revoed emergency response procedures (ERP).ancludmg Rev 10 to ERP. 9600060171 NRC Info Notco 95425. "Vasve Fadure Dunng Potent Treatment w/ 130.Rev 0 to App 1 o8 ERP-410.Rev 0 to App 2 of ERP-410 & Rev 5 to ERP440W/ Urut." 950510 Itr. Gamma Stereotacts Raeosurgery& Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. HUNGER.G.A. PECO Energy Co., (formerly Phdadelpha Electnc Co4 95/05/10. COOL.D.A. DMason of induelnel 182 44007;190. Consonanted Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. Opp. 64307: 28pp. 64031.33444031.361. 9006330006Fonrards insp repts50 277/9510 & 50 278/9510 on 950417 21.No v o-latons noted L FtnenseelIntermehen JOYNER,J.H. .95/05/11. SMITH.D.M. PECO Energy Co., Connetty Phdadesprus Elec-inc C04 3pp 83965:03743985:048. 9006tm7 "N Eg Co WOAnnual rec W/950512 9' E *'P'* '"

             -9506220011 insp repts 54277/9510 & 50 278/9510 on 950417 21No votatens no.ted.Mapor         areas .w b..:...

tory measurements - radm60gmaueD CA/QC & /[ 8 2 8402 353 MOT 7AN.J., MCNAA4 ARA.N. Regen 1 (Post 620201). 95/06/10. 9pp. 83905-040-P. Opereene boense stage desesmente a corresponesence 6 9s06180144Porwards enernpton trom recurements of App J to 10CFR50 for p'ent in R. Porteelle operstmg reports & rotated corroepeneence response to 950222 ItrExemphon pomuts one.ame 6049ey emioneen of test penod for type B & C tests for contamment penetratens desenhed m fer. M00000018 Forweids Peach Bottom Uruta 2 & 3 annual 10CFR50.59 rept for penod of SHE AJ W. Drectorate k2 (PD1-2) Post 941001). 95/04/25. HUNGER.GA JamDec 1994 PECO Energy ., (formorty Ptuladelphe ElectrC Co4 3pp. 83930 00643930T123. RAINEY.GA PECO Energy Co Phdadelpha Electnc Cc 1. 95/04/26. Docu.

                                                                     ). 2pp. 83864.07443e64:114.                 -9506160129 Esempton from recurements of sectens lit.02(e) & 111.D.3 of App J to ment Control Branch { Document Control 10CFR50.wruch requres that type B & C tests be performed dunng each reactor shut.
              -9005050029 " Peach Bottom Atome Power Staton Urut 2 & 3 Annual 10CFR50.59down tor refuehng.

Root.Jan.Dec 1994." VARGA.SA Dmeson of Reactor Propects 1/9 (DRPE) Post 941001) 95/04/25 PECO

  • PECO Energy Co Formerty Phdadelpha Electnc Co.) 94/12/31. 39pp. 83864.076- Energy Co (formetty Ptuladelpha Elecinc Co4 7pp. 83930:00943930:015.


                                                                                                                  -950614013e Safety evaluoton acceptmo reouested allow type B & C 9605190290 Monthly operstmg repts for Apr 1995 for Peach Bottom Uruts 2 & 3 W/                         tests miervels for hated penetretens to be extended 60 coys from expreton date 950512 ler.
  • Othee of Nuclear Rasctor Regulaton (Post 941001). 95/04/25. Opp. 83930:016-JEFFREY.WJ., RAINEY.G R. PECO Energy Co.. pormerly Phdadeephe Electre Co4 83930:023.

95/04/30.14pp 6400919344009206. 9605230006 Comment supportmg proposed GL " Pressure Lockmg & Thermat Smerg 9505300202 Forwards 1994 Annual Radmiogeal Envron Operatng Rept 52 for plant of Safety-Reinied Power-Operated Gate Valves" Uruts 2 & 3 tur 9401011231.REMP tound that piant effects on envron not measure- HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co.. (formerly Phdadelptus Electnc Co4 95/04/26. ble in any sample mees except for small amount of Co40 octwty m two seement ME'YER.D.L Rules & Dreceves Revow Branch (Post 920323). 3pp. 84001328-samples. 64001.330. RAINEY.GA PECO Energy Co (t Phdadeirkue Electne Co.l. 95/05/23. Doc + ment Control Branch (Document Control

                                                                      ). 2pp. 64104-14344104268 9504210293 Genenc Ltr 95 04 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors ce tmst espositen of SLP lessons leamed neues                                             l
               -e506100214 "PBAPS Urvis 2 & 3 Annusi Ramonopcal Envron Operstmg Rept." Rept                            7.!Wasupaya P. Asstunate. Director for Pro,ects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28.           l 52              of 9401ot.1231.                                                                     Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 83757:024437tJ:037.
  • PE Energy Co.,(formerty Phdadeeptua Electnc Col 94/12/31.124pp, 84104:145-84104 268. 9905040308 Noutcaten of950503 meetmg w/utu m Delta.PA to escuss asues re de- ,

U. C.,,u MEnocuthre Corresponalence N.J Y Drector 2 (P Pos 00 95/04/28. RUSSELLW, MIRAGLIA.F., THADANIA NRC . No Detaned Athhaten Geven. App. 83756 355 63756.359. 9604140194Resoonds to950213 reouest re Mfo on opproval process used for apper. erit exemptons from lederet regulatory standards 9506110206 Ncrites that TS change request 94-15200/202. "HPCI Tesang." has been TAYLOR.J M. Ole of the Executwo Drector for Operations. 95/04/04.STATORUM.R. anplemented. Genete.1p 5419029144190:306. EDWARDS.aD. PECO Energy Co.. (format Phdadelptua Enseme Co.) 95/05/01 Document Control Branch (Document Control vesk). 2pp. 83942173 83942.174.

                ~9506300347 Expresses concern about apparent exemptons m federal regulatory stos made for Peach Bottom 2 & 3 & TMi nucteer taedites                                               9506000244Nohimetson of950531 meesng w/PECO Energy Co m North Bethesda.MD SANTORUM R 6erere 95/02/13 RATHBUN.D.K. Othce of Congressional Afters                                to escuss status of heenseg maues at pents.

(Post 911117).1p. 64190.306 84190:306 SHEA.J W. Propect Drectorate b2 (PD12) Post 941001) 95/05/03. STOL2J.F.  ! Propect Drectorate L2 (PD12) Post 941001). 5pp. 6385612tL83856.130. l wE _; w/utit m Rockvtlie MD re utd response to NRC 9605110114 informs of950511 meegTs. positens concommg extended DG 950amnen Forwards mso repts 50-277/95 07 & 50-278/95 07 on 950306 09 & SHEA.J W. Propect Drectorate L2 (PD1-2) Post 941001). 95/05/04. RUSSELLW 0323 No volatons noted MIRAGuA.F., THADANI,A NRC . No Detaned Affmaten Gnren. 6pp. 83936.318 MEVER.G.W Regen 1 (Post 820201) 95/04/22. SMITH.D M PECO Energy Co, (for. 83936.322 mesty Ptuladelphe Electnc Co.). 3pp. 43721.130-83721.136.

OOCKETEDITEMS 47 l 9505150039 Forwards utH response to NRC ouestens on Sections 3 6 & 3 7 re request 9505030065 Ack receipt of 950411 ltr mtormmg NRC of steps taken 10 correct volabons to change TS to eviproved TS as contamed m NUREG 1433 "STS. General Electnc noted m map rents 54 277/95-05 4 50 278/95 05. Plants.BWR/4

  • JOYNER.J.H. Regon 1 (Post 820201) 95/04/27. SMITH.D.M PECO Energy Co.. (for-HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co Phdadelpha Electne Co ) 95/05/04. Doc. merty PtWadelpha Electnc Col 3pp. 83720.34043720:351.

ument Control Branch (Document trd ). 23pp. 83898-18343898201. 9504210127 Genenc Ltr 9543 to all holders of OLs of cps for PWRs to circumferental 9505150049 Forwards utd response to add cpestions on Sections 2.0. 3.1.3 4 & 3 5 re crackmg of SG tubes reewst to change TS to unproved TS as contamed n NUREG-1433 "STS.GE ZIMMERMAN.R P. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001) 95/04/28-Plants BWR/4 " Consohdated Eeson Co of New York, nnc.11pp. 8375L01343757:023. HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co. (t Pttadelpha Electnc Col 95/05/04 Doc. ument Control Branch (Document Control 3.16pp. 83898.22843898 243. 9505050171 NRC Into Notme 95025. " Valve Fadure Durmg Pateent Treatment w/ l Gamma Stereotache Radiosurgery UrWt." 9505150032 Docusses utd sutmwttal of TSs Change Request 93-16.whsch requested COOL.DA Diwson of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 8707291 95/05/11. changes to App A of facihty bcense for plant Forwaros neo prowded cunng 950410 Consohoated Eeson Co of New York anc. 9pp 84007.18244007:190. conference call HUNGER,GA PECO Energy Co ( Phdadelphia Electnc Co) 95/05/08. Doc- g505220006 Forwards esp repts50 277/95-10 & 50-278/9510 on 950417 21.No wo-ument Convol Branch (Document Contrd skt 9pp. 8389817043898178. latons noted

                                                                                                                     '      TH D 9505150205Apphcaten for amend to hcenses OPR 44 & DPR-58.consstmg of change request 9316 re conversen of current PDAPS TS to unproved TS                           h '                     O37     SN 'M PECO Energy Co. (formerty Phdadelpha Enoc-i anch                                  3977 464 1773               -M62m ing rems E277/M & 54278/M cm N7 21 No veistons noted Major areas mspected contrmatory measurements radelogcal.luo OA/QC &
  -9505150                    Tech Specs            of change request 93-16 re convemen      [TIAN.J. MCNAMARA.N Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/10. 9pp. 83985:040-
  • PECO Energy Co.. (formerly Pfutadelpha Electre Co.). 95/05/00. 8pp. 83977.353- 83985448 83977.358.

9505180059 Nottfcaton of 950516 meetmo w/utd m North Bethesda.MD to escuss R. Periodoc operating reports & related correspanoevee NRC rewsw of proposed LPRM cahbr mtervals. I SHE.A.J W. Protect Directorate b2 (PD1-2) Post 941001) 95/05/09 STOLZ.J.F. 9505050018 Forwards Peach Bottom Urvts 2 & 3 annual 10CFR50 59 rept for pered of i Protect Drectorate F2 (PD12) Post 941001). 4pp. 83979.32043979 323. JarwDec 1994 l RAINEY.G.R. PECO Energy Co. (t Pfwladelpha Electne Co ) 95/04/26. Docu-9505190003 Summary of 950512 meetog w/utd re rowew of utd apphcahon to adopt ment Convol Branch (Document Convol skt 2pp. 83864.07443864114. anproved TSal.ast of attendees & meetog handouts encl. SHEA.J W Propect Drectorate b2 (PD12) Post 941001L 95/05/12. Propect Drector-ate k2 (PD12) Post 941001) 1?pp 83984.01543984C31- -9505050029 " Peach Bottom Atomc Power Station Umt 2 & 3 Annual 10CFR50.59 Rept.Jan Cec 1994."

  $505260139 Forwards riotce of consaderation of usuance of amends to hcenses DPR-                      " 8        *(                          '

64 4 44 & DPR.56 & proposed NSHC determmaton 4 opporturwty for haanng. Amends rep. C0"**" *T$ E ' Monthly operanng repts for Apr 1995 for Peach Bottom Uruts 2 & 3 W/

     '[w                    O           2P1        FoH 9           9     / 2 HUNGER.G A. 9      1 PECO Energy Co. (turmerty Phdadesprua Electnc Co.). 3pp. 8409027144090.283.

JEFFREY[W.J., RAINEY.G.R PECO Energy Co. (formerty Phdadelptwa Electnc Co.).

  -9505260146 Notice of consideraten of muuance of amends to hcenses DPR.44 &                95/04M 14m 84W93-84M206.

t S ba on NU EG W622c2 Forwaros 1994 Annuai Radologmal Envron Operatmg Rept 52 for plant MORAN.D.H. Propect Drectorate F2 (PD12) Post 941001). 95/05/12. 11pp~ Uruta 2 & 3 tar 9401011231.REMP found that plant eftects on envron not measura-84090.274 44090:283. be m any sample media acept for sman annunt W C&60 actiuty m two sediment samples. , 9505190329 Notifcaton of 950522 meetmg w/utd n North Bethesda.MD to escuss RAINEY.G R. PECO Energy Co.. (formee Phdadelphm Electnc Co) 95/05/23 Docu-ment Control Branch (Document Controd akt 2pp. 8410414344104.268 l rewow of uts unproved TS appicaban 4 proposed new P/T hmit rept. i SHEA.J W. Propect Drectorate F2 (PD12) Post 941001). 95/05/16. STOLZ.J.F. Propect Drectorate I 2 (PDI-2) Post 941001). App. 83988.21043988.213. -9505300214 "PBAPS Uruta 2 & 3 Annual Raeologmal Envron Operabng Rept." Rept 52 foprof 9401011231. 9505240127 Forwards amends 201 & 204 to hcenses DPR-44 & DPR-56 & SE. Amends

  • pew Energy Co. (formerty Phdadelpthe Electnc Co ).94/12/31.124pp. 84104145-implement snutber functonal test survedlance mterval of 24 months 84104.268.

SHEA.J W. Prosect Drectorate k2 (PD1-2) Post 941001). 95/05/16. HUNGER.GA l PECO Energy Co.. (formerty Phdadelptua Electnc Col 3pp. 54059.20144059214 U. Congreassonal/Esecutive Correspondence

   -9505240133 Amends 201 & 204 to hcenses DPR-44 & DPR-56.respecDvely, imple.

snubber functonal test surveelance mierval of 24 rnonths 9504140194 Responds to 950213 request re mfo on approval process used for appar-ST JF Protect Drectorate F2 (PD1-2) Post B41001) 95/05/16. 8pp. 64059 204* ent nemptions from teceral regulatory standsdt 840592 M. TAYLOR.J M Otc of the Execunve Drector Ior Operatons. 95/04/04. STATORUM.R.

   -9505240140 Safety evaluaten supportmg amends 201 & 204 to bconses DPR 44 &               Senate 4 84%2M44MM Reactor Regulanon (Post 941001). 95/05/16 3pp. 64059 212-    -9505300347 Expresses concem about accarent exemptons m federal regulatory stas 84059 214'                                                                             made t r Peact) Bottom 2 & 3 & TMl nucsear tacehties i                                                                                             SANTORUM.R. Senate 95/02/13 RATH8UN.D.K. Otfce of Congressenal Affars I

9505260190 Rev A to TSCR 93-16 re conversen to unproved TSs as contamed m (Post 9M M7).1p. 84M30644%M NUREG 1433. HUNGER.GA PECO Ermrgy Co.. { Phdadelphia Electnc Co1. 95/05/16 Doc-ument Control Branch (Document Gontrol ). 25pp 84134-00144136:031. V. Operator Examinatana

   -95052s0196 Proposed toch specs re converson of enproved TSs as contained m            9505030090 Forwards msp repts 50 277/95 07 8 50 278/95-07 on 95030 rag &

NUREG-1433. 0323 No violatons noted

  • PECO Energy Co., (formeriy Phsaoetpha Electnc Co.) 95/05/16. 732pp. 84134.028- MEYER,G W Regen 1 (Post 820201) 95/04/22 SMITH.D.M PECO EW . (for-84136.031. merly Phdadelpha Electrc Co.) 3pp. 83721:13043721.138 9505090312 Genenc Lir 92 02.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all holders et OLs (encept those b- -9505030094Insp rents 50-277/95 07 & 54278/95-07 on 950306.os ( 23. No viola-conses amended to posseson only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac-tor vessel structural mtegnty tons noted Maior areas espected hcensed operator regualvtcator ti o wg program.

ZIMMERMAN R.P. Assocate Drector for Protects JADpR) (Post 94100t) 95'05/19 SISCO.C. Regon 1 (Post 82020p $5/04/22. 600 83721-13343721 uits Consolidated Eeson Co. of New York. inc.10pp. 84064.35J44084.361. 9505090108 Informs that Regen I can no longer parbcapate in corntcate presentatens 9505310145 Requests approval to reduce GL 8841 actions by ahmmanna msps of to heensed operator & LRO.Util mgt encouraged to contmue efforts to recogrue irr> RWCU sys welds outboasti et pnmary contamment moiabon wahres portance to safety requwed to obtam reactor operator heense HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co. itarmery Ptundeepne Electnc Col 95/05/24 Do* WIGGINS.J T. Regen 1 (Post 820201t 95/05/01. SMITH.D M PECO Energy Co ument Control Branch (Document Control veskt 3pp 84163.23244163.234 (tormerly Phdadelpha Electnc Co t 2pp. 8381715843817.159 9505100112 Forwards both forms of exams.gradmg results & mendual answer sheet re l Q. Inspection reports, IE Bulletins & correspondence 950405 GFE secnon of wnnen operator Icenseg exam.One enendual admrmstered i exam & passed exam W/o encl.

    $505030090 Forwards map repts 50-277/95 07 & 50 278/95 07 on 95030609 &                   MEYER.G W. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/03 STANKIEWICZJ PECO Energy j                                                                                              Co.. (tormerty Prwaaseiptua Electnc Co ) 2pp 83828.230-83828.231.

l 0323 No volatons roted l MEYER.G W. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 95/04/22 SMITH.D.M PECO Energy Co.. (for-I meriy Phnadelpha Electnc Co.l. 3pp. 83721.130-83721.138 DOCKET (A280 $URRY POWER STATION, UNf71

    -9505030094Into rents 50 277/95-07 & 50-278/95-07 on 950306-09 & 0323 No mola-SCO       MNE      GW            1         8 201        / /22 6pp       2   33-  F. Securtty, med6 cal, emergency & fire protection plans 83721 138 9505180102 Adanes that rev 37 to emergency plan consistent w/plannmg stds of C504190049 NRC Into NotKe 95 024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Reguakfcaten               10CFR50 47(b) & requrements of 10CFR50. App E.Rev 37 mconsistent wiguidance of Insp Program Fmdmgs
  • NUREG4654.

GRlMES.B K. . 95/04/25. Consohdated Edeson Co of New York, Inc. 12pp BARR.K P Regen 2 (Post 820201) 95/05/03. O'HANLON,J P. Virgma Power (Vrgm. 83757.001 43757 012 m Electne & Power Co t opp 83952 138 83952 141.

48 DOCKETEDITEMS 9505240087 Forwards rev 39 to "Surry Power Staban Emergency Plan" & rowsed 9505090312 Genenc Lir 9202.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all holders of OLs (except those ik EPIPs.mcludmg rev 7 to EPIP-4.21.rev s to EPIP 5 04 & rev 11 to EPIP-5.05 conses amended to ;-. . . only status) or cps (r nuciear power reactors to reac-O'HANLON.J.P. Vrprua Power (vr Electne & Power Col 95/05/15. Document tor vesser structurat etegnty. Control Branch (Document Control ). 3pp. 64069 00144069 216 ZIMMERMAN.R P. Assocene Drector for Prorects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19 Consohorted Edson Co of New York. Inc.10pp. 64084.35244084.361. -9505240091 Rev 39 m "Surry Power Statori Emergency Piart"

  • Vagna Power (Vrgma Elecinc & Power Col 95/04/21.192pp. 84069004-84069 195. Q. Inspection reports,IE BuNetins & correspondence

-9505240094Rensed EPIPs.mctudmg rev 7 to EPIP 421 rev 8 to EPIP 5.04 & rev 112 9505020075 Ack recect of 950406 ftr mtormmg NRC of steps taken to Correct violaboris EPIP-5 05. noted m msp repts50-280/95 03 4 50 281/95 03.

  • vrgna Poser (Vrgna Electnc & Power C04 95/04/21. 2tpp. 84069 196" LANDIS K D. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/18. OHANLONJ P. Vrgna Power (Vr-84069.216. pma Electne & Power Co4 3pp. 83689 34143689.343.

9505260177 Forwards revs to corporate emergency response plan rnanual inckseng 9504190049 NRC Info Notme 95 024. "Sunwnery of Licensed Operator Requalficaten revs to corporate implementmg procedures- insp Pro 0'am Findings." OHANLONJ.P. Vrgne Power (V Electnc & Power Co) 95/05/17. Document GRIMES.B.K. . 95/04/25. Conucledsted Edson Co of New York. Inc. 12pp. Consol Branch (Document Control J. 3pp. 6408817744088:315. 33757:001 43757.012 9504210127 Genene Lir 95 03 to an holders of OLs or cps for PWRs to crcumferenbal C E V Power (Vegna Co). 95/04/26. 7spp. cmckmg of SG tubes. 8406818N4088 ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Protects tADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Consohdated Edmon Co, of New York. Inc.11pp. 83757:013 63757:023. -9505260191 Rowsed EPIPs.metueng rev 4 to CPIP-21.rev 4 to CPIP-3 0, rev 3 to CPIP-3.2,rev 4 to CPIP-5 0 & rev 4 to CPIP-7.0 COLLINSJ E. Vrgna Power (Vrgna Electnc & Power Col 95/05/01. 65pp. 9506050171 NRC Info Notco 95 025 ," Valve Fadure Dunng Pabent Treatment w/ Gamma Stereotactc Raeosurgery Urvt. 64088.251 4 4088.315' COOL.D.A. Orwsen of industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety Post 870729). 95/05/11. Consondated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp 84007:182 44007.190. 9505300094 informs utti of results of rewsw of recent performance at facility to deter. m prese planned msp effort for romanng SALP cycle should be rensed before r to em med s em mpu 50 9m 1F 9 LANDISAD. Regon 2 (Post $20201) 95/05/17. OHANLONJ P. Vrgna Power (V,. 280/9546 & 50-281/9546.Correenve actons. mvmed operatmg procedures for RCS gna Emetnc & Power Co4 4pp. 84077 01044077:013. heatup a cooldoom to ensure pressurtree heetup & cocidown rate knuts morvtored. O'HANLONJ.P. Vrpnia Power (Virgne Electnc & Power Co.) 95/05/15 Document Control Branch (Document Consul vesk). 6pp. 64039.22244039.226.

  • 9505300094 Informs utd of results of rowow of recent performance at facskiy to deter.

9505020364 Forwards nohce of 950406 withdrawal of 900516 amend request concern. "P "" " * ' ing aposed changst to modify TS re ref analyss of mam steam kne break scenanos

                                                                                         "'"'[ 796080 LANDtSKO Regon 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/17. O'HANLONJ.P. Vrgna Power (Vir.

BUCKLEY.B.C. Proesct Drectorate 11- 1 (PD21) (Post 941001). 95/04/20. pnia Doctnc 4 W M dpp. WNWM1 i ONJ P. Vrgna Power (vrgna Electnc & Power Col 2pp. 83706J79" 9505300055 Dian==as m' ap rests 50-200/95 06 4 50 281/95 08 4 forwards nonce of violatiertVoosabon cf NRC concern because control of Measunng & Test Eouipment 9505030315 Forwards excerpted portens of Westmghouse rept descnbm0 changes to Westmghouse ECCS evaluation models apphcable to plants a have been ampiament- Q Ffw* # IPost 820201) 95/05/18 O'HANLONJ.P. Vrgna Power (Vrgna Elecinc Power Co4 Sop. 84076.26244076.268 ed CY94. Info re effect of ECCS ovaluaton model changes also encl. i 14 4505340058 Nohce of volaton from map on 950305-0401 volatum noteeUnit 2 oper. Control Bra ( ). 2 stod af power from 9.25 pm on 940624 am on 3 08 on 950203 w/o mnmum riumber 9504210293Genene Lir 95 04 to all holders of OLa or cps for riuclear power reactors y low pmsswer mactor inp & pmssunter W pmssum ESA channels operabe. re fmai disposenon of SEP lessons leamed issues. Regun 2 (Post 820201),95/05/18. 2pp. 64076.26744076.268. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Conschdated Edson Co of New York,Inc.14pp. 83757:024 43757-037, R. Portodic operating reports & related - _ .- 9505050310 Requests one-time exemption from regurements of Secten lit.D.1(a) of 10CFR50 App J.prowdmg one-tame mterval estensen for frat Type A test of thrd 10 9505020231 "Suny Power Staten Radologcal Envron Monitanng Program Jan-Dec yr meervice eterval from 42 months to approm t10 months. 1994 " W/950427 Itr OhANLONJ.P. Vrgna Power (Vr Electne & Power Co) 95/04/28. Document NOCE,C.D., BOWLING.ML Vrgna Power (Vrgna Electne & Power Col. 94/12/31. Control Branch (Document Control ).15pp. 83839.24843039.262. 100pp. 83762:00143762-121. 9505050312 Forwards response to RAI receeved on950302re util940830 core uprate 9505040261

  • Annual Radcactive Effluent Release Rept Surry Power Staten Jan Dec TS change request. 1994." W/950426 Itr.

O'HANLON.J.P. Vrgna Power (V Electne & Power Co). 95/04/28. Document BOWLING.M1 Vrona Power (Vagna Elecinc & Power Co). 94/12/31.190pp. Control Brancti (Document Controd ). 5pp. 83839.263 83839267 33807-001 4 3807.160. 9505090010 Provides comments on EPA PR re cntens for certr'icaten & determmaton 9505190304 Monthly operanng repts for Apr 1995 for Surry Power Staten Ursts 1 & of waste isolaten pdat plant complance w/ envron standards for mgt & deposal of 2 W/950511 Itr N Vrgna Power (Vrgna Electne & Power Col 95/04/30.18pp BO'W sgna Power tal Protechon Agency. 2pp. 83896 43896 292.

                                                   &       Co . 5/        Enveonmen-     $$D"64    8        3 '

9505090155 Forwards amends 198 & 198 to licenses DPR-32 & DPR.37. respectwesy & S.Repo s e a, MRs a reed corrapandence satefy evaluatertAmenos mcorporate operatuhty & SR for power operated rehet watves to conform w/GL 90 06. BUCKLEY.B C. Pro,ect Drectorate n.1 (PD21) (Post 941001). 95/05/02. 9505190131 LER 9500300 on 950412. Unit 1 operstmg at 45% reactor power due to OHANLON.J.P. Vrgna Power (vrgna Electnc & Power Col app 83852:333 drooped rod & cut of Dand oetta flux. Caused by faded stanonary cod conductor for CR 83852.359 J-7 Plant peaced m safe. hot shutdown condibon W/950512 Itr i CHRISTIAN.D.A Vrgna Power (Vapne Electnc & Power Co.). 95/05/12 6pp. -.9505090157 Amends 198 & 198 to hcanses DPR-32 & DPR 37,respectively, ocorpo. 84048.324 4 4048 329 ratmgopersedsty & SR for power operated rehef valves to conform w/GL 90 06 l MaTTHEWS.D.B Preiset Drectorate 11-1 (PD21) (Post 941001). 95/05/02.18pp 83852-337 4 3852:354.

         .                                                                             Y. Dry Cask independsnt Spetit Fuel Storage instanatsorts

-9505090180 Safety evaluaten supportmg amends 196 & 198 to licenses DPR-32 & 9505020188 Forwards msp rept72 0002/9541 on 950329-30 No volanons noted. Of 63852.359. of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (Post 941001). 95/05/02. 5pp. 83852.355- [ N*h g h*'3pp 3 910 91 0

                                                                                       -9505020170 Inso rept 72 0002/95 01 on 950329-30.No volatons noted. Maior areas Rept.enich t                      NR         Dy inspecteCicensu mdelogical ptecten pgam including amchanges to 0

OHANLON rgna Power (Vrpna Electnc & Power Co). 95/05/05. Document Control Branch (Document Control vesk). 6pp 83870 04k.83870:054

                                                                                         @*w*j'f 8369t029.
                                                                                                            ,                    2          820201) 95/04/20 7pp. 83691:023-9506190088 Responds to Wcons w/EH Greene of VA Power's Ar Quality e Dept re use of methytene creorde m paint shop of Surry Power Staten.Reguests contamaten      DOCKET 60-281 SURRY POWER STATION, UNf7 2 ttet pactng operaton exempt from towcs regulatons HADDER.A W. Vrgna Power (V              Elecine & Power Col 95/05/11. 2OELLER.J.

Vrgna. Commonwealth of.11pp 10.282 44010 292 F. Secq W emergency a two prowetion plans 9505260059 Recommends withdrawal of request did 950301 re permanent exempton from 10CFR50. app J.sectan lit.A.5(bH21 per SECY44-036. Proposed ruse tar 9505180102 Advises that rev 37 to emergency plan consistent w/planrung stos of 10CFR50. app J & gudance clocuments.DG-1037 & NEl 94 01,snould satsty request. 10CFR50 47(b) & requrements of 10CFR50. App E.Rev 37 enconsistent w/gudance of MaTTHFWS.D B Protect Drectorate H1 (PD21) (Post 941001) 95/05/18. NUREG 0654 OHANLON,J P. Vrgna Power (Vrgna Electnc & Power Co). 4pp. 84083:132- BARRKP. Regen 2 (Post 820201) 95/05/03 O'HANLON,J P. Vrprua Power (Vrpn-84083 135 m Electnc & Power Co.). 4pp. 8395213843952141. l l

   . _ . _ - - , - - -...                           _a .     ,-      - - -                . - ~ - - - - . . . ~ . . - . _ -                        -         n..       -                . . . - . .. - --.                       .-.-        .

i DOCKETEDITEMS 49 I l 9606240007 -9505230204 "Surry Urut 2 Cycle 12 Core Performance Rept," dtd Mar 1995. EPIPs.mcludmgForwards rev 7 torev 39 to ".Surry EPtP-4.21 rev 6 toPower EPIP-5Station 04 & revEmergency 11 to EPIP 5.05 Plan".& revised MILLER,W.S.. VILLAFLOR.R F,. BROOKMIRE.T.A. Vaprua Power (Vrgna Electnc & O'HANLONJP, Vrpnia Power (V Electne & Power Cot 95/05/15. Document Power Co4 NE 1011 Roo. 95/04/10. 55pp. 64051:10544051:161. Control Branch (Document Controi ). 3pp. 64069:001-84069.216. 9505200069 Recommands withdrawal of request dtd 950301 re permanent exemption from 10CFR50. app J.secton blAS{tH2) per SECY.04436. Proposed rule for

  • Vrgna Power Rev(Vrgne 39 to "Surry ElecincPower
                                                                      & Power  Staton ColEmergency 95/04/21 Plan" .192pp. 84069:004-10CFR50. app J &                       nce cocuments.DG-1037 & net 94 01.snould satsfy request.

64069 195. MATTHEWS.D.B. Drectorate 61 1 (PD?.1) (Post 941001). 95/05/18. O'HANLONJP. Vrgna Power (Vegna Electnc & Power Col 4m 84063.132-EPtP 5.05. ~ Revised EPIPs.metudmg rev 7 to EPIP 4.21.rev 8 to EPIP-5.04 & rev 11 to 84063:135.

  • Vaprue Power (Vrgna Elecinc & Power Co). 95/04/21, 21m 84069:196-84069.216. 9505000312 Genenc L9 9242.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all holders of OLs temcept those h.

conses amended to possesen only status) or CP: for nuclear power reactors re reac tor vessel structuras ruegnty 9006300177 Forwards revs to corporate emergern y response plan manual incluthng a ZIMMERMAN.R#. Assocwte Drector for Prosects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19. HA L Vrgne ower octre & Power Co) 95/05/17. Document Consom Eeson Ca W h % k. m 84064252M64 m Control Branch (Document Controd ). 3pp. 64068:177 84066 315.

                          -4505300106 Rev 4 to " Corporate Emergency Response PterL.                                              a                repons, E Suhoune & concependones COLUNS.J.E. Vrgna Power (Vrgne Electnc & Power Col 95/04/26 71pp.

64086:100 84068.250. 9905030078 noted m rispAck recept repts50 of 950406 200/9503 Itr mforg/v>u3NRC of steps taken to correct volations

                                                                                                                                                                         & SCk281
                          -9406300191 Revised EPIPs.incluchng rev 4 to CPIP-2.1, rov 4 to CPIP-3.0, rev 3 to                         LANDIS.K.D. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/18 OHANLONJP, Vrgna Power (Vr-CPIP 3.2.rev 4 to CPIP 5.0 & rev 4 to CPIP-7.0.                                                        gna Electre & Power Col 3pp. 83689:341-83689.343.

j COLLINSJE. Vrgna Power (Vrgna Electnc & Power Co4 95/05/01. 65pp. i 84088.251 84088:315. 95041e0049 NRC info Notme 95 024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requakfcanon i inno Program Frutnos " 9906300004 Informs utd of results of review of recent performance at facihty to deter- GRIMES.B.K. . 95704/25. Conschdated Echson Co. of New York, Inc. 12pp. mee il present p6anned insp effort for romanng SALP cycle should be revised before 83757.001 4 3757:012. end date et 960003. LANDIS.fLD. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/17.O'HANLONJP. Virgna Power (V"- 9904210127 Genenc Lir 95 03 to an holders of OLs or cps for PWRs to cucumferental gna Electnc & Power Col 4pp. 84077.01044077213- d SG tubes. ! crackhMAN.R ZiMu P. Associate Drector for Pro,ects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. m _ g ,, ,,,,,,,, Consohosted Edson Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. 83757:01343757223. 9506030364 Forwards nonce of 950406 withdrawal of 900516 amend request concern. 950005,0301 Requests rehef from certam regurements of ASME Secton XI associated eng proposeo changes to modify TS re ret analyse of mam steam kne break scenaros .f.HANLONJP. Vrgne Power tvpe Electnc o tal exams & Powerconducted durmpDocument vu) 95/04/28. 1995 plant refuehng ou m OLs. Control Branch (Document Controi ). 20pp 50837.338 83637:357. BUCKLEY.8.C. Protect Drectorate IL1 (PD21) (Post 941001). 95/04/20. , OHANLONJP. Vrgrus Power (Vrgna Electnc & Power Col 2pp 83706:279- 9605110048 Summernes 950424 enforcement conference in Atlanta.GA re apparent i 83706.282' volaten of plant TSs m area of pressuruer pressure metrurnentaton cahtr.Let of al-tendees & VEPCO presentamon enci. D'amata**5 Forwards excerpted portons of Wesbnghouse rept desentung changes to MERSCHOFF.E W. Repon 2 (Post 820201t 95/05/05. O'HANLON.J.P, Vagna Wesanghouse ECCS evatunton mooses apphcable to plants & have been impeement- Power (Vrgna Elec*ic & Power coa 32pp. 83651996 83851:127. ed dunnq CY94 Info re effect of ECCS evmuseon model changes also enct O'HANLONJP. Vrgne Power (V Electic & Power Col 95/04/25. Document 950E050171 NRC Info Nobce 95 025. " Valve Failure Dunng Pabent Treatment w/ Control Branch (Document Control ). 21pp. 83808 00143808:021* Gamma Stereotactc Radosur Unit " ai,,4:=3,3:a:cy,r,,,;=,o,.=; o ,*,jll-> - ca= 'ar a=*- r==t-> Cone'o?Aoftl o"nt'"n.w L",i E""T=%'M32'** "'"'" ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Aaamate Drector for Propects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28 Consondated Edison Co. of New Yortt. Inc.14pp. 83757:0244 3757 437 96061903e1 Subets clanhcanon on ISI prograrri schef request RR4, based on stats-ment e NRC 95006 ttr. 950E000312 Fcrwards response to RAI recewed on 95C302 re utd 940630 core uprate O'HANLONJP. Vrgna Power (V Electnc & Power Co) 95/05/15. Document TS change recueet. Coneal Branch (Document Control ). 2pp. 64012:35644012 357 O'HANLONJP. Vrpne Powur (vrone Electic & Power Co). 95/04/26. Document Control Branch (Document Control Osset). Spp.83639.26343639.267. 9006230191 Forwards response to NRC 950414 ftr te violaton noted in map repts 50-280/9506 & 50 281/95 06.Correceve accons revoed operatn0 proceduras for RCS 9505000014Provides cornments on EPA PR re crnene for certshcoton & determmaton heatup & cooldown to ensure pressuruer heatup & cooldown rate hmits monitored. of waste mointion peat plant comphance w/ envron standards for mgt & deposal of O'HANLONJP. Vrgna Power (V Electnc & Power Co). 95/05/16. Document  ; SF.higNieval & transuraruc r_ : - - "nce re categoraaten needed. Control Branch (Document Controi ). 5pp. 64039.22244039:226.  ; BOWUNG.M.L Vrprua Power (Vrona Elecinc & Power Co4 95/04/26. Envronmere tal Protecton Agency. 2pp. 83696}9143896;292. ganat- Informs utH of results of review of recent performance at facehty to deter-mme il present piermed inep oflort for remarung SALP cycle should be rewmed before 9800000155 Forwards amends 196 & 198 to bcenses DPR-32 & DPR 37, respectiveer & end date of 960803. salsty evalusten.Arnends mcorporate operatukty & SR for power <lperated rehef LANDas.K.D. R 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/17 O'HANLONJP. Vrgna Power (Vr-vaives to conform w/GL 90 06. grue Electnc & Co4 4pp. 84077:01044077:013. BUCKLEY.B.C. Prosset Drectorate ti-1 (PD21) (Post 941001). 95/05/02. , OHANLONJP. Vrgna Power (Vrgna Eiectnc & Power Co4 app. 83652;333- 950s300055 Dmeusses mso repts 50 200/95 06 & 50 281/95 06 & forwards nonce of , 83052.359. vcanton.Volston of NRC concem because control of Measunn0 & Test Equipment I program had not been effectve l -9505000157 Amends 198 & 198to hcenses DPR-32 & DPR 37 respectwely, mcorpo' MERSCHOFF.E W. Repon 2 (Post 620201) 95/05/18. O'HANLONJP. Vrprua i operatzkty & SR for power operated rehof valves to conform w/GL 90 06. Power (Vrgna Electnc & Poww Co4 Sop. 64076.26244076:266. ratmgHEWS.D.B. Progect Dractorate 111 (PD21) (Post 941001). 95/05/02.1600 MAII 83852.337 4 3652:354. -9505300058 Notco of volaton from mso on 950305 0401 Violaten roted' Unit 2 oper-

                           -95o5000100 Safety evaluaton supportng amends 196 4 198 to hcenses OPR-32 &                                a at power                   '"                          *"

p,essuruw r w low E cha opw Offee' of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001). 95/05/02. 5p0. 83852:355-

  • Regen 2 Post 82m 95/05/4 2pp 84076Eb76266

, 83852.359. 9505130041 Derwaas Surry Core Uprate TS ci ange request.meludmg Surry Core E M** "lMn% repcets & raideil sorwaposh Upratmg Lcensmg Rept.whch had been submceo for NRC review by 940830 ftr. , OwANLONJP. Vrgna Power (Vrprua Electic & Power Col 95/05/05. Document 9505030231 "Surry Power Station Radologmal Envron Morntonng Progrnm Jan Dec Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 6pp. 83870:049-83670 054, 1994 " W/950427 pir. NOCE.C.D., BOWLING.M L. Vrpnia Power (vrgna Electnc & Power Col 94/12/31. 9505190004 Responds to tricons w/EH Greene of VA Power's Ar Quakty e Dept to 100pp. g3762:00143762:121 use of methytene chionde m pamt shop of Surry Power Station. Requests confrmaton that pameng operaton enernot from tones regulatons. 9505040361 " Annual Radmactive Effluent Release Rept Surry Power Staten Jan-Dec HADDER.AW. Vrgerna Power (Virgrua Electne & Power Co4 95/05/11. ZOELLERJ 1964 " W/950426 lir. Vrgna. Commonweerth of.11pp. 5401028244010 292. BOWLING,M.L. Va Power (Vrgna Electnc & Power Co.). 94/12/31.190pp. 9505230190 Forwards Rev 0 to Techrucal Rept NE 1023. "Surry Unit 2. Cycle 13 Start-I up Physes Tests Rept," sumer:enzmg resuts of physcs testeg program performed 9505190304 MonttWy operatng repts for Apr 1995 for Surry Power Staten Uruts 1 & I after metal cntcahty of Cycle 13 on 950319 2 W1950511 tir ! BOWUNG.ML Vrgna Power (Vrgne Electne & Power Co) 95/05/17. MASON.D., OLSEN.C. Vrgna Power (Virgna Electnc & Power Co4 95/04/30.18pp. EBNETER.S.D. Repon 2 (Post 620201).10 64051:17044051.229 B4010:338-64010.355. j -9505230300 Rev 0 to "Surry Urut 2,Cyc.le 13 Startup Physcs Tests Rept." CLEMENS.C.D.. TRACE.D. A, LAWRENCE.D C. Vrpne Power (Vrgna Electre & S. Reportahse occurrences. LERs & retened Power Col NE.1023. 95/05/06. 58pp 6405117144051.229 9505230201 Forwards util technmal rept NE 1011.Rev 0.entmed. "Surry Umt 2. Cycle 12 9505300076 PNCLil.95 030:on 950521. operators at plant rutated manual reactor tnp

 !                              Core Portormance Rept."                                                                               from 100% power m response to tour group 2 control bank A control rods droppm0 a                               BOWUNG.ML Vrgna Power (Vrgrus Electnc & Power Co4 95/05/17. Document                                  mto core. Caused by faulty statonary coil voltage regulatmg crcuit boorti
 '                              Control Branch (Document Controt upsk).1p. 64051:10444051:161.
  • Repon 2 (Poet 620201). 95/05/23.1p. 84076:33244076.332.
                                            . .                  _ ,                .. - - . . .              ,          - - -      __,-~n                           - . ... - -,                               .~ . ._

50 DOCKETEDITEMS Y. Dry Cask Independent Spent Fuel Storage instanot6 ens =%05220041 Amends 118 & 111 to hcenses DPR.42 & DPR40.respectwely. changmg TS to allow use of enemate SG tube pluggeg creena for part of tubes withm tuDe-9606020164 Forwards mso rept 72 0002/95 01 on 950329 30 No violshons noted, sheets. t 820201t 95/04/24. O HANLON.J P. Vrgna Power (Ve. WETZELB.A. .95/05/15. 2pp. 84010-17944010:194. CLINE.W E. R gna Electnc & .). 3pp. 83891:020 43891 029. - 9505020170insp rept72 0002/95 01 on 950329 30.No violatons noted. Maeor areas DPR40.respecevety mspectethcenhee ra$olo0 cal protecton program mctumng audts. changes to

                                                                                                   *  . 95/05/15. 9pp. 84010:19544010:203, crocram.extemas exposure controis & surveys.
   ' LOO.W T.,   RANKIN.W.H. Region 2 post 820201). 95/04/20. 7pp. 83691:023-                   9505250022 Provides suppl to 941205 appiscatson for amend to hcesises DPR-42 &

83691 029. DPR40.Moshcations to onginal apphcation m area re contamment door m each er lock & contamment tan cois unit fais avenatne to operate at high speed. WADLEY.M D. Northem States Power Co.95/05/15.Documeqt Control Branch (Doc-DOCKET 50 282 PRAIRIE 18 LAND MUCLEAR STATIOst, UNIT 1 ument Control Desk). App. 84075:12344075.139.

                                                                                                -9605250024 Proposed noch spece reflectng suppi mods re contenment refuehng m-F. Security, snedloat, emergency & fire protecten piens                                                     regurements.
  • States Power Co.95/05/15.13pp. 84075.12744075-139 9606110253 Forwards summary rept.encapsulann0 ewesagation & correcevo actions for maporopnate statement by secunty requested on950417. 9606230247 Confrms commstments made durmg chacusssons w/NRC staff fonowm0 AXT.D.A. Northem States Power Co. 95/04/24. PlRTLE.G. Region 3 (Post 820201). premature actuation of numhary buildmo crane overload sensmg deince dunng hitmg of 5pp. 83942:17543942179 TN-40 cash on950513.

WADLEY.M.D. Northern States Power Co.95/05/18. Document Control Branch (Doc-9505020218 Ack recept of 941202 fir transmsttng chan0es identhed m rev 32 to plant ument ContrW Desk). 2pp. 84051:31444051:315. secunty pian. Changes acceptable & bemg withheld from pubhc esctosure per 10CFR73 21. 9505260146 Provides addl info re crane overload protechon sys actuation. CREED.J.R. Region 3 (Post 820201). 95/04/25. ANDERSON.R.O. Northem States WADLEY.M.D. Northom States Power . 9 /05/17. Document Control Branch (Doc-Power Cck 19. 83799-35443799 354. ument ContrW Dook). 2pp. 8409923944099:240. 9606030061 Forwards mfo to clanty & support util modshed correctNe acton response 9600000312 Generic Ltr 92 02.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all holders of OLs (except those 6 to OSRE weapons vanno concems Ence witnheid per 10CFR73.21. conses amenced to w.P status) i or cps for nuclear power reactors to rem > WADLEY.M.D. Northern States Power Co.95/04/25. Document Control Branch (Doc- tor vessel structural integnty. ument Control Desk). Ip.83783.328 83783:328. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19. 9506000217 Ack rece@t of 950109ftr.wtuch tanstnitted changes identified as rev 7 to g"50f"

                                                                                                                                    '"        E'" '                                       "'

CR E .J 201). 95/04/28. ANDERSON.R.O. Northem States Power Co 2pp 962 358 43962:359 ANDERSON.R.O. Northem States Power Co. 95/05/24. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 8414523944145.240. H. Generat ~.. . 9505000123 Comment on proposed rule 10CFR50 re pnmary reactor contamment leak-wtuch of reduced pressure'T A s 9504240061 Confms e= 'm between M Wadley & FG Greenman to hold sneetmg WADLEY.M.D. Northern States Power Co. 95/04/28. Docketing & Sennces Branch, on m28 m escuss mouns of special team map re Dry Cask Storage Program. 4pp. 83817:18543817:188- GREENMAN.E.G Region 3 (Post 820201). 95/04/13 WATZLE. Northem States Power Co. 2pp. 83598.09463598:099.

l. Financial ;..;- 950429010s Responds to 950125Itr & prowdes addl mfo re insp rept724010/94-212.

WATZLE.L Northem States Power Co. 95/04/20. Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Deskt 4pp. 83654.33143854m 9506020143 *1994 Annual Rept" for Monbcello Nuclear Generstmg Station.W/950424 ANDERSON.R.O. Northem States Power Co. 94/12/31 54pp. 8379126843791.322. 9504190049 NRC Inb Notoe 95424. " Summary of Licensed Operator Requahfcabon ermo Program Fmdmgs. 950$000003 Forwards schedule showmg cash flow generated by uti m 1994 & mctudes GRIMES.B K. 95/04/25. Coneohdated Edman Co. of New York. anc. 12pp. praiset firsw for 1995.Utd 199410.K annual rect encl. 83757201 43757912. R A tales Power Co.95/04/27. Offce of Nucisar Reactor Regu. 9504210127 Genenc Lir 9503 to as holders of OLs or cps for PWRs to crcumferenhal creclung of SG tubes. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Anamate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. P. Opermeng beense state " _ & cerroependence Coneohdated Eeoon Co. of New York. Inc. t ipp. 83757:013 43757:023. 9605020349 Forwards norgaropnetary WCAP-14330 & propnetary WCAP.13032. Rev 1 900 MOM informs of NRC decimon to conduct reduced scope svc water sys oper.

   " Handbook on Flaw Evaluston Prene island Uruts 1 & 2 SGs Upper Shelt to Dome                   ational pMontence map m hou of einenswo map recured by Tl 2515/118 Weld Regen." Propnretary rept withheld per 10CFR2.790.                                          GRANT.G.E. Rejpon 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/03. WAt2LE. Northem States Power Co. 2pp. 83816,14343816144.

ANDERSON.R.O. Northem States Power Co. 95/04/24. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk) app.83814.001 4 3814.085. g g g g ggg g g -9505020351 Requests that propnetary WCAP 13032.Rev 1. " Handbook on Flaw Eval- v'otabons noted.contsmang efforts to develop program to assess nok involved w/ untion Prame island Uruta 1 & 2 SGs Upper Shen to Dome Wald Hegion" be witnheto tanmg multiple components out of eve lui orble'w ment m . ' - - - trom pubhc esc 60sure per 10CFR2.790. KROPP.W.J. Region 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/05. WAT2LE. Northem States Power LIPARULO.N.J. Westmghouse Electnc Corp. 95/04/05. RUSSELL.WT. Document Co. 4pp. 83973:14743973:180. Control Branen (Document Control Deskt 6pp. 83814 00543814.012.

                                                                                                -9505190073 Insp repts 50-282/95 04 & 50308/95 04 on 9503164504.No violatons
               ' Nonproonetary " Handbook on Flow Evaluanon Prame Island Units 1 & 2               noted.Maior areas inspected work planrung & configuration mgt re three on-hne mamt SGs Upper Shell to Dome Weld Region "                                                           acewtses that occurred dunng penod 1 rom 950309 to 950414 TANDON.S., PRAGER.D E., SCHMERTZ.JC. Wesanghouse Electnc Corp. WCAP.                            KROPP.W.J. Regen 3 (Post 82020I). 95/05/05.10pp. 8397315143973160.

14330. 95/03/31. 74pp. 83814 01343814:085. 9500050171 NRC Info Notee 95025. " Valve Falure Dunng Patent Treatment w/ 9504210293Genenc Lir 95 04 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors Gamma Stereotacte Radiosurgery Unst." re fmal dispossoon of SEP lessons leamed usues. COOLD.A. Dansson of industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Ashocaste Drector for Propscts (ADPR) iPost 941001). 95/04/28. Conschdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 84007.18244007:190. CarsoadatW Eeson C7 Of New York. IM 14m 97757$24 93M7 r>37, 9505220051 Forwards safety evaluaten concluding that composte storage cask at plant 9505110215 Forwards Annual Rept of ECCS Modet Changes & Errors For 1994.per acceptable w/o any addi hydrostate testmg & otner casks under Part 72 hcense need 10CFR50 46 to be tested w/ 25 psi 0 hydrostate pressure on inner contamment vesset ANDERSON.R.O. Northem States Power Co 95/05/02. Document Control Brancfl ADENSAM.E G . 95/05/11. GREENMAN.E.G. Region 3 (Post 820201). 1p - (Document Control Desa). 1799.83930 222 43930.238. 84010.21544010 221. l 9505110319 Closes out commitment to proude semennual conhguration mgt sta1us .g506220055 Safety evaluston concludmg that composste storage cask at plant accept-rept for plants. able w/o any ade hydrostate testm0 & other casks under Part 72 Icense need to be ANDERSON R.O. Northem States Power Co. 95/05/02. Document Coritrol Branch tested w/25 peg hydrostatic pressure on riner containment vessel only. (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 83945.30143945.302.

  • offee of Nucear Reactor Regulation (Post 941001). 95/05/11. 6pp. 84010.216-9505120140 Applicahon for amends to hcenses DPR-42 & DPR40. Amends would 40 6 revise plant MSSV kft settin0 tolerances VW ADLEY.M.D. Northem States Power Co, 95/05/04. Docur'iont Control Branch (Doc-ument Control Desk).19pp. 83928.293 83928.360.

R. Peedic operaung reports a rHeted correspondence -9505120145 Proposed ter:M spect reflectmg rev to plant MS$V ktt setbng tolerances, 9505040269 Forwards "Prare island Nuclear Generstmo Plant Annual Rept to NRC Ra-

  • Northem States Power Co.95/05/04. 49pp. 83928.31243928.360. eat on Ennron Morutonn0 Program Jar >Dec 1994 "

ANDERSON.R.O. Normem States Power Co 95/04/28. Document Control Branch 9505220036 Forwards amends 118 8 111 to Icenses OPR-42 & DPR40, respectwely & (Document Control Desk).1p. 83807:191 43807.271 SE. Amends change TS to allow use of attemate SG tube pluggmg cntene for part of tubes wittun tubesneet 4505040268 "Prome Island Nuclear Generstmg Plant Annual Rept to NRC Raesten ) WETZELBA .95/05/15. ANDERSON.R. Northem States Power Co. 3pp 84010:176 Envron Morutonng Program Jar >Dec 1994 " l 84010-203.

          .                                                                                         HUEBNER.L.G. Towdyne isotopes.94/12/31. 83pp. 83807:192 43807.271.

I I l

 . --~~ .~ .                             --n                     . . . .    ,        . . - ..         . . . . . _ . .                  . _ . . . _ .~;-_._.,                                     . _ . - _ _._

l DOCKETEDITEMS 51 9506100012 Forwards monthly operatng repts for Apr 1995 & rowsed repts for Jan.Feb 9505100442 Forwards exempton from regurements of 10CFR72 for submittal of rept of j

                & Mar 1995                                                                                            preoperational test acceptance cntena & test resuns at least 30 days pnor to recept        y ANDERSON.R.O. Northem States Power Co 96/05/03. Document Control Branch                               of SF or hgh ievel radwaste.

(Document Control Desk).1p. 8388917743689:191. COOLD A. Dwson of industral & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. , ANDERSON.R.O. Northem States Power Co. 4pp. 64013.27544013.264.

             -9806100014 Monthly operatmg repts for Apr 1995 for Prare Island Nuclear Plant DUGSTAD.D. Northern States Power Co.95/04/30. 8pp. 8388917643889185.                              -9505100450 Exempton from recurements of 10CFR72 tor sutwmttal of rept of preo.

peratonal test acceptance entena & test results at least 30 days pnar to receipt of SF

             -9906100016 Remsed monthly operabng repts for Mar 1995 for Prame Island Nuclear                          or rwgh.4evel radweste.

P; ant. COOL.D A. Ovmon of industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/06/11 DUGSTAD.D. Narthern States Power Co.95/03/31. 2pp. 8368918643689187 6pp. 64013.27944013.264.

             -9606100028 Roused reoritnly operatmg rssts for Feb 1995 for Prare Island Nuclear                    9606220051 Forwards safety evaluaton concluen0 that compos te storage cask at plant Plant.                                                                                                acceptaos w/o any addl hydrostats testmg & other casks under Part 72 ncense need DUGSTAD.D. Northam States Power Co.95/02/25. 2pp. 83889-1C643689-189.                                 to be tested w/ 25 pasg hydrostate pressure on mner contamment vessel.

ADENSAM.E G . 95/05/11. GREENMAN,E.G. Reipon 3 (Post 820201). 1p.

             -9506100033 Monthly operatmg repte for Jan 1995 for Prame Island Nuclear Plant                           64010.21544010.221.

DUGSTAD.D. Northem States Power Co.95/01/31. 2pp. 83889.190-83889191.

                                                                                                                  -9506220066 Safety evaluaten concludog that Compouste storage cask at plant accept-aos w/o any addl hydrostate testng 4 other casks under Port 72 bconsa need to be S. Heportable occurrences. LERs & rotated 6                 Z"                                           tested w/25 pssg hydrostate pressure on ener contamment vessel only.
  • Oftco of Nuclear Reactor Regulabon (Post 941001). 95/05/11. 6pp. 64010.216-95000202010 LER 95405 00:on 950327.apphed incorrect cahtr tolerance heruts to porta. 64010.221.

ble abranon anstruments used to satisfy ASME Section xl pump survedience Caused by embeguous vendor techrwcal manual mstructions.Rewsed cahbr.W/950425 tir 9506100225 "NRC Staff Authortres q*of Dry Cask Spent Fuel Storage Sys at HUNST AD.AA. ANDERSON.R.O. Northem States Power Co. 95/04/25. 4pp. Prame Island Nuclear Power Staten m MN. 83790.001 43790 004.

  • Offee of Pubhc Afters (Post 911117). 95/05/12. 2pp. 64030:34644030-347.

9505100007 LER 95-00440:on 950311.CW supply valve gave dual position 9606260166 Notibes of 950605 meenng w/NSP in Rockvdle.MD re tww mdependent mecaten. Caused by pece of wre that had been oft m CW pipe.found m cage Wre spent fuel storage metallaten NSP plans to bund near Prame latand. removed & valve reassembled. valve stroke checked & hmits ownches setW/eJo504 SCHNEIDER.J F. Offce of Nuclear Matenal Safety & Safeguards. 95/05/18. ltr. TRAVERS W.D. Offce of Nuclear Matanal Safety & Safeguards. 2pp. 84099:289-HUNSTAD.A.A., ANDERSON,R O. Northem States Power Co. 95/05/04. 4pp- 84099 290. 63924:11043924:113. DOCKET 50-285 FORT CALNOUN STATION, UNfT 1 g g 9605050000 informs that.atthough GFE section of untien operator hcensmo exam ad- K Generet corteependence mmstered on 950405. plant ed not partespate m exam RING.MA Regon 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/01. CHASENSKY T.M. C- ... r. Edson Co.1p. 83758 31343758:313 9506150123 Informs of change e legal frm from LeBouf. Lamb.Greene & MacRae to Wmston & Strawn.New name & address of attys provided Requests that mahng estr> bubon be uposted. Y. Dry Cask Independent Spent Fual Storu9e instanetsorg PATTERSON.T.L. Omaha Pubhc Power Dstnct 95/05/05. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk) 1p. 83898.32743898:327. 9506190056 Oscusses load tes of dry cask trunnsons at plant. Requests asestance app on  % of actual load acceptable m seu of load test of p g . GREENMAN.E G Region 3 (Post 820201). 95/03/27. CARPENTER.C.A. 2pp. 83973 13943973:140. 9506040364 Lir contract NRC 04-91468. mod 2. task order 40.extendog penod of per. tormance at no addl cost or ot* gabon to "lPE Revews.Intemel Events

             $505020118 Responds to 950310ltr whch requesled Comments on draft MOU amon0                                 Back.End Only."

Bureau of indian Afters.several otner Federal agences & Prare Island Dakota inean MACE.M. Dnnsson of Contracts (Post 940714). NRC.04 91068. 95/04/05 AF ABLE.S. Commumty. SCIENTECH, Inc. 2pp. 83747.35943747.360. TAYLOR.J.M. Ofc of the Execunve Drector for Operatons. 95/04/12. MOFFETT.E. Intenor. Dept of. Bureau of inden Aftars. 2pp. 8369019843690222- 9506030465 Forwards corrected versons of response to NRC RAI re RV structurat m. tegnty & updated mfo on weld enemcal content.estamated fluence projected RTPTS &

             -9506020120 Requests comments on enet draft MOU by 950414 & help in draftnQ                                      ed use for FCS RV sutetted by utd 950405 ftr acten plan.Acton plan wdl desenbe specift actions that esen agency has m areas o'                        A ERSON.T L. Omaha Pubic Power Ostnct 95/04/21. Document Control Branch mutual mierest.                                                                                       (Document Control Desk).17pp. 83807.34443807:360.

MOFFETT.E. Intenor. Dept. of. Bureau of inean Affars. 95/03/10.TAYLORJ. Ofc of the Execunve Drector for Operat ons.13pp. 83690-21043690.222. 9504210293Genanc Lir 9544 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors 9504240061 Confrms discusson between M Wadley & EG Greenman to hold meetmg on 950428 to escuss results of special team map re Dry Cask Storage Program-

                                                                                                                      $M      R       Na                           osects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28 Conachdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. tapp.83767 024 43757.037.

GREENMAN.E.G. Region 3 (Post 820201). 95/04/13. WATZL.E. Northem States Power Co. 2pp. 83598 09943598 099' 9505150062 Forwards amend to bconne DPR-40.revismg TSs, 3.3 & 3.6 of 9504260106 Responds to950125ttr & proindes addl mfo re ansp rept72 0010/94-212.- WATZLE.L. Northem States Power Co. 95/04/20. Document Control Branch (Docie

                                                                                                                      @ES W.G. Omaha Pubhc Power Ostnct           95/05/06. Document Control Branch (Doc.

ument Control Desk). 2pp. 83938 05043938 075-ment Control Desk) 4pp 83654.33183654.334. 9505030400 Forwards rept of preoperatonal test acceptance entens & test results for -950515o064 Apphcanon for ernend to iconse DPR.40.mcorporatmg revs por GL 93 05 to $pecs2. Prare Island ISFSIW/ Work Orders 9500766. 9500910.9501131.9501488.9501361 & GATES.W.G. Omana Pubhc Power Dstnct95/05/06. 2pp. 83938:05243938.053. Rev 0 to Mamt Procedure D95.1 & Draft Rev 0 to Mamt Procedure D95.2. ANDERSON.R.O. Northern States Power Co 95/04/20. Document Control Branch -9505150066 Proposed toch sDecs.mcorporstmg proposed revs per GL 93 05 to Specs { Document Control Desk). 486pp. 83796:001 43797.281.

             -9605030411 Rev 0 to Mamt Procedure D951. "TN 40 Cask Loadmg Procedure "
  • Omans Pubic Power DstncL 95/05/08. 22pp. 83938:054 43938.075.
  • Nortnem States Power Co.44/12/22.159pp. 83797.123-83797.281. 1
  • 9505090312 Genorm Lir 9242.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to an holders Of OLs (except those b- l 05C5COC297 Sabrmts situ se nyorostate test of TN.40 cask. conses amended to posseson.only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac-ANDERSON.R.O. Northam States Power Co 95/04/26. Document Control Branch tot vessel structural mtegnty.

(Document Control Desk), 24pp. 83791-32343791.346. ZIMMERMAN,R.P. Associate Drector for Prolects (ADPR) (Post 941001) 95/05/19 Consohdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc.10pp 84084:352 44064 361. 9505190082 Dscusses dry cask storage seues at plant Requests assistarme in deter. rnirung appropnete hydrostate test recurements for TN40 cash & evaluaten of weld. , noncomphances w/ ASME Sect on til Class 1. Q. : reports,IE Dulietins & corresponesence l EENMAN.E G. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/02 CARPENTER,C.A. 10 i 83973 161 43973.161. g , , 9505100025 twedes into m response to questens raised dunn0950428pibhc meehng g am F 83757:001 4 3757:012 ANDERSON.R.O. Northem States Power Co. 95/05/03 Document Control Branch (Document Control Deskt 3pp. 8387319443873196. 9505030019 Forwards two map repts 50 285/96 04 & 50 285/95 25 whch document re. 9505150114 Provides snfo re un6oadmg of TN-40 cask. suits of NRC revew of sett-assessment performed by utd at staten & insp procedure STURZ.F C. Ovision of industna! & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/05 40501.for mfo . ANDERSON.R.O. Northern States Power Co. 2pp. 83942.36043942:361. GWYNN,T P. Region 4 (Post 820201). 95/04/25 COTTLE.W.T. Houston Ligntmo & l Power Co 5pp. 83720:04743720:091. i 9505250000 Forwards cartried resoluton adopted by Cny Counc8 of Lake City.dtd 950509 re storage of fugn.ievel nuclear waste as proposed by NSP. ~9505030038 insp Procedure 40501. "Leensee Selt. Assessment Related to Safety BREMER.W. Affdiaton Not Assegned 9's/05/10. Regon 3 (Post 820201) app. 6ssues ;nsp." l

  • Region 4 (Post 820201t 95/08/25 app. 43720'086 83720 091, j 84063.30544063.308.

i l l

, . . - __. . . + ~ ~ . - ~ - . . - - -. . -- . - . . - - . _ . - - - ... . _ ~ ~. _ . . ~ _ _ - 52 DOCKETEDITEMS 9500030051 Forwards map repts 50-285/9444 & 54285/94-24 whsch document results R. Persoec operatmg reports & reisted eerrespondence of NRC revow of sell i performed by utd at station & inap procedure 9505100131 " Fort Calhoun Stanon Urut 1 Annual Rent for Tech spec Section 5.9 f B WY T P Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/04/25. STEW ART.WL Anzona Put*c Serv. W/9 30 Itr ce Co. (formerly Anzona Nuciaer Power Protect). 4pp. 8372023543720278. [a,n. 8 Ch i 83908'136. l 9500030055 Forwards copy of Itr sent to all Repon IV power reactor hcensees re re-susts et NRC revow of svc water sys sett,sssessment performed by well as k NRC spacel map of segmicant safety assue identifed by assessment 9505120030 " Fort Calnoun Staten Radclopcal Envron Operstmg Rept TS 5.9 4 b." for i GWYNN.T.P. Regon 4 (Poet B20201). 95/04/25. PATTERSON.T.L Omaha Pubhc pened of940101 1231.W/950430 ter. Power Detnct 3pp. 8372020143720.285. PATTERSON.T.L Omana Pubhc Power Datnct 94/12/31. 41pp. 83935.292- l i 83935.333. f

   -9600030072 Forwards two map repts whch document results of NRC review of seit-assessment performed by utd at piantas waft as NRC specal msp of segrettant safety                95052N172 Mety oow                       rept ta Apr 1995 tw FCS Umt 1 W/950515 nr
                                                                                                                                             "' L          "       *       '        '"* 8$
  • P R 4 820201I 5/04 5. RUEGER.GM Pacifc Gas & Elec- UP03 84039 ~

inc Ca ip. 837 $-83720:285. I 9505310231 Forwards " Fort Calhoun Stabon Performance indcators Apr 1995." 9amanenns7 Forwards insp repts50 285,9444 & 50 285/94 24whch document teaults of NRC rewsw of sett. assessment performed by uld at staten & map procedure PATTERSON.T.L Omaha Pubhc Power Distnct 95 M/22. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk) 1p 84145-00144145:100 40501.for mfo ' GWYNN.T.P. Regen 4 (Post 820201) 95/04/25. RAY,H.B. Southern Cai4arma Edson Co. 5pp. 83720.2e6-83720.330. 9605310234 " Fort Calhoun Staten performance indcators Apr 1995 " r Omaha Pubhc % Detna WO4% N 84145 M244145M 9600030067 Forwards map repts 50-285/9444 & $4285/94-24 whch document results } of NRC review of sett a-- _ performed by utd at staten & map procedure - 40501.for mio. s. Reportshee - . LEms & reisted coneependence GWYNN.T.P. Regen 4 (Post 820201) 05/04/25. TERRY.C.L Texas Uthtes Electnc Co. (TU Elecine). dop 83721:001 43721945. 25W1H %W5406m 950220. plant pmmatumly ensemd WS refue6ng outace , whch document results a annenun73

       ,~RC - oForwards   seu..esmenmap re.erto 4

pts $42,85,/94 0,rne& $0-285/94-24d by uN ai sta.on & map -e =a;=,'-a=,'a*,,,w;,==ase ~,s ,r * -a aa- -m ai a-

                                                                                                                                           ^'"          U *                "'                     ' *'      ~

Y T Regen 4 (post 820201). 95/04/25 MCGAHA.J.R. Entergy Operanons. 8 - Inc. Spp.83721-046 83721-090. 9505190047 LER 95402 00 on 950327.contamment polar crane was used to move re-96000300D5 Forwards msp repts documentmg results of NRC revow of self-assessment actor vessel mismals htt ng over reactor vesset.USAR & TS did not cisarty identdy . performed by utd & NRC map of segnifcant safety asue identried by ubl seH-assess. contamment closure recuiremonts CA will rewme USAR W/950508 Itr. [ ment. GESCHWENDER.J., PATTERSON.T.L Omana Pubhc Power Distnct. 95/05/06. 8pp. i GWYNN.T.P. Repon 4 (Post 820201). 95/04/25. YELVERTONJW. Entergy Oper.  ; 83899.08543899.092. econs. Inc. 400. s3721:14043721:183 7 9600030102 Forwards copy of ansp repts documentng results of NRC review of self as.

  • sesament performed by usl at piant & specal map of Si identfed V. Operator E-GWYNN.T.P. Repon 4 (Post 820201t 95/04/25. PARRISHJV. Washmgton Pubic (

Power Supply System. 5pp. 83721:18&S3721.229. 900E000038 Forwards copy of master exam re Geners Fundamentals Exam Secten of s 9500030112 Forwards anso repts documentog results of NRC review of self.a-- . _ . , wrmen operator hconsmg exam.Wie encl. performed by utd & NRC map of segmtcant safety neue conDtied by uht self assess GWYNN.T.P. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/W/02 PATTERSON.T.L Omaha Pubhc i Power Detnct 2pp. 83758 08943758:090. l ment J GWYNN.T.P. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/04/25 HORN.G.R. Nebraska PutPc Power Detnct. $pp. 8372125943721:305. DOCKET $0 206 INDIAN POINT STATION, UNIT 3 , 9500030126 Forwards copy of msp repts documentmo results of NRC fewww of self as- t nessment performed by utd at plant & spemal meo el Si identihed, I GWYNN.T.P. Reoon 4 (post 820201L 95/04/25. BARKHURSTAP. Entergy Oper- F. Securtty, nioneel, emergency & fire prosection piens  ; atens. Inc. $pp. d3722:00143722S45. 9600030292 Forwards two map repts $4285/9444 & 50 285/94-24 wnch document re- $506020213 Forwards replacemord pa0es to updated EALs recently proposed for i suits of NRC review of self -performed by uld at staten & insp procedure tac Changes to pages rehect recent teicon between utd & NRC re logc ter entry 40501.for mto mto ' G T (Post 20 95/04/25. CARNS.N.S. Wolf Creek Nuclear CAH W Po al of how York (New York Power Authornvl

                                        -                                                                     95/04/25 Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 4pp. 83757.333-83757.336.

9aasa*aaa' Ack recact of 950411 Itr mformmg NRC of steps taken to Correct velaDons noemd m map root 50-285/95 01 9506220024 Forwards map rept 50 286/05 81 on 950130 0324.No violatons roted. COLLINS.S.J Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/04/27. PATTERSON.T.L Omaha Pubic WlGGINS.J.T. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/11. MILLLM. Power Aurnonty of the Power Distnet. App.83720-003-83720:010. State of New York (New York Power Autnanry). App. 83985-07743985:132. 9504210127 Generc Lir 95 03 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re crcumferenbal -

                      ' 'u 88-                                                                            -9805220031 Irmo rept 50w286/95-81 on 950130 0324 No wolabons noted. Maior areas                     I
                         *                                      ^                                                                                    wup actims to ruolve tre protecten. App R & EDSFI crack'E" s".ohda      ed"^"E/ son'2*"*NRfo,"k l"c WF' 3'75E'M5M3 "
                                                                                            '5' '
                                                                                                              ;;::: Tom,g,t@e SKOKOWSKI.R.A. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/11. 45pp. 83985C8143985132.                          l 9606000213 Notifcaten of 950510 meenng w/utt m Rockvdie.MD to decuss plant tnad 9505300035 Rowned EPiPs.mcludmg towsed Table of Contems.rev 3 to IP.2001 &                           >
                 .        9 /05/02. BATEMAN W.N. 3pp. 83854:032 43854:035.                                    voced rev 5 to IP.1085.                                                                          [

CHUBARD,M.A. Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Author-9506100325 Forwards msp rept 50 295/95.08 on 950327-31No voletons noted. I COLLINS.S.J. Regen 4 (Post 820201) 95/05/10 PATTERSON.T.L Omana Pubic sty) 95/05/16. 22pp, 84104.306-84104.329 Power Detnct. App. 83953.29143953.307.

     -9505100328 Inso rept 50 285/95 06 on 950327 31.No votatens noted Maior areas                                         t l

mspected radeten protecten actmhos m s@ port of refue JOYNER.J.H. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/23. HILLLM. Power Authonty of the MUARAy,8. Regon 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/08.13pp. 8395 .29 3953:307 State of New York (New York Power Authontyt 3pp. 84095 34844095 356 l 9506000171 NRC Info Nobce 95025. " Valve Fadure Dunng Pabent Treatment w/ -9505310105 insp rept 50 286/95 08 on 950500-11 No safety concems or violatons Gamma Stereotactc Radcourgery Und.* reted Mapor areas espected-ettechveness of mgt controls.secunty program COOLDA Dmson of incksstnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. plans.maintenanca. compensatory enessures.secumy trammg & ouahtcaten. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York. inc. 9pp 84007.18244007.190. KING.E.B., SMITH.G C. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/11. 6pp. 64095.351-9505230054 Forwards map rept $4285/95 04 on 950226 0408 & NOV. Velatons repre. 84095.356. sent inck of attenton to dotad by heansed operators BEACHAB Repon 4 (Post 820201) 95/05/18. PATTERSON.T.L Omana Pubic Power Datnct. 5pp. 84001:17644001204- H. General _  : ce l J

      -9505230063 Notco of veishan from map on 9502264408 Venaten noted:hcensed op-erators removed from core fuse bundee bcated m posmon C13,out of presenbod so.                    9505220199 Responds to950413 str to NRC Charman Sohn to regulatory oversight re-quence                                                                                                sponsstuiny of nuclear facetes for protecten of pubic health & setety RUSSELLW. Ofice of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001). 95/05/15 Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/16. 2pp. 84001.18144001.182.                                           GRUSKIN,D New York. State of,6pp 840C2.24644002251.

9505230070 #nso rept 50 285/95 04 on 95C226-0408 Velatons reted Maior areas inspected.operatonal safety verdcahon. plant support actnrees.tremt & survedlance acevnes. & onene engnmenng i. Fmanc6al information I JOHNSON W.D. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/15. 22pp. 84001:18344001.204 i 9505250179 Summary of 950510 meetmo w/util re thrd 10 year mservce msp program 9505040008 " Annual Rept 1994 " W/950426 Itr. j tar stanon.Let of ettendees & handouts enci. CAMILLW.J. Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty) 94/12/31. 48pp. 83837.220 83837269. Ltd.T Y. 95/05/22. . topp. 84075.21484075.219 i i i


DOCKETEDITEMS 53 P. Operstmg hconse stage documents & c . :e 9505220002 Forwards map rept 50 286/9544 on 950328-0417 8 notme of volaten.NRC concemed w/uht weak performance dunng contamment closecut walk-950525021e Ack recespt of 950316 mtemet mad frorn P Blanch dtd 950317. d a ns 2WOLINSK!,J. A. . 95/03/20.RUSSELLW . M!RAGLIAf., THADANI.A. NRC . No De. COWGILLC.J. Region 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/12. HILLL Power Authonty of the tasted Att katen Gwen. 2pp. 64078.34144078.347. State of New York (New York Power Authonty). 5pp. 83985.00243985.038.

 ~9d05250239 Requests mfo as to whether IP-3 & NRC vented that every MOV opera-          -9505220003 Notce of volaten from msp on 9503284417Vo:aten noted on tWe as required en TS.                                                                 950315.125 voit drect current control panels 33 & 34 had been cross tied w/o bemp BLANCH.P.M. Affihason Not Assegned. 95/03/18 ZWOLINSKI,J.A. Ottee of Nuclear           prescreed or _4. M 1AW occumented matructons of type per cucumstanceh l    Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001) 2pp. 64078.346-84078.347.
  • Regon 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/12.10,83985 00743985 007.

9505040349Lir contract. Mod 1.exteriding panod of performance to task order 35. "lPE -9505220004 inno rept 50-286/95-04 on 950328 0417 votahons noted Maior areas l Reviews.Intema! Events Back-End Only " mspected:piant operatens.mamt.engmeenn0 plant support & aatety assessment & , MACE.M Dnnson of Contracts (Post 940714). NRC 04-91068. 95/04/05 AFABLE.S. cuatify ventcaton. SCIENTECH. Inc. 2pp. 83748.316 83748.317. COWGILLC.J. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/12. 29pp. 83985.008 83985-036 l 9504210293Genene Lir 95 04 to an holders of OLs or cps tot nuclear power reactors 9505310008 Forwards map rept50-286/95 08 on 950508-11.No safety concems of we l re fmal esposaton of SEP lessons-leamed asues. latons noted ZIMMERMAN R.P. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/29' JOYNER.J.H Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/23. HILLLM Power Authonty of the Consohcoted Eeson Co of New York. inc.14pp. 83757:02443757 037. State of New York (New York Power Authority). 3pp 84095 34844095.356. 9505150305 Requests enforcement escreten for TS Section 3.3.A.2 action statement whch recures that RHR sys be restored to operatanty withm 1 h or reactor shall be m -9505310105 insp rept 50-286/95-08 on 950508-11.No safety concems or violatons cold shutdown conditon within next 20 hJustricaton & nuclear SE anct noted.Masor areas maoected effectueness of mgt controis.secunty program MILLLM. Power Autnanty of the State of New York (New York Power Authontvt 95/ plans memtenance. compensatory measures.secunty trainmg a quakfcanon. j 05/08 Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 19pp. 83977.326- KING.E B., SMITH.G C, Regen 1 (Post 820201L 95/05/11. 6pp. 84095.351 . 83977.344. 64095.356 9505260057 Informs that utd request not to enforce comptance actons recured per 9505310048 Forwards msp rept 50w286/95-07 on 95050105 No volatens noted. j plant TS granted as result of safety ratonale proveed when adequately addressed MODES.M C. Regen 1 (Post 8202011. 95/05/24. HILLLM Power Autronty of the 1 emenon B.3 of Part 9900 of NRC insc Manual"10CFR2. App C Enforcement..." State of New York (New York Power Authonty). 3pp. 6409511944095.128. J COOPER.R W Regon 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/11. HILLL Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Fower Authonty). 4pp. 84062.196-84062.218. -9505310052 insp rept 50 286/95 07 on 95050145.No velatons noted Masor areas mspected.lSi of Class 1-3 pressure training componerits.  ! 9505090312 Genanc Ltr 924f Rev 1.Suppi 1 to all holders of OLs (except those b- CHAUDHARY.S. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/24 7pp. 84095.12244095:128 l conses amended to possee.on only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re read I tor vessel structural sitegnty ZIMMERMAN R.P, Associale Drector for Protects qADPR) (Post 941001) 95/05/19. R. Periodic opereting reports & rotated correspondence Conschdatea Esson Co. of New York. Inc. topp.84084.352 44084.361. 950509007F *1994 Radologcal Envron Operatng Rept.Inean Pomt NPPs Jan Dec l O. Inspectron reports. IE Bullet 6ns & correspondence 1994 " W/950428 Itr 1 HILLLM.. QUINN,S Power Autnanty of the State of New York. (New York Power Au- . 9505250218 Ack recept of 950316 miemet mad from P Blanch dtd 950317. thontyi.94/12/31.118pp. 83893.20243893:3t 9 ZWOLINSKlJ.A . 95/03/20 RUSSELLW., MIRAGLIA.F, THADANI.A. NRC - t4o Do. l tailed Amhaton Given. 2pp. 84078.34144078.347. 9505100034

  • Annual Envron Protecten Plan Rept." for CY94 W/950426 ttr OUINN.S E. Conschdated Eeson Co of f4ew York, tec. 94/12/31. 7pp 83873 339-
 -9505250239 Requests oto as to whether IP.3 & NRC verthed that every MOV opera-            83873.345.

tWe as recured by TS. BLANCH.P.M. Athliator' Not Assagned 95/03/16 ZWOLINSIO,J.A. Offee of Nuclesr 9505240347 Monthly operatmg rept for Apr 1995 tar indian Pomt Unit 3 W/950515 Itr. Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001). 2pp. 84078.34644078.347. OPLANDO.T, HILLLM. Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power

                                                                                            ^         I          ~

9504190049 NRC info Nobce 95 024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requakfcahon Insp Program Fmdengs " RM S/04/25. Consohdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 12pp. S. Reportable occurrences, LERs & related -. _ 9505090065 Forwards corrected msp rept 50 286/94-29 correctog ormssons & typo- 9505040083 LER 95-00740 on 950327. loss of motor control ctr 36B due to personnel graphcal errors noted m 950328 reot error caused EDG 32 to Decome moperable.coneton prohitzted by TS. Conducted MODES.M.C. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 95/04/26. HILLLM. Power Authorty of the e4ectncal mspectons & tests & MCC-360 was reenergized & declared operatWe W/ State of New York (New York Power Authonty). 2pp 83816:31143818 351. 950428 Itr HEUBERGER.N.. HILLLM Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York

 -9505090070 Corrected map rept 50-289/94-29 on 941114 950224.No volstions                  Power Autnantyt 95/04/26.10pp 83845.02243845.031.

noted Maior areas mapected-adeouacy of hcensee followup achons to resolve ent-

             .related esues cat       ed by NRC as restart asues                          9505150071 LER 95 003 01:en 950202.potentet sangte failure of C donde.fre protec-CHAU        RY,5 K.. M        S.M C. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/26. 39pp-           ton sys could result m losa of wantilaton to 480 VAC switengear room placmg plant m 83816.313-83816.351.                                                                   unanatyred condrhon W/950505 Itr.

9504210127 Genene Ltr 9503 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs te crcumferential ). 5 05 899 99 1 crackmg of SG Iubes. 2IMMERMAN R.P. Associate Drector for Prolects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. 9505300075 LER 95408 00:on 950408. plant was found outside design bases due to fa4-Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. 83757:01343757.023. ure to anatyre access to manual safety mgecton sys vaive.Adoed proceeJral require-nwns to open varve 898 when entenng hot kg merculaton W/950519 ltr. 9506100111 Forwards map rept 50 286/95 03 on 9501244413.No volations BOUFFORD.J HILLL M Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power noted Correctrve actons to resolve restart maues adequate KELLY.E M Regen 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/01. HILLLM Power Authonty of the Autrontyt95/05/19 7pp. 84132.082 84t32.088 State of New york (fuew Yora Power Authonty). 3pp. 83828.20843828.229

 -9506100127insp rept50 286/9#.03 on 9501244413 No volasons noted. Mapor areas            V. Operator Examanations mspected. assess iconsee resolubon of engmeenng reisted topcs categortred by NRC NDY ' FIELLY.E.M. Region 1 (Post $20201). 95/04/28 19pp. 83828.211-                  m$m021 Infonna that Regen I can re longer partcosa e carbficate pesentatens to beensed operators & SROs Instead.NRC will send cerkfcates erectly to facuaties.

83828 229 WIGGINS.J T. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/01. HILLL M Power Authonty of the State of hw Nk (New M Power Aumontyt 2pp 8384M-83816.M7 9505110020 Forwa ds snsp rept 50-266/95 02 on 9502124327.Noncited violatons aden. tified COWGILLC.) Regon 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/03. HILL.L. Power Autnanty of the DOCKET 50 287 OCONEE NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 3 State of New York (New York Power Aut%). 3pp. 83850.235 83850:271.

 -9505110023 Inso rept 50 286/95-02 on 9502124327.Noncited volatons identrfed Mapor areas mapected-plant operatons.maint. engmeenng. plant support &     F. Security, medical, emergency & fire protection plans safety assessment & ouality vertfcaton.

COWGILLC.J Regen 1 (Post 820201L 95/05/03. 34pp 83850.23843850.271' 9505020079 informs that rev 94 06 to emergency plan.satsfactory & meets pianning 950 71 N oN 5-0  ;' Valve Fadure Durmg Pabent Treatment w/ Q'[R 83689 344 43689.346. ( Y20 50 9 AM J W. Duke pcmer Co 3pp. COOLD A. Duson of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729L 95/05/11 Conschdated Eeson Co of New York. Inc. 9pp. 64007.18244007190 9505030336 Forwards corrected page D-8 to Rev 94-06 of Voi A of Oconee Nuctear 9505220024Forwa Os mso rept 50 286/95 81 on 950130-0324 Ne volanons noted Site errwrgency plan Mahmg change indcated m Dec 1994 submittal that EAL for mete-W1GGINS.J.T. Regen 1 (Post 820201L 95/05/11. HILLL M Power Authonty of the ahng condition 11 recsed State of New Yoru (New York Power Authontyt 4pp 83985.07743985132. HAMPTON.J W. Duke Power Co 95/04/20 Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk) 1p. 83832.28343832.284

  -9505220031insp rept50-286/95-81 on 950130 0324 No volatons noted. Maior areas mapected.adeouacy of util tollowup acbons to resolve tre protectort. App R & EDSFI  -9505030337 Changes to page D.8 of Rev 94 06 to Vol A of Oconee Nuclear Site followup or NRC restaft asues                                                          emergency plan.

SKOKOWSKLR A. Repon 1 (Post $20201). 95/05/11. 45pp 83985 08143985132.

  • Duke Power Co 95/04/20.1p 83832.284-83832.284.

___.m - . ,_ -_._.-_m ~ _ _ . .._ __ _ _ . . . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . . _ _ . - _ . _ . _ _ . _ - _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ - 54 DOCKETEDITEMS 9606000330 Informs that m order to complete revow & approval process sutytuttal date 9505240362 Onors hated comments on proposed rev to 10CFR50 App J. "Contamment for calculaten for Keowee operstng hmets changed to 950808.per util 950419 ftr sup- Leekage Teshng." pubished m950221 FR 4 endorses comment.t sutwrutted by NEl piementmg proposed emergency power mod acbon plan. on sut4 HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co 95/04/27 Document Control Branch (Document TUCKMAN.M.S. Duke Power Co. 95/05/00. Document Control Branch (Document Cornrol Desk). Ip.83839.302 43839.302 Control Desk). 4pp. 84068 358 84068.360 , 9906240440 Requests approvst of changes to mm emergency stafhng levels for DPC 9506100338 Docusses 941205 memo re determmaton that steam stop valves should nucles arte emergency plans under Cost Benetcel . Actons (CBLA) have been classited as safetyrelated. Informs that failure to so classity valves would process pstifcaten of proposed changes & mio to CB encl. be devabon from commstment TUCKMAN.M.G. e Power Co. 95/05/08. Document Control Branch (Document BERKOW.H N. . 95/05/15. MERSCHOFF,E.W. Regen 2 { Post 820201). 10 Control Desk).16pp. 84073:05444073:069. 83988.3054 3988:305. 9805240110 Forwards map repts 50 269/95 04.50-270/95 04 & $0 287/95 04 on 9606100301 Discusses b41219 memo re evaluaton of four moues assocated w/poten-  ; 950403 45 & notre of velaten.Velaten of concern because actMty allowed for es- tial fadure scenanos mvolvmo peng sys attached to fren steam sys at taeshty closure et safeguards into tnrough ute unsecured automauc data processm0 sys. BERKOW.H N. . 95/05/15 MERSCHOFF.E.W. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 1p. STOHRJ P. R 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/t2. HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. 83964.360 83964.360. 4pp. 84021:177 .21:185, 9505310442 Forwards revs to "ONS Selected La:ensee C- _ . ManusL" Secton

       ' -9505240115 Notco of velaton from msp on 95040305 Vunsbon noted: tadure to                        168.3 to ado power battery parameters to estabbsh requirements for operabihty of rotam era         m secured automauc data processmg sys                                        250 Vdc power battenes
  • Regen 2 ( 820201). 95/05/12.1p. 64021:18144021:181. HAMPTONJ W Duke Power Co. 95/05/16 Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk).1p. 8416310244183:116
         -9605240123 Inso repts 50 269/95 04.50-270/95 04 & $0287/95 04 on 950403-                                                                                                    .a Manual." adding power 05.Votaten reted.Maior areas inspectethcensee decovery.on 950220.00 unsecured               -9605310449 Revs to "ONS Selected Leensee C-_

drawmps stamped as bemg safeguards mfo battery parameters to estabksh requeements for operabihty of 250 Voc power better-TOBIN.WJ. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/12. 4pp. 64021.18244021:185. ses.

  • Duke Power Co.95/05/11.14pp. 84183:103 84183.118-9506240071 Advises of results of 950320 revow of recent performance at facihty to de-termme d NRC present planned map effort lor rest of current SALP cycle eriould be 9506200227 Requests NRC approval for uld to use recent Rev 3 to CROV computer revised. Forwards msps ptenned ter remamder of SALP cycle 12 code (approved NRC on 950420).

CRLENJAK,R V. 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/17.HAMPTONJW. Duke Power Co. TUCKMAN.M S. e Power Co. 95/05/17. Document Control Branch (Document app. 54021-06 1:068 Control Desk). 4pp. 84104:07044104.082. 9605000312 Genanc Lir 92 02.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all tioiders of OLs (except those b. P. Opereeing license stage _ & correspondence conses amended to ; . Drstatus) or cps for nuclear power reactors to reac- , tot vessel structural meegnty. ZIMMERMAN.R P. Assooate Deector for Pro,ects (ADPR) (Post 941001) 95/05/19. 9606020050 Forwards of 940224 meetag re plant svc water related Cmachdated Eeion Co. of New Yoe. inc.1000 8406644084.E maues Attenoses hsted . G A t 820201). 95/04/05. HAMPTONJW. Duke Power C 9505300020 Forwards "Oconee 3 Cycle 16. Core Operat:ng Lauts Rept. Rev 0.OA Con-econ 1." 9608030143 Expresses apprecaton for NRC prompt response to recuest to perform CANADY.0LS. Duke Power Co 95/05/19. Document Control Branch (Document Con-trol Desk) 1p 84096.322 84096M tecnncal auet of util use of fust ved code metrooology

                                                                                                        -9505300023 "Oconee 3 Cycle 16. Core Operatng Lmuts Rept Rev 0. CA Condsten 1."

gulation ( t 1001 837 1:34 3 34 FORSTERJ D MCCLAINLD.. ST CLAIR.R.R. Duke Power Co. ONE4 0400 70 R00 95/05/19 Sepp 84096:323443962 9608010027 Forwards addl mfo re SGTR event Does for of molaten of af-tected SG w/sieammo affected SG for B&W teucsear Stearn Sys. LYON.W.C. .95/04/24. JONES.R.C. ,17pp. 83699.34143699.357 9006020302 Submrts suppi mfo to GL 9046.mformmg that ubi miends to no longer rapack tsock valves overy refuehng outage 9600020062 Forwards map rept 72 0004/95 01 on 950327-28.No volatons or des HAMPTON.J W Duke Power Co. 95/04/26 Document Control Branch (Document atone noted Control Dersk). 3pp. 83793.34643792348. CLINE.W E. A 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/20.HAMPTONJW. Duke Power Co. 3pp. 83689. 9J60. 9505020222Docusses940308 09viert to plant.m whch NRC ident$ed .. . w/hcerning bass requirement -9505030051 insp rept724004/95-01 on 950327-26.No volatens noted. Masor areas WlENS.L.A. .95/04/27.HAMPTONJ.W Duke Power Co. 4pp. 83717:250wS3717 253. . -mapetonal exposure controts assocated w/ISFSi,auets.chan0es to program. external exposure controm & control ce raccaceve meds. 9604210293Genanc Ltr 9544 to all holders of OLs or cps for nucieer pow,r reactors LwW T., RANKIN.W.H. Regen 2 (Post 820201). t#5/04/19 8pp. 83689.253-se fmal espostlen of SEP lessons 4eerned usuesL 83689 260. ZIMMERMAN,R.P. Associate Desctor for Propects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York, Irc 14pp. 83757224-83757:037. 9506030129 Forwards map repts 50 269/9543.50 270/9503 4 50-287/95 03 on 950226 0325 & rehce of volanort 9506110291 Forwards chenpss to ONS Urut 3 Cycle 16 retoed rept wtuch addresses CRLENJAK.R V. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/21. HAMPTONJW. Duke Power Co. new LOCA knear heat rate smit analyses performed for Mark B10T fuel due to change 3pp. 83797:341 43797.362. m fuel rod pre pressure ooscnbod m utd 95C313 itr TS bases rev also enci. HAMPTONJ.W. Duke Power Co 95/05/02. Document Control Branch (Document -9606030134 Nohce of velaban from map on 950226 0325 Vetanon noted KHU abgned j Control Desk). 2pp. 83930.31243930:331. to Ond was tochtscally inoperatWe due to potennal overspeed lockout wtule operabng m oncess of 72 MW

          -9505110294 Changes to ONS Urut 3 Cycle 16 reload rept.addressmo new LOCA bnear
  • Region 2 (Post 820201). 05/04/21. 2pp. 83797.34443797.345 heat rate knut analyses for Mark B10T tuel.
  • Duke Power Co. 95/05/02.12pp. 83930'31443930.325. -9606030140 inso repts SCL269/95 03.50 270/9543 & 50-287/95 03 on 9bO226-0325 Venaten noted.Maior creas mapacted:piant opershons.survedlance testmg.msmt
          -9605110296 Proposed toch specs bases addresemg new LOCA bnuts for fresh Batch                    actwties.onsste engmeenng & tecewucat assastance.

18 tuel. HARMON.P.E., CRLENJAK.R.V Regen 2 (%st 820201) 95/04/21.160p. 83797.346-

  • Duke Power Co.95/05/02. 6pp. 83930:326-83930.331. 83797.362.

9506100185 Forwards amends 209.209 & 206to hcenses DPR 38.DPR 47 & DPR 55 & 9605020122 Docusses 950418 toscon re arrangements made for NRC to mspect b-safety evaluaton. Amends revise TS 3 8 to estataan restncted toadmg pattoms & as- consed operator requalificaten propam at piant dunng wk of 950515. sociated bumup cntena for piacmo tuoi m plant spent tuoi poons FEEBLES.T A. Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/24 HAMPTON.J W. Duke Power Co WiENS.LA .95/05/03 HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. 3pp. 83856:131 43858.171. 3pp. 83690:224-83690.226.

          -9505100196 Amends 209.209 & 206 to bconses OPR 38.DPR-47 & OPR-55.                            9504190049NRC Info Notce 95424. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requahfcaten respectmety.revemg TS 3.8 to estabhsh restncted loadmg panems & associated                     inno Prcyam Fmengs."

burnup cruena for placmg fuel m ptaru spent fuel pools GRIMES.B K. 95/04/25. Consohdated Edison Co of New York. inc.1200 1 BERKOW.H.N .95/05/03. 29pp. 8385613443856182. 83757.001 43757:012. )

          -950510019e Safety evaluaten samporbng amends 209.209 8 206 to bcenses DPR-                    9505020222 Authorses proposed ahemative to ASME Boiler & Pressure vesses                               f 38 DPR-47 & DPR.55,respectwe#y.                                                               Coos wruch prowdes rehet for ISI program
  • Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001) 95/05/03. 9pp. 83856163- BERKOW.H.N 95/04/26 TUCKMAN.M S. DAe Power Co 4pp. 83717.254-
              $3856.171.                                                                                     83717.262.

9505150023 Forwards hatmo & protected schedule for completen & semittal of new -9505020244 Safety evaluaton a"thortrmg hcensee ISI request for rehef from code hy-topcal roots reconng tWRC approval crostats pressure test roouirement.

                                                                                                              * . 95/04/26. 5pp. 83717.25843717.262.

TUCKMAN.M S. Duke Power Co. 95/05/04. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 83899 04443899-046 l 9505050217 Sutmuts suppl ento re request for rehef 95 02 tar trwd ten yr ISI mterval i 9505120106 Forwards calculaten whech supports Keowee generahan kmits. HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co 95/04/27 Document Control Branch (Document HAMPTON.J W. Duke Power Co 95/05/05 Document Control Branch (Docu nard Controt Dusk). 2pp 83862.35243862.353 Control Desk).1p. 83885:00143885 293. 9505000039 Serruts answers to questions re second 10-yr mterval request for rebet 94

           -9505120109 Rev i to calculaton KC UNIT 12 0106. "Keowee Power Operstmg Re-                       07.                                                                                                 i stnctens for NSM.52966                                                                       HAMPTON.J W. Duke Power Co 95/04/27. Document Control Branch (Document                             j
  • Duke Power Co KC UNIT t 24106 RC1. 95/05/04. 292pp. 83885 00243885.293. Control Deskt 3pp. 83865:00243865.004.

m ~ .mm . m _ _ . ~ . _ . __m . mm . _ . . . . _ _ , ._.m ~ _ _ . _ . - . _ . _ - -_.__m l l l ' l DOCKETEDITEMS 55 1 r 9504210127 Genenc Lir 9503 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs se crcumferenhal R. Per6cd6c operating reports & re6sted correspondence crackmg of SG tubes. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (post 941001). 95/04/28. Consondated Eeson Co of New York. Inc.11pp. 83757 01343757:023 95050301,75pen iog4 "Oc.o. nee Nuclear Stabon Uruts 1 & 2 Annual Radiologcal Ermron Operst-MPTON.J W Duke Power Co.94/12/31,124pp. 83861$60 83861:183. not.05 5 C ,,ects erro, m950309ii,.- commamenis ,nade 950224 meetmo re outstandmg asues assocated w/SWS opersbonal e 9505000331 Annual radioactwo effluent release rept for 1994.W/950426 Itr. ONJ Co 95

                                                                                                            ####                                      ## D "###
                                                               . Document Control Branch (Document
Control Deskt 2pp. 83991
357-83991.358. 9505220154 Forwards monthly operabng repts for Apr 1995 for Oconee Nuclear Stabon
                                                                                                            & rowsed War rept.

9505110166 Forwards map repts 50 269/95 05.50 270/9545 4 50-287/95 05 on WEBER.R.L Duke Power Co. 95/05/15. Document Control Branch (Document Con-95041012 No votatens noted. trol Desk). 2pp~ 6403915244039169. CASTO.C.A. R 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/05. HAMPTONJW. Duke Power Co. 2pp. 83851.221 3851.227. -9505220273 Monthly opera repts for Apr 1995 for Oconee Nuclear Stauon.

         ~9605110170Insp repts50 269/95 05.50 270/95-02 & 50 287/95 05 on 95041012.No wolanons noted. Major areas mspected, msonnce map. exam of hmned access welds &              - 9505220274 Revised monthly operstmg status rept for Mar 1995 for ONS_

l fonowup feedwater drain hne craciung. Duke Power Co.95/03/31.1p. 8403916944039.169. ECONOMOS.N BLAKE.J.J. Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/02. 5pp. 8385t223-83851.227.


9505240137Sutmts map actimbes assocated w/Oconee Emergency Power Protect to f A. 8 201 95 5 08 HAMPTON.J.W. Dume Power Co. 9505020122 Discusses 950418 teicon to arrangements made for NRC to mspect 6-3pp. 64021.288440 290' consed operator requahtcaten am et p! ant wk of 950515. PEEBLES.T.A. Region 2 (Post 1). 95/04/24 MPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. 3pp 83690.224 81690:226 9505050171 NRC Info Nobce 95025. " Valve F.ature Dunng Pabent Treatment w/ Gamma Stereotacbc Radiosurgery Urul" COOLD.A. Omson of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. Conschdated Edrson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 84007:182-64007:190. Y. Dry Cask independent Spent Fuel Stora9e .- 9505250009 Forwards addl mfo requested by NRC on 950501 re plant thrd ten year 9505020052 Forwards insp eept 724004/9501 on 950327-28.No molabons or dem-meerval ISI plan for Uruta 2 & 3.Wtone oversas dravnng anons noted HAMPTON.J W. Duke Power Co. 95/05/11. Document Control Branch (Document CUNE.W E. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/20.HAMPTON.J W. Duke Power Co. 3pp. Control Desk). Spp.64173.352 44173.356. 83689.25043669260. 9505250027 Provides remsed response to NRC940211 NOV re msp roots 50 269/93 -950$020061 Inno rept72 0004/95 01 on 950327 28.No veiabons noted. Maior areas 25.50-270/93-25 & $0 287/93-25.Ubi regures extension of commitment comp 6 ebon mapected: occupational exposure controls associated w/ISFSI.audsts. changes to date re cotairung dynarruc mati property data. am.emamal exposure controls & control of redonctive mens HAMPTONJ W Duke Power Co. 95/05/11. Document Control Branch (Document ,W.T. Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/19 8pp. 83689.253-83689 280 . Control Desk). 3pp. 64073.359-84073.361. - I 9505240110 Forwards mso repts 50-269/95 04.50 270/95 04 & $0 287/95 04 on DOCKET 90-208 REED COLLEGE RESEARCH REACTOR j 950403 05 & notco of wolaborLVotebon of concem because actMty allowed for dis-closure of safeguards mfo through util unsecured automauc data procesang sys. STOHR.J P. Region 2 (Post $20201). 95/05/12. HAMPTON.J W. Duke Power Co. V. Operator Ex. 4pp. 64021.17744021-185. 9505230381 Forwards copy of Results of Operator Irutal Exam conducted at Reed Col-

         -9505240115 Notco of violaten from msp on 950403 05 Velation noted' ta4ure to                      sege on 950501-02 W/o enct retam dra        a m secured automabc data processing sys-                                      RICHARDS.S.A. . 95/05/18 KOBUK.S.S Road College. Portland. OR 1p
  • Region 2 820201). 95/05/12.19 64021:181 44021:181- 64039.301 44039:301. i 1
         -9505240123 Insp repts 50 269/95 04.50 270/95 04 & $0-287/9504 on 950403-                        9505240222 Informs that dunn0 wk of 950501.NRC admerustered rutal exam to employ-

, 05.volation noted Maior areas inspected:hcensee discovery.on 950220.of unsecured ses of tacshty who apphed for scense to operata Reed College Reactor. Exam conduct-drawmgs stamped as being safeguards mfo. ed m accordance w/NUREG 1478.Rev 0 TOBIN.W.J., MCGUlRE.D.R. Rugion 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/12. App. 64021:182- RICHARDS,S.A. . 95/05/18 KOBLIK.S.S. Reed College. Portland. OR. 1p. 64021:185. 64039 319 44039:319. 9505240071Advmes of results of 950320 renew of recent performance at fac4 sty to de-termme if NRC present planned map oflott for rest of current sal.P cycle should be DOCKET 50-209 THREE GilLE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 1 revned Forwards maps planned for remamder of SALP cycle 12. CRLENJAK.R V. Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/17.HAMPTON.J.W Duke Power Co app. 8402t06544021:068. F. Securtty, meetical, emer9ency & fire protection piens 9505260403 Forwards response to NRC 950421 Itr te violabons noted m map ropts 50- 9505100144 Ack receipt of 950210 correspondence to changes to plant trarung & Quair 269/9543.50-270/95 03 & 50 287/954 1 Corrective actions: began caiculabons on fication plan.Rev 12.NRC (mds che acceptable for mciusson mto n. 950315 JOYNER.J.H. A 1 (Post 820 95/04/25 BROUGHTON.T. . General Putdc HAMPTON.J W. Duke Power Co 95/05/18. Document Control Branch (Document Ubkties Corp. - G U Servce Corp. 3pp 84030:30744030:309. Control Desk). 3pp. 64099 33844099.340. 9505t80150 Ack receipt of 950210 w,~.e. e re changes to plant modified 9505250315 Forwards SE utd resoonse to NRC bullebn 90 01, suppi 1. " Loss amended physcal secunty plan.Rev 31c. .NRC fmds changes acceptable for metusen of Fdl Od m Transmitters by N motmt." erto paan. W4NS.L.A. 95/05/19 PTON.J.W. Duke Power Co. 3pp. 64078.31644078.340. JOYNER.J.H. Re 1 (Post 820201h 95/04/25. BROUGHTON.T.G General Putdc

          -9505250316 Safety evaluaten acc                utd response to NRC bullehn 90 01.suppt 1,
              " Loss of Fih Osi m Transnutt                         ."                                    9505040423 Confirms that unt intends to enhance emergency response capabilibes by
                  . 95/05/19. 2pp. 64078.321440        0.                                                    enpiementmg severe accident mot (SAM) gueahnes m TSC.Utd mtends to complete assessrnent of SAM capabihtes & Impement any enrancements poor to 981231.

9505250214 Forwards SE autnora proposed attomabwe (Code Case N-522) to ASME BROUGHTON.T.G. General Pubhc Utikbes Corp. GPU Servce Corp 95/04/28. Doc-Bader & Pressure Vesset Code ME Codel.per 940622Itr.Altemabwe testmg author- ument Controt Branch (Document Control Deskt 1p. 83832:336-83832.336. med for duration of currently approved ISI program. BERKOW.H. 95/05/22. TUCKMAN.M S. Duke Power Co. 3pp. 64075 199- 9505120067 Forwards esp rept 50-289/9543 on 950219 0403.No violatens noted 64075.236. DURR,J P. R 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/04.BROUGHTON,T.G. General Put*c Util-

          -9505250220 Satety evaluston authoninng proposed afternative (Code Case N-522) to ASME Boder & Pressure Vessel Code (ASME Codetper 940622 tir                                   9505120074insp rept 50w289/95 03 on 950219-0403 No velabons noted. Maior areas
  • Offce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001). 95/05/22. 6pp. 64075.203- inspected. plant operauons.mmet.engmeenng radmiogcal controis & secunty actnntes 64075.206 re plant sate 9505310067 Forwards map repts 50-269195 06.50 270/95 06 & 50 287/95-06 on 950326 0429 & NOV. 9505190242 Rev 5 to emergency plan empterrentmg docuenent 6410-ADM-1300.02.

CRLENJAK.R V. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/24.HAMPTON.J W. Duke Power Co. " Emergency Preparedness Trairung." mcorporatmg PCR 1.EP-94 0046. 3pp. 64095.320-64095.338 BEAVER.J., NELSON #.A General Put*c Utdetes Corp. GPU Servce Corp. 95/05/ 08.16pp. 64009.243-84009258.

          -9505310071 Notee of violanon from inso on950326 0429 Volaten noted.approprote measures not estabhshed to assure correcton of adverse condibon to Ouehty + e mad-          9505310644 Reouests exempton from provmen of 10CFR50 App R. subsecten 111 G.2.c eauste control of toaa hmrt changes at piant.                                                   that requires that "enct & cable & eouspment & assocated non safety cucurts of one
  • Regen 2 (Post 820201L 95/05/24 1p. 64095 32344095.323 reduncant train m fue bamer havmg 1.h fee ratmg" be prowded BROUGHTON,T.G General Pubic Ubhtes Corp . GPU Sennce Corp 95/05/25. Doc-
           -9505310076 Insp rents 50-269/95 06.50-270/95 06 & $0 287/95 08 on 95035                           ument Control Branch (Document Controt Desk) 8pp. 84162.32184162.342.

0429 Violatons noted Major areas mspected:piant operatens.mamt & surveillance testmg -9505310648 Rev 0 "TMi 1 Evaluaten of Thermo-Lag Fee Bamers.* HARMON.P.E. CRLENJAK.R V. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/24 13pp. 64095.324- BARBIERI.F P. General Public Utthtes Corp. - GPU Servce Corp. 094 ROO 95/05/09 64095.338. 14pp. 64162:32944162.342.

  - ..         - - ~            ~,        .- - . - . - ~ ~                  -     . - - -     - ~ . - _ . ..~                       . -                  --            - - ~ ~ - .

l l l 56 DOCKETEDITEMS I L Financiniinformamon 9600050171 NRC Into Notee 95425. " Valve Fadure Durm0 Pat,ent Treatment w/ l Gamma Stereotacts Raeosurgery Unit? 9500020470 Forwards "GPU Annual Rept 1994." 1994 urutorm statastcal rept.1994 COOL.DA Devmen of industnal & Meccai Nuclear Safety (post 870729). 95/05/11. 1 GPU actuel source & appicahon of funds satatement & 1995 GPU forecast source & Conschdated Esson Co of New YorA inc. 9pp. 64007.182-84007;190. appicaton of funds statement per 10CFR50 71(b) & 10CFR140.21. BROUGHTON.T.G. General Pubhc Uthbes Corp. - GPU Sarwce Corp.95/04/25. Doc-ument Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 19. 83763.203-83763 287. R. Per6edic operatmg reports a reisted corroependence

       -950s020472 GPU Annual Rept 1994?

LEVA.J R. General Pubhc Utdrtees Corp. . GPU Serwce Corp. 94/12/31, 64pp. 9006010103 *TMI Nuclear Generahn0 Staton Redoiogmal Enwron Morntonng Rept 63763.204-83763.287 1994 " W1950424 Itr LONG.R.L General Pubhc Uthbes Corp . GPU Serwce Corp. 94/12/31.193po. 83748 001 83748.193. t P. Opereeng # cense stage secuments & corroependonee 9500040364 Forwards combmed 1994 annual rachoactive effluent releases rept.metueng I 9605240330 FOIA request for documents to baffte removal & cuttmg of sitemais reac- summary of Ouentnes of resoectrve notad & passous effluents & sohd waste reiessed tors at kated plants. from site as outered m Reg Guios 1.21.Rev 1. KATZ.D. Cmzens Awareness f etwork. 94/10/17. GRIMSLEY.D.H. Oswson of Free- BROUGHTON.T.G. General Pubhc Uhhtes Corp. GPU Sernce Corp. 95/04/27. Doc- , com of informaton & Putecahons Serwces (Post 940714). 3pp. 64024.18144024.183. ument Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 8380813043808163.

       $508010006 Forwards Rev 0 to Topcal Rept TR 087. "TMi1 Core Thermal Hydraunc                              Cornbened 1994 annual radcacave e%ent messes e                          i EEG%N U" "cI"nINnI'e's C"orp. . GPu Sennes Co,p 95/04/25. Doc-                               Ge .. Pubhc Uthba Corg . GPU Sece Com 94/12/31. 62pp. 83808132-                  $
                                                                                                    ;3,0,ne a' ument Control Branch (Document Control Deskt 290. 63753:25043753.335.
       -9505010007 "TMl-1 Core ThermalHydraule Methodology Usm0VIPRE41 Computer                  es06150132 Monthly opersang rept for April 1995 for Three ude island Nuclear Code.-                                                                                    Simeon.w/950508 nr                                                                    !

