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Matls Licensing Package for Amend 20 to License SNM-356 for Princeton Univ.Control:126589
Person / Time
Site: 07000391
Issue date: 03/04/1999
From: Mcgrath J
126589, NUDOCS 9908030328
Download: ML20210H305 (8)




[ Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-438), and Title 10, Code

' l of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1, Parts 30,31,32,33,34, 35,36,39,40, and 70, and in reliance on statements ar,d representations  !

her;tofore made by the licensee, a license is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to receive, acquire, possess, and transfer byproduct, I source, and special nuclear material designated below; to use such material for the purpose (s) and at the place (s) designated below; to I deliv r or transfer such material to persons authorized to receive it in accordance with the regulations of the applican' " art (s). This license l shill be deemed to contain the conditions specified in Section 183 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amenc...., and is subject to all l rpplicable rules, regulations, and orders of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission now or hereafter in effect and to any conditions specified

! below.

Licensee in accordance with the letter dated June 22,1998,

1. Princeton University 3. ucense number SNM-356 is amended in


Environmental Health and Safety

- bs R er its entirety to read as foilows:

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s. CJ 2, 262 Alexander Street Q 4. Expiration date Decembcr 31,2005 Princeton, New Jersey 08544k 5. Docket No. 070-00,391 D) Reference No.

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6. Byproduct, source, and/or special 7n Chemicalandkiphysicalformy 8. Maximum amount that licensee may

% 3


nuclear material possess at any one time under this 9f /

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i A. Plutonium 239 A Encap' ulated as Pu-Be s

p [(F(f. neutron sources f/ P b c' 6! / A. 97.6 grams f  !

Wif/p *p '

ph .'f*

a 5 c-B. Plutonium 239 W 'B:q Plateda ' lpha sourcesM B/ b'.016 grams 4 7pq*+p N ug, jO l 9. Authorized use: '(j e ; ? 'i A,/


e v ys l A. and B. For use in educational demoihtrations, laboratory experiments, and instrument calibration.

s g- # qq v i CONDITIONS

10. Licensed material shall be used only at Princeton University, Main Campus, Princeton, New Jersey and James Forrestal Campus, Plainsboro, New Jersey.
11. A. Licensed material shall be used by, or under the supervision of, individuals designated in writing by the Radiation Safety Committee, James Broach, Chairperson.

l n j B. The Radiation Safety Officer for this license is Robert R. Milwicz. /

12. Licensed material shall not be used in or on human beings. /
13. The licensee shall not use licensed material in field applications where activity is released except as provided otherwise by specific condition of this license.

9900030320 990304 PDR ADOCK 07000391 C PDR kbFFICIAL RECORD COPY ML10 030089



  • PAGE 2 of 3 PAGES Umnee Number SNM-356 MATERIALS LICENSE Dzest or Reference Number SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET 070-00391 Amendment No. 20 I L
14. A.

4 Sealed sources and detecW cells containing licensed material shall be tested for leakage and/or contamination at intervals not to exceed six months or at such other intervals as are specified by the certificate of reg!stration referred to in 10 CFR 32.210, not to exceed three years.


Notwithstanding Paragraph A of this Condition, sealed sources designed to emit alpha particles shall be tested for leakage and/or contamination at intervals not to exceed three months.

C. In the absence of a certificate ro fer at a leak test has been made within six months prior to the transfer source or detector be put into use until tes sh geelved from another person shall not D. Each sealed source '

oricated by the licensee shall be inspected ap tested for construction defects, leakage, m mination prior to any use or tra ,as apaled source.

E. Sealed sources a detecto n ak .


(i) they contair).only hydrog NL  :.

O 5

(ii) they contain(f) on ly a g$ !.g ,

g t ! hn, 4 (iii) the half-life o e isoto 0 days orless;' s >f'.

."W;.*bliar (f)

(iv) they contain not-V t

mi e$.

' 's of eta and/orgamma Q emitting material or not more than 10 mic s of al%a 'Tmate'rfal; or O h

(v) they are not designed to e ' # Ipha particle areg storage, and are not being used. l However, when they are re v rko ~ e f6r use or transfer to another person, and have not been tested within the required leak test interva!, they shall be tested befc e use or transfer. No sealed source or detector cell shall be stored for a period of more than 10 years without being tested for leakage and/or contamination.

F. The test shall be capable of detecting the presence of 0.005 microcurie of radioactive material on the test sample. If the test reveals the presence of 0.005 microcurie or more of removable '

contamination, a report shall be filed with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the source or detector cell shall be removed immediately from service and decontaminated, repaired, or disposed of in accordance with Commission regulations. The report shall be filed within five days of the date the leak test result is known with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region I, ATTN:

Director, Division of Nuclear Materials Safety,475 Allendale Road, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406. The report shall specify the source or detector cell involved, the test results, and corrective action taken.

i 1 l l

L -

NRC FORM 374A u.S. NUCLEAR REouLATORY CoMMisSloN PACE 3 of 3 PAGES License Number

, SNM-356 MATERIALS LICENSE Da*m or Reference Number SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET 070-00391 Amendment No. 20 G. The licensee is authorized to collect leak test samples for analysis by the licensee. Alternatively, tests for leakage and/or contamination may be performed by persons specifically licensed by the Commission or an Agreement State to perform such services.

15. Sealed sources or detector cells containing licensed material shall not be opened or sources removed from source holders or detector cells by the licensee.
16. The licensee shall conduct a ph I ev r ib p, or at other interval approved by NRC, to account for all sealed sou r devices received an sed under the license.