IRANI.A.A BYOUN.T Y.. LUOMA.J.D. General Pubhc Ubhties Corp. - GPU Serwce HEYSEK.W G., BROUGHTON.T.G General Pubhc Utilites Corp. . GPU Sonnce Corp. l Corp. TR 087 ROO. 95/03/10. 80pp. 83753.25243753.335. 95/04/30. 6pp. 83899 00143899-006 l 9904210293 Generc Lir 9544 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors I re feel esposson of SEP lessons-6eamed asues- U. Congreensonst/Eaecutsve Correspondonen ' ZIMMERMAN.H.P. Assocante Drector for Pro,ects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Consohdoted Eeson Co of New York. inc.14pp. 83757:02443757.037. ) 9004140194 Responds to950213 request re mfo on approval process used for apper-9006220143 Fonwaros request for addl mto re proposed changes to plant TS to incorpc> ent exemptons 1 rom toderal regulatory standards rate certain TS from rowsed Babcon & Wdcos STS. T AVLOR.J M Ole of the Execuuve Drector for Operatens.95/04/04.STATORUM.R. HERNAN.R W Protect Drectorate 13 (PD13) (Post 941001L 95/05/16. Senate. Ip.64190:291 44190:305. BROUGHTON.T.G General Pubhc Utdees Corp - GPU Serwca Corp. 6pp. 64002.258-84002263, 3306300347 Expresses concem about apparent exemphons m federal regulatory stds 9606230299 Forwards TS change requests 252 re removal of chemmal adeten sys ro* NT d/O 3RT UN Offce of CongressorW Afters HT . 4 Pubhc Uthties Corp. - GPU Serwee Corp. 95/05/17. Doc-( 7L in 64230644 mom ument Control Brancn (Document Coritrol Desk). top.64045:350 44045.358

       -9506230301 Apphcaten for amend to iconse DPR-50.consetng of change roguest               W. Operator E 252.remowng cnenscal auebon sys recurements from TS to COLR.

BROUGHTON.T.G General Pubhc Unhties Corp. GPU Serwce Corp.95/01/17. 5pp. 9606000043 Informs that Regen I we no longer partcapate m certifcate presentatens 84045.352 44045.356. to bconned operators & SROs instead.NRC we send cornicates drectly to facebes. 0 '

       -9006230304 Proposed tech specs.conostre of change requests 252. removeg chorm.                             '[g[ #                  g"3g', 3          6 cal addnen sys requrements from TS to COLR.
  • General Pubhc Uthues Corp. . GPU Servce Corp. 95/05/17. 2pp. 84045:357-DOCKET $0 393 PILORIM isUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT 1 96000e0312 Genanc Lir 92 02.Rev 1.Suppi 1 to alt holders of OLs (except those b conses amended to possemen only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reec-M MAN e Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19.

Comted Eeson Co. of New vot Inc. topp.64064.352 44064.361 9000020016 Revoed EPIPs.mciueng rev 6 to EP-IP 100.rev 4 to EP.lP 130.rev 5 to EP. 9006310201Appicaten for amend to ncense DPR-60. Amend would change survedance IP.140.rev 4 to EP IP-150.rev 2 to EP#.231.rev 3 to EP.lP 240.rev 1 to EP#-251.rev test recurements tot source ra nucseer metrumentation. 4 to EP-IP 252 & rev 1 to EP-IP-259 W/950424 Itr BROUGHTON.T.G. General Utdmes Corp. . GPU Seruce Corp.95/05/24. Doc. ROTHERT.W.C. Boston Essen Co. 95/04/24. 360pp. 83754 00143754.360. ument Control Branch (Document Control Desk) 8pp 64163.27244163.262. 9606100067 Forwards insp rept 50 293/95 07 on 95022A403 teo volatons noted.

        -6506310206 Proposed toch specs re change m survedlance test requrements for                 LINVILLEJ Regen 1 (Post 820201L 95/05/01. BOULETTE.E.T. Boston Eeson Co source. range nuclear metrumentabon-                                                      4pp' 83828:139-83828163'
  • General Pubhc Uthties Corp. . GPU Servce Corp. 95/05/24. 3pp. 64163 280
                                                                                                 -9606100071Insp rept 50 293/9507 on 9502224403.No molahons noted Maior areas 9606310644 Reriuests exempton from prowson of 10CFR50 App R. subeacton llLG.2.c              mspected: plant opemtens nemt & survedlance. enyneenng a plant soport & rowew that rogures tnat "ence & cable & equpment & asacceted non.salety crcurts ce one          of secunty force smet staM ag dunng penods of mcmased compensatory measures.

redundant tram m fue bemer havmg 1 n fre rateg" be prouded. CONTE.R. Regen 1 (Pos A20201). 95/04/28. 21pp. 8382814343828163. BROUGHTON.T.G. General PubhC Uthtees Corp . GPU Servce Cort 95/05/25. Doc-ument Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 8pp. 64162.32144162.342.

        -9506310648 Rev 0 "TMI 1 Evaluaten of Thermo La Fra Bamers?

I BARBIERI.F.P. General Pubbc Uchtes Corp. . GPU Servce Corp,094 R00. 95/05/09 9505010187 Parbal surtn resporsse to FOiA request 1er documents. Forwards App L into

!           14pp. 64162.32944162.342.

being made evadable to PDR. i i POWELL.R A Diveen of Freedom of informahon & Pubhcations Sennees (Post i Q. Inspection reports,IE Sulletens a correspondence 940714) 94/12/06.SAPORITO.TJ Saponto. TJ 2pp. 83834 00543834:135 95060t0078 Prondes status of actons taken smco followup SALP revow meetmg on -9004190002 Forwards frost recent status repts of petthons submitted per 920924 10CFR2 206 CLARK.P R General Pubic Uhletes Corp. - GPU Seewee Corp. 93/07/02. CHANDLER.L.J. Assistant General Counsel for Entorcement 89/04/04 MURLEY.T.E. MARTIN.T.T. Repon 1 (Post 820201E 13pp 83722.319-83722:331. Oftce of t4ucisar Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 870411). 4pp. 83834:017 83834 020. 960419o049 NRC 6nfo Noise 95 024," Summary of Lcensed Operator Requahfcaton inso Program Findmgs." -3g04190115 Forwards most recent status rept of petitens sutmtted per 10CFR2.206 GRIMES.B K. . 95/04/25 Consondated Eeson Co of 14ew York. Inc. 12pp- CHANDLER.LJ Assestant General Counsel tcr Ento 6 cement.89/02/02, MURLEY.T.E. 83757;001 4 3757:012. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten, Dreitor (Post 870411). 6pp. 83834:011-9504210127 Genenc Ltr 95 03 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs to cucumferental

                                                                                                  -tete 3eMas Forwards status rept on pottens unw WR2.206 MA RP asocate Drector for Prolects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28               GOLDBERGJR Once of the General Cosmael N 860701) 89/08/02 Conschdated Edison Co. ce New York. Inc 11pp. 83757:013-83757:023.                        MURLEY.T.E Ottee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten, Director (Post 870411). Spp 9505120087 Forwards map rept50 289/95 03 on 950219 0403 No volatons noted.                   83834 024 43834.028 DURRAP. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/04 BROUGHTON.T.G General Pubhc Utd.

nes Corp. . GPU Serwce Corp 3pp. 83872.24543872.264 -8912040012 Forwards status rept on peutens unoer 10CFR2.206 Rept hsts petitens ponerv) before NMSS.NRR & tmal decisens by erectors peneng before Commmsen

         -9506120074Insp rept50 289/95 03 on 950219 0403.No velatens noted Maior areas                & courts mspected plant operatons.mant.engmeenn0. radoiogeal controis & secunty activmes           GOLDBERGJ R Offee of the Generet Counsel (Post 860701) 89/09/07.

re plant safety MURLEY T.E Ottee of Nuclear Reactor Regulabon, Drector (Post 870411). 6pp ROGGEJF. Aegon 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/24 17pp 83872.248-83672.264. 83834 029 83834:034 \ l l l

      ,_m        -                        m.m.       .      .        _     ._.          __ .      -. _.            ._     ,mm.    ._     m_.~                              m __ m     ._

DOCKETEDITEMS 57 L Financial informet6on R. Perioec operstmg reports & reisted correspondence 9505040018 Forwards 1994 annual fmancial repts for CT Leht & Power Co. Western MA 9505040165 "Raeologmal Enwron Monetonng Program Rept 27.Jan Dec 1994 " W/ Electnc Co Pubic Syc Co of NH & North Atlants Energy dorp. 950427 etr GUGUELMO.F.J Nortneast Uthtes Senace Co. 95/04/25.Offce of Nuclear Reactor BOULET7E.E.T., SEJKORA.K.J., MONTT.DI.. Boston Eeson Co. 94/12/31,102pp. Regulaban JPost 941001).10. 8380312643803290. 83787:001 43787:102.

    -9505040028 " Western MA Electre 1994 Annual Rept"                                          9505040263 "Manne Ecology Siuses Re Operaton of Pdgnm Stabon Semiannual Rept
  • Northeasi Uthbes Servce Co.
  • Boston Esson Co. 94/12/31, 36pp, 83803180 45 Jan Dec 1994." W/950424 ftr.

83803 222. 5CTHERT.W.C. Boston Esson Co.94/12/31.100pp. 83853 00143853:277. 9505150218 Monthly operanng rept for Apr 1995 tor Pdgnm Nuclear Power Staton.W/ P. Operatmg l6 cense stage documents & b e 950511 Itr. r MONRO.W., OUViERLJ. Boston Esson C0 95/04/30. 7pp 83975.34743975.353. 9505050336 Informs that mio requested in NRC 950417 Itr re plasit core shroud mod.prowded by GE on util behalf on950331. Afhdavris for mthholdmg suty mio from 9505240439 NPDES escharge morntonng rept for Apr 1995 tor Pdgnm Nuclear Power Staten.W/950517 Itr OU E Tb Control Desly.10pp 63839.29243839.301. Co 95/04/27. Document Control Branch (Document $7 L .T.A., ROTHERT.W.C. Boston Esson Co. 95/04/30.14pp. 64073:027-sfp ,,h", , ' *"WC'**'D****** S. Reportaties occurrences. LERs & reisted correependence ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Director for Proiects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. , Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New Yort . inc.14pp. 83757 024 83757:037 9505010269 LER 95404 00:on 950324.drywel to-torus porton of pnmary contenment i vaccuum rehof sys actuated wtwie do.merung drywell. Caused by oefcency e ap. ! 9505110077Adwses NRC that te rod threads m alloy KM.19 mati do not regure solu, proved procedure bemg used.Rawned procedure to correct defcency.W/950424 Itr. ton anneakno to restore man propertes. Metal acceptable w/o treatmerit ELUS.D W., BOULE TTE.E.T. Boston Eeson Co. 95/04/24. 6pp- 83717:011- ! BOULETTE.E.T. Boston Eeson Co. 95/05/03. Document Control Brancit (Document 83717'016. Control Desk). topp.83929.34643929.355 9505150221 Ack receipt of 950503 E. Mal to T Mamh.wfuch advanced guest ons for up, occurred. Caused doncerate movement of reactor mode selector switch from run commg meetng at piant posson Controner hrmage bomg replaced. l DEVIK.T.R.. BOULETTE.E.T. Boston Eeson Co. 95/04/24. 10pp. 83757:115-ZWOLINSKl.J.A. Dnnson of Reactor Protects 1/11 (DRPE) Post 941001L 95/05/06. RUSSEtLW., MIRAGLIA.F., THADANI.A. Offce of Nuclear Reactor Reguishon (Post 83757:124. 941001).1p. 8394827543948.276.

    -95C5150225Piowoes hst of mfo to be es==ad dunng meetag at platit                           V. Operator L_

l BLANCH.P M. Afhieten Not Asmgned. 95/05/03 MARSH.L.B. Offce of Nuc6 ear Re-actor Regulaten (Post 94100101p. 8394827643948.276. 9505090033 Informs that Regen I wdl no longer parbespate in certicate presentations to bcensed operators & SROs Instead,NRC wdl send comtcates drectly to faciktaes 9506220004 Forwards safety evaluabon re GL 9443.concommg core shroud crackmg m WIGGINSJ T. Reg on 1 (Dost 820201). 95/05/01.BOULETTE.E.T. Boston Eeson Co. boshng water reactor Proposed core shroud repar has been demgned as artomative to 2pp. 83816:150 838161$1. l recurements of ASME Boder & Piessure Code & acceptabie. MARSH.LB Protect Drectorate 41 (PD1-1) (Post 941001)- 95/05/12. 9505100037 Forwards both forms of GFE secten of wntten operator Scensmg exam in-BOULETTE.E.T. Boston Eeson Co. 3pp. 8400229344002:3t3. clumno arswer keys & gradng results for uni employees who took exam on 950405 W/c enci

     -9505220008 Safoty evaluation accepano croposed mod to plant core stiroud.                     MEYER.G W Region 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/03. ALEXANDER.J. Boston Edison Co.

Propect Drectorate l1 (PD1 1) (bost 941001). 95/05/12.18pp. 64002:296 2pp. 83828.06843828.069. 84002:313. ! 9505220290Docusus racern teicons w/P Blanch re vanous topcs as listed including DOCKET 50-295 ZlON NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT 1 ! NUREG 0933.wfustleblowers.10CFR100 & status of NRR response to stra ZWOLINSKlJA NRC . No Detmied Afhhanon Gwen. 95/05/18. RUSSELL W., MIRAGLIA.F., THADANI.A. NRC . No Detaled Affdenon Gwen. 2pp. 64029.352 F. Security, meeceL emergency & fire protect 6on plans 84029:353. 9605020196 Revised EPIPs.mclueng rev 1 to EPip 1601 rev 7 to EPIP 32M & EPIP 9505090312 Genanc Lt 92 02.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all holders of OLS texcept those b- Index. conses amended to possemon only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac- KASSNER.G. Commonwealth Eeson Co. 95/04/25. 38pp. 8375725443757289 tor vesset structural integnty. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocaste Director for Proisets (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19. 9505190274Revned pages ZA 6118 812 to Rev 7g of generatng staban emergency Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York, me.10pp. 64084.35244084:361. pian annex.dtd May 1995 SCOTT.DJ. Commonweattn Eeson Co.95/05/04 4pp. 64006.34144008.344. Q. Inspechon reports. lE Suitetmo 4 correspondence 9505280011 Rewsed EPIPs.meludeg row S to CEPIP-321441 rev 4 to CEPtP 3303-01.rev 8 to CEPIP-360241 & revised 3000 Senes Table of Contents did950517. 9504190049 NRC Info Notce 95 024. ' Summary of Lcensed Operator Requahfcanon

  • C-ow.r. Eeson Co.95/05/17. 64pp. 64089.25344069.315 Inso Program Finengs."

GRIMES.B K. . 95/04/25. Consohcated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 12pp. 63757:001 4 3757:012. (L Adluecetary correspondence 9504210127Genenc Ltr 95 03 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re crcumferential 9505010157Part al auth response to FOIA request for oocuments Forwards App L info 0f $3 tubes. bemg made evelable to PDR. 9IMME Z MAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Protects 3DPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. POWELL.R A. Divison of Freedom of Informabon & Pubica'ons Servces (Post Conschdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. 83757:01343757:023. 940714). 94/12/06.SAPORITO.T4. Saponto. TJ. 2pp. 63834.00543834135. 9505100067 Forwards mso rept 50 293/95 07 cn 9502224403 No violations noted. -8004190115 Forwards most recent status rept of pettons submitted per 10CFR2.206. LINVILLE.J. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/01. BOULETTE.E.T. Boston Eeson Co, CHANDLER.LJ. Asmstant General Counsel for Enforr.ement89/02/02. MURLEY.T.E. App. 83828139-83828.163. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton. Director (Post 870411). 6pp. 83834-011-83834.016.

      -9505100071 insp rept50 293/9547 on 9502224403.No veistions noted. Maior areas mapacted:ptant operatens.mamt & surveillance. engmeenng & plant support & revew of security force shift stathng dunrig penods of increased comDensatory measures. P. Operstmg 16 cense stage documents & c..              _e CONTE.R. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/28. 21pp. 83828:14343828.163.

9505010002 Confrms 950421 telcon between staff & utilin wheti staff granted notco of 9505100372 Informs of commitment to turrush ISI plan of core shroud mod based on ensorcemer.: escreton for uts re plant. Uruts 1 & 2. BWR VIP recommendatons by 9501109- CAPRA.RA . 95/04/24. FARRAR.D.L. Commonwealth Esson Co. dop. 83685.356 i BOULETTE.E.T. Boston Esson Co. 95/05/09. Document Control Branch (Documefit 83685.359 Control Desa).1p. 84000.35544000 355. . 9505050155 Apphcaten for amends to App A.Sechon 6 of heenses DPR.2 DPR-9505050171 NRC mfo Notre 95 025. " Valve Fanure Dunng Pabent Treatment w/ 19.DPR.25.NPF 11 NPF-18.DPR-29.DPR 30.NPF 72.NPF 77, NPF,37.NPF46.DPR 39 Gamma Stereotacac Rasosurgery Urut" 4 DPR 48 Amends consst of adrmnstranve changes , COOL.DA Dnnsen et endustnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. BENES.G.G. Commonwealth Edman Co 95/04/24 Document Control Branch (Docu. ' Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York. anc. 9pp 84007.18244007:190. ment Control Desk). 20pp. 83826-00143827.101. 9505240407 Forwards SE orantmg uut 950209 request for reset for meervce msp re. -9506050159 Proposed toch specs to admmstrative changes to App A. Secten 6 to ourements of Class 2 RHR tuel pool cochng anterte pipmg welds & supports for cur Iconon i rent inservce map interval

  • Commonwealth Eeson Co.95/04/24. 219pp. 83826.02043828.238.

MARSH.LB Progoct Directorate 41 (PD1 1) (Post 941001) 95/05/18.

 -         BOULETTE.E.T. Boston Edison Co. app.64048.341 44048.348.                              -9505050162 Rev 65 to " Commonwealth Edson OA Manual"

{ O'CONNOR.JJ. Commonwealtn Edison Co. 94/11/21. 225pp. 83826.239-83827101,

       -9505240411 Sat evaluatmg granan0 util 950209reauest for rehef for mservce mso reouuements of           a 2 RHR tuel pool Cochng mterbe pepmg wetos & supports for   9505030477 Comments on draft GL. " Pressure Lockmg & Thermal Beridmg of Safety.

current rservce map mterval. Related Power Operated Gate valves " j

  • Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton (Post 94100tt 95/05/18. 4pp. 84048.345- VONK.MJ. Commonwealth Eeson Co 95/04/25. Document Contros Branch (Docu-64048.346 ment Control Desk). 3pp. 83791.352 83791.354.
                . _ .                            _-         . _        . ._                 _      m     _         _ _ _ _ _ - . .             .-              . . _ _        . _ _ _ _ _ . -

58 DOCKETEDITEMS 9505120143 Provides reven of plant performance. Q. Inspection reports. IE Butetmo & correspondence TUETKEN.R P. Commonwealth Eeson Co. 95/04/26. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 9pp. 83948.347 83948.355- 9504190049 NRC info Nonce 95024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Recualifcation

  • New York. anc. 12pp.  !

95042102e3 Genenc Ltr 9504 to all holders of OLs or cps sor nuclear power reactors G'"R WWB' .YO4/25. Conschdated Edson Co. of re hnet esposman of SEP essons.aeamed usues- 83757:00143757$12. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Director for Proiects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/26 Conschdated Eeson Co of New York. Iric.14pp. 8375722443757 037. 9504210127 Genere Lir 95 03 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re circumferenbal cracoung of SG tubes 9506100441 Forwards propnetary suppiementalinfo re util MOV testng & survs46ance ZjMMERMAN.R P. Associate Duector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Consokdated Eason Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. 83757$1343757.023 g am g GL 89-10.Propr.etary eWo witnheid trom putec enclosure po' VONK.M.J Commortwealth Eeson Co 95/05/02. Document Control Branch (Doc

  • 9505000103 Forwards response to NRC950403itr re veianons noted e inse repts 50-ment Control Desk). Opp.84026:32544026.332. 295/9507 4 50-304/95 07 on 95031410. Corrective actens.on 950201 memo was '

provided at guardnouse to personnel entenn0 stauon. 9505190118 hama==a sener mgt meetm0 w/ to pubic observabon. conducted TUETKENAP. Commonwealth Eeson Co. 95/05/03. Document Control Branch ' on 950502 at Region lil.lo them** concems te status of util riuclear power (Document Control Desk). 9pp. 83896.299-83896.307. stahons.Lat of attendees & handouts enct HILAND.P.L Regen 3 (Post $20201). 95/05/04.WALLACE.M. Commonwealth Eeson 9500000107 Forwards response 10 NRC 950403 Itr te votators noted m map repts 50-Co.116pp. 83973.22443973.341. 295/9503 4 50-304/95 43 TUETKEN.R P. Commonwealth Eeson Co. 95/05/03. Document Control Brarch 9505110076 Request results of revew & espostion re reestori protecton concem6 at (Document Control Desk). 9pp. 83896.30643896.316. i plant.wfuen was sutwnstled to Region til otc. Responses re@ested withm 30 days of Itr date W/o onet 9506190012 Forwards map repts 50 295/9506 4 50 304/95-06 on 950226 0410 & CANtANO.R.J. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/05. TUETKEN.R. C- -- - nonce of violaton.5everal events roted weaknesses m atmhty of operators to control Eeson Co. 2pp Ess51.20943851.210. plant configuration & to mentam awareness of piant conetens. AXELSON.W L. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/05. TUETKEN.R. Commonwealth 9506110304 Forwards amends 162 & 150 to bconses DPR 39 & DPR48 & SE. Amends Esson Co. 6pp. 83973 00643973.030. change TSs by moerymg survedlance tesang penoecify requrements of automanc ac-tuaton logc of ES equement -9505190021 Notce of velaten from map on SHIRAKl.C.Y. .95/05/05 F ARRAR.DL Commonwealth Eeson Co. 2pp. 83938.153- pump & safety insecton pump crosste vatve was 9502264410.Velatons resumed to svc w/o proper m.a:A[ca-ve 83938.171. bon of -9506110300 Amends 162 & 150to hcenses DPR-39 & DPR 44.respecDvely changing TSs by moddyng survediance testmg penoecity recurements of automate actuaten -9505190028 ansp repts 50 295/95 06 & $0-304/9506 on 950228 0410. Violatens of ES equement noted.Wajor areas mapected.hcensee acovites m areas of operatens.maint & surved. i PRA.RA . 95/05/05.17p0. 8393815543938.163. lance enameenno & piant support MILLER.LF, Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/05.15pp. 83973:01643973:030. -9806110306 Safety evalusten supportng amends 162 & 150 to bcenses DPR 39 & OF R-48.respechwely. 9500050171 NRC Into Notco 95425. " Valve Fedure Dunng Pabent Treatment w/

  • Offce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001). 95/05/05. 6pp. 83938.164- Gamma Stereotactc Radiosurgery Urut."

53938 171. COOLDA Dewson of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 570729). 95/05/11. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. Opp.64007:152 44007:190. 9506150167Advoes that as of950509107 of 113 DET commitments compsete m re-sponse to esgnoste ovaruston of Zen Staton. 9506100174 Discusses DET insp at plant.uruts 1 & 2 re effectveness of heensed achv> SIMPKIN.T W. C- m . m Eeson Co.95/05/09.Othee of Nucieer Reactor Regw bes portrmed by bconsee m achevmg sale operaten of plant & detemuned causes inton (Post 941001). 3pp. 83943.26e83943J62 of performance detciencies. SHIRAKI C.Y. .95/05/15. FARRAR.D.L Commonwealth Edison Co. 2pp 83974.358-9505150160 Aduses util detemuned mod to contamment isolaton valve used to isolate 83974:359. RCS hot leg from sucten of RHR pumps. SIMPKIN.T.W. Commonwealth Esson Co 95/05/10.Offce of Nuclear Reactor Regw 9506240100 informs that no further regulatory esues exet re alleganon of deliberate laton (Post 941001). 2pp. 6397225343972.254 mati false statements made et930416 enforcement conterence concommg negabwe pressure m p. ant sumhery bidg 9506150167 Informs that robce of enforcement escreten was verbally granted to l> MARTIN.J B. Regen 3 (Post 620201). 95/05/17 TUETKEN.R. Commonwealth Eeson consee on 950421.m when NRC agreed not to enforce comphance w/TS 4.4.2 to Co. 3pp. 64021.11944021:121. perform channel furstenal testm. p of automate actuaton functone of EFS. SHIRAKl.C.Y. .95/05/10.CAPRA.RA . 29pp. 83971.32443971.352. R. Portodic operstmg reports & retened correspondence i 9506100002 Requests schedular exer 9. pton from ressemems of 10CFR50. App J. "Pr* mary Reactor Contamment Leakage Testm0 for Water-Cooted Power Reactors." 9505190309 Monthly operating rept for Apr 1995 for Zon Generahng Staton W/950515 SIMPKIN.T.W. Co..- . r. Esson Co 95/05/12.Offce of Nuclear Reactor Regu- ter taten (Post 941001). 34pp. 64031:001 4 4031:034. CYGAN.J., SCHWARTZ.G.K. Commonwealth Eeson Co. 95/04/30.13pp. 64010:325- l I 64010:337. 9506230176 Forwards summary of util radiaton protechon performance & efforts en to enect improvement. R SJ.C. Commonwealth Esson Co. 95/05/12. Document Control Branch (Docu- S. Reportatute occurrences, LERs a reisted correspondence ment Control Desk). 32pp. 64068.14244068:173 9505240412 Apphcanon for amend to hcense DPR-39.moditrng TS 4.3.1.B.4.A 6 by $505300127 Forwards LER 9540341.mmsed survedlance on SG water level low low A a son Co 5/22. Docunwne Cons Branch for efuehng 1 RooNt for e orc t cl. (Document Control Desk) 1p. 84132:09244132:106. brMPKIN.T W Commonwealth Eason Co. 95/05/17.Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regu. lanon (Post 941001). Opp. 64072.16244072.226. 4 g, y g g g Iom actuaien crannel fm turbine dnven AF pump. Caused by mgt

-9505240413 Proposed tech specs.allowm0154 SG tuties to roman m oc until entry m'o          5 (cold snutdown) for retuohng outage Z1A14.curently scheduled to begm 64132:106.

M[ nit (hc 95/ 4/20 14pp. 64132.093-

  • Commonwealth Eeson Co.95/05/17. 39pp. 64072190 84072228.

9505260343 LER 88 015 01;on 880715.autostart of 0 DG occurred due to degraded 9505250251 Forwards Rev 65a to Comm Ed CA program Topcal Rept CE-1 A. updat- voltage on engmeered sateguards Bus 147.Addi 345kv kne has been added to syn mg sties & possbon descnotens.mciudnD approved eterpretanon for cnange m proco- that connects southem e to nortnern W/950523 tir.

                                                                                                                      ^ '              " " " '           '"            *                '

J e 95/05 17. Document Contrul Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk). 2pp. 84067:16044087:358.

                                                                                             $N3'           13      '
-9505250253 Rev 85a to Comm Ed QA               am.                                      y. Operaw Eaammem
  • Commonwealth Esson Co 95/04/17 7pp. 84067.182 64067.358.

950524C377 Respords to 950517 request that NRC exerces escreten not to enforce 950$050116 Informs that NRC admmistered GFE secten of wnnen operator scensmp exam to employees at plant on 950405 & forwards exam answer key.greeng results a cornphance w/TS 4.31.8 assocateo w/SG tee pluggmg or repas entena.Documerits 950516 telcon grantmg notco of enforcement escreton, answer sheets. Wlo enci. CAPRA.R A . 95/05/18, FARRAR.D.L Commonwealth Esson Co. App. 64048.337 A!NG.M A. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/r)S/01. LACROlX.D.G Consumers Power Co. 64048 340. 10. 83756 352 83758.352. 9505250312 Summary of 950315 16meetmg w/ comed re MOV program dovetooed m DOCKET 54296 BROWNS FERRY NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT 3 response to GL 8910.Let of attendees presentaten agenda & utd MOV program ence DICK,G.F. .95/05/18 .158pp. 64078150 64078.317. F. Securtty, medicat, emer9ency a fere protection plans 9505090312 Genenc Ltr 92 02.Rev 1.Suppt 1 to all hoic s.s of OLs (ercept those b-conses amended to ; -- . .G status) , or cps for nuclese power reactors re reac- 9505180169 Informs of compieten or revow of rev 19 to reasologces emergency plan tor vessel structural miegnty for plant Proposed changes satafactory & meet plannmQ stds of 10CFR50 47. 21MMERMAN.R P. Assocese Dwector for protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19 8ARR.K.P. f4egon 2 (Post 620201). 95/05/03 KINGSL.EY.O.D. Tennessee valley Au-Consolidated Esson Co of New York,Inc.10pp. 84064.35244084.361, thonty. 4pp. 83952.349-63952.352

  ..          ~ . . . . ..                 ~ ~~ ~ ~. ..                            . . _ . ~ ~ . . . . .        -   n.   . . - .       . . . . - - _           _ _ . - - ,               +a.~ ~_          - - + _ .



l DOCKETEDITEMS 59 I 9008310004 Forwards hst of at expected map activites for romander of SALP cycie -9505110028insp repts50 259/9521.50 260/9521 & 50 296/9b21 on 950403 07.No wruch ends m960921 re 950322 recent performance at plani to determme It present velabons noted Masor areas mapected, e6ectreal mamt to revew heenses actons to planned map effort tor rest of SALP cycle should be reused resolve siectncal oesqn & EDG MERSCHOFF.E W. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/22 KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee MOORE.R., SHYMLULK.M.B. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 05/04/20.11pp. 83850 224-Vaney Authonty 4pp. 64095.34244095 345. 83850.234. K. Utstry Final Safety Anotyees Report (FSAR) & amends c of ZlMM MAN,R P. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001A 95/04/28. 9606250264Forwaros " Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant. Updated FSAR." amend 12 Conschdated Ed son Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. 83757:01343757:023. l MACHON.R.D. Tennessee Vhney Aulnonty 95/05/23. Document Control Branch (Document Controt Deskb 2pp. 8409100144092.322. gg05110078 Dmeusnes map repts 50259/9515.50260/9515 & 50-296/9515 on ( i 950306 10 & 0406 & forwards NOV volaten of concern tiecause work pian was

-9506250262 " Browns Ferry Nuclear Plantupdated FSAR." amend 12. closed out w/o required work bemg campieted t
  • Tennessee Valley Authonty.95/05/23. 400pp 4409100444092.322. GiBSON,A.F. Regen 2 (Post &20701). 95/05/05. KINGSLEY,0.D. Tennessee Valley Authoney app.83851.22643851.286.

R Operating hoones stage - _ & consependence 9605110082 Nonce of velaton from map on 95030610 & 0406 Veinten notedfillet weeds that attached stiftener pieles to embedded peste were not escreased to 3/18 9605110015 Discusses 950419 mot meeeng at Regen 11 otcs w/util mgt staff te status mch size specifed on demgn drawing

       & set soule for plant. Unit 3.Last of attendees & handout mati enct
  • Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/05. 2pp. 83851.23243851.233.

JOHNSON.J R R 2 (Post 820201K 95/04/26. KINGSLEY.O. T- Vaney Aumonty. 54pp. M166438M220. -9606110007 Inso repts50-259/95-15.50 260/9515 & 50 296/9515 on 95030510 & noted.Masor areas mspected moddcatens for conduit 9905230057 Comment on proposed GL " Pressure Lockmg & Thermal Smdmg of 0406 Vel,a, tens steel trames, piattorms a heensee acten on prevous open nems.

                                                                                                                        . ,uctural T nnes
                                                                                                                                  ^                     ' '9 "

y ' 95/04/26. Rules & DrecDves Renew 8385 2 - Branch (Post 920323). 3pp. 84001:308 44001:310. 9505030483 Describes TVA current plans for comphance w/genanc SER *BWR Scram $506110084 Ack receept of utti 950413 Itr inf NRC of steps taken to correct viola. Dacharge Sys." mctuded m NRC 601209 itr to all BWR iconsees Notifies NRC of tone noted m inep repts50 259/9543. 50-260/ 3 & 50-296/9503. ] withdrawal of proposed TS 312. suberutted by TVA 930930 lir. CASTO.C A. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/05. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney q SALAS.P. Tennessee VaNey Authorny 95/04/27. Document Control Branch (Docu. Authonty,3pp 8385121143851213. ment Control Dank).10pp. 63808.10243800'111. 9906240147 Forwards map repts 50'259/9522.50 260/9522 & 50-296/9022 on 9004210293 Genenc Lir 9504 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear pcreer reactors 950319 0415.No volatons or donatens noted. re ensi depost on of SEP lessons 4eamed issues LESSER,M S. Regen 2 (Post 820201L 95/05/08 KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee vehey ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28 Aulhanty. 3pp 84021.31644021:350. Cormated Ed son Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 83757:02443757 037. 6524M66 Map repts E2WMW260/W2 & ENM on M4 9505240162 Confrms telcon between P Salas & author on 950504 concommg meehrig 0415m volanons a hwatons reled Mais areas inacwoperatens.sunenance wnch has been scheduled for 950525 to escuss status & schedule for unit 3 restart test .mant actiwtes. urut 3 actons & rewsw of f$en riems

                   .M S, R         2 (Post 820201). 95/05/10. KINGSLEY.O.D Tennessee Valley                   M3h' LESSR.M S. Regen @ost 8202% WWE 32pp. M2N Am 3pp. 8                   10464022.108.

9506190009 Apphcaten for amends to heenses DPR-33.DPR-52 & DPR48. reflectmg 95061ee032 Forwards mso repts 50-259/9523.50-200/95 23 & $0-296/95-23 on mienm adsbon of scram p4ot an header low pressure inp functen on Urut 3_ 950424-28.No votatens or hvetens noted Requests copy of SWS Operananal Per-SALAS.P. Tennessee Vaney Authonty 95/05/11. Document Control Branch (Doce formance Assessment rept alono w/ar y CA plans or documents when rept asued. ment Control Desk) 13pp. 84012.32444012.355. PEEBLES.TA Regen 2 (Post 820201E 95/05/09.KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 3pp. 83952:06143952.070.

     -960$190003 Proposed tects specs.reflectm0 ritenm addrbon cf scram pelot er header low pressure Inp functon on Urst 3                                                                   -0505180036 Insp roots 50 259/9523M260/9523 & 50296/9523 on 950424-28 fuo
  • Tennessee Valley Authonty.95/05/11,1990. 64012:337 44012.355. weistons noted.Mapor areas mspectedexams et procockne & representative records.mtervows w/ personnel & coservaten of actantes m progress.

9505220159 Forwards safety evalusten re meervce testmg program for pumps & valves ROGERS.W G . KELLOGG.P.J. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/08. 7pp 83952.064-rehet roovests for plant.umts 1.2 & 3 83952-070. HEBDON.FJ . 95/05/ 6. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley Authonty app. 6401023M4010M 9605000171 NRC Info Notse 95025. " valve Failure Dunng Panent Treatment w/

     -9005230170 Safety evanuaten denymg rehof venuest PV-33 because beensee ed not                           COO                    of              &        Nuclear Safety (Post 870729L 95/05/11.

prowde suffment tecnncal bases 10 support determmaton that proposed attemabwe Coneohdated Edison Co. of New Yorit,Inc. 9pp. 84007:18244007:190. proudes acceptable level of Quahty & safety.

          . 95/05/16.14pp. 84010:23744010.250.

p gg 9605230163 Bases Sectons 2.1.8 4 3.2 to 95041414M votatens or Wwatons reted cianty desgn Informs tunctonofofchanges ARPM fodtoblock TS sys

                                                            " cr[M
                                                                 & 3to reflect current mfo on core            CASTO.CA Region 2 (post 820201) 95/05/11. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney thermal hydraule metabihtes.                                                                            Authonty. 3pp. 84020.27744020.286.

SALAS.P. Tennessee Valley Authonty. 95/05/18. Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Deskt 60p. 64051.230 84051-266. -9605240037Inso repts $4259/9520M260/9520 & 50 296/9520 on 95041014.No volatens noted Maior areas mspected: emetncal sauen assocated w/ restart of urut 3.

     -9605230160 Proposed toch specs bases.ciartty ng desagn funct on of APRM rod block                       RUD! SAILS., SHYMLOCK.M B. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/11. 7m 84020.280-sys & reflectmg current mfo on core thermal. hytkauhc mataowtes.                                       84020.286.
  • Tennessee Valley Authonry.95/05/18. 31pp 84051.23644051.266.

9606000312 Genene Lir 9242.Rev 1.Suppt 1 to all holders of OLs (excepi those b. conses amended to possenerHmly status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac-f,, ,f,,g*,, "ne o EBNETER.S.D. Re (Post 820201). 95/05/17.KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney Ad any Spp 840 L30544M3% 2M E Associa e Drector for Propects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19. Conschdated Edison Go. of New York. Inc.10pp 84064.35244084.361. wructi ends m960921 re 950322recent performance at plant to determme if present G. Inspecten reports, tE Bulletmo & cm. e Planrod map enort for mst of SALP cycle simuld be mused MERSCHOFF.E W Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/22. KINGSLEY.O.D Tennessee

                                                                                                                  '"'I    " "'I                             '

9506020203 Requests attenosnce at 950511 SALP meetmg between NRC & uni to de-cuss plant performance over past 18 months.Addl bme to be esotted to escuss mat. ters of mutual anterest te regulatoon & performance at plant EBNETER.S.D Re0cn 2 (Post 820201L 95/04/19. GILLESPIE M Affikaton Not As. R. Peried6c operating reports & rotated correspondence sagned app.83691.122 43691:125 9504190049 NRC Info Notce 95024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requahfcaten 9606030152 Forwards

  • Annual Radmiopcal Envron Operatmg Rept Browns Ferry Nu-clear Plant 1994." melumng results or land use censuses.res.ults of radiologeal enn-insp Program Fmdengs ' ron samples.nesenpbon of morvtonng program & map of sample locatens.

GRIMES.B.K. . 95/04/25. Consohdated E$ son Co of New Yorit. Inc. 12pp' SALAS.P. Te wessee Valley Authority 95/04/27 Document Control Branch (Docu-83757:001 83757:012. ment Control Deskt 3pp 83799.02183799150 9506050181Ach receipt of 950316 ftr mformmg NRC of steps taken to correct voiabons noted m map repts50 259/9535 54260/95-95 4 50-296/9535 -9505030157 " Annual Radelogmat Envron Operatog Rept Browns Ferry Nucteer Plant CASTO.CA Regen 2 IPost 820201[ 95/04/27. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley 1894-Authonty. 3pp 83758.35843758.360.

  • Tennesees Vahey Authonty 94/12/31.122pp 83799:024-83799150.

9906110019 Forwards map repts 50 259/9521.50 260/9k21 4 50-296/95 21 on 9506220062Monmiv operstmg repts for Apr 1995 tar Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Uruts 950403 07.No violabons noted. 1.2 & 3 W1950516 Itr CASTO.C A. Regen 2 (Post 820201) 95/04/27. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tenressee Valley SMITH.T R., SALAS,P. Tennessee Valley Authonty 95/04/30.13pp. 84035 330-Authonty. 3pp. 83850.22143850.234. 84035.342.

               . . . . .            _. .~.             . .w~       . . .         . .     . . - -_               n    . . - ~ _ . _ - , _ - . _ . . _ . . . ,                         . . . - -

60 DOCKETEDITEMS I I V. Operater Examinemens 95042102e3 Genorc Ltr 95 04 to all hoioers of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors re tmal deposmon at SEP 6essons leamed usues. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. 96060403e5 Lir contract. Mod 1 to task oroer 9.mcrossne tundino to allow for an m. Consohdated Edmor Co. of New York,Irc.14pp. 83757.024 83757237. crease e level of effort recured to menude preparation of RO & BRO wrmen "Rekeeher 7tairung. E,rowns Ferry." 9606000087 Forwards bases for commitment reve re CREFS 31. day test 4 operatzkty wtGGINS EJ. Dween of Contracts (post 940714). FIN J 2073 5. 95/04/03. nmrt. VOGELA.M Sanalysts. Inc. 4pp. 83759:30643759.309 MUELLERJ.H. Nebraska Pubic Power Ostnct 95/04/28 Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 5pp. 83865.02943865:033. j DOCKET 60-297 feORTH CAROUNA STATE UNIV. PULSTAR REACTOR 9506100060 Appicaten for amend to iconse DPR 46. Amend would temporardy revi.e r SR 4 7 A.2.f 1 to extend two year LLRT meerval regurement. P. Operstmg hoones stage " _ & correspondonee HORN.G R. Neeraska Putmc Power Deinct 95/05/02. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 8pp. 8387326343873.274 9506110000 Requests addl 90 days to respond to NRC 950209 RAI. -9506100061 Proposed tech specs re temporary rev to SR to extend two year LLRT PEREZ.P.B. North Carohna State Unnr., Raisigh. NC. 95/05/01. ADAMS.A. 1p. mierves requwement 83902.351 43902.351.

  • Nebraska PutWe Power Detnct95/05/02. app. 0367327143873.274.

"'"**" Discusses 950516lir re actons taken to repar pnmary sys water leak iden-tifed m fev 1993. 9905110110 Appucaton for amend to hcense DPR-46. Amend would revee bsted TSs & STOHR,J.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201) 95/05/16, PERE 2.P.B. North Carchne State assocated bases-Uruv., Ramigh NC. 2pp. 84078.32544076:326 HORN.G.R. Nebraska Pubhc Power Dstnct. 95/05/05. Document Coreal Branch (Document Control Desk).16pp. 83933.26843933.309 & Inspection reports, 'E Suteens & correspondence -9306110113 Proposed noch specs rettectne changes to TSs & assocated bases for heerse DPR=6. 9505020106 Forwards snap rept 50 297/9541 on 95040446.No vetohons noted Record

  • Nebraska Pubhc Power Detnct 95/05/05. 26pp. 8393326443933.309.
  $UJNS.D M Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/25.PEREZ.D.S. North Carohna State                 9505100604 Requests withdrawal of 940426sutmttal of Proposed Change 126 to TS to meermmerit operaton of ftrdr n/               analyzers Univ., Raleigh, NC. 2pp. 83790 036 83790-046.                                                                                                       95/05/10. Document Control Branch MUELLERJ.H. Nebraska Putsc 9505030106 Forwards map rept 50297/95-01 on 950404 08 No volatons noted.                        (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 21013.34444013.345.

COLLINS.D M Regen 2 (Post 820201t 95/04/25. PEREZ.D.B. North Caroima State Uruv., Raleigh, NC. 2pp. 83690136-83890:144 9606100024 Forwards mati which represents ento to be placed on Cooper docket.PDR -9000020113 insp rept 60297/9501 on 950404 06.No votatons noted. Mapor areas & segrutcantM,,h_ .__1 & operatonal problems idonuhed at plantlGHTJ.C. Documen LPOR re.95/05/12. HALLJ.R. mapected-heennes preparatons to resume operaton of non. power reactor followin9 Desk).1p. 83989 00143991265. I t repers of N 16 holdup tank. BASSETT.EJ., MCALPINE.EJ. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/25. 6pp. 83690138- -og05190027 $4 nuts secten of NRC Manual Chapter 0350. " Staff Guideimes for Re- i start Approval." process whch offcelly ended w/pubhc meetmg on 950228- I 83690:144 REIS.T. NRC . No Detaned Affdekon Gnren. 95/03/06. NRC . No Dotaded Affiletion DDCKEY 50 298 COOPER DIUCLEAR STAttON

                                                                                           -9504190039Dammas940527.0816 & 0701 conhrmatory achon ltrs whch contrmed                                !

uti commitment to address tour stems pnar to restart of stauon HORN,G.R. Nebraska Putec Power Dstnct 94/07/28 CALLAN.L.J. Regon 4 (Post i F. Securtty, meshcol, smorgency & fwo protection plans 9805010100 Rev 18 to EPIP 5.7.10. " Personnel Assembly & Accountabsty" W/950424 Ilr -9905190061 Recommends that Restart Panel be created based ori wide HORN.G.R. Nebraska P2hc Power Detnet95/04/24.13pp. 83714.32943714.341'npieinty & volume of issues at staten.  ; BEACH.AB. Dwisen of Reecer Proiects 4/II (DRPE) Post 941001). ROEJ W . 94/ 9506130049 Ack recept of Utsi950419 Itr re proposed Rev 30 to piant Emergency Plan 11/10 CALLAN.LJ. Regen 4 (Post $20201). ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Pmpacts p) Post 94M). 3pp BM M6 8398ML

             .5 Regen             82              /          .G.R. Nebraska Put2C Power Dstret. 5pp. 8387016643870:170.                                                         -9508190000 informs that Cooper Restert Panel has embeted                       ton of Manual h 0350 & as msun has devemped Restad Acton Plan.                          plan for mnew 9805190024 Fonwards men whch represents info to be placed on Cooper docket.PDR E        B. Region 4 (Post 820201). ROE).W. 94/12/20. CALLAN,LJ Regen 4 H       R          05 2      N        J C.                   B                Control Desk).1p' 83969-00143991.265' (Post 820201) ZIMMERMAN.R P Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 36pp. 83989-09043909.125                                                                  ;

-9606190 62 of temons on 950118 8 19 re emergency prepared. -9806190076MM Cupwr M

  • Staff Guidelmes ter Restart Approval *
  • Regen 4 (Post 820201). 93/09/30. 64pp. 83969:126 43969:199.

BARSS.D.M. NRC . No Detaned Atisheton Gwert95/01/23 NRC . No Detened Afbl6-aten Gwen.1p. 83900.09643990:095~ 90000 % 3 m % 1 % W WO9

                                                                                            -* Nebraska Putsc Power Distnct.94/11/09. 00pp. 83989190-83989.279.

-4505100167 Forwards Itr troen JA Mdler of FEMA.rcetym0 State of NE of FEMA deci. ten to rescmd regurement for remodel eserces to demonstrate correcten of deh- ram *' camey noted dunng 941116 eserces w/statert -9006190087 Rev 0 to " Restart Readmess

  • Neareska Putte Power Detnct 94/11/08. 4pp. 83989 28043989.353.

MILLER.C.L. . 95/01/20. MURRAY.B. Regon 4 (Post $20201). 4pp. 83990096

                                                                                            -9605190001 Rev 1 to
  • Restart Reseness Pro 0rarn"
  • Notraska Pubhc Power Dstnct.95/01/20.19pp. 83909 35443990:071.

L Financial .L .

                                                                                            -9606190108 Rev 2 to "Startup & Power Ascensen Plan."                                                  r
  • Nebraska Putse Power Dstnct95/01/13.12pp 83990 07243990-083.  !

9905150241 "Stratege Drecten m Changmg 6ndustry.1994 Nebraska Pubic Power Do. > met Annual Root" W/950510 ftr. -9506190112 Responds to 941129 Itr from JM Taylor to RW Wattuns to request to pro- 3 GUSTAFSON.B., WATKIN$.R., HORN.G.R Nebraska Put*c Power Distnet94/12/31. vee plans for addressmg edentifed root causes of defmeences observed m both DET 44pp 84006:00144006 050. & DSAT repts. WATKINS.R.W. Nebraska Putsc Power Datnet 95/01/30. TAYLORJ.M, Ofc of the P. Operstmg econee state documents & correspondence Execubve Drector for Operatens.999 83990 084 43990-094

                                                                                            -9505190182 Di=~amas records of telcons on 950118 & 19 m energency pmpamd-9211100390 Tnp rept of 920017 20 sete suet of piant                                                 S BAGCHl.G. Cal E menng & Geoscences Branch.92/11/01.LARKINSJT. Propect                       "B'AR'S'imues & pmposed matad of plants.D M NRC . No Detaned Aftsaten Gwert 95/01/2                 i Drectorate IV.1.17       83704.304 43705.112                                                aton Gwert 1p 83990 09543990 095.

j 9506020021 Notifcaten of hcensee meebog w/uhl on 950504 to decuss status of -9606190167 Forwards ltr from JA M.ller of FEMA.notifyng State of NE of FEMA dect-design base reconstituson protect. enhancements to TS & emplementason of correc- j two measures for 50.9 maues. aen to resemd recurement for remedet exerces to demonstrate correcten of defi-BEACH.A B Regen 4 (Post 820201) 95/04/28. Regen 4 (Post 820201). $pp. reed dunng941118 w/statort l Mr R.C.L , 95/01/20 MURRAY.B Regen 4 (Post 820201). 4pp. 8399&O96- i 83689 077 43689'081. 83990-103. 9905030446 Requests that mto re RV betthne man be withhold from put*c esciosure per 10CFR2.790.

                                                                                             -9505190174Provides assessment of charlenges utd faces m improving performance &

MUELLERJ H. Nebroska PutAc Power Dstnct 95/04/26. Document Control Branch progress made m meetmg challenges re 941108 putme mee (Document Cormal Desk) 3pp. 83791.35543791.357. MUELLERJ.H. Nebraska Put$c Power Detnct. 94/11/07. N.L.J. Regen 4 (Post 820201). topp 8399010443990113 9505020309 Forwards SE grantmg bcensee 950124 requests for rebet from certian re. ourements of Secten XI of ASME Boner & Pressure vessel Code for IST program et -9605190100 informs that all restart maues re EORC have been resolved plant. HORN,G R. Nebraska Ptexc Power Distret 94/12/23. CALLAN.L.J. Regen 4 (Post BECKNER.W D . 95/04/27 HORN.G R. Nebraska Putsc Power Dsinct opp 820201) 4pp 83990:11443990 233. 83717.269 43717.282.

                                                                                             -9505190193 Submits da.4 y highhghton950206. regional admmestrator granted NRC ap-
-9605030372 Safety evaluaten gransng rehof from requrements of Secton XI of ASME                 proval of plant restattPlant has been shut down smco 940525 due to decovery of                     i Boner & Pressore Vessel Code for IST program.                                                segnAcant protwems w/esectncal estntsten sys                                                       l
  • Offce of Nucear Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001). 95/04/27.10pp. 83717.273 HALL.J R. . 95/02/06 RUSSELLW . MIRAGLIA.F., THADANI.A. NRC No Detaded i 83717.282. Afteaton Grven.19pp 83990.23443990.256.

I i t


 -9505190212 PNO IV 94429.on               940525.both EDG had been declared                   -9505230008 Insp rept 50 298/95 04 on stated cate Volanons noted. Maior areas          l moperaNe Cause due to test had not property venfed load sheddmo of all loads on               mspectedmnt & survemance program wnpiementaten & observaton of plant oper-cnicality 480 volt busses. State of NE & Rege IV have been notified                           abonal scimtes HARRELL.P. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 94/05/20.108pp. 83990.2574399t265.                          HARRELL.P.H. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/12. 30pp. 84001031-84001:062.

9505190087 Summanres 950504 o w/utd re self assesstnent of util operahonal 9505230012 informs of team map at plant. scheduled for 950612-16 & 28 30 to evaluate I actwbes fouowing restart of tacety meetar'Feb n & design base reconstreuten program.TS enectiveness of controis m identifyog resoivmg & prevenung usues tnat affect ouahty l Improvement efforts & efforts to enprove accuracy of -. ~e.~e to NHC. of psant operatens i BEACHAB. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/12. HORN.G R. Nebraska Pubhc Power GWYNN,T P. Region 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/18 HORN.G.R. Nebraska Puble Power Dstnct 38pp 83973:186 43973.223. Dstnct 6pp. 8400127044001:075 9505090312 Genonc Ltr 92 02.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all holders of OLS (except those 6. 9505230017 Ack receipt of M0501 ftr mtorerung NRC of steps taken to correct violatons conses amended to possesen only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac noted m msg. rept50-3 6/95-05 tar vessel structural mtegnty. GW(NN.T P. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/18 HORN.G R Nebraska Pubic Power ZIMMERMAN.R P. Assocate Drector for Prosects (ACPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19 Dstnct dop. 84001 481 44001.088. Conschdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc. topp.84084 352 44084.381 9505240118 6nsp rept50-298/94-25 cancefied. BEACH.A.B. Regen 4 (Post 820201) 95/05/19 HORN.G R. Nebraska Pubhc Power l Q. Inspection reports, IE Bubetins a correspondence Dstoct app.84021 18744021.190. 9504190049 NRC Info Notre 95 024. " Summary of bconsed Operator Requalifcahon 9505240128Insp rept50-298/94-22 cancelled Insp Program Fedmgs" BE ACH.A B. Region 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/19. HORN.G R. tweeraska Pubbc Power GRIMES B K 95/04/25. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 12pp. Dstnct 4pp 84021.24744021.250. 83757201 43757:012 9505030112 Forwards mso repts documenting results of NRC revew of self-assessment R. Portodic operettng reporta & related correspondence i performed by ubi & NRC msp of segnifcant safety asue identifed by UDI sed-assess- I

                                                                                                                     '       ' ' ' " "              "8                     '

WY'NN.T P. Regon 4 (Post 820201). 95/04/25. HORN.G R Nebraska Pubhc Powe' 231 9504 Datnet 5pp. 83721;25943721.305 MARTINJ.D. Teledyne Brown Engmeermg Co. HORN.G.R. Nebraska Pubic Power 9504210127 Genenc Lir 95 03 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re crcumferental *" ' ' " EE' iMM MAN R Associate Drector for Profects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28 OE"'D "' Conso6 dated Edison Co. of New Vork. Inc.11pp. 83757.01343757:023. KRAUSE.E A., HERRONJ T. Nebraska Pubic Power Dstret 95/04/30 5pp 84 St 9505050083 Act receipt of 950323 Itr mforming NRC of steps taken to correct volatons noted m map of bcense DPR-46 on 95C221. EACH.A t 1). 95/04/28 HORN.G.R. Nebraska Pubhc Power S. Reportam occurrenen h a retaW correspondence

 -9505050069 Responds to NRC950221 itr re votatens noted m map of bcense DPR-                  9505180140 PNO-IV-95 002 on 950206.regonal admmistrator to allow plant restart on
46. Corrective actons: changed composrton of SORC w/adckten of new 950208 by asung ltr to utd.httmg CALs State of NE mformed & NRC to asue press Plant.Engmeenng & Operatons Managers reiease MUELLERJ H. Nebraska Pubhe Power Dstnct 95/03/23. Docv-iont Control Branch HARRELL.P.H.. KOPRIVA.RA Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/02/07.1p. 83952.297-(Docuenerit Control Desk). 9pp 83758.20443758:212. 83952.297 9505090142 Response to NRC ltr te violatons noted m msp root 50-298/9545 on 9505230001Specol rapt:on 9505t5.losa of switchyard 12.5 kV power resulted m tempo.

950306-10. Corrective schons.Dstrct Phase i pian has adequately addressed mgt ex- rary moperandity of fire suppresson water sys. Caused by sfiort cocust due to failed pectations to r tory corresporidence erhe6d wre Pumps restored to normal switch configuratens l MUELLERJ.H. aska Pubhc Power Dsinct 95/05/01. Document Control Branen De RITO.PJ. Neoraska Pubhc Power Ostnct 95/05/18. Document Control Branch i (Document Control Desk). App. 83868.356 43868.359. (Document Conool Des 4 3pp. 84039 30344039.305 j 9505100153 Forwards SE accepting util 930305 & 940128 responses to NRC bulletm l 90 01.suppi 1. " Loss of F 11 Od e Transmitters Mtg By Rosemount." V Operator Ex_._ HALLJ R . 95/05/02. HORN.G.R. Nebraska Pubhc Power Dstrct 4pp. 83890:048-83890 07L 9505050097 Forwards master copy & answer key to Genenc Fundamentats Enam Sec-ton of wnt+en operator hcensmg exam.admirustered on950405. tor mto W/c enct

 ~9505100158SE acceptmg util response to NRC bullete 90 01.auppt 1. !oss of Fili Od              GWYNN.T.P. R m Transnutters Mtg bv Rosemount                                                                                      4 (Post 820201). 95/05/02. HORN.G.R. Netraska Pubic Power
      . 95/05/02. 2pp. 83890 05243890:053.

Dstrct 2pp 837 .311 43758.312'

 -9505100187 *Evaluaton Of Utdity Response to Suppl 1 to NRC Bulletm 90 01." tech-             DOCKET $0 301 POINT BEACH NUCLIAR PLANT, UNIT 2 rucal evaluaten rept.

UDYAC. loaho Natenal Engmeenng Laborator UDYAC. EG&G lasho. Inc. FIN L. 5 E T P 25 93/06/30. NRC - Dctaded Affihaten Given.16pp. F. Socq meM gg a hre pechon phs 9505100019 Ack receipt of 950317 ltr mtormme NRC of steps taken to correct volatens 9505040258 informs that m response to NRC comments dunng 950209 & 16 noted m mso rept50-298/95-01 tecons,W1EP modted TS Change Raouest 176 submmed withdrawmg GWYNN.T.P. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/05'04 HORN.G R. Nebraska Pubhc Power TS 15 8.5 3. "Fra Protecton Audits" & retairung spec re transmmal of auel Dstnct 4pp. 83828 01743828 024. repts LINK.B Waconsm Electnc Power Co. 95/04/25. Document Control Branch (Docu-9505150070 informs that current ten yr ISI mterval for piant extended unni960101. ment Control Desk) 2pp 83814.33743814 338 MUELLERJ.H. Nebraska Pubhc Power Detnet 95/05/05. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk) 3pp 83955.35343955.355. 9505180045 Forwards msp rept50 498/95 06 on 950305-0415 No volanons noted BEACHAB Regen 4 Post 820201). 95/05/10 HORN,G R. Nebraska Pubhc Power 9505220231 Responds to 950227 ttr to President Chnson expressmg concems re dry Dstrct 5pp 83970.32143970.344 cassi storage of radioscuve spent fuel at plant. 9/ /1 PEW.E A%3 ten W Assegned 24pp

 -9505180051Inso rept50-298/95-08 on 950305 0415.No voiatens noted Mamr areas
                                                                                                 ^hb^28 inspected.operatonal sa'ety venficaten.piant support actubes survedlance & mamt 8              29M 7'
                                                                                               -9505220238 Forwards tir from L Kopecky NRC has responded to concerns presented EL P H. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/03 19pp' 83970 32643970.344'                     m ltr to Presedent Chnton.Ltr suggests unlizing super-collcer tacd ty for storage of 9505050t71 NRC into Notco 95-025. " Valve Fadure Dunng Patient Treatment w/                           q3"Q[G#         95/05/15. DREYFUS.D A. Energy. Dept of 1 p. 84029.312-Gamma Stereotacts Radosurgery Urut 84029 312~

COOLD.A. Dmson c4 industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safe (Post 870729). 95/05/11. Consohdated Edison Co. of New York. tre 9pp 84007.18 44007:190.

                                                                                               -9505220242 Forwards ltr from ML Kopecky re storage of spent nuclear tuel by Lake 9505230033 Responds to NRC950405 ttr re violatons noted m map rept50 298/95 03                  Merngan on 950122 0304 Correctrve actons-.Lanrtoroue operator mamtenance proceduras wel               SPRINGER.R Environmental Protecton Agency 95/04/07. CHILK.SJ. Oltce of the be revised to include guidance to prevent ovennserton into operator covers.                   Secq W tne Commisson. W 84029 M64029 317 MUELLERJ.H Neoreska Pubic Power Drstnct 95/05/15. Ofc of Entorcement (Post 870413). 7pp 84058.34644058.352.

P. Operstmg license stage documents & correspondence 95052300C3 Forwards mso root 50-298/95 04 on stated date & rotte of velaten Velaton of NRC concem tocause of mdcaton of contmued reluctance to 9112190216Tno rept of911021 25 audit at facitety re structures & cive engineenng fee-swtiate CA process. tures DEACH.A B. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/16. HORN.G R. Nebraska Pubhc Power KIM.V Structural & Geoscences Bratich. 91/12/09 BAGCHl.G. Structural & Geoso-Detnct 6pp 84001C2344001.062. ences Branch,76pp 8370511343705.190.

 -9505230006 Notme of volaten from map on stated date Volaten reted on               9505150122Seth parbal response to FOiA request ior documents App H record already erators did not erutsate conditen rept for spunous alarm of turbme exhaust Hi Hi Onp          avadatne an PDA Forwards App i records & bem0 availanie m POR leg untd Quesicned by mspector                                                                POWELLR A Divison of freedom of informaton & Pubicatens Servces (Post
   ' Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/16. 2pp 84001:02944001.030.                                    940714) 94/12/23 FIDELLE R. Affdiaton Not Assegned 9pp. 84038 03344038159
                  .       ,___-c             _.- - - - - . .                    -~- .. .           . . . - .              . .                             ~. ~ ~-                  .....          . . .

62 DOCKETEDITEMS -9006190200 Adeses that J Hannon contacted hated plants who did not prowde re. S. Reportable occurrences, LERs & reisted correspondence sponses to Stato str of $70427 on resmetwo language m agreement. HANNON.J N. NRC . No Detailed Affihaton Gwen c9/08/21. QUAY.T. NRC . No De- 9605300156 Intenm Part 21 rept to contact tasture of square D type KPD relay used m taped Affihetion Gwen. Ip.64038 121 44038 121- d esel generator control penet. Relays replaced at planLRenew of matter espected to , Le completed on 950508. 9505030301 Appecahon for amend to imenses DPR.24 & DPR-27.consetm0 of change NUDING.M. MKW Power Systems. inc. 95/04/24. MURLEY,T. Offce of Nuclear Re. request 171 re heatup & cooldown knut curve expirahon date extensen response to actor Reguisten (Post 941001L 12pp. 64090 00144090.012. voouest for addl mio for plant. LINK.B Waconam Electnc Power Co. 95/04/25 Document Control Branch (Docu-merit Control Desk). 5pp. 83808:088 83808.092. V. Operator Esaminemone 99000e0258 informs that in response to NRC comments dunng 950200 & 16 9500050114 Intorms that NHC adnunstered GFE secten of wntion operator hconsep loscons WlEP modifed TS Cha Request 176 sutmutted withdrawn 0 exam to employees at plant on 950405 & forwards exam answer key,gradmg results e TS " Fee Protecten A ts" & retammg spec re transmittal of audit answer sheets W/o encl reptL RING.M.A. R 3 (Post $20201,. 95/05/01. LACROtX.D G. Consumers Power Co. LINK.B. Waconsm Electne Power Co. 95/04/25. Document Control Bronce (Dcm LASPSA,L.J. itn Edison Co.1p. 83758.35243758.352. ment Cordrol Desk) 2pp. 83814.33743814.338. 9006000023 Informs of arrangements made for administraten of wntien & cperstm0 h- i cor.6mg exams at plant sense.aed for wk of 951002.NRC we prepare & admmister 9500020253 Apphcatson for amends to hcenses OPR.24 & DPR.27.modifymg TS Secten 15.3.5. "instrumentauon Sys " exams m accordance w/ES-401 & ES402 of NUREG 1021. LINK.B Wisconsm Electnc Power Co. 95/04/27. Document Control Branch (Docu- RING.M A. R 3 (post 820201). 95/05/05. UNK.R. Waconse Electnc power Co. ment Control Deskt 13pp. 63764S2343764.039 3pp. 83816.1 816 102. -9500030254 Proposed toen specs.mochiymg TS Secten 15jl 5. "Instrumentaten Sys?

  • Waccrem Enoctnc Power Co.95/04/27. 4pp. 83764.036 83764:039. Y. Dry Cask Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations f an1210293 Genanc Lir 95 04 to an holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors 9506000069 Porwards Itr from ML Kopecky re stora0s of spent fuel along shore of Lake re mal deposson of SEP tessons-leamed neues. Micrugan & EPA response Wto EPA response.

ZiMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Prosects (ADPR) (post 941001). 95/04/28. SPRINGER.R. Erwronmental Protecten Agency 95/04/07 CHILK.S.J. Offee of the Corsohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 83757:02443757 037. Secretary of the Commason. 3pp. 8385210143852103. I 9905110008 Responds to 950407 fir to J Hoyle re concems about dry cask storage of 9505110232 Apphcaten for amends to hcenses DPR.24 & DPR.27. consetog of TS radeactwo spent fust at pent. change request 172. TS Sectio i is 41. " Operational Safety Renew. ADENSAM.E.G. 95/05/04 TELLER.J. Menommeo Tribe. 122pp. 83900.235-UNK.B. Waconen Enoctnc Co 95/05/02. Document Control Branch (Docu. ment Control Desk). 7pp. 83930.239-83930.251. 83900:359

                                                                                              -9505tm Requests ledwal gwemment mienenten on ptant constructing of py

-9506110233 Proposed toch specs.consetm.p of change request 172 modifying TS l Secton 15 41. "Operatonet Sekty Review cask strageMenominee TELLER.J. faculdy tw Tnbe. storage of spent tuel containinHOYLE.J. 95/04/07. g 4235. of the Offee of the Secretary

  • Waconom Elecinc Power Co.95/05/02. 6pp. 83930:24643930.251. Commesen. BABBITT,B. Intenor. Dept. of 3pp. 8390035743900:359.

9605230010 Expresses appreciaten for 10CFR50.54(a) autmuttal dtd 950407 whch m. j corporates changes m hcensee QA program desenpuon. informs that revs contmus to DOCKET 50-302 CRYSTAL RIVER NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 3 meet requrements & acceptanie RING.M A. Region 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/15. UNK.R. Waconse Electnc Power Co. j ip. 83985:05343985.053. F. Docurtty, W omer9ency 4 hre protecton piens  ; 9905000312 Genenc LD 92-02.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all holders of OLS (excegd those IF w/ksted partcipants in Rockwles.MD fe s amended .-orey status) nr cps for nuclear power reactors te reac. 9508110293rSummary idon froofw950425& mege os of a & h.

                                                 . Opp 84                                                                                                    t 94 001). 95/05/02. NRC . No New ork.                          52 4 4084 3 on                          7    h       2 9906100165 Informs of completion of rewow of rev 15 to piant rechn. iogn.aI             emergency         .

CL Inspection reports,IE Bussuns & correspondence response plan.C*mnges satisfactory to meet plannmg stos of 10CFRm47 & requee-monts of App E to 10CFR50. 9004190049 NRC Info Notco 95 024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requakfcaton BARR.K.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/03. BEARD.P.M. Flonda Power & Lagnt insp Program Fmdmgsy Co. 3pp. 83953 001-83953:003. GRIMES.B.K. . 95/04/25. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Irtc. 12pp. 83757 001 43757:012, 9006130005 Forwaros rev 8 to operstmg_ procedure AR401. "TGF M Annuncetor Re-sponse" & revned EPIPs.mcludi rev 7D to EM-206. " Emergency Plan Roster & Nota-A 10127 tr 9543 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs to cycumferentant 'Cm Egg e;g,y 1p. 83884.2180884.287. ZIMM MAN.R.P. Associate Drector for Protects (ADr'R) (Post 941001) 95/04/28. Coruchdated Edson Co. of New Yot, Inc 11pp. 83757:01343757:023, ,, ,g g gpyg .,

                                                                                              , Fionde Power Corp. 95/05/ua Sepp. 83884.21943884.258 9606110147 Ack receipt of 941221Itr ent                 NRC of steps taken to correct wobtens noted m map repts $4266/94-24 4 50+                   -24.Veneton occurred as stated ri NOV .-9606120011 Rowned EPiPs.                     rev 70 to EM 208. " Emergency Plan Roster &

R ( t 820201). 95/05/05. UNK.R. Waconsm Electnc Power N$d'j"D siis owEr Corp 9 / . 83884.259 83884.287. 9605180620 Rev 50 to Radeloccal Emergency Plannmg Dept Procedure REP 02. " Acts-9506050171 NRC into Nohce 95025. " Valve Fa4ure Dunng Patient Treatment w/ vaten & Notifcaten of Corporate Emergency Suoport Organmaton? Gamma Stereotacts Radesurgery Urut" STEPHENSON.J.0, Fionda Power Corp.95/05/05. 54pp. 84032.26844032.322. l COOLD.A. Dween of industnal & Medcal Nucieer Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. Conachdated Edison Co. of New York. inc. 9pp. 84007-182 84007:190. 9605220279Forwarcs follow-up request for addl mfo re GL 92 08. "Thermo Lag 3341 Fro Bamers.". Propoet Derectorate in-1 (PD21) (Post 941001). 95/05/12. FiAGHAVAN.L BEARD,P.M I Q. Per6oshe operating reports & related ~.. _ . _ Florida Power Corp. 6pp. 64029.34644029 351. I 2M 8 '* * * ^ * *" """8 ' ' ' 9506180264 Forwards montNy operating repts for Apr 1995 & rewned repts for Ma, 6a A ' SON.J D. Flanda Power Corp 95/05/12.113pp. 64087:001 44087:114 A F ELD J i k Power 95/05/06. Document Control Branch STEP (Document Control Desk).1p. 84013.28544013 295 9505240J53 Responds to questens posed by NRC 950407 tir to FPC rept of fre endur- -9505100276 Monthly operstmg repts for Apv 1995 for Point Beach Nuclear Plant Uruts $"M'h fu,ca"g , *m"a p"r 50 0 n G 8610 K LKA.M.B Waconse Electnc Power Co. 95/04/30. 9pp 8401328644013 294. ) , , ,34 44g'yj $7 -95061e0284 Remsed monthly operatmg repts for Mar 1995 for Pomt Beach Nuclear 9505250003 Adeses that 950321 rev 84 to pnyscal secunty plan consstent w/provi. Plant Urut 2. sens of 10CFR50 54(p) & accer, table. KOUDELKA.M B. Weconom Electne Power Co. 95/03/31. 10. 84013.29544013.295. COLUNS.O M Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/17. BEARD.P.M. Fionda Power Corp. 3pp 84073 35644073.358 9505310246Forwerds corrected monthly operstmg repts for Apr 1995 for Pomt Beach Nuclear PlanLUruts 1 & 2,Lar dtd 950508deo not dake anto account for Oeyhght sewng 9505310247 Rev 82 to Radmiogcal Emergency Plannmg Dept Procedure index. tiene Requests that enct oata for Apr 1995 be used

  • Fionde Power Corp 95/05/19 2pp 84142.38044142.361.

MAXFIELDG.J. Weconsm Electne Power Co 95/05/24. Document Cor. trol Branch (Document Controt Desko ip 84163 314 44183.324 L Fmencialinformation

-9505310249 Corrected montNy oper3tmg repts for Apr 1995 tar Pomt Beach Nuclear Ptant.Uruts 1 & 2.                                                                          9505250o63 Forwaras 1994 infomal cash flow                        for plard KOUDELKA.M B Wisconam Electre Power Co. 95/04/30. topp. 84163 315-                             BOLDT.G L. Fionas Power Corp 95/05/16.                 ce of Nuctear Reactor Regulaton 84163 324.                                                                                     (Post 941001) 2pp. 64083 34344083.344.

DOCKETEDITEMS 63 P. Operating hcense sts9e documents & correspondence 9505030480 Updates NRC re related acbons that FPC performed smco Svc Water Sys Operational Per1ormance Assessment conducted from 9410031110. Summary of 9505240320 FOIA request for occuments te baffie removal & cutting of mtemais reac. masor actions taken or Named in stated bw categones enct BEARD.P.M. Fionda Power Corp 95/04/25. Document Control Branch (Document tors at ksted plants Controt Desk). 9pp. 83808:09343808101. KATZ.D. Cezens Awareness Network. 94/10/17. GRIMSLEY.O.H. Drwson of Free. dorn of informadon & Putdcatens Servces (Post 90714). 3pp. 6402418144024183. 9505050046 Forwards map rept 50 302/95 08 on 950305 0408 No volations 9504210293Genenc Ltr 9504 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors noted.Lcensee efforts m contifyng &/or correchng violaton meet entere specified m re feat esposmon of SEP- ' ._ E . i; issues Enforcement Podcy. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001) 95/04/28 LANDIS.K.D. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/26. BEARD.P.M Fionda Power Corp Consohdated Ed son Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 83757 02443757-037. 3pp. 8375814643758171. 9505040304 Docusses NRC 950320-24 *;te voit to plant to revew enp6ementaon of -9505050053Insp rept50-302/95 06 on 950305-0408.No volat ons roted Maior areas N WS.D. Pro,ect Duectorate th1 IPD2-11 (Post 941001I. 95/04/28-DEARD.P.M. Fionds Power Corp.19pp. 8375921943759.237. inspempiam oprates sunrMance obaenamnainLplam suppWcmsn cm tmued to demonstrate satisfactory performance to ensure plant safety BUTCHER.R., LANDIS.K. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/25. 23pp. 83758149-9505100129 informs that IPEEE wel not be subnutted on 950830 as proveusly 83758 m. noted FPC anDcipates submittai of IPEEE tw 960628. BEARD.P.M. Fionda Power Corp 95/04/28 Document Control Branch (Document 9505050181 Forwards response to NRC 950330ttr re molatena roted m msp rept 50 Control Desk) 2pp 83875S1143875:012. 302/9547.Correctwo acDons. counselled mamt crew members conductog procedure re event 9505050268 Responds to reouest for withholdm0 mfo from pubic @sclosure re BAW. BEARD.P M F6onda Power Corp. 95/04/26. Document Control Branch (Document 2209 " Crystal Rwer Urut 3. Spent Fuel Storage Pool B Crecastty Analyss." dtd Oct Contro! Desk). 3pp. 83864 014-83864:016 1993. BAW.2209 wdt be wettmood from putsc esciosure. RAGHAVAN.L Protect Drectorate li 1 (PD2-1) (Post 941001). 95/05/01. 9504210127Genenc Ltr 95 03 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs to cecumferential TAYLORJ H. Babcock & Wdconi Co. 3pp. 83813.355-83813.357. cracking of SG tuSea. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Drector for Proiects IADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28 9505110293 Summary of 950425 meet w/imted parbcsDants m Rockville.MD re Consohdated Edmon Co. ot New york. inc.11pp. 83757.013-83757.023. thermolag resolute fire analyses & EPR tailored-collaboratenAmt of attendees & b-

                                                                                       $505180380 Ack receipt of 950426 Itr mtormmg NRC of steps taken to correct velabons MA            otect Directorate 111 (PD2-1) (Post 941001). 95/05/02. NRC - No Detaned Athhaton Gwen. 41pp. 83938.172-83938.212.

CA Dis R t 820201). 95/05/05 Fionda Power Corp. 3pp. 9505230102 Comment re proposed GL concermng pressure lockmg & thermal bmdmg 83955 0774 3955 of safety related power operated vawes. Tis to map personnetsurveys or other means could confirm that SR power operated valves capable of performmg safety functon. 9505180484 Provces addt mto trom continumg revew of unresolved stem 94-22-01, WILSON.K.R Flonda Power Corp. 95/05/05 Dwoon of Freedom et informaton & ".4ameup Tank Operations" Pubhcatens Sennces (Post 940714) 2pp. 840C1.349-8400t350 BEARD.P M Fionda Power Corp. 95/05/05. EBNETER.S. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 9505220279Forwaros followmp request for addl a to re GL 9248, Thermo Lag 3301 GMA AN L Protect Drectorate Il 1 (PD211 (Post 941001). 95/05/12. BEARD.P M. ler Ra Flonda Power Corp. 6pp. 84029.346-84029:351. COOLDA Dwmen of Industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. a waw Esson k W h M. Inc. bp 84C82MN 9505250040 Forwards background sectorLbnef concluso. & two attachments contam-mg surnmary of follow-up ouestons & uto responses tv study performed by Gdbert 9505240186 Ack receipt of 950421 lir 4 wre transfer for payment of cwil penalty pro-Commonwealth re piarit fifth tendon survedlance BOLDT.G L Flonde Power Corp 95/05/15 Document Control Branch (Docunene posed by NRC ltr old 950324. Controt Deskt 33pp. 8407514044075172. LIEBERMAN.J. Ofc of Enforcemem (Post 870413L 95/05/19 BEARD.P.M. Flonda , Power Corp.1p. 84022.25444022254. I I 9505220235 Forwards page 2 to attachment.omstied from 950410 Itr, roousstng addl mfo re utd 950309submitial for TS changes to mcrease allowmote U-235 ennehmed 9505300042 Confrms950517 teicon between J Smith & R Aello re meetng to be held of fuel to be stored m new & SF storage tacdities of plant on 950524 to escuss emergency operating procedures. plant reoualificabon map RAGHAVAN.L Progect Drectorate H 1 fPD21)(Post 941001). 95/05/17. BEARD.P.M tonio .up programs for SRO htmted to tuoi handimo e other traming usues Florida Power Corp. 5pp. 84067.322-84067.326. LANDt$,K.D. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/19. BEARD.P.M. Fionda Power Corp. 9505240353 Responds to questens paed by NRC 950407 ltr re FPC rept of fue endur. ance tests conducted on bamers entnmed of Themic Lag & comtunaten of FPC 950306 Itr per GL 8610. R Penodic opersong rep & related - _ _. .co Thermo-LagFlonda BOLDT,G.L & Macatras Powerman, prowded Corp. 95/O bk/17. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk).11pp. 84071.3474407 L357. 9505090312 Genenc Lir 92-02.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to sa holders of OLs (except those li- 950,5050080 et "Raeoncsve Eftluent Release Rept 1994 Crystal Rwer Urut 3." W/950428 conses amended to possesortenly status) or cps for nuctear power reactors re reac- BOLDT.G.L Fionda Power Corp.94/12/31 174pp. 83815.00143815174. tot vesset structural etegnty. 9 a E on Operstm ept " /95 2 eson Co how . 0 84 352 4 4

                                                                                               %{An 84035.320.

ON F 9505300084 Requests one-time schedular exemption from recurements o, 10CFR50. App J. " Prima >y Reactor Contamment Leanage Testmg for Water Cooed Power Reactors " to ILRT. 9505180248 Monthly operatmg rept for Apr 1995 for Crystai Rwer Urut 3 W/950511 lir. BEARD.P.M. Flonda Power & Light Co. 95/05/19 Document Control Branch (Docu. DAO.T.V., BOLDT.G.L Flonda Power Corp. 95/04/30. 5pp. 84005.33044005.334. ment Control Desk) 14pp. 84105.33744105.350. 9505310632 Forwards response to NRC 950410 RAI re utd 950126 submittat of TS S. Reportatde occurrences. LERs & related correspondence Change Request 201 to merease allowatHe U 235 ennchment of tust to be stored in new & exsting spent tuas storage tacdotees of tal Rwer Urut 3 BOLDT.G.L Fionda Power Corp. 95/05/24. Control Branch (Document 9505230292 LER 95 00640 on 950417. general knowiertge deficiency caused level m. Control Desk) 8pp. 8416318344163195. strumemahon to be sublected to low torno that resulted m cnatienge to design bassa Re-evaluated envron zone temps W/950517 lir - 9505310635 Proposed tech specs supportmg fuel ennehment mcrease FRUOUF.J A.. BOLDT.G.L Fionda Power Corp 95/05/17. 7pp 84078070

  • Fionda Power Corp.95/05/24 5pp. 8416319144163195 84078 076.
a. in.,ecuon ,e ,,s. IE Bu8 eon. & oorres,or, nce *=sita$a,,g-esa v **" a=" *<mr- "c"' -i -*"a -

KELLEY.LC. Fionda Power Corp 95/05/23. Document Control Branch (Document 9505120159 EN-95-018 on 950324.nouco of wonaten & proposed unpossten of cwd per* Control Deski.1p. 84162:082 84162:087. alty m amount of125.000 will be asued to bcensee Acton based on TS regurements

                                                                                        -9253103M LG EMW on950421.inanemen m mad caused celay m pefonn-LLJ      t      MYN.J           1      ce            t 870413). 95/03/21. 1p      ance of surveillance that resulted in volaton of improved TS Counsedled inenduals 83671.20743871.207~                                                                    involved & rewsed procedures FRUOUF.J.A Flonda Power Corp.95/05/19 5pp. 84162 083441b2.087 9505020082 Informs of NRC plans to mapect unpiementation of CA Plan & to meet w/

utd m July 1995 to escuss progress.Lat of currently planned addl mso & meebngs to assess progress on CA Plan. encl LANDt5.K D, Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/18 BEARD.P.M. Flonda Power Corp V. Operator Esammations 4pp 83689 35743689 360. 9505300042 Confams950517telcon between J Smith & R Aielio re meetmg to be held 9505020394 Informs that responses to CAL msW on 940426. acceptable on 950524 to escuss emergency operating procedures. plant reouahticaton insp RAGHAVAN.L Protect Directorate ll.1 (PD211 (Pok e41001f 95/04/20. BEARD.P M tobow-up programs for SRO hmited to fuel handimg & other tre stues Fionda Power Corp. 2pp 83717.288-83717.289 LANDIS K D Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/06/19 BEARD,P M londa Power Corp 9504190049 NRC Info hotice 95-C24, " Summary of Licensed Operstar Requalificaten app. 8407611744076120 Inso Program Fmamgs " GRIMES B K 95/04/25 Consohdated Eeson Co of New York, Inc. 12pp 83757.001-83757.012 DOCKET 50-303 CRYSTAL RIVER NUCLEAR PLANT. UNIT 4

 ..._a._          ._ ~ _ , ~ - . .                         ~ . -         _ . _      . - . ~ - . - - - - ~ - .. . . - _ _ - . ~ - - . - -.-                                                      --.          . - . .


                                                                                                                      -9506110305 Safety evaluebon supporbng amends 162 & 150 to hcenses OPR 39 &

G. Adysecolery . DPR.48,respec1wely

  • Ofice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (Post 941001). 95/05/05. 6pp. 83938.164-9008010157 Partel sm1h response to FOIA request for documents Forwards App L mio 83938 171.

rnade avadatWe a POR LLRA Dwisen cd Freedom of informabon & Pubhcatsons Services (Post 9606190157Advmes that as of950509107 of 113 DET comrrutments complete m re-940714).94/12/06.SAPORITO.TJ. Saponto. TJ 2pp. 83834 00543834.135. sponse to degnoste evaluaten of Zen Statort

         -4008300148 Forwards status root on petitons under 10CFR2.206.                                                   SIMPKIN.T W. Commonwealth Esson Co.95/05/09.Offce of Nuclear Reactor Regu-laten (Post 941001). 3pp. 83943.260-83943.262 GOLDBERGJR Oftco of the General Counsel (Post 880701). 89/08/02.

MURLEY.T.E. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten. Drector (Post 870411). 5pp. 83834:02443834 028. 9506150140 Advises ut61 determmed mod to contamment molaten valve used to notate RCS hot leg from sucten of RHR pumps. . SfMPKIN.T W. C-. . _. J. Eeson Co.95/05/10.Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regu- i i DOCKET 90 304 ZION NUCLEAR POWER STATION. UenT 2 lation (Poet 941001). 2pp. 83972.25343972.254. M52276 F s ' " * " * "* * '" F. Soeurity, moecal, emergency a fire protectmen piens p enprovement . 980s030196 Revised EPIPs.mclueng rev 1 to EPIP 1801,rev 7 to EptP 3201 & EPIP NJC. C-. .c. r. Edson Co. 95/05/12. Docunent Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk). 32pp. 64066:142 44068 173. inoes. KASSNER.G. C-. . -. 7 Eeson Co.95/04/25. 36pp. 63757:25443757:289. 9606250251 Forwards Rev 65a to Comm Ed QA program Topcal Rept CE-1.A. updat.

                                                                                                                          '"0                                                                     "'

9006190274 Revoed pages ZA 611 & 612 to Rev 79 of generstmg staton emergency dure ency " req"ur uets.'"W*' * " , e-e= Mer iw- . . Eeson Co. 95/05/04. 4p0. 64006.34144006-344. KOvACN.u Commonwe'abn Co. 95,05,i7. Coni,a B,a,cn (Docu- 1 SCOTT.DJ Cu- ment Control Desk). 2pp. 84087.180L64087.358. J I 960sae0011 Revned EPtPs.netudmg rev 3 to CEPIP-321441 rev 4 to CEPIP-3303- m.

                                                                                                                       -9505250263 Rev 65a to Comm Ed QA                                                              ,

01.rev 6 to CEPtP 3602 014 revoed 3000 Senes Taose of Contents dtd 950517. *C-..-.. _~ . Esson Co.95/04/1.1 7pp. 64087:18244087.356. ,

  • Commonwealth Eene Co.95/05/17, 64pp. 84069.25344089:315. i 9606240377 Responds to 950517 request that NRC exerces escrebon not to entorce Os Adpaecatory corresponeance comphance w/TS 4.3.1.B anneated w/SG tube pluggmg or repar enteria %_m 9505t6 locon grantmg nobce of enforcement escretort CAPRA.R.A. , 95/06r18. FARRAR.D.L Commonwealth Eeson Co. 4pp. 64048.337 9600010157 Portal enth response to FOLA request ter cocurnents. Forwards App L mfo 64048.340. 1 bemo made avenable to PDR.

POWELLR.A. Onnsen of Freedom of informaton & Pubhcatens Services (Post 9506250312 Summary of950315-16meetmg w/ comed re MOV program developed m 940714). 94/12/06.SAPORITO.TJ Saponto. TJ 2pp. 83834.00543634:135. response to GL 8910.Let of attenoees, presentaten agenda & utit MOV program l

         -8004190115 Forwards most recent status rept of petitons submslied per 10CFR2.206.                               enct                                                                                         i CNANDLER.LJ. Asasstant General Counsel for Enforcement.89/02/02.MURLEY.T.E.

DICK,G.F. .95/05/16. 160pp. 6407615044078:317. ' Oftce of Nucteer Reactor Regulaton. Drector (Post 870411). Sop. 63634.011  ! 83834 016. 9505000312 Genonc Lir 92 02.Rev 1.Suppe 1 to as holders of OLs (except those #- l conses amenced to possesen-only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac-tar vessel structural miegnty. P. Operating noense ete9e - & corroependence ZlheMERMAN.R.P. Associate Dractor for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001L 95/05/19. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New york, Inc.10pp. 64064.35244064:361. , 9500010002 Confrms 950421 telcon between staff 4 util m whch staff Fanted notce of . erworcement escreton for ubt to plant, Uruts 1 & 2. CAPRA.RA , 95/04/24. FARRAR.D.L Commonweam Eeson Co. 4pp. 83685.356- O. lnepocalen reports. IE Bunstins & corroependones 83685.359. 900$000156 App 4caten for amends to App A.Secton 6 of heenses DPR-2. DPR. 9904190040 NRC Info Nonce 95 024, " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requalecatan 19.DPR-25.NPF-11.NPF.18.DPR-29.DPR-30.NPF-72.NPF 77 NPF.37,NPF46.DPR-39 grup Program Findm0s."

             & opn-48 Amends conset of admmstratve chan0es GRWES.B.K. . 95/04/25. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 12pp.

83757:001 4 3757:012. BENES.G.G. C A .. __n Emeon Co.95/04/24. Document Conto Brarach > ment Control Desk). 20pp. 53826:00143627:101, 9004210127 Genenc Lir 95 03 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs to crcumferental

          -9000050150 Proposed toch specs re admmetratve changes to App A, Secton 6 to                                     creciung of SG tubes hcenses.                                                                                                      2NMERMAN.R.P. Associate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Pos? 041001). 95/04/28.
  • Comacnwealth Edson Co.95/04/24. 219pp. 83626.02043426:236. Coneohdated Edson Co. cl New York, Inc.11p0. 83757$1343757223.
          -9000000162 Rev 85 to *C_                .-   --n Eeson OA Manual"                                           9000000103 Forwards response to NRC 950403nr re weishons noted in map repts 50-O'CONNOR.J.J. C_                   z. Eeoon Co. 94/11/21. 225pp. 83626.23943827:101-                          295/95 07 & 50 304/95 07 on 950314-16. Correctve actons.on 950201 memo was                I tece030477 Comments on draft GL " Pressure Lociung & Thermal Smen0 of Safety-                                    T         N.R             .           eson           /03. Document Control Branch Related Power         Operated Gate      Vahres".                                                             (Document Control Desk). 9pp. 83896.29943096:307.

VONK,MJ Commonweam Eeson Co 95/04/25. Document Control Branch (Docu-mont Control Desk). 3pp. 83791:352 43791.354. 9805000107 Forwards response to NRC 950403 lir te violabone noted m msp repts 50-9006130143 Provides review of plant performance TUETKEN.R.P. Commonwealth Eeson Co 95/04/26. Document Control Branch fP ". Eeson Co. 95/05/03. Document Control Branch pocument M'My 96 83896.30643896.316. (Document Control Desk).900. 63948.347 4 3948.355. 9004210393 Genenc Ltr 9544 to cit holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors 9906190012 Forwards esp repts 50w295/9546 & 50-304/95-06 on 950229- 0410 & re fear deposmon of SEP a _ E . e mauss. notce of volatiertSeveral everus noled . _ _ - m abihty of operators to controi l ZIMMERMAN,R.P. Assocaale Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28 pisen configuraten & to mamtam awareness of pant conetens Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New Yorty Inc.14pp 83757.02443757.037 AXELSON,m Regon 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/05 TUETKEN.R. Commonwealth Esson Co. 6pp. 83s73-00643973.030. 9606100441 Forwards propnetary supplemental mto re utd MOV testng & survedience program.per GL 8910.Propnetary into w@heid from pubec esciosure per 4 506190021 Notee of volaton from mso on 950228-0410 Volatens noted'chargmg 10CFR2.790 pump & safety mgecten pump crosste valve was returned to svc w/o proper venfca-

  • VONK,MJ Commonwealth Eeson Co. 95/05/02. Document Control Branch (Docu- tion of shonment.

ment Coniroi Desk).800. 84026 325 44026.332

  • Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/05. 2pp. 83973-01443973 015 9505190118Docusses sernor mgt meetmg w/ to pubic observanon. conducted -9506190024 insp repts 50 295/95 06 & 50-304/95 06 on 9502284410 Velations on 950502 at Regen escuss concems re status of uti nuclear power noted Masor ereas mapacted:hcensee actwites m areas of operatens,mant & surved-statorm Let of attendees & haneouts enct lance e'Oneenn9 & p ant supoort HILAND.P.L. Reipon 3 (Poet 820201). 95/05/04.WALLACE,M. Commonwealth Esson MILLER.LF. Ragon 3 (Post 520201). 95/05/05.15pp. 83973.016 83973 030.

Co.118pp. 83973.22443973.341. 9505110076 Request results of review & espossbon to reeston protecten concems at 9605050171 NRC Info Notee 95425, ,"VsNe Fadure Dunng Patent Treatment w/ i pas as stenutted to Regen ill ofc. Responses requested witnm 30 Osys of ltr .

                                                                                                                                                   ,%, ,     Q edcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11.

Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York inc. 9pp 64007:18244007:190. CANIANO.RJ' 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/05. TUETKENA Commonwealm Eeson Co. 2pp. 6 51-209-83851.210 , ,g 9605110304 Forwards amends 162 & 150 to beenses DPR 39 & DPR-48 & SE. Amends les performed by hcensee m achsvmg sate operaten of plant & cetermmed causes change T5s by modifym0 surveillance testmg penodoty requrements of autometc ac. of performance oefcences. tuaien logc of ES souepment. SHIRAKI C1, 95/05/15. FARRAR.D.L Commonwealth Eeson Co. 2pp. 83974.356-SHIRAKl.C.Y, ,95/05/05. FARRAR D.L Commonwealth Eeson Co. 2pp. 83938.153 83974359. 9505240100 informs tnat te furtner regulatory asues erst to ahogauon of deleerste

           -9605110308 Amends 162 & 150to hcenses DPR-39 & DPR-48.respec1wely. cnangmg                                      mau talse statements maoe at930416 entorcement conference concommg negatwo T&a by mostying survedlance testmg penodcty requrements of automate actuabon                                 pressure m piant auwiery bid 0 loge of ES couement                                                                                          MARTIN.J B Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/17. TUETKENA Commonwealth Eeson CAPRAAA. .95/05/05.17pp. 83938:155-83938 163.                                                                 Co. 3p0. 84021.11944021:12?.

_~, .- - - - . . . - - _ . . - . . . _ _ . . - . ._ . . - ..._- _ .- 1 1 DOCKETEDITEMS 65 G Perioec operseng reports & reisted m . .^

                                                                                                        -9605040082 R:SHEL.R D. ",Kewaunee           RV Heatup & Electnc PETER.P.A. Westmghouse     Cooldown Corp. Let Curves WCAP    for Normal 14278.       95/04/30.Operation?

9505190309 Monthly operstmg rept for Apr 1995 for Zson Generating Station.W/950515 39pp. 83886.31243888.349 Itr. CYGAN.J.. SCHWARTZ.G K. Commonwealth Eason Co. 95/04/30.13pp. 84010:325- -9505040091 Proposed tech specs to proposed rewmen of heatup & cool- down Imt 2 j 84010:337. curves for plant

  • Waconse Pubhc Serwce Corp. 95/04/28. 22pp. 83888:350-83887:007.

j E. ReportaMe occurrences, LERs & related correspondence 950$040100 Notifcation of 950504 meetmg w/utsi in Rockwlie.MD to escuss prehmmary test program for sleeved SG tubes that were pulled from plant SGs & Westmghouse l 9505000113Special repton950401.dunng "M4nual Actuaten of St & Shutdown Sys & acten man for alloy 800 SG tube plugs. DG Loaeng Test" for Bus 248.2A Euu was unloaded & shutdown by CR operator LAUFER.R.J. . 95/04/28 RUSSELLW.. MIRAGLIA.F., THADANI.A. NRC , No De-after nochcanon by local operator of od leak that was creanng housekeepmg. taned Afhhat on Gwen. 4pp. 83759:187 43759.190. l SCHWARTZ.G.K. Commonwealth Edson Co. 95/05/03. Document Control Branch $ (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 83896:31743896.318. 9505000M0 Forwards corrections to amends 117.118 & 119 to beense DPR-43. LAUFER.R.J. . 95/04/28 MARCHi.M.L Waconsm Pubhc Servce Corp. 3pp. 9505150119 LER 94-01101:upda+e to 94411.ncensmg base for electncal sys a smgle 83827.32943827.336. urut loss of off-site power comcident w/LOCALER2-94 011.dtd 941208 retracted. W/ 1 950509 itr. 4505000266 Correchons to smonds 117.118 & 119 to hcense DPR-43. Correctens STOJKOviCH.S. SCHWART2.GK Commonwealth Edson Co. 95/05/09. 3pp. made to TS 3.1-11 to correct typo.TS B3.112 to mclude prowous enanges of amend 83898.324 43898:326. 117.shiftmg pages TS B3.113 a TS B3114 & TS h to ociude amend 118. LAUFER.R.J. .95/04/28. 5pp. 83627.33243627:336. 9505260271 RO on 940307.2A AF pump tnoped on overspeed. Caused by fadute of fuse m voltage regulation cucuit m compuncton w/accumulabon of zebra mussell snens m 9505000300 Forwards SE accepeng 941031 response to 640831 request for addl mfo kee o4 nchot i water coolers. on plant thrd ten year msennce map program & assoQated requests for rehef. t SIMPKIN.T.W. Commonweartn Edson Co 95/05/19. Document Control Branch (Doc- MARCUS.G.H. . 95/04/28. MARCHl.M.L Waconse Pubhc Sennce Corp. 3pp. ument Control Desk). 3pp. 54099.29644099:298- 83852.294 43852-332.

                                                                                                        -9505090310 Safety evaluaten accepting ncensee 941031 response to 940831 request E Operator Examinations                                                .                           for addi mio.related to plant thre ten year mservice msp program & associated re-Quests for rehef, 9505050116 informs that NRC admmstered GFE secten of written operstor hcenomg
  • Ottco of Nuclear Reactor Regulabon (Post 941001). 95/04/28. 36pp. 83852:297-exam to employees at plant on 950405 & forwards exam enswer key.gradmg results & 83852.332.

answer sheets. W/o enci. RING M.A. Region 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/01. LACROlX.D.G. Consumers Power Co- 9505180005 Forwards safety evaluat on accepeng util 950427 per re evaluation of flew 1p. 83758:352 43758.352. inocanons r.sentfied on feedwater nozzle-to. pipe wolor of 1A & 1B SG st plant Reported flaws acceptable w/o repar until twxt ASME code recured reexam. LAUFER.R.J . 95/05/09. MARCHl.ML Wisconse Pubic $snnce Corp. 3pp. DOCKET 50 305 KEWAUNEE NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 83979:30643979:311.

                                                                                                        -9505180002 Safety evaluation acceptog util 950427 Itr re evaluabon of flaw indca-F. SectarMy, medical, emergency & Hre protection plans                                            tens m SG teedwater nozzle-to-pipe weHs eder.nfied dunng ultrasonic & radiograpruc exams conducted dunng 1995 refuehng outage.

9505030445 Forwards paces 14 through 20 of Rev 17 to emergency plan. Pages mad-

  • Oftco of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (Post 941001). 95/05/00. 3p. 83979-309-vertemty omitted from 930419 sutmttal of Rev 17 to emergency piarL 83979.311.

MARCHl.M L Weconse Puake Sennce Corp. 95/04/25. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). Ip.8383?:29843832:305. 9505240224 Summary of 950413 meetmg w/util in Rockveie.MD re RPV issues Let of partceents & utI meetmg handouts enci. 7- TTT _- Pages 14 h 20 to Rev 17 of emergency piart LAUFER,R.J. .95/05/17. 46pp. 64059.23444059.279 Waconem Pubhc Sennce . 95/04/25. 7pp. 83832.29943832305. 9505260286 Forwards plant wnters guKle documents requested by NRR 95051602e5 Forwards plant wnters gusde documents requested by NRR. HARRINGTON.G.I. Waconsm Pubhc Sennce Corp. 95/05/18. ARILDSEN,J. t o. HARRINGTON.G 1 Waconom Pub 6c Senace Corp. 95/05/18. ARILDSEN.J. 1p. 64083 001 44083:126. 540S3 401 44083:128.

          -960%S0295 " integrated Plant Emergency Operstmg Procedure Wnter Manual."                      -9505260205 " Integrated Plant Emergency Operat Procedure Wnter Manual."
  • Waronsm Pubhc Sennce Corp.93/12/21. 46pp. 84083:00244083:047.
  • Waconsin Pubhc Sennce Corp.93/12/21. 46pp. 3.002 44083 047.
                                                                                                         -9505200306 " Procedure Wnter Guide?

J. Insurance & indemnity .h . MEYER.S.M Wisconse Pubhc Sennce Corp. 93/09/14. 79pp. 84083-04844083:125. 9505230328 Forwards Endorsement 118 to NEUA Pulcy NF-204. 9506000312 Genere Ltr 92-02.Rev 1,Suppi i to all holders of OLs (except those li-MARCHIA.L. Waconen Pubte Senace Corp. 95/05/19. Document Control Branch conses amended to possesion-only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reao. (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 64049.35244049.353. tor vesses structura: mtegnty. ZtMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Drector for Pro,ects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19. Consolidated Edison Co. of New York. Inc.10pp e4084.35244084 361. P. Operating Ilrense state documents & - . Q. Inspection reports, IE Bulletma & c - 0505040153 Forwards emend 120 to heense DPR 43 & SE. Amend revues KNPP TS 31.b 1 & figure TS 3.1-4 re LTOP protecton for RCPS. LAUFER.R.J. . 95/04/26. MARCHi.M L. Waconse Public Sennce Corp. 3pp 95060000e8 Forwards esp rept 50 305/95 04 on 9502194406.No violations noted. 837591918375fr 203. FARBER.M.J. Region 3 (Post 820201). 95/04/21. MARCHl.M.L. Waconsm Pubhc Service Corp. 3pp. 83817:040 83817:054.

          -9605040158 Amend 120 to beense DPR.43.revismg KNPP TS 3.1.b.1 & figure TS 31-4 re LTopprotecteor, for RCPB.                                                                9505090003insp rept50 305/95 04 on 950219 0406.No violatens noted. Maior areas LAUFER.RJ. .95/04/26. 6pp. 83759.19443759199.                                                 mspectedpiant operanons.mamt.engmeenng, plant support & corrective accons on provous fmdmgs
           -9505340163 Safety svaluatgin supportno amend 120 to iconse DPR                               FARBER.M.J. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/04/21.12pp. 83817.043-83817:054
  • O' fee of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (Post 941001). 95/04/26. 4pp 83759.204 83759 203. 9504190049 NRC into Nobce 95 024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requakfication F

9505020478 Forwards propnetary rept WCAP-14359. " Structural integnty Evaluaten for $MYS K Feedwater Nozzle Sate end. Region of Kewaunee Nucsear Plant, per 83757-00143757.012' 10CFR50.55a(gH4) & subartcie IWB-3600 of Section XI of ASME BP&PV 9504210127 Cenene Ltr 95 03 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs to crcumferental W Service Corp. 95/04/27. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 83814 08643814-088. d8 {,f$uAN R Assocsie Director for Pro,ects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28 9504210293 Genene Lir 9504 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors Consohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.11pp 83757:013-83757.023. re fma! desposhon of SEP dessons leamed asues ZlMMERMAN,R P. Associate Drector for Proiects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28 9505000300 Forwards SE acceptmg 941031 response to 940831 request for addl mto Conschdated Edison Co of New York. Inc.14pp. 83757:024-83757:037. on plant third ten year msennce mso program & associated requests for rehef. MARCUS.G H. . 95/04/28 MARCHl.ML Waconsm Pubhc Servce Corp. 3pp. 9508^'anan Appbcabon for t. mend to beense DPR-43. Amend would revise current 83852.29443852-332. neatup & cooldown bmit curves for plant. STEINHARDT.C.R. Waconsen Pubhc Sennce Corp 95/04/28. Document Control -9505090310 Safety evatuaten acceptmg beensee 941031 response to 940831 request Branch (Documerit Control Desk). 3pp. 83886119-83887:007, for addl mio.related to plant tnad ten year Inservce msp program & associated re-Quests for rehet.

  • Analyse of Caosoie S from Waconse Pubhc Svc Corp Kewaunee Nucle.
  • Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (Post 941001). 95/04/28. 36pp 83851297 at Plant Reactor Vessel Radiation Survedlance PrograrrL" $3852.332.

RtSHELR.D.. TEREK.E., WRIGHTS.G N. Westmgnouse Electne Corp. WCAP.14279. 95/03/31.182pp 8388812243486.283. 9505190107 Forwards Rev 1 to ISI Rehet Request RR-G-1.encompassmg pressure test

                                                                                                              & map of RCS recured to be completed dunng hot snutdown condstons as part of
            -9505040077 *Evaluaten of Press.amed Thermal Shock for Kewaunee RV."                              startup from current retuolm0 outage.

RISHELR.D., TEREK.E. Westmgriouse Electnc Corp. WCAP 14280. 95/03/31. 29pp. MARCHl.M.L. Wisconsin Pubhc Servce Corp. 95/05/10. Document Control Branch 83888.284-43888:311. (Document Control Desk). 7pp. 64010:31044010.316

66 DOCKETEDITEMS l 9505050171 NRC Info Notce 95-025. " Valve Fadure Durmg Patient Treatmerit w/ P. Operat6ng beense stage documents & correspondence Gamma Stereotacbc Ramosurgery Urut." COOL.D.A. Omson of Industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post $70729) 95/05/11. 9505020349 Forwards nonpropnetary WCAP.14330 & propnetary WCAP 13032. Rev 1, Conschdated Eeson Co. of New YorA Inc. 9pp. 84007.18244007:190. " Handbook on Fiaw Evakaaten Prame Island Uruts 1 & 2 SGs Upper Sned to Dome Weld Region." Proptwetary rept withheld per 10CFR2.790 9505310030 Forwards map rept50 305/95-07 on 950508-12 No violations noted ANDERSON.R O Northem States Power Co. 95/04/24. Document Control Branch 1 RING.MA R 3 (Post 820201L 95/05/24. MARCHl.M L Waconsin Pubic Serv- (Document Control Desk).400. 83814:001438t4:085. ce Corp. 2pp. .16644094.176.

                                                                                    -95050203S1 Requests that propnetary WCAP-13032.Rev 1. " Handbook on Flaw Eval.

-9505310035 Inso rept 50 305/95-07 on 950506-12.No vio4abons noted. Masor areas usten Prene Isaand Units 1 & 2 SGs Upper Sheti to Dome Weld Regen" be withheld espected hcar sed operstor requakfcanon program evaluaten. from pubic esciosure per 10CFR2 790. EHRHARDT F., HANSEN.J., BURDtCK.T. Regson 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/24 7pp. LIPARULO.N.J. Westmghouse Electnc Corp 95/04/05 RUSSELLWT. Document 64094.170 44094:176. Contros Branch (Document Control De6k) 6pp. 83814.005-83814 012

                                                                                    -9505020354 Nonoropnetary " Handbook on Flaw Evaluaten Prere Island Urvts 1 & 2 Cl Portodic operatmg reports & related correspondence                                   SGsU          Shell to Dome Weld Region "

TAN .S.. PRAGER.D.E.. SCHMERTZ.J C. Westmghouse Electnc Corp WCAP-

                                                                                                   /03/3t 74pp. N4.0 3.m4S85.

9505050077 "Kewaunee Nuclear Power P1knt Raeoacbve Effluent Release Rept Jan-9504210293Genenc Lir 95 04 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors R ML Pubic Servce Corp. 94/12/31. 373pp. 83838.001- re fmai disposmon of SEP lessonNeamed asues. 83839:009' ZlMMERMAN.R P. Associate Director for FYosects (ADPR) (post 941001). 95/04/28

                                                                                           "* *           *"      # **        '""' ' #0 9505180208 Montivy operabag rept for Apr 1995 for Kewaunee Nuclear Power PlanLW/

4 O2 6wam Annual Rept W ECCS M Changes & Eras 6 mper ,

                .M L. MARCHl.M.L Waconse Pubhc Sennce Corp. 95/04/30. 5pp.                   p 4e 64007.35744007.361-                                                                  ANDERSON.R.O. Northem States Power Co 95/05/02. Document Control Branch                           l (Document Control Desk).17pp. 8393022243930.238.                                                   l S. Reportable occurrences, LERs & related om. _               Je                     9505110319 Closes out commitment to prowde semiannual configurabon engt status rept for plants 9505150227 LER 95-002 00.on 950406.smorocerty seated check valves caused local          ANDERSON R O. Northern States Power Co. 95/05/02. Docurnent Control Branch leak rate "As Found" leakage to exceed TS regurements Ossassembled a mopected        (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 83945.30143945.302.

CVC 2C58 & CVC-206A. W/950508 Itr. SCHOMMER.K.J.. MARCHl.M.I. Weconsm Pubhc Servce Corp 95/05/06. 6pp. 9505120140 Appicabon for amends to beenses DPR 42 & DPR40. Amends would 8400721544007.220. rense plant MSSV hft settmg tolerances. WADLEY.M.D. Northern States Power Co. 95/05/04 Document Control Branch (Doc-ument Control Derk).19pp. 83928.29343928.360 P """ "" -9505120145 Proposed tacti specs reflecteg rev to plant MSSV htt settmg tolerarces.

  • Northem States Power Co.95/05/04. 49pp. 83928 31243928.360.

9505050098 informs that.althougn GFE secten of wntten operstor hcenssng exam ad-moestered on 950405.pient ed not parbcipate m exam. 9505190096 Provides rev to rehef request 83 for Urvt 2 second ten.yr mterval ASME RING.MA Regen 3 (Post 820201L 95/05/01. CHASENSKY.T M.. CHERNICK.A.J. Secton XI ISI & testeg program replacmg ongmal rehef request 63 attemale exam re-Commonwealth Eeson Co. WALKER.W.P. Northem States Pnwor Co.1p. 83758:313- ourements for RCP casement weld w/regurement m Code Case N.481 83758.313- ANDERSON.R.O. Northem States Power Co. 95/05/11. Document Coritrol Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 64010.31744010:319 l 9505310030 Forwards map rept50 305/95 07 on 950508-12 No aoiatens noted. RfNG.MA R 3 (Post 820201L 95/05/24. MARCHl.M L Nonse Pubhc Serv- 9505220036 Forwards amends 118 & 111 to hcenses DPR-42 & DPR40. respecirvely & ce Corp. 2pp. :168-84004:176 SE.Amenos change TS to allow use of altamate SG tube pluogmg entena for part of I tubes withm tubesheet l -9505310035 Insp rept 50-305/95 07 on 950508-12 No volabens noted. Major areas WETZELB A . 95/05/15 ANDERSON,R, Northem States Power Co 3pp 84010176- I mspected hcensed operator requahfcanon program evaluatort 64010.203 l EHRHARDT.F.. HANSEN.J., BURDICK T. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/24 7pp - 84094 17044094.176 -9505220041 Amends 118 & 111 to hcenses DPR-42 & DPR40.respecbvely. changmg TS to allow use of attemate SG tube pluggmg cntene for part of times withm tube-sheets DOCKET 50 306 PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 2 WETZEL.BA .95/05/15. 2pp. 84010.17944010194. l

                                                                                    -9505220042 Safety evakaaton supportmg amends 118 & 111 to beerises OPR 42 &

F. Securtty, med6 cal, emergency & fire protection plans 60 9505110253 Forwards summary rept.encapsulatmg eiwestigabon & corrective actons for 9505250022 Prowdes suppi to 941205 appkcaten for amend to 6 censes DPR.42 & mappropnate statement by secunty requested on 950417. OPR40 Mockfcatens to onginal apphcaton m area re contamment door m each an AXT.D.A. Northem States Power Co. 95/04/24. PtRTLE.G. Regen 3 (Post 820201). lock & containment fan cod unit fans avastable to operate at high speed. 5pp 83942:17543942.179- WADLEY.M.D Northem States Power Co. 95/05/15. Document Control Branch (Doc-ument Control Desk). 4pp. 84075123-84075139. 9505020213 Ac6 receipt of 941202Itr kansattmg changes identified m rev 32 to plant secunty plan. Changes acceptable & bemg withheld from puDhc tbsclosure per -9505250024 Proposed tech specs reflectog suppi mods to contamment refuehng in-10CFR73.21. teonty rerr rements CREED.J R. Regen 3 (Post 820201) 95/04/25. ANDERSON,R.O. Northem States

  • Northem States Power Co 95/05/15 13pp. 8407512744075.139.