17." Packaging The licensee and Transpogtionmay transporthnsed of Radioactive Material." materialin accordance

~ 'se in this license, th 'a 1 shall conduct its program in

18. Except as specifically ide

.L accordance with the ments, tationj, and contain in the documents, including any enclosures,listedtl(!ow. The pegu@to' n's regul t' ns shall govem unless the statements, represen$tions, and p ures i the .yplication correspondence are more restrictive than the regptions. .,



Application dated Ogtoberh[ji995 Letter dated December 1,199

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. . ' , ing the geommissioning Plan for Palmer Letters Hall, Room 106 dated T.Januap/+ .

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Y % g. p For the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Originalsigned by John R. McGmth D;te unrch 4 1999 By John R. McGrath Nuclear Materials Safety Branch 2 Division of Nuclear f.taterials Safety Region l King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 81659398

a b

I March 4,1999 Docket No. 070-00391 License No. SNM-356 Control No. 126589 Garth G. Walters I Director, Environmental Health and Safety Princeton University 1 262 Alexander Street Princeton, NJ 08544

Dear Mr. Walters:

This refers to your license amendment request. Enclosed with this letter is the amended license.

Please review tl,e enclosed document carefully and be sure that you understand and fully implement all the conditions incorporated into the amended license, if there are any errors or questions, please notify the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region i Office, Licensing Assistance Team, (610) 337-5093 or 5239, so that we can provide appropriate corrections and answers.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Sincerely, Originalsigned by John R. McGrath John R. McGrath Senior Health Physicist Nuclear Materials Safety Branch 2 Division of Nuclear Materials Safety


Amendment No. 20 e


Robert R. Milwicz, Radiation Safety Officer ML10 e




G. Walters 2 Princeton University l

DOCUMENT NAME: B:\DNMS Documents \Lic Cover Letter \LSNM-356.wpd 81659550 To receive a cop 1 of this document, Indicate in the box: *C* a Copy w/o attacNend T s Copy w/ attacNend *W e No copy OFFICE DNMS/RI lN DNMS/RI l NAME JMcGrath ,9/l%

DATE 03/04/99 V ~ 03/ /99 03/ /99 03/ /99 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY l

L _

3 l

1 1

l 1

This is to acknowledge the receipt of your letter / application dated U2.s /rs , and to inform you that the initial processing which includes an administrative review has been performed.

pyp, gg eft 1f* f.l$"A *0$l/EN"'S5C T1.ere were no administrative omissions. Your application was assigned to a technical reviewer. Please note that the technical review may identify additional omissions or require additional information.

Please provide to this office within 30 days of your receipt of this card A copy of your action has been forwarded to our License Fee & Accounts Receivable Branch, who will contact you separately if there is a fee issue involved.

Your action has been assigned Mail Control Number [

When calling to inquire about this action, please refer to this control number.

You may call us on (610) 337-5398, or 337-5260.

126588 werew sn ai n-esi Sincerely. 128580 Licensing Assistance Team Leader O

4 a



i . i Princet:n Univ:r Environmental Health and Safety

_= . _ __.____z._._ _ _ =_ _

June 22,1998 Mr. John Kinneman Nuclear Materials Safety, Branch B Division of Nuclear Materials Safety U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 475 Aliendale Road l

King of Prussia, PA 19406

. RE: License Numbers: 29-05185-24 Docket Number: 030-00882 29-05185-25 030-12287 SUD-389 040-05259 SNM-356 070-00391

Dear Mr. Kinneman:

I am writing to notify you that Prof. James Broach, Professor of Molecular Biology, will ,

I succeed Prof. Malcolm Steinberg as Chair of the Radiation Safety Committee, effective July 1,1998. j l

if you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact Robert Milwicz or Sue Dupr3 at (609) 258-5294.

Sincerely, Garth G. Walters Director SMD/smd C: Robert Milwicz, Radiation Safety Officer Prof. James Broach Files 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.16 s

262 Alexander Street Telephone 609-258 5294 Princeton, NJ 08544 Facsimile 609 258 1804 128589 E Mall chs@ Homepar.e 2 5 W OmCIALRECORDCOPY ML10 u - u

,g g g  : FOR LFMS USE)

Iryg-(RMATION FROM LTS BETWEEN:  : ____________._______

Lich$se Fee Management Branch, ARM  : Program Code: 22120

-and  : Status Code: O Regional Licensing Sections  : Fee Category: EX 1D

Exp. Date: 20051231
Fee Comments: 170.11 ( A ) (4 )
1. APPLICATION ATTACHED Applicant / Licensee: PRINCETON UNIVEROITY Received Date: 19990225 Docket No: 7000391 -

Control No.: 126589 License No.: SNM-356 Action Type: Amendment

2. FEE ATTACHED Amount: _____ ___

Check No.: ___ _____

3. COMMENTS 46 /M5's 7/th'fS8. Signed _#MZ:E:_4 M ________ _

Date ______MLE[M_ - _______

D. LICENSE FEE MANAGEMENT BRANCH (Check when milestone 03 is entered / _/)

1. Fee Category and Amounts h )

______[___________ .

5 L __





2. Correct Fee Paid. App +1'Ea~ tion may be proce s' d. k '

Amendment ______________

Renewal- ______________

License ______________

3. OTHER _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = - -_ ___________

Signed ____________ __.._________________

Date _____________ ___________________


/}a p

ud [a____4L gFdl_i j Date _____

er _


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