Power Co.1p 83799.354-83799.354 9505230247 Conhrms commtments made dunng Oscussons w/NRC staff followmg 9505030061 Forwards mfo to clanfy & support util modifed corrective acton response premature actuahon of auxdutry bulleng crane overload sensmg device Gunng krting of to OSRE weapons tramm9 concems Encs wimheid per 10CFR73.21. TN-40 cask on950513 WADLEY.M D. Northem btates Power Co. 95/04/25. Document Control Branch (Doc- WADLEY.M.D Northem States Power Co. 95/05/16. Document Control Branch (Doc. ument Control Desk).1p. 83783.328-43783:328 ument Control Desk). 2pp. 84051:314 44051 315 9505090217Ack receipt of 950109ftr which Fanstrutted changes edentifed as rev 7 to 9505250166 Provides addl mto re auxdery bldg crane overtoad protecten sys actuaten. plant safeguards contrgency plan. WADLEY.M.D Northem States Power co. 95/05/17.Documerit Control Branch (Doc-CREED.J.R Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/04/26 ANDERSON.R O. Northem States ument Control Desk). 2pp. 84099.23944099-240 Power Co. 2pp. 83962 358-83962-359, 9505090312 Genenc Ltr 92 02.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all holders of OLs (except those b-conses amended to possesen.only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac-H. General correspondenc, tor vesset structural elegnty 2IMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19. 9505090123 Comment on proposed rule 10CFR$0 re pnmary reactor contamment leak-age teshng for water.cooied power reactors Urges NRC to support rev to NEl 94 01 9505310248 Provides updated ofo re plant 950315 response to RAI re F* SG beense wnsch witl al6ow use of two reduced pressure Type A tests as prerequisstes. amend request.dtd950109 WADLEY.M D Nortnem States Power Co. 95/04/28. Docketing & Servces Branch' ANDERSON.R O Northem States Power Co. 95/05/24. Document Control Branch 4pp 83817.18H3817.188 (Document Convol Desk). 2pp. 84145.239-84145.240. L Financtsi information a inspection report IE Bulletins & correspondence 9505020143 *1994 Annual Rept." for Monbcello Nuclear Generstmg Staton W/950424 9504250106 Responds to950125Itr & prowdes addl mfo re msp rept 72-0010/94 212. str WATZLE.L fuorthem States Power Co 95/04/20 Document Control Branch (Docu-ANDERSON.R O Northem States Power Co. 94/12/31. 54pp. 83791.26tL83791.322. ment Control Desk). epp.83654.331-83654.334 9505090003 Forwards schedule showmg cash flow generated by utd m 1994 & encluoes 950419o049 NRC Info Notce 95 024, " Summary c4 Lcensed Operator Requahf caten proiect flow for 1995.Utti 199410 K annuat rept encl. inso Program Fedmgs " CURRIER.J A Northern States Power Co. 95/04/27 Oftce of Nuclear Reactor Regu. GRIMES.B K. . 95/04/25 Consohdated Echson Co. of New York. lac. 12pp laton (Post 941001). 88pp. 33757 001 43757 012 i l

_ . . ~ - . , _ _ . -_. -.-. , - ~ ~ , .. __.. ._--a -,-.-s.- -...-.n - .~u.-_n _ , ._ l I DOCKETEDITEMS 67 9004110127 Genanc Lir 9543 to at holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re circumferental 9605030409 Forwards rept of preoperational test acceptance entena & test results for cra *mg of SG tubes. Haire Island ISFSIW/ Work Orders 9500766. 9500910.9501131.9501488.9501361 & ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Director for Projects (ADPR) (Post 941001) 95/04/28. Rev 0 to Mamt PfcCadure D95.1 & Draft Rev 0 to Mamt Procedure D95.2 Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York. inc.11pp. e3757:01343757:023. ANDERSON.R.O. Northem States Power Co. 95/04/20. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 486pp. 83796 00143797.281. 9506000029 informs of NRC deceen to conduct reduced scope svc water sys oper.  ; atonst pertormance map m heu of extensne mop reoured by Tl 2515/118 -9505030411 Rev 0 to Mamt Procedure D951. "TN.40 Cask Lomeng Procedure " GRANT.G E Repon 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/03. W8TZL.L Northem States Power i

  • Nortnem States Power Co. 94/12/22.159pp. 83797123-83797.281.

Co. 2pp 8381614343816144. ) 9605190051 Forwards map repts 50 282/9544 & 50 306/9544 on 950316 0504.No 95050 ' 8 votatens noted.Contmuing efforts to covelop program to assess nsk swolved w/ A ER 's Co /04/26. Document Control Brand l tak muluple components out of svc for on-lme memt commencable. (Document Corvirol Desk). 24pp. 83791.323 83791:346-4 89 89 80 9505190062 Docusses dry ca storage msues at plantRequests assstance e deter- i mmeng approprote hydrostat est requirements for TN-40 cask & evaluaten of weld- 1

      -9505190073 inao repts 50 282/95 04 & 50 306/95 04 on 950316 0504.No velatons                      m' g noncomplances w/ASME Section til Class L                                                         !

noted Masor areas mspected work plannmg & configuraten mgt to three ordne mamt GREENMAN.E.G. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/02. CARPENTER.CA 10 activebes that occurred durmg penod frtet 950309 to 950414 83973 161 4 3973;161 KROPP,WJ. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/05.10pp. 83973;15143973.160. 9505100026 Provides info m respew to gosstons rased dunng 950428 putsc meetmg 1 9800050171 NRC trWo Notco 95 025. " Valve Fadure Dunng Pabent Treatment w/ on plant tSFSI Gamma Stereotacte Ramosurgery Urut." l ANDERSON.R.O. Northe n Stan : Power Co 95/05/03. Document Control Branch i COOLDA Dmson of Industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11- (Document Control Desk). ap. 8117A19443873196. J Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp. 84007.18244007:190. i 95051900e6 Prondes rev to rehet reauest 63 for Urut 2 second ten yr mierval ASME T 2 F C. Dmson o lear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/05. Secten Xi ISI & testng program.repecmg orgnal rebet reouest 63 artomate exam re. e ANDERSON.R,0. Nortnem States f ewer Co. 2pp. 83942-36043942-361. curements for RCP casement weld w/reouwement e Code Case N-481.

                                                                            ' " " ' " I trol         3      01                     10 9                           9505260000 Forwards cerufed resniJton adopted by City Council of iake Oty.dtd 950500 re storage of hsgh.ievel nuciav waste as proposed by NSP.

9005220061 Forwards safety evaluaten concludmg that composite storage cash at plant BREMER.W. Aftdiaton Not Assigned. 95/05/10. Regen 3 (Post 820201). dos. acceptatWe w/o any addl hydrostats testng & other casks under Part 72 license need 64063.305 4 4063.308. to be tested w/ 25 posg hvorostats presswe on ener contamment vesset ADENSAM.E G. . 95/06/11. GREENMAN.E,G. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 1p. 9506100442 Forwards exempton from requerements of 10CFR72 for submittal of rept of 8401021544010221. preopershonal test acceptance catena & test results at least 30 d'ys pnor to receipt of SF or Fugh level raowaste.

         "-__            Satefy evaluabon concludmg that compostte storage cask at plant accept-         COOLD.A Dvuon of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11.

atne w/o any addl hydrostate testmg & other casas under Part 72 bcense need to be ANDERSON.R.O. Northem States Power Co. 4pp. 84013.27544013284 i tested w/25 DFg hyorostanc pressure on ener contamment vessel crey. l

  • Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001). 95/05/11. 6pp. 84010:216- -9505180450 Exempton from recurements of 10CFR72 for sutmuttal of rept of pree-84010.221. peratonal test acceptance entens & test results at least 30 cays pnor to receq)t of SF COO D sN industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11.

R. Periodic eparating reports & reisted correspondence 6pp. 84013.27944013.284. 9500040269 Forwards "Prame Island Nuclear Generutng Plant Annual Rept to NRC Ra- 9505220051 Forwards safety evaluaten concludmg that composite storage cask at plant diakon Ermron Morvlonng Program Jar >Dec 1994." acceptatWe w/o any addl hyeostate lesbng & other casks under Part 72 hcense need ANDERSON.R.O. Northern bates Power Co. 95/04/26. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk).1p. 83807:191 43007-271. . to be tested w/ 25 .ps'5/05/11.g ADENSAM.E.G. 9 hydrostate pressure Regan GREENMAN.E.G. on ener3contamment vessel (Post 820201). 1p.

       "" T--            "Prame Island Nuclear Generatmg Plant Annual Rept to NRC Radiaten Ermron Morntonng Program Jan Duc 1994 "

HUEBNER.LG. Toledyne isotopes.94/12/31. 83pp. 83807.19243807:271. -9505220058 Safety evalumbon concludng that composete storage cask at plant accept-atze w/o any sof hydrostate tesbng & other casks under Part 72 iconse reed to be 9505 12 Forwards monthly operstmg repts for Apr 1995 & rensed repts for Jan.Feb t,es ed s ce - A s' bon" 00 "9'5/S$ 1 . 84010 216 ANDERSOriR.O. Nortnam States Power Co 95/05/03. Document Control Branch 840 4 221. (Document Control Desa). Ip,83889.177 43889:191. g , g g pg g g,

       -9508100014 Monthly operatng repts for Apr 1995 for Preme latand Nuclear Plant                    Prame island Nuclear Power Staten m MN. '

DUGSTAD.D. Northern States Power Co.95/04/30. 8pp. 8388917843889:185.

  • Offee of Pubhc Affars (Post 911117). 95/05/12. 2pp. 84030:34844030:347
       -9505100015 Rensed monthly operstmg repts 1or Mar 1995 for Prame estand Nuclear                9605260185 Notfes of 950805 meetng w/NSP m MA3e MD re new moependent                                    1 Plant                                                                                         spent fuel storage matalanten NSP plans to budd near Prame island.

DUGSTAD.D. Northem States Power Co.95/03/31. 2pp. 838891864388k187 SCHNEIDERJ F. Office of Nuclear Matenal Safety & Safeguards. 95/05/18. TRAVERS.W.D. Oftco of Nuclear Materal Safety & Safeguards. 2pp. 84099 299-

       -9505100028 Reveed monthly operstng repts for Feb 1995 for Prans Island Nuclear                   84099290.

Plant DUGSTAD.D. Northern States Power Co.95/02/28 2pp. 8388918843889-189.

       -9505100033 Monthly operatng repts for Jan 1995 for Prame Island Nuclear Plant                   OCm 50 309 MAME NEE ANC WER PW DUGSTAD.D. Northem States Power Co.95/01/31. 2pp. 83889.19043889.191 F. Securtty, medscal, emergency & fire protecten piens
0. Operator Esammetsons 9505020174 Forwards eso rept 50 309/95 08 on 95G322 24 & 28-31. Velatens 9505050000 Informs that.although GFE secten of wntten operator hcenseg exam ad. noted.Adeses that number & charac'tenzaten of apparent votatens desenbad m enci j maustered on950405. plant ad not partcpate in exam map rept may change as result of herther NRC rev.sw 1 RING.M.A. Regen 3 (Post 820201) 95/05/01. CHASENSKY.TM Commonwealth MEHLC.W. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 05/04/21 FRl22L.E.C.D. Mame Yankee Atome Edison Co.1p. 83758:31343758:313. Power Co. App 83691:034 83891:05 .
                                                                                                      -9505020182 insp rept 50-309/9548 on 950320 24 & 28 31Nelatons noted Masor U. Dry Cesk independent Spent Fuel Storage installettons                                         areas mapectedcucumstances surroundmg unplanned exposures that occurred on 95021113 m refuehng cacty &950324m RCP element handhng cart 9505190058Dscusses load testmg of dry cask trurituons at p6ent Requests assistance               RAGLAND.R., NICKJ., BORES.R. Repon 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/21. 14pp.

m cetermirung ll apphcaten of 150% of actual load acceptable m hou of load test of 83891:038-83691:051. 150% or 300% m correct erectort GREENMAN.E G Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/03/27. CARPENTER.C.A. 2pp. 9505090007Rewsed EPIPs.mcludmg rev 14 to EPIP 240 0. Attachment H. " Emergency 83973:139 83973.140. Classefcaten." & page 1 of inoen 2 50.

  • Mame Yankee Atoms Power Co.95/04/21. 3pp. 83910.34043910.342.

9505020118 Responds to950310lir whch requested commerits on dratt MOV among Bureau of inden Affa rs.several otner Feoeral agences & Prasre isJand Dakota Irdan 9505020172 Forwards proposed plant emergency plan EALs & attachrnent A to proce. Commumty dure 2 50 0,rev 0 TAYLORJ.M Ofc of the Executive Drector for Operatens. 95/04/12. MOFFETT.E. intenor. Dept of. Bureau of inden Affans. 2pp 83690.19643690 222. HEBERTJ R. Mame Yankee Atome Power Co. 95/04/24. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 8p 83749137 83749 307. r -9505020120 Requests comments on enci esft MOU by 950414 & help m drattmg 20178,, am t ,, Emo gegP n.EALs Ba piari wie descnbe specWe actens that each agency has m areas of y nkee p MOUETT.E Intenor. Dept of. Bureau of Inchan Anars 95/03/10. TAYLOR.J Ofc of the Executive Drector for Operaiens.13pp. 83690 21043690.222. 9505040257 Forwards rev 20 to secunty plan. Encl withneid MEEERT).R Mame Yankee Atome Power Co. 95/04/25 Document Control Branch 9504240061 Confirms docussen between M Wadley & EG Greenman to hold meeting (Document Control DeskL 1p 83783 329-83783 329 . on 950428 to discuss results of specal team ansp re Dry Cask Storage Program GREENMAN.E G Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/04/13. WATZLE Nortnem States 9505150309 Rev 4 to EPIP 2 50-9. Attachment H. "Perede Review Date Extensson." Power Co 2pp. 83598 09943598 099

  • Mame Yankee Atomm Power Co. 95/05/01. 2pp. 83977.317 83977.318

68 DOCKETEDITEMS 9505180035 Rewmed EPIPs.rctueng penode reven Cate extension forms for EPIP 2 9505250079 informs that response to GL 9248. "Thermo Lag 3301 Fre Barners" was 50 9 rev 5 & EPIP 2 50 22.rev 6. evaluated & found acceptable.

  • Mame Yarmee Atome Power Co 95/05/01. $pp. 84026.33344026.337. HEBERT.J.R Maine Yarmee Atome Power Co 95/05/17. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 64083.35444083:355.

9505100079 Responds to NRC ltr to wolahans noted m map rept 50 309/9542.Correc. twe actons posted secunty personnel 9505090312 Genene Ltr 9242 Rev 1.Suppi 1 to all holders of OLs (exompt those h-HEBERT.J R Maine Yankee Atome Power Co 95/05/05. Document Control Branch conses amended to posseson only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac-(Documerit Control Desk). 3pp. 8388919443889196. tot vessai structural meegnty ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for P orects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19, 9505250079anforms that response to GL 92-08. "Thenno Lag 3301 Fre Samers" was Consohdated Edison Co. of how York. Inc.10pp. 64084 35244084.361. evatusted & tound acceptable HEBERTJ R Mame Yankee Atome Power Co 95/05/17. Document Control Branch 9505240422 Advmes that WCAP 14348,Rev 1. "Specife Apphcatron of Laser Wolded (Documertl Control Desk). 2pp. 64083.35444083.355. Sleeves for Maine Yankee Nuclear Power Plant Steam Generators" will be witnheid  ! from putAc esclosure (ref 10CFR2.790).per 950412 request. I 9505260130Aporoves chang. es to EALs submitted m . Old 940719. 950413 &' MCKEE.P. P oect Drectorale 4 3 (PD13) (Post 941001). 95/05/22. LIPARULO.N.J. ' 10CFR50 47(bH4) & 10CFR$0 app E & forwaras SE. nges mcorporate guidance of Westmghouse Electnc Corp. 3pp. 64048.35344048.355 I NUMARC/NESP407/ev 2. i TROTTIER.E H. Propect Drectorate b3 (PD1-3) (Post 941001)- 95/05/19 FRIZZLE.C.D. Mame Yankee Atoms Power Co. Spp.84082.35444082.358. 9505240430 Advmes that Rev 2 to WCAP 1398. " Laser Welded Sleeves for 3/4 mch Demeter Tube Feednng-Type & W Preheater SGs" wdl be withheld from pubic Gach I sure (ref 10CFR2 790).per 95033 & 0406roovests 1

  -9505280181 Safety evaluation supporbng changes to EALs.

Nucsear Reactor Regutahon (Fost 941001). 95/05/19 2pp 84082:357- MCKEE.P.F. Preact Drectorate t-3 (PD13) (Post 941001). 95/05/22. LIPARULO.N.J. l Westmghouse Electnc Corp. 3pp. 84048.35644048 358 9505250238 Forwards Amend 150 to Lcense DPR.38 & safety evaluahon Amend l ti. General correspondence changes TS to allow use of Westm0 house seewmg process for reoamng SG tubes. TROTTIER.E.H Protect Drectorate I-3 (PD1-3) (Post 941001L 95/05/22. 9505090030 Comment supporung proposed rule 10CFR50 re "Pnmary Reactor Coritam-Ya ee A Elec N tary of the Commason. 3pp. 83816.14543818.147' 05/04 HOYLE.J.C. Othce of the Secre-en o W NRre manges to TS M anow use d WM E Protect Dr to 13) 1 (Post 941001). 95/05/22. 7pp, 9505190401 Responds to HR Meyers 950125 ftr expressing concems to probatzisty & 84082 2 -84082.307 l consequences of muthpee SG tube rupture event at piant & mtorms that Commason l requested bne on SG tube degacation asues on 950601 -9505250244 Safety evaluabon supporimg Amend 150 to Lcense DPR-36. RUSSELL.W T. ce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001). 95/05/10

  • Oftce W Nuclear Reactor Reguianon (Post 941001). 95/05/22. 7pp 84082'308-MYERS,H.R. Affdstion Not Assegned 4pp. 83991.324 83991:335. 64082.314.

9505190198 Responds 1c 950412tir re ouestions on sneewmg SG tubes. Saeewng SG 9505260184 Forwards GL 95 03 re cwcumterential cractung of SG tubes, muued on , tubes acceptable repar method for 20 yrs.Utd requested aroend to OLs to allow instal. 950428 & sent 10 all hoeders of operaung bconses or const perrtuts for PWRs informs I tahon of sneeves unng C-E & Wesonghouse methods. that addi ouidance melueng scheaunes was be prowded m future memo. TROTTIER.E.H. Protect Drectoraie 6-3 (PD1-3) (Post 941001). 95/05/12. PERKINS.J. MCDONALD.D.G. Protect Drectorate L1 (PD11)(Post 9410010 95/05/22. NRC . No Affdaabon Not Assgned. app.83984.210 83984.220. Dotaded Aff;kabon Given. 2pp. 84090 29044090:300

 -9505190201 Forwards 950412 Itr from J Portuns & requests that response be made to nr                                                                                     O. Inspect 6on reports,IE Bulletins &         .

HOOVER.D.J. NRC No Detaded Affdstion Given. 95/04/18 MCKEE.P. NRC + No Detaled Afhkabon Gwert 1p 83904.21443984.214 9505020174 Forwards msp rept 50-309/95-06 on 950322-24 & 28-31. Velatens

 -9505190203 Requests estimate of reduction in flow of pnmary coolant & resultant de-crease in diciency caused by seewng of SG tubes
                                                                                              ,"so opt       y           re   [          N HEHLC W. Regon 3 (Post 820201) 95/04/21. FRIZZLE.C.D. Marie Yankee Atome PERKINS.J. Afhkabon Not Ass.gned. 95/04/12. NRC . No Detaded Affikation Geven.

3pp. 83984.215-83984 220 Power N 4pp. 8369Wk&369M51. I 9505300253 Sha es concems to MYAPS m WacassetME. Encourages E Trother to 9'v, -9505020142 insp rept 50 309/9548 on 950320-24 & 28-31.Violanons noted.Masor support & that State of ME fi6e negal petruon w/NRC m calkng for mdependent invesh, areas mpicted-cwcurnstances sunoundng unplanned exposures that occurred on gabon of age related & genonc protwems at plant. 950211 13 950324m RCP element handieng can. RAGLAN'AR., m refuehng NICK.J., cawty BOR &_ ES.R. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/21. 14pp. PAPINEAU.S M Affdiaton Not Assgned. 95/05/18. KING.A., TROTTiER.E. Marne, State of.300. 84138 356 44138.356 8369 GJ843691:051. 950FJ30020 Nobicabon of segrafcant hcensee meebng 95 43 w/ubt on 950505 to es-L Fmancial triformation cass apparent notabons of radaten safety requrements idenbfied m NRC map rept 5b309/95 06.

                                                                                                                         '(    '            *$     * *9 " '        '    W      P^

9505090149 aMy AP Annual Fmancel Rept for 1994 " W/950505 Itr HEBERT.J.R. Mame Yankee Atome Powu Co. 94/12/31. 48pp. 83865.305- h2 92 83 9504190049 NRC Info Notce 95 024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requalifcahon 9505040018 Forwards 1994 annual financel repts for CT ht & Power Co.Westem MA inso Program Fmdmgs." Electre Co.Pubhc Svc Co of NH & North Atlan0c Energy GRIMES.B K. . 95/04/25. Conschdated Edson Co of New York, Inc. 12pp GUGLIELMO.F.J. Northeast Unhties Servce Co 95/04/25.Ofhce of Nuclear Reactor 83757:001 4 3757.012. Regutaban (Post 941001) 1p. 8380312843803.290. 9504210127 Genenc Lir 95 03 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re crcurnierentel

 -9505040022 "CT Light & Power 1994 Annual Rept."                                             cracking of SG tubes.
  • Northeast Utdstes Servce Co.
  • Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp.
  • Masne ZIMMERMAN.R P. Assocate Drector for Projects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28 Yankee Atome Power Co 94/12/31. 43pp. 83803129-83803179. Consohdated Edison Co. o New York. Inc.11pp 83757.01343757;023 950$050329Notrfcation of950511 rneetmg w/utd m Rockville.MD to present summary J. insurance & Indemnity informataan of SG ansps conducted dunng refueing outage & escuss new map equrNnent & tecrr nsques used plus prekminary lab result from sections removed from 3 SG tube 9505150028 Nobfees that beensee plans to temporardy reduce msurance coverage to TROTTIER.E.H Progeet Drectorate k3 (PD1-3) (Post 941001) 95/05/01 MOKEE.P.F.

mm effectwe 950501 Upon .._ .wnt of fuel reloadmg.utd wil restore coverage Protect Drectorate k3 (PD1-3) (Post 941001). 4pp. 8382229743822:300 to precous level. , LYDON.P.S Mame Yankee Atome Power Co. 95/05/02. Document Control Branch 9505100079 Responds to WRC ltr to molatons noted an map rept 50-309/95 02 Correc-(Document Cornroi Desk).1p 8389816843898.188. tre actions posted secunty personnel HEBERT.J R Mame Ya%ee Atome Power Co 95/05/05. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pp 83889.19443889196. P. Operstmg scense stage documents & correspondence 9505050171 NRC Info Notco 95 025. " Valve Fadure Durmg Patient Treatment w/ 9504210293 Generc Lir 95 04 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuciear power reactors Gamma Stereotacic Radiosurgery Unit." re tmal dispossten of SEP 4essons-leamed asues. COOLD A Drwson of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. Consohdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp 84007:182 84007.190 ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28 Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. inc.14pp. 83757.02443757:037. 9505240043 Forwards msp rept 50-309/9505 on 950308 09 & 20 30 No volanons 9505180330 Apphcaton for amend to heense DPR 36, extending survedence frequen, noted ces or certam ocuapment & matrumentation provided MODES.M.C Regen 1 (post 820201t 95/05/15 FA:ZZLE.C.D. Mame Yankee Atome FRIZZLE.C.D. Mame Yarmee Atome Power Co 95/05/05. Document Control Branch Power Co. 3pp. 84020.30844020 324 (Document Control Desk). 4pp,84000.33844000:345

                                                                                            -9505240049 inso rept50 309/95 05 on 950308 09 & 20-30.No volatens noted Mapor
 -9505180368 Proposed toch specs.orteridmg survedlance frecuences of certam equip.            areas mspected ISI etroducten. background, planned scope.overan oddy current test-ment & matrumentaten proud                                                               og results & eddy current data anavisis
  • Mame varmee Atome Power Co.95/05/05. App. 84000 34244000 345 BEARDSLEE.C D.. MODES.M C. Region 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/11. 14pp 84020.311-84020:324 9505240195 Ack receipt of 950414 ftr.whch transmitted proposed TS change plant SG tube sleevmg 9505240089 Forwards mso rept 50 309/9511 on 950501-05 No wolations noted WIGGINS.J T Gagion 1 (Post B20icu1. 3 95/05/18.LErTCH.G M Mame Yankee Atome JOYNER.J H Regen 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/16 FRIZZLE.C.D. Mame Yankee Power Co 3pp 840222's744022259. Atomc Power Co. 3pp 84021.10144021108


 -9505240093 Inso rept 50309/9511 on 95050105.No volations noted. Map areas                P. Operating hcense stage documents & corresponcience msoected.raeoactive effluent control programs                                                                                                                                    l JANG.J C., ULLRICH.E. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/16. $pp. 64021:104-9505020331                                          actons process.m response to NRC B402t108-                                                                                              Docusses enterest expressed dunng util cost recent vind benefcal w/ PSE     he EBoard of Drectors                 !

9505240162 Forwards msp rept 50 309/95 08 on 950327 31.No violabons ELIASON.L R. PutWe Servce Emetre & Gas Co. of New Jersey 95/04/19. Regen 1 l noted Concern had been identified te degradatori of pnmary component cooient sys. (Post 820201). RUSSELLW.T. Offce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001) i 6pp. 83763.354-83763.359' MODES M C. Regen 1 (Post 820201t 95/05/16. FRIZZLE.C.D. Mame Yankee Atorme Power Co 3pp. 84022.139-84022-150. 9505010009 Forwards request for addl ento on IPE subrmttal for plant Urvts 1 & 2 Re-

 -9505240167 insp rept 50 309/95 08 on 950327-31.No vioistons noted. Maior areas             quest re mienal mot aWsm en PE, indueng human rehamy anayne & & p mspected:util contamment foundation dramage sys & structural mtagnty of contam-

{3HAN.LN. Protect Drectorate 6 2 (PD12) Post 941001t 95/04/25 ELIASON.LR RA CO MOD R 1 o'st 820201). 95/05/16. 9pp. 64022 I42, Pubic Servce Electre & Gas Co. of New Jersey.15pp. 83693.340-83693 354 9504210293Genorc Ltr 95-04 to all holders of OLs or CPn for nuclear power reactors re final esponnen of SEP lessons-leamed maues. 9505310016 Forwards meetmg rept for 950505 enforcement conference whch dis-cussed apparent votatens & otner msp tmengs identsfied m NRC msp 5CL309/95 06. ZIMMERMAN.R P. Assocute Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. JOYNERJ H. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/22. FRIZZLE.C.D. Mame Yankee Consolidated Edmon Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 83757.02443757-037. Atomic Power Co. 3pp. 84094.04044094 098. 9505110064 Responds to NRC 940629 vetal comments to util amend request to m.

 -9505310032 Enforcement confererce50-309/95 06 on 950505 Volatons noted. Areas              crease nwn recured vat of fuel oil stored m 30.000 callon diesel fuel od storage tafiks d scussed:volatons & other map findngs identited m NRC msp50 309/95 06 & de.             HAGAN.J.J. Pubic Sernce Electnc & Gas Co. of feew Jersey 95/05/02. Document taas of bcensee dose assessmerits for unplanned exposures.W/ tapes.                      Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pp 83933 26543933.267.

RAGLAND,R., BORES,R. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/22. 56pp 84094.043 84094:098 9505110141Appicaten tot amends to bconses DPR-70 & DPR-75 Amends would etm-cate manual start rocurement for aumhary FW. HAGAN.JJ. Pubhc Servce Electne & Gas Co. of New Jwney 95/05/02. Document R. Penodic operating reports & related . _e Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 6pp. 83936.20443936.220. 9505030238 " Annual Radmiogmal Envron Operstmg Rept 1994." W/950427 tir -9505110144 Proposed tech specs re esmnaten of manual start of aumkary FW for HEBERT.J R. Mame Yankee Atome Power Co. 94/12/31. MARTIN.T.T. Regon 1 hcenses DN70 & DPR-75. (Post 820201). 90pp. 838012424380t331.

  • Pubic Servce Electre & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 95/05/02 11pp. 83936.210-83936.220.

, 9505150019Monttwy statistral rept for Apr 1995 for Mame Yankee NPP. W/950508 ftr. ! BAILEY.S.J., HEBERT).R. Mame Yankee Atomc Power Co. 95/04/30. 6pp. 9505090170 Forwards amends 166 & 148to bcenses DPR-70 & DPR 75. respectwely & I 83899:03843899 043 safety evaluaton. Amends add new acton statement to TS, "Posman indcal-mg Sys Operating

  • OLSHAN.L.N. Praect Drectorate 02 (PD12) Post 941001) 95/05/03. ELIASON,LA.

S. Reportable occurrences, LERs & related correspondence Pubic Servce Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 3pp. 83853.29243853.304. f 9505180474 Documents completion of rutal achons pnor to restart of high radaten -9505090172 Amends 166 & 148 to hcenses DPR 70 & DPR 75.respectively, adeng i I work. Event Revew Board Rept ERB 010. " Unplanned worker Exposure m RCP inw riew acton statement to TS Positen indcatmg Sys . Operanng." l peller Decontammaten Contamer. encl. STOt.2.J F. Protect Drectorate B-2 (PD1-2) Post 941001). 95/05/03. 8pp 83853.295- I 83853 302 i i LEITCH.G.N. Mame Yankee Atome Power Co. 95/04/28. Document Control Branch 1 (Document Cor* trol Desk) 4pp. 84015.235 84015.300.

                                                                                          -9505090174 Safety evenuaton supporting amends 166 & 148 to hcenses DPR 70 &               I

RC 1 Event R Board ept ERB 010. "Unptanned worker Exposure m Q5r 83853.304 Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001). 95/05/03. 2pp. 83853.303-ANDERSON.P.L., CONNELL.J.M., SHEAN.A.R. Mame Yankee Atomm Power Co. ERB-010. 95/04/27.162pp. 84015.239 84015.300. 9505110080 Forwards utd plan re maue mgt & pnontued actons to be taken to acheve l 9505220092 LER 95-00740 on 950412.dscovered possible estance of madequate tram signdicant near twm & sustamed tong tenn unprmements e opwatonal petamance separaten m ECCS due to tailure to cerrey SOV 3412/PCC A-238 as ECCS Tram B ELIASON.L R. Pubhc Sennce Electne & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 95/05/03. componert Casual factors analyss w41 be performed W/950512 tir. MARTIN.T.T. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 2pp. 8393223043932.310. STOWERS.G.N.. HEBERT.J.R. Mame Yankee Atome Power Co. 95/05/12. 4pp. 84049:001 44049 004. -9505110006 "NBU lasue Mgt & Pnontged Acton Plan." dtd May 1995

  • Pubic Servce Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 95/05/31. 86pp. 83932232-83932.310.

U. Congresasonal/Ezecutive Correspondence 9505120091 Informs that950407 request that organizatonal effectiveness assessment 9505300423 Requests that NRC perform hated review & safety assessment re MYAPC proposed change 190.permmmg attemative saeevmg repar process employmg Wes- T .J 05/04 E ASO L R Put.ic Servce Electre ta e laser weldmg techrmaue.pnar to plant starLng up. A Gas Co. of New Jersey. 3pp. 83870:356 83870 358

                                  '        '          "I Desk          841     51   138:352'                                                    9505190379 Forwards safety evaluaton concludmg that weldmg of SA 351. Grade CD4MCu mati for svc water pumps at plant aathorned.per 10CFR50.55a(aK3H4 OLSHAN.LN. Propect Drectorate 4-3 (PD1-3) (Post 941001). 95/05/05. ELIASON.LR.

V. Operator Esammations Pubic Service Esectnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey app. 83991 272 43991.278 b8

                                                                                                                 ", ,[,C                                         ah         Cu M 9505090022 Informs that Region I can no longer partcapate in certifcate presentatens to bcensed operators & SROS. Instead.NRC we send certifcates drectly to facchties.
                                                                                                 ,    ,3,8fy                          p,   yh5         , y
                                                                                             . Offce of Nuc6sar Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001). 95/05/05. 3pp. 83991.276-WIGGINS.J.T. Flegen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/01. FRi2ZLE.C.D Mame Yankee                   83991.278 Atomsc Power Co 2pp. 83816 098 83816 099.

9505310138 Advses that JL Grant to longer performmg dubes at plant reauinng opera- m 2 ta bmrual of Salem & Hope i ena ev LABRUNA.S. Pubic Servce Electre & Gas Co of New Jersey. 95/05/11. Document R XX C D Mame Yankee Atomc Power Co 95/05/24. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk) 1p 84163.23184161231. ConFoi &anch Occument ConW W h 8404M4544M M 9505260180 Subnuts summary of plant startup & power escalaten testeg for nmth DOCKET 50-311 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 2 gR N Pubic Sennce Electre & Gas Co. of New . 95/05/15. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 8pp. 84102.354 2.361. o se-av- --v "- P-c'=a ma- 9505090312 Generc Lt, 9,o2.Rev tSu,, , to au-e,s of OLs ie cept those & 9505150102 Revned EPIPsanci Rev 7 to EPIP 201S & Rev 29 to EPIP 204S

  • Pubic Servce Enoctre & as Co of New Jersey. 95/04/10. 79pp 83972170-

[v 'r og 83972.248. ZIMMERMAN.R P. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADoRI (Post 941001) 95/05/19 Consolidated Edson Co of New York,Inc 10pp. 84084.35244084.361. 9505180155 Forwards 950406 Itr Iroen P McIntre to JA Momm re actons taken State 9505260026 Informs that request for withholding eto from pubic dsclosure of Inde-of NJ Ofc of Emergency Mgt to remedmie defcency centifed by FEMA at 0524 penoent Tecnncal issue investigaton Rept. plant.uruts 1 & 2, granted (ret exercee at Artdcel tstand 10CFR2 790) JOYNER.J H. Regon 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/08 ELIASON.L.R. Pubic Servce Elec* WHITE.J R. Regen 1 (Post 8202011. 95/05/19 ELIASON.L.R. Pubic Servce Electic Inc & Gas Co of New Jersey. Sop. 83952.306-83952 310'

                                                                                            & Gas Co of New Jersey app 84062:080 44062.083.

9505240037 Reveed EPlPs. including rev 3 to EPIP 401 & rev 26 to EPIP TOC-EOF P Servce Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 95/05/12.10pp 84069 349-O. lnspection reports. IE Bulletms & correspondence 9505280023 Revoed EPIPs ecludgrev 15 to ECG ATT 1.rev 8 to ECG ATT 2 & 3.rev 9505120167 EN-95 022:on 950411 notsce of velaten & proposed civil penalty m 7 to ECG ATT 4.rev 23 to ECG An 6.rev 22 to ECG ATT 7.rev 14 to ECG ATT 8,rev amount of580.000wds be osued to util. based on mvestigaton conducted by Orfee of 21 to ECG ATT 9 rev 41 to ECG SECG Tabie of Contents & rev 3 to ECG Secton 13 investigatons 8 enforcement conference conducted between staff & GM-SO

  • Pubic Servce Elecinc & Gas Co of New Jersey. 95/05/21. 92pp 84088.086 SATORiUS.M., LElBERMAN.J Otc of Enforcement (Post 870413). 95/04/06. 10 84088 176. 83871.209 83671 209

70 DOCKETEDITEMS 9505120180 EN-95 021 on 950411.notco of weaston & proposed imposinon of cwe pen. DOCKET 50 312 RANCHO SE.CO NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION atty m tne amount of $80,000 stued to hcensee. Action based on ewesugaten by OlG

  & conosts of Seventy Level 2 volation for harassment & mimudation SATORiUS.M . LIEBERMAN.J. Otc of Enforcement (Post 870413). 95/04/06 1p-               F. Security, medmal, emergency & fire protecten plans 83871.221-83871221 9505150128 Revoed EPIPs.mciudmg Rev 9 to E,PtP 5200, "Techncal Support Ctra &

9504,190,049 in p ogram pNRC,Into 6

                        -   Notee 95 024. " Summary of LeerW Operator RequahtcatenRev 8 to EPIP4430. "Onsite Dose Calcutabons.

04/25. Consohdated Edison Co. M New York, Inc. 12pp. ' Sacamento Municipal Ubbty Dstrct 95/05/08. 22pp. 83898 33343898.354 GRIMES.B K. .9 83757:001 43757:012. 9505150134 Revesed pages to table of contents of emergency plan manual. , 9505030018Notifcabon of squfcant iconsee moog 95 42 w/util on 950601 to es- ' Sacramento Murucipal Utility Dstnct.95/05/08 7pp 8389900943899:015. cusa appareen vcfahan of 10CFR50. App B. e%umng madequate measures WHITE.J R. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95,04/27. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 2pp. 9505240263 Aenses B8RC that utd has rewmed plant emergency pian & several EPIPs m 83720$45437mr046 past 30 asys Summary of each change & pustitcation lated REDEKER.S.J Sacramento Murucipal Utdsty Dstnct. 95/05/10 Document Control 9504210127 Genenc Ltr 95 03 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs to cecumferenbal Brarch (Document Control Desk). 8pp. 84083.318-84083.323. crackmg of SG tubes. ZIMMERMAN.R P. Assocate Drector for Propects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. 9505260284 Reouests techncas asmatance of C Gaslun m reviewmg Rancho Seco Conschdated Edmon Co. W New York. Inc.11pp. 83757:01343757:023. isFSi Pnyscal Protecton Plan & Traming & Ouakfcaton Plan sutmutted 950508 HAUGHNEY.CJ Offce of Nuclear Matenat Safety A Safeguards. 95/05/19 9505181012 Responds to NRC 950411 Itr te votatens noted m map of bconaes DPR-70 PIERSON.R. Lcensmg Branch. Ip.84108 3344410tL334.

  &     DPR-75      &     proposed      imposition     of     cui    penalty. Corrective actons:mvestigabon.followed by mgt revow & appropnate/entensive corrective ac.

R P@lc Sennce Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey 95/05/10. Document E AWwy camsW Comrol Branen (Document Corvirol Desk).10pp. 84007:33344007.342. 9505010157 Partel sixth response to FoiA request for documents. Forwards App L mfo 9505050171 NRC into Nobce 96025. " Valve Fadure Dunng Pabent Treatment w/ bemg made avadabe to POR. Gamma Stereotactc Radesurgery Un4." POWELLR.A. Osvmon of Freedom of informaton & Pubicatore Servces (post COOLDA Dusen of Industnal & Madcal Nuclear Safety (Dost 870729). 95/05/11. 940714). 94/12/06 SAPORITO.TJ Saponto. T.J. 2pp. 83834 00543834.135. Cormahdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 84007:182 44007.190.

                                                                                         -4 904190092 Forwards most recent status repts of petitons subtrutted per 9505230255 Provides runety (90) day rept for ISI acbvites conducted at plant danng          10CFR2.206 eignth refuehng cutage                                                                   CHANDLER.LJ. A6sratant General Counsel for Enforcement 89/04/04 MURLEY.T.E.

HAGAN.J.J Pubhc bonnce Electre & Gas Co of New Jersey 95/05/11. Document Offce of Nuclear Reactor Regulabon, Director (Post 870411). 4pp. 83834 017 Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp 64061.11944061.343. 83834 020. -9505240048 "Ninety Day Rept for LSI Activfbes at Setem Generstmg Stanon Dunng -8904190115 Forwards most recent status rem of petitions sutputted per 10CFR2.206 Eignth Retuonng Outage." CHANDLER.LJ. Assistant General Counsel for Enforcement. 89/o2/02. MURLEY.T.E.

  • Pubic Servce Electne & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 95/05/11. 208pp. 84061.121- Offce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten, Drector (Post 870411). 6pp. 83834 011-84061:343 83834 018.

Q. Periodic operatmg reports & reisted c - -- A insurance & '_ Q inforenateon 9505040192 " Erwron Operstmg Rept (NorwRadecgcal)Jan through Dec 9505230257 Forwards endorsement 123 to NELlA Pokey NF 0212. DELEZENSKlJ. Saoamento Muruopal Utety Dstnet. 95/05/16. Document Control HAGAN.J.J. Pubhc Servce Eectnc & Gas Cc. of New Jerscy. 94/12/31. 8pp Branch (Document Contrd Dnkt 1p. 64049.35644049.358 83803 311 43803 318 95050 5 "Ra on arri 1994 Annual Radosogeal Env>

0. Inspection reports,IE Buuettne & correspondence LABRUNA Pubic Sennce Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey, 94/12/31.183pp.

83863.001 43863 163. 9504190049 NRC Info Notre 95424. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requahfcaten inso program Fmdings " 9505040178 "New Jersey Poautant Dadarge Ekmmaton Sys Decenarge Morutonng GRIMES.B K. . 95/04/25. Consohdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 12pp Repts." W/950421 nr. 83757 201 43757.012. SUMMERS.J C. Pubic Servce Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 95/03/31. CAPORALE.G. New Jersey, State of.19pp. 83845.04543845 051. 9504210127 Genunc Ltr 95-03 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re cecumferental crackmg of SG tubes. 9505180213 MontNy operanno repi for Apr 1995 for Salern Urul 2 W/ 950512 Itr- ZIMMERMAN.R P. Associate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. PHILLJPS.R., SuuMERS.J C Pubic Servce Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 95/ Consokdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. 83757.01343757.023 04/30. 7pp. 64007 32644007:332. 9505300137 Corrected memo es RSNGS ISFSI map on 950412 & 13.Troian Nuclear 9505240245 Forwards corrected escharge morntonn0 rept for Feb 1995 for Salem Gen. Power Staten one tammaruston tour on 950414 & 950515 pubic mfo meetmg re de-eretmg Stanon.correctog effluent not values for temp for both escharges. SUMMERSJ C. Pubic Sennce Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey 95/05/09. c" ADD TZNof. Troian CAPORALE.G. New Jersey. State of. 3pp 84072:35144072-357. g Dween plant sne & Medcal Nuclear Safetf (Post 870729) 95/05/ of industnal

10. HAUGHNEY.CJ Dmsen of Industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729).

-9505240251 Corrected decharge morutonng rept for Feb 1995 for Saem Generating # ### LLE R.M. SUMMERSJ C. Pubic Sennce Elecinc & Gas Co of New Jersey. 95/ 9505050171 NRC into Notre 95025. ;' Valve Fadure Dunng Patent Treatment w/ 02/28. 4pp, 84072'35444072'357' Gamma Stereotactc Radosurgery Urut COOLD.A. Omson of Industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. Consondated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.999. 64007.182-84307 190. & ReportaWe occurrences. LERs & related correspondence 9505260055 Forwards map rept 724011/9541 on 950417 21.No violatons noted Weenness noted m ouality assurance actmbes. 9505180131 LER 95 00340an 890309. faded to perform type C local leak rete testing GWYNN,7 P. Regon 4 (Post 820201L 95/05/19 SHETLER,J.R. Sacramento Munce tonoweg pipmg mod to 21 containment spray pipmg sys due to not scentifymg need to pal Utsty Detrct. 5pp. 64062:175-84062 192. perform recured tesung Ennanced busmess procedures W/950512 ftr. PASTVA.MJ SUMMERSJC. Pubhc Servce Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 95/ -9505260058 inso rept 72 0011/9' 01 on 950417-21.No volatens noted Major areas 05/12. $pp. 64039.25344039.259 module pad for ISFSi mapected hormontal dry sperd fuel stor 9505260138 Specal rept on 950506.RMS declared moperable due to prob 6 ems encoun-

                                                                                                         ~^~   N"         "                             ~'

tered w/operaten of Vctoreen " MET" package Caused by " MET" package l tences Appropnete computer software conectons bemg researched & wel be W. DecomfrusadorWng Stage Documents & Correspondence l SUMMERS.J C. Pubic Servce Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jorsey 95/05/19. Docu- I ment Control Brancn (Document Control Desa). 3pp. 64099.26144099:263. 9505030474 Forwards updated versen of Tabte 51 of A.....- ., re. I ouested m NRO 950320 order approving Rancho Seco decomm.ssorwng plan. I REDEKER.S Sacramento Muruopal utsty Detnet. 95/04/13 Document Control V. Operator Em Branen (Document Control Deskt 29pp 83804 32643804.354 9505090038 IrWorms that Regon I wd! no longer partespate m co tificate presentatens 9504210293Genere Ltr 9544 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors to hcensed operators & SRos. Instead.NRC wds send certittates drecDy to faceites. re fmai deposition of SEP lessons-ieamed esues WIGGINSJT. Regon 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/01 ELIASON.L.R Pubhc Sennce Eec- ZIMMERMAN.R P Assocate Director for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001) 95/04/28. tnc & Gas Co of New Jersey 2pp 83818152 83818153 Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. anc.14pp 83757.024-83757.037. 9505100171 Forwards both forms of exam. answer keys.grarling results & inevdual 9505090312 Genenc Ltr 92 02.Rev 1.Suppt 1 to all holders of OLs lencept those tw answer sheet for950405GFES of exam admnwstered to tweeve inevidune indmouais censas amended to possecen-only statues or cps for nuctear power reactors re reac-passed exam W/0 enct tor vesset structural mtegnty MEYER.G W. Regon 1 (Post 820201t 95/05/02 ORTICELLEA Pubhc Servce Enoc- ZIMMERMAN.R P. Assocate Drector for Prorects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19 tnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey 2pp 83828 24S43828.250. Consohdated Eeson Co of New York. Inc 10pp 84084 352-84084.361.

I \ l l l DOCKETEDITEMS 71 Y. Dry Cask independent Spent Fuel Storage installations 9505220080 Documents utd positen discussed on950512w/NRC & requests enforce. ment dircrebon trom specifc test flow recurement of TS 4 to allow deter- ! 9505260132 Forwards response to NRC request for addl into re ISFSI SAR. Enci with, nwnmg proper sys operaten by engmeenng evaluaton m bases of TS 3 3. I peo MIMS.D.C. Entergy Operabons. anc. 95/05/15. Document Control Branch (Document I REDEKER.S. Sacramen10 Munceal Utdity Distnet. 95/05/09 Offce of Nuclear Mate. Control Desk).10pp 84038 01744038 026. j nel Safety & Sateguardik 24pp. 84160-14944160.178. i 9505240151Apphcaten for amend to beense DPR 51. Amend would revise SR for verdy. 9505260055 Forwards msp rept 724011/9541 on 950417 21.No molations ing edeouate SW flow to each tram of RB emeroency coolmg noted Weakness noted m quabty assurance actmbes YELVERTON.J W Entergy Operatons. Inc 65/06/15 Document Control Branch GWYNN.T.P. Regon 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/19 SHETLER.J.R Sacramento Munce (Document Control Desk).11pp. 64072.22944072.244 pal Utsty Detnet 5pp. 84062.175-84062.192.

  -9505260058 insp rept724011/S$41 on 950417 21 No violatons noted. Major areas                                                                  "               "'          "
                                                                                                ,       ,, .h                     c espected honrontal dry spent tues storage module pad for ISFSL
  • Entergy Operatons.Eb/15. 5pp 8407224044072.244.

, POWERS.D.A. Region 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/18 12pp. 64062:181 44062:192. 9505260284 Requests techncal assestance of C Gaske in revowng Rancho Seco 9505220262 Forwards nohce of conseerston of msuance of amend to beense DPR-51 ISFSI Physcal Protecton Plan & Trasnmg & Quanfcanon Plan sutwnstted 950508 & proposed NSMC determmat on & opporturuty for heanng Amend would authonge re. HAUGHNEY.C.J. Othee of Nuclear Matenal Safety & Safeguards. 95/05/19. conhguraton c8 cooseg water flow to reactor bidg emergency coolmg sys PIERSON.R. Lcensing Branch.1p. 84106.334 84106.334. KALMAN.G , 95/05/16. YELVERTON.J W. Entergy Operabons. anc. 3pp. 64010.222-l 84010.232. DOCKET 50-313 ARKANSAS HUCLEAR ONE, UNIT 1 -9505220268 Notee of considershon of issuance of amend to hcense DPR.51 & prt> l posed NSMC determmation & opporturuty for heanng Amend would modify operabdity recurements to reactor bedo (contamment) emergency cookng sys. F. Secunty, medical, emergency a fire protection plans KALMAN.G. .95/05/18. 8pp. 64010.225-84010.232 9505050278 Forwards amends 180 & 161 to bcenses DPR-51 & NPF4. Amend rewmes 9505220181 Advises that 950515 fir.requesteg that NRC exerces discreton not to on. requwements re site penmeter see sys force comphance w/actons required m TS secten 4 5.2.12 acceptable KALMAN.G . 95/04/28 YELVERT .J.W. Entergy Operations. inc. 3pp. 83822.284- ADENSAM.E G. . 95/05/17. YELVERTON.J W. Entergy Operations. Inc. 4pp. 83822.296. 84010.211 44010.214. l

  -9505050284 Amends 180 & 161 to hcenses DPR 51 & NPF4 respecbvely. rewmeng re.

92290312 Gmc b 92 0LRn 1M i M ah holhrs d N MW thm b L 95042 6 4 3822.294. conses anenM M W status) a &s b nuclear power reactors re reac-tar vessel structural mtegnty

  -9505050288 Safety evaluation supporbng amends 180 & 161 to bconses DPR.51 &                  ZIMMERMAN.R P. Associate Drector for Propects (ADPR) (Post 941001L 95/05/19.

NPF4,respechwely. Consohdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. 64084.352 84084 361.

  • Othce of Nuclear Reactor Regulabon (Post 941001) 95/04/28. 2pp. 83822.295 83822 296. 9505240226 Apphcabon for amends to bcenses DPR.51 & NPF4.revismg reactor con.

tamment bida closure requirements dunng tuoi movement & core aftershons l 9505050007 Ack receipt of 950303 ftr which transmitted Rev 19 to Arkarnas Nuclear YELVERTOdJ.W. Entergy Operatens. Inc. 95/05/19. Document Control Branch One E Plan. Informs that changes to plan.acceptatue (Document Control Desk).16pp. 64072 29444072.324. COLLINS. . 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/02. YELVERTONJ.W. Entergy Oper-abons. Inc. 4pp. 758:02043758:023. -9505240213 Proposed tech specs re reactor contammerit buildmg closure recure-I ments dunng fuei movement & core alterations. t 9505180509 Rev 5 to procedure / work plan 1905 004. " EOF Radologeal Controis '

  • Entergy Operatens, Inc.95/05/19 15pp. 64072:31044072.324

( COTON.S R. Entergy Operatens. lnc.95/06/05 19pp. 8399225943992.277. 9505180522 Rev 4 to procedure / work plan 1905 031. *Arbome 1131 Determinaten 9505240287 Apphcaton for amend to heense DPR-51.vetWymg adequate SW flow to Usmq RM.14.HP.210 - each train of reactor badg emergency cochng COTTON.S.R Entergy Operabons. Inc 95/05/05. 6pp. 84015.30244015.307. YELVERTON.J W. Entergy Operatons, Inc. 95/05/19 Document Control Branch j (Document Control Desk). 6pp 84069.31744069 348 9505180524 Rev 9 to procedure / work plan 1903 034. " EOF Evacuaterc COTTON.S.R. Entergy Operatens. Inc 95/05/05.19pp. 64015 30844015:326. -9505240292 Proposed tech specs.vantymg adequate SW flow to each tram of reactor b6dg emer coohng 9505250241 Rev 8 to procedure / work plan 1903.064. " Emergency Resoonse FaceSty -

  • Entergy atens. Inc.95/05/19. 26pp. 84069 32344069.348 CR. "

COTTON.S.R. Entergy Operatons. Inc.95/05/16 20pp. 84086.33844086.357. 9505250244 Rev 13 to procedure / work plan 1905 002. "Ortsste Emergency Monstonng " "I"* * *

  • COTTON.S.R. Entergy Operatons. Inc.95/05/16. 37pp. 84085.31144085:347.

9504190049 NRC Info Nobce 95424. " Summary of Licensed Operator Requahfcabon 9505250247 Rev 31 to procedure / work plan 1903.060. " Emergency Supphes & Equip. Inso Program Fmengs." ment " GRIMES.8 K. . 95/04/25. Consohdated Edison Co of New York. Inc. 12pp. COTTON.S.R Entergy Operatens. Inc.95/05/16. 70pp 84085.19144085.260. 83757:001 4 3757 012 9505030095 Forwards msp repts documenbng reuutts of NRC review of self-assessment

8. Fmancial informatson performed by ubt & NRC map of sgrwicant safety asue identified by utd sett. assess-ment.

9505100044 "1994 Annual Rept." for Entergy Operatons.Inc W/950504 ler GWYNN.T.P Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/04/25. YELVERTON.J W. Entergy Oper-MiMS.D.C, Entergy Operatons. Inc.94/12/31. 59pp. 83947.20243947265 atons. Inc. 4pp 83721:14043721.183. J. Insurance & 1 . , mtormation 8N Subnuts rev to conectrve actons of insp repts 50 313/W & M68/94 O9 MiMS.D.C. Entergy Operatons. Inc. 95/04/27. Document Control Branch (Document 9505310091 Forwards Nuclear Mutual Ltd Carthcate P95 045 Control Desk). 2pp 83783 326-83783.327 MIMS.D C. Entergy Operatons. Inc. 95/05/23 Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). Sop.84145.274-84145.278' 9504210127 Genenc Ltr 95-03 to all hoiders of OLs or cps for PWRs re circumferentist crackmg of SG tubes P. Operstmg beense stage documents & correspondence ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28 Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc tipp.83757 013-83757.023. 9505030143 Submrts drug testeg tab performance rept MIMS.D C. Entergy Operatens. anc. 95/04/26 Document Control Branch (Document NRC of steps taken to correct volatons Control Deskt 3pp 83832269-83832.271. 95050mM noted m mspAckrept50 receipt313/95 of 9%414 m mfonny9.,02 02 & 50 368/ on 950315 BEACH.A B Region 4 (Post 820201). 95/04/28 YELVERTONJ W Entergy Oper-9504210293Genenc Ltr 95 04 to su ho6ders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors atens. Inc. App 83758 0274 3758.039 re final discos bon of SEP lessons 4eamed issues. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. 9505120003 Forwards msp repts 50 313/95 03 & 50 368/95-03 on 950219 0401 & Conschdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 83757:024 83757:037 NOV violaton of concem because staff faded to initiate condition rept when deter-mined that reactor bidg cooters ret installed 9505050278 Forwards amends 180 & 181 to hcenses DPR-51 & NPF4 Amend rewmes BEACM.A B Region 4 (Post 820201L 95/05/05. YELVERTON.J W. Entergy Oper-reaueements re aste penmeter secunty sys. stens. Inc. 5pp 83869 32143869.350. KALMAN G. . 95/04/28. YELVERTON.J W. Entergy Operatens. inc 3pp 83822.284 83822 296 - 9505120007 Notee of volaton from map on 950219 0401Velaten noted hcensee

   -9505050284 Amends 180 & 14,1 to bcenses OPR.51 & NPF4.respectvely. revemg re.

1a 1& Qurements re arte penmeter secunty sys. 5*h 4 202C1 5/05 p 6 26-83869 2 KALMAN.G. .95/04/28 Spp 8382228743822294

                                                                                             -9505N2 % e M.313/95M & BM/9W on 95009ML MM
   -9505050288 Safety evaluaten supportng amends 180 & 161 to icenses DPR41 &                   noted Masor areas inspected.operatonal safety venfcahon.mant & survedlance NPF4.respectnrely                                                                         observatons.onsste engmeermg. plant support actwities.
  • Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001) 95/04/28. 2pp 83822.295- HARRELL.P. Regen 4 (Post $20201) 95/04/25 24pp 83869.32743869.350.

83822 296 9505050171 NRC Into Notce 95 025. " Valve Failure During Patient Treatment w/ 9505120053 Adnses of mod to CA manual operatons Gamma Stereotactc Radiosurgery Unst" ulMS.D C. Entergy Operatons. Inc 95/04/28 Document Control Branch (Document COOL.D A. Divmon of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11 Control Deskt 2pp. 83929 32183929 322. Consoecated Edison Co of New York. Inc. 9pp 84007:18244007.190

     - . . _ . . . . - - . _ _ _ ~ _ ~                    . _ _ -         , ._                 ..          _ _ . . _ . . _ . _ . _ .                   .

l 72 DOCKETEDITEMS 9506180124 Forwards msp repts50 313/95-16 & 50 368/9518 on 950419-20.No viola- P. Opereisng Iscense state documents & - _ e tons noted COLLINS.S.J Regon 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/12. YELVERTON,J.W. Entergy Oper- 9505150122 Sain parhal response to FOIA request for documents App H record already atens. Inc. 5pp. 53952 21143952 227- avadatde e PDR Forwards App i records & bemg evadacie m POR POWELL.R A. Onnsen of Freedom of informahon & PWhcatons Servces (Post 9505100129 insp repts 55313/9518 & 50w368/9516 on 950419-20.No velatons 940714). 94/12/23 FIDELL.E.R. Affthaten Not Assegned. Opp. 64038'033 64038.159 noted Mamr areas inspected:carcumstances surround ng LER50 313/95 S01 00 & 50-36a/95S0140. -9505150294 Discusses review scope re NRC 890427 on seinement moreement. MURRAY.8. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/10.12pp. 83952216-83952.227- OUAY.T. NRC . fvo Detasied Afidiaten Gwen. 89/08/14. GIITTERJ NRC = No De-9605240061 Forwards mso repts 50.313/9515 & 50 368/9515 on 950410 21.Non-cned welshon to bconsee tadure to follow procedures to wree consten sept to n.lentify 9505010273 Apphcaten for amend to lconse DPR-58 mcorporating 2.0 voit mienm SG tube support plate tenon for lues cycle 15.

   &  document valves GWYNN.T.P.       Repon 4susceouble     to pressure (Post 8202C1). 95/05/17lockm9. YELVERTON.J W. Entergy Oper-          FITZPATRICK.E. Irwhana                    n Powe' Co. (formerty Indana & Metugan Electre         i abons, Inc. dop. e402104544021:058.                                                               Co.). 95/04/25 Document                           Branch (Document Control Deskt 17pp.          I

-9505240000ansp repts 50w313/9515 & 50 368/9515 on 950410w21.Non cited weia-non noted.Masar areas mapacteridossgn control measures to assure operabehty of con- -9505010275 Proposed tech specs.mcorporatng 2.0 voit mtenm SG tube support plate tainment sump recrculaton gate valves- pluggmg cntenon for fuel cycts 15. COLUNS.E.E. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/16.10pp. 84021:049 44021 058.

  • Indiana n Power Ca (formeety indtsna & Mctugan Electre Co.). 05/04/25.

9606200031 Forwards map repts 50 313/9518 & 55368/9518 on 950424 0501.No volations noted. g504210293 Genenc Lir 9504 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors BEACH.A.B. Regen 4 (Post 820201), 95/05/22. YELVERTONJW. Entergy Oper- re smai esposaton ot SEP lessons-leamerl issues. ations. Inc. 4pp 64062 08744062-100. ZIMMERMAN.R P. Assocaste Drector for Pro,ects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Consondated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 83757:024 43757.037. -9505260035 ansp repts 50 313/9518 & 50 368/9518 on 950424 0501. Votatens ' noted Mapor areas mspected:msp of 950420 reactor tnp & startup from that reactor 9505000041 Requests NRC approval to use ASME Code Case N 4151. "Altematnre tro 4 aconsee root cause detemunaison, Pressure Test Recurement for Weided Repers or installaten of Replacement items HARRELL.P. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/18.10pp. 84062:09144062:100. by W . Class 1.2 & 3, Secton XI.Div 1." FITZPA K.E. tneans Mchsgen Power Co. por indiana & Mchegan Electre 9505280000 Forwards map repts50-313/9512 8 55368/9512 on 950313-14 4 0417- Co t 95/05/02. Document Control Branch (Document Desk). 4pp. 83865.005-21 No veosanons noted. 83865.000. BEACH.A.B A 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/22. YELVERTONJW. Entergy Oper-etions. Inc. 5pp. .219 44062.246- 9505190297 Forwards addl mio re Thermo Lag related ampacity daratmg requested NRC 950306 Itr . - 9506200062 Insp repts 50-313/9512 & 50366/9512 on 950313-14 & 0417 21.No FgTZeATR E. Insana n Power Co. (formerly indiana & Metagan Electne l violahons noted Maior area mapected: review of event related to excesswe exposures Co.t 95/05/12. Document trol Branen (Document Control Desk). Sepp that occuned when core support assembly rematained m reactor vessel. 64035 19044035.263. HARRELL.P.H. Regen e (Post 820201). 95/05/15. 23pp. 64062-22444062.-246. 9505220225 Responds to 941202 ltr.incumng if requrements for records on cnmmal tws. tory enecks recenrod from FBI could be mterpreted as allowmg records to be stored O. Perteec operseng reports a reisted correspondence on optcal esks wce s actual records.

                                                                                                               &                 E          ).        00          Yo. 2 9505020226        *ANO Units MIMS.D.C. Entergy            1 & 2 enc.94/12/31.145pp.

Operatons. Annual Radologeal83804.181 Erwron OperagRept .325. for 1994." m M N d N We w b  ; 9505190244 MontNv operanng rept for Apr 1995 for ANO Urut 1 W/950515 Itr conses amended a possesononly status) or cps tw nuclear poww reacors re reac. r W S., MIMS.D.C. Entergy Operatens. Inc. 95/04/30. 7pp. 64009.236- '"g*y'8$ 7 ERM e Drector for Prosects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19 Consondated Eeson Ca of New York. Inc.10pp. 64084-35244064.361.

6. occunences LERs & retetod concepondence 1 Table bases cyc sete FITZPATRICK.E. Indiana Mctugan Power Ca ( .ineena & Mctugan Electne 9505010278 LER 95-00440cn 950403. vendor personnel error in progr upgrad- Co195/05/19. Document Control Branch (Document Desk). 7pp. 64072:262-ed MFP qurtune controner resulted m manual RT & automate EFS actuacon. 64072 293.

pr mmm0 errors W/950426 tir. TT.T.F., MIMS.D.C. Entergy Operatens anc. 95/04/26. 6pp. 63717-022- 9305240108 Proposed tech specs.moefymg TS 3 7.11. Table 3.71 & associated , 63717:027 bases. 1

                                                                                                     *Insana                     Power Co. (formerly insana & Mctugan Electnc Co) 95/05/19.         j 9506240276 LER 95 00500:on 950420.logc crcuit Ground caused by vibrabon mduced                        25pp. 64072 26 64072 293.                                                                      .

insulaten wear resulted m reactor tnp rutsated by mam turtune generator protectwo crcuitry Repared Grounded were from *B" phase W/950519 Itr. 9505310313 Apphcaten for amends to iconses OPR-58 & DPR 74. Amends would incor. SCHEIDE.R.H4 MIMS.D.C. Entergy Operatens. Inc. 95/05/19 7pp. 64082:006- parate cycle & burnup dependent peasung tactor penalty. , 84062:014. FITZPATRICK.E. Ineana Merugan Power Co (f ineana & Metugan Doctnc Co.) 95/05/25. Document Control Brancn (Document al Desk). 6pp. 64162.343-64162:359. V. Operator Exammatione

                                                                                                  -9505310316 Proposed toch specs re incorporation of cycle & bumup dependerst peak-9605050027 Forwards master copy & answer key to Genenc Fundamentais Eram Sec.                         mg tactor penalty son of wntten operator heensmg esam.admrwetered on 950405
  • Insana n Power Co. (formerty ineena & Merwgan Electnc Co). 95/05/25.

GWYNN.T.P. Regen 4 (Post 820201) 95/05/02. YELVERTON.J W. Entergy Opy. 11pp 8418234 162359. stens. Inc. 2pp. 63758.06743758 068. i Q. Inspection reports. IE Bulletins & correspondence DOCKET 54315 DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1

  • 9504190049 NRC Info Nonce 95 024. " Summary of Leersed Operator Requahtcaten insp Program Fmdings "

F. Security, moscal, emergency & fre protect 6cn plans GRIMES.S.K. 95/04/25 Consobdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc, 12pp. 83757:001 8?757-012. 9505 20001 Rev 21 to " Indians Mctugan Power Co Emergency Respones Manual." W/ 9504210127 Genenc Ltr 95 03 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs to cercumferential nE Co. /06 7pp 6403 54403 1 R stocsate Drector for Propects (ADPF0 (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Consoboated Eeson Co of New York. Inc.11pp. 83757:013 43757;023. 9605 00297 F ddl mfo re Thermo-Lag retsted ampacity doratm0 9505100272 Forwards renoonse to NRC 950405Itr re volatons noted m mso repts 50-Power Co. (formerty ineana & Michsgan Elecinc 315/95 05 & 50 316/95 05 on 9501310320.Correctnre actens pronced field person. FITZPATA .E. insana Mc" t"ni,ol ;gm==4%e, Ca ,, g,1,, =,,g' B,-h (Docu,eent Co-o oes > 64pp. CoI 95/05/05. Document Control Branch (Document

                                                                                                                                                                       ,,es,, , Mc,,,a, ,,,,c tros Deskt 9pp 63873 354-83873 362.

9505240360 Rev 14 to emergency plan.W/950517 Itr.

  • 9" "

9505050171 NRC info Notco 95025. ,"Vahre radure Dunng Pabent Treatment w/ 95 05 96 1 7 4 .264 Gamma Stereotactc Ra Unit. COOLD.A. Dnnsen of industnal Medcal Nuclear $stety (Post 870729L 95/05/11. g Consondated Eeson Co of New york. Inc. 9pp. 64007:18244007:190 9505180503 Forwards "Svc Water Sys Operatonal Performance inso (SWSOPI) Self. 9505090016 Comment on proposed rule 10CFR50. "Pnmary Reactor Contanment Assessmenl Rept" Leakage Tesung For Water Cooled Power Reactors " Encornes NEl comments FITZPATRICK.E #neans Metwgan Power Co. (formerly ineane & Mchigan Electnc FITZPATRICK.E Insana Mcrugan Power Co (formerty insana & Merwgan Electre Co 1. 95/05/12. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk) 1p. 64050164 Co.). 95/05/01.Docketerig & Servces B'anctt 2pp. 83816065-83816 066. 64050.279.

DOCKETEDITEMS 73 -9505180505 "Svc Water Sys Operabonal Performance Insp (SWSOPI) Self. Assess- 9505310313 Appicabon for amends to hconses DPR.58 & DPR.74. Amends would mcor-ment Root." porate cycis & burnup dependent peakmg factor penalty. STANLEY.R. Indena Mchgan Power Co. (formerly indiana & Mchgan Electnc Co). FITZPATRCK.E. Ineans Mctugan Power Co. ( Indana & Mchgan Elecec 95/05/05.110pp. 84050:16544050.279 Col 95/05/25 Document Control Branch (Document trol Desk). 6pp. 64162:343-64162.359 R. Portodic operatmg reports & related ~..~ e -9505310315 Proposed tech specs to mcorporation of cycle & bumup dependent peak. mg tactor penalty. 9505030275 "DC Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2 Annual Enveen Operstmg Rept Jan-

  • Indiana Mc n Power Co. (formerly insana & McNgan Electnc Col 95/05/25.

Dec 1994." W/950424 ftr 11pp. 84162.34 162.359 FITZPATRICK.E. Insana Menigan Power Co. (formetty insana & Mehgan Electnc Col 94/12/31. 403pp. 83800:00143801039.

                                                                                                '                   '           "           ' ~ ~ ~

9505150127 Monthly operstmg rept for Apnl 1995 for Donald Cook Nuclear Plant urut 1.W/950504 itr JANISSEJ.D BLINDAA. Ineana Mchgan Power Co. (formerty indena & Metwgan 95N190049 NRC nfo Notce 95 024 ' Summary of Lcensed Operator Requahicaten Electnc CoS95/04/30. 4pp. 83898.32643898.332. GRIM %y . 9E04/25. Conso6 dated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 12pp. 63757.001 4 3757.012. 9504210127 Genenc Lir 95 03 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re cecumferential ed o"n 9"5"0'40 m s am' IMM R Assocate Dnector for Procacts (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Consohdated Edmon Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. 83757:013 43757:023. RING.MA Regon 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/01. CHASENSKY.TM Commonweafth son SAWA KE .J Nortnern States Power Co. MICE.D.D. Consumers Power

           '                       ~                                                               10W Fma e 2 W MG W m em W m N e S 315/95 05 & 506316/95 05 on 9501310320.Correctwo actons.provided held person-nel w/instructsons pnor to mstaliaton.

DOCKET 50-318 DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 2 FITZPATRICK.E. Indane McNgan Power Co. (t indena & Mehgan Electnc Co ). 95/05/05. Document Control Branch (Document trol Desk). 9pp. 83873.354-83e73.362. F. Securtty modcol emergency & nre protection plans 9505050171 NRC Info Notre 95 025. " Valve Fadure Dunng Patient Treatment w/ G tactc R U Rev 21 to "ineena Metagan Power Co Emergency Response Manual." W/ gster MlHALIK.D.R SMITH.B.J.. FITZPATRICK.E. Insana Mc Consoldated Edson Co of New Ycrk. Inc. 9pp. 64007.18244007:190. dona & Metagan Electnc Col 95/05/06. 77pp. 64039:03g039111. Power Co. (formerty In. 9505190297 Forwards ads Wifo re ThornoLag related ampacrty deratmg Assessment Rept."  ! requested by NRC 950306 lir. FITZPATRICK.E. Indiana Metugan Power Co. (forme Indena & Mctugan Electre FITZPATRICK.E. Ineana Col. 95/05/12. Document Control Brancn (Document trol Desk). 19 84050:164-Co l. 95/05/12. Document ' n Power Branch Co. (formerly ineana (Document & Metugan Control Dvsk).Electnc 64pp. 84050:279 84035:180 44035.263.

                                                                                            -9505180505 "Svc Water Sys Operational Performance insp (SWSOPI) Self Assess-9505240300 Rev 14 to emergency plan.W/950517 ttr.                                              ment Rept" FITZPATRICK.E. Ineana Mcrugan Power Co. (formerly Indena & Merugan Electne                  STANLEY,R. Indena Mehgan Power Co. (formetty Ind.ans & Metugan Electne Col Col 95/05/17. 98pp. 84071:167 44071264.                                                     95/05/05.110pp. 8405016544050279 l

H. General corroepondence R. Periodic operating reporta & related a..eepondence 95050e0016 Comment on proposed rule 10CFR50 "Pnmary Reactor Containment 9505030275 DC Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2 Annual Envron Operatmg Rept Jan. Leakage Testm0 For Water. Cooled Power Reactors." Endorses NEl comments- Dec 1994 " W/950424 FtTZPATRICK.E. Ineans Mctugan Power Co. (formerly Indens & Mettgan Enactnc FITZPATRICK.E. Indena Itr'Mchgan Power Co. (formetty insana & Metugan Elecinc Col 95/05/01. Dockenno & Servces Branen. 2pp. 83816:06543816 066- CoS 94/12/31. 403pp. 63800:00143801:039. P. Opereg bcones stage documents a cormpondm 9305150012 Monthly operahng rept for Apr 1995 Ice DC Cook NPP.Urut 2. W/950504

                                                                                              .lANISSE.J.D.. BLINDAA. Ineana Mctugan Power Co (formerty indians & Metagan 9505150122 Sexth parbal response to FOiA request for documents App H record aiready           Elecinc Col 95/04/30. $pp. 83900-04b43900:047.

avadable m PDR. Forwards App i records & bemg available es PDR. 3 POWELL.RA Devoon of Freedom of Informaton & Pubhcations Servces (Post 940714). 94/12/23. FIDELL.E.R. Athhaten Not Asssgned. 9pp. 84038.03344038.159. S. Reportable occurrences, LERa & roleted -.. , --

-4505150298 Discusses review scope re NRC 690427 on settlement agreement.

OVAY.T. NRC . No Detaled Artikation Grven. 89/08/14. GitTTER.J. NRC . No De. 9505150175 LER 95 003 00on 950203.two pressunrer safety watwes taned to meet TS taled Affikation Gwen.1p. 64038.10644038:106. recured survedlance test entens Parhalty esassamtwed valves 2.SV-45A & 2.SV-45C W/950508 Itr. 9504210293Genenc Lir 95 04 to as holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors WEBER.GA, BUNDAA. Ineana Mctugan Power Co. (formerty insana & Mctugan to fmai espositen of SEP lessons.neamed essues. Elecinc Col 95/05/06. 5pp. 8398526543985269. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Drector for Projects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. anc.14pp. 63757:024 43757:037 V. Operator Es-9505000041 Requests NRC approval to use ASME Code Case N.4161. "Alternatrve W pairs or instauston of Repecement none Q Tes R g 9505050098 informs that. GFE section of wntten operatar bcensmg exam ad. FITZPAT ICK.E. Inmana'Mchoun Power Co. (t insana & Mchgan Electre Q'y*Ng,,, 'P$ 8[20$ $/b' SASENSKY.TM Commonwealm Col 95/05/02. Document Control Brartch (Document trol Desk). 400, 83665:005-83865:008. Edison Co SAWATZKE B.J Northem States Power Co HICE.D D. Consumers Power Co.1p. 83758:31343758 313. 9505190297 Forwards addl mto to Thermo-Lag related ampacity doratmg FYZPA RI K E Mc n Power Co. (formerly Indana & Mctugan Elecec DOCKET $0 317 CALVERT CLIFFS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 Co) 95/05/12. Document trol Branch (Document Control Desk). 84pp. h Securtty, medacal, emergency & fire protection plans 9505220225 Responds to 941202 ter.maumng if recurements for records on cnmmal tus. tory checks receared from FBI could be mterpreted as allowmg records to be stored 9505040097 Forwards rev 9 to plar't eserung & ouaktcaten plan. Encl withheld. on optcal esks vce stonng actual records. GiBBS.L.P. Bainmore Gas & Electre Co 94/09/30. Document Control Branch (Docu-CUNNINGHAM.L.J. . 95/05/16. HODGE.W.M. Ineans McNgan Power Co. (formerly ment Control Desk). 2pp. 83783:33143783.332. Indena & Mcrugan Electnc Co ) 5pp. 84010.32044010.324. 9505150149 Change 3 to rev 18 to ERPIP.31. "Responsable inevedual: Stutt Supervo 9505000312 Genere Lir 92 02.Rev 1.Suppt 1 to all holders of OLs (except those is conses amended to possesion.only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac.

  • Batt more Gas & Electne Co.95/05/08.18pp. 83899:019 83899.035.

tar vessel structural etegnty. 2tMMERMAN R.P. Associate Drector for Prolects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19 Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New Yor( enc.10pp. 84084.35244084 361. P. Operating hcense stage cocuments a correspondence 9505240165 Apokcabon for amends to heenses DPR48 & DPR.74,revismg TS secten 3 711.Tabie 3 71 & bases re turbme cycle safety valves. 9505040378 Ltr contract NRC.04 91068. mod 2.tash 34 extendmg genod of F(TZpATRICK.E Indena Metwoan Power Co. (forme insana & Metwgan Electne pe "lPE Reviews.Intemal Events . Back4nd Onry ' Co] 95/05/19. Document Control Branch (Documerit trol Desk) 7pp. 84072.262 MACE.M Dmsson of Contracts Post 940714). NRC.04-91-068 95/04/05. AFABLE.S. 64072293. SCIENTECH. Inc. 2pp. 83747:357 43747.358

 -9505240168 Proposed tech specs.moefymg TS Table 3.71 & associated                 9504210293Genenc Lir 95 04 to an holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors bases.                                                                                     re Anal desposrten of SEP lessons.4 earned asues.
  • Indiana Mg Power Co. (formerty Indiana & Macrugan Electne Col 95/05/19 ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Proiects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28.

25pp. 8407226844072293. Consohdated Edson Co of New York. Inc 14pp 83757.02443757:037.

74 DOCKETED ITEMS 9505050117 Appkcaton for emergency amend to hcense DPR43. Amend would revise V. Operator Ex. ._ CREvS TSs to prowde an extenson of anowed outage sme DENTON.R E. Barbmore Gas & Enoctnc Co 95/04/28 Document Control Branch 9505090039 informs that Region I wdl no longer partcipate m carefcate presentauons (Documerd Control Desk). 8pp. 8386419243884.200 to keensed operators & SROs. Instead.NRC wdt send certfcates drectly 10 tacshbes. WIGGINS.J.T. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/01. DENTON.R.E. Bartimore Gas & -9505050121 Proposed tech specs re extensson of allowed outage eme. Electnc Co. 2pp. 83818.15843818:157.

  • Baltmore Gas & E6ectre Co.95/04/28. 3pp 83864.198-83864.200, 9505050223 Forwards SE re ubt 941013 request to change method of tomado assde DDCKET 50-318 CALVERT CtJFFS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNrf 2 protecten tot emergency eesel generator engnes mtaae er fitters. exhaust pipmg &

muffiers. MCDONALD.D.G Pro,ect Directorate b1 (PD1.1) (Post 941001). 95/05/01 F. Security, medcal, emergency & fire protect 6on plana DENTON.R.E. Batumore Gas & Electnc Co. 3ap. 83813:34343813.348. 9505040097 Forwards rev 9 to paarn tramsng & ouahfcaten plan.Enci withheid. -9505050226 Safety evaluaton acceptmg analyms of tomado generated rmssde enpact GIBBS.LP. Battwnore Gas & Electrc Co 94/09/30. Document Control Branch (Docu, e' of Nuclear Reactor Regulabon (Post 941001) 95/05/01. 3pp. 83813.346, nwnt Contra Des 4 2pp. 8378313M3783332. 83813348. 9505150149 Change 3 to rev 18 to ERPIP-31, " Responsible inenduaf. Shift Supervi.


9505090164 Forwards amend 205 to bconse DPR.53 & safeg ,evaluabon. Amend re-  !"Bammore Gas & Electnc Co.95/05/08.189p. 83899:01943899.035. nses control room emergency wentdaton sys TS 3 7.8.1 Lw MCDONALD.D G Protect Drectorate 11 (PD1-1) (Post 941001). 95/05/02. DEfGON.R.E. Ba'tsmore Gas & Electnc Co. 3pp. 83853:27843853.291. P. Opereung Ilconse stage docunwn's & ~ _ - -95050901 A to bconse DPR.53.revisng control room emergency vencia- g MARSH.LB Proiect Drectorate 81 (PD1.1) (Post 941001). 95/05/02. App, "lPE Rwiews.lenernal Events Back.End Only. 83853.281 4 3853.284. MACE.M Dnnson of Contracts (Post 940714). NRC 04-91068. 95/04/05. AFABLE.S. SCIENTECH, Inc. 2pp. 83747.35743747.358. -9505090167 Safety evaluanon supportng amend 205 to bcense DPR-53.

  • Orfce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaban (Post 941001). 95/05/02. 8pp. 83853.285 9504210293 Gmnc Lir 95 04 to all holdem of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactom 83853.291 'e f nal espositon of SEP lessons-leamed assues.

ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocente Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New Yors. Inc.14pp. 83757.02443757.037. 9506190563 Forwards SE supportng ute 941101 request to use convolubon technsque 9505050223 Forwards SE re utd 941013 reauest to change method of tornado rmssde LD D oc a 4-1 (PD1 1) (Post 941001). 95/05/11. D'oiecton for emergency eesel generator agines enake air huers. exhaust pipsng & DENTON.R E. Balhmore Gas & Eiectnc Co. 3pp 83985:34643985.351. mufflers. -9505180567 Safety evaluanon supporbng use of statistral convolubon for MSLB anal. ON d fumor Gas Elec Co 3pp 31 343 81 Nuclear Reactor Regulabon (Post 941001). 95/05/11. 3pp. 83985.349- -9505050225 Safety evaluabon accepbng analyses of tornado generated rnismie enpact on EDG. 9505090312 Genene Ltr 9242.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to an holders of OLs (except those h-g3 ' am R@w N WW NE M. SMM conses amended to possesen.only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors te reac-M51m Aene mat ubi M420 W mee appraat b use of cme case M89 M MAN Assocate Drector for Propects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19' Consondated Edmon Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. 64084.35244084.361. ( O P' g g vessel g for S /r DENTON.R E. Balumore Gas & Electnc Co. 4pp. 83979:31443979.317. a j C. Inspection reports. IE Bulletma & correspondence 9505180563 Forwards SE supportmg uht941101 request to use convoluten tactiruque i ter anssyses of pretnp MSLB everit at plant. I 9504190049 NRC Info Notre 95424. "Summay of Lcensed Operator Requalifcaton MCDONALD.D.G. Prolect Drectorate 1-1 (PD1 1) (Post 941001). 95/05/11 1 insp Program Findings." DENTON,R E. Balbmore Gas & Elecinc Co. 3pp. 83985.346-83985.351. 1 GRIMES.B K, . 95/04/25. Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 12pp. l 83757901 43757 012. -9505180567 Safety evalumnon supporting use of statsteal convolution for MSLB anal-9504210127 Genenc Ltr 95 03 to aN holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re cecumterenhal Othce of Nuclear Reactor Regulabon (Post 941001). 95/05/11. 3pp 83985.349-cruciung of SG tubes. 83985.351. ZlidMERMAN,R P. Associate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. 83757-01343757$23. 9505220038 Summanres 950510 meenng w/Weshnghouse re SG tube tasues. Last of attendees.acton plan escussen & predeten method enct. 9505050171 NRC Info Notre 95025. " Valve Fadure Dunng Pabent Treatment w/ DEMBEK.S. 95/05/4 STROSNI .J.R. 14pp. 84023.25544023.268. Gamma Stereotacts Radosurgery Urut." COOLD A. Dnnson of enoustnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729) 95/05/11. 9505090312 Genorc Ltr 92 02 Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all holders of Ots (except those b-Consohdated Eescri Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp. 64007.18244007:190. censes amended to possesion-only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac-tor vessel structural mtegnty. , ZIMMERMAN.R P. Associate Drector for Proiects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19 l R. Penodec operating reports & related -w l .~e Consohdated Eason Co. of New York. Inc.10pp 64064.35244064.361. 9505220060 Forwards MORs for Apr 1995 & revised MORs for Feb & Mar 1995 for Q. Inspection reports, IE Bunetins & correspondence Carvert Chffs Units 1 & 2. E Ba S/ 5 """' "' ' "" 9504190049 NRC Info Notee 95 024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requahfcaten 1p g y5 mso Program Findmgs. 0 #04/25. Conschdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 12pp -9505230168 Monthly operanno repts for Apr 1995 for Canon Chffs Units 1 & 2 OLSEN.H.O. Bammore Gas & Eksetrc Co. 95/04/30. 1000. 84068.062 4 4068 071. 37f7 8\ 757 012' -9505230174 Revoed MORs for Feb 1995 for Calvert Chfts Urvts 1 & 2 of S'G"'" OLSEN.H.O. Bartimore Gas & Electnc Co.95/02/28. 2pp. 64068.07244068 073. ZIMME MAN.R.P. Assomate Drector for Prolects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28 -9505mm R- uoRs to, ua, i995,or Ca~en CM,s Unris 18 2 "a""*** * *'aa " a' " - * '"c " aa * *' '* '5' *2'- OLSEN.H.O. Bammore Gas & Electnc Co.95/03/31. 2pp. 64068-07444068 075- 9505050171 NRC Info Notee 95 025, " Vane Fadure Dunng Pabent Treatment w/ Gamma Stereotacts Radoeurgery Urut." COOLD A. Danson of industnai & Meecaf Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. S. Reportable occurrences, LERs & related correspondence Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp 64007182 64007:190. 9505150306 intenm Part 21 rept re feelures of Gould-Shawnwt A2$X 1015 ampere fuses due to crac4ung of fuse siemenLUtil not yet venfied that mfg process descnbod cause R. Period 6c operating reports & reisted correspondence of fadures & performmg own metallurgeal analyssa on fuses SLY.C. Balbmare Gas & Esectnc Co. 95/05/05 NRC No Detaded Affdiaten Govert 9505220060 Forwards MORs for Apr 1995 & rowsed MORs for Feb & Mar 1995 tot 2pp. 83977;32443977.325 Cavert Chtts Uruts 1 & 2 CRUSE.C.H Baltimore Gas & Electnc Co 95/05/15 Document Contred Branch (Doc-9505150034 Forwards 10CFH21 retifcaten te fadure mechanism for Gould-Shawmut ument Control Desk) 1p 84068.06144068 075 A25x 1015 ampere fuses CRUSE.C.H. Bart more Gas & Electne Co. 95/05/08. Document Control Branch (Doc. -9505230168 Monthly operatog repts for Apr 1995 for Calvert Chfra Uruts 1 & 2. umerit Control Desk). dop. 83898:17943898 182. OLSEN.H O. Balbmore Gas & Electre Co. 95/04/30 topp 64008 06244068 071. 9505220089 LER 95-00100:on 950415.Urut 1 entered TS 3 0 3 when EDG supplymg -9505230174 Revised MORs for Feb 1995 for CaNort Chtts Uruts 1 & 2 backup power became moperan6e. Caused by leakmg fust enlector pump due to sm. OLSEN.H.O Balbmore Gas & Electrc Co.95/02/28 2pp 84068.07244068 073 proper dramane Dram knes cleaned W/950515 Itr. . SLY.C., CRUBE.C H. Bammore Gas & Esectne Co. 95/05/15. 9pp. 64075 343- -9505230177Revsed MORs for Mar 1995 for u6 vert Chtts Uruts 1 & 2 64075.351. OLSEN.H,0 Bathmore Gas & Electre Co.95/03/31. 2pp. 64068.07444068 075

                                                                                      . . - . - - . - -                          -~~;               ,        ~ . .    .- -- ~ - - .

DOCKETEDITEMS 75 S. Reportatrie occurrences, LERa & related corresponeence R. Periodic operstmg reports & related u. e 9505000279 Forwards prehmmary ASP analyss of operabonal con @ tion review of pre. 9505010103 "TMI Nuclear Generstmo Station Radologcal Ermron Moretonng Rept hmmary ASP analyss of inp. loss of 13.8 kV bus & short-term salt water coohng sys 1994? W/950424 Itr. unsvedabihty wrech occurred at plant on 940112 LONG.RL General Pubhc Utdries Corp. GPU Servce Corp. 94/12/31.193pp. MCDONALD.D.G. Protect Drectorate 1-1 (PD1 1) (Post 941001L 95/05/03 83748 001 83748.193. DENTON.R.E. Bammore Gas & Electnc Co,32pp. 83854 03843854:069. 9505040384 Forwards comtaned 1994 annual radcactive effluent releases rept.mclueng 9505150308 mtenm Part 21 rept re tailures of Gould.Shawmst A25X 10-15 empere fuses summary of ouantmes of radioachve hauid 4 gaseous effluents & sohd waste released due to craclung of fuse elementUbi not yet vented that mfg process desenbod cause from site as outhned n Reg Guide 1.21.Rev 1. of fadures & performm0 own metaRurgmal snelyse on fuses. BROUGHTON.T.G. General Pubic Ubbtees Corp. . GPU Servce Corp 95/04/27. Doc-SLY.C. Barumore Gas & Electne Co. 95/05/05. NRC - No Dotaded Affihabon Given. ument Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 8380813483808183. 2pp. 83977.324 83977:325.

                                                                                                      -9505040309 Comtuned 1994 annual radioactive effluent releases rept.

9505150034 Forwards 10CFR21 notifcabon te fadure enecharksm for Gould-Shawmut

  • General Pubic Utebes Corp. . GPU 5ervce Corp. 94/12/31. 52pp. 63608.132 A25x 1415 ampere fuses. 83808:183.

CROSE.C.H. Balbmare Gas & Electnc Co.95/05/08, Document Control Branch (Doc-ument Control Desk). 4pp 83898171L83098:182.


9505220004 LER 95 004 00on 950414. fire occurred in sechon of expanson tomt matt m

  • K" hne wall.bummg approx three knear feet of cork matLCaused by sparks from 9504140194 Responds to950213 request re into on approval process used for apper-w r wall Fro watenes posted & walkdown performed.W/950515 Itr- em exempbons from tederal regulatory standards SLY.C .. CRUSE.C.H. Baltrnore Gas & Electre Co. 95/05/15. 7pp. 84075 352- TAYLORJM. Otc of the Executsve Drector for Opersbons.95/04/04.STATORUM.R.

64075.358. Senale 1p. 84190.29184190:305

                                                                                                     -9505300347 Expresses concem about apparent exemptens m federal regulatory stds E Operater Ea                                                                                         made for Peacn Bottom 2 & 3 & TMt nuclear taeshtselL SANTORUM,R. Senate 95/02/13. RATHBUN,0.K. Offee of Congressenal Affairs 9505000039 informs that Regon I wdl no longer parteipate e certifcate presentatens                    (Post 911117).1p. 84190.306 84190306.

to bcensed operators & SROs. Instead.NRC win send certifcates erectly to facdebes WIGGINSJT. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/01. DENTON.R E. Baltimore Gas & Electre Ca 2pp. 83818:156 83816:157 DOCKET 50-321 EDWIN L HATCH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 1 DOCKET 50-320 THREE telLE ISLAND NUCt. EAR STATION, UNIT 2 F. Security, modcal, emergency & fire protectson plans F. Securfty, medical, emergency & fire protection piens [ig$,N #D " 3 BECKHAMJT. George Power Co. 95/05/01. Document Control Brarch (Document 9505180144 Ack receipt of 950210 correspondence re changes to plant training & quah- Control Desk). 33pp. 83865.272 83865.304. teaten plan.Rev 12.NRC finds cnanges acceptable for mrausen mto plan. i, JOYNER.J H. 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/25 BROUGHTON.T.G. General Pubhc 9505300119 Forwards mso repts50 321/95 09 & 50-366/95-09 on 950417 21 & notco Utsbes Corp. . G U Sennce Corp. 3pp. 84030:30744030 309. of voalten. 1 BARR.K.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201t 95/05/19. BECKHAMJT. George Power Co.

9505100150 Ack receipt of 950210 correspondence re changes u plant moefed app. 6407728844077.304.

amended physcal secunty plan.Rev 31.NRC finds changes acceptable for metusen-mto plan. -9505300129 inso repts 50 321/95-09 & 60 366/95 09 on 950417 21. Volatons l JOYNERJH. Repon 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/25. BROUGHTON.T.G. General Pubic noted.Mamr areas espected: site emergency preparedness program through revow of Utahties Corp - GPU Senace Corp. 3pp. 8402634444026 346. hsled snpiamentmg procedures. KREH.J L, BARR.K.P. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/19. 11pp. 44077.294-9505190242 Rev 5 to emergency plan snplemenn document 6410-ADM-1300 02. 64077:304.

     " Emergency Preparedness Trammg." mcorporatmg          1 EP 944043.

BEAVERJ. NELSON.MA General Pubhc utihbes Corp. GPU Senace Corp. 95/05/ 08.16pp. 8400924344009 258. G. Atdeatory . _ ._e 9505100560 Memorandum (CLL95 05).* No sudgement on whet %er it would be lawful or L Fmencel .. . - . approonets at thm stage of proceeeng for staff to make fodmg of NSHC.W/Cortifs. cate of Sve. Served on950511.Re. served on 950512. 9505020470 Forwards "GPU Annual Rept 1994." 1994 uniform statistcal rept.1994 HOYLE.J C. Offee of the Secretary of the Commesen. #29516710. 95/05/11. 7pp. GPU octual source & appicaton of funds satatement & 1995 GPU torecast source & 83970.26943970.275. appH ation of funds statement per 10CFR50.71(b) & 10CFR140.21. BROUGHTON.T G. General Public Uthbes Corp. . GPU Servce Corp.95/04/25. Doc-ument Control Branch (Document Control Desk).1p. 63763203 83763287. H. General . _ , e j -9505020472 *GPU Anrnal Rept 1994.* 9505230164 Comment on proposed rule 10CFR50. "Pnmary Reactor Contamtrnnt i LEVA.J R General Puche Utiirtses Corp. - GPU Sennce Corp. 04/12/31. 64pp Leakage Testmg for Water <.,oosed Power." Requests that NRC to expedite promulga-l 83763204 83763.287- bon of opton B rule MCCOY.C.K. George Power Co. 95/05/05 Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 64002:03644002.037. P. Operating teense sts9e '--- 4 correspondence 9505240320FOIA request for documents re battle removat & cuttmg of mtemals reac- P. Operstmg scenas state documents & correspondence tors at ested plants. KATZ.D. C4izens Awareness Networtt 94/10/17. GRIMSLEY.D H. Onnsen of Free- 9505240323 Frst parbal response to FOIA request for documents App A documents aL dom of informahon & Pubhcatens Servces (Post 940714). 3pp 64024.18144024:183- ready available m PDR. App B documents enct & placed m POR l BROWN.N. Drcson of Freedom of Information & Pubications Servces (Post 940714). 1 9504210293Genenc Ltr 9544 to su holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors 95/01/06 KATZ.D. Cetuens Awareness Networst 3pp. 6402418444024.300. re hnal espoorton of SEP tessons-leamed maues. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/26. .g4ogo70271 Discusses core shroud repar at Brunswet plants & same repair to be Coneokosted Edson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 83757$2443757037. undiertaken at Hatch Plants Detain Gscussed eclude dose mto.repar methods.hme to complete repars, cost 4 map W/ence. 9505000312 Genere Ltr 92-02.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to 48 holders of OLs (except tnose h- CALvo.J A. Danson of Radeten Safety & Safeguards (Post 921004). 94/06/23. conses amenced to posseseon only status) or cps for nuc6 ear power reactors re reac- VARGA.S.A. Onnsen of Reactor proiects - 1/11 (Post 870411). ROE.J W, Drnsen of tor vessel structural mtegnty Reactor Prolects . IlUV,V (Post 901216) GRIMES B.K. Dnnsen of Operstmg Reactor ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19. Support (Post 921004).113pp. 64024.16744024.300. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. topp.64064.352 4 4084.361 9504210293Genere Ltr 9544 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors re tmal esposten of SEP lessons.ieamed asues. Q. Inspection reports, IE Busetmo & correspondence ZIMMERMAN.R P. Assocate Dwector for Progects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Consohosited Edson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 83757 02443757:037. 9504190049 NRC Info Notco 95024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requaistcahon inso Program Finengs " 9505090221 Appkcaton for amend to bconses DPR-57 & NPF.5.mawngmg thermal GRfMES.BK . 95/04/25. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 12pp. stratdcaten events 63757.001 4 3757:012. BECKHAM.J T. George Power Co. 95/05/04. Document Control Branen (Document Control Desk). 2pp 83892.29243882.329. 9504210127 Genenc Lir 95 03 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re cucumferentel crackmg of SG tubes ~9505090223 Proposed teen specs.mmanumg tnermal stratricaten events ZIMMERMAN.R P. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (post 941001). 95/04/28

  • George Power Co.95/05/04. 36pp 83892 294 83892.329.

Consohdated Edson Co- of New York. Inc.11pp 83757:01343757 023. 9505240166 Advses that mfo submitted to NPC on 940824 & 940923.m response to 9505050171 NRC Info Notce 95025. *Talve Failure Dunng Pahent Treatment w/ GL 94 03 4 NRC RAl.respectively.coes not need to be withhe6d from pubhc escio. Gamma Stereotacic Radoswgery Urut." sure COOLDA Deveen of industnal & Modcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729) 95/05/11. BECKHAM.J T. Georgia Power Co 95/05/15 Document Control Branch (Dor:vment Conschdated Eeson Co of New York. Inc. 9pp. 64007:16244007:190 Controt Desk). 2pp. 64063 254 84083.255.

- ._ . - . . . _ . ~ - . - ~ , _ . - - - .. ---- .- - ---,- ~.. . - . - - - - - 76 DOCKETEDITEMS 9605240358 Forwards second RAI re power upraie program for plantwhch proposed to DOCKET 50 322 SHOREHAtt NUCLEAR FOWER STATION mcrease authonzed max power level to 2.558 from cwrent imt of 2.436 MWt Response requested withm 30 days from date Di ltr. JABBOUR.K.N. . 95/05/16. BECKHAM).T. Geoga Power Co, $pp. 84049 340* G. Adjudicatory correspondence 64049:344. 9605260193 Prondes propnetary response to RAI re core shroud mod. info regards ana. He r to @ W tor @cwnents. %sds App L W tytcal models & calculanons re shmud evolustens & supportng ecu- POWELL.R.A. Dumon of Freedom of informaton S Putgcanons Geraces (Post Georgia PoE 940714L 94/12/06.NITO.TJ Saponto. TJ. 2pp 83834M543834135. HAM). 95/05/18. Document Control Branch (Document

                    "'                 # '                                                                             -9908200100 Forwards status rept on pottens under 10CFR2.206.

9500000312 Genenc Ltr 92 02.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to as hoiders of OLs (except those 1" GOLDBERGJR. Offee of the General Counset (Post 800701) 89/08/02 MURLEY.T.E. Offee et Nuclear Reactor Regulators. Director (Post 870411). Sopi conoes amended to posseecr>only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac-tor vesset structural mtegnty 83834.0244 3834 028. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Director for Propcts (ADpR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19. Consondated Edson Co. of New YorA Inc. topp.64064.352 44064.361. 4012040000 Forwards status rept on petitons under 10CFR2.206.Rept hsts petitons i pendmg before NMSS.NRR & imal decmens by droctors pendmg betare Commmsen

                                                                                                                          & courts E inopochon recons, IE Sumeena a cormepondence                                                               GOLDBERG)R. Deputy Asestant General Counset for Enforcement. 89/10/02.

MURLEY.T.E. Oftce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten. Director (Post 870411). 5pp. 83834.035 83834:039. 9500030007 Ack receipt of 940421 Itr informmg NRC of steps tal en to correct wolatons noted in mso repts 50-321/9441 & SCL366/94 01.violanon 944149 wel be wittw -3312040010 Forwards status rept on pehtens under 10CFR2.206.Rept hsts pebtens l drawrt pendng before NMSS.NRR & feel deceons by drectors pen @ng before Commeson l GIBSONAF. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/17. BECKHAMJ.T. Geo9a Power Co. & courts i 3pp. 83600 08143690-083. GOLDBERGJ R Offee of the Generst Counsel (Post 860701). 89/11/02. MURLEY.T.E. Offce of Nuclear Reactor Regu:abon. Drector (Post 670411). 5pp. 9604190049 NRC Info Notco 96 024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requahficaton 83834 S40 43834.044. Insp Program Fmdmgs." GRIMES.B K. . 95/04/25. Consondated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 12pp. . - 8012040012 Forwards status rept on penhons under 10CFR2.206.Rept bsts petitions 83757:001 4 3757.012. penomg betere NMSo.NRR & fmal daNamns by Grectors pen @ng be1cre Commasson l

                                                                                                                          & courts.                                                                                  ;

9604210127 Genere Lar 9503 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs to crcumferenbal GOLDBERGJ.R. Offre of the General Counsel (Post 860701). 89/09/07. , c aciung of SG tubes. MURLEY.T.E. Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten. Drector (Post $70411). 6pp. , ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocante Director for Proiects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. 83834:029 4 3834.034. i Coreo6 dated Edson Co. of New Yort Inc.11pp. 83757.01343757:023. j 9906100803 Adnnes of changes to present map actubes as result of recent perform. J. Insurance & : ,LL. ance renew at plant to deiermme if snap effort for rest of current SALP cycle should be reused before end date at 950527 9506240267 Forwards both copies sagned by util Pressdent CV Gecomazzo, of amend 7 SKINNER.P M Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/26. BECKHAMAT. Get pa Power Co. to indismnny Agrownwa B.87.UDI rauming copies because electve date IWt blank. App 8395322343953226. PETSCHAUER.F, L tosard Co 95/05/15. Document Control Branch (Doc. 9506110140 Forwards map repts $0321/9542 8 50366/95 02 on 950213 17.No vo-latons or devotons noted. TO C g 820201). 95/05/05, BECKHAM).T. George Power Co. Q. Inspecton reports, SE Suneens & correspondence

            -9506110172 inso repts 50-321/95-02 4 50 366/9542 on 9502134406.No wolatons                               9604190049NRC Info Notice 95424. ' Summary of Lcensed Operator Requakfcaten noted.Masar areas inspected.bconsee completon of implementaten of commitments                             inso Program Fmdmgs."

rnace in response to GL 89-10. GRIMES.B K . 95/04/25. Consohdated Eckson Co. of New York, Inc. 12pp. GIRARD.E., CASTO.C. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/05. 23pp. 838512m 83757:001 43757-012. 83851;312. 9504210127 Genonc LD 9543 to an holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re crcumferental 9505060171 NRC Info Notce 95425. 'Yalve Feeure Dunn0 Patient Treatment w/ crackin0 of SG habes. Gemma Sterectacte Radoswgory Unita ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Annente Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. COOLDA Dmson of IrWstnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. Conschdated Edson Co. of New Yors. Inc.11pp. 83757:01343757:023. Consondated Esson Cck of New York. anc. 9pp. 64007:18244007:190. 9506060171 NRC Into Nobce 95 025. "Yalve Facure Dunng Patent Treatment w/ 9506240194 Forwards map repts 50 321/95 06 4 50 366/9546 on 950305 0415.No Gamma Stereotacbc Radoeurgery Urut" votatens reted. COOLDA DMson of industnal & Medcal Nucteer Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. CRLENJAK.R V. R 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/11. BECKHAMAT. Georpa Power Conschdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 84007.18244007:190. Co. 3pp. 64022.22 253.

            -9506240187inso repts S321/95-06 & S366/95 06 on 9503054415.No monations
  • E-  ; Stage Documents & C _-

r noted.Mapor areas mspected. plant operalens, mantengmeermg.psant support & map of open stems. 9504210293 Genenc Lir 9544 to an holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors HOLBROOK.B.L.. CHRtSTNOT.E.F., SKINNER,P.H. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/ re final dispossten of SEP lessons.leamed esues.

10. 26pp 84022228 84022:253. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Proiects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28.

Coneoh0sted Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 83757 02443757:037. i 9506300044 Forwards insp repts 50-321/9547 & $0-366/9507 on 95040347 & 17 I 21.No voiahons roted. 9505000312 Genenc Lir 9242.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all holders of OLs (except those b CASTO.CA 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/19. BECKHAMJT. Georpa Power Co conses amended to posseson only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac-i i 3pp. 84076:121 076:141. tor vessel structural mtegnty. 21MMERMAN R.P. Associate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19. l

            -9506300048ansp repts50 321/95 07 & $0 366/95 07 on 950403 07 & 17-21. No ve.                                Conschdated Esson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. 84064:352 44064.361.

latens robed.Maior areas mapected.eng neanng & techncal support actMtses. l WISEMAN.G., SHYMLOCK.M.B. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/16.18pp. 64076.124-84076 141. DOCKET S323 DIABLO CANYON NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 2 l 9006300119 Forwards anno repts 50 321/95 09 & 50 366/95 09 on 950417 21 & nobce of voefbort F. Security, meshcal, emergency a fire protecton peans BARR.K.P. 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/19. BECKHAMJT. George Power Co. App.640M MR 9505050057 Forwards inso repts M275/95 03 & S323/95 03 on 950327 31.No viota.

            -9606300125 Notco of vedaten from map on 950417-21.Velaten noted Icensee tailed                                WYNN PR                  4 (Post 820201). 95/05/01. RUEGER.G M. Pac,fc Gas & Elec-to conduct sher hours annual exercee dunng 6 yr penod.1968 1993-                                           inc Co. 5pp. 83
  • Regen 2 (Posi 820201). 95/05/19 2pp. 8407729244077.293. 7543758.194'
            -9005300129 insp repts S321/9549 & 54366/9549 on 950417-21. Volatons                                                                                                                          i t ns areas anspect reted               a s           d  e ation         e pr e mergency prepmdness program through renew of            ANG.W.P. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/04/27.15pp 83758.180 83758.194 KRE .J          BAR ,K.P.                 Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/19. 11pp. 64077:294-9505110200 Forwards SE denym0 utd 940315 & 0525 roouests for exempton from techocal regurements of Secton Ill.J of App R to 10CFR50 re emergency lightmg urwts w/8-h battery power supply R. Penedic operetng reports & related correspondence RUEGER.G M Pacsfc Gas & Electre Co app,
k. 5/05/05.

9505110254 Monthly operatog rept for Apr 1995 for El Hatch Nuclear PlanLW/950505 -9505110287 Safety evaluston denymg beensee request for dematen from Section Ill.J ler. of App R to 10CFR50 re emergency hgn uruts w/8-h battery power supply BEARD.R.M., BECKHAM.J T. Georgia Power Co 95/04/30 13pp. 83933:117-

  • Ottee of Nuclear Reactor Reguiabon ( t 941001). 95/05/05. 5pp 83936 341-83933:129 83936:345.

DOCKETEDITEMS 77 9505310098 Forwards regaest for esempton to 10CFR73.55 allowmg contractors to 9505090312 Generc Ltr 92-02.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all holders of Ots (except those 18 take ll4dge ofrate matead of retummg badge wfien enting protected areas.EncJ wrth- conses amended to possemon only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac. held, for vessel structural mtegnty. FUJIMOTO.W.H. Pacife Gas & Electne Co. 95/05/05. Document Control Branch ZiMMERMAN.R P. Associate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19 (Document Control Desk).1p 84162.25744162257 Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc 10pp. 64084.35244084.361 9505180434 Adwmes that ubl wdl implement ac*cn plan to matall batteryeperated hghts 9505300307 Requests withdrawal of LAR 95 02 re safety electon pump 2 2 m access & egress pathways as expeetously as possese to prowde full compience RUEGER.G.M Pacdc Gas & Elec're Co. 95/05/19 Document Control Branch (Docu-w/ App R veausrements rnent Control Desk).1p.pp. 84141:321 44141.321. RUEGER.G M Pacite Gas & Electnc Co 95/05/09. Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk). 2pp. 83991.359-83991:360. O. Inspection reports. IE Buurt6ns & correspondence suecaW conspondence 9504190049 NRC Info Notee 95 024, " Summary of Lcensed Operator ReQualitcahon 9505010157 Partal smth response to FOtA request for documents. Forwards App L esto oYuYgfgf h/25. Consohdated Eeson Co.New of York. Inc. 12pp. bemo made avadable to PDR. 83757:001 83757:012' POWELLRA Onnson of Freedom of informa;1n & Pubicatens Senaces (Post 940714). 94/12/06. SAPORITO.T.J Saponto. T.J. 2pp. 83834 00543834135. 9505030055 Forwards copy of Itr sent to su Regen IV power reactor kcensees re re-

                      -8904190092 Forwards most recent status repts of petshons submitted pe,                    sul 5 of        mwew d pc was sys            assessnwnt pedanwd by Mas won as NRC spec al mso ci segnricant safety asue identified by assessment.

CHANDLER,LJ. Asmstant General Counsel for Enforcement.89/04/04 MURLEY.T E. 95 5 AT S N,TL Omaha Pubic N;,T pig,3 PR

  • 83 202 5 Othee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten, Drector (Post 870411). App. 83834 017-83834M -9505030072 Forwards two snsp repts whch document results of idRC revew of self-
                      -8904190115 Forwards most recent status rept of pehtens submrtied per 10CFR2.206.          assessment periormed by ute at well ss NRC specal esp of signifcant safety               l CHANDLER.LJ. Asmstant General Counsel for Enforcement.89/02/02.MURLEY.T.E.              ***                                                                                               i GW"YN'd'."T'P'ed N              by uts seat.assessmentW/oRUEGER,G.M encts.' . Regen  4 (Post Pacife Gas 820201).
                                                                                                                                                                                               & Elec. 95/04/25.

Othce et Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 870411). 6pp 83834 011 , 83834.016. Inc Co.1p 83720 285-83720 285. l

                      -8908280168 Forwards status rept on petitons under 10CFR2.206.                           9504210127 Genenc Lir 95 03 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re cecumferential               i GOLDBERG.J.R. Ottce of the General Counsel (Post 860701) 89/08/02.                      crac      c4 SG tubes.

MURLEY.T E. Off.ce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten. Drector (Post 870411). 5pp. ZIMME MAN.R P. Assomate Director for Pro,ects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28- , l 83834.024-83834 028. Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. 83757.01343757:023

                      -8912040009 Forwards status rept on pottens under 10CFR2.206.Rept hsts pektens           9505030049 Forwards esp roots 50-275/95 06 & 50-323/96 06 on 950219- 0401 &                       l penong before NMSS.NRR & final deosens by erectors peneng before Commascn               NOV Velaton of concem because it osmonstrate lack of senstivity by statt to proce-               l
                         & courts                                                                                dural comphance GOLDBERG.J.R. Deputy Asastant General Counsel for Enforcement 89/10/02.                 BEACH.A B Regen 4 (Post 8202011. 95/04/28.RUEGER.G M. Paofe Gas & Electre MURLEY.T E. Ottce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten. Drector (Post 870411). 5pp              Co 5pp. 8372019243720.233.

83834 0354 3834 039 1

                                                                                                               -9505030056 Notee of volaten from mso on 9502194401Veianon noted bcensee op                        I i                      -8912040010 Forwards status rept on pehtens under 10CFR2 206.Reot hsts peteons             e<ated saaled valve SI-24920B w/o documented authonzaton or sivtt foreman ap-                    l pendmg before NMSS.NRR & feel deosens by erectors pending before Commesen               proval
                         & cowts
  • Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/28 2pp. 83720:19743720-198 GOLDBERG.J.R. Ottee of the Generai Counsel (Post 860701) 89/11/02.

l MURLEY.T.E Ottee of Nuclear Reactor Regulanon, Dractor (Post 470411). $pp, -9505030(r,6 Inso repts $4275/95-06 & 50 323/95 06 on 950219-0401. Votatens 83834.04043834 044. noted#asor areas mspected:operatonal safety venfcaten. plant i mamtr nance.survedlance observatons. onsste engineenng. plant support actsvees

                      -8912040012 Forwards status rept on pettens under 10CFR2.206 Rept hsts petrions            CHAW 1ERLAIN.D Regon 4 (Post 820201). 95/04/24. 35pp. 83720199-83720.233.

ponen0 before NMSS,NRR & foal decisens by crectors pending be9ure Commamon

                         & couns                                                                               9505050057 Sorwards map repts50-275/95 03 4 50-323/9403 on 950327 31.No viola-GOLDBERG.J.R. Othce of the General Counsei (Post 860701) 89/09/07                       bons noted.

MURLEY T.E. Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Drector (Post 870411). 6pp GWYNN.T.P. Regon 4 iPost 820201). 95/05/01. RUEGER.G.M Paofe Gas & Eme-83834:029 4 3834.034. Inc Co. Spp. 83758:175 4 3758.194 i

                                                                                                               -9505050064 Inso repts 50 275/95-03 & 50 323/95 03 on 950327 31.No volaterm K. Uutity Fmal Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) & amends                                      noted Mapor areas espected:imodementaten of fro prtnaction prooram.

ANG.W.P. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/04/27.15pp. 83758.18043758.194. 9505110107 Rev 10 to updated FSAR for Diablo Canyon Units 1 & 2 W/ 950427 Itr WOMACH.LF Pacinc Gas & Electnc Co. 95/05/31. 2.480pp. 83956.00143962.296. 9505100039 Responds to NRC RAI re NRC inso repts 50-275/95 01 & 50 323/95-01 on 950302 re cornpleton of utd test program for MOVs. RUEGER.G.M Pacdc Gas & Electnc Co.95/05/05. Document Control Branch (Docu-P. Operating heense stage documents & . , " - - - ment Control Desk) 8pp 83873.27543873 282 9505020202Submrts response to RAI on heense amend request 94 05 re ro6ocaten of 9505180019insp repts50-275/95-07 & 50-323/9547 cancelled i selected 3/4 7 TS per NRC feal pokey statement & NUREG-1431. GWYNN.T P. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/05. Paafe Gas & Electre Co app. I WOMACK.LF. Pacite Gas & Electnc Co 95/04/25. Document Control Branch (Docu. 83952 018-83952:021. ment Control Desa).14pp. 83763.28843763 303. 9505180231 Forwards rmo plans for plant m preparabon for map & mcorporaton of 24 9505040059 Forwards request for addl mio on slave relay test frequency extenson for anontn SALP penod eneng on960831.tnsos pnmanly mandatory core & safety ruta-piarit,Uruts 1 & 2 tsve msp w/few regonal msps MILLER M A. . 95/04/27. RUCGER.G M Pacsts Gas & E6ectnc Co. 6pp, 83751.348- CALLAN.LJ Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/06 RUEGER.G M Pacdc Gas & Electne 83751.353. Co. 7pp. 83953.07843953.084. l i 9504210293 Generc Lir 95-04 to all ho6ders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors 9505050171 NRC Into Notee 95-025. " Valve Fadure Dunng Pabent Treatment w/ l re final esposebon of SEP lessons 4eamed ssues. Gamma Stereotacbc Radesurgery Urut? l ZlMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/26 COOLD.A Dieson of Industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. l Consoudated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 83757 02443757:037. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. anc. 9pp. 64007:182 44007:190. 9505050142 Adeses that ubi 950301 proposed rev to FSAR update.chapier 17.whch 9505230296 Forwards response to NRC 950417Itr te violatons noted m map repts 50-mcluced proposed change to OA program coscnpbon. smlar to920921 submsttal & 275/95 C2 & $0-323/95 02 on 950108-0218. Corrective actions. performed complete ooes not proude suffeient justitcation ter adat rehet Request not approved- rowew & rev of breaker rack en & rack out procedure GWYNN.T P. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/04/28. RUEGER.G.M. Pacits Gas & Elec. Inc Co. 7pp. 83759 03643759 042. RUEGER.G M Pacifc Gas & Electre Co 95/05/17. Document Control Branch (Docu-rnent Control Desk). dop. 84051.330 84051:333 9505110260 Summary of950418 meebng w/uti m Rockelle.MD re plans for ex1 ended fusi cycies.Lat et anendees & presentaten handouts enct-MILLER.M A. . 95/05/02. NRC . No Detailed Afhhaton Geven. 44pp. 83938:095- R. Portode operstmg reports & telated correspondence i 9505030227 "Diablo Canyon Power Plant 1994 Annual Radcactive Effluent Reiease  ! 9505110200 Forwards SE denyng utd 940315 & 0525 requests for exempton from Rept Jan-Dec 1994." W/950427 ftr. I techncal regarements of Secton lit.J of App R to 10CFR50 re emergency lightmg FUJIMOTO,W.H. Pacife Gas & Eksetnc Co 94/12/31 200pp. 83836 01243836:361. ' uruts e/8-M battery power supply ADE NSAM.E.G. . 95/05/05 RUEGER.G M Pactc Gas & Electne Co. 4pp 9505030256 "1994 Annual Radologcal Envron Operahng Rept Diablo Canyon Power 83936 337-83936 345. Piant? W/950427 ftr ONG.A.. GEDNEY.E.A.. WOMACK.LF. Pacdc Gas & Electnc Co. 94/12/31.100pp.

                       -9505110237 Safety evaluaton denymg bcensee request for demabon from Secten Ill.J         83795 113 43795 286.

cl App A to 10CFR50 re emergency hghti uruts wi8-h banery power supply

  • Ottce of Nuciear Reactor Regulaten I t 941001). 95/05/05 Spp. 83936.341- 9505110163
  • Annual Nonradclogmal Envron Operateg Rept Diablo Canyon Power 83936 345. Plant." W/950428 Itr.

FUJIMOTO.W.H. Pacdc Gas & Elecinc Co.94/12/31.14pp. 83936.30443936.317. 9505180434Adeses that utel wdl rnpiemord acton plan to mstall batteryoperated hgnts . In access & egress pathways as expeetously as posseie to provice fuit comphance 9505100119 "Frst Quarter 1995 Rept on Dracharge Morutonn0 at Diablo Canyon Power w/ App R requirements J Plant " W/950419 Itr i RUEGER.G.M Pacdc Gas & Electre Co 95/05/09. Document Control Branch (Dom FUJIMOTO W M. Pacific Gas & Electnc Co. 95/03/31 BRIGGS R W. Caitfomia. State I ment Control Desk) 2pp 83991.359-83991.360. of.100pp. 8390624843906.341.


4 l

..- . -, _. . .. ... . . . _ _ - . . - - . . . ~ . - . . . . -- . - . - . _ - . . _ . . . 1 I 78 DOCKETEDITEMS 9506220150 Monthly operstmg repts for Apr 1995 for Doblo Canyon Uruts 1 & 2 W/ 9505250275Rewmed EPIPs.mciueng rev 41 to OREP.rev 17 to OPEP 02 612.rew 2 to 950512 Itr. OPEP42 6 28.rev 10 to OPEP 03 6.2. rev 6 to OPEP 03.9.2,rev 6 to OPEP 03.9.3 row EUBANK.T. STIPICEVICH.J., FUJIMOTO.W.H. Pacife Gas & Electnc Co. 95/04/30. 6 to OPEP 03 9 6 & rev to to OPEP 04.3 W/950519 Itr. 13pp. 84039126 64039:138. NEW70N.R.R. Caroima Power & Lsght Co. 95/05/15. 334pp. 64064.001-64064.344. 9505280033 Rev 41 to "(CERP) Rasological Emergency Response Plan (ERP). S. Reportetee occurrences, LERs & reisted . , 1._ NEWTON.R.R. CASHWELLC. Carohna Power & bght Co. 95/05/17. 162pp 64089 001 84089:162. 9506230013 PNOIV-9446 ton 941206.util announced agreement on new plan to 9505280039 Rev 14 to EPIP OPEP 04 6. "Radologeal Emergency Kit inventones.,, reduce pnce of power produced by plant.Leansee conenung to evaluate posaitse or- PERGERSON.B., CASHWELL.C. Carolma Power & Lagrit Co. 95/05/17. 44pp. gannatonal changes to enhance efficiency & effectweness. 64089 31644089:359. Repon 4 (Post e20201). 94/12/07.1p. 64001:076 44001:076. 9506100142 PNO IV44-062:en 941214 deturbance on 500 MV estnbucon sys resulted $506260046Rewmed EPIPs.mcludng rev 5 to OPEP43.9.2,rev 6 to OPEP 03.9.3 & rev m reactor tq)s at plant. Caused by RCP bus underwonage on 12 KV busses.DG 1-3 6 to OPEP 03.9 6. declared moperable further mvestigabon. NEWTON.R., CASHWELLC.K. Carolma Power & bght Co. 95/05/17, 54pp. KIRSCH.D., CORPORAND . Regen 4 (Post 820201). 94/12/14. 3pp. 83952.292- 84089 16344089.194. 83952.294. 9506180122 PNC IV-94 062A:en 941214. reactor tnpped at plant due to RCP bus under. L Financialinformation voltage on 12 kV buses of 600 kV estreuten sys.Util to rutate a complete clearung

     & map process on941220. State of CA noched.                                                  9505300190 Conhrms that $595.098 was electrorucahy transferred to US Dept of Treas-KIRSCH.D, CORPORANDY.O. Region 4 (Poet 820201). 94/12/19. 2pp. 83952205                         urLon 950517.

83952.206. RwAN.R.E. Carchna Power & he Co 95/05/18. Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk).1p. 64106.34 44106.343. 9505100117 PNO-IV44-063 earthquake occirted approx 50 frules from plant arte. Actuated site Terratsch nennuc morator.No damage or meunes reported off sete Lcensee vnpiemerwed program for earthauake response. State of CA moonned. P. Operenne steense stage ^~ _ & correspondence KIRSCH.D., CORPORANDY,D. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 94/12/20.1p. 63952;196-83952 198. 9505240323Frst partial response to FOlA request for documents. App A documents al-ready avadable m PDR. App B documents onci & placed m POR. 9505100003 PW)tv 95 001-on 950131. plant identifed that utd had been evalustrig po- BROWN.N. Divisen of Freedom of Informaton & Pubhcatens Servces (Post 940714). tenbei vulnerabikty to SSPS power supphes to NRC resident mapectors. Caused by 95/01/06. KATZ,0. Catmens Awareness Network. 3pp. 64024:16444024.300. analvss of potenbal steam Ime break pipe whg. Regen IV has been notrhed. KIR$CH.D., MILLER,M., TSCHILT2.M. Regon 4 (Post 820201). 95/02/02 2pp. 94e0070271 Docusses core shroud repar at Brunswck plants & same repar to be 8395t24643951247 undertaken at Hatch Plants.Detads escussed mclude dose info.repar methods.hms to cornplete repers, cost & map.W/encs 9506250036 LER 94413 00on 941209.contamment spray pump crcuit breaker closmg CALVOJA. Omson of Raesten Safety & Sa eguards e (Post 921004). 94/08/23. spnn0 faded to charge. Caused by trusahgranent of charomg soienoid due to personnes VARGA.SA Drvisen of Reactor Proiscts - 1/11 (Post 870411).113pp. 84024:187-anor Breaker removed & replaced w/spere.W/950508 Itr. 64024.300. BEHNKE.D.H., RUEGER.G.M. Pacife Gas & Electnc Co. 95/05/06. 7pp. 64078:134-64078.140. 9505020414 Forwards correctens to amends 176 4 207 to hcenses DPR-71. DPR42 & SE.Correctons change TS to ekmmate reactor scram & solation funcione of mam steam ame radeten morutors. V. Operator Esaminstons TRIMBLE.D.C. Protect Dractorate 16 1 (PD21) (Post 941001). 95/04/24.

                                                                                                . ANDERSON.RA Carohna Power & L'Oht Co. 3pp. 83717.29043717.301.
                    ,orwa s copy        a            re Genenc Fundamene Exam Secten W
                                                                                                  -.9505030422 Correctens to amends 176' & 207 to 6 censes DPR-71 & DPR42.

GWYNN.T.P. R 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/02. Pacife Gas & Electnc Co. 2pp. especovery.chanom0 TS to ehmmete reactor scram & solenon functons of mam 83758.054 43758.055 ' steam kne redeten morwtors. MATTHEWS.D.B. Proiect Drectorate 11-1 (PD2-1) (Post 941001). 95/03/31. dop. 83717.293 43717:296. DOCKET 50 324 3RUD0$ WICK STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT, UNIT 2 9505020427 Correenon to SE supportmo amends 176 & 207 to hcenses DPR-71 & DPR42.respectvely.reflectog removat of condenser offgas monitor alarm setporit F. Security, mediosi, emergency a fire protection piens sta troni Reactor Regulaton (Poet 941001). 95/03/31. 500. 83717:297-9505090000 Rev 02 to EPIP-PEP 04.7, 'Brunswck Emergency Noirfcabon (Automaton Teeephone) Sys ',' W /950501 Itr. Carokna Power & Light Co. 95/04/03. 13pp. 9505230079 Comment on proposed GL re pressure loclung & thermal hmdme of safety. PERGERSON B LOPRtORE.R.P. rotated power-operated gate verwes. 83893:320 83893.332- ROGAN.R.E. Carolma Power & L Co. 95/04/27. Rules & Drectwes Review 9505020161 Forwards mio received by Regen il personnel to be withhold from PDR. Requests that mio be reviewed & NRC be provided w/results of fmdngs wrthm 9504210293Genenc Lt 9544 to all holders of OLs or cps for nucisar power reactors 45 days Wto enci. re anal depositon of SEP lessons leamed maues. MERSCHOFF.E W. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/20. ANDERSON.RA Carohna ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Drector for Prosects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Power & Light Co. 3pp. 8369100143690003. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York,Inc.14pp. 83757.02443757:037. 9505030075 Forwards map repts 54324/95 06 & 50-325/9546 on 950320 24.No vela- 9505060103 Summarues950424mgt meetng w/uul in regon ll ofc re util performance tons or devotons note 1 evakJaten secton.Let of attendees & bcensee handouts encl. COLLtNS,0.M Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/21. ANDERSON,RA Carohna Power VERRELLI.D.M. A 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/28. HABERMEYER.H W. Carolma

     & Light Co. 3pp. 8372009143721.094.                                                             Power & Light Co.         . 83758:316 43758.347
   ~9505030001 Partelly withhe66 map repts50 324/95 06 4 50-325/9546 on 950320-24                 9505150013Confrms that ested amount electrorncacy transferred to US DOT.NRC on (ref 10CFR73.21).No volatons notedMapor areas mapoctedmgt support.securtly                      9505031ntorms that payment thyd metallment of annual heensm0 toe for FY95 per p4ans & smolementm(procedures. alarm stanons & access controls.                                 10CFR171 tar hsted plants.

THOMPSON.D.. MCoulRE.D. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/20.1p. 8372t094- ROGAN.R E. Carohna Power & Light Co. 95/05/06. Document Control Branch (Docu. 8372t094. ment Control Desk).1p. 83898 00443898SO4, 9505030372 Revsed piant emergency procedures (PEP).mcluding Rev 37 to OPEP. 9505240144 Confrms 950503 teicon between Cowan & D Verrelb re mgt meenne to be C21.Rev 16 to OPEP 02.2.Rev 19 to OPEP 02 3.Rev 18 to OPEP-02.4.Rev 27 to OPEP- held at NRC request scheduled for 950530 m Atlanta.GA to escuss result of NRC 02 5.Rev 29 to OPEP 02.6.21.Rev 49C to OPEP-APP A & Rev 50C to OPEP. APP A.W/ revew of personnel errors at plant 950425 Itr VERPELLI.D M. R 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/10. ANDERSON.RA Caroirna Power LOPRIORE.R.P. Carotra Power & Light Co.95/04/25.178pp. 83802-00143802.171. & Leght Co. 3pp. 213134402t315. 9505090200 Rev 2 to EPIP OPEP42.8.28. "Off S4e Protective Acten Recommenda- 9505220234 Docusses 941024 Itr wruch forwarded staff. " Task Acten Plan for Spent tons " Fuel Storage Poot Safety." ter SSES. Forwards completed assessment repts for NEWTON.R. Caronna Power & Light Co. 95/05/01. 9pp 83893.33343893:341. Brunswck a Monticello sites SHEA,J W Protect Drectorate 12 (PD12) Post 941001). 95/05/17. LOCHBAUM.DA, 9505110119 Notrhcaton of 950518 meetmg w/utils en Rockvme.MD to docuss proposed PREVATTE,D.C. Afhhaton Not Assagned. 26pp. 64033.32144033-349. utt tests of darmatt tre bemers includng test configuratons for dummy models. schedules & test detads- 9505240017 Provides synoosm of results of spacel review assessmg human errors or KELLY,G S. .95/05/05.MARCUS.G.H. 7pp 83902-.24243902.248. mapproonate actons at Brunswck. MERSCHOFF.E W Regen 2 (Post $202011. 95/05/17. ANDERSON.RA Carohna 95051902s2 Rev 10 to Plant Fmergency Procedure OPEP43 8 2, "Personned Account- Power & Light Co. 3pp. 84020.02644020-029. abihty & Evacuabort" PERGERSON.B. Carolina Power & Light Co. 95/05/09. 20pp. 64009 20744009.226. 9506240065 Responds to verbal RAI re revow of IPE submittal. LOPRIORE.R P. Carohna Power & Light Co. 95/05/18 Document Control Branch 9505240026 Forwards Rev 20 to plant moustnal secunty plan. Encl withheld per (Document Control Desk). 4pp 64063.32944063.332. 10CFR73 21. LOPRIORE.R.P. Carohne Power & Light Co. 95/05/09. Document Control Branch 9505090312 Germ Lir 92 02.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to as holders of OLs (except those IF (Document Control Desk) 1p. 64059:35444059 354. conses amended to possenen only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors to reac-tor vesset structural otognty. 9505230os4 Rev 10 to EpiP OPEP44.3 " Performance of Trammg.Enercmes & Dres" ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associale Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19 PERGERSON.B Caronna Power & L'Oht Co.95/05/11.12pp. 64051.3434405t354 Consohdated Edson Co of New Yoria. Inc.10pp. 84064.352-84084361.

DOCKETEDITEMS 79 9505260236 Raouests relef from ASME Code.Section XI to temporary non- code re- 9505020161 Forwards mio receeved tW Region 11 personnel to be withheld from peers to two through-wall leans identifed on vital header supply hne from SWS nuclear PDR. Requests that into be revowed & NRC be provced w/results of fedegs withm

    & conventonal header                                                                          45 days W/o encl.

LOPRIORE.R P. Carosca Power & Lght Co 95/05/19 Document Control Brarch MERSCHOFF.E W Regeon 2 (Post 82020th 95/04/20. ANDERSON.R A. Carohna (Document Control Desk). Sop.84104 086 84104.090. Power & bgnt Co 3pp. 83691001-83691003. 9505030075 Forwards map repts50-324/9546 & 50 325/95-06 on 950320 24.No vela. O. Inspection reports, IE Bulletmo & a.. .n _ t ons or deviatens noted. COLUNS.D M. Re en 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/21. ANDERSON.R.A. Carchna Power 9505030075 Forwards esp repts $4324/95 06 & 50 325/95 06 on 950320 24.No vena. & bght Co. 3pp. 8 72129143721:094 tons or devabons reted. COLLINS.D.M. Regen 2 (Post 820205). 95/04/21. ANDERSON.RA Carohna Power -9505030m Partesy witnheid insp repts50-324/95-06 & 50w325/95 06 on 950320-24

   & bght Co 3pp 83721'09143721094.                                                               (ret 10CFR73.21).No violatons noted Malor areas mapected mgt support.secunty plans & implementing procedures. alarm statens & access controis.
-9505030091 Partally withheld mso repts 50-324/95 06 & $0 325/95 06 on 950320-24                  THOMPSON,0. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/20.10. 83721:094 43721:094 trot 10CPR73.21).No volatons noted Maior areas mapected mgt support.secunty p ans & impemi          procedures. alarm stations & access controls.                       9505030372 Revised plant emergency procedures (PEP).mceu dsn0 Rev 37 to OPFP.

THOMPSON.D.. UIRE.D. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/20.19. 83721094 021.Rev 16 to OPEP42.2.Rev 19 to OPEP42 3.Rev 18 to OPEP-02 4 Rev 27 to OPEP. 83721 094. 02.5.Rev 29 to OPEP-02.6.21.Rev 49C to OPEP-APP A & Rev 50C to OPEP APP A W/ 950425 ltr 9504190049 NRC Into Nohce 95-024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requalificaten LOPRIORE.R P. Caroima Power & Lsght Co. 95/04/25.178pp. 83802:00143802.171. Inso Program Findings

  • GRIMES.B K. . 95/04/25. Conschdated Eason Co of New York. Inc. 12pp. 9505090208 Rev 2 to EP1P OPEP-02.8.28. "Off-Site Protecbve Action Recommenda-83757:001 43757 212 tons "

NEWTON.R Carohna Power & Lght Co 95/05/01. 9pp. 83893.33343893.341. 9505050137 Forwards map repts 50 324/95-05 & 50 325/95 05 on 950304-31 & NOV. Enforcement acnon wdi not be conscered because hcensee efforts correctog 9505110119 Nobfcaton of 950518 meeting w/utes m Rockvdle.MD to escuss proposed volaten meet crdens of Enforcement Poicy unt tests of darmatt fire barrers mciudeg test configurabons for dummy VERRELLI.D.M Reacn 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/25 ANDERSON.RA Carchtsa Powe, models. schedules & test detaels

   & Lght Co 3pp. 83tS9 00143759 025                                                              KELLY.G.B. .95/05/05.MARCUS,G H.       7pp. 83902.24243902.248 9505190282 Rev to to Plant Emergency Procedure OPEP 03.8.2, " Personnel Account-

-9505050144Nobce et veiaton record for 10% sampie fromrods of control espfor on950304-31.Velaton noted:survedlance TS was not completed before expo.f. stahty & Evacuaten." rahon of 120 days. PERGERSON,B. Carohna Power & bgnt Co. 95/05/09. 20pp. 84009.20744009.226

  • Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/25. tp 83759:00543759.005.

9505240026 Forwards Rev 20 to plant mdustnal secunty pian.Enct withheld per -9505050150 Insp repts 50w324/95-05 & 50-325/95 05 on 950304-31.No volatons 10CFR73.21. noted.Maior areas mapected.operabons, mamtenance.survedlance.engineermg.psant LOPRIORE.R.P. Carohna Power & bght Co. 95/05/09 Document Control Branch support & control rod slow scram bmes. (Document Control Desk).1p. 84059.35444059.354 PATTERSON.CA. BYRON.P.M., JANUS M T. Regen 2 (Post $202011 95/04/25. 18pp. 83759 006 83759 025 9505230084 Rev 10 to EPIP OPEP.04.3. " Performance of Trairung.Ereroses & Dnlis." PERGERSON.B Carohna Power & Ught Co. 95/05/11.12pp. 84051.343 84051:354 D505050079 Ack receipt of 940117 ltr mformmg NRC of steps taken to correct weianons noted m msp repts 50-324/93-39 & 50-325/93-39. Records win be adiusted to reflect 9505250275 Revised EPIPs.mcludmo rev 41 to OREP.rev 17 to OPEP 02 612.rev 2 to that no vinianon of regulatory requirements occurred re nem 1. OPEP42 6.28.rev 10 to OPEP43 8 2. rev 5 to OPEP43.92.rev 6 to OPEP 03.9.3 rev GIBSON.A F. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/27 ANDERSON,R.A. Carohna Power & 6 to OPEP-03.9 6 & rev to to OPEP44 3 W/950519 lir Lsgnt Co. 3pp. 83758.27343758.275. NEWTON.R.R. Carohna Power & Ught Co. 95/05/15. 334pp. 64084 00144084.344. 9504210127 Genenc Lir 95 03 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re carcumferenbal 9505260033 Rev 41 to "(CERP) Rad ological Emergency Response Plan (ERP)." crackmg of SG tubes. NEWTON,R R., CASHWELL,C. Carolma Power & Light Co. 95/05s17 162pp. ZIMMERMAN.R.P Assomate Director for Projects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28 84089 00144089 162. Consohdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. 837571)1343757:023. 9505260039 Rev 14 to EPIP OPEP44 6. "Radclogical Emergency Kit inventorms " 9505050171 NRC Info Notce 95-025. " Valve Fadure Dunng Patient Treatment w/ PERGERSON.B., CASHWELLC. Carchna Power & Light Co 95/05/17. 44pp Gamma Stereotactic Radesurgery Unit" 84089.316 44089.359. COOLDA Divisen o industnal r & Medscal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729L 95/05/11. Consohdaied Edison Co. of New York. inc. 9pp. 84007:182 84007:190. 9505260046 Revised EPIPs.metudog rev 5 to OPEP-03.9.2.rev 6 to OPEP43.9.3 & rev 6 to OPEP 03.9 6. 9505240099 Expresses apprecianon 8cr efforts of V Wagoner m support of recent NEWTON.R., CASHWELL.C.K. Carolma Power & bght Co. 95/05/17 54pp Regen 11 ressoent anspector counterpart meetmg on 9505C3 re BWR vessel mtemals 84089 16344069-194. protect & hmtory behmd core ervoud crackmg phenomena MERSCHOFF.E W. Regen 2 (Post 820201L 95/05/17. CAMPSELLW R. Carchna Power & Ught Co. 3pp. 64021:11844021.118. L Fmancial inforrnation 9505230315 Requests rehef from ASME B&PV code.Secten XI re ISI program on reac- 9505300150 Confirms that5595.098 was electrorucally transferred to US Dept of Treas-tor pressure vessel support snurt on 950517. LOPRIORE.R.P Caroima Power & bght Co 95/05/18. Document Control Branch R N.R E. Carobne Power & Light Co 95/05/18 Document Control Branch (Docu. (Document Control Desk). App.84051:326 44051.329- ment Control Deskt 1p. 84106.34344106 343 9505300046 Forwards mso repts 50-324/95-11 & 50-325/9511 on 950417 21.No vc-SAR A.K R 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/18 ANDERSON.R A. Caroima Power & Ught Co. 300 76 142 44076 155 9505240323 Fast parhat response to FOIA request for documents App A documents al- -9505300051 Inso repts 50-324/9511 & 50 325/95-11 on 950417 21 No veiahons ready avadable m PDA App B documents enct & placed m PDR noted Masor areas mapected hear.see hydrogen water chemistry program.zmc miecten BROWN.N Devisen of Freedom of informaton & Pubhcatens Sennees (Post 940714). am & control rod blade pes & roners changoout 95/01/06.KATZ.D. Citizens Awareness Network. 3pp. 84024:18444024 300. R.P., DECKER.T.R. Regen 3 (Post 820201) 95/05/17. 3pp. 84076:145-

                                                                                              -9409070271 Discusses core shroud repar at Brunswick olants & same repar to be uncertaken at Match Plants.Detads discussed include dose mfo. repair methods. time to 9505300428 Responds to NRC 950425 Itr te volabon noted m snso rept 54324/95,                      compete repars. cost & msp W/ence.

05 Uts denies vetatertReason tor dersal mesuded CALVO.J.A. Dnnsen of Ra$aten Safety & Safeguards (Post 921004L 94/08/23 ANDERSON.R A. Carosma Power & Ught Co. 95/05/24. Document Control Branch VARGA.S A. Osvisen of Reactor Proiects 1/11 (Post 870411) 113pp 84024187 (Document Control Desk). 6pp. 84141.26744141.292. 84024.300 9505020414 Forwards correctons to amenos 176 & 207to heenses DPR.71. DPR42 & R. Portodic operattng reports & related a t .e SE.Correctens change TS to sammate reactor scram & isolaten functens of mam steam kne radsabon monitors. TRIMBLE.D C. Prorect Drectorate ll 1 (PD21) (post 941001) 95/04/24' 9505010124 "Radclogical Environ Operatmg RepO994." Vols 1.11 & IIL W/950426 Itr ANDERSON.RA Carchna Power & Ught Co. 3pp 83717.29043717.301' COWAN.J P. Carosma Power & Ught Co.94/12/31. 303pp. 83750 00143750.303, 204 176 & 207 to beenses DPR-71 & DPR42, 9505180235 Monthly operating repts for Apr 1995 for Brunswick Steam Electne -9,50,,50,ci,,,2,2

                                                                                                  ,               Correctons y.cnangmg    TS to to amendsreactor scram a ssolation functons of mam ehmmate Plant W/950508 rir                                                                             steam kne ra$aten morutors HARRISON.F, LEVIS.W Carohna Power & Ught Co. 95/04/30. 8pp. 84007:343-                         MATTHEWS.D B Protect Deectorate 14.1 (PD21) (Post 941001). 95/03/31. 4pp 84007:350.                                                                                     83717.29343717.296
                                                                                              -9505020427 Correcton to SE supportmg amends 176 4 207 to keenses DPR-71 &

DOCKET 50 325 BRUNSWICK STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT, UNIT 1 DPR42.respectively.reflectog removal of condenser oitgas morutor alarm setpomt statement from SE. F. Securtty, medical, emergency & fire protection plans 83 9505090089 Rev 02 to EPIP PEP 04 7. "Brunswck Emergency Nothcaten (Automaton 9505230079 Comment on proposed GL re pressure lockmg & thermal bmdmg of safety-Telephone) Sys " W/950501 itr. reisted power operated gate valves. PERGERSON.B. LOPRIORE.R.P. Caro 6ma Power & Ught Co 95/04/03 13pp. ROGAN.R.E. Carolma Power & Ught Co. 95/04/27. Rules & Drectives Review 83893.3204 3693 332 Branch (Post 920323) 2pp 84001.33244001.333.

  ,__.._mm       .~m         _ ~ . .              _ . . _ _ .                 _.           .._ _ - _ . . . . _                    m-~.             . . - -                   - . _ _.... _ - - _ . _ _                            __


  • 80 DOCKETEDITEMS 9604210393Generc Lir 95 04 to all holders of OLs or cps for riuclear power reactors 9600050171 NRC Info Notce 95 025. " Valve Failure Dunng Pahent Treatment w/

re smal espoesmon of SEP lessons 4eamed usues. Gamma Stereotachc Ratosurgery Unit

  • ZlMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post $41001). 95/04/28. COOL.DA Dmson of Industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11 Conachdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 63757.02443757 037 Coneohdated Edison Co. of New iorA inc. Opp.84007.182 64007.190.

9606000103 Surnmanzes 950424 mgt meetmg w/uhl n regen 11 c4c re util performance 9506190313 informs that NRC staff imds that proposal for one.hme extensen in sched. evaluation eac1cn.Let of attendees & heensee handouts encl. use for re.mspecion of weldments 1832RECIRC.26A4 & IB32RECIRC-VERRELU.DM. Regen 2 (Post 8202011. 95/04/26. HABERMEYER.HW Carchna 28B4. acceptable. t t Power & Ught Co. 32pp. 83758:31643756.347. TRNBLE.D.C. Prolect Drectorate 14 1 (PD21) (Post 941001). 95/05/11. ANDERSON.RA Carchna Power & bght Co.400. 83991.292 43991296. annaaaaaaa Forwards revned rap scope & assocated tochtscal basis for core ehtoud weeds M6a & Heb. 9006H0000 Expresses appreceton for ettarts of V W m support of recent COWANJ.P. Chrohne Power & t Co. 95/04/28. Document Control Branch (Docu- Regen n resident mapoctor counterpart meetm0 on 3 re BWR vessel mismais I ment Control Desk).14pp. 63864- 43864295. protect & hetory berund core snroud craciong phenomena , MER$CHOFF.E W. Regen 2 (Poet 820201L 95/05/17. CAMPBELLWA Carchna

  • 9008150013Conhrms that hsted amount electroncally transferred to US DOT.NRC on Power & bght Co. 3pp. 64021:11644021:116.

9505031nlarms that payment thrd installment at annual bconang too for FY95 per [' 10CFR171 for heled peants. 9606230316 Requests rehof from ASME B&PV code.Secten XI re IS program on reac. ROGAN.R.E. Caroine Power & Light Co.95/05/08 Document Control Branch (Docu- tar pressure vessel support slurt ment Control Desk).1p. 63898.00443890.004. LOPRIORE.R.P. Caroene Power & Ught Co 95/05/18. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 4pp. 64051.32644051.329. 9006240144 Confrms 950503 teicon between Cowan & D Verrein to mgt meetmg to be held at NRC request scheduled ter 950530 m Atlanta.GA to escuss result of NRC ' emennm Forwards map repts S324/9511 & 50L325/9511 on 950417 21ho ve. renew of personnet errors at plant. latons reted. I i VERRELu.D M. p 2 (Post 620201). 95/05/10. ANDERSON.R.A. Carolina Power BARR.K.P. Regen 2 (Post 82C201L 95/05/18. ANDERSON,RA Carahna Power &

              & Ught Cct 3pp. seu21:31344021:315-                                                                              bght Co. 3pp. 6407614244078.155.                                                                       ,

9005300141 Forwards " Core Operahng Lmuts9.Rept. .g606300061 insp repts 50 324/9511 & 50 325/95-11 on 950417 21.No venetons h Remed Ucenssng Rept For BSEP Urut 1. Reload CycleCycle 10.",for BSEP 10" & propnetary Urut 1,"Suppi "LOCA reted.Malor areas mapected.tcensee hydrogen weser chemory program.zmc mpacten Analyse Rept For BSEP Unit 1 Retood. Cycle 10- & convoi rod blade pms a reners changeout. LOPRIORE.R.P. Carchne Power & Ught Co. 95/05/15. Document Control Branch RION,R.P., DECKER.TA Regen 3 (Post 620201). 95/05/17. 3pp. 84076145 (Document Control Desk). 8pp. 64105.24644105.299- 64076.155. i L

           -te063001H "Brunsock Urut 1. Cycle to Core Operatmg Umrts Rept. May 1995."                                       38063e0113 Forwards exam rept 50 325/95 300 on 95042t.28 No velesons nosed.

BLOM.M.A., KARCHER.K.E. Carchna Power & Ught vo. NF.2495.0015 R00, 95/05/ PEEBLES.TA Repon 2 (Post 620201). 95/05/19. ANDERSON.RA Carchne Power l 08.17pp. 84105:25644105.2'* & Ught Co. 3pp. 64077 06344077263.

           -9006300100 "Suspi Reload Leoneeng Rept For BSEP.Urvt 1. Reload 9 Cycle 10."                                     -9805300130 Exam rept 50 325/95300 on 95042126No voletons reest Exam KLAPPROTHJ F HULL.G.R. General Electnc Co. 24A5159 Roo. 95/02/26. 27pp.                                         results as hve SRO & iwo RO canedeias passed exams.                                                     1 64105.27344105299.                                                                                              HOOPER.G.T., PEEBLES.TA Repon 2 (Poet 820201). 95/05/17. 218pp. 64077:066                               ,

9e06330234 Damamas 941024 ter whch foneerded staff. " Task Acten Plan for Spent M77283.  ! Fuel Pool Safety," por SSES. Forwards completed . c .: repis for Pr A Nr # epe e nsrepens&r h 6 Du b2 (PD12) Post 941001L 95/05/17.LOCHBAUM.DA. PREVATTE.D. thhaton Not Asesgnad 26pp. 64033:32144033.349. 9600010124 "Radmiogeal Envron Operstmg Rept.1994." Vols I,Il & 111. W/950426 Itr. 9506H0017 Provides synopes of results of specel rewsw assesamg human errors or OOWANJ P. Carcima Power & ught Co.94/12/31. 303pp. 83750:00143750:303. SC Regpon (Post 8202011. 95/05/17. ANDERSON.RA Carohna 9506100236 Monthly operatmg repts for Apr 1995 for Brunswck Steam Electnc HARR LEVIS.W. Carohna Power & bght Co. 95/04/30. 8pp. 84007:343 9505340068 Responds to verbal RAI re revow of IPE sutputtal. 64007:350. LOPRIORE.R.P. Caroine Power & Co. 95/05/18. Document Control Branch (Dcwnent Control Dook). 4pp. 64063: 3.332. S. Reportable ~ _ LERs & reisted conwendence 9000000312 Genenc Lt 9242.Rev 1.Si. ops 1 to all holders of OLs (except those h. conses amended to ; COi status) or cps for nuclear power reactors e w 9805130044 LER 9540300:en 950404.adentified that m.tp0ered of EDGs , veneel situctural mugnty- had occurred dunng vanous emes of plant opere'*O tueery.m by pro-80'MMERMAN.R.P. Zl Associate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). cedwes95/05/19-

                                                                                                                                        & deficiency Teetng senedule revoed W/950503 nr.

Conschdaled Eeoon Co. of New york,inc.10pp. 84064:352 44064 361 TABOR.S.F., COWsuG Carcime Power & bght Co. 95/05/04. 5pp. 83938.286-  ; 83936 290. 7 Q. Inspection reports, IE Beinstins & eorrespondonos 9006110002 Forwards LER 95 004 re plant mod wre lift results as isoleton of sys not separated from mod work. 9508030075 Forwards map repts50 324/95 06 & 50325/95 06 on 950320 24.No vola- 9OWA C J. Carohna Power & Ught Co.95/05/05. Document Control Branch (Docu- ' hans or dovetons reted. ment Control Desk).1p. 83924:15143924 155. COLUNS.D.M. Regen 2 iPoet 820201). 95/04/21. ANDERSON.RA Carohna Power

              & ught Co. 3pp. 8372109143721$94.                                                                             -9905110099 LER 95 0044&on 950410, plant mod wve eft resulted in isolabon of sys                          ;

not propony separated from mod work Pulled outage anod packages.affectag i Perhally witnheid map repts B324/9506 & 50-325/9546 on 950320-24 locc.irom Aoid a was revowed by e traf 10CFR73.21LNo volatens noled.Masor areas mspected:mgt support.nocunty THERAUNG.G.M. Carolms Power & Co. 95/05/05. 3pp. 83924.15243924:155. plans & smosomentog procedures. alarm stamons & access controis. THOMPSON.D., MCGUIRE.D. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/20.1p. 83721:094- 9606100392 Forwards LER 95402 re mullspie chionne sensors used for control badg i 83721:094- asolaton lope found to be outside TS tolerances durmg rouhne c4hbr. 1 COWANJ. Carcima Power & Ugnt Co 95/05/06. Document Control Branch (Doce l 9504190040NRC Info Notee 95-024. "Smsmary of ucensed Operator Requehfcaton ment Control DeskL 1p. 64039.25144039 267 i inso Program Fmdmgs.* GRIMES.8 K. . 95/04/25. CoM* deled Edson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. -9905100302 LER 95 00240:on 950323.found muttoie Ci sensors used for control bidg 8375L00143757.012. Isolaten lope to be outsede TS loserances dunng rounne cahbr. Caused by deugn def* 9000050137 Forwards map repts 50 324/95 05 & 50 325/9545 on 950304-31 & $RhQG"M. Carchne gnt Co 95 08 5pp 03'9 282-84039 287. NOV Entorcement acton we not be considered because hcensee efforts correctng violaten meet crtions of Enforcemers Pokcy. 9605200006 LER 95 00500on 950419. power supply for Channel B A8 vent 4 anon en. VERRELU.D M. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/25. ANDERSON.RA Carchna Powe' haust RM taded. Caused by me.onentaten of ground termmaLTerment property onent-4 Ught Co. 3pp. 83759 0014375t025. ed m both estalled & spare power supphes W/950519 Itr. 9 v nf).F., COWANJ. Carokna Power & Ugnt Co. 95/05/19 5pp. 84082:097-

           -9900050150, roled Ma          an,sp a ees     maprepts m.d. .50 ope 324/95,45 aoo,s.          & $,0,-325/95ance.en        05 on,ve.50304-31        pMni No.e.,eishons                                                                                                     l suopert & coneas rod new scram W PATTERSON.C A 8YRON.P.M., JANUS,M.7, Repon 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/25                                          9505200126 LER 95 006-00:on 950424.Div 11 Group 26 & 8 isolaten signal                                     l 18pp. 83759:00643759:025-                                                                                       received.resuring m closure of two Group 2 valves & eieven Group 4 valves. Caused by snadequaw k-                . Task force wel be estabished to review controts W/950522 m map           60- 2      39 8 325                           we be adeus d                                      .hF., COWAN.J. Carohna Power & bght Co 95/05/22. 6pp. 84106.317 that no voleton of regulatory recurements occurred re tiem 1.                                                                 -

GIBSON.A F. Repon 2 (Post $20201). 95/04/27 ANDERSON.RA Carchna Power & Ognt Co. 3pp. 83758.27343758.275' V. Operator Ex-- 9504210127 Genenc Lir 9543 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re cucumferential crackmg of SG tubes 9505300113 Forwards exam rept 50 325/95-300 on 95042128 No volatons noted ZIMMERMAN R P. Associate Director for Propects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. PEEBLES.TA Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/19. ANDERSON.RA Carolms Power Coneohoated Eeaon Co. of New York. inc.11pp 83757:013-83757:023. & Ugnt Co 3pp. 84077.06344077.283. 9505000272 Requests concurrence w/ change to CP&L runspecten schedule for two -9505300120 Exam ept 50 325/95 300 on 950421-28.No velatons noted Esam 25 mch reactor recirculaten sys sucten pipng-to eibow weeds for BSEP Urut 1. results all five SRO & two RO carundates passed enams COWANJ.P. Carohna Power & Co. 95/05/03.Documer.t Control Branch (Docw HOOPER.G T.. PEEBLES.TA Regon 2 (Post 820201) 95/05/17. 218pp. 64077:066 ment Control Desk). 5pp. 83865:3 5.357, 64077.283 1 I

DOCKETEDITEMS 81 L r DOCKET $0 327 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 1 9505300178 Confirms toscon t>etween R Shou & S Sparks re mgt meetmg scheduled for 950531to escuss bcensee actmties e area of correctwo acton-MERSCHOFF.E.W. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/18. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee F. Security, meecal, emer9ency & fire protection plans Valley Authonty. 3pp. 840'7.356-84077.358. 9505050003 Forwards most recent status rept to progress achieved & areas neeeng 9505090312 Genenc Ltr 92 02.Rev 1.Suppe 1 to an holders of OLs (except those E. further act on re plant fre protecten program. conses amended to possesen.onty status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reao-SHELLR.H. Tennessee Valley Authonty. 95/04/28. Document Control Branch (Docu- tor vessel structural mtegnty. i ment Control Desk). 3pp. 8386417443864:176. I ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19. 9505100158 Forwards amends 198 & 189 to hcenses DPR-77 & DPR-79 & SE. Amends remove frequences specrhed e TSs for performmg audets & celete recurements to REP. PSP & Safeguard Contmgency Plan evews. 9505260208 Applicaten for amends to teenses DPR 77 & DPR 79 Amends would con. BARGE.D.E. . 95/05/10. KINGSLEY,0.D. Tennessee Valley Authonty 1p. 6tenalty exempt EOL MTC measurement recured in TS SR 4.11.3. 83979.15843979 175- SHELL.R.H. Tennessee Valley Authority 95/05/19 Document Control Branch (Docu. ment Control Desk). 3pp. 84102.28544102.319.

-9505180168 Amends 198 & 189to beenses OPR 77 & DPR.79.respectwely, removing frequencies specified m TSs for performmg auets & coeting regurements to perform      -9505260212 Proposed tech spect te constenal exempton of EOL MTC rnessurement REP. PSP & Safeguards Contmgency Plan reviews.                                            rooured en TS SR                                                              l HEBDON,FA .95/05/10. tipp. 83979.15943979:169.
  • Tennessee Valley Authonty.95/05/19 32pp 84102.28844102.319.
-9505180170 Safety evaluaten supporting amends 198 8 189 to licenses DPR-77 &

DDR-79.respectwely. l Q. Inspectron reports, SE Bullet 6ns & correspondence

  • Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (Post 941001). 95/05/10. 6pp. 83979-170

9605020151 Forwards map repts50 327/9510 & 50w328/9510 on 950320- 24.No vio-9505240300 Forwards mso repts50-327/9511 & 50 328/9511 on 95041014.No viola. latens noted sons a devotens nowd. CLINE.W.E. Regen 2 (Post 820201L 95/04/18 KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley BARR.K.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/12.KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley Au. Authonty. 3pp. 83090.33143690:349. thonry. 30p. 84023:13944023:150.

                                                                                        -9505020159 Inso repts 50 327/9510 & 50 328/9510 on 950320 24 No violatons
-9505240303 ansa repts 50 327/9511 & 50-328/9511 on 95041014 No violatere or                noted.Malor areas inspected.orgaruration & mgt control.self-amessment devenons noind Maeor areas mspected meteorologeal morwtonng.CREV.trammg for              programs.traenmg.extemai & meernal exposure controis & surveys & morutonna post-accident samphn0 sys & fonowup on provously identifed asues.                        FORBES.D.B., RANKIN.W H. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/17.16pp. 63600:334, JONES.D W., DECKER.T.R. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/11, 9pp. 64023:142-                 83690:349.

64023:150. 9505240279 Advoes of completon of revow of Rev 20 to Raeologeal Emergency Plan 9505020028 Forwards msp repts 50 327/9543 & $0 328/95-03 on 9501094309 8 for Plant. Concludes that sabstactory to meet plannsng standards of rence of violatonVotahans mvwvM madequaw procedural guidance a pesonne not procMums for divese W rested achwities. RKP R 2 ). 95/04/21. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley post thority. 3pp. 84023.110 84023:112. 201 5 0 /16 LEY.O.D. Tennessee valley Au- [BSON' thonty 8368 1 b*9

                                                                                        -9505020030 Notce of velaton from map on 9501094309 Volatons noted on (L Utditty Final &efety Analyses Report (FSAR) & amends                                      950109. measures had been madeQuately estabkshed to assure that appicable regula-tory recurements had been correctly transisted mto speedcations & drawings.

9505240011 Forwards Amend it to updated FSAR & "Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Uruts 1

  • R*0cn 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/21. 5pp. 8368911643889120.
  & 210CFR50 59 Rept to NRC."

ADNEY.R.J. Tennessee Vaney Authonty.95/05/12. Document Control Branch (Docu-

                                                                                                    - --- Inso repts 50 327/9543 4 50-328/95 03 on 950109 0309. Volations ment Control Desk) 2pp. 84064:001 4 4087:036.                                             noted.Mact areas mspected.SWSOPl had been conducted from 9501094309. accord.

sno to NRC Temporary instrucbon 2515/118. -9505240013 "Sequoyah Nuclear Plant 10CFR50 59 Rept to NRC." ROGERS.W.G., PEEBLES.T.A. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/17. 48pp. 83689:121-

  • Tennessee Valley Authonty.94/11/16. 56pp. 84064.003 84064:057 83689 168.

-9505240015 Amand 11 to updated FSAR for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant. 9504190049 NRC into Notee 95 024. ' Summary of Lcensed Operator Requanfcaton

  • Tennessee Vane y Authonty.95/05/12. 764pp. 8406500144067.S36- Insp Program Fmdegs."

GRIMES B K. . 95/04/25. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. P. Opeq he stage : 83757:001 83757 012. _& m m 9504210293 Genanc Ltr 9544 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors og to al Wers W N w M fw Ms re cMweMal m knas escondon of SEP lessons 4eamed usues. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Drector for Pro,ects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28- ZIMMhMAN.R.P. Associate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04 Conschdated Eoson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 83757&443757t37 Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York,Inc.11pp. 83757:01343757 023 9505000204 Forwards amends 197 & 188 to bconses OPR-77 & DPR 79. respective #y g 9505110004 Forwards map repts 50 327/95 08 & $0 328/9548 on 9503054408 & tion SS .M 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/01. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney LABARGE.D.E 95/04/28. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 2pp. Authonty. 4pp 8 S&O694385&O96. 83822:301 43822:332.

                                                                                        -9505110005 Notre of volaton frorn mso on 9503054408Volaton noted:hcensee

-9505000213 Amends 197 & 188 to hcenses OPR 77 & DPR.79.respectively, clantyng faded to demonstrate remote snutdown morntonng source range nuclear flux matru. LCO app 6 cable to dual functon of contamment vacuum rehef isoiaton enes. mentaten channets operable HEBOON.FJ. .95/04/28. 24,p 83622.30343822.326.

  • Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/01. 3pp. 83850.07343850-075

-9505000215 Safety evaluaton supportmg amends 197 & 188 to hcenses DPR.77 & -9505110007 Insp repts 50-327/95 08 & 50 328/9508 on 950305 0418. Velations Of't e et Nucie Reactor Regulaton (post 941001). 95/04/28 Sop. 83822.327- "' '*

                                                                                                           $ ant suppo'rt 83822.332.                                                                               kNW E LESSER,M.S. Regen 2 (Post 8202011. 95/04/25. 21pp. 83850-076 9505120258 informs of rewmed arnend implementaten date for TS change 93 09.                 8385&O96 Desk   pp. 8 948         94 39                                       9505100029 Advises of msults of recent periormance review at plant to determine it present planned inso effort for rest of current SALP cycle should be rewmed before 9505100158 Forwards amends 198 & 189 to hcenses DPR 77 & DPR-79 & SE. Amends                end date of 960727. Informs that no changes to NRC Master insp Plan warranted.

remove frequencies specified m TSs for perforfrung sue's & delete regurements to LESSER,M.S. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/05. KINGSLEY.O.D. Termessee Vaney perform REP. PSP & Safeguard Contm0ency Plan reviews. Authonty. app. 83mt3743952:040. LABARGE.D E. . 95/05/10. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee valley Authonty, Ip. 83979.15843979:175. 9505240200 Ach receipt of 950421Itr intermmg NRC of steps taken to correct volabons noted m esp repts50 327/94-41 & 50 328/94-41. -9505180180 Amends 198 & 189to hcenses DPR.77 & DPR-79.respectively. removeg MERSCHOFF.E.W. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/09 KINGSLEY.O.0, Te*messee frequencies speerted m TSs 1or performmg audits & deiehog regurements to perform Yahey Authonty. 3pp. 8402311344023115. REP. PSP & Safeguards Contngency Plan revews. HEBOON.F.J. .96/05/10.11pp. 8397915943979.169 9505050171 NRC Info Notes 95025. " Valve Failure Dunng Patient Treatment w/ -950518017e Safety evaluaton supportmg amends 198 & 189 to licenses DPR 77 & C I Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. of indus na & na Wated Eeson % of Mw Yak, Inc. 9pp. 84W 182440072 Off Nuclea Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001). 95/05/10 6pp. 83979170-0#0#0' 9505240056 Forwards insp repts50 327/95-09 & 95 328/95 09 on 950417 20.No vio. 9505100353 Docusses hcensee 920901 Itr serrutteg IPE for plant as recured by GL latons or oeviatens eenefed. 88-20 Concludes that bcensee has met etent of GL 88-20 CASTO.C.A. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/12. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley LABARGE.D E. . 95/05/15. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley Autnonty. 24pp. Authonty. 3pp. 64021:00144021218. 83974 32543974.348

                                                                                         -9505240006 insp repts 50 327/95 09 & 50 328/9549 on 950417 20 No volatons

$505240034 Provces fiumber of allegatons receved & open re facikhes for penod of roted Maior areas msoected drawmg program backlogs.related commetments to NRC 95040140 stemmmg from 1993 emetrame & current schons to prevent recurrence. IGNATONIS.A. Regen 2 (Post 820201) 95/05/17. HARDING.M.R Tennessee Valiey 60NG.E R.. CASTO.C.A. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/12.15pp. 84021:004-Authonty.1p. 84020:289-84020.289 84021 018

82 DOCKETEDITEMS 9505240300 Forwards mso repts50-327/95114 54325/9511 on 95041014 No vela- -9505240015 Amend 11 to updated FSAR for Sequovan Nuclear Plant tons or dematsons noted.

  • Tennessee Valley Authonty 95/05/12. 764pp 84065 001-84067.036 BARR.K.P. Regean 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/12.KINGSLEY.O.D. Termessee vaney Au-thorWy. 3pp. 84023:139 44023:150.

-9505240303 inso rects 50-327/9511 & 50 328/9511 on 95041014 No wolatens or

        '                                     *                            ' '"'" '   95042102s3 Genonc Lir 95-04 to all hoeders of OLs or cps for rauctear power reactors ge",'oeN act areasg'"nowup to        n                      suf D W DE             R. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/11. Opp. 64023.142-        $MyEM          R . s             ecEr ' tor         (ADPR) (Post l#41001). 95/04/28.

Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 83757-024 83757:037. 9305300145 Forwards synopsis re a of fraud. waste & abuse by 9505000204 Forwards amends 197 & 188 to hCenses DPRJ7 & DPR-79, respectvefy & mgt. harassment a memdanon m Dec 199 Based on resuits of mvestiganon.tacihty SE. Amends clarwy LCO apphcable to dual functon of contamment var uum rebel moe-ed not nwssed NRC re drawmg control arr. EBNETER.S.D. R n 2 (Posi 820201) /05/17. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee valley bon Imes Auttenty dop. 7;31344077.318. LABARGE.D E. . 95/04/28. KINGSLEY.O.D. Termessee Vaney Authonty. 2pp. 83822.301 4 3822.332. 9505310140 Responds to NRC 050421 Itr te votatens noted m insp repts 50 327/9503

 & 50 328/95 03. Corrective actions.personnet esmissed trom empioyment & lessons      -9505080213 Amends 197 & 188to hcenses DPRJ7 & DPR 79.respecbvely. clantying leamed renew has been conducted w/ group personnel re deficiencies loontified.         LCO apphcatHe to dual functon of contasnment vacuum rehof isolaten knes ADNEY RJ. Tennessee Vaney Aumonty.95/05/22. Document Control Branch (Docw              HEBOON.FJ. .95/04/28. 24pp. 83822.30343822.328.

ment Control Desk). 23pp. 84142:32944142.351

                                                                                      -9505080215 Safety supporting amends 197 & 180 to hcenses DPR 77 &

DPR 79.respectvely R. Penodic operstmg reports & related - e

  • Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001). 95/04/28. 8pp 83822:327-83822 332.

9505030181 " Annual Raeometve Effluent Re6 ease Rept for Jan Dec 1994 " W/950428 Itr 9508120256 Informs of revised amend implementaten date for TS change 9349. SHELLR.K Tennessee Vaney Authonty.94/12/31. 240pp. 83808:001-83808.240. SHELL.R.H. Tennessee Valley Autnonty. 95/05/03 Document Control Branch (Docu-9505180228 Monthly opersang repts for Apr 1995 for Sequoyah Nuclear PlantW/ 950512 Itf 9505100158 Forwards amends 198 & 189 to hcenses OPR-77 & DPR-79 & SE. Amends HOLLOMAN.TJ.. SHELL.R.H Tennessee Vadey Authonty 95/04/30. 11pp. 84007.302 4 4007-312. re. move Iraouences specihed e TSs for pertornung auets & dWete recurements to p ,torm REP. PSP & Saseguard Contngency Plan reviewt LABARGE.D E. . 95/05/10. KINGoLEY.O.D. Tennessee valley Authonty. Ip. Su Reportable occurrences, LERs a related , _

                                                                                      -9505180168 Amends 198 & 189to bcenses DPRJ7 & DPR 79.respecevely, removmg 9505100065 Forwards LER 95404 re contifcanon that SR for source range estruments         frequencies specified m TSs for performmg audits & deletmg requrements to periorm m coth units aumhary CRs was not bemg performed as required by TS              REP. PSP & Sateguards Conongency Plan revows.

ADNEY RJ. Tennessee Valley Authonty 95/05/01. Document Control Brarch (Docu. HEBDON.FJ. .95/06/10.11pp. 8397915943979189. ment Control Desk). 2pp. 83924.09443924:100. -9605100080 LER 9500440:on 950331. missed surve4 ence resulted from madequate DPR 79 e procedural guidance. Revised swveitance mstructons to ensure proper peitormance

  • Oftce of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (Post 941001). 95/05/10. 8pp. 83979170-of TS reourements 83979 175 PROFFITTJ W. Tennessee Valley Authoney.95/05/01. 5pp. 83924:098 43924 100 9505190192 Special Rept 9503:on 950404.aumhary blog elevation 890 breached to support roubng of draen hose.

sseea located on floor tre welch estaDhs%d

                                                                                      "[d                           **

hG 88 20 LABARGE.D.E. . 95/05/15 KINGSLEY,0.D. Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 24pp.

 & after tre detectors on one sede of penetracon venfied operable                       83974 3254 3974.348' SHELLR H. Tennessee Valley Authonty. 95/05/09. Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Comol Des 4 bpp. 84M34044M344.                                                  9505240034 Provides number of anegations received & open to facihtaes for poted of 950401 30 DOCKET 50 328 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 2                                             IGNATONIS.A. Regen 2 (Poet $20201). 95/05/17. HARDING.M.R. Tennessee Valley Authonty.1p. 64020-28944020:289.

F. Secunty, medical, emergency & fire protection plane 9505300178 Conhrms telcon between R Snell & S Sparks re mgt meeting eched;ied for 950531to escuss hconsee actmbes m area of correctwo acton MERSCHOFF.E.W Regen 2 (Post 820201) 95/05/18. KINGSLEY.O D Tennessee 9505050093 Forwards most recent status rept to progress achieved & areas neeeng Valley Authonty. 3pp. 64077.35644077:358 further acton re plant tre protecten program. SHt LL Tennessee Val S/ /28. Document Control Branch (Docu- g y g g conses amended to possesen only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac-9505180158 Forwards amends 198 4189 to bcenses DPRJ7 & DPRJ9 & SE. Amends to' vessel structural mtegnty. remove treguencies specifed m TSs for performing auets & de6ete requrements to ZIMMERMAN.R P. Associate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19 perform REP. PSP & Safeguard Plan revews. Consoisdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. topp.64084.352 44084.381. LABARGE.D.E . 95/05/10. KING .O.D Tennessee Valley Authonty 1p. 63979 158 43979 175. 9505260208Apchcation for amends to bconses DPRJ7 & DPRJ9. Amends would con-debonany exempt EOL MTC measurement reoured at TS SR 4.11.3 -4505180168 Amends 198 & 189to icenses DPRJ7 4 DPR 79.respectvely, removmg SHELL.R.H. Tennessee Vaney Authonty 95/05/19 Document Control Branch (Docu-frequencies specited e TSs for performmg audits & de6etmg requrements to perform ment Control Desk). 3pp. 64102.285-84102.319 REP. PSP & Sateguards Contmgency Plan revows. HESDON,F.J. .95/05/10. tipp. 6397915943979169 -9505260212 Proposed tech specs re con @tional exemption of EOL MTC measurement requred m TS SR 41.1.3 -9505180178 Safety evaluabon supportmg emends 198 4 189 to hcenses OPRJ7 &

  • Tennessee Valley Autnonty.95/05/10. 32pp. 84102.29844102:319 DPR.79.respectively.
  • Oftce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001) 95/05/10. 6pp. 83979170- 9505260216 Apphcahon for amend to hcense DPR-79 Amend would extend response 83979 175. time survedlances cunng Cycle 7 operaton.

9505240300 Forwards mso repts50-327/95-114 50-328/9511 on 95041014 No vola

  • De"s"k) pp 6 04 104 tions or deviatons noted.

BARR.K.P. Region 2 (post 820201). 95/05/12 KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley Au- -9505260222 Proposed 'ecn specs re extenson of response bme survedlances dunng thorny 390. 64023.139 44023 150 Cycle 7 operaten. ennessee Vaney Aumm95/05/4 9pp. 64W N644W56 -9505240303 Inso repts 505327/9511 & 50-328/9511 on 950410-14.No volatons or devotons reted Maior areas espected meteorotogeal monrtonng.CREY.traming for post-accadent samphng sys & followup on prevously identifed issues. u-JONES.D W. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/11. 9pp. 64023142-84023:150. a kWen 6 IE Wuns & c_ _ 9505240279 Aenses of comp 6eson of revow of Rev 20 to Radologcal Emergency Pian 9505020151 Forwards map repts 50 327/9510 & 50-328/95-10 on 950320 24.No vo-for PlantConcludes that changes satisfactory to meet plannmg standards of lations noted 10CFR50 47(b) & regurements of App E to 10CFR50 CLINE W E. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/18. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney BARR.K.P Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/16 KINGSLEY.O.D Tennessee Vaney Au- Authonty. 3pp. 83690.33143690-349 thonty 3pp. 6402311444023112.

                                                                                      -9505020159 insp repts 50 327/9510 & 50-328/9510 on 950320-24 No violatons             i noted Maior areas mspected.orgaruzabon & mgt control.seti-assessment                 '

K. Utility Final Safety Anasys6s Report (FSAR) & amends programs.traerung.extemal & mtemal exposure controls & surveys & morutonng FORBES.D.B.. RANKIN,W.H. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/17.16pp. 83690:334-9505240011 Forwards Amend 11 to updated FSAR & "Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Units 1 83690.349.

 & 210CFR50 59 Rept to NRC."

ADNEY.R.J. Tennessee Vaney Authonty 95/05/12 Document Control Branch (Docu. 9505020028 Forwards mso repts 50 327/95-03 & $0 328/9503 on 950109-0309 & ment Control Desk) 2pp. 64064 00144067.036 notco of votaten.Voishons twolved madeauste procedural guedance or personnel rot followsng procedures for everse Quairty related actmties. -9505240013 "Sequoyah Nuclear Plant 10CFR50.59 Rept to NRC." GIBSON,A F. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/21. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney

  • Tennessee Vaney Autrenty 94/11/16. 56pp. 64064 00344064 057. Authorrty 4pp. 8368911243689168


  -9505020030 Notce of volation from map on 9501094309 Volatons noted.on                   DOCKET 50 329 MIDLAND PLANT, UNIT 1 950109. measures had been madequately establesned to assure that appicable regue.

tory foquirements had been correctly translated mto specrhcatons & drawmgs.

  • Region 2 (Post $20201). 95/04/21. 5pp. 83689:11643689 120. A. Apphcatson/ construction sta9e documents & correspondence J
 -9505020038 Inso repts 50-327/95-03 & 50 328/95 03 on 950109 0309 votatens noted Mapor areas mapacted:SWSOPl had been conducted from 9501094309. accord-         9504110293Genenc Lir 95 04 to au holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors mg t,o NRC Temporary instruction 2515/118.

re smal espositen of SEP lessons-icamed asues. ROGERS W G., PEEBLES.T.A. Regen 2 (Post 820201) 95/04/17. 48pp. 83689121- ZIMMERMAN.R P. Assomate Drector tor Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28 83689 168 Consondated Esson Co. of New YortL inc.14pp. 83757:02443757 037. 9504190049 NRC Info Nouce 95 024, " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requahicaten inso Program Findegs.- Q. Inspection reports, IE Bulletins & correspondence GRIVE5.B K. . 95/04/25. Conschdatod Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 12pp. 83757.001 43757412- 9504190049 NRC Info Notre 95 024. " Summary of Lconsed Operator Requahfcahon inso Program Finengs " 9504210127 Generc Lir 95-03 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re circumferentia' GR8MES.B K . 95/04/25. Consosdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 12pp. crackmg of SG tubes- 83757001 43757 012. 21MMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Protects tADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. 1 Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. Itpp.83 757$1343757223. 9504210127 Generc Ltr 95 03 to su hoeders of OLs or cps for PWRs re cucumferent al l 9505110004 Forwards esp repts 50-327/9548 & 50 328/95 08 on 9503050408 & [,MgA d Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Consedated Eeson Co. of New m int Upp. 83757m3757223. SSE M A 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/01. KINGSLEY,0.0. Tennessee vaney Authonty dop. 83 069 83850:096 9505050171 NRC info Notca 95-025. "Vatve Fa4ure Dunng Patsent Treatment w/

 -9505110005 Notco of volabon from map on 950305-0408.Volaton noted hcensee
  • d 9*'

taeled to demonstrate remote shutdown monitonng source range nuclear flux mstru- Ster g Divi* 'sion of eiidus a & I Nucsear Safety (Post 870729) 95/05/11. mentation channels operable. Conschdated Edison Co. of New Yor16, Inc. 9pp. 64007.182-84007:190.

  • Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/01. 3pp. 83850-07343850075.
 -9505110007 inso repts 50-327/95 08 & 50 328/95 08 on 9503054418. Velatons               DOCKET 54330 MIDLAND PLANT, UNIT 2 noted Major areas mapected. plant operatens, mant & survedlarce observatons.onsite WE L SS          .S. Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/25. 21pp 83850:078    A Apphcatson/ construction stage documents & correspondence 83850:096.

9504210293 Genenc Ltr 9544 to ali holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors 9505140029 Advoes of results of recent performance review at plant to determme if re fmal esposshon of SEP lessonsaeamed asues. present planned eso effort for rest of current SALP cyote should be revised before ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. end date of 960727. IrWorms that no changes to NRC Master inso Plan warranted- Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 8375722443757:037. LESSER.M S. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/05. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee valley Autnonty. 4pp. 83952S3743952:040. 9505090312 Genenc Ltr 92-02.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all holders of OLs (except those le-9505240280 Ack receipt of 950421 Itr mformi NRC of steps taken to correct velabons n

                                                                                                    ,a.               ' "*"        '"        

a m egnty noted m mso repts50-327/94 41 & $0 328/ 1. MERSCHOFF.E.W. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/09. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Dractor for Prolects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19. Consondated Eeson Co of New York. Inc.10pp 84084.35244084.361. Valley Autnanty. 3pp. 6402311344023.115. 9 71 N info Notee 95 0 "Vaive Falure Dunng Patent Treatment w/ a Wpe reports, tE muns & correspondence i COOL.DA Dmson of a Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. 5 Conschdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 64007:182-84007:190. 9504190049 NRC info Notco 95-024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requahfcation insp Program Finengs." 9505240058 Forwards msp repts50-327/95 09 & 95-328/95-09 on 950417 20.No vo- GRIMES.B K. . 95/04/25. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 12pp. latons or devanons identfied 83757 001 43757:012. CASTO.C.A. Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/12. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee valley Authonty. 3pp. 84021.00144021@18 9504210127 Genenc Ltr 95-03 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re crcumferential l crackmg of SG tubes. i -9505240096 insp repts 50327/95 09 & 50-328/95-09 on 950417-20 No volations ZlMMERMAN.R P. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. j roted.Maior areas mspected drawng program backlogs.related commitments to NRC Consohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. 83757213-63757:023. I stemmmg from 1993 trmetrame & current actons to prevent recurrence. LONG.E R., CASTO.C.A. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/12. 1500 84021 204- 9505050171 NRC Info Notce 95425. " Valve Fadure Dunng Patient Treatment w/ 84021 918. Gamma Stereotactc Radosurgery Urut." COOL.D.A. Omson of Industnal & Madcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. 9505240300 Forwards mso repts 50w327/9511 & 50 328/95-11 on 95041014.No vela- Conschdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp. 64007:182 44007.190. tons or devatens noted. BARR.K P. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/12.KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley Au-thonty. 3pp. 8402313944023:150-E Operator Eneminanons

 -9505240303 inso repts 50 327/9511 & 50 328/95-11 on 95041014 No violatons or devaboris noted Maior areas mspected meteorologeal morutonng.CREV tranng for          9505090045 Informs that Regon I will re longer partcipate m certifcate presentations post-acc dent sa          sys & followup on prevously soentded maues.                   to bcensed operators & SROs. Instead.NRC wdl send certificates erectly to fachtes.

JONES.D W., DE KE T R Regen 2 (Post 8202011. 95/05/11. 9pp. 64023:142- WIGGINS) T. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/01.OPEKAJ F. Northeast Ubbtes. 2pp. 84023:150 83816:16443816 165. 9505300145 Forwards synopse es allegatons of fraud. waste & abuse by mgt. harassment & mtwmdaten m Dec 1993 Based on results of mvestigaton.taal'ty DOCKET 50 331 DUANE ARNOLD ENERGY CENTER ed not messed NRC re drawmg control program. EBNETER.S.D Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/17. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley Authonty. app.84077.31344077.316- F. Security, medical, emergency & fire protectson plans 9505310140 Responds to NRC 950421 Itr te volations noted m mso repts $4327/95-03

    & 50 328/954 Corrective actions. personnel esmased from employment & lessons          9505110119 Notifcaton of 950518meetmg w/utus m Rockvdle.MD to d scuss proposed teamed revew has been conducted w/ group personnoi re defceencies edentd ed.            utd tests of darmatt fve bamers ecludmg test configurabons for dumeny ADNEY RJ Tennessee Valley Autnanty. 95/05/22. Document Control Branch (Docu.             models schedules & test details ment Control Desk). 23pp. 84142 321p-84142.351-                                          KELLY,G B. .95/05/05. MARCUS.G.H. 7pp. 83902:242 83902.248 R. Periodic operstmg reports & related correspondence                                    P. Operstmg Deense stage documents & correspondence 9505030181 " Annual Radcactue Effluent Release Rept for Jan Dec 1994." W/950426          9505020208 Forwards revoed TS page 6 510 reflectmg proposed deletion of TS itr.                                                                           whch wdl no longer be necessary when audit frequency requrements re-SHELLR H. Tennessee valley Authonty 94/12/31. 240pp 83806-00143806.240.                 moved FRANZ).F IES Unhtes enc.. (formerly lowa Elecinc Light & Power Co). 95/04/21.

9505180228 Monthly operstmg repts for Apr 1995 for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant W/ RUSSELL.W.T Offce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton (post 941001) 2pp. 83757.326-950512 lir 83757.328 HOLLOMAN.TJ . SHELL.R.H. Tennessee Valley Authonty 95/04/30 11pp 84007.302 44007:312. -9505020323 Proposed tech specs reflectog deleton of TS due to aset tre-Quency requirements being removed from TS. IES Uthtes inc, (formerly towa Electnc Light & Power Co). 95/04/21 1p S. Reportable occurrences, LERs & related correspondence 83757.32843757.328 9505190192 Spacel Rept 95 03 on 950404.aundiary bidg pipe sleeve located on floor 9505020381 Requests wrthdrawal of RTS-240A. "Rev of ESW Flow Regurement eievabon 690 treached to support touting of dram hose.Rovmg fire watch estabished 48E1"

    & after tere detectors on one sede of penetreton venfeed operabie                       FRANZJ F, IES Utdates Inc., (formerly towa Electne Light & Power Co) 95/04/21.

SHELL.R.H. Tennessee Yaney Authonty 95/05/09. Document Control Brarch (Docw RUSSELL.W T Offce of Nuclear Reactor Regulanon. Drector (Post 870411) 1 p. ment Control Desk). 5pp. 84009-34044009 344 83799 352 83799.352

84 DOCKETED ITEMS 9505020366Provides results of core shroud weld maps at plant m response to GL 94 V. Operator Exammations 03 mem 3. FRANZ J.F. IES Utdees Inc.. (formerly towa Electre Lignt & l'ower Co). 95/04/21- 9505050114 informs that NRC admitustered GFE secten of wntten operator iconsmp RUSSELLW.T. Document Control Branch (Document Consol Desk). 6pp. 83764 040- exam to employees at p6 ant on 950405 & formaros exam answer key.gradmg results e 83764 045 answer sheets. Wto ence. NNG M.A. R 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/01. LACROtX.D G. Consumers Power Co. 9505010120 Forwards rev 0 to GENE-523-A018-0295. "Duane Amold & Vermont CANNE C IES Uchtes Irm (formetty lows Electne Oght & Power Col Yankee Shroud $stety Assessment" & Draft Calculaten VYC 1364. "Vermorit Yankee EBERHARDT.R.R. Detroit Eeson Co 1p. 83758.35243758.352 Core Shroud Fisw Evaluanon." DORMAN.D.H. Prosect Duectorate 13 (PD13) (Post 941001). 95/04/25. Project Drec-torata 13 (PD13) (Post 941001).10. 83753.028 83753.249. DOCKET 50 333 JAMES A. FITZPATRICK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT

 -9505010125 "Duane Amold & Vermont Yankee Ahroud Safety "                .

1" ELECTONA.E.O.. CASILLASJ L, RANGANATH.S General Esctre Co. GENE 423-A018-0295. 95/04/18. 36pp. 83753 02943753 063 F. Securtty, medical, emergency & fire protection plans 9504210293 Genere Ltr 9544 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors 9505300443 Revoed EPtPs.menueng Rev 17 to App H, Raw 1 to IAP-2.Rev 27 to EAP. re fmal esposson cd SEP tessons-leamed asues. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Progects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. 8..Rev Power64 to EAP.17.Rev Authonty 27 of of the State to New EAP-43 Yors&(New Rev York 44 toPower SAP 3 Authonty). 95/04/30. Consondated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 83757:02443757:037. 14pp. 84141.30244141:315. 9505040241 Notfes of changes to TS bases.adeng clanfcanon to TS bases for smgio 9505120032 Fa wards revs to plant Emergency Plan & Corresponeng implementmg pro. core spray pump reousement.Cha not tutputted as apphcanon for amend to b. OUNG . Iowa 7 Co). 95/04/28. ower Authardy of the State of New York (New York Power Authenty). 95/05/03 Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 83942-29843942:343. RUSSELLW.T. Offee of Nucmar Reactor Regulabon (Post 941001). 2pp. 83814.331 83814 m -9505120034 Row 17 to "JA Fitzpatnck NPP Emergency Plan Vol 1."

 -9505040244 Proposed sech specs bases page 3 5-20.adeng clanfcaten for segu
  • Power Authonty of the State of New Yots (New York Power Authonty). 95/01/01.

core spray pump requirement. 31pp 83942:29843942.331.

  • fES Utihties ec.. (tormerfy towa Electnc bght & Power Co). 95/04/28. 2pp.

82814.33343814.334. -9505120035 Revoed EPtPs.melueng rev 27 to EAP4.rev 64 to EAP 17.rev 27 to EAP. 43 & rev 44 to SAP.3 9505260105 Forwards Amend 210 to Lconse DPR-49 8 safety evaluation. Amend re-

  • Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty). 95/05/03 vues TS to enange surveillance cntena from every 3 meriths to testmg frequency 12pp. 83942:332-83942:343.

specited by plant IST Pro 0 ram. KELLY.G B. .95/05/18. LIU.L IES Utilites Irc.. (formerly lows Electnc Lignt & Power 9505120161 Forwards response to NRC RAI re proposed EALs for plant. Co). 3pp. 84075.29544075.309. CAHsLLWJ. Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty) 95/05/03. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 371pp. 83871.227-

 -9505260113 Amend 210 to Lcense DPR.49.revemg TS to cha              survedlance entena     83872.233.

from every 3 months to testmg frecuency specified by plant IST m MARCUS.G.H. .95/05/18.10pp. 8407529844075.307.

 -9505260117 Safety evaluaton supportmg Amend 210 to Lcense DPR-49.

L FinancialInformation

  • Omco of tvuclear Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001). 95/05/18. 2pp. 84075.308-84075.309 9506040008 " Annual Rept 1994
  • W/950426 ftn CAMILLWJ. Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty).

9505090312 Genenc Lir 9242.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all holders of OLs (except those li- 94/12/31. 48pp. 83837.220-83837;269 conses amenced to possesen only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac-tor vessel structural mtegnty ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Drector for Propects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19 P. Operstmg Scense stree documents & correspondence Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. 84084:352 44084.381. 9504210293Genorm Lir k'544 to alt holders of OLs or CN for nuclear power reactors re tmas cisposaton of SE 5 losse;ned issues. 4 inspechon reports. IE Bulletms & correspondence ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assoc *% urector for Propects (ADer.1 (Post 941001). 95/04/28 9505020366 Provides resuhs of core shroud weld maps at p6 ant in response to GL 94- ConsoMated Eh k of New % inc. 1490. 83757$2443757237 9505040138Porwards Rev 3 to " Reload 11/ Cycle 12 COLR."

               .F. IES Utdees inc, (formerty towa Elecine bght & Power Co). 95/04/21.                                               ta          Y               P               )

SE W.T. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 6m. 83784.040- $Iyf[ f jg 5, 83795 358. 9504190049NRC Into Notre 95 024. " Summary of Ocensed Operator Requahicaton inso Program Fmengs - 9505090212Advmes that 950216 " CERT Testm0 of Type XM.19 m Samulated BWR En. GRIMES.B K. . 95/04/25. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 12pp. wron" wdl be wimnoid from putec esclosure.per request. 83757$0143757.012. CARPENTER.C.E. Propect Drectorate 61 (PD1 1) (Post 941001). 95/05/03 CAMILLWJ. Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authontyt 9505090017 Forwards map rept50 331/95 03 on 9502184404 Velatons reted wel not 4pp. 83853.33443853.337. to subsect to enforcement acton.Violatons invowed exarrples of weaknesses m tagoul program & self checkmg & ventcaten per recent map repts 9505230183 Forwards apphcaten for amend to Lcense DPR-59. ext survediance LANKSOURY.R D. Regon 3 (Post 820201L 95/04/26. LIU.L ES Utumes inc, (for- test mtervsts for ESWS to steport 24 month operatog cycles.per GL 91 . many lowa Electnc Light & Power Cot 2pp. 83816 06743816S89. CAMILLWJ. Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty) 95/05/12. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 84063.259-

 - 9505090047inso rept50 331/95 03 on 9502184404.Non cited volanons noted.Maior              64063 273.

areas mapected plant operanons.mant. survedlance.onstte engineenng. plant supportjollowup of eventsfollowup of prevous map findings & LER followuD. -9505220073 App 6caten for amend to leerme DPR-59.ortendog survedlance test oter-LANKSBURY.R.D. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/04/26. 20pp. 83816.06S.83816.089. vais for ESWS to support 24 month operstmg cycles.per GL 9104. CAMILLWJ. Power Aumonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty) 9504210127 Genorc Lir 95-03 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs te crcumferential 95/05/12. 2pp. 84063.26144063.262. crackmg of SG tubes 2rMMERMAN.R P. Assocate Drector for Progects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. -9505220078 Proposed tech specs re extenson of survedlance test mtervals for ESWS Consohdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. 8375721343757-023- to support 24 month operatano cycles.

                                                                                                                            '                                  ^ ""

9505050171 NRC Into Notice 95025. " Valve FaAse Dunng Patent Treatment w/ h 84063 8 06 273~ Gamma Sterectactc Recosurgery UrWL" 8h 6 61* $505090312 Genere Lir 92 02.Rev 1.Suppi 1 to all holders of OLs (except those h-t'e d eson Co Y 8 )0 1 44 ' conses amended to posseson only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac-tot vessel structural miegnty ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Director for Progects (ADPR) (Post 941001L 95/05/19 R. Perioec operstmg reports & reisted correspondence Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 1099. 84084.352 44084.361. 9505230143 Monthly operstmo rept for Apr 1994 for DAEC W/950515 Itr. WOODWARD.R.. WILSON.D. IES Utsmes ine. (formerty lows Electnc Lght & Power O. Inspection reports, lE Bulletms & correspondence Co). 95/04/30 MARTINJ B Regen 3 (Poet 820201). 6pp 84051:301 44051:306 9505030079 Forwards esp rept 50-333/95-06 on 950212 0325 & notce of S. Reportab6e occurrences LERs & related correspondence veaston Velaton wwolved personnel performance errors that mvolved radiaton pro. tecton requrements 9505220194 Forwards LER 95 003.lmprovements to enhance faceity atzhty to accuratory COWGILLCJ Regen 1 (Post 820201) 95/04/18 SALMON.H.P. Power Authonty of cetermme values of reactivity factors calculated on site wdl wd be processed pnar to the State of New York (New york Power Authonty) 3pp. 83721:09543721:116. nemi seneduled refueing outage. WILSON.DJ IES Uteties Inc. (formerly lowa Electne Lsght & Power Co). 95/05/10. -9505030083Notce of veiston from mso on950212 C325 Velaton noted dunng per-MARTINJ.B Regen 3 (Post 820201).1p. 84075 32444075.329 fonnance of Section 81 on 950319. unantcipated escharge of CO2 m relay room oc-curred a neither test personnel or contros room staff entered AOP-63

 -9505220195 LER 95-003-00.on 950417. reactor snutdown compieted due to shutdown
  • Region 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/18. 2pp. 83721$98-83721099 marge calculaten error Vendor revewing processes to oeterrmne cause of rruspredc-ton of desgned shutdown margm. -4 505030085 Inso rept 50 333/95 06 on 950212 0325.Volatons noted. Maior areas MCGEE.R. IES Utditses inc, (formerly lowa Ekoctnc Lght & Power Co).95/05/10. 5pp mspected piant operatons.mamt.engineenng & plant support.

84075 32544075.329 COWGILL.C.J. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 95/04/18.17pp. 83721:10043721116.

DOCKETEDITEMS 85 9504190049 NRC Info Notre 95 024, ' Summary of Licensed Operator Requahicaten L Financial informaten insp Program Findm0s." GRIMES.S.K. . 95/04/25. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 12pp- 9505300337 Forwards *1994 Annual Repts To Shareholders," for Duquesne Lght Co. 83757:001 43757 012. "OH Edson 1994 Annual Rept." " Annual Rept 1994 for Penn Power" & "Centenor En Annual Rept 1994," 9504210127 Genanc Ltr 9543 to as noiders of OLs or cps for PWRs re crcumferential T S,G S. Duouesne Ught Co. 95/05/18. Document Control Branch (Document crackmg of SG tubes. Control Desk).1p 8413818344138.334, ZIMMERMAN,R.P, Associate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Conachdated Eeson Co. of New York,Inc.11pp. 83757:01343757.023. 3505300344 "1994 Annual Rept to Shareholders." for Duouesne Light Company.

  • Duquesne Light Co. 94/12/31. 47pp. 84138:184 44138.233.

9505050171 NRC Info Nonce 95-025. " Valve Fadure Dunng Patient Treatment w/ Gamens Stereotacte Radiosurgery Urut." 9505300362 "OH Eeson 1994 Annual Rept." COOL.D.A. Divesson of Industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11.

  • Ohio Esson Co.94/12/31. 32pp. 84138.23444138.271 Consondated Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 84007:182 44007:190.
  • Annual Rept 1994 for Penn Power."

9605250178 Forwards resconne to NRC950418 Itr re volations noted in risp rept 50-

  • Pennsylvama Power & Lsght Co.94/12/31. 20pp. 84138.27244138264.

333/95 06 on 950212 0325 Correchve actions revow was performed of all CO2 heat detection sys survedance test procedures to ioentify addl procaiures. .-9605300370 "Centenor Energy Annual Rept 1994 " SALMON.H P. Power of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty).

  • Centerer Energy 94/12/31. 37pp. 84138.29544138.334.

95/05/18. FITZPATRICK.J. Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 10pp. 84086.32844086:337 P. Operstmg liconee stage documents a correspondence R. Penode operstmg reports & reisted conospondence 9505010013 Forwards amends 186 & 67 to hcenses DPR-66 & NPF 73 & safety evaluatertAmends revise App A TS re regured survemance frequency for companng 9505030221 *1994 Raeologeal Envron Operatng Rept JA FitrPatnck Nuclear Power incore & excore amial embalance. Plant." W/950426 Itr. BRINKMAN.D.S. Promet Drectorate B 2 (PD1-2) Post 941001). 95/04/26. CROSS).E. SALMON.H P. Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authontyt Duquesne Ught Co. 3pp. 83693.326 83693.339. 94/12/31. MARTIN.T.T. Region 1 (Post 820201). 204pp. 83860:19243861031.

                                                                                            -9600010015 Amends 186 & 67 to bconses DPR46 & NSF-73.respectively. revising 9505180304 Forwards monthly operatng rept for Apr 1995 & revised rept for Mar 1995           App A TS re requred surved:ance frequency for cornrann0 mcore & encore smal en-for JA FitrPatnch NPP.                                                                    balance SALMON.H.P. Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty).            STOLTZ).F. Protect Drectorate 12 (PD1-2) Post 941001L 95/04/26. 7pp. 83693.329-95/05/08. Document Consol Branch (Document Control Desk) 1p. 84013.246-                   83693.336 64013251.
                                                                                            -9500010018 Safety evaluation supportmg amends 186 & 67 to hcenses DPR46 &
  -9505180309 Mor.they operating rept for Apr 1995 for JA Fitzpatnck NPP.                      NPF.73.respecDvely.

FLAGG.R. Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authontyt 95/

  • Offce of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (Post 941001). 95/04/26. 3pp. 83693:337-04/30. 4pp. 64013.24744013.250. 83693.339.
  -9505180317 Rev sed monthly operstmo rept for Mar 1995 for JA FitrPatnck NPP.             9505030196Ack recect of950407Itr from GS Thomas re 10CFR50.54 sutwnsttal com FLAGG.R. Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty). 95/           commg changmg to cuakty assurance program for plant. units 1 & 2.                            -

03/31.1p. 64013.25144013251. MODES.M.C. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/26. CROSS.J.E. Duquesne Ught Co. I 2pp. 83722'11183722113. 1 S. ReporteWe occurrences, LERs & related correspondence 9605050302 Notifies NRC of mtenten to rewme schedule for autmetal of seisnue eval-untion rept based on revised schedules for refuehng outages.m ret to util920922 re-sponse to Suppe 1 to GL 87 02 on SOUG resolutson of USI A-46. 95051800e9 Part 21 rept to Model 200.227A.288A & 289A efferential pressure inseu. THOMAS.G.S. Duquesne L monts mfg w/B411 fluid possibly not functonmg if suty to radiaten held greater than 1 Co 95/04/26 Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 83839. 9 83839230. mdhon rads.Lono. term eva#uaten m progress ANDERSON.J. ITT Barton. 96/03/14. LAW 70N.R. Power Authonty of the State of New York (New Yors Power Authonty). $pp 83974 1634 3974-167. l 95,0,4,210293 inal disposstenGenonc Lir lessons of SEP 9544 toleamed all holders of OLs or gps for nuclear power reactors saues. l 9505180148 LER 95-00840 on 950326.HPCI sys Inoped on overspeed due to proco- ZIMMERMAN R.P. Associate Director for Proiscts (ADPA) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. i' Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 83757-02443757.037. i dure deficiency.Adiusted HPCI flow controller output cument hmits to imt saturaten of j controner.W/950$08 lir 95050$0119 Notihcaten of 950511 meetmg w/utils in Rockville.MD to inform NRC of

,   CHILDS.V SALMON.H P. Power Authonty of the State of how York (New York Power               plans to develop electrosleevmg & ensure that all techrucal concems are addressed

., Authonty).95/05/08 7pp. 84039.27344039.280-dunn0 cuakficatert DEMBEK.S. .95/05/02.HEBDON.F.J. . App.83822 148 43822:151.

  % Operator E                                                                              9505090141 informs that Wesinghouse 940729 sutmttal of propnetary rept WCAP.

1 14122. " Beaver Valley Urut 1 SG Tube Pluggmg Critens for inecations at Tube Sut>  ! 9505000049 informs that Region I wel no longer parbcipate e certifscate presentatens port Plates - Jul 1994," to be withheld from pubhc esciosure.per 10CFR2 790tb)(5). i to 4 censed operators & SRos. Iristead NRC will send certi fcates drectly to tacaktses. BRINKMAN.D.S. Protect Drectorate b2 (PD1-2) Post 941001). 95/05/02. l 4 wtGGINS.J.T. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/01. SALMON,H.P Power Authonty of LIPARULO.N.J. Westinghouse Electnc Corp. 4pp. 83856:106-83856.109. 1 the State of New York (New York Power Authonty). 2pp. 8381618743816.188. 9505120100 Forwards request for relie8 for noncode repair on MS dram kne SHPD.1 9505100132 Forwards both forms of exam. answer keys.graen0 results & indmdual 60142 tor NRC revow & approvalinforms that pmhole leak decovered in ime on answer sheet to 950405 GFE secten of operator hcensing exam admrustered to one 950428 wNch could not be moisted. , mduduatindmdual passed exam W/o enci. NOONAN.T.P. Duquesne Ught Co. 95/05/04. Document Control Branch (Docunent i MEYER.G W. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/03 SPOERRY D. Power Authonty of the Controi Desk).16pp. 83871:11243871:12?. ' State of New York (New York Power Authonty). 2pp. 83828.23443828235. 9505100187 Discusses NUREG.1511. "RV Status Rept." re NRC comprehenssve as. sessment of au PWR RPVs m US plants.Rept ideratied Beaver Vaney 1 & Pahsaces DOCKET 50 334 BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 as only plants protected to potentially exceed PTS screenmg cntens before end. , STROSNIDER.J R. .95/05/05 THADANI.A.C, . 8pp. 83906.34243906.349. F. Security, rnedecal, emergency & fire protection plane 9505190357 Forwards amends 187 & 69 to heanses OPR.66 & NPF 73. respectively & i SE. Amends revise TSs 34.9.3 & 34.11 to mcorporate changes to power operated l rehef valve TS in accordance w/ guidance ri GL 90 06 re Gls 70 & 94 i 9505100036 Advmes that Rev 24 to physcal secunty plan consstent w/ provisens of BRINKMAN.D.S. Propect Drectorate k2 (Pot.2) Post 941001) 95/05/15. CROSS.J E. 10CFR50.54(p) & acceptable for metusen rito pian. Duquesne Light Co. 3pp. 84002:03844002:103. JOYNER.J.H Regen 1 (Post $20201). 95/04/25 THOMAS.G.S. Duquesne Light Co 3pp. 83906:35343906.355. -9505190370 Amenos 187 4 60 to hcenses DPR46 & NPF.73.respectrvely, t TSs 3.4.9 3 & 3 411 to meorporate changes to PORV TS LAW guidance of GL 9505100041 Adeses that rev 24 to contmgency plan consstent w/ provisions of "Resoluten of GI 70. 'PORY & Block-.' & GI 94. 'Addl LTOP for LWRs."' 10CFR50.54(p) 4 acceptat9e for incluson mio plan. STOLZ J F. Propect Drectorate 5 2 (PD1-2) Post 941001). 95/05/15. 60pp. 84002 041-JOYNER.J H Regen 1 (Post $20201) 95/04/25. THOMAS G S. Duquesne Light Co. 84002.100. 3pp. 83906:356-83906.358

                                                                                            -4505190375 Safety evaluation supporiing amends 187 & 69 to kcenses DPR46 &

9505110132 Forwards EADS data poet library (DPL) change.m accordance w/NUREG- NPF 73 respectswely. 1394.Rev 1,Secten 3.6 DPL undergone change m he alarm setpoet.

  • Orfce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001). 95/05/15 3pp. 84002.101-THOMAS.G.S. Duquesne tsght Co. 95/04/25. Document Control Branch (Document 84002:103 Control Desk). 2pp. 83933.342 83933 343.

9505300441 Withdraws portons et 940831 proposed amends to audsts of

  $505190531 Forwards Rev 26 to issue 4 of Beaver Valley Power Staton physcal seco.            BVPS fire protecten program & changes to QA program to mtroduce 25 percent nty plan Enct withheid per 10CFR2.790td) & 10CFR73.21.                                    grace penod for suet frequencies THOMAS.G.S Duquesne Ught Co. 95/05/12. Document Control Branch (Document                   THOMAS.G.S Duquesne uoht Co. 95/05/18 Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk).1p. 84015.35244015.352.                                                     Control Desk). 3pp 84138.3$344138.355.

9505300441 Withdraws porters of 940831 proposed amends to auets of 9505000312 Genenc Lir 9242.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all holders of OLs (except those b. BVPS fire protection program & changes to QA program to mtroduce 25 percent conses amended to possesen.only statual or cps for nuclear power reactors te reac. grace penod for auet frequencies. tot vessel structural mtegnty. THouAS.G S. Duouesne bght Co. 95/05/18- Document Control Branch (Document ZiuMERMAN.R.P. Assocsate Drector for Propects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19 Control Desk). 3pp 84138 353.e4138 355. Consondated Eeson Co. of New York. loc.10pp 84084 35244084.361.

. . __ _ - . . _ _ . _ _ . . _ . .-__m ._m .- . - . _ _ . . - . , _ - . . . - . _ ..__,...-~_m .. __.___ _ 86 DOCKETEDITEMS 9006310062 Adases that plant has completed comemtment actutes necessary re reso. 9505180516 Forwards Rev 44 to physcal secunty plan.Ence withheld per luten of GL 93 04, " Rod Control Sys Fadure & W4ndrawal of Red Control Cluster As. 10CFR2 790(sH3L sembhes 10CFR50.54(f)." SAGER.D A. Fionoa Power & Lght Co. 95/05/09 Document Control Branch (Docu. THOMAS.G.S. Duquesne Lght Co. 95/05/19. Document Control Branch (Document ment Control Des 4.1p. 64015.34644015.346. Control Dee4.1p 64145:27344145273. 9506310644 Rev 28 to "Radosoccal Emergency Plan for St Luce Plant" W/950522 ltr.  ! 0805240436 Forwards Enwron Assessment & FONSI re iconses appbcaton for 950208 GOLDBERGJ H.. SAGER.D L Fionda Power & Lght Co. 95/05/11. 242pp. enemphon trom regurements of 10CFR73 55(dK5). 64143:001 44143.242 BRINKMAN.D.S. Propect Drectorate 12 (PD123 Post 641001). 95/05/22.CROSSJE. Duquesne Lght Co. 3pp. 64059.19144059200. 9506300008 Informs utd et results of renew of recent performance at St Luce facetty to determme N present planned msp effort for rest of current SALP cycle t>e rewmed

        -9006340436 Ermron _                      J & imdrq of no sqmhcant vnpact re leensee appica-                        tutore endmg oats of 960106.

Don tar 950208 exempton from recurements of 10CFR73.55(dx5) LANDIS.D.D. Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/18. GOLDBERG)H. Ficmda Power & STOLZJF. Propect Drectorate L2 (PD12) Post 941001). 95/05/22. 7pp. 64059194 Lignt Co. app.84077 002 44077:005. 64059.200. tamnw1 Ack focept of 950509 ftr forwardng Rev 44 to plant physcal secunty , plan.NRC tmas changes acceptable for mclusen mio plan. ( Q. Inspection reports, IE Bulisens & corroependence COLLINS.O.M. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/23. GOLDBERGJH. Fionda Power & LJgnt Co. 3pp. 641ue:347 44106.349. 1 9004190049NRC Into Notre 95024. " Summary of Licensed Operator Requahncaten inno Program Fndags " GRIMES.B.K. . 95/04/25. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. G. Agudicatory a _ 63757:0014 3757 012. 9604210127 Genere Ltr 95 03 to all holders of OLa or cps for PWRs te crcumferental evadable to , cracang of SG tut *L HELL.R.A. Omson of Freedom of informaten & Pubhcators Senaces (Post ' Z1MMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Projects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. 940714). 94/12/06.SAPORITO.TJ. Saponto, TJ.200. 63634:00543634.135. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York,Inc. tipp. 63757:01343757:023. 9505160101 Forwards Drector's Decnen DCwe5 07.denym0 petimons fWed on 940307 & 9505220047 Forwards Seisty Evaluaten & tecfmcel Itr rept grantmo eght & GenYm0 0607 requesen0 that NRC take escaisted enforcement acten agamst certam utd em. one resests for retof from recurements of ASME Code apphcatWe to second to.yr piovees for voletmg NRC recuremems. IS: miental for pent hcerme DPR46 LIEBERMAN.J. Olc of Enforcement (Post 870413). 95/05/11,SAPORITO.TJ. Sapor-STOLZ).F. Propect Drectorata 12 (PDt.2) Post 941001). 95/05/05. CROS$J.E. Du. Ito. TJ.1p. 83898.25943898.323, Queene Light Co. App.64000.276 44000298

                                                                                                                       -9506150136Drector's Decuen D0'95 07 denymg actons requested in ponton.smce
        ~9005230061 Safety evaluaton grantng oght & denymg one requests for rehof from                                     postener has not remed any usues that would warrant requested actons.

recurements of ASME Cooe apphcable to second 10 yr ISI mterval for plant.DPR46. LIEBERMAN.J. Ofc of Entorcement (Post 670413). 95/05/11. Saponto. TJ. epp.

  • Offce of Nutdear Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001). 95/05/05. 2pp 64000290" 63896.260 83898:267.

84000281. Documn m pomon M h D Semnto

        -9006230130 Technical ler rept s@porhng SE.grantmg eight & denyng one request for                              YdEgN, W msuance W                                                                      ;

rense from recurements of ASME Coos =*=*= to second 10-yr ISI mierval fo' LIEBERMANJ. Ofc of Enforcement (Post 870413). 95/05/11. 35pp. 83898.266-plant.ncense DPR46- 83096 323'

  • OHee of Nuc& ear Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001). 95/05/05.17pp. 64000:282 r 64000:298.

9tico190053 Forwards insp repts 50 334/95 07 & 50 412/95 07 on 950226 0417.No . Opereeng hoense stage documents & cormepondence [ nolatons noted.C/As to address weaknesses m root cause analyse of human per. formance problems do not appear lo be effectme. 9--a Forwards amends 135 & 74 to hcenses DPR47 & NPF.16. respectwely & , LINVtLLEJ.C. Regen 1 (Post 8202011. 95/05/10. CROSSAE. Duquesne Lignt Co. safety evaluahon. Amends we miocate seeme monitonng retrumentanon LCO.m & 3pp. 63973.10143973:138. assocated tables contasnod m TS3. NORRIS.J A. Protect Drectorate ti.1 {PD21) (Post 941001K 95/04/25.

        -40061900$$ insp repts 50'334/9547 & 50412/95-07 on 9502264417.No volabons                                          GOLDBERGJH. Flonds Power & Light Co. 3pp. 63752.22543752.246.

noted Mapor areas mspectedplant operatons. mamt & survosance engmeenng. plant support & safety : _.uguakty wanheaton. ^ " " ^ ^^^ Amenos 135 & 74 to bconnes OPR47 & NPF.16.respectnrefy. relocatmg LAZARUS,W). Regen t (Post 020201). 95/05/08. 36pp. 8397310443973:136. sesme morntonng monumentation LCO.SR & assocated tables contened m Te i, UFSAR. L 9605050171 NRC Info Noece 95425. "Velve Fa4ure Dunng Patent Treatment w/ MAT 1 HEWS.D B. Profoct Drectorate H-1 (PD21) (Post 941001). 95/04/25.16pp.  ! Gamme Stereotacte Radosurgery Unst" 63752.226-83752.243. COOL.D.A. Dmsen of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. L Conschdated Edmon Co. cf New York. Inc. 9ap. 84007.18244007:190. TT^ T .TTT Safety evaluaten s@portng amends 135 & 74 to bconses DPR47 4 NPF.16,respectively.

  • OMice of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001). 95/04/25. 3pp. 83752:244-R. Perlade operating reports & reassed corroependence 83752Jt46.

9905100143 Monthiv operabng for Apr 1995 for BVPS. W/950505 ftr. 9004210393 Genanc Lir 9544 to aH holders of OLs or cps for nucisar power reactors JONES.D.T NOONAN.T.P. Lsgnt Co. 95/04/30, epp. 83875 063 re fmal dmoosmon of SEP lessons 4eamed usues. 83875.091' ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Drector for Pro,ects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Consoisdated Edson Co. of New Yor16. Inc.14pp. 83757.02443757 037 ) S. Reportshee occurrences, L&Re & reisted correependence 9506190301 Informs of NRC behet that formal consultaten w/Natenal Manne Fshenes  ; Svc.necessary as reported m Annual Envronmental Operstmg Rept 1994-Volume 1 & 5 9505240370 LER 9#005 00:en 950420.TS 3.0.3 entry occurred due to moiaton of CR emergency breathsng er pressunzation sys. Revoed proceeres to isolate CREBAPS ph "[hr PD21) (post 941001) 95/05/10. GOLDBERG).H. Fionda Power & Lght Co. 3pp. 8399t2974399t301. headers donng CR raeaten monnor testmg W/950518 ter FREELAND.LR. Duquesne Lsght Co.95/05/18. 5pp. 64078.11444078:118. ~9505190300 informs that NRC behoves that formal consultaten w/Nati Manne Fisher. ses Svc.necessary based on meressmg number ce federally protected sea turtles bemg V. Operator Es- removed trorn St Luce mtake canal m recent months VARGA.S.A. Dnnsen of Reactor Protects t/II (DRPE) Post 941001L 95/05/11. KAMMERER.A.J. Commerce Dept. of. Natenal Marine Fahenes Servce. 2pp. 9605090058 informs that Regen I will no longer partcipate m certifcate presentatens $3991.300 83991:301. to teensed operators & SRos. Instead.NRC we send certifscates drecDy to facshties. WtGGINSJ T. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/01. CROS$J E. Duquesne Light Co. 9605100414 Requests formal consultabon w/Nati Manne Fahenes Svc re sea turtles 6 2pp. 83816.22443816.225. per 50CFR402.secten 7.NRC intenas to prepare ticlogcal assessment to determene level of wnpact plant opersson may have on see turtles VARGA.S.A Desen et Reactor Protects t/II (DRPE) Post 941001). 95/05/11. DOCKET 50-335 ST. LUCIE PLANT, UN!T 1 KAMMERER.AJ. 3pp. 83964:357 43964.359. I 9506240102 Appi bon for amends to heenses DPR47 & NPF.16 re admrustrative & p, g, gg SAGN.A. Fionda Power & lsght Co. 95/05/17. Document Control Branch (Docu. . 9505050112 Forwares msp repts50-335/95 08 & $0 389/95 08 on 950327 31No vols. ment Control Desk).11pp. 6407211444072.134. tons or dovutens noted. COLLINS.D.M. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/20. GOLDBERG.J.K Fionda Power & -9505240105 Proposed tech specs to admmetrative & conforming update. Lagni Co. 3pp. 83768.34843758 351.

  • Fionda Power & (.sght Co.95/05/17.10pp. 84072.12544072134.
         -9506050122 Partially unthheld insp repts50 335/95 00 & 50 389/9548 on 950327 31                               9505240223 Apphcaten for amend to Icense DPR47.extendmg appleabshty of current (ret 10CFR73 21LNo violabons or dovutions noted.                                                               RCS pressure / temp knwts & maxsmum allowed RCS heatup & cooldown rates to 23 6 TOBIN.W., MCGUIRE.D. Regon 2 (Post 620201). 95/04/20. 1 p. 8375e:351                                           Effectrve Full Power Yrs of operatort                                              '

813758 351. SAGER.DA Fionde Power & Lagne Co 95/05/17. Document Control Branch (Docu. ment Control Desk).17pp. 64072.32H4072.350. 9505020264Docusses Regen ll review of Rev 27 to plant emergency plan.Revew on Modes 5 & 6 EALs scenanos identifed m whch EALs as wntion would tad to support -9505240234 Proposed toch specsextendmg apphcabehty of current RCS pressure / classsfcaten levels miended. temp brruts & mammum allowed RCS heatup & cooidown rates to 23 6 Effectve Full CLIN .W . Regen 2 (Post 820201) 95/04/25. GOLDBERGJH Flanda Power & Power Yrs of operaten. Lgnt Co. App. 83691:1394 3691-142.

  • Fionda Power & Lsgnt Co.95/05/17. 9pp 84072:342-84072:350.
 - - . ~ . - - . . - ~ - . - . . ~ . . - ~.-                                -. - ~ . . . ___                    .. ~ . ~ - - - - - . - . - . ~ - . .                                      _~ . - - -                  . -    - _ ~ . _

h DOCKETEDITEMS 87 9605200042 Forwards amend to hcenses DPR47 & NpF 18.eevismg piant TS taNo B 3/ DOCKET $0 336 MILLSTDNE NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT 2 4.41 for eacts unst.per Itr w/crianges otd 931115 T5 tatde B 3/4 41 enct NORRIS.JA Protect Directorate li-1 (PD21) (Post 941001). 95/05/17. GOLDBERGJM. Fionda Power & Lsght Co. 5pp. 64083:13644083:140. F. securuy snedecel, senertency & fre protection plans I e 9505090312 Genenc Lir 9242.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all holders of OLs (except those b } conses amended to ; . My status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac- 9500030200 Forwards insp repts 50-245/95 07.50 336/9507 & 50423/95 07 on i tar vessed structural mtegnty. 9502084321 Violations noted ZlMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Deector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 9410011 95/05/19 DURRJP. Regeon 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/26.OPEKAJF. Northeast Nuclear Energy Conso6 dated Edison Co. of New York, Inc.10pst 84064.35244084.381. Co. app. 83722:18043722.235. O. Inspection mports,IE Sulistins & cormopondence -9500030267 Nohce of violation from map on 9502084321 Violation noted fadure to im. i piement controls to mamtam CR hatutatphty.tadure to adequately teah test 5 contam-rnent solation valves & tessure to adeouately unplement GA SR. 9508020087 Forwards map repts 50 335/95 07 & 50 389/9507 on 950305 0401.Non-

  • Region 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/26. Spp. 83722.18443722-188  ;

cned violations noted. LANDIS.K.D Re0cn 2 (Post $20201). 95/04/19 GOLDBERGJH Fionda Power & -9606030271 insp repts 50245/95 07.50-336/95 07 & 50423/95 07 on 950208-Light Co. 3pp. 83690$2343690:054. 0321 violabons noted.Maior areas mapected: plant operatons.radclogeal

                       -9600020070 ansp repts50-335/95 07 & 50-389/95JD7 on 9503054401.Noncned no.

labons noted.Masor areas espected operatens revow.mant ooservanons.survenience CHOIS"O E gion P 820 ) '9 1 p"p 3 N 35. TT .R$., Olk.K.D 2 20 ) 9 /04/18. 29pp. 83690:026, 9505100030 Forwards map repts 50-245/9513.50 336/9513 & 50423/9513 on ' 83690.054. 950328 31.No votatens or safety concerns noted. l JOYNERJH. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/28. OPEKAJF. Northeast Nuclear j 960E060112 Forwards msp repts50-335/95-05 4 50 389/95-08 on 950327.31.No vela. Energy Co. 3pp. 83628 04543828954 tens or devotens noted. 1 COLLINS.D.M. Regen 2 (Post $20201195/04/20. GOLDBERGJH. Flonda Power & 9505100062Parbalty withheld insp repts 50 245/95-13.50 336/95 13 & 50423/95-13 Light Co. 3pp. 83758 34843758.351. on 95032tk31 (ret 10CFR73 21).No votetens or safety concems noted Mapor areas mapacted effectiveness of mgt controis.necunty plan & implementmg procedures

                       -95050$0122Part ally withheld insp repts50-335/95 08 4 50 389/95 08 on 950327 31                                  ALBERT,RJ Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/28. 7pp. 83828.04843528:054.

(ret 10CFR73.21).No volatons or dovetens noted. TOBIN.W., MCGUIRE.D. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/20. 1p. 83758.351" 9506190282 Forwards addl mfo requested m NRC 950320 str to proposed rev to TS re 83758.351. EDG tue# od supply transmated m 941130 lir. Rev 1 to Calculaton 9180P413 ES. eratng W/24.000 Gah Desel M C & W pages amo 9504190049 NRC Info Nonce 95424. " Summary of Lscensed Operator Requalthcaten [,g(2 enso Program Feengs? OPEKAJF MILLER.D.B. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. OPEKAJ F. Northeast Utah-GRIMES.B.K. . 95/04/25. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 12pp. ties Servce Co.95/05/08. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 7pp. 83757-001 43757.012- 83978 901 43978:044 0'* D ' " ot A t Ea -9505150290 Rev 1 to "MP2 EDG Operatmg Tone W/24.000 Gallons Diesel Fuei 04 SAGER.DA Fionda Power & Lsgnt Co 95/04/27. Document Control Branch (Docu. AvadatHe at Contmuous Rated Load of 2.750 kW Fuel Consumpton" W/escorpts ment Control Desk).1p. 83799.24243799.280. kom MP2 EDG fuel od supply procedures.EPIP 4400.Rev 2 & Rev 7 to EOP 25400 & EOP 2528.

                         ".             . . "St Luce Nuclear Plant Unit 1 Second ISI intervei Request for Adenza.'                       KOMOSKY.G.E WELLS.R W. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co, 91 MOP 413 ES R01.

Don of Altomatve Examy 94/08/19. 33pp. 83978.00843978044

  • Flonda Power & Leght Co. PSL 100-AOA-951 R00. 95/04/05. 38pp. 83799.243-83799.280. 9906240211 Provides NRC w/rewmed schedJe for emplementaten of revised EAL tatHet at Maddam Neck & Millstone piartts 9504210127 Genenc Lir 95 03 to an holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re orcumlerental OPEKA.J F. Connectcut Yarmee Atome Power Co OPEKAJF. Northeast Nuclear 0f SG tubes Energy Co. OPEKAJF. Northeast utdstes Service Co 95/05/12. Document Control 9IMME Z MAN.R.P. Assocate Director for Pro,ects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 64083:33144083.332.

Conso6 dated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. tipp. 83757:013-83757423 9505110038 Summary of950410 meetmg w/ncensee m Atlanta.GA re self-assessment 04 ed'votat s of plant performance.SALP pered wel be extended from 18 to 24 rnanths. currently DURRJP Regen 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/15.OPEKAJF. Northeast Nuclear Energy scheduled for960106 W/ attendance not & handout. Co. 3pp. 64021:019 44021:044' LANDISKO. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/01. GOLDBERGJH. Flonda Power & Lsgnt Co. 65pp. 8385100143851965. p jg , 9505110025 Forwards mso repts50 335/95 06 & $0 389/95 06 on 950403 07.No vote. 0425.Nonened votatons adentiteaMaior areas mapected: punt opersbons/adc6ogical tors or devatons noted controls,mant, survashance.secunty a outage actrwtses. l BARR.K.P. Regen 2 (Post 8*0201). 95/05/05 GOLDBERGJH. Flonda Power g NICHOLSON.LE. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/09. 22pp. 6402102244021944 Light Co. 3pp. s3850 28943850 307. 9505300448 Revned EPIPs.mel Rev 1 to EPIP 4405.Rev 1 to Emergency Pan Op.

                       -9505110027                         335/9508 & 50389/9506 on 95040347.No violabons                                eraan0 Procedure (EPOP) E              4411.Rev 0 to EPOP 4411A.Rev 0 to EPOP noted.Mact ansp     areasrepts mspe50'ctedorganizanon    of Chemetry Dept & Radwasta                               44118.Rev 2 to EPOP4412.Rev 1 to EPOP 4417.Rev 3 to EPOP 4419 & Rev 1 to Group, audits pnmary water cherrustry & Annual Radcactive Effluent Radweste Grouo.                             EPOP 4422 CARRION.R.P., DECKER.T.R. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/05.16pp. 83850.292                                      MCCANCE.7,. RODGERS.R.C., DEVEAU.MJ Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. 95/05/


22. 767pp. 84139.00144141239.

9509000171 NRC Info Nobce 95 025. " Vane Fadure Dwmg Patent Treatment w/ Gamma Stereotache Radesurgery Unit" g, a,ar -seatory c'" " COOLDA Divison of industnal & Madcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. j Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. anc. 9pp. 84007:182 44007:190. 9505190173 Provides status of Drector Decison re petton per 10CFR2.206 of 9505300000 Informs utd of results of review of recent performance at St Luce tacIrty to 940303 Adnses that Drector Deceson saiould be asued shortly.provided no unexpect. determine il present planned map ettort for rest of current SALP cycle tie towned ed events emet. VISSING.G S Pro,ect Drectorate betere endmg Gate of960106. 1-4 (PD14) (Post 941001). 95/05/09. 1 LANDIS.D D. Regen 2 (Post $20201). 95/05/18. GOLDBERG.J.H. Flonda Power & GAVENSKY.R. Affshaton Not Assigned. 2pp. 81984.19543984.196. Ls0ht Co. 4pp. 64077:00244077.005. 9506190108Prowdes update on five cd 10CFR2.206 petitons.dtd941230. 950102.08 & 9506310099 Forwards insp repts 50-335/9549 & $0 389/95 09 on 950402-29 Non' 15 NRC currently revowing mfo provced m pettons &.as stated m NRC 960223 cited molabons roted- tir.acton was be taken on AJ Ross request withm reasonable ame LANOIS,K.D. Regon 2 (Poet $20201). 95/05/19 GOLDBERG.J H. Flonde Power & i Light Co. 3pp. 84096 01841096.udo- ANDERSEN.J W Prosect Drectorate 6 3 (PD1-3) (Post 941001). 95/05/09. ROSS.A.J l Afhhaton Not Assegned. 2pp. 83984197 83984198

                       -9505310101 insp repts50-335/95 09 4 50 389/95 09 cri 950402 29.Non. cated vois-ton          noted Masar       areas     inspected plant           operatens    renew,mamt observa1 eons.survedlance observaters & plant s@ port.                                                      H. General correspondence PREVATTE.R.L., LANDIS.K.D. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/19 20pp. 84096 021 84096$40.                                                                                                   9505220105 Comment oppoamg proposed rowson to 10CFR50. App J "Contamment teakaoe Testm0  to adopt performance 4 rented & nak based approaches.

C Porto6c operstmg reports & rotated ~"- SCACLS E. Northeast Utahtees. 95/05/08 HOYLEJC. Oftce of the Secretary of the Commason. 3pp. 83985.14743985'149. 9506000143 Prowdes requested venfcabon of 1993 raccachve affluent release data for SA ER.DA Flanda Power & Light Co 95/04/27. TICHLERJ Brookhaven Nanonal I ""*"" l Laboratory. App. 83873 179 43873.182-l 9605030186 1994 annual fmancel rept to US Secuntes & Exchange Comemsson for 9505220139 Monthly operat ng repts for Apr 1995 for St Luce W/950516 ftr. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co & North Atlante Energy Svc Corp.W/950428 Itr. ROGERSJA.. SAGER.D.A Flonda Power & Light Co. 95/04/30. 9pp. 84038 345- GUGLIELMO.F.J. Northeast Uthtes Servce Co 94/12/31. 102pp. 83801$40 84038 353. 83801:141

. .- ... -- . _ . - - , - _ . _ . - - ~ . - . - -- .. .- . - 1 I l 88 DOCKETEDITEMS P. Operating hoenae stage documents & corresponalence 9506310450 Prowdes mio committed to m950404Itr to NRC re readmess assessment team msp.includmg maior actutes yet to be completed,startg cmens & startup as- t 4 w RC 950 Itr centifyng moues to NNECO re ac. ses ntjes as uclear Energy Co. OPEKA.J.F. Northeast Uthties Servce Co. OPEKAJ F. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. OPEKAJF. Northeast Utikhes Sennce Co. 95/05/25. Document Control Brance (Document Control Desk).13pp. 84163.141-95/04/25. MARTIN.T.T. Regen 1 (Post 820201).16pp. 83803 29143803:310. 84163.174. -9606040426 "*LPCI/CS Pump Motors Potential of inadequate Bend Radius on Ray. -H06310466 " Millstone Urvt 2 Startup Assessment Team (SAT) Revow Fmal Rept." enom Spbces' Operatety Evaluatiort"

  • Northeast Nuclear Energy Co.96/05/18. 21pp. 84163.15444183174.
  • Northeast Nucisar Energy Co. PIR 94427. 94/12/15. dop. 83803:30743803.310.

Samananes, Fe, wards "Notee of Cormadersten of tasuance of Amerd to Ucense & Pro. Q. irtspectson reports,lE Buhetmo a corroepondence posed NSHC Detemunaten & Opportunrty tor Heanng." Proposed amend would VYi ector D1 (Post 941001). 95/04/26. OPEKA,J F. Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co. OPEKAJF. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. m W " ** " " 4pp. 83759.20743759.218' GRtMES.8 K. . 95/04/25. Consolidated Eeson Co. of New York. inc. 12pp. 83757:001 43757.012. NSHC he revises T 31.2 map repts 50 245/9507.50 336/M7 & W23/9507 on VISSibS Pro,ect Duectorate 64 (PD14) (Post 941001). 95/04/26. Opp. DURRJP. 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/28.OPEKAJ.F. Northeast Nuclear Energy 83759.211 43759.218. Ca app. 837 1M722.235. 9506230094 Comment to proposed GL concommg pressure loclung & thermal bandmg -9506030267 Notce of volanon trorn map on 950208 0321.Veienon noted fa4ure to sm-of safety 4eisted power operated gate valves. Valves unose safety functon to close & piement controis to mentam CR habitabehty.fa4ure to adequalety leak test 5 contam. remem closed or valves that remain open should be escluoed from proposed GL ment molaten valves & fa4ure to adequate #y ._ ._ J CA 3R OPEKA.J.F. Northeast Nucoser Energy Co. 95/04/2E Dmson of Freedom of informa.

  • Regon 1 gPost 820201). 95/04/26. 5pp. 83722:18443722-188.

ton & Pubhcatens Sennces (Post 940714). 7pp. 64001.34244001.348.

                                                                                                   -9606030271 Insp repts 50-245/9507.50 336/9507 & 50 423/9507 on 950208-9504210293 Genonc Ltr 9504 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reacters                    0321.Volatens             noted Masor armes          inspected:pient operatons.radc6ogcal re fmal depoeston of SEP lessons 4eamed issues                                                     contro6s.mant.survediance. outage erz             T- % & bconsee seit-assessment ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Director for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28.                      NICHOLSON.L.E. Rogert 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/17. 47pp. 83722:18943722:235.

Conschdeted Edman Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 83757:024 4 3757:037. 9604210127 Generc Lir 9503 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs to cecumferental 9006100236 Forwards amend 187 to hcense DPR45 & safety evaluaten. Amend creceung of SG tubes. changes SR 4 81.2J by revismo surveisance mterval for Type A tests. ZlMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Propects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. VISSING.G.S. Prosect Drectorate B 3 (PD1-3) (Post 941001L 95/05/03. OPEKAJ F. Coneohdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. 83757:01343757:023. Connecteut Yankee Asome Power Co. OPEKAJ.F. Nortneast Niclear Energy Co. 3pp. 83873:00143873:010 9606100030 Foiwards insp repts 50 245/9513.50338/9513 & 50-423/9513 on -9606100230 Amend 187 to iconse DPR45.changmg SR by reveme surved- go wN 1"g,"*'t 82020 95 28. OPEKAJE Northeast Nuclear nergy a 838204543828m E Or ate 13 (PD13) (Post 941001). 95/05/03. 4pp. j 83873.004-83873 007. -9605100062Perhally withheid map repts50 245/9513.50-336/95 13 & 50423/9513 on 95032531 (ret im73.24No velatons a saMy concenu noted Malm areas -9606100244 Safety everuation supportng amend 187 to bcense DPR45

  • Off Nuclear Reactor Regulanon (Post 941001). 95/05/03. 3pp. 83873 008-
                                                                                                     '"L%B A          R                  G        p" '                  )                  838bo48-     ;

83628 054. 9506150362 Forwards addl mio requested in NRC 950320ler re proposed rev to TS re EDG fuel os suoply transmmed m 941130 fir. Rev 1 to Calculaton 91-80P413ES. 9606100066 Forwards inno repts 50 245/9514.50338/9514 & $0-423/95-14 on MP2 EDG Operatng Time W/24.000 Gasons Desel Fuei 04. " & EOP pages also g k N,

  • p,,, 8 201). 95/04/28 OPEKA.J.F. Northeast Nuclear Energy OPEKAJF., MILLER.D.B. Northeast Nucinar Energy Co. OPEKAJF. Northeast Unli. Co. 3pp. 838 1 43852:009.

Co 5/08. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 7pp.

                                                                                                   -95M100000h W WW W N m NM %W W W W h stances were sound where NRC was not notated withm 30 ceys.

-9606150250 Rev 1 to "MP2 EDG Operstmg Twns W/24.000 Ganons Dieset Fuel Og

  • Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/28.10. 83852:00443852-004.  ?

Available at Conhnuous Rated Load of 2.750 kW Fuel Consumpnon." W/ excerpts from MP2 EDG fust as supply procedures.EPIP 4400.Rev 2 & Rev 7 to EOP 25408 & - H06100072 Insp repts 50 245/9514.50 338/9514 & 50 423/9514 on 950403-EOP 2528 07.Velatons noted,Maior areas mapacted:observaton of swnulator & classroom tam-KOMOSKY.G.E., WELLSAW. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. 91-MOP 413-ES R01. for Urut 1. 94/08/19. 33pp. 83978.00843978.044. eyi40.C.E., MEYER.G.W. Regen 1 (Post $20201). 95/04/28. 5pp. 83852:005-S 83852:009 9605340079 Provides schedule for submntmg wntten response to RAI re IPE. OPEKAJ.F. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co OPEKAJ F. Northeast Utdities Service Co. 9506100031 Forwards combmed insp repts 50 245/9511.50 338/95 11 & 50-423/95-95/05/17. Document Connel Branch (Document Contrce Desk). 2pp. 840dL1335- it on 940320 23 & 27-31 & nouce of violatiort Defcsencies of concem becanise 84083.336. desagn change revows do not always meet timedmess rooured. RULAND.W Rcgon 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/10. OPEKAJF. Northeast Nuclear 9906300378 Forwards Amend 188 to Lcense DPR45 & safety evaluators Amend re- Energy Co. 3pp. 83973.04243973:063. vees TS to mcorporate addl sectons & associated SRs & bases m plant TS. VISSING.G.S. Protect Drectorate B-3 (PD1-3) (Post 941001). 95/05/17. OPEKAJ F. -9605190037 Notee of volation from map on 940320 31 Volatons noted: coridaten ad-Connecacut Yankee Atorme Power Co. OPEKAJF. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co- verse to cuanty not promptly identsfed & corrected m that easign detcency affectog app. 84099:08244099:103- unoorvoltage moduies m Urul 2 ESFAS cabmets ret fuit evaluated

       =0=1 A,ne,id in to Lcense DPR45.,eveing TS to mecrporate addi sectare &                       "**8*"""'''''"'~''*~

assocated SRs & bases suo piant TS. -9505190048 insp empts 50-245/9511,50 336/9511 & $0423/9511 on 950320-MCKEE,P.F. Pro,ect Drectorate 6 3 (PD13) (Post 941001). 95/05/17. 12pp. 31Venatens noied.Maior areas mapoctedrevew of design change & plant mod 84099 0864409t097. process.techncal & safety evaluanons of plant dessgn change requests & piant -9608280383 Safety evaluston supporting Amend 188 to Lcense DPR45 [LA GRECAA. RULAND.W.H. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/10. 15pp.

  • Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001). 95/05/17. 8pp. 84099:098- 83973 047 83971063.

84099 103. 9505340271 Forwards amend 189 to lconse DPR45 & safety evaluatert Amend re- 9505050171 NRC Into Notce 95 025. ," Valve Fa4ure Dunng Patent Treatment w/ hI sens of TS 3 0 & 0 not for mto Mode 4 ooe COOL D Divison el & Medcal Nuclear Safety fPost $70729). 95/05/11. Consondated Edson Co of New % inc. 9pp. 84007:182-84007:190. vtS$1NG.G.S. Protect Drectorate 6 3 (PD1-3) (Poet 941001). 95/05/18 OPEKA).F. ee Power Co. OPEKAJ F. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co' 9505230198lnforms NRC of change e date for presentm0 ute plan for conductmg sett-assessment usmo SWS operatonal performance map moduie at faceity -9606240381 Amend 189 to heense DPR45.revemg TS 312 4. "Chargmg PumpsOp. OPEKAJF. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co OPEKAJP. Northeast Uthtes Sennce Co. 95/05/12. Docunwnt Coritrol Branch (Document Control Deskt 2pp. 84083 244-erstmg." by addog note that mdcates Inst proveens of TS30.444.0.4 ret apphes. J ble for entry ento Mode 4 from Mode 6 84083.245. l MCKEE.P.F. Proect Drectorate 63 (PD13) (Post 941001). 95/05/18. Sop. 84042.329 4 4042.334. 9505240148 Ack receipt of 950413 ltr mtormm0 NRC of steps taken to correct veintions noted m mso rept50-336/9502 on 950308. -9006290043 Safety evaluston supperimg amend 189 to bcense DPR45. DURR4P. Reg on 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/12.OPEKAJF. Northeast Nuclear Energy

  • Oftce of NucJear Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001) 95/05/18. app 84042.335 Co. 2pp. 84021.35144021.360.

84042.338 9505240229Provides updated response dates to certam NRC open items on piant Urut 9506000312 Genorc Lir 92 02.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all hosoars of OLs (except those 6- 2 eiectncal estntmten sys functonal map to map rept50-336/93-81 Revised scheduie conses amended to possescrKmly status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac- enct. tor vessel structural enegnty. OPEKAJ F Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. OPEKAJ.F. Northeast Utdstes Sonnce Co. ZIMMERMAN R.P. Associate Drector for Propects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19 95/05/12. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 5pp. 64073:081-Conschdated Ed son Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. 84084.35244084.361. 84073:085. I 1

  -           . . . . . . . -                    -- ~ . - - - . . . .. ..--. - - - . . .-.                                       . ._. .           c   - -- -- .                           . ~-.

DOCKETEDITEMS 89 9505240058 Forwards map repts 50-245/9512.50 336/9512 & 50423/9512 on DOCKET 50-33a NORTH ANNA POWER STATION, UNIT 1 950322 0425 Nonceted volatons s3entsfed. DURR J P. Repon 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/15 OPEKA,J.F. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. 3pp. 84021:01944021 044 F. Security, med cat, emergency & fars protection piens

      = ^^^^ t insp repts 50245/9512.55336/9512 4 50-423/9512 on 950322-0425.Noncsted wolabons carmfed.Masor areas mapocted piant operatons/adelopcal 9505180111 Advres that rev 18 to emer                 tan Consistent w/plannmg sids of controls.mamt, survedlanceascunty & outage achetes-10CFR50 47(b) & recure. vents of 10CFR . App .

NICHOLSON.LE. Repon 1 (Post $20201L 95/05/09. 22pp. 84021:022 44021:044. BARR K.P Regon 2 (Post 820201t 95/05/04.O'HANLONJP. Vrpne Power (Vrpn-e Electnc & Powse Co.). 3pp. 83952.163 83952:165. 9505260330 Forwards results of snap performed dunng wk of941205 on operat2ty de- 9505180536 Fpan-e Rev 37 to phyncal secunty an.Ence withheld per 10CFR73.21. A.J orthe uclear OPEKAJF. Northeast Utmties Serwce Co' 95/05/18 . Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 7pp. 84104.112- Br M1 015 3 44 .351' O' 0' 9505230349 Advmes that 950307 rev 36 to physcal secunty plan consstent w/prowb 9505310003 "NRC Northeast Nuclear Energy Co $50.000 for Al- g,g

                                                                                                      **" C'g R

2 201). 95/05/12. O'HANLON,J.P. Vrgna Power Men a Esctnc & c wer Co ). 3pp. 84058.35744058.359, ce of Pubhc ANars (Post 911117). 95/05/25. 200 84162:01644162-017. 9505220254 Accepts uti response to NRC Bullehn 9241 "Fadure of Thermo Lag 330 R. Portodic operating reports & reisted c .- , o Fro Barner Sys." ENGLE.LB. Proiect De actorate 611 (PD21) (Post 941001L 95/05/17. O'HANLONJP. 95050500e0 " Annual Radesebve Emuent Root 1994." W/950428 Itr. OPEKAJF. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. OPEKAJF. Nonheast Utilities Sorwce Co 94/12/31.123pp. 83827:10243827.224- 9505260177 Forwards ress to corporate emergency response plan enanual mcluen0 revs to corporate implen entmg procedures. 9505050070 " Annual Radeiopcal Envron Operatng Rept Mdistone Nuclear Power Sta. O NANLONJP. Vrgna oower (vrpne Electnc & Power Co). 95/05/17. Document Control Branch (Documer 1 Control Desk). 3pp. 84088.17744088.315. Don Jan Dec 1994." W/950428 ttr. OPEKAJF. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. OPEKAJF. Northeast Utdstes Serwce Co. .9505360106 Rev 4 to **Co corate Emergencv Response Plan." 94/12/31.100pp. 83847:08243847.182. COLLINSJE. v Ptwer (vrpne Electnc & Power Col 95/04/26. 71pp. 9505110204 Forwards "Armuel Envron Protecten Plan Operetng Rept Jan. Dec 1994 8408818044M8. 50.

       &"                     Manne Erwron of Long tenand Sound at M41 stone Nuclear Poww          -9505200191 Revoed EPIPtincludeg rev 4 to CPIP.21/ev 4 to CPIP 3.0 rev 3 to Staten.Wa              d.CT Annual Rept 1994-                                                  CPIP-3.2.rev 4 to CPIP4.0 4, rev 4 to CPIP.7.0.

MILLER.D B Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. 95/04/27. Document Control Branch COLLINSJE. Vrgna Power (Vrgna Electne & Power Col 95/05/01 65pp. (Document Control Desk) 1p. 83946.00143946256-84088.251 44088:315. O Q.Envron of Long Island Sound at Mdistone Nucicar 9505300102 Advoes of results of 950316NRC rnanagers renew of recent performance nt p nned sp ettort for rest of SALP cycle should be KESER.M. Northeast Utdrhes Seewce Co.94/12/31. 241pp. 83946:01643946 256. (  % and LANDIS.K.D Regen 2 (Post 020201). 95/05/17. CHANLONJP. Vrgna c'ower (Vr. 95,0,,5240345MontNy operstng repts for Apr 1995 for MNPS Uruts 1.2 & 3. W/950511 grua Esectnc & Power Col spa 84077:04644077:050. i N G BOR E ., HUDSON.1 E. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. 95/04/ 9505310107 Forwards esp repts 50-336/95 07 & 50-339/95 07 on 950424-28.No vols. bons noted. i CASTO.CA R vn 2 (Post 821201) 95/05/23 O'HANLONJP. Vrgna Power (Vr- )

8. Reportable occurrences LERa & related correspondence gna Electnc & .erCoA app.84096 041 4 4096.050. i
                                                                                                   -9505310125 trwp repts 50 338/1547 & 50 339/9547 on 950424-28.No velabons 9505250259Ack receipt of mtemet mad from P Blanch dtd 950302 re event at plant                    voted Magr seas repected:nme of uN nonsafety relaw secunty rwetw fadures &

sure tunding of MOvs. OLINSKI.J A. NRC - No Detaded Afhhaton Gwen. 95/03/03. RUSSELLW., MIRAGUA.F. THADANI.A. NRC . No Detaned AfNanon Gwen.1p. 84075.197- assocated SALGADO.N.L.C/As' SHYMLOCK.M.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/23. 6pp. l 84096.045 84096-050. j 84075.198.

    -9504110238 Reauests that NRC prowde ento even event cesenbad m into Notee 95-                         W27 Forwams r                                                       ' '" ""'

l un hon * "w thh'e i j 14 for unn 2 re tadure of contamrnent sump valves. e,,,, % 7Fgna Power Nr yrna Electne & Power Co ). 95/05/25. Document i B M AtNeton Not Assigned. 95/03/02. ZWOLINSKl,JA .1p. 84075.198- o.HAN I Control Branch (Document Controf Lesk). 5pp. 8416225144182:255. l l 9505110234 LER 95414 00 on 950404.conenuous fire watch was found sleepec m West 4a0 voit sw'tchgear room due to personnel error. Posted another monnouaI as P. Operating hoense sta9e documents & _ . fro watch.W1950502 Itr. LUTZl.PJ. MILLER.D.B. Northeast Nuclear Ene gy Co. 95/05/02. 4pp. 83938.270- 9505030335 Forwards excerpted portoin of Westmghouse rept desenbmg changes to 83938.273. Westmghouse ECCS evaluaton modeis emphcabie to plants & have been implement-ed donng_ CYS4. info re effect of ECCS evamsten enodel changes also enct 9505250094 LER 9541540:on 950418. crane operanon over spent fuel pool w/emer. O'HANLONJP. Vrgna Power (Vrona Eiactne & Power Co195/04/25. Document 9ency vencia on inoperable occurred due to amassemoly of rnam exhaust Control eranen (Document Contros cesq. 21pp. 8380e 00ie3808:021 tan installed typass jumper to blarm o rf openmg m duciwork W/950518 lir. $ LUT21.PJ, MILLER.D.B. Nodheast Nucteer Energy Co. 95/05/18. 4pp. 84078146 9505020379 RAI to complete renew of ptInt IPE mpt subtrutted on 921214 84078.149. BOWUNG.M.L Vrprua Power Electnc & Power Co). 95/04/27. Document Control Branch (Document Control L 73pp 82762.212-83762284.  ; 9505310272 LER 9541640on 950428. operator w/mactwe SRO Scanse assumed poss- j ton of fuel handhng SRO tor movemern at upper guide structure mto RV. Caused by 9504210293 Genere Lir 95 04 to all holders of OLs er cps for nuclear power reaciers faeure to recogrure machve status.Onefing conducted.W/950526 ftr. re hnal disposeen of SEP sessons4eame 1 maues LUTZl.PJ, MILLER.D.B. Nortneast Nuclear Energy Co MILLER.O.B. Northeast Ubh. ZIMMERMAN.R P. Associate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28 bes Sennce Co.95/05/26. 4pp. 84162 078 84162.081. Consohdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 83757.024-83757:037  ; 9505090018Prowdes comments on EPA P4 re entera for certfcaton & determmation V. Operator Eaaminstona of waste notabon peat plant compience =v/ envron standads for mgt & deposal of SF.high4evel & transuranc radwastes Guc ance re categorcavm needed. 9505100058 Forwards map repts 50 245/9514.50-336/9514 & 50 423/95 14 on BOWUNG.M.L Vrgna Power (Vrg. rua Ele::tnc & Power Col 95/04/28 Envronmen-95040347 & nobce of velabon. tal Protecten Agency. 2pp. 8389629143814.292. MEYER.G R 1 (Post 820201k 95/04/28. OPEKAJF Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. 3pp. 8385 00143852 009 9505050101 Forwards amends 190 & 171 to hcenses NPF.4 & NPF-7 & Safety l evaluaten. Amends rowse NA 142 T5 by duenng recurements to penodcally rowew

     -9505100000Notce of voisbon from meo on 950403 07 Velaton noted: four hated m.                    admmstratwo & techncar procedures stances were found where NRC was not rebfed watrun 30 days.                                   ENGLE.LB. Proiect Drectorate 111 (PD2-1)(Dost 941001l 95/05/01. 7HANLONAP.
  • Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/28 19. 83852:00443852:004 Vrpne Power (Vrpne Electnc & Power CoJ 3pp. 83813.20183813.214.
     -9505100072 Insp repts 50-245/95 14.50 336/95 14 & 50-423/9514 on 950403-                      -9505050105 Amends 190 & 171 to hcenses PPF 4 & NPF.7.respectwely, rowsmg NA-07 Velatons noted.Mapor areas mspected observaton of esmutator & classroom train.             1&2 TS by deletng recurements to penodcaly revew certam admnstra'we & tectn-for Urut 1.                                                                               Cal procedures.

3' Si .C.E. Repon 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/28. 500 83852:005 83852 009. MATTHEWS.D B Project Drectorate IL1 (FD21) (Post 941001). 95/05/01 8pp 83613.204 43813.211. 9505100020 Forwards totn forms of exam. answer keys.gradmo results for facesties & monnoual answer sheets for each ubi employee re 950405 genene fundamentais -950505010B Safety evaluaten supportmg amends 190 & 171 to 6.anses NPF 4 & exam.One anvidual teded exam & noe passed W/o ence. NPF.7.respectwesy MEYER.G W Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/03 HEIDECKER.R. Northeast Nucieer

  • Offre of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (Post 941001). 95/05/01. 3pp. 83813212 j Energy Co. 2pp. 83828 025-83828 026. 83813 214 i 9505310264Raouests NRC to termmate Senor Operator hcense SOP.10060 3 for DM 9505040408 Forwards amends 191 & 172 to hcenses NPF 4 & NPF 7. respectwely &

Emborsky.ehectwe950501. SE. Amends rowse TS re rowen responsitnhbes of p6 ant Nuclear Safety & Operatmg MILLER.D B. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co MILLEH.D B. Northeast Ubbtes Serwce Commniee & Mgt Safety Revew Comrruttee. Co 95/05/25. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk).1p. 84163.357 ENGLE.LB. Propect Drectorate ll-1 (PD2-1) (Post 941001) 95/05/02 O'HANLON l P. 84163 357. Vrprua Power (Vegna F.nectnc & Power Co.). 3pp. 83759 28543759.305

90 DOCKETED ITEMS -9505040412 Amends 191 4 172to trenses NPF 4 & NPF-7.respectwely, remaing NA- 9505300102 Aenses of results of 950316 NRC managers renew of recent performance 142 TS to renew responsabdities of stason Nuclear Safety & Operanng Committee & at facerty to cetermme e present piarmed map effort for rest o' SALP cycle should be Mgt Eatety Renew Commmee. rowsed before end of 96t228 MATTHEWS.O.B. Propect Drectorate 111 (PD21) (Post 941001). 95/05/02.16pp. LANDIS,K.D. Regon 2 (Post 820201) 95/05/17 OHANLONAP. Vrgna Power (Vr-8375926843759.302. gna Electnc & Pceer Col 5pp 84077.04644077-050. -9505040414 Safety evaluaton suppor1mg amenos 191 & 172 to bconses NPF.4 & 9505300226Prowdes core shroud insp scope & schedule for S! 9 Urut 2 m response NPF-7.respectwelV. to requirements of GL 94 03 & as committed to m uts 941219 i

  • Offee of Nucieer Reactor Regulation (Post 941001). 95/05/02. 3pp. 83759.303- BYRAM.R.G Pennsyhrania Power & Lignt Co. 95/05/22. Docenent Control Branch j 83759 305. (Document Control Desa). 5pp. 84117:14044117.145. i 9505150135 Forwards apphcaten for ressuance of VPDES pemut for North Anna 9505310107 Forwards map repts50 338/95 07 & 50 339/95 07 on 950424 28,No vois-Power Staten w/addl data requested by950418 Itr. tons ved i MARSHALL.B M. Vrprua Power (Vrgna Elecirc & Power coa 95/05/04 CASi ).C.A. Regen 2 (Post 820201) 95/05/23 O'HANLONJP. Vrgna Power (Vr.

PANDEYJA Vrpnsa. Commonwealth of. 241pp. 63975:02243975.262. gna Electnc & Power Col app. 64096:04144096S50. 9505220129 Forwards amends 192 & 173 to Econses NPF 4 & NPF-7. respectwety & -9505310125 Insp repts 50 334/95-07 & 50-339/95-07 on 950424 28.No volatons L . Item improve R rc ReQur kar a mapected tustory of util nonsafety related security mverter fadures &

  $LE.LB. Pro,ect Drectorate 111 (PD21) (Post 941001195/05/12.O'HANLONJP.                      SALGADO.N L. SHYMLOCK.M 8 Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/23. 6pp.

Vrgna Power (Vrgna Electnc & Power Co4 app. 8400226444002-282. 84096 045440H 050. -9505220134 Amends 192 & 173to licenses NPF-4 & NPF-7sespeckery, rowsmg NA4

 & 2 ptydrogen Recombmer Sys survedsance recurefronts m accordance w/GL 93 05.             R. Portodic operstmg reports a reishd correspondence "One. item TS Improvements to Reduce Survedlance Regurements."

MATHEWS.D.B. Propect Drectorate #1-1 (PD21) (Post 941001). 95/05/12.10pp. 9505050314 Annual envron operahng rept for Nortn Anna Power Staten Units 1 & 2 for

 $4002.26644002277.                                                                            1994 W/950428 Itr.

-9505220136 Safety evaluston supportng amends 192 & 173 to 6 censes NPF-4 & f383 31 837 NPF-7/espectively.

  • Otree of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001). 95/05/12. 500. 84002:276- 9505100290 Montney opersong repts for Apr 1995 for North Anna Power Staten Uruts 1 84002282. & 2 W/950511 ftr.

9505190324 Forwards amends 193 & 174 to bcenses NPF-4 & NPF 7 & SE. Amends C rowse NA 1&2 TS to pomut approved exemptons to contamment mtegrated 840 3. 3 ' leak rate frecuency reQurements. ENGLE.LB. Protect Drectorate Il 1 (PD21) (Post 941001). 95/05/15.O'HANLONJP. S. Reportable ocm LERs & rWehd u , Vrgna Power (Vrprua Elecinc & Power Co4 3pp. 83988-21443988.226. -9505190325 Amends 193 & 174to iconses NPF-4 & NPF-7.respectrvely, revesmg f4A- 9505190311 Specol rept.on950329. gap semis between top of 12 mch concrete block 1&2 TS 4.6.12.a to pernt approved exemptions to containmer:t miegrated leak rate wall & assoc steel i beams above block wall were escovered fdled w/evertastic frequency reQurements. column boxboard engmeenng review anbated. MATTHEWS.D.B. Propect Drectorate li 1 (PD21) (Post 941001). 95/05/15. 6pp. OHANLON l P. Vrgna Power (V Electne & Power Co.) 95/05/09 Document 83988.217 43988 224. Control Branch (Document Control ). Epp. 84008.35444008:365. -9505190326 Safety evaluaton supportm9 amence 193 & 174 to Icenses NPF 4 & ucisar Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001). 95/05/15. 2pp 83988.225 9505250191 Appicahon for heense to construct & operate ISFSI at North Anna Power 9505090312 Genene Ltr 92 02.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all holders of OLs (except those b. StatertEnvron rept. tech specs & SAR enci. conses amended to possesen orey status) or cps for nuclear power reactors to reac. O'HANLON.J P. Vrgna Power (Vrgna Electnc & Power Co.) 95/05/09. 153pp. tot vessel structural miegray. 64115 001 44116.340. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19. Conscadated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. topp.84084.352 44064.361. -9505250194 "Envron Rept North Anna Power Station ISFSt."

  • Vrgrua Power IVrgna Electnc & Power Cc4 95/05/09.108pp. 64115-158-9505300226Prondes core shroud map scope & schedule for SSES Unit 2 in response 64116265.

to recurements of GL 94 03 & as commmed to m ubt 941219 ftr. BYRAM.R.G. Pennsylvarua Power & Light Co. 95/05/22. Document Control Branch -9505250199 Proposed toch specs for ISFSI (Document Control Desk). Spp.84117:140 44117.145.

  • Vagrua Power (vrgna Elecinc & Power Co). 95/05/09. 439pp 84115266-84116.340.

Q. Inspecton reports, SE Bulletins & correspondence 9504190049 NRC Info Notsce 95 024. " Summary of Ucensed Operator Requalifcaton insp Program Feengs." GRIMES,B.K. . 95/04/25. Consokdated Edson Co. of New York. inc. 1290 F. Securtty, sredecal, ernergency a fire protection plans 83757:001 43757:012. 9504210127 Go ienc Lir 9543 to all holoers of OLs or cps for PWRs re crcumferental 9505180111 Adnses that rev 16 to er,wergency plan consstent w/pionning sids of cr of SG tubes. 10CFR50 47(b) & regurements of 10CFHSO. App E. 2iMME MAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Pro lects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. BARR.K.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/04.O'HANLONJP. Vrgmsa Power (Vrgm. Conschdated Eeson Co of New York. inc.11pp. 83757:01343757.023. m Electnc & Power Co.). 3pp. 83952-16343952:165. 9505180207 Forwards corrected Page 9 to insp repts 50-338/94-27 8 50 339/94 27. 9505180536 Forwards Rev 37 to physcal sacunty plan.Enci withhe6d per 10CFR73.21. BARR.K.P. Regon 2 (post 820201) 95/05/05.O'HANLONAP. Vrgrus Power (Vrgm. O'HANLONAP. Vrgne Power (Vrgna Electre & Power Co ) 95/05/09. Document a Electnc & Power Co ). 4pp. 83953:04943953:053. Control Branch (Document Control Desk).1p. 64015.35144015.351. -9505180216 Corrected Page 9 to insp repts50 338/94-27 8 50L339/94.27. 9505230349 Advmes that 950307 rev 36 to phyncal secunty plan consistent w/ prove

  • Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/05.19. 83953:05343953.053. sons of 10CFR50.54(p) & acceptable.

COLLINS.D.M. R 2 (Post 820201) 95/05/12. O'HANLONJP. Vrgna Power 9505050171 NRC Info Notee 95 025. "Vahre Fadure Dunng Panent Treatment w/ (Vrgna Electnc & Co4 3pp. 64058.35744058.359. Gamma Stereotacts Ramosurgery UruL" COOLD.A. Dmson of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Setety (Post 670729). 95/05/11. Consondated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 84007:182-64007:190. 950,5220254 Accepts ubi response to NRC Bullete 9241. "Fadure of Thermo. Lag 330 p e Bamer Sys." 9505240177 Forwards esp rects 50 338/95 04 & 50 339/95-04 on 950319 0415 & ENGLE.L.B. Protect Dractorme 181 (PD2-1)(Post 941001) 95/05/17.CHANLONJP. Vagna Power (Vrgna Electnc & Power Col 4pp. 64029 33344029 336. notee of volaton.insp root scentfes actmuss that votated NRC requrements that will LA S Repon Post 201). 95/05/11 OMANLONJP. Vrgna Power (Vr- 9 52W77 6 wards ros to comram emergency response plan manual % gne Enoctnc & Power Co4 Spp 6402219544022.219. og

                                                                                               'Y'A"NL           V           e V            Electnc & Power Co). 95/05/17. Document 240182 Not                          ap on 9503194415 Vo              .

Control Branch (Document Conni . 3pp 64088177 64088.315. -9505uMon

 -a           po4o,ce med ofm velato,n  from m,one et,ecis of oui.of-or,l.aten oroe io deie                           conei n onnoted   mad,eaun,te t eci e toughness properbes of urut 1 pressunzer           exceserve heatup.                      -9505260106 Rev 4 to " Corporate Emergency Respense Plan..
  • Regen t (Post S20201). 95/05/11.1p. 64022.2 022200. COLLINS.J E. Ve Power (vrgma Electnc & Power Col 95/04/26. 71pp.

84088 180 44088. 50. -9505240191 Insp repts 50-336/9544 & 50 339/95 04 on 950319 0415. Votatens noted Maior areas espected plant status. plant operatorm.mamt -9505260191 Revised EPiPs.mciumng rev 4 to CPIP-21.rev 4 to CPIP-3.0, rev 3 to observatens.survesitance observatons orksste engmeenng LER tollow.up & plant sup. CPIP-3 2.rev 4 to CPIP.5 0 & rev 4 to CPIP-7 0 port aeswry COLLINS.J F na Power (Vrgna Electnc & Power Co). 95/05/01. 65pp. TINGEN S G, BELISLE.G A Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/11.18pp. B4022.201 64068 251 44088. 15 64022.219. 9505300102Advmes of results of 950316 NAC managers rewow of recent performarce 9505220254 Accepts utd response to NRC Bulsetm 9241 "Fadure of Thermo-Lag 330 at facdrty to determne 4 present planned msp eftert for rest of SALP cycle should be Fre Barrer Sys " rewmed before end of961228 ENGLE.L.B. Protect Drectorate 11.1 (PD21) (Post 941001). 95/05/17, O'HANLONJP. LANDrS.K.D Regen 2 (Post 820201) 95/05/17. OHANLON.J P. Vrgas Power (vr. Vrgna Power (Vagna Electnc & Power Co.) 4pp. 64029 33344029'336. gna Electnc & Power Col 5pp. 64077-04644077.050.

DOCKETEDITEMS 91 9505310107 Forwards mso repts50-338/95-07 8 50-339/95-07 on 950424-26 -9505190325 Amends 193 4 174to bcenses NPF 4 5 NPF 7.respectwery, reverng NA. CASTO.C.A. Regen 2 (Post 820201) 95/05/23. O'HANLONJ.P. Vrgna Power (Vr- 1&2 TS 4 8.1.2.a to perfrut approved exemptons to contamment mtegrated leak rate gne Electre & Power Co ). 4pp. 64096.04144096 050. frecuency reourements MATTHEWS.D B. Pro;ect Drectorate II 1 (PD21) (Post 941001). 95/05/15 8pp

  -9505310125 Insp repts SM38/95 07 & $0-339/9547 on 950424 28 No velabons                      83988 217 83988 224.

noted Maior areas mapectedwory of utd nonsaiety4eisted secunty eiverter fanures & associated C/As -9505190326 Safety evaluaton supportmg amends 193 & 174 to beenses NPF 4 & SALGADO.N.L Regen 2 (Post 82M11. 95/05/23. 6pp. 6409694544096 050. NPF 7.respectively

  • Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001). 95/05/15. 2pp. 83988.225-9505310127 Forwards revised physcal sc:unty plan. safeguards coritingency plan & nu. 83988226 clear secunty personne: tranng & e aMcaten pian.Ence withherd O'HANLONJ.P Vrgna Power (%roensa Electnc & Power CoJ 95/05/25. Document 9505090312 Genenc Ltr 92-02.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all hoaders of OLs (except those b. j Control Branch (Document Control Oesk). 5pp. 84162.25144162255 canses amended to possenen only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac- l tot vessel structural mtegnty. '

9505310843 Forwards updated data poet hbrary ret fWe sheet for North Anna Unit ZIMMERMAN.R P. Associate Drector for Proiects (ADPR) (Post 941001) 95/05/19 tashno mods to EROS point as result of North Anna desgn change that replaced Urut Consoladated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. 84084.35244084.361. 2 letdown raeahon morunor. KANSLER.M.R. Vrprea Power (Vrpaa Electne & Power Co.). 95/05/25. Document i Control Branch (Document Co*itral vesl0. 6pp. 84145:152 44145.157. Q. Inspect on reports,IE Dunetins & correspondence i l 9504190049 NRC Info Notice 95 024, " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requakteation P. Operathg license stage documents & torrespondence inso Program Fmomgs." GRIMES.B K. . 95/04/25. Consolidated Eeson Co. of New York tric.12pp i 9505030335 Forwards excerpted portons of Westmghouse rept desenbing changes to 83757:001 43757:012. I Westmgnouse ECCS evaluation vredels appbcable to plants & have been enpiement I ed dunnq CY943nfo re effect of ECCS evaluaten moder ct anges also enct 9504210127 Genenc Ltr 95 03 to all headers of OLs or cps for PWRs to crcumferental l O'HANLON)P. Vrgna Power (Vrona Electnc & Power Co.). 95/04/25. Document crackmg o' SG tubes. Control Branch (Document Control Desk). ripp.83808.001 43808 021. ZlMMERh AN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Propects (ADPR) (Post 941001) 95/04/28 Consondaod Eeson Co of New York. inc.11pp. 83757.01343757:023. 9505020379RAI to complete review of plant IPE rept D>bmitted on 921214. BOWLING.M L vagna Power wagna Electnc & Power Co). 95/04/27. Document 9505180207 For-erds corrected Page 9 to msp repts 50-338/94-27 & $0-339/94 27 Control Branen (Document Control Desk). 73pp. 83782.21243762.284 BARR.K.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201) 95/05/05 O'MANLONJ.P. Vrgme Power (Vrgm. e Electnc & Power Co.). App.83953.0494 3953.053. 9504210293 Genenc Ltr 95 04 to all holders of OLs cc cps for nuclear power reactors te fmai espostce of SEP lessons-learned usues. - 9505180218 Corrected Page 9 to map repts50 338/94-27 & n339/94-27. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28.

  • Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/05.1p. 83953.05343953 053.

Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 83757 024-83757 037 9505050171 NRC Info Notco 95-025. " Valve Falure Dunng Patent Treatment w/ 9505090018Provntes comments on EPA PR re entena for certifcaten & determmaton Gamma Stereotacts Raeosurgery Urut" of waste solaton psot plant comphance w/ enwon staidaros for mot & esposal of COOLDA Dmson of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. SF.higrweves & transuranc radwastes. Guidance re categonzaten needed. Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York, M 9pp. 64007:182-84007.190. BOWLING.M L Vrgna Power (Vrgna Electnc & Power Co) 95/04/28 Envronmen- i tal Protecton Agency. 2pp. 8389629143896.292. 9505240177 Forwards insp repts 50 338/95 04 & 50-339/95 04 on 950319 0415 & I notee of volatorunso rept identifies actutses that votated NRC regwements that wds ' 9505050101 Forwards amends 190 & 171 to (conses NPF-4 & NPF 7 & safety not be subt to enforcement acten. l ovaluaten. Amends rewme NA 1&2 TS by deletmg regwements to penodcally revew LANDIS,K.D. Regen 2 (Post 820201) 95/05/11 O'HANLON).P. Vrgna Power (Vr- ] admimstratwo & techncal procedures gna Electnc & Power Co.). Spp.84022 195 44022.219 l ENGLE.L.B. Protect Drectorate 11-1 FD2-1)(Post 941001L 95/05/01.O'HANLONJ.P. -9505240191 Insp repts 50 338/9#04 & 50-339/95 04 on 9503194415. Velatons Vrgna Power (Vrpne Electre & Power Co.). 3pp. 83813:20143813.214. noted Maior areas sispected. plant status. plant operatons.mant

 -9505050105 Amends 190 & 171 to hcenses NPF-4 & NPF-7.respectwely. revisng NA.                observnons.survemance obsewtons, omste engmeermg.LER follow up & piant sug>

1&2 tog reaurements to penoecally reven certain somrustratwo & techne a GE G.. BELISLE.GA Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/11.16pp. 84022:201 l MATTHEWS.D B. Propoct Drectorate 161 (PD2-1) (Post 941001). 95/05/01. 8pp 84022.219 l 9505220254 Accepts utd response to NRC Bulletm 9241, "Fadure of Thermo Lag 330

 -9 50,50m $a         evaluaten supportmg amends 190 & 171 to imenses NPF-4 &

LE . ofect Drrectorate 151 (PD2-1) (Post 941001). 95/05/17.O'HANLONJ.P.

  • Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regueton (Post 941001). 95/05/01. 3pp 83813212 Vrpne Power (Vagna Esctnc & Power Co) 400. 84029.333 44029:336 9505300102 Advees of results of 950316 NRC managers review of recent performance
 $505040408 Forwards amends 191 & 172to hcenses NPF-4 & NPF 7, respectwely &                   at facdsty to deternune fl pmsant planned map encet tw rest of SALP cycle stould be revise TS e                                                                                   #

s or plant Nucear Safety & Operstmo Ngy.[ Regen 2 820201). 95/05/17.OHANLON) P. Vrprua Power (Vr-ENGLE.LB. gna Electnc & Power Co.). 5pp. 64077$4644077:050. Drectorate 141 (PD21) (Post 941001). 95/05/02 O'HANLONJ.P. Vrprua Power (Vrprua Electne & Power Col 3pp. 83759.28543759.305' 9505310019 Forwards insp rept $CL339/95 05 on 950325-0429 No velatons noted

 -9505040412 Amends 191 & 172to beenses NPF-4 & NPF-7.respectwesy, revem0NA-                   LANDIS.K.D. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/23. O'HANLONJ.P. Vrgna Power (vs.

142 TS to revew responotulates of staten Nuclear Safety & Operstmg Committee & gna Electnc & Power Co.). 4pp. 84094'09944094.130. Safe *y Review Comrmitee M TTHEWS.D B Project Drectorate li-1 (PD2-1) (Post 941001). 95/05/02.16pp. -95053 2 22hso rept S339/9545 on 950325429 No volatens med Malm areas

    $375928843759.302-                                                                         mspected. plant status & SG replacement protect.

TAYLOR.D.R., BELISLE.G.A. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/22. 28pp 84094103

 -9505040414 Safety evaluateon supportm0 amends 191 & 172 to Icenses NPF-4 &                   84094'130 see         ar Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001). 95/05/02. 3pp. 83759 303-                          r      s sp repts50 338/9547 & 50-339/95-07 on 950424-28.No veia-s ed CASTO.C A. R            2 (Post 820201L 95/05/23 O'HANLONJ P. Vrprua Power (Vr-9505150135 Forwards apphcaten for ressuance of VPDES perrrut for North Anna                   gene Electnc & ower Co14pp. 84096 04144096450.

M RSHAL rprua Po (Vr & Power Co.). 95/05/04' -9505310125 Inso roots 50 338/95-07 & SCL339/9547 on 950424-28.No volations PANDEYJ.R. Vrprua. Commonwealth of. 24tpp. 83975 02243975.262. n ted Malm areas inspected histry of utd rensa% reated secunty invener fadums & associated C/As. 9505220129 Forwards amends 192 & 173 to hconses NPF 4 & NPF-7, respectwety & L YMLOCK,M B Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/23. 6pp. GE. Amends revise H Recomtuner Sys survedsnee reQurements m accord ' ance w/GL 93-05. " - ttem TS improvements to Reduce Survemance Requae.- R. We opwanno mpMs & related cespondence NG E.LB. Prorect Drectorate 18.1 (PD21) (Post 941001) 95/05/12.O'HANLONJ.P. l Vagna Power (Vrpne Electnc & Power Co) app. 84002:26444002282, i 95051)$C314 Annual envron operstmg rept for North Anna Power Station Umts 1 & 2 for I

 -9505220134 Amends 192 & 173to hcenses NPF-4 & NPF 7.respecwely revismg NA-1                  1994 W/950428 Itr
    & 2 Hydrogen Recombeer Sys survemance reouvements m accordance w/GL 93-05,                 BOWLING.M L va me Power (Vapne Electnc & Power Co) 94/12/31 21pp.
    " Lee-itern TS Improvements to Reduce Survedlance ReQuremems "                             83837:317 43837.       7.

MATHEWS.D B Proect r Drectorate 161 (PD2-1) (Post 941001). 95/05/12 10pp 84002268 44002.277. 9505180290 Monthly operstmg repts for Apr 1995 for North Anna Power Staten Uruts 1

                                                                                               & 2 W/950511 Itr
 -9505220136 Safety evaluation supporting amends 192 & 173 to hcenses NPF 4 &                  STALLJ A.. BOWLING.M L Vapnia Power (Vrpne E6ectnc & Power Co ) 95/04/30.

NPF 7,respectivety, 12pp 84013.31344013 324

  • Ottee of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (Post 941001) 95/05/12. 5pp 84002.278- l 84002.282.

S. Reportable occurrences, LERs & related correspondence 9505190324 Forwards amends 193 & 174 to hcenses NPF 4 & NPF-7 & SE Amends I revise NA-1&2 TS 4 81.2.a to perrmt approved exemptons to contenment mte7ated 9505050325 Forwards LER 95 001 te mam steam & pressunzer saiety watve setoomts i leak rate b reQurements. Out of tolerarce due to setpomt dnft ENGLE.LB. otect Dractorate n-1 (PD21) post 941001). 95/05/15 O'HANLON) P. STALLJ A Vagna Power (Vrgne Electre & Power Co) 95/04/27. Document Con Vrprua Power (Vrprua Esctnc & Power Co.) 3pp 83988.21443988.226 trol Branch (Document Control Desk).1p. 83845-055 83845 058 l l l l l

     - _ _ _ _ - ~              _ _ - . . ~ . .                    -             ,~                      .  -  -                -             - ._ -               ... ~ . - ~                         ~ _                  - . . ,


                   -9505000327 LER 95 00100:en 950403.MS & pressurser safety valve setponts out of            H. General _..

tolerance due to setpoint dnft. Returtyshed & rotested safety valves to withm anow. at:de knyts of TG at Wyie Labs. 950$150246 FOIA request for doeurnents to TES rept 94v7013. "Metanurgical Analyse STALLJA. Vrfyrha Power (Vrgna Electne & Power Co.). 95/04/27. 3pp. 83845 056- of Forms 2 LP 3 Escht Stage Turtune Biaeng." 940721 memo to LC Fron from JE 83845.058. Scheefer,g40722 memo to LC Fron from JD Bsack & 940730 memo from PK Hudsort l KEE3AN.MJ Affsabon Not Assigned.94/11/18. Dnnson of Freedom of Informahon 9505190311Special rept.on 950329.94p seats tietween top of 12 Inch concrete block & Puncatens Sennces (Post 940714). App. 83983:134 83983:137. was 4 as9oc steel 4 beams above twocu was were decovered f*ed w/evertastsc column tmboard engmoenng revow rested. 9505150.153 Fmal rtsponse to FOIA request for occuments. Records in App A mil be OHANLONJP. vrgerna Power Electne & Power Co.). 95/05/09. Document ava4 ate m PDRApp B records bemg withheld m entrety (ref FOIA exemphon 4). Contriy Branch (Document Control k). 2pp. 84006.35444006:355. POWELt.RA Dvemon of Freedom of informaten & Put& cations Services (Post 940714F 94/12/29. KEEGAN.MJ Affihatson Not Asmgned. 5pp. 83983 138 83983.174 Y. Dry Cast independent Spent Fust Storate Instanotione 9506230121 Comment supportng proposed rule 10CFR50 re pnmary reactor contam. agon$ L'S Detroit Eeson Co 95/05/Ott Dockebng & Services Branch.1p.

                                          .p"ttech specs [AR e"nc                                                   OODM O'HANLONJ.P. Vrgirva Power (Vrgmia Electne & Power Co). 95/05/09.153pp.                     83985 186-83185:186.                                                                                             ,

84115.001 44116:340. l

                   -9506290194 "Erwron Root Norin Anna Power Staton ISFSt=                                    L Financeal inforsmWon                                                                                               I
  • vrgna Power (Vrgna Electnc & Power Co.). 95/05/09.100pp. 84115:158- l
        /             84115.265.                                                                              95061001$4 "Detrov Eeson 1994 Annual Rept." W/950501 Itr.

GlPSON.D.R. Detrtut Eeoon Co 94/12/31. 48pp. 83947.266 83947.317.

                   -9506250190 Proposed toch specs for ISFSt.
  • vagna Power (Vrgna Encinc & Power Co.). 95/05/00. 439pp. 84115.268
 /                    84116.340.                                                                              K. UINfty Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) & amends

/ DOCKET $6340 SEASROOK NUCLEAR STATION. UNIT 1 Rept. GIPSON.D.R. Detroit E.tson Co. 95/05/05. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 7pp. 8392T00143923:335.

                                                                                                              -9506110127 "Fernu 2 Safey Evaluaton Summary Rept" rev 7.

950501C157 Parnal smth response to FOIA request for documents. Forwards App L ento

  • Detroit Eeson Co.95/05/06. 207pp. 83920 008 83920 214.

avadable to POR LLRA Desen of Freedom of informaton & Put*catens Sennoes (Post -9505110130 Rev 7 to Fermr 1 wdated FSAR 940714).94/12/06 SAPORITO.TJ Saponto. T4 2pp. 83834$0543834:135.

  • Deiroit Eeson Co.95/05/011.213pp. 83920.21543923.335.
                   -0912040012 Forwards status rept on pettons under 10CFR2.206.Rept ists petinons pendmg before NMSS.NRR & fmal cocesens by drectors pendmg before Commemon               P. Opereune noense state docunents a correspondence
                      & courts GOLDBERG).R. Office of the General Counsei (Post 880701). 89/09/07                      9505230000 Comment       onValves GL, "."Draft Pressure   Lockmg       & Thermal    Smdin0    of Safety MURLEY.T.E. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulanon. Drector (Post 870411). 60p.                Power. Operated       Gate                    GL snould      be reened  to pommt    some   use of Related 83834 02943834:034                                                                          plant opersang exponence as bass for                          pudgement GOODMAN.LS. Detrost Eeson Co. 95/ /27.                         C - No Detailed AfNaten Gsven.

2pp. 84001:06644001067. DOCKET 50 341 ENRICO FER5st ATOSHC POWER PLANT, UNIT 2 9604210293 Genene Lir 95 04 to an holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors re final dispossbon of SEP 6._ L /4 esues. F. Securtly, meshcal, emergoney & fue protection piens ZIMMERMAfd.R.P. Associats Dractor for Profects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Consohdated Eeoon Co. of New York. Inc.1499 83757224 43757:037. 9505 22 Forwards Rev 7 to Ferne 2 upoeted FSAR & "Formi 2 Safety Evaluabon ems 2 L 3 " 94072 om , Schaefer.940722 memo Fron from sack & 940730 memo Irom PK Huoson, KEEGAN.MJ. AfNiaten Not 94/11/18. Dumon of Freedom of information GIPSON.D.R. Detrost Edson Co. 95/05/05. Document Control Branch (Document

                      & Pubhcanons Sennces (Post            14). 4pp. 83983:134 4 3983:137.                      Control Desk). 7PP 83920:00143923.335-9505150253 Fnal response to FOLA request for documents. Records in App A will be           - O                  ernu avarlaDie m PDRApp B records bemg withheed an entrety trof FOIA esempoon 4).

Co.9 83 4-POWELL,R A. Dvesson of Freedom of Informaison & Pubhcations Services (Post 9505220192 Requests that proposed TS change submitted by 930729 IIr re cahbr anter. i 940 4) 94/12/29. KEEGAN.M.J. Afhkanon Not Asmgned. 5pp. 83983.138- va emsen be magnaud as Cost Benefical Lopung Acton. l 83 - 4' GIPSON.D.R Detrost Edmon Co 95/05/15. Document Control Branch (Document  ;

                                                                                                                    *""# 0**       ' #~                          '
                   -9505150255 Padage conesteg of afhdevns of R McKeon.                                                                                                                                                            j MCKEON.R. Detroit Edson Co.94/08/04. 27pp. 83983.14343983.174.                          9505000312 Genenc Lir 9242.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to an holders of Ois lexcept those 5 95050202e1 Rev 14 to EPtP EP-292. " Emergency can Out - Backup Method."                       *m T,d"srudurbegray                             "                "                             "

SHELTON.D Detroit Eeaan Co.95/04/25. 7pp. 83757:34243757.348. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001) 95/05/19. 9505190221 Oscusses map rept 50341/9504 on 9502284418 8 forwards notme of

                                                                                                                     "* *              *"            **                     ' #0 '                 '

volanortVelabore of concem because fadure to encorporate design base rogure. I'"""'"* PH IP M Regen (Poet 820201). 95/05/04. GIPSON.D R. Detroit Edson Co. 6pp. 83974 09543974:138. 9504190049 NRC Info Notme 95 024. " Summary of Ucensed Operator Requahficaten

                   -9505190225 Notice of velaten trom insp on 9502284418.Violaten noted demgn base                insp       am F           ."                                                                                     i 85     /25. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp.

restwo of drywee coolmg water was not correctly transisted mto procedure ( g0

  • Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/04.1p. 83974.10143974:101. , g ,ggy,p gg, g ,,
                   -9505190229 Inso rept 50 341/95 04 on 9502284418.Volatons noted. Mapor areas                             d mapected.opersaans.mantenece.engmeenng. pint support. emergency operstmg                    [M%MA           A Associate Drector for Protects (ADPR)(Post $41001). 95/04/28' procedures.startup maues & e                preparedness       am.                          Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Wic. 1190. 83757.013-83757:023.

PHILLIPS.M P. Regen 3 (Post . 95/05/04. 37pp. 3974 102 43974:138' I 9505090015 Ack recespt of 950407 ltr mtormmg NRC of steps taken to correct violabons 9505310197 Responds to map rept 50 341/9546 Correcisve schons: procedure for ww-tial grung.regushimabon & frearms pohey that desmes secunty trarung regurements DE NR 3 o 820201). 95/05/04. GIPSON.D.R. Detrost Eeson Ce' 2pp. 83816:055-83816:064. j s"n*t, I a0d;'""8AT56214M5 ' 9- -"' c*""* **"'" * *"""' *=5=22i.o.scuss-vie..on.V ns of coecern mabecause mm faA = = = = Sa4ima,e t-stesgn .a *aa ba-e.=ca l monts ento EOP procedure. 8 L og Moon % G. Adjudicatory - . ._ - g94 3 9505010157 Parbal sexth response to FOtA request for documents Forwards App L info -9505190225 Not ce of volaton from insp on 9502284418 Velaton reted desgn bass beeng made avadable to POR. for restoraten of drywen cookng water was not correctly translated mio procedure POWELLR.A. Dvisen of Freedom of informaton & Pubhcatens Sonnces (Post 29 ESP.08.rev 1. 940714) 94/12/08 SAPORITO.TJ. Saponto, T.J. 2pp. 83834$0543834135.

  • Reg on 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/04 1p. 8397410143974101.
                   - 8904190115 Forwards most recent sistus rept of petitens submstted per 10CFR2.206.        -9505190229 Insp rept 50 341/95 04 on 950228&t8 Volatons roted. Masor areas CHANDLER.LJ. Asmstant General Counsel for Enforcement.89/02/02.MURLEY.T.E.                  mapected operatens.masntenance.engmeenng. plant support. emergency operstmg Offme of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton. DFeClor (Post 870411). 6pp. 83834.011-                  procedures.startup moues & emergency preparedness program.

83834:016 PHILLIPS.M P. Region 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/04 37pp. 83974102 83974138. I

. .-._.m.-__.__. _m..m.,_. _. .m_.,..m_ _.. . . . _ _ . m - mm . _ m.m . .~...a _. ~ . _ m u.- .__.m. .m m . DOCKETEDITEMS 93 9905050171 NRC Info Notce 95425. " Vane Fasture Dunng Patient Treatment w/ P. Operating license eta 9e documents & correspondence Gamma Steractactc Ramosurgery Urut" COOL.D.A. Divoon of industnal & Meecal Nuc6 ear Safety (Post 870729h 95/05/11. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 64007.182 8400h190. 3100000070 Tno rept for wk of910722 vet to plant re suet of structures & crrti er9-noenng teatures 9506240343 Forwards response to NRC950416 ltr to volabons noted in inns rept 50* ASHAR.H Structural & Geoscences Branch. 91/08/26. BAGCHl.G. Structural & Geo. sciences Branch.146pp. 83728.16343728.308. 341/95-07.Correcteve ah.....Z procedures agamst appropnate iEE stds to assure proper admmistranve control for measurements 9606020000 Forwards " Trojan Nuclear Plant Raeoactive Effluent Release Rept for GIPSON.D.R Detros Echson Co. 95/05/18 Document Cantrol Branch (Documet 1994~ & Rev 11 to PGE.1021. "ODCM." Control Deskk 14pp. 64073.107 64073:120-QUENNOZ.5 M. Portland General Electne Co 95/04/27. Document Control Branch 9506240100 Notsfees of results of map plannmg portion of Mar 1905 Plant Performance **"' 0 '#I ^ L Revow for plant " AXELSON.W L. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/19. GIPSON.D R. Detroit Easo, Co. -9509020013 Rev 11 to PGE 1021 "ODCM'151pp. 83747.13243747.282. 3pp. 64022.22244022.224.

  • Pornand General Elecre Co.94/12/31 9605310197 Responds to mso rept 50 341/95 06. Corrective actons: procedure for n. 9604210293 Genene Lir 9544 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuc6 ear power reactors tia rung.requalitcason & frearms pokey that defmes secunty trarung requrements
                                                                                                                     $M l(R          R                     ector                     (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28.

Coneohdered Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 83757.02443757:037. GIPSON.D.R. Detrost Edson Co. 95/05/23. Document Convol Branch (Document Control Desay app. a4142:356-84142-359. 9509000072 Forwards Rev 18 of PGE4010 " Portland General Electnc Nuclear OA Pro-a p.,tedic operstmg reporte & redated 6 UYNN S M Porvand General Electnc Co. 95/05/01. Document Control Branch (Document Control Deskt opp. 63640:256 4 3640.268. 9408030247 " Forme 21994 Annual Raec4ogeal Envron Operstm0/ Morutonng Rept." . MCK ON R Detroit Edson Co. 94/12/31.125pp. 83802:17243802295. t" Gas Portland lectnc a Generaf 4010 Elecinc m8. 95/05 Nuclear 5pp.OA6384&262-8364m Prkam for TNP_" 9600030262 " Annual Nonradclopcal Envron Operstmg Rept 1994." WI 950428 Itr & M060000 " ' '** has Wn mp mend 194 or c e rev to MCKE out Edson Co. 94/12/31.150pp. 8390c.12343902177. QUE Da De . 1 3 . E. J fP$ON R $ Co /04 30 4pp 9605100673 Requests addl mio or clanhcation to complete NRA review of util950128 32344000.326. sutmattal re Decommissiorung Plan & Suppl to ER. MASMK.M T . 95/05/11. QUENNOZ.S.M. Portland General Electic Co. 9pp. *

5. ReportaWe w . _ , LERs & reisted correspondence 83988.18343988:191.

9600000312 Genenc Ltr 92 02.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all holders of OLs (except those li-990615019s Forwards LER 95 004 Review of post-scram feedwater toge mod will be conses amended to ;-. . .-r4 status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac-conducted. Operator trorun9 for scram where level 2 reached will be reemphaeaed for vessel seuctural integnty. operator recuahhcanon trammg ZIMMERMANRP. Associate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19. G1 4.0.R. Detroit Edison Co. 95/05/09. Document Control Branch (Document Consohdated Edman Co. of New york. Inc.10pp. 64064.35244064.361 Control Desk). 2pp. 84007;20544007.214.

           -9505150201 LER 95 004 00 on 950409. unexpected reactor water level 2 & ESF ah                         Q. Inspection reporta,IE Buestine & correepondence acons occurred after paenned scram. Caused ty selecton of parameters used m post scram FW         mod per                  design package 9207 installed dunng RF04 PENDER         T.J M. Detroit eson . 95/05/09 8pp. 64007.20744007.214.                              9604190049NRC Into Notre 9H24. " Summary of Licensed Operator Requehfcahon insp Program Finengs."

9906310471 Forwards LER 95405 re reactor tnp due to fugh neutron aux caused by GRIMES.B.K. . 95/04/25. Conschdated Edson Co. of tww York, Inc.12pp. reactor pressure transent. 83757401 43757:012. GIPSON.D.R. Detroit Eeson Co. 05/05/25. Document Control Branch (Document Control DeskL 2pp. 64173:01844173.027. 9504210127 Genere Ltr 9543 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs to cecumferenual crackmg of SG tLees.

           -9506310478 LER 95005 00 on 950425. reactor Inpped due to high neutron                                    ZiWMERMANAP. Associale Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28.

tiuxCaused by reactor pressure tranment. Tested crcuit boaros to attempt further Coneohdated Eeson Co. cf New York. inc.11pp. 83757:0t343757.023. cause determmaton to component levet. RICHES,K. Detrort Edison Co.95/05/25. 8pp. 64173.02044173 027. 9506100060 Forwards insp rept $NI44/9505 on 950417 21 & nonce of violation.Vesanon of NRC concern because involved secunty m offcers not bemg re-sed each 12 months on crucaal tasks. V. Operatore LINS S.J. Repon 4 (Post 820201L 95/05/09. QUENNOZ.S.M. Portland General Electnc Co. 5pp. e3953.12143953.139 9505050116 Informs that NRC admirustered GFE secten of wrmen operator licensmg emM Nobce of volaton Wom insp on 924@ Molabon nowds 950420 exam to employees at plant on 9' 3405 & lor sards exam answer key.graeng results e answer sheets W/o enct three othcars had exceeded 12 montn requshficaten dams. RING M A R (Post 820201L 05/05/01. LACRolx.D G. Consumers Power Co.

  • Regen 4 ( 820201). 95/05/09. 2pp. 83953:12483953:12t Co 83758 352 4 3
                                                                                                                  -9505140us4 insp rept 50-344/9545 on 950417 21.Veisbon noted.Maior areas espected secunty program plans.necunty program auets.mgt support.aiarm 9605310197 Responds to map rept50 341/9006 Correctrve actons: procedure for eu.                           sta'en.prowcted area bamers & detecton asa has trammg.requahtcaten & Arearms poicy that defmes secunty Waeung requirements                        MURRAY.B. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/09.12pp. 83953:12843953:139 revised GIPSON.D.R. Detroit Essen Co. 95/05/23. Document Control Branch (Document                           9565300137 Corrected memo re R$NGS ISFSI inso on 950412 & 13,Tfogen Nuclear Control Desk). App.84142:356 44142:359.                                                                Power Staten ste tarruharasten tour on 950414 & 950515 putite mto meetmg re Oe-compussioryng of Trosen piant sae.

RADOATZ.M G. Omson of Industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post $70729L 95/05/ DOCKET 60 344 TROJAN NUCLEAR PLANT 10. HAUGHNEY.CJ. Dusen of houstnal & Medcal Nuclear Satefy (Post 870729). 3pp. P4120:35244120 354 F. Securtty, modead, emergency a fire protecton plans 8500050171 NRC Info Notme 95425. " Valve Falure Dunng Patient Treatment w/ Gamma Sterectactc Radesurgery und." 9505180069 Forwards insp rept 50 344/95 05 on 950417 21 & notme of COOL D.A. Dumon of Industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. Consondated Eeson Co. cf New York. Inc. 9pp. 64007:182 84007:190. weiston Velaton of NRC concem because evolved secunty m offcers tot being re-quehfied each 12 months on crucial tasks. NS.S.J R 4( 1) 95/05/09. QUENNO2,5 M. Portland General R. Perleec opersang reports & retowd correspondence

           -9605100079 Notco et velabon from insp on 950417 21Volaton noted.on 950420                             9505020004 "Operstenal Ecologmal Morutonng Program for Tropen Fac4 sty Annual Rept three secunty othcars had excesoed 12 month requakfcaton dates.                                        1994 " W/950427 fir.
  • Regen 4 (Post 820201L 95/05/09. 2pp 8395312&83953:127. QUENNOZ.SM Portland General Electre Co. PGE.100944. 04/12/31. 75pp.


           -9505180004 insp rept 50 344/95-05 on 950417 21.Velation noted.Maior areas mapected.secunty program plans.secunty program auets.mgt support. alarm                             9505020007 "Trolan Nuclear Plant Radiologma! Ermron Monitonng Rept for 1994." W/

staton. protected area bamers & detecton aids. 950427 Itr MURRAY.B. Regen 4 (Post 820201), 95/05/09.12pp. 839531248:t953139 OUENNOZ.S M Portland General Electre Co. PGE.100644 94/12/31. 78pp. 83786.27543786 352 9505100506 Rev 3 to "Troian Nuclear Plant Permanently Detueled Emergency Plan" W/950510 Itr 9505020009 Farwards "Trolan Nuclear Plant Radcactrve Effluent Release Rept for OUENNO2.S M Portland General Electnc Co. PGE 1060 A03. 95/05/10. 7pp. 1994" & R, # 11 to PGE.1021. "ODCM." 83992.278 83992:284. QUENNO".S M Portland General Electnc Co. 95/04/27. Document Control Branch (Documer. Control Desk).1p. 83747.00143747.282. 9506310185 Ack receipt of 950328ter transmmmg rev 3 to plant emergency plan imple-montng procedure 1 (EPIP 1), "Classfcaten or Emergencies " Rev acceptable -950502* 11 "Tro,an Nuclear Plant Radcactnre Effluent Release Rapt for 1994 " COLLINS.S.J Rapon 4 (Post 8202011. 95/05/23. QUENNO2.SM Portland General

  • Po. and General Electnc Co. PGE.106544 94/12/31. 130pp. 83747.002 Electnc Co. 4pp. 5409610944096:112. 83747:131.

__ , _ _ . ~ - . . -

1 94 DOCKETEDITEMS 9505000312 Genenc Lir 92 02.Rev 1.Suppi 1 to all holders of OLs (sucept those b =0505020013 Rev 11 to PGE.1021. "ODCM." conses amended to possesson.only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac.

  • Portand General Electnc Co.94/12/31.151pp. 83747:132 63747.282.

tor vessel structural mtegnty ZIMMERMAN,R.P. Assocate Drector for Proiects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19. Conschdated Maon CS of New York. Inc, topp.64084.352 84004.361. T. Hearing transcripts on non antitrust matters 9305230122 Transcrpt of950329 pwc meetmg on rowew of pant W u. inspes.lon reports, IE Bulletine & cm. _

  • NRC. No Detaded Aff4eton Given.95/03/29.146pp. 8401528544015.230, 9504190049NRC Info Notce 95024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requahfcation DOCKET $0448 DAVIS SESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT 1 GM K. /25. Conschdated Eason Co. of New York, Inc. 12pp.

83757 001 43757.012. F. Societty, sned6 cal, emergency & fire protection piens 9504210127 Genonc Lir 9503 to an holders of OLs or CPe for PWRs re crcumferencal craciuno of SG tubes. Classhcahon," & EPtP RA. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR)(Post 941001). 95/04/28 9505090073Rewned EPIP RA.EP.01500.rev 1. "Emer Conschdated Edson Co. of New York,Inc.11pp,83757:01343757:023. EP.02800. "Preparabon & Transport of Contamma. Insured Personnel."

  • Centenor Energy.95/05/01. 82pp. 8387226543872:349. 9505060171 NRC Info Notco 95425. " Valve Fadure Dunng Pabent Treatment w/

UrWt." 9505110317 Proposed Change 3 to Rev 3 of EPIP HS-EP 02610. " Emergency Radolog, Gamma cat Control Orgaruraeon Aceveren & Response - COOLDAStereotecte Danson of Radesurgery& trWstnal Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp. 84007;16244007.190.

  • Centanor Energy.95/05/03. 25pp. 83933:21143933:235.

9505190065 Ack receipt of 950310 Itr mtormmg NRC of steps taken to correct velatons noted m meo repts50-346/9416 & 50 346/9412.Fust vio6aton we be retracted.NRC G. Adsudicatory ,, . _ concemed moout weaknesses in 10CFR50.59 ovaluatens

                                                                                                                                                              '          Z.J.P. Centanor Energy.

9906010157 Partal exth response to FOIA request for documents. Forwards App L info PT 3pp 4397b pe e.edacio to PDa 960m0028 Forwards esp rept 50446/95.04 on 9503064428 4 reece of douten. 94( 714 12 SAP . 2pp. 83834 005-83834 LANKS80RY,R.D. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/15. STETZ.J.P. Centenor Sennce Cn STETZ,J.P. Toledo Edson Co. 2pp. 64020 26044020:275. -.80N190115 Forwards most recent statusarept of potnons outmutted per 10CFR2.206. Q4ANDLER.LJ. Asmstant General Counsel for Enforcement.89/02/02. MURLEY,T.E -960m0036 Notce of deweton kom map on 950308042tDwehon noted*cm Mar Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulatert Drector (Post 970411). 6pp. 83834:011 1993.Apr Wheensee ed not trend 12 of 15 warununers hated m Tab 6e 4. t'3834 016'

  • Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/15.19 64020:26244020:262.
                                                                                         -e60524003e Inno rept 50-346/9504 on 9503060428.Dewatons noted.Maior areas H. General corroependence                                                                   mapected plant operanons.survedlance.mamt.onste engmeenngslant support & teens.

ee response to NRC Butleen 90 01. 9506220101 Comment on proposed rule 10CFR50 re "Pnmary Reactor Contamment LANKSBURY,R.D. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/15.13pp. 84020.26344020275. Leakage Teshn0 for Water 4ooted Power Reactor." JAIN.S C. Toseco Edson Co. 95/05/10. Dockeen0 & Serwcas Branch. 2pp. 9905240143 Ack receipt of 950310 ltr mtormeng NRC of steps taken to correct velatens 83965:14443985:145. roied m inso repts50-346/94 12 5 50 346/94 16. GRANT.G E. 3 (Post 820201) 95/05/17. STETZ.J.P. Centerer Sennce Co. STETZJP. T Eason Co. topp. 6402215144022180. L Financialinformellon 9505230318Prowdes wntion oordrmaton of Toledo Eeson electronc transfer to NRC R. Penodlc operating reports & reteted -. , on 9505C2 for mvoce AT0288-95 m amount of 5769.250. STETZAP. Centenor E 95/05/17. Document Control Branch (Document Cork 9505180000 Rept of facsty cha . tests & expenments for Dave.Besse Nuclear Power Foi DeskE 1p. 840583 :356. Stahon,Urut 1 for penod of 9 1441115.per 10CFR50.59 W/950515 ter. STETZ,J.P. Centenor Energy.94/11/15.16900. 84032.001 44032:189. K. Utntty Finef Safety Anotysie Report (PSAR) & amends 9505000231 Forwards comtuned 1994 annual radologeal envron operahng rept/Jul-Dec 1994 effluent release rept & rev 7 to, "Daws. Besse ODCM." 9505240371 Rev 19 to Daws.Besee Unit 1 updated FSAR.W/950515 hr STETZ J P. Centenor E ,. 95/04/26. Document Control Branch (Document Con-STETZJP. Cemenor Energy.95/05/15. 2.510pp. 84052:00144058:326. trol Desk). 2pp. 83895S42 96:158.

                                                                                         -9605000233 " Annual Radmiogeal Enwron Operatmg Rept."

P. Operating lleense stage documents & corroepondence

  • Centenor Energy.94/12/31. 400pp. 83895S44 83895.327.

9505240320 FOtA request for documents re baffle removal & cuttng of mtemals reac- -9505000238 " Dave.8 esse Ortste Dose Calculaton Manual" Rev 7. tors at hsted plants.

  • Centenor Energy.95/02/03. 200pp. 83895.32843896:158.

KATZ.D. Catmens Awareness Networst 94/10/17. GRIMSLEY.D.H. Dnamon of Free. dom of ineormaton & Pibhcanona Sereces (Pcst 940714). 3pp. 64024:16144024,163. 9505100219 Monthly operatog rept for Apr 1995 for Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 W/950512 nr. 9505150122 fatn parbal response to FOtA request ser documents. App H record aready WOLF.G.M WOOD.JsK. Toledo Eeson Co.95/04/30. 5pp. 84013:20544013.209. avadable in PDR. Forwards App i records & bemg available m PDR. POWELLR.A. Dansen of Freedom of informaten & Pubik.anons Sennces (Post 940714). 94/12/23.FIDELLEA Affdenon Not Asmgned. 9pp. 84038.03344036:159. V. Operator Examinations 9505190209 Adwees that J Hannon contacted hated plants who ed not prowde re. 9505050116 informs that NRC adrrutustered GFE secton of wntten operator NO No De Aftde N/08 1 Y.T. NRC . No De- sheet o taded Affihaten Gwen.1p. 84038:12144038.121. RING.M.A. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/01. LACROIX.D.G. Consumers Power Co. 9504210293 Generic Lir 9544 to all holders of OLs or cps for riuclear power reactors h58 5 -83 58 2" re tmal espostten of SEP lessons 4ea*ned esues. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Consondated Edesn Co. of New York. inc.14pp. 83757$2443757:037. DOCKET 50-348 JOSEPH Ss. FARLEY NUCLEAR PLANT, UNf71 9505000231 Forwaros comDmed 1994 annual raeologmal encron operatng rept/Jul-Dec 1994 eftiuent reiease rept & rev 7 to. "Daws. Besse ODCM " STETZ4P. Centenur Energy 95/04/28. Document Control Branch (Document Con. E secunty, medica ( emergency & Hre Acton piens rol Desk). 2pp. 83895.04243896:158. 9505110044 Forwards msp rects 50-348/95 08 & $0 364/95 on 950413 0109 8 nobce

 ^               "
            . - Deve.8. esse Offste Dose Calculaten Manual" Rev 7.                        of weiston Velaton ewoeved several examples wnere madequate taggirag order prep-
  • Centenor Energy.95/02/03. 200pp. 63895.32843696158. araton & executen resulted m unexpected test constions CHRISTENSEN.H. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/02.MOREY.D.N. Southem Nuclear 9505100223 Forwards amend 198 to hcenae NPs.3 & safety evaluaton. Amend revises Operatmg Co. dop. 83851$6643851.095.

TS 4 61.2.a & assocated bases for TS 3/4 612 to state type A tests for oversa mte. grated CL rate lvsung. -9505110052 Insp repts 50 348/95 08 & $0 364/9548 on 9503134409 Wolatons GUNDRUM,LL . 95/01/03 STETZJP. Centenor Sarwee Co. STETZ.J P. Toledo noted Maior areas mapacted.maet & survemance. I secunty.fre protecten & Eesan Co. 3pp. 83856193-83856.303. emergency preparedness & tonow up of pronous map .

                                                                                           *G.T M., MORGAN.M.J., SCOTT.M A. Regon 2 (Post 20201). 95/05/02. 23pp.

-9505100237 Amend 198 to beense NPF.3.rewsmg TS 4.6.12a 8 assocated bases for 83851:07343851495. TS 3/4 6.12 to state that type A tests ter overas mteyated CL rate tesang GUNDRUM.LL .95/05/03. 5pp. 83856.29643856.301 9505180554 Forwards response lo concern noted in NRC opershonal safeguards re. sponse evaluanon requested by NRC 950405 transmittalResponse udnheid -9505100239 Safety evaluston supportm0 amend 198 to hcense NPF.3. per 10CFR73 21.

  • Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001L 95/05/03. 2pp. 83856:302- MOREY.D. Southern Nuclear Operstmg Co 95/05/04.Offee of Nucinar Reactor Reg.

83856:303 usanon (Post 941001).1p 84515.35084015.350.

1 l l DOCKETEDITEMS 15 l l 9505180162 Forwards SALP repts 50 348/9 5 99 & 50-364/9 5 99 for 930926 9505110044 Forwards msp repts 50 348/95 08 & 50-364/95 on 950413-0409 & rioice 950325 Plant per1ormance romaned superor m functo:al areas of of vaaton Volaton mvolved severai examples where madequate taggmg oicer prep-operations engmeermg & plant support arabon & execution resultad in unexpected test CorMiltons EBNETER.S.D. Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/08. MOREY.D.N. Southem Nuclear CHRISTENSEN.H. Regon 2 (Posi 820201) 96/05/02.MOREY.D.N. SouPrem Nuclear Operstmg Co. 2pp 83952 33543952.341 Operstmg Co 4pp 8385106643851-095.

 -9505190170 SALP repts50-348/95-99 & 50 364/95-99 for 930926-950325.
                                                                                         .s505110047 Notce of volation from msp on 9503134404 Volation noted:m Mar & Apr
  • hegon 2 (Post 820201) 95/05/08 4pp. 83952 338-83952 341- 1995. tour examples of madequate taggmg order preparaton & executon resulted m l

9505240006 informs that NRC completed review of Rev 28 to plant emergency '"'R' ego'*n'[h 2 5 2 838 1 70 38 1:072. plafLChanges sat stactory & meet planrweg stos of 10CFR50 47(b) & requirements of App E to BARR,K P 10CFR50'2 Re (Post 820201) 95/05/11. MOREY D N Southem Nuclear-9505110052 Ope,_ Insp repts 50-348/9508 & 50-364/95 08 on 950313-0409. Volatons abng Co 3pp. 4020t1244020 014. noted Mator areas mapected mamt & surveellance, physcal secunty. tire protecton & e preparedness & tollow up of provous esp tme s 9505240112 Informs of completon of revow of row 27 to plant emergency plan. Based ROS T M. MORGAN.M.J., SCOTT.M.A. Region 2 (Post 20201t 95/05/02. 23pp. on review of remamder of changes.rev meet piantwng stancaros of 10CFR50 47(b) & 838512734365m5 requirements of App E to 10CFR50. BARR.K.P. Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/11.MOREY.D N Alabama Power Co. 3pp 9505180162 Forwards SALP repta 50 348/9509 & 50-364/95-99 tar 930926-64021.196 4 4021:198. 950325 Plant performance remamed superor m furstonal areas of operatens orgneennB & piant support 4 9505240160 Forwards anse repts 50-348/95 06 & 50 364/95 06 on 950320 24.0404 06 EBNETER.S.D Region 2 (Post 820201) 95/05/08 MOREY.D.N Southem Nuclear 1

    & 11-12 No violanons noteo.                                                             Operanng Co. 2pp. 83952.335-83952.341.

BARR.K P Regen 2 (Pont 820201L 95/05/12 MOREY.D.N. Southem Nuclear Oper-aang Co. 3pp 6402211444022138 -9505180170SALP repts 54348/95-99 & 50 364/9M9 for 930926 950325.

  • Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/08. 4pp. 83952 33643952.341.
 -9505240170 insp repts 50 348/95-06 & b0-364/9506 on 950320-24.0404 06 & 11-                                                                                                     i l

12 No violatons roted Maor areas mspected. review of HP actviturs pnmanly assocat-ed w/ Und 2 refuekng outage 9505050171 NRC Into Notce 90025. "Vaive Fanure Dunng Patent Treatment w/ l WRIG ., RANKIN.W H Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/12 22pp 84022117- Gamma Sterectactc Ramosurgery Urwt" 64022 138 COOL.D.A. Deveson of Industnal & Mescal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. Consokdated Eeson Co of New Yorts. Inc 9pp. 64007:18244007190. 9505310601 Rev 0 to EPIP FNP4-EIP 8 2. " Plant Nobfcaten Roster" WI 950524 Itr. HUDSPETH.J.B Southem Nuclear Operaung Co. 95/05/24. 108pp. 64143.243 9505240249 Contrns arrangements w/H Chnstensen concorrung mgt meshng to be 64143 350. conducted at facdity on 950519 to escuss syr.nemate assessment of imensee per-formance of Farley facety dunng perr4 from 930926 to 950325. JAF ON.J P. Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/11.MOREY.D.N. Souttom Nuclear Op. H. General correspondence oratsug Co. 2pp 64022.35144022.352. 9505230121 Comment on proposed rule 10CFR50. *Pnmary Reactor Contarnment 9505240180 Forwards map repts50-348/95-06 & 50 364/9546 on 95032024.0404 06 Leakage Testmg for Water Cooted Power " Unl m total agreement w/NEl comments _ & 11 12.No volatons noted. MOREY.O. Southem Nuclear Operahng Co 95/05/04 Document %ntrol Branch BARR.K.P R 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/12. MOREY.D.N Southem Nucisar Oper-(Document Control Desk). 2pp. 64001.35944001.360. ann 0 Co. 3pp. 022'114 44022 138.

                                                                                         -9505240170 Insp repts 50-348'95-06 & 50-364/95-06 on 950320 24.0404 06 & it.

P. Operstmg bcense stage documents & correspondence 12 No votatens noted Maior areas mspected revow W HP actmbes pnmanly assocet. ed w/on-gong Urut 2 totuoling outage 9504210293Genenc Ltr 95-04 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear nower reactors WRIGHT.F.N.. RANKIN.W H. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/12. 22pp. 84022:117-re fmai espositon of SEP lessons leamed usues 64022.138 2IMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Director for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28 Conr

  • lated Esson Co of New York. anc.14pp. 83757:024 43757:037. 9505240256 Forwards insp repts 50448/95 09 & 50464/95-09 on 95041414 & notce of Oev aton.inso ed not reveal violatons of NRC remarements.

9505230058 Forwaras revoed TS Bases for reactor coolant pump bus undervoltage & CASTO.C.A Regen 2 (Post 820201t 95/05/12. MOREY.D.N. Southern Nuclear Op-unoortreouercy. Changes result of safety evaluation whch reclassetied urcervoltage & erstmg Co. 3pp. 64023.00744023 021. undertrecuency reactor coolant pump bus tnpa MOREY.D. Southem Nucmar Operstmg Co 95/05/15. Document Control Branch 9505240264Nohce of deviaton from map on95041014.Deveten noted fadure to m. (Document Control Deskt 2pp. 64058.33944058:345 ciude tour Irarecrutters m enhanced surveillance monn program.

 -9505230062 Proposed lect specs bases for reictor coolant pung bus unoorvoltage &

lear operanao Co.95/05/15. 5pp. 64058 34144058.345. Volanons

                                                                                         -M,. 24D27,0 d Ma a easinspmspected rems $M48/9549.&,u,,54364/95M    e                     on sN,s. S14 eetaien & conime 9505090312 Genec Ltr 92 02.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all holders of OLs lexcept those B-           SALGADO.N.L. SHYMLOCK,M.B. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/10 t ipp.

conses amended to possenerwonly status) or cps for nuclear power rea:: tors re reac- 0#02 U #"02 1 vor vessel structural mtegnty ZIMMERMAN.R P. Assocate Director for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19 9505240307 Ack receipt of 950502 Itr mtormeng NRC of steps taken to correct violations Consolutated Esson Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. 64084M244084.361. ncned m map repts50448/95-05 & 50 364/95-05. CHRISTENSEN.H. Regen 2 (Post 620201). 95/05/12.MOREY.D,N Southem Nuclear Operstmg Co. 2pp. 64023:151 44023 152 Q. Inspection reports, IE Bulletmo a correspondence 9505230081 Advises NRC that hsted tour transmitters marked by astensk replaced an 9505020140 Ack receept of 950406 ttr mt NRC of steps taken to correct volabons accordance w/ commitment m930211 & 0407 responses to Suppi i to NRC Buhetm noted m msp repts50-348/94 43 & 50-364/ 43 90 001 loentities transtrutiers ormtted from responses CHRISTENSEN.H Regen 2 (Post 820201t 95/04/20.MOREY,D A Southem Nuclear MOREY.D. Southern Nucisar Operahng Co 95/05/15. Document Control Brsnch Operating Co. 2pp. 83690261-63690.262 (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 64058.336-64058.336 9505020065Forwaros map repts50 348/9007 & 50-364/9507 on 950320-24 & 0326- 9505240006 Forwaras corrected page of Notce of Velaton of mar repts 50 348/95-05 30 No volatons noted & 50-364/95 05 Conachons maae due to typographcal error CASTO.C A. Regen 2 (Post 8202011. 95/04/21. MOREY.D N. Southom Nuclear Op- CHRISTENSEN.H Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/16 MOREY.D.N. Southem Nuclear erstmg Co 3pp 83690 001-63690-022. Operstmg Co. 2pp 84020.01084020:017

  -9505020073 inno repts 50-348/9547 & $4364/9507 on 950320-25 & 0327 30.No              -9505240308 Corrected notee of votaten of insp repts 50-348/9505 & $0 364/90 votatons rotea.Masor areas mspected esawice msp, flow acceersted corrosen & re.

05 Correctons made due to typographical error. E NSORG P K R 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/14.19pp. 83690 004- p 2 N MW M@N 4 NWMML 8 22 9505300032 Advses of results of SALP Board revew of performance of plant 9504190049NRC into Notce 90024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Fiematitcaten facehty Forwards list of all planned map activites for remamder of SALP cycie mso Program Fmomgs " CHRISTENSEN H. Regen 2 (Post 820201) 95/05/22 MOR8EY,D N. Southem Nuclear CRIMES.B.K. . 95/04/25. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc 12pp Operstmg Co app 64076.104 44076 106 83757.001 43757:012. 9505030119Notrhes of 950519 SALP meenng to escuss plant performance over past R. Periodic operstmg reports & related ,~ _ .nce 18 months EBNETER.S D Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/27. HILL.T. George. State ol. 3pp 9505020344 "Farley Nuclear Plant Annual Raeoactive Effluent Release Rept CY94." 83721.311-83721:313 W/950426 m 9504210127 Genere Lir 9503 to all hoiders of OLs or cps for PWRs to circumferents' MOREY.D. Southem Nuclear Operstmg Co. 94/12/31.100pp. 83805:00183805105. cracamg of SG tubes. ZIMMERMAN.R P. Assocate Director for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001) 95/04/28 9505030185 " Annual Environ Operaung Rept Part B Radiologecal JM Farley Nucsear Contosoetec Eeson Co, of New York, Inc.11pp. 83757.013-83757223 Plant Uruts 1 & 2 for Penod Eneng 941231." W/ 950426 Itr. MOREY.D Southem Nuclear Operstmg Co.94/12/31. 62pp. 83802296 83803.007. 9505110011 Responds to NRC 950406 Itr te votatens noted m map repts 50448/9545

     & 50-364/95-05 Correenve actonspersonnel mvohred coached on need to utilde self-    9505180201 Monthly operstmg repts for Apr 1995 for Joseph M Faney Nuclear cheenun0 to ensure aceorm accurate                                                     Plant.Uruts 1 & 2 W/950511 Itr uOREY,D Southem Nuclear Operstmg Co 95/05/02. Documerrt Control Branch                 ALLISON 5 M., WOODWARD.J.D. Soumem Nuclear Operating Co. 95/04/30. Opp (Document Control Desk). 5pp 83902.352 83902.356                                       84013 18644013 194

. . . _ . _ _ _ m ~ .. _ . . - , .__-._.m -m ._ m . . ._. m.._m~.. .. ..m - _ - . . . . . _ . . . _ _ _ . 96 DOCKETEDITEMS i DOCKET 50 349 FUKUSHIISA STATION, UNIT 2 -9606150027 Rensed TS pages.cteesty desenlang when Spray Pond spray network i poing wdl be drarned. PECO Energy Co.. (formerly PNiedeepNa Electnc Col 95/05/05. 2pp. 83899.057 , O. Inspecteen reports. IE Suestene & corroependence 83899:058 i 9606160042 Responds to NRC hated Itrs re veintens noted in mso repts50 237/95 04 9505210039 Responds to NRC RAI re util TS Change Request 94 32-0 submetted by 4 50 249/9504.Correctwo actens:Warung re procedural changes we be given to op. 94931 Itr to ceiste regurements of Secnon 3/4.3.8 for turtune overspeed protecton sys erstens dept personnel durmg contmuous tramm0 HUNGER.G A PFCO Energy Co.. ( PtuledelpNa Electre Col 95/05/11. Doc. JOYCE.T.P. Co.. .- J tcheon Co. 95/05/05. Document Control Branch (Docu. ). App. 84039.31444039:317. ment Control Deskt 15pp. 83898.21343898:227. ument Control Branch (Document Control 9506190305 Forwards revu.ed TS pages to TS Change Request 89100 autxnitted by I DOCKET 50 362 UtfERICK QENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 941202 Itr re relocaten of fue protecten regurements.per NRC request for clareymg mfo. HUNGER.G.A. PECO Energy Co.. PNiedelptua EPxtnc Co). 95/05/12. Doc-F. Seeurtey, seashcol, emergency a fire protecteen piens ument Control Branch (Document oi ). 2pp. 84000,33344009.339. 9606100125 Ack recerpt of 950314 correspondence re chenipes to plant physcal securk

                                                                                                            -HW9HM Reposed tech specs to relocalen of he otecten reguremeNs                                                  l PECO Energy Co.,(formony PNiedelprua Eisctnc           .). 95/05/12. 5pp. 84009:335-                 ;

ty pean.NRC fmds for encluson mto pien. (Post 820201). 95/04/25. MACFARLANO,W. PECO Energy 84009.339 JOYNER.J H. Co., pormerly Electnc Col app.64026.338 4 4026.340 9506240176Noshes NRC of changes to NPDES pomut.consetmg of ._. .; of 9805180186 Ach receipt of 950314 correspondence re changes to plant tramm0 & qualp two mWnW momt ponts for rnonnonng condenser waterbox oram down es- , Run througn Outtans 003 & 005. t tcanon pian. issue 2.Rev C.NRC imds chances acceptable for inclusen reoplan. chart [es to P2seem HUNufR.G.A. PECO Energy Co., Phdadelptua Electnc Co 195/05/15. Doc-JOYNER,J.H. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/25 MACFARLAND.W. PEGO Energy ).11pp. 84083.33344063:343 Co., (former'y Phnadelptua Electrc Col 3pp. 84030:30444030:306. ument Control Branch (Document ) 9505160061 Forwards Rev a to " Upgraded EALs." based on . _ 9600000312 Genonc Lir 92 02 Rev 1.Suppt 1 to all holders of OLs (except those IL

                                                                                               - outmedin         conses amended to --.          se status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac.

NUMARC/NESP 007, , HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co., PhdaovipNa Electne Col 95/05/04 Doo, tor vesset structural enegnty . ument Control Branch (Document trol ). 3pp. 84137-00144137:324, ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocess Drector for Protects (ADPR)(Post 941001). 95/05/19. Consolidated E.deson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp 84084 35244084:361.

             -9506150054 Rev e to " Upgraded EALs" KCO Energy Co.,(formerly Pheadelptus Esectre Col 95/04/26. 321pp. 84137:034-              9905300308 Apphcaton for amends to bconses NoF 39 & NPF-85, consestmg of change                                  #

84137.324. regasst 95 02.revemo TS TatWe 3.3 3-3. "ECCS Response Tenes" to reflect value of I 60 seconds for HPCI sys response tme instead of 30 seconds. itG06100M6 Forwards issue 2.Rev 4 to physcal secunty plan.Enci withheld per HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co.. Phandolphe Elecinc Col 95/05/19. Doc- + 10CF R73.21. umorit Control Branch (Document sk). 2pp. 84101.320-84101:328. MACFARLAND.W G. PECO Energy Co Phdadelptus Eisetnc Col 95/05/

08. Document Control Branch (Document ).1p. 64015 35844015.359. -900ne0991 Proposed toch soect.consstm0 of change roguest 9502, TS 1 ante 3.3.3 3 "ECCS Response Tenes" to reflect value of 60 seconds for H sys 90061800N Rev 4 to EPIP ERP460. "Dminbulon of Thyroid Blockmg Tabiets" W/ response eme instead of 30 seconds as specthed.

950510 ter.

  • PECO Energy Co (formetty Pnsedesprua Electnc Co). 95/05/19. 7pp. 84101:322 +

HUNGER.G.A. PECO Energy Co., (formerly Ptuladelphe Elecinc Col 95/05/10. 64101.328 10pp. 83900:314 83980:323. t

             $60$190306 Fonwards revoed TS pages to TS Change Request 89104 submnted by                     O. Inspection reports. IE Buteune & correspondonee                                                              1 941202 Itr to reloceton of fre protecten rogurements.per NRC respect for cierwymg                                                                                                                            l
                                                                                                                         ***               Notce 95424. "Sunynary of hd Opwata ReWcaton NGER.GA PECO Energy Co.. (

ument Control Branch (Document Control Phdadelptua Electne Col 95/05/12. Doc-

                                                                      ). 2pp. 64009:33344009.339.

p,,,',[ . 95/04/25 Conschdeied Edson Co of New York, Inc.12pp. GRIMES.B K.

             -9005190210 Proposed toch specs re relocaten of fee protocean regurements 8375W-837522.                                                                                             ;

PEC nergy Co., formerly PhdadelpNa Electnc Co.l. 95/05/12. 5pp. 64009.335 H000003W Informs W ISI.lST & repar & repMcommit prograti base for continued une of 1906 editon of ASME Secton XI Code regurements. HUNGER.G.A PECO Energy Co.. Pruisdelpha Electne Co). 95/04/27. Doo-9905310121 Forwards SALP roots 50 352/93-99 & 50-353/93 99 for ponod 930026- ). 3pp. 03&37;35843637.360. at plant. ument Control Branch (Document 01 [ 950401.No volatons noted.NRC one exceaant level of

                "^a,,';",4',,a,ms'                                   8                 aem ea-a ca "--                                                                                                                       !

e #a c rA2;2;t"Ogr7/=. =0.iO12gt 9543 o an h.e,s , OLs or cps fy PWRs re

             -M06310133SALP repts 50 352/93 99 & $0 353/93 99 for 930926-950401.                                  2         MAN R.P. Aaammte Deector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28.                           j Consolidated Eteon Co. of New York, #nc.11pp. 8375m343757-023
  • Regen 1 (Post $20201). 95/05/24.10pp. 64096.07844096 067.  ;

9805190067 Forwards for revow revoed rehet reauests for plant troen recuremnts of a L Finenelei R. ASME B&PV Code to prosaure tests for Class 13 sys & pressure rotamm0 compo. nonts 9605180017 "PECO Energy Co 1994 Annual Rept." W/950512 Itr. PAQUETTE.JF., HUNGUR.G A PECO Energy Co., (formony Phdadelptua Elecinc ument Be " beek 83e96 6 255 Cc4 94/12/31. 46pp. 64C24:302 44024:353. 9608000171 NRC Info Notco 95425. " Valve Fadure Dunng Patient Treatnwnt w/ Gamma Stereosactc Rachosurgery Urut" , COOL.D.A. Divison of Industnai & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. [ P.Operstng boense ompe - 6 cormepondence Coneohdated Ethson Co. ce New York, mc. 9pp. 64007.18244007:190. , 9505230004 Comment supporbng proposed GL, *' Pressure Lociung & Thermal Smdm9 9505380024 Notifcaten of asgrufcant hcensee mee 95 50 w/utre on 9506t*2 to of Safety-Related Power Operated Gate Valves." present results of recent SALP assessment for 930926 to 950401 tw piare.  ! HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co.. (formerly Phdadelptua Electne Col 95/04/26. ANDERSON.C.J Regon 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/19 Regen 1 (Post 820201). 2pp i MEYER.DL Rules & Dreceves Review Branch (Post 920323). 3pp. 64001.328- 64062:078 44062-079 64001:330. 9605310121 Forwards bALP roots 50 352/93-99 & 50 353/93-99 lor pered 930926-9004210393 Genene Lir 9544 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors 950401.No votatens noted NRC observed excedient level of performance at plant. to feel depoorhon of SEP tessons.lemmed usues- MARTIN.T.T. Rsgen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/24. SMITH.D M. PECO Energy Co (for-  ! ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Proincts (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/26. rnwty Ptuladelpha Electnc Col Opp.64096.072 64096:087. Coneohdated Echoon Co. of New York. Inc.1490 83757:024 43757 037,


9505130141Sutmuts reemsted info re plant NPDES Permit PA0051926 MATTY.R M. PECO Energy Co (tormerty Ptutade4prue Electne Co4 95/05/01. f( 820201 ' 95/ / 4 10pp 0 '0764409 08 ' GARG.S. Pennsylvarme. C-._ . _T. of. 3pp. 83949.35943949:361. , 9505150041 Forwards Rev 3 to Rehof Request GPRR.2 whch requested rehof froen re. R Penedic operstmg reports & mhud correspondence j gurements of Secton XI of ASME & B&PV Code conoemmg accuracy of pump ' matrumentsten Submrts mio madvertently omitted from Rev 2, 9605040265 Forwards "Lrnench Generating Staten Uruts 1 & 2 Annual Radelogcal HUNGER,J.A PECO Energy Co (f Philadelphe Electne Co l 95/05/04 Docu- Operanng Rept 11 JareDec 1994." Operaten of LGS has had no adverse impact on , fusnt Control Branch (Document Control ). 6pp. 83898.20743898.212. envron. l

  • PECO Energy Coe(formerly Philaoelpfma E6ectnc Co ).95/04/28. Document Control 9506150059 NotMes NRC that Rehet Request $1 VAR-1 for plant erst 10 yr interval Branch (Document Control Desk).1p. 83833 00143833:135.

Pump & Valve IST Program no longer needed Request for retof from ASME B&PV _ _ __" Umanck Generahng Staton Uruts 1 & 2 Annual Raeologmal Enveon Op-


Code re RHR sys to be deleted trorn subl program. HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co., Pndadeptua Electnc Co) 95/05/04. Doc. orgtgRept 11 for Jarn.Dec 1994." ument Control Branch (Document troi ).1p. 83696 24743896.247.

  • pew Energy Co (formerty Phdadesprua Electnc Col 94/12/31.126pp. 83833'002-83833 135 9605150020 Responds to930625 Itr ee util submrital of TS Change request 92134. tor LGS.uruts 1 & 2. Revised TS pages concnbmg wnen spray pond spray notework supng 9605100301 MontNy operaung repts for Aor 1995 for Umench Generatmg Staten.W/

wel tie drasted encs,per NRC request 950515 Itr HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co.. (1 Pruiadelphe Electnc Co) 95/05/05 Doc- HENRICKS.D R., MUNTZ JA PECO Energy Co.. (formerly Phdadelptua Electnc Col ument Control Brenen (Document Control ). 3pp. 83899:05443899:058. 95/04/30,12pp 84005 25744005.268 l 1

DOCKETEDITEMS 97 S. ReporteMe esa.. . LERe & related corrompendense 9605150099 Not fios NRC that Relef Request 51-VRR 1 for plant fwst 10 yr interval Pump & Valve IST Program no longer needed. Request for reisof from ASME B&PV 9505100110 Docusses Imai rept 94403 re OP 38TD61/6 CS insecton pump arosen QQsgg ,om subi prgepr a Em Ce 95/0m h FRATIANNE.S A. Coltec Industnes anc. 95/04/25. Document Control Branch (Docu- ument Control Branch (Document).1p. hon83898.24743890.247. merit Control Desk).1p. $J87510343875:103. LGS.umts 1 & 2.Revoed TS pages Oesertung when spray pond spray netswork piping V. Operater E w11 be drained at.per NRC request HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co.. (former Philadelphe Electnc Co).95/05/05. Doc. unent ContrW 8mne (Docurnent ConW L 3pp. 83899D54-838m 9505000tes Informs that I can no longer pertespete m certshcate presentatons "an, " Uni " " * * ' "

                                                                                         -9606160027 Reveed TS pages. clearly descnbmg when Spray Pond spray network p           g               g obtain'          perator1m
                                          . 838t71N838 71                                             nerg Co onneny Phdadelphe Electnc Col 95/05/05. 2pp. 83899 057-fior                  Electnc 95061000N Forwards copes of both forms of GFE section o written operator imenseg esam            answer keys & gradmg results for util employees who took exam ad.       9e06230039 Responds to NRC RAI re utd TS Change Request 94-32 0 autwnstied by minolered on       05.W/o enci                                                            940831 nr to oeste reounements of Secten 3/4.3.8 for tortune overspeed protecton MEYER.G W. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/03.HOPKINS.L. PECO Energy Co.. (for-              'YS merly Ptvladespesa Electnc Col 2pp 83828.03643828:037                                     HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co.. (                  Ptuladelphe Electne Co) 95/05/11. Doc-ument Control Branch (Document Control           ). 4pp. 64039:314 44039.317.

DOCetET 90 363 LitAERICK GEsIERAT1000 CTATt004, UselT 2 9606190306 Forwards reveed TS pages to TS Change Request 8910 0 sutwnstted by 94t202 Itr to relocaton of fire protecton recurements.per NHC request for cientymg mfo F. Securny, modseal, amer 9ency & fire preemet6en plans HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co.. (t Phdadelphe Electne Col 95/05/12 Doc-ument Control Drench (Document control }. 2pp. 64009 33344009 339. n C nos occ mcausen mio

                                                                                         -H06190210 Propmed toch specs m relocahon of fue                     mouvements.

bYNER.J H. Regen Post 620201). 95/04/25. MACFARLAND.W. PECO Energy

  • PECO Energy Co (formerly Phdadelptus Electnc 4 95/05/12. 5pp. 84009.335-Co., (formerly Phdadelphe Eectnc Col 3pp,64026.33644026.340. 64009.339.

9505180156 Ack racect et 950314 correspondence re changes to plant trenung & ouale. M05240176 Nottfes NRC of changes to NPDES pernt.conostmg at establehment of ficamon plan.tssue 2 Rev 0.NRC tmds chan0es acceptable for mclusion intogn. two miemel monitanno pomts for momtonng condenser waterbox drain down Wir JOYNER.J.H. Regean 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/25. MACFARLAND.W. pew Energy charges to Possom Hollow Run tnrough Outtons 003 & 005. Co (formerly Pneedelphe Enctnc Co4 3pp. 84030-30444030306 . HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co.. ( Ptuladelpha Electne Col 95/05/15. Doc-ument Control Branch (Document Control ).11pp. 64063.33344063.343 9506150061 Forwards Rev a to " Upgraded FAla." based on methodology outlined in NUMARC/NESP 007. 9906240057 Forwards "PECO Energy Co Lwnenck Generstm0 Staton Urut 2 Startup HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co (formetty Ptvladelptua Elecint Col 95/05/04. Dor, Rept Cycle 4 " ument Control Branch (Document Control vesk). 3pp. 64137.00144137:324. MACFARLAND,WA PECO Energy Co.. (formerly Pheadelphe Electnc Co) 95/05/18. Document Control Branch (Document Control Dook). Ip. 84072:13544072.181. -9606190064 Rev e to " Upgraded EALs?

  • PECO Energy Co (formerly Phmaoelptua Elecinc Col 95/04/26. 321pp. 84137;004- -9t05240073 "PECO Energy Co Limench Generstmg Staton Urut 2 Startup Rept Cycle 84137.324. 4."

GARDNER.P.A. PECO Energy Co., (formetty PNiedelphe Electnc Co.). 95/05/16. 9805100536 Forwards lasue 2.Rev 4 to physcal secunty plan.Enct withheld per 45pp. 64072.13644072:181. 10CFR 73.21. MACFARLAND.W.G. PECO Energy Co fr Pheadelpha Electne Co). 95/05/ 94063e03ee Appleaten for emends to beeness NPF 39 & NPF 85, consetng of change

08. Document Control Branch (Document Control ).1p. 64015.35644015.359. reauest 95 02.revemg TS Table 3.3.3-3 "ECCS Response Tunes" to rehect value of 60 seconds for HPCI sys response eme menead of 30 seconds.

950s1e0036 Rev 4 to EPIP ERP-e60. *Detnbuton of Thyroid Bloclung Tablets? W/ HUNGER.G A. PECO Energy Co.. Ptuladelptua Electre Col 95/05/19. Doc. 950510 ler. ument Control Branch (Document ). 2pp. 84101.32044101.328 HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co (formerly Pfuladelptua Electne Co). 95/05/10. 10pp. 83988:314 4 3968.323. -e005300201 Proposed noch specs.consetng of change roguest 95 02. (S Table 3.3.3-3. "ECCS Response Times" to reflect value of 60 seconds for Nys 9006190306 Forwards revreed TS pages to TS Change Request 89100 subnutted by response eme motead W 30 seconds as specsfod. 941202lir to relocaten of tre protecton requrements.per NRC request for clantyng

  • PECO Energy Co.. (formerty Ptuladelphe Elecinc Co). 95/05/19. 7pp. 6410'.322 mio 64101.328 HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co.. Ptuladelphie Electne Col 95/05/12. Doc-ument Control Branch (Document trol ). 2pp. 64009:333 4 4009.339

-900510021ts Proposed tech specs re relocaton of froprotecten recuremoms. IE Butchne & 6

  • PECO Energy Co.. (formony Pheadelphe Electnc wo) 95/05/12. 6pp. 64009.335-8400923g 9604190049 NRC Info Notce 90024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requalifcaten 9905310121 Forwards SALP rests 50 352/93-99 & 50-353/93 99 for penod 930926 G M B 04/25. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 12pp.

950401.No veisuons noted NHC observec aircellent level of portormance at plant. 83757:001 43757.012. MARTIN.T.T. Flegion 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/24.SM!TH.D M. PECO Energy Co (for-merly Pfuladesprua Electnc Col 6pp. 84096:07244096:087. 9905050304 Informs of ISIlST & repar & replacement program basis for continued use c41986 editen of ASME Secten xi Code recurements -9505310123 SALP repts 5G352/93 99 & 50 353/93-99 for 930926 950401. HUNGER,GA PECO Energy Co Pfundelptus Electnc Co) 95/04/27. Doc-

  • Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/24.10pp. 84096:07644096 087 ument Control Bronch (Document trol ). 3pp. 63837.358 83837.380, 9504210127 Genenc Lir 9503 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re crcumferental L Pinencial informatten crackmo of SG tubes.

ZIMMEP. MAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Projects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. 9505180017 *PECO Energy Co 1994 Annual Rept? W/950512 nr. Consohdated Eeson Co of New York. inc.11pp. 83757:013 83757:023. PAOVETTEJ F. PECO energy Co (tormerly Philadesprue Electnc Col 94/12/31. 48pp. 64024.30244024.353, 9505150067 Forwards for revew reveed relief roguests for plant from recurements of ASME B&PV Code to pressure tests for Class 13 sys & pressure retarung compc-nents. D. Operstmg hcense stage "'- . A correspondence HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co.. Ptuladelptua Electre Co ) 95/05/04. Doc-ument Control Branch (Document 01 ). 7pp. 83898.24843898 255 9 ' "*"I

 ,, 2 a      R       ower        ed                                                      9505050171 NRC Info Notco 95025. ,", Valve Failure Dunne Patent Treatment m/

HUNCER.GA PECO Ene gy Co (formerly Phdadeep%a Electnc Col 95/04/26. Gamma Stereotache Redesurgery Urut. MEYER.D.L. Rules & Drectrees Revow Branch (Post 920323). 3pp. 64001:328, COOL.DA Divisen of Industrel & Medcol Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. g4ont33g. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Irc. Opp. 84007:182 44007:190. 9504210293Genenc Lir 9504 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuctear power reactors 9505250102 Forwards Books 1 & 2 of " LGS Urul 2 Summary Rept for 930317 950219 re fmai disposson of SEP 6essons.deamed coues Penode ISI - Rept 3r ZIMMERMAN.R P. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001), 95/04/28 MACFARLAND W G. PECO Energy Co.. It Ptuladesprua Electne Col 95/05/ Consohdated Ed son Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 83757:02443757:037. 19 Document Control Branch (Document Control kt 1p. 64074.00144075:039. 950512o141 Submns requested mfo re plant NPDES Permit PA0051926 -950525010s Books 1 & 2 of " LGS Urut 2 Summary Rept for930317 950219 Penodc MATTY.R M PECO Energy Co.. (tormerly Prusadelone Electne Col 95/05/01. ISI Repl 3?  ! GARG.S. Pennsyivarna. Commonwealth of. 3pp. 83949.35943949:361.

  • PECO Energy Co (torene ty Phdadelptua Electnc Co).95/05/18. 402pp 64074 002-84075 039 9505190041 Forwards Rev 3 to Rehef Raouest GPRR.2 wtuch requested reief from re.

ouvements of Secton XI of ASME & B&PV Code concorrung accuracy of pump 9905260024 Nobicaten of segrufmant hcensee meebne 95 50 w/util on 950602 to matrumentanon Sutmuts info rnadvertently ometted from Rev 2 present results of recent SALP assessment for pared 930926 to 950401 for plant. l HUNGER I A. PECO Energy Co.. (formony Phsadviprus Emetnc Col 95/05/04. Docu- ANDERSON.CJ Regen 1 (Post B20201). 95/05/19. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 200, 1 ment Control Branch (Document Control vesk) 6pp. 83896.20743898.212. 64062 076 84062:079


l l i

98 DOCKETEDITEMS 9505310121 Forwards SALP roots 50-352/93-99 & 505353/93-99 for ponod 930926- 9505090009 Forwards redacted verson of rept to madequate CR staffmg at plant. 950401.No volabons noted NRC observed excellent level of performance at plant. HAGAN.J J. Pubic Sennce Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 95/04/19 Document MART!N.T.T. Regon 1 (Post 820201L 95/05/24 SMITH.D.M. PECO Energy Co (for- Control Branch (Document Control Deskt 2pp 83892.33043892.356. marty Phdadelphia Electnc Co.). 6pp. 84096.07244098-087

                                                                                      -9505090010 "investigaton of an Ansgaton of inadequate CR Staffing at Hope Creek

-9505310123SALP rects50 352/93-99 & 50 353/**P* .wr vis0926 950401. Generanna Staten "

  • Regen t (Post S20201). 95/05/24.10pp. 8496 07844096.087.
  • Pubic Service Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 94/10/11. 25pp 83892.332 83892.356.

R Portodec operat6ng reports & related correspondence 9504210293 Genanc Ltr 9504 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors to fmai deposrhon of SEP lessons 4eamed maues. 9505040265 Forwards "Lnnonck Generanng Staten Uruts 1 & 2 Annual Radologcal ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Director for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001L 95/04/28. Operatmg Rept 11 JarwDec 1994." Operaten of LGS has had no meterne impact on Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 83757:02443757:037 ermrort

  • PECO Energy Co,(formerly PndadelpNa Electne Co.). 95/04/28. Document Controd 9505110080 Forwards util plan re maue mgt & pnontmed actons to be taken to achieve Branch (Document Control Desk).1p. 83833 00143833.135. segrutcant near term & sustamed tong term improvements e operatonal portormance ELIASON.LR. Pubhc Servce Electnc & Gas Co of New Jersey. 95/05/03.

-9506040266 "Lenenck Generstmg Staten Uruts 1 & 2 Annual Raeologeal Enveon Op- MARTIN.T.T. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 2pp. 6393223043932 310. . erstmp Rept 11 for Jan.Dec 1994."

  • PE ,0 Energy Co.,(1ormotty PhdadelpNa Eksetnc Co.).94/12/31.126pp 83833:002' -9505110086 "NBU lasue Mgt & Pnonhzed Acton Plan." did May 1995.


  • Pubic Servce Elecinc a Gas Co of New Jersey. 95/05/31. 86pp. 83932.232-83932.310.

9505180301 Monthly operating repts Ior Apr 1995 for Lenenck Generabng StabonW/ 9505150028 Appicanon for amend to App A of hcense NPF.57.mcreasi nnual oper-NI S.D.R., MUNTZ.JA PECO Energy Co., (formerty Phdaoelphia Electnc Co.L ational hmet for drywell & suppresason chamber purge sys from 120 h to h. 95/04/3012pp 8400525744005268- HAGAN.JJ. Pubhc Servce Electre & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 95/06/04 Document Control Branen (Document Control Desk). 8pp. 83898.15843898.187. O, Reportable occurrences, LERs & related .~ ~ ~ -9505150182 Proposed toch specs re enanges to secten 3/ "Drywell & Sup. pressen Chamber Purge Sys." Sutmwttat mcreases annual operaDonal brut for drywell 9505100110Dscusses inal rept 94 003 re OP 38TD81/8 CS mjecten pump arosson & suppresson chamber purge sys from 120 h to 500 h. sleeve cavitatort

  • Pucac Servce Electne & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 95/05/04. 2pp. 83898:186-FRATIANNE.S A. Contec industnes. Inc. 95/04/25. Document Control Branch (Docu- 83898 167 mont Control Desk) 1p. 83875.10343875:103.

9505190379 Forwards safety evaluabon corcludmg that weldmo of SA-351. Grade CD4MCu mati for svc water pumps at piant authonzed.per 10CFR$0.65a(a)(310) E Opemtor Examinetons OLSHAN.LN. Protect Deectorate 6 3 (PD131 (Post 941001). 95/05/05.ELIASON.LR. Pubic Serwce Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey 4pp. 83991.27243991.278. I 9505090108 informs that Regen I can no longer partcipate m carbfcate preservtatens to bcensed operator & SRO.Utd mgt encouraged to conunue efforts to recogruze en- -9505190380 Safety evaluahon conclueng that weidmg of SA.351. Grade CD4MCu matl  ! portance to safety requeed to obtam reactor operator hcne for svc water pumps at piant authonzed.per 10CFR50.55ata)(310) WIGGINS).T. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/01. SMITH.D.M PECO Energy Co.,

  • Offee ce Nuclear Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001). 95/05/05. 3pp. 83991.278-(formerly Phdadelprus Electnc Co.). 2pp 83817.15843817.159 g399i273.

9505100026 Forwards copes of bom forms of GFE secten of wntten operator heensmg 9505150170 Forwards New Jersey Pollutant Dscharge Ehmmaton Sys Permit a mc war gradmg msuns for uni employees who took exam ad. NJ0025411 appbcaten supplement.per requirements of subsechon 3.2 of plant enve MEYER.G W. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/03 HOPKINS,L PECO Ensegy Co.. (tor. QTpf",;,",0,,"*",d**0yQ0D 3 ,, $,a Jersey 95/05/08. Dow me@ Phdadelptua Electnc Col 2pp. 83828 03643828.037. ment Control Bronch (Document Comrol Deskt 131pp. 8389928143900 042. 9505230210 Documents proposed revs to scheduies for submittal of Salem & Hope DOCKET 50-354 HOPE CREEK NUCLEAR STATION, UNTT 1 Stations IPE of entomal events repts. Creen Genera LABRUNA.S. Servce Electne & Gas Go of New Jersey 95/05/11. Document Control Branch (Document Control Deskt 3pp. 84049:345 44049.347. F. Security, med. cal, emergency & fire protection plans O'*" 9505030053 Revaed EPIPs.meludmg rev 29 to EPIP 204H & rev 52 to EPIP. TOC.HC. , .'2 94 9 1[ EUASON.M Servce Electre & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 95/04/10. 80pp 83808.022- Pubhc Servce Emetne & Gas Co. of New Jersey.13pp. 83991.27943991.291. 9505090312 Genenc Lir 9242.Rev 1. Suppl i to all holders of OLs (except those b. 9505180135 Forwards map rept 50 354/95 03 on 9503054422 No vctatons noted. conses amended to my status) or cps W nuclear power reactors re reac-WHITE.J.R. Region 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/06 EttASON.LR. Pubic Servce Electnc

     & Gas Go of New Jersey. 3pp. 83952:236-83952.278.                                     %ghgal              A        e Director for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001E 95/05/19.

Consohdated E.eson Co. of New York,Inc.10pp. 64084.35244084.381.

 -9505180145insp root 50 354/95 03 on 950305 0422.No volabons noted. Maior areas mspected operatens.resologmai controis.mant & survedlance testmg.EP,secunty eny-noenng/technmal support & safety assessment /quakty wentcaton.

WHITE.J R Regen 1 (Post 820201k 95/05/08 40pp 83952.23943952.278. Q. Inspection reports,IE Bulletsns & correspondence 9505180155 Forwards 950406 ftr from P McIngre to JA Momm re actons taken by State 9504190049NRC into Notce 95 024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requahtcaten of NJ Ofc of Emergency Mgt to remndate catcency identited by FEMA at940524 insp Program Findmps" j enerose al Articial Island- GRIMES.B K. . 95/04/25. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 12pp l JOYNER.J H. R 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/08 ELIASON.LR. Pubhc Servce Elec- 83757:00143757.012~ tre & Gas Co of Jersey. 5pp. 83952:30643952 310 95042227 Ganc Ltr M3 m an hoeders of as or cps W Ms to circurntemnbal 1 9505240007 Revised EPIPs.mcluding rev 3 to EPIP 401 & rew 26 to EPIP. TOC {OF. #

  • Pubhc Senace Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 95/05/12 topp 84069.349 M% MAN R Associate Director for Protects (ADPFI) (Post 941001L 95/04/28 {

84069 358 Consohdated Edison Co of New York. Inc 11pp 83757:013 43757:023 ' 9505260029Pevned EPIPs.metudmg rev 14 to ECG ATT 1.rev 8 to ECG ATT 2,rev 9 to 9505150038 Forwards response to NRC 950329 Itr re velatons reted m insp rept 50 ECG ATT 3.rev 8 to ECG ATT 4.rew 23 to ECG ATT 8 & 7,rev 15 to ECG ATT e rev 354/95-01 on 9504174304 Correctwo actons. counseled appropnate personnet re 22 to ECG ATT 9.rev 41 to ECG HECG Taole of Contents & rev 35 to ECG sag ATT.

  • Pubhc Servce Elecinc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 95/05/21. 85pp 64088:001- lack ed suMicent evew of EDG TS LCO & lack of attenton to cetail.

MAGAN.J.J. Puche Sennce Eiectre & Gas Co, of New Jersey 95/04/28. Document 64088 085' Control Branch (Document Control Deskt 14pp. 83943 29483943.309 P. Operating hcense stage cocuments & m,.. , 9505150080 informs of ...a made by plant mgt re operaton cd decontanuna-bon soluton evaporator m response to NRC map team mvestagaton of950405 event 9505030458Appbcanon for amend to bcense NPF.57.revemg TS Tacle 4.3 7.1-1. "Ra- "' HAyAN. e Co New a 95/05/04. Document deten Morntormg Instrumentabon SRs' by extendmg channet functonal test mierval Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 83898256-83898.258 trom monthly to cuarteny for each metrument. HAGAN.J.J. Pubic Servce Electre & Gas Co. of New Jersey 95/04/18 Document Control Branch (Document Control Deskt 6pp. 83793 353-83793.360. 9505180135 Forwaros map rept54354/95 03 on 950305-0422 No volatons noted WHITE.J R. Fiegen 1 (Post 820201) 95/D5/06 ELIASON.LR. Pubic Sennce Electnc

   -9505030459 Proposed tech specs Tabse 4.3 7.11 "Radiaten Monnonng instrumente.           & Gas Co. of New Jamey 3pp. 83952.23643952.278.                                        j ton SRs." exteneng channes funcbonal test mterval from monthly to guarteny for                                                                                            l each matrurnent.                                                                 -9505180145Inso rept50 354/9543 on 950305 0422 No votatens noted. Masor areas
  • Pubhc Senace Electre & Gas Co. of New Jersey 95/04/18. 2pp 83793.359- mspected:operatons.radoiogeai controls.maint & surveilence testmg.EP.secunty engi.

83793.380. noenng/techncal support & safety assessment /guakty ventcatiort WHITE.J R. Regen 1 (Post 820201L 95/05/08. a0pp 83952,23943952278 950502C331 Docusses uni cost benetcial bcensmg schons process.m response to NRC meerest expressed dunng recent voit w/ PSE&G Board of Derectors 9505050171 NRC Into Notta 95-025. " Valve Failure Dunng Patient Treatme*it w/ ELIASONLR. Pubhc Serince Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey 95/04/19 Regen 1 Gamma Stereotaenc Radesurgery Urvt." (Post 820201) RUSSELLW T. Offce et Nuclear Reactor Regulation (Post 941001) COOLD.A. Dansion of Industrel & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729) 95/05/11. 6pp 83763 35443763.359- Consohdated Ethson Co of New York. Inc 9pp. 84007:182 44007'190.

DOCKETEDITEMS 99 G. Pertodic operating reports & related correspondence G. Ad}udicatory correspondence 9505020048 " Hope Creen Generaung Staten Annual Rasoactwe Effluent Release Rept 9505090283 Responds to petrion did 940810 roouesting that NRC shut down & ds-A .J J e Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey RERR-17. 94/12/31. g"d " #*** '" *" 206pp. 83775.07743775.282. RUSSELL W T. Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001). 95/04/27. 9505040187 ~1994 Annual Enveen Operstmg Rept (Non Radologcal),Jan through' Dec AG NJ.J P Servce Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey 94/12/31 Spp. 45M090286Directvs dacson under 10CFR2206 re T Oougherty request that NRC 83862 01743862-.024' shut down planmequest oped RUSSELLW.T. Ottce of Nuciear Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001). 95/04/27 Affib. 9505050075 "Radotogcal Environ Morwtoreg Program 1994 Annual Radclogeal Envu aten Not Assegned 10pp. 83890 03443890:043. von Operstmg Rept .larwDec 1994." W/950428 Itr. LABRUNA.S Pubhc Servce Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 94/12/31.163pp -9505090289 Nobce of msuance of director's deceen under 10CFR2 206 re request for 83863 001 43863 163 shutdown of plant. RUSSELLW T Ottee of Nuclear Reactor Regulabon (Post 941001). 95/04/27. 2pp 9505180223 Monthly operstmg rept for Apr 1995 for Hope Creek Urut 1.W/ 950515 Itr. 83890.044 43890:045. LYONS.D W. HOVEY.R.J Pubic Servce Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 95/04/

30. 9pp. 84005 35244005.360.

L Financial 6nformatson S. Reportable occurrences, LERs & related corr. _ a 9505240366Forwaras cash flow statement for yr ending Dec 1994 & SCE Corp annual 9505030198 Part 21 rept te hinge arms assocated w/swieen swmg check valves mfg 'y$ [** ^@ $F9 %708C t Convol Braun (Document Control Deskt 44pp. 84068.27244068.315 LABR A Put e Electne & Gas Co of New Jersev 95/04/26. Document Control Brawh (Document Control Desh) 13pp 83790:025-83t90 037 P. Operstmg iconse stage documents & --.e . V. Operator Esammations 9505030305 9505090036 Informs that Regen I wdl no longer partcipate m certsteate presentauons Forwards Power mg of Safety-Reiated comments on proposed Operated GL. "." Pressure Loctung & Thermal Smd. Gate Valves to hcensed operators & SROs instead.NRC we send certfcates directiv to facilities. MARSH W C Soutnem Cahtorne Eeson Co 95/04/26 NRC No Detaned Affdiaton l WiGGINS.J 1. A 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/01. ELIASON.LR Pubic bervce Elec- Gwen. 6pp 8383228543832290 trc & Gas Co of w Jersey. 2pp. 83816.15243816153. 9505010137 Informs of withdrawal of four iconse amend appicatons that have been 9505100116 Forwards both forms of exam. answer keys. grading results & mdividual superseded by TSIP submrttal snswer sheets for 950405 GFES secton of exarn admmistered to two MARSH.W.C. Southem Cahtorrha Edison Co 95/04/27. Document Control Branch edmduals.Indmduals passed exam Wto enct (Document Control Desk) 2pp 83722.356 83722.357. MEYER.G W Regon 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/03.ORTICELLE,A. Pubhc Servce Elec-tre & Gas Co of New Jersey. 2pp. 8382823243828 233 9505010156 Expresses concern w/classdcanon from performance mdcator program MARSH.W C. Soutnem Cairforne Edson Co. 95/04/27 JORDAN.E L Ottco for An46 Ys & Evaluaton of @eratonal Data. Dwectx 2pp 83716 3M-8371631E DOCKET 50 356 UNIV. OF ILLINOIS RESE. ARCH REACTOR 9504210293Genanc Lir 9544 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors P. Operateig bcense stage documents & correspondence re tw disponnen of SEP lessons-leamed asues ZIMMERMAN R P. Assocate Director for Prolects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28 Consohdated Edson Co c4 kw % inc 14pp. 83757:024-83757.037. l 9505010264 Provides response to RAI did 940417 re LOoRA I HOLM.R.L lihnors. Urvv. of. Urbana. IL95/04/24.ADAMSA NRC . No Detaded Afth. abon Osven. 2pp. 83716 356-83716 357. 9505020285 Informs that utd amendmg 950417 ttr to withdraw portons of submritats tnat contam propretary mio. I 9505090128 Ack receipt of 950418 Itr re Icensee actons m liOfit of fact that on MARSH.W.C. Southem Califorrua Eeson Co 95/04/28 Document Control Braren ! (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 83757.349-83757.350 950413.NRCecensed operator at hcensee tecdsty sought treatment for abuse of alcohol Fonds actions taken by licenses to be responsrve e reievarit. WEISS.S H. . 95/05/03. HOLM.R.L liiances. Unw. of. Urbana, IL app. 83856.088 9505020287 Informs that uhl wd1 be relocanng busmess olc from 23 Parker ( E3856:091 Street.irvme.CA to San Onotre Nuclear Generaung Staten, San Clemente.CA on i 950501. l 9505220189 Forwards notco of proposed asuance of orders authormng dispositen of MARSH,W.C. Southem Cahtome Edson Co 95/04/28 Document Control Branch components parts & termmatmg facety bconse.per 950210 apphcaton. (Document Control Desk).1p 83799 356-83799.356. ADAMS A . 95/05/15 HOLM.RL lihnos. Uruv of, Uttana. IL 3pp. 64010.204-84010.210 9505180592 Notifies that uhl completed dessn-bass reviews. analyses. 0505220178Nobce of proposed asuance of croers authonzing esposebon of compo- for i nont parts & temunatmg facehty hcense.Oroer would part:any esmantie low power re* MARSH.W.C. Southem Cahtomia Eeson Co 95/05/12. Document Control Branch actor assembly (Document Control Desa) 2pp. 64000 35344000:354. WEISS.S H. .95/05/09 App. 64010.20744010.210. 9505230112 Requests that CA Pubic Util Commessen (CPUC) reheve CA Energy Co V. OperMor EL (Cal Energy) & Luz Inti of any cost responsibikty for expenetures incurred m const of transtrussion kne

  • Southem Cantome Eeson Co 95/05/16 Caktomia. State of. 3pp 84051.322-9505240247 Informs NRC that SRO proveusly removed from stated m bcens* 84051.324, se 950418 ttr to NRC.has been temstated to full duhes effective 950500 HOLM R.L lihnos Uruv of. Urbana. IL95/05/15.ADAMSA NRC . No Detaded Affih- 9505240193 Package consistmg of notce of fdeg apphcaten 95-04-038 re proposed j

at on Given.1p. 64083.33744083.337 revenue meresse due to 1995 comana.sede mgt earrungs claimCA Pubic Ubbhes i Commissen we conduct evidentiary hearmg on matter DOCKET 50-361 SAN ONOFRE NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 2 oumm Camma Eeson M 95/05m6 2pp. 64083M6408M30 l t ! 9505090312 Genenc Ltr 92-02.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all hoiders of OLs (except those is F. Securtty, med cal. emer9ency & fre protection plans conses amended to posseson-onty status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac-

tot vessel structuralintegnty.

ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Director for Projects (ADpA) (Post 941001). 95/05/19

9505010105 Rev 61 to " Emergency Plan for San Onofre Nuclear Generstmg Staton Consohdated Ed' son Co of Now vork,Inc 10pp. 84084 35244064.361 I Uruts 1.2 & 3 W/950426 ltr.

MARSH.W C. Southem Cahtome Esson Co. 95/05/01. 450pp. 83715 001-83716.086 ( ,g g , , ,. 3 ,g ,,, , I

                                                                                            " SONGS.Urut 3 Response to GL 924t" re reactor vessel structural smegnty i

9505100195 Rev 61 toEeson Southem Cahtome " Emergency Pian For Co.95/05/01. SONGS 300pp Units 12 & 3 " .119 83905.04143906 MARSH.W C. Southem Cahtomia Eenon Co. 95/05/23 Document Control Branch

(Document Control Desk). 2pp. 64142 001-64142.283 I 950518o067 Ack receipt of 950111 & 30tirs w>wch transmitted Revs 44 & 45 to phyncal secunty pian at plant -9505310556 Rev 2 to " SONGS Urul 2 Response to GL 92 01
  • COLLINS.S J Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/08 RAY.HB Soutnem Cahtorrua
  • ATI Consuenng
  • Sartres Corp 94/05/19 140pp 84142 00344142142.

Edson Co 40p 8395311183953116

                                                                                          -9505310559 Rev 2 to "$0NGS.Orvi 3 Response to GL 92-01 "

9505230026 Revised EPtPs.inclueno rev 4 to SO123-vtil-1.rev 5 to SO123-Vill 1.TCN 8-

  • ATI Consulkng
  • Sartres Corp 94/05/19140pp 84t42143-84142.283 3 to rev 8 to SO123-VHI 10.TCN be to rev 3 to SO123. Vill 101.TCN 13 to rev 1 to SO123-Vill.10.2 & TCN 1-2 to rev 1 to SO123-Vili 10 3 W/950512 ftr MARSH W C. Southem Cantonva Edson Co 95/05/12 289pp 8404126744042184 Q. mapum repm IE Bes & cespondm 9505240092 Responds to NRC 950412tte te violahons noted m msp repts50-361/9505
      & 50-362/9005 on 950320 24 Correctrve actons repeced caerm invoived & coum         9504190049 NRC into Notce 95-024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requahfcation sened access authonzaten staM                                                         into Program Findmgs "

ROSENBLUM.R M Southem Cahtomia Eeson Co. 95/05/18 Document Control GRIMES.B K 95/04/25 Consondated Ed son Co of New York. Inc 12pp. Branch (Document Comrol Desk). 2pp. 6408325244083 253. 83757.001 43757.012

100 DOCKETEDITEMS 9505030057 Forwards insp repts50-285/94 04 & 50 285/94-24whch document resutts -9505150183 LER 95 005 00 on 950406. loss of pressuruer level occurred due to valve of NRC review of salt a performed by uhl at station & map procedure shgnment error.Termmated event at 0207 when heensee reclosed mmettow eolation 40501. tor anto valves GWYNN.T P Regen 4 (Dost $20201). 95/04/25. RAY,H.B. Southem Cahtome Edson KRIEGER,R W Southem Caktome Eeson Co. 95/05/08. App. 8398528243985.285. Co. 5pp. 83720.286 83720.330. 9505150185 Forwards LER 95-006 re reactor coolant sys essolved oxygen out of spec > 9504210127 Genenc L9 95 03 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs se circumferential ficatron. craciung of SG tubes. KRIEGER,R W. Soumem Catitome Eeson Co 95/05/08. Document Control Branch ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. (Document Control Desk).1p. 64007:19144007:194. Conschanted Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. 83757:0134 3757:023.

                                                                                      -9505150187 LER 95406 00:on 950406.RCS essolved Orygen found out of 9505090028 Forwards map repts 50 361/9542 & $0 362/95 02 on 9501294311 &                  specshcanon. Caused by ta8ure to folos procedure Retumsd oxygen level to been TS notce of volatert                                                                      steady state hmet by additen of hydramne BEACH.A.B Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/03. RAY,H.S. Southem Cahtome Eeson              KRIEuER,R.W. Southem CsMome Eeson Co.95/05/08 3pp. 64007.19244007:194 Co. 5pp. 6381610943816.142.

9505150189 Forwards LER 95-008 re TS 3.0.3 envy due to moperable contamment -9605090035Nobce of volaten trorn msp on9501294311.Votation notedwhile unit m emergency coohng tans. moos 3. operators attempted to close MFIV. Valve ed not fully close & rutrogen acc* KRIEGER.R W. Southem Cahtorma Eeson Co. 95/05/09. Document Control Branch mulator pressure reduced.makmg valve snoperable. (Document Controt Desk).1p 64007:195 84007:198,

  • Regen 4 (Post $20201). 95/05/03. 3pp. 8381611443816:116.
                                                                                      -9505150193 LER 95 006 00:on 950412.TS 3.0.3 entry occurred due to moperable con.

-9505000041 insp repts 50-361/95 02 & 50-362/95 02 on 9501294311No volatons tamment emergency cookng fans. Removed tan enmedately upon escovery noted Maior areas inspected:onsite followup of events,opershonal safety KRIEGER,R W. Southem Cahtome Edson Co. 95/05/09. 3pp. 84007:1 5 84007:198. venfesson.mamt & survedlance oDeerwahons & reruohng actmtes. WONG.H.J. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/04/20. 26pp. 63816.11743816142- 9505310206 Forwards LER 9%O4 m es of mopwaW non.SR fire spnnkler sn 9505230024 Ack receipt of 950321 lir mtormmg NRC of steps taken to correct volabons K GER R ktorr a 9 05/22. Document Control Branch noted m mso repts50-361/94-25 & 50 362/94 25. R N KE Re 4 Pos 201). 95/05/03. RAY,H.B. Southem Cahtonna

                                                                                      -9505310297 LER 95404 00:on 941114. valve release weght stuck & ed not drop upon electroruc actuaten & valve ed not open as rogured. Replaced mcorrectly mfg weignt 9505150242 Provides escussen of ubl evaluation of five bated areas. in response to                   950126 & ensured correct posetorung NRC questens durmg maint rehabihty map re loadmg Capability of Urut 2 or Urut 3 fob    8"R'tch K IEGER,R  onW. Southem Caktome Eeson Co.94/11/14 4pp 8416207444162:077.

loss of voltage signal w/o conceent SAS. MAR .W.C. Southem Cahtome Eeson Co. 95/OS/05. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 74pp. 63970148-83978.221. E Operator Ex _ 9505050171 NRC Into Notce 95-025, " Valve Failure Dunng Pahent Treatment w/ 9505050019 Forwards master copy & answer key to Genene Fundamentais Exam Sec-Gamma Stereotactc Radosurgery Urst." ton of wntien operator heensmg_ exam admirustered on 950405 W/o encl. COOLD.A. Dusen of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Port 870729). 95/05/11 GWYNN.T.P. Regen 4 (Post 620201), 95/05/02. RAY,H.B. Soutnem Cahtorma Eason Consondated Eeson Co. of New Yorg,inc. 9pp. 64007:182 44007:190. Co. 2pp. 63758-05643758:057. 9505190592 Nosles that ubi completed design bass reviews, analyses, venfcanons. tests & msps to comply wiracommendatons (a) through (h) of GL 89-10 DOCKET 50*362 SAN ONOFRE NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 3 tar facihty. MARSH.W C. Southem Cahtorrua Esson Co. 95/05/12 Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk) 2pp. 64000:35344000.354. F. Securtty, med6 cal, emergency & fire protection plans 9505240092 Responds to NRC 950412 ltr te volatons noted m map repts 50 361/9545

  & 50 362/9545 on 950320 24 Corrective actons replaced clerk mvolved & coun,         9505010105 Rev 6.1 to " Emergency Plan for San Onotre Nuclear Generating Staten selled access authonzaton staff.                                                       Uruts 1.2 & 3 " W/950426 tir.

ROSENBLUM.R.M. Soutnem Califomsa Edson Co. 95/05/18 Document Control MARSH.W C. Southern Cantorne Eeson Co 95/05/01. 450pp 63715'00143716:086. Branen (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 64083.25244083.253. 9505100195 Rev 6.1 to " Emergency Plan For SONGS.Uruts 1.2 & 3." 9505260432 Forwares insp repts50 361/94-22 & 50-362/94-22 re tasteners to be used

  • Southern Cahtorrua Eeson Co.95/05/01. 300pp. 83905.04143906.119.

at piants. tor into STROSNIDER.J R. . 95/05/22. JOHNSON.S.P. AfNeten Not Assi0ned. 3pp. 9506190067 Ack rece pt of 950111 & 30 ftrs whch transmitted Revs 44 & 45 to physcal 64090:206 44090-226.. secunty plan atplant COLLINS.S.J. Regen 4 (Post $20201). 95/05/06. RAY,H B. Southem Cahtomia 9505310443 Responds to NRC 950420 Itr te volatens noted m map repts 50 361/95 01 Eeson Co app. 83953.11143953116.

  & 50 362/95 01 on 950130 0314.Correchve actens. SONGS 40cks have been peced on switchyard vetucie accesa gates.                                                 9505230026 Revoed EPIPs.menudmg rev 4 to SO123 Vill.1.rev 5 to SO123-Vill 1.TCN 6-KRIEGER.R W. Southem Cantorrua Edison Co. 95/05/22 Document Control Branch             3 to rev 8 to SO123-Vlu-10.TCN 3 4 to rev 3 to SO123 Vilt10.1.TCN 1-3 to rev 1 to (Document Corttrol Desk). 3pp. 84145:162 44145 164                                     SO123-Vill 10.2 & TCN 1-2 to rev 1 to SO123-Vili 10.3 W/950512 Itr.

MARSH.W.C. Southem Cahtorrua Essen Co.95/05/12. 289pp. 6404126744042164. R. Permehc operstmg reports & retsted . 9505240092 Responds to NRC 950412 str re violatons noted m insp repts 50'361/95-05

                                                                                         & 50-362/95 05 on 950320 24 Correceve actons: replaced clerk mvolved & courv 9505040122 " San Onofre Nuclear Generatng Staten Annual Radcacave Effluent Re-            sened access authonzabon stan sease Rept Jan Dec 1994." W/950426 ftr.                                                ROSENBLUM.R M. Southem Catitorrua Edeson Co 95/05/18. Document Control MARSH.W.C Southem Cahtome Edson Co. 94/12/31. 476pp. 83794 00143795:112                Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 64063.25244063253.


  • Annual Radolooical Environ Operstmg Rept for 1994 San Onotre Nuclear Generstmg Staten Uruts 1.2 & 3
  • W/950426 tir G. Adjudicatory correspondence GOEDERS.M . MARSM.W.C. Southem Cahtorrua Esson Co 94/12/31. 195pp.

83861:184 43862-014. 9505090283 Responds to petiten dtd 940810 requestm0 that NRC snut down & dis-mantle plantRequest dermed based on reasons stated m enct @ rector's deceen DD-9505080238Provides Annual Personnel Morutonng Rept for 1994 per 10CFR20.2206 & 9546 sectons 6.91.5 of app A.TS to hcenses DPR 13.NPF 10 & NPF 15 tar plant.Duk wrth- RUSSELL.WT. Oftce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001) 95/04/27. held DOUMERTY,T. Affdstion Not Assigned. 7pp. 8389002743890:045 MARSH.W.C. Southem Cahtorrua Eeson Co 95/04/26. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). Ip.83873 093-83873:095. -9505090286 Director's deasson under 10CFR2206 re T Dougherty request that NRC shut down plant Roquest corned. 9505220300 Monthly operating repts for Apr 1995 tar SONGS.Uruts 2 & 3. W/950512 RUSSELLW.1. Oftce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001) 95/04/27. Affdi-KAPLAN.R.L. MARSH.W C. Southem Calitomia Eeson Co. 95/04/30. 13pp. *""#^**'9"' "" # 84039.22944039.24L -9505090289 Notee of issuance of dvector's decmon under 10CFR2.236 re request for shutdown of piant S. Reportat le occurrences, LERs & related .,.a RUSSE.044-83690 g3 ego 045LLW T. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001) 95/04/27. 2p 9505240268 Part 21 rept te mamarked AMP 1210 insulated lugs at SONGS. Ali AMP currently m mventory at ABB Detnbuten Sys Dw manected for escrepancy on 1. Financtal information 503 No trusmarked lugs found Traming atso heid w/OA personnel on Imainq JACKSON.A.. HAGENHCFF.N ASEA Brown Boven. Inc. 95/04/13 NRC rea De- 9505240366 Forwards cash flow statement for yr enden0 Dec 1994 & SCE Corp armuel tamed Athletion Gwen. 6pp. 84078 09184078:096. rept to Secuntes & Exchange Commason for yr enomg Dec 1994. 9505090013 Part 21 rept to trusmarked AMP 12-10 msulated fugs at San Onofre M C n torn a E Co /05/17. Document Control Branch PentLu0s oversare but have not taeled & of no smrnediate rehabdity concemCaused

  • error m markmg soutpment Lugs m mventory inspected & rione mesmarked opp 8 24 0 43 03 E Operaung hcense stage documents & cmespondence 9505150181 Forwards LER 95 005 re reducten of pressunzer level due to waive shg+ 9505030305 Forwards comments on pr GL " Pressure Lockmg & Tnermas Bine ment error mg of Satety Related Power-Operated to Valves "

KRIEGER.R W Southem Caktomia Edison Co. 95/05/08. Document Control Branch MARSH.W C. Southem Cairtome Emson Co. 95/04/26 NRC No Detaried Affelsten (Document Control Desk).1p. 8398528143965.285 Geven. 6pp. 63832.285 83832.290.

m - _ ._ m . - _ ... . . . . - . . . ~ . _. - . ~ . - - . DOCKETEDITEMS 101 i 9600010137 Informs of enthdrawal of four hcense amend apphcatens that have been 9506240002 Responds to NRC 950412 ltr re molahons noted m mso repts 50 361/95-05 , superseded by TSIP submittal. & 50 362/95 05 on 950320 24 Correctwo actens; rep 6 aced clerk mvolved & coun- a MARSH.W.C. Southem Cahtome Eeson Co 95/04/27. Document Control Branch sened access authonzabon staff. 1 (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 83722:356 83722:357. ROSENBLUM.R.M. Soutnem Cahtome Eeson Co. 95/05/16. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 64083.252 64083:253. 9505010156 Expresses concem w/etassifcaten from performance mdcator program. MARSH.W.C. Southern Cahtome Eeson Co. 95/04/27. JORDAN.E.L. Oftce for Anal- 9504200432 Forwaros map repts 50-36t/94-22 & $0 362/94 22 re fasteners to be used e yse & Evaluaten of Operanonal Data. Director. 2pp. 83716.31183716.312. at piants.for mfo. STROSNIDERJ R . 95/05/22. JOHNSON.S.P. Athleton Not Assigned. 3pp. 9504210293 Genenc Ltr 95 04 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors 64090:206 44090.226. re hnas esposden of SEP lessons 4eamed asues. i ZIMMERMAN.R P. Assocate Director for Propects (ADPR) (Pos' G4t**l1). 95/04/28. 9505310443 Responds to NRC 950420 Itr re notabons notee m msp repts SCL361/95 01 e Conochdated Esson Co. of New York, enc.14pp. 83757 0244g r$7 037. & 50 362/95 01 on 950130 0314 Correctwo actons. SONGS locks have been placed on switchyard vetucle access cates. 950e0202e6 informs that uta amoneng 950417 Itr to withdraw portorr. of submntals KRIEGER.R W. Southem Caldomia Eeson Co. 95/05/22. Document Control Branch that contam proonetary mto (Document Control Desk). 3pp 64145,16244145:164. MARSH W.C Soutnam CaMome Essen Co 95/04/26 Document C.mtrol Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 63757.34943757:350. R. Per6od6c operating reports & retened -. . 9505020287 Informs that utd wdl be relocanno business etc from 23 Parker inane.CA to San Onotre Nuclear Gereraung Staten. San Clemente.CA on 95050@22 San Onofre Nuclear Generatmg Staten Anraal Radioactive Eftluent Re. lease Rept Jan Dec 1994 " W/950426 lir. MARSEW.C. Southam Cahtome Esson Co 95/04/28. Document Control Branch MARSH.W.C. Southern Cahtome Edson Co. 94/12/31. 476pp 63794 00143795112. (Document Control Desk).1p. 83799:35643799.356. 9505230112 Requests that CA Pubhc Utd Commissen (CPUC) reheve CA Energy Co 9505040259 " Annual Radolop& 3." W/950426 Itr. cal Envron Operstmg Rept for 1994 San O (Cal Energy) & Luz inn of any cost renoonsibsty for exponetures incurred m const of Genereung Stabon Uruts 12 transmeson ime GOEDERS.M.. MARSH,W,C. Southem Caktomia Eason Co. 94/12/31. 195pp.

    ' Southem Cahtome Eeson Co. 95/05/16. Cahtomia. State of. 3pp. 64051:322                         63661:164 4 3862:014.

64051.324. 9505220300 Monthly operatmg repts for Apr 1995 for SONGS,Unna 2 & 3. W/950512 9505240193 Package connetmg of notco of filmg appleaten 95 04-038 re proposed str revenue mcrease due to 1995 comand-side mot sammgs claim.CA Pubhc Ubbties KAPLAN.RL MARSH.W.C. Southem Califomia Edson Co. 95/04/30. 13pp. Commason will conduct evidentary heanng on matter. 64039.229 44039:241.

  • Southen Cahtome Eeson Co.95/05/16. 2pp. 64063.32944083.330.

9505080312 Genene Lir 92 02.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all holders of OLs (except those h. S. Reportable m.-- . LERs & reisted correspondence conses amended to posseson only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac-ter vessel sinsctural anagnty 9505240268 Part 21 rept re mismarked AMP 12-10 maulated lugs at SONGS. All AMP ZIMMERMAN.R P. Assocate Drector for P'roiects ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19. currently m inventory at ABB Detnbuten Sys Ow mspected for escrepancy on Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. 64064.35244064:361. 3.No mamarked found Trammg also head w/OA personnet on kneno. JACKSON.A., MAGEN F.N. ASEA Brown Boven. Inc. 95/04/13 NRC No De-9505240062 informs NRC of utd planned course of acten to address moperatnitty of taded Aftdatan Gwen. 6pp. 64078.09144078 096. piant RCS RWL probe dunng Urut 3 Cycle 8 & 9 r outages. U hn,b",",'h',* Caw

                                                      /     0'          "' " ' "                   9505090013 Part 21 rept te mamarked AMP 1210 maulated lugs at San Onotre p ,g3  gpp                    36-                                            Plant. Lugs oversIIe bul have not faded & of no immodets reimbikty concom. Caused 9505310506 Forwards Rev 2 to " SONGS.Urut 2 Response to GL 92-01" & Rev 2 to                          fT      E AE                    Bower        95 0           R            A    1    ven,
    "$ONGS.Ure 3 Response to GL 92 01" re reactor vessel structural mtegnty.                          app. 83924:032 4 3924:035' MARSH.W.C Southern Cahtome Edson Co. 95/05/23. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 64142 00144142:283.
-9505310558 Rev 2 to
  • SONGS.Urut 3 Response to GL 9241." E Operator E
  • ATI Consulurg
  • Sartres Corp,94/05/19.140pp. 64142-14344142.263.

9505050019 Forwards master copy & answer key to Genere Fundamentals Exam Sec-ton of wntten operator beensmg exam admnustered on 950405 Wto enci. O,inspectlen reports,IE Butetes & - . _ . GWYNN.T P. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/02. RAY.H.B. Southem Cahfome Edison Co. 2pp. 8375895643758.057. 9504190049 NRC Into Notee 95 024. " Summary of Licensed Operator Requakteaton ME . /25. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 12pp. DOCKET 50 363 FORKED RIVER NUCLEAR STATIOeL UNIT 1 63757.001 43757-012. l taasmanr7 Forwards map repts50 285/94-04 & 60 285/94-24wruch document results R. Portod6c opersang reports & rotated corwapondence of NRC revew of self assessment performed by utd at staten & msp procedure 40501.for irdo 9505000238Provides Annual Personnel Monitonng Rept for 1994 per 10CFR20.2206 & GWYNN.T.P Repon 4 (Post 620201). 95/04/25. RAY.H.B. Southem Cantome Edson sectons of app A.TS to bcenses DPR 13,NPF 10 & NPF 15 for plant.Dem with-Co. 5pp. 83720-28643720.330. head. MARSH.W.C. Southem Caldortua Eeson Co 95/04/26. Document Control Branch 9504210127 Genenc Ltr 95 03 lo aC holders of OLs or cps for PWRs to crcumferenbal (Document Control Desk). 10. 63873.093-83873:095 cractung of SG tubes. ZIMMERMAN.R P. Associate Drector for Protects (ADPR) l Post 641001). 95/04/28. I Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. tipp. 63757:013 43757:023. DOCKET 50-364 JOSEPH M. FARLEY NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 2 l 9505000028 Forwards insp repts 50 361/95 02 & 50 362/9502 on 950129 0311 & ogion 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/03. RAY,H B. Southem Cahtorne Eeson F S88urW. 8"Wr9enW & P*eC#0n Plans H.A Co 5pp. 6381&10943816:142. , 9505110044 Forwards mso repts 50-348/9008 4 50 364/95 on 9504130409 & nonce 1

 -9505090035 Notce of velaten trom mso on 9501294311.Volaten noted:wtule urut m                        of violaton.Violaten evolved severat examples where madequate taggmg order prep.

mode 3. operators attempted to close MFIV.Vaive ed not fully close & rutrogen accu. araton & executan resuhed m unexpected test conditens mulator pressure reduced.matun0 valve moperable. CHRISTENSEN.H. Region 2 (Post 820201) 95/05/02.MOREY,D.N. Southem Nuclear

  • Region 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/03 3pp. 83816:114 43816 116 Operatmg Co. App.83851:066 4 3851.095.
 -9505090041 Insp repts 50w361/9502 & 50 362/95-02 on 9501290311.No volate9s                        ~9505110052 inso repts 50 348/95 08 & 50 364/9548 on 950313-0409 Veistens noted Maior areas mapected.onsste followup of events.operatensi safety                           noted.Ma:or areas mapected mamt & surve4 lance, physcal securny. fire protecten 4 ventcaten.rrent & surve41ance observatens & refuehng actwebes.                                   emeroency preparedness & follow up of prevmus msp Imdmgs.

WONG,H.J. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/04/20. 26pp. 83816:117-83816'142 ROSS.T M., CHRISTENSEN,H. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/02 23pp. 83851:073-83851.095. 9505230024 Ack receipt of 950321 Itr mformmg NRC of steps taken to correct volatons noted e insp repts50 381/94 25 & $0 362/94-25 9505100554 Forwards response to concem noted m NRC operabonal safeguards re-PERKINS.K.E. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/03 RAY.H.B. Southem Califome sponse evaiuabon requested by NRC 950405 transmittaLResponse witnheid Esson Co 3pp 64001.119 64001:121. per 10CFR7321. MOREY.D. Scathom Nuclear Operating Co 95/05/04 Offee of Nucsear Reactor Reg. 9505150242 Provides escussion of utd evaluaten of two hated areas, m resporse to utaten (Post 941001) 1p 64015.35044015.350. NRC ouestens ourmg mamt reletxiety map te loadmg capaDdity of Urut 2 or Urut 3 foi-loss or votage signal w/o concedent SIAS 9505100162 Forwards SALP repts 50-348/95-99 & 50 364/95 99 for 930926-MAR ' .W C. Southem Caistome Edeson Co 95/05/05 Document Control Branch 950325 Plant performance remamed supenor m functonal areas of (Document Control Desk) 74pp. 8397814843978.221. operatees.engmeenn0 & punt support EBNETER.S.D. Regen 2 (Post 820201) 95/05/08. MOREY.D.N Southern Nuclear 9505050171 NRC Info Notce 95425. " Valve Fa4ure Dunng Pahent Treatment w/ Operateg Co. 2pp. 83952:335 83952 34t. Gamma Sterectacte Radesurgery Urvt." COOLD.A. Divisen of snoustnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. -9505180170 SALP repts 50 346/95-99 & 50 364/95-99 for 93092G950325 Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp 84007.18244007:190.

  • Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/08 4pp. 83952.33643952.341

102 DOCKETEDITEMS 9505240008 informs that NRC completed renew of Rev 28 to plant emergency ~9505110052 inno repts 50 348/95 08 & $0 364/95 08 on 950313 0409. Velatons plan. Changes sabstactory & meet plantsng stds of 10CFM50 47(b) & requrements of noted Malor areas mapected mamt a survedlance. physcal secunty. fire protecten & App E to 10CFR50 emer preparedness & toilow up of prewous msp tQs. BARR.K.P. Regen 2 (post 820201). 95/05/11. MOREY.D.N. Southem Nucinar Oper- RO ' .T .. MORGAN.M.J., SCOTT.M A. Regen 2 (Post sw201) 95/05/02. 23pp. atmg Co. 3pp. 54020-01244020:014. 83851.073-83851.095. 9505240112 Informs of completon of revew of rev 27 to plant emergency plan. based $505180182 Forwards SALP repts 50 348/95-99 & 50 364/95-99 for 930926 on revew of remamder of changes.rev meet plannmg standards of 10CFR50.47(b) & 950325. Plant performance remamed supenor m functonal areas of recurernents of App E to 10CFR50- operatons.engmoenn0 & plant support BARR.K P Regen 2 (Post $20201). 95/05/11.MOREY.O.N. Alabama Power Co 3pp- EBNETER.S.D. Regen 2 (Post 820201), 95/05/06 MOREY.D.N. Southem Nuclear 84021:19644021.198- Operatmo Co 2pp 839'233543952.341. 9505240180 Forwards esp repts50 348/95-06 & 50 364/95-06 on 950320-24.040446 -9505180170 SALP repts 50-348/95-99 & $0-364/95-99 tor S30926 950325 820201) 95/05/12.MOREY.O.N. Southom Nuclear Oper-

  • Regen 2 Post 820201). 95/05/06. 4pp 8395233843952341.
         . PR            (

atmg Co. 3pp 2.11444022 138' 9505050171 NRC info Nocce 95-025. " Valve Fadure Durng Paherit Treatment w/ - 9505240179 anso repts 50-348/9546 & 54364/95 06 on 950320 24.040446 & 11 Gamma Stereotactc Radosurgery Urut COOLDA Dmson of ine.sstnal & Mee" cal Nuckar Safey (Post 870729). 95/05/11. 12.No volanons noted Mapor areas mspected. renew of HP actmuss pnmarey associat. ed w/on going Unit 2 refuehng cutage. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 84007.18244007:190. WRIGHT.F.N. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/12. 22pp. 84022-11744022:136. 9505240249 Confirms arrangements w/H Chnstensen concommg mgt meetmg to be 9505310601 Rev 0 to EPIP FNP4-ElP4 2, " Plant Notfcanon Roster " W/ 950524 ltr. conducted at facihtv on 950519 to escuss systemate assessment of hcensee per. HUDSPETH.J.B. Southem Nuclear Operatog Co 95/05/24. 108pp. 84143.243- formance of Farley facihty durmg penod from 930926 to 950325. 84143.350. JAUDON,J P. Regen 2 (Post 820201) 95/05/11.MOREY.D.N. Southern Nuclear Op. ersteg Co. 2pp. 64022:35144022:352. H. General - 9505240180 Forwards msp repts 54348/95 06 & 50 364/9546 on 950320 24.0404 06

                                                                                              & 11-12.No violabons noted.

9505230121 Comment on proposed rule 10CFR50. "Pnmary Reactor Containment BARR.K.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/12 MOREY.Q.N Southem Nuclear Oper. Leakage Testmg for Water.Cooted Power." Uhl in total agreement w/NEl comments. abng Co. 3pp. 8402211444022:138 MOREY.D Southem Nuclear Operating Co. 95/05/04. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk), 2pp. 84001.35944001260- -9505240170 Inso repts 50448/95 06 & 60 364/9506 on 950320 24.0404-06 & 11-12.No volatons noted.Mapor areas mapected: review of HP actmbes pnmarily 3asociat-ed w/on going Unit 2 refueimg cutage. P. Operating bconae stage documents & --. WRIGHT,FA, RANKIN.W.H. Regen 2 (Post 820201) 95/05/12. 22pp. 84022:117-84022:138. 9504210293Genenc Ltr 95 04 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors re Imas espossten of SEP lessons-6eamed issues 9505240258Fmwwds map repts54348/95 09 & 50 364/95 09 on 95041014 & notme ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Director for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28 of deviaten.Insp ed not reveal votatens of NRC requirements. Conschdated Eeson Co. of twow York. Inc.14pp. 83757:024 43757:037- CASTO.C.A. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/12. MOREY.D.N. Southem Nucear Op-oraung Co 3m M23N44W21. 9505230058 Forwards revised TS Bases for reactor coolant pump bus undervoltage & uncertrequoney. Changes result of safety evaluaban whch reclassified undervoltage & -9505240264 Notre of ceviaten from esp on95041414.Devaton noted failure to m-gude tour transmtims m enhanmd survenance mom progrant Y.D Soi N ar Opera $ 95/05/15. Document Control Branen Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/12.1p. 64023'010440 -010 (Document Control DeskL 2pp 84058.339-84058 345. -9505230062 Proposed toch specs bases for reactor coolant purnp bus uridervoltage & -9505240270 insp repts 50 348/95 09 & 50-364/95 09 on 95041014. Violations unde *eoverty. noted Mapor areas mapected-maint of mstrumentaten & control sys.

  " Southern Nucmar Operateg Co.95/05/15. 5m. 84058 34144058.345.                             SALGADO.N.L. SHYMLOCK.M.B. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/10. 11pp.

84023.011 4 4023.021. 9505090312 Genene Ler 9242.Rev 1. Suppl 1 10 all holders of OLs (except those n. conses amended to ? only status) or cps for nuc6 ear power reactors to reac- 9505240307 Ack receipt of 950502 Itr mformmg NRC of steps taken to correct veistens for vessel structural mtsgnty. noted en mso repts50-348/95 05 & 50 364/95 05 ZIMMERMAN,R.P. Assocate Director for Promets (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19. CHRISTENSEN.H. Regen 2 (Post 820201) 95/05/12.MOREY.D.N. Southem Nuclear Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. anc.10pp. 84084 35244084:381. Operstmg Co. 2pp. 84023.15144023:152 9505230001 Adeses NRC that hsted four transmitters marked by astensk replaced m Q. Inspection reporta. IE Bulletms & correspondence accordance w/commrtment m930211 & 0407 responses to Suppi 1 to NRC Bulletm 90 001.4deritifes transmitters ommed from responses. 950$020140 Ack receipt of 950408 Itr mforming NRC of steps taken to correct violations MOREY.D. Southem Nuclear Operahng Co. 95/05/15. Document Control Branch noted m map repts50 348/94 03 & 50 364/94 03. (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 64058.33644058.238 CHRISTENSEN.H. Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/20.MOREY.D.N. Southem Nuclear Operstmg Co. 2pp. 8369G26143690.262- 9505240008 Forwards corrected page of Notce of Volaten of insp repts 50 348/95 05 9505020065 Forwards insp repts50 348/95 07 & 50-364/9547 on 950320-24 4 0328' CH ENSE H 2 Po 82 1 0 M EY.D.N Southom Nuclear 30.No votanons reted. Operatmg Co. 2pp. 84 01544020:017. CASTO.C.A. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/21 MOREY.D.N. Southem Nuclear Op-erstmg Co. 3pp. 83690:00143690:022. 9505300032 Advses of resuh M SALP Boyd renew of petormance of piam -9505020073 insp repts 50 348/95 07 & 50-364195-07 on 950320-25 4 0327 30.No face Forwards hst of all piarmed mso acovmes for remamder of SALP cycle. , velatons noted Maior areas mspected-mservce esp, flow accelerated corrosen & re- CHRISTENSEN.H. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/22.MOREY.D.N. Southern Nuclear l actor vesses head map & mant acevmes Opra9ng Co. 3pp 84u7810444076.106 . KLEINSORGE.W.P., BLAKE.J.J Regon 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/14 10pp 83890:004-83692022. R. Portodec operatang reports & retated e.. _ 9504190049 NRC info Notre 95-024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requalifcaton insp Program Fmdmgs" 9505020344 "Farley Nuclear Plant Annual Radcacave Effluent Release Rept CY94 " GRIMES.B K. . 95/04/25. Consohdated Edison Co of New York. inc.12p0- W/950428 ter 83757:001 4 3757:012- MOREY.D. Southem Nuclear Operatmg Co. 94/12/31.100pp. 83805:001 43805 105. 9505030 Notifes of950519SALP meetmg to escuss plant performance over past 9505030185 " Annual Environ Operstmg Rept Part B Radro6cgcal JM Farley Nuclear 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/27. HILL.T. George. State of. 3pp. Ram Unns 1 & 2 W Prod Ensng 94123U W/ 950426 k EBNETER.SD R MOREY.D Soutnem Nuctear Opersong Co 94/12/31. 62pp 83802296-83803 007. 83721.31143721. 9504210127 Genenc Ltr 9543 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs te cercumferental 9505180201 MontNy operatng repts for Apr 1995 for Joseph M Faney Nuclear crackmg of SG tubes. Plant. Units 1 & 2 W/950511 ttr. ZlMMERMAN R.P. Assocate Director for Prosects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28 ALLISON.S M.. WOODWARD.J.D. Southem Nuclear Operating Co 95/04/30. 9pp Conacendeted Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. 83757:01343757:023. 64013:186 84013 194. l 9505110011 Responds to NRC 950406 Itr re violabons noted m mmo repts 50w348/95 05

  & 50 364/95 05. Corrective .na~..ww mvolved coached on need to utilire self-              DOCKET $0-368 EDWIN L HATCH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 2 checkmg to ensure achons accurate MOREY.D Southem Nuclear Operstmg Co 95/05/02. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 5pp. 83902.35243902.358.                                        F. Security, medcal, emergency & fire protecten plans l

9505110044 Forwaros insp repts50 348/95 08 & 50 364/95 on 9504134409 & notre ' of votaten.Vo6aten ewolved severat examples where madequate tagging order prep. 9505090105 Forwards cuartety safeguards event log for Edwm L Hatch Nuclear araten & executen resulted m unexpected test constens Plant.per 10CFR73.71tcH2). CHRtSTENSEN.H. Regeon 2 (Post 820201) 95/05/02.MOREY.D N. Southem Nuclear BECKHAM.J T. Georgia Power Co 95/05/01. Document Control Branch (Document Operstmg Co. app.83851.066-83951:095. Control Deskt 33pp. 83865.27243865.304

-9505110047Notce of volatoon from inso on 9503134409 Vetaten noted m Mar & Apr              9505300119 Forwards insp repts50 321/95-09 & 50-366/95 09 on 950417 21 & notco 1995.four enamones of madequate taggmg croer preparabon & executon resulted m              of wealt on.

matences of smproper sys conhgurstron & cierance control. BARR.K P. Region 2 (Post 820201L 95/05/19 BECKHAM.J T. George Power Co.

  • Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/02. 3pp. 83851.070 83851:072. 4pp. 64077.28844077.304.


  -.9505300129 inno repts 50 321/9549 & 50-366/9509 on 950417-21. Violations                -9505110172 insp repts 50-321/9502 & 50 366/9502 on 950213-0406.No volations noted Maior areas enspected:ane emergency preparedness program through revww of           noted Magor areas mspectedimensee compebon of implementaten of commstments hsted impiemenbng procedures                                                              made m response to GL 89-10 MREH).L Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/19.11pp. 84077.294-84077:304.                        GIRARD.E CASTO,C. Region 2 (Post 820201) 95/05/05. 23pp. 83851.290-83851 312.

G. Adgedmatory corr- 9505050171 NRC Info Notme 95 025. " Valve Fasiure Dunng Patient Treatment w/ Gamma Stereotacts Radosurgery Unit? 9505180560 Memorandum (CLi-9505)

  • No judgement on wnether it would be lawtui or COOLD A. Omson of industrel & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11.

appropnate at this stage of proceedeng for staff to make fmang of NSHC.W/Cortif Consohdated Esson Co of New York. Inc. 9pp. 84007:18244007 190. cate of Sve Served on950511.Re-served on 950512. VDVLEJ.C. Oftce of the Secretary of Ine Comrmsson. #29518710 95/05/11. 7pp 9505240184 Forwards msp repts 50-321/9506 & 50 366/9506 on 950305 0415.No 83970 269 43970275. vemtons noted CRLE! OAK.R V. R 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/11. BECKHAMJ T. Georgia Power Co. 3pp. 64022.22 022.253 H. General commr,. L. e

                                                                                            -9505240187 insp repts 50-321/95 06 & 50 366/9506 ori 9503050415.No volations 9505230184 Comment on proposed rule 10CFR50. "Pnmary Reactor Contamment                      noted Maior areas mspected. plant operatens. mamt.engmeermg. plant support & map Leakage            for Water Cooled Power Reouests that NRC to expoete promulga-        o R       B L. CHRISTNOT.E.F., SKINNER.P.H. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/
10. 26pp. 64022228-84022253 MCCOY.C.K. Georgia Power Co 95/05/05. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 84002.03644002:037. g 21.No viotations noted.

P. Operating hetnse stage documents & correspondence CASTO.CA Regon 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/19. BECKHAM).T. Georgia Power Co 3pp. 84076:12144076141. l 9505240323 Frat partial response to FOIA reouest for documentsApp A documents al- -9505300044insp repts50-321/95-07 & 50-366/9507 on 950403 07 & 17-21 No vio- l ready available en PDR App B documents once & placed m PDR. laSons noted Mapor areas mapocted origeneermg & technical support actmties 1 BROWN.N Desen of Freedom of information & Pubacations Servces (Post 940714)- WISEMAN.G.. SHYMLOCK.M.B. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/18 18pp. 64076124-C5/01/06 KATZ.D. Citgens Awareness Network. 3pp. 64024164-84024 300. 84076 141.

  -9409070271 Discusses core shroud repar at Brunswck plants & same repar to be                                                  50-321/95 09 & 50-366/9549 on 950417-21 & nobce IRIdertaken at Hatch Plants. Details escussed mclude dose into.reper methods.bme to    9505,300,119,,,,

g o g, Forwards map repts C A. Safety & Safeguards (post 921004). 94/CS/23 '$4g"77'h%gf7N' "D "

                                                                                                        *                                                  #         M             l VARGA.S A. Dmsen of Reactor Protects t/11 (Post 870411). ROEJ.W. Divson of Reactor Proiects lit IV.V (Post 901216). GRIMES.B K. Omsson of Operatog Reactor        -925300125 Notce of votacon from map on 9%417-2tViolaten nowd- lconsa la4d Support (Post 921004) 113pp. 64024:18744024.300.                                          to conduct atter hours annual exercise durmg 6-yr penod.1988 1993.

9504210293Genenc Ltr 95 04 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors

  • Regon 2 (Post 820M 95/05/19 200 8407729244077293.

(ADpR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. -9505300129 Insp repts 50321/95 09 & $0 366/9509 on 950417 21 Votabons M M R As se reted Map r areas espected site emergency preparednas program through rowew of Consokdated Edison Co. of New Yor( inc.14pp. 83757.024 83757.037. hsted rnpiementi procedures. 9505080021 sts that 950314 RE, - , BAR K.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201) 95/05/19 tipp 84077 294 wetwell purgeRequeves va be with$ awn.utd temporary request to rowse TSs to drywell & O - BECKMAMJ T. Georgia Power Co 95/05/01. Document Control Brarcti (Document Control Deskt 2pp. 83864.35543864:356 R Pe re & d coneWe 9505090221 Apohcaton for amend to hcenses DPR-57 & NPF-5.mmanmng thermal strahtcaten events. 9505110258 Montnly operstmg rept for Apr 1995 for El Hatch Nuclear Plant.W/950505 BECKHAMJ T. Georgia Power Co 95/05/04. Documerit Control Branch (Document Itr Controd Desk). 2pp. 83892292 83892:329 BEARD.R.M., BECKHAM).T. Georgia Power Co. 95/04/30 13pp. 83933-117 83033 129

   -9505090223 Proposed teen spect.mmamitmg thermal stratrhcation events.
  • Georgia Power Co.95/05/04. 36pp. 83892:29443892.329.

S. Reportable occurrences, LERs & related ~. e 9505240315 Forwards notce of withdrawal of appication for amend to bcense NPF.5 Per heensu request dtd 950501 9505090186 LER 9500140.on 9SO411. personnel error resulted m automate reactor B .K.N 95/05/18 BECKHAM).T. George Power Co. 3pp. 84059.215- shutdown Operator was discipkned under unt positive disciphne program W/950504 ter TIPPS.S.B., BECKHAM).T. Georg a Power Co. 95/05/04. 7pp. 83924.046-83924:052 n t hcerme E5. 9505120152 LER 9000240.on 950417, personnel error resulted m missed surveillance 8 OUR K 0 2pp 05 8440 92 . c4 suppressen chamber to drywell vacuum breakers. Performed surveillance & coun. 9505240358 Forwards second RAI re power uprate program for piant.which proposed to

  • 8 T O*0'9 Power Co. 95/05/04. $pp. 83938.32143938.325 cicrease authorned max power level to 2.558 from current hmet of 2.436 MWt. Response requested wittun 30 days from cate of str
                 .K.N. 95/05/18 BECKHAMJ T. George Power Co. 5pp. 84049 340              DOCKET 50w368 ARKANSAS NUCLEAR ONE, UNTT 2 9505090312 Genenc Ltr 92 C2.Rev 1.Suppe 1 to all holders of OLs (except those b-

! censa amenaed to ponesion oniy status) or cps for nucisar power reactors re reae. F Secur'fr. med==I. ***rs'acy 5 ' protec1**a Pa=as I tor vessel structural e1tegnty. ZIMMERMAN.R P. Assocate Director for Protech (ADPR) (Post 041001). 95/05/19 9505050278Forwuras amends 180 & 161 to hcenses DPR-51 & NPF4 Amend rewmes Consohcated Edison Co. of New York. Inc.1000. Bevo..?52 84084 361. recurements te site penrneter secunty sys. KALMAN.G , 95/04/28. YELVERTONJ W. Entergy Operatons. Inc. 3pp. 83822.284-83822.2 %

0. Inspection reports, IE Bulletins & correspondence
                                                                                             -9505050284 Amends 180 & 161 to kcenses DPR-51 & NPF4.respecDvely, revising re.

9505020087 Ack recoct of 940421ftr eWorming NRC of steps taken to correct votahons Querements te sete penmeter secunty sys noted in msp repts $4321/94 01 & 50 366/94 01 Volat sn 94-0109 w41 be with. KALMAN.G .95/04/28. 8pp. 83822 28743822.294. Orawn GIBSON.A.F Region 2 (Post 820201) 95/04/17. BECKHAM).T. Georga Power Co. -9505050288 Safety evaluabon supportmg amends 180 & 161 to hcenses DPR-51 & 3pp. 83690:08143090:083. NPF-6.respectively. l

  • Once of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001). 95/04/28. 2pp 83822.295 i

9504190049NRC Info Notre 95 024, " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requaletcaten 83822.296 i insp Program Fmdengs " ! GRIMES B K. 95/04/25. Consohdated Eamon Co of New York. Inc. 12pp. 9505050007 Ack receipt of 950303 Itr whch transmitted Rev 19 to Arkansas Nucmar 83757-001 43757 912.

             .                                                                                  One Emergency Plan. Informs that changes to plan.acceptaboe COLLINS.SJ. Negior 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/02. YELVERTON.J W Entergy Oper-l                                                                                                atons. Iric. app.83758 020 83758 023 9504210127 Generc Ltr 95 03 to all holders c4 Ots or cps for PWRs re crcumferental cracking of SG tubes ZiMMERMAN R P. Assocate Director for Propects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28          9505180509 Rev 5 to procedure / work plan 1905 004. " EOF Radiologcal Controls."

Consohdated Edison Co of New York. Inc.11pp. 83757:01343757:023. COTON.S R Entergy Operatons. inc.95/05/05.19pp. 83992 259-83992.277. 9505180093 Advises of chan0es to present msp activities as result of recent pefform- 9505180522 Rev 4 to procedure / work plan 1905 031. *ArrDorne 6131 Determmaton ance towew at plant to oetermine W msp effort for rest of current SALP cycle should Osmg RM-14 HP-210 " be rewmed before end date of 950527 COnON.S R Entergy Opershons. Inc. 95/05/05. 6pp. 84015 302-84015.307.

,      SKINNER.P H Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/28 BECKHAMJ T. George Power Co app. 83953 223-83953 226.                                                             9505140624 Rev 9 to procedure / work plan 1903 034. " EOF Evacuahon "

9505110168 Forwards msp repts50-321/95-02 & 50-366/9502 on 950213 17.No ve labons or oevetens noted 9505250241 Rev 6 to procedure / work pen 1903.064 " Emergency Response Facshty - CASTO.C.A 2 (Post 820201) 95/05/05. BECKHAM).T. George Power Co. CR" 3pp 83851.287 3851.312 CCTTON.S R Entergy Operatons. Inc. 95/05/16. Popp 84086 338-84086.357.

T 104 DOCKETEDITEMS 9505250244 Rev 13 to procedure / work pian 1905 002. "Offsite Emer Monstormg " 9505260241TS Change request to amend hcense NPF4 re allowable outage bme ex-COTTON.S H. Entergy operatons. Inc. 95/05/16 37pp. 84085.311 085.347. tension for safety mtection tanks. YELVERTONJW. Entergy Operatons. anc. 95/05/19. Document Control Branch 9505250247 Rev 31 to procedure / worst plan 1903.060, " Emergency Supphes & Equip- (Document ContrW Desk). ppp.84096.173 4 4096.229. ment COTTON.S.R. Entergy Operatens. Inc.95/05/18. 70pp. 8408519144085.260. 9505260245 Proposed toch specs re ACT extensen for safety miection tanks

  • Entergy Operatens, mc.95/05/19 6pp. 6409618244098.187.

L Financ6alinformation 9505280250 "Jomt Apphcatons Rept tor 'infety insecten Tank AOT/STt Extensen."

  • ABB Combusten Engmeenng Nuclear Fuel (formerty Combust on E neenng Inc.).

9505100044 *'1994 Annual Rept," for Entergy Operatens.Inc W/950504 Itr

  • ASEA Brown Bowen, Inc. CE NPSOLp94. 95/05/30. 36pp. 84096:188 096.229 MIMS.D.C. Entergy operatens. Inc.94/12/31. 59pp. 8394720243947.265.

9505280258TS change request tot amend to hcense ACT extensen for low pressure safety inlocton tra n. J. Insurance 41 , Information YELVERTON.)W. Entegy Operatons. Inc. 95/05/19 Document Control Branch (Document Control Deski. 8pp 84096-11444096.172. 9505310091 Forwaros Nuclear Mutual Ltd Carbhcate P95045. -9505260282 Proposed tech specs to ACT extenson tow low pressure safety inlacton MIMS.D C. Entergy Operatons. inc. 95/05/23. Document Control Branch (Docurnent Control Desa). 5pp. 84145.27444145.278. train.

  • Entergy Operatons, Inc.95/05/19 3pp. 6409612244096.124.

P. Operstmg hcense state documente & -. 260

                                                                                           -9505,gn.267       "Jomt Apphcobons Rept For Low Pressure Safety sniecten Sys ACT En gn
  • ABB Combuston Engneenng Nuclear Fuel (f Cornbuston E neenng inc).

9505030183 Submrts drug tesbng lab performance rept.

  • ASEA Brown Boven,Inc. CE NPSD 995. 95/05/30 . 84096.12 .172.

MIMS.D C. Entergy Operatens. Inc, 95/04/26. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 83832.26943832.271. 9505280270 TS change request for amend to bcense NPF4 re emergency eesel poner-9504210293 Genanc Ltr 9504 to as holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors ator AOT extenson. YELVERTON.J W. Entergy Operatens. Inc. 95/05/19. Document Control Branch re hnal dmoosmen of SEP lessons learned maues. (Document Control Desk) 9pp. 84093.25944093.327 ZlMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (post 941001L 95/04/28. Conschdated Eeson Co. of f4ew York, Inc.14pp. 83757:02443757:037.

                                                                                           -9505260273 Proposed toch specs re emergency 6esel generator ACT extensen.

9505050278 Forwards amends 180 & 161 to beenses DPR-51 & NPF4. Amend revues

  • Entergy Operatens. Inc.95/05/19. 5pp 84093.26844093.272.

recurements re site penmeter secunty sys KALMAN.G. .95/04/28. YELVERTONJW. Entergy Operatons, Inc. 3pp. 83822284- -9505260276 " Joint Appbcatens Rept For Emergency Diesel Generators ACT Exten-83822 296. son "

  • ABB Combusbon E Nuclear Fuel (formerly Combunton Econsonng Inc.).
 -9505050284Amercs180 & 181 to hconses DPR 51 & NPF4.respechvey, revismg re-
  • ASEA Brown Boven Inc. CE PSD-996. 95/05/30. 80pp. 84093.27344093.327.

guremems to one penmeter secunty sys. KALMAfLG. .95/04/28. 8pp. 8382228743822294.

 -9505050288 Safety evaluahon supportmg amends 180 & 181 to beenses OPR 51 &

9504190049NRC Info Nobce 95024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requalifcaten ear Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001). 95/04/28. 200 83822:295- Insp Program Fedmos 83822.298 GRIMES.B.K . 95/04/25. Consohdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc. 12pp. 9505120053 Advises of mod to QA manual operabons 83757:001 43757:012 MIMS.D.C. Entergy Operatons. inc. 95/D4/28. Document Control Dranch (Document 9505030095 Forwards map repts documeneng results of NRC review of self.assessmerit Control Desk). 2pp. 8'J929 32143929.322. performed D* utd & NRC msp of sgrufcant safety asue centif ed by utsi sett-assess-9505110105 Forwards NRR SE of uhl 930817 submittai re the mal strati 5caton devei, ment. oped as part of p40t program. SE concludes that root cause of measured stranfcaten GWYNN.T P. 4 (Post 820201). 95/04/25. YELVERTONJW Entergy Oper-atsons,Inc 4pp. 721.140 63721:183. m coohng kne unclear & undetermined KALMAN.G. .95/05/08. YELVERTON) W. Entergy Operetons, Inc. 3pp. 83889.311-83889.317. 9505020310 Submits rev to correctve actons of map repts 54313/94-09 & 50 368/94-09.

 -9505110109 Safety evaluaban re thermal stratdcaten phenomena                                 MIMS.D.C. Entergy Operaterm. Inc. 95/04/27. Document Control Branch (Document
  • Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten fost 941001). 95/05/08. 4pp. 83889:314 Control Desk). 2pp. 83783:32&83783.377.

83889.317. 9504210127 Genenc Lir 95 03 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re crcumferenhal 9505110247 Forwards request for addl sito re plant mdevidual plant exam,an order to crackmg of SG tubes. complete review ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001) 95/04/28 KALMAN.G. .95/05/06.VELVERTONJ W. Entnrgy Operatens, Inc.14pp 83889.341- Conschdated Esson Co. Of New York. Inc.11pp 83757:013-83757:023. 83889'354. 9505050010 Ack receipt of 950414Itr mformmg NRC of steps taken to correct violatons 9505180239 Forwards correcten to amend 159 to heense NPF4 & SE. Correctons noted m map rept $4313/95 02 8 54368/95 02 on 950315 moos to amend to ret unit 210L NPF4.ducket 50 368 metead of urut 1,FOL DPR- BEACH.A.B. R 4 (Post 820201). 95/04/28. YCLVERTONJ W. Entergy Oper-

51. docket 50-313 stens, Inc. 4pp 3758 027 43758:039.

KALMAN.G. . 95/05/10. YELVERTONJ W. Entergy Operanons. Inc. 4pp. 83979-092-83979 129 9505120003 Forwards mso repts 54313/9503 & 50 368/95 03 on 950219 0401 & NOV Volaton of concem because staff faded to estate coneten rept when ceter-

 -9505180244                                                             amend to get unet     mmec that reactor bldg coolers not metailed.

Correcten 250L NPF4.cocket 50-368to amend metead it91to ut urut bcense FOL DPR41 NPF4.c9 docket 0-313. BEACH,A.B Region 4 fPost 820201t 95/05/05. YELVERTON)W. Entergy Oper-KALMAN.G. .95/04/03. 24pp. 83979.09643979129 atens, Inc. 5pp. 83869 32143869.350. 9505090312Genonc Ltr 92 02,Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all hoidors of OLs (except those k -9505120012 It'sp repts $4313/95-03 & $0 368/9503 on 9502194401. votatens conses amended to posseson only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac- toted Masor areas mspected operational safety verstmahon,mamt & surveiltance M A e Director for Profects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19 Conschdated Eeson Co, of New York. Inc.10pp. 84084.35244084.381. N@Ng'*o, pgl""3[*9N/25 D I $3869.32743869 350. 9505240213 ten for amend to hcense NPF4.adeng detmed specal mierest 9505050171 NRC info Notce 90025. [ Valve Fadure Dunng Pabent Treatment w/ Gamma Stereotactc Radosurgery Urut. for tube raps COOL.DA Drvosen of Industral & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729t 95/05/11 RTON.J W Entergy Operanons. Inc. 95/05/19 Document Contred Branch Consolcated Eeson Co. c4 New York. Inc 9pp. 64007.1824400W (Document Control Deskt 8pp. 8407318844073 207.

  -9505240219 Proposed toch specs.dehrung specat eterest groups for SG msps.                9505180124 Forwards msp repts50 313/9516 & $4368/9516 on 950419 20.No vels-norm noted
  • Emergy Operanons, Inc.95/05/19 11pp. 64073:197 44073.207 COLLINS.5J Regon 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/12. YELVERTONJ W. Entergy Oper-9505240228 Apphcanon for amends to hconses OPR-51 & NPF4.reveng reactor con. atons. Inc. 5pp. 83952.21143952.227.

tamrnent tsd0 closure reouirements dunng fust movement & core afteranons YELVER70N.J W Entergy Operations. Inc 95/05/19 Document Control Branch -9505180129 Inso repts 50 313/9018 & $0 368/9516 on 950419-20.No volatens (Document Control Deskt 16pp. 84072.29444072.324. noted Maior areas mspected.cacumstances surroundmg LER 50-313/95-S01 00 & 50 368/95-501 00.

  -9505240230 Proposed toch spect to reactor contamment buildmg closure regure.                MURRAY,B. Regen 4 (Post 820201) 95/05/10.12pp. 83952.21643952.227.

monts dunng fuel movement & core alteratom

  • Emergy Operatens. inc.95/05/19.15pp 84072:31044072.324. 9505240081 Forwards map roots 50-313/9515 8 54368/9515 on 950410-21.Non.

cated velaten re hcensee fadure to follow procedures to wnte conditon rept to identity 9505240447 Forwards correcton to amend 180 to beense NPF4. Amend 160 ed not & document vaives suscept txe to pressure lockmg meluce enanges to TS page 6-13 GWYNN.T P Regen 4 (Post 820201) 95/05/17. YELVERTONJ W. Entergy Oper-KALMAN.G. . 95/05/19 YELVERTONJW. Entergy Operatens. Inc 3pp 84059.280- abons. Inc. App 84021 045 4 4021:058 84059 283

                                                                                            -9505240090 inso repts50 313/9515 & 50-368'95-15 on 95041421.Non cited vela.
  -9505240449 Errata to amend 180 to bcense NPF4.metueng changes to TS page 6-                  tion noted.Maior areas mapected desgn control measures to assure operatuisty of con 13                                                                                        tamment sump recaculaten Date valves
       ,95/05/19 1p. 84059 28344059 283                                                         COLLINSLE. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/16 topp. 84021:049 44021 058
  ---     .-       a . . - -       -             -       -      .-                 -        - ~. . . - . . . .                 + - -                 . - . _ , . - . - - . .              - - ~      .         -

h DOCKETEDITEMS 105 l l d 9505240213 Appheaten for amend to keense NPF4.addog detmed speoal eterest -9505300016 Insp repts 50 369/9510 & 60 370/9510 on 950411-13. Violabons groups for SG tube maps noted Maior areas espected. Safeguards insp conducted to revew heensee discovery VELVERTON.J W. Entergy Operatens. Inc. 95/05/19. Document Control Branch of seversi anodents mvolvm0 Safe into documents bemg unsecured. (Document Control Desk). 8pp. 64073:188 44073.207. TOBIN.W.J., STRATTON.LC.. UlRE.D.R. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/17 dop 64076.03644076.039.

      -95052e0219 Proposed toch specs.detmeg specal interest groups for SG insps.
  • Enlargy Operatens. Inc.95/05/19.11pp. 64073:197 44073.207 9505260031 Fonwards map repts 50'313/9518 & 50 368/95-18 on 9504244501.No E' Operating license stage documents a correspondence l volations noted BEACH.A.B. Regon 4 (Post 820201 A 95/05/22 YELVERTON.J.W. Entergy Oper- 9505030143 Expresses apprecoten for NRC prompt response to request to perform i stens. Inc. 4pp. sa062.087 84062:100. ~

techncal audit of util use of fuel rod code methodology. TUCKMAN.M S. Duke Power Co. 95/04/20. RUSSELL.W.T. Offee of Nuclear Reactor ! -9505280035 insp repts 50 313/9518 & $0 368/9518 on 950424 0501. Volatons Regulation (Post 941001).1p. 83791:347 4 3791:347 noted Magor areas mspected:msp of 950420 reactor inp & starte trorn that reactor a & cps tu nuclear poww mans RR R 4 Pos 8 1 5/05/18.10pp, 64062 09184062100, $,29 g g 9505260060 Forwards map repts50 313/9512 & 50 368/9512 on 95031314 & 0417, ZIMMFRMAN.R.P. Assocate Director for Proiecta (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. 21.No molatons noted. Consolidated Edson Co. of New York,inc.14pp. 63757:02443757:037. BEACH.A.B. Regen 4 (Post 820201L 95/05/22. YELVERTON.J.W. Entergy Oper-anons. irn $pp e4062;21944062:246. Energy Release & 1[s050e.022e Coni r-eni Re- Forwards Meinodo gy RAI Re - re anou n es. re,pt DPC-NE.3004 P.

      -95052600s2 Inso repts 50 313/9512 & 50 368/9512 on 95031314 & 0417 21.No                             of Itr date.

volatons noted Masor area mapectatreview of evera related to excessive exposures MARTIN.R,E. 95/05/03. TUCKMAN.M S. Duke Power Co. 7pp, 83853.338-that occurred when core support assemtwy rematalled in reactor vessel. 63853:344. HARRELL.P.H. Regon 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/15. 23pp. 64062.22444062.246. 950509 - 7F-a,ds ,.ic. , conside,a.on e .suance o, . mends io .ceeses NP,.9 9505310186Fonvards Rev 1 to ANO Unit 2 ISI Relef Request B.JB4.5. Rehet request & NPF-17. Amends would change SR for boron concentraton m SFP. remove opton to revoed based upon not achievmg ASME B&PV code Secton XI requeements for use alternatrve storage configuraton m SFP & add mio m Bases. exam coverage of pipeg weld 25 017 durmg tenth retue outage for ANO Unit 2- NERSES.V. .95/05/03. MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co. 3pp. 83854-00143854:011. MIMS.D C. Entergy Operahons. anc. 95/05/23. Document trol Branch (Document Control Desk). App.64142:352 44142.355.

                                                                                                          -9505000282Notce a consideraton of msuance of amends to beenses NPF.9 & NPF.

17 4 proposed NSHC deterrmnation & opportunity for heanng Amends would change

                        "" "O                      "" '            -

RSE pp 8385'4:00443854.011. 3 9505020226 "ANO Uruts 1 & 2 Annual Radologcal Eruron Operanng_Rept for 1994 " MIMS.D.C. Entergy Operatons. inc.94/12/31.145pp. 83804.18143504.325. H05120055 Provides suppl mio re 940928 apphcaten for amend per NRC 950203 RAl.Wtone oversee enci. 9506190261 Monthly operstmg rept for Apr 1995 for ANO Urut 2 W/950515 Itr MCMEEKIN.T.C, Duke Power Co. 95/05/03. Document Control Branch (Document WHITT.M.S., MIMS.D.C. Entergy Operatens. Inc. 95/04/30. 7pp. 64009:306 Control Desk). 53pp. 83942.11143942:168. 64009.312. 9506150023 Forwards hstmo & progected schedule for completen & suturuttal of new topcal repts requmng NRC approval V. Operator Ex - TUCKMAN.M.S Duke Power Co. 95/05/04. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 83699.04443899:046. 9505050027 Forwards master copy & answer key to Genere Fundamentais Exam Sec-Don of written operator hcensing exam.edmmstered on950405 9505240362 Ofiers hsted comments on proposed rev to 10CFR50 App J. "Contamment GWYNN.T.P Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/02. YELVERTON.J W. Entergy Oper- Leakage Testmg" putWshed m950221 FR & endorses communts subnutted by NEl atons, Inc. 2pp. 83758:06743758.088 on suts TUCKMAN.M.S. Duke Power Co. 95/05/08. Document Control Branch (Document DOCKET 50 369 wtLLIAM B. MCGulRE NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 1 EE' 9505300364 Forwards propretary & nonpropnetary versons of responses to NRC ques. F. Security, eneellcel, emergency & fire protection plane cons re Toccal Rept,DPC.NE.3004.P. " Mass & Energy Release & Contamment Re. enonse Me Propnetary responses withheld per 10CFR2.790. 95050 82 orwards pubic verseor* cd kated rewmed EP1Ps & Rev 36 to RP Manual TUC MA Con g S 4 hm MW Me km i9p s4 1 . WCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co 95/04/19. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 83723-010 83723J45. 9505260227 Requests NRC approval for utd to use recent Rev 3 to CROV computar coon tapproved by NRC on 950420)

      -9006030184 PutWe versen of tsted rowsed EPtPs.mcluding Rev 36 to RP Manual Sec.                      TUCKMAN.M S. Duke Power Co. 95/05/17. Document Control Branch (Document som 18.2.                                                                                          Control Desk). 4pp. 64104:07944104:082.

DOLAN.B Duke Power Co. 95/04/19. 233pp. 83723:01343723 245. 9505000312 Genenc Lir 9242.Rev 1.Suppi i to all holders of OLs (except those 6 9505190163 Forwards putWe verson of EPIPs. Indes pp t & 2 & EPIP RP/0/ conses amended to possescrHNWy status) or cps for nuclear power reactors to reac. A/5700/01,RP/0/A/5700/02.RP/0/A5700/03. HPrO/A/5700/04.RP/0/A/5700/10 tot vessel structural mtegnty.

         & HP/0/B/1009/10 W/950512 release memo-                                                            ZlMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Director for Proiects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19.

MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co. 95/05/02. Document Control Branch (Document Conachdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. 64064.35244084.361. Control DeskL 3pp. 84009-.00144009192. 9505190178 Pubic versen of revised EPIPs meludmg inder op 1 & 2 & EPIP RP/0/Al 5700/01.RP/0/ A/5700/02.RP/0/ A/ 5700/03 RP/0/A/5700/04,RP/0/A/5700/ Q. Inspection repwts, IE Bulletins & corr _ _, _e 10.RP/0/ A/5700/14 & HP/0/B/1009/10 W/950512 release memo.

  • Duke Power Co.95/05/02.189pp 84009-00444009192- 9505020063 Forwards insp repts50 369/95 09 & 50w370/95-09 on 950320 24 No vela.

9505100115Advmes that rev 9501 to 10CFR50 47(b) & requirements of 10CF ncy pian consistent w/ pianrung stos of

                                                     . App E-
                                                                                                            $T[C 3pp. 83689.328 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/20 MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co.

9.340' BARR.K P. Reg on 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/04. MCMEEKIN.T C. Duke Power Co. 3pp 839521 95839521 97. -9505020076 Insp rents 50 370/9509 & 50 370/9509 on 950320-24.No velations 9505110029Forwaros msp repts 505369/9511 & 50-370/9511 on 95040347.No viola. notedMaior areas anspected.hrruted access weld exam program. stress corrosen , hans e oeviations noted crackmo of component coolant pipe weeds & review of corrective actions. BARR.K.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/05 MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co. 3pp ECONGMOS.N., BLAKE.J. Regen 2 (Post $20201). 95/04/19.10pp. 83689.331 83850 308438bO:322. 83689.340.

      -9605110032 Inso repts 50 369/9511 4 50 370/9511 on 950403 07 No velabons                           9505020053 Forwards msp repts 50 369/9507 & 50-370/9507 on 950301 0401.No noted Mamt areas mspectedadeouacy & operatonal readness of Icensee emergency                       volahons noted preparedness program m areas of emergency detecton & classifcabon.                                 CRLENJAK.R V Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/24. MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co.

GOODEN.A., BARR.K. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/05. 12pp. 83850.311 3pp. 83689 26143689.282. 83850.322.

                                                                                                          -95050200$0 Irmo repts 50 369/9507 4 50 370/9507 on 9503010401.No velations
      $505240448 Requests approval of changes to trun emergency staftmg levels for DPC                      noted Major areas mapected plant operatens. ment engmeenng & plant support.

nuclear ste emergency pens under Cost Benefcel L Actons (CBLA) MAxWELLG F., CRLENJAK.R.V. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/24. 19pp. 1 process Supporti pustitcaton of proposed changes & mio re CB enc!. 83689'264 43689 282- ' TUCKMAN.M S. e Power Co. 95/05/08. Document Control Branch (Document l Control Deski.16pp. 84073.05444073-069. 9504190049 NRC Info Notre 95024. " Summary of Leac3ed Operator Requahfcaten ggam F a 9 Forwards esp repts50 369/9510 & 50 370/9510 on 9504t113 & notce STOHR.J P. Regon 2 IPost 820201). 95/05/18. MCMEEKIN.T C. Duke Power Co. 83757.00183757.0t2. 3pp. 84076 03144076 039. 9505000014 Provides suppi response to 950103 NOV from msp repts 50 369/94 28 &

      -9505300013 Notee of violaten from map on95041113 Volaten noted hcensee found                         50 370/94-28.Suppi reflects ostehon of commitment to enhance labeling require.

docurnents marked as bemg Sateguards into m unsecured f4e cabinets.extenor to pet > ments. tected area & not unoer control of authorned mdivcuals. MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co. 95/04/27. Document Control Branch (Document

  • Regen 2 (Post 820201L 95/05/18 2pp 84076:034 44076 035 Control Deskt 4pp. 83864 35143864.354.

106 DOCKETEDITEMS 9504210127 Genenc Lir 95 03 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re cetumferental 9505190163 Forwards pubic verson of EPIPs,meludmg indes pp 1 & 2 & EPIP RP/0/ crackmg of SG shes. A/5700/01.RP/0/A/5700/02.RP/0/ A5700/03. RP/0/ A/5700/04.RP/0/ A/5700/10 ZIMMERMAN,R P. Assocate Director for Protects (ADPRI (Post 941001). 95/04/28. & HP/0/B/1009/10 W/950512 reesse memo. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. 63757 01343757223. MCMEEKIN,T.C. Duke Power Co. 95/05/02. Document Control Branch (Document 9505110029 Forwards map repts50 369/95118 50 370/9511 on 95040347.No veia-s or dowatens rowd. -9505190178 Pubhc verson of revised EPIPs.mclude index pp 1 & 2 4 EPip RP/0/A/ DC'RR.K P. Regen 2 (post $20201). 95/05/05.MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co. 3pp' BA 5700/01.RP/0/ A/5700/02.RP/O/ A/5700/03 P/0/A/5700/04.RP/0/A/5700/ 83850.30643850 322- 10.RP/0/ A/5700/14 & HP/0/B/1009/10 W/950512 release memo.

  • Duke Power Co. 95/05/02.189pp. 84009:00444009192.

-9505110032 Insp repts 50-369/95-11 & $4370/9511 on 950403-07.No woiatons noted Maior areas inspected adequacy & operatonal readness of bconsee emergency 9505180115Advmes that rev 9501 to emergency plan consstent w/ plannmg stos of preparedness am m areas of emergency detecten & classsfcaton. 10CFR50.47(b) & recurerpents of 10CFR$0. App E GOODEN.A., BA R.K. Regen 2 Post 820201). 95/05/05, 12pp. 83850;311 BARR,K.P. Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/04.MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co. 3pp. 83650.322 83952.19583952:197. 9505190216 Responds to950216 Itr es dam insp of NRC regWated dams in State of NC Dam safety program pian enct 9505110029 Forwards map repts50 369/9511 & 50-370/9511 on 950403 07.No vois-GREEVES.J.T. Omson of Waste Management (NMSS 940403A 95/05/05. nons or donatons roted. LEUMAS.J.K. North Carchna. State of. 21pp. 6396422143964241. BARR.K.P, Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/05 MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co. 3pp. 9505240124 Forwards map repts 54369/9506 & $0-370/9506 on stated dates & nonce of violaton.Velatons of NRC concern because of mdcaten of dehenercies m -9505110032 Insp repts 50-369/9511 & $0 370/9511 on 950403-07.No votatons

           & procedural control measures apphed to calculatons m desagn measures.             noted. Major areas mspected. adequacy & operatenal reaeness of heensee emergency  l 2 (Post 620201). 95/05/10. MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co.


            .C A. R                                                                           preparedness program m areas of emergency detecton & classaticatert 3pp. 6402t21         21:244-                                                               GOODEN.A. Region 2 (Post $20201). 95/05/05.12pp. 83850:31143850 322.

-9505240126 Notre of velaton from insp on stated dates Velaten noted-on 950329.lL 9505240444 Requests approval of changes to trwt emerDency staffing Jewels for DPC consee dessOn control measuret ed not assure proper Irarmiaton of design base mfo mto smng & settmg for motor operated valves nuclear saa emergency plans under Cost Berefret Lacen Actens (CBLA) ocess. psticaton of pmposed changes & mio re CB enct

  • Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/10. 2pp. 6402t22144021.222. UCKMAN.M S. e Power Co. 95/05/08 Document Control Branch (Document

-9505240132 insp repts 50 369/9546 & 50-370/9506 on stated dates. Velabons Control Desk).16pp. 64073 05444073.069. , l roted.Mator areas mspected;rnoiementaten of _ . .~. made m response to GL 8910. "Safet 9505300010 Forwards map repts50 369/9510 & $0 370/9510 on 950411-13 & nobce l GIRARD.E yRelated Motor Operated Vatve Testmg & Surveillance "tmVMLOCK.M. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/09. 22pp. 64021223-of veiauon. 64021.244. STOHR.J.P. R 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/18. MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co. 9505050171 NRC Info Notce 95025. " Valve Fasture Dunng Pabent Treatment w/ Gamma Stereotactc Radesurgen Urut." -9505300013 Notce of volaton from map on 95041113 Veoir9an noted. hcensee found COOLD.A. Omson of industnal & Meecal Nuc6 ear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. documents marked as twin 0 Safeguards info m unsered No cabinets,emenor to pro. Conschdated Edmon Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 84007:16244007.190. tected area & not under control of autherued monaduais i

  • Regen 2 Post 82% 95/0$h8. 2pp. 64076M4-8404031 9505300010 Forwards map repts50-369/95-10 & 50 370/9510 on 95041113 4 notco of votaton. -9505300016 Insp repts 54369/9510 & $0 370/9510 on 95041113. Violatons STOHR.J P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/18. MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co roted.Maior amas mapected: Safeguards mso conducted to revow hcormee escoven 3pp. 64076,03144076.039. Safeguards into documents bem unsecured of several mcidents
-9505300013 Notice of violaton from map on 95041113 votaton noted: bconsee found              TOBIN.W.J. Regen 2 (Post 20201). 95/05/17. App. 64076.0 64076 039.

documents marked as bemg Safeguards into m urwecured ble cabnets.ortenor to pro. tected area & not under control of authorned meviduait

  • Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/18. 2pp. 64076.03444076.035. P. Operstmg # cense stage documents & correspondence

-9505300014 insp repts 54369/9910 & 50-370/9510 on 95041113 Velations 9505030143 Expresses apprecaten for NRC prompt response to request to perform noted.Maior areas mspected.Sateguaros map conducted to review bconsee decovery reenmcal aurtt of ubi use of fuel rod code metrodoegy. or seversi mcghets uards into documents bemg unsecured. TOBIN.WJ., STRATTON.L. ,M VIRE,D.R. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/17. TUCKMAN.M S. Duke Power Co. 95/04/20 RUSSELLw.T. Offee of Nuclear Reactor app. 64076:03644076:039. Regulaton (Post 941001). Ip. 83791.347 83791.347. 9504210293Genanc Lir 9504 to all hniders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors R. Penodic operstmg reports & related correspondence re fmai cksoositen of SEP lessons lesmed maues. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Preacts (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. 9505010101 "McGure Nuclear Staten Uruts 1 & 2 Annual Radclogical Envron Operal- Consohdated Edrson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 83757 02443757:037. mg Rept 1994 " W/950418 tir. MGMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co.94/12/31. 200pp. 83749:00143749136. 9505090226 Forwards RAI re topical rept DPC.NE.3004-P. " Mass & Energy Release & Contamment Response Methodology." Response should be sutwnitted wetten 30 days 95050s0012 Annual Envron Operahng Rept for CY94.W/950427 lb. of str date MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co.94/12/31.15pp. 83864.32243864.336 MARTIN.R.E. 95/05/03. TUCKMAN.M.S. Duke Power Co. 7pp. 83853.336-

                                                                                                    " ~

9505220158 Forwards monthly operenng repts for Apr 1995 for McGure Nuclear Sta-9505090277 Forwards notco of consideraton of issuance of amends to bcenses NPF-9 BER.R L Duke Power Co 95/05/15. Document Control Branch (Document Con. & NPF 17. Amends would change SR for boron concentraton m SFP, remove opton to col Desk). 2pp. 84039-170 44039164 use attemative storage configuraton m SFP & add mfo m Bases. NERSES.V. .95/05/03 MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co. 3pp. 83854.00143854.011.

-9505220285 Monthly operatng repts for Apr 1995 for McGure Nuclear Station.

WILLIAMS.R.A. Duke Power co.05/04/30.10pp. 64039.17244039.181.

                                                                                            -9505090282 Nobce of consideratum of msuance of amends to hconses NPF.9 & NPF.
-9505220286 Rewmed monthly operstmg status rept for Mar 1995 for MNS.                          17 & proposed NSHC determmaban & opportunity for hearmg Amends would Chan0s
  • Duke Power Co 95/03/31.1p 64039:182 44039 182 SR for baron concentrabon m SFP.

NERSES.V. .95/05/03. 8pp. 83854:004 43854.011. S. Reportable occurrences, LERs & rotated correspondence g505120055 Provides suppl mfo re 940928 appicaton for amend per NRC 950203 RAI W'one oversire enci. 9505230095 Forwards LER94 010 01 re failure to perform TS recured serveillance be- MCMEFKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co 95/05/03. Document Control Branch (Document cause teseng not scocifiedEvent consulared to be of no sigmfcance w/ respect to Controt Desk). 53pp. 6394211183942.168 heeftn & satefy of pubhc MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co. 95/05/11. Document Control Branch (Document 3505150023 Forwards haemo 4 profected schedule for comp 4eton & submrttal of new Control Desk) 2pp. 64078 05944078:064. toccal repts requirmg NRC approval TUCKMAN.M S Duke Power Co 95/05/04. Document Control Branch (Document

 -9505230103 LER 94 010 01.on 950227,determmed that addl abandoned /spere instr
  • Control Desk). 3pp. 83899 04443899'046.

ment penetratens existed wnch had not been included m procedures PT/1 & 2/ 9505240362 Offers hsted commems on proposed rev to 10CFR50 App J. "Contamment DE R.J ower Co~ 95 pp 0801 064 Leakage Tesung." pubhshed m 950221 FR & endorses comments submitted by NEl on subi. DOCKET 50 370 WILLIAM B. MCGUIRE NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 2 TUCKMAN.M S. Duke Power Co. 95/05/06. Document Control Branch (Document Controt Desk) app.64068.358 44068.360 F. Secunty, medical, emergency & flre protection ptons 9505300384 Forwards propnetary & nonpropretary verslorts of responses to NRC Ques-bons to Topcal Rept DPC-NE 3004.P. " Mass a Energy Release & Contamment Re. 9505030182 Forwaros pubhc verson of ksted rewmed EPtPs & Rev 36 M RP Manual sponse Metnodology " Propnetary responses withheld per 10CFR2.790. Secton 13 2 TUCKMAN.M S Duke Power Co 95/05/12. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk).19pp. 84162 223 84162.241. MCMEEKIN.T C Duke Power Co 95/04/19 Document Control Branch (Document Contros Des 4 3pp. 83723 01483723.245. 9505260227 Raouests NRC approval for uhl to use recent Rev 3 to CROY computer

 -9505C30184 Pubic verson of hsted revoed EPIPs.rctuding Rev 36 to RP Manual Sec-              code taporoved by NRC on950420) tom 18 2                                                                                   TUCKMAN.M.S. Duke Power Co. 95/05/17. Document Control Bianch (Document DOLAN.B. Duke Power Co.95/04/19 233pp. 83723-01343723245-                                  Control Desk) app.84104 07944104:082.
                                               -. . . - --~ .                        - -    , . ,            .-.                 - ~ - - - - - . ,             -. .                 . ~ . -           . . - . . ~ .

DOCKETEDITEMS 107 9605090312 Genenc Lir 92 02.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all holders of OLs (except those h- 9506220158 Forwards monthly operstmg repts for Apr 1995 for McGure Nuclear Sta-conses amended to possesen.only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac- ton tir vessel structural mtegnty. WEBER.R.L. Duke Power Co. 95/05/15. Docurrent Control Branch (Document Con. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Drector 6or Prossets (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19. trol Desk). 2pp. 84039.17044039:182. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. 84084.35244084:361. t -9505220205 Monthly operat repts for Apr 1995 for McGure Nuclear Staten.

  • WILLIAMS.R.A. Duke Power . 95/04/30.10pp. 84039-17244039:181.
                                                                                                -9505220246 Reveed monthly operatmg status rept for Mar 1995 for MNS.

9505020083 Forwards esp repts 50-369/95 09 & 50-370/9549 on 95032424.No vela.

  • Duke Power Co.95/03/31.1p. 8403918244039182.
 ,    bons noted.
  !   CASTO.C.A. R           2 (Post 820201). 95/04/20. MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co.

3pp. 83689:32 9 340. DOCKET 50-373 LASALLE CoutfTY STATION, UNIT 1 ]

    -9505020076 Insp repts 50 370/95 09 & 50370/SH9 on 950320w24 No wolaDons noted Malor areas inspected.hmited access weid exam program. stress corrosen              F. Security, medical, emergency & fire protectien p6ans crack of component coolant pipe weeds & rewsw of correctnre actions.

E OS.N., BLAKE.J. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/19.10pp 8368v:331 . 9505120079 Pro-83689.340. Forwards cedure for Fre-Fre C%etrowsed (Incident EPIPs.mcluding rev 3 m LZP Commander).(Dessonated 1340 Stuft 2. "impemenhng& rev Superwsor)" j 9605020053 Forwards inse repts 50-369/9507 8 50 370/95 07 on 950301 0401.No 2M * *

  • E Q "99 C )e e Aftehaten Gwert 8pp.

LE A R 83870 336 43870 353. 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/24.MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co. l 300. 83689 26M 282. -9505120099 Procedure Revned for Fre Fra Chef EPIPs.meludmg (Incident Commander) rev 3 to LZP-1340 (Dessgnated 2. *1mplemeneng& Rev 2 to Shrft Supervoor)" j -9605020059insp repts 50 369/95-07 & 50 370/95 07 on 95030M401.No velatens noted Maior areas mapected' plant operatens, mamt.engmeenng & plant support. L2P 13404 'l Procedure for Fra Fra Bngade. MAXWELLG.F., CRLENJAK.R.V. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/24 19pp ' Commonwealth Ed+ son . 95/04/20. 6pp. 83870:34643870 353.


9505190213 Forwards Rev 52 of plant secunty plan.addr usue idenufed n RJ 950419M49 NRC Info Nohce 95 024. " Summary of Lscensed Operator Requalificaten Cansano 950203 ter to Rev 48 of plant secunty plan.Enci per 10CFR73.21. i insp Program Fmdmgs " JOHNSON.LM. Commonwealth Eason Co. 95/05/05. Document Control Branch ' GRIMES,B K. . 95/04/25. Connohdated Eeson Co. of New York, bc. 12pp. (Document ContrW Desk). tp. 84010:360 84010:380. ' 83757:001 43757.012. 9506100083 Revned pages LA 6-13 & 6-14.rev 6e.dtd May 1995 to emergency plan. l 9505000014 Provides suppl response to 950103NOV from map repts 50 369/94-28 & SCOTT.D.J. Commonwealth Eeson Co.95/05/08. App. 83873.23343873.236. 50 370/94-28.Suppi rettects deleton of commitment to ennance labeimg requre-ments 9505180080 Expresses approceton for 950502 str m response to NRC950303 ltr re. MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co. 95/04/27 Documord Control Branch (Document questng mto re pnyscal secunty concern two6mng hvo round of 12 gauge shotgun Control Desk). 4pp. 83864 35143864.354. ammuniton found mrned w/Frearms Trammg Sys annulator ammunst.on. CREED,J R. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/06.QUERIO,R.E. Commormealth Edson 9504210127 Genenc Lir 95-03 to as holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re crcumferential Co. 3pp. 83952:1284 3952 130. crackry of SG tubes. ZIMMEMMAN.R P. Associate Drector for Prefects (ADPR) (Posi 941001). 95/04/28. 9505260011 Revised EPIPs.meludmg rev 3 to CEPIP-321441.rev 4 to CEPIP 3303-Consohdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. 83757 013-83757:023. 01.rev 6 to CEPIP 3602 01 &rewmed 3000 Senes Table of Contents dtd 950517. 9506110029 Forwards insp repts50 369/9511 & 50 370/9511 on 950403 07.No vela. tons or Gewauons noted 9505280340 Aenses that 950505 rev 52 to secunty plan conostent w/prowsons of i BARR.K.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/05. MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co. 3pp. 10CFR50.54 & acceptaole. ( 83850 3084 3850.322. CREED.J.R. 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/17. JOHNSON.L Commonwealth Edman

    -9505110032 insp repts 50-369/95-11 8 50 370/9511 on 95040347.No violatons i      noted.Malor areas mspected. adequacy & operatonal reaeness of heensee onwgency            9505240298Apphcaton for amends to hcenses NPF 11 & NeF.18.revismg TS regure.

preparooness am m areas of emergency detect on & classfcatert GOODEN.A., R,K. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/05. 1290 83850.311- m,en,t that venfes each Ire protecten valve in correct positen at least once por 31 oy 83850.322 BENES.G G. C-- .. .-. __ J. Esson Co 95/05/19. Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Contml Desk). 6pp. 84073M4073106. 9505190214 Responds to950216 Itr re dam insp of NRC regulated cams in State of EE T n f aste Management (NMSS 940403). 95/05/05. 4 506

                                                                                                              ,2 Pry,     .clach                        S, p     Qnt mat venfes each fue po LEUM AS J.K. North Carolina. State of. 21pp. 83984.22143984.241.                             . Commonweerth Esson Co.95/05/19.10pp. 84073 09744073.106.

9505240124 Forwards insp repts 50 369/95 06 & 50-370/95 06 on staled dates & notce of wolaton.Velatons of NRC concem because of indcanon of defeiencies m E,m -. , comependence dey & procedural control measures apphed to calculatens m demgn measures. CAS,0.C.A. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 25/05/10. MCf,tEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co 3pp. 84021.218 84021244. 9505010157 Partial smth response to FOiA request for documents. Forwards App L info beme made avadable to PDR.

    -9505240126 Notce of violaten from map on staied dates.Violahon noted.on 950329A               POWELL,R.A. Dmmon of Freedom of informaton & Pubics%.-                                .e (Post consee desgn control measures ed not assure proper translaten of stagn base into             940714). 94/12/06.SAPORfTO,T L Saponto. T.J. 2pp. 83838M83834135.

into sang & setbng for motor coerated valves.

  • Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/10. 290. 6402122144021.222. -9904190115 Forwards most recent status rept of petitme, subrmtted per 10CFR2.206.

CHANDLER.L.J. Asmstant General Counsel for Enforca nent. 89/02/02.MURLEY.T.E.

    -9505240132 Inso repts 50 389/95 06 & 50 370/95-06 on stated dates. Velatens                   Offee of Nucinar Reactor Reguisten Direc*nr (Post 870411). 6pp 83834 011 noted.Maior areas espectedimplementation of commitments made m response to GL                83834:016.

8910. "Sao stated Motor. Operated vatve Tesung & Surveeltance " GIRARD.E., YMLOCK,M. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/09 22pp. 84021.223 84021.244. P. Operstmg license state documents & correspondence 9 7 N info No " Valve Fature Dunng Panent Treatment w/ 9505040413 Appicaten for amend to bconse NPF.18.remeng SRV safety function hft COOLD.A. Dmmon of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11 sett tolerances Nonompnetary & propretary GE SRV setoomt relaxaten analyss Consohdated Esson Co. of New York. Ir:c. 9pp. 84007:18244007.190. enci ry GE SRV setpomt relaxaten ena withheid. BENES.G.G. Commonweenn Eeson Co. 95/03/ t. Document Control Branch (Ducu. 9505300010 Forwards map repts $4369/9510 & 50 370/9510 on 950411-13 & nonce ment Control Desk).150p. 83814 094-83814176. of notation. STOHR.J P. Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/18. MO.MEEKIN T.C. Duke Power Co. 9505050155 Apolcation for amends to App A.Secten 6 of hcenses OPR.2. DPR. 3pp. 84076.03144076:039. 19.DPR 25.NPF.11,NPF.18.DPR.29.DPR-30,NPF 72 NPF-77. NPF.37 NPF46.DPR.39

                                                                                                   & DPR-48 Amends consest of admmstranve chan0es
    -9505300013 Notee of notaten from msp on 95041113 Velation noted hcensee found                  BENES.G G. Commonwealtn Edson Co, 95/04/24 Document Control Branch (Docu.

documents marked as tiemg Safeguaros info m unsecured file cabinets,evtenor to pro- ment Control Desk). 20pp. 83826.00143827:101. tected ares & not urcer control of autnormed monnduais.

  • Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/18. 2pp. 84076 03444076 035. -9505050159 Proposed toch specs re admmetratwo changes to App A. SecDon 6 to hcenses.
    -9505300014 Insp rects 50 369/9510 & 50 370/9510 on 95041113. Votabons
  • Commonwealth Edson Co.95/04/24. 219pp. 83826 02043826 238 noted.Mamr areas mspected Sate 0uards mso conducted to renew ncensee escovery of several mcadents mvolwng Saf veros into documents bemg unsecured. -9505050162 Rev 65 to " Commonwealth Edeson OA Manual."

TOBiN W.J.. STRATTON.LC UtRE.D R. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/17. O'CONNOR.J.J. Commonweafth Eeson Co. 94/11/21. 225pp. 83826.239 83827.101. 4pp. 84076133644076.039 9504210293Generc Ltr 9544 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors to feat esposmon of SEP lessons.ieamed esues R. Periodic operatmg reports & related c,,.--- _e ZIMMERMAN.R.P Assocate Director for Prolects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28 Consohdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 83757:024-83757:037. 9505010101 "McGuire Nuclear Staten Uruts 1 & 2 Arinual Radeologeal Envron Operat. mg Rept 1994 " W/950418 Itr. 9505040393 Adwses NRC of Comm Ed renew of Cycle 7 reload under pronssons of MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co.94/12/31. 200pp. 83749 00143749136. 10CFR50 59 & transmsts "LaSalle Unit 1 Cycle 7 COLR* A "LaSalle Unit 2 Cyce 7 COLR." per GL 8816 9505000012 Annual Envwon Operstmg Rept for CY94 W/950427 ftr. GERNER.LF Commonwealth Eeson Co. 95/04/28. Document Control Branch (Docu. MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co.94/12/31.15pp. 83864 322 83864.336. ment Control Dest). 2pp. 83807.272 83807.324 l

108 DOCKETED ITEMS l 1 R. Periodic operstmg reports & related correspondence -9505040397

  • Commonwealth"LaSalle EesonUrut Co195/04/28.

Cycie 7 COLR." 25pp . 83807.27443807298. 50 rio County Staten Annual Radelogcal Envron Operatng Rept -9505040399 "LaSalle Urvt 2 Cyce 7 COLR " p9,1 g

  • Commonwealth Eeson Co.95/04/28. 25pp. 83807.29943807.324. RAY.DJ Commonwealth Eeson Co.94/12/31.115pp. 83748194-83748.311.

950 032 e ora progress of improveme its at LaSalle County Nuclear 9 "LaSalle County Staten Envwon Protecten plan 1994 Annual Operateg

                            **                           " "           "*        9     RA DJ                      alth Eeson Co.94/12/31. 2pp. 83832.32743832.328.

g4 gpp 8f9 3 49333. 9505180441 Fonwards propnetary supplemental info re utd MOV testmg & survedlance 9505180279 Monthly operstmg repts for Apr 1995 for Lasalle County Nuclear Power 2W m g GL 89-10.Propnetary mto withheld from pubic esclosure per K .J RAY,DJ Commonwealth Eeson Co. 95/04/30.17pp. 84013.296-84013.312. VONK.MJ Commonwealth Essen Co. 95/05/02. Document Control Branch (Docu. ment Control Desk). 8pp 84026.32544026.332. 9505150058 Forwards "LaSalle Nuclear Power Staten Course of Acton (Formetty Mgt 9505190118 Discusses sermor mgt meetmg w/ to pubic observaten. conducted Overvew) Revised to 6nchase issue Ret Numbers Apr 1995" & "LaSalle Nuclear on 950502 at Regen docuss concerns re status of util nuclear power Power Staten Course of Acton Progress Root May 1995." stabons.Let of a'tendees & handouts enct OVERO.R.E. Commonweatm Edison Co.95/05/05. Document Control Branch (Docu. MILAND.P.L. Rmpon 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/04.WALLACE.M. Commonweatih Edmon ment Control Desk).1p. 83972:00143972:169 Co.118pp. 83973.22443973 341.

                                                                                       -9505150060 "LaSalle Nuclear Power Staten Course of Acton (Formerly Mgt Over.

9505230176 Forwards summary of utal raeaten protection performance & effons m view) Rensed to include issue Ret Numbers Apr 1995." progress to effect vnprovement.

  • Commonwealth Eeson Co.95/04/30.10$pp. 83972.00243972.107.

BRONSJC. Commonwealth Edson Co. 95/05/12, Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk) 32pp. 84068.14244068.173. -9505150061 "LaSalle Nuclear Power Staten Course of Acton Progress Rept May j 1995." 9505250251 Forwards Rev 65a to Cornm Ed QA program Topical Rept CE 1 A, updat- = Commonwearm Eeson Co.95/05/31. 63pp. 83972.10843972.169. Ing tiles & position desenptons.mcludeg approved riterpretaten for change m proco- l dure review treauency & a two recured audits. i e i KOVACH.TJ Commonwea dison Co.95/05/17.Documerit Control Branch (Docu- E. Reportable occurreraces, LERs & related - ment Control Desk). 2pp. 84087:18044087:358. -9505250253 Rev 85a to Comm Ed QA 9505230083 LER 95 010-00:on 950415. auto start of standby gas treatment. Uruts 1 & 2 f 84087:182-84087.358. Dwmion 2 rescu beg venulaten notaten & omer notaten signals recewed due to

  • Commonwealth Edson Co. 95/04/1 wrong fuse pulled due to personnel error Replaced fuse W/950515 ttr 9505300311 Notites of mtenten to convert LaSelio County Staten TS to unproved GIUFFREJ, Y.DJ Commonwealth Eeson Co. 95/05/15 Spp. 84078 049- '

standard TS. 84078 053. i OVERio.R E. Commonwealm Edison Co.95/05/17. Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk).1p. 84138.33944138.339. V. Operator Exammations 9505250312 Summary of950315-16meetmg w/ comed re MOV pmgram developed m response to GL 89-10.Let of attendees, presentanon agenda & uti MOV program 9505050098 hiforms GFE secten of wntten operstar heensmg enam ad-Cl 0405 plant partcipate m exam.

  'D"ICK.G.F, .95/05/18. ,168pp. 84078.15044078 317.                                      trurustered ping,y 4, pon     g 95,on 3 (Post 820201)   95/05/01. CHASENSKY.T.M CHERNICK,A.J.

afin Edis n Co. WALKER.W.P. Northam States Power Co.1p 83758:313-9505090312 Genenc Lir 9242.Rev 1,Sumi 1 to all holders of OLs (except those ir ' centes amended to possescrwonly status) or cps for riuclear power reactors re reac. tor vesser structural mtegnty. 2IMMERMAN,RP. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19- DOCKET 50 374 I HalI e COUNTY STATION' UNIT 2 Consolcated Eeson Co. of f ew York, Inc.10pp. 64064 35244064.361. 9505240298 Appbcaten for amends to iconses NPF 11 & NPF 18 revismg TS regure. F. Securny, medical, m a nre protecton plans ment that ventes each fre protechon valve m correct positen at least once per 31 days. BENES,G.G. Commonwealth Edrson Co 95/05/19 Document Control Branch (Docu. 9505120079 Forwards rewmed EPIPs.ncluding rev 3 to LZP 1340 2, " Implementing Pro- , ment Control Dosk). 6pp. 8407329144073:106. cedure for Fre: Fro Chet (incadent Commander),(Desagnated Stuft Supervisor)" & rev j 2 to LZP 1340-4," Procedure...Fre. Fro Bn0ade."

-9505240302 Proposed tech specs.rewsmg TS recurement that venfos each fue pro-
  • Commonwealth Edson Co. /04/27. NRC No Detaded Athhatson Gwen. 8pp. I tecnon vane m correct possten at least once per 31 osys. 83870:33843870 353.
  • Commonwealth Edson Co.95/05/19.10pp. 64073 09744073-108.

9505120099 Revised EPIPs.rctudmg rev 3 to LZP 13442 *lmplementmg Procedure 9505310457 Apohcaten for amends to bcenses NPF.11 & NPF 18. clanfymg desenbed for Fre:Fra Chet (mcident Commandert (Designated Snift Supervmor)" & Rev 2 to equipment cut-of svc opuons LZP.13404, "I Procedure for Fre:Fra pngade " BENES.G.G. Commonwenith Eeson Co 95/05/23. Document Controi Branch (Docu-

  • Commonwealth Edson . 95/04/20. Opp. 83870 34643870 353.

ment Control Desk). 2pp. 84163:18744183.137. i 9505190213 Forwards Rev 52 of plant secunty pien.addresamg usue adentried m RJ j

-9505310463 Proposed tech specs.clantymg desenbed soutpment out of svc optons-             Canaano 950203 Itr te Rev 48 of plant secunty plan.Ence withheld per 10CFR73.21.
  • Commonweattn Edison Co.95/05/23.19pp. 8416311944163.137. JOHNSON.I M. Commonwealth Edson Co 95/05/05. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk).1p. 84010.36044010:360.

l Q. Inspection reports. IE Bulletms & correspondence 9505100083 Reymed pages LA 6-13 & 614.rev 6e.dtd May 1995 to emergency plan. SCOTT.DJ Commonwealth Edison Co.95/05/06. 4pp 83873.23343873.236. 9504190049 NRC Info Notee 95 024 Summary of Lcensed Operator Recushfcaten mso Program Findmgs " 9505180060 Expresses apprecaton for 950502 ttr m response to NRC 950303 Itr re-GRtMES.B K - 95/04/25. Consolidated Eeson W of New York, Inc. 12pp ouestmg eto re physcal secunty concem evolvmg hve round of 12 gauge shotgun 83757:00143757t12. ammurwton found nuned w/Frearms Trairung Sys simulator ammuruton. CREED.J R. Region 3 (Post $20201) 95/05/06 OVERIO,R E. Commonweafth Edison 9505090074 Forwards esp repts 50 373/95-03 & 50-374/95 03 on 950218 0324 & Co. 3pp. 83952.12643952:130. notce of volaten. I MILLER.LF. R 3 (Post $20201). 95/04/27.QUERIO,R E. Commonwealth Esson 9505260011 Revoed EPIPs.mcludmo rev 3 to CEPIP 3214-01.rev 4 to CEPIP 3303-I Co. 5pp. 83817. 1 43817:028. 01.rev 6 to CEPIP-3602 01 & revised 3000 Senes Table of Contents atd950517.

-9505090001 Notco of velation from mso on 950218 0324 Velation noted Rev 18 to paarit operatmg procedure LOP-RH 13 allowed operaton of low pressure ECCS pumps      9505260340 Advises that 950505 rev 52 to secunty plan consstent w/provisens of m configurabon outsee plant dessgn basm.                                                 10CFR50 54(p) & acceptable
  • Regon 3 (Post 820201) 95/04/27. 2pp. 83817:00643817 007. CREED.J R. A 3 (Post 820201) 95/05/17. JOHNSON 1 Commonwealth Eeson
~9505090085 inso repts 54373/95 03 & 50 374/95 03 on 950216-0324 Violatons noted Masor areas , . . -A - _.. of plant operations mant.engineenng. plant suo-     9505240298 Apolcaton for amends to beenses NPF-11 & NPF 18.revemg TS requre-s eam       paedon vWve in at p sdon el team once pc h R                (Pos 8      1 5 / 21pp 63817:00643817.028.                      o    ",t M 9504210127 Generc Ltr 95 03 to all holders of OLa or cps for PWRs re cucumferental
                                                                                                                                $                 *'    " " ' "      '"h nt       ofDe              0 09 64 7 crack of SG tubes.

ZIMME MAN.R P. Assocate Drector for Pro,ects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. -9505240302 Proposed toch specs.reveng TS reasement that ventes each fra pro. Consohdated Edison Co. of New York, Irc.11pp. 83757:01343757:023. tecten valve m correct position at least once per 31 days

  • Comnenweanh Eeson Co.95/05/19.10po. 84073 09744073 26
 $505050171 NRC Info Notce 95-025. " Vane Fadure Durmg Patent Treatment w/

Gamma Stereotacte Radaosurgery Urst." COOL.DA Dmson of Industnal & Medical Nuclear Safety (Post 870729) 95/05/11. Coneohdated Eason Co of New York. Inc. 9pp. 8400718244007-190 G. Adjudicatory correspondence 9505300227 Informs that p: ant revemg comnntment retiponse date from 950531 to $505010157 Partial siz1ti response to FOlA request for documents. Forwards App L into 951101 m response to insp Repts 50 373/9119 & $0 374/91-19 bemg made avadable to PDR. BENES.G G Commonwealth Edmon Co 95/05/19 Document Control Branch (Docu- POWELLRA. Divison of Fressom of informaton & Pubicatons Servces (Post ment Control Desk). 7pp. 84160-35444160.360. 940714t 94/12/06. SAPORITO.T.J Saponto. T.J. 2pp. 83834.005-83834135.


   -8004190115 Forwards most recent status rept of petmons sutmeted por 10CFR2.206.                9505250312                 of 95031516meetmg w/ comed re MOV program deveioped in CHANDLER.L.f. Assstant General Counsel for Enforcement.89/02/02. MURLEY.T.E.                    response to GL 8 10.Lst of attendees, presentahon agenda & uti MOV program Omco of Nuclear Rsactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 870411). 6pp. 83834.011-                       encf.

83834.016. DICK,G.F. .95/05/18. 168pp. 64078:15044078.317. 9505000312 Genenc Ltr 92 02.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all holders of OLs (except those 6 P. Operstmg hcense stage documents & correspondence conses amended to possesion-only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors to reac-tot vessel structural etegnty. 9505040413 Apphcanon for amend to bcense NPF 18.revemg SRV safety functon 6ft ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocsate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19.

          .      tolerances.Nonpropnetary & propnetary GE SRV setcomt relaxagon analyssa              Consohdated Eeson Co. of New YorA inc 10pp. 64084.35244064.361.

enct. ietary GE SRV setpoet relaxaton analyms wehold BENES. .G. Commonwealm Eeson Co. 95/03/31. Document Coritrol Bra ich (Doc

  • 950524020s Apphcation for amends to hconses NPF 11 & NPF 18.revismg TS regure-ment Control Desk).15pp. 83814:094 43814:176. mont that ventes each fre protecten valve m correct posten at least once per 31
   -9505040416 Proposed toch specs Secton 3 4.2.revismg SRV safety funcbon Irft seteng                BE ES.G G. Commonwealth Eeson Co 95/05/19. Document Control Branch (Docu-
                                                                                                      **"I                        *         '# 3 '

alth Edson Co.95/03/31, 1290.83814.109 4 3814.120.

   .-9505040418 Informs that Sargent & Lundy anahms contamed m Attachment G of                     -9608240302 Proposed toch specs.revismg TS requremerit that venfes each fre pro.

. 950331 roguest for amend to change SRV safety fuenton kft settng tolerances nork valve m, correct pombon at least once per 31 days. C-- _ Eeson Co.95/05/19 topp. 64073:09744073.106. 4 propnetary & does not need to be wehold per 10CFR2.790. 4 BENES.G.G. Cw...- _ _ -. Eeson Co 95/05/01. Document Control Branch (Docu-T ment Cortal Desk) 2pp. 83814:12183814.122. 9505310457 Appleahon for amends to beennes NPF 11 & NPF 18, clantymg described i equipment cut of-svc options.

               . _ . - - "Evaluanon of Effect of Relaxmg LaSalle Mansteam SRV Overpressurus-          BENES.G.G. Commonwealth Edison Co. 95/05/23. Document Control Branch (Docu-

,. ton Setpont Tonerence " ment Control Desk). 2pp. 84163.11744163.137. O'BRIEN.C.E, OLSON.P.R.. PRESSBURGER.M. Sargent & Lundy, Inc. LAS-NPD 95- ] . 9020 RO1. 95/03/30. 8pp. 8381412343814.130. -9505310443 Proposed toch specs.clantymg desenbed equipment out-of- svc opbons.

   -9505040421 Nonpropnetary " Safety Review for LSCS Unit 1 & 2 SRVs Reducten &

g Setpost Tolerance Relaxabon Anafyses" H x. General Electnc Co. GE NE-B13 01760. 95/03/31. 46pp 83814131- Q. Inspection reports. IE Buseths & - Je 9500050165 Apphcation for amends to App A.Secton 6 of heenses DPR 2. DPR- 9604190049 NRC Irdo Nobce 95 024. " Summary of Leensed Operator Requahficaton f 19.DPR-25.NPF 11.NPF 18.DPR-29 DPR-30.NPF 72,NPF 77, NPF-37,NPF46,DPR-39 Inso Program Fmdmgs." i

      & DPR48 Amende conset of admmistrative changes.                                                 GRIMES.B K.       . 95/04/25. Consohoated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 12pp.

BENES.3.G. Commonwealth Esson Co 95/04/24. Document Control B<anch (Docu- 8375720143757$12. ment Control Desk). 20pp. 83826:00143827:101.

                                                                                                                                    '                                     "        ^
   -9505050150 Proposed tech specs re admrustratwo changes to App A Section 6 to                              o violaten.

ith Eeson Co.95/04/24. 219pp. 83826 02043826.238- C pp 7N438

   -9505050182 Rev 85 to " Cow.h Edson OA Manual "                                                 -9505000001 Notco of violaten hm map on 950218 0324 Velaton noted Rev 16 to O'CONNOR,JJ. Commonwealth Edrson Co. 94/11/21. 225pp. 63826.23943827.101.                       plant operstmg procedure LOP-RH.13 allowed operaten of low presswo ECCS pumps 9505010028 Grants request for withholdmg info from pubic esclosure submitted on                    m conhguraban outado plant desgn beus.

Review for La Sahe County Staten. Units 1 & Regon 3 (Post 820201). 95/04/27. 2pp. 83817 00643817:007 950331 re document entstte " Sat

2. Safety /Rehet valves Reducten &

RECKLEY.W.D. . 95/04/27. FARRAR.D.L. t Tolerance Relaxanon Edson Commonwealth Analyses." . Co 3pp. Insp roots 50-373/95 03 & $0374/95 03 on 9502184324. Velatons 83693.356 83693:358. noted Mapor areas mspected: review of pimit operations.mam".enomeenn0. plant sup-port & heensee actons on provous map hnengs. 9504210283 Genanc Ltr 95 04 to an holders of OLs or cps for nucteer power reactors MILLER.LF. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/04/27. 21pp. 83817.006-83817228. es. ce tenas esoowtenAssociate 21MMERMAN.R.P. of SEP Drector lessonsfor4eamed Pro issu,ects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. 9504210127 Genanc Ltr 95 03 to aN holders of OLs or cps for PWRs se circumferential Consohdated Eeson Co. of New YotA inc.14pp. 83757 02443757237, craciung of SG tubes. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/26. 9505040393 Adymes NRC of Comm Ed review of ie 7 resond unoer provemns of Conschdated Edison Co of New YorA inc.11pp. 83757:013 83757:023. 10CFR50.59 & transnuts "LaSane Urut 1 Cycle 7 R" & "LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 7 COLR," per GL 8816- 9506110270 Forwards core shroud map results for LaSalle County Nuclear Power Sta. GERNER.L.F. Commonwealth Eeson Co.95/04'28. Document Coreal Branch (Doc

  • ton Urut 2 exth retues outage LL2R06).as requred by GL 94 03 Core shroud insp for ment Control Desk). 2pp. 83807.27243807:324. L2R06 comp 6eted on 950410.

_ _ _ - - - , , , ,, BENES.G.G. Commonwealth Edson Co 95/05/05. Document Control Branch (Docu- i

                                                                                                       **"I        #                                  "
  • Commonwe th son 0/ 83807.299 4 3807:324.

9505110328 Provuses update on progress of improvements at LaSalle County Nuclear 95050~,0171 NRC Info Notice 95425 ," Valve Fadure Dunng Patient Treatment w/ l Power Staten Uruts 1 & 2 Gamma Stereotacbc Raru=gery Urut OUERIO.R.E. Co. i Edson Co. 95/04/28. Offee of Nucker Reactor Regu. COOLD.A. Drvison of industnal & Medcol Nuclear Setety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. lanon (Post 941001). 8pp. 83930:33243930.339 Conschdated Edson Co. of New YorA Inc. 9pp. 84007:182 44007:190. 9505180441 Forwards propnetary supplemental mfo re utd MOV testmg & surveillance 9605300227 Informs that plant revi commitment response date from 950631 to procram.per GL 8910 Propnetary mio withheld from pubic esclosure per 951101 m response to insp Repts 73/91 19 & 50 374/91 19 10CFR2.790. BENES.G.G. Commonwealth Esson Co. 95/05/19. Document Control Branch (Docw VONK.M.J. Commornwealth Edson Co. 95/05/02. Document Control Branch (Docu ment Control Desk). 7pp. 84160:35444160.360. ment Control Desk). Opp. 84028:325 44026:332. 9508190118 Discusses sener mgt meetmg w/ to pubhc observation. conducted R. periodic operating reports & related correspondence on 950502 at Regen escuss concems re status of unt nucisar power statermList of attendees & handouts once. HILAND.P.L Regon 3 (Post S20201). 95/05/04 WALLACE.M. Commonwealth Eeson 95050100s4 "LaSane County Staten Annual Radological Ermron Operating Rept Co.118pp. 83973.22443973:341. 1994." W/950420 Itr. RAY.O.J. Commonweatth Edison Co.94/12/31.115pp. 83748:194-83748.311. 9506110270 Forwards core shroud eisp results for LaSalle County Nuclear Power Sta. ten Urut 2 arth refuel outage (L2R06).as requred by GL 94-03 Core snroud msp for 9505040121 "LaSalle County Staten Envron Protecten Plan 1994 Annual Operann0 L2R06 completed on 950410. Rept" W/950427 ttr. BENES.G.G. Commonwealth Esson Co. 95/05/05 Documerit Control Branch (Docu. RAY D.J. Commonwealth Eeson Co.94/12/31. 2pp. 83832:32743832:328 ment Control Desk).10pp. 83933-13543933144. 9505100279 Monthly operatmg repts for Apr 1995 for Lasalle County Nuclear Power 9505230176 Forwards summary of utd reeanon protecton performance & ottons m Station W/9505t2 ftr S.J eson Co. 95/05/12. Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk). 32pp. 84068.142 84068173. f4N 2 9505250251 Forwards Rev 85a to Comm Ed QA program Topcal Rept CE 1 A. updat- 950515m8 Forwants "LaSane Nuclear Power Staten Course of, Acton @nnerly Mgt eng tiues & poston Oesenpuons.mclueng approved mterpretanon for change m proco-nsed ' '" * *N A ,,1995 & taSa en Nuclear

                                                                                                                                                              ,gg Course W Ac'w ss Rep O                                                   '

VA .J h esoe ment Control Desk). 2pp. 84087.18484087.358. 9 /0 7. Document Coreal Branch (Doce ' 2 N3 9

   -9605250253 Rev 65a to Comm Ed CA pr                  am.                                        6150080 "LaSane Nuclear Power Staten Course of Acton (Formerly Mgt Over-7pp 84087:182 44087.358.                         vow) Revned to include issue Ref Numbers Apr 1995."
  • Commonwealth Eeson Co.95/04/17.
  • Comenonweatth Eunon Co.95/04/30.105pp. 83972:002-83972-107.

9505300311 Nouf es of intenten to convert LaSalle County Staten TS lo iniproved standard TS -9606150061 "LaSalle Nuclear Power Staten Course of Acton Progress Rept May OVERIO.R E. Commonwealth Eeson Co 95/05/17. Document Control Branch (Docw 1995." ment Control Desk).1p. 64138.33944138.339.

  • Commonwealth Eeson Co 95/05/31. 63pp 83972106-83972:169 l


5. Reportable occurrences, LERs & related . .
                                                                                            -4505180200 Safety evaluation supportmg amend 108 to hcense NPF-38.
  • Othce of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (Post 941001). 95/05/06. 6pp. 83979152-83979 157, 9505150195 LER 95-00740:on 950411.evision 2 ESF actuation occurred due to mstru.

ment ret ime pressure spas Closed mjecton wahre 2E12-F042C & secured 2A DG W/ 950508 Itr 9505180287 Suppi to TS Change Request NPF-38-145 to hcense NPF.38 rno@fymg ELLSWORTH.M.J., RAY.D.J. Commonwealth E$ son Co. 95/05/08. 8pp. 84007:199 SRs of TS for contamment leakage by removmo specitesd schedular creena for 64007.204. Type A testmg per requirements of C E improved STS (NUREG 1432). BARKHURSTAP. Entergy Operanons. Inc. 95/05/12 Document Control Brancti 9505230091 LER 95 006-00-on 950415. reactor scrammed from high scram escharge (Document Control Desk). 7pp. 84005.30344005.318 vol water due to mot defriency Operating personnel responded to alarm / annunciator conotons & pedormed required immediate actortW/950515 lir. -9505180274 Proposed TS 3.8.12 SRs for contamment leakage.reflectng removal of BEJLOVEC.W RAY.D.J. Cornmonwealtn Edison Co. 95/05/15. Spo. 84078:054- senedular cmens for Type A testmg. 84078.058.

  • Entergy Operatons. Inc.95/05/12. 9pp. 84005.31044005.318.

9505180294 Responds to NRC 950412 telcon RAI re TS Change Request NPF V. Operator Examinatione 146.sutmutted on931206 to allow instattation of tube sleeves as attemative to plug-omo defocuve SG tut:es 9505050098 informs that.afthough GFE section of wntten operator teenang exam ad- 6UEtSKI.R.F. Entergy Operations. Inc. 95/05/12. Document Control Branch (Docu-mitustered on 950405. plant od not participate in exam. ment Control Desk) 3pp. 64013.23944013241. RING.M A. Region 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/01. CHASENSKY.T.M. Commonwealth Edmon Co.1p. 83758.31343758.313. 9505280108 Discusses revisson to reactor vessel mati surveinance withdrawal schedule for plant. Veit 3 Concludes that proposed witndrawal schedules m comphance w/ 10CFR$0. DOCKET 50 382 WATERFORD GENERATING STATION, UNTT 3 PATEL.C P. .95/05/18. SARKHURST.R.P. Entergy Operations. Inc. 5pp. 84090:264-84090.268. F. Security, med6 cal, emergency & fire protection plans 9505090312 Genene Lir 9242.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all holders of OLs texcept those b-conses amenced to possescrHmh status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac-9505010111 Rowned EPIPs.mcludmg rev 19. change 1 to EP 002 060. *Ractologcal tar vessel structural mtegnty. Feld Morntonng" & rev 18 to EP 003-040 " Emergency Equipment inventory? W/ ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Director for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19. 950425 fir Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. topp.64084 352 44064.361. BURSKI.R.F. Entergy Operations. Inc.95/04/25. 47pp 83718:196-83718.240. 2 ' "'* " "* " s" " 9505030024 Ack receipt of 950329Itr wruch forwarded proposed obpectves for Water- $359 ford-31995 emergency BARKHURST.R.P. Entergy Operations. Inc. 95/05/19. Document Control Branch COLLINS.S.J. Region 4preparooness (Post 820201L exercae scheduled 95/04/27. for 950712 . Entergy Oper-BARKHURST,R.P (Document Control Desk) 16pp 84068:318 44068.338. atsons. inc. 5pp. 83720-096-83720 t01. 4 505240384 Proposed mch specxonsehng W change request E38459 re H + 9505030193Rawned EPtPs,metudeg rev 23 to EP.002 010.rev 14 to EP 002 050 & rev

                                    . Inc. 95/04/28. 80pp 83797.28243797:340.                               Operanons. Inc.95/05/19 6pp. 84068.33244068.338.

SKl at 9505180511 Forwards annual emergency plannmg brochure & updated state & local 9505250098 informs that NRC forwareng tNES essammated event ratmg form re emer ency pians. 950325 declaration of alert at plant concernmg gaseous re6 ease from neafby chemmal UR . Opersoons. inc. 95/05/12 Incident Response Branch.13pp' gLCP. 95/05/22 BARKHURST.R.P. Ensegy Operabons. Inc. 400. 84068.021-84068 024. -9505140514 Updated Rev 7 to ".LA Peacetime Radi i Response Plan."

  ' Louissana. State of. 94/12/31 253pp. 64041:014           1266.

Q. inspection reports,IE Bubetma a correspondence 9505240138 Rev 22 to EPIP E P-002 100. "Technmal $@ port Ctr (TSC) C N bce M24. "Sumnery W Ucensed Opwaw RequeWeahon gy Operatd inc. 051. 98pp. 8406817444068.271. , p GRIMES.B.K. . 95/04/25. Conschdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 12pp, 83757:001 43757 012. I. FlnancW information 9505030128 Forwards copy of map repts documentmg results of NRC rewsw of self as-9505240368 ,1994 Annual Rept.,. for Ent Corp W/950518 tir sessment petarmed by util at punt & specol map of Si incinted BURSKl.R.F. Entergy Operations. Inc.94 12/31. Sopp 84120.19144120:257. GWYNN.T.P. Regen 4 (Post 820201L 95/04/25. BARKHURST.R.P. Entergy Oper-ebons, Inc. 5pp. 83722:00143722:045. 9504210127 Genene Ltr 95 03 to as holders of OLs or cps for PWRs to circumferenbal 9505040101 Forwards amend 105 to iconse NPF.38 & safety evaluatiort Amend

                                                                                               $M%MA           R Associate Director for Proiects (ADPR) (Post 941001) 95/04/28.

Conschdated Edson Ca of New York. Inc. Upp 83757:01343757:023. T7LC P . 7 R HUR T P ergy bons. Inc. 3pp. 83752.247-83752M 9505050171 NRC into Nobce 95025. " valve Fadure Dunng Pabent Treatment w/ G gery U -9505040 Amend 105 to bcense NPF 38.changeg TS by revismg TSs for moderato, QSte Conschdated Eoison Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 6400718244007:190. PATEL.C.P. .95/04/27. $pp. 83752:25043752.254. - 9505040105 Safety evaluanon supportmo amend 105 to hcense NPF 38. 9505150222 Forwards response to NRC ltr re v olabons noted m mso rept 50-382/95 03

  • Ortre of Nuciear Reactor Regulabon (Post 941001). 95/04/27. 6pp. 83752255 on 9502054318 Correctra actions operations supenniencent asued dasty instruction 83752.260. requinng NAO to escuss EDG reset processes w/inendual superwsors.

BURSKI.R.F. Entergy Operat ons. Inc. 95/05/11. Document Control Brancti (Dow 9504210293 G6nenc Ltr 9544 to all holders of OLs or cps for nucisar power reactors ment Control Desk). App. 83978:358 4 3978.360. re feel esposition of SEP lessonosamed maues. ZlMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Deector for Proiects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. 9505250048 Forwards response to NRC ltr te violabons noted m msp rept 50 382/9513 Concohdated Eeson Co. of New York. inc.14pp. 83757 02443757.037. on 95030617.Correctve schons-Condsbon Rept 95 0182 was generated to address mstalled gasket on EGA 159 B. 9505030200 Requests approval for contmued use of tubing snstalled in essenbal chdier 9BURSKl. .F. Entergy Operatons. Inc 95/05/19. Document Control Branch (Docu-

  *B' evaporator heat excnanger w/o complete code certifcabon.                                  ment Control Desk).15pp. 84075.17344075:187.

BURSKI.R.F. Entergy Operatens, Inc. 95/04/28. Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk). 6pp. 83804.35543804 360.

                                                                                                                       #                 ~~

9505050293 Apphcaten for amend to bconse NPF 38,moetymg spec 3/4 7.12.essental cruited ater sys to accurately reflect sys normal operatng shgnment & ehmmate 9505180242 Monttwy operstmg rept for Apr 1995 for Waterford 3 W/950512 Itr. BARKHURST.R.P. Entergy Operations. Inc 95/05/02. Document Control Brancti FREEMAN.D S., BURSKI.R.F. Entergy Operanons inc. 95/04/30. 7pp. 84005.340-(Document Control Desk). 8pp. 83839 21543839.226. 84005.346. -9505050295 Proposed tech spect.modifymg spec 3/4 712.essental sycs chdied water sys to accurately reflect sys normat operabng shgnment & ohmmate redundant SRs. S. Reportable occurrences. LERs & rotated correspondence

  • Entergy Operatons. Inc.95/05/02. 4pp. 83839.22343839 226.

9505110255 LER 9540140 on 950406.mabdity to perform moderator temp coeftesent 9505050297 Informs NRC of miem to evoke ASME Code case N481. "Allematve tesung due to movement of mam turtune rotor after stactup from retuei 6 outage & Exam Reouirements for Cast Austenste Pump Ca . at plant Instel ...w BUR $Kl.R.F. Errorgy Opersbons. inc. 95/35/02. # m thrust beenng Stopped all MTC tests W/950503 ltr. ument Control Branch (Docu. VINCl.D W KEU ER.D.R. Entergy Operatsons. Inc. 95/05/03. 8pp 83938.278-ment Control Desst). 2pp. 83839.22743839 228 83938 285. 9505180198 Forwards amend 108 to bcense NPF 38 & SE. Amend changes app A TSs by remowng RV mati specimen withdrawal schedule & by updatmg RvS P/T curves E Operator Eammnaws PA7EL.C.P. 95/05/08. BARKHURST.R P. Entergy Operatons. Inc, 3pp. 83979130 83979 157. 9505050081 Forwards master copy & answer key to Generc Fundamentals Exam Sec- -9504180202 Amend 106 to hcense NPF-38.cha app A TSs by remowng RV mati tion of wntten operator hcensmg exam.aommstered on 950405 W/o enci. specemen witnorawal schedule & by updabng RC /T curves. GWYNN T.P Regen 4 (Post 820201L 95/05/02. BARKHURST.R.P. Entergy Oper-PATEL.C.P. .95/05/06.19pp. 8397913343979151. shons. inc. 2pp. 83758.27643758 277.

DOCKETEDITEMS 111 DOCKET 50 387 SUSOUEMANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATION. UNIT 1 O Inspection reports. IE Bulletins & correspondence F, Securtty, rnedical, emergency & tire protection plans $505110143 Forwards "Susquehanna SES Uruts 1 & 2 ISI Program Master Selecten Document Class 1.2 & 3 Components & Component Supports for Second ISI inter-9505110035 Responds to NRC RAI re analyse supportmg devenons from BWROG [*h*['G ane pocument CoM Des 4 mpp 83944 er & L Co 95/03/31. Document Control Branch 43945243. ANG enns ILght Co 95/05/04. Document Control Branch (Document Control Duk). 29pp. 83933.23643933264.

                                                                                         -9505110148 Rev 0 to ISb7108.0/208.0. "Susquehanna SES Urute 1 & 2 ISI Program 9505180112 Notfcation of agrulcant hcensee neebng 95-046 w/uut on 950516 m Kmg               Master Selecten Document Class 1.2 & 3 Components & Component Supports for of Prusse,PA to escuss Aug full pa*tcapaton exercee.correchve acbons for siren faL        Second ISI interval " W/oversrre drewmps.

ures & acton plan for EP awareness asues from recent map. MILLER.M.S . GALLINO.D A., LINDBERG J.T. Pennsylvane Power & Leht Co. 94/06/ WHITElR. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/04. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 2pp. 01. 600pp. 83944:Ot t 43945:243. 83952:166 43952:167. 9504190049 NRC into Notce 95-024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requahlmaton 9505250088 Advees that950511 rev H to 30% trainmg & quahtmatens plan consist- Insp Program Fmdmgs " ent w/provens ol 10CFR50.54(pl & acceptable GRIMES.B K. . 95/04/25. Consohdated Edison Co of New York, Inc. 12pp. JOYNER.J H. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/11. BYRAM.R.G. Pennsylvane Power & 83757 001 4 3757:012. Ught Co 3pp. 84075:194-84075.196. 9505260098 Responds to request for addl info re App R safe shutdown analysis fire 9505030014 ros map repts 50 387/9505 4 50-388/95 05 on 950214-0327.No G en y ania Power & Ught Co. 95/05/22 Document Control Branch WHREA Regen 1 (Post 820204 95,04/26. BWAM.R G. Pennsylvania Power & (Document Control Desi4 36pp. 84096.23044096.321. Ugm Co. 3pp. 83WC25-83720M -9505260325 Rev 3 to Nuclear Dept Procedure ON-100 009, " Control Room Evacu. 9505030017 inso repts 50 387/9505 & $0 388/95 05 on 950214-0327.No volatens aton." noted Maior areas mspected: plant operatons, mamt & survedlance.engineenng & plant

  • Pennsylvane Power & Lght Co.95/04/26. 28pp. 84096266-84096293. support WHITEJ Regen 1 (Post $20201). 95/04/25.17pp. 83720:028-83720 044

-9505260328 Rev 3 to Nuclear Dept Procedure ON-200409. " Control Room Evacu-atsort" 9505030080 Forwards map rept 50-387/9549 on 950403 07.No velabons noted

  • Pennsylvane Power & Lsght Co.95/04/13 28pp. 84096.29444095.321. MODES.M C. Region 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/26. 0YRAM.R.G Pennsylvarua Power &

Lgnt Co. 2pp. 83721.11743721:125 G. Utility Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) & amends -9505030087 Insp rept 50-387/95-09 on 950403-07.No votatens noted. Maior siens mapactedinnervce msp program.evaluaten of computenzed ISI cata mgt sys & re-9505120081Conochons to Rev 48 to FSAR for Susquehanna SES Urvts 1 & 2- suits of enecharucal stress irnprovement process

  • PennsyNane Power & Lgnt Co.95/04/26.100pp- PATNAIK.P., MODES.M.C. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/26 7pp. 83721.119-83721:125 E*'#*8 "***"I' """"I" 9504210127 Genenc Ltr 95 03 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs to circumferenbal 9505040102 Forwards safety evaluston accepbn0 uti msennce tesbng program rehof re' Quests for pumps & valves for second 10-yr mterval.provided items identried m sec-

[t(M MA R ssocate Director for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Consoudated Edison Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. 83757:013-83757:023. ton 5 of TER addressed wdhin 1-yr or Dy and of next refuehng outage POSLUSNY,C. Propect Directorate B 2 (PD12) Post 941001). 95/04s26. BYRAM.R.G. Pennsylvarma Power & bgnt Co. 4pp. 8375226143753.027, 95W50333 Promdes addl mto requested by NRC re PP&L core shroud weld maps & evaluaboa techmques.per GL 94 03. '

-9505040118 Salety evaluaton accephn0 ubl msennes testeg program rehef requests              BYRAM.R G. Pennsvivansa Power & Lignt Co. 95/05/01. Document Control Branch for purnos & valves ter second 10-yr interval prouded acton soms moorwited m secton       (Document Control Desk). 23pp. 83837.29443837:316.                                  i 5 of TER addressed wittun 1 yr or by and of next retuohng outage.
  • Oftce of Nuclear Reactor Regulatson (Post 941001). 95/04/26.16pp. 83752265 9505120104 EN-95028.on 950509,notco of volaten will be issued to heensee Acton 83752.280. based on mvestgaton by Orc of Invesegatons & enforcement conference conducted between staff & former SSS.
~9503020307 "Tecnrucal Evaluaton Rept.PP&L.Susquehanna Steam Electnc                         ROSANO.R., LIEBERMAN.J. Ofc of Entorcement (Post 870413). 95/05/04. Ip Staten. Pump & Valve insonnce Toshng" Program.Rev 10. Unit 1 Second 14Yr                 83871.20043871:200.

Interval.Rev 7.Urvt 2 Second 14Yr Interval. FRESCO.A., OlBIASIO.A.M Brookhaven Nanonal Laboratory. FIN L 2301. 95/02/28. . 9505180112 Notitcaten of s#gnsicant hcensee meetmg 95 048 w/uhl on 950518 m Kmg 111pp. 83752.28143753.027. of Prusse.PA to escuss Aug fun parbcipaten exercise.correcDve actens for seren taL 9504210293Genenc Ltr 95 04 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors ur &a w g R 1( 50504 R 1 (Post 820201). 2pp. re tmal dispositen of SEP lessons leamed issues ItMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Derector for Propects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. 83952M83952-167-Connohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 83757:02443757:037. g g, %, ,, , , ,g g g 9505230113 Comment to propoced GL concommg pressure lockmg & thermal bmeng support esposition of flaws found m core shroud wetos H2.H4.H5 & H6B dunng plant of SR power operated gate valves Beloves that schedule for Completon of tmal anal core shroud maps ytes to new cntena snould be more re.hsuc & m kne w/assocated nsk. BYRAM.R G. Pennsylvane Power & Lght Co. 95/05/05. Document Control Branen BYRAM.R.G. Pennsytvarma Power & bgnt Co. 95/04/28 Divison of Freedom of Infor. (Document Control Desk). $pp.83975 35443975 358 maton & Pubicatons Sennees (Post 940714) 2pp 84001.35584001.356. 9505180010 Forwards notte of molaton re muestgabon conducted by Ofc of Inveshga-9505050333 Prondes addl mfo reouested by NRC re PP&L core shroud weld maps & ton at stafson between 921001 & 940822. Zoanavage volated 10CFR50.5(a)(2) be-evaluaten techncues.per GL 9443 cause mfo had been dekberately submitted mcompiele or inaccurate. BYRAM.R.G. Pennsylvane Power & bght Co. 95/05/01. Document Control Branch MARTIN T.T. Reacn 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/09 ZDANAVAGE.D R. Affihanon Not As-(Document Control Desk). 23pp. 83837294-83837:318. sgned. app.8396125543951:359 9505180535Forurds SE acceptmg supplemental response to GL 94 03, "tntergranular -9505180014 Notee of volaton from inse cri 921001 & 940822 Volabon noted.on Stress Corrosen Crackmg of Core Snrouds m BWRs." 920903.D Zdanavge doisberately submitted mcomplete or enaccurate mfo to uhl. POSLUSNY.C. Protect Directorate 02 (PD12) Post 941001). 95/05/03. BYRAM.R.G. Region 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/09 101pp. 83951.259-83951.359 Pennsylvarra Power & Laght Co. 3pp. 83979 05483979:061.

 -9505180544 Safety evaluaten acceptmg supplemental response to GL 9443 " inter.          9505050171 NRC Info Notee 95025. ," Valve Failure Dunng Pabent Treatment w/

Gamma Sterectacte Radosurgery Urut. granular Stress Corrosson Crackmg of Core Shrouds m BWRs - COOL.D.A. Demaion of industrel & Medcal Nucisar Safety (Posi 870729). 95/05/11 Ortco of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten (Post 94 t001). 95/05/03. 9pp. 83979 053 83979 061. Consondated Eoson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 84007.18244007:190. 9505110035 Responds to NRC RAI re ana>/ sis supportng devotens from BWROG 9505240121 Forwards map repts50 387/95-10 & 50 388/9510 on 950410 14 No vo-Emergency Proceoure Guidelmes.Rev 4 latens noted. BYRAM R G. Pennsylvane Power 4 bght Co 95/05/04. Document Control Branch JOYNER.J M. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/15 BYRAM.R.G. Pennsylvarwa Power & (Document Control Desk). 29pp 83933.23643933.264. Lagtit Co. 3pp. 8402120444021.217, 9505220234 Discusses $41024 itr whech forwarded staff. " Task Acton Plan for Spent ~9505240129 hsp repts 50-387/b510 & 50L388/95-10 on 95041014.No violations Fue Storage Pool Safety." for SSES Forwaros completed assessment repts for reted.Mapor areas mspected-raeological controls implemented dunng refueing Brunsock e Montcello sites. outage SHEAJW Protect Directorate 1-2 (PD1-2) Post 941001). 95/05/17.LOCHBAUM.D.A- RAGLAND,R.C.. BORES.R J Region 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/15.11pp. 84021.207 Artikaten Not Assigned. 26pp 84033 32144033 349 84021.217. 9505090312 Genenc Ltr 9242.Rev 1.Suppi 1 to all homers of OLs (except those b-conses amended to posseson only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac. 9505240139 Forwards map repts 50 387/9511 & 54388/9511 on 950501 05.No vo-tar vesset structurat mtegnty. latons noted. ZIMMERMAN,R P, Associate Director for Propects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/1g JOYNER,J M. Re on 1 (post 820201). 95/05/15 BYRAM.R.G Pennsylvarwa Power & Conschdated Eeson Co of New York, Inc.10pp. 84084.352 84084.381 L'g'it Co. 3pp. 84 2129144021299. 9505310130 Forwares uhl response to ouestens raised dunng three follow-up telCons -9505240142 Insp repts 50-387/9511 4 50 388/95-11 on 95050145 No violatons w/NRC re utsi 950303 response to NRC RAI on evaluabon of structural & seismc noted Maior areas mspected:raeologcal enwron morutonng program & meteoroegcal annivais & proposed amend morutonng program BYRAM.R G Pennsylvane Power & bght Co. 95/05/24 Document Control Branch PELUSO.L., ULLRICH.E. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/10 6pp 84021:294-(Document Control Desk). 33pp 8414426744144.299 84021 299

112 DOCKETEDITEMS 9505310189 Forwards results of core shroud esp per reportmg requirements of GL 94- K. Utihty Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) & amends 03 BYRAM.R G. Pennsylvame Power & Lght Co 95/05/25. Document Control Branch 9505120061 Correctons to Rev 48 to FSAR for Susquehanna SES Units 1 & 2. 1 (Document Control Desk). pp.64163.2 44163.271.

  • Pennsylvane Powe & Ught Co.95/04/26.100pp.

I R. Portodic operating reporta & related c .. - P. Opem heenee og Zs &  : 9505050 Forwards " Generator Quarterly Hazardous Waste Rept for Jark Mar 1995." p , , BELLES.T.D. Pennsylvama Power & L.sght Co 95/04/26. Pennsyevene. Common, gunts ta pumps & valves for second 14yr mientalproveed noms identtied m sec-wealtn of.1p. 83839.17043839178. l'on 5 of TER addressed withm 1 yr or by and of next refuehng outage POSLUSNY.C. Project Directorate 4 2 (PD12) Post 941001). 95/04/26 BYRAM.R.G

 -9505050193 " Generator Quarterly Hazardous Waste Rept for Jan-Mar 1995," resub-                   Pennsylvania Power & Ught Co. 4pp. 8375226143753.027                                   i I

mittal. STANLEY.H.G. Pennsylverua Power & Ught Co. 95/03/31. 8pp. 83839 171 -9505040118 Satety evalumbon accepong util meervice testmg program reket roguests 83839 178 for pumps & valves for second to.yr mterval prowded acton items identified m sect on 5 of TER soaressed withm 1 yr or by end of nout retuohng outage 9505030239 Forwards "Susquehanna SES Units 1 & 2 1994 Annual Environ Operstng

  • Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (Post 941001). 95/04/26.16pp. 83752265-Rept (Nonradological)" & "Susquenanna SES Umts 1 & 2 1994 Annual Rept Radio. 83752.280, logical Envron Momtonng Program."

BYRAM.R.G Pennsylvarna Power & Light Co.95/04/28. MARTIN,T.T. Region 1 (Post -9503020307 "Techrucal Evaluston Rept PP&L.Susquehanna Steam Ewcuc l 820201).10.83859 303-83860 191. Station. Pump & Valve insonnce Testog" Program,Rev 10.Urut 1 Second 14Yr j interval,Rev 7.Urut 2 Second 10.Yr Interval.

 -9505030243 "Susquehanna SES Uruts 1 & 2 1994 Annual Envron Operatmg Rept                          FRESCO.A. DielASIO.A M. Brookhaven National Laboratory. FIN L 2301. 95/02/28. .        f (Nonradiologecal)."                                                                             111pp. 8375228143753:027                                                               i
  • Pennsytvarma Power & bgrd Co.94/12/31. 37pp. 83859:304 83859.340. l 9504210293 Genenc Ltr 9504 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors 1
 -9505030250 *Susquehanna SES Uruts 1 & 2 1994 Annual Rapt Radiologcal Envron                       ee fmel disposeton of SEP isssons-leamed issues.                                      !

Monnonng Program." ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Desctor for Protects (ADPR! (Post 941001). 95/04/26.

  • Pennsyhns Power & Light Co.94/12/31. 215pp 83859 341-83860191. Consohdated Edson Co, of New York, Inc.14pp. 83757:02443757:037. ,

i l 9505230151 Monthey operstmg repts for Apr 1995 tar SSES Urvts 1 & 2. W/950515 fir 9505230113 Comment to proposed GL concermng pressure iodano & thermal tundro. BALL.R.S., BYRAM.R.G. Pennsylvania Power & Ught Co.95/04/30,15pp. 84051286- or SR power operated gate wahres. Behoves that schedule for completon of fmal anal j 84051.300. yses to new cntene should be more reakstic & m ime w/assocated nsk. BYRAM.R.G. Pennsylvane Power & Ught Co 95/04/28.Dnasson of Freedom of Infor-S. Reportable occurrences, LERe & related corre6. 9505110035 Responds to NRC RAI re analyse suppornng devehons from BWROG 9505050123 LER 95 005-00:on 950329.dscovered that hot restart capability test per TS Eme gency Procedure Guidehnes.Rev 4. 1 4 8 ter D DG not performed Caused by procedural BYRAM.R G Pennsylvanm Power & ht Co 95/05/04. Documerd Control Branch j memterpretabon Clanficanons to subs test procedures made.W/950427 ter. (Document Control Desk). 29pp. 83933 6 43933:264. ' WEHRY.R.R., STANLEY.H.G. Pennsylvarma Power & t Co. 95/04/27. app. 83856:00643856 009 9505120042Transrmts proposed amend to Susquehanna SES Umt 2 TS wruch deletes three rehof valves from Residual Heat Removat sys. 9505050132 LER 95 006 00'on 950401.MSL penetraten leakage rate exceeded TS tumt BYRAM.R.G Pennsylvarma Power & Ught Co. 95/05/05. Ducument Control Branch due to combmed performance of MSivs.No dernwtive cause attnbuted to high as (Document Control Desk). 4pp. 83870.05543870:060. found leakage rate A. C & D Inboard & D outboard MSL MStVs stroked W/950428 ltr. KICHLINE.R D., STANLEY.H.G. Pennsylvama Power & Ught Co. 95/04/28. 4pp -9505120043 Apphcanon for amend to hcense NPF-22 which contoms rev to Susque-83856:010 83856:013. hanna SES Urut 2 TS. 9505310074 LER 95 007 00:on unplanned ESF actuation of RPS loge occurred. Caused by sounous neutron morwtonng instrumomation upscale g505220234 Discusses 941024 Itr wtuch torwarded staff. " Task Action Plan for Spent segnals. Personnel reset RPS tnp logc followng RPS fup actuaton.W/950524 lir. Fuel Stor Pool Safety." for SSES. Forwards completed assessment repts for KICHLINE.R.D., STANLEY.H.G. Pennsylvane Power & bght Co. 95/05/24. 4pp- Brunsvnck Monocetto snea. 8416223344162:036. SHEAJ W. Protect Drectorate 12 (PD12) Post 941001). 95/05/17.LOCHBAUM.DA Afhhation Not Assigned. 26pp. 84033.32144033.349 E Operator Examinationa 9505090312 Genonc ur 9242.Rev 1.Suppi i to an haders of OLs (except those b. conses amended to possomon only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac-9505090040 Informs that Regeri I wdl no longer parbcapate m certAcate presentabons ter vessel structuralintegnty, to hcensed operators & SROs. Instead.NRC will send certhcates erectly to facmes. ZIMMERMAN.R P. Assocate Director for Protects (ADPR) { Post 941001). 95/05/19. WIGGINSJ T. Regen 1 (post 820201L 95/05/01 BYRAM.R.G. Pennsylvarma Power Consondated Edison Co. of New York. Inc. topp. 64084:352 44084:361.

    & bght Co. 2pp. 83816:158 43816.159 9505310130 Forwards util response to queshons ramed durme ihree follow-up telcons
  $505100043 Forwards copies of both forms of GFE sect on of wntten operator h'eensmQ                w/NRC re ubt 950303 response to NRC RAI on evaluehon of structural a seismic exam menuding answer keys & gradog results for ubi employees who took 950405                     analyse & proposed amend.

exam W/o encl BYRAM.R.G P ane Power & boht Co. 95/05/24. Document Control Branch MEYER.G W. Region 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/03. LOWTHERT.W. Pennsyhrane Power (Document Control L 33pp. 84144.26744144.299.

    & bght Co. 2pp. saa28 07H3828 077.
                                                                                                                   '         ' " "* ~

DOCKET 50 388 $USQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATION, UNfT 2 9505110143 Forwards "Susquehanna SES Uruts 1 & 2 ISI Program Master Semchon F. Securtty, medical, emergency & fire protection plans Document Class 1.2 & 3 Components & Component Supports for Second ISI Inter-val." W/712 uverm2e drawl BYRAM.R.G Penns ane &L Co 95/03/31, Document Control Branch 9505110038 Responds to NRC RAI re analyse supportng devanons from BWROG (Document Control ).10pp 83944 1 43945.243. Emergency Procedure Guidetmes.Rev 4. BYRAM.R.G. Pennsylvarma Power & bght Co 95/05/04. Document Control Branch -9505110148 Rev 0 to ISI.T 106 0/208 0. "Susoushanna SES Umts 1 & 2 ISI Program (Document Control Desh). 29pp. 83033.23643933.264. Master SW Documeni Class u & 3 Components & Componer4 Supports for 9505190112 Not& cation of segrutmant bcensee meetng 95 046 w/uhl on 950516 m Kmg $ h'g'"' N o N ],'NDBE .J.T. Pennsylvarma Power & bght Co 94/06/ of Prussia.PA to discuss Aug full participation exercise. corrective actions for seen tail. 01. 600pp 83944 01143945243 ures H &Jaction plan for EP awareness 1 (Post asues from 820201). 95/05/04 recent map. ' p osi 320201L 2pp Reama 9504190049 NRC into Notce 95 024. " Summary of bconsed Operator Requahfcaten insp Pr Fmdmgs 9505250084 Advises that 950511 rev H to secunty trairwng & Quaktcanons plan cormsst, GRIME B K. . 95/04/25 Consondated Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 12pp. ent w/provisens of 10CFR50 54(p) & acceptabse. 83757:00143757 012. JOYNERJ.H. Regen 1 (Post 820201L 95/05/11 BYRAM.R.G. Pennsylvane Power & bght Co. 3pp 84075.19444075:196. 9505030014 Forwards insp repts 50 387/95-05 & 54386/9545 on 950214 0327ho poiabons identified. 9505280098 Responds to request for addl into re App R safe shutdown analyse fire WHITEJ.R. Regon 1 (post 820201L 95/04/26. BYRAM.R G. Pennsylvarma Power & protecten review rept.rev 4. Ught Co 3pp. 83720 025-83720:044 BYRAM.R G. Pennsytvarma Power & bght Co 95/05/22. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 36pp. 54090.23044096.321. -9505030017 inso repts 54387/9L-05 & 50 388/95-05 on 9502144327ho votatens noted Maior areas mapected: plant operatens, mamt & survestlance.engmeermg & plant

  =4505260325 Rev 3 to Nuclear Dept Procedure ON-100 009. " Control Room Evacu.                       support.

etony WHITEJ. Regen 1 (Post 620201). 95/04/25.17pp. 83720:028-83720 044.

  • Pennsylvania Power & bght Co.95/04/26 28m 04096.26644096.293 9504210127 Genenc Ltr 95 03 to att holders of OLs or cps for PWRs to circumterental
  -8505260328 Rev 3 to Nuclear Dept Procedure ON 200009. " Control Room Evacu-                        erackmg of SG tubes abore                                                                                            ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Director for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001L 95/04/28
  • Pennsyivarma Power & bght Co 95/04/13 28pp. 54096 2'd444096:321. Consohdated Edison Co. of New vork. Inc.11pp. 83757.01343757:023

DOCKETED ITEMS 113 9505120104 EN-95 028:on 950509.nobce of volation will be asued to hcensee.Acton DOCKET 50 389 ST. LUCIE PLANT, UNIT 2 based on ewesbgation by Ofc of investgations & enforcement conference conducted between statt & former SSS. ROSANO.R.. LIEBERMAN.J. Ofc of Enforcement (Post 870413). 05/05/04. 1p F. Securtty, medical, emergency & fire protection plans 83871.200-83871.200, 950505011 orwards repts 50-335/95 08 & 50-389/95-08 on 950327-31.No vola-9505180112Notitcaban of sgnifcant hcenase meetmg 95 048 w/util on950516 m Kmg of Prusse.PA to escuss Aug full partespahan exercise.correctwo actons for aren lad- COLLINS.D.M Regeon 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/20. GOLDBERGJH. Flonda Power & ures & action p6an for EP awareness asues from recent esp. Lgm Co. 3pp. 83758.348-83758.351. WHrTEJR. R 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/04. Region 1 (Post 820201). 2pp 83952 % 6-8395 47. -9505050122Partetty witnheid map repts50 335/95 08 & 50-389/9548 on 950327 31 9505is0010 Forwards notre of voinhon re ovestigaton conducted by Ofc of investga- Iret 10CFR73.21).No volatons or deviations noted. hon at staten between 921001 & 940822 Zoanavage vo6ated 10CFR50 5ta)(2) be. TOBIN,W. Rogson 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/20.1p. 83758.35143758 351. cause mfo had been cohberately submrtted mcompsete or maccurate. MARTIN.T.T. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/09 ZDANAVAGE.D.R. Aftsation Not As. 9505020264 Docusses Regen 11 revew of Rev 27 to plant emergency plan.Reveen of segned. 4pp. 83951:255 43951.359 Modes 5 & 6 EALs scenanos identifed m whch EALs as wnnen would tad to support emergency classstcation neveis etended. -9505180014 Nobce of volation from map on 921001 & 940822.Velaten noted:on CLINE.W E. Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/25. GOLDBERGJH Fionda Power & 920903.D Zdanavge deliberately submitted mcomplete or maccurans mfo to utg Lght Co. 4pp. 836911394369I:142

  • Region 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/09.101pp. 83951.25943951.359 9505180518 Forwards Rev 44 to physcal secunty pla'tEnci witnneid per 9505050171 NRC Into Notco 95-025. " Valve Fadure Durmg Patent Treatment w/ 10CFR2 790taK3).

Gamma Stereotactc Raeosurgery Urut." SAGER.D.A. Fionda Power & Light Co. 95/05/09. Document Control Branch (Docu-COOL.D.A. Divisen at industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. ment Control Desk).1p 84015.34644015.346. Consoidsted Edison Co. of New Yors Inc. 9pp. 64007:18244007.190. 9505310564 Rev 28 to "Raeoloocal Emergency Plan for St Lucie Plant." W/950522 Itr. 9505240121 Forwards msp repts 50 387/9510 & 50 388/95-10 on 950410- 14 No vio- GOLDBERG.J H . SAGER.D1 Flanda Power & Light Co 95/05/11. 242pp latons noted. 84143:001 44143.242. JOYNERJ H Region 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/15 BYRAM.R G. Pennsylvarva Power & Lsght Co. 3pp. 84021.20444021.217. 9505300088 informs utt of results of revew of recent performance at St Lucie facility lo -9505240129 Inso repts 50w387/95-10 & $0-388/95-10 on 95041414 No velabons noted.Maior areas mspectedradeologmal controts implemented cunng refuesen0 htE 7a((960 LANDIS.D.D Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/18 GOLD 8 ERG.J H. Flonda Power & outage Lght Co app.84077:002 44077:005. RAGLAND.R.C BORES.RJ Region 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/15.11pp. 84021.207 84021.217. 9505300021 Ack receipt of 950509 ftr forwaren0 Rev 44 to plant physcal secunty plan NRC fmds chan0es acceptable for mclusion mto plan. 9505240139 Forwards esp repts50-387/9511 & 50 388/95-11 on 950501 05 No vio- COLLINS.D M. Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/23 GOLDBERGJH. Florda Power & Lght Ca 3pp. N34%C4E JO E Regen 1 (Post $20201). 95/05/15.BYRAM.R.G. Pennsylvarna Power & Light Co. 3pp. 84021.29144021.299.

-9505240142 Insp repts 50-387/9511 & 50w388/9511 on 95050145.No violabons                  G. Adjudicatory correspondence noted.Maior areas %-G e..J.w.vy al envron morvtormg program & meteorologce!

monitanno program 9505010157 Pa'bal suth response to FOIA request for documents Forwards App L mfo PELUSO.L. ULLRICH.E, Regen 1 (Post 820201k 95/05/10. 6pp 84021:294- nemg made available to POR 84021.299 POWELL.R.A. Dwinson of Freedom of informaton & Pubicatons Sennces (Post 940714) 94/12/06. SAPOR:TO.TJ Saponto. TJ 2pp. 83834.00543834.135. R. Periodic operstmg reports & related correspondence -9412210064 Discusses penbon under 2.206 fdod by TJ Saponto wtuch requests that NRC take action agamst util as operator of Turkey Pomt & St Lucie nuclear power 9505050188 Forwards " Generator Quarterly Hazardous Waste Rept for Jan Mar 1995." stauons Petition, draft Itr of acknowledgement & draft FRN. encl. resdswttal GOLDBERGJ R Deputy Assastant ueneral Counset for Enforcement. 94/06/16, BELLES.T.D. Pennsylverna Power & Lsght Co 95/04/26. Pennsylverua. Common- LIEBERMANJ Orc of Enforcemerit (Post 870413). 3pp. 83834.128-83834135. weafth of.1p. 8383917043839178. 9505150101 Forwards Drector's Deceson DD-9547.denymg petiterra fued on 940307 &

-9505050193 " Generator Quarter 1y Hazardous Weste Rept for Jan Mar 1995," resub.             0607 requestng that NRC take escalated enforcement action agaenst certain util em.

fruttat paovees for viotatog NRC recurements. STANLEY.H.G. Pennsylvama Power & Light Co. 95/03/31. Bpp. 83839.171 LIEBERMAN.J. Ofc of Enforcement (Post 870413), 95/05/11. SAPOR TO.TJ Sapor-83839.178. ito. TJ 1p. 83898 259-83898.323. 9505030239 Forwards "Susquehanna SES Urwts 1 & 2 1994 Annual Envron Operabng -9505150138 Drector's Decmon DD-95 07 denying actions reauested m petshon.smco Rept (Nonradologca0" & "Susquenanna SES Urvts 1 & 2 1994 Annual Rept Rade- petst oner has not raised any issues that would warrant requested actsons. logmal Envron Morntonng Program " LIEBERMAN.J. Ole of Enforcement (Post 870413) 95/05/11. Saponto. TJ 6pp. BYRAM.R G. Pennsytvama Power & Lght Co 95/04/28. MARTIN.T.T. Region 1 (Post 83898.260-83898.267. 820201).1p. 83859 30343860:191

                                                                                           -9505150085 Notee of msuance of Drector's Decuson re petito filed by TJ Saponto
 -9505030243 "Susquehanna SES Uruts 1 & 2 1994 Annual Envron Operatog Rept                    on 940307 & 0607 (Nonradclogcalt"                                                                         LIEBERMANJ Ofc of Enforcement (Post 870413) 95/05/11, 35pp. 83898.268-
  • Pennsyivarna Power & Lignt Co 94/12/31. 37pp. 83859.30443859.340- 83898:323
 -9505030250 "Susquehanna SES Oruts 1 & 2 1994 Annual Rept Radologeal Envron P. Operating hcense stage documents & correspondence enns vs P           & Light Co. 94/12/31,215pp. 83859.34143860191.

9505230151 Monthly operatmg repts for Apr 1995 tor SSES Uruts 1 & 2 W/950515 Irr. 9505040088 Forwards amends 135 & 74 to hcenses DPR47 & NPF 18. respectively & BALL.R.S., BYRAM.R.G Pennsy' vama Power & Lght Co.55/04/30.15pp 64051.286- safety evaluaton. Amends wdl relocate somme morutonng matrumentahon LCO.SR & 84051.300. assoc 4ated tab 6es contamed m TS3.,3.3.32. NORRIS.J A. Proiect Directorate 14 1 (PD2-1) (Post 941001). 95/04/25. GOLDBERGJH. Fionda Power & Lsght Co. 3pp. 83752.22543752.246 S. Reportable occurrences. LERs & related correspondence

                                                                                           -9505040092Amenos 135 & 74 to heanses DFR47 & NPF 18.respectivery. relocatinD
  $505230105 Forwards LER 95-005 te reactor scram followmg turtune Inp on load                 sesme morntonng mstrumentaten LCO.SR & associated tables contamed m TS refect. Generator load retecten occurred when 500 kV switenyard mam distnbubon car-      3333.43331& UFSAR.

cuit Drealter opened. motahng mam Generator trom power gnd, MATTHEWS.D B Protect Drectorate 141 (PD2-1) (Post 941001). 95/04/25 16pp STANLEY.H G Pennsytvane Power & Lignt Co.95/05/15 Document Control Branch 83752.228 83752 243. (Document Control Desk).1p 84078 06544378.069

                                                                                           -9505040098 Safety evaluaten supporbog amenos 135 & 74 to bcenses DPR47 &
  -9505230140 LER 95 005-00 on 950415. reactor scram occurred when gerwateg load               NPF 16.respecevety re,oct was receivedCaused by turt>ne control valve fast closure.Auxdery cam switen
  • Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001) 95r04/25. 3pp 83752.244-adtusted 4 funchonalty tested to ven'y correct contourabon. 83752.246 KICMLINE,R.D Pennsylvama Power & Lgnt Co. 95/05/15 4pp 84078:066 84078 069 9505040061 Reguests review & appeal of toes assessed by myoce SSO455 95.dtd 950417 Utsl disagrees w/ prescribed fee J2080 for hsted amount on invoice SAGER.D A Flonca Power & Lght Co. FIN J-2080 95/04/27. Lcense Fee & Debt V. Operator Exammabons Collection Branch (post 890827). app. 83832.306 83832.326 9505090040 Informs that Region I wdl no longer parterpate m certshcato presentahons 9504210293Genenc Ltr 95-04 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors to hcensed operators & SROs. Instead NRC wdl send cerufcates drectly to tachhes re final Orsposition of SEP lessons-leamed issues WIGGINS.J T. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/Q1. BYRAM.R G Pennsy+varna Power Z1MMERMAN.R P, Associate Director for Pro ects (ADPR) (Post 941001t 95/04/28.
       & Lsght Co. 2pp 8381815843816159,                                                       Consohdated Edson Co. of New york. Inc.14pp. 83757.024-83757.037.

9505100043Forwaros copies of both forms of GFE section of wntten operator Icensang 9505190301 Informs of NRC belief that formal consultaten w/Nabonal Marne Fahenes exam includmg answer keys & gradmg results sur utd employees wno took 95o405 Svc.necessary as reported m Annual Envronenental Operstm0Rept 1994-Volume 1 & exam Wto once based on corwernahons w/representanves of uta MEYER.G W Reg on 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/03 LOWTHERT,W. Pennsytvarna Power NORRIS.J A Protect Drectorate Il 1 (PD21) (post 941001). 95/05/10

       & Lght Co. 2pp 83828.07643828-077.                                                      GOLDBERGJH. Florida Puwer & Lght Co 3pp. 83991.29743991.301,
       . ._                 _          m.        _ . . _                                -              .._m             _ - _ . _ . _ _ - .          __m           _ . ._ _.                __ _

114 DOCKETEDITEMS -9606190300 Informs that NRC behoves that formal consultaten w/Nati Marne Faher. 9605310009 Forwards insp repts 50 335/95 09 & 50-389/95 09 on 950402 29.Nork ms Svc.necessary based on mcrossmg number of federally protected sea turnes bemg cued velatons noted. removed from St Lucae mtake canal m recent months LANDi$.K.D. Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/19. GOLDBERGJ.H. Flonda Power & VARGA.5 A. Divsen of Reactor Protects 1/11 (DRPE) Post 941001). 95/05/11. Light Co. 3pp 64096.01844096 040. KAMMERER.AJ. Commerce, Dept. of, Natonal Marme Fahores Sennce. 2pp. 83991:300 43991 301. -9606310101 insp repts $4335/95 09 & 50 389/95 09 on 950402-29.Non cited vela-ton noted.Masar areas mapected plant operatens revow.mamt 9606100414 Requests formal consultaten w/Nati Manne Fahones Svc re sea turtles observahons.survemance observatens & piant support per 50CFR402.secten 7.NRC miends to prepare bmegcal _ to determme PREVATTE.R.L., LANDIS.K.D. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/19. 20pp. 64096.021-level of enpact plant operaton may have on see tJrties 64096 040. VARGA,S.A. Dnnsen of Reactor Promets 1/11 (DRPE) Post 941001). 95/05/11. KAMMERER.AJ. 3pp. 83964.35743964:359. H06240102Apphcanon for amends to Econses DPR47 & NPF-16 re admmetrat,ve & m moue unfcaten radcacave hnt mioase data fu A. Power & lsght Co. 95/05/17. Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk).11pp. 6407211444072134- SAGER.D.A. Flonda Power & Co, 95/04/27.TICHLERJ. Brookhaven Natonal Labmatwy. 4pp. 83673179-8387 182. -9805240106 Proposed toch specs re somrustrative & conformeg update.

  • Fionda Power & Lagnt Co.95/05/17.10pp. 64072:125 64072:134. H08120015 Forwards St W W 2 anual awron opsg mW im 1994M i & R plant TS table B 3/ SAGER.D.A. Fionde Power & Light Co. 96/04/27. Document Control Branch (Docu-9606200042 Forwards amend to Icenses DPR.67 & NPF 18' front Control Deng 1p. 33947341-Bm7m 4.4-1 tar each unst.per ht w/cnenges dtd931115 TS table B 71 encl.
  ' lORRIS.J A. Protect Drectorate 16 1 (PD2-1) (Post 941001). 95/05/17*                 -H06120017 St Luca Plant Urut 2 Annual Envron Opera                  opt 1994. Voi 1.*             i GOLDBERGJ.H. Fionda Power & Light Co. 5pp. 8408313644083:140.                                    Fionda Power & Light Co.94/12/31. 56pp. 83947:1424 7:197 lucie la                      iE                     ept (FPL44).Vol 11."

y P for nuclear r clors rea g ZIMMERMAN R P. Assocaste Drector for Prosects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19. H05230130 Memh opera mph tw Apr 1995 b St Luce W/950515 ftr. Consondated Edson Co. of New York. anc.10pp. 84064.35244064:361. ROGERSJ.A., SAGER,0 F6onda Power & Lsght Co. 95/04/30. Opp. 64038.345 64038:353. Q. Inspection reports. IE Sugetine & corroependence S. Repenable m . _ LERs & rolesed correspondence 9600020067 Forwaras esp repts50-335/9507 & $0 389/9507 on 9503054401.Non. cited velatons noted. LANDIS.K.D. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/19. GOLDBERG).H. Flonda Power & N05100324 LER 95 003 00:on 950410.TS scheduled survenance was mesed due to Lagfit Co. 3pp. 83690:02343690:054. procedural dehcency.Per1ormed ariock leal' test enthe 24 h deterral interval of TS 4.0.3 W/950509 Itr. -9505020070Insp repts 389 Non.csted vo. KORTH.KJ., SAGER.DA Flonda Power & Lsght Co. 95/05/09. 5pp 84039.288-latons notedMaior areas 50-335/9547 mapected:cperat& 50'revow.mamt ens /9507 on 950305-0401. observatens.survenance 84039.292. observanons engmeermg s@ port. plant support & other areas. PREVATTE,R.L., LANDIS.K.D. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/18. 29pp. 83890:026 83690 C54. DOCKET 50 300 WATTS SAR NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 1  ! l H00050112 Forwards mse repts 50-335/95-08 & 54389/9548 on 950327 31.No vote- l tons or oevatens noted. A. Apphcomen/ .etage ?-- _ & corroependence ' I COLLINS D.M. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/20.GOLDBERGJ.H. Flonda Power & Lsght Co. 3pp. 83756:34543758:351. 9500020030 Confrms950420 Wcon betwun P Pace & P Fmdnckap re mgt moeung 1

                                                                                               **           W 205 m escuss neues scenung Waus Bar Wnds inm CA %                                  f

-9505000122 Portany withheid insp repts 54335/95 08 & 50 389/95 08 on 950327 31 , U Post m'201). 95/04/20. 1p. 83758.351-  : 8[0 9 mee '"^ ^ 9004190049 NRC info Notice 95 024. " Summary of Ucensed Operator Requakfcaton f*

                                                                                                                                     ,504 pepy tng  ecton
                                                                                                                                            . 95/04/20. KING W    nous Y.O.D. Tennessee valley M BK .             04/25. Conachdated Edmon Co. of New York, Inc.12pp.                  Authority             902 9 6 83757 001 4 3757:012.

9504210127 Genenc Lir 9503 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re crcumferental N4M Fawams E mpt on plant auda m henne Lag hm barner seisnue amquacylnenns met rmw of appkaten W W mens ongoing as part W er of SG tubes 2$ SW,aD. hnnessee vaney Aumony 8pp. 83706.302-New ork. inc. 8375 1 57 3 g 9904210298 Genanc Lir 95 04 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors of partymonce S P tw e 2'4' re hnal deposanon of SEP lessons lesmed usues. seneduled for 960106.W/ attendance hat & handout, LANDIS,K.D. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/01. GOLDBERGJ.H. Flanda Power & ZIMMERMAN R.P. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Consolidated Eeson Co. of New York, leic.14pp. 4375722443757:037. Lagtit Co. 65pp. 8385100143851:065. 9505000243 Forwards SE of second terbyear anterval meervce map program plan & as. 9500060228 Sununary of 950428 meenno w/ uni e RockweieMD to escuss status of un. ' resolved salety assues.genene safety maues & TMI issues W/ attendance hat,TVA ge-socated reouests for rehef for ta nonc ssues task rept & NRC deoogston of 84 open heensmg actons. NORRIS.JA .95/05/04.GOLDBE J.H Flonda Power & bght Co. 2pp. 83852.229- TAM.P.S. 95/05/02. ,23pp. 8362223743622259. 83852293. -9606000245 Safety evatuston of second 10.yr mservce map program pian & assocet. 9605050231 Summary of950427 meetmg w/uhl m Rockvdie.MD re ubi plan to perform ad roguests for rehef. & document assessment wruch will provee

  • reasonable assurance" that facihty meets
  • Ottco of fwuclear Reactor Regulabon (Post 941001). 95/05/04. 8pp. 83852.231 all tory requimments reemd to suppwt asuance of OLW/enct.

83e52236. T AM. .S 95/05/02. 24pp. 83622.260 83822283. -9505000253 "Techncal Evaluanon Rept on Second 14 Year interval insp Program 9505100085 Informs NRC of TVA plan to depositen remawung Matts improvement Plan. - Protect (MIP) mventory withm TVA CAP rather than under Replacement ttoms Pro-BROWN.B.W.. FEIGE.EJ. Idaho Natonal Engmeenno Laboratory BROWN.B W. gram (RIP) CAP procedure INEL 944147. 95/03/31. 57pp. 83852.23743852.293. BARON.R.R. Tennessee Valley Aumority.95/05/02. Document Control Branch (Docu. ment Control Desk). 3pp. 83910.337-83910:339 i 9505110026 Forwards map repts50 335/95 06 & 54389/95-06 on 950403-07.No vela. 1 tona or devotons noted 9505110055 Contwms950501 telcon re 950525 mgt meetmg Purpose of meetmg to es-BARR.K.P. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/05. GOLDBERGJ.H. Flonda Power & cuss piant status & assocated on.90mg setnntes Light Co. 3pp. s3850.289 83850.307. JAUDONJ.P. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/02 KINGSLEY,0.D. Tennessee Valley Authonty 3pp 63851:19983851201 -9605110027 inso repts 54335/95 06 & 50 389/95 06 on 950403 07.No violatons notad.Maior areas mspected:orgaruzaten of Chenustry Dept & Radwaste 9505280052 Requests tree copy of suppi NUREG 0498. Suppl 1. Group.audsts.pnmary water chemstry & Annual Radcachve Effluent Radweste Group FRIESEMA.H.P. Northwestem Uruv., Evanston, IL95/05/02 FLANDUS.S C. Offee of CARRION.R.P., DECKER.T.R. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/05,16pp. 83850.292 Nuclear Reactor Re0ulation (Post 941001).1p. 84082 35244082.353. 83850.307. 9505100140 informs of re.ufts of revew of 950216 nr wtuch provided results of ubl 9505050171 NRC Info Notee 95025. " Valve Faaure Dunng Pabent Treatment w/ revow of potential chilhng effect at ubl. NRC did not fmd that chdling effect resutted Gamma Stereotactc Padosurgery Urut." from cwcumstances surroundng complamt food by Matthews COOLD.A. Dnnsen of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. JAUDONJ P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/03 KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valiev - Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York. enc. 9pp. 840C7.182-84007:190. Authonty app.83952.288 83952.291. l 2 9505300008 informs utsi of results of revow of recent performance et St Luce facihty to 9505180153 Dscusses review of950323 & 0502 ftrs concorrung results of replacement determme 11 present planned map effort for rest of current SALP cycle be rewmed items p'ogram CAP independent assessment & base for curtading revem of remammg before endmg cate of 960106 ement items for restermmate status LANDIS.D.D. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/t6. GOLDBERGJ.H. Fionda Power & DON.J P. Fegen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/03. KINGSLEY,0.D. Tennessee Valey Light Co. app. 64077:00244077:005. Authonty. 3pp. 43952.30043952.302 l

DOCKETEDITEMS 115 9605000263 informs that bconsee was provided w/workmg copy of Suentech.Inc 9505020439 Forwards NRC rept on plant audit re Thermo Lag fre bamer samme rept.evaluatng status of vanous unresolved safety asues.geners maues.TMI asues & adequacy informs that review of apphcaton of thermo. lag matis on00'ng as part of other multiplarit acteons. plant tre protection review TAM.P S. 95/05/04. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley Authonty. 2pp. 83858104- TAM.P.S . 95/04/27. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee vaney Authonty. 8pp. 83706 302 83856105 83706.309. 9505100181Provides tong term cable bend radius program plan. 9605100087 Forwards Rev 1 to " Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Fee Protecten Rept" BARON.R.R. Tennessee Vaney Aumonty.95/05/06. Document Control Branch (Docu- BAROttR R. Tennessee Vaney Authonry.95/04/27. Document Control Branch (Docu. ment Control Desk). 8pp. 5401319544013.202. ment control Desk). 3pp. 83687.006 83689 063 9506100100 Provides notificaton of recent changes to WBN's ECCS Evaluebon Model -9505100103 Rev 1 to " Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Fro Protecten Rept" BARON.R.R. Tennessee Vaney Authoney. 95/05/06. Document Control Branch (Docu-

  • Tennessee Vahey Authonty.95/04/27. 781pp. 83887;01143889 063.

ment Control Desk).12pp. 63988.33043988.341. 9505110014 Forwards map repts50 390/95 26 & 50 391/95-26 on 950403 07.No vein. 95052402e6 informs that met meetmg for 950525 we be rescheduled for de- cons or devoterm noted cuss Watts Bar status & associated ongong actuties. JAUDON J.P. Regen 2 (Post $20201). 95/05/01.KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee vaney JAUDON.J.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/08. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 3pp. 83850-14443850165. Authonty. 3pp. 64023 09644023.098

                                                                                       -9505110018 insp repts 50 390/95 26 & 50 391/9526 on 950403 07.No vetatons             .

9505150111 Responds to 001 Fah & Wildhfe Svc 950424 tir requestn0 copy of draft noted.Malor areas espected. status of Fro Protecten CA Program Rept commitments EPP for piant & forwards subi EPP. & completed fue protecten pre operatonal test data. CRUTCHFIELD.D. Assocate Director for Advanced Reactors & Lcense Renewal MILLER.W.H.. JULIAN.C.A. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/26.18pp. 83850:147-(ADAR) (Post 941001L 95/05/09 BARCLAY.LA Intenor. Dept. Ot Feh & Wildhle 83850 165. Servce. 7pp. 83948.206 83948.212. 9605150116 Summary of950427meetmo w/TVA re tre protecton & cable issuesLet 9505230011 Advises that feve phases of plant Program for Assurance of Completon & of partcipants. observers.TVA cable cuts & fre protecten handouts enct. Assurance of Quality (PAC /AO) Completed. PAC /AO Concluded that hsted TAM.P.S . 95/05/09. 25pp. 8397129643971.322. i personnet. processes & procedures operatenally ready for fust load & power Oper-aten. 9505260167 Informs of site review to evaluate plant fra protecten rept to be performed BARON.R.R. Tennessee Valley 95/05/12. Document Control Branch (Docu- by P Madden on 950530. Meeting a closed to pubhc per NRC mgt drectve 3 5 ment Control Desk). 2pp. 64039.312 ;313. TAM.P.S. 95/05/19 KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 2pp. 84082348-64082:349. 9505240044 Summarues 950505 meshng w/util re Vendor in*o CAP. List of attendues & handoul mro enct JAUDON.J P Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/15. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee vaney K. Utnity Final Safety Analyass Report (FSAR) & amends Authonty 12pp. 64020:32544027337 9505230219 Forwards response to Questons on proof & review verson of TSs. 9505310004 Fonwards Amend 89 to FSAR for Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Amend includes BARON.R.R. Tennessee Vaney Authonty.95/05/16 Document Control Branch (Docu- changes to several chapters generated as resun of plant completon acuvites.preoperational testmg actvibes & responses to NRC RAis ment Control Desk). 80pp. 64060:00144061:118' BARON.R.R. Tennessee Vahey Authonty.95/05/16. Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk). 2pp. 84185:00144190.205. -9505230221 Proposed proof & review verson of TSs

  *7..           Vaney Authonty.95/05/16. 403pp. 84060 08044061:118.                   -9505310005 Amend 89 to FSAR for Watts Bar Nuclear Plant.
  • Tennetase Valley Authonty.95/05/16,2.023pp. 84185:003-84190.205 9505240088 Submits rev to DCRDR special m commitments & schedules.

BARON.R.R. Tennessee Valley Aumonty 9 /18. Document Control Branch (Docu. merit Control Desk). 3pp. 64071.358 84071380. g, g g 9505220200 Discusses specal rept on employee concems specal program devotons.Fmds gustifcaten for Level ti deviatons acceptable.No Level I covetens 9505020041 Forwards msp repts50 390/9519 & 60491/9519 on 950320w 24.No we noted Concurs w/icensee assessment. Intens noted TAM.P.S. 95/05/17. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaaey Authonty. 3pp 64010.251 JAUDON.J.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/18 KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney 84010253. Authonty. 3pp. 83689.21143689.225. 9505240034 Provides number of allegatens recewed & open re tacshbes for penod of --~~^^^ T insp repts 50-390/9519 & $049t/9519 on 950320w24 No velatons 950401 30 noted Maior areas inspected:msp procedures 57050.57060.57070 & $7080. i IGNATONts.A. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/17. HARDING.M R. Tennessee Veney COLEY.J.L FREDRICKSON,P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/18.12pp. 83689 214 i Authonty.1p. 64020.28944020.289. 83689.225. l 9505090312 Genenc Ltr 92 02.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all holders of OLs (except enose h- 9505020272 Ack receipt of 950307 Itr mtormmg NRC of steps taken to correct velatons conses amemled to . My status) or cps for nuclear power reactors to reac. noted m msp repts 50 390/94 37 & 50491/9447.util revned response to NOV meets t>r vessel stnctural mts9nty. 10CFR2.20t requrements ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Drector for Pro,ects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19. JAUDON.J P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/18. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley Consohdated Edson Co of New York,Inc.10pp. 64084.35244084:381. Aumonty. 3pp 83691;17143691:173. 9505310202 Forwards fret part of three part response to NRC950223 & 0504 lirs re 9505020049 Ack receipt of 950224 revoed response to notee of devoton & supple. < status of GSis at Watts Bar Urut 1. mental response of 950227 to NOV. Implementaten of CA will be examsned cunng BARON.R.R Tennessee Vasey Authonty.95/05/19 Document Control Branch (Docu- tuture maps. ment Control Desk) 20pp. 8414521944145.238 JAUDON.J.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/20. KINGSLEY,0 C. Tennessee valley Aumonty. 3pp. 83689.237 83689.239. D. NRC Draft / Final EnA . : Statements, suppis & -. , 9504190049 NRC into Nonce 95 024, ' Summary of Ucensed Operator Reaunhficaton insp Program Fmdengs" 9505010005 Forwards two copies pt rept to feel envron statement. Suppt 1 for GRIMES.8 k. . 95/04/25 Conschdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 12pp. 83757.001 43757;012. plant. units 1 & 2 W/o enct I FLANDERS.S.C. Lcense Renewal & Envronmental Revew Protect Drectorate 9505020177 Docusses hcensee 950108 response to NRC notco of volatons issued on (PDLR) (Post 941001). 95/04/21. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 3pp. 941110of map repts 50 390/94-72 & 50 391/94-72.pntorms that scensee response to 83693.359 43893:361. viotsten 8 meets reaurements of 10CFR2.201. 9505010073 Forwards bated documents for "otical fihng" w/ EPA re suppl to plant FES. JAODON,J.P. Regen 2 (Poet 820201). 95/04/25. KINGLSEY.O.D Tennessee Valley Adenty. 3pp. 83691:05343691:055. CRUTCHFIELD.D. Assocate Drector for Advanced Reactors & Leerise Renewal (ADAR) (Post 941001). 95/04/26. YOUNG.P. Envronmental Protecton Agency. 2pp. 9505020304 Forwards response to NRC950317 ttr re velatons noted in map repta 50-83687.279-83687.280. 390/9510 01 & 50 391/951001.CorrecDve actens seven of PERs addressed def> ency of not followng procedural reQuremerits m covelopment & rnpiementahon. 9505100344 FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT RELATED TO THE OPERATION e'ERINGUE.O.J. Tennessee Vahey Autnanty. 95/04/25 Document Control Brarch OF WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT, UNITS 1 AND 2. Docket Nos. 60490 And 50- Z (Document Control Desk). 6pp. 83764 007 83764 012. 391(Tennessee Valley Authonty)

  • Assocate Drector for Aovanced Reactors & Lcense Renewal (ADAR) (Post 9505100068 informs of enforcement decmon concerrung apparent violaten of 941001). NUREG 0498 S01. 95/04/30. 366pp. 83965.1184396611g.

10CFR50.7. " Employee Protecten," inwohnn0 aneged dehberate discnmmaton by plant operatoris manager aganst DR Matthews No votabon et 10CFR50.7 noted E'BNETER.S.D. Re0mn 2 (Post 820201) 95/04/25.KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney E. NRC Satety Evolustson Report (SER), suppis & correspondence Authonty app.83953 11743953 120-9505190146 Forwards RAI re carbon deande automate FSS.m order to determme ade- 9505100123 Informs of enforcement decisen concorrung apparent violatens of ouacy of sys to perform automate fue control & extmguisrun0 turceon for assocated 10CFRA7 " Employment Protecton" & 10CFR50.5." Deliberate meconduct," re em-fre hazards n DG rooms.aumhary matrumem rooms & uu board rooms piovee decnmenauon compiamt taed by TVA employee T AM.P.S . 95/05/10. KINGSLEY,0 D. Torinessee Valley Aumenty. Spp. 83984 190" EBNETER.S.D Region 2 (Post 820201) 95/04/25. JACKSON.LL Affilation Not As. 83984 194 sogned opp 83952 207 43952.210. 9505000015 Responds to NRC ltr te volatons noted in map rept50-390/9008 & 50-F. Securny, meecal emergency & W protecbon piens 391/9508 Correcbve acsons.ubl win revise calculaten to rclude analyses of 120 voit crcusts covered m rev 7 9505120005 Rev 21 to "Radelogeal Emergency Plan." W/950428 Itr. ZERINGUE.O.J Tennessee Valley Authonty 95/04/27. Document Control Branch CARIER.P.P. Tennessee Vahey Authonty 95/D4/12,244pp. 83943.00143943.244. (Documerit Control Desk). 5pp 83839.353-83839.357.

116 DOCKETEDITEMS 9504210127 Genenc Lir 9543 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re cucumferental V. Operator Examinettore cracaung of SG Obes. ZIMMERMAN.R P. Assoceta Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28 9505120040 Notfes of change m operator status on 950801.Leted emp6oyees wil be m Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. tipp.83757.01183757c23. posnons whee scense re songe rewred 95/ "*"' " * ' "" $505000001Provides addlinfo re recent escussens w/NRC personnel & NRC 950413 Itr to NOV from msp repts 50 390/94-88 & 50-391/9448 f f Tonne, a ge gg4 g3

         "                    '                     '       "" " ' "                  9505240118 Requests mto re 950508 occurrence m whch NRC.hcensed operator Cfd d Desk          38 9             52'                                       tested positwo for manpuana tollowmg fitness-for<luty test taken on 950501.

GiBSON.A.F. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/12. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley 9505,1100,14 Forwards Autnanty.300 64021:191 4 4021.193. go a dovetons nound map rents 50-390/95-26 & 50-391/95 26 on 950403-07.No viola. JAUDONJ P. Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/01. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley Authoray. 3pp. 83850:14443850-165. , , -95n5110018 ansp rests 50 390/9526 4 50 391/9526 on 950403 07.No violabons noted.Masor areas mspected-status of Fra Protecten CA Program Rept commitments

  & compieted fre protecten pre operatenst test data                                  A. Appucation/ construction state documents & c..

MILLER.W.H JULIAN.C.A. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/26.18pp. 83850147-83850:165. 9505020039 Confrms 950420telcon between P Pace & P Fredeckson re rngt meetsng W W 950505 to emsa asues conwning Wans bar Wnu ink CA 6 9505110054 Forwards map repts 50 390/95-23 & 50 391/95 23 on 9503134418 No UDON R 1 . 95/04/20. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley J UDON.J egen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/02 KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee vaney ngmy, p8 8 9 0. Authonty. 3pp. 8385t14843851:170. 95m20137 Prowdes summary of 92419 meetmg held m A0anta.GA to escuss plant - 9505110058 insp repts 50 390/9523 & 50-391/9523 on 950313-0408.No violatons master trackmg sys & vendor mfo cormetwo acton program. List of attendus enct noted.Masor areas snspectod empeoyee concerns specal program correctwo JAUDON.J P. Regon 2 (Post 820201) 95/04/20. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee valley actons. reactor vesset & meerval & metrument kne conectNe aCiton program. Aumonty.11pp. 8369424943690-260 BRADYJ B., FREDRICKSON,P.E Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/02. 20pp. 83851:1514385t170 9505020439 Forwaros NRC rept on plant suet to ThermoLag hre barner seeme 9505180193 Prowdes completon schedu6es for commitments from several mapecten adequacy.intorms that rewsw of apphcaton of thermo4ag matts ongomg as part of repts plant tre protecten rewsw BARON.R.R. Tennessee Valley Authonty.95/05/05.Documert Control Branch (Docu. TAM.P.S . 95/04/27. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee valley Authonty 8pp. 83706.302-ment Control Desk) 3pp. 84000-3274400@329 83706-309. 9505050171 NRC info Nonce 95-025. " Valve Failure Dunng Patient Treatment w/ 95042102S3 Genenc Lir 95-04 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors Gamma Stereotacts Raeosurgery Urut" re Anal espositen of SEP w_ ' ..J asues COOL.DA Drasen of Industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Drector for Propects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp. 64007:18244007:190. Consokdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 83757 02443757:037. 9S05240052 Ack recect of 950428 ftr antormmg NRC of steps taken to correct violatiorts 9505110065 Confrms 950501 telcon to950525 mgt meetmg Purpose of meetmg to es-noted m rap repts 50 390/94 88 & 50 391/9448 cuss plant status & assocated on gomg actetes. JAUDON,J P. Regon 2 (Poet 820201). 95/05/12. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tenressee Valley JAUDON J P. Regen 2 (Post 820z01). 95/05/02. KINGSLEY,0.D. Tennessee Valey Autnanty. 2pp 84020.35044020:352 Authonty. 3pp. 83851:19943851.201. 9505240231 Forwards map repts 50 390/9518 4 50 391/9518 on 950305 0415 & 9505260052 Requests tres copy of snool NUREG 0498. Suppl 1. nonce of wolaton. informs that contmuod attenten warranteo re personnet attituoe & FRIESEMA.H P. Northwestem Uruv., Evanston, IL 95/05/02. FLANDUS.S.C. Offee of wear eam au n 1p 8 2 244082m AUDON J.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201) 95/05/12. KINGSLEY,0 D. Tennessee Valley Autnanty. 5pp. 84023 02244023.094. 9505100140 informs of results of review of 950218 sh wheb prowded results of utd rowew of potendal chiinng effect at utt. NRC ed not W that cfwikng effect resulted - 9505240240 Notce of velaten trom msp on 9503050415volanon noted:tadure to R 5 /0 KIN S Y,0.D. Termessee Valley egen / pp 023 02 44023:028. -9505240248 Insp repts 50 390/9518 4 50 391/9518 on 950305 0415 Volations 9505180181Prondes lon0-term cable bend radius program p6an noted Masar areas mapected:preoperatonal test prwam rnpiemematen BARON.R.R Tennessee Valley Authont 95/05/08. Document Control Branch (Docu-ventcaten.preoperabonal test procedure rewsw & preoperatonal test witnesang. VAN-DOORN.P.K., JULIAN.CA Regon 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/09. 66pp. 64023:029, runt Control Duk). Om 84013:19544 13 202. 9505180188Prowdes notifcation of recent che to WBN's ECCS Evalusten Model 9505240103 Ack recoct of 950427 Itr mforming NRC of steps taken to correct volabons BARON.R.R. Tennessee Valley Authonty 95/ 08. Document Control Branch (Dom noted m map repts50-390/95-08 & 50 391/9548 ment Crmtrol Dret 12pp. 83908.33043988 341. JAUDON.J.P. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/16 KINGSLEY.OD. Tennessee Valley Authonty.300. 84021.161 44021:163. 9505240266 Informa that mgt meetm0 for 950525 wel be rescheduled for950524.10 es-cusa Watts Bar status & associated ongomg actantes 9505240136 Ack receipt of 950414 Itr mtormmg NRC of steps taken to correct violations .iAUDON,J.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/08. KINGSLEY,0.D. Tennessee Valey noted m map repts50 390/94 24 & 50-391/94 24 Autnanty. 3pp. 64023 09644023:098 JAUDON.J.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/18. KINGSLEY,0.D Tennessee Valley Authonty. 3pp. 84021.28544C21.287. 9505150111 Responds to DOI Fah & Wddhfe Svc 950424 Itr requestmg copy of draft EPP for plant & forwards sum EPP, 9505310055 Forwartts nso repts 50-390/9524 & 50-391/95-24 on 950319 0422 & CRUTCHFIELD.D. Assocate Director for Advanced Reactors & Lzense Renewal notice of velaten.Activrhes appear to be m wolaten of NRC requrements AR Post 941001) 95/05/09 BARCLAY,L.A. Intonor. Dept. of, Fah & Wildkfe JAUDON.J P Regen 2 (Post 820201). b3/05/19. KINGSLE'Y.O.D. Tennessee Valley (AD,vce).

                                                                                          $.           (7pp. 83948.20643946 212.

Authonty app. 84095:13044095 176.

-9505310064 Nobce of violaton from map on 9503164422 Venaton noted.on 950413. motor temunaten sphce matallaten instructons determmed r adequate m that
                                                                                           ,5,2     e pesonreLproc b & procedurnQ opwatonny rudy for tW load & pows oper-P spheng requrements had been represented w/no clear ouantitative,                      ,,gn
  • Regen 2 (Post 820201) 95/05/19 1p. 84095.13444095.134- BARON.R R Tennessee Valley Authonty.95/05/12. Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Conwot Deskb 2pp 84039:312 44039.313
-9505310069 inso repts 50-390/95-24 & 54391/95 24 on 950319-0422. Volatons
                                                              "             '"         9505240044Summarues 950505 meebng w/util re Vendor info CAP.Lat of attendees &

cad phe mspec us eEow" W ctet REDRICKS .P. open stem Regen 2 (Post 820201) 95/05/19. 42pp. y [*"Cl 2 M BM4 95/0m5 WSRM Tem W Authonty 12pp. 84020.32544020.337. 9505240034 Prowdes number of allegatons received & open re facdrtes for penod of R. Ponodic operstmg reports & related correspondence 950401 30 IGNATONIS.A. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/17. HARDING.M.R. Tennessee Valey 9505120094 Forwards " Annual Radiologeal Envron Operahng Rept Watts Bar Nuclear Aeonty.1p. 8628944020 289-Plant 1994" & oata suppl. Uni reipsemented radologeal environ monitormg program nesenbed in ODCM on 950101 9505090312 Genenc W 9242Am 1. Suppl 1 to aH houws of OLS tescept mose L BARON,R R. Tennessee Valley Authoney.95/05/03 Document Control Branch (Docu, conses amended to posseson only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors to reac-ment Control Deskt 2pp 83941:00143941.270. tar vessel structural mtegnty

-9505120097 " Annual Radologmal Enwron Operstmg Rept Watts Bar Nuclear Plant              ZIMMERMAN R.P. Associate Obractor for Protects IADPR) (Post 941001). 95/D5/19 1994" & data suppe Consolidated Edison Co of New York, src. topp.84084.352-84064.361
  • Tennessee Valey Authority 94/12/31. 268pp. 839411)0343941.270 D. NRC Draft / Final Environmental Statements, suppas & correspondence S. Reportable occurrences. LERs & related correspondence 9505010005 Forwards two copes of rept to fmal envron statement. Suppl 1 for 9505110263 Caantes staternent made m rewned final rept re defcency m entake pump- plant. units 1 & 2 Wto enct.

mg staten & OG tWdg enwron contml sys FLANDERS.S.C. Lcense Rerewal & Envronmental Review Protect Drectorate BARON.R R. Tennessee Valley Aumorrey 95/05/01. Document Control Branch (Doew (PDLR) (Post 941001L 95/04/21. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley Autnanty. 3pp. ment Control Desk) 2pp 83930.29743930.298 83693.359-83693.361.

I DOCKETEDITEMS 117 l 9505010073 Forwards hated documents for *offcel filing" w/ EPA re suppi to plant rES. 9504210127 Geneic Ltr 95-03 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re crcumferential CRUTCHFIELD.D. Assocate Director for Aovenced Reactors & Lcense Renewal crackmg of SG tubes. (ADAR) (Post 941001). 95/04/26. YOUNG.P. Enwronmental Protecton Agency. 2pp ZiMMERMAN,R.P Assocate Drector for Prosects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. 83687.279 43687.280. Conschdated Edison Co of New York. Inc.11pp. 83757 013-83757:023. 9505180344 FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT RELATED TO THE OPERATION 9505080001 Provrjes addt mio re recent discussons w/NRC personnet & NRC 950413 i OF WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT, UNITS 1 AND 2. Docket Nos. 50-390 And 50 nr re NOV from rap repts 50 390/9448 & 50-391/9448 l 391.(Tennessee Valley Authonly) BARON.R.R. Tennessee Valley Authonty 95/04/28. Document Control Branch (Docu-l Assocate Drector for Advanced Reactors & Lcense Renewal (ADAR) (Post ment Control Desk). 5pp. 83839:348-83839.352 941001). NUREG 0498 S01. 95/04/30. 366pp. 83965:1184 3966.119 9505110214Remstates commitment m TVA 940901 response to NRC 880907Itr re wo-laton noted in map rept 50 391/86 14 concemmg fassure to establish measures to F. Securtty, medcal, emergency & fre protection plans ensure that deviatons from quakty stos controlled BARON.R.R Tennessee Vahey Authonry.95/04/28 Document Control Brarch (Docu-ment Control Desk). 57pp 83930:16 583930.221. 9505120095 Rev 21 to "Radoogmal Emergency Ptart" W/950428 Itr CARIER.P.P. Tennessee Valley Autnonty.95/04/12. 244pp 83943 00143943.244. 9505110014 Forwards msp repts 50 390/95-26 & 55391/95-26 on 950403-07.No vola-9505020439 Forwards NRC rept on plant audit to Thermo Lag tre bamer seismc tons or dewatens noted J UDON J 2 rP 1). 95/05/01. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley adequa,cyinforms that rowew of app.caton of thermo4ag matis ongomg as part of gianni AM S e ,,oieco rewsw

              . 95/04/27. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley Authonty. 8pp. 83706.302-
                                                                                                -9505110018 insp repts 50-390/95-26 & 50 391/95-28 ori 950403 07.No volatons notaed.Ma!or areas mspected status of Fra Protecten CA Program Rept commitments

( & completed fim protecten pre operatonal test data 9505100097Forwaros Rev 1 to " Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Fra Protecten Rept.. N., JULIAN.C.A. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/26.18pp. 83850:147-BARON.R.R. Tennessee Valley Auttenty 95/04/27 Document Control Branch (Doce ment Control Desk). 3pp. 83887:008 83889 063. d

 -9505100103 Rev 1 to " Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Fee Protecten Rept..                            9505110054 Forwards map repts 50 390/95-23 & 50 391/95 23 on 9503134418 No


  • Tennessee Valley Authomy.95/04/27, 781pp. 83887.01143889 063. JT$]'$egon 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/02. KINGSLEY.O.D Tennessee Valley "

9505110014 Forwards insp repts50-390/9526 & 50-391/95-28 on 950403-07.No wola-Aum ny 838 48m.m tons or w.atens noted -9505110058 trmo repts 50-390/95 23 4 50-391/95-23 on 950313 0408.No wolabons s UDON.J P. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/01. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vainey noted Maior areas inspected empeovee concems special program correctwe Amwmty 300. 83850 14443850.165. actens. reactor vessel & mterval & mstrument hne correcDve acten program.

 -9505t10018 insp repts 50-390/9526 4 50-391/9526 on 950403-07.No violatons
                                                                                                        ^                                 * "            *                     ~       '

85 14i38 ' noted Maior areas mspected: status of Fee Protecten CA Program Rept commstrwnts l '" "' " "' ' * ' " M1 Post 1) / /26.18pp. 8385014743850-165. pts BARON.R.R Tennessee Valley Autnanty 95/05/05 Document Control Branch (Docu-G. Utility Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) & amends 9505050171 NRC Info Nobce 95425. " Valve Failure Dunng Pabent Treatment w/ 9505310004 Forwards Amend 89 to FSAR for Watts Bar Nuclear Plant. Amend mcrudes Gamma Stereotactc Radossgery Un4." changes to several chapters generated as result of plant competen COOLD.A. Dnnson of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. acevmes.preoperatonal tessng actnntes & responses to NRC RAls. . Consondated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp 840C7:182 44007.190. l BARON.R.R. Tennessee Vahev Authonty 95/05/16. Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Comrol Desk) 2pp. 84185:00144190:205. 9605240052 Ack receipt of 950428 Itr mformmg NRC of steps taken to correct wolatons r noted m msp repts 50-390/9448 & 50 391/9448. i ! -9505310005 Amend 891o FSAR for Watts Bar Nuclear Plant. JAUDON.J P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/06/12 KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley l

     ' Tennessee Valley Authomy.95/05/16. 2.023pp. 84185.00344190:205.                              Authonty. 2pp 84020.35044020:352.

l l 9505240231 Forwards map repts 50 390/9518 & 50 391/95-18 on 950305 0415 & l 6 Inspection reports, IE Suitetins & w . _ Je nouce of wolaton. Informs that conunued attenten warranted to personnel atmude & I ownership. 9505020041 Forwards map repts50-390/9519 & 50-391/95-19 on 950320 24.No vo- JAUDON.J P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/12. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee valley i l Authonty 5pp. 84023 02244023:094. ' natums noted

                                                 '6      '   N        ' ' ' " " ' * * * "       -9505240248 Inso repts                           39                                  ns 3pp.8       1       892 5-                                                                                   50-390/9518 & 50.ea,1/9518 on 9503050415      V,olate.on

, roedMa , eas -ed:p-st iest - am en .r ema l I -9505020046 Insp repts 50 390/9519 & $0 301/9519 on 950320-24 No volatons ventestenmopwatenal test procese rwieu & preoperatonal test witnesang i noted Motor areas mapocted map procedures 57050.57060.57070 & $7080. N N,P.K., JULIAN.C.A. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/09 66pp. 64023:029- j COLEY.J.L., FREDR4CKSON.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/18.12pp. 83689:214-83689.225. 9505240103 Ack recect of 950427 Ilr mforming NRC of steps taken to correct volatons noted m map repts50 390/9508 & $0 391/9508 9505020272 Ack treipt d 950307 Itr mforang NRC of steps taken to correct violatons JAUDON.J.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/16'. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley noted m map rar .s 50-390/94-37 8 50L391/94-37.Utd rowsed response to Nov meets Authonty. 3pp 840211614402t163. 10CFR2.201 reweements. JAUDON.J.P. ' tegoort 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/18. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley 9505240136 Ack receipt of 950414 Itr mform NRC of steps taken to correct violations t Authonty 3ps W6911714369t173- rued m map repts50-390/94-24 & 50 391 24. l 9505020049 Ack re.ceipt ma ,esponse 1 m227 950224 e io ~Ov.reu.s,e,d re,sponse er ematon e dewa CAio, sup e. a e.m.n&.d ounn. N J4"tnon,N, R ;;;j,  ;,2W MS/4 MNGSNene my l P. Recion 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/20. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee val 6ey Authority 300. 83689 23743689 239-

                                                                                                 %[MM$$M,fo                                  '$'oM3$[,$,0,",[W2 &

y JAUDON.J P. Reginn 2 (Post 820201t 95/05/19. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley Autnwy app. 1 044 2 .176. 9504190049 NRC info Notco 95024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Reg.aahfcation Inso Program Fmdengs." -9505310069 insp repts 50 390/9524 & 50 391/9524 on 9503194422. Volatons GRIMES.B K. . 95/04/25. Consolidated Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 12pp roted Maior areas mspected'ouahty assurance ettectweness.constructen work 83757.001 43757 012 actrwbes. cable & spice cams mapectons & open item status rewsw 9505020177 Discusses amensee 950106 response to NRC notce of violabons tasued on 941110 of mso repts50 390/94 72 & 50 391/94 72 Informs that bcenses response to 0 h95 76 volation B meets requirements of 10CFR2.201. JAUDON.J.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/25. KINGLSEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley R. Peredic operating reports & related correspondence Authonty. 3pp. 83691:0534369t055. 9505020304 Forwards response to NRC 950317ftr te volatons noted m map repts 50 9505120094 Forwards " Annual Radmiogmal Environ Operating Rept Watts Bar Nuclear 390/9510 01 & 50-391/9510 01.Correctwe of PERs addressed dete. Plant 1994" & cata suppl.Ubl enpaemented rachologcal envron morwtonng program i concy of not tollowing procedural recurements m oevelopment & implementaten. desenbed m ODCM on 950101 BARON.R R. Tennessee Valley Authonty 95/05/03 Document Control Branch (Docu-ZERINGUE.O.J Tennessee Valley Authonty 95/04/25. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 6po. 83764:007 83764 012 ene91 Control Desk). 2pp. 83941.00143941270 9505180123 trWorms of entorcement cecisen concernm0 apparent volatons of -9505120097 ' Annual Radmiogmal Envron Operatmg Rept Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 10CFR50 7." Employment Protecten" & 10CFR50.5." Dokterate rrusconoucL" re om. 1994" & data suppl. piovee amenmmaton compiamt hied by TVA employee.

  • Tennessee Vailey Authonty 94/12/31. 26Bpp. 83941:003 83941J270 EBNETER.S.D Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/25 JACKSON.LL Affihation Not As.

signed. 4p0. 83952.207 83952 210. S. Reportatde occurrences, LERs & related correspondence 9505080015 Respanos to NRC ttr re veist.ons noted m map rept 50 390/95 08 & 50 391/95 08. Corrective actions:util will rense calculannn to meluoe analyses of 120 voit 9505110263 Clanles statement made m revised fmal rept re cetcency m mtake pump-crcuits covered m rev 7. mg staton & DG blog envron control sys ZERINGUE.O.J. Tennessee Valley Authonty 95/04/27. Doc.urrent Control Branch BeON.R FL Tennessee vaney Aumoney 95/05/01. Document Control Branch (Docu-(Document Controi Desk). 5pp. 83839 35343839 357 enant Control Dest). 2pp. 83930.29743930.298.

118 DOCKETEDITEMS h I i I V. Operator Esaminations Q. Inspectan reports, IE Bulletmo & correspondence ) 9505120040 Notifies of change m operator status on 950601.Lsted employees wdl be m 950$020149 Forwards corrected page to map rept 50 395/95 04.correcimg proveusly l posmons where beense no longer rooured. maued map rept50 395/95-03 on 950306-10 ZERINGUE.O.J. Tennessee Vaney Authonty 95/05/04. Document Control Branch CLINE.W E. Regon 2 (Post 820201L 95/04/24. TAYLOR.GJ. South Carolna Electnc (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 83884 330 83884:331. & Gas Co. 2pp. 83690.31443690.330 9505240118 Requests efo re 950508 occurrence in when NRC heensed operator -9505020158 Corrected page to map rept 50-395/95 04.correctmg previously usued tested posstive far manluana followmg fitness-for-duty test taken on 950501. map rept50-395/95 03 on 950306-10. GIBSON.A F. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/12. KINGSLEY.O.D. Termessee Vaney SALYERS.G.W., BARR,K.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/20.1p. 83690 316 Authonty. 3pp. 84021:19184021193 83690.316.

                                                                                       -9505020162 Forwards map rept50 395/9544 on 9502274303.No volatons or dew.             1 DOCKET 546395 VIRGIL C. SUMMER NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 1                                   shons need                                                                          j CLINE.W.E. Regirm 2 (Post 820201) 95/03/28 TAYLOR.GJ. South Carolma Electnc
                                                                                          & Gas Co. 2pp. 83690:317 83690:318.                                                 j F. Security, medmet, amargency & nre protecten plans                                                                                                                          l
                                                                                       -9505020169 insp rept 50.395/95 03 on 95030610.No velatons or devutens                 1 9505040185 Ack recept of950221 Itr that transmitted amend 34 to Physcal Security         noted.Mator areas nopected emergency preparedness program.                           l Plas).mforms that changes consistent wipronzens of 10CFP50.54                          SALYERS G.W., BARR.K.P. Regon 2 (Post $20201). 95/03/27.12pp. 83690:319-             i COLLINS.D M. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/21. TAYLOR.G.J. South Carohna Elec-          83690:330 inc & Gas Co. 2pp. 83862.01543862.016.

9504190049 NRC Info Notse 95 024. " Summary of Leermed Operator Requahfcaban i 95M020149 Forwards corrected page to map rept 50 395/95 04.correctng preveusly mso Program Fmdengs. m6 sed map root 50-395/96 03 on 95030410  ! GRIMES.B K. . 95/04/25. Cormohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 12pp. CLINE.W.E. Regon 2 (Post 820201t 95/04/24. TAYLOR.G.J. South Carchne Elecinc 83757:001 43757.012. l

   & Gas Co. 2pp 83690.31443690:330,                                                                                                                                           I 9505050168 Forwards insp rept 50395/95-07 on 950327 31.No volatons or dematens          !
 -9505020158 Corrected page to map rept 54395/9544.correctag previously maued              eted msp rept 50 395/95 03 on 95030610.                                                     CASTO,C.A.           2 (Post 820201). 95/04/27. TAYLOR.G.J. South Carohna Electnc SALYER$.G W., BARR.KP. Repon 2 (Post 820201) 95/04/20.1p. 83690S16                     & Gas Co 3pp. 3759 043-63759 052.


                                                                                       -9505050174 insp rept 50-395/95 07 on 950327 31.No velatons or devatons
 -9505020162 Forwards map rept50395/9544 on 950227 0303 No molatons or dev>               noted. Major areas mapected              re leeks & transents m      sys.

ations nowd CHOU,R., BLAKEJ. Regen 2 ost 8 201). 95/04/24. 6pp. 8375 046-83759052. CLINE.W.E. hagen 2 (Post 820201195/03/28 TAYLOR.G.J. South Carohna Electnc

   & Gas Co. 2pp 63690:31743690.318.                                                                                                                                          j I
 -9505020169 inst rept 50-395/9543 on 95030610.No volabons or deviatens                   crackmg of SG tubes.

noted Marar areas mapected. emergency preparedness program. ZlMMEMMAN R P. Assocate Director for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28.  ! SALYERS.G W., BWR.K.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201) 95/03/27. 1290 83690:319 Conschdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. 83757213-83757.023. 83690,330. 9505240141Ack receipt of 950424 Itr mtormmg NRC of steps taken to correct violations 9505240190 Adeses that rev 35 to raeat on emergency p6an for plant.conastant w/ pro. roted m snap rept 50 395/9542 visons of 10CFR50.47M & reouvements of App E to 10CFR50. CHRISTENSEN,H Regon 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/09 TAYLOR G. Southem Cakfor. BARR.K.P. Regen 2 (Nst 820201195/05/12. TAYLOR.GJ. South Corolma Electnc rua Edison Co. 2pp. 64021:30044021:301.

   & Gas Co. 2pp. 64022.26544022.256.

9505050171 NRC Into Nobce 95 025. " Valve Fa4ure Dunng Patent Treatment w/ l 9505300448 Forwards Amend 95-01 to fire protecton evaluabon rept Gamma Stereotacts Radiosurgery Urut." TAYLOR.GJ. Soutti Carchna Electnc & Gas Co 95/05/15. Document Control Branch COOLD.A. Dnnsen of enoustnal & Medcal Nuclear Satety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. (Document Control Desk).1p. 64141.293 84141.301. Consohdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp. 64007:182 44007:190.

 -9505300450 Amend 95 01 to hreprotecten evaluaien rept.                               9505220207 Forwards SE re rehef requests far fast 10-vr mterval ISI. per931102 ttr to
  • South Carohne Electnc & Gas Lc.95/05/15. 8pp. 64141.29444"1.301. reaurements for 100*in volumetnc exam of several reactor vessel wekis & mner radius SG nozzle wetos.

9505240010 Forwards corrected page to ensp rept 50 395/95 04 Rept has wrong snap HEBDON,FJ. . 95/05/16. TAYLOR.G.J. South Carolma Electne & Gas Co. 4pp. date on cover page of rept detans Date shown et950305 10should be950227 0303. 64033.275 44033289. BARR.K.P. Region 2 (Post 820201) 95i">$/16. TAYLOR.G). South Carohne Electnc

   & Gas Co. 2pp 84020:02244020t24                                                     -9505220213 Safety evaluaten of fast 10 yr entervalISI requests for rehef tor plant.
  • Ottco of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001). 94/09/20.11pp. 64033.280w
 -9505240016Conected page to map rept 50-395/95 04 on 950227 0303. Mapor areas            84033 289 mspectedhcensee prograrn was reviewed to determine whether iconses was enaars eapatnidy for emergency detecton & ciassstcaton.                           9505240010 Forwards corrected page to msp rept 60-395/95-04.Rept has wrong map 9SALY RS.G W.,BARR.K.P. Regen & (Post 820201). 95/05/15.1p. 64020-024-                 date on cover page of rept detads Date snown of 95030610 snould be 950227 0303 64020:024.                                                                            BARR,K.P. Regon 2 (Post 820201195/05/16 TAYLOR.GJ. Soutfi Carohna Electnc 9505300003 Forwards map rept SG395/95 08 on 95040130 &ronce of volatert CHRISTFNSEN.h Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/23. TAYLOR.G.J. South Carolma            -9505240016 Corrected page to map rept 50-395/95 04 on 9502274303 Maior areas Electne & Gas Co. 3pp. 540/6.00544076-028                                             mspected bcensee program was renewed to determme whether bcennes was man.

tarung capandity for emergercy detecten & classsfcahort.

 -9505300005 Notre of wolaten from map on950401-30.Volaten noted: nonsafety-re-           SALYERS.G W., BARR,K P. Regmn 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/15 10. 64020:024 lated tre damper mstalled m sentdaDon sys whict) was reQured to contam all safety-     64020-024.

related components

  • Region 2 (Poet 820201). 95/05/23.10. 84076 00644076:006- 9505300003 Forwards insp rept50-395/95 08 on 95040130 &notce of veisbon.

CHRISTENSEN K Regen 2 (Post 62020tt 95/05/23, TAYLOR.GJ. South Carohna Electrc & Gas Co 3pp. 64076.005-84076 026 P. Operating beense titage documertts & correspondence

                                                                                       -9505300005Notce of votation trorn msp on95040130.Volaten noted nonsafety re-9505230107 Comment to proposed GL concommg pressure lociung & tnermal t>n@ng             lated fre damper mstalled m ventdaten sys wtuch was requred to contain au salsty-of SR power operated gate valvet Behoves that tuH backfit analysis stould be per-     related components tormed to enanse utas to perform cost-benefit analysis to be utahred
  • Regon 2 (Post 620201). 95/05/23.1p. 64076.00644076 008 TAYLOR.GJ. South Carokna Electre & Gas Co. 95/04/26. Docketmg & Serwcas Branch. 2pp. 64001:351 44001.352. -9505300007 insp rept 50 395/95-08 on 95040130.Volatons noted Maior areas mspected operational safety voittmahon.mamt & surveillance observatortonsde 9505040068 Responds to 950316 conference call between plant.NRC protect manager engineenng. plani sup activities & followup on prowous mso findings
    & Idaho Fans mforms that 10CFR50 55 allows NRC to grant rehef from app 6 cable        HAAG.R C.. FARNHOLTZ T.R., MILLER.M.N. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/23 ASME Code requirements provided requestor demonstrates compharce w/specatied          20pp. 64076.00944076 028 reQystements.

TAYLOR.GJ South Carohna Electne & Gas Co 95/04/27. Document Control Brarch (Documera Control Desk). 3pp. 83803.34143803.343- R. Portodic operstmg reports & related correspondence 9504210293Genenc Ltr 95 04 to an holders of OLa or CPS for riuclear power reactors re feel disposebon of SEP lessons leamed ensues 9505190254 Monthly operstmg rept for Apr 1995 for VC Summer Nuclear StatertW/ ZiMMERMAN.R P. Associate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28 950511 Itr Consohdated E@ son Co. of New York. Inct 14pp 83757.024-63757.037. HALTlWANGERJ., TAYLOR.GJ. South Carohne Electre & Gas Co. 95/04/30. Sep 64009.313-84009 317. 9505090083 Provides proposed schedule for SCEG up rate beensmg of VSNS w/re-spect to large breasi LOCA analyses 9505180548 Forwards 'echncal Rept 94-4. "Seismc Actiwty Near VC Summer Nuclear TAYLOR.GJ. South Carchna Eiectne & Gas Co 95/05/02 DEMBEK.S. Document Staten for i ered Ors-Dec 1994." Control Branch (Document Coritros Desk) 2pp. 63910.34443910.345. QUINTONA D South Carohne Electre & Gas Co. 95/05/11 Document Control Branch (Downt Control Deskt 2pp 64031.306-64031.333 9505090312 Genenc Lir 92 02.Rev 1.Suppe 1 to an holders of OLs (except those b-censes amended to possesen.calv status) or cps for nuclear power reactors to reac. -9505180550 "Seismc Activity Near VC Summer Nuclear Staten for Pered Oct-Dec tar vesset struchral rtegnty 1994." ZiMMERMAN.R P. Associate Dar/. s for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001), 95/05/19 TALWANI.P., CODBJ.S South Carolma. Urww. of. Columtna. SC. 94-4 94/12/31. Consohdated Eoson Co. of New :,pk. Inc. topp.64084 352 44084.361. 26pp. 84031.30644031:333.

DOCKETED ITEMS 119 DOCKET $0w397 WPPSS NUCLEAR PROJE%f, UNIT 2 9505n30158 Provides plan & schedule for resoluton at concerns assocated w/use of Thurmo-Lag 33rA1 to protect plant capability to sateay shutdown m event of fire PARRi$H J V. Washengton Pubic Power Supply System 95/04/27. Document Control F. Securtty, medical, emergency & fire I rotection plans Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 83832 266 83832267. 9505030158Prondes plan & schedule' w resolubon of concems assocated w/use of 950421C293 Generc Lir 95 0a to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors

                                                                                         '* '"'ai dispositen of SEP lessons 4eamed usues.

Thermc> Lag 3301 to protect plant capats sty to safety shutdown m event of fre. PARRISH.J V. WasNngton Putec Power L upp6y System.95/04/27 Document Control ZIMMERMAN.R P. Assocate Drector for Propects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Branch (Document Control Desk) 2pp. 83t 32266-83832.267. Conschdated Ed son Co of New York, Inc.14pp. 83757:0244 3757.037. 9505100003 Forwards revised surriery desenphon of proposed vehele convol 9505040211 Forwards copy of EA & FONSI re ubl 930709 apphcabon for amend to h-measures Enct withheld per 10CFO3 21. conse to increase snowam max cong power for plant PARRlSHJ V. Washengton Puhl* Power Supply System. 95/05/04. Document Control CLIFF-ORD.J W. . 95/04/28. PARRLSHJ V. Wastungton Pubhc Power Supply System. Branch (Document Contm' fM6k).1p. 83880.30543880.305 3pp. 8382212443822:130. 9505100077 Forwards results of FEMA emergency coortknoton center dnll evaluaten -9505040215 Nonce of msuance of EA & FONSI re ubl appleaton to amend hconse to rept of 950104 dret for State of WA mcrease allowable max core power for plant. i COLLINS.SJ Regen 4 (Post 820201) 95/05/05. PARRISHJ V. Washmgton Pubhc BATEMAN.W.H. .95/04/28 49p. 83822127 83822.130. Power Supply System. App 83836.001 43836:011. 9505100203 Forwards amend 137 to heense NPF-21 & safety evaluaton Amend in- -9504210268 Forwards 950406 ftr from M Hepaer transmitting FEMA fmal rept of creases autnonzed max power level of reactor trom current kmit of 3.323 MWt to 950104onti of State of WA emergency coordmabon ctr sete-specite to plant.No det. 3.486 MW1. ciencies or creas regermg Corrective acton. CLIFFORD.J W .95/05/02.PARRISHJ V. Washmgton Pubic Power Supply System. E SSIG.T.H. 95/04/19. MURRAY.B. Region 4 (Post 820201). Ip. 83836.005 4pp. 83856.172-83856.292. 83836 011.

                                                                                      -9505100210 Amend 137 to hcense NPF.21.mcreasmg authonred man power level of

-9504210281 Forwards final rept for 950104 dnit sne-specifc to plant No defciencies reactor from current h,nst of 3.323 MW1 to 3.486 MWt. noted RUSSELL.W.T. Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001). 95/05/02. 78pp. HEPLER.O.M. Federal Eme gency Management Agency.95/04/06. SPESSARD.RL . 83856.17643856.251. Ip. 83836:006 4 3836-006.

                                                                                      -9505100211 Safety evaluaten supportmo amend 137 to hcense NPF.21.

4504210288 "WNP-2 Nucasar Power Plant Unannounced /Off Hours ECC Dnti on

  • Othce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001). 95/05/02. 41pp. 83856.252-950104" B3856292.
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency 95/03/31. 6pp. 83836:00743836.011. i 9505120069 Refers to mgt meehng conducted on 950314 at Regen IV offce m j Artngton TX re midcycle pertonnance assessment at WNP-2 Lat of attendees & tmel-9505110119 Notifcation of950518 meeting w/ubis m Rockville MD to discuss proposed ubt tests of carmatt fire bemers mctuding test confguratons for dummy mg mati enci models. schedules & test detads BEACH.A.B. Re0cn 4 (Post 820201) 95/05/05 PARRISH.J V. Washmgton Pubhc KELLY,G.B. .95/05/05. MARCUS.G H. 7pp. 83902:242 83902.248. Power Supply System. 28pp. 83870:305 83870.333.

9505180080 Forwards inso rept50-397/95-10 on 950403-07 No veistons ncted. 95Ss180047 Forwards safety evaluahon supportmg utd 940824 fir. respondin0 to GL 94-COLLINS.SJ Regen 4 (Post 820201) 95/05/08. PARRISHJ V. Wasnogton Pubic 03. " Stress Corrosen Crackmg of vore Shrouds m BWRsr for plant Power Suppiy System. 5pp. 83953'198-83953.205. CLIFFORD.J W. 3/05/06. PARRISHJ V. Wastungton Pubhc Power Supply System. 4pp. 83979:3244397b 333

-9505180087 Partally witnheid map rept 50-397/95 10 on 950403-07 (ref                                                                                                               l 10CFR73.21)No violatons noted.Maior areas inspected mg' effechweness,secunty       -9505180058Saletw evaluaton support ng utd940824ter respondmg to GL 94-03. "Irw plans. procedures. records & repts tesbng & mamt & secunty locks & keys.               tergranular Stress Corrosen Craciung of Core Snrouds m BWRs? Concludes that ubl MURRAY.B. Regon 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/01. 3pp. 83953.23343953.205.                    matisused safety assessment of snroud sustrfes contmued safe operaton.
  • Offce of Nuclear Reactor Regulanon (Post 941001). 95/05/06. 6pp 83979 328-9505250012 Forwards results of FEMA evaluaten rept of940913 14. Requests that b. 83979:333 censee follows up w/oftsste oftcoals on Arsas Regumng Corectrve Achons & Plan Irw adequacies. 9505180211 Forwards SE euthormng bcensee941227 submrttal requesung approvat to COLLINS.S.J. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/18. PARRISH).V. Washmgton Pubic use ASME Code Case N-418-1.

Power Seply System. 3pp. 8404312844043.314 BATEMAN.W.H . 95/05/12 PARRISH.J V WasNngton Pubic Power Supply System. App. 83974 34943974.357. i

-9505040190 Forwards 950323ftr from M Hepier.wNet1 transmitted FEMA final exercise                                                                                                  I rept for 940913-14exercee of oftsite radclogeal emergency response plans site spe-  -9505180234 Safety evaluaten authonzing hcensee 941227 submittal, requestmg 80-cshe to plant,                                                                         provello use ASME Cooe Case N-416-1.

ESSIG.T.H. 95/05/01. MURRAY.B Regen 4 (Post 820201). 1p. 84043132

  • Ottco of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001). 95/05/12 $pp. 83974.353-84043.314. 83974 357.
-9505040207 Forwards final exerces rept for94091314.tulk partcipation plume expo.      9505250073 Forwards results of exam & evaluaten of flaw in racyculaten paping weed sure & mgeston pathway point exercme of oftsste radclogecal emergency response         20RRC(6F8. Concludes tnat structural mt            of weld will be fnamtamed Gunng nomi plans arte-specifc for prant                                                           operating cyde Weld will remem m GL            1 categorg F.

HEPLER.O M Federal Emergency Management Agency 95/03/23.SPESSARD.R L. . PARRISH.J V. Wastungton Public Power Supply System. 95/05/15. Document Control 1p. 84043.13344043133. Branen (Document Control Desk) 21pp. 64063.27444063.294.

-950504C388 "Date of Fun Scale Ingeston Pathway Exercise 94091314?                     9505280124Forwstds Amend 138 to Lcense NPF-21 & safety evaluabon. Amend re.
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency 95/03/31.181pp. 64043:13444043.314. vises TS to change Figure 31.5 2 " Sodium Pentaborate Tank.Vol vs Concentration Requirements" CLIFFORD.J W .to reflect actual low voiV.alarm
                                                                                                             . 95/05/17.PARRtSH.J               & low hmrt Wastungton    Pubicvalues Power Supply System.

P. Operstmg heense stage encuments & corren ._ 4pp. 84075.31044075.319

                                                                                       -9505260134 Amend 138 to Lcense NPF-21.revemg TS to change Figure 31.5 2 95,0,5030029inferr.; *et Operaten OA program Desenption. Revs 18.19 4 20.accepta-           Soeum Pentaborate Tank.Vol vs Concentrabon Regurements to reflect low vol GWYNN.T.P. Regen 4 (Post 420201) 95/04/17. PARRISHJ.V. WasNngton Pubic                         8 yF gjWySQ5/17. $pp. 84075.31444075.317 Power Supply System. 4pp. 83720.106-83720.109 9505010066 Forwards amend 138 to bcense NPF-21 & SE. Amend revises TS 3.8.1 by        - 9505260137 Safety evaluahon supparung Amend 138 to Lcense NPF 21.

mcreasmg trun recured level of DG tue8 storage capacity

  • Oftce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001). 95/05/17. 2pp. 64075 318-CLIFFORD IW . 95/04/25. PARRISH.J V, Wastungton Pubhc Power Supply System. 84075.319 am 83687249M7262. 9505090312 Genenc Ltr 92 02.Rev 1 Suppl 1 to all holders of OLs (except those b.
 -9505010071 Amend 136 to bcense NPF.21. revising TS 3 81 by mcreasmg mm re-               conses amenced to possesen onty status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac-oured level of DG tus: storage capacity                                                tor vesses structsat integnty CLIFFORDJ W. .95/04/25. 7pp B3687.253-83687 259                                        ZIMMERMAN R.P. Assocate Director for Prolects (ADPR) (Post 941001) 95/05/19 Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York. inc.10pp 84084.35244084.361.
 -9505010075 Safety evaluabon supportm0 amend 136 to bcense NAF-21 Nuclear Reactor F egulaten (Post 941001). 95/04/25. 3pp 83687.260-    Q. Inspecteon reports IE Bulletms & c-.%                ' ce 9505030438 Forwards amend to beense NPF-21.addmg RWCU sys hgn biowdown cors            9504190049 NRC Into Notce 95 024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Recuanteaten tamment notaten tnp tunction & assocated LCO & SR to Tables 3.3.2, &         Inso Program Fmengs "

43211 GRIMES B K. . 95/04/25. Consoliuated Eeson Co of New York. Inc. 12pp PARRi$H,J V. WasNngton Pubhc Power Supply System 95/04/25. Document Control 83757 001 4 3757 012. Branch (Documerit Control Desk) 3pp 8380811243808.129 9505010053 Forwards SE re rouco of channel bones for plant Util941201 Itr sahstacion-

 -9505030441 Applicaten for amend to hcense NPF-21.addeg RWCU sys high bion-               ly addressed maues escussed m NRC bulletm 90-02 for cycie 11 Gown containment isolshon tnp tuncton & associated LCO & SRs to Tables 3.3.2          CLIFFORD.J W . 95/04/25 PARRISH.J.V. Washngton Pubhc Power Supply System 1.332-2&43.211.                                                                        3pp 83688 309 83688.315.

PARRISH.J.V. Washington Public Power Supply System. 95/04/25.10pp. 83808115-83808 124. ~9505010059Salety evaluaten acceptmg bcensee evaluaten re cycle 11 reload desen w/ reused channel bones & rnethods useo to account for channel box impact on core 4 505030443 Proposed toch specs aoeng RWCU sys tugri blowdown contasnment iso- operaten hmets acceptaDie isbon tnp tuncnon & associated LCO & SRs to Tables 3.3.2-1.33.2-2&43.21..

  • Oftce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001). 95/04/25. 4pp. 83688 3t2-
  • Wasnegton Pubhc Power Suppry System 95/04/25 5pp 8380812543808.129 83688.315.
                 -              -         -           -.                          .       . . -   ~~ --                                                      -..- ._--                -

120 DOCKETEDITEMS 9506030102 Forwards copy of msp repts documereng results of NRC renew 4 soil as- 9606100247 LER 9540640:on 950405.mam turtune tnp occurred durmg performance of sessment performed by util at piant & specal map os Si centshed. survediance test due to protectnre sys relay faded. Replaced faded relay before plant GWYNN.T.P. Repon 4 (Post 620201). 95/04/25. PARRISH.J V. Washmgton Pubhc startup W/950504 ar. Power Supply System. bpp.83721:196 83721 229 HUGO.B.R PARRISHJV Washmgton Pidsc Power Supply System 95/05/04. 5pp. 83924 114-63924.118. 9004210127 Genanc Lir 95 03 to all holders of Ola or cps for PWRs re cecumlerermal crackeg of SG ti.tes. - 9606100253 Forwards LER 95007 re actuaten of EDG. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Drector for Propects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. PARRtSHJV. Westwigton Ptehc Power Supply System.95/05/05. Document Control Consoldated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. 83757-01343757.023. Branch (Documert Control DeskK 1p. 63924:12843924.131 9505190*61 Provides clartficahon to paragraph of NRC 950410 lir re map rept -9q05100268 LER 95 00740:on 950222. emergency desel start occurred due to volt. 50-397/95 05. age transent on BPA grdConfemation was recenrod at 17.51 h that disturbance had PARRISHJ V. Washmgton Pubhc Power System.95/05/05. Document Control on9 mated m BPA gnd. Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pp,6400s. 5144006.353. FOLEY.CJ. Washngton Pubhc Power Supply System. 95/05/05. 3pp. 83924:129-83924:131. 9606130057 Forwards summary of enforcement conference conducted on 950407.10 discuss apparent volatons dentifed in NRC msp 50 397/95-34.Last of attendees & 9605100269 Informs that on950503.Operatmg Reactor Events Bnefmg 95 09 conduct. bnefog matis encl. ed to mform servor managers from hated 01cs of setected events that occurred smce BEACH.A.B. Regen 4 (Post 820201t 95/05/00 PARRISH,J.V. Washmgton Pubic last tmefmg on 950322 Power Supply System. 40pp. 6367017543870214, CHAFFEEAE. .95/05/06. GRIMES.B.K. 21pp. 63972.33643972:358. 9606100000 Forwards msp rept 50 397/9510 on 950403-07ho volations noted, 9605250099 LER 9540640:on 940125.TS woreng lead to potenbal TS COLLtNS.SJ. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/06. PARRISHJV Washington Pubic votaten. Caused by lack of clanty in TS. Submitted " improved" TS for plant to prowde Power Supply System. Spp. 63953:196-63953 205. addl cle W/950512 Itr. LEWIS.K. ., PARRISHJ.V. Washmgton PutAc Power Supply System.95/05/12. 5pp.

 -4605180087 Parbally withheld msp rept 50 397/95 10 on 950403 07 (ret                              s4o7314i 44o73:145.

10CFR7321).No vo:ations noted.Masor areas mapected mgt effectrveness,secunty plans. procedures, records & repts, testmg & mamt & secunty locks & keys. i MURRAY.B. Region 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/01. 3pp. 6395320343953.205 V. Openpor EsaWnomons 9606100197 Forwards inep rept 50 397/9511 on 950410w14ho veoistions noted. COLLINS.SJ. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/10. PARRISHJV. Washmgton Put*c 9600050196 Informs that.although NRC admeustered GFE secton of wntten operator 5-Power Supply System. App. 63953:02643953 038 conseg exam on 950405. plant did not participate Master eram 4 answer key enct GWYrm.T.P. Regen 4 (Post 620201). 95/05/02. PARR:SHAV. Westungton Pubhc

  -9605140216 inso rept 50L397/9511 on 95041014 Masor areas inspectect                               Power Supply System. 2pp. 63759 05443759-055.

a.sdits.apprsmans & changes re ute implementaten of revood 10CFR20. MURRAY.B. Regen 4 (Post B20201), 95/04/26. 9pp. 83953:030 83953038. DOCKET 00 300 MENDOClieO, UNIT 1 9504000171 NRC Info Notre 95 025. " Valve Fadure Dunng Patent Treatment w/ Gamme Stereotactc Radcourgery Urut." COOLD.A. Dmson of industnal & Medical Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. P. Operating Isoones stage doeurstents & corroependence Coneohdated Edison Co of New York. Inc. 9pp. 640C7.18244007:190. 9605230014 Comment on proposed GL. " Pressure Loclung & Thermal Bmdmg of revow of Fest & Second 10-yr ISI program plans. Safety Reiated Power Operated Gate Valves." Utd behoves that abikty to sustify actus. 9506100363 PARRISHJ V.Forwards Washmgton ento 9Pubhc ower Supply System. 95/05/12. Document Control tor -mty by analysis should not be restncted e populaten of 'small vaives " Branch (Document Control Desk). 69pp. 6403123544031:305. PARRLSHJ.V. Wastungton Pubhc Power Supply Syslam. 95/04/26. NRC . No De. 9505190001 Forwards insp rept 50 397/95-17 on 95041114.No viciatons noted.Adct

                                                                                                     '**^              "   "' #N'                       '

mgt attenten needed to ensure that aA personnel aware of program & to remforce DOCm 504M SMEARON N MEAR NR MAM, W 1 B Post . /12. PARRISH.J V. Washngton Pubic Power Suppsy System. app.63973:346-83973:354.

   -9505190006 insp rept 50 397/95-17 on 950411-14.No veistsons noted. Maior areas               F. SecurMy, medical, emergency & hre protecton plans mspected hcensee employee concems program.

CHAMBERLAIN.D. Ragson 4 (Post 620201). 95/05/12. Spp. 83973.35043973:354. 9a05030167 Revised EPIPs. rev 10 to PEP 301 rev 7 to PEP-343. rev 9 to PEP. 321.rev 6 to PEP 206 & rev 5 to P 216 W/ 950426 Itr. 950524019e Docussee map rept 50 397/94 34 on 9501234215 & forwards notre of RolliNSON,W.R. Carohne Power & Lagnt Co. 95/04/26. 40pp. 83799.28143799:322. violation & proposed imposcon of cui penalty m amount of $50,000.E. -- cornerence conducted on 950407 to docuss volatons 9505180109 Adnses that rev 24 to emergency plan consstent w/planrung stds of CALLAN.L.A Regen 4 (Post 820201L 95/05/16. PARRISH.J V. Wasnmgton Put*c 10CFR50 47(b) & requsrements of 10CFRou. App E. Power Suppsy System. 5pp. 64022.26044022:268. BARA.K.P. R 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/03. ROBINSON.WA Carolms Power &

   -9505240210 Notme of volation & proposed impoesten of civt penalty in amount of
       $50,000.Noncomphance noted:on 941026.w/ plant m operatonal conditon 1. Tram B of          ggo6110119 Notifcation of 950518 meetmg w/ut4s m Rockv44e.MD to discuss proposed control room             filtration sys became inoperable when door gasket renoved.            util tests of darmatt fue bemers mctudng test conf purations for dummy
  • Repon 4 (Post 1). 95/05/18. 4pp. 6402226644022268 modets. schedules & test deta4s.

9506260045 Forwards insp rept 50 397/95 09 on 950305 0422 & notce of violaten.Volaten of NRC concem because violaten resutted m operaten of contam" 9505300047 Forwards 950503 ttr from FEMA informmg utd of deficiency identried dunng ment atmcaphore morutors m excess of Quahfed Ide. 950418 exercise at plant NPP BEACM,A.8, Region 4 (Post 820201). 95/05/22. PARRISHJ V. Washmgton Pubhc BARR.K P. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/19. ROBINSON.W.R. Carohna Power & Power Supply System. 5pp. 64062:14044062.168. Light Cet 3pp. 64076:156 44076.154. 3 03 dvertently omitted from Itr transmit. 50328 ed til of Sensor t$1 had nded by 25 g,#,g ) 5,er t8 aa N p nt 1 . 95/05/24. ROBINSON.W.R. Carchna Power & Regen (Post 2020 /05/ :145 64062:145. hAN,RdP n

    -9505240050 Insp rept 50397/9509 on 950305 0422 Velatens noted. Maior areas                   9505310025 Forwards map rept50-400/95 07 on 950417 21.No votatons noted.

espected:contros room operatens.bconsee acton on proveus insp 2 (post 820201L 95/05/24. ROBINSON.W R. Carchna Power & findings.cperabonal safety venficaton.surmellance program & mamt program. BARR.K.P. R CHAMBERLAIN,D. Regen 4 (Post 820201) 95/05/15. 23pp. 8406214644062.168 Light Ca 3pp. 094:13544094153.

                                                                                                  -9505310028 Insp rept 50 400/95 07 on 950417 21.No volatons noted. Maior areas R. Periodic peerating reports & reisted -.eependence                                              mapected observaton & evaluaten of annual emergency properedness exercse.

SARTOR,W.M., BARR.K P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/24. 3pp. 64094.136-9505020252 "Operatonal Ecologeal Momtonng Program for Nuclear Plant 2." W/ 950428 Itr. PARRISHJ V. Washmgton Pubic Power Supply System. 94/12/31. ZELLERJJ. g p ,,,,,,,g,,,,,,,, Westungton State of.100pp. 8376312943763 202. 9505100272 Monttily operatino rept for Apr 1995 for WNP.2. W/950510 ttr. 9505300150 Confrms that $595.096was electroncelly transferred to US Dept of Treas-EMBREE D G.. PARRISH.4V. Washmgton Pubic Power Suppey System. 95/04/30. ury on 950517. App. 84000 33044000.333. RwAN.R.E. Carchna Power & L ht Co. 95/05/18 Document Control Branen (Docu-ment Control Desk).1p. 84106.34 106:343. S. Reportable occurrences. L&Rs & related e . _ __ P. Operstmg bcense stage documents & c .espondence 9605120061 LER 95405 00 on 950222,mocerable IRM had been reled upon to meet TS requwements durmg reactor startup Caused by lack of neutron source to test in- 9504210293 Genonc Lir 95 04 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors strumentation. Sys knowledge gamed will be ancorporated W/950503 ltr. re hnal dispoorhon of SEP lessons.leamed maues. . PErROJ M., PARRISHJ V. Wastungton Pubic Power Supply System.95/05/03. 7pp. ItMMERMAN.R P. Assocate Director for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. 83938.29143938 297. Conschdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 83757:024-83757:037. l

                                                                                         , - . .              - .~ . . _ - , -                       ..- - ---                  .- -

DOCKETEDITEMS 121 9505050103Summettres 950424 mgt meetmo w/ute m region 11 ofc re util performance 9505100263Monthfy operstmg rept for Apr 1995 for SHNPP. W/950511 ftr. evaluaton secton.Lat of attendees & heensee handouts encl. ROGERS.S., ROBINSON.W R. Carchna Power & Light Co.95/04/30. 5pp. 84013.234-VERRELLI.D.M Regai 2 fPost $20201). 95/04/28 HABERMEYER,H.W. Carolma 84013.238. Power & Light Co. 32pp. 83758:316 43758.347. 9508000298 Forwards amend 58 to imense NPF43 & safeef evaluabon. Amend re- DOCKET 50-409 LA CROSSE DOiUNG WATER REACTOR ouests kne stem improvement to radicHopcal effluent TS per guidance of GL 8941 & mcorporates requirements of revised 191.,FR20 & 10CFR50.36a. LE.N B. Progect Directorate fl.1 (PD21) (Post 941001). 95/05/01 ROBINSON W.R. O. Inapection reports, IE Bubetins & c . "

                                                                                                                                                           .e Carolma Power & Light Co. 4pp. 83852:170-83852:228.

-9505000301 Amend 58 to hcense NPF43.requestm0 kne-stem improvement to rado 9504190049 NRC Info Notee 95424, ' Summary of Lcensed Operslor Requalifcaten sogmai ethuont TS per guidance of GL 6901 & encorporates requrements of revised inso Program Fmdings 10CFR20 & 10CFR$0.36a. GRIMES.B.K. . 95/04/25. Consokdated Eeson Co. of New York, me 12pp. MATTHEWS.D B Profact Drectorate 161 (PD2-1) (Post 941001). 95/05/01. 38pp. 83757:001 43757.012. 83852:17443852211. 9504210127 Genenc Ltr 9543 to all holders of OLs or CPS for PWRs to cucumferental -9505000302 Safety evaluation supportng amend 58 to Icense NPF 63. cre.amg of SG tubes.

  • Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001). 95/05/01.17pp. 83852:212 ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Drector for Prgects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28.

83852228. Consondated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. 83757.01343757:023 9505100204 Forwards rev to NPDES permit.changmg monitanng Irequency for several 9505050171 NRC Info Notco 95425. " Valve Fakse Dunng Pateent Treatment w/ effhent charactenstes from dady to three tmes per ok for plant outtall 002. Gamma Stereotactc Radiosurgery Unit." ROBINSON.W.R. Carouna Power & Light Co. 95/05/01. Document Control Branch COOL.D.A. Dvesori of Industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 83906:3av43906.352. Consondated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc 9pp. 64007:182 44007:190. 9505150013Confrms that luted amount electroncally 9ansferred to US DO7.NRC on 950503 informs that payment trerd mstallment of annual hcensmg fee for FY95 per S. Reportshio occurrences, LERs & retoted . 10CFR171 for hated plants.

 , GA NO,m na                                     "" '  "                            9501630020 LER 95-00100:on 950417,noted that HPSW to contamment taaidmg p       98         98     '

isolated. Caused by momentary LOP due to operational test of 1 A EDG. Procedures for 9505000312 Genenc Ltr 92 02.Rev 1.Suppi 1 to all holders of OLs (except those k test bemg moefied to mctuos mstrucDons to venty value bemg open W/950420 Itr. conses amended to -c .e4 status) or cps for nucsear power reactors to reac, GREEN.W R., BERG.W.L. Dairyend Power Cooperatve. 95/04/20. 3pp. 83845:052-tor vessel structural etegnty. 83845:054. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Director for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001k 95/05/19. Conackdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. 84084.35244084.351

                                                                                                                                              ,g Q. Inspection reports, lE Bullotms & ca. -. -                                                     9504210293 Genenc Lir 9504 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors re Imal espositen of SEP lessons learned issues 9504190049NRC Info Notee 95024, ' Summary of Lcensed Operator Requalifcation                        ZIMMERMAN,R.P. Associate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28.

Inno Program Fedmgs." Consohdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 83757.02443757.037, GRlMES.B.K, . 95/04/25. Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 12pp. 83757-001 43757-012. 9505000312 Genenc Ltr 9242.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all hoicers of OLs (except those te. conses amended to possesson only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac-9504210127 Genenc Lir 9503 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs to crcumferental tar vessel structural mtegnty. crack of SG tubes. ZIMMERMAN,R.P. Associate Director for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19. ZIMME MAN.R.P. Associate Drector for Propects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. 64084.35244084.381. Consohdated Eeson Co of how Yos. Inc.11pp. 83757:01343757:023. i 9505100021 Advmes of results of recent performance review at plant facikty to deter. DOCKET $0-410 NINE MILE POINT leUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 2 ' mme af present planned esp effort for rest of current SALP cycle should be rewmed before end date of 960316. List of piant scheduled maps.enct VERRELLI.D M. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/28. ROBINSON.W.R. Carchna Power F. Securtty, stadical, emergency & Are protection plans

 & Leght Co. App. 83952:02343952.026.

9508000072 Forwards response to NRC950331 Itr re volabons noted in insp rept 50 950524 A32 Revised Emergency Plan Mant Procedures.mclueng rev 0 to EPMP-F.PP-400/9504 Correcove W,,vu CM 10113 was rewmed on950213to moorpo. 0102, "Urut 2 Eme Classifcaten Technmal Bases" a rev 0 to EPMP EPP 0101, rate kne/ load regulacon & AC nople dunng bench testmg of SSPC power supphes. "Um 1 Emergency canon Technmal Bases? ROBINSON.W R. Carchna Power & ht to 95/05/01. Document Control Branen MOCOHMICK.M.J. Negara Mohawk Power Corp 95/05/13. 234pp. 84070001 (Document Control Desk). 4pp. 83873:1 83873.186. 640702 34. 9505100386 Forwards map rept 50400/9505 on 9503054408.No violanone or devk ations noted H. General correspondence VERRELLI.D M. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/05. ROBINSON.W R. Carohna Power

 & Ls0ht Co 4pp. 83655:05443955.076.                                                             9505250172 Requests that JV Vmquist be added to estnbubon of correspondence from

-9505100374 Inso rept 50 400/9505 on 950305 0408 No violahons noted. Maior areas NRC SYLVIA.B.R. Negara Mohawk Power Corp. 95/05/15. Document Control Branch mspected:operatonal safety.memtenance surveillance.engmeermg acovites, plant sup- (Document Convol Desk). Ip. 84099:234-8409t234. port & bconsee acDon on pre *ous msp items. ELROD.S., ROBERTS.D., BYRON.P. Region 2 (Poet 820201). 95/05/05.19pp. 83955 05643955:076. L FmencW enformenon 9505060171 NRC Info Notee 95025, " Valve Fadure Dunng Pabent Treatment w/ Gamma Sterectacbc Radosurgery Urvt." $505240376 Forwards 1994 Annual Fmanesal Repts of Niagara Mohawk & Co-Tenant COOL.DA Divisen of Industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. Comparves Of Nine M4e Pomt Unris 1 & 2 Consohdated Edison Co. of New York,Inc. 9pp. 54007.182 84007;190. SYLv!A.B R. Nagara Mohawk Power Corp 95/05/15 Document Control Branch 9505240173 Forwards mso rept 54400/9506 on 95041013.No volatons roted BARR.K.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/12 ROBINSON.W.R. Carchna Power 8 -9505240379 " Rochester Gas & Electnc Corp Annual Rept for 1994 " Lignt Co. 3pp, a4022:180 44022:194.

  • Rochester Gas & Electnc Corp.94/12/31. 60pp 84106:00244106:069.

-9505240179 insp rept 50 400/9506 on 950410-13.No velatons noted Major areas -9505240396 "Negara Mohawk Power Corp 1994 Annual Root." mapected heersee program & pracaces for maintairung radeten exposures ALARA. Negara Mohawk Power Corp.94/12/31. 53g . 64106 07044106:125. PARKER.BA, RANKIN.W H. Region 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/12.12pp. 64022:183-84022 W -9505240394 " Central Hudson Gas & Electre Corp 1994 Annual Rept." 9505240272 Ack receipt of 950501 Itr miermmg NRC of steps taken to correct volabons WH & Em W WWL % WCMMM reted m map mpt 50 400/604 -9505240399 "1994 Annual Rept." for NYSEG VERRELLI.D M. R 2 (Post 820201) 95/05/17. ROBINSON.WR Carohna Power

  • New York State Electnc & Gas Corp.94/12/31. 48pp. 84106:16344106.239
 & IJght Co 3pp.          .104 44023.106.

9505310025 Forwards map rept 50400/9007 on 950417 21.No velabons noted. -9505240400 "Long Island Ls0%bng Co 1994 Annual Rept." BARR.K.P Regon 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/24. ROBINSON.WA Carchna Power & ' Long faland Power Autronty 94/12/31. 56pp. 64106.240 84108.316 Light Co. 3pp 6409413584094153. -9505310028 insp rept 50 400/9507 on 950417-21 No violabons noted Maior areas P. Operstmg hcense state documents & correspondence espected.observaten & evaluaten of annual emergency preparednesa exercse. SARTOR.W.M.. BARR.K.P, Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/24. 3pp. 64094:136- 9505150122 Smth partel response to FOIA request for oocuments App H record arready 84094 153. avanable in PDA Forwards Apo I records & bem0 avaslable m PDR. POWELL.R.A. Dwisen of Freedom of Informanon & Pubicatens Sennces (Post 940714). 94/12/23. FIDELL.E R. Affilaton Not Asssgned. Opp.84038 033-84038.159.

                                                                                                 -9505190275 Decusses Nagara Mohawk Power Co p settement agreement to review 9505320473 "Shearori Hams Nuclear Power Plant Urvt 1 Annual Environ (Nonradelogs                    scope.per Stello Itr dtd 890427.

can Operstmg Rept for Jar. -Dec 1994 " W/ 950421 lir. QUAY.T. NRC No Detailed Affihabon Gwen.89/06/18. SLOSSON.M. NRC No De-ROBINSON.W R. Carohna Power & Li0ht Co. 94/12/31.10pp. 8376&00143760-010. taned Affikaten Gwert 10. 84038 118 4 4038:118.

              ..             _.         _m      .._ ..                           =       . _               -.                                          _ _            __. _

122 DOCKETEDITEMS 9505010208 Docusses usuance of schedular exempton from regurements of 9506310131 Addresses asues sesed m maps requred by GL 6801, NRC Possbon m 10CFR50. app J tar plant to raetey of next reQured type A leakage rate testHign fGSCC m BWR Austenac Stainless Stesi Papirg"5/05/24. Document Control Branch degree of confidence exets that containment mil not degrade to unacceptable extent. TERRY.C.D. Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. 9 (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 84163.22944163.230. MARSH.LB. Proiect Drectorste M (PD1 1) (Post 941001). 95/04/24. SYLVIA.B.R. Nu agara Mohawk Power Corp 3pp. 83691.21143691.221. -9505010210 Exempton kom requrements of 10CFR50. App J.sechon Ill.D.1.ta) re con. R. Portedle operating reports & reisted . - , tamment mt ted leakage rate tests. i VARGA.S.A. of Reactor Protects 1/11 (DRPE) Post 941001). 95/04/24. Nega. 9505020210 " Annual Raeological Erwron Operann0Rept Nee Mde Pomt Nuclear Sta- i ra Mohawk Power Corp Opp.83691 21543691:221. non." W/950428 Itr. ABBOTT,R.B. Niagara Mohawk Power Corp.94/12/31.151pp. 83791:007 43791:157. 9505020415 Forwards corrected peGe to one-time exempton osued to iconso NPF. ] 69.maued on 950424- 9e05110016 " Annual Envvon Operating Rept." for CY94.W/950501 Itr. , I EDtSON.G.E. . Drectorate b1 (PD11) (Post 941001). 95/04/27. SYLVIA.BA DAHLBERG.K.A. Negara Mohawk Power Corp.94/12/31. app. 83929.33443929:337 Nagara Mohawk Corp. 4pp. 83717.30243717:305. 9505030150 informe of correcton of Sem> Annual rept to SPDES permit. 9504210293 Genenc Lir 95 04 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors STORZ.LF. Negara Monawk Power Corp.95/04/24. Document Control Branch (Doc. re hnet dispossman of SEP lessons leamed issues- ument Control Desk).1p. 83832:26843432:268. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Conschdoiad Edson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 83757.02443757.037. 9505220146 Monthly operstmg rept for Apr 1995 lor NMPNS Urut 2 W/ 950510 Itr CAROCC80.C.J., DAHLBERG,K.A. Nagara Mohawk Power Corp. 95/04/30. Spp. 9505000250 Forwards amend 66 to hcense NPF49 & SE. Amend moehes FOL NPF49 64039 1934 4039:197. 4 NMP-2 TSs to authonze increase m max power isvel of NMP 2 from 3.323 to 3.467  ! MWt & approves changes to implement updated power operation. l EDISON.G.E. Pr- Drectorate 51 (PD11) (Post 941001). 93/04/28. SYLV1A,B.R. S. Reportable ~. _ .. LERs & rotated correspondence Nagara Mohawk Corp. 4pp. 8385210443652169. 9505300195 Fmal Part 21 rept to KEPCO.Inc model RMX24 D.20804 power supphes m -9500000256 Amend 66 to bcense NPF-69. FOL NPF49 & NMP 2 TSs to au- wruch trarestors Oil &/or 016 taded to open & R1 was open. Replacement of trans- l ihonze mcrease m mas power level of NMP-2 om 3.323 to 3,467 MWt & approwng mmers w/XSLS495 along w/ replacement of a capacitors provides soluten. .

                                                                                                 *#                    9"*    '                            *          *"               '

LLW of Reactor opAahon (Post 941001). 95/04/28. 28pp. 090- M 83852-108 4 3852-135.

 - - - - _ - Safety evaluation supportmg amend 66 to heense NPF49.                           g   g,,,,,,,     g     ,gg,
  • Olhce of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (Post 941001). 95/04/28. 34pp. 83852:136-9505000024 Informs that R l can no longer partespate in certficate presentations to bcensed operators & S instead.NRC will send certifcates erectly to taohties

$505180549 Sutynits pasponse to rept of effechweness of hcensee actnntes re perform. WIGGINS.J.T. Region 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/01, SYLVIA.B.R. Niagara Mohawk i ence of saWetated cnock valves. Power Corp. 2pp. 63616:10343816:104. J TERRY.C.D. Nagara Mohawk Power Corp. 95/05/04. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 64013.10744013:108. DOCKET 50 412 SEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UttfT 2 9505230074Aenses that util willimpsement Amend 66 to Ocense NPF49. authongmg increase m man power level from 3.323 VWt to 3 467 MWt pnor to restart from tourth refuehng . Restart scheduled to occur on 950524 F. Securtty, medical, emergency & fire protection piens SYLVIA.B.R. a Mohawk Power Corp. 95/05/15. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). Spp.64051;35544051.359. 9505100036 Aenses that Rev 24 to physcal secunty plan conselent w/ provmons of 9505000312 Genenc Lir 9242.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all holders of OLs (except those b. 10CFR50.54(p) & acceptable for mctusion mto plan. conses amenced to possescreonly status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac- JOYNER.J.H. Regon,1 (Post 820201). 95/04/25 THOMAS.G.S. Duquesne Ught Co. tor vessel structural etegnty. 3pp. 83906.353-Savo.355. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Director for Proiects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19 Conschdated Edson Co of New York,Inc.10pp. 64084.35244064.361. 9505100041 Advises that rev 24 to contmgency plan consstent w/ provmons of 10CFR50.54(p) & acceptabee for mckssion mto p6an. 9505300452 Forwards "Evalumbon of Nme Mde Pomt Unst 2 Recrculeton inlet Nozzle JOYNER.J H. Region 1 (Post 620201). 95/04/25 THOMAS.G S. Duquesne Ught Co. andcasons

  • in reponse to GL 44 01. "NRC Possten or, IGSCC in BWR Austenbc 3pp. 83906.35643906.356.

Stamiess Steet Purg" TERRY.C.D. Negara Mohawk Power Corp. 95/05/20. Document Conirol Branch 9505180531 Forwards Rev 26 to issue 4 of Beever Valley Power Station physcal secu-(Document Control Desk). 2pp. 64136.28644136.319. nty pian.Enct withhead per 10CFR2.790(d) & 10CFM73.21. THOMAS.G.S. Duquesne Light Co. 95/05/12. Document Control Branch (Document -9505300453 " Evaluation of Nme Mde Port Umt 2 Recrculaton inlet Nozzle Indica. Control Desk).1p. 64015:35244015.352. nons " HERRERA.M L. MILLER.W.F. General Electnc Co. GENE-523-A0504695. 95/05/31. 9505300441 Withdraws parbons o8 940831 proposed amends to audits of 32pp. 64136-28644136.319. BVPS fue protechon program & changes to QA program to mtroduce 25 percent grace pened for suet frequences. THOMAS.G.S. Duquesne L9mt Co. 95/05/16 Document Control Branch (Document (L Inspection reports,IE Bunstans a correspondence Control Desk). 3pp. 64138.3w44138:355. 9504190049 NRC Into Nobce 95424. " Summary of Ocensed Operator Requalefesten g pg . . GM BE . /25. Consohdated Esson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 9505300337 Forwards "1994 Annual Repts To Shareholders." for Duquesne Light Co. 83757-001 43757:012. "OH Esson 1994 Annual Rept " " Annual Rept 1994 for Penn Power" & "Centenor 9504210127 Genenc Lir 95 03 to all holders et OLs or cps for PWRs re circumferential Ewgy Annual Rept 1994."- cractung at SG qubes. THOMAS.G.S Duauesne Light Co. 95/05/18. Document Control Branch (Document ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Propects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Control Desk).1p. 64138.18344138:334. Consondated Eeson Co. of New York. inc.1190. 83757:01343757:023. 1994 Annual Rept to Shareholders." for Duquesne Ught Company 9505050171 NRC Into Nohce 95.025. " Valve Fadura Dunng Patent Treatment w/

  • Duquesne "ugnt Co. 94/12/31. 47pp. 64138.18444138.233 Gamma Stereotacbc Radosurge y Urut." -950"nne "OH Eeson 1994 Annual Rept."

COOL.D.A. Dmson of indusinal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. Corisondated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 64007:16244007:190.

  • Ohm Eeson Co.94/12/31. 32pp. 64138 23444138.271 9505240143 Forwards map repts50 220/9510 & 50410/9510 on 950424 28 & NOV. "'.25m367 " Annual Rept 1994 for Penn Power?

JOYNER.J.H Repori 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/16, SYLVIA.B.R. Nagara Mohawk PennsWansa Power & bght Ca 94M2/3t 20pa 641382724408N Power Corp. 3pp. 64021.30244021:312.

                                                                                             -9505300370 "Centenor Energy Annual Rept 1994 "
-9505240153 Nobce of violabon from map on 950424-28.Velation noted util faded to                   Centow Esgr 94n2/31. 37pp. 64138DW382 property wnplement Radetort Protecton Program procedures as kated.
  • Regon 1 (Post 620201) 95/05/16. 2pp 64021.30544021:306. K UUnty Final sew AneWe RepM (FSAR) & amends
-9505240159 Insp repts 50-220/9510 & 50-410/9510 on 950424-28. Violatons noted Maior areas mspected:raeologcal controts dunng refustng cutage & mstruc-           9505180233 Rev 7 to Beaver Vaney Power Staten Updated FSAR W/950511 Itr & 26 Dons to raomeogeal workers.                                                                  oversize enets.

FURIA.J., BORES.R. Repon 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/16. 8pp. 64021.30744021312 THOMAS.G.S. Duquesne bght Co.95/05/11. 456pp. 83987:00143968 092. 00e0 orwarcs mso rept50 410/95 07 on 950320-24 & 040347.Nork cited mo-RULAND.WH. Regen 1 (post 820201) 95/05/23. SYLVIA.B.R. Niagara Mohawk Power Co p. 3pp. 84095.29744095.314. 9505030240 Forv ards Cycie 6 reload & COLR. THOMAS.G.S. Duquesne Ught Co. 95/04/24 Document Control Branch (Document

-9505310072 insp rect 50410/95-07 on 950320-24 & 040307 Velaten noted.Maior                      Control Desk). 6pp. 83787.33843787:350 areas ..--i : _: -a __ _ impiementaten program for $80 rule.10CFR50 63.

CHEUNG.L. RULAND,W H. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/22.15pp. 64095:300 -9505040065 " Core Operstmo Lmts Rect" 64095.314.

  • Duquesne Ugnt Co.95/04/24. 7pp 83787.34243787.350

I DOCKETEDITEMS 123 9505010013 Forwards amenos 186 8 67 to beenses OPR46 & NPF 73 & salety 9505040126 Sutats SR re950414 ISI of tutung on SGB 2RCS E21A.2RCS- E218 8 evaluaton Amenos rewme App A TS re required survoittance frequency for comparmg 2RCS-E21C was completed. encore & encore axel embalance. FREELAND.LR. Duouesne Light Co 95/04/27 Document Control Branch (Document BRINKMAN.D S. Protect Dnectorate L2 (PD12) Post 941001). 95/04/26. CROSS) E. Control Desk). app.83806.241 83806.256 Duquesne Light Co. 3pp. 83693.32643693:339. -9505010015 Amenos 186 8 67 to bcenses DPR46 & NPF-73.respectively, re sing of ubes App A TS re regured surveillante frequency for companng mcore & excore axelim- crackhMAN.R.P. ziyy A6socate Director for Proiects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28 T 2).F. Project Drectorate ' 2 (PD12) Post 941001). 95/04/26. 7pp. 83693.329-8M3.336. 9505190053 Forwards msp repts 50-334/95 07 & 50 412/95 07 on 950228- 0417.No l volatons noted C/As to address weaAnesses m root cause anaryms of human per. - 9505010018 Safety evan.*mn supportog amends 186 & 67 to hcenses DPR-66 & tamance proomms do ret appear to be enectwo l NPF 73.respectrvely 3L R (Post 820201). 95/05'10. CROSS).E. Duquesne Light Co. ' Nuclear Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001). 95/04/26 3pp. 83693.337 yp 8 9505030196 Ack receipt of 950407tir from GS Thomas re 10CFR50.54 sutmttal corw -9505190059 inso nepts 50 334/9547 & $0-412/95 07 on 950228 0417.No votatens cerra changen0 to Quahty assurance program for piant.uruts 1 & 2 reted Maior areas espected: plant operatens. mamt & surveillance.engmeenng. plant M .M C. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/26. CROSS).E. Ducauesna Light Co. support & safety assessment /ouahty ventcatert 2pp. 83722:11183722.113 LAZARUS.WJ. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 95/05/08 36pp. 8397310443973138 9505050305 App 6caton for amend to heanse NPF 73.consisbng of chan0e request 9505050171 NRC treo Notre 93425. " Valve Future Dunn0 Pationi Treatment w/ 92 aden0 2CHS"MOv373.centnfugal cherryng/ hegn head Si pump nun flow vatve to Gamma Stereotacts Radesurgery Urut." l SRs for TS 3 5.2- COOL.DA Dusen of Industnal & Merhcas Nuclear Satety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. ' THOMAS.G S. Duauesne Light Co 95/04/26. Document Control Branch Document Consohdated Edson Co. ce New York, Inc. 9pp 84007:18244007.190 Control Desk) 3pp. 83839.231-83839.247. -950505030 Proposed te s3 ad$ng 2CHS*MOV373.ceretntugal chargmg/ R. Penodic operaW mpwts & rh , uesae Light Co, 95/04/26.14pp. 83839:23443839247. 9505150297 " Beaver val 6ey Power Staten Unit 2 Rept of Facihty Changes. Tests & Es-9504210293 Genanc Ltr 95 04 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors penments 931101441031." W/950505 Itr to final depostten of SEP lessons-leamed asues. THOMAS.G.S. Duquesne Lsght Co. 94/10/31. 64pp. 83977.23643977.299. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Consohdated Esson Co. of New York. inc.14pp 83757$2443757:037. 9505100143 Monthly operstmg repts for Apr 1995 for SVPS W/950505 Itr. 9505050119 Notifcaten of 950511 meetag w/utils m Rockvse.MD to mtorm NRC of d" T., NOONAN.T.P. Duquesne Light Co. 95/04/30. 9pp 83875'083-plans to develop electromeevmg & ensure that all technmal Corcems are addressed 83875 ' Quahicaten. 9DEM EK.S 95/05/02.HEBDON.FJ.

                       .                      4pp. 8382214843622-151.

V. Operator Examinatens 9505090176 Forwards amend 68 to bcensa NPF-73 & safety evaluaton. Amend renses TS 4 6 3.3.d to delete ret to specific test acceptance cnterm for Contamment Recrcu. 9505090058 informs that Regen I wel no longer partmipate m certitcate presentatens laton Spray Pumps. to bconsed operators & SROs. Instead.NRC will send cartricates dvectly to facsimes. BRINKMAN.D.S. Protect Duectorate 12 (PD12) Post 941001). 95/05/03. CROSS).E. WIGGINSJ T Regon 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/01. CROSSJ.E. Duquesne Lsght Co. , Duauesne Light Co. 3pp 83853.30543853.316. 2pp. 83816.224-83816 225.

-9505090178 Amend 68 to bconse NPF 73.revien0TS to delete ret to specifc test acceptance cntena for Contamment Recirculaten Spray Pumps.                                                                                                                    l STOLZ) F. Protect Dractorate 6-2 (PD1-2) Post 941001). 95/05/03. App. 83853.30s.          DOCKET 50-413 CATAW8A NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 1                                            1 83853.311.
-9505090181Sately evalusten supporbng amend 60 to hcense NPF43.                               F. Security, medical, emergency & fire protecten plans
  • Ortce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001). 95/05/03. 5pp. 83853.312-83653 316 9505020171 Forwards final rept dtd 950309frorn FEMA re findmgs or samt exercme of 9505190357 Forwards amends 187 & 69 to hcenses DPR46 & NPF-73. respettively & ottsste rasologcal ER plan for plant on 943301.Although no defcsencies SE. Amends revise TSs 349.3 & 3.4.11 to incorporate changes to power operated 'dentrfed.eeght areas recurmg C/A found W/o encl.

rehef vasve TS m accordance w/gmdance in GL 90 06 re Gis 70 & 94 CLINE W E. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/21. REHN.D.L Duke Power Co 4pp. BRINKMAN.D.S. Protect Drectorate 4 2 (PD1-2) Post 941001). 95/05/15. CROSS).E. 83691:0304309 tc33. Duquesne Light Co. 3pp 84002:038-84002-103. 9505240444 Requests approval of chan0es to mm emergency staffmg levels for DPC

-9505190370 Amenos 167 & 69 to bcenses OPR46 & NPF-73 respectively. revemg                       nuclear ute emergency pans unoer Cost Benefemal Lcens Actons (CBLA)

TSs 3 4 9.3 & 3.411 to mcorporate changes to PORV TS iAW guidance of GL 90 06 process Supportmg pastrfcanon of proposed changes & mto re CB enci.

     "Resoluton of GI 70. "PORv & Block ./ & Gi 94. 'Addl LTOP for LWRs."                        TUCKMAN.M S. Duke Power Co. 95/05/08. Document Control Branch (Document STOLZJ.F. Profect Directorate B-2 (PD12) Post 941001). 95/05/15. 60pp. 64002-041-           Control Desk).16pp. 64073 05444073:069.


 -9505190375 Saloty evaluaton supporting amends 187 & 69 to toenses DPR46 &                   K. Ubuty Fnnal Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) & amends NPF-73.respectrveey.
  • Offce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001). 95/05/15. 3pp 64002:101-64002.103. 9505310582 Forwards correctons to Catawba Nuclear Staten 1994 FSAR update saued 950329 oue do CAlP reproduction error in 950329 saue.

9505300441 Witnoraws parbons of 940831 proposed amenos to audits of LOWERYJ L Duke Power Co. 95/05/17. NRC . No Detassed Affilaton Grven. Ppp. BVPS fre protecton program & changes to CA program to mtroduce 25 percent 64144:001 44144 136 l grace pered for audst treguences. ' THOMAS.G S. Dwouesne LK ht Co 95/05/18. Document Control Branch (Document -9505310586 Correctons to Catawba Nuclear Staten 1994 FSAR update. Control Desk). 3pp. 64138.3s)a44138.355.

  • Duke Power Co.95/05/16 136pp. 64144-00344144136.

9505090312 Genenc Ltr 9242.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all holders of OLs (except those b-conses possemon-only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac- P. Operahng Mcense stage documents & correspondence ZIMMERMAN,R.P. Assoctste Director for Propects (ADPR) (Post 941001) 95/05/19 Coneohasted Edison Ce of New York. inc.10pp. 84064.35244064 361. 9505030143 Expresses apprecaton for NRC prompt response to request to perform tecnncal audit of utIi,se of fuel rod cra.1e methodology. 9505310062 Advises that plant has completed commitment actuties necessary re reso. TUCKMAN.M S. Duke Power Co 95/04/20. RUSSELLW T. Offce of Nuclear Reactor luten of GL 93 04. " Rod Control Sys Fadure & Withorawal of Rod Control Cluster As- Regulaton (Post 941001).10. 8379t34743791.347. sembhes.10CFR50.54(fl." THOMAS.G.S. Duquesne L Co. 95/05/19. Document Control Branch pocument 9505040108Appbcaten for amends to bcenses NPF 35 & NPF-52. mcreasing allowabio Control Desk). 10.64145.27 145.273. ennenment hmet for fuel stored m spent fuel pools. 9505240435 Forwards Envvan Assessment & FONSI re iconsee apptcahon for 950208 I 26. Document ConW Brad @ocummt

                                                                                                          ,", A    jjgpp exempton from requrements of 10CFR73 55(d)(5L 91       05
                                                                                              -9505040114 Proposed tech specs.rcreaseng allowabe ervchment hmet for fuel stored Leg in spent fuel pools.
  -9505240436 Environ assessment & hndmg of no signrfcant vnpact re hcensee apphca.
  • Duke Power Co.95/04/26 38pp. 83806 30743806.344.

ten for 95C208 exempton from recurements of 10CFR73 55(dl(5) STOLZ.J.F. Protect Dweetorate 1-2 (PD12) Post 941001). 95/05/22. 7pp 84059194 9504210293Genenc Ltr 95 04 to all holoers of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors 84059 200. re fmal esposton of SEP lessors-leamed asues. TMMERMAN R.P. Assocate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28 Consohoated Eeson Co. of fvew York, me.14pp. 83757.02443757 037. Q. Inspecten reports, IE Bunetms & correspondence 9505090226Fo wards RAI re topcal rept DPC.NE-3004-P. " Mass & Energy Release & 9504190049 NRO Into Notce 95-024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator RequakIcaten Contamment Response Methodolo0y " Response should be submstted withm 30 days mso Program Fmdmgs" of ltr date GRIMES B K . 95/04/25 Consobdated Eeson Co of New York. Inc. 12pp, MARTIN.R E. 95/05/03 TUCKMAN,M S Duke Power Co 7pp 83853.336-B3757 00143757:012. 63853 344.

124 DOCKETEDITEMS 9505150023 Forwards 6stm0 & proyected scheduie for completon & subtruttad of new 9504210127 Genorc L9 95 03 to all holders of OLS or cps for PWRs re crcumferential toaca srepts reQunng NRC approval crar.oung of SG tubes. TUCKMAN.M.S. Duke Power Co 95/05/04. Document Control Branch (Cocument ZIMMERMAN.R P. Assocate Dweetor for Prolects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. Control Desk). 3pp 63899.04443899.046. Consohdated Edson Co. of New Yorn. Inc. tipp.83757:01343757.023. 9505190345 Confirms 950504telcon between DL Rehn & RV Cnenpak re mgt meetnD 9505150057 Forwards response to NRC 950330Itr re wolatens nceed m map repts 50-scheduled for 950317 at plant saa to ckscuss current piant rotated asues. 413/95 07 & 50414/9507. Corrective actions: entered AP/1/A/5500/19, loss of RHR CRLENJAK.R V. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/05.REHN.D.L Duke Power Co 4pp. syn to restore core 83955:048-83955.051. REHN.D.L Duke Power . 95/04/28. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 9pp. 83943.285-63943.293 9505240362 Opers bsted comments on proposed rev to 100FR50 App J. Contamment Leakage Testmg." pubhshed m950221 FR & endorses comments sutmutted by NEl 9505180046 Forwards insp repts 50 413/95-10 & 60 414/9510 on 9503050408 4 on sutw nonce of molaten. Venation of NRC concem because of importance that poseve cor> TUCKMAN.M.S. Duke Power Co. 95/05/06 Document Control Branch (Document trol of reactuty be mamtamed at all times. Control Desa) app.64068 356 44068.380. CRLEf0AK.R V Regen 2 (Post 520201). 95/05/05. REHN.D.L Duke Power Co. 4pp. 83952:088 43952.111. 9505190147 Requests that 950315 approval Itr trom SC Dept of Health & Enveon Control.approvmg use of bated treatment enemmaHL be modifed & ressued lor kated -9505180052 Notce of violaton from map on 9503054408 Votation noted.on reasons 950323.ounng performance of Control Rod Worth Measurements. requirements of prt> CARTER LS Duke Power Co. 95/05/10. ELEAZER.T.M. South Carcima. State of. cedure PT/0/ A/4150/110.had not been propeny implemented. 6pp. 64010.27444010.279.

  • Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/05 1p. 63952:09243952.092.

9505230147 Forwards rehof requests 9503 re leaks m nuchar SWS pend. *9505190054 insp repts 50-413/9510 & 50-414/9510 on 9503054408. Vesatons REHN.D L Duke Power Co. 95/05/11. Document Contru Branch (Document Control noted Maior areas espected plant operatens mamLanma pla W support Desk). 66pp. 64068:07644068:141. FREUDENBERGER. CRLENJAK.R V. Regen 2 (Post 8zugv1). 95/05/05. 19pp. 83952:093 43952:111. -9505230259Caireten CNC120600424007, ~90 05 Cal on RN Stamiess Steel Bett Weids? 9505050171 NRC kifo Notco 95425. " Valve Fadure Dunng Patient Treatment w/

  • Duke Power Co. CNC120600 024007. 95 r05/02.18pp. 64068:08144068:098. Gamma Siereotactic Radoeurgery Urut" COOLDA Desen of industnal & Medical Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11.

-9505230270 Calculaten CNC1206.00 02 4008,*90 05 Car RN Stamiess Steel Socket Coreohdated Edmon Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp 64007:1C244007.190. Weids " WILLISAF. Duke Power Co. CNC 1206.00 024008. 95/05/02. 26pp. 64068:099- 9505240206 Ack receet of 950428 Itr nfomung NRC of steps taken to correct volatons 64068.124, noted m map repts50 413/9547 & $0-414/9547. CRLENJAK.R.V ReQon 2 (Post 620201). 95/05/11.RENN.D.L Duke Power Co. 3pp. -9505230287 " Catawba-RN Sys Corrosen m Sta niess Steel Weids Metallurgmal Analy- 64023:116 44023 118 se Rept" ANDERSON.S., FRYE.C.R, Duke Power Co. 1812. 95/04/24. 17pp. 64068125 9505240290 Ack recoct of 950427 Itr mtorrvung NRC of steps taken to correct violatona 64068.141. noted m map repts 50 413/9545 & $0 414/v5 05. BARR.K.P. R 2 (Post $20201). 95/05/11. REHN.D.L Duke Power Co. 3pp. 950s.annw Forwards proonetary & nonpropnetary versons of responses to NRC ques. 64023.119- 3:121. i tons to Topcal Rept DPC-NE-3004-P. " Mass & Energy Release & Corfamment Re. I sponse Metnodology." Propnetary responses withheid per 10CFR2.790. TUCKMAN.M.S. Duke Power Co. 95/05/12. Document Control Branch (Document R. Portodic operatmg reports & related cm.._W..~. Conwol Desh) 19pp 64162:22344162.241. 9505250059 Forwards groundwater morntonng data for CNS conventonal westewater D Duk P Co 12 3 3pp 31 3 343 16355. treatment ponds.5amples cokected on 93UJ13.m accordance w/ protocol authned m

                                                                                                    "' Yg,"oN'ir.     ' Stan n nia 1 & 2 Annual WW Enumn Operab Duke Power Co. 95/05/16. APONTE.H South Carchna. State of. 6pp.                    gg4 6406330944063.31t                                                                     @HN.D.L Duke Power Co.94/12/31.124pp. 83767:13343767-256.

9505310593 Forwards Raouest for Relief 9541.Rehof reauest necessary because 9505020334

  • Annual Radcactve Emuent Release Rept Catawba Nuclear Statort" W/

dunng CNS Urut 1 EOC 8 refuehng outage.composto coverage of weed 1RHRS-W3 950425 E HN L Duk Power Co. 95/05/16. Document Conpol Branch (Document Control Deskt 42pp. 8414422544144.266. 9505220:52 Forwards monthly operstmg repts for Apr 1995 for Catswoe Nuclear Ste-9505240227 Raouests NRC approval for utd to use recent Rev 3 to CROV computer NER.R.L Duke Power Co. 95/05/15. Document Control Branch (Document Co code tapproved NRC on 9504201- trol Desk) 2pp. 64039.13944039'15t' TUCKMAN.M.S. e Power Co. 95/05/17. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk) 4pp. 64104.07944104-082. -9505220281 Monthly opera repts for Apr 1995 for Catawba Nuclear Statort 9505310435Appication for amends to beenses NPF-35 & NPF.52 re change to TS to deler nemt seneduled contamment ILRT at plant one outage trom EOC seven refuehng -9505220282 Remsed monthly operstmg status rept for Mar 1995 for CNS.

                                                                                        " Duke W k WM. 4. N pm51 TUC MAN M S            e Power Co. 95/05/16. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 90p. 84145.10144145.114.

eccunences,L s & mteted cormspondence

-9505310436 Proposed tech specs re che         to TS to deler next scheduled contam.

nwrit !LRT at piant for one outage from E seven to EOC eigttt.

  • Duke Power Co.95/05/16. Sop. 84145.11484145.114 9505230156 lmforms that smco mid4Aarch.txtmucus flow otmerved corrung from Stormwater Outtall 17/18 Util concluded that source of effluent at Stormwater Outtall 9505o00312 Genenc Ltr 9242.Rev 1. Suppl 1 to all holders of OLs (except those L 17/18.leaka from conventenal waste treatment basms.

connes amended to possesen-only status) or cps for nuclear power reactors re reac. COOK.T.E. e Power Co. 95/05/17. FsOSINSON.L South Carohna. State of. 2pp. tar vessel structural Inte71ty. 84063.242 4 4083.243. ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Director for Prosects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19 9505310514 Forwards LER 95001 re TS 3.0J entry due to both trams of CR ventilaten Consohdated Edson Co. of New York, tr'c. topp 64064.352 44064.361. mopersone. 9505300208 Forwards Rev 3 of COLR for pla'il that mcorporates cycle specife mfc REHN.D.L Duke Power Co. 95/05/22 Document Control Branch (Document Control plare Cycle 8 operatert Desk) 1p. 64162.11244162118. HUTCHINSON.C.R. Emergy Operatens. inc. 95/05/22. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp 64105.300-64105:322. -9505310523 LER 9540100:en 950420.TS 3 0.3 waa entered due to both trains of CR ventilaten bemg inoperable Operatons mgt communcated expectanons for human -9505300211 Rev 3 to "GGNS COLR SRy performance emprovement to all operatens work groups. Enterpy Operatons. Inc. GGNS-MS-48.0 R03 95/05/22. 21pp. 64105.302 KIMBALLD P. Duke Power Co D5/05/22. 6pp. 64162.11344162:118. 64105.szz V. Operator Examinatione Q.1  ;--_-- reports, IE Bullettns & 6 9505300020 Conhems arrangements made dunng 950517 admirustraten of 9505020110 Ack receet of 950322 Itr entomung NRC of steps taken to correct volstions stake opera test for mdiwdual at plant. roted m enso repts50-413/94 30 4 50 414/i#4 30 on 950221. PEEBLES.T.A 2 (Post 620201). 95/05/19. REHN.D L Duke Power Co. 6pp. CASTO.CA Regon 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/20. REHN.D.L. Duke Power Co 3pp. 64076 054 64076. 9. 83690:1454 3690 147. 9504190049NRC Info Notco 95024. ' Summary of Ocensed Operator Requahicaten DOCKET 50 414 CATAWSA NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 2 Inso Program Fmaings" GRIMES.B K- . 95/04/25. Consciidated Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 12pp. 83757-001 43757:012. F. Securtty, medcal, emergency & fire protection plans 9505100148 Forweeds response to NRC 950331 Itt re molatons noted m msp repts 54 9505020171 Forwards fmal rept Otd950309from FEU.A re fmdmgs of scent exercise of 413/95 05 & $0 414/95 05 Corrective actons. 594 ft elevaton was emmechately sur. oftsste radedogcal ER pian for piant on 940301.Although no defcences weved by radsation protecton. idermfied.eegnt areas reQumng C/A found W/o enct REHN.D.L Duke Power Co 95/04/27. Documerit Control B-arich (Document Control CLINE.W E. Region 2 (Post 820201) 95/04/21. REHN.D.L Duke Power Co 4pp. Desk). Em83873.346 4 3673.349 83691$3043691.033

l DOCKETEDITEMS 125 I 9505240448 Requests approval of changes to rrun emergency staffmg levels for DPC -9505310436 Proposed tech specs to change to TS to oefer next scheduled Contam-ment lLRT at piant for one cutage from Ew seven to EOC eignt. I nuclear ate emergency plans under Cost Benetcal Ucen Actons (CBLA) process.Supportog lustitcanon of proposed changes & mfc re CB encl.

  • Duke Power Co.95/05/18. 5pp. 84145.11044145:114.

TUCKMAN.M S. Duke Power Co. 95/05/08. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk).16pp. 84073:05444073 069. 9505090312 Genene Ltr 92 02.Rev 1.Seppl 1 to all holders of OLs (except those h-conses amended to posseson ordy status) or cps for nuclear power reactors to reac-ter vessel structural etegnty. K. Utskty Final Safety Anafysas Report (FSAR) & amends ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Drector for Propects (ADoR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19 Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York,Inc.10pp. 84084.35244084.361. 9505310542 Forwards correctons to Catawba Nuctear Staten 1994 F3AR update maued ea0329 oue to CAlP reproducten enor m 950329 issue LOWERY,1L Duke Power Co 95/05/17. NRC No Detailed Affahacon Gwert 2pp. Q. Inspection reports, IE Bulletes & correspondence 84144 001 44144.136. 9505020110 Ack receipt of 950322 la miurmmg NHC d steps taken to Cofrect violations -9505310586 Correctons to Catawba Nuclear Station 1994 FSAR updata. noted m msp repts50-413/94-30 & 50-414/94-30 on 950221.

  • Duke Power Co.95/05/16.136pp. 84144.00344144.136 CASTO.C A. Reyon 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/20. REMN.D.L Duke Power Co. 3pp.

83690145436vu.147. P. Operating bconee stage " _ & correspondence g504190049 NRC Info Notte 95 024. " Summary of Lcensed Operator Requahfcaten i mso Program Fmdmgs " l 9505030143 Expresses appreoabon for NRC prompt response to request to perform GRIMES.B.K. 95/04/25. Consobdated Eeson Co. of New York. inc. 12pp. l tecnncal suet of utd use of fusi rod code metnodology. 83757:001 43757:012. . TUCKMAN.M.S. Duke Power Co.95/04/20. RUSSELLW.T. Offce of Nuclear Reactor Regulabon (Post 941001).1p. 83791.34743791.347. 9505100144 Forwards response to NRC 950331 Itr te volatons noted m msp repts 50-413/9505 & 50 414/9505. Corrective actons: 594 ft elevaten was emmeestery sur-9505040108Appication for amends to hcenses NPF-35 & NPF-52, meroasmg allowatWe veyed by radekon protectort ennchment bmit for fusi stored m spent fuel pools. REHN.D.L Duke Power Co 95/04/27. Document Control Branch (Document Control TUCKMAN.M.S. Duke Power Co 95/04/26. Document Control Branch (Document Desk). 4pp 83873.34643873.349. Control Desk).19pp. 83806.28843806.344. 9504210127 Genere Ltr 95 03 to all holders of OLa or cps for PWRs to crcumferent al -9505040114 Proposed tech specsancreasmg allowable ennchment hmrt for fuel stored cracking of SG tubes. m spent fuel poots ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Drector for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28.

  • Duke Power Co.95/04/26. 38pp. 83806.30743806:344. Consohdated Eeson Co of New York,Inc.11pp. 83757:01343757:023.

9504210293Genenc Ltr 9504 to all hedders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors 9505150057 Forwards response to NRC 950330 Itr re volations noted m esp repts 50 re fmal espositen of SEP lessons ieamed asues. 413/95-07 & SO414/9507.Correctwo actons: enteved AP/1/A/5500/19. loss of RHR ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Director for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. sys to restore core coolmg Consolidated Esson Co. of New York. inc.14pp. 83757.02443757:037- HEMN.D.L Duke Power L;o. 95/04/28. Document Control Branch (Document Control 9505150023 Forwarcs hstmg & protected schedule for complebon & sutmttal of new topcai repts requiririg NRC approvat 9505140046 Forwards msp repts 50 413/9510 & 50-414/9510 on 9503050408 & TUCKMAN.M.S Duke Power Cc 95/05/04 Dorument Control Dramh (Document nonce of volabon.Velaten of NRC concem because of importance that positive con. Control Desk) 3pp. 83899 04443899 046- trol of reactuty be mamtamed at all emes CRLENJAK.R v Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/05.REHN.D.L Duke Power Co. App. 9505180345Confrms 950504telcon between DL Rehn & RV Crieniak re mgt meetng 83952.08843952 111. eeneduled for 950317 at plant arte to descuss current plant related usues. CRLENJAK,R V Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/05.REHN.D.L Duke Power Co. 4pp- -9505180054 insp repts 50-413/9510 & $0-414/9510 on 9503054408. Volatens 83955 04843955 051. noted Maior areas mapected: plant operatons. mamt.engi & piant support. 9505240382 Otters hated comments on proposed rev to 10CFR50 App J. "Contamment h952 83 2 i1 Leakage Teshng." pubhshed m950221 FR & endorses comments sutmtted by NEl 50 UCK AN.M.S. Duke Power Co. 95/05/08. Document Control Branch (Document r ter R t/ Control Desk) App.84068.358 44068.360 COOL.D.A. Dmson of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 95/05/11. 8505190147 Requests that 950315 approval ltr from SC Dept of Health & Enveon Consohdated Eeson % of New Mk. M W 84MDB2-84M71% Control.approvmg use of ksted treatment chemmals. be modrtied & resssued for kated 9505240288 Ack recact of 950428 Itr mtormmg NRC of steps taken to conect votauons

   $R         .J.S Duke Power Co. 95/05/10. ELEAZER,T.M South Carchna. State of.

6pp. 84010 27444010.279 [M7R 84023:116 44023:118 ( 8 820 . /5 1. REHN.D.L Duke Power Co. 3pp 9505230147 Forwards rebet roovests 95-03 re leaks in nuclear SWS 9505240290 Ack rocect of 950427 ter NRC of steps taken to correct violabons REHN.D.L Duke Power Co. 95/05/11. Document Control Branch ( nt Control noted m msp repts50 413/9545 & 50-414/ 505 Desk). 66pp' 84068 07844068:141' BARR.K.P. Region 2 (Post 820201) 95/05/11. REHN.D.L Duke Power Co. 3pp.

-95052302u Calculation CNC120600-02 4007, "90 05 Cal on RN Stamiess Steel Butt                84M1484023121.


  • Duke Poe er Co. CNC120600-02 0007 95/05/02 18pp. 64068.08144066.098.

R. Periodic operating reports a related correspondence

-95052302M Calculaten CNC1206.00 02 4008 "90 05 Cal RN stamiess Steel Socket 9505010162 Annual enveon operatmg rept for CY94 W/950405 Itr Weids WILLIS.",l F Ouke Power Co. CNC 1206 00 42 0008. 95/05/02. 2600. 84068 099-                REHN.D.L Duke Power Co 94/12/31. 43pp. 83716.31343718.355.

84068:124 9505020278 " Catawba Nuclear Statcn Uruts 1 & 2 Annual Radological Envwon Operat-

-9505230287 'Catawtn-RN Sys Corrosen m Stamiess Steel Weids Metallurgcal Analy-               eng Rept 1994." W/950424 lir.

ses Rept." REHN.D.L Duke Power Co.94/12/31 124pp 83767:13343767.256. ANDERSON.S. FRYE.C.R. Duke Power Co. 1812. 95/04/24. 17pp. 84068125 84068 141. 9505020334 " Annual Radcacuve Eft:uent Reiease Rept Catawba Nuclear Staten" W/ 950425 ltr. 9505300384 Forwards propnetary & nonproonetary versens of responses to NRC Ques. RHEN.D.L Duke Power Co 94/12/31.128pp. 83763:00143763:128. tons to Topcal Rept DPC-NE-3004-P. " Mass a Energy Release & Contamment Re sponse Metnocology " Propnetary responses withheld per 10CFR2 790. 9505220152 Forwards monthly operatmg repts for Apr 1995 for Catawba Nuclear Sta-TUCKMAN.M S. Duke Power Co. 95/05/12. Document Control Branch (Document son, Control Desk).19pp. 84162.22344162.241- WE'BER.R.L Duke Power Co 95/05/15 Document Coritrol Branch (Document Con-9505250059 Forwards groundwater moratonng data for CNS conventonal wastewater treatment ponds Sampses conected on 95C313.m accoroance w/ protocol outhned m -9505220281 Monthly operatin repts for Apr 1995 for Catawba Nuclear Staten. Co. 95/05/16. APONTE.H. South Carolma, State of. 6pp. m Duke % . nwn % m umm a E uk 84063.309 4 4063 314' -9505220292 Revised monthly operanng status rept for Mar 1995 for CNS Duke Power Co 95/03/31.10. 64039.151 44039 151. 9505310541 Forwards retaef reouest 95421 rom requrements to perform visual exam for one of two RCS pressunrer spray watwes REHN.D L Duke Power Co 95/05/16. Document Control Branch (Document Control S. Reportable occurrences, LERs & related correspondence Desk) 7pp. 8416317644163182 9505260227 Requests NRC approval for util to use recent Rev 3 to CROV computer 9505230156 imtorms that smce mid-March.connnuous flow observed commg from code tapproved ty NRC on 950420) Stormwater Outtali 17/18 Uni conciudad that source of effluent at Stormwater Outfall TUCKMAN.M.S uume Power Co 95/05/17. Document Control Branch (Document 17 /18. leakage from convenoonal waste treatment bases Controt Desk) app 84104 079 44104 082 COOKT.E. DJe Pew Co 95MI17 ROHINSON.L South Carolma. State of. 2pp. 84083.242-84083.243 9505310435Apphcation for amends to bcenses NPF-35 & NPF-52 re change to TS to deter nest scheduled contamment ILRT at plant one outage from EOC seven refueimg $505310109 LER 95002-00 on 950420.delermmed that contamment mtegaty would ret outage to EOC eght be ensured durmg cahbratens mvolvmg contamment pressure sensing TUCKMAN M.S uume Power Co. 95/05/18 Document Contr01 Brance (Document transmmers Caused by procedural madequacy Procedure created W/950522 ltr Control Desk)_9pp 84145.10144145114 KIMBALLD P. REHN.D.L. Duke Power Co. 95/05/22. 9pp. 84162 04144162.050

                                                                                                                                   . - . . - . _ - _ . -- . ~ - . _ _ _ . _ _                                              -

126 DOCKETEDITEMS 9006310323 LER 95404 00 on 950427. component m *A" RTB am faded to change 9006000312 Genenc Ltr 92 02.Rev 1.Suppt 1 to all holders of Ots (except those 6 state dunng survedlance testmg.Cause due to secured procedures not ben 0 conses amenced to -; . .-;.W status) or cps for nucisar power reactors to reac. used.Mana0ement counselmg provided to inchwubal sweeved W/950524 lir. tor vessel structural misgnry. i KIMBALL.D.P., REHN.D.L. Duke Power Co.95/05/24. 7pp. 84162:00844162:094. ZlMMERMAN R P. Assocate Director for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/05/19. j Consohdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. 64064.35244084.361 , V. Operator E i 9005300020 Confrms ts made dunng 950517 admmistraten of misse operann0 'ast for at plant 960$020010 Forwards map rept 50 416/9504 on 950305 0408 4 notice of violaten. PEEBLES.TA. R 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/19. REHN.D.L. Duke Power Co. 6pp. 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/24. HUTCHIN3ON.CA Entergy 84076:05444076. 9' Operatens. Inc epp. H R . 9 022 43689 044 CHRISTENSEN DOCKET 50 416 ORAND OULF NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 1 . Notee of violaten from insp on 9503050408Violabon noted. corrective

                                                                                                                  -actens fosowng reactor scram on 941101 inadequate e that ment practices not cor.

rected & did not prevent osmear reactor scram on 950316. F. Securtty, moecel, emergency & fire protecton piens

  • Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/24.1p. 83689:02643689 026.

9600030166 Concludes that rev 27 to hcenese plan acceptable 8 meets Insp rept 50 416/95 04 on 950302040s.Voistens noted.Mapor areas planning stds of 10CFR50.4?(b) & vogurements of App to 10CFR50. mapected:mamt & surveinance oboenratens.onene CUNE.W.E. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/21. HUTCHINSON.C.R. Entergy Oper, protectenmiew of hcensee owns rests & piant r .4 atens. Inc. 5pp. 83690:35643690 360. TEOROW.J., HUGHEY.C CHRISTENSEN.H. Regen 2 (Post $20201). 95/04/24. 18pp. 83889.02743889-044. 9600030010 Forwards map rept 50 416/95 04 on 9503054408 & noece of velabon. CHRISTENSEN,H. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/24. HUTCHINSON.CA Eniergy 9504190040 NRC Into Notce 95 024.

  • Summary of Licensed Operatos Requahhcaten Operatens. Inc. 4pp. 83689 02243089:044. anep Finthngs.*

GRIME B K. . 95/04/25. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Mc.12pp. Notco of vicianon from ineo on 9503054408Velaten ..,, 83757:001 4 3757:012. actons tasowing reactor scram on 941101. medetaasta m that ment practeos not cor. rected & ed not prevent simder reactor scram on 950316 9004210127 Genenc Lir 9543 to all holders of OLs or cps for PWRs re crcumferental

  • Re0cn 2 (Post 820201). 95/04/24.19. 83889:02643689:026. of SG tubes.

ZlMM AN.R.P. Assocante Drector for Propects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. 4000030022 Insp rept 50 416/95 04 on 950305 0408.Voistons noted Masar areas Consondated Eeoon Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. 83757-01343757:023. inspecteemeent & survedence observatons,onene engneenng.aecunty.tre CHR STE S N Regen (Post 820201). 95/04/24. # *

  • U"""U # *#

J 18cp 83n8W7.Am9044 HE p 9,,k.* COCt.D.A. Dwiscrt of inAasrvel & Morbcal Nucient Safew (Post 570729). 95/05/11.

      **aa-a* Forwards plant secunty sateguards event                                                             Consolidated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 64007M4007191 l                                                                         for frst Guarter of 1995.

g3g 9005300106 Fonsards snap rept 50 416/9543 on 950417 21.Velatens noted but not cned i 9006100307 Irdorms of completon of review of rov 27.001 95 to piant emergency BARR,K.P. Regon 2 (Post $20201). 95/05/18. HUTCHiNSON.CA Ernergy Oper. plan. Proposed changes soustectory to meet plannmg stos of 10CFR50.47(b) & regun. abons. Inc. 4pp. 6407000144078.017. ments of App E to 10CFR50. BARR.K.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201L 95/05/03. HUTCHINSON.CA Entergy Oper. -9808300198 inse rept 50 416/9543 on 950417 21.Velabons noted but ret ened.Malor anons. Inc. 4pp. 83955:00043955.083. areas - _ . 9 ._ _ of health physses 2 - J of program exammed were audits & appr - ., & preparaten. 9505150177 Forwards Rev 27 to phyescal socimty plan. Encl withheld per 10CFR7321. FORBES.O.B RANKIN, b.'B. Repon 2 (Post 620201). 95/05/15.13pp. 84076205 HUTCHINSON,C.R. Entergy Operatens. inc. 95/05/05. Document Control Branch 64078$17. (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 83977.30443977205. 990531000s Fonnerds map rept 50 416/95 06 on 95050105.No velabons noted. 9506100576 Forwards Rev 6 to trammg & quahhcaten plan.Enct withheid po' CASTO.C.A. R 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/23. HUTCHINSON.CA Entergy Oper.

                            ' A Entergy Operatens. Inc. 95/05/05. Document Control Branch C

(Document Control Desk). 2pp. 84015.34844015.349. -9005310005 Insp rest 50 416/9506 on 95050145.No v clatons noted. Mapor areas 9605300186 Forwards map rept 50 416/9543 on 950417 21Nelatens noted but tot W Regen (Post 820201). 95/05/22.10pp. 84096.005 SO .J BARR,K.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 95/05/18 HUTCHINSON.CA Entergy Oper- 8'0*1* atens. Inc. 4pp. 84078:00144076:017. 9005310171 Responds to NRC 950424 ltr te votabons noted in map rept 50 416/95 0006300106 Inso rept 50w416/9503 on 950417 21Velabone noted but not cated.Masur 04.Correctve actonsteguency of checks for grounds mcreased from bemg per. areas -: _z.. of health physics n - _ J of program exammed formed weekly to bemg performed every shdt & cauten labees metailed. were austs & appr- HUTCHINSON.C.R. E Operatons. Inc. 95 $/24. Document Control Branch FORBES.D.B.. RANKIN.D.B. Ileg&820201).

                                        - ' - en 2 (Post    preparaton.95/05/15.13pp. 64078:005                    (Document ContrW Desk).                        . 64163 244 44183.248.

84078 917. J. Insurance & indemnity . 950E030142 " Grand Gulf Nuclear Staten 1994 Annual Radelogeal Envron Operatang 9000030023 Prowdes NRC w/two copies of isted hebdity endorsement rdo. Rept " W/950425 Itr. HUTCHINSON.C.R. Entergy Operatons. Inc. 95/04/27. Document Control Branch HUTCHINSON.CA Entergy Operanons. Inc.94/12/31.146pp. 83798.23943799 020. (Document Control Desk). 4pp,83832.25643832.259 9805310510 Suturuts certhcate of mourance for nuclear propr.fy insurance issued by

                                                                                                                                    $g'94'")/9504                      Nuclear Staten Annual Radcoctive Etnuent Release a

H N /27. Document Contml Branch UT IN am . inc. 95/05/25. Document Control Branch C near O pp (Document Control Desk). 7pp. 64143.35144143:357.

                                                                                                                -9500030196 " Grand Gulf Nuclear Stabon Annual Radcactive Etnuent Release Rept
        . Operaung hoones stage m & consapendence
                                                                                                                   ? Enter                 tons. Inc. 94/12/31.100pp. 83801:14543801241.

9905000306 Forwards safety evaluaten grantng utA exempton from certain recure. 9005240350 Monthly opera rept for Apr 1995 for GGNS Unit 1. W/950512 nr nts of 1 mo.s nor co,0CFR50. onenis onApp as ofJ to.permet po o,mance ,s,aaecuan E,e np on of aco,nta.rnrnen.t ena leakage rate testog meer. Entergy Operatens. Inc. 95/04/30. $pp. 64072.358


4 ,HUTCHINSON. O'CONNOR.P.W. 95/04/26. HUTCHINSON,CA Entergy Operatons, Inc. 5p0 ' 03022207 43822236.

                   -     Exemp6an granted from recurements of 10CFR50. App J. Ssetens                           S. Reportable --_ .                         . LERe & reisted coneapondence ill.D.t(a).lll.D.2.lli.DJ.(b)(d.Ill.D.2.(bKvi) & lil pernst seiocton c4 contamment leakage rate testng meervals for components on bases of performance.                                   9906250277 LER 9500500on 950419. unplanned ESF actuabon occtared due to reb.

ADENSAM.E.G, . 95/04/26.Entergy Operatons. Inc. 8pp. 83822:21143822.219- ence on inadeouata vnpact statemort. Breaker recioned & affected sys restored to pre. event status W/950518 Itr

      -9000000313 Safety evaluston gran                       utd exempton from roourements of                     HOUFIELD.C, HUTCHINSON.CA Entergy Operssons, Inc 95/05/18. 5pp.

10CFR50. App J.Sectons Ill.D.1(a).llt.D.2 II.DJ.(b)(i). lit.DJ.(bHu0 & pennst $4082:03244082t36. seiecten of contamment lea rate testng mtervais for components

  • Offee of Nuclear Reactor ten (Post 941001). 95/04/26.17pp. 83822.220 83822236 DOCKET 50 417 QRAND OULF NUCLEAR STAT 10st. Uleff 2 9604210293 Genene Lir 95 04 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors ZIMMERMAN te F. M, W emergency & M protecton plans
                                . s                                 (ADPR) (Post 941001) 95/04/28 Consondated Edison Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. e3757.92443757:037.

9905020146 Concludes that row 27 to bconsee emergency plan acceptable & meets 9506100181 Summary of950504meetmg w/util re proposed plan to cipsoment graded paurung stos of 10CFR$0.47(b) & recurements of App E to 10CFR50. OA pian at uts piants.Let of attenoses e hcensee handouts enct. CUNE.W.E. Regen 2 (Post 8202011. 95/04/21. HUTCHINSON.CA Entergy Oper-O'CONNOR.P.W. .95/05/08. 08pp. 83974.23743974 324. ations, Inc. 5pp. 83690:35643690:360.

l DOCKETEDITEMS 127 1 ! 9505140387 Informs of comp 6eten of revow of rov 27.001 95 to plant emergency 9505040424 Forwards response to NRC950214 ltr identrhmg asues to NNECO re ac. pian Proposed changes satisfactory to meet piannmg stds et 10CFR50 47(b) & requir. tuties at plant. Plant Info Rept 94-527 also encI monts of App E to 10CFR50. OPEKA.J.F. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. OPEKAJ.F. Northeast utsktes Servce Co. BARR,K.P, Region 2 (Post 820201t 95/05/03. HUTCHINSON.C.R. Entergy Oper- 95/04/25. MARTIN.T.T. Regson 1 (Post 820201).16pp. 83803.29143803.310. abons, Inc. 4pp. 83955:080 83955:083 i -9505040425 '"LPCl/CS Pump Motors Potental of inadequate Bend Radius on Ray- ! cherr: Spices' Operatulity Evaluaton." DOCKET 60 423 WILLSTONE NUCLEAR POWER STAT 60N, UNIT 3

  • Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. PIR 94-527. 94/12/15. 4pp. 83803.30743803 310.

9505010245 Forwards amend 109 to Icense NPF 49 & safety evaluabon. Amend E Seewey emen af, emerg-cy a fee p'etection pin changes Mdistone 3 T5 tabee 4.31 tey adds note for certam functional ursts wnch i would allow entry mie mode 2 or 1 before arming cahbr for power range detectors. ! 9505030280 Forwards mso repts 50-245/9547.50-336/9507 8 50 423/95 07 on ROONEY.V.L. Pro,ect Directorate I 3 (PD13) (Post 941001). 95/04/26. OPEKA.J.F. 950208 0321 Violations noted. Connects.ut Yankee Atomc Power Co. 3pp 83691:222 83691.232. DURRJ.P. Region 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/26 OPEKA.J F. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. 40p. 8372218043722.235- -9505010250 Amend 109 to hcense NPF 49.changmg TS table 4.31 by adding note for , certam funcbonal ursts w*uch would allow entry into mode 2 or 1 before performmg , l

 -9505030267 Notco of velabon from insp on950208-0321.Volaten noted:fadure to Im-            cakbr for power range detectors                                                           l I    piement controls to mamtam CR hatNtabdity. failure to adequately leak test 5 contain-    MCKEE.P.F. Prorect Directorate L3 (PD13) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. 5pp.

ment molaten valves & tadure to adequatety implement OA SR 83691.225-83691.229.

  • Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/26. 5pp. 83722.18443722:188. ,
                                                                                          -9505010254 Safety evaluaten supporung amend 109 to hcense NPF 49.

f -9505030271 Insp repts 50w245/9507.50-336/95-07 8 53423/95 07 on 950208-

  • Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001L 95/04/26. 3pp. 83691.230-0321volabons noted Masor areas mspected: plant operatens.radiologca! 83691.232.

controls.maet. surveillance. outage actutes.secunty & heensee self-assessment < NICHOLSON.L.E. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/17. 47pp. 83722:18943722.235. I 950MW Rem M SG Schemate Flp Dgm W mM M m O' 9505100030 Forwards msp repts 50-245/95-13.50 336/9513 & 50423/9513 on ,("h mner a us of 950328-31.No violations or safety concerns noted OPEKAJ F. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. OPEKA).F. Northeast Utdstes Servce Co. JOYNER.J H Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/28. OPEKA)F. Northeast Nuclear 95/04/26. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pk 83837.270-Energy Co. 3pp. 83828:04543828.054. 83837.293. l

 -9505100052 Partially withheid anso repts 50-245/95-13.55336/9513 & 50 423/9513                                                                                                       l cn 950328-31 (ret 10CFR73.21).No votatens or safety concems noted.Mapor areas         -9505050110 Requests that "SG Schemate Flow Diagram, be withheld per                         j ALS        RJ          1 (Pos        1 9 04 8 pp 8 28               i8                              O        Westn0 house Electnc Corp. 95/04/20 RUSSEMT. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 21pp. 83837:273 43837.293.

9505240211 Provides NRC w/ revised schedule for implementation of revised EAL tables at Haddam Neck & Mdistone plants. 9505230094 Comment re proposed GL concorrvng pressure lockmg & thermal tundng OPEKA.J.F. Connectcut Yankee Atomic Power Co 95/05/12. Document Contro! of safety related power operated gate valves. Vaives wnose sarety functon to close a Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 84083.331-84083.332. remam closed or valves that remaire open should be auctuoed from proposed GL. OPEKA.J.F. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co.95/04/26 Dmsson of Freedom of informa-9505240058 Forwards enso repts 50-245/95-12.50 336/9512 & $0 423/9512 on bon & Publicatons Servces (Post 940714). 7pp. 84001.34244001:348. 9503224425 Nonened volabons identshed. DURRJ.P. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/15 OPEKAJf. Northeast Nuclear Energy 9504210293 Genenc Lir 9504 to all holders of OLs or cps for nuclear power reactors Co. 3pp. 84021$1944021-044 re fmal dispossten of SEP lessons-leamed asues. ZtMMERMAN.R.P. Associate Director for Protects (ADPR) (Post 941001). 95/04/28.

 -9505240064 Insp repts 50-245/9512.50436/9512 & 50423/9512 on 950322                        Conschdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 83757 02443757:037.

0425 Noncited veestens sdentified Maior areas mspected' plant operatens.radelogeal controls.mamt, survedlance.secunty & outage actutes $505040014 Forwards EA & FONSI re appicaton for exempbon dtd 940928 whch NICHOLSONLE. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/05/09. 22pp 8402102244021:044. would provide partial exempton & schedular exempton from requirements of Section ill D.1.qal of 10CFR50. App J, 9505300446 Revised EPIPs.mcludi Rev 1 to EPIP 4405.Rev 1 to Emergency Plan Ot> ROONEY.V L. Protect Directorate 4-3 (PD13) (Post 941001). 95/04/28. OPEKAJ F. eranng procedure (EPOP) E 4411.Rev 0 to EPOP 4411 A.Rev 0 to EPOP Connecteut Yankee Atome Power Co. OPEKAJ.F. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. 44118.Rev 2 to EPOP4412.Rev 1 to EPOP 4417.Rev 3 to EPOP 4419 & Rev 1 to 3pp. 83751:341 4 3/51.347. EPOP 4422 MCCANCE.T RODGERS.R C.. DEVEAU.M.J. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co 95/05/ -9505040053 Environ assessment & findmg of no segnifcant enpact re potenbal envp

22. 767pp. 84139:00144141-039 ronmental asues to imensee apphcaten suppimemed on950224.

MCKEE.P F. Pro,ect Directorate b3 (PD13) (Post 941001). 95/04/28 4pp. 83751.344 43751.347. G. Adjudicatory correspondence 9505050166 Appicaten for amend to license NPF 49.revisng acten statement of LCO 9505190173 Provides status of Director Decaen te petiton per 10CFR2.206 of 3.7.5 to perrfwt piant Urwi 3 to remam m Modes 14 w/ average water temp of UMS 940303. Advises that Director Decison should be asued shortly.provided no unexpect- greater than 75 degrees F for 12 h. ed events exst. OPEKA.J.F. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co OPEKAJ F. Northeast Utihtes Sennce Co. j viSSING.G.S Pro,ect Directorate i-4 (PD14) (Post 941001). 95/05/09 95/04/28. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 9pp 83863.325-i GAVENSKY.R. Affikaton Not Assgned. 2pp. 83984:19543954196. 83863.353 I j 9505190188Provides update on five of 10CFR2.206 pebtons.dtd941230, 950102.08 & -9505050169 Proposed tech specs.revismg action statement of LCO 3 7.5 to permit 15 NRC Cupently reviewing info prowded er petitens &.as stated m NRC 950223 plant Urvt 3 to remam m Modes 14 w/everage water temp of UMS greater 75 co-l Itr.acten wtH be taken on AJ Ross request withm reasonable time. goes F for 12 h. i l ANDER$ENJ W Protect Directorate 6 3 (PD13) (Post 941001). 95/05/09 ROSS.AJ. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co.95/04/28. 20pp 83863.33443883.353 i ! Aftd.ation Not Assigned. 2pp 8398419743984198. I 9505050175 Appicaten for amend to hcense NPF49.revismg DG fuel od teshng per-I formed on new tuoi pnor to additen of new fuel to storage tank. I H. General correspondence OFEKAJ F. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. OPEKA.J.F. Northeast Ubbtses Serece Co. 95/04/28 Document Control Branch (Document Control Deskt 6pp. 83864 004-9505220105 oposed rewmen to 10CFR50. App J. " Containment 83864.013. Comment Leakage Testmg oppoaang

                       " to adopt perfor p'mance-orented & nsk Dased approaches.

SCACE.S.E. Northeast Utdettes 95/05/08 HOYLE.J C. Oftco of the Secretary of the -9505050178 Proposed tech specs.revning DG fuel od testing performed on new fuel Commason. 3pp. 83985.14743985149. pnot to additson of new fuel to storage tank. I

  • Northeast Nuclear Energy Co.95/04/28. 4pp 83864S1043864.013 L Financialinformation 9505050345 Informs of correcten of certarn mio utsi provided on behalf of plant m re.

sponse to GL 8817. 9505030186 1994 annual fmancial rept to US Secuntes & Exchange Commason for OPEKA.J F. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co OPEKAJ F. Northeast Utrhtes Senrce Co I Northeast Nuclear Energy Co & North Atlante Energy Svc Corp W/950428 Itr 95/04/28 Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 7pp. 83839.306-l GUGLIELMO.F.J. Normeast Utihtees Servce Co. 94/12/31. 102pp. 83801:040 83839.312. 83801:141. 9505040218 Forwards amend 110 to Icense NPf'49 & safety evaluaten. Amend changes acceptance entena for peak transent generator voitage from 4.784 worts to P. Operating loconse stage documents & correspondence 5.000 vetts dunng tuli ioad reiections tests of DG ROONEY.V L. Propect Directorate 4 3 (PD13) (Post 941001). 95/05/01. OPEKA.J F. 9505110213 Supplements rehef reouest (IR.191 made on 941216re performance of vo6 Connecteut Yankee Atoms Power Co OPEKA.J F Northeast Nucaear Energy Co. umetne exam of anner radius of SG maen steam nomes at Mii' stone Urut 3 3pp. 83777:175-83777-186. OPEKA.J F Northeast Nuclear Energy Co OPEKA.J.F. Northeast Utahtes Servce Co. 95/03/29 Document Control Branch (Document Control Desh). 3pp. 84000 307 -9505040219 Amend 110 to beense NPF49.changmg acceptance entena for peak trar* 84000.324. sient generator voltage dunng full load repection tests of DG. MCKEE.P F Proiect Directorate 1-4 (PD14) (Post 941001) 95/05/01. 5pp 9505023207 Submits rev to TSs te reactor coolam sys flow rate per NRC staff ques. 83777.17843777 182. tions OPEKA.J F Northeast Nuc6 ear Energy Co OPEKA.J F. Northeast Ubbties Servce Co -9505040222 Safety evaluation supportmg amend 110 to hcense NPF.49 95/04r25 Document Comrol Branch (Document Control Desk). 4pp. 83757.329-

  • Ott ee of Nuclear Reactor RegJaten (Post 94100th 95/05/01. 4pp 83777.183-83757:332 83777:186.

128 DOCKETEDITEMS 9600060182 Appkcaten for amend to hcelse NPF-49.remsmg 24 month fuel cycle. 9506200317 Apphcaten for amend to hcense NPF 49. LCO by mdcatmg in DEBARBA.E.A Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. DEBARBA.EA Northeast utstes Serv- Secton 3 7 4.3. "Demmerahred Water Storage Tank" that voi of 334.000 gallons ce Co. 95/05/01. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 4pp. consists of usable & unusable voi m tank OPEKAAF. Northeast Nuclear Co. OPEKA.J F. Northeast Utilites Servce Co. 03825-182 43825 255. 95/05/19. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). Opp. 84104 09 5 -8605060145 Proposed tech specs.rewsmo 24. month fust cycle 84104-111.

  • Northeast Nuclear Energy Co.95/05/01. 71pp. 83625.196-83625.255.

P**^*** Proposed tech specs.clarifymg LCO by indesteg m Secton "De-9805050100 Arphcation for amend to beense NPF49. requesting exempbon from re. mmerabzed Water Storage Tank" that total voi of334.000 gallons consists of usable curements of m.D.2 & IILD.3 of App J to 10CFR50 to permit piant to perform Type B & unusanae ved m tart

      & C tests & typass leakage tests beyond 24 months
  • Northeast Nucisar Energy Co.05/05/19. 8pp. 84104:104 4 4104.111.

DEBANSA.G.A. Nortneest Nuvear Enstgy CA DEGARBA.EA No"theast Unbhes E=v- . ce Co 95/05/01. Document Control Branch (Document Control Deskt dop. 3905260226 korweros Amend 114 to Leon 6e NPF43 & safety evaluation. Amead re. mass TS to reduce mm RCS flow rate by 4%. 83815.288 83815.336. ROONEY V.L Prosect Drectorate k3 (PD1-3) (Post 941001). 95/05/23. OPEKA.J F. Connecteut Yankee Atoms Power Co. OPEKA.J.F. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. =0000000192 Proposed toch specs.requestmg exemphon from regurements from ill.D.2

   & IILD.3 of App J to 10CFR$0 to pomut plant to perform Type B & C tests & bypass             3pp. 84062.283 84082:297.

leakage tests beyond 24 months.

  • Northeast Nucsear Energy Co.95/05/01. 45pp. 83815.29243815.336. -9606250231 Amend 114 to Ucense TS changes to reduce men RCS flow rate by 4%.

9900000303 Forwaros corrected TS page B 3/4 9-8 maued w/ amend 107. incorporatmg MCKEE.P.F. Propect Drectorate 43 (PD13) (Post 941001) 95/05/23 8pp. s made by amend 105. 64082 286 44082.293. R EY.VL Propect Drectorate k4 (PD1.4) (Post 941001). 95/05/03. OPEKA,J.F. Connecacut Yankee Atoms Power Co. OPEKA.JF. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. -9806250234 Safety evaluaten supportmg Amend tid to Lcense NPF49, 4pp. 83923.33643923.340

  • Oftco of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001) 95/05/23. dop. 84082.294-84082.297 Corrected TS page B 3/4 94 assued w/ amend 107 to hoenee>

corpora changes made by amend 105. ste k4 (PD14) (Post 941001). 95/05/03.1p. 83923.340-83923.340. Q. Inspeemon reports. IE Sunstine & correspondence

  • Protect 9906110266 IrWorms that heensee940928 request for partal esempien & schedular ex- 9504190049NRC Into Notco 95424. " Summary of Leoneed Operator Requahfcaten empton from requrements of Secten m.D.1.(a) of 10CFR50. App J. granted. Inno Program Fmdmgs."

MCKEE.P.F. Progect Drectorate k3 {PD1-3) (Post 941001). 95/05/08. OPEKA.J F. GRIMES S.K. . 95/04/25. Consohdated Edson Co. of New Yorts, Inc.12pp. ) Cormactcut Yankee Atome Power co. OPEKAJF. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. 83757:001 43757;012. i 3pp. 83938.13743938:145. l 9505030300 Forwards map repts 50 245/95 07.50 336/95 07 & 50 423/9507 on j -9506110300 Exempton from recurements of Secten lit.D.1.(a) of 10CFR50. App J- 950208 0321.Velatons noted. < VARGA.SA Dmsen of Reactor Protects 1/11 U PE) Post 941001). 95/05/06. North- DURR.J.P. Rep 1 (Post 820201). 95/04/26.OPEKA.J.F. Northeast Nuclear Energy east Nuclear Energy Co. 6pp. 8393614043938:145. Co. 4pp. 8372c180-83722.235. 9506150006 Forwards amend 111 to bcense NPF49 & SE. Amend revises SR 4 6.1.2.a -9606030267 Notco of no abon from map on 950208 0321.Velaten noted fadure to m> of TSs to ehmmate recurement to perform Type A tests on meerval of 40 +/.10 piemen}